#a pro of being able to stay at home is that i can take care of him and monitor him 24/7
kendyzzlewp · 3 months
The Right Decision || ART DONALDSON
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pairing: art donaldson x fem!reader
summary: you’ve come to a big scary decision but it’s okay because Art supports you. no matter what.
tags: married art, working mom female reader, they have kids, basically the conversation that tashi should’ve had with art when he wanted to retire lol
“I have to tell you something but I don’t want you to get upset. Just listen.”
Art looks away from the tv, his mouth falling automatically into a frown. You stand next to the couch, your fingers fidgeting with your wedding ring. A habit you picked up on when you first got engaged.
“I might cry,” you warn, already feeling the tears sting the edge of your eyes. “But it’s not because I am sad or anything. I just have anxiety.”
His frown deepens and he instantly turns off the television, giving you his full attention. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
With a heavy sigh, you drop down onto the couch next to him. “I’m struggling at work,” you admit, the embarrassment creeping behind your neck like a tick. “I can’t do it anymore. The demand, the constant traveling. It’s keeping me away from you and the boys. I hate it.”
Art scoots closer to you, his strong arm wrapping around your shoulders. “Yeah,” he says softly. “We hate being away from you too.”
“I want to be home,” you say, turning your head to look at him. “I want to be here for them. I feel like I’m missing out in everything. I want to be a good wife and a good mom. I want to cook dinner and help with homework. I want to clean—god I miss cleaning.”
Art chuckles quietly, pushing a strand of hair away from your face. “Baby, I-“
You cut him off because you already know what he was going to say. That you should’ve quit that job the moment you found out you were pregnant. But you weren’t a quitter, you saw things through to the end but this… this was just too much.
“Yes, I know,” you say quickly. “I should’ve quit years ago but I just didn’t want to take advantage of you. You trained so hard to be where you are. I’m not entitled to it just because I’m your wife.”
You could feel Art tense beside you, he couldn’t understand how you could think that. With a gentle touch, his fingers grab your chin, forcing you to stare into those ocean eye that made you weak.
“You are the mother of my children and the love of my life,” he firmly states. “You are entitled to every part of me. You took care of me, held it down for us when I first turned pro. Let me take care of you.”
Cue the waterworks. You always told him that if the tennis thing didn’t work out, he could look into being a writer. The sincerity in his voice, the love in his eyes, the kindness of his touch really made you fall in love all over again.
“We have more money than we know what to do with. If it quitting your job brings you peace, then do it. Be a stay-at-home mom or get another job if it’s what you really want. And please, cook for us again, I don’t think I can keep eating dino nuggets.”
A watery laugh escapes your lips as you grab the bag of his neck, pulling him closer. “Thank you,” you whisper before pressing your lips to his. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
The sounds of tiny footsteps, thundering down the hallway capture both of your attentions. Your twin boys, Jackson and Eli, burst into the living room.
They are the perfect mixture of you and Art. Their blonde curly locks, your skin tone, his stunning blue eyes and your nose. You couldn’t help but to stare of them in slight awe, eternally grateful to be able to be their mom.
“Mama, look!” Eli exclaimed, climbing up onto your lap. “I drew a dino.”
You took the paper in your hand, gasping dramatically. “Wow, this looks so good bear.”
Jackson, the more reserved of the too, quietly climbed onto Art’s lap. He snuggled into his chest. “I drew something too,” he says, handing a paper to Art.
Art shows you the paper with a fond smile. “Wow, buddy. Is that our family?”
He nods, a small smile on his face. “Yeah, you, me, mama and Eli.”
Your heart swelled at the picture perfect moment. Sitting there basking in the love of your family you realized the decision you had to make. It wasn’t a hard one at all.
“I have some great news,” you say as the four of you cuddle closer. “Mama is going to be home all the time now.”
Eli jumps excited on your lap, his eyes wide and curious. “No more trips?”
“No more trips,” you confirm, ruffling his hair.
Jackson lifts his head from Art’s chest. “Really?”
Art smiles, pressing a kiss to his temple. “Really,” he confirms. “Mommy is ours now!”
The boys cheer, jumping from the couch and pulling your hand. Both of them babbling excitedly about playing and painting and snacks. You turned to look at Art, smiling widely.
“Thank you,” you say, tears threatening to fall again.
He smiles, tilting his head. “No, thank you.”
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cameronspecial · 6 months
I saw you were looking for some angst ideas lmao
So rafe and reader are together. Loves her more than life but his addiction gets in the way of that. One night they have a fuming argument and she doesn’t talk to him for a few days. He then makes a plan for them to talk about it somewhere private at nighttime, but when she shows up he’s not there. She waits for him for a while then she gets attacked by the rafes dealers because he owes them money and she was the next bet. Rafe finds her and he’s freaking out but she won’t let him near her and she blames him. You can choose how this ending goes or if you even want to write this but this has been on my mind
You Deserve Better
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Drug Use, Swearing, Stabbing, Blood, and Death
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.1K
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The centre of Rafe’s life wasn’t always the white powder that tumbled around the little Ziploc bag that lined his pockets. His centre is supposed to snort or wheeze a little whenever she laughs, refusing to use her inhaler because she doesn’t want to embarrass him. It will stay up past her bedtime because she is in a flow with her work. His sun crosses her eyeballs whenever he presses a kiss on her nose because she knows it would make him chuckle. Y/N Y/L/N used to be his rock and now, all because of an accident, she isn’t anymore. That is something not a lot of people know. They assume his addiction started because he was a bored rich kid who had the money to spare. However, in reality, it began with a torn ACL. One wrong shift of his leg and his football career was over. At first, the oxycodone was only to manage the pain from the ACL surgery. He had the hope that he could recover the way he needed to get back on the field, but then the news came that he wasn’t progressing the way his doctor wanted… That was when the problem started, suddenly the drug he was taking to help ease his physical pain became the one to take away his mental pain too. The pain of not being able to play football. The pain of missing out. The pain of not knowing where his life was going.
Don’t get him wrong, Y/N was by his side the whole time, except a person can’t be everything to someone else and he needed a therapist. He just wasn’t ready to admit that. It was only when he stopped being prescribed oxycodone that he turned to cocaine to fill the mental hole the prescription used to be for.
Rafe’s blown pupils are hidden by his eyelids as he lies back on the couch. Y/N is still out with her friends, so he isn’t sleeping. Not when she is not at home. The front door opening and closing makes him jerk forward. His eyelids are just a sliver because the light from the ceiling is too bright for him. Her footsteps approach the living room and the large sigh she lets out makes her arrival known. “You didn’t do the dishes,” she states, her hand resting on her jut-out hip. “And the hole in the hallway is still there.” Yesterday, Rafe, in a high state, accidentally made a hole in the wall when trying to put up a picture frame for her. He promised her before she left for work this morning that he would get what he needed to fix it this morning and in the afternoon, he would fix it. However, before he could get himself to the store, he saw a post from one of his old football teammates, who went pro and he spiralled. 
He doesn’t mean to roll his eyes, yet it happens and this causes her to let out another huff. “I didn’t get a chance to go to the store,” he grumbles like he didn’t care. He really did though. He wanted to be able to do something that simple for the girl who meant everything to him, except his mind seemed to disagree with his heart. It is easier to pretend it doesn’t bother him. Her eyes narrow in on the residue of powder on their coffee table, “Let me guess, you got your nose caught up in some business. Rafe, you promised me you wouldn’t do that shit at home.” He can’t keep looking at the way tears start to appear because he knows how worried she gets when he does drugs, always scared he might overdose. He looks anywhere but at her. “Don’t get on my ass about this again Y/N. You don’t know what I am dealing with,” he argues.
“I don’t and that’s the problem. You need to talk to someone about how you are feeling because you are going to put yourself in an early grave if you keep doing what you are doing now.”
“Seriously, we are going to argue about this again because I didn’t do the dishes or fix a little hole in the wall.”
“No, we are going to argue about it because you aren’t the man I fell in love with anymore and I don’t think if I can do this anymore. I want to be by your side to help you get better but if you don’t want to, then I don’t know if I can be here forever.”
Her words hit his ears at the same intensity as they would if he were sitting next to an airplane engine. They had arguments about his sobriety so many times before, yet those fights always had the underlying understanding that she would be there to help him. She never once mentioned the possibility of her leaving him because she truly did want to help him find his sobriety. His mouth falls open to talk. No words come out. How can he possibly swear that he wants to get better when he isn’t at the self-realization point in his journey? She takes the silence as an admittance that getting clean isn’t on his mind. “I need some time apart. I’m going to sleep at Deliah’s place tonight,” she informs, turning to leave. He doesn’t stop her; he wants to give her the space she needs in hopes that she realizes she can hold on for a little bit longer. The only word he can respond with is “Okay”, right before she closes the door behind her. 
She hasn’t answered any of his texts and calls. Her night of taking some space turned into a week and it is driving him crazy. Her non-existence return may have to do with his unwillingness to agree to go to a therapist. After the thousandth attempt at calling her, she finally answers the call. “Normally, when a person doesn’t pick up the call, it means they don’t want to talk to you.” He lets out an internal sigh, “I know, I just need to talk to you. Please, can we meet at our spot, Sunshine?” She could never resist the usage of his nickname for her. “Okay, meet me there in an hour,” she agrees. The call drops right after her response and he gives himself a small smile. Not only does he get to see her again, he gets to try to get her back. 
By the time she realizes she is being followed, she is alone under the bleachers, where she and Rafe used to spend their time in high school. It was where they found themselves when they didn’t feel like going to class or they needed to get away from the chaos after his team won a game. It was the place she fell in love with him in because even before they were dating when they were just friends, it was their spot. She spins around at the sound of grass being pressed down by a set of feet, ready to scold him for being late. It isn’t Rafe as she expected; instead, an average-height man with a dangerous air that scares her. The gleam behind his eyes tells her the bald man is up to no good, which is confirmed when he pulls out the hunting knife from his hoodie pocket. She steps back in an attempt to get away from him, but her back hits against a metal beam. The man rushes toward her and presses the sharp edge against the soft skin of her neck. “Your boy owes me money and since he is taking too long to get it back to me, I thought I would hold onto something precious to him until I get what I want,” the man explains with a wicked grin. She refuses to show him fear and looks him dead in the eyes, “Rafe’s dealer is Barry so I have no idea what you are talking about.” “He stopped going to Barry because Barry started getting on his case about how much he is using,” the male growled, not enjoying the bite to her bark. She chuckles like a maniac, “When Rafe comes, he is going to beat your ass.” “Shut up, Bitch.” Angered by his words, her knees find their target between his legs. 
He lets out a howl and doubles over in pain. She uses this as her opportunity to attempt an escape, trying to run past him. Unfortunately, he reaches out to stop her and this results in the blade driving into her abdomen. A gasp passes her lips, causing the dealer to look in her direction. “Shit.” His eyes bloom open and immediately begins to pull it out. “No. Don’t pu-,” she warns, except it is too late. The weapon is already out and he is running toward the exit. She hunches forward and stumbles back against the beam, pressing her hand to her stomach to keep from bleeding out, feeling as though she has been punched. Calling 911 seems to be the logical answer; however, when she goes for her phone, she finds it broken on the floor. She thinks about going to her car and is stopped by the feeling of even more blood gushing out of the wound as she tries to push off the beam. It doesn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. 
“Sunshine,” rings through her ears. Her dizziness makes it difficult to focus on the speaker, yet she knows who it is based on the nickname. She slides down the beam because her legs lose all their strength. Rafe rushes to her side and kneels beside her. “Shit, Sunshine. It’s going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to call the police. They are going to fix everything,” his voice breaks as his hand joins hers to stop the flow of his blood. She can hear him relaying the information to the dispatcher, but her body is telling her something Rafe isn’t going to be ready to hear. He places his phone on the floor so both of his hands can press on her abdomen. “They’re coming, Sunshine, just hold on. I promise. I’ll be here the whole time.” Her handshakes as she raises to his cheek, staining it with her blood. Her tears water at the edge of her bottom eyelid, “I don’t think I’m going to make it.” His head shakes vigorously. “Don’t say tha-.” She cuts him off, “Can you please just listen to me?” He nods to let her continue. “It was your dealer. I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad. Just to make sure he gets arrested. But I need you to know that you are more than just your addiction and football. I know you don’t think so, but you are and if you just realize that, then you will see the man that I fell in love with.” “I don’t deserve that though. Look at all the shit I put you through. You deserve more than a druggie as a boyfriend,” he cries, holding her hand against his skin.
She smiles up at him, “You deserve more too. You deserve to be truly happy. You deserve to try to find a new purpose in life. I want that for you.” “How can I find all of that if you are gone?” he questions. Her breathing begins to become laboured, “You’ll find yourself and once you grieve, you’ll find someone who can help heal your broken heart. That’s how.”
“I don’t want anyone else. I just want you. Please, don’t go. Will you please stay if I promise to get sober?” 
“I will be with you every step of the way.”
The words tear his heart in two. He knows what it means. She truly doesn’t think she is coming out of this alive. “I want you to see me get better though. Please. Just hang on a little longer.” His tears cloud his vision. When he doesn’t hear a response, he wipes his eyes to get a closer look at her. The world goes dark at the sight of her glassy eyes only reflecting back his face with no recognition or life behind them. The rise and fall of her chest have stopped. The universe decides to answer his calls for help at a cruel moment as he hears the siren finally approach. There is no use in their hurry if the person who needs saving is the one to do it because Rafe isn’t going to let her last words die with her. He is going to get better, not only for her but for him too. He deserves more than a life of chasing his pain away with drugs and he is determined to achieve that.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 3
Grass Talks (Literally)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: Soft, lowkey ooc Bakugou but thats bc I imagine him to be a lot more mellow as an adult. Little bit of a serious talk, but nothing crazy. Readers quirk is also mentioned
Word Count: 1k
previous chapter
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The date had been going well so far, and the sun was even beginning to set since now it was almost 7:00 pm.
You two were currently lying on your backs together, looking up at the sky filled with clouds, stomachs full of yummy food.
"That one looks like a giraffe, or something else with a long neck." You said point up at a cloud.
Bakugou hummed, "Nah, I think it's a flower or something. Don't you see the stem? And there's even petals around it."
Tilting your head at a different angle, you tried to see what he saw.
"I don't see it! I thought I would, since I'm used to seeing flowers all the time..." You said while still looking up in wonder.
Bakugou sat up and rested his elbows on his knees, "That's right. You're a florist ain't you? What made you wanna do that?"
You stayed lying down and answered him, "Yeah, I've been a florist for a few years now. I chose it because of my quirk."
"What is your quirk anyways? Is it something with plants and all that crap?"
"Yep. I can talk to plants, so taking care of them is much easier and I love being able to help others that are struggling with their own plants."
Bakugou rubbed his hand along the grass, "So me doing this... is it hurting the grass?"
You closed your eyes and listened, hearing the grass ask what it was that was rubbing all over them.
"It's not hurting them, but they can feel it."
He pulled his hand away. "What about walking on the grass. Does that hurt 'em?"
"Sometimes it can. If you're walking normally, then no. But if you're stomping all over them, then yes it does hurt them." You said, finally sitting up and facing him.
You leaned over and ran your hand along the top of the grass very lightly, hearing the voice of the grass sigh at the feeling. You learned early on after developing your quirk that most plants actually enjoy being pet, if you can call it that.
"They like it when you do this to them. Just make sure you do it really gently." You said while showing him how to pet the grass.
He followed your directions with a grunt and did the same motion as you.
You laughed lightly, "Petting grass is kind of silly now that I think about it. I guess it's different since I know that the grass likes it."
He shook his head and pulled his hand away, "It's not. I think it's interesting. I have some plants at home, now I'm wonderin' if they're happy with me."
You giggled at that, "I'm sure they are. But thank you. I always felt like my quirk wasn't super useful since I couldn't be a hero, y'know?"
"You don't gotta be a hero to have a useful quirk. Everyone can find a way to use their quirk, trust me."
You smiled softly, "You know what, you're really sweet. You don't portray yourself like that on the media at all."
"I ain't sweet." He said looking away shyly.
"If you say soooo." You cooed.
He smirked lightly and looked at you, "Thanks for uh, being genuine by the way."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be genuine?"
"I mean like, almost everyone I've met just wants to be with me because I'm a hero. It just makes dating a lot harder, I guess."
You frowned at his words. You knew there were people who were out for money, but to play with someone's feelings like that? That was just heartless. You knew Bakugou was a grown man and fully capable of handling himself, but you couldn't help but feel bad.
You place on of your hands on top of his and said, "I understand what you mean, and I want to let you know that I don't have any bad intentions at all."
"I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of you as a hero," You continued, "but right now I'm getting to know you as Bakugou. So I hope you'll continue to allow me to."
Bakugou genuinely smiled. No smirk, or sly remark following it. Just a smile.
"Thanks. That means more than you know. But on that same topic, I also wanted to talk to you about a boundary I have if we're going to continue seeing each other." He said seriously.
You nodded your head and listened attentively.
"Because of my line of work, I just ask that you be honest with me about things. I fuckin' hate liars in general, but I really need you to understand that I can't have someone around if they're gonna be keepin' secrets and shit." He said frowning, almost as if he was thinking of a particular person when speaking about liars.
You nodded and smiled. "I promise, I'll be completely honest with you. I really wanna keep seeing you and if that's all it takes then I'm willing to do it."
He grunted. "Good. Let's clean up now, I'll take you home."
Just as you were about to start cleaning up, your phone went off. You picked it up quickly and saw that it was an email, a notification from the site you write fan fiction on.
You bit your lip and thought about what Bakugou just said. Deciding to ignore the notification, you just continued to clean up.
After Bakugou had dropped you off back at home, you quickly changed into your pajamas and got comfortable.
You said goodnight to Cheerios and your plants, who said goodnight back.
When you got in bed, you looked through your emails and at the notifications from HeroFiction.com that you had received earlier.
You began to think about Bakugou's words again.
"I fuckin' hate liars."
You shook your head and tried to rid away any negative thoughts you had. This secret wasn't that big of a deal, and it was probably for the better that he didn't know.
Keeping one secret wouldn't hurt, right?
next chapter
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authors note
i had fun writing this chapter :) i hope you liked it! i also hope you liked softer bakugou here, hehe.
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19
(those in pink are not able to be tagged unfortunately)
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
18+ / fem!reader
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ok but bakugou with a bimbo!reader as a girlfriend?
honestly, he might seem mean, stoic and perhaps even humourless to others, however he simply adores you and turns all sorts of soft and gooey underneath all that hard exterior whenever he lays his eyes on you: his sweet little girlfriend.
you're just too precious not to love. all dolled up and smelling sweet like sugar and ripe summer fruit no matter the time of day or activity, you make him want to eat you right up just because of how simply adorable you are without even trying; outright make him want to lick his fingers clean right after. one after the other.
constantly getting lost and being so clearly ditzy, he insists on protecting you at all costs so that he can keep you close and, even more importantly, safe. he does that on the regular, of course - being a pro hero and all - however the skirts you wear despite the cold weather outside are so short that he feels the need to stand behind you in public even when he's not on the job; making sure that nobody can ever steal a peek of your cutesy underwear that you wear underneath.
those are for his eyes only, after all. only for his hands to touch and for his teeth to jokingly tug at until it's not all that funny anymore and thick tension rises between you.
and sure, bakugou knows that you're able to protect yourself from the perverts and the odd, borderline obsessed fans of his - to some degree. he's taught you some basic self-defence moves over the months, and made sure to beat it into your pretty little head that you are to keep the pepper spray - the one he got you as a "present" a little while after he'd reluctantly made your relationship official on live television - nice and secure in your comically small handbag, however the need to keep you from harm's way is simply too strong to ignore.
because clearly, you're just too naive to notice danger in a way he is able to. too nice to say a definite 'no' to a sleazy creep before it's a little too late. i mean, what if someone were to take advantage of you? hurt you? he couldn't possibly bear the consequences. not a man like him. no, no.
but it's okay, that's why you've got him - the big, strong pro hero, right at your side like a scary guard dog of sorts that will roll onto its back only for you. you've got his mean stare that he aims, oh, so expertly at the people that wish to bother you, but that he never, never points at you. his low hiss of warning that's accompanied with an even quieter threat of broken bones, which he always makes extra sure you can't hear him say, much less execute. his big, protective hand on the small of your back; thick fingers stroking, reassuring. his lips touching your temple whenever no one is looking, a mere ghost of a kiss placed on your skin as a silent reminder of his love for you. of his male pride and naturally embedded possessiveness.
and he actually does love you, he truly does. he loves how simple things with you are, how you just let him take care of you and spoil you rotten because you know it makes him feel needed; that it gives him purpose. how you run up to him, all eager and excited, and nearly throw yourself at him to squeeze him into a hug, not caring if anyone sees. how you bat your eyelashes up at him so sweetly as you touch his biceps and tell him how strong he is after he returns from the gym.
he loves how you always wait for him to come back after work even if he's told you a million times that you don't have to stay up, giving the big house a sense of home as you wash his hair for him after brushing him off with a giggle. loves how you scrub away the dirt and grime afterwards, and kiss every single one of his scars that dot his arms and chest inside the candle-lit bathroom, whose ambiance he can't help but find sort of corny even though he secretly enjoys it nonetheless.
and he also loves how much you blatantly love him in return, too. he loves your little good morning texts that are filled to the brim with sparkly heart emojis, as well as all of the surprise visits to his agency. he loves your lousy sugar cookies and your seemingly never-ending affection. how you never seem to even think about giving up on him, even if he's, let's be honest, an absolute pain in the ass.
and that's not all. he also loves how good you respond to him; to his touches. how you stare up at him with wide heart eyes whenever he's in the mood and his warm hands begin to stroke your body in a way that means something more. loves how you whimper so softly and mewl like a little kitten whenever he turns you around and mounts you like the big beast he is compared to you; red eyes watching as your pretty nails start clawing at the expensive bed sheet because of his slow, tired rhythm that reaches deep into your heart, soul, womb, but never your brain.
he loves how eager you are to please him. how you have absolutely no problem stroking his ego in the same way you also stroke his cock whenever he asks for it. how you open up for him any place, any time, with no trouble whatsoever; your body so pliant and soft just for him to devour.
he loves how his name sounds broken as you try to moan it out whilst you're bouncing on top of him and he spanks your ass and calls you a dumb slut. how your eyes roll into the back of your head as he pushes forward and puts you in a mating press a moment later. how tears roll down your cheeks as you choke on his length when he asks you to suck him off at the end, and how you accept a hefty amount of inches down your throat even if the mascara and glitter of your pretty make up makes your eyes burn.
and god, he adores how silly you look afterwards; completely fucked out of your ditzy mind as he cradles you to sleep, subtly ignoring how sticky you both are because of all the cum between your legs. you'll shower and change the bedding in the morning. he can't even be bothered to wipe away the sweat from his face, much less move you - that's how tight of a hold you've got on him.
and as he stares down at you, looking at your satisfied smile that's adorning your lips, katsuki thinks you're just so dumb. constantly giggly and almost painfully girlish, you're nothing but an airhead, really. much to everyone's surprise, however, he finds it sort of endearing.
you're his little airhead. and he loves you so much.
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reblogs are appreciated <3
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eternal-evergreens · 25 days
hello! i saw the request open so i would like to request yandere azul from twst having a relationship with his darling (fem reader) but deep down his darling started to get tired of the relationship because y'know, his yandere tendencies. especially he's super clingy to her it makes her suffocated around him.
thank you,
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。⁠*゚⁠+*⁠.⁠✧ "Error 30004" 。⁠*゚⁠+*⁠.⁠✧
Post type: drabble
Pairing: Yandere!Azul Ashengrotto x Fem!Reader
Word count: 744
Warnings: Angst, pretty tame for a yandere fic actually
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Being Azul's girlfriend wasn't...without benefits, but the cons are slowly, steadily starting to outweigh the pros. He is far, far too dependant on you. And aside from the mental exhaustion his clinginess causes you, you're sure it can't be healthy for him, either.
Truthfully, you should have broken up with him a long, long time ago.
To be fair, you have tried. It's just...whenever you start to steer the conversation to something more somber, it's as if you can hear his heart breaking into little pieces.
The image of his face, tear-stricken and blindsided, keeps you up at night.
But enough is enough. This is the sixth time he's tried to delay your departure just tonight. It was well past midnight, and you were supposed to have been gone by five.
"Oh dear, would you look at the time? I'm afraid I simply cannot allow you to walk home at this hour. Why don't you stay the night? I've already made the preparations, just in case." Of course he has.
You take a deep breath, square your shoulders, and look him in the eyes. "Azul," you say. "This would be the eighth night in a row that you've asked me to stay over. I already told you that Grim is waiting for me back at Ramshackle. I promised him I'd come home tonight. I told you that I'd go home tonight."
"But I couldn't possibly let you walk home in the dark, even with me to walk you back it'd still be—"
"—'Improper'. I know, Azul. You've given me this spiel a hundred times before. At this point I spend more time in Octavinelle than I do in my own dorm!"
"Is that such a bad thing?" He asks. His composure is wavering. An ordinary person wouldn't be able to tell, but you know him well enough to know the difference. He shakily reaches for you hand, but you bat it away. You sigh heavily, closing your eyes and putting your hand up to your temple.
"Azul, I can't do this anymore. I need space. You aren't even giving me room to breathe."
"...You're...breaking up with me...?" His voice is cracked, and you can hear him holding back a sob. Against your better judgement, you crack an eye open. Clear grey eyes welling with tears, a wobbly lip, pinched eyebrows. It's the very same face that you'd been fearing all this time.
Your resolve cracks.
"I just—I just need a break. We don't have to break up, just—just show me that we can live without each other, okay? It's not healthy. We're not healthy."
"...o...ut...?" Azul mumbles something, but you can't make it out over his cries.
"What was that?" You ask, trying to sound as gentle as possible.
"So what?!" He says, nearly yelling. "So what if it's not healthy?! We love each other, don't we?!"
"Azul..." He begins to break down in your arms. You hesitantly hold him as he cries, rubbing soft circles into his back. After what feels like an eternity wrapped up in an hour, Azul's sobs finally calm down enough for him to speak.
"We love each other..." He says, nearly murmuring. "Isn't that enough...?" Neither of you say anything more, and eventually, his breathing evens out, indicating he's finally asleep.
Your sleeves are wet. It's been a long night
Gently laying Azul onto his pillow, you check the bedside clock. It's one in the morning. Grim is going to give you an earful...assuming he's awake enough to care, that is.
In the bathroom, a spare toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, hair ties, face wash, makeup.
In the bedroom, an extra pillow, spare clothes, an overnight bag, a sleep mask, a weighted blanket.
In your bag, school supplies, snacks, a water bottle, a friendship bracelet with a paw charm. Your resolve strengthens.
You pack up your things, all of them, and leave. When you get back to Ramshackle, you send a quick text, and then promptly shut off your phone.
I went back to Ramshackle. I took all my overnight stuff with me, too. Won't be needing it anymore. Sorry, Azul, but I lied. This is the end.
You have -78- missed calls.
You have 62 new voicemails.
You sigh, quickly hitting something on your phone before shutting it off again. You knew you shouldn't have looked.
From across the campus, Azul stares at his screen.
Message failed to deliver.
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─── 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐕𝐈 ( 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 )
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Summary: Being Belly & Steven’s older sibling has it’s pros cons. protecting them and taking care of them is a must, but do you really have to put their feelings first instead of your own?
Prev || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: s2 spoilers (?), angst, fluff, swearing. (lmk if i missed anything!)
Today was the day that I’m leaving. I’m going back home early — It hurts to go back home, I didn’t want to go back home but I just had to. I want to make things easier for them, easier for me. Easier for me to move on.
It was 10 in the morning — I’m on the floor — still packing my clothes, leaving some of them so I can use something incase I come back here.
There was a knock on my door — It was Jeremiah. I told him to come in, “Hey pretty girl” Jeremiah sat down on the floor — helping me fold my clothes so I can pack faster.
“Hey Jere” smiling at him — he was consistent with that nickname, not going to lie, I love it. It always made me feel pretty.
Jeremiah looked at me, reaching for my hand “Are you really sure that you’re leaving?” he asked me, his eyes filled with hope. He wanted me to stay but what was his place for him to do that? He was just my bestfriend — he thought.
I nodded, holding his hand. I am certain that he is aware of the fact that I had never intended it to reach to this point — because all we ever wanted was a a good summer, was to spend time with each other.
“I’ll miss you” He pulled me closer to him, I was now sitting between his legs — his arms wrapped around me. “I’ll miss you too, Jere” I said, leaning on him — hugging his arms.
There was a knock again, It was Steven. Jeremiah looked back and told him to come in. He came in and walked towards us, sitting beside Jeremiah — hugging the both of us.
“I’ll miss this” Steven said, his head tucked between us “Hey, we’ll do this again next summer. Don’t worry” I smiled at him — pulling away from Jeremiah so I can see Steven’s face then I placed my hands on his cheeks.
“I wish that we can do this next summer” Jeremiah started to tear up, worried of what might happen in the future. He was scared that everything will go wrong, he hated the thought of that.
I looked up at Jeremiah, sitting up, placing my hands on his cheek “We’ll be able to do this next year okay? you guys, no crying” I frowned — looking at Steven, he was crying too.
I laughed, “Steven stop it, you look ugly crying” Jeremiah stopped crying just to look at Steven, he started laughing too. “You guys are so mean to me!” Steven sobbed — I went to him then hugged him.
“Oh little brother, you’re going to be alright. We’ll just see each other when you guys get home okay?” I felt his head nod.
We just stayed like this for a while, laughing then crying. I guess this was a good way to spend my last day here in Cousins, with my two favorite boys. Steven and Jeremiah.
For the last time, I went to the beach just to say goodbye to it. The beach here has always been a part of me ever since I was little. It was my favorite place here in Cousins.
When I was about to walk towards the shore, I saw Conrad. I wanted to back out, to walk back and go home — but would it hurt me to talk to him for the last time? the least thing I can do was go up to him and say a proper goodbye.
I walked towards him — he might’ve felt my presence because he looked back at me, smiling a little. “Hey” I said, before sitting down beside him.
I saw a cigarette in his lips — it wasn’t used yet. “You know, you should stop doing this thing” I pulled it out of his lips and threw it away.
He chuckled “Goodbye, my cigarette” he said — playfully frowning and waving his hand. He looked at me, making a face.
“Oh come one, Conn- Conrad. That thing will kill you” I hit him gently on the arm — rolling my eyes. I still care for him you know, he’s still my bestfriend.
He rolled his eyes playfully “Don’t roll your eyes on me” I said, scrunching my nose — he made a face, copying me.
“So are you really leaving?” He looked at me — same way Jeremiah looked at me earlier, his eyes filled with hope. He also never expected his summer to end like this, so much drama, so much pain.
I nodded, looking up at him. “You know.. I talked to mom last night” He looked back at me before laying down on the sand.
“Yeah?” I said as I laid down beside him — putting my arms behind my head.
“Yeah, we just talked about what I wanted for college. We also talked about my relationship with Belly.” He turned to me — facing me. He smiled gently, I can see that he’s genuine.
I faced him, putting my hand under my cheeks “That’s nice. So you guys are serious huh?” I said, looking at him in the eyes.
He nodded, confirming their relationship. I turned around and laid on my back — sighing. That was the only answer I was waiting for — I guess i’ll be at peace now, now that I know that Conrad is serious for my sister.
“That’s nice, just… just take care of her for me.”
“Ofcourse, Y/N.” Conrad said, nodding — sitting up.
“Enough of this talk. Wanna go get ice cream? just like the old times” He offered a hand, pulling me up. I nodded.
It was now 3 in the afternoon — after me and Conrad ate ice cream, I decided to go back in the house to finish my packing. After I got done packing I decided to go downstairs to talk to Susannah.
There she was in the dining room, I walked towards her and sat beside her. “Hi Susannah” I looked at her — smiling, reaching for her hand.
She turned to me and smiled. “Hi special girl”
“So I heard about what happened with you, Belly & your mom” She looked at me with gentle eyes — caressing my hand.
I looked down, “I-I’m sorry about that”, She pulled me closer to her “Hey, don’t be sorry” she said, shaking her head no.
“I just didn’t want the summer to end like this, It just feels like i’m losing everyone” I said, my lips trembling.
“But you’re not” she said, putting a finger under my chin, telling me to loon at her. I looked up to her, I saw her smiling — her eyes filled with hope. “This place is always here for you, Y/N. For all of you.”
“Yeah but, y-you made every summer magical” I said looking up — tears started to form in my eyes. Susannah made this place magical, this was her place. “What… what happens if-“
“Hey, hey, I know that you love this place just like I do”
“If anyone can keep the magic then it’s you and you know that”
I looked at her, before shaking my head no. “B-But, it wouldn’t be the same”
“It doesn’t have the be the same, Y/N. You’re supposed to make new memories every year, it’s okay” Susannah said — hugging me closer, kissing the top of my head.
This was the only reason why I didn’t want to go because what if when I come back here Susannah’s not here anymore? I’d forever blame myself for that.
I said my goodbyes to Susannah and Jeremiah. Belly wasn’t here, she was with Conrad — I don’t know where, I don’t care.
It was just mom, Steven, Susannah, and Jeremiah here. I gave all of them hugs. “Look, you can still stay if you want. No pressure with you leaving” my mom said, holding my arms.
“No, I’m okay. I just need to get my mind off of things.” I looked at her — she nodded and pulled away.
“I’ll see you when we get home okay? please take care of yourself for the mean time.” Steven said — pulling me closer to him hugging me.
Jeremiah stood behind me and joined our hug, “I’ll see you next year” I pulled away and nodded.
I walked towards Susannah and gave her a really tight, I never wanted to let go. I shouldn’t have, I shouldn’t stayed.
“Please when I come back, I want to see you here. I’ll see you okay?” I sobbed — not wanting to let her go.
“Special girl, i’ll be here okay?” she pulled away — she placed her hands on my cheeks and caressed it — then she placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Go on now, It’ll get dark soon.” She said, I nodded and gave all of them another goodbye hug.
As I walked out of the door — I saw Belly walking with Conrad. It was Conrad first who looked at me then Belly, she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug.
I hugged back “I am so sorry, Y/N. For accusing you and for hurting you. I promise i’ll explain everything to mom. I’m so sorry, please just stay” she sobbed — her arms tightening around me.
I pulled away then wiped her tears — “It’s going to be okay, we’ll see each other when you guys get home okay?” she looked at me and sobbed more — then nodded.
“I have to go. Conrad, take care of her.” he looked at me and nodded. I walked towards my car — I got inside of it and started it. As I started to drive it I saw Conrad in my mirror - waving — I smiled before driving off.
After Spring
Belly’s Pov
A lot of things happened after summer, Me and Conrad got together but broke up after awhile —we just needed to focus on much more important things. Things are awkward betwen me and Jeremiah. My mom made a book about Susannah — Steven is now graduating, he got into Princeton.
We also never saw Susannah ever again. It was spring when she passed away. After she passed, we never saw y/n come out of her room ever again, she would only come out to eat and when she had to go to school.
Y/N regretted leaving early last summer, she regretted not spending her last days with Susannah. She regretted it so much, she blamed herself for it.
Even at Susannah's funeral, we never saw her cry. There was never a tear shed by her. She cried her heart out when she is alone because she thought that she had to be strong for us, for her family.
We all began to feel distant from her as she stopped talking to people. We all did our own things after she passed. After Susannah's death, our lives were never the same as it was before.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx
this is the last part of before everything happened !! thank you so much for all of the love — just lmk if you guys have any requests !! i’ll try to make em :)) again, thank you — i appreciate all of you so much <3
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, death, stalking, violence, obsessive behavior, obsessive behavior, unhealthy relationship, blood
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Your totally normal isekaid househusband
Vil by himself is already... something?
But then imagine, someone that can use magic ending up in our world
Yeah, becoming more or less a househusband is not exactly high on the list of possibilities
Jokes on the list though, that is exactly what Vil did
One year later and he is standing in an apron in your kitchen whilst you are rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, him greeting you with a “Have you slept well? I made breakfast.”
He can barely suppress himself from hanging a “darling” at the end
Or from proposing to you but Vil wants to do that with style... and when he is finally able to calm down enough that the thought of marriage with you doesn't make him a flustered puddle
For anyone else he wouldn't even have lifted a finger but for you? He is the perfect stay at home partner
The Chronicles of neighbor gossip speaks of a legend that says that angels are weeping tears of joy and singing chorus whenever Vil wipes the house own for the last speck of dust
Despite being held in such high regard, Vil is not part of the tightly-knit neighborhood spy system
Aka hpstay at home partners gossiping with each other
Oh no, he has better things to do
Like making sure that one coworker of yours finally gets it and stays away
Doesn't matter if they are from the opposite or the same gender as you
Once you brought over a new coworker that was a bit too pushy and followed you all the way back home just for them to be found dead the next morning
You would believe that the model would return to modeling, needing that sweet sweet cash, but no, he doesn't
Why should he when he can also do your laundry and smell the sweet smell of your shampoo that has rubbed into the fabric... WHY ARE YOU SO EARLY HOME??!
And he totally does not want to speak into a pillow whenever you look at him with that cute, tired expression when you come home after a long day
The only time Vil cares to be social is when it could be for your benefit or he has to make sure that no one gets too close to you
Ok, yeah, you probably aren't a fan of that one noisy neighbor lady... Let him take care of her?
Oh you know, just let him bake some cakes...
“No da- *ahem* don't take a piece. I made them for her. It never hurts to be nice, right?”
Pro tip, DO NOT open his closet
If you do, you might find yourself feeling a bit invaded when it comes to your privacy
But other than that, he is a perfect househusband!
Do me a favor though, ok? Don't let too many others into the house
One day you might hear something snap and then the kitchen needs a change of wallpaper
And maybe the police needs to be called but who am I to talk
It's not like the crime rate went up after he arrived, right?
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namjoon-koya · 2 years
Hello how are you? can i ask you for an imagine or headcanons please with Aizawa and Hawks if you don't mind where his girlfriend Y/N who is a pro hero (top 10 and with a strong quirk) got in the way during the fight with Stain and the students of UA and was found injured
Aizawa and Hawks finding you injured.
Warning: mentions of panic attacks in Aizawa’s hcs.
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Hawks and you were patrolling different areas that night, usually the both of you would share coms so you two could continue to speak with each other. It wasn’t supposed to be different, it was supposed to be the two of you talking about what to do once you guys got back home. He thought to himself as he raced to go find you, the last thing he heard was a muffling sound before you completely cut off.
That’s when he got an alert, for pro-heroes to stay on high alert for a villain killing pro-heroes. Hawks felt a lump in his throat as he rushed to find you, and once he did he almost wanted to cry. Thankfully you were surrounded by other pro-heroes, but he could see the slashes on your arms and few faint ones on your cheek.
He landed quickly a few pro-heroes tried to stop him, but he pushed them aside. Not caring if a few even glared at him for that, he noticed Endeavor was next to you his large hand gently holding onto your wrist almost like if he was trying to find a pulse, he felt his heart sink fuck please no. “She’ll be okay.” Endeavor spoke up “we need to get her to the hospital.” Once endeavor got up away from you, he noticed hawks “you shouldn’t underestimate her, without her the u.a students would’ve gotten hurt.”
Relief settled into him when he realized that you were just exhausted, but still he didn’t like seeing you like this. Endeavor was able to fill hawks in with a few details about the battle, stating Stain’s quirk is able to make people paralyzed temporarily. He stayed with you at the hospital, even if his agency told him he needed to do a task for them he ignored their texts and calls.
Shit do they not understand that YOU got attacked? Hell he’s not leaving your side until you wake up, and once you did Hawks would gently hold onto your hand. Squeezing it a few times and would relax when you would squeeze his back, it was a reassurance to him.
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Stain is going to get FUCKED UP, not only for harming his students, but for also harming you. He’s lucky Aizawa wasn’t there to deliver a blow to his face like he did with dabi, Aizawa has always been the type to never show much of his emotions. The only time he did is when he was around you, you could literally kiss the scar on his face and he’d automatically melt into you.
So it was definitely a scary event to the person who had to break the news to Aizawa of you being near the area, in which stain was attacking pro-heroes. Aizawa didn’t hesitate to quickly jump into action and go find you, if you got angry at him then he could handle it. He’d rather not sit there and grade papers knowing you’re somewhere not safe, or probably getting attacked by stain.
Yet once he did find you, his stomach sank. He could see the blood oozing from your arms as you had your back against a brick wall, a few pro-heroes surrounded you as some of them tried to stop the bleeding. Aizawa felt like he failed you, he wasn’t fast enough if he was here sooner he wouldn’t have to see the scene in front of him unfolding. He pushed by and kneeled beside you, he hand gently brushing against your forehead. You only shifted, but didn’t open your eyes.
He felt like he’s going to have a panic attack, how long did it take the ambulance to come?! Once they did arrive and took you to the hospital he didn’t leave your side once, even while he had to be grading school work he waited in the lobby. Until the nurses told him where your room number was, he stayed at your bedside. Only leaving to get coffee from the cafeteria and occasionally food, he didn’t want to leave your side for too long in case you woke up.
When you did wake up, Aizawa would press so many kisses against your face even while you complained about his stubble scratching your face. He was just happy to have you back.
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wally smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (17/06/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; sfw | nsfw
character(s) ; wally darling (standard vers)
outline ; “Can I get Wally x reader nsfw hcs?
I'm 22 btw (also yea props to clown for finding away to allow nsfw while also being able to avoid it if they want)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, assumed human-accurate anatomy
note ; please block the ‘playfellowxxx’ tag if you don’t want to see any nsfw content for this fandom — it’s the tag created by clown for this exact purpose
additional note ; before anyone asks about it; i am using the main ‘x reader’ tags for this post because they are necessary for navigation/filtering as well as accurate to the content itself (it is x reader after all). blocking the ‘playfellowxxx’ tag will stop nsfw content (that’s tagged correctly) from popping up for anyone who doesn’t want to see it — i know this because this is how i got rid of o/c and other squicky fics in the x reader tags i follow lol. it’s also why i have a universal blog tag.
so, yeah, stay safe and block any tags you want to avoid.
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
very sexually inexperienced before you but he’s a quick learner and adapts well to your needs/desires in the bedroom based on your feedback and your reactions
leans more towards soft dominance — the sort that involves taking care of his partner rather than actively being domineering and aggressive
that being said he’s happy to top or bottom depending on your preference
i guess that makes him kind of a service top?
mostly prefers vanilla sex with the occasional dip into kinkier territory — but always makes use of a consent system so that you have every possible opportunity to back out (and so does he)
it’s probably an adapted version of the traffic light system
he’s pretty traditional in regards to positions and will usually default to missionary — but could probably be convinced to test out standing sex or riding
unlikely to initiate sex unless it’s established that you’re needy but too shy to initiate yourself
average to low libido, which means that most of your sexual encounters will be him getting you off before going back to whatever he was doing beforehand
related to the above point: his love language is acts of service which lends itself heavily to your sex life
not loud per say but he is vocal, quietly praising and encouraging you as he pleasures you — occasionally asking how you’re feeling, what you want and if he’s okay to touch you there
the terms he frequents the most are ‘beautiful’, ‘you’re doing so well’, ‘that’s it’ and ‘is this okay?’
also enjoys receiving praise and depending on your position he’ll either pause and fluster or he’ll beam and thank you for it — though either way his cheeks and ears and neck will be going from yellow to pinkish
big fan of more decorative scenes/kinks — of which he has many paintings hung around your second bedroom (which has become something of a makeshift playroom)
so things like: lingerie/leathers/latex/corsets, suspension, decorative bondage, etc.
prefers to use softer materials rather than rope to tie you up in the moment — but if you’re just modelling for a painting then he’ll relent and use the traditional rope and chains
also enjoys body worship — both giving and receiving
though if you’re especially soft and genuine in your appreciation for him and his body then this poor puppet is going to melt and become putty in your hands
king of aftercare and will make sure that you’re physically and mentally sound even if you only got as far as a messy makeout session
doesn’t like pushing you and is very aware of your limits, which means that overstimulation and the like are very unlikely to pop up
though accidents do happen and there have certainly been moments where he’s gotten a tad overzealous and overstimulated you to the point of tears — but he was incredibly apologetic and made sure to take care of you properly after the fact
not really the sort to use specific names in bed (like master, for example) because he’s the sort to value intimacy over kink — the furthest he might go is carrying through pet names from outside of the bedroom (‘love’, ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’)
not into traditional marking but gets terribly flustered if he notices that you’ve left lipstick stains on his body
would be up for painting you nude — be that portraying your body on a canvas or using your body as a canvas — as a type of foreplay (though he wouldn’t know how to ask howdy for body safe paints)
a lot more sexually sensitive than he lets on — particularly in regards to his chest and his inner thighs (but this would only ever come up if you convince him to let you take care of him as a treat)
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Fat Gum x reader - perfect to me
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If you want, could you please do Fat Gum x reader. Where the reader feels self conscious about their weight, and begins to skip meals (if you want to write about that) only for FG to stop them and makes them feel better about their weight. - Anon💜
TW: mentions of meal skipping
The favourite part of the day for the pro hero was coming home to you making something for dinner.
Usually you finished work first, and providing that he didn’t have to stay and do extra work for any reason, he was always home around the same time each evening.
Today was no different, as fat gum got home, the smell of whatever you were making for dinner drifted through the air, and he grinned to himself, making his way inside.
He first went to the kitchen, seeing you standing by the stove in one of his very large hoodies that drowned your form.
“As always you’re cooking smells amazing!” He beamed.
You smiled, laughing softly as you turned around, holding your arms out to him.
Walking over, your boyfriend swept you into a hug, and you laughed even more, wrapping your arms around his neck the best you could.
One of your favourite things about his quirk was how huggable it made him, and you wondered if that’s why everybody else loved him as well.
But you did notice a slight change in how you were able to hug him, and you frowned a little bit.
“Did you have a hard day?” You asked.
Fat gum chuckled a little bit, carefully setting you back down on the ground.
“I got a little beat up, but it’s alright because the villains were no match for me!”
“Were you hurt? Are you okay?”
Fat Gum smiled softly at you, placing his hands on the side of your face.
“I’m okay sweets, really, I didn’t even feel it.”
You frowned a little bit but you nodded your head.
He gave you a gentle smile, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then he stood back up.
“I’ll be right back, you sit down and relax, I can do the rest!”
He wondered away, and you went back to cooking dinner, tugging at the hoodie a little bit now that he was gone.
You didn’t want him to pick up on what you were doing, so you had to wait for him to leave, and despite the fact his hoodie pretty much covered you from head to toe, you felt like it was still too tight.
Sighing to yourself, you leant against the counter as you pulled out a couple of plates and bowls, setting them on the side.
Fat gum wondered back in, and he gently placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, I said relax, I’ve got this, you’ve been working all day.”
“So have you.” You responded.
“I’ve been sitting in my office all day, you’ve been all over the place, you need to take care of yourself and make sure you get plenty of rest.”
You knew he wasn’t going to give up, so you nodded, stepping aside.
He liked looking after you, when he was home he did pretty much everything you normally would when he was away, from the cooking to the cleaning, he did it all for you.
Walking over to the living room, you sat on the couch, picking up your laptop from the table so you could focus on a presentation you had for work.
While you were doing that, you could hear the sounds of food being plated up, being set on the table in front of you.
“There you go, eat up!” He beamed.
Fat Gum sat down with his own food, starting to eat when he noticed you didn’t pick up your bowl.
“Sweets?” He asked.
You hummed a little, glancing over at him before turning back to your laptop.
“Your foods going to get cold.”
“Oh, that’s all for you. I had something a little earlier because I’ve got to finish this presentation for tonight.”
“You cooked all this for me?” He asked.
You nodded your head, giving him a warm smile.
“Yeah, I know you’ve been dealing with a lot of villains, so I want to make sure you’re quirk is fully ready just in case, plus I needed a break from work and I noticed you’d be home soon.”
While Fat Gum was eating, you resting comfortably against his side, and when he finished he wrapped an arm around you, letting your work peacefully.
He thought it was a one off, but he began to notice that you would claim to have already eaten more.
He would come home and you’d be making his dinner, then go off to do your own thing while he ate.
And then you began to wear is hoodies and shirts a lot more around the house as well, sometimes tugging at them.
After the third night in a row of you not eating with him he set his food down, and you looked up from your book a little confused.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“Come here sweets.”
He held his arms out, and you got up from the warm spot on the windowsill you were sat on, making your way over.
Fat Gum swept you into his arms, resting you in his lap, looking down at you with concern.
“Why aren’t you eating?” He asked.
“I’ve already eaten.”
He shook his head.
“No you haven’t, I know you haven’t been eating properly and I’m worried about you. It’s not like you not to eat with me.”
You sighed softly.
“I promise I’m okay.”
He stood up, you still in his arms and he carried you to the bathroom, setting you down in front of the mirror, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Do you know what I see when I look at you?” He asked.
You shook your head.
“I see the embodiment of the word perfect, in every sense of the word that it could ever be used for! I see the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on, with the most beautiful and kindest heart.”
Fat Guy grinned a little bit.
“I see the person I want to spend my whole life with!”
Then his smile fell, turning into a frown as he turned you to look at him.
“I also see the love of my life struggling with how they look, constantly worrying about their weight, and how they look to others. I see you slowly loosing confidence in yourself, and hating yourself more and more each day.”
He got on his knees, letting him be at a better height with you, and he held his hands out.
You placed your hands on his, letting him bring them to his chest.
“I think you’re perfect the way you are, and you shouldn’t have to change how you look to be happy…” he whispered.
You sniffled a little.
“I’m sorry…”
“No! No! Don’t be sorry! You have nothing to be sorry about!” He rushed out.
He let out a small sight.
“I just want you to look after yourself, and not eating isn’t healthy. I know it can be hard, I understand, sometimes I don’t like how my quirk works, I don’t like I have to eat so much or be so big.”
“No! You’re perfect!” You argued.
“So are you sweets! It’s why I love you!”
Leaning forward, you gave him a gentle kiss before you pulled away to see his grinning face.
“I love you too.”
“So will you eat dinner with me?” He grinned.
You let out a soft laugh, and you gently nodded your head.
“Of course I will.”
He cheered, standing up and he swept you into his arms again, carrying you back over to the couch, sitting you in his lap as he held a plate to you.
You tucked yourself against him, taking it and resting it on your knees, and he took his own plate back so he could eat.
While eating, he noticed your putting some food into his plate, and taking some of his for your own plate, and he just grinned to himself as he carried on eating.
He was going to keep an extra close eye on you for a long time, but he knew you would be okay
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sminiac · 7 months
Congrats on 400 followers🎉🥳🥳. Could you do a scenario for Piwon and how they would break up with you/ their reaction to realizing that they don’t love you anymore?
💌 — Thank you sm sweets! <3 I loooove writing angst even though I don’t get reqs for it, BUT YES. Was lowkey excited to pull up my feels playlist for this :b
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⋆ Y. Keeho
So, so quiet, and diluted. He’s very naive when it comes to loving someone so in the first flicker of insecurity he’s immediately calling it quits in fear of dragging something out that’ll possibly never lead to anything deeper, or getting too attached to a point where it’s unnecessarily difficult and painful.
Curls in on himself more and more in the days leading up to him finally talking to you and when he does it, it’s not the most surprising thing. Hearing him abruptly cut off from his words and backing away from his train of thought because the tears find home in his throat so easily. Seeing him like this is rare, you’re so used to the talking being passed off to one another so seamlessly but he just continues struggling through his sentences no matter how many deep breaths and attempts to compose himself he takes. He really tries to communicate with you, lay everything out, plain and simple, but unfortunately he just can’t, his emotions get the best of him which both you and him know is completely unlike him.
He’s able to explain everything to you at a later date, which is just salt in a fresh wound, but he knows he can’t go on living like nothing that serious happened, especially after leaving you in the dark. Asks if you can meet up for coffee or call or something, is willing to write a handwritten letter if that’s what it takes to get you to hear him out. His reasonings for seeing you again are partly in best interest of himself, but he likes to think it gives you some sense of closure too, or at least a solid placement on your feelings towards him. The conversation goes quite smoothly compared to his first attempt, he even finds himself comparing the two of you now to when you first got together, it’s bittersweet, but he still cares for you so he doesn’t force it away. Holds your hand over the table while reminiscing, sharing old funny stories before parting ways.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
Doesn’t realize nor feel the gravity of the circumstances that follow his decision to leave you. In fact, in the beginning he plays with the idea as it sparks to life, figures that the cons probably far outweigh the pros anyways, so why is he really playing along with you? Hes just so busy and caught up in the limelight that he realistically can’t even begin to remember all the details, the good points in your relationship, he’s far too fast to make a concrete resolution for his own absentmindedness, and inevitably it comes back to bite him in the ass.
Very straightforward, although there’s a tenderness to his disposition the more he lets the words flow. The more he talks the more he realizes how absurd this all sounds, and he’s quick to point out any of his faults and ignorance right in front of you. The conversation does nothing but solidify his point, but it also helps him understand just how gracious you are to him, how you’ve always been, and that keeps him on track because he knows that if you were to stay that you wouldn’t be able to find that growth if your own. Sets you free in a way, even if that sounds cringy and silly, he just doesn’t want to keep you to himself- nailed to the ground when you have so much ahead of you in your life, and the life of an idol wasn’t always so easy or kind to exclusivity.
Towards the end he recalls all of the milestones he’s hit with you by his side, behind the camera, always his number 1, reminds you that if you weren’t here he probably wouldn’t have made it this far. He literally counts his blessings whilst calling himself an idiot for not realizing it sooner.
⋆ C. Jiung
The type of ex you can be friends with and be completely platonic with after breaking up let me just say, even if there’s lingering feelings he’s never acting on it or allowing you to either. He’s very quick and precise, as soon as he’s sure, even confident in telling you he’s just not quite in love with you like that anymore then he’s calling you up, telling you to come over. Jiung’s just a very comforting and easy going individual, there’s obviously going to be a palpable sense of sadness in the air but he tries to keep things light instead of saying things to further fuel the tears- it’s kind of silly though, because no matter what he’d unintentionally do just that.
Comes right out and tells you, very straightforward at first,, almost a little too blunt, but he treats the wound with a gentle dressing, reminds you that he does love you, that it’s been there for days and days, that he’s walked with it, ate with it, sang with it, that his love for you won’t just disappear in the matter of seconds because of a change of labels.
Tells you that he understands if distance is what you want, that he won’t overstep or prod if that’s not what you’re comfortable with, so dedicated that he’d make sure any mutual friends don’t speak of him to you if the topic is much too sore to touch on. But! If your boundaries don’t come with a secure extent then he’ll merely act as a friend, not one you’d go to for every rant or life experience, but one that’s there whenever you need him to be. He’d still reach out to congratulate you on every achievement, milestone, every significant date too with a fitting paragraph in thorough detail about whatever it is he’s messaging you abou :,)
⋆ H. Intak
Terribly bitter. Becomes so self deprecating and the jabs at himself are sharp, like- would actually make himself miserable about losing feelings for you. Tries to ignore it, initially he doesn’t even want to acknowledge it, but the longer he lets it sit and fester the more it mercilessly eats away at him. Takes the time to sit and talk with Keeho, sorting his thoughts and tackling the much tougher questions he couldn’t bring himself to face alone, I think he wouldn’t come to the conclusion of breaking up with you himself, it would definitely have to come from someone. The situation doesn’t feel that weighty, or lucid until someone like Keeho is telling him that it’s the only option he has.
“I’m sorry” is said quite a lot when he has the time alone with you, his eyes already bloodshot around the edges and his lips swollen. The time passes by fairly quick in retrospect, but in the moment it feels like it just drags and drags.
Intak genuinely can’t bring himself to touch you or get so close to because he knows that’s when the tears will start again and there will absolutely be no consoling him to get them to stop. Maybe you’ll think of him as being one for dramatics, but he’s just such a lover that it’s crushing to even reach this point that he’s absolutely torn on your behalf. Only makes contact with you for the last time when you’re saying your last goodbyes, your personal belongings back in your care and his shoved into a corner in his room because he physically can’t take them out and sort through it. The hug only lasts for so long before he’s letting you go, choking out a goodbye with a forced smile. He just hopes you can’t see the tears building against his lower lid.
⋆ H. Shota
Soul knows you probably wouldn’t understand, but he tries to wait it out, the feeling of doubt every time he questions himself about loving you. He realized as the days past he grew more and more uncaring about what you were doing, who you were with, he found himself eager to end calls and to be left alone, purposely ignoring any questions his members had about how you were, when they’d see you again.
As soon as he stopped questioning why you didn’t text him or call, how he wasn’t repulsed by the thought of you loving someone else the way you love him, that it was time he broke things off. He deals with his emotions quite simply, chronologically, uses his brain more than his heart because then things are strategical and easy, but things weren’t quite as painless as he expected when finally confessing to you that he wanted to break up.
He knows the tears will come, the resentment, he hates the thought of you ever thinking about him with only a sour taste in your mouth and a shell of his current self kept frozen in your memory, he wants you to know the future him, the bad and the good, but it’s an incredibly selfish thing to ask of you, to stay even if he no longer loves you romantically, it leads to his emotions doubling in size, making his own tears unceasing as he holds you, scared that once he lets go you’ll disappear forever, completely. He goes through with it of course, despite his fears and insurmountable worry, he knows better than to ask you to stay.
⋆ K. Jongseob
Seob Is fairly well acquainted with the ‘you’re so mature for your age’ approach when being complimented on his sterling dedication and drive that keeps him moving forward in the music industry, because, well duh? But the good aspect of knowing how he handles early adulthood gets a little too into his head, therefore he lacks the emotional intelligence to navigate through his feelings when it comes to a point where he’s questioning himself and your relationship because he just doesn’t have the time at his disposal to face it.
He tries to work on himself at first, his doubt, the lack of security you have in place of his side— like a sample track he’s not confident or content with, he tries and tries to make it better, and that’s inevitably the downfall of his efforts, it’s the fact he has to try to keep loving you to begin with.
He’d like to think that he redeems himself by being an open book with you when he sits you down, pouring out all of his bottled thoughts and feeling, but the crushing truth does nothing but keep your aversion to his lack of self understanding stagnant. He’s soft when telling you that the two of you should break up, gentle, because he can’t bring himself to fathom the betrayal you probably feel now knowing how he’s felt under the layers of his forced affection and uninterested feelings.
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rose-riot-johnson · 4 months
So Rose! As per usual I'm gonna request Hitoshi.
But I want to hear about a freshly turned vampire Hitoshi having hidden his turning into a being of the darkness. Then finds himself nearly fainting and due to lack of blood. They figure out and offer themselves to him as his source of feeding. So he vows to stay loyal and only feed on them (as they're established partners already) :)
Hi @hitoshisbf 😃This request of yours definitely sounds fun to write about😁👍Also this is my first time I recall writing any character, as a vampire, so I will see what I can do with writing this requested Hitoshi Shinsou fanfic🧛😃👍And as usual (if not always) pertaining the fanfics you requested I will be writing the reader as they/them reader😁👍
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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💜🧛(Adult) Shinsou The Newly Vampire🧛💜 (Hitoshi Shinsou x They/Them reader)
Genres: Mild Angst (Warning⚠️: Blood and Mentions Of Blood)
Your pro hero boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinsou, used to fight crime especially during the day, however after he came home from defeating a villain, things have changed. While it's good he has been sleeping better than usual, however he's been trying sleep in complete darkness during the day, then he has been fighting crime during nighttime. It's mainly fire and sunlight that he doesn't want around him for some reason. You just knew he was hiding something (if not multiple things) from you.
Then one night you gave noticed Hitoshi Shinsou has been nearly fainting, and when you got up close to his face you noticed fangs, as you asked him, "Are you a vampire? If yes, then why didn't you tell me?", as you had your suspicions about Shinsou becoming a freshly turned vampire, being the reason why he has become unlike his usual self. Shinsou then answered, "Yes, I'm a vampire now, (They/Them Reader Name)... You must understand... It has only been recent that this happened... I was fighting a vampire villain and he must have bitten me before I defeated him... After I defeated him, that's when sunlight has been bothering me... The reason why I haven't told you is, because I don't know if you would see me as nothing more than a monster and treat me differently... I'm afraid you wouldn't have love me anymore, if you were to find out I became a vampire, no matter the reason...".
While you weren't shocked about him being a vampire, you were really shocked about his reason why he kept the fact he became a new vampire, as long as he did. You then replied, "So this is why you kept this from me, Shinsou... I wish you would have told me! I don't care, if you're a human or a vampire... I would have still love you the same! If you would have told me sooner, you wouldn't have been nearly fainting like this! Here... Take my blood... You're lacking blood, which is why you're fainting! I gave read plenty of books especially manga and comic books about why newly vampires faint and that they need blood to survive... It's essential that you take some of my blood, atleast once in a while, for you to stay alive, Hitoshi!". Shinsou had to think about this for a minute before replying back, "If it's the only way to stay alive, fine then... However my vow to is that I will stay loyal to you and I will only feed off you... I refuse to feed off anyone else... Only you, (They/Them Reader Name)...".
You understood what he meant and agreed on his vow, as you then have him bite you, inorder for him to be able to feed off you. After the moment of his first time feeding off you, not only he feels like he's no longer fainting, he also decided he's going to take care of you, since you did willingly decide to be his source of feeding. Eversince then, the both of you have been taking care of eachother and never looking back.
Okay my Tumblr Peeps I hope you enjoyed the first fanfic I involved any character being a vampire, even if it's a freshly turned vampire🧛😁👍As for you Aevyn I hope I did well with writing this Vampire Shinsou fanfic😃👍As for genres I think mild angst is all of could think of using as genres considering How I have written the fanfic and stuff that is requested with the fanfic😅🧛😃👍
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domxmarvel · 2 years
My favourite thing
Pairing: Mirko/Rumi x Female!Reader 
Request: Could you do a rumi x fem!reader where r comes home sick but doesn’t tell rumi, and she doesn’t find out until r like passes out or throws up or something lol. Best gf rumi takes care of her gworl
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You knew from the moment you woke up that you were sick,but you powered through and got up. Rumi had already left so she wasn't there to stop you from leaving. You made it through the day but you felt far worse than you did earlier. You were hoping to get back before Rumi but the second you walked in she was already waiting for you.
"Welcome back,carrot cake" Her smile fell once she got a good look at you. "Hey what's wrong? You look a bit pale" 
"I'm fine,just tired" You lied,but immediately you felt like you had to throw up. Covering your mouth,you ran past her and into the bathroom. Immediately she was there behind you,holding your hair back. After that there was an awkward moment of silence before she quickly picked you up. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" You just stayed silent,looking at anything other than her. She sighed and backed away. "I'll get you some medicine and I'll make you some tea" You knew how hard she worked and you didn't want to burden her any further. Being a pro hero she hardly had a break or anytime to herself and you didn't want to take up whatever small amount of time she had. You hadn't heard her come back,until you heard the cup on your nightstand. "Careful it's hot" 
"Not as hot as you" She went red,not ready for what you just said. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I didn't wanna burden you,you already work so hard and I don't wanna add to that. You should be able to come home and just relax instead of taking care of me"
"Y/N,you're never a burden to me. I love you and there's nothing I'd rather be doing than taking care of you. So what do you need? I can make you some soup or do you want a massage or I could-"
"Maybe some cuddles"You interrupted. She held onto you tightly,kissing your forehead.
"Taking care of you is my favorite thing"
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
Another headcanon that I'm obsessed with (as much as I'm obsessed with the idea of Marko being Italian)
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Is David being originally from the south (This might partially be because I am a big Doc Scurlock fan but lol)
But also like..there isn't that much of a leap from gunslinger to biker in my opinion lol.
I could have seen David growing up on a farm, herding cattle with his dad and maybe brothers (I think he had 3 brothers, him being the oldest) and so he's used to taking charge, he's used to being the man of the house when his dad had to run to town, which was a two day trip.
But all good things must come to an end.
He had gone to town, a task that his father had asked one of his younger brothers to do but David did instead, after all, he had done all his chores early that day, and his brothers could take care of the horses for the one day he would be absent. He also didn't like his younger brothers going into town alone, he knew there were rough characters there.
Upon his return though he found something that had made his blood run cold...his whole family dead.
David instantly blamed himself, swore that if he would have been home he would have been able to save them, that he would have had control over the situation, even at 13.
A year later after living on his own and trying to find who killed his family, David learned the truth. His father had a few vices, 1. He was a heavy gambler, and his trips into town often left him broke and in debt. And 2. His father had an eye for taken women. Both of which left him with more enemies than friends. But it was when he got a little too friendly with and spent the night with a local gunslinger's wife that he officially had a bounty on his head.
His mother and brothers had just been casualties of the revenge.
At 14 he vowed to find the men who did it and kill them, and he spent the next 5 years doing that. Living as a gunslinger himself, taking bounties that would pay well and talking his way into the good graces of deep pocketed men and beautiful women. If he needed to, he would steal, but why steal when you can manipulate people into giving you money?
That was how he found Max, Max was one of the rich men whose good side David got on. He was impressed by David's wit, after all, in those times it was hard to find.
He had asked David what he planned to do with his life after he got his revenge, to which David didn't have an answer, having been so caught up on avenging his family, he hadn't thought of after. That was when Max offered David the gift of immortality, convinced him he would find the men faster with it, and that afterwards, well, he could do whatever he wanted. David did think it over, weighed his options, after all what Max was offering him had its pros and cons. But eventually the offer tempted him too much to pass up.
So that night Max turned him on his 21st Birthday.
And a few months later he found the gang that killed his family, getting revenge.
He wandered around a lot after that, doing whatever he pleased, but in the end he always stayed close to Max, always in the same state if not the same town. Slowly as time went on he found who he was, who he wanted to be outside of Max and his Vampirism, though he would never even think of getting rid of it if he had the chance, it was who he was now, but he knew he didn't have to be Max's shadow.
(I also think it was during his wandering that he met Dwayne and his tribe)
It took him a bit to hide his southern accent, and to this day he can still slip in and out of it.
There are also times he does think about his family, but after so long he feels very disconnected from it, like it was a whole other life, which he guesses, it was.
After all, he has three new brothers now, and he'll be damned if he lets history repeat itself.
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Like I said, I am obsessed with Southern/Gunslinger David lol
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ouatsnark · 2 months
need another debunking, saw this quote from a sq that reads "Hook's only appeal for Emma is the fact that he's into her, not anything about who he is as a person or how he connects to her- because she's only ever been interested in him romantically when he's done something nice or good for her. It's a weird, unbalanced, and borderline unhealthy dynamic because when someone is only interested in you because you follow her around and tell her you love her, it turns Emma into nothing more than a pr
"-- a prize for Hook and Hook into a person who has no worth beyond Emma. Yeah like? Emma's entire pro-Hook statement in 3b was "He brought me to Storybrooke so I trust him" and then he was able to move her enough to gain her favor by selling his home to help her out. Their relationship pretty much runs solely on Hook being present and dedicated to her, and her thanking him with kisses & stuff. She doesn't really seem to care about Hook as a person, who he is or what“ - continued quote from SQer
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I think Hook appeals to Emma, at first, because she’s physically attracted to him. Obviously whomever wrote this has not felt an attraction that’s sparked just from meeting someone. It happens! Sometimes affection grows the more you get to know someone but sometimes true love just hits you like a freight train. I think it hit Emma and Hook but neither realized it until their first kiss and Emma buried it back behind her walls to keep herself from being hurt.
And to believe she doesn’t connect to him on a deeper level, as a person, is to completely disregard all of their interactions. Emma and Hooks’ trip up the beanstalk shows them connecting over the shared pain of abandonment. Emma saw herself in Hook and you see that in the speech she gives him at the end of season 2 when she tells him he can be a part of something bigger than himself. She’s offering him a chance the way Henry offered her one. This is to say that they do share things in common. The fact that Emma has taken the time to learn about Killian (like she knows about what happened between him and Rumple) and that she is trying to help him overcome his past proves that she very much loves him. She sees the best in him and encourages him on his journey. She loves him despite his failures and rejoices in his achievements.
As for Emma only being interested in Hook when he’s done something nice to her… um… no and also so what? She was interested in Hook from day one but her walls had to come down first. Every one around them saw that they had a connection, including Regina! Besides, what do they want? For Emma to be interested in him for sitting around and doing nothing? How is an attraction going to grow into something deeper if he stays away, says nothing to her and worse does absolutely nothing for her? The complaint here is petty and makes no sense, really.
First off, Hook had already gained her favor BEFORE she finds out that he sold his home to save her and her family. She was already trusting in him with care of her son for pity’s sake. That is not an honor to take lightly. While on their journey to the past, she’d also come to know him better. She saw a softer side. A side of him that genuinely cares for her and genuinely doesn’t want to be the man she met in the past! That was his whole purpose for waiting to drop that bomb.
Furthermore, in order for there to be a relationship both parties must be present. Hook and Emma were present and dedicated to each other. It went both ways. This was not one sided. And to say that their first two kisses were “thank you” is a gross simplification for what transpired. Their first kiss really stopped being a “thank you” the moment the challenges were issued about which one wouldn’t be able to handle it. And the second one? She’d gone looking for him because she wanted to share with him that they were in the book now and that everything had gone back to normal. She was seeking him out to spend more time with him. And sure why wouldn’t she kiss a man she’d gotten to know better, that she’d enjoyed spending time with, that she’d seen another side to, after learning he’d put her needs above his own?
“But Hook isn’t motivated by “what Emma wants” or “what Emma needs,” he’s motivated by “what Hook needs, which is Emma.” And while the show is great at depicting that with Rumple as something selfish and twisted, it paints Hook as some deep romantic for it, that all he does he does out of love!! But he doesn’t do it out of love for anyone but himself. Emma talked about him bringing her back to Storybrooke in 3b like it was some magnificent thing he’d done, but he did it because he’s obsessed and has one trajectory, and that is getting Emma. He’s a pirate and he cares about treasure and right now that treasure is Emma, because she’s a goal and an object and not a person. “ - more BS from SQer
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I am going to throw Killian’s lines about “risk” and “loot” back into this because there is no way he does everything he did if it wasn’t for love. There are plenty of other women in the enchanted forest. No amount of treasure is worth your life. Also, the fact that Killian leads a rescue mission for Neal, steps aside for Neal, and then ultimately gives his life for Emma arguable goes against this notion. If you’re going to make this claim like OP did you need a little more than “trust my head canon bro, it’s legit canon.” No, not it’s not.
“We’re never given any indication that he cares about her, just that he cares about winning her over, and that’s where the issue lies.” - SQer doing what they do and lying
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No indication that he cares about her? Well he “won her over” so to speak. So… Why is he still around? Oh maybe it’s because it was proven they are true love and he does in fact care about her? That’s why he knows her more than anyone else. He was the only one in season 5 who knew Emma wasn’t trying to destroy light magic because that isn’t who she is. He also spent a lot of energy trying to help Emma patch things with her parents for a man who apparently reached his end goal… He also knows her entire story and puts a lot of effort into her mental well being.
But somehow this all turned into a negative because it is Hook doing it…
“Love isn’t sacrifice, trading away all you are for the expectation of reciprocation." - SQer missing the irony that their queen is doing good only to get her happy ending and not to make anything up to her victims
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It was never shown or said that Killian did things expecting a reward. In fact he often shied away from praise because he didn’t feel like he deserved it even when he did. So his actions and his words are in direct contrast with that outlandish statement.
And are we just going to ignore the fact that Killian did in fact die for Emma knowing that he’d never see her again and therefore never receive anything for doing so? Cause, you know, he’d be… dead…? During their final goodbye he even made her promise not to build her walls again and go on with her life because he loved her and wanted her to be happy. He wasn’t getting anything out of that either because, again, he’s dead! He walked into that light fully expecting he would never see Emma again and therefore never get his happy ending.
“Sorry for all the long asks but i feel like this needs a debunking and just another follow up, they never see hook trading his ship as a sacrifice cause it's a ship but it's literally his home?? he had nothing else left?” - Anon
No worries! It was a good ask. That fandom loves to put a bunch of fancy words and opinions together but they literally have to twist canon and ignore so many details to hate this character and what is really aggravating is that you could say all of this about Regina and the relationships she had because in the end it was always about her own happy ending.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
8 with Leah Williamson
8 with Leah Williamson - “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
Truth is there are more pro’s than con’s when it comes to dating a team mate and then they are situations that fall under both categories. For example, you get to spend every day together at training. Right now you are for seeing the downside to this.
You and Leah had gotten into an argument last night which led to you sleeping in the guest room even though you weren’t at fault. 
When you first started dating you agreed to be professional when at work, church and state. Although now as you stood next to each other waiting for the lift, you could cut the tension with a knife. Anger radiated from both of you and it was only a matter of time before one of you snapped.
The doors opens and you walked in at the same time. Both you of you mumbling words of annoyance.
Leah taps 4 and then rapidly presses the close doors button.
“You know that doesn’t work right. They put it there so that the people in the lift feel like they have control”
“Of course you would know whether or not you have control”
Her words have multiple meanings. Leah always did this, she says one thing but means another whereas you are straight to the point.
Deciding that now is not the best time to retaliate you choose to stay quiet knowing that once you are out of the lift you will be able to avoid Leah for the rest of the day.
Things don’t quite go to plan though a the lift comes to an abrupt holt.
You let out a sigh and it must be louder than you thought because Leah gives you a look before proceeding to press every button.
“Stopping pressing the buttons they will break” 
You weren’t a big fan of elevators on a good day due to a getting trapped in one when you were younger, causing you to get claustrophobic whenever you are in a confided space or whenever fans crowded you.
“So this is my fault” 
You are focusing on your breathing so you don’t hear Leah but she takes that as you agreeing and choosing to ignore her.
“Of course you would think so. Everything is my fault these days isn’t it”
It’s like an anvil weight is on your chest as panic begins to consume you.
“I don’t understand what I did wrong last night. I know I was late home but I was out with the girls and we lost track of time”
“Stop talking Leah” it came out harsher than you intended but you needed her to be quiet.
“Why? It looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“Can you not use that word, please”
Leah is trying to talk to whoever is on the opposite side of the alert button.
You slide down the wall, the coldness of the floor calming you down a tiny bit. When she turns, Leah recognises the look on your face and when she watches you clutch your chest she realises what is going on.
“Shit, I forgot. Come here” Leah is straight by your side, her arms wrapping around you tightly to try and make you feel safe. Her hand travels under you shirt as she rubs her hand up your back in a soothing motion. Feeling the skin to skin connection with Leah helps massively.
“Give me your hand. Do you feel that?” Leah asks whilst holding your hand against her heart “Focus on my breathing baby, try to match it” 
She feels your breath begin to calm down.
“I’m sorry for last night. It wasn’t fair that you cooked that meal for us and I didn’t show up, not at a decent time anyway”
“Leah, I don’t care about that. Not right now” 
Your argument with Leah being the last thing on your mind.
“I know you have a film review meeting tonight with Kim. How about I go home and cook you a meal, I will even go that bakery you love and get us some dessert”
“The cinnamon swirls?” you look up at Leah with puppy dog eyes.
“Yes. That is if we ever get out of here”
You tip your head back, letting our a groan. For a moment, Leah managed to get you to forget that you are trapped in a lift.
Just as you are about to speak the elevator doors open.
“Oh, thank god” 
“Nope, just Beth” Meado stands there, watching you jump up, practically running out of the lift.
“I’m taking the stairs from now on” Leah says as she follows you out.
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