sexdykes · 10 months
tips for brushing teeth regularly
i have struggled with brushing my teeth regularly for a while now but i have recently gotten better at doing it a couple times a week now instead of like, once a month, and i figured i should share some things that helped me.
generally speaking, the reason why someone isnt brushing their teeth will fall into one of the following categories:
not liking the taste
not liking the texture
not enough stimulation during the task
lack of spoons
its a good idea to try to identify which of the categories you fall into. i am mostly forgetfulness but the others are mixed in there too. they also often overlap quite a bit
forgetfulness/lack of spoons
not every one of these tips will work for both, but a lot of them overlap enough that i figured it may aswell be one category for the sake of brevity
try keeping your toothbrush in your shower or next to your bed or somewhere that you are likely to see it and have time to use it. i have three toothbrushes in different places in my house
incorporating brushing my teeth into my shower routine has really really helped me ( i mention it a bunch, sorry in advance)
allow yourself to brush your teeth at any time of the day, not just when you "should" be. brushing your teeth at 1pm before lunch is better than not brushing your teeth at all
if they help, set alarms reminding you to do it
i keep a set of those floss/toothpick combos next to my bed that i use whenever i am watching a youtube video or something which is especially good when ive missed a couple days
if you have housemates that youre willing to ask, see if you can brush your teeth with them
easier said than done, but try not to beat yourself up when you dont brush your teeth. youll just start to associate it with that bad feeling
there are starting to be some fun flavors of toothpaste, its worth trying to get one that you like the taste of
if you cant find one that you like the taste of, dry-brushing is better than nothing
brushing in the shower helps really rinse out your mouth properly so you no longer taste any toothpaste (otherwise i usually have to keep going back to the sink every two seconds)
if you can stand it, mouthwash is your friend
experiment with different kinds of brushes or toothpaste as some brushes are softer/tougher and some toothpastes froth more or less
if you cant do toothbrushes at all, using your finger is absolutely okay, or wet cloth of some kind
both taste/texture
try to find a way to scrape off buildup on your teeth. like i already mentioned, I keep floss next to my bed and that is quite helpful when trying to scrape stuff off. a cloth would also work i imagine
general tips
try watching something or listening to something while brushing your teeth
dont be afraid to get silly with it!
get a fun toothbrush! they are usually advertised to young kids and so might be a little small for your mouth but a toothbrush is a toothbrush!
same for fun toothpaste! and mouthwash!
i saw someone talk about how they got 7 different flavors of toothpaste to have a different kind every day of the week
if you can, try to leave the toothpaste in your mouth for as long as possible (without swallowing it of course)
if you can, use mouthwash!
i know that it is super hard to do sometimes, but brushing your teeth is so important.
if you have any tips of your own please share them!
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lurantis1 · 6 months
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Random characters in a Clover-Ish art style 🍀
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setsus-girlfriend · 5 months
How Gnosia characters would react to you having a tapeworm
Setsu: …A tapeworm? OK…lets see if we can investigate the cause of this. Yeah, let's do it. We still dont know everything for certain, but I know we'll figure it out. Hehe…this is actually kind of nice. Spending time with you, I mean.
Gina: Oh… I'm sorry… I'm sure it'll be OK…
(Gina is lying…)
SQ: Um… a tapeworm? Aren’t those like, suuuppper good for losing weight and stuff? You’re like, soooo lucky, can you like, lend him to me afterwards?
Raqio: Hah, a tapeworm? Seriously? You'd have to be brainless to get one of those. I suppose its not surprising you got one then, [Player].
Stella: Oh, my… thats horrible… let me know if you need assistance, [Player]. I want to support you as best I can..!
Shigemichi: Woah, a real tapeworm? For real? Thats crazy, bud! Lemme know if ya got any troubles, y'know? THIS guy'll take care of em, no sweat.
Chipie: A tapeworm, eh? Haha, lemme know if theres anything I can do to help ya.
Comet: Oh man, you got a tapeworm? That sucks. Try drinking water or something? I heard that helps. I think.
Jonas: Hark! Fear not, dear comrade. It is I, JONAS, who shall help you in this dire matter. Such a worm hath NO CHANCE against me. SUCK IT, WORM!
Kukrushka: Kukrushka smiles warmly, as if to say, "everything will be alright, I'll handle this." Her demeanor shows this much.
Otome: squeak Oh no…thats horrible. I'm so sorry! Um…I hope you feel better soon.
Sha-Ming (Male MC): What the hell? That's disgusting, why are you telling me this crap? You screwed yourself over, not my problem…
Sha-Ming (Female MC): Haha, y'know, I've always been kinda into tapeworms. I could give ya little help down there, if you want. C'mon, don't be shy…
Remnan: …What? Why… why are you telling me this…?
Yuriko: Hehe… I see karma has taken its retribution on your sins, then.
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yummi3010 · 2 months
ETHEL & CHARLOTTE SKETCHES!!!! (Lurantis1's oc's!!!! NOT MINE)
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For: @lurantis1
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petitsdieu · 25 days
a plotted starter 𝒇𝒕. @vitalphenomena
Luras with his yellow-brass veins and ophidian grace, shudders when the mere suggestion that he's no Merciful edges him off.
But he's like another other Ora Oke. Excuses as justification.
He's dragged her into l'Étendue's heart, for what?
( Oh... )
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❛ What— ❜
The Princess's preset to a stun-still is overridden when she sees Spirit ⸺ behind a glass paneling, fitting to the natural grooves of their underworld landscape, it's seamless, it's a cage. She goes for the door of it, a closed mouth. Pushing past Luras with a shove unlike her. Luras clips her at the inner elbow. Yanking her, hitting flash across the chest, until her knees give out, and she's on the floor.
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And he grins. All toothy. All boyish. All-knowing.
"Do you think I'm merciful?" His cheek's turned, in the direction of the little mus he's been poking at for awhile now. He's addressing her. He's addressing the cosmo's themselves. Like he's got the right.
Is he not merciful when he snuffs between two fingers; when a candle no longer is a candle. When light touches not. When it's just waxy pulp in a gilding meta.
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oakhold-cheerios · 2 years
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It’s 10PM time for me to post Lesbian cephalopods AGAIN
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spo0kymans · 2 years
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Ngl totally forgot I even had tumblr
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stillreeloading · 8 months
Day 30/90 Days of Productivity
18th October 2023
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With @academiawho and @docta1228
I will definitely say that it was a productive day.
I had my computer lab today and totally fucked it up as I was alone and had no teammate and was too scared to open Google and copy down the code from there while the professors keep roaming around us. So.. that was the worst part of the day.
HOWEVER, later on, I shared this thought of mine with my friends: "I'm just imagining how nice it'll be if I knew how to code. Cuz like, I'm great at typing, i type fast. And if I'll be able to code while typing fast???? Girl, I'd totally have a crush on myself I consider that super cool!!"
That was something nice.
I watched some videos for trigonometry. I think I finally understood the concept?? All that's left to do is make some time to solve allll the problems in the textbook for these chapters.
I also wrote a bit of my bio notes (a bit in the library and a bit in the room).
Also also!! I made formula sheets for both trigonometry chapters and also conic sections chapter.
Productive, huh?
Proud of myself. I love me. :> <3
Aaaaaand I think I'm kinda cute sooooooo
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luraharenose · 1 year
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I liked my outfit today so I made a quick doodle of Lura wearing it.
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tomokafinds · 4 days
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thebluetemple · 8 months
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I have brainworms about the new lesbians
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vitalphenomena · 3 days
writing a luras/hara/spirit reply while listening to good luck babe is incredibly jarring. and yet
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lurantis1 · 7 months
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The Lovable Hummingbird 🕊️🍀
Bonus hc doodles:
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Hey Robin, just thought I'd let you know there actually is a May fools day! Just come to Sweden and- oh. nvm
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robin-the-wanderer · 9 months
Static and Renny got bored of Rotomblr, so now they’re trying to stuff Harper inside the hotel room washing machine because he’s a water type. Arc, electric types can be so… erratic at times.
Oh, sorry, not you, lil star. You’re big as a house but quiet as a mouse. Anyway, ya reckon a teenage inteleon can survive for long enough in a washing machine or should I call for help…?
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thegreatshono · 1 month
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Next of my YCH commissions is Lura the Enchantress
Both my YCH and regular commissions have one slot left! Message me if you'r interested!
Or if you'd like to help support my comics and art consider becoming a patron. $1 a month goes a very long way in helping me make more art for you. http://patreon.com/shadowsofoblivion
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