#a new jesse has entered chat
copper-wasp · 2 years
Ok devs really gotta stop exploiting my love for cowboys fr
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elliesbelle · 1 year
nobody compares to you
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chapter 3
pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: you're in your junior year of college and at a party, you run into the girl who broke your heart: ellie williams. despite the time it took to reset your life, will you risk a broken heart again for her?
content warnings: modern college au, cursing, angst, dealer!ellie, mentions of alcohol, brief mention of vomit, a little bit enemies to lovers, minors do not interact
word count: 1.6k
chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen
series masterlist
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the "nobody compares to you" spotify playlist
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The sunshine streaming from your bedroom window wakes you up that Sunday morning. You groan as you lazily get up from bed to close the blinds before returning to your bed with a flop. 
After five seconds of loud moans of grogginess muffled into your pillow, you lay on your side to check your phone. You thank past you for remembering to charge it before completely passing out when you got home last night. 
Two messages from “D Money 💛” and six from the group chat with your other friends are what you noticed first. 
Looking in the group chat, it was your friends Astrid and Tara texting along the lines of, “who’s nursing a massive hangover rn, woohoo 🎉 good job ladies.” 
A half smile forms on your lips but you decide not to respond for now, still a little annoyed at your irresponsible friends and their antics. 
You then proceed to open Dina’s texts from this morning. 
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You glance at the time on your phone. 8:16. You have a bit of time to get decent, not that Dina hasn’t seen you in worse conditions. 
Groaning, you force yourself off your bed. The only item of clothing from last night that you’d shed were your boots. You peel off the rest and toss them to the side, making a mental note to actually put them in your hamper later. 
You rummage through your dresser for a set of house clothes. Settling on an old high school t-shirt and grey sweatpants, you head towards your bathroom. 
You lived in an off-campus apartment that was just a 15-minute walk away from your school. You had it all to yourself, which you were originally reluctant about, but you later came around to. 
Entering the bathroom and blinded by the bright white lights, you place your clothes on the sink and finally look at your reflection in the mirror. 
The state you’re in has present you chastising past you for not getting ready for bed properly. Your hair is in utter disarray, eye makeup and false eyelashes all askew, lipstick more on your cheek than on your actual lips. 
Hot fucking mess, minus the hot. 
After attacking your face with several makeup wipes, you hop in the tub for a well-deserved hot shower. 
It’s while you were rinsing off the shampoo from your hair that you finally allowed yourself to think about Ellie. 
What the fuck was that last night? Did that really happen? Was I that fucked up and imagined the whole thing? No. Dina’s coming over for a reason. It must have been true. 
You let the shower water run over your back for much longer than you needed, finding comfort in the heat. After finishing up, you tiptoe out of the bath while shivering from the absence of warm water. You walk into the living room five minutes later, freshly showered with comfortable clothes on, teeth brushed, and your wet hair wrapped in your bath towel. 
Settling on your small grey couch, you decide to scroll through your phone mindlessly while you wait for Dina’s arrival. New texts were waiting in your friends' group chat, but you disregard them once more, deciding you were not in the mood and that you have nothing useful to contribute anyway. 
After a while, you hear the sound of keys unlocking your front door. This doesn’t surprise you as Dina (and Jesse) have a set of keys to your place. You think about her previous comment about “pounding at your door” when you both knew she’d just do this anyway and chuckle.
You glance at the time. 8:55. 
Oh, she means business. 
Dina walks in carrying a coffee carrier with two cups wedged in it. Dropping the keys on the dining room table, she locks the door behind her. She looks up at you and smiles widely. 
“Oh, look who’s up and presentable!” 
“Did you shower just for me?” Dina says, placing her free hand on her chest and gasping dramatically as she approaches you. You chuckle inwardly over how similar her mannerisms are to Jesse’s. You silently envy the intimacy they share.
“I didn’t want to subject you to a disgusting, hungover version of myself after last night.” 
“Babe, first of all. I have seen you in far worse conditions. Second, you were nowhere near the most disgusting of everyone last night,” Dina says, placing the coffee carrier on the coffee table in front of you. “Tara apparently was cleaning her shoes off for about an hour after she got home last night ‘cause Astrid decided to throw up all over them.” 
You scrunch up your face in disgust. 
“Gross. And okay, fair.” 
You point at one of the coffee cups. 
“That mine?” 
Dina smiles and says, “Mocha frappe with extra syrup and extra whipped cream.” 
You reach for the large plastic cup of coffee with a straw poking out of a swirl of whipped cream decorated with chocolate syrup. 
“You are a saint among mortals, D.” 
She gives you a big smile and sits on the opposite end of your couch, kicking off her shoes and burying her feet underneath one of your throw pillows. 
“How are you even awake right now?” You ask before taking a sip of your coffee. 
“Sheer willpower. Plus Tara had an early shift at Ruston Coffee earlier, so she let me cut the line for our coffees.” 
You notice that her cup is already drunk from. 
Licking some whipped cream from your top lip,  you question, “So do you wanna tell me why you’re at my apartment at 9 A.M. on a Sunday morning?” 
“What, can I not bring my dear friend her favourite drink while she’s hungover?” She asks jokingly. 
You give her a look. This is something that Dina very much would do. But you know that there are ulterior motives this time. 
Dina sighs. 
“Can we talk about whatever happened with Ellie last night?” 
“There’s nothing to talk about, D. Really.” You assure her, making sure to take a long sip from your straw to avoid elaborating further. 
“Look. I love both you and Els dearly. And after almost three years with you and around fifteen or so with Ellie, I know that you’re both incredibly stubborn and repress your feelings to an unhealthy extent.” 
“I don’t—” You begin, but Dina holds a hand up. 
“Yes, you do. And I understand why. Especially with what you’ve gone through the past few years.” 
You gulp and avert your eyes elsewhere. 
“I don’t like seeing my friends in pain,” Dina says softly. “Especially not when I can do something about it, or at least try to help. You’ve gone through enough. I just want to be there for you as much as I can.” 
You look back at her and meet her sympathetic eyes. You understand why Jesse has stayed in love with her after all these years. You understand why Dina had so many friends and was well-loved by so many. You know you were lucky to feel loved by her. 
“I love you, Dina. Thank you.” You say, teary-eyed. You reach your hand out to her. 
She holds hers out and squeezes yours softly. 
“Anything for you, honey.” She says. 
You pull your hand back to wipe away tears before they fall. 
“Anyway,” You sniff. “Did you come here to make me cry or—?” 
She chuckles. 
“Sorry about that. But I came to talk about Ellie.” 
You sigh, relenting. 
“What about her?” 
She looks at you intensely for a moment or so, seemingly choosing her words carefully. 
“I want you to be completely honest with me.” She starts, placing her coffee cup on the table. “Are you still in love with Ellie?” 
Your breath hitches. 
“No.” You say, a little too quickly. 
“I said to be honest, babe.” She replies, apprehensively. 
“I’m not in love with her!” 
Dina holds her hands up defensively. 
“Okay, okay! If that’s the answer you want to give me right now, that’s fine.” 
You glare at her. 
“You know that I know the truth, even if you refuse to admit it to me or even to yourself.” She says, looking at your indignant expression. “You can be mad all you want, it’s okay.” 
“Why are you asking this?” You question. 
Dina places an elbow on the couch’s arm and rests her head in her hand. 
“Jesse and I were just watching you two last night. And there’s obviously a lot of unresolved shit there.” 
You begin anxiously playing with your straw. 
“If being mad at her for the rest of my life counts as unresolved shit, then sure.” 
“Babe,” Dina continues. “If this were some two-month fling of Ellie’s where she screwed them over, I wouldn’t bother. But it’s you, and I know you both still care about each other. You think I didn’t notice Ellie going after you to the bathroom last night?” 
You gulp, remembering how observant Dina and Jesse were of both your absences from the table the previous night. 
“She was just being nosy.” You mutter. 
“About? Wait, you don’t need to tell me that part if you don’t want. But did you two actually talk about anything?” 
You sigh and say in one quick breath, “I basically told her to fuck off and that my feelings don’t actually matter to her and that I’m not her friend or her girlfriend and that she has no obligation to me.” 
Dina’s eyes widen. 
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author's notes:
i'm so sorry for such a short chapter!! i didn't want to overfill this one cause i really planned for this to be short BECAUSE the next chapter is going to be quite a novel! (sorry not sorry)
is reader's fave coffee order a mocha frappe because my fave coffee order is a mocha frappe? no, who told you that?
as always, let me know what you think! likes & reblogs are appreciated AND very much welcome :)
taglist: @lonelyfooryouonly, @elliesinterlude, @sawaagyapong, @peppesgirl, @iconsoft, @maybeidohaveadhd, @ellieswifee, @valiantllamapersonpony-blog, @nil-eena, @echostinn, @uraesthete, @softbunlvr
please let me know if i missed you in the taglist or if you’d like to be added! ♡︎
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elliesfavflavor · 1 month
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multiple ding sounds coming from ellie's phone wakes you up from your zoned out situation. "ellie" you call. "babe? its your phone" you speak again. she doesn't seem to hear. you lean towards the buzzing device in curiousity, wondering what was so urgent. its then you furrow your brows in confusion, seeing the notification that doesn't make sense at all. you take the phone, rereading the 'this is the last time i'm gonna cover you up' text under jesse's picture. cover her? what? you unlock your girlfriends phone and click messages, worrying if she had any troubles she couldn't mention you about lately. this has happened before, so that was your guess to this absurd reach. it takes seconds for you to realize the little 'archive' box with '1' symbol on its side, just over jesse's chat. you don't put much thought clicking. she knew everything inside and out of your phone, just as you did. the bizarre thing was that you never noticed that archive section before. was it new..? oh... it was. so was the chat with the girl you certainly don't recognize. you wonder why she didn't tell you about this new friend of hers.not going any further into the phone, you push the off button and place it on the couch next to you. your pupils dilate as the brain regenerates the text under her picture, saying 'okay. miss you though :(' grabbing the phone back as if its going to run away, you enter the chat in one quick motion. not a gesture playing on your face, you scroll and scroll into your girlfriends intimate texts with this stranger. you put the phone back, staring into void and not moving an inch with absolute shock running through your veins. ellie's footsteps coming out of the shower can be heard. she shows up on the living room with outside clothes, drying her wet hair with the towel while looking for her keys. "babe, did jesse call?" she says. "no." you respond, not even taking a glance at her. you still couldn't comprehend what you saw. "uh... he called earlier, i think he needs help with the computer again" she states, tying up her damp hair to a half down facing the mirror. you don't answer. "...i'll be home in an hour or two, yeah?" she makes her way to the couch you're on, placing a kiss on your cheek. she grabs the phone next to you and head the entrance. "i love you" she says bobbing her head, seeking the slightest reaction from you, almost like she's aware of the strange ambiance. you let out a cackle in irony, still not facing her. "yeah, drive safe."
the muffled clicking sound of a key is heard across the room. you're on the same couch you've been sitting before she left. she places the keys on the table, sitting the facing fold of the L couch. if it was a regular night, you'd be babbling about how she shouldn't sit with the outside clothes. it was not a regular night. you eyes were locked on the colorful advertisement playing on the tv, as if you were watching the most thrilling show on earth. "no greeting... at all?" she says with a brow up. "sure, hi." you respond, reaching for the popcorn on your lap, not averting your gaze from the changing colors. her eyes meet the wine you two have been saving for important events. "is something wrong?" leaning her head to the side, she wishes your eyes meet hers. "no, not at all" you tune. "so, uh." the smallest cackle escapes your mouth. "so how was she?" you ask, completely facing her as you grab another popcorn. she froze for a moment, not understanding what you meant. she fixes her posture. "hm?". its clear shes utterly confused."was everything alright with her?" you ask, your voice comes off as if you were actually worried. a forced, mocking smile adorns your face. she stayed silent for a few seconds, the awareness spreading through her body with the fear following after. "what..?" she says hesitantly, her voice shaky. you munch on your popcorn slowly, leaning your head on the couch with that creepy smile remaining. you don't say a word. she knows. she has no way out of this. no lie to tell, nothing to put into words at all. "who... did you talk to jesse?" the trembling in her voice is audible. she stares at you harsh, focused. "how come i.." your eyes meet the ground. "how come i didn't realize what a fucking bitch you were all these time?" you spit as they meet her eyes just back. "hey" she stands, her brows now shaping a mourning look. not wasting a second you hop up, throwing the popcorn bag on your hand to the couch. letting the corn pieces make a mess all over the living room, you head towards the bedroom to grab the already packed suitcase. with tears running down your cheeks, you dodge her grips with swift motions and drag the case loudly across the floor. it was no use, no valid explanation for what she had been doing. "baby, hey" she's calling you from behind. "shut the fuck up" you hiss, your pace fastening towards the entrance. "where do you think you're going?" she reaches you, blocking your way with her hands on your arms. her voice is tense, her gaze is deadly. you don't answer her, your tears almost leaving prints on your face. freeing your hand and taking the key she left on the cabinet near, you push her with your other hand and speed up to the door. "don't! goddamn it." she rushes behind you, blocking your way again. "fucking move!" you shout, your vision is blurry now. she holds your arms tight again, not willing to let go. "just let me catch a fucking breath alright? i'll explain, please" she says desperately, her expression is frantic as shes remaining her grip, shaking you to come to your senses. as if you were the one who should. "no!" you try escaping but shes obviously prepared. between the tries of freeing yourself, your sobs grow audible. you sense the madness washing away with the heartbreak taking over. "no! i don't wanna!" you don't take a glance at her, swaying your arms to free them from her. your body weakening as you look down, and around, as if she's not gonna see your tears if you don't face her. "please, god, just let me explain!" she keeps saying, begging with her eyes. tears roll down on her cheeks, trying to meet the pace of yours. she held you tightly, trying to find anything, any words that could make you stay. "look im sorry! i didn't think it was gonna get this far, i am an idiot!" she sobs, her grip on your arm loosening, as she bats her eyes at you with tears, pleading for forgiveness. your rushed movements ease up, you look down. your voice comes out raspy. "i don't ever, and ever, wanna see you again. do you understand me?" she grabs you again as you reach for the
door handle. "no! wait!" she says desperately "don't go" she cries, holding you tight. "please, just please" she sobs, her body shaking from the rush of emotions she is experiencing. her eyes wet, she tries to wipe a tear without you noticing. "ellie, move." your voice is calm yet demanding. "n..no" she refuses. "please i can't lose you... i don't want.." she tries to from words. "lets work this out... please." you try to sound decent as you speak up "w...how could you do this? what were you thinking? why? how did this happen, where did you find her, since when? i don't get it ellie, why?" she froze again with your words. she felt her throat getting clogged with the urge to cry, her eyes filling with tears again. her brain wasn't working, all she could think of was excuses and explanations, but she couldn't find the correct words. her grip loosens again, her fingers loosening and falling. she's still processing what she feels, unable to respond, unable to say anything. "that's what i thought" you say. with tears rushing back again, you push her and bang the door on her face. you left the suitcase behind.
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jostystyles · 1 year
cooler | tj
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a/n: this is my entry for @antoineroussel 's winter fic exchange! demi, thanks for putting this together as always!! this fic was written for @butgilinsky <3 I hope you enjoy it dear!! special thanks to @comphy-and-cozy for letting me brain rot about my tyson jost = nick miller agenda, and @suitandtys for the title. divider graphics are by @firefly-graphics . this fic is inspired by nick and jess's first kiss in new girl. i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: fluff, alcohol, use of she/her pronouns. mat barzal is an instigator.
word count: 2.8k
The All-Star Weekend, for a certain group of guys, meant the ability to show off their skills for the game they love, and praise for being considered the best of the best. But for the rest of them, it meant something else. 
Freedom & Relaxation. 
Of course, the way the free time was being spent varied from player to player. Some guys returned home to spend time with their kids and families, some took weekend trips, and some just stayed put. 
But for Tyson Jost, Mat Barzal, and Dante Fabbro, it meant a reunion. Typically, they only saw each other during the season when they played each other respectfully, and in the summer when they trained together amongst other things. This break, though, they’d be traveling to Cancun for a weekend getaway with some of their friends from back home. Though they all hailed from different hometowns, they had a pretty tight knit group that tried to see each other as much as possible. So when the group chat collectively agreed everyone would be free for a trip, it was decided. This was going to be a trip to remember. 
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“Wait, why the fuck do I need my passport?” Mat exclaimed inquisitively, his voice echoing through the speakers of the FaceTime call. 
Abruptly pausing her packing, (Y/N) turned to grab her phone off the bed. “What? Mat, where the hell do you think Cancun is?” 
“Uh. Florida.” He said, like she had asked him the stupidest question in the world.
“Jesus fuck, Mat, it’s in Mexico. Are you kidding me? Your plane ticket literally says you’re flying into Mexico.” 
As if his mind had just been completely blown, which it had in a way, Mat’s expression turned to one of total shock. “Wow. That makes a lot of sense, actually.” 
(Y/N) shook her head with a sigh, wondering how he has managed to make it this far. Out of all her close friends, Mat was the one she’d known the longest. The two of them had grown up on the same street, their families becoming friends over the years. Despite the jokes from everyone, they’d actually defied the odds to show that boys and girls can be just friends as they’d formed such a tight bond throughout their lives and consider each other like siblings. 
Naturally, they had the same friends. Enter Dante, who came into the picture when he and Mat started playing hockey together. Over the years, the three of them grew closer and other friends came and went, but as they got older, a group solidified. As they became teenagers, Tyson became a part of that group. (Y/N) still remembers the day she first met him. 
Her family was the last to arrive at the Fabbro’s lake house, as usual. This had been a tradition for the past few years, and she usually anticipated it each time. But for some reason she was nervous. She was 14 now, and things were changing. She was no longer the nerdy little girl that hung out with the hockey boys, physically at least. The thought of being in a bathing suit around a bunch of rowdy boys made her feel awkward and uncomfortable. She reminded herself it was just Mat and Dante, her two idiot best friends who would make fun of her for the color of the swimsuit, not how she looked in it. Shaking it off, she grabbed her suitcase and wandered through the cabin to the room she shared with Dante’s sisters. Tossing the bag on the bed, she quickly grabbed her book to head down to the water. (Y/N) closed the door behind her and turned around to walk away, only to take a few steps and collide with something bare and warm. She fell to the ground, letting out an “Oof.” 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going are you ok?” A voice rambled on. 
“Yeah, no problem ‘m good, I-” (Y/N) replied, her voice faltering as she looked up. Her eyes were met with the softest brown ones, flashing at her with a look of concern. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks. 
“Here, let me help you up. I’m Tyson, um, Tyson Jost. Mat and Dante’s friend from hockey.” The boy said, reaching down to help her up. 
“I’m (Y/N). Also Mat and Dante’s friend, but um. Not from hockey.” She said, eliciting a laugh from Tyson. 
He stuck his hand out before saying, “Well, here’s to hoping we become each other’s friend too.” 
Shaking his hand, (Y/N) shook her head with a shy smile. A part of her knew her life would never be the same now that he was in it. 
“...when Tyson gets in?” 
The sound of Mat’s voice brought her back to reality. “Hm?” She replied. Rolling his eyes, Mat spoke with a teasing tone. 
“I knew that saying his name would get your attention. Do you know when Tyson gets in?” 
“You’re a dick. He gets in around the same time as you so I’d try and get to the house together. Gabe, Alicia, Jay and I will already be there.” 
“Fer sure. You think this’ll be the trip you finally admit you’re in love with each other?”
(Y/N) shot him a glare. “I will hang up on you right now Mathew. Tyson is not in love with me.” 
“You didn’t deny you’re in love with him though.” 
Caught off guard, she stumbled over her words. Mat let out a laugh, saying, “(Y/N/N) you realize I know you better than anyone right? You aren’t fooling anyone. Except Tys. He’s definitely oblivious.” 
“I will literally skin you alive and slice your achilles tendon if you say anything to him on this trip.” 
“Love you too.” 
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If there was anything Tyson needed right now, it was a gigantic margarita on the beach. The past year of his life had been a bit insane, and he was in desperate need of a vacation. He’d missed his friends, too. They didn’t get to see each other that often now that they were older, and cherished times like this. His flight had landed from Buffalo a few minutes ago, and he was waiting at the baggage claim to grab his luggage. Scrolling through instagram to pass time, he felt a hand clap on his shoulder and whipped his head around. 
“Oh hell yeah. Missed you brother, what’s up!” He said, turning to embrace Mat in a hug.
“Missed you too bud. You ready for the best weekend of your life? C’mon. Car’s here.” 
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“Jesus Christ, Leesh. I can’t believe your boss let you have his fucking house for the weekend. This place is insane.” (Y/N) exclaimed, taking in the sights that laid before her. Alicia’s boss had graciously let her utilize his beach mansion for the weekend as a thanks for her hard work at her company. 
“Eh, perks of being fucking good at what I do.” Alicia said, taking a swig of moscato straight from the bottle. “Who wants a cocktail?” 
“I sure do. Tequila sunrise, light on the sunrise, heavy on the tequila.” A voice cried out, followed by a huff of laughter. 
Turning around, (Y/N)’s confusion turned into a smile. “Barzy, you’re not even through the door and you’re already asking for a drink? Why am I surprised?” 
“You shouldn’t be. I love day drinking.” Mat stated, hugging her. “Watch out. Your boyfriend's right behind me.” He whispered in her ear, earning him a knee to his nether regions. 
Pushing him away, (Y/N) turned towards the guy she’d been waiting far too long to see. 
Tyson stood there, a small smile on his face. After the hell he’d been through the past 10 months, he still managed to smile. That was one of her favorite things about him. His brown eyes looked soft, and duller than usual, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the flight. 
“C’mere you big oaf. I missed you, Tys.” 
He hugged her for a bit longer than he intended. There was just something comforting about being in his best friend's arms again. 
“Ok, if you two love birds are going to keep hugging, we’re going to get this party started. Drinking games start now.” Dante said, shoving two solo cups full of something their way. 
Grabbing the cups, Tyson passed one to (Y/N). “Good to see you too, Big D. Lead the way.” 
“I missed you, you know.” Tyson said, swinging his and (Y/N)’s entwined hands back and forth. 
“I missed you too. Least we’re in the same state now though, right?” 
“6 hours is still too far.” 
(Y/N) chuckled. “Well, at least I’m a train ride away instead of a plane.” 
As they approached the patio, the party was already in full swing. Music was blasting, Mat was already trying to get Jay down from her place on top of the table, and Gabe and Alicia were mixing drinks like nobody's business. 
Tyson shook his head. “Somebodies gonna fucking die here.” 
“Either that, or we’re spending a night in a Mexican jail.” (Y/N) replied. The night was just about to begin. 
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To say everyone was fucked up would be putting it lightly. The drinks had been flowing consistently all evening, and it was approaching midnight. The gang had made their way inside for a game of who knows what. At this point, it was just a bunch of drunk people shouting things. Mat and Jay were sharing a bottle of wine, discussing God knows what under the dining room table. Gabe was shirtless, but wearing his swimsuit and dress socks. Tyson had somehow acquired a trench coat he found in one of the bedroom closets, and (Y/N) sported her bikini top and a bright pink tutu from god knows where. 
“Guys, I think we need to call it a night. We’re gonna be so hungover tomorrow and it’s only the first day.” 
“NO!” Alicia cried. “Don’t be a party pooper. You were out the latest in college.”
“We aren't in college anymore. I’m tired, Leesh.” (Y/N) wailed, resting her head dramatically on Tyson’s shoulder. 
“Boring. Who wants to play another game?” Alicia shouted, gaining the attention of the whole house. 
“How about good old fashioned, 7 minutes in heaven?” Jay chimed in, waggling her eyebrows mischievously. 
“OOOh, nice one Jay. I’m in. Who votes Josty and (Y/N)?” 
The room erupted in cheers, aside from (Y/N) and Tyson. 
“Hold on, don’t we get a say in this?” Tyson retorted. 
“Nope. Behind the iron curtain you go!” Alicia demanded, ushering them to the kitchen, where she then rolled the door that separated the two spaces shut. 
A chant of “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” began amongst the other friends, as Tyson protested. 
“Open the door! This isn’t funny guys.” 
The chants continued, and (Y/N) sucked in a sharp breath at Tyson’s seeming wish to be left out. Would it really be that bad to him if they kissed? 
After a moment, (Y/N) spoke up. “Ok, we kissed! Sent you a picture!” 
From the other side of the door, Dante looked at the picture, which was of (Y/N) and Tyson with their lips pursed, angled at each others cheeks. “That is not a kiss! C’mon, Inspector Gadget, inspect those tonsils!” 
Barzy chimed in, saying, “Yeah! C’mon, Josty. Just give (Y/N) a tender, sensual, kiss, and we’ll let you right out.” 
“Mat, shut up!” (Y/N) cried, knowing full well he was having a field day with this. 
Tyson was desperately trying to pry the door open, but was unsuccessful. His heart was beating out of his chest. This was not how he wanted this to go. 
Leaning against the counter, (Y/N) pondered, “What’s the big deal? Let’s just suck it up and french a little.” That was the tequila talking. 
Tyson shot his head up at her. “Ok, fine. But don't say ‘suck it up and french a little’.” 
“Ok, fine, let’s do this.” 
They walked towards each other, stopping when they were in close proximity. (Y/N) could feel her heart beating a mile a minute. Tyson’s hands reached out to settle on her forearms. She could see the sparkle in his brown eyes that wasn’t there before. Later, she’d come to know, that spark only existed for her. 
“Let’s just do it.” Tyson said, his voice quivering slightly. 
“Let’s do it.” (Y/N) echoed. “Do it.” 
“I’m doing it.” 
“Fine, then do it.” 
“Are you a tounger?”
“Tyson, what the hell.” 
“Well, I don’t wanna put my tongue in your mouth if you don’t like it!” 
(Y/N) sighed, laughing at her best friend. “Just kiss me!” 
Tyson was freaking out. “OK, alright, great. That’s what I’m gonna do.” He grabbed her face, his fingers gracing her soft (Y/H/C) ever so lightly. “Ready?” 
“Yeah.” (Y/N) replied, quietly. 
Tyson closed his eyes, leaning in. (Y/N) pulled her head away, saying, “I’m sorry, you can’t do that!” 
“What did I do?” Tyson asked, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Your face!” 
“My face?” 
“You can’t do that with your face.” 
Tyson burst into laughter, (Y/N) soon following him. They stopped, glancing at each other for a brief moment. Tyson thought she was the prettiest girl in the world. He always had, ever since they met 10 years ago. Just as he was about to speak up, a banging ensued on the wall. 
“Yo, I don’t hear any talking, so ya’ll better be smooching!” Dante screeched. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re getting to it.” Tyson said, not breaking eye contact with (Y/N). 
The chants of “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” picked back up again. 
“Ok Tyson, come on. Just kiss me.” (Y/N) said, frustrated. 
“No, I’m not gonna kiss you.” 
“Kiss me!” 
“(Y/N), stop!” Tyson said harshly. 
“God, Jost, just kiss me already!” 
“No, not like this!” he almost shouted. 
(Y/N)’s face turned to one of confusion. “What? What does that mean?” 
Tyson took a step back, his face turning red. “No I didn’t mean… Nothing, I just. I didn’t mean it like that. I just, we can’t. That’s not, you know, like,” He was full on word vomiting, “Do you know like, it’s very, like, you don’t, that’s not what it…” 
(Y/N) tilted her head, a small smile on her face. Before she could say anything, the door swung open, revealing Jay, with an insane look on her face. 
“Ok, times up! Mat and I’s turn.” 
Tyson was gone faster than (Y/N) could see, leaving her with nothing but a sobered up head full of confusion, and a heavy heart. 
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Everyone had since retreated to their rooms for the night, except for Jay and Mat who were probably still making out in the kitchen like they usually do when they’re drunk. Her door slightly ajar, (Y/N) saw a quick shadow while she was brushing her hair. 
“Hey!” she cried out. Tyson stopped in his own doorway, turning around to see (Y/N) in hers. She stood there in her silk nightgown, bare faced, with the look of concern painted across her face that she often gave him. 
“You ok, Tys?” She asked softly, stepping out into the hallway just a bit. 
“Yeah, Im good. Just needed to sober up a bit, so I went and sat down by the beach.” 
“Oh. Ok. Listen, about earlier. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I was just messing around, feeding off our idiot friends.” (Y/N) apologized. 
“S’ Ok, (Y/N/N). It was just a game. I still think you’re cool.” 
“I think you’re cooler. Night, Tyson.” She replied with a smile. 
“G’night, (Y/N).” 
Just as she turned to go inside her room, something shifted within Tyson. Like he wasn’t even thinking, he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her flush to him. Before either of them could speak, he pressed his lips onto hers, encapsulating them into a passionate kiss. His arms moved to her lower back, hugging her so forcefully as if it were to be the last time. (Y/N)’s arms were wrapped around his neck, tugging at the tufts of curls that lay at the back of his head. Their lips moved in harmony, Tyson kissing her again and again each time with more push than the last. They finally broke apart, foreheads pressed together and breathing heavily. 
Tyson kissed her once more, than again, and again. He finally looked at her, his finger under her chin forcing her to look at him. 
She was staring at him, her big beautiful (Y/E/C) that he loved so dearly, begging him to say something. 
“I meant something like that.” Tyson told her, before dropping his hands from her figure and retreating into his room, and shutting the door.  
(Y/N) stood there, in complete and utter shock. She brought her hand up to touch her lips, and let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
Tyson Jost was going to be the death of her, and she’d been hoping to see the Grim Reaper for quite a while.
tags: @comphyjost @tinyhockey @2manytabsopen @laurenairay @fallinallincurls @ilyasorokinn @lt-natrace
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hellhound5925 · 11 months
Hello friends! I saw this gif and immediately my brain began working up scenarios so I’m going to try something new. Just some fun short fics that come to mind when I see an image. If it goes well I might keep it up! I also think I’m going to stick with the Mandalorian theme but use Y/N. Oh one more thing…we are assuming all the boys lived because I love the whole 501st…Happy reading!
One shot - Captain Rex
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First Date
Warnings: None just some fluff because I need it, Oh I will be using Mando’a but I will provide a translation.
As a Mandalorian on Coruscant things have been interesting to say the least…You were recruited to help train the Clone Battalions on some alternative fighting methods. The Good Captain Rex has become one of your personal favorites and was always very professional with you but secretly harbored feelings for you. He was drawn in by how you treated each of his men as though they were your own vode (brothers). Which brings us here…Fives has noticed you stealing glances at the Captain, flushing whenever he is mentions, are giddy when he’s in the room, and has been trying to convince you to talk to him about it but you won’t budge. Fives has no problem taking matters into his own hands with the help of a few friends….
I know that scene was during the Umbara arc but we need some positivity in that department…
“Fives you are my best friend but for the love of Maker leave it alone…” He has that signature Osik (shit) eating grin on his face. “Aw come on y/n, it would do you both some good trust me!” I glare at him “Copaani mirshmure’cye, vod? (Are you looking for a smack in the face mate?)” He puts his hands up in defense “Hey I was just trying be a good friend.” Just then Jesse and Tup come over. “What’re ya talking ‘bout?” Jesse teases. I glare at him and Tup smiles “You’re being ridiculous y/n…I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be brave.” “Alright look here you mir’sheb (smart asses), I can make sure your next lesson with me is miserable” I wag my finger at the trio. Fives stands up and nods to the other two “Alright, we better let her eat her lunch in peace.” I get suspicious - he never gives up that easy… - “Pare (Wait one), Fives what are you up to?” He turns around “Nothing, like you said…you can make our next lesson miserable. I know you keep your word.” I give the group a suspicious look and watch as they walk away. Just then Rex enters the room and I pretend not to notice. Fives looks back at me and smirks, I can feel the heat creeping up my face. He, Tup, and Jesse take the opportunity to head over and chat with Rex - Maker I want to know what he’s saying…or do I?
A sudden presence at the table surprises me. “Udesii! (Take it easy!), bad time?” Cody asks giving me a strange look. “Nope, I’m fine. What can I do for you?” He takes a seat across from me and eyes me. I look past him at the conversation being had on the other side of the room and just then Rex glances over his shoulder my direction. Cody turns around to look and in that moment, the brave Mandalorian wants more than anything to become part of the durasteel wall. Cody turns back around, facing me with a grin “Oh…I see, Rex got you all worked up again?” My eyes grow wide “Again?” He lets out a deep laugh “I swear to Maker you two are the only ones who don’t notice…Fox, Bly, Bacara, Neyo, and even sometimes Wolffe and myself take guesses at how many times a day you steal glances.” As if on que Fox joins the table. “Just in time for the show” Cody tells him while teasing me. “Ha Ha, you’re hilarious….” I roll my eyes. “Y/n, you still haven’t talked to him?” Fox asks pretending to be shocked. A string of curses in Mando’a leave my mouth. “You guys are as bad as Fives….and that’s saying something.” They both just laugh at my expense. “You two di’kutla (fools) are lucky I don’t have your groups today for training…” and with that I get up and take care of my tray, having had enough of the shenanigans.
Later that evening I was in my office - the GAR was oh so kind enough to give me - and theres a knock at my door. With out looking up from my datapad I holler “Come in!” The door slides open and a rather sheepish Rex enters - he’s typically quite a confident, without being arrogant, man… - I stand “What can I do for you Captain?” “Please just call me Rex.” “I thought it was Captain or Sir?” I tease becoming rather nervous. He rubs the back of his neck and laughs nervously “I- uh- I came to see if you would be interested in going with us—with me to 79’s sometime.” - is this really happening? Fives you mesh’la di’kut (beautiful idiot) - “Yeah Rex, I’d love that” I can feel my face flush. He straightens, standing tall and confident “Really? How about tomorrow night?” A smile dances across my face “That sounds great, I’ll see you then”. He nods and excuses himself closing the door behind him.
I spin around smiling like di'kut (idiot), clutching my datapad to my chest - maybe Fives was right? Oh Maker don't ever let him know that...the last thing he needs is a more inflated ego.... I head back to my desk and finish up my report for the day before heading to my apartment for the night.
Thankfully I only had one training session the next morning which went without a hitch and I actually had time to catch up on my reports. The day over all went by rather quickly and I headed to my apartment to put on something other than my typical attire - as much I love my beskar and everything it stands for but unfortunately it's not gunna work. I open my closet and stand there for a moment before pulling out a pair of black jeans, combat boots, my bantha leather jacket, and nicer fitted tank top. Quickly I shower, put on light makeup, and quickly curl my hair a little before heading out to the street and hailing a cab. "79's please." "You got it." I look out the window as the driver lifts us into the lanes of traffic.
It only takes a matter of minutes to get to 79's and I find myself standing outside nervous - what if he decides he doesn't like me? An arm around my shoulder pulls my from my thoughts "Jeez y/n, If I knew you'd get cleaned up that nice I would’ve just asked you out myself." I throw at elbow at Fives an hit him square in the stomach. He doubles over and I hear a roar of laugher behind me. Spinning around I see the rest of the 501st Torrent squad - minus Rex. "I should’ve known you all would show up..." Jesse comes over and leans an elbow on Fives - whose still doubled over - "Oh come on we wouldn't miss this for the world! Besides we've got tomorrow off!" Hardcase whoops and hollers. Echo comes over and speaks so only I can hear "you'll be fine...Rex'll love getting to know you. Trust me." He winks and gestures for the group to follow him inside leaving me standing here alone. I suck in a deep breath and head inside. It's not my first time at 79's but its my first time with the intent to be with Rex and only Rex.
When I enter, the music is loud and there's a sea of people as usual. Making my way over to the bar I order a drink. Once the bar tender hands it to me I glance around looking for Rex. In the corner - where they always are - the rest of Torrent squad is looking at me and Fives points over towards the other side where Rex is chatting with the other Commanders. Finding my confidence I head over to say hello. "Su cuy'gar (Hello)" I smile and wave at the group. Rex's eyes wander over my form and Cody is the first to speak up "Who knew you wore anything other than armor" everyone but Rex and Wolffe laugh. "Very funny.” Rex gets up and says his goodbyes to the group "Should we grab a table?" I nod and he offers me his elbow. "Such a gentlemen" A smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
We sit down at a table and chat over some appetizers and drinks. I tell him a little about myself like my childhood on Mandalore, etc…etc…He tells some stories about the things that they accomplish during the war and even some typical shenanigans they’ve pulled while deployed. “Maker they sound like they are just as entertaining out in the field as they are in training!” “You have no idea…but they’re good soldiers…some of the best” I can hear the pride in his voice which brings a smile to my face. Leaning over the table I whisper “Don’t tell the other Commanders but the 501st has always been my favorite.” He quirks a brow “Oh really? Why’s that?” “Let’s just say I have a soft spot for the boys in blue” I say coyly before taking a sip of my drink without breaking eye contact. Rex smirks with his one eye brow still raised. “Careful Captain, you raise that eye brow any higher it might disappear.” He chuckles and shakes his head, “you know, other than the Jedi and a select few people…you’re one of the only ones who treats all of us clones like we matter.” I know this was supposed to be a compliment but I can’t help but feel sad, I sigh “Ni ceta Rex (I’m sorry Rex). It’s not fair…none of you chose the life given to you and yet you all do it with no complaints…I wish more saw you the way I do.” I start picking at my fingernails but a hand comes across the table, covering mine, stopping me. Looking up I met his gaze, those beautiful honey brown eyes have such a warmth to them - He’s never looked at me or anyone that I’ve seen this way before. “I’m just glad we have someone like you looking out for us all” he pauses for a second before continuing “The way you treat my vode (brothers)…my men…it means more to me than you’ll ever know.” The way he says my name and everything that follows does something to me I can’t even fully put into words however, I can feel the heat rising in my face and in my core. “Vor entye (thank you) Rex” I can’t help the smile that plasters my face. “ Ba’gedet’ye (you’re welcome) y/n.”
Glancing around I notice there are quite a few people dancing, even Fives who gives me a wink. I can’t help but shake my head and roll my eyes at him which catches Rex’s attention, he chuckles. Springing up from the table I grab Rex’s hand and drag him out onto the dance floor. The initial shock plastered on his face, “I-uh-I’m not much of a dancer.” I laugh and shrug, recalling a few nights when even Cody would dance…after a few drinks, “I know, just follow my lead.” He nods and at first watches me dance around him for a moment and the joins in. Before I know it his hands are on my hips as we grind our way through Maker knows how many songs.
When the night is about over Rex offers to walk me home. The entire way we laugh and talk about anything and everything - I feel so comfortable around him…it feels like we’ve known each other forever. I stop in front of my apartment building “this is me.” He looks up at the large building “It’s not quite like the GAR barracks.” “No it certainly isn’t. Did you want to come in? If I’m over stepping I completely understand…” I quickly explain. He looks over at me with a smile on his face “only if you want me to.” I nod and he follows me up to my apartment.
The door slides open and I enter, taking off my coat to hang it. Rex enters behind me. “Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?” I offer. “I’m alright, thank you.” He doesn’t move from where he standing and I honestly find it adorable. “I had fun tonight” I break the silence after a few moments. He rubs the back of his neck like he’s nervous. “Everything okay Captain?” He’s quick to respond “Yeah no everything’s great I had fun tonight too.” I make my way back over to him “but?” I ask feeling uneasy. “Honestly, I’ve felt this way before” After all the war and training he’s even through as a man, in this moment he looks like a boy with his first crush. I put both hands on his plastoid covered chest and look into his beautiful golden brown eyes “I haven’t either but I’m willing to give it a shot if you are?” His hands find their way to my face gently cupping my cheeks. Leaning in he places the softest and most gentle kiss on my lips. When we break he rests his forehead against mine “How’s that for an answer?”
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imtooscaredforthis · 2 years
Chapter Fifteen: Late Night Chat
Mentions of: Paranoia, Anxiety, Threats, Stalking, etc.
A/N: Here’s a creepy chapter for y’all just in time for Halloween…Hope you enjoy!
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Tags: @mama-miya @froegis @vandeaad @moonshineinasippycup @dead-bxxxtch-walking @stwbwwychan @the-fandoms-georgie
With a long sigh, you finished cleaning the last table in the restaurant. As you wiped it down, you glanced over at Jesse, who flipped the open sign to closed.
“Seems like we’re finally done for the night.” He remarked, turning back to you. You smiled back. “Yeah.”
Ever since all that weird stuff has started going down at your apartment, you haven’t spent much time there. Most of the time, you’re either at work- the Roseville Gazette, or Mama Lucy’s. And when you’re not there, you’re at Jesse’s place.
You don’t go there too often, because you don’t want to seem like you’re mooching off of him. He’s a great guy and he’s helped you a lot through…whatever the fuck you’re going through.
“So, I was wondering. Do you want to hang at my place? I got some movies from blockbuster we can watch. I think you’ll like them.” He offered.
“Oh, I can’t tonight, sorry.” You told him. That made him stop and look over at you in confusion and disappointment. “Why?”
“I’m getting my locks changed, remember? I told you I wouldn’t be able to hang out when our shift started.” You reminded him.
He sighed, giving you a reluctant look. “Alright, I guess I’ll drive you home then.”
“Thanks. I promise we’ll watch them this weekend though.” You told him, grabbing your things and walking out of the restaurant with him.
Besides the brief small talk and the music Jesse played on the radio, you spent the car ride thinking to yourself. It was almost comedic at this point, wondering what your apartment and what had changed. Kind of like a guessing game.
You had to make yourself enjoy it and find it funny…otherwise, you know you would be terrified. And you were scared of what was awaiting you, your heart pounding in your chest, your palms breaking out into a cold sweat.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jesse asked, snapping you out of your thoughts, making you realize that he had arrived at your place.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little anxious, I guess.” You admit, messing with your fingers nervously. He glanced at you with concern.
“I can go in with you, if you want.” He offered.
While it would be comforting to have him come with you, he’d probably think you did whatever is happening there. He’d probably think you’re crazy. You barely explained what happened to him, just that you didn’t feel comfortable staying there.
“That’s very nice of you to offer, but I think I’m going to go by myself.” You told him. “Alright. You’ll be okay, though, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry, Jesse. If anything happens, I’ll just stab them in the eye with my heel.” You remark, making him chuckle.
“Okay. Seriously though, if you need anything. If you don’t feel safe, just give me a call.” You smiled at him. He’s such a sweet guy.
“Thanks, Jesse. For everything.” Leaning over you kissed his cheek, smiling at him before you turned to face the apartment complex. You waved to him one last time, before walking inside.
He watched as you entered the apartment, sighing softly to himself. Yeah, he really likes you.
Things aren’t as bad as you thought. When you came back to your apartment, nothing had changed. In fact, things are in better shape than they were once before. Maybe whatever it was that was bothering you has finally decided to leave you alone, and you could just pretend like this never happened.
And having the new locks made you feel better about it, even though you had to pay for it out of your security deposit.
You sighed softly as you sat back on your couch. You never realized how much you missed this shitty cramped place. You never realized how good it felt to have solace and comfort somewhere. To have your own home, without feeling like someone was there…constantly invading your privacy, taunting you, tormenting you…
But it’s gone now, and you can finally relax at your place. You felt good. You felt free.
Just then, the phone rang, getting your attention. You glanced at the clock, checking the time. It was late..who could be calling at this hour?
You had a few guesses. Maybe Jesse was bored and wanted to talk, or Rachel was drunk calling again, or it was Lucia, asking to switch your shift around.
“Hello?” You greeted, picking up. “Hi there.”
An attractive unfamiliar voice purred back. You felt your face begin to grow warm, and a smirk crossed your lips. “Uh, who is this?”
“A friend.” He replied.
“Oh really? Then why don’t you tell me your name?” You remarked playfully, fiddling with the phone cord and moving it between your fingers.
“But that wouldn’t be any fun.” The husky voice shot back. “Alright, why don’t I guess?”
“Okay, fine. I’ll give you three guesses.” He told you. “And what do I get if I win?”
“It’s a surprise.” He said, his tone changing from playful to mischievous…with something else deep in it too. Almost like that was a threat.
“Okay, Jesse is that you? Is this karma for me not hanging out with you tonight?”
“Wrong, sorry.”
What? You could’ve sworn that was him. That’s the only one that really made sense. Who else would be calling you?
“Nate?” You guessed. Sometimes he liked to prank you too.
“Nope. You got one last guess, make it good.”
You wracked your brain, feeling yourself start to grow nervous. If this wasn’t someone you know…why are they speaking to you so informally? How would they know you?
Your last guess was your brother, Johnny. He loved to prank you, but he hasn’t been in contact since you moved. Maybe he misses you.
“Johnny, is that you?” He made a buzzer sound, indicating you were wrong again. Now you’re really starting to grow nervous. “Uh, oh. Seems like you lost. Here, why don’t I give you another hint?”
“No, thanks. I think you got the wrong number buddy. Good luck finding whoever it is you’re looking for.” You moved to hang up, not wanting to take the conversation with this stranger any further.
“No, I didn’t. I know who I’m talking to, _______. And I want to keep talking.” The playfulness was fading from his voice, something much more sinister coming out.
You felt a shiver go down your spine. How the hell does he know your name?
“It’s a shame you don’t know about me. But I know a lot about you. Here, I’ll give you a hint. I’ve been watching you for a while, and I’m the one who’s been messing with your apartment. By the way, changing your locks won’t do anything. I know your place like the back of my hand.”
The realization had your head spinning, feeling scared, violated, and angry. “I’m calling the police. Don’t ever call me again, you sick fucker.”
“You little bitch, you better not hang up on me, or else I’ll gut you from the inside out.” He threatened, just as you were about to hang up.
Despite how scared you were, you felt your anger and your pride take over. So you paused, raising the phone back up to your ear. “I’d like to see you try.”
With that, you slammed the phone onto the hook, ending the call. Little did you know how much you would regret that.
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Andrew Garfield and Jesse Eisenberg chat
PatrickDay: Hello and welcome to our live chat with Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, the stars of "The Social Network"! 
PatrickDay: This chat is moderated, so there will be a delay between your comments being entered and them appearing on the site.
PatrickDay: To keep things manageable for Jesse and Andrew, we may slow down the rate of questions as they appear in the chat.
Jesse_Eisenberg:Hello? andrew_garfield:testing eisenberg can you hear me?
Jesse_Eisenberg:I am here in space.
andrew_garfield: hello
andrew_garfield: so hows it going?
PatrickDay: Hey Jesse and Andrew! Thanks for joining us. One of the biggest questions everyone has is whether you two are in the same room right now...
Jesse_Eisenberg: We are in different rooms, but they look the same
andrew_garfield: i designed my room to look like his kitchen
andrew_garfield: the chicken got shorted
PatrickDay: Facebook has been in the news quite a bit since the movie came out. Developments with the Winkelvoss twins, etc. Have you two followed the latest or have you been busy with your own careers?
Jesse_Eisenberg: I follow the facebook news as a layman. I'm interested like everyone else is, and I don't feel that I have any special insight into their business.
Comment From Karen :Congrats to both Jesse & Andrew on their brilliant performances & success in "The Social Network", Andrew, your performance in "Never Let Me Go" blew me away. As an acting coach you totally moved me. What type of preparation as an actor do you do to bring about such emotionally moving characters?
andrew_garfield: well karen thank you
andrew_garfield: i find it very difficult to be an actor to be honest. to access emotions on cue is an inhuman thing to achieve. so its never simple
andrew_garfield: i trained at a great drama school and had great teachers and i am constantly inspired by other people s performances
andrew_garfield: and if you are in a scene with a great actor opposite you your job is easier. like jesse was incredibly useful
Jesse_Eisenberg: i agree with Andrew; it is easier to act opposite someone who is good and taking it seriously. Performing can be such a strange and silly thing, but if you're working with people who treat it seriously and are thoughtful it can become wonderful and a lot of fun
Comment From Joan :Hi Jesse! How do you do?
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Joan, I am all right. how are you?
Comment From steve :i loved the scene when you smashed the computer, how much did you enjoy that, spidey??
andrew_garfield: steve yes it was very fun.
andrew_garfield: i have a lot of rage as a person which i didnt realize i had
Comment From Brandon:hey hows spider man andrew
andrew_garfield: brandon spiderman is great fun thanks. and really tiring, but mostly fun as hell
Comment From Vik :You guys are wonderful! what were your favourite movie of 2010?
andrew_garfield: vik i really loved the fighter, toy story 3, carlos, a prophet, how to train your dragon, the karate kid........many more
PatrickDay: Social Network seems to be a triumph for something people say was endangered in Hollywood -- the adult drama. Did you guys ever wonder while making it if there was an audience for this?
andrew_garfield: yes patrick constantly. we never thought anyone would watch it or see the point of it
andrew_garfield: maybe cos we were so close to it
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Patrick: While we were shooting the movie, I thought it was going well and would be good (the script was phenomenal) but I was actually a bit concerned that it might be too clever or too complicated/fast moving to be followed and enjoyed by many people
Comment From Simi :Is there any special director you would like to work with that you haven't yet? Either of you?
andrew_garfield: simi i love ken loach, paul thomas anderson, mike liegh
Comment From Andrea :Jesse, you said you listened to a lot of musicals growing up. What's your favorite musical?
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Andrea: I like Pacific Overtures, Floyd Collins. You?
Comment From Amy :For Andrew: I recently rewatched a lot of Doctor Who episodes, and noticed you were in Daleks in Manhattan - what was it like working on Doctor Who?
andrew_garfield: amy, it was great fun, i love david tennant, hes so talented and i am a big fan of the show so it was just pure fun
Comment From Nora :How are your cats, Jesse?
andrew_garfield: how are your cats jesse?
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Nora, my cats are weird
Comment From Mel :Hey Andrew, how has it been working with Emma Stone so far?
andrew_garfield: mel she s very special. and hilarious and sweet. its been pretty great i really like her. you d get on i think
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Mel: the score perfectly suits the film and these characters. There is a strange and off putting musical buzz through a few of the tracks that coincides with mark's inner life -- never shutting down and a bit dark
Comment From teapot :has there been any point where you've seriously reconsidered acting as your profession? i'm about to start uni this year, studying graphic design and have had a few doubts about starting a career in the creative world.
andrew_garfield: teapot. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesy all the time. i always have doubts about what to do everysecond of my life. read if you havent already, letters to a young poet by raine maria rilke
andrew_garfield: that helped me......a bit
Comment From Michelle :Hello, Andrew and Jesse! Would you ever consider co-starring in another film together?
Comment From Erica :Jesse, what is you favorite Andrew Garfield film? and Andrew, what is your favorite Jesse Eisenberg film? (My favorite is Red Riding and Adventureland!) =)
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Michelle and Erica: I would love to be in another movie with Andrew! It was a thrilling and challenging experience. I love andrew in everything I've seen him in
andrew_garfield: erica i feel the same way
PatrickDay: Fincher's talked about making actors shoot scenes until they flub up and create something spontaneous. Can you both give an example of a "flub" that made it into the movie?
Jesse_Eisenberg: To Patrick: We would do many takes of each scene, but it was more about being able to try many different things, rather than trying to screw up in an interesting way. We said every line in the script word for word, so there are no improvised lines and very few improvised moments.
Comment From Ally :Were there any scenes you were scared to film or that were difficult for you guys?
andrew_garfield: ally i was scared to film the scene where i smash the computer, and the scene where brenda song goes down on me.
Comment From Jenina :how many takes did the laptop smash scene take?
andrew_garfield: jenina, a bunch. all told in the 60 s probably???
Comment From Allen :Hi guys, I was wondering if there were any paricular rituals you went through to get in the mindset of Mark or Eduardo while filming? What types of activities get you in the role or scene?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Allen: I liked to listen to mark's voice during the day on an ipod. He speaks with such assurance and conviction that it helped me get into that mindset
andrew_garfield: allen, i danced alot. in my trailer before most scenes. and i listened to alot of samba music and the city of god soundtrack
Comment From Ali :do you ever suffer from character bleed when filming? like fi you're character is in a bad headspace, that follows you out of the studio? or are you quite good at shutting off from your character?
andrew_garfield: ali, i find it hard to drop the scenes from the day, especially if we hadnt completed a scene and were gonna shoot the next day. that was hard.
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Ali, If you're spending so many hours a day trying to experience the character's life, it necessarily bleeds a bit into your life even though you know it's not real.
Comment From alice :how your lives changed after the social network? I mean, you guys were famous already, but that was kinda huge.
andrew_garfield: jesse gets mobbed at whole foods now
PatrickDay: And playing off Alice's question: judging by the attendance in this chat, you guys have a lot of female fans. Have you noticed a lot more female attention in real life?
Jesse_Eisenberg: by my mother
Comment From Arline :Have either of you done any theater and if so how does a film's stop and start (non?) momentum differ from the constant concentration of theater acting?
andrew_garfield: i prefer theatre acting, it is more of an extreme sport
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Arline: Theater has it's own difficulties, but gives you more opportunities (and more time) to try things
Comment From Lauren :Andrew your American accent was brilliant! How much practicing did you have to do for it?
andrew_garfield: lauren thanks. my dads american so i cheated
Comment From Adriana :will you guys be at the palm springs festival today?
andrew_garfield: adriana yes. will you?
Comment From Laura:what was the first and last scene you shot?!
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Laura: The first scene we shot together was exiting the Bill Gates speech (although it was reshot several months later). The last scene was the final deposition room scene.
andrew_garfield: laura my first scene was with the silly hat outside the carribean party, and my last scene was getting the phoenix envelope slipped under my door
andrew_garfield: jesse you lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse_Eisenberg: i stand corrected
Jesse_Eisenberg: I'm now standing
Jesse_Eisenberg: its harder to type
andrew_garfield: hahahahaha
Comment From fede :i have to ask this to jesse, How was shooting with flip flops?..it seems brutal with the weather
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Fede: running with flip flops is painful and dumb. my legs hurt for months.
Comment From Andrea :Did you make up that little dance you did Andrew?
andrew_garfield: andrea, that was coreographed by the bolshoi ballet
Comment From Joanna :Have you ever had any fan experiences that kinda made you go, "Hmm, I should install more locks on my door"?
Jesse_Eisenberg: i was stalked by a locksmith
Comment From karatesluts :Andrew, do you know that most of Tumblr refer to you as Bambi? How does that make you feel inside? Warm, I hope.
andrew_garfield: bambi? like the deer? cool
Comment From Jenina :Who would you cast to play yourselves in a movie about your life?
andrew_garfield: jenina, i would cast fela kuti
Comment From anna :Is JT actually that suave or is it all an act
andrew_garfield: anna, jt is the best.
Comment From Diana:andrew: congrats on that hair award you got from esquire!
andrew_garfield: diana thanks x
Comment From Jenny :Andrew, did you get to learn anything about Brazil/Portuguese? And Jesse, did you learn anything about programming? Also, your opinions on Persian cats, please.
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Jenny, I tried to learn about computer programming, but it is very difficult. I stopped trying early on and just focused on mark's walking style, which is less difficult
andrew_garfield: jenny, i hung out with a bunch of brazilians in la before shooting, i went to some capoiera classes and learned a tiny bit of the language
Comment From steve :how was it working with a guy who had to act as two people in the movie? how was that experience?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Steve: Armie Hammer worked with another actor named Josh Pence to create the twins. They are both great actors, though Josh's face was replaced by a computer generated Armie's face. It was confusing a bit for me, but far more difficult for Armie and Josh
Comment From Patrickk :Andrew, what was the fire scene with Brenda like to film?
andrew_garfield: patrickk, it was really fun. shes so adorable, and yet so terrifyingly intense, so my job was really easy. i just watched her
Comment From Stan :Andrew, what's it like going from a film like Never Let Me Go, with a 15 million budget, to a film like Spider-Man?
andrew_garfield: stan. its not that different. only i feel alot of pressure and responsibility and i have never been this busy or tired. but im really enjoying the challenge
Comment From jennifer: Jesse, was it challenging being socially awkward and starring in a movie about social networking? How was that self-discovery process?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Jennifer: mark does not fit easily into the normal social structures of school (and life) but because of his alienation, was able to develop the perfect insight into how other people want to interact with each other. It is not paradoxical or ironic -- it is totally fitting that he would create this site
Comment From starwarsfan013 :what are your favorite books?
andrew_garfield: starwarsfan, i love catcher in the rye, amazing adventures of kavalier and clay. i am reading a book by elia kazan right now, which is great
Comment From Michelle :What was it like filming the scene with Aaron Sorkin?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Michelle: Aaron was very funny in his scene. he's a good actor and actually began his theater career as an actor.
Comment From Nora :with great power comes great responsibility, andrew
andrew_garfield: nora, i know. i really know. it sucks
Comment From Anisha :Andrew, how draining was it working on such an emotional movie like Never Let Me Go?
andrew_garfield: anisha, it was great actually. the extreme emotional scenes are fun once you ve shot them. you feel a sense of release and relief
Comment From Jennifer :Is it hard to go from seeing your co-stars every day while filming and having that bond with them, to not seeing them after you wrap?
andrew_garfield: jennifer, i miss jesse
Comment From Nicka :Do you guys find it weird watching yourselves on screen? I feel like that would take some getting used to.
Jesse_Eisenberg: Dear Nicka, it's very strange to watch yourself in a movie. Andrew says it's like hearing your voice on an answering machine times a thousand. I try to avoid it as much as possible. we have seen this movie one time.
Comment From Alice :Gosh, Andrew, we have similar taste in books :)
andrew_garfield: alice, cool, maybe we should meet and get married
Jesse_Eisenberg: i also like those books!
Comment From Mel :Andrew and Jesse, are you both excited for the Golden Globes and who would you like to meet while there?
andrew_garfield: mel, id love to meet christian bale. he blew me away in the fighter
PatrickDay: As the stars, are you guys usually privy to all the storyboards, plans, etc. Or does the final form of the film come as total surprise?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Patrick: the final product of a movie is always different than I pictured it to be while filming, so it's a jarring thing to watch something you've seen a million times in your head in a completely new way
Comment From Sara Jabeen :Hey, Andrew. :) Can't wait to see you in Spidey
andrew_garfield: sara, thanks i hope i do you proud
Comment From Deirdre :Jesse and Andrew, who were some of your favorite actors growing up?
andrew_garfield: deirdre, michael j fox, daniel day lewis, tom hanks,
Comment From Charlotte :Is it difficult to be working on a movie and promoting another? I can imagine it's strange being asked to talk about a film you completed a year ago.
andrew_garfield: charlotte, yes. its difficult for men to multi task
Comment From Vicki :none of my comments are showing up and i am crying
andrew_garfield: vicki, dont cry. we are here for you
Comment From Shirley :Andrew, hi! Can you reveal anything about the Spiderman plot yet? Like villains and such? Pretty please. Also, I love your work. Keep it up!
andrew_garfield: thanks shirley. of course i cant say nothin
Comment From NICOLE and chloe :Andrew when I finished reading Never Let Me Go I watched it instantly after and your performance with Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley had me in tears almost instantly. I have such love for the way you all portrayed the characters.
andrew_garfield: thanks nicole and chloe. i love your work too
Comment From Charlie :Do you ever regret going into acting because of the publicity side etc?
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Charlie, the public part of this is overwhelming and strange and uncomfortable. it makes me question several life choices that were made by a teenage me
Comment From Adriana :Jesse, I'm a big fan of yours and my sister is a big fan of Andrew. We really hope to see you guys tonight in Palm Springs.
Jesse_Eisenberg: why does your sister not like me, Adriana?
Comment From lisa :andrew, what is your response to people who say you are too old to be playing a high schooler version of Spider-Man?
andrew_garfield: lisa, my response is you are entitled to your opinion, and thanks for your thoughts. have a nice day, eat well, and get enough sleep to be effective in the life of your family and friends. and climb trees as often as possible
Comment From Patrickk :Andrew, do you find an American accent hard?
andrew_garfield: patrickk. yeah i find most things hard.
PatrickDay: Hey everyone, some of you are upset that your questions and comments are not displaying. There are so many that we can't have all of them go through. But we'll do our best to make sure as many appear as possible.
Comment From Ray :To both Jesse and Andrew: what made you decide to become actors?
andrew_garfield: ray, i wanted to pick up girls. then i realised acting can be a generous act
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Ray, I did children's theater when I was very young (8 years old) and found it to be a comforting way to avoid having to see friends on the weekends.
Comment From Paulette :Andrew, just read and watched Never Let Me Go. Every aspect was perfect. I'm sure you'll be a great Spider Man
andrew_garfield: paulette thanks alot
Comment From teapot :andrew, have you worked with rhys ifans yet? is he as awesome as he seems? :D
andrew_garfield: teapot, hes rad. so funny, and warm and talented
Comment From Kimmy :any favourite perks of being an actor?
andrew_garfield: kimmy, you get to sit around alot
Comment From dan :what is the one song that you guys jam out to in your car or at home?
andrew_garfield: dan, month of may, by arcade fire. and anythng by louis prima
Comment From Emily :Are there any questions that you've wanted people to ask (while promoting a film or campaigning for awards) but never have been asked?
Jesse_Eisenberg: to emily, every question I wanted to have been asked was asked by the journalists in japan. without exception they asked the most probing and psychologically astute questons about the characters
Comment From Katy :Jesse, can you do a british accent?
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Katy, I'm doing a british accent right now, I am.
Comment From Allie :Do either of you have any tips for people that want to become actors themselves, or any suggestion as to where to begin?
andrew_garfield: allie. find out why you want to be an actor maybe. and take some classes with a great teacher that suits you instinctively and study plays. read shakespeare and miller and chekov. read all the great playwrites.
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Allie, my advice would be to try to be involved in as much as possible. local theater, friend's readings, improvisation groups, etc.
Comment From Tammy :I'm really sick right now and being in this chat is making me feel better. I love both of you guys, never stop making movies.
andrew_garfield: tammy, get better
Comment From Linda :Andrew and Jesse - Did you both do the commentary track for the DVD?
Jesse_Eisenberg: Andrew and I did a commentary track, but he recorded it from different rooms. He made his kitchen look like my bedroom
Jesse_Eisenberg: the early years
Comment From marilynmay :Is there a person you'd love to portray in a movie?
andrew_garfield: marilyn may, id love to have a crack at portraying denzel washingtons life
Comment From Steph :Besides each other, who has been your favourite co-star in your career so far? Who would you like to star alongside in the furute?
andrew_garfield: steph, i love jesse, peter mullan, robert redford, heath, tom waits, carey m
Comment From Amy :So it seems both of you are into music (albeit, different genres); would you ever consider putting out a record or track (like how Carey Mulligan did a brilliant song with Belle & Sebastian)?
andrew_garfield: amy, we have been working on a rap album. neuroses based rap
Comment From Tom :What is the one classic film you wish you could have starred in, and why?
andrew_garfield: tom, would have loved to have been in kes by ken loach
Comment From Yiannis :Jesse, is Zombieland 2 happening?
Comment From alexis :Any websites you guys go on daily...that are just your favorites
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Yiannis, I really don't know. Hi Alexis, yes go to oneupme.com. i started this site a few years ago.
Jesse_Eisenberg: to Andrew: you would have been a great kes
andrew_garfield: jesse would have liked to to have played the eponymous kestral
PatrickDay: Jesse, in talking to people about Zuckerberg, have you found opinion split by age? (Younger find him admirable and exciting. Older find him selfish and petulant?)
Jesse_Eisenberg: the reaction to zuckerberg in the movie is all across the board. my mother said she wanted to slap me and then hug me. this has been the most common reaction. It makes me happy to hear that because it means people are invested in the character in a very real way
Comment From betsy j. :do either of you plan on making a twitter account to please your large fanbase ?
andrew_garfield: betsy, i dont know about twitter
Comment From Kimmy :Are there any personal favourite films you'd consider to be guilty pleasures?
andrew_garfield: kimmy, i love TEEN WOLF!!!!!
Comment From Emily :Andrew, can you come back and do another episode of Doctor Who please?
andrew_garfield: emily, i love matt smith so maybe
Comment From Diana :To Jesse and NAdrew: Any favorite foreign films of yours? :)
andrew_garfield: diana, i love michael haneke, i love audiard,
Comment From Victoria :TEEN WOLF is not a guilty pleasure! It is straight up pleasure!
andrew_garfield: victoria, hells yes
Comment From Kim :Andrew, to prepare for your role as Peter Parker have you read Amazing Spider-Man comics that have been made in the recent years? J. Michael Straczynski's run is a really great read.
andrew_garfield: kim, ive been reading em all. i love it
Comment From Sara :Can you both PLEASE give a shoutout to the people in Pakistan!?
andrew_garfield: sara, ok. i love pakistan!!!!!!!!!!
Comment From Michelle_E :Have either of you seen any of Sorkin's other works? Thoughts? I'm particularly fond of Studio 60 and I felt I saw a lot of the same struggles in both
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Michelle_E, I used to watch sports night all the time. I would video tape the episodes so i could re-watch them multiple times to catch all the wonderful dialogue. I think people have had similar reactions to this movie, going back to it multiple times.
Comment From Shannen :Andrew and Jesse do you guys google yourself?
andrew_garfield: shannen, i try not to. cos people hate
Comment From Laura :Jesse, I had the same reaction as your mother, I have to say.
Jesse_Eisenberg: thanks Laura, please do not slap me at a whole foods though
Comment From Stephanie :Hi Jesse and Andrew :) Greetings from Peru!
andrew_garfield: staephanie, hey peru
Comment From Olivia :How can a socially awkward person get involved in acting? Any tips?
andrew_garfield: olivia, i think being awkward helps greatly in being an actor, it means there is alot for you to discover with in yourself.
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi Olivia -- you are the perfect person to act! One of the wonderful things about acting is that it can allow someone who is a bit uncomfortable to take on a persona that is different from yourself. it's a nice respite from your ego
Comment From Justin :Andrew, what's Marc Webb like? I'm really excited for you and Marc's version of Spider-Man! I'm a huge Spidey fan!
andrew_garfield: justin, marcs great, really talented and smart
Comment From Carolina :Jesse, Andrew, are you Tarantino fans?
andrew_garfield: carolina, yes
Comment From nina :are you going to be wearing peter parker glasses at all in spiderman, andrew? from the on-set photos i've seen i'm a bit dissapointed not to be seeing any four-eyed love...
andrew_garfield: nina, i hate to dissapoint you
Comment From Novus&kyle :Jesse&Andrew : In Asia, you have so much fans. Please remember this.
Jesse_Eisenberg: In Asia, there are so many more people. It's just a numbers game
andrew_garfield: hahahahaha jesse made a funy joke
andrew_garfield: hahahahhahaha of all places
Comment From Raph :what are you guys doing now besides this?
Jesse_Eisenberg: on the internet
andrew_garfield: good job jesse
Comment From Winona :you guys are fast readers
andrew_garfield: winona, thanks alot
Comment From mary :was the scene in the beginning of the movie hard, jesse? was all that shot in one take or was it split up?
Jesse_Eisenberg: hi mary, the opening scene was filmed 99 times, so there are lines and moments from many different takes.
Comment From steve :jesse, i saw u on leno, what's up with the facial hair?
andrew_garfield: jesse wut up wit de facial hairs?????????
Jesse_Eisenberg: you dont
andrew_garfield: me dont like thems
Comment From Rivers :How do we know if you're really Jesse & Andrew?
Jesse_Eisenberg: how do we know if you're really rivers?
andrew_garfield: rivers, this is in fact justin timberlake and armie hammer
andrew_garfield: maybe im rivers
Jesse_Eisenberg: maybe rivers is in all of us
andrew_garfield: maybe jesse is an automated joke machine
Comment From Laurie :Andrew&Jesse: Do you guys still hang out? I mean, besides going to film festivals and the what-not.
andrew_garfield: laurie, no. jesse s disowned me
andrew_garfield: silence ensues
Comment From Lex :i have a feeling that if you guys aren't friends forever the entire world will explode.
Jesse_Eisenberg: thanks Lex!
Comment From Hannah :Maybe you guys should just talk to each other and we can sit back and watch the WONDERS UNFOLD.
Comment From Marisa :yeah you guys should have your own tv show or something
andrew_garfield: i want to do a richard pryor gene wilder thing
andrew_garfield: both me and jesse will play the gene wilder role
PatrickDay: Have either of you had a moment to relax or has it been go-go-go? Especially now that "awards season" is here?
andrew_garfield: patrick, i am not relaxed. i am working out as i am typing
Jesse_Eisenberg: we have been traveling a lot in the last few months to promote the movie. but it will be over soon.
andrew_garfield: doing deadlifts
Comment From Ted Mosby :What are y'all most looking forward to in 2011?
andrew_garfield: ted, i wanna travel this year
Comment From sarahh :my questions aren't showing up. so i'll just try again. what can i say to convince my friends, who don't value my opinion, to see the social network?
andrew_garfield: sarahh, their loss
Comment From Camillionaire :Hello from New Zealand!!1! I love you both so much
andrew_garfield: camillionaire, is that really you????????
Comment From Kit-Kat :Where do you want to travel?
andrew_garfield: kit kat, africa
andrew_garfield: or south america
andrew_garfield: or thailand
Comment From Katy :Greetings from Israel :)
Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Katy, thanks for logging on at 10:58
Jesse_Eisenberg: it is nearing the end of this discussion. many truths were unearthed and stories shared. thank you for waking up early to be here, except novus&kyle who are in asia and have just stayed up late.
PatrickDay: Thank you both for joining our chat!
andrew_garfield: we love you all like you were our own mothers and fathers.
andrew_garfield: good luck everyone.
PatrickDay: Thanks for joining our chat everyone! Apologies to those whose comments didn't appear.
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cool-anyways · 1 month
I actually have no idea what to talk about BUT I do have the first part of Pit Stop Ln’s story! I think I’m going to have different story sections marked by different car emojis. 🚙 For past 🏎️ For present.
🚙 Bumper
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Admittedly, working as a lawyer has always been Uvi’s (Yu-vi) dream. Arguing was one of his best skills according to his mother and the pay, who wouldn’t take up law? Of course, being a legal instigator wasn’t his only choice but it was certainly the most advocated for. But he couldn’t pretend that the learning curve wasn’t hard, it felt like his classmates were born into law and he just kind of wandered in. When he did find himself bored, game after game finished and sitting digitally dusty in his console, he seriously didn’t know what to do with himself. Until, of course, his friend in game development gifted him a new game to try. Pit Stop Ln the words big and bold on the plastic case, came with one of those headsets too.
The case sat on his desk, the plastic wrap on the floor just next to his wastebasket. The console swallowed the disk slowly and the game began to download. Unlike the rest of his games, the icon was bright. A still scene with a red car speeding past a black one. Finally, the game opened, his fingers wrapped tightly around the controller as he slipped the headset on.
Then, it was like he was never in his dorm. Uvi could swear the white mechanic station he stood at was really there, a neon login screen flickering into his focus.
“Please create a username.”
A woman’s voice spoke aloud, surrounding him. Hesitantly, he reached for the text bar, a solid black keyboard appearing in front of him.
Sweet…How about…
He thought to himself as he formulated a username.
He snickered childishly. You know like, You Go? Truthfully he considered himself one of the funniest people ever.
As the username was entered, the sound of a heavy motor and loud music approached him. Turning around he was faced with a sleek red car, short and flat, like a ramp. On the side was one black streak like lightning. Equally as cool was the woman who stepped out, her long black locs fell out of the black helmet she tossed off her head.
“UUgo! Hope I’m saying that right, thought you’d never show up!”
She spoke smoothly, her voice rich and definitely the voice he heard earlier.
UUgo stared at the woman before a grin grew on his face.
“This shit’s fire. Who are you?”
The woman beamed, tossing her helmet on a dingy couch in the shop.
“My name is Jece.” (Jesse)
And she threw her hands up proudly, wiggling her red nailed fingers as she sprinkled vibes onto the ceiling.
“And this is my shop!”
UUgo bopped his head.
“This place is nice, real…industrial.”
Once again, UUgo laughed at his own joke, harder now that someone else laughed too.
“But you’re a buggy right?”
Jece asked, rolling the garage doors up and letting in more natural light. The sight is something. A stadium in the near distance, racers walking and chatting, guys in suits and other more sparkly affairs discussing what UUgo could sense was money. The question fell on deaf ears.
“God damn…” UUgo whispered.
“God damn is right, this is Pit Stop Lane.” Jece’s hand flourished the bright environment, the smell of oil, gas, fresh asphalt and scorched tires almost overwhelming
UUgo thought to himself with a fair bit of snark.
Yep there we go, she said it. That’s the name of the game.
“So, Buggy.”
“What?” UUgo turned to her, just in time to hold his hands out.
Jece was already facing UUgo, throwing a palm sized blue disk at him. UUgo catches it, looking down at the triple dashes “- - -“.
“What’s this?”
“That, UUgo, is your key.”
“Key- I get a car!?”
Jece nodded as UUgi bolted out of the shop, immediately a sleek grey car caught his eye.
“Aw shit, look at this baby!” UUgo peaked inside, fixing his plaits in the blacked out mirror.
“Heh, UUgo that’s not-“ Jece didn’t finish.
The window rolled down, revealing a clearly sun tan middle aged man, his hair swooped in a cocked pompadour. His gold lined shades and popped collar made UUgo gawk. But it was the Cuban link chan that really got UUgo going.
“WHAT’S UP, LIL MAN?” His voice was all bass and all volume.
“Bro…” UUgo was at a loss of words
“It’s Jece.” Jece sighed, rubbing her nose bridge. “And this is Rodney or-“
“HOT ROD.” Rodney chuffed, puffing out his chest. The woman in the passenger seat giggled and laid both her hands and her chest against his too tight leather jacket.
UUgo grinned to himself before looking down at his own avatar. It was still him, like in real life.
“Oh what, that’s so cool.” UUgo whispered before popping the headset off. He was back in his living room, the sun setting now. “Good thing it’s a Friday.”
As he slipped the headset back on, Jece and Rod waited a moment.
“Scare me?” UUgo questioned,
“You logged out for about five minutes, happens to buggies some times.” Jece chirped. “Now let’s get your car.”
UUgo claps his hand and cheers as he practically floats behind Jece. The walk is brisk, the anticipation killer.
But in the garage sat a normal white car. UUgo blinked.
“Head on in, customisation starts here and check out the mirror for some light avatar customisation too.” Jece leaned against a wall and smiled. “I’ll be here when you’re done.”
0 notes
werewolfbansheelove · 4 months
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(I’m excluding all scenes with Sue and Will together because CRINGE!!! Also the sheet n things will be excluded.) 
Artie, Kurt, Mercedes and Tina were walking down the hallway.
Mercedes: Is it just me, or does it feel like we have a real shot at Regionals next month?
Artie: The Ohio Show Choir chat rooms have all been buzzing about how Vocal Adrenaline has lost a step.
Kurt: I agree-- the judges know all of their tricks and now that we have Jesse, they’ve lost their best performer.
Rachel rush up to the four. Rachel: You guys have to come to the auditorium-- it’s an emergency!
They entered the auditorium where the rest of the New Directions were but what’s more shocking was that Vocal Adrenaline was in their stage and... 
Rachel: Jesse? What are you doing up there with them?
Jesse: I’ve transferred back to Carmel High, Rachel. I’m sorry that it’s come to this, but you guys were awful to me. You never accepted me, you never listened to my clearly superior ideas.
Finn: Why are you here in our auditorium?
Jesse: The blogs and the chat rooms say that we’re finished, and that you guys are ripe to topple us. We just wanted to show you a something we came up with a few days ago to see if you agree with that assessment.
Bum, bum, bum (Jesse: Ooohh - Let’s go!)
Jesse: Steve walks wearily down the street with his brim pulled way down low Ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet.  Machine guns ready to go, are you ready (Vocal Adrenaline Boys: Hey!). Are you ready for this, are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat. 
Jesse with Vocal Adrenaline Girls: Yeah!
Vocal Adrenaline Boys (Jesse with Vocal Adrenaline Girls): Bum, bum, bum (Another one bites the dust) Bum, bum, bum (Another one bites the dust; And another one gone). And another one gone (Another one bites the dust, yeah) Hey, I’m gonna get you to
Jesse with Vocal Adrenaline (Vocal Adrenaline Girls): Another one bites the dust (Oooh, ohh!) (Vocal Adrenaline Boys: Yeeaah!)
Jesse (with Vocal Adrenaline): How do you think I’m gonna get along (without you when you’re gone?). You took me for everything that I had and (kicked me out on my own)
Jesse with Vocal Adrenaline Girls: Are you happy? Are you satisfied, how long can you stand the heat? Out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat
Jesse with Vocal Adrenaline: Look Out!
Vocal Adrenaline Boys (Jesse with Vocal Adrenaline Girls): Bum, bum, bum (Another one bites the dust)
Giselle: Thanks for letting us borrow your auditorium, guys. It’s quaint.
The kids walked down the hallway, quiet surprised and crushed. 
Artie: It’s a Carmel High tradition. They psych out the competition a few weeks before the big show. They call it a funkification. Meaning they show us what they’ve  got, and we spiral into a deep black funk.
Finn: Yeah. Yeah, we used to do the same thing to other football teams. You know, try and get inside their head before a big game, pull little pranks to intimidate them.
Puck: Yeah, well, the difference was our football team sucked. Those guys are golden. 
Kurt: Come on, keep  your heads up, guys. It’s going to take more than that to get us into a funk.
The club went to the choir room but was in shock as their choir room got TP. 
They all started to clean up the mess, Vocal Adrenaline left. 
Tina: I feel so violated. It’s like someone broke into our home.
Will: Look, it was just a lame little prank. And the fact that they’re trying to get to us means maybe we got them spooked. 
Mercedes: Uh-uh, Mr. Shue. They aren’t afraid of anything. That number they did was fantastic. You know, which doesn’t  make any sense. They had all that equipment. How did they even get in?
Sue (enter): I gave 'em all keys. Helped them do a sound check over the weekend. Hey, this way, fellas. Let’s punch out this wall here. They’ll pen up the space a little bit.
Will: Sue, what are you doing?
Sue: I can’t talk to you now, William. Drafting class is helping me redecorate around here. You see, I have Nationals over the weekend, and I expect to return with a comically large first place trophy for which I have absolutely no room in my trophy case. As soon as you hurry up and lose at Regionals, this choir room will become my official trophy annex. You know what it has to look like? Elvis' gold record room at Graceland. Except I’ll be wanting far fewer morbidly obese white women waddling around and crying.
Will: Sue, get out of my room.
Sue: Glee Clubbers, for you those of you whose hearing has not been damaged by massive doses of Acutane, listen up. In a few weeks, Glee Club will be finished. Now how do I know that? Well, I recently checked the odds with my Vegas bookie, who told me that you’re 40-1 underdogs at Regionals. You are going to lose, and your dreams will be crushed. 
Will: Sue, can I see your trophy?
Sue: Sure, Will. Hope and dream.
Will (threw the trophy against the wall that made made everyone but Finn and Puck flinch or jump.): You dropped your trophy, Sue.
Sue: You know, for me, trophies are like herpes. You can try to get rid of them, but they just keep coming. You know why? Sue Sylvester has hourly flare-ups of burning, itchy, highly contagious talent. Enjoy your last few days here. This room is mine.
Will (enters the choir room,  Rachel was sitting at the piano.): All right, guys, today I want to talk to you about regrets.Who has some?
Rachel: Giving my heart to Jesse, just to have it crushed like the stage floor at a performance of Stomp.
Quinn: Thinking "trust me" was a sensible birth control option.
Will: We all have them. I just finalized my divorce. I regret living in a relationship that wasn’t working. Letting her put me in these deep funks and not fighting back. 
Santana: Besides creeping us out, why are you telling us this?
Will: Because if we lose to Vocal Adrenaline at Regionals, none of us are going to regret it. We will have given it our best shot and we won’t look back. But we will regret letting them get the best of us before the competition. Which is why we need to hit them back just like they hit us.
Quinn: So you want us to TP their choir room?
Will: Whatever the better, cooler version of that is. Like, uh, maybe-maybe we should steal their school statue.
Kurt: Their school statue is a giant bronze of a great white shark eating a seal pup. It weighs three tons.
Will: Okay, how about this one. All right, we get like...
Puck (voiceover): Everyone knows this is going to come down to me. Revenge, fear, the merciless infliction of pain. These are my kingdoms. First time I gave a wedgie to a kid, I was four years old. Finn and I may still hate each other for some reason, but we both know that defending the honor of New Directions is going to be our dirty job.
This leads to Puck and Finn lashing tires to the Range Rovers to all Vocal Adrenaline Kids. But leads them to Principal Figgins office. 
Puck: Yeah, I did it. And I’m proud. All I did was step up and be a man. They got what was coming to them.
Shelby: A few of my students TP'd your choir room. You slashed the tires on the Range Rovers of all 26 of my performers. Those were gifts for our win at Sectionals. That’s 200 times 26 times four equals I don’t have a calculator.
Will: I’m sorry, you bought all your kids Range Rovers?
Shelby: We have a very active booster club.
Will: Look, nobody got hurt. It was a harmless prank.
SUE: That’s what they said about a young man in Chicago in 1871, who thought he’d play a harmless prank on the dairy cow of one Mrs. O'Leary. He successfully ignited its flatulence and a city burned, William. That young terrorist went on to become the first gay president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. 
Figgins: Enough. These students have committed a felony. They are hereby expelled. 
Shelby: Look, I don’t want anyone to get expelled. I’m not going to press charges as long as you pay for the damage.
Will: You can take it out of the glee club budget. We don’t have that kind of money.
Finn: We’ll get jobs. Give us a month. We’ll pay you back, Ms. Corcoran, I promise.
Shelby: Fine.
Figgins: Ms. Corcoran, you are as wise and magnanimous as you are beautiful.
Shelby levees but Will whispered.  Will: Thank you.    
Sue: Well, you just can’t win, can you, William? You never have, and you never will.
Will wrote the ‘Funk’ on the whiteboard in Glee. 
Will: Funk. Use it in a sentence. Come on. Rachel.
Rachel (sadly): This cheese smells funky.
Puck: That’s because it’s "from-unda" cheese.
Rachel: Shut it, Puckerman!
Will: Okay, okay. I was thinking more along the lines of Vocal Adrenaline has sure put us all in a funk.
Kurt: I’m so depressed, I’ve worn the same outfit twice this week.
Will: What if I told you I knew how we could shove it right back down their throats? New Directions is about to make their funk the P-Funk. We are going to get funked up. The only way to do that is to beat them at Regionals. Vocal Adrenaline has never once done a funk number. They’re a machine, a collective, synthesized, soulless beat. Funk is soul meets anger. Its passion is in its emotion. And Vocal Adrenaline doesn’t perform with any. So you have your assignment. I want you guys to turn McKinley High into Funky town! 
Mercedes: You guys can relax, I got this one covered.
Artie: Cool.
Quinn: Hold on a second. I-I want a chance to get funky, too.
Everyone laughed at Quinn especially Mercedes. 
Mercedes: Good one, Quinn. It even sounds funny when you say it.
Quinn: You said funk was about soul and anger. I have plenty of both. Look at me. Look at my life. I’m furious!
Mercedes: Let’s be honest. When white people try to be funky, you end up with KC and the Sunshine Band.  (She laughs) 
Artie: I love "Boogie Shoes."
Quinn: Mercedes' racism aside, I will have something prepared tomorrow.
Will: All right, Quinn goes first.  (Bell rings, Will looks at Rachel.) Rachel, can I see you
in my office?
In his office. Will: You seem to be taking this Jessie thing pretty hard.
Rachel (angrily): I want him to be eaten by a lion.
Will (sighs): Jessie, cared about you.
Rachel: No, he didn’t. Our entire relationship was just some diabolical plan. They knew if they broke my heart close enough to the competition, that I’d lose my will to live, and then New Directions would have no chance at winning Regionals. It’s textbook; You destroy the heart of the team's heart and you destroy the team.
Will (voiceover): Sandy told me how to beat Vocal Adrenaline, and now Rachel was inadvertently telling me how to beat my other nemesis. Suddenly, I wasn’t feeling nearly as depressed.
In the choir room, it was time for Quinn’s performance. 
Will: Okay, Quinn, it’s your day to show us your funky side. So, take it away.
Quinn: For some of us just simply getting to class takes a little bit longer. When you’re pregnant, you’re responsible for two lives. And you’re walking down the hallway oppressed by the man.
Mercedes (mumbles): Oh, my goodness, she is not about to go there.
Quinn: Hearing people call you fat. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes you have to stop and hold that precious life and say no.
Artie: This is offensive. Who are these girls?
Quinn: We’re the "Unwed Mothership Connection". And that’s what we’re here to sing about.
Quinn: This is a man's world, this is a man's world. But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing, without a woman or a girl.
Quinn with Unwed Mothership Connection harmonizing: You see, Man made the cars to take us over the road. Man made the train to carry the heavy load, man made electric light to take us out the dark. Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark. 
This is a man's, man's, man's world, but it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing. Without a woman or a girl (Unwed Mothership Connection: Without a woman or a girl)
Quinn with Unwed Mothership Connection: Man thinks about the little baby girls and the baby boys. And after man make everything, everything he can. Do you know that man makes money? (Unwed Mothership Connection: He makes money). To buy from other man (Unwed Mothership Connection: To buy from other man)
Quinn with Unwed Mothership Connection:
This is a man's world
Quinn (Unwed Mothership Connection): But it would be nothing, nothing,  Not a one little thing (Nothing, nothing). Without a woman or a girl. He’s lost (Huh-uh) in the wilderness, (oh) He’s lost (Ooh) in betterness. (Huh-uh) He’s lost, lost somewhere now in loneliness.
Will entered the school but saw Santana sobbing. Will: Santana, are you all right? What?
She ignored him and sat down on the floor, still crying. 
Will them approached Kurt. Will: Kurt, what is going on around here?
Kurt (closed his locker.): Coach Sylvester won’t get out of bed. We haven’t had practice in days. I’m fine because I have Glee, but these girls have sort of lost it. No Nationals means that four of the girls will lose their college scholarships. The rest are just depressed and confused. 
Like some Cheerios  had their hair all messed up.  Brittany was walking past clinging onto Jacob Ben Israel who was weirded out. Brittany: Please, please, love me, please.
Kurt: It’s really hard to feel bad for Sue Sylvester, she doesn’t need another trophy but some of these girls, they really do.
In the choir room, Puck and Finn were dressed up like gangsters. 
Finn: Mr. Shue, Puck and I would like to show the class the true meaning of funk. With a little help from our special guest Mercedes. 
She stood up and stand in between Finn and Puck. Artie, Kurt and Tina cheered for her.
Puck: Fasten your seat belts, people. It’s going to be a funky ride.
New Directions Guys: Uh-uh (Puck: Yeah; Can you feel it, baby?) Uh-uh bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam (Finn: Come on; swing it). Uh-uh bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam (Finn: Come on; swing it). Uh-uh bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam (Finn: Come on; swing it).
Puck: Yo, it's about that time to bring forth the rhythm, and the rhyme-. Imma get mine, so get yours I wanna see sweat comin' out your pores
Finn: On the house tip is how I'm swinging this, strictly hip hop, boy.  I ain't singing this
Bringing this to the entire nation Black, white, red, brown, feel the vibration.
Finn and Puck: Come on; come on Feel it; feel it. Feel the vibration
Mercedes (New Directions Guys): It’s such a good vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). It’s such a sweet sensation (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) It’s such a good vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). It’s such a sweet sensation (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam).
Puck: The vibration's good like Sunkist many wanna know who done this. Pucky Puck, and I’m here to move you Rhymes will groove you. And I’m here to prove to you (Santana, Rachel laughed). That we can party on the positive side and pump positive vibes. So come along for the ride making you feel the rhythm is my occupation. So feel the vibration.
Finn and Puck: Come on; come on Feel it; feel it. Feel the vibration
Mercedes (New Directions Guys): It’s such a good vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). It’s such a sweet sensation (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) It’s such a good vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). It’s such a sweet sensation (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam).
Puck: Finnie D, break it down...
Finn (New Directions Guys): Finnie D's on the back up (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam).  Drug free, so put the crack up (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) no need for speed (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) I’m anti d-r-u-g-g-i-e (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) (Rachel laughed). My body is healthy (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) and rhymes makes me wealthy (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). And the funky bunch helps me (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) to bring you a show with no intoxication (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) Come on; feel the vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) (Everyone clapped along with the beat.) Yeah can you feel it, baby? I can too. 
Mercedes (New Directions Guys): It’s such a good vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). It’s such a sweet sensation (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) It’s such a good vibration (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam). It’s such a sweet sensation (Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam) It’s such a good vibration...
Will: All right. Great job, guys, but that’s not funk. I mean, the group is called Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, but that is a rap song.
Puck: A kick-butt old school rap song.
Artie: Does it really matter, Mr. Shue? We’re so clinically depressed, we’re doing the wrong songs. We’re in a deeper funk than ever. 
Quinn was in a classroom, all alone then Mercedes entered sitting across her. 
Quinn: Mercedes, I'm so sorry.
Mercedes: You may not be a minority, but you certainly get how it feels sometimes.
Quinn: For nine months. You’ve had to deal with this your whole life. People making assumptions, calling you names. I seriously can’t understand why don’t feel like yelling at people all the time.
Mervedes: What’s the point in getting angry?
Quinn: Because it’s infuriating. I hate all the looks at school. Don’t even get me started on Puck's mom.
Mercedes: You’re not angry. You’re hurt. You just need someplace safe where you can dig through all that rage. Get to the pain beneath it. So it’s decided. Saturday you move out of Puck's house and you move in with me. (Quinn looked at her, surprised.) I already talked to my mom about it. My brother went off to college and we have an extra room.
Quinn: Mercedes...   she was so honored. 
Mercedes: It’s cool. Us sisters got to stick together, right?
They fist bumped but Quinn slowly didn’t make it boom. But they both laughing softly. 
Rachel walked down some stairs as her cell phone rings. She answered it. Rachel: Hello.
Jesse: Meet me out in the parking lot.
Rachel went outside to the parking lot where she saw Jesse. She ran up to him missing a smirk on his face, where Vocal Adrenaline throws eggs at her. 
They all laugh at her. 
Giselle: I hear you’re a vegan, Berry. The souls of those poor egg fetuses are all on your conscience now.
Vocal Adrenaline all laughs. 
Giselle: Do it, Jesse. (Jesse had a eye in his hand.) Are you with us or not?
Rachel: Do it. Break it like you broke my heart.
Jesse: I loved you.  He smashed the egg against Rachel’s forehead, letting the yoke drip down her face. Vocal Adrenaline got in their vehicles.
Rachel had changed her outfit and told everyone what happened to her. 
Rachel: Now nightmares of all of the mothers of the little baby chicks coming after me for revenge.
Puck: Oh, this is bull! Finn, Mike, Matt, come with me.
Finn: Right on. It’s time for less talking and more punching.
Will (enters the room): Hey, what’s going on?
Finn: We’re on our way to go all Braveheart on Vocal Adrenaline.
Will: Guys, violence is never the answer.
Puck: It is when the question is "What’s the best way to mess up that Jessie kid's face?!"
Kurt: Mr. Shue, Rachel's one of us. We’re the only ones who get to humiliate her.
The boys went to leave but Will snapped. Will: Stop! Get back here and sit down! (Kurt immediately did that.)  Look, I know from experience that making someone else suffer doesn’t make your pain go away. You’re all amazing, no matter what Vocal Adrenaline says or does. We just need to find a way to remind ourselves of that.
Finn: We can’t just let Vocal Adrenaline get away with turning Rachel into an omelet.
Will (growls): We’re not. Rachel, dial Jesse's number on your phone.
Rachel pulled out her phone. 
Santana: You haven’t deleted his number yet?
Rachel hands her phone to Will.
Will: Jessie St. James? Will Schuester here. You and Vocal Adrenaline need to meet at our auditorium Friday, 3:00 sharp. 
Vocal Adrenaline were in the WMHS auditorium where Rachel stood in front of them where there was a backdrop behind her. 
Rachel: Thanks for coming. After your brazen escalation of our growing dispute, which we were willing to put to rest, we decided the only way to truly funkify you is to show you the one thing we know you can’t do. So enjoy.
Kurt: Roof off, we’re gonna tear the roof off the mother sucker. Tear the roof off the sucker, tear the roof. We’re gonna tear the roof off the mother sucker. Tear the roof off the sucker.
Finn and Mercedes with Tina and New Directions (with Kurt): You’ve got a real type of thing going down, getting down. There’s a whole lot of rhythm going round.  (You’ve got a real type of thing going down, getting down There’s a whole lot of rhythm going round)
Finn, Mercedes, and Tina with New Directions: We want the funk, give up the funk. We need the funk, we gotta have that funk we want the funk, give up the funk.  We need the funk, we gotta have that funk Na-na-na-na-na. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, ow. Na-na-na-na-na. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, ow
Artie and Mercedes with New Directions: We’re gonna turn this mother out (New Directions: We want the funk, give up the funk). We’re gonna turn this mother out (New Directions: We need the funk, we gotta have that funk) (Mercedes: Gotta turn this mother out). We’re gonna turn this mother out (New Directions: We want the funk, give up the funk). We’re gonna turn this mother out (New Directions: We need the funk, we gotta have that funk) (Mercedes: We're gonna turn this mother out hey!)
Finn and Mercedes with Tina and New Directions: Na-na-na-na-na, Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, ow (Mercedes: Doo doo doo doo na yeah). Na-na-na-na-na (Mercedes: Da-na-ta-ta-na ..Sing it now!) Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, ow (New Directions: You’ve got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down). You’ve got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down. There’s a whole lot of rhythm going down (Mercedes: Whole a lot of rhythm going down down get it!). You’ve got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down There’s a whole lot of rhythm going round (Mercedes: A real type of thing). 
Finn and Tina with New Directions: We want the funk, give up the funk We need the funk, we gotta have that funk (Mercedes: Funky!) We want the funk, (Mercedes: Yeahhh!). Give up the funk, we need the funk, we gotta have that funk. We want the funk (Kurt: We’re gonna tear the roof off the mother sucker) (Mercedes: Funky funky!) (Kurt: Tear the roof off the sucker).  Give up the funk (Kurt: Tear the roof off) We need the funk (Kurt: We’re gonna tear the roof off the mother sucker). (Mercedes: Get down man!). We gotta have that funk (Kurt: Tear the roof off the sucker). (Mercedes: Heey) We want the funk, give up the funk, we need the funk, we gotta have that funk. 
Mercedes: Heeeeeyyy!
Puck: See you punks at Regionals.
Jesse: They did a funk number. We’ve never been able to pull off a funk number.
Giselle: Well, that’s because we’re soulless automatons.
Jesse: I’m so depressed.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 4 months
Jesse Baird & Luke Davies Missing: Beau Lamarre-Condon Surrenders to NSW Police
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/beau-lamarre-condon-surrenders-to-nsw-police/
Jesse Baird & Luke Davies Missing: Beau Lamarre-Condon Surrenders to NSW Police
In a surprising turn of events, Constable Beau Lamarre-Condon, 29, the officer at the heart of the search for two missing Sydney men, has surrendered to police.
The development came shortly after reports surfaced that his phone, previously off for hours, was active again.
Lamarre-Condon became a person of interest following the mysterious disappearance of his ex-boyfriend, former Channel 10 presenter Jesse Baird, 26, and Baird’s current partner, Luke Davies, 29.
The couple went missing from their Paddington home on Monday night, leaving behind a scene that deeply concerned the police due to the significant amount of blood found at the scene and their belongings discarded in a Cronulla skip bin.
After taking sick leave and turning his phone off, Lamarre-Condon’s sudden disappearance added to the intrigue.
However, following a report by Daily Mail Australia on his phone’s activity, he walked into Bondi Police Station around 10:30am on Friday morning to face questioning.
He was then moved to Waverley Police Station for further investigation.
Search for van
This comes amid an intense city-wide search for a white van Lamarre-Condon was believed to be driving and a late-night raid at his family’s Balmain home. This indicates the seriousness of the police’s efforts to unravel the case.
The search for Baird and Davies has captivated Sydney, with the latest CCTV footage showing the couple entering Baird’s home. A $3 million rental in Paddington on Monday night, only to disappear mysteriously afterwards. The police’s discovery of bloodied clothes in a Cronulla skip bin has only deepened the mystery surrounding their fate.
As the investigation continues, with police exploring all past relationships and associations, the community awaits answers in this distressing case.
This is a developing story: We’ll update this article as we learn more. 
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aci32 · 10 months
RAMMSTEIN IN BERLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey folks sorry for running a month late but better late than never, here's my 7th review of 2023, Rammstein!!!!!!! This was my 3rd time seeing them and on the day I saw them it had marked exactly 4 years since I last saw them, which was July 16, 2019 when I saw them in Prague. Exactly 4 years later, I saw them in Berlin and I saw them in an old stadium that has a dark history since Olympiastadion Berlin was the sight of the 1936 Summer Olympics, which was 3 years after Adolf Hitler ascended to power and it was of course the sight of Jesse Owens winning a gold medal. After 3 times of Rammstein coming to Berlin on the stadium tour, they finally came in a month that was favourable for me in the form of July because in 2019 and last year, they came in June, which both were no good for me as I wasn't travelling in June at all both those years. Also before I entered Der Feuerzone, I waited an hour and 45 minutes to buy merch, which consisted of a new Rammstein t-shirt and a Rammstein patch to put on my vest in the future and the queue was disorganized af, plus a bunch of locals were yelling "HELGA!" and I'm thinking "Who the fuck is Helga?" Of course I wouldn't find out until Wacken Open Air. So after I got my merch, I eventually found Der Feuerzone and I got my wristband.
Let's start the festivities!
First band up was Abélard. They reminded me of Duo Jatekok as both duos are French and they play Rammstein covers on piano, and of course they would both go on to make a guest appearance during Rammstein's set when they played Engel in Rammstein's first encore. I personally didn't find Abélard anything special as I wanted to save my energy for the headliners later in the evening. After Abélard got off the stage, people started doing the wave from the ground floor up to the seating areas and it was fun to do.
After doing the wave with the crowd to occupy my time it was time for RAMMSTEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 3rd time seeing them live as I first saw them May 8, 2011 in Toronto as I remember queuing with my pals Nik and Tom for a good 8-9 hours to see them at the front, in which Nik and I didn't pass out from the intensity of the Pyro, then saw them 8 years later on July 16, 2019 in Prague, which smoked the Toronto show in a landslide for a multitude of reasons, and now exactly 4 years later, I see them in their hometown of their home country in Berlin, Germany, which is a show that will never get topped. The pyrotechnics and theatrics were nothing short of incredible especially the scene of Till blasting the cauldron during Mein Teil with a large flamethrower to try and cook Flake alive, Flake doing his dances, Till doing his vinrage Till hammer and even headbanging at times, etc. The crowd was definitely loud and passionate especially singing the lyrics of Bestrafe Mich, Zeit, Du Hast, Sonne, Engel, Ohne Dich, etc. I also got teary-eyed during Ohne Dich because it made me think of my recently deceased friend Elouise since the song means Without You in German, and without Elouise, life feels more empty. I'll also add, the day before the Rammstein gig when I had gotten into Berlin after changing planes in Dublin, I chatted with the immigration officer and she asked me the standard questions of "Whats the purpose of your trip?" And "How long are you here for?" For which I gave her truthful answers and before I left to cross the gate to go to the baggage carousel, I said to her "I'm going to see Rammstein tomorrow". She then gave me a double thumbs up and smiled and she replied "I'm seeing them on Tuesday" I then asked "Are you in the Feuerzone?" She replied "No" and I go "Aww, that's too bad". I'll also highlight that like the Prague show from 4 years ago, Rammstein had a 2+ hour set and there was no shortage of eye candy in the crowd, since I'm single. I also got a bit emotional during their last song Adieu, which made me think of Elouise. Here's Rammstein's setlist:
Music for the Royal Fireworks(George Frideric Handel song)
Links 2-3-4
Bestrafe mich
Mein Herz brennt
Deutschland(Remix by Richard Z. Kruspe)
Mein Teil
Du hast
Engel(with ABÉLARD) (Piano-version; performed on B-Stage)
Du riechst so gut
Ohne dich
Encore 2:
Ich will
Song played from tapeSonne(Piano-version)
Haifisch(Haiswing Remix by Olsen Involtini)
Overall a great show and a great way to spend a Sunday evening on the 2nd night of my 3 week vacay at that time.
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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readingforsanity · 1 year
Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers | Jesse Q. Sutanto | Published 2023 | *SPOILERS*
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Put the kettle on, there’s a mystery brewing...
Tea shop owner. Matchmaker. Detective? 
Sixty-year-old self-proclaimed tea expert Vera Wong enjoys nothing more than siping a good cup of Wulong and doing some healthy detective work on the internet. 
But when Vera wakes up one morning to find a dead man in the middle of her tea shop, it’s gonig to take more than a strong Longjing to fix things. Knowing she’ll do a better job than the police possibly could - because nobody sniffs out a wrongdoing quite like a suspicious Chinese mother with time on her hands - Versa decides it’s down to her to catch the killer. 
Nobody spills the tea like this amateur sleuth. 
Vera Wong is a 60-year-old Chinese woman who lives in a flat above her teahouse. Aptly named Vera Wang’s World-Famous Teahouse, Vera’s only customer is a neighbor down the street named Alex. Every morning, like clockwork, Alex comes into the tea shop for 10 minutes to chat with Vera, and have a cup of tea and take home a variety of teas that she has created for him and his wife, whom he is caring for as she is sick. 
One morning, Vera goes downstairs into the teahouse and discovers a dead man on the floor. Initially shocked over this discovery, she calls the police and believes that the man was murdered. She is so sure of it. Before the police arrive, she begins preparing for their arrival, preparing tea for them and even creating an outline around the body like she has seen on TV. When they arrive, the police are sickened to discover this and refuse to drink her tea. 
Despite being told that there was no evidence of foul play in this mystery man’s death, Vera is sure that the man was murdered. The following morning, Vera waits in her teahouse for the murderer to appear. This is where she meets Riki, a young man who tells her that he is a reporter for Buzzfeed who is doing a story on Marshall Chen, the man who had died. A few moments later, Sana appears, and she tells Vera that she has a true crime podcast and she is investigating for a story that she plans to run. And shortly after that, a young woman and a young child, though they don’t enter the shop, they run off. 
Vera now has three suspects in the people who visited the shop yesterday. After delivering some teas to Alex, she finds Marshall Chen standing outside of her shop. When she confronts him, she learns that it is not Marshall, but his twin brother, Oliver. She invites him inside. Though Vera is sure that these four people are suspects in Marshall’s death, she realizes that the young woman and the child is Marshall’s widow and his daughter. 
That is Julia and Emma. Prior to learning of Marshall’s death, he had told Julia that he had made it rich, and that he would be leaving her so they wouldn’t have to share any of the profits of whatever it was that he made money on. Julia, who up until that point had been a stay at home mom, begins worrying about how she will provide for her daughter now that Marshall left, and died. 
Each of the four people who have entered into Vera’s world all have a connection to Marshall, and each of them have a reason to want to kill him and they’re all hiding that connection from each other and from Vera. 
After Vera’s teahouse is broken into, she goes to stay with Julia and Emma. Emma begins to come out of her shell with Vera by her side and she quickly becomes Emma’s grandmother of sorts. Also with Vera’s pushing, Julia begins her own photography business, Riki and Sana begin dating and everything seems right in the world. 
For Sana, she had met Marshall and was scammed out of her artwork. She was attending CalArt when she met Marshall, who she inadvertently sold the virtual rights of her artwork too. Ever since then, she’s been unable to create any new pieces and struggling with it ever since. On the night he was killed, she confronted Marshall and scratched him but she did not murder him. 
For Riki, he had responded to an ad to create a program that Marshall needed. Riki intended to use the $25,000 being offered for the work to send his brother, Adi, to the United States to be with him as he was struggling back in Indonesia. As a gifted child, there were any programs sufficient enough for him to attend and he has been struggling ever since. Riki has been sending his family money, but it was never nearly enough to get him to the US. When Marshall stiffed him of the payment, Riki ended up attacking him when he saw him at a restaurant, punching him, also on the same night that Marshall was killed. Though a punch could have been the cause of death, it was not and Riki is not the murderer. 
In the end, that leaves only Julia and Oliver. They had been friends before Julia and Marshall began dating, but had lost touch after Marshall slowly but surely made Julia get rid of everyone that mattered in her life over the last 10+ years. Though Julia would have had a motive, him leaving her and the $700,000 she would be receiving in his life insurance policy, she did not murder him either. 
That only leaves Oliver, and after the discovery of a manuscript he had written several years ago, Julia realizes that it very well could have been him. In the manuscript, which he based loosely on his life with Marshall and always being in his shadow, basically says that he needed to get rid of his brother so he could be with his wife in the story. This is discovered by the police, who then take Oliver in for questioning. Believing it was Vera who had provided the manuscript to the police, he goes to the dinner party she is throwing at Julia’s with every intention of calling her out on it. 
However, instead, Vera realizes that none of them are the murderers. Oliver planted the drugs that was found on Marshall, but that was it. He did so in hopes of him getting caught and going to jail. Sana finds out that Riki was the one who created the program that stole her art and walks out on their budding relationship. Julia also kicks out Vera after discovering that Vera is the one who removed evidence from Marshall’s body that could have proved that he was murdered. 
Vera returns home, and becomes despondent. Nobody hears from her for three days, and when Riki goes to check on her, finds her in bed on the edge of death. When she is safely in the hospital, where she has been found to be dehydrated and battling bronchitis, the others arrive, including Vera’s own son Tilbert. The group of 6 very different people come together to prove their love for Vera. 
When Vera gets better, they all return to the teahouse, which they had been working diligently to repair for her with updates. When they all gather at the teahouse after her departure from the hospital, Vera realizes that the bird’s nest she uses for her tea is missing. It hits her that when she came downstairs the morning that she had destroyed her own shop, which she confessed too, things had been moved around and she was sure someone had been inside the shop looking for something. 
It then hits her that Oliver’s last name is Chen, the same as the Alex who visits her teahouse. She realizes that Oliver’s father is Alex, the very loyal customer that she’s had for a long time. She goes directly to Alex’s apartment, where he confesses that he had killed his other son. He says that Marshall had put a cloud over his eyes and he was never able to see him for what he truly was until he showed his true colors the night he died. 
Obviously knowing that his son has an allergy to bird dander, he created a tea with the bird’s nest from a tea that Vera made him, and he drank it. He had an allergic reaction, which killed him. He went to Vera’s to take the bird’s nest so it wouldn’t create suspicion against her, and he has been keeping an eye on Oliver, Vera and Julia and Emma ever since. 
He is taken to jail, but Tilbert, who is a lawyer, has someone in his office working on the case pro bono. They have all become some type of family, and Vera is reopening the teahouse now that it is completed. Customers are swarming her shop after publicity thanks to Julia with her photos and social media. All is right in the world for Vera Wong. 
The only thing about this story that bothered me is that they made it appear like this little 60-year-old woman is old and frail like she’s in her 80s. We all know that Asian men and women age exceptionally well, therefore describing her as basically decrepit bothered me so much. Especially, as of the writing of this story, my own mother is 62 and isn’t bent over with age. 
Otherwise, I enjoyed the story very much. We should all be so lucky to have Vera in our lives. 
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rndyounghowze · 1 year
The Big Glittery Nightmare: Or How We Learned to Love The League Of Live Stream Theater Part One
By: RnD
This story started with a mass panic over $68 (almost $80 with fees) live stream tickets and a real fear that the digital theatre world as we knew it was no more.
Hi. We’re Ricky and Dana, the self-appointed champions of digital theatre. If in-person theatre is a small town digital theatre is a culdesac. You either know everyone or are shocked when you find someone new because you have about thirty friends in common on Facebook. Suffice it to say that when news that LOLST was going to stream “Between Riverside And Crazy” at Second Stage our digital artist friends were worried and we won’t deny that we were too. With union rules and lack of funding making it impossible (or at least impractical) for Broadway Theaters to live-stream their shows, the digital theatre community had worked without much interference from the Great White Way.
What we critics had encountered though were villains we like to call “Flag Planters”. It’s a term we call colonizing organizations that like to declare their very normal live stream the “first, the best, or the only”. A Broadway organization stepping into the game, putting up a live stream, and declaring itself the standard of digital theatre, that all other art was less than, was a glittery nightmare version of what we had seen before.
We were not going to stand for it! We reached out to LOLST and set up an interview with co-founder Oren Michels. Michels, former executive director of The Groundlings and Broadway Producer. He was abroad at the time and asked if we would like to speak with xo-founder Jim Augustine and another person involved with the production so we can write a feature. It's very strange if they were big and ignored the rest of the digital theatre community to invite us even more into their world. Nevertheless, we put on our best suits of armor and geared up for the fight of our lives. We got ourselves ready, got on the Zoom call with Jim and Jessica Ryan, and…
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…We were instantly deflated when Jess, the Broadcast Manager, entered the chat and was immediately excited to see us. Turns out we have three mutuals and she was just looking at our reviews wondering how we hadn’t met. If we hadn’t found her through this interview we would have bumped into each other at some point. Then Jim Augustine, Co-Founder of LOLST entered the room and we were again very surprised. When you look at Jim’s headshot you mainly get a Wall Street vibe. Then he talks and we realize the look is mainly for shareholders. In reality, he is a big theatre kid who slid into the world of finance and has been working to finance shows on Broadway for a while now. Soon we realized that we were addressing two fellow travelers in the land of digital theatre and we were greeting them with swords drawn…awkward… They were more like us, and y’all, than we could have imagined.
They were exactly like us and people in the digital theatre community. In fact, they traded off saying things that made either one of us very excited about the "Between Riverside and Crazy" live stream. One of the things that made Ricky feel all warm and fuzzy inside was contracts! Do you want to know how they came up with the $68 price tag for a digital ticket? Contracts and negotiations!
“The League of Live Stream Theatre supports these productions its aim is to support a theatre in extending its mission but not to dictate its business practices.” Jim said, “Second Stage is obviously running a theater from Broadway. It's not cheap to do so. These tickets, because of the current structure of the LORT agreement, are in a zero-sum game with tickets sold in the house.”
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The contract allows regional theaters to live stream their runs as long as every digital audience watching at home is a replacement for a butt that was supposed to sit in a theatre seat in the weeks prior. We raised some eyebrows at it but we understood. It means tickets aren’t gravy added to the sales they are proxies for tickets that were never sold. Jim wasn’t interested in making a killing though. Like Ricky, he’s a dyed-in-the-wool socialist.
“It's hard,” Jim said as he sat back in his chair. “I want everything to be free. You're basically talking to a guy, when I first got my job at Zuckerburg Media which is a for-profit company that hired me as COO, I was like ‘you need to know that I am practically a socialist. I'm a big believer in public-private partnerships and making sure that proceeds are going back into communities.’”
Ricky knew right away they could have been the same person. Then Jim talked about how LOLST also tries to send theatre to some places where you wouldn’t expect. Like did you know that when they streamed “Clydes” in January of 2022 they streamed the play out to Rikers Island free of charge? While he couldn’t tell us everywhere they planned stream to for “Between Riverside And Crazy” he was adamant that he was always looking for a way to bring prices down.
We both really connected with how passionate Jim was about making the arts accessible and we were shocked about his willingness to use tech if he had to. The biggest problem he laments is that it is hard to prove to investors that live streams are commercially viable. In the non-profit sector, it is a lot easier to prove that a live stream can extend the reach of a regional theater and send its message past its four walls.
Jessica has been live-streaming events since 2013. She was more than happy to tell us about the kind of cameras that were used in the streaming of the show. LOLST uses 7 “Pan Tilt Zoom” cameras (PTZ) that are hung from the existing lighting grid of the theater. They are like security cameras you see in the casinos but now they’re 4K, can zoom in without any graininess, work great in low light, and have computer presets that can be automated like lighting cues.
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Jess let us know that these were the exact same kind of cameras that the NFL uses to broadcast their games. This perked Dana right up. If you don’t know, Dana is a football fiend (Fly Eagles!). They love to talk about how a live NFL broadcast makes you feel like you are cheering in the stands, not just sitting at home. From now on they won’t stop talking about this fact and will bring it up just as often as they rant about their hatred of Carson Wentz.
Jess is a broadcast director and not the director of the play or the stage manager. She has a lot of preparation for her job.
“My role is working with the League of Live Stream Theater and working on behalf of their production and to look at what it looks like to see "Between Riverside And Crazy Onstage", to feel what it feels like to be an in-person audience and try to translate that with the camera work so that as Jim said when we beam this out to all of these people the hope right is to give them a little taste of that feeling of what’s so great about seeing theatre in person”
But what if something goes wrong with the cameras or they lose internet connection in the theater? She comes prepared. They have a “hold card” to let the digital audience know that a delay has happened. They also know which cameras can be subbed out for other ones. It all comes with the territory for Jessica, who knows what it’s like to battle the “chaos monster” that is the internet. Don’t worry, though, as professional as Jessica is she likes a little of what Dana calls “The ghost in the machine”.
Jessica smiles conspiratorily at this. “It's actually kind of secretly my favorite thing when things don't happen the way we expected it in a live show 'cause it reminds everybody they're watching it live and it's a different experience than watching something on cam.”
We know exactly what she means. We love that even the most professional live streams can have some glitches and hiccups. It lets us all know that we’re not watching a film or a tv show. This is theatre and theatre is raw and live.
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The thing that bowled us over the most though was a statement that Jim said halfway through the interview.
“What we’re talking about is the democratization of artistic community building and sharing right? And up until this point if you wanted to tell a story and reach mass audiences you were either doing it in very short form content like a Facebook video and there’s nothing wrong with that and there were definitely people experimenting in that form specifically. Or it was in film, television things with mass distribution, and therefore the stakes are really high and the commercialization opportunity is high and the barriers to entry are also very very high. One of the most amazing things about theatre is that its barriers to entry are low. We need to be able to tell our stories just on a porch, some plays, you know you don't even need a proscenium. You got a porch or a street or whatever! Theatre is supposed to be just person-to-person.”
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It took us back to a time when we were talking to Os Satyros out of Brazil. That was the first time that we had heard someone connecting digital theatre with giving power to the people. Now, whenever we hear it we feel an immediate connection. Now just imagine the organization that we thought was going to be the Glittery Broadway Nightmare was the one that was talking about the way streaming could change communities.
We soon got the warning that our Zoom call was about to end. Dana gave them the speech that they give everyone: Once you know us you’re one of us. You’re like family. You can reach out to us at any time and we are unbuggable. We found that we meant it this time just as fervently as we have every time we said it. We found out that in the process of looking into the eyes of a potential enemy, we found our passion for digital theatre reflected back. We asked Jim and Jess if they had any last things to say:
“The League of Livestream Theater is a passion project of people who happen to have skill sets in technology and finance but who love theatre.” Jim said “Theatre is a passion project for all of us who love theatre. No one has the answer. No one knows exactly how this is going to unfold except for what we do and make of it. I hope that people within the theatre community will see us as helpful partners down the road. I hope that we can provide tremendous value because of our weird little skillsets we can provide value to the theatre community.”
“I get up every morning thinking about how I can help make sure that more people have access to the magic that is theatre.” Jess said “It’s life-changing. It is a safe haven for so many people. It asks us to think more critically about our world. To be able to work on Between Riverside and Crazy to be able to collaborate with that creative team and have the honor of figuring out how to put the work that they're doing every night on a screen in a way that will help someone else discover how [monumentally] amazing it is, it's the thing that gets me up every single morning …Do whatever you have to do to try to see this incredible show because the work being done on Second Stage every night is pretty incredible.”
We couldn’t agree more. Get your tix to the livestream now before it's too late. Look out for Part Two Tomorrow!
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thedreamcrosser · 2 years
Chapter 2: Drawn
(Check out chapter one if you haven't already)
Weaving through a Labyrinth of books had to be dizzying for first-time visitors. Fortunately, Beryl is a regular visitor to the library and made it to the stairway entryway without any issue. Somedays she can not fathom how everyone in the slums had not at least made one visit to this place. Yeah, the library needed a sign, but who doesn't like books? Maybe if she talked about them more they would come.
Stepping from a wood stairway to concrete gave a shock to her legs. Hopping a bit she made a mental note to check in with the doctor tomorrow to check in on her aching feet and prayed that she does not have to get new ones. Even if she did have to get some she could always send them to her sister for a free paint job. There was still some green left from her paint job on her thumbs. 
Remembering Cyan she looked down the street from where she stood. There she was talking to Doc outside her apartment, ushering him in with that same excited smile from before. 
“My papa doing business?” 
The voice came from the other end of the alleyway. There in the dark glowed a familiar blue face against a holographic bucket hat, peering out from his own home. Beryl smiled and made her way over to him. How convenient it was that she got to see friends on her chore run? “Hello Seamus! Enjoying the end of your day? “
He stepped out and leaned against the wall, adjusting his puffer vest but not his emotions. “Is it the end of the day already? I haven't noticed.”
“Just like you did not notice my sister today?”
“I noticed, just don’t care about her.”
Beryl laughed “Ouch! You used to be so sweet as a child. Did your dad add sarcasm to your programming when he upgraded you?” 
She thought she saw a smile flicker briefly on his face. “Just honest. Which reminds me, your husband stopped by to pick up something from my papa. It sounds like good news. Are you heading his way now?”
Beryl blinked back to reality “Oh, yeah!” She straightened her shoulders and adjusted her bag. “Always going somewhere aren't I?”
He gestured behind himself. “Hurry up, before you make him wait longer.”
She sighed in agreement “He has waited long enough. See ya, Seamus.” She began to trot toward the brighter end of the city. She then slowed to a stop because it took her a moment to realize that she did not stop to think about where her husband may be. It couldn’t have been in the library; she just came from there. Her greenhouse was out of the question due to her gnat fly problem.
“They went to the bar!” Seamus called to her.
Sweet drops formed on her display “R-right, I knew that. Thank you!” She could hear him chuckle and close the door behind him. If she only would have used her eyes, she would have seen the sign to her right and remembered. She turned to enter the door and was met with the sound of the jukebox and electric chatter. 
Inside, Jacob was already mixing drinks for the locals. He had a full bar of bots waiting for their orders, despite this, he had time to look up from his work and give Beryl a quick wave and gesture to the stairway to the second floor. She smiled a “thank you” and made her way to the lounge upstairs.
The bots that were waiting on her had made themselves comfortable in the far booth, their drinks already ordered, chatting away in deep conversation. She snuck herself in next to her husband, almost like she was trying not to wake someone up, and started handing out books. The Guardian and Zbalthizar's attention broke from Whitney to take their suggested reading.
“Sorry I am late gentlemen, my sister is back from the dead city and I just had to say hello” 
“Ah, brave Cyan is back is she?” Said Zbalthizar. “That girl is something special. Not many brave Zerk territory. At least not overnight.”
Beryl felt her husband kiss her cheek, the delightful static shock warmed her circuits. He then chimed in. “That was quite a short “hello”, normally you two will be at it for hours.” 
She scooped out a book that Jess seemed to sneak in just for her. “Oh, Doc stole her attention real quick. It sounds like he will help her make a new computer.”
“Elliot doesn’t have time?” Guardian asked.
“I imagine he can help, but it sounds like Doc has a trade deal with her.”
“I am sure we will see the fruits of their labor soon enough” Zbalthizar smiled and then faced Whitney. “Anyway, you were on the conversation of the myth of the beginning of the world, Whitney?”
Whitney ecstatically scooped his Bible and held it out like a prize. “One of the most beautiful myths of humanity! You will find that at the very first page of the books you were given.” 
Beryl smiled as she watched him begin to dive into the study. Hearing her man chatter enthusiastically gave her pure joy. Fortunately, she had heard the story countless times, and her new mystery book was calling her name. Without breaking her gaze from him she went to open the book and just about knocked something off of it.
Looking down she found what seemed to be a little box wrapped in newspaper and tied with string, a note, and a small crystal. She looked back to Whitney and then back to the box, asking herself when during the conversation did he slip it in. Without breaking his riveting conversation Whitney intertwined his hand into hers and squeezed it. Was this what he went to Doc for?
She unfolded the note and read it to herself.
“I know you like surprises, only open the box on your birthday. Been thinking of you all day.”
She did all she could to keep her squeaks of delight to herself and squeezed his hand back. She could not help but do a happy shuffle in her seat but calmed down as quickly as she could when she realized the bottom floor could probably hear her. She turned to the crystal tied to the package and untangled it. Looking at it closer, she saw that it had a green tint, the very kind of green that she adored. 
“He is something else,” she thought to herself.
Holding it up to the booth lamp to see if she could get it glittering in the light she caught a glimpse of Zbalthizar, who seemed to be interested in what she was doing. Seeing that both Guardian and Whitney were deep in conversation she gestured to offer him a look at the crystal. He took the string in his hand and admired the crystal hanging off of it. He leaned forward to her and spoke “These had to be so beautiful glistening in the sun above.”
Surprise lit up her face “You believe the outside exists?”
He gave back her gift, “Well yes, I am a member of the outsiders after all.”
Her face drained into embarrassment. “Oh yeah. I should have known that.” She could feel herself shaking, performance anxiety getting the best of her. “Way to go Beryl, get your head out of the clouds” She scolded herself.
“Do not be so hard on yourself Beryl.” He said as if he was reading her thoughts. “You already do so much for the community, I would not be surprised if you can’t keep track of everyone. Besides, I have been secluded for quite a while.”
Outsider stuff? This held Beryl's attention. “Have you been working on something?” 
Folding his hands he took a heavy artificial breath. “As you know, Clementine, our founder, has a brilliant mind. But she is more of a woman of action than a great thinker. So I have put it on myself to do what you call “heavy lifting” if you will.
He looked around the room. The only other bots in the room was the one asleep in the booth across the room, a couple giggling in the corner, and a builder that gave up for the day trying to figure out how to build a pool table without instructions. As soon as the builder made his way downstairs Zbalthizar leaned forward on his forearms. “We have been trying to find other ways to and past midtown other than the elevator.”
Beryl's eyes widened. “The big elevator?”
“What seems to be the only elevator in this part of the city. I don’t see why the sentinels and peacekeepers see it necessary to keep it guarded. Not many people down here are criminals. But to get to the outside, we need to find a passageway. Clementine believes that the ones who are in charge of midtown hold the power to the gates outside. There had to be a way for humans to have come into the city when they built it. 
“Like Noah's ark?” 
Beryl and Zbalthizar turned to see that the other two had finished their conversation and turned their attention to the two of them. Whitney had let go of Beryl's hand and was now in a position leaning against the wall while Guardian had closed his book and politely folded his hands on the table. “I beg your pardon?” Zbalthizar asked. 
Whitney took a sip of his drink and then explained “There is a story in the Bible of an apocalyptic event far into the past. It mentions a man, named Noah, who was instructed by God to make an ark to save both his family and what animal life that walked the earth from a great flood.”
“Ark? Do you mean a boat?” Guardian asked.
Pointing to him Whitney smiled “Exactly that. In this boat, there was one entrance that allowed Noah's family and the chosen animals an escape, and God shut them in for protection.
Zbalthizar raised a hand to politely interrupt. “I appreciate the story Pastor Whitney, but I have little knowledge as to why this connects to my mission.” 
The Guardian leaned in a bit. “Based on my knowledge of human history I believe what Pastor Whitney is trying to suggest is that you might be right about there being one door. Human history tends to rhyme, so it only makes sense that one door would be made to control the flow of people.”
Beryl put her hand under her chin “I do see the parallels there. Both are vessels to preserve life.” the fans in her head began to kick up as she began to think out loud. “The issue I see is that one plan is run by God and one by man. Man, though they are missed, is full of faults. They perished in this city as a result. It was more of an unintentional tomb than a lifesaver.”
“Let's not forget how the city is split up.” Zbalthizar pointed out. “Splitting humans into greater than and less than is just not right. At the end of the day, whether they see it or not, they all are equals.”
Whitney put his drink down “I wonder how they kept control of the city if there was one entrance? If all of the people who were assigned to the slums were escorted through midtown then at some point they would have seen where they were put was unfair and revolted.”
They all went quiet as if to ponder this. Beryl could feel a mix of hard thinking and softened hearts around the table. It was the Guardian that spoke up first. “Now whether this myth is based on reality or not there is no point in dwelling on it. We should be focused on what we have rather than what we don’t.”
Zbalthizar gave him the side eye. “You changed your tone quickly”
“Just because I explained what Pastor meant does not mean that I agree with him. This is a human story and we should not be comparing ourselves to our creators. We are just companions in this city, nothing more. I will not stop you from finding a way out, but I must warn you this might be the death of those who venture.”
“Wait, what do you mean by just companions? Humans are not around here anymore so why would we…” 
The whole table became awkward as Beryl trailed off. Humans. The pamphlet! Remembering this she began to dig through her bag. Not finding it there she opened her book to find it had wedged itself into the pages. The happy smiling woman was there to greet her. “Humans! I completely forgot about this thing!”
Zbalthizars wide eyes opened wider as she showed it to the group. “Wait, where did you get this from?”
“Doc gave this to Cyan, but she left it behind so I picked it up and I am going to give it to her later. But I am happy I kept it because this might help your search. Whitney, you are fluent in english, read it.”
Whitney took it from her hand and opened it up. It was his turn to be surprised. “Wow, Beryl you found one in multiple languages. There is spanish and french in here as well.” 
Zbalthizar began to sputter uncharacteristically “What… how…where is Doc finding all of these things?” 
Beryl and Whitney already had their figurative noses in the text of the pamphlet. Straightening up Whitney cleared his voicebox and began chattering in an utterly alien dialect to the others. Almost musical yet slurred together he spoke in tones that varied his voiced inflections. As he looked up from his reading he found clueless faces across the table, almost like they were told the whole concept of algebra in one sitting.
“What?” Whitney asked. 
“Um… may you translate it to companion please?”
Whitney fumed a bit, muttering under his breath something about companions seeing english every day. He adjusted himself and read it again. “Welcome to walled city 99, where life does not have to end. It can begin again! With our program, you will not only be promised a thriving life but an organized one…
Beryl interrupted “Okay but does any of this say something about a location?
Flipping it over they found a big grey circle with colored lines circling it. Whitney squinted a bit. “Subway?”
“A sandwich?” Beryl asked.
“A transportation system!” The rest of the group blurted.
Rattled, Beryl gripped the table out of shock. Stammering she continued her questions “wait what does this mean?”
Zbalthizar took the pamphlet from Whitney’s hand and held it up in full view. “This means that there is a possibility that there are multiple entries. Beryl you clever girl!”
She stared back blankly, “I did nothing.” It was then that she saw something else on the pamphlet. A long line of numbers scribbled in English text and white ink. Was that handwriting?
And why was it so familiar?
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Congratulations on getting to the end of chapter 2! Go check out @Lenny_lazyDraw on Twitter. They made an absolutely adorable drawing of Beryl and their OC Cleo!
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acrylicscore · 2 years
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Official dubbing this idea Lapis Swap.
I actually completed better sketches and drawings today, then decided to do a digital version. I couldn’t be bothered to shade the digital version, but I’ll go back to it eventually.
Anyway, undercut of the AU is underneath.
So Jesse and Ivor swap places; Jesse becoming part of the Order, and Ivor just being a regular guy.
Jesse was found by the Order at a young age (around the age of 7), and was cared for by the Order. He officially joined the Order a short time later, as the adults quickly learned that the child was a prodigy in Potionology/Brewing. The child acted as a Healer and often had the right potion for the right job.
A year after joining, the Ender Dragon was defeated. Jesse wasn’t allowed to follow into The End, so he didn’t know the command block was used.
The Order split up, but decided they’d still share custody of Jesse. So, every month Jesse was passed on from one Order member to the next. This cycle only happened twice. By Soren’s second time caring for the boy, he became overwhelmed by the idea that the public might find out about the command block. He then made the decision to give the command block to Jesse, which was his first mistake. Jesse managed to figure out that the cammond block was used against the Ender Dragon and started asking Soren questions. So, in response, Soren did what a logical mildly-unstable man would do… he took Jesse to the Farlands and left him there, then lied and said the child disappeared with the command block. This is what caused the Order to actually fall apart. Magnus and Ellegaard started blaming each other for the child’s behaviour, Gabriel felt the need to blame himsef but did his best to push the problem to the side, and Soren hid himself away to keep that extra secret hidden.
The spiteful 8-year-old arc begins, spiraling into the edgy teenager that wants to fight back against the word arc.
Meanwhile, Ivor is a lovable old man that mainly looks after Axel and Olivia. This man may seem like a grumpy old guy that spends his days brewing or reading, but he has a soft spot for teenagers that are just as quirky as him.
Ivor has a lot of kids; Olivia and Axel, Petra when she comes around, and the Ocelots. Petra came eventually around to the idea, since she’s occasionally popping in to see Olivia and Axel. The Ocelots were claimed as his children at a previous Building Competition. Aiden and Gill especially like Ivor, though Aiden doesn’t like to show it that much.
Anyway, Ivor is basically the main character, and his goal is to adopt a new child that desperately needs love.
Everything plays out normally, but with Ivor as the supervising adult.
I like to think that everything’s reasonably chill between the Ocelots and Axel & Olivia, due to Ivor, but they still have their tensions. I’m instead going to incorporate both teams into the story for the sake of it.
Ivor heads out into the woods just before Endercon, wanting to collect a few spider eyes for potions, and encounters Petra. She tells him about the deal and such, and into Endercon they go.
They get to Endercon and find the two teams chatting about the winner’s build. Ivor and Petra head into the alley, but Aiden follows in due to curiosity. Jesse shows up, Ivor and Aiden a bit taken aback that its a child wanting this Wither Skull. They get scammed, Jesse disappears, and Endercon search ensues.
They find the basement and the Wither concoction, and Jesse enters which causes them to scatter. Ivor then pulls an “I’m sorry I got lost on my way to the bathroom”, allowing the other children to escape.
Lmao, Gabriel confrontation time. Instead of hiding in the crowd, Jesse instead used backstage shenanigans to get into the roof. He speaks from above, taunting Gabriel, before jumping down to reveal himself. Of course, Gabriel doesn’t understand who this is straight away, but realises a bit too late. Witherstorm is released.
Petra is of course chosen to be rescued, because Ivor will choose his child over some guy any day.
Jesse’s name isn’t mentioned whatsoever until the gang find the Old Temple and original story.
Ellegaard and Magnus are extra bitter towards each other.
Ivor and Petra fight a Jesse and loses to him miserably, even with back up.
Soren is mildly terrified of a bunch of teenagers and their dad rocking up to his base in The End. He isn’t really too fond of company this time, as he feels constant guilt and hate for himself for the choices that he made.
The children decide that Ivor is too old to set of the Formidabomb, so Aiden is volunteered as tribute.
Neither Magnus or Ellegaard are sacrificed, because my thinking is “more people so less likely to get smacked.” Both live, as Aiden was given makeshift armour by Ivor, who apparey had stolen resources.
Jesse shows up to the gang’s shelter. Axel and Aiden immediately start pointing fingers at the child, much to Ivor’s dismay. Also, when the Order come out, they don’t know who they’re looking at until Maya mentions that Jesse was the one that soawned the Witherstorm.
Ellegaard and Magnus immediately start hassling the boy with questions, but when asked “Why did you gave the command block?”, Jesse immediately tossed that question to Soren. A bit of an arguement happens, but it is revealed that Soren abandoned Jesse.
Ellegaard stays with Petra in the shelter to try and help. Axel, Magnus, Aiden and Gill go to distract the Witherstorm. The rest go to the Farlands with Jesse to get the failsafe.
Reuben exists, he’s just the guard pig at Jesse’s lab.
The truth about the Order is revealed.
Ivor has a heart-to-heart moment with Jesse. He offers that, when this is all over, Jesse could come back with them and have a new start. Jesse does like the idea, but is unsure.
The children don’t let Ivor fight this fight against the Witherstorm, so its the teenagers (including Jesse) against the Witherstorm. Jesse and Gill end up inside the thing, because more Gill content.
Witherstorm dies, nobody important dies.
New Order of the Stone is formed by the teenagers, and Jesse takes Ivor’s offer to come join him and his other children in a brand new start.
And that is the first half of Season 1.
I haven’t thought any further ahead about the AU, but I am open to ideas.
Anyway, have a Ra Ra Rasputin Ivor.
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myloversgone · 2 years
Sweet Love - an AU!Dean x Reader fanfiction - Chapter 3
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Series summary: After twenty years apart, Dean and Y/N meet again. They both have successful careers, but he wishes to change some things in his life.
Series warnings: +18, smut. DO NOT read if you’re underage. Angst; language; cheating; body shaming (be careful if that can be a trigger to you!).
Parings: AU!Dean x Reader; AU!Dean x Y/N; Dean x female!Reader; Dean x Angelica Styne (OFC); Sam x Jess.
Chapter warnings: Language. Angst. Dirty thoughts. Cheating. Making out, but nothing heavy.
Chapter summary: Y/N finds in Jessica an ally and a friend to help her understand Dean’s reasons. When her car breaks in the middle of a trip, Y/N has to call a mechanic and ask for help.
Word count: 4,600~
A/N: This is the third part of a multi-chapter series I’m currently working on. It will probably have around 5 chapters. It’s an Alternative Universe story, so there’s no hunting involved. I tried to keep the characters as canon as possible, though.
Feedback is always highly appreciated! Happy reading :)
A/N 2: Sorry it took me so long to post this! I struggled a little with the ending of this part, and real life got in the way of my plans to finish it when I wanted to. 
There’s a passage about a broken car in this chapter, and I’m really sorry if it came out too vague or if I wrote something that doesn’t make sense. I know absolutely nothing about cars.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
A/N 3: I had to make a new header for this chapter, because I couldn’t not include some pics of a greasy, one layered Dean on that story, could I? 
---------------------------------------------- Monday, after lunch
“Jessica! Nice to see you”, Y/N greeted, surprised, when Sam’s wife entered the bakery.
“Hey, Y/N”. Jessica smiled, walking towards the counter to give the other woman a quick hug.
“Do you have a minute? I came for a brownie and to chat with you, if you’re up to it”, Jessica asked, placing her purse on a table nearby and looking around. The place was mostly empty; the only clients were an old man sitting close to the window, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, and two girls occupying the far corner table, giggling and typing fast on their phones while eating cake.
“Yeah, sure! Just gimme a minute, I’m gonna fix us some coffee and get you that brownie”, Y/N winked, taking off her apron and walking towards the kitchen.
Less than five minutes later, the women sat together, drinking their coffees.
“First of all, thanks for coming on Saturday. Sam was right, you are very cool”, said Jessica.
“Aw, no, thank you! Your house is beautiful and I had such a good time”, Y/N thanked back, grateful for Jessica’s kindness.
“We had a great time too, but I feel like it would’ve been better for you if it wasn’t for Angelica’s behavior. I’m sorry about that”.
Y/N chuckled. “You’re the third person to apologize for it. Funny thing though, is that none of the other two were her”, she shook her head, Dean’s fiancee’s harsh words echoing in her mind.
“Yeah, and that’s why I’m here, ‘cause I know she won’t come and apologize to you. I assume one of the other people was Dean?”, Jessica questioned.
“Yes, he texted me yesterday to say he was sorry”. Y/N fought the tears she felt pooling. She had already cried enough after she had to tell Dean they should stop seeing each other. Jessica probably wasn’t aware of that part of the story, so she wouldn’t touch the subject yet.
Jessica’s brows furrowed in confusion. “He texted? He didn’t come and talk to you in person?, she asked, surprised to know Dean would act in such a way.
“He- he wanted to come, but-”, Y/N stuttered, torn between telling Jess the truth or coming up with a lie, knowing that, if she chose the former, she would probably end up crying. She hasn't talked to anyone about last night.
The blonde woman could tell Y/N was struggling. Being the smart woman she is, Jessica noticed the chemistry between Dean and Y/N at the night of the dinner. Plus, Sam told her his brother had a crush on the woman when they were teens. So she quickly connected the dots and realized there was more to it than Angelica’s behavior. 
“Let me guess: you told him you should stop seeing each other?”, Jessica questioned, to Y/N’s astonishment.
“Look, Y/N, I love Dean as if he was my own brother, and I know him well. I’ve seen the way he was looking at you that night. It was the first time I’ve seen Dean with puppy eyes. So I figured there was something going on between you two”.
Y/N felt her stomach churn. It felt good to know somebody else noticed the way Dean looked at her. At least now she knew she wasn’t reading his signals wrong. But, at the same time, she couldn’t let Jess think he was cheating on his fiancée. She had to clarify things.
“There’s nothing going on between us. Not- not that he… not that we don’t want to. But he’s engaged, he has Angelica, and he needs to work on his relationship-”
“Let me stop you right there”, Jessica raised her hand, interrupting Y/N. “First of all, I don’t think Dean and Angelica’s relationship has much fixing. They were never right for each other to begin with. When I introduced them, as you know, it was during our firm’s party, and I did it just ‘cause she was new, she didn’t know anyone yet, and I didn’t want her to be alone on her first social gathering at her new job. I was trying to be nice. For me, it was obvious then and it’s obvious now they shouldn’t be together. And their current problems prove just that”.
Y/N sighed, thinking about what to say next. Jessica was being so friendly, but she was afraid to cross a line.They’ve only known each other for a few weeks. On the other hand, there wasn’t much to hide at this point, so she decided to send cautiousness to hell.
“Look, Jessica, I know we’ve just met, and I don’t want to put you in an awkward position. I don’t know if we should be talking about that, and I feel so embarrassed you notice something was going on. God, what a mess!”, she hid her face in her hands, feeling the guilt rising inside her.
“Hey, you don’t have to be embarrassed! It’s not your fault! Actually, it’s nobody’s fault. We like who we like, and you clearly like Dean a lot. What Angelica did on Saturday, she used you to provoke him. From where I’m standing, she’s doing everything she can to force him to end their engagement, but it’s not my place to say anything to my brother-in-law”. Jessica reached across the table for Y/N’s hand, holding it. “I came here to say sorry about Angelica, but I also came to say I’m your friend, Y/N. Sam loves you, he trusts you 100%, and my husband is an excellent judge of character. So, if you’re a friend of Sam’s, you’re my friend too. ‘Sides, I was never Angelica’s biggest fan”, she confessed, making Y/N chuckle.
“Thank you, Jess. God, you can’t imagine how much it means to me to hear you say those things. Thank you for being so understanding”. Y/N squeezed the woman’s hand, glad for having her trust.
“You don’t have to thank me. I just want you to understand why Dean ‘s doing that, why he’s trying to fix things with Angelica. He doesn’t simply give up on things, on people. It’s the same with Sam. It’s a Winchester thing. Dean made a commitment to her, and he will try to live by it. So, know this is not ‘cause of you. He must feel like he’s failing now, but soon he’ll realize it takes two to make it work, and Angelica isn’t even trying. Plus, believe me, Y/N: he already knows he’s better with you”. Jessica winked.
Y/N couldn’t hold her tears anymore. They were running free now. She wished things were easier for Dean. It hurt to know how hard it all must be for him. 
“Gosh, Jess, I like Dean so much. The connection we have, I felt it since day one, when we were kids. I know he’s it for me, but I can’t make things even harder for him”, she used her free hand to clean some of the tears staining her cheeks.
“I think you made the right call, sweetie. He has to solve this mess for himself, it’s better if you stay away. Don’t hurt yourself more”.
“Do you know if he’s talked to Sam since Saturday?”, Y/N asked, knowing the brothers confided everything to each other.
“Oh, he’s coming by our house tonight. I bet that’s exactly what they’re gonna talk about. I’m gonna stay away, though, ‘cause I don’t wanna come between the Winchester brothers. They’re joined at the hip, I’m sure you’re aware. So I say, let them do their thing”, Jessica shrugged, smiling.
 Y/N laughed softly. “Yeah, you’re right. They really are”.
Jessica sighed. “I have to go now, but please, call me if you need anything. In the meantime, if I were you, I would just give it some time. Dean will come back, ‘cause it’s you he wants”, she assured, leaving behind a hopeful, teary Y/N.
Monday night
“So, tell me what’s going on”, Sam asked, right after his brother joined him at the back porch of his and Jessica’s house. Beer in hand, he took a big gulp before looking at Dean, who sat by his side, holding his own drink.
“What? There’s nothing going on. Just the usual”, Dean lied, acting like he didn’t know what Sam was asking.
“Bullshit. You can’t tell me everything’s ok after what happened at dinner last Saturday”. Sam knew his brother too well. Dean was distracted at work all day, and him coming to his house for beers on a Monday, it wasn’t his usual behavior.
“Yeah, that was… fucked up, to say the least”. The oldest brother shook his head, still angry about everything Angelica did, during and after dinner, when he tried to talk to her.
“Man, I know it’s none of my business, but… you’re my brother, and I care about you, so I have to ask. Why are you and Angelica still together?”, Sam questioned in that exasperated way of his, trying to make Dean see the mistake he was making.
“I don’t know, dude. You know she wasn’t like this. Not at the beginning. I don’t know if she’s jealous or-”
“She’s not jealous, and you know it. She’s been mistreating you for a while now, you’ve said it yourself. And then she mistreated Y/N to hurt you. C’mon, Dean”. Sam had been noticing for a long time how miserable his brother was. His engagement was going bad, and Dean was putting all of his efforts in saving a relationship that should never have even started.
Dean remained silent, staring at the trees on the edge of his brother’s backyard. He knew Sam was right, but he felt like he failed. He felt like it was his fault that his engagement with Angelica wasn’t working anymore. Hasn't he made enough of an effort to keep her happy? Should he have listened to her when she said he should work out and give up on being a mechanic to work behind a desk?
And then Y/N came. Things were already bad before they moved Lawrence, before he went to her bakery for the first time. The time he’d spent with her showed him what it was like to be around someone who wouldn’t judge him, who wouldn’t measure his every move all the time. Y/N listened to him. She was always kind and she seemed to genuinely think his business with Sam was a huge accomplishment, something he should be proud of, the result of his hard work. Opening the first garage was his idea, after all. Y/N knew it, and Angelica too. But his fiancée never gave it much thought, unless he would decide to be a businessman, a manager, and never get grease on his clothes again.
It was Sam’s voice who brought Dean back from his own head. 
“And speaking of Y/N, what ‘re you gonna do about her, huh?”.
“What do you mean?”, Dean was confused.
Sam scoffed. “Well, you obviously like her. She obviously likes you. So I’m asking how long are you gonna insist on your engagement, when you could have something good and real with Y/N?”
Dean took a sip of his beer, closing his eyes and just tasting the liquid for a second, before he stubbornly answered to his brother. “I need to at least try with Angelica, Sammy. It’s my fault we’re like this. I have to try”. 
Sam shook his head, knowing it was impossible to convince Dean at this point. He would have to realize he was wrong by himself.
“It’s your happiness that’s at stake, man. You’re making a mistake”. He had to at least try.
Three weeks later
Y/N felt relieved when she got into her car after crossing the huge parking lot on that hot Sunday afternoon.
She just left the convention center in Columbia, Missouri, where she went visiting a culinary fair, searching for innovations and upgrades for the bakery. She’d made lots of connections and met other chefs from Kansas who were also there, which made her excited and full of ideas for her business.
As she started the car and turned the air conditioner on, she heard a weird noise coming from the engine. Everything seemed to be working fine, though, and there weren't any warning lights on the dashboard, so she left on her way back to Lawrence.
With the radio on, she didn’t notice the weird noise getting louder. To make it worse, her GPS led her to a backroad in the middle of nowhere, one she didn’t know, but she foolishly decided to follow, since it said it was a shorter way home.
Halfway through the backroad, a screeching noise made Y/N push the breaks, jolting the car to a stop. 
“Oh, shit! What the hell?”, she looked at the dashboard, as if she was expecting the answer to appear there. It didn’t.
She tried to start the car again, but nothing happened when she turned the key. Okay, she thought, I just need to find a tow service nearby. It 's fine.
Grabbing her phone, she googled “tow service nearby”, and found out there was only one, less than 30 minutes away. Typing the name of the company, she cursed to herself when she read it was closed on Sundays.
“Great”. Evaluating her options, she realized there weren’t many. She knew nothing about cars and engines. Until her dad passed, he was the one to help her with those things, and after that, she just had to rely on a good mechanic. 
In vain, she tried to start the car once more, only out of stubborness, knowing it wouldn’t magically fix itself. Looking at her phone, she knew there was only one person who could help: Dean.
She didn’t want to call him, though, for obvious reasons. Plus, it was Sunday, his one day off. But what was she going to do? Trying to take a ride with a driver who may or may not pass through that deserted road didn’t seem like a viable - or safe - option. If she left her car there, how could she know someone wouldn’t steal it? She couldn’t afford a new car, not now that she needed every dollar she had to invest in the bakery. Yep, that was it. She would have to call Dean.
His phone rang twice before she heard his surprised voice on the other side of the line.
“Y/N, hey”.
“Hi, Dean. I’m really, really sorry to be calling you on a Sunday, but I need your help”.
“OK. Is everything alright?”
“Not really. I was coming back from Missouri, I went there to visit a culinary fair, but my car stopped working and I’m in the middle of nowhere”. 
“The GPS says I’m 45 minutes away from home, and there’s not a single tow service around here. Could you- could you maybe come help me?”. Y/N asked, blushing. What an awful situation. I ask him to stay back and then I have to call him to save me like I’m a damsel in distress. Pathetic. She reprimanded herself. 
“Of course, sweetheart. Let me just grab some tools and I’ll be there in 30. Just stay close to the car, ok? Just to be safe”, Dean advised.
“Are you sure you’re not too busy? Maybe I could ask Sam or…”
“No. I wasn’t doing anything important. Don’t worry. Text me your location. Hang in there, ok?”
“Okay, I will. Thanks”. 
35 minutes later, she raised her head when she heard the sound of the Impala’s engine approaching. Y/N took a deep breath, realizing how tense she’d been since her car stopped. She was starting to be scared of being alone in the middle of nowhere, even with the sun still up.
Dean hadn’t even properly parked his car in front of hers and she was already apologizing to him before he had the chance to say hi.
“Dean, I’m so sorry to bother, I didn’t know who to call-”
“Hey”, he approached her, placing his hands on her bare upper arms. “It ’s ok. I really wasn’t doing anything important”. Dean smiled, reassuring her. He acted like nothing had happened. Like there hadn’t been three weeks since they last talked. In fact, he seemed happy she called him.
Y/N sighed deeply, calming herself a little. “Okay, then. Thanks for coming”.
“Don’t thank me yet. Let’s see if I can fix your car first. Tell me what happened”.
She told him the whole story - from the weird noise when she started the car back at the fair’s parking lot to the screeching sound before it completely stopped working. While Y/N talked, Dean opened the hood and quickly assessed the situation before he started working.
The heat was cooking their brains on the side of the road. After only ten minutes or so, Y/N was already sweating on her summer dress. Apparently, it was too hot for Dean too. When she looked at him, he was taking his blue and white flannel shirt off, leaving just his gray t-shirt on. 
Sitting on the hood of the Impala, she took her time to watch him work. He was bent over the engine, giving her a front-row seat to look at his strong back. Y/N felt entranced by the way his muscles moved under the gray fabric that clung to him like a second skin. His sweat was darkening the collar and the center of the t-shirt, accentuating the dip of his spine.
Dean’s movements were making his biceps bulge, and Y/N’s gaze traveled from the grease on his arms, to the freckles scattered all over his tanned skin. She felt her lower parts clenching with the idea of being held by those arms. Squirming on the warm hood, she thought I bet he could fuck me standing up. He’s strong enough to hold me against a wall. 
The distant sound of a horn on a nearby road startled her and brought her back to reality. Her forehead was sweaty. She remembered she had a bottle of water in her car and quickly got up to get it, hoping the cold liquid would push away her dirty thoughts about Dean.
When Y/N walked by him, Dean raised his head. “I’ll be done here in fifteen minutes, maybe a little more”, he announced.
She got the water and went back to him, standing by his side. After taking a big gulp, she extended the bottle in his direction. “Do you want some water?”.
He nodded and picked the bottle from her hand, drinking half of it, trying not to think about the fact that he was tasting her lips on it. 
Y/N watched him drinking the water. Even the way his throat moved every time he swallowed the liquid was sexy. She followed a drop of sweat falling from his jaw to the side of his neck, and she wanted to lick it, to taste him with her tongue.
“Thanks”, Dean gave the bottle back to her, wiping his mouth on the back of his wrist.
She nodded and smiled, flushed. “I’ll be sitting here while you finish with the car. Please, tell me if there’s anything I can do to help”.
Dean hummed in agreement, watching her walk to the Impala. He got back to work with the image of Y/N glued to his mind. He didn’t know if it was the heat affecting his brain, but he was having a hard time ignoring how sexy she looked in her flowery sleeveless summer dress. 
The piece of clothing was adjusted to her breasts and waist, and the skirt was flowy, giving it a 50s vibe. The blue fabric was adorned with flowers, matching the pattern of her tattoos. It was doing amazing things for her silhouette. Not that Dean thought she needed it. She definitely doesn’t need it. Her body is perfect, all curvy and gorgeous, he thought. I bet she looks even better naked.
He felt the front of his jeans tightening. Jesus, man, focus! Finish fixing her car so you both can get out of this heat.
After stopping to discreetly adjust his pants a couple of times, he managed to finish fixing the car in a little more than ten minutes.
"All done! It should be good to get you home, at least. Then I'm gonna need you to leave it at the garage so I can take a better look tomorrow. Is that ok?", Dean asked, walking to Y/N, who was again sitting on the hood of his car.
"Sure, that's fine. Thank you", she opened her purse and grabbed a small package of Kleenex, handing it to Dean so he could clean the grease from his hands and arms, watching as he did so. 
After he was finished, she noticed a smudge on his forehead.
"You missed a spot. Come here", she called, motioning for him to come closer to her so she could help him clean it.
He stepped in closer, standing right between her legs, and she slid forward on the hood so she could better reach his forehead.
Dean leaned down a little, using the car as support and placing his hands on each side of her. Y/N held onto his shoulder with one hand while she used the other to wipe his face. They were so close she could feel his breath fanning over her skin. When she finished, their eyes met and Dean moved one of his hands from the hood of the car to her thigh. Y/N's breath quickened, and she placed her palm on his cheek, holding his face.
The man didn't think twice before leaning forward and locking his lips with hers. She looked too good, too hot sitting on his car on that beautiful day. It was like every fantasy he had about her was materializing in front of his face. Dean felt even warmer when she kissed him back, her soft lips opening, inviting him to taste her mouth, to drink her up like a thirsty man.
Y/N felt his stubble on her fingertips as they kissed. Dean's lips were as soft as she'd imagined, and she could taste the minty flavor from the gum he chewed before. She couldn't help but moan when he deepened the kiss, his hand squeezing her thigh while the other traveled to the other side of her body, grabbing her waist and then getting closer to her breast.
They had to part for air, but Dean didn't want to take his lips off of her, so he nibbled her jaw and then descended to the soft skin of her neck. Y/N was holding him by the nape of his neck, keeping his face close. She didn’t want to let him go either. He hissed when she slipped her hand under the hem of his t-shirt, feeling the muscles on his stomach, his smooth skin slightly damp with sweat.
It was only when Y/N realized Dean’s hand somehow ended up under her dress, at the top of her naked thigh and dangerously close to the side of her panties, that her brain started to work again and she got a hold of what they were doing.
"Dean", she breathlessly called. "We need to stop".
He reluctantly removed his hand from her leg and took a step back, his pupils dilated with lust.
“I’m not gonna say I’m sorry for what just happened, Y/N”, Dean said, approaching her again. “I wanna be with you. I’m sure of it”.
She closed her eyes, struggling to think straight after he took her breath away. But she had to stay firm. “Then you have to talk to Angelica. I’m not gonna be the other woman, Dean”, she stated, her expression showing how serious she was. 
“I know. You don’t deserve that”, he held her face between his hands, looking right into her eyes. “I want you so bad. If I could, I would have you right here, right now”. Dean couldn’t help but kiss her again, his tongue invading her mouth, his soft lips enclosing hers, leaving no space for her to breath or escape his hold. Not that she wanted to.
Y/N understood. She knew. She wanted him as fiercely as he wanted her. The last weeks they’ve been apart were like hell to her. She missed him every single day. There was a hole in her heart only him could fill.
Breaking the kiss, she lightly bit his full lower lip, his taste lingering on her tongue. “I know, De. I want you too. But this mess, it needs to end. If- if you really wanna be with me, then I’ll be waiting for you to make things right”. She felt tears pooling in her eyes. She was scared, but she wanted to believe there was a possibility of them being together, finally.
He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She leaned her face against his big hand, feeling the warmth of it caressing her skin. “Then I promise you. I promise I’ll fix things today”. Dean caught with his thumb a tear that was running down her cheek.
Y/N hugged him tight, burying her face in his neck and inhaling the delicious smell of his skin. “Can we go home now?”, she asked, voice choking.
“Yes, sweetheart. Let 's go home”.
They drove back to Lawrence and, as promised, Y/N left her car at the garage so Dean could fix it properly.
She hugged Dean goodbye, his embrace so comforting and secure, it made her want him to hold her forever. 
“I’m gonna talk to Angelica today. I’ll let you know how things went, ok? Then tomorrow we can talk, see what we’re gonna do about… us”, he promised. Y/N nodded and left, walking the short distance to her apartment.
Dean was dreading the conversation he was about to have with Angelica. Before he left to help Y/N with her car, he was at the garage. It was his place to go when he needed time to think. It was quiet there, making it easier for him to clear his head while working on a car - a client’s or Baby - or cleaning his tools. 
He didn’t even know how to start talking to his fiancée. There’d been months since the last time they sat and talked for more than five minutes without her having to leave for something work related. To be honest, sometimes he was the one to leave, because he couldn’t bear the awkward silence between them. Dean realized there’s been a long time since he and Angelica had something to talk about. She rarely shared things about her work, even though he asked multiple times, and everytime he mentioned something about his job, her disinterest was obvious. 
So they were now at a point where they didn’t really know each other anymore. Have we ever had?, Dean thought to himself, trying to understand why he thought Angelica was the right woman for him. 
She wants me to be someone I’m not. I don’t wanna be the person Angelica needs. I wanna be the person Y/N sees when she looks at me. 
He grabbed his keys and went back to his car, ready to go home and fulfill the promise he made to Y/N.
To be continued…
If you came this far, thank you for sticking up with me! Wanna be tagged on this series or on all of my Dean fics? Or maybe you’re tagged and don’t wanna be anymore? That’s ok! Just let me know either way :)
Sweet Love taglist:  @leigh70; @deandreamernp; @deanwanddamons; @nancymcl; @ladysparkles78; @jtink27; @ladysparkles78; @tatted-trina6; @barewithme02; @taetertotsv; @stixnstripesworld.
All Dean fics taglist: @sexyvixen7; @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​. 
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