#a rare sunny day in November
mhalachai · 11 months
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today was the observed stat holiday so I took advantage of the three hours of daylight we get this far north to go to the garden. this is likley the last we'll see of the leaves for the year.
I also saw this tucked away on a moss-grown bench in the back forty:
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Dear garden elf, we hope you are well. Please leave us a message.
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cobaltperun · 1 month
Eternal Flame (5) - City Lights
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Cover by: @ortegalvr
Jenna Ortega x Female Reader
Summary: For her it’s a passion, for you it’s an accident. And as she continues shining brighter and brighter with each role you are left mesmerized, drawn to her flame and cherishing every time she lets herself be vulnerable with you.
Masterlist / First Part / Previous part / Next Part
Word count: 2k
-So when I touch that sky, will the ladder break? And who will be there on my fall from grace?-
One of the reasons why you began loving acting was the sense of community, regardless of how short it lasted, regardless of how rare a long-lasting bond would be formed on sets. When on set you could always count on someone to gather everyone else, to be the center around which the rest of the cast would gather. It certainly was never gonna be you, you were happy showing up and being there, most of the time, but you didn’t really feel like being the force pulling the entire cast together.
Probably why you and Jenna clicked so well, she was also private, keeping mostly to herself, even if she was there with everyone else.
It was only after a few days passed and you got used to once again living alone in your apartment in Denver. The late November rain didn’t surprise you much, even if Denver was really sunny. You were just about to fall asleep on your sofa when your phone buzzed a few times in your pocket. You were tempted to ignore it, but it might be for the role you auditioned for. You smiled when you saw it was a message from Jenna, on Instagram. You opened it and saw it was a couple of photos, one of just Jenna, giving you a thumbs up while holding a piece of icy wind cake and text on the photo saying ‘You’ve got competition.’ You chuckled, figuring her mom made the cake, the second photo was of her family all posing for a family photo and having a Thanksgiving dinner. Damn, you actually forgot it was Thanksgiving.
21:54 Jenna Ortega: Happy Thanksgiving, Y/N! Thanks for the recipe by the way, my family loves it. ❤️❤️
You smiled, she looked really happy in the photos. And her family was huge, she told you, of course, but hearing and seeing a photo were two entirely different things.
21:56 Y/N L/N: Thanks, Jen, happy Thanksgiving to you too. Save me a piece of cake?
You set the phone aside and figured you could at least drink something, only to remember your fridge was mostly empty at the moment. You really needed to go and get groceries. At least there was some strawberry juice in the fridge and some improvised pasta. Damn, you actually had to make an improvised pasta dish, of all the known recipes you ended up making some improvised abomination. Oh well, at least it was tasty.
22:03 Jenna Ortega: Come and get it Chef. Any chance you could give me a tiny sneak peak into your own dinner?
Well, now that was a tough task to complete.
22:05 Y/N L/N: Sure
You snapped a photo of a glass of strawberry juice and sent it to her.
22:06 Jenna Ortega: Come on! Don’t tease me 🥺
22:06 Y/N L/N: I’m not, I didn’t make anything, I kinda forgot about Thanksgiving.
You noticed Jenna saw the message and set the phone aside when he didn’t respond. She hadn’t seen her family in roughly two months, hell, she had her eighteenth birthday away from them, so you figured she wanted to spend time with them.
But just as you got up to read the new script you got for a movie your phone began ringing and you raised an eyebrow seeing it was Jenna. You picked up and sat back down on the sofa. “L/N Delivery, how may I help you?” you said as professionally as you could with a grin on your face and heard Jenna inhaling sharply before laughing.
“You’re ridiculous,” she said through laughter.
“Yeah, and you love it,” you said confidently making Jenna pause.
For a moment you feared you overstepped some boundary. “I do, don’t I?” she said a bit out of breath and just for a moment she even sounded playful, and you nearly choked on the sip of strawberry juice you just took. “Anyway, how come you forgot?” she quickly changed the subject.
“I lost track of dates, and no one reminded me,” though you probably should have noticed the rush everyone seemed to be in. “How are you? Are you having fun with your family?”
You could almost hear her nodding and smiled, the chatter of the people in the background wasn’t nearly as loud as you expected, so she stepped aside. “It feels so good to be with my family again, I missed them all,” you guessed she glanced back at her family. “I had to do the dished today, and let me tell you, there was a lot,” she wasn’t even complaining, she actually sounded happy.
“Reeree, come on! Talk on your phone later!” you heard a female voice shouting and guessed Jenna was the one being called.
“It’s important!” Jenna yelled back and you felt the warmth engulfing you at that.
“Hey, we can talk later, go have fun,” you told her softly, knowing by now that she just called you to check up on you.
Jenna paused and you waited patiently as she made the decision. “When are you going to come here?” she asked.
“On Monday,” you told her, while you and Jenna knew you’d visit her and meet her family, which was, to be honest, a bit frightening, you didn’t know when you would be able to come until a few hours ago, you just didn’t get the chance to tell Jenna about it. It was still only Thursday, so you didn’t think you needed to rush to tell her.
“Okay, I’ll see you then. Are you sure you don’t want to keep talking with me?” she still offered.
“I want you to have time and make up for being away from your family,” you assured her. You would never, in your most fever-induced dreams, tell her you didn’t want to talk to her, but you knew how much she missed her family and you didn’t want to take away from her time with them tonight.
“Okay, sleep well,” she told you.
“You too,” you were worried about her insomnia, and you could only hope she could fall asleep and not have troubles with insomnia while she was back home.
On Monday you came to Coachella Valley early in the morning and managed to find a coffee shop Jenna told you about. The plan was simple, you and Jenna would meet up, hang out, maybe go for a walk so she could show you the place she grew up in, and then you’d go with her to her parents’ house for lunch.
You saw her waiting near the entrance, wearing a nice blue sweater, her hair was a bit wavy and of course she had her headphones around her neck. “Jen!” you called out to her and her face immediately lit up when she saw you. You’ve wrapped filming Scream a bit over a week ago, but it still felt really good to see her. It felt even better to hug her and feel her tightening her hold on you as she got on her toes.
“It’s so good to see you, again,” she muttered, neither of you in a rush to end the hug just yet. Eventually though you did have to keep in mind that someone might recognize Jenna if you stayed on the street for too long and reluctantly let go of her. “Come on,” she still took your wrist as you walked into the coffee shop and ordered your drinks.
You pulled a chair out for Jenna and bowed a bit, motioning toward it with a goofy grin on your face. Jenna rolled her eyes, used to some of your antics. She still sat down and let you push her chair closer to the table before sitting down. “How do you like Coachella so far?” she asked as she leaned forward a bit, her focus was solely on you, and you felt the intensity of her gaze.
“Verdict to be decided, but so far so good,” you told her as you damn near mirrored her posture, you definitely leaned closer to her.
“I’ll have to show you all the good places,” she made it clear that this wouldn’t be the only time she expected to have you visit her. And you were willing to bet she wanted you to spend more than half a day with her as well. Maybe book a hotel room and stay a few days, that would probably work.
You could definitely do that. “I’ll be counting on you. So, any new projects?” you knew she couldn’t talk much about them, just clarify if she would be busy.
“Yes, actually. I have a movie in New Zealand next year, probably around February, and some voice acting as well,” she didn’t say much, she couldn’t, but she did give you a bit of a timeline. Enough to know where she would be. “You?”
“Can’t say much, but I got a psycho role in a psychological thriller, so, I’ll be spending some time in Italy next year,” Jenna hummed when you said that, clearly supportive of the idea. You were much more relaxed about things you talked about. You certainly knew when to shut up, but this was Jenna, and you trusted her. Well, regardless of that, there really wasn’t much of a plot revealed in what you said. And your character did appear to be a psycho for a good part of the movie. “Might turn into a trilogy, but who knows, depends on the book author.”
“I can’t wait to see you in that role,” she told you, genuinely happy for you. “Who is the author?”
“Donato Carrisi, wrote a bunch of books, including The House of Voices that the movie will be based on,” you told her and abruptly stopped talking as you noticed the girl working in the coffee shop bringing you your drinks.
You and Jenna thanked the girl, and you quickly paid before Jenna could even get the chance.
“Come on,” she rolled her eyes as she put away her wallet. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“Some other time,” you winked at her and chuckled when she immediately looked down.
She cleared her throat. “What about that TV show you auditioned for?”
You shrugged. “Someone else got the part,” it sounded like a cool show, but you kind of had to be cautious with TV shows, seeing the kind of commitment they required.
Jenna nodded. “Well, you got another opportunity, so it worked out well, right?” she had an easy smile on her face as you nodded.
“So, tell me about this place?” you suggested and it got Jenna talking. Before you knew it, you were walking all around the place, seeing all the best spots as Jenna led you anywhere she thought you’d like.
And then it happened. At around 2 p.m. Jenna stopped and turned to you. “Time to meet my family,” she said softly, and you could see it in her eyes. If you chose not to meet her family she’d stand by your decision, supporting you entirely.
“Let’s go,” you still said, much more confidently than you really were. Right, meeting the family. You actually forgot about that. Why did you feel like you were meeting your lover’s family and like you were supposed to ask for Jenna’s hand in marriage or at the very least her parents’ blessing to try and date her?
You were probably just nervous for no reason. You didn’t even have those intentions with Jenna.
Regardless of your intentions, you once more felt Jenna’s fingers wrapping around your wrist and you let her guide you back to her house, nervous, but also eager to leave a good impression on her family.
A/N: Short, but a rather quick update, so here, have some fluff after the slight angst from last chapter.
@lilbitdepressed27 @freakshow2501 @osnapitzmel1 @belatrixdragon @ijustlovemaths @niqmandu
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nanamis-bigtie · 10 months
i hate how capitalism created a situation where people with limited energy resources are forced to prioritize work over literally everything else.
i woke up in a good mood, with a lot of spoons to spend. it's a rare sunny day in november, i'd love to use some fresh air and a longer walk, maybe sit down somewhere for an hour or two and write. i'd love to see the only friend that stayed in the same city as i did.
but i can't because i know it will lower my working spoons from the maximum i need to finish the project on time. spoons put into work run out much faster, i know by the time i'm finished, i will have power left maybe for some drafting and watching an episode or two of some anime.
*maybe* i will have some left to write, too.
it's a cut on relax time, hobby time, health time, social time. a cut i need to make in order to get money to survive a life that's not even luxurious or good enough to be worth this sacrifice.
they could at least give me good painkillers at price that won't kill *me*, if they expect me to work in such conditions.
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Clearing Up Common Vampire Misconceptions:
Often, those in the magical world have misconceptions about vampires, often due to how rare they are, so I decided to make a post to enlighten things, especially since I'll be living among you on the Wizard Island.
Note: while I may say statements about vampires and their magic, understand that every vampire is different, and not every statement applies to every vampire.
Vampires, or sanguophages, are created during a ritual known as the First Death, which typically requires another vampire present to complete, but has rarely been completed without one, although the results vary wildly. When the First Death is complete, the newly turned exhibit symptoms slowly. Accidental First Deaths also happen on occasion, but are far less common.
Over the coming days and weeks, the human blood in their body is metabolized quickly as changes occur, including but not limited to: weight loss, light sensitivity in both skin and eyes, development of enlarged canine fangs, total albinism, and multiple organ failure, which is the last to occur as the ritual is complete.
Vampires, as is well known, are sensitive to sunlight, or more specifically, Ultra-violet light. This is caused by two major sources: the aforementioned albinism, and less mundane magical weakness to sunlight. The sunlight weakness varies from vampire to vampire, in the lightest cases resulting in frequent sunburn and light burning sensations in direct sunlight, and the worst resulting in total disintegration in direct sunlight, and skin fires with indirect sunlight.
This is often, but not always, linked to a vampire's overall magical proficiency, with the stronger vampires developing more intense weakness. All vampires to my knowledge, however, report eye strain in sunny conditions, with heavy overcasts being the brightest conditions we can feel comfortable seeing.
The albinism is the cause of the vampire's famous red, pink, or white eyes, and many humans have been mistaken for vampires due to natural albinism in the past, which has led to unjust treatment.
Vampires, as you can probably tell by myself, can also become Wizards. In fact, we often have natural proficiency in several fields of magic, such as Necromancy, Dark Magic (the manipulation of shadows), and Chronomancy. I personally employ a great deal of Eromancy, Mind Magic, and Spacial Manipulation in my day-to-day life.
Furthermore, not all vampires are considered evil, and much like humans, that is a result of our own actions, desires, and behaviors. I however am very evil.
Vampires are still capable of eating, with weaker vampires still requiring it for basic sustenance. Garlic, however, is to be avoided at all costs, as I experienced recently when @kinjedl provided a Stew with garlic, which I was unaware of. It unfortunately did lead to my complete disintegration (which required a great deal of blood to reverse) but I'd do it again, as that Stew was completely delicious.
Vampires come from all walks of life, but it is typically the older ones like myself (I turn 403 in November), who live in mansions and castles and have excellent access to vampire-care, while new vampires, especially accidental ones, often live in poverty without clean access to blood or even basic sunlight protection such as magically strengthened sunscreen or Spheres of Eternal Darkness, a plight I have a great deal of interest in helping to stop.
For any vampires out there, young or old, feel free to come forward, openly or anonymously with your stories, so that awareness can be raised for the wizard councils of Wizard Island. Thank you for your time, I bid you all a good midnight.
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
Baby Honey (1)
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in which Y/N and Harry are best friends hopelessly in love with each other and everyone seems to know this except them...
[Warning- Angst, fluff, two idiots who can't take hint, pinning, mention of toxic relationship]
My wattpad \\ Ig part 1
It was surprisingly sunny for a late November morning and there was no way you wouldn't use that in your favor.
You loved cold weather cause you loved the warmth. The feeling of warm clothes shrugged around the body or snuggling in a warm blanket after taking a relaxing hot bath but summer will always be your favourite. The cute dresses you get to wear, the beach parties you and your friends throw and the yearly road trip you and Harry make.
You quickly got out of bed and started getting ready for the day. It was 9 in the morning which was pretty early for the weekend. You had so much to do though, every Saturday you film video for your youtube channel mostly with Harry and then edit them over Sunday so, you can post it by Monday.
It's your schedule and you were committed to it, never once have you missed it (except for that one time you got diarrhoea 2 years ago).
After taking a quick hot shower you wrapped a towel around yourself and got out of the shower. You wiped the bathroom mirror with your hand as the heat from the water fogged it up.
You started doing your skincare and lash routine. It was your sister's idea for you to get some lash extensions cause she wanted them and was scared that if they look bad (which was idiotic cause she looks good no matter what) she didn't want to be alone. They were small, looking just like your natural ones but better. they defined your eyes and you have been in love with them since.
Sliding open the closet door you take out the brown three-piece set which had pair of sweatpants, a zipped hoodie and a crop top which can almost pass as a sports bra. After putting on your clothes you do your 'filming makeup' which included lots of concealer (cause sleep schedule? what's that?), blush, mascara and lipgloss. It's rare you do heavy makeup for filming if you're in that mood then maybe but mostly it's simple.
You grabbed your camera and other filming equipment needed, not caring that much about searching if you can't find anything cause Harry had some of his own at his place which is far better than yours and mostly you end up using his anyway.
You created your youtube channel as a joke. You were 16 just walking around the mall with your sister and decided to record and share it on youtube. It didn't get that many likes but it was far more likes for a shitty vlog you made. So, you decided to make more and as time more people joined and now you had a hefty amount of subscribers.
You have a very expressive face and people seemed to like that. The funny and weird faces they get to see or the self-deprecating jokes seem to relate to people, especially teenagers.
Putting on your shoes you walked out of your room and head straight to the door. You had a small apartment 1. cause it was NYC everyone has a small apartment and 2. cause you lived alone. It could pass as a studio if not for the separate bedroom. But it was beautiful, cozy and homey. The large window cascaded the light showing off the beautiful view of the city, the tall buildings, and busy roads. It was everything you wanted.
You walked out of the door locking it behind you. Your first destination was Starbucks to get your coffee and then to Harry's. You didn't bother to make breakfast cause H had the bad habit of feeding everyone even if they were full and no one can say no to his pouty face.
You were scarily dependent on each other neither of you could imagine living without each other ever for a day. Even if one of them is busy they keep in contact with texting.
You walked out of your apartment building seeing Martha walking dogs (she was dog sitter for the people who live on the floor below you), you give her a little wave which she struggled to reciprocate as all 4 dogs yanked her in different directions.
You skipped your way to Starbucks which was not that far from your house. You sipped on your iced coffee texting Harry that you were on your way and asking if he wants something. After confirming that he really didn't want anything you decided to take some pictures for your Instagram.
You situated your phone on a windowsill of a bakery and clicked a few shots already getting judgy looks from people passing by in their expensive suits. Rolling your eyes you picked up your phone and started walking to your destiny. Making it your clear goal not ruining your mood at any cost.
You knocked on the familiar brown door and leaned against the frame waiting for him to open. You heard shuffling on the other side and then the door flew open showing Harry with his wide frog smile.
You smiled back and he immediately jumped on you, hugging you so tightly for a second you thought you might pass out.
"I missed you so much" He mumbled against your neck. His confession and the tickling of his breath both made you laugh.
"You big baby it has just been three days and we talk daily," You told him and sighed, melting into the hug. Harry always gave the best hugs, he was so warm and big (that's what she said) like a giant teddy bear.
"I know, but I need my daily dose of Y/N" He broke the hug finally and stood in front of you pouting. You shook your head and moved past him inside his apartment. The lavender scent mixed with his filled your senses and you felt at ease immediately as if your mind had been aching for that.
You put your bag on the cupboard beside the door and plop down on the couch with Harry following you behind. You turned to look at him to find his eyes already on you, you raise your eyebrows in a questioning manner.
"What do you want to do today?"
Both of you filmed through whole morning and afternoon and now it was almost four in the evening. As fun as it was to film with him, it is very difficult as both of you started laughing at random shit and sometimes at nothing.
You were sitting on the kitchen counter as Harry made noodles and meatballs your favourite. Flynn was sitting near your dangling feet looking up at you as you steal noodles out of the pan and feed him earning yourself a glare from Harry.
Your phone chimed beside you. You used your pinky to open it as your fingers were dirty and saw a text from your sister.
"Bella and Mathew want to hang out should I tell them to come here?" You asked Harry who was putting servings on the plate.
"I have enough food for four people" He shrugged without looking up. I hummed and answered the text back. I looked back up at Harry, he was looking good today not that he didn't any other day but the white shirt which was almost transparent did nothing to hide his muscles and tattoos. His back muscles flexed with every movement he made and you had to bite on her lower lip to not create any embarrassing noise.
It was a no-brainer to know that you had a crush on Harry. The first time you saw him at a friend's party and just as your eyes met his you knew you were in deep shit. But he had a girlfriend at that time and you had just gotten out of a toxic relationship so, you didn't make a move on your feelings and when they broke up, you and he were such good friends that it terrified you that you might lose him.
The knock on the door gets you out of your thoughts. Harry looks over his shoulder and you gave him a nod and move towards it. Opening the door you're greeted by your sister Arabella and her boyfriend Mathew. Mathew ruffled his hand through your hair making you whine and your sister laugh.
Mathew was older than your sister which meant he was a lot older than you so, your dynamic since start became a little sister and big brother-like. He was just as protective of you as of your sister, going to the pub is a nightmare with him and Harry as they just scare off anyone who tries to come near the table by their stare.
All of you moved inside, Bella crouching down to pet Flynn while Harry and Matt exchanged 'Hello's. Harry moved towards you and squeezed your shoulder as a thank you for getting the door.
Soon enough everyone was situated on the couch. Harry sat on the corner and pulled you beside him, your sister sat beside you and Matt on the floor near your sister's leg. Chattering filled the whole flat along with Netflix playing in the background. You dug into your food as soon as you got your plate, hungry from not eating the whole day.
Everyone was tipsy when the dinner ended and somehow we had roped Harry into dancing to Nicki Minaj's song. You covered your mouth as an ugly snort left your mouth when he started twerking badly. Bella had tears in her eyes and Matt was recording everything.
The song came to end and Harry ploped down on the couch with his head in your lap and his feet in Bella's. You ran your fingers through his hair subconsciously as Bella looked at the video Matt recorded on his phone. Harry took your arm in both of his and cuddled closer to your waist.
A Swarm of butterflies erupted through your whole body as you saw the drunken smile on his sleepy face but you knew it was just because he was drunk. So, you crushed the butterflies and focused back on the TV but his eyes stayed on yours.
Bella went to the kitchen at one point and Matt passed out near the foot of the couch with his neck awkwardly bent which was definitely sore when he woke up.
You thought Harry had also fallen asleep but apparently not, cause just as you changed the song to a slower one to relax and probably get you sleepy he opened his eyes and stood up.
You looked at him with a half smile stunned by his sudden movement. Harry extended his hand towards you which you took and he pulled you up. You groaned in laziness not wanting to move after being comfortable and warm there but as his hand slid around your waist and he got a lot closer than he should be you forgot everything.
'Apocalypse' by Cigarettes After Sex echoed through the whole apartment. At that time there were just two people there, no Matt, no Bella, just you and Harry. Even if the world stopped at that point you wouldn't have cared cause his eyes were on yours, those beautiful emerald eyes you adored soo much.
You splayed your palm on his neck, your thumb running along his sharp jaw. His pink lips parted, his Adam's apple bobbing from time to time. Was he nervous just as you were? Was he feeling the same things as you were? Was his heart beating just as fast as yours? Were his lips just as dry as yours? God those lips.
Those lips my love apocalypse...
Your eyes flicked down at his lips making him do the same. It felt like the space in between got smaller than it was before cause suddenly his breath was tickling your face. You looked back up with pleading as if saying to just push his lips on yours not caring what will be the consequences cause honestly at that moment you didn't give a fuck.
But a puppy bark and loud laughing broke your moment and Harry pushed you off soo hard that you stumbled back a bit. Your face turned red in embarrassment and you ran past him as quickly as you could. You were far more sober than before and honestly what were you thinking? He was going to kiss you? Fucking idiot mind, idiot song and this idiot world.
You collected your things as fast as you could and walked back to where everyone was. Bella and Matt were hugging saying good night to Harry. Your sister faced you after and when she saw your face, she knew something had happened but didn't say anything.
"Do you want to stay the night or want us to drop you home? We ordered an uber, it's outside." She asked. From your peripheral vision, you saw Harry open his mouth to say something, you panicked and said before you could think. "I will go"
You turned towards Harry finally looking at him to find the same pout on his lips from the morning but this time it felt like it wasn't a mocking one. Your heart lurched feeling bad, but why would he be sad?
You gave him short hug and said Good night before almost sprinting out of his apartment. You had to stay away from him for your own mental health's sake.
Harry was your best friend and you didn't want to lose that.
Part 2
Please like, comment and reblog!! Tell me your thoughts!
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plantgirlpops · 10 months
It was a rare afternoon of sunshine on a November afternoon in New York. Nothing to write home about, necessarily, but still a nice change from all the doom and gloom of rainstorms and threats of snow. With the constant routine of hopping from venue to venue, only ever seeing the inside of tour buses, hotel rooms and arenas, it wasn’t often that Poppy got to see daylight anymore. Lately the only time she got to see the blue sky above was whenever they had to stop off at a service station to top up on coffee and painkillers. So, when she’d woken up that morning to see that the forecast offered up a respectable 16 degrees, a cloudless sky, and no sign of rain, she decided she had to make the most of it. 
They were situated in New York for the next few days with back-to-back photoshoots, interviews, and guest appearances lined up, so Poppy had full access to all her favourite outfits (however uninspired Diego found some of them) and wasn’t overly concerned about what the average New Yorker thought about her daily fits. Sure, the occasional paparazzi might be lurking – like that Bradley guy that Diego hated so much – but she didn’t think there was a whole lot pretty or interesting about her to take their interest. Sure, she was a significant part of the band, but past her affiliation with the others, Poppy knew there wasn’t much appeal to her and that a photo of her likely wouldn’t go for much. 
Sporting her favourite yellow cropped sweater, and a pair of shorts that had Isabelle from Animal Crossing embroidered onto one pocket, and Celeste onto the other, she’d found a nice spot in the park to settle herself down on the grass with a book. Enjoying the feel of the sun on her face, however light the temperatures, she’d become engrossed in the story unfolding before her eyes. A nice man in a cute little store named A Novel Idea had recommended her the Percy Jackson series, insisting that she just had to read them before the upcoming TV series, and he’d been so right! She was loving it so far and had already firmly decided that her favourite character was Annabeth, internally noting that she must order herself a cute “Camp Halfblood” t-shirt to take out on tour with her. 
Just as things were getting juicy – LUKE was the one to steal the lightning bolt?! Poppy was devastated – a shadow fell over Poppy, the pages of her book turning a dark shade as something blotted the words into darkness.  
“Aw, jeepers, who the heck planted a tree in my reading spot?” she groaned quietly to herself, curious as to what could’ve caused her sunny day out to take such a sudden turn in the wrong direction. 
Setting her book down, Poppy pressed her palms down into the grass and pushed herself up into a seated position, lifting her gaze to see what had disrupted her reading time. Her heart dropped as she realised that standing just a couple feet away from her was a very tall man – not a tree at all. Embarrassment inflamed her cheeks as she wondered if the man had heard her liken him to a tree, guilt washing over her for making such a tactless, ignorant remark. She wondered, quietly, if the man’s height might have saved her from her own blunder – surely his ears were much too far away from the ground for him to have heard her at all? 
Just when she thought that perhaps she’d gotten away scot free, the man turned to face her, his eyebrow arched in what she could only assume was fury. 
“I’m sorry! I’m really, really sorry I compared you to a tree,” Poppy startled, jumping to her feet so abruptly, her hands flying out in front of her in a half protective, half apologetic stance. “You’re obviously not a tree, but actually a really handsome, lovely man who I’m sure is very lovely and polite and not deserving of my stupid, insensitive comment.” 
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
Uh excuse you November is an awesome month! It's still fall but with the promise of Christmas in the near future. It's a wonderful mix of both.
NO !!! NO
literally nothing good happens during Novembers. It's gloomy, the cold weathers are rly starting to get going and you're not used to them yet so it sucks more. Dark at 3pm and usually not that much snow so it's only depressing; no redeeming qualities. It's like February, but at least in February there's more snow, or like the rare sunny winter day. Christmas joy is so far away that it's no match for the overwhelming amount of November gloominess
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haseenachoti76 · 6 months
Exploring Vanuatu The Best Time to Visit this Pacific Paradise
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Vanuatu, an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, is a dream destination for travelers seeking pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant culture. However, choosing the right time to visit can greatly enhance your experience. From weather patterns to cultural events, several factors play a role in determining the best time to explore this tropical haven.
Weather Considerations: Vanuatu experiences a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: the wet season (November to April) and the dry season (May to October). While both seasons offer unique experiences, the dry season is often favored by travelers due to its sunny days, lower humidity, and minimal rainfall. However, if you don't mind occasional showers and lush greenery, the wet season can also be a beautiful time to visit, especially for budget-conscious travelers.
Peak Season vs. Off-Peak Season: The peak tourist season in Vanuatu coincides with the dry season, particularly from June to August when the weather is at its finest. During this time, you can expect higher accommodation rates and crowds at popular tourist attractions. For a more tranquil experience and potential cost savings, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons (April to May and September to October) when the weather is still pleasant, and tourist numbers are lower.
Special Events and Festivals: Immerse yourself in Vanuatu's rich cultural heritage by timing your visit with one of its vibrant festivals. The Vanuatu Agricultural Show in May showcases the country's agricultural bounty, while the Naghol Land Dive in April offers a thrilling spectacle where locals dive from wooden towers with vines tied to their ankles. Additionally, Independence Day celebrations on July 30th feature traditional dances, feasts, and music, providing insight into Vanuatu's history and traditions.
Diving and Snorkeling Conditions: Vanuatu boasts some of the world's most pristine dive sites, including the SS President Coolidge wreck and the famous Blue Hole. For optimal underwater visibility and calm seas, plan your diving or snorkeling adventures during the dry season when the ocean is typically clearer. However, even during the wet season, many dive sites remain accessible and offer unique underwater encounters, such as the chance to witness migratory species and coral spawning events.
Wildlife Encounters: Nature enthusiasts will delight in Vanuatu's diverse wildlife, including rare birds, marine life, and endemic species. To maximize wildlife sightings, consider visiting during the dry season when many species are more active and easier to spot. Birdwatchers, in particular, can enjoy the presence of migratory birds during this time, including the majestic white terns that flock to the islands.
Conclusion: Best Time to Visit Vanua tuseek sun-drenched beaches, cultural immersion, or thrilling outdoor adventures, Vanuatu offers something for every traveler. By considering factors such as weather patterns, peak tourist seasons, special events, and outdoor activities, you can plan your visit to this Pacific paradise at the best time to suit your preferences and interests. So pack your bags, embark on an unforgettable journey, and discover the timeless beauty of Vanuatu.
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 12/?
November is halfway through its drizzles, last whirling leaves in a hurry to catch up with those that have already been swished away, misty mornings and murky twilight. The days are mostly gray and windy, but there are still some rare sunny ones with the air so chilly and crisp, breathing it in is like drinking refreshing minty lemonade. The sun is not lighting up the woods in bright autumn colours anymore, like it did in September and October, and all that's left are dark bare branches wherever you look. Suddenly the world has lost its vivid colours.
Just like Steve's life. It's gray and warmless.
It's lonely, and
Same as November nights.
Steve hates the nights now. It's brooding time, and that's not fun.
He opens the window in his room wide, surrenders to the cold, and smokes.
Usually the night sky is overcast in clouds, with the darkness hanging low
But sometimes the sky is pitch black clear
And Steve watches the glowing moon and the twinkling stars
Cigarette smoke curling up
He's watching the outline of the dark woods - the woods that might be keeping a terrible secret
Of how a girl vanished into thin air
And not a trace of her was ever to be found again.
Nothing is clear about it, up to today. It still remains a terrifying unsolved mystery.
Steve is standing in front of the open window,
The night air so fresh.
It doesn't make him calm. It doesn't bring him the peace of mind
Instead, it awakens an even deeper yearning.
He wonders if a heart is broken once, it's going to stay like this for the lifetime.
Nancy is not sitting with Steve at lunch anymore, she's always with Jonathan. Tommy is sending them daggers across the lunch hall, but Steve doesn't even want to look their way. It hurts.
King Steve, wounded by the sword of love and bleeding out, everyone! Gather round to watch the King be defeated!
No-one gives a fuck, really. The school is living its life.
Steve's feeling lonely, but he's not alone - he is surrounded by his usual court - Tommy, Carol and Nicole. It's Tommy and Carol who make occasional snide remarks about Nancy and her new boyfriend, and although Steve's still mad, it somehow doesn't sit right with him. He used to feed on malice, but now he'd rather have silence.
Steve needs to process everything, he doesn't need the useless noise.
However, when he does get time alone at home, especially when his parents aren't there, he discovers that silence doesn't bring any comfort or clarity.
It brings unrest and gloom.
And so he opens the window again at night and lights a cigarette
The chilly clear air doesn't make him calm.
Nothing makes him the way he was before.
Steve doesn't know what to do with it. He wonders if he's ever, ever going to feel light and happy again.
He is too young to feel this wretched.
The SAT results came in and they weren't good. Last spring when he was still a careless junior and so - oh my god, he was so - in love, floating on air and making plans to conquer the heart of the most beautiful girl in the world, he scored around 750 points, which was embarrassingly low but Steve didn't care. Last spring was the coolest time when everything seemed possible and the future seemed bright, regardless of stupid exams.
This year he got 890.
He shouldn't make any rash decisions. He should choose carefully.
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, UCLA, you name it. All of these places will welcome him with open doors and arms.
What a bunch of crap.
Steve doesn't even want to study for four - is it four? - more years of his life. He doesn't like studying. There, he said it. Whose idea was it even? Mom's, dad's? .. Wasn't it clear to them from the beginning that their son is not cut out for university?
Mom told him to have a plan B.
He doesn't but he must totally think of something. Later.
Steve throws together the SAT results, coach Nelson's recommendation, the application essay Nancy helped him write, and sends it anyways, to a couple of much less prestigious higher education establishments. This way, he'll tell his parents he's done everything that's in his power, if they ask.
Today at lunch Steve can't help himself. He's watching Nancy, out of the corner of his eye, and
She looks so sad.
She just looks so fucking sad, it's breaking his heart all over again, shattering small pieces into even tinier ones.
Maybe he shouldn't have listened to Tommy. Writing slut all over the school wall was probably too much.
She cheated on him, she did.
It wasn't like that, Steve!
But she never explained like what it was.
She hurt him and he hurt her back, but did it make him feel better?
For a moment, yeah.
It isn't her fault Steve wasn't able to provide her with the consolation she was looking for.
It isn't her fault that she didn't love him.
When today's classes are finished, Harrington walks out of the school building, heading to his beamer
Tommy is catching up with him
"Hey, man! Whatcha doing tonight?"
"Uhm .. I'm not sure. Why?"
"Just wanted to .. I dunno. Hang out?"
Tommy is taking out two cigarettes and offering one to Steve. He accepts.
The first drag feels especially good.
Carol is joining the two boys a minute later.
They spot Nancy and Jonathan walking together to Byers' old beat and rusty Ford LTD.
What does she even see in that guy, it's beyond Steve's comprehension. To dump him for .. that ? She didn't love Steve but she loves him now ??
"Ugh I cannot look at these two, like .." It's Carol scrunching her face in disgust
Tommy's chiming in
"Byers' face creeps the fuck out of me."
"He looks like such a psycho. People still don't know what happened to his brother last summer. Maybe he was holding him in their basement or some sick shit like that."
"Wouldn't be surprising."
Carol's popping her gum and that sets Steve off
"Tommy, just .. maybe don't jump to assumptions like that?"
"What ..? Why not?"
"I'm just saying, no-one knows what happened, so .."
"Yeah, whatever. The dude's still a total creep. Did you see the look on his face when he was beating you up? Like .. he was so mad at you for calling his family what it is. He could've killed you, easy."
"He's absolutely sick."
"Guys, enough."
Carol's chuckling mean and nasty
"Oh god, I just got an image of him making that face while he and Nancy are screwing, ew, yuck."
She pops the gum once more and the sound of it and her giggling is so off-putting - Steve did ask them both to stop, didn't he? - something snaps inside of him
"Why don't you shut your mouth, Carol?"
His friend's girlfriend is taken aback
"You heard me."
"Hey! What's your problem, man?" They may be best friends but you gotta defend your girl's honour.
However, Steve's had enough of their poison
"You're both being assholes, that's my problem!"
"Are you serious right now, man?"
What Tommy is saying is
I'm your friend, bro, I'm on your side. Everything I do, I fucking do it for you. The fuck's wrong with you?
"Yeah I'm serious. I don't know, Tommy .. Maybe we shouldn't have done that."
"You mean call her out for what she really is? Oh that's funny cause I don't remember you saying no to the whole idea."
"Yeah okay, and maybe I was wrong like .. I don't know, man!" Steve should definitely lower his voice because people are starting to pay attention.
"What the hell, Steve?" Tommy is nervously taking the last drag and flicking the cigarette butt away
"Neither of you ever cared about her. You never even liked her!"
"That's right, we never did. We never told you otherwise!"
That's true. Since day one Steve's friends have always disliked his good girl girlfriend
"We never pretended to like her. But we tolerated her!" Tommy's voice sounds bitter
For you.
Carol rolls her eyes and - God help him if she's gonna pop that stupid gum again
"What was there to like anyways? She turned you into a pussy-whipped loser!"
"And she cheated on you."
Like he needs it rubbed in his face right now.
"Shut up, Carol!"
Enough. Tommy's grabbing Harrington by the collar of his jacket and gets his face close to Steve's.
"Hey! I don't know what's gotten into you, man, but you don't talk to her that way."
Steve kinda hates Tommy right now. Hagan's all in his space, crowding him against the car
They are both all in his space, in his personal business, it's suffocating
"Get out of my face."
He's grasping Tommy's wrists, trying to free himself
"What are you gonna do, huh? You gonna fight me too now, Steve?"
People are definitely looking. There might be teachers nearby. Steve doesn't need another detention
"I wouldn't recommend that, Harrington. You couldn't even take Byers."
Tommy spits on the ground and Steve shoves him away, finally. It stings, it fucking stings,
He opens the car and gets in, he wants to
Be alone. It won't make him feel any better, but he can't stand being around Tommy and Carol right now
"Here, let me get the fucking door for you, buddy!"
The door slams, tires screech and Harrington's beamer takes off
"That's right, run away, Stevie boy! Run away, just like .. like you always do! That Nancy's turned you into a little pussy!"
Tommy's aware that now everyone in the parking lot is fucking staring cause he's yelling
Let them.
Carol's holding him by the arm.
"Hey .."
"That's right, Harrington! Run! Run the hell away!"
Hagan is still following the speeding away beamer with his eyes
"Stop shouting, Tommy, he can't hear you."
Carol sighs and pops the gum again
What the fuck was that, really. Tommy can't believe Steve has gone so fucking soft and gooey for a chick who doesn't deserve him.
This is the downfall of King Steve which he has been predicting all along.
Fucking bitch. Steve's even stomping all over their friendship because of her.
A decade of friendship. They've stayed together with Wheeler for half a year? ..
Tommy's got feelings too, you know?
They've been best friends since forever, and it's .. Harrington's gone rabid.
"What's everyone looking at, huh? The show's finished!"
They sure had their share of fights with Steve over the years, but not ..
Not like that.
Harrington doesn't even come to lunch hall anymore. Who needs food. He goes to his beamer and smokes during lunch break.
He ghosts through classes and during the ones they share Billy notices that King Steve has been looking a bit worse for wear lately.
It doesn't make him less pretty, on the contrary. It has added a veil of sadness to his face, a veil of .. mystery?
Depth, even.
The hell Billy's thinking about, there is no fucking mystery, the dude just got so pussy-addicted, he's having a hard time breaking himself out of it. It's pathetic, not mysterious.
That is why it's a rule - no to heavy drugs. Including fucking feelings.
Hargrove witnessed the ugly scene between Harrington and Hagan in the school parking lot. It looked like they were about to kiss, Tommy standing on tiptoes and Steve holding him by the wrists. That was entertaining to watch. So much pique, so much wounded passion. Billy wonders if Carol is aware of her boyfriend's crush on his best friend.
If Billy is honest with himself, which he usually is, he kinda misses the fire and the sass, and the mean pettiness. Steve stops coming to lunch at all, and it doesn't sit well with Billy. Like something that's always been on his radar, disappeared out of sight, but he still keeps searching for it, following an echo of a habit.
Life in Hawkins has become a tiny bit more uninteresting all of a sudden.
The fuck?
It's humdrum as it is, but uh ..
Billy misses the irritating itch and pushing each other around during basketball practice.
He tries riling Harrington up during a game once or twice, when the sad fuck is actually playing and not chilling on the bench. For one week straight he came to practice limping and complained of a sprained ankle to the coach
Total bull
"The former king of school gave up being captain just like that, huh? How does it feel to be even worse than a loser?"
Billy's breathing down Steve's neck trying to take the ball from him
"A loser without the crown?"
Steve spikes the ball so hard, it goes flying off the court
The coach blows the whistle and Andy's like
"Harrington, what the hell?"
Steve looks like he couldn't care less about any of that
Leaves Hargrove standing there.
All Billy gets in return in not even a shove
Or even a fiery or an icy look - he would gladly take either at this point.
Or a fuck off
Billy gets nothing in return,
Zero reaction,
and it bothers him
Way more than a normal amount.
And yeah, on top of that, the fact that he's actually bothered annoys the hell out of him too. It's like double vexation, and Billy doesn't quite understand what's going on.
The most boring of all American holidays is coming up.
Billy recalls the time when he was little, they used to have family dinners on Thanksgiving, that is, when Mom was still part of their family. It was fine, he liked the food. He was snooping around the kitchen, while mom was cooking, sticking his little nose wherever he could, curious and eager to help.
After mom left, they never celebrated Thanksgiving with Neil. No extended family to visit.
When Susan appeared in their life, family Thanksgiving dinner became a thing. A much hated, but unavoidable obligation.
Billy fears this year it's going to be even worse than usual, because as he remembers, Susan and Neil have made plans to visit her hicktown relatives, and not just Aunt Shirley and Uncle Dean, no, it's gonna be a whole bunch of them getting together including the 100-year old nana
Like a huge Thanksgiving family reunion.
It's gonna be worse than a zombie apocalypse.
However, the sun has shone on Billy once here in Hicksville, and it shines on him for the second time, which makes him particularly thankful on this holiday
His whole family is going to visit Susan's relatives, and Billy is again off the hook. Max is going feral, she doesn't wanna go. Susan is trying to smooth the rough edges, Max has no choice.
Billy is -
Ta-da! -
staying at home absolutely alone - this time for three whole fucking days.
How do you like that, Maxine?
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and even Sunday morning. On Thursday and Friday there's no school due to the holiday.
My god, dad, you're so embarrassed of me, you'd rather let me stay here again and enjoy myself than drag me along and make me suffer?
Billy will sure crack a can of beer for that on Thanksgiving morning.
Bless Susan and her dull relatives. Bless Hawkins, Indiana. Bless life.
Only seven months to go in this shithole, and so far, it's been bearable.
Billy expected much worse.
He doesn't have work on Thanksgiving Thursday, so it's the same routine - he sleeps in late, drinks beer for breakfast, lifts weights watching MTV, smokes whatever he wants and pleasures himself watching porn on the family couch again.
On Friday he gets up late and drives to work. Old Joe invites him to have lunch together, for which he's brought plenty of leftovers from yesterday's festive dinner.
"Your wife's a great cook, Mr. Daley."
"I'll make sure to tell her that."
Old man's son Pete came on a visit from Indianapolis with his wife, and Billy listens to his boss ramble about them.
Mr. Daley closes the shop early cause he clearly wants to get back to his family and spend time with them when he has the chance, so Billy gets to come home at five-thirty. He hangs around the empty house, blasts music in his room and calls Vicky to arrange a date for tomorrow. Vicky has been too clingy lately, he should probably break it off before she gets the wrong idea.
He's not relationship material, definitely not looking for any.
One last fuck won't hurt anyone though.
Steve goes to Indianapolis for the holiday weekend to visit mom's sister's family and then dad's cousin. Parents aren't even picking at his brain during the long drive. They are treating him with .. caution as if afraid to make matters worse. Steve thinks that's all mom's doing, because he can see his dad is this close to snapping. What can he do to him though? Not give him money for fucking lunch or gas? Or clothes? Take his car keys away for a while, so that he doesn't go to school at all? Steve feels his parents are at a loss like they aren't sure what to do with their difficult son.
This November he's skipped classes, got multiple detentions, two days of suspension, has gotten into a serious fight, almost started a couple of more, has supposedly vandalized school property, voluntarily given up being captain of the school basketball team, is no longer in a relationship with the most perfect girl - his parents did like Nancy .. what else? Fucked up his SATs, as well as his chances at having a decent future, has been drinking and smoking too much .. so yeah, mom is walking on eggshells around him while dad is getting angrier and more frustrated by the minute.
Steve's just watching the road and the endless fields and woods while listening to some romantic shit playing on the radio in the car. He hasn't got a single thought in his head.
It's cold, it's lonely and the emptiness is gonna stay for fucking ever.
December starts quietly, just like winter noiselessly creeps up on you, on soft kitten paws. It's getting even colder and colder, and although Hawkins doesn't get too much snow in winter, snowflakes start slowly falling from the sky.
Billy hates the cold, but white snowflakes do look beautiful on the blue hood of his car.
Everyone has to start dressing in warmer winter jackets which is something completely new for the Hargrove-Mayfield siblings. They both dislike it, and there's even an unspoken sort of truce established between them now, like they are both unhappy about the grey skies and they both long for the sunshine and wearing hoodies as their warmest item of clothing. The camaro is ice cold in the mornings and Billy's freezing his ass off starting the car, waiting for Max to drag hers out of the house.
Max has gotten much better about being on time for pick-up and stuff, whether it's school or the arcade, cause skate boarding in Indiana winter is tricky, and she did walk home once when Billy decided to remind her about punctuality. He got taught a lesson in return by his dad later that day, but the whole educational exchange has brought results - Max is almost always on time now.
And it's been making him lose his mind, to Max's not-so-well-hidden satisfaction and glee, although she held on tight to the seatbelt and went slightly white in the face whenever it happened.
The winter shenanigans have indeed strangely brought them just a tiny step closer - how surprised they were to see their breath on an especially frosty morning, the first puddle covered in an icy crust, the first snowflakes they saw falling, - they both think snow is kinda cool, Max slipping a few excited ohh-s and ahh-s and watching it in awe, and Billy rolling his eyes but secretly quite liking the snow himself. He is, however, unleashing full hate on the fucking sleet or ice on the roads - Billy has to drive much much slower now because of it. He still hasn't figured out how to deal with the treacherous enemy after the camaro hit patches of ice and went into a skid on more than a couple of occasions. Billy did not enjoy the feeling of not being in control of his car
Billy can't just floor the gas pedal anymore when he feels like it. He has to control his impulses.
Fucking ice be fucked.
Hawkins High School Homecoming marks the first week of December, and goes by unnoticed by Steve who's not allowed to participate in any activities that have been planned, and by Billy who simply doesn't give a shit. Hawkins High cannot boast a decent football team, or an indecent one, the whole celebration revolves around a basketball game instead. This year Hawkins Tigers effortlessly score a victory over Greenwood Eagles, the second one since September, and that was the only thing Hargrove actually took part in. The gym was packed, even the town mayor attended the match.
One evening after Homecoming fuss has settled down Tommy calls Steve -
A long deep exhale
"Just wanted to know how you've been, Harrington."
And Steve is kinda glad to hear his voice.
Tommy tells him that this year Homecoming was by far the dullest one.
"It sucked without you being there. I was bored to death. Winning the match was easy as pie. Guess who got coronated as the homecoming king at the dance?"
"Nah, the dude didn't even show up."
The fucking always showing off attention guzzler didn't come to the dance?
No, it was Andy, the new captain of Hawkins Tigers. Tina was Homecoming Queen, of course, which made a lot of girls jealous, especially Vicky. She's been so bitchy lately cause Hargrove, apparently, is getting fed up with her.
It's clear that Tommy is offering Harrington peace, and when on Monday they smoke in the school parking lot standing by Steve's beamer just like in the old times, the two boys even make an attempt at having some kind of a heart-to-heart conversation
"It's just that .. it fucking sucks to see you like that, man."
"It's fine. I'll be okay. I know you want to help and stuff but maybe .. maybe you and Carol should stay out of it."
"You're asking me to stay out of it when that .."
He wants to say slut but he doesn't
"Just goes and treats you like that?"
"I'll deal with it myself, Tommy. I don't need your help, okay?? It's just .. it's making everything worse."
"Okay man. Okay. As you wish." Tommy's throwing hands in the air
He sounds offended, but frail peace is still better than not talking to your best friend.
"The way you're trying to help, it's not helping. Especially Carol with her fucking comments. I dunno .. just stay out of it, at least for the time being, alright?"
"Yeah, fine."
The smoke floats beautifully around them on that cold wintery day.
"Wheeler really did a number on you."
There's no sense in fighting the truth.
"Yeah .. she did, Tommy. She did."
After Homecoming, Middle school is about to have some fun - it is time for the annual Hawkins Winter Ball.
Billy drops Max off, and just to make sure everything is okay, goes inside for a minute or two. He sees Byers taking pictures of the kids and Wheeler chaperoning. They are smiling at each other across the hall, like the lame lovebirds that they are. Billy doesn't know the details, but Tommy has spread enough reliable information around.
King Steve got fucked over.
Billy notices Max talking to a weird-looking girl, and sees the familiar faces of the dweebs his step-sister usually hangs out with.
Everything looks okay, so he goes outside and sees Tommy frantically waving a hand at him from his ford. He's with his girlfriend, they brought Carol's brother to the party. Billy doesn't want to freeze his balls off sitting in the camaro, nor does he want to drive home and then come back - ice roads be damned - so he climbs into Tommy's ford and takes out two neatly rolled joints that he just happens to have in the pocket of his winter jacket.
They drive a little further away from the school and smoke the weed. It's not enough to get completely stoned or anything but it's enough to kill the time and shoot some dumb shit.
Billy even appreciates the unexpected company because he's been in a foul mood all day. He hates all this upcoming happy holiday season family bullshit, and he is dreading the winter break because he's gonna be staying at home with his precious family, all stuck together, and Billy's never done it before, for so many days, with nowhere to go. He's willing to work overtime in Old Joe's garage for free. He will probably do exactly that.
Billy also knows winter holidays in Indiana are not gonna be a particularly enjoyable experience, he can't even stay outside for a long time in this fucking weather, he'll freeze to death. He's been thinking about driving to California for the break, but his dad would never allow him that, even though all the expenses would be on Billy. Fuck, he'd just drive there for a week, crash at Nick's place, see his buddies, spend time by the ocean .. Billy is aware, if he drives away, he might as well stay there and not come back because Neil will simply shut the door in his face when he returns.
Four months till he turns eighteen, seven months till he's free to go.
Billy's also in a bad mood cause he got a bad dream last night.
He was swimming in the cold ocean, trying to reach his mom who he saw ahead of him. It was so exhausting, he was swimming and pushing himself to the limit, but whenever he tried to take her hand or get ahold of her floating white dress - he couldn't.
He wanted to reach her so bad
Mom, please
Dark grey waters swirling all around him, and mom's white dress in front of his eyes, and the feeling of hopelessness telling him to stop, turn back, it's useless
Billy didn't give up, he persisted, he swam and swam until his whole body hurt and there were spasms in his muscles
The moment he finally reached her, his hand getting tangled in her wet dress
And his fingers touching hers
He grabbed her hand. It was ice cold, morgue freezing
Somehow it was colder than the water around him
His mother was dead, body floating in the ocean, serpentine hair hiding her face
The white dress tangled all around Billy's arm
He wanted to let go, get away, get back to the shore
The white shreds of fabric, like tentacles of a giant octopus, not letting him free
Mom, please !!
Billy woke up in cold sweat, teeth clattering, blanket on the floor, he must've kicked it off in his sleep.
He doesn't know.
How it feels to live in this world
When you're loved by the people who brought you here
Billy only knows how it feels to exist when you're unloved.
There's a black void in his chest
That's never going to be filled.
Repaired, fixed, mended.
Billy can't forgive his mother.
But if she called and told him to come visit - wherever - he'd drop everything in a second and drive.
It was just a bad dream, they happen, seldom.
He's gotten used to it acting up, like an ulcer.
All of this, Billy keeps to himself, their meaningless conversation with Tommy and Carol is light, dumb and fun, it helps take Billy's mind off certain things, and the time goes by quickly.
When a happy Max drops into the passenger seat, they have a friendly exchange like
"You smell like weed, Billy."
"Not you damn business, Maxine."
And after driving in silence for a couple of minutes
"Who was that weird girl you were talking to?"
"Jane. She's new."
"She looks like she was held in one of those doomsday bunkers all her life."
Max is shrugging her shoulders
"Yeah, I don't know .. she's cool."
Billy is greedy enough to hope his family would go celebrate Christmas with Susan's relatives like they did with Thanksgiving, but that doesn't happen.
What does happen, is a very ceremonious Christmas dinner at home, Max wearing an ugly dress and Billy putting on his "good boy" blue button up.
When he and Neil were living alone, his dad didn't bother with the Christmas tree. It was just a usual day, and Billy didn't get any presents.
Susan's appearance in their lives has changed that, same as with other holidays.
The blue shirt was Susan's gift for last Christmas. This time it was 20 bucks in a merrily decorated gift card.
Susan must have her ways of persuading Neil to do nice things for Billy. Cause dad would never shell out twenty dollars for his son's Christmas gift.
She's really trying to make it look like they have a family, and sometimes she gets to have the upper hand. Billy almost feels bad for her but then, he might be wrong. Maybe Susan's happy with Neil. Maybe he's someone she's been looking for, who the fuck knows.
There's a New Year party at Andy's right after Christmas. His mom and dad are out of town visiting friends, and Andy couldn't pass up such an opportunity.
It's not as massive as previous high school parties this senior year, cause some people went away on holidays with their parents, and time for preparation was not nearly enough.
But it's still a party, with booze and loud music and teenagers who just want to have a good time.
"Come on, motherfuckers, let's celebrate the night!" Tommy's loud battle-cry announces the beginning of chaos
And chaos does unravel.
There isn't even any special entertainment tonight, everyone just wants to get wasted and shake off the burden of everyday school life. Adult responsibilities are around the corner, and people wish to hold on to being irresponsible for just a bit longer.
When everybody is already drunk and breaking up into small groups and couples, Andy/Tina, Tommy/Carol and Hargrove end up in a room upstairs, sitting comfortably on the floor, and Billy's generous enough again to share his Californian weed with the assembled powwow.
Tina's pissed at him cause Hargrove hasn't invited Vicky to join the session.
"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend?"
Tina's rolling her beautiful eyes in a guys-are-such-pigs display
"Seriously, Billy?"
Andy is pulling his girlfriend closer
"Baby, it's kinda their business?"
"Well, she's my friend, and she's .." - Tina is whispering in Andy ear for everyone to hear, - "In love!"
Not much of a secret anyway.
It's Hargrove's turn for an eye roll.
"Tina, hate to break it to you, she's not my girlfriend."
The dark-haired girl looks at him disapprovingly
"Does she know about that?"
"Uh .. yeah?"
Hargrove is getting slightly annoyed
"I'm still new here, tell me are you the town's pimp or something?"
Tommy and Andy laugh like hyaenas, the girls give Hargrove a scornful eye, clearly judging him, and even Harrington chuckles.
Vicky's in love?
Sucks for her, cause Billy isn't.
And yes, Harrington is here too. Tommy has dragged his sad body along. He's been quiet all this time, looking like he's about to perish from the unrequited love right here, right now.
When they are done smoking and the couples get handsy and busy and go to different rooms -
Carol's in a hurry to leave, she still hasn't forgiven Steve for the scene in the parking lot -
Harrington and Billy are left alone.
They are drunk and high and that feels
Fucking amazing.
They are still sitting on the floor, Billy's back against the bed, and Steve's relaxed against the dresser next to it
"Look like it's just you and me, amigo."
Billy's not in the mood for a brawl.
Suddenly there's another neatly rolled blunt in Billy's fingers
"Wanna share?"
Harrington can't help but feel surprised.
The dude's like a drug lord, what the hell
"How much weed do you actually have?"
"A suitcase."
Billy clicks the lighter and takes a deep drag
"Trying to finish it all before I head back home."
"You like traveling light?"
"Who doesn't?"
Wow, look at them having a conversation. Christmas miracles or some shit.
Harrington gets a dumb look on his pretty boy sad face and drawls
"You ever shotgunned before, Hargrove?"
"Maybe a couple of times. Not a big fan."
"Why is that?"
Billy's shrugging the shoulders, and Steve makes a note of how wide they are. Why do they look so .. broad like you wanna .. why aren't his own shoulders like that?
The memory of Hargrove swimming in his pool comes to mind, when he was throwing his arms wide, cutting through the water
"Too intimate."
"Too .. what?"
Billy's chuckling
Without warning, Steve thinks if the world is freezing up, and it is after Nancy has left him, nobody cares what he does
What he's about to do
And most importantly, Steve himself doesn't give a fuck.
"I've always wanted to try it."
"You and Tommy never done it before?"
"Uh .. no?" That's a strange question.
"Yeah .. well I don't shotgun."
"Why not?"
Harrington is one hundred percent wasted
"Man, I just told you."
Steve's looking at Billy with wide open eyes and a slightly open mouth, like a fucking baby deer, for fuck's sake
His eyes are pretty too. Deep hazel
It's like Harrington did not hear anything Hargrove told him a second ago cause he's getting on his knees and getting closer to Billy
Looks at him expectantly
Hargrove's throat becomes dry from all the smoking and his voice is hoarse and unexpectedly shaky
"Harrington, I .."
Steve's putting one hand on the other side of Billy's thighs
"Take a hit."
The fucking eyes looking at him like that,
stop looking at me like that
Billy brings the almost finished joint to his lips, inhales slow and deep under Steve's stare
Then puts the blunt on the ashtray on the floor
Everything's under control
And is about to make the distance between their faces minimal
To actually shotgun
When the dumb fuck Harrington suddenly makes a stupid movement
Like his supporting arm gives way and his lips end up touching Billy's cheek
The smoke rolls out of Billy's mouth and he's coughing while Harrington's backing away
Shotgunning, uh-huh. Bambi can't even sit straight
"Dude, the hell? You fucking fell on my face."
Billy's voice is still raspy as fuck
"I did, didn't I?"
Steve's hesitantly and dangerously getting closer to the other boy's mouth, his lips lightly brushing Billy's, feather on feather
Don't do it, Harrington. Not again.
"You're a trippy bitch, Harrington. You called me a fag, remember?"
"So? I'm kissing you now. It doesn't matter."
It's that easy huh
Throwing words around
Life has still so much to teach you, you pretty baby
It's not my job though
I just want to .. give in once again
His lips are too pretty to say no to.
When he's looking at Billy like that
And there's something .. something about him. Like he's offering and insisting but he's also begging at the same time, but also like .. if Billy's gonna say no, Harrington will not be disappointed
But the thing is, he will, and
It's just too delicious a mix to turn down
"You gonna call me a fag again?"
"Jesus, Hargrove. Stop talking."
Harrington is such a fucking asshole, and it makes him so sexy
That easy
His face is so sexy
The fucking lips
Like a magnet
"Even if I do .. Like it's gonna bother you. Affect you in any way."
Harrington is right. All these stupid attempts to make Billy less confident? Lose his footing? It's hilarious. Entertaining.
Do you know how many times my own dad - the only family that I've got - called me different, oh so many different names and words, Steve?
These things are too little to make him fall. His feet are planted
If he wants to be a fag, he'll be one, and no-one will make him feel ashamed for that.
Billy closes his eyes and smiles like a cat
Snorting and fucking purring contentedly
His white teeth flash
And eyelashes give a flutter, and Steve can't contain himself anymore
He can play a little. It brings amusement, it brings distraction. It's not going anywhere, it's a dead end, but it takes his mind off of things so why not
The pull is strong, and it takes them both over
It's not really clear who kisses who this time
Cause they might just move in sync
Lips on lips, eyes wide open
Then Billy drops his heavy eyelashes, and they fucking throw shadows under his eyes, Steve can see them
Hargrove opens his mouth inviting him
And Steve dives in
He doesn't pull away when their tongues touch, like he did last time
Hargrove's tongue is wet and smooth and Steve's closing his eyes as well
He lets himself go wild
They kiss like they're two horny teenagers
They kiss like they're about to fuck
They kiss like all hell got loose
Sliding their tongues on each other's lips and into the mouths
Licking in deep and slow
Fucking .. deeper and slower like they are letting themselves really enjoy it
Lashes dancing, getting glimpses of each other's flushed faces
Billy is so hard in his jeans, and suddenly
He needs to know if Harrington is hard too.
Billy awkwardly places his hand on Steve's crotch and squeezes
Harrington's definitely hard, and his dick is big, just like it was promised in the showers
Not that Billy was looking
Who cares
Even of he was
It's not gonna lead to anything more tonight -
or ever -
Cause Harrington is breaking off the kiss
The kiss that tastes so good
Just like in Tina's bathroom - he unlocks their lips and moves back
Like a fucking teasing bitch that he is
Billy wants more of it, he does, his dick wants more
But Steve's pulling away and placing a gap between them
And Billy .. Billy's not gonna chase him
"Don't get any ideas, California."
There it is, a tiny prick on Billy's skin and a little dose of venom is getting injected
Harrington fucking kissed him again, and then California put him at a no-kissing, nothing personal distance.
You don't need it, Billy, it's not worth it, he's just a self-entitled tease.
"No worries. You might have a pretty face but it's not enough for me to get any ideas, Harrington."
Billy gets up from the floor and walks away.
Steve's left alone. The kite is still flying high but
What was that ..? Steve's pretty face is not enough to give Hargrove any ideas?
Sounds like a challenge.
And yeah, he kissed the guy again. It was a spur of the moment, Steve's allowed a weakness or two.
Going through a breakup is hard.
When Steve stumbles inside the house after midnight reeking of weed, and finds his parents in the living room god knows why waiting for their son to show up - only mom waited up for him before, - it leads to
First, an unpleasant conversation which Steve doesn't give a flying fuck about trying not to giggle as much at his father's indignant face
"Dad, come on, it's only marijuana, Jesus."
Second, unexpected consequences.
Parents are taking him away to Lake Michigan for the winter break. The Harringtons own a house up there, right on the shore. In fact, Steve loved visiting the place when he was little, the whole family used to spend several weeks there every summer. He's never been up there in winter.
Mom makes a point that it's not a way to punish him, but an attempt to break the cycle. Detentions? Behavioural problems? Suspension? Smoking pot?? Son you need to take a break, get things straight in your head. Have you sent applications to colleges? Do you need any help?
Next morning when Steve slips out of his room to the bathroom, he overhears parents talking in the kitchen. His mom is trying to make her voice as hushed as possible
"Honey, he's been through so much. It was a traumatic experience, that girl and .. and now he's broken up with Nancy Wheeler. Such a shame, I really liked her."
Dad's voice is booming
"That's not an excuse!"
Steve tiptoes back to his room and slides under the blanket where it's nice, warm and there aren't any problems
Only to be woken up by mom thirty minutes later.
"Come on, Stevie, we are leaving in two hours! Breakfast and packing, come on!"
Whatever. Guess he'll just look at fucking snow around him for all ten days.
During winter holidays Billy comes early to his shifts in the garage and stays late after, just as he has planned on doing. He asks his boss if that's okay, he doesn't expect to get paid extra, he simply wants to keep his hands busy
And stay out of the house.
Old Joe doesn't pry
"There's always work here, son, if you want it."
The only thing close to having some kind of fun that Hargrove does at the beginning of January, is smoking a couple of blunts with Tommy who comes visit him at the repair shop around closing time. It's not like they are friends, but Tommy probably doesn't know that. Anyways, it doesn't hurt to spend an hour sitting in the camaro
"Winter fucking sucks, Tommy. Ice is the worst."
"Wait till we get black ice, man. All roads are gonna be one big skating rink."
What the hell is black ice, sweet mother of Jesus.
It's definitely the weed that makes his tongue loose and asking stuff he doesn't need or want to know
Gotta keep the small talk flowing
"When is Harrington coming back?"
Tommy shoots a glance at Hargrove
"You miss him or something?"
"Yeah right .."
Billy snorts
"Just can't believe a dude can get so fucked up over a bitch."
"Yeah .. I don't know. Love hurts or something."
"I guess."
Billy has never been in love and doesn't want it. The heaviest drug of them all.
Loving someone never leads to anything good in the end, only pain.
"How long you and Carol been together?"
"We've known each other since childhood but like together ..? Maybe a couple of years?"
Tommy inhales the smoke, holds it in and lets it out
"She can be a real bitch but like .. we get each other, you know?"
Billy gives a little nod.
He thinks to himself, it's Tommy who misses Harrington. He can't blame him. Friends will be friends, until life breaks them apart.
Billy should definitely call Nick, ask him how it's going, share the pain of having to drive with stupid ice on the roads. He can probably do it from a payphone, not to involve Neil in seeing the phone bill though.
Billy doesn't see Harrington during winter break in reality, but he does he see him in a dream once
And of course, it has to be a fucking sex dream, like .. why ?
He can still recall it when he opens his eyes early in the morning, he remembers the sensation of his hard dick being swallowed whole
Billy's sprawled out on his bed, stark naked. His legs are spread wide, and there's someone's warm mouth on his cock. Billy's getting the best blowjob of his life. It's so slow, so tantalizing, erotic. It's making him feel so fucking good, light and breezy
Billy doesn't see the face but he somehow knows that it is Harrington down there between his legs. He places his hand on the head slowly moving up and down, he's touching the hair, getting a fistful of it, and it sends sparkles up his spine, lighting up every fucking cell in his body
It's like he's bathing in bliss.
Billy wakes up long before his alarm clock is supposed to go off, it's still dark in the room, and in a half-sleepy daze
He takes his time jerking off, holding on to the bliss, thinking about Harrington's lips on his own.
They've kissed two times, one drunk kiss, the other one stoned, and Billy's heart is stumbling down the spiral chute when he recalls either, or both.
He shouldn't be thinking about it though
Cause when he does
It leaves him wanting.
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jishinsjourney · 1 year
A Chapter of Things to See This Fall
(Excerpted from The Fall of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp. Really, this is an excuse for me to introduce you to him. His works are on Project Gutenberg, and if you have a love of the woods and the wild, please read his writings.)
You ought to see the sky — every day. You ought to see, as often as possible, the breaking of dawn, the sunset, the moonrise, and the stars. Go up to your roof, if you live in the city, or out in the middle of the Park, or take a street-car ride into the edge of the country — just to see the moon come up over the woods or over a rounded hill against the sky. II.
You ought to see the light of the October moon, as it falls through a roof of leafless limbs in some silent piece of woods. You have seen the woods by daylight; you have seen the moon from many places; but to be in the middle of the moonlit woods after the silence of the October frost has fallen is to have one of the most beautiful experiences possible out of doors.
You ought to see a wooded hillside in the glorious colors of the fall — the glowing hickories, the deep flaming oaks, the cool, dark pines, the blazing gums and sumacs! Take some single, particular woodland scene and look at it until you can see it in memory forever.
You ought to see the spiders in their airships, sailing over the autumn meadows. Take an Indian Summer day, lazy, hazy, sunny, and lie down on your back in some small meadow where woods or old rail fences hedge it around. Lie so you do not face the sun. The sleepy air is heavy with balm and barely moves. Soon shimmering, billowing, through the light, a silky skein of cobweb will come floating over. Look sharply, and you will see the little äeronaut swinging in his basket at the bottom of the balloon, sailing, sailing —
Away in the air air Far are the shors of Anywhere, Over the woods and the heather.
You ought to see (only see, mind you,) on one of these autumn nights, when you have not on your party clothes — you ought to see a “wood pussy”. A wood pussy is not a house pussy; a wood pussy is a wood pussy; that is to say, a skunk! Yes, you ought to see a skunk walking calmly along a moonlit path and not caring a fig for you. You will perhaps never meet a wild buffalo or a grizzly bear or a jaguar in the woods nearest your house, but you may meet a wild skunk there, and have the biggest adventure of your life. Yes, you ought to see a skunk some night, just for the thrill of meeting a wild creature that won’t get out of your way.
You ought to see the witch-hazel bush in blossom late in November. It is the only bush or tree in the woods that is in full bloom after the first snow may have fallen. Many persons who live within a few minutes’ walk of the woods where it grows have never seen it. But then, many persons who live with the sky right over their heads, with the dawn breaking into their bedroom windows, have never seen the sky or the dawn to think about them, and wonder at them! There are many persons who have never seen anything at all that is worth seeing. The witch-hazel bush, all yellow with its strange blossoms in November, is worth seeing, worth taking a great deal of trouble to see.
There is a little flower in southern New Jersey called pyxie, or flowering moss, a very rare and hidden little thing; and I know an old botanist who traveled five hundred miles just to have the joy of seeing that little flower growing in the sandy swamp along Silver Run. If you have never seen the witch-hazel in bloom, it will pay you to travel five hundred and five miles to see it. But you won’t need to go so far, — unless you live beyond the prairies, — for the witch-hazel grows from Nova Scotia to Florida and west to Minnesota and Alabama.
There is one flower that, according to John Muir (and he surely knows!) it will pay one to travel away up into the highest Sierra to see. It is the fragrant Washington lily, “the finest of all the Sierra lilies,” he says. “Its bulbs are buried in shaggy chaparral tangles, I suppose for safety from pawing bears; and its magnificent panicles sway and rock over the top of the rough snow-pressed bushes, while big, bold, blunt-nosed bees drone and mumble in its polleny bells. A lovely flower worth going hungry and footsore endless miles to see. The whole world seems richer now that I have found this plant in so noble a landscape.”
And so it seemed to the old botanist who came five hundred miles to find the tiny pyxie in the sandy swamps of southern New Jersey. So it will seem to you—the whole world will not only seem richer, but will be richer for you—when you have found the witch-hazel bush all covered with summer’s gold in the bleak woods of November.
You ought to see a big pile of golden pumpkins in some farmhouse shed or beside the great barn door. You ought to see a field of corn in the shock; hay in a barn mow; the jars of fruit, the potatoes, apples, and great chunks of wood in the farmhouse cellar. You ought to see how a farmer gets ready for the winter—the comfort, the plenty, the sufficiency of it all!
You ought to see how the muskrats, too, get ready for the winter, and the bees and the flowers and the trees and the frogs—everything. Winter is coming. The cold will kill—if it has a chance. But see how it has no chance. How is it that bees will buzz, the flowers open, the birds sing, the frogs croak again next spring, as if there had been no freezing, killing weather? Go out and see why for yourselves.
You ought to see the tiny seed “birds” from the gray birches, scattering on the autumn winds; the thistledown, too; and a dozen other of the winged, and plumed, and ballooned, seeds that sail on the wings of the winds. You should see the burdock burs in the cows’ tails when they come home from the pasture, and the stick-tights and beggar-needles in your own coat-tails when you come home from the pastures. And seeing that, you should think—for that is what real seeing means. Think what? Why that you are just as good as a cow’s tail to scatter Nature’s seeds for her, and not a bit better, as she sees you.
You ought to see the migrating birds as they begin to flock on the telegraph wires, in the chimneys, and among the reeds of the river. You ought to see the swallows, blackbirds, robins, and bluebirds, as they flock together for the long southern flight. There are days in late September and in early October where the very air seems to be half of birds, especially towards nightfall, if the sun sets full and clear: birds going over, birds diving and darting about you; birds along the rails and ridgepoles; birds in the grass under your feet—birds everywhere. You should be out among them where you can see them. And especially you should see— without fail, this autumn and every autumn—the wedge of wild geese cleaving the dull gray sky in their thrilling journey down from the far-off frozen North.
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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21/01/23-Blog 1 of 3: Winnall Moors-Post 1: The story of the visit
I had had the idea for a little while to visit Winnall Moors on a weekend morning, the reserve I started visiting occasionally on my Winchester in office working days over the summer/autumn that would currently be too wet to do with work clothes/shoes on. It was largely just to see this lovely spot again but also felt a good idea especially on a sunny morning with the amount of photos we’ve seen online from there of late of Kingfishers and other things. So my Mum and I did it today in perfect sunny conditions and had an amazing time this morning.
We saw one of the Kingfisher pair, the “red-lipped” lady within minutes of walking up the Water Vole trail getting some fantastic views. Then further around adjacent to North Walls Recreation Ground the other side of the water we got phenomenal views of the male dashing around and still in the exquisite sunlight. We spent some glee filled minutes entranced by these angelic wonders. It was sensational to see them at different points along the river, getting some of our closest ever views the male especially of one of our favourite birds and a species we have known for so long, and we saw these Kingfishers dive to hunt more times than we ever had before today. It was brilliant to watch their face of focus poised on the sparkly water then see them plummet and linger on the water’s surface a bit. This set today apart from any other sightings we’ve had of them, and really made it a big experience and moment. They’re a bird we always love seeing and we’ve seen so well this year already, but this allowed us more focused time zooming in on a bird and was so thrilling. They said on BBC Winterwatch last night get out this weekend and find a natural spectacle and this for us felt like an inspiring one. This is a bird I always feel so fortunate to photograph and is real adrenaline stuff for me with my history of taking a few years to get photos of one and how much the prospect excites me and it was paradise today for photo opportunities, it was a rare occasion I got top chances for photos of the bird and others with both my DSLR camera with big lens on and bridge camera playing to their different strengths. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of the male bird, my next post up shortly has ten more Kingfisher photos I took today. It was lovely to get chatting to a few others here enjoying the bird.
But it wasn’t all about the Kingfishers as we saw so much else here today. Leading the other sightings was one that I had a hope of seeing that we hadn’t yet this year which I had heard here before, a Cetti’s Warbler. We heard it’s fluent and energetic call then saw it scuttle along low bits of vegetation over the water hearing others too and my Mum saw another. One of my birds of the year so far, a smashing year tick and cracking view of it. The other two big stars here this morning were Redwing and Buzzard, getting excellent views of a few of the former a divine thrush. Some of my best views this winter perhaps of a brilliant and beautiful bird I took the second picture in this photoset of one. As I had seen here before on I believe my last visit where I walked around at a lunch time (I had a further one in November I believe where I just ate lunch at the entrance) a majestic Buzzard stood as master of the marsh on a dead tree. And one also thrillingly flew into trees right by us which we got astonishing views of. I took the tenth and final picture in this photoset of the latter. 
Top views of Wren as the sixth picture in this photoset shows, exciting Goldcrest again after yesterday and star birds of my week Siskin and Chiffchaff seen as well as Sparrowhawk were other highlights. Adding nicely to the freshness and wonder of being out early in the day was bird song at the nearby car park, Robin singing beautifully and Great Tit I seem to recall. I enjoyed seeing catkins especially at the nearby car park, possible frosted thistle leaves as the fifth picture in this photoset shows, possible daffodil shoots under water and cleavers.
It was also just so nice to be out early on in such a lovely day the weather was great, appreciating the soft winter sunlight bringing to life the woodland with epic bare trees seen well alongside pines, reedbeds and riverine habitat with nice views of hills and into Winchester. The crispness of the day was memorable too with frost and ice on show again, I enjoyed a stunning sunny frosty view of the green out the front as we left with a Robin nestled into the forsythia hedge which was a great start to the day with Mute Swans seen from my room this morning nicely flying at a distance. I took the first, third, fourth, eighth and ninth pictures in this photoset of views at Winnall Moors today. What an enriching and stunning morning in nature.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Cetti’s Warbler of the year, Kingfisher, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Jay more of my long term favourites seen nicely too, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Carrion Crow seen well, Feral Pigeon, Blackbird, Redwing, great views of Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Dunnock, Wren, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch seen well, Goldfinch, Siskin, Goldcrest, Mallard, Moorhen, Cormorant and I seem to recall Woodpigeon and Grey Squirrel.
The rest of today’s posts are here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/707085601005010945/210123-blog-2-of-3-winnall-moors-post-2-ten and  https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/707087041049034752/210123-blog-3-of-3-mercer-way-romsey-following
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A OVERVIEW OF THE SAFARI TARANGIRE NGORONGORO FOR 2 DAYS                This exciting two-day safari will take you to Tarangire National Park and the magnificent Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have opportunity to explore wildlife and interact with animals including elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, and more. The crater will bring your memories to life because you can see so many different creatures there.
ABOUT TARANGIRE: Tarangire National Park is well-known for its large elephant population and baobab trees. Visitors to the park can see large herds of zebras, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo during the dry season, which runs from June to November. Water antelope, giraffe, dik dik, sea antelope, Grant's antelope, vervet monkey, banded mongoose, and olive baboons are also common residents. Predators in Tarangire include lions, leopards, jaguars, caracals, badgers, and wild dogs. Tarangire has the oldest elephant to give birth to twins. The recent birth of elephant twins in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park exemplifies how the birth of these two healthy and thriving twins can overcome all obstacles. It is home to over 550 bird species. 2 days tarangire
The park is a birder's haven. The termite mounds that dot the landscape are well-known as well. The focus of wildlife research is on African forest elephants and Masai giraffes. The protected area has been designated as a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005
JUNE AND OCTOBER ARE THE BEST MONTHS TO VISIT TARANGIRE. Animals from the surrounding areas migrate into the park. When wild animals are near a river, they are easier to spot. Weather is pleasant and sunny. There are fewer mosquitos and the risk of malaria is lower. Warm clothing is required from June to August because morning matches are extremely cold. MAY & NOVEMBER The vegetation is lush and beautiful. Because it is the off season, prices are low. This is the best time to go bird watching because migratory birds are present. Many animals leave the park, and wildlife viewing is not as good as it is during the dry season. The rainy season lasts from March to May. 2 days tarangire
NGORONGORO INFORMATION The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of Africa's best places to see wildlife. It is also a popular tourist destination in Tanzania. The main activities in Ngorongoro Conservation Area are hiking safaris to see wildlife from the crater rim (which can take up to 6 hours), crater rim, visiting local Maasai villages, and the game of driving around and in the crater. He is his own person. Other attractions include Lake Magadi, Lerai Fever Forest, Olduvai Gorge, shifting sand, Mount Gol, Olmoti Crater, Empakaai Crater, Ol Karien Gorge, Nasera Rock, Salei Plain, Oldeani Mountain, Lake Natron, Ol Doinyo Lengai, and a visit to the Hadzabe tribe. Lake Magadi is a shallow lake with alkaline water that attracts a lot of flamingos.
The lake's isolation, salt water, and abundance of algae attract flamingos and other birds. Other animals, such as hyenas and jackals, visit the lake to supplement their diet by licking salt. A single, rare, slender, pale yellow acacia tree dominates the Lerai fever forest. These trees are enjoyed by rhinos, bush antelopes, elephants, elands, hyraxes, and birds. The ash from Mount Ol Dionyo causes quicksand.
This ash slowly moves across the vast plains, providing tourists visiting the area with a spectacular sight. In addition to Ngorongoro, other large craters in the area include Olmoti and Empakaai. Both of these craters are ideal for taking nature walks, viewing wildlife, and watching Maasai herders tend to their livestock. It runs parallel to It is situated on a major migration route for thousands of zebras and wildebeest as they make their way to and from the Serengeti plains. Near the Kenyan border, the Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountains contain an ancient shelter discovered by the Leakey family during one of their excavations. These remote mountains are still active, attracting daring climbers who want to see the main crater filled with lava. Visit the Maasai people or For a fantastic cultural tour in Tanzania, visit Hadzabe tribe villages near Lake Eyasi. These bushmen's survival is still based on hunting and gathering. Their language consists mostly of whistles and clicks. The Hadzabe live near Datoga and the Mbulu, who survive through farming and pastoralism. If you're thinking about visiting Ngorongoro Crater soon, consider our Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari 3-Day Package. We also offer a fantastic 6-day gorilla tour, as well as a safari package to Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT NGORONGORO? Because it is wildebeest breeding season in the area, JANUARY is the best month to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The herds are'mass spawning' on the verdant plains just outside the crater, providing excellent photographic opportunities for the young who are struggling to get to their feet. January and February fall between the region's two rainy seasons, and these months can create a dry period between "short rains" and "long rains."
Before the rains arrive in late March at the crater, February is one of the driest months. This is an excellent time to observe game, particularly lion and hyena predators preparing to hunt crowded herds. March is regarded as one of the best months to visit Ngorongoro Crater in order to avoid crowds and enjoy a reasonable price. The "long rains" begin in late March and last through April and May, transforming the crater into an emerald paradise.
June is an excellent time to visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The "long rains" are over, and game drives are becoming less crowded. The peak season for the Ngorongoro Crater Expedition does not begin until late June or early July. The cooler weather this month makes it an ideal time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, a popular addition. for the Ngorongoro Crater hunting expedition
The months of JULY and AUGUST are peak months for visiting Ngorongoro Crater, and accommodation around the crater is usually quite closed during these months. During the dry season, visitors from all over the world flock to see wildlife on the arid plains and their frequent visits to waterholes. At this time of year, it is common to see leopards, lions, rhinos, and buffaloes and elephants
in the same day.
SEPTEMBER marks the beginning of spring, but it still falls during the dry season, as is typical in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Crater can be quite cool this time of year. The crater's bottom has become a dusty bowl due to the recent dry weather, and the grasslands have turned yellow. October is a time of weather transition at Ngorongoro Crater, with the beginning of the month marking the peak of the long dry season and the "short rains" that begin just before November.
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keithdevereux · 2 years
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It's a bugs life, 25 November 2022 It was a rare sunny day, and yesterday we were getting the roof checked. This little beastie was sunning itself and was disturbed by the contractor ... #insects, #macro, #nature, #insect, #bugs, #cricket, #bugoftheday, #arthropod, #bug, #closeup, #entomology, #fauna, #feelers, #shiny, https://instagr.am/p/CleiJFrMMVA/
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satgurutravelae · 3 days
Reveal the Best Time to Enjoy the Marvel of Morocco
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Morocco, as a country known for intriguing landscapes, culturally significant heritage, and centuries-old traditions, calls out wanderlust in all travelers alike. For those planning a journey from the UAE, Morocco Holiday Packages from Dubai offer convenient and curated options. However, one important question remains: which time is better to visit due to its seasonal climatic conditions? Have no worries, this guide will spill the beans on all things seasons in Morocco for an epic adventure.
Spring (March-May): The Blossoming Season
Spring transforms Morocco into a carpet of wildflowers and lush fields. Mild temperatures in the low to mid 70s Fahrenheit (23-26°C) appeal to visitors whose interests lie outdoors. Trek through the stunning Atlas Mountains covered with colorful wildflowers, or navigate the busy souks (markets) minus the hot summer sunshine. It's also a great time to visit Morocco’s imperial cities—Marrakech, Fes, and Rabat—when the weather is temperate and perfect for sightseeing. For those embarking from the UAE, Morocco Visa Services from Dubai can ensure a smooth process before enjoying the wonders of spring.
Fall (September-November): Autumn's Enchantment
With the devilish summer heat settling, Morocco puts on its warm autumn attire. The blazing sun calms down, providing cool weather for outdoor activities. Temperatures range in the mid 70s to low 80s Fahrenheit (24-27°C). In autumn, hit the Atlas Mountains or explore the vibrant cities once again. If you're planning to explore in this season, securing your Morocco Visa from Dubai ahead of time will make your trip preparation stress-free.
Summer (June-August): Beach Bliss and Cultural Delights
Moroccan summers are about sunny days and warm nights. If your perfect holiday involves lazing on white-sand beaches or splashing around in the ocean, then summer is your time to go. Agadir and Essaouira, known for their tropical vibes, bloom during this season. But beware of the intense heat waves—some parts of Southern Morocco reach temperatures over 100°F (~38°C).
Winter (December-February): A Season of Peace and Adventure
Winter in Morocco offers a completely new angle. While temperatures rarely reach freezing, the crowds thin, leaving a tranquil atmosphere. This is the perfect time to check out Marrakech or the desert, where daytime temperatures remain comfortable. If you're into winter sports, the Atlas Mountains get some snowfall, so hurry and hit the slopes.
Over the Seasons: Discovering Morocco's Diverse Appeal
Morocco's charm isn't limited to just seasons. Consider these other factors when planning your trip:
Festivals and Events: Morocco hosts exuberant festivals year-round. Check out the local history and join in a cultural event.
Activities: Morocco is a year-round activity destination. For hiking, spring or fall might be ideal, while desert adventures shine in spring and autumn.
Anytime is a Good Time to Experience the Majesty of Morocco
No matter the time of year, Morocco offers something for everyone. With beautiful scenery, vibrant culture, and welcoming people, Morocco is a place you’ll want to visit again and again. So grab your duffel, pick your season, and chase the magic that is Morocco.
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hotarutranslations · 4 days
It was fu----nnn--💙 Thank you very much for your lots of support💙
Man, it really, really, rained, huh It was the heaviest rain in Mornings Fest history It was raining so much I could see, its raining sideways~~ (Like a lie, it was sunny from around 3:00PM)
It was supperrrr memorable
Since the rain also hit the stage in the flower aisle so, The handrail I held onto was soaked, and felt cold, Like the stage felt wet, And I was thinking, don't slip during your solo dance! Since the front of the stage was wet, While thinking, will I slip if I dance in the front..? My brain was like, I want to dance out front so I'm going! Since it rained, there are even more memories😂💙
Thank you very much, for supporting us in the rain!!
Before starting, President Kaizu talked to us
He said that, Hitachinaka's Rockin', Needs Morning Musume
There are no words more reassuring
Standing on stage at Rockin', Idols appearing at rock fests, I think its a really heavy ticket, Therefore pledging to stand strong, We're away..but we won't lose.. We participated for the first time with those feelings in 2018, With that connection and the dream-like view we saw in 2019,
5 years have passed, And Morning Musume '24's name was called, With a rare opportunity with this event held at Hitachinaka,
To use the words that we're needed..
Really, thank you very much
I'm really happy and it will be a lifelong pride, to have said "I'm back", at the Hitachinaka GRASS STAGE🥲💙
For Ishida, its her last Rockin' but,
President Kaizu, Lined up with Southern All Stars-san, Talked about Ishida Ayumi,
I've never heard him mention, an individual name from Morning at Rockin', My name was called out during my last Rockin', I'm really happy about that
I performed while shouting, I'm Ishida Ayumi!🥲💙
Everyone!!!! Was it fun!!!!
I had a lottttt of un!!!!
I won't forget about it!!!!
I love, Rockin'! You taught my soul how to tremble! Thank you very much!
Aah, it'll be over when I finish writing this
It was fun! I watched the fireworks until the end! It was fun!
Everyone, thank you very much for your support💙
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I'll be waiting at the solo concerts!!!
"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its being held nationwide with 34 performances from September 14th~November 25th
🎫Autumn TicketPia LawTicket e+
Beloved Kajisak Channel-san
Thank you very much for the ceremonial pitch, at Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi⚾️
Debut song 48th Pyoko Pyoko Ultra~
I danced a lot on my own..
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Now Accepting Photobook Preorders🤍
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺The MusiQuest 2024 They're airing a live digest from that day!
̗̀📣 Over-Air Broadcast September 14th (Sat) 4:00~4:30AM~ ̗̀📣 CS Broadcast September 28th (Sat) 12:00~5:00PM
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
Season 12 will start airing, On October 17th (Thurs)🕺
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
📚SCawaii! Releasing September 17th
Ishida and Oda will be published in it We had a shoot~
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
📻I visited as a guest🤍 Harami-chan no Harami Fan Radio♪
Web The Television
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12868545755.html
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lanzarotetransfers · 3 months
Playa Blanca: Weather and Best Time to Visit
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Playa Blanca, located on the southern tip of Lanzarote, is a top destination for those seeking sun, sea, and serenity. Known for its beautiful beaches, upscale resorts, and relaxed atmosphere, it’s an ideal spot for a holiday any time of year. Understanding the weather patterns and knowing the best time to visit can help you make the most of your trip to this stunning coastal town.
Weather in Playa Blanca
Playa Blanca enjoys a mild, subtropical desert climate, typical of the Canary Islands. The weather is pleasantly warm year-round, with plenty of sunshine and minimal rainfall. Here’s a breakdown of the weather you can expect in each season:
Spring (March to May)
Spring is a delightful time to visit Playa Blanca. Temperatures range from 20 to 25 °C, making it perfect for outdoor activities and beach days. The island starts to bloom, adding a splash of colour to the landscape.
Rainfall is rare, and the sea temperature begins to warm up, inviting swimmers and snorkellers.
Summer (June to August)
Summer is the peak tourist season in Playa Blanca. Temperatures hover between 25 and 30 °C, and the sun shines almost every day. The warm sea temperatures, around 22 to 24 °C, are ideal for swimming and water sports.
While it’s the hottest time of the year, the coastal breezes keep the climate comfortable. Make sure to book accommodations well in advance, as the area can get busy.
Autumn (September to November)
Autumn is another fantastic time to visit Playa Blanca. The weather remains warm, with temperatures ranging from 22 to 28 °C. The sea is still warm from the summer, perfect for late-season swimming and diving.
The crowds start to thin out, offering a more relaxed atmosphere. Occasional showers may occur, but they are usually brief and won’t disrupt your plans.
Winter (December to February)
Winter in Playa Blanca is mild and pleasant, attracting visitors seeking to escape colder climates. Temperatures range from 18 to 22 °C, with cooler evenings. Rainfall is minimal, and sunny days are frequent. The sea temperature drops to around 18 to 20 °C, which can be refreshing for a quick dip.
It’s a great time for hiking and exploring the island without the summer heat.
Best Time to Visit Playa Blanca
The best time to visit Playa Blanca largely depends on your preferences and what you plan to do. Here are some recommendations:
For Beach Lovers: Summer and early autumn (June to September) are the best times for beach activities and water sports. The warm temperatures and vibrant atmosphere make it perfect for sunbathing and swimming.
For Outdoor Activities: Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) offer pleasant weather for hiking, biking, and exploring the natural beauty of Lanzarote. The mild temperatures are ideal for outdoor adventures.
For a Quiet Getaway: Winter (December to February) is perfect for those seeking a peaceful retreat. The lower tourist numbers and mild weather provide a tranquil escape, ideal for relaxation and sightseeing.
Playa Blanca’s year-round pleasant weather makes it an attractive destination at any time of the year. Book Your Next Transfer from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca Here whether you’re a beach enthusiast, adventure seeker, or looking for a quiet getaway, Playa Blanca offers a unique and enjoyable experience. Plan your visit according to your interests and enjoy everything this beautiful town has to offer.
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