#a real party pup-per
darylthekidd · 1 year
i don't care much for dogs
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pairing: aizawa shouta x puppy girl!reader
summary: shou never thought that he'd be up for adopting a dog. they were clingy, hyper, dumb, and gross. or so he thought.
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this had to be a joke, right? the one time eraserhead steps away from his patrol for the night, he's gotta be the hero again. well, according to himself anyway.
you were just chilling, huddled into your dingy, makeshift bed that you had long outgrown. here in the Tourism Sector of the city. you must've been dodged by a previous caretaker.
not that shouta was looking, but he noticed how you looked. your adorable ears, hidden poorly in your sparkly, dewy fro. you had on simple tops and bottoms but he wondered if that shake was real. your small, chubby self just perched so cutely, he didn't like dogs but he would tolerate them for you.
as he took a step to try and wake you, he heard a meek growl sound from you. had you been awake this whole time? you must be a light sleeper.
"m'not drunk 'n' m'not going back to the hold. not with you." the girl mumbled, shouta just bent down a little to see her a bit more. he was treated to the smell of dog mixed with a fading perfume. it was a strange smell.
"hey. i'm eraserhead. can you tell me if you're alright?"
you peaked up at him, your nose all ashy and twitchy. dehydration. "if you come any closer, i'll rip your heart out through your chest. stay back. what do you want?"
the whiplash?!?
shouta just fought the urge to be irritated by some random pup being rude. this dog probably had ran away rather than be dumped if the way she watched him was any sign.
"are you alright?"
"yea, m'fine. do i need'ta move?"
the way your cheeks seemed to fluff out as you glared at him sent flutters into his throat. you were kinda cute. if he had any say in it, he would've offered to become a very temporary caretaker for you. he still wasn't too much of a fan of dogs.
shouta shook his head, "nah, as long as you're okay. i'm a hero and i want to help."
she lowered her body back down, still keeping her eyes trained on shouta's silhouette through the dark.
"i'm trying to stay on the low. i'm running from a big hero corporation. thanks but no thanks."
he was right. "okay. i'm gonna go then. make sure you stay safe out here."
he wasn't sure why he said that, but as he left the cute, little, floppy-eared hybrid as per her request, he felt differently than he had maybe a few minutes ago.
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if he's being honest, he would've forgotten all about that random late night interaction. in fact he did. that was until he saw her again during his mission. she was out, but he suspected that the bloody tears in her skin were from tranquilizers. if she was any bit as fierce as she was when he first saw her, she probably gave the kidnappers hell right back, if not worse.
"okay, you watch her while i go get the boss. careful, she bites. fat bitch."
"she is chubby and she is a female dog. that's literally what you're saying. or do you mean it as an insult?"
the goon just smacked his lips, aggressively sighing while throwing his arms up. "dude. stop bringing your weird ass simp feminism bullshit up. literally nobody cares, it was just a joke, bro."
shouta wanted to punch his lights out, but he was undercover as a neutral party investor. he couldn't let them see him fight. so he just nodded and let the subject fall for the moment.
"sure.. i don't care."
"if she wakes up or even looks like she's getting ready to move-" the goon pointed to the tranquilizer darts and gun sat on a window sill behind shouta's head, "-shoot her with that. it's the only way we can safely show her to folks. she usually just tries to scratch off people's faces. we wouldn't want your face ruined since you're such a good investor, mr. mooney."
as soon as the greasy asshole left, shouta stretched and got relaxed on the only clean couch. if it took as long to find and get the ringleader to see him as it usually did, shou was going to just catch some sleep.
"eraserhead? you're here, too?"
shouta's eyes shot to see the short, dog hybrid sitting up. he hadn’t notice before but while her eyes were wrapped, her cute, little, floppy ears still poked through her now unkempt hair.
"yea. i'm undercover. i need you to not expose me, please."
"ow! what the fuck?"
before he could ask her anything, in the way she cradled in to herself, shouta could just barely see a blackened burn. a branding, probably. not a great sign, but not as bad as it could be.
"they fucking burned me." tears streamed down her face, "and i fucking hurt everywhere. oww..."
ok, so the situation is worsening. "i promise my colleagues and i will help you out, but i need you to be quiet."
"...do you need to put me out again? if they find out i'm up, they won't be so easy with you. i can take it, but i don't know what you do as a hero so i'm not so sure how much you can take."
"no need to worry. just trust me. okay?"
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theviceadmiralswife · 5 months
one piece chapter 1102
Salute recruits and soldiers to this freaky Friday ⚓🌊⚓🌊⚓🌊⚓🌊⚓🌊⚓🌊⚓🌊
Big gib big apologies I'm behind with my chapter... as per usual Christmas has caught me in a vice grip of decorating, buying presents and plan for cooking. I hope to pup the new chapter before New Year.
Also the Christmas party at Marineford HQ was a blast but thats a story for another post 😉.
Right now I focus on chapter 1102 , thats hopefully the final part of Kumas flashback, because I don't think my heart can stomach more tragedy. Essentially Kuma is watching events unfold watching Bonney grow a famous pirate, loosing his last bit of individuality.... ahh depressing have tissues ready...
Also given Bonneys real age let's all remember this scene where she get captured by Blackbeard and he hits on her gives me "eeeeeeeewww" vibes.... just saying.
As always support official release and spoiler warning.
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petculiars · 2 years
How to Calculate Your Dog’s Age
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/how-to-calculate-your-dogs-age/
How to Calculate Your Dog’s Age
From the general development of their body to more in-detail changes like the formation of their teeth, there are actually a lot of ways in which you can identify a pet dog’s approximate age and then translate it into dog years. This is when, of course, you don’t have an exact birth date for the animal.
You’ve probably heard a lot of people saying that one year in ‘human years’ is around seven in ‘dog years’, but is this really the case? It turns out that things aren’t always as straightforward as multiplying its age with 7. Some new studies have uncovered that things will be a little more complicated than that and I`ll go over this in the next part of the article.
So how will you calculate your dog’s age?
So let’s go over the latest technique that offers accurate results in dog age calculation. Knowing how you will have to apply this step by step will make it possible for you to tell the exact stage in the life of a dog. Knowing the age stage of a dog’s life might help you figure out the best food, training, and activities for your dog, as well as its general needs. It’s also pretty fascinating and a great discussion topic at parties.
You might also like my articles on the best time to feed your dog, the number of nipples on a dog, and treating seed ticks on dogs.
Is 1 dog year 7 human years?
So let’s get back to basics: How real is the saying that one human year will mean 7 years in the life of a dog? Although this is a really popular saying, things are considerably more complicated than that. The human-to-dog age conversion will, in fact, change almost year to year and will depend on the size and age of your pet. The American Kennel Club explains it perfectly. According to them, pups will get around 15 human years in their first year of life and the second one will only equal to nine additional years.
When the pup will get past the two-year mark, these numbers will differ quite a lot. For larger breeds, the aging process will be faster per se, which means that they will have a higher human age equivalent than in the case of smaller dogs of the same real age. Before getting sad about the fact that your big dog might live less, keep in mind that this age estimate is just a number and there’s no correlation between it and the health of a pet or its life expectancy.
How should I calculate dog years to human years?
Although I’m sure you’re eager to find the quick match behind getting your pup’s age in human years, you will have to first go through a few steps before reaching this answer. This is easily broken down by the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) below:
The first year of a dog’s life will be equal to the first 15 years for a human.
The second year of life for a dog will then be equal to about nine years of a human, which makes a two-year-old pup of medium size experience the development of a 24-year-old human.
From that point on, every year lived by a dog will be the equivalent of around five years lived by a human.
It might seem a lot harder to calculate the dog’s age as it gets older, but you should also consider another important factor. These statistics were made by the AVMA around dogs of medium sizes. When it comes to smaller breeds, they will usually age at a slower rate in terms of their human age. On the other hand, for larger dogs, unfortunately, their physical aging will be faster, which is quite expected and normal, so they will also have a shorter lifespan. This means that for larger dogs, one canine year will mean more than five human years.
The age in human years for a 10-year-old dog
As I already said, before getting into any calculations, we need to have an idea of the actual breed or, if this is uncertain, at least its size, to better estimate its human years. If you don’t have this information, then the age calculation won’t really work, because it will differ quite a lot between small pets and large ones. All websites presenting age estimations will usually refer to medium-sized dogs unless stated differently. A, infographic by the AVMA perfectly lists the human ages for dogs of 10 years of age as being somewhere between 56 and 78, depending on their size and weight. This estimation is similar to what the veterinarians from PetsWebMD got for 10-year-old dogs: 60 to 66 years for the medium to large dogs and 56 human years for smaller breeds.
Ask your vet for help
You can figure out the age on your own, but why get caught up between all the numbers? It’s actually not a big deal to ask a professional for help. Your vet will be able to estimate the pet’s human age within a normal consultation. An experienced vet will not only tell you the dog’s age but also offer you some pointers and tricks around reading the age of your dog.
In the end, this number doesn’t really matter and the happiness and healthy life of your pet should be the only thing to have in mind. It’s true that based on their human age, dogs will have different mental development stages, but these changes aren’t as obvious as in the case of humans, and you will also be able to figure out their mental stage through their activity levels and behavior.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - A Real Party Pup-per
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader Warnings: Fluffy Cakey Fun Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: I was inspired. I wrote this under 10 minutes. What can I say? 
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Henry Cavill Master List
“Moose, no!” Shouting at the dog seemed to do little.
Like a flash, Moose had his prize, dragging off a chunk of the birthday cake and high tailing it for his bed. Beside you, Kal cocked his head, whimpering as if he knew his friend's actions were the kind that earned you some serious crate time. Kal wasn't into spending time behind bars.
Surely you would over look his bouncing and barking, pretending that your home was being invaded, distracting you while Moose grabbed the cake. He would do his best to win you over, giving you his cute eyes, and smile. It worked for his dad. Kal had watched first hand, when Henry wanted something he would give you his best Kal impression.
Great. Just great.
Slumping your shoulders in defeat, you groan, avoiding looking at the mess on your kitchen floor. Any other day, you could have left that cake in the middle of the floor, on Moose's food mat and he never would have touched it. Why did he pick today to get into trouble? Kal sat in the middle of the kitchen, his tail swishing back and forth catching blue frosting with each swipe. Painting the floor around him a bright blue.
“Kal.” You groan again. “Kal, up.” You command the large black and white dog. “Okay, you boys need to go. Outside.”
Rising to his feet, Kal knows exactly what this means. At Moose's house, there is a fence, and in that fence is the garden. A garden, where the squeaky toys prosper and the bones litter the landscape.
“Moose.” You whistle to the cake thief, “Moose.” You walk to the sliding door, Kal hot on your heels.
Lifting his head from his chunk of cake, blue frosting on his chin, nose, paws, and chest the red merle looks at you curiously. How does he know this isn't a trap? Cautiously watching you, Moose licks his lips. The cake piece nearly devoured, he eyes Kal as well. Kal is a friend, but it doesn't mean he wants to share this delicious prize.
Sniffing the area, Kal licks his lips but thinks better of going in for a taste.
“Kal, come.” You call the dog, who gladly turns his attention to you. His large body vibrating with excitement as you slide the door open. “Outside, Kal. Go.” You instruct.
Kal doesn't need to be told twice.
“Moose.” You gesture to the door. “Outside, go play with Kal.”
Stretching, Moose slowly moves to his feet, a final defiant bite of cake, he saunters by you and out the door. In the garden Kal is romping around, losing his mind over which one of the toys to play with first, when Moose catches his excitement. Bounding around the garden like two toddlers on a sugar rush.
Often you wondered why those two were still allowed to play together. Gathering yourself and nerve to return to the scene of the crime, you wince seeing the classic white cake with butter cream frosting, smashed and drug across the kitchen floor. Your slate tiles tinted blue, with paw prints and crumbs littering them.
Picking up the dismantled cake, it pains you to toss it, but what else can you do? The dogs can't eat an entire cake and you surely can't give Henry a cake from the floor. At least they hadn't gotten the... you slap your hand to your forehead.
“Shit. Shit! Shit!” You mutter, scurrying around the kitchen. You forgot to buy the steak.
New task.
Find a suitable replacement for dinner and something to use for a cake.
So much for the element of surprise.
This entire surprise went tits up. Entirely off the rails and, and, and – why were you so worried? It was a surprise, Henry had no idea you'd been planning to surprise him. He would never know.
Biting the inside of your bottom lip, you scrunch your face. But you would know.
In the garden, Moose barked furiously. Followed by Kal's intense booming intruder voice. Great, all you needed was those two escaping after a squirrel.  Peeking out the window, you spot the two ferocious beasts barking at their invisible friend. At least they took their protection job seriously, nobody was going to...
“What's all that about?” Henry's voice startles you. Screeching, you clutch your chest and jump. “Sorry, duck.”
“No, no it's fine. Hey. We weren't expecting you back, yet.” You calm yourself down, taking back every thought about how nobody would dare enter your house with all that noise in the back.
“I can see,” He takes in the scene of blue paw prints. “Should I go back outside and knock?”
“Nah, when do you ever knock?” You brush it off, smiling. As if a veil lifted, you notice upon his return the gym clothes are gone, changed into his favourite shirt and black slacks. “Hot date?”
“Depends duck, do you have plans?”
“Need to leave the bear here longer? You could have called. I don't mind, but so you know those paw prints here. That mess of blue frosting, is your cake, and I suppose it's a good thing I forgot the steaks. Happy birthday, by the way.” the babbling comes and doesn't seem to shut off. “I know I said that earlier, but anyway. Never mind. Go and have fun.”
“Are you finished?” He smirked, pretending to look at his watch. You nod. “Right, well. I appreciate the attempt at dinner. Cakes can be replaced. Now go, get dressed while I wrangle the hooligans in the garden. We're going to be late and we don't want to miss our reservation.”
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If it bites, curses, claws, and hisses, It’s very unwise to ask it for wishes.
Hey @r-rowancore remember that uwu fic I threw out but said I would rewrite? It may be a lot different than how I originally had it, but here it is:
There was only so much that Inkwell could do to help. Likewise, there was only so much that he wanted to do to help.
When Thomas went to him asking for his humanity back, the demon declined, stating that it was impossible for him to turn a being of ink into a being of flesh again. When he went to him asking if he could look human again, the demon again declined, stating that he didn’t have access to any pictures of how the mechanic had looked before his death, nor could he find his body, thus, he had no proper reference and could end up making him something that he was not.
And he gave a similar excuse when Tom asked for his voice back.
It smelled of bullshit if you asked him, with the demon’s exaggerated body language, annoying amount buffer words, refusal to look the wolf man in the eye while he spoke, he knew that he was lying through those daggers that he called his teeth.
He could make them human again, or at least make them look human enough again, Henry Stein was living proof of that. The Ink Demon just insisted on redrawing them as cartoons because misery loves company.
Instead of doing something like making him feel comfortable in his ink skin, the demon simply ‘updated’ his character sheet. He looked more like a wolf than a dog now, he was bigger in both size and stature, and his fur was starting to gray, especially around the muzzle.
Don’t get him wrong, he liked not having to look at Boris every time he looked in a mirror, but he hated everything about this and honestly, it was only a matter of time before he’d grow desperate enough to try to do something that even he thought was completely stupid:
Summoning a demon, a different demon from the ones he knew, one who would hopefully, help him out.
Thomas gathered the correct items for the ritual; four candles, one mask, some thick ink, and a place to call ...it. He didn’t know what would come from out of this, but if Buddy and Boris of all people could summon this thing enough times to dedicate a bathroom to doing it, then whoever or whatever he was going to call must’ve been safe enough for him to summon.
He had everything set up just the way he saw the alter in Buddy’s safe house bathroom; lit the candles, placed down the mask, and waited.
...This couldn’t be it, could it?
It couldn’t just be some weird decoration in a closed-off bathroom, like it or not, magic was real and so were demons! Something was supposed to happen! Did he screw it up? Lit the candles in the wrong order? Did he not do it at the right time? What was it?!
Oh right, he wasn’t in the studio anymore.
He wasn’t in a “whimsical” cartoon world made entirely by the machine and its ink, the ritual dedicated to whatever Buddy summoned might’ve worked back in the studio, but just like how a normal human being couldn’t take down a living park ride with soup cans, the alter where it was had been just as effective as spraying silly string in the shape of a star on the ground.
The cursed wolf let out an annoyed huff and started to slunk out of the basement, he would be cussing up a storm if he could, but he didn’t have a voice.
As he was halfway up the stairs, he heard a loud noise coming from the failed ritual. He turned around and saw something large flailing on the floor.
He cautiously descended back down and realized that he had indeed fucked up; the entity he had summoned had a humanoid upper half, the lower half of a fish, and more importantly was struggling to breathe.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
The cursed mechanic tried to carry the deep sea demon bridal style as the slippery creature flailed harder and started to claw at him and bite him. No wonder the alter was set up in the bathroom, this thing needed water!
“Gad fi fynd!” Between futile gasps for breath, the creature shouted at him in a voice that he could swear was like someone taking a bunch of instruments and trying to use them to mimic human speech. “Dydw i ddim yn mynd i fod yn rhan o'ch cynlluniau, llaw dde Joey Drew!”
Tom didn’t understand a word out of the creature’s mouth aside from the name he said, nor did he think of that at this time. Desperate to keep the angry sea demon alive, when it has struggled free from his grasp, Tom seized the being by his tail and started dragging him up the stairs that way. He considered pulling him up by the hair at first but that only made his mouth closer to his hands.
The merman continued to thrash against his captor, now hissing at him like a snake and barring a mouth full of long, sharp teeth that the creature had too many of for comfort, especially now that they were stained with Tom’s ink.
But the wolf wasn’t impressed by the demon’s attempt at intimidation, he could hiss and claw all he wanted but he was not dealing with Inkwell’s refusal to help him, or having to explain to Henry why there was a dead demonic fish on the floor!
After the longest one and a half minutes of both of their lives, the fish demon was unceremoniously dumped into the bathtub, and the water was turned on. In spite of the awkward positioning, the demon squeezed himself into the end of the tub with the facet, it was an uncomfortable position, but the running water over his gills relaxed him a bit.
Both parties let out a sigh of relief as the demon waited for the tub to fill up and Tom went back into the basement to fetch a notepad, a pencil, and an english-to-welsh dictionary.
The latter of the three items became the hardest one to find, and by the time he did and got back to his ‘guest’ the sea demon looked like he was both anxious and bored out of his mind, his long hair pooling in the tub like a cloud and his claws still tapping away on the side of the bathtub. He was not happy to see him again per se, but at least he didn’t look like he was going to bite him again.
Helo. Tom flipped through the dictionary, found the words he was looking for, wrote them down and showed the creature. Allwch chi ddeall hyn?
The demon rolled his eyes and spoke in that voice made of instruments again, not sounding like a human being in the slightest, but it was easy for him to make out the creature’s words, almost like he listening to a song with the lyrics replaced by another instrument. Tom could already see Wally making a joke about ‘how he heard of people with musical accents before, but this one takes the cake!’.
“I can understand and speak English fluently, Thomas Conner.” He stated coldly. “There’s no need to patronize me or waste both of our time with that book.”
How do you know my name? He wrote down, And how did you know Joey?
The sea demon paused for a bit, seeming as if he was trying to predict the wolf’s reaction to his answer before saying it out loud.
“The two of you are very... infamous down there...” He folded his arms behind his back and tried to keep his expression as neutral as possible. “For more reasons than you think.”
Why did Buddy summon you?
The demon frowned at the question. “Who’s ‘Buddy’?” He then shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, the reasons why my former summoners have called me are not to be freely discussed with other people. And before you ask how he knew to summon me, he learned from his own story.”
Tom tore out the question he had and wrote a new one:
What is your name?
“Forgive me, but I am not interested in any more small talk, and I doubt you summoned me just for the sake of friendly conversation. You called me here to help you with something, haven’t you?”
Tom huffed and reluctantly nodded. Yes; Can you make me human again?
“Can I remake you from ink and magic into a being of flesh and bone?” He tapped on his fangs and smiled in a way that made the mechanic wolf’s hackles rise. “Eventually, but yes.”
His ears perked up instantly, hastily, he started scribbling down his (hopefully) final question.
Well, what are you waiting for?!
“Materials, tools, and payment.” The demon shifted in the tub to make himself more comfortable, folding his arms behind his head as if he was reclining in a hammock, his hair fanning out behind him. “As you can see, I’m not exactly in the position to fetch the former two, and you should know that nothing comes without the latter.”
What do you need?
“Just your standard sculpting tools, some time to work on the thing, your cooperation as working with living canvases other than myself can be difficult, and...” The sea demon’s chilling toothy smile resurfaced. “...Meat.”
Tom hesitated, it took him a while to get the single word onto paper.
“Not just any meat. Raw meat, meat that’s so freshly killed that the blood’s still warm. The amount can be debated if you were unsatisfied with your human body’s height and or its weight.” He waved off before smiling again. “And unless you want to become a sentient beast, it had better be human meat. You know the old saying, right? ‘You are what you eat’? Well, it can be rather literal.”
He looked like he was biting back laughter at Tom’s horrified expression.
“Don’t give me that look, fy pup blaidd, your hands are already stained with the blood of others, it makes no difference to the eyes of heaven and hell if you start staining your teeth as well.”
“No?” The mechanic was almost infuriated by how genuinely confused the demon sounded, as if he was surprised that he’d be disgusted by suggesting cannibalism, but luckily for him, he merely shrugged off Tom’s refusal. “Suit yourself then.”
He was just about to leave the bathroom before the siren spoke again.
“But it would be such a shame if there wasn’t anything at all I could help you out with, I hate it when my time is wasted. Tell me, would you like to speak again?”
He froze there, and looked back with an eyebrow raised.
“I see that got your attention.” The merman smugly remarked. “And as it’s a much smaller job than say, completely rebuilding you as a different being altogether, it will not only be a faster job but also cost you a lot less. Why, I won’t even need any materials or tools other than your cooperation!”
I’m interested...
“Good! Now, all you need to do is come closer.”
He approached the bathtub.
“Closer... Yes, just kneel down so we’re directly face to face...” The siren crooned while looking as welcoming as an empty grave. “...This will only hurt like Hell for a little bit.”
Tom instantly regretted his action, the siren lunged at him, his arms wrapping around him and holding his own down. With his teeth and tongue, the sea demon pried the wolf’s mouth open and purged a fluid that felt like boiling oil down his throat.
With newfound vigor forged from the sheer disgust of the situation, he pried the creature off of him and flung him at the bathroom wall, coughing and sputtering out the vile fluid before confronting the sea beast who crawled back into the bathtub.
He slapped his hands over his snout in sheer shock and embarrassment.
“...Pardon?” The sea monster was very obviously trying very hard not to laugh, and failing. “I didn’t quite get that, Tommy~.”
Tom’s cheeks were flushed gray, his fists were clenched and steam was coming out of his ears, he didn’t want to speak ever again! His new voice sounded nothing like his old one! It sounded more like a kid’s voice if the kid inhaled helium! And don’t get him started on the new speech pattern he was cursed with. He’d use the notebook, but sadly, it looked like it was destroyed by water in the struggle.
“Why did uwu duwu thiws tuwu me uwu bastawd?”
“This was unintentional, truly. But this is so much better than what I had planned!” The demon ignored the wolf’s growling as he pinched his cheek. “Awen't uwu juwst the cutest wittwe whewp!”
“Knock iwt off, uwu sea whowe!” He swatted the hand off of his face. “I wawnt my voice tuwu be nowmaw!”
“Well, we don’t always get what we want now, do we?”
“But, but uwu pwomised uwu'd get me my voice bawck!”
“Now that’s just a bold-faced lie. I said I’d help you speak again, I never once said that I’d give you your old voice.”
“Okay, wisten hewe.” He reached into the bathtub and grabbed a hold of the tub stopper. “If uwu change my voice bawck, i... I'ww give uwu whatevew uwu wawnt. But if uwu down't, i'ww puww the pwug wight hewe awnd now!”
“Do it, coward.” The demon looked the wolf dead in the eyes. “I dare you.”
He didn’t even react when Tom yanked the stopper out and put it in the sink, well out of the siren’s reach.
“At least now you’re a man of your word.” The merman sighed as the water slowly drained from the tub. “Better late than never I suppose.”
He laid down in the still draining tub. At first, Tom thought this was an attempt to keep his gills wet for just a little bit longer, but then he saw the water turn black as it went down the drain and the musician said his last words to the wolf, not in a voice made out of instruments, but his own, human voice.
“See you again soon, Conner.”
He called out in shock as he frantically reached into the now quickly draining tub. But no matter how desperately he dug his claws in there, he found nothing but water.
The remaining liquid went down the drain, leaving nothing but a few clear puddles on the tub’s floor and the now-verbal wolf alone with his thoughts.
“Oh my fucking god... Whawt am i going tuwu teww Awwison awnd Henwy?!”
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greenbergwrites · 4 years
Oh lord but alternate/future lumberjack!bucky storyline, Steve IS the spoiled omega runt of the pack, no one CAN refuse him anything, Bucky is just all indulgent heart eyes. Thank you for this gift of a thought omg
I gotta be honest with you, friend, as soon as I wrote that bit, my brain was plagued by the idea of an AU where Steve grew up as the spoiled Omega runt
Maybe his pack is a mountain-dwelling one or maybe they have a ceremonial building where the hold gatherings, but either way, I imagine this rustic sort of banquet hall.
There’s a dais at one end, where Steve lounges on a chaise-like piece of furniture while he’s doted on by selected pack members. Dressed in a light, flowy tunic that borderlines indecent, tbh. I’m gonna be honest, a lot of this imagery is very Ancient Greek and/or Roman-inspired, I’m a slut for it and I’ll come up with whatever excuses I have to in order to get what I want.
Steve’s lounging on one side of the dais, and on the other side, his parents (the head of the pack) sit in their throne-like seats. Steve is of mating age now, and this party is with that in mind.
Suitors from all over come for the chance to be the one to win his hand. 
As a runt, he’s special, coveted. I imagine Omega runts to be very much like nymphs, creatures of hedonistic pleasure. Absolutely fucking spoiled.
Having one mate into a pack says a lot about the pack itself. Not only are they calm and stable, but it speaks of their pack bonds, their generosity, and loving nature. A runt has to be cared for by their pack; given the choice, one would never choose a pack where they were neglected.
Among the crowd, there’s Bucky. I imagine him much like Wakanda!Bucky, bearded and solemn. This world-weary older wolf, the kind of air about him that says he’s seen too much, that says there’s blood on his hands that weighs heavily on him.
He’s probably called James in this ‘verse, Bucky is not a very dignified name for the dignified wolf I imagine.
I don’t think he’s there as a suitor himself. Maybe he came as part of another Alpha’s entourage, or whatever.
At some point, Steve probably gets tired of being pandered to and goes outside for some fresh air. Only one of the Alphas follows him to harass him, and when Steve rebuffs him, it probably gets physical.
Before the guy can do much more than yank on Steve’s arm, James is there, this silent, deadly force. He doesn’t mean to knock the guy out, but that’s what happens, and then it’s just the two of them standing there.
Steve trembles with left over adrenaline. He hugs himself around the middle, this picture of vulnerability, but he tries to sound braver than he feels when he addresses the Alpha who helped him.
“I suppose now you’ll regale me with tales of how you’ll protect me if I chose you?” He asks haughtily, but even he can hear the tremor in his voice. There’ll be no fooling the Alpha. “Or demand my promise of mating in exchange for your help? Go on, then. Tell me how you’re the only appropriate mate for me.”
It’s been happening all night, one Alpha after the other doing little more than ridiculing the other guests, vying for even a moment of his attention so they can tell him how he deserves a mate like them.
This man does none of those things. Silently, he removes his cloak and drapes it around Steve’s shoulders, pulling it closed to shield him from the rising wind.
“Any man who would offer help, but only at a price, is not a man worthy of a mate,” he says quietly. “But most certainly, he would not be a man worthy of an Omega.”
Steve blinks in surprise, staring up into bright, hazel eyes. A flush creeps along his skin, warmth flaring in his belly despite the cool night air.
“Is that so?” He asks, the haughtiness gone from his tone. 
The man nods, those intense eyes still on him, and Steve finds himself looking away. His heart beats faster, and now, he trembles for an entirely different reason.
“It’s certainly an interesting tactic you have,” he says, glancing out at the surrounding forest. “Appearing to be the more noble of my suitors.”
He expects the man to ask if his ploy is working. Steve has to say that yes, yes it is. Here is a man calm and settled, a real Alpha rather than a pup playing at one and throwing tantrums when his games are ignored.
But once again, the man doesn’t do what he expects.
“If I am noble at all, it is not as a suitor,” he murmurs. “I haven’t come to claim you, little one.”
Steve stills, staring up at the man in shock.
“No?” He asks softly. “Then why have you come?”
Plush lips tick up in the corner, an almost imperceptible smile.
“I heard tell of an Omega coming of age,” he answers. “A runt whose beauty went unrivaled. Your parents would only permit one suitor per pack. I’ve been told of the many fights that broke out between packmates, all trying to win the chance to be your mate. I saw a few, even. I had to set eyes on the one who would cause such a ruckus and see if the stories were true.”
Steve licked his lips. “And your thoughts now?”
The Alpha reaches out to gently tuck a stray lock of hair behind Steve’s ear, his calloused fingers brushing lightly along Steve’s jaw.
“I think,” he murmurs quietly, “that even a single night spent between your thighs would be an undeserved heaven. But a lifetime? Being accepted as your mate, earning your affection? Having you proudly wear a claiming mark?”
His fingers drop to the place on Steve’s neck where such a mark would go, before they leave him completely, his hand falling back to his side. Steve immediately misses his touch.
“‘Unworthy’ is not a strong enough word,” the Alpha says. “You are a treasure, little one. Beautiful and sweet, but that sweetness must be earned. You’re right to make us earn it. An Omega’s submission is a gift. Anyone who doesn’t work to gain it doesn’t deserve it. Remember that.”
Silently, Steve nods. He has nothing to say, not a single thing. He only knows the flush to his skin and the warmth in his belly, hardening his cock and wetting his hole. Part of him wants to bare his throat right then, wants this Alpha to take him to the ground and mate him right there in the cool night air.
But a bigger part of him thrills at the idea of being courted by this Alpha. Of making him earn it, just as he said.
“Come, little one,” the Alpha murmurs, one of those big hands cupping his elbow. Steve allows himself to be guided out of the wind, toward the doors. “It’s cold out, let’s get you where it’s warm.”
It’s only when Steve stumbles over a booted foot that he even remembers the man who’d accosted him. He glances from the unconscious body to his savior.
“What about him?” He asks, and the haughtiness is such a distant memory that Steve can’t believe it was ever there. Now, his voice is soft and hesitant. He trusts the Alpha to take care of him, to guide him.
Something flashes in the Alpha’s eyes. 
“Don’t worry about him,” he says. “I’ll make sure he’s taken care of. Inside now. Your suitors await you.”
Steve wants to laugh. There will be no choosing among the pups inside.
As he steps over the threshold, he turns back to face his Alpha.
“What’s your name?” He asks.
The Alpha blinks, as if he surprised. He reaches for Steve’s hand, bringing it to his lips for a gentle kiss to his knuckles.
“Forgive me,” he says, “I should have introduced myself before. My name is James.”
Steve’s hand still tingles long after the Alpha has left him go, the memory of his lips a brand on his skin. He doesn’t bother with the pretenders any longer, ignoring their attempts at his attention.
He’s already made his choice. His future mate’s name is James.
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dwellordream · 4 years
Would you ever write an au where Catelyn does go to the eyrie with Sansa, Arya, and Bran to comfort Lysa after Jon Arryn’s death? Maybe Lysa’s letter never arrives and they don’t know about the Lannisters or it still does, so Catelyn visits to get more info from Lysa and keep her kids safe away from KL.
So in order for this AU to happen Robert needs to not come to Winterfell immediately.  The timeline of events is roughly: 1. Jon Arryn dies around late February 298 AC. 2. Catelyn and Ned receive news of Jon’s death about a week later, early March 298 AC, Robert is already on his way to Winterfell as soon as Arryn’s death is announced, presumably after linking up with Cersei and the kids, who were on their way to or at Casterly Rock when the news broke. Basically it makes zero sense for Catelyn to go to the Eyrie to comfort her sister unless Robert is for whatever reason delaying his visit to Winterfell. If it’s because he’s decided to name Stannis Hand instead, then the entire plot is about to get tossed aside, because Stannis is going to reveal the entire Cersei-Jaime cuckoldry ASAP once he’s Hand.  So alternatively if Robert *is* planning on naming Ned Hand but for whatever reason (maybe there’s some trouble in King’s Landing or the Crownlands or wherever that demands his attention first) that is delayed, then yes, it’s possible Catelyn and Ned agree that she should go to the Eyrie with the kids for an extended stay. If this happens, I can honestly see Catelyn taking all the kids with her besides Robb, who she probably judges it’s for the best that he stays back with Ned and continues to learn from his father. So Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon and her are probably going to travel to White Harbor and from there across the Bite and around the Vale to Gulltown or wherever is most convenient to reach the Eyrie.  While they are traveling it’s possible Ned then does get forewarning ‘btw, Robert’s on his way, sike, you’re gonna be Hand after all!’, then he is looking to welcome the royal party with just Robb (and Jon). Not really ideal to be hosting them without his wife and other children, but that’s the situation.  I do not think Catelyn necessarily finds a very happy welcome from Lysa, who canon makes very clear has this simmering level of loathing and resentment for her sister. On the one hand she might be shocked that Catelyn has gone out of her way to visit her, but I don’t think that really rectifies all the other problems with their relationship. So it’s going to be an incredibly awkward visit. If Lysa also says something suggestive about Jon Arryn being poisoned by the Lannisters, it puts Catelyn in an even worse position because now she has to try to warn Ned about that, while probably having heard that the Lannisters are on their way to Winterfell or already there. I think she’d decide it’s really not worth risking the letter and decide she will tell Ned about Lysa’s suspicions as soon as she returns. It’s also possible, seeing how clearly vindictive and unstable Lysa is behaving, that Catelyn personally doubts the truth of these claims, and is unsure if her sister is just trying to stir up trouble between the Starks and Robert out of a grudge. On the other hand, Brynden is probably thrilled to see his niece and her kids, and Sweetrobin likely benefits from being around cousins close to his age like Arya and Bran, even if they probably don’t get along at first.
A visit to the Vale is a big deal and since Ned spent so much time there, other houses are probably popping by to see the Starks and to try to court the widowed Lysa under the table, so Catelyn is probably dealing with all that as well. Possibly some of these houses are also hoping to marry into the Starks, so asking after Sansa and Arya’s hands, for example, or offering to take Bran on as a ward. Back at Winterfell I think Ned agrees to accept the position. Robert probably also still makes the offer of Joffrey for Sansa, and Ned probably gives some vague non-answer. Robert stayed at Winterfell for like at least 2 months in canon, and Catelyn can’t just skip back home to Winterfell after a few scant weeks with her sister, so there is probably some anxiety of ‘when are we going to see each other again’. Ideally the whole family would be able to link up again at the Trident, near Darry, and at least Bran’s fall and the whole Mycah incident is avoided (although Lysa probably had a fit when the Stark kids rolled up to the Eyrie with direwolf pups). At this point Catelyn probably tells Ned in private about Lysa’s suspicions, he probably agrees to try to look into it during his time as Hand, and urges Catelyn to return to Winterfell to look out for Robb, who’s there alone. Who knows if Jon has still joined the Night’s Watch. He probably has, knowing that his father will be gone for the foreseeable future and not seeing any other real options for himself. The debate now is probably whether or not to leave Sansa and Arya with Ned, as per the plan in canon, or for them to go straight back to Winterfell with their mother and brothers. I lean towards they go with Ned; neither Catelyn or Ned see any real, pressing danger from King’s Landing, all they have to go on is Lysa’s wild claims, and no one has tried to murder one of their kids. So Ned continues on to court with the girls, and Catelyn returns to the North with her sons. Without the whole dagger thing or Tyrion being under suspicion, it probably takes longer for things to heat up at court, although Baelish probably puts his whole back into actively trying to steer Ned towards suspecting the Lannisters more and more in order to provoke war. Ned still probably checks into stuff, gradually learns more and more about what Jon Arryn was investigating, and I think the most likely turn of events is that he does end up smuggling his daughters out of the city and onto a boat. Sansa and Arya aren’t at each other’s throats, there was no Lady-Mycah incident, and Sansa hasn’t had all this exposure to Cersei and Joffrey, because she only just met them when everyone came back to court.  Littlefinger still probably turns the goldcloaks, Cersei still probably tries her boar trick, so whether Robert dies in the same manner or dies at all before Ned raises suspicions, is all up in the air. It could really go either way. There were still be war, the question is whether Robert and Ned will be around to see this civil war erupt or not, and whether Renly still runs to Highgarden or stays at court.  On the plus side, at least Catelyn is back at Winterfell with all her kids, and the North might be in a more prepared position in terms of calling the banners and having more forewarning. 
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diaohking · 4 years
What happened to Grace?
Okay, so let’s get this out first. I have never read the comics so I really don’t know what happens or will happen. I only watch the Netflix adaption and love it. But I have a few thoughts after the 2nd season, about Grace and Reginald. Now, I’m not saying these are ‘theories’ per say, just my thoughts popping up. I do apologize if this is a bit long, I have trouble condensing my process.
Now, after watching the episode The Seven Stages, I am quickly falling in love with Reginald’s and Grace’s dynamic and relationship. And despite his cold persona, I really had a soft spot for Reginald to begin with (I’m all for cold distant classic older man with an elegant aurora, but that’s another story). In the episode The Seven Stages, I noticed something in particular. Namely, when Grace is searching through Reggie’s office, right before she finds the secret room, she makes a gesture and movement on her stomach that almost immediately made me think...is she pregnant? We do know that Reggie in this time is a COMPLETELY different person that what we knew him as in Season 1. Why?
Here are my thoughts. To make it easier, I’ll put it in number form. 
1. We already know he had previously loved someone prior to coming to earth. We know he is an alien so we can assume the earlier flashback we saw of him in Season 1 was of another planet. 
2. My question is this. How exactly does someone with such charm, grace, and-let’s just say it- sweetness Reginald has towards Grace become someone so cold and distant and cruel as we see him towards the children in Season 1. Even in the Light Supper episode, he was willing to listen, be open (and somewhat understand) and, well, polite in his manner. Even in his private conversation with Five, his tone was soft. I really don’t know how Five *didn’t* think that something was wrong with him. He is a completely different person than what we knew of him.
He lost someone he loved but now...he loves someone else. Grace. We can see this in Pogo’s flashback. It portrays the sense of a student/mentor relationship that clearly turned into something more, but when he saves Pogo’s life, she is extremely grateful and proceeds to hug Reginald. You can see it in his eyes that although he is shocked by this, he isn’t appalled by it as we would assume.
Now, back to the pregnant part. Their relationship probably went far (as Diego would like to forget, they *did* date) and Grace became pregnant. (Oh, real quickly, take a quick look at the Mexican party episode, towards the end. How Reginald literally holds on to Grace’s hand the whole time while they are waiting outside, even when his body is a step away. And he listens to her when she tells him they have to go. He clearly respects her).Perhaps, something happened to her and the baby (it is possibly an alien/human hybrid anyways, so Grace probably wouldn’t survive) and now, Reginald has lost not only one by three people he loves. The woman in the flashback, Grace, and the baby. Now the sweet, understanding, even if a bit harsh (not necessarily cruel in 1963), charming man we see is truly heartbroken and hurt. We can even hear a crack in his voice when he is betrayed by the Majestic 12 and he comments: “You lied to me.” This is NOT the same man we are introduced to in Season 1. SOMETHING happened to change him. Perhaps Grace is pregnant. On that note, two thoughts. 
1. She had specifically said: “I can’t wait that long.” Why not demand the truth right then and there because she deserved it? Because he owed her that much? Why is there a time limit on this? Reginald never actually said he would let her know everything in a month or two, but Grace is saying she can’t wait. But despite what some article and popular opinions are saying, she doesn’t say ANYTHING about Reginald not trusting her, or her deserving the truth, or really anything that might imply them actually breaking up. (FYI, couples can just walk away from an oncoming argument to have time to think WITHOUT breaking up. I really hate it when people jump to those conclusions and ideas. It creates too much drama. We really don’t have any indication that they broke up. Nothing along those lines were said. So...yeah. In my eyes, they are still together. Personally, if a woman can’t be patient for a man to tell her the truth or trust him enough to leave him some mystery, perhaps she isn’t mature enough. Wake up call, it ISN’T always about the woman. Men need their space and secrets as well. If the situation was reverse, you can bet the woman would blow up about him not being trustworthy of her without her telling him everything and dumping him, which, is stupid.) Anyways.....I digress (and a bit drunk). 
Why exactly would she say she can’t wait long? What exactly is she waiting for? If she really loved him and was wanting to spend her life with him, as she said, she can be patient. She would have that time. Unless...she’s pregnant, in which case, she only has 9 months to make sure Reginald is a good man and wouldn’t hurt someone like the President. Again, back to her gesturing towards her stomach. If you pause at the right moment, you will see she almost makes a heart shape around what would be her womb and where the baby would be.
Now, let’s say that something did happen to Grace and the baby. Reginald is all by himself with the exception of Pogo. Which...isn’t the same. He misses Grace but more importantly, he misses the child and life they may have had. Now even the coldest of men can say they despite children, but the moment they have their own, it all changes. Like when your dad says ‘no more dogs’ and the newest pup of the family is...only dad’s. LOL 
2. This heartbreak and pain now possess him, though not in the best light in hindsight, to adopt seven children and create a robot mother in the EXACT image of the woman he loved, along with their lab child Pogo, to create the life Grace had said she wanted to spend with him. 
Lastly, these are merely my thoughts, not so much of what will happen, is happening, or canon. Again, never read the comics. If anything else...it will be ONE HELL of a good fanficiton. Anyone up for It?
EDIT: During their conversation, Reginald comments to Five that in a few seconds, one could not only overthrow an empire but also fall in love. This only CONFIRMS my strong belief that, in perhaps in the Pogo flashbacks, in those few seconds Grace hugged him for saving Pogo's life, he also fell in love with Grace. I also do not put it past Reginald to have overthrown an empire at some point in his life. If anything else, he did help overthrow Camelot (Kennedy), so there is that.
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agalactichalo · 5 years
Sorry @cas-is-a-hunter​ I accidentally deleted the post, thank god for google docs
Well Quindlen, Quinndiana Jones, buddy, chum, pal your literally all my asks almost all the time thank you ily
This is for my and @itzshira‘s superhero au so they did help me tysm bean, bless
20 head cannons per character because all would be to much (200 in all)
And I will only be doing the ships in a separate post because I can
A tall boi at around 6’1, tallest boi
High school jock? High school theater nerd? Practices fencing in high school? Yes!
Flirty boi, and will look up at you with a wink well kissing your hand
Quality gentleman but will talk about himself a bit to much on the first date
His tongue pokes out slightly well he is working on stories or reading scripts
Plays the guitar
Quick to anger but will feel bad after, potentially spoiling their boyfriend after they fight unless he knows he's right or is still mad
Has a big family and is the oldest sibling, his siblings steal his Disney stuff and a dog named Princess
His eyes are brownish red but look red in curtain lighting
He and Remy have sleepovers where they will go to the mall spend like $200 and come home with a fashion show for the other
Over protective, but not in a bad way, yes yes there is a bad way (checking of texts and stuff that can make the other uncomfortable are the bad way)
Has made a comic but doesn't show anyone because he is scared of their reaction
“this is my lap now I have claimed it as a seat, best throne in the house”
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Dance Dance Revolution, Uno, and Battleship
Tends to look up well thinking, leaning back on his heels as he does
Will overwork himself but not as often due to his beauty sleep schedule
Usually will tease and joke but is good as ‘reading the room’ and will become serious if need be
An overthinking child, but usually only when they are stressed
He will talk out his feelings but will sometimes hide things he thinks he can handle or are insecure about
VERY gushy about any crush he has “you'll see I'm their prince charming” and stuff like that
Another tall boi at around 5’10, second tallest boi even if he slouches
His hoodie is oversized and baggy but it looks great
Sleep? No scrolling through tumblr for hours, same amount of nightmares, but those I can scroll past
His dad is bi and he the two live with his step dad and step brother Thomas
Fight or Flight? Leans more towards Fight
Has a little shadow wolf pup named Fang
Just moved here this year
Has quiet anger, going silent with everyone especially the person he is mad at.
When Virgil found out he had a crushed he probably (hopefully lightly) banged his head in a wall then face planted on his bed yelling "Ahhhhh" into it for knows how long
If anyone asked if he had a crush, even if they didn't specify the crush's name, he'd get defensive and refuse. Though you could probably tell he was lying
He is very bad at opening up to others, he does try but it's hard
Bites his fingernails, to be more specific his right thumbs nail
Walks to and from school with Roman, having usually playful arguments on the way
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Fallout 4, Mafia, and Connect Four
Plays the piano and has learned half of his playlist on it as well as meme music
Roman has entered into his house when it was dark forgetting about a sleepover, just to walk in hearing Virgil playing horror music, or megalovania
But he is also teaching Patton how to play piano, they just started though
His playlist is larger than Roman's ego
Has gotten in a debate with Logan about crocs, no one left happy
Yes yes he does have his pet spider we love her, her name is Luna
Kinda tall boi at around 5’6, one things for sure, his stance is straighter than he is
Nervous glasses and tie adjusting
Used to be homeschooled
Someone please get this boy a more understanding mother, please our boy needs to understand that he isn't a failed and can relax
Gets really confused when it comes to emotions that aren't an everyday occurrence
Will stay up for days on end rewriting his paper, his cat doesn't help
The oldest in the group, and will use that to get the others to listen to him
Has an older brother who moved out right when he was 18, cutting off all communication with the family
Don't lie to him, he can literally read your thoughts
Was in debate but almost got kicked out for yelling falsehood to much, so he uses the extra time to hang out with friends
He doesn't like to be held, most of the time at least, he does have his moments
When he has a crush he doesn't realise it and will question himself wait why did I share my crofters sandwich with him? Sure he didn't have a lunch but my crofters
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Portal, Solitaire, and Risk
His selfview gets shattered by a douche named Richard (thank you Shira for the fitting name)
His dad works at home and is usually in his office
Well if one thing is for sure, Logan doesn't handle being upset very well, just don't get them silently mad
He has a hard time passing at classes and when he finally did traded it out for college courses
The smart boi will strategies things, but if one thing goes wrong he will have a very hard time functioning
Rarely flirts but can't take a flirt at all, unless they are mad then don't try but Logan.exe crashing is easy when he is relaxing
Smolest boi at around 5'1, he loves his height because he loves the tall slouched hugs of his friends.
Commonly wears oversized sweaters and shorts rather than a cardigan and sweater tied around his shoulders
This child is great at sewing, and made the other beans costumes using Roman and Remy's designs
Parents are usually on business trips and rarely home
Also still believes in Santa because “how would gifts get here if my parents aren't here for Christmas” thank you Roman
Has a pet hamster named Mr. Squeakers the first name is Sammy
Patton is more supportive than protective, though when he feels he needs to will block an attack or stand in the middle of a fight (which is more often than not)
He likes to be picked up, and really doesn't care by who most times
Probably has glitter or marker somewhere on him at all times
A cuddler, especially when he is tired, he will cuddle up to one of his friends or a doll and fall asleep
He can bake but not cook, don't let him cook
His hair is a curly mess no matter how much he brushes it
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Animal Crossing, Go Fish, and Candy Land
He does have his cat hoodie but he usually wears it one or two days a week and as pajamas until he can or remembers to get it washed for school again
He was in gymnastics and is a very flexible child
Him and Roman were childhood friends
Will play connect the dots with the freckles on his arm when he's bored
Spends most of his day out of the house doing nothing in particular
When he realizes he has a crush is usually quickly after he gets one and his face goes pure red but he's happy about it
Kinda tall boi at around 5'8
A very sarcastic child, usually when he is lying
This bean has vitiligo and it is mostly where his scales would be
Heterochromia as well, one green and one brown eye
Will confusedly shake gifts before opening them if he randomly received them
Has played a game of patty cake in a closet, probably the strangest experience he's had but he enjoyed it
Uses his magic to cheat on tests
Will poke out his tongue when annoyed
Upset Dee is not a Dee you want to deal with they can be very hostile unless they like you
Wears at least two bracelets everyday
An ace boi who we love
He loves his hat, his hat was a gift from his parents and he rarely takes it off
Literally changed some of his wardrobe to match said hat
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Skyrim, Town Of Salem, Jenga
First to learn to drive
He plays the flute, and loves to play simple yet pretty melodies on it
He doesn't like parties but he won't say no if invited, though he usually stays near his friend or where there is the least amount of people
Will sometimes steal something small at parties
He has a pet garden snake named Luka, Luka is a good danger noodle who likes to chill in pockets
Usually wears colored contacts to school to hide his different eye colors
Second shortest boi at around 5’3, and he hates his height wanting to be taller
Talking to himself during movies and shows? Yes
A nervous flirter most times but we stan
A lot stronger then he looks, and his sweaters don't help lol
He has a defensive anger and will argue easier when mad, or give them questions to make them shut up so he can leave
Will hide out by himself when mad or nervous as well
An easily jealous bean but we still love him
He loves to cook and is a good cook
Has more sweaters then I have friends
Just barely bad enough nearsightedness to make it so he needs glasses
He used to have fake glasses though now he hates his real ones
Plays the violin and learned the Steven Universe songs
Is a lucky bean, gets a TV in his room
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Kingdom Of Hearts, Exploding Kittens, and Mancala
Holding hands and hugs are a given
Has little action figures and dolls around his room
Bold of you to assume he doesn't have way to many onesies for one person
Shops at hot topic for the fandom merch, but brings Remy because they enjoy everything there
Has a few posters scattered around his room but they are the cloth ones
He is very quick to self blame for instances and think “maybe if I did this-”
A medium height child at around 5'5, wears five inch heels to add on
Wears crop tops most often but idk where I got that idea from
Doesn't sleep and binge watches cartoons a lot
Addicted to coffee, and will shake without it after a while
Has and will just insult someone who is throwing punches at them and insult said person rather than actually fight in some cases
Their hair is a mess most of the time due to sleeping in and not having time to fix it
They live with their dad, their mom walked out on the family when they were five
They have Aniridia, and are almost always seen wearing sunglasses and watching shows for long periods of time can and is difficult
Has a very hard time opening up about anything, it takes a lot of trust
I guess you could say they've experienced a lot because I don't want to get into it but some of it involves alcohol and parties
Has played seven minutes in heaven once and they ended up literally playing patty cake in the closet because making out wasn't specified
Bold of you to assume they don't have a Scottish Fold, and bold of you to assume her name isn't Belle
Secretly watched all of SU and Adventure Time
Favorite video game, card game, and board game? Mario Kart, Cards Against Humanity, and Blokus
Their eyes have a gold ring around where the pupils should be when they use their magic canceling ability
Will either sleep for a whole day or not sleep for weeks
Has two leather jackets but most commonly wears their more warm out one rather than the newer one
Is the kid who pulled the fire alarm in elementary school
They are really good at rollerblading/ice skating
They ran out of coffee once after almost a week of no sleep and just shut down completely in class
They will carry each other, even if Remy is taller, Picani is stronger and Remy is lighter than they seem.
Cuddles on the couch watching SU after making or buying brownies, depends on how lazy they are that day
Remy doesn’t know weather to be amused or annoyed with how people get so confused on the relationship
If they were to propose they would both have a ring ready on the date but Emilie would manage to get it out first, and Remy would just sit there in a excited shock as they pull out the ring they were gonna use
Sharing clothes is common between the two, even if their styles are completely different
The first time Remy took off their heels next to Picani he made a short joke, even if he’s shorter
Emilie will sometimes gain the confidence to flirt without being embarrassed which causes Remy to be even more flushed (less aww but more holy crap)
Remy rarely swears in front of Picani, it just doesn’t feel right to them
Picani keeps their house lights dim when ever Remy comes over so they can keep their sunglasses off
“Remy..? What are you doing..?” “mixing five hour energy, redbull and coffee” concerned Picani noises
Remy will sometimes bring their cat to Picani’s house without telling him beforehand, just because “I didn’t want Belle to be home alone”
Picani got rid of his coffee maker to try to help Remy stop drinking coffee
Remy still manages to somehow get coffee without leaving his house
Picani and Remy make small deals to slowly help the other with their insecurities “I’ll let you borrow my jacket if you can at least try to complement yourself more”
They really don’t fight until one can’t bottle it up anymore and the other impulsively responds
Remy jumping towards Picani not realising he had a drink and him dropping his tea just to catch them
Picani does need some help reaching the higher shelves where Remy will just climb onto the counter
Picani doesn’t want to push Remy to talk and Remy rarely wants to say what’s wrong or something that has happened
Picani is usually the first to initiate a hug, where Remy is usually the first to hold his hand
The insecurities of one is ome of the things that the other loves most about them (Remy’s pure black eyes and Emilie’s talking to themself during movies)
Forehead touching, and a soft kisses? Yss
One of them will usually give the other random facts of the day
“a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet-” “the rose was the theater next to the Shakespearean theater and it had a sewage problem causing it to stink that was made to mock it” “Logan why-?”
Star gazing on cool summer nights with a warm blanket in a hammock
Roman is really bad with roller coaster drops and will cling onto Logan
Roman is the type of boyfriend who will steal the fries from your plate
Logan enjoys Roman’s random bursts of inspiration where he will excitedly talk about ideas for an hour
Taking dance lessons together
Neither of them will let the other touch their hair unless they are tired enough
Small play tickle fights were Roman will sometimes purposely let Logan win
Roman does try to carry Logan it usually doesn’t end in his favor
The two do tend to fight, as all relationships do, but afterwards they will silently talk it out on the couch until they feel better or at least understand it better
Game nights on fridays
They both refuse to give up on a game of monopoly that has taken them two years so far
Roman will never admit it but he will play D&D with Logan
Watching Doctor who on the couch cuddling with a bowl of popcorn in between them? Definitely
Roman was the first person to see Logan cry, and Logan would be one of the first people who get Roman to talk about his insecurities
Roman is a flirty boi Logan.exe crashing is common (idk why I phrased it like this)
Debates on who's magic is stronger, it ends in more of a tie because neither of them will choose themself
Gentally cuffing the other ones face when they are upset so they would look at them? Yep
Virgil gives Patton piggy back rides
Patton tries to give Virgil piggy back rides but it doesn't work out to well
They have a movie night once a week, one gets to choose the movie every other week
Patton gives Virgil a lot of gifts but will feel bad at times when Virgil gives him gifts because “I have nothing to give you in return”
They will doodle on each other, sometimes just sit there for hours silently drawing on one another
Virgil will sometimes bake with Patton, learning a few cookie recipes from doing so
“okay I'm not letting you cook you usually end up burning yourself, I got this”
Playing with eachothers hair, messing it up and sometimes fixing it
Dancing with each other in the living room when no one else is there
The best hang out moments is when it's raining and they are sitting inside with hot chocolate
Virgil is more protective over Patton, because he knows Patton isn't one to fight people
Patton will sometimes put hair clips in Virgil's hair so he can see both of Virgil's eyes
Hugs are very common unless Virgil states he isn't in the mood to have a hug
Patton found out Virgil was being bullied and refused to leave his side at school even if it means being a bit late to class
“I won't leave your side not tell you won't get hurt and until you love yourself, even then I'm here to stay”
Neither of them really flirt but they do make crappy puns to see the other laugh
Patton borrows Virgil's hoodies and has a few overly sized hoodies in case Virgil wants to borrow them
Patton's ability let's him know when Virgil is upset so he will help Virgil as much as he can to feel better
Virgil took them to an amusement park on their six month anniversary
At the mall Patton would be shamefully holding Virgil's hand, and vice versa. They go to stores that they've been wanting to go to. It's not much shame it's just the world is still not as accepting as they could be of lgbtq+
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travelwithkat · 6 years
As we climb higher, the coast comes into view and the clouds clear. Beneath me lies a carpet of emerald fields, edged by a seascape of deep blues and greens. The colours are fantastic, more tropical than you’d expect to find around UK shores. We fly over cliffs and dramatic rock formations, quaint harbours and castle ruins. The sun glistens on the sea and white horses race along the sandy beach of a sweeping bay. Northern Ireland’s Causeway Coast, seen from a helicopter (or dragon’s perspective, as it says on our itinerary), is even more beautiful than I ever imagined.
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This one-hour helicopter ride is the highlight of an exciting ‘Game of Thrones’ tour that takes me to Winterfell, the Iron Islands, the Dothraki Grasslands and even north of the Wall  and to many other filming locations in Northern Ireland, the undisputed ‘Home of Thrones’. This is where the most popular television series ever made was born. A great many countries were considered but Northern Ireland was settled upon because of its variety of stunning landscapes, not to mention some very appealing tax incentives.
We visit filming locations in counties Down, Antrim and Londonderry, eat Game-of-Thrones-themed food, dress up as Yara and men of the Night’s Watch and attend one the greatest concerts I’ve ever been to, The Game of Thrones Concert Experience with Ramin Djawadi. It’s currently touring in Canada and USA and I couldn’t recommend it more. It’s spectacular.
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If you’ve not yet seen the award-winning series based on George R Martin’s best-selling books, I should warn you that this post contains several spoilers.
  How to visit Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland
Should you wish to visit the Northern Ireland filming locations yourself, there are a number of ways to do so,  each with its own pros and cons.
1.      Game of Thrones filming locations app
This interactive app is a fabulous guide to publicly accessible Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland. You can download it from these links.
Click here to download from the App Store for iPhones and iPads.
Click here to download from the Google Play Storefor Android devices.
The map allows you to flip between the filming locations and the mythical worlds of Westeros and Essos, with over 25 scenes featured in the app. It includes a lot of details about the filming locations, how geographical features were formed millions of years ago, as well as details about the scenes and which season and episode they can be seen in. Best of all it’s free!
The pros and cons of a self-guided tour
The great advantage of a self-guided tour is that you can pick and choose which locations you visit and spend as long or as little as you like at them. You can also choose the time of day you visit, which can be a great advantage if you want to photograph a particular view in a certain light or with few people around. However, some sites can be a bit tricky to find and aren’t always immediately recognisable.
Locations best seen on a self-guided tour
The Dark Hedges, Co. Antrim | Kingsroad, King’s Landing
The Dark Hedges in County Antrim is one of the most photographed places in Northern Ireland. It was the filming location of the scene where Arya Stark flees King’s Landing along the Kingsroad in Season 2, Episode 1: The North Remembers.
Cars have now been banned from driving along here, but it still gets very busy. To avoid the crowds, the best time to visit is early or late in the day and it is particularly striking in the golden hour before sunset.
To see The Dark Hedges in the snow check out a post from one of my previous visits to Northern Ireland: In search of giants and the Iron Islands along the Causeway Coast.
Carnlough Harbour, Co. Antrim | Braavos Canal
In Season 6, Episode 7: The Broken Man, when Ayra Stark is stabbed repeatedly by the Waif, Ayra escapes by jumping off the bridge into the canal. The scene where she is seen crawling out of the canal up some stone steps was filmed at Carnlough Harbour, while the scenes either side of it were filmed in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Apparently, it took around six hours to film the short scene on the steps before the director was happy with the shot. This attention to detail, as well as the impressive locations, play a big part in the success of the series I’m sure.
Cushendun Caves, Co. Antrim | Cove in the Stormlands
Also in Season 2, Episode 4, this is the cave where Melisandre, the red priestess, gives birth to the shadow creature (who goes on to kill Renly) while Davos looks on in horror. The cave, which formed over 400 million years ago, is easily reached on foot by following the short path south of the Glendun River mouth in Cushendun. The cave itself is fairly small so I could imagine visiting with a coach party would be quite frustrating.
Castle Ward, Co. Down | Winterfell
Castle Ward, a National Trust property, was the setting for Winterfell throughout Season 1, although so much of it was computer-generated it can be a little disappointing to see it in real life. I still found it a fascinating place to visit.
With Game of Thrones Winterfell Tours, you can dress up in character costume and try your hand at archery at Winterfell, in the same range seen in Series 1, Episode 1 where Brandon Stark practises with Jon Snow with their brother Robb looking on. I did this on a previous tour and thoroughly enjoyed it.
They offer a variety of tours, including overnight glamping and a self-guided cycling tour of Winterfell. The archery on its own costs £99 per person and you would need to hire a car to get there. They are a great choice, however, if you want to immerse yourself in Game of Thrones’ Winterfell for a few days and are happy to get there under your own steam as part of a self-guided tour around Northern Ireland.
Doors of Thrones
The app also shows the locations of 6 doors carved from beech trees from the iconic Dark Hedges (aka the Kingsroad), felled by a storm in 2016. Each intricately carved door shows a scene from Season 6. They can be found in bars and restaurants throughout Northern Ireland, near a Game of Thrones filming location. They’re easy to find using the app.
However you decide on seeing the filming locations, I’d recommend downloading this app.
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  2.      Game of Thrones coach tours
Offering coach tours from Belfast, Derry, Dublin and Tollymore, Game of Thrones Tours are superb. One of their guides, Adrian, showed us around Northern Ireland’s filming locations. He worked as an extra and, bearing a striking resemblance to the actor Liam Cunningham, who played Ser Davos Seaworth, Adrian also acted as a stand-in during scenes where Davos appeared at a distance. Everywhere we went he had relevant pictures showing scenes from the series shot in that location, a great memory aid for everyone on the tour. I couldn’t imagine a better guide. Adrian was funny, knowledgeable and helpful, sharing many fascinating insights into the filming of Game of Thrones.
Find out more about their tours on their website, Game of Thrones Tours.
Locations best seen on a coach tour
Ballintoy Harbour, Co Antrim | Lordsport, Port of Pyke
Ballintoy was the filming location for Theon’s return to the Iron Islands in Season 2, Episode 2: The Night Lands. This is also where he first met his sister Yara and was baptised in the name of the Drowned God. It was also used for some of the scenes around Dragonstone in Season 4, Episode 2: The Lion and the Rose. We had great fun dressing up as Yara here.
Above: It was fabulous to see Ballintoy Harbour from the air but it was easier to picture the scenes filmed here when seeing it at sea level.
Don’t think I’d scare anyone!
To see images from a stormy ‘Iron Islands’, check out a post from one of my previous visits to Northern Ireland: In search of giants and the Iron Islands along the Causeway Coast
  Larrybane, Co. Antrim | Renly Baratheon’s camp in the Stormlands
Larrybane was the location of Renly’s camp, where he held a tournament with his queen, Margaery Tyrell, at his side. Her brother Ser Loras Tyrell, is defeated by an unknown knight, revealed to be Brienne of Tarth in Season 2, Episode 3: What is Dead May Never Die. As a reward, she is granted her wish to become one of Renly’s Kingsguard, despite being a woman and unknighted.
The coast here was also the location of the kingsmoot held on Nagga’s Hill in Old Wyk, on the Iron Islands, where Yara Greyjoy, supported by her brother Theon, lays claim to the Salt Throne. She is thwarted, however, by Euron Greyjoy, when he announces his intention of marrying Daenerys Targaryen and bringing her dragons to Westeros, thereby swaying the people’s vote.
Tollymore Forest, Co. Down | North of the Wall | The land around Winterfell
Tollymore is a beautiful park, criss-crossed with a network of walking trails. Several Game of Thrones scenes have been filmed here, but they’re hard to find without a guide. Also, visiting the park with a guide who brings props wih him,  gives you another excuse to dress up!
The forest was used as the filming location for the lands around Winterfell, including where the direwolf pups were found huddled by their mother’s dead body in Season 1, Episode 1 (pictured below).
A ridiculous amount of fake snow was brought in here to film the north of The Wall forest scenes (pictured above). I’m glad I wasn’t the one who had to clear that all up!
Castle Ward, Co. Down | Winterfell
I’ve included Castle Ward here, as well as in the self-guided section, as it is also wonderful to explore with a guide who can point out where particular scenes were filmed, as you walk through the grounds. Below shows the location of the hanging tree where Jaime and Brienne came across the corpses of three women. She insisted on cutting them down and giving them a proper burial. The men who killed the women returned and Brienne had to fight them and hand out the justice they deserved.
Audley’s Field, Castle Ward, Co. Down | Robb Stark’s camp at the Battle of Oxcross
The tower and field by the vast sea loch of Strangford Lough were used in several scenes from the series, including as a backdrop for Robb’s camp at the Battle of Oxcross in the Westerlands. Having won a decisive victory, Robb walks through the battlefield and meets the healer Talisa of Volantis, as she tends wounded soldiers in Season 2, Episode 4: Garden of Bones. Love blossoms but, as fans will know, their love story ends in one of the most memorable and gruesome scenes of the series.
  Which Game of Thrones coach tour in Northern Ireland to choose
Game of Thrones Tours, which is the company I travelled with during this visit (with the excellent guide Adrian), cost from £45 per person. They offer Game of Thrones tours from Belfast, Derry, Dublin and Tollymore. I can highly recommend their tours.
During the tour we also meet Odin and Thor, the Northern Inuit dogs who, as pups, played the direwolves Summer and Grey Wind. They’re gorgeous, friendly dogs who love being made a fuss of — which is just as well as they meet hundreds of Game of Thrones fans every day. Their owners and their father have all been extras in the series.
The owners of Odin and Thor also offer coach tours which, having met them, I would assume are very good too. A full-day Game of Thrones tour from Belfast costs £50 per person. You’ll find more details here, GoTdirewolves.com.
If you are on a tight budget, the cheapest tours can be booked through an agent such as Get Your Guide, for £30 per person. I can’t vouch for how good this tour is, but the reviews are excellent and it has the added advantage of including a visit to the Giant’s Causeway, which, while not featured in the series, is a not-to-be-missed sight.
  3.    By helicopter with Cutting Edge Helicopters
The helicopter ride over the Causeway Coast was the highlight of our trip. There really is no better way to witness this beautiful land. I never imagined the sea in the UK could look so exotic with so many deep shades of green and blue. The views over plunging cliffs, lush green fields and sandy bays included many stunning filming locations that look spectacular from the air. Their one-hour tours cost £225 per person.

Locations best seen from a helicopter
Binevenagh, Co. Derry | Drogon’s Lair, Dothraki Grasslands
The Antrim Plateau formed from molten lava around 60 million years ago and at the western end, it looms over the villages of Bellarena, Downhill and Castlerock. This was the breathtaking filming location for the lair of Drogon, one of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons in the Dothraki Grasslands. Drogon brings Daenerys here after rescuing her from the fighting pits of Meereen, where the Sons of the Harpy are trying to kill her. Season 6, Episode 1: The Red Woman.
Downhill Beach, Co. Derry | Dragonstone
In Season 2, Episode 1: the North Remembers, Melisandre persuades Stannis Baratheon to denounce the Seven Gods of Westeros and burns their effigies on the beach as an offering to the Lord of Light. As Stannis draws a burning sword, Lightbringer, from the fire, Melisandre proclaims him the champion of the Lord of Light.
The lovely cliff-top Mussenden Temple, above the beach, is one of the most photographed buildings in Northern Ireland. The views along the coast from here, I’m told, are outstanding and they are one of the many reasons I’d love to return to Northern Ireland for what would be my fourth visit.
Portstewart Strand, Co. Derry | Coast of Dorne
These sweeping sand dunes were the location where Jaime Lannister and Ser Bronn land on the coast of Dorne to bring back Cersei and Jaime’s daughter Myrcella in Season 5, Episode 4: Sons of the Harpy.
  Fair Head, Co. Antrim | Dragonstone cliffs
Ireland’s tallest cliffs, which rise 600 feet above sea level, first appeared in Game of Thrones in Season 7, Episode 3, but possibly the most memorable view of them is in Episode 6: Beyond the Wall, when Daenerys mounts Drogon and flies off to the lands beyond the Wall to save Jon Snow, who, with his ranging party,  is trapped on an island in the middle of an ice lake, surrounded by White Walkers.
There is no vehicular access to Fair Head, which is privately owned farmland. The National Trust offers guided walks, while Walk NI has detailed instructions on how to get there, but please do read their advice carefully as it can be dangerous, especially in high winds.
Nothing can compare, however, to seeing the stunning cliffs of Fair Head and the dramatic Causeway Coast from the air — from a dragon’s perspective. Our helicopter ride was an hour of pure magic witnessing the beauty of Northern Ireland.
Disclaimer: I visited Northern Ireland as a guest of the tourism board. As always, I will only share with you my own honest opinions.
    How to visit Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland As we climb higher, the coast comes into view and the clouds clear. Beneath me lies a carpet of emerald fields, edged by a seascape of deep blues and greens.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose Master List
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There are moments, when life simply goes to the dogs!
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - Make it Dirty
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - To the Bark-Mobile!
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - A Real Party Pup-per
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - Dog Days of Summer
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - Puppy Love?
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - Smashing Pup-Kins
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - New Year, New Tricks
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - Kal-entine’s Day
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Additional resources:
How to Start an Online T-Shirt Business: Everything You Need to Know How to Start a Phone Case Business: A Final Guide Consider the Pup T-shirt store [Case Study] How to start a wallet company [Case Study] Print (Shopify app) Print (Buy app) 3. Start your book A book is just another type of product if you think about it. Thus, you can create one to work with a particular demand in the market.
Textbooks, picture books, comic books, poetry books, picture books, coffee table books, novels, and even ebooks - if you have knowledge or art, there are a variety of original books to bring to market. The options are endless — which is why it is one of the best businesses to start.
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Demand publishing is a safe way to test water and start publishing yourself. It also gives you control over the quality and appearance of your book.
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Introducing your book can be a great way to make money with a blog if you have or want to get started.
Examples of text types from Lulu xPress Examples of types of print-on-demand books from Lulu xPress. Additional resources:
How to Start a Blog You Can Grow Up a Business How to sell your publications online [Case Study] Crowdfunder (Shopify app) Lulu xPress (Shopify app) 4.Create digital products or online courses Digital products such as music, tutorials and templates are different from this list of small business ideas. Unlike others, they are intangible. There are no repetitive costs of production or shipping that you have to worry about, so your jeans can stay high, which is another way for the best businesses to start.
A plan to find out what makes a good digital product. What is useful enough for people to be willing to pay to download it?
Answers range from original metal bits to stock photos that can be licensed to other creators for information products and templates that help people develop their own skill sets in a particular field.
If you have a talent that can be converted into a digital product, consider putting it into a new revenue stream.
Shopify has a free digital download app that allows you to offer digital products in your store just as easily as visual products.
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How to remove malware from macs including MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac and other Macs. Malwarebytes Free. Step by step instructions from an Apple Certified. Instant automatic Mac malware removal: Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Step 4 – Re-check your Mac with Combo Clean Antivirus. To be sure that your Mac is not infected at all, it’s recommended to run a full scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Combo Cleaner Antivirus is a professional Mac Antivirus and Mac OSX Optimization Tool for users. It is equipped with powerful detection engine against virus, malware, and adware. Download Antivirus One - Virus Cleaner for macOS 10.12 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎Keep your digital wallets and keychains safe with Antivirus One, your personal cyber security expert. Antivirus One offers live antivirus monitoring to protect your Mac from adware, ransomware, spyware and all kinds of malware attacks. Download Malwarebytes for Mac (the free version) and you get a 14-day trial of the premium version with automatic (real-time) virus and malware protection. After 14 days, your trial reverts to a limited disinfection scanner. Buy the premium version now to prevent infection in the first place.
Macbook Air Malware Scan
Free Malware Removal Mac
Apple Malware Removal
Free Macbook Malware Removal
Macbook Air Malware Removal Downloads
How to remove Apple Warning Alert from Mac?
What is Apple Warning Alert?
'Apple Warning Alert' is a fake error messaged displayed by a malicious website to which users are redirected by various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). These programs are known to infiltrate systems without consent. In addition, they continually record user-system information relating to web browsing activity and deliver intrusive online advertisements.
The 'Apple Warning Alert' error states that the system is infected with a type of spyware/malware. It also states that this virus poses a direct threat to privacy (logins/passwords, banking details, etc. might be stolen) and users must eliminate the risk immediately by contacting 'expert engineers' via a telephone number ('1-800-796-7125') provided. These 'engineers' then supposedly guide victims through the malware removal process. Be aware, however, that 'Apple Warning Alert' is fake and has nothing to do with Apple. This error is a merely a scam - cyber criminals claim to be computer technicians and attempt to monetize 'services' that are not required by users. The malware does not exist and, therefore, 'Apple Warning Alert' error should be ignored. You can remove it by closing the web browser. Furthermore, PUPs continually record browsing activity by gathering various user-system information that might be personally identifiable. PUP developers collect IP addresses, website URLs visited, pages viewed, queries entered into search engines, and other similar data. They sell this private information to third parties (potentially, cyber criminals) who also aim to generate revenue by misusing personal details. This behavior can lead to serious privacy issues or even identity theft. Another downside is display of intrusive online advertisements. PUPs employ various tools that enable placement of third party graphical content on any site. Therefore, displayed ads (pop-ups, coupons, banners, etc.) often conceal underlying content, thereby significantly diminishing the browsing experience. In addition, the ads might run scripts that download and install other PUPs or even viruses. Therefore, even accidental clicks can result in high-risk computer infections. For these reasons, all PUPs should be uninstalled immediately.
Threat Summary:Name'Apple Warning Alert' virusThreat TypeMac malware, Mac virusSymptomsYour Mac became slower than normal, you see unwanted pop-up ads, you get redirected to shady websites.Distribution methodsDeceptive pop-up ads, free software installers (bundling), fake flash player installers, torrent file downloads.DamageInternet browsing tracking (potential privacy issues), displaying of unwanted ads, redirects to shady websites, loss of private information.Malware Removal (Mac)
To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your Mac with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Combo Cleaner. ▼ Download Combo Cleaner for Mac To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.
The Internet is full of deceptive websites that display fake errors similar to 'Apple Warning Alert' including, for example, YOUR MAC HAS BEEN BLOCKED, Critical Security Warning!, and Internet Security Damaged. All state that the system is infected, missing files, or damaged in other similar ways, however, they are designed only to scare and trick victims into paying for services that are not required. All PUPs are virtually identical. By offering various 'useful features', they attempt to give the impression of legitimacy, however, their only purpose is to generate revenue for the developers. Rather than providing any significant value for regular users, PUPs promote malicious websites, deliver intrusive advertisements (using the 'Pay Per Click' advertising model), and record user-system information.
How did potentially unwanted programs install on my computer?
To proliferate PUPs, developers employ the aforementioned advertisements together with a deceptive marketing method called 'bundling'. Developers know that users often rush the download and installation processes. Therefore, they conceal bundled apps within the 'Custom' or 'Advanced' options. Skipping this section and clicking various ads exposes systems to risk of infections and compromises users' privacy.
How to avoid installation of potentially unwanted applications?
Macbook Air Malware Scan
PUPs are distributed using intrusive ads and the aforementioned bundling method. Therefore, be cautious when downloading/installing software and browsing the Internet in general. Carefully analyze each download/installation step using the 'Custom' or 'Advanced' settings and opt-out of all additionally-included programs. Third party software download/installation set-ups often include additional programs - we strongly advise against using them. Note that cyber criminals spend many resources designing intrusive ads and, thus, most look genuine. Therefore, no matter how tempting the ads may seem, do not take the risk of clicking them. The main reasons for computer infections are poor knowledge and careless behavior - the key to computer safety is caution. If your computer is already infected with PUPs, we recommend running a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for macOS to automatically eliminate them
Pop-up of 'Apple Warning Alert' scam:
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Text presented within 'Apple Warning Alert' scam:
Apple Warning Alert Malicious Pornographic Spyware/Riskware Detected Error # 0x80027ee7 Please call us immediately at: 1-800-796-7125 Do not ignore this critical alert. If you close this page, your computer access will be disabled to prevent further damage to our network. Your computer has alerted us that it has been infected with a Pornographic Spyware and risk ware. The following information is being stolen… > Financial Data > Facebook Logins > Credit Card Details > Email Account Logins > Photos stored on this computer You must contact us immediately so that our expert engineers can walk you through the removal process over the phone to protect your identity. Please call us within the next 5 minutes to prevent your computer from being disabled or from information loss.
Instant automatic Mac malware removal:Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Download it by clicking the button below: ▼ DOWNLOAD Combo Cleaner for MacBy downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.
Quick menu:
STEP 1. Remove PUP related files and folders from OSX.
STEP 2. Remove rogue extensions from Safari.
STEP 3. Remove rogue add-ons from Google Chrome.
STEP 4. Remove potentially unwanted plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox.
Video showing how to remove adware and browser hijackers from a Mac computer:
Potentially unwanted programs removal:
Remove PUP-related potentially unwanted applications from your 'Applications' folder:
Click the Finder icon. In the Finder window, select “Applications”. In the applications folder, look for “MPlayerX”,“NicePlayer”, or other suspicious applications and drag them to the Trash. After removing the potentially unwanted application(s) that cause online ads, scan your Mac for any remaining unwanted components.
Combo Cleaner checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related files and folders:
Click the Finder icon, from the menu bar. Choose Go, and click Go to Folder...
Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchAgents folder:
In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchAgents
In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “myppes.download.plist”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.
Check for adware generated files in the /Library/Application Support folder:
In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/Application Support
In the “Application Support” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious folders. For example, “MplayerX” or “NicePlayer”, and move these folders to the Trash.
Check for adware-generated files in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder:
In the Go to Folder bar, type: ~/Library/LaunchAgents
In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “myppes.download.plist”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.
Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder:
In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchDaemons
In the “LaunchDaemons” folder, look for recently-added suspicious files. For example “com.aoudad.net-preferences.plist”, “com.myppes.net-preferences.plist”, 'com.kuklorest.net-preferences.plist”, “com.avickUpd.plist”, etc., and move them to the Trash.
Scan your Mac with Combo Cleaner:
If you have followed all the steps in the correct order you Mac should be clean of infections. To be sure your system is not infected run a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Download it HERE. After downloading the file double click combocleaner.dmg installer, in the opened window drag and drop Combo Cleaner icon on top of the Applications icon. Now open your launchpad and click on the Combo Cleaner icon. Wait until Combo Cleaner updates it's virus definition database and click 'Start Combo Scan' button.
Combo Cleaner will scan your Mac for malware infections. If the antivirus scan displays 'no threats found' - this means that you can continue with the removal guide, otherwise it's recommended to remove any found infections before continuing.
After removing files and folders generated by the adware, continue to remove rogue extensions from your Internet browsers.
'Apple Warning Alert' virus removal from Internet browsers:
Remove malicious extensions from Safari:
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related Safari extensions:
Open Safari browser, from the menu bar, select 'Safari' and click 'Preferences...'.
In the preferences window, select 'Extensions' and look for any recently-installed suspicious extensions. When located, click the 'Uninstall' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Safari browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.
Free Malware Removal Mac
If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Safari.
Remove malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related Mozilla Firefox add-ons:
Open your Mozilla Firefox browser. At the top right corner of the screen, click the 'Open Menu' (three horizontal lines) button. From the opened menu, choose 'Add-ons'.
Choose the 'Extensions' tab and look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Remove' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Mozilla Firefox browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.
If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Mozilla Firefox.
Apple Malware Removal
Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome:
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related Google Chrome add-ons:
Open Google Chrome and click the 'Chrome menu' (three horizontal lines) button located in the top-right corner of the browser window. From the drop-down menu, choose 'More Tools' and select 'Extensions'.
Free Macbook Malware Removal
In the 'Extensions' window, look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Trash' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Google Chrome browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.
Macbook Air Malware Removal Downloads
If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Google Chrome.
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biggy-habes · 4 years
So we left off with me and Fennie moving in with Amanda. I was a bit nervous about this, because the last 2 girlfriends that I had lived with ended up crashing and burning. One took all of our shit with her while I was at work one day. Nothing better than coming home from a hard day's work to come home to…Nothing. Jack shit. The other one had pissed on our couches and threatened to cut my dick off in my sleep. I slept with a knife in my hand that night. Good times!
So you can probably understand the hesitance. There were some major lifestyle differences between us. She was high maintenance. I am a bit of a slob. She enjoyed being young and having a good time. I was heavily into the drug-free lifestyle of NA. Also…I was a vegetarian. Not just a vegetarian, but a vegan. And a super annoying self-righteous vegan at that. Now how did I get there? How does one go from downing 50 wings at Hooters during a wrestling Pay Per View to eating cashew cheese and lentils? Well it all started with a cat named George. In 2010 I was living in a shitty one bedroom downstairs unit in a shitty part of Lawton, Oklahoma. Every so often a grey cat would be wandering around the tree outside my door. I never saw a collar on him so I assume he just would just wander around the neighborhood. When I would see him from my window I would bring him cold cuts or what not. One day I looked outside and saw him climbing into the tree, however it looked like he had something stuck to his fur. I went out to see what the issue was and give him a hand. I certainly was not expecting to see what was actually in his fur. As I got closer I saw that it was actually burns and scars. It looked as if someone had poured boiling oil on him. I was horrified! This angered me beyond being able to put into words! I felt like I needed to do something. I needed to file a report or something! So I jumped onto my computer and I immediately started searching for ways to report animal cruelty. This would lead to me reading about animal cruelty in general. And this would lead me to reading about animal cruelty in the meat industry. And THIS…would lead to the videos of animal cruelty in the meat industry. And it was that day that I decided that I could not ethically participate in the anything that would promote the things that I have witnessed that day. So from then on I was all about that Vegan Lyfe, son! That was…until I got to Boston.
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For my birthday in May we were able to take a few weeks off together and decided to do a bit of traveling. The plan was to spend a week in Boston, come back to Oklahoma, then drive to New Mexico to attend a wedding. Amanda and I had such an incredible time doing all of the touristy stuff that Boston had to offer. I knew a few friends from High School who moved to the Boston area so I had looked up a buddy and we ended up eating sushi at a low key Japanese bar near Boston Common. I figured a walk around after eating would be a nice end to the evening. Unfortunately my stomach had different plans. Soon after we started walking around the Commons I felt a rumble and a grumble. I turned to Amanda and informed her that we needed to find a restroom. STAT! Now here is the thing with large cities like Boston…they don’t just have a McDonalds or a WalMart that you can run into and use the bathroom. And as we continued walking around looking for ANY PLACE where I can duck in and do some damage the sense of urgency just kept rising. It is getting to the point where I am about to settle for an alley and a newspaper. And then, like a beacon of hope, I notice a familiar green mermaid a few blocks away. I immediately start booking with the gait of Abe Vigoda and reach the doors of the Starbucks in a nick of time. I tell Amanda to pull guard while I handle my business. For discretionary purposes I will not dive into the violent details but a few minutes later Amanda knocked on the door to ask if I was alright. And I was. I really was! That is…until I tried to flush. The toilet was broken. It was Dumb and Dumber, but in real life. And happening to me! By now I am looking like I ran a few laps. I am pale and covered with sweat. Like I said…violent. There is NO WAY I would have an explanation for what just went down. So…I did what any rational man would do. I pretended like nothing was wrong and walked out, all the time hoping that no one is waiting to use the bathroom after me. I don’t know what happened after I left that Starbucks that night, but my heart goes out to that poor employee who got assigned that mess.
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The next day we had tickets behind the first base line to watch the Sox play the Twins. It was at this game where I came SO CLOSE to achieving a lifelong dream of catching a ball at Fenway Park. A foul ball came into the stands 2 rows behind me! I immediately scrambled to grab the loose ball when a pair of kids ran towards it. I backed off to let them snag an *official* Sox game ball. Good for that kid, right? WRONG! Because he started acting like the cockiest little prick. Talking about how quick he is and teasing his brother with his "trophy catch". I sat there thinking "Listen, you little shit. If you weren't 4 foot nothing and I would have gone after that ball as if you were a grown ass man. You would have ended up somewhere near the On Deck Circle so sit down and shut your fat ice cream covered face!" Now by this time I had been a hardcore vegan for about nine months. And I had gotten GOOD at it. I learned how to spot animal products hidden in labels. I learned which restaurants had off-the-menu vegan options. But being in Boston was going to be the ultimate test. Right now just thinking about being there and not being able to eat seafood is making me the sads. No scallops. No lobster. No chowdah. At the game I was ok with my bag of peanuts while I watched Amanda scarf down a Fenway Frank. But I have always had a weakness for cheese. Not just a weakness though. It is more like I have a problem with cheese. Not the lactose intolerance problem. It is more of an "I Binge Eat Cheese" kind of problem. If I get a night of the sads I will drown my sorrows in a 1 pound brick of muenster. Not just by the slice like a gentleman. No, I have to tear off chunks with my hands like a friggin savage. I happened to notice a lady an aisle over from us eating a slice of pizza. This was not just an ordinary slice of pizza at a baseball game though. This was perfect. The cheese was still hot and melty. The grease glistened from the stadium lights overhead. In a moment of weakness I just had to have a slice of pizza. I turned to Amanda and said "I think I am going to get a slice of pizza." She looked at me, puzzled, and asked "Are you sure? The cheese isnt…" I stopped her right there. I didn’t need to be reminded. #YOLO. So that was the last night that I was a vegan. I held on to being a vegetarian for a few years after that. We can cover that later. Anyways, back to hanging out in Boston.
We tried cramming as much as possible in the few days that we had there. We did a bit of shopping (for her. Amanda was a big fan! Me…not so much. But hey, whattayagonna do?) I took the time to just wander around looking at all the cool sights, the buidings, the people.
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Our last night there we went on this super cool ghost tour around Boston Proper. It is one thing to read about these tales about Lizzie Bordon and the great molasses flood. It was a completely different ballgame when you are actually walking around their gravestones! The next day we headed back to Oklahoma, where we has just one day to rest up and pack what we needed for the wedding before hitting the road for Santa Fe, New Mexico.
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I did not really know who was getting married. The bride had been a friend of Amanda for a while. Now I know that I am usually cooler than a polar bear's toenails but this was going to be the first time that I would be meeting all of Amanda's closest friends and I was fucking nervous! This was a time where I was very uncomfortable in my own skin and my anxiety was through the roof. The wedding was absolutely stunning! It was held in an adobe brick church that you could not help but marvel at when you walk inside. As the bride walked down the aisle she had a glow to her that caught my attention. It was here that I first imagined Amanda walking down the aisle in a wedding gown. After the wedding we had some time to kill before the reception. We got changed and I put on my game face. I was in recovery at the time and Amanda and her friends still enjoyed partying so I immediately felt out of place. There was also a fair amount of guilt from the feeling that I was preventing her from having a good time. These days when I am in uncomfortable social situations I will usually just start rambling until the conversation gets awkward. However, back then I would just shut down and be the large, weird, reclusive guy. And that is how the wedding reception was. It was just a lot of sipping my coffee and smiling creepily. Thankfully we did not stay long at the reception. I feel like she knew how out of place I felt but was trying my best to power through. Due to the fact that we drove up we were able to bring Fennie along for this leg of the trip so he was a valid excuse for us to leave early.
We took a cab back to the hotel and spent the rest of the night watching TV with the pup. We spent the next day wandering around the city with a few of Amanda's friends. I felt much more comfortable in this setting as I can become charming as fuck in small group situations. Jon Haber is King of the Dinner Table. I spent most of the afternoon getting to know some of her closest friends and let them get to know me a little better now that I was more in my element. There was also something about New Mexico that made me feel at east. The Land of Enchantment has a breathtaking backdrop of mountains and mesas. The architecture of Santa Fe maintains the Pueblo culture and feel.
Amanda had recently started selling jewelry (Translation: She entered a pyramid scheme) and enjoyed looking at the street vendor shops selling various turquoise trinkets. I enjoyed the laid back pace and fresh air. And the food. The food was fucking INCREDIBLE! We went to bed early so that we could head back to Oklahoma the next morning. And that was the end to yet another memorable birthday week. Despite constantly being on-the-go I felt refreshed and grounded. As it turns out I was a hit with Amanda's friends. This was relieving, as the impression that I left on them was constantly in the back of my mind. Overanalyzing the perception that I leave on others has been the one regrettable trait that I have carried in me my entire life.
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We returned to Oklahoma and had a week of rest before we hit the road again. This time our destination would be to visit Amanda's mother outside of Vegas. I have never set foot in Las Vegas and was excited to see the bright lights and strange folk that I have heard so much about. For someone who often requires visual stimulation this was perfect!
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I am not much of a gambler so I mostly entertained myself by watching the surroundings. It reminded me of something out of one of those In-The-Near-Future sci fi movies. Strangers crowded in the streets wearing any clothing that you could possibly imagine. Celebrity impersonators would have you making constant double takes. Tom Cruise, Pee Wee Herman, Liberace, and of course the stereotypical Vegas strip Elvis. As we were preparing to make our way back to the car the sky lit up like Broadway and an easily recognizable George Thorogood riff blares from all around. Next thing you know Lonesome George is on overhead screens everywhere playing a killer 15 minute set as I sat with my mouth wide open in awe! Being sober I could not take in the FULL Vegas Strip experience but for my first time I was it was thrilling nonetheless.
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The next day we went strolling through some of the (free) attractions around Vegas. We had dropped some major coin the past few weeks and were on a tight budget. Amanda's mother lived right outside of Vegas so we had a place to stay. This was the first time meeting her mother. She reminded me a lot of my own. She had a very boisterous laugh and had a light, fun personality. She immediately fell in love with Fennie and was ecstatic to have us staying with her for a couple of days. While we were there I also met Amanda's brother and his family. So if you have been keeping track, in the course of 3 weeks I met the close friends, the mother, the brother, the sister-in-law, and the nephew. This was a pretty significant advancement in our relationship. We had to leave the next morning for Oklahoma so we opted for a nice relaxing day walking around the strip and watching the college kids having their foam parties and beer funnels. It was a great trip and I really enjoyed meeting Amanda's family. I knew that we would be back soon.
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And that is where I think we will end this chapter. Join me next time as we wrap up 2011.
And perhaps a big proposal.
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Knock Knock
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(Man I suck at titles) Okay, this one is real short, but thank you for 500 followers~
• You watched the house next door with a suspicious eye. Yes, it looked the same as it always had, you knew for certain it wasn’t the same inside. •Throughout the day you had stealthily watched moving trucks come and go aswell as a stream of boys race back and fourth. • Hid behind your curtains and scurrying away whenever someone looked your way, • It’s not creepy, really. • Honestly, you’re bummed out. •An old couple used to live in the house next door and they where seriously like grandparents to you, a comfort blanket when living alone, • (and being a complete scardey cat whenever there was an unidentified creak in your house, because that could be a serial killer and you just don’t know, you just went to their house), • They’d cook for you and always ask how you where, caring about in intensely, and in turn you’d do jobs for them they couldn’t do in their old age. • They’d moved out as a downgrade, the current house to big for them, • You’re still slightly heartbroken, • Who were you going to go to at 3 in the Morning scared of robbers now? • As long as your new neighbors didn’t have young kids that would like to play in the garden early in the morning as you try to sleep in, you’d be okay. • You’re just letting your dog in from the garden when the doorbell rings, shattering the quite of your small place and making you jump. • You don’t often get people knocking at your door tbh, • Not unless you’d ordered something or a friend had said they where coming round, neither of the two being true in this case. • You slide round your living room towards the door, you dog chasing you as if a game as your cat sits on the sofa looking slightly displeased at the disturbance. • Can you blame her? • Also, whoever suggested you had to chose between cats and dogs where dumb. • You flatten your runaway hair a little in the mirror and look your leggings and old baggy shirt up and down. • You weren’t expecting to see the outside for a couple of days, you where totally dressed down, but you can’t exactly bring yourself to care that much. • You fling your door open, because being gentle apparently isn’t something you’ve mastered yet, • A little out of breath after your little sprint through the house, •You have to do a double take. • Is it a hoard? • A party? • A cult? • A gathering or something seem to be crowded around your doorway. • You’re shook, • You take a second to count them, 11 men to be exact stand in front if you, • The combined beauty of the group almost brings tears to your eyes, they’re threatening, • Well they would be threatening if Half of them didn’t look like complete fluff balls, • Half of you wants to close the door and hide and the other half wants to ask them for beauty tips. • I mean take opportunity’s as they come, right? • Although, You don’t do either of those two options, •They all look young, some younger than you and some older, and you’re hit with the idea they might be the type to throw parties and make a mess. • If they do all this without you you’re going to be highly offended. • Because being noisy is bad enough but if they don’t even invite you to create trouble? • Unacceptable, • “We just moved in next door, we thought we’d come and say hey,” •You eye them all. If they’ve all moved in, that’s at least 3 per room, a bit of a squish. • “Well hey, I’m Y/N.” You raise an eyebrow at them, and as if in queue they take it in turns to introduce themselves, • It’s almost like a choreographed dance, they all seem to know who comes next, and while you’re a little jealous of their unity, you’re completely impressed. • Damn do you wanna become part of their gang, • You’re about to ask the normal run through questions, (where do you from? What are you doing in town?) when one of them makes a sound you have no idea how to describe. • Daniel, you think (so many names, so little time), gets down to the ground and appears to have been seduced by your cat, mittens, • (Not your name, the old couple next door didn’t think they could look after a cat anymore so you took ol’ mittens in), • But to be honest your cat can win any heart with her big blue eyes and stylish grey fur, • You’re always a little jealous when people come round and then spend the night with the cat, • But then your dog trots out from behind you and the boys are on the floor and your pets are having the time of their lives, • You don’t blame the boys though you’ve raised some beautiful children (Or adopted pets), • But you didn’t raise no street kids so you herd your animal children and the boys into your living room, that feels considerably smaller than usual with all the bodies in there, • And then your other dog trots in from the garden and you have to admit that you get lonely so you get animals, • But the boys seem damn happy with that, and while seongwoo says he’ll make sure that you’re not lonely again, • (“Damn y/n, there’s enough people to go round here,”) • They’re overjoyed with your pup’s and mittens, • But then they Remember they also came round to ask where the nearest convince store is because who can really trust Google maps? • You’re first group outing :’) • Anyway, while you are sometimes woken up by noisy kids in the garden (Jaehwan has one hell of a laugh), you still head over to theirs if you have a bad dream or are afraid of murderer’s breaking in because there always seems to be someone awake????
• It’s 3am and Minhyun is wide awake, is he nocturnal? 5 am and Jisung is up making 13 cups of coffee, 11pm and half of them are gathered in the living room having a huge Mario cart competition,
• And you’re not alone because more than once had a hoard of 11 men knocked on your door at half 3 saying they swear they saw a ghost,
• And it’s really convenient having your best friends live next door because you just walk round to eat their food or hide in their wardrobe to scare them, • Anyway you’re Hella glad they came round to introduce themselves on that first day because you get a new sense of safety,
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