#a not really serious side note but i don't think it would be wise to accuse of cheating a woman that was an excellent fighter & can kill yo
cienie-isengardu · 7 months
You know Liu Kang must've had to do some DNA tinkering for the fire gene to show up because if he didn't, something like this would happen. I mean, if you are a cyromancers and your wife has no powers, aren't you gonna get pissed when the baby comes out spewing fire? He must've had to create something from scratch to give the gene merit so people are looking at Kuai crosseyed when the fire shows up otherwise this would happen.
Dad-Zero: I can't believe you cheated on me!
Mom-Zero: No I didn't!
Dad-Zero: Then why is Kuai breathing fire!? That child is not mine!
Little Bi-Han just looks confused in the corner as his parents are screaming at each other.
The thing is, MK1’s lore so far did not state that Bi-Han and Kuai Liang’s father was a cryomancer himself, nor what kind of element, if ever, had the mother, who too was an excellent fighter. All we know is that Lin Kuei practices cryomancy since Bi-Han’s ancestors settled Arctica and that presumably happened a long time ago.
Rain: How long has your clan practiced cryomancy? Sub-Zero: From the time my ancestors settled Arctika.
At the same time, we know Lin Kuei also specialized in different element(s) and pyromancy is their family guarded secret
Sindel: Your pyromancy is truly arcane. Scorpion: It is a closely kept family secret.
While Tomas was taught magic by clan’s Elder Arcanist
Ashrah: Who was it that taught you magic? Smoke: Xiaoqing, the Lin Kuei's Elder Arcanist.
So it is very possible that one of their parents was a pyromancer and the other a cryomancer or that a pyromancer (or person carrying pyromancer genes) married into the family in the previous generation(s) but their gene were dormant. Of course, Liu Kang is responsible for the change from ice to fire, but that doesn’t mean Kuai Liang is some unnatural occurrence as the clan is said to have ties to both elements. Also, there is a big chance that if there was no pyromancer in Kuai Liang and Bi-Han’s family, Sindel - as a person familiar with both of their parents - would point that out through intro dialogues. Instead she only praised Kuai Liang’s skills.
So I doubt the Grandmaster would have any reason to accuse his wife of cheating. Personally I think he was a pyromancer, and mother a cryomancer. What could explain why each brother connected stronger with a different parent, as I imagine sharing the same element makes it easier to bond. 
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ymechi · 7 months
Who is the real Creator?
Hello! I have a bit of an announcement to make I don't think everyone has seen the previous post but an anon asked me if I will continue the series and to be honest I don't think I will. This series was made on a whim and was really fun to write except I hit a roadblock. I am unsure where to continue with this I feel like I have written enough and not sure where to go from here story wise, that is why I decided to discontinue the story. Thank you everyone who commented and liked I enjoyed seeing your guys reactions. For now this is the last chapter. If I ever decide to continue this or make a new series I look forward to seeing you guys there!
-TW: cult au, yandere, impostor au, mentions of being hunted down, mentions of trauma, self harm (nothing major), OOC character
-Gn reader and darling (please tell me if I mess this up message me and I will fix it)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, this is part 6
The beat of their heart was as loud as a drum. Reader could even feel their head vibrate in tandem with the marching drums they had heard before when they were younger. Their vision felt blurry and their head was light. The fading sun outside the windows caught their eye. Reader felt nauseous.
They were such a coward they had left Nahida and Wanderer to clean up after them as they ran away. Reader wanted to help her not add more trouble yet here they were weak and unable to speak.
Distantly they heard a gasp.
"Reader! Are you okay? Oh no- Traveller come quick!"
Two blurry figures came closer to Reader. They idly noted one of the figures was floating. . . Ohh, it was Paimon and Aether.
Seeing the two somehow calmed them down and they tried to take deep breaths. With a calmer and clearer mind, they noticed that both stared at Reader with worried expressions.
Reader gave a wry smile.
"Hi Paimon, hi Traveller."
The two said nothing staring at Reader and then at each other coming to an agreement of some sort.
"Paimon thinks you should sit down first," she said, trailing off and looking down.
Reader also noticed Aether was looking down as well to the side, it was then it dawned on Reader they were looking at their sliced palm. They subconsciously tried to hide it but stopped midway bringing it forward towards the duo.
"I guess you two were also summoned but were late haha," they said with a flat laugh.
Traveler continued to look at them with a worried frown and Paimon who usually had a positive expression looked even more worried. Reader's wry smile seemed not to work sadly.
"P-Paimon is still not sure what is going on but Paimon thinks you should sit down first. . ."
"I agree let's get you somewhere to rest first."
Aether reached his hand out as an invite and Reader felt too weak to reject him. He took their hand and guided them further down the hall towards a seating area where guests could sit. There Reader was able to sit down and calm down.
"Thanks, I do feel better."
Aether smiled and nodded while Paimon's eyes sifted from looking at them and then at a wall.
"Uhm- so Paimon has been wondering. . ."
It was obvious what she was referring to. They held the sliced palm with the other hand almost cradling it.
"Sorry, I did not mean to keep it from you guys. . . I just found out recently as well, I-I hope you are not mad."
"What! Why would we be mad? You are the creator- Oh no should we bow?" Paimon said looking at Reader then around as if someone would pop up and admonish her.
Traveler shook his head at his companion's antics and gave Reader a sad smile.
"I hope you can forgive out-"
"Oh no stop there!"
Reader jumped out quickly from their seat causing the duo to step back (the other to float back) in shock. Reader stepped forward and looked at them with a serious expression.
"I don't care if I am some creator or whatever and I don't care about that formal shit, especially when you two are my friends!"
Reader was not sure where this outburst came from. Was it because of the stressful day? Was it having to see people you did not like or was it because of having to watch Wanderer act subservient for so long?
"So no your grace or bowing!"
The two still looked aback. Suddenly Reader felt embarrassed shouting at them when they were concerned about her.
"W-well uhm, sorry, yeah I should not have shouted. . ."
Reader wrung their hands together but stopped when they noticed the sliced palm. They looked down at their shoes.
"Paimon. . . Paimon thinks of you as a friend too," she said and her cheeks turned red.
Reader smiled at her and Traveller sighed but gave the floating girl a smile.
"If that is what you wish for then who are we to say no?"
He sounded a tad bit too formal for Reader but it would have to do for now.
"None of that now, how have the two of you been?"
Paimon opened her mouth about to answer Reader's question but she was interrupted unexpectedly.
"Your Grace-"
Reader's heart skipped a beat and not the good kind. The calm they experienced before was gone and their body froze again. The one who spoke was unmistakably the retired geo Archon. He looked frazzled and looked at Reader in a way they could not decipher.
"Your grace I. . ."
"That is enough I had already told you they were not ready to talk to you yet."
Nahida came afterward it looks like she rushed over to where they were. Her face was stern and it looked so out of place compared to her more relaxed and curious features. Reader's stomach clenched. Zhongli looked as if he wanted to argue with her. His face took on a harsher stance as he looked at her.
They would not let him.
"Whatever it is you want to say it's with me leave her out of this."
Their hands were shaking but they held them together. Nahida looked surprised at them and Reader wanted to reassure her it was going to be alright. Aether from his side approached them and stood between the Archon and Reader. The implication that he was willing to defend them from one of the strongest beings in Teyvat was not lost on Reader. They did feel safer by having him on their side and Paimon as well.
"Your grace I," Zhongli paused his gaze on Reader with a guilty look that made them feel uncomfortable, "If I had known if only. . ."
"That does not matter anymore," Reader interrupted him.
He looked at them and flinched.
"Save your what 'ifs’, you did what you did and I won't forget it."
The unexpected venom that came out of Reader surprised even them. Zhongli had taken to look down he looked ashamed, how dare he? Now he wants to act all guilty. Reader scoffed.
"You have done enough damage for today, I suggest you leave neither me or the Dendro Archon are in a mood to deal with you," Reader said and crossed their arms.
They idly wondered if the meeting had gone awry for her to come here. Nahida looked thoroughly surprised.
Zhongli opened his mouth to speak but Reader beat him to it.
"That is all I have nothing more to say."
"I think I will take it over here with Mr. Zhongli and the rest."
They nodded at Nahida. Reader tugged at Aether's scarf for him to follow them.
They entered Reader's new room and their muscles went lax. It felt though as if they had carried a heavy boulder. They threw decorum away and sat on their desk stool.
"Sorry, I think I need a bit of rest."
"It's okay Paimon doesn't think anyone would handle talking to a guy that tried to kill as well as you did."
Aether glared at Paimon and she jumped up in the air while still floating.
"Maybe Paimon should not have said that. . ."
Reader looked at her and shook their head with a smile.
"It's okay, you sort of reminded me I did something pretty cool huh?"
Paimon's expression eased and she nodded.
"While Zhongli is our friend what he did to you was unforgivable so Paimon thinks he ought to get kicked around for what he did."
"Heh, it seems like you can speak some sense from time to time."
It was Wanderer who had entered when the door was still unopened. Paimon did look angry at his remark.
"You! What do you mean Paimon always says things that make sense!"
"Yeah sure," he said with a mocking smile and crossed his arms.
"You came early did something happen?" Reader spoke.
Wanderer uncrossed his arms and shook his head.
"No Lesser Lord Kusanali came back with the funeral consultant and told me to look out for you."
Ohh, Reader's heart melted a bit. They really had a good friend, next time they should make her something as thanks.
"Paimon has a question are you planning to announce it to everyone that you are the creator?"
Aether looked at Reader more intently as well. It seemed he was interested in the topic.
"No, I rather not, we decided to let the acolytes know for now their words hold some sway if they could calm the public down after the 'fake' left."
Aether had a thoughtful expression and nodded at Reader's answer. Perhaps he guessed Reader was not in the mood to talk about this particular topic and left it a that. Reader was once again thankful for their friend's thoughtfulness.
"Sorry for all the drama today take a seat what have you two been up to?"
Aether smiled and sat down while Wanderer ever the polite one bought fruits and left to get some tea. The Traveler and his companion told them of the many new adventures they had and the people they met. After Wanderer came back with the tea all of them sat down and listened as Paimon did a dramatic retelling of a recent commission they took on.
"I see everyone is having a fun time."
"Nahida!" Reader went out of their seat to check on the Archon.
"I hope there was not too much trouble are all right? Did something happen?"
"No worries I am fine and nothing happened it took a while to convince some to leave, there were acolytes who wanted to meet you."
Reader grimaced.
"Yeah sorry, next time I won't run away like that."
Nahida shook her head.
"No, it is part of my duty, there is no need for you to do it if you don't feel like it."
"You shouldn't have to shoulder this," Reader argued.
"Lesser Lord Kusanali is right if you are not ready it might do more damage to your health," Wandered interjected.
At that Reader could only be silent. They felt so helpless.
"For now let Nahida handle it you can be there and see how much you can handle," Wanderer said after sighing.
Reader wrung their hands together and looked at Nahida with a guilty look.
"If it's okay with you could I?"
"Only if you think you can handle it."
For now that would be their solution.
Reader ushered Nahida to take a seat and poured her some tea. Paimon took it upon herself to start over her tale once again since Nahida was there and the Wanderer scoffed at her which caused them to bicker for a few seconds. Reader could only laugh behind their hand. The rest of the day was spent comfortably talking.
"It is getting late Paimon doesn't want to intrude any longer."
The Traveller nodded as well.
"Wait you both could stay in my room?"
Traveller and Paimon looked surprised.
"We don't want to interrupt your resting time there is also only one bed."
"The bed is big enough for all of us we can have a sleepover?"
Reader wrung their hands together. It was just, they did not want to sleep alone today.
Traveller and Paimon looked at each other they must have had a silent conversation.
"If you are okay with it Reader."
"Yeah it would be nice I haven't had a sleepover in a long while Nahida and Wanderer you could join in if you want to." They said with a smile.
"I've never had one before but I would love to try it out."
Wanderer was silent for a while before he quietly answered.
"I will join then. . ."
Reader smiled it almost hurt their face. They gathered a lot of pillows and extra blankets just in case. Reader took the middle while Nahida was to the right and Paimon to the left. Respectievly Aether took Paimon's side and Wanderer slept next to Nahida. It really did feel like a huge sleepover. Reader slept soundly that night sourrended in warmth.
Reader felt warm and fuzzy images of Christmas lights surrounding their vision. the lights were blurry and smudged. Gentle snow started to fall blanketing the ground in white. The blanket that surrounded them kept them warm and they snuggled closer to it.
The stars above twinkled and They watched with interest as they changed shape and colour. Then a star started to fall, no it was a snowflake. A huge giant snowflake was falling towards Reader and they tried to struggle but it was in vain as the blanket held them in place. With horror they watched as the snowflake landed on their head.
It was rather soft and it did not hurt but the snowflake was beginning to limit their breathing. Reader tried to open their mouth to breathe in more air.
With a gasp, they woke up.
The thing smothering their face was not a snowflake or anything nefarious but rather Paimon herself. Somehow she had ended up on their face. They struggled to shake her off and after a few seconds of prying she rolled off to the side.
She was still asleep her mouth open and she mumbled something about food no doubt.
Reader sighed.
They blinked a few times as they looked out to the window where the sun was shining. It was already morning.
Reader was rather in a bind, literally. Nahida had curled up in her chest, she looked so small and cute Reader’s heart melted and they wanted to pat her head. Their feet somehow got tangled up with Wanderer’s and to the side Aether was hugging their arm.
They could not get up.
”If I was in a different room I would still be able to hear your squirms.”
It was wanderer who woke up. His voice was hoarse. Now that they thought about it Reader had no idea if he could sleep or if he even needed to.
”Sorry,” they said whispering.
Wanderer sighed and came closer towards Reader shutting his eyes.
Wait, was he not going to get up at all?
Taglist: @resident-cryptid @probablynoposts @esthelily @mitsukashi @charming-mage @chaoticfivesworld @irisxiel @dulcedelechenginamo @yu-ulda @samohxt2-0 @pinkpainc @vianitry @dreamlessnight @kurayamioterasu @fantasyhopperhea @victoria1676 @liansh3ng @game-savvy @uchihaeirin @awelygirl @klemen-time @synthe4u @deadgirldreaming @quacking-simp
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gyubasevin · 1 year
kim jiwoong nsfw a-z
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pairing; reader x jiwoong, i tried to keep everything as gender neutral as i could think <3
rating; 18+!!! minors dni i will hunt u down and block u so hard
genre; smut, maybe a little fluff???
notes; not really proofread, also might make this a series for zb1 legal line?? idk the jiwoong brain rot is real bad for me rn so here i am. (ha get it) also sorry if my grammar or wtv is horrendous im not the smartest im just here to entertain LMAO
a = aftercare: what are they like after sex?
100% showering you in love after sex, jiwoong would refuse to leave your side until he was positive you were okay after talking to you to calm you down. even when he finally did leave it was only to go run the two of you a bath and get something to clean the both of you up.
b = body part: their favorite body part on their body and their s/o?
on him he loves his voice, he always knows exactly what to say and how to say it, its a h u g e flex of his and it takes every bone in his body to not let everyone know just how turned on he can get you from talking alone.
on you he loves your collarbone/neck area?? one of his favorite ways to pass time is running his lips along your skin, loving these places so much bc of how sensitive they are on you.
c = cum: anything to do with cum
most ppl would assume he loves seeing you covered in his cum most and while he does, there's nothing more he loves than HIMSELF actually being covered in YOUR cum. he adores the physical evidence of how good he makes you feel, whether that's you giving him a facial or creaming all over his cock he loves it more than he could ever say.
d = dirty secret: what’s a dirty secret that they have?
he secretly has a thing for spit i think, he often imagines spitting in your mouth or how much he loves the way you drool when taking him in your mouth, adoring the fucked out look on your face that comes with it, he thinks its so cute.
e = experience: how experienced are they?
he is definitely not inexperienced, i imagine he has only done anything with his close lovers and not being really one for hooking up at all. he might just be okay at first but once he gets to know your body, you will wish he hadn't. ;)
f = favorite position: what’s their favorite position?
100% missionary, he loves being bent over top of you with his face in your neck, listening to how perfect you sound in his ear. ofc knowing how crazy it drives him all you can manage to moan out are the sweetest praises for him, how he's the only one who can make you feel so good, how he stretches you out so perfectly, like his cock was made just for you. its your favorite too, so obsessed with him everything down to the way his sweat drips down on your skin drives you insane, your senses being overwhelmed by just him. (i know im down bad.)
g = goofy: are they humorous in the moment?
it can start out a bit goofy at times, but i think once actually getting into it jiwoong isn't ever really goofy unless trying something new you're worried about he might act less serious so you know its still just him, for the most part though no.
h = hair: are they well kept down there?
he keeps things trimmed and tidy but not completely bald
i = intimacy: what are they like during the moment, romance wise?
jiwoong is the s w e e t e s t during sex, making you feel good makes him feel good and he mostly there for you pleasure rather than his own. he sees sex as a very intimate thing and he loves just being there in the moment just the two of you, never letting you forget just how much he loves you.
j = jack off: how do they masturbate?
i don't see him masturbating too often, only if for some reason the two of you can't see each other for awhile. otherwise he figures why do it himself when he has a perfectly good partner who's more than willing to help him out!!!
k = kink: do they have any kinks?
praise kink - both giving and receiving praise can make him cum in seconds flat pleasepleaseplease praise him
voyeurism - he doesn't like to share but sometimes when he is alone he gets off to the thought of someone else watching just how well he destroys you, OR the idea of making you watch him touch himself, squirming in your seat cause you want to touch him so badly :(
l - location: where do they like to do it?
jiwoong is a simple man, he enjoys doing it in the bed 99.9% of the time, although he does like to do it in the shower sometimes if he's really feeling frisky.
m = motivation: what gets them turned on?
i imagine jiwoong gets turned on s o easily, if you even give him a certain look he is suddenly all bricked up and he can't keep his hands off of you, he's not shy to let you know when he needs a hand. his #1 turn on is when you crawl to straddle his lap, he loves when you take control even if its only a little bit.
n = no: what would they say no to?
definitely not into any bodily fluids other than cum from either of you, spit is good but that's about it. he also isn't into anything that would hurt you too bad even if you ask for it he would just kiss your lips and sweetly suggest something less intense i think
o = oral: how are they when it comes to oral sex?
he is definitely not bad with his mouth, but for sure more skilled in the hand department. his head alone is good ofc, but he knows how to work you just right with his fingers and mouth combined he will have you finishing on his tongue in minutes if that.
p = pace: are they slow and sensual or fast and rough?
he is a good middle ground tbh, its not TOO slow but its sensual and slow enough that you can both enjoy the intimacy of the moment rather than fucking into you like a wild animal (which he could also do if you beg him nice enough!!!)
q = quickie: what do they think about quickies?
not super into quickies, would rather just tease you all day long and make you wait until you get home since he knew he himself is fine until then. that way he can really take his time with you and on top of that he gets to listen to you beg for him alllll day long, its a win win for him.
r = risk: are they willing to go the extra mile?
the only big risk jiwoong is willing to take is being caught, like he loves to fuck you in the dorms right when he knows other members are on their way back or something but when it comes to pain for either one of you he is VERY hesitant, he sees sex as a way to feel good so he is more into praise and body worship, things like that.
s = stamina: how long do they last? how many rounds can they go?
jiwoong is the type to make himself last a loooong time and make you personally finish multiple times, rather than go multiple rounds he prefers to tire you out then finish :)
t = toys: do they own any toys? do they use it on themselves or their s/o?
he probably has a wand vibrator for you whenever he REALLY wants to tease you but he doesn't use it super super often, then FOR SURE like a pocket pussy of some kind for when he's alone, he l o v e s to send you videos of him using it when you're apart for awhile just to really mess with you.
u = unfair: do they like to tease?
tease is practically his middle name, he hardly will touch you unless you're already begging him first.
v = volume: how loud are they? what sounds do they make?
hes not afraid to make noise at all but really he is just a groaner, especially when he cums he loves to cover you in kisses and groan in your ear, unless you flip roles for the night and its you fucking and teasing him ohohoh he will whimper for you until the sun starts to rise.
w = wild card: a random headcanon for the character
tbh im too lazy to do this one rn... when i find some kind of motivation ill just post a one shot or something I GOT U!!!!!
x = x-ray: what’s going on under that clothing?
jiwoong is just average length and girth i feel like, 100% circumcised also you cannot convince me otherwise.
y = yearning: how high is their sex drive?
veeeery high, he could easily fuck every single day if you wanted to, he doesn't initiate it very much because if he did then it would probably just be overwhelming for you.
z = zzz: how fast do they fall asleep after?
he makes sure you are well taken care of before he falls asleep, so normally he will be up for at least half an hour afterwards, sometimes more if you just had an intense session.
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HER!!! I definitely had the most ideas story-wise for her that changed from the original canon out of anyone else in the cast
Obviously design notes under the cut-
Alright, a lot of this was trying to synthesize her MH and EAH designs together, but leaning towards the EAH side for reasons
Im also grafting MH Cupids personality onto EAH Cupid. I feel like she was wildly underutilized, and her only arc had to do with her crush on Dexter that I personally found irritating. So, I'm dashing that, and giving her back her serious business attitude when it comes to her job
She's very lively and bouncy and friendly, but she also has a disturbing capacity to be terrifying. Really taking after her Dad there.
Speaking of stealing MH traits, I'm giving her badass crossbow and pink eye glow back
Also! Apparently Cupid is a bone elemental, whatever the hell that means in the monster high world. I'm guessing that involves some control over bones, but I'm interpreting it a little differently. I wanted to keep it tied to Greek mythology, so I decided that, technically, her destiny is to be a psychopomp. Her natural magic revolves around the dead and guiding them to their final resting place, but because of her family she uses those natural inclinations to guide people to new relationships
The shawl with the wing shapes is enchanted to keep her wings hidden. They were given to her by Cupid, but they combined with her natural magic a little... Unsettlingly. When she takes it off the wings burst out and unfurl
She doesn't have a crush on Dexter, but they are super close. Dexter considers her his most trusted friend besides Darling. Instead of the gag being that Dexter is into Raven but Cupid is into Dexter, it's that Cupid is trying SO HARD to get them together, but neither one of them thinks that the other would like them because of wild self esteem issues, so no matter what scenario Cupid sets up neither of them do anything romantic. It drives her up the wall.
I like to think that she's aro/ace, but is still a total romantic. She just loves love! Even if romantic love isn't personally her thing
Also when she uses her natural magic her arms slowly turn black, like ink in a pool of water
Those headphones are permanent. Is she listening to something? Recording her podcast on the go somehow? Is nothing playing at all and she just wants to confuse people? Are they sound proof? You don't know!
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stitching-in-time · 2 months
Voyager rewatch s4 ep6: The Raven
A backstory episode for Seven, which I think helped to humanize her quite a bit. Even back in the day, when I was pretty prejudiced against her for replacing Kes, I still appreciated this episode for giving us some background and character insight for her.
The opening scene with Captain Janeway trying to teach Seven to sculpt in her Da Vinci holodeck program was pretty cute actually, until Seven has a vision of being chased by Borg and a raven.
Seven keeps having this same vision over and over, and the Doctor can't figure out why, so he shrugs and says he'll look into it. But he tells Seven that she's human enough to eat food again, and sends her to the mess hall to find Neelix.
Meanwhile, the Captain is negotiating with some aliens, the Bomar, for passge through their territory, which would take 3 months to go around. But they're pretty uptight and insist on Voyager taking a winding route to avoid all of their populated areas, which would take weeks or months, so idk why they even bother trying to go through Bomar space at that point, since it's gonna be more of a hassle, and take about the same amount of time. (Because plot, I guess!)
(Side note: I kind of hate the Bomar costumes. While the weird wire headgear was a cool idea, the primary colors made it look way too cartoony. I usually hate how grey and beige everything on Trek tends to be, but using primary colors is actually worse. The Starfleet crew already have the primary colors in their uniforms, so if you start having aliens in primary colored uniforms too, it starts to look like a children's show- we don't need to be reminded of the Wiggles of the Teletubbies when we're supposed to be having serious space drama. For such dour, paranoid aliens, the whimsical, silly colored patterns on their outfits didn't make sense, character-wise. The one time I think sticking to grey or beige would have helped, they didn't. Sigh.)
Meanwhile, back in the mess hall, Neelix whips up a plate of something for Seven, (while Seven tells him how the Borg assimilated some Talaxians, who made good drones, which incredibly creepy fact Neelix takes remarkably calmly) and then there's a rather adorable scene of Neelix teaching a skeptical Seven how to eat food, just like a parent teaching a toddler. But then Seven has another vision, and a Borg implant erupts on her hand, and she appears to be reverting to Borg again as she says 'you will be assimilated' and knocks Neelix down as she marches out of the mess hall.
We then have a sequence of Seven prowling through the ship with her Borg body shielding reactivated, so no one can stop her as she takes off with a shuttle to who knows where. There's a lot of odd camera angles that show her walking from every vantage point possible, and considering her insanely tight costume, it just has a kind of gross objectifying feeling- the shape of her body is on full display at every moment, it's all you can see, and it's like, why?? This moment is not about how hot she is- it's supposed to be tense because the audience and the characters don't know what's going on with her, and if she's going to become Borg again after all the progress she's made to be human. Seeing her strutting around in a high heels, a corset, and a catsuit that's so tight it has a divide between her butt cheeks is just like, really uncomfortably missing the point of her character, and actively sabotaging the storytelling. Corsets, high heels and tight clothes force you to move in a certain way, and it's not natural, and it's not something that someone who's never existed in a context where any kind of sexuality, much less the male gaze, existed, would choose to present themselves as. It's purely gratuitous sexualization for the male producers and directors, and jerky men in the audience, to leer over, and it takes me out of the story. All I can think about when I see it is how uncomfortable that must have been for her to wear, and how demeaning it must have been for Jeri Ryan to know that she was there to be hot, and that every inch of her body was being displayed and scrutinized all the damn time. She's an actor, not a stripper for crying out loud. Let her wear regular clothes!!!
But anyway, after she takes off in the shuttle, the Bomar finally leave, declaring that they'll track her down and destroy her shuttle for invading their space, so Voyager have to find her before they do. Tuvok and Tom take a shuttle so they can slip past the Bomar sensors to go find her. When they do, Tuvok beams over to Seven's shuttle to try to talk her down. She's convinced the Borg are calling her home, but Voyager hasn't detected any Borg ships, and Tuvok thinks something else is going on, especially when Seven very un-borgily says she will not assimilate him, and wants him to go back to tell Captain Janeway thank you for trying to help her. Seven has followed a Borg signal to a moon, where she and Tuvok beam down to find the source- a wrecked, partially assimilated Federation ship. Seven has flashbacks when she gets there- she recognizes it as her parents ship, where she was assimilated by the Borg as a child. Tuvok is a wonderfully calm, reassuring presence as Seven reverts to her childhood self while she relives her childhood trauma, and shows a more vulnerable human side than we've ever seen from her. He helps her refocus on the present, as the Bomar attack the ship, and it begins to collapse. They escape, Tom beams them up to the shuttle, and they go back to Voyager.
Back on the ship, Janeway finds Seven running her Da Vinci studio program on the holodeck, and contemplating what Janeway was telling her about the human need for imagination and creativity earlier. She's been imagining what her life might have been like if she hadn't been assimilated, if she had known her parents and been raised by them, which she'd never even thought of before, and which clearly raises disturbing questions she never considered before. Janeway encourages her to read about her parents in the Federation database, which Seven says she might do, in time. Janeway seems to consider this a positive step for Seven. Despite the trauma that Seven has unlocked with this experience, at least she can now begin to process it, and perhaps move closer to her humanity.
Overall, I appreciated the glimpse into Seven's past, and her human side, despite the extremely sad and traumatic subject matter, and the terrible costume choices distracting from and undercutting the story at every turn. Seven and Tuvok's interactions, particularly, were very well done, and I loved Tuvok's calm and nurturing prescence as an anchor to Seven in her confused state. Honestly I think Seven should have started some guided meditations with Tuvok, since she clearly has a lot of repressed trauma that this episode only revealed the tip of the iceberg on. While I actually think it would be impossible to come back to being human after being assimilated at such a young age, we have to go with the conceit that it's possible for the sake of the story, and I think they should have actually leaned into showing her confronting that trauma even more than they did, since in real life that sort of thing is a continuing process. At least they implied that it would be something she'd continue to work through, though I only remember there being one more episode that actually dealt with Seven's past after this.
Tl;dr: An interesting look at Seven's past, and a nice opportunity for Seven and Tuvok to have some great scenes together.
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cosmicbash · 2 months
cosmic, where have you been 💔💔
trapped in an endless cycle of back to back life events 💔💔💔
Some good, alot of bad, but I'm hanging in here I swear! Sorry for my absence!
With everything going on I've been really overwhelmed and also left with a lot of time to sit down and reflect/think on what I want to be doing content wise.
Obviously I love just creating, anything, art, fics, livestreams, community. But what I'm creating is also a big question mark for me right now. With how my life is going I really need to start doubling down and getting serious if I want to actually pursue it as a career. Or at least as something that I can have some sort of gain from so it takes a little bit of pressure off my everyday life and I don't have to feel guilty about pursuing haha 😅😅
It's hard. because honestly I could care less 90% of the time because just having people be happy and excited to see my works is all the exchange I ever really need or want. Bit the other 10% of the time it's me staring at other people who are making some sort of living off it and feeling depressed.
I have alot of people around me constantly pushing me forward too, telling me If I just sit down and try I could more than likely be successful. Which is great! but also added pressure because realistically I know it would mean changing my content away from Emgk. Something I have a lot of guilt at the thought of, especially now with how small the shrinking the community seems to have become. The idea of jumping ship (haha) to keep myself afloat seems horrifically wrong.
Buttttttt of course there is also a big side of me that feels tired and desperate to focus on more fandoms or my own ocs more. To spread my wings a bit and get out of my very VERY comfortable spot I've made for myself here. Other fandoms are full of very unforgiving critics or drama starters and that's intimidating to say at the least
So, it's a heavy decision I've been weighing. I know I don't have to fully abandon the ship, and honestly I doubt I could, I've kind of etched myself into the wall as one of THE emgk shippers at this point 😂 But the whole thing has had me stuck. Sitting in a sort of limbo with the content I already have in process being poked and prodded but not quite finished because I'm just not sure.
I'm rambling now like I usually do, and I'm sure it doesn't all make much sense, but ahhhh, I don't want everyone in the dark forever or worried I've disappeared of the face of the net.
To end it on a good note!!! I will say that I recently found out I'm pregnant with my second kiddo finally after a long bit of trying so! That's very exciting!! And one of the few good events to come out of late ☺️
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boxofthings · 11 months
My dumbass accidentally deleted the ask, but someone was asking for some GhostRoach hcs and how they'd show affection/spend their free time together so here are some that I have:
Mentioned in one of my fics but I hc that Roach just leaves sticky notes everywhere, and this is because I believe in mute!Roach. He does this usually when he's not in a rush to say something to someone, more like leaving lil notes around base for teammates to find (some "good mornings" or small reminders, or stupid doodles, etc)
If they're on missions, he still carries around a pad of stickies, just to doodle or scribble quick notes when he's bored or when missions are going slow. I feel like he's the type to just slap em onto people to get their attention. And he def has passed these stickies to Ghost with the most serious body language & expression, making Ghost think the note is something important, and he'll just look down and it'll be the worst joke he's ever heard of written down (either that or a really crude drawing of Ghost or anyone/thing from their surroundings lol)
Another hc I have (I think this was also in my fic idk for sure) is that Ghost will read to Roach, or at least read out loud when the two are alone. Sometimes it's either Roach sat/laid down close to Ghost, contentedly listening to Ghost's rumbling voice. Or, it'll be more casual, like they both happen to be in the same room, Roach is maybe writing in his journal or cleaning his equipment, and Ghost will just start reading aloud to fill the silence. It's something that I feel like becomes routine, like if Ghost is reading and Roach is near, then he'll just subconsciously start reading out loud :)
Affection-wise, I don't think these two would be a very PDA couple, but also because their relationship would actually be prohibited in the military due to their difference in ranks. So even tho they aren't touchy feely, I def do think they show affection through small actions, esp considering that they have to be subtle. I think these two would have a thing for each others' hands. Usually before every mission, when they're about to be deployed or when they're en route to dangerous territory, at least one of them will subconsciously fiddle with the other person's hands. Kind of like a nervous tick, they'll just slowly reach out for the other person.
If they're about to get sent on a dangerous mission or if they're about to be separated, they'll definitely show more affection either through more prominent touches, or softly spoken reassurances. They’ll probably sit just a lil closer to each other, and at least one of them will def appear more glued to the other person’s side. I think Ghost would be the one to pull Roach aside and whisper a tender "be safe" and I think Roach would place his hand on his heart and then point to Ghost as a way of saying "my heart is with you." Just a quick soft moment between the two in case it's the last time they ever see each other again.
Behind closed doors, they're definitely more outward about their love, I mostly think when they're alone they'll just lie together, usually with Ghost having an arm around Roach. Sometimes Roach might teasingly poke around/caress Ghost's face since it's the only time he'll get to see it, and Ghost will just stare at him exasperated (but lovingly). And this is usually when they'll talk about what ifs or any lingering fears they've been having recently. Maybe Roach will talk about the two living on a farm together, or maybe Ghost will suggest bringing Roach out on a proper date one day.
I do have more! But this is getting quite long so lmk if y'all are interested in hearing the others cuz I got some angsty ones too lmao
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toska-writes · 1 year
hello i just find u'r blog and immediately fall in love with u'r works, i just want to say thanku so much for all u'r beautiful writings! it's just not easy to find platonic fic and I'm really grateful to find u'r blog 😭❤️ if u don't mind please make more codywan x padawan reader, no pressure tho only if u want it. once again thanku and have a nice day love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you! I love this ship sm
“Dinner Party”
Paring: Codywan x padawan reader (Platonic)
Warning: mentions of food and eating if you don’t like that kind of stuff but nothing else
Word count: 1189
Notes: so I didn’t do a great job with the Codywan and it’s mainly just Cody so…. I’ll have to give this prompt another go
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Obi-wan tapped his foot absentmindedly under the table. Over and over again. You seemed to be the only one to notice as the rest of the room was filled with loud chatter from the many different senators.
Looking around for a second it seemed that Cody had also taken an interest of Obi-wand nervous habit- it was quite hard for a young padawan and a Clone commander to find common ground with the many different people that filled the room.
Of course your master didn't seem to have the problem when he wasn't lost in thought.
You had to admit Cody looked quite odd in a military uniform instead of his sunburst armor that apparently can come off. But a change in pace can be good sometimes.
As your master came back to reality since he wasn't really invested in what a highly decorated senator was saying he looked between the two of you clearly puzzled by your stares. "Is something wrong?"
Both you and Cody made eye contact and a huge smile played at you lips. "Oh no Master I was just wondering how you view Senator Gunrays insights on Coruscant and weather you believe in any of them."
He stared at you for a moment then shot a quick look at the person you were talking about.
A quick nod from him then he said. "Oh yes my young padawan it seems he did say some very interesting things." He fished around his mind for some words. "You can learn many things from the people around you if you just listen."
Cody leaned over from your left side giving Obi-wan quite the look who was sitting to your right, basically asking if he was serious.
"Any more insightful tips to give your padawan sir?." Cody said in quite the formal voice but his eyes said other wise.
"I'll let you know when I think of another dear" was all he quipped back when the clatter of dinner trays filled the room.
You felt a slight nudge to your shoulder as Cody leaned closer to your ear. "Thank the maker I'm starving."
You really could only nod in response since you were also ravenous and a plate full of food was being sat down in front of you.
It was your turn now to give your Commander a quick nudge as you looked to see his eyes blow wide, taking in the abundant food.
Looking at your own plate you felt sort of.... Disappointed?
Not that you weren't grateful to be sitting in a lavish room full of very important people about to eat a full meal that just came out hot, because you were.
The food just didn't seem right for you.
A lump of grayish blue mystery food sat towards the edge of your plate decorated with unusually green ferns.
The main course was- using your best guess some sort of fish. Forks and drinks clanked together as you watch many others enjoying what seemed to be the same meal, but the smell that wafted through the air from your plate made you question if they were really enjoying it.
It would be rude if you didn't eat it though right?
Picking your fork up after choosing what you hoped was ‘the right one’ from the multiple that sat beside your plate you gathers some of the food onto the fork.
To your right Cody clearly was trying to slow down but when all you get is ration bars this must be heaven. This was one of the many reasons you discovered as to why Obi-wan fought so hard for Cody to sit next to everyone at this party as an equal and not just a soldier.
The smell got stronger as it travels closer and closer to your face. I don’t want to be rude, you thought once again and stuffed the dinner into your mouth.
In that moment it finally answered the question of what the underside of a Bantha would taste like.
It traveled roughly down your throat leaving an odd burning sensation in its place.
“Are you alright Y/N” Obi-wan turned to you now as he once again somehow stomached the food in front of him.
“Oh yes master, just taking my time enjoying my food.” You reluctantly scooped another bite and ate that too under the watchful eye of your master.
Before he could respond a loud senator near the head of the table called for Obi-wan to be apart of whatever they were discussing. Weather it was an act under the influence or sober was up for debate.
You were grateful that something on the table was familiar and you downed that water like there was no tomorrow.
The need to eat food and the fact that it was gross was fighting with eachother inside of you as you took yet another bite.
If you didn’t want to scare the senators off by throwing up all over the table you decided for the best that that was your last attempt to be nice.
With a huff you leaned back in your care, crossing you arms over your front. “Not a fan of the food sir?” Cody inquired setting his cleaned off fork nicely on the plate that matched it.
The best answer you could give was a simple nod then you had to add.” Since I’m telling you Cody it tasted like absolute bantha shit.”
Cody laughed at your remark nearly knocking over a few glasses in the process. The odd looks from other senators went unnoticed by the pair as they continued to laugh.
“I’ll have to be honest Y/N I think it was that too.” Cody added after you collected yourself.
“I can’t believe you ate that.” You laughed again. This conversation seemed more like two siblings joking at the dinner table then it did two commanders pretty much sitting in at a political meeting, strange how somethings are.
“I think I have a few snacks on the ship if you didn’t like the food but I’m afraid I can’t get them now.” Obi-wan added under his breath when he finally got away from the talking for a few moments.
“I can mange until then but thank you master.” Without another word and before being pulled back into another ‘very interesting’ conversation Obi-wan pulled some of your untouched food onto his own plate.
“No need to offend the chef now.” He spoke before his name was called yet again.
You felt Cody shuffle beside you, digging in the pockets he wasn’t every used to and tried to find something.
After a moment and satisfied with what he found he slid you something across the table. “Taste like sand but it might be a little better then nothing at all.”
You couldn’t even spare a question as you opened the ration bar and started eating it right away. “Is that the only thing you could find to fit in your pockets since a blaster wouldn’t do it?” You asked with a smile.
“Oh no Crys is just a picky eater.”
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Fluff alphabet w/ knubbler (remake)
Remaking this because skimming through the old version some of my hcs have changed + I wanna get back into writing for mtl while the rot is here... maybe I'll do some other characters (winks)
No queue we die like men (I'm inpatient and wanna post mtl NOW!!!!(.. quickly realizing why I dont do long posts like this on mobile anymore. Not proof read we die like dethklok fans
Bonus prompt ♡ is PDA
Notes: reader is GN though this is mostly focused on general knubbler hcs
CWs: edit
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I would say hes a bit shallow but I'm a dickface shipper/j, serious note I think depending on circumstance he can overlook surface level stuff if you're charming enough! I mention in the original post that I think he enjoys feistier folk; outspoken and ready to dish it back if its tossed at them. It keeps things interesting even if it can get frustrating at times. Needs someone with humor, though
He tries to make time for you when hes not working, he usually takes you out somewhere. Usually dinner or to the mall- hes bit materialistic and he doesn't mind spoiling you. Music fanatic, listens to everything and looooves listening to some of the stuff you're into, most definitely dissecting it too thanks to his career
Average older person body type, a bit on the cooler side temperature wise. VERY handsy when cuddling most of the time. Prefers to be big spoon but would not object if you turn the tables
As mentioned he spoils you, so going somewhere nice (and a bit pricy) is a common date experience. Flirting and innuendos aside, dates also double as a catch up thing for you. Again due to him working hard a lot of the time to keep up with his career
Hes pretty level headed, though seeing him getting frustrated or annoyed isnt an uncommon occurrence. He has a pretty normal threshold when it comes to bullshit in the day to day- does get a little more emotional if hes under the influence, its just hard to guess which emotion it'll be until hes drunk
Hes not interested in having children, for the most part. Hes had those fleeting "what if" thoughts, but anything more than that? No. That being said I do personally headcanon that he has siblings, who might have children of their own. Rich aunt knubbler supremacy/j
Gift giving
Again, he spoils you. A lot. He can afford it thanks to working with dethklok, and that's assuming hes not also producing for others. Even if hes not giving you something significant, hes sending you roses to remind you you're his
He can get short when hes angry but he does try his best to reel himself in and try to find a solution, and depending on the context willing to compromise so both sides are satisfied. Naturally hes easier to work up if hes stressing out. Prefers to go to the side to cool off if things get too intense
Very similar to the old post, he reacts accordingly based on the nature of your injury. He can be a little insensitive to it, though, but like.. in. a "oh we have different pain thresholds and I kind of forget that" kind of way
Oh this man gets jealousy with a capital J. Want a quick way to get him worked up? Make him jealous. I mean don't becahse that's kind of shitty but. You know. Depending on the context and how the relationship as a whole is going hes either going to toss you to the side or play your game- has the "I didnt lose you you lost me" mentality, kind of gets nasty with it if you really fuck things up
Lots of kisses- quick and light, or deep any passionate. Any kiss is a good kiss- tends to favor your mouth of course! Loves being kisses on the cheek
Love language
Guys I don't think I said this yet but he likes buying stuff for you/j
No serious notes, he listens to you. You're someone he can just talk to, no having to worry about your job or your reputation. Just talking. Hes a good listener, actually. Physical touch is another way he shows his love. Not even just sexually; reassuring and innocent hands on the shoulder or a hand steadying you on your back when you're faltering. Things like that
Similar to having children hes never really thought about it. He doesnt strike me as the type to settle and commit to something long term, even just having you long term as a non-spouse is a change for him. He might warm up to it one day, he might not
A quick dealbreaker is if you put his career in jeopardy. Hes worked way too hard for this and hes not going to let it get wiped just like that. Not even necessarily getting him fired, just interfering in any negative way can put in a lot of tension
Goofy ass laugh. Laughs at his own jokes, most of which being bad or corny. That's not even touching on his sexual innuendos. Horrid. Tomato tomato tomato
Naturally he calls you babe and baby. Hon and honey are thrown in there every now and then. Oh he would definitely use dumber names in passing, partly because he unironically thinks they're cute and because he likes seeing your reaction
Quiet time
Well I guess it defeats the purpose of this segment being called "quiet" time but that idea earlier of the two of you just sitting and enjoying music together and analyzing it sounds nice. Outside of that the two of you can sit in silence doing something on your own. Life can get hectic, especially when one or even both of you work for dethklok
He takes risks, calculated ones though. He thinks about the pros and cons of everything before acting, and if it would be better to do it than do nothing if the outcome doesnt look too good. But that's in the context of himself and his work. But with you? Unless you're dying or in danger he tends to play it safe even if he can still come off as a douche every once in a while
He has his healthy share of secrets. Nothing wrong with that, privacy is important. If he needs to tell you something that he thinks you should know, he will tell you when its appropriate
Maybe its because I'm going insane over these songs, and I hope you can forgive me for not linking them but:
Modern day cane and mx sinister
Both by IDKHBTFM. Less of a "you guys listen to these together/it reminds me of knubbler x reader stuff " but because the songs kind of remind me of him in general/I feel hed listen to these
He tries to work through things when hes upset, but he does separate himself from the situation if it gets too much- whether it be to keep him from saying or doing something hes really going to regret later or because he just can't deal with it in that moment
He offers to listen to you when you're upset, he tends to be unbiased so he can offer a good solution if that's what you need. He does try to spare your feelings but get ready to sometimes hear what you dont want
Roses, candies, and a reservation to some fancy place- something higher quality than the usual. Definitely the type to try to initiate intimacy on Valentine's
If it DOES happen, hes going all out. Maybe it's the fact hes rich and famous and he can overindulge a bit, but an expensive wedding is likely. It may not be huge, in terms of attendants though. Just friends and family
Hes gotten very good at reading people over the years so good luck trying to act normal around him if something is going on. If you seem avoidant about talking, he does try to drop hints that you can talk to him
Oh this man yearns, both innocently and not so. He copes well enough between the times you are apart or see each other less
Snores in his sleep. Has a long routine. Sleeps like a sickly Victorian person; on his back, head tilted backwards, arms sprawled across his torso. Primarily sleeps on his back, though, maybe you can cuddle into his side
Bonus prompt ♡
Looooves PDA, always holding you in some way. If the setting is professional he will keep his hands to himself. Does not mind showing you off, either
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kfanopinions · 2 years
Haechan Ideal Type (Astrology Based)
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i will be looking into haechan's moon and venus for this. as i don't see any birth time (if anyone knows please notify me) so i will not look into any of the houses
leo moon || gemini venus
okay so there wasn't a lot of information in each category so i'm going to combine everything into one section. i think i'll start doing this from now on (especially when house placements aren't known)
"you change your mind, like a girl changes clothes" in a relationship haechan's partner needs to be able to handle his flip floppy attitude. one second in their life and present, the next second hard to reach. can even be, one second smothering you with affection, the next stand-offish
this mostly pertains to the type of person he is with...
partner a: complains a lot and depends on him for EVERYTHING he'll want to be far away from them as possible and may even insult them just to showcase how much he truly doesn't like being around them (but he won't break up. leo moon's unless there is a damn good reason are faithful despite being miserable in a relationship) partner b (the winner/ideal type): self-sufficient can solve their own problems and doesn't depend on him to be there if they are in a sticky situation. this will bring out haechan's affectionate side. now with this, i do want to say that i think he can truly be depended on as long as it's nothing too serious. if there are heavy emotions going on, he'll probably ghost people lol
"a "partner" worth fighting for!" someone who plays hard to get. he likes the chase, so if he finds his partner being too easy to get to he'll get bored rather quickly and may find someone else
i should also note that even if there is someone he is looking at with great interest, he probably has other people on the back burner just in case
"what's around the riverbend?" someone who loves life! he wants to share everything with his partner. go places, do things, live life with them so someone who enjoys being out and about as well will be a good match
someone playful and energetic as well! he wants to have fun with them. leo moons have this inner child quality about them so having fun/a good time is what they love
"she's in to superstitions...black cats and voodoo dolls" jk but someone who has this air of mystery around them. someone he can't figure out immediately will surely grab his attention. remember he likes the chase/the hunt so someone who really makes him fight for it will be someone he'll grow interested in
brains over beauty...well sort of seriously with his gemini venus someone who can stimulate his mind is going to be ideal for him. their intellect with trump their physical appearance. he likes sexy brains, but he's still a guy so he does like someone physically attractive to his standards that is
such a wise ass... someone who is sarcastic. seriously this dude is such a smart ass so someone who is just like him will be fun in his eyes
someone free-spirited and open-minded
"just do your thing" haechan is free and independent (air quality here) so this means someone who doesn't depend on him all the time. who can take care of themselves and handle things on their own. who goes after their dreams and doesn't have to ask him about them. someone he doesn't have to baby/worry about
"you don't own me" these damn air signs...i swear...so hard to tie them down...like a balloon floating in the wind... -_- okay, haechan with his gemini venus self is a free person (as stated above) which means he doesn't want to be tied down or doesn't like the illusion of being tied down. so someone who is possessive is a no-go
(thanks a lot haechan...your scorpio noona here is heartbroken now T.T)
i challenge thee! someone who can hold their own in a debate/argument. it wouldn't surprise me at all if this little sh*t (love you haechan <3) wouldn't start a fight on purpose. it's the mental stimulation that gets his blood pumping. of course this would be in good fun. think of it like how he purposefully pisses off doyoung, renjun and jeno, and to some extent jaemin until he cowers in the corner haha
lol someone with a good sense of humor
curiosity doesn't always kill the cat someone who is curious about the world and wants to expand their knowledge about different topics
so, what'cha into these days? he may like someone who keeps themselves busy with different hobbies/interests. i take this as they are keeping themselves busy, living their life how they want to, and can share their experience/knowledge with him
chatty kathy someone who is talkative! this gemini venus loves to have deep conversations. think on a more random/intellectual/philosophical level and less about "where is this relationship going." topics should be kept light and fun
extroverts vs introverts okay, so someone more out-going is ideal (social is a better word), but as i'm sure we've all seen haechan has an introverted side to himself. i don't think he would discriminate after first meeting someone (as i would think he'd be shy around them as well) but when he's seen/hung out with them a few times if they have a dry/shy/non-talkative personality he most likely won't be interested
"on the ground" someone who has their feet firmly planted on the ground. haechan is more logical/intellectually based. someone with their heads in the clouds may get the "why the hell am i with you?" look from him jkjk
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heimdallsram · 2 years
hi ! do you have any thoughts about kratos and heimdall together? i love your writing and am very interested on your take on this interesting n odd pair!
Hello! And my, this is a hard one, isn't it?
No matter how you slice it, this would be a difficult pairing from the get-go. Heimdall is... very much a representation of a younger Atreus that never grew up, in a sense. At least that's how I see it! I've noted his vanity, shallowness, and superiority/inferiority complex before, so I'll move past that, and say that Heimdall is a foil to and for Atreus.
That said--it could work. But Heimdall would have to go through some serious personality and mental growth before Kratos would ever, presumably, entertain even the thought of something more than pity and/or hatred regarding him. You could also say he may feel some regret for the way he lost control during their fight that had resulted (as thought) in Heimdall's death and, in his own way, may make it up to him.
Or... perhaps, Heimdall develops something of a death wish. Why should he have survived if he failed? Odin was dead, he has no purpose in life without him, so he deliberately seeks Kratos out to force him to kill him permanently this time.
You could easily draw parallels to Baldur, here.
But since we're talking about the relationship aspect and my thoughts on it, I'll stop rambling about how I think it could work canon-wise. 😅
• They're dysfunctional at best, polar opposites at worst. Kratos is stern, gruff, takes no bullshit; Heimdall is all bullshit, mouthy, defensive--it would be the first thing Kratos would have to train out of him to expose the deeper issues he has. Being a father would mellow him out enough for him to understand where Heimdall's coming from, but only just.
• Heimdall runs his mouth. Kratos would barely tolerate it before his temper would get the better of him, especially in the beginning stages.
• Kratos would no doubt see Heimdall as a way to right the wrong he committed in almost killing him and losing control. Despite how unbearable the man can be, I think Kratos would see the benefit in returning him to something worthwhile that does not depend on his now dead father's approval.
• Loneliness. Assuming Mimir takes up his torch with Sigrun, Kratos will be alone for the majority of the time post-Ragnarök. With Freya only able to join his journeys every so often due to issues within Vanaheim, this would be the perfect place to introduce Heimdall as a sort of growth experiment. He would have to learn to do things he never had to when in Asgard, and the hard way.
• Without his arm, Heimdall's esteem would tank drastically. His foresight would be of no aid to him there. Kratos could bond with him through these things, teach him to use a weapon, as he would no doubt have experience teaching maimed warriors to fight in some way. (And if not, perhaps he takes on a particular side quest regarding just that.)
• But, when all is said and done, you must consider Faye. She was a large part of Kratos' restructuring within the Norse lands and it cannot be easily brushed aside. Heimdall would be snide about her existence, expressing distaste of her giant heritage. Kratos would, without a better phrase, need to show him who's in charge. And no, that's not an innuendo haha.
• This relationship has a high chance of turning toxic. I'd throw a guess out there and say around 90% if Heimdall doesn't change his ways and 100% if Kratos starts slipping, because Heimdall reminds him too much of a certain Greek God he had killed long ago.
• I really don't think it would be sunshine and rainbows. There would be happy spots, yes, but Heimdall does not seem to be able to coexist in a family unit, especially one so heavily marked by those he considers wronged his father. And if he did try, he would have periods of running away, but would return.
• It's a very complicated question of: will he? Can Heimdall change enough to be something better for himself and not just Kratos? Enough to keep a relationship with the man, to boot?
• Heimdall would struggle with the idea of a non abusive fatherly figure, especially through the lens that he sees Kratos interact with Atreus. He would need to get over that quickly or any chance of this working implodes fantastically.
• Don't get me wrong, Kratos would have to put in a lot of work alongside Heimdall to make it somewhat stable. And I think it could be, with time and effort, and eventually be something based on love, but truly... I think we all know it would be sparked by the sexual tension that arises between the two.
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So, with all this in mind, I think it could work! But anyone who writes it would have to have some consideration for Heimdall's issues, his new existence as a disabled god, and Kratos' slip up. 🤔
I hope this was helpful! This was actually a really tough question for me and I enjoyed it immensely. And thank you for being a fan of my writing 🥰
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soovermyself · 11 months
Can I just say that while I don't think Ashlyn is bad looking (leaps and bounds better than Grant tbqh), certain angles of her also give me Jigsaw vibes? 🤡 I think it's the cheekbones, and it's terrifying....Then again, Sophia is gorgeous and ageless, so her partners pretty much always pale in comparison. Also don't see how people think Ali and Sophia look a like? Both are pretty brunettes, but other than that, I don't see it.
Going back to the whole kids thing, I get it's their relationship, and they know what's best and how they see things going better than anyone obviously. I'm just hoping for the best for all of them, but especially the kids. Luckily, they're so young, but custody shit can be messy and I don't see how things between Sophia and Ashlyn could continue bicoastal-ly if they were to move forward eventually and "add more kids to the bunch". Especially as Ashlyn and Ali's kids get older, helping raise them from the other side of the country doesn't seem realistic or fair to them (the kids). I also don't see Sophia adopting and moving across the country thousands of miles away from her parents and extended framily. I get that things seem serious, giving the tidbits that have been said by their teams/gathered/assumed. But logistically, it doesn't seem feasible. I hope I'm wrong if this is what makes Sophia happy, and it's really none of our business, but harmlessly, I can't help thinking about it from a realist standpoint.
Last note, I think in her "no fucks given era" she found Hank a new home. Which I get is only fair to him to have a full-time owner if she did get rid of him, but it's still sad.
Hahahaha, I don’t see it but maybe bc I never saw Jigsaw 🤣. Personally I like her hair a bit longer but that’s just me.
As for Ali and Sophia, yeah they’re both just pretty brunettes e. Ashlyn’s got good taste! But even personality wise, they seem very different (I don’t know much about Ali and that’s not a dig at her at all, she just doesn’t seem similar to S).
As for the kids, I think it’s a bit too soon and unfair to assume until the custody stuff is settled. We have no clue. We also have no idea what the plans are for their living plans. With Ali’s retiring in upcoming hours/days, it’s up in the air…I’ve seen people say New York, Florida, Virginia, Florida and Los Angeles so really we have to wait and see. And Sophia loves New York so it wouldn’t be OOC either 🤷🏼‍♀️. And I’m thinking it’s all stuff they already discussed together before making the move bc at this point of their lives, what’s the point of wasting your time if you know there is no chance it’s going to work out?! If they gave this relationship a go, they have to believe it might go the distance…Obviously I have no inside knowledge on this, but this just would make sense to me personally.
As for Hank, no clue what’s up, but I sure hope he’s thriving wherever he is.
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therubyreader · 2 years
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My Review of American Royals by Katharine McGee
See a full list of my book reviews here
Review Word Count: 1,195
I know this is usually where I put my spoiler warning for my reviews but since I have decided that based on the nature of this book there aren't any major plot points that I want to talk about so this review will be spoiler free.
I will give this disclaimer though, if you're a die hard fan of this book then this review isn't for you. That isn't to say I'm going to drag this book through hell and back, but it honestly wasn't my cup of tea. I will be talking about the things in this book that I personally didn't like so if you don't want to see your favorite book besmirched by some random bitch on tumblr dot com then please keep scrolling.
On to the review!
American Royals gives all of us history nerds a peek into an alternate reality where George Washington became the king of the United States instead of its first president and how that would look in modern day. In this reality we also see how the peerage system works in the States and also how many monarchies in other parts of the world have survived. For example the French and Russian monarchies and the German principalities are alive and well in this book which was a very interesting touch that I enjoyed.
The book centers around the lives of the modern royals, Crown Princess Beatrice who is set to be America's first queen regnant, her younger sister Princess Samantha who is the exact opposite of Beatrice and suffers from an extreme case of middle child syndrome coupled with spare syndrome, and Samantha's twin Prince Jefferson a.k.a. Jeff (side note I think the name Jeff is gross and I agree with Daphne on calling him Jefferson) who is quite literally just there, chilling.
Now while I was intrigued with the concept of an alternate reality where the United States is a monarchy I honestly did not expect the book to go the way that it did. I know that just writing what life would be like with an American monarchy wouldn't sell and would be extremely boring, but let me tell you I didn't not expect to essentially get into a written telenovela. You get all of the classic traits of a novela, three (or maybe four, depends on how you count it) love triangles stacked on top of each other, betrayal, romance, dramatics, and then someone just randomly dying to advance the plot. What more can you want?
I say that but in reality I wasn't really a fan of it. Sure if you like soap operas and reality tv this book is for you, but I'm not really a fan of either so I honestly got to a point at the end where all of the plot points converged and it all just got so overwhelming for me that I struggled to finish the last, like 10% of the book. That being said I'm not going to keep reading this series, though I did Google if Beatrice ended up with my favorite boy Connor just because he was my favorite and I needed to know.
Speaking of characters I actually enjoyed all of them, I was just kind of annoyed with the insane amount of love triangles happening to them. I honestly didn't hate Daphne, I don't condone literally any of her actions because she was evil but I sympathized with her motives. In the words of a wise man, "cool motive, still murder," (no she didn't murder anyone btw, but that would've been a great plot point).
Though if you read my Gods of Jade and Shadow review you might expect my favorite character to be Nina, in Latina solidarity, but she might've actually been my least favorite character. Actually her and Daphne are tied in that spot. Main reason being how they're both juxtaposed in their endeavors to win over Jefferson, and I really want to tell them it is quite literally not that serious. We get some not very feminist differences between them, Nina is "not like other girls" and a normal girl while Daphne is the embodiment of femininity and has the makings of a princess. Also Jeff fully cheated on Daphne and then broke up with her over the phone the next day and then tried to get at Nina. And then he proceeded to play with both of their emotions and yet both of these girls were fighting over him? Those are some serious red flags, I'm going to need these girls to get up, they deserve better.
I did honestly like the relationship between Beatrice and Sam, you get to see how they're opposites for the same reason, if that makes sense. Beatrice is meant to be the next queen so she has to be perfect and because Sam is the spare she wants to be the opposite of Beatrice and a party girl who's impulsive and puts herself first. I genuinely enjoyed their dynamic and how they play off of one another.
I didn't like Jeff at all, which honestly he might be my least favorite character and Nina and Daphne get the spot right above him. Literally this dude contributes nothing to the plot besides being there for two girls to fight over him and have their own character growth because of him. It's not very feminism or Bechdel test of them (though they do have a conversation which might pass if I remember correctly). The author even tells us in the story that Sam and Jeff are supposed to be very close but we don't see it, there's only maybe two instances where you can see their close bond but really nothing beyond that. Also there is literally no interactions between Jeff and Beatrice despite them being siblings, and I get that part of the plot is that they're not super close with her and they haven't been since they were kids but like come on, they couldn't have had at least one conversation in the whole book.
I do feel like the book was definitely marketed more towards a teen audience which is partially what I get for being a grown ass adult (I'm only in my early 20s so like technically I'm closer in age to a 19 year old than a 30 year old) reading YA fiction. But either way even if I was still a teen I don't think I would've enjoyed the book more than I do now, partially due to me being a weird kid who liked to consume media that was action heavy rather than romance heavy, which honestly still holds true to this day. I will say the book isn't bad, it's just honestly not for me, I can appreciate the writing and imagination that comes with creating this alternate reality, which major props to author for committing to doing that. Overall rating, not for me but for someone else out of ten. Even though I said I wouldn't continue to read the series if someone has a really good pitch I'll perhaps give it a shot but you have to do some serious convincing.
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lady-of-endless · 7 months
hiii i saw you were doing matchups and i wanted to send one just for fun!!! nothing too serious <3
either gender works for me!!
i’m non binary!! uhm. i like to dress up in i guess you can call “kawaii” fashion (best examples are on pinterest!!) i really like ruffles, lace, and bows on my outfits. sometimes i wear lolita too!! rip to my wallet. if not dressed like that i’m also in a lot of baggy clothing, shirts, hoodies, and pants. i love to do makeup as well and search up different makeup styles just to do them.
i’ve been told personality wise i’m very sweet. i do like helping people and putting a smile on their faces. im good at controlling my anger now but i struggle with holding all my emotions in and blowing up on people. i stand up for others easily. also i’ve been told i’m “feisty” for i don’t take crap from other people and i’m always calling out friends and mutual acquaintances if they’ve done something wrong. i’m also a writer and an artist!!! i love drawing in my free time and i love doodling random girls on whatever piece of paper i can find.
i think that’s all…anyway!!! have a good day :3!!!!
Author's Note: Thank you for this lovely request and patience. Hope you'll like it.
I ship you with...Corazon!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- You seem so sweet that I couldn't help myself to not ship you with this angel.
- The fact that you are so gentle and good at controlling your anger is a bit suspicious to him at first. He's also in disguise so he's extra cautious with other people's facades.
- When he's sure that this is your true personality and nature, he warms up to you more.
- Don't get me started on how protective he would be over you, especially around his brother. He's too afraid that Doffy would be tempted to manipulate you in some way.
- Corazon is surprised when he sees your feisty side. He instantly lights up a cigarette to hide his wide smile when you stand up for yourself and others.
- He likes your style, it makes him come up with so many lovely nicknames for you.
- When he notices how skilled you are with make-up, he won't hesitate to ask you to do his iconic look when he's in disguise. He'll do it on multiple occasions.
- Corazon is very interested in your art, your writing especially. He feels that he can resonate with some fragments and finds that comforting.
- He puts in extra work to make you smile.
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frauleinandry · 1 year
finally finished my persona q playthrough! ultimately, i thought it did some things well and some things not so well, but it was definitely more of a positive experience than a negative one. i'd rate it 3/5 in general. detailed thoughts under the cut!
for a bit of context, i like persona 3 a lot, dislike 4, and have minimal experience with etrian odessey (played a demo, enjoyed it, but knew the lack of plot/characters would mean I wouldn't have fun playing 40+ hours of it). i wanted to get through this game and q2 before persona 5 tactica came out so i knew what to expect story-wise (though the chances of me finished q2 before november are pretty much non-existent now lmao).
starting with the plot, i thought most of it was good, but there were a couple of weaker aspects. the gradually escalating creepiness of the labyrinths up until the rei reveal was really well done, and i absolutely loved the twist with her character. the way the themes from personas 3 and 4 were combined was sublime - her rage and sadness was so poignant, and it definitely managed to tug at my heartstrings. zen's whole deal is interesting too - i find persona doesn't tend to implement its god characters very well, so he and chronos were a refreshing take on it.
on the flipside, i didn't particular enjoy the plotline related to the actual persona characters. i chose to play the p3 route to avoid as many teddie/yosuke shenanigans as i could, and the whole senpai vs kohei thing felt like a child had written it. it's basically what happen in p3 canon but shittier. it reeeeeeeally didn't help that they use the investigation team as an example of a 'good' team, since their dynamics are rancid. i also think persona q really could have done a lot more with the 'ps: you're gonna forget this once you leave' thing, as opposed to it being a one-note revelation in the epilogue.
moving on to the characters... hm. very mixed bag here. on the positive side, it gave shinjiro in particular some much needed screen time - he actually felt like a genuine member of SEES here, as opposed to the guy who shows up and is then killed off almost instantly. it also toned down yosuke's creepiness a lot, which. well, i ain't complaining. also, i'm very happy yu/minato actually get to have a personality here. tbh persona MCs would really benefit from being upgrade from silent protags into something more similar to fire emblem three hopes shez (though probably with a little bit less character than them).
at the same time, akihiko (and to a lesser degree chie) are utterly butchered, and the portrayal of numerous other characters feels very surface level. sure, the cast is too large to really flesh everyone out, but... nobody should be feeling blatantly OOC. zen and rei also didn't really feel like people until the end of the 4th labyrinth, which makes sense from a plot perspective, but is bad from an actually-getting-attached-to-them one. as good as i found their storyline, as individuals, they're both pretty forgettable. ultimately, i think the character writing is fine in the strolls/during the sillier moments, but falls apart during the serious ones.
gameplay, yet again, was another mixed bag. the dungeon crawling is a lot better than in persona 3/4, especially in the later labyrinths where FOE movement is a lot more complex. i enjoyed most of the puzzles, and the little character moments scattered around the levels were fun too. mapping was cute, even if it was a bit of a novelty - i can't see it working on the switch or anything, but the 3DS is a good console from things like that.
of course, here's where the '.... but' comes in. in persona q case, i comes in the form of the combat sucking ass. the boost system is irritating to wrangle, but a necessary evil if you want good personas/not to chew through tons of items. in the end, i used impure reach naoto to basically skip 90% of the fights. also, what the fuck was that chronos gimmick? like, don't get me wrong, the death timer was cool in theory, but when i first fought him i only had 3 revival items on me because i simply wasn't using them!! suffice to say, i had to fight him and the spider again, and was pretty unimpressed with that.
the game is also really hampered by not sharing party exp. there's no way to use every unit unless you do tons and tons of grinding (and who has the time for that in the year 2023), but you also get penalised for not training certain units too. i didn't unlock ultimate personas in my run-through since i benched yu after the second labyrinth and didn't want to spend ages levelling him up asdfghjkl.
there was one gameplay thing i thought persona q did really well though... and that was sub-personas! god, i fucking loved that idea. like, i love it to the degree that i'd legitimately prefer it in the mainline games over the current wildcard system - let's just say i made an excited post when i saw this feature was returning in tactica. it adds a level of customisation which means any character can shine with the right investment, and i just think that's neat.
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enhas-bestie · 1 year
Omg I remember i reblogged your post about waiting for IVES album AND I WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU’VE LISTENED TO IT🤭🤭
I actually listened to most of the b-sides yesterday while I was doing my hair and yeah yeah they DEVOURED.
But wait lemme start on kitsch since it was the pre-release so obviously the first song I heard. I saw a lot of ppl on twt and tt didn't like her😠 BUT I GOT HER IMMEDIATELY OKAY!! The sound itself is good but honestly the element that really made the song stand out were the lyrics. Especially wonyoung's parts?? "you have hidden intentions but I won't fall for it bc I'm a smart one"??? Left me speechless bc she's damn well aware of how the internet goes after her. That lyric was literally perfect for her to sing.
And also they have sm fun performing it🥺!! I was kinda scared cause Liz got like 5 seconds but performance wise?? especially during mubank paris!! she didn't come to play at ALL her energy was so immaculate YOU CAN NEVER KNOCK A QUEEN DOWN!!!
Also!! Why does niece leeseo also know how to rap like?? when she covered rei's part I had to do a little double take like OKAYYY!! she's so criminally underrated. I saw she appeared on lee mujins service and the snippets I've seen of her singing was too good. like we don't even know HOW good ive's singing abilities are bc I honestly feel like they hardly get showcased to us in a live setting but yeah I think they're getting more opportunities to showcase their vocals now which is so great.
And then I AM!! Honestly I love love the title track sm. It genuinely showcases their vocals which is why I was so shocked listening to it. Like okay high notes!! AND ADLIBS!!! (in my opinion, they normally only have liz and yujin show off their adlibs in the b-sides like royal or my satisfaction but FINALLY we get a little something something in the title track😭) I really like the song lyrically too. It's so girl power💗
Blue blood is so good too though😩😩😩 Idk definitely top 3 for me even though I didn't read the lyrics yet. I didn't read the lyrics to hypnosis either HOWEVER rei and gaeul at the end?? that song is theirs like why were they going in like thattttt?? it may be my favourite rap of them so far ngl.
there was another song that I really liked bc it was giving summer vibes but I was focusing on my hair and didnt get to see what it was called😭
overall I really liked the album. definitely enough to want to go back and re-listen to the other b-sides. ive seem to be having fun in their performances too, so I'm really glad for them too.
I think the songs in this album definitely opens up a wider variety of performance elements for them to explore during award show performances so I hope their performance directors and choreographers use that to their full advantage. like a blue blood dance break or intro would be so fucking amazing if they got the chance to execute it properly😫
I also hope rei gets better soon though. It's an unfortunate situation that she can't participate in promotions, but she should take all the rest she needs bc her symptoms sound really scary to me. I hope whatever it is isn't too serious. wishing her a speedy recovery🙏❤️
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