#pepperony fic
quietlyimplode · 11 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: Day 31 - take it easy
Warnings: nightmares
Word Count: 3.4K(picture from the amazing @oceanspirit9 )
Summary: the wedding of Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff
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A/N: well shit. I don’t even know where to begin with this. @broken--bow this is yours, without you this wouldn’t be here - from the bottom of my heart thank you so much. @oceanspirit9 I’m still in awe of your art, thank you for it and your entire encouragement this month.
Fic is about community - whumptober gives me a chance to set my mind to something in a month where, there are difficulties and hardships. It gives a whole other place to exist in. Without the communities of fic; life becomes a lot more convoluted and grey. Thank you all for being on this journey - if you’ve liked multiple chapters and followed (even at a distance) - I see you, and thank you. All your commented and likes and reblogs matter to me.
Long live this community. It’s so very dear to me.
(Oh and if we want an epilogue, let me know. It wouldn’t be part of whumptober but may be a nice ending.)
Whumptober Masterlist
Dreykov circles her.
Sitting tied to a chair Natasha is powerless to move.
Fear paralyzes her.
A gun in hand as he points it at her face.
“You think you belong anywhere else but here?”
He places it under her chin.
“I would rather die than let anyone else have you.”
He presses in further, causing her to lift her head, unable to swallow.
“No one will ever love you, not when I’m through with you.”
He bends down and kisses her cheek.
Then stands and backhands her.
“You’ll never escape the Red Room, not even if you tried.”
She wakes alone.
Her chin sore as she touches it gently, trying to wipe away the sensation.
The room is dark and the world still.
The ghosts that haunt her still feeling present.
The dream dissipates as time presses forward.
She turns for Clint to find his side of the bed empty, and she pads out of bed to the bathroom.
Natasha looks at herself in the mirror, her reflection pale.
She did escape.
In the ways that matter.
She thinks of Isla, trapped and alone; fulfilling Dreykov’s prophecy and wonders how to help her. Tomorrow, she thinks, she’ll ask Clint tomorrow.
Glancing at the time, she realises it is the next day.
Her wedding day.
A day that was supposed to be by the beach, in the sun, a day that given the last 3 years grew less likely.
To have it here, Natasha supposes she feels apprehensive, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Something will go wrong.
She feels it.
All this good doesn’t come without bad.
Yelena sits on a chair staring at her.
It takes a moment for Natasha to orient to the time and space but when she does; she grins.
The night had continued to be rocky, but the spate of sleep she’d got from 6-7am would have to be enough.
Clint was staying in his own floor, surrounded by the other boys, whilst she was getting ready with the girls.
Maria, as she was officiating had the luxury of passing in between to keep everyone on time.
“Stop watching,” Natasha mumbles, throwing a pillow at her.
Yelena catches it and throws it back.
“Get up,” she commands, “you’re getting married today.”
She smiles menacingly.
“I’ve also been tasked with getting you dressed.”
Natasha sits up, still sleepy, growing more aware of the tasks ahead and pushing down the apprehension that grows.
Yelena does nothing to help it, except push her into the bathroom and tells her to shower.
The whole scene is surreal.
She wonders if Clint is faring any better.
Pepper greets him in the kitchen, and he’s momentarily confused.
“Yelena is with Natasha,” she tells him, “I’m just finishing up on some details upstairs then I’ll go help them. Where’s Tony?”
Steve enters after him and he holds up the coffee pot, questioning.
Steve shrugs and nods.
“It’s your wedding day, man!”
Clint sucks down the cup of coffee, not waiting to breathe, until he’s finished instead giving Steve a thumbs up with his other hand.
Pepper rolls her eyes and laughs.
“I’ll see you later,” she tells them.
“Make sure you’re here by 10.”
She looks directly at Steve.
He nods and salutes mockingly.
“Come on. Bring that with you,” he ushers, pushing him towards the workshop.
Clint follows, dragging his feet as the time flashing of 8am feeling mocking on the microwave.
If only he got more sleep.
He doesn’t want to think about what it means that sleeping beside Natasha gives him much better sleep than sleeping alone.
The dreams, the overthinking, she just has a way of soothing it, and making it better.
Tony, half dressed in a tuxedo, greets him with a drink and a smile.
“Happy wedding day,” he says, handing him an arrow.
Clint takes it unconsciously, and then hands it back confused.
Tony presses the bottom collapsing it and it opens at the point, revealing a purple flower.
“To sit in your pocket,” he nods, he then pulls on the end and it turns back into an arrow. Handing it back, Clint, he gives it a go, marveling at the weapon turned flower.
“Thanks,” he says, playing with it like a fidget toy.
“You should start getting ready,” Steve prompts responsibility.
Tony laughs.
“He just needs to get dressed, how long do you think it’s going to take him?”
“Yeah, but Pepper has asked him to look at the roof, in like an hour, make sure it’s all okay for Nat, then make any changes. Plus, she’ll be there at like 11 for the ceremony to start at 11.10.”
He looks pointedly at Tony.
“What time do you need to be there?”
Tony waves him off.
“I’ll be there on time, I have alarms.”
Clint shakes his head and walks off arrow in hand feeling nervous at the pressure being placed.
He doesn’t like it.
Instead of heading to his room, he sends a message and heads for the elevator.
She gets a message, a slight code on it, and realises it’s from Clint almost immediately.
“Meet me in the elevator,” it says, “I need to see you.”
Halfway through her make up, she stands and heads for the door.
“I’ll be back,” she tells Yelena and Maria, who are also finishing their make up.
She hasn’t seen Pepper yet, and misses her no nonsense calmness of organisation.
“When you’re back, I’ll do your hair,” Yelena offers, and Natasha nods.
“Wait,” Maria calls, throwing two cupcakes at her.
“Eat something.”
Natasha catches them and makes it a show to take a bite, before backing out and heading to the elevator.
It opens to reveal Clint, still in a tshirt and pajama pants.
There’s a look of relief on his face as he sees her and he pulls her in, kissing her and hugging her close.
“I missed you,” he says, sappily.
She’d call him out on it, but she feels the same. The comfort of each other regulating, Natasha handing him a cupcake and he hands her the pot of coffee he’d taken from the kitchen.
They sit in the stationary elevator, not talking as they eat the cupcakes and drink the coffee.
“Pepper has me looking at the roof to make sure it’s at your standards,” he admits.
“Do you want me to text you photos?”
Natasha nods.
“Yeah, no surprises would be good.”
He nods.
“You’ll be standing ready to walk together right?”
He nods again.
“Everything else is ready, right?”
She nods.
“Only Yelena knows, she won’t tell anyone.”
Clint sighs and checks the time.
“We should go,” he says with a shallow smile.
Slowly they stand.
The elevator opening as if commanded and then, kissing each other, they go their separate ways.
The ribbon is gently braided in.
Both Natasha and Yelena don’t talk, the moment feeling sacred as the tie that bound them in childhood and helped to bring them back together.
There’s nothing really to say.
Shallow smiles and gentle touches as they both seem to understand the significance of the moment.
They’re both alive, against all odds.
Something maybe neither of their mothers expected.
“Thank you for being here, today,” Natasha says quietly.
Yelena doesn’t reply.
“I didn’t think…”
Yelena places a hand on Natasha shoulder.
“The past, I think will always play a part for us. But I am glad to be here with you too.”
It’s not an absolution.
It could never be, neither of them would accept it.
But it’s enough.
The wedding dress fits perfectly.
Pepper and Yelena help.
Pepper shed tears and Yelena just looks pleased. Natasha that leaves for the bathroom, feeling too many emotions and overwhelmed with them.
She needs time to centre herself.
Time is moving too quickly, and she feels almost dissociated and disconnected from the moments that keep happening.
It’s like it’s happening to someone else, or that she’s watching it happen to herself.
She should be happy, not apprehensive and anxious.
The time with Clint was the most centred she’d been since waking, and it just felt compounded.
Pepper knocks on the door.
“I’ve got to go meet Clint, are you okay to meet us on the roof in about 11? It’s about an hour?”
Natasha squeaks out a response, and then keeps staring at herself.
She just needs a moment.
The rooftop is beautiful.
Chairs are placed in a semi circle around an arbour. The archway decorated with blue forget-me-nots as the litter the aisle and decorate all the chairs.
There’s pictures, of Barney and Coulson. There’s not just one of each but multiples, pictures of them Clint and Barney that Gus had given, of Natasha and Coulson, pictures he hadn’t seen before. He stops and sees the tiny one of Natasha’s mother holding her, and feels his breath catch in his throat.
He wanders around and takes a few photos of all of it, before sending it off.
“You did all this? In two days?”
Pepper shrugs.
“Some of you have super powers…”
“You have super powers,” Clint cuts her off, leaving no room for argument.
There’s blue ribbons on the chairs and tiny purple arrows in the bouquets.
He wanders for a moment, taking it all in and gathering himself.
“I didn’t know if you wanted that…” she gestures to the pictures of the people no longer here, “but I wanted to a acknowledge them, in some way I guess.”
He walks back over and stares at Coulson, and nods.
“No, it’s perfect.”
Pepper stands back and looks around.
“Is there anything else, or something more you need?”
Clint shakes his head.
“No, but can you keep a secret?”
He feels it’s only right in telling her after she had put so much effort into this moment.
She nods.
After Clint leaves to get Tony, he messages Natasha.
“Anything else needed? I told Pepper, too.”
A message comes, moments later.
Just one word that makes his heart stop.
Yelena stands at the bathroom door, and shrugs at Clint.
“She was fine.”
There’s a tone of worry he doesn’t think he has ever heard. Always so self assured or matter of fact, Yelena doesn’t seem easily put out.
Now, it’s a worry that bleeds through.
“Can you tell Pepper to get everyone seated and we’ll come together?”
He glances at the time, 10.55.
She doesn’t move, perhaps concerned with this part of Natasha that she’s never seen before.
He tries to dampen down the urgency, reassure her and get her out, he nods and smiles.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be fine, just cold feet maybe. Go, I’ll call you if we need anything, or Jarvis will let you know, okay?”
Yelena looks at Clint, a hard look that tells him she’s trusting him with this.
Backing up, she leaves and Clint knocks.
A secret knock that they use often.
The door unlocks.
He opens it and suddenly can’t breathe.
“You look beautiful.”
It’s an understatement.
Her hair braided, with small wisps coming down, make up done and in a dress that fits her perfectly.
He takes her hand, kisses it and guides her to sit on the side of the bath.
She’s not crying, she just looks sad.
“What happened?” he asks.
He draws circles on her hand, then starts tracing over her fingers.
“It’s going to go wrong. Good things can’t happen to me. If we do this,” she pauses.
“It’ll we do this, you’ll die. Something will happen to you. I’m the Black Widow.”
He shakes his head.
She sighs.
“Tell me what you think will happen.”
“I don’t know. I just know it’s too good. You’re too good. You deserve someone who isn’t a void of bad.”
His heart is angry, and he doesn’t know how to dispute it in a way she’ll accept.
“What happened?”
Natasha glances at him.
“I was looking in the mirror, and nothing had happened. No one had broken in, no one had kidnapped one of us, and I kept thinking, what’s going to happen next?”
He stops the tracing and encourages her to do the same to him.
He sighs.
“I know,” she sighs.
“I know it sounds stupid and we've made it this far, but I can’t help but think it. If you marry me, I’m dooming you.”
He laughs at that.
It seems to shake her.
“It is stupid,” he says seriously.
“Do you want to be with me?”
She looks at him and frowns.
“Of course.”
“Are you willing to risk doom for it?”
She hears her words repeated back at her.
Biting her lip, she looks to him.
“Yes,” she says, with a watery grin.
“I have you, and you have me. You know those stupid vows? You make me brave,” he tells her, “so doom is nothing with you by my side. You deserve good things.
I promise, okay?”
“I’m better because of you,” she thinks, the words of vows they spoke in what seems like a lifetime ago.
“We can do this, yeah? We can do this, and when we do, then…”
“I know… I know.”
Natasha stands.
“ I don’t want you to die.”
Clint smiles, taking her hand.
“If I die Nat, you can say I told you so, okay?”
Natasha nods.
“Are you ready?”
Yelena watches Clint and Natasha walk down the aisle.
Overcome with emotion, she cries openly.
She doesn’t care.
Half the people here she doesn’t know, and the other half look as teary as she does.
Pepper had admitted to her that all of them needed some happiness. That since 2012 every one of the Avengers had been flailing.
Since Clint and Natasha had admitted about being engaged, the wedding had been something they’d planned, kept tabs on, supported and gossiped about. It had provided hope for the future, and sometimes had supported grounding.
They couldn’t die, or break apart because they all had something to live for, to look forward to.
Yelena understood it.
Without hope, without that something to look towards, life became so much more difficult.
The words Maria speaks don’t feel rehearsed, and even Natasha cries as she talks.
Clint wipes away her tear, dabbing gently with a tissue.
Yelena sniffs.
She hadn’t expected to be emotional.
Offered tissues from Pepper (who always seems to know what to do), Yelena takes them and sighs.
She’s never been invited to a wedding.
Crashed them, sure.
Been on missions where they’d fabricated an invite.
But not this.
Natasha is the only family she has, and so this is likely the only wedding she’ll ever be invited to.
She dabs her eyes and takes a moment to look around.
The man with the eye patch, keeps looking at her and she ignores it hoping it’s just because he feels uncomfortable with public displays of emotion.
Steve sits next to Sam, both of them watching on in awe.
Bruce fiddles in his chair and she wonders if other emotions bring out the Hulk.
She turns back to the wedding, taking some candid pictures, even though she’s sure Pepper’s photographer has it handled.
Yelena feels that even though the wedding is small, everyone is here because they want to be.
Friends, found family, it’s a strange group of people.
She wonders if one day she’ll have this.
She hopes.
Natasha stands in front of her family and friends and tells Clint that she’ll be with him til death. He returns the words and finally Maria tells them to kiss.
Amongst the whoops and cheers and throwing of petals at them, Natasha can’t help but smile with Clint at the commitment they’ve just made.
He hugs her and kisses her again, to everyone’s delight and they walk out towards their friends leading the way to the grand room where they’d had Christmas lunch days earlier.
Now transformed, into a room fit for celebration, Natasha has no idea how Pepper did it.
Despite all the anxiety and fear to get to this point, she’s happy.
Glad they did it.
It’s the other shoe, finally dropping.
Except it’s not bad.
It’s good.
Clint glances at Natasha, taking her hand and leading her to the hallway.
“We did it!”
He picks her up and hugs her, relief evident on her face as he spins her and kisses her smiling face.
“You tell me when you’re ready,” he grins, and she nods.
“I want to check on Yelena and Tony, and we need to thank Pepper,” she tells him.
“Okay, I need to just tell Fury a few things, and we should thank Maria for doing such a good job.”
Natasha nods.
“She did. Maybe you can check on Gus too, he’s heading home tonight, I think Tony organised a car; maybe just make sure he’s aware.”
Clint looks past her down the hall.
“We’re so close Nat, just a little longer.”
They kiss again and split up, each with their own little list of things today.
She finds Yelena talking to Tony, and wonders when and how they became talking friends. Maybe being in an ordeal just makes it that way.
She talks to them for a bit, the pulls Yelena away.
“I know what you’re going to say,” Yelena tells her.
“It’s okay, it’s not goodbye,” she smiles.
Natasha shakes her head.
“Now I’ve found you, you’re stuck with me,” she replies.
“Plus, we need to talk about Isla.”
Yelena’s face turns serious.
“Yeah. I was talking to Tony about a weapon, and the trackers.”
Natasha nods, “that’s good.”
She hugs her again.
“Not too long, okay?”
Yelena bumps her head into Natashas.
“No, not too long.”
Clint approaches them, and Yelena spontaneously hugs him too.
“Congratulations, I guess,” she smiles.
“You’ll stick around for a bit?”
Yelena shrugs, “maybe a little.”
It’s a lie but they don’t call her on it.
Clint turns to Natasha.
Natasha smiles.
Okinawa is just as she remembered.
Beautiful beaches, lovely people and a relaxation that felt strange at first.
Her large oversized hat sits just over her head and she smiles as Clint runs in from the water.
Her husband.
What a concept.
“Next, you’re going to tell me that it’s time to build a sand castle,” she goads, handing him a towel.
He laughs ringing his hair out and laying next to her.
“What do you want for dinner?”
She shrugs.
“Whatever you want?”
Clint smiles, the sun shining as it sets.
He looks over to his wife.
He married the black widow.
“Sushi,” he decides.
Natasha nods.
They stand together, Clint holding out his hand and envelopes hers into it, bringing to his lips and kissing it gently.
“After you,” he grins.
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scottxlogan · 10 months
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This was written for @tonystarkbingo
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), X-Men (Comicverse), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Emma Frost, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Additional Tags: Post-Canon Fix-It, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Light Angst, Reunions, Angst with a Happy Ending, past Emma Frost/Tony Stark - Freeform, Grief/Mourning
Summary: Following the events of Endgame Pepper tries her best to move forward with life to continue Tony's dream, but when a surprise visit from Emma Frost offers Pepper a mysterious alternative to her grief, Pepper learns of a contingency plan that Tony left in place before his passing. Will it prove to be the key to happiness for Pepper and Morgan moving forward?
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Valentine's Day Pepperony Fics
Some Valentine's Day Fics with our favorite couple.
Blessings by VR Trakowski
There's Always Next Year by rebelmeg
The Poem by SelenitaLunar
Sweet On You by michuniverse
Happy Sleepy Valentine by rebelmeg
Valentine's Day by BrownCat13
Lay All Your Love on Me by Moosh
Run Away With Me by TheRedGlass
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starksvinyls · 1 year
Title: No Shoes, No Shirt Rating: Gen Pairing: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Tags/Warnings: Non-Sexual Age Play, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Scrapes and Bruises Summary: Tony refuses to wear clothes and keeps running away from Pepper, but there are consequences to running around the pool deck. Notes: for @ageplay-may and the Spice prompt for day 13: "stripping" AO3 Link
The sound of bare feet slapping against the marbled floor echoed through the open living room and foyer, soon followed by: “Tony!” The man giggled and continued to run, heading for the stares down to his workshop. 
“Stop right there, mister!” Pepper ordered, as Tony reached the top of the staircase. “You know you aren’t allowed down there with bare feet.” 
That gave Tony pause. Last time he did that, he cut his foot on some glass DUM-E had missed during his sweeping. The cuts had hurt and there had been blood and Tony really didn’t want to deal with that again. Making up his mind, he turned and started off towards the deck. 
Behind him, Pepper sighed. “Tony, you need to get and stay dressed!” 
“No!” For good measure, Tony pushed his shorts down and awkwardly ran as the fabric slipped down his legs. He nearly tripped as it puddled around his ankles, but he was able to kick the shorts off as he kept running. He didn’t want to wear stupid clothes! 
He was down to his underwear, and running around the pool to avoid Pepper. She always wanted him to be dressed. Why couldn’t he run around naked if he wanted to? It was his house! Pepper watched from the sliding doorway, arms crossed, t-shirt still clutched in one hand. Tony thought she looked funny when she was all mad like that. He laughed. 
Then, his toes caught on something and he was falling down. He put out his arms to brace his fall and cried out as his palms and knees hit the cement, getting cut up. 
“Tony!” Pepper sounded more concerned than mad now, and she was by his side in an instant. 
She gently took his hands and inspected the scrapes marking his palms and the heels of his hands. Tony sniffed, his lip wobbling as the stinging grew. His knees and shins were all scraped up, too, and his toes that had caught on the pool filter cover had some small cuts. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?” 
Pepper helped him stand and then carefully made their way back inside and down the hall towards their bedroom. She had him sit on the closed toilet lid once inside the en suite and swiftly grabbed the antiseptic wipes, Neosporin, and the box of racing car bandaids. Pepper kneeled down on the bathmat and tore open a couple packets of wipes. She gave a soft warning for the sting, and then gently began to wipe away the blood and dirt from Tony’s shins and knees. Tony hissed at the first touch of the antiseptic wipe to his skin, grimacing as Pepper worked. He hated that stupid pool filter and it’s stupid cover. 
Once the scrapes on his legs had been cleaned, Pepper spread some neosporin on them and then covered the worst of it with the race car bandaids. She then asked for Tony’s hands, and he held them out to her. This time, she spoke while cleaning the wounds. 
“You gotta be more careful, sweetheart,” She said gently. “No more stripping off your clothes and running around, okay?” 
Tony slouched and pouted. He didn’t want to wear his stupid clothes, but he could admit that falling hurt a lot and he didn’t want to do that again. “Fine.” He grumbled. 
Pepper placed the final bandaid on Tony’s hand and then pressed a kiss over it. “Thank you. Now, if you get dressed you can go play in the lab with DUM-E and U.” 
“Okay!” Tony’s mood was instantly lifted and he shot up and hurried to his special dresser with his little boy clothes in it. 
“And don’t forget your shoes!” 
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flyingorfalling · 1 year
Chasing Dreams [College AU]
Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart
Chapter 9 is finally here 🥺
❝ A few weeks later, May and Pepper found themselves sitting in their favorite booth in the corner of the pub. The atmosphere was cozy, with the soft glow of dim lights and the lively buzz of conversation filling the air.
"Okay, so what am I lookin' at here?" May asked, her eyes glued to Pepper's cell phone. "Is that Tony Stark holding a baby in his arms?" She frowned. ❞
» Read more on ao3
Read on FF.net
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soliloquent-stark · 1 month
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the ever-perceptive natasha romanoff, sniffing crushes left and right like it's her job*
*it kinda is, and the crushes are obvious, but that's not her fault!
marvel parallels 43/?
scarlett johansson, robert downey jr and chris evans in iron man 2 (2010) and avengers: age of ultron (2015)
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airas-story · 1 month
Self proclaimed "not good with kids" Stephen Strange teaching/explaining/playing/etc something to Morgan even better than Tony himself and Tony is over the moon at the sight.
Tony leaned against the door listening as Stephen narrated his story for Morgan, voice going deeper as he played the role of the monster. It was one of Stephen’s own stories—made kid appropriate—which Morgan thought were far better than any story that came in a book. The magic he used to illustrate the story as he went probably helped with that. The orange flames flickered in shapes that moved and danced around each other in the air.
It had taken Morgan one story time with Stephen to decide that Tony’s story time was entirely inadequate. Tony thought that maybe he should be jealous, but he just couldn’t be. Morgan and Stephen were both happy with their story time adventures and Tony loved seeing two of the three loves of his life happy.
Footsteps behind him indicated Pepper joining him. She leaned against him and Tony wrapped an arm around her waist. “Your boyfriend has put us both to shame,” she told him, voice low so as not to be overheard. “We really need to convince him to move in, already.”
“It’s a work in progress,” Tony said, smiling. Stephen and Pepper weren’t romantic, not the way Tony was with both of them, but they were friends. 
He examined Stephen who was now bargaining with Morgan on how many stories she got that night. It didn’t last long. Stephen gave in quickly, starting his next story.
Tony glanced at Pepper. “She takes after you,” he said. “She’s impossible to say no to.”
Pepper laughed. “She gets that from you.” She kissed him. “Stay with Stephen tonight,” she said. “I want some me time.”
Tony nodded, turning back to watch Stephen and Morgan as Pepper slipped away.
Morgan’s smile was bright and beautiful and Stephen… well, he was absolutely radiant.
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mymelodymia · 9 months
Fatherhood // Dad!Tony stark x baby!daughter!reader
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Summary: tony stark has baby daughter <3
Warnings: none (let me know if i messed any)
Age: newborn
A/N: kinda short but i need to get a fic out. Pls ignore my inactivity lol
🩰˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆◇+💕*°♡+
Tonys foot tapped anxiously as he paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room. Pepper was in labor. In the process of giving birth. Tony had never been so afraid.
He was scared he'd be a terrible father. That he'd mess up with you. He was snapped out of his racing thoughts when Natasha placed a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.
"You okay?" She questioned tony, he nodded his head quickly in response before asking Steve how long it had been for the seventh time.
"Two minutes since the last time you asked." Steve smiled, looking at his watch. He had asked this every 2 or 3 minutes.
Tony sighed anxiously, gasping as the nurse he had been bothering for the last 30 minutes asking about pepper walked through the door, her pink scrubs swooshing as she walked toward him, with a warm smile on her face she spoke.
"Shes here." She giggled at the worried father. Tony immediately brushed past her into the room. His eyes immediately fell on pepper, sitting up and holding a small pink cloth too her chest.
His jaw fell agape, hitting the floor. He waddled over to her. She smiled at him.
he placed his hand on her arm, she folded his arms in the correct position and placed his daughter in his arms. She was swaddled in the soft pink cloth.
He looked into her deep e/c orbs as she blinked at him lovingly. Making a funny face, which made you smile and coo at him.
🩰˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆◇+💕*°♡+
All of the avengers rallied into the room, all taking turns holding you. Tony holding his arms under theirs, afraid they would drop you. Even bucky.
Eventually they all went home, tony held you in his arms, sitting near the window, and fell asleep there too.
The nurse he'd been bothering all day had to pry you out of his grasp and put you in a crib.
He woke up 0.3 seconds after you would began to cry. Immediately jumping up to sooth your cries.
Of course he treated pepper like a queen. Helping her to the bathroom whenever she needed to go. Ordering breakfast for her, going out to target to get her fluffy socks when her feet were cold.
Pepper knew he'd be an amazing father as he rubbed her feet and rocked you to sleep in his free arm.
Doing everything and anything to allow his wife to rest.
🩰˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆◇+💕*°♡+
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover // @yummyangy // @carellmcu // @mariasabanahabanabana //
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veritas-dolos · 8 months
so since i recently reblogged a post with fic recommendations i realized i should maybe make a list of all of my favorite fics so you can check them out.
just letting you know, these are all going to be for the 2012 tmnt!! i'm not going to give a summary for each one, just a little detail.
tw's are stated where necessary. also, some of these are ship fics, and they're kinda spread out throughout the list so they might be hard to find.
for the future, for you. by SpectrumWriting
this one is donnie centric.
Tendencies by orphan_account
leo centric.
Under The Skin by Red_Dragonn
tw for bugs and body horror. raph centric.
on my own by feduphufflepuff
raph centric.
The Hostage Situation by taizi
mikey centric!!
Desolation by goodstoryfan
this is part one of the series (next fic below is part 2). leo centric and mind control!
Devastation by goodstoryfan
part two of the series. leo centric during the space arc!
Bro, You Literally Got Hit By A Bus by emmals16
in this fic leo got hit by a bus. it's mainly written for the 2003 show, but it can be read as 2012.
The Nature Of The Wind by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters
tw for rape/noncon. this is a dark fic, but leo centric. it's really good despite the themes.
Consequence for Indifference by Professor_Anxietree
mikey angst, and the brothers aren't abusive.
Interrogation or Malpractice? by Professor_Anxietree
more mikey angst for the end of season 3 where he goes through that thing that was supposed to read his mind.
unwavering by OverlyObsessed223
mikey and leo centric angst!
i've got my eye on you by taizi
mikey angst and donnie worries about him.
Despite Everything, I'm Still Human by WastedAndReady
raph angst!
Be like your brothers (And never like yourself) by ItzZaira
mikey angst!!
Mixup by The_Fourth_Queen
okay so this one is leo x casey but it's so funny i had to recommend it.
where it all began by a_rutabaga
leo angst where he and his brothers don't get along. this one is really good i've read it many times.
The Orange Turtle Without The Dimension of X by itz_me_E
mikey angst post dimension x.
Angry tender hearts. by Koalagriton
this one is raph x casey but it's really good.
Whatsername by less_depresso_more_espresso
another raph x casey and it's got angst what more could you want
Play the Fool, Pity the Fool. by SpectrumWriting
mikey angst, but tw for suicide attempt and self harm.
Not as Thick as Blood by thirdsday
mikey angst. (wow, i have a lot of mikey angst bookmarked)
The Arrangement by Ivelostcontrolofmylife
this is donnie x casey, and i haven't read it in a while, but it's really good.
Crash Course in Mistletoe by coolpointsetta
raph x casey. this is the first ever rasey fic i read that got me interested in the ship, so it's a good read. (this is the first in the series, the fic below is part two. there is a part 3, but i am yet to read it.)
the corner of the world we made ours by coolpointsetta
raph x casey, part 2 of the series.
(un)reality by SpectrumWriting
mikey angst fic that takes place during/after dimension x.
Notes pour trop tard by Anonymous
leo angst. tw for suicide (off screen) and suicide notes.
Breakfast for Sensei by rakuenoasis
mikey angst post dimension x. (wow i have a lot of dimension x fics bookmarked someone stop me)
How to deal with grief by ItzZaira
mikey angst at the farmhouse.
Atrophy by DerelictWreck
mikey angst. tw for very detailed and graphic suicide attempt and surgery, but it has a happy ending and mikey does not die. the brothers aren't the best but they're not abusive.
and the walls kept tumbling down by leones
leo angst. tw for eating disorders.
Temporal Differential by paranormal_worm
mikey angst post dimension x.
Into Dimension X by HolyKingWasteLand
mikey angst post dimension x.
we'll burn them down by dame_de_la_chance
mikey angst post dimension x. i have to say this one is one of my favorites of all the dimension x fics.
walk with open hands by taizi
you guys. this is so good. this is a fix it fic for the end of season 4 where mikey tries to save splinter's life.
Control by SceneNerd
mikey angst. tw for self harm.
Translate the Problem by Professor_Anxietree
mikey angst post dimension x. in my mind this is THE dimension x fic. it's the first one i ever read so it's really good. (the fic below is a continuation of this)
Mind and Matter by Professor_Anxietree
mikey angst when they're in space. (based on the episode journey to the center of mikey's mind).
to thine own self be true by inkandstone
mikey angst. this is a truth serum fic!!
and that's it!! i went through my entire bookmarked 2012 list and found each one of these. i have 261 tmnt 2012 fics bookmarked. it took over an hour to make this list and christ i am exhausted.
anyway i hope you guys read some of these! they're all amazing!!
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irondadfics · 4 months
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic?
I don't really remember all the details but Peter was raised with no so good people (I don't know if it was Hydra or another bad guy) but he was a teenager (maybe on the younger side?) when the Avengers rescued him. The Avengers were cautious of him cuz I think he was raised to be some kind of weapon, so he had to stay with at least one Avenger at any time.
I remember that Cap especially didn't trust Peter, but Tony grew really fond of the kid, so Peter was around Tony the most I think.
The details are very vague, I'm sorry, but I do remember a specific scene where Pepper and Tony had talked about having kids at some point and Pepper mentioned he couldn't even keep a house plant alive, yet alone a kid. But Peter was really fond of plants and he watered the plant himself and eventually Tony gave the plant to Peter as a gift I'm pretty sure.
That's really the most specific scene I can remember from this fic.
I know It's a bit vague but I thank you in advance if you're able to find this fic! :)
this is for you, enjoy!
out there, living in the sun by Hailfire_73
“W-what’s happening?” whispered Peter. He wiggled around on his bed, trying to shrug the hand off his shoulder. “Get off me!”  “Calm down, son,” said the other man. “We’re going to get you out of here.”  “Captain America? Get me out of here?” asked Peter, squinting his eyes and tilting his head. Iron Man hoisted him out of bed, and the covers went with him, hitting the floor by Peter’s feet. “Oh cool, I’m being kidnapped.”  “Not exactly the term I would use.” OR The Avengers rescue Peter from a Hydra base ran by his father, Richard Parker, except Peter doesn't really see it as a rescue, and has trouble settling into a new life away from Hydra and his father at the Avengers compound.  OR Peter learns how to be an actual teenager, live life, and put his abusive past behind him, and Tony learns how to be a father.  Irondad Bingo: Hydra
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popcorn-plots · 8 months
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Tony: h o l y shit, that's hot-- Pepper: Tony! Tony: ....not the time? Pepper: [looks up] Definitely not!
Pepper: [grins] although I do enjoy the sentiment.
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rojasnn · 6 days
My bf found my Wattpad and TikTok dedicated to my new ship and it has left a deep dent in our relationship. He has accused me of being weird and finds it bizarre that I read Omega-verse “porn”. I’m aware that the people I write and read about are not real, unlike you, Mr. Onlyfans.
I’m very glad I lost the password to my old acc. I wrote many fanfics whose ships I don’t even remember anymore (I was 15) but stopped when I started working. Sometimes I stalk my old page and I’m glad I was able to finish every single fic and I see people still comment and like. Now that I came back (5 months ago) I have come across some amazing adaptations and I’m glad people find my page and take inspiration from there. Is like my 16yo self is still there, guiding people, motivating them.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #149
Pepper and Tony know each other and date in high school or college, and they get pregnant. They decide to give the baby up for adoption (mostly because of pressure from Tony’s parents who just want them to not have the baby at all) and the whole thing is really sad for both of them so they end up breaking up.
Years later, Tony and Pepper find each other again and it turns out Pepper kept their baby boy, Peter
This fic idea was submitted by @obviesbellarke
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meidui · 4 months
steve/established pepperony 💏
Keeping Steve by @copperbadge
The gifts from Tony and Pepper are nice, and Steve secretly likes showing off signs that he belongs to them -- until some offhanded teasing from Clint makes him wonder if they're gifts from his lovers or payment for services rendered.
flying (just far enough) from the sun by @sunspill
After the events of the film, Steve follows Tony home instead of Bruce. Steve/Pepper/Tony.
Come At Me by Closer
Steve gets a lesson in pop psychology, drives a roadster, fends off an aspiring killer robot, conquers Tetris, wins a quarter, buys pants, battles the undead, and falls hard for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.
Just your average superhero stuff.
Safety Net by Instigator
Tony and Pepper aren't the type to stand idly by when they want something. As it turns out, what they want is Steve.
Make It A Triple by @51st
Tony’s lips are on his again, surprisingly soft and warm and his beard isn’t scratchy at all, but pleasant, and his mouth tastes faintly of scotch, and that’s Pepper’s other hand on his shoulder, between them, tightening there.
Steve pulls his head back, slightly. “Sorry,” he says, and he’s not sure which of them he’s addressing, but he’s had Long Island iced teas and Adios, Motherfuckers and he can maybe pretend later that he didn’t know any better.
Good Teachers by @impalachick
Wherein Steve learns that he doesn't have anything appropriate to wear to a dinner at Stark tower, Pepper is an extremely capable planner, Tony doesn't hate him, and date nights don't have to be between only two people.
Glamour Girl by @stickthisbig
This is Steve's indulgence.
Call me home by Cubicrot
“You need to stop feeling guilty, live a little.” Tony says carefully. “And I missed you.”
Steve’s heart beats like he’s in the middle of a leap and throwing his shield.
Tony coughs. ��Also, Pep’s got a crush.”
Nowhere to Hide by @archwrites
In the wake of the Battle of New York, Steve dreams of caves and portals and a world he doesn't understand. Then he meets up with Tony and Pepper in California and discovers he's not the only one living someone else's life in his dreams.
Croquis by @saathi1013
In which the Avengers Tower is rebuilt, Tony attempts matchmaking, Natasha is scary, and Pepper may have ulterior motives. Also, there is Asgardian mead, which might be a problem.
Magnetic by @boombangbing
Tony and Pepper are in a committed relationship, everyone knows that. Tony still flirts relentlessly with Steve, though, and Steve doesn't know what to make of it. Then he starts having weird feelings about Pepper too, and he really, really doesn't know what to make of that.
Holding Pattern by @boombangbing
The first couple of weeks of Steve's relationship with Tony and Pepper leave him in a strange in-between state. Which consequently leaves him increasingly frustrated.
Living in the Present by EllyAvon
Steve has adjusted as well as can be expected to the 21st century, but he still can't predict things like this.
There's lots more kissing in the future than he thought there would be-- or maybe it's kissing in the present.
You and Me and Steve by Chaerring
The problem wasn't Steve, exactly, just that he was always around.
Vector by @setissma
"It's a great idea," Tony said.
"Fabulous," Pepper said. "I'll file it with all your other recent great ideas, like stealing cars from the Stark Formula One team and buying me a strawberry farm for my birthday."
'Til the Daylight Comes by GotTheSilver
As he turns to leave he hears Tony calling after him, and he ignores it, uncomfortable with—well. With Tony. Not because of what he’d been saying, but because he liked it. Because something about knowing that Tony notices him stirred something inside Steve.
But Tony’s with Pepper.
And that’s.
That’s fine.
Homecoming by amobisan
Pepper opened the door to her bedroom and found Steve sitting on their bed. He looked up at her, blushing and shirtless, and said "Tony told me you liked this?"
Middleman by @justanotherstonyfan
Pepper and Tony introduce Steve to restraints.
Taken by @musicalluna
Tony gets back from a business trip and finds out Steve is gone.
Three's Company by @serenailith
Did Pepper and Tony really ask him that? Or is this just some vivid dream?
Or the one where Pepper decides her curiosity has reached high enough, so she asks Tony to bring Steve into the relationship.
Surprise by @serenailith
For the past five months, Steve has been in an amazing relationship (of sorts) with Tony and Pepper. One night, he receives a text from Tony while the genius is at a charity event with Pepper, and Steve sets his mind to surprising the two of them with a better night when they get home.
a dusting of pink (makes you glow from within) by @bedtimestoriesformywife
Steve is pretty sure he’s got a hang of this future thing. Talking to women though? That he still needs to work on.
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Rhodey: Pepper! Tony got that thing on the control panel working!
Pepper: Wow! That looks pretty impressive.
Rhodey: Yeah!
Pepper: Any idea what it does?
Rhodey: Not a clue.
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sunnysideprincess · 10 months
Thinking about two sides of a character being in a hetero relationship but realising they're in love with someone else.
We have Steve and Sharon, their general angsty yelling and fights and arguments. The explosive way their relationship ends when Sharon realises she wants to prioritise her career over a man who is so obviously in love with someone else. Steve realising "omfg I am in love with Tony" after years of his friends trying to subtly hint him about it, then sulking because "Oh no, I can't do that. Tony is so happy with Pepper"
Meanwhile there's Tony and Pepper, genuinely happy and giggling and being the "cool" couple who point at attractive people and flirt with others openly, shamelessly. And people obviously mistake this as their relationship being safe and secure. But the truth comes one night when Pepper is flirting with Nat, has actual butterflies in her tummy. Then there's Tony who's wondering when was the last time Pepper and Tony had normal sex without bringing up any other name or person in the middle of their "foreplay".
The next day, the gang is sitting and listening to Steve mope about how perfectly happy Tony is in his relationship and there comes Tony, announcing his break up with Pep because "turns out we were just besties who fuck" and "I don't think we were actually in love, we just believed it when the world told us that we were"
At the end of it all Nat's raising her hand like "does that mean I'm free-" and Tony's giving her a go before she even finishes the sentence
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