#a rare soft lexi moment (in her own way)
feveredblurs · 7 months
[ shop ] for our muses to go to a specialist music store together (mal to lexi)
with their next show only a few days away, it’s just their luck when the band almost gets into a car accident. thankfully, with mal’s quick reflexes at the wheel, they get out unscathed – her guitar... not so much. after a rough tumble inside the car, the back cracks, instantly announcing the tragedy with an off-key symphony.
it’s not a lost cause by any means, and pedro insists they diy it, but lexi’s read up on enough repair tutorials to know it should be handled by a professional. besides, they can’t risk playing with their instruments in anything but mint condition.
before anyone else speaks up, lexi offers to accompany mal to the nearest music shop. the others will attribute it to her being controlling ( perhaps not entirely a lie... ), but in truth, her motives are not so heartless. she knows mal would much rather have ro go with her – but with the palpable tension between the two as of late, it might just be awkward to leave them alone. assuming ro offers at all... even lexi can tell how their vocalist has been keeping her distance from mal; a stark contrast from how they could not keep their hands off each other just a few weeks ago.
lexi may not make for much exciting company. but she figures it’s a mercy to spare mal from loneliness or rejection, just this once.
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“ don’t let them talk you into any extra stuff, ” she tells mal as they approach the shop, a warning finger pointing her way. “ these people are always trying to make an extra buck. ” ro speaks well enough about the girl at the counter, but lexi figures they can never be too careful – especially now that the band has started to make it somewhat big.
“ and we don’t leave until you’re absolutely satisfied with the guitar. ” skill aside, that was the most important thing. as a fellow guitarist, lexi could understand; nothing compared to the rush she felt whenever she played alongside the band. “ it has to feel right in your hands. ”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Bucket List
Lexi Howard x Fezco [Euphoria Season 2]
Warnings: Drug use (weed), Swearing, SPOILERS for Euphoria Season 2, Being High
Genre: FLUFF, Romance, Humor
Summary/Prompt: Lexi gets high for the first time with Fezco
Requested by Anon. Thank you for the prompt, dear! Hope you enjoy the imagine! Love, Vy ❤
This is a rare occurrence for the two, especially for Fez. Him and Lexi have found themselves sitting in his living room, going back and forth about a subject Fezco has never thought he’d have to think twice about - smoking weed.
“I dunno, Lex, I don’t want you doin’ some shit you might regret later.“ He complains after a long silent pause fell upon them after Lexi made her point of ‘wanting to be more adventurous‘. Unfortunately for her, he still seems uncertain which means she’ll have to continue arguing her case.
“I won’t regret it, Fez. I promise you. It’s on my bucket list so it’s gonna be fine regardless.“ She replies concretely but, much to her dismay, he’s only amused by her statement.
He tilts his head to look at the brunette girl and smirks, “Bucket list?”
Lexi hadn’t thought of how childish that would sound until he said it out loud and made her cheeks heat up with embarrassment, “Well, not exactly. Just a list of things I wanna do before graduating and going off to college.” She explains herself, chuckling at her own cringiness.
Fez, on the other hand, finds it adorable, “Yeah, I get it. I mean, it makes sense. There’s stuff you wanna do before closin’ one chapter and openin’ another. It ain’t a small deal.”
The girl playfully rolls her eyes, “Yeah, your philosophy won’t distract me, Fezco.” 
He chuckles at this, “You hard to deceive, Lexi Howard.” He adjusts his seating position to be able to face her, “What else is on that bucket list of yours?”
Lexi stubbornly crosses her arms over her chest and smirks, “Help me cross this one thing off and I’ll let you in on the rest?“ She phrases it as a question - an offer. She’s offering him a deal that he’s very tempted to take.
To him, Lexi is way more than a pretty-faced smart goody-two-shoes. He sees her as an enigma. He sees her as an open book written in reverse and in a different language - it seems standard and straight-forward but when you really look at it you realize how complex it is to understand. How many layers there are to it.
How many things there are to know about her.
Getting a sneak peak into this bucket list will have him looking at a more adventurous side of Lexi, her goals and wishes. And not only that, but by fulfilling her request of getting high with her for her first time, he’ll have a look of how different she is when she lets loose completely. That ain’t a small deal. There might be casualties if he agrees to it, but she doesn’t seem too concerned about them herself which is saying a lot.
“Fine...“ Fez sighs, almost regretting it but then he hears Lexi’s squeal of excitement and feels her soft warm lips on his cheek. That’d be enough to convince him to do anything.
“You’re the best, Fez.“ She tells him, her words genuine and honest. They bring a smile to his face, a smile so love-struck, he’d feel like an idiot if anyone else saw it. Ash would probably never let him live it down which is why it’s good that he isn’t home at the moment and is instead running the store - something he volunteered to do when he saw the girl’s bike pull up to the entrance.
Fezco knows he’s far from the ‘best’ person she could be with at the moment or at all, generally speaking. He’s worlds away from her, differentiating in so many ways it’s still unbelievable to him that they’ve ended up compatible enough to be here right now or to have met in the first place. And yet he thanks the universe and the God he believes in for it every single day. He hasn’t had many good things happen in his life so he’s sure to be grateful when he gets one although ‘grateful’ is an understatement for what he feels and has been feeling since Lexi entered his life. He’s felt true happiness, he’s felt those damn butterflies he’s heard about so many times and called them bullshit. He’s felt a feeling dangerously close to love and he’s unsure of how to deal with it. Anything that good provokes his automatic instinct to just push her away and distance himself. But here’s the thing: he can’t. And if he’s being honest he doesn’t want to either.
*  *  *  *  *
After rolling a slim blunt which took him an embarrassing amount of time, Fezco sits down next to Lexi once again. That joint is some weak shit in his eyes but when he imagines the inexperienced girl smoking it he still thinks it’s too much.
“We’re sharing?“ She asks, confused as to why the long wait and work produced only a single blunt.
“There ain’t no way in hell Imma let you smoke a whole blunt.“ He laughs, settling the small item in her hands when she stretches them out towards him, curious to inspect it further. He finds it amusing, the way she holds it so delicately, contrary to how he handles his joints.
She sniffs the smell of the weed and scrunches her nose slightly, displeased. There’s a common rule that says: ‘If something smells bad, there’s no chance it’ll taste good’, which is why the thought of inhaling a puff of smoke with that aroma and letting it travel down to her lungs disgusts her almost enough to call the whole thing off.
“See, you already ain’t a fan.“ He chuckles as she hands it back to him.
“I won’t knock it till I try it.“ Lexi shrugs her shoulders, although a bit hesitantly, “What matters is the effect it’ll have on me afterwards.“
Fez agrees that that’s exactly what matters because he’s terrified of a negative reaction which, honestly speaking, there’s only the slimmest chance for but he can’t help his concern.
“It’ll put the workaholic in you to sleep, that’s for sure.“ He says, making her scoff and presumably roll her eyes. They’ve gotten to the point of being able to distinguish and guess each other’s facial expressions and general reactions. That could either suggest a great connection and built up knowledge on each other or just something that’s a tell-tale sign of them spending way too much time together. That’s the catch though: there’s no such thing as ‘too much time‘ for them. It’s never enough. They’re greedy and can never get enough, wishing the seconds and minutes could stretch, last longer. Wish their time could warp and be formed into ‘forever‘.
Unfortunately, their ‘forever’ never lasts longer than a few hours. It’s never even lasted a full day. Fez is hopeful that’ll change today.
“I hope so. Cause I can’t get my mind off this paper I need finished by Tuesday.“ She replies watching as he flicks the blunt between his fingers before taking out his lighter.
He’s just about to light it when he processes what she’s said, “Yo, if you thinkin’ of some bullshit paper right now, I’m clearly doin’ somethin’ wrong here.”
Although he was only half joking, the result of his comment was a wholehearted laugh from Lexi which immediately brought a grin to his lips. “It’s hard not to think about when it means a lot for my grade.“ She might be camouflaging it from Fez but she’s now stalling and for no particular reason whatsoever. She trusts him and knows that a weed trip is the smallest she could experience, one that can’t even really be considered a trip, just a regular calm high.
“I cannot fucking believe you’re worried. Like, you forget you’re Lexi Howard?“ He asks her, returning her from the depths of her contemplations and hesitations.
“It’s good to have a reminder sometimes.“ She admits, meeting his soft eyes, “But it’s even better to relax a bit.“ She nods to the joint they had both forgotten about momentarily, causing Fez to smirk.
“Aight then.“ He chuckles, “Imma kick it off, you take the lead, ‘k?“
Lexi nods, watching as he brings it up to his lips, trapping it between them and sparks up the lighter. He inhales deeply, removing the blunt from in-between his lips to release the smoke forwards, in the direction of the window that’s opened a crack.
“Your turn.“ He nudges her shoulder with his, “Just breathe it in. Not too much tho, I don’t want you choking.“
She nods once again, taking the offered blunt and taking a decent puff that makes it’s path down her airways, burning her throat in a way that makes her cough and release the smoke. Thankfully, it’s just that one cough to get rid of the burning sensation and she manages to stabilize herself. She lifts her head to see how proud Fez looks as his gaze is entranced on her.
“What?“ She giggles.
“Handling it like a pro.“ He answers, his eyes trailing over her form, stopping on her hand which is still holding the joint. “Is there somethin’ you ain’t good at, Howard?”
“Plenty of stuff actually.“ She replies as she takes one more puff, surprising the hell out of the drug dealer before handing him the weed back, “Like having fun, being adventurous, sticking up for myself and others, being spontaneous, cooking.“
“That bucket list gon take care of three of those things. I can teach you a thing or two ‘bout cooking and for the sticking up for yourself and shit - don’t stress. You’ll figure it out. Until then imma be bashin’ people who dare talk smack ‘bout you.“
Lexi can’t help but giggle at his statement, stretching her legs in front of her, freeing them from their crossed position, “You can teach me to roll up a few too.” She says, hinting at his blunt rolling gear that sits on the small table next to the TV.
Surprisingly, he shakes his head, “Nah man, no fucking way. With you bein’ a pro at all shit you try, the last thing I need is you becomin’ my competition.”
The brunette rests her head on the man’s shoulder with a giggle, kissing his jaw, “No, I’ll be your helper.”
“Now that’s some shit I can get behind.“ Fez tilts his head so he can gaze down at her, pressing his lips against hers.
*  *  *  *  *
“Now you gon tell me what’s on that bucket list or nah?“
The blunt has long been stumped out, leaving Lexi in a state she’s never experienced before while Fezco is only mildly dazed. It really was some weak shit for him, but the girl’s presence has been enough to intoxicate him further.
Regardless, he’s pretty grounded while Lexi has been rambling on and on about different subjects. He tried to memorize each and every word that marked this day but with her fast speech and his hazy mind it was pretty difficult. Then she seemed to shut down and fall into a silent state of happiness with this dopey smile that currently resides on her face.
She giggles at his question, “There are regular things like learn to drive; have a roadtrip; go camping. There are more....explicit things like, um: lose my virginity, go skinny-dipping, kiss a girl - but I’ve already done that.” Not noticing Fez’s surprised expression, she continues, “But currently you know what’s number one?”
Caught a bit off-guard by the question, it takes him a moment to respond, “Uh, what?”
She snickers, completely out of it in the most adorable way the ginger has seen, “Get something to eat cause I’m fucking starving.”
This gets a laugh out of Fezco, the type he’d let out at his grandma’s fucked up adult jokes he was probably not supposed to hear as an 11-year-old, “You never fail to amaze me, Lexi Howard.” He takes her chin in his hand, softly tilting her head towards him and runs his thumb over her lips, “But I gotta tell you one thing - if stayin’ over at mine is on that list of yours, can we cross it off today?”
The pleading look in his eyes, coupled with her desire to do just that which has been living in her chest ever since they started hanging out at his house make it extremely difficult for her to turn him down.
Which is why she doesn’t.
“Of course we can.“
Their lips connect once more, this time not stopping at a simple one-stop kiss. They move into a well-synchronized rhythm with Fez’s hands wrapped around Lexi’s waist while hers are around his neck.
She pulls back breathlessly, her lips swollen ever so slightly, “But McDonalds first.”
“You got it, Howard.“
@lilaalouuxx  @ciniluv @hyperfixatingmenever  @rosesandallthatshit  @coffeebookreadinglover  @dreamingaboutyousworld  @maryelizabeth13
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Chapter I. - Mercer’s Boulangerie
Summary: Alex owns a bakery and thinks he’s got everything he needs until a gorgeous skateboarder crashes into his life and turns his whole world upside down. A story full of sweet pastries, yearning, and a lot of sadness… with a happy ending of course.
Read on AO3, 2.1k taglist in the reblogs <3
Chapter Warnings: death mention (background character)
“Merci, have a lovely evening.”
The blonde woman smiled brightly in response and hummed a quick thank you before grabbing her order and making her way to the door. Technically, it was way past closing time but Alex never minded staying a bit later if the person was nice enough. He leaned over the counter, resting his chin in his hand as he watched the woman leave with a small smile.
Once she disappeared behind the corner, Alex made his way over to the front door to flip over the open sign, sighing as he turned back to the store. Like every other Saturday, he had a lot of cleaning up to do but regardless of how tired he was, Alex could never find it in him to feel annoyed. This was his little paradise after all.
There was no way he could feel unhappy here.
--- Madeleine Mercer had to have been the prettiest woman in the world.
Alex may have been a little biased—she was his maman after all— but he was sure most people would agree with him if they saw the way she moved around the kitchen. Effortless, like a butterfly fluttering through the air.
Her golden hair seemed to sparkle in the beams of sunlight pouring in through the small window and illuminating the kitchen with a warm light. If you were to grab the nearest storybook and flip it open, this picture would be right there in the center. She was wearing one of Alex’s favorite dresses under her frilly apron which was pristine as always. As messy as the kitchen would often get, Madeleine never had a spot on her which only strengthened Alex’s conviction that his maman must have been magical.
He watched with fascination as his mother danced around the kitchen. A bit of flour here and a splash of milk over there, the ingredients seemed to be floating around her as she worked through her well-rehearsed routine with a fond smile lighting up her face. The same smile she gave Alex when he once again started making noise from his seat at the table.
“Maman , I wanna help,” he whined, giving his mother the best puppy eyes he could muster. Madeleine rolled her eyes fondly but much to Alex’s surprise, she grabbed the bowl holding all the ingredients, and set it in front of Alex, along with her spatula. The little boy instantly lit up, making grabby hands towards the spatula, which made his mother chuckle. She leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead before giving Alex his instructions.
“Bien, mon amour . I need you to mix all of this for me while I work, alright? But you have to do it very slowly and carefully, can you do that for me?” Madeleine’s voice was soft and warm as she spoke, stroking her slim fingers through Alex’s blond hair. The boy nodded enthusiastically, determined to make his mamma proud.
Alex was rarely allowed to help with his mother’s baking. Even now that he was six years old, every time Madeleine put on her favourite apron and set off to whip up another one of her delicious miracles, Alex was instructed to just watch and learn.
“Not yet, Lexi. Wait for the right time,” she would respond whenever Alex asked, and while it made him a little sad, his mom would always make up for it with her loving smiles and the occasional cookie.
It’s what made those times she did assign Alex with a task all that more special. Every once in a while, Madeleine would seemingly break her own rules and let Alex help with very small things and he cherished every single one of those moments. Whether it was mixing up batter or lining a tray with parchment paper, Alex took his little jobs extremely seriously, making sure he did everything just right, which always made his mother smile.
Alex was still attentively mixing the slowly-forming batter when Madeleine returned to the table, so focused on his task his tongue was peaking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. Once the batter was mixed up to perfection, Madeleine rewarded her son with a kiss to his temple before taking the bowl away from him. Alex plopped himself back down on his chair and pulled his knees up to his chin as he watched his mother work her magic, happy to have helped.
After sweeping the floors and sorting out the kitchen as well as the tiny sitting area by the window in the front of the store, Alex made his way back behind the counter to clear out the remaining pastries, rolls, and quiches from their displays. Most of them ended up in a box that Alex would later drop off at his local community center on his way home, but he made sure to pick out a couple of pieces for his sweet elderly neighbor and his two best friends, who would probably kill him if he didn’t bring them some leftovers, even if they spent most of their lunch breaks at the bakery.
Once the pastries were packed up and the money in the register counted, Alex turned to go grab his stuff from the back but stopped for a second, eyes lingering on the framed piece of paper hanging on the wall right behind the counter—arguably the most valuable piece of décor in the store.
Alex smiled softly as he ran his fingers over the edges of the frame protecting the hand-written note from damage. He had to admit he was rather proud of himself for keeping the paper in such pristine condition. There was not a single spot on it.
Alex wasn’t sure what his mother meant by the right time and while he had a guess, he unfortunately never got a confirmation. Years passed and Alex grew more and more interested in the magic his mother performed in their little kitchen, though most days he was still not allowed to help.
Not yet, Lexi. Wait for the right time.
He was sure his mother had a plan, a reason for why she always shooed Alex away when he as much as reached for a utensil, and he was sure she was going to explain everything one day but life ultimately made that decision for her sooner than expected.
In the months leading up to his eleventh birthday, Alex noticed his mother grew weaker. She was still just as beautiful as ever, but her skin was paler than usual and her eyes didn’t sparkle the way they used to, though they remained kind. She still wore her pretty dresses and her favorite spotless apron over them most days, except Alex no longer had to ask if he could help his mother bake. There were things she just couldn’t do suddenly due to her fatigue, but baking was Madeleine Mercer’s everything and she wouldn’t give it up no matter what.
Still, Alex could always see the sadness in her eyes whenever he had to roll out the pastry for her or take over the project all together because she was too tired to continue.
He wanted to ask why, but always bit his tongue.
His mother clearly wanted things to go differently, but they couldn’t change fate. It didn’t take long before his little sister, Amélie, also started joining them in the kitchen, though she was usually there just to help with the cleaning or to distract Madeleine while Alex finished up the last batch of cannelés or macarons .
There were days when Alex doubted himself, worrying about whether helping his mother bake was actually helping her at all, but Madeleine always made sure to pull him into her arms after every baking session, press a kiss to the top of his head, and whisper loving words into his ear.
“Merci, mon amour . My wonderful little pâtissier , you are doing so good. I can’t wait for your birthday, I have a huge surprise planned for you,” Madeleine whispered one evening, smiling brightly at the boy in her arms, who planted a quick kiss on her cheek before burying his face in the crook of her neck again, desperate to hide from reality.
Sadly, life has a very strange, twisted sense of humor and Alex got the first taste of it the moment he woke up on the day of his birthday. Unlike Alex, his father, and Amélie, Madeleine Mercer remained asleep, never to wake up again.
Alex was certain that was not the surprise his mother had been planning, though he didn’t get a chance to dwell on it too much because everything was moving too fast and suddenly, he was standing at the cemetery dressed in all black, holding his sister’s hand as they watched a black casket slowly sink into the ground.
There were no pastries served at the reception.
Afterward, Alex would avoid the kitchen like the plague. The room suddenly felt too small, too cramped, too suffocating. The curtains remained drawn most days, so the sun was no longer shining in through the window and his mother was no longer dancing around the space to liven it up. The oven had not been turned on in months and the mere thought of baking made Alex’s heart ache. Besides, he couldn’t imagine ever trying to make anything without his mother by his side to guide him.
All that changed a year later.
It really was a cruel twist of fate, to let his maman die on his birthday, and Alex still wasn’t sure how to feel as he made his way back home from school. His train of thought was interrupted as soon as he walked in, though, by the faintest sound of his sister’s sobs coming from the living room. Without skipping a beat, Alex immediately made his way over to Amélie and wrapped her up in his arms. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong and Amélie didn’t need to explain. They both knew.
“Do you… d’you remember how maman would always bake us gougères whenever we were feeling sad?” Amélie sniffled after a moment, cuddling up closer to her brother who tightened his arms around her in response.
Alex nodded wordlessly as that familiar pain in his chest made itself known.
Amélie eventually lifted her head to look up at him, her bright blue eyes red and puffy from crying. She chewed on her lip nervously before finally asking: “C-could you make them for us, Lexi?”
Alex wanted to say no. In fact, he wanted to scream. His heart was breaking into a million pieces all over again and Alex wanted nothing more than to just lock himself in his room and hide from the world, the pain . But Alex was never good at running, and seeing his sister’s desperate eyes—the same shade of blue like the ones he knew he’d never see again—he couldn’t bring himself to say no. Not when he knew they were both feeling the same exact pain in their hearts.
That’s how Alex found himself standing in the middle of their small kitchen, wearing Madeleine’s frilly, spotless apron that was way too big for him. It was the only one he could find, and it made Amélie chuckle when he put it on, so he decided there was no turning back.
After a few minutes of searching, he emerged from one of the cabinets with a triumphant a-ha! and held up his mother’s old recipe book for Amélie to see. As he flipped the book open, determined to find the gougères recipe as quickly as possible, a small piece of paper flew out from between the pages and gracefully floated down onto the floor. Both siblings stared at it in confusion before Alex leaned down to pick it up, only to drop it again moments later upon reading the short note written on it.
A note in his mother’s perfect, elegant handwriting.
It’s time, mon amour. ♡
Amélie ducked down to pick up the note and read it herself and Alex used those couple of seconds to let those couple of words sink in. Once Amélie read the note, she set it onto the table carefully and simply offered Alex a supportive smile, which he hesitantly returned before going back to flipping through the book.
Neither of them said a word.
An hour later, Alex was setting the still burning hot tray of golden gougères onto the window sill to cool down. The sun came up from behind the clouds and its beams found their way through the open window into the small Mercer kitchen. Rays of sunshine filled the room, painting the space in the warmest shades of golden yellow and tangerine red. The scent of freshly baked pastries lingered in the air and in that moment, Alex knew that this was the thing he wanted to do for the rest of his life.
Carry on his mother’s legacy, and make her proud.
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hurricanery · 3 years
If the Sun Comes Up - pt. 2
A/N: Here’s part 2 of If the Sun Comes Up! (AU- interns fic). Thank u thank u thank u for the nice messages about the first chapter, your messages and replies seriously warm my lil heart. I’m still basically planting seeds for some future plot points here, but I hope you enjoy anyway <3
You can read part 1 here.
And if the sun comes up, if the sun comes up, if the sun comes up
And I still don't wanna stagger home
Then it's the memory of our betters
That are keeping us on our feet
Everything’s different when the sun comes up. It all comes to light in a different way. The sun rises, and reality settles in. Like sleep is some magic reset button. And all of the thoughts and decisions, all of the fun, all of the mischief, it all seems worlds away. Like that was then, and this is now.
A funny thing happens though, when that reset button gets skipped. When there is no sleep, and no separation of night and day. When you stay awake for 24 hours straight and you watch the sun come up in real time; you watch the sun rise twice in fact, and there isn’t that detachment. It all flows together like a never-ending moment.
It’s strange, Amelia thinks, to have no reset button. To sacrifice the idea of choosing sleep. Because instead of calling it quits after two sunrises, she finds herself in a bar, of all places, sitting across from the people she’d met just 24 hours ago.
“I’m sooo happy you’re moving in with me,” Maggie yawns hugely next to her. And Amelia bites down on a smile at the confession; at what no sleep and a slim two beers has done to this previously panic-stricken intern. The intern that was currently dealing with the impact of being related to a Grey.
Except the panic isn’t worth it. Because there isn’t any fallout. Lexie practically laughs until she cries, when it all comes to light. When Maggie finally lets it slip about who her birth mother is. Between the delirious fits of laughter, all Lexie can manage is a “good luck telling Meredith that.”
And it only gets more chaotic.
There’s no reset for all of the sleep-deprived decisions. Lexie and Jo, in an impressive and almost falsely confident manner, venture off towards the bar, where a handful of residents and attendings claim territory. The rest of the newly formed crew stick together, in their quiet corner of the bar.
Amelia can feel Link’s eyes on her from across the booth as she brings a warm mug of tea to her lips. But her eyes remain glued down, staring down at the crumpled tea packet on the table. One of those cheap brands. Cheap because it’s a rare request in a place like this. The kind of drink that ends up taking longer for the bartender to make. More time-consuming to prepare than one of those fancy cocktails even, because it ends up that the bartender has to go search in the stock room for a tea bag in the first place.
Her thoughts are interrupted when a strong hand occupies her line of vision. It’s jolting, to say the least. For her focus to be intruded on like that. The tea packet she’d been so comfortably resting her eyes on, now suddenly consumed by Link’s grasp. He covers it completely, picking it up and further crumpling it in his fist before dropping it back down on the table.
The action forces Amelia to look at him. Which is probably his intention, anyway. So she does, and it’s equally as jolting. His expression. Because she’s half expecting it to mirror the harshness of a crumpled tea packet. But it doesn’t. It’s warm. And it’s soft. And it’s slightly curious.
“You should all move in with me.” Maggie’s voice chimes in.
And Amelia rips her gaze away from Link’s.
“Okay, slow down there,” she lets out an amused exhalation. “You were barely on board with the idea of me moving in.”
Winston playfully nudges Maggie’s side, from where he’s seated on the other side of her. And Amelia doesn’t miss the way his hand settles just above Maggie’s knee. The interaction stands out to her, and she decides she’s going to bookmark it for later. Revisit it perhaps when everyone’s feeling more awake and alert.
“Who should all move where?” Lexie slides into the booth next to Link, eyes wide with naivety as she sips a full drink.
“My apartment,” Maggie responds matter-of-factly. “I have one more room open.”
Amelia scrunches her nose at this, and she staggers through her confusion. “Wait. Just one more? What happened, I thought-”
“Well, I already promised a room to Link….” Maggie’s voice is laced with exhaustion and something else, as she turns to explain to Amelia. “When you were in the bathroom….I told him, I-” She hiccups slightly, abandoning her sentence. And Amelia tilts her head to the side quizzically. “Anyway,” Maggie gestures across the booth towards Link. “Meet your new roommate.”
Amelia’s gaze returns to Link, and he shrugs somewhat defensively, muttering under his breath, “Sorry.”
But Amelia doesn’t feel sorry. She feels something else. The notion rises in her chest, and she wants to label it as anticipation.
“Okay, but I have to get out of Meredith’s house!” Lexie slams her drink down on the table. “I’m living with a bunch of residents.”
There’s unanimous murmurs of condolence from the group.
“Oh! Speaking of….” She continues, picking her drink back up and nodding towards the bar. “The plastics attending….Mark Sloan? Just bought me this drink.”
“Ugh,” Amelia’s quick to counter. “Do not go there.”
All heads turn to her, and she feels heat rise in her face as she takes in the curious stares. When she doesn’t follow up on her previous precaution, Lexie speaks up again.
“....Have you?” Lexie swallows, a disconcerted expression on her face. “Gone there?”
Amelia doesn’t miss the way Link surveys her expression, following this particular question. She clears her throat, eyes shifting back to the crumpled tea packet.
“No, no. God no.” Her tone is low as she shakes her head dismissively. “I’ve just….known him my whole life.”
“Oh,” Lexie shrugs, taking another sip of her drink. And Amelia quickly surveys any other reactions to her response.
A general quietness falls across the table and Amelia’s eyes eventually settle back to the tea packet. She can’t quite determine why it seems to be the focal point of her evening. Or morning. Or whatever this was. She wants to claim it’s the vivid yellow packaging that keeps catching her eye.
But, her thoughts are intruded once again when Link suddenly stands up from the table. She peers up at him intently.
“Shepherd,” his tone is gentle as he starts moving away from the table. “I think I promised you a game of darts.”
Amelia blinks. Partly in confusion. But also mostly against her sudden bout of exhaustion.
“I, uh,” she mutters, turning around in her seat as she watches Link make his way around the booth.
“Come on.” He raises his eyebrows at her.
And she bites the inside of her cheek, turning around to set her mug down.
“Okay, okay,” she’s not yet facing him when she stands from the booth. “One game and then I’m out of here.” She looks pointedly at Maggie as she exits the booth. “And I can drive anyone home that needs a ride.”
Maggie offers her a toothy grin, and Winston nods in grateful agreement at the offer. Amelia steps away from the table, and tries not to mirror the smug look on Link’s face.
“One game,” she repeats.
And he chuckles a bit, proudly.
“I don’t know….” he lets her lead them across the bar, towards the wall that’s filled with dart boards and other bar games. “You’ll probably want a rematch….when I beat you the first time around.”
Amelia feigns shock at his words. But really, somewhere deep down, she’s suppressing her gratification. Because he’s feeding into her competitive side completely.
“We’ll see,” she says, as she collects the darts and starts separating them.
She hands Link his portion of the game’s pieces and he mimics her words back to her. “We’ll see.”
It ends up that uninhibited decisions turn into concrete plans. Link and Lexie move into the apartment. And Amelia adheres to her pride that she was the first choice in the matter, and that everyone else just happened to follow suit.
She wakes up in the new apartment on this particular morning, and it takes her a moment to adjust to her surroundings. She groggily registers that the unfamiliar space around her is, indeed, her own bedroom.
Her alarm blares again loudly, after it’s been snoozed repeatedly for the last 15 minutes, and she aggressively shuts it off. Sitting up in bed, she throws on a cardigan before shuffling out of her room and down the hall, towards the shared space of the apartment.
“Gooood morning,” Maggie practically sings, her voice an irritating level of cheerful for the early hour.
As Amelia rounds the corner into the small kitchen area, her tired eyes settle on Maggie, where she occupies one of the stools at the counter. All she can manage to mutter is a slight “mhm,” in acknowledgement of the greeting.
She reaches into the cupboard for a mug, before filling it from the coffee pot that’s already been prepared. Once her mug is full of the steaming liquid, she turns back around to face Maggie. She leans against the counter as she brings the cup up to her nose, inhaling the scent and closing her eyes in gratitude.
The sound of Maggie’s bedroom door creaking open eventually shakes her from her blissful moment, and then her expression quickly turns to one of shocked amusement. Because her eyes settle on Winston, as he exits the bedroom and enters into the main room. He’s dressed in the same clothes he’d been wearing the day before, and Amelia looks him up and down, biting her lip in excitement, like she’s just remembered where she’s hidden the last piece of a puzzle.
“Ha,” Amelia’s delighted revelation sounds gravelly, the sleep still evident in her voice. “You don’t live here.”
She shifts her gaze to Maggie, who offers a pleading look in return. And then she looks back to Winston, who has since halted in the doorway. She can’t hold back the raspy sounding chuckle that escapes her lips. “I get it. You guys are sex friends. It all makes sense now.”
Winston scratches at the back of his neck awkwardly. And Maggie blinks, dumfounded. She stands suddenly, stepping away from the kitchen counter, like she’s desperate to remove herself from this situation.
“I’m gonna go shower. Don’t want to be late,” Maggie mutters.
Amelia just smiles further, eyes shifting playfully between the two, before she turns to walk back to her room. She raises her coffee mug slightly above her as she walks away, like she’s motioning a ‘cheers’ to the air. She tilts her head back once more in their direction, before she disappears from the kitchen, and sarcastically repeats Maggie’s greeting from before. “It is a good morning.”
Maggie rolls her eyes, but follows after her through the hallway, turning into the bathroom.
“Let me know when you’re done!” Amelia announces when she reaches her room. “I want dibs on the shower next!”
Amelia finishes her coffee, and as she sets her empty mug in the sink, her impatience steadily rises.
“Maggie!” She yells, as she returns to the hallway. “You’re gonna make us late!”
There’s no response, but she hears that the shower is still on, and she even hears music coming from the bathroom. She finds the music choice odd for Maggie, and also finds it odd that Maggie is even the type of person that listens to music while she showers.
“Maggie,” she tries one more time, knocking her fist against the door.
There’s no answer.
She sighs, glancing at her watch. And then she decides to push the door open slightly, stepping into the small bathroom. “Maggie are you almost done?! I’m just going to brush my teeth real quick while you’re in there,” she announces loudly, over the music, as she reaches for her toothbrush on the sink.
“Um, not Maggie.” A surprisingly deep voice sounds from the other side of the curtain as she starts brushing her teeth.
And oh, that’s Link. “Shit, sorry! I thought you were Maggie! Wow, I just barged right in-”
“It’s fine” he interrupts, and then Amelia hears the water get shut off. “Could you, uh, actually hand me a towel though?” A dripping wet hand shoots out from behind the shower curtain and Amelia just stares at it, her toothbrush falling slack between her lips.
“Hello….? Towel?”
“Uh, right. Here.” She mutters around her toothbrush.
Blinking from her daze, she slowly reaches for a towel and hands it to him. And then suddenly the curtain is sliding open and Link is climbing out of the shower, towel around his waist, in all of his soaking wet glory. And holy shit, Amelia thinks, as she not so subtly darts her eyes around the tight space. Attempting to look anywhere but at him. She settles on turning around, and facing herself in the mirror as she makes quick movements of brushing her teeth.
She doesn’t know where the sudden panic comes from. She’s a confident person. Never timid. And somewhere, in the back of her mind, she retaliates against the idea that she’s lost any of her game. Or that she’s the one creating any awkward tension.
Link enters her line of vision through the bathroom mirror, and she feels frozen where she stands. Because, for some reason, he starts inching even closer.
He clears his throat.
“Just need to, uh, grab something…”
She practically jumps out of the way as Link reaches around her for the medicine cabinet.
“Ah, sorry. I’ll get out of your way,” she exhales a sheepish laugh at her own reaction, and tries not to cringe at the way she sounds with her mouth still full of toothpaste.
Link finally moves to exit the bathroom, and Amelia wants to sigh in relief, as she resumes her position in front of the sink. But she doesn’t. She holds back. And from her peripheral, she can see him pause in the doorway.
She turns her head in his direction. And he smirks at her before he leaves.
“Shower is all yours.”
The bathroom door clicks shut and Amelia spits harshly into the sink.
Carpooling is apparently a thing they do now. They arrive at the hospital, and everyone piles out of Maggie’s car, beginning to cross the parking lot.
“Hey!” Jo’s breathless voice sounds from somewhere behind them as she locks up her own car and jogs to catch up with the group. She steps into pace with them, walking next to Link. “Whose service are you guys on today?”
“Neuro. With Shepherd,” Winston responds.
“Same here!” Lexie actually sounds excited.
“Okay, but why are we all on Shepherd’s service?” Jo mutters.
Everyone turns towards Amelia, as if she knows the reasoning behind her brother’s request. She just shrugs nonchalantly.
“Someone a little let down that they aren’t with Karev today?” Link nudges Jo playfully, and Jo feigns shock at the accusation, swatting at his shoulder.
As they enter the hospital, Amelia slows a bit behind the group, letting everyone else venture off ahead of her.
“Not excited about neuro?” She hadn’t realized Link had slowed down with her. “Not exactly my first pick either, but-”
“No, no,” she cuts in. “That’s not it.”
Link just stares at her for a moment, and Amelia almost feels scrutinized by it.
“Oh,” he continues. “Not excited about your brother, then?”
Amelia sighs, questioning to herself when they started getting so personal with each other. And then she cringes at the direction of her thoughts. Because maybe the getting too personal thing had started this morning, following the shower incident.
“That’s not exactly it, either.”
“Not exactly?” He raises his eyebrows.
“Okay, what’s with-”
“Amy Shepherd?!”
Both Link and Amelia turn around, following the voice that’s interrupted their conversation.
Mark Sloan is walking towards them full force, a huge grin on his face.
“....Amy?” Link mutters under his breath, chuckling at the nickname. And Amelia glances sideways at him in warning.
“The only person that still calls me that is Derek,” she raises her eyebrows at Mark, matching his grin.
“Well, Derek didn’t mention you were in town,” He finally approaches, and Amelia pulls him into a tight hug. They pull apart and Mark looks her up and down. “You look….different than the last time I saw you.”
“You look different, too,” she smirks.
Link looks between the pair curiously.
“And I’m not just in town,” Amelia adds as she steps out his embrace. “I work here now.”
“You work here?! Why didn’t Derek say anything…” Mark gets momentarily distracted by something, or somebody behind them. “Derek!” he yells. “Why didn’t you tell me your sister works here now?!”
Derek approaches, his demeanor reflecting his overall impatience. He completely disregards Mark’s question.
“Why do you people not answer your pages?”
“....And this conversation’s no longer entertaining. Catch up later?” Mark glances at Amelia a final time before stepping away. Then Derek turns towards his sister expectantly.
“When I requested you all on my service today, I expected punctuality.” He raises his eyebrows, and when Amelia offers no response, he continues. “I have a patient being admitted today. She’s had a sudden onset of seizures. We don’t know the cause. But we need to figure out the cause.”
There’s slight hesitation at his instructions.
“Okay, you! Dr….” his eyes shift down to glance over Link’s ID badge. “Dr. Lincoln. I want you to grab the rest of the interns and head to the library. Starting now, you all are in charge of research. Anything, I mean anything, you can find on this. Case studies, research papers, all of it. Just….find something for me.”
Link nods respectively, and he begins to turn towards Amelia.
“And Amy,” Derek’s eyes settle on hers, in an almost disdainful way. “You’re with the patient.”
Amelia is stunned for a moment, her mouth hanging open in disbelief.
“You want me to do what, exactly?” She steps forward towards Derek, who mutters under his breath in frustration. “Babysit your aneurysm? Because my time is worth way more than-”
“An aneurysm, is the last thing this is-”
“And what makes you so sure of that?!” She looks between his eyes incredulously.
“You think this woman’s just been walking around with a ruptured aneurysm-”
“I didn’t say ruptured-”
“Well if it’s not ruptured, she’d likely not have any symptoms at all, so your logic makes absolutely no sense.” Derek raises his eyebrows, like he’s won the argument.
“I’m just saying! I did a research paper on this. Similar case. Sudden onset of seizures. No prior history. But, this woman fell and-”
“I never said my patient had a fall.”
“Well did you ask her that?”
“Amy,” Derek breathes, exasperated. He tries to move around her, completely done with the conversation.
But she blocks his movements. And he gives her a blank stare. While Link stands off to the side, looking between the two uncomfortably.
“Derek.” She retorts, the frustration in her tone highly evident.
“Take my patient to CT. And then stay with her, while she gets transported to a room. You can manage that, right?”
Amelia bites her tongue, nodding numbly. She refrains from voicing everything she wants to say, and she tries to fight off the emotions that arise as Derek steps around her. She feels defeated. And small. Which was typical lately, following any interaction with her older brother. She curses herself for thinking it would be any different, now that she was here under specific circumstances. Professional circumstances. Hand picked for this surgical internship out of a large pool of equally impressive applicants. But it’s not different. If anything, it’s even more demoralizing, to be met with this discouragement both personally, and now professionally.
Derek steps away and she’s left standing there with Link.
“Your brother is….kind of a jerk.”
Amelia rolls her eyes, pushing past Link.
“Shepherd, wait-”
She ignores the way he calls after her, and she keeps walking. Because she has a patient now. A patient who needs a head CT.
Link finds her about a half hour later. She’s walking from CT with a stack of scans in her arms. She nods a greeting at Link as begins walking with her.
“Hey! So, we've all been in the research library, could probably use your help-”
“I was right,” she says simply, shaking her head. “It’s an aneurysm. It’s tiny, but it’s there.”
Link doesn’t hold back his surprise. “Wow, how’d you-”
He’s cut off again when Amelia turns to him, forcing the scans over into his hands.
“What are you-”
“Make sure Derek gets these.”
“....You don’t want to hand them over yourself?” Link objects, trying to give them back to her. “Tell him you were right?”
“Nah,” she breathes, turning away from him. “I want off his service.”
Link comes to a halt in the middle of the hallway, watching her continue in the opposite direction. She turns around, facing him once more before she’s off again.
“Just please, hurry. He needs to see those now.”
Several hours later, after her shift has ended, all Amelia wants is a peaceful evening. The first thing that comes to mind for her, when seeking this, is chamomile tea.
After changing into her sweats, which includes her favorite Harvard sweatshirt, she wanders down the hall to the kitchen to begin her evening routine.
The kitchen is dark, so she flips on one of the dim lights before she starts rummaging through the cupboards. To her left, from the balcony attached to the small kitchen, she can hear the sound of Jo’s exuberant laughter, mixed in with a couple of other voices.
A moment later, the sliding glass door is opening and Link is stepping inside. He slightly grimaces at the difference in volume to the quiet kitchen, as the voices outside get cut off with the door sliding shut again.
“Oh, hey,” he mutters, as he sets an empty beer bottle on the counter. “Didn’t know you were up. Are we being too loud?”
Amelia shakes her head, her focus still on her tea set-up.
She knows she’s being standoffish, and probably to Link’s notice, too.
“Weird day, huh?”
Amelia shrugs. And then realizes she has yet to say anything out loud here.
“Yeah, kind of.”
“You seem like someone….that would want to talk about it, no?”
Amelia smirks at this revelation.
“It’s a long story,” she murmurs, listening to the water in the electric kettle start to boil, and then the comforting sound gets interrupted by Jo’s laughter from outside. “Shouldn’t you get back out there, anyway?”
“Sounds like Lexie’s keeping her entertained.”
Amelia leans her back against the counter, peering across the kitchen at him.
“Derek….he’s not a jerk,” Amelia says simply. “I know it seemed that way earlier. But really, there’s more to it.”
Link shrugs, moving to lean against the opposite counter.
“It just seemed like he wasn’t taking you seriously. When you happened to be right, so. Maybe he should have.”
Amelia nods to herself.
“Do you have siblings?”
“No,” he chuckles. “Only child.”
Amelia grins. Something about this piece of information makes sense to her.
“I think sometimes it’s hard to....I don’t know,” she trails off momentarily. “Take the baby of the family seriously?”
It’s probably obvious to Link that there’s more to it. Reasonings that she’s conveniently leaving out. But he nods along with her explanation anyway.
“Anyway, I don’t want you to go on thinking my brother is some bad guy….” she mutters as she turns around to face the kettle again. “Because he’s not, he’s….one of my favorite people, actually, so.”
Link watches as Amelia starts drumming her fingers against the countertop, her eyes glued to the tea kettle.
He steps towards the fridge, because he’d originally come inside to grab another beer.
The kettle clicks off and Amelia’s fingers against the counter come to rest. She places a tea bag into her mug and pours some of the boiling water over it. She turns around just in time to see Link shut the fridge door, empty-handed.
“Aren’t you heading back out there?”
“Yeah, I just….” he gestures towards the kettle. “That looks pretty good, actually. Is there any left over?”
Amelia holds back her surprise, but quickly nods. She reaches over for another tea bag and hands it over to him.
“Knock yourself out.”
She watches Link hesitate, turning the packet over in his palms.
“It’s nothing fancy,” she grins. “Just use the water from the kettle.”
Link nods, reaching for a mug.
“I’m going to bed. Think you can handle it?” Amelia gestures towards the mug in his hands.
And Link rolls his eyes. “Yes, I’ve got it. Is it that obvious that I’m not really a tea guy?”
Amelia bites her lip, and shrugs, turning on her heels and back towards her bedroom.
“Goodnight, Amy.” She can hear Link snicker from the kitchen. And the use of the nickname causes Amelia to halt in her tracks. She slowly rounds the corner back into the kitchen.
“Don’t even.” Her voice is tight with astonishment. “Do you want me to start referring to you as Atticus? Because I will.”
The threat causes Link to falter only a little. And then he grins.
“Try again,” she mutters.
“Okay,” he’s laughing now. “Goodnight, Amelia.”
She thinks it’s the first time he’s said it out loud. Or called her by her first name at all. She’s been so used to hearing him refer to her as ‘Shepherd,’ that the sound of her first name falling from his lips actually stirs something inside her. She convinces herself that that’s it. That’s the reason it stuns her a little. It’s simply because she’s not used to it. Definitely has nothing to do with the fact that she enjoys the way it sounds.
She can’t help the smirk that crosses her face, as she repeats his sentiment. She turns back towards the hallway, an amused edge to her voice.
“Goodnight, Link.”
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Klaus Mikaelson x Lexi Branson (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @insidious-wxlf
Klaus eyes the girl standing alone in the corner of the exhibit. He thinks the word "girl" lightly only because her face is surprisingly smooth and unblemished by the age that he's aware she possesses.
He politely excuses himself from his conversation with an over enthusiastic guest. She doesn't mind in the slightest when her agreement rewards her with a pleased smile that holds the potential of a promise of his return. He's not one to keep a promise.
The girl with the locks of golden curls just stands there, head tilting this way and that. Sidling up to her, he notices her even squinting her eyes a little bit with her lips twisted uncertainly.
"You're not impressed," he says bluntly, and knows he's guessed correctly.
The girl doesn't even turn to him. She merely glances with a sideways flick of her sparkling eyes, like bubbles in champagne, and gives a tittering smile. Familiar and infuriating at the same time.
"Now, did I say that?" Alexia responds.
"You didn't have to," Klaus says flatly, hands behind his back and doing his best to keep his face a mask so as to not seem wounded by the slight poking of a sharp dagger in his chest and his throat. "Your face said it for you."
"Well, I wasn't aware that my face had developed the unheard of ability to speak for me. And with my mouth closed, to add further astonishment."
Klaus rolls his eyes and sighs, already sick of their little game. He waves a hand at the canvas in front of them.
"If you're going to come here and silently judge my work, then, do tell, what exactly is it about it that you find so unimpressive?" he asks. More demands, but one never really demands anything of Alexia Branson. He's learned that lesson before. Many times.
Sure enough, she takes an extra moment to answer simply to spite his tone. He clenches his jaw but stays quiet, waiting.
Then she squints her eyes some more, gives another tilt of her head, as if really examining the flaws in the painting. Klaus even finds himself glancing over it uncertainly. Perhaps it wasn't one of his best. He does recall being rather frustrated with it during the process of creation, and there had been a light squabble between his siblings that he had been made to deal with in between. Maybe it reflected a little too much in his work.
Then Alexia says, with an air of finality on her descision, and extreme confidence, "It's too blue."
Klaus stares at her. "It's too... blue? Your problem with this piece is that there is too much... blue?"
"No, not too much of the colour blue," Alexia says, shaking her head, making those curls move with her, fascinatingly. "It's too blue. Sad. You may has well have just painted a big frown on it and titled it, "My Inner Soul"."
She turns to him and he finally sees the grin stretching across her delicately painted lips. A weight is lifted out of his chest and then he's shaking off his disbelief.
"You're mocking me," he scoffs, a low chuckle starting beneath it in his throat. "To my face as well, a very bold move, I have to say!"
It's her turn to roll her eyes now. "Oh, I'm so scared, Nik! What are you going to do? Kill the only person who actually buys your paintings? Now, would that not just be a poorly-thought out business move?"
She's turned to properly face him now, her head tilted again, and that smile still playing across her lips. It's impossible to hold any displeasing thoughts or feelings inside of him when it feels as though she can peer right into the soul that he questions the existence of. She doesn't. She has no doubt that it's in there -- she's told him as such, time and again, despite his protests and attempts to prove her wrong. She's so certain.
He sputters a bit, fumbling over his words, something in which she finds great amusement. And he finds fondness in her amusement, so really, he doesn't mind too badly.
"Now -- that is simply untrue! I have other buyers."
"Mhm." Lexi hums. "But if that's the case, then why have I been granted the absolute privilege of being allowed to remain... well, undead?"
Klaus considers it. In truth, he's snapped necks for lesser insults and grievances.
But he looks at Lexi, and his mind instantly softens his hands to caress the delicate skin of her neck instead. He can see the places where his lips have left love letters, once reread over and again, now tucked away beneath the surface of her skin to be kept secret.
An odd feeling posesses him for a moment longer than he'd like. Similar to the time one vampire got brave and made a grab for his heart, managing to get their idiotic little fingers wrapped around it for just a moment. They had just started to twist when their head had landed on the other side of the room, courtesy of a well-timed Elijah.
It's that feeling. The twisting of his heart, phantom fingers around it like it's some kind of ball for them to play with, just to give the strings a little tug.
It's an aching, hollow feeling right in his chest and down a bit, where no one should be able to reach.
He swallows and draws his eyes away from Alexia's unmarked neck, back up to her still sparkling eyes. She raises her eyebrows at his delay in answering.
"My god," she says, widening her eyes with feigned amazement, "I've actually rendered the great Niklaus Mikaelson speechless. I wasn't sure anything could ever make you stop talking -- if you don't inflate your ego, who else will?"
Klaus' mouth twitches at the corner and he allows the smile to blossom into another chuckle. He shakes his head.
"Precisely, my love," he says, but he is too soft, still caught up in his thoughts, where the desire to be gentle always won out.
Alexia doesn't bat an eyelash. "So, am I going to be walking out of Chicago with a head then?"
She's kidding, of course. Teasing him because they both know that he's never had a single desire for her pain in any form. Even the thought of it makes his gut twist like someone has stuck a dagger in it and forgot to remove it.
"I'd rather you didn't walk out of Chicago at all," he confesses before he can think.
This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Alexia was simply a fellow vampire he stumbled across during a darker period. Many vampires have come and gone through his many centuries, many during much worse times in his life, and yet she's one of the rare few who got stuck in his mind. Her gentleness, the way he softens just by being near her or thinking of her and how she'd react if he made a particularly unpleasant descision.
Finally, she's the one who's caught off her guard. "Oh," she flusters. "Um... I mean, I don't have to go right now. Kind of got forever. So... I can stay."
Klaus nods. "Good. I'd..." he clears his throat, but the words seem to have lodged themselves firmly in there.
Alexia's grinning again, leaning in closer. "What was that? That word you were going to say? You'd...?"
Klaus clenched his teeth again but it's partly to keep his smile from stretching like it wants to.
"I'd advise you quit while you're ahead, dear Alexia, or--"
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" she interrupts. "You sound like your brother when you call me Alexia."
Klaus actually is wounded this time. "Point made. Lexi it is."
She smirks, and says, "Good. Now, you were saying that I should quit while I'm ahead?"
"Which would apparently be always," Klaus concedes.
Lexi laughs, looking rather pleased about it, too. Such cockiness on anyone else would infuriate him. With Lexi, it's more fond exasperation. If anything, it's a good look on her and one he always takes pleasure in.
"I would be very happy if you were to stay for a little while longer," Klaus says, finishing his thought.
Lexi beams at him. She tilts her chin up and takes his arm, surprising him as she hooks it over her own.
"Then it is a very good thing that your happiness actually means something to me," she says. "Now, show me the rest of your paintings. And I want less sadness! Show me your happiest one."
Klaus peers at her for a moment. She just smiles that beautiful smile at him.
"I know just the one," he says, and she gestures for him to lead the way.
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minimitchell · 4 years
benmitchellweek day 5 - “is that supposed to be a challenge?”  (ao3 link)
Ben doesn’t actually need to do any washing at the laundromat. They have a perfectly good washing machine at the house. It’s just that the one time Karen asked him to drop by the laundrette because she had something for Lexi, there was this guy sitting in one of the chairs by the machines, completely engrossed in a book.
And because Ben is a complete idiot, he purposefully went by the laundrette as often as he could to find out if that guy using it was a one off or if he goes there regularly, because there’s no way in hell he’s going to ask Karen about him.
He feels a bit like some creepy stalker but it only takes him a couple of weeks to figure out that the guy does his washing there every two weeks on a Friday afternoon, always round about the same time. 
He doesn’t know what it is about the guy, they haven’t even spoken or anything, but there is just something to him that captures Ben's attention in a way no one has done for a very long time. He thinks it’s maybe the nicely-kept stubble that decorates his cheeks or the soft looking brown hair. Or maybe it’s the absolutely captivating blue of his eyes that he got to see when their eyes met that one time he was passing by.
Whatever it is, it’s enough to make Ben regress into a teenager with a crush again, trying to get the cute guy to notice him. He must be new around here, since Albert Square is a place where everyone knows everyone and he definitely doesn’t know who this guy is. He’d like to, but he doesn’t. He hasn’t seen him around the market, or in the chippy, or even in the Vic and it only adds to this weird fascination Ben has developed.
A fascination he’s tried hard to keep hidden, especially from the mother of his child, but apparently he hasn’t been as successful as he thought he’d been.
“Ben, you can’t go there every week until he notices you. It’s dead creepy.”
“Is that supposed to be a challenge?”
Lola’s rolling her eyes at him over her cup of coffee, checking to see if their daughter is still playing idly on the swings. They’ve used the rare occurrence where they both have the afternoon off to take her to the park and it made Ben realize that he has missed spending time with both of them like this. Yeah, they live together but they rarely spend time together as just the three of them. Normally, they’re always doing something with his mum, or his dad, or Jay. And while he loves the rest of his family, it’s still nice to spend time with his mate and their daughter.
Even if all she does is tease him about his crush on laundromat guy.
“So ask him out next time.”
Ben shakes his head while taking a sip from his own coffee, giving his daughter a cheer when she screams over at them to look how high she’s getting.
“I can’t. I’ve never said a word to him before.”
“So you just sit in the same room as him and stare at him until your washing is done? That’s somehow even worse, Ben. Besides, that fact has never stopped you before, has it?”
This is different though. He doesn’t want to pick the guy up and take him home with him. He wants to get to know him, maybe go to dinner with him and listen to him talk about the book he’s currently reading. It’s a new thing for him; to be so invested in someone he doesn’t know that the physical aspect of it all doesn’t even come into play until later. It’s unnerving to say the least, because it means that he’s completely out of his element with this.
Not that he’s going to give any of that information to Lola right now. She’ll only tease him more, call him ‘in love’ probably.
He’s about to give a retort when he catches a glimpse of tall brown hair and that lean body across the square. The guy’s stepping out of his brother’s old restaurant they’ve been trying to sell for a while now, some papers in one hand while shaking his mum’s with the other.
“Shit, Lo, that’s him.”
Lola follows his gaze to laundromat guy and they’re both watching him say goodbye to Ben’s mother with a bright smile on his face, before he disappears down the street.
“Oh, he’s fit. If he ain’t gay send him my way, please.”
“For your fiancé and my brothers sake, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
They exchange a small laugh with each other, knowing it’s all in jest.
“You should ask your mom what they were doing though. Saves you from stalking that poor bloke any longer.”
Turns out, laundromat guy’s name is Callum and he’s the one who bought his brother’s old space. Apparently, he’s new here and plans to open his own restaurant. He’s only a few years older than Ben and is a very nice, young man - according to his mother anyway. She also informs him that she’s invited Callum to this week’s Friday dinner. A fact, that Ben only freaks out about a little. Honestly.
The day the dinner finally rolls around he’s more than a little nervous. No one but Lola knows about his little infatuation with Callum and he desperately hopes that no one will embarrass him tonight. If everything goes well, he’s going to ask Callum out on a date later and hopefully, they’ll end up dating and Callum can cook delicious food for him for the rest of their lives. At least, that’s what Ben envisions.
Him and Lola are already settled around the laid table, while Lexi is still upstairs washing her hands and his mom is putting the finishing touches on their dinner, when the doorbell rings.
“Oh, I’ll get it. That must be Callum.”
His mom is practically running from the kitchen at the sound, almost looking like she’s the one hoping to score a date with Callum. Ben looks over at the doorway when the sound of two voices mingling gets louder, trying to ignore Lola’s teasing smile next to him, failing to not get lost in the smooth tones of Callum’s voice.
Ben feels his mouth go a little dry when they finally step into the living room, because Callum looks gorgeous. He’s wearing a crisp, white dress shirt and tight, black jeans and his hair is as nicely gelled as it normally is when they’re seeing each other at the laundrette. He’s still holding a bottle of wine in his hands and Ben is overcome with the urge to feel one of his large hands in his.
His eyes shine with recognition when he meets Ben’s gaze and he sends him a small smile; one, Ben can’t help but return.
“Callum, this is Ben and Lola. Lola’s fiancé Jay is joining us later, he’s still at work.”
“And our daughter Lexi is still upstairs but she’s going to, no doubt, bombard you with questions about your restaurant soon.”
Callum lets out a small laugh at that, although he momentarily had a weird look on his face when Ben mentioned their daughter. He really hopes that it isn’t down to Callum not liking kids; it’d definitely be a dealbreaker for Ben.
The dinner goes extremely well, despite the awkwardness from earlier. Callum is great with Lexi; answering every single one of her questions with ease and patience and Lola had to nudge him quite a bit to not overdo the heart eyes when looking at Callum interacting with his daughter. He’s charming and funny and honestly has a great vision for his future restaurant.
Ben is nothing short of enamored with him.
Somehow, they find themselves in the kitchen together. Ben did some washing up so that his mum could sit back and relax a little and Callum joined him when he came in to get another beer. It’s almost sickenly domestic and once they were done with it, they stayed in here to continue chatting in peace, away from the loud chatter that’s filling up the living room, especially with Jay having joined them now.
It’s nice; they’ve figured out that they have quite a lot in common and Ben is almost certain that Callum is flirting with him from time to time. One thing in particular they’ve learned is that they’re both gay.
“Oh, I assumed because of Lexi that you’re straight. Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s a long story, but I’m definitely into guys.”
“Good to know.”
They’re just swaying back and forth in his kitchen, matching dopey smiles on their faces, and Ben is pretty sure that Callum’s going to say yes to that date after all. It makes him giddy with excitement; warmth and hope blooming in his chest at the prospect of it. He’s about to ask Callum, when the door opens and Jay walks in, straight to the fridge and completely unaware of the obvious, romantic tension filling the kitchen. Callum doesn’t seem that bothered though, not really paying Jay any more attention right now.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to come say hi when I saw you at the laundrette. I don’t know why I didn’t, but maybe next time we could go grab a coffee while we’re waiting?”
Ben is ready to say yes to Callum’s suggestion when Jay turns around and gives them a confused look, interrupting their moment.
“What are you going to the laundrette for? You have a perfectly fine washing machine right here.”
Jay doesn’t stick around for the fallout; only shaking his head and exiting the kitchen again, leaving Ben behind to drown in embarrassment. When he opens his eyes again - and when had he closed them anyway - Callum is looking at him with barely concealed amusement and Ben would really like the ground to swallow him up right now, please and thank you.
“Okay so I might’ve gone there a few times just to see you. I’d love to go for that coffee though, if you still want to.”
When Callum steps forward into his space, he settles both of his hands on Ben’s neck, using them to pull him the rest of the way into his own body. Ben thinks it’s heavenly how great they fit together until Callum seals their lips together in a soft kiss and then he knows what’s really heaven - the feeling of Callum’s lips on his own and his skin under Ben’s fingertips. 
It’s only a short kiss but it leaves Ben with an explosion of butterflies in his stomach, spreading all the way throughout his body.
“I still want to.”
Ben can’t wait for it. He’ll ask about Callum cooking him dinner later.
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babygirlgalitzine · 4 years
unfair we’re not somewhere misbehaving for days (ao3)
Ben hid under the desk, hand pressed tightly over his mouth in an attempt to muffle the laughter that was stumbling out of his mouth. 
He and Callum had been having an affair for months now, and it still hadn’t got boring. In fact, it grew more and more exciting as time went by. The more that they got away with, the longer their affair continued, the more exciting it got for them. The idea of being caught out was terrifying, but thrilling all the same. 
Which is why they were in the funeral parlour, Ben hitched up on the table, Callum between his legs. It was lunch, and Ben had sent Jay on a wild goose chase, just because he wanted to spend time with Callum. Time that they hadn’t spent together for a while. It was nice, Ben’s legs wrapped around Callum’s waist, Callum leaning against Ben, encapsulated in one another.
Until they both heard the lock in the door turn, and Jay’s voice shouting out.
“Get down.” Callum whispered, as he scrambled to zip up his trousers. 
Ben started laughing instantly, ducking underneath the table with his jeans halfway down his thighs and his shirt unbuttoned. 
“I can’t believe him.” Jay exasperated, sitting down at his own desk, facing Callum. 
“Who?” Callum asked, smile on face as he attempted to sort out the papers that were now scattered all across the desk. Ben snaked a hand up Callum’s leg, resting it on his thigh.
Jay rubbed his hands across his face and sighed. “Ben. He told me that Lola needed some letter or another for Lexi, because she’s taking her to the dentist, and they’re both busy so I had to find it. I’ve just spent the past half an hour turning the house upside down, and then I rang Lola and she said she hadn’t got the foggiest what I was going on about.”
“Brothers, eh?” Callum chuckled, reaching down and shoving Ben’s hand out of the way. 
Jay shrugged, and looked at Callum. “You alright mate?”
“Me?” Callum asked. “Yeah I’m fine.”
“You just look…” Jay faded out, pointing to his own hair. 
Callum’s hair was all over the place. Half of it was flat against his forehead, the rest all askew. It was a massive contrast to his usual perfect quiff, just like it had been half an hour prior.
“Oh!” Callum gasped, running his fingers through his hair. “I, er, I had a nap. Yeah.”
Jay nodded. “Do you want anything from the shop anyway? I’m going to get lunch.”
Callum shook his head, and watched as Jay walked out of the funeral parlour.
Seconds later, Ben reappeared, standing up fully and tugging his jeans back into position. “You had a nap? That’s a new one.”
“You need to go before Jay comes back.” Callum grinned. 
“I know, I know.” Ben buttoned up his shirt, and leaned down, pecking Callum’s lips. “Text me later, yeah?” 
Ben sat in the drivers seat, with one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the back of the passenger seat. Callum sat next to him, stretching his legs out in front of him, sliding the seat back. 
“You gonna give me a kiss?” Ben grinned, lifting his sunglasses up, rolling them onto his forehead. 
“It’s broad daylight.” Callum responded, as if that was a normal response to give to his lover who was asking for the tiniest amount of affection.
Ben looked around. “You’re not a vampire, Callum. Nobody is around. We’re fine.” 
Callum looked around himself, and then turned to face Ben. He raised his hand, cupping Ben’s cheek. He leaned forward, and caught Ben’s lips between his own, a quick embrace, and a risky one at that. It was the first time they had done this, in public when it was light. Anyone could appear at any moment, and the whole affair would be ruined. It made their hearts race, as Callum’s thumb ran over Ben’s cheek, their lips locked together, enjoying the moment.
“Good enough for you?” Callum asked, when they pulled back from one another. His hand still remained against Ben’s cheek, skin warm underneath his touch. 
“More than good enough.” Ben responded, grin spread across his face.  
At first, it was just lust. A need for Ben to prove that he could win whoever he wanted, and an itch to scratch for Callum, finally experiencing what he was made for. Now, it was so much more, and they both knew that, even though it wasn’t exactly something they would admit, even to themselves. 
“Is this our first official date?” Callum asked, putting his seatbelt on over his body. 
“I think it might be, yeah.” Ben smiled, and then there was a tap at the window, and Callum’s face sunk.
Ben turned around, and wound his window down. “You alright Lo?” Ben asked. 
“Where are you two off to?” Lola asked, shopping bag in hand. 
“Present shopping.” Callum lied, smile beaming across his face. “Ben was bored, so he offered to give me a lift.”
Lola smiled, and nodded, accepting the answer. “Good luck then. You’ll be listening to show tunes on the way there.” She laughed.
“Okay yeah, bye Lola.” Ben responded, smirk across his face as he pushed his friend off of his car, winding the window back up.
Ben waited until she walked into the house before he turned to Callum. He reached out, and placed his hand on top of his thigh, squeezing it gently. “It’s fine.” He spoke. “She didn’t see anything. She would’ve said.”
Callum smiled, and placed his hand over Ben’s, interlocking their fingers.
“Feels weird.” Ben commented. “Being here, with you.”
They were in Callum’s flat, somewhere that had been out of bounds in all the months of their affair – until now. Callum was practically pinned to the sofa, Ben arching over him, knees to either side of Callum’s waist, holding Callum’s hands up above his head. He leaned down, and left an open mouthed kiss to Callum’s lips, before pulling away and watching as he instinctively chased Ben’s mouth, wanting more.  
“Why?” He asked, wiggling to get more comfortable. 
Ben let go of his hands, allowing Callum to put them down. He did, and snaked them around Ben’s waist, needing to have that extra touch. 
“Because it’s your home.” Ben shrugged. “Every time we’ve been together, it’s been in places that don’t matter. Random hotels, if we’re lucky. This, this is so much more than that. It’s your home.”
“You can be quite soft when you want to be, can’t you?” Callum pointed out.
  They sat in silence for a moment, Callum’s thumb running over Ben’s cheek, fingers curling into his hair. Ben leaned down, and embraced Callum into another kiss, his thumb hooked against his chin, pulling Callum into position. It was slow, and sensual, and a far cry from the kisses they shared at the start of their affair, all bruised lips and teeth clashing together. It was so much more than that now. This was about them, taking their time together. Giving every piece of Ben to Callum; and every piece of Callum to Ben.
That was, until the phone buzzed, and Callum had to answer it. 
Whitney. She had come back earlier than expected from her shopping trip, and Callum buzzed her up. 
“Get your shoes on, quick.” Callum ordered, the second he slammed the receiver down. “Whitney’s back.”
Ben scrambled to get his shoes on, as Callum flustered about, not knowing what to do. Ben grabbed ahold of him. “Follow my lead.”
“Hi bab- oh.” Whitney spoke, walking through the door and putting her shopping bags on the sofa. “What are you doing here?” 
Ben smiled. “Business.” He responded. “Callum came around before, but I was busy with another customer. Turns out he wants a nice little motor, so I was just telling him what cars we’re getting in next month or so.”
“Yeah.” Callum smiled, stepping forward and kissing Whitney’s cheek. “Thought it was about time I invested in a car. Anyway, I’ll see you later mate.” 
Callum held out his hand, and Ben clasped onto it, shaking it. It felt weird. Odd. Heartbreaking even, that they had just gone from entwined fingers and passionate kisses, to shaking each others hands and being called ‘mate’.
“Yeah.” Ben smiled. “Let me know if you want that car.”
It was rare that Ben experienced an empty house, what with the amount of people that lived in both of the houses he usually resided in. So, when it happened, he couldn’t believe his luck, and texted Callum to invite him around.
Though, neither of them were expecting that this would result in their affair being exposed. 
“I really need to get back.” Callum groaned against Ben’s lips. He had been trying to leave for close to ten minutes now, but Ben had a magnetising way of pulling him back in, every single time he made an attempt to leave.
“Fine.” Ben smiled. “One more kiss though.” 
Callum rolled his eyes, but conceded, pressing his lips to Ben’s. When he pulled back, he shrugged on his jacket – that had been scattered on the floor alongside the rest of his clothes – and spoke. “I’ll just nip to the toilet. Are you going to the pub?”
“Yeah.” Ben smiled. “I’ll wait downstairs for you.”
So, Kathy coming back early wasn’t part of the plan. 
Ben was stood at the bottom of the stairs when the door swung open, Kathy stepping inside. “You off out love?” She asked, sweet smile on her face. 
Ben looked like a rabbit in headlights, and took a quick look upstairs in an attempt to get Callum to stay up there, but he was nowhere to be seen. 
“Ben?” She asked, confused. “What are you looking at? Do you have a man up there?” 
“What? No.” Ben responded, too quickly for his mum’s liking, and she knew then. 
And then it happened. 
From upstairs, Callum called out. “Babe, are my shoes down there?” 
Kathy recognised the voice instantly, and Ben swung his head back, eyes screwed shut, as if he was waiting for the kick off to happen. 
“Babe?” Callum spoke again, jogging down the stairs. “My sho-oh”
“Yeah, ‘oh’.” Kathy repeated. “How long’s this been going on?” 
Callum looked at Ben, waiting for him to speak. “Five months.” He answered, when Ben didn’t. 
“Ben?” Kathy enquired. 
“Well he’s hardly gonna lie is he?” Ben laughed. “Five months, give or take.” 
He turned to Callum. “Your shoes are in the living room. Go to work. I’ll see you later.”
Callum nodded, and picked his shoes up, shoving them on his feet. Ben rubbed his face and sighed. “See you later, yeah?” Callum spoke softly. 
“Sorry.” Before leaving, he pressed a quick kiss to Ben’s cheek.
Kathy sighed, watching as Callum left the house, running his fingers through his hair. “We need to talk.” She said, pushing Ben into the living room, not prepared for this conversation in the slightest.
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bamby0304 · 5 years
Don’t Tell Jensen
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Summary: Jared likes to get up to no good, and sometimes he likes to drag you along for the ride.
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader
A/N: This is for my @spnkinkbingo card, and goes with the Impala Sex square. If you’re looking to add a little something more to your Jared fic experience, check out @scentsfromthebunker’s Jared scent :) thank you @dean-winchesters-bacon for looking this over, hun xx
Link: Ao3
Square Filled: Impala Sex
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: Explicit language. Smut. Dry humping. Fingering. Car sex. Unprotected sex.
The set had shut down for the night. Everyone had retired to their trailers. You had retired to your own, having planned to sleep until needed tomorrow. That was, until Jared had knocked on your door and dragged you back to set.
He’d been giggling like a child the whole time, pulling you closer and walking backwards so he could face you. Any question of where he was taking you and what he was doing faded as he leaned down to press his grinning lips against yours.
When you saw the Impala, everything clicked.
“Bob will kill us,” you noted, standing by the beautiful black vehicle.
With his arms wrapped around your waist, Jared shrugged. “Only if he finds out.”
“Jensen will kill us.”
Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to your jaw. “Doesn’t that make it a little more fun?”
“You do realise you’re not actually Sam Winchester, right?” Turning, you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “If you die you stay dead.”
“And if I get to choose the way I go out, then I choose this.” Stepping around you, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the car’s backdoor.
Even you couldn’t deny the thrill of sneaking into the backseat of the Impala, in the middle of the closed set, while the cast and crew slept right outside. Infected by Jared’s bubbling excitement, you found yourself giggling as he guided you to straddle him.
His hands rested on your hips, fingers pressing into the meat of your ass and pulling you closer as his lips found yours again. Your fingers carded through his hair as you leaned into him, pressing your body as close to his as possible.
As you licked into Jared’s mouth, he whined and tightened his grip on you. Your hips began to move out of instinct driven by your arousal. Grinding against Jared, you could feel him hardening, pressing against your barely covered slit deliciously.
Technically the two of you had been dressed and ready for bed, which meant he was in a simple tee and sweatpants, while you were in a tank top and loose gym shorts. The thin material meant you could feel him perfectly, and you could feel how soaked you now were.
“Fuck, baby.” Pulling away, Jared looked up at you with dilated pupils.
Tugging his lip between his teeth, he fought not to make too much noise as you began to grind down on him a little harder. Each push had him brushing against your aching clit, which only made you want more.
Whimpering, you dropped your head to his shoulder as you picked up the pace, rocking the car with every thrust.
Sliding his hand between your thighs, Jared pushed your shorts out of the way and stroked your drenched slit. Mewling helplessly, you shuddered at the feel of him barely pressing the tip of his finger into you. Shifting your hips, you sought out his fingers, wanting more from him, which he happily gave.
Pressing into you, Jared pushed two fingers into you until he was knuckle deep. You keened at the feel of him, twitching needily as he curled his fingers in a way that always made you go crazy. Grinding and thrusting against his fingers, you moaned in his ear as you chased your orgasm, wanting and needing nothing more than that blissful high.
“Come on, baby,” Jared murmured in your ear, pressing against the sweet spot inside you. “I know you’re right there. Wanna hear those pretty sounds you make. Wanna feel you squeeze me. Do it for me.”
With his voice in your ear, his fingers stroking your g-spot, and his body pressed against yours, Jared pushed you over the edge.
Biting your lip as you cried against his shoulder, you dug your claws into his back and clenched around his fingers, twitching against him as a ripple of ecstasy rushed through you.
Turning his head, he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. “Good girl.”
Delicately, Jared maneuvered the two of you until your back was flat on the seat. Kneeing between your thighs, leaning in to press kisses to your shoulder and neck, he began to inch your shorts down your legs.
“Remember that scene we did this afternoon?” he asked as he dropped your shorts to the floor of the car. “Where Dean passed out in the bar, so Sam and Lexi slept in Baby?” He pulled his shirt over his head, then. “Remember how I had to grind on you, in this exact spot again, and again, and again, and again?”
All you could do was whimper and nod as he continued peppering kisses on your neck, while his fingers began working on pulling his pants down now.
“Made me so hard, feeling you under me like that. Wanted everyone to leave so I could fill you up. That’s why I brought you here tonight. Wanted to try the scene again, only this time we’re alone… and there’s nothing between us.”
That was all the warning you got before he began to push into you.
Jared groaned against your neck as you squeezed him, swallowing him inch by inch as he slowly filled you. When he was balls deep, pulsing against your sensitive walls and pressing against your cervix, you were vibrating with the desire for him to move, and a need for him to stay still.
Taking a moment, Jared pressed gentle kisses to your shoulder as he tried to control his shaking breath and body. You could feel how affected he was by the feel of you around him.
Living on site meant you didn’t get a lot of time to be intimate. You were either working wonky shifts, or exhausted from hours of shooting, or there were too many people around for you to take real enjoyment out of what little pleasure you could find. Jared was always eager, however, and had a habit of finding ways to get what he wanted.
You were what he wanted, and the risk of getting busted having sex in the Impala was not going to dissuade him from enjoying the feeling of being inside you, or the sounds you made when he brought you to that high peek you couldn’t quiet reach on your own.
Lifting your legs to wrap around his waist, you pulled Jared closer, needing to feel all of him. With his body pressed against yours, and his lips trailing along your neck and shoulder, you felt yourself nearing another climax. Hips thrusting against hips, the car rocked in time with your movements as the windows fogged.
Murmured words and soft groans passed between the two of you. Hands slid over curves, fingers grasping whatever flesh they could find. You and Jared fell further into you arousal, drowning in the feel of each other, reveling in a rare intimate moment together.
Reaching between your bodies, Jared began to rub at your clit, pulling you closer to your ending a little faster. Arching against him, moaning unashamedly, you tugged at Jared’s hair as he pushed you over the edge.
The sound of your cumming and the feel of your walls clenching around him had Jared’s pace falter as he shuddered before he spilled inside of you. With a shaking breath, he pressed another kiss to your jaw as he leaned back. He hissed as you whined at the feel of him pulling out of you.
Looking down between your thighs, Jared couldn’t help himself as he grinned. “Whoops.”
“‘Whoops’?” You shot up to lean on your elbows as you looked at him with wide eyes. “What ‘whoops’?”
Running a finger over your slit, Jared lifted his hand to show you the mess on his finger. “It’s on the seat.”
Jumping into action, you fumbled for the clothing on the floor and quickly pulled on the first thing you grabbed. Jared’s sweats were very big on you, but at least they put a barrier between you and the leather of the Impala.
“Jensen is going to kill us.” You glared up at him.
Shrugging, Jared pulled his shirt over his head as he continued to grin. “He doesn’t know it was us. No one does. Any one of the cast or crew could have snuck in here and-”
“What? Rubbed one out?”
“Or…” he leaned in to capture your lips with his, “they could have snuck a beautiful woman in here to show her how desperate they’ve been to be with her.”
Smiling up at him, you shook your head. “Can’t believe you’re trying to charm your way back onto my good side.”
“I’m always on your good side.” Winking at you, he then grabbed your gym shorts and pulled them on. “I’m keeping these by the way.”
Laughing, you shook your head once more as he slid out of the car and then helped you out. Hand in hand, laughing and grinning like teenagers, he walked you back to your trailer, neither of you caring about the mark you left on the leather seat.
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goldensfm · 4 years
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              *    ╰     𝐡𝐢   𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲   𝐥𝐮𝐯𝐬   𝐚𝐧𝐝   𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐠   𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐬    ,   i’m   your   resident   crackhead   steven   forced   out   of   early   writing   retirement   by   miss   rona   but   i   ain’t   complainin   !    🤡    i’m   here   to   bring   you   a   decidedly   non   -   crackheaded   muse   utilizing   the   absolute   goddess   that   is   zendaya   .   like   got   DAMN   𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤   at   her   !   i’m   swimming   with   muse   for   lex   so   i   am   hoping   my   control   freak   ice   queen   offers   some   sort   of   justice   —   i   cant   wait   to   meet   you   all   and   love   you   down   endlessly   !   if   you   could   spare   a   𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭   for   my   validation   ,   i’ll   offer   you   all   my   best   plots   in   return   !   💖
     ❛   ✶   (   ZENDAYA  ,   CIS   -   FEMALE   ,   SHE   /   HER   )   spotted   !     ALEXANDRIA   ‘   LEX    ’   GOLDMAN   was   spotted   singing   along   to   BOSS   BITCH   by   DOJA   CAT   in   hilton   grove.   you’ve   heard   of   them   right   ?     they   are   a   TWENTY   -   TWO   year   old   ACTRESS   &   ENTREPRENEUR   who   has   already   amassed   a   net   worth   of   $31M.   you   should   really   follow   them   on   insta   @GOLDEN ,   they’re   about   to   hit   39.1M   followers.        the   tabloids   have   been   calling   them   the   EXECUTIVE   because   they   are   known   for   being   +   PURPOSEFUL   but   also   a   bit   -   AUSTERE.  —   ooc   info   (   steven   .   21   .   pst   .   she   /   her   /   they   /  them   .  )
full   name   :      alexandria   (   defender   of   man   )   rochelle   (   little   rock   )   goldman   (   little   golden   one   ) nicknames   :       primarily   goes   by   lex   .   lexie   ,   xan   on   occasion   ,   and   gold   /   goldie   . birthday   &      age   :      september   3rd   /   22   years   old zodiac   :      virgo gender   &   pronouns   :      cis  -  female  ,  she   /   her   /   hers orientation   :       openly   bisexual nationality   :      american ethnicity   :       mixed   race   —   african  -  american   ,   german   ,   irish   ,   english   ,   scottish occupation   :       former   beauty   pageant   competitor   and   2016’s   miss   teen   usa   ,   current   film   and   television   actress   ,   model   ,   business   entrepreneur   ,   and   activist   .   recognized   for   :      starring   in   hbo’s   television   series   euphoria   ,   being   the   first   openly   queer   representative   for   the   usa   in   the   pageant   circuit   ,   her   advocacy   for   feminism   and   criminal   justice   reform   ,   a   bustling   social   media   page   ,   being   one   of   forbes   2019′s   top   30   under   30   . char . inspos  :    meredith  grey  from  grey’s  anatomy   ,   spencer   hastings   from   pretty   little   liars   ,   hermione   granger   from   harry   potter   ,   meghan   markle     ,   angela   martin   from   the   office   ,   alex   cabot   from   law   and   order   svu   ,   and   more   than   anything   ,   claire   from   fleabag   .     𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧   𝐢𝐟   𝐮   𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐦   𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠   𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞   ,   𝐢   𝐛𝐞𝐠   𝐨𝐟   𝐮   𝐭𝐨   𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡   𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬   𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨   𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭   𝐭𝐨   𝐠𝐞𝐭   𝐥𝐞𝐱’𝐬   𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞   𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝   𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨   𝟑   𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬   . tropes   :   control   freak   ,   defrosting   the   ice   queen   ,   perpetual   frowner   ,   did   you   think   i   can’t   feel   ?   ,   hidden   depths   ,   stepford   smiler   . aesthetics :    an  intellect  that  remembers  everything    ;    wild  caramel  curls  with  just  enough  composure  to  seem  effortless    ;    a  fear  of  failure   more  crippling  than  life  itself    ;    the  smell  of  fresh  linen  and  lavender     ;     a  color - coded  itinerary     ;     a  perfectly  choreographed  interaction  ,  each  time    ;    lilac  power - suits  and  an  immaculate  composure    ;     unspoken  mommy  issues    ;    tenebrous  ,  intent gazes  swimming  with  the  resonance  of  unspoken  thoughts   ;    ‘ don’t  touch  me  please ‘  syndrome    ;    kicking  out  hookups  before  you  both  fall  asleep    ;    ordering  the  same  thing  at  a  restaurant  ,  every  time    ;    flinching  at  ‘ i love you’s ’    ;    drafting  business  emails  at  the  club     ;    an  admiration  of  atlas  ,  with  the  world’s  weight  upon  your   shoulders .
               born   the   sole   continuance   of   the   goldman   name   to   a   mother   whose   pregnancy   was   all   but   a   career   death  -  sentence   ,   lex   bore   the   weight   of   the   world’s   expectations   on   graceful   shoulders   from   the   moment   she   came   into   the   light   .   lieutenant   olivia   goldman   ,   head   of   the   manhattan   police   department   ,   can   deny   the   salacious   accused   affair   with   the   district   attorney   until   she’s   blue   in   the   face   but   can’t   deny   the   consequence   of   their   tryst   ,   alexandria   being   a   painful   reminder   of   losing   nearly   all   her   mother’s   years   of   hard   work   while   her   father   simply   denied   her   existence   and   lived   none   the   more   guilted   .      from   the   start   ,   the   odds   were   stacked   against   the   goldman   progeny   ,      pushing   perfection   as   her   only   claim   to   some   semblance   of   attention   from   liutenant   goldman   .
             as   a   mixed   race   child   to   a   white   unwed   mother   in   law   enforcement   ,   working   80   hours   weeks   and   having   spent   years   building   her   career   ,   there   was   little   lex   saw   of   her   mother   that   wasn’t   something   resembling   exhaustion   or   utter   disinterest   .   this   forces   her   to   grow   independent   at   an   astounding   pace   ,   keeping   to   herself   as   to   not   bother   her   mother   with   her   own   whims   or   desires   .   at   12   ,   her   mother   is   courted   by   an   award   -   winning   director   who   requests   her   guidance   on   a   police   film   he’s   submitting   —   she   refuses   to   advise   on   the   film   ,   but   goes   to   dinner   with   him   as   a   courtesy   ,   and   they’re   married   a   year   later   in   a   lavish   hamptons   wedding   in   the   summer   .   rudy   delano   is   a   world -renowned   director   along   the   likes   of   steven   spielberg   ,   and   takes   to   lex   like   she   were   his   own   daughter   .   as   if   to   balance   out   olivia’s   coldness   and   detachment ,   he   showers   lex   in   adoration   and   support   ,   encouraging   her   to   pursue   her   interests   of   pageantry   when   she   voices   them   following   her   7th   grade   year   .  
              considering   a   lifetime   spent   nitpicking   and   pushing   her   own   facade   of   complete   calculation   ,   she   takes   the   pageantry   world   by   storm   and   it   seems   the   rest   of   her   life   falls   into   place   .   a   perfectionist   in   every   sense   ,   she   maintains   nothing   short   of   flawlessness   throughout   high   school   (   taking   on   student   council   co-president   ,   heading   several   clubs   ,   and   one   of   four   school   valedictorians   )   and   goes   on   to   compete   in   the   most   elite   of   pageantry   circuits   .   her   advocacy   for   marginalized   populations   was   a   major   platform   and   propelled   her   to   miss   teen   new   york   and   soon   after   ,   miss   teen   usa   .   in   the   live   aired   interview   segment   ,   perhaps   among   the   most   important   moments   of   her   life   ,   lex   makes   a   rare   slip   and   accidentally   comes   out   as   bisexual   when   asked   about   the   LGBTQ+   mental   health   crisis   in   her   home   state   of   new   york   .   this   leads   to   lex   becoming   the   first   openly   queer   miss   teen   usa   ,   and   would   have   likely   fared   well   if   she   were   to   have   continued   ;   despite   its   progressions   ,   the   pageant   world   of   sponsorships   seems   to   lag   behind  ,   and   the   ‘   controversy   ’    of   her   coming   out   led   to   her   leaving   the   pageant   world   for   good   .   
              on   her   own   two   wobbly   feet   ,   she   continues   with   her   advocacy   and   finds   herself   excelling   in   the   business   element   of   it   all   ,   going   on   to   obtain   her   business   degree   from   columbia   while   taking   on   the   big   screen   in   a   blossoming   film   career   at   the   encouragement   of   her   step   father   .   she   shoots   to   stardom   upon   the   release   of   euphoria   ,   paired   with   a   strong   social   media   presence   ,   a   thriving   modeling   career   ,   and   a   brand   that   becomes   recognized   as   a   household   name   synonymous   with   advocacy   and   entrepreneurship   .
              perhaps   lex’s   most   notable   quality   is   being   driven   by   an   unyielding   fear   of   failure   and   mediocrity   .   there   is   no   task   small   enough   that   lex   will   not   accomplish   to   the   best   of   her   execution   ,   and   if   she   can’t   ensure   perfection   ,   she   will   refuse   to   give   it   an   attempt   at   all   .   this   all   or   nothing   attitude   stems   from   an   obscene   obsession   with   control   and   remaining   in   control   ,   something   those   around   her   are   all   too   aware   of   .  
              despite   a   rather   charming   and   gregarious   disposition   on   the   red   carpet   ,   many   will   note   that   lex   is   incredibly   reserved   when   meeting   her   in   real   life   .   the   pageantry   training   has   kicked   in   to   give   her   a   facade   to   push   when   she’s   in   the   spotlight   ,   though   her   true   disposition   is   much   less   play   and   much   more   work   .   she’s   stoic   and   serious   ,   knowing   just   what   to   say   at   what   time   to   continue   the   narrative   that   she   is   completely   in   control   .   cool   and   calculated   ,   her   affect   is   usually   stern   and   unwilling   to   reflect   any   sentiment   of   softness   or   goofiness   —   many   business   associates   note   her   absolute   maturity   and   rationality   even   at   the   tender   age   of   22   .   her   energy   ,   as   subdued   as   it   may   be   ,   commands   the   room   with   a   power   of   self-assuredness   that   only   stems   from   a   confidence   rooted   in   something   to   back   it   up   .   she’s   an   elderly   woman   in   a   millennial’s   body   ,   and   this   tends   to   show   in   her   dry   wit   humor   ,   relative   moodiness   ,   and   general   propensity   for   wanting   things   done   exclusively   her   way   .
              lex’s   intellect   has   always   been   a   strong   suit   of   hers   ,   a   photographic   memory   that   allowed   her   to   glide   through   school   with   the   least   of   struggles   .   astute   and   well   -   spoken   ,   monotone   and   unlikely   to   crack   in   her   stony   temperament   ,   she’s   a   force   of   nature   to   be   well   reckoned   with   .   luckily   ,   lex   shows   little   to   no   interest   in   engaging   with   petty   drama   and   tends   to   keep   in   her   own   lane   ,   losing   interest   nearly   immediately   in   the   mindless   pettiness   some   of   her   friends   wrap   themselves   up   in   .   rational   ,   arguably   to   a   fault   ,   lex   has   a   bad   habit   of   censoring   herself   and   limiting   her   own   commentary   when   in   the   company   of   anyone   she   needs   to   maintain   her   reputation   with  ;  close   friends   ,   on   the   other   hand   ,   will   easily   characterize   her   as   blunt   and   straightforward   ,   almost   too   aggressive   with   her   honesty   for   her   own   good   .   though   she’d   rarely   voice   it   ,   she   has   an   undeniable   superiority   complex   stemming   from   a   recognition   that   whatever   she   does   ,   she’s   incredibly   good   at   (   ignoring   her   unwillingness   to   step   out   and   try   anything   outside   her   comfort   zone   .   )
              this   is   the   curious   dichotomy   of   alexandria   goldman   ,   considering   one   of   her   most   notable   flaws   is   her   unwillingness   to   invest   .   despite   being   perhaps   overly   honest   ,   the   moment   a   conversation   (   or   relationship   )   runs   the   risk   of   becoming   too   emotionally   risky   ,   she   shuts   down   .   flames   have   been   ghosted   ,   relationships   have   been   ended   ,   and   friendships   have   been   cut   off   simply   because   lex   deemed   them   to   be   a   danger   to   her   mission   of   remaining   in   complete   control   of   herself   and   her   life   .   the   select   few   that   have   plowed   through   lex’s   rather   prickly   initial   interactions   have   earned   themselves   a   friend   forged   from   gold   ,   loyal   to   a   fault   and   ready   to   drop   anything   at   a   wind’s   blow   to   aide   those   she   loves   most   .   defensive   and   ornery   ,   the   pageant   girl   facade   soon   blows   over   to   reveal   an   anal   retentive   ,   emotionally   stunted   grandmother   who   loses   her   lid   over   the   most   minute   of   inconveniences   if   they   step   out   of   her   pre-established   plans   and   routines   .
              hiding   beneath   her   layers   of   fake   smiling   at   redundant   questions   ,   unapproachable   hostility   and   being   an   otherwise   unmeltable   ice   queen   ,   lex   harbors   a   deep   intensity   that   overcomes   her   when   allowed   to   reign   (   and   very   rarely   is   allowed   to   reign   )   .   she   does   not   invest   in   small   doses   and   despite   the   relative   unlikelihood   of   her   allowing   a   distraction   such   as   a   relationship   ,   the   few   she’s   had   have   been   intense   whirlwinds   led   by   lex’s   own   inability   to   limit   herself   —   she’s   all   ,   or   she’s   nothing   ,   but   nowhere   in   the   middle   .
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Fatal Threats
     Alexa entered the casino with an entourage. Besides The protection of Alex and Andrew, a few men were surrounding her as she made her way to backstage. She knew that extra precautions needed to be taken, but this was a bit ridiculous. Her father did have the tendency to overreact. Once backstage, she moved towards her dressing room. “Okay boys. You can move now. Just guard the room and keep a post somewhere on the main floor.”
     “But your father said to guard you at all times.”
     “Well, I’m saying that you don’t have to do that. Not while I’m working at least. Just, keep a look out, okay?” They looked at each other, and then dispersed. She entered the dressing room, and Alex and Andrew followed. Once inside she was greeted by Don V and Robin. Robin looked worried and a bit distressed while V looked more serious than ever. She set her stuff down and raised a brow. “What’s going on?”
     “We need to talk about last night.” V stepped out of the way of her chair to let her sit down. Alex locked the door just in case anyone decided to try and drop by. “Great. Cause we need to take some kind of action. I’m not trying to be caught up in some kind of war between families, and not to speak for ya but I don’t think Lexie does either.”
     Alexa nodded. V sighed heavily, “Yes, I know. That’s why I have upped the security, and made sure that all exits were guarded.”
     “And what about Arthur?” Andrew folded his arms.
     “I will confront him. You all just focus on the show, and I will have a few words for him.” V exited the room. Alex couldn’t help but run her fingers through her hair and stomp at the ground. “God...son of a bitch! This is gonna turn for the fuckin’ worse. I can feel it. V needs to kick that asshole out of the fucking club! If he just gives him a stupid-ass threat, then Arthur is just going to take it lightly, and come up with some other shit to fuck us over!”
     Alexa motioned to her, “Calm down Al. With whatever rep V has, I don’t think he’s gonna let him just continue to come here. Arthur is obviously a danger to us, and probably everyone else here. We don’t know what his plan is, but whatever it is has to do with me, and he’s not going to stop. Even if he does ban him from the club. Arthur is ruthless.”
     Robin pinched the bridge of his nose, “Oy. Alright, well, right now we’re just gonna have to be light on our toes. For now, let’s let V handle it.”
     Alex glanced at her watch, “Yeah. C’mon Andy. We go on in three.” She and Andrew left to get ready for the show. Robin walked over to Alexa and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You gonna be alright hon?” She sighed and nodded. He gave her a few pats and exited the room. She rubbed her face, and stared at herself in the mirror. So much for trying to move on, but what did she expect as an ex-mob member? Life was always going to find her no matter where she went, but she was hoping it would never involve Arthur. She stood up, and lifted her shirt slightly, revealing a scar on her stomach. She gently ran her fingers against it, and felt so many forgotten memories reappear in her mind. She pulled her shirt back down, and sat back down in the chair. She took a deep breath, and kept her face in her hands. Everything was starting to spiral, but she needed to breath. Calm down. “Relax...”
     The beginning of the show had gone smoothly. Everyone involved had been watching Arthur who resided in the back of the club. Even Alex and Andrew occasionally and knowing full well that V wanted them to keep most of their focus on the show. Now it was time for Alexa to go on. Don V watched her start her song, and looked over at Arthur. His expression was unreadable this time, but that didn’t matter. He knew that it was a mixture of horrible emotions that only a sick man like him could feel. V made his way over to his table, and placed a hand on his shoulder once next to him. Arthur looked up at him, and V put on his best fake smile. “I couldn’t help but notice you from over there. Enjoying the show?”
     “Yes, I am. Very much so...” His voice trailed off as he brought his attention back to Alexa. He narrowed his eyes and V could see him biting his lower lip. That alone made him sick to his stomach, but he had to push through. He gestured to a chair next to him, “May I join you? Maybe get you a drink?” Arthur looked at him for a moment. After looking him over, he motioned to the chair. “Go right ahead.”
     V sat down and watched Alexa’s performance. At rare moments he would glance at Arthur. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, and the way he stared was absolutely disgusting. V chuckled, and that caught Arthur’s attention. “Hmm? What’s so funny?”
     “Why, you, of course. You’re staring at my singer pretty hard there.”
     “Hmm, yes. You see, I used to date her. We were actually supposed to get married.”
     “Oh really?” V pretended to be shocked at the information. “Lucky man. What happened and why the split? She cheat on you?”
     “Oh no. She couldn’t really keep up with my lifestyle, so I had to let her go.”
     “Hmm. Strange...” V brought his attention back to the show. “Not the way I heard it went down.” He could see Arthur turn to him and chuckle. “Excuse me?”
     V motioned one of the waiters to bring him a drink, and chuckled darkly. “Oh, you heard me. Let’s go down memory lane for a bit, shall we? And please correct me if I’m wrong.” He took a sip of the drink and continued. “Alexa’s past is rough, that much I know, but it got worse when you were brought into the picture. I know that her reputation was one to fear if mentioned, but you made her somewhat soft when you two first got together. Am I right so far?”
     Arthur’s face quickly turned into a scowl, and V could see him reaching for something. He snapped his fingers, and the waiter, and the men around him pulled guns on him. He motioned the waiter to Arthur, and he placed the gun to his back. “Not the wisest decision Bushell. Now, where was I? Oh yes! The beginning of your relationship. Somehow, you were able to get Alexa to see how horrible being in the mob really was, and you two were set on leaving and starting a better life. Weeks later, your father dies. You take control of the business with your new fiance. Things start to change for the better: you’re set to get married and both of you use your status as a way to keep others in check. But the job doesn’t come without its prices. As three, four, maybe five years go by, you quickly and surely begin to lose your sense of humanity. Soon, you’re out of control. You’re slaughtering anyone who gets in your way. Killing and tearing apart families. Alexa didn’t like this dramatic change. She called off the wedding, and the relationship entirely, leaving you to rot by yourself. But, you didn’t want her to leave, so you tried to make her stay. It only worked for about a month or two, until she found an opening and escaped. And I’m guessing her father got a hold of you and gave you a reason to get that neat little prosthetic you have now.”
     Arthur was completely silent.
     “I of course have my connections for these things~.” V placed his glass down and brought his full attention to Arthur. V stared daggers at him, but he seemed unfazed by the silent threat of his expression. So he continued, “I want you to listen to me very carefully. If you ever so much as think of hurting my employees, or anyone else here, I swear to you that you’ll meet a fate worse than death.” The man across from him stayed quiet for a moment. But to his surprise, when he did respond to his threat, he was laughing. It wasn’t loud enough for others to hear, but he could clearly tell that he was having a ball. V snapped his fingers once more and Arthur could hear the click of the gun. But that clearly didn’t faze him. He chuckled darkly. “Oh, now that’s funny. Don, forgive me for laughing, but you can’t do shit to me.”
     “Oh yeah? What makes you so sure that I can’t...?” V reached across the table and grabbed the collar of his shirt. Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle more at his attempt at scaring him, “Let’s see, shall we? The fact that no one has heard of you causing any extreme crimes lately, people aren’t as afraid of you anymore, or maybe the fact that you’re trying to pull this “change” bullshit?”
     “Get to the point, bug...”
     Arthur grabbed V’s glass, and took a sip from it. “My point is that you’re old news. Washed up. You’ve gone soft. How many ways do you want me to say that you’ve become weak? You don’t have the balls to try anything since you know it could fuck up your reputation even more than it already is. So, here’s what’s gonna happen: if I have eyes set on something, I will stop at nothing to get what I want. And my ex, your singer, just so happened to be apart of something that I want. So, make all the threats you want, but it’s not going to make me back off.”
     It was quiet between the two. Cold stare met the eyes of smug ignorance. The performance had ended. V snapped his fingers and the man behind Arthur grabbed his arms. He yanked him out of his seat, and V stood up. "Let's take this outside, shall we~?"
     V's men took Arthur out back and threw him against the wall. He didn't try to get up, and V liked it that way. He stood over him, silent, and hand firmly grasping the handle of his gun. As soon as he applied pressure to the trigger, another gun shot intercepted his own. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and his own bullet missed its initial target. It instead hit Arthur’s foot, but he managed to crawl away to his body guards that were not far from the scene. A man lunged at V, but even with his now wounded shoulder he fought him off.
     He propped himself against the wall. His chest was heaving and he was holding his wound with the jacket of the man he just silenced. Arthur had been helped to his feet, and given a gun. Unfortunately, V had noticed at the last second.
     Alex had noticed the way they left, and kept an ear out after the song. She headed back stage to meet with Robin when she heard the gunshots. She broke into a sprint after Robin ran towards the backstage exit. It was too late. As soon as they could see, they witnessed V get shot in his stomach. He fell to the ground. The four stood there in shock. Alexa's breath hitched when she saw his attacker. Alex saw him and immediately pulled her guns on him. However, Arthur snapped his fingers and in an instant his body guards were shooting at them. They ducked and ran back in the building. Alex quickly peeked out the door and shot both of them with ease. But a couple bullets did graze her arm, and one got lodged into her arm. The body guards fell, and a car pulled up to the entrance to the alley. Arthur ran down the alley and quickly entered the car. Alex tried to shoot after him, but with her bleeding arm she couldn’t keep a steady shot. Alexa ran to V's body. He was barely breathing and bleeding out. "Someone rip something off of those corpses! Hurry!"
     V's vision was becoming blurry. He could see Alexa's worried face, but he started hearing ringing. Everything was going in and out.
     "V...with me...okay...hospital...and hurry!"
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lexibranscn · 4 years
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After bumping into each other and Marcel giving Lexi a gift the two vampires choose to dance with one another, revealing parts of their past as they do so. 
Marcel: Ever since Marcel had been abandoned by Mary who have sneaked away to some other place at the Founders Ball, right after he had told her to be careful — he had been roaming around with a glass between his hand. Marcel was hoping to find a friend tonight, to give her what was promised to her the other day. He had contacted some other witches who owes him a favour and created a day light ring for him, “Hey, finally found you.” He called, “You’re not hiding from me are you?”
Lexi: Though usually the life of the party, Lexi was lingering in the shadows a little that night. The risk of the founding families discovering her was something she couldn't afford. A champagne flute in her hand she glanced over at the familiar voice, her lips spreading into a slow smile. "Marcel." her voice was warm as she acknowledged him,  a small laugh slipping from her lips. "Not at all. Simply enjoying watching everyone having a good time."
Marcel: It was unusual seeing how tamed and calm Lexi seemed tonight in comparison to the time they've spend together, but it was understandable consider the venue they are currently at - Mary had warned him of the founding families too. "Good, otherwise my feelings might just be hurt." Marcel chuckled, with a soft nod. "You came here alone?"
Lexi: Her smile was bright at the man, eyes rolling. "Oh, how terrible that would be." she couldn't help but tease, bringing her drink to her lips as Marcel asked who she came with. "No need to sound so pitying." she joked, nodding her head. "Yeah, I came alone. Got a message from someone wanting to meet me here so...I'm here." she shrugged, a small smile on her lips.
Marcel: It would be a lie if Marcel said he didn’t miss the playfulness between the two of them, spending time with Lexi definitely takes the edge of things when it gets tensed. “That sounds pretty shady if you ask me.” Marcel notes, taking a moment to scan around the area as he took a sip from his glass. “Try and be careful alright?”
Lexi: Marcel was fun. It was rare for Lexi to find someone she clicked with so easily, and she enjoyed spending time with him. "Awh, are you worried for little old me?" she teased, eyes gleaming brightly, a smile on her lips. "Don't worry. I doubt anything is going to happen as long as I'm in a public place." she paused, suddenly realizing that Marcel seemed a little...well, unaccompanied. "Wheres your date?"
Marcel: Marcel nodded in agreement, with all these humans around it was like whoever knew of their existence would risk making a scene in the middle of an event like this. “Oh — ah, right my date.” He chuckled, shaking his head a little. “Ditched me the first chance she got, but no I’m just here with the girl I am kinda looking after. So technically, no date.”
Lexi: "What? A handsome guy like you? Shut up." she laughed in shock, shaking her head at this fact. "I will not accept the fact that you are single, and that you didn't get a hot date to come to this thing with you." It wasn't possible. He was a great guy, with a good sense of humor and a generous spirit. "We have got to find you a girlfriend."
Marcel: “Well, I am in fact quite single and definitely no hot date. But says the one who came here alone too, Lexi.” Marcel could only laugh at Lexi’s comments, shaking his head lightly. Perhaps it is time to commit in moving on, no more connections and all these maybes with Rebekah. He deserves the love he longed for too, “I doubt I would find anyone in Mystic Falls let’s be honest.” Marcel chuckled,
Lexi: "Well, I do have the love of my life waiting for me back home." she reminded him with a small laugh, shrugging her shoulders. Though a date would of been nice, she missed Rowan more than anything. "Really?" Lexi blinked, taken aback by his words. "But...you never know what might be here." she pointed out with a small frown, shaking her head. "Give yourself a little more time here. You never know, the perfect girl might be right around the corner."
Marcel: “Hope he’s doing alright.” Marcel was happy for her, having someone back home waiting for you is always a nice feeling. A place where you could relax with your partner and just, call home. “I guess you’re right, honestly I don’t know if I’m ready for a committed relationship right now though. Too much is going on.” He sighed, if given in a different situation he wouldn’t mind keeping his mind open on meeting someone new.
Lexi: "He is. As much as he pretends he's not on the phone." she joked with a laugh, amusement clear in her features. "You know, when I come and visit in New Orleans I'll have to bring him with me. I feel like you two would get along." She listened to him with an understanding smile. It was hard, to open yourself up to love when the risks were too great. "Just know you've got friends who care about you. Me included."
Marcel: It brought a warm smile on Marcel's face, there's been a lot of people coming in and walking out in his life. There wasn't many that stayed aside from the Mikaelsons, "Thanks Lexi, I appreciate it." He said, giving the women a gentle pat on the shoulder before taking a quick sip of his champagne. "Maybe, would love to meet the lucky guy." He chuckled softly at his own comment, "Oh before I forget, there's something I want to give you. Well, something I promised."
Lexi: “No problem.” Lexi grinned, giving the other vampire a playful wink. The friends she held close to her heart were ones that could often turn to her in times of need - and Marcel was certainly one of them. Smiling at his words her eyebrows raised, an entertained look on her face. “Promised me? And what did you promise?”
Marcel: The playful part of Marcel wanted to tease and make it look as if he was going to proposal to Lexi in front of the entire crowd but that might just anger whoever her mystery date would be, so he saved the idea for later. “Here.” The male spoke up, holding a small jewellery casing as he handed over to the girl. “I promised you a day light ring right? Consider this our little friendship bracelet.” Marcel chuckled softly.
Lexi: A sudden realization came to the blondes eyes as he revealed the little jewelry box, lips parted in shock. Of course, he’d said he would find her one - but many had said similar things in the past. “I....” she paused, shaking her head in amazement. ”Thank you” she almost whispered the words as she looked down at the gift. “Marcel this is...” she trailed off, touched by the other vampires actions.
Marcel: “Alright alright, that’s enough thank yous for one night.” The male laughed softly, shaking his head as he smiled at Lexi. Marcel is a man of his words after all, at least to those he trusts and like. He was glad to make her night, “But you’re welcome, I said I’d get it for you and I did. Don’t loose it.” Marcel said playfully, “Not sure if that’s your style but — too bad.”
Lexi: "It's perfect." she reassured him, slipping the ring onto her finger with a wide smile. "And it's not what I would've chosen, but I can make it work." she grinned over at him, moving to take one of his hands. "Right, I definitely owe you a dance."
Marcel: Marcel was glad to see her smile and reaction to his gift, chuckling lightly at her comment. “Wouldn’t want to make your secret date jealous now, but I’ll take it.” He teased before placing his empty glass off to the side, extending a hand for Lexi with a playful smile. “May I have this dance?”
Lexi: "Well my secret date is going to have to find out I'm taken either way, so..." she trailed off, grinning. "Might as well enjoy a dance with a friend first." Looking over at the man she smiled as she took his head, nodding her head. "You absolutely may."
Marcel: “Let’s hope he’s not too heart broken.” Marcel teased before carefully leading her towards the dance floor, arms adjust their position before they danced along to the music. “This might be a touchy subject but, what’s your history?” He asked, picking his words carefully as he know this subject can be touchy to some vampires.
Lexi: "We can only pray." she added with a laugh, letting one hand entwine with his whilst the other rested on his shoulder. "My history?" she repeated, eyebrows raising. "I hope you're not asking my age. A lady has to have some mystery about her." she joked, looking up at him with a soft smile. "I've been a vampire for hundreds of years now...though I didn't know what I'd become. When I caught the plague an admirer of mine had asked if I wished to live forever, to care for my young brother. He was only a child, and our parents had died years before." she paused, a sadness in the blondes eyes as she tried to picture her brother. "All of a sudden I was cured...but I found that the sunlight began to burn my skin, and I craved something other than food." she paused, lost in the memories of her past.
Marcel: There was sympathy lingering Marcel’s eyes as he listened to her story, it must’ve been difficult for her with situations like that. “I’m sorry about what happened.” He said sincerely, it wouldn’t surprise him if most of vampires’ history are dark and emotional. “Sounds like we’re not that far off.” Marcel chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood between them. “Since you’ve shared, it’s only fair if I did too. I was raised by the Mikaelsons, Klaus took me in when I was just a little boy. Years later, he turned me. Everything was good until they ran and left me for dead in New Orleans.” There was a bitterness in his tone, he couldn’t possibly compare their history as everyone have their own darkness to deal with.
Lexi: “It’s all in the past.” she said gently, a sadness in her features as she thought of what had once been. The world was a very different place now however, and so was she. “The Mikaelsons again.” she murmured, deep in thought. “They seem to have a lot of chaos surrounding them, don’t they?” From what she’d heard from Rebekah it seemed as though it was mostly on Klaus behalf, but still. She would never insult someone’s side, no matter how the vampire felt about them.
Marcel: Marcel brows rose at her words, it would seems she had heard of them not long ago but then again — make sense as the Mikaelsons doesn’t exactly cloak themselves from attention, being the original vampires. “That’s an understatement, they’re the definition of destructive.” The male pointed it out, all those years Marcel had spend with them, there were the goods but the bad over rules them.
Lexi: She laughed slightly at his words, nodding her head. From what she'd heard, he was right about that. "And you being in town at the same time as them is simply a coincidence?" she asked, head tilting her head to the side with some curiosity.
Marcel: “Maybe.” Marcels mused, carefully as he twirled the other around before being her close towards him again. “I suppose we will never know, honestly though — wasn’t expecting them to be here.” The male admits, frowning as he wonders why the Mikaelsons are actually in town.
Lexi: She went into the movements with ease, swaying from side to side as she contemplated his words. "As long as they don't harm the people I love...then I'm happy to wait and see what they expect of this town."
Marcel: Knowing the Mikaelsons personally, he wasn’t sure what they would do but Marcel knew there would be casualties in whatever they’re planning. “Hopefully, since there are people that I care in this little town too.” Marcel admits, he would gladly take on the originals if it means to save his friends. It wasn’t long until the music finally came to an end, a smile lingering on his lips as he bowed at her. “Better let you go before your mystery date missed you.”
Lexi: As the music came to an end she smiled at her dance partner, moving to grasp the edge of her dress, curtsying with a laugh. "Thank you Marcel, for a lovely start to the evening."
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raelikestoramble · 5 years
prompt for ben and callum - something soft, like a first date or something? callum plans it all (feels he needs to to prove how much ben means to him) something like that... or anything really, you’re a great writer! ☺️
AN: Thank you so much for the compliment and the prompt! I’m sorry it took me so long to finish it x I’m not 100% happy with it but hope you enjoy anyway! This is set in a fluffy, not so distant future where Ben and Callum are together and everything’s out in the open x
Blame it on the hopeless romantic in him, but Callum knew that he had to make every effort to impress for his and Ben’s first official date. They had both been through so much to get to the point where they could be out and open with the world and Callum had a point to prove – he had to show Ben just much he cared for him; how grateful he was for all the ways in which Ben saved him.
He had spent hours one evening days ago planning, researching restaurants, scrolling through endless reviews, agonising over his choices… That is until Ben got slightly frustrated with the lack of attention, pushed away his laptop to pepper warm, teasing kisses onto his neck, and, well… Callum’s mind was suddenly elsewhere.
He was kicking himself, now, for allowing Ben to so easily distract him – booking a table in a fine, top London restaurant last minute was proving to be no easy feat for Callum. Nestled away in the corner of the café, nursing a lukewarm cup of tea, Callum had already made a couple of calls, both ending exactly the same way.
“You’ve got to be joking…” Callum mumbled under his breath, angling the phone away from himself, before pressing it back to his ear.
“So, you’re… totally sure you guys are fully booked?” he asked, chewing on his bottom lip, just hard enough to break the skin. Upon the waiter’s sympathetic confirmation, a gentle sigh escaped Callum’s lips and he nodded sombrely.
“Oh, yeah, no worries. Thank you,” Callum said, ending the call swiftly.
Warmth flared up in Callum’s cheeks. Before he could bury his face in his hands, he was distracted by the appearance of a fresh cup of coffee on his table.
“Oh, um, I didn’t order this…” he trailed off as he glanced up to see Kathy smiling down at him.
“Oh, Kathy, hi!” Callum gushed, perking up immediately.
“Hi, Callum, love,” came Kathy’s comforting voice, as she gestured to the coffee cup. “I thought you could use a little bit of a pick me up.”
She slid into the seat opposite Callum, cradling her own mug, offering a small, sympathetic smile. While he and Ben hadn’t been together officially for a long time, Kathy had made her way into Callum’s affections instantly.
When the truth came out, hearts were broken, sides were chosen, and Kathy had been one of their strongest and only supporters. It had felt like his whole world was imploding; like his image had been shattered, with cruel judgements and whispers being passed around the square for entertainment. Kathy had been there to remind him that he wasn’t bad. She understood - she had seen first-hand what abuse, fear, and expectations did to her own son.
“Thanks,” he whispered, flashing her a quick, grateful smile as he brought the cup to his lips to have a sip.
Callum stopped still, blinking, as he remembered his manners. He quickly retrieved his wallet from his pocket, looking for the right amount of change.
“Oh, don’t!” Kathy interjected, a fond laugh escaping her. “It’s only two pounds, Callum.”
“Oh, well. Thanks so much,” he repeated.
Even though he knew that Kathy liked him – and him and Ben together – Callum still couldn’t help but try too hard. Around her, he would be overly polite, uncomfortably quiet, and Ben loved to tease him for it. After he’d made Callum blush from the light-hearted teasing, Ben would snake his arms around Callum’s waist, kissing the back of his neck, assuring him that he was ‘absolutely the type of man a mother would love.’
Callum glanced out the window, cringing at his own awkwardness; seeking escape in watching usual activity of the square. He could always get lost in watching all the different types of people coming and going. In his line of sight, Martin and Kush were laughing together, with Kush throwing his arm around Martin’s shoulder.
Kathy cleared her throat, bringing back Callum’s attention. He smiled sheepishly, taking another sip from his coffee.
“So… penny for your thoughts?” she questioned gently.
Callum exhaled heavily, lips forming a small pout.
“It’s nothing… I just… well,” he mumbled, fiddling with ends of his sleeves, “I really wanted to plan something special for Ben tonight. We’ve had a lot on, and y’know how time gets away from ya… it’s been a while now and we still haven’t had real, proper date.”
Callum bit down on his lip, unsure if he should really be admitting his failure to Ben’s mum, but he needed help and he couldn’t think of many people who knew Ben better – Jay was one, but he was otherwise occupied with Lola.
“Aw, Cal,” Kathy cooed, grinning wide. “Whatever you plan, I’m sure he’s going to love it.”
Although a faint smile appeared on his face, Callum remained unconvinced, his gaze dropping to the table. Would Ben even want all the fuss? Or would he think it’s too much?
“That’s just the thing, though. I ain’t got one. A plan, I mean. All these dead fancy restaurants are fully booked,” Callum admitted, rubbing the side of his face.
“Hm… well, dead fancy restaurants are nice and all… but that’s not your only option.”
“Well, yeah, but…” he trailed off, biting on his fingernail.
Truth be told, Callum wanted romance and his knowledge of romance was limited mostly to 90s rom coms starring Hugh Grant and or Julia Roberts. The big dinner date – that was the peak of it all – sneaking soft glances under candlelight, fine dining and suits, being engrossed in conversation, before the perfect walk home together. That’s what he wanted for him and Ben. That’s what Ben deserved.
“I guess I just want him to know how much this means to me,” he admitted sheepishly, not meeting her gaze.
Kathy placed her hand on his arm, eyes shining.
“He knows. I think you underestimate how much you mean to him. I don’t think I’ve seen Ben this happy since…” Kathy caught herself, forcing a quick smile. “Well, in a long time.”
Callum’s shoulders slumped in relief, a small smile playing on his lips. He felt light all of a sudden – the tension flowing from his body as he leant back in his seat.
“Yeah?” he asked quietly, stifling a grin.
“Yeah. Just don’t overthink it, Callum. You’ll be fine.”
The hours went by agonisingly slowly for Callum. It was a relief when he managed to get off work early with Jay waving a hand, telling him he could finish up by himself.
“You’re the best, mate!” Callum had shouted as he made a beeline for the door.
“You owe me a pint!” came the jovial reply.
“Two pints! I’ll buy ya two!” he promised quickly, practically flying out of the door to the sound of Jay’s laughter.
He only had a limited time to set things up before Ben came home. After getting changed out of his suit, he made a list of everything on his phone, just so he wouldn’t forget a single detail. He decided on filling up a basket with their favourite foods and some champagne - to take a bit of the fanciness he’d originally wanted with them to a nice park outside of the square.
“Alright… all done,” he said, stepping back to admire the selection of goods in the basket, racking his brain for anything he missed. Nope – nothing.
It wasn’t quite the glamorous night he had planned – it was lowkey and more subtle, but the more that he thought about it, the more suitable for them it sounded. Finally pushing the doubts aside, Callum allowed himself to feel excited, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking down at his watch, anticipating.
Any moment now.
“Hey, Cal! You won’t believe what Lexi did today. She really is my daughter. I… Cal?” Ben called from inside the kitchen.
“In here!” Callum responded cheerily, waiting by the dining table, the basket positioned just behind him.
Ben’s expression softened into a warm smile as he sauntered up to Callum, gripping the lapels of his suit, pulling his body flush against his. He gently grazed his lips against Callum’s. Callum felt his breathing quicken; the goose-bumps form instantly on his arms. No amount of time that passed had done anything to lessen the impact Ben had on him.
“Hi,” Ben said simply, his gaze slowly trickling down Callum’s body, taking in the sight as though they had been apart much longer than one workday. His smile subtly shifted into a smirk and, suddenly, Callum’s mind was at a blank. His eyes lingered on Ben’s lips, transfixed, until he leant in and closed the space between them again – this time, for a lot longer.
“Hi,” Callum breathed, as he finally pulled away.
“Mm… what was I saying?” Ben asked.
“Um…” Callum blanked.
Ben cocked a brow, before they both erupted into a small burst of laughter. Ben rubbed the back of his head in a sheepish manner. Callum loved this side of Ben – it was a rare sight - so he revelled in it for a moment longer, letting a comfortable pause pass between them.
“What’s that?” Ben asked, swallowing thickly, as he caught sight of the basket.
Callum grinned, leaning back from Ben, feeling a newfound confidence coursing through him.
“Mm, just a little thing I put together,” Callum announced, voice an inch lower than usual, moving to stand straight. “Go get changed. I’m taking you out… but pick something nice but casual.”
Surprise flickered across Ben’s features.
“Sir, yes, sir,” Ben drawled teasingly before half jogging up the stairs.
The walk was light and breezy. Callum still wasn’t used to the looks they would get in public together, how he felt far more seen, even by strangers, when he was with Ben, but the feeling of Ben’s hand in his chased away any fear. He could feel all his worries about impressing Ben slowly fade away as they discussed all the small details of their days, with Ben fondly recalling Lexi’s latest antics at school; Callum beaming at the pride in Ben’s voice. It sent a wave of warmth through Callum – he could see Ben breaking the cycle; being the dad that they both didn’t have.
As they reached the park, Callum laid down a blanket for them both, setting out the plates, food, and glasses for the bubbly, which he quickly opened and, naturally, spilt onto his shirt.
“Aha, brilliant. Ah… um, right. Right. Where’d I put the napkins?” Callum mumbled, his cheeks flushed red, as he scoured through the basket for the napkins. After quickly dabbing at his shirt, he poured the two glasses with shaking hands. Just like that – his nerves were back. He felt like a bloody teenager.
He felt a hand on his, stabilising him. Blinking, Callum looked up to see Ben leaning over, face close to his.
“You okay?” Ben asked in a soft, low voice that sent shivers up Callum’s spine.
“Sorry. Yeah. I just… I wanted this all to be perfect and I’m already messing up—”
“This ain’t messing up,” Ben interrupted, gesturing to the damp patch on Callum’s shirt. He leant back, glass in hand. “Callum, this whole thing is amazing.”
A beat.
“You’re amazing… and I wish you’d realise it,” he added, eyes darting to the ground.
Callum let out a breath, allowing Ben’s words to wash over him. Amazing. That’s what Ben thought of him – in these small, vulnerable moments Ben gave him, he believed it. He believed in the good that Ben could see in him. He tried to suppress a smile, but he failed, allowing a grin so wide that it hurt to hold to emerge.
“Well…” He eased up his crushing grip on the glass, offering it out to Ben. “To an amazing first date, then.”
Ben let out a shaky exhale as the serious atmosphere was broken, clinking his glass against Callum’s.
“Cheers,” Ben said, taking a sip.
“Cheers,” Callum echoed.
“Hope you’re hungry,” he added, taking into sight the very generous selection on offer. He may have gone a tad overboard.
Ben laughed – brightly; full of fondness. As Ben was shaking his head in amusement, Callum nudged his knee with his own.
“Oi… what’s so funny?” Callum asked gently.
“I just… if someone had told me, months ago, that I’d be sat here, with Callum Highway, in a park on this elaborate picnic date… I would’ve called them mad.”
“Trust me. I would’ve said the same,” Callum retorted playfully.
“I just dunno how someone like me has bagged such a hopeless romantic,” Ben said after a pause, placing his glass aside.
“If you think this is me being a hopeless romantic… you should wait to see what I have planned for dessert.”
“Oh yeah?” Ben asked, waggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah, we’re gonna stop by this proper little ice cream parlour. It’s got, like, loads of crazy flavours apparently,” he gushed – not at all picking up on Ben’s slight flicker of bemusement.
“Well. Not what I expected, but sounds great, Callum,” Ben responded, holding back a laugh.
Callum could be so innocent at times – Ben observed it with wonder. The world hadn’t been kind to Callum, but he had still managed to retain such a softness; one that had been almost completely snuffed out of Ben years ago. He cringed when he thought back to when he used to take advantage of that naivety. Now, he would protect him with everything he had.
“I was thinking I could bring an ice cream back for Lexi. Reckon she’d love that, don’t you?” Callum asked, breaking him out of the line of thought.
Lately, Callum been trying to get more involved in Lexi’s life – another sign that things were progressing, growing into a more serious terrority. These little gestures here and there meant a lot to Ben, he could tell.
“Yeah,” Ben said, brightening up completely. “Yeah, she would. But even with all those flavours on offer, she’d always go for…”
“Mint chocolate. I remember,” Callum said softly.
They shared a small smile.
Callum knew, for sure in that moment, that this – them, together, basking in the sun, enjoying life’s simplicities – was worth it all. He would go through everything again countless times just to end up here.
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theycallmequeenie · 5 years
Lexie And Happy
Part Four
Master List
Tig held his niece and did his best to calm her, as he did he felt her nod her head to answer his question. She still loved Happy and she always would. Even after all the thing she and Happy had dealt with over the years.
“That answer is Always, Uncle Tig. I tried to move on but there was no moving on. I couldn’t, my heart wouldn’t let me.” She spoke with her back to the clubhouse, not knowing Happy was within earshot. Wiping her eyes she forced a small smile and walked back to the garage to get back to work on the three cars that were waiting.
Happy waited until after she had walked away before approaching Tig. He wasn’t sure how to process what he had just heard, with a puzzled look on his face he looked to Tig asking if he had heard that right. Tig nodded, telling him that he had and sighed. Happy rubbed his face and made eye contact with his brother, “I gave her the ring back, Tig. I think I’m just going to head home and get cleaned up and some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tig nodded and patted him on the back, watching as he went to his bike firing it up and speeding out of the lot. Tig also caught his niece watching as Happy left, he knew those two had to get back together, somehow.
The day flew by and they finished up all three vehicles that were there for repairs calling three very surprised owner to inform them that their cars were ready for pickup days ahead of schedule. Tig had called Venus to tell her he wanted to take her out for a date night, that way Lexie and Sunnie had some time to themselves to adjust to their new surroundings and calling Happy to tell him she would be by herself tonight that he would appreciate it if he were to stop in and check on Lex and the dog. He knew what would happen by the time he and Venus got home tonight he wasn’t quite okay with it but he wasn’t angry with the idea of it either. If there was such a thing as couples who were meant to be those two would definitely classify as that. All the crap they had went through over the course of things would destroy weaker souls but not those two. They persevered through it all. Yes that car accident did a good bit of damage to Lexie’s psyche but it never damaged either of those two’s love for each other.
As Tig and Lex returned to his home for the evening he told her that he and Venus were going out for the night and she and Sunnie would have the place to themselves. Jokingly telling her to behave herself and no wild parties which had them both laughing. Venus met them in the kitchen almost ready to go out and offered up a smile to Lexie who simply waved in return. Lexie kissed Tig on the cheek thanking him again for letting her and her dog stay there until she was able to find a place of her own and said she was going to get the grime of the day off of her. Wishing them well she went to the guest bathroom and started a shower.
Lexie wasn’t known to talk long showers but today was a rare exception. She enjoyed every second standing under the hot water letting the feeling of the water pounding on her muscles relax her. She never heard the sound of someone breaking into the house and shutting Sunshine in a closet in one of the other rooms.
The man that broke into Tig’s house wore no identifying clothing but appeared to be a member of the Mayans MC. He roamed around the house ransacking the place and waiting for the young woman that he had seen enter the home. He had been briefed that she was Happy’s old lady and that she was to be kidnapped at all costs.
Lex had gotten out of the shower still none the wiser to the intruder got out of the shower and put on an old SAMCRO tee and a pair of plain black pajama pants. As she left the bathroom she was checking her phone and saw a text from Happy saying that he was on his way over. She hummed to herself knowing Tig had to be the one to give him her number. Sighing she made her way to her room looking for Sunnie trying to figure out why she would be hiding from her and that’s when she realized there was someone else in the house. Lex instinctively screamed when she saw the intruder and ran for her uncle’s room because she knew he kept a gun in the nightstand on his side of the bed. But she was tackled to the floor before she could make it to the door.
She started to fight the moment she hit the floor, punching, biting, kicking, and scratching. She was not going without one hell of a fight. She knew Happy was on his way and she was praying he got there soon, but in the mean time she was going to fight for as long as she could. As she was fighting, the intruder was tried to tear her shirt off of her and managed to get in a solid punch to her face. As Lexie her the sound of ripping fabric she started fighting harder, screaming for help as loud as she could trying to get anyone’s attention.
During the struggle at the man was trying to strip her of her clothes a familiar roar of a Harley could be faintly heard which made Lexie, who was starting to tire, yell to Happy for help.
Happy parked his bike and noticed the front door open and started running looking for Lex. Then he heard her screaming for help, this prompted him to draw his own gun and run toward the sound of her panicked voice. As he got to her the intruder had managed to tear away the clothes she had on and had her pinned to the floor. He instantly attacked the man beating him senseless allowing Lexie to get away from the man who was attacking her and get her uncle’s gun.  
After grabbing the nearest blanket to cover herself she grabbed the gun and quickly ran back out to the hallway, took aim, and fired a round into the unknown man’s leg just below the kneecap. This made Happy and the Man cease their blow for blow battle. Happy Looked at Lexie and gave her a proud grin while the man writhed on the floor screaming in pain.
Lexie hung her head and asked Happy, “Can you handle that while I go replace my clothes and find my dog?”
Happy’s eyes went wide, nodding to Lexie before scowling down at the unknown Mayan making sure to give him a good swift kick in the knee that had been shot. Grumbling lowly, “That’s for the dig. You better pray you didn’t hurt her either, asshole.” And then proceeded to put his boot on the guys throat and called Tig first then Chibs to let them know what had happened.
Lexie decided to throw a soft pastel blue maxi dress on just to be quick so that she could look for Sunshine. She was worried for her fur baby. She was going room to room looking for her calling out her name and listening for any canine like sounds in response. She wasn’t hearing any and was starting to panic. As she continued to search the rooms she could feel her anxiety start to spike and that was the last thing she wanted Happy to see. Thankfully she was able to find Sunnie in the next to last room she hadn’t checked. She was so thankful that Sunnie wasn’t hurt and just sat on the floor and held her dog.
At this time the other two Sons that Happy had called arrived at the house along with Venus, all Lexie heard was a thick Scottish brogue screaming “What the hell happened here?!” Unfortunately what Lexie didn’t hear was Tig seeing Lexie’s shredded clothes on the floor in the middle of his hallway. As soon as Tig laid eyes on the now scraps of fabric he jumped on the guy and started punching him in the face over and over again. Happy had to physically remove him to keep him from killing the Mayan.  Happy was repeating, “She’s okay Tig. She’s in another room with her dog.” in Tig’s ear. Chibs had said something about calling Althea before being told no by the other three.
This prompted Lexie to poke her head out of the room she ended up in and frown softly, “Please no more people knowing about this. It’s bad enough Happy called Telford.” Which got her a glare from Chibs and an eye roll from he uncle as he rushed to her.
“Did he…” Before Tig could finish Lexie shook her head and hugged him. “Oh thank god,” Was all that was her as he wrapped her up in his arms and held her to him.very thankful that he helped raise a fighter.
Lexie playfully started tapping on his shoulder mumbling that she needed air and started explaining what had happened and just how thankful she was for Happy’s timing. She walked over to Happy and whispers something in his ear that makes him smile and sort of puff his chest out then kisses him on the cheek thanking him before looking to Venus and speaking to her, “ Well, Auntie V, want to help me get patched up? I’m fairly certain I’m going to have a shiner in the morning….”
To Be Continued…
Part Six
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adangerousbond · 5 years
Quiet times
Just a quick, small tag to episode 1x10 of Blood and Treasure
I’ve loved this show since it first aired (and so glad it’s already been picked up for S2), just never gotten around to writing anything for it. Wrote this out in an afternoon, so sorry in advance for any mistakes!
Hoping to have some more fics, however have about a third left to type out for a post S4 Blindspot fic that I need to finish.
Read below or at AO3 or at ff.net (Will link to it once they add the show for me to upload to!)
The sun was rising by the time they arrived at the airport in Russia, having gotten the okay for Danny to travel, as long as he agreed to get another set of bloods done in 24 hours, and having passed the scene off to the team on site, they had left the moment they could. The black SUV they were in pulled to a stop a safe distance away from Reese's plane, or second home as it was starting to feel.
Stepping out onto the hanger floor, Lexi slid on her sunglasses and followed quietly behind Danny, so quietly that had it not been for the sound of her boots on the concrete, he probably would have turned back to ensure she was following. Gwen, who had tagged along for the trip home, took longer to make her way to the plane, having to collect the stack of files she had gotten from her team in Russia and had figured the flight home would be a good time to start going over them all.
By the time she entered the small plane, Danny and Lexi were already sitting in their usual seats across from each other, the former pulling out his laptop to get to work also, whereas the later was staring out the window absentmindedly. Gwen had expected a bit of resistance from the thief when she had asked for the lift back to Rome, but she was quickly realising that there was more than just Farouk's death on the two's mind.
The plane ride had mostly been silent, had it been pretty much any other time, Danny would have been worried about his partner's lack of speaking, she was after all a naturally fidgety and questionative person, it was rare for her to go so long without moving or speaking, but he knew after everything she had gone through and found out the past few days, she was in desperate need of a moment to process it all.
"Do you need a lift home or to the Carabinieri?" Danny asked, as the plane landed and made its way to its hanger.
"Home thanks, I think we all could do with some rest before we look deeper into any of this." Gwen stated, collecting her things back into a neat pile.
"That's the plan, unless you're sending more agents to a Priest's apartment?" Danny responded lightly, gaining only an annoyed look and audible sigh in response.
"After we get you to the hospital for at the very least another blood test." Lexi spoke for the first time for the entire flight, drawing the attention of the other two passengers instantly, her tone even and determined.
"I'm fine, the doctor just said that as a precaution, plus he said 24 hours later." He tried to reason but the fire in the gaze he was met with told him she was not going to take no for an answer, and it would be easier to just agree, a part of him knowing if the situation was reversed, he would be pushing the same angle.
"I guess we will drop you off on the way to the hospital." Danny sighed, catching the small smirk on the brunette standing up across from him, glad to be getting her way but also happy that he would be getting checked out again.
"Thank-you." The Interpol agent said as she led the way off the plane, still slightly surprised at how easily he had given in to the other woman's demands, but pleased non the less that he had, she had wanted to agree that it was a good idea, but felt it better to stay out of it.
The hospital had already received all the information from the team in Russia regarding what had happened, which had made it much quicker than they had expected. Danny couldn't help but smile at Lexi's smug look when the doctors stated they were glad he had come in earlier so they could do a full work up and make sure to get a head of anything that might come up.
They were both exhausted by the time they managed to get back to Chuck's apartment, Lexi settling on the couch as Danny grabbed them some beers out of the fridge. He placed hers on the coffee table when she made no move to take it off him and sat on the couch, flicking through the tv channels before coming across a soccer match to watch and when she made no sort of complaint to his choosing, he placed the remote back on the side table and crossed his legs, resting his feet up on the table in front of them.
Collecting the throw rug that was on the back of the couch, Lexi wrapped it around herself, before nestling down into Danny's side, his arm wrapping around her to bring her closer. For the first time in the last few days she actually felt safe and almost content, with the soft drone from the tv and the warmth he was sharing with her, she quickly drifted into a light sleep.
The sound of keys at the door drew Danny's attention away from the TV, even though he knew that the most likely answer was that it was in fact his friend, a small part of him readied in the chance it wasn't. Picking up the sound of his friend's voice greeting on of the neighbours quickly putting him back as ease.
"Well, isn't this quite the domestic scene." Father Chuck stated as he entered his apartment and took in his two friends.
"How was your day?" Danny asked, keeping his voice low as he took a drink from his beer.
"That's all you have to say, after your pal at Interpol arrested me?" Chuck responded in a similar tone, having realised that he was trying not to wake Lexi, as he placed his stuff on the table.
"Sorry about that, all worked out though, you giving her permission to do some B & E really helped us out." A soft chuckled from Danny, answering the other question of if they were still on the agents list of suspects.
"I don't believe that's what I said." The priest sighed, getting his own beer from the fridge and sitting on the armchair across from his friends, "So what's new?"
"Farouk is dead." The blonde stated calmly, turning his attention back to the TV screen as he gave his friend a chance to take in the sentence.
"What?! You didn't think to maybe lead with that?" The fathers voice suddenly a lot louder than before as the information sunk in.
"Shh..." Danny scolded, glancing at Lexi to see if she had been disturbed by the noise, her lack of reaction making him think she mustn't have but he also knew she was only half asleep, making her more likely not to have reacted because she knew he was there already.
"Sorry, sorry, did she…?" Chuck apologised, his voice lowering once more as he asked the next question the new information brought.
"No, Hardwick." Danny offered quickly, his hand running up and down Lexi's arm soothingly, on the off chance she was in fact listening to the conversation.
"Still, it's a lot for her to take in." The confessional tone taking over, as he looked to the woman he had once deemed the devil with concern.
"It's not even the half of it." Danny deadpanned after a mouthful of beer, he was still trying to run over everything for himself, but he knew it was a whole lot more for her.
"Is she doing okay?" Chuck questioned, respecting her privacy to question his statement further, and knowing that even if he did, his friend didn't seem like he would share anything further, as if the information was more a part of her story than his.
"She's processing a lot." He felt as she turned her head slightly, telling him that she was in fact listening and had been close to cutting him off, she wasn't someone who was good with accepting concern.
"Probably a too wishful question, but does this mean it's over?" Chuck asked, changing the subject at his friend's lack of sharing, his tone depicting that he was already fairly certain of the answer but still needed to hear it out loud.
"I don't think his plan ends with him, he has too many followers for that, but we at least have Antony know, so they can't use him to fund anything." Danny just then realising he hadn't mentioned finding Antony until now, when the priest was lost for words for a moment as he mulled over the statement.
"If that's what they wanted him for." Lexi spoke, breaking the moment of silence and giving up just being a bystander to the conversation, as she turned just enough that she could see Chuck as well, but not enough to lose her spot tucked next to Danny.
"How are you going with it all?" The father asked, choosing to drop the subject so that he could instead check on her.
"Okay, I guess." Lexi chuckled, as if her response was a surprise to her as well, but she did actually feel like she was starting to get a handle on the information she had been presented with.
"Lex." Danny spoke as almost a warning, an undertone to his voice that the other man almost couldn't place, until he saw the glance between the two on his couch, he was worried she was shutting him out.
"No really, my mother was in a secret society protecting the tomb of a way back relative, which turns out is the reason she died, and the man I've wanted dead for years, now is, but I think I'm okay." She ran through it all, her tone carrying a hint of rawness to it that made her switch her attention to the TV for a moment as she ran her hand through her hair, all to collect herself once more.
"Wait, you're saying your mother was a member of Serapis, and that you're a descendant of Cleopatra?" Chuck's mind taking a few seconds to piece everything thing just said together, his friends exhausted state slowly getting clearer to him as he realised just how much they had been through in the past few days.
"Hmm, so if you have any other bits of crazy information you think we should know, can we maybe just hold off a couple days to hear it? At least until we know Danny isn't going to die from whatever it was that he stupidly touched." Lexi joked, her eyebrow high as she put forth her request, turning her head upward to catch the smirk from the blonde she was referring to.
"That's a lot to process, even for me and I'm only hearing about it." The priest's tone going back to concern and understanding that he had mastered over the years, one that she knew by now made it easy for him to get people to open up too, his eyes flying to the man's next to her once the end part of her statement registered in his mind, "Why might Danny die?"
"I'm fine, multiple doctors have given me the okay." The man in question stated after giving his friend the run down of what had happened to him.
"They still want to do more tests; they haven't given you the all clear yet." Lexi countered, not quite ready to believe that he wouldn't have any repercussions.
"They let me leave, they wouldn't have done that if they thought I wasn't okay." He tried to reason with her once again and once again he knew it was a pointless battle.
"Only because I promised to make you come back." Lexi near growled, a threat in her words as much as concern, and with all the loss she had been reminded of recently, no-one in the room questioned her motives.
"I think I need some dinner, what's everyone feel like?" Chuck brought the tone of the room down a few notches as he asked them both, keeping his glaze on Lexi, figuring she would have the most input in the topic.
"I don't mind, I don't think I'm hungry." Lexi shrugged the question off, gaining both men's attention instantly at her response.
"Well, now I am worried, you're always hungry." Chuck stated, placing his beer on the side table before standing and heading towards the kitchen.
"Come on Lex, we haven't eaten in ages." Danny reminded her, ducking his head to talk directly to her, his tone softer than it had been as his concern set in.
"There's a little pizzeria down the road, does the best comfort food in the city." The priest told them from his kitchen, having made the decision for them all.
"I don't really feel like going out." Lexi informed the group, reaching forward to the long-discarded beer that Danny had brought in for her, sitting back into the couch after she opened it.
"That's why they invented take away." Chuck responded without pause, handing over a takeaway menu with a small smile.
"How about I head down and get us some food?" Danny asked, skimming over the menu as he spoke, having gain some energy sitting there.
"I can go." Chuck cut in quickly, before giving Lexi a chance to make any comment on the plan.
"We've been cramped in planes and cars; a walk will do me some good." Danny explained, folding the menu back up, as he dropped his feet from the table and sat up straighter.
"Are you sure?" The father asked, concerned about his friend now that he knew about his brush with an unknown biological weapon.
"Yes, I'll be fine." The blonde told the two, leaning down and gently giving Lexi a quick kiss before the action even registered in his mind, ignoring his friends look from across the room, Danny stood and made his way to collect his coat and phone.
"I'm going to say something and I want you to listen, okay?" Chuck broke the silence that had taken over the apartment since Danny had left.
"I'm not sure I like where this is going." Lexi deadpanned, turning to his direction with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a threat.
"I know a lot of us have been quite harsh on you, myself included-" He started, without much pause to her words.
"-you mean calling me the devil." The thief interrupted, an amused smirk now covering her face as she kept the conversation light.
"Yes, that, but it was just because we care about Danny, which I guess is my point, after it all he had us to turn to, but you, you don't seem to really have anyone in your corner, well other than Danny." The priest continued on, using his low confession voice that she wasn't sure if she loved or hated.
"Gee, thanks." She snapped back, a slight irritation seeping into her tone as she took a drink from her beer.
"What I'm getting at, is it must have been hard for you to get through it all and none of us really thought about that side, about your side, so for that I am sorry." He spoke softly, the apology coming across as heartfelt and serious, two things she disliked in a conversation about herself.
"You care about Danny, I get it, it's fine." Lexi told him, brushing some stray strands of hair from her face, and putting a physical barrier between them in doing so.
"But, so do you, and that did surprise me." He caught the question in her raised eyebrow and pressed on, "I always thought you were just using him, that he was another person you were using to get something you wanted, but, you do actually genuinely care about him, probably even love him."
"Careful now, your saying I'm not the devil and that you believe I am capable of love, people might start to think you think I'm actually a half decent person." She chose to pick at the points of his sentence she could to try to bring the topic back to something she was more comfortable with.
"I do think that, and so does Danny, you're the one who has trouble accepting that, and I know it's just a part of your many defence mechanisms, just as being closed off is, but I will say this, I have a lot of married people come into my confession, and most of them are lucky to have a small amount of the love, respect and concern that you and Danny have for each." Chuck pushed his luck, watching the woman across from him closely as she hesitated a moment.
"Are you saying I'm not an open book?" Lexi joked, once again taking what she could from his words to keep some control in the room, to keep some small aspect light.
"You're definitely not, and neither is Danny, but somehow you two do actually seem to open up to each other, it's actually good for him too." He allowed her to choose the humour side of his words, knowing that it would be the only way she would continue letting him go down the line of conversation he had started.
"So, I've gone from being the devil to being good for him?" She questioned with a tilt of the head, evidently getting close to putting an end to the topic, one she wasn't entirely sure why she had let go on for so long already.
"At least as long as you stick around, which as much as I believe you need him too, I'm still not sure if you love yourself enough to stay with him and let yourself be happy." He stated, the blank stare he was getting telling him that he had pushed too far, that the conversation would be over even without the sounds of the front door being opened.
"What were you two talking about?" Danny walked into the apartment, sensing the tension between the two as he did.
"Father Chuck was just giving permission for us to get married; I think." Lexi explained in a tone much lighter than her previous glare had been, any hint of anger or annoyance that she had had in the conversation prior, appearing gone.
"What?" Danny asked, brows furrowed at her response, placing the food on the dinning table as the other two made their way over to join him.
"I just said," the father paused, flicking his eyes back and forth between the two, "You know what, never mind, let's just eat."
"Tell me later?" Danny spoke softly, and for a moment Chuck thought the question was directed at him, until he saw his friend was bent towards the woman next to him, who gave him a small smile and a quiet yes in response, and something told the priest she would actually tell him everything later.
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scottharper · 5 years
MERW - Day 01, Prompt 01
Pairing: Scott/Cora Prompt: 'Finding the other wearing their clothes .'
Yeah I've technically done this kind of prompt before. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
He wakes up to an empty bed, but the aroma of coffee wafting through the air is quick to assure him that his better half is still nearby.
Scott sits up with a soft grunt, taking a moment to stretch his arms back over his head before he slips out from beneath the warmth of the comforter to look around for the clothes he’d discarded the night before. He finds his boxers and pants soon enough but his shirt is nowhere to be seen, though Scott already has a good idea of where it is.
He takes the time to pull his boxers on before leaving the bedroom (no need to repeat the ‘Liam’s surprise visit’ incident anytime soon) to cross the threshold of his Nexus apartment, and sure enough he finds Cora in the kitchen area, wearing his t-shirt and sipping at a fresh cup of coffee. Another steaming mug sits on the counter, and Scott knows it’s already prepared just the way he likes it.
“What a sight to wake up to,” Scott says, stepping around the kitchen counter and smiling when Cora looks up from the data pad she was reading. “Morning, babe.”
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Cora replies with a warm smile of her own, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips as he retrieves his mug. She tastes like sugar. “Sleep well?”
“Better than I have in weeks..” Scott replies honestly, taking a long sip from his mug. As much as he enjoyed his work, most of the time at least, night shifts on the Tempest after a day of battling Kett were rarely restful. It seemed like there was always something, whether it was dealing with Drack’s late-night grousing or listening to Gil and Kallo arguing over the latest upgrades or – one time – having to chase Jak-Jak all over the ship after he’d stolen Lexi’s data pad. Scott never knew until then just how elusive the little pyjak could be. “So, any exciting plans for the day?”
“Just have to look over a few reports Addison forwarded over. She was looking for you earlier, by the way.” Cora replies, turning her gaze back towards the data pad in her hands and Scott grimaces. “She seemed irritated, even over text. I told her you had to deal with an emergency back on the Tempest.”
“Lying to an Initiative Director?” Scott grins, setting his mug down before he walks over to slip his arms around Cora’s waist, and he pulls her close as he turns them both to settle back against the counter. “Naughty girl.. Also, thank you.”
“I just figured you didn’t want to deal with Addison first thing in the morning.” Cora shrugs lightly, leaning back against Scott and closing her eyes as she rests her head against his shoulder. “Plus it’s nice to know that you’ll owe me a favor now.”
“You and your ulterior motives,” Scott huffs with a smile, extracting himself from the embrace just long enough to pluck the mug and data pad from Cora’s hands. She raises an eyebrow but doesn’t protest, and Scott sets them down on the counter beside his own mug before hugging her to his chest once more. “But I don’t know about me owing you one. You are wearing my shirt after all, I say that puts us on even ground.”
“All right then..” Cora shrugs, this time pulling herself out of Scott’s embrace, and he watches wordlessly while she tugs the shirt off in one easy motion, wearing nothing but a smile now as she tosses the shirt carelessly to the side. “How about now, sweetheart?”
Scott decides in an instant that both the bed and the couch are too far away for his liking, but he’d been meaning to break in the kitchen counter anyway.
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yyounggoth · 6 years
Could you maybe do a Jalex? However you want to do it
Sure sure! I had the time of my life creating this hc! Thankyou for requesting❤️
{this is set really early on in season one and I changed Alex’s brothers age to be around 26/27}
• Alex was only two steps away from his schools entrance when he heard a familiar voice call his name, his eyes automatically roll in annoyance
• “Hey Alex! Alex! I need you to do me a favour please?” Peter says desperately
• Alex turns around to see his brother running up to him holding his 3 year old daughter Maya
• “I know this is really sudden but I need you to look after Maya for me”
• Alex looks at his brother like he’s grown a second head.
• “I have school, how do you expect me to look after her?” He asks incredulously
• “I’m sure skipping one day of school won’t hurt right? No one else can have her. Mom and dad are at work, Kate is in labour as we speak and I need to drive her to the hospital Alex please please please?”
• Alex makes the mistake of looking up at his brothers face, his puppy dog eyes on full display with the intention to manipulate his younger brother. It always worked
• “Fine, but you owe me big time” he sighs heavily and takes hold of his niece
• Alex gets a wide grin in response, peter gives one last kiss to his daughter and a thumbs up to Alex before he’s running back down the path and into the car that holds his pregnant girlfriend, taking off at high speeds to reach the hospital in time.
• “Well, looks like it’s just you and me kid” his niece lets out a sweet giggle at his words and clings tighter to him.
• Alex makes his way back down the steps that lead to the high school, about to take his usual route home before he realises he doesn’t have a ride back.
• Fucking Peter left him stranded at school with his kid, no offers of a ride in sight. He can’t take the school bus seeing as it’s 7:45am, he doesn’t have any money for an uber and as far as he knew Tony wasn’t in today so he couldn’t ask the older for a lift either.
• Just as he was about to give up and walk the 30 minutes it takes to get home, his eyes land on none other than Justin Foley, the insufferable jock that made his days at liberty high miserable. It wasn’t like the boy was mean or anything, he was quite sweet when he was on his own, but when he was with his dumb jock friends he’d say or do anything to fit in.
• For some reason Alex seemed to be the target for the group, they claim he’s weird and gay, “he must be with a nose ring like that.” Alex just chooses to ignore the boys but it’s hard to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Whenever he would get taunted by the group of athletes Justin would always laugh along with them, but once everything died down Alex could feel the boy’s heavy stare linger on him for too long, making him squirm at the attention.
• Something wriggling on his hip brought his attention back to the present, his niece thrashing her body slightly, seemingly becoming restless. She pouts heavily and tugs on her uncles hoodie, mumbles of “Uncle Lexy” falling deaf on his ears.
• Just as he’s about to start walking home, he makes eye contact with Justin. Although Alex would never admit it he could feel himself getting lost in his green eyes. They stare at each other for a while, seemingly trapped in the moment, hypnotised by one another.
• Alex breaks his focus out of the weird moment both boys share as he notices Justin making his way over to them.
• “Hey are you okay..” Justin trails off as if he wants Alex to fill in the blanks.
• “… Alex” he says annoyed
• “Yeah I know your name dummy, we share history and English classes together” Justin shoots back
• Bullshit, the only reason you know who I am is because of your stupid meathead friends, is what Alex wants to say. Instead choosing to keep his mouth shut in favour of his niece.
• “Hmm” he agrees instead
• “So are you? Okay I mean..” Justin rubs the back of his neck as a nervous habit, chewing on his lower lip as he waits for the younger to respond.
• “Not really, my brother dumped his kid on me and I have no way of getting home” dumped isn’t really the word he wants to use, he loves Maya to pieces and would do anything for the little girl. His brothers timing was just inconvenient, catching Alex when he was at his busiest, often causing him to become moody.
• At the mention of the little girl, Justin turns towards her and gives her the biggest smile, lifting his hand to play with her little fingers. Maya smiles back at the boy and giggles shyly.
• “So adorable” Justin mumbles before turning his attention back on Alex.
• Alex noticed that Maya had become calmed by the presence of the jock, no longer wriggling in his hold. Instead her face holds great happiness, her smile wide as the whole world seems to shine in her curious dark brown eyes. She reaches out for Justin’s hand, which he happily takes. It was almost cute to Alex, seeing the older boys hand completely envelope hers, tiny and petite hands resting against his large and calloused ones. This time Justin giggles along with the girl.
• “I can give you a lift” Alex snaps his eyes towards Justin in disbelief.
• “You want to give me a ride? Alex asks confused.
• "But why, don’t you like hate me?”
• Justin clicks his tongue in response.
• “Look I know I can be an ass sometimes but I don’t hate you. Take the offer it’s the least I can do.” Well it’s somewhat comforting (?) to know that the boy in front of him doesn’t completely hate him.
• Before Alex has chance to respond, Justin is already making his way to the parking lot, car keys swinging on his index finger.
• “Hurry up Standall we don’t have all day” he shouts to the boy behind him
• Alex picks up the pace, jogging to the other boy and getting in the car.• The two boys sit quietly in the car, the only noise filling the stifling silence was the static of the radio. Every now and then it would pick up parts of a song only to fall back onto the static, the noise making Justin physically cringe. He decides he’s had about as much as he can take and reaches over to turn it off, preferring to sit in the quiet rather than letting static swirl around in his head and let his mind haze over. He rubs his temples as he feels a headache coming on. Luckily for him the child and, not so surprisingly, her uncle had remained silent for most of the drive.
• Although he was thankful for it, the eeriness of the soundproof car was starting to irritate him. He needed verbal stimulation, needed to hear something even if it was the tapping of a foot, otherwise his mind would wander into the dark places he keeps locked away. He needed a distraction and if he wasn’t going to get it then he’d make one himself.
• “What’s the cuties name?” He glances at Alex in the passenger seat, the small child placed on his lap with the seatbelt secured around her waist. Although it wasn’t the safest option for the girl it was the only one they had. Peter hadn’t provided Alex with any type of car seat and he didn’t trust placing her in the backseat without one. So Alex’s lap it was.
• “Alex Standall” Alex joked lightly, revelling in the tiny chuckle it gained from the boy beside him
• “Very funny. I meant what’s this little cutie’s name” he reaches over to pinch her cheek to emphasise he was talking about the little girl.
• “Maya” he says fondly, Justin catches a smile on the younger boy’s face. Seeing a smile grace Alex’s features was pretty rare these days, making Justin smile in response to the beautiful sight in front of him.
• “She’ll be 4 this September. My brother’s girlfriend is actually in labour right now so it won’t be long before she’s a big sister.” He doesn’t know why he shares this information with the jock, maybe it’s because of the way Justin glances at him every now and then, softness painting his features and fondness swimming in his eyes.
• “I’ve always wanted to have siblings, I like the idea of having a big family.” Justin says out loud, not really speaking to anyone in particular.
• “I don’t want momma to have a baby” Maya chimes in.
• “What if it’s a boy? Boys are smelly!” She says, dramatically pinching her nose.
• “No they’re not! Daddy’s a boy and he’s not smelly is he?” Alex asks
• “.. sometimes” she says bluntly.
• Both boys cackle the rest of the way home.
• When they arrive at the Standall home Alex quickly makes his way to get out the car muttering a small “thanks” when a hand on his shoulder halts his movements.
• “Want me to stay with you? Help take care of Maya maybe?” Alex swears he hears a bit of desperation in the boy’s tone
• “It’s cool, you should probably get back to school or your teachers will get mad. Thanks though”
• “I don’t mind skipping. I have maths first period and I hate it so much. Plus it wouldn’t totally suck to spend time with a cutie… and Maya too” he winks at him before getting out of the car and walking to the front door of the house
• Alex sat frozen in the passenger seat. Did he just call Alex cute?
• When Alex finally gets out of the car he sees Justin leaning against the door smirking at him. Alex let’s out a scoff and rolls his eyes. That fucker.
• Justin had been at his house for an hour and a half now and he didn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon. Not that Alex minded, strangely enough he was enjoying the company of the jock more than he thought he would. He thought that it would be really awkward for the two of them to talk without the toddler as a distraction, but as it turns out the boys have a lot more in common than they thought. They both shared a love for music, they both watched the same trashy tv shows, both hated the same characters and they liked the same snacks. For Alex this made the elder a little bit more enjoyable to be around.
• They slipped into easy conversation as it was just the two of them, the television playing in the background, some tv show they’d never seen before plays at a low volume. Alex had put Maya down for a nap not long after they arrived. She started to become cranky during snack time and Alex could only take that as a sign of her tiredness so he whisked the younger away to nap on his bed.
• No matter how tired the girl was it seemed that she wouldn’t be able to sleep any time soon. She awoke from a nightmare and ran throughout the house looking for her uncle. Once she spotted the boys in the den she ran over to them as fast as her legs would carry her. She stopped short in front of them and her eyes filled up with tears.
• Alex caught sight of his niece and leaned forward to pull her onto his lap.
• “What’s wrong bubba?” Alex asks, concerned for his niece
• “Had a nightmare” Maya’s voice wobbles as she tries to contain the sob that threatened to escape her throat.
• Alex rubs a soothing hand over her back as if to protect her from the fear of her nightmares.
• “It was just a dream love, it’s not real. You’re safe okay, you’re safe and you’re alright.” Alex’s words seemed to calm the young child. Her breathing steadied and her eyes eventually dried from the tears that were shed.
• Once she was back to her normal state the girl escaped from Alex’s lap and crawled over to where Justin was sitting, curling into his side and tugging on his shirt
• “Jusy could you and uncle Lexy please read me a story?” And there was no way that Justin could refuse, not with the cute use of the nicknames and the pout that adorned the girls face.
• He looked over at Alex to see if it was okay with him and sighed a breath of relief when Alex nodded his head in approval, a small smile on his face.
• That was all the incentive Justin needed before he lifted the girl up and swung her around in the air causing giggles to escape her lips and flow through the air. Her squeaks became louder as Justin made his way up the stairs, Alex following suit with the biggest smile Justin had ever seen.
• Both Alex and Justin placed themselves on the bed beside Maya. Justin was reading her the story that she picked out whilst Alex tickled her forehead and nose, something that helped to comfort the girl and make her sleepy. Maya kept chastising Justin for getting distracted but he couldn’t help it, not with the heart warming scene playing out before him. Alex really was amazing with kids.
• Justin did end up finally finishing the story, no matter how distracting the boy in front of him was. Just as he was reading the last few words Maya’s eyes slipped shut and her breath left her mouth in little huffs, signalling she was asleep. The boys tucked the toddler in, Justin pulled the blanket around her, tucking it into the corner of the bed whilst Alex kissed her forehead. Justin slipped the book back to its original place before sneaking off down the stairs behind Alex
• When they were at the bottom of the staircase Alex turned to look at Justin with a small smile on his face, Justin reciprocated the gesture. No matter how much Justin teased the boy he never meant it, in fact he found Alex to be a pretty great guy. He would never tell him this of course.
• “Thanks for today” Alex spoke softly.
• “To be honest I don’t think I would of been able to do it without you. She’s really taken a liking to you” he smiles wider
• Justin rubs the nape of his neck nervously, chuckling at the fondness of Alex’s words
• “It was fun, I’ve taking a liking to her as well. I’m not usually that fond of kids but she’s pretty cute” he says
• Alex just beams his beautiful smile at Justin, not saying anything in return but communicating his thoughts through his facial expressions. Justin concludes that Alex is pretty damn happy right now.
• All of a sudden Justin’s phone breaks the moment, beeping constantly as new messages roll through, all from his fellow jock friends. He takes a peek at the lockscreen to read the incoming messages
• “Shit” he curses softly
• “What’s the matter?”
• “Bryce and the guys texted me, apparently my teacher is in a super pissy mood and noticed I wasn’t in class. I’m definitely in trouble”
• “Go then” Alex spoke softly
• Justin was about to protest before Alex spoke up again
• “You’ve helped me out enough Justin, you should get to class whilst you still can. We’ll be fine.”
• “Are you sure?” He asked timidly
• “I’m positive. Now go and have a great day.”
• Justin makes his way over to the door and is about to step through the threshold but stops to turn back to Alex
• “I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asks
• “Yeah, see you tomorrow Justin” Alex smiles at him
• Justin returns a smile of his own and gives him one last wink before he’s out the door.
• Alex shuts the door and leans his head against the cool wood. He replays the scenes of the entire day over in his head, Justin spending time with him was unusual but certainly not unwelcome. It was nice to see how Justin behaved in the presence of young kids, it made his heart beat faster at the thought of how maternal Justin had been. He’d be a great father someday.
• Alex lifted his head and giggles to himself, feeling light.
• The boys had built up an unlikely friendship between the two, and Alex couldn’t be happier.
~ extra~
• Alex could feel the buzz of his phone against his leg. He fished it out of his pocket and looked at the lock screen to see a text from his brother
Peter: It’s a girl x
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