#a small little thing of the little prince's relationship with his rose
In the beginning, everything had started out okay.  
Not great, not amazing, but not terribly bleak either—it was somewhere in the middle of love and tolerance.  The bleary nature of the two would often bleed together as each day passed with a sunrise and a sunset.  By the time night fell, it was impossible to predict how the next day would treat them.
Whether the wind would be in his favor, or if he would be subjected to her hauteur scorn; it was impossible to tell.
He loved her dearly in every way that he could possibly love.  He loved her with poetry and songs on the tips of his lips.  He loved her with water and a gentle hand to pluck the weeds at the base of her stem.  He loved her with a glass dome to keep her safe from the wind and the butterflies.  But they were young, and would not grow to learn what love was until much later.
She tried to love him back, but could never understand what real love was.  Roses were not born with the same feelings of tender care and kindness as a young boy.  She never would be able to reciprocate his love with sweet words and nectar-flavored kisses.  
She could not care for him when the wind would fill his sickly lungs with stardust and sickness.  She could not care for him when a nebulous cloud of sadness would make it hard for him to look at her in the morning and he would withdraw.  And she could not care for him when her apathetic words caused him harm.
A rose and a prince: too young to understand what it meant to be together.
And yet, they loved each other in the only way possible for their youth while on an asteroid too small to house them both.
For an indeterminate amount of time, they waltzed in an ever-wistful dance of miscommunication and strife.  Neither could tell what the other truly wanted until there was an air of dissatisfaction settling in the spaces between.
The lines between them were incoherent and blurred as they groped blindly for a ground on which both could stand without overtaking the other.  When one tried to speak up, the other got drowned out and pushed to the side.  If he bent to her wishes, he would wilt underneath the setting sun.  But if he did not, she would wither against the wind.
Her truculent words were always full of honey-rich sarcasm, waiting for him to respond in the juvenile way that he always would.  They would argue.  She would cough dramatically as if the mere conversation made her ill.  And he would sulk off to tend to his asteroid.  But there was never enough space for the air to really clear the acrid tension.
They were too young to understand each other, too different, too ignorant of everything going on around them; stuck together as denizens on a tiny asteroid.
Every night, he covered her with a glass dome carefully constructed to protect her from the incessant wind; in turn, she would complain about the stuffiness of the wretched object every morning.
With her florid complexion, she used it as a testament to her vanity, obsessed with her delicate petals and three pathetic-looking thorns.  All day it would be all she would talk about: her petals, her stem, her leaves, her thorns.
Of course, she was beautiful, as all roses were, but the Prince had never seen a rose before.  So to him, she was the most laudable thing he had ever seen.  Even with the way that she would close up her petals, turn away from him contemptuously, and pretend to wither just to make him feel bad.
He listened to her talk on and on, in return she would merely cast him a glance and stick her vinous petals up into the air.  He protected her from weeds and insects, and she complained about him not doing it well enough.  He tried to offer a different solution and she would cough and choke up, refusing to say anything for the rest of the night.
Every day went on the same, an endless back and forth of wishing to understand the other a bit better.  She couldn’t begin to understand the love that he showed through his actions and words.  And he was unable to recognize her fondness of him since it was so well hidden behind every peremptory complaint.
Days turned into weeks.  Weeks turned into months.  And months turned into a disconcerting year.  Sunrise after sunset.  They were still too young to come up with that perfect balance between love and tolerance.
Soon, and with little warning, the Prince’s asteroid had become too small for him.  Too small for him to continue to tend to in the way that he had done previously.  His volcanoes seemed like massive pits that he could scarcely hide behind.  His chair was too small for him to recline in and watch the sunset as he once did (even now the sunsets didn’t bring him the same solace as before).
And because they were too young to understand each other, the Little Prince could not come up with a better escape than to leave.  No words were spoken as he took advantage of a flock of migrating birds to take his leave.  The Rose watched him apathetically and turned her petals away from the sight, trembling in the wind that she would soon have no protection against.
With no destination in mind and suddenly feeling unfortunately small in the ineffably large galaxies, the Little Prince allowed rivulets of tears to carve lines down the delicate skin of his cheeks.  He loved his rose dearly, and yet the pain of staying was too overwhelming for him.
They were both too young to know how to properly love.  So the Little Prince left his rose alone on his asteroid with the uncertainty of when he would return, if at all.
A Prince and a Rose, loving in nature and yet incapable of understanding what that was supposed to mean.
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parkerslatte · 5 months
Fated Meetings
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Eris Vanserra x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: none.
Summary: Since the babysitter Y/N usually hires had to cancel last minute, Y/N is forced to take her four year old daughter to a ball in the Autumn Court. While Y/N gathers drinks for her and her daughter, she finds her missing and in the arms of a certain High Lord.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
Y/N held onto her daughter, Sapphira’s hand tightly as she and the rest of the Inner Circle entered the ballroom. It was not ideal to bring Sapphira along to such a high profile event and it was not a good idea to expose her to such powerful fae at only the young age of five. But Y/N had no choice. The usual babysitter was away in another court and with no one she could leave Sapphira with at the last minute, Y/N was forced to bring her along. 
Of course, Sapphira hadn’t minded in the slightest. When she was born Rhys had spoiled her with glittering gowns fit for a princess. No matter how hard Y/N insisted he did not need to give her small little family anything, Rhys insisted. With nowhere to wear her elaborate gowns, Sapphira only wore them around her own bedroom and whenever Y/N read her a princess story. The young girl always pictured herself within the story, dancing with a handsome prince. Once Y/N told her she could wear one of her gowns to an event, Y/N was sure she had never seen her daughter so excited. 
Y/N glanced down at Sapphire and smiled at her daughter. The young girl’s gaze constantly bounced between everything that moved and glittered. But Y/N couldn’t blame her, she was doing the exact same thing. It was her first time in the Autumn Court and it was nothing if not beautiful. Even more beautiful than Velaris, Y/N thought. 
As the Inner Circle branched off around the ballroom, Y/N looked to her daughter. “Do you want a drink?”
“I want to dance!” Sapphira exclaimed. 
Y/N looked to the dancefloor and found it vacant, with the exception of a singular elderly couple. Y/N did not want to risk Sapphira being so exposed like that. 
“What about later?” Y/N suggested. “They might play that music you love later.”
Sapphira thought about it for a second, her brain ticking. Y/N would have loved to know her thought process. 
“Okay, mummy,” Sapphira said.
Y/N smiled at her daughter and squeezed her hand lightly. “Let’s get you a drink.”
Y/N led Sapphira to the drinks table and reached for two cups of water. If Y/N did not have Sapphira with her, she would have indulged in the champagne that was being offered. But tonight Y/N wanted to be on high alert in case anything happened to Sapphira. 
Y/N pulled Sapphira to the side of the room and leaned against the wall while she sat down on the floor. People around her glanced back at the two, some with disgust and Y/N glared at them. 
“Y/N?” A voice startled Y/N as she lightly jumped back. 
Y/N turned to the source of the voice and she smiled. “Lucien!”
Y/N wrapped her arms around the youngest Vanserra and greeted him warmly. She had always liked talking to Lucien and she always enjoyed how he was around Sapphira. Y/N knew of the hard time he had settling into the Night Court so she always made sure to make him feel welcome. 
“I have not seen you in forever!” Y/N exclaimed, stepping back from Lucien. “Is the Day Court treating you well?”
Lucien smiled. “As well as ever. I’m currently bouncing between there and here. Ever since Eris became High Lord, he made one of his priorities to repair our relationship.”
“And how is that working out?” Y/N questioned.
Lucien sighed, though it was content. “Surprisingly well, considering everything.”
“It’s good he is working on fixing everything between you,” Y/N said. 
“After he explained everything, I feel as if I understood him better,” Lucien said. “I could see hints of the brother who used to play with me to distract me from Beron when I was a child.”
Y/N smiled. “I think you would have been a difficult child.”
Lucien gasped. “I was not. I believe I was quite delightful, perhaps even more delightful than your own child.”
“You could never be more delightful than Sapphira,” Y/N said, smiling. “She is the sweetest child in the whole world.”
“I cannot argue with that,” Lucien said, a glint in his eye. “How is she? I haven’t seen her in a while.”
Y/N frowned. “What do you mean? She’s right here–”
The space where Sapphira was sitting on the floor was now vacant. All that was left was the cup of water that was still full. Y/N’s heart began to beat faster as panic rose within her. 
“Sapphira!” Y/N exclaimed, scanning the room for any sign of her daughter. 
“I can go and see if she has left the ballroom,” Lucien said, suddenly serious. “Do you want me to inform Azriel? He could probably find her quickly.”
“No, do not inform anyone from the Inner Circle. If they find out she is missing, it will turn into a bloodbath here and I don’t want Sapphira seeing that,” Y/N said. 
Lucien nodded before taking off. Y/N did the same and began the search for her daughter. 
It had been roughly five minutes or Y/N thought before a young maid tapped her on the shoulder. 
“Yes,” Y/N said, quite sharply. 
The maid flinched slightly but did not back away. “I believe I have just passed your daughter in the gardens, just through those doors there. She looked an awful lot like you.”
Y/N looked at the large glass doors leading to the beautiful gardens outside. Of course her daughter would sneak away to one of the most beautiful places in the court. Y/N said a quick thank you to the maid before she quickly left in the direction of the doors. 
As she slipped out, the sound of the ballroom faded away and was replaced by the slight breeze and distant chatter. One of the voices extremely familiar. Y/N frowned and hurried in the direction of the noise. As soon as Sapphira was safely back in her arms, she was leaving the court immediately. 
“See those hills over there?” The unfamiliar voice asked softly.
“Yes,” Sapphira answered.
“Those hills are special because they are home to the rarest flowers in the whole of Prythian,” the voice said. A masculine voice. 
Y/N only walked faster. 
“See at a certain time every night, they glow, not for long but long enough to light up the entire hill.”
Sapphira gasped. “I want to go there!”
Y/N closed in on the pair. The figure was holding her daughter in his arms and Y/N wanted nothing more than to put an arrow through his head. She was not very good at wielding weapons, preferring to do the healing of a wound rather than inflict it, but if he did not put her daughter down, she would suddenly become the best archer in the whole of Prythian. 
The man chuckled. “You will need to ask your mother. Speaking of which, you should go back inside–”
“That is right, Sapphira. Get away from him,” Y/N spoke up. 
As soon as Y/N spoke, the man turned around and Y/N gasped. The man holding her daughter was none other than the High Lord himself. Eris Vanserra. 
“High Lord,” Y/N said, dipping her head. “I didn’t know–”
“Y/N, please, there is no need for formalities,” Eris said and set Sapphira down on the floor. 
“How do you know my name?” Y/N questioned.
Eris smiled softly and Y/N swore it was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. “Well my little brother speaks of you a lot and this one,” Eris nodded his head to Sapphira who was brushing down her gown, “speaks a lot about you.”
“Mummy, can I stay outside with Eris, please? He is really nice!” Sapphira said, running up to Y/N and tugged on the bottom of her dress. 
“I don’t know,” Y/N said, briefly glancing at Eris. “I’m sure he is busy.”
“In fact I am quite free,” Eris said. “I dread to go back indoors.”
Y/N stepped closer to Eris. She had never spoken to him before. Though the Inner Circle have spoken about him a lot, none of the comments were too positive. Though the demeanour of the male standing before her contrasted the image she had conjured up in her head. 
“Isn’t this whole ordeal for you?” Y/N questioned. “Isn’t that the whole reason me and my daughter were dragged here?”
“Dragged?” Eris questioned. “I believe your daughter was more than ecstatic to come tonight.”
Y/N looked down at her daughter. “How much did you tell him? You have only been gone ten minutes.”
“She did not stop talking,” Eris said. “Barely let me get a word in.”
“She is normally shy around new people,” Y/N said as her daughter stepped around her legs and closer to Eris. 
“I’m the eldest of seven children,” Eris said, “I’m good with kids.”
“Please can we stay out here a little longer, mummy? I like it here!” Sapphira said, pulling Y/N closer to Eris.
Despite the darkness, Y/N couldn’t help but admire Eris’s beauty as she inched closer to him. His copper hair was immaculately styled on the top of his head, a single strand falling in his eyes that she itched to push back. 
“I suppose we can stay here a little longer,” Y/N muttered.
Sapphira expressed her delight while Eris only smirked. “Perfect. I can show the two of you around the gardens.”
“In the dark?” Y/N challenged.
“You seemed to admire something else in the darkness,” Eris said, his voice loud enough for only Y/N to hear. “Though I can’t guarantee that the gardens are as beautiful as your view currently.”
Y/N flushed and stepped away from Eris. “Well, show the way, High Lord.”
Eris smiled and held out his arm for Y/N to take. “It would be impolite of me to not offer you my arm.”
Y/N glared at him before wrapping her arm around his. Sapphira walked just ahead of them, eager to see the rest of the gardens. 
Y/N watched Sapphira run around between all of the hedges fondly, she had never seen her daughter look so happy. Currently, her and Eris were situated on a bench, he lounged upon in, completely relaxed. His jacket was unbuttoned and the crown that was situated on the top of his head was in Sapphira’s hands. 
“We should get back inside soon,” Y/N said, turning to face Eris. 
“You said that ten minutes ago,” Eris teased, crossing one of his legs over the other. 
Y/N flushed once more and turned to face her daughter, who stopped to admire a large rose bush. “I know, but she is so happy out here. She has always been a happy child, but out here…it's different. Our small apartment doesn’t have a garden so Sapphira doesn’t really have anywhere to play.”
Eris studied her for a moment. “What do you do for a living, Y/N? I don’t believe Lucien has ever brought it up.”
“I’m a healer,” Y/N replied. “I help out the Inner Circle quite a lot.”
“You speak about it like you are not part of it,” Eris remarked.
“I’m not,” Y/N replied. “I just attend any matters in other courts in case a healer is needed urgently. I’m not particularly close with anyone except Azriel, he is the one who introduced me to Rhys and Feyre.”
Eris let his gaze fall to Sapphira. “And Sapphira? I assume she is not a healer.”
Y/N laughed. “No, and she would make an awful healer when she grows up, and she has never taken an interest in it. I didn’t have a choice but to bring her tonight, my usual babysitter is in the Winter Court visiting family.”
Eris smiled and Y/N was sure that the image of it would be burned into her memory. “I assume her father is busy.”
The smile from Y/N’s face faltered. “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t seen him since the moment I knew I was pregnant with Sapphira.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Eris apologised. “I didn’t know.”
Y/N gave him a tight lipped smile. “Not many people do. We were together for three years and when he noticed my shift in scent, he was gone before I even realised what was happening. Only Azriel knows the real truth, and now you do too.”
“Well I say that he missed out,” Eris said, leaning closer to Y/N, “on an amazing daughter and her gorgeous mother.”
Y/N didn’t look away from him, in fact her gaze fell to his lips. But just as she caught herself she looked back to his eyes, only to find a hint of amusement in them. “Well, if he stuck around then I wouldn’t be talking to a rather handsome High Lord, would I?”
This time, Y/N was the one to surprise Eris. He cleared his throat and looked away. “We should go back inside.”
“Look who’s eager to get away now?” Y/N teased. 
Eris tilted his head as he leaned closer. “Sweetheart, I would need to be dragged kicking and screaming to be pulled away from you. But this whole event is still about me and there are most likely many guests wondering where I have been.”
“Mummy!” Sapphira exclaimed. “Can we go and dance now? You said I could dance later.”
Sapphira ran to where Y/N and Eris were sitting, still clutching Eris’s crown. Y/N stood from the bench, her arm brushing Eris as she did so, she hadn’t realised how close the two had gotten during their conversation. 
“Of course, sweetie,” Y/N said and held out her hand.
“Is Eris coming?” Sapphira asked, looking up at Eris with wide eyes. 
Eris smiled and stood to his feet. “Of course.”
Sapphira smiled wide and gripped onto Y/N's hand and then Eris’s and began to drag them with all of her strength back to the ballroom. 
Y/N leaned closer to Eris. “You don’t need to come with us, if you prefer to be out here, you can say no to her.”
“Like I said, there are most likely plenty of people who are wondering where I went,” Eris replied. “And wherever you are going, I will follow.”
Y/N looked away from Eris just as Sapphira dragged them through the doors to the ballroom. There were still plenty of people inside and there were plenty of people on the dance floor. 
“This is where I must leave you both,” Eris said. “It seems that my brother is trying to get my attention.”
Sapphira looked up at Eris. “Please stay.”
“Sapphira, Eris is busy and needs to get back to his duties,” Y/N said. 
Eris looked at the young girl and bent down to meet her height. “How about this? Once I finish my duties for the evening, I will come and dance with you and your mother?”
“Eris you really don’t–”
“Yes please!” Sapphira exclaimed. 
Eris smiled and Y/N swore that she would melt. “Perfect.”
Sapphira held out Eris’s crown to him. “This is yours.”
Eris gently took the crown from her hands. “This crown always looked silly on me.” He placed the crown on top of Sapphira’s head. It was too big for her but her hairstyle kept it in place. “Why don’t you hold onto it for me? Remember this is a very important job.”
Sapphira’s eyes lit up. “I will protect it!”
Eris smiled before standing up. “I will see you later, Y/N.”
Y/N could feel many eyes on her as Eris spoke to her but she couldn’t find it within herself to care. “I will see you later, Eris.”
After bidding goodbye, Y/N thought Eris would simply leave to attend to his duties. However before he left he gently took Y/N’s hand in his, his skin soft, and brought her hand up to his lips, pressing his lips against her knuckles for a lingering moment. Her daughter giggled happily at the gesture while Y/N only held onto Eris’s hand tighter, something within her wanted him to stay. 
When he released her hand, Eris’s gaze lingered upon Y/N for a moment longer before he turned and walked away, creating a path through the many dancers on the ballroom floor. Y/N watched where he left, a lovestruck expression on her face which was only interrupted by Sapphire gripping onto her hand. 
“Are you going to marry him?” Sapphira asked.
“What!” Y/N exclaimed, looking down at her daughter. “Of course I’m not.”
Sapphira giggled happily and pulled Y/N’s hand. “I want to dance!”
With one last glance in the direction Eris disappeared, Y/N nodded. “Let’s go then.”
“This better be important,” Eris said as he neared closer to Lucien. 
“I see you were the one who found Sapphira,” Lucien said. “Y/N was worried sick about her.”
“I was in the gardens,” Eris said. “If anything she found me. Now, what was so important you needed to drag me away from a beautiful woman. Isn’t your mate around here? Shouldn’t you be entertaining her instead of pestering me.”
“Elain couldn’t make it tonight,” Lucien said. “And do my ears deceive me or did you say that Y/N was beautiful?”
“You certainly didn’t mention that in your stories about her,” Eris said. “And nor did you mention that Sapphira’s father isn’t in the picture.”
“Well I have a mate,” Lucien said. “My loyalty resides with Elain, I cannot go around calling other females beautiful now, can I? And you brought up Sapphira’s father to her? I knew you hadn't entertained the company of many females in the past few years, Eris, but who knew you were incapable to woo one without bringing up past failed relationships.”
“Oh, shut it,” Eris sneered at his brother. Lucien only laughed. “Is this the only reason why you called me over here?”
Lucien took a sip of his wine. “Yes. After all, I have been mentioning her quite a lot around you as of late. I thought you might need a push to talk to her and I gave you one when I secretly told Sapphira to go into the gardens earlier to find you.”
Eris glared at his brother. “You sent Sapphira out to me?”
“I did. I saw the look in your eyes the moment Y/N entered the ballroom and how quickly you left,” Lucien said. “That look in your eyes, I know you felt it. That snap.”
Eris sighed. “Can we not talk about this now?”
“We will talk about it now or you will avoid it,” Lucien said. “I knew you would like her but I never thought she was your mate, Eris.”
“Well it clearly hasn’t snapped for her, so please don’t bring it up to her until I am ready to tell her,” Eris pleaded with his younger brother. 
“Tell her, Eris,” Lucien said. “I know Y/N and I know that she deserves love, a real home. And I know that you crave the same. Tell her, from what I can see, she likes you too.”
Eris looked out at the ballroom and spotted Y/N and Sapphira instantly. Y/N looked so carefree dancing with Sapphira and Eris could only smile at the sight. That golden thread connecting him to Y/N tugged him toward her. He took the first few steps on his own. Everyone else in the ballroom seemed to disappear as Eris took a few more steps. As he continued to walk towards her, Y/N looked up at him. 
Eris felt like his heart stopped beating. The pull toward her became stronger and stronger. She was beautiful. The most beautiful female he had ever seen. The moment he had seen her walk into the ballroom he thought that. And the moment he felt the bond, he was overcome with emotion. He had left the ballroom to the safety of the gardens to process everything. Until a young girl approached him and he instantly knew who the child belonged to, he could see it in her features, she looked exactly like her mother. And she was the one to bring his mate into his life the moment she disappeared from the ballroom.
“Eris?” Y/N’s voice interrupted his thoughts. 
He hadn’t noticed but he was now standing back with Y/N and Sapphira. 
“Yes?” Eris said.
“Have you finished with your duties for the night?” Y/N asked. 
Eris nodded. “I have. Now I am yours.”
Y/N smiled and Eris. “Just for tonight, of course.”
The wide smile on Eris’s face faltered. “Yes, just for tonight.”
“Eris, can you dance with me?” Sapphira asked, gripping onto the edge of Eris’s jacket. 
Eris looked at the young girl and his smile returned. She still wore his crown and it now sat crooked on top of her head. “Of course. Will you join us, Y/N?”
Y/N shook her head. “All of this dancing has worn me out. I will get a drink for myself. I trust you to look after her.”
Eris grasped her hand in his. Sparks flew at their connection. “I will join you after we dance.”
Y/N chuckled. “Good luck trying to get her off of the dance floor.”
Eris smiled and brought his other hand up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. He allowed his hand to linger on her cheek, caressing her face gently.  “I will try my best to get her back to you in a timely manner.”
Y/N smiled and Eris swore she leaned into his touch. “Again, she will dance until she falls asleep,” Y/N replied.
“Then I’m afraid we will be here all night because I, too, love dancing,” Eris said. 
“You will need to show me some of your dance moves sometime,” Y/N said, her hand caressing his wrist. 
Eris smirked and leaned forward, his breath brushed her face. “I will happily show you anytime.”
“You better,” Y/N said.
“Eris, can we dance now?” Sapphira asked.
“Of course, give me just a second,” Eris replied. He turned back to Y/N. “I will see you later, Y/N.”
Before she had the chance to respond Eris pressed a kiss to her cheek, close to the corner of her mouth. Y/N didn’t respond as Eris stepped away, sweeping Sapphira in a dance in the centre of the ballroom.
Y/N remained still as she watched Eris and Sapphira dance, many moved out of the way to not disturb the High Lord. Though many gave the High Lord questioning looks as he danced with an unfamiliar girl. Y/N’s heart was racing.
“Y/N?” Azriel asked, approaching her. “Are you okay?”
“Eris…” Y/N began, but words failed her.
Azriel’s gaze followed Y/N’s and he went rigid. “Why is he with Sapphira?”
“He–” Y/N cut herself off as she finally tore her gaze away from Eris and Sapphira to look at her friend. “Azriel. Eris is my mate.”
Azriel’s head snapped to Y/N’s. “Your mate? That is not possible.”
“It is,” Y/N said. “I feel it. I feel him.” Y/N placed her hand over her stomach, feeling where the tug was coming from, connecting her to Eris. 
“Does he know?” Azriel asked, placing a gentle hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
“I don’t know,” Y/N said. “He hasn’t mentioned it.”
Y/N returned her gaze to Eris and Sapphira and her heart melted at the sight. Sapphira stood on Eris’s feet as he walked her through a dance, a carefree smile on his face. “He is so good with her.”
Though Azriel was still tense, his gaze softened as he looked at the joy on the young girl’s face as she danced with Eris. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Azriel asked once more.
“I think so,” Y/N admitted. “I am just shocked. I never thought I would have a mate.”
“I’m shocked too,” Azriel muttered. “Considering it’s Eris of all people.”
Y/N gently hit his shoulder. “He is a good male.”
“And you have figured that out from one conversation?” Azriel questioned.
Y/N shook her head. “I know because of how he treats Sapphira.” Y/N nods her head to the two still dancing, Sapphira with a wide smile on her face. “Be honest and say you have never seen her that comfortable around a stranger before.”
Azriel looks at Sapphira and Eris. “I haven’t.”
Y/N smiles. “And that is how I know that he is a good male. Because my daughter is an excellent judge of character.”
Azriel sighs. “Just be careful.”
“There is nothing to be careful of,” Y/N said. “But to put your mind at ease, I will be careful.”
Before Azriel has the chance to respond, Eris interrupts the conversation, carrying Sapphira in his arms, her eyes slowly closing. “I believe your daughter is ready for bed.”
“I’m not…” Sapphira mutters, as her eyes droop once more, her head resting on Eris’s shoulder. 
“I can take her back home,” Azriel offers.
“Or I could have a room set up here?” Eris suggests, looking at Y/N. “It saves you returning home too.”
There is something in Eris’s eye that Y/N could only describe as pleading. He wanted her to stay at the Autumn Court for the night. Y/N couldn’t think of any reason why she wouldn’t want to. “Only if it’s not too much hassle.”
“Of course it isn’t,” Eris answers. “I can take you both to a guest room. The finest I have to offer.”
Y/N smiled. “Honest anything will do, Eris. I’m sure that you have more important guests who will need that room more than us.”
“My two most important guests are right here,” Eris said. “Now, shall we get going?”
Y/N looked at Azriel, who she had only just realised was still standing there. “Tell Rhys where I am?”
Azriel looked at Eris, his gaze hard. Eris only stared back at the shadowsinger, nothing in his eyes to suggest any ill intent. Azriel relaxed. “I will see you when you return, Y/N.”
The shadowsinger left, not before giving a warning look to Eris. The High Lord cleared his throat. “Well, shall we get going now?”
Y/N nodded. “Lead the way.”
As Eris tried to hand Sapphira over to Y/N, the young girl clung to his jacket, seemingly not wanting to leave Eris. Eris sent Y/N a panicked look. Y/N smiled at him. “It’s okay. When she is sleepy she always clings onto people she trusts.”
The touched expression on Eris’s face was enough for Y/N to feel a pull on the bond between them. The quicker she had Sapphira asleep in a bed, the quicker she could tell Eris about the bond. 
Eris led her down a variety of hallways and Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes away from the beauty of it all. “If Sapphira were awake she wouldn’t want to ever leave.”
The smile on Eris’s face was small but Y/N didn’t miss it. “You are free to visit anytime.”
Finally the two stopped outside of two large doors, Eris pushed open the door with one arm and gestured for Y/N to enter. The room was large with a king size bed in the centre, draped by a crimson canopy. Solid gold was shaped into patterns on the bed frame. Y/N was sure that it cost more than she made in a year. There was a seating area beside a fireplace, pillows and blankets rested upon the sofa and made Y/N want to snuggle up there with a good book in her hands. 
But the most stunning feature of the whole room was the windows. They were floor to ceiling leading out onto a secluded balcony allowing for a view of the Autumn Court. Y/N couldn’t help herself but gasp. 
“You cannot seriously be allowing me to stay here?” Y/N asked. 
“I am,” Eris said, walking over to the bed. “Only the finest room for my most important guests. I have some spare clothing for Sapphira if you wish to change her. I am sure my mother kept clothing from when myself and my brothers were children.”
“No, it’s okay,” Y/N answered. “If you wake her now, I will never get her back to sleep.”
Y/N joined Eris at the bed and watched as he placed her gently down upon the soft covers. The care in his movements was unlike anything Y/N had seen before. No one except for her had held her daughter with such care before. Eris gently tucked her under the covers and pulled the blankets up as she snuggled into them. Y/N leant against the bedpost. 
“What?” Eris asked as he noticed her staring. “Like I said, I’m good with children.”
Y/N shook her head. “It’s not that.”
Eris smiled and approached her. “What is it then?”
“It’s just…I have never seen someone care so much for her before. I know the Inner Circle loves her but they have never held her or gone so much out of their way to make her smile like you have tonight,” Y/N said. “Thank you, Eris.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Eris said. “Don’t ever thank me for something as simple as making your daughter smile.”
“She just never warms up to new people as quickly as she did to you,” Y/N said. “She really likes you, Eris.”
Eris looked at his feet for a brief moment before gesturing to the sofa by the fireplace. “Shall we sit?”
“Don’t you need to return to the ballroom?” Y/N questions. 
“I have disappeared from these events before,” Eris explains. “No one will miss me. If they do, Lucien will deal with them.”
Y/N took a seat on the sofa and Eris sat next to her, his thigh brushing against hers. The pull within Y/N made her shuffle closer, seeking as much contact as possible. She craved it. 
“Eris, there is something I need to tell you,” Y/N said, suddenly serious. “It might be a lot to take in and I really don’t want you to run from the room screaming in fear.”
Eris chuckled. “Whatever you are about to tell me probably is not going to match the news I need to tell you.”
Y/N let out a breathy laugh. “Earlier, when you kissed my cheek, something snapped into place. A mating bond. You are my mate, Eris.”
For a brief moment, Eris stilled and Y/N was afraid that he would end up running from the room. But her fears were not brought to life as Eris began to laugh quietly. Y/N frowned. “What is so funny?”
A warmth enveloped Y/N’s hand. She didn’t need to look down to know that it was Eris’s own hands. 
“The news I wished to share with you is the same as yours,” Eris said with a smile. “I felt it too. The moment you walked into that ballroom. That snap I never thought I would feel.”
“And are you…happy about it?” Y/N asked, holding her breath. 
Eris frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be happy? Y/N, I never thought I would be blessed with a mate, let alone someone as beautiful and incredible as you. I never thought I deserved it.” Eris caressed her cheek as he leaned closer to Y/N. “But now that I see you Y/N, you are everything I have ever wanted. Deep down I always craved a mate, I always craved to be loved by someone unconditionally and the mother has blessed me with you. I must be the luckiest male in the entire world.”
Y/N’s eyes watered. “Oh, Eris.  You really mean all of those things?”
“Of course I do,” Eris said. “I have only known you a short time, Y/N. But everything about you I admire. And you are someone I could easily fall in love with.”
Y/N placed her hands on Eris’s chest, her fingers gripping onto the lapels of his jacket. “Eris, you must realise that Sapphira will always be part of my life and she is the most important thing to me. You say you want me, but you have to want her too.”
Eris rested his forehead against Y/N’s. “Y/N, I already know. And I already adore Sapphira, she reminds me a lot of Lucien when he was younger, before my father–” Eris cut himself off. “What I am saying is that I have already accepted her. If you choose me too, I will continue to provide for her. Whatever she wishes I will try my damn hardest to make that wish come true.”
Y/N smiled. “Don’t spoil her too much.”
“So do you accept me as your mate?” Eris asked. “Obviously we don’t need to accept the bond until you are ready. Of course not until we tell Sapphira everything, because if she doesn’t accept it then I will gladly step back and–”
“Eris,” Y/N said, cutting him off. “I accept you as my mate. I may have only known you a short time but from how you are with Sapphira tells me all I need to know about you. You are a good male.”
Eris looked into Y/N’s eyes and Y/N already had a new favourite colour. Everything about this felt right to her. It was as if everything around her had fallen into place and this was what she was destined for. A life with Eris, raising her daughter together. 
“May I kiss you?” Eris asked, hesitation evident in his voice. 
“Yes, you may,” Y/N replied.
Without any hesitation, Eris pressed his lips against Y/N’s and she could feel the bond tighten between them, pulling them into one another. Eris’s arms wrapped around her body as Y/N caressed his face, her hands brushing over his stubble before moving up to tangle in this hair. The kiss was nothing but perfect. 
The only thing that interrupted Y/N and Eris was a small mumble from Sapphira. Y/N pulled away and shot to her feet to check on her daughter only to find her still fast asleep, mumbling incoherently. Y/N sighed and sat back down on the sofa, she leaned into Eris. 
“Do you think I could borrow some of your clothes?” Y/N asked. “I don’t think this dress will be very comfortable to sleep in.”
Eris’s eyes scanned over her body. “I do have some clothes you can borrow, though it will be unfortunate not to see you in this dress any longer.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned closer to him, her lips brushing over his. “If you play your cards right, I may just wear this dress again. Just for you.”
Eris smirked. “Is that a promise?”
“It will be after you get me some clothes,” Y/N answered. 
Eris got to his feet and left the room swiftly and Y/N only giggled lightly at his hasty departure. He was back only moments later with a pile of clothes in his arms. 
“You were quick,” Y/N commented, standing to her feet. 
“My room is only across the hall,” Eris answered, a faint blush coating his cheeks. 
Y/N took the clothes from his arms. “Thank you, Eris.”
Eris nodded and took a step back. “I should get back to the ballroom to tell everyone the event is over.”
“Yes you should,” Y/N said.
“I should be going now,” Eris said, still remaining where he is standing. 
Y/N is the first to give in. She dumped the clothes on the chair and pulled Eris into her, planting her lips on his. It was an addicting feeling already. Eris held onto the back of her neck deepening the kiss, bending over Y/N causing her to tilt her head back. If Eris wasn’t holding her up, Y/N was sure she would collapse from the sheer amount of emotions coursing through her veins. Some were her own and some were Eris’s, that golden thread connecting them doing its best to convey what the other thought of one another. 
Y/N gripped onto Eris tightly not wanting to ever let go. On one hand she was grateful that Sapphira had been allowed to come along with her, she had not seen her daughter as smiley as she was tonight in a while. But on the other hand Y/N wished that her usual babysitter was available so she could pull Eris down onto the bed and continue what they were doing all night, preferably with no clothes obstructing their bodies. 
Y/N was the first to pull away, panting for air. “We should stop. I don’t want to get carried away.”
Eris brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Me neither.”
Y/N kissed him again. 
However this time the kiss did not last long at all as a quiet young voice cut through the air. 
“Are you going to get married?” Sapphira’s voice was like a bucket of ice cold water poured over both Y/N and Eris, causing them to jump apart. 
Y/N turned to face her daughter. “No, we aren’t Sapphira. Eris and I…we were just helping each other with our hair.”
Sapphira huffed. “Can you get married? I like Eris.”
Eris looked down at the floor, his face bright red. Y/N chuckled lightly. “Okay, Sapphira, I think you should get back to sleep. It is late and you need to be rested for tomorrow.”
“Will Eris be here tomorrow?” Sapphira asked, pointing at Eris.
Y/N perched on the edge of the bed next to her daughter. “Of course he will.” Y/N turned to face him. “He’s not going anywhere.”
Eris smiled. “I will be here bright and early tomorrow, Sapphira.”
Sapphira smiled sleepily and yawned. Y/N brushed her daughter's hair from her face and watched as she fell back into a peaceful sleep. Once she was asleep, Y/N laughed and approached Eris. 
“Well you have Sapphira’s blessing,” Y/N said, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
Eris pulled her closer by her hips and rested his arms lazily around her. “And I’m glad to have it.”
Y/N hugged Eris. “Goodnight, Eris. I will see you tomorrow.”
Eris hugged her back. “Bright and early.”
Y/N smiled and pecked his lips quickly. “My mate.”
Eris smiled. “My mate.”
Reluctantly she let go of Eris and allowed him to leave the room. Before the door closed he turned around and blew her a kiss. Y/N smiled at the lopsided grin on his face before the door closed completely. 
Y/N changed into the clothes Eris had given her. They smelt of him and Y/N wrapped her arms around herself. She climbed into the soft bed next to her daughter and swiftly fell asleep, dreaming about her future life with Sapphira and Eris. 
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ladyoftheblades · 1 month
her heart his duty
gwayne hightower x reader
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synopsis: gwayne did not oft travel to court but a visit to his sister was long overdue and young daeron was to join him as a ward at oldtown soon enough. yet when he arrived he found more interest in a young silver haired girl, the kings very own daughter, his sisters stepdaughter.
warnings: smut, dry humping, masturbation, vouyerism, corruption kink, religious guilt, agegap relationship, intoxication, unrealistic fainting, step incest (?)(uncle step niece)
a/n: i had to tweak some things bc gwayne was a little (a lot) ooc originally, thus i gave him religious guilt. also ive been reading laughter in the dark so i think it influenced me. ENGLISH IN NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE i am also dyslexic.
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three moons it took to travel from oldtown to kings landing. three months of ridiculus talks and gossips from his supposed to be profesional fellow knights, subpar meals at inns and dingy taverns and horseback rides from dawn to dusk, gwayne had had enough. the gates of the red keep resembled those of the heavens.
his thighs were raw and scaffed from the saddle, his back drenched from the summer heat. the reception to their arrival was at the very least nice. his sister stood on the courtyard, looking the vision of a queen, though they had not grown up together he loved her with his whole heart. he knew the hardships she faced at court were nothing compared to his. a small gaggle of silver haired children were situated around her, two boys on one side, aegon and aemond he mused on the other an absent minded girl and a small boy clutching her skirts, helaena and little daeron. he had once mission: spend some time with the young prince, train him, make him feel comfortable enough to leave home with him and get out.
he dismounted and stood infront of his family. "welcome brother" said his sister. he took her hand into hers and kissed it. "sister, how youve grown" she gave him a warm smile. "allow me to introduce you, this is aegon"
the boy looked bored and his bloodshot eyes as hell as the purple stain in his tunicsleeve told him he was intoxicated as well. aegon only gave a small nod. his mother gave him a scornfull look but said nothing. "next to him is aemond"
"welcome uncle" "it is good to meet you my prince"
"this is my daughter, helaena" continued alicent. the girl gave a curtsy, he gave her a warm smile, she was the spitting image of her mother at this age. "and finally, this is little daeron" the boy only clutched his mothers skirts harder, hiding his face partially behind the dress. gwayne crouched down to be at eye level with his nephew.
"hello, young prince" his hand went to his pocket and pulled out a small hankerchief. he pulled the hankerchief appart to reveal a small wooden dragon. "this, i brough for you especially. it was given to me by mine own uncle, now i pass it to you"
the boy eyes lit up with curiosity, the toy an enticing offer, coaxing him out of his little hiding place. his hands left the fabric and reached out to get the toy, examining it with his hands, a smile tugging at his mouth. "what do we say, daeron ?" said his mother. "thank you uncle gwayne"
gwayne smilled and rose to his feet. "trot along now, i shall see ypu this eve for training, do you enjoy archery, young prince ?" he added. daeron nodded, eyes still trained on his b rand new toy. "very good then, i shall see you soon" and with that the siblings each went their respective way.
gwayne took a moment to study the courtyard, knights walked left and right, some stewards attended to their horses, further back toward the gardens sat a few ladies sat gossiping. as he studied the area, a curious figure caught his eye. a young girl, silver haired and wearing traditional targaryen red, stood behind a wall, her body was somewhat hidden, but her head poked out in curiosity, revealing long silver locks, traditional to the house targaryen. he studied her form from bottom to top, reaching her face. cute, he thought, when he searched to look at her eyes, he found them looking back at him. but they did not stay that way long for the second she realised her curiosity was returned, they widened and she diapeared behind the wall at once.
"is something the matter, brother ?" his sister said, noting his prolonged silence. he returned to his sister "has a silver cat in the shape of a lady made home at the keep or is perhaps another daughter you have hidden from me ?"
his sister gave him another smile "no brother, i believe you saw my step-daughter" gwaynes face twisted into one of confusion. "the princess rhaenyra ?"
"no brother, the younger. she is not half bad, nothing like her sister anyway, she is quite shy especially with strangers. you may not see her at all in the time you spend here." his expression softened, still curious but now moreso.... intrigued.
"come, let me show you to your rooms, you must be exhausted" alicent continued, interlocking her arms begining to pave their way to the guest chambers. they reared the wall behind which the princess had disapeared, excpecting to see her eunning along to avoid him but she was nowhere to be found. how could one diapear so swiftly ?
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his chambers were plain, nothing like the ones at oldtown, he was not spoiled but being son and heir to one of the wealthiest houses of the realm grew him accustomed to a certain standard of luxury. they were also exceptionally dull. his training session with daeron had a while to come yet, and thus he decited to visit the so famed library of the red keep. he walked the halls and arrived to the room, excpecting it to empty,most of the lords and ladies preocupied with the official hightower visit.
he oppened the heavy mahogany doors, stepping in cautiously. the room was as excpected, quiet and empty. almost. in front of him, to the other side of the room, sat a small sette near the fireplace. that was no unordinarity, the odd thing, was the oppen book gracing the table, the small blancet hastily disgarded to the side of the armchair and the haphazardly thrown around pillows. clear signs someone was occupying the space. he only knew of one person who would vanish at the sight of a stranger.
he looked around the room, taking note of any further evidence to suggest human activity. and there it was, a hankerchief to the right of the sette. his gaze scanned the shelves nearby the misplaced cloth, and surely, he could make out a form two bookcases back. he smirked to himself, he would coax the girl out whether she liked it or not.
he took a cautious step forth, silently traversing the room, he walked to the sette and picked up the dicarded hancerchief. the figure had not moved from its hiding place. he walked further, amongst the bookcases, pretending to browse the books. when he got close to the form, it began to run, he gave chase, swiftly turning the corner, now faced with the back of the young maiden. "princess"
she stopped, body clearly tense, hands in tight fists next to her body. tenatively she turned around. he could now marvel at her beauty. truly marvel at her features. her face was flushed, red from embarassment, contrasting yet complimenting her mesmerising violet eyes and silver valyrian hair. she was truly, stunning, surely the most comely maiden he had lay eyes upon. "sir gwayne hightower, i do believe" she said, voice coming out close to a whisper, the nerves behind it unmasked to his ears.
"in the flesh..." he continued, eyes studying her form like a predator seizing up pray. "i do believe, you dropped this" he said, raising the hankerchief up to eye level. her hand moved slowly, twitching with nerves and ever so cautiously, to take it, but he pulled his hand back, tucking the piece of fabric in his pocket instead. "wh-why did you um.. i mean, what should you want with a silly hankerchief, ser ?" he gave her a smile mischievy lacing his expression, darkening his blue eyes.
"such an elusive lady you are, and such an intriguing one at that. i cannot give up the one thing tying us together, i should not like to see you run from me... again" she gave a breathy chuckle, uneasiness evident in both the sound and the way her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. "please, i do not wish to interrupt your studying, allow me keep you company" he extended his hand to hers again, she looked to it in fear, yet accepted it anyway. he raised it to his face, eyes never leaving hers, full of lust, and kissed it. her eyes were wide, violet brought out her embarasment, ckeeks somehow even more flushed. he tugged her forth, and moved to take her back to the settee. they walked and sat across eachother in silence.
he looked to the princess, who nervously sat and fiddled with her book, her eyes trained to it, trained to anywhere but him really, as if seeing him would lead to her doom. "what are you studying, my princess ?" she swallowed hard. "umm well, it is no interesting thing not really atleast-"
"anything that holds your attention is a worthwile read i would venture" she sucked in a hurried breath, her expression changing from complete fear, to fear still but now with a mix of excitement.
"oh, it is- it is written by a braavosi traveler, an account of his relationship with the lysenian lady allara"
"a love story then ?" he said, mischeivus smile returning, eyes reflecting a glint from the sun making her chest flush with emotion. "well, yes, a tragedy ore like to be honest "
"how so ?" "well thy were um seperated, by circumstances, you know as it happens usually,they were of different social standing and she was kept away most her life and h-had no real connection with the world so believed his promises of adventure to be void, eventually they were discovered but all was well in the end, as well as it could atleast and-"
she stopped speaking suddently, realising how she had rambled and looked up, meeting gwaynes eyes, excpecting to find disgust or boredom or even fury but none of that were present. he only looked to her in admiration, in intigue. still shame ran hot in her veins, the emotion almost tied to her name, "oh i- apologise, ser, i have incoherently rambled on" she apologised.
"no apology secessary my princess, i find your passion... quite amusing." she swallowed hard at his words, unacustomed to such attention, any attention from a stranger. "do you find yourself in the lady ?" continued gwayne.
"oh, well, i guess i do" she spoke in a single breath. "have you any romantic endeavors with braavosi travellers, my princess ? is this your confession ?" he teased. her eyes widened once again, shifting her position and shaking her head rapidly. "oh no, ofcourse not, how could i even find one such man in this castle"
he gave a saccharine smile, eating away at the princesses defences simultaniously firing up her shame. "do you feel deprived of adventure, then, as the princess in the story did ?" his hand on the table moved, slowly reaching hers. she failed to notice it, too focused on keeping her breathing elevated and not bursting in flame from shame. when his skin brushed against her knuckle she twitched, pulling her hand away, but it was too late. his hand moved swiftly, taking her delicate hand into his calous one, he could not help but notice just how smaller it was, his palm covering it in its entirety.
the contact sent waves of nerves through her body, but something about his warm toutch, something about his smooth movements, the way he caressed her knuckles along with his questions, the interest he showed to her oppinion, it stirred something in her. not just her chest, in her stomach... lower. the feeling was nice but its unfamiliarity alarmed her.
it was true, much like the lady in her book she had minimal contact with the outside world. most she had was the occasional trip on her dragon to her cousin laena and uncle daemon in pentos or the ones to dragonstone with her sister rhaenyra. if she was lucky and the queen was in good spirits, she would allow her to acompany her to the sept, where she caught shoert glimpses st the vibrant city of kings landing. but, as stated before, all of those were quite rare. most of the time she had to content herself with overhearing stories from viting lords, ever too shy to even approach them and ask questions.
"i should say... yes. i do not have many opportunities to exit the walls of the keep." he gave a hum, never taking his eyes off of hers. "should you like to ?"
she was still aprehensive of the man before her, but his words were so sweet. her head was a battlefield, shyness and intrigue kicking up a storm. "i should, yet i fail to see how it would be possible"
"perhaps...with the right company" he teased yet again. shyness, even caution of strangers failed to prevail in the face of promise of adventure. "do you fancy yourself the right company, ser gwayne ?"
he smiled, now genuine and true, showing his pearly teeth. "mayhaps we ought to find out, if you would have me" the air around them shifted, falling into a comfortable silence. they stared into eachothers eyes, blue into violet, sparks threatening to blaze into fire.
alas, their time had to come to an end. gwayne broke eye contact, looking to the window, the hour of his duty was drawing closse. he looked back to the princess, whose gaze had shifted to the book again. "earlier, in the courtyart, upon my arrival, i caught you looking at me"
she oppened her mouth to speak but no words came out, instead her lips formed a little 'o' shape, small breaths escaping. very kissable, he thought. "have i exposed your secret ? is secretly staring at people from a distance a habit of yours or something you reserved just for me ?" she did not move, neither did her mouth, a stone statue, the only semblance of life in her was the blush on her nose. he chuckled, what an intiguing girl he had infront of him. "tis alright, do not tell me, i should like to keep mine own belief, even in delusion"
he slowly rose from his seat, not removing his hand from hers but instead draging it along her arm, slowly, teasingly. through her palm, to her wrist, her sleeve, a snake of temptation, slithering and dragging ints sin, seeping into her skin in its wake. she tensed once again, the shocks from the contact causing her to revert to her demure demeanor. he positioned himself behind her, hand from her shoulder opting instead to play with her hair.
the way the silver of her locks caught the light of the afternoon sun left him mesmerised, the way her shoulders tensed and hunched forward, hurried trembling breaths audible to his ears even moreso. he leaned down, tucking her hair behind her ear and brought his lips to whisper "i shall see you soon, my princess. untill then, i have your little gift to keep me company"
his hot breath on her flesh sent shockwaves to her core, the promise of a randevouz exciting her so. what was this stranger doing to her ? she could not sit and enjoy the feeling of his body close to hers for long though, as he abruptly pulled back. leving the room, leaving her dumbfounded, sitting and staring still hot in her stomach.
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training with daeron proved more enjoyable than he had excpected. the boy was witty once he had shaken off his fear, gwayne found himself growing fonder of the boy by the minute. when he was pulled away by his mother to be put to bed, he descited to acompany them, telling himself it was to make his mission succeed, but deep down he knew he wished to spend some more time with his nephew. before he was put to bed for the night, the little prince gave him a big hug which warmed his heart.
time with his nephew was a welcome distraction but the moment the boys chamberdoors closed his mind flew elsewere. the night drew close, soon twilight would be succeded by the dark of night, with it, the fould city of kings landing would come alive in all its debauchery. he wondered if he could approach the princess, if he could help her get a taste of adventure she so desired. the more he thought of her wide eyes the more antsy he grew to see them again. she was all innocence, asking of him to whisk her away, to show her the truth of the world, to corrupt her. he loved and hated it. those were no thoughts of a knight nor of a hightower.
he was a good man, faithfull, devout, the image of chivalry, his name a shining example to every knight in all the reach. many a lady had tried to tempt him, young girls no doubt urged by their ambitious fathers to join the house hightower, others rebelling against the chains of their duty, but he had alwasy shot them down, he knew better. he had had his fair share of indulgences as well, brothels were a booming buisness, even in oldtown after all. but he had the reigns of his desire, never going over board, always in mind of his faith. but this girl... this girl was something. she was young, innocent and the way he had treated her, like a plaything, teasing her in the library, it surprised even himself. he thought back t the words whispered by the lords of the reach, targaryens are closer to gods than men, and found them to ring true. his actions today were not in line with his faith, it made his stomach twist in shame, but he knew, he knew, if the princess asked, he would worship at the altar of her beauty, the seven be damned.
he thought if only he could see her again, if only. the way she had spoken about her books, with such passion, such longing, he wished for nothing but to take her in his arms and show her the world. alas he had no way to approach her. the young maiden was kept under lock-and-key, if the king or worse the princess rhaenyra were to learn of an attempt to tempt her it would surely mean his beheading.
he walked along the halls of maegors holdfast, fully intending to simply get back to his rooms, satisfy his craving for the princess in private and try to approach her again, like a gentleman, in light of the new day. but as he walked, he passed a certain family members chambers, his eldest nephew aegons. he knew some of the princes endeavours, the queens letters oft complaining of her inability to exscersise control over the boy. from oldtown, he though his sister might be reacting dramatically to a simple exertion of youth, this mornings meeting whith aegon told him his sisters words spoke the truth.
gwayne truly meant not to encourage such foul behaviour but... if anyone knew how to slip through the walls of the keep unoticed, it had to be the prince.
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a knock sounded at the princesses chambers. given she had had no time to even remove her day clothes, she thought it to be her maids, arriving to prepare her for bed "come in"
the door opened, yet the face of the servant who stepped inside was unfamiliar to her. in his hands he held a silver tray, atop it a pece of paper along with a gray woolen fabric. the servaint said nothing, simply bringing the tray to her, and exiting with a bow.
curiosity killed the cat, she knew it well, the words of gwayne about her peering at him only this morning passing through her mind for a moment. but she was a curious alright, this occurance stirred up that emotion more than anything in her dull life had before. she took the letter upon her hands and oppened it.
to my silver haired cat, if the words you spoke to me ring true, take the path inscribed below at the hour of the eel, not a moment earlier not a moment later. make sure to wear my gift, it is not much but will prove usefull on our adventure. if not, i shall hold onto your hankerchief untill you change your mind. - ser gwayne
she began to kich her feet back and forth, mouth curling into a smile. he was asking a lot of her,sneaking out of the keep and he was, after all, a stranger. he was a man with no obligation to keep her safe, a man she knew naught about, except for the fact he found her intriguing. he found her interesting, he enjoyed her passion for adventure and was holding in his hand all she dreamed of, promising to grant it to her if only she should trust him. he would wait for her, today, tomorrow, so long as it took for her to be ready. how could she not answer his call ?
she swallowed down her nerves, doing her best to not let them trump her need for adventure. she took the cloak in her hands, it was large, large enough to hide her form and silver hair. the hour of the eel drew close, she had to make a descision. she looked to the paper again, a map was inscribled below gwaynes words. it was simple enough to follow, the opportunity was far too precious and too rare to pass up.
this morning she was a shy maiden, apprehensive and petrified at any sight of a stranger, closed off from the world. now, as she placed the cloak atop her shoulders, she remained a terrified maiden but who descited bravely, to open her heart to and interesting man, and seize the opportunity to realise her dream.
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the air was cold as it hit gwaynes face, he was waiting at the back exit of the castle, a small arched door, hidden behind foliage and trees, known to lucky few. aegon had given him perfect instructions and a promise of mutual silence to eachothers endeavors. many of maegors passageways lead to the door, luckyly one such had acces to the princesses balcony, a stroke of luck or perhaps, a blessing from the gods.
he awaited the princesses arrival, the distance had lead him to grow impatient. he kept her hankerchief in his hand, playing around with the fabric, tracing her excellently embroidered monogram, hoping, wishing the anxiety in his guts, the guilt of his actions would be smoother over by her. despite the words of the letter, he knew, he would wait for her untill the hour of the wolf if that was what it took. he would wait for her as long as it took.
procuring commoner clothes for both himself and the princess was as humiliating as it was difficult. his skin protested the cheap fabric and his senses the design but it would do for now. he could not simply parade around flea botttom clad in armour after all.
he stood in wait and the more he waited the more anxious he grew. no, no he was not anxious, it was something else, something sinister. he was hungry. he was hungry to see the young princess, to show her what the real world entailed. gods, he could not wait to see her violet eyes fill with graditude upon him fullfiling her desires. it almost made him grow hard in his pants.
as he looked to the moon, mind wondering, he heard someone approach from behind. he turned his head around to be met with the sight he so longed to see. the princess emerged from behind the greenery, his gift draped around her shoulders, but the hood was down, leaving her locks, now in a simpler braided fashion, to catch the moonlight, giving their pretty color an even more exotic appearance. despite the poor appearance of the cloak drawing a sharp contrast to her well groomed royal face and hair, her beauty remained unchanged.
his eyes draged up and down her body, drinking in her appearance, his thoughts of longing turning now more primal. she shifted in her feet, ever so shy, ever so cute. "you came"
"you asked" she replied, eyes on the ground, feet kicking the grovel beneath her soles. "i am glad you did" he continued, taking a step to her, drinking in her ethereal appearance like a man starved. "even commoner clothes cannot stain your beauty, my princess" his hands made their way upward, taking the hood and raising it atop her crown, hiding her silver locks, much to his disapointment. her head remained low, eyes hiding from his. he took her chin with his fingers, and raise it to look her in the eyes. she was trembling like a leaf, despite her fear, her gaze remained firmly onto his, she wanted to trust him, it was her nature which kept her from doing so. he would give his soul to break down her inhibitions.
"do not take the hood off, ever. we do not want reports of a princess sighting in the city to reach the keep now, do we ?" he whispered. she gave a small shake of her head, untrusting of her voice, afraid it would betray her fear. "good" he chuckled, grabing her hand and turning around, guiding her to follow him.
"adventure awaits" if he had turned around he would see the smile atop her lips.
the arched door opened to reveal a grovel path, around the outer walls of the keep. on one side the imposing castle walls kept her trapped outside, on the other rough rock cliffs lead to wild waves below. talk about being between a rock and a hard place. the prospect of her eminent death by drowning petrified her, fear lacing her feet, draging her back, firmly rooting in the ground almost forcing her to yield and freeze in place. but gwaynes reassuring hold on her hand did not let her fall. neither to the pits of fear or to her doom. he took cautious but determined steps, her own feet automatically copying them, quickly leading her around the scary path and onto a road in the outskirts of the city. an real road, paved with more than gravel, set with actual stone. a heavy breath escaped her nose, fear melting now into the steady ground bellow, releasing her from its shackles.
gwayne looked back at her and brought his hand forward, draging her along with it. he recognised the relief painted on her features, glad to see her calmed down. "that was the most difficult part, it is much smoother sailing from now on. come, we have much to see."
he walked with her along the streets, the closer they got to rhaenys hill, the busier the streets got. she marveled at all the sorts of different people in a messy harmony. merchants and bakers and men of all trades walked along the paths, some of them held in their hands leftover product from the day, selling it now at a downmark. other men were dressed in rich clothes, graced with gold and silver jewlery with women of the night flocking around them, figures doused in shadows stalking further back, no doubt awaiting a chance to strike and rob them.
occasionally she could spot gold cloaks on their patrols, but gwayne ensured she was not spotted by any of them. his hand never once left hers. his eyes caught glipses of her face, hidden by the hood, the amazement in her eyes swelled his heart with pride and pants with heat. they walked in silence, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the city. by now they were well on their way to the street of the sister.
in front of him, he spotted a baker, selling several pastries and breads at half price. he approached the man, dragging the young princess with him. she was far too preoccupied staring, gawking moreso, at a band of young men engaged in some sort of game, running up and down the street.
he removed his hand from hers to reach his coin purse. the loss of contact broke her trance, with no warning, she was brought back to reality. to the scary reality. she had lost in a split second her pillar of support, now extremely aware of the world around her. dogs were heard barking viciously in the distance, heavy yelling voices once drowned in the melody of the city now came to the forefront scaring her to her core. the young mens game she had admired a moment past was not but a scary unpredictability, their sudden movements threatening in her head to harm her, gwayne quickly paid the man in exchange of some tart but when he turned around to look at the princess, he realised his mistake.
she looked to him petrified, chest heaving with heavy breaths, hand frozen in place where he had left it, the other on her chest, attempting to regulate her braths. his hand flew to hold her, instead of taking her hand, he took her waist, pressing her body onto his in reasuurance. eyes searched her face, needing to take caution of any change in demeanor. "hey, hey darling, nothing happened, nothing will happen. tis alright i got you"
her breaths still came to her in heavy inhales. the urge to vomit started building up in the bottom of her stomach, vision drawing hazy. gwaynes toutch on her waist was a source of comfort. the support from her knight returned, now in a new form, he was toutching her suggestively, in public no less but without shame, she had half a mind to quit her fainting of fear and swoon from the contact. yet his toutch was anything but unwelcome, anything but a scandal, it was of true chivalry, the hand on her waist along with his sweet words pulling her from the fit of agoraphobia that overtook her.
slowly but surely she regained her composure, focusing on gwayne and gwayne alone instead of the heaps of people circling them. her breaths calmed, coming in rythm of his composed ones. her eyes evidently relaxed, her hyper focused gaze yielding to a relaxed one, searching around his clothing. he smiled "there she is. you scared me half to death my dear" he looked around, searching for a safe place to take her, help her regain her strength.
it just so happened the closest to them establishment, was one of the most famed brothels of the street of silk. oh well, what can you do, he thought. "can you walk, my dear ?" he spoke in a whisper. she gave him a weak nod, and attempted to free herself, to walk independently of his support but failed, slightly stumbling backwards, straight into his arms.
"here, eat this, gain some strength" she pursed her mouth in a tight line and shook her head no. he sighed, the princesses silly attempt a testament to her naivety. "yes, come on, it is for your own good. and do not attempt to stray from me. you are a princess and in need of my aid my dear, it is no shameful thing"
finally she complied, puting it away in one go, some color returning to her face. gwayne sighed once again, this time in relief, his grip on her waist became posssesive for a moment, caging her in, and then, with no warning, he placed a kiss atop her forehead. "come, let us get you comfortable"
she had no time to process such an intimate action as she was taken, gently, along the road, tracing a path to a large purple door. she took note of the dim lanterns encased in shades of pinks and purples, along with the decorum above the door and attempted to deduce what the building was for, a sort of arthouse, a gallery ? it was clearly a sensual place, perhaps a patron of the arts from the free cities, much like the ones who visited the palace, took it up as a project.
gwayne knocked on the door, a woman oppened, clad in a sheer pink fabric, sintched at the waist and embelished with a beaded belt. she could see.... everything, the cut of the dress left little to the imagination, the fabric revealing the rest.
the princess attempted to take a step back, blocked by her protectors hand on her waist. this was not a place of the arts... it was a brothel. her breath hitched at her throat, chest filling with shame. she knew little of how the marital act was done, only aware of bits and piesces accidentally sliped out from rhaenyra. she had attempted to get her hands on books which included details of such an act, only to find out the queen had banned all such books from being kept at the keep. to say she was curious was an understatement. yet despite her need for answers, she did not fancy herself capable of handling such an adventure today. alas she had no other option.
the woman seized up gwayne, clearly noting his pouch heavy with coin, smirking when she took note of his handsome face. then... her gaze fell on her. the whores expression soured, with something the princess could not quite understand. white hot shame overtook her body, one free hand flying to her cloak, puuling down the hood to conceal her face. she had hoped the rest of the workers looks did not leave her so ashamed should they step inside.
the woman did not speak, she only looked to gwaynes eyes again, and stepped inside, urging them in. gwaye gave her a slight nudge, ushering her inside all the same.
immedietly upon entring she was hit with the smell of sweat and exotic spice. another woman, older in age than the one at the entrance and clad in more apropriate clothing, approached gwayne, exchanging words she paid no mind to. women and men lounged all around, in various states of undress, in various poses and on differing furniture. there were women with flagons of wine, filling, overfilling every cup with ruby wine.
gwayne pulled her forward, following the older woman, deeper inside the establishment. the further they venture the more debauched and lewd the acts became. she caught glimpses of it, women lying on to of men, repeating a furious up and down motion, some women were on all fours patrons of the establishment positioned behind them. in one room she even caught a glimpse of two women kissing for the viewing pleasure of a man.
the sights left her speechless, shame spreading through her limbs like an explosion but it also sent a wave of uneasiness between her legs. she attempted to drink in the details of the scenes infront of her, but was unable as gwayne dragged her huriedly along. soon they reached yet another door. gwayne handed some coins to the woman, who smiled slyly and disappeared behind a myrish screen. gwayne oppened the door and all but threw her inside.
she stumbled across the stone floors as he closed the door behind them, the room was... something. nice was no word to describe it, far below the standard she had known. the floor was of pure stone, with soft fur carpeting under the bed and bear the hearth, she did not need to wonder what that was for. in the middle of the room stood a large bed, adorned with an assortment of fabrics and furs and pillows. behind it, on the wall hung a tapestry. she began to study it, the scene quite the scandal, two women with bodies intertwined and kissing, another fantasy of the patrons it must be.
gwayne took note of the silence and her wondering eyes, a smirk growing on his face. "not up to standard ?"
"no... i guess, i dont- wh-why did.... why did you bring me here ?"
his smile persevered, stepping closer to her. "oh, do not be scandalised my darling, i only wanted you to be in... a safe enviroment. here we can be away from prying eyes, and the noise of the people, a while, atleast. i believed you to need it"
"well, i-i guess, i- it was awfully crowded wasnt it ?" he exhaled through his nose, his hand flying to place a strand of hair behind her ear. her eyes trembled, focusing on anything, any other thing but his face. "it was, sweet girl" he moved his hands, undoing the pin that held her cloak together. the fabric falling from her shoulders, he took it in his arms and threw it to the side. he could now admire her gown in its entirety.
it was blue in color, deep like the sea, with the symbol of her house embroidered in black thread on her bodice. the cut of the dress was of much interest to him, it was embelished in intricate white lace and in the shape of a 'v' dipping bellow her colarbone, exposing her breasts. her neck was bare of any jewlery, having ommited it in preparation of the trip in the city. her hair was held back, in a braided crown but some strands still fell loose around her shoulders and colarbone. her hair were his favourite feature of hers, their color their silky feel when he ran he hands through them.. he could only imagine what it was like to tug on them.
but he could wait for that. he pulled his hand away and sat at the pillows sprawled around the hearth, placing her cloak to the side, focusing his motions instead to invite the princess to sit next to him. she took the invite, slowly plopping herself, not next to him but across. ouch, he had thought she was more comfortable with him by now, no matter, he simply had to try more. she placed her knees in frot of her and hugged them in a protective matter, her head placed atop.
" are you feeling better ?" he said, readjusting his possition to lie down further. "yes much better, uh thank you ser" "please, we are far past pleasantries my dear. i whisked you away from home and all but carried you in my arms, call me by my name"
"okay, gwayne... ser." gwayne began to laugh, hand over his heart, eyes closing from the wideness of his smile. his whole body rattled with laughter, it was the most genuine the princess had seen him. heat rose up to her cheeks from her mistake, head falling to hide her face betwix her knees. gwayne, among his fit, took notice of the princesses new position, his heart swelling with warmth at the girls shame. what good does shame do to a goddess on earth ?
"oh, my darling, do not fret, i find your attitude... endearing. you will come around to me, eventually i know it." her eyes peeked out from her knees, shining with the firelight, brows raised as if begging for his words to be true. before he could speak to ressure her, a knock sounded at the door. her brows twisted, sending gwayne a quizical look.
"enter" he shouted. and thus the door oppened, a worker stepped inside, carrying in her hands a tray of two cups and a flagon. she was dressed qeerly, moreso than the girl at the door, a dress held at her hips by a metal belt, the top of it all but fallen off, exposing the entirety of her chest deep down into her navel dark skin glistening in the light, around her waist a series of strung together beads. her hair was loose, fashioned in tiny braids, much unlike her own, and cascading down her back, jet black in color, almost that of the night sky. she was truly beautifull, she thought.
her eyes were full of curiosity and completely trained on the woman. she walked inside the rooms to where they were seated, placing the tray between them. her movements were deliberate, sensual in nature, practiced. she made an effort as she lowered herself, to show off her breasts to gwayne. he smiled at the woman briefly but his eyes did not waver with her little show off. the woman, finally, turned to look at the priness, noticing her amazed, innocent gaze and sent her a wink. the princess went red at the face, hiding once again.
gwayne chuckled for yet another time, this was the most entertainment he had had in a while. he took the flagon and poured them both a cup. "you do know... drinking from such a position will prove difficult, though i would be lying if i said i was not curious to see it..."
she chuckled lightly, the sound rattling her shoulders, and let her legs fall down. they fell in front of her, outstretched, her back still somewhat hunched, hands playing with the carpeting. she looked like a doll, ready to be takena and played with, gwayne thought. he had to stop he knew it well, a princess of the realm was no doll, no thing for him to gaze upon so lustfully, but he could not help himself. "y-yeah i quess" she lifted her head and gave him a small glance, smiling as she did so, and took her respective cup. she sipped at the wine cautiously, small little gulps going down her throat.
yet another movement of hers he found utterly endearing. he took his own cup downing half of it in one go "go ahead, drink, it will do you good" he urged. she heeded his instruction, finishing her entire cup in one go. unused to drinking, especially at such a fast pace and on an empty stoamach, she began to feel the wine hit her head with a small wave, it was strong, nothing like that of the palace. gwayne laughed and poured her another cup. "well, you seem to surprise me at every turn, like a cat. a very tempestious cat"
"i- im sorry" "why now are you apologising sweet girl ?" she gave him a smile, looking to his eyes now, nerves steeled by the alcohol. she took her cup again and began to drink. slowly this time. "well i, i- dont know... maybe i did something wrong or.. or you, you feel i am odd or you know-"
"i find your oddness fascinating, if it please" she gave him a full smile, teeth showing and all. they remained that way a while, their silence leaving the room barren, penetrable by the outside sounds. all sorts of moans and grunts, in all levels of theatrics. they sat and listened a while untill a chortle ran through the princesses body at a particularly high pitched sound. she looked to gwayne with wide eyes, afraid she had done a wrong thing again. but gwayne did not seem repulsed by her in the slightest only replying with a chuckle of his own. soon, the room errupted into laughter, a melody of joy, strange innocence filling the room created to facilitate debauchery.
among their laughs, the princess afflicted clearly by the wine managed to chocke out "wh- what could posses one to create such a sound ?"
gwayne among his own laughter, took pause, still smiling but now his eyes shined with something else, something dark. even the pure crystal of their color could not absolve them of such sinister look. gwayne felt his insides stir with lust, he was leading the princess down a road he knew he should not. he had taken her from her home, showed her the crazed streets of the city, caused her to almost faint and now had lead her into the last place she ought to be in.
but then again, she was no child, she was a young woman, she would have to learn of these things soon... all he was doing really was teatching her, yes, that was it. he did no wrong, he had not toutched her, not forced upon her anything, he was simply exposing her to a different world, he was fulfilling her dream, he was no bad influence, he was a teatcher he rationalized. "well, they are paid to act as if they enjoy it..."
she chocked on her drink, some of it dripping down her chin, even to her colarbone and chest. gwayne looked at the sight, and if she had been able to look at him, she would note of the lust gracing his features. she attempted to clean herself, but only managing to soil her sleeve. understanding the uneasiness of the moment between them she felt needed to do something to remedy it "w-well, i would not know"
she looked down to the floor, body frozen, afraid of what gwaynes response would be. it was, after all, improper conversation. "i did not expect you to, my dear. the ladies of the realm are left with no education on such matters, left to believe the act to be but the prerequisite of creating offspring"
she raised her head, alcohol coursing through her veins washing away the bashfullness of her personality, "but it can be good, no ?" it was gwaynes turn to be shocked, to chocke over his own spit. he cleared his throat and swallowed hard, as if that would aleviate the guilt he felt. he was corrupting her... the evidence began to show, this new side of the princess something most definetly brought about by his and their adventures. but then again, she had a right to know. she had a right to know what the marrital act entailed, she would be married soon enough. he could feel the image of the mother chastising him, his faith a forever alarm in the back of his head, an unnerving lighthouse in the sea of his mind.
but the light grew dimmer and dimmer, replaced by the rose colored visage of the princess, her violet eyes looking to his for answers, her knight, her companion, her teatcher. how could he dissapoint. "well... yes, ofcourse it can. there are many aspects to carnal pleasure, many of the in servitude to women, though they are neglected in the royal beds. women can draw as much pleasure as the man"
his hand went to her extended leg, brushing his thumb along her ankle. what washe doing ? he should get out of there, take her in his arms and take her where nothing could taint her. his heart wished to protect her virtue, but a larger part, a truer part perhaps, longed to be the one to soil her so. "i should like to know" she spoke. gwaynes hand on her ankle tensed, squeezing her extremity slightly. there was no place for the seven in a place like this, this was a house of sin. but knoledge, is ever present, even in the darkest of acts, even in war and death there is something to be learned. this was but another part of life she ought to lear, he justified to himself.
he sent her a look, another squeeze to her ankle, a quizical one this time, asking "are you sure ?". she nodded.
gwayne had half a mind to take her in his arms and show her firsthand all she needed to learn. but he held back, raising himself to stand instead. he extended his hand in front of her face, asking her to take it, though he knew already she would. she looked up at him, innocent eyes through lashes, if only she knew the effect she had on him, and accepted the invitation. he pulled her from her position, a laugh escaping her, only to bring her flush against his front and urge her forth.
they exited the room and began to wonder the hallways, hands entwined, giggling. they must have looked like children frolicking through fields, a vision opposite to their enviroment. sounds of coupling echoed through the walls of the establishment, they passed through several doors and rooms, gwayne looking briefly inside of every single one, browsing. eventually they stopped, having reached a certain chamber, quite unlike the rest. the door was wise open leaving the inside available to spectators, they were much richer in furnishings than the chambers they had resided in, clearly, the client was of exceptional wealth.
"here, take a look" whispered gwayne, bringing her forward to look at the couple, pressing himself to her back all the same.
the scene was... debauching, bewitching, scandalising. in the middle of the room lay a circular bed, on top of it a couple, a man surprisingly young for a client here, and a woman equally as beautifull. the man sat in the middle of it, she on top of him. her hips moved in sensual motions, practiced by the years of her work, each movement of hers must have worked wonders for they elicited loud moans and grunts from the man, the melodious sound mixing with mewls of her own and the sounds of their hips.
the princess was enamoured by the sight infront of her. she felt an ache to her stomach, throbing in her insides, unfamiliar feeling with an unknown solution. she was mesmerised both by her bodys reaction and the scene in front of her, so much so she failed to take notice of gwayne behind her, pulling her in his embrace like a serpent, slithering hands around her waist, head going to whisper in her ear. "enjoying the lesson ?"
feeling his breath, his sweet words in her ear, it startled her, body working on its own, attempting to escape the knights trap. but his hold on her did not relent, his arms working on their own, trapping her further in his hold. "are you uncomfortable ? or simply shy ?". his hand on her stomach began to move, feathelight, back and forth, up and down, sending shocks of pleasure through her body.
"you see my dear, it is not so bad... it is not bad at all. everything is part of human nature, so is this even if the gods deem it private. you neednt feel uncomfortable.." his hand moved further up, possesed, on its own accord, before either of them could realis ewhat they were doing, she felt his hand onto her breast. the tension in her body could take no longer, mouth releasing a loud yelp. the sound came quite louder than she had excpected, grabbing the attention of some of the ladies and patrons near them. immedietly, whispers could be heard, even above the lustfull sound of the brothel, "is that a princess ?" one such whisper reached the ears of gwayne. immedietly he pulled the girl along, before she had time to question him.they began running through the brothel, back to their room.
once again gwayne threw her inside with haste, this time, the ferocity with which his movements guded her, lead the princess to loose her footing and almost land bottom-first onto the floor. almost. she felt strong hands around her waist. once again, gwayne her knight had come to her rescue, the gesture filled her heart to the brim with affection. as his clear blue eyes gazed upon hers with concern, she looked to their vastness, the world stopping for a moment, for that moment, gwayne was her everything and she was his.
it was no time for such emotions however, they both knew, carefull adn a bit akward, she gained her footing, gwaynes hands leaving her, his own body moving to grab her previously discarded cloak from the floor. he took it and placed it on her shoulders, the motion so tender it was more reminiscent of a wedding ceremony.
she would be the death of him gwayne thought, no god could wash away the sins he had commited to her virtue that night, despite it all he knew he would not repent, she would be the death of him, he thought. she his death and his own desire his damnation. "we must make haste if we wish to go unnoticed" gwayne spoke in concern but only playfulness comuted to the young girls mind.
he took her arm, carefull this time to be gentle, and began to once again navigate her through the brothel. whores and patrons alike noticed the swiftness with which they exited but, far too preocupied with catching a glimpse of the targaryen princess in their midsts, paid no mind. they exited the brothel onto the streets once again. gwayne paved a path for them, different from the last one. this time they took the narrow strainous path of the hook.
the princess grew tired of the fast pace but time left little window for rest. noticing her reluctance, gwayne wasted no time, taking her in his arms, like abride on her way to the bedding ceremony, to carry the rest of the way.
there, in the arms of gwayne hightower, she felt a strange peace. she gazed upon the streets of the city, aware it might well be the vary last time she could so freely traverse them. yet, she found herself unable to focus on the experience, the arms around her so sturdy, a worthy distraction. the audible heartbeat of her knight only the crowning jewel of the experience.
eventually, they reached the tall walls surrounding the red keep, at a blindspot to the guard. much to her dismay, gwayne put her down, holding her waist untill she stabilised.
"there is another hidden door here, leading to the kitchens. it is a forgotten servants passage. i believe you can take yourself to your rooms from there ?" she nodded. "good. i shall take a different path, lower the risk of being noticed, nothing to concern yourself with"
she was not ready for their time together to be ended. she longed to spend more time with gwayne, his name to her synonymous with fun. his eyes looked down to hers, locked in time, both of them unknowing what the correct words to say were. the longer he stared at her the more her body filled with heat, the blue of his eyes, the various memories of his hands on her filling her core with that same sensation the show at the brothel brought about. only this time... it was far more intesnse.
she opened her mouth to speak only to be cut off, not by words of his own, but his movement, hand flying to her face, sowly dropping the hood of her cloak so he may marvel at the moonlight in her hair one last time. confident now, his hand found purchase on her ckeeck.
if she was not hot from the strange feeling in her core, his toutch would surely burn her. "my stay at the city will not be long... i only hope to have fulfilled your hearts desire. i know you have gifted me with a night i will tresure forever. are you satisfyed, my darling ?" his thumb dug slightly into her cheek to emphasise his words. she nodded. "use your words my darling, do not withhold your beautifull voice from me"
"yes" she said, voice dripping with desperation. he smiled and removed his hand from her cheek. the loss of heat threatened to send a frown to her face. but she had to brave, for gwayne. instead, his hand reached into his pocket, pulling out nothing else but her hankerchief. "i do believe this is yours"
she looked to the piece of fabric, and considered for a second. "keep it" she said. gwaynes eyebrows shot up in surpruse, his mouth a playfull smile. "i shall treasure it for the rest of my days, my princess"
she felt a strange pull to gwayne, something in her mind, no, not her mind, this was no logical or sensical thought, the heart surely had juristiction over it, or rather, the feeling in her stomach, it told her to kiss him. to give herself to him fully, to repeat the things she had learned in the brothel.
before her body could give in though, footsteps were heard, no wonder the keeps guard. gwayne said nothing, only hurrying her inside the hidden brick door and diapearing. she stood there, in the dark of the basement and stared at the closed door. even when outside the footsteps came to pass, she made no movement. there were things unsaid, things yet to be done between her and gwaye. but they had to remain uncovered, she knew, in her mind the same as her heart.
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gwayne tried to sleep. gods he so wanted to sleep. maybe in the unknown land of darkness he would find the one who he so longed to see, maybe then he would be able to do the things he wanted, to say what he thought, bare of shame and guilt. he reached to his 'commoner' pants, the ones he wore on their excursion, shuffling around the fabric, to pull out what he wanted. the princesses hancerchief, the one she had so graciously gifted him. it still held some of her scent.
it was to be a long night and the painfull erection in his undergarments tastament to just that. if he was to get through it he needed a distraction...
the morning light filtered through his window, disturbing his sleep which had not come easy, orgasming into the night untill he knocked himself out from exhaustion. he could still feel the soreness in his legs. one day at kings landing and already he had turned to a sinner. but it was not kings landing at fault, it was the princess.
he slowly rose, placing feet on cold hard ground. the itinary of today dictated breaking fast with his sister and her family, attending to some buisness at court his father insisted upon, training with daeron yet again and in the afternoon, more politics with his father and the king. no time was allocated to himself, no time to maybe try and seek out the princess. there was a small chance of her presance at either the breakfast, or sneaking around in the yard, the sole thing keeping him motivated.
and yet he went on and on with his day with no appearance from her. no lithe form sneaking around walls and bushes to catch a glimpse of, no presance at breaking fast, nothing. he settled back into his rooms defeated. he had gone thought the motions of his nightly routine as if possesed. and when he finally settled into his bed, he felt a pang of rejection. he sat and shimered in the feeling, second guessing his actions of the night before, replaying all the things he could have done differently. when-
his door sounded open and closed, the creaking of the wood at the hinges unmistakable to be anything else. he got up suddently, affraid of there being some threat to his person he had to face. he turned his head around, excpecting the worst, only to see the face he had been excpecting all day.
the princess stood there, clad in only a white nightgown, hair loose and tussling though her shoulders all the way down her back, in her hands a small candle, casting shadows on her face rendering her excpression unreadable.
gwayne knew not whst to say, the gods delivered to him the gratest gift of all. she was here, with him, out of her own volition, he almost could not handle it. he had to take this in stride, one wrong move could send her bolting. and thus he sat there, ever still, trying to hold back his urge to lunge at her and the annoying presence between his legs.
even whith the minimal light, he could see the way her chest rose and fell in heavy breaths. "i-" she began, the rest of the words melting from her tongue. gwayne chuckled, ever amused by the princesses demeanor. "my princess do yo-"
"shut up" she cut him off. gwaybe would be shocked if he was not so amused. the princesses hand fidled with the fabric of her gown, a beat passed adn she stepped forward, steps full of nervous determination. she walked all the way to his side on the bed.
now he could see her clearly, the red of her cheeks, the purse of her mouth, the pink details of her dress so delicately wrapping her form. he still held back, fighting to not reach his hands and toutch her, make sure she was real and not a manifestation of his deepest desires. cautiously, slowly, she placed her candle atop the nightstand. "i wanted to... um... i wh-"
his hand acted on instinct, finding her hip. she looked down on his hand, exhaling. "can i- i- i should sit down right, yes" and she did just that. he repositioned himself to give her space, hand on her hip subtly guiding her movements. "i wanted to... see you i... mised you"
his hand began to move up and down on her body, making her grow tesnser. "i missed you too. never did i think i would, want lingering eyes from the shadows" "well um.. yes, i meant maybe... in a different way"
gwaynes eyes gleamed with hope, dangerous waters the princess was treading but who was he to say no ? "what is it, sweet girl ? you can tell me"
"i have this... feeling in... my stomach i just, i want... you, i just, i cant describe it" gwayne took no time to move, placing both his hands on her hips, knowing where this conversation was going, savouring the princess basically serving herself to him on a golden platter. "do you want to toutch me sweet girl ? is that it ?"
"yes. i want... i dont know, ive been thinking... you know about umm... about the things... we saw, at the brothel" his hand moved, from her thigh to her hand, she did not pull back, allowing him instead to take it, playing with her fingers, calous skin on soft one. "what have you been thinking about ?" "i... thought about... y-you and and me in... their place"
gwayne could feel his cock almost throbing in pain. she would be the death of him. his hand on hers moved, on her back, bringing her closer to him. she grew tense, her free hand still fidling with her skirts. his other hand moved to her face, cupping her cheeck, raising her head to look at him. her eyes looking up at him, her form couped up under him, he swore he was in the heavens.
still, he could gauge the princesses nerves, tense body and trembling hands, and as much amusement as he found in this little game, she remained a flight risk as well as a fainting risk, if he were to take her right away, surely she would vanish. and so, he remained quiet, unlt silently reassuring the princess with his thumb on her face. "i just umm... theres this feeling in my stomach and... it makes me want to do these, things, i- i have been thinking about this, been fantascising"
his hand on her face left, slowly dragging downwards, onto her stomach, just a little bit above her core. "this feeling, here, is it?"
she nodded furiously. she did not know what was happening to her, to her body, she only knew gwayne was causing it and soely he could fix it. gwayne her knight, her confidante, her cause and key. "show me then, sweet girl, how would you do it ?"
her head craned to look at him, confusion lacing her features, mouth open, ready to speak. he stopped her with a kiss. he kissed her, finally. all he had hoped ofr, wanted, longed to do these past couple of days, realised with such a simple movement. to his surpsride and delight she did not pull back, not only, she pressed herself further into him, her hands on his thighs, finding purchase not of nervousness but need. she needed him, she needed the support of her knight.
the princess felt as though she would implode if he did not toutch her, damned shame preventing her from unashamedly speaking her mind. times like these she wished to be like her sister, take what she wanted with no concern of consequences. just as she thought she could take no more, he kissed her. his lips were soft, so soft, a perfect contrast to the rough hands on her back and stomach. her head filled with desire, with need, she belived she would faint again, faint if he would be taken from her. her need gave no space for shame anymore, the longer his lips remained on hers the more shame drained from her body, leaving her only in desperation. he hands flew to his thighs a silent prayer for more.
he pulled away, much to her dismay. his body twisted, reaching the empty space on the other side of the bed, bringing to her a pillow. he knew he could not grant her what she sought, gods forgive, he had done damage enough, soiling the mind of such an innocent creature but he could not dissapoint her either. his mind spoke of guilt but his heart knew, this was but a carnal expression of his devotion, how could such a thing be sinfull ?
he could have his cake and eat it too, please the princess and protect the sambles of purity she still had. it was his duty, as her teatcher and knight, to guide her through the worlds of both duty and adventure. "do you ever... pleasure yourslef, princess ?" she shook her head no. "tis alright, cmon i shall show you" he placed the pillow in her lap.
confusion was not a strong enough word to describe the princessed feeling to gwaynes actions. still, she trusted him with her life, he had proven his devotion, truly, all he needed do is ask and she would jump into the depths of the sea for him. the hand on her back guided her forward, urged het to... sit on the pillow in her lap. ever so trusting, she followed his guidance. slowly, cautiously but unashamedly, she stradled the pillow. the new position reminiscent of the one the worker had on the brothel, now she understood.
"y-you want me to.. do onto the pillow, as i would onto you ?" gwayne smiled, "yes, sweet girl.i want you to use the pillow to take your pleasure, to be selfish. can you do that, for me ?" she nodded. her hands moved from gwaynes thighs to grip the pillow. the shame she had felt earlier but a faint memory, the only thing she could think of was pleasing him. she began to roch her hips, back and forth.
her core was bare on the fabric, leading her to feel every sensation, every rub, everything. she could feel tension on her insides, moving her hips back, pearl bare on the fabric, a completely new sensation. she did not know what exactly was happening, she knew not why this particular spot on her core sent shocks through her body, she only knew it aided in alevieting the tension to her stomach. she pushed her body harder onto the pillow, chasing her pleasure.
she became so consumed with discovering her own body, she neglected to notice gwaynes motions. she craned her head to the side to look at him, to find the reassurance, the praise she needed. she looked to the side and found gwayne, with his cock free, one of his hands caressing up and down, in tandem with the movements of her hips. she gasped at the sight.
gwayne looked at her, alerted by the sinful sound. the princess had shifted her position, hands to the back of the pillow, holding it in place to match her thrusts. her face was twisted in pure acstasy, head fallen back, hair tusslibg down her back, exposing her neck. gwaynes free hand flew to her face once again, pulling it onot his, kissing her.
this time it was different. their previous kiss was sweet, chaste and very brief. it was but a way for him to shut her up after all. this time it was opposite, his lips attacked hers, passion and need pouring from every one of his movements. a particularly pleasurable drag of her hips sent a gasp to her mouth, an opportunity for gwayne to intrude her mouth with his tongue.
the more they kissed the more debauched she became, the previous tension in her stomach replaced with a new one, a ball of pressure building in her loins with every movement. the more they kissed the more she understood what to do with her mouth, tongue mimicking the motions of gwayne, leading him to leave a low groan. he pulled away whispering "you will be the death of me".
by now the tension was almost unbearable, her thighs began to shake involuntarily, it was strange, far too strange and far too much, but she wanted not to disapoint "gwayne i-"
"shhh, i know sweet girl, its ok, keep going" and she did just that. her movements got sloppier, thighs by this point tired, exhaustion fighting a battle with her need to please. she let out a particularly pathetic mewl "gwayne, gwayne please, what"
"i know, i know. let go, its ok.." he replied, placing a kiss to the corner of her mouth, sweet and chaste, the antithesis of what his words had urged. the princess heeded his instruction, letting go. a sweet sensation took over her body, pleasure errupting in her stomach, through her veins, consuming every single of her limbs. she could hardly control her bdoy, movements halting, brows knitting together, moans escaping her mouth freely, almost as loud as the ones in the brothel.
gwaynes mouth found hers once again, mufflig her moans somewhat. his hand abandoned his cock, im favour of taking the princess in his arms. she was trmbling slightly still, the moment she felt his skin on hers crubling in his embrace. with care, he repositioned her to lay down on the bed, now so pliable in his hands, the nervous jittering girls present just minutes ago gone. he himslef moved, laying on top of her, staring at her face.
he could writte ballads to her beauty, entire novels to the way her forhead creased. her hair tussled around her head like a halo, white reflecting the light of the moon through the window and the candle of the bedstand in a dance of shadow and shimmer. his hands moved to her hair, playing with it, tangling in the waves of silver. slowly, so slowly, he dragged then down, brushing hair them from her exposed collarbone, lowering to her breasts, cupping them, sending a jolt through the princesses body and a whine through her mouth.
"you did such a good job my sweet." he continued, lowering his face to press featherlight kissed to her neck "there is so much i could show you... so much more i could teatch you." his words were sealed with a squeeze of her breasts eliciting yet another moan from the princess. "alas... i cannot, you know we cannot"
"but why ?" her questin came as a desperate whine. gwayne bfelt a pang of guilt in his chest, he had oppened a box of doom, one he could not seal. his desire ran a hot stream though his veing urging him to abandon his gods and worship her in their stead. but his divine calling, be it the princess or the seven, was to exist in tandem with the laws of men, and they allowed no such behaviours.
he took her legs, manhandling them across his lap, her body worming its was to his embrace. one hand rubbing smooth circles on her ankles, the other took her head, hiding it in the crook of his neck. he shushed her little whines, holding back with every morcel of his sanity. " i know sweet girl... but it would not be right to do what you ask of me. i cannot make speeches of duty, the gods only know i abandoned such a notion the second i lay my eyes upon you. you have come and turned all i knew upside down. i have not done right by you, not in the eyes of the law, not in the eyes of the seven. but, we ,ay yet salvadge our situation, yes ?"
her head made a move to look at him, perhaps to speak her mind but he prevented that, hold firm on her form. "do not worry yourself with such matters, yes ? sleep, my sweet girl and i shall take care of it"
her mind was still heavy with thoughts but alas, physical and mentall exersion would not allow for her to be arguementative at this time. she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep, secure and unashamed in the hold of her knight.
gwayne could hear her breathing even out, steady inhales and exhales a song to his ears. he however, could not so easily forget his worries. the situatuin they found themselves in, or rather, the situation gwayne had put them in, was indeed precarious. if their excursion or worse their nightly endeavors were to be discovered it would end her reputation and his life. but there was a way out. he could, have her. he would have her.
and as the night progressed, sky coming full of stars, he decited, then and there, his purpose was her, her safety his duty and her hapiness wis reward. she would be his life or signal his doom, in either case, as long as she was his, he would be glad to take it.
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a/n: alright yall, this took too long but im really happy with the end result. there may be minor rewrittes in the next few days, or i might release an updated version altogether. please give me your thoughts on gwaynes characterisation bc i was working with scraps.
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loveemii · 6 months
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑶𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒃!
༻𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠༺ | please excuse any mistakes |
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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑦 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖 𝑆𝑢𝑜ℎ
- Tamaki had always thought you were gorgeous, for a commoner
- You and him were in the same class together, he sat behind you, occasionally passing notes to get some answers he missed
- Overtime you two would just pass notes to talk, and that turned into walking out of class together; then to class together
- Eventually you and Tamaki began to date, but it had to be kept a secret ofc; if word got out that the prince of the school was dating someone in the school, it could end badly
(by badly i mean everyone will think you’re with him for fame)
- Secretly dating Tamaki means sneaking out of class and making out in the club room
- Or hanging out in the hedge maze until the school bell rang for the second time
+ spicy
- Sometimes when you two would sneak out of class to make out, it would get pretty heated
(meaning he’d occasionally run a hand under your bra, sometimes down your uniform skirt)
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝐾𝑦𝑜𝑦𝑎 𝑂𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖
- Kyoya had been doing his research on you for sometime now, noting down your likes and dislikes, etc
- When he finally approached you it was after school in the garden where you normally read; he gave you a single white rose he found
- You two actual had a lot in common, like blood type; books and food tastes. He asked you on a date at your favorite restaurant
(which so happens to be his favorite restaurant too)
- On the date you two would read each other, profile each other; he’d even go as far as saying that you’ve liked him for a while now; and he wasn’t wrong
- After the date he’d call a limo to pick you two up, driving to your house first he walked you up to the front door and kissed your hand
- Making sure you went inside safely he’d wave you off from the car as he noticed you staring from a window; you waved back, he left you with a slight smile
+ spicy
- Dating Kyoya Ootori means having large areas to hang out alone together; mostly his family’s private beach or water park
(to make out ofc, and occasionally he’d go down on you)
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑜𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝑀𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑢𝑛𝑖 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑎 “𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦“
- This was always one sided, thus Honey reminded you of your younger brother
- Every time he’d ask if you’d wanna eat sweets with him, you’d say yes; but he’d always bring up his romantic feelings towards you; which sorta ruined your appetite
- Don’t get him wrong he means well, but the fact that he is 17 and loves the same things as your younger brother a bit much
(no offense ofc but it could be weird if you dated him)
- He’d constantly give you bouquets of your favorite flowers though, and whenever he needed help in a class you’d help him
- Not to mention if anyone tried to physically hurt you, he’d be there to fight for you
- And anyways you two had sweets without him bring up his feelings again
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑖𝑐 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑎 “𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑖“
- Morinozuka was never the talkative type of guy, he’s always quiet unless he is spoken to
(which he almost always nods or makes a reassuring sound that indicates he understands)
- He needed a tutor for a specific class and you were a voluntary student; sessions began after school in the library; you brought him tea on the first day
- Quickly Mori grew romantic feelings towards you but never knew how to express them; when he did it was quick and simple he simply spoke “I like you.” and left you to do the rest
- But when you two began dating, he’d talk a little more; asking how your day went or if you wanted to hang out
- Things in the relationship moved fast, but not too fast; although the both of you kissed on rare occasions you and him would get really shy over small things like eating in front of each other
- That quickly went away though and you two became more and more comfortable ever since Mori dropped condiments on his uniform, and how you fell out of your chair one time in class
+ spicy
- The closer you and Mori grew he’d become more confident like pinning you down by your wrists anytime you two made out
(and on some occasions he’d find his fingers inside you)
𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 “𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙“ 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒𝑠: 𝐾𝑎𝑜𝑟𝑢 𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑛
- Kaoru Hitachiin quickly knew he had feelings for you (his classmate) and unlike his twin brother he acknowledges it
- He’s a host so ofc he began to gift you followers before school, and even started to walk to school with you instead of taking his limo
- The more you got to know him the more your tiny crush grew; and when you two began to date he’d gift you even more gifts
(or surprises like going out for ice cream after school)
- When the two of you did go out; it was usually somewhere small in town like an ice cream shop or a restaurant you really liked there
- But when he took you shopping there wasn’t a budget he’d always tell you to get what you want, but ofc like the good girlfriend you are, you got stuff that was at a good price and never went over $100
- At school he didn’t really care if anyone saw you two together, as long as you two were happy that is all that matters to him
+ spicy
- Sometimes when the two of you were alone in the club room he’d go down on you on the couch
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 “𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙“ 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝐻𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑟𝑢 𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑛
- Unlike his twin brother, Hikaru is very bold in a relationship; he never told you how he felt because he was always in denial to himself
- So ofc it forced you to make the first move, and surprisingly he wasn’t too scared of the romance he had felt with you, and once he was more comfortable with himself he was all out
- Buying you dresses or cute clothes he knew you’d like, he’s a gift giver
(something he shares with his brother)
- And also he is a HUGE fan of pda, it’s his thing; either putting an arm around you in school or a kiss on the forehead as you walked into your class
- Also holding hands is an absolute MUST for him, he at least has to be touching you at all times in some kind of way
- Like holding your hand under a table or squeezing your pinky, or even having a hand on your thigh
+ spicy
- Speaking of thighs, he loves to give you hickeys on them; and in between them
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑢ℎ𝑖 𝐹𝑢𝑗𝑖𝑜𝑘𝑎 (“𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙?“)
- Haruhi didn’t completely know she had feelings for you, but she knew you were special to her
- So (like with Hikaru) you had to make the first move, and you explained to her that she feels the same way; you’ve always noticed the way she’s look at you
- The first week of dating Haruhi was hesitant to touch you, she thought it might make you uncomfortable but she got some reassurance when you first held her hand at school
- Ofc a few people were angry that you and Haruhi were together but you two didn’t care, in fact the both of you would make it even more known
(not to the extent though)
- Small things like kisses on cheeks, or leaning on each other in the garden as you read a book or while she studied
- And definitely laughing at people who would talk abt how annoying you two would be by making it public
+ spicy
- Haruhi isn’t really the type to do anything spicy or freaky but she’d have these thoughts that made her feel a little guilty and whenever you asked her what she’d be thnking abt she’d be so quick to say nothing and blush
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Smutober Day 1 ~ Formal Wear Namjoon [M]
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
GENRE: established relationships, minors DNI, formal wear, pauper x prince, cunnilingus (female receiving) slight public play, almost caught
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - Smutober 2023
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"Put it on," Namjoon chuckled as he watched you closely from across the other side of the room and you giggled a little shaking your head at your boyfriend. There was no way you were about to put on a crown that probably cost more than your house ever would. The two of you were currently being held inside of the throne room while you waited for him to be announced to the rest of his party, You weren't supposed to touch anything inside of here and he knew that.
"No. It's too expensive, besides, we have to be downstairs for your party," You reminded him but he rolled his eyes at you, kicking himself away from the wall he had been leaning on and making his way over to you. He'd been watching you ever since you walked into the room and you'd been looking at the crown that would - eventually - go to you once the two of you were married and he wanted nothing more than for you to try it on.
"I'm the prince and what I say goes," He teased, wiggling his brows at you as he took the crown off the pedestal and held it in his hands. The thing sparkled as he held it, it was a silver crown made up of diamond roses and diamond leaves, It was fit for the most perfect of Queens and you could never imagine yourself wearing it. No matter how much Namjoon reminded you that one day it would be yours, you'd never feel right wearing it. It just didn't seem like your kind of thing...None of it did. Not even dating a prince and yet here you were, engaged to be married to one. 
You rolled your eyes at him as you did a curtsey, holding the edges of your dress as you did so and bowing down your head to him dramatically.
"I'm sorry Your Royal Highness but I simply can't put on that crown, for we can't be late to the ball." Namjoon chuckled once again before placing the crown on top of your head, a gasp escaping his voice as he saw how you looked in it. He'd always imagined you in the crown, or maybe another if you ever wanted to redesign it but this was perfect for you, you were perfect for it. 
You were stunning, beautiful...You were all of those things before of course but there was just something about seeing you in a formal gown and a crown that was sending him wild. He let out a small cough when he felt his dick growing harder inside of his pants, god, he felt like he was suddenly 14 again and couldn't control himself.
"Oh Joonie," You cooed stepping closer to him and placing your hand over his crotch smirking a little as he closed his eyes,
"Does seeing me look like a princess turn you on?" You whispered seductively, softly massaging your hand over his dick and smirking as he bucked toward your hand. Namjoon let out a small growl as you slowly sank down onto your knees,
"A real princess would never kneel before someone else," He stated before standing up and walking you toward the throne where he would be sitting in less than a week as the King of his country.
"Joonie, I'm not a princess..." You trailed off as he sat you down on the edge of the throne and sank down onto his knees, he lifted your gown up a little chuckling to himself.
"What if someone walks in?!" You asked in a slightly panicked tone, though the thought of it was turning you on all the more.
"Your dress will cover me." He shrugged it off as though it was the most casual thing in the world for you to be sitting here when in fact, you could have been imprisoned or worse if the wrong kind of people came to find you here.
"And if they ask why I'm sat on your throne?" You arched a brow at him but he simply met your look with a smirk,
"Hmm, maybe you should tell them I'm sucking your clit and they'll leave us to it." He winked before disappearing under the confines of your dress making you squeal out a little and cover your mouth. The last thing you needed was for his bodyguard to walk into the room right now and ask what all of the noise was about. Before you could say anything else your legs were hung over his shoulders as he dipped his head between your thighs,
"F-Fuck, Joonie," You whined out as he began to devour you like a man starved, sucking on your clit as he thrust his tongue deep inside of you, you could have sworn your vision was going to blur as you whimpered out his name. Your hands found the armrests of the thrown and you dug your nails into the cushioned grip. Your head rolled back against the headrest as you slowly ran your hand down to where his head rested under your dress and you pushed him closer to you, trying to get him deeper.
Something that was so wrong should never feel so right, you thought as you continued to rock your hips toward his mouth, moans slipping from your lips as you forgot just where you were sitting and who could walk in.
"Don't stop," You veered as he continued to fuck you with his tongue, your hips rocking a little against his face as you moaned out loudly. There was a slight tapping on the door and your whole body burnt as you stared over at the door, almost panicked about whoever it was walking inside.
"Prince Namjoon?! Is everything okay?! His guard asked from the other side of the room, Namjoon pulled his head free from under your dress while thrusting two fingers into you and curling them at your g-spot.
"Perfect! Thank you Carlos." He called out before going back to work, sucking hard on your clit as you wriggled against the chair trying to move away from him until your body spasmed and your orgasm erupted inside of you causing you to cry out in intense pleasure.
"Who knew my Princess would have a thing for almost getting caught?" He moaned out, pulling himself free from under your dress and straightening his outfit out.
"M-My turn," You whined standing up on shaky legs and pushing him down onto the throne but before you could return the favour for your earth-shattering orgasm the doors opened.
"Prince Namjoon, Princess Yn, they're waiting for you," Carlos called out making you glare down at Namjoon who simply chuckled, letting his guard know the two of you would be right behind him.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @laylasbunbunny @tinyoonsblog @whitefoxgirl @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @minhosify @choisoorin @straykids5star @heyjiminnie @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @btsiguess-kpop @halesandy
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Hello sweeties, now that I have fed you, the next update may be a little spaced out, but I couldn't resist posting this shorter chapter for you all. I cannot wait hehe <3
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Chapter 88: Three Dragons
It was no easy thing to juggle expectations and reality. Especially in a time of war. 
It was as never ending cycle of do's and don’ts. Can’s and can’t’s. The questioning yourself constantly for every little move that you have made, every step you may have taken.
A piece forward on the carefully crafted board you had created in your mind. Questioning yourself for the things you hadn’t done, or what you would have done differently. The only consolation being that time would tell, and the Gods were surely, hopefully, on your side.
You had of course expected to most likely fall pregnant to Aemond, your mother asking you if you knew what was really expected of you, the terrible truth of it all, the expectations of cruelty and misuse, and you knowing. Those you had expected, and in some cases welcomed his temper and flickering devotion, for it was something you knew and expected, and it was the unknowing that was most torturous of all.
However, you had not expected how much it would have surprised you. 
You had especially not expected to notice the changes so suddenly.
Days pass, and you became aware of the changes in your body more than ever, now that your attention was drawn to it. Your breasts were becoming swollen and sore, nipples growing more, and more sensitive. Gowns became slightly tight around your chest and waist, and the grazes of your stiffened peaks on the silks of your dresses causing you to gasp.
There was of course, another change that you had begun to notice.
Your stomach, despite still being early days, or what you assumed to be early days, had a small swell to it. Almost completely unnoticeable, unless to you. 
It was when you were dressed or bathed did you notice it the most, or when you were wearing a gown Aemond had made from when you had first arrived to Kings Landing, thin and broken. Those gowns strained at your front, and pulled tightly against it, wrinkles in the fabric new to the usual pristine appearance that they usually held. 
You and Aemond still danced around each other, unsure of how to move forward, uncertain on whether or not to look back. New to the situation you both found yourselves in.
Or yours at least.
The Prince, despite his lingering irritation at your coldness, still doted on you, and each morning there were small and fresh lemon tarts brought to your chambers. 
The smell was overwhelming, and you found your mouth watering as soon as they arrived. Your uncle had tried to speak to you, soft whispers, gentle touches of the arm or hand, and you had brushed him away, a false sadness to your eyes as you avoided him.
The rose by your bedside had ‘mysteriously’ disappeared, the remnants of a stem spotted in the hearth the next morning.
The Prince had tried, hopelessly, to initiate intimacy, curling around you in bed to place unsure kisses against the barest hint of skin on your shoulder. But you had wriggled away from him, curling up in a ball in cold rejection. 
And Aemond had taken it.
That morning as you sat in the chambers, eating your second lemon tart with little haste, you thought of what was to come, and unconsciously tucked a hand around your middle. You thought of what it would look like. What it would be like. 
Would it have his eyes? Or yours?
His temper? Or yours? Or an unfortunate and most disastrous mix of the two?
What would you even name it? Obviously a name of tradition, but what? You could not stomach the thought of naming it Aegon. Perhaps Viserys? Visenya? Rhaegar?
And then the excitement fizzled out, and was replaced with burning anxiety.
What would your mother say?
What would your father say?
You had not told them in that letter. And soon they would know.
Would they hate you now? 
Would they try to kill the baby? 
Or end the pregnancy? 
You doubted it, knowing that they would always give you a choice, but you also knew that they would hate to know it was Aemond who sired it.
You tried to finish your breakfast of lemon tarts, reaching forward to nibble on some sliced tomato, yet a breeze moved through the window, curling the curtains behind them, and the pungent smell of pork wafted beneath your nose. Your stomach roiled, mouth gone dry. 
The Maester had warned you that some women get sick when with child, and you knew that others had cravings. Perhaps you would now have more of an aversion to the pink-grey meat than ever, which was all well and good, considering that you were never too fond of it in the first place, and Aemond had an aversion to it. 
When you had finished your breakfast, stomach struggling to settle after the pork had offended it, you had moved down to the Gardens, quietly excusing yourself, knowing that Aemond would be attending to his duties with the King all day. 
You spent most of the day seated in the breeze, enjoying the way it settled your stomach and brought the fresh smell of lavender under your nose. 
The sun rose to its peak, and soon enough, began to sink lower into the sky, the day moving by quickly.
As you sat and watched the waves below, thinking of your family, hoping that your letter had not frightened them, praying that they had been moved to action that would be disasterous, a small servant boy no older than ten came towards you. 
You shifted from the pillow you were seated atop as he made his way confidently to you, a large silver tray in his hands with a teapot and bowl of fruit atop. You frowned, but stood anyway moving to the table that he placed it atop, skilfully pouring the tea without a drop spilt. 
You looked at him oddly, not having asked for it, but as you gazed down at the bowl of fruit, you noticed it was only star fruit. 
Aemond must have sent the boy to bring you some afternoon tea. 
When he had finished serving the brew, he watched as you sat in the seat, giving you a small smile and bowing, before you watched him walk away, little brown head disappearing amongst the sea of plants and trees. 
You picked up the small silver fork and stuck it into the bowl of cut up star fruit, lifting it to your lips to chew. The burst of flavour hit your tongue and you hummed in appreciation at it.
Perhaps you would forgive Aemond today, cease his begging and smothering gifts.
As you pressed the fork into the bowl again and lifted yet another neat square into your mouth, you looked at the tea. It was darker than what you had expected, and as you brought it up towards your eyes, you noted that it was almost completely black. 
Lifting it to your nose, you inhaled deeply. 
Liquorice root and elderflower. 
Your mothers favourite.
They had gotten your letter.
A wide smile pulled at your lips, and this time you did not fight it. You let yourself grin alone in the Gardens, surrounded by nobody but the various plants and bugs, the warmth of the sun behind you, and the knowing that they had received the raven. 
You sipped the tea joyfully, enjoying the flavour as you thought of your mother Rhaenyra. She had sent you a sign. She had sent you a message. You wished to go home so terribly so that you could hug her. So that you could bury your head into the crook of her neck and breathe in her scent deeply. You wished to feel her lips pressed against your cheek thrice, and hear her sweet voice once more. 
Tears welled in your eyes and you blinked them away. 
Soon, you promised yourself. 
It would be soon. 
You sipped some more of the tea again, putting it down onto the table and reached back for the fork. The star fruit was most likely your father. And it warmed your chest with hope to know that they both sent little signs of themselves to you. 
You spiked your fork down into the bowl, a little more forcefully than you should have. 
The metal prongs hit something hard, and the object shifted beneath.
You blinked. 
Using your fork, you looked into the bowl of yellow fruit, moving a cut up chunk to the side. Your eyes immediately being drawn to a subtle sparkle amongst the fruit. 
Something that was not fruit.
There, hidden amongst the soft yellow flesh, was a silver chain. 
Your fingers found the edge of the bowl and pulled it towards you, eyes darting across the yard to ensure no-one was watching. You dipped your fingers into the bowl of fruit, feeling the cool nectar spread amongst the skin, and pulled the chain.
Tucking it close to your lap, just above the napkin, you stared at it in a beat of confusion. 
There, in your palm, was a necklace. 
A gift? 
It was thick silver chain that wound around itself in an intricate braid. Three green emeralds hanging delicately from its centre, coated in the nectar of the fruit it had lay hidden beneath. 
And then it dawned on you.
‘A gift from a Targaryen Prince’ Larys’ voice rung in your head.
Alys Rivers was no more.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
@izzicle @ej-shitchats @may-machin @alegria1580 @witchy-jadda @videovampire @inkdelicious @queteimporta39 @virtualsweetsqueen @fo-cus @auratiqs @feyres-fireheart @queenofshinigamis @asoiafwh8re @teasandcrumpets @shesjustanothergeek @grungegrrrl@queenofsarcazm @marihoneywk @curlszx88 @virgogaia @loser-keiji @asoiafwh8re @whore-of-many-hot-men @vipervixxen @theonewiththeimaginaryboyfriends @watercolorskyy @lavendervisions @mazmack666 @chokefrog @orangejump-suit @nik2blog @serrhaewinin @ohemgeewhat @winxschester @cryptidsrcool @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @celestedonut @bloodyvelvet777 @iamapersonthatsalive @av-sos @yentroucnagol @sanzu-s @opheliaas-stuff @bellameshipper @maviee @persephonerinyes @neytiri-09 @ensnaredinwonderland @xbluegracex @sotragedynut @nattieot7 @shesawaywiththefairies-blog @coffedraven @prettycutebunny @celestedonut @the-jess-life @ssulfurr @out-of-life @madislayyy @crazylokonugget @cicaspair418 @katwmk @relminnie @milovart @teagrex @visenyaverse @bellameshipper @toodlesxcuddles @tempt-ress @dontmindmereading7 @qyburnsghost @55gyi53vtnquwziq5 @notnormalthings-blog @maidmerrymint @qyburnsghost @madislayyy @chelseaouat
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: Nikolai giving you his coat on a cold night at the sea results to a sweet moment with him.
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The sound of waves crashing against the Volkolvny, seagulls screaming and the smell of salty sea air were some things that you loved when out at the sea. The chilly night air on the other hand, was a thing you wished would be gone. And that was the case today too, having tried to find a nook at the ship which would be safe from the winds.
That was when Nikolai spotted you, striding over with a small smile.
“Feeling a bit chilly?” he asked, making you jump up in surprise. You blinked a few times before you slowly nodded.
“A little bit. Well, quite a bit. And I didn’t find my favourite sweater,” you replied, trying to keep your teeth from clattering.
“Well, if that’s the case…” Nikolai said and without hesitation, he shed off his coat, gesturing it towards you. “May I?”
You frowned, but didn’t try to stop him as he went behind you, laying the coat on your shoulders. “Don’t you need it? You’re outside more than I am.”
You knew he smirked at that, helping your arms through the sleeves. “I don’t mind the cold if it means I get to share my coat with someone as beautiful as you.”
You felt your cheeks heating up as he said that, and you knew that’s exactly what he was after. The coat smelled like his cologne mixed with sea air and you resisted the urge to sniff it properly. And you couldn’t help but grin at his flirty comment, looking up at him shyly as he stood in front of you again. “Thank you, Nikolai. This is very kind of you.”
He looked down for a moment, letting out a little huff. “Anything for you,” he replied, a sprinkle of amusement in his voice. “Besides, I’ve been looking for an excuse to get close to you the whole night.”
Your cheeks grew hotter at that, and you let out a small laugh. Saints, this man always got you to behave like you were still “just” crushing on him and he knew it. Even when you were both aware of an unofficial relationship. But you decided to play along. “Well, you found your excuse then. And… I have to admit, I don’t mind being close to you either.”
Nikolai’s eyebrows rose a little as he looked at you, walking you towards the deck so you could look out into the sea. “Is that so? Well, maybe we should look for more excuses to be close then.”
You tried to prevent yourself from not beaming at him like an idiot and instead you crossed your arms. “Oh? And what kinds of excuses would those be?”
Nikolai chuckled, leaning a little closer. “I’m sure we’ll come up with some good ones.”
You smiled at it before turning your eyes back at the horizon - sun was already about to rise, you could see it dyeing some of the clouds with orange hue. You leaned your hands on the edge, glancing at Nikolai over your shoulder. “Yeah. But for now, I’m happy to be here with you right now.”
Nikolai came to stand beside you, laying his hand over yours, intertwining your fingers. “Me too,” he muttered. “Me too.”
And there you stood together, watching sunrise until the rest of the crew started waking up and the deck was bustling with life again.
As the sun rose up higher to the sky, you were once again reminded why these moments were to be treasured so much - the beauty of nature mixed with being with people you loved. You knew it wouldn’t last forever, Nikolai being a prince in hiding and all, but that was exactly why those moments were so important to have.
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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devildomwriter · 9 months
One Little Thing, A Ring Part III | Mammon x Reader
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.6K Words | GN Reader | CW: Angst
With Lucifer’s help, a wardrobe change, and strict instructions, Mammon had landed a decent paying gig. The only place that would hire him was the Demon Lord’s Castle and Mammon had his work cut out.
Barbatos delighted in putting Mammon to work as much as possible. He and Diavolo knew why Mammon was there and as two men who’d also competed for your heart, they were going to make Mammon work for you. It was meant to be educational but it was also for their own satisfaction as some sense of revenge.
“I still don’t understand. Why Mammon?” Diavolo asked Lucifer as they sipped on their tea and watched Mammon prune the roses from the balcony.
“___ has peculiar taste.” Lucifer complained.
“Careful Mammon, that’s our favorite bush,” Barbatos called down to him and Mammon audibly panicked and with trembling hands started carefully trimming branches down one by one.
“Must you tease him?” Lucifer asked and Barbatos grinned.
“I must, yes. ___ deserves nothing less than perfect so we must ensure that that is what they receive. If we cannot give that to them, we must make sure Mammon does.”
Diavolo nodded in agreement with his butler and paused after taking another sip. “You know…they could always be interested in polygamy. If not now then later down the road. Surely Mammon as entertaining as he can be can’t provide for them like any of us could.”
Lucifer nodded and sipped his tea. “I agree. Thanks to their magic they’ll live a very long time. We must be patient, that’s all.”
Diavolo nodded but Lucifer could notice the small shake as he set the tea down gently. Everyone reacted in their own ways to your relationship with Mammon and Diavolo did his best to bottle it up but sometimes he couldn’t help small moments of sadness or anger slipping through.
The labor intensive work he was putting Mammon through was one example. Mammon wasn’t aware of it but Diavolo intended to pay whatever the cost may be for the ring Mammon thought best for you. Diavolo wouldn’t allow you to be disappointed.
“Speaking of ___, where are they right now?” Barbatos inquired as he kept his eye trained on Mammon who was attempting to use hedge clippers.
“I believe they’re doing some kind of job with the sorcerer’s association.”
“Taking on odd jobs?” Diavolo asked, curious.
Lucifer shrugged, “they aren’t talking much about it. They’re very tired by the time they come home. Not only do they have work but then they must portal themselves into another dimension and do it all again in a few hours.”
“Mm…it’s odd they’d take on a job like that considering they can do essentially anything they wanted to,” Diavolo speculated and it stayed silent as they listened to Mammon panic as he stumbled upon a nest of Hellfire Wasps.
“Oh dear…I suppose I ought to call for the exterminator,” Barbatos sighed. “Perhaps Mammon could work.”
Lucifer’s brow furrowed. “No. Call a professional before the situation worsens.” Lucifer advised but truly he was worried Mammon would get stung to hell and as much as he was jealous right now, he wasn’t going to let Barbatos and Diavolo thrust Mammon into agonizing danger.
Diavolo knew that’s why Lucifer made the suggestion and relented for his friend’s sake. “That’s most advisable,” he nodded and Lucifer relaxed into his chair as he heard Mammon screaming and running across the yard.
Mammon was fast enough to escape but began crashing into things in the process. Lucifer glanced at Barbatos who was eying him exasperatedly.
“Send the bill later.”
Barbatos nodded, “I could deduct it from his pay.”
Lucifer waved his hand in disagreement, “just send the bill.”
Just as Lucifer began feeling bad for Mammon, Mammon scaled the wall and used Lucifer as a shield against the wasps. The wasps were instantly vaporized from Lucifer’s magic as he tore Mammon a new one for leading dangerous creatures straight to the prince.
Part I • Part II • Part IV • Part V
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chloesolace · 2 years
Hello there! I love your works, they are so great. Could you please make a reader/oc and Daemon, where she is a slave and he decide to buy her because he is taking a liking to her. She is very afraid of her since all she ever knew was cruelty. Daemon gives her food, clothes, education, but she is still afraid of him due to the horrific rumors of his cruelty in the city. She tries to escape several times unsuccessfully and he gets furious because the city is a dangerous place for a maiden and he goes to save her. Little by little they build their relationship
Cruelty In The Cages - Daemon Targaryen x Reader
summary: When Daemon Targaryen bought you from a slaver, you didn’t think that he had any intentions of buying your freedom. However, after a failed attempt at escaping the room he so graciously offered you, you start to realize that perhaps the Rogue Prince does have softer side to him. 
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: traumatized reader
a/n: Thanks for the request! <3 I have opened my requests again, you can find all info below. (Please use the ‘Request a One Shot’ button my profile for requests)
@mirandastuckinthe80s @omgsuperstarg @agentstarkid @faatxma @a-lil-bit-nuts @wasntpriscilla @glitterandgoldfinds @judig92   @evyiione @severewobblerlightdragon @miahxelizabeth @ren-ni @paprikabadger @isaxbella749  @nikaprincessofkattegat @jamiejazzed @kaitieskidmore1 @moonmaiden1996 @syrma-sensei @edum123 @casualheartadorable @metalfangirl @tetgod 
If you wish to be added to or removed from the character taglist, please comment underneath this post​.
Masterlist - Discord Server - Request Info - Taylor Swift Series
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You stared at the wall on the opposite side of the room, face blank, as you pulled your knees to your chest. You were still shaking slightly, despite the soft and warm mattress underneath you. It was a small room, with a dresser, a window and the single bed you were sitting on, but compared to what you were used to, this was grand. Perhaps it was only the calm before the storm, though, since you could not believe that someone would buy you to rescue you. 
Girls like you were only one thing to other people: products. Goods they could invest in to get something out of it in return, and you were painfully aware of your buyer’s reputation. 
You wrapped your arms around your torso, nails digging into the exposed flesh of your arms as you bit back a whimper. Who were you to cry in a room with a warm blanket? The other girls were probably still locked up, and while you had enjoyed a warm meal, they had to obey orders. Your eyes landed on the empty tray on the dresser. You had been thankful for the food, but swallowed it too fast and now your stomach was aching. 
You wondered how the other girls were doing and if some of them had been as lucky as you, if you could even call yourself that. Tears threatened to fall but you blinked them away, just as someone knocked on the door and pulled it open.
Prince Daemon Targaryen entered the room, a cup from which steam rose in his hand. The sound of the door falling into its lock made you jump, which he noticed. 
“You have nothing to fear here,” he said with a gentle voice as he placed the cup on the dresser next to the empty tray. “I will have a servant clean this up soon.”
You pressed your back against the wall you were leaning against, causing the mattress to squeak underneath you. Alert eyes followed the prince’s every movement, especially when he came to a halt right next to the bed. He looked at it as if he was debating whether he should sit or not, but seemed to have decided against it since he remained standing. 
“I see the maids have bathed you,” he continued, but you still did not say a single word to him. You haven’t since the moment he’d put you in this room. Judging by how many nights had passed, you guessed that it had been three days so far. And still, your skin had not gotten used to soap and your stomach had not adjusted to regular food intake. 
Daemon studied you from head to toe, until his eyes locked with yours again. He exhaled deeply, before finally sitting down. His weight caused the mattress to sink where he was sitting, and you pushed yourself away from him even more. 
“You have not told me your name yet,” he continued, elbows placed on his knees. 
You swallowed to wet your throat, before responding, “You have not asked.” Your voice was raspy and quieter than you intended it to be. Perhaps you should have spoken to the servants at least, but you feared that everyone could be out to get you. It was how you lived your life when you had always been in a state of survival.
Daemon chuckled half-heartedly, but it sounded more like a scoff to your ears as he intertwined his fingers. “What is your name?” 
You didn’t reply. It was not that he could do some damage with this information, but your name was something that you had carried with the last bit of dignity you possessed. It was sacred to you, and a reminder of your humanity. It would not be given away this easily. 
“Do you really want me to call you by the number they gave you? 1932?” 
You flinched when he said it. To the slavers, you and the others were nothing but numbers. Numbers which did the labor they thought was below them. Daemon must have sensed your tension, since he stood and moved closer until he was standing right beside you, his body blocking your view of the window. 
“You can make this harder than it has to be,” he began, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “But I am not here to harm you.” 
“Then why do you keep me locked up?” You snapped, but as you looked up at him you found him smirking at you. Soon, the smirk faded though and his tone became serious. 
“The streets and even the palace are not safe. It is for your own protection.” You bit your tongue, not believing a word he was saying. You had already tried to escape twice, and he had tightened security around your room as a consequence. Perhaps he got off on controlling you. He walked towards the door, gaze jumping between you and the hot cup on the dresser. “It’s tea,” he explained. “It’ll warm you.”
You watched him leave, and only relaxed your muscles when the door closed behind him. The steam rising from the cup had faded a little by now, but you had no intention of drinking it. Who knew what was inside? You’d only touched the food because you would starve otherwise, and it had smelled incredibly good. 
You swallowed, gaze falling onto the window as the palms of your hands began to itch. This was your very first chance at freedom, which had never been closer. You still felt a phantom feeling of shackles around your wrists and ankles, but knowing they weren’t there kept you sane.
You would not waste this chance.
After throwing one last glance at the door to make sure he would not return, you hurried over to the window and peeked outside, only to find that it was not that high above ground. Underneath was a body of water, but you had no way of telling how deep it was. There was the chance of breaking a leg, but it would heal again. You simply had to get away from this place first, maybe take a ship to another city or even continent. Two failed attempts were behind you, but they did say that three time’s the charm.
You placed both hands on either side of the window, and pushed yourself up until you were crouching in the opening in the stone wall. Your heart beat so fast, the blood rushing through your ears deafened you, but before you could overthink your decision, you let yourself fall and landed in the cold water with a splash. 
Cold bit into your skin as you walked through the town, brushing past people who were too busy or distracted to notice you. The stench of alcohol and urine was in the air, and you had to cover your mouth with the cloak you’d stolen to avoid vomiting. Your hair was still a little wet. Hood pulled above your head, you kept your gaze lowered to avoid drawing attention to yourself, out of fear someone might find and catch you.
You had left the palace hours ago, and had no doubt that Prince Daemon had already found out about your absence, but you expected him to mourn the loss of his money more than you. After all, he did pay a good price for you. At least in your worth you found some sort of twisted pride. 
A man bumped into you, making you lose your balance momentarily. “Watch it” He hissed before he gulped down a bottle of ale. Some of the liquid splashed onto your skin, and you grimaced. You had not missed this world a single bit, but even if it was dirty and filled with scumbags, you were free. That was all that mattered to you. 
Your happiness was short-lived, however, as you crossed a group of three men in a secluded alleyway you had originally wanted to use as a shortcut. You stopped when you saw them, wanting to hide, but they had already turned to look at you, eyeing you from head to toe. 
“You lost, lad?” Asked one of them as he cleaned the dirt underneath his nails with a blade. You took a step back, shaking your head instead of answering vocally to avoid blowing your cover. One of the men approached you, and you had to stare at the ground to avoid looking into his eyes. 
“My friend asked ye a question.” You still didn’t answer, which made him grab you by the coat angrily. “You mute?” 
Your hood fell from your head, revealing your face and long hair. The men exchanged glances, which soon turned to disgusting smiles. “You not a lad at all, are ya?” 
“Please, let me go,” you said, voice shaking, but the men only laughed, so you squeezed your eyes together, not wanting to see what would happen next. Just when you thought that this was the end, you heard one of them struggling for air, and then a crack. And another. Before you knew it, you stood on your feet again, tumbling since you still had your eyes closed. 
A person appeared behind you, and you leaned against them as you opened your eyes, only to find the three men laying at your feet with their necks twisted. You wanted to scream, but you covered your mouth with your hands instead. 
“I told you it’s not safe,” you heard the man behind you say, anger in his voice. Daemon. He must have followed you. You didn’t resist when he wrapped his arms around you, most likely since you were still unsteady on your feet. 
“Are you going to lock me up in that room again?” You held onto him, and hated yourself for how good it made you feel. You had never been protected, or treated well. But this man had just slain three others to save you, had given you food and everything else you needed to survive. Not once had he asked for anything in return. Could your issues trusting have clouded your judgment?
“You are no prisoner,” he whispered against your ear, and even though you had your back still turned towards him, you felt him on every inch of your skin. “But you cannot continue trying to escape. This is the third time.”
You gulped, pressing your lips together in a fine line before you nodded hesitantly, knowing that he was right. He had not harmed you, or given you any other reason to mistrust him. Rumors carried a heavy weight, but if they were true, if he was as cruel as they said, then he had not shown you that side of him.
With shaking hands, you turned around to face the man, whose fury about your escape was still written across his face. But you bowed your head, bringing some distance between you two. 
“I have not thanked you yet, Your Grace,” you mumbled. Out of fear he wouldn’t be able to understand you, you raised your voice as you continued. “So thank you, for taking me away from… these people.” You couldn’t stand to look him in the eye, but he placed a hand underneath your chin and tilted your head up, so you had no choice. 
His gaze flickered between your eyes and mouth as he kept your chin raised. “The world is a dangerous place for a girl like you. It is filled with wolves that kill you, and vultures that feast on the remaining flesh. You would be wise to accept the help of a wolf when he offers it to you.”
You gulped as your breath became shallow, and Daemon’s hand dropped from your chin to your shoulder, where he held you gently, yet firmly. A sudden sound behind you made you jump towards him, and you were trembling when you buried your face in his cloak. This had all been too much for you, so the amount of relief you felt when he wrapped his arms around your body could be felt by both of you. 
All you had ever wanted was to feel safe for once in your life. And something told you that you had finally found what you craved for. 
“Let’s go,” he whispered, caressing your back. “You’re safe with me.” He started walking down the alleyway, but you stopped him.
“Wait.” Your voice was quiet, but he heard it, stopping in his tracks to look at you. You hesitated, but finally said, “(y/n). My name is (y/n).” Daemon exhaled, lips curling up in a faint smile as he held an arm out towards you. “It is a beautiful name. You are wise to keep it safe.”
You returned the smile, heat rushing to your cheeks when you took his hand and let him guide you back to the palace.
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bananadrinkxxx · 1 year
[Aemond Targaryen Fanfiction ]
[Dark Romance / Enemies to Lovers / Revenge]
[warnings: smut, sex content, angst, fights, domination, murder]
[Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character ! I fem!reader]
Content for adults.
Previous and next chapters: click here
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Aemond’s was boiling with rage. He would love to ride Vhagar and burn down everything that came his way. He stomped his way from the dance hall back to his room. No one dared to speak to him. They all were not tired of life. In his hand he still held Rose's wrist almost clasped. She let him pull her along without protest. He was grateful to her for that, for at the moment he didn't know if he could control himself. Rage seized him, shook his whole body and made him see red. Red like blood, red like fire. His fingers tingled, he didn't know if it was from the beating or if it was the desire for more. Aegon had clearly crossed a line, but he was also ashamed of himself for not being able to control himself. A humiliation for the Targaryen family. Most of all, at that moment, he wanted to simply fly away on Vhagar and never come back. But it was only a momentary state of mind. He would calm down as soon as he reached his chambers. He tried to get a clear head, which was not easier when the image of Aegon and Rose appeared again and again, like this weakling, pressing his lips on hers.
Aemond didn't know how Aegon had found out he was sleeping with Rose, but he suspected Ser Criston Cole was behind it. It seemed the knight was doing everything he could to fall out of Aemond's favor. His former teacher seemed to forget what he was like. The intimate relationship between him and his mother, seemed to have gone to his head. Perhaps Aemond should remind him of who he was.
And Aegon ? He was not surprised that his brother could not miss any opportunity to provoke him. Probably it was revenge for the way Aemond had treated him in front of the small council. He knew his brother.
Once in his chambers, the first thing Aemond did was to pour water into his empty cup and wash it down with a few gulps. The cool water felt soothing in his throat. He took a quick breath before turning to Rose. For a moment, he took the time to look at her. Her dark hair, had come loose from her braid, and fell curly on her shoulder. Her face was slightly flushed, and her mouth was open. She seemed a little out of breath. She was wearing a simple blue dress that suited her perfectly. It emphasized her petite figure and made her look more feminine. Rose was a pretty woman. She had full lips and large brown eyes. Her nose was pointed and straight. Her skin was fair and small freckles decorated her cheeks and nose. She had dimples on her right side that made her look cute and almost childlike.
"Did he hurt you?," Aemond asked and she looked at him in surprise. Was the question so surprising? For a brief moment she seemed lost in thought before she regained her composure. She shook her head and tried to smile. It seemed false and put on.
"I'm fine," she replied, and it was obvious she was lying. He didn't know why she felt the need to lie to him, why she felt she couldn't speak the truth in front of him, but he didn't want to punish her for it. He had gotten her into trouble tonight. Aegon had gotten her into trouble. By asking her to dance in front of everyone, he had put a target on her. The kiss had only made things worse, and the beating had put the nail in the coffin. He would have to try hard not to do Rhaenyra a favor by killing Aegon. Aemond had wanted to keep the relationship with Rose a secret. Not only to protect her, but also to save her from disgrace. Even if she were the mistress of a prince, she would still be a mistress. She didn't deserve it, but he had been too selfish to save her from it.
"Is there anything I can do for you, Aemond?" She asked innocently, snapping him out of his thoughts. He must have looked very upset.
Aemond allowed himself to look at her a little longer before turning around, holding out a book to her. She looked at him in surprise, and took the book. He saw that she recognized it. It had been the book she was supposed to get at the library that time.
"I want you to read to me."
He watched as her eyes widened. Her eyes darted over his face. Her eyebrows furrowed, and he saw the discomfort in her expression. She tried to hide it, but it didn't escape him.
"I'm sorry," she began in a weak voice. There was a hint of reproach in her voice. "I can't read." She said it as if she hadn't already told him. Presumably she thought he hadn't remembered.
"I know," Aemond countered, sitting down. He crossed one leg over the other and slid back. "I'll teach you."
He saw many emotions on her face. Surprise, shock, irritation, disbelief, bewilderment, and in the end, hope.
"You will teach me to read?" Her voice was incredulous. Rose's fingers clawed at the book.
"Not just reading, but writing."
"I think you're wasting your time on me," she gave, holding the book out to him. "You certainly have more important things to do."
Aemond snorted and ignored the book.
"I'll decide that," he replied a touch too harshly, watching her wince slightly. Remorse dug into his stomach. It hadn't escaped him that Rose still seemed afraid of him. He didn't mean to be rough with her or scare her. It was not his intention to make her afraid of him.
Aemond signaled her to sit down and after a brief hesitation, Rose did what he wanted her to do.
"Open the book," he prompted her.
Although Rose could not read, her eyes flew over the inscribed page. Her eyes filled with awe and respect, she stared dreamily at the book, letting her fingertips glide over the pages. It was strangely, a very satisfying sight. Then her big eyes locked on him, looking at him in a prompting way. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and he leaned forward. Rose listened to his explanations and repeated what he told her. She was a quick learner, he noted with surprise. It felt good that he could finally do something for her, too.
. . . . .
Larys Strong was no fool. Quite the opposite. He pursued his own plans, and he knew that patience and a good dose of manipulation would get him what he craved. He had been born a cripple. Always in the shadow of his older brother, who had been held up as perfect by everyone. The perfect Harwin Strong, who was not only strong, but intelligent. But Larys had wondered where his intelligence had been when he had committed to planting his bastards in Rhaenyra Targaryen. There, instead of punishing him, his father had stood by him. It was always the same. No matter what his brother had done, he had always been forgiven. Not infrequently, Larys had felt envy toward his brother. Harwin had all that he wanted, which is why he had to take it in the end.
His father could have named Larys as lord. He deserved it more. Even then he had been up to the task, but instead he had always stood by his elder son. Larys did not regret that he had made them pay for it with their lives. The death of his father and brother had made him a lord. But his ambitions were greater. He kept hidden, hidden in secret, not visible to anyone, guarding them like a treasure. It amused him that Queen Alicent thought she could manipulate him. He was far ahead of her in intelligence and strategy. Larys made her feel safe, stood by her side as her devoted servant, never forgetting what his real plan was.
He stared out into the courtyard, directly at Alicent and Otto, who seemed to be arguing about the previous evening. The lord regretted that he was too far away to overhear them. But it was probably about the amusing spectacle they had been treated to today. Aemond had a bedmate, a revelation he had not expected. He had been careless, had not paid attention to the girl, had not given her any importance. A mistake he would not repeat.
Larys had a plan, a plan that involved Aemond Targaryen, and in which the girl had no place.
To be honest.
These lines were on my list of things to delete, but now I spontaneously decided to post them after all. However, since the chapter has already been published, but these lines have no place in the next chapter, I was so free to create a second part. This chapter will not be very long, but its importance should not be underestimated.
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forever-fixating · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
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Howdy, yall! Thanks to @onthewaytosomewhere and @priincebutt for the tags! Aunt Flo came for a visit (if ya know what I mean), so I was down for the count for a couple days. But I have some goodies all the same. Teasing both stories yet again because I'm a nerd and can't stop at just one. Under the cut, enjoy!
living in a new normal
June and Nora arrived two days before they went set to depart for Paris. They made a day of shopping for last-minute items. Henry desperately needed some fresh wardrobe pieces for future date nights with Alex. Absent Pez, June was happy to dispense her fashion expertise.
“Oh, what about this one?” she suggested, selecting a soft pink linen shirt from a rack. “It would really complement your complexion. Plus it’s light enough for a summer evening stroll.”
Henry held it to his chest and looked in the mirror. “I think you’re right. I tend to stick to familiar colors. Lots of blues and such. My best friend Pez is always goading me into branching out.”
“Nothing wrong with having a signature color,” June smiled. “With those eyes of yours, blue is a no-brainer, but it’s always good to have a little variety.”
Henry folded the shirt over his arm with his other selections. He and June drifted toward the front of the store. As they paused near a display of trousers, Henry said softly, “I want you to know that I care about your brother very much.”
June looked up at him, her expression inscrutable. Henry licked his lips. “That is to say…this isn't some fling for me or an easy way to get a free vacation to Europe. I’m not going to drop him once the tour is over. I know a lot can change in three months, and Christ, maybe he will be the one to toss me aside-”
“He won’t,” June said firmly. 
“You can’t know that.”
“I know my brother,” she insisted. Henry’s mouth snapped shut at the certainty in her tone. She took a deep breath. “Despite what the tabloids might say, Alex isn’t some playboy screwing models or actresses left and right. When he’s in a relationship, he gives it his all. Maybe too much. The dumbass may claim he can do casual, but the only person that has ever really worked out with was Nora and only because they both had eyes for other people.”
Alex’s laugh rang out from another part of the store, full-throated and carefree. June smiled in the direction of it. “I never met Jasper. After what we “affectionately” call the fuckening, I was worried the trauma Alex experienced would keep him closed off from seeking out happiness for a long time. You were an unexpected but very welcomed surprise, Henry. You brought the light back out in him. I may not have seen you two interact all that much, but I can tell from the tone in his texts and phone calls how much he cares about you.
Henry felt his throat tighten at her kind words. She reached out to grasp his free hand and finished by saying, “I know you’re concerned with what people will think. But you’re not in this alone. The thing you’ll learn about the Claremont-Diaz clan is once you’re in, you’re one of us and we look out for each other. Remember that, okay?”
A Tournament for His Heart
As Alex watched them talk, he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. Phillip nodded, and Alex stood, following him through another door. This led to an office, dark save for the moonlight from the window. Alex watched as Phillip pressed part of the mantle, and a panel in the wall released with a click and swung out. He looked at the prince, who said, “Follow the passage.”
Hope rose up within him as he stepped over the threshold. His footsteps echoed off the stone. He summoned a small orb of light to guide his path, and it floated in front of him like a phantom. As he walked, descended a set of stairs, and continued down another passage, another sound joined his footsteps. Soft at first then growing stronger with each step: piano music. Finally, he saw a sliver of golden light as he reached the end of the passage. Alex’s hand reached out and pushed the door open wider. Revealed was a small library, a fire crackling. A familiar figure sat at the piano. The golden head, hair longer than Alex remembered, looked up from the sheet music.
“Hello, cariad.”
A/N- My bestie Kate has been such an incredible help with these stories, especially LIANN. If yall thought Love on the Menu was romantic, JUST YOU WAIT. Paris is gonna be two parts and loaded with enough romance to give you cavities. Stay tuned!
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Happy 28th! Here’s my May 2023 fic rec! So many great fics, organized by word count. Enjoy!!!
Stranger Stars by shaylea (212k)
Five years ago, Africa offered a grieving Louis Tomlinson an escape from an England he couldn't tolerate. Now it's become home as he leads overland tours across the continent with his best friend and driver Zayn Malik. What's meant to be just another ordinary six-week trip from Cape Town to Nairobi turns into anything but, when future lawyer/current photographer and songwriter Harry Styles and his friends join Louis' latest set of passengers.
Own the Scars by crinkle-eyed-boo / @crinkle-eyed-boo (144k)
“But I don’t belong here,” Louis insists. “Why do you say that?” James asks. “These people are all drug addicts and alcoholics,” Louis shrugs. Something sparks in James’ eyes. “And you’re not?”
Louis has never felt like he was good enough: for his stepdad, for his life-long best friend, for the life he's supposed to want. After an accident that nearly costs him his life, Louis' parents send him to rehab where he’s forced to face his demons. On the long and difficult road to recovery, Louis must confront the truths he’s been avoiding about his future, his relationships, and his sense of self-worth. Because before he can love anyone else, he’s got to learn how to love himself first.
Run Away Home by hattalove / @hattalove (106k)
Louis stands, in the middle of a clearing with his hands in his pockets, and stares. This boy—God, this gorgeous, gorgeous boy. He seems so clumsy, confused at the best of times, but there’s a wisdom about him as he speaks, a maturity that belies his age.
Louis is hopelessly, wildly attracted to him.
or, louis is a successful jockey down on his luck, struggling to get his life back on track after an injury. harry has a horse, a house fit for a prince, and a broken heart.
it takes them a while to figure out that they need each other.
Love of My Life by likelarry / @likelarryfics (80k)
Harry is 36 and recently divorced after he's finally come to terms with his sexuality.
Louis is the 28 year old who helps him find his way and is everything Harry has ever dreamt of.
The one where Harry struggles to really accept who he is and Louis is there every step of the way.
And I’m Weeping Warm Honey and Milk (That You Stay Surrounding Me) by  fangirlflailings (78k)
Louis is a first-year medical student, still a little tender as he recovers from a personal trauma. Harry works, amongst other things, as a professional cuddler, though he comes with baggage of his own. They don’t mean it to, but the intimacy that blooms between them quietly changes them both.
Your Memory Over Me by shimmeringevil / @shimmeringevil (64k)
Three years have passed since Louis last saw him, but all it took was a few minutes in Harry’s presence for him to be relegated to the desperate twenty-one year old that was practically begging his boyfriend for an ounce of reassurance that he still cared about him.
Harry shouldn’t be here. He’s brought too many unresolved feelings with him, that Louis thought he’d never have to face.
It’s Harry’s apparent apathy that’s the most difficult to come to terms with. Anger, he could handle. Regret, he would welcome. But Harry’s amiability, and carefree demeanor can only be born from indifference.
He’s moved on. He doesn’t care. And that is something Louis doesn’t think he’ll ever be strong enough to face.
OR - The worst heartbreak of Louis’ life walks right back into it when his parents invite their family friends on an all-expenses-paid trip for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Facing a past that he tried to bury long ago, Louis learns that some people have a way of sticking with you even when they’re gone.
You Taught Me How To Love (You Taught Me How To Stop) by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain (50k)
"I was always better at hand to hand than you," Harry growls, even as he leans his weight into the blade. It's small, sharp, has a handle of gold roses.
"I don't know about that." Louis moves his arm forward, makes the presence of the barrel of the gun fit snugly to Harry's hip. "I think we just play differently."
"You going to shoot me?" Harry asks, those wild eyes tracking over Louis' face. "Do it."
"I think I've put enough scars on you," Louis answers, means it about the stretch marks still lining the sides of Harry's stomach, but it lands a little too raw. There are other scars on Harry's body that Louis blames himself for, scars inside too.
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hotdsstuff · 1 year
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Blood and Ashes
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Tourneys and Memories
It was the day of the Tournament. The long-awaited Tournament for the King's Heir. This heir who had not even been born. But that didn't matter. The Prince's birth was just one more reason for more than half the city to gather and watch useless men fight their own kind. If not for the immense insistence of Rhaenyra and Viserys, along with Daemon's participation, Aerin would not even have bothered to come and watch. Aerin had little to no appreciation for tournaments and jousting, I mean, if she couldn't compete herself, what was the fun in just watching?
Aerin wore a black dress with red trim that had been given to her by Daemon years ago. This matched his own armor. Beside her, as the two climbed the stairs to the small platform, Rhaenyra was dressed in a bright red dress and had her hair in a few small braids wound around the nape of her neck. As for Aerin's hairstyle, she just wore her traditional braids. The braids meant a lot to Aerin. She said that for each victory achieved, a braid would be made in her hair and for each defeat suffered, all braids would be cut. Aerin had never cut a single braid before. I think that, just for this information, Otto Hightower should rethink his ideas, no? Back to the point, at the top of her silver waterfall, Aerin had a tiara of pure obsidian, curiously also given by Daemon. Aerin liked to spice things up, and what better way to do that than to challenge the King's power without the King himself noticing?
As the two climbed, Viserys made a short speech.
- Be welcome! I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. 
But, as on any other occasion, his speech was cut short when Aerin emerged. The people, together with some nobles, rose to their feet with shouts and whistles at the appearance of the Princess. The people had a huge adoration for Aerin, not just because she was the Mother of Dragons, no, from the moment when she was born the winter stopped abruptly, the story was passed down from generation to generation, making many think that the birth of Aerin was a sign from the Gods, an answer to their prayers for mercy. The entire city soon adopted Aerin as a source of devotion, they revered her, for she had brought the sun and rain, she had brought the crops and every source of food in the realm. She, was their goddess. Some even screamed.
Aerin immediately smiled, raising her arms. Behind her, Rhaenys and Corlys smiled along with Laenor and Laena who loved it when Aerin told them stories about Valerian, Queen of All Dragons. But, not everyone was happy, an example? Well, as usual, Otto Hightower. It was hard to see why he harbored such an ancient hatred for Aerin. But, I think it could be started by saying that he could never get the King to see the evil in Aerin. Let me explain. Aerin and Daemon, as we know, didn't have a relationship, let's say "normal", although their ancestors can't say much about it, but Otto always knew about these meetings and secrecy between the two. His spies, or little birds as he liked to call them, had filled him in on Aerin and Daemon's various customs several times. Otto tried to warn Jaehaerys about the matter, but the Old King never listened to him, there was nothing he could say that would spoil the affection Jaehaerys had for his favorite granddaughter. Now, Otto had tried to warn Viserys of Daemon and Aerin's relationship, but again, the King would have none of it. Aerin was his older sister and nothing was going to destroy Viserys's vision of her, of wisdom, of trust, of courage. Otto even thought that Aerin used some kind of witchcraft to bewitch Jaehaerys and then Viserys. But that theory was never proven, since, if she bewitched her grandfather and her brother, why didn't she put a spell on him so that he would stop bothering her? Furthermore, it was inconceivable to Otto that Viserys would not notice that Aerin wore a tiara. Not even Queen Aemma wore one! It was an outrage, a betrayal of the kingdom and the king himself, but no one seemed to care. Otto would never realize how Aerin always got away with whatever she did, but that's a topic for another time.
Finally, when Aerin sat down, in the front row, everyone else in the arena sat down with her. She turned back, beckoning Viserys to continue. Viserys waved back, silently thanking her. Viserys then continued. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra soon sat down on Aerin's right and Alicent's left.
- When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labors!
Aerin applauded and along with her the entire arena.
- May the of the Seven shine upon all combatants! - And the arena erupted in applause.
The jousting soon began and the shouting along with it. But Aerin couldn't care less than she already did.
- A mystery knight? - asked Rhaenyra.
- No, a Cole, of the Stormlands. - answered Alicent
- I've never heard of House Cole. 
- Neither have I - said Aerin.
Then a knight approached the bench. This one carried the shield of House Baratheon. Distant cousins of House Targaryen, by Princess Rhaenys.
 - Princess Rhaenys Targaryen! - he called - I would humbly ask for the favor of "The Queen Who Never Was."
- Good fortune to you, cousin.
-  I would gladly take it if I thought I needed it. - he replied, convinced.
Otto Hightower approached the King.
- You could have Baratheon's tongue for that. 
- Tongues will not change the succession. Let them wag. - retorted Viserys.
Rhaenyra and Alicent soon returned to their conversation.
- Lord Stokeworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire. 
- Lord Massey's son? - asked Alicent.
- They're to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood. 
- Best get on with it. I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress.
The banners were soon changed. These indicated who would be the next combatants. The Baratheon banner was raised on the right and the Cole banner on the left.
The two knights soon crossed, Ser Baratheon being cut down by Cole. Looks like this one needed luck after all.
Rhaenyra, impressed, questioned Ser Harrold.
- What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?
- I'm told Ser Criston is common-born, son of Lord Dondarrion's steward. But other than that, and the fact that he's just unhorsed both of the Baratheon lads, I really couldn't say. 
The drums with the Targaryen crest began to play again. The people started screaming. Soon the reason they were screaming would be explained. The Targaryen banner had also been raised. Daemon was about to fight. Now, Aerin paid attention to the joust.
- Prince Daemon of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent! - Aerin looked at the combatants, none as powerful with a sword as Daemon was. This should be easy.
Daemon crossed the arena on his black steed to match his armor.
- For his first challenge, Prince Daemon chooses Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, eldest son of the Hand  of the King. - Of course, Daemon wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to humiliate House Hightower and anger the dear Hand.
Rhaenyra took Alicent's Hand. Of course this one was nervous. Daemon was the best knight in King's Landing, after Aerin, of course.
 - Five dragons on Daemon - Betting began, the first was Viserys.
- You have so little faith, my brother.  - Aerin commented. She looked at Otto as she smiled and said - Twenty dragons on Daemon.
Daemon looked up at the platform and smirked at Otto. He then looked down and saw Aerin. There she was in all her glory while wearing one of the dresses he himself had given her. Daemon, of course, smiled at her.
In the end, as predicted, Daemon won. He approached the platform as Aerin, Rhaenyra, and Alicent rose to their feet.
- Nicely done, Uncle. 
- Thank you, Princess. - Daemon replied. Aerin just smiled at him and waved. But before continuing, Aerin turned to Viserys.
- Viserys. - Aerin held out her hand, while smiling. The latter threw him a small bag of coins. Aerin turned to Daemon then.
- You bet on me? - He asked, falsely surprised.
- But of course. Twenty dragons.
- Now, I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Princess Aerin. Having the Mother of Dragons' favor would all but assure it. -Daemon wanted to pull Otto to his limits. He considered asking Alicent's favor but that would be too boring. And what better way to piss off Otto than to publicly show his appreciation for Aerin without it seeming romantic? Better was impossible. Rhaenyra just smiled at Daemon's attempt to piss off Otto. She knew about her uncles romance since she was just a child. She was sworn to secrecy, and secretly, she supported their relationship.
Aerin turned her back and took her favor as she looked into the eyes of Viserys and Otto. Her favor was made of red and black roses, decorated with golden dragons. A complete symbol of House Targaryen. She turned to Daemon and urged her favor as the people cheered and whistled. And then she dropped it onto Daemon's spear.
- Good luck, my Prince.
Aerin soon turned around and was just in time to see a Maester whisper something in Otto's ear and he did the same in Viserys's ear. This soon got up, only stopping to whisper in her ear.
- Take care of Rhaenyra.
- What? Why? What is going on? Viserys? Answer me. - But this one was already gone.
In her heart Aerin knew something was going on. She felt her chest heavy. Not even two seconds had passed when Aerin rose to follow Viserys. Otto tried to stop her. But it was in vain.
- Princess! The King has asked you to look after Princess Rhaenyra. You cannot-
- Do it yourself!
- But- Princess!
- Aunt Aerin? Is there something wrong?
Hearing Rhaenyra's voice, Aerin turned to her. She put her hands around Rhaenyra's face gently and said.
- Nothing is wrong, my dragon. Do not worry. I just need you to stay here and focus on Uncle Daemon so that when I get back you can tell me everything that happened, you understand?
- Okay.
Aerin broke into a run up the stairs of the Red Keep. Soon she heard Aemma's screams and knew something was wrong. The birth should have been over by now. Aerin soon entered and saw Aemma lying on the bed as she screamed with Viserys beside her.
- Aemma!
 - Aerin - shouted Aemma and Viserys in unison.
Aerin walked over to Aemma and sat beside her. But Viserys pulled her away.
- What are you doing here?
- I am taking care of my sister! - Aerin returned to sit beside Aemma.
- No no no. Please!
- It's okay Aemma. You will be fine.
While Aerin massaged Aemma's hair and soothed her, Viserys spoke to the Maesters.
- During a difficult birth, it sometimes becomes necessary for the father to make an impossible choice.
- Well, speak it.
- To sacrifice one or to lose them both. There is a chance that we can save the child. A technique is taught at the Citadel, wich involves cutting directly into the womb to free the infant. But the resulting blood loss-
- Seven Hells, Mellos. You can save the child?
- We must either act now or leave it with the gods.
- Viserys - Aemma called weakly.
- Yes? They're going to bring the baby out now. 
- What? How? - Aerin asked. But Viserys did not respond.
- I love you.
- What is happening? - asked Aemma, confused.
- No, it's all right. 
- Viserys? What are you doing? - Aerin tried to warn.
Aemma was getting more and more scared as was Aerin.
- Viserys!
Viserys nodded to the guards, who then grabbed Aerin by her arms and pulled her away from Aemma.
- Viserys, no! Please. Think again. STOP! VISERYS! - Aerin tried to free herself but had four guards grabbing her at once, she was at a clear disadvantage.
- I'm making the first incision. 
- VISERYS! - Aemma and Aerin's screams echoed in unison. - AEMMA! VISERYS STOP THIS MADNESS!
When Aerin saw Aemma stop screaming, she did, scream as she had never done in her life.
Valerian, sensing her rider's pain, roared with all her might. At the tournament, Valerian's roar was adopted as Daemon's victory badge, but that victory would not last long.
When the first cries were heard in the King's chambers, the guards finally released Aerin. She fell to her knees on the floor as tears streamed down her face.
When Daemon looked up at the platform, he finally noticed that Aerin was gone.
Aerin, when finally released, ran to Aemma, in the little hope that she had just lost consciousness. Aerin grabbed her face as she cried, trying to get her to wake up. But in vain. She was dead.
As she approached Aemma's body, Aerin had her dress covered in her blood. But this one didn't care. She was in pure shock. Her sister was dead.
- I hope you're happy. -Aerin said to Viserys, as she looked at Aemma's face. As she ran her hands through her hair one last time.
Meanwhile, at the tourney, Ser Criston had bested Daemon. And now this one claimed his reward, Rhaenyra's favor.
- I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor.
- I wish you luck, Ser Criston. 
- Princess.
Aerin, coming to terms with Aemma's death, remembered the last thing she had asked of her: that she take care of Rhaenyra. Then, Aerin gave Aemma a final kiss on the forehead and left the room. She walked slowly through the corridors of the Red Keep. She was in no hurry to tell Rhaenyra about Aemma's death, but the time would come whether she wanted it or not.
That moment came faster than expected. When Aerin appeared Daemon and Ser Criston were still in the arena, no longer fighting, but still there. When Daemon looked at Aerin,he knew something was up. Something had made her eyes go cold, they no longer had the same sparkle as before. When Daemon saw the blood on Aerin's dress and hands, his eyes widened and he had a small idea of what had happened.
When Rhaenyra saw her uncle so taken aback, she immediately looked back to see Aerin desperately fighting back tears. With blood on her hands and dress and her hair a little out of place.
Aerin approached Rhaenyra and knelt in front of her. Without saying a word, Aerin embraced Rhaenyra, her mother's death sure to haunt her forever.
Rhaenyra, still not knowing what was going on, soon found out when she saw Otto arrive and whisper something in the ears of all the members of the Small Council.
It was the next day. But to Aerin and Rhaenyra it felt like a hundred years had passed. Aemma's presence no longer cheered the Red Keep.
Syrax was above a hill while Valerian circled the skies. Beneath that very hill they all gathered around the funeral pyre of Aemma and Baelon, yes, Viserys had borne a son, just as he wanted, but he had only lived for an hour, suffocating on the very air. To Aerin, that just meant the karma was real, but she would never say that out loud, out of respect for Rhaenyra and Aemma's memory.
They were all silent, none daring to utter a single word.
- They're waiting for you. - Daemon said, behind Rhaenyra, next to Aerin.
- Nyke pendagon lo, isse lī dorolvie jēda ñuha lēkia glaestan, ñuha kepa mōrī jiōraton biarves (I wonder if, during those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found happiness.)
- Aōha kepa jorrāelagon ao, tolī sir than ziry mirre ēza (Your father needs you, more now than he ever has.) - Daemon tried
- Kesan dōrī sagon iā tresy (I will never be a son.)
Aerin just watched the scene. Staring intently at the pyre of Aemma and Baelon. That reminded her of something. A memory from when she was just eight and Daemon was three. Daemon was still a baby in arms when Alyssa, mother of the three, had died, along with their brother Aegon.
Aerin remembered how her childhood faded from that moment on, never to return. Aerin, eight years old at her mother's death, was the woman of the family and soon realized her duty to care for Viserys and Daemon. Aerin was a child who had been forced to grow up and mature quickly. Far too quickly.
Rhaenyra inched closer to the pyre. She looked at Syrax. She was the only one
Rhaenyra inched closer to the pyre. She looked at Syrax. She was the only descendant of the King. The "dracarys" had to come from her. Rhaenyra tried. But Aemma's death weighed heavily on her. She couldn't. She turned to Aerin, who had 'woken up'. Aerin nodded and soon Rhaenyra stepped back and hugged her, tears covering Aerin's dress immediately.
- Dracarys, Syrax. (Dragonfire, Syrax) - Aerin ordered, and soon the dragon descended the hill and burned the pyre.
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number1villainstan · 7 months
Adolescence of Utena: First Time Watcher Reactions
Finding the movie and figuring out a way to get the file to play was an Educational Experience, to be sure, but I have it now! I've already watched through the series (reactions in this thread) so that should be helpful in understanding the movie. Real-time reactions below the cut:
how many times have i seen those bells now? things kept Not Working
the cock tower got ripped off at the base. lmao get rekt akio
wait is that utena and dios as shadows? with utena kneeling before kid-looking dios too
yo this intro music is fire
all the little stamp-sized pictures look like they're exploding/going up in flames. memories maybe? getting sacrificed? my first thought is nemuro hall from the series
wait wait this one picture. taller than the others, the biggest of them all even if it's not as wide. castle in the background. a small-looking boat, i can see the planks, getting tossed on huge waves in the stormy night. and right in the middle, the shadow of utena (i think) in the doorway--ready to jump out? god the boat seems like a noah's ark reference but idk if the creators would like. already know the noah's ark story? given cultural differences and all. and it's the only picture that moves (sliding backwards) AND the only picture that doesn't go up in flames. oh god. oh my god. is utena okay???
those blackboards are funky
WAKABA! she already knows utena's name but this is the first time they're meeting??
oh this is a dub. hm. well it's better than no movie at all lmao. and it doesn't seem like a bad dub either don't look a gift horse in the mouth after all
this entire school is on some escher shit. escher if he lived to make animations instead of still images
E-ko and F-ko, huh? no D-ko? (or is it linked to superstitions about 4 being unlucky in Japan cuz it can be pronounced like "death") that is assuming, of course, that the corresponding Shadow Girls from the series are A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko
lmao at that broadcast though
"it's the prince!" and the fighters are orange and blue. is juri the prince? miki?
nvm the dub is not actually that good
oh JURI'S the prince here! instead of wakaba! and she seems to be pretty close with miki--does that mean she has a better relationship with shiori here? (or at least a better relationship with her memories of shiori?)
oh damn touga showed up--black and gold uniform, a lot like utena's uniform in the show actually, but without the red on her uniform cuz his hair's already red--
damn there even looks like there's blood on the base of the cock tower where it got ripped off lmao
touga showing up as a ghost, with a dark red rose on his lapel--and the dark red roses piled up in the middle of that inaccessible(?) courtyard, like a grave
"our promise in the planetarium" akio's planetarium??? from the series??? i don't remember them ever meeting there, unless the dueling arena counts--
idk what they're supposed to be saying there. "we have yet to go" ???
that picture again--that's not utena in the doorway though
so touga's the one with the ring this time, instead of utena. "you must be engaged to someone" "this ring led me to this academy" calling back the "perhaps the ring was an engagement ring" part of the storybook intro and utena's "i came to this academy to find my prince" thing from the series
the rain stops and touga is gone. and that single white rose wasn't opened yet, was still just a bud until Utena came along, one white rose among a thousand red ones (and all the red rose petals falling), and that rose gives her the ring like dios did--standing out from the crowd of course, but is it utena or dios? or perhaps simply the ideal of a prince?
"what is that?" utena says about the floating duel arena, which is high up, unlike all of the other floating islands and parts of Ohtori
oh the stairs! unconnected to anything solid aside from their end points, like the spiral stairs in the series, but it's straight up unlike the spiral staircase, and there's no elevator that i see. like it's lost its central support
practically a carpet of red roses. so that's where the petals were falling from? that's gotta hurt to walk through though, so many thorns. plus like--flowers in general don't grow that densely? they're nutrient and energy intensive, just like fruit, cuz they're reproductive organs. Something Fishy Is Going On
anthy is holding a pink rose. pink for utena this time for sure
"i'm the headmaster's sister, so i get special treatment." idk if i can trust the dub's voice acting (doesn't sound like it) but she does not sound happy about that 'special treatment'
"I'm the only one captive to the roses" a) are you sure you're the only one? b) is captive to the roses referring to Rose Bride bullshit or just being trapped in Ohtori in general
damn saionji sounds super rough in the dub. which makes sense ofc it's saionji lol
and there's anthy's mask again. shows up around saionji, but she dropped it for utena
is saionji eating anthy's hair >.>
the sounds of machines that come as utena puts on the ring. of course. of course. the machinery of ohtori is starting up once again to claim another cog
oh wait huh. saionji's wearing the same outfit as touga, so it's not special to him after all
"this is your chance to take it off" it's like the "good luck" in the first duel in the series, but instead anthy's actively warning utena away from the duels--because utena is new, instead of a recurring student? because anthy remembers utena from before and feels guilty from trapping utena in the game? because anthy herself has gained a taste of independence and desperately wants to reclaim it? it's fascinating how anthy is acting as her own person, actively utilizing her agency in a very visible way despite being in the role of Rose Bride, as opposed to the series where she very much sticks to being passive at first (at least when the camera is on her)
the bells again, but they start the duel instead of mark its ending like in the series
aaaand there's the slap. specifically after anthy actively attempts to interfere with the duel, rather than saionji just slapping her for wishing good luck to utena. i honestly really like this new anthy
"my possession?" oh so it's said even more out loud here than in the series
saionji looks downright insane here
the series is transmasc utena the movie is transfem utena and they're both butches
"I'll never lose to anyone who hits a girl!" still that prince mindset. still that association of femininity with weakness and masculinity with abuse. in this specific case it holds true, but in the general--what about people who hit boys?
saionji looked normal for half a second there
anthy is actively taking charge of her own destiny here, kissing utena to give her the sword of (dios? anthy? just A Sword?)
and it's with the sword that utena finally wins (and gets hair extensions). in the series utena won even with a broken practice sword
oh my god they LITERALLY put saionji on the other side of a dividing line. goddamn
underwater moment? we sunk down to the new dorm? so utena isn't living with anthy this time around. it's just normal unpacking stuff
utena and touga were childhood friends...
okay so utena wants here there. which maybe anthy anticipated cuz she really just walked right in lmao
"i'm not gonna let you go home tonight" that was unexpectedly sinister
damn, anthy really just went "hey order me to fuck you utena :)"
shiori and touga are conspiring...don't like that
touga was under a white sheet. don't they usually put white sheets on the dead?
"the prince was killed" juri? touga? ruka? THE BOY FROM JURI'S STORY. which she said happened to her older sister--
"i'll make her be the prince for the rest of her life" ...damn, shiori, tf are you doing to juri
the shattered frame with the picture of utena
wait was that a show that just floated by? a lot of underwater motifs here with scene transitions
wakaba trying to swordfight lmao
utena don't leave the water on even if you're talking to your childhood friend
ah, swimmers. I see, oh it's in the pool. an empty pool. and anthy's flirting with touga. ah yes, the hypersexuality, i remember reading a meta about this
different frames in the pictures--pink roses, then candy, and baby anthy's wearing utena's yellow dress from the storybook scene--and dios being exhausted, but they're in a castle, not a barn like in the series--and the guy talking on the phone to touga, that has to be akio/dios, cuz his story is being told in the painting
oh, witch, not wish--and dios was the the lord of the flies first, akio (evil) first rather than starting as dios (good) (for all that evil and good don't really mean anything in this world)
kozue and miki are. really different in this cycle. i think kozue's hair color is different, and so is miki's hair? miki looks older, more wild, much less like the "girl-shaped boy" from the show. and the dialogue suggests that he's let go of his need for the Sunlit Garden, like how he was introduced fencing with Juri rather than playing piano
also i forgot to say this way earlier but like man, anthy and utena both look way different. i think it's their face shapes being different. rounder cheeks and points for chins. maybe it's cuz they both left last time?
"i was sold to [my father] when i was young" OH YES THE PROMISED TOUGA BACKSTORY I'VE HEARD ABOUT THIS
"the customer" too, like jesus fuck touga are you saying you were prostituted around to pedos??? the touga-anthy parallels are painful
and shiori calling juri disgusting :/ for what, having a gay crush? being a lesbian? liking shiori? the pendant? just a rumor?
the bugs on the cabbage. shiori being a bug? and growing wings from the white cloth (death cloth?) of the room--oh no, moths. white moths. with black spots. (the defilement of purity? the ugly evil on a canvas of nothing?) landing on touga. somehow i feel like even if they had sex that touga wasn't properly into it. that it was just a bargaining chip.
juri and miki's outfits are red and blue, not black like touga and saionji's--
the mirage of dios--and just half an hour in we get the Revolution foreshadowing
the name kozue behind miki as juri's asking about his motivations. and the (blue? purple?) bath duck and water splashes in the red light. this feels like machinery.
"my wish is always to obtain more power" miki doesn't just have ruka's hair, he's acting like ruka. i don't like this
"that's so male" and yet again the gender roles
miki says he wants to simply gain more power. juri says she wants to gain power to free herself from Everything. and then--"unromantic things" are they dating?? is this just something weird about the dub or was it intentional on Be-Papas' part???
they are not, in fact, alone
oh fuck
(and shiori's flirting with juri--shiori's manipulating both touga AND juri. but miki seems to see right through it)
"those things" you mean sex? like cmon utena sex isn't something shameful
"touga started to act strange because of you" and then we cut to the moths over the lamp. oh no. it was shiori made touga "act strange"
"i thought he would only be beside only me" possessive much?
stars--"there is no prince"--callbacks to the show again
she cut the water line! not utena's neck thank god
utena mentions the stars so anthy gives her the stars oh my god
the long haired utena with the red trim that short-hair utena doesn't have, and anthy's reflection has the rose bride dress--which is white instead of red like the series--is the long-haired utena supposed to represent her "true self?" transfem utena fr
wakaba also looks a bit different, so maybe it's just all the girls ("girls") who look different, cuz the boys don't look very different
"capture your partner's essence" what? oh this is art class
anthy always above utena during the walking scene
"i want to be your friend": the "i don't like this engaged business" part in the series came early, during the student council arc--the "if you have any problems come to me, okay" part came much later, during the akio arc. the movie be speedrunning their relationship. but anthy's not cooperating, cuz she interrupted utena to ask to switch
"let's keep no secrets" used to get utena naked. damn. a bit of anthy's manipulativeness coming in
is that the sound of a car? and the paintings from the intro--
no that's an airplane taking off
oh god, there's a hole in her chest. the swords of hate?
the shadow girl broadcast! and a 'scandalascious tape'
the nanami cow! and chu-chu, and the triplets as elephants too lmao
i'm surprised they didn't use actual cow sounds. it's just a dub of someone saying "moo" over and over again :/
chu-chu got ate?
wrong tape lmao
Akio! "I lost the key to my car. Oh well!" lmao. and is that girl with him, is that nanami? looks like her. but it's probably meant to be kanae instead. and all the obvious performativeness, even as E-ko and F-ko call him a "textbook example of a prince", yeah that fits him
oh, did he just use the police as an escort? i thought he was getting arrested for half a second (sadly no)
the skip with the "starts, starts, starts...starts here!" huh.
and now the record is skipping--and then the tape skipping--
and now juri and utena are dueling. utena of course pulls a sword from anthy, and shiori gives juri a sword--i'm reminded of the akio and apocalypse arc duels, but the motivation is similar to juri's stuco arc duel
miki standing with touga... except he can't see him. i also think maybe ruka got folded into miki's character
"eternity, miracles, everything that glows" eternity, the power of miracles, and the shining thing. of course.
oh so utena actually properly wins against juri in the movie, by calling on the power of dios subconsciously. naturally.
and then the revelation that Akio is dead? and kanae crying over here. anthy doesn't seem to like her very much this cycle either
oh my god, anthy killed akio? or at least buried his body--no wonder she's so much more active this time around mwahahaha
oh now akio's car key is much more important
oh. no. akio killed anthy. damn. in a drunken stupor it seems. cuz he was taking advantage of her when he thought she was asleep? yay, more sexual trauma /sarcasm
chair with a sign on it, turn for the elevator--black rose arc callback?
OH SHIT IT REALLY IS THE BLACK ROSE ARC! evil elevator time??? but different cuz no mikage i bet
ahhhh this makes shiori's "i'll make her be the prince forever" make so much more sense
the boat from the picture!
dividing line between touga and utena
"the end of the world" name drop!
ah, touga was the one who drowned. their relationship is way different this cycle
the lighting used to be yellow in the elevator, now it's pink instead. and huh, the elevator wasn't evil this time around
"you really were my prince" Your Honor I Would Like To Object
and now utena's the prince--as long as she stays in this world. is this anthy's world then? but utena still wants to go to the outside world
utena's getting turned into a car let's gooooooooo
these scenes are where all the implied machinery comes to light fr isn't it
utena nearly went to rust before anthy took up her offer
the road from the show! is it staying stop i can't read japanese
the shadow girls now all have pink hair lol
oh my god it's shiori! that's not black, that's purple though, and the insides are pink with frilly lace on the edges, hm
"the only one who deserves to escape is me" and then she takes herself out
oh no, more cars. actually black this time, sounding like bots--creepy bots? compared to bugs--and a swarm--but the radio girls implied that they've seen them before--
is that shiori again? nope
she got help! from the student council of all people! but how did they know what they were trying to do, and what made them decide to help them--this movie requires so much prior knowledge of the series to make any sense. like when did they become friends this cycle even? when utena defeated saionji and miki??
"high goals attract good people" okay but do they? we only have the one instance, and we have a counterexample in touga and shiori don't we?
"i will be there to seduce you" saionji you're like the worst seducer on the planet lmaoooooo
i don't think the magical looking castle is the landmark for the exit somehow
i was right
rondo revolution! and car makeover!
anthy's got some serious dodging skills to get through those tires
oh no, not the treads--and there's dios/akio.
damn does utena feel pain as a car? cuz she must be hurting right now
"a living corpse" huh? a closed world where death and life are conflated--
ohhhhh being a living corpse is how you be a princess....does that mean dios was a princess? lmao
end of the world and "grant me the power to revolutionize the world" name drops
oh my god all the radio girls are literal strawmen. strawwomen? strawpeople? no wonder their faces/skin were blacked out
oh, those are the ruins of the black cars--and the castle too, probably
"a world without roads" huh?
wakaba is still trapped in ohtori :( with what looks like onion prince dude lol
"the world will get bigger by that much" ah, so that's what "end of the world" means here--it's not a literal world, it's their experience that's the world. living at the edge of their experience
and that's the end of the movie! Overall Impressions: I'm...honestly not impressed by it. I do like the touga backstory, cuz we didn't get that in the series, but it felt like it took on too much and ended up cutting vital things cuz nothing fit. Maybe my experience was colored by the lackluster dub voice acting, but it seriously felt like the characterization was lacking, and not just because of the dub--there were important scenes missing that give context to character changes. Most specifically I'm thinking of the heel-face turn of the Student Council. Why did they do that? Why did they help them? Utena and Anthy's desires to go to the outside world also aren't properly explored. That's probably the biggest flaw with this movie, is the way important character arcs aren't fluid--they have big jumps that don't feel right, that only make sense if you have the show's context, and even then don't make sense within the world of the show. We leave a character at point A, and then when they reappear somehow they've jumped to point 27 and the viewer only has any idea how they got there if they've watched the show. That and whatever happened to Miki's character, and the fact that Wakaba only shows up as exposition (and I think the Student Council's car? that wasn't clear though). Absolutely criminal what they did to Wakaba. My girl deserves better than that.
I did like Touga's backstory, though. Makes a lot of sense for his character (even when that calls a lot of Nanami's character into question, like did she suffer the same fate??). And also Saionji's willingness to Throw Down with Utena immediately. If he were anywhere except Ohtori he'd be a delinquent with like 18 fights on his record lmao
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gwens-fiction · 6 months
Intro Post
Hi! I’m Gwen. I’m 26, she/her, have a masters in wildlife biology and conservation management, bachelors in biology with minors of English and environmental studies. I have two younger siblings, and 8 pets (5 dogs, 1 rabbit, and 2 cats). I write a lot of fanfiction for the Penguins of Madagascar fandom, but I also write several original things, too.
Genres I write tend to fall under: fantasy, urban fantasy, sci-fi, horror, weird science, action comedy (with animal characters), mystery, poetry.
Feel free to ask to be on any tag list! WIPs below the cut.
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Original WIPs
Hidden Earth Chronicles
Summary: Necromancer Vasco has just returned home to find his beloved wife missing. He and his brother-in-law set out to find her and along the way Vasco learns more about where he came from and his own abilities.
Tropical Storm
Summary: Martin along Evy and Diego, are newly moving into the San Diego Zoo. However, Martin’s life is unexpectedly rocked when a secret agent accidentally drops a piece of top secret spy equipment among his belongings. Now he’s been recruited by the local espionage squad. Together they keep the zoo safe from assorted enemies, as well as face international threats.
Also planning: Patagonia Penguins which takes place long before this but is connected via being about Martin's parents.
My Baby’s a Werewolf
Summary: Single Dad, Sebastian’s, toddler daughter, Amber, gets bitten by a “big dog” one evening and becomes a little werepup. Now her dad is handling the pressures of being a single dad as well as trying to get his daughter back to normal.
Obscure Science
Summary: Rejected scientist Dr. Darwin Rose finds new employment with an off-the-record agency that focuses on well…obscure and bizarre occurrences, whether they be paranormal, supernatural, fantastical, or seem like something from science fiction, this agency investigates it all. Darwin is paired up with another scientist, Dr. Cassidy Blue, and together they have some crazy escapades.
Shady Acres
Summary: Sydney, freshly graduated from high school, goes to spend the summer with her older brother Ryan at his cabin. They set up trail cameras for fun but soon get unexpected photos that introduce them to whole new oddities that the woods can offer.
Title Under Construction
Summary: A small town has become plagued by a mysterious creature that keeps eating the inhabitants.
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Fanfic WIPs
A Scientific Romance Series
A series of Penguins of Madagascar fics about Kowalski the penguin and his invention unexpectedly pairing him up with the penguins' arch nemesis: Dr Blowhole and how they’re making this relationship work.
Spin Offs:
Scientist Overboard
Summary: Francis and Kowalski have been dating for over a year when Kowalski and the others go on a mission out at sea. Kowalski finds himself washed overboard during a bad storm, waking up without any memory on an island. He and his spirit guide then attempt to return to New York while the others try to find him.
Haunted Mansion
Summary: Blowhole, Kowalski, and their children decide to go on a family vacation, but get sidetracked by a haunted mansion's advertisement that Blowhole couldn't pass up. Will include 2 guest OCs of my friend @insert-meaningful-username. A Franski fic with bonus fankids.
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Collaborative WIPs with @insert-meaningful-username
Mallory Manor (Title Under Construction)
Summary: Rose sneaks into the sketchy old Mallory Manor at the end of the street and discovers far more than she bargained for.
Clandestine Affairs
Summary: During the biggest heist they’ll ever pull off, infamous criminal duo Show Biz planned on robbing one of the richest and highly valuable connections to have, Julien Prince. However, they’ve finally been caught by their rivals. With the heroes winning this battle, surely things will now be brought to justice...until, the charges are read. Sentence to death for...murdering the Senator of Delaware?!? NOW, our heroes must team up with the baddies to end this confusion, solving the mystery of the true mastermind before the crooks are falsely put to death for the only crime they didn’t commit.
Caretaker of Madagascar (Penguins of Madagascar series)
Summary: Some believe misfortune can bring people together. Others believe that destiny has the power to interconnect lives, whether those lives wanted to or not. Call it a coincidence. Call it fate. Call it a despicable force of nature. Either way, nothing could've stopped the fact that Bridget Ailith, a cantankerous new zookeeper, found herself forced to team up with the Penguins to undo a machine's disastrous effects. Doesn't help that those penguins are now—
Do You Read Me, 00FU? (Subnautica / Neebs Gaming inspired series)
Summary: Hired aboard Alterra’s prestigious and pristine spaceship, The Aurora, space engineer rookie Appsro finally gets his opportunity to voyage across the galaxy… Until it fucking crashes onto an uncharted pelagic planet. Alone and stranded on quarantined 4546B, all Appsro has in his survival skill set is his ingenuity, some tools, stubbornness, and the aid of a few (debatable if helpful or not) Alterra HQ Operators. Can he prevail and escape the treacherous deep waters, enormous aquatic monsters, and the lethal thousand-year-old bacteria that feast upon the planet? Probably not. He’s fucked.
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drama--universe · 1 year
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Requested by anonymous: Heyyyy, I don't really know when this is going to get to you, but I have been reading your prince of tennis imagines and they were really really good, so I was wondering if you could maybe write one on ji jingwu, I don't really have a plot but something fluff. Thank youuuuuuuu❤️❤️
Pairing: Ji Jingwu x reader
Word Count: 1.4k words
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Not just anyone could catch Jingwu's eye, they had to be an exceptional person. Which was why many believed him to have an interest in Si-Yang, since he was one of the people that Jingwu actually seemed to like. That was a whole fan club on it's own, one that Jingwu wished he could just disband and he had tried to no avail. But unlike what most people believed or the ridiculous standards they had invented for Jingwu's "ideal type", the person he actually liked was just a normal person. Not an tennis prodigy, not someone you'd only see on tv and certainly not the number one student. Just a person.
And that person was you.
You didn't really get how you ender up with a boyfriend like Jingwu, nor did you get why he ever approached you. You knew well enough that Jingwu had a lot of people that wanted to date him, you even remembered when that female makeup youtuber approached him after school and you just as well remember the look on her face after being harshly rejected. Although you felt bad for her, she clearly had never been rejected before, you were also just glad as Jingwu walked your way. You also didn't miss the fact that he suddenly threw his arm around your shoulder unlike usual where he remained a small distance from you.
At the end of the day, you didn't cared about how it all happened and you rather just care for your relationship itself. Why? Because Jingwu is quite a character.
On one hand, he was kind and thoughtful. He took you on plenty of dates, some of them more for your sake then for his, and his gifts never stopped. On the other hand, he was completely oblivious and didn't really realize when he was being a bit insensitive. He was usually uncaring to others, especially to his teammates, so that tended to also apply to you without him realizing. Then again, you kinda knew that he was like that when you started to date him. Then again, he was more affectionate then people often believed. He walked you to school, even though you lived thirty minutes from him and then thirty minutes from school which meant he had to leave an hour earlier than he would usually have to do, and he also held your hand all the way to your classroom. When school was finished, you'd make your way to the training grounds where you waited for him to finish his hourly training before he walked you back home. During lunch, he'd sit with you (accompanied by Chonghong), and made sure you ate well before bidding you goodbye at the end with a kiss on your forehead. If he doesn't or can't do one of those things, you'd find a note in your locker along with a small gift and he'd make sure that he could make it up to you.
Today was one of those days, he had no school today thanks to the tournament that would take place later today. Although it was technically after school hours, he would be practicing the rest of the day due to the school's request. The small paper roses in your locker were already enough, but the fact that they were little notes when you opened them was even more special in a way. You didn't want to think of how long it took for the handful of notes to be made, just the fact that he did it was enough. So you read every single one, careful to not rip the paper as you opened it before storing them in your little box of notes. It started at a joke, but Jingwu took it as some kind of challenge to fill the box up. He was almost finished, only a few more notes and it would be full. After reading all of them, you quickly packed up before continuing your school day like any other.
"Do you think Jingwu will win?" Someone passed by you, but you were aware that the question was not directed at you. Nonetheless, you shook your head softly as some kind of response, not that the two giggling girls noticed. You pulled your bag out of your locker, filling it with the necessary stuff before slamming your locker shut again as you felt a presence beside you along with soft whispers.
"Couldn't wait until I came, huh?" You turned your head to look at your boyfriend, who rolled his eyes at your statement before grabbing your bag from your hands and slinging it over his shoulder. You knew you wouldn't win against him, so you didn't argue and just took ahold of his hand with a bright smile.
"Let's go then, you can't be late!" "They won't mind." He responded and you gave a quick nudge in between his ribs, claiming that it was rude for him to do so. He didn't care much for punctuation when it came to meeting his opponents, but you were and often had to drag him there so he was on time. He already had a bad reputation with his competitors, he really didn't need to add anymore to that. You parted ways at the stands, you moved to the front row while Jingwu moved to the field while actively ignoring the fact that his team seemed more excited than him to see you. The match started and you cheered for every single player before pausing as Jingwu stood up for his match. You didn't cheer, unlike most of the stands, and instead you just remained quiet. He needed to concentrate and you knew he couldn't do that with the loud cheers from behind, but he quickly shushed everyone with a raise of his hand. He turned his head to face you and you gave him a thumbs up, which he returned with a smirk before focusing on his opponent. You knew the outcome, his opponent was a second year student that was clearly nervous like it was his first match. It didn't seem un-logical, there were no third years present even though you knew their used to be before. That and the fact that he missed the first 2 serves without even having time to move. Jingwu was not going easy, but then again he never did that. It only took 15 minutes for Jingwu to win, his opponent was on the ground while panting loudly. Jingwu didn't care, turning around and facing you again.
"Shake his hand." You mouthed and although your boyfriend seemed displeased by the suggestion, he followed your request as he walked to the net and held out his hand. When done, he marched to the side and took the towel from Chonghong before sitting down.
"(Y/n)!" A happy voice sounded from beside you and you gave a smile to Song Ci as he stepped closer.
"Thank you for talking captain out of letting me play~" He yawned loudly as he leaned on your shoulder, hugging your arm softly and you scoffed.
"Well, you might not be so lucky as you think." He looked back up, eyes filled with worry before looking at Jingwu, who was glaring daggers at the man beside you.
"You have extra training next week... Extra 2 hours every day." You patted his back as you grabbed your bag again, giving Song Ci an innocent smile before walking off. You didn't have to wait long by the exit for Jingwu to arrive, he never took long after the results were announced and he always found you without needing directions. His arm was quick to snake around your waist, leading you away from the group before you could even congratulate them for their win.
"The bus stop is that way." You commented, but Jingwu didn't listen as he sat down on a bench and pulling you down to sit next to him. When you did, his head dropped on your shoulder as he sighed.
"You did good, well done." You petted his head and Jingwu sighed again, pushing his head closer to you and settling in the crook of your neck. You remained quiet as your hand tugged at his hair, listening to his breathing.
Although he was a difficult character most of the time, these were the moments that you realized who Jingwu really was. And you were honored that he showed this side of him so easily to you.
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