#a little more personal in tags. bc I know for me his music especially was so important to me. and this sort of image he’d made for himself
shiphappen-s · 2 days
Ok so like brace yourself bc I haven't read the brick and I'm playing fast and loose w canon here but you know that line in Bring Him Home where Valjean is looking at Marius and is like "he's like the son I might have known, if God had granted me a son"
What if Marius and Cosette swapped places. Marius was always a sensitive boy and he always had his quirks and such (personally I HC him as autistic / on the spectrum but like again fully fanon/musical based pls don't come for me). And where those more vulnerable sides of him would have been mostly squashed under the care of his grandfather, valjean nurtures them. And Marius just looks at valjean like he hung the stars in the sky, he's everything Marius wants to be when he grows up. A man who can protect himself and his family while still being kind and generous and sometimes nervous just like he always is. This guts Valjean because he feels so unworthy of this love and innocent childlike devotion. Marius should want to be so much more than a convict on the run from the law, which actually results in him telling Marius about his past early on in an effort to quell this thing but only ends up making Marius love and respect him more lol. Anyway I'm getting off topic
Cosette who was never taken from the Thenardiers, who grew up hungry and cold and right next to Eponine. They had a vicious rivalry until their early teens but once Eponine stopped getting daughter privileges and started getting punished the same if not more than cosette they formed a quick alliance. Eventually they became thick as thieves, often dreaming about the day that Fantine would come for her child and cosette would convince her to take them both out of this hell. Eponine is eventually the one to find out what happened to Fantine. Learning that her mother died alone and cold and abused because of the thenardiers simultaneously broke and forged something in Cosettes soul. Eponine became more and more bitter about life and the world but Cosette could not watch idle as the thenardiers continued to ruin people's life. She starts stealing from them and distributing it to the poor, purposely botching their jobs under the guise of being clumsy/stupid, subtly taking their attention so that Eponine or gavroche could nick food or medicine or whatever they needed. This eventually puts her on the path to bump into the Les amis and she quickly joins them and rises in the ranks. Her and Enjolras, though from completely opposite upbringings, are a United front when it comes to ideals. She is merged into the inner circle and becomes close with all of the boys, becoming a mix of big sister and little sister to all the students in attendance. Grantaire gets on her nerves a bit but he's so similar to Eponine that she can't stay mad at him. Especially bc he's never cruel and she can see his point most of the time, it's just annoying to be interrupted all the time lol
Cosette would fall immediately for the shy well read rich boy who spends his days giving to the poor and helping the needy as best he can. Marius would fall instantly for the girl with fire in her eyes and bruises on her knuckles who speaks passionately about equality and freedom for all.
(There would also be no love triangle with Eponine here bc she's had her eyes on the good looking intellectual man who serves as the right hand of Enjolras. He helped her in a tight spot once and he didn't flinch at her state or even ask for any kind of repayment. She doesn't know his name yet as she hasn't crossed paths with her sisters group all that often but the people in that group sometimes call him the guide. She usually keeps her cards close to her chest on this kind of stuff but she's planning on tagging along to the next meeting of his so she can see this man in his element and determine if his kindness was a fluke or not)
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vilwil-brr · 7 months
so. in light of recent news, I’m logging on here so I can delete what i have written for cwilbur - I was already debating on leaving it up or not anyway - and I’ll be changing my username once I figure out a new one. I know this hasn’t blog been focused on his characters for literal years, but I figure it’d be best to let y’all know - especially considering the username change.
I will probably continue to be inactive for the next month at least, but will be active for the next few days trying to edit things here, if anyone wants to talk through asks or DM’s. I hope you all are doing well, and I hope Shelby continues to receive the support she deserves.
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st6rly · 11 months
bury me deep (where my words won’t reach you)
synopsis: it should’ve been me; it is me (or in other words, sudden confessions) | wc — 1.9k
[ !! ] — masterlist.
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characters: ayato & kazuha x gn! reader (separate)
categories: fluff, slight angst if you use a magnifying glass, a little suggestive in kazuha’s part, modern au, scenarios
warnings: my inability to write kissing scenes 👎👎 also it’s just past 2:30am so this is not proofread my bad so if there are any proper, warnings please let me know
notes: an old fic that i edited bc omg ?? my grammar was horrible :(( pls do not spam like my posts! reblogs are always welcome however.
for @kamiyatos bc ayato (hope you don’t mind the tag 😓)
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“Ah, so this is where you ran off to.” 
You sighed. Dim lights filtered through the doorway as Ayato looked at your position on the floor with a smile. 
“Nice place you’ve got,” he chuckled, closing the door slightly behind him and taking a seat next to you.
A sweet silence passed between you; muffled music from the gym and the cheering voices of students echoed through the hallway. You turned to gaze at him, resting a hand on your knee with your head leaning against the wall. It’s funny when you think about how much your tired eyes contrasted with his relaxed posture. 
“Why'd you come looking for me?” 
Ayato opened an eye, looking at you from the corner of it with a twitch of his lips before he said, “It's my duty as a part of the student council that everyone is enjoying themselves at these types of events. Even if it’s just a little bit.” 
A stifled laugh turned  into a dry cough as you gave him a lazy smirk in return, amused by his words. 
“Does that duty not stretch to you yourself? Weren’t you voted the king of the dance this year? It’s strange for you to not be interacting with your loving fans.”
“Who cares about them? They don’t know me.” He sighed and muttered under his breath, “Not like you do.” 
“Even so, you’d usually go and talk about the benefits of the event with the rest of stuco,” you shrugged. “It’s your night, you should be having fun.” He turned to face you more, running a hand through his hair.
“Would you believe me if I said that this,” he waved a hand between the two of you, “was my idea of fun?”  
“No, I would not believe that hiding in the janitor’s closet is your idea of ‘fun’.” You uncurled your legs from the way they were previously scrunched up. “Then again, you are weird so it wouldn’t surprise me if that were true.” It’s faint, almost lost to the noise from the gym, but you could hear how a chuckle bubbled out of his throat and made out the way his shoulders shook with the sound.
“Even if the person I were to be hiding with is my best friend?”  
“Especially if that person is your best friend.” 
You shifted in your spot, the formal wear you had on stiff and unwilling to let you sit comfortably. 
“God, I hate wearing stuff like this,” you muttered, glaring at him when he laughed at your misfortune. “Shut up. Don’t act as if you’re any more comfortable than I am.”
“If it makes you feel better, aside from the whole uncomfortable part,” he said as he looked you up and down, eyes softened, “I think you look great.” 
You chuckled weakly. With a sigh, you closed your eyes and rested your head on the wall of the cramped space again.
“I highly doubt I look as great as you’re saying right now.” You heard a faint scoff come from him.  
“Nonsense. You look amazing as always.” 
Ayato speaks of nonsense just as it builds up in his chest, There was a longing, a crave even, for him to clasp his hand overtop yours; he fiddled with the buttons on his coat instead.
“I see you every day yet I’ve never wanted to kiss you more than right now,” he blurted out with a hushed voice, startling even himself with what spilled from his lips. A moment’s pause passed as he took in what he just said, unaware of the heat that crawled up your neck. He casted a weary glance towards you.
“My apologies, Y/n. My outburst was uncalled for and I'm sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable.” He covered his face with one hand. “I understand if this changes things and I completely accept if you only see me as a friend or if you don’t want to be friends any-” 
The ramble was snuffed out as he was suddenly met with your lips pressed against his. You pulled him by the collar, eyes closed as you hastily swept him into a brief kiss. Ayato sat there dazed as you moved away, eyes casted away from him. 
He hesitated, movements slowed as he rested a hand on the back of your neck and rubbed small circles on your cheek with his thumb. He smiled, and dove back in; breath fanned across your skin as he devoured the dizzying feelings and melted into the contact. A small amount of satisfaction filled your chest when you parted again, smiling as a red hue decorated his face while his eyes looked at you so dearly.
“In all fairness,” You rubbed the back of your neck and muttered inaudible words before continuing, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now, too.” You managed to whisper out, resting your forehead against his shoulder. A warmth covered your hands as you still gripped his collar with one, and raising your eyes you saw a kind smile sent your way.  
“Kissing my childhood best friend in a janitor's closet, now that,” Ayato laughed, bold and bright, “that is more than enough fun.” Using the wall to brace himself, he gently raised you both off the ground. 
“How would you like to go somewhere a little less cramped?” 
“What are you, my prince charming?” You teased, hand held tightly in his and grinning bigger that the snort he let out,
“If anything, you’re the real saviour here. My ticket for leaving this event.” He bumped his shoulder against yours. “My precious knight in shining armour.” You lightly shoved him back. 
“I love you,” you murmured, a dopey smile on your face. Ayato couldn’t tease you for it even if he wanted to because he probably looked the same, just as lovesick. 
“I love you more.” It was softly said with such truth and sealed with a squeeze of his hand.
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Soft chuckles could be heard through the library as the librarian sighed and sent a shush your way. Looking over his shoulder at the page, you couldn’t help but choke up on laughter as Kazuha recited the lines of poetry with a straight face. Tried too at least. Even as an admirer of poetry himself, romantic stanzas and free verses’ chalk full of metaphors about hearts fluttering like butterflies always sent chuckles the vibrated down his spine. Though he couldn’t deny how warm reading them out loud made him feel, imagining your wistful smile as he tells you his latest idea of love.  
“That last poem reminds me of a book I've read before,” you mused, head tilted as you relaxed against the bookshelf. He sat down next to you with his lips curled into a grin.  
“Oh really? What was it about?” You scratch the back of your neck, thinking for a moment.  
“It was a classic teen romance novel. New kid in the school meets the main love interest, and the main love interest falls head over heels for the new kid.” You turned to face him. “The new kid plays hard to get but falls just as hard. Average love story.” You shrugged, a lopsided grin on your face. “Wasn’t my favourite read but definitely wasn’t the worst.”  
“What's the title? I’d like to give it a try and see what all this fuss is about,” He asked, laughing at how you blinked blankly before shaking your head.  
“I can't remember, sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve read it and besides, it really isn’t worth a whole reading session.” Kazuha cocked his head to the side, a curious glint in his eyes. 
“And why not?” 
“They kept dancing around each other a little too much for my liking. I mean, I love a good slow burn but damn.” 
“I guess you aren’t the target audience then.” 
You nodded your head and slumped against his shoulder, hair tickling the side of his neck.
“Definitely not,” you groaned. “Mainly because it reminds me of how lonely I am and how I won’t live out a romance like that.” 
“What makes you say that?” Kazuha watched as your expression turned sour, lips pursed and brow furrowing slightly. His fingers twitched, wanting to cup your face and smother away that look to see you laugh and smile again. 
“Romance in the middle of school seems…” you trailed off, an exasperated laugh breaking your sentence, “it looks hard. I don’t know how people do it. There’s already so much to do and a relationship on top of that.” You shook your head. “Full respect to students who can keep a healthy relationship going.” 
He hummed to himself, taking in your words. 
“That makes sense,” he mumbled and tried not to look so troubled by it. He sat up and you looked at him worriedly.   
“Did I say something wrong? your tone is off,” you pointed out. 
“No! I mean, no. Everything is fine. Don’t worry about it.” A bout of nervousness rushed through him as he coughed and smiled. He could tell you didn’t buy it; the sceptical look on your face said it all before you lunged at him, rolling you both onto the floor with you on top of him.
“Hey-” before he could even ask, he broke out in laughter as you began to dig fingers just below his ribs.
“W-wait!” He struggled to regain his bearings when you stopped, face flushed as he stared up at you. “What… what was that for?”
“I don't want to force you to tell me anything, but frowning doesn’t suit you.” you chuckled. Kazuha could help the small pout on his lips as he sat up onto his arms, slightly distracted with the way the light from the window hit your eyes.  
“I love you so much,” he mumbled, shoulders shaking in both laughter and slight heartbreak, knowing that what you said earlier was right. “God, I wish I could kiss you.” 
He stilled as your smile grew bigger; he hadn’t noticed the way your laughing had seized earlier or the hitch of your breath when he said those words.  
“Say that again.” he gulped at the serious look on your face despite the grin you wore, heat creeping up his neck and ears turning pick as you moved closer. 
“I wish I could kiss yo-” 
His eyes widened as you connected your lips with his, a hand on his chin and noses nearly touching, before sinking into the feeling. It stirred up butterflies that darted around his chest, heart rapidly beating as you both pulled away. Kazuha raised a hand and hovered it over his mouth, as a new smile bloomed on his face. You found yourself joining in on his giggles again.
“What happened to not liking school romances?” He joked through the chuckles. His breath caught in his throat as you clutched his tie in your hand with a smirk.  
“I think it’s going quite well right now but,” you leaned in closer, eyes trailing over his face, “I'll need to check again to make sure that’s not a fluke.” 
He flushed under your stare. 
“You remind me of a character from the book I was talking about earlier.” 
“Oh? Which one?” He whispered. Your grin was dangerous. 
“Definitely the new kid from that story.” You tugged him to look up. “Because i’ve been wanting this ever since we first started hanging out.”
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sweetlummie · 7 months
Sad Little Girl
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Mood board by my lovey love @iamasaddie tysm 💗
Joel Miller x fem!plus size!reader
A/n: hello everyone! I’m back with an actual fic! This one is near and dear to my heart and very personal to me, I hope you enjoy it! Big s/o to @xdaddysprincessxx for proofreading! Ilysm mama 💗💗💗 This fic was made with game!joel in mind! As always constructive criticism is welcome! Enjoy! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! 🫶🫶💗💗 (reupload to see if it shows on tags bc tumblr is fucking me hardcore rn.)
Warnings: mentions of SA and heavy trauma, age gap (reader is in her 20s Joel is in his 50s), death of a loved one, also David is mentioned. If I missed any lmk!
W/c: 1.5k
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
Growing up during the apocalypse wasn’t fun. There were many horrible, disgusting men that would do whatever they wanted. The need to survive set aside, they fucked with other people, especially women to get their twisted pleasure. You had fallen victim to that terrible abuse, but out of some sick and twisted mercy the most that had been done to you was being touched inappropriately and had a man expose himself to you. Worst of all? It was in your own home.
Your dad was a part of the smuggling circle and would often have his colleagues over to discuss routes, plans, and merchandise. One of his least trusted associates was the one that tortured you to no end. Because of that you didn’t feel like yourself, you didn’t feel like a girl. As the days passed you wore baggier clothing, you cut your hair to your shoulders, you bound your chest to get rid of any semblance to a woman. What also helped was that you were bigger than the average girl, you thought that maybe you looked broader, more like a male. This was how you coped, how you pushed everyone away.
When you found out your father died it was like a bucket of cold water to your skin. You didn’t know what you were gonna do or how you were gonna get by. A few days after you received the news about your father, there was a knock on your apartment door. Grabbing one of your father’s weapons you hesitantly opened it to find Joel Miller, your dad’s most trusted acquaintance. You lower your weapon and stepped aside to let him in.
“Hey bunny..” Joel began, you never understood why he called you that, based on your appearance you were nothing like a bunny. Not cute, not soft, not friendly.. You were the opposite. “Sorry ‘bout your dad.. Look, your pa on one occasion told me that if anythin’ were ta happen to ‘im for me to take care of ya.. Now I know you're a grown woman that can make her own decisions and take care of herself but I still wanted to offer ya a place to stay.. I know how awful solitude can be and I really care ‘bout ya..”
You had to process what he was telling you but you liked Joel, though you had some very negative interactions with men in the past, he was the only one you trusted aside from your father. You nodded your head in agreement and as the days and weeks progressed you moved your things little by little to his and Tess’ apartment.
You kept to yourself most of the time, mostly passing your time by drawing, reading, or listening to music when you didn’t work. Tess and Joel would sometimes let you go with them to their smuggling jobs but Joel would keep you close.
Joel noticed something was up with you, he noticed your change from the beginning. While your father thought nothing of it he noticed when his cheery-eyed bunny lost the spark in her eyes and became dull. He wanted to talk to your father about it but he felt like it wasn’t his place to say anything. He noticed how you presented yourself, manlier than you used to be and more quiet. Now this change he mentioned to your father.
“Hey man, I noticed somethin’ up with bunny.. Why she dressin’ like that suddenly? Seems like a drastic change..”
But your dad always brushed it off saying it was a phase that you were going through but Joel knew it was more than that.
It had been a few months that you had been staying with Joel and Tess when one day after Joel and Tess went after Robert, Joel came back with a 14 year old girl named Ellie. You looked at Joel surprised and he pulled you aside to a room to talk about what was happening. He and Tess were going to deliver this girl to the fireflies at the capital and it wasn’t going to take them long.
“I wanna come.” you told Joel, he shook his head “Nah, just me ‘n Tess.. Too dangerous..” That answer didn’t satisfy you. “I’m coming with you. Whether you like it or not.” and you left to go where Ellie was. Joel chuckled lowly and shook his head again, he knew better than to argue with you, you were a little spitfire, just like your dad.
When your journey began you kept to yourself and only spoke if you heard something or needed something. Ellie tried to talk to you but you would only respond with a nod or a shake.
“What’s up with her.. Him? Nah her?” she asked Tess and Tess chuckled. “I don’t know, kid, she’s a nice lady, just quiet is all.” Joel took that chance to check up on you.
“Ya alright? Need anythin’?” you shook your head and Joel left you be.
Your trip had gone sour, Tess was dead and now you were on route to Lincoln. Tess’ death hit you hard but you know you have to be strong for both Ellie and Joel. After you had all processed her death you figured it would be best to open up now since it was only the three of you left. You began talking more and found that you shared a lot of things in common with Ellie. You two became quickly attached and while Joel did his best to ignore you both, being the ever stoic and grumpy man he is, he was still really happy that you opened up.
Little by little Joel noticed a positive change in you, the sparkle in your eyes was slowly returning and now you openly were conversing and laughing with both Joel and Ellie. Your progress was quickly squandered though when Joel got hurt and by events with David, a creepy school teacher turned psycho cult leader. You took care of Joel while weeping silently, you were scared you were gonna lose the man you trusted, the man you felt safe with. You know you should’ve gone hunting, you know what happened with Ellie is your fault. You both scrambled as you tried to lead David and his men as far away from Joel as possible. But in the end you both got caught. You and Ellie were held in different areas but you panicked as you saw the disgusting look in his eyes. You knew exactly what he wanted to do with you and especially Ellie.
After what happened with Ellie it triggered your PTSD and you just held Ellie as you both wept. You both had been fairly quiet on the trip to the hospital. It killed Joel to not just see one of his girls be quiet and devoid of life but both of them. Especially since you had come such a long way.
That night when Ellie slept he approached you and asked if you both could talk. You agreed and followed him a little away from the camp not to disturb Ellie’s sleep but still keeping a close eye on her.
“Bunny… I’m sorry ‘bout what happened.. you ‘n Ellie didn’t deserve that.. I shoulda been there to protect y’all..” of course Joel blamed himself when it wasn’t his fault at all.. with a sigh you begin to speak. “It’s not your fault Joel.. it’s mine.. I should’ve been more careful towards Ellie.. she.. we..” you burst out crying and for once you felt the warm embrace of someone who loved you. You would cry by yourself at nights, not wanting to disturb your dad with your seemingly insignificant issues.. but for once you cry and you just get held.. you craved that more than anything else.. as much as it pained you, you told Joel everything that happened in the QZ for years before your father died.. he clenched his jaw and held you tighter..
“I wish ya woulda said somethin’ bunny.. never liked that freak anyway.. woulda killed ‘em for ya..” Joel whispers as his lips pressed into your hair. You chuckled and just let the tears fall. It felt good to get it off your chest, to let Joel in.. you felt safe, you felt secure in his arms.
When you return to Jackson, you’re a whole new person. You and Joel live together in a house while Ellie lives in her shed. You’ve begun to let your hair grow out again, decorating it with cute hair accessories you would find, you’re wearing pretty, fitting clothing, even dresses! Joel sees how brightly you’re shining. No longer are you the shy quiet girl that people assumed was a brute boy. You changed totally. You were truly beautiful in his eyes. You were thankful for Joel, he made you feel safe, he made you feel true peace. Enough to where you felt like you didn’t have to protect yourself anymore, enough to where you could finally be yourself and not worry about getting hurt. He would protect you, he would be there for you. You were his bunny, you finally felt at home.
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
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melloneah · 1 month
this is all for the writer ask!!! :3 hope it's not too much >_<" answer the ones you're comfortable answering and don't force yourself to answer all of them if you don't want to! <3
🌵🥤🌻🍄📚 🍬🔪🥐🏜🦋🐝🧩
EHEHEHEHEHHE NEVER TOO MUCH THANK U SMMMMMM 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
i dont really listen to premade playlists, so ill link mine >:333 this is a playlist i made for a roadtrip to berlin, including all the songs i was listening to at the time, and ive since been adding new ones actively, so it's literally just a huge list of everything i love :D 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
first of all gonna plug my besties ofc @levi-dayne writes sick ass fics for death note @uriekukistan writes amazing itafushi angst (and not only :33) SENDING BOTH OF THEM SMOOCHES GO READ THEIR STUFF! and a fic that id read recently and LOVEDDD was all about love by fullvoid (@casgore on here :3) the yuuji characterisation broke my heart - it was a gutwrenchingly real way of depicting mental illness, and i loved seeing how different he acted around people vs alone. and it was super cool seeing a healed megumi helping yuuji rather than the other way around!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis FIRST OF ALL U!!!!!! i love the mutual interactions THANK U FOR BEING HERE!!!! @alonelystargazer is very sweet and i interact with her pretty regularly i feel :3 THANK U FOR INTERACTING WINNIE!!!!<3 cant think of anymore rn but if i do i WILL edit this post TRUST 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
megumi likes penne but yuuji hates it so they always disagree over pasta shape if theyre making it for dinner. yuuji always wins bc his favourite is spaghetti and obviously everyone likes spaghetti so megumi doesnt bother fighting him on it 📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
HEHEHEHEH nervous. lets see "what kinda gay shit goes on around here when im not around" LMAO the choso x todo wip in action. what a quote thank u past me. you'll find out the context once i post it sjdhfgsjhfks
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmm from random shit i think like. 1980s window designs in england lmaooo
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
answered here :333
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ARRGRHRG ANY COMMENT. i get so excited u cant even imagine. i sometimes type 'AO3' in my gmail just to delude myself that i got a comment and get that little pang of joy seeing the notif 😭 my favvvv must be ones that quote certain lines tho bc then im like HEY!!!! I WROTE THAT!!!! U LIKED THAT??? DUDE UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS I WROTE IT
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i feel like an everpresent topic ive had on my mind especially often for the last year is kindness. there's a multitude of things i could say, whether that's bashing people for lacking it, or get all teary over how beautiful it is (which!! it is!!!) but i think what ive recently discovered is that it's my only constant :3 when everything else goes wrong, that's all i have, and im really happy it's second nature to me (altho im still actively working on making myself better!!!!)
yeah, maybe everything sucks right now, but i know i can make someone else's day better :3 and often it makes things a little more okay to me too
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
RAHHGHG BESTIES. question for the bestiessss
@levi-dayne is so dear to my heart!!! such a sweet and kind person, who truly and deeply cares about others!!!! makes music, writes well AND ALSO DRAWS??!!! amazing and super talented person with super high ambitions too!!! SO SLAYFUL. what did i do to deserve such a slayful friend<333
@uriekukistan is one of the most naturally talented ppl i know!!!!! they write amazing fics, can DANCE super well, and took up drawing like 3 seconds ago and are already churning out really cool stuff on a fucking TOUCHPAD. ON THEIR LAPTOP. gofundme for rin graphic art kit when?? also ofc. a really good friend and very kind person :3333 <333
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
from a writing style perspective: first person and tense switches
from a content perspective: anything fucked up like noncon or incest....how tf are they often not tagged like??? or putting that at the bottom of the warnings list 😭 oh yea im far more concerned about swearing and underage drinking......
something im picky abt that sometimes annoys me enough to click off but i feel like it's just a weird personal preference is the overuse of alternatives to a characters name. so using "the brunette" like 5 times. just say his name!!!!! it's ok!!!!!
RAHHHHHH i usually reread my answers before i post but not this time. adios fuckers i dont remember what bullshit i wrote here but ur left with the consequences. if u wanna deal with even more of my terrible takes ASK ME STUFF
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eroswmorals · 6 months
about me :)) (tw: flashing at the bottom i put blinkies there)
Call me Eros (or Sparrow since that's what I go by irl)
My otherkin sideblog is @that-dog-is-so-gender
My weird fan sideblog is @susan-stanleycup lmao I made it to torment my bf
I post my art very inconsistently, but if you wanna see it, it can all be found under the tag #artists on tumblr (no guarantee it'll be good lol especially as you find the older shit)
My original posts are under the tag #eros says shit
Bi and aspec (grayromantic, graysexual, aplspec, afamilial)
Minor 18+ blogs don't follow
DM's are open to mutuals only
I am not in a place where I can donate anything, I am a minor
I'm bilingual and know English and Spanish but English is my first language (I've been going to bilingual schools since I was like 6) so that's fun
DNI if you're younger than 13
DNI homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, terfs, racists, sexists, MAPS (pedophiles. yall cant hide behind an acronym), transracial ppl idk, etc. Bigoted assholes can kindly fuck off, thank you ;)
I support furries and otherkins and therians and all that jazz so if you don't like that ig just deal with it? Touch grass? Doesn't rly matter if you see ppl on the internet just being themselves it's not a personal attack.
I block freely and if I don't like your vibe I'm gonna do that
All the extra stuff is under the keep reading thing bc it's long and painful to read. If you don't wanna read it some of the fandoms I'm in are specified in the tags <2
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All the shit I like:
Stuff I watch - Helluva Boss - Brandon Rogers - DEADPOOL MOVIES!!!!!! AGHJAKJHGFCDFGHJ - X-Men '97 - The New Mutants (the movie sucked but it has a special place in my heart, ok? I love Rahne Sinclair) - Supernatural (I'm on season 9 rn) - Good Omens - Dead Boy Detectives
Musicals I like: - Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) - RHPS - Cabaret (1998) - Falsettos - West Side Story - Beetlejuice - Addams Family - Prolly more I forgot to list but those are my faves
Music I like (not including musicals): - Remo Drive - Mitski - Fall Out Boy - NOAHFINNCE - MCR - boygenius - IDKHBTFM - Jack Stauber - The Amazing Devil - Queen - Billy Joel - Green Day - Tom Petty
Hobbies ig - Sewing - Drawing - Making kandi (although my bf does it better he's the bead master he taught me his ways and I am but a lowly bead wench compared to his bead mastery) - Building shit - I write a little bit of poetry and I'm proud of it but I don't show people it often and it's shitty but oh well - Flower arranging (god I'm just pulling things out of my ass atp) - Sobbing into my pillow over the full moon episode - Makeup - Fashion design - Idk being a furry? Drawing them? Wearing my dino mask is fun I like to bite things with it it's very nice
Characters I kin (not in a fictionkin way but I do support y'all) - Crowley (Good Omens) - Stolas (Helluva Boss) - Blitz (Helluva Boss) - Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - Castiel (Supernatura) - Deadpool (All media. He's my babygirl)
I'm like always adding to this lol
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franklyimissparis · 5 months
Hi sorry if this is a little bit creepy but I noticed your tags on your post about Alex and drugs about your dad being in the music industry and I have so many questions (Totally feel free to ignore this though lol) But uh is he famous? 👀 And it sounds like he knows Alex in some sense? Also if he does know Alex, my Milex heart is very curious if he’s heard anything about them. it must be so cool to hear stuff behind the scenes like that
okay so i’ve gotten variations of this question to some degree before but i ignored them ngl 😭 but anyway i probably won’t talk abt this again unless it’s particularly relevant (or funny tbh) so here we go lads.
my dad isn’t like PROPER famous but he’s well-respected within the industry. i’m a little hesitant to give more detail than that given that this is a music-related blog and some of you may have heard of him and could potentially work it out if given more clues (though i’m sure most of you probably wouldn’t bc again it’s not like he’s a household name or anything mad, thank god tbh 💀) also a little reluctant to discuss too much about things bc though i love my dad, he’s kind of a prick and we have a bit of a difficult relationship. music is quite literally the only thing i have in common w him so the idea of anything i post here (especially my Gay Antics) somehow getting back to him actually makes me feel ill lol.
anyway to answer your questions about alex, i would say “know” is a strong word but yeah they’ve bumped into each other quite a bit over the past like 20 years AM has been on the scene. my dad is also good friends w a few people who have worked closely with him. but i wouldn’t really say they have a direct connection or anything and i deffo wouldn’t want to make it out to be something it isn’t lmao. personally i’ve never met alex or had any special perks or anything at any AM gig (though tbh if my dad would actually ever agree to go w me i probably could have gotten backstage so that’s unfortunate). i did technically have the opportunity to meet him and some others one time in like 2018-2019ish but i got violently fucking ill and couldn’t go 😭😭 little bit glad in hindsight though bc i will say that once the hero illusion breaks it’s significantly less fun to be an unhinged fan of someone.
re: milex, i’ve never straightforwardly asked my dad about it bc i don’t want to hear his thoughts tbh lmao. i know he’s heard rumours abt miles’ sexuality because he brought that up out of nowhere once but to my knowledge it was more along the lines of vague gossip (tho i can speculate of course). he hasn’t mentioned anything to me abt alex’s either way but i’ve also never asked.
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dedf1shs-wife · 4 months
Going to Miku Expo as a someone who's not a vocaloid fan
Hi!! I went to the Miku Expo last night!! I wanted to do a fun little retrospective on what happened! No hate obviously, these are just things I've noticed. Just a lot of rambling ahead LOL
So a bit of a disclaimer: I'm not a vocaloid fan, I never have been. The main reason I went was because it was my bestie's birthday and I wanted to tag along. Even though I wasn't going for the music, I love concerts and ofc I want to hang out with my bestie. Also this will be kind of relevant, but the concert was at the Prudential Center and I went there not even a month ago to see another concert (specifically Sabaton opening for Judas Priest).
First thing I want to mention, this place was PACKED- Like both merch lines were wrapped around the building. The Judas Priest concert wasn't nearly as packed and the merch lines were nothing compared to the Miku Expo.
Me and my friend sat in one of the sections closest to the stage, so the idols on stage looked a bit flat. I'm not sure if this would have looked different if they used the hologram screen since I've never been to a hologram concert before, but it was definitely something I noticed. I also noticed how they looked to take up only a little bit of the screen which was kind of jarring? Again I've never been to a concert like this before (most of the recent concerts I've been to have been in small venues that are mostly standing room) so I don't know if that was to make things more immersive like she's actually on stage? If I were to do the animations, I would have made the models bigger so they took more attention and could be seen more clearly from farther away. I think the only time where most of the screen was filled was the one duet between Kaito(?) and Meiko(?)(I think that was their names idk shit about vocaloid).
I know a lot of the hardcore Miku fans were complaining about the screen, but I honestly didn't find anything wrong with it? Besides the models looking a bit flat and being kind of small, it didn't seem like a huge deal.
During the show I found myself more watching the background visuals, the band, and even the crowd more than I watched the stage. Personally I loved a lot of the visuals even if I didn't have the context of why they were relevant to the songs. I remember during one Miku song all the lights were CYMK and that really scratched my brain especially when they faded between colors. I also loved watching the band, they were so into it (especially Vixen's Diary, she was adorable) and I always love seeing how bands preform together. I wasn't expecting them to do a band introduction, I really enjoyed the fact that they did.
My friend taught me about light stick culture and honestly it might be my favorite thing- Not only did I love seeing all the lights in the crowd (even if it took my attention bc of ADHD) but also seeing everyone change their colors to fit their favorite idols I just- that is so fucking CUTE we need light stick culture at more concerts (or, just as someone who was dangerously close to a mosh pit before and who hates being touched by strangers, replace mosh pits with light sticks)
I heard from other people who were in more crowded areas that some of the fans were rowdy and misbehaving, but I don't think I saw that as much? Then again we were also sitting in an area that had a few open seats, so that definitely played a part. I definitely felt a difference in atmosphere though, since I felt like the crowd was very engaged while I didn't feel as interested. It felt like the opposite of the Sabaton concert, since there the crowd didn't feel very engaged while I was SUPER excited (I blame that on a bad band pairing, since while Sabaton and Judas Priest are both metal, they're two different subgenres with two different appeals). If I had to compare it to anything, it would be like my first Powerwolf concert, since it was their first time in the USA and everyone was super excited to see them. I don't know if there's been Miku Expos in the USA before, but I definitely felt that same kind of energy/sentiment.
There's also the transitions between songs that I remember someone else saying they felt awkward and I can't help but agree. A lot of the other concerts I've been to the bands would speak in between songs, whether it was hyping up the next song or just making silly jokes. I would have loved to see the vocaloids talking to each other and interacting on stage. Not only would it keep fans hyped and not make the crowd die down between songs, but it would still give the band a chance to prepare for the next song. Also maybe for songs where Miku would change outfits, I would have loved to see her magical girl transform between outfits.
I definitely feel like this is going to be a hot take, but as someone who's not a vocaloid fan, I'll say it: I wouldn't go to a Miku concert again, it just feels like a concert you go to so you can say "I've been to a Miku concert!" Usually when I go to a concert and I don't know who is preforming (usually the case for the opening band), I find myself walking away with a new band to listen to but I don't think I felt the same this time. I don't think there were any objectively bad songs, I just think it's the classic case of "this music isn't my taste". While I didn't enjoy the music, I did enjoy the vibe there. I got to meet up with friends, trade little trinkets, and have a good time regardless of the music. Anyways I hope everyone enjoyed the show, Miku is the best AI, and I will treasure the trinkets I got forever :D
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 month
Hey bbg you are amazing!!
First just want to check in on how you’re doing, did you drink some water today? Did you eat a nice snack?
Second, I’d like to request a romantic matchup(I think that’s what it’s called) for TR, if you could please!
-I’m a guy
- im an artist, which means i have terrible posture and normally have paint or charcoal or hot glue somewhere on me(hands, neck, etc) and don’t have the heart to clean it off(unless im going somewhere i need to be clean for) because i like the feeling of being part of my art :)
- I cosplay(part of my art stuff ig) mostly one piece characters and I’m pretty good at it—I’m a huge anime nerd, and have memorabilia of it on shelves and on my ceiling(in poster form I swear I haven’t hung anyone from my ceiling yet) and I like to get dolled up on the occasion in my parents’ old Dean Martini Swank Fest outfits which consist of actual army clothing from WW2 and some stuff that makes me feel fancy
- I surf, on occasion, since I live on the west coast and have a habit of wearing a shorty wetsuit under my clothes if there’s any chance of me going near the beach
- I’m working on becoming a marine biologist, but currently I’m just volunteering down in Santa Cruz where I get to help people pet swell sharks and teach them about the animals we have there
-I know a lot about history, and I have some things from the olden days(ex a Japanese soldier’s Sabre from WW2 I got for my 15th birthday + a megalodon tooth + old jewelry
-definitely more of a yapper than a listener
-have to have music or AirPods in my ears 24/7 with some exceptions like my volunteering and my stuff
-very wide range of music taste
- I love thrills. Amusement parks, concerts, roller coasters, go kart racing, MOTORCYCLES omg that is my heaven
-I have a very low pain tolerance, which I am ashamed of because I’m as much of a crybaby as Takemichi…
-super supportive to women. I see one—> immediate compliments, smiling, giving them support or help if they need it and buying sanitary products for all my friends plus keeping them on me just in case
- not very good at taking care of myself, I’m a good cook and have a basic sleep schedule…but I spent most of my life hating myself and now it’s hard trying to get back and go a day without disrespecting myself.(I’m doing so much better than before don’t worry about me)
-physical touch, gift giving, and quality time are my ways of showing affection and appreciation
-I love video games and arcades, especially when I get to play with friends or loved ones
-I’m an Aquarius
-very clingy, but I’m patient so that’s a good thing
-cat person
-very jumpy and paranoid(my dads fault 😒)
-I married Harvey in my main Stardew Valley account(silly little doctor guy)
-decently good at insulting people or getting people to shut up
-my main use of transportation is biking, so I have “very nice leggos” -my eight year old neighbor who i taught to bike
-I’m good with kids as long as they’re not throwing tantrums
-I run out of social battery very quickly and I will just walk off in social gatherings if that happens(it takes 10-30 mins for someone to notice I left smh)
-will bake cakes for everyone’s birthday
-I really want a full leg tattoo of my favorite animal: a Siphonophore(look them up they’re freaky guys)
-ive got freckles, which im partially insecure about because people say freckles+round face makes me look like a girl so i get misgendered a lot(womp womp on my part i got all the bad genes from my parents—thankfully no addiction genes tho)
-I only allow one Christmas song—ONE— and that is Fairytale of New York by the Pogues bcs it’s so good
-avid shark defender + dolphin disliker
-cannot wear anything with a thick tag on the neck, I have to rip it out or cut it because it makes me want to remove my skin :)
I hope I didn’t forget anything or yap too much, love you Aly! You’re the best 😘
Hi! I hope you are doing well. I’m doing better. Making sure I’m hydrated and eating well. This was a good amount of information, but one thing is missing for me to match you up. Do you want matched with a male or female character?
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Thai BL Favourites Tag List Game
thank you @gaylittlepieceofsh1t for tagging me in this <33 (this was really fun to do, even if I overthought it and therefore took two weeks to finish it)
Favourite BL?
I’ll have to go with The Eclipse, no doubt. It’s honestly such a good show and also simply lives rent free in my head. It has such heart and such a caring approach to its story, themes and characters. It makes you genuinely think about the story it's telling and the characters you're following, about the situations they're in and the world and system that built them. + Its actors are doing fantastic work! (both main and side!!!!!)
The show is so worth it and if I could watch it for the first time again I would.
Favourite Pairing?
Right now it’s Kimchay!! (Porchay & Kim from Kinnporsche)
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They’ve had my heart since they first met and they have not given it up yet (nor have they been gentle with it, though). They constantly make me wish we had seen more of them.
The bits we do get of their dynamic make them such a compelling duo, though! They’re fun and sweet and heartbreaking and at times, frustrating. They share a passion that easily connects them and in a way even pose as opposites to each other - with Chay’s openness doing its best to break down Kim’s walls. You could say they both don’t quite get what they expected from meeting each other (bc while Chay meets his idol he also learns that there is much more to Kim, not all of it good & Kim doesn’t really get the  information he was looking for, but he does get his heart stolen) and sure, they don't have it easy considering their different motivations, their fallout and also the influence of the overall plot on them - but they just work together yk!! They’ll figure it out with enough time on their side!!!! (holding myself back from rambling on any more about them bc otherwise this would get waaaay too long)
Favourite (main) Character?
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Akk Pipitphattana (The Eclipse)
Akk is many things - serious and scared being only two of them, perhaps the easiest to pick up on at the beginning of the show. Once you get to know him a bit more - he's genuine and kind of funny, warm-hearted and so determined, loyal to a fault too. First and foremost however, he's someone that's just learning himself - both again and for the very first time over the course of the story and through his interactions with Ayan and the world around him and through the confrontation with his own mistakes and fears. He meets himself and doesnt like what he sees at first - and that's something so so human. 
Akk as a character touched me so much and in a way, it was too easy to understand him. His struggles, fears and doubts. His guilt and shame. His journey over the course of the show is so important to me on just a personal level and he as a person is someone I hold very dear. It's also relevant to mention that First really excels at his role.
(It did halfway kill me to pick a favourite by the way bc I'm really bad at it? But he's who I just keep coming back to.)
Favourite Side Character?
I'm going to have to give multiple answers for this, I just have to.
1. Porchay Kittisawat (Kinnporsche)
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I just love him so much, ok. If I tried to explain all the reasons why we would be here for days & we don't have that kind of time, rn. So summed up? Chay as a character is so warm. He's passionate and compassionate. He cares deeply about the people in his life and he's a little bit no-nonsense - especially in his pursuit of things he wants (music, for Porsche to be safe & happy, Kim) - and appreciates honesty. He's quite smart, even if he can seem naive at first look. He's emotionally intelligent!! He's got a dream and he holds onto the things he wants as much as he can! With an overall rather positive attitude (not to be mistaken for simple  naivety) he's a little bit like sunshine. He's a delight. I want only the best for him!! (he gets his heart broken 😔😐)
2. Manaow (Until we meet again/ Between Us)
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My dearest girl!! She's such a lovely and supportive person!! She's quite funny and also just so genuine. Shy at times but also so bold about other things. I want her to achieve her dreams!! & honestly I would simply love to be her friend. 
Favourite Scene?
I've overthought this so much bc it's just hard to decide, but I will settle on the hospital-hug scene in ep 10 of My School President bc there's just something about it yk. Gun is so relieved to see Tinn, who’s so fondly surprised by it. It makes my heart ache. (consider this gifset of the scene)
(secret second answer: episode 12 pool scene from The Eclipse of Ayan comforting Akk, it's so so important to me)
Favourite Line?
I'm not usually one to remember specific lines but one I do think about often is, as many things on this list, from The Eclipse. 
“Once you say you care about other people's feelings, it means you are disregarding your own.” (Ayan to Akk, episode 6) 
It's something both Akk and I really need to hear, bc as obvious as its message seems - it’s kind of hard to learn from experience. Prioritising other people's feelings has its place and time, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of yourself and getting caught up in attempting to live up to expectations will inevitably hurt you. (somebody should have cradled my face and told me that at 15 tbh but I didn't have an Ayan around, I'm glad Akk does.)
Underrated Actor?
I'm going to honestly say that I don't have good enough of a grasp on what's up to be able to give an opinion on that. Mainly bc I haven't seen that much and also bc I just tend to not involve myself much with actors.
Most anticipated QL?
Easy: 23. 5 Degrees!!! I'm so excited for this!!!!! It just looks so cute?? I’m more or less patiently waiting for this. Just look at them!! I love them already.
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Healthiest relationship in a BL?
Going with Tinngun (My School President) , because from the ones I've seen, they just are. They give each other room and are so genuine and honest about their feelings and what's going on with them and are so so supportive of each other and I really appreciate that. I wish them all the best. 
Most toxic? 
I honestly haven’t seen enough to be able to make a choice for that? so I‘ll have to leave this free. But i'll proably stumble across an answer sometime soon.
Guilty Pleasure?
I don't have one mainly because I've just not seen enough, but I'd like to! because I think it's important to just enjoy things instead of always looking for them to be ‘good’.
tagging @scattered-stardust if you feel like doing this!
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polurbehr · 1 year
thank you for tagging me @ghost-bc-gf-enjoyer I hope I’m doing this right gjdkfkd
Are you named after anyone? Uh, kind of? It’s sort of weird. Before he met my grandma, my grandpa had a daughter named Genevieve, but she sadly passed when she was really little. My mom originally picked out my name without intending to name me after anyone, but then she realized how similar our names were and she got worried my grandpa would be upset. She asked him for his approval and luckily he was on board, and my name also somewhat honors Genevieve’s memory- I think it’s nice.
When was the last time you cried? I came close today listening to Ghost’s cover of Stay, but I didn’t surprisingly. However, I did cry yesterday at the Tori Amos concert my mom and I went to. It was because she played Hey Jupiter and Gold Dust, if anyone listens to her music.
Do you have kids? None that I know of, thank god. I’d be a little concerned if I had any I wasn’t aware of.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Just a wee smidge on occasion. I usually try to exaggerate my tone and words when I am being sarcastic, but it still goes over some people’s heads. Then again, I also have trouble picking up on other people’s sarcasm sometimes. I’m autistic, if you couldn’t tell.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Usually the first thing I notice is a person’s hair, since I tend to avoid eye-contact but I don’t want to seem unengaged in conversation. People’s noses are also another thing I pay attention to I think.
What’s your eye color? My eyes are grayish-blue, but they’re definitely on the grayer side if I had to say.
Do you prefer scary movies or happy endings? It depends on my mood really, though I don’t usually watch a lot of movies- I can’t sit still for too long. But if I had to say, I’d say I prefer happy endings. I love horror movies and darker concepts, but it’s just easier to rewatch comfort media.
Do you have any pets? There’s never been a moment in my life where the answer to this question would be no. I currently have a chinchilla, a husky, a turtle, a ferret, and three cats. They’re split between two houses, but regardless, seven pets is probably too many- though I’ve had way more in just one house before.
What sports do you play/have played? I’ve never really been interested in sports, but I did play on a little league t-ball team for a year when I was 5. I only quit the team so I could take ballet and tap lessons, which I took for a few years before deciding it wasn’t for me anymore.
How tall are you? I think this question is incredibly insensitive and disrespectful. Why does a person’s height matter? Sincerely, a 5 foot tall person whose doctor says she is done growing.
What’s your favorite subject in school? This is definitely going to be controversial amongst a lot of people, but math. I love math and I’m really good at it, I always have been. I like solving puzzles, and it’s one of the only subjects that engages me whilst also not stressing me out too much. I do really enjoy most science courses too, though.
What’s your dream job? I want to be a psychologist, most likely one who specializes in autism and neurodiversity in general. I especially want to help teens and young people learn how to slowly unmask and develop healthy coping strategies. But as long as I’m doing something that helps people, I don’t really care what it is I end up doing overall.
no pressure tags: @historian-crown @terzoswh0re @moonlitpaladin @in-cardi-c-we-thrust
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bitbybitwrites · 11 months
Weekend WIP - Ask Game
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
Well now @daisyishedwig did send me an ask with a few of these questions. So since technically the game is to answer them all - I'll do that. Apologies if its more than what you wanted to know!
I've already tagged folks here when I first posted this. But if you see this and haven't been tagged want to join in - go ahead!
1. WIP List: (what I qualify as a WIP for me is either I've started outlining extensively and/or actually writing the fic.)
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home (Klaine fic)
Sanctuary (Klaine fic)
Cuffed (Klaine fic) - not posted
Tinker Bells ( Klaine fic)- not posted
Untitled Klaine Advent 2022 fic - Day 5 - Oval (Klaine fic) - not posted
Shaken, Not Stirred - not posted (RWRB fic)
Untitled RWRB fic - not posted
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
By far, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. It's also the longest fic I've written to date. I last posted Chapter 20. I have Chp 21 in the batter's box and am currently writing Chp 22.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Yikes. I'm going to guess, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. Though Cuffed as the potential to be pretty long as well. And whenever I get around to the untitled RWRB fic, that's going to be a long one too.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I've really kind of fallen in love with the AU. I have soooo many cameos of characters from the show - esp some that I hope were very unexpected for readers. I've really enjoyed working them into the story. I also am loving the music attached to the story. The original prompt/artwork had Blaine as a guitar playing street musician. After some brainstorming with @datshitrandom (who provided the prompt and art) we switched it instead to a cello playing Blaine and I've really enjoyed finding cello pieces do go along with the story. I've begun adding mood music too for some chapters, which I hope has enhanced the experience for readers. I'm also such a big tea drinker/baker/lover of afternoon tea - the whole tea/cooking element of the story makes me smile. I've snuck in some of my personal favorite recipes that Kurt and his fellow chefs have made and enjoyed looking for new ones to round out the fic.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Cuffed. Partially bc its a prequel to my first ever fic - Trick or Treat - and I really want to do it justice. That first story I agonized over writing and I love the little AU that folks only got a peek at. Partially bc its a D/s AU and I want to do the lifestyle justice and treat it with respect - yet at the same time its an AU so I do get to call the shots and make my own rules on how the world evolves. I feel its going to be a more character/emotion driven fic as opposed to a kink driven one. But then that does fall in line with the fic its based off of. One of my betas had called it "D/s lite" when she first read it 😂.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Maybe Cuffed. - bc of the reasons listed above. Maybe also my untitled RWRB fic. - actually both of the RWRB fics - bc its a totally new fandom for me to write for and I so want to do those characters justice.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I always run my fics past my two betas - its just a force of habit ever since I started writing - they are great sounding boards, especially when I'm stumped about something I want to include in a story.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Sanctuary had a bit of writers block for a bit - but then I was able to bang out an outline for all but the last two scenes. For me - honestly time is my enemy over writers block. I know what I want to write - its just getting the time to sit down and do it!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home:
Hands down my favorite OC ( and she's also really my only OC to date) - is Lillian Anderson - or Nana as she likes everyone she is close with to call her.
Lillian is Blaine's paternal grandmother from England. She is a force of nature packed in the body of a tiny little woman. She is very openhearted and passionate. Loves her grandsons and is very protective of Blaine and Cooper. She the type of grandmother who will bake you your favorite cake when you are sick and still listen to your romantic problems with an open mind - no matter what age you are. She is also, can I say - a bit unexpected in some of what she does - there is a playfulness to her but its kind of tempered with the feeling you really don't want to cross her. When she means business, she means business.
Nana, I am happy to say is favorite of many readers of the fic. It makes me smile to see comments about how much they love her, wish she was their grandmother and want to be adopted by her! 😊
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Oh god - this is like the worst question for me bc I am so on the fence on how sexy/good my smut is 😂. I'm just going to say -If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - bc I haven't written enough smut in the others WIP to qualify.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Definietly If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I do love angst and I think there's a whole lotta of it in this fic.
12. Which WIP has the best characterization (in your humble opinion)?
Like characters staying true to canon? Um. Not sure? Maybe Blaine in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. He's a wonderful showman/performer - seemingly has it all together, but as readers are now finding out, he does have some of his own issues he's been pushing aside and not dealing with. Much like Blaine on the show, in my opinion. If you're talking about like a non canon type of characterization - I'm going to have to go with Lillian Anderson/Nana. She is a joy to write and create from scratch.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home I take the readers to some of my favorite places in Central Park in this pic: - Alice In Wonderland Statue - Bethesda Terrace / Bethesda Fountain ( if there are any Doctor Who - like me - fans, they will recognize this location from the episode The Angels Take Manhattan) - Belvedere Castle - Bow Bridge (Glee fans will recognize this from where Finn and Rachel met for their date in Manhattan) If you ever come to NY to visit - definitely go and see them!
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
The untitled RWRB fic has been a lot of research so far.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I don't know - I hope they all turn out well. And by that I hope I am pleased with how they turn out from a writing standpoint. I don't really measure how well a fic is by how many readers/ kudos or comments, but more on my personal standards of my work. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I'm hard on myself and what I crank out.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Like fall asleep and dream? Not that I am aware of. Me daydreaming about them - thats like for all of them. I usually work things out in my head first, jot notes down in a journal second if my laptop top isn't near. Or I'll just go to the laptop to write.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
The untitled RWRB fic is going to be a monster once I finish the outline - because its my first real historical fic. Lots of research has already been done, but so much more needs to happen before I can start the writing.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home All I can say is Trent and Tina crack me up to no end in the fic.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
I kind of dabble on some things/backgrounds of other characters in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - but I don't know if any of it would be considered a deep dive? I've dropped hints and such about things that have happened in the past for a number of characters. When I finish the main fic there may be an opportunity to revisit all these hints in a way that readers might enjoy. . . we'll see.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Tinker Bells (Klaine fic) is a rework of a story I started years ago, based on the Sword and Sorceress series books edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Originally the two main characters were women, but now that I've cast Blaine and Kurt in them, I'm interested in taking the story in a diferent direction.
Untitled Klaine 2022 Advent fic - is a revisit to my superhero series: Under The Cover of Darkness. Blaine finally meets Kurt's parents during the holidays.
Shaken, Not Stirred (RWRB fic) is inspired by this artwork by @noodles-and-tea . It will be a Spy Au (which is going to be a challenge and research must be done bc I'm not one to really read that genre much.)
My untitled historical RWRB fic is inspired by this artwork by @stormtrooperjeff17004. Its going to be a monster of a story starting in 1800s in Mexico and ending somewhere in the Regency/Georgian period in England.
Whew! I think thats everything! Now I've got to get back to writing!
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kawhump · 1 year
🍏 - How do you get inspiration for whump?
hmmm. I think my whump thoughts tend to be pretty self-referencial. its just finding new ways to combine a collection of blorbos and a collection of fucked up situations and emotions. but! scrolling through whump tags or my dashboard is probably one of the main sources of new ideas into my brain's little ecosystem. usually it's the actual fics but sometimes a prompt will hit me hard.
and of course sometimes random things in completely unwhumpy life or media will stick in my head as having potential.
🔮 - What's a favorite whump trope of yours?
I'm fine with repeating this question bc I've got more answers! I've been thinking lately about begging when its not necessary. mistaking friend for foe in a state of delirium is a classic example. but! I am picky. I don't think it hits the same if its a result of Conditioning™ or meant to show that a character is Completely Broken™. I like it best when its a character that you wouldn't expect to beg, having a little lapse that shows just how fucked up of a state they're in. and ESPECIALLY if its somewhat reasonable; if there's some genuine reason they'd think this person would hurt them. it makes the other person's guilt so much more potent 😈
🩸 - What's a least favorite whump trope of yours?
EHEHEH, TEA TIME. lets seeeee. honestly I'd have to say conditioning. specifically conditioning played completely straight. it's very fun to deconstruct as a concept, but I just find it so bland when it's done in the classic fantasy of Torturer Kidnaps And Trains Whumpee Into Obedient Slave narrative. it's just so disconnected from any real psychology that I find it really hard to get into.
🎀 - Do you know any good songs for whump?
honestly? yes. emo music is really good for whump. so is a lot of dark country, honestly. from a quick glance at one of my favorite whumpee's playlists, I can recommend Grave Digger by Blues Saraceno, honestly almost anything from Everyone Loves A Villain, (warning, too hard for you if you're categorically opposed to metal music) and also anything from Citizen Soldier. (warning, they're basically all about depression and almost all about suicidal thoughts, so tread with caution if you're sensitive to that.)
💧 - What's your favorite type of whumpee?
I already answered this one, but it'll do it again. I'm rly partial to slimy little bastards. real "woah hey I'm just a little guy. just a little fella. and it's my birthday, you wouldn't hit a guy on his birthday? I'm just a little birthday boy" energy
🧠 - What's your favorite type of whumper?
honestly I think whumpers are the part of whump that I care about the least. I had to look through my writing folder to remember my own whumpers lmao. they're a plot device to explore the characters I actually care about. but if I had to take a stance I'd say I've been enjoying lab whump recently, and I find scientist-type whumpers very fun.
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hoochieblues · 2 years
15 Questions
tagged by @highwayphantoms tysm <3 idk if i have 15 mutuals who wanna do tag games rn, sooo YOU. YES YOU. you're jumped in if you want to be :)
Are you named after anyone?
I picked my own. :) It's inspired by trees and - if you translate it - also works as a stripper name. Just in case!
When was the last time you cried?
A month or so maybe? I did get a lil misty watching foster dog run around like a normal canine last week, especially when he put weight on his wonky leg. He's had a lot of PT and it's paying off!
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Perish the thought. /s
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Probably always kindness, whether it's online or in person.
What's your eye color?
blue/gray I guess?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Why not both? I like both, but I'll rarely turn down a horror movie. I'm still evangelising about Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) to anyone who'll listen, bc the world's a better place when you can watch weird artsy indie trash with friends.
Any special talents?
ummm… I'm going to say weighing ingredients accurately without measuring, but that may more likely be practise and recklessness rather than talent.
Where were you born?
Within the same 30 miles that half my dreadful fambly have lived for literally 500 years, but we left before I was 18 months old and didn't go back for over a decade and then I escaped again. The next time I move will be #26, so it's fair to say I've bounced around.
What are your hobbies?
In no particular order, reading, writing, movies, knitting/crochet/fiber thingies, growing stuff, fixing stuff, animal rescue/welfare stuff, painting/sketching, music (listening/playing… poorly), photography (mostly analog; I love my shitty Soviet cameras and Polaroids), hiking when I can. Poking around thrift/antique stores/museums in places I haven't been. If I collect anything per se, it's recipes and myths/folklore.
Have you any pets?
No permanent residents rn, but two foster dogs, one short term (hopefully; she just needs to complete leash training and get a little clearer on the difference between Inside and Outside, otherwise she's a sweetheart) and one long term project dog. In his defence, he came to me semi-feral and had been through a particularly brutal kill shelter. He has a lot of scarring both internal and external. Took 6 months+ to touch him, and now he'll walk on a slip lead for me (sometimes) and (gasp!) voluntarily snuggle and ask for pets. If he can get over yelling at and/or trying to defensively herd anyone who isn't me, he's got a shot at a new home, at which point I will ugly cry but be so, so happy for him.
…I like talking about my fosters. Rehab project tax (Chance):
Tumblr media
What sports do you play/have played?
I preferred weights n stuff when I was younger bc I detested team sports, but tennis, badminton, swimming etc are fun. I used to ride whenever I could with the fleeting ambition to one day do point to point and dressage, but a) equestrian shit is a time-consuming and expensive hobby (even if you know ppl with horses) and b) I had an argument with a fence post and broke bits of myself, and by the time that all healed up I'd developed unrelated chronic fatigue. Mostly I hang out with horses on the ground now, but I'd get back into it if I could.
How tall are you?
Five eight, billed height. Probably a bit less, idk. I stoop and I don't do all the pilates for my back that I should.
Favorite subject in school?
I was a horrible, horrible theater kid. Not even in the three a.m. Denny's way (I can't sing). The black turtleneck and Brecht way. Yes, I am still ashamed.
Dream job?
I'm very fortunate, so more or less what I do, but with less freelancing to stop up the gaps and more writing things I'm proud of in genres I love. I'm trying to move more towards that at the moment. Oh, and a lot less proofreading. Grammer iz hurd.
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purple-worm · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @lelephantsnail 💕
Favorite Color: peacock blue/midnight blue
Currently Reading: The Black Swan by Naseem Taleb. This is so unlike anything I’ve read. loving it so far. Padmarag by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain. I hope I finish them.
Last Song: Dil Se Re by Rahman, Anupama and Anuradha. and Fanaa (Rahman, Tanvi, Sunitha). His concert reawakened my love for this song (actually all of his music, I had forgotten how much I loved it).
Last Series: I finished a Little Women rewatch (in love) and finally started Spy x Family. I love it! it's already starting to deliver the found family, I'm gonna be obsessed. Also watching Gaus electronics on the side. It’s pure chaos and zero brain cells in sight. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did.
Last Movie: Nope. I need to rewatch this masterpiece.
Currently working on: just my portfolio. messing this one up big time if I dont stop procrastinating
share 10 different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people: I'm doing 11 because I can't pick one from little women. I'm also quoting them (not necessarily their best lines, just the ones that come to my mind first) bc why not💕
1. Oh In-Joo (Little Women):
"Where do souls live? I always wanted a home where my soul could live." I can’t stop thinking about her characterization and development. They managed to keep Meg’s tenderness from the novel but added so much more. and they fit all of that with a surreal plot and significant commentary on capitalism and poverty. I love that they weaved in so much (and did it well).
2. Oh In-Kyung (Little Women):
"They're so fresh. They're fresh to the point that it's almost sexy". Fresh produce is…weirdly sexy. She gets it. Therefore, she is my favourite. Her layers make her feel so real, a part of the reason why I’m so obsessed w this show. Modern adaptations of classics are hard to get right, and I feel like this one treads those lines well. it is fresh (a full genre shift) but still manages to keep the essence.
3. Black (Not Me):
"Power is corrupting. Ideas are what have the power to transform society" My plot device of a man🥹🥹 Certainly deserved better. I could watch him wreck shit for days.
4. Dazai (Bungo Stray Dogs):
"No one can fully grasp another person's deepest emotions. It's impossible. Only you can understand what you're feeling. But generally speaking, I can tell you this. Most people tend to cry when their father dies." Can’t help but hate him. Can’t help but project onto him. He has fucked up a lot. and he will continue to do so. It is entertaining to watch, but sometimes he deserves a slap across the face (or several idk). Other times, a hug.
5. Wang (180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us):
"I will break free. Time is on my side, so I've decided to leave. But leaving doesn't mean I lost." I’m so proud of him. In a story where people struggled to change, he proved that it was still possible. His sheer will to gain something out of the heartbreaking experience he had, and to keep going despite being so lonely, so unheard. But also, the maturity to know which fights to pick. There’s so much to learn from him.
6. Togawa (Old Fashion Cupcake):
"I'm seducing you. I've been trying to seduce you, with everything I have. Although you never had a clue. I know...being seduced by someone of the same sex, isn't considered common sense for most people. Especially from a subordinate. But unfortunately, it's common sense to me. So I've been seducing you. I've been meaning to tell you this whole time, but I was afraid. I was scared of saying something that wasn't normal to you. But doing this...and telling you in such a horrible way... I'm so sorry. I like you. I like you so much, I could die." I couldn't have justified picking anything else.
7. Ink (Bad Buddy):
"It's so gainful" The icon that she is. gmm, get your ass up and give us a milklove GL 2023.
8. Anya (Spy x Family):
"Father is a tsundere." I've only had her for two episodes but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
9. Fleabag (Fleabag):
"I don’t know what to do with it. With all the love I have for her. I don't know where to put it now." I will always treasure fleabag.
10. Baek Hee-Sung (Flower of Evil):
"We’ve only known each other for 14 years. So of course, you’d be clueless of my intentions." Thinking about him leaves an ache in my chest. Mr. I've-never-felt-an-emotion really broke down on the streets after reuniting with his 4 yo daughter and then got called out by her for it. "Daddy, don't cry like before if you miss me, okay? You're a grown-up". So,, misunderstood.
11. Han Ju-Won (Beyond Evil):
"I'll be a monster and dive into hell. That is my way of atoning" He's on this list bc I miss his ass and this show.
Special mention to Choi Doil and Great Aunt (Little Women) bc they haven't left my mind. and Nozue (babe, togawa was only here bc of that iconic confession, i love you just as much) and Miw from 3 will be free💕 This was so much fun, thanks for tagging me @lelephantsnail <33 Also, I’m so happy to see that you’ve watched 180 degrees, and wanted to shred it to bits with analysis because that show absolutely deserves it. so much to dig into and have your heart wrecked. Feel free to yell at me about it any time.
Have a great day!💕
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bcofl0ve · 10 days
I hope you have fun in England Mollie! If you don’t mind me asking, why do you think it was MOTA that got you in the most out of all the recent Austin releases? I like what you’ve posted in the past about how it varies a lot across the fandom. It was Dune for me and I’m counting down to Dune Messiah now even though Feyd won’t be in it because the franchise got me hooked. Especially Chani 😭
this is so kind, thank you! i dont think ill believe its really happening until my feet are on england ground- my flight stuff getting to amsterdam for study abroad was a dumpster fire mess and i'm extra paranoid now lmao. but i have high hopes it'll all be okay!
also ooo that's a good question. gonna bullet point the reasons briefly and then elaborate under a read more line for people that wanna hear me yap more.
it being based off of real people i could research rabbit hole. i know bikeriders is too- but there's so little information abt them whereas with mota it was a whole new world opened up to me.
it giving me an opportunity to revisit a fandom hobby i used to really love- m/m fanfic writing <3 i'm gen surprised i never got into the hbo war fandom sooner, but i'm really happy there now.
i love ensemble cast pieces where there's lots of characters and actors to love (this is why i liked the bikeriders, even though i didnt get as attached). esp love big group dynamics between Guys That Love Each Other which mota did exceedingly well to me.
funny story- even though i was into buck x bucky from the jump- i think i was actually one of the first 3 posts in the tag, it took me until my second watch through to get as attached as i did and i did nottt love it as a whole the way i do now on my first watch. now on the other side of like 20 rewatches i understand why they chose to handle gale going down the way they did. but when i was watching it for the first time i was watching it for austin and i was sooo irked. rosie was my least fav character my first watch bc i was so bitter about him "replacing gale" and now he's in my top 3. funny how that works!
the second time i watched it all the way through, since i knew what to expect austin screen time wise i could reallly watch it for the story as a whole. and that's when i fell in love <3 with everyone <3 like i literally just wrote a 12k+ words fic shipping demarco and dogulass who have like ten minutes of screentime each, douglass i think a little less than that lmao they're all my blorbos now <3
i just. really love the show. i love how much the boys care for each other in spite of all the horrible shit they're going through. i love the development of the bucks relationship, i love croz's journey as a character, i love nash and helen and how horrible douglass is with women and the planes, and curt's bond to the bucks and kenny and his lil beanie and rosie humming jazz music mid flight and COCOLA!!!! i love every aspect of this show. it just. clicks for me.
speaking to my second bullet point way up there i also love all the creativity in the fandom being shown in all the `new stories~ people have built for these characters. i really missed being in a Third Person Fanfic fandom, writing m/m fic (and heck f/m too since i write for ev and helen, and my m/f OC couple) and doing the world building that writing AUs requires. so being back in the pilot seat (haha) in that regard has been fun. and brought me so many new fandom friends <3 y'all that are interested pls come hang out anytime on @bcolfanfic
but all that said i'm so glad dune clicked for you the way mota did for me! even though the franchise isn't "my thing" i'll prob end up watching dune messiah as well. and def understand the chani adoration. she's a fantastic character and zendaya plays her so well. i can't imagine any other actress in that role.
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