#a match for starborn power
wingedblooms · 7 months
Marked by Wyrd
Long ago, life blossomed from an iron Cauldron and created the world. The three sacred sister peaks—a reflection of Wyrd (Mother, Cauldron, Fate) herself—may have risen from the ground at this time. Three interconnected pieces of a whole. Regardless of when they rose, they are marked by Wyrd physically and magically. The watery veins of the land, flowing from peak to peak, even smell of iron. These sacred sisters hold the secrets of the land and their people, just as their creator carries secrets of the universe in her dark womb.
After thousands of years, Wyrd Made another triad of blessed sisters (and the one most connected to nature even rose from the ground like a sacred sister peak). Three interconnected pieces of a whole. There are signs from the very beginning that they, too, are marked by Wyrd.
The sisters were born in their mother’s enormous ironwood bed (connecting them to witches as well as the iron womb of Wyrd).
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When their fortune changed and they moved to the stone cottage, their father made sure they were protected by ward-markings…or were those Wyrdmarks? (@ultadverb pointed this out to me and it’s been on my mind since.)
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Whorls and swirls? That’s exactly how Aelin describes them, too. Definitely Wyrdmarks.
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Two of the sisters wore iron bracelets for added protection, and Elain was given an engagement ring made of iron.
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Not a coincidence, it seems, as they were reborn in Wyrd’s iron womb.
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Instead of iron bracelets, they now wear iron crowns, which are magical links to Wyrd and maybe even her protective powers, like the swirls and whorls of Wyrdmarks on their cottage.
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Regardless of how they were Made, all three sisters are blessed by fate Wyrd and reborn with unique powers, maybe even Immortal Light…
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To match Rhysand, who is ✨Starborn✨.
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The Night Court’s insignia honors this Immortal Light: a triad of stars glow above Ramiel, the heart of their court and perhaps even the world, each spring. Three interconnected pieces of a whole. A beacon of light and life for those with the vision and powers to see it. Where Wyrd, blossoming life, once rested.
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As though fated, Feyre and Elain encounter a tapestry of this insignia near solstice. They both hear the story of the weaver who made Hope after she mastered Void. Feyre and Nesta have faced their own grief and created a more hopeful future for themselves. They have both also used that iridescent, living light to help others. Elain will soon face her own demons, maybe even the Void itself. She will face it and find her own strength: a living, colorful bloom of starlight. And maybe once she blossoms with her own hopeful light, her sisters—chosen bearers of Wyrd like their mountainous counterparts—will be there beside her, glowing like starfire.
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The heart of the world resting in the palms of their luminescent hands. Three interconnected pieces of a whole. Together.
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coeurdelain · 8 months
I couldn’t care less about Elriel/Elucien/Gwynriel shipwars if some of them didn’t want to erase Elain existence because yes it’s what they do :
« Azriel and Gwyn book is next ». So a side character will have a book before a member of the inner circle ? Before the sister of the main character ? Also, I saw this big account on insta who said Azriel and Elain can’t have a book together because they’re both MC, so they will have a book each. Just a reminder, the next book is a dual pov. The two protagonists are the MC, the two protagonists have to move the plot. Both of them. Not just one. It will be like Nesta and Cassian. They both were important. Azriel is more mysterious than Cassian, that’s why some people seems to think that he will have his own book, but none of the characters will have his own book. They will share a pov with another character and even Azriel can’t move the plot alone. He’s not made by the cauldron. (Now ask yourself if Gwyn can lead 50% of the plot ? What her pov will be about ? What a book about Gwyn will be about ? She can’t wield the troves, she’s not made by the cauldron, she’s not connected to truth teller, or the prison. Also, we know her story, we saw her healing, I’am sorry she’s cute but I prefer to know the thoughts of a character that I know nothing about. I know everything I have to know about her. And knowing about her father is not something enough interesting to me. We learn who was Lucien’s father in Feyre’s book, I don’t think Gwyn needs a book to find her father, and honestly, I don’t even think it’s important).
« Rhysand and Gwyn friendship will be so cute ». I’am sorry what ? Where is that come from ? Why Rhysand will have a friendship with Nesta’s friend ? Last time I checked, Rhysand has a soft spot for Elain and Elain only. (« Elain is Elain »). Cassian+Feyre, Azriel+Nesta and Rhysand+Gwyn. When they say something like that, they don’t see the problem ?? One of them is not like the others.
« Gwyn will be a spy ». Ok. So I guess Elain is taking lesson with Nuala and Cerridwen for baking. It’s not like there is a quote in the books who say that Elain is probably training with the two spies of the NC, that Elain can keep secret, that she’s observer and she can walk without a sound. Please, Gwyn can’t even keep a secret. Be serious. There is no foreshadowing for this.
« Nuala and Cerridwen could be friend with Gwyn because they’re also nymph». When I say that Gwynriels act like Elain doesn’t exist it’s what I’am talking about. When I saw this on tumblr I knew these people just ship Gwyn and Az because they hate Elain. They even want to take her friends from her. They want Elain to have nothing.
« Nesta prefers Gwyn than Elain, she’s rooting for Az and Gwyn » just say you have no brothers and sisters because there is no way someone believe that.
« Gwyn will be Nyx’s favorite auntie ». This one is funny. In a world where Nesta, Elain, Mor and Amren don’t exist, maybe.
« Gwyn is a starborn, she has so many powers, she can wield the troves ». Sure, more powerful that the three sisters who can match Rhysand power aka the most powerful high lord. (Not me who said that, but the books). Elain is made by the cauldron. What’s the point of knowing if Gwyn can wield the troves or not when Elain is just there ??
The only thing they still didn’t take from Elain is Feyre and her ability to see the future. But we never know, they able to do it.
I don’t understand why they want to transform Gwyn into a Mary Sue. Is Gwyn not enough ? Being a valkyrie is not enough ? You need her to have MC energy. So you try to connect everything to Gwyn. And you also need to erase Elain. Because of course, Elain is not staying in the night court, she will be away and Gwyn will replace Elain in the inner circle too because you didn’t know but Gwyn is the third Archeron sister. She will defeat Koschei. And at the end, she will be the most powerful person.
All of this made me the hardest Elain supporter and defender.
I don’t care if people ship Gwyn and Azriel, it’s ok to have different ship, but I wish they will stop acting like Elain doesn’t exist. They stop inserting Gwyn into Elain’s storytelling and they stop calling Elriels delusionals ( the audacity. How it’s delusional to ship two characters who like each other ?)
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silverlinedeyes · 8 months
An initial list of questions spawned from HOFAS
HOFAS spoilers below the break.
I’ve been thinking about some big and some small questions since I finished HOFAS last night and wanted to preserve them here with some of my thoughts for later discussion. I am also planning some larger theory posts to try to answer some of these questions.
Also, please reblog with any additional questions you may have if you’d like!!!
Where are the other Hel princes and what are they fighting?
Are Valg related to the Asteri or the Hel princes (or both)?
Are Valg children of the Void like the Hel princes?
Is the Under-King Valg and has he been hiding in the Under-King body living off of some of the Second Light?
How do Koschei and the Carver and the Weaver fit in with this?
Is Az also a descendant of the second daughter since he’s Starborn?
Is ToG on the same timeline as Prythian and CC?
Are the tall fae that came to Midgard from Erilea coming from the same time period depicted at the oasis in ToD when Yrene and Chaol find those carvings from the first demon wars, before Elena or Gavin were born?
Who on Prythian is a powerful enough starborn to wield and use Gwydion and TT? Is Elain? Or will the three Archeron sisters together make Theia’s light anew, as @offtorivendell @wingedblooms and I have theorized that each Archeron sister has part of Theia’s light.
Will the Archeron sisters be able to wield TT and Gwydion together to kill the unkillable—Koschei?
Did Bryce revive Dusk by taking Silene’s light back like she did Avallen when she took Theia’s light out of it? Or will someone (Elain???? Cc @wingedblooms) revive Dusk?
Does Urd = Wyrd = Chaos = the Dark Mother?
Is the temple in Hel that looks like Urd’s temple a temple to Chaos, Hel’s version of Urd and Apollion’s mother?
Were the ToG gods and the Asteri sucked (back into?) the Void, and if so, can the Void send them back or can they be retrieved from the Void by something?
What IS the connection between the gods in all these worlds, like Bryce asked when she was in Prythian?
Why do all these different fae societies oppress the females? Is it because only females can be powerful starborn, and some forces are at work to suppress that power to protect darker beings? Like how Pelias seems to have created a society that doesn’t allow women to get access to anything related to starborn to prevent another starborn queen from rising?
Can only females be powerful starborn/light wielders and can only males be powerful dark wielders/shadow wielders? Like how Hypaxia says six pointed star is two triangles, one male one female one light one dark (three brothers who are dark princes, three sisters who are starborn/princesses of light?)
Are there male lightsingers or female shadowsingers, or do singers follow these same rules?
Are morven and the murder twins descended from people from Hybern? The murder twins are daemati and remind me of the Hybern twins, and Morven’s shadows are described like ravens.
Does this mean TT has slewn two Hybern kings?
Where does the Starborn power come from?
Where in Prythian are the avallen from?
Are the Starborn and Avallen the same people?
Was Fionn the original king of darkness/shadows and theia the original queen of light/starborn queen? And are the males of their line the former, and the females the latter?
Where in Prythian did Fionn and Pelias come from?
Can TT unMake a mating bond?
Can Elain wield Gwydion and TT together to unMake her bond with Lucien and Make a bond with Azriel?
Aidas tells Hunt some higher power must have made them Mates. We have all these super powerful fae finding their powerful mates right before these huge universe altering moments. Is this part of how Urd is using them as pawns in her plans/games?
Why does Amren’s timeline not match Silene’s re the creation of the Prison? Was this just a continuity error, did Silene manipulate memories, or is this fishy on Amren’s part?
Was Enalius one of the people with Fionn and Theia on Ramiel when they made Gwydion and TT?
Did Nesta give up some of her Starborn powers when she gave back what she stole from the Cauldron, and does this mean she won’t be able to wield and use Gwydion and TT, which will lead to Elain’s role with this?
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merymoonbeam · 8 months
CC3 spoilers
This is just a manifesting post and more connections I found from cc3 🫡
In my wild hunt post I talked about narben being a spear for... reasons.
I think Gwydion and Truth-Teller are inspired by King Arthur's weapons. In myths it is talked about how he has a sword, a knife and a spear...
Other weapons have been associated with Arthur. Welsh tradition also knew of a dagger named Carnwennan and a spear named Rhongomyniad that belonged to him. Carnwennan ("little white-hilt") first appears in Culhwch and Olwen, where Arthur uses it to slice the witch Orddu in half. Rhongomyniad ("spear" + "striker, slayer") is also mentioned in Culhwch, although only in passing; it appears as simply Ron ("spear") in Geoffrey's Historia. Geoffrey also names Arthur's shield as Pridwen; in Culhwch, however, Prydwen ("fair face") is the name of Arthur's ship while his shield is named Wynebgwrthucher ("face of evening").
So other than excalibur Arthur has a dagger and a spear.
To me it looks like
Excalibur= Gwydion
Carnwennan= Truth-Teller
Rhongomyniad= Narben
So why? Lemme explain.
With Excalibur it is about who is worthy to pull it out of the stone.
Excalibur is the mythical sword of King Arthur that may possess magical powers or be associated with the rightful sovereignty of Britain. Traditionally, the sword in the stone that is the proof of Arthur's lineage and the sword given him by a Lady of the Lake are not the same weapon, even as in some versions of the legend both of them share the name of Excalibur.
Romance tradition elaborates on how Arthur came into possession of Excalibur. In Robert de Boron's c. 1200 French poem Merlin, the first known tale to mention the "sword in the stone" motif, Arthur obtained the British throne by pulling a sword from an anvil sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard on Christmas Eve.[18] In this account, as foretold by Merlin, the act could not be performed except by "the true king", meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir of Uther Pendragon. (As Thomas Malory related in his English-language Arthurian compilation, the 15th-century Le Morte d'Arthur, "whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England."[19][d])
And we have Gwydion/Starsword
That your son, not you, retrieved the Starsword from the Cave of Princes in Avallen’s dark heart. That your son, not you, stood among the long-dead Starborn Princes asleep in their sarcophagi and was deemed worthy to pull the sword from its sheath. How many times did you try to draw the sword when you were young? How much research did you do in this very study to find ways to wield it without being chosen? (Hoeab)
So it matches even though at the end it is Bryce who can access the real power of the sword not Ruhn bc it is sarah and we have the females as a main character.
And now the dagger—Carnwennan and Truth-Teller.
In myths the dagger is described like this.
Carnwennan, or Carnwenhau ("Little White Hilt"), was the dagger of King Arthur in the Welsh Arthurian legends
In Culhwch and Olwen, Arthur names it as one of the few things in the world which he will not give to Culhwch. Later, he uses it to slay the witch Orddu, the daughter of the witch Orwen, by slicing her in half.[1] In the Welsh Triads, Carnwennan is listed alongside Arthur's spear Rhongomyniad and Arthur's sword Caledfwlch as sacred weapons given to him by God: "the sacred weapons that God had given him: Rhongomiant his spear, Caledfwlch a sword, and Carnwennan his dagger" (Bromwich's translation).[2]
The fact that Arthur would not give the weapons to Culhwch when we know Fionn didn't give the Gwydion and TT to Theia? Kinda similar.
My father had never shown himself to be giving—long had he kept Gwydion and never once offered it to my mother. The dagger that had belonged to his dear friend, slain during the war, hung at his side, unused. But not for long.
We learned in cc2 that Gwydion and TT are twin blades.(I went into detail about this and how it connects to elriel in several posts > light and dark, sing me, alpha and omega)
The male drew it, and Bryce flinched. Flinched, but—“What the fuck?” The knife could have been the twin of the Starsword: black hilted and bladed. It was its twin. The Starsword began to hum within its sheath, glittering white light leaking from where leather met the dark hilt. The dagger—.The male dropped the dagger to the plush carpet. All of them retreated as it flared with dark light, as if in answer. Alpha and Omega. “Gwydion,” the dark-haired female whispered, indicating the Starsword.(hosab)
And in cc3 we learn that when you use Truth-Teller...there are shadows.
Bryce threw her power into the Starsword, light ripping through the black blade, willing it to tear this fucking monster apart— She willed it into Truth-Teller, and shadows flowed—
Seems...weird that Truth-teller has "shadow powers" and in acowar we have Elain literally stepping out of a shadow. And we never learned the reason why???
But as a black blade broke through the king’s throat, spraying blood, I realized someone else had. Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
So how these connect to Arthur's dagger? (Just gonna add here that @riddlecrux told me about this before so credit goes to her 🫡)
In addition to his other magical items, Arthur had the invisibility granting Carnwennan. The dagger was providing a kind of presence concealment to Arthur or to its wielder. In European folklore, invisibility-granting items are rather prevalent. These are often recognized as caps or invisibility cloaks. The invisibility attribute of Carnwennan was probably the main reason Arthur named his dagger among the things he could never give up for any reason:
Invisibility? Shadows? @silverlinedeyes made a post before how elain could get a cloak made of void? And we know with Gwydion and TT you can make a portal to nowhere—the void.
“The Starsword is Made, as you called it.” He waved an idle hand, sparks at his fingertips. “The knife can Unmake things. Made and Unmade. Matter and antimatter. With the right influx of power—a command from the one destined to wield them—they can be merged. And they can create a place where no life, no light exists. A place that is nothing. Nowhere.”
It had been a gamble. But she’d seen what the Starsword and Truth-Teller had done to Polaris. They had created a void that had sucked the Asteri in—the only sort of prison that might destroy a being of light. The only force in the universe that ate light, so strong no light could ever escape it. A portal to nowhere. To a black hole. Wasn’t that the unholy power that Apollion possessed? The power of the Void. The antithesis of light.
So maybe we are gonna see elain and the void connected?
Also more about the dagger in Arthurian legends:
Carnwennan, or Carnwenhau, meaning "white hilt" was the dagger belonging to the great King Arthur. It is attributed with the magical power to shroud its user in shadow. This dagger, it is said, was one of three sacred weapons given to King Arthur by God. Arthur names it as one of the few things in the world which he would not give to his cousin Culhwch. King Arthur used this very dagger it to slay the witch Orddu ,daughter of Orwen. by slicing her in half. It is also possible that this is the dagger he once used to kill a giant.
So there is that.
And lastly we have the spear—Rhongomyniad.
There is not much we can use from the myths because the only things we have are its name and it was given to Arthur by god.
Rhongomyniad, or Rhongomiant (variously translated as "Slaying Spear," "Cutting Spear" or "Striking Spear"), was the spear of King Arthur in the Welsh Arthurian legends. Unlike Arthur’s two other weapons, his sword Caledfwlch and his dagger Carnwennan, Rhongomyniad has no apparent magical powers.
In the Historia Regum Britanniae, Geoffrey of Monmouth calls Arthur's lance Ron,[2] presumably an abbreviation of the original Welsh name. Layamon also calls it this in his Brut. Geoffrey states that Arthur carried this lance with him at the Battle of Mount Badon. Layamon states in a passage (without naming the weapon) that Arthur's spear was forged in Carmarthen by a smith called Griffin. He also adds that it formerly belonged to Uther Pendragon.
The wiki says it has no magical power but...if sarah took inspo from Excalibur for Gwydion and the dagger for TT...I wouldn't put it past her to use the spear as an inspo for Narben... especially with her love for 3s.
Also like the spear we dont have much to go on for Narben either. We have so little information.
“Amarantha destroyed one,” Amren said. Cassian started. “I never heard that.” Amren amended, “Rumor claimed she dumped one into the sea. It would not come to Amarantha’s hand, nor the hands of any of her commanders, and rather than let the King of Hybern attain it, she disposed of it.” Azriel asked, “Which sword?” “Narben.” (Acosf)
"Narben was even older than Gwydion,” Rhys said. “Where the hell was it?” (Acosf)
Narben’s powers had not been the holy, savior’s light of Gwydion, but ones far darker. (Acosf)
Rhys studied her blade. “Narben is a death-sword. It’s lost, possibly destroyed, but stories say it can slay even monsters like Lanthys.” (Acosf)
So that's all we know.
Another point...Fionn connection.
In myths there is a HUGE part about Fionn using a spear to defeat a giant.
Also known as the Spear of Fiacha (or Fiacail), Birgha was an enchanted, venomous spear. The warrior Fiacha, a follower of Cumal (a leader of the Fianna), gave the spear to Cumal’s son Fionn mac Cumhail so that he might defeat Aillén, an evil creature/former member of the Tuath Dé Danann who resided, three-hundred-and-sixty-four days a year, in the Otherworld. Each and every Samhain the monster—nicknamed “the burner”—would wreak havoc on the royal residence of Tara (also: Teamhair) with his fire-breath after lulling its defenders to sleep with enchanted music. Specifically, Aillén plays—or weaponizes, I should say—the suantraí (lullaby) strain of ancient Irish music, which is frequently deployed by gods, druids, and other musicians in the myths in order to incapacitate opponents. That’s where Birgha comes into play. In Lady Gregory’s version of events, Fiacha teaches Fionn how to unlock the power of the spear, instructing his pupil as follows: “When you will hear the music of the Sidhe, let you strip the covering off the head of the spear and put it to your forehead, and the power of the spear will not let sleep come upon you.”
Just saying...with all of a new character singing...having some effects on others...IDK. WEIRD. 🫣
Another point is Four treasures of Tuatha de danaan. ( @offtorivendell made a post about them before )
Dagda's Cauldron
pretty self explanatory...cauldron.
Claiomh Solais (the sword of light)
The sword may be rendered in English as the "Sword of Light", or "Shining Sword".
The Sword of Light or Claidheamh Soluisis a trope object that appears in a number of Irish and Scottish Gaelic folktales. The "Quest for sword of light" formula is catalogued as motif H1337.
The Starsword sang with light, her power flowing into it. Activating it. And nothing had ever felt so right, so easy, as plunging the blade into the bony chest of the wounded Reaper. It arced, bellowing, black blood spurting from its withered lips. (Hosab)
Narben’s powers had not been the holy, savior’s light of Gwydion, but ones far darker.(acosf)
Lia Fail Stone
My whole wild hunt post is about this. You can read it there. Basically I think this is the inspo for the stone on top of Ramiel.
The Spear of Lugh
And here is the reason I think Narben might be a spear.
Lugh's spear (sleg), according to the text of The Four Jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann, was said to be impossible to overcome.
Interesting that Amren said this about Narben in acosf:
“I don’t know, but she found it, and when it would not bend to her, she destroyed it. As she did all good things.” It was as much as Amren would say about that terrible time. “It was perhaps in our favor. Had the King of Hybern possessed Narben, I fear we would have lost the war.”
More info for Spear of Lugh.
In a full narrative version called [A]oidhe Chloinne Tuireann (The Fate of the Children of Tuireann),[51] from copies no earlier than the 17th century,[52] Lugh demands the spear named Ar-éadbair or Areadbhair (Early Modern Irish: Aꞃéadḃaiꞃ) which belonged to Pisear, king of Persia. Areadbhair's tip had to be kept immersed in a pot of water to keep it from igniting, a property similar to the Lúin of Celtchar. This spear is also called "Slaughterer"[53] in translation.
Narben is a death "sword"
Rhys studied her blade. “Narben is a death-sword. It’s lost, possibly destroyed, but stories say it can slay even monsters like Lanthys.” (Acosf)
Also the spear of Lugh is connected with lightning.
Lugh's projectile weapon, whether a dart or missile, was envisioned to be symbolic of lightning-weapon.
Also known as the Lightning Spear, or simply Lugh’s Spear, the Gae Assail was one of the Four Treasures or Jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann
And to me it is interesting that Ramiel means "god has thundered" maybe there is a connection?
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Lugh's sling rod, named "Lugh's Chain", was the rainbow and the Milky Way, according to popular writer Charles Squire.[57] Squire adds that Lugh's spear which needed no wielding was alive and thirsted so for blood that only by steeping its head in a sleeping-draught of pounded fresh poppy leaves could it be kept at rest. When a battle was near, it was drawn out; then it roared and struggled against its thongs, fire flashed from it, and it tore through the ranks of the enemy once slipped from the leash, never tired of slaying
So thanks for reading.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
I’m sorry, but you ridicule and dismiss the Bryce and Azriel theory (which is your right, sure), but then make a post explaining how Elain and Azriel are ‘equal’ because they shared Truth Teller.
But, you are forgetting that Bryce literally has the twin weapon to Truth Teller. Bryce’s sword is the matching half to Azriel’s knife. They glow for each other. They are likened to “Alpha and Omega.” It doesn’t get more equal than that, and Elain’s temporary borrowing of the knife doesn’t even come close.
And for all the mocking and dismissing elriels do, no one has been able to offer an explanation as to why SJM has paired Azriel and Bryce in this way; considering that these weapons are not just for show, but are prophesied to be involved in uniting CC and ACOTAR (Starborn) fae. She didn’t have to, either. SJM could have kept the Starsword under Ruhn’s ownership, but she explicitly stated that the Starsword belongs to “Theia’s female heir”. SJM didn’t have to involve Azriel and his knife either; she could have chosen any one of the important weapons in the ACOTAR world, or any other character.
The only explanation I’ve seen is that Azriel and Bryce might be related; but what would that serve the narrative? What would that even achieve? And let’s not forget that SJM has already hinted at familial relations between Ruhn and Rhys - most likely through Ruhn’s mother’s side (with the shadow powers and mind speaking abilities), which has nothing to do with Bryce. I can’t see how Azriel would be connected to the Autumn King, or Ember Quinlan - a human.
And of course, the number one rebuttal to this theory is that Bryce and Hunt are mates. But the Oracle told Hunt to stay far away from Bryce; if they’re truly endgame, meant to live happily ever after, why would the Oracle then warn Hunt? And, if an Oracle told Azriel to stay away from Gwyn… you’d surely use that as proof in your own theories.
It was the swords that were paired, not the people.
Gwydion was brought up in ACOSF. So was Narben. The foundation was laid, and obviously Starsword has played a large role in CC.
There is nothing shared between Azriel and Bryce. It's the swords that are being brought together, not the people. Probably because of their connection to Dusk. Because we already know that Ruhn (Bryce's brother) has a Dusk/Avalon connection, as well as shadows, like Azriel. There is ALREADY a connection--clearly Ruhn looks exactly like Rhys, and Azriel carries a dagger that is a twin of a sword that Ruhn, as an Autumn King's Heir pulled out of the stone. They are obviously related?? How's that even a question.
The bigger story here is not Bryce and Azriel (?). It's probably the revival of Dusk Court that's been mentioned in 2 series now, and the story that we first sort of heard about it in ACOMAF/ACOWAR now was expanded in HOSAB.
It literally has NOTHING to do with Bryce and Azriel as a couple. It's all about unifying the two series over the Asteri, the missing Court, the Underworld/Hel, the backstories of the RIfts, etc.
Azriel sharing a MADE dagger with Elain of all people has very much everything to do with them as a couple. It was an action that he took, towards her, and then she took from him and made through it.
Gwydion and Truth Teller meeting is about the two swords meeting. They glowed in each other's presence.
Not Azriel and Bryce.
The oracle also told Ruhn that he wont have children and would be the last of the line. Does that mean he is going to drop dead? OR shoot blanks?
I am going to be honest--this is one of the dumbest 'theories' out there. Like in a pantheon of dumb theories Bryciel as a ship is next to Azris and Gwynriel. It ain't gonna happen. Sorry.
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kittygamer2888 · 5 months
*The information of the folders, albeit a bit graphic with their descriptions, told enough of a story.*
*After Project Shadow was seized, years later was studied and soon a new project by the government was initiated in secret: Project Starborn*
*Project Starborn was sought to discover the other magic types, after the discovery of traces of dark magic within Project Shadow. They eventually discovered ten unique types that still exist to this day: Chaos, Harmony, Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light, Dark, Corruption, and Psychic.*
*After some further research, it was found out that Chaos energy commonly stabilized mobians to let their magic function properly. And so, a hypothesis was proposed: Can a Mobian survive without chaos energy as a stabilizer?*
*Phase two was initiated, and the project took ten more years to create 1006 specimen, each with their own magic type except Chaos energy.*
*But many different survive. Some melted, some broke apart just like their minds, and some went insane before they had to be killed off, begging for mercy in their last moments.*
*And out of those 1006 experiments... Only three survived: V18, S36, and S23.*
*V18 is a magenta and pink wolf with deep cyan eyes, holding dark magic. They ran away from the lab but it was discovered by the military that they are still alive.*
*S36 is a white seven tailed kitsune with yellow eyes possessing both light magic and traces of Harmony magic. They were known as the kindest and sweetest creature, always trying to heal the wounded and help out. They're the only officially successful prototype.*
*And then, the one they were desperate to get right... S23 for corruption magic. A black wolf with purple eyes, the exact one that took the Master Emerald. Their power always leaked onto their body, and their section was extensive over incidents, punishments (featuring sensory deprivation and electrocution), and the amount of control and restraint they forced on them. It sounded very... Torturous. And after having them survive for so long, considered it a good idea to change them into a bio-weapon for wars, altering her DNA and training them further into a super soldier. However, they had too many breakdowns and couldn't continue, almost being executed before they were declared "Safe Enough" and let go.*
*The project ended after the last of the day experiments died out on their own.*
*And it was... So many innocent lives of mobians. All created in a lab, never able to see the light of day, and died before they could feel the warmth of the sun and the freedom of nature and the skies.*
*It was 3/1006, a 0.3% success rate. Exceedingly low, dangerous, and reckless of a project. And every single file has been kept under wraps and classified from the general public, just like Project Shadow.*
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"I-I.... I don't know what to say... everything in this.. it..
It all sounds horrible... no one should have to go through this.! Oh geez....
I-I uhm... I'm assuming S23 is the wolf mobian that stole the Master Emerald. The description of what you've told me about them match up with the description here..
this... corruption power seems to be really powerful from what I'm reading.
How in the world are we going to fight against them if we ever meet them later.?
I-I should tell Knuckles... i-i feel like he could use this information so he could be prepared to what's to come once he and Shadow find the Master Emerald along with that wolf mobian, and of course, Maurice as well."
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
mini guide to the mechanisms for my non mechs followers who have zero clue what im saying when i talk about them
jonny d'ville;
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role: captain first mate mechanism: heart last death: stabbed straight through the heart during a bar fight backstory: born and raised on a planet called new texas, took hitman jobs from one eyed jack to pay off his father's debt . in one of the jobs, he killed his dad . after he got mechanized, he went back to new texas and burnt down the casino one eyed jack ran.
gunpowder tim;
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role: master at arms mechanism: eyes last death: crashed into a space station with a gunship backstory: him and his best friend bertie joined the starborne infantry to fight in the war against the moon kaiser . bertie died during the war, sending tim into a crazy rage, absolutely destroying kaiser's forces, eventually getting caught and taken away for execution, he managed to distract the guards and set off a canon, blowing up the moon. he survived by hiding in an escape pod, but couldnt get the visor closed in time, therefore losing his eyes.
drumbot brian;
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role: pilot mechanism: everything except his heart last death: threw himself back into space backstory: landed one day on a random planet with no memory, the townsfolk were convinced he was a witch and threw him into space , everything except his heart completely froze .
ashes o'reilly;
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role: quartermaster mechanism: lungs last death: dropped a match into gasoline on an un-named planet , setting it on fire as the final light in the universe . backstory: recruited into a gang at the age of 11, 12 years later, was framed as a double agent and trapped in a burning building. got mechanized, went back to the planet and burnt the whole thing down.
raphaella la cognizi;
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role: science officer mechanism: wings last death: took a piece of the broken aurora, and flew into a black hole with it, as one last experiment. backstory: N/A
ivy alexandria;
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role: archivist mechanism: brain last death: got trapped inside a library planet that caught on fire in a war . backstory: she was born and raised around books, she died (unexplained why) and had her brain mechanized. she cant remember her past , it comes back to her in dreams that she doesnt remember when she wakes .
marius von raum;
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role: ship's doctor mechanism: right arm last death: eaten by octokittens after checking on them . backstory: he's from a planet with what used to be very powerful weapons, that slowly degraded from years of war . him and an un-named person tried to stop the war, but failed .
nastya rasputina;
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role: ship's engineer mechanism: (quicksilver) blood last death(?): she ejected herself out into space before the bifrost incident, because the aurora 'wasnt the same ship anymore, being replaced piece by piece until she was a different person.' backstory: she was raised on a technologically advanced planet, and killed during a revolution, then being mechanized.
the toy soldier;
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role: N/A, does almost anything it's told to as long as the directions are clear (autism) mechanism: everything but its voice last death: after all the other mechanisms died, it simply stopped pretending. backstory: The Toy Soldier originally lived with a widow who collected clockwork figures. She treated the Toy Soldier like it was her husband and tried to teach it to act like him. she died, and the Toy Soldier was donated to a museum. one day, it just decided to leave, wandering out into the street and ending up joining the Salvation Army.it met person who it ended up falling in love with. but they were in love with someone else, and the Toy Soldier killed them and took their voice. It was then found by an antiques dealer, and ended up being bought by the Mechanisms to replace Jonny for a show while he was in prison . then it just stuck around .
erm . sorry that probably made everything more confusing !
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
I now cannot get the image of Lumine pulling a Radahn phase 2 to the Archons xd
Anyways, hi again! Thanks for the ask--amazing by the way--and the addition to the Ranni!Reader post.
Always nice to see another Tarnished; I tried to keep myself away due to my horrible internet that likes to work only when it wants to but, alas, with two certain bosses I had to xd
Goes to show that even if my cringe is free from judgement, I still need to have help I guess ;-;
Skdkdkdkd sorry, I'm terrible at conversations ;-;;
It's alright, I'm am probably worse at them lol. Asperger's and social anxiety are a hell of a pair eh?
Also, since you mention being a fellow yuri fan, and I apologize for the shameless self-plug, I am writing a pair of yuri fics on my Ao3, one for AL and one for Genshin, if you are curious the link is: TheGreatestShow
As for Lumine...
Admittedly I have three differing ideas for her. I will have to send them in separate messages but here is the first one.
The first being: Eldritch/Cosmic being Lumine. With her being somewhat based on the Elden Beast.
P.S. Also I am going to put the read more link below this because holy shit this wound up being longer than I thought it would be lol.
Not quite a god, but certainly a being removed from mortal comprehension and existence. The human form we see is merely the equivalent of a porcelain shell, designed to protect her more vulnerable, yet also more powerful, true form, something she would kill to keep secret.
She is less interested in the politics of Teyvat and more in regaining her power and either finding Aether and beating him into a coma for abandoning her, or departing the world and returning at full power to settle her score with Asmoday.
She does not go out of her way to attack the Fatui, something that will be a re-occuring theme amidst these ideas, and even offers to aid them in exchange for their help in regaining her powers.
She is also considerably more ruthless than in canon, her battle with Dvalin almost ending in her killing the dragon over the skies of Mondstadt until Venti removes his power out of fear for his friends life. Her clash with Childe ends with Dottore having to perform surgery to reattach the youngest harbingers arms and repair his damaged organs, after Signora grabs him and bails after he staggers into the bank half dead after she gets the gnosis.
Her clash with Osial ends with her attempting to drain the god's power to fuel her own return to full strength, something which is only adverted when Osial removes one of his own heads to stop her from draining him into nothing before he is hit with the Jade Chamber.
As for Inazuma...That is the point where her patience reaches its limit.
Her first meeting with the Shogun end with her vessel being damaged and her being forced to flee, anger and humiliation that a mere doll managed to injure one of her kind swelling within her veins to match the disgust at the blatant attempts at emotional manipulation done to sway her to the rebels side.
But one does not live for eons without learning when to hold their tongue and blade, and so she smiles and joins Sangonomiya's rebellion, waiting...waiting, until she waits no more.
The delusion factory, the remains of gods and demons bent and warped into a power source...a power source she can drain.
Scaramouche barely escapes with his life, and Miko is likewise almost killed as the Starborn devours the power of the factory and at last manages to shatter some of the seals upon her own power, her smile widening as she obliterates the area before ascending, wings of nebulae and galaxies at her back as she gazes upon Inazuma.
Madness and rage swirl within her, the lingering malice of the delusions clouding her mind and amplifying her own rage towards this land and its people, who have dared to humiliate her so, as she calls forth her power and descends.
Kujou Sara staggers into the Shogun's chamber, drenched in blood. Her bow clatters to the ground as the Anemo Boxer holding her up staggers to his knee, blood leaking from both a gash on his side and his lips as he looks at the startled face of both his lady and the Shogun with dread.
The Tengu general manages to stammer out these words-
Before she fades into unconsciousness, the last thing she hears being her Shogun call out her name as explosions begin to rock Inazuma.
From on high the winged being watches as rifts and tears into the cosmos form, meteors and asteroids pouring from them and laying waste to not only the harbor of Ritou, but to the city itself.
Her smile widens as she sees the resistance soldiers, consumed by madness and mania due to her aura having enveloped them, running rampant, maiming and butchering and mutilating to their hearts content.
Faintly she hears Paimon begging her to stop, but she ignores her, her gaze now fixed upon that loathsome Island in the sky as she reaches up a hand to part the heavens and summon forth-
A lightning bolt strikes her hand.
A snarl of rage leaves her lips as he turns to the Shogun, summoning twin greatblades to her hand as she surges forward to at last settle their score.
The battle is vicious, and even within the Plane of Euthymia, Ei is pushed to her limits, divine blood staining the sands as she struggles against her merciless foe.
Eventually she managwes to deal what should be a fatal blow, the Musou no Hitachi tearing a path straight across the Starborn's chest and sending her flyting into the distance.
Yet just as Ei takes a deep breath, she feels the air grow dense.
The sound of shattering pottery fills the silent realm as Lumine begins to rise to her feet only to stagger forward, her form breaking apart like a fallen vase and revealing not but an ever growing stain of darkness that soon envelops the remains and much of the surrounding land, pulling them into stygian depths.
From the depths emerges an arm, stygian in color for but the briefest of moment before light swells and dances within it, stars and galaxies of colors known and unknown forming within the endless expanse of darkness as the limb pulls out of a double Helix shaped blade, the light of the cosmos seeping from it.
With the arm their comes a body, female in form, yet devoid of all other features save for the swirling galaxies and cosmos within, that is until twin orbs open, blazing with the light of twin stars as wisps of comet trail form under a galactic veil upon the beings head.
Above them forms a halo of asteroids and meteors and comets, swirling and dancing amidst a field of stars, a black hole posed at the center and yet not devouring them as it should.
The being rises without legs, it's body seeming to end in the ever growing stain as tendrils and additional limbs rise from the morass as the command of the Starborn.
"You crave eternity...then behold the eternity of the cosmos."
Comes forth a voice that echoes from all directions, light and wispy, yet dark and crushing as well.
Desperation fuels the following battle, even the Shogun is barely able to match the monster she faces, one arm lost and an eye carved out as she is flung to and fro by the being.
Electro meets the blazing Cosmos as the heavens are rent and the plane of Euthymia falls away to reveal a burning city, the two titans continuing a duel that spans the length of the island and then some.
Mountains fall, and canyons are carved, the heavens are rent and reforged a dozen times over as they clash without respite or hesitation until, at last.
The Starborn seizes the Shogun and casts her down into the ground before the Statue of the Omnipresent Goddess, smiling as she rears back her arm to deal the deat-
An arrow slams into her stomach.
A snarl of rage tears from her lips even as agony assails her senses as she turns to regard the one that dared to strike at her.
Ebony wings are unfurled, bandages yet being soaked crimson as muscles and wounds are pulled to tight, as a general stands defiant to protect her goddess from the being that looms above them.
Stalwart and loyal she steps forward to meet the being that looks upon her in confusion and disbelief, though there is something else that likewise burns within those orbs, a faint hint of...respect as she descends to meet her foe.
Desperately the Shogun reaches out for her general, only to see her vision fade in and out as the two clash, the injured Tengu matching the beast as she sheds her human form and brings forth the full extent of her cursed blood, though even that falls short.
Two blades tear through her stomach as she is lifted into the air before being flung across the city and into the ground, the Starborn actually panting in exertion from the effort of the battle before she turns to-
A scream fills the air.
Lightning writhes and dances the Tengu forces herself to her feet, a hand holding her entrails in her as she does so.
A roar of lightning descends as a Vision shatters, wings of ebony feathers now burning with violet electro as a bow of lightning forms within the Tengu's hands.
Apotheosis. Ascension into godhood, and all done in the name of loyalty.
The Starborn feels her respect match her anger as she calls forth her own power once more to meet the newly born god in a battle that shakes the island again.
Her victory is certain, yet still she admires the being that fights against her with such fervor and fury that she can feel corruptive power of the delusions and the bloodcraze it brought upon her fade away from her midn as she fights for her life against the being before her.
At last their battle ends, the Starborn wounded and yet still living, her blade raised to deal a death blow before...she stops.
"What is your name?" She asks the panting Tengu, who looks up at her and responds.
"Kujou Sara."
"The name of a clan of cowards who tried to leave you to die does not fit you, noble one." Comes her swirling voice as she sets the Tengu down.
"Let it be known that I, Lumine of the StarBorn, hearby dub you the 'Storm Born' of Inazuma for your birth into your new childhood came from the storm of rage and loyalty within you."
With that said the Starborn turns to look at the Shogun, who has been aided to her feet by a fearful Ayaka and weary Kokomi as they look upon the being before them.
"A pity you were not made Shogun of these lands, a far better job than this witless coward you would have done." The Star Born says as she delicately brushes aside a blood soaked lock of hair from the Tengu's face, watching as the new born god falls into slumber but a moment later.
"Now then," She turns to the Shogun and her fellows, "Shall we discuss the terms of your surrender child?"
Well, what do you think?
I like the idea of Lumine being a more eldritch or cosmic being, and her taking the civil war a bit more seriously and this was the result.
Another version of this idea has her being soulmates with all of the women in Teyvat, well more like the central pillar of a vast soul bound polycule whose arrival triggers its forming, and her being brought to a mortal level was a few members of Celestia's bid to use her to unite the world against the Abyss.
The bond only becomes known when her true form is revealed and the soul marks are made apparent, needless to say it leads to all sorts of chaos lol.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
🧼💖; Azriel owns Truth Teller. That is the matching weapon to Bryce's sword. These two weapons form part of the ancient fae prophecy, "when knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be." Given that we already know Bryce's sword is the Starborn weapon, this indicates that Azriel's knife is also a Starborn weapon. Rigelus states that the Starborn came from an "island of twilight" in Prythian. Twilight is another name for Dusk. So yes, Azriel does indeed have the Dusk Court knife.
The mountain peak theory may be "fanon," but it is an indisputable fact that the Dusk Court is going to be a central and key part of the next few books. Do you not believe that Elain will have her own book...? If so, logic tells us that Elain will be involved with the Dusk Court, because that is where the story is heading. If you also think that Elain's story will involve Koschei, then it's also worth noting that in Russian mythology, Koschei kept his "soul" hidden on an "island of twilight". Go figure.
Yes, it is likely that Azriel's gifts are connected to Hel. But it is also assumed at this point that the Dusk Court also involved the Princes of Hel. Theia's daughter's skin leaked "starlight and shadows" (which leads people to believe that Theia had her children with someone from Hel, or someone Valg). This is why the Starborn (and by extension, the Dusk Court) include people with Starborn powers (like Bryce), and those with shadow powers (like Cormac and Ruhn - and Azriel !) Dusk is the crossover between the day and the night, the light and the dark. So, starlight and shadow powers makes perfect sense.
Cormac never said he's the only one of his kind. The Avallen fae are all like him.
Bryce's power is similar, but it is still it's own thing. We have never seen Lucien, Helion or Feyre literally take light out of their chest and hold it in their hand. In the same respect, we haven't seen Bryce heal or cursebreak to the extent of those 3 characters.
All of the solar courts are connected. Yrene's power mimics both Bryce's power, and Hypaxia's power - they're healers, and likely associated with the Dawn Court. The Night Court has the shadow powers of the Starborn (and the star imagery), and the Day Court has a similar manifestation of light. But, similar doesn't mean the same. It could be the case that before the courts, Helion, Rhys and the Starborn ancestors were one and the same (because you mention the Dread Trove mask - that was created before the courts were even made...?)
But, in present day, Helion rules Day, Rhys rules Night. Joining either of these with Dusk would be awful storytelling - all the lead up to Dusk Court over an entire multiverse series, only for it to be a mere addition to another court we barely even know? Plus, the Starborn prophecy talks about "reuniting" its people; this is referring to the Starborn people lost between CC and ACOTAR. Their home is the Prison Island - they are their own kind, with their own power. It's the equivalent of you suggesting that Helion will go and rule the Night Court - he doesn't have that right.
I'm posting this in case 🧼💖 would like to reply as the anon was meant for them but I think there's too much unknown about how Az came into possession of TT to say whether it gives him any real tie to the Dusk Court.
Just because he has possession of the dagger doesn't mean it will rightfully end up belonging to him. Ruhn first found the sword but its being used by Bryce.
And Ruhns powers are like Rhys, not Az. Rhys tells us Az's powers are unlike his own and there are hints of Rhys being Starborn but not Az.
Also, the Starborn Fae came from a land of Twilight but wasn't Gwydion first made by the High Priestesses and given to Fionn? So it's origins aren't directly tied to Dusk are they?
Not all Avallen Fae have the same powers. Their powers are varied. I think 🧼💖 was saying Cormacs specific powers were unique.
And Koschei is currently on the continent though his "soul" may be located on Dusk. If Elain's only tie to Dusk is going there to try to find the onyx box than that's not really a tie to the land itself. That's like saying because Lucien does business in the Winter Court, he's must somehow be connected to it through his ancestors.
And I stand by my original thoughts, I don't think Bryce would be a good candidate for ruling over a land. Or Az. And at the end of the day, SJM may not cross over the two series as heavily as what you're trying to do with this theory. Having Bryce living in Dusk with characters from ACOTAR may be more than what would be logical for two standalones. Not to mention she can't have Bryce and her people suddenly living in the newly established Dusk Court in Prythian at the end of CC3 then start the next ACOTAR book having to explain what the Hell happened between SF and the next book since not everyone will read CC3. Maybe the prophecy of the people reuniting simply means there will be a final battle in Prythian where they come together to defeat the Asteri that crossover into the ACOTAR world. Maybe there will never be a Dusk Court at all and it's simply the place where the armies from CC will cross into Prythian for that final battle and Nesta will raise an army of the Dead that were trapped there to fight in the war.
The Avengers join together for various things but at the end of the day, they all go back to their respective homes. So trying to force the CC characters to live on Prythian doesn't make sense to me especially when Bryce and her people would coming from a land of technology into one without. Usually technological civilizations don't go backwards.
Maybe someone else can do better than me at explaining this though because I'm really not knowledgeable about Crescent City.
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wingedblooms · 6 months
Hi, it's me again. Why didn't Bryce meet elain in cc3? Was it some sort of a spoiler for her next book? Was it because she has hidden starborn powers like Bryce and SMJ didn't want Bryce and Elain meeting for a chance that either Elain os Bryce powers will start to glow when meeting eachother? I want to know your thought on this please 😁
Hello again! 🥰 I’m not Sarah, so I can’t say for certain, but I think there are a few different possibilities.
No such thing as bad press. Sarah and BB benefit from the tension among shippers and the mystery of who is next feeds that tension. It creates free buzz for them and helps them make more money.
Maximizing pay off. In an interview with Eva Chen, Sarah talked about planting secrets in acosf that she plans to pay off in the future. While it would’ve been nice to have seen Elain interact with Bryce in hofas, it makes sense for Sarah to save Elain-specific reveals for her book, where we will be able to fully appreciate her perspective and the hidden layers of her character and powers.
That said, we were given important information that strengthens set-up for her story:
Power: We learned that Rhysand is related to the Starborn and in acosf Sarah explicitly told us that the sisters were a match for him in power. That could mean they possess Starborn magic or raw magic that matches it in might, which might explain why they're marked by Wyrd. Elain's gifts (whatever powers she has, as Amren said in acosf) are mostly unexplored and might just be the answer to the plot threads hofas illuminated.
The Mask: Bryce had a Made object on her body and leveled up her Starborn power in hofas, allowing her to activate the magic of the Starborn blades and use the Mask without issue. Even Hunt was able to use the Mask because he had Bryce’s power in him temporarily. But when Nesta used the Mask, she struggled to come back to herself after killing the wyrm. This should prompt a conversation among the IC: Is this because she returned her magic? Or interfered with a bargain? Or does the Mask have some innate, soul-devouring magic that functions like a curse, as Rigelus warned? @offtorivendell pointed out that Cassian questioned the cost to Nesta’s soul when Amren said the Mask made her unstoppable. It seems there’s something to that and since Bryce returned it at the end of hofas, we will likely learn more.
Starborn blades: We learned that while Azriel has been carrying Truth-Teller all this time, he doesn’t seem to know how to activate its magic. And holding both of these blades at the same time seems to bother him. But we did see Bryce use them together without issue (like the Mask) and based on what we saw of Truth-Teller’s magic, it’s even more likely that Elain activated its magic when she stepped out of shadow, out of nowhere, to kill Hybern with it. In other words, if it hasn't been addressed already, the IC should be asking questions about how Elain used the blade to appear when/where she did, and what that might mean for future exploration and use.
Asteri’s secrets: There are more secrets hidden in the land by the Asteri that will need to be uncovered. Vesperus mentioned the sacred sister peaks, so at minimum, we will be spending time mapping their secrets and rooting out the remaining Asteri influence on the land. As @offtorivendell, @silverlinedeyes, @willowmeres and I have theorized, the Asteri's lingering secrets might be connected to Koschei and his efforts to free himself. Not only does this sound like an ideal plot for a gardener, but Elain might’ve been given her vision and gifts for this exact purpose.
Stone Mother: Mother, Cauldron, Fate = Wyrd. We learned that the Asteri warped her Cauldron form into a tool of destruction. Pure life used to blossom from her womb. This could explain why she loves Elain and, at her core, would never hurt her—Elain is a kindred spirit and might represent what she used to be. Wyrd also used to rest in the heart of the Night Court, which is yet another hint that we will be exploring the mysteries beneath Ramiel.
The Helscape beneath: Bryce noticed a Helscape beneath the land in the cavern illustrations, making us wonder just how entwined these two worlds are and hinting at future interactions (via sight or portal) with the Princes of Hel and their creations (yes, please).
I am not sure exactly where Sarah will start the next acotar book. As @silverlinedeyes theorized, it could be a tandem read that includes Bryce's arrival and discoveries in Prythian. I could also see Sarah starting from an IC meeting where the characters are in an uproar and trying to process all that has happened, which might include descriptions and flashbacks of important scenes. Nesta and Azriel interacted directly with Bryce, so they will be responsible for reporting on those activities. It would make sense for those conversations to include what Azriel observed of Nesta's struggle with the Mask, what Nesta observed of Azriel's reactions to the Starborn blades, what they learned about the Starborn, Asteri, Trove, and Wyrd from Silene and Vesperus.
And once the weapons Bryce took are returned (which is fairly quickly, given the short timeline), Nesta will need to share what Bryce said to her. Personally, I imagine a scene in which the IC discusses (or more likely argues about) what Bryce shared, the Starborn blades aglow on the table. During this exchange, Elain is noticeably distracted, her focus repeatedly drawn to the blades until she finally blurts out, "Can none of you hear them? It's impossible for me to focus with their incessant chatter."
And that’s how we learn Elain can understand the Starborn blades and has been listening to their colorful commentary on everyone in the room the entire time.
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faint-kitten · 1 year
Starfield is potentially going to be one of my favorite games of this year, despite the fact I can't stand 70% of it, and I won't want to replay it when I'm finished. For a sort of...time stamp as to where I was when I played this: I've just finished the Nishan mission, and I've recently attended the memorial service.
This game SEEMS to be setting up themes only a game like this can, with the concept of a Multiverse. We're up to our asses in multiverse content right now it's just kind of been the big thing in the last few years.
But few games (maybe Bioshock infinite?) actually address the Player as a force,or factor in the plot. In an almost Kojima esque way, when they talk about the unity, when they talk about us changing, and the starborn and what comes next: They're talking about the Player. They're talking about the player as they exist as their character. They're talking about new game plus as a mechanic and how it will impact them and you and your behavior and your character and choices: they are talking about how we play games on a second or third or even fourth go around.
Companions are voicing concerns you won't be the same, that they won't recognize you, would you even fall in love with them again? Are you still going to be "you", or are you going to be obsessed with collecting artifacts? Will you become inhuman, and callous and greedy?
On a second playthrough, and a third, we (the player) become more familiar with the world and less connected and empathetic with it, or it's characters, even if it's just a little bit. Nothing will ever match the first time we play a game.
We tend to romance different, make different decisions just to see what happens. Our character, you could say, becomes "Different". Sometimes we're good, sometimes we decide to play as an absolute bastard. They are worried that entering the unity might "change" us and who we are and how we behave, and how we treat them.
On newgame plus we might become more concerned with collecting all the powers and artifiacts. There are lines in the dialogue that say "I have to do this."
On first playthrough this doesn't mean that much, but on a second, or third, or fourth trip around: "i have to do this" and "this is happening are you on my side or not" hits different. We'll have heard all their worries before but they don't understand: we HAVE to collect them and step into the unity.
Because that's the fucking plot of the game. If we're playing again, we're going to have to if we want to finish the game again.
Repeated playthroughs of Fallout 4, or Skyrim, or Starfield, or Mass Effect, or Dragon Age we tend to become numb as we become less invested in the world and story and the characters, we are pushing through a world we already know and make choices not on feelings but on what gets us the outcomes we want.
Becoming "Starborn" makes us inherently less human. As shown by the Emmissary and the Hunter.
Stepping into the Unity initiates Newgame+ will fundementally alter how the player percieves and plays in Starfield's universe. The fact companions are discussing this and hinting at this cannot be coincidence.
The question is: Did they take time to make characters different, do you get different options for round 2 as a Starborn, are you aware of the multiverse and able to talk about it with the Hunter or the Emissary?
If they land this plot, it will be my favorite game of this year, and if Bethesda fumbles these themes. I won't say I'll be surprised, but it will be a disappointment.
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aurasomething · 2 years
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Captain “Property damage” Sparklez
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naariel · 2 years
I re-read Crescent City (HoEaB and HoSaB) just to write down all the physical descriptors of all the characters
okay fine, the re-read was also to cure the book hangover
anyway, sharing here for anyone who are interested. This doesn't include bonus chapters
I forgot to write this guy down, but iirc basically super tall and rotting
Looks late 20s
Long silver blonde hair
Blue eyes (c. 6) Light brown eyes (c. 49)
Corn-silk hair
Narrow Pale face
Slender hands
Narrow shoulders
Metallic purple painted nails in dire need of manicure.
Silvery blond hair, normally straight silken Sheet, though curled after a whole day of wearing her tight long braid, streaks of amethyst, sapphire and rose
Corn-silk hair
Caramel eyes
Sword strapped on back
Worn leather hilt, ancient leather scabbard
Worn motorcycle jacket
Black boot
Vintage band t shirt (Banshee band name)
Lean body
Slim fingers
Slim jaw
Slim shoulder
Taller than humans
Matching back tattoo
Angular planes face
Horned, grinning wolf tattoo on neck below jaw
Gray wolf small horse sized
Golden skin
Broad shoulders
Golden stare
Taller than humans
Sensuous mouth
Tristan Flynn (Fae)
Brown eyes
Charming as Hel
Classic Fae beauty
Handsome face 
Considerable muscles
Short chestnut hair
Earth magic
Golden-brown skin
Declan (Fae)
Amber eyes
Dark red hair
Red hair
Chiseled jaw
descripted as the "least insane" out of the Ruhn household
Ruhn (Fae)
One side of his raven black hair buzzed, straight black hair flowed to his waist
Striking Blue eyes
Silver hoop through lower lip
Sleeves of tattoos, colorful and beautiful
Line of rings in ear
Black t shirt, dark tight jeans
Black Boots
Leather jacket 
Strikingly handsome
Golden skinned (but paler than Rhysand)
Starsword; dark blade, black hilt
Power to summon shadows and mist
Pose: slide hands into back pocket of jeans
Formal at Summit: Circlet of gilded birch leaves on head
Burn scars on arms covered with tattoos
Leather jacket
Tattooed throat 
Swirling tattoo on pec
Violet-blue eyes
face and posture identical to Rhysand
pointed ears
Dark head of softly Curling hair
Thick night-dark hair
Dark eyes
Rich brown eyes
Arresting face
Not the cultivated beauty of a movie star, beauty in it's rawest form
Large brown eyes
Full mouth
High cheekbones
Near perfect symmetry
Radiating cool serenity and awareness
Glowing brown skin
Brown hands
Looks like humans
Queen aura
Sleek black curls
Sometimes tied back in a bun
Elegant brown face
Luxurious dark gaur falling in soft curls down to her Slim waist
Brown skin that glowed as id the moonlight ran beneath it
Large dark eyes that noticed too much
Full, inviting mouth
Lovely smile 
Bryce silky curtain of Wine-red hair, with slightly curled ends down to the top of her ass
Pointed ear
Freckled golden skin
Amber eyes
Whiskey colored eyes
Human (identical to her mother's) face; freckles
High cheekbones
Full mouth
Four inch white heels
Generously curved
Big boobs
Spectacular ass
Taller than average
Thick angry Scar on the inside left thigh, from being shredded open and stapled shut
Twilight ombre nails, pink to night
Red nails
Worn leather jacket with feminine colorful script
Heavier than she looks, tan skin covering more muscle than Hunt thought
Sleek, unnervingly perfect thigh
Silky skin
Long, delicate fingers
White Skintight dress
Tight Jeans and cream colored revealing sweater
Black leather ankle boots
Star, like an old Scar, white mark
Freckled, golden-tan skin
Long, muscled legs
Ample hips
Thick Scar curving along her thigh
Whiskey colored eyes
Super Powerful and Special Magic Starborn Princess
Tendrils of Horn tattoo
Lean, Long expanse of golden leg
Black battle suit (built in medkit), intricate leather scales, black gloves, twin swirds peeking above his shoulders, boots, black hilted knife sheathed on thigh
Predator, Killer, Monster
Angular dark eyes
Black eyes
Onyx eyes
Not black at all, but a shade of darkest brown
Gray wings
Striking, handsome face Full of powerful lines and sharp cheekbones
Golden-brown face
Light brown skin
Skull-faced helmet, silver painted skull
Entwined thorns tattoo across brow, most hidden by his hair, but no concealing the thin black band 
SPQM tattoo on right wrist
Shoulder length Black hair slipping Over face
Dark, shoulder length hair
Sable strands gleaming like black silk
Broad shoulders
Towers over Bryce
Strong hands
Strong Jaw
Stray locks of his dark hair curled around the edges [of the sunball cap]
Deep gold skin on hands
Strong tan column of his throat
Dark brows
Muscles upon muscles upon muscles
Gold dusted brown skin
Soft Gray t-shirt, black sweats, white sunball cap turned backwards
Powerful build
Powerful, muscled body
Cut hair shorter last month. Not too short, neatly trimmed to the nape, with only a few pieces in the front still unruly enough to peek through the hole of his sunball hat.
Dark, Angular eyes
Light brown skin 
Jaw length Auburn hair
Red-brown hair
Light brown eyes
Powerful body
Mer form: partially scaled arms, fingers tipped in sharp grey nails, massive body, gills beneath ears, claw tipped webbed hand, (roughly 2.5 meters tall? size compared to some long creature)
Muscled abdomen
Reddish-brown scales, catching the sun like burnished copper
Long tail
Black stripes slashing through tail, continuing up his torso and along his arms
Aquatic tiger
Bare skin of upper arms and chest heavily tanned
Taloned/talon-tipped hands
Mer form: Scales ripples along his arms and halfway up his torso. 
Long Muscular arms 
Long fingers
Dark red hair
Haunted, exhausted looking (Hosab)
Long body
Powerful form
Onyx rose with 3 claw marks slashed through
Golden-brown hair (longer than the last time she saw him)
Towering, muscled male
Brown eyes
Gray t shirt pulling across the Considerable expanse of his muscled back
Handsome, charming features
Good looking
Built for speed and agility
Short golden-brown hair
Wolf: horse sized
Brushes hair away from face; longer than it had ever been
White wings
Black silk tie, charcoal business suit
Dark brown skin
Tight brown curls
Brown eyes
Pretty-boy face
Entwined thorns tattoo across brow
SPQM tattoo on right wrist
Intense, ballsy, take-no-shit angel
Free (no tattoo)
Harsh planes
Black braided hair
Onyx eyes
Colourfully tattooed hands
Black wings
Sharp chin
Jet-black eyes
Dark haired
Navy suit
Graceful, stunning
Pale green eyes
Stunning green eyes
Halo tattoo
Wraith, graceful, flirty
Long legs
Alabaster hands (white skin)
Pale face
Narrow face
Slightly wrinkled
Justinian NOT A SINGLE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTOR IN EITHER BOOKS, except that he painted his wings a matte black during the Viper Queen meeting.
Unfairly beautiful
Snow White wings
Brown eyes
Icy eyes
Long legs
Strands of gold in his hair
Boots, dark jeans 
Long onyx hair tied in a high ponytail that brings out the sharp lines of her light brown face. (Pre death)
Chinlength hair
Sleek bob
Deep set chestnut eyes.
Black leather leggings,
Skintight velvet top
Ass kicking boots
Red lips, straight teeth
Angular eyes
Appears human
Delicate figure
Angular eyes like Amren
Dark brown skin
Exquisite face
Curling Black hair
Long legs ending in delicate hooves
Sweet and mild
Striped legs
Gently arcing horns, nearly hidden
Curly hair pulled into a coiled bun
Thin but leanly muscled
Graceful, Tall, thin
Large beautiful eyes
Thrumming with dark power
Slender, pale-skinned... pretty boy
Blond hair fell to his shoulders in soft waves, loose yet well cut around his fine boned face. 
Eyes like blue opals
Thick, golden eyelashes
Full, sensuous mouth, too white teeth
Slender hands
Black, Closely tailored jacket and pants
Polished leather shoes
400 yo
Lush female body
Flowing Navy dress
Pearls at ears and throat
Cropped Ash blonde hair, cut shorter on the sides, longer on the top
Effortlessly chic and casual
Blonde brows
Face both young and wise, bedroom-soft yet foreboding 
Young faced
Full mouth
Pale grey eyes
Silver nails
Autumn King (Fae)
Ancient, cruel Amber eyes
No sign of aging
Long thin nose
Black jeans, black long sleeved t shirt
Tall, muscled
Long Red hair, embers and molten fire
Onyx crown 
Viper Queen
Moon skinned
Gold jumpsuit
Emerald hoop earrings hanging lower than her chin length bob
Razor sharp bob
Glossy bob
Full lips painted purple so dark it was nearly black
Green eyes, marbled with jade and gold, that slit like a snakes
Well groomed eyebrows
Beauty mark just beneath the outer corner of her eye
Gold painted nails
Long thin canines (snakey)
Snake form: moon white cobra with scales that gleam like opals
Tattoo of a snake twining around a crescent moon on her wrist
Wears only jumpsuits it seems
Blood darker than usual
30 pounds (14 kg)
Wiry golden coat
Long tail, tufted with dark hair at the end like a lions
Folded ears
Round, fuzzy head
Wrinkles of fat
Longer hair at neck, not quite a mane
Too big paws ending in birdlike talons
Squishy dog face
Dark eyes
Slightly bigger than a terrier
Stout little body
Pointy teeth
Mid 40s
Tiny Scar on cheek
A knockout
Long black hair
Freckled skin
Full lips
High cheekbones
Dark depthless eyes
Bryce's face, just different coloring
Slim shoulders
The Embrace silver necklace
Brown skinned
Black braided hair streaked with silver 
Brutal scars
Friendly eyes
Dog tags
Dark haired
Curling hair
Eyes the color of fresh tilled soil
Sharp cruel eyes, death
Thin arms
Full lips
Slim, tall
Golden haired
Dead cruel smile
Cobalt eyes
White wings
Golden skin
Brutal, sadistic
Motherfucker Number One
Pretty-boy face
Flowing golden hair
Thick lashes
High cheekbones
Goddess vibes, still and lovely, like Chtona
The harpy:
Dark haired
Jet black hair
Black wings
With a wildness like the western wind
Slim waist
Thin lips
Built Wiry and Long, face Narrow and eyes a bit too large for her features
Baxian Hellhound: 
Black wings
Dark haired
Closely buzzed hair
Brown skinned
Tall and finely muscled
Jet-black, faintly shimmering wings, like a crows feathers
Old Wicked Scar snaking down his neck, forking across the column of his throat, given by hunts lightning.
Obsidian eyes
Tall, lean angel
Natural elegance; not beautiful but striking. Intense and focused
Lightweight black armor of overlapping plates - reptilian version of hunts suit.
Nearly as fall as hunt
Teenage boy
Slender chin
Bony elbow
Fae boy 17 yo appearance
Dark haired
A weak facade to veil the ancient monster beneath
Amelie Ravenscroft
Dark hair in a tight braid
Sharp angled face
Gold eyes
13 yo
Tall, gangly, bony
Short brown hair
Nordic descent? (fjords of her homeland)
Cold hard armor covering her breast
Golden sun bracketed by a gun and a blade (ophion logo) + red sinking sun above it (lightfall squad).
Brown haired
Cormac Donnall (Fae)
As Agent Silverbow; Imperial armor (has cap) (hair peeking from beneath the cap he'd donned)
Broad hand
Fire magic
Tan face, ruggedly good-looking
Void of feeling
(Dead, humorless) Light brown eyes
Thin, tight white sweater over black jeans and combat boots
Muscled chest
Tattoo of strange symbols encircled his left biceps, black ink
Broad shoulders
Rubbish at pool
Perfect blond hair
Short blond hair
Immaculate blond hair 
Unfailingly arrogant angle of his chin
The Hind
Golden haired
Silver torque around neck
Deer shifter
Amber eyes
Golden eyes
Red lips
Pale face
Polished, knee-high boots
Imperious face
Grey Uniform
Light footsteps
Most beautiful female Ruhn had ever seen
Unscarred, Elegant hands
Gold ring crowned with a square clean-cut Ruby
Upswept chignon
Spitting image of Luna
Regal angle of neck and jaw
Coldly serene as the moon
Beautiful and terrible
In flame: large eyes, swept upwards at the edges
Long legs
Red lips
Slim, manicured fingers 
Slender, on the Taller side, delicate frame
Lush hips, full breasts
Dark haired
Muscle bound
Dreadwolf uniform - boatload of silver darts
Golden eyes
Dark claws at fingertips
State between human ans wolf
Scalp gleaming through buzzed hair
Thick fingers
Too long teeth (wolf teeth)
Craggy face
Leopard shifter
All Sleek muscle beneath dark brown skin
Topaz eyes
Skin as dark as Onyx
Light brown eyes
Delicate mouth
Patient smile
White wings
Voluptuous, lush-bodied
Tightly Curling Black hair
Curls spilling down her bare arms like a waterfall of night  
Silver jewellery, pink and lilac gauzy ethereal robes 
Feminine strength and beauty
Barely reaches Hunt's chest
Soft pink nails
Elegant as a swan
Caramel eyes
Black hair cut close to his head in a warrior lite fashion 
Light brown skin Radiating health and vitality
Dark eyes that noted every person in the room, like a soldier assessing the battlefield
Genuine smile for Celestina
White wings
Toned Powerful body
Tightly curled black hair was Cropped close to his head
Handsome, unsmiling face
Powerful body bedecked in dark, ornate armor
Dark eyes
Prince of death
No slickness or smug arrogance
Wolf lady Mystic Fendyr Alpha
Long chestnut-brown hair
Too thin
Dark eyes
Face that mightve been pretty if it wasn't so gaunt and Haunted
Dragon lady, Ariadne
Human sized
Hair like darkest iron falling in Curling waves
Delicately featured face
Burns stuff with touch
Crimson eyes - like boiling blood
Black eyes like coal
Ripples of what seems like red and gold scales Flowing beneath her skin
Fae female bodytype
Short, Curvy
Wavy black hair, waistlength
Ample backside
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taco-theblob · 3 years
So I watched Avengers Age of Ultron and Antman last night with my dad and I believe I have more ideas for the characters. Some of these like last time have lots of thought into them or like no thought into it. Also in this Au the charters interactions are a bit different and their relationships but I imagine the main story line stays the same. You can imagine it differently though as I am just assigning roles. If anyone wants I can go into more detail on how I think this AU is different for each character from the actual movies.
Philza Minecraft as Captain America
One of the reasons is the being very old things. Phil’s character on the smp is like thousands of years old and Captain was in the ice for awhile I just felt it fit. Also how Captain goes from like being a soldier to not listening to anyone's crap. Feel that part to his arc fits how Phil goes from being a citizen of lmanberg to taking it down just Phil’s is more of a extreme.
Ranboo as Falcone
This is one of the ones with little to no thought with it. Couldn’t really think of someone else to put and liked the idea of it being Ranboo.
Technoblade as Bucky
Best friends with Phil is one of the reasons. I don’[t really know how to explain my thought process but there are a lot of thoughts with this one. Just the distrust for anyone but Phil that Techno has and willing to do anything for his friends. Also Bucky not fully trusting himself because of his past and not always being in full control of himself can be connected to Techno struggling with his voices. 
Wilbur as Iron man
The stubbornness to refuse he is wrong and the self destructive tendency's that Iron man has I feel can be with Wilbur’s character. Also the lack emotional availability. We can also have how Iron mans relationship is with Spiderman can be kind of connected with Wilbur and Tommy’s. The biggest difference is one is father son and the other is more brotherly. But they are both mentor student relationships.
Tommyinit as Spiderman
This one I have just seen so much that I can’t unsee it so it has like less thought than I would like.
Sapnap as Hawkeye
Another with not to much thought I just enjoy the idea.
George as Blackwidow
Same as the last.
Foolish as Thor
Character Foolish is a demigod, can control lightning, and is also a himbo I just had to have him as Thor.
Dream as Loki
One I get to have him and foolish be brothers and just how Loki is with the not being good or bad but still doing bad things was a cool idea for dream. Also this dream is different than cannon dream. 
Solidarity as Vision
This one is completely self indulgent. But I enjoy the idea of him looking like red life Jimmy from 3rd life but like his more human self looks like his normal skin. Also how vision talks to Ultron at the end of the movie I feel could fit Jimmy. The not wanting conflict but fighting when needed. At least that is how I see what vision is like may be wrong.
Smajor as Wanda 
Just as self indulgent as the last. Also Scott being a starborn and having really strong powers matches Wanda being really strong. Also Scott was a witch on x-life and Wanda having the whole witch thing in Wandavision. Also being very emotional and easily angered after losing a loved one is similar between them. Wanda with Vision and Pietro then Scott on 3rd life with Jimmy.
Seapeekay as Pietro 
This one was a felt like it one.
Sneeg Snag as Antman
This was mainly because him being an inching on origins smp. So this is one of the ones with less thought.
Eret as Dr. Strange
Just enjoy the idea. Also the being a bit selfish at first but then learning to be better may match how Eret’s character arc is.
Captain Puffy as Captain Marvel
A badass with a kind heart is the role Puffy shall play. Also they both called captain. And I just feel it fits ok.
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unimone · 3 years
Bryce’s Characterization and Alternatives
Bryce’s characterization in HOEAB and HOSAB comes across as unconvincing. SJM wants her to be half-human, so Bryce is easily sympathetic but doesn’t consider all the ways this would affect her. (For example, the text focuses more on people judging and insulting her for being a party girl than being half-human.)
In this post, I’ll try to propose a few adjustments that could reconcile different elements of Bryce’s character. 
#1: Bryce's Human Side
(This scenario involves making Bryce's personality match her background.)
Bryce loves Danika and the Pack of Devils, but she feels powerless whenever she's insulted, looked down upon, or even threatened by Vanir, and they have to step in to rescue her. She tries to hide her feelings of inferiority and resentment, but Danika notices. This is why Danika tattoos Luna’s Horn on Bryce. She wants to wait until the means (synth) to activate it are more developed before telling Bryce. (To make it seem less morally questionable, you could make Danika just as drunk as Bryce was when they got the tattoos and structure the events so that Danika tries to tell Bryce before her death but runs out of time.)
Although Bryce could still be outgoing and fun-loving around her friends, around other Vanir she's timid. This would be a major departure from canon (this Bryce would never tell Hunt to take a hike over the intercom). Furthermore, Bryce is sympathetic to the rebels. So when Bryce finds out that Danika was working with them, she's shocked but less freaked out than she is in canon. More emphasis would be placed on Vanir underestimating Bryce because she's half-human and less because she's a party girl.
Ideally, Bryce would also only get magic from the tattoo and not from the Drop. It would be activated using synth and be dangerous without an antidote afterward, so Bryce would have to be wise about when to use it. She would still be immortal, but the Starborn power would go to Ruhn or another family member. (This scenario can work with Bryce becoming Starborn, but it's easier to have high stakes with an underdog than with an overpowered character. Also, SJM has done the "average protagonist gets overpowered later on" trope in ACOTAR and TOG already.)
#2: The Autumn King Raises Bryce
This scenario, like #1, focuses on Bryce’s background, but this time it’s the opposite. Ember reaches her breaking point after she’s already given birth to Bryce. She tries to escape with her baby, but Einar (the Autumn King) catches her. Einar suspects that Bryce will inherit the Starborn powers. Thus, he allows her to leave, but only if she leaves Bryce behind. Heartbroken, Ember agrees.
Despite being half-human, Bryce is raised as a Fae princess and has all of the privileges that come with it. She may meet Danika earlier than in canon due to their both having high-ranking Vanir as parents. This scenario justifies Bryce’s sassy (and sometimes insulting) attitude towards high-ranking Vanir in canon. As the Autumn Princess, she has the status and power to back herself up. Her sheltered upbringing also explains why she’s so unsympathetic to the rebels. 
However, this scenario would also be a major departure from canon and would have ramifications for her relationships with other characters like Ruhn, Einar, Ember, Randall, and others.
#3: The Asteri are Even Nastier
In this scenario, the Asteri keep a tight grip on the flow of information coming into and out of Lunathion. This includes printing propaganda and silencing anyone who stands in their way. Bryce and co. would not be able to insult/undermine high-authority officials the way they do in HOEAB and HOSAB. The Archangels and other high-ranking Vanir have more knowledge than the general populous, but even they are left out of the loop on the Asteri's true goals. Bryce and many others don't know how terrible the Asteri are, and some even revere them. Not much is known about the treatment of humans in other territories, and the rebellion is demonized in the papers. Things like slavery tattoos would have to be ditched or kept secret.
Over the years, Danika has grown disillusioned with the Asteri and decides to help the rebellion. Danika is the one who releases Philip on a technicality. Behind the scenes, with the help of old friends (the Pack of Devils) and new allies (Sofie and the rebels), Danika begins to unravel a major conspiracy. She keeps this from Bryce because she doesn't want to put her in danger. Danika and the Pack of Devils are found out by the Asteri and dealt with. Philip is arrested again and blamed for their deaths. Sofie and the rest of Ophion's/Keres' whereabouts are unknown.
Throughout the story, Bryce and co. find out more and more about Danika and the Asteri. We also learn a bit about Jesiba Roga and the contents of the library. The Asteri can't execute Bryce and Hunt without enraging the locals and the Autumn King (he makes it public that she’s his daughter). In the end, when the Asteri give Bryce and co. the deal, they take it. They know they can't trust the Asteri, and Bryce still resents them for their hand in Danika’s murder. However, they need time to track down Sofie and the rest of Ophion/Keres, find out more, build up their strength, and take down the Asteri.
#4: Bryce is a Private Investigator
(Warning: this one is very self-indulgent.)
Although HOSAB seemed like it would be about Bryce and Hunt taking a stand against the Asteri for the sake of humans (see this article), in reality, she's driven by finding out more about Danika, just like in HOEAB. In addition to being repetitive, it also retroactively weakens the emotional core of HOEAB by revealing Danika kept even more secrets from her "best friend." Since SJM wanted to keep the mystery-solving element from Book 1, why not have Bryce be a detective?
Bryce and Danika, like canon, meet in college and become best friends. However, after college, Bryce gets a job at a private detective agency, and the two often collaborate. When Danika dies, Bryce can’t officially take up the case because of her boss. The boss suspects something fishy is going on behind the scenes and doesn’t want to risk getting involved. Despite this, Bryce works herself ragged trying to find the culprit in her spare time. Bryce gets very close to finding a key clue, causing her to attract Micah’s attention. He pulls some strings and gets Bryce's boss to fire her. Philip is arrested soon after and Jesiba Roga eventually hires Bryce.
At the end of Book 1, Bryce can either get rehired by her ex-boss or form her own agency with Hunt, Ruhn, Fury, and the others. Like #3, Bryce and co. are all local heroes, and the Asteri and Archangels have taken a hit to their reputation. Backed into a corner, the Asteri give Bryce and Hunt a similar deal as canon. This gives Bryce two possible motivations for HOSAB: Bryce can become more sympathetic to the rebel cause and decide to help, or Tharion can request she formally take on the Sofie and Emile case.
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cxmetery-gates · 4 years
SUMMARY: On the battlefield, blood soaks into the earth. Valdis Starborn is everything, and then nothing. WORD COUNT: 796 NOTES: This isn’t supposed to make any sense right now. I hope it worked. If you are interested in being added to a taglist, please let me know! WARNINGS: battle/war, mentions and descriptionsof death, blood
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Sometimes it was demanding, other times it was passive. No amount of restraint could stop her now, not when her soul bled with black. No longer did the plush sensations of the light exist in her skin and bones. Not even a tomb embalming its existence could be found. The light was craving, admittedly. Good deeds led to a warm blush, a bubble of softness, and an array of future mistakes. The good were praised, raised up as heroes, icons in legends, their triumphant stories remembered for centuries to come. But the dark— oh, the dark— it was powering. No man, no warrior, no god who could stop the encasing lust that grips a determined mind. They tried to stop her, to submit her to an idle girl with too much power that needed a harness. The light's first mistake was thinking she could be controlled.
She proved them wrong as the darkness grew in her heart. Too long had she willingly kept herself on a leash, the barbed collar dug into her neck for so long that pain and obedience was all she knew. Destiny made her this way, but Fate kept her bound to the light. Until, Fate's grip slipped, and she ran.
Valdis Starborn was meant for more than the galaxy was ready for, and she was ready to fulfill her every destiny with the power bestowed upon her.
Nothing could stop her now. Pure, raw power flowed through her veins. All she has ever fought for lay before her feet, a bloody aftermath trailing down the ground before settling into the earth under her. Euphoria pooled in her heart as the ground became stained with the warriors who fought to hold her down. Now, they will forever remain where she was pushed to.
Obsidian eyes do not look from the dead tyrant, his eyes forever soaking in the goddess who stands victorious above him. The dying of life in his eyes will always reflect the goddess with moonlight skin and ashy, smoke-like veins protruding from her skin. All around her, the slain bodies of the fool's army lay dead or at the mercy of her bloodlust. His death solidified their failure.
From her standpoint, as her army roared in cheer, the universe wanted this victory.
But Fate would have it another way.
A victory stumped like a flicker of fire against water. A sharp pain, a betrayal confession, and Valdis Starborn fell to her knees, her own blood staining her armor, her hands, her victory. Even as she falls, she cannot grasp what happened, how the dagger found itself ripping through her spine. Her soldiers were upon the assassin in a moment, but she could only focus on the dead king, now at his level, and his expression void of anything mocked her as pain erupted in each limb, each nerve set ablaze with an unquenchable burn.
"I don't want to go," her voice carried to listening ears. She had fought and won. She deserved to live, to see the universe succumb to her will, her destined rule.
The battle was long, and she had come out as victorious, but the garnet of the sky was foreboding to the very end. As she fades, she mockingly asked if it were a sign. The shimmer of crimson thickness matched the rolling red clouds from above and the fading of her ashen skin was uncannily similar of the empty bodies around her. Below Valdis, she watched the drops of ruby-red meet with an enemy's, their essence of life becoming one.
There was no hope as life faded each second. The end was near, again. She knew this, and her hand gripped a steel sword for balance. Memories she did not know she had resurfaced, but she would not have time to ponder the unlocked visions. Rasps of breath reach for help, begging the air around her to heal the lethal wound. But Valdis created her destiny, a painful reminder plaguing her raging thoughts. Her power was all her own, and with it, she decided to use her strength to conquer and to destroy. Screams echoed inside of her skull. A single tear shed: her death was in her own bloody hands.
All because Valdis desired a throne.
The void growing in her eyes did not leave vacant gems across from her, a lifeless pair swimming in crystalline fear before frozen in death. Or maybe she simply did not have the strength to look away. In the reflection of the tyrant's eyes, she sees a herself, weak, broken, and nearly invisible. Valdis falls forwards, the last exhale carrying her form somewhere else far, far away.
Fate, this time, was determined for light to reign.
And Death— oh, how she laughed.
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