#a republican wet dream
tomorrowusa · 4 months
Here is Jordan Klepper's entire special on how the GOP became the Party of Putin.
Brace yourself in that vid for another display of MAGA ignorance and stupidity.
The Kremlin is still using unmoderated social media and fake news sites to push disinformation and propaganda into the conspiracy-loving minds of Trump supporters. GOP members of Congress are among them.
The MAGA love for Putin is not due only to media manipulation. Putin's domestic policies closely mirror how the far right would govern in our country: official homophobia, greater income inequality, special treatment for billionaire oligarchs, rigged elections, a de facto official religion, poor consumer protection, censorship, restrictions on abortion, assassination of political opponents, and a lot more. What's not to like in Russia for a US far right fundamentalist? The fringe right pines for the days when women were in the kitchen, Jesus was in the classroom, gays were in the closet, and blacks were completely out of sight.
To truly understand Russia, it's absolutely necessary to talk with its neighbors – not with Tucker Carlson. So Jordan visited Estonia and met with Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.
IMHO, part of the Putin love by some Americans stems from an almost pathological ignorance of Eastern Europe. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, some idiots began proclaiming "the end of history" and whatever little learning about Eastern Europe which may have taken place in K-12 education then vanished totally.
Putin, a former officer in the Soviet secret police, wants to revive the Soviet Union in all but name. And imperialism is part of that plan.
People in the US who cheer Putin are like the Americans who applauded Hitler in the 1930s. As long as there is substantial support for Putin here we should worry about such people trying to make the US more like totalitarian Russia.
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marisatomay · 11 months
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I got bad news for you honey lol
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lesbianhallieparker · 2 years
watching yellowstone and it fucking sucks
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hotxpink · 2 months
u ever watch a movie that's so bad it just makes you angry? don't watch dashcam
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odinsblog · 3 months
🗣️This is an illegitimate and deeply corrupt Supreme Court
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By upending decades of precedent set by the Chevron doctrine, the U.S. Supreme Court has just usurped the authority of Congress by 1) elevating the court’s “expertise” over actual scientific experts in their given fields, and 2) by dictating that congress must write extremely specific laws that cover every exact issue that might ever arise—but of course the rulings of SCOTUS are not held to the same specificity. This is a pro-big-business, deregulation, Libertarian wet dream and make no mistake, it is absolutely a power grab.
It is worth noting that Neil Gorsuch’s mother, Ann Gorsuch, was a Republican EPA administrator who was determined to deregulate and destroy the EPA from the inside. And Chief Justice John Roberts worked under Ronald Reagan, and for decades toiled to ensure that the Voting Rights Act was overturned and gutted.
For added perspective, the 1980 Libertarian Party platform was to abolish the following:
• Department Of Energy (DOE)
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
• Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
• Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OHSA)
• Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
• Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
• National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
• Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI)
• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• Federal Reserve
• Social Security
• Welfare
• Public Schools
• Taxation
This is the deregulation spree of the Lochner Era on steroids.
And legalizing punishing the homeless for the simple act of being homeless? No matter how many occasional “good” decisions this court might accidentally stumble into making, this SCOTUS is anti-democratic and just plain old evil.
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qqueenofhades · 2 days
I love your essays; they are fascinating. Thank you for sharing your perspective! I have a follow up question, if you have the time or energy: in your last, you said, “It's a blueprint for a tiny group of extreme right-wing theocrats and fascists to get their way regardless of what the broader public says about it…”. Who ARE the tiny group of extreme right wing theocrats and fascists? Is it the politicians whom we see all over the news, like Vance and Boebert ands Haley and DeSantis? Or are they puppets whose strings are being pulled by donors behind the scenes, like…I don’t know, the Koch brothers and the Uleins (sp?)? I feel like whoever it is must have mind boggling amounts of money, to overcome the sheer number of people who don’t think like that, even people nominally republican who believe in traditional low taxes and small government, but are not completely bananapants. Or maybe that’s why they tagged trump, bc no one before him was willing to act like enough of an outright gangster to seriously move the needle…? How much more rich than disgustingly rich do they need to be?
Perhaps surprisingly, it's fairly easy to identify the Hall of Shame who are busily trying to end American democracy, not least because they have become increasingly open about it. Their motives are diverse but all terrible. The quick rundown is as follows:
First, the alt-right billionaires club such as Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Harlan Crow, and Leonard Leo (the last two are some of the chief funnelers of dark money to SCOTUS; Crow is Clarence Thomas's sugar daddy). They have reasons ranging from grandiose delusions about "remaking" the world in their preferred image (not at all terrifying) to attaching themselves to fascist politics in order to defeat workers' rights and labor unions, who they view as a threat to their mega-wealth. Thiel is the primary sponsor of JD Vance and the alt-right cryptobros clubs that draw the young right-wing white men who also primarily form the membership of neo-Nazi and white nationalist groups. They want to end democracy in order to punish women, minorities, LGBTQ+ people, and anyone else who Nazis always hate. Crow and Leo have lavishly funded the corrupt SCOTUS in order to influence their preferred right-wing rulings, and there are undoubtedly more who we don't even know about. This is just the tip of the iceberg and I have no doubt that it's far, far worse than anything that has been publicly reported.
Next are the extremist right-wing interest groups that have cohered around and advocated for Project 2025, which is basically just the conservative-extremist wet dream put in one place and written down. They include the Heritage Foundation (the primary Project 2025 author) the Federalist Society and the John Birch Society of right-wing judges and policymakers, and Opus Dei, the secretive Catholic right-wing influence group who are straight out of a Dan Brown novel but are in fact some of the most consequential and powerful players in MAGA World. Their name means "work of God" in Latin, which is very much what they see themselves as doing, and their reach in DC is vast, particularly in the far-right evangelical and fundamentalist Christian groups that have attached themselves to Trump as a vehicle to push through their regressive-reactionary social and cultural politics, especially on abortion, women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and other things that they view as "unholy." These are the diehard true believers who really, truly think that it's better for the US to be a fascist theocracy espousing "Right and Moral" religious views than a flawed, pluralist, and secular democracy. Hard Yikes.
Thirdly we have the useful idiots, such as Vance, Ron DeSantis, Boebert, Greene, basically pick-a-Republican-politician-here, who are pursuing fascist politics out of careerism, opportunism, some amount of genuine belief, and exploiting the age-old fissures of American racism, nativism, xenophobia, and other original sins that have dogged the country since its founding. Of course, Trump himself is chief among these useful idiots, because he's completely willing to end American democracy and install himself as Dictator-for-Life if it exempts him from having to face the consequences for all the crimes he did last time (and frankly, his entire life, which is now catching up with him). I don't think Trump has an actual consistent or coherent policy bone in his body; witness how quickly he was willing to flip-flop on the Florida abortion issue depending on what he thought was useful (and then after the backlash he received from his base). He's a malignant narcissistic sociopath who is incapable of complex reasoning and long-term planning. His only and overriding interest is himself, he will do absolutely whatever he has to in order to save himself, and as long as he has his death grip on the GOP, everyone who wants to succeed in the party or even have a future in it has to slavishly kiss Don Corleone Trump's ring. That is why many lifelong Republicans have been breaking ranks to say they will vote for Harris, because "being a Republican's" one and only qualification is now "being utterly loyal to Trump." That's it.
These are all actors based more or less in the US, but we also can't forget the fact that basically the entire Republican Party is in deep, deep hock to Vladimir Putin and other foreign autocrats (but most especially and dangerously Putin). We just had the DOJ indictment of MAGA influencers who were taking Russian black cash by the bucketload in order to spread damaging lies about Biden/Harris and pump for Trump, and this is consistent with Russia's pattern of extensive interference in American elections going back to at least 2016. It is hard to overstate how much Putin hankers to end American democracy for many reasons. He is a former KGB agent trained in the black-and-white us-and-them logic of the Cold War where the US was the USSR's archenemy, his constant mourning for the USSR's collapse has been well documented, and it would be the absolute defining and singular achievement of all of post-imperial Russian history for Putin to effectively end American democracy with a second Trump term.
This is for the simple reason that Trump is utterly in thrall to Putin and will do whatever he asks, whether it's cutting off aid to Ukraine and forcing them to accept annexation by Russia, pulling America out of NATO and letting Putin set his invasion sights on Poland and the Baltic states, and anything else. That is genuinely terrifying but very likely if Trump was re-elected, aside from the end of American democracy and the worldwide ramifications it would have to empower fascist authoritarians everywhere. Putin is trying to achieve this through a combination of good old-fashioned Soviet-style dezinformatsiya, paying off MAGA influencers, putting the entire resources of the Russian state into defaming Harris-Walz, and recruiting useful idiots like his asset Jill Stein, who has extensive Russian ties and only pops up every four years for idiot leftists to spoil their vote and ruin Democratic electoral prospects. So. Again. Hard yikes.
So that's the quick rundown of the people who are vested in Trump and Project 2025's success and why, and as you can see, while they're all different, they're all terrible. But yes: that really is a very, very small group of people, relatively speaking. And a vote for anyone except Kamala Harris and Tim Walz is a vote to empower them and also to ensure that you will never have the chance to vote again, due to living in an authoritarian fascist regime. Choose wisely.
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garr9988 · 4 months
I don’t get why Mr. Birchum has token Black, Hispanic/Mexican (idk if it specifies) and also Gay, and Asian (again I forget if they specify which kind) friends.
Like yes, any of those kinds of ppl can be conservative. Unfortunately.
But like. Why have them be Birchum’s friends? Isn’t the Republican wet dream that the world is a cishet Aryan paradise? No queers, no non-Whites? That at the end of the day, at the very core, those same fellow conservative friends would be hunted for sport and wiped from the face of the earth?
You’re telling me Mr. Birchum couldn’t even get that right?
They do the whole “we didn’t ask, you didn’t tell” thing (how did they learn the gay friend was gay then?), but like. If the show is all about insulting the queer community… what purpose does it serve to have one of them been a friend of the main character?
Is it supposed to signal to the audience that some queer ppl are okay? They clearly aren’t going entirely in the “queerness doesn’t exist” direction, they’re acknowledging at least some of it is real (from their perspective). But. Your audience isn’t the kind to tolerate the existence of gay ppl? Like?
Does anyone know what I’m saying????
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referencees · 2 months
I cannot stand the ‘I won’t vote’ mfs who are still riding atop their high horses raining down their moral superiority over us all, and using the horrors of what has happened in Palestine to justify it all. If any of yall actually gave a single practical shit about the people in Palestine you would be knocking on doors and campaigning for whoever the fuck they put on the ballet as the democratic nominee. Are you really so deluded that you think a Trump presidency wouldn’t be WORSE for Palestinians (and basically every other person on earth)??? You think he won’t allow them to scale their genocide even more?
Anti-voters would rather refuse to participate in an imperfect system than acknowledge the true reality of plans of permanent Republican fascist takeover with Project 2025. Like truly they are a Republicans wet dream. Y’all bitch and moan about everything all day long but when it comes to doing a single thing to change those things y’all can’t be bothered.
If you won’t even consider a solution to a problem unless it is ‘perfect’ you will never have a solution. None of you will EVER find a candidate who passes all your morality checks and can practically be elected and make change. You will have to make compromises with people you don’t like. You will have to work with people you disagree with. Does that suck ass? Yes it does. Has that always been the reality of a functioning democracy???? YES IT HAS. Get off your asses and vote in November.
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I wouldn't doubt it at all. He picks up and promotes every fact-free, divisive, Republican culture war to score points with the racists, bigots, homophobes, right-to-life hypocrites, gun nuts and christo-fascists who are the base of the party.
Florida - the Sunshine State - transformed into a Ron DeSantis fascist wet dream. He's promising to push his "war on woke" at the federal level if wins. He insists he can "make America great again" by saving all of us from the liberal socialist agenda ruining our country.
What kind of evil, amoral son-of-a-bitch is willing to destroy our democratic republic. The Republican kind.
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blackroseguzzi · 2 years
I really hope you guys like this one! I’d love your thoughts in the comments 🥰
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Honey kisses 🍯 💋
Summery: You are Kai Anderson’s Muse.
Warnings: language, mentions of death, mentions of sexual acts.
He remembers the first time he locked eyes with her. She was showering in the downstairs bathroom of his home. He didn’t know how she got in there, or why, but he was happy she was. He stood in front of the shower in a trance. Their eyes burning into each others as if reading the minds of one another.
He watched as she slowly rubbed the soap into her skin. He wasn’t even tempted to watch her hands glide over her perfect velvet breasts and dripping wet pussy, her eyes fixated on him was erotic enough.
Kai Anderson was anything but soft. He was manipulative, aggressive, over-critical, and slightly disturbed- but not around her. To him, she was his goddess. He melted into a puddle of desire when he was around her, but not just for her body; he craved her mind just as much.
As a political science major at Winter’s college, you were a very important part in Kai’s master plan. You were knowledgeable in his quest for world domination through power of social justice and his strong republican beliefs.
You also smelled like fresh cut roses and tasted like honey.
You were a whiskey on the rocks, and Kai was an alcoholic.
You- the drug, and he wanted to be high. All. The. Time.
He never showed the others that she was favored. She didn’t mind him railing Meadow, actually you had told him to. Meadow needed to feel wanted, and she knew if Kai made her feel that way that she could forever be loyal to him.
He always just pictured that it was you. He would fuck Meadow senseless, images of you naked and laying on a bed of flowers beneath him as he did it.
He loved his sister, and she was the only one he trusted to know who Kai Anderson really was. Winter was the only one to know him in and out…until You came along. He had been vulnerable with you, and so thankful she didn’t bat an eye when he introduced her to his parents or when he had told her about his plans for his growing cult. You was his perfect little “Tesoro”.
Some might fear Kai Anderson, and the wrath of his followers, but to some, nothing was more terrifying than YOU - because Kai was a leech, feeding off of you, trying to make the world a better one.. for YOU.
He watches you sleep, the way your body moves as you breath. He sometimes wonders why something so mundane as a human breathing could look so perfect when you do it. Kai felt as though you sometimes could read his mind. He loved girls who slept naked, and there you were, every night, your bare skin curled in his sheets. Or When he would come home hungry, you were always there with dinner ready.
Oh, and how could he forget - He loved the way you woke him up with your head under the sheets. His morning erection was always taken care of.
He never asked much of you, because you had just always done whatever it was he dreamed a girl would do for him.
Don’t get him wrong, you were your own entity. You loved Kai, but he didn’t own you like he did the rest of his cult. You never questioned the moves he made, or the people he targeted. You did however give him insight to only make him stronger. You were his little precious battery pack.
If anyone was to ever touch you, hurt you, make you angry in any way - You’d be dealt with more brutal than those who had not.
He thinks of the first time you kissed often. It was like an orgasm to his lips. He felt the addiction brew deeper in that moment. Your tongue felt as though it was searching around for his darkest secrets. Your kisses tasted so good. You were utterly addicting.
The way your body fit his like a glove during your intimate earth shaking love making sessions was when he realized you were made for him. He didn’t believe in soulmates much because of what he had seen in his parents, but damn he believed if souls were made up of something - yours and his were the same recipe.
You liked to link your pinky with his. You had stated that according to Chakra or Energy Healing, the little finger is associated with the heart meridian and the water element. As such, the pink is symbolic of feelings and emotions, happiness in particular.
He would always feel the power of your soul when he was pinky linked to you. Sometimes they would fall asleep that way, and kai would kiss your forehead and stroke your hair while you slept-The image of fucking you nice and slow while you were in nothing but your black Thursday Boots flooding his mind.
He had tried so hard to protect his queen. He knew that people around him would be able to tear down his walls if they used you against him. He knew the agonizing pain it would cause him if you were to bleed at the hands of his actions. Of course, no matter the harrowing efforts he made to keep you out of harms way- your death was loyal, furore, and for the sect of what you both had made.
So, when it was his turn, he was thankful that in the afterlife he would be greeted by you and your honey kisses.
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princesssarcastia · 5 months
thinking about the tragedy of The West Wing tonight. thinking about how jed bartlet convinced josh lyman to work for him, before they ever met, by telling the truth even when it cost him political points. thinking about how bartlet massively betrayed the trust of the people working for him, and also kind of did defraud the american public!
thinking about how even when american liberals write their wet dream political fantasy they still can't get anything done. thinking about how the bartlet white house got so stymied politically the show spent more and more time writing convoluted military plotlines, because they'd hit the ceiling of their own political imagination.
let bartlet be bartlet, they said, and bartlet wanted to lie. he compromised on his agenda and his values. he promoted moderate positions and people. he sat there and watched everything he'd worked for be unwritten by a maverick republican speaker.
the most interesting moment in the back half of the show is when bartlet attains some kind of meta-level awareness of his own ineffectiveness and sends the government into a shutdown because he can't bear to play politics by the rules anymore. but it only lasts for a few episodes before it's back to business as usual.
"Filling another seat on the court may be the only lasting thing I do in this office," Bartlet says, and he's right. yes, they negotiated that deal on social security, but they couldn't take credit for it and that was it! that was their one thing!
no, don't go after the KKK and other white supremacist groups. no, don't publish that study about the necessity of sex education. don't do anything. espouse some grand ideals and watch as they're slowing crushed by the political machinery that YOU are operating.
it's best epitomized long before aaron sorkin left, in a half-overheard exchange happening in another room.
BARTLET: I couldn't disagree more, Cal. As long as these people are funding their public school districts with property taxes, neither the value of the schools nor the value of their property is going to go up. It's a vicious circle. It's terrible and it has to be stopped. CAL: So we're going to do something about it. BARTLET: I wouldn't go that far.
That's a real issue that we need a real solution for. But instead of reaching for the stars, the west wing decided to stay right here in the dirt where our current system has left us. and here we still sit, together, over twenty years later.
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mcytblr-archive · 6 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: georgesoot
today's interviewee is georgesoot/dreamwasfound, who, in his words, "emerged from the senior living center to tell all". under the readmore is a transcript if the questions and answers.
Q: What was, in broad terms, your experience in MCYTblr? Are there any experiences/events that stand out to you?
A: Well it was primarily an outlet to channel all my obnoxious thoughts about Minecraft at the time. I had started watching Minecraft videos during the Pandemic, and came across [they who shall not be mentioned] and noticed there wasn't really a community on Tumblr yet. I just knew that someone had to show up and make it gay. It was easy to slot myself in, start making posts that I will never understand how I thought they would be funny, and slowly built up some sort of a following due to my sense of humor but also due to my ability to soberly ~critique~ the Minecraft Men as content creators, micro-celebrities, and as people. I never really fell into niches or was much aware of what other people were doing, until I was kind of folded into this idea of Dream Lying. I don't mean to sound self obsessed but I didn't really care about anything beyond my immediate sphere of friends?
For instance, you mention with other interviewees the Elections. I did not pay attention to those for a single second. I do remember we were saying "stop the count!" because we thought Georgeeehd should have won. And I dubbed Wormweeb the Prime Minister of Mcytblr, but I don't even remember who was running? Or why this even happened?
But as for other events, if they were funny or I could wring something out of them, I do remember them. For example, the mass migration of Kpoppies to Tumblr after it was suddenly "legal" to ship content creators. That compltely shifted the "culture" if it can be called that. I remember all the fake stan accounts, but I never attempted to interact with them. Obviously I remember the Tapeworm post, all the Discourse, the Controversies, how I was able to get hundreds of notes by summarizing events of the DreamSMP, my great shame in life.
But yes, most of the time, I was not there to take things too seriously.
Q: More specifically, what was your experience being in Dream Lying/early critblr? Do you think your experience differed from “main” MCYTblr?
A: As for my experience in what has been dubbed Critblr, well I've been credited with helping to start that whole movement. I think it's funny, because truly the kind of reaction to [censored]'s warcry scandal just wouldn't play out today the way it did back then. But I think it's a function of being an adult, that I could look at [censored] not as an idol, like at all whatsoever. It's easy to swept up in the emotions of things. But as a veteran of Discourseblr, and multiple fandoms, I could see through [censored]'s lack of media training and awareness of the average center left teenage perspective on these issues like it was wet tissue paper. People were mad at for that, but I didn't care what people thought of me.
Maybe by coincidence the other members of Dream Lying also had similar worldviews to mine. Everyone could look past the stanning of it all and recognize when something "canceallable" occurred and discuss it frankly and succinctly. Well I couldn't discuss it succinctly but others could. So to answer your question, yes it was a different experience from the rest of the "community." And it got to the point that it wasn't just "holding creators to account" it became fun. It was fun being the buzzkill in an ironic sense, and also fun in an unhinged way to just create these ludicrous scenarios of [censored] the Young Republican cornering you in the hallway and asking you so how does gay sex work actually though? And again, shipping was a component of this too.
And we turned out to be right. At the risk of sounding arrogant, this will become a theme.
Q: In previous interviews with DLying members, we’ve discussed that misinformation/in-jokes were a big part of the culture, one of them being that Dream sued you for libel. Do you remember any others? Did you expect so many people to believe you?
A: As I mentioned, I didn't take things too seriously. I enjoyed doing a little light trolling, such as when I infiltrated a [censored] stan tumblr server and showed everyone his dogs, and then reveled in the drama of them acting like I killed their families. People also turned on me because I abandoned The Ship for a ship that comprises of two… perpetrators of sexual misconduct as of March 2024, though that would also be true of the Popular Ship as well.
Anyway my personal computer died sometime in early 2021, so I, as is per the usual for my personality, made it into a joke because it really was quite stressful. I mentioned to Reese Georgeeehd and Ozzie ohge0rge (sp?) that [censored] must've sent a virus to kill my harddrive. This evolved into [censored]'s legal team sending me a cease and desist letter, as I'm sure I was being extra ~critical~ on Tumblr at the time.
They asked if they could make that The Official Narrative. I cautioned against it, it leaked anyway, because their "Private Twitters" had hundreds of followers, and this enabled this joke to become a full fledged rumor. And then my "ops" as the kids call them, got wind of this too. Most didn't believe it, but some had this "If it did happen GOOD!" attitude.
But some other examples… let me think. We did try to heavily imply that Ranboo was a former member of our organization. We rarely outright lied about the creators, but we did usually distort or exaggerate things when it came to us, for comedic effect. Frequently someone will say to me "Oh so and so mentioned you again," and my go-to answer is always "Tell them I got hit by a bus," or "Tell them I'm withering away from my dementia in the nursing home."
I did not expect people to believe me, because I did not spread the rumor because I had completely disappeared from the "public" by that point. I purposefully devised a very unrealistic joke in the first place, so I really don't know who would believe that. Especially since I was known to be friends and enemies with doxxers, who could find that information out if it existed.
Like the thought of [censored] being so hurt by a single anonymous loser calling him a Trump supporter and a bad voice actor and someone who was going to hold his British friend captive in his basement and force him to go on a keto diet to the point that he starves to death, or that he had offshore bank accounts to evade Taxes, or that he paid his brother to be his body double (this turned out to be true), that he was pretending to be bisexual for clout, that he had 100% cheated on his speedrun (also turned out to be true), that he had enslaved his mother as his maid, that he and his other friend from Texas would engage in a little frottage as bros do… well the list is endless. But the thought of him being so offended that he gets his lawyer, whom he pays, to send me a cease and desist letter… well it's one of the few things I came up with that was actually funny.
Uh but no, anyone with a healthy attachment to reality would never believe that.
Q: I understand that you were also in EBblr and its surrounding communities. What was that like? 
A: I was never in ebblr… all I did was watch a few Tubbo streams, realize that he was probably gay, and I was right. Because what do you expect at this point?
I pointed out publicly that Tubbo and Ranboo were engaging in some light queerbait, except that they were obviously both queer. The point was I thought they (or at least Tubbo) were trying to engineer a New [censored], because that gets you attention which gets you money… like Kaceytron was right about everything? In these spaces, being Queer is a commodity. But I'm letting the point get away from me.
In private, I mostly reacted with bemusement, and we did have some genuine enderbabies, as I called them (mostly derisively), in our server, who took it all so literally and that it was so kawaii desu. I thought it was cringe. Like, Tubbo pretending to be coy and saying Ranboo's foot was bigger than his forearm. That took me RIGHT back to my days as a cringy 19yo baby gay trying to flirt. Oh I'm getting embarrassed thinking about it. But there were a few moments that Tubbo and Ranboo manufactured together that I thought were pretty cute and wholesome.
On the whole, I'm still confused as to why I'm included in this sub-community. I approached Enderbees as a marketing thing, or something of the sort. I never read fics, I never looked at art, I never really cared. I especially didn't care about their "characters" on the SMP, which also set me apart from the genuine unironic shippers. Some thought this was worse than shipping because I was committing that dreaded cardinal sin: speculating on CC's sexualities.
And yes, I popularized the word Truthing in this context. I explicitly modeled it after 9/11 Truthers, because the JOKE (hi remember none of this was meant to be too serious) was that we were deranged conspiracists who were probably best kept away from normal society.
Q: Is it odd to be regarded as infamous within the MCYTblr niche? 
A: No it's not odd, I at least partially strove for infamy. Any attention gratifies the ego after all, not just postitive attention. Then there was the absurdity of it all. Here I was, in the Pandemic, having multiple degrees, looking for jobs, getting a job, going to work, paying taxes, and theater kids in high school were probably drawing devil horns on my pfp and throwing knives at it. All because I said everything I said about [censored], or "speculated" that Technoblade was gay because he had drama kid energy, or called Tommy annoying that one time in 2020, or babied [censored] too much. There's really no end to the list of nonsense I was spewing.
And I'd argue that I'm not infamous. Gayminecraftmen had to tell me about your blog and your interviews. I'm doing this because my friends think it would be funny. And the Drama of Georgesoot emerging from the senior living center to tell all is the kind of stupid humor I like. But aside from this, I haven't thought about Minecraft in a while. I have to be spoonfed lore about these annoying content creators who don't even make content anymore. Anything I learn about the "community" now is against my will.
At the time, maybe I was infamous, but now? I don't care. To even dignify my "infamy" would be to admit that Minecraft Youtube is even relevant anymore. How pathetic! I just filed my taxes and got an oil change last week. Me and the homies are having Dune watch parties and writing elaborate screenplays for Timothee Chalamet to star in in our heads (shout out to Ciara). To reminisce on my Tumblr infamy for a community of mostly teenagers about Content Creators who made content for said teenagers and later preyed on those teenagers… is so opposite from the adult problems and adult interest I have. Not to be condescending but that's just how it is!
Q: What are some common creator criticisms that you remember from 2020-2021? Do you still stand by them?
A: The common criticisms have held up in my opinion. [censored] and [censored] were queerbaiting. [censored] was cultivating an audience of loyal vulnerable teenagers and he took advantage. So did [censored]. And [censored] who literally bites people? Oh… okay then.
Dream Lying was right about [censored]'s friend whom he invited into his home and whom he tried to gift a career, only to be outed as an abuser. We were right about [censored] coming from not just a conservative background, but a bigoted one, one that he refused to actually grapple with. We were right about MCC being rigged. We were right about the cheating scandal. We were right about so many things.
The only thing I was definitely wrong about was the [censored] really did hop off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan. I thought he for sure would just put off the [censored] team hype house meetup forever. My psychic powers don't always work I guess. That wasn't a criticism though, just my coping. Oh and I was wrong that Ranboo was an industry plant, but I was right that he's annoying and has no talent. And Dream Lying said from day one that Tubbo and Ranboo's little relationship would not last the summer and we were right! In fact during that whole thing I also speculated that Tommy would start queerbaiting and then he did! I felt like Cassandra at times.
Anyway back to the point. I mean the criticisms of [censored] were just all encompassing, and basically stemmed from the fact that he was like all these video game boys- a white man from a republican household who was not properly media trained because Streaming is not a real industry career and none of them were prepared for fame. And that has borne out over and over again. They all have shady pasts, they all abuse their fame and take advantage of fans. So I do stand by these criticisms.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to speak on or have archived?
A: Not really, I've already said far too much, so apologies to whoever edits these, I hope you enjoy the novel I wrote for you. I don't know, I have dementia, none of this is real. Karlarmy forever. Also who even knows if I'm the real Georgesoot.
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lucifersresources · 1 month
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stupid shit said in discord servers part four meme. ft special guests from my dnd party!
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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i never wanna think a cop is funny.
flirty rat man was my nickname in college.
the moon sounds like a fun place to be.
thinking a cop is funny is a gateway drug to being a republican.
today i learned she would punch a seagull.
booty call via shared thoughts.
it's fallen angel math.
i want em gorgeous, awful and bloody.
the fuck did i just read.
i just didn't know what knotting was. i miss those times. i miss five minutes ago.
you're not an edgelord, you're just pathetic.
there will be no butt sniffing in my god fearing house!
wanna see how gay my kindle looks?
i saw a book review titled "unlikely travel companions fight their inner demons" and i just think that's all of us
come to america and we can lay down together with no spoons
sitting in vc with the two of you is probably a bit like couples therapy
i'm not a planner i'm a go with the flow-er
penguins are all non binary, confirmed
the world is a gay penguin waiting to fly
this is a win for the lgbtqa+ community, penguins are gay
new pride mascot just dropped: penguins
it'll be me shoving you in the PIT OF HELL
i'd push my friendguin off an iceberg for money ngl
penguins can accidentally end up in gay relationships
penguins are friends not food
they made weed legal in my state so now all the cop dogs are confused
they always stand there dick to dick
the giraffe wanted a pillow
have you smelt the grass?
like, sure, i am picking fights, but in an affectionate way
well now i'm contractually obligated to fight you
it's like a suburban mom's wet dream
sure, i'm better than donald trump, BUT LIKE THAT ISNT SAYING MUCH
doe, a deer, a female deer. Die, a long long way to hell -
i know you're a bot but get a grip
the jerking off motion at you is flirting
i hate it when my upper body grippers don't grip.
have you tried the lower grippers?
having to explain my joke makes me want to murder you
don't take my inches away from me, i need all the ones i can get.
nevermind, I'm not an eldritch horror anymore
are you a pretty worm?
i'll airfry a ghost i'm not afraid
kinky. not into that though
gay stuff in the creepy basement causes swollen lips?
*eddie culz voice:* say it out loud.
my brain just imagined Edward Cullen in like a rap outfit
eddie culz before the beat drops: hold on tight spider monkey
but am i a pretty melon?
what is ur secret, thumb
you guys are both bullies, you dont count
i am a hole
not to be a hole about it, but me too.
i am become cheese
mm i'm so edible.
i was eating my ass
sometimes it takes a dick to teach
when u don't get a regular boner but a fang boner
he fakes his death a lot
the threat is… unthreatening at best.
i imagined a finger waggle. it’s important.
the ghosts are still in *name* and *name's* head. fucking sick bro.
we see an exorcist fucking freak crawling along the ceiling...
Dora The Explorer: Madre, Pick Me Up I’m Scared Edition
Skel and the eTons make their debut into the world.
critique me, writing daddy
it's me and my guiding bolt against the world
humans can’t exactly lick their own assholes
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cbk1000 · 8 months
Not to keep belabouring this point, but as we are now in Election Year, this is your friendly reminder that I don't give a fuck what you think about Biden. I don't care how you feel about his administration's response to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. I don't care if you think he's too old, not progressive enough, etc. etc. etc.
The reality is that, unless something major changes, either Trump or Biden will be elected to the presidency in November. Our voting system is deeply flawed and deserving of criticism. But nothing magical is going to happen between now and November. There will absolutely, categorically, be no other viable choice, no third-party candidate, no perfect leftist wet dream that swoops in at the last minute to make you feel tingly in your moral purity. Unless one of them dies between now and then (and even if Biden does, guess what: the Dems aren't going to put up the Ideal Progressive as their candidate), you will get Biden, or you will get Trump. If you think you are Doing Something for the Palestinian cause by helping Trump to get elected--and that is what you are doing if you throw a tantrum and abstain from voting in a race that current polling indicates is going to be sphincter-clenching tight--I have a bridge to sell you very cheap.
However poorly you think Biden is doing, what do you think a second Trump term is going to do, domestically and abroad? Trump has consistently and regularly praised various dictators and authoritarian strongmen around the world. He admires them. He wants to be one of them. That is who we will have if Biden is not elected. You will actively harm not only vulnerable people in the U.S., but those outside this country who will be affected by the policies of Putin's biggest stan.
You need to hold your nose and vote. I am genuinely sorry that is the reality of our broken election system, but it IS the reality, and ignoring that will do far more harm than voting for Biden. Everywhere the Republicans hold power they are pushing anti-abortion legislation, they are banning books, they are trying to prevent teachers from talking about racism, they are denying trans people access to medical care. If you want to see that at the federal level, then go ahead, don't vote. And then shut your fucking whiny mouths about the Progressive Cause, because you don't even care enough about it to make the most basic effort to try and stop the people who are actively harming all those minority groups you only advocate for in online echo chambers where you think you can get a rimjob for being a good little progressive who uses all the right buzzwords.
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tariah23 · 2 months
All of these posts talking about the shooting were complete misdirects. Really got our hopes up… only to learn that this could’ve possibly been staged 😭. The “epic,” fist in the air…? This is literally a republicans wet dream. He probably looks so powerful to them in that image. They’ll be eating this shit up for years to come.
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gravitasmalfunction · 5 months
RIP(?) to my morally ambiguous Republican-era Chinese general dad from my dream last night who mostly reconciled with my dream long-suffering society mother who truly loved him, by taking her to see the spectacular Western-style flower garden at some bigwig's house where we were all attending for dinner, that led to a small beach where we wandered along the sand at the water's edge and laughed as our stiff leather shoes got wet from an unexpected large wave. I was so happy to cling to my hitherto standoffish father's waist and hear him and my mother laughing again! The beach turned into a family reunion and we turned our backs to the water and squished together for a family photograph. I heard a huge wave gathering behind us but I didn't want to ruin the moment so I didn't make a fuss and tell everyone to run up the beach as fast as they could. The water came up to our necks and knocked us off our feet, and when it receded, we couldn't find dream general dad. Dream mother was hysterical. The water had receded to expose rocky shoals off the beach, but there was no sign of him there or in the remaining water. Dream mother and I searched while dream brother begged us not to go out and look for him and hurt ourselves on the rocks. Maybe dream dad had washed out to the inlet and swam to shore and would be waiting for us at home? I remembered his non-committal answer back in the flower garden when dream mother asked him if he was going back to rejoin command, and he just smiled and said it didn't matter. Did he plan this? But how could he have planned it, the wave was a freak accident! Did he spot an opportunity and just take it? Is he really dead or is he just dead to us, his dream family? Dream mother is determined to find him and determined that he should still be alive, if we can just try hard and rescue him. I can still feel his warmth through his uniform jacket where I wrapped both arms around his waist and clung to him the entire time like a little barnacle, not letting go for a second. How can he be gone?
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