#a handsome moron at least
helenvader · 10 months
Cheers to Halbrand... of... the Southlands, the uncontested star of this video.
Also featuring: Galadriel the Enabler.
Thanks to @mamanmae for cheering me on. :)
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hopelessromantic5 · 4 months
The tavern scene where Merlin is playing the King at dice and using his magic and it’s really fucking hot.
As Merlin looked around at their accumulating audience, he saw more than a few red cloaks.
So the knights had come to see their king brought to his knees, Merlin thought, chuckling to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Arthur questioned boisterously.
“Nothing, sire.” Merlin singsonged with a smirk that he knew would only frustrate Arthur further. Merlin threw only a momentary glance to The Once and Future King who is soon to lose all of his silver challenging the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth at dice.
Merlin acted as if he were considering his bet, then stacked two piles of silver coins into the bowl.
Of course, Arthur just slung his about like he had no intention of losing it.
Think again, your royal pratship.
Arthur stepped back, next to Percival and Lancelot, to watch Merlin roll.
“Watch out. Here we go.” Though Merlin thought he saw something akin to doubt behind his King’s startlingly blue eyes.
This made Merlin smile like a fool.
The King is nervous to lose, he thought, at least he isn’t a complete moron.
Merlin schooled his face, and began to tumble the dice around in the cup. The sound almost like hooves on compact earth, or dangling talismans hung by Druids, tinkling together in the wind.
Merlin brought his hand holding the cup, up to his lips blowing air into it and letting just a little of his magic slip out.
And as he knew they would, they dice rolled a perfect ten.
He laughed as irritation settled onto Arthur’s devilishly handsome face.
The king rounded the table, leaning over so his voice was heard only by Merlin’s ears.
“Enjoy this moment, Merlin. While it lasts.”
Merlin didn’t really hear it, though.
The instant that Arthur moved into his personal space, his servant was lost to the world. Distracted by soft lips twisted into a frown, a jawline chiseled from stone, and eyes too beautiful and kind for their own good.
There must be some magic there, Merlin thought. You can’t have eyes like that by the natural grace of the gods.
But if anyone were to be gifted with such a knee buckling appearance, King Arthur of Camelot was the one to deserve it.
Merlin had never seen him being untoward with any female prospects. Never saw him getting handsy with kitchen staff or lady’s maids. Merlin had never seen Arthur approach anyone in that way.
And, though sometimes he stupidly inappropriately wished it, Merlin had never seen Arthur take anyone back to his chambers.
Never once in the three years Merlin had been working for the spoiled prat of a king. Two of those years, Arthur was still a prince. Yet, he held none of the urges that people often berated when they spoke of the young. None that he gave into, anyway.
Merlin never claimed to know the inner workings on his kings mind, especially not in that area. With each passing season Merlin became more confused and less likely to broach the subject.
Not that he minded.
In fact he didn’t mind, at all.
Because there was the rather unfortunate fact that Merlin had been in love with Arthur Pendragon from the moment he laid eyes on him.
Arthur wasn’t drunk. But he had been drinking. Enough to let lingering doubts disappear into the back of his mind.
He thought about this, as he led the way to his chambers, Merlin following dutifully a few steps behind.
Merlin was completely sober.
Arthur knew because he watched Merlin all night, and the man never touched his cup, not once.
Arthur was determined. He was a King. He was supposed to look fear in the face and laugh.
He didn’t know how to handle fear in the form of the beautiful face of his magical manservant.
Merlin thought everything was normal.
Until the door closed behind him.
Arthur walked to the table, dropped his gloves on the surface, then turned to face Merlin with his arms crossed.
Gods, he was fit.
“Did you enjoy stealing all my money?”
Merlin tutted,
“Come now, sire. We both know that wasn’t anywhere near all your money.”
A chuckle left the Kings lips.
“That is not the point, Merlin.”
“And what is the point, sire?” Merlin was goading him and poking his buttons, unassuming of the bombshell that was about to be dropped in his lap.
Arthur was still smiling, but he narrowed his eyes, which put Merlin on alert. Merlin didn’t know this look. And he knew all of them. Well, almost all of them. He’d never seen this look before.
The King began to approach Merlin, slowly.
It didn’t take very long for him to reach his goal.
“The point, Merlin…” Arthur was very close now. His hopeless manservant was losing his breath, unable to look away from his gorgeous, awe-inspiring face. Merlin was boxed in by Arthur’s muscular arms, inches away from him face.
“…is that you cheated.”
Just like that, all the air was sucked out of the room.
Merlin couldn’t move, or speak, or get oxygen to his brain to make it function.
They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
Merlin watched as Arthur’s smile spread across his face.
He was…smiling?
Oh thank all the gods in all the heavens, he doesn’t hate me!
This is what Merlin’s inner voice was screaming to imaginary skies, until Arthur spoke again.
Merlin zeroed back in on the King’s eyes, and realized that the blue had been swallowed by black.
“You want to know something?” His voice is low and rough, and he was so close. Incredibly, impossibly close.
Merlin was not computing coherent words at the moment so he nodded, eager to know something. Anything. As long as it came from those lips.
Arthur moved in to hover his mouth just above Merlin’s skin. Right below his ear.
Merlin shivered involuntarily at the proximity, and the tease that The King of Camelot turned out to be.
“I’ve known for years, Merlin.”
Merlin might’ve been shocked, if his shock hasn’t been overrun by the way Arthur whispered his name. Like a siren song, begging him to come closer.
“But the way you looked in that tavern,”
Arthur’s breath kept caressing his skin in lapping waves and it was intoxicating. Merlin’s whole body was filled with want. He could feel it tingle in his fingertips and at the very top of his spine. Deep in his gut, where everything pooled to drag him under.
“I knew I had to have you. I can’t wait any longer.”
Arthur drew back, half lidded, smirking all-knowing.
Merlin didn’t know what he looked like but it must be a sight.
“That is, if you’ll have me.”
Merlin swallowed the past the lump in his throat before speaking, or whispering. Even if every part of him thrummed with this feeling, there was always a chance of everything crumbling. Nothing was certain, until it was.
“I am yours.” He hoped his eyes conveyed everything he ever held in, Arthur could always read his eyes.
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osamufication · 4 months
he's a pirate
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pairing: pirate captain!atsumu x fem!reader
wc: 2.8k
warnings: nsfw, porn with some plot, wax play, impact play, degradation, dom!atsumu, sub!reader, general threats of violence, a sprinkle of authority kink, reader is choked once, fluffy ending
a/n: for the love of FUCK this is not accurate or realistic wax play. please do NOT pour wax from random ass candles on any part of your body thank u
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Isn’t this just perfect, you had to get caught didn’t you, you chastise yourself. 
“Unhand me at once you pathetic, filthy pirate!” you screech at the wretched man holding your arms.
“You say pirate like it's a bad thing.” 
You stop thrashing, directing your attention up to the quarter deck. There stands a tall young man with tufts of blonde hair sticking out from under his preposterous hat. He looks down at you and an amused smirk tugs at his lips. “We’re not all that bad.”
The man holding you shoves you down to the floor. You barely keep yourself from falling face first onto the deck.
You glare up at him, flipping your hair out of your face, “I’ll kill you.” you spit.
The man laughs. “We both know you’re not capable of killin’ me, love.” He walks up to the railing, leaning against it. “I’m much too handsome.”
“Give me a break.” you huff. 
“We caught ‘er tryin’ to steal some of our supplies, capn’.”
“Oh? You’ve got some nerve sweetheart,” he chuckles darkly. The blonde makes his way around the railing and down the steps. You watch him carefully, trying to guess what he is playing at. 
He stands before you, and unsheaths his sword. His expression is unreadable as he fits the tip of the blade beneath your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. You clench your jaw, trying to keep yourself from saying something idiotic. 
“Do you know how I punish thieves, poppet?” His voice is sickeningly condescending. 
You keep your mouth shut, refusing to give this moron the satisfaction of following along. By now, a small crowd of crew members had formed, all of them enjoying the free entertainment. 
The captain rolls his eyes, looking around at the rest of his crew, “How should we punish her, eh boys?”
A mess of responses comes from the men. 
“Throw ’er overboard!”
“Strip ‘er and tie ‘er to the mast!”
 “Slit ‘er throat!”
You’re sure the fear is visible in your eyes. The captain looks quite amused by the whole ordeal. 
“True, I usually just throw thieves overboard. But,” he leans down, his face a few mere inches away from yours. “I think I should handle yer punishment a little more... personally.” He turns to face his crew again, “I’ll handle this myself, get back to work ya morons.” 
The crew disperses, groaning in disappointment. They were hoping for a much more entertaining conclusion. But you know this isn’t over for you. 
He finally withdraws his blade and pulls you up to your feet, “Follow me love. Let’s discuss yer punishment in private.” he whispers into your ear. 
As soon as the door of the captain’s quarter’s clicked shut he broke the silence. 
“Miya.” you growl. “I meant it when I said I’d kill you.”
“Tch, don’t be like that poppet-”
“Don't call me that.”
“Right. Forgot ya hated that name.” Atsumu sighs, “Love, I know I was a dick. I don’t expect ya to just let me back in, but please give me a chance.”
You sit down in a chair. “And why would I do that, Miya?”
He leans over you, hand on either arm of the chair, trapping you. “Ya know ya miss me. Us.” 
You scrunch up your nose. “That’s awfully arrogant of you.”
He leans in further, nose bumping against yours. “C’mon love. At least stay the night, for old time’s sake.”
You don’t know what possesses you at that moment. This is the man that had left you behind, without so much as a proper warning. He told you in passing he wanted to leave one night and never return. The next day you had woken up to a cold bed and a missing ship. 
You had every intention of chopping off his dick and shoving down his throat if you ever saw him again. But here you are, kissing him as though you still needed him with every fiber of your being.
He grazes your lips with his teeth, hands wandering your body freely.
“Fuck, I missed ya so much love.” Atsumu’s leg slips between your and bumps against your sensitive core. You whimper against his lips, hating how easily you slip into a submissive state for him. 
Atsumu pulls away and boasts a dangerous smirk on his lips. “I’m supposed to be punishing ya darlin’, the men won’t believe I kept my word unless they hear some screamin’.”
He grips the front of your blouse, pulls you out of the chair and shoves you onto his bed. He climbs on top of you, easily tearing the fabric between his fingers. His eyes roll back when he’s greeted with the familiar sight of your bare breasts, barely biting back a groan as he eagerly gropes them. You wrap your legs around his waist, grinding up against his hardening cock. Atsumu kisses you sloppily, teeth roughly clashing against yours. You reach up to throw off his stupid hat and thread your fingers through his hair.
“This is,” you gasp as Atsumu drags his thumb around your nipple, “quite the punishment, Miya.”
In an instant, Atsumu ceases all movement. “You’ve forgotten who yer dealin’ with, princess.” 
He unhooks your legs from around his waist and gets off the bed. You start to sit up, but Atsumu quickly shoves you back down, his massive hand wrapped almost entirely around your throat. “Did I tell you to fuckin’ move?” 
“N-no,” you choke out.
He raises an eyebrow. “Ya seem to have forgotten your manners as well, what a damn shame.”
Before you can react, he releases your neck and slaps you across the face. The sound of the impact echoes throughout the room and rings in your ears.
Atsumu grips your face tightly and forces you to face him. “Let’s try again shall we?” He leans in, his lips ghosting over your own, so close that you can feel his hot breath mingling with yours. 
“Did I give you permission to move?”
You swallow, trying to speak without trembling, “No, s-sir.”
There’s a satisfied glint in his eyes as he releases you. You make sure to stay perfectly still. Without a word of acknowledgement he walks over to his desk, shrugs off his coat, and removes the pistols you were mortified to realize you hadn’t detected. 
From your spot on the bed you get a perfect view of the wonders his pants do for his ass. You're so distracted you don’t notice Atsumu lighting a candle before walking back over to the bedside. 
“Clothes off.”
Once you’ve stripped bare, Atsumu lays you on your back and spreads your legs. Your cunt is already glistening from the heated kissing and grinding.
“You’re positively drenched, darlin’.” 
He reaches over to grab the red candle from the table. He holds it over your stomach, before grinning again. “You’re not allowed to move, but screaming is highly encouraged.”
With that he tilts the candle, letting a drop of wax plop onto your stomach. You hiss and squirm, the heat almost unbearable for a moment. You’re ashamed to admit the sharp pain goes straight to your twitching pussy. Another drop falls a bit higher up your torso. It takes all your willpower to keep still. 
To only make matters worse, as Atsumu drips the candle wax onto your breasts he uses his free hand to start teasing your clit. You mewl as he rubs up and down your slit, inserting a finger as wax lands on your hardened nipples. His fingers graze against that tender spot inside, you arch your back, grinding on his hand. 
“F-fuck, right there!” you choke out. Your eyes are screwed shut, but you feel the drips of wax traveling further down your body. 
“Yer movin’ again,” Atsumu leans forward, the candle flame licking the skin of your side, “Are ya this desperate for me? All that time on your own really did make ya a whore, hmm?”
You shake your head, “No, I didn-”
Before you can finish, Atsumu quickly removes his hand and slaps it against your cunt, hard. You can’t suppress the screech ripped from your throat. 
He sits back between your thighs and sets the candle on the floor by the bed. He nods to your legs, “Grab ‘em and hold ‘em to yer chest. Now.”
You do as he says, feeling your face get hot again. Atsumu’s view must be entirely obscene. If someone were to walk in now, there would be no saving your dignity. 
Atsumu’s eyes are dark and hungry, he hits your cunt again with more force than before. A loud and wet slap echoes in the room along with your shriek. You heave, trying to catch your breath.
He lowers his face between your legs and licks a stripe up, leaving a kiss on your clit. “Such a filthy little whore. Yer really enjoying this aren’t ya?”
You nod your head rapidly, “Y-yes sir, I am.”
“So ya haven’t learned yer lesson about stealin’ from me?”
Oh shit. That’s right.
“I, uh...”
Fuck, you can’t think straight with his tongue grazing against your soaked hole.
“No? Well I’ll have to really punish ya then.”
He holds the candle directly over your pussy, eyes gleaming. 
“W-wait-” You’re interrupted by your own scream as the first drop of wax hits your clit with a plop! 
“That’s what I like to hear, darlin’.” Atsumu’s face boasts a sadistic grin as he continues his assault on your cunt. 
You keep screaming with each drop, the stinging only making you wetter than you already were. Your fingernails leave bright red crescents on your thighs as you grip them to your chest, using all your strength to stay still. There’s wax all over your swollen cunt and you’re sure it must look like an absolute mess. 
“I think yer ready now.” Atsumu mumbles, undoing his pants and taking out his cock. He readjusts himself and teases your dripping pussy with his impossibly hard length. You whimper every time he slips just the head of his cock in. 
“Fuckin’ hell, doll yer still so tight.” He groans, finally pushing all the way in.
Your vision is blurry from all the overwhelming sensations. Atsumu pulls out almost completely before ramming his hips back against yours. Your mouth drops open as he sets the brutal pace you were so familiar with from all those years ago. You whimper and whine with every wet slap of his cock drilling into you. 
Without slowing his pace, Atsumu picks the candle back up. He grins down at you, tipping it over again and lands a particularly large glob of wax on your clit. Your scream is guttural, the feeling of Atsumu hitting your g-spot while the burning wax stimulates your swollen clit entirely overwhelming.
You start to feel a familiar tension in your stomach. Your cunt clenches around Atsumu’s cock, making him throw his head back, eyes screwed shut. He takes a ragged breath before looking you in the eyes and presses his thumb harshly against the wax on your clit.
“F-fuck! Sir, I’m cumming!” You scream, legs shake so violently you lose your grip on them. Before they can hit the bed Atsumu blows out the candle and throws it to the ground. He uses his free arm to hold them back up against you. 
“That’s it darlin’, just like that, keep cumming for me.” Atsumu presses himself harder against you as his thrusts get sloppier. He groans loudly as he cums inside you, his grip on your legs loosening. 
He lets out a ragged breath as his movements come to a stop and he helps you lower your sore legs to the bed.
He leans over you, his strong arms on either side of your head. He kisses you the way he did earlier, as loving as ever. He pulls away from your lips and presses his forehead to yours. You both stay there in comfortable silence for a moment. 
Once you’ve caught your breath, you whisper, “I think we should clean up.”
Atsumu sighs, but reluctantly moves off of you. Dry wax on your body uncomfortably cracks with the movement.
You scrunch up your nose, how the hell are you going to get this off of you?
“Well then? How was that?” Atsumu asks.
 “I suppose,” you turn your head to the captain, “that was satisfactory.” 
Atsumu snorts, “Just satisfactory huh? I’ll go harder next time then, princess.”
You shiver, knowing full well he will keep his word. You also don’t fail to notice his choice of words.
Next time.
You watch as Atsumu stands up and starts pulling his pants back on. The thin sheen of sweat covering his back makes him almost glow in the sunlight shining through the window. He pulls his cotton tunic over his head and turns back to you, a soft look in his eyes. “Let’s get ya cleaned up shall we?”
He opens a cabinet to pull out a cloth and bottle. He places them on the bedside table before situating himself beside you. He douses the cloth with a thick liquid. 
“What is that?” you ask, watching as he starts rubbing it into your skin and over the wax. 
“Olive oil, it’ll get the wax right off of yer skin. I don’t wanna hurt ya or let ya rip the pieces off.” Atsumu dutifully works at your skin, slowly but surely getting all the wax off, and leaving you very oily instead. 
“I think we’re a bit past the formalities dontcha think?”
You smile sadly, “Atsumu, why are you here? You said you weren’t coming back.”
Atsumu sighs, “I know what I said. And I meant it when I said it, but I was an idiot.”
“Not surprised.”
“Watch it.” Atsumu pinches your leg playfully. “I didn’t realize that what I was looking for wasn’t on the other side of the world.” 
He puts down the rag and walks over to his coat. You sit up against the headboard as he rumages for something in its pockets. He pulls out a little brown box with gold detailing around its borders. He circles the bed, taking a seat beside you. He meets your eyes, “Can’t believe I needed this thing to realize what I really wanted.” 
You frown as he opens the box, expecting to see a giant diamond or aztec gold. 
“A broken compass.” You say, unimpressed.
Atsumu groans, “I’m trying to be dramatic here and yer ruining my moment.” He takes a deep breath, “Yes, it's a compass. But it’s not broken, it points toward whatever it is you most desire.” 
The needle spins back and forth for a split moment before picking a direction. You twist your head back to look behind you, “You want the rum on the table?”
“For fuck’s sake y/n and ya say I’m dense.” He runs a hand down his face. “It’s pointing at you.”
You freeze for a moment. He can’t possibly mean that. 
“Atsumu I swear to god if you're messing with me...” your voice trails off.
Atsumu puts the compass down and takes hold of your hands, “I swear on my life, yer everything I want in this world. I’m fully prepared to sell the ship and stay with ya on dry land if that’s what ya want.”
You blink back tears, “There’s no need to be so dramatic.” You move over so he can take a seat beside you. “I don’t want you to give up sailing. I never did. All I wanted was for you to take me with you, to be with you.”
Atsumu shakes his head, “I was so fuckin’ stupid.”
You smile and curl up next to him, “Not as stupid as I am giving you a second chance. Don’t make me regret this.”
Atsumu drapes his arm around you, planting a kiss on your head, “I’ll make you a pirate queen, darlin’. Just you wait.”
You giggle, “So where are we headed, captain?”
Atsumu grabs the compass again. With his arm secured around you, the needle starts spinning again. It settles in the general direction of the island. 
You raise a brow at him, challenging him to explain why the needle was pointing toward the village.
Atsumu grins like an idiot and reaches over you to snatch the bottle of rum. He rips out the cork with his teeth and spits it out to the floor. He takes a swig before holding it up to your lips, carefully pouring some into your mouth. 
Taking the compass back into his hands it finally settles, pointing out to the open ocean.
You smile, “Looks like we have a heading. Any idea where it may be taking us?”
Atsumu is quiet for a moment, before turning back to you. In his eyes is a glimmer of adventure. Those are the eyes of a troublemaker you fell in love with oh so long ago. 
“Ever heard of the fountain of youth?”
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
I swear, with every danmei book I read, the protagonist gets ever more oblivious. I mean, I started out with Wei WuXian of all people, sitting there not knowing that he's pining over his best-bro-bestie (who's also pining over him) until he decides ya know what? marriage bow time! Because that is a completely logical progression!
But then! There's Xie Lian! Who has a mfing Calamity-level ghost pining over him for 800 years --- casually building elaborate temples for his celebrity crush while said disaster god burns down his house --- and who makes out with Hua Cheng "fOr SpIriTuAl PoWeR" on the regular, and who regularly runs across strange characters with one eye covered, a strange red-based colour scheme, and a strange devotion to him, only to run into a certain strange one-eye-covered, red-schemed, devoted Ghost King... and who not only doesn't connect the red-coloured dots, but also comes to the completely sensical conclusion that see how well I can resist the wily temptations of *women*? clearly, the only reason I can't resist the wily temptation that is Hua Cheng is that Guoshi never considered that hot men exist! and also regularly tries "not to bother him" while the latter is vibing --- in the literally vibrating sense --- in Paradise Manor waiting for gege to ask him for help.
AND THEN. Because that! Wasn't! Enough! There's fucking SHEN QINGQIU. (I'm finally reading SVSSS! I finished book 3 and am tracking down 4 now!) Who spends three fricking books simping after Binghe like there's no tomorrow (which, to be fair, he doesn't think there is) because oh holy shit, he's such a white lotus, look at how pure and handsome and powerful, oh god oh fuck, yes he's going to kill me but at least I have the honour of being killed by The Luo Binghe, I'm so lucky, holy shit, wait why isn't he putting together a harem of women?!?!? he's plenty hot and powerful and badass enough??!?!?! and also insists to the very end that oh, no, sir, I'm completely straight. As a ruler. I invented rulers, actually. Because of how straight I am.
AND THEN!! IT SOMEHOW GOT WORSE?!?!? Because I made the mistake of starting The Husky and His White Cat Shizun. And Mo Ran is... well, he puts the "moron" into his name, that's for damn sure. I mean, at least he knows he's into guys from the beginning, but like. My guy. You cannot sit here and say "Obviously, Chu Wanning and I shared a deeply intense hatred" and then wax poetic about how hot and elegant and calm and composed he is for two paragraphs with any degree of credibility At All.
(I'm Thriving. Never before have I had four fixations unlocked at once. My sanity is struggling, but my mind is buzzing and the world is fast.)
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
Based on my ask and the reply from @so-that-was-okay
By the fourth one, it is clear to everyone that the guys Tommy happens to know are his exes or former dates.
Number 1: Cruise ship cook Mark is tall - six foot three - and as cheerful as a retriever, even when he had to be rescued from a mishap in a professional kitchen he borrowed for a YouTube video. At least he kept his cool and his hand safe - that meat grinder could have caused some very serious damage. And the moment he saw Buck, he exclaimed, "Oh my god, I've seen you, you're Tommy's boyfriend! How is he?" He loved telling Buck about Tommy's favorite dishes and even shared recipes with him. (Also the team got a free five-course meal out of it as thanks.)
Number 2: Geologist Hyun Ki was, again, tall, strong, and had a store of encyclopedic knowledge, specifically about cave structures. He was the guy Tommy recommended to advise if limestone was toxic to humans and also about how to best remove a stalagmite from their subject's posterior with minimal damage to the actual stalagmite, which had been illegally taken from a caving expedition and was to be evidence. Hyun Ki had not been pleased about the offender removing "a marvel of nature that took thousands of years to form and it's a STALAGMITE with a G for ground, you criminal moron, STALACTITES are the ones from the ceilings" to stick into his ass, and tells the team all about his various expeditions.
Number 3: Marine Biologist Bryan is tanned, blond, surfs on his days off, and built like a tank. He also smiles a great deal, greeting both Tommy and Buck warmly at the aquarium and then jumping in to assist when one of the new glass windows exploded. The 118 showed up, helped the aquarium to hustle the shocked visitors out and treat a kid who had been pressing his face to the glass just as it shattered while the aquarium staff did their best to rescue the fish that had fallen out of their tanks.
Number 4: Leg model Stephen had lean and elegant limbs, and was excellent at making jewelry and statues out of scrap metals. That was not the reason for calling on him; he had found his neighbor, who owned the scrapyard where Stephen got his materials, trapped under several steel car chassis, though one was keeping tons of metal from crushing him utterly. That had been tricky for the team, seeing it as high stakes Jenga. Buck and Stephen have a great chat once Stephen sees Buck's phone wallpaper, both commiserating over Tommy's inability to put a damn shirt on while doing something involving sparks or fire when at home.
"All those guys you know turned out to be your exes or failed dates," Buck says. He is more amused than anything else. Those guys were interesting and fun. If Buck had gone out with them, he'd have kept their contacts too and stayed friends. "And, Hen says, all are kinda like me. Or I'm kinda like them."
"Like you?"
"Tall, strong, good with hands, cheerful... It appears you have a type, Firefighter Kinard."
"Well, Firefighter Buckley, I honestly have never seen the similarities until this moment.*
Buck believes him. Tommy's only ever been honest with him, even when it's an uncomfortable truth. He props his chin on the middle of his boyfriend's chest and studies his handsome face. "Tommy?"
Tommy smiles fondly. "Yeah?"
"Will I ever be one of the guys you 'happen to know' for something?" He doesn't put in air quotes, trusting that Tommy has listened to him ramble often enough to understand what he's saying.
Tommy's smile softened. "I hope not. I want you to be my guy. The one guy of all the guys."
Buck's heart grows warm and light. "Yeah? What would I be the one guy for?"
Tommy's caress along his birthmark and jawline is achingly tender. "For the rest of my life."
For a split second Buck feels the world stop, and then it rights itself, and the weight of what Tommy's said sweeps joy over him like an unexpected wave.
But for a moment Tommy's smile falters. "I know it's too early for that," he murmurs, a little sheepish, "but I mean it."
Buck lunges forward and kisses the smile back on Tommy's face.
"I know. And, okay, maybe it is early, but for what it's worth? I want to be your guy," Buck affirms. He presses another kiss to Tommy's warm mouth, lingering and gentle, before he adds, "For the rest of our lives."
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normspellsman · 2 years
Truly & Honestly
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part one | part two | part three | part four (wip)
pairing: ao’nung x fem!sully!reader, lo’ak x twin sister!reader, & jake sully x daughter!reader
genre: angsty, comfort (from jake to reader), fluff, ao’nung being a simp for the reader, & the twins make up (yay!)
word count: 3.9k+
warning(s): jake feeling like he’s not an adequate father, lo’ak still in his self loathing era, lo’ak missing his twin :(, ao’nung growling, the sully twins crying, kissing, & reader + ao’nung being cute af
word bank: kehe — no, skxawng — moron; idiot, sempul — father, sempu — daddy (term of endearment), eywa / great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, paysyul — water lily, & sayrìp — handsome
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @goodiesinthecloset21 @universal-s1ut @amortencjja @liyahsocorro @minkyungseokie @chshshhshshshshshshshs
note: kinda rushed the end bc i struggled with figuring out what lo’ak should say & the reader should respond with & this is what i came up with. hope i did it justice & well enough. i swear i never read or written the words gently & softly so many times in my life holy shit 🧍🏻. anyway, the long awaited part three is finally here! yayyy! enjoy lovelies <3
It had been days since the last time you talked to Lo’ak, ignoring him everywhere you went.
At first, he avoided you too, trying to gather his thoughts and think of a way to apologize to you. He tried a couple of things that worked back when you both were children. He made you a new armband that matched his, but he didn’t see you wearing it the next day. He then made you a small trinket to add to your ever growing collection of random shit you found, but it was right where he left it the next day. He then tried to talk to you but all he received in return was your silence and Ao’nung’s small growls in warning for him to step away. Lo’ak felt like he was going to circles. He felt utterly hopeless.
It wasn’t long until both of your parents and remaining siblings realized your avoidance towards each other. Neteyam had failed to tell Jake and Neytiri about what happened that fateful night, in turn disregarding telling Kiri and Tuk. He wanted Lo’ak to tell them for himself or at least have you confront them about it and receive comfort from them. But he knew the both of you were too stubborn to ask help from your parents, so one night he asks no one in particular if they knew why you were, yet again, staying over in Tsireya and Ao’nung’s marui pod.
His question made Lo’ak freeze and nearly choke on the food that was halfway down his throat, harshly swallowing in discomfort.
Neytiri was deeply disturbed by your absence. She missed you dearly. She asked you many times as to why you were never around and you never gave her the truth, wanting Lo’ak to do it on his own. You’d always give her an answer of Tsireya is offering me extra breathing lessons, it’s just easier if I stay over for dinner tonight or Tsireya and I wanted a sleep over. Neytiri always frowned at your answers, knowing that you weren’t telling her the truth. But she never pried. She knew that you would tell her the true reason someday so she let you stay with Tsireya as long as you needed.
Jake didn’t realize your distance until nearly a week after the fight. He had been too caught up in his training with Tonowari and making sure that Quaritch was nowhere near Awa’atlu to comprehend your absence from the family for one too many nights. But once he did, he felt uneasy. He knew you like the back of his hand. He had to. You’re his first born daughter, it was expected of him to. He was always the first person you’d run to whenever you had any kind of problem, confiding in him for a solution or aid. It warmed his heart that he was the first person you came to in time of need, made him feel wanted and loved. So when he saw you barely glance at Lo’ak or even say goodbye to them before heading off to wherever you had in mind, he felt unease settle itself on to his chest. He knew something was wrong and wanted to know what it was, but didn’t want to pry it out of you. It wouldn’t work. He felt helpless and wanted to figure out whatever was wrong so you’d stop distancing yourself from the family. He just wanted his little girl back.
The night Neteyam had asked that question, made Neytiri and Jake pop up in interest and repeat the question to their circle of children.
Lo’ak wanted to tear his older brothers head off right then and there. He didn’t need his parents meddling in both of your business. This was something between him and you, not your parents.
Kiri and Tuk had also realized your absence but didn’t give it too much thought. You always hung out with them at your guys spot and interacted with them. Yeah they found it odd that you rarely slept in the family pod and if you did, you were the first person awake and out of the house. So Neteyam’s question piqued their interest.
It took a lot of prying on Neteyam’s part to finally get the truth out of Lo’ak, but once he did, shit hit the fan.
“Kehe!” Neytiri gasped out, truly surprised at her sons words, “You did not!”.
She thought she raised both of her sons to respect all women, especially the ones in their lives. She couldn’t believe that her own son called his own twin a slut. And for what? Seeing the Olo’eyktan’s son and not telling a single soul about it? Neytiri was flabbergasted at the news.
“Boy,” Jake growled, beyond pissed at his sons previous actions and lack of communication about what occurred. He didn’t even need to ask Lo’ak about whether what he said was true or not, it was written on his face that he was guilty.
He found himself disappointed in his son, perhaps even more so than he usually was whenever he heard or caught Lo’ak doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. Jake had made sure to instill how he and Neteyam should treat every woman they came into contact with, continuously reminding them to behave accordingly and treat them with respect no matter what. So to hear that his son had called you, his sister, a slut for seeing a boy, made his blood boil. I’d ought to show that boy how humans would treat him, he thought in response.
“I know,” Lo’ak croaked out, on the verge of tears. His guilt was eating at him everyday, practically being the only emotion he felt for nearly the past two weeks. “I know what I said was completely out of line. I was angry and that isn’t an excuse for what I said. I am desperately trying to make it up to (Y/N), but nothing’s working. I’m going in circles trying to,” he finished, tears running down his cheeks.
Lo’ak knows that he shouldn’t be crying. That he doesn’t deserve to. That he doesn’t deserve anyone's pity for what he did. But the guilt ate away at him and he couldn’t help but cry. He just wanted you to forgive him and be his twin again, his other half. He felt incomplete without you by his side. It physically hurt to have you avoid him and not have you next to him.
Tuk had wiggled her way into Lo’ak’s lap in order to comfort him, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck as he cried into her shoulder.
Every Sully member could see just how much Lo’ak regretted saying what he did. They felt bad that he was feeling the way he did but they also knew that he deserved your avoidance and distance. It was the only way that would allow Lo’ak to see the impact of his words.
You were laying on the soft, warm sand below you when a shadow covered the suns soft rays, blocking them and covering you in its coolness.
You quickly opened your eyes to see who it was and to shoo them away, not in the mood. But your mouth quickly shut itself once you saw your Sempul hover over your relaxed figure, a small smile on his face.
“Sun bathing?” He asked, sitting next to you as you sat yourself up.
You only shrugged in response, wrapping your arms around your legs and pulling them up to your chest.
You felt bad for essentially ignoring all of your family members, but it was the only way to get it through Lo’ak’s thick skull the kind of impact his words had on you.
Your Father hums and looks out to the water line, silence overtaking the moment for a few beats. Until he finally speaks.
“Lo’ak told me,” he starts, “About what happened that night. Don’t worry. I gave him a stern talking to,” he continued, giving you a small smirk at his words.
Jake’s stern talking to’s almost always involved him dragging one of his children somewhere, yelling at them for Eywa knows what they did, and giving them some sort of punishment that will go on for however long Jake deems necessary. You found yourself wondering what punishment your brother got for his actions.
“I figured,” you chuckled, still looking out towards the water line in front of you.
“I’m sorry, babygirl. I know that it shouldn’t be me apologizing, but,” Jake says, tip of his tail swishing back and forth a bit before resting by your siding, curling itself around you gently for comfort, “Your brother is a complete skxawng. And I’m sorry for…not instilling it in Lo’ak’s brain enough to not call anyone, you that.”.
Your head whips towards your Fathers direction at his words.
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for, sempu,” you replied, eyebrows furrowed together, “Lo’ak is a skxawng and said something he shouldn’t have. He knew what he was doing and none of that reflects your teachings.”.
Jake could almost scoff at how wise you sounded. Since when did you become so wise?
Your Father only hummed in response. He wanted the best for his little girls, for you. And to hear that his own son had insulted his daughter and took his words to heart made him feel as if he wasn't adequate enough as a Father. He spent so many years craving for a family of his own before he was sent to Pandora, knowing that it wasn’t possible in his human condition. And once he finally got it, he felt over the moon. He wanted his children to love and respect each other, something that was a struggle for him and Tommy growing up. So being in this current predicament and having you and Lo’ak avoiding each other like the plague, made him feel as if he wasn’t successful in emphasizing how important family was to his children.
“I think you should hear him out,” Jake whispers to you, turning his head to face you, smiling gently down at you, “You don’t have to now. But, soon. Whenever you feel like it,” he reassured.
Your lips pierced together into a thin line, head nodding at his words.
You know that you should give Lo’ak some benefit of the doubt and at least listen to what he has to say, but it’s hard. The last thing your brother said to you were words that caused severe distress to your psyche. To be honest, you were terrified to see what he had to say. To see if he truly meant it or not.
“I’ll try,” you replied.
Your Father continued to look down at you as he smiled, bringing you into his side as he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head. You laid your head on his shoulder in response.
“So, Ao’nung, huh?” Jake snorts out, teasing you.
“Dad!” You groaned out, covering your face with your hands as you lightly shoved him away, earning a loud cackle from your Father.
You were with Ao’nung when Lo’ak approached you for the first time in nearly two weeks.
Ao’nung had taken you out on a date around the island, as he usually did just to show how much he adored you. It almost always consisted of Ao’nung taking you to one of the many jewelry stands the Metkayina jewelers had out, telling you to pick whichever necklace, bracelet, or armband your heart desired and gently putting it on you once you budged, walking with you hand in hand around the island, twirling you around as you two danced to his light humming and singing, and finally going for a swim to wrap up your time together. Even though the dates were repetitive and always the same, they never failed to make you smile from ear to ear and warm your heart. It was something that you and Ao’nung did together to enjoy each other’s company. It was nice.
The both of you were spinning and dancing around in the warm sand as your boyfriend softly sang a song his Sa’nok used to sing to him when he had trouble sleeping, the melody being gentle and delicate, a perfect song just to waltz or sway to.
Ao’nung pulled you into his chest, slightly leaning down to grasp your hands against his lean chest, dipping his head down so you were face to face. He continued to sing the song as he smiled, rough hands slowly moving from your hands on his chest to your shoulders down towards your back before resting against your hips, pulling you in even closer.
You giggled at the ticklish sensation Ao’nung’s hands left on your skin as they just barely grazed it, moving your arms to wrap them around the back of his neck, fingers making their way into his curly hair. Your fingers gently run through the loose ends of his bun before messaging the scalp underneath his usual hairstyle, elevating some of the pressure from the tightness of it.
The Metkayina boy shivered at your soft and slow touch, nuzzling his forehead against yours as the two of you swayed in the gentle breeze.
“You look so pretty, my paysyul,” Ao’nung whispered out, blue eyes deeply gazing into your amber ones. He loved calling you new pet names, enjoying the soft blush that spread itself across your cheeks and neck once you processed what he called you. You loved the nicknames he gave you as well, making your stomach churn in excitement and never failed to make you smile in adoration. He truly did love you and he expresses that in many different ways, pet names being at the top of the list.
A light purple hue painted itself across your cheeks and down your neck in response to your lovers nickname. “And you look so sayrìp, Ma’Nung,” you whispered back, smiling up at the boy.
The teen boy purred out at your response, softly rubbing his face into the side of your head, kissing the arch of your eyebrow.
Ao’nung halted his singing and humming for a moment, basking in the silence and blissful peace that settled itself into the moment. Everything in his life was so quiet and peaceful the minute you arrived on Awa’atlu. He didn’t know he could feel such peace with a singular person and he was glad that he felt it with you.
But, unfortunately, much like the event that occurred days prior, Lo’ak had to ruin it with the loud clearing of his throat.
A cold chill ran up and down your spine at the sound, stopping all movement you and Ao’nung were doing. A small growl emitted itself from the Metkayina’s throat, grip on your hips getting tighter as he pulled you closer into his embrace. It was a clear warning to Lo’ak to stay away from you and leave the two of you alone.
“Can I talk to you, (Y/N)?” Your brother asked, standing a good couple of feet away from the both of you.
Lo’ak had worked up a lot of nerve to approach your figures once he caught sight of the two of you dancing. He didn’t want to ruin the moment the both of you were sharing but he knew that if he didn’t go to you and try to talk to you now, he never would. So, he gathered up all the courage he could muster and made his way to you, hyping himself up on the way.
“Leave, Lo’ak,” Ao’nung hissed out, angling you away from your twin, “She doesn’t want to speak with you.”.
“I wasn’t speaking to you, fish lips,” Lo’ak argued, growling out. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be speaking for you when he wasn’t the one who decided things for you.
Another growl left Ao’nung’s lips as he glared at the Omatikaya boy, anger creeping up his throat. Your brother shouldn’t be speaking to you if you didn’t want him to, especially after what he said to you.
“Ao’nung,” you mumbled out, hands now on his chest, pushing him back slightly.
Much like your brother, you knew that if you didn’t talk to him at this moment, you most likely never will. You needed to nip this thing in the butt sooner than later.
You nodded at your boyfriend, telling him to stand down and give you and your brother some space, that it was okay to leave you alone with him.
Ao’nung only huffed in response, eyes narrowing at Lo’ak behind you. Before he parted ways with you, he captured your lips into a kiss, running the tip of his tongue across your bottom lip before pulling back, not giving you time to respond to his light teasing.
“Our spot after? Twenty after eclipse?” He softly asked, thumb running over your cheekbone as he grasped your face in his hands. He wasn’t very happy that your brother interrupted your alone time and didn’t want to leave you alone with the one that deeply hurt you, but he trusted your opinion and respected your wishes, no questions asked.
You hummed as a response to Ao’nung’s request. There was no way that you weren’t going to tell your boyfriend how this conversation was going to go. Albeit the tension only being between you and your brother, Ao’nung was very much involved as you were.
Once Ao’nung became only a speck in your eyesight, you finally turned around to face your brother.
“Yes?” You asked, arms folding over your chest in an attempt to protect and hold yourself together. You had no idea where this conversation was going to go and that made you anxious.
Lo’ak took a deep breath in before he breathed it out, quickly gathering and preparing himself before he opened his mouth to speak.
“I know apologizing, no matter how many times I do it, isn’t going to change what I said and the way it affected you. But, I am deeply sorry about what I said to you, about you. There is no excuse. I have no excuse,” he started, tears stinging his waterline, “I was so angry at that moment that common sense was thrown out of the window. I don’t even know why I called you that. I was just so angry that you were with Ao’nung, someone who made it quite clear that we were freaks and were not welcomed here. I know that he had been different after leaving me at the reef, which I could assume is around the time you two got together.”.
You nodded at his guess, confirming.
“But I still didn’t trust him. I thought he somehow managed to manipulate you into falling for him. That he was forcing you. It was the first thought that popped into my head when I saw you two that night. I couldn’t comprehend that someone like you, my sweet and caring sister, could fall for someone like Ao’nung, a mean bully who took pleasure in causing pain to others. Confusion and anger clouded my vision. I just…” he paused, a couple of tears had already dropped down his face, “I know that I am shitty at apologies and can never accurately get out my thoughts, but I am sorry for causing you so much pain from my words. I am such a shit brother and you shouldn’t accept my apology. This past week has been awful. I felt incomplete without you. You felt miles away when in reality, you were only feet away. There was this…emptiness inside of me whenever you weren’t by my side. Everything felt wrong without you there to experience it with me.”.
“I desperately missed you. So much. It physically hurt me to not have you by my side. It made me realize that my words and actions do have consequences and that I wasn’t going to escape this situation scott free. Dad gave me the worst scolding that I’ve ever gotten. He told me that I was really fucking stupid and ignorant with my words. That he and Mom raised me better,” a chuckle escaped from your lips at that sentence, only imagining the type of scolds and hisses Lo’ak received from both of your parents.
“Yeah, you were really stupid to say that,” you replied, arms still crossed against your chest but a small smirk on your lips this time. It was nice to hear from him that he was punished by your Father, solidifying what he had told you earlier. But you still felt somewhat bad for him, knowing how angry and intense your Father can get when dishing out punishments.
Lo’ak chuckled at your acknowledgment, wiping away a couple of tears that continued to run down his face. He wanted for days to hear your voice and for you to acknowledge him. He felt relieved that you were talking to him and actually were listening to what he had to say, even if he didn’t deserve to be heard.
“I’m so sorry. You are not what I said you were. You are not slut. There is no excuse for what I did and I know that I can’t take it back or make it up to you in any way that will undo the damage I did. But I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I will do anything,” he finished, eyes never leaving yours.
The smirk fell off your face after he was done and silence overcame the two of you for a couple of beats.
“What you said really hurt me, Lo’ak,” you started, arms uncrossing from your chest, “It really fucked me up for a while. The intensity of your words made me truly believe your words. I know now that you didn’t mean them but in the moment, it felt like you did. I avoided you to teach you a lesson. To teach you that what you said was not okay. I am sorry for making you feel that kind of pain from my absence. I felt the same too. There were too many times where I wanted to just give up and go and just sit by you to ease it, but I knew that would defeat the purpose of what I was trying to get through your insanely thick skull.”.
The both of you laughed at your childish insult, more tears running down the both of your cheeks.
“But,” you continued, “I forgave you the minute it happened, Lo. I forgive you. I just needed to teach you a lesson and make sure it actually stuck and made an impact,” you finished, hands grasping your brothers.
Lo’ak smiled down at you from his height, lips quivering as he did so. To hear that you forgave him immediately after it happened was relieving but also made him regret his words even more. You were so kind and forgiving to him when he felt like he didn’t even deserve it.
“I love you, sister,” he whispers, bringing you into his warm embrace, one hand going behind your head to pull it into his chest while the other one went around your waist.
“I love you too, brother,” you replied back, accepting his hug and wrapping your arms around his back.
The two of you stayed like that for a couple minutes, hugging as the waves softly lapped against the shore.
It felt good to have your brother back and to finally hug him again after all this time, the emptiness the both of you felt from each other’s absences now replaced with warmth and comfort.
You couldn’t wait to meet up with Ao’nung later and tell him all about your conversation.
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 5 months
Lookism with a Daki reader
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Daki was an antagonist in Demon Slayer's Entertainment District Arc and was one of the 12 Kizuki, specifically sharing the rank of upper moon 6 with her brother Gyutaro. She disguised as an Oiran but is actually a demon. She and her brother were slain by Demon Hunters.
• You are part of this gang called the Twelve Kizuki, a gang made up of rich and talented people that are actually fighters who are mostly active around nighttime. You and your older brother swore loyalty to the leader of the gang after upper moon 2 took you guys in when you were left homeless. You address yourself as Ume Shabana at public places and Daki when you're in fighter mode. You also have a side job as a model while attending high school. You hide your flower tattoos on your face with makeup.
• Born as a very rare beauty, you have lots of men that would obey your every word at your disposal and your charm fooled all of them. You also have your brother that will protect you from the other gangs and annoying suitors. The only man that you adore was Muzan, the leader of the Twelve Kizuki.
• I'm gonna be honest here, you probably were a bully at either Daniel's old school or Jaewon High. You are a member at the beauty department since you despise being near unattractive people but Gyutaro's an exception. People definitely did a double take when you just casually say that the creepy, gross, and horrific man with syphilis is actually your brother.
• You bullied lots of students... Duke Pyeon or Jiho Park, you don't care, they're both pushovers anyway. You can't stand Yui Kim because that fake-ass bitch thinks she's hot shit. Your beauty and strength far exceeds that of the other girls in school and made a reputation of yourself as the most beautiful and strongest female in Jaewon High.
• Speaking of your strength, you're scary AF... Like, one time Vin demanded asked that you give him your number and go out with him. And what did you do? You fucking uppercut punched him so hard his sunglasses shattered. When Duke refused to do something for you, she pulled on his ear until it bleed. Vasco saw that and confronted you at the cafeteria...
Vasco: "Hey you."
Ume: "Hah?"
Vasco: "The way you're bossing around the weak... I won't stand for it. Go and apologize-"
Gyutaro: "UME! You don't wanna fight him here. Let's just settle this at the back"
• ....This is why no one wants to put up a fight with you. Just one punch and that steel table was destroyed. Both students and teachers find your short-tempered attitude intimidating and troublesome. The teachers just turned blind eyes when it involves you or anyone in Lookism as to not get on your bad side. The students have a very hard time interacting with you despite your reputation as the most beautiful girl in the school.
• When Big Daniel came in the picture, your life just took a sharp turn. You thought of him as naive but handsome when first introduced. You tried charming him after Zoe failed her attempt, however, he just kept quiet and avoids eye contact no matter how many times you tried asking him to come with you. Just like Vasco, he also called you out on your cruelty with others. Gyutaro found his goody-two-shoes personality foolish and you guys did not meet him again after that.
• Somewhere in the Arcs, he wanted to be allies with you and Gyutaro so he asked if you could join them. Gyutaro was pissed and decided to fight him while you fight Vasco, Zack, and Jay..... Daniel...won?.... Then that means your brother is-- You panicked and ran to your brother, hoping that he's not dead... He's...fine?... What do you mean he's fine?... Are you taking pity on us?! WE ARE NOT WEAKLINGS TO BE GROVELING AT YOUR FEET!!!--
• Daniel and co. decided to give you two a choice if you want to join them or not. In time you gave more thought about it... By the rules of the Twelve Kizuki, if a member is defeated, then their lives shall be taken by the winner that in order to become one of the members... And this Daniel Park just wants you to reconsider???
• Hahaha... He's so odd, so weird... so foolish. Oh well, I guess you and your brother are now one of them... It's time to quit ties with the Twelve Kizuki and say goodbye to your dear leader. You became allies with Daniel.
• Remember Duke Pyeon? Yeah, he told you to apologize to him...
Duke: *Hears a knock from the door* "O-oh! Don't worry grandma, I'll get it! Who could be the knocking so late at night?--" *Opens door*
Duke: "!!!.... M-m-miss Shabana?! ....U-um, wha--"
Ume: "I... I don't know how this works SO DON'T GET ANY IDEAS, FAT-ASS."
Ume: *Bows deeply* "I...I... Ugh... I'm sorry!"
Duke: "..."
Ume: ".... Well?! Aren't you gonna say anything?"
Duke: "How did you get my address--"
• Anyways! You and Duke settled your bully and pushover conflict with the watchful eyes of Gyutaro. You still hate Jiho though. You and Gyutaro were actually tempted to accept Gun's offer to be the strongest but brushed it off and fought him. Goo is annoying as hell, basically the same level of cockiness as Vin. You managed to have friends of your own like Mira, Zoe, and that that fake-ass bitch Yui is not so bad...
• One thing the guys are actually thankful for is that you treat everybody the same. Wether they being beautiful or ugly, you'll still kick their ass.
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puddle-nerd · 7 months
His Paysyul, His Skxawng
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Summary: Miscommunications when attempting to start courting… well, at least Tonowari is so good natured about it.
Prompt #12 for my submission for #𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬𝟏𝟒𝐃𝐎𝐋𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Female Reader, Human Reader, Metkayina | Reef People Clan, Na’vi, Na’vi Culture, Na’vi Language, Na’vi & Human Interactions, Miscommunication, Not Actually Unrequited Love
Na’vi Translation: Muntxatu – spouse | gender neutral Oeyä – my (possessive) Paysyul – water lily | inrigo lilliam Skxawng – moron | idiot Tawtute – human | Sky Person
AO3 Link
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You hadn’t realized what Tonowari was doing at first since you and all of the other humans in the class you had taken back on Earth weren’t as informed on the details of Metkayinan courting. Or the Omatikayan courting either. But you and your fellow scientists were learning to adapt to the Sea People’s way of life so the Forest People were more of an afterthought most of the time, though they had more coverage on the news feeds back on Earth since they had more invested in that part of the moon.
But that was beside the point…
The point was… that no one had told you about the finer details of the courting rituals of the Metkayina People at the human compound built a thousand meters away from the village of Awa’atlu. You had started to just assume the young Na’vi male liked your company, wanted you to learn the intricacies of his ways to appreciate his way of life better, and he also wanted to introduce you to all the different kinds of foods his People made. You didn’t realize this was actually his way of courting you until he ventured to the human compound and finally saw you out of your Avatar form, in your natural human state – it had taken a minute or two or closer to fifteen to convince him it was really you, but he had come around, and you had introduced him to the wonders of chocolate chip cookies.
From past experience with the Omatikayan, the Na’vi could consume chocolate in small doses before having a negative reaction (upset stomach, nausea, etc.) so you gave him two human sized cookies, hoping it wasn’t too much for him.
His blue eyes had lit up as soon as the sweet confection had touched his tongue and the turquoise skinned male had released a sinful moan. You gulped, eyes riveted to him as he savored the treat before turning his freshly tattooed face your way, saying, “I had hoped you would return my courting gestures eventually. This is a superb gift. May I have more, please, paysyul?”
You blinked.
Your mind whirled, trying to make sense of his words.
Then you blinked again.
“Courting?” You squawked, mouth hanging open as you demanded more information. “Wh – I… I don’t… Wari, I don’t understand.”
Tomowari’s face fell the second your words left your lips. “Do tawtutes do it differently?” He asked softly, tentatively, the hurt at your perceived rejection clear in his tone and the way his broad shoulders slumped away from you like you might see upon a wounded canine puppy or ilu calf. “Do tawtutes not exchange gifts of food and tokens and other things and spend as much time with you can with the one you hope to perhaps one day take as a muntxatu?”
Your eyes widened further.
A spouse?!
Looking up at Tonowari now, leaning your head back as far as it could go and straining your neck to meet his downcast blue gaze, you took in the young Na’vi male with a discerning eye and realized you wanted this. Not just because he was very, very handsome to you and something very delicious to look at with all those hardened muscles and that attractive face of his, but also because he treated you better than any male human ever had. Tonowari treated you with the respect he treated everyone with – well, almost, but that was a different story. He actually listened to you whenever you spoke. He answered questions that might have been considered stupid if you had asked another human as you tried to learn the intricacies of his culture. He comforted you when your emotions took a downward turn. He praised you for your successes without taking the credit. He never made you feel worthless. You felt… really and truly SEEN for the first time in your life. “I… uh… I mean, yeah, of course we do, Wari,” you finally assured him after an awkward pause, reaching out tentatively and touching the back of his nearest wrist to you, your hand appearing so strange and so little upon his beautifully striped fin-like arm, a shiver racing down your spine. “But usually, we try to make sure we're on the same page, too. Like, with verbal communication to confirm we’re… courting.” It was his turn to blink as he tried to make sense of your words. You summed it down for him so he could understand it better. “I didn’t realize, I didn’t understand what these gestures meant… that you were actively courting me. I also didn’t know you were waiting for me to offer you food in return. Or other gifts to reveal my affection because… I assumed you were just being nice as you are to Kora or to Tsya or to Ronal.” Listing off three of the females who you knew had interest in him for one reason or another made you want to wince because they would have reveled in his offerings because they understood their meaning, leaving you feeling slow and stupid. You shook your head, adding, “If I had known… I'm sorry, Wari. I wouldn’t have made you wait. But clearly, we need to talk about things a little more so we can understand each other and each other’s ways a little better. And hey, now Ronal’s not entirely wrong when she calls me a skxawng. But at least I’m your skxawng?” Tonowari snorted, though you could see the relief in his blue eyes that you returned his feels and he reached for your much smaller body, scooping you up into his arms. “Yes, paysyul… You are oeyä skxawng,” he agreed softly and leaned his face down, rubbing his cheek against yours and purring quietly in contentment.
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 12 February 2024 Word Count: 963
@crybabies-heart, @cryingwhilereading, @ikeyniofthetayrangi, @erenjaegerwifee, @bambithewriter, @lloreya
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silentsamlikesham · 11 months
Happy Birthday Zoro!!
I was meant to write several short fics today and instead I accidentally wrote this...enjoy!!
N.B: In Japan a birthday is generally spent with a significant other and you meet your friends/family on a day close to it (according to the Internet, I'm not Japanese). I used that idea in this fic for some miss communication! So yeah keep that idea in mind!
A seagull flies tiredly towards the sight of land. It had taken weeks to fly this far into the Grand Line, its important letter pressed safely to it’s chest. It’d been paid handsomely for the journey. The two buffoon humans had given it very clear instructions to deliver the letter on this date exactly.
The bird’s sharp eyes scan the docks as the bird approaches closer to a large portside town. It spots the Jolly Rodger it’s been looking for and swoops to the deck, delighted to have a moment to rest its wings.
The deck is empty, much to the bird’s annoyance. It spots an open barrel of clear water though, and flaps over to it, drinking hungrily from it.
“Oi, bird.” Its eyes flick to a blonde-haired human stalking towards it. It pulls its beak from the barrel, happily sighing after hours of seeing only the seawater beneath it. “That’s for us, is it?”
It presses its chest forward, letting the human unclasp the string on the pouch and pull out the letter tucked inside.
“Eh? This isn’t the paper.” The curly eyebrows on the human’s face furrow as he inspects the envelope. 
Sanji does his best to read the smudged name on the front, but the characters have bled together too much to discern it.
“This definitely for us?” The bird stares at him before pointing its beak at the Jolly Rodger above them. Before Sanji could ask how much they owe the bird, it takes off, clearly satisfied with its job.
“Weird.” The cook mutters to himself as he returns to the galley. He’d been enjoying the peace of organising the pantry after they’d restocked it yesterday. Everyone was off the ship except for Franky who was up in the crow’s nest on watch. He must be tinkering with something though, seeing as he didn’t notice the messenger bird himself.
The rest of the crew had disembarked to explore the island. Last Sanji had seen them most of the crew had been heading to the centre of the town to explore. Except for the mosshead that Sanji had watched head the opposite direction, inevitably in the middle of getting lost.
Sanji grabs a small knife from one of galley’s drawers and neatly cuts the top of the envelope open. A small piece of paper rests inside along with some berri. Sanji lets the money tumble onto the counter, now even more confused. 
The slip of parchment is in much better shape than the envelope, but the handwriting is almost just as bad. The writer clearly didn’t have much experience in writing, but Sanji manages to read through it. His eyebrows raise as he takes in the words, slowly realising it’s meant for a certain green-headed idiot. It’s signed off by the two bounty hunters Sanji had met at Arlong Park, old friends of the Marimo. 
They’re wishing him a happy birthday, the date on the letter matching perfectly with the day itself. They must have sent it some time in advance for a seagull to get all the way here to them. 
It was the idiots birthday? He hadn’t said a damn word about it to them. He knew Sanji always cooked the crewmate’s favourite dish and dessert for the day. Nami probably would have given him extra money for a nice drink too, knowing how kind and wonderful the woman is. 
Sanji lights the cigarette hanging from his lips. Unless the moron didn’t want them to know. It’d be just like him to see something like a birthday as unimportant or being embarrassed by the attention. He shifts his weight from foot to foot as he takes a few drags, reading the warm message sent by the bounty hunters, telling him to buy a drink on them with the berri enclosed. Clearly, he had told them about the day, had celebrated it at least once before with them.
Sanji slams his fist angrily on the counter, not quite sure where the emotion comes from, but screw the Marimo. He isn’t getting out of celebrating his birthday just because he thinks it’s above him. He’s sorely mistaken if he thinks he’ll avoid Sanji’s wrath when it comes to making a birthday dinner. 
With his resolve solidified, Sanji begins piecing the ingredients together. He doesn’t realise it until he’s an hour into crafting the food, but he’s only making enough for two people. Well, he must go find the idiot. There’s no way Sanji will get the crew altogether at this point, and Zoro doesn’t have a chance of being back before midnight if he’s gone off on his own. As it stands, Sanji will be lucky to find him before nightfall. 
He packs the meal into a basket when it’s ready, carefully packing it so nothing will be smushed or ruined. He briefly thinks of bringing two glasses with him but decides to just pack a bottle of sake and wine, the oaf will happily swig from the bottles anyways.
He calls up to Franky when he finally disembarks, the sky is coloured pink behind the crow’s nest, and Sanji feels a tension inside him to hurry up. The engineer hollers a goodbye as he leaves, making his way down the same route the swordsman had gone hours before. There’s deep sand on most of the route, and Sanji can make out the fake indent of the only pair of footsteps that have taken the path today.
He finds the swordsman just as it’s getting dark enough that Sanji’s cigarette is becoming a guide of sorts, helping him from tripping over rocks and roots. The Marimo is swinging his swords around, cutting lightly into the bark of trees as his body twists and his legs seem to float beneath him.
For everything that Sanji hates about the other, he’s a beautiful fighter. There’s a grace to his power, a purpose to his strength and an elegance to his footwork. Sanji watches him for a moment, almost forgetting about his reason for showing up. 
He’s soon brought back to the moment as Zoro catches sight of him in the corner of his vision. Of course, the idiot turns in his surprise and lunges forward, expecting the worst. Sanji easily kicks him out of his course to skewer the blonde. The mosshead isn’t expecting the kick and the darkness briefly confuses him as he stops his motion against a tree, coughing as the impact of the kick rattles his ribcage.
“Oi, what the fuck dart-brows?” He’s glaring at Sanji now, his pupils holding a glint from the flame of the cigarette. “Only way to land a hit is to sneak up on me?”
Sanji bites clean through his filter, letting his cigarette fall to the ground. 
“Maybe if your reactions weren’t as slow as a door, then you could have blocked it.”
“Eh? You want to say that to me again?” Zoro’s voice is dangerous as he marches forwards. 
He’s been training for hours, trying to work on quicker footwork rather than brute force. He’s tired, but also itching for a proper fight. He lunges at the cook, only being stopped as the blunt side of his katanas are blocked by a leg catching them in an X. 
Sanji barely moves an itch at the impact, one of his hands in his pocket, his body somehow almost perfectly upright despite the angle of the kick. Zoro will never understand how a man can be so flexible. 
“Watch it, idiot. If any of this goes to waste, I’ll kill you.” Zoro’s eye flick down to where Sanji briefly looks, only now noticing the basket handle he’s clutching. 
“What is it?” Zoro leans back, his swords falling by his side as he studies the woven basket. It’s one the cook usually brings onto an island for lunch when they eat out on the sand. Maybe he’s doing the rounds on the crew.
“Food, so put your swords away and wash your hands over there.” Sanji motions to a nearby stream, his nose wrinkling at the sight of how sweat covered Zoro is. The swordsman listens for once, rolling his eyes as he heads over to it. He’d argue more but suddenly his rumbling stomach is reminding him that he hasn’t eaten anything since breakfast. He can always beat the cook’s face into the ground afterwards.
He uses the jumper he’d thrown off earlier to dry his face and hands after washing in the stream, and by the time he returns he’s met with quite the surprise. Sanji has sat himself down on a picnic blanket, he’s fussing over the layout of some rice balls on a plate. Rice balls, Zoro’s favourite thing to eat. Beside them is several plates of Zoro’s favourites food, most of them dishes he’d grown up eating. A nice bottle of Sake rests beside the empty side of the blanket, Sanji having a bottle of wine resting against his hip. Zoro feels like he’s accidentally walked into an alternative universe, maybe the forest is haunted, or this is some devil users influence.
“What the fuck, cook?” He stands over Sanji, his arms crossed as he deliberates unsheathing a sword or not. 
“What?” Sanji growls, staring up at him with his one uncovered eye. “You got a problem, Mosshead?”
Zoro squats down, getting close to Sanji’s face, studying the familiar bump of his nose, the curve of his brows, the sweep of his hair. Sanji freezes, finally looking as confused as Zoro. 
“You look like, Curley. Did you bang your head or something?” Zoro leans back on his heels.
Sanji is reeling, his lips still tingling from the tickle of breath that had ghosted over them when Zoro had spoken so close to him. He’s used to feeling breathless when they get that close, used to feeling a flush on his neck and a tightening in his gut, but usually it’s because he’s pissed off and about to unleash his best attacks. This isn’t that.
“Wha-What are you talking about?” Sanji shakes his head, trying to clear it.
“This.” Zoro waves at the blanket. “Why the fuck did you make all this? This is- well this is all stuff I like. You make this for the whole crew?”
Sanji breathes out a sigh of relief. Of course, the idiot is confused.
“I do this for everyone’s birthday, moron. Even yours.” He lights himself another cigarette, so he doesn’t have to look at Zoro’s reaction. 
Zoro stares at Sanji for a long uncomfortable silence. The cook made all this for him? He came out here with it prepared for just the two of them to enjoy together? Not the whole crew, not like usual, not really. This is different. He’s treating Zoro differently. He’s planned this for just the two of them…on Zoro’s birthday…
Zoro sits the other side of the plates, grabbing a rice ball and taking a bite out of it. As always, it tastes annoyingly good. Every flavour and texture exactly how Zoro likes it, the weirdo having studied him for the months they’ve been travelling together. Hold on-
“How did you know it was my birthday?” 
Sanji can feel the tick of annoyance on the back of his head. Of course, instead of giving any sign of enjoying the food or a compliment, the brute has to be suspicious. Instead of replying, Sanji grabs the slip of paper out of the inner pocket of his blazer and passes it over to Zoro, grabbing a rice ball for himself as his hand passes back over the picnic. He’s hungry too.
Zoro reads it while loudly chewing on another mouthful of food. Sanji tries to ignore how disgusting it is by studying the expression on Zoro’s face. The mosshead must feel him watching because he keeps his expression schooled, although his lips still perk up in the corners. He laughs a bit as he tucks it into his pocket. 
Zoro doesn’t say anything more about it. The two eat in silence for a while, Zoro making his way through the sake at a scary pace, before pawing at Sanji for some of his wine too. The cook allows him, for once, given it is his birthday. But when the sound of eating starts to die down, he can’t help but ask the question that’s been eating at him ever since he opened the letter.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone it’s your birthday?” 
Zoro wipes the back of his hand over his mouth, wiping away the dribble of red wine from his lips. He’s messy about it though and his bottom lip still glistens a bit, the shine only lit by the moonlight that was breaking through the trees above them, and the one candle Sanji had lit so they could see what they were grabbing.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal.” Zoro shrugs, eating the last of the fish to clean the final dish. “Plus, I didn’t want one of your shitty cakes.”
“Excuse me?” Sanji is genuinely floored by the comment. How dare the green haired idiot-
“They’re too sweet.” Zoro complains, playing with the hilt of his sword instead of saying it to Sanji’s face.
“No, you just hate sweet things.” Sanji huffs, putting some plates away in case he needs to lunge at the green-haired idiot to strangle him.
“And I wouldn’t make one for your birthday anyways, Marimo. I wouldn’t be the future pirate king’s cook if I was that bad at reading my crewmates tastes.”
Sanji feels his cheeks heat up as Zoro turns to him with a studying look, suddenly intrigued, or maybe impressed. 
“Although now I don’t think you deserve the dessert I did make.” Sanji folds his arms, not quite over the earlier insult. 
Zoro ignores the pout and reaches into the basket instead, Sanji watches him out of the corner of his eye. He can’t explain to himself why he’s suddenly so nervous about what Zoro will think of his choice of Birthday dessert. 
The swordsman pulls out a small tub of one of the few desserts he genuinely enjoys, one that he remembers eating every summer at the dojo, passing them out between his classmates. He picks up one of the warabi mochi like it’s delicate, like he might crush it before it makes it to his mouth. Sanji had only made the dessert once, and Zoro had complained about some aspects of it. He thought the cook would never bother to try it again.
This time, it’s perfect. An honest moan leaves Zoro’s mouth as he swallows, his tongue licking at some of the filling that was left on his lips. Sanji feels his whole face flush red at the sight. His heart is drumming in his chest now, his eyes flicking between Zoro’s eyes and his lips. He watches his Adam’s apple as he swallows the first piece. 
Sanji’s mouth dries up, his palms suddenly clammy. Zoro has never reacted so openly to anything Sanji has made for him. It unsettles him, it leaves him feeling warm and clumsy. He throws the bud of his smoked cigarette away and finds his fingers are shaking. 
“You made this today, just for my birthday?” Zoro’s voice is soft, a foreign tone to Sanji’s ears.
“Obviously, idiot.” Sanji looks away then, he can’t look weak. He can’t let the mosshead realise how sick he suddenly feels. He wants to run away, to forget that Zoro can be soft, that the two of them can sit like this.
He hears Zoro moving, can feel him getting closer on the blanket. But he doesn’t say a word. When Sanji turns his head to see what the fuck is going on, he feels Zoro’s hand as it grasps the back of his head. He stares at Zoro’s closed eyes as their lips meet. 
Sanji is pretty sure his heart stops. He feels winded as rough lips kiss him softly, as Zoro’s grip on the back of his neck is light, nothing like the way they usually grab one another. His lips taste like the syrup drizzled on the mochi and Sanji’s chef brain registers how it interacts with the dessert wine he’d brought with him, unintentionally matching the two so they form the perfect taste between their lips.
Sanji is breathless, his stomach now feeling like its own oven as a fire ignites. He can feel blood rushing south, his body reacting in a split second to something he hasn’t had since he left the Baratie, something he hasn’t had time to have. 
He’s enjoying it, getting lost in the other body that draws itself closer to him. It’s only when Sanji’s eyes flutter closed, when his lips match the rhythm of the ones against them, that his brain catches up to body.
This is Roronoa Zoro he’s kissing.
Sanji pushes against the Marimo’s chest, Zoro falling back on his hands as he stares confused at the reaction. As though Sanji is the crazy one. Sanji places two fingers to his lips, his expression horrified.
“What the fuck was that?” He screams, waving his hands around, not sure if he should be kicking the oaf or running as quick as he can back to the ship.
“What?” Zoro huffs, not moving away from the blonde but glaring down at the sand in front of them. He looks confused too, like he wasn’t expecting Sanji to question him.
“What? What? You just kissed me, Mosshead. What the fuck is that about?” Sanji realises he’s panting between his words. He’s pretty sure he’s going into shock from how quick his blood pressure has risen.
Zoro’s gaze whips to the blonde, feeling hurt that Sanji is making a big deal about this, as though the cook didn’t start it.
“People kiss on dates!” He throws back, defensive as he realises, he’s just been rejected.
Sanji can’t even process the words Zoro has just spoken.
“What are you talking about?”
“Never mind.” Zoro goes to get up then, beyond embarrassed as he realises he’s spent the last half an hour misreading the situation entirely. Might as well make the rest of this as painless as possible to hopefully save face. 
“Wait, you stupid fucking moss for brains.” Sanji grapples at Zoro’s wrist, pulling him back onto the blanket before he can straighten up. The cook is panicking now, thinking back to everything he’d said since arriving, unsure where Zoro’s logic had jumped to thinking it was a date.
I mean, the situation was very date like, Sanji muses. But it’s Zoro and Sanji, having a picnic beneath the moon and stars isn’t a date, it’s a truce. 
Zoro looks furious now, his whole body is tense like a spring coiled to bounce. Sanji is starting to piece together the blush on the other’s face is genuine. Zoro thought it was a date. He kissed Sanji because he wanted to. He likes him.
The earth tilts beneath Sanji as he realises he’s not instantly disgusted. He stares at his own hand, anchoring Zoro in place. He clearly doesn’t want the swordsman to leave. Sanji doesn’t want this to be over. 
“Why did you think it’s a date?” He almost whispers the words, afraid he’s hallucinating. That Zoro is going to turn and ask him what the fuck he’s on about. 
“You- You made me a picnic for just the two of us…on my birthday.”
The sentence still doesn’t make the most sense to Sanji. He supposes, if he’d done it for a woman, maybe Sanji would see it as a possible first date. But the term first date and Zoro has no connection in his brain. It feels impossible that the two could be linked.
“I- I get that, baka. But- Well I- that doesn’t automatically mean it’s a date.” Sanji protests, letting Zoro slip his wrist away when he realises he’s not going to bolt. 
“Well, that’s what people do on their birthday.” Zoro grumbles, looking anywhere but at Sanji. “They spend it with someone they like.” 
He says the last word with a heavy emphasis so that it can’t be misunderstood. 
Sanji is at a loss. He’s never heard of such a thing.
“Marimo, I have no idea what you mean. Most people spend it with family and friends.”
Zoro looks at him then, with genuine surprise.
“Not where I come from.” He splutters, showing his embarrassment now as his face flushes bright red, even worse than before. “Couples spend it together, and then- then you spend it with friends on a different day.”
Zoro wants the ground to swallow him up. He can handle rejection, he can handle being wrong, but he hates that he didn’t realise what he was doing. He though Sanji had been the one to be vulnerable, to offer up a date the way he did. He’d been surprised by the blonde’s bravery about it, had accepted the silent confession and responded to it as confidently as he could muster.
He’s an idiot.
Sanji takes in the unfamiliar expression of regret on the other man’s face, and feels his chest tighten. He doesn’t want Zoro to regret this. Sanji doesn’t regret it. As the confusion lifts, Sanji properly accepts his own reaction. It’s…unexpected…but then again, everything is on the Grand Line. 
“Look Cook, just forget-”
It’s Zoro’s turn to be surprised by a hand grabbing his chin, by lips pressing onto his own and by the blonde that leans forward so close, Zoro could swear he was sitting on the swordsman’s lap.
“I was surprised, idiot. I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” 
Zoro stares into Sanji’s eyes, their foreheads resting against one another as Sanji separates from the kiss long enough to speak.
“Well, you seemed fucking pissed off.” Zoro defends, muttering the words almost against Sanji’s lips.
Sanji sighs, Zoro scrunching up his nose at the sensation across his skin.
“That’s…fair.” Sanji feels Zoro’s arm wrap around his waist, he relaxes against the other man’s chest, a hand reaching up to caresses the side of Zoro’s face and run itself through his hair. 
Sanji lets out a chuckle.
“This feels like a dream.” He admits, suddenly wondering how much wine he drank. Maybe, this is a dream.
“I know.” Zoro agrees, his arm tightening it’s hold on Sanji. His other arm wraps under Sanji’s ass and tugs him up onto Zoro’s thighs. The position a lot more comfortable than sitting side by side.
Sanji laughs as he’s manhandled, not used to someone as strong as Zoro holding him in his arms. Strangely, it’s the least intimidated Sanji has ever felt in the presence of the other man.
“I don’t want to wake up.” Sanji confesses, his heart fluttering as he comes to terms with what’s happening. The brute can love, the brute can be soft and gentle and hold Sanji like he’s both diamond and glass. 
“You’re such a fucking sap.” Zoro groans, his cheeks pink from the words. “Just don’t say another fucking thing and kiss me already.”
Sanji laughs as he tightens his grip on Zoro’s head, pulling at the tufts of hair hard enough that Zoro lets out a hiss of pain. That the moss-head looks at him with the same eyes he uses before they fight. The electricity is there, static between them, as fiery as ever.
“Anything for the birthday boy.”
Sanji is right about his earlier prediction. Zoro doesn’t make it back to the ship before midnight. Although, it’s not for a reason he could ever have predicted. 
Instead, when midnight rolls around the pair of them lie on the picnic blanket, everything else packed away. They stare at the stars as they lie side by side, Sanji’s head resting on Zoro’s arm as they hold each other. 
Zoro stares at the blonde as Sanji points out constellations and tries to explain to Zoro how he can use them to not get so lost all the time. But the swordsman is not paying attention. Only one thought remains in his head now.
He has one hell of a thank you letter to write to his bounty hunter friends. 
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multiwreckedmess · 1 year
Kinktober Day 9
Prompt: Stuck in Wall Pairing: CampusCrush!Wooyoung x fem!reader WC: 1.8k Summary: Instructions unclear, stuck in the new IKEA Bestå. This is a work of fiction, it does not represent Wooyoung or any Ateez member. On top of this it is an 18+ work. For my comfort and boundaries please if you are under age do not interact with this. TW/CW Under the Cut!
TW/CW: just so fucking stupid. little bit of ass fixation, slight dry humping, protected sex, really fucking stupid
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 “I cannot believe I’m stuck in some cheesy porn script. Oh this sucks. Oh my god this sucks,” you yell.  The assembly instructions for your new television console clearly stated that it was a two person job and yet, you were stubborn and went ahead. Now, almost two hours later, you’ve somehow pretzel’d your way through one of the cubbies with no way out.  “Wooyoung help! Can you hear me, you moron, help! You’re going to go deaf if you keep listening to music that loud you little-SHIT,” a sharp slap to your ass interrupts your tirade. “WOOYOUNG!”  His witch cackle gives him away. Presumably somewhere behind you, your leg kicks blindly back.  “I dropped the screwdriver and now- it’s too heavy I’ll get squished if I knock it over,” you gesture at your predicament.  He cackles again. The cold snap of a camera shutter echoing in your mind.  “Did you just take a picture of my ass?” You practically scream. “Help me or the second I get out of this thing I’m going to end your entire short twink-y life you GREMLIN.”  Sighing, Wooyoung places his phone on the kitchen counter. Appraising what exactly had you helpless in front of him. “You can just go back the way you came?”  “No moron. If it was that easy I would've done it. Now can you please PLEASE pull me?”
 One hand bracing the frame of the console, the other holding your waist Wooyoung pulls. You don’t budge an inch. He huffs, blowing a tendril of hair up and away from his face. You bounce on your tippy toes with frustration, the fat of your ass jiggling alluringly. You don’t even know you’re doing it as he’s chubbing up inside of his sweats.  “Help me out on this would yah?” Wooyoung asks as he readjusts his arm placement. “I”m holding the shelf just focus on pulling back with me, three, two, one, GO!” Both of you tug down, your ass grinding into him, adjusting the height as you push back harder and harder. Still you stay trapped between plywood boards and what’s worse is you can feel him slowly hardening in his loungewear and you don’t hate it.
 You’d had a soft spot for Wooyoung, how could anyone not. Handsome with the right amount of self awareness and unique strange charm. In part you wanted to surprise him with the fully built furniture as a way of impressing him, showing him how sufficient you were, as if singlehandedly setting up the entire apartment would win his heart. Dumb, but crushes make you do dumb things.  “At least your ass looks great like this,” Wooyoung laughs, taking a handful of flesh in his grasp. “God, I never understood how people could be into those cheesy porn plots but… damn. Really is all out there, vulnerable and whatever.”  You stamp your feet, “Wooyoung it isn’t funny.” It wasn’t how you wanted to catch his attention but if it was working who were you to stop it. “What am I gonna do?”  Having had a fondle with one hand his other joins, grabbing the opposite cheek, massaging in large slow circles. “Maybe if you relax a bit,” he trails off. “Take advantage of the situation, meditate…or something.” As if hypnotized by his own languid touches, his hips drift forward to meet your butt. He rests there just leaning into you as blood rushes from his brain to his dick.
 You aren’t doing much better, practically melting in your pants from even this slightest of touches. It was ill advised to move in with him, but you thought that living together would kill the small flame you’d been carrying. Instead the spark had become a full kitchen fire and now it was spreading to the living room. Your head swimming with his suggestion to “take advantage” of your current predicament. “I’m not very good at meditating, could you help me relax?”  “You know, it’s really convenient that I’m home right now. Right when you’re building this. If I’d gone out you’d really be out of luck.” Wooyoung’s teeth catch his lower lip, fighting back a moan as you adjust yourself, ass rubbing against him in the process. “Here’s the problem. I also need help with something,” he pauses, leaning forward and pressing his bulge into you harder. “I think you know what with.”  “Mhm,” you nearly whine, lips pressed together hard, making a thin line across your strained face.  “It’s sort of your fault, if you think about it. So you should be the one to help me. Take responsibility and all.” He fully settles his clothed bulge between your cheeks, dragging them along his length.  “Yes, really, god yes.  It’s totally my fault,” you capitulate easily, voice tightening as need sinks heavily into your core. “However you want me to take it, I will. Responsibility I mean. Take responsibility. I can take it in whatever way.”
 Wooyoung is ready, just waiting for your word before he drops his waistband to his thighs, a small damp spot already formed in his underwear. Running the length of his shaft along the smooth spandex of your tights gives him goosebumps, a tremor of elation passing through his spine. Tentatively he presses the head into the stretched fabric, watching it dimple and pucker under his microthrusts.  “You can take it however I want you to?” His cheshire smile spread wide across his face, tinting his tone. “Even if it’s just this?”  “Mhm,” you desperately want more than just this. Fingers gripping the slats of wood as he jostles you. A short sad wheeze escapes through your nostrils. Despite your best efforts to tamp down your desire your body betrays you.  Wooyoung laughs again, a short outburst, hand coming down hard on your ass before wrapping you in a hug, as best he can. “You sound so distressed! How will you relax if this is all I give you?” Hand snaking south he presses on your mound, the wet squelch of soaked underwear against his fingers sends another shiver down his spine. “You really want me, don’t you?”  “Fuck Woo, yeah I do.”
 The response of your pussy to the telltale crinkle of foil is almost pavlovian, walls fluttering in anticipation of fullness. Feeling the warmth of Wooyoung’s palm on your lower back you can picture the packet between his lips, tearing it open with one hand, not wanting to be too far from you.  The console rocks as he roughly pulls your leggings just under your ass, just enough to give him access to what matters. Strings of your wetness cling and shine as his fingers slide along your slit.  “I was going to prep you but-” he wiggles two fingers in, your walls sucking him deeper. It’s enough to interrupt his train of thought, his persistent teasing. All he can think about is the comfort of your sex. How inviting it is, how ready you are, how much you must want it. “-fuck that’s hot.”  “Please Woo, please, hurry.” You beg. You don’t need to as he quickly replaces his fingers with his cock. Grabbing the frame of the furniture he pulls you back onto him in one smooth thrust. The fullness twists in your gut, knocking the breath from your lungs. “OH! Shit, you feel-why are you so big?” You sound almost offended as you moan, adjusting to the pressure.  “You don’t know that,” he kneads your lower back, rocking closer. “God I wish I could grab your tits. They’ve always looked so fucking delicious. Just sitting there, taunting me.”  “Grab them later fuck me now.” You groan, swirling your hips on him. The wood of the console keeps you from doing much more than rocking and twerking on him.  “Show me how much you want it.” He demands. “I know you can do it. You set all this up. Show me how much you need me to fuck you.”  Whining you arch your back, wiggling your hips side to side. It barely shifts him within you. He still doesn’t move to fuck you. Bouncing on the balls of your feet, you try humping back on him as best you can. Jaw slackening a dry hiccuped sob escapes you. “I’m stuck, you have to. You have to!”
 With a smirk he grabs your waist, tugging back on you to hold you in place. Leaning back and away he rolls his hips, the ridges of your walls dragging along his length. Driven by crazed lust, it isn’t enough to feel how you grip him, he needs to see it. Wooyoung holds the hem of his shirt between his teeth, watching how his abs flex as his bodyline rolls again, your lips tugging with the slow thrust of his cock.  “Woo,” you moan as he slowly fucks you. It’s nice to moan his name aloud for once instead of just in your head. “God damn it Woo. Ssooo good.”  “Hmph,” his response is muted by the cotton shirt. Speeding up little by little.  Your eyes glaze over, mind hazy. Getting fucked by your crush in the living room you shared. Nothing matters except for the insistent drag of his cock against your walls. His hips feel like magic, melting your tension with each stroke. Your leg shakes as your orgasm builds, the entire structure swaying.  Wooyoung’s hands migrate from you to the wood, gripping it and using it as leverage to pound into you harder than before. The ripple of your ass with each percussive slap of his hips has him hypnotized. Lost to the friction of your walls, he thrusts deliriously with abandon, uncaring of the precious nature of the situation. Chasing the delight of your punched out moans and groans.  Core contracting, air is forced from your lungs. The wave of pleasure crashes over you, every muscle bracing as it hits hard. At the same time the console creaks, your top half jolting free. A choked yelp escapes you, unable to warn Wooyoung. The structure crashes forward, fear clamping your walls tightly down on him.  “Shit!” He yelps, eyes wide he spills into the condom unceremoniously. “Fuck!” He continues a steady stream of swear words as he pulls from you, stumbling backwards as you crumple to your knees, panting.  “Can’t believe that worked-”  “I came,” Wooyoung sounds dejected, red and panting. “FUCK! I came so quick.”  Your eyes dart under the sofa, a glimmer of the a loose screw hiding underneath. Looking from Wooyoung to the screw you scoot and reach your arm towards the glimmer, instead grabbing the crossbar of the couch. “Uh…I hate to say it Woo but-”  His eyes twinkle, “you’re stuck? What a dummy, getting stuck twice. I’m going to start thinking you’re doing this on purpose.”
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I just love giving Wooyoung the most ridiculous of prompts. He’s fun to write for me.
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minoment · 1 year
ofc ofc ofc, sub!jack sparrow supremacy✨ So I didn't really plan this out, but something about jack getting the cockiness fucked outta him…it just does something to me. I don't mind presentation, so you can keep it gender neutral if you like!! Now i'll proceed to obsessively refresh the 'dom reader' tag until you publish it <3
Pairing: CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow x Dom GN!Reader
Type: Draft
A/N: Posting this because I promised to get it out <3
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Minors DNI <3
You and Jack had gotten off on the wrong foot, to say the least. Well, in your opinion. He didn't seem quite so bothered by it, more.. excited? That definitely ticked you off. He was so.. so infuriating.. so carefree. He treated you like some alluringly gorgeous god of war and that he was some un-killable fool who dared question your presence. Like he was the special one who would never ever be shown your wrath. You hated it.
Jack Sparrow was known across the seas as the luckiest, unlucky but admirable alcoholic to ever stumble upon the slippery decks of a ship. You however, were known as a vicious, territorial, almost Nordic pirate who guarded their claimed land with iron and steel. No one dared to venture near your territory, the pure amount of fear had made you almost forgotten to this day. Not that you minded of course. Stories of your cruelty and maliciousness spread an elaboration of what you were truly like, the tales isolating you in an almost comforting sense of loneliness.
You almost wished you had back that loneliness. But no. Of course not. That fool had made sure to never give you a sense of tranquility ever again.
A shouting voice was heard over the waves, it was slightly slurred and incredibly obnoxious for this early hour. The golden sun peeked over the horizon, sending golden slivers dancing across the waters surface.
You grunted softly, opening an eye and slowly picking yourself off the deck of your ship where you had peacefully been napping. You were an intimidating figure, at least 6'4" and toned from years of taming rough oceans. Your skin was tanned and mottled with scars and tattoos. Your braided and decorated hair glowed a fiery auburn in the growing daylight, 'like molten copper' as your late mother used to say.
Silently, you moved over to the ships edge, raking your cold green gaze over the sandy expanse of the small island you were moored next to. And there he was..
That daft moron got himself stranded a few days ago, somehow separating himself from his crew AND the Black Pearl. You had moored here a few weeks prior, reading the stars and waiting for the perfect time to sail back to your hidden cove you called home. He had dragged himself drunkenly out of the sea not 16 hours ago and your tranquil peace had disappeared from that point forward.
You had no intention of helping him, his constant chatting and one-sided conversations making him insufferable. He was doing it on purpose and you knew that, but it got on your nerves either way.
"What tha fuck d'ya want?" You snapped crossly over the well-kept railing of your ship. Your gaze narrowed as a triumphant smirk played across his lips. He was admittedly handsome, you'd give him that.
"Mornin' lovely..." He singsonged flirtatiously, gazing up at you and shielding his eyes from the now fully-risen sun.
You scowled in disapproval, not appreciating this levelling sort of flirtatious friendliness.
"You know.." He continued thoughtfully, mockingly speaking as if you were some sort of Lord, "I'd really like some food and water.. if you'd be so gallant as to spare some?"
You scowled once more and moved away from the railing. As much as it was 'survival of the fittest' and a constant battle with your stubbornly cruel personality, you couldn't watch a man starve to death with your help right in front of him. Besides, apart from being an infuriating pest, he hadn't actually hurt you.
A neatly coiled rope lay near your mast and you picked it up, carrying it back over to the railing. You secured the end firmly to the rail and dropped it down so the other ratty end dipped into the salty water.
"Climb up before I change my fuckin' mind.." You snapped, tilting your head in a sort of aggressive invitation aboard.
Jack wasted no time in scrambling up the rope like a monkey, your powerful grasp steadying his shoulder and body as he helped himself aboard. He stood to the side as you untied the rope and started to reel it up. His hand absentmindedly rubbed where your fingers had gripped his collarbone, his gaze flicking to your veined, clearly weathered hand as it worked the now sodden rope.
You turned and looked down at him, your gaze becoming ever so less furious as he looked back up at you and thanked you for your generosity. For some reason, you felt a little guilty for not letting him on sooner. He looked like a curious little mutt, his beautiful brown eyes seeming to warm you up from the inside out. You bit the inside of your cheek and looked away, scolding yourself for getting in your head. You motioned Jack to follow and brought him below deck.
Your boat was large yet you were the only one on it. It was decorated beautifully, showing off what obvious peace you had by yourself. There were maps and tapestries in some rooms, others having shark skulls and ornately engraved longswords hung up with bent nails. Apparently you were incredibly creative as well as a ruthless killer.
Jack marvelled your boat before his gaze curiously roamed your broad form. His keen eye took note of your clean clothes, the neat Nordic pattern embroidery and the occasional stain of spattered blood. Your belt held pouches and sheathed knives, all made by you. He admired your physique too, the way your muscles flexed under your skin as your opened the heavy door to your main living area. You didn't smell like the usual pirate either. An alluring scent of spices, fabric, seawater and blood seemed to follow you wherever you walked.
Eventually you sat him down, taking note of his ripped clothes and dirty features. You motioned for him to hold out his hands, working in complete silence as you wiped off his hands with a wet rag. The salt water stung a few scratches but Jack patiently held still, letting you wipe off his neck and face area. You almost did this as a sign of respect before standing up and getting him some clean clothes. You held out the rag and the pail of sea water, wordlessly telling him to get dressed and clean the rest of his body. He did as he was hold and you turned, moving to the other side of the cabin to find some stale bread and dried fish for him to eat.
When you finally turned around, he had washed himself and was getting dressed. Only Jacks upper body remained unclothed and your green gaze wandered over his tan skin. He had many bullet and knife wounds, adding up to the lucky part of his reputation. Personally, you found them quite beautiful although you would rather die than admit it.
"Here.." You said gruffly, handing him the plate of foot and a pouch of rainwater off your person. "Rest for a while.."
"Ah.. thank you.." Jack replied, finishing dressing himself and taking the plate and pouch from you. "I knew ya soul would be as beautiful as your pretty face.."
You sighed silently, moving to pick up his discarded clothes. You walked back up to the sunny desk, laying out Jacks clothes so they would dry and be parched of their salty sea smell.
You moved back below deck, your gaze raking over Jacks now-clothed chest and opening your mouth to ask about his scars.
"You really are nothing like the stories say, are ya?" Jack said as he interrupted your train of thought before you could speak and looked from his food to your eyes.
You paused, momentarily re-arranging your thoughts before speaking.
"No I'm not..." You said eventually, motioning to your own chest in reference to his bullet wound scars. "But you're definitely as lucky as the tales tell.."
Jack looked down and smiled slightly to himself, unable to form a response to that. It felt odd to be complimented by such a stoic and feared persona like yourself.
"What are ya really like then?" Jack asked, drinking the last of his water and letting you take the plate from him.
"I- don't really know.." You replied, stowing the things away before turning back to him. "Well no.. I just can't remember.."
"Why not?" Jack asked with a tilt of his head. "You look like you'd have quite the personality.."
"Near death experience can blanch the personality from your soul I s'pose.." You shrug, leaning back against the ships wall and crossing your arms. You watched him closely. "You definitely have had your fair share of near death experiences, how come you're still an arrogant shit?" You say flatly, making Jack laugh.
"You've got quite the mouth huh?" He smirked, his gaze flicking to your scarred lips in a much more suggestive way than before.
You were a little taken aback by his suddenness but you regained control of yourself and narrowed your eyes. "Answer my question.."
"I guess I'm just better than you.." Jack shrugged with a cocky smirk, obviously trying to rile you up. The annoying thing was, it was working. You gritted your teeth, your jaw tensing.
Jack easily picked up on that and grinned, a soft chuckle escaping him. He knew this was a dangerous game; that only made him want to play it more. It certainly solidified his reputation of the stupidly brave captain.
"You aren't better than me.." You scowled, your hands moving behind you to grip the wooden counter as he began to approach you.
"Oh but I am.." Jack smirked. "You would have killed me by now if I were anyone else in front of you.. am I special?"
The audacity he had. It made your blood boil, but nonetheless you stayed against the wall, watching him like a hawk.
"It makes me wonder.." Jack continued, moving ever closer so his body was mere inches from yours and his calloused hand reached up to cup your face. He leant up and in a little closer, his lips only centimetres from yours. "A great pirate like you.. maybe you've gone soft.. maybe you could even be a whore and-"
That word set something ablaze inside of you, a boiling pit of rage and frustration overflowing within your guts. The only thing you could think about was teaching this cocky brat a lesson. Just before he could finish the rest of his insulting sentence, before he could kiss you; you snapped.
You pushed him back, slamming him against the opposite wall and knocking the breath out of him. Before Jack could get a single word or gasp out of his mouth, you crashed your lips against his and silenced him. His eyes widened in shock before he relaxed. He attempted to bring his hands up to cup your face but you gripped his wrists and slammed them against the wall with your iron grasp. This was a lesson.
You bit down on his lower lip and squeezed his wrists tighter, earning a low whine of protest from Jack as your larger body pushed him up against the wall. Soon your hands left his wrists and he got the message, holding onto the edge of the counter lining the ships wall. Jack gripped the polished wood so hard he thought his rings would splinter the expensive timber. His breath hitched as you wrapped your hand around his neck, only needing one to pleasurably restrict his blood flow.
Heat pooled between his legs when your hand tightened around his neck, a choked whine escaping his lips as lightheaded pleasure filled his senses. You took this opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth, making his legs almost buckle. Your kisses became even more aggressive and vicious as you tasted him, pinning him roughly up against the wall. The fiery taste of rum and salt on his lips spurred you on as Jack mewled in your grasp. You were so good, it made him lose himself almost instantly. The way you squeezed his neck, how your rough fingers pressed against his arteries so he could breathe easily through his nose while you ravaged his now kiss-bitten lips.. he wanted more, oh so much more...
Jacks greed eventually got the better of him and he clawed at your free hand, trying to move it towards his hips. You growled low in your throat, warning him. He didn't listen, desperate for more pleasure as he dug his nails into your hand. You pulled away with a rough curse, gripping his dreaded locks and dragging him away from the wall and down into the next room; your quarters.
The man yelped in a pleasurable sort of pain, opening his mouth to protest. You didn't let him, throwing him down into the messy nest of furs, fabrics, and blankets that was your bed. You held Jack down on his stomach, one hand pressing down between his shoulder blades and your knee in the small of his back. Nothing could be heard except for Jacks laboured breathing, the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull, and the metallic noise of you unclasping your belt.
You dragged the thick, worn, leather strap from around your waist before wrapping his tightly around Jacks wrists. He watched as you wrapped the belt further around an iron ring connected to the wall, unable to move his hands. Now that he was restrained and laying on his stomach in your bed, you could begin his real lesson.
Jack buried his face in the fabrics, your scent making arousal rock through his body in steady waves; yet it was also weirdly comforting to him. He felt you over him, your knees on either side of his hips as you leant down to bite and kiss at his neck.
You moved his hair ever so gently to the side, your lips and teeth leaving dark hickeys all over his sweet, salty skin. Jacks breathing became heavy once more as he tried to hide this fact by muffling his face in the furs. Eventually it became too hot and Jack couldn't breathe, so he just lay his head to the side and took it; not even bothering to preserve his dignity or hide his rough pants and gasps anymore when you suckled marks onto his skin.
You were marking Jack as yours and the very thought made his hips stutter forward ever so slightly. A small whine escaped his lips and you scowled, one hand moving to pull his hips up away from the bed. Jack was now face down ass up, a humiliated blush spreading over his features as he panted. One of your hands was in his hair, tightly gripping his locks and keeping his neck exposed while you marked him. The other held his hips, keeping him pressed against your body but unable to grind down against the sheets where he needed it most.
A choked breath was pushed from Jacks lips as he realized exactly what situation he was in. You weren't going to give him any sort of pleasure. You were going to hold him up like this and mark him up until he was a pleading mess. Jack didn't want that, he was greedy for more, anything more; and you knew it.
Jacks heavy panting and gasps filled the room, occasionally breaking it up with low keening whines as you tugged his hair and marked his neck. Eventually he couldn't take this torture any longer.
"P-please.. Indulge me, I beg you.." Jack panted, swallowing and licking his lips. His own breaking, reedy voice surprised him. "Need more..."
Jack lay his head to the side as you pulled away from his neck, letting out a low groan as you squeezed his hips and silently warned him not to try and thrust back down against the bed.
You decided to treat him knowing that his stubborn greed and wants would get both of you nowhere. So instead of taking away what he wanted, you would give it to him. Oh yes you would, you would give him what he wanted until he was a squirming, moaning mess just pleading for you to stop.
Jack practically melted in your grasp once more as your hot mouth came in contact with the sensitive skin of his neck. Your sharp teeth grazed over the fresh bruises, your tongue gliding over their wake.
The sensation distracted his attention long enough for you to slip your large, rough hands into the soft cotton fabric of his pants. the low whine echoing in his throat turned into a strangled moan as your hand wrapped around his stiff, leaking shaft.
He buried his face in the furs once more, his hips trembling as your mouth continued to work at his neck and your hand tightened around his cock. Jack could feel himself dripping into your tight fist as he bit down on the thick wool of a blanket, his eyes rolling back in pure ecstasy. Nonetheless, he remained obedient and kept his hips as still as possible while your hand worked him into oblivion.
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beefcake-penguin · 10 months
*Kara & Lena are making out, grumpily* 😡😡
Alex: "What are you two idiots doing?"
Kara: *beefishly angry* "We're having a beefgument (beefcake argument). Harrumph!" 😤
Lena: *pouting* "She's having a beefgument. I'm having a normal argument with this stubborn beeffoon (beefcake buffoon)" 🙄
Alex: *pinching the bridge of her nose as she feels a migraine coming on from having to deal with insufferablecorp* "Lena, you are literally sitting in Kara's lap and making out with her. And Kara... both of your hands are kneading Lena's ass like you're making biscuits. You morons call this an argument?!"
Kara & Lena: *exchange a glance with each other and then look back incredulously at Alex* "Just because we're fighting doesn't mean the kissies have to stop" 🥺🥺
Alex: *rolling her eyes hard enough that they're in danger of rolling right out of her head* "Okay, nevermind. Can I at least know what exactly you dweebs are arguing about?"
Kara & Lena: "We can't decide who has the hottest wife."
Alex: 😑 "... You idiots... are married to EACH OTHER!" 😡
Kara: "Yeah, and clearly my shapely wife," *gestures dramatically at Lena sitting pretty in her lap* "is absolutely the hottest woman alive!"
Lena: *pouting even more* "No! MY wife" *gestures at the beefcake currently squeezing on her rumpcheeks* "is the hottest woman in the universe!"
Kara: "No! My wife is the hottest!"
Lena: "LIAR!"
Kara: "FIEND!"
*both of them resume angrily making out, with dramatically increased intensity*
Alex: "Damn it! Stop sucking face, you goons! Okay, how about this? Kara, we'll agree that your wife," *gestures at Lena* "is the hottest!"
Lena: "But-mmph!"
Alex: *covering Lena's mouth with her hand so she can't interrupt* "And Lena, we'll agree that your wife," *points at Kara* "is the most beefsome (beefcake handsome). What do you two morons think about that?" 🤨
Kara & Lena: *exchange a glance as they consider Alex's proposition* 🤔🤔
Kara: *shrugs* "I beefpose (beefcake suppose) that's beefceptable (beefcake acceptable)" 🧐
Lena: *nods* "She is pretty beefsome, now that you mention it..." 😍🥰
Kara: "I'm so sorry we were arguing, my love!" 😢
Lena: "No, I'm sorry we were arguing!" 😢
*Kara & Lena start making out, apologetically* 🥺🥺
Alex: "Oh, for fuck's sake! I give up! Evacuate the Tower everyone! These dorks aren't going to be stopping anytime soon!" *storms out of the room as the obnoxious sounds of smoochcorp resume with gusto*
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sketchfanda · 7 months
Kirishima's Mystique:Cat on the Prowl
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Sometimes Kirishima had to wonder if it was a little much to ask for just one patrol in the twilight evening times to be just a bit more quiet? Oh he was all on board to ensure the safety of the public and all that but it’d be nice to have one night go smooth and peaceful as possible then head home to enjoy a little bit of R&R quality time with his two favourite girls in the world. But such was the life of a pro hero, one way or another especially when Murphy’s Law would come out of nowhere with a Diamond Cutter like the bitch it was. Case in point being his current situation.
Seemed someone had decided to break into a museum of all place and try to pilfer God only knows what was inside it. Given all the art work and artefacts inside that were worth anywhere between six figures to enough to have you set for life, on top of the security? Hey least it wasn’t some dumb ass protestor trying to make some moronic statement by glueing themselves to a painting and try to deface it but I digress. Back with our hardheaded red-head and what was going on with him at this very moment.
That being him currently pursuing the thief in question who was quite the slippery and tricky rascal to say the least they leapt across rooftops in manners that would make professional parkour artists green with envy. Pretty impressive given the no doubt heavy amount of loot they had to be carrying but he was nothing if not determined to see the perpetrator caught. From what could be gleamed of their appearance, they seemed to be a feline person or wearing feline themed suit of sorts, a literal cat burglar? Someone had quite a sense of humour to them.
After minutes of relentless pursuit he saw his elusiva quarry cease running no doubt assuming they'd lost any opposition as they parked on a flat rooftop up on a high rise, the sturdy himbo using his quirk to advantage. Clawed styled fingers piercing the solid concrete as he scaled and climbed up to find his target sitting atop a ventilation shaft duct, no doubt catching their breath and making a quick check and count of their loot. From what he could see of their backside, it was definitely a woman as he carefully made his way towards her to swiftly take her down and subdue her. A slight purr from her throat as she held up a diamond between her fingers, catching his reflection in it as she dropped it back into her bag of stolen goods and stood up turning around to face him.
Suffice to say Kirishima was momentarily stunned to find this literal cat burglar was none other than Selina Kyle, THE one and only infamous CatWoman of Gotham herself. Her toned curvy figure contained within and highlighted by a skintight black and leather latex ensemble that Midnight herself would approve of very much. The sensual mature thief grinning like well, a cat that found herself a little mouse to play as she took her zipper at the top of her collar and slid it down oh so, very slowly. Inches of rich smooth caramel tanned skin and cleavage and a smooth set of abdominals revealed as the front of her outfit became undone and exposed right before his crimson eyes as she sensually licked her lips and reached in with take out her trademark whip.
Catwoman:”Well well, figures I’d run into one of the locals, can’t expect to to anywhere in Japan and not meet a cape and mask type when prowling. Especially a cute slab of meat like you….”*Sensually licking her lips as she began her infamous teasing and flirting routine, wrapping her whip around herself like it was a feather boa. Sensually purring as she radiated a sexual charisma and charm on par with Midnight herself as she eyed Kirishima with a hunger and thirst. She had to say compared to a certain pointy eared on and off gentleman of hers back stateside, the Red Riot wasn’t half bad. Taking delight in the awkwardness he was no doubt feeling at such attention and interest from a mature older woman like herself.* “Come on now handsome, mind looking the other way and letting me walk off with my gains? I’ll make it worth your while…”
Kirishima*Shakes his head to regain focus as he looked at the literal cat burglar with determination, sure she was a tease but he was used to such saucy flirting given his experience especially with a pair of girlfriends like Mina and Maya. He would not be swayed by her admittedly stunning good looks and pornographic body, no sir!!* “can’t do that ma’am, I got take you in or at least take back what you stole!! Now we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way…and we both know it’s obvious you’re going for the hard way!!” *indeed Selina flashed a coy smile as she began lashing out some strikes on the air and ground, making clear that if that’s the way it was to be? Hard way it was as he activated his quirk, the young future pro and infamous thief moved in to clash.*
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Selina of course had hoped it would be easy but seems tonight wasn’t her lucky night, pouting adorably as she found herself pinned back flat on the ground. Her whip a few feet from her grasp along with her belt for her tools and equipment as Kirishima had her in her clutches. Just her luck that she had encounter a guy with strength and durability on par with Killer Croc but she had to say, up close like this? Not only was he a looker but god damn those muscles, she coild grind cheese in those abs….it was making her feel turned on.
Selina:*Deciding to play an ace up her sleeve as she began flashing the pull eyes or rsther the kitty eyes, with the pout to match.* “Awww come on tough guy, it’s my first time and offence here in Japan, how about you let me go and you take the loot? Better yet you let me keep half? I’ll make it worth your while….”*She knew it was a long shot but honestly he was rather hoping for something else besides bribing this guy, not that he seemed the type for it, virtue was as distinct as this guy’s gym body. If anything she was going for a nice bit of erotic action, it’d been quite a long dry spell for her to a degree that toys and her own fingers wouldn’t cut it. And she always was a sucker for angelfaces with the musculature of Greek gods.*
Kirishima:*Slight blush on his face aside, he was handling Selina’s flirting and persuasion well as can be.*”Can’t do that ma’am, just wouldn’t sit right with me….”*Selina couldn’t help but feel a giddy tingle with anticipation, the moral compass boyscouts were always a turn on for her. A sensual smile on her face as she found those blood red eyes of his unable to look away from her still exposed torso from having unzipped her suit. Her tits inches away from slipping out to expose themselves as she sensually licked her lips sensing he was getting as turned on as she was, seems her boy scout had a thing for girls like herself, oh if she only knew how right she was.*
Sensing opportunity presenting itself, the seductive thief managed to move her legs out from under him to wrap around them around his waist. Pulling him in close as she freed her arms from his grasp to wrap them around his shoulders and press her lips to his as she ambushed him with a passionate, tongue fuelled French kiss. Taking advantage of his sudden shock and surprise to roll around so that she now laid atop him, straddling his wait as she deepened her liplock. Soon breaking for air with strands of saliva between them as she sat up, looking at him with a sensual gaze as she landed softly, shuddering with delight at the look in his eyes as she began to peel off her suit.
Her luscious, firm tits now flashed before his eyes in all their naked glory as she pried her upper torso out of thst skintight leather and latex, skin glistening with sweat. The feline themed crook caressing his muscles as she traced and memorised those firm cut abs and pecs, oohing and aweing with delight as her ass felt a very distinct bulge bumping against it, seemed this himbo had the package to go along with that physique. Shifting and adjusting her position as she trapped his head between her thighs, she may not have been Mina or Maya or even Mirko but she definitely had some good ones on her as she parked her booty on his face. While she found herself before his crotch, undoing the belt and fly as she was eager to play with the treasure contained within.
But to say she was shocked and surprised was an understatement as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped at seeing that exposed erect slab of manhood before her. The absolute length and girth before her leaving the sexy thief at a rare loss for words, switches in her brain being flipped as she found herself grasping and squeezing that cock. Like some primal instincts reached out to her inner feline telling her to go all in on going all the way with this absolute unit of an alpha male as she commenced with performing fellation. Licking and sucking on that cock as inches of his meat filled her mouth, giving her an oral preview of what awaited her pussy.
Speaking of which, Kirishima had figured the con-woman was trying to play him for a sap, using her feminine wiles on what she figured to be some naive cherry virgin boy. As he grasped that leather and latex clad booty, teeth latching onto the fly of her outfit's zipper to bring down lower. Exposing her slit and anal pucker before him as Selina widened her jade green cat-like eyes at suddenly feeling the sturdy himbo return fire with a little oral assault of his own. And she had to say, he sure as hell knew how to eat a pussy out!!
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Now Selina was no stranger to sex, mind you and she'd been with her share of men and women alike. But she never imagined she'd find the tables turned on her like this and she had to say, she was liking it a lot!! After an intense, sloppy 69 session, it wasn't long before they were both naked, the seductive tease of a thief's cowl, goggles and boots all she had still on her as she found herself taking it doggy or rather kitty style as this young buck of a man mountain fucked her deep and hard. Arms and legs shaky as her jiggling, slutty ass stuck in the air, shaking with every impact of that shaft and those heavy balls smacking her clit before she found herself flat on the floor as he plowed her prone bone.
It wasn't often the infamous Catwoman found herself dominated sexually but Kirishima was showing himself to be quite a young man full of surprises. The rooftop aloud with the echoes of skin slapping sex and cries of passion and ecstasy as orgasms rocked her world one after another. And did he have stamina to spare, to say nothing of his little quirk trick and could he be assertive and abrasive!! It was a turn-on, that was for sure.
But of course the difference in momentum and skill of course wound up being in Kirishima's favour, as he held Selina's luscious hips while she bounced and rode on his cock cowgirl style, her tits bouncing hypnotically as her usually coy face wore an expression that made it clear her brain was numb with pleasure. Before she went limp as a ragdoll as she and the sturdy chivalrous himbo came together simultaneously, a baker's dozen worth of hot, white baby batter pumping and flooding into her womb. The feline afficianado gently laid down on the cool, smooth rooftop surface, a well fucked and satisfied smile on her face and a belly full of cum as Kirishima decided to call this erotic duel a draw. Taking back and returning her stolen goods, after getting his clothes back on of course while maybe hoping the authorities would find her here and secure her arrest..and maybe maintain her dignity.
Of course the tricky thief managed to elude capture but opted to lay low of course until any heat died down. Not that she minded of course, after a lay like that. Now she had herself a new hobby and boytoy to play with, as Kirishima somehow found his phone getting an unknown number sending him a few lewd texts and pictures not long after that hot rooftop encounter evening. Among them being a nude pic from Selina showing off her dumptruck ass while wearing little more than cat ears, jewellery and some thigh high boots.
Not to mention for some reason, the Catwoman always left a date, time and place, as if leaving hints for when and where she might strike next and where he could find her for a rematch. Naturally Mina and Maya found out and oooh was their teasing and flirting relentless especially when they insisted on wanting to help him out with "dealing" with that hot piece of kitty ass. Yeah once again Kirishima really wondered what it would take to just have a normal, peaceful patrol that didn't wind up with him somehow getting a female crook sexually addicted to him. Then again it wasn't always so bad.....right?
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metalomagnetic · 11 months
Snippet from "It runs in the blood"
We get to hear a little from Arcturus, just because I can't have enough Blacks whispering their opinions in my ear.
She’s scowling at Cygnus, eyes barely visible under her dropping eyelids.
“Master shouldn’t yell at Tesuth!” she hisses, snatching Cygnus’ cup away. “Tesuth is old, and she has a headache. If Master doesn’t like the tea-”
“It’s not tea, you cretin! You made me coffee, and you know how I despise-
“Then Master shall drink nothing!”
“Cygnus!” Arcturus warns him, when Cygnus looks ready to blast Tesuth into different pieces. He always was a violent man, this one. Quick to anger.
Cygnus settles, Tesuth leaves, mumbling. Arcturus takes a sip out of his cup. It is, at least, good coffee.
“Forget the elf. Are you certain about Sirius?”
Cygnus stares after Tesuth, murder in his eyes. “I obviously didn’t see for myself, he's not stupid enough to wear it in my presence. But Yaxley told me he wears the ring at all times. When I asked Lucius, he pretended not to hear, and that in itself means it’s true.”
Arcturus turns his head, slightly, to watch the dead garden. Oh, how Orion must suffer.
“Yaxley says Sirius is far too familiar with Voldemort, that they smile at each other, that he gets preferential treatment above all others, even Bellatrix.”
Sirius always was lovable. Since he was born, he was everyone’s favourite. Even Arcturus’ father, a harsh, stern man that never once hugged his children, never had a kind word for them, would often lift Sirius up, tickle him, place him on his lap, whispering all sort of inappropriate things in his ear.
Tom Riddle is a creature, an aberration far from human, yet even it is not immune to Sirius’ charm, apparently.
“And this never happened before?”
“No. Voldemort never paid anyone so much attention.”
“It’s different,” Cygnus insists. “It’s different with Bella. He is fond of her, but this? He gave Sirius his family ring! When he talks of Sirius, he looks- I have never heard that man speak this way of anyone. Not even at school. Oh, and he very much enjoys speaking of Sirius, asks questions about him, useless things that can be of no use in war.”
“Is it aware of the significance of giving away his signet ring?” Perhaps the animal doesn’t know, what with its terrible upbringing.
“Yaxley alluded that they have an…intimate relationship,” Cygnus sneers. “And, I must say, if Sirius is wearing the Gaunt ring, then- yet I didn’t suspect Sirius finds men appealing. Quite the opposite. As bad as-” he trails off, before he can say ‘Orion' and risk Arcturus’ displeasure. “It’s not something I would accuse Voldemort of, usually, but I am starting to wonder if he…gave Sirius something.”
Riddle has never resorted to bedding anyone to reach its goals. And it was handsome, back in the day, filth disguised by aristocratic features. Yet it never had a lover, not one Cygnus or Yaxley or Arcturus could find, at least.
“But Sirius is- he never shied away from his affairs, he has no shame; if he liked men, surely we’d have heard about it. Especially when he was with those tolerant morons.”
Sirius was, indeed, interested in girls, since he was alarmingly young.
But not many knew about that boy, that Rosier. Arcturus would not have found out either, if not for Walburga, who came to complain to him.
“Orion doesn’t seem to care, but you should. I don’t want Sirius turning into Alphard. Talk to him, or do something about it.”
Walburga was always so dramatic. It was obvious to anyone else that they would have no trouble marrying Sirius off, that he most likely would give House Black many children, what with his appetites. If he kept some male company outside of it, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world. But she made such a scene, Orion confessed, when Arcturus asked about it- and no one could throw a fit quite like Walburga. No doubt, she traumatised Sirius, like she traumatised him in so many different ways, to the point where Sirius was never seen even looking at a boy.
“What does Bellatrix think about it?” Another crazy one, prone to rage. So much like Walburga is as if she were her daughter.
Arcturus hears she killed Sirius’ previous woman, in a fit of jealousy. If only she would kill Riddle, too, driven by that same undue possessiveness over her cousin.
Sirius wanted to wed her, but Orion learned from his own mistakes and forbade it. Even Walburga was against it, and she adored Bellatrix back then.
“She’s in denial,” Cygnus huffs. “She refuses to talk about it. She insists that Voldemort gives tokens of affection to his most loyal, that he gave her something, too. Yet I told her this is not some vase, it’s a family ring. She said ‘her lord’ doesn’t put any value in our ‘stupid traditions’ and is probably unconcerned with the significance.”
Arcturus snorts. That could be. But- “Sirius is certainly aware of the implications. And yet he is wearing the ring.”
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Title: Lucy in the Tank with Morons
Author: queerwerewolf
Artist: TwinOne
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dean Winchester, a premiere shark biologist at the Georgia Aquarium, who works with their three tiger sharks, never ever expected to find himself enamored with a newly acquired giant Pacific octopus, and more importantly, her exceedingly handsome blue-eyed handler. In a little hide-away beneath the waves, Dean will fall in love in an octopus’s garden.
Tags: Mentions of Tiger Sharks, AU - Modern Setting, Aquarium AU, Shark Biologist Dean Winchester, Teuthologist Castiel a.k.a. Octopus Biologist, Fluff, Love at First Sight, Coworkers to Lovers, Original Octopus Character, Matchmaker Octopus, In an Octopus’s Garden
Posting on July 3
Keep reading for a short excerpt.
Dean skipped every other step as he made his way to the top of the grated floor. He couldn’t help but smile when he found Cas, clad in jeans and a t-shirt, attempting to get Lucy in the smaller, escape proof tank used to house creatures when their real tank was being cleaned.
“Come on, Lucy, I know you missed me, but I’ve got work to do,” Cas said as he tried to pry her tentacles off of his arms. Every time he succeeded, she used another arm to grab Cas.
“Havin’ trouble?” Dean asked with a soft laugh as he approached.
Cas looked relieved and held his tentacle covered arms up. “Can you tell?” Lucy came up with him, clinging onto Cas for dear life from the looks of it.
Dean stepped next to Cas. “Need help?”
“Good luck,” he said with a laugh, as he relaxed his arms.
Dean decided to start with his wrist, gently tugging at the suckers that had rotated to even overlap, making her grip impossibly strong. “Damn, Lucy.” When he managed to pry a few of the suckers from Cas’s wrist, there was a wake of circular bruises where her arm had been wrapped.
“She got you good,” Dean said as he proceeded to pull her off the rest of Cas’s right arm.
“I call them octopus hickeys,” Cas said with a laugh, right hand now free and helping Dean with his left.
Dean chuckled in kind. “So, she’s got a crush on you?”
“Something like that,” Cas said.
Then Lucy reached out, wrapping one of her tentacles around Dean’s left wrist. The suckers felt a little squishy and slippery, but they latched onto Dean with ease. “Ma’am,” he said as he proceeded to focus on his own arm.
Cas smiled brightly when Dean grew unsuccessful and a couple other tentacles gripped him higher up his forearm. “She must like the way you taste.”
Lucy had clearly gotten over Cas’s taste and actually dropped her remaining limbs to now latch onto both of Dean’s arms.
“At least I’m too big for her to eat…”
There was a pleasant warmth of color that painted Cas’s cheeks at that comment, and Cas simply chuckled. “This is more her way of getting to know you.”
Well, talk about a great segue. Dean flashed him another smile and said, “Speaking of… Do you have any plans tonight?”
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world0fmadness · 1 month
chuck schuldiner x reader
♡ general dating headcanons for chuck!
୨୧ the chuck brainrot came back for me! he was so absolutely insanely handsome, such a perfect man <3
♡ view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: zero tolerance by death - west coast by lana del rey - incarnated solvent abuse by carcass
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♡ i can see chuck being a huge fan of pretty cliche dates!
୨୧ like drive in movies, diner dates and stuff like that? yeah, he loves them <3
♡ when it comes to drive in movie dates, his favourites to go and see are horror movies! he’ll open his arms and let you cuddle into him, resting his chin on your head, eyes glued to the screen as he mumbles some jokes about characters that make you softly laugh into his leather jacket
“ god, what a moron… i mean, why would you run that way? idiot… look, i bet you ten bucks he’s gonna trip on that rock ” ( spoiler alert: the character does trip on the rock, causing you and chuck to share a quiet laugh, not wanting to disturb other people at the drive in )
୨୧ and diner dates are very relaxed dates for him, he likes to go and grab a milkshake with you after a recording session! not only does the cold milkshake soothe his throat but he gets to give you the cherry that was throned atop the cream in his milkshake
♡ it’s not that he doesn’t like cherries, he probably does, it’s just that he knows you really like them so why wouldn’t he give an extra one to his girl?
୨୧ if it’s the opposite and you don’t like cherries at all, he’ll snag yours from atop the whipped cream and pull it off the stem with his teeth before shooting you a cheeky wink
♡ i feel like he’s really good with his fingers… like, really super good!
୨୧ i mainly mean this in a sexual way, chuck would probably be a god when it comes to fingering your and teasing you
♡ but i also just mean it in a general way, chuck is probably great when it comes to comforting you by stroking your hair and cupping your face
୨୧ speaking of comfort, he’s such a loving and caring boyfriend when it comes to you being upset and needing some loving
♡ he’ll cradle your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks and wipe your tears away with his thumbs, speaking quietly to you as he tries to calm your breathing :(
“ you’re okay, baby… what’s up, hm? what’s happened? ” ( his voice is impossibly soft when he’s talking to you and he lets you talk if you need to whilst listening intently )
୨୧ chuck is probably SUPER on top of your anniversaries and any other dates that are important to you! it’s not even that he needs to try and remember them, it’s like anything related to you gets permanently stamped in his memory
♡ your favourite type of chocolate? he knows it by heart! the face wash you usually use? sure, he can grab you some from the store and you don’t need to tell him the brand! your favourite candle scent? he sees a pretty candle with that scent in a store and buys it without a second thought
୨୧ i feel like he’d just be so sweet and domestic :(
♡ he actually really likes cooking with you, washing some vegetables before you cut them up as he holds your hips from behind, swaying slightly and pressing kisses to your head after setting the oven to preheat
୨୧ chuck can COOK! don’t ask me why i think this, i just do…
♡ he never told you he could, it just so happened that you fell pretty sick one morning and couldn’t cook so he went to make some breakfast for you whilst letting you rest in bed
୨୧ you thought it’d be some half burnt or maybe at least half decent toast but oh no… this man came back to the room with a fully cooked breakfast with bacon, sausage, hash brown and so on! even freshly fucking squeezed orange juice and you have no idea where he got oranges from ( he snagged them from the neighbours garden )
♡ when you ask him why he never told you he could cook so well he’s probably so cheeky and smug, simply throwing a wink your way and shooting you a nerdy fingergun motion before climbing back into bed with you and snagging a piece of bacon from the plate
“ well, you never asked… but you know now! the great chuck schuldiner can cook like a fuckin’ god ” ( okay, maybe he gets a bit of an ego after revealing it to you )
୨୧ chuck really likes going to bars with you! not really to drink though, he just likes sit with you and see the local talent, if there’s any good bands playing, he really likes supporting small unknown bands, especially when they’re teenagers!
♡ he loves seeing people that remind him of himself when he was a teenager and you guys become almost older sibling figures to a lot of the young bands he discovers, him giving them advice of how they should go about things and you making sure they’re well dressed and fed
୨୧ you guys aren’t even that much older than most of the teenagers but it just works
♡ when it comes to marriage, i can see chuck being kind of split on how he feels about it!
୨୧ on one side, he really doesn’t think you need a piece of paper to have a “ legitimate ” love and he thinks weddings are just a bit of a sham
♡ on another side, he definitely wouldn’t mind giving you a pretty diamond ring and getting to call you his wife…
୨୧ but i can’t ever see you guys having a traditional wedding, most likely you’d get eloped! but he’d still give you a pretty hefty chunk of money and tell you to buy yourself a pretty dress to wear
♡ the only witnesses are his band mates and your shared friends, they brought some shitty store bought cupcakes with them to share between you guys as well as a disposable camera, chuck and you feeding each other one with your elbows crossed whilst giggling as your ring glistens under the light <3
୨୧ chuck loves spoiling you whenever he can, taking you shopping or to get your nails done, reading a magazine in a seat by your side as you chat with your nail tech
♡ one time, you got the death logo across your nails and it nearly made him combust, he was OBSESSED with them! he absolutely took you to see his band mates that same day and showed them how sweet they were
“ look at that! i didn’t even know you could do that, i thought you could just get colours and shit… ” ( getting his tip colour on your nails too? woah, who the hell said that? not me, i promise )
୨୧ chuck is another guy who i could see just LOVING photo booths! he drags you into every single one he sees
♡ he just really likes having pictures of you, for when he’s on tour and you can’t come and just for general memories
୨୧ when inside of one, he’ll sit you on his knee and wrap his arms around you whilst placing a sloppy kiss to your cheek as you laugh
♡ he definitely keeps one of the photo strips in his wallet, always pulling it out and admiring the features of your face when he misses you, holding the photo in his hand when on call with you, matching your voice the face in the photo, imaging the smile you probably have on your face…
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