#a: selenitalunar
pepperonyfic · 2 years
Valentine's Day Pepperony Fics
Some Valentine's Day Fics with our favorite couple.
Blessings by VR Trakowski
There's Always Next Year by rebelmeg
The Poem by SelenitaLunar
Sweet On You by michuniverse
Happy Sleepy Valentine by rebelmeg
Valentine's Day by BrownCat13
Lay All Your Love on Me by Moosh
Run Away With Me by TheRedGlass
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themculibrary · 1 year
Pepperony As Parents Masterlist
A Car Named Arleen (ao3) - SelenitaLunar G, 4k
Summary: Parenting hasn't been easy for Pepper and Tony, but their daughter is ten years old now and she seems to grow up happily in a family that loves her so much.
A New Day Has Come (ao3) - Amy (InnitMarvelous), I love Tony Stark 3000 FOREVER (InnitMarvelous), InnitMarvelous, tsg (InnitMarvelous) G, 3k
Summary: Tony has a quiet talk with his newborn son a few hours after he's born.
Coming Home (ao3) - inkinmyheartandonthepage G, 59k
Summary: AU – Peter Stark was kidnapped when he was just three years old. Tony and Pepper never stopped looking for their boy. Years later, Peter finds his way back home.
Cut from the same Cloth (fanfiction.net) - Elizabeth Bathory G, 3k
Summary: Set in the world of How Many More Chances - Children are so much like their parents, even in the tinest of ways.
domestic life (was never quite my style) (ao3) - imposterhuman G, 1k
Summary: Pepper had never really wanted children. Most of her life had been spent chasing her ambition, climbing ladder after ladder in a cutthroat world. She was distinctly not maternal, at least in the traditional sense.
Sometimes, she imagined having a baby, a little piece of both her and Tony, and she wanted. But she looked at her life, looked at Tony’s life, and knew that it wasn’t feasible.
Family Business (fanfiction.net) - FriendLey G, 1k
Summary: Pepper and Tony Stark's only child, Maria, is going on her first day of school and everywhere they look kids are crying. COMPLETE
Head Above Water (ao3) - sahiya G, 15k
Summary: “FRIDAY has all the emergency numbers,” Pepper said, “including Morgan’s pediatrician. There’s food in the fridge––soup for Tony and Morgan, lasagna and mac and cheese for you. Make sure Morgan is drinking her Pedialyte, and see if you can get her to sleep in her own bed tonight. And don’t let Tony go on a fever-driven work binge.”
“Got it,” Peter said, nodding. “FRIDAY, fridge, Pedialyte, no work binge.”
Metamorphosis (ao3) - art_deco_deity G, 11k
Summary: How Peter Parker changed Tony Stark; seen through the eyes of one Pepper Potts.
My Dad is My Hero (ao3) - velarisstars G, 1k
Summary: It’s dress up as your hero day at school. So who does Peter choose to dress up as? His dad, of course!
Ft. Toddler Peter and cute pepperony moments
Perfectly parental (ao3) - Bergen T, 110k
Summary: Snippets from the daily life of Peter trying to settle into his new life with his family of Avengers, and Tony trying to get used to being ‘perfectly parental’.
Proof That Morgan Stark’s Parents Are Still in Love (ao3) - akasharpiegirl T, 4k
Summary: In which Morgan Stark starts to think that her parents aren’t in love anymore and separating, so her parents try to ease her anxiety about it.
The Strange Ways of Adult Fun Time (ao3) - deervsheadlights T, 3k
Summary: Morgan was beginning to understand that saying about curiosity killing the cat.
It mostly made her feel bad for the cat.
Also, who knew her parents could be this flustered?
Tony's Birthday (ao3) - flyingorfalling G, 20k
Summary: This was supposed to be a drabble for Tony's birthday, but it became 3000 words of tooth-rotting fluff, so I decided to add more chapters and turn the whole thing into a series.
Twist of Fate (ao3) - karenninaaa T, 72k
Summary: A single picture triggered Tony Stark to suspect that Peter Parker was his son, biologically.
Uncle Rhodey (ao3) - books_entertain_the_mind G, 2k
Summary: Rhodey comes to visit the Starks one morning to find the most bizarre scene he never thought he'd see in Tony Stark's kitchen.
A.K.A. Rhodey meets Rowan Stark and becomes an uncle.
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imaducky · 5 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
i appreciate y’all ❤
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alahnasaurus-fez · 5 years
@selenitalunar replied to your photo “Finally took the plunge and commissioned an artist for the first time...”
This is gorgeous. OMG? Sweet and cute. And so so beautiful. So them. OMG. I love it! 🥰💕
I know, I gave ali such a brain dump of details and she turned it into something perfect, i still can’t stop looking at it
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bridgertonlife · 4 years
I’ve changed my URL from selenitalunar to bridgertonlife :)
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starkfridays · 4 years
Favourite Characters Challenge!
Thanks for the tag! @jinxquickfoot :)
List your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
1 - Tony Stark (MCU/Marvel Comics)
2 - Scotty (Star Trek AOS)
3 - Sherlock (BBC Sherlock)
4 - Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)
5 - Ilsa Faust (Mission: Impossible films)
6 - Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
7 - Gregory House (House MD)
8 - Nico di Angelo (PJO/HoO)
9 - Murphy (Interstellar)
10 - Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Tagging: @baloobird @realsashafierce @ironlokis @dragonsblowingoutbirthdaycandles @tnystrk-exe @selenitalunar @ironqueen3000 @warmachinesocks @darlinglavender @lovelytonys
No pressure mates! :)
(My note: This was really hard - I haven’t really engaged in fandoms outside of Marvel so this is more a list of favourite characters of the top of my head from scattered media hahaha)
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kitcat992 · 5 years
Some honest responses from other MCU fans regarding Endgame
Because I know I’ve been one hell of a negative Nancy the past 24 hours, but wanted to show that my raw distaste for this film doesn’t go unshared.
particledamage: This entire thing sucks. I’m bitter.
SelenitaLunar: Worst ending ever. God can't believe this is the real deal. As a Tony fan they give us everything: Pepperony married and iron baby and Rescue only to kill him in the end and stab our hearts and tarnish all our memories of the MCU and this 11 years? Sure they are gonna subvert expectations, hope they enjoy it fully. As I'm not enjoying Marvel ever again. Shame on them. The Russos can go to hell, honestly.
greengirlrunning: They did Thor and Loki so dirty. The Loki thing is so obviously forced so that it ties in to his TV series, but it really undermines his entire arc in the MCU films. I'm pissed. Don't even get me started on Thor. It's perfectly believable that he would be depressed and feel hopeless, but to turn him into a joke and make him basically useless while Tony and Cap get epic (if problematic) endings? Bullshit.
_Mavericks: I’m sorry to say this, but the plot is pure shit. It’s not the case of getting disappointed because we wanted more. It is simply bad as it is. Sad ending.
sawinadream: Honestly Steve not preventing shit/suddenly acting selfishly AFTER being deemed worthy by Mjolnir/ignoring Bucky in Hydra captivity and SHIELD being infiltrated/the timeline somehow not registering these particular alterations IF he did change anything for the better.... OOC and lazy writing at its finest. Also wtf @ Sharon Carter now? Ew
priscillia28: It sounds like a bad fan theory
delta_charlie_2511: So the leaks we were sure were wrong turned out to be right. What they did to Cap is disappointing. It would have made more sense have him sacrifice himself and then wake up in a dream like sequence with Peggy where she is waiting for him to take her to the dance
valhallaorange: I'm upset with many of the main avengers stories, but I'm going to focus on Cap for this one.
It seems completely out of character for him to go back and marry Peggy, knowing in the future she HAD a husband and children, and a well-iived life of accomplishment. To me, it was a focal point of Cap's character to be unselfish and accepting of his new place in time. That included his love for Peggy and respecting that she lived her life fully.
It seems so wrong that he would go back in time to be with her and erase her family (children, possible grandchildren) in the process.
I'm so disappointed. I feel they've done his character so wrong and the only good movie of him was CA:WS. :(
Now that paired with the characterizations and situations of Tony, Thor, and Nat especially make me sad and unhappy.
ALSO, did the Russos just decide to say "Eh, screw it." With Sharon Carter? (Not a fan of her in the movies, but she also deserved way batter.)
valhallaorange: Agreed. A dance and then back to the future would've been acceptable and given more emotion to the pain and letting go Steve is known to experience. Also, Peggy deserves her own storyline and fully lived life without it being erased and her being reduced to only Cap's love interest.
captainamericasgf: This is literally my worst nightmare holy shit
RyuKenBlanka: Iron Man dying and Cap going back to the 1940's to be with Peggy is just lazy writing and closure for the characters and is the reality of Hollywood and not being able to have actors play roles forever. Both in reality should retire and take more advisory roles.
Suedeash: Also Cap's whole nightmare thing in Age of Ultron was dealing with the fact that he can't go back to Peggy, and yet here he just goes back? And knowing all of the horrible shit that happens in the future like 9/11, the Hydra infestation of SHIELD and all that he just sits back and does nothing? This sounds like a character assassination tbh, it would make far more sense for Tony to live with his family and Cap to have the heroic death as a way to bring his whole character arc to a fitting end.
Jedi_Mom: I think people began to think that it was impossible for marvel and Russos to let us down... we learned that they were capable of mistakes... the hard way.
DXGabriel: So.... when thor was becoming cool they just fuck his character? reaaly?
dracogladio1741: This is so convoluted. The ending is weird to say the least. Jeez.
inkwell84: Critics liked it. Audiences said what the eff.
itellteacherstories: This is what I get for overhyping myself: Disappointment.
lovestarkiller: Tony is gone like that?.... And Cap ending is just so...
FreeTanner17: One of the biggest disappointments is they kill off Natasha, don’t even give her a funeral and basically never mention her name again
Hawkguyism: Honestly, I'm severely disappointed
Cap's ending is a disservice to the character and his arc, Thor's ending makes no sense, he literally abandons all his people, Tony's ending is way too cruel, they could just say he went away and stuff like that, would be much better considering all the character's been through, Hulk and Nat are meeeehhhh, and seriously, how many fucking times is Hawkeye gonna retire? And like,we know he's gonna come back in the Disney+ show to train Kate and stuff
Overall, the plot seems too simple and the endings are pretty bad. Of course, in terms of action and entertainment, this movie will be a blast, but when it comes to story and narrative, it's a letdown. Especially considering we waited 11 years for this.
dumbwatercba: I feel like the writers went online and picked the worse theories out there and made a film out of it. Non of this seems right. The reviews were so positive. This seems like a steaming pile of shit. Thanus seems like the only thing missing from this.
msg53: I was hoping Endgame would be a good stopping point anyway. I would have preferred a satisfying ending, but a shitshow that turns me off of the entire genre works too, I guess.
IrishGrouch24: Man I am pissed the F off right now.
raven_rising:...Thanks Marvel, I kind of hate it.
scruk: I have no idea how they managed to fuck up this badly. No idea. It's like a bad fanfiction written by someone who's only watched Infinity War
CactusJackkkk: I feel like I just wasted 11 years of my life watching these movies with no payoff in the end.
eutears:This absolutely makes no sense. I cannot believe how the Russos thought this might be a good finale. Most of the plot crumbles if you put even a little bit of thought into it.
InlineSurfer: Keving Faige and MCU thinks,  that fans will take whatever they give us, but i cant, this so lazy and stupid script.
Griever11422: Notmycap. Notmytony
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limawriter · 5 years
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pepperonyfic · 4 years
Love Memories
Author:  selenitalunar Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): fluff, hurt/comfort Film-specific: post endgame Tropes: endgame fix it, james rhodes, morgan stark, iron family, christmas, first kiss
Summary:  Christmas is almost here, and Morgan Stark needs answers to some questions regarding her family.
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pepperonyfic · 3 years
A Car Named Arleen
Author:  SelenitaLunar Rating: gen Word Count: 2-5k Genre(s): family Film-specific: no Tropes: parent!pepperony, future fic, domesticity, cars
Summary:  Parenting hasn't been easy for Pepper and Tony, but their daughter is ten years old now and she seems to grow up happily in a family that loves her so much.
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pepperonyfic · 5 years
Author: SelenitaLunar Rating: teen Word Count: <2k Genre(s): fluff Film-specific: post spiderman  Tropes: engaged!pepperony, domesticity, books
Summary:  Pepper's reading a book and Tony gets curious.
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pepperonyfic · 5 years
Author: SelenitaLunar Rating: gen Word Count: <2k Genre(s): fluff Film-specific: no Tropes: kid fic, dad!tony, mom!pepper, family
Summary:  Follow Stark family in their fun evening togheter (lots of fluff for Pepperony Week) ^^
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pepperonyfic · 5 years
Shattered Glass
Author: selenitalunar Rating: teen Word Count: <2k Genre(s): fluff, angst Film-specific: post-infinity war Tropes: engaged!pepperony, pregnancy, kid fic, worried!pepper, worried!tony, family
Summary: It's been four months since Tony disappeared inside that spaceship and Pepper has a lot to think about. She only wants him to come back.
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pepperonyfic · 5 years
Author: selenitalunar Rating: gen Word Count: <2k Genre(s): fluff Film-specific: no Tropes: kid fic, parent!pepperony, family
Summary: Follow Stark family in their fun evening together (lots of fluff for Pepperony Week)
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pepperonyfic · 6 years
Author: selenitalunar Rating: teen Word Count: 2-5k Genre(s): comedy, fluff Film-specific: no Tropes: rescue!pepper, kidnapping, flirting, bamf!pepper, married!pepperony
Summary: When Tony is kidnapped, it is up to Pepper to save her husband.
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pepperonyfic · 6 years
Author: selenitalunar Rating: mature Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): romance Film-specific: no Tropes: au, soulmate au, enemies to lovers, fantasy au, supernatural
Summary: It's young Virginia's birthday and she just blowed out the candle on her birthday cake. What happens next, will change her life forever.
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