#a little stupid on many subjects and so i would prefer to have people who know what they are talking about
anthonycrowley · 8 months
i think more people need to learn when to shut up. celebrities in particular but also just people in general.
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moonit3 · 8 months
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➥ warnings/notices: yandere, gn! reader, harem (both of men and women), obsession, mentioned pregnancy, reader isn’t straight, mentioned children, nudity but nothing too much, the retired emperor (your father) wants grandchildren.
➥ synopsis: maybe a harem isn’t a bad idea after all, not with a bunch of people wanting to be yours.
➥ yandere! concubines harem x gn! reader
➥ a/n: here it is, my friends. an entire piece of a bunch of people obsessing over chasing the reader and able to anything to make you their. as the people has speak, the harem consists of men and women to let you guys choose or imagine about the concubines. I don’t what to say more, so enjoy it!
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inheriting the throne of the empire, father and the council decided that you should get married soon as possible, which wasn’t bad. you already expected to enter a marriage like everyone told you so, but you didn’t expect that father would send a bunch of concubines to the palace…why did he do that? is he crazy?
according to him, it would be beneficial to the empire to have more connection with nobles of the territory and other people from other part of the world. but also that he desperately want grandkids to be running around the palace and since you are unsuccessful in striking a conversation, father is more than willingly to help you. he is lucky that you love him, because you were ready to choke him for those stupid actions.
things gotten worse by the time you receive the many proposals from people that are willing to join your harem, it’s shocked you a little. many nobles, foreigners and even politicians are offering themselves to become your concubines.
many palaces were build or reformed to be home for those who were assigned to enter your harem. the walls of golden, silver and other expensive material are a great to show how the leader of the nation isn’t above to spend his fortune to accommodate the people that will be part of their daily life, but it’s also a remind that none should interrupt the emperor/empress in their work, but some of those concubines ignore that.
it’s easy to find the most boldly and shameless people from your harem inside your office, whispering to your ears things that none should say during work hours and trying to move their hands to your lower parts. that irritates you, they are supposed to be bothering you on your free hours like you expected, but they don’t care. your beloved concubines knows that you don’t have courage to punish or exile them for their actions, aren’t you a sweetheart? so they often try to make a move on you when you less expected.
one of those unexpected moments was during your bath, when you prefer to be alone and peace that didn’t last long. a man and a woman appeared from nowhere and they were complete naked, showing their intimate part to you. before you could disappear or command them to leave, the men with white hair made you take a seat on his lap while the woman, with green hair, wash your body, speaking that someone so hard working like you should take a moment to rest with them.
your mind quickly remembers whose the two are, both of them are foreign knight who joined the harem not a long time ago. the scars they carry on their skin that tell stories of fights and conflicts, sunburn marks of spending hours under the sun working to archive the body of a warrior and good looking who could easily choose anyone to marry if they weren’t part of the harem.
neither of them dared to take things further, knowing that you are almost on the limit by having two concubines in your private bathroom, but that don’t stop them from trying to strike a special subject with you. asking if you already chose with who you will bed first and who will be the one to carry the first born/make you pregnant.
the two questions were enough to make you overthinking, how could you forget such an important thing and the main reason why there concubines? you need to give the throne a minimal of four potential heirs (father’s words) and for that, you need to choose at least three concubines.
with the bath ending, the two waved goodbye as they didn’t want to intrude your personal chambers when they notice how focused you got by his words. you didn’t saw the smiles on their faces, you failed to realize their plan is working and nor you perceived how the others concubines whispered to each other about the incoming rumors about you.
“it seems that our beloved is finally choosing someone to bed with them! it’s my chance to show myself to them!”
“w-will they take my consideration? the letters i wrote for them might work…”
“maybe they will choose more than one. the retired emperor said he wants at least four heirs from different people, so everyone has a chance!”
many days that were wasted to talk with father about the potential candidates were a lot, the old man couldn’t stop talking how happy he was when hearing yours words. “im going to be a grandfather! can’t you see how much proud am i to finally see you taking the first step to being with someone? i promise to help you raising the little ones!”and for next couple of hours, he didn’t stop talk about the potential scenarios with the hypothetical grandkids that he will spoils with no end.
when father finally stopped talking and went to retire for the rest of the night, you walked back to your office with the intention of finish paperwork that is meant for next month, but you found someone there. one of the tallest ladies of the harem with white curly hair that reach her chest and a dark skin that reminds of you callas lilies. a beautiful, no… a gorgeous woman stands in front of your with her hands holding your chin to look up at her starry eyes.
“my dear,” her voice is sweet as honey, but you can hear the undertones of it, holding back her true energy and you know she is more than a pretty face. “is that true of you choosing a concubine to bed with?”
“y-yeah.” you stuttered. why you did? you never did that before. “everyone knows it, why the question though, my lady?”
“because i was hoping to be the first one to experience it.” she whispered, holding your face closer to her chest, feeling how soft its feel against your cheek. “would you give me the pleasure of being your first, my dear?”
she is a bold one. unlike others who works at the shadows, manipulating and even killing those who are in their paths, the second born of the grand duke knows how to use her charms to enchants you to open your heart to let her in. her starry eyes are too bright to the darkness to the room, but you don’t move away from her gaze, at least not on your own.
a knock on the door reveals another concubine and it’s a familiar face, but also an old face from your childhood, the general. one of the greatest things to ever happen to the empire and responsible to bring many territories to the throne, he is also part of the harem. to think a powerful man like him left his own land to become a concubine for you is extraordinary, but worrying. none of them spoken, just keep staring at each other for minutes until the woman left the office without saying a word, but not before kissing your lips, it tasted like strawberries.
alone with the general, he step closer and guided your hand to his chest, letting you feel his heart skipping faster and faster just by your touch. his cheeks are burning red, an unlike view from the so called the coldest man of the empire, and when he opens his lips to speak, you can’t help but feel surprised.
“would i be selfish for asking to be the only one inside your heart? i can’t help myself when others talk with you, none of them deserve to be around you and touch you, but i do.” his face get closer, too closer to your lips. “give me a chance to show my love. give me a chance to be responsible for the first heir of the empire. let me be the father of your children and please, let me stay at your chambers every single night for the rest of our lives.”
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@moonit3 writings
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wanghyunjiin · 11 months
— red lights, hhj. part 1.
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pairing — yandere!hyunjin x fem!reader (ft. stray kids)
genre — college au, art student hyunjin, starts fluffy, gets progressively darker, friends to lovers (if you really squint at it maybe?)
warnings— (for future chapters, this one is v tame to start off) stalking, obsession, violent thoughts/actions
note - I haven't written anything new in a while and i've honestly been a little anxious about starting this so any feedback would be great, show some love if you feel so inclined ♥️ most of all, i just hope you enjoy!
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Hyunjin always dreaded the first day of a new semester.
It was a nightmare for any introvert. All new classes, not knowing any of your classmates, trying to get there early enough to find the seat you want. It was all just a pain. Especially in a major that was majority female.
He wasn’t stupid.
He could feel the eyes burning into the back of his head almost constantly on campus. The girls—and sometimes guys too—would gather in huddles, staring openly at him as he walked. All hushed whispers and giggles. They tried to hide it with their hands in front of their mouths, as they spoke of how handsome he was, but were still plenty loud enough for him to hear.
He’d formed some level of infamy within the art department, borderline fangirls, they wouldn’t often try to actually confess. Most of them would admire from afar—not far enough in his opinion. So, even though he preferred to keep to himself, Hyunjin would have to make nice with his classmates that were brave enough to try and make conversation with him, while dealing with the heavy glares of envy from the girls who were too scared to approach him themselves.
The pressure of being watched often turned people–mainly men–off from trying to talk to him on a casual, friendly level so he hadn’t made many friends during his time at the university. Luckily he already had a few that had stuck by his side from childhood that were still around.
Today was a good day though.
Hyunjin knew it would be a bit easier than the rest of the week because he only had one class on Thursdays and it was in the morning, so once this was out of the way he could just go home and relax. Until tomorrow.
Glancing up from his phone, Hyunjin’s eyes traced over the room numbers as he walked along the narrow hallway. 
102… 103… 104… Bingo.
The door was already slightly ajar so he didn’t bother knocking before stepping into the classroom. Hyunjin always preferred to be as early as possible on the first day of class, especially on the first week of a fine art class when choosing a good seat would usually be indicative of how the rest of the semester would pan out.
Too close to the front and he would get picked to answer questions constantly, too far to the back and he would have a hard time seeing the subject for workshops. The second row was perfect, and currently empty.
Hooking his bag over the back of his chair, Hyunjin sat and pulled out his phone once more, allowing himself a small distraction from the staring classmates that felt as though they would burn holes in the side of his head before the class had even started.
The class started like any other, as expected. The professor introduced himself and outlined expectations over the semester–which Hyunjin couldn’t help but get impatient with, wasn’t that the whole point of the syllabus? Why waste a whole class just talking about everything they’ve read in prep for the class instead of just getting into it?
Professor Lim pushed off from where he was leaning on his desk and clapped his hands together, “Alright class, well it looks like that’s all we have time for today. If you have any questions about any of the projects you’ll be working on for the duration of the semester, or anything at all that comes to mind, feel free to wait behind and ask away. There’s no such thing as a stupid question!” 
Yes there was.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Hyunjin scooped up his belongings, dumping them back into his tote, and slung his bag over his shoulder. Making a beeline for the door, he was almost out of the class before someone stepped out in front of him, head tilted down to avoid eye contact, pink washed over her cheeks.
Hyunjin fought off the impatient roll of his eyes he felt coming on and sighed softly to himself, waiting to hear whatever she had to say.
“H-hyunjin, I don’t know if you remember but last semester, we had a class together… It’s not important if you don’t remember but I just wanted to say I’m really glad we’re in the same class again and I look forward to seeing the beautiful pieces you’ll make this time… I hope you have a good day…” Her voice trailed off, getting down to almost a whisper by the time she was done talking.
Well, that was actually a surprise.
He nodded slowly, now that she was looking into his eyes he did recognize her, “Hmm, Soyeon? I remember… your art style was pretty unique. Yeah, I’ll see you next week.” A small smile softened his features as he waved goodbye, leaving her frozen in place starstruck.
Walking out the door, Hyunjin chuckled to himself hearing Soyeon’s friends run up from their seats, squealing and cheering her on for getting the courage to talk to him.
The rest of the week went as it usually did, the last day of class for the week on Friday, and then the weekend was spent going back and forth from being either holed up in his studio room or, at Chan’s place.
Hyunjin’s oldest friend had started making a songwriting career for himself in high school and somehow saved enough money to buy an apartment which he now shared with two of their other friends, Minho and Changbin. Having his friend’s place close by was nice, giving all of their friends a designated hangout spot or somewhere to escape to when they needed it.
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You had never really gone above and beyond in any class before.
Yes, you got your work done and yes, you got good grades—but impressing your professors had never felt like a major goal for you. So, when your life drawing professor from your last semester reached out to you and asked you to come back and model for a class this semester, you were surprised, to say the least.
You had thought about saying no, but when Professor Lim had offered to write a recommendation letter for the internship you were working toward in exchange, it was a no-brainer.
Arriving a few minutes early to the classroom, you walked in to see only a few students setting up their supplies and chatting quietly among themselves. A couple of them turned to look at you, once they heard the door creaking open.
Two girls near the middle started whispering, while glancing back and forth from you to each other.
Their eyes followed you once they realized you weren’t getting set up at an easel, watching you head over to the professor to greet him.
“Hi, Professor Lim. Where would you like me to put my stuff?” You asked, smiling warmly.
The Professor greeted you, getting up from his desk to help you get yourself set up.
So, here you were taking your shirt off, and holding a white linen sheet in front of your chest because you had rejected the idea to go full nude.
Even with the recommendation letter.
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Hyunjin walked through the door about two minutes before class started, not wanting a repeat of his exit last class. He hated small talk, and couldn’t handle the staring for longer than necessary.
Settling into his seat after organizing his brushes, palette, and bag in their places, Hyunjin finally looked up, and he felt the world freeze around him.
Time stood still as he took in the sight of you.
The way your hair fell so perfectly around you; the loose waves like the ebb and flow of the ocean cascading around your frame. The soft curve of your shoulders sloped down in front of you shyly, drawing his gaze to the way your fingers gripped the linen sheet in front of your chest gently, covering you enough to preserve your modesty but still show teasing glimpses of your beautiful curves.
After a moment, the sound of his phone clattering to the ground brought him out of his trance-like state. It also brought the attention of everyone else in the room. Twenty pairs of eyes bore into him, but Hyunjin couldn’t pull his gaze away from yours.
Concern furrowed your brow, your lips parted slightly, as you watched his phone slip through his fingers to the ground. The look on your face, while it contorted your features, couldn't take away from your beauty.
The whispering of his classmates all faded into a buzzing in the background, like bees searching for pollen as he was mesmerized by the river, basking in the beauty of the sunset reflecting off its surface.
Nothing else mattered.
Just you.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC interview
Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck here and @leahnardo-da-veggie here!
Rules: answer questions as one of your OCs!
This time, I think I'll go ahead and do Lexi!
Are you named after anyone?
“Not that I'm aware of. My parents just really liked the name Alexia. And honestly, I can't blame them! It's a good name. I mean, there are so many variants on the name Alexander. Like I could've gotten Alexandra but that seems a little...I dunno, much? Much. Alexis doesn't...feel right. For me, like, I think Alexandra and Alexis are fine names for people who aren't me. Regardless, I definitely prefer the name Lexi. Alexia feels a little awkward to be called on, like, a regular basis. Again, for me. I'm rambling. The point is, no, I don't think I'm named after anyone.”
When was the last time you cried?
“This morning. I couldn't find my pink pen. Yeah, I know it seems stupid and immature to cry over a pen, but, like, it wasn't like I was upset that my pen was missing, it was the fact that I was stressed over losing it because my pink pen is used to color-code my English assignments. And there's a lot of English assignments, y'know?”
Do you have kids?
“I am in middle school. Middle. Schoooool. Who's even thinking about romance? That'll come with time. Like, high school. And kids much later. Like, after college. I don't have to worry about that right now.”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“I dunno. I don't have a record. Sometimes?”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“...everything? I dunno, I look at them, and I see them. The whole of them. Is this an attraction question? I already said I was in middle school! I guess height. Like if I look at them, it's either up, down, or straight ahead. Height.”
What’s your eye colour?
“My eyes are brown. Not much to say about them. They're pretty dark brown. My sister has bright blue eyes that really standout against her skin and hair. I'm not jealous, actually, it's just an observation. I happen to like my dark eyes!”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Happy endings, of course! I love a good happy ending. I mean, sad endings make me sad. Scary movies can have happy endings, I guess. This is a strange question haha. But happy endings.”
Any special talents?
“Well, I am first chair, first violin in my orchestra class! I think I'm a good leader. Usually take the lead on group projects. Um...oh, duh, I play the violin. And I also can organize stuff really well. Good color sense, I've been told. Uh, I gotta garden! It's small, but I wanted to have an out doorsy activity. Brings my anxiety down.”
Where were you born?
“Uh...here in Texas, I think. At least that's what I was told. *Gasp* There's a chance I was born in Alium! I need to ask my pia about that...”
Do you have any pets?
“No. I wouldn't mind one! A dog or a cat would be awesome. Maybe both!”
What sort of sports do you play?
“I don't actually play sports. There'd be a few issues to convince those in charge, anyways, to get me a different uniform. I have haphephobia - I don't like people touching me - and the more skin I show the higher the risk and my anxiety goes up more. So for now, no, we don't want to deal with that. I ride my bike sometimes. If I were to play a sport, it would be either volleyball or tennis, and definitely cheerleading - those girls are so nice!”
How tall are you?
“I am 5'1, meaning I'm about average for my age!”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“Oh! English! I like learning new words - I always have. Phonics may have been my favorite in elementary school! We don't do that a lot anymore, but we still learn a lot more about language. Also, may be biased because all my friends are in my class this year. Well, not all of them. Three of them. Mr. Flanagan also let us choose our groups at the beginning of the year, so I'm always with them!”
What is your dream job?
“I. Am in. Middle school. Why would I be thinking that far? *Sigh* I guess...I dunno, maybe journalism or counseling? I feel like that'd be fun.”
Other interviews: Wade, Jazlyn, Gwen
Other Lexi: OC in fifteen, OC in three, OC questionnaire, two truths and a lie, Picrew, blank bingo
Tagging @somethingclevermahogony @melpomene-grey @squarebracket-trickster @writernopal @writeintrees
@winterandwords @ceph-the-ghost-writer @elizaellwrites @tabswrites
+ anyone else who'd like to play!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites @nebula--nix
Blanks below cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
^ for easy copy/paste
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dicebound · 25 days
System Wars
So system warring in the hobby has taken a weird turn since the whole WotC debacle. I shared two different posts kind of touching on the subject, that I agree with in some manner or the other. Let me lay it out for you: No one should be shamed for their preferred system. This hobby is about fun & games and people should be allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. If you only wanna play 5e, fine. If you'd rather play anything else, also fine. If you're shaming people for their preferred system you're doing more harm than good.
A little homebrew here or there also does not mean someone needs to play something else instead. Everyone has house rules.
However, treating 5e like it's a universal system that can run any genre of game is insane. There are literally thousands of games out there that already do what your homebrew D&D 5e conversion would do and more, save yourself the energy and just play that. Additionally, Most systems you could play as an alternative to D&D are way cheaper, if not free in comparison to the massive tomes WotC puts out each year. Many of them are just as supported if not more so by their creators in the form of digital tools and add ons too. If you are affording new purchase of 5e books on the regular, you can absolutely afford to branch out into other cheaper systems. A dogmatic devotion to D&D is what contributes to WotC's stranglehold of the market share. This fear of learning new systems in the hobby is bad for players, bad for GMs, and bad for the hobby's health. If you've genuinely tried other systems and still prefer 5e, Great! Have fun! If you're a person who wants to play a genre conversion for D&D (think Pokemon D&D! One Piece D&D! Fallout D&D!) - I recommend you grab one of the numerous games specifically designed to capture that genre rather than putting a D&D square peg in a round fallout hole. If you're a player in this scenario, then shame on you for demanding your DM go through the hard work of converting an entire genre into 5e just so you don't have to learn a new system.
Some of my favorite mechanics and favorite sessions at the table have come from sessions of Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Call of Cthulhu, City of Mist, Pathfinder 1e, etc. I've even carried minor game design back into my 5e games to make them better too. There is space for both. 5e Players and Other System Players are brothers and sisters in gaming, and we should be uplifting and challenging each other - not fighting and demeaning each other.
5e players aren't stupid, and you're not some leet gamer because you play Pathfinder or GURPS instead. 5e also isn't God's gift to gaming. Expand your horizons, but enjoy what you like. Catch flies with honey not vinegar. Telling people they have BRAIN DAMAGE FOR ENJOYING 5E is beyond the pale and insisting there's NO POSSIBLE WAY I COULD EEEEEEVER learn a new system is just laziness to the point of idiocy.
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kcokaine · 4 days
[affectionately, btw pronounce if i may ask]
Your art it's soo good !!
Like i love it so much that i wish i could eat them cause they look as soft and plump as Marshmello.
The art style, the anatomy, the colors, the original design (from clothes to the hairstyle to the actual body design ex. Kojiro ), the entertaining backstories and the fact that they look "flexible" ------------->
--> like when they're moving or put in certain position,that it's not egyptian pharaoh statue , they do look soft and natural, which isn't something to be taken for granted , cause it's harder then many people think it is.
For example if you're a beginner artist trying to draw, you're subject moving you may, the first times, obtain the "it's moving/doing an action, but it looks static" effect (like it's posing, i know it sound stupid because it's a drawing). BUT in your art there's not this "effect", which make you're art even more appealing to the eye, yeah that's exactly what i wanted to say, like i could just have said ------
"I LOVE LOOKING AT YOUR DRAWINGS, BECAUSE IT'S SO SATISFYING" and it would have summed up everything. Well opsie
• Btw just one little critique about you're blog :
Lemme begin with the premise that I don't shame no one for they're sexual preferences and the things they enjoy doing in their intimate times, BUT DAMN why you're blog full with frustrated anonymous people with their butthole plugged with an 8 inch tentacles dildo.
Like okay maybe it's me, who doesn't find having a stick up their on ass appealing. But geez their mothers didn't love them , and shows, which is a shame cause they would have adored me.
To summon up this last part :
I find ridiculous and hilarious, people mad about you're art /blog in such a personal manners like chill man, you're rent is not going to increase if someone want to draw their oc in certain way and modified a canon story in another.
Good luck reading all of this , cause i wouldn't.
So much love
- Milfy
I forgot to respond to this cause it just had such impact on me that i didn' know what to say (i still dont know😭) but thank you SO MUCH!!! These kinds of things just keep me going man im so glad you enjoy my work this much. It will endlessly motivate me knowing there are people i inspire. Im sorry about the horny anons, its kind of weird when they make the sexual advances towards me personally, like gooning over my ocs okay but i dont appreciate direct things aimed to me. It flatters me but idk, kinda makes me feel uncofrtable Also thank you again!!!
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its-moopoint · 8 months
C's last IG follow is psychotherapist Esther Perel who wrote about ways and means to close the conflicting gap between 'the erotic and the domestic' spheres.
She's also following others in the same realm and I believe the reason is her upcoming adaptation, producing, directing and possibly acting in Sarah Crossan's novel Here Is The Beehive. This is very likely the reason why. She's reading books that deal with this subject matter in preparation for the movie.
Shippers though, already made up their own theories based on an imaginary SC relationship rather than a clear future project, already in the works.
Book's synopsis:
""You made me very bad, Connor. And I am so glad." Ana and Connor have been having an affair for three years. In hotel rooms and coffee shops, swiftly deleted texts and briefly snatched weekends, they have built a world with none but the two of them in it. But then the unimaginable happens, and Ana finds herself alone, trapped inside her secret. How can we lose someone the world never knew was ours? How do we grieve for something no one else can ever find out? In her desperate bid for answers, Ana seeks out the shadowy figure who has always stood just beyond her reach - Connor's wife Rebecca. Peeling away the layers of two overlapping marriages, Here is the Beehive is a devastating excavation of parenthood, betrayal and loss."
Shippers' take and by the way is one of the worst S ass kissers and C haters.
@luckydogsgroove Let's not forget how both of those marriages ended. I am afraid that Cait wants to apply all that feminist BS in their marriage and wants a family with Sam but she wants her independence and her career more so she is frustrated over stupid shit like voicemail, which is just the way she vents her harboured feelings of self-pity while having the love of the ultimate provider and sex God who would breathe for her, if he could or if she asked.
Cait does not like voicemail. She prefers texting but our Sam said there’s more feelings transferred over with voicemails rather than text. (I’m just grinning here imagining how he leaves his voicemails especially when Cait admitted he always begins his voicemail with “How are you” and I can think of a thousand ways he follows that with) SC did resolve the issue!
Cait also follows, I believe- or used to- Terry Real. He is probably one of the best marriage therapists ( and worked with Bradley Cooper, Gwyneth Paltrow and a whole bunch of actors.)
"to close the conflicting gap between the erotic and the domestic spheres? As in too many children, too little privacy at home? Or is it too much sex at work and too little at home?
Sick people. These bunch of loons are sick and projecting their own marriage failures to a fanfic couple that doesn't exist and what's worse, to a real family.
I hope all the garbage they spit comes back to them x10.
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coffeebanana · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @ladyofthenoodle and @kasienda
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, although my middle name is a family name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I think a few weeks ago? I watched "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" and KJBSDFKBJD. Like that movie is such a fun mix of WTF is even going on craziness and contemplating the point of existence and exploring complicated family feelings and the end is weirdly heartwarming--particularly the interactions between the mother and daughter, which is what really got me. And I was watching with one of my best friends and like right after the movie ended he was like "if we were rocks you'd be the googly eyes"--which makes no sense if you haven't seen the movie but that made me cry again because kajdfbksjbf it was so oddly sweet. (Though that was a mixture of hysterical laughter and crying ajsdjfsvjhv in a good way though!)
3. Do you have kids?
nope. maybe one day if i ever get my life together LOL
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
idk if it's a lot?? though i'm probably single-handedly responsible for teaching my brother sarcasm (he's 7 years younger than me so when he was learning would have been right as i was entering those peak sarcasm years LOL)
sarcasm is still deeply engrained in me though, and i nowadays when i use it i definitely pay more attention to how people react to it (ie whether they picked up on it) because i tend to deliver it in a very matter-of-fact voice. like, one of my favourite stupid sarcastic comments to make is whenever something weird weather-wise happens i'll be "but thank god climate change is fake, right?" and KJABFDKSJBD i've gotten some WEIRD LOOKS saying that one around ppl who don't know me that well and then i have to explain myself 😭
5. What sports do you play/have played?
i used to figure skate!! my mom was a coach when i was growing up, so i would joke that i lived part-time at the ice rink. it was kind of inevitable 😂. but i was never good at the jumps. i prefered ice dance or synchronized skating (think synchronized swimming but on the ice)
and i also used to play hockey!? very different environment LOL and my hockey teammates would sometimes tease me for showing up to a game in a dress after skating practice on days i had both but it was all in good fun
now...now i really SHOULD do something kajsdkbfsj
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
i...really have no idea.
7. What’s your eye color?
hazel? i think?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. scary movies don't really freak me out but i guess i just find them sort of...low-reward? i'm not a movie person to begin with because it's hard for me to get invested in the characters in such a short amount of time. with horror movies that's even harder because they're all about shock value instead of getting to know the characters
9. Any special talents?
i am very very good at puns. does that count? 😂
10. Where were you born?
canada. on the west coast
11. What are your hobbies?
when i have energy/motivation i really enjoy cooking (or baking, but with baking i have to actually measure ingredients and with cooking i just sort of go with the flow). my new apartment is going to have space for a dishwasher--which really is the most exciting thing in my life right now--so i'm hoping that motivates me to cook more!!
12. Do you have pets?
yes!!! i have a ginger cat and her name is Curie (namesake Marie Curie because i'm a proud little nerd like that). I love her she's so stupid and has tried to eat plastic TOO MANY TIMES but every morning and night she will curl up on my chest when i'm in bed and she's just a precious bean
13. How tall are you?
5'5.5 (166cm). but i would have been taller if my spine had known how to grow straight 😔
14. Favorite subject in school?
science!! i had the same science teacher in high school from grades 8-10 (aka the only teacher in the french immersion department who was really qualified to teach it 😂) and i ADORED HER. from day one i was hooked--like she even made syllabus day fun. so i owe my love of science in part to her, really.
in university i realized i liked chemistry best amongst the sciences, so that was my major. and my favourite class i ever took was intro to quantum chemistry (which is really just quantum physics but the math was geared more towards what us chemistry students were familiar with)
15. Dream job?
okay, avoiding the typical "i do not dream of labour" answer...i really don't know. which is a problem. like i genuinely have no idea what i could do long-term that would actually make me happy and i just hope i figure it out at some point akjsdkfsjbd ... I feel like I was not supposed to leave paragraph responses for some of these but akjfkdsjbgd i can admit i like to talk about myself, okay? Anyways! I think I can find 15 mutuals who as far as i know haven't been tagged yet.
@ck2k18, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, @redundant-lava, @maridotnet, @celestialtitania, @talkstoself, @saiikavon, @sunfoxfic, @rosiesared, @mexicancat-girl, @tiredfloridianbutverygay, @fortuna-et-cataclysmos, @zenniaphoenix, @eggothemusicalwaffle, @bocadelicate
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all-eyes-no-dragon · 1 year
How about we try reincarnating/isekaiing someone who isn't a salaryman or otaku NEET
Let's isekai a jock who cant believe this shit is happening, someone who doesn't know about anime or game tropes and doesn't immediately assimilate to the new world
Someone who won't just ignore their past life to the point where viewers even forget they're from another world because it just isn't relevant
Isekai has a lot of potential but they keep using the same rinse and repeat tired dry formula
Isekai people and not have others swoon and randomly fall at their feet for absolutely no reason despite the MCs having personalities as flavourful as the sand in the sandbox at the play park
Isekai more women, old people, little kids, uh college students maybe? I don't think I've ever seen a college student be isekaied before
Where's "I Just Wanted To Get My Degree In Archeology But Now The Prince From Another World Won't Stop Proposing Because He Thinks I'm A Goddess"?
Where's "Grandpa Retired But Fell Down A Hole So Now He's The Ultimate Baker In Another World"?
Where's "My Parents Hired A Fairy To Come To My Birthday Party But It Ended Up Being The Real Deal And Now I'm Stuck In Another World"?
Where's "I Scour This New World, Searching For A Way Home"?
Personally, "I Don't Have Time For An Adventure, I Need To Be Back By Dinner" sounds like a charmer to me.
Down with lookalike bland harem protagonists with no personality, dimensions and the exact same jobs (or in the case of the lack thereof)/hobbies (gaming, or however they want to spin it). Heck, these guys are basically all going to the same worlds as well so they've basically all got the same stories too. A shame.
This is why people hate isekai, which I think is a shame really, cuz I love the concept. Just,, I prefer to cherry pick the genre for gems
Side note: let isekai protags say weird shit that no one understands because
👏 cultural 👏 barrier 👏
C'mon, this is a different world, there's gotta be some basic stuff the protag might say and be met with blanket stares
Like in re zero apples are called appas
Totally small stupid and inconsequential but u look stupid af if u call it anything but an appa
Now, if u were reincarnated and had to grow from a child, I suppose u would have time to assimilate to the culture.
Ugh, but I wish they would let reincarnations stay kids longer. If their old world is gonna become obsolete, I want to see them slowly lose that. Forget people's faces, the names of their coworkers, what street they lived on. Forget the smell of their favourite flower, the taste of their favourite food. Forget what the texture of jeans feel like. Make me feel emotions.
Let's see them weird out their new parents by not being used to the New World's culture. Let's see people shrug off them accidentally talking about stuff because wowiee, kids say the darnest things
Stop having isekai kids gather 10 wives at the tender age of 9 :)
I like the MC of the webcomic "The Beginning After The End" 's stance on the dubious subject of having romantic relationships as a reincarnator (or at least, I like it so far. I'm mid 100s into the comic so idk if they about to switch up)
Basically the MC died as an adult so he sees all the kids "his age" as children and he even said a line about how he would be a criminal if he got romantic with one of the girls who like him 🤣
I guess it's up to self perception? Like, this body is 13 but my brain is 45. Which am I actually, then?
Let reincarnators be confused about this as well, cuz even irl people debate this a whole lot (cuz it's just one of those "well, technically" things. I think the fact that we even have to go "technically" to excuse it is a bit of an ouch tho)
I'm open to other views and counter arguments on any of the things I've just said, tbh. These are just some things I think are missed opportunities. Like, people will keep watching and watching it even if it's the same thing (why do you think there's so many "Peter Parker's Field Trip To Stark Industries" fics? People will continually consume the same thing slightly tweaked if they like the premise enough). I just think changes to how we approach isekai might bring in some new viewership and increased positive opinions on the genre
Also, the comically long titles are a fun thing but I know some people abhor them. They want titles that are creative and don't basically just summarise the show's premise. Because, with a title like that, it shows a lack of creativity and ingenuity. Not to say that it needs to be toned down all the way, just reduced to keywords.
"Undead Unluck"
"Spy x Family"
"Dragon Ball"
"First Night With The Duke"
"Little Shop Of Horrors"
"Villain To Kill"
"Pride & Prejudice"
"Cirque Du Freak"
"Mirror Image"
(Yes, I did just write down the names of random things I like. 3 animes, 3 books, 2 webcomics and a,, movie/play(?) I watched it as a play, anyways. okay, the 3animes is kind of a lie, I'm impatiently waiting for undead unluck to come out as an anime. ive never consumed any content for it but the trailer)
These titles give you a vague idea of important symbols/things in the narrative, no? But you don't know exactly was going to happen.
But I'm only speaking for some people, I find the long titles to be funny and a bit intriguing. Of course, I wouldn't mind some good old fashioned original names being brainstormed. These thoughtlessly long titles allow all these different producers to just pump out what is, at its core, basically the same ideas, just switched up a bit so the homework doesn't look copied
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lardygaga · 2 years
I’m so tired of people trashing the dark pictures anthology because they’re blinded by their until Dawn nostalgia glasses.
Like just say you’re bad at these games and don’t like them because you don’t pay attention and move on. Maybe actually collect clues and analyze hints as opposed to being lazy and you’ll enjoy them
I’m convinced the Until Dawn fanboys don’t like decision based games- considering UD only had about 3 decisions that impact the story. Not saying I dislike until dawn because I do like it, but if I see one more person say “iT dOeSnT fEeL lIkE UnTiL dAwN” I’m going to scream. Go play until dawn???
You’re allowed to subjectively dislike the games… but not if you don’t put in the work. Maybe it sucked simply because you and your choices sucked.
Man of Medan was fantastic. It was scary, and it was the first game to emphasize co op. If you played this game solo your first time, that’s your fault. Sure, the twist can be seen coming if you’re paying attention. However, I’ll never get over my friend killing me and me thinking I died to the grim reaper. It was awesome. The number of endings, the plethora of different paths, and the overall setting were spectacular. People have complained about the twist without knowledge of the story of the Ourang Medan or the movie Ghost Ship. Would you have preferred a direct copy of something that has been done before? The criticism of MOM is completely invalid. Plus, the dark pictures anthology plays on ALL horror tropes. Biological horror is still horror and that doesn’t make it bad writing.
Little Hope has a special place in my heart. Again, people are up in arms about the monsters not being real as if anything would have made sense if they were. The bus driver is haunted by the death of his family in a house fire he caused and tried to blame his little sister. He does this by creating a false narrative in his head of Megan being evil and the witch trials were a perfect metaphor for the events taking place. The locked traits need to be removed because he needs to remember his family by their good traits and be able to forgive himself and put the past behind him. That’s why if the characters don’t face their own demons- they die in the house. It’s not rocket science if you collect the clues and pay attention. But these streamers like to have a cash grab with these games by rushing through making stupid choices and bashing the game and I’m really over it- I’ve had to unsubscribe from so many people over this. Little Hope’s endings are deep and sad- so is the story with Megan, again, if you’re actually being mindful. Those who don’t like LH are too dense to understand it.
House of Ashes hasn’t received as much hate seeing as the whiners finally got their real monsters, however, I did see a reviewer call the game racist which is unfounded and ignorant of the times it was based. The story here is immaculate, and if your choices caused the characters to be unlikeable then maybe make better choices. Salim and Jason have a wonderful friendship and the dialogue is immaculate.
The Quarry could have had more jumpscares and I’m sure they lowered that because people are never pleased. However the quarry is my favorite game because it truly feels like my decisions matter and after seeing just how many routes there Are in this game, I love it more and more every day.
Im worried about the future of these games being in the hands of an audience which doesn’t know how to play them
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I’d really like to work the height and weight of my cast out, because the story I’m writing is about quite a physically diverse little group, and it would be really fun and cool to work out the little differences in the ways they all interact with the world (for instance, in a kitchen how many of them can’t reach the top shelf, how many shelves is the shortest off by, does the tallest have to worry about the doorframe?) Plus every character sheet has height and weight to fill in for some reason, and it would be really satisfying to complete a full one for once.
People keep talking about BMI charts, but I’m either too stupid to be able to use it properly, or it’s only helpful if a character has an average build. Some of my characters have a lot of muscle, some of them are fat, some have a fair amount of both and others have neither. One of the cast’s a teenaged late bloomer, and another stopped growing when she was 15 due to malnourishment but’s a healthy weight now as an adult. I’m not sure how helpful this information is to you, but I thought it might help you to understand where I need advice.
Anyway, do you have any tips or advice or tips for working out my characters height and weight?
I like that you're looking to make diverse body types!
So some reasons people might want to know the height and weight of their characters-
to accurately describe physical interactions like hugs between different heights.
for comedic purposes like you described
romantic shipping purposes, depending on if you prefer the big height difference trope or the no-height difference trope (the latter for me personally).
to determine if an action is physically possible for a character. Can they jump this far or climb that fast or throw someone off balance if they rammed into them like a football player.
For height, I like to think about my friend's heights relative to me and each other. I also think back to any short jokes or tall jokes I remember being made that landed well.
You can also look up average heights for different races and different countries and let that guide you. No group is a monolith so lots of people fall outside of 'average' but it does help to consider.
I wouldn't worry about exact weights if I were you. The weight number is so subjective to height and muscle to fat ratio. I'm also personally of the belief that BMI is useless, and 'obese' is a term made up by the diet industry to perpetually generate profit.
Also just because a character is fat, doesn't mean they can't be incredible athletes. There are fat ballerinas, gymnasts, and weight lifters who are incredible at the their sport.
(also for anyone made uncomfortable by my word choice- fat isn't an insult if you view fatness as a positive and/or neutral thing. It's something that just is and weight makes no impact on someone's worth.)
I love body diversity. Beyond height, weight, and athletic ability, may I suggest considering characters with
mobility aids
general joint pain or pain specific to an old injury
patches of different colored skin.
Did you know Vitiligo isn't the only condition that causes skin to change its pigment? Addison's Disease is a serious chronic illness with a trademark symptom of skin pigmentation increasing in hot spots like the face and joints the same way Vitiligo does. Skin grafts also look red and inflamed during the healing process
I hope this helps
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
i just read ur headcanons of the mystery fam and i adore it so much!
but as much as i love fluff and found fam, could i ask for ur angst headcanons about them?
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Heyaaaa! first of all I wanna say I am really sorry for taking this much time to answer dshjds
Thank you sm for your asks aaaah I am so glad you like how I write those idiots (affectionate)
Mei is such a queen who doesn't give a fck I love her sm XDD
Here is the first post with the stupid hcs!
Dicslaimer: this is as always, really long x')
And the 'timeline' doesn't make sense, I absolutely don't know how some stuff could be put into the canon timeline so yep accept it doesn't make sense sometimes x'))
And I am really not good to write serious/angsty stuff because I prefer shitpost so idk if that's really angsty or not :00 (and there are still some stupid stuff here too I couldn't stop myself XD)
-Mei once joked that the mystery kids had at least one thing in common and it was having an identity crisis. It hit a little bit too close to home for all of them and they never mentioned it again. 
-Shinigami knows all the people who will die/died in the school. When Sousuke learned that he asked if he was the one who took care of the human Sousuke’s soul and if he talked to him. Hakubo didn’t come out of his boundary for a week and number 3 dropped the subject because he understood the other didn’t know how to answer. 
-Akane and Sousuke have a complicated relationship because Akane knows the other is jealous of him (how can he be human and supernatural at the same time? It’s not fair). Akane has a soft spot for him because he understands how he wants to be human even if only a little. He tries to explain human stuff as best as he can (even if he is pretty terrible at it since he is 12 oops). Sousuke tries to do as many things as humans, it drives his supernatural ‘life’ and it is sometimes really hard to watch how much he tries but can’t interact with anyone or do things like real humans.
Akane realized he actually met the real Mitsuba Sousuke who was the first human he met who was able to see him as a supernatural. He understood really recently that the reason the real Sousuke was able to see him was because he would die soon. 
Number 3 discovered it while looking through a window’s memories once and didn’t talk to Akane for two weeks because he felt betrayed he never told him. Akane managed to apologize for not telling him because he was afraid number 3 would think he talked to him only because he met the human Sousuke.
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-Tsuchigomori knew all of the mystery kids before their deaths (or their human counterparts). He decided not to interfere too much because he can’t but still helped the real Mei to continue her art classes when she went into the hospital and was the one who said the photography club would be great for human Sousuke. 
Number 4 knows because she has some of the memories of the previous Mei and Number 3 saw it in the mirrors. They all pretend they don’t know. 
-Tsuchi absolutely hates the fact he doesn’t know what is gonna happen to the other mysteries especially number 3 and 4 since they are supernatural. Akane’s book is pretty much like every other human except for his future which is really really blurry, because of his supernatural status. Some pages are pitch black because he is in between, and Tsuchi absolutely hates that. He hates being unable to do things when he knows what is going to happen, but the others say they prefer him to stay with them rather than disappear.
(I am not sure if mysteries have any books? because maybe here it could be their books (that’s mostly because I think it’s cute Tsuchigomori keep them in his secret place with his yorishiro ahaha))
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-When he saw that Akane was chosen to be number 1 he only helped him but from far away (letting him take books about supernaturals to better understand what he was). The first time they interacted was when Akane got sick when he was 13 and he couldn’t go ask any humans since his body doesn’t react the same way (so he would have been placed in a hospital or something like that even for just a cold, since his body reactions are really weird for a normal human). Akane has a low tension and his body is colder than a human’s body. His temperature is around 35° most of the time and he gets super sick because his fever can go up to 39°. Whenever he is sick he goes into a boundary so people don’t realize he isn’t here (because whenever you are in a boundary people forgets you). Akane was mad af to see that someone had been watching him, knowing he didn’t know if he was going absolutely crazy for a year because he could see stuff no one else could see and didn’t do anything to help him. He understood much later why Tsuchi couldn’t do anything and that he was the one helping him from far away.
-Yako has those bad  moods where she doesn’t want to talk to anybody around the date of Misaki’s death, they let her be most of the time. Mei is the one who is the most approachable around Shijima Mei’s date of death and they never guessed when Hanako died because he never changes his behavior most of the time. 
-Number 3 likes to be called Sousuke by the other mysteries (because humans have two names! He wants two names too!) Sometimes he doesn’t feel like being called that way, (especially around human Sousuke’s date of death) as he is only a ‘cheap copy’ of the real Mitsuba Sousuke, so he stays with Mitsuba or number 3 if he feels really bad. The others respect this and Mei proposed him to call her Number 4 when he is in those moods so he isn’t alone. 
He refuses to see Akane during those periods most of the time (his jealousy can be really strong towards him). Akane pretends he isn’t really hurt by this but number 4 always ends up telling nicely to number 3 that the redhead didn’t choose to be this way either. Number 3 ends up giving him something he tried to cook alone or invites him to chill in his boundary with only the two of them.
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-Number 3 and 4 have a really strong bond. Even if number 4 doesn’t really see herself in the human Mei she knows she still has a part of her soul in her and number 3 knows she is the one who understands his worries the most. She listens to him when he is talking about becoming humans even if they both know it can’t come true. He has a little mirror in her boundary he can use to come whenever he wants.  
-Sousuke absolutely HATES the fact that Mei doesn’t mind disappearing at all. She never wanted to be a mystery when he wanted to be one so much. She kinda knows now she has some reasons to stay and had to tell Sousuke several times that no she wasn’t going to disappear now. 
-Number 3 actually thinks a lot of what the real Sousuke's mom would think of him. (He saw her in a mirror because she went for student orientation days) He is really jealous of Sousuke because of this too but he is absolutely afraid to imagine if his mom knew a 'monster' has her son's apparence.
-Number 4 is really sensitive when talking about Mei mostly because she thinks she doesn't deserve to be her creation and that she stained her memory a lot. She tries to be more proud of what human Mei decided for her now.
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-Mei has operation marks under her uniform because human Mei had some and drew them on her drawing. She doesn’t mind people seeing them at all , contrary to Hanako who always wears tons of layers to hide his scars.
-In terms of pain resistance, Mei doesn’t feel anything, Hanako is pretty careful with wounds and Sousuke is scared of anything which could hurt him. Their main problem is Akane who absolutely doesn’t give a fck about his injuries because he has a high pain resistance . They often have to tell him that no he doesn’t have to go into suicide mode for them and protect them from everything because if he is badly hurt he will DIE contrary to the others. That’s something he is still working on (accepting to see the others getting hurt for him, because they can’t die as easily as him). Mei is actually the one who goes the most suicide mode most of the time, using her power way too much and ending up being nearly powerless for some days after. 
-Number 4 can create a lot of clones and has to put a bit of her personality in each of them. If she creates too much for something once she gets rid of them she is sometimes unable to show any emotions for a week. She never deleted the ‘bad’ clone which is only just a brush and is the one who she uses the most. She knows this brush is one of her earliest clone she created before going crazy to try to save Mei, so the brush’s opinion is kinda important to her; (it’s like a good voice she hears in the back of her head when she is trying to do something stupid) 
-Even if Hanako pretends to always smile and jokes he is definitely the edgiest of the mystery kids. They don’t annoy him when he is in one of ‘those moods’. He feels like he is not loved at all by the others and Tsuchi often has to tell him that they just are very wary of him and if he opened up a little bit more it would be okay. (and that he loves him *sobs*) That they still love him but would like to understand him more.
-When Hanako refuses to assume his role as Hanako-san sometimes (especially at the beginning) his body starts to be really transparent with a wound around his stomach. It is when he feels too human. It hasn’t happened to him for a long time now since he doesn’t recognize himself in Amane Yugi. Hanako was human once but has lost most of his connections with humans because he has been a mystery for a long time, he doesn’t know what is left of Amane Yugi. He has a really really hard time to learn things or to change his mind because he isn’t growing up anymore and it drives him crazy especially because he knows that he used to remember everything quickly when he was human.
-When Akane started spending more and more time with the mysteries, Tsuchigomori had to remind the other mystery kids to take it easy on it and to let him time to sleep (now they are the ones who force him to go to sleep most of the time). Even if his body can go a whole week without sleeping or eating (but that’s really the maximum and if he does this he is gonna have to push himself a lot. He never went a whole week like this; his maximum was 4 days.)
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 -Sousuke goes to see Hanako during class time sometimes and they play games together (Hanafuda most of the time) They get along okay and can accept each other's company. Sometimes, Hanako teases him about the fact he does things to imitate humans (like sleeping or eating) and Sousuke always tells him how much of a hypocrite he is and that’s why no one wants to stay too long with him. When Number 3 gets really mad at Hanako’s teasing (he uses it to say a lot of things that are not really nice) he calls him Amane-senpai and that makes him shut up and hides in his boundary right away. They rarely apologize orally but go back to normal some days after, accepting they both went too far but too prideful to say they were wrong.
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-No one talks about the time when Akane will leave. 
-One day Sousuke went to see Tuschi nearly crying, to apologize because he saw in the mirrors that he used to be friends with the old number 3. Tsuchigomori had to tell him several times that he didn’t hate him at all because of this (Tsuchi would die for all of them) and that he knows it’s not his fault the old bird died. 
-Mirai is not allowed to go out of the boundary. Akane doesn’t really know why except for her causing some ruckus she isn’t that bad. Especially because the youngest doesn’t seem to understand what is sad about her situation, because she is always happy to have someone ‘escort’ her everywhere she goes (when they are here to prevent her from doing anything.) Akane will learn later that it’s because she used to ‘kill’ students on accident (because she didn’t control her powers entirely or at least didn't see the problem in doing this) with moving their time too much forward and even if Kako can turn back time it is really difficult to do when the person is dead and just… a pile of dust and the kids who went through this will always be more fragile after. 
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(absolutely random doodles lemme just drop them idk when I will ever show them otherwise)
-All mysteries have a hard time to taste things. Mostly Mei because she is at first made from paper. Everything she creates also has a paper texture/taste if she can't get a good idea of it.
-Akane once decided to go see the graves of Sousuke Mitsuba and Mei Shijima to put flowers on it (because the others clearly wanted to do something during obon but can’t leave the school (the only other place Mei can go is the hospital and she didn’t go for a long time because why would she?) Tsuchi definitely tagged along with the most ridiculous excuse ever. Akane was unable to go see Hanako’s because he refused to tell him his real name. (and he knows the other two know it, he is kinda jealous and doesn’t feel included because of what they lived during the perfect picture arc sometimes. He is also the only one not knowing who Tsukasa is) He realized later because Tsuchigomori told him not directly, it’s because Hanako doesn’t have a grave. He once came across Mitsuba’s mother and had to lie about his connection to him, saying he was his senpai and just went to check the students’ graves because it’s his job as the vice president (full bullshit Akane, well done)
-Tsuchigomori is the one the most used to change the rumor/keep them okay (he tells them to his students) and Akane is the second option among the mysteries (he tells them to Aoi indirectly, he hates to do this but he knows he has no choice sometimes.) Akane knows the clock keepers rumor is the one which has changed the least since he is here (and maybe even before) and he understood it’s because of him. He didn’t ask why though. They are all using Nene a lot to change the rumors if anything happen. 
-Yako, Tsuchigomori and Hakubo often go to see Kako to have ‘adult meetings’ because they are the most responsible mysteries and also think that the others can spend more time having fun, it wouldn’t hurt.
-Hakubo never talks about Sumire and Yako often goes to see him when he is even more quiet than usual and will force him to go out of his boundary to go see the garden and annoy the Kodama tree (who is really easy to annoy). 
-Tsuchigomori, Yako and Kako are trying to find a hobby for Hakubo because he doesn't know what to do without having orders. (He usually listens mostly to Kako and then Hanako). Akane hates him with his whole being and the others kids are not super fan of him at first. Even if he doesn't say anything, the others 'adults' can say that he would love to be a little bit more expressive and loved by every mysteries.
-When any of them fight, it’s dirty, like really. They are supernatural. They will stand their ground because they think they are right and think they definitely know what is better for others. Accusations can be really violent and some of them can even stop talking to each other for weeks. They rarely forgive the others, they just know they will have to work together again at one point and that they still care for them in the end. It is really hard to make them change their minds, especially between each other. Humans are the ones who are able to change their minds at least a little. Akane is known for being stubborn but he met the mysteries and realized that maybe he was okay? 
That's all for now! I remember having more but I can't remember exactly what rn ahah I have no idea if this angtsy or not I am pretty bad at this ahah I just do know it's less funny thant the others hcs :'DDD
hope you will like them yay
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k--havok · 1 year
15 Questions: Character Edition
Shout out to @ceph-the-ghost-writer for tagging me in this! I absolutely love games like these and getting into my character's heads!
Since I am trying to get back into the swing of things with Rane and Korzan, I think I will be using Rane for this one!
R&FKA Tag List: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @dogmomwrites @saintedseraph @little-mouse-gardens @lola-theshowgrl
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Are you named after anyone?
Not that I am aware of. I was born on a rainy day, and thus was named Rane. As for that spelling... well, you would have to ask my parents their reasoning.
When was the last time you cried?
I do not quite remember. I believe it was when I fought an injured owlbear. Even when hurt, they have nasty claws and bites. But from sadness? Years ago. It's hard to be sad when you travel as I do. It keeps the mind from wandering off.
Do you have kids?
Rane sighs. Oh, if my life had gone the way I wanted to, I would have by now. I've always wanted kids. Perhaps it is fortunate I do not. My ex-fiance... well, he would have been a terrible father. But I do want children one day. At least two, in fact. But I do not see it happening any time soon.
Do you use sarcasm?
Only with those who deserve my sarcasm and scorn. Rane's eyes unfocus as if she's listening to someone else. Yes, Leshrun. You especially deserve my sarcasm. Stupid evil sword.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their clothes or armor. You can learn a lot about a person based on what they are wearing. Especially their shoes. Worn boots covered in dirt mean that someone has been on foot traveling recently while polished shoes indicate a life of luxury in the city. Beyond wealth, someone's clothing can also indicate what they do for a living, what they are up to, and a glean into their personality as well. Fashion is absolutely fascinating, isn't it?
What's your eye color?
Hazel, I believe. Although I've been told it's more yellow than green. I am not human, so perhaps for aasimar our eye color varies more. I am not certain.
Scary movies plays or happy endings? Note: Movies don't exist in this fantasy world!
I've never been to the theater. At least, not one outside the few small plays I've seen in Neverwinter as my time as a student. I think I would prefer happy endings. I have witnessed too many scary things in my life. I do not think watching it be reenacted would interest me.
Any special talents?
As an aasimar, I am part celestial, so I have several abilities that humans do not have, such as the ability to perform minor healing as well as make objects shine with light. However, other aasimar most likely have similar abilities to me as well. I've never met another aasimar, though. Not counting those abilities, I do think of myself as an alchemist. It is what I specialized in when I enrolled in college. I also like to think I am quite proficient at most weapons as well-- whether it be a sword, bow, dagger, or throwing axe.
Where were you born?
In a tiny town you've most likely never heard of off the Sword's Coast. I was born in my parents' tavern. I believe an acolyte from the local temple assisted my mother as well. I can only imagine the surprise they all had when I was born with wing nubs!
What are your hobbies?
Alchemy, of course. Although is it a hobby if it is a skill that keeps you alive? I also enjoy reading and studying different subjects, such as weaponry and monsters. I've recently been out in the field writing my own notes and have been practicing ciphers to encode them, just in case. After all, perhaps the wizards aren't wrong about protecting your intellectual property. I also enjoy learning new languages and meeting new people. It's one of the highlights of being a traveler.
Have you any pets?
Oh no, it would be hard to keep a pet. I have thought of getting a familiar, but I do not think it would assist me with the things I would like to do. Besides, I already have to deal with Leshrun. He almost counts as a-- Rane drops her sentence and winces as Leshrun certainly starts admonishing her in her mind.
What sports do you/have you played?
I was never interested in sports. Unless you consider learning how to use weapons and slay monsters a sport, of course.
How tall are you?
I am six feet and three inches on my flat feet. My boots tend to add an inch or two to my height.
Favorite subject in school?
Alchemy, of course! Too bad the courses were... not quite as loved and respected as the other magical courses. My advanced alchemy classes were always so small and nearly got cancelled every semester. It wasn't the only reason why I left higher education, but one of several.
Dream job?
As a child, I always dreamed of being an adventurer. A hero. Someone who slayed dragons, rescued princesses, and starred in bard's tales far and wide. I do not quite meet that definition currently. I have slayed no dragons, rescued no princesses, and I doubt any bards are singing of my adventurers regarding chasing goblins and hunting game. There is something out there for me. I am meant for something. Whether one wants to call it a job, destiny, or a child's naive dreams doesn't matter to me. I know I am here to help others, and that is exactly what I will do.
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No Pressure Tag: @dogmomwrites @novel-emma @authoralexharvey @samfoxheartwrites @aether-wasteland-s @awordchemist @verba-writing @saintedseraph and an open tag for you!
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freddieloundsgf · 7 months
my five star books so far this year!
twitching and shaking right now trying not to become a book blog but i have no one else to talk to so you will all be subjected to my ramblings! >:)
i am not a professional reader or reliable critic. what i give five stars is usually totally dependent on vibes and how i feel while reading and is not at all indicative of extreme technical skill or otherwise life altering capabilities. i just work here.
1. Inferno by Dante Alighieri
- to no one’s surprise, the exvangelical, religious iconography and hell-obsessed girl* gave 5 stars to the famous book about hell. this is my favorite book and i have read it many times. i have two inferno tattoos and i collect copies of this book. i prefer the Longfellow translation simply because it is the one i am comfortable with and have tabbed to hell (wink emoji) and back.
2. This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
- i love when women love each other. BUT WAIT. disclaimer alert: if you can listen to this book rather than read it, please please please do yourself the favor of listening. this book is non-linear, convoluted, and chock-full of flowery and even complicated prose that will make you kill yourself if you have to comprehend the text as it is inked upon a page. the audiobook is only 4 hours long and can be listened to in a day. it would not have been five stars if i hadn’t listened to it.
3. Know My Name by Chanel Miller
- an absolutely gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, and important memoir from the “Emily Doe” involved in the Brock Turner case. a powerful depiction of reclaiming your identity and navigating the husk of your own life after being rendered a “victim.” i don’t have much i can say about this, the book says it all. Chanel Miller puts words to feelings that have rotted me from the inside out my entire life.
4. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
- most people would probably not rate this so high, but i had a really good time reading this book. the world was strange and Piranesi was just such a great perspective to live within. i will admit this did get tedious at times but it did not affect my overall enjoyment.
5. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
- listen. i know, okay? i know. my intention was to hate-read this book so i could make fun of the men who love it. and look where that landed me. i read this in basically one sitting and really really enjoyed it. i tabbed and highlighted it to pieces and, unfortunately, found myself thinking “he’s just like me fr” throughout the entirety of the book. sue me.
6. Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
- this book had me on suicide watch. just kidding. but really i loved this book and it ripped my heart out and i think about it on and off. i just love James Baldwin’s writing and really respect him as a person and activist, which made it easy to lean into reading this and absorbing it the way i did. i heart gay tragedy.
7. We All Want Impossible Things by Catherine Newman
- this book was so funny. it is about two best friends in their 40s (?) and one of them is dying. it goes through bits of their lives, families, and how love finds a way to flourish despite it all. i really loved this book and read it so quickly. it was just a fun, sad, and charming little read.
8. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
- i was unable to put this book down while i was reading it. and nothing even really happens, so that’s saying something. i was so busy with college and work but i was using every spare moment of free time—forfeiting my lunch breaks, extending my bed time—to read this lol. it is just so brilliantly written. i also wrote fanfic for it. i need Mrs Danvers so bad it makes me look stupid.
9. Pew by Catherine Lacey
- this was such a strange but deeply human story. i don’t even know how to describe it. it is such a quick read though and i definitely recommend that you check it out if you have time or feel so inclined.
10. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- i am so late to this. read this for the first time earlier this month. yes i cried. leave me alone. this story is just so good and sweet and it gave me something akin to a warm hug or a kiss on the cheek.
11. Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment are still sitting menacingly on my shelf, but i felt comfortable tackling this ≈130 page work of Dostoevsky’s as a means of dipping a noncommittal toe in lol. i really liked this book and, again, like with Catcher in the Rye, found myself relating to the narrator in an almost worrying capacity. the first 40 or so pages of this book that you have to get through before reaching the actual story can be a little grueling but i still had a good time and consider this to be a very good book.
12. Foster by Claire Keegan
- short and sweet at ≈90 pages. i supplemented my read by listening along to the audiobook at the same time. this is just such a meaningful and sad but strong story about a young Irish girl who is brought to live with some distant relatives for a summer. well worth the read if you have a moment to spare.
13. My Husband by Maud Ventura
- i loved this book. another worrying instance of relatability. reading this went by really quickly for me and i had a good time. i will say, i wish there were no epilogue. many such cases.
14. The Employees by Olga Ravn
- another short and sweet read at 125 pages, written as a compilation of “witness statements” that are either just a sentence long or spanning two pages. very interesting and strange, if a little confusing at first. but i loved it and knocked it out in a couple of hours during a lazy afternoon.
currently reading: i am listening to Tom Lake by Ann Patchett, which i am willing to predict right now that it is going to be a five star read.
i am also reading Harrow by Joy Williams. this book is indescribable. i am over halfway done and i couldn’t tell you a single thing about it. but it is incredibly written and somehow still engaging through the veil of confusion. i think this one may be a five star read for me as well, though i don’t know if others would say the same.
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hellfiredemon · 7 months
15 people, 15 questions
tagged by @cuoredimuschio 💞
are you named after anyone? My English name comes from a Diana Wynne Jones’ character, like a straight up kid's book. My Chinese name is really embarrassing. It comes from a historical figure. My dad came to the US for his education and his father was resentful that he wanted to immigrate here and would not be able to spend as much time with his family in Hong Kong, so when my grandfather chose my name, he named me after a historical figure who was given away to* barbaric foreigners.* I want to change my name to something else but haven’t and only my relatives in HK call me this but I haven’t been back in so long so it doesn’t matter as much.
when was the last time you cried? About a month and a half ago, my friends put down their dog and Facetimed me so I could say goodbye to him.
do you have kids? Nope and can honestly say I’ve never wanted to have them. I understand from an aging standpoint that it makes sense to spawn a caretaker but I don’t think I’d be able to care for another human being like that, I can barely take care of myself and my dog as it is.
what sports do you play/have played? I dance a lot now, but I don’t compete so I don’t think it qualifies as a sport. In school, I did track and field, volleyball, and tennis.
do you use sarcasm? Frequently, but I’m also embarrassingly earnest about many things as well.
what's the first thing you notice about people? Probably how they dress, groom, and carry themselves and whether they seem comfortable to be in public or not.
what's your eye color? Brown
scary movies or happy endings? I don’t really watch horror, but maybe I do prefer scary movies because I like a lot of movies that are a little uncomfortable to watch, where you don’t know what will happen in the end. When it comes to movies, I think I’m ok with having a bittersweet or even unhappy ending, probably because movies tend to be shorter and less immersive for me. I guess I don't need a happy ending for me to enjoy something but the story's gotta be compelling.
any talents? I can whistle through my teeth, am an adept conversationalist IRL, and am good at interviews and general corporate bullshittery, which I think is how I’ve managed to stay employed but do very little work 🤐
where were you born? The US Midwest! But my parents moved a few months after I was born, so I never really lived there.
what are your hobbies? Reading, dancing, calisthenics, drawing, strategy games, playing with my dog, hiking, and admiring art, zoning out, floortime
do you have any pets? Yes, the love of my life and warmer of my cold feet, a 3.5 yr old muppet-ass looking border collie-poodle mix named Charlie. I couldn't figure out how to put a picture between the numbered list so his pic's at the end.
how tall are you? 164 cm 🥞 my mom's side is short 😔
favorite subject in school? English or history. I loved reading books and stories and talking about them, and still do.
dream job? I don't want to work, and don't dream of labor. The closest thing I can think of working for the US govt's Digital Service, which probably sounds crazy but I think at least that way I'd get to use my skills for something useful. I’d be perfectly content to pursue hobbies the rest of my life. I fantasize about moving to a country with universal benefits and not having to worry about the numbers on my paycheck and do something I actually think is good for the world or just work on art or dance full time. I wanted to be a mail carrier for a long while, walk around the city all day and listen to books or music and deliver people’s letters and meds and stuff, but you also have to deliver shitloads of stupid ads and bills as well. I think if I ever save enough money from my dumb corporate jobs that I still might try to work for the USPS. I don't know 15 people, tag yourself if you want to do it!!! And here's my lovely boy!!
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tertiaryunit · 1 year
Walton meets his new assistant for the first time.
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[Washington, D.C, 28 September 2045 Majestic 12 Agent Graduation Ceremony]
Another of the many social events Walton disliked. As a retired army general, he had seen so many such events that they were enough to last him a lifetime. The only reason he was attending was because his “new assistant” (Page’s current pet project) was going to be there and Simons preferred to know in advance with who he was going to work with.
“Trust me, you’ll love him” - said Bob, without considering how strange it might have been for Walton to interact with a person made artificially from half of his very DNA - “Even if I still don’t understand why you refused to see him until now. That boy’s quite impressive and he absolutely adores you”
To be fair, Simons outright refused to look at any of Page’s experiments involving children, especially knowing how high the mortality rate was - apparently his half-clone was the only subject to make it to eighteen. The rest died either because of the experiments or by taking their own lives. The real reason why he had been so adamant on seeing absolutely nothing of the Agent until now was to keep his distance as much as he could; as he did with every single person in his life that wasn’t Bob.
“Well, I am glad you changed your mind! Maybe now you’ll finally assist to the tests, so you can become familiar with his powers” “So what can he do? Talk with the dead? Phase through walls?” - Walton sneered - “Mind control? Maybe he can possess people?”  “Joke about it as much as you want, Walt. You’ll see”
"Walt” always considered parapsychology to be “pseudoscientific bullshit”, the kind of stuff that’s entertaining to watch on TV when you have nothing to do. According to him, Page’s experiments were unnecessarily cruel (not that he tried to dissuade him from doing them) and the CEO had retorted that he wouldn’t think the same way if he bothered to check out the results.
Bob gave a pat on the back to his friend before going away to greet some business partners.   Simons walked around in the confusion of the hall for a while before catching sight of Sam Carter, the man who had so diligently raised their little experiment. He wore his most elegant outfit - a dark green tuxedo with a white button shirt and black tie, with many military medals decorating the left breast. The person he was talking to was giving Walton his back so that he couldn’t see him. 
Simons had met Sam numerous times before, to check on him. He knew very well how the other veteran didn’t like him at all, especially because they never told him the full extent of Lawrence’s program.
[”We told you about the experiments, Carter” ”You… You didn’t tell me how dangerous they would have been! You said they’d be safe! This is not… Military training! Military training for a child that’s barely TEN!” “Don’t be stupid. You know we can do this and more if we think it’s for the safety of millions of Americans”]
The two Veterans couldn’t have been more different as far as their ethics were concerned; Sam Carter was, according to Simons, a bleeding heard who let his trauma take full control of his life – he was no longer the man who once dispatched an entire platoon with a pocket knife. Carter, on his behalf, considered him a social climber who would do anything for power, even if it meant getting his hands dirty.   Now, Walton disagreed with that. He earned his position with actual work – like eliminating competition. He thought about the sweet irony of how he was going to use that man’s son to have power without “getting his hands dirty” and a very punchable smile appeared on his lips. Then, the man who was talking with Sam earlier turned and Simons’ eyes immediately fixated on him: the presumed Psychic seemed to have struck the old man like an electric shock. His skin tone was neither as dark as Asad’s (the other genetic half) neither as pale as his. Walton could definitely see what Page meant when he told him he was a “fifty-fifty”: the curly hair, the lips, the tip of the nose were identical to the deceased CEO’s. Everything else was his own: the hair color and hairline, the eyebrows, the forehead, the hint of the dimple on the chin...  And most importantly, those eyes with his exact shade of gray and a prominent bottom lid. Even his body build reminded Simons of himself at his prime - except for the height. The older man literally towered over him of at least one head. 
”So... You must be my new assistant” “P-pl... Pleased to m-meet you, Sir! Honored, actually! I am Lawrence Carter” It was... Uncanny, to say the least. Simons felt something like a cold rush running down his spine - nothing he couldn’t skillfully conceal behind a firm handshake, however. “Pleased to meet you too. I’ve been told you’re quite the asset for our organization” “Y-yes Sir! I graduated cum laude. I have been trained in Muay Thai, Shotokan and various fields including basic medicine and surgery, psychology, computer science...” Walton wasn’t really listening, however - he was having a flashback of his early adulthood, back when his face wasn’t scarred, wrinkled by old age or marked up with bioelectrics; back when he was so... Good looking.  He shook his head imperceptibly. 
“... Two years of British Butler Institute and, not to brag of course, I can play violin and piano quite well” “Mhm... I doubt Page recommended you so highly for your music skills, Agent. Anything else?” “Yes Sir. I am an Esper - my specialties are Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis” “Care to show me something, Mister Carter?”  
It was obvious Lawrence was waiting for him to ask about that. The young man removed the watch he was wearing, holding it in his palm: it immediately started levitating up and down, first slowly then like a little bouncing ball of mechanisms and gears.  The Psychic then snapped his fingers and small flames erupted from that rubbing along with a dry, sizzling sound. Walton noticed the fire formed a small heart shape before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.
“Ah...! This is n-nothing, Sir!” - The Psychic took Walton’s wide-eyed stare as a positive reaction - “A few weeks ago mister Page made me lift some freightliners. I hope I will get to try with some tanks soon”  “Freightliners... Yes, he... He told me” “I just hope... I just hope you will come watch me, Sir. It would mean a lot to me” The young man lowered his eyes, his cheeks hot and flushed with emotion.  Walton’s mind was running wild. The idea of harnessing such power gave him a rush of excitement below the belt - or at least, he hoped it was that idea of power rather than his half-clone’s looks. 
“Oh S-Sir! I have waited this moment for so long! Y-you’ve been my hero since I was eleven!” - Walton was struck by a momentary deafness when the Psychic mentioned that number. He coughed a bit too, for good measure. ”I have read all your biographies Sir, all your interviews, everything!” Simons was obviously quite pleased by all that enthusiasm about his person – Sam, however, looked at him barely holding his disgust. “I trained all my life to be by your side, Sir, and I can’t wait to start working together! This is the best belated birthday present ever” “So… How old are you now, Agent?” “Eighteen, Sir!” “Well, since you seem to admire me so much, Agent...“ Walton knew from the start that the best course of action was to play on the Agent’s feelings. He wasn’t the first nor the last he was going to manipulate - what could have gone wrong? After all, it had been at least a decade since he had felt any kind of sappy sentiment...  “... I think I could take a nice picture with you, as a birthday present. Then we can go print it and I’ll make sure to leave you a nice message. What do you think?”
Lawrence’s smile was radiant; he was so happy his eyes got wet with tears of joy. Even the old General was smiling. The young Psychic had no idea that that was nothing more than the omen of a storm about to come.
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[”28th Semptember 2045. Officially appointed as mister Simons' assistant!!!" "Happy belated 18th Birthday. - W.S."]
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