#a fortune teller gets hugged by a chicken
nctyena · 2 years
JCC episodes
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Italics are in English. Ep. 30 will be a saperate part since I want to write it longer than these. Hope you enjoy!
My First Thanksgiving in Korea || Johnny's Communication Centre (JCC) ep. 1
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Johnny decided to tease their maknae this time.
"What are you doing Yena?"
He laughed at her attitude.
"Then tell me in English, what thanksgiving means to you?"
Yena stopped a few seconds to understand the question. But as she realised that her knowledge was not enough to answer in English, she just talked whatever.
"Food is really good. But I love chicken more."
"Okay thank you for your inspirational answer."
For Concert Practice, Joh-fam Prepared Snacks || Johnny's Communication Centre (JCC) ep. 5
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A gasp was heard behind Yuta.
Yuta joined her exciment with a short funny scream.
"Oppa is the best. Did you pay for all of them?"
"Yes, me and Doyoungie bought these for you all."
"Thank youu."
Yena gave little hugs to them before digging in for some snacks. Last second of the video she was showed with her mouth full, enjoying her food.
Welcome to my hometown & Sleepover with DY, MK || Johnny's Communication Centre (JCC) ep. 10
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"Wow, it's a big house."
"Thanks for the meal!"
Yena was eating what Johnny's mom prepared for them, next to Taeil.
The camera showed a while later, Yena and the family members communicating while Johnny laughing at the side.
Visiting a Korean fortune teller for our New Year || Johnny's Communication Centre (JCC) ep. 16
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"What if they say something bad?"
"Then we don't believe it. It's simple."
Johnny said trying to convince her.
"It's just for fun."
They settled in the seats. Yena was sitting next to Johnny.
Doyoung went first.
"You're lucky with money. It means, you won't be in trouble in your life because of financial problems."
"That's good so far."
Johnny and Yena gave extreme reactions throughout the comments about Doyoung.
"Yena, do you wanna go next?"
She gave the informations about her like, her name, age, birthday.
"You are a person that shows their positive side no matter what. And that can make you feel exhuasted sometimes. But that doesn't mean you should stop being cheerful. You should spend more time with your friends this year. They will be happy being around you and you'll also feel better."
"Your goals about your carrier will become true one by one. You just need to be patiance. You are going to be very busy. You should be careful about your health."
"I can see that if you take your time while making decisons, you could have big opportunities."
"Did oppa pay for this?"
Doyoung laughed.
"No it's just common sense."
"You also have a luck on money. You'll have a rich and successful life."
"Oh thank God."
"As you get older, you'll become more private. Only a few people will be around you with your own choise."
And it was finally Johnny's time.
Yena's smile grew bigger as she said nice things about him.
"...at the age of 31, you'll get something more."
"Maybe you will become the president."
Johnny laughed at her serious face while Doyoung just shook his head.
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dullteal-blog · 7 years
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warm embrace
2K notes · View notes
Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 6)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: It seems as if a witcher came home after having his midnight pleasures from the brothels; leaving you in having a sleepless night. The witcher seemed to be distant after his argument with his child of surprise which left you completely confused because you’ve did nothing and have been anything but mean to him. Some questions were answered by a fortune teller as to why you came from another dimension; but the witcher was stubborn enough not to believe him and his intuitions. Leading to another event which would get everyone's life on edge, especially yours.
Warnings: Cuss words. Old times where men treat women like shit. Irked, frustrated, confused Geralt. Emotionally hurting reader. Naive reader about the whole medieval era. Jaskier finally being comfortable around the reader. (I don't know why this is a warning? 😂)
Words: 5,800+
A/N: AAAAAAAAHHHHH! I need me some actionnnnn! LMAO. XD This chapter was supposed to be posted on April 18 but I couldn't help it and I wanted to post it right now, So y'all can have something to read about. Heehee! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, TATERS! Btw, this is one of my favorite chapters and chapter 7 too which will be next to this. Ahonhonhon! Dang, I can feel we’ll reach 25 chapters before this ends. 😂😅 jkjk. I’M SO THIRSTY FOR GERALT, IS THIS NORMAL?
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren't from moi as well.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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You haven't seen the outside world; like you've been a cast in the 'Big Brother reality show'  that you were watching back at your apartment. It was a lot more different in their city; much more barbaric; lively but actually mirthful.
When you've arrived at the marketplace there where tons of people, absolutely crowded with all forms of life walking around. There were white tents where merchants have been selling their goods and a lot of buyers hollering for their attention.
You've remembered the night before when Cirilla has hugged the life out of you all night. She'd cried herself to sleep but eventually let the wrath fade away early in the morning; acting like nothing happened as she'd asked Geralt for her weekly training in swordplay before the morning comes.
Up all night and you couldn't sleep. Cirilla has offered her bed to keep you comfy rather than the table out in the kitchen. You've said your disagreement to the offer because of her status. She was a princess, so you've thought that sleeping beside her would not be possible. Though, she was persistent and asked you if it was okay to hug you while she sleeps even just for the night.
You've eventually said yes; but had to keep your eyes all open especially at the bothered feeling of your heart from the facts you've heard from Cirilla. Even adding more effect to your sleepless night was from a witcher who happened to went home before the morning twilight rises. His reasons were unsaid but the booming voice of Jaskier in the small living room was enough for you to know that he'd gone somewhere...fun, exciting and pleasurable.
Thus, that kept you up all night even more.
Your heart seemed to be a lot more bothered after he arrived maybe with a pang of a peculiar sting inside your chest that made you pout all through the night.
Nevertheless, you've ignored that feeling because maybe it was just a stomach bug that you've had since then. The morning after, you wore your winning smile as you've shown yourself to the men of the household with a beam you hoped that seemed to be convincing that you had a good night sleep.
But, Jaskier being Jaskier; he'd pointed out those horrid eyebags you've appeared to be nastily wearing. The Witcher had said nothing other than a wavering look which felt so different. So distant and withdrawn like he wasn't capable of smiling. Well, he had reasons not to after what has happened in his life and probably realizing how much of a baggage you are for even living in their home like you popped out of a chicken's bottom and gave them eggs to bear.
The connection lasted for two seconds as Geralt studied your face before breaking whatever overwhelming feeling that the butterflies in your stomach has been trying to say. He'd then avoided being in your presence and went out to feed his horse as he got ready for the morning activities.
Jaskier gave you both a look of wonder before you'd given him a reassuring smile like there was no uncomfortable feeling running in the veins of your heart. You were the best at it; faking a smile that is.
The way towards the marketplace was much farther than the way to Cuthbert's house. Obviously, because it was almost like a city or the center of the kingdom for the walk of life. You've walked alongside with Jaskier as Geralt had Cirilla on his horse.
It was the first time you've appreciated Jaskier's talkativeness because if he wasn't then the whole journey would've been serene and awkward by how the witcher was giving one word answers to anyone's questions or statements.
Well, he certainly slept on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Literally, because he'd slept on a different kind bed with a woman.
You've tried sparking up a conversation; tried saying your sweetest good mornings when he was outside and talking to his horse, but when he'd felt you were there. It was like the wind changed and he didn't want you to hear him talking to his horse nor even breathing.
A simple good morning and how he was were asked; but a simple, lackadaisical answer of the word 'fine' was given to you; not giving you those enchanting golden eyes and just the wide statuesque of his back were shown.
So much for going outside to try and talk to how he was because he seemed to be in need of more people who cared for him.
You've ignored the way your heart fell at how he was putting up; acting like he wasn't trying to comfort you the other day when you were having one of those panic attacks you have. Here you thought, he was actually starting to treat you as a friend even just for the time being but it was like the world shifted and he was treating you like a stranger.
Maybe, you were right. Your presence was beginning to become a burden of his surprise obligation for even paying for your clothes and letting you stay in their home. As much as you've remembered that night, you would only stay for a day and leave to find the airport. But, the airport was nowhere to be found as you've finally realized how you actually magically appeared on a different kind of earth and in a timeline you weren't accustomed to.
You didn't know what to do. No matter how much you wanted to go home and leave the family you were currently living with; it was like you were left with no choice but to stay because you didn't know how to come home.
There was no coming back, as of now.
"Why, who's this small lass?" The feebly, doddering woman croaked as she accepted coins from a Kaedwenian child before she'd finally turned to look at you from head to foot, her expressions unreadable when she'd noticed how you've looked more of a hobo then their peasants who lived anywhere and had no place to live. Though, you were cleaner than the rest.
It was like there was a garage sale in the marketplace; tons of stuff laid on the tables as you didn't knew what the uses of it were. Your eyes were scanning the things that laid on the table; one by one until your attention caught a silver necklace that had a leaf as a symbol and coral green stones wrapped around the linings of silver. You've picked it up and examined the jewelry; being charmed by the mere necklace and lately realizing that the stones were twinkling like no other; having no explanation at how it was twinkling or glittering against the sun like magic was consuming it.
"It's a fae," Babeth cut you off your reverie. You've snapped out from being enchanted by a simple necklace. It was a pretty one, definitely can be used everyday and the way it twinkled was strangely beautiful. You didn't expect for them to have these kind of necklaces, "---Serves as an amulet for bad luck that is bound to come. A sorceress has said her incantations to that necklace; keeping you away from ill-fate,"
Babeth gave a weak smile, the wrinkles on her face thoroughly evident as she continues to mindlessly fix her goods in front of you. You blinked back at her, a beam raising your lips as you tried to get a good look at her, "A fae, ma'am--??"
The woman has completed your sentence for you, raising her gaze to meet your eyes and noticed it was a beautiful, light forest green, "You can call me Babeth, Elfin!" she sweetly yelled over the loud chatters of the crowd.
She suddenly gestured behind you, nodding her head as her smile widened, eyes also twinkling like how bright her smile have been; like she was happy with her life and family, with no worries. "What's your connection in being a travel companion with a witcher, elfin?"
You blinked out of surprise, betwixt and between turning half your body around when you've felt Geralt's presence looming behind you. You've resisted the urge to face him and just stared at Babeth instead, ignoring the fact that he was already staring at your head; longer than he ever did since this morning. However, you didn't know he was even looking.
"Ughm," you hesitatingly started, thinking of another statement other than saying that you were figuratively an alien in their world. The witcher wanted to save you from saying anything weird that can get them speculating that you weren't from their world and tried to butt in,  "She's---"
Jaskier came to your aid; despite of not asking any help because you certainly didn't need saving in anything. He'd slid beside you with a more added effect and subtly wrapped an arm around you, in between you and the witcher who was sky scraping from behind.
"Geralt's destiny," the bard confidently finished for you both with a dramatic gesture of his free hand; giving Babeth a smolder when he did open his mouth to utter lies at the sweet, old woman.
Geralt's attention went straight to Jaskier's arm wrapped around you; lately becoming aware of what he managed to tell the merchant. It made him growl beneath his chest, giving the bard a scowl from behind. But, it seems as if Jaskier's persistence didn't falter as he continued to smile at the seller before them.
"Bard," Geralt roughly scolded with his jaw tensing.
Babeth's facial expressions seemed to even be happier, if that was even possible. Finding the news thrilling and exciting for her to hear; her eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky, "Oh! A lover!" she gave a clap full of mirth, "---I didn't know when you'll become serious with yer' life and thought you just do yer' whores!"
Your smile wavered at the last mention of that word. So, he was also infamous for that. Probably always in brothels since Jaskier has always been saying. To make things straight to the point, Geralt was one of the fuck boys in earth. Typical men.
Well, he isn't a prince from the start so technically that explains it. Withal, there was no prince' and only in fairy tales despite that you were living in a fairy tale surprisingly.
You've felt Jaskier's hold on you grow tighter when you continued your explanation for the poor, old merchant who was smiling like she'd seen her favorite OTP finally be together, "Oh--Babeth--I'm not--" a loud cough erupted out of your throat as the bard scooted closer, his arm now around your neck as he added pressure like he was choking you, "Ja-Jaskier!" your eyes bulged out of your eye sockets, grabbing onto his arm and violently clawing them away.
The merchant went on with that adorable smile of hers, never guessing if you were both playing nor trying to kill each other already. Jaskier was smart enough to distract your loud huffs of breath through his fake laugh; topping those loud complaints of yours, "Oh! Hahaha! Aha! you know how tender...love...and care can change a person! Perhaps, got the witcher soft somehow!" he gestured with his thumb towards the Witcher who was throwing daggers behind his back.
"Is this your compensation because we've brought a Hirikka at home?!" you hoarsely whispered, struggling to get away from his hold.
The bard laughed louder before lowering his voice down and muttering in between his cackle, "I'm making it easier for everyone! Shh!"
You were close to biting his arm until it bleeds. But, you didn't want to ruin his very elegant and flamboyant clothing that you only see in the medieval period, "Well, you're not!"
Jaskier slanted his head to take a peek of your reddened face. Due to his arm choking and also probably the fact that he'd been trying to tell the merchant that you were Geralt's other half, "Then, why do I see a blush?"
The merchant waved her hand from the banters, giggling at the way you both looked like you were playing before giving her attention to a new customer who'd rudely demanded for her attention. Thus, it was the perfect time for Geralt to wrench Jaskier's arm around your shoulders, strongly pulling him from his back as the witcher sighed in frustration.
Jaskier tried to battle with his strength, though it was no use because apparently; the witcher was stronger. "Ge-Geralt! What?! I'm making everything easier by controlling your foolishness while you're being an utter boor!"
Their voices died down, constantly being covered by the lively noise of the marketplace. The boys were probably going to the Tavern they needed to visit as you were now left with Cirilla who was picking new dresses for her and for you.
She'd pick up a cute princess like strapless dress that will certainly reach above your ankles. Cirilla held onto the beautiful dress and showed it to you, her grin painted on her pretty face, "Say you didn't like dresses, Y/N?" you've blinked back at the dress like you couldn't believe it was real and actually cute. A satisfied nod was given to the child, "Well..That is certainly an exemption," you pointed out and excitedly grabbed onto the dress, placing the clothing in front of you to see if it would fit perfectly. It does and you couldn't help but think how it was normal to wear these kind of dresses without people looking at you weirdly like back in earth.
Cirilla continued her ransack through a hill full of different types of clothing and grabbed onto a red, sheepskin cloak that had the right length for you; adding it to the items that should be bought. She went on in finding more clothes that will fit you, "---Also, they have leather pants, boots of your size and half sleeved shirts you may want?"
You saw how concentrated she was with picking clothes for you to wear; like she was more excited to dress you up. However, no matter how much you wanted to buy those clothing, you understood and accepted the fact that you haven't brought your wallet with you and they probably had a different money currency as well.
"But, I don't have any coins for these..." your train of thought ceased; index finger pointing at the pile of clothes she was carrying on her child-like arms.
She gave all the clothes to an awaiting, smiling Babeth. The Ashen haired child patted herself as she was searching for something, "Cease the worry, Y/N!" the latter fished out a medium sized black bag full of coins, "---Geralt has it covered!"
You've had your face in a twist; screaming its negations over the fact that it was the witcher's money that was going to be used. Though, there was no use of a protest when she was determined and was a one word woman.
All the clothes that has been bought was inserted in Cirilla's beige ransack that was strapped on her back. You've offered to carry it for her as she'd seen Ethelia who hollered for her attention. She was also the same age as her; even as beautiful as the princess but she had brunette hair, hazel eyes with freckles all over her nose. Ethelia was as pretty as a picture; same goes for Cirilla.
One fact that you learned about their world was that it was full of lovely people and you were thinking that you were seeming to be out of place for it.
Cirilla informed you that she would be playing with her and the kids not far away from the tavern. You've given her a thumbs up but you were actually worried for leaving her in a place you didn't know and felt sketchy because of how it wasn't your ordinary; leaving you feeling anxious for her well-being.
Hence, the tavern didn't looked better as well. You were used to strobe lights, the smell of cigarette or sweat and the moribund heat that backs you away from stepping in a nightclub; never dreaming to come close to one ever again.
But, here you are; standing in the middle of an hostelry looking like the small elephant in the room as people who wore old-fashioned clothes and armor were staring at you like an alien. So far, they didn't know that you were actually one because you didn't belong to their world.
You were trying to find anyone you knew; even trying to look for a certain white haired man who seemed to be not in good terms with you for unknown reasons. There, you did saw him seated on the farthest end of the pub looking mighty with his sword laid beside him as he drank Ale,  listening to a man who appeared to be reaching his elderliness.
Geralt's whole being has ever been so ostentatious like you were watching a scene unfold from a television series. You didn't notice you were already observing him from afar until he'd blinked and slowly turned his head to you, eventually catching you gawking. But, being lucky at the most awkward scene of gaping at him over the other end of the roadhouse has saved you from your embarrassment when a well built villager wearing tons of heavy armor accidentally bumped into you; making you break away from watching the witcher. As the man bumped into you, his mouth was as nasty as he looked and tried to tell how peasants like you who had no crowns deserve to be sold to a brothel keeper because of how poorly you were dressed; also, probably because it was only your worth.
So, women were treated rather poorly in their era. Your consciousness talked back and gave you the reality of it all.
You were also lucky enough to catch Jaskier's attention and saved you from being sold anywhere.
As you sat down with Jaskier and his pixie friends that had elf ears; it was stunning to see a live fantasy gnomes sitting in front of you and drinking till their heart's content. You'd realize how survival was a difficult task in their world as the poor were treated like they were the lowest of the low and people with crowns were treated rather fairly.
Hence, living in their world can officially be a nightmare for you. A daydream of showing how much of a nightmare was to live back in the old times.
"So, this is what a bar looks like in the medieval period," you murmured to yourself as your eyes scanned the whole buzzing place. They were heathen people and there were loud chatters and laughter like there were tons of stories to tell; even the bard himself does as he was sat beside you; chattering with a man who weren't hobgoblins; but was sat around your table. "You sure Ciri is fine with the kids?"
Jaskier waved a hand to wash away your worries; giving you a once over as he smiled a big one, "Ow, shush. Yes she is. Stop being a mother hen and enjoy my singing out here with the lads," the bard grabbed onto his lute that was strapped behind him, swinging the instrument and actually hitting you on the shoulder before he apologized and started to strum a melody in which you've heard when he was trying to annoy the witcher who lived in the house you were in.
So, that's what its called. Toss a coin to your witcher. The bard already forcefully let you hear the song and you were pondering if people really toss coins to a witcher who slays beasts, like literally.
You playfully rolled your eyes at his attempt on entertaining people in the tavern, "Your singing sucks ass, Jaskier." But, it was actually just a playful banter because his voice was amazing, believe it or not. However, you weren't there to give him compliments and shower his ego after calling you rat for so many times.
The bard gave you a look of curiosity, his blue eyes sparkling like how the sun cascades through the oceans, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
You tried the Ale that Jaskier has given you. You've smacked your lips a lot of times to taste it better and subtly noticed the bitter taste that it had more than a typical beer. It definitely had more alcohol content than a Heineken, "Bad as how Geralt calls your singing like a pie with no filling,"
Jaskier faked a surprise, stopping from warming up before he starts singing epics, giving you his war face and a coltish glare as he humorously spat, "You are certainly the living nightmare in my life for saying that!"
Jaskier's singing grabbed all of your attention. Thus, you were oblivious of a particular individual who was lurking behind you as he seated and talked to Durriken who continued to ran his mouth on the heed-detached witcher.
Durriken's ginger hair was shiny against the light of the sun that reflects from the windows, the elderly man shakily continued his story as he studied who the witcher was gazing at that even got him giving a damn when he ever does not, "---The villagers had seen the beast on the swamps in the south! Had my lads killed as they've stabbed it with their swords! It was a poisonous monster and wounded my people with a burn that could let ye' see their bones!"
The witcher gave a disgruntled hum, his jaw clenching like he'd seen something awful.
Durriken ceased his stories; sipping on his ale as he bluntly asked and ripped his eyes away from him with a knowing smile, "The trouble and strife, witcher?"
Geralt couldn't help but want to roll his eyes at the incessant accusations they had between the two of you; giving abrupt malice to your presence as you tagged along with them, "Why do people always tell me this," he gruffly mumbled to himself, finishing his shot of Ale in one gulp as he dropped the cup with a thud.
"Have ye' seen the way you look at er'?" Durriken's smile was unwavering as he could remember you from his dreams; like the whole scene was dejavu.
The witcher gave him a tight-lipped frown, sitting completely composed; but with his blood boiling for whatever reasons he doesn't understand, "She's been dragging me in to more horseshit than I can ever get involved,"
Durriken heedlessly caressed his goatee; seeming to be in deep thought to what his next words would sound like and if it will be better to be said rather than keep it to himself and watch the future unfold without alarming the other, "Ye' wouldn't be complaining if you realize that she's actually your destiny, Witcher."
Jaskier stopped strumming his lute after finishing one song; planting his ass on his seat as he laughed out loud with the villagers of Kaedwen. The adorable hobgoblins lending their elfin ears at the bard who had memorable tales to tell, "I've been the witcher's travel companion decades ago!"
You were unaware of somebody patting your hand like he was consoling you because of your consciousness was solely on the bard who kept on getting everybody's attention. That being so, you jumped on your seat as Jaskier hurriedly slapped the man's hands that rested on top of yours as it was laid on the table, "And---Hands off, Belerick! You don't want to vex off a witcher and have your adorable little body thrown in the swamps,"
The dark eyed gnome raised his voice to groan out his frustrations, caressing the hand that Jaskier has attacked; eyes exclusively on yours alone, "She's just so cute and my type!" Belerick mirthfully announced with his eyes giving you the hearts. You kindly smiled back at little guy, "Say, munchkin; wanna spend the night with I?"
A soft giggle was sent to the latter and it was enough for him to sigh like a man in love, "You're a cute one, Belerick." your smile softened as you saw him grin like a cutie pie and tried to reject his offer in a very nice way, "---But, I'm good for the night. There are other women out there who would want to,"
Everybody who sat on the table in a circle cooed. The spot light suddenly on you, "Aww! She's a kind one!"
The little guy irritatingly huffed, growling at his companions who kept on teasing him that he was rejected, "Nobody does, Y/N!" Belerick snapped with a bitter tone as Merek hopped off his chair and leaned his short elbows on the table; giving you a kissy face, "Aye! Maybe Y/N would want to spend the night with me a lots more than ye', Belerick!" Merek teased the other little guy who kept making a fuss, "---Cause ya' got a small dick!"
Both gnomes had their hands choking each other as they fought for your unavailable hand. You couldn't help but chortle from their sudden fight; entirely unaware of their intoxicated self controlling their minds.
Jaskier emitted a loud sigh beside you; dramatically rolling his eyes at the scene, "Oh gods, you are all signing your death wishes,"
Another giggle was sent to the people surrounding you, trying to infect them with your naivety, positivity and kindness; "You guys are cuties! Thank you for finding me...nice-looking, though I don't actually," you started again, looking at the set of barbaric men seated around you and Jaskier, "I look like a potato, boys. You need to get your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist,"
"A what?" Now was the time for Jaskier's brows to tighten.
"Ye', don't look like a potato!" Belerick and Merek uttered all together in chorus, giving you the heart eyes.
"Yet, you look a little different!" another leprechaun crowed named Carac. He had his medium length hair tied on the back in a makeshift ponytail. Carac paused for more added mysterious effect. Both you and Jaskier blinked back at him; unnerved because of how the lad was scrutinizing back at you like there was something wrong.
Until such time, he'd open his mouth and vaingloriously claimed that made everybody groan out in exasperation and utter cheesiness, "Ye' look like my future missus, Elfin!"
You and Jaskier blew out a breath you were holding; the thought of finding out you weren't from their dimension now disregarded. You've apprehensively giggled and pointed a finger at the little man giving you a smolder, "Oh, that was smooth." Carac pouted his lips more, wiggling his eyebrows in a frisky way, "Do I deserve a kiss?"
A nod of fascination was given to the latter. You've given him a grin and shook your head at his sudden twentieth century kind of flirting, "Very smooth,"
"You know, he can hear you right? He's a witcher, you oaf!" Jaskier gave the dwarf a look of disbelief before you'd suddenly stood up out of nowhere and drank the last of your ale. "I'll check Ciri outside," you declared and put down the empty cup after burping in a low tone and it was enough for Carac, Belerick and Merek to sigh like a boy in love as their eyes were trying to melt you down. Jaskier scoffed at how they looked and nodded with a smile as he waved you off, "Alright, try to keep out of trouble, rat. I'll follow you soon,"
Moments have passed and stories were told, Geralt has understood Durriken's offer as he tossed a bag of coins to the witcher in which he caught it with his bare hand, his expressions twisted in a way that can tell people he wasn't in a good mood. The real question here is; when did he ever looked like he was?
The bard was already off his seat, Geralt saw you went out minutes ago and Jaskier began to tail like a cat to the rat; even began to feel a little comfortable with you since this morning and it was slightly bothering him to no reason.
Thus, Durriken even had the chance to tell him things about destiny that even rattled him more.
"I don't believe in utter bullshit," the witcher spat to his utmost discontent, sighing as he does so. He was tired of hearing it over and over again. It even lead to having Cirilla in his life; he wouldn't want to include you as well. Especially that everybody who gets involved with him; enters demise without him knowing. It was like a link to death when one person even tries to want to know him better.
He was already having a difficult time protecting Cirilla and Jaskier from harm; it would kill him more if you had the plausibility to meet death without even coming home to your homeland.
"Destiny will always come to you, Witcher," Durriken cheerfully muttered in spite of Geralt's gloomy state; his smile never faltering, "---As much as the princess did,"
The witcher languidly closed his eyes; asking himself what he has done to receive all kind of destiny thay gives him a rough time. "Once...is enough," he seethed through gritted teeth. Annoyance ticking his features, "Twice is destiny playing fucking tricks on me,"
"It's been two years, Witcher. The elvens; they will never cease." Durriken announced as a matter of fact, trying to remember his dreams that he wanted to forget because it never fails to happen. "---Say, that elfin of yours isn't from our world, aye?" the latter added with a cunning smirk, "---She has created more chaos to our dimension. Opening a door to the continent which has never been seen before,"
Geralt's forehead creased a lot more to what he was saying, looking completely at loss. Never trying to look guilty that you actually really didn't come from their world. He didn't know if Durriken was just guessing or not and he didn't want to be cocksure.
Durriken continued, his voice lowering a pitch as he whispered; "---It is like a whole new era to the conjunction of spheres. Revealing unaccustomed beasts you haven't seen nor fought with, but has all been taught back in Kaer Morhen," he leaned his elbows on the table, pursing his lips as he eyed the witcher who gave him his unconcerned attention.
"---Her existence has created more beasts that cannot be slayed nor controlled. Warning mages, elders and sorceresses from other peculiar changes," pause. "---She shouldn't be here. But, your future has made everything possible, Witcher."
On the spur of the moment, the grandsire looked around as he was trying to find someone. Also, getting a gist of an uncomfortable feeling and a blurry image of his future. His ability already has certain limitations he couldn't control rather than years ago when he was younger.
"---Only one wish shall be required for it to be permanent," he suddenly blurted out of nowhere, eyes falling at the scowling, confused, ivory haired witcher.
"Durriken, you are talking shit," Geralt grumbled beneath his armored chest, a brow raising for the incredulity slipping through the man's words.
"I am a fortune teller, am I not?" Durriken boastfully affirmed with a shaky chuckle, "---When do I fail at reading the future?"
"Today, you are." the witcher mumbled beneath his deep breath, shaking his head at the fortune teller's intuitions.
Durriken was tapping on the table with his index finger as he looked away; like he was lost in his own world. The old man breathed a deep one as he closed his eyes and felt his temples twitching; trying to remember his dreams despite of how blurry in ended, leaving answers to himself that he couldn't quite understand, "Keep her away from a cunning queen and a greedy sorceress," he admitted with a whisper, "They'll know her existence and it'll bring you a much more unfortunate fate, Geralt of Rivia,"
The witcher studied him, waiting for him to laugh out loud for all the lies he had said. However, he received none and only a smile that tells him that Durriken was never lying from the start. His statements were processing inside his head; thinking so hard on how it was possible. You, a mere human who suddenly popped out of nowhere now had a destiny linked to his.
"Witchers are known to have no emotions," the ginger head, old bloke shared with no shame, "---Yet, I never believed that. You have been capable of achieving more, Geralt." he'd snapped his head to look out the door as a barbaric combatant or considering a root of the kingdom's military forces sauntered in; they were some of the people doing the dirty work and Durriken knew what was happening like he had seen this already, "---She is about to be taken as a strumpet right now by the Kaedwenias," he continued to fixate his eyes on the gallant who loudly demanded for Ale towards his older daughter at the bar.
Fate moves in mysterious ways. He'd believed that when he'd seen the witcher's future turn exactly the way he saw it; seeing how it molded and bended his beliefs like no other was a miracle. Durriken subtly pointed at the door with his thumb as he saw Geralt's face mask with aggravation, shock and disbelief. "---With your Cirilla outside. Yet, she has been saved by the purity and selflessness of your woman's heart. You owe her your life because your Cirilla was close to being captured,"
The witcher hurriedly stood up in a trice at the aforementioned warning; heedless of Durriken's smile that was filled with felicity and mischief; a mix of both when he noticed how Geralt grew tense; letting the fortune naturally go like he eventually does.
"---You will love her like no other," the fortune teller promptly delievered with sincerity. Geralt halted from drifting away, his wide-width shoulders on display as he never saw how the witcher's face was now filled with bother and perplexity.
"---Nevertheless, your beautiful destiny is always masked with an unbearable truth and thus waiting for a price to pay, Witcher."
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Taglist: @alyxkbrl @himarisolace @barkingbullfrog​ @ayamenimthiriel @hellodevilslittlesister @vania-marie @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us @nympeth @amirahiddleston @gabethelobster @dreaming-about-starfleet @uncoolcloudyhead @melaninstylezz @psychosupernatural @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​ @marvelousell​​ @kingniazx​
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
100 New Girl Prompts
So many prompts, most of which are funny. Break at 15 cause it’s mega long.
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1 "I'm using my bride/groom card!" — Cece
2 “Can we just take a minute to celebrate me?" — Schmidt
3 “So many emotions." — Nick
4 “I'm totaling my assets. It's really bleak." — Jess
5 “Look at those horny horny hippos.” — Nick
6 “I got mozzarella sticks for fingers." — Nick
7 “Every moment you're on this Earth is a moment I know where you are." — Nick
8 “It is my Secret Santa alias." — Winston
9 “Friend face." — Winston
10 “It's perfectly fine to watch TV all day." — Nick
11 “If I were off my rocker, would I take a weekly selfie with my cat?" — Winston
12 “I can't find my driving moccasins anywhere." — Schmidt
13 “Believe it or not, that's not the first time someone's broken my feeling stick. I have a travel size." — Jess
14 “Put on some pants, or at least some really high socks." — Jess
15 “You like me? You like my personality?" “I was surprised, too.” — Schmidt & Cece
16 "I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone!" — Jess
17 “That's like the president and the vice president not being best friends." — Winston
18 “I'll take the strongest drink you have, and also a wine spritzer on the side in case I don't like it." — Jess
19 “You have the right...to remain hugged." — Coach
20 “If you are for one second suggesting that I don't know how to open a musical, how dare you!" — Schmidt
21 “I was sabotaged by my baby box." — Jess
22 “We are literally the most embarrassing people on the planet." — Jess
23 "It's a weird life, but it's where I'm at right now." — Nick
24 "You gave me a cookie, I gave you a cookie." — Nick
25 “Go put a dollar in the jar right now." — Coach
26 “This is my jam." — Coach
27 “Saturday is a day for sleeping, and damn it, you will not take that away from me!" — Winston
28 “Are we eating or are we not eating?" — Winston
29 "Eating cookies and avoiding confrontation." — Jess
30 “Because it's a great story, and I'm a teller of stories." — Nick
31 “I like being weird." — Jess
32 "This is the worst thing to ever happen to me. I've lived a very fortunate life!" — Jess
33 "I don't like it. It's too much responsibility." — Nick
34 “Are you cooking a frittata in a sauce pan? What is this – prison?” — Schmidt
35 “I hate your mustache because I miss your upper lip.” — Schmidt
36 “He’s/She's got that giant heart that's part compass and part flashlight and he’s/she's just the greatest person I have ever met.” — Nick
37 “Who's that guy/girl? It's NAME." — Jess
38 “Watch your front because we've got your back!” — Cece
39 “Picking lint off of a man's/woman’s sleeve is the most intimate gesture.” — Cece
40 “Blast from the past, how's that ass?” — Jess
41 “I hate this. I just wanna sit around and do nothing, but that is not hot.” “That's hot to me. You add some sweatpants to that and that is better than porn.” — Kai & Nick
42 “Look at that font! What is this? Amateur hour? At least use Palatino.” — Nick
43 “I’m like a sexual snowflake. Each night with me is like a unique experience.” — Schmidt
44 “Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?” — Schmidt
45 “No sig oths.” “Just say ‘significant others.” “Maybe you have that kind of time, but I’m on a tight sched.” — Schmidt & Cece
46 “I know this isn’t gonna end well, but the whole middle part is going to be awesome.” — Nick
47 “NAME, you’ve been staring at this guy/girl for 5 minutes. Please tell me you’re checking him/her out, otherwise you’re a serial killer. Which would explain a lot.” — Schmidt
48 “This is a horrible neighborhood. There are youths everywhere!” — Schmidt
49 “Guess whose personalized condoms just arrived!” — Schmidt
50 “I’m really gonna need you to step it up tonight, okay? When I see you, I wanna be thinking, ‘Who let the dirty slut out of the slut house?’” — Schmidt
51 “Can someone please get my towel? It’s in my room next to my Irish walking cape!” — Schmidt
52 “Have you seen my sharkskin laptop sleeve?” — Schmidt
53 “Don’t pretend to know my pain.” — Schmidt
54 “Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” — Nick
55 “I don't know what I'm doing emotionally or -- let's be honest -- sexually.” — Jess
56 “What if I have some idea of love in my head and it’s just totally wrong?” — Jess
57 “Life sucks. And then it gets better. And then it sucks again.” — Nick
58 “I like getting older, I feel like I’m aging into my personality.” — Nick
59 “You know, sometimes I feel like I’ve never really felt love.” — Winston
60 “When you care about somebody you do what's best for them even if it sucks for you.” — Schmidt
61 “Old people freak me out. With their hands and their legs. They’re like the people version of pleated pants.” — Schmidt
62 “I’m gonna have to run all the way home, and I have my slipperiest loafers on.” — Schmidt
63 “Downstairs neighbour put a password on their wi-fi.” — Nick
64 “You were denied a cell phone because you have the credit score of a homeless ghost.” — Schmidt
65 “I’m only attracted to guys/girls who are afraid of success and think someone famous stole their idea.” — Jess
66 “This place is fancy and I don’t know which fork to kill myself with.” — Nick
67 “Without sex, he’s/she’s not your boyfriend/girlfriend. Okay? He’s/She’s a friend you buy meals for.” — Schmidt
68 “I feel like I wanna murder someone. And also, I want soft pretzels.” — Jess
69 “So when I do the chicken dance, I do it a little differently. Instead of doing claps, I like to do a peck. It’s more realistic.” — Jess
70 “NAME doesn’t have a life plan. He/She doesn’t have a day plan. I once found a note that he/she wrote to himself that said, ‘Put on pants.'” — Jess
71 “I don’t want to kiss and tell, but I ruined my dresser during intercourse. Will you go to Ikea with me?” — Jess
72 “Can I get an alcohol?” — Nick
73 “I want to kill you, because I respect you. NAME! I think I understand hunting!” — Nick
74 “Look, we’re not trying to be mean. We just don’t want you to be yourself… in any way.”
75 “I have decided to give up on men/women and put all of that energy into tomatoes.”
76 “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? No, a summer’s day is not a bitch!” — Nick
77 “I only wanna make a drink a coal miner would want. Straight forward. Honest. Something that says, ‘I work in a hole.'” — Nick
78 “I’m not convinced I know how to read, I’ve just memorized a lot of words.” — Nick
79 “I like chipmunks more than squirrels.” — Nick
80 “I can’t believe I’m the sober one. That’s actually never happened before in my life.” — Nick
81 “Beans are nothing but soggy nuts.” — Schmidt
82 “Can I interest you in some white noise?” — Winston
83 “Those are pickles in progress.” — Winston
84 “Who’s talking to you, Depression-era garbage man?” — Coach
85 “I need everyone to shut up.” — Coach
86 “Your asses belong to me now.” — Coach
87 “That’s what’s up, that’s what’s up. No doubt. Diggity.” — Coach
88 “I hate when Schmidt cries. He sounds like a ghost singing ‘Hey Ya.'” — Coach
89 “I’ve made out with half of the guys/girls in this room.” — Cece
90 “You always see the worst in people.” “Yeah, because people are the worst.” — Jess & Nick
91 “I’m sorry we’re not going this weekend.” “But It’s free.” “Did you say free?” “Yeah.” “We’re 100% in. I’ll go pack now.” — Nick & Jes
92 “I’m going to end up alone. I’m going to be a single old man/lady flashing people on the subway.” — Jess
93 “I’ve got two perfectly good forks on the end of my arms.” — Nick
94 “If we needed to talk about feelings they would be called talkings.” — Nick
95 “When you question my pajamas, you make me question our entire friendship!” — Jess
96 “Why can’t I have the things that I want?!” — Schmidt
97 “Bathtubs are medieval filth cauldrons.” — Schmidt
98 “They don’t hate me because I’m old. They hate me because of my personality.” — Schmidt
99 “It’s like you’re ripping the side block out of my mental Jenga.” — Schmidt
100 “I’m not actually quite sure how to stop this.” — Schmidt
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yukalatte · 4 years
Slip Off
He knew it was just a slip off, hell even he warned him yesterday that if he got cranky or moody it wasn't because of him, it was just who he was. He understood, so there should've be no problem.
But he knew he was really done fucked up this time.
It was a normal Friday, first week on Spring. Woke up at 6, made him breakfast (omelet this time), morning kiss and started the day. Friday was also Shane's favorite day because finally he could go to saloon for enjoying Friday night, among other things of course. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy Rick's farm. He awfully loved it. The calmness within the forest with gently feeling of wind blowing through his skin and faint sound of cows and chickens, eating happily outside their barn and coop.
If there were any perfect pictures of heaven, he bet this was one of them.
He enjoyed seeing Rick working with his farm. The farm was surprisingly tidy and organized. There were sections of fruit trees, fish ponds with...questionable fish species (Rick insisted those fish were legal, at least), and huge section for barn and coop area surrounded by iron fences so the animals wouldn't wander too far. Shane remembered going to this place out of curiosity before Rick came and even he didn't know this used to be a farm. Should he gave Rick props for his hardwork and effort to renovate this farm. Never thought that a stranger from city, came to unknown village for living a new life as a farmer. Such thing was ridiculous to be thought, but here he was, looking at the fruition of Rick's hardwork.
And to think that he chose Shane than the others. His Rick was full of surprise indeed.
“I'm going out today, alright?” Rick only smiled and kissed him on the lips before storming to his farm. Shane put the omelet inside microwave while prepared himself before going to Pierre's, cheeks still tinged with blush. Get a grip, old man! He did this every morning for godsake!
Oh how far they would become, Shane thought. From strangers who shunned each other (mostly from Shane, obviously) to partners for life. He probably couldn't get away from shock remembering at the end of Fall last year, Rick barged into Marnie's house and straight up went at him with mermaid pendant on his hand. Shane, with frozen pizza on his hands, also went frozen (that was bad). His life was full of surprise after Rick came into his life, being a boyfriend even after witnessing his pathetic breakdown several times, and now became his husband that loved kissing him as often as he could. And that happened within Rick's first year as a villager of Stardew Valley.
Damn his husband was full of surprise indeed.
After buying stuff from Pierre's, Shane straight up went to saloon, order cans of Joja Cola and one beer, and played Prairie King. Eventhough he promised that he wouldn't drink anymore, but he admitted to his husband that he finally breached his breakpoint and couldn't live without the bitterness from fresh poured beer. Rick only sighed and kissed him on the cheek.
"Just don't drink too much, okay?" he said while kissing him, down south this time.
Rick occasionally gave Shane homemade mead or pale ale. He liked it but nothing beat the saloon beer of course.
Shaking his head, Shane started arranging his cans and glass within his reach and started playing. At least playing game could repress his alcohol addiction, if just a little.
Just a normal Friday.
Until it was not.
Shane slammed the machine as his character evaporated on the screen. He lost, so fucking much. He couldn't even get 5th level. That fortune teller on tv was probably right, no blessing today. Out of frustration he went to cashier and order one beer.
And another.
And another.
He went back home, realizing that he ordered 5 more glass of beer. And he didn't care. His mood forced him to. Even the usual gentle night breeze hit cold on his skin. Shane entered the house and saw Rick on the kitchen, tired smile on his face. It was unusual, seeing Rick still awake. Judging by his dirty attire, he surely overworked on the farm and probably dead tired.
I should greeted him, Shane thought.
Maybe giving him nice kiss, he thought as well.
But his eyes focus on behind his back and noticed unwashed dishes and trash scattered around the kitchen floor.
He was not happy.
"Why don't you clean up the house when I'm gone?"
Rick's smile vanished
"You know you could picking up trash when I'm going out."
He had no idea why he said it. It was cruel, he knew it. But his bad mood overshadowed his judgement.
He walked to the sink, hopefully-not-so-violently brushed off Rick's shoulder and working on the dishes. He corrected himself, this was a really, if not the worst, bad Friday. He lost on game, now he did the dishes. Great. He continued doing the dishes and grumpily complained every single unfortunate events he encountered today. He almost didn't recognize the sound from microwave until he checked what was cooked inside.
It was the omelet. Untouched omelet that he made for Rick this morning.
He quickly took a glance at the dishes. Those dishes were the ones he used for making breakfast this morning. And trash that scattered around, eggshells and milk jug that Rick took the day before for breakfast this morning. He remembered that he forgot to put those on the trashcan and just left in on kitchen counter.
His mind went back on Rick's face. Full of dirt and that tired smile. Shane tried to tie those images together.
Oh God.
"What have I done..."
In the end, he couldn't do anything about it. After realized what stupidity had he done, Shane rushed into their bedroom and found Rick already sleeping. His worn clothes were put neatly on laundry basket, as long with his backpack. Shane joined him on their bed, with horror he caused on his husband.
Rick was too focused on his farm work that he forgot to eat his breakfast, went home late, reheating his late breakfast and Shane barged in, reeked with alcohol, and accused him for things that he caused and left his husband starved for a day. Starved because he hadn't touched anything from the fridge and Shane heavily opposed on his husband eating anything outside their kitchen (he still had that fear seeing Rick eating brown carrot raw) and since then he only ate anything Shane or Rick himself cooked.
Horror probably wasn't exaggeration. Too underwhelming, he mind.
Shane's mood for stupid game vanished after realization of his inexcusable behaviour against his husband. He broke his promise today, now he hurt his Rick. His beautiful Rick, who gave him reason to live, who guided him in his darkest time. And now all of his kindness he offered, Shane threw it away. He felt like a shit now.
He remembered telling Rick that he sometimes got in bad mood and slipped off, but it wasn't because of him. Rick, like a sunshine he was, only nodded in understanding.
He could make this as an excuse of having slip off. But the problem was, this slip off was directed to him, and nothing else.
Shane couldn't sleep at that night, his mind rewinding those events of his failure. It was such a strong word for marriage quarrels, but for him there were no better words for things that had he done. He kept looking on Rick's face, sleeping like a baby. He wanted to hug him, adressing how sorry he was for what he had done. But his coward mind wouldn't allow him to.
Tomorrow he would wake up early and made his favorite dish. And built his courage to apologize at him. He held his husband's hand and with those pledges he made in his mind, he went to sleep.
Tomorrow should be fine, he convinced himself.
But of course sometimes it wouldn't go as planned.
Rick was gone.
Shane woke up late and tried to find his husband but he was nowhere to be seen. Did he go to town? Or mountains? Or probably the forest? He searched for him everywhere, but no luck. He hadn't had his breakfast, which made Shane more anxious. Where the fuck was he?
He finally went back to the farm, sitting on his usual spot, waiting for Rick to come home. Rick should be fine, he convinced himself. He heard some villagers telling stories of how Rick went to dangerous places for helping them. He was strong, his Rick was strong.
Everything should be fine.
He felt touch on his shoulders. Shane looked up.
He was hoping to find his husband's face, full of sweat and smelled dirt and grass.
Instead he found Dr. Harvey, and strong smell of medicine.
"Shane, you should come to the clinic."
His mind went blank.
He still remembered at rainy summer, he laid down unconscious on this clinic's bed when Harvey emptied all the alcohol he consumed while having mental breakdown and considered himself to walk off the cliff. If Rick hadn't found him, he rather wouldn't think about it. That memory was the ugliest one, yet he cherished it because he realized that there was someone who cared deeply for him. It opened his eyes and made him move forward to the brighter future.
But never he imagined that the position was reversed in million times.
Harvey informed him that someone found him unconscious inside mountain mines. He was full of cuts and some of them were in worse condition but thankfully it was quickly handled by Harvey. The doctor informed he could go home after he woke up.
Shane half-heard Harvey's information while his main focus was on the body that laid in front of him. His Rick, oh God Rick...
"I'll leave you both alone, call me if he wakes up," Shane only nodded once. And by that, they were both alone.
He looked so frail. Bandages wrapped most of his hands and legs. He only used pants, and bandages were also wrapped around his chest. Some of cuts were also visible on his face. Shane only could look, he desperately wanted to shake him awake and scream at him of what the fuck was he doing, endangering himself like that. Oh how bad he would do that.
But part of him also reminded him of what had he done to him yesterday.
If he wasn't that grumpy or moody, his husband wouldn't get mad at him, or endangered himself in the mines. If he didn't break his promise to control his alcohol intake, he probably could think clearly and wouldn't slip off like yesterday.
If he didn't do those shits yesterday, this thing wouldn't happen to him.
If only he wouldn't be this stupid.
If only...
Shane's traitorous mind wandered around, making mental image on various ways how he would find Rick in emergency room, blood oozing from his body, pale white skin that contradicted with Rick yellowish skin, glowing with touch of sunlight. His cloudy eyes boldly stared at him and his mouth slightly opened, blood trickled at the corner of his lips.
He couldn't. He couldn't bear the thought of him outlive his husband. Their marriage was oh so young, Shane was still at cloud nine enjoying this luxury that he couldn't imagine.
He couldn't lose Rick.
All of Shane's horrible thoughts froze, his focus shifted to his face. Rick's blue eyes slightly opened, and he posed that goofy smile again. After all of these horrid accidents, he was still able to pull that smile.
What did he deserved to marry such a fine man like Rick?
"That bad huh? That annoying black thing really did a great job on me this time. Heh, next time I'll shove my mega bomb on it then we'll back in business."
Next time? Fucking next time??
Did he really...
"Are you fucking serious?! What do you mean next time?! You worry the shit outta me and still thinking of next time?!" Shane screamed at him like no tomorrow. How could he say such thing? Did he never think of how he felt if anything happened to Rick?
And he realized who was responsible to put him in this state. And how he put the similar treatment at Rick; never thought of his feelings.
He froze.
"Shane? Dear, what's wrong?"
His bandaged hand tried to touch Shane's face. Shane, felt like a scum and failure, tried to avoid the touch. But he couldn't. He couldn't move from his seat. He was too scared of outcome, too scared to see his mistakes in front of him. He didn't put much devotion to Yoba, but if Yoba existed, he hoped he could turn back time and prevent those events happen. He would greet him as usual, kissed his husband on the cheek and having a nice night. He desperately wanted to do that.
Except he knew he couldn't. Too good to be true.
He felt his chin lifted up, and his eyes met Rick's, his ocean blue eyes stared at him. Warmth pouring through his gaze, so much that Shane couldn't handle it. He was already in his breaking point and all he could do was cry. Rick hurriedly got up from his bed and pulled his husband into his embrace, ignoring the slight pain he felt. Shane kept crying over his shoulder, hugging him back like a lifeline.
"I'm sorry Rick, I'm so sorry..."
"Hush, dear. Nothing to be sorry about," he whispered. Rick's hand worriedly stroked his husband's hair. Shane shook his head, untangle himself from warm embrace and lift his head so they looked straight at each other.
"No, you listen to me Rick, I did this. ALL OF THIS! If I didn't yell at you yesterday you probably still have energy to fight back. You haven't touched your breakfast since yesterday and went to mines. I should be thankful if your condition isn't bad, bu..but what if it gets worse?" Shane felt his composure slipped away, but he couldn't stop his blabbering. "What if no one finds you, wh...what if you've left rot and d...die there? I-I just made you crispy bass, you like those right? It took a fucking shitton of time to catch that slimy sucker for you. I-I thought you would eat it and then I said sorry a...and we got over with it. Bu...but you weren't there. You were...gone."
He felt his fresh tears flowing again, he choked up.
But he couldn't stop, he should say what needed to be said. Fuck with his wet face.
Now or never.
"Y-you could be go-gone, like for real. And I haven't apologized, and you'll le-leave me alone, become a fucking widower. And this happen be-because of me. I didn't treat you right like you treat me. You...you treat me like a fucking princess and what do I do? Going to saloon, drinking like there's no tomorrow, breaking my promise, and yelling at you as if you're ungrateful husband that never helps me in entire of my life, and let my husband starved. I should be the one who get hurt, not you! I should be.."
Shane's lips met Rick's, silencing him up. His husband's lips felt warm, despite he used minimum clothes in this cold room. Slowly Shane melt on their kiss, calming him down. Until he was pulled again into his husband's warm embrace.
"Oh Shane," said Rick, "you worried about last night? I knew you were just slipping off."
Slipped off? No, it wasn't slip off, Shane screamed in his mind.
"And I know what you're thinking, Shane. Your face are readable as a book. It was a slip off. You reeked of alcohol last night, no surprise that you pulled those talks. Besides you warned me before, remember?"
Shane only nodded, but as Rick said, his face showed him that he still conflicted with so many things. Rick continued his explanations.
"And as for skipping my breakfast today, well that was fully on my fault. I forgot there's errand that I haven't finished yet so I just went there without breakfast nor any preparation." He snickered, "that didn't end well, did it?"
Hearing that Rick didn't put blame on him and thinking it was just a slip off made his body relaxed a little. He lifted his face up to met another kiss from his husband.
"Shane, you are not a failure, or piece of garbage. You are Shane, my bundle of joy that I happily married with. A silly pretty man who only knows how to cook from microwave and work harder to change himself for better. I couldn't ask for more"
Shane only responded with burying his face deeper in his shoulder.
"I'm not pretty," he mumbled.
"Yes yes I know, just 6 inch shorter."
"Don't you ever go there, Rick!"
Rick laughed. And behind his hidden face, Shane smiled. At least everything was taken care of.
"Although," Rick continued, "you shouldn't drink too much. Yesterday you reeked, different than usual. I'm worried." Shane only responded with 'I know', but he mentally took his husband's concern seriously. Rick kept saying it wasn't his fault, but he knew one day those slip offs would've be taken seriously and possibly would affected to their life.
He wouldn't let his husband down.
"Should we call Harvey? I think I'm quite healthy enough."
His embrace became tighter. Rick looked down, looking at Shane buried his face even deeper.
"Just...can it wait for 5 minutes? Please, Rick?"
Rick kissed his temple in response and returned his embrace. Shane finally could exhale freely. Everything was fine, as it should've been.
It was just a slip off.
Note 1 : this is inspired from a surprise Shane dialogue that I couldn't find correct line of it. He mentioned that the player should've taken care the trash and cleaning the house while Shane was going out. It caught me off guard, considering his heart was full and his dialogue showed like he was in low heart situation. Weirdly enough, the day before Shane also mention that if he got cranky it was because of his mood, not him.
Note 2 : I name my character Dawson instead, because everytime I saw Shane, I couldn't help myself saying Dawson afterwards. Can't put his name here, I probably will laugh my ass off.
Note 3 : Sorry for mistakes here and there
Note 4 : Harvey is still better fight me
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oohfluffy · 4 years
DDND Ch.15 | KJI
Group: EXO
Member: Kim Jongin
Theme: Fluff | Dancer!AU | Dormmmate!AU
Word Count: 2,531
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❀ Chapter 15: Talk More ❀
Aunt Sunny sighed for the nth time as she gave up looking at the two young ones in front of her.
"Nobody's talking, that's new." She stated as she put down the tray for breakfast. You just grabbed one of the bowls of ramyeon and thanked her for the meal before started eating.
Aunt Sunny looked at you as if you've gone crazy, scoffing at your action. She looked back at the boy, who's just staring at you.
"You." She called. Kai blinked and turned to her. "What are you waiting for?"
He silently took a bowl from the tray and started slurping down the food. Aunt Sunny just scratched the back of her head frustratedly.
"Goodmorning!" The two younger tenants came down and started chatting lively, in contrast to the two older ones. They looked at Aunt Sunny as if questioning the awkward silence between the two of you, but she just shrugged and gave them their meals.
"Clean up for yourselves, okay? I'll be out until 5. Lock the front door if you're all going out. I'll leave the house to all of you. Behave, okay? You know the rules." Aunt Sunny said, looking at the 4 tenants in front of her, her gaze resting longer at Kai and you.
"Ne!" Sanha and Eunwoo chorused as the other two just nodded.
"I'll be out too." You mumbled as you got up, taking your bowl to the sink to wash it. Kai immediately stood up and followed you to the sink.
The three left on the dining area just looked at each other before shaking their heads.
"Leave them be." Aunt Sunny said, waving at the two younger boys. They nodded and continued eating. Aunt Sunny winced at the shattering of something, probably a glass, in the sink. She shook her head before walking upstairs, trying to keep out of the two's issue.
You stopped moving as the glass shattered, colliding with the marble floor. Kai stood beside you, his eyes remained focus on your face.
"Are you okay? Were you hurt? You should move away from this area, you might step on the broken glasses." Kai said worriedly as he moved to grab your arm. You moved away from his touch and continued washing your bowl. Kai watched as you finished washing.
"I'll do that." He insisted, trying to grab the broom and dustpan from your grasp but you moved them away from him.
"It's okay. I can do it." You said, starting to sweep the broken glasses, keeping yourself in a safe distance when you suddenly heard Kai take a deep breath. You shook your head as you continued sweeping. You can feel Kai following you as you threw the glasses you've gathered on the trash can.
"Are you a dog or what?" You snapped as you turned around to see him flinching, his left bare foot slightly up. "What the heck are you doing?" You asked as you watch him. Kai grinned but instantly frowned when he lost balance. You immediately put down the things you were holding and grabbed his shoulder to keep him standing.
"I think I've got a splinter on my foot." Kai mumbled as you guide him back to the dining area, startling the two boys eating breakfast.
"I'll just get the first aid kit, stay here." You said as you quickly made your way upstairs. Kai leaned his back on the chair, his eyes following you until you were out of his sight.
It's good that you didn't see him staring at you as if you were the last piece of chicken he'll ever see, or else you would've melted on the spot.
"Are you okay, hyung?" Kai heard Sanha asked him. He just nodded and waved the kid off.
"Have you been fighting with noona?" Sanha asked again as Eunwoo nudged him, glaring at his over-talkative friend.
Kai chuckled.
"No, we're not fighting." Kai answered, amused with the young boy's question.
"Lovers' quarrel then?"
Kai smirked, looking at his now swollen foot.
"I wish." He mumbled.
"I'm back. Put your foot here."
Kai was startled when you suddenly popped out of nowhere and pulled another chair in front of him, patting the cushion. You helped him put his injured foot and knelt in front of his foot before started doing your thing. You tilted his foot as you observed the splinter. The splinter wasn't that big but it made a long cut, a thumb length cut.
"Good thing the glass didn't go deeper into your skin. But unfortunately, you'll have a long ugly scar on your foot. Too bad you're a dancer." You muttered as you slowly took out the small piece of glass from his foot with a pair of tweezers. Kai bit his lip as he groaned in pain. You chuckled as you gently pat a clean wet towel on the cut. You squeezed a few drops of alcohol on a cotton ball.
"This will sting a little." You warned as you gently dabbed the cotton ball around the wound. Kai just stared at you, feeling numb all of a sudden. You cleaned the wound, finishing the process with a bandage, long enough for the cut.
"Can you walk?" You asked, standing up as you put everything back to the kit. Kai held on the chair as he tried standing up and walked a few steps, he successfully did. When you saw that, you slightly smiled.
"Good. I need to go now. I have a shift at 10. Be careful when walking." You said, rushing back upstairs to prepare yourself for work. Kai, once again, followed you with his longing eyes. The two boys, who were still on the table, watched everything like they were watching a K-drama.
"We are living under the same roof and you were right in front of me earlier but why do I still miss you?" Kai mumbled as he slowly walked towards the stairs, leaving the two interested boys in the dining area.
"Are they in a relationship or something? I think I saw sparks earlier when they were together." Sanha whispered at his friend, who just shrugged in reply.
"Don't jump into conclusions, Sanha." Eunwoo scolded the younger one before nodding. "But you're kind of right. It's not impossible for the two of them to date. They look good together."
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
Joohyuk and Tiffany watched as you mopped the floor with a blank face.
"Seriously I'm not even surprised she's like this again." Joohyuk said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"I wonder what happened that night. Sehun won't tell anything to me. Such a brat." Tiffany pouted, swiping her identification card on the cashier area.
"Noona." Joohyuk look at the older one with a glare. "Please stop meddling with your friend and your brother's business. You're not Cupid." He said, rolling his eyes. Tiffany just crossed her arms and informed the boy.
"They're my ship! I won't let it stop sailing!" She snapped at Joohyuk, who just shrugged and made his way to the kitchen. She looked back at you. "I have a hunch about it though! And I won't tell you!" She added before Joohyuk can enter the kitchen.
"Then don't." He said as he went in the kitchen.
You suddenly sat down on a chair near the counter, startling Tiffany. She just observed you at first, waiting for you to speak your heart out but gave up when all you gave was silence.
"What's up, baby?" Tiffany asked as she leaned on the counter in front of you. You looked at her with wide eyes. "Did I say something wrong?" Tiffany asked as she saw you flustered.
"Uh, no. I-I'm just not myself today." You mumbled as you shook your head, making Tiffany raise an eyebrow at you.
"So not new." Tiffany said, taking a seat next to you. You sighed.
"Mind telling me what happened last Saturday?"
You bit your lip, hesitating to tell her everything, starting from your stupid jealousy to last night's incident.
Tiffany groaned, lightly slapping your cheeks.
"I'm gonna guess it then!" She said with enthusiasm. You just nodded in agreement, too lazy to argue with her so early in the morning.
"You couldn't handle your favorite dancer's couple dance with a very sizzling hot girl that perfectly moves with his graceful body that's why you went outside the place, trying to find comfort alone but my brother was the one who gave it but then after that, the dancer made his way back to you again, maybe doing something that made your heart beat crazy and now you're confused."
You just watched how Tiffany finished her wild guess without even stopping. She grinned and tilted her head at you.
You pointed at her with an accusing stare.
"H-How-- How did you—" You couldn't even finish your sentence as you were still surprised how relevant her long speech was.
"I'm a girl too, sweetheart. I would've gotten jealous too if the boy I like danced so intimately with a girl like that! Most girls have low self-esteem, you know. Seeing someone better than them makes them feel—"
"Like he'll fit better with her." You continued for Tiffany, looking away from her stare. She stayed silent.
"That girl, the one whom he danced with, she was actually my best friend." Tiffany gasped at your revelation. "Yeah, ridiculous, right? And she even told me that she likes him. Well she was cut off but it was obvious that's what she wanted to say. It just made everything harder."
"Are you sure that's the thing that made everything harder? Not you?"
What Tiffany said struck you big time.
What the heck? Me?
"Come on, sis. Think about it. Did you even ask Kai if he liked the girl back or if he even knows the girl likes him? Do you even know how Kai feels? AND!" Tiffany poked your nose, making you cringe.
"You're not even in a relationship with him. Why don't you tell him that you like him first and then start complaining about everything after? That way, you won't look stupid. Remember that Kai's not a fortune-teller or a mind-reader. He won't know what you feel unless you say it!"
Your lips formed into a sweet smile, making Tiffany freak out.
"You're creeping me out. Why are you— WOAH!"
You tackled her into a hug, almost making you both fall out of the chairs you're sitting at.
"Thank you for that. I appreciate your advice, mom."
Tiffany sighed with a smile, hugging you back.
"I know I always push you towards my lil' brother but I won't let you look like shit everyday just because of that devil dancer. Don't hesitate telling your problems to me. After all, I'm your only girl friend now." Tiffany said, making your heart melt at her kind words.
"You're the best unnie ever."
"I know right."
♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫ ❧ ♫
"What did you say?" You squealed, sitting straight up as you answered your younger brother's call.
"I said, dad wants to have a family dinner this Saturday, noona. Family, I mean dad, me, you and Aunt Ji Hyo."
"What for?" You asked, rolling your eyes as if Taeyong can see you.
"I know dad has been unfair to you ever since you were 13 but I think he really wants you to—"
"Don't go there, Tae." You warned.
"Noona! Can you please listen to your dongsaeng? Just this time?" You heard Taeyong pleaded. You sighed.
"Fine then. I'll listen. Just this time."
"Dad has changed, noona. You can argue all you want but that fact won't go unnoticed! Even our house helpers noticed it. I think Aunt Ji Hyo made him realize his mistakes and clear his clouded mind. Dad's not like before, noona. You'll see when you get here! So please give him a chance to prove it to you and a chance to make this family complete again."
Your mind just went to your mom.
What will I do, mom? Should I go or should I not? Can I do it? What if Taeyong is wrong? What if dad's still mad at me?
"I can guess you're asking mom what to do, noona." Taeyong said, making you surprised. He chuckled. "I know you too well, noona." You felt yourself smile. "But you know, your questions won't ever be answered if you don't give it a shot."
Why am I getting nagged at by my younger brother anyway?
"Well said, my dongsaeng. I'll go then."
You heard Taeyong squeal, making you grin wider.
"YES! Dad will be so happy about this! I'll tell pick you up, noona! I'll bring one of the drivers. Be ready by 5 in the afternoon, noona."
"Okay, tiger. Roger that. Sleep now, okay? You still have classes tomorrow."
"Roger, noona! I love you."
You smiled.
"I love you too, brother."
You laid back down as you hung up, staring at the ceiling with a floating mind. You suddenly shook your head as you forced your thoughts away.
"Argh. Not tonight, my brain. I want to sleep." You mumbled.
After a few minutes, you were about to reach your beautiful dreamland when a loud knock pulled you back.
"Fuck. Who the hell would want to knock on my door in this deadly hour?!" You mumbled as you glanced at the small clock on your right.
12:30 am
You groaned, stuffing your face with a pillow. You waited for a few seconds, praying that the person who knocked will give up and just let you go back to dreamland. But nope.
"AISH!" You stood up and picked up one of your slippers, ready to smack the person with a slipper. You didn't even consider the chance that it might be your aunt.
"What the he—"
"Can we talk?"
You stared at him as if he grew multiple heads. You slowly brought down your slipper.
"What are we gonna talk about this time, Kai? Can't it wait until tomorrow? You know what time is—"
Now you know how soft his plump lips are.
He gently took your lower lip, enclosing it with his lips. Your face was certainly red at this moment, eyes almost closing and mouth, well, occupied by someone.
Kai held on your waist as he saw your knees almost giving up on you, closing your distance. His lips didn't stop giving attention to yours, making you feel wanted and loved. You just felt yourself kissing him back, making him smile in the kiss.
You suddenly pulled back as you realized what you both were doing, making Kai look at you with a slight pout on his lips. Your eyes went to his lips, they were red and swollen, obviously from your kiss. You blushed at the thought and looked at his eyes.
"I-I didn't know this was your way of talking now." You mumbled, a little distracted of Kai's hands that are lightly stroking your waist. He was just staring back at you with his cute smile.
"I think we'll talk more."
❀ Ch.16
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
Hey, GOT! Turn on the freaking lights!
I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about this on my blog but I’m from a little country in Eastern Europe called Romania. I was born and raised in Bucharest, as was all of my family dating back centuries. 
One of the most important landmarks in Bucharest is this building right here: 
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It’s called the House of the People or, more recently, Parliament House. This is so huge that you simply can’t escape it. At times it feels as if the whole of Romania lives in the shadow of this structure. 
It was built by Nicolae Ceausescu, our once communist dictator. Everything about it is meant to intimidate and impress. Entire neighborhoods and monuments dating back hundreds of years were torn to the ground in order to make room for it. 
It’s impressive in all its megalomaniac glory and the inside is just as over the top. You’ve got entire rooms made of marble, with columns so high it makes you dizzy just looking up. When you enter you’re greeted by a huge staircase made of marble as well and wall high paintings of the Ceausescu spouses going about their communist life:
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Looking at separate elements, there is beauty there and even artistry. Taken as a whole, it’s a fucking architectural, visual and cultural disaster. 
Now, I’m not suggesting HBO and the Ds are communist tyrants but what I am saying that that a huge amount of money, time, talent and effort is being sunk into this tv show and the results are the story telling equivalent of the House of the People. There are good things sprinkled in there but the basic structure and flow of this story has sunk to such depths that it’s hard to find the experience of watching GOT pleasurable anymore. It’s become an exercise in futility and wasted potential. 
This episode is even worse because GOT has so much money to burn that usually you can at least enjoy the production values and the visual spectacle that offers you. This episode is, unfortunately, called the “Long Night” so buckle up for an hour and a half of complete darkness, punctuated by brief flashes of human forms darting back and forth on your TV screen. So this is the equivalent of the House of the People at night, covered in thick fog, when the electricity has gone out. 
The bad news about having the episode filmed in darkness is that it’s practically impossible for you to be invested in the action since you can’t see who is doing what or what they are going through while doing it. The good news is that the story tellers will do their utmost to make sure you also don’t give a shit.
General Impressions
This episode we are fortunate enough to get a respite from David Nutter, one of the worst directors I’ve ever had the misfortune of directing tv shows I like and we are treated instead to the talents of Miguel Sapochnik. I’ve loved most of his work on GOT, with my favorite episode of his being Hardhome. And I’m sure he did a fantastic job in this episode, coordinating what is essentially an hour and a half long battle. However, since I couldn’t really see much of what was going on in the action packed sequences, I’m basing that assessment more on faith, than solid proof. 
This episode also has the distinction of completing Jon Snow’s journey into complete irrelevancy.  Jon doesn’t do much of anything of consequence. Instead he simply stumbles from one failure to another: from following D*ny in destroying the wights army instead of getting to Bran (if D*ny wanted to destroy the wights, why couldn’t Jon hop on Rhaegal to go to the Godswood? why do both of them need to be there to burn the zombies?); to his almost success in taking down wight Viserion only for it to go to nothing when the dragon is still alive and proceeds to burn down Winterfell; to charging the Night King through a field of dead bodies only for the most obvious twist of the NK raising the dead to stop him in his tracks and finally completely abandoning his ethos to protect those in need by leaving Sam to die at the hands of the wights in order to get to Bran. He, of course, never makes it to the Godswood and ends the episode jumping from behind a rock to scream at wight Viserion, without even pulling out his sword to attempt to fight back. It’s enough to make one ...
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My thoughts exactly, Jon. 
What a complete and utter waste. 
Talking of wastes, we are now 3 and a half hours through this season and the Starks have yet to be together in the same room, having a conversation. All through the seasons we have waited with baited breath for these kids to be reunited. The Ds, trolls that they are, baited us with just that at the beginning of season 7, only for it to never materialize. Now they have outdone even themselves by putting the Starks under the same roof and using every trick in their troll textbook to make sure we get absolutely no satisfaction for our Stark itch. 
On top of that, we have been led to believe that these 4 people (ok, 3 since Bran is a robot now) care about each other. You’d think that they would seek each other out and at least hug before the battle that could potentially kill one or all of them. That doesn’t happen. 
I think the reason why it doesn’t happen is because the Ds felt there was no point in wasting time on that when all 4 of them were going to survive. The problem is that the audience doesn’t know that and should at least fear that they won’t survive. 
Most importantly, the characters themselves have no idea that they got a death immunity card for the greatest battle to visit this planet in 8000 years. So to have them completely forget about one another is just piss poor writing. 
The closest we get is this scene between Arya and Sansa: 
Arya: Get down to the crypt. 
Sansa: I’m not abandoning my people. 
Arya: Take this and go. 
Sansa: I don’t know how to use it. 
Arya: Stick them with the pointy end. 
This might as well be a conversation between two strangers who kind of decided they really don’t like each other very much, instead of two sisters who might never see each other again. Sansa goes as far as to refuse to leave not because she doesn’t want to leave her sister but because she doesn’t want to abandon “her people”. 
It’s not wrong of Sansa to want to stay with the people of Winterfell but it does make the conversation less poignant and emotional because there’s nothing personal about this exchange. Nor do these two even spare one tearful glace for one another. That is reserved for this scene: 
That’s where the show’s priorities lay. Why did they include this scene? Was it only to fan the flames of the Sanrion ship? I would say no. I think they’re laying the groundwork for whatever plot point Sansa and Tyrion will be involved in, which will inevitably circle back to Cersei one way or another. 
And while it was a poignant scene, I can’t help but begrudge that they gave us this at the expense of the Sansa/Arya scene or a potential Sansa/Jon scene. 
Also, a lot of people are now complaining that Sansa didn’t fight during this episode which makes her useless (the same old tired argument so no surprise there) but they completely miss the point as to why her lack of fighting is frustrating. It isn’t because Sansa didn’t turn into Xena, the warrior princess, in this episode. It’s because the Ds set up something but then didn’t follow through. Sansa received a dagger and advice on how to use it. Normally that would lead to her having to do just that, particularly when in the scene above she pulls out the very same dagger. But wouldn’t you know it? Once she stands up and charges, she does absolutely NOTHING! It isn’t that she fails. It’s that the writers didn’t even feel the need to show her try. They set up that plot point and then left it dangling with no pay off. 
There are multiple examples of this type of tepid storytelling though out the episode but I think the most glaring one is Bran. He has been building up to his confrontation with the Night King since season 1. And all of that amounted to what exactly? Bran did nothing but sit in the Godswood and wait for the NK to try to kill him. So why did he go through that entire, excruciating journey exactly? What vital information did he discover that led to the demise of the NK? What magical abilities did he posses that were crucial against his greatest foe? He didn’t even warg a dragon for Pete’s sake even though that should have been a given. 
In the behind the scenes commentary, the Ds said that the key to destroying the NK was either stabbing him directly in the spot where the COF inserted the shard of dragon glass or killing him next to the Weirwood tree, depending on what you understood by their comments. 
Either way, that information did not make it into the TV show. Bran never says that, despite having opportunity to do so during the council meeting in episode 2. So it doesn’t matter what the Ds say in interviews. If it isn’t on screen, it doesn’t exist. 
On the whole, the most frustrating part of the episode was the actual battle. Leaving aside the poor lighting, what I got form this episode is that 130.000 men (based on my super duper math skills utilized for ep 2) had absolutely no strategy and no stamina to at least attempt to fight a hoard of mindless zombies. It took all of 10 minutes for all these hardened soldiers (with one exception which we will discuss later on) to break ranks and flee for their lives. 
Also why did Jorah lead 100.000 of those men, consisting of the entire Dothraki khalasar acting as the Winterfell army’s cavalry, on a charge into the darkness of certain death? I don’t know a lot about battle strategy but I do know that when you have a key position (in this case Winterfell), you don’t charge. You wait for the enemy to come to you. And once the army broke, everyone of those people were running around like headless chickens, with no clue how to regroup or mount an effective defense of one of the most impenetrable castles in the whole of Westeros. Robb Stark must be spinning in his grave like kale in a hipster’s smoothie. Imagine what he could have been able to do with 130.000 men. 
It pains me to say this but the Night King was genuinely the only one on that battlefield who had an actual plan, could adapt to what was thrown at him (the trenches, falling off the dragon etc.) and complete his mission. He was defeated in the end but his defeat consisted not only of the unexpected in the form of Arya and her FM training but also on the lack of reaction of all the wights and the white walkers that were there which, frankly, stretches disbelief. 
PS: While sparing not one single moment for character or plot development, GOT did find the time to rip off How to Train your Dragon ... again ...
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Give it up, guys. You don’t have half the vision and talent of the HTTYD squad. This just makes you look silly. 
Favorite scenes
The “Blood of my Blood” scene: 
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I loved the whole sequence of D*ny and Jorah. From Jorah sweeping in like a knight in shinning armor to protect D*ny, to him getting up through multiple stab wounds because he couldn’t give up on trying to save her, to D*ny picking up a freaking sword and fighting despite not knowing how to try and defend him, to her break down over his dead body and Drogon coiling up around her to try to comfort her. 
Just looking at these gifs makes me want to cry. One of the only truly meaningful and emotional moments in the whole episode and an apt ending to the most important relationship in D*ny’s life. Kudos to Emilia and Iain on giving it their all in this scene. 
The “You’re home” scene: 
Speaking of acting chops, Alfie Allen, ladies and gentlemen! Truly one of the best actors in this cast. And this scene really brought Theon full circle. The man who didn’t feel like he belonged anywhere, who went through hell and back, who lost his humanity and clawed his way back to it, died defending the only place he’s ever known as home. Alongside the D*ny/Jorah scene, this really broke me down. Also this: 
Bran: Theon! You’re a good man. Thank you. 
cue the ugly crying right now
Just wonderful! I hope Alfie has a long career in front of him because he’s sooo good. 
The “Final atonement” scene: 
The reason why I loved Mel’s death scene so much is because it brings to completion the burning of Shrieen. Despite her religious fantaticism and her ruthlessness, sacrificing that little girl did take it’s toll on Melisandre. It shook her to her core. So much so that she walked into the frozen wasteland, took off her necklace and killed herself. The fact that the entire sequence is punctuated by Davos watching her walk to her death makes it all the more meaningful. 
It surprised me that they chose this way to bring an end to her character but I feel it enriched her story and my perception of her. 
Episode MVPs
The Unsullied: 
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I was curious about what they would do with the Unsullied during the battle because their fighting style is perfectly suited to castle defense. Also, because of this story from the History and Lore series: 
The Unsullied are known for their discipline and willingness to stand their ground against the greatest adversaries. They are canonically so impressive that not only did they beat the Dothraki but all the Dothraki riders cut off their braids and placed them at their feet to honor their bravery and prowess.
Considering that not only were the Unsullied the only soldiers at Winterfell to actually stick to their guns and fight strategically and bravely but they also ensured the retreat of all the other forces, the people of Winterfell need to be cutting off their own hair and honor these brave men. 
Arya “It is Princess after all” Stark: 
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Aaaa ... yeah, she is the princess that was promised, y’all!
Arya’s story in this episode was the most complete and compelling one. Starting off with her “I know Death. He has many faces. I look forward to seeing this one” bravado, to her rawness and vulnerability when she realized what she was up against to her putting all that Faceless Men training to good use and managing to sneak up on the Night King just enough to end him. 
Arya Stark has just killed Death! A true warrior, if there ever was one! I hope this marks an end to her FM arc and a gradual return of at least part of the kindness and empathy Arya was defined by in season 1. 
Daenerys “Why do you want me to feel sorry for her?” Targareyen: 
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Well, this is strange ... I never thought I’d make D*ny an MVP in these reviews but fair is fair. The girl was a champ this episode. 
I know some people seem to think that she’s the reason why the battle plan went haywire because she decided to attack the wight army after seeing her khalasar wiped out. However ... for one, she had just seen all of her Dothraki cut down. Clearly whatever strategy they had going wasn’t working. Secondly, I seem to remember in episode 2 that Tyrion offered to wave the torch so Dany could set the trench on fire so obviously she and Jon were not suppose to just stick to the Godswood for the entire duration of the battle. 
Still, I think the reason why I found D*ny so formidable this episode was because she was placed directly in contrast with Jon and unlike Mr. Can’t seem to get anything right these Days Snow, D*ny did actually put up a fight, saved Jon’s life even at the risk of injury to Drogon and attacked the Night King head on. 
Yes, dragon fire was ineffectual against the NK but she gave it her all and I appreciate that. As thanks for her bravery and loyalty (despite now knowing that Jon is her rival to the IT), Jon abandoned her without hesitation, proving once again that he genuinely doesn’t give a shit about her. At this point, I honestly don’t understand why D*ny stans are shipping her with Jon. They should have higher standards for their fave. 
The way they chose to portray D*ny in this episode is interesting because, despite D*ny’s actions, dark D*ny and the Dance of Dragons is still happening, in my humble opinion. That means that we are left in a bit of a conundrum: D*ny has now fulfilled her end of the bargain. She has fought the army of the dead and lost a significant percentage of her army and Jorah in the process. Which leaves us with the inevitability that Jon and the Starks will not only go against the woman that helped them protect their home but will prove themselves mercenary and dishonorable for doing so. Also because of the prolonged absence of Jon’s POV and the lack of scenes of the Starks together, D*ny, being the only one we have clear access to narratively, becomes more and more sympathetic. 
In some ways this choice frustrates me because D*ny has done some truly horrific things and story-wise those have yet to be addressed or paid off. By making her more and more sympathetic and the Starks more antagonistic in relation to her, it makes it harder to deliver the comeuppance she has earned over the seasons. 
On the other hand, there is something about this type of narrative choice that appeals to me. The line between hero and villain is practically nonexistent and it’s up to each and everyone of us to pick a side, based more on our subjective experiences and less on objective narrative reasons.  
It brings to mind the first Dance of Dragons where you could very well make an argument in favor of both the Black and Green factions because there was no clear cut answer on who was right and who was wrong.  
*none of the art work belongs to me. thank you to the content creators!
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irenedonnee · 6 years
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The Writer Who Loved Me Chapter Four “Writer Boy”
Previously on The Writer Who Loved Me
Ch. 1 - The Car Accident  Ch. 2 - Up Early  Ch. 3 - Pulling Pigtails
There it is! Chapter 4! This one is a *little* longer than the previous ones. I hope you like the Fraser family! Can’t believe I’m publishing the fourth chapter of this fic, I never thought I would. So thanks to @whiskynottea for making it possible with her amazing beta that saves me and to everyone who read/like/reblog/comment 💚
Jamie had stop acting like a nine-year-old on a sugar rush. At least, it seemed that he was working on it. He didn’t touch things I told him not to, and he stopped trying to do my job. However, he learned very fast. What really surprised me, was that with no previous medical knowledge, except for what he had read in books or saw in documentaries, he still understood the procedures without much explication.
It was two days ago, when we were dining in the briefing room, the two of us together with Joe. Over our sandwiches, we were trying to figure out the case of a new patient who had suffered a heart failure, and it was impossible to come to a conclusion about her condition.
Jamie had stayed silent the whole time, eating while observing us, when he suddenly proposed that maybe the patient suffered from Brugada Syndrome.
We both turned to see him, faces blank with surprise.
“Yes... That could be it.” Joe said, frowning in astonishment. “I hadn’t thought about it.”
I took the electrocardiogram from the file and looked at it again. I was surprised to identify the pattern. “How the hell did you know about Brugada?” I asked him, astonished.
He chuckled, taking a sip from his orange juice. Even if he wasn’t operating on anyone, Jamie had started drinking orange juice, just like I did. He said it was to size me better. It made me think he wanted to slide under my skin, and I found hit almost creepy most times.
“I should say that I recognized it when I saw the wee test, but truth is that I watched a movie about that on TV. Fergus and I were supposed to go out, but his friend called and they went together to the park. I found myself watching this documentary on medical diagnostics and thought it might be helpful. It’s a good thing I did, otherwise ye would have diagnosed her wi’ cancer.” He finished with a proud smile.
I wanted to punch his face right at that moment. I felt ashamed that I hadn’t seen it, but after the long week I was having - without taking into account Jamie’s constant presence - I could barely see clear.
“Do it then, Dr Fraser.” I gave him the results. “Prescribe her medications, treat her and tell me when you want me to sign her discharge.”
“Don’t be mad, Claire. I’m just joking.” He said with frowned eyebrows, handing me the test results back.
I spent the afternoon in the OR, putting a pacemaker in a man’s heart. It was a relatively easy surgery to finish the week. I walked out, taking my scrub cap off, only to find Jamie waiting at the scrub room.
“I think it’s supper time. Do ye want me to take you somewhere?”
“Jamie, I’m working.”
“Not far from here. I know a place. It’s Indian and it’s so -”
“No, thank you. You should go home now. I have nothing left to do that will be interesting for you. Go to your son, he must miss you.” I said kindly, hoping he would change his mind about taking me out.
“What will ye be doing?”
“Just paperwork.”
I knew he hated it when I did my stats. He would stay calm, looking at me and the forms I was filling for a good five minutes, and then he would start talking and bothering me.
“Oh! OK then!” He bowed to me, his bag hanging across his chest. “Goodnight, Doctor Beauchamp.” He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. “I’ll see ye tomorrow.”
I frowned, blushing. He saw it and gave me a knowing smile. The bastard.
Jamie opened the door of his flat to see Donas, his black cat as dark as night, coming to tangle around his feet.
“Good evening!” He shouted, so everyone in the house could hear him.
He heard Fergus’ steps as the boy ran loudly from his bedroom to the kitchen. “Milord! Milord!”
Jamie smiled at the surname. The lad had started calling him like that the first year he lived with Jamie. He had insisted that Fergus calls him Da, but he was never listening to what his father said, always doing the opposite. The boy wasn’t an ordinary eleven years old lad, in fact, he had quite the character. Jamie, with no parental knowledge, had accepted to be his father without really knowing what it meant. He had thought it would be easy to take care of Fergus since they always had fun together at family dinners, but to live with the lad’s rebellious behaviour was more intense than Jamie had expected. Fergus had a special talent with his hands he used to pickpocket the family members or teachers at school. His father tried to tell him to stop doing it, but again, he thought that the french boy didn’t understand when he talked. Once, on Sunday afternoon, he had broken something in the flat, making Jamie angry.
“Young boy, you will start listening to me! I’m in charge of you and that means you have to listen to me as you would listen to your parents!” He had crossed himself. “I’m the Laird of this Castle, alright? You’ll listen to me, otherwise you’ll end up with the Murray clan and trust me, you dinna want that! You are here alone, and if you go there, you’ll be sharing a room with yer cousin Young Ian! Is that what you want?”
“No, Milord.” He had teased him. And it had stayed since then.
Jamie had just put his bag on the counter chair when Fergus came running into him, pulling him in a tight hug.
“Hey, Fergus. How are you? Where is your grandma?”
“She’s in your office with a man.”
“Aye. She started working as a diseuse de bonnes aventures.” He chuckled.
Jamie frowned. A fortune teller? He waved the subject off. He’ll have to talk to his ma later. “Did you eat?”
Fergus shook his head.
“Pizza or chicken then?”
“Pizza!” The young boy said with a bright smile at this unexpected plan for the evening.
The pizza came about twenty minutes later and Jamie chose a scary movie to watch while eating their meal. During the movie, Jamie’s mind kept wandering to Claire. He couldn’t help but smile thinking about her, with her wild curls framing her angry face when she’d told him he acted like a young boy. Writer boy, she had called him.
He liked to recollect her image at night, and it always came clear in his mind. Her shy smile when he told her she did great at a surgery, her beautiful hands taking notes on a patient’s health, her cute frowning as she listened to her friends and colleagues talk over lunch. He was very fond of her. He kept thinking about what his father had told him when he was sixteen. “When ye’ll find the lass that’s for ye, ye’ll ken it right away.” And he did know. Every time she said his name. Every time she laughed at one of his jokes, he kent she was the one for him.
“Milord?” Jamie was brought out of his reverie hearing Fergus’ voice. “Why are you smiling like that? It’s scary!” His son had a blanket covering his face. Maybe he should have picked another movie.
Jamie smiled and brushed the boy’s hair. “I was just thinking about someone.”
Aye. He was smitten by her.
Jamie went to his office after sending Fergus off to his bed. His mother was sitting on his chair, focused on her computer.
“Mother. What are ye doing?”
“Research.” She said, not looking at him. Her red hair were falling on her broad Mackenzie shoulders.
“Fergus told me about yer new work as a fortune teller. Do ye really think it’s a good idea?”
‘’Not as a fortune teller!’’ She laughed. ‘’As an advice giver.’’
‘’An advice giver?’’ Jamie frowned, sitting on the couch in front of her. ‘’Is that Christian?’’
‘’Och, aye! Jocasta and I followed a class about it, to encourage people in life and to give them advices so they make the best decisions for themselves.’’
‘’Are ye really that bored?’’
She sighted dramatically and crossed her arms over her chest. After his father had died, Jamie started noticing that his mother didn’t enjoy life as much as she did when he was alive. She didn’t like to give her drawings lessons anymore and stopped reading to blind people. She had been sick the months following his death, losing all her money in the hands of a medical charlantant. It made her realize that she didn’t want to get old, she didn’t want the rest of her beautiful life to end in a waste. She wanted to do something that would matter. Since then, she had started looking for a new calling in life. ‘’It will take time, son. I’m still mourning yer father. I’ll always be, but I need a change. My old life is gone with him, so I have to find myself again and create a new life. I have ye and Claudel and it’s enough for me, for now. But I’m just looking for... More than enough. I will find myself, I just need some time.’’ She smiled at him and caressed his cheek, and they remained silent for a while. “Why do ye still follow her?’’ She asked some time later. ‘’Should ye no’ write yer wee article? I think ye have followed her long enough to write ten articles about her, son.”
Jamie blushed and nodded. “I like it there.”
“Yes, but ye are no’ a doctor. Yer a writer. Ye need to do yer job. This Doctor Beauchamp must be tired of having ye all the time around her.”
“Och, no! I’m sure she likes it.” He remained silent for a few moments, before adding in a low voice, “It’s not about the articles anymore.”
“Does she knows?”
“God, no! Good thing, otherwise, she’d kill me. She doesna like what people say. She doesna care much about their opinion in general, I know that, but I see her face when they stare at us. She isna at ease with this. I wish… I don’t know… I dinna think she sees me.’’
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inyournightmares97 · 6 years
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A/N: Birthday special for our lovable Bambam! This is a collaboration between me and @koreabooeauty​, she made the amazing mood-board above and I wrote a little carnival date scenario to celebrate Bambam’s B-Day! Hope you guys enjoy it, and (although he’ll never see it, lmao) Happy Birthday, Bambam! 
Carnival Date! + Bambam
(Two days earlier)
“Are you sure it’s all set up? Maybe we should talk to them again...”
Yugyeom chuckled and shook his head. It was amusing how nervous you were about this; you were insistent that everything be planned to perfection and you had been on edge for days. The essence of the plan was for you to go up on the Ferris wheel with Bambam, the fireworks would explode in the sky, you would confess your feelings to him and maybe even kiss... it was all set out to be a magical night and you couldn’t wait.
Yugyeom placed a hand on your shoulder. “It’s fine. I’ve talked to the guy who’s setting up the fireworks at least ten times now. He promised that they’ll go up at 11 pm exactly-”
“Because they need to go up exactly when we’re at the top of the Ferris wheel,” you insisted firmly. “You’ve talked to the other guys, right? They have to let us both get into the Ferris wheel alone. It’ll all be ruined if Youngjae or somebody just tries to get in along with us-”
“I told them. Will you relax? It’ll all be fine. Trust me.”
You took a deep breath and forced a smile. “Yes, I know. I trust you. Thanks, Yugyeom, you’re the best.”
He grinned. “Aren’t I? You should totally buy me something for doing all this for you.”
“Coffee?” you offered.
“Nah, let’s go get a chocolate shake. Extra chocolate syrup!”
(Present Day)
“Happy Birthday, man!”
Bambam beamed and thanked his friends. He had a cheerful smile on his face and he had been walking on clouds all day. If there was one thing Bambam loved, it was attention. (And presents. He liked presents too. But mainly the attention.) He hugged Youngjae and Mark, letting them pat him on the back and make a few uninventive jokes about how he was finally old enough to drink.
Admittedly, the original plan for Bambam’s birthday had been to hit a club but you and Yugyeom weren’t old enough to drink yet. Bambam decided that he wasn’t going to spend his birthday without his best friends and that legal drinking could wait. The plan changed to a more kiddy-friendly trip to the carnival in town. It was something that you’d been hinting you wanted to do for a while, so you were surprised when Bambam suddenly suggested it. .
“I can’t believe I’m at the carnival,” Jinyoung mused. He’d been hoping that buying Bambam an expensive present would get him out of having to attend the birthday celebrations, but Jackson dragged him out anyway. “I haven’t been here since I was a kid. What do we even do around here?”
“I heard there’s a place you can make your own bead necklaces!” Youngjae piped up.
Jinyoung blinked. “Huh. Doesn’t sound bad. As long as they have chairs, my legs are killing me.”
You raised an eyebrow, wondering how these adult men could possibly think that making necklaces out of beads was a good time. Bambam nudged you in the side and your heartbeat thudded when he leaned down to whisper in your ear softly. You could feel his warm breath on your neck.
“Oh my god. We can’t hang around with these hyungs, they’ll suck the fun out of everything. Let’s ditch the stick-in-the-muds and go find the shooting games, okay?” Bambam whispered.
You turned around and nodded. Bambam gave Yugyeom a furtive head jerk and the three of you silently slipped away from the older boys. You had to walk past a couple of stalls, but you finally found a shooting game. Yugyeom and Bambam both fished out change from their pockets and took the toy guns from the man who ran the stall.
“Yah. Which one is cuter?” Bambam asked you, gesturing towards the various stuffed animals on display.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess the penguin is nice?”
“Awesome.” Bambam turned and elbowed Yugyeom. “Dude, we aim for the penguin. Loser has to buy cotton candy for all three of us, deal?”
You stood back and watched, knowing that both of them had terrible aim. You couldn’t help but smile when Bambam lifted the gun up, his tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. Despite the fact that Bambam had grown insanely tall and handsome after hitting puberty, there was still a childishness in him that his facial expressions couldn’t hide.
You’d had a crush on your friend since you met him in middle school, but it was only recently that you even considered telling him about it. Yugyeom had let something slip so you’d persistently harassed the poor boy until he told you that Bambam probably had feelings for you as well.
Probably was good enough for you.
Your feelings for Bambam didn’t seem like they would be going away. You liked him more every day, and you figured that you would explode if you didn’t at least try to tell him about it. Knowing that Bambam liked big events and surprises, you’d planned everything down to a T. You would reach the top of the Ferris wheel at exactly 11 pm, the fireworks would explode in the sky to read ‘Happy Birthday, Bambam’ and then you would tell him that you loved him. It was a sure-fire method to woo Bambam and you were tingling with excitement. You couldn’t wait until 11 pm. He would love it. You knew he would.
At least, you hoped he would,because if he didn’t, you weren’t sure how you would ever look him in the eye again. So it was important to stay positive and not chicken out.
Bambam had knocked down the penguin on his fifth try, and the stall-keeper handed it to him reluctantly. You blushed when he turned around with the stuffed animal and held it out in your direction. You were just about to take it from him, but Yugyeom stepped in between you and suddenly grabbed it instead. He clutched the penguin to his chest and batted his eyelashes.
“For me? Oh darling, you shouldn’t have!” Yugyeom teased.
Bambam rolled his eyes, but the corner of his lips were turned up. “Ew, don’t be gross, man. Keep the penguin if you want, you’re buying us all cotton candy anyway. Three each.”
You gaped at him. “Three each? Who the hell eats that much cotton candy? We might puke!”
Bambam grinned, flashing his perfect teeth at you. “You won’t puke just from eating it. But we’re going to get on the roller coaster right after, so the first one who pukes all the cotton candy then has to pay for corndogs later.”
You folded your arms across your chest and frowned at him.You had an idea where this was going. “Let me guess. After we eat the corndogs, we get on the Pirate Ship and then try to puke again.”
“Bingo. Now hurry up before they run out of cotton candy.”
You pouted as Bambam hurried off towards the cotton candy stalls. Why did this idiot’s idea of fun involve eating large amounts of childish food and trying to make yourself nauseous? You folded your arms across your chest in irritation and then glared at Yugyeom, who was watching you in amusement. You pointed at the penguin that he’d stolen from you.
“You asshole, that should be mine-”
Yugyeom clutched the stuffed animal to to his chest and stuck out his lower lip. “Hey! Mrs. Penguin’s going to keep me company while you both go smooch on the Ferris Wheel later tonight, so keep your hands off her.” He stormed away after Bambam and you were left alone, bewildered and wondering why you were friends with these two idiots.
“Mrs.Penguin?” you called after Yugyeom, confused. “Who is she even married to?”
You felt dizzy and nauseous after riding both the roller coaster and the Pirate Ship in a span of forty minutes, so you had to sit down on a bench to keep your stomach from betraying you. It was bad enough that you were full of nerves regarding your planned confession to Bambam, did he really have to go out of his way to make you physically nauseous as well?
“Nobody needs to puke?” Yugyeom asked, disappointed.
Bambam shrugged and pointed at you. “She’s the one who needed to sit down and she looks kind of green, so I figure we should declare her the loser,” he suggested lightly. You glared at Bambam, standing up and poking him in the chest angrily. The last thing you needed right now was for the man you planned on confessing to to tell you that you looked green.
“Fuck you, I’m not paying for whatever horrible thing you want to eat and puke up next.”
Bambam pouted, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side. His adorable lower lip was sticking out and you found yourself flushing red when he moved his face closer to yours. “But it’s my birthday!” he whined. “It’s bad enough that we couldn’t go to a club because of you two little kids, so you have to do whatever I tell you to do. And I want to go eat ice cream. On your money.”
“I hate you.”
The three of you trudged over to the ice cream vans, when Yugyeom suddenly pinched you in the side. You jumped and turned to glare at him, but he widened his eyes and tapped his wrist subtly. Frowning, you checked the time. 10:35. Oh, shoot. it was getting closer to 11 pm. You cleared your throat as Bambam pressed his face up against the ice cream truck window, choosing his flavor.
“Hey, let’s go ride the Ferris wheel after ice cream,” you suggested lightly.
Bambam kept his eyes on the ice cream, but his lips turned into a frown. “What? But that thing moves like a snail. It’s not even scary.”
“It’s not meant to be scary, Bambam.”
“Yeah, it’s meant for old people,” he told you firmly. He pointed out the flavor he wanted to the ice cream man, before turning to beam at you and Yugyeom. “There’s plenty of better stuff we can do. Look! There’s a fortune teller’s tent over there, let’s go see if she’s a complete phony, eh?”
You glanced towards the fortune-teller’s tent warily and nodded. “Okay, but we have to go to the Ferris Wheel after that.”
Bambam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we’ll see.”
You got your ice creams and headed towards the fortune teller’s tent. It was kind of dark and musty inside, and the only light was coming from a weird crystal ball in the middle. The woman beamed as the three of you sat down. “Who wants to go first?” she asked you lightly.
You were sitting closest to her, so you volunteered. She chanted some weird shit and hovered her hands over the crystal ball while you, Yugyeom and Bambam silently sniggered. Her dramatics were slightly amusing and none of you really believed in this nonsense anyway. The woman glared at you slightly and then cleared her throat.
“You seem to have a lot of romance in your near future,” she told you mysteriously. “Something special will happen tonight, and you’re going to find love with a wonderful man. I can’t see him clearly but he looks tall, extremely handsome...”
“Wow. You see a tall, handsome man in my future?” you asked eagerly.
“Not just your future, but your present. This seems like a man who’s already a part of your life so perhaps you need to start looking closer to home...” the woman trailed off, and started waving her hands creepily over the crystal ball again. Before she could say anything, though, you felt a hand close over your wrist. Bambam was pulling you out of your seat, his lips pressed together tightly as he stood up himself.
“This is so stupid. We’re leaving.”
You gaped at him. “Huh?”
“We’re leaving, let’s go!” he insisted. You didn’t really know what to say as Bambam pulled you out of the tent and Yugyeom followed you both out. You yanked your hand out of Bambam’s grip and frowned at him. You’d kind of been enjoying what the lady was telling you about romance in your future, why did he have to ruin it?
“What is wrong with you?” you asked Bambam.
He shrugged. “She’s a farce, her crystal ball was plugged in under the table-”
“Of course it was plugged in somewhere, did you think magic was lighting it up?” you were bewildered and you didn’t understand why Bambam suddenly looked upset. He wasn’t even looking at you, he was glancing around the carnival frantically. You tugged his arm to get his attention. It was 10:45 pm already and you needed to start heading towards the Ferris wheel since there might be a line. “Anyway, you promised that we would go to the Ferris wheel after, so-”
“No, I don’t want to go to the stupid Ferris wheel.”
Your eyes widened, and you glanced at Yugyeom for help. He looked clueless, he was just eating his ice cream silently and shrugged. I don’t know what to do, his expression seemed to read. You started to panic. What if you couldn’t get Bambam on the Ferris wheel in time? What were you going to do then? This tactic wasn’t working. You clasped your hands in front of your chest and stuck out your lower lip.
“Bambam, can we pwease ride the Ferris wheel-”
“Ew, stop doing that,” he scolded you lightly. His eyes brightened up when he spotted some random game stall and began to drag you over to it. “Let’s go try to play that one, I hear you have to throw the rings until they land on the little pole thingy-”
Yugyeom frowned. “Dude, that game is lame, let’s just go to the Ferris wheel.”
“I don’t want to, Ferris wheels are stupid,” Bambam insisted. There was something tense in his tone and you were helpless as he dragged you guys over to the game stall. He opened his mouth to speak to the man working there, but the man cut Bambam off immediately.
“Sorry kid, I’m just closing up. We ran out of prizes,” he informed you.
Bambam blinked. “Shit. You know what, that’s okay. I don’t need a prize, I just want to see if I can win the stupid game. Do you guys want to give it a shot too? We’ll take three of those little sets of rings, I bet I can beat you guys-”
You stared at him, your heartbeat thudding. The clock was ticking and you were on the other side of the carnival from the Ferris wheel. At this rate, there was no way you would be at the top in time for the Happy Birthday fireworks. Your entire plan was starting to fade before you and Yugyeom noticed the tears forming in your eyes. He cleared his throat and tugged at Bambam’s sleeve desperately.
“Dude. She really wants to go the Ferris wheel and they might just close soon, so let’s go, yeah? We already did everything you wanted to,” Yugyeom insisted. Bambam looked at you. The miserable expression on your face seemed to soften him a little and he sighed, stepping away from the game stall and shoving his hands into his pockets irritably.
“Fine, we’ll go to the stupid Ferris wheel.”
You let out a sigh of relief and started heading towards the right direction. It was a bit of a walk and you wanted to reach the ride as soon as possible, but Bambam was deliberately walking slowly. He wanted to stop and peek into every single stall you passed, spending an entire two minutes trying on some ugly-looking sunglasses that he didn’t even buy. You were panicked and on edge; you were terrified that the fireworks would go off while you were in the middle of the carnival and your entire plan would be ruined.
“Oh look! I want to ride that!” Bambam announced suddenly.
You whirled around and noticed that he was pointing at the Love Tunnel ride; the cheesy log ride that couples went on because it was slow and dark enough to make out in. This carnival had made the ride an entire fifteen minutes long, just so couples would have enough time to do all their dirty deeds inside. You gaped at him in horror.
“The Love Tunnel ride?” you demanded.
“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to go in one of those,” Bambam decided.
You exchanged glanced with Yugyeom. Your plan had been to confess to Bambam on the Ferris Wheel but that ride was far off and you weren’t sure you would reach it on time anyway. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad second option? The Love Tunnel at this carnival was a boat ride and most of it was on the stream outdoors so as long as you had a view of the sky at the moment when the fireworks went off-
“Come on, Yugyeom, let’s go.”
Wait, what?
You watched in shock as Bambam grabbed Yugyeom’s hand and started to pull him towards the Love Tunnel. Yugyeom looked equally shocked and he tried to wrench himself out of Bambam’s firm grip. “Ew, man, what are you doing? I don’t want to go on that sappy ride with you, it’s full of people making out!” he cried.
“It’s my birthday, you have to do whatever I ask you to,” Bambam decided. He turned and glanced towards you lightly. “You don’t mind waiting outside, right? It’s a two-person ride. Come on, Gyeommie.”
You watched, horrified, as your two best friends got in the Love Tunnel ride, the woman at the counter telling them that they were adorable and very brave.
When Jackson found you, you were sitting on the grass and sobbing your eyes out behind the cotton candy stall.
“Hey! Where the hell have you guys been, you’ve been avoiding us all evening!” Jackson cried out, Jinyoung and Mark close behind him. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed that your face was pink and there were tear stains all down your cheeks. He exchanged glances with the older boys and gaped at you. “Whoa... what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are Yugyeom and Bambam?”
You were incapable of letting out a comprehensible sentence.
“Bambam-asshole-took Yugyeom...L-love Tunnel- the fireworks are ruined-in two minutes-oppa, what do I dooo?” you sobbed miserably, pulling your knees closer to your chest. You had been planning this moment out for an entire week. It was currently 10:58pm, the fireworks would go into the sky any moment and you were sitting behind the cotton candy stall like an idiot.
“What did she say?” Jackson wondered.
“I think she’s saying that the fireworks she arranged for Bambam are going up in two minutes, but Bambam and Yugyeom went into the Love Tunnel ride together so her plan is ruined,” Jinyoung explained calmly.
“How did you get all that?”
“Come on, let’s just go find those dickheads.”
The older boys disappeared and you were left alone again, sitting quietly and staring at your watch. Why had you gone to so much effort for Bambam again? He was an asshole, just like every other guy. You had never felt more miserable in your life than when you looked up at the sky and saw the fireworks explode. They spelled Happy Birthday in the sky, and they looked more beautiful than ever. You’d saved up forever to get those fireworks arranged and you weren’t even sure if Bambam had seen it.
Ugh, you hated Bambam. You hated him so much.
You sat and stared at the fireworks until they disappeared, figuring that somebody should enjoy them since you’d paid for them. You let yourself cry a little bit more and once your tear ducts were dry, you sniffled and wiped your face. You didn’t even want to go see Bambam or Yugyeom or the others, maybe you would just go straight home-
There was the sound of thudding footsteps. You froze, just as Bambam turned the corner and skidded to a stop in front of you. His eyes widened when he saw you and he blinked at you for a moment.
“Hi,” he managed to say.
You glared at him. “Fuck you.”
“I saw the fireworks. They were amazing,” Bambam breathed out, trying to catch his breath. He was bent over and he took a few seconds to straighten up and step closer to you. “That was honestly an amazing present, I didn’t know that you had all that arranged for me, I wouldn’t have gone into the Love Tunnel ride if I had-”
You stared at him, lower lips trembling. “I hate you.”
“I’m sorry. Yugyeom told me that you were planning to confess to me at the top of the Ferris wheel and that I’d ruined it. I didn’t realize, honestly, I wouldn’t have acted this way if I had. You know me, I’m not that much of an asshole usually,” he insisted.
“Then why were you?”
Bambam flushed pink and rubbed the back of his neck. “I-I kind of misunderstood. I overheard you and Yugyeom talking about the Ferris wheel a couple of days ago and I thought you planned to go on it with him. In fact, I’ve kind of had this idea in my mind that you’ve both been secretly dating because you kept going awkwardly quiet whenever I came into the room, and sneaking around without me. I didn’t want to be left alone while you guys made out on the Ferris wheel because I was super-jealous.”
You bit your lip. “We were just planning this surprise for you.”
“Yeah, I realize that now. I’m sorry.”
“You’re still an asshole, I worked on this all week. Do you know how expensive those fireworks were? Do you know how long it took me to gather up the courage to actually decide to do this? I’ve never confessed to a guy before but I thought you would like it if I came up with a romantic event so I decided to do this but you ruined it, you asshole-”
Your face was flushed red with anger, but Bambam was just grinning. Your voice faltered when he stepped closer to you, one of his hands coming up to stroke your pink face. Then he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You fell silent as Bambam kissed you, his mouth moving against yours gently. He brought you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you tightly. You melted into his warm embrace, and slowly pulled away when you needed breath.
“I know this isn’t how you planned it, but I really like you too,” he whispered, before leaning down to kiss your mouth again. You didn’t really know what to say. Your head was spinning as he kissed you repeatedly. Bambam had a huge smile on his face, and he let his fingers slide into your hair.
“This was still the best birthday ever,” he promised you.
You blushed and hugged him tightly, nuzzling your face into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you. You didn’t know what to say, but this was okay. Maybe a dramatic and romantic confession didn’t matter, all that was important was that Bambam liked you back. You sighed lightly and then smiled. “Can we still go and ride the Ferris wheel? I know the fireworks are over, but I was kind of looking forward to it.”
“Sure, baby.”
Bambam slipped his hand into yours and you both walked towards the Ferris wheel a little shyly, bumping shoulders and stealing glances at each other. When you looked up at the ride, you spotted a familiar figure in one of the cars that was already midway in the air. Tugging at Bambam’s sleeve, you pointed upwards.
“Hey, isn’t that Yugyeom?”
Bambam squinted. “Oh my God, it is. Is he seriously riding the Ferris wheel alone... ew, he’s not even alone. He has Mrs. Penguin with him.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Why the hell is it Mrs. Penguin?”
“Beats me.”
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shachaai · 7 years
[Ficlet] Sea-Longing
Urban fantasy/human(ish) AU Eng/f!Port. Saying much more for this is a spoiler, but it’s pretty much safe-for-work fluff. Gloria is f!Portugal.
    Gloria had had her fortune read once, when she was nineteen, home from university for the summer and burnt by the hot sun and her relatives’ expectations for her future. Tarot.
It’d been Toni’s fault that the teller had read the cards looking for a prediction of Gloria’s love life; he’d been teasing her about their grandmother asking her before when she was going to bring a nice boy home. So Antonio had draped himself out over Gloria’s shoulders like an unwelcome blanket, her in a tank-top, him naked from the waist up, their skin sticking together with summer sweat, and asked the tarot-reader what the cards had to say about Gloria and love.
Tarot cards are not terribly direct things, building upon information already known to grasp at answers. To Gloria, they had just been pictures, but the fortune-teller had told their stories for Gloria and Antonio to hear. Major arcana cards, cups, many cups. Ace of cups. Ten of cups. Knight of cups. The Lovers. Gloria forgets the details, but the reader tells her that her future is full of love, with a heartfelt suitor, and tied to the element of water. Perhaps she’ll love a sailor.
Arthur is not a sailor. Arthur is not a sailor, but eight years on from tarot-readings his lips taste of salt when he comes home to her with the dim light of nautical dawn grey and hazy through her windows. He kisses Gloria awake with his soft mouth and softer, cooler fingertips cradling her cheeks, his fair hair falling in half-damp wisps across her forehead.
Though she hates waking early, Gloria loves those mornings, smiling before she’s awake. Arthur is very easy to wind into her bed, bare skin under borrowed clothes only warming when it rubs against her own body, and his strong hands are always at their most delicate when they trace the shape of her ribs beneath the covers, the muscles of her hips and thighs, before they sweep back up across her belly, across her breasts before cupping her face once more, leaning in again to kiss her sleep-crusted eyelashes. Nose. Mouth.
“Do I pass muster?” Gloria asks him, if only to open her eyes to the low rumble of laughter that presses through Arthur’s chest to her own, a lullaby-song like the sound of the distant ocean.
“Your beauty dazzles me,” Arthur tells her, and proprietarily pushes one of his cold thighs between her much warmer ones. He has a crooked smile, pressing it to Gloria’s palm when she raises a thumb to rub away the rough salt crystals still clinging to his cheeks, feeling the scratch of them under the pad. In the pre-dawn light, even his sea-green eyes gleam silver. “Even when you drool.”
Gloria shoves the heel of her palm into his nose until he apologises, and, when she falls asleep again, it is with Arthur in her arms, his spine curved into her front and her mouth still smiling against his nape.
Naturally, when she wakes up again with the noon sun spilling across her floor, Arthur has already left the bed, but the bathroom is still steamy with condensation and the damp clothes he must’ve worn to get to her house have been left to air before being put in with the rest of the dirty laundry. The rest of the house, when Gloria emerges into it, has been similarly tidied; still sleepy, she has to squint at the bright reflection of the sun on her (offensively) squeaky-clean draining board, and then squint again when she has to actually go into her bread bin to get out the rolls she had been quite happy to leave out on her bench two days before.
When they had told Gloria’s family that Arthur worked as a freelance editor and occasional writer for a magazine in England - something that is actually true, although Gloria’s family had not been told just how little of Arthur’s disappearances from Portugal are for Arthur’s work -, Gloria’s mother had joked that at least Arthur’s job made sure that he had plenty of time to keep the house clean whilst Gloria was away.
Gloria had laughed at the time, accustomed to her mother’s jokes about how her only daughter kept the chicken coop in her garden in better order than her own house - but every time Arthur does come home, he cleans. Gloria is a little untidy - things get put away, generally, but not always in the correct place -, but she hardly lives in a pit of squalor. Arthur deep-cleans her house anyway, starting with general tidying and washing down benches and walls, sorting through and handling the laundry, and vacuuming. The chickens are a bit wary of him so the most he can do for the coop is feed them on those days when Gloria is too busy - or sleeping - to, but the rest of the garden usually ends up looking so immaculate Gloria’s neighbours stop treating her like the repentant Mary Magdalene when she turns up to share some of her chickens’ eggs with them and more like they haven’t had to return her skirt, heels, and a used bra to her the day after her friends have gotten her spectacularly drunk on a summer night out and she stripped off whilst tottering up her own garden path at three am. More than once.
Arthur smells like warm dust and sun and Gloria’s bodywash when he traipses in barefoot from whatever he’s been doing to her neglected garden, earth and green chlorophyll under his nails. Gloria opens her arms happily to him for another hug, but her shoe-hating sweetheart side-steps her with a grin to wash his hands in the sink. Gloria wraps herself around him from behind instead, pressing her forehead to his shoulder and letting her hands slip over the sharp edges of his hipbones under his soft, faded shirt. (She is, most likely, getting breadcrumbs stuck under his clothes, but that is his cross to bear, not hers.) Like this, he is so pointy. All soft, smooth skin, lithe muscle and evident bones beneath.
“Mama thinks I never feed you,” Gloria says, digging her face into Arthur’s shoulder and inhaling the scent of him, his warmth, with shameless indulgence. It’s been a month and a half since she saw him last, and three days longer than that since they were like this - since he was like this. Human. Hers. “You’re so thin.”
Arthur hums, tipping his head so his cheek presses companionably on the top of her head - they both know he’s only this slim some of the time, shedding his weight the moment he puts pale pink toes on Portuguese shores. “Shouldn’t have told her I can’t cook, then.”
Gloria pouts very dramatically at him. “I did not tell her you couldn’t cook; I told her you burnt scrambled eggs and tried to hide the ruined saucepan in the bin.” The only times Arthur is fat are when he cannot eat his own cooking, but none of these are things Gloria can explain to her mother.
“Once,” says Arthur, and turns around in Gloria’s grasp before she can get a good grope in on one of his thighs so he can hold her in return. He wipes his hands off on her shirt because he is terrible.
“Scrambled eggs, querido,” says Gloria, and grins at the beginnings of a pretty pink blush on Arthur’s cheeks, settling for cheerfully groping his butt in their new position instead. Is still grinning as he kisses her, soft approving noises slipping out of her at his thumbs stroking her throat, his nails scratching a shiver through her nerves before he has his fingers in her sleep-tangled hair.
This, moments like this, whether they are in the bed or the garden or like this, Arthur bracketed up against the sink as they both kiss themselves dizzy, make the times when Arthur is away more bearable. Also remembering all the times when Arthur has been an inconsiderate dick, but Gloria likes to dwell on the happier things when sea-longing drags her down to the beach.
Arthur forever leaves the smell of the ocean on her pillows and sand in her sheets. He leaves dirty laundry and half-full mugs of cold tea about her house when he goes, and when he comes back he brings gifts: pretty rocks and seashells, sea-glass, expensive seafood and two dead ducks only lightly chewed. He brings back stories of what he’s done whilst he’s been gone and where he’s been, and he, most tenderly, brings back a long strip of silvery-brown cloth, lightly spotted, warm from his own body and so infinitely precious that it had taken two years for Arthur to even allow Gloria to glance at it, let alone know where he put it whilst he was with her.
Half of another year, and Arthur had let Gloria touch it, warm, smooth softness under her palm. Sealskin. A harbour seal’s skin, uma foca-comum, to be more precise, so strange to see so far south.
Half of another year again, and Arthur had awkwardly but gratefully accepted the old unused jewellery box Gloria had offered him to place the skin inside when he came to see her, a reasonably sized wooden thing, with a small lock and key that was Arthur’s to hide or keep. Gloria had left the house for a few hours - food shopping - to give Arthur plenty of time to hide the jewellery box somewhere, but when she had returned home and placed her bags down he had taken her hand and showed her where the jewellery box had been tucked away, nestled amongst her winter scarves and gloves like a small animal hibernating for winter.
Around that point they had stopped saying Arthur was visiting her - instead, Arthur had started coming home.
They had met four years ago, then again three and a half years ago - and then, after that, the longest Arthur had been away from her had been three months. This past year, he has never been gone longer than a month and a half, but his average time away from Gloria is only two weeks. Mostly he leaves for a day or two. Once, he had only been gone three hours.
Gloria’s family are starting to look at Gloria’s hand for a ring. Gloria does not know how to ask her family - or the government, or a priest - about the legality of marrying a selkie. She has never even asked Arthur if he has a passport, or where he was born. So you turn into a seal? had mostly put all the other important questions out of her mind.
Also her slight hysteria the first time she had actually seen Arthur don his skin and turn into a seal, followed up by the still slightly-delirious cooing at how cute and chubby her seal boyfriend is as a seal, and her immediate need to shower kisses on her seal boyfriend’s wet nose.
The seal thing really is quite distracting.
Harbour seals are one of the species of pinnipeds that are not monogamous. The fact - too - occasionally crosses Gloria’s mind when she’s driving on her way to work, the ocean glittering in her field of view and her mind still too sleepy to immediately dismiss nonsense. Not counting seal, Arthur speaks English, French, reasonable Spanish and enough Portuguese to charm Gloria’s family and make her blush; he has more than enough words in enough languages to seduce a pretty girl or boy somewhere else Gloria doesn’t know, someone who lives further north by waters that it is not so weird to see a harbour seal swimming in. Arthur always swims north when he leaves her, he’s told her so; the colder streams of the Atlantic must help bring him to his senses.
Then again, Arthur’s awkwardness and snappishness when provoked by people other than Gloria would suggest he’d have better luck attempting to seduce a grumpy walrus than another human.
Gloria is not sure what her feelings would be about losing her selkie boyfriend to a seductive walrus, but even the thought of it makes her need to park her car very suddenly, lean forward over her steering wheel, and laugh. Slightly hysterically - again -, but laugh.
At home, there is Arthur, or there is not. He has made her no promises except that he will always return to Gloria as long as she will have him, and, words stumbling over his tongue as he turned a red brighter than sunburn, that he loves her. He cannot… There is something about the sea, he’d said. He sometimes just needs to go back to the sea, and there is no way to measure the depth of that longing, or any real way to truly, totally, quench it.
Gloria had been fond of swimming, of going out on her family’s boats and long, quiet walks on the beach by herself, long before she had met Arthur. Sitting on the sand and reading until the sun went down, with nothing but the wind and the gulls and the surf in her ears. She understood sea-longing before Arthur, and understands sea-longing a different way now she has him and he leaves and returns to her like an unpredictable tide.
There is not an Arthur-sized hole in Gloria’s house or life when the selkie is not there, but her heart misses him while he is gone. You cannot skype or text a seal. You certainly cannot have phonesex with one. But when Arthur is there -
Oh, he makes her happy. Simply happy, without a complication in her heart despite all the complications loving a selkie brings for her head. Even if he ruins her saucepans (he really cannot cook), tidies things away in places it takes her three days to find, and has a permanently passive-aggressive set of chronic misunderstandings with her brother. They can talk about things, Arthur and her, work things out between them. They will talk about things, because Arthur always come home to her for a reason.
“...Hey,” Arthur says, breaking off their kiss to nudge his nose against hers and draw Gloria out of her thoughts, his green gaze very close and inquiring. He has bumped kisses to her face like this in his seal form too - but the human form, at least, doesn’t suffer so much from fish breath. Imperfect and beautiful. “Where are you?”
Gloria nudges him back, letting her eyes slide shut at the simple pleasure of Arthur’s cheek against her own, nuzzling. The ocean cannot have this from her. “Não te preocupes, querido. Always with you.”
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missmeikakuna · 4 years
(GL/Yuri) Shoujo Heroine... and Friends Chapter 18
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In which Gitan is still an asshole but is at least a useful asshole. Please comment your thoughts and like this chapter if you, well, like it.
Rated: T
Fandom: Original story
Relationship type: F/F with some F/M
Sahana is friendly, innocent and optimistic, making her the perfect shoujo anime heroine… except she’s not the main character of this story.
When school prince Toyomi asks her out, she starts hanging out with him and leaves her friends behind. Prim and proper Masami and tomboyish slob Kunie don’t seem to have much in common outside of their friendship with Sahana, but they try to make the best out of a lonely situation. So why is the god of love and marriage watching them, red string of fate at the ready? CONTENT WARNING: Some homophobic language and bullying.
Chapter 18: As a yuri fanboy, I cannot let this happen!
‘You’ve waited long enough,’ Masami said with a nudge to Sahana’s back. ‘Just give him the poem and get it over with.’
It was morning and Ukiwa was still late. Sahana had plenty of time. Time she was wasting in the limbo between following her heart and chickening out.
She took a deep breath and entered the classroom. Her eyes went straight to Toyomi in his seat. His hands, which held a piece of paper, were shaking. On his desk was a box of cookies.
At first, Sahana had assumed the worst. Did someone write him a love letter and give him cookies? Masami’s hand on her shoulder woke her from her momentary nightmare of assumptions.
After another deep breath, Sahana plodded towards Toyomi. ‘Um, hi. So, uh, I wrote you a poem to say sorry.’
Toyomi handed her his piece of paper. ‘Same here.’ The two laughed before reading their respective love poems. They sighed and put their hand on their heart in perfect synchronicity. ‘Oh, and I baked you something,’ Toyomi added.
‘Same here.’ Another laugh. While Sahana gulped down Toyomi’s cookies straight away, Toyomi stared at her cookies warily. ‘They’re dark chocolate and wasabi flavoured,’ Sahana explained.
Toyomi brought the cookie to his lips. He grinned at the mix of flavours in his mouth. ‘Wow, how did this turn out so great?’
‘They were made with love, of course. I’m so sorry I got mad at you. I shouldn’t have taken out my anger for Kunie out on you. You were just trying to help and I was too focused on myself to notice.’
Toyomi grabbed Sahana’s hands and held them up between their chests. His accompanying trumpets returned. The two kissed and the red string of fate between them got thicker.
So you may be wondering when I put the string on their fingers. The answer is simple: As soon as they met. 
I’m quite the fortune teller, am I not?
Sahana turned to Masami. ‘Hey, have you made up with Kunie yet?’
‘I tried, but she didn’t accept it. I probably shouldn’t have tacked on that love confession.’ She stepped back. ‘Um, I have to go help… the student council.. See you later!’
Sahana and Toyomi stared at each other with mutual confusion as Masami ran out of the room. Behind them was the sound of triumphant laughter.
‘I had a feeling,’ a voice said. Toyomi and Sahana turned and saw Gitan wearing the smug face of an eighth-grader who thinks he’s got dark magic powers. ‘My yuri senses took me in the wrong direction, but now they’re back on track. I could see it as soon as I noticed how close their faces were that one day. And now they are in the break-up stage that comes before the climax. What if they don’t kiss and make up and the story just... ends? As a yuri fanboy, I cannot let this happen!’
‘A what?’ Sahana asked. Toyomi winced, knowing exactly what Gitan meant but bracing for the long-winded explanation.
‘I am but a connoisseur of media celebrating pure love between women. And now I must bring my expertise to the 3D realm. I will need your help, Sahana.’ Toyomi put a protective arm in front of Sahana and glared at Gitan, who groaned. ‘And yours too, Toyomi. I guess a BL character such as yourself could be quite useful in matters of the heart, even if it’s second-rate compared to yuri. Now, I have a plan in mind but I am open to suggestions for improvement.’ 
He turned in his chair towards a girl who was trying her best to ignore him. ‘Fumie! Join us on our mission! You’re friends with Masami, right?’
 The look on Fumie’s face was a mixture of suspicion, annoyance and outright fear. ‘I am. What do you want from me?’
‘We are all working together to bring Masami and Kunie together.’
‘I’m going to have to pass.’
‘Masami needs to get over her and find a man. I won’t get in her way but I will not go out of my way to support an immoral lifestyle.’
Sahana asked, ‘Immoral?’
Fumie pulled a bible out from the compartment in her desk. Before she could open her mouth, Gitan made his case.
‘Oh, please. That only applies to gay men. I haven’t read that whole book, but I was under the impression that it makes no mention of lesbians.’
Fumie gritted her teeth. ‘It’s the principle of the thing.’
‘Principles won’t nurse Masami’s heartbreak. Or help her find true love and happiness, for that matter. What kind of Christian wouldn’t help a friend in need?’
Fumie released a squeak of a sigh that sounded like steam coming out of a kettle. ‘Tell me what you need me to do and I’ll decide if it’s going too far in the direction of supporting homosexuality.’
‘You won’t have to do much, just bring Masami from point A to point B.’
The four discussed Gitan’s plans until Masami came back. During that time, Masami had been sitting on the toilet, trying to slow her breaths as panic took over her body.
Kunie arrived at school just before lunch. When a student asked why, she said, ‘Overslept.’ Dark bags rested under her bloodshot eyes. 
When lunchtime came, Sahana went up to Kunie. ‘I think a talk between us is long overdue.’
‘What, so you can talk about yourself? Oh, never mind. You’re not self-centred. Sometimes you think about your boyfriend.’
Sahana inhaled and exhaled as slowly as she could. ‘I was going to talk about you.’ Kunie rolled her eyes but went with Sahana to the empty home ec room. ‘You go here sometimes with Masami, right?’
‘How did you-’
‘I do pay attention to you two, you know. Anyway, I’m sorry your secret got out the way it did. You know how Ukiwa is. I’m actually kind of shocked that she knew before me. Did you tell her?’ Kunie paused, then nodded. ‘Okay, I’m about to go into selfish mode right now, okay? I wish you’d have felt comfortable enough to tell me. We’re supposed to be friends but I wasn’t there for you when you really needed me. That breaks my heart.’
‘Why didn’t you talk to me after everyone found out?’
‘I didn’t know what to say. Plus, I was still kind of mad at you for blowing up in my face for no reason. Well, it seemed like no reason at the time.’
Kunie scoffed a laugh. ‘Yeah, well, I doubt you would have supported me anyway. After all, I’m a ‘wonderful person’ who doesn’t deserve to be called a lesbian, right?’
Sahana’s already large eyes grew even more. ‘Kunie… you know I didn’t mean it like that, right?’ She grabbed Kunie and pulled her into a tight bear hug. ‘You’re still the same person, okay? You’re still my friend. I care about you so much and nothing will change that.’
Kunie cried on Sahana’s shoulder. ‘Thank you,’ she said with a shiver.
‘Let me rephrase what I said before,’ Sahana whispered as she stroked Kunie’s head like a human pets a cat. ‘You’re a wonderful person, so it shouldn’t matter if you’re a lesbian.’
Kunie let go of the hug and wiped her tears away. The two walked back to the classroom, chatting and joking like they used to.
Sahana admitted, ‘By the way, now that we’re talking about our secrets, I’m aware of when I’m making a dirty joke. I’m not that innocent.’
‘Really?’ Kunie asked as she intentionally bumped into her friend. ‘You should be an actor. You had me fooled.’
Sahana grinned and I silently wished there was a friendship equivalent to the red string of fate. Not that these two would need it.
Of course, Kunie apologised to Toyomi, who graciously accepted it.
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percontaion-points · 5 years
Let’s Play “Moments: Hottie For Hire” Part 16
Lily goes down to brunch, as promised. Kathy asks if she's okay, and offers her some food. But Lily says no, and Kathy asks if this is because of Trent. Lily says that she's going to tell the truth, which confuses Kathy. She goes over to the microphone AND WHY. JUST WHY. THAT'S MY MAIN QUESTION. IF SHE ENDS UP WITH TRENT, THEN WHAT'S THE BIG FUCKING DEAL ANYWAY. WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO PUBLICLY EMBARRASS HERSELF?! She first thanks Michael's parents for the wedding week. But then she chickens out, and makes a quick exit with Sabrina and Jack.
Trent's POV
Trent is upset over the conversation Kennedy had with Lily the day before... which probably sparked all of this bullshit. Kennedy is apologetic, and thinks that she made things worse for him and Lily. Trent says that it's not her fault, and thinks that there's no way that Kennedy would have known about how things were actually going between him and Lily. Kennedy offers to explain, but Trent says that he'll call her once he's sure Lily's home. He also apologizes for having blown off the advertising contract, and Kennedy apologizes for having pushed Trent into this. Trent pretends like everything's fine, and smiles at her.
He really wants to talk to Lily, to hear her voice, to hear how the reception went. But he knows that she wouldn't want to talk to him. He just needs to move past this, and pretend like it never happened at all. He goes in search of Bella, his sheepdog AND SERIOUSLY?! THE FUCKING DOG GETS A MOTHERFUCKING AVATAR BUT NOT MICHAEL?! As he's doing that, Kennedy says that she's found somebody. She goes on to say that she's also used the technology for her matchmaking services to make her own dating website. She offers to set Trent up with somebody. But Trent is too hurt to even think about that right now.
Just then, the doorbell rings.
Back to Lily's POV
It was obviously her at the door, which surprises him a lot. She thinks about how the fortune teller told her that “hair is in your future”. Lily thinks that a sheepdog has a LOT of hair. She tells Trent that she likes hairy dogs... which confuses him. Kennedy is surprised to see Lily there, and Lily says that she's there to apologize to Trent. Kennedy takes Bella for a walk so that they can talk in private for a moment.
Lily steps inside, and Trent feels so relaxed seeing her, but also like it's torture. They stare at one another for a moment before she apologizes for what she said and did. She wants to start over, and Trent agrees to give her a second chance. She says that she has another job for him, but he's like I'm still not a paid escort. But Lily laughs and says that he won't get paid, but she wants him to escort her on a date. A real one this time. He asks if it's only just one date, which she says it's up in the air. He pulls her into his arms and agrees. He also says that he's free right now. They kiss, but she stops him and says that Kennedy will be back soon. Trent says that it's plenty of time.
Six months later...
Trent is taking both Bella and Lily to a mysterious location. Lily feels like she's moved past the curse, but she's still keeping really close count on how many dates that they've been on. But she feels like everything is perfect with him.
He pulls up to a nice house with a nice front garden, and shows that somebody had left a key for him under the mat, so they go inside. Lily looks out into the back yard and says that there's plenty of room for Bella to run around in. Trent comes up behind her and says “or children”, which surprises her.
He then gets down on one knee and grabs her hand. He talks about how they were reunited, and about how he always wants her in his life. And now, wants her to be his wedding date. At their wedding. AND OF COURSE SHE SAYS YES. He hugs her, and they kiss and cry about it.
The end
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DAZZLING HONG KONG CITY - #BruceLee, #Buddha, #ChinaHongKong, #HongKong, #HongKongDisneyland, #HongKongIsland, #HongKongPark, #KowloonPeninsula, #LadiesMarket, #MadameTussaudsMuseum, #RepublicOfChina, #Travel, #VictoriaPeak, #VisitHongKong, #WaxMuseum
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/17/dazzling-hong-kong-city/
travel to the Far East, the people and the dream of many people to see life to adorn. One of the first places that comes to mind when you mention Far East of the People’s Republic of China Hong Kong I’d say. That was many years under the British colony, in 1997 the People’s Republic of China’s neither an autonomous region. From Turkey, you can easily go to Hong Kong without a visa.
Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Island and the small island 235 that is connected to fun and you can have a fabulous time in this magnificent city. This is 6 hours time difference from Turkey is a city in the future. High skyscrapers, Neon Signs, food and different cultures start to visit Hong Kong.
Victoria Peak
high up in the city with spectacular views where we can see our first stop will be the culmination of Victoria. This is exactly with a height of 554 meters and the highest point of Hong Kong.
you can use the top of the hill to reach the historic peak tramvayi in 1888.
in the hills that you need to see another different and unusual architectural structure with a height of 396 meter Tower much with Tower. The view of the city from the terrace of this place are very clear and eye-catching looks. Victoria Peak’s what separate night and day when you will be greeted with the beauty of different landscapes.
  many of the Tower’in a way you wouldn’t have to go to Madame Tussauds Museum.
  Madame Tussauds Museum
this world-famous Wax Museum. Located at the peak tower, there are about 100 wax figures in the museum. Within the museum, Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt, Bruce Lee, Obama and celebrities such as Angelina Jolie made of wax of which you can see the statue and take a photo together.
Nathan Road
which is connected to the Kowloon Peninsula in Hong Kong’in the streets between the street’s most famous and frequently visited. The street you can find everything you are looking for. Illuminated signs, especially in the Far East, reflecting the street which is very crowded and plenty of the best regular. The Golden Mile (Golden Mile) ismiywhich is known as le street, the oldest street of the region, it remains to be. When you get here can be found plenty of places to shop and eat cafes and restaurants.
Tian tan Buddha
PO Lin monastery’in sculpture, size and mystical atmosphere manages to impress the dignitaries. That year the construction of the statue was completed in 1993 that the door is open to visitors. Also the world’s largest Bronze Buddha Statue remains the property of. You need to climb 250 steps to reach the statue.
Hong Kong Disneyland
if you love to have fun this is the place for you. This actually is not very big, but even a new smallest Disneyland Park in the world. This entertainment for the lovers are separated into different categories. A world of adventure, fantasy world, the world of tomorrow and main street with the U.S. Department enjoyable you can have fun by spending time in the park the sections you want. Get some experience with space and the future in the park, food from every culture taste, you can be a witness to the theme of Asia and Africa.
Temple Street ( Night Market)
and clearly their tents on the market similar to the markets in our country are pulled in the afternoon, stalls are being set up. Hong Kong is a famous city and very different and interesting with the market you have a chance of finding products in established markets. Don’t forget to negotiate with the seller as it is here in our country.
  speaking Sunday, Ladies Market Hong Kon founded in the daytime also, a Sunday.
Ladies Market
Tung Choi street in the city’s most famous Sunday market. 1 km in the area, which was established at the market of Souvenirs, bags, cosmetics, shoes, clothes, and household goods it is possible to find products such as. Sunday will show you a nice time, which is quite colorful.
Hong Kong Park
get from the hectic pace of the city, and for a minute, you can take a moment to calm yourself and relaxing Hong Kong Park. The arrivals of the Park Design and the services are very impressive. Many places to visit within the park are present. They visit more places within the park that tourists are particularly the most preferred Sports Center, Conservatory, Visual Arts Center and tea house I’d say. There are parts here where the children can play very cute and considering everything for them. Also in this park there are areas where you can dine.
Sky 100
This International Trade Center 100. On the floor of the city place where you can watch an observation at an angle of 360 degrees. Have a height of 393 feet and move up to this high-speed elevators you can use. 100 times in 60 seconds you can. Here you have telescopes to be able to follow the detail of the Kowloon Peninsula.
Wong Tai sin Temple
this famous Taoist Temple and a fortune teller in the city is the only place that offers a wedding service. Around the temple, Buddhism merged with Confucianism and Taoism beliefs.
Kowloon Masjid and Islamic centre
the center of worship of the Muslims and the city’s Kowloon Masjid and Islamic center is one of the most important Islamic monuments which Muslims meet, hug, and among places of worship.
What Defeated?
the leg of the chicken and the duck Here, most among the food eaten. Usually before meals, duck and chicken as a snack is being offered incoming leg.
other Chinese delicacies with Peking duck. Filled with rice and sewn for the duck after cooking is served.
Chinese dim sum delicacies are made from dough, and it looks like ravioli. Dim sum steamed or cooked in mushrooms and seafood. They attach importance to Tea culture in Hong Kong, usually before meals, they do offer tea Yesil arrivals. The sushi here is quite a widely consumed type of food. Here you can drink Mango juice with food. Fries that do not adhere to our culture and especially many insect meals consumed here.
How do I get to?
you can use to find flights to Hong Kong our country. Here is your Istanbul trip, based on approximately 14 hours. Are being made to at least one transfer to reach Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong flight tickets obtained all the information you are ready to purchase.
– go on quest hong kong the city of light!
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