#his music has gotten me through some of my worst moments he’s put out music I relate to. and it makes me kinda sick to think abt now
vilwil-brr · 7 months
so. in light of recent news, I’m logging on here so I can delete what i have written for cwilbur - I was already debating on leaving it up or not anyway - and I’ll be changing my username once I figure out a new one. I know this hasn’t blog been focused on his characters for literal years, but I figure it’d be best to let y’all know - especially considering the username change.
I will probably continue to be inactive for the next month at least, but will be active for the next few days trying to edit things here, if anyone wants to talk through asks or DM’s. I hope you all are doing well, and I hope Shelby continues to receive the support she deserves.
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gyuswhore · 2 months
Grease (the tragedy)
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“Careful, those marks on the floor aren’t just oil and paint.”
jeon wonwoo x reader
word count: 5.8k
warnings: smut [minors DNI], fluff, angst, mechanic!wonu, annoyances to lovers, blind date gone wrong but then gone right, kissing, clit stuff, oral (f. rec), thigh fucking (oop), this all happens at a desk LMAO, title is a what I thought was a funny spin on how people say "grease (the musical)"....has nothing to do with the musical though but lots to do with actual grease!!!
synopsis: In which you have to sit through one of the worst dates of your life, followed by the insistent tug of fate and compulsion that lead you straight back to where you'd sworn you'd never go.
[a/n]: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY WIFE CAMOTHY @highvern everyone go say happy birthday to cam or ill appear in your room at night 🔫 anygays HAVE FUN READING THIS I hope this is all the sexy wonu content you wanted, I cant wait for your reaction hehehhehe
and also bigbigbigbig thank you to jessifer @the-boy-meets-evil for proofing this for me!!! ily heh
and and to everyone reading this who is not cam, I hope you enjoy reading mechanic!wonu as much as I liked writing him heheh PLS REMEMBER TO REBLOG AND TELL ME UR THOTS it could be in the tags, replies, an ask literally anything!!!! id love to hear what you guys think!!!!
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 [You]: do you think he died on the way [Liv]: hes still not there??? [You]: what do you think????? [Liv]: let me ask Amelia [You]: dont bother [You]: he can show up whenever he wants im leaving in 5 [Liv]: you promised you’d sit thru this!! [You]: sit thru what? an empty seat across from me???
Liv doesn’t respond immediately, and you immediately know she’s buggered off to ask her cousin why your date still wasn’t here. 
It’s not like you couldn’t have asked him yourself, the sparse textbox sitting just under Liv’s contact. You open it to inspect the contents. 
[liv’s cousin’s something]: Amelia gave me your number [liv’s cousin’s something]: friday night at the sage&salt at 7  [liv’s cousin’s something]: is that okay [You]: uh hey [You]: yeah that’s fine
Today 7:20 PM
[You]: im here?
The first thread of texts were enough to make you feel like this was some cold business meeting instead of a date, knowing wherever this would lead would be either the city dump or off a cliff. Liv was hearing none of it, taking the guilt tripping route, saying she’d already committed and her cousin was irritating enough even without a scuffle.
So when Friday evening came around you’d pulled on the first dress your fingers could find, took all of ten minutes fighting with your makeup to make it look like you did something and left the house with zero expectations. 
Despite that, as you see a man walk into the establishment dressed like he’d gotten into a fight with a squid and a paper shredder, you feel the stone in your chest tank into the abyss. Zero expectations, and he’s somehow managed to strike out anyway. 
The jacket looks like he’s put it on as a weak cover for the grime stains on his shirt and trousers, a couple jet black splatters across the outfit to really pull the whole thing together. It’s not like he looked homeless or anything, his face surprisingly handsome with his hair pushed away from his forehead. Although he remains looking like he’d been playing football in some neighbourhood parking lot before remembering he had an adult appointment too. 
You’d never seen the man in your life, but your gut told you this was the shit texter who’d kept you waiting for nearly an hour. He seems to notice too, eyes locking from across the restaurant as the waitress leads him to your table. 
“Wonwoo,” you greet with a difficult smile, half sure it came out as a grimace. “Right?”
“Yeah,” he huffs as he practically slams back down on the chair, and you wonder for a moment how the legs didn’t give out. He says your name and you nod. “Sorry I’m late, I got a call in the parking lot.”
He’s been in the parking lot this entire time?!
It’s like you’ve been doused in gasoline and lit on fire, yet somehow needing to give him a shaky reply anyway. 
“O–oh, I see.”
The waitress saves you from spitting in his face when she asks if you were ready to order. 
Dinner was off the table, as you discussed with Liv who forwarded it to her cousin to her–whoever it was that set up this god awful date–and agreed on dessert and perhaps a drink. 
“I’ll have the chocolate cake,” you request in an attempt to make this somewhat better. You consider for a moment before asking for a drink as well, “And a dry gin martini, please.”
“Um,” he staggers as he barely skims the menu, ultimately flipping it closed. “I’ll have the same, I guess.”
Deep voice. You might’ve liked that if you weren’t already so peeved. 
The waitress disappears with the menus, leaving you two alone for the first time. 
“So,” you start with an exhale. “How do you know Amelia?”
“Her husband.”
“I see.”
“How do you know her husband?”
He sighs like this is all inconveniencing him, and it irks you to an irrespective degree. Like you wanted to be here either. 
“He brings his car to the workshop alot, became friends somewhere along the line.”
He looks a little startled, cocking his head to the side. “I’m a mechanic? Did Olivia–was it–not tell you?”
“No, she didn’t.”
It’s silent yet again as the man across from you refuses to elaborate. You curse as you ask him a follow up question. If there was anything you hated more than shouldering a dead conversation, it was sitting through an awkward silence. 
One hour. You’d sit through this for one more hour and then you’d leave. 
“What kind of cars do you work on?”
“Expensive ones,” he answers. You might’ve kicked yourself if he’d ended it at that, but he continues with a purse of his lips. “Ones that rich people abuse to an inch of the machine’s life and wonder why the dealership gives up on it. Vintage pieces too.”
“Have I heard of it?”
“The cars?”
“No, I mean,” you let out a breath. “Your workshop.”
“Jeon Motors, just a couple streets down actually.”
You did know what he was talking about, not expecting to recognise it through the empty question, passing by it on multiple occasions in this part of the city.
“Oh, I’ve seen it a few times.”
“Yeah, we’ve been there for a while.”
“Family business?”
“Uh–sort of.” 
“Okay,” you sigh in an irritated laugh. This was going to be a very difficult hour. “Keep that to yourself too.”
“Is there a problem?”
Just as you lift your eyes to lock with his, a ready yes, there is actually a problem on your tongue, there’s an intrusion. 
“Here are your chocolate cakes,” the waitress places the cakes down, and then the drinks. “And your dry gin martinis. Do you guys need anything else?” By the time the waitress is gone you’ve somewhat forced yourself to put that sudden surge of flames out, to a degree at least. 
“Okay,” he sighs, grabbing his glass and downing nearly half the contents. He emerges, wiping a bit of a spill from the corner of his mouth. “Let’s get this out of the way.”
“Hm?” He’s speaking to you with a very weird surge of intensity, and it confuses you.
“Neither of us wanna be here. You’re clearly trying to be hospitable but I’d really rather you not, especially when we’re both doing this to get our respective ticks off our hides.”
There isn’t much you can do but stare at him. 
“Have I misjudged your advances?” he asks over his glass, sharp eyes piercing. 
“No!” you yelp, reaching for your drink yourself, taking big sips only to emerge sputtering and heaving. 
Your date looks like he’s rising out of his chair when you raise a hand to stop him. 
“No,” you repeat, less jumpy this time. “I guess we could’ve cleared that out from before.”
Did he…snort?
“Sorry.” Dropping his chin to his chest, he composes himself. 
“What?” you ask, remaining annoyed as ever. 
That does it. You slam your now empty glass down on the table, slipping your fork out of the napkin a little forcefully, the metal glinting in the light of the restaurant. You dig into a corner of the cake and shove it in your mouth. 
If he was gonna be rude, you could be too. 
“I don’t know about hospitable.” You swallow. “But I assumed not being an ass was kind of an unwritten rule for any situation really. Including the ones you’d rather not be in.”
Wonwoo stares at you with a blank face, his cake untouched. “I’m being an ass. My laugh couldn’t have offended you that much.”
“So you did pick that up,” you comment. “With the way this conversation’s going I would’ve thought it flew right over your engine.”
“I’d argue your laugh was the least offensive thing you’ve done tonight.” You plunge your fork into your cake again. “But clearly we’re in different realms of etiquette.”
Your eyes meet the rough stains on his attire, and then his own that bore into yours like a challenge. The cake isn’t too sweet, rich just the right amount and texturally sound. Maybe something good did come out of this fiasco. 
“Okay fine,” he announces, sitting up straighter. “I apologise.”
“For laughing?”
“And for being obscenely late.”
“And…” he genuinely looks like he’s struggling to figure it out, but catches your eyes flickering to his tattered and stained outfit. “And for my entirely inappropriate dressing sense. You’ll have to forgive me for that one, oil and grime are my spoils of war.”
“Wear it like a badge, mister mechanic, but perhaps somewhere it’s appreciated.” 
Wonwoo has already finished his drink, his cake remaining untouched. “You’re quite adamant on disliking me.”
“And you’re quite adamant on being a horrid conversationalist.”
The corners of his mouth lift the slightest bit. Opening his mouth to respond, you cut him off. “Cars don’t talk? Or perhaps, machines are easier to understand?”
“More like I don’t care to be personable.”
“That can’t be good for business.”
“The cars speak for themselves.”
He’s a weird one. Even more so when he offers to pay the entire bill, promising you he wasn’t lying when he said he was good at what he does, and to “make up for lost personality points.” You manage to pay your half anyway, considering the circumstances. 
“Can you at least let me drive you home?” Wonwoo asks as you both step out of the establishment soon after. 
“Depends.” You fix the strap of your bag. “Will it fall apart on the highway?”
The blaring white of the restaurant's outdoor lights backlight Wonwoo to make him look like some sad angel. He turns to you, the same slight smirk that seems to be plastered on his face. “Why don’t you find out?”
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“What do you mean sell it? I got this thing a year ago!” 
There isn’t much you can do but sigh loudly as you listen to Olivia talk about the state of her car, the one that cost too much to justify but she seemed to use and abuse like a very replaceable toy truck. 
Leaning against the hood of the darn thing, you talk to her. “The dealership is giving you a shit deal to take it off your hands, you might as well try your luck.”
The look on her face is easy to read as she silences. Not convinced in the slightest, waiting for the conversation to end just so she could figure it out on her own. Sighing loudly, you look back to the dark beauty with a crate of issues that make it spit and sputter to a stop every few weeks. 
“How much did you say the repairs cost again?”
“Enough to put me on food stamps,” she whines through her frustration, tears pricking against her eyes as they glisten under the neighbourhood streetlights. “Why are you smirking like that?!”
“It’s just,” you pause as you consider your next words, pressing your lips together. “This is a little bit your fault.”
Lies, it was entirely her fault. 
Liv stares like you’ve just offended her, which you’re sure you have.
“Care to share how this possible bankruptcy could be my fault?"
“Because you drive the thing like you have a secret reserve buried somewhere in Tenerife.”
“My apologies for making a habit of not being a public nuisance and going forty on a national highway.”
“Your speed-o-metre is not the issue here.”
“Yes, of course, everything’s my fault.”
“Liv, please!” You groan loudly. “Just…let’s try putting up a listing tomorrow. Consider the prospects and you can decide from there.”
Sagging her shoulders and stretching her neck, Liv decides to simply trudge back indoors in silence. You take it as a begrudging yes, and follow her inside. 
That very night, when you were at the very cusp of falling into the dark space of sleep, your brain re-awakens before your eyes do. A jolt as the memory comes back to you of the many months ago, sitting in that restaurant across from a man who was too handsome for the personality he seemed to sire. 
“Expensive ones,” he had said. “Ones that rich people abuse to an inch of the machine’s life and wonder why the dealership gives up on it.”
How fitting. 
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“Are you going to explain or should I explode instead?” 
You’d mentally prepared for the bombardment of accusations from Liv, her questioning perfectly right as you yourself cringed at the thought of showing your face here of all places. The one last one that’d officially banned her from ever setting you up with an individual of her choosing ever again. 
Hearing only silence as her answer, she appeals; “I thought he was the worst date of your life.”
“Nothing to do with his skills as a mechanic,” you mumble, refusing to make eye contact. 
“And everything to do with this being a horrible idea anyway!” Liv stares up at the sign on top of the garage. Jeon Motors. “What makes you think this guy can fix my car?”
What did make you think he could fix Liv’s car? If you’d known you might have given her an answer, but as you stare at the giant signboard that you’ve driven past for longer than you can remember, you can’t help but feel this place has been haunting you. Just a little. 
You can’t help but feel the tingle of goosebumps rise on your skin, the hairs across the expanse standing up at the thought of walking inside. There was no way you could differentiate the reaction from plain nerves or from the cringing drills that sound all the way outside the establishment. Regardless, you make an attempt to look confident as you make your strides into the pungent of the workshop. 
The first thing you note is how…clean everything is. Cleaner than any other workshop you’ve walked into anyway. 
The interior is bigger than it looks from the outside, the ginormous hall hosting about a dozen cars within your eyeshot alone. One side of the great hall holds an array of parked cars in different stages of dismantled and deconstructed, while the other side is lined with contraptions that look like stripped and enlarged elevators. 
Once you’ve inhaled a beyond recommended amount of smoke fumes and listened past all of the clanging, banging and sparks, you register the people that are elbow deep in the hoods of the vehicle they’re working on, enough to leave you and Liv standing at the entrance of an establishment that you can barely make sense of. 
“Can I help you?” A man in stained beige overalls approaches your wide eyed pair, face half covered in his baseball hat and hands occupied with a rag. 
To your slightest dismay, it isn’t the man you’re looking for.
“Uh– is Wonwoo here?” you ask. 
“He’s in a meeting right now. Are you a friend?” 
No, just a failed love interest.
“He,” you falter. If you weren’t a friend…then what were you? “He gave me his card.”
“Do you need help with your car?”
“Mine, actually,” Liv pipes. “It’s outside if you wanna take a look first.”
With one sweeping look across the warehouse, your eyes land on one of the few doors on the left. You register the plain look of it for barely a moment before joining Liv outside. 
By the time her car has been rolled and parked inside for a more thorough inspection, it’s taken you every last grain of your willpower to not stalk back out and wait in your car. For whatever reason, you can’t help but feel a very familiar spasm of irritation spark through you. Here you are, left anxiously waiting for the same man for a second time, merely feet away but remaining occupied with more important things. 
At the very least, the multiple hands prodding around the car’s engine were being somewhat of use, attempting to survey the same issues that had been looked at about a dozen times before. You silently promise to be a better person if this trip wouldn’t be for vain.  
“Am I late for something again?” 
Your throat is suddenly clogged as you open your mouth and no sound graces your presence. The face that meets you has his eyebrows raised as he stares at you in expectation, a ghost of a smile on his face. 
“W–Wonwoo, hi, um.” You clear your throat loudly, heat cursing your cheeks. “No, of course not.”
“To what do I owe the pleasure after…four months?” he asks, hands on his hips and his back straightened.
“I…my friend’s car needed to be looked at so…”
“Ah, of course!” He turns to where you’ve motioned, looking at the popped hood of the car his employees are working on. “I’ll take a look at it myself, don’t worry about it.”
He’s already walking away, towards the car and leaving you a ways away from the action. You stare at his back; the overalls tied at the waist and the stained white T-shirt that clings to his form from the humidity.
Wonwoo remains a man of a few words, and you remain at wits end about it all. 
A loud honk gives you something to do as you jump at the sound so up close, scrambling to move away from the smack centre as another car pulls into the garage. 
“Careful, those marks on the floor aren’t just oil and paint.” Wonwoo snickers from his place hunched over the hood as he cranes his neck to look at you. 
You walk over to where he is to get out of the way. “Was that meant to sound like an innuendo?”
“I was talking about the occasional running over someone’s foot,” he answers. “Not sure what you were thinking.” 
Ignoring the jab, you note that it was now only you and him crowding the car, “Where’s Olivia?”
“Went to look at spare parts.” You watch him as his gloved hands reach further into the enclave and yank at something hard. 
“So you can fix it?” 
“The car? It’ll take a couple days but it’s not really an issue.”
Furrowing your brows, you press on, “But the dealership—”
“Dealerships are the spawn of the devil,” he grunts as he finally wrenches out a spare nut or bolt or something that’s covered in oil. “Let me guess, they wanted her to sell it back to them?”
It’s your turn to raise your brows. “Yes. They tried fixing it, but it'd just stop again.”
“Because they’ve been fixing the symptoms.” He raises his eyes to meet yours, hands occupied with rubbing the part in his hands relatively clean with a rag. “They haven’t bothered to do anything about the actual problem.” 
“Because that’s gonna cost…?”
“Couple hundred, give or take,” he announces nonchalantly, turning his focus back to the engine. 
“But—” That’s it?
“Fifty extra for every question I have to answer after this.” You briefly wonder if Wonwoo’s eyes were always this piercing, boring into your soul like he didn’t need words to know what was going on with you. 
“Fine,” you huff, moving to drag a chair over, mostly just so you could have reason to break eye contact, and plop down as you watch him work. 
The more you think about it, the more you can find yourself unbothered by his strange behaviour. He wasn’t bleak, but nowhere near one of the more interesting people you’ve met. Taking the opportunity to really scan the man head to toe, you can’t say you find anything truly concrete to be this put off by him. 
Not much of a talker, but with the times you’ve prayed for a man that knew when to shut up sometimes, you wonder how much you can actually complain about this boon in particular. 
Besides, he was a looker, and you were completely content shutting your trap if it meant you got to shamelessly ogle at him from this close. 
“You know, this place looks bigger than it does from the outside.”
Wonwoo stares pointedly. 
You raise a shoulder in nonchalance, “Wasn’t a question!”
He simply huffs as he mumbles, “More length than breadth I suppose.”
“What are those things called?” you ask as you watch a sedan get lifted into the on some platform on the other end of the row. 
Glancing back, he answers, “Post lift, car lift, whatever you wanna call it.”
“What does it do?”
“Take a wild guess.”
Glancing back at him, you catch sight of his stained shirt once again. “Is that the same thing you wore to our date?”
Chin to chest, he registers what he’s wearing, hands still working on pulling bolts and boxes out of the hood. “Have about twenty of the same shirt, I can never be too sure.”
“You’re impossible.”
He smirks, “Touché.” 
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You questioned if this was a mistake. 
Olivia could pick up her car herself, so why did you insist to be the one that did it? As you pay the taxi driver, you feel your ankles lock for a moment as you move to slip out of the cab. Frozen, you hear the driver ask you if everything was alright, to which your legs seem to work again, finally foot to gravel in front of the dreaded workshop.
The Jeon Motors sign blares the same as it always has in the afternoon light, glinting as it encourages you to walk in and do one of the stupider things you’ve done in life. Other than the ridiculous outfit you’ve put on, of course. 
But alas, as you hand over your slip to one of the many mechanics in the workshop, you find yourself praying he wasn’t here after all, that perhaps you could miss him as you leave and never have to see him again. 
Somebody yells out his name, and the dream drifts away like smoke. 
Finding the courage, you look up to where the man shouted for him, and immediately wish you hadn’t. 
Wonwoo remains in his overalls, the same ones that he had tied to his waist the last time you saw him. His undershirt however…
The tank top is revealing too much for you to pretend you don’t care, his hair remaining pushed back and away from his forehead as he walks over to you in what feels like slow motion. He takes the slip that he does not need, smiling at you as he says his hellos. 
“Car’s all fixed up, just need some papers that need signing and you’re all set.”
“Oh, but Liv isn’t here today.”
“That’s alright, you can sign them too,” he reassures, motioning for you to walk with him towards the car. “The car was alright in the test drives, revving hasn’t caused any problems either.”
He halts in front of the now (supposedly) fixed black sedan and pats the hood lightly, “If anything happens tell her to bring it straight here, although it shouldn’t have any more problems.”
“What’s your rate of return on customers?” you ask, a slight smirk on your face.
He thinks for a moment, “Pretty crap. But I guess that means I’m doing something right.”
You consider yourself something of a helicopter parent when it comes to your own car, but perhaps you’d change that if it meant you’d get to come here a little more often. 
Goodness, what’s gotten into you.
Wonwoo’s smiling too, and for a brief moment the silence is nearly awkward. A pause before he proposes leaving. 
“Shall we go to the office then?” 
Nodding eagerly, you trail behind him as he leads you towards the other end of the workshop, passing by even more cars in all their stripped or constructed glory. Glancing in front, you catch sight of Wonwoo’s back, ensnared for a moment before you snap your head away, reciting every curse word you know like a mantra. 
“It’s less hot in here too, keep the air on all the time.” Wonwoo stands in front of the plain doors, hands on the handle to wrench it open. You recognise it as the same door you had noted a few days ago. “Would you like anything? Coffee, tea?”
“Um, just water is fine, thanks.”
It’s quite plain, beige and leather against cream walls and unfittingly white lights. There’s a desk on one corner that’s beyond cluttered with more papers than you can register, pens and other office supplies mixed into the disorganised chaos of the large tabletop.
“Sorry about the mess, I can never find time to sort through it.” To your surprise, the light tinge of his cheeks suggest he might actually feel a little embarrassed. 
There’s cabinets that line on one of the far walls, and you watch him take his gloves off to open it and reach for a cup. The white porcelain emerges stained with an ashy grey as his fingers betray him. He looks flustered, glancing at his hands and back up to the cabinet. 
You can’t help but laugh a little, moving forward to help. “It’s alright, let me.”
“Sorry,” he apologised again, with a sheepish look on his face. “I’ll, um, wash this off.”
“Go on, I’m here,” you reassure as you move towards the water dispenser in the corner to fill your clean cup. 
He returns with significantly cleaner hands and apologises one last time. “Seems all I do around you is apologise.”
You have the good humour to chuckle, “So I’ve noticed.”
He does well to clear out most of the clutter that’s on his desk, leaving enough room to set down a few pieces of paper as you take a seat on the opposite side. 
As you scan through the papers, he attempts to make sober conversation. “You should…bring your car around for inspections if you want.”
“Oh? Even if I ask a million questions?”
“I can make an exception or two,” he grins. 
“And if you charge me double?”
“Might not charge you at all.”
“Might?” you question as you lift the pen he’d given you to sign the first space. 
“And what’re the conditions for that?” 
He doesn’t answer as he ponders and you fill in the second blank. “I’ll have to think about that.”
You snort before you can help it, your last signature coming out a little wonky as your hands shake. Turning the papers over to him, you continue, “Well then, let me know when you figure it out.”
He stares pointedly as he accepts the papers before dropping his eyes again, “Can I?”
“Can I? Let you know?” 
It’s like you’ve been frozen over, the typewriter in your mind jamming as it punches out the implications of what he’s saying. 
“It seems, at least to me, that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot,” he continues. 
You hesitate. “I think so too.”
“I…I don’t want to put anything like pressure on you but–” 
“Would you like to try the new gelato place downtown this week?” you ask finally as you save him from his misery. “If…you’d like.”
He looks stunned for a moment before he’s scrambling, “Oh–of course! Yes, anytime is fine with me.”
“Great,” you smile, lifting from your seat. “It’s a date.”
“I’ll promise to wash my hands this time…and my shirt. And I won’t be late.” 
“Let’s not make promises we can’t keep,” you tease. 
You’re nearing the door as he follows behind, and just as you’re about to pull down on the handle, you hear him say your name. 
Turning around, almost too eagerly, you look up at him in expectation. He’s close, almost right behind you as he looks like he’s debating whether opening his mouth is a good idea. 
“Are you doing anything else today?” 
“Um,” you stutter for a moment. “I don’t have to drop off the car till later tonight, that’s all really.”
He swallows. “Do you wanna stay? Just a little while. We can stay in here, nobody comes in anyway.”
You aren’t entirely sure why you said yes, because you did actually have dinner plans with Liv later tonight, but the teeny tiny voice in your mind egged you on anyway. Besides, Liv wouldn’t mind, not if you were cancelling for this.
This entailed the very friendly contact of Wonwoo’s tongue in your mouth, and the extremely cordial way it seemed to caress your insides. If somebody asked you how it led to this, you don’t think you’d have an answer. Not that you care, especially when his hands are grabbing your waist and hips like that.
He’s already locked the door, reassuring you that nobody would find their boss and client in the smack dab middle of the devil’s tango. You take his word for it, relishing in the way his hot breath hits your skin below your ears, his mouth sucking under your earlobes as you whimper ever so quietly. 
Your hands are on his exposed biceps, feeling him up all to your heart's content. “Do you–Do you always wear stuff like this?”
He emerges, wet lipped and eyes trained. “So I wasn’t imagining it.”
“Imagining what?” you ask as you let him unbuckle your trousers.
“Please. Like you weren’t stripping me with your eyes.”
If you were warm before you, you're boiling up now. Were you being so obvious?
“It’s alright,” he reassures as you feel his fingers make contact with the crotch of your panties, pushing in to put pressure on your clit. “Wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t picked up on it.”
You feel his fingers push the dampening fabric away as his fingers make contact with your hole, coating his fingers in the arousal that’s made itself known. It’s hard to not hiss at the way he begins to circle it, thanking the universe that the loud noises of the workshop outside were masking whatever evidence of the heinous crime you were committing inside. 
Back against the couch in his office, you settle into the cushions once you feel him rub at your clit, one hand spreading your lips apart as he continues to massage your own wetness onto your throbbing cunt. 
When he retreats you almost cry out, but are smothered when he plunges two fingers into your hole instead, curling them almost immediately inside you. The consistent brush of the tips of his fingers on your walls are making it difficult to keep your eyes open, and absolutely impossible to keep your moans at bay. 
“Wonwoo, that’s so good, fuck.”
Through your closed eyes, you don’t note when Wonwoo gets on his knees. But you do feel him yank your trousers off entirely, and you definitely feel him place his wet mouth flush on your lower lips, sucking at your clit as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you mercilessly. 
That’s all it takes for your noises to become increasingly high pitched, hands buried in his beautiful hair as he continues to pleasure you beyond imagination. 
“I’m so close, keep going, please, it feels so–”
He somehow buries his face in deeper, sucking harder, licking faster, and it’s enough for you to finally feel yourself collapsing on the inside, your composure dissolving as you moan so loud you’re sure they can hear it outside, even through all the clanging and revs of cars. 
There’s no way for you to know how long you lay there slumped against the couch cushions, but when you hear Wonwoo speak to you in your ear, you answer. 
“Was that okay?”
“More than okay,” you say as you grab his face and pull his lips to yours, tasting the tang in his mouth from your arousal. “Do you have a condom?”
“I–fuck,” he thinks for a moment. “I don’t think I do.”
You try not to feel too disappointed, but you sigh into his mouth anyway. 
“Can I fuck your thighs?” you hear him ask, and you might have just orgasmed again, untouched. 
“Fuck, yes you can.” 
With a yelp, you feel yourself lifted off the couch as you wrap your arms around Wonwoo’s neck, letting him guide you to his desk. “Wonwoo!”
You hear a loud crash of the desk being stripped of all its inhabitants, and your back hitting the cool of the table top. 
Wonwoo unties the arms of his overalls around his waist, letting the legs pool to the floor before slipping his hard cock out of his boxers. 
You don’t see it as you feel him lock your knees together and lift both your calves to rest on one of his shoulders. But you do feel it as he pushes the head into the seam of your thighs, watching the indent as the pink of his dick appears before you through the skin of your thighs. 
Wonwoo’s face is contorted as he pulls back and pushes back through again, this time brushing against your still sensitive clit. You gasp at contact, and immediately feel him thrusting faster. 
“Wonwoo,” you grunt. “Lower.”
He obliges, pushing his dick lower so it can rub flush against your clit as he begins to roughen up his pace. 
You moan as you feel his free hand that isn’t holding your legs trail to the ends of your shirt, caressing over your stomach to pull it up and reveal your bra clad tits. He pushes his hands under the nearest cup and begins to grope you so wonderfully with his big, warm hands. Rolling the bud between his fingers, you can only grasp onto his wrists as a handheld to keep you down on earth. 
The desk beneath you is rattling with noise, the full drawers making themselves known as Wonwoo pounds into your thighs like he would die if he stopped, mouth coming in contact with whatever skin of your legs he could reach, his breath fanning the side of your knees. 
You’re close again, and you know he is too with the way his thrusts are beginning to grow sloppy. 
“There,” he pants. “Almost.”
You orgasm for the second time, the throb your clit beyond comprehension as the rough of his dick slides across your clit mercilessly. 
“Cum like this, Wonwoo please I need to see you cum.”
And he does, shooting the heft of his load to cover your already wet cunt and thighs, landing on your stomach as he continues to ride out his high between your legs. 
The back of your head hits the table as you take in gulps of air through the aftermath of it all. Wonwoo is putting his weight on the back of your thighs, holding onto the table for support. 
“Oh, Liv is never gonna let me live this down,” you pant, lolling your head to one side as you register him. 
He peers up at you through his hair, the stupid smirk on his face, “Do you care?”
You’re smiling a little too when you answer, “Not really.”
And then your legs are off his shoulders as he nestles between them instead, diving in to lift your head and kiss you. 
And you let him, although you wouldn’t really call it too much of a kiss—not when the both of you were smiling like idiots through the clash. 
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piratefalls · 6 months
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welcome back to the latest edition of biweekly fic recs! as always, mind the tags, if you can't leave a nice comment don't leave one at all, and happy reading!
There's No Problem That San Diego Can't Solve by @historicallysam
Alex doesn’t even bother knocking; he simply twists the knob on the door and shoves it open. His eyes narrow as the door bangs against the wall and he sees Henry on the phone. Maybe (definitely) it’s rude but his blood is fucking boiling so he doesn’t really care.
All the Ocean was Sleeping by @sparklepocalypse
The worst part about being a siren in the modern era, Henry ponders as yet another ship flies past his cove at a speed that he knows will disturb the anemone gardens below, is the yacht bros. Between the sound of their vessels’ motors and the dissonant noise the humans call music, Henry’s singing has no chance of attracting anyone’s attention.
cause you're a classic, and i'm reckless by @firenati0n
“I've, actually, uh. I've never done this before.” At this, Henry stops short, takes a second as his gaze moves up and to the left, trying to recall something. “I've seen your films. You most certainly have done intimate scenes.” Alex clears his throat. He hopes his nerves aren't completely obvious, the slight waver in his voice about to give him away. “Yeah, well. Never with a man, so. Not at this scale, anyway.” “Would it help to, er, practice?" Henry winces a little as he says it, which does not inspire confidence. But Alex is shocked nonetheless. What the fuck?
Over Land and Sea by SatinBirds
Alex and Henry come from very different worlds, and still, they manage to find each other.
Clean Slate by smc_27
“Henry.” Pez comes over, puts both hands on Henry’s cheeks and looks him dead in the eye. “You are not a sad man who’s gotten dumped. You’re in the prime of your life, and I quite desperately need you to act like it.” “The prime of my life,” Henry scoffs, more incredulous than questioning. “I’ve just gotten out of a 15 year relationship, endured a divorce, am suffering an almost impressive case of writer’s block, and your hands are like bloody icicles.” Pez grins, doesn’t take his hands away. “Explain to me how this is my prime. Please.” Pez tilts his head, and sounds entirely serious when he says, “Literally anything can happen from here.”
in bloom by stutteringpeach
Yoo, can u hook me up with some flowers?? It's the busiest day of the year for florists. Alex texts Henry with a last minute request.
here is a map (with your name for a capital) by @alasse9
That day at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, Alex comes across the very same Prince Henry who just dismissed him having a panic attack in a bathroom. The choice Alex makes then has ripple effects neither of them could have ever expected. What's the story like, when they actually are friends all along? “So, you’re going back to England tonight, and you’ll spend the next three days pretending you two are the closest and best of friends until we can put this mess behind us.” And there are reasons he hasn’t told anybody this, good reasons, even though he’s sure June and Nora saw through him ages ago. Faced with his mom’s disappointment, though, and with the realization that the entire world apparently thinks he hates Henry and would willingly shove him into a fucking cake, he can’t stay quiet. “But we are friends,” he says, vehement and serious. “We have been for years. He’s—he’s probably my best friend, actually, along with Nora.”
thoughts of you consume by yrsonpurpose
Henry sees Alex appear on the red carpet in a blue suit that screams sex on legs and is ready to throw away all attempts at concealing their secret relationship in the name of dropping to his knees at the first available opportunity.
eyes on me by matherine
Alex’s hips buck back against Henry’s mouth the moment his tongue does more than tease, and Henry squeezes his hip in gentle consternation. But before he can say anything, Alex is already rambling. “Sorry, I’m — I’m sorry, I know you said not to move, and I’m trying, I — I’m trying to be good, I promise,” he blurts, voice shaking ever so slightly from something that certainly doesn’t sound like pleasure, resolutely refusing to turn his head so that he can meet Henry’s gaze from where he’s positioned behind him. Henry’s heart aches. “Alex — love, it’s alright. Where’s your mind?” Or: Sometimes, Alex needs a distraction. Something to take the edge off, to scrub away at the stress of the day. Some days, it works better than others. 
the evolution of intimacy by Poutini
There’s no spontaneity anymore. One might think this boring. That the novelty had worn off. The spark snuffed. Absolutely not
Want Me by OrchidScript
Henry had always been weak for a nice smile, but his was impossible to ignore. Blame it on summer heat and a fresh flush in his cheeks. Blame it on sunset painting the outdoor bar sweltering, romantic colors. Blame it on two healthy glasses of albariño thrumming in his bloodstream, or the good music floating on the air. Henry could blame it on anything liked if he thought long and hard about it, but that didn’t change much at the end. The core remained the same: he had been gone from the jump. -- Henry and Alex hook up on a vacation in Spain. Henry falls a bit deeper.
fill my lungs with sweetness by @priincebutt
Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor wakes up at 3 AM on his birthday to an empty bed. What could Alex possibly be getting up to at 3 AM the night before his birthday? The possibilities are endless.
got myself in quite a tangle by coffeecatsme
"It seems I've gotten myself in quite a tangle." "Tangle?" Henry's voice is hoarse, eyes darkened as they travel over Alex's body. They stop at his crotch, and Alex can see it even under the dim lights—Henry's growing hard too, a visible bulge pushing at his sweatpants. Alex's cock gives a desperate twitch. "Y'know, I was trying to put them around the tree," he starts, gesturing at the plain tree at the corner. It's clear he didn't even attempt to touch it. "And somehow I've managed to completely trap myself. Can't even move my hands." Henry makes a desperate noise at the back of his throat as his eyes snap up to Alex's face. Alex flashes him a suggestive grin, teeth biting down on his lip. "Seems I'm completely at your mercy."
The Forces of Chance and Coincidences by @stellarm
Bad weather leads to a late flight that leads to no one being where they wanted to be, but maybe everyone was where they needed to be.
I've never felt safer (than when I'm with you) by viciouslyqueer
Alex takes the bag and opens it slowly, careful not to rip it, and gasps quietly as he sees what’s inside. “H, you didn’t…” Strong arms wrap around his waist from behind, Henry’s chest warm against his back. “Do you like it?” Henry asks in a whisper, resting his chin on Alex’s shoulder. Alex doesn’t know what to say. Gingerly, like he might ruin it with even the smallest touch, he takes out the silky fabric and holds it up in front of them. It’s a gorgeous dress, fancy too, in a deep red color with thin straps and an open back. It’s long, almost touching the floor even as Alex holds it up and has a slit on the left side that would probably end a little above Alex’s knee.
An Amateur's Guide to Professional Gift-Giving by anincompletelist
Alex, a former-law-student-taking-some-time-off turned professional part-time gift giver, is tasked with finding a gift for the most high profile client he's ever worked with, both in and out of the world of law. It turns out finding the perfect gift for the Prince of Wales might be easier than he'd anticipated.
Love At First Bark by everwitch
“I still don’t know your name, do I?” Henry watches Alex where he’s crouched down in front of David and gently scratching David below his chin. David absolutely loves Alex. Henry can relate. “It’s David,” Henry supplies. “Cool,” Alex says. “And what’s the dog’s name?” Henry blinks at him. “... David?” “What?” Alex exclaims. He looks from David to Henry and then back at David again. “Wow, okay, that is a choice.” Henry wants to sink through the earth and never come back up again.
don't let me get drunk again by headabovethewater
Alex had never wanted to cancel plans as much as he had while watching Henry pull a pair of light wash, tight jeans over his stockinged legs and bare ass. Christ, he’s getting hard thinking about it now.
The Beginner's Guide to Floristry by clottedcreamfudge
As if there's anything romantic about it; as if it's not the most humiliating death Alex can imagine. This is why he doesn't do relationships. This is why he never will. The risk, as far as he fucking sees it, is too great. -- Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible.
Everything you take, you make it better. So go on, take forever by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
It's 2024, and nobody knows they're engaged. But they will, just as soon as Alex can decide what to wear to his birthday dinner. Henry has an idea and a special gift to match.
false pretenses by rizcriz
Henry spins around, glaring at Alex. “For christs sake,” He hisses, holding a hand out between them. “Can we just not? I do not have the capacity to pretend to hate you today.” Alex splutters as Henry turns on his heel and starts to walk away. He stares after him helplessly. “Pretend?” After a beat, he starts to follow after him, “What the fuck do you mean pretend?” Three years of breathing down each others necks, fighting every time they come in contact with each other. And if Henry is saying every single thing on his end has been pretend, Alex Claremont-Diaz is going to have a fucking breakdown. Because he has been harboring this stupid fucking crush and burying it beneath false antagonism, meeting Henry where he’s at, for three years, and if Henry is implying that they’re both faking it— -- or, Alex learns better.
turn the desert to glass (you would be the one) by @taste-thewaste
Henry and Alex's domestic bliss has lead to some changes in Henry's body. Henry doesn't really mind being a little chubby, but he wonders if Alex does. Alex, it turns out, does not. Not one bit. He does not mind one bit, and he is more than eager to prove it.
coming on fast like good dreams do by cricketnationrise
When Henry recovers from his unexpected factory reset, he still can’t really breathe properly and somehow Alex is still standing in front of him with a hopeful and excited expression on his face. “Run that by me again?” he asks faintly. “I need your help.” “Right…” “I need you to edge me. Like a lot,” Alex says with a shrug. Nope, it’s not any clearer a second time around.
as always, let me know if you want to be tagged in future lists, whether you're a reader or writer!
tagging @starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels @midnightsfp @sarahjswift @enablelove
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im-just-a-bug · 4 months
Finished In Stars and Time last night and want to put down my thoughts bc that was nuts. Spoilers ahead v
Theres still much I havent seen, and ive only gotten one ending but man this game blew me away. Here are some things i loved about this game.
Timeloops are such a common plot device, a way to help the mc level up for the big bad, and the way they flipped that narrative on its head! The instant shift from "this is a gift to help me!" To "who did I think I was, how stupid," is so satisfying.
The music, at the end, terrified me. That first time Headmaiden broke down, and the music glitched and deteriorated, i realized oh. Oh fuck this is a kind of horror game isn't it. I wasnt wrong.
The changes in character art!!
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The subtle things; the mirror never catches you by surprise again. Your battle sprite looks bored. You stop making silly noises at the birds.
That moment in act 3 where everything is finally going right, your companions love you and youve never felt more content, and Siffrin wins and gets to the end and they loop anyway. The way that the first time his party notices anything wrong is when he is completley and utterly heartbroken, the way they run to him. And he wakes up in the meadow, to allies that don't love him anymore. Who have no idea what hes going through. Who aren't grateful. And love didnt win the game so they go searching for answers and it makes sense but it makes everything worse.
You talk to King, and for a second you think everything might work out because stranger things have happened. And after a whole game of Bonnie being safe, Bonnie running away. Bonnie never being in any real danger. King picks them up and crushes them in front of you to 'teach you a lesson.' And the terror on Sifs face the next loop they reach the King startled me deeply, and reminded me that this game is a god damn masterpiece.
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The way this game sets you up to stop caring about how you treat others, only to give you a real ending after what was essentially the WORST loop youve ever had?? Incredible. Siffrin doing everything he can to manipulate his way to the end, even if everyone hates him bc hes just so desperate. There's no point being nice, there's no point pretending in the end, bc he hopes there won't be another loop but in their heart they Know there will be, so what's the point? And he fumbles every interaction, makes every one of his friends hate his guts, and then has to fight the King alone. And then they save him anyway. They follow him and pick him up at the end (which cinematically is a God damn masterpiece all on its own God DAMN) and you figure out the whole time Siffrin was looping not bc the country fumbled a Wish, but because he didn't want his friends to go. He wanted to stay with them so badly he wished for it on accident, and the universe listened.
I haven't even gotten into how in awe I was, putting together the little puzzle pieces of Sifs backstory, of his island. Even in act 1 I was squinting my eyes. Several mentions of a whole island wiped from existence no one can remember? A protagonist with severe memory issues and no connection to or knowledge of any culture left? God I love this game.
And Loop. I didnt learn Loops story on my playthrough, but i looked into it and man. Its so incredibly neat that you have this character, this other siffrin, who went through these loops so many times they got desperate enough to make a whole NEW wish, unspecified and uncaring, just wanting something to change. Wanting help. And got shoved into our Siffrins reality instead, because wishes never work how you want them to. Finding their star room and their journal and trinkets and lore was so incredibly cool!! Though im confused why the journal says they made a cooy of themself, but their battle dialogue says they got shoved into a different reality. Idk, but it's still cool. And their anger, that someone else got their happy ending? Fucking mwah.
These characters are so complex and interesting and a day later im still in awe about it. There are so many parts of this game i havent even mentioned here that are like a punch in the face. So many little interactions, so many art shifts.
I loved this game deeply, and the only thing stopping me from playing more is guilt at taking away that ending. When a game makes u care about the characters that much, you know its a great game.
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engie-ivy · 2 years
In short: Wolfstar And They Were Roommates Coffee Shop AU Idiots in Love
Marlene meets Remus, who's looking for a new place to live, as he can't deal with his feelings for his roommate anymore. So when Marlene’s coworker Sirius tells her that his roommate is moving out, it seems like a good idea to bring him into contact with Remus. Marlene may have missed something, though.
And They Were/Are/Will Be Roommates
Remus had been nervous for this moment. He’s usually not very good at talking to strangers, but he knows that if he wants to be considered for the room, he’s going to have to get along with the other tenants. Remus had responded to an add from the girls living in the house, looking for a new roommate now that one of them has moved in with her boyfriend. Miraculously, they’ve invited Remus over for an initial meeting.
His nerves only increased when he saw the girls.
They’re the cool, confident kind of girls whom Remus would’ve admired from afar, but never would’ve dared to talk to. The redhead with her captivating emerald eyes, the tall blond with her edgy style, the petit brunette with her feisty attitude. It triggered a lot of Remus’ old insecurities. He was half expecting these beautiful girls to laugh in his face upon realizing this awkward, weird guy thought he could be their new roommate.
But to his surprise, they seem to be hitting it off.
The conversation flows easily, and before Remus knows it, they’re all talking animatedly. Remus is drawn to Lily’s kindness, Marlene’s sarcasm, and Mary’s cheerful energy. They, in return, seem to appreciate Remus’ dry wit. They chat about their degrees, jobs, hometowns, favourite books, and whatnot.
“So, Remus,” Marlene says at some point. “Why are you actually looking for a new place to live?”
“Oh, it’s just...” Remus averts his eyes and shrugs. “Roommate issues.”
Mary scrunches up her nose. “Bad roommates are the worst. What do they do? Leave their dishes in the sink?”
“Sing in the shower?”
“Leave their hair in the drain?”
“Or dirty socks in the living room?”
“Play loud music late at night?”
“Let you do all the cooking?”
“Leave mouldy food in the fridge?”
“Sneak into your room late at night and watch you sleep?”
“What? No! No, none of that.” Remus runs a hand through his hair. “I mean, yeah, he does sing in the shower, but I kinda really like that about him? He sounds so happy and carefree when he’s singing just for himself. We actually put on this terribly corny music while doing the dishes together, and sing along really loudly. It almost makes doing the dishes the best part of the day! True, he’s not the best cook, so I usually take it up, but he’ll make me my favourite tea every morning, exactly the way I like it. And on Sunday, he’ll get up early to go to the bakery and get me fresh cinnamon buns for breakfast. He’s just so kind, and he always knows how to make me smile, and that’s... Well, and that’s just the fucking problem, innit?” Remus let’s out a deep sigh. “You see, I’ve gone and fallen head over heels in love with him.”
Mary looks thoughtful. “So the problem actually is that he doesn’t sneak into your room late at night?”
Remus chuckles, but then shakes his head. “I’ve never been very good at self-care, but I can’t keep living in the same apartment as him, being around him all the time, while he’s just there being this stupidly amazing person.”
Lily gives him a sympathetic smile. “That does sound like a mental health liability.”
The girls exchange a look. Then turn back to Remus.
“Shite, we were hoping you’d be an arse,” Mary sighs.
“You see,” Marlene says. “This girl we know, Dorcas, she’s just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and she’ll be kicked out on the street. She has nowhere to go, so we have actually just decided she can have the room...”
“We’re very sorry,” Lily adds.
“Not at all!” Remus quickly says. “I understand. Sounds like she needs it more than me.”
“We do really like you,” Mary assures him. “We totally should hang out again!”
“Yes,” Lily agrees. “We may not be able to give you a new place to live, but we can give you new friendships!” She cringes. “Oh god, did that sound as lame to you as it did to me?”
Remus laughs. “It kinda did, but I agree! It would be great if we ‘can still be friends’.”
Marlene snorts, but then she notices the time. “Oh shite.” She jumps to her feet. “It’s that late already? I’ve got to go! I said I’d jump in with the midday shift. It was lovely to meet you, Remus. I’ll keep an eye out for anyone having a room available. And of course, I hope to see you again soon,” she says, while already rushing out the door.
“It is indeed later than I thought,” Lily says, turning to Remus. “Would you like to stay for lunch, or is your roommate expecting you?”
“No, he’s at work,” Remus replies. “So I’d love to stay!”
“And how’d you like your coffee?”
Sirius’ voice sounds flat, monotone.
The customer leans on the counter. “I’d like it hot, please.” He eyes Sirius up and down. “Quite like my barista.”
“One hot coffee coming up,” Sirius says, giving no reaction to the customer’s obvious flirting, his face an impassive mask.
Sirius makes the coffee like a robot. “Here you go.” He sounds like a robot too. “Would you like anything to eat with that?”
“No thank you, darling. The eye-candy is more than enough for me.”
“That’ll be one pound seventy-five, please.”
The customer blinks. He pays, and walks away, looking rather dejected.
“Sirius!” Marlene hisses, dragging Sirius to the side as the lunch rush dies down a little. “Even if you’re not into it, can you at least be kind to the customers flirting with you? You know that eighty percent of our tip jar depends on you being cute!”
“I’m sorry, Marls,” Sirius sighs. “I’m just... really not feeling it today.”
Marlene eyes him. “What is with you?
“It’s my roommate,” Sirius mumbles, looking at the floor.
“Ah,” Marlene sits down on the counter. “Another instalment of Pining Sirius and the Cute Roommate. How did he turn your brain into mush this time? Sweaterpaws? Giggling the whole time while trying to tell a joke? Biting his lip while thinking? Ranting about his favourite book for an hour? Wearing your jacket?”
“He’s moving out.”
“Shite, indeed,” Sirius wholeheartedly agrees.
“Are you gonna be in trouble with rent?” Marlene asks, concerned. “You know that Alice just moved in with Frank, and we’ve actually been interviewing potential new roommates. There were some great people that we couldn’t pick. I can give you their contact information so you can-”
“Rent’s fine,” Sirius interrupts. “It’s just... I really liked living with him, y’know?”
“Yeah,” Marlene says softly. “I know.”
“I know we’re only roommates,” Sirius says. “And it was always going to be temporary, but... Fuck, Marlene. He just felt like home.”
“Do you know why he’s moving out?” Marlene asks.
Sirius shakes his head. “He won’t tell me. Which just confirms my suspicion that it must be something I did.”
A customer just walked up to the counter. “Excuse me, you’ve made my coffee wrong, it’s-”
Sirius puts his head in his hands and exclaims “Why do I always have to ruin everything?”
The customer gives a start. “I mean, it’s not that bad. I just... never tasted coffee with salt instead of sugar before. It’s... an acquired taste, that’s all.” He puts five pounds into the tip jar before slowly backing away.
Marlene makes a mental note that she should really remember that for next time a customer comes to complain, before she grabs Sirius’ arm and drags him to the back. She sits Sirius down on a chair and notices to her horror there are tears glistening in his eyes.
“None of this!” Marlene says firmly, placing her hands on her hips. “You listen to me. If he doesn’t tell you what the fuck his problem is, then it’s nothing you can fix, and then it’s not your fucking fault! Besides, you are much too cute to be crying over some guy.”
Sirius gives her a weak smile, that looks all but convincing.
Marlene pinches the bridge of her nose. “You know what, no. I’m not going to let you wallow in self-pity, so here’s what were going to do. The girls and I just interviewed this super nice guy today. Unfortunately, our free room had just been taken, but that’s good news for you! He can be your new roommate, and help you get over the old roommate. Sirius, this guy is super cute, like, you won’t believe.”
Sirius doesn’t look very enthusiastic. “I highly doubt a new roommate who isn’t him is going to help me much, no matter how cute he is. But I suppose I am going to need someone to chip in with the rent, so I might as well give your guy a chance.”
“I’ll set up a meeting,” Marlene promises, before pulling Sirius into a hug. “I know it sucks right now, but you’ll be okay.”
A few days later, Marlene has the closing shift together with Sirius, and after they’ve locked up the coffee shop, they go to Marlene’s place together. Mary’s got a date, and Lily will be in the library studying until late, so Marlene has invited Remus over to meet Sirius.
Sirius is still down and uncharacteristically quiet. From what Marlene has heard, things have been rough between Sirius and his roommate these last few days. His roommate hasn’t found a new place yet, but while still living with Sirius, he seems to be trying to avoid him. It hurts Sirius, and the atmosphere between them has gotten tense.
Looking at Sirius now, Marlene starts to doubt whether this was such a good idea. She was hoping Sirius and Remus would distract each other from their love-sickness, and find support in each other as fellow-sufferers, but now she fears they’ll just bring each other down to wallow in their shared misery. She really hopes she’s not accidentally creating the most depressing household ever.
“He should be here soon,” Marlene says, once she has sat Sirius down on the couch with a drink.
“Mmm,” is Sirius’ only response.
“Could you... try to look a little pleased to meet him once he gets here?”
Before Sirius can answer her though, the doorbell rings.
“Ah, there he is. Be friendly,” Marlene reminds Sirius, before walking into the hallway to open the door.
“Hi! Glad you could make it!”
“Of course,” Remus smiles. “I’m glad you thought about me.” He sighs, and Marlene notices that he looks tired, like he’s had a rough few days. “I really do need to get out of that apartment.”
“Well, come on!” Marlene says, taking his arm and dragging him towards the living room, where Sirius gets to his feet the moment they enter.
“So this is him,” Marlene tells Remus. “The guy who needs a new roommate, as his current one will be moving out. He’s been pining after that guy long enough anyhow, so I’d say time to move on,” she adds with a chuckle. Then she turns to Sirius, who’s staring at Remus wide-eyed. “And this is the guy I’ve been telling you about! The one who needs a new place to live, because he might have accidentally caught feelings for his current roommate, and it’s starting to mess with his head.”
“You two know each other?”
“Yeah,” Sirius says slowly, not taking his eyes off Remus. “He’s my roommate.”
“Well, that was decided quickly! I thought you would’ve needed some more time to get to know each other and-”
“No,” Sirius interrupts. “He’s my current roommate.”
“Oh. Oh.” Marlene looks from Sirius to Remus and back. “Please tell me you don’t have a third roommate you’re now finding out you’re both desperately in love with?”
“No,” Sirius says slowly, still only looking at Remus. “It’s just the two of us.”
“You’re in love with me,” Remus suddenly says.
“You’re in love with me,” Sirius says.
“You’re in love with each other!” Marlene says, clapping her hands in delight. “This is perfect! You were both pining! After each other! And now you can stop! And even better, now no one has to move! Let’s be honest, moving is the worst. Really, it seems like you’re-” She looks at Sirius and Remus again. “-like you’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?”
Sirius and Remus are looking at each intently, their gazes locked, Remus’ mouth slightly opened, Sirius’ pupils blown wide.
“I... should probably give you a moment,” Marlene says, slowly moving back towards the door. Right before she closes the door, she sees how they practically pounce at each other, Remus wrapping his arms around Sirius’ neck, Sirius wrapping his arms around Remus’ waist, their bodies pressed flush against each other, and their lips crashing together, which they’ve probably both been waiting a very long time to do.
“And as it turned out, they were roommates!” Marlene concludes the story, before pouring herself another glass.
She and Mary are sitting on the couch drinking wine, while Marlene has been recounting the whole story.
Mary gasps. “Oh my god, they were roommates!”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 11 months
Metal type; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author's note*
Well this came at a funny moment, plus after seeing some posts of how Eddie Munson and Patrick Verona from 10 things I hate about you are similar, I figured why not do this fic with a fun little twist at the ending. Unlike my Halloween fic there's not much warnings here but I'll still list them as followed:
Warnings: parental death, grief, drugs (not hardcore just cigarettes and joints mentioned), some angst but ends with fluff at the end.
Enjoy the fic my darlings :)
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There’s been a lot of rumors going around lately.  Now me I typically stay out of that gossiping chain because it’s just a bunch of hens clucking up the coop where they don’t need to be sticking their beaks into.  But when the rumor’s involve (Y/n), that starts perking up my ears like a deer.
Now lately my girl’s (well at least in my head she’s my girl, I haven’t gotten the balls to ask her out yet but I have my reasons! Like this for example) been going through a rough patch.  Her mom just passed away from breast cancer and it’s been hard on her not only having to go through the whole funeral process and trying to figure out how to keep the house, and trying to deal with all of that whilst still going to school and trying to finish off senior year.
She shouldn’t need all this stress.  She deserves to have fun her last year of school, not be dealing with house mortgage, trying to sell her mom’s stuff or put it in storage, keep paying off the funeral and hospital bills, Jesus Christ she shouldn’t deal with this.  Now I have tried to at least help her but she’s been pushing me away telling me and the guys that she’s fine and that she doesn’t want to burden us with all this family drama.
Now I may have been young when I lost my mom, but I remember the stress that Wayne felt having to go through mom’s stuff since my old man sure as hell wasn’t going to do any of it.  But that’s not even the worst part of the rumors.
Hawkins is a small town where everyone knows everyone blah blah blah blah, but there is a new face that’s been around Hawkins since the start of the new year.  Some guy from Seattle named Patrick Verona.  Now if I’m honest, he seems like a descent guy.  Good taste in music, pretty metal looking, not into sports or anything like most guys are.  But he’s been hanging around (Y/n) far too much and he doesn’t even go to our school and yet people are saying they’re dating.
Again I’ve tried not to believe the rumors but I have seen how Patrick seems to be there whenever (Y/n) is too depressed to be around anyone else.  Always having an arm around her, allowing her a shoulder to cry on, and even kissing her tears away.  I can do all of that, hell we’ve been friends since middle school! Why can’t she allow me to do any of that stuff for her!? I want to be there for her so why isn’t she letting me help her out!?
It was lunchtime and once again (Y/n) hadn’t shown up for lunch.  I silently munched on my pretzels.
“(Y/n) not joining us again?” I heard Henderson say.
“Nope.” Said Jeff.
“I think I heard she went off with that Patrick guy again. Saw his bike coming up during third block just before the lunch bell rang.” Said Gareth.
“And my best guess is she’s gonna miss Hellfire again.” Whined Wheeler.
“Back off Wheeler!” I snapped throwing a pretzel at his head.  “She has a very good excuse to miss so many meetings. Grief isn’t something that can just be put on hold like a stupid laundry basket game or a dentist appointment.”
“Ow! Jesus…..” Wheeler whined.
“He didn’t mean it Eddie.” Henderson tried to lighten up Wheeler’s insensitive comment.
“Really cause I think he was making a statement on how I should run my club. Am I wrong Wheeler?” I sneered lowly.
“No Eddie I swear I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” Even for his weak-ass apology, I dropped it and went back to my snacked lunch.
“To be fair though Eddie, normally this many missed Hellfire meetings results in automatic banishment from the club. You sure you ain’t just going easy on her because you love her?” Gareth said bluntly.  I smacked him upside the head.
“Continue to say stupid shit like that and I’ll think about the banishment for another member of this group.” I threatened which got him to shut up and look back down at his tray.  When I looked up I soon spotted (Y/n) heading for the back doors.
Quickly I grabbed my lunchbox and chased after her.  I at least wanted to check up on her and see how she’s been doing since last I saw her a week or so ago.
“(N/n) wait! Wait!” I charged out the main doors of the school and she turned to face me.
“Oh Eddie, it’s you.”
“Yeah, sorry bout that didn’t mean to startle you.”
“You didn’t.” she looked extremely exhausted.  Bags upon bags were under her eyes and the poor thing looked exhausted.  The usual bubbly girl that I loved was nothing more than a shell of her former self.  Hell this girl would even sleep in class, the one thing she’s never done for as long as I’ve known her.
“So—so listen I uhh—I know it’s been hard lately for you. But I-uhh…I was wondering if you’d like to uhh…..have a movie night after Hellfire at my place? I’ll let you pick out any of your favorites, even if it’s that cheesy rom-com shit that I don’t like.”
“Eddie, that’s sweet of you but I—”
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“Hey girlie, everything alright here?” that Australian accent (which I think is fake) came up and soon Patrick came up wrapping an arm around (Y/n)’s shoulders and in his other hand a bag of McDonalds, all the while holding a toothpick between his teeth.
“Everything’s fine Patrick.” My jaw ticked as (Y/n) introduced us, “I don’t think you both have been properly introduced. Eddie this is Patrick, Pat this is Eddie Munson.”
“Ohh Eddie? The Eddie Munson? Well nice to meet you mate.” Being the gentleman, we both shook hands and I said trying not to sound condescending.
“You too man. Nice ride.”
“What that old thing? A hand me down by my dad. Trying to save up for a real sweet ride. May even take this little lady for a joy ride. God knows she needs it.” He lightly jostled her which made her smile what almost resembled her real, sunshine smile (the smile that I always got out of her, the smile that rivals all the stars in the sky, the smile that I wish I could make her do again, but they all seem to be reserved for Patrick Verona now).
“So uhh about……” I started back up the conversation between (Y/n) and I but she said.
“Eddie I’m sorry but Patrick and I have some plans tonight. Maybe some other time?”
“Yeah, yeah sure no uhh—no problem. Just figure I’d offer.” I said nonchalantly as I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kicked a couple of pebbles at my feet.
“And Eddie, about Hellfire I……”
“No need. Your temporary leave is still accepted. Just come to me whenever you’re ready to return.”
“Thanks for understanding Eddie.”
“C’mon sugar glider, better get going before someone sees us.” Patrick said as he took them over to his bike.
“See yah around Eddie.” She said to me.
“Yeah, yeah see yah.” She got behind Patrick and wrapped her arms around him as he placed a second helmet on her head before revving his bike and pulled on out of the parking lot driving off down the road. “That manipulative son of a bitch.” I walked back inside and prepared for the remaining day of hell.
The day came and went and I found myself over at Family video just to browse but also to return some of the movies that needed to be returned (they may also have been late I honestly can’t remember).
“And he just waltz up and has her pinned up to his side like an ornament.” I ranted.  “And seriously I cannot take that accent seriously, don’t you think it’s fake?”
“Eddie, you’ve gotta stop obsessing over this Patrick guy, it’s not healthy.” Robin told me. 
“I can’t Robin! The guy’s completely taking advantage of her! I can’t just sit idly by anymore as some metal-head biker punk comes into town, and swoops down at her like a hawk.”
“You know it is kinda scary how he almost resembles you. Same wild hair, same eyes, you sure you don’t gotta brother or something?” Steve asked as he was stacking some videos.
“Not helping here Harrington.” I grumbled.
“Eddie, how do you know this is like a romantic thing? I mean, take me and Steve. We hang out all the time and we’re not together.”
“Oh absolutely not. Yet I’ll always have Robin’s back if she needs it.”
“Strictly platonic. With a capital PLAH. Have you seen them kiss on the lips?”
“No. But that doesn’t mean they probably don’t do it behind closed doors. Plus couples don’t always make lip to lip contact in public.”
“You can kiss platonically too. I see the cheerleaders doing it all the time, course it’s that fake Barbie air-cheek kiss but still they do it. You’re letting your imagination run wild, again.”
“Plus man if you had told her how you felt in the first place, maybe this wouldn’t be happening.” Steve added.
“I told you man, I was going to tell her but then she got the call from the hospital about her mom’s diagnosis. It—didn’t feel right to tell her. She needed her best friend, not a confession to think over while her mom’s dealing with sudden stage 4 breast cancer.”
“I agree with him on that Steve.” Robin said.
“Okay, okay but still you just…..gotta relax, okay? Look maybe he’ll move on after a while and forget about (Y/n).”
“It’s impossible to forget about her, that girl can make anyone fall in love with her.” I grumbled.  The bell rang and speak of the devil himself, Patrick came strolling in and he said.
“I’m told this is where you can get some good films.”
“Yeah, yeah what can we help you with?” Steve spoke up.
“Something upbeat and funny. Sugar glider needs it for tonight.” Sugar glider? Wait that’s what he had called (Y/n) yesterday, she isn’t…..after rejecting our daily movie night she goes off and has a movie night with this asshole? I swear if he weren’t so relatable, I’d beat his ass right now.
“Okay well comedies are just over there man.”
“Thanks mate, say you two wouldn’t happen to be Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley would you?”
“We are, how do you know our names?” Robin said.
“(Y/n) has told me a lot about you two. Especially how you two have been helping her out with sorting through her mum’s belongings. My thanks to you both.” So she goes off and tells this guy about all of us but she doesn’t say a word about you?
“Yeah, yeah it was no problem. She’s helped us out so it was only fitting we’d help her out.” Robin said as she was stacking some tapes along the shelf.  As Patrick picked out some of (Y/n)’s favorite comedies like Beverly Hills Cop, Ferris Buller’s Day off, Back to the Future, and the Princess Bride. As Robin rang them up for him, he turned to me and asked, “Now (Y/n) told me you’re the one to go to with some good deals on weed. You got anything in stock?”
Weed? Doesn’t he know that (Y/n) hates the smell of weed? Hell the girl’s allergic to cigarette smoke! Which is why I always make it appoint to never, ever under any circumstances wear the same clothes I smoke in around her let alone smoke around her.  Hell I’ll have the trailer burning multiple scented candles just to rid of the smell, yeah it gives me and Wayne headaches but it’s worth it so that she’s comfortable.
“What’s the occasion?” I demanded.
“Nothing special, just need a refill. Ran out of my own stuff and of course (Y/n) don’t have anything.” Jesus this guy is really gonna smoke around her?
“Regretfully I’m out of stock at the moment.”
“Damn, oh well. Gas station always has some smokes.” Jesus this guy is a grade A asshole.  And not in the popular jock standard, I mean just straight up insensitive asshole.  “Later.” He then walked out after paying for the videos.
“You see what I mean?!” I snapped lowly.
“The guy’s just asking for some smokes Eddie. You do it all the time.” Said Steve.
“Yeah but not around (Y/n)! Jesus I don’t even know why I’m still talking to you guys.” I rubbed my face into my hands in annoyance.
“Eddie, why don’t you just go home? Relax, have a drink, and just get your mind off of Patrick and (Y/n). I’m telling you you’re getting too involved in this and your imagination is running away with you.” Suggested Robin.  I stuffed my hand into the twizzlers jar taking a handful of them, bit into one and stormed out of the store.
As I lay across my bed twirling a twizzler in my hand I couldn’t help but think about (Y/n) and Patrick.  The more I thought about them together, the more my blood boiled and my other hand kept fidgeting with my rings.
“Screw it!” I sneered lowly before getting up, grabbing my keys and racing off toward her house.  I parked a bit off from her house and slowly walked up towards her hedges and hid behind them.  I slowly peeked over her window and saw (Y/n) sitting on the couch talking on the phone with someone while her TV was paused on Beverly Hills Cop.
Patrick soon came in with two beers and plopped down right next to her.  He set the beers down and had an arm wrapped around her and he looked at her concerningly.  His ringed hand stroking the top of her shoulder.  She then hung the phone up and I saw her lower her face into her hands in defeat.  Patrick stroked his hand through her hair and the two of them briefly exchanged words.
I then watched as (Y/n) got up from the couch but Patrick suddenly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her over his lap and he gave her a peck to her forehead.  She gave him a gently slap to the chest before he allowed her to get up off his lap.  But again, just as she walked two steps, he sat up, grabbed her by the waist again and pulled her back across his lap and pecked her twice this time on both her cheeks.  She shoved at his face playfully and told him something that I couldn’t understand but he allowed her to get up a third time.
As she got up, he then grabbed her and they playfully went down to the ground as he wrestled on top of her tickling her, I could hear the faint sounds of her laughter coming out from the window.
So it is true, she really did find someone better than me.  Well if that’s her decision then—I can’t stop her.  But this guy should at least have the decency in knowing of what she likes.  I walked over to the door and knocked on it rapidly.  I heard the laughter stop and footsteps coming to the door and opening it was (Y/n)m her hair a bit disheveled from their wrestling I had just seen.
“Eddie, what are you—”
“I need to talk to Patrick.”
“Uhh okay.” I didn’t wait for her to open the door as I just stormed in.  When I saw him getting up from the floor, he looked up at me and said.
“Well this is a surprise. Did you end up finding some smokes left over?” that smug-eating grin came across his face.
“Even if I did have any smokes or left over joints, I would tell you one thing. Don’t you ever smoke it around (Y/n), okay? She can’t stand the smell of it, not to mention she’s allergic to cigarette smoke. And that’s no joke, okay? Her breathing becomes so tight she can barely breathe, it’s like she’s going into anaphylactic shock if she even smells a whiff of it. So if you’re gonna date her, don’t you ever do that in front of her.”
“What?” he said confused with a head tilt.
“No, no you pay attention because you don’t know just how lucky you are man!” I snapped.  I jostled his shoulders and emphasized each point I made with a firm poke to his chest.  “You better treat this lady like a Queen, okay? Because if I had someone like (Y/n) (L/n) I would bring her her favorite flowers every chance I got. And they aren’t roses because she says roses are too cliché, you understand? Her favorite flowers are blue orchids, you got that blue orchids. Because they bring out her bright, beautiful eyes. And when she’s sick, she gets chicken ramen just like how her mom used to make for her with a side of saltine crackers. I would be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. And I would spend every second of every day trying to get her to smile because she—she has the most beautiful smile that I’ve missed so much. And that I would do anything to see that smile again.”
I turned to look at (Y/n) who was staring at me with this wide-eyed look of awe.  Even though my heart was aching at the fact I had now spilled my feelings for her even though she’d never be mine, I—I had to at least let her know that I’ll always be there for her.
“But she chose you. So……you better do just that. And much more to make her happy, especially now. Because that’s what I would do.” I released Patrick’s shoulders and went to walk out the door but (Y/n) quickly got to the door before me and shut it, staring up at me with soft but sad eyes.
We both stared at each other until she slowly walked towards me.  I looked down shamefully but I soon felt her take my face in between her hands and her lips soon met mine.  Her arms slid around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist bringing her closer to me as I kissed her back.
“See what’d I tell yah? He’s your penguin.” Patrick’s voice said.  We separated and saw he was leaning up against the wall, toothpick in mouth with a wide grin.
“Eddie, I’d like for you to formally meet Patrick Verona. My cousin.” She told me.  I looked to Patrick in shock who grinned at us again and gave me a two-finger salute.
“Your—your cousin……”
“Well when we call each other cousins its more loosely. I treat my little sugar glider like she’s my little sister.” Patrick told me. 
“He’s been a real familial support system that I haven’t been getting with the rest of the family ever since mom got sick. After the funeral he just—showed up and he’s been staying here ever since helping me out with all this stuff.”
“Aunt (M/n) was the glue that kept the family together and ever since her death, the family’s been divided and (Y/n) has been stuck in the middle while still trying to finish school. I couldn’t let her go through all that drama and stress alone. One of us has to at least be successful, right sis?” He gave her a wink which made (Y/n) shake her head.
“They were right, I’m a complete dumbass.” I muttered.
“Look mate, any man whose willing to allow me to take this girl as my own, is a real man in my books. Even though if we did hook up we’d have some ugly-ass kids.” The three of us softly laughed.  Patrick came up to me and placed a strong hand to my shoulder softly jostling it around, “You know, I haven’t heard my little sugar glider talk about a boy the way she talks about you Eddie Munson. Now I see that you are truly something special to my little cousin.” I turned over to (Y/n) and said.
“More than anything in this whole world.” (Y/n) softly smiled as she placed her hand over her heart.
“Then you have my permission to date her, but just know this. If you ever break her heart or mistreat her,” the sound of a switchblade came out and I froze as the gleam of the blade came below my chin.
“Patrick!” (Y/n) exclaimed. As quick as he had brought it out, he sheathed it back and put it back into his pocket.
“Just for a word of warning.” He gave me a hard pat on the back and walked out ruffling (Y/n) hair before saying.  “Be back in a few hours, don’t have too much fun you two lovebirds.” Patrick then left the house leaving the two of us alone.
“I am so sorry about that, I swear that man acts like the fucking Joker sometimes.”
“He’s more metal than I ever could be.” (Y/n) came up and wrapped her arms around me.
“I think you are just the right amount of metal for me Eddie.”
“Really, really.” We both smiled and kissed each other again when a bang at the window spooked us apart and there stood Patrick giving us a warning glare (well mainly at me).  (Y/n) flipped him off and tossed a pillow at the window.  He stuck his tongue mockingly before disappearing from the window.
So the rest of the night was spent cuddling up on the couch watching her favorite movies until we both ended up falling asleep together.  By morning I noticed a blanket had been put around us both and I knew I wasn’t the one to have done it and neither had (Y/n).  There I saw a note on the table and it read:
Take care of my little sugar glider. And if you’re ever interested in some embarrassing stories she hasn’t told you from when we were kids, meet me for some smokes later this evening at the Hideout.
I smiled and looked down at my best girl and kissed the top of her head.  At least we both had something in common besides physical appearances and our outlook on the world, we both care deeply for this girl that’s in my arms and want nothing but the best for her as she tries to move on from her grief.
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stormyoceans · 9 months
vv brainrot continuation:
dad, I missed you (mom, I missed you)
that cute "feels so good" sound (pink drink, I really want to try it)
hugs in bed are the same as after joob’s funeral
part 3/4 damn music from vice versa! aof, fuck, just admit everything already!
we got lost (and found our local glasshouse)
bonfires and songs with guitar
return of shirts (and they smell like each other. what could be more erotic)
interrupted kiss (okay, not because of bad breath)
the description of the sky is worthy of rawi’s palette the guys were right, this damn miss universe appeared before our eyes. lord, I'm not completely alive, monica. what about you? you know, maybe sea didn’t lie, and the remaining episodes won’t be sad even despite the breakup, bc the worst and most expected has already happened, and then everything will go easier. william's song brought me to tears, it's beautiful! and I liked day's version. its so romantic. but, forgive me, the bed scene could have been much better, the angles and amount of blur didn’t turn out very well, and, tbh, I expected more tactility from day, so that he could study mork’s body with his hands. it was so important to him, but they showed it to us very quickly and didn’t spend enough time on it. but I really liked that they were presented as switch, moving away from the nightmare clichés, it's great. the scene on the mountain is the pinnacle of it all, and lord knows the boys pulled it off superbly. it was so emotional. I crumbled like sand and don’t know how I’ll recover by next week. monica, share your brainrot, I’m sure I missed everything possible bc I was so busy in the bed scene.
and you've already pointed out all of these moments but allow me to put them side by side anyway because!!!!!!!
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and even if these two moments can’t really be compared THEY INVENTED EMOTIONAL FOREHEAD TOUCHES TOO!!!!!!!!
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my personal emotional devastation aside, tho, i do think there are some parallels to be drawn between episode 9 of vice versa and episode 9 of last twilight, between puen on an island finally accepting his life in the original universe and by the end "gaining sight" on who talay really is, and day on a mountain finally accepting going blind and having his last sight being mork. i also think it's interesting that in last twilight (the ost) at one point there's the line "my heart cherishes the memory of us" while in vice versa the very last line of friend credits' second movie is "though we aren't together tomorrow, you're always here in my memories". like idk if it's a reach but both shows are about seeing when you can't really see (not just in the literal physical sense) and acceptance and carrying this love that helped you through it all with you and i just think someone with a brain activity currently higher than my own could make some connections!!!!!!!!
i personally did like the sex scene (i've talked about it here a little if you're interested), but i think i also get what you mean. if it were for me we would definitely have gotten a 17 minutes long one take focused on day's hands as he traced every part of mork's body starting from his face and slowly making his way down to his feet. but at the same time i wonder if it would have made sense for their first time. i feel like day was already so preoccupied with his sight being almost gone that what he needed in that moment was to get lost in the feelings rather than commit mork's body to memory. and who knows, last twilight has already broken p’aof’s habit of having only a couple of kisses in his shows, maybe it will make him give us another intimate scene too!!!
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jujutsukatsuki · 2 years
Toxic Eren x Reader fic for funsies <3
TW: substance abuse, overdose, rockstar!eren, Eren sings a Fall out boy song, cheating, Angsty
‘Y/n, if you’ve gotten this letter, it means I’m finally working the steps. When I first met you, I asked you if you could love me at worst. With bright eyes and a beautiful smile, you told me you’d love me until I was dead. That question has been haunting me since that night. I never figured it out why until now. You can love me at my worst, but I can’t love you at my worst.
You were everything to me. My moon, my sun, my stars. You loved me more than anyone ever had. I fell in love with you in the beginning in the wrong ways.
I was in love because I was high.
I told you I loved you because I wanted to fuck you. I realized how bad of a issue I’ve become. All the money I threw away to make sure my habits were filled. I was too fucked up to give any kind fuck.
I know I hurt you that night you found me on bathroom floor. I know I scared you. I’m sorry for all the lies I told, like I wasn’t cheating on you, like I wasn’t doing pills. I’m sorry.
I wish you could have met me before all the drugs. Before I burnt every bridge I had. Before I drank myself to sleep every night. Before the fame and glory.
I’m sorry for all the fights I caused and places I got us kicked out of. The jealous moments I had, watching you with Armin, how natural the chemistry between the two of you was, I lost my composure. I shouldn’t have hit him. Not when hours later I was fucking some girl whose name I didn’t know.
I’m sorry it got this bad. I’m sorry I got this bad.
I love you so much. I love the way you cared for me. The way you’d hold me and tell me you’d follow me to a graveyard. I want to go back and shake you, tell you to run before I ruin you. Tell you that I’ll hurt you.
You tried to save me but now you need to let me go. Please. Move on. Armin told me you’re waiting for me. Please don’t. Don’t do that to yourself.
I love you Y/n. But please move on. - Eren’
You look at the letter in your hand. The car radio is playing in the background. Armin let’s out a small breath.
“You okay?”
“No.” You whisper before setting the letter down. You buckle up and start to drive, turning the radio up. Of course it’s his song. You listen to his voice fill your car.
“We’re the kids who feel like dead ends.”
“Eren put me down!” You squeal. You had met Eren just a few hours before. Now here you were, him swinging you around before collapsing under the big oak tree on campus.
“Fine, fine.” He laughs as you both now lay in the soft grass, watching clouds blow by.
He tells you that he wants to be a musician, that he wants fame and glory. Words are falling out of his mouth faster than his brain can react. Eren is telling you about how his mother and father are in a loveless marriage and how he’d rather die than end up like them.
“The record just won’t stop skipping and the lies just won’t stop slipping and besides, my reputations on the line.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Eren screams at his crew that’s currently working on his newest music video. He had been sober for a few hours, longest he had been. He was out of drugs and was turning into an asshole.
“How long have you been sober?” Armin asks him as he sulks in his make up chair.
“Few days.” This is a lie that Armin sees through it but doesn’t say anything.
“Please put the doctor on the phone cause I’m not making any sense.”
He had disappeared into the bathroom hours ago after a fight. Finally you get the courage to go check on him. Pressing your ear to the door gives you zero answers. It’s silent. You fear the worst.
“Eren?! Eren!!” You scream and begin pounding on the door. Nothing.
You grab your phone and start to dial 9-1-1. Armin leaves his room to check what’s going on. He decides to break the door. The lady on the other end of the phone is asking you questions you only answer after her second time asking most of them.
Eren is laying on the ground, a puddle of puke next to him, his skin is ghostly white. Eyes half lidded. You scream and sob as you kneel next to him, cradling his body in your arms as you cry for him to wake up until the ambulance gets there.
“We can fake it for the airwaves. Force our smiles baby, half dead. From comparing myself to everyone else around me.”
The song fades out as you drive, tears are rolling down your cheeks, Armin glances to you. If he notices, he doesn’t say anything. The radio cuts the silence.
“Rockstar Eren Yeager has entered rehab after a rumored long time substance and Alcohol abuse. This is coming after the news of his overdose three months ago where it’s said that his long time girlfriend, Y/n Y/l, and manager Armin Arlert, found him on the bathroom floor of the house all three of them share.”
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moviemunchies · 9 months
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For this week’s movie, I was between this one and Snake Eyes, which was free on YouTube at the time of the writing of this post. I’d had vague interest in seeing both films, but not being a super fan of either Mario or G.I. Joe, I hadn’t gotten around to either of them. I’d heard more positive things about Super Mario Bros. than Snake Eyes, so I went with the former.
So! Super Mario Bros! Here we go!
Mario and Luigi are brothers and Brooklyn plumbers struggling to start their own business. Somehow, they get transported to another world; but while Mario goes to the Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi lands in Bowser’s realm and quickly gets captured. Upon finding out what happened to his brother, Mario begs the Mushroom Kingdom’s leader, Princess Peach, to help rescue Luigi. Though she’s sympathetic, facing Bowser (who is coming to invade) requires fighting skills and an army, and even then it’ll be no easy task.
Most of the Discourse around the movie that I saw revolved around the voice acting, especially Chris Pratt as Mario. I had my own doubts when it was announced–I did not think he could do an Italian accent. In truth, doing a voice like Mario has in the games would probably be seen as offensive by someone, or too ridiculous to take seriously by others. I don’t think that Pratt’s voice acting here is bad; at the same time, I really don’t think it’s great either, and it’s obvious that him being a big name star is the only reason he was picked. He can do a good voice performance, The LEGO Movie proves that; I think selecting someone else would have fit better.
The same with Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong. He’s not bad, and there are moments where he’s actually great, but overall it feels like a miscast because they thought people would like it better if a famous star was Donkey Kong instead of someone who fit the role.
Cranky Kong was mostly awful, though. His voice just sounds all wrong whenever he speaks. He’s not even voiced by a big-name celebrity (it’s Fred Armisen), and somehow I found his lines the worst in the movie. How is this possible?
As many predicted, Jack Black as Bowser is wonderful. He’s a shining star in this film. He’s clearly having a ball with the role. Black would not have been my first choice for voicing this character, but he does such a great job at doing such a ridiculous and over-the-top villain who relishes in wrecking kingdoms, I would gladly overcome any reservations I have about the movie just to see more of him in this role.
Peach is fine, mostly? There were times in this movie that I wondered why Princess Peach isn’t the one doing everything. I don’t know why she’s selected Mario to be her champion when she’s much more capable on her own. Why isn’t she the one fighting Donkey Kong? Well, because Mario vs. Donkey Kong is A Thing, yeah, though in-universe I can’t figure why it’s done as she’s a much better fighter. That being said, the climax of the movie has her and Mario separated, and her actions make sense in-universe.
Toad is… kind of there. 
I won’t lie, though–the final battle is loads of fun. I found myself thinking that if the rest of the movie had this sort of energy all the way through, I’d be having a lot more fun. I don’t know that Mario and Luigi’s character arcs are slam dunks the way they should be, but then again I don’t know how true this is to the game personalities.
There are licensed musical choices I didn’t quite like so much? None of them are bad songs, I just don’t know if so many of them belonged here. It reminded me of Ayers’s Suicide Squad, though thankfully it was nowhere near as bad as using it every few minutes. TV Tropes claims that the licensed songs were originally placeholders, then the makers decided it fit the movie’s scenes well enough to keep. I don’t know if I agree! It sounded more like the director or the producers thought the only way to keep some older audience members interested was through putting songs like “Thunderstruck” in the soundtrack.
The movie is fine, I remembered thinking about halfway through. It’s good, I guess, and I didn’t find anything overtly wrong with it. I didn’t find anything I really loved about it, either, other than Jack Black’s performance. The bits that were obvious references to gameplay in the Mario games were cool. Besides that? Eh. It didn’t feel memorable, it felt like a pretty by-the-numbers animated family film, with forgettable jokes and dialogue. The world is colorful and pretty to look at, at least?
I don’t know. Maybe if I was a fan of the Super Mario games there’s something I wouldn’t miss, or I’d have something in this movie I’d love more. But I don’t. If you’re a fan of the games you will probably have a lot to look forward to here. Otherwise, I think it’s mostly a movie that you can skip. You’d have some fun, though it’s hardly a must-watch.
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holdonunreal · 7 days
Chapter 4: Talentshow (Part 1)
The time has come for Y/N and Karasu to prepare for their appearance in the evening talent show. Y/N didn't think about the fact that the whole normal school day would come before that.
Karasu and Boxy even help him to develop his ability and prepare him for the perfect performance.
Now it's all or nothing!
Here I am again, a new chapter for the AU.
7.3 K words and slowly the story really begins, with a Boulder in Y/N's life that will change everything forever.
Have fun reading and let me know how you liked this chapter!
Y/N Pov:
I hate Fridays. Basically they're okay, weekend and no school until Monday. And that's exactly what it is, until Monday. After that it just goes on and on and somehow nobody cares.
Get up, wash my face, put on the same gray hoodie and take some pants out of the closet. Even pouring water into a glass...with my Telekinesis. All the time I have the feeling I've forgotten something, something important...
The Talentshow
Damn, why am I participating again? Oh well, about the prize money...1000 dollars. And the trip only costs 600 so I could just keep the rest. Although, Karasu probably wants to get paid for his 'Incredible Talent' too. So while he's talking to people, I'll be constantly using my Telekinesis and doing tricks that no one has ever seen before. And in front of I don't know how many people. How big is this theater anyway?
I keep thinking, even though I should be looking at the road while I'm on my way to the bus stop. But the incredibly loud music from my headphones doesn't let me hear a car anyway, which I'm really grateful for. The bus stop is already in front of me, and I just stand under it...and wait.
I'm supposed to play a magician, how should I actually dress for it? I don't have any robes or a hat. So a wizard in a gray hoodie and dirty pants, that's going to be bad. I at least hope that there are still buses running at these times tonight, if not, then I'm definitely not going to walk for hours to the campus. What for? To make a clown of myself in front of hundreds of people. Definitely not. When I think of all the card tricks I've seen on the internet...can I even make several objects float? Before, I only ever managed to do one thing at a time, but I didn't really try.
Quiet Vibration
My Phone? Who is texting me so early? I already have a suspicion as I take it out of my pocket, which is confirmed as soon as my display goes on.
"I'm getting on board at the second stop! Get us a good seat and don't stare at the ass of-
I don't read any further, at least I can imagine how the message ends. This blonde girl...DogDay I think her name was. She's nice, beautiful, has a pleasant voice and is on a completely different level to me. According to Karasu, she is also the student representative of the university. Sounds like the complete opposite of me.
At that moment, the bus stops in front of me and I get on immediately. It's completely empty, not a single person, really great. No people looking at me funny, or quietly sniggering and teasing me. I sit down in my standard seat again, one in front of the last row. I sit by the window and look out as the bus drives on. Empty streets, green fields and hardly any people. And I continue to think...
What courses do I have today?
I look at my Phone and go through my timetable. Considering that Friday is actually the start of the weekend, my day looks pretty shit. First two hours of math, then economics. The sight of math makes me feel like I'm going to puke. The last time I understood math was in high school, and even then I wasn't really good. I've actually only gotten ahead so far by luck, 'How the hell did I even pass the entrance test? After the two classes there's another hour of English and PE, basically I'd give anything to stay home today.
And I still haven't paid attention to the worst part. The God-damned * talent show * that we have to win, so to speak. What kind of magic tricks are we supposed to do anyway? We must be on this stage for ten to twenty minutes, I don't think a few card tricks are enough to impress people. Especially not the judges. *Can I even manage to use my telekinesis in front of so many people and not drown in nervousness? *. What happens if I suddenly can't do it or-?
"What's going on with you, dude!"
Fuck, who-
"Relax, we're taking everything apart today...Cause we have a real magician here"
Karasu always scares the shit out of me, how do I not notice him? He whispers the last part unpleasantly in my ear as the bus starts to move on. I didn't even notice that it had stopped. Karasu quickly squeezes into the completely empty seat next to me, and once again I notice the big difference.
Not only is he a complete head taller, he is also much wider. After all, he has twice as much P.E lessons a week as I do. I look like a child next to him, 'Do people see me like that?
"Come on, don't get nervous, I've already thought of something good!"  Now I'm curious, he's already thought of something?
"Yes, and what? How long do we even have to stand there and put on a show-
"Magic" That's all he says, on the contrary, he even interrupts me. I stare at him, he does that to me all the time. He turns to my right and runs his hands through his black hair, which he pulls up into a spike. When I look at him like that, he kind of reminds me of a Crow.
"Oh and... I don't know how long we have to put on a show"  Fuck, he doesn't know that?! We fucking have to perform today, don't we? It's going to be a complete embarrassment. 'But what does he mean by magic?
"Exactly magic"
"What exactly?"
"Simple, we'll introduce ourselves first and I hope you can do that without wetting your pants." He pauses for a moment and, as always, I ignore the obvious insult.
"We, well you! will let cards fly, to start with. Then you juggle with a few small balls and let them fly in the air! I'll stand next to you and drink an Energy... Or something"
To be honest, it sounds terrible. Not just the part where I constantly have to use my head to make cards or balls fly. It's also that Karasu can't do anything for the most part, so he's often standing next to me. But that's also a good thing, hopefully he'll talk to the audience and not just make me look stupid. Just the thought of standing there in the stands in complete silence and doing tricks doesn't appeal to me.
"And then at the end, comes the Ultimate Master Trick!"  To be honest, I don't like the way he emphasizes that. 'Master trick?' What am I supposed to do better than let some cards fly?
"You will... walk on an invisible rope" That's it, he just stops talking. I don't understand a bit, 'What kind of rope?' And I'm supposed to do this? Why? Shit, why doesn't he say anything?
"Dude, don't wet your pants, it's really easy."   If he keeps playing with me like that, I'm going to freak out.
"Now say it!"
"All right, have you ever been to the theater?"
"Oh yeah! You skipped half a year"  What an ass.
"Anyway, it's really huge, and at the front of the platform it goes straight out to the front row, you know what I'm saying?"
I'm about to say no, but he's quicker again.
"So YOU will walk off the podium...very slowly across the air, and then drop your wizard hat in front of one of the people from the jury."
What a stupid idea! I can't fucking fly. I get a headache just turning a door blade with my mind, how am I supposed to make myself fly in the air? And besides, 'What kind of wizard's hat?'
"If you can't manage it somehow, I can take over that part"
"ok"   That's the only thing I can get out right now, no more, no less. I don't think I'll be able to keep Karasu in the air long enough while he's walking towards the jury. 'How much does he weigh anyway?
At that moment, I notice how the bus stops abruptly. Students push their way through the bus and all stand in the way. Karasu and I remain seated for a moment, but get up after a few seconds and leave the bus.
"Well then, special needs student!"  He really does have a new nickname for me every day, and they all suck.
"Wait a minute, where are you going?"  I thought I had Math with him?
"To gym class you crybaby, I'll see you later in economics!"
I'm about to reply and he's already gone, putting headphones in his ears and walking to one of the huge sports halls on campus. When I think about it, Karasu seems to be really athletic. Tall, sturdy body...something I can only dream of. Somehow I'm glad he's my friend at the same time, he could be hanging out with much better people than me.
But I can think about that later, now it's time to pay attention in class after missing a year of school and get good grades.
I'm really lucky that the seat in the back corner is free. But it could also be because Boxy is sitting next to it. Well, he's about to slip out of the chair the way he's lying there. With his Phone in front of his face and his math book open in front of him.
I can hear people whispering as soon as I enter the room.
"Is that him?"
"Shit, no way has he been the only one to make it"
"So is he going to work here later or what?"
"He's really Weird, just look how he walks"
"Yes, as if he was about to collapse on the floor crying"
I stop listening and put my bag down next to the free table. As I sit down, I stare at the blank slate and turn to Boxy a little, thinking he might tell me the topic so I can check the book to see if I know it. I ignore every comment anyone says to me, even if it's not to my face. I tap Boxy's shoulder lightly and keep looking at him.
"What is it?" He says as he continues to type hastily on his Phone and doesn't give me a glance. I take my math book out of my bag and hold it up to him, so to speak.
"Can you tell me the topic? I want to see if-
"Page 170 or so, it's really boring anyway" Page 170? Dammit, this is how far the course has come in one semester? I remember something around page 20.
"Ehm, thanks," I turn away from him and lay my book open on my desk. I leaf through it for a while, looking for the exact page, sometimes I'm much further on and sometimes just 10 pages away. But then I finally find it -
What the hell is this? There's not a bit of text on the page, just some formulas that are several lines long and mostly made up of letters. Shit! I don't understand anything and I have to be able to do that?
"Hello everyone"
That was it, the rest of the lesson was...Horrible . Miss Delight, who I could still remember, came in and welcomed everyone to the new semester. I just hoped the whole time that she wasn't taking attendance and that I would have to embarrass myself in front of everyone. I was quite lucky, because she had apparently forgotten.
I somehow tried to write down notes or something important about the lesson but couldn't manage anything. It felt like I was in a foreign language class.
The only thing that stuck in my mind from the lesson was when Miss Delight called on Boxy to complete a task. He looked forward in shock, which caused his book to fall over and everyone saw that he had been on his Phone the whole time. She then came to him and took it away, but just as she stopped looking, he put the book back down and took a bag out of his backpack. The bag was filled with some kind of bread, he always tore off a small piece and quickly stuffed it into his mouth. Once he also asked me if I wanted a piece, I just replied with a quick no, and he continued eating in peace.
In between, I kept seeing people looking at me as if I was disgusting them. It really sucks that I don't know anyone in this course, I can't ask anyone for help or understand the lessons.
I was quite lucky here, as Karasu and Boxy are in this class with me. Karasu was waiting for me outside the door and grinned at me the whole time as if I had done something wrong. We were the first to enter the room and the three of us sat at the back, which was already standard. There were 5 tables for four in the room, I don't know why but at least we could all sit together at one.
After a few minutes, looking down at the table the whole time, Karasu punched me in the ribs. It didn't hurt as much as usual, and I looked at him because I wanted to know what the hell was going on now.
"Look at the door!" He said while wearing a wide, almost creepy grin on his face. When I looked, my head went blank.
DogDay came in and stood at the door with a few of her friends. She wore an orange sweater and grinned the whole time she was standing there. Next to her stood a girl with longer black hair, she didn't look at DogDay and looked at the floor while the group talked. I kept watching the way she moved, almost perfectly. The way her blonde hair moved as she spoke, her hands always finding the perfect position for emphasis and her eyes that were as beautiful as the sun. They were clear and shining.
And when she smiled, her cheeks pushed upwards and her eyes disappeared into narrow slits with a sparkle in them... or something like that.
I didn't even know she was on this course.
But I never really paid attention to people either
"Dude close your mouth, you're starting to drool."  How I sometimes just want to kill Karasu.
"Shut up Karasu"
"Sorry dude, I didn't mean to offend you and your girlfriend"
I'm about to interject and tell him that it's not true, that he has no idea what he's talking about. But I just couldn't get a word out and that was it. At that moment, however, the teacher came in and rescued me from my pathetic situation. But the next one followed immediately.
"So we have a lot of lessons today and I want to get you through to the exams, so get your attendance up quickly and open your books to page 91!"
I can't remember his name, but I don't like him anyway. He never cared if anyone didn't understand the material, he just got on with the lesson. At least I can ask Karasu here though, he liked the course and got through it quite well...I hope it stayed that way.
"Y/N?"  Oh shit did he call me? Fuck should I get up now?
Karasu pokes me in the ribs again and quickly whispers something in my ear.
"Don't embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend, dude!"
"Y-Yes ?"
"Ah, so that's you...Where did you come from?"   Shit! What kind of question is that? Ok, I answer normally and calmly.
Silence is the only thing I can hear. Not even my own voice. what the fuck am i supposed to answer this stupid question?  FUCK WHAT CAN I SAY?
"He's new here sir!"  Huh?
"Ah...Next time you don't answer Karasu, but Mr. Y/N"
The rest of the lesson was a bit like math. Nothing understood and nothing done. Besides, my eyes kept going to the front seats...
"Dude, what was going on with you in Economics?"
I don't want to answer, I don't even really know myself. We're walking around the cafeteria, Boxy and Karasu have grabbed something to eat and now we're looking for a free table. Boxy is holding the tablet with one hand and his Phone in the other.
Karasu got something from the menu of the day, noodles with some kind of sauce and pieces of chicken. Boxy, however, only had noodles. Why? I have no idea.
We finally found a seat and sat down, Boxy slammed his tablet down on the table and took the Phone in both hands and started pressing wildly again. Karasu looked at me as if he could read my mind 'Kind of creepy'. While Boxy sat down on the other side, Karasu and I sat next to each other.
"So I've already thought of something extra for the trick with the juggling balls. I'll juggle them and you'll let them float in the air. While you just stand there at first, but then I'll take a step back and take a sip from my energy drink."
"And then what? Should I hold them in the air for minutes or what?"  I don't quite understand how Karasu imagined exactly all the tricks we would do. Whether I can even manage to keep the multiple objects in the air is another question entirely.
"No, while I'm still drinking, you stand under the balls for a moment. And throw them through the air at me one after the other with your telekinesis!"
Stupid idea, I don't know how hard I can throw with my mind.
"So your magic show only consists of Y/N making things fly in the air with his Telekinesis?"
"Don't worry Boxy, we've got something really special for the last trick you know! No one will-
"Hey Karasu" 
Karasu turned to the back, obviously one of his colleagues was talking to him. But I've heard that voice before, 'Who's that?
"No thing Kickin! Sit down" Kickin? I turn around and see the guy who called DogDay on the bus...As I stared like an idiot with my mouth open.
And there she was again, DogDay. She sat down on the side opposite this black-haired girl, smiling the whole time. I quickly look away and back at the table, 'I'm getting nervous'.
"Hm Yes?"
"You're performing tonight too, right?"  Also? Shit don't tell me DogDay will be performing too?
"What are you doing?"  Karasu, think of something clever, and don't make us look like the biggest idiots.
"A magic show"   Shit Karasu Shut the fuck up!
At Karasu's statement, this guy with his hair curled up starts laughing loud. The girl next to him also seems to giggle a little, as if we've just embarrassed ourselves in front of hundreds of people or something.
"Several people do that, you know? You still have a chance to think of something else...so only if you want to" 
She's really to nice, she even tells us that it's a stupid idea. Karasu now don't fuck it up and say that-
"Yes, but none of them have what we have!" 
I slowly lift my head from the table to see why it has become so quiet. And at that moment, Karasu punches me in the ribs again, harder than before. I look into DogDay's eyes for a brief moment while she starts talking to someone else again.
But suddenly she turns her head towards me and looks back.
Why am I still looking?
I have to look away
And then...she smiles. She smiles at me, the strange little guy sitting at the edge of the table. Hiding under a hood and staring at the table the whole time? My heart is beating louder than I could ever hear it, and my hands are sweating terribly. 'Am I embarrassing myself right now?
But then she looks away again and continues talking to the group. The warmth in my stomach leaves me, slowly but surely. I look quickly at Boxy, just so I don't have to think about her all the time.
"Are you actually hungry?"  Karasu again, oh man.
"Oh come on, just because we're sitting here and not in the library?"
That's exactly what I don't like about him. He can see through people quickly, I don't know how he does it, but he's damn good at it. I prefer to eat in the library, if anything. Fewer people and it's quieter, which I much prefer to a noisy cafeteria.
I wasn't paying attention, but it seems that Karasu and Boxy have already finished eating. So we get up and walk in the direction of the exit.
But I look back at the table and see her again. I could have sworn she was looking in my direction, but at that moment we're already out.
English went by faster than I thought it would, not only because I hardly took part, but because I was thinking about DogDay the whole time. The way she was smiling the whole time, even looking at me once, just thinking about it makes me feel weird.
P.E is canceled, which means I'm going to Boxy's dorm room to discuss the plan for the talent show. As far as I know, Karasu and Boxy finished before me and are probably already waiting for me.
Knock Knock
"Come in!"
With that, I slowly opened the door, the rough wood slid past my fingers and then let me look into the room. Karasu and Boxy were sitting in the middle of the room, at a big red tower made of Lego pieces. The floor was completely full of individual Lego bricks. I think this is the first time I've seen Boxy without his Phone 'Must finally be running out of battery'.
"Sit down, we have to go through everything slowly now so that your Idiot brain gets it"
I walk towards them, but close the door behind me first. My steps are light, I can barely hear them. My arms walk lifelessly along the air of the room and I feel somehow...empty. I sit down on the floor, in the tailor's seat, and look at the Lego tower. It's only half built, it's still missing the helicopter landing pad on top and a couple of bricks on the side.
"So, you said you move things with your mind" What kind of question is that?
"You always closed your eyes when you did that, didn't you?"
"Yes, I imagine it...And then it just happens"
"Exactly Exactly...You can't do that anymore"
What? How else am I supposed to move things? I just have to concentrate, and I can't do that if I have my eyes open.
"Imagine it Y/N, we're standing there, cards flying and everything. But you have your eyes closed the whole time. Strange, isn't it?" He's right, but I don't know how else to do it.
"So now, with your eyes open and perhaps even better your arms, you will finish building this Lego tower with your telekinesis"
"I-Im n-not Doing Shit!, I-I can't do it Karasu!.... Even with my eyes closed it's hard"
"I have a hunch that this ability is something like a muscle, you know?"  A muscle? It doesn't feel like that at all. Besides, I hardly have any muscles!
"So I have a fucking good idea! That's like a sixth sense for you, you stretch out your arm and imagine it happening in front of your mind's eye!"
Wait a minute... It doesn't sound that difficult.
I lean forward slightly and look at the large helicopter pad in front of me. I look at the tower again, there are still a few supports to go before the large slab can go on top. I take out my hands and hold them between me and the supports on the ground. I try to imagine how the supports slowly lift themselves off the ground and float through the air. Until they place themselves on the Great Red Tower.
*Yet somehow nothing happens*
"I-I just can't get t-that right"
"Come on, very slowly and carefully"
I try to concentrate on the supports again and imagine them gliding through the air for just a short time. Until they land on the tower with a small movement of the hand. For a very brief moment, I see one of the supports move on the ground, but then it stays there again. 'As if I had blown against it'
I really do my best, I try harder than ever before when using my telekinesis. That feeling I had the first time I used it, I can feel it very easily. I keep my eyes open as I point my right finger at the parts. For a moment I notice how my eyes become a little blurred, but I continue to concentrate. My ears feel muffled, but I don't care...The only thing that matters right now is developing my telekinesis.
And then a prop suddenly floats before my eyes
"Holy shit!"
"What the?"
"Dude you did it!"
"Can he do that now?"
"Oh can see that Boxy! Y/N Is a god damn pro!"
"Shit How do you do that?"
But I don't listen to them, I let the other parts fly through the air at lightning speed. With small finger movements, they finally click onto the tower. All six of them are supported from the ground, now in the tower and holding the pillars in place for the helicopter. The only thing I have to do now is put it on top.
"Dude he's developing too fast Damn dude you've got it!"
"Wait..."  That's the only thing I say to him, even though he sounds like he's more nervous than I am. I can't get my sweaty hands and my loudly beating heart under control.
I lean my left arm back and stretch my right in Boxy's direction towards the helicopter landing pad. I no longer have to imagine it completely, it feels like electricity is running through my fingers as I point. With a feeling I can't describe myself, the Lego landing pad is suddenly in the air. I move it slowly past Boxy and into the middle of the three of us. I leave it standing over the tower for a moment and notice how my face feels kind of funny, but I don't make them wait and place the landing pad on the supports and thus on the tower with a loud click. I let my right arm fall back and wait for her reaction.
"Dude! How the hell did you...shit how!"
"That was really cool Y/N"
I look at Karasu's face for a moment, he's still looking at the Lego tower with a broad grin. Then he turns his head towards me and stares at me for a few seconds.
"Boxy Look at that! Have you ever seen him smile!"  What? I'm smiling? I somehow have a warm feeling in my face, but it doesn't feel like a smile 'I never do'.
"Yes Karasu, he's bleeding now too"
Oh shit, it's that warm feeling.
"Oh shit..."  He turns away from me and shoves his hand into the pocket of his jacket lying on the floor next to him. He rummages around for a few seconds and then finally shoves a tissue in front of my face.
I slowly wipe my nose and then hold the now slightly red stained tissue in front of my face.
"Dude you just fully evolved! All of a sudden you stick your hand out like this, and these props fly Holy shit!"
"I've done it" Somehow I feel good, as if I've just achieved the impossible...that's actually what it is.
"Dude, you've not only made it, you've literally evolved!"
"Y/N That was really cool"  Thanks for that Boxy.
"Dude you are unbelievable! that was just...I can just find a word for it!"
"So... what's the show plan?"   I feel slightly out of breath, like I've run home.
"Wow, someone wants to get down to business quickly, well here's my plan!"
He hands me a sheet, a fairly blank sheet. I can't read anything at first, my eyes are still a little blurry. Now I can slowly make it out and read the beginning:
"Hey guys, are you ready for our magic show!"
"Yeah you don't have to read my part"  Wow Karasu, good start.
I read on and realize how God damn stupid burnt everything sounds. It often says here that I should turn to the audience and smile...shit, this is getting uncomfortable.
"Yes, you can read that part at home, now go home and get changed!" He suddenly holds a black sports bag in front of my face and continues to grin at me. I wanted to go home anyway, to prepare myself mentally, 'Use my powers in front of so many people'
If I don't manage that, I'm sure I'll embarrass myself more than ever before.
"Wait," I turn to Karasu, waiting to see what he wants to tell me. He goes to Boxy's cupboard and pulls out some packaging. A few seconds later he comes back and holds a medicine box in front of my face, looks like-
"Aspirin! Take one, and now go home and practice your part. I'll be there in about two hours and then we'll go together!"
He's picking me up later? With what? Anyway, I'm going home first to see what exactly I have to do on stage.
I'm home alone as usual, just sitting here on my bed looking at Karasu's 'script'. If you can even call it that, a half page with large font 'straight out of Word'. I had to read some of the words twice and three times to understand them. There are often sentences in brackets:
"Y/N make them fall down or something"
I'm definitely not going to do that, I don't want to embarrass anyone in front of so many people. The only ones to be embarrassed will be me and Karasu anyway. I hope there's no one who has similar tricks to us, after all, there are several people who will 'cast spells'. I read through Karasu's instructions again on how the show will take place:
1. don't be nervous and don't piss your pants in front of everyone.
Thank you for this great first step Karasu.
2. it's best not to look at the audience and concentrate on the tricks. If you get upset and things suddenly fall out of the air onto us, then we look stupid.
We'll probably be standing there looking stupid anyway, and I won't be looking at the audience under any circumstances.
3. show everyone that we are the best and impress your crush.
I put the script down and push Karasu's bag towards me. It's quite heavy and much too big for me, I hope it doesn't contain his sweaty sports clothes.
And in Karasu's Bag is....
A magician's suit with a top hat
Couldn't he have gotten something else? Maybe a black suit just like that? Or just not a fucking costume? Never mind, I'll wear it later...or?. I touch the fabric a little, 'very soft'. Then I stand up and put on the suit, then put on the hat and that's it. I don't really look like a magician, but I think it looks good on a magician. But I still have this annoying grin on my face, it just won't go away. But somehow it feels good.
As I walk past my bed, I see that there are more things in the bag. A pair of decks of cards, 'probably for practicing'. I open the deck and spill the cards on the floor. Now that I'm standing over them, I'm not even concentrating properly. I just hold out my right arm and point to the floor with my index finger and middle finger. With a slight movement of my fingers, the cards magically start to lift off the ground. I let them glide briefly in the air until I finally let them fly into my hand. It's cool to see them glide through the air to my hand. Even when I turn my right hand over and let them fall into my palm, it doesn't stop.
So I can use my hands now, but I can also move things with just my mind. I don't even have to close my eyes.
What, already?
I quickly put the deck of cards on the bed and start walking. Through my room, along the corridor and now I'm standing in front of the front door. Normally I always look through the hole in the door, but not this time, I open the door directly.
"Wow, you look good, dude!"  Karasu, that was clear. 'Wait, how did he get here so quickly?
"Come on, pack your things and let's go. The show starts in an hour!"  In an hour already? Shit, that's going to be tight with the bus. I quickly turn around and run to my room, I still have to put on clothes over this suit and pack all the decks. I quickly stand by the bed and take out my hoodie. I quickly turn it to the right side and put it on. I'm already nervous
"Hey, don't wet your pants, man." I didn't even notice Karasu standing at the entrance to my room.
"Do you see this?" Huh? I look at him and he grins at me as if he's done something bad. But then I hear a small metallic clack and look to his left hand, which he has raised next to his head. He was holding a car key between his thumb and forefinger, a fairly modern one that was jet black.
"Since when have you?..."  I can't get another word out, I just can't think of a suitable one.
"Well! You were really absent for a long time, you know, so I got my driver's license quickly!"  I wasn't expecting that at all, 'Karasu has his driver's license?' And I still haven't started.
"Now come on, we really have to get going if you want a seat next to your girlfriend!" I quickly put the stuff in the bag and run to him at the door, as if I would ever sit next to her...I don't nearly have the courage to sit next to DogDay...Wait a minute why did I think of her directly when he said girlfriend?
I close the door behind me as we walk out, Karasu has parked right outside the front door. I don't really know much about car brands, but the car is really nice. All black, bright lights at the front and the shape is really cool. 'But the badge has a weird sign on the front?
"We impress everyone with that, you know?" 
"Why is the badge-
"Its a rental car"
I see. It was clear that it didn't belong to Karasu, how could I even think that for a few seconds?
I sit in the passenger seat with my bag on my lap. Karasu drives off and I quickly fasten my seatbelt - he doesn't, by the way. The car is pretty quiet and the windows are incredibly clean. While Karasu really gets on the road, I just look out the whole time as we slowly leave the more rural part and head towards the city. There is virtually no oncoming traffic and it is dark.
I wouldn't have thought that someone like Karasu could drive so perfectly, of course he's not stupid. He's smarter than me, by far. But I would have thought he was someone who drives as fast as he can all the time 'But he doesn't'. He drives slowly and smoothly along the roads, and doesn't talk.
From a distance I can already see the large yellow traffic signs with the inscription "PLAYTIME CO. COLLEGE". These are the only signs that glow in the dark, the rest of the signs are barely recognizable. Karasu turns right once and starts to turn his head a little.
"Do you know how many people can fit in the theater?"  No? How would you know?
"You can guess"  Why should I guess at all? Just say it, well then I'll take a guess.
"So... 500 people?"
"Hmmmm Next to it!"  What? More than 500 people? Shit, what kind of theater is this?
"Ehm... 2000 people?"
"Hmmmm Double that and you're a little closer"
"But don't piss yourself, there are only 3,000 people coming, so it won't be like this."
"You're kidding me right? 3000 people? WHAT KIND OF THEATER IS THIS?" I shouted the last part, but it's obvious that I don't want to appear in front of 3000 people. My legs are already starting to feel like pudding and my hands are sweating so much that I'm wiping them on my sports bag every few seconds.
"You can get excited, don't worry... Oh, we're already here!"
Fuck, I didn't look out of the window, but it wouldn't have done me any good anyway. We are already standing on the huge campus, but not where the bus stops, but on the complete other side. But you can still see the big university building from here, after all, a bunch of lanterns are shining everywhere and make it look like it's still afternoon.
Karasu abruptly stops the car and gets out a second later. I'm still sitting in here, I don't think I've ever been so nervous. If I don't get the first place with Karasu, I'll miss the ride and get all the missed classes SHIT I CANT DO THIS BRING ME BACK
"Come on out now, it's time to go"
I get out of the car with my sports bag in both hands. When I put my right leg down on the hard asphalt, I feel like I'm going to fall over. Somehow I manage to stand up completely, even better I can walk straight out. Karasu presses his key and the car locks behind us with a honk.
"Ehm, we'll talk about my part of the money later"
We first walk along a stone path, just straight ahead. I can hardly feel my legs but I can still hold myself up.
"You've read the script, haven't you?"
"Y-Yes" Shit I'm starting to stutter again!
"Good, then we'll get it sorted! But calm down and don't be so nervous."
"But we have to win-
"We will win"
I just don't understand how he can stay so calm, we have to perform in front of 3000 people.
The whole performance is based on me managing to use my powers in front of so many people and timing them perfectly
Suddenly I was Strangely Calm, I can now use my telekinesis without closing my eyes. Even better, I can make things fly vividly with my arms, as if it were some kind of magic trick.
And then there we were, The Theater.
From the outside, it was a huge hall, no, a gigantic hall. I would say almost as big as the university building. It looks pretty classy, golden colors and bright lights on the outside. We weren't the only ones standing outside, tons of other people were standing, some sitting on the floor and others already going in. Karasu tugged lightly on my arm and I immediately understood what was going on.
We go into the theater
The entrance consisted of two large glass doors, I could see through perfectly and could already see the lobby. A large golden area, littered with students who were waiting here. There is even a small fountain in the middle of the lobby, but behind it is something that makes Playtime Co. stand out. A huge golden statue of Huggy Wuggy, who has his left arm in the air and is literally waving at us. On the left and right were brightly colored stairs going up. Karasu and I don't wait, but go straight to the stairs on the left, passing a couple of groups of students.
"Hey Karasu! Heard you're performing too?"
"Sure, why not!"
He answered as briefly as possible and we went up the stairs. A short corridor upstairs, the walls were coated and decorated with figures from Playtime Co. On the left was Bron, a big red dinosaur, and on the right was Candy Cat. I didn't look all the way up, but kept my eyes open for the gigantic hall that we could now see.
Incredibly many rows of seats, it looks like several movie theaters combined. Bright lights on the ceiling, radiating the perfect yellow spotlight in every direction. Right next to us was a row from left to right, on the left all the seats were already taken and on the right there were lots of students standing in front of the seats. So on we went.
"Don't worry, Boxy has kept something free for us somewhere in the show seats"
"Show seats?"
"Yes, we who take part in the show have extra seats!"
I don't answer and continue to look ahead, after all we are walking in that direction. Just from looking at the students who were already here, sitting in every seat imaginable, I realized that if I didn't get my mind straight, this was going to be a public funeral. I see people I've never seen in any class, every hair color and size.
And slowly we reached the stage, I have the feeling we've been walking for ages. Karasu looks to the left and hastily pulls on my left arm while I'm already walking to the left. The seats in the front row and the one in front were suddenly cut off, and a few meters later it became a packed row of two. About 30 seats and the people behind you were sitting right behind the person in the front row, so to speak.
I recognize Boxy from a distance and we walk towards him. He's sitting there with his Phone in his hand and seems to be watching some kind of video, at least he's not typing wildly on the display. Karasu and I quickly sit down next to him. Karasu on my right and Boxy on my left. I'm really grateful for the middle, then I don't have to sit next to someone I don't know, that's more Karasu's thing.
"Hey Boxy, what's the plan?"  Right, I hadn't even thought about that.
"You're at the end, I think you're even the last"
That's good, hopefully my legs won't be as wobbly as pudding by then. The sweating on my hands has already stopped and I hope it stays that way.
But when I hear this voice behind me, warm and as if from a movie, I realize one thing again.
DogDay and her group will also perform
I feel another jolt in my ribs, and on the right I see a broad grin on Karasu's face. The volume, the whole atmosphere is now in Karasu's statement...
"Come on Y/N, it's show time"
Stopped right at the best part, what a pity.
The next update will take a little longer, I don't know exactly myself, but when you think that the whole talent show is just starting now, phew.
The next update here on my account will be for the Genius Story, so for the funeral chapter. Feel free to check out the story!
And as always... Leave a Fire Thing and write how you liked this chapter.
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hi! can i request some kalim x floyd imagines where floyd is piss drunk and thinks kalim is a plushie/stuffed animal? sorry if this sounds weird or random.
you absoluely don't have to do this if you don't want to, though.
Floyd, You're Drunk
This is platonic btw but can be interpreted as romantic. I don’t drink, but it doesn’t matter because this is all played up for funny hahas. Made this in a funky headspace so my bad if it feels off. I haven't been too good recently but still want to create so itsbnot as comedic as I originally planned
It appears that Floyd accidentally sipped one of the Mostro Lounges experimental cocktails, mistaking it for a mocktail, resulting in this predicament. Whatever the hell Azul made or ordered, it was strong. And now, Floyd is half-stumbling, half-dragging his feet in the school hallway with his head feeling funny.
Floyd thought he went through the magic mirror for the Octavinelle Dorm but was quite surprised when he was met by the harsh heat of the sun above him. In the distance, he heard running water from the fountain and music. Was sea otter throwing another party again?
Intrigued, Floyd decided to investigate the party, waltzing right into the middle of everything. It was a good thing that the eel was usually sloppy when he was sober, so no one thought it strange how lazy he was walking.
“Oh! Floyd! Is that you?” Kalim yells to the eel before waving. “It is you! Hello! Welcome to the party!” The young man laughs and puts his hands on his hips, beaming over at the taller man. The human continued to ramble about all sorts of things, but all his words slurred and mixed together in Floyd’s mind as he stared down at Kalim dumbly.
A dark look overtook his features as he stared down at his prey in front of him. A look that everyone but Kalim noticed as the partygoers all paused in their moments, watching in horror as Floyd approached their dorm leader. Jamil’s eyes widen as he steps away from the grill he was cooking at. “KALIM!”
The servant's utensils were thrown to the side as he ran over to Kalim's side. A spell on the tips of his fingers, ready to cast at the Octavinelle resident.
He was too late, however. Floyd’s movements were precise and sudden. His arms snapped around Kalim and lifted him up into his embrace. Everyone froze, expecting the worst. Floyd was gonna break his bones, squeeze the life out of him! Strangle him!
"Eh…? Floyd? What’s wrong? Aw, did you just need a hug?” Kalim half-teased, returning the hug, before looking up at Floyd. “Floyd? Are you alright?” The human asks, concerned. The look in the eel's eyes was… different from how they usually were.
Floyd’s stern expression suddenly changed. “Eeeehhhh, Sea Otter’s really a Sea Otter now! Hehe!~” The taller man's face was flushed from the alcohol in his system as he squished the person in his arms and slurred his words. “All soft and squishy…
Kalim froze for a moment before laughing at the feeling of Floyd tickling him. “Ahaha! Floyd! What has gotten in you? Hahahaha!” Kalim's laughter fills the air, filling the silence aside from the music that plays in the background. Everyone at the part just watched the pair in absolute confusion.
The eel bounced Kalim in his arms while walking over to the dorm fountain. Kalim encouraged his shenanigans, “I knew you were strong, but I didn’t remember you being this strong! Oh, are you gonna throw me?” “Kalim, don’t give him ideas!” Jamil hisses.
The drunken eel considers it for a moment before tossing him in the air and catching him a few times. “Sea Otters flying~” 
Suddenly Floyd catches Kalim and dunks him into the fountain, following right after him in the water. Kalim sputters for a moment looking around, just to see a sizeable serpentine figure in the fountain circling around him, his dorm uniform floating on the surface of the water. 
Squishing and squeezing the human he’s curled around and babbling something about stuffed animals, Floyd starts to become more and more tired as he continues to play with Kalim.
"There you are!” An unwelcome voice shouts as Azul steps into the dorm. “Floyd. Your drunk; let Kalim go.” “But I don’t wannnnaaaa! This is my sea otter now!!” 
"Floyd, come on—“ “NO!” “Floyd—“ “I’m not going!” Floyd, please—“
At least Jamil has some entertainment for all the work he will have to do later,
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quindolyn · 4 years
hi can i request the maurauders going to see the reader do a musical like heathers or mean girls and they are just confused and turned on bc they didn't expect it to be this dirty (can lead to smut or not). luv you and hope you are taking care of yourself, if not go get something to eat, drink some water, take a nap, or do somthing you enjoy. or dont not trying to be pushy :)
Creature of the Night || Poly!Marauders
Word Count: 3029 (excluding song lyrics)
A/N: I think I liked how this turned out? I didn’t make it smut but it’s certainly suggestive, I went with Rocky Horror, I know that the musicals mentioned in the request are more modern but I fucking love Rocky Horror and I think it works with the request. When I first read this request I smiled so much because I love live theater, I don’t perform as much as I used to because as I progress with my education I’m focusing more on the stuff I can use to pad my resumes for college and stuff but I still love going to see productions. One of the worst parts of the pandemic for me has been not being able to go see shows, I miss it so much.
Warnings: theatre enthusiast reader, erections, suggestive material, song lyrics, slight teasing, wearing very little clothing in front of an audience, I believe that that is it
500 follower celebration
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The magic of the stage was second to none. Sure, Hogwarts may have had witches and wizards, subjects like Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and ghosts that spent their time meandering about the halls but there was always a part of you that looked forward to the summer between your years at Hogwarts. Because no matter how magical Hogwarts was, the theater always made you feel completely and utterly alive. 
Every summer since the one after your first year at what all of your muggle friends thought to be a very prestigious boarding school up in Scotland, you’d taken part in your local youth theater’s productions. Your parents both being muggles thought that it would be a great way for you to be able to stay in touch with your muggle origins. 
The first year you’d been far too nervous to actually audition for a role, the very thought causing bile to churn in your stomach and threaten to make you sick all over your kitchen floor when your father first pitched the idea. So instead you’d done costumes and it was the most wonderful experience of your life. 
Who needed drugs when you had live theater? The hustle and bustle behind the scenes was electrifying but after two summers of costuming, of quick changes in the wings, learning how to use the ancient sewing machines they stored in the depths of the storage rooms, and pulling pieces for the actors to try on you decided that you wanted to try something more.
The moment you had stepped onto the stage it was like you’d come to life and you cursed yourself for not taking the risk earlier. You belonged on the stage, with the harsh stage lights on you and pounds of makeup plastered onto your face you could feel the magic thrumming through your veins and it was addicting.
If it was possible, you were even more excited to perform this summer, the previous school year you’d finally gotten together with your long time best friends the Marauders, turning them from friends to your boyfriends.
When your mother had sent word of the production being put on this summer you’d squealed while seated next to James and across from Remus, who had Sirius hanging off of his side. After explaining to them, mostly Sirius and James really, just what live theater was their first reaction was to ask if they could come see you perform.
“I don’t even know if I’m going to be cast,” You had explained gently, not wanting to get their hopes up in case you weren’t cast this year.
“Bull shit of course you’re going to be the cast,” Sirius had contested through a mouthful of jam and toast, waving his hand theatrically through the air, watching him that day was not the first time you’d considered how the way he acted often reminded you of an over enthusiastic theatre major.
Remus, the only one with any knowledge on muggle theatre had snorted, wrapping an arm around Sirius’ waist to pull him closer to his body, “She’s not going to be the cast Pads, she’s going to be casted,” He’d corrected gently, pressing a kiss into his long, dark tresses.
“Whatever,” The smaller boy had grumbled, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
Which brought you to where you were right now, five minutes to curtain touching up your make up in the mirror of the shared make-up room.
“Hey (L/N),” One of your cast mates called settling into the makeup chair next to you as she plucked a tube of dark red lipstick from the small canary colored makeup bag she had previously abandoned on the counter, “Your boyfriends coming tonight?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Yeah, they are,” You responded, applying mascara to your lashes.
“Excited to meet them, that photo you showed us,” She smiled, fanning her face with her hand, “Smoking,” She smiled, making eye contact with you in the mirror.
Rolling your eyes you ignored her comment, “It’s five minutes to curtain, you’re just now doing your make-up?” You chuckled, noticing her black face.
“Oh, shove it,” She laughed as you pushed yourself from your chair, traipsing out of the room, giving her the middle finger on your way out.
“Break a leg!” She called after you as the door latched shut.
You weren’t usually this nervous before a performance but knowing that your three boyfriends were sitting out there somewhere in the audience had you pacing back and forth backstage wondering what they were going to think of the whole production.
“Rocky Horror?” Sirius’ confusion evident in his voice as he plopped down in his seat next to Remus, throwing his arm around the werewolf’s shoulders, drumming his fingers on his clothed shoulder hidden behind his knitted cardigan.
“Yeah,” James collapsed into his chair on the other side of Remus, tucking one leg under his body, “No clue what it’s about but I’m sure our angel will be wonderful. Can you guys see her?” He straightened himself up in his seat, craning his neck in attempts to catch a glimpse of you.
Remus being the only one with any ties to the muggle world knew a bit about the show and had to do his very best to suppress a smirk from overtaking his face as he knew exactly what he and your other two boyfriends were getting themselves into. 
“Just hush up you two, the show’s gonna start any moment,” He scolded, patting his large, scarred hand on James’ thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Rem,” Sirius whined, puckering his lips and closing his eyes, signaling to his boyfriend that he wanted a kiss.
“My needy baby,” He crooned, leaning in to connect his lips with Sirius’ in a quick liplock before pulling back, allowing Sirius to drop his forehead to smear against his shoulder.
“That’s mean,” Sirius murmured discontentedly.
“Poor baby Pads,” James cooed mockingly.
“Both of you,” Remus hissed as the lights in the theatre dimmed, “The show’s about to start, be good for me and be quiet yeah?”
Their response came in their silence as the crowd started settling down and the music from the orchestra pit began a voice coming from somewhere out of sight as it was played through the speakers,
“Michael Rennie was ill
The day the earth stood still
But he told us where we stand”
Not 20 minutes into the show all three of them were as hard as rocks, James had already made Remus check the playbill for the name of the character you were playing, not being able to remember what you’d told them as all of his concentration was focused on a certain place.
Janet Weiss.
Remus couldn’t remember either, but he was almost certain that’s the name he could make out in the dark theatre, printed next to a picture of your smiling face.
When you’d stripped down to your underwear the boys could barely focus on the plot line of the show, only being able to watch the way your bare skin shone under the harsh light of the spotlights. Watching as sweat glistened on your skin, making you shine as you moved about the stage. 
Enchanted by the melodic cadence of your voice they all felt a certain jealousy burning deep in the pits on their stomachs at the thought that there were dozens of other people packed into that theater, all observing you in your vulnerable state of under dress. Only they got to see you like that.
Sirius missed much of the first act glaring at members of the audience who he deemed as looking at you for too long for his liking, but if you were being honest a 4th year smiling at you in the hallway was sometimes too long for his liking.
It wasn’t like any of them had never seen you naked before, in fact they’d all seen you naked more than their fair share of times but something about you on that stage in a white bra with a matching slip was driving them all crazy.
Especially Remus, whose ultimate weakness was seeing you in anything white which was one of the reasons you’d been so excited to invite them in the first place, knowing that they would be horny messes the entire time.
On stage you did your very best not to look out into the audience looking for them, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to stop a ginormous grin from forming on your face and you couldn’t afford to break character. Not if you wanted the night to go your way.
As the opening notes to “Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me”, rose from the orchestra pit you had trouble stopping a small smirk from pulling at your lips as you opened them, inhaling deeply before singing the first words of the song,
“I was feeling done in, couldn't win
I'd only ever kissed before”
Despite yourself you caught a glimpse of long dark hair in the audience, quickly taking a glance at Sirius’ face, eyes glazed over in lust, legs shifting uncomfortably with his mouth hanging wide open. 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed another raven-haired boy’s mouth dropping as you shrugged off of your robe
“I thought there’s no use getting, into heavy petting
It only leads to trouble and, seat wetting
Now all I want to know, is how to go
I've tasted blood and I want more”
It was impossible to miss the way Remus’ jaw clenched as you laid your palm against Rocky’s chest, he was being played by your good friends who’d been working with the same theatre company as you since forever, he was like a brother to you. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t lay it on extra thick tonight with your boyfriends in the audience.
Tracing a dainty finger down Rocky’s chest you pushed your body against his singing out the next lyrics of the song,
“I've got an itch to scratch, I need assistance”
You turned you and your cast mate so that looking over his shoulder you were able to meet Remus’ eye, sending him a quick wink before focusing back in on Rocky.
“Toucha, toucha, toucha, touch me
I wanna be dirty
Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me
Creature of the night”
Pressing your back up against Rocky’s chest you guided his hands with yours to your breasts, squeezing them as you followed the choreography you knew by heart.
You ripped your slip from your body with the help of Rocky leaving you in only your white bra, matching panties and a pair of small heels as you paraded around stage, belting the suggestive lyrics into the theater.
“Then if anything grows, while you pose
I'll oil you up and rub you down (down, down, down)
And that’s just one small fraction, of the main attraction
You need a friendly hand, oh i need action”
You smirked, thinking about all of the action you’d be on the receiving end of later that night as you sunk to your knees in front of Rocky, your hands grasping his thighs. Deciding to tease them perhaps a little more than necessary as you went through the number, curling your leg around his and pressing your bodies together so that there was no space between your two questionably clothed bodies.
As the number was brought to a close it was impossible for you to ignore the excitement bubbling up inside of you as you continued your way through the show you kept throwing glances at your boyfriends, always finding their eyes already trained on you. More often than not, on some body part other than your face.
If your boyfriends thought that they had a bit of a problem before that song they were in a terrible predicament now.
Remus caught Sirius on multiple occasions trying to move the hand that he was holding to grope at his crotch as he tried to buck up into his boyfriend’s hand. And much to his own dismay, Remus would pull his hand away, thinking it probably wasn’t the best idea to give his boyfriend a hand job in a crowded theater. Knowing that he wouldn’t have to worry about James touching himself because he would never dream of disobeying him, Remus divided his attention between you on the stage and keeping Sirius in check.
Each of the boys were counting down the seconds until the show came to an end and they could get out of there and relieve some of their tension.  As the curtains were pulled closed they all breathed a sigh of relief before they reopened, leaving all three of them bewildered and slightly annoyed, even more so when they noticed everyone around them standing as they applauded the actors.
Remus forced both of them up when you rushed to the front of the stage, curtsying as the crowd went wild, your boyfriends most notably. As you took your bow you blew a kiss to your boyfriends taking note of the uncomfortable way they all stood, trying to adjust their erections to make them less noticeable while simultaneously applauding you.
As you cleared the stage after curtain call you took your time, doddling towards the dressing rooms where you had left the clothes you’d arrived at the theater in along with a special outfit you’d brought for after the show. Usually you were one of the first actors to clear the theater after a show but tonight you took your time. Hanging up your costume with more care than anyone really should treat any garment with and certainly more than what it needed. 
You smirked mischievously as you pulled the you’d brought outfit from your bag and shimmied it up your legs before slipping the delicate straps up your shoulders. You glimpsed yourself in the mirror, the red satin of the dress clinging to your curves in an attractive manner, short enough to display miles of legs and low cut enough to show off a decent amount of cleavage and perhaps a sighting of the matching red bra you were wearing beneath it.
Slinging the back of your black heels over the heel of your feet you snatched your purse from the armchair in your dressing room before striding out to go meet your boyfriends in the lobby, where you’d told them to wait for you.
Their heads all turned as they heard the clacking of your heels against the tile of the floor, “Boys,” You greeted as they unabashedly took in your new appearance.
As he most often was, Remus was the first one to collect himself, “Puppy, you were wonderful,” He praised, walking to meet you as you approached him, leaning down to smear a kiss against your cheek, “You did amazing up there, so proud of you,” He threw his arm around your waist as you walked towards Sirius and James.
“We got something for you,” He explained, his grip on your waist tightening, “Jamie give it to her, yeah?” 
“Oh yeah,” The smaller boy grinned, remembering the bouquet he held cradled in his arms as he handed it over to you, “Here you go angel.”
“Thank you Jamie,” You said as you took it from him, closing your eyes as you buried your nose in the sweet smelling flora. As you opened your eyes you made eye contact with Sirius, who stood across from you, practically drooling as he took in your appearance without any shame, “They smell wonderful.”
“You okay Si?” You asked, looking up through your eyelashes, batting them innocently.
“Like you don’t know exactly what you did up there to us (Y/N/N),” Remus whispered in your ear, pressing his nose into your temple.
“You guys are the ones who wanted to come,” You lilted, rubbing one of the velvety petals between the pads of your thumb and forefinger.
“Could’ve warned us,” James mumbled, his eyes not leaving your thighs as he licked his lips, if it were anyone else you would’ve been uncomfortable but you couldn’t help but feel flattered whenever any of them ogled you. 
“And what’s with the dress Pup?” Sirius nodded his head appreciatively towards your dress, obviously admiring the way it hung on your body.
“What, you don’t like it?” You asked with fake hurt in your voice, knowing that he more than liked it, he fucking loved it. 
“S’not that,” Remus mumbled, nosing at your jugular, “Just that whole show, got us a little bit worked up. We didn’t expect it to be so sexual Puppy,” He nodded towards James and that’s when you noticed the erection he was still sporting. 
“Got us really worked up, can we go home now?” James asked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, trying to distract himself from his little problem.
“Jamie,” You whined, smiling wickedly, “I wanted to celebrate, I was thinking we could go eat somewhere, I was thinking maybe Thai food?”
You watched as Sirius ground his teeth, conflicted between needing to get home and not wanting to deny you from what you wanted. 
“Having fun teasing us Bunny?” Remus asked you with a sly smirk, knowing exactly what you were doing.
“M’not teasing,” You insisted, turning indignantly to your other boyfriend.
“Sure you aren’t,” He chuckled, “Thai sounds great (Y/N), wanna talk with you about the show,” The idea of teasing Sirius and James even longer was very appealing to Remus and he was ready to make the sacrifice of being teased himself, knowing that he’d be able to get back at you later that night.
“But-” James began.
“You wanna argue with me Jamie?” Remus challenged, raising a singular eyebrow.
“No,” He moped, “Of course not.”
“Good,” Remus said, nodding his head approvingly, “We wouldn’t wanna deny our Princess would we?”
James shook his head, eyes pleading, desperately seeking Remus’ approval.
“Pads?” Remus challenged, turning his attention to the other raven haired man.
“What? Oh um, of course not,” He agreed distractedly, dragging his eyes from your form to meet Remus’, his reluctance evident in his voice.
“Good,” Remus said pointedly, his eyes cold, daring Sirius to question him. When he didn’t the werewolf continued, “Let’s get going then, there’s a nice little restaurant a couple blocks away yeah?”
As you all hummed your consent you made your way to the exit, “Ten galleons if you can make James cum in his pants at dinner,” Remus whispered in your ear quietly enough so that  James and Sirius trailing behind you wouldn’t be able to hear you, you could hear the smirk in his voice as you exited the theatre.
“Deal.” This was going to be fun, you considered that you might have to invite them to come see the show again.
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @kittykylax @amourtentiaa @superbturtlemakerathlete
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davidpastrsnack · 4 years
it’s crazy what you’ll do for a friend - nolan patrick
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a/n: here’s a friends to lovers 4+1 with our fav boy loosely inspired by daddy issues by the neighbourhood. but there’s still a splash of smut because you know me lol. hope you enjoy :)
word count: 10.5k
The first time you met Nolan you didn’t know what to think. He was polite, giving you a gentle smile and reaching out to shake your hand, but you couldn’t help but fixate on how quiet he was and his seeming lack of emotion.
Regardless of your hesitation, that was the first time of many that Nolan took care of you. 
You were new to Philadelphia, moving to continue your education and expand your horizons. You had always been one to play it safe, to stay in your comfort zone, but after having your heart broken and being unexpectedly accepted to one of the top graduate programs in your field you knew it was time to challenge yourself and leave behind everything you had ever known.
Well, almost everything, aside from Aubrey, one of your best friends since that first day of kindergarten so long ago. She worked in the city, practically begging you to join her when she found out you were considering the move. Just weeks later, the second bedroom in her apartment became yours and that’s how you met him.
It was only your third night in Philly and you were still unpacking, a glass of wine sitting on your dresser as you dug through the remaining boxes that were seemingly never-ending. It didn’t seem like this much stuff when you were packing it, but here you were overwhelmed with all of your belongings.
You were humming along to the music, taking it one box at a time as the room slowly came together when you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in,” you called, turning to face the door.
“Woah,” Aubrey muttered, “How’s it going in here?”
“I know, I know,” you laughed, “It looks bad but I’m almost there.”
She nodded, stepping into the room and sitting on your bed, “Time for a break?”
You knew what the hopeful smile on her face meant, she had plans for the two of you.
You looked at her with hesitant eyes and she chuckled, remembering how well you knew her.
“I was thinking we could go meet some of my friends?” Aubrey continued, “I’m kind of seeing this one guy and his friends are great. They’re a lot but I think you’ll love them and they’ll love you.”
“Aubrey, I-” You paused, “I really should finish up in here.”
“Come on, Y/N, we have all day tomorrow to finish and you need a break. I feel like I’ve barely even seen you and it’s been three days.”
You let out a laugh at her words, she was right. It felt like your life had been on hold for so long but now you had the opportunity to start fresh, to put yourself out there in a world that had no existing opinions of you.
“Fine,” you groaned, standing up from your spot on the hardwood, “But you have to help me find something to wear.”
“Deal!” Aubrey exclaimed, dragging you out of the room and into her own to go through her closet.
Just over an hour later, you were squeezed into a booth of the bar surrounded by men almost twice your size. Aubrey failed to mention that the guy she was seeing, but not dating as she vehemently claimed, was a Flyer and so were his friends.
You didn’t know what to expect from the group, but it didn’t take long for you to conclude that they were sweethearts, especially Travis, Aubrey’s “friend.” After introducing you to each of them, it felt like you had always been a part of the gang.
The beer and conversation were flowing, the bellowing laughs coming from the table practically feeling the air of the entire bar. You quickly fell into the banter, fitting in right away after growing up with brothers.
“There he is!” You suddenly heard Kevin shout from next to you, “Took you long enough, Patty.”
You looked up from your drink to see the man you could only assume to be Patty, his tall frame towering over you as you sat on the edge of the booth. He was dressed in all black, and his hair was long and frankly, unkempt as it curled around his ears. Even in the dim light of the bar, you could make out his light eyes, the blue piercing you as he finally met your gaze from his seat directly across from yours.
“Nolan, this is my friend Y/N,” Aubrey started, “She just moved in with me.”
Nolan reached out his hand across the table which you happily met, secretly hoping he couldn’t feel how clammy you had gotten since he walked in. He softly smiled as your hands touched, the corners of his mouth barely lifting but just enough.
“Nice to meet you,” he mumbled.
“You too,” you replied, flickering your eyes to the other end of the table before you caught yourself staring.
You were right away distracted by something Travis was chirping Claude for from this morning’s practice, but something about the man sitting just a few feet away from you was still consuming your thoughts.
You were pretty sure he had already decided that he didn’t like you. He had barely said a word aside from his initial pleasantries, but from then on it was almost like he wasn’t even acknowledging your presence. You didn’t know why you even cared, but there was something about his presence that made you on edge.
“I’m going to get another one,” you blurted out, everyone’s attention shifting to you.
“I’ll come with,” Aubrey declared.
“I’m good, stay,” you responded, giving her a knowing look. She was practically sitting in Travis’s lap, her hands wrapped around his neck while his eyes were stuck on her like she was the only one in the room. Not dating, my ass, you thought to yourself.
You slid off the cushion and headed towards the bar, the air already feeling lighter the further away from the group you got. You loved them, they were great, but it was just so much new at once. You needed a breather.
It was a packed Friday night and you knew it would be a while before you got your drink, so you sat down on the first available stool you saw. You caught the bartender's attention right away, but she was clearly swamped. You sent her a reassuring nod, telling her to take her time. She smiled right back at you, evidently grateful for your patience.
After what felt like barely a minute of waiting, you felt a body slide next to yours, the scent of cheap cologne overwhelming you as you braced yourself for what was about to happen.
“Hi there,” he spoke, leaning his weight against the bar top as he boxed you in.
“Hi,” you sighed. To put it simply, you were not in the mood.
“You got a name?”
“I do,” you chuckled in disbelief, turning your body away from his as your eyes scanned the room for anyone familiar. Which of course there wasn’t.
“A snappy one, alright,” he spoke, his hot breath fanning over your neck, “Well I’m Brett, what are you drinking?”
“Nothing,” you snapped.
“Oh c’mon, let me buy you a drink,” he continued, either not picking up on your hints or purposely ignoring them.
“I’m really all set.”
Just before he was about to open his mouth to speak once again, you felt his hand rest flat against your back, your body arching away from him immediately at the contact.
“Do not fucking touch her.”
The deep voice echoed in front of you, your vision clouded as your mind raced in a million directions.
“Listen, man, I got this.”
“No, I don’t think you do,” you heard, the vibrations of his voice running straight through your body.
You may have just met him, but that was a body and voice you couldn’t forget.
You had no idea what overcame you, but before you could process what you were doing you wrapped your arms around his torso. Nolan immediately reciprocated, his arm falling across your shoulders and pulling you close to his frame.  
“Just leave,” Nolan asserted, “Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be. It’s already embarrassing enough that you can’t take no for an answer.”
Your body relaxed against his, Nolan’s words calming your worst fears right away. From your vantage point, you assumed Nolan easily had at least six inches and thirty pounds on him. That seemed to be enough for him, backing away with a faulty glare and disappearing into the crowd.
“Nolan, I-” you stuttered, not knowing what to say, “Thank you,” you finally got out, your voice barely loud enough to hear over the hum of voices.
“Don’t mention it,” he muttered, his aura still cold.
You were so caught up in the shock of the moment that you hadn’t realized you were still holding each other, and right away you dropped your arm from his waist. Nolan did the same, awkwardly moving to sit on the stool next to you and flag the bartender.
You missed the warmth of his body right away, the spicy scent of his skin in stark contrast to the Axe you could only assume the other one was wearing. You swore you could still feel the ripple of his abs beneath his t-shirt on your fingertips. It was silent for a minute, both of you trying to come up with the right words.
“I really can’t thank you enough. Let me buy this round,” you pleaded, your eyes locking with his.
“Y/N,” Nolan started, your face flushing as your name fell from his lips, “I’m buying.”
You smiled up at him, nodding before looking back down in hopes of hiding the flush you felt creeping up your neck and onto your cheeks.
“Can I be honest, Nolan?” You questioned.
“Do you not like me? Did I do something? I wasn’t expecting that from you of all people-” you rambled until Nolan cut you off.
“First of all, I would have done that even if I hated you. But no, I like you, Y/N. A friend of a friend of TK’s is a friend of mine.”
You laughed at the last part before you could even process the first. Nolan’s cheeks went red, clearly embarrassed at his cliché phrasing but it didn’t matter how badly he made a fool of himself as long as you were smiling. The way your eyes scrunched and your nose turned up while you laughed was enough to make him forget the day he had.
Your laughter was interrupted by your drinks, the woman leaving you with a knowing smile before she turned away. Nolan and you both stood up ready to head back to the table before he stopped you.
“Friends?” He asked, putting his hand out in front of himself.
“Friends,” you agreed with a grin, shaking his hand before walking back to the group together.
You dreaded first days.
No matter how old you got, the anxiety of walking into an unfamiliar room full of unfamiliar faces never lessened. But you were ready, you reminded yourself, putting your head up and walking to the classroom like you had been there a hundred times before.
By the time you were walking out after the 90 minutes were up, your heart was pounding and you could feel the tears pricking the back of your eyes as you ran out of the building, not even bothering to introduce yourself to anyone.
The walk from the university back to your apartment was a blur. You couldn’t believe you had made such a poor first impression. You thought you were prepared, you had your notebook ready and all the right textbooks in order, but you somehow missed that there was an assignment due on the very first day.
As you rushed through the busy streets of the city, dodging people left and right, your mind raced back to that room.
“Ms. Y/L/N, can you please give your thoughts on the first case study?” Your professor questioned, intently watching you as your panic set in.
Your heart began to race and your palms sweat as you struggled to find the words to say that you hadn’t done the reading. This had never happened to you before, you were an A+ student for your entire life, almost unhealthily so. You couldn’t remember the last time you had missed an assignment, it just wasn’t something you did.
“Alright, then. Anyone else who actually checked the syllabus have something to say?”
Your professor's words were stuck in your head, playing over and over again when you finally reached your building. Now that you were so close to being in the comfort of your own space you could feel your wheels spinning, the stress and emotion overtaking your body.
Your hands shook as you tried to unlock the door, your body pushing through the threshold when you finally got it open.
“Aubrey?” You called as you walked through the hallway. She had known you for so long and always knew what to do to calm you down. But instead of Aubrey’s bright voice welcoming you back, you were met with silence.
“Where are you?” You muttered under your breath, your voice shaking as the tears threatened to spill over any second. As you turned the corner into the living room, you found three bodies spread across the couch, none of whom belonged to Aubrey.
“Oh,” you sputtered out, surprised to see Travis, Kevin, and Nolan watching a game.
“Y/N!” Travis called out, his infectious smile almost making your tight-lipped frown fade, “Aubrey just ran out for something but she should be back soon.”
You could feel Nolan’s gaze burning into you. You did your best to avoid his eye contact in hopes of hiding your current state from him. He had been nothing but kind to you, but you still felt so exposed standing in front of him, suddenly insecure about your outfit.
“I’m just going to go,” you whispered, pointing down the hall to your room. You felt horrible just ignoring them like that, but you knew you didn’t have it in you to keep up with them right now.
Your bag fell out of your hands almost instantly as soon as the door to your room clicked shut, the sound of your laptop hitting the hardwood floor making you cringe. You collapsed on your bed face first, the emotion you had been holding back for what felt like forever overwhelming you. Your body wracked in sobs as you replayed your embarrassment in a seemingly endless loop.
Nolan knew something was wrong the second he saw you. He may have only met you just a few days ago, but after growing up with two sisters he recognized the signs right away. He had no idea what was wrong, but he did know that you were barely holding it together.
Your head snapped up when you heard a series of soft knocks on your door, “Aubrey?” You asked, your voice rising with hope.
“No, uh, it’s Nolan.”
Your face fell when you heard his deep voice through the wood. You barely knew Nolan, he couldn’t see you like this. You paused for a moment wondering if he would just leave if you didn’t respond, but you could see his shadow through the bottom crack of your door, his feet were planted and didn’t show any signs of moving any time soon.
You silently groaned and picked yourself up, not even bothering to look in the mirror before opening the door because you knew it was not going to a pretty sight regardless. You hastily wiped underneath your eyes, the black of your mascara flaking right off your tear-stained skin. This wasn’t exactly how you wanted the new boy in your life to see you right after meeting you, but you just were friends, right?
“What, Nolan?” You sighed when you finally opened the door.
You didn’t mean to be so stark, but it just came out. His presence overwhelmed you just like it had at the bar a few nights ago. He was leaning against the door frame with his hands tucked into the pockets of his sweatpants. The backward hat resting atop his head flattered him perfectly, drawing attention to the tufts of his brown hair curling around his ears and neck.
Nolan stood up straight as soon as he saw you, his eyes softening when his suspicions were confirmed: you had been crying.
“I just wanted to check on you,” he mumbled, his eyes never leaving your own.
The tension in your shoulders released as you looked up at him. He didn’t say anything else, just tilting his head down towards you as he continued to scan your face for any signs of how you were feeling. You couldn’t pinpoint it, but there was something about Nolan that made you feel so safe, so secure, like as long as you were with him you could avoid your demons.
“I’m fine,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
“No you’re not,” Nolan rebutted, raising his eyebrows as if he was challenging you to lie to him again.
You didn’t say anything, but rather you moved your body to the side and ushered him into your room. Nolan happily obliged, awkwardly standing as he took in his surroundings. Your room was just as he expected, it was minimal, just like his. You didn’t like clutter, everything had a place. It was one way you tried to control the chaos that was your life.
“You can sit,” you spoke, breaking the silence.
Nolan nodded and sat next to you at the foot of the bed. You couldn’t help but let your eyes trail along his leg, the way his thighs stretched the fabric of his sweatpants making your cheeks flush.
“It was my first day at this new program I’m in and it didn’t go well, that’s all,” you finally sputtered out, staring down at your lap as your hands fidgeted. “I’ve never been good at first impressions,” you added, a gentle laugh escaping your lip as you thought back to your first time meeting Nolan.
“Listen, I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Nolan encouraged, “You seem like a pretty great person.”
You scoffed at his attempt to make you feel better, your emotions creeping their way back into your head.
“It was-” you paused, using every fiber within your being to try not to lose it in front of him, “It was bad.”
“C’mere,” Nolan whispered, turning on the bed to face you more and opening his arms, practically begging for your embrace.
You shook your head, closing your eyes as the fresh tears started burning. You were so selective in who you exposed your most vulnerable state to, and you barely knew Nolan. But despite this, you felt such an instant connection with him, and if his overt kindness was any indication, he felt the same way.
You let your final guard down, leaning back and curling into Nolan’s frame. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight against him as one hand moved up to your head to rub soft circles into your hair.
“Go ahead and cry,” he hummed, his body gently rocking you back and forth.
You melted at his touch, your head nuzzling into the crook of his neck, the muted orange of his Flyers hoodie the last thing you saw before your eyes shut in sobs. His scent was overwhelming, the mix of his body wash and the leftover cologne lingering on his hoodie flooding your senses. You felt as if you disappeared in his grasp, like the world around you vanished and nothing else mattered.
You didn’t even know how much time had passed, but Nolan didn’t move an inch. He held you like it was the only thing he had to do all day. Once the tears stopped falling and your breathing steadied, you pulled back, instantly flooded with embarrassment.
“Wow,” you chuckled, wiping your cheeks, “I am so sorry, Nolan, I don’t know what happened I just-”
“Don’t,” he interrupted, “We’re friends, remember?” He teased, the corners of his mouth lifting in a gentle smile as he bumped your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you laughed.
“I think we were planning on grabbing some food,” Nolan mumbled, his hand scratching the back of his neck as he spoke, “If you want to come.”
“Oh, I don’t know.”
“Come on, you’re coming. If I have to put up with those two out there so do you.”
You rolled your eyes, but it was the least you could do after what he had just done for you.
“Give me five minutes to look less dead.”
Nolan smiled as you agreed, slipping out of the room so you could change and freshen up.
“What the fuck was that?” Nolan was bombarded by Kevin as he sat back down.
“Nothing,” Nolan mumbled, not in the mood to be questioned about things he didn’t even know the answer to.
“She let you go in there?” Aubrey asked, just having gotten back.
“Yes?” He responded, confused by her question.
Aubrey didn’t bother getting into it and changed the subject instead, but inside she was scheming. She knew you, how closed off you were, but here you were opening up to Nolan like you’ve known him for years. Nothing made Aubrey happier than watching this friendship bloom, and she couldn’t help but wonder if there was potential for more.
Team galas usually didn’t bother Nolan, it was part of the job, but tonight it was the last place he wanted to be. His tux felt too tight, the stuffy conversation with potential sponsors was putting him to sleep, and his date was, to be frank, insufferable.
Nolan had no problem going to an event without a plus one, he and TK were usually the two single guys spending their time causing trouble, but now that Aubrey was in the picture Kevin had decided he had seen enough. So, despite Nolan begging him to leave him alone, Kevin set him up with one of his friends from Boston.
She was just as Kevin described, beautiful and smart, but that was about all. Nolan was calm and reserved, at least until he was comfortable with someone, but she was the complete opposite. Her personality filled the entire room and although he admired her confidence, Nolan was exhausted. He felt like he couldn’t be himself, like he had to work to match her energy.
After what felt like hours of entertaining her and Kevin, Nolan made his escape to the bar. It was the first moment to himself he had, the relief immediately flooding him as he leaned against the counter. He titled his glass to the bartender, silently requesting a refill when he felt his phone buzzing in the pocket of his suit pants.
Nolan begrudgingly pulled the phone, wondering who it could possibly be. The entire team was with him and it was unlike his family to call him on a Saturday night. But when he saw your name flashing across the screen, his whole demeanor shifted.
“Nolan!” He heard you exclaim, your voice like a breath of fresh air.
“Y/N?” He questioned. You had never called him out of the blue like this before. Nolan nodded to the bartender thanking him before taking his drink and walking out to the empty hallway so he could hear you better. “Everything okay?”
It wasn’t really. You had just come back home from a date, one Aubrey practically forced you to go on. You pleaded to her that you were fine, that you weren’t ready to start dating in the city yet, but regardless, you found yourself sitting across from one of her coworkers at a restaurant downtown.
There was nothing wrong with him, he was nice, but it was evident to you before your drinks were even ordered that this wasn’t going to work. You pushed through the meal, putting on your best fake smile and pretending to laugh at his forced humor. You politely declined his offer to walk you home, instead opting to get an Uber so you could get out of your dress as soon as possible.
Now you were home, your sweats on and hair up with a glass of wine in your hand. The glass quickly turned into almost the entire bottle, drowning your sorrows of another failed date with your favorite red. That’s when you made the mistake of picking up your phone, your fingers scrolling through your contacts until you found the one name you knew would be able to distract you.
“I’m great. I mean I’m not, but it’s fine,” you rambled, your words slurred as you spoke.
For once it was you mumbling and not Nolan. He didn’t know what, but his gut was telling him that something was wrong, he could practically smell the alcohol on your tongue through the phone. After a long pause of trying to figure out what to say, his thoughts were interrupted.
“Come over?” You whispered, “I’m so sick of being alone.”
Nolan’s heart dropped at your words, his eyes blinking shut as he pondered his next move. His eyes scanned the ballroom, finally landing on his date. She was sitting at their table, Nolan’s empty seat sticking out like a sore thumb, laughing at whatever story of his college days Kevin was regurgitating. He would feel like an ass if he just left, and he would be lying if he said the prospect of an easy lay hadn’t crossed his mind tonight, but you were more important.
“Give me twenty.”
Since calling Nolan you had migrated from your bed to the couch, a blanket sprawled across your body while you laid horizontal. The only light in the room was from the TV as one of your comfort movies played. You were barely paying attention, instead zoning out and staring at the lit-up city around you from the window.
Your mindless thoughts were interrupted by a series of knocks on the door. You threw the blanket off of your body and stood up, slowly dragging your feet across the hardwood as you made your way. But you were nowhere near prepared for what you saw as soon as you opened the door.
Nolan towered over you in the door frame. He was wearing a suit, the soft, grey fabric clinging to his thighs and shoulders perfectly. His long hair was slicked back and tucked behind his ears. The scent of his cologne overwhelmed you instantly, the warm aroma making you want to melt into him. One hand was resting in his pant pocket, while the other was carrying a take-out bag from one of your favorite spots.
“Hi,” Nolan quietly muttered, breaking the silence.
His deep voice broke the trance you were in, and that’s when the realization hit you.
“I completely forgot you guys had that thing tonight,” you blurted, the alcohol in your bloodstream clogging your train of thought, “I am so sorry. You have to go back, I feel horrible.”
Your hands came up to your face, hiding your embarrassment. How could you forget? You spent hours this morning helping Aubrey pick out her dress.
“Y/N,” Nolan cooed, his large hands gently pulling your own off of your face, “I’m here and I’m not leaving.”
Nolan didn’t let you get another word out before he was pushing past your body. He wasn’t even enjoying himself at the event and the last thing he wanted to do was go back.
It didn’t long for the two of you to finish the food, opting to head back to the couch and ignore the many empty containers for now.
“I’m never going on a date ever again,” you slurred, “I don’t even want to look at a man ever again.”
Despite trying to be quiet, Nolan couldn’t hide his chuckle. He had heard similar frustrations from his two sisters growing up. He had been around endless assholes throughout his life, he knew how exhausting it must have been to try to find a decent one.
“Can’t blame you,” he mumbled.
Your body slumped against the back of the couch, your eyes slipping shut as the wine and food started to lull you into a sleepy haze. Nolan scanned your face, a soft smile creeping onto his face as he watched your chest gently rise and fall with each breath. Before he could catch himself, he lifted his hand and pushed back the hair that had fallen in your face, tucking it behind your ear.
In that moment Nolan knew that he was fucked.
Never before had he dropped everything for a girl as he did for you tonight. But he also had never connected with someone like he did with you. You didn’t force him to be something he wasn’t, there was no pressure to put on an act. It just felt natural with you. But your words from just a few minutes before lingered in the back of his head. You made it clear that you weren’t looking for anything right now, it only took one miserable date to remind you of that. So Nolan pulled his hand away, trying to ignore the burning of your skin against his fingertips as they trailed across your soft cheek.
You were friends. Just friends.
You had no idea how much time had passed, but suddenly you felt yourself stir awake, your eyes peeling open to find yourself tucked into Nolan’s side. His body was warm below yours, his arm resting across your shoulders holding you in place as you lay against his chest. From your peripheral vision, you could see his suit jacket on one of the couch cushions, the soft material of his button-down rubbing on your cheek.
You had two options. You could either acknowledge that you awkwardly fell asleep on him in your drunken state, or you could pretend that you never woke up and continue to enjoy the comfort of his embrace.
Needless to say, you chose the latter.
But you must have dozed off again because the next time you woke up you were being carried into your bedroom. Your arms were wrapped tightly across Nolan’s neck, the tips of your fingers naturally lifting to twirl the tufts of his hair.
“Shhh, I got you,” Nolan whispered as he felt you move, just before he laid you down onto your bed, “I’ll be right back.”
Nolan hastily left the room, leaving you to bask in the memory of his warmth as your head fell back against your pillow. Within just a few seconds he was back, placing a cool glass of water on your nightstand table. But almost just as fast as he came back, he was leaving again.
“Stay,” you murmured, watching him pause at the outline of your door.
“I- I got the couch.”
“Okay,” you responded, trying to hide your disappointment.
Nolan visibly cringed the second your door was closed, his head falling to his lap once he sat down. He wanted nothing more than to climb into bed with you. The thought of holding you beneath the sheets and feeling your soft skin in contrast to his rough hands made him dizzy. But the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. You weren’t sober enough to say he could stay, and there was no chance in hell Nolan was going to risk scaring you off. So he took the couch, laying across the cushions with his eyes locked on your door until his eyelids gave in to his exhaustion. 
It was finally Friday, another week in the books. 
Your classes were taking more out of you than you had expected, the hours of reading and note-taking blending together as you finally closed your last tab. You had no plans for the night, and you honestly couldn’t be happier about it. A hot shower, takeout, and falling asleep early encompassed your perfect night recently.
Just as you were about to get in the shower, you were distracted by your phone ringing. You picked it up, surprised to see it was Kevin calling.
“Hi, Kevin,” you spoke, a slight edge to your words. You adored Kevin, he was an absolute sweetheart, but sometimes you just didn’t have the patience.
“What are you doing tonight?”
You rolled your eyes at his question, “Nothing.”
“Incorrect, you’re coming over and hanging out with me and Pat.”
“I am?” You laughed, taken aback by Kevin’s forwardness.
“Teeks and Aubrey are coming too, come on, Y/N,” he continued.
You knew you weren’t getting out of this without a real excuse, no matter how much you wanted to stay in. You hadn’t seen Nolan since the night you embarrassed yourself, the cringe of drunk dialing him after a bad date had yet to escape your memory.
“What time?”
“Uh- Let’s say 7.”
“Alright, Kev. See you later,” you hung up the phone, throwing it back on your bed before getting in the shower.
As you approached the boys’ apartment door, it was quieter than you expected it to be. Aubrey said she was already with Travis and would meet you there, so you were arriving alone. You assumed they would already have been there by now, but you ignored the silence and knocked on the door.
Just a few seconds later, the door swung open and you were face to face with Nolan. Your eyes widened when you saw him, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips and his bare torso staring at you. You quickly composed yourself, using every ounce of self-control within you to avoid trailing your gaze across his broad shoulders and down his chest, the curves and divots of his abs making your mouth water.
“Sorry,” Nolan mumbled, his cheeks flushing even redder than they usually were, “I thought you were Kevin, he always forgets his keys. Come in.”
You followed Nolan into the apartment, the muscles of his back rippling as his arms swung. You sat down on the couch, awkwardly waiting while he disappeared into his room. He came back just a few seconds later, his body now hidden behind a wrinkly t-shirt.
“Where is everyone?” You questioned, your body stiff as Nolan relaxed into the cushion next to you.
“Not sure,” he mumbled, the red of his cheeks lingering, “Kev said you were coming with Aubrey?”
Your face scrunched in confusion, “He told me she was coming here with Travis.”
Nolan then pulled his phone out and started typing a message to Kevin, desperate to figure out where he was. For some reason being here with you alone was making him nervous, there was an awkward energy in the air that had never been there before.
Nolan was reaching for the TV remote, about to ask you if you wanted to put something on when his phone sounded.
Kevin: You’re welcome
Now it was Nolan’s turn to furrow his eyebrows, the boy even more confused by Kevin’s message.
Kevin: We couldn’t watch you two anymore please just do something
Kevin: I’ll be out all night
Kevin: Don’t forget protection!
Of course. Of course, this little miscommunication was, in fact, a setup. But the worst part was that Nolan knew Kevin was right. No matter how hard he tried, he had been pining over you since that very first night. And now here you two were in an empty apartment with enough sexual tension to last the year.
“No one’s coming, are they?” You broke the silence, snapping Nolan out of his trance.
He threw his phone to the side as a slight smile crept across his stern face, “Nope,” he chuckled.
If you thought there was tension before, it didn’t even compare to what you felt now. Since meeting Nolan you were under the impression that your secretly harbored feelings for him were just that, a secret, but apparently, you weren’t as subtle as you thought. This had Aubrey written all over it, and you knew Travis was under her spell and would do anything to help her, and bonus points for chirping Nolan simultaneously. It was the elephant in the room, your mutual feelings still not being spoken but you both knew you had been called out by the people who knew you best.
“What are you thinking about?” Nolan whispered, the rough hum of his voice sending chills down your spine.
You couldn’t get even a single word out, your thoughts and feelings jumbling in your mind. After all this time the perfect opportunity was finally handed to you on a silver platter, but you still couldn’t do it.
Nolan could sense your hesitation, your close proximity and sweet scent clouding his consciousness.
“I’ll tell you what I’m thinking about,” he murmured, turning his body so he was facing you.
Your eyes had yet to leave your lap, your focus stuck on the rip of your jeans. You jumped when you felt his warm touch on your lower thigh, the warmth of his calloused hands making your heart rate rise even though the thick denim. His size was intoxicating and he made you feel like putty as he leaned closer to you.
“Y/N,” Nolan mumbled, his voice deeper than ever before.
You finally lifted your gaze, turning your head up to look at him. His baby blue eyes were piercing yours, the contact lighting a fire within you. Every reasonable thought in your head was telling you to pull away, to grab your bag and politely excuse yourself. You weren’t ready for a relationship, you had barely put yourself back together after your last heartbreak and Philly was supposed to be different. But as you sat here, your face just inches away from Nolan’s, you gave in to your desire.
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you connected your lips with his, immediately sighing in relief as his soft pout worked perfectly against you. You hastily swung your hips over and seated yourself on Nolan’s lap, an eager groan escaping him when your body rolled into his. His hands splayed across your hips, moving to circle your ass as he helped you grind deeper into his already hardening length.
Nolan trailed his lips down your jaw, nibbling and sucking on the plane of your neck. You knew he was leaving marks, but in the moment you couldn’t care less, the euphoria of his touch being the only comprehensive feeling.
“Please,” you whined, tightening your grip on his long locks, “Nolan.”
You couldn’t remember the last time someone had ignited you as Nolan had. He had barely even touched you and you were nearly certain you had already soaked through your panties, withering in his lap desperate for more.
“Now she has something to say,” Nolan teased, whispering into the shell of your ear. He gave you no warning before he was standing up, holding the back of your legs as you instinctually wrapped them around his waist.
Nolan gently tossed you on his bed, pausing to pull his shirt off before he was climbing on top of you. You were in a state of bliss, finally able to admire his frame shamelessly and without fear of getting caught. He continued to attack your neck, leaving mark after mark behind in his wake. You whimpered impatiently as his lips worked your sensitive skin, but Nolan was set on taking his time. He didn’t know if he would ever have you like this again and he was going to savor every second of it.
But you decided to take matters into your own hands, pushing his frame off of yours and pulling your sweater over your head. You grabbed Nolan’s face again, cupping both of his cheeks as your lips met again. He made quick work of your bra, unclasping it with ease behind your back and tossing it across the room.
“Fuck, you’re stunning,” he groaned, pausing to take you in. Your hair was splayed across the pillow, your cheeks flushed while your chest heaved up and down with heavy breathing. His praise went straight to your core, clenching around nothing as you grew more and more desperate for him.
Nolan wasted no more time, finally making his way down your torso before reaching the hem of your pants. His fingertips slowly ran beneath the fabric, stopping only to look up at you. Your eyes locked and you frantically nodded, understanding that he was waiting for your permission before continuing.
“Words, Y/N,” Nolan hummed into your thigh, his order gentle but firm.
“Yes,” you breathed out, “Fuck, yes.”
Nolan did as you said, unzipping your jeans and sliding them down your legs. He almost lost his balance on the mattress when he saw you laying before him, the pink lace resting across your hips being the only thing keeping him from you. Nolan settled himself between your legs, hooking both of them over his shoulders as his hot breath fanned over your pussy.
Nolan placed a soft kiss to your lace-covered clit, basking in your reaction as you let out an embarrassingly loud moan and your hands flew to his head, tangling in his hair. Your hips jerked up into the air, desperate for more friction. Nolan laid his thick forearm across your waist, his weight halting all of your movements and holding you at his mercy.
“Nolan, please just fuck me,” you begged, the suspense too much to handle as you felt yourself drip down the crease of your thigh.
“All in good time, baby,” he cooed, pulling your panties to the side and finally connecting with your throbbing pussy.
You cried out as his tongue flicked your clit back and forth, the pleasure only magnifying when he sucked it between his teeth. Your hands were locked with an iron grip in the roots of his hair, holding on like your life depended on it. Nolan hummed against your core as he continued to taste you, the vibrations of his voice sending shockwaves through your body.
Suddenly Nolan pulled back, but before you could protest you heard ripping. A gasp left your lips when you realized what he had done, the mangled lace of your panties now laying on his floor. You wanted to yell at him, complain that those were your favorite, but before you could get a word out he was back at work, this time fucking his tongue in and out of you.
Your head fell back against the pillow, your mouth opening in a silent scream when you felt him slide two fingers inside while his mouth circled your clit again. Nolan curled his fingers against your sweet spot and you knew you were done for, your back arching off the mattress as you combusted with your orgasm.
Nolan milked you through your high, his tongue flattening against your clit as his head shook and his fingers kept their pace. He finally slowed down as he felt you come down, pulling back to watch you shake as the last waves of pleasure rolled through your body. He slipped his fingers out of your fluttering pussy, only to bring them to his mouth and suck your juices clean.
“You’re really good at that,” you stammered, just now coming back to your senses after almost blacking out.
Nolan laughed, kissing his way back up your body until you two were face to face again. You couldn’t resist pulling him down and crashing your lips against his, moaning into his mouth as you tasted yourself on his tongue.
“I’m good at other things too,” he smirked, tucking your hair behind your ear, just as he had done last week, except this time he didn’t have to hide it. The soft action made your heart flutter, but his words made something else flutter.
“Give me your best, Patrick,” you challenged.
“Your wish is my command, baby.”
Nolan pushed off his arms and stood up, hurriedly stripping himself of his sweats and boxers in one fell swoop. A whimper escaped your lips when you heard the sound of his cock slapping against his stomach, your pupils dilated as your eyes trailed down his thighs admiring his tattoos. 
Reaching across you to get a condom from his nightstand, Nolan was surprised when you plucked it right from his hand. You tore open the foil and slowly rolled the condom onto him, a small smile spreading across your face when his hips buckled into your hand at your touch.
You may have been embarrassingly weak for him, but he was just as weak for you.
Nolan shifted on the bed so he was hovering over your body, leaning down to press a kiss to your mouth. Your lips moved in sync with one another, the pure lust filling the room dictating every movement. He felt you grow more and more impatient, your body stirring beneath his as he finally pulled away.
Taking one last look at you spread out before him, waiting for him to touch you, Nolan directed his attention back to between your legs. He locked eyes with you before collecting the salvia in his mouth, harshly spitting on your pussy. The moan you let out was only amplified when he started teasing you even more, dragging the head of his cock through your soaking folds.
“Nolan,” you whined, the last letter of his name prolonged as you begged, your entire body tensing while he tapped your already so sensitive clit.
“Shhh,” he cooed, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles against your hip, “Got to make sure you’re ready for me.”
Before you could get in another word of protest, Nolan was pushing one of your legs into your chest and sliding inside. Your mouth fell open as he slowly bottomed out, the sensation of him filling you paralyzing. A string of deep swears left his lips as he felt you already clenching around him.
After letting you adjust, Nolan started rocking his hips, quickly finding his rhythm. You didn’t have a single thought in your head, the way he hit your sweet spot inside and ground against your clit making you dizzy.
Nolan had never been in such bliss. He could never have imagined how good you would feel wrapped around him, your walls still pulsating from your first high as he slid in and out. The way your name sounded falling from his lips was pure ecstasy, his innate possessiveness in full drive. Your nails dug into his back, dragging burning lines into his skin that he knew he would be tormented about tomorrow in the locker room but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the way your bodies fit together in perfect harmony right this moment.
You could feel yourself growing close within mere minutes, Nolan’s relentless thrusts giving you no mercy. He could tell you were almost there by the way you were fluttering around him, along with the mindless sounds of pleasure escaping your lips getting louder and louder.
“That’s it,” Nolan encouraged in your ear, “Cum for me, Y/N.”
Between his hot breath against your tingling skin and his plunging thrusts, Nolan had you seeing stars.
“Nolan, Nolan,” you whined.
You swore you almost blacked out, your vision going blank as he fucked you through your high. He wasn’t far behind you, the clenching of your pussy egging him on until he finally let go, his hips stuttering and groans filling the air as his head fell into the crook of your neck.
“Fuck,” Nolan sighed, letting his heart rate steady as he laid above you, resting the majority of his weight on his forearms.
“Yeah,” you responded with a breathy laugh, your mind still blank as you came down.
Nolan stayed there for a few minutes before finally sitting up, cringing as you whimpered when he pulled out. Your eyes slipped shut, but you could hear him shifting around the room. After pulling on a pair of fresh boxers and dampening a towel, Nolan gently cleaned you up, biting back a smirk each time you shivered at his touch. He disappeared again, this time returning with a shirt in hand, urging you to sit up so he could help you pull the soft fabric over your head.
You had every intention of getting dressed and leaving, but you just couldn’t find the energy to remove yourself from his warm bed. The sheets that smelled like him enveloped you, and now his t-shirt was draped over your shoulders begging you to stay. Nolan slid next to you, his body cradling yours from behind as he wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you impossibly close.
“Sleep well, Y/N,” Nolan hummed into your neck as he settled in.
“Goodnight,” you managed to get out, the shame of what you had just done starting to spiral in your head.
You made a mistake. Nolan was good, so good, and he deserved more than you could give him. Your last relationship ended in disaster, leaving you broken and abandoning the idea of finding love ever again. Regardless of what you told your friends and family, it was what drove you from home. Then came Nolan, he was the definition of kind. Even when he barely knew you he did whatever he could to protect you. That kind of guy deserves someone who’s got it together, not whatever mess you were. You couldn’t believe you let your attraction to him get the best of you, and now here you were, pressed against his sleeping frame as he held you.
Everything inside of you was telling you to leave. It was too much, the eventual pain of whatever this was ending was overwhelming. You could hear Nolan snoring behind you, the sound of his contentment almost bringing tears to your eyes. Gently lifting his arm from its spot across your waist, you slid from underneath his grasp. It was nearly impossible to find your clothes in the dark, but you managed to do so without making too much noise. Nolan didn’t even stir as you moved around him, folding the shirt he gave you and placing it on the nightstand.
Just as you reached for the door, you felt yourself pause. Don’t do it, Y/N. Don’t do it. But you couldn’t resist, slowly turning to take in what you were leaving behind.
Nolan was passed out, his body leaning towards the pillow where you once laid your head and his arm laying flat as if he was still holding you. You could make out the redness of his cheeks in the dim light, his eyelashes curling down onto his cheeks. Your heart broke as you looked at him, but you knew it was what you had to do. He deserved the world, which was much more than you were able to give him. Without giving it another second of thought, you opened the door as quietly as possible and made your escape.
+ one
It had been over three weeks since you last spoke to Nolan.
You couldn’t handle facing him just yet, so you did what you knew best: shutting out the people that cared about you the most. You ignored every single one of his calls and texts, eventually muting his number when it became too much. You replayed what you imagined he looked and felt like that morning, waking up to a cold, empty bed. It was heartbreaking, but you stayed firm in your decision. As long as you didn’t have to see his face you would be fine.
But of course, Aubrey had different plans for you.
Since that night, you had been more distant from her than ever before. You left the apartment early in the morning, spending your day in class and bouncing between different coffee shops while working. You kept up appearances when you returned in the evening, saying hello and asking her how her day was, but practically nothing else. You made an early exit to your room, citing homework or lack of sleep as your excuse. But she knew you better than anyone else, it was no secret something was wrong. Much to your content, you could only assume that Nolan was keeping your secret as well, knowing that if he told anyone on the team you would be getting an earful from her.
But Aubrey had decided that she was done letting you sulk about whatever it was you were so clearly upset by. The Flyers had been away for almost two weeks and tonight was their first game back home. Thanks to Travis, she had two tickets in hand ready for the two of you.
Before you had even shut the apartment door behind you after arriving home, she was jumping up to greet you.
“Hey!” Aubrey exclaimed as you walked in, “We’re going out tonight.”
You just stared at her confused, knowing damn well you had no intention of going anywhere. “Hey,” you started, “I- I don’t think so, I have a lot to do.”
“No, you don’t. Listen, I don’t know what is going on with you but I’m sick of watching you wallow in whatever it is. I’ve barely talked to you in almost a month, you’re coming with me,” Aubrey snapped. If there was one thing about having such an old friend it was that she always gave it to you straight.
“Where?” You begrudgingly inquired.
“Nope, it’s a surprise,” she answered. If her inkling was correct, whatever had you in this funk had something to do with a certain Flyers centerman and she was not risking you ditching because of it.  
“Fine,” you groaned.
It wasn’t news to you that you had been a horrible friend recently. Despite the anxiety that came with breaking your current routine, maybe a night with Aubrey was just what you needed to take your mind off everything.
A few hours had passed, and you were sitting in the back of an Uber watching the city pass you by. Aubrey maintained the anonymity of the destination, ignoring all of your pleas for even just a hint. But there were some things that she couldn’t control.
Your stomach dropped when you saw where the car was heading towards, the large Wells Fargo Center plastered on the side of the building cluing you in. Of course, you thought, how could you not have known. You had so strictly blocked Nolan and the entire team from your mind that didn’t think to look at their schedule, but now it all made sense.
“Aubrey, no,” you stated, your voice already shaking as you got closer and closer.
“What the hell happened?” she snapped back, finally getting confirmation that your funk was related to Nolan.
“Nothing, nothing happened. I just don’t want to go,” you rebutted, “I’m not in the mood to see everyone, okay?”
“You don’t have to, we’re sitting alone,” she responded, turning her phone on and showing you the location of the tickets. As she promised, they were nowhere near the family boxes.
You didn’t say anything else, instead choosing silence as the car pulled up to the entrance. You both thanked the driver before quickly exiting, a long, awkward silence falling over the two of you as you entered the arena.
You could do this, you told yourself while adjusting in your seat. You could sit through one game, you didn’t even have to see or talk to anyone. If it would make Aubrey happy, you could suck it up and sit down. The two of you had still barely said a word to each other since arriving, and you could see the disappointment on her face. Deciding it was time to get over it, you put your arm around Aubrey, smiling as you instantly felt her relax and place her head on your shoulder. Neither of you said anything, but after knowing each other for so long, you didn’t have to. She knew what you meant.
You didn’t know what to expect, but the second you saw Nolan step onto the ice you were flooded with emotion. He looked tired, like he hadn’t been sleeping much or well, and your heart dropped at the thought that you may have been the reason why. You still were firm in your decision to avoid anything serious right now, but you knew you went about it in the completely wrong way. Nolan was the closest thing you had ever met to an angel, but you treated him like a random one night stand from the bar you barely knew. The guilt had overtaken you over the past few weeks, and seeing him in the flesh wasn’t helping.
It was a relatively uneventful game, the rebuilding Red Wings visiting and not giving the Flyers much of a fight. By the third period they were up 4-0, one of which was scored by number 19 himself. As the horn sounded signaling the end of the game, Aubrey turned to you.
“I was going to go see Travis,” she hesitated, “Do you want to come? Or I can meet you right after?”
“I’ll wait for you,” you encouraged.
Aubrey thanked you, squeezing your hand before getting up and heading downstairs. Instead of going to the main concourse to wait, you stayed in your seat, waiting for the crowds to clear out before you moved. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you started mindlessly scrolling as a distraction.
But your distraction didn’t last for long.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
Your eyes slipped shut when you heard his voice, that same voice that left you weak in the knees. You immediately felt your heart begin to race and your palms sweat. You felt caught. After taking a moment to pause, you finally mustered up the courage to look up at him.
Nolan’s eyes were focused on your own, his hair slicked back and soaking wet still with sweat. He had definitely not showered yet, between the fact that the game just ended minutes ago and his appearance. He was dressed in his undergarments and slides, clearly he wasted no time before coming up here to find you.
“How did you even know I was here?” you questioned back, already feeling yourself on the defense.
“Really?” Nolan scoffed, “Travis told me. How else would I have known? It’s not like you talk to me.” He trailed off, his words becoming quieter.
“Nolan, please,” you pleaded, “Please sit down.”
There was no doubt in your mind that it was time for you to come clean. You could see the pain in his eyes and the hurt behind his voice. He obliged, sinking to sit in the seat beside you, but he didn’t turn to face you. His coldness was evident, and you knew that you deserved nothing else.
“I’m sorry,” you began, “I’m so sorry, Nolan. I- I shouldn’t have left like that, with no explanation-”
“I thought I had you,” he interrupted, “Finally, Y/N, after all those weeks of tiptoeing around it, I thought we were done pretending.”
You could feel the tears burning behind your irises, and it was taking everything within you not to let them out. Nolan’s words broke you, even more than you were already broken.
“Nolan, I wanted- I want,” you corrected yourself, “Nothing more than to give myself to you, but I- I just can’t. I’m not ready.”
“Then why did you sleep with me?” his voice cracked, “And what does that even mean, ‘you’re not ready’?”
“I can’t let myself get hurt again, okay? I can’t do it,” you sighed, finally succumbing to your emotion, “I am so sorry for dragging you into my mess, but I can’t let myself go through that again. And you deserve so much better.”
Your head fell to your hands, hiding your face from him as you cried. Even just speaking out loud your last heartbreak made you a wreck. Deep down you knew Nolan wasn’t capable of hurting you like that, but you wouldn’t let him take care of you anymore. You couldn’t. He deserved someone who didn’t need to be taken care of.
“Y/N,” Nolan hummed, gently placing a hand on your back. He cringed when you jumped at his touch. “Y/N, look at me, please.”
You did as he asked, your red, puffy eyes lifting to meet his baby blues, putting you at ease almost right away.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Nolan murmured, “I don’t know what you think, but you’re not a burden. You’re the complete opposite and I want to show you that. If you’ll let me.” He paused, his eyes frantically scanning your face for any sign of your reaction. You were staring ahead of you, entranced with the ice below as you processed his words. Despite knowing how much it could potentially hurt, Nolan said what he thought he had to, “Even if it’s just as friends, but you can’t disappear on me again.”
You made Nolan feel at peace, like when he was with you nothing else mattered. But no matter how strong his feelings were, he cared for you enough to put them aside if that’s what it took to keep you in his life.
“I don't want to be friends,” you whispered, finally breaking the silence.
As if there was some kind of magnifying force between the two of you, your body lunged towards Nolan’s, your lips crashing together instantly. He was stunned, his body frozen in shock, but within seconds he melted against your touch with one hand on your lower back and the other tangled in your hair. It felt like time stopped in that moment, the only thing making you pull away was the lack of air.
You were both breathless, your foreheads resting against one another. Nolan took both of your hands in his, intertwining his much larger fingers with yours.
“I trust you,” you breathed out.
The grin that spread on Nolan’s face was like nothing you had ever seen before. You matched him right away, smiling as you watched the pure joy and relief wash over. The same joy and relief that you were feeling.
“Does this mean I finally get to take you out?” he asked, his deep mumble making you feel right at home again.
“Maybe,” you teased, “Only if you shower,” you added, pretending to push him off of you.
Nolan couldn’t help but fall into a fit of laughter at your subtle jab. That’s what he loved about you most, the way you could earn a smile or chuckle out of him like no one else.
He stood up from his seat, extending his hand out as he stared down at you. Without even a crumb of doubt creeping its way into your mind, you took his hand. Wrapping your arms around Nolan’s and resting your head against his shoulder, you walked out and into the hallway together.
Nolan leaned down and pressed a gentle peck to your forehead, and for the first time in longer than you could remember, you felt untouchable.
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
It'll Always Be You
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Lee Felix × reader; angst, but with a fluffy ending; 2923 words; lovers to exes and back
A/N So Felix has me feeling all sorts of things today, bc of how good he looked during the performance. So here's a scenario for our Sunshine!
"Here's your order and have a nice day," you smile to the female customer in front of you, before handing a pack of cookies to her child. Once the leave, you let out a sigh and look at your best friend who's cleaning the counter next to you. "All done for today!," you exclaim, to which your friend looks up and smiles, before taking off and folding her apron. "So, what are your plans for tonight?," she asks, making you give her a knowing look. She to her eyes before saying, "How long are you gonna stay cooped up inside your house? The break up was two years ago for heaven's sake, you need to start living your life again." "Hey, I am living my life, it's just that, unlike you, I am not interested in going out and meeting new people every day. I meet enough strangers while working here, so there's no need to go clubbing daily," you shrug.
When all she does in reply is pout, you chuckle and say, "Okay, how about we go for a movie tomorrow? My treat." Her face lights up at that, and she gives you a tight hug before saying, "I really want to meet your ex once though, just so I can break his nose." You giggle "Oh he's dead and gone."
Oh, if only you knew.
Once you send your friend off, you start tidying up your little bakery up. This was the place that helped you get over your breakup, which had been messy to say the least. You had immersed yourself fully in your work, because you knew it was one thing that would never hurt you or break your trust.
You sigh lovingly at the memories of setting up and running your bakery, turning your back against the front door. And just as you are reminiscing you hear the door open, causing you to turn. The moment you do so, however, you regret it, because standing there, staring at you wide-eyed, is your ex, otherwise known as Stray Kids' Lee Felix. You both continue to stare at each other for a while, before he finally breaks the silence (and your trance) by whispering, "Y/N."
You clear your throat, and say, "I'm sorry, but we're closed for the day." He rushes to the and hurriedly replies, "Please, it's rather urgent. My friend Hyunjin is really craving some blueberry pie, and he refuses fo join practice before I bring him what he wants." "I told you, I'm sorry, but I can't help you today. You can come back tomorrow though," you say, not looking into his eyes. "Please Y/N, Chan hyung is getting really angry, he's gonna ground me along with Hyunjin," Felix reasons, and you find yourself giving in to his pleading eyes and pouty lips.
"Fine, wait a minute," you say, making him crack a smile. Boy have you missed that smile of his, you think, before mentally slapping yourself for still not being able to resist him, even though he broke your heart to pieces when he broke up with you over the phone two years ago, telling you that he could no longer do long distance with you being all the way in Australia. It wasn't the breakup that hurt you though, it was the fact that he had found someone better and closer to him, or so he said.
Little did you know, though, that the company had he had never really found anyone else, that he didn't want to find anyone else. The company had made him lie to you when they came to know he was secretly dating. He tried to put up a fight, but the company started threatening him about the group facing consequences. He knew you'd see right through him if he told you the truth, so he had to lie to you in order to make you hate him, just so you could move on in life. He meant well, but he never knew he hurt you so bad that you'd give up on dating and love altogether.
"Here you go," you say while handing him his parcel. He thanks you, while contemplating if he should make small talk. Mustering up the courage, he asks, "How have you been?", while looking down. "Fine," you reply, "Congrats on the comeback." His head snaps up at that, as he says, "I didn't know you knew I had a comeback," "It was all over the news, Felix. Stray Kids are really making it big," you swallow before adding, "Your partner must be really proud of you," complete with a fake smile plastered on your face.
Felix winces at your words, not knowing what to say. In the end, he settles with, "How long have you been running this bakery?" "Since about a month after we broke up." When he gives you a confused expression, you sigh and add, "I was kinda already about to move to Seoul when you told me that you had found someone else. I was gonna surprise you, but you ended up surprising me instead."
"Y/N, I-I never knew. I'm so sorry, I-," he says, but you cut him off. "I-I t-think you should leave," you say, with tears threatening to spill. "Let me explain, please. I swear I'll come clean, please, just give me a chance." "No Felix, I can't give you any chance, you blew it up when you hurt me so bad that it made scared of ever loving again. Please.....j-just go," you say, shutting your eyes close. Dejected, he turns around to leave, but not before saying, "I'm sorry," one more time. Once he leaves, you sink down to the floor, crying. "Why did you have to ruin me so bad?," You whisper.
You don't, however, notice that just outside the door, Felix too, is crying hysterically as he gets into his car.
Upon reaching the JYP building, Felix rushes to the washroom to try and dry his eyes and hide any signs that he's been crying. "I still love you. I never stopped, but gosh, why did I have to be such an idiot to let you go? And that too, in the worst way possible?," he says to his reflection in the mirror, thinking back to your broken expression. Slamming his fist against the sink, he curses at himself.
Once he's finally sobered up a little, Felix goes back to the practice room to give Hyunjin his pie. Though he has half a mind to just call in sick and go home and weep, he knows the group needs him. "Here you go, Hyun," he forces a smile onto his face when Hyunjin thanks him. Chan notices his slumped shoulders, but shrugs it off as tiredness. "Now that everyone is satisfied, can we get back to practice?," he asks. Once all the boys agree, rehearsals begin again, but Felix can't find it in himself to focus. He keeps making mistakes, which finally results in Chan stopping the music, grabbing his hand, and taking him out the practice room and to his studio.
"What is it, Lix? You've been distracted ever since you came back from the bakery. Come on, I know something is bothering you, it isn't like you to lose focus. Tell me what it is," Chan says, sternly but gently, his concern for the younger boy evident. "It's nothing, hyung. I'm just tired," Felix tries to evade the question, but Chan presses on. "I'm not buying that, and I'm not gonna have you distracted during performances or practices, either. I can't risk you injuring yourself or any of the boys, so I'm saying again. Spit. It. Out. Leader's orders."
Felix sighs, running a hand through his hair. After a pause, he finally says, "I saw Y/N today. The bakery, it is owned by them." Chan's eyes go wide at this, since he's the only one who knows the circumstances under which you both broke up, and is also the only one who knows about how much Felix regrets letting you go, in the worst possible way. "What happened? Were they....rude to you? Or did they do something?" "What? No hyung, they were nothing but nice to me. We made small talk, and they told me that they were planning to surprise me by moving to Seoul, when I broke up with them. I hurt them so bad that they are scared of ever loving again," Felix says, taking shaky breaths between sentences as tears welled up in his eyes again.
"I messed up so bad hyung, you know I still love them. They're the nicest, most perfect, most lovable person I've ever known, and I damaged them so badly, gosh I feel so guilty," he breaks down again, causing Chan to wrap his arms around him, giving him a shoulder to cry on. Once Felix calms down, Chan says, "You know what you have to do now, right?" "What do you mean?"
"You say you still love them. You say you're guilty. But instead of telling these things to me, you need to tell this to them. Apologize to them, tell them the whole story. Tell them there was never anyone else, and that it's always been them. You didn't fight for them back then, because you were worried for us. But you can fight for them now, because we got your back. Win them back, Lix. Make up for your mistake."
"B-but hyung, why would they ever want to take me back again? I've been nothing but a jerk to them." "Well, in that case, you can't blame them. But they deserve to at least know the truth. They deserve to know that your intentions were not wrong. If they choose to walk away after that, they will at least have had gotten closure. Who knows, it might help them muster the courage to go out and love again. You owe this to them, Lix."
Chan succeeded in knocking some sense into Felix, as the next day, the younger boy found himself in front of your bakery, preparing a long speech explaining why he did what he did to you. He's so engrossed in his thoughts that he doesn't notice your best friend walk out the bakery and stand next to him. "Uhm, are you okay?," she asks, surprising him. "O-oh, uh-uhm, yeah," says Felix, while noticing her uniform, that's identical to yours. "Do you work with Y/N?" "Yeah, we're friends and partners, and on most days, we work together. But they called in sick today, and told me they'd cover the evening shift. How do you know them though?"
To this, Felix finds himself at a loss for words, but he figures if he's gonna come clean to you, he needs an ally. And what better person than your best friend? So he takes down his mask slightly, making your friend gasp in response. "You Felix from Stray Kids! What are you doing here?" "I-I came here to meet Y/N. We broke up two years ago due to a mistake I made, but I need to explain things to them. They deserve to know the truth." He looks up to see your friend glaring at him, as she says, "That was you? You broke my best friend's heart? How could you? I'm not letting you anywhere near them, you jerk"
"Please, just give me 5 minutes, and I'll explain everything to you. Then you can decide if I deserve one more chance." When your friend doesn't say anything, Felix launches into his own version of things, explaining himself and his actions. Once he's done, your friend is still glaring at him, but he notices a smile tugging at her lips.
"You have been nothing but a complete and utter jerk to them. And honestly, you deserve to get your ass kicked by them. But I know that they still love you, and the way you are repenting what you did tells me that you love them too. So I give you my blessing. They'll be here in the evening at 6, be here before then." Felix hugs her super tight at that, with the biggest smile plastered on his face while thanking her. She adds, "But if you hurt them again, I swear I'm gonna murder you with my own two hands." "It won't come to that, I promise."
Felix arrives at the bakery at 10 minutes to six, and the moment he enters, your friend shoves him into the kitchen, asking him to stay there till you come. Once she leaves, he starts pacing up and down, raking his hand nervously through his hair. He tries to prepare what he is going to say, but gives up when he realizes that it would all go out the window when he sees you.
Meanwhile, the moment you step inside the bakery, your friend pretends to be busy setting stuff up on the counter, and asks you to bring in some things from the kitchen. Unassuming, you start walking towards the kitchen doors, when she notices your swollen eyes and exclaimed "Babe, have you been crying?" You muster up a fake smile and tell him that it's just you not feeling well, but unknown to you, Felix heard your friend, and guilt washes over him again. But he doesn't have time to wallow in it, as soon after, you step in.
The way your expression morphs into one of pure sadness breaks his heart into a million pieces, and when you say, "What more do you want from me?" while holding back tears, it takes everything in him to stop from falling to his knees and begging forgiveness. He tries to speak, but you hold up a finger, indicating you aren't finished. "Now that you've found me again, was it not enough for you to have me admit that what you did to me made me stop believing in love? Do you even want to rub it in my face by telling me how happy your are with your partner? If that is so, then please, just get lost, I'm begging you."
Tears are now streaming down your face, and Felix finds himself saying, "Just please. Let me explain. You deserve to know the truth and my feelings and intentions. If after that, you want me to leave, I swear, you will never have to see me again." You can't look at him, but when you don't reply, he says, "I promise that this is the real truth behind what I did. Please hear me out. I lied when I said I had found someone else. There is no 'someone else,' and there never will be one. The only person I've loved, the only person I still love, is you. It'll always be you."
"The company made me break up with you, and threatened me that the group will face consequences if I didn't do as they had asked. I that that if I outright told you the real reason, it would hurt you. And so, I decided to lie to you in order to make you hate me, even if it broke my heart. But never did I ever think that it would damage you so badly, and I know I've been stupid, but I can't help but ask for you to forgive me, and give me one last chance. I know I've been a total jerk to you, and even now, I'm being nothing but selfish, but I just want you to know that I still love you. I'll understand if you want nothing to do with me, and I'll walk away forever. But you deserved to get closure, and I hope that if you do choose to give up on me, you will now be able to love again, and trust again."
By the time he stops talking, the both of you are sobbing hard. You ask him, "Are you done?" When he nods, you say, "You say that you will walk away if I choose to give up on you. But do you really think I'll be able to give up on you? If I couldn't stop loving you even when you broke up with me in the cruelest way possible, what makes you think I'll stop loving you now that I know that you went through the same pain as me? You knew what the truth was, and you still had to hide it. I can only imagine how hurtful that must have been, Felix. I hate myself for believing your stupid lie, for ever doubting the love you had for me. I'm sorry, and I forgive you."
Felix looks up at you, surprised. It takes him some time to process your words, and when he does, he asks you, "What does that mean....for us?" To this, you shyly reply, "Well, I never stopped loving you, and if you didn't either, then should we give us another try?" Felix smiles the brightest he has in ages, as he slowly comes closer to you. Cupping your face, he wipes off your tears, as you proceed to do the same. "I promise I'll never let you go again," he says softly. You giggle and say, "You'd do well to keep that promise," before biting your lip.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?," he asks. You nod in response, causing him to gently place his lips on yours. And for the first time in a while, you feel like you're home.
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notnctu · 4 years
switchin’ lanes - l.jn | ridin’ club
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━ welcome to the ridin’ club smut series 
genre ➠ slow burn, smut, pwp???, fluff (if u squint) wordcount ➠ 8.3k details ➠  fem!reader, streetracer!jeno, badboy!jeno, college!au,  ━ where you and jeno are in a relationship, but not with each other. warnings ➠ explicit language, cheating, flirty banter, alcohol consumption, drugs, yall at a party, physical fighting (not with you), mentions of cuts/bruises, hickeys, drunk public dry humping, thigh riding, fingering, oral (f/receiving) synopsis ➠ If your boyfriend didn’t decide to join such a stupid unofficial club, then maybe you wouldn’t be in such a sticky situation where Lee Jeno is literally knuckles deep in your sticky situation as he drives you home. Or maybe if your boyfriend actually touched you, then you wouldn’t be seeking it from someone else, who can’t keep his hands off of you. taglist ➠ @rabbit-doyochi ; @darkneogotmyback ; @im-lame-irl ; @p-mini ; @niniluvsmarkhyuck ; @saniahmichael ; @jaehy9ngs ; @danyxthirstae01 ; @jaehyunoos ; @pikijaemin ; @suhweo​ ; @dearlyminhyung​
a/n ➠ hi yall its author doie❀!! i hope you enjoy the series pls leave me feedback lmaoo ill literally take anything. we also hit a milestone for followers and honestly its so crazy to know how quickly this tiny sideblog has grown! we’re so thankful that yall follow us, thank u for lovin us and we will try our best to put out more content!! also through the lens hit 1k notes how is that even possible like wow im speechless thank u for everyone who left such kind comments i treasure every form of feedback :) 
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The heavy double doors of the classroom stare tauntingly at you. The evening setting in, painting the sky with strokes of orange and pink. You managed to remain complaint free the entire day, until your forgetful boyfriend canceled on you because of a club meeting. A meeting for an unofficial club on campus because it is illegal to street race. A club consists of delinquents that are obsessed with cars and steal your boyfriend away from you. 
This is the fifth time this week that your boyfriend stood you up or coincidentally forgot your dates. You can’t remember the last time he physically stood in front of you and not through a phone screen. However, it is not completely the stupid club’s fault that your boyfriend has neglected you. 
He truly is the worst boyfriend ever. He blames everything on his bad memory and does not prioritize you in his life. He loves one thing --- his car. You could be lying in a hospital bed, and he wouldn’t care to check up on you. 
So why did you stay with him? Because you’re scared of being alone? Possibly, but it is a can of worms that you did not want to open just yet. Sex is definitely not the reason you stay with him. He hasn’t touched you sexually since the first and now, last time you two slept together. 
You try your best, to only be waved off with a yawn. He doesn’t compliment you. He doesn’t look at you lovingly. He doesn’t even kiss you for longer than two seconds. You are a toppling tower, ready to crumble at any given moment.
The anger in your body fuels you as you pull the door open to reveal several men in leather jackets chatting away with each other. One by one, they all begin to lay their eyes on who abruptly interrupted their joyous conversations. Your eyes scan the room full of intimidating men, whose auras cause a shiver to run down your spine.
Your boyfriend is nowhere in sight, given that there are plenty enough guys who have the ability to cover him. You walk into the open space and the entire mood of the room shifts. 
Heavy cologne and a deafening silence fill the air. One particular male, who has been eyeing you the entire time, gets up and walks towards you. 
“Are you lost, baby?” Scoffs and chuckles sparsely cover the corners of the room. The unknown male has a jarring cut on his eyebrow, matching a small bruise on his upper cheekbone. 
“I’m looking for my boyfriend…” Your weak voice trails off from the sudden attractive male intimidation. The tall man peers around the room, crossing his arms.
“If you are this beautiful woman’s boyfriend, please fucking come out now. It’s very rude to keep your girl waiting for you!” Initially, his low throaty shout startles you. A heavy heat falls on your cheeks when you register his choice of adjectives.
The whole room falls silent once more, before your pitiful boyfriend steps out from between two bulkier men. “Hey babe, what are you doing here?” His eyes nervously bounce around the room, a shaky laughter erupting from his gut. 
“Sorry, Jeno. I didn’t mean to cause such a scene. I didn’t even see her come in.”
Like a trigger, you remember your intentions for storming in uninvited. Jeno gauges your flaming reaction to your boyfriend’s apologetic words. He nods, not out of acceptance of the apology, but out of disbelief.
He pulls your boyfriend by the collar of his white shirt and your eye widens at the condescending tone that causes your boyfriend to cower, “I’m not the one to apologize to.” With a careless toss, your boyfriend ends up shaking in front of you.
“Jeno is not the only one you should be scared of.” You whisper angrily to him as the rest of the room continues on with their previous chatter. 
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, “listen, Jeno’s been arrested before. You don’t want to get on that man’s bad side.” 
Your eyes wander behind your boyfriend’s hunching shoulders, catching Jeno steal peeks at you too. There is no interest in the other rambling male that stands in front of him. He just wants to check you out a bit more. 
He is the hottest person you’ve ever gotten the attention of. You feel flustered, and a bit flattered at his lingering gaze. His brown hair is slicked back messily, giving you more to admire. Jeno is an absolute cliche from a bad boy fanfiction. He is unreal, and the odd chance that he can’t keep his eyes off of you, is also unreal. 
But with a light nudge from a blue haired fellow, Jeno’s eyes peel away from your’s. They exchange a few words, which then propels Jeno to hurriedly put on his slightly tattered leather jacket.
You lick your lips to the sight of his body lines as he stands up to follow his friend, but not without another look back at you. Noticing your stare still on him, he bids you a tiny wave goodbye with a smirk to die for. And like that, he’s gone. 
“Are you listening to me?” Your boyfriend’s voice finally reaches your reality. Your focus shifts to the obviously irritated expression on his face. 
“I guess, I’m not. Don’t fucking stand me up again or I will key your car.” You aren’t actually those kinds of girls, but your boyfriend didn’t take a threat seriously unless it involves his highly treasured car. 
And like Jeno, you also make your exit out of the steamy room. The chilly night brush against your unknowingly hot cheeks. Then, you take yourself to the only unhealthy coping mechanism you can think of: a place of free alcohol and no boyfriend.
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It takes you a few months to completely stop caring about your dying relationship. You figure how easy it is for your boyfriend to do it, so you make the same decision.
He spends his nights with his friends he made from his club, and has totally become a self proclaimed car enthusiast. You lose yourself in copious amounts of cheap alcohol at your local parties and it’s almost like you stop sulking over a man who kisses his car goodnight.
While being alone did not bother you as much as you had been dreading, the sexual frustration is a completely different issue. You are absolutely drooling whenever your eyes find Jeno in the crowds of sweaty bodies.
If there is one good thing that came out of your boyfriend’s membership in that club, it had to be Lee Jeno and a few other notable people who attended the same parties as you.
He became a very close acquaintance, and you had learned some very important names associated with the Ridin’ Club. Na Jaemin, Lee Haechan, and Huang Renjun. But the three could not compare to the kindhearted Jeno that makes butterflies stir in your lower abdomen. 
Over the months, you also had learned rather quickly that your sexually clouded mind had tricked you previously into thinking that Jeno’s stares were full of lust for you. His girlfriend makes it clear that it isn’t the case.
Although you have caught the couple making out several times when trying to use the bathroom, your feverish, impure attraction toward Jeno never calmed down.
“You’re looking very tempting tonight, baby.” Jeno’s beaming eye smile greets you, even after completely undressing you with his gaze. His arms are wide open to embrace your warm body. 
The parties are always too hot to wear a fully clothed outfit. You often settle for a cute tank top and a short skirt to prevent your legs from collecting extra moisture. Jeno, without a fail, shows up in black jeans that clad his lower half, tucked with a simple white shirt. His tattoos and toned arms being on full display for you to admire. 
“Better make sure your actual baby doesn’t hear that.” The loud beats of the music make Jeno’s chuckle almost inaudible, but his expression remains cheerful, as per usual. “Did you get into another fight?” 
The fresh wound cut through his smooth complexion, which will eventually join the rest of his collection of fading scars. He mindlessly grazes over the new bandaging and dramatically winces. Clearly concerned, you grab his hand away from the injury. “Don’t touch it, stupid.”
His smile curves into a sly smirk, as he intertwines your fingers and kisses the back of your hand. “It doesn’t hurt at all.” His chest heaves into a fit of giggles, “just wanted to see you care for me.” 
Groaning, you shake his massive hand off of your’s. “Very funny. I should start charging you for my attention.” 
“Name your price, I got all the money in the world for you.” He winks, while lightly pinching your cheek. You are lying to yourself if you thought you could ever stay away from him. Jeno stirs up a part of you that craves the cheesy nicknames, flirty comments and the undivided attention. 
He motions you to follow him into the mess of people. Almost as if he’s a god, the crowd parts for you two to walk through without unnecessary extra bodies. The fear that settles in many individuals’ chest is understandable.
Like your first impression, Jeno is a complete walking fanfiction trope. He negotiates better with his fists, usually with good reason. The guns of the Ridin’ Club, though, his friends are very much to be feared as well. They will not hesitate to run someone over, if given the heated situation to do so. And most definitely, you can count them to be backing up their fighter, Jeno. 
You had not been mindful before of the chatter that regarded the secret Ridin’ Club. They are notorious for fast paced very illegal races in the middle of nowhere destinations and tempers that aren’t meant to be provoked. Besides their intimidating aura, it melts away after getting to know them.
Lee Haechan, the most annoying brat, but has the strongest, the most loyal bond to his boys. He’s also notably funny, often making you laugh with an exchange of banter.
Huang Renjun, the whiniest and initially quiet boy, but grows to be one of the loudest and will chew you out if anyone dares try engaging in verbal combat. 
Na Jaemin, the flirty playboy who always has a swarm of girls, but the gentlest man with a soft spot for cute things. 
And finally, Lee Jeno, the owner of your nights. He is the friendliest of them all, despite him being the toughest one. While his stare can kill, melting away his layers reveal the warmest heart. Not that Jeno is the only one to show initial interest in you, but he is the most considerate to the people he holds close to him.
He has taken care of you for many drunk nights and watched protectively over your intoxicated figure in the crowds. He makes you feel safe and seen, which are some of the many reasons you are entirely attracted to him.
“(Y/N)!” Jaemin’s scream pierce your ears the moment the blueberry catches your eye. He excitedly nudges the other two boys, who are busy pouring drinks into red cups.
“You’re going to make me spill it, idiot!” Renjun grumbles, but looks up to see your dazzling smile and tremendous excitement. His own smile grows, “so the life of the party finally decided to say hi.”
“Hi, my fanclub. I appreciate the long awaited greeting.” Your over the top, sarcasm causes all of them to chime loudly. Haechan hands you a cup and wraps his arm around your shoulders. 
Jeno joins you at your side and the five of you clink your drinks to the ceiling. A fit of yells over the music and a competition of who can finish first. As per usual, you set your cup down after draining the entirety. The others are still chugging the burning liquid down their throats. 
Haechan coughs after dropping his cup onto the counter. His face is twisted with the most disgusted contour, “I don’t know how you do it, (Y/N).”
“I already drank more than you guys, so it just tastes like water now.” You scream over the loud music. Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun toss their empty cups into the sink. 
At this rate, you are completely blindsided by the effects of the alcohol as your legs give out to gravity. Jeno catches you quickly, holding your elbows and your head is placed on his shoulder. Jaemin chuckles lovingly, before helping Jeno balance you against the island. Your head feels heavy on your shoulders, as the room spins in front of you. 
“You good?” Haechan pats your head gently, whispering close to you.
“I---” You try catching your breath after being winded. “--It’s hitting me now.”
Jeno wraps his arm around your lower waist to draw you close to him, “want to go sit down?” He mumbles into your hair. You nod, Jeno and Renjun supporting your limp body to walk over to the couch.
The dark living room is lit up only by colorful led lights, but it is not enough to make out much of anything. Everyone is in their own world, dancing and socializing within their own selves. The two men set you down on the cushion, but your impulse catches onto Jeno’s wrist before he leaves. Renjun is already lost in the crowd.
“Can I sit on your lap?” You pout cutely, all the shame in your body has been displaced with courage. Jeno’s eyes soften at your sudden request, and kisses the top of your forehead.
“The throne is all yours.” He says as he sits at your side and pulls you on top of his thick thighs. His arm is loosely dangling around your waist, resting on top of your thighs. 
The intimate position causes your mind to wander into dark thoughts. His strong, sturdy legs feel delicious against your clothed core. While you’ve been in this position once before, you could never forget how protected, yet very horny it makes you feel. 
“What’s on your mind, (y/n)?” Jeno’s deep voice brushes against your bare shoulder and you feel his chest press against your back. “You’ve been pretty silent tonight.”
You turn slightly to face him, “if I told you, I’m scared it would ruin things between us.”
“There’s nothing in the world that can hold me back from you.” He is always so quick to spill such alluring words. His soft lips graze lightly on your skin as his sparkling eyes look up at your expression.
All it takes is one more tiny kiss on your arm to get you grabbing his face, drawing him into a steamy, long awaited kiss. Surprisingly, he kisses you back, open mouth and tongue lapping with your’s. His hands reposition your legs to where you straddle him. Your faces dive deeper into each other’s as the kiss continues to intensify.
Jeno’s lips still have a hint of alcohol, but he mostly tastes like mint gum. And they are comparable to a cloud, the softest lips you have ever made out with. It is like kissing pure heaven, completely different from your boyfriend’s two second pecks. Jeno devours you in a needy way, like he’s been waiting to explore the wonders of your lips. 
However, you pull away when you feel the vibration of his phone against your inner thigh, almost like a wake up call. As if all the liquid courage disappeared, you blink back in shock at Jeno’s plump wet lips. The thought of his girlfriend crosses your mind, and maybe slight guilt for your own boyfriend fills your system.
You quickly start getting up from his hot body, “fuck, I’m so sorry..” But his hands pull you back onto him, your legs finding their way open above his thighs again. 
“Don’t be, I’ve always wondered what your lips would taste like.” A smirk, then a hearty chuckle relaxes your contracting nerves at the potential of a ruined friendship. 
“But, your girlfriend..” Your tiny voice trails off and Jeno picks up your chin. His fingers rubbing along your jawline.
His eyes do another lap around your features. He admires your averting shy eyes, your beautiful lips, and how they all come together to make a stunning you. 
There is no doubt in Jeno’s mind that he is very attracted to you. He knew it the moment you barged into the club meeting. You are his type of woman, a good mixture of confident and timidness. You like to have some fun, and aren't afraid to be bold. Not to mention, that you are incredibly hot and every time you flirt back just makes him melt inside.
“She won’t care. She hooks up with people all the time.” It puzzles you, all this time you had been holding yourself back from Jeno because he has a girlfriend. All to find out that the relationship isn’t as serious as you thought it to be.
“I know, it doesn’t make sense. But we aren’t two people to be tied down, but at the same time, we like each other enough to want to stay together.”
Your confused expression causes Jeno to laugh and ask, “what’s the dilemma with your boyfriend?”
Rolling your eyes at the mention of your boyfriend, you sigh, “it’s like we’re still together, but we aren’t at the same time. We’ve abandoned the relationship unknowingly.”
Jeno runs a warm hand up and down your thigh, while he listens intently to you. He nods, grabbing your waist to pull you over his groin. “I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“No, he’s a shitty person and an even shittier boyfriend. We literally haven’t fucked for the past year. I’m practically a virgin again.” His hand automatically gives your thigh a light squeeze.
Jeno’s eyes light up as you quickly cover your mouth out of embarrassment. A devilish smirk raises his cheekbone, and lust clouds his mind. Gauging his reaction, your cheeks turn hot.
“We’ll have to change that, don’t we? My baby must be all kinds of frustrated. Tell me, do you like when I touch you then?” Jeno drops in tempo, usually when he wants to be more intimidating with a deeper voice. 
You clear your throat intending to speak, but you can only nod your head in response. “C’mon, (Y/N). Use your words, like a big girl.” Even with the loud music and continuous chatter, you can hear Jeno‘s taunting whisper. 
His words tickle your collarbone as he runs his lips against your neck. Your heart is pumping rapidly at the turn of events, as if the possibility of having something beyond a kiss from Jeno is more than possible at this rate. 
Jeno enjoys your small whimpers as he marks your neck with purple love bites. Right in the center of the crowded room, Lee Jeno is just casually giving you hickeys.
“Yes, I love that you can’t keep your hands off of me.” 
Almost immediately, you can feel his lips curve into a smile on your skin. Pop! Jeno marvels the darkness against your skin in the mood lighting. A small part of him hopes you do end up seeing your boyfriend sometime soon, so he can see who you really belong to.
“How about we try touching like this?” Jeno pushes you down hard against his pelvis, the veins on his hands becoming evident from the grip and the tiny drawings permanently staining his fingers.
You gasp the moment you feel Jeno’s hip begin to move underneath you to the beat of the song. He rolls your hips rhythmically to match his speed. His clothed hard on can be felt through the only barrier you have on --- your panties.
The thin fabric is soon drenched in your juices after the continuous friction up and down his length. You throw your head back to every bump against your clit, the electrifying feeling enact more of your wetness to puddle. 
You can’t believe you were grinding against Jeno in the middle of a full party, as if his friends aren’t a few feet away. It is a good thing that your skirt pools around both of your waists to conceal the dirty deed underneath.
Jeno’s lip escapes under his top row of teeth as he rubs his clothed length against your barely covered pussy. He can feel his jeans dampening from your wetness and his eyes roll to the back of his head from how the feeling of wanting you consumes his body. He really becomes uncontrollable when it comes to you. 
This is the most sexual activity you have had with another person for over a year. Jeno just looks absolutely heavenly intoxicated with lust, and your mouth waters at how big his cock must be. You can feel his length the harder Jeno rolls against you, and it is definitely bigger than your boyfriend’s. 
You are trying so hard to stay quiet and unnoticeable, but the pleasure seeps out every crevice. Jeno is trained on you as your hand reaches up to cover your mouth, the muffled whimpers escaping your lips uncontrollably.
“I’m so close.” You admit, your body jolting every time his jean button grazes against your sensitive bud.
Jeno moves you over his thigh, forgetting his incredibly hard dick straining in his jeans. As long as you are satisfied, he can care less about his own pleasure. A low scream erupts from your throat when he flexes against you. 
His thigh is much more stable, with more control for consistency. You quickly notice the dark, wet spot on his jeans and you blush even harder. Your underwear clings onto you from the excessive moisture, but Jeno continues to help you finish.
The strands of hair cover your face, but Jeno needs to see your fucked out expression. He is taken aback when you start riding his thigh faster, grinding harder without the aid of his hands.
His mouth hangs slightly open in awe at your neediness, he truly did not know the extent of your sexual frustrations. Oh, but how he is incredibly turned on by you getting off on him. 
“I want you to cum for me, you deserve it.” Jeno brings you in for another passionate kiss. The mixture of his tongue sucking harshly on yours, and the friction on your clit are more than enough to reach your climax. 
Your legs clenched tightly around Jeno’s thigh. The small knot in your stomach that built, drops like the beat playing in the background. The feeling of white is familiar, but it is more intense than when you would touch yourself. You are finally receiving the pleasure from someone else’s touch, someone who wants you to unravel for him.
Jeno pulls away from your lips, kissing down your neck and collarbones as your chest heaves for air. His palm soothes your shaking legs as your climax subsides. You fall into his arms, and he laughs. The reality that you two just did that publicly registers in both of your minds.
Digging your shy face further into Jeno’s shoulder, he whispers lovingly, “let me drive you home.” 
“Are you still drunk?” The muffled question tickles Jeno’s neck.
“I think you beautifully cumming on my thigh sobered me up.” He jokes and you quickly cover his mouth. Your heart practically stops and you hope no one else heard him.
It is silly that you are now self conscious, as if the whole room didn’t just watch you and Jeno grind on the couch. But, the feeling of embarrassment and regret lingers in your stomach. You mentally thank the dark room for concealing both of your identities.
“I’m sorry for your jeans.” A pout begs for forgiveness as you stare at Jeno’s beaming smile. He takes your hand off of his mouth, not forgetting to give your fingertips a lingering kiss.
“I’m sorry for your boyfriend. He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” Jeno parts your hair from your neck, admiring the marks he left on you. A small sense of pride builds inside of him, accompanied by a tiny bundle of possessiveness.
“Let me say goodbye to the boys and I’ll take you home.” 
Nodding, Jeno carefully lifts you off of him and onto the cushion. He leans over to kiss your cheek. As he gets up, you see the darker shades on his jeans from your doing. However, Jeno is completely unbothered and continues to find his friends.
Now that you are alone, you feel a bit nervous that someone would come up to you and talk about what they saw. Checking your phone, your screen blinds you with absolutely no notifications from your boyfriend. Going on social media is worse, as you scroll to see that your boyfriend posted a photo.
It is a photo of his hot, red polished car. He obnoxiously posed squatting next to the front wheel, his lips puckered up and kissing the rims. With a caption that makes every regret in your body disappear, “with my one and only.” 
The phone is tossed somewhere else, wishing to delete the image from your memory. Your eyes wander around the room, when they spot a suspicious man sneakily dropping a small pill in an unattended drink. He, then, looks up and catches your stare. Caught red handed. 
But the male smugly smirks, “you’re going to pretend you didn’t see that, like how half of this room pretended to not see you grinding on Jeno.” 
“You’re complete scum, I can’t believe you just roofied someone’s drink.” You yell in utter disbelief at the unwavering man. His disgusting smirk changes into a menacing smile.
He approaches you, his height allowing him to tower above. You gulp, scared at how he can easily overpower you at any second.
“And what are you going to do about it? What? Jeno didn’t loosen you up enough?” His revolting hot breath beating down your nose, invading every corner of your personal space. 
Before you can find any insult to speak back, his figure goes flying sideways and out of your face. It’d be a lie to not admit your heart skipping a beat at the sight of Jeno’s clenched fists and locked jaw. His sharp gaze watches as the stranger gets up from the ground, inflammation already growing on his left cheek.
“Dude, what the fuck!” He shouts angrily, holding his cheekbone as he winces at the pain. Immediately, the conversations are replaced with gasps, and small whispers at the sight. People gather around the living room to see the commotion. Even you are unsure how to react to the sudden fight.
The other man lunges at Jeno with full force, but Jeno stops him by grabbing the man’s collar, “this,” Jeno punches his lip, busting it open, “is for dropping a roofie in someone’s drink.”
The stranger groans at the impact, but still gets up with a fist straight for Jeno’s gut. Watching Jeno take a blow is much more difficult than you had been expecting.
He crouches over from the punch, but quickly regains his composure to put the man in a headlock. A few more gasps erupt and wonder if you should stop him before he does something unnecessarily stupid. 
“This,” the man squirms to try to get out of Jeno’s iron grip, “is for disrespecting my babygirl.” And with a shift snap, the male falls limp and unconscious.
A surprised intake of air and Jeno peers up at your scared expression. He calmly walks over to you, ignoring the swarm of people that had gathered around the scene. He can only see one thing — you. Jeno’s wandering eyes try to read your expression, but all he sees is a terrified girl.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, are you okay, (Y/N)?” 
Blinking blankly for a few moments, you are mortified at the laying body, “what did you do to him?” 
Jeno looks back at the stranger casually, “I put him to sleep for a bit. He’ll wake up in about 20 minutes.”
A rush of reassurance washes over you knowing that he is alive and Jeno didn’t just kill someone in front of you. You exhale all the anxiousness and nerves, 
“thank you for stepping in.”
“I don’t fight without a good reason. You are more than a perfect reason to fight for.” He pinches your cheek cutely, and his tough exterior fades away yet again. 
His famous eye smile that warms your insides is back as if the scary, intimidating expression didn’t exist a few seconds ago. Jeno’s good sides only appear with you. Nevertheless, you are happy to know how special you are to see them. 
“Violence is never the answer.” He nods, only taking it for a grain of salt. “Are you okay? It looked like stringbean knocked some wind out of your gut.”
The teddy bear thrusts himself forward into a fit of laughter, his head resting on your lap. His melody lights every dark corner inside of you. “He did get a good punch in there, didn’t he?”
His rumbling laughter stops, and he peers up at you. “I can’t believe you were still worried about a complete asshole.” 
Scoffing, you break the shared gaze. “I’m a compassionate human being.” Jeno stands up, extending his hand for you to take.
“I know, you’re the best kind of person.” He genuinely means it with the way his tone remains quite stern, eye contact unwavering. He is revealing more of his intimate parts, and in return, you wish for him to see your’s. 
Silence drowns out all the commotion between you two. Jeno grows shy at the way the galaxies reflect in your stare. “I--” Never once, did you think you would witness Lee Jeno stammer over his words. “I-I, let’s-- I want to take you for a drive.” 
To Jeno, a drive to him is equivalent to your hand in marriage. Even his own girlfriend has never been on a drive with him. It is a big part of his personality, given that he is a crucial member of the Ridin’ Club. However, out of all of them, he is the last one to flaunt his hobby. It is special, almost sacred to his entire being. 
“Me?” It is the dumbest question to ask, but you really want to clarify his intentions. Before this night, you two were barely considered friends. You two never saw each other outside of the late night parties.
But now, Lee Jeno wants to take you on a drive. It makes you wonder if the desire of companionship is mutual, that he too pines to further your relationship.
“I’m not looking at anyone else,” Jeno still waiting for your hand and holding an intense eye contact. His heart lays exposed for you, just right on his sleeve. An innocence paints his usual intimidating aura, “let me show my special girl, what is special to me.” 
He must possess some magic because he knows every way to make you swoon. And like that, your palm meets his and he locks his fingers between yours. 
The moment you enter Jeno’s striking, eye catching car, you automatically relax into the leather seats. His pristine car matches his personality --- simple, but captivating. Your boyfriend’s car is the exact opposite, which is why you never enjoy sitting in it.
Jeno has pieces of himself that scatter his car, like an adorable small plushie that watches out the back window. A beaded lanyard dangles from his rear view mirror. It even matches his scent of a deep ocean breeze.
Unlike your boyfriend’s obnoxious details, Jeno did not have a light up stereo that flashed annoyingly to every beat drop in a song. Instead, a sweet lilac color illuminates at your feet, along with his. 
“You like what you see?” Jeno catches you astonish at the tiny aspects of the interior. 
“Of course, it’s yours. It’s exactly like how I would imagine it to be.” Jeno is proud, hearing you praise his car. Even he can admit, it is a bit weird to be so connected to an inanimate object.
Nevertheless, his car, racing, driving became a huge part of his life. And unlike his friends, he feels rather shy and slightly embarrassed for being such a geek. 
But hearing you actually appreciating the small details of his car when you probably hate every aspect of racing due to your boyfriend’s doing, it makes him feel very happy.
Maybe happy is an understatement, more like overjoy at how you freely can recognize the things that make him content. You respect him, and are mindful that as mundane as a car is, you know that it is something important to him.
Silence becomes the majority of the ride out of the quiet, suburban neighborhood. While Jeno’s eyes remain focused on the road ahead, you are concentrated on him.
He drives with one hand on the wheel as he rests his elbow on the middle console. His eyebrow creases here and there. It is the most normal, mundane activity anyone can do --- drive. That is all he is doing, yet the effect it suddenly has on you can not go unnoticed. 
Abruptly, with the rev of the engine and a press on the gas, the car practically flies on the empty freeway. It catches you off guard, causing you to hold onto the grab handle. Jeno peeks over at your shocked figure, and smiles to himself.
“Relax, (Y/N).” He calls your name, reaching over to rub your thigh as a way to calm your anxiousness. Automatically, your hand grips onto his for support and the other one drops from the handle. 
Exhaling, your eyes are trained ahead. The car is moving so fast that you can’t even make out anything around you. Everything becomes nothing, but colorful streaks against a dark background. The gravity against your chest feels crushing.
“How-- How fast are you going?” 
Jeno glances at the speedometer and intertwines your fingers into his own. “I don’t think I should tell you that, you might actually have a heart attack.” 
The window rolls down and you are hit with rumbling wind, “I know you’re scared right now, so stick your head out the window and take a deep breath.”
You look at him in pure fear, “what?! I can’t even move, let alone stick my head out the window!”
Jeno shakes his head, “trust me. Please, trust me.” He needs you to experience the same thrill he does. His own adrenaline is through the roof, out the entire atmosphere of the vehicle. The amount of joy he is experiencing became tenfold now that you are sitting beside him. 
You trust him and very meticulously, go against the wind. Your hair crazily dances along with the rush and your eyes water from being dried out. Adjusting to the pressure, you also stick your hand out the window. It whips backward, but you feel the wind slip between your fingers.
The rise in heartbeat and excitement pump through your veins. The beauty in the white streaks that create a runway, it is nothing but you and the open space. There is no other way to explore it, except at a high pace. You understand why Jeno loved it so much. 
Jeno bounces between the road and half of your figure out his window. Your eyes are closed initially, before you barely squint open. Tears fly by with strands of your hair, but you start to move your hand to physically feel the thrill pass between your fingers.
Then he sees it in the side mirror: the sweet curve in your lips he loves the most and the wideness of life in your eyes. It only makes him press the gas harder.
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“That was incredible! You should take me riding with you more.” You marvel at him as he starts the route to your place. It is complete playfulness that hints in your tone because you are aware of how sacred these are to him. Nevertheless, a part of you still hopes he agrees to do so.
Jeno nods, “only because I like you,” He pauses, gauging your reaction with his side eye gaze, “a lot.”
Your heart sinks to an unsettling place in your stomach. Jeno could not possibly be serious, however, his tone no longer matches the playfulness of your own. It almost seems like he is telling the truth. But you didn’t want to believe that. 
Your eyes make a full circle before settling at the disappearing sidewalks, “stay in your lane, Jeno.” It is to keep the mood still light, you and Jeno aren’t ones to be serious. 
His hand has been on your thigh for the whole night, whether it be out of habit or comfort. His touch is always welcoming and warm, but suddenly, you feel the small squeeze on your flesh. Turning your attention on his face, you can see how a smirk has grown. 
“But yours seems much more fun.” Immediately, your stomach leaps with somersaults. Your throat gets dry and tight, not anticipating that response. 
“Beside, you can’t act like we both haven’t swerved. It was barely moments ago that you were cum---”
“---No need to further explain.” 
“And I’d proudly do it again.” His voice drops several decibels and his hand slowly snakes it’s way up your thigh. All the while, his eyes still on the road ahead.
You gulp as every heartbeat constricts your throat. Lifting the ends of your skirt higher to expose more, you secretly want Jeno to cause your legs to shake again. “D-Do what again?”
Jeno perks up to the sweetness of curiosity in your tone. He pulls up to a red stoplight, being able to finally look over to your innocent face and needy hands gripping the cute, thin fabric. He stares deeply into your eyes, “make my baby cum.” 
Similarly to the stoplight, you give Jeno the green light to pull your panties to the side. You spread your legs wide as his finger massages your pussy lips. He gets dangerously close to your erect clit, barely skimming over it. 
A needy, yet delicate moan escapes your lips and Jeno’s jaw tightens. He’s more upset that he’s missing the view of your legs spread, open mouth in ecstasy, half lid eyes all in the passenger seat of his car. He hopes for another red light, just so he can peek over at your delicious figure.
“Jeno, please touch me.” Your voice is airy and desperate. He hummed in response, completely withdrawing his hand from your core. However, you catch his wrist and bring it to rest on your inner thigh. “Please.” 
The distinct beg in your tone drives him crazy. As he dips his finger into your sudden wetness, a shiver runs up your spine. Right when he applies minimal pressure on your bundle of nerves, you jolt and close your thighs around his hand.
One touch already feels too good to be true, that finally someone, Lee fucking Jeno, is actually touching your nakedness. Peering down, Jeno’s arm is flexing in between your legs. His veins popping ever so slightly and his tattoos paint his smooth skin. 
“Open your legs, babe.” His low devilish chuckle rumbles in your lower abdomen. “Let me give you the lovin’ you’ve been deprived of.” 
You shudder at his cadence and slowly pry open your legs. Jeno stops at a red light and gets to see your reaction as he rubs you in a fast rhythmic pace. A soft cry yelps from your throat and you have to grip the handle to keep yourself from spazzing out any further. 
Almost like a trance, he doesn’t notice that the light turns green. He’s locked into the sight of your contorting body. Your hips have a mind of its own, yet again, as Jeno feels you rolling deeper into his touch.
“Poor baby, you’re so touch starved that you can’t control yourself.” 
“It feels better when you do it.” You whine, your lip being bruised from your biting. But your eyes notice the green illumination and you blink over at Jeno.
He is practically drooling at the sight of you, his eyes are trained at your needy hips and dripping wet core that soaks his fingers. You stop every urge to steal more kisses from him.
Jeno briefly recovers from the trance and steps on the gas. He takes this opportunity to ease a finger into the core, causing you to exclaim and squeeze around his digit. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight.” 
“More, Jeno.” The way his name rolls off of your tongue makes his heart flutter and his dick to raise in his jeans. Without much hesitation, he slowly slips in another finger and you moan at the stretch. Pumping and curling, he ensures that you are enjoying every action.
His fingers curl against your plushy flesh and your legs spread wider for him to go deeper. You’re a moaning mess when he curls up to your sweet spot, rubbing his fingertips quickly. The familiar queasy feeling builds in your lower regions, and Jeno becomes merciless with his fingers.
He guides them in and out of you, feeling your tightness release and invite him back in. The sloppy wet noises fill the car and drown out the engine. Your half lidded eyes bounce at Jeno’s unbothered figure and the entire scene seems absolutely unbelievable to you.
One hand on the wheel. The other knuckles deep in your pussy. Eyes focus on the road ahead. A comfortable man spread. His hair is messy from the long night.
It is all too unbelievable, that Jeno’s already giving you a second climax of the night when you could barely get one in a year before. And he loves touching you as much as he loves driving. 
However, the guilty raises as fast as the ball of tension in your gut. You two pull up in front of your apartment building, while Jeno’s tugging his fingers against your flesh aggressively. In a split second, you hold onto his wrist to stop him. 
He shifts into park when the car settles into a spot and peers over to you. A curious expression daunts onto him, rather concern that he might have been too much. “I’m starting to feel guilty.” 
Jeno nods, and retrieves his fingers out of your dripping core. The feeling of emptiness causes all the built up pressure to dissipate.
“I understand,” he begins, but pauses at the sight of your sticky juices glistening on his fingers. Your eyes widen as he licks them clean, a soft moan escaping from the back of his throat. 
The small action spikes your heart rate and you rub your legs together. With a pop! Jeno hums delightfully, “baby, you taste so good. I’m a little sad I won’t be tasting more, especially directly from the source.” His lustful eyes glance down at your thighs and back to your profile. 
“I’ll walk you up to your apartment.” He says way too casually, unbuckling his seat belt. A mixture of emotions are running through your head. There is guilt, but lust is too powerful to ignore, especially when it’s Lee Jeno. The damage is already done, right? It’s not like it wasn’t moments ago that you humped him in the middle of a party. 
“Wait,” your hands find themselves gripping onto his leather jacket tightly. Jeno gently reaches over to release your strong grip and replaces the leather with his hand. 
“Yes, babygirl?” Jeno’s round, friendly eyes meet yours. The lust clouded darkness is no longer there. His hand feels hot and somewhat rough. 
“I’m going to break up with my boyfriend, so promise me, you’re not going to dip out of my life afterwards… I don’t need you to be anything more than a friend. I just can’t lose you too.”
He turns around in his seat to face you comfortably. “I don’t think you’ve noticed, but I can’t stay away from you, let alone have the ability to leave you.” He reassures you with a soothing and calm tone. His thumb draws circles around your knuckles. “I’m always going to be your friend, whether or not I know how you taste.” 
“Do you still want to try it … you know, from the source?” You shyly ask, an innocence embodying your gaze and voice cadence.
Jeno raises an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips. “I’d love to, only if you let me.” 
Instantly, you shift to get on your lower back. Jeno watches as you excitedly position yourself open for him and actually finds your eagerness quite adorable. Your left leg bends behind the driver’s seat and your right rests on the dashboard. 
He hooks his arms underneath your thighs to pull you forward towards him and your whole body slides against the leather. With a slow lift, your skirt reveals your drenched panties. Rolling them off and tossing them to the back seat, he lays eyes on your still dripping pussy. Jeno takes a second to admire your flower, this being his first time he’s seen such a private part of you.
“You’re beautiful, you know that right?” He chuckles deeply, before his tongue licks a long strip up to your clit. You exclaim out of the tingling pleasure that seized your insides.
He flattens his tongue against your bundle of nerves, flicking and circling. His finger enters your pussy again, curling up to rub at the same pace he is licking. The pure sight of Jeno’s head in between your legs is enough for butterflies to explode. 
His sole motive is to make you feel good. There is nothing else in the world that he wants at this moment beside pleasure to overtake your body. Jeno eats you out like he hasn’t had a meal in months. His mouth wraps around your clit. The mixture of his flicks and sucks cause electric bolts to run down your legs. 
You get more wet as Jeno pumps his finger in and out of your hole. Your juices are practically dripping onto the interior of the car, but Jeno doesn’t care.
He fucking loves it. He loves the taste of you lingering on his tongue. Your breathless moans. Your waterfall dripping on uncontrollably. The view of you unwinding because of him. Nothing can be more perfect. 
Running your hands through his messy locks, you press him closer into you. A devilish smile draws on his face as he flicks his tongue side to side. “Oh, fuck! I’m.. so c--close.” 
Your back arches upward into Jeno’s mouth, feeling his muscle lick harder and faster on your throbbing clit. He adds a second finger, and the simultaneous stimulation practically throws you into another dimension. The pleasure overtakes your entire lower half, your legs trembling from pure ecstasy as you approach your orgasm.
“Don’t stop, I’m going to---” Then, Jeno pulls away and shoves his tongue into your warmth. A gasp hits the air as he also continues to rub circles on your sensitive nerves. His tongue fucked your pussy incredibly skillfully and deliciously. With this switch, your legs violently shake and try clamping together.
However, his strength holds you wide and open for display. A low grunt follows suit as his dark eyes zone in on your contoured facial expressions. Then, the white light blind you once again and the ball of tension unravels itself on Jeno’s tongue. Squirming and screaming, your hips buck forward on their own. 
It is close to being too catastrophic, this being the most intense orgasm you’ve had after a whole year. Nevertheless, the satisfaction is right on the tips of your toes and you greedily indulge in the euphoric moment. Jeno feels your walls squeeze around his muscle as he laps every last bit of you up.
He is absolutely addicted to your juices, making sure he catches every drop. Finally pulling away, he wipes the extra drip on the back of his hand. Jeno blinks at your raising chest and limp legs. Chuckling, his warm hand massages feeling back into your body.
“Do you want me to carry you back up?” His hoarse, raspy voice wakes you from your post orgasm daydream. You flutter your lashes at him fondly and happily nod at his offer. 
Getting out of the car, Jeno walks over to the passenger side and your arms rest nicely around his neck. His palms support your butt, but also smoothing your skirt over to cover your decency. A poke against your outer thigh makes you realize that Jeno is strained against his jeans.
“I can take care of you too.” You pout cutely at Jeno, but he shakes his head.
“It’s not about me tonight. It’s about you.” Leaving a soft kiss on your cheek, his eyes turn into moon crescents from his lovable smile. The kind, friendliness makes an appearance again.
Or so you think! In a sheer second, Jeno’s deep voice rumbles your stomach and his hooded eyes pierce your soul, “next time though, I’m fucking you real good, babe.” 
You hum in response. Saliva collects in your mouth, already looking forward to more of Jeno. But a chilly draft brushes up your exposed area as Jeno carries you up the flight of stairs.
“Wait, Jeno… I don’t have my underwear on.” The ‘Level 3’ sign is in view as Jeno turns to walk. 
He only laughs and shrugs nonchalantly, “it’s better that way anyways.” Without another word, he continues upward to your floor and you playfully punch his solid chest. In all honesty, that’s not going to be the only time you leave behind your panties in his beloved car. 
Your hatred for the notorious Ridin’ Club subside after such a wild night. If anything, you owe it all to your shitty ex-boyfriend for joining such a ridiculous club. Without him and the club’s existence, who knows if Lee Jeno would’ve still swerve into your lane. 
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Stress relief
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mind your bisnuess I’m working through some shit 
Atsumu x reader
warnings: smut, just- so much smut, Oral, car sex, fingering, Daddy kink, degradation, marking, ass play, dirty talk,Brat taming, slut shaming AND virgin shaming (we got it all folks), hair pulling, cum play, creampie, breading kink, drinking/ Drunk sex, angst annnnnd swearing. 
word count: 4,800 (about) (yes really get off my back)
summary: Atsumu is a dick, but he’s got a good dick at least you have no idea how mad I am I’ve already used the title Enemy with Benifits. 
“Are- Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked, Atsumu just shrugged. 
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you what’s your deal?” he said casually. You took a deep breath. You had been trying to work on your anger issues, Not blowing up on people over nothing. But this really felt like something worth blowing up over. 
“Myia, be honest with me, do you think I’m stupid?” you asked. He smirked.
“I think you’re a lot of things babe-” you stood up getting in his face jabbing your finger in his chest cutting off his no doubt horrendous flirting. 
“You fucking ripped off you’re entire part of the project! How the fuck did you think no one would notice?” you shouted. You had known this was going to be a train wreck the moment Atsumu was assigned as your partner. He was such a fucking moron, he’d only gotten into this College because of his sports scholarship. You would have been better working on your own.
“I cited the article I copied, what's the deal?” he snapped, the volume of your voice irking him. 
“That’s not how this fucking works you can’t just hit copy-paste and call it a day the point is you come up with your own ideas, although in your defense I’m not sure you’re brain could manage something like that,” you shouted. He sneared. 
“I’ll rewrite it just stop being a bitch alright?” he scoffed, turning to leave your dorm room. You wanted to hit him, how dare he call you a bitch when you were just looking out for his dumb ass. Even high schoolers knew you’d be expelled for plagiarising. Once Atsumu left you slumped back in your seat looking at the presentation open on your laptop. You were already so busy but somehow you’d have to find enough time to do half of the project unless you wanted to fail that was.
“Hey, you’re working with (y/n) on your project right?” Osamu asked, setting his volleyball up in the air over and over again. 
“Yeah, they totally blew up on me today so now I gotta redo the whole thing,” Atsumu sighed 
“They’re hot though,” his brother said. Atsumu smiled to himself, remembering your angry face as you chewed him out.
“Really hot,” he agreed. 
“Are you gonna fuck them?” 
“Of course, they might an asshole but they want me,”
“Hey (y/n),” you looked up at the sound of your name only to groan seeing Atsumu run towards you. He had clearly just come from practice, he was still in his jersey. Fucking jocks. 
He probably thought he looked hot, with a light sheen of sweat that made his skin glow and tousled hair. He did look hot, it made you want to kick his shins. 
“If you aren’t going to tell me that you finished your half of the presentation I don’t want to hear it,” you snapped.
“Well then you aren’t going to be happy then but there’s a game this weekend, you should come, cheer for me,” he said winking. You rolled your eyes. 
“I was already planning on going, but you’re nuts if you think I’m gonna cheer for you,” you snapped, still a little heated about your last encounter with him. 
“And why not?” he asked, smirking, it pissed you off. You just knew he thought he looked so cute smiling at you like that. 
“I cheer for winners,”
You and Atsumu were at each other’s throats for the rest of the year. Atsumu Gave up on his plan to sleep with you and you gave up on your anger management, at least around him. If other people were in this situation they might stay away from their sworn enemy, but not you two. 
You made it to every volleyball game just to tell Osamu how great he did and how handsome he was looking today. Atsumu sat next to you in every class you shared talking your ear off making sure that you didn’t learn a damn thing. 
It was annoying as hell, you wanted to strangle him, but it was nice in a kind of way. If you were stressed or pissed off you could drag Atsumu as a little fun. And even if nothing else in your life was going right. You could always count on this blonde dick to be the worst to you. 
“Damn we had the exterminator here last week but there’s a roach right here,” Atsumu sneered over the thumping music at the party. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“You need to look up more insults you’ve already used that one,” you barked back, normally seeing Atsumu would be enough to dampen your mood but the booze must have been doing its job because you still felt all light and buzzed. 
“Beer?” he asked, holding up a bottle for you, ever the gracious host. 
“I’m good,” you said holding up the can of seltzer you’d been drinking out of it was fruity and only had a little bite to it, you were already on your third one. 
“Right I forgot that a baby like you couldn’t handle the taste of beer,” he scoffed, he was closer now, towering over you and pressing one of his forearms to the wall by your head as he leaned over you, shielding you from the rest of the party. You never realized before how big he was. Tall and wide. Muscular too, it was no wonder half the people at the Volleyball games creamed themselves just seeing him. 
“You’re such a dick, why do you always have to be so mean?” you asked before even realizing the words that you’d spoken.
“You aren’t exactly nice either princess, besides that’s how this works, that’s our dynamic,” he said. He must be pretty drunk too. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. 
“Still, how do you expect anyone to put up with you when you’re such a douche bag all the time?” you said the anger you associated with Atsumu finally setting in. 
“If it works it works, I mean you’re obsessed with me,” he said. You gagged and shoved his chest, he didn’t move, god how strong was he?
“Fuck off I hate you, why would I be obsessed with you? God you think that the world fucking revolves around you. How could any-”
His lips met yours effectively shutting you up. His hand came up cupping the back of your head and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, pressing your body against his and dropping your drink so your hands would be free to rake through his hair. You weren’t nice about the kiss either, your teeth gnashed against his when he tried to push his tongue into your mouth. You bit his lower lip and tugged at his hair, moaning against his mouth when he did the same to you. 
He broke away breathlessly, still holding you close to his body while you caught your breath. He was so pretty his cheeks flushed his lips wet and glossy. God, you wanted to kiss him again, even if he tasted like beer and he had been right in his assessment that you weren’t a big fan of the taste. 
“Good to know theirs one way to shut you the fuck up,” he teased. You groaned in frustration pulling him back down into another kiss. This one was just as passionate and fierce as the first. He pushed you against the wall and pulled up one of your legs and forced it around his waist so he could grind against you. You shuddered feeling him rut the seam of your jeans against your clit. 
“Woulda fucked you a lot sooner if i'd known you made such pretty noises when you were touched,” he muttered reaching up and palming your breast through your shirt. Atsumu started kissing, or maybe biting was a better word. The top part of your neck even pays some attention to your jaw and earlobe while he humped and groped you. 
“I knew you were a pervert but I never knew you were filthy enough to fuck me out in the open like this,” you gasped, tugging at his hair. You could feel your panties get sticky with your arousal and you wanted him to take you out of here and fuck you already. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck you?” he asked, pulling back so he could look at you and smirk. You smiled back, the fight wasn’t out of you yet. 
“Why would I do that? I’d rather sleep with someone who could make me cum,” you spat and his grin quickly fell, there was a competitive fire in his eyes that you normally only saw when he was playing.
“Oh Daddy’s gonna make you cum you fucking brat, I’ll make you squirt, you’re gonna cry with how good my dick feels,” he growled in a low voice you’d never heard before and suddenly you were regretting your comment. 
“Daddy?” you snorted
Atsumu detangled himself from you and grabbed you by the wrist tugging you out of the frat house and to his car. You shook your head and broke free of his iron-clad grasp. 
“I know you’re stupid but this is a new low, both of us are way too drunk to drive,” you shouted. Atsumu just laughed at you, opening the back door to his car. 
“We aren’t driving dumbass now get in,” he said. You bit your lip and slid into the back seat shortly followed by Atsumu who locked the door behind him. 
The seat wasn’t large but it was big enough to move around in. He pressed you onto the leather upholstery, your legs bent and splayed out at an awkward angle to fit him between them. He went back to kissing you sloppily while his hands went to work taking off your shirt and bra. 
Your nipples hardened once the cold night air touched you. “Wanted to suck on your pretty tits for the longest time,” he groaned quickly lowering his head, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while he fingered the other twisting and pinching it. You yelped when his teeth grazed over the bud. His eyes flicked up to yours and he let go of the spit-soaked nipple blowing on it lightly making you shiver. 
“How long has it been since you’ve been fucked huh? So many guys want to fuck this sweet little pussy but you’re too stuck up to let that happen.” he snears sucking the other nipple into his mouth. 
“Bet you’re still a fucking virgin,” he said speaking around your mouth. 
“ I a-am not,” you whined, you’d lost your virginity in high school, but you really hadn’t gotten fucked since then. 
“Oh listen to you whine you totally are,” he scoffed 
“No I’m Not!” you protested he let go of your nipple and kissed you again threading his fingers through your hair and pressing your face to his. 
“Shut up you fucking virgin,” he said sweetly, before pulling off his shirt, and before you could admire his chiseled chest he distracted you by biting your neck again. You pressed your hand to the center console to keep from slipping off with one hand and clinging to his shoulders with the other. 
Atsumu deftly unbuttoned your jeans and shoved his hands in your pants touching your through your soaked underwear. You felt him smirk against your neck but he didn’t make any remark about it. Good thing for him too because you could feel his hard prick pressing up against your thigh and you were ready to drag him for it if he commented on your own arousal. 
God, you could feel his cock. It was big, heavy, and hard, pressed against your leg. You wanted to see it, touch it, feel it inside of you. He’d pushed your panties to the side now so he could push his large fingers inside brushing against your velvet walls. 
“A-Atsumu,” you said, pitching your leg up to rub against his dick.  “I want to suck your cock,” you whimpered. You felt him twitch. 
“Here I thought you were a virgin but you’re just a slutty whore aren't cha?” he growled against your neck picking your hips up and yanking your pants down your legs leaving them pooled around your ankles leaving you to kick your jeans off completely. You felt a little stupid naked except for your shoes but Atsumu quickly distracted you by folding you in half pressing your knees to your chest and leaving your pussy completely exposed. 
“I’ll fuck your throat later, right now I gotta make you cum remember?” he said playing his hands over your thighs keeping g you folded before lowering his head and diving into your folds like a man starved. 
Just like he kissed you, he was mean about it, sucking so harshly that you cried out and spanking your cunt just to make you jump. The only time he pulled back was to spit on your asshole lubing it up enough to slip a finger inside. 
“Sumu please,” you cried out as he filled you with his tongue pressing against your G-spot over and over again while he pinched your clit. You weren’t even sure what you were begging for. He just hummed in acknowledgment, whatever you were begging for he wasn’t going to have it. 
“Daddy,” you pleaded, finally caving. Atsumu smiled to himself. He wasn’t nice but he did reward good behavior. 
He switched it up sucking your clit into your mouth and plunging the fingers of his clean hand, the one that hadn’t just been your ass, inside of you curling up and pressing against your g-pot over and over again until you came screaming so loud that you were sure people back at the house could hear you. 
“See didn’t that feel good slut?” he cooed condescendingly. There was a pool of cum beneath you soaking into the leather seats. Good thing this was Osamus’s car. Now all he had to do was make you cry. 
“I-I’m not a slut,” you whined. 
“Oh? Which is it? Are you not a virgin or are you not a slut?” he asked, squeezing your cheeks. You didn’t know how to respond. 
“Well I think you’re a slut, Daddy’s little slut,” he snapped. 
There was a dark stain of precum staining his jeans where the head of his cock was leaking he quickly shoved down his pants and boxers before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You hovered above him as he pumped his cock in his hand running the head of his cock through your soaked folds and bumping your clit. 
“You’re gonna be a good whore and ride Daddy’s cock right?” he asked, lining the head of his dick up with your entrance. You bit your lip and nodded, shakily lowering yourself down on him. Atsumu hissed feeling your tight heat wrap around him. 
You gripped his shoulders feeling how well he filled you up, the tip pressing against your cervix. You took a minute to adjust before lifting yourself up on your knees and started to fuck yourself onto him. 
Atsumu brought you close and kissed you again, one of his hands slipping between your bodies to stroke your clit while you bounced up and down on his cock.  You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he touched you. He filled you up so well, you had teased him about not being able to get you off but even you couldn’t deny how good it felt to have him so deep inside of you. 
“You feel that baby? You feel Daddy pressing up against your Cervix, I’m going to blow my fat load right into your slutty little womb,” he snarled his hips snapping up to meet yours. You whined, throwing your head back in pleasure, almost hitting your head on the headrest. 
“Gonna knock you up, gonna stuff this slutty pussy with cum,” he growled, he was talking more to himself but you couldn’t help but shudder at his words. You were on birth control but you desperately wanted him to fill you up. 
“Are you gonna cum princess?” He asked, “I can feel your cunt squeezing my cock like that, you’re gonna cum.” He was right, you could feel a second orgasm welling up in your core as his cock pulsed inside of you. 
“Atsumu-Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned kissing him sloppily, your hips faltered when you came but Atsumu’s hands went to your hips moving your body for you as he chased his own high, true to his word he came deep inside of you filling you up and pressing his cock against your cervix. 
You collapsed against his chest gasping for breath. He ran his hand soothingly over your back. 
“You look tired, you wanna crash somewhere babe?” he asked. 
“We’re still too drunk to drive,” you murmured. 
“I have a buddy in the frat house, I’m sure he’ll let me steal his bed for the night, especially for a cutie like you,” he said. You pulled back to look at him.
“You had a bed here this whole time and you still made me fuck you in the car?” 
When you woke up your whole body hurt. Your head ached your eyes stung and your body was littered with bruises. You didn’t even want to check in with the lower half of your body. You groaned sitting up in bed clutching your head. Then you felt the bed beside you shift, you froze remembering how you’d ended last night. 
Atsumu cracked one eye open and his face split into a huge grin. “I had the best dream last night-” he teased you and moved to hit him but he caught your wrist and flipped you on your back pinning you to the bed. 
He hovered above you his breath hitting your face in soft puffs. You leaned up and kissed him, suddenly you were a mess of limbs and hands trying to tear each other’s clothes off while you kissed. You hissed as his fingers grazed the bite marks on your neck. 
“Go easy on me I’m still sore,” you complained. Atsumu smirked.
“Did I wreck you that badly baby?” he asked, teasingly grinding his morning wood on your leg. You shuddered. 
“Shut up and fuck me asshole,” you demand. He tugged off your underwear and hooked your legs over his shoulders. 
“As you wish your majesty,” he scoffed and slowly pushed two of his fingers into you
Your cunt ached and it hurt to feel his fingers prod you open, but soon the pain dissolved into pleasure as he continued to finger you. 
“Such a pretty wet little cunt, so wet and sticky for me,” he purred, “you like this slut? You like getting fingered first thing in the morning?” he asked. 
“Do you like humping my ass like a fucking dog first thing in the morning?” you spat back. He grunted and roughly jerked his finger up hitting your G-spot making you cry out your back arching off the bed. 
“That’s what I thought,” he scoffed before completely pulling his fingers out and sticking them into his mouth sucking on your juices. 
“I’m not gonna fuck you if you keep being mean,” he said shoving down his own clothes 
“Shut up, I bet I’m the only one you know who lets you get your dick wet,” you growled. He snapped into you in one swift motion. You cried out your nails digging into his shoulders. It hurt but the pain sent a rush of endorphins making you moan. 
“Really you think that I could fuck you like this without any practice dollface? Don’t forget you’re the virgin here,” he teased drawing his hips back before ramming back into you. This pace was much harsher than what you’d set last night. You were helpless, and entirely at his mercy, he had you folded in half, and you could only moan and scratch at his back. 
“Imna fill this cunt with cum, nothing better than emptying my balls in your warm cunt first thing in the morning,” he muttered to himself as he continued to fuck you. 
“Already?” you teased.
“Fuck off or I’ll fuck you until you pass out,” he threatened. 
“Hurry up and make me cum, I’ve got shit to do today,” you snapped. 
“God do you ever stop being a bitch?” he asked, pulling out of you and flipping you over, jerking your hips up and sliding back into you. you moaned feeling his cock hit new sweet spots. You arched your back pressing your hips to his and burying your face into the pillows. 
The bed creaked with the force of his thrusts, the headboard hitting the wall with a loud bang. Atsumu brought his hand down on your ass making you jump, it stung and you were reminded of his killer serves that you had seen so many times. 
“There, no more bitchy comebacks? Have you gone braindead on my cock?” he mocked spanking you again. 
“Daddy!” you pleaded. Your thighs trembling as wetness dripped down your legs. 
“Awe theirs my sweet little slut, ready to be good now?” 
“Y-yes,” you whined desperate to cum.  Atsumu grunted and finally went easy on you, rubbing your clit and easing into you in slow, deep thrusts until he felt your pussy cream around him. 
“There you go baby,” he said pulling out of you, his hard cock dripping in your juices. “You still want to suck on my cock?” he asked. You bit your lower lip, embarrassed at the memory. You shifted on the bed settling in between his legs taking the head of his cock into your mouth and wrapping your hands around the rest of his dick. 
You licked softly at the slit in the head picking up the bitter precum with your tongue.  You slowly took more of his cock in your mouth hollowing your cheeks out around him. His dick was just too big for you to fit completely into your mouth so you moved your hands up and down his shaft while you took as much of him as you could, swirling your tongue around the head. 
“You’re doing so well baby,” he moaned, smoothing your hair back from your face. “I didn’t think a virgin like you’d be so good,” he teased. You glared up at him as you continued to suck his dick but you resolved to bite him if he made a comment like that again. 
“I think I like you better like this you’re so pretty when you shut the- OW watch the teeth,” 
You could taste it as the precum dribbled out of his cock smearing over your tongue, you were getting used to the bitter taste and it wasn’t that bad. You pushed your head down pressing his cock to the back of your throat suppressing your gag reflex. 
“Fuck, baby just like that i’m going to cum down your thoat,” he groaned his hips stuttering upwards pushing his dick down your throat deaper making you choke. Atsumu didn’t care,he was moaning loudly as his hips spasmed up into your mouth. 
You choked when his semen flooded your mouth. “Fuuck,” he sighed, pulling out of your mouth. You sluptered trying to catch the mess that bubbled out of your mouth. 
“Ah, swallow what you can baby,” Atsumu said, whipping your chin with his thumb. You did as he asked, choking down what you could. He pushed you back on the bed kissing your neck, his lips running over your bruises, 
“I like you like this, we should fuck more often he teased,” you shoved his chest, but weakly, it was clearly just for show. You didn’t want to admit it but you agreed with him. 
You kept seeing Atsumu after that. He was a little nicer with you normally. Or at least, he saved his mean side for the bedroom and was a little sweeter to you. If you were a little more naive you might have even started to fall for him a little bit. 
That was the Chliche right? You start out hating someone but then after a few nights of passion you were in love?  Bullshit, it was all Bullshit. 
you knew Atsumu hadn’t changed, and he wasn’t exactly saving himself for you. You couldn’t count how many times you’d walked in on him making out with some random chick, you’d even walked in on him while he’d been balls deep in some other girl. 
That being said, you hadn’t changed either. you still had a temper like no other and were quick to snap, especially at Atsumu. You didn’t have many friends who put up with your bullshit so why would He even fall in love with you?
You shouldn’t be in love with him. He was an asshole, a heartless fuck boy. So why did you like him so much? why did it sting when you thought about how hopless your whole situation. 
It sucked, this whole thing was just awful. That being said, you still jumped at the chance to see him everytime he called, you really were hopless. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Atsumu drove. You didn’t recognize this street and you knew you weren’t going to his place. 
“It’s a surprise,” he said. You scoffed and crossed your arms. He pulled into a parking lot and you were surprised to see you were at a park. 
��What are you going to fuck me on the slide?” you asked, following him out of the car and into the park. 
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, me and my brother would play here,” he said, ignoring you and walking to the swings, you followed. 
“And I still come here a lot, it’s a good place to think and it’s just a really special place for me,” he said sitting on the swing and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. 
You did, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. “I don’t like where this conversation is going,” you said furrowing your eyebrows. It was almost the middle of the night so it was dark but you could still see the dopey lovestruck look on his face. 
“Stumu, you’re not supposed to call me for stuff like this,” you said unwrapping your arms around his neck, you were going to get off his lap but he wrapped his arms around his waist keeping you there. 
The two of you had agreed only to call each other when you wanted sex, this mushy romantic shit was defently not sex. 
“You’re so pretty baby, let me be nice to you,” he said kissing you and you melted into him, just like every time he kissed you. 
“You’re never nice to me,” you protested. He reached under your shirt groping you. 
“Because you never let me,” he protested. 
“What’s with you?” you asked, grabbing his wrist and shoving him away from you. 
“I love you,” he said. You couldn’t deal with this right now, you got off his lap and started walking back to the car
“Take me home,” you demanded.  “I don’t want to talk about this,” you said. 
“(y/n)-” he said running in front of you stopping you. 
“Please, I know you hate this shit, but please can we talk,” he pleaded taking your hands in his, 
“You can’t just say shit like that Tsumu! We’re not supposed to love each other we’re supposed to fuck and get under eachother’s skin and fight that’s how this works!” you shouted.
Atsumu kissed your knuckles, seeming to ignore your yelling. 
“We didn’t used to fuck either, we used to just get under eachother’s skin,” he pointed out. He wrapped you in his arms. You pressed your face to his chest and you felt your cheeks get wet with tears. You hiccupped and sobbed,  trying to keep your emotions bottled up was hard.  
“I love you,” he said again.  You shoved him and whipped your face. 
“I don’t want to do this Atsumu, take me home,” you demanded. He deflated. 
“Okay baby, let's go home, I’ll be waiting, when you’re ready,” he said rubbing your shoulders and taking you back to his car. 
You drove in silence. You hated this. Yout hated him. Atsumu was a playboy, an idiot and an asshole who only cared about Volleyball. You just wanted to insult him and fuck him to blow off steam. You weren’t supposed to fall for him. You weren’t supposed to love his cocky smile and his stupid jokes. His stupid flirty remarks weren’t supposed to make you blush. 
“Baby?” he prompted you blinked and saw you were sitting in front of your dorm building. “Hey,” he purred, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You didn’t need him to tell you that he loved you, you could tell every time  he did something like this. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. 
“I really wished we’d had sex tonight,” you whispered. He laughed. 
“fuck am I really that ireaistable doll?” he teased, pinching your cheek as he pulled away. 
“I do love you Atsumu, I just- I just don’t know what to do about it,” you admitted. Atsumu smiled lazily. 
you meant it too, you loved him so much. but it was impossible to get the image of the time you walked in on him sleeping with another girl out of your mind. Was that what it meant to be in a relationship with him? If so then you weren’t going to do it, you weren’t signing yourself up for that kind of heartbreak. Maybe you should just give up on him and block him. 
“Like I said. I’ll wait for you, and next time I promise we’ll have the best sex of your life-Not that’s a hard bar to clear you virigin,” he teased. You smiled and playfully hit him in the arm. You got out of his car and walked into your building as he drove away, and at least for tonight. That was enough. 
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