#a few bites here and there
thefabledcannibals · 2 months
I woke up from a dream this morning that I watched the first episode of Season 4 of Hannibal and the entire thing was just Will and Hannibal making out and rolling around covered in blood on the floor. Will at one point said that watching Hannibal kill made him horny.
Now I won’t accept anything less of Season 4.
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starrysharks · 1 month
hiiii, please don't send me asks that are just "post art!!!" or "post sketches!!!", the reason why i haven't been posting art lately is because i have to study for some intense finals and finish two large commissions on top of that 😭 i'm trying to post doodles and some sketches regularly but do not expect any finished OC/fan art from me until at least july
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roseandbee · 7 months
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Happy Halloween 🎃
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Desperately need my femme in a tender all encompassing way. Need to make love to her so long I lose myself in her. Lose the ability to speak because I'm dedicating every ounce of my mental faculties to just. Her. Taking care of her, worshipping her, loving her. Something about being stone for me is these states of mind where all I can do is pour more and more of my being into my femme, knowing she will always be ready to accept more. I used to fear I was too much for someone, and for many I was. But having found someone who can accept my energy so enthusiastically and loudly, I find myself wanting to dedicate entire swathes of time pouring myself into her. She never needs to worry about being too greedy because I will always have more to share.
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lotus-pear · 6 months
my partner is shorter than i am so i always show them ur skk art and they throw pillows at me. but they like ur art so i guess even hobbits can have taste. they have red hair too this is relevant trust me.
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
When I find it hard to do certain things, I like to pretend I am a neanderthal living in a cave with my clan, and I must do The Thing in order to survive.
So, when I'm doing cardio at the gym, I'm actually chasing and tracking a mammoth, and when I need to cook, well, I'm not cooking on a stove top, I am hurdled over the first fire and watching the fat of our kill drip down onto the burning wood. And when I find it hard to crochet, I pretend that the first winter storm is coming and our clan needs me to make blankets to hurdle under and that I must contribute.
I hope whatever you do to do The Things will help. It is a uniquely personable trait to motivate yourself through pretend and stories. That's what makes this life interesting - that's what makes you feel larger than yourself 💛
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spaciebabie · 2 months
shoutout 2 this person in my class who i can tell wants 2 talk 2 me really bad but instead of doing that whenever she has the chance she'll talk 2 whoever else is around and ignore me entirely unless im mentioned by name
#bruh lmao#so awkward. say something you dingus lol#ik you wanna talk 2 me so bite the bullet already#gyatt#spacie spoinks#literally. she was having a conversation with my partner for the project im doing. and like#heres the thing#if im not invited into conversation i usually dont participate#im like a vampire like that#and so like. after they're done conversating she'll just kind of. stand there. this has happened twice now#like dude sdkfjshlkdfj#im not upset by this behavior i have very awful social patterns as well and have been thru this (i am autistic)#am i gonna hafta say something. lol#probably#''hey bro whats up with you. i dont mean like how are you doing. i mean like. whats wrong with you.''#cant say that its not funny when you say it irl only when the ppl you're talking with know you're not being mean 😭#also like. this person has been staring at me lol#which like. makes me flustered so whenever she's around i panic and my face fucking turns red its god awful#for awhile it made uhh. my paranoia get really bad im ngl!!#its already bad when it comes 2 being around strangers but this like made it REALLY bad for a few weeks#im more calm now tho. rational brain won over and im chillin#i gotta work up the courage 2 say something b4 the semester is over or this is gonna bother me for the rest of my life sfkjsdhflkjs#i dont wanna put her on the spot#the only time i see her is when im in class#and . doing that interaction in front of ppl. i dont wanna embarrass her ksjfskjd
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riessene · 2 years
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my barghest helvling Sennan (they/them) from @virtues-end
im obsessed with the world building in it<3
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toxifoxx · 2 months
finally drew a jeremy im decently happy with. wowzers!!!
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firethekitty · 8 months
imagine passing a blunt to vash & he takes a bite out of it
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orii-blogs-stuff · 3 months
“Absolutely not.”
“But Ferdinand~” The new Aub Alexandria said, “Aren’t you curious about what could be inside it?”
It had been just another Fruitday for Rozemayne, waking up next to Ferdinand, sharing a gyu, having breakfast, doing paperwork until tea time and having tea.
However, unlike most Fruitday’s where they would have tea time in the drawing room, Rozemyne decided to exploit the perfect weather and have tea time outside in the gardens (Ferdinand could really use some sunlight, he was starting to look like a [vampire] staying inside for so long!).
Which had lead them to their current predicament as while getting ready to walk towards the garden in her new regency-inspired wrapper dress, a frantic Ordoschnelli from Philine made its way to her.
“Lady Rozemyne, there… There is a strange door in the middle of the garden with a wooden katze carved into it. I am unsure what to make of it.”
Ferdinand, upon hearing this, sent for Justus and Ekhart and had the knights on standby. Currently, they were trying to figure out what to do, Damule had sensed summoning magic had brought the door to the gardens, but who would do that? Why would they bring this random door into the gardens? Was it a trap, sent by a foe?
“Might I suggest I, myself examine the door and where it leads to?” Justus said, “I may be able to deduce how someone could have moved the door inside the castle parameter without alerting Lord Ferdinand’s wards.”
“Be careful…” Rozemyne said, “Who ever managed to get through Ferdinand’s defences… That too with none of us noticing… They must be very powerful and very skilled.” Nothing of such sort was described in the Book of Magic, not in hers nor Ferdinand’s, they were dealing with something new entirely.
“I will, My Lady.” Justus said as he opened the door.
As the door opened, Rozemyne saw the inside was bathed in a soft orange glow and… Sniff sniff… Was that… Sniff sniff… Miso?! Without thinking Rozemyne ran towards the door.
Inside looked to be the interior of a typical [Izakaya], how?!
“Hello and welcome~!” A server with dark hair and dark skin said, “Please! Have a seat.”
“Rozemyne!” Ferdinand started to scold her as Eckhart pulled out his sword and pointed it at the severs and the customers, Angelica and the other knights doing the same, “Stand back! These people are dangerous!”
“I’m fine!” Rozemyne argued, but Ferdinand was not having any of it.
“Not until we have done an in-depth background check on everyone here!” Ferdinand said.
Just then, the chef came out from the kitchen, “Hello there.” The man said, “And welcome, I intend no offence Sirs and Ma’ams, but please put away your blades, you are scaring the servers and the customers.”
“Who are you?” Eckhart said, though it sounded more of a statement than a question, not that Rozemyne was paying attention, the only thing she could smell was the heavenly miso! “And what is this place?”
“This is Nekoya.” The chef said, “We’re a humble restaurant serving western food, mostly.”
“A restaurant?” Ferdinand said, his voice was even but Rozemyne knew Ferdinand did not believe a word the man had just said, “Very well then, explain how your… restaurant had an entrance laying in our garden without any of us knowing.”
The chef just shrugged, something considered obscene amongst the nobility, “The details aren’t clear with me either, it just happens really. According to an elderly regular, it distorts space-time and multiple doors appear in many locations, all leading to this very restaurant which is in another world.” Another world? Rozemyne felt hope well inside her, were they in Japan?! “Please, have a seat, order whatever you like.”
Rozemyne pulled on Ferdinands hand, “Come on Ferdinand! You’ll love it! Everyone come as well!” Trust me! Rozemyne tried to say with her eyes.
Rozemyne could see the conflicted look on Ferdinand’s face, on one hand, he did not want to cause a scene, on the other, his survival instincts were telling him to take everyone hostage and look through their memories to see if they truly had no bad intentions, “Very well then.” Ferdinand said, “If Chaocipher hides within Gebordnung however, the consequences will be… Severe…”
“Excellent.” The chef said, “Riya, could you please hand out the menus? Oh and uh.” He looked at them, “Can you read the [Eastern Continent’s] Language?”
Rozemyne shook her head, “I do not know of this Eastern continent you speak about.” Ferdinand simply narrowed his eyes and Justus and the other retainers kept looking at everything, soaking up every piece of information about this place.
“I think they’re from that new place, Sir.” The server named Riya said, “That one where the other patron is from is from… Yurgenschmidt?”
“We are.” Rozemyne nodded, Ferdinand looked like he could pinch her cheeks for telling them such vital information.
“Ah well.” The chef said, “We have menus written in Yurgen as well.”
Riya showed them to their seats, because they were a large party, a few chairs and tables had to be pushed together closer. “Here’s the menu~!” She said, “I’ll come back in a [minute] to get your orders-”
“-Wait!” Rozemyne was acting unladylike, but she had to know, “This restaurant… He said this is a restaurant from another world… Is that world-”
Rozemyne ignored Ferdinand, she needed to know, “-Is the original place, Japan by any chance?”
“Yes.” The server said, “How did you know?”
“We would like to have a few moments to discuss what we would like for tea.” Ferdinand said with a noble smile.
The server looked taken aback, “Oh- uh- Ok then, call me when you’re ready~! One more thing. I would recommend the melon soda, it’s a [fan favourite]!” With that, she left.
Ferdinand dropped his act, “What were you thinking?” He said in a low voice, “They could be enemies!”
“They know what Japan is!” Urano’s home country… How she missed it…
“Let us order something.” Justus said, “Keep our intentions under Verbergen’s shroud until Chaocipher comes out to play.”
Rozemyne looked through the menu, it was mostly western food such as spaghetti and pizza, but there were also japanese food such as chicken curry~ But what Rozemyne wanted was one thing and one thing only, “Excuse me?” She asked the server, “Do you have anything with [miso]?”
“All our set meals come with a bowl of miso soup.” The server said, “Are you [vegetarian]?”
Oh, the server must think she was looking for vegetarian options, “No, I just like soybeans.” Rozemyne said.
“Well, in that case we do serve [tofu] and [natto].”
They had tofu and natto?! “I would like natto with rice please!”
“Very well then.” The server started to write it down, “Would anyone else like to order?”
In the end, their table ordered:
1 natto with rice
1 chicken curry set meal
1 beef stew
3 chef specials
2 omurice
It took a while for the food to arrive, until then, they conversed amongst themselves.
“I believe they are telling the truth.” Justus said, “I sense no ill intent from any of them.”
“Keep your wits sharp.” Ferdinand grumbled.
“Ofcourse, My Lord.” Justus said, “I do find it odd however, they said they had another patron from Yurgenscmidht, I wonder who they are…”
When the food arrived, Rozemyne could cry tears of joy, but being a Lady (Aub no less!) She could not show weakness, instead, she slowly started eating, savouring the taste of every bite. Ferdinand, on the other hand, looked confused when the server did not taste test the food, “Don’t worry, everyone.” She said, “This is normal.”
“We must make sure this is not poisoned-” 
Rozemyne stopped him right there, “It’s not poisoned.‘ She insisted, “If it was, they wouldn’t have been able to stay in business.”
Ferdinand just stared at her, Rozemyne stared back, “Let’s not make the servers work anymore difficult than it already is.” She said, pointing to the servers who were working in a flurry, between greeting new customers and taking orders and giving food and collecting the money, the three servers barely had time to breathe.
“I shall take the first bite.” Eckhart said as he used his knife and fork to cut into the pizza, he took a bite and slowly chewed at, after a few minutes he finally said, “I do not taste a hint of poison.”
The rest of the table sighed in relief, finally eating the food, their eyes lighting up in wonder, “The food is befitting to be served to the Zent!” Leonore said.
“Indeed~” Angelica said.
“Despite the rustic atmosphere, the food is sublime…” Hartmut said, “But the food Lady Rozemyne had created is better!”
“I agree!” Clarrissa said.
Riya was unsure what to do with the small gold coin, the food all together was seven large silvers but the newest patrons told her to keep it as a ‘tip’. ‘I’ll just add it to their tab’ Riya thought, Mako paid her more than enough, because he was paying her the salary of a Japanese server in Tokyo and Kolkata was cheaper and she was still living with her parents. She had so much money she didn’t need any extra money, the money she made was enough to buy at least 30 family packets of oreos each day. “Please come again next time!” She said to the group. 
“We will!” The (maybe) twenty-year-old with dark blue hair and bright yellow eyes said. “We had a lovely time.”
“Please remember! The door only shows up once every seven days.” Riya said.
“Oh…” The lady looked heart broken for a split second but her demeanour became bright again, “We shall come next Fruitday again then!”
“Rozemyne.” The guy with the light blue hair said as he turned to look at Riya. “ We shall think about gracing this restaurant with our patronage. It seems Dregarnuhr the Goddess of Time has woven today's threads with exceptional speed and grace.” He said as he and the rest of the group left.
… What a weird way of saying goodbye… Riya didn’t have time to think about that as another customer entered, “Hello and welcome~! Oh it’s you, Shuu!” It was Shuu~! “I haven’t seen you in two weeks!”
“My manager kept wanting me to attend the Saturday meetings.” Shuu said with a sad sigh, “I managed to convince him to have those meetings on Friday, however.”
Shuu was a v-tuber, which one Riya didn’t know but she was pretty sure he was Akuma-Akuma (he won’t say however, that goes against his contract so Riya just has fun guessing). He lived near to the location of the actual Nekoya but after finding a door in his local library that lead to Nekoya one day, he also started coming every Saturday (Atleast, the ones he could manage to come). “Will it be the usual?” Riya asked.
Shuu nodded, “And today’s special.”
Riya gave him a thumbs up, “One melon soda float and one today’s special coming right up!”
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pickapea · 10 months
my job is reactivating and rehabilitating patients in post surgery care and one of the first things i tell them once they've tried to drink some juice and stand on their legs without throwing up is "every bite is a good bite" and i think that's a good sentiment for everyone
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sentimentalkeyboard · 7 months
I had to do a mood board/study for my art class about concepts and works I've seen throughout my life that inspired my work and my story, 'They Bite! A Ballad of Vampiric Disease' and decided to show yall some of the big names and works that played a big part in my life creating the story and world of my work!
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vullcanica · 2 months
tbh a peak dynamic is weird creature and their even weirder human
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synintheraven · 8 months
So I'm looking up pics of rats for reference and am sobbing at all of the pics from posts saying they're dangerous, disgusting and all that WHILE showing the cutest pic of a rat I've ever seen like ??? oh no now I wanna go to London's underground and adopt a few from there lol
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*hugs you* HOLIIIIIIIIIII JESTEEEEER when I see you on my notifs I get happy (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
MEEOOOOWWW SEARIIII!!!!! your one of my favouritests people on this earth 🐺🐺 NEVER leave my notifs (<take that as a threat or a warning your choice)
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