#a: rebelmeg
pepperonyfic · 2 years
Valentine's Day Pepperony Fics
Some Valentine's Day Fics with our favorite couple.
Blessings by VR Trakowski
There's Always Next Year by rebelmeg
The Poem by SelenitaLunar
Sweet On You by michuniverse
Happy Sleepy Valentine by rebelmeg
Valentine's Day by BrownCat13
Lay All Your Love on Me by Moosh
Run Away With Me by TheRedGlass
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rebelmeg · 1 month
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Because self-control and enthusiasm are both wildly out of proportion in my life... I MADE AN IRON PALS BINGO CARD FOR FUNSIES!
Yes, if you see this, please feel free to use it! It's not for an event or anything, just for funsies because I like the satisfaction of crossing off bingo squares when I post things.
For my @tonystarkbingo Round 8 square S1 - Iron Family!
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thehawkeyesbingo · 8 months
I have a multi-chapter fic that focuses on a different pairing, but Clint is one of the main characters in a couple of those chapters. Would those chapters still count for this bingo?
Of course!! This is such a low-pressure bingo that anything goes.
Can't wait to see what you create!!
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tonystarkbingo · 2 years
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TSB Advent Event Countdown - Day 25!
Merry Christmas!
I'll Be Home For Christmas - @rebelmeg
Pepper promised she'd be home for Christmas. Tony asks a certain jolly person to help her get there in time.
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psychiccatpanda · 4 months
RULES: put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people. (or.. you know less than that.. you do you. XD )
Tagged by the lovely @weethreequarter -- thank you!
Milk -- Garbage
Purple Rain -- Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
Sad But True -- Metallica
Same Old Love -- Selena Gomez
Dancing on My Own -- Calum Scott
Tagging with zero pressure: @snarkythewoecrow @polizwrites @rebelmeg @jehbeeeh @winterbonesthings @gavilansblog @cami-chats @wrensreblogthings @somesortofitalianroast
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kandisheek · 26 days
Here are all the fics I recommended this week. For the more thorough recs, see the posts by clicking the corresponding numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation by scifigrl47 (1)
The Butterfingers G. D. I. Stark Guide to Problem Solving by Epiphanyx7 (2)
Bedtime Stories and Nightmares by scifigrl47 (2)
An Unexpected Reunion by Sara (ctrsara) (2)
Best Bot Dum-E: Series by rebelmeg (3)
Forgotten, but Not Forgiven by Shi_Toyu (4)
Run Program: DUM-E by Amuly (5)
Arms And The Man by copperbadge (5)
The Multidimensional Oven by withasideofangst (5)
Silver Linings by incarus_chained (5)
Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS) by leashy_bebes (5)
Del_Rion (6)
Spam Bot Call Me by Another Name The Unfortunate Burglary The Halloween Spectacle Evolution of Warfare
Toasters by squireofgeekdom (7)
Just Apply STE-V by LBibliophile (7)
The Innocence of Weapons by riani1 (7)
Dummy Likes Bruce Best (That's Okay, So Does Tony) by celtic7irish (7)
Mimily, Pefzr, and Welcome Home: A Learning Curve by LearnedFoot (7)
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beheworthy · 10 months
The past few days I've been very down with this fandom. So, I thought I'd do something to lift my spirits and talk about the wonderful people I've found through it. I want to let you guys know that I see and appreciate you and my sadness toward fandom negativity absolutely doesn't include you. In fact, you guys offset it by being awesome.
While I do love my Cobra Kai people, Extraction people, and the Ted Lasso Intellectuals, this is about my primary fandom, the Thor Appreciation Society. And is in the order I've found them:
Rachel (@notallthosewho-wanderarelost ) is my love. We started as fandom friends and have since become real-life friends and text and share everything about our lives with each other. I mean, she got WhatsApp just to talk to me! If Jane was real, she'd be Rach.
@fostertheory is a Thor fandom legend and the wise sage Master Yoda of our little Thor Appreciation Society. They have read every single Thor comic since its inception (they deserve an award just for that!). I'm always in their walls screaming about things and their calm expertise and knowledge keeps me grounded.
Molly (@the-irish-mayhem ) is a wonderful friend with whom I share a lot of similar thoughts and opinions. Her characterization of Thor is canon for me and I aspire to write him as good as she does. Her fics have kept me alive!
@coolnerdyrn and @rebelmeg are respected members of our Thor Appreciation Society. They've been here since the beginning. I'm always floored by how kind and humble they are.
@bensolothelastskywalker @itsjustme-itsmylife @iwillneverletgoipromise and @cinderellasfella have - no joke - liked and reblogged every single gifset I have created since I started in 2017. I can't stress enough how much it means to me as a content creator that they’ve constantly supported me. I will hunt you guys down and hug you so hard.
@hotdagas , @demigodofhoolemere and @foreveracharmedone appear in my notes often. And I appreciate you.
@youflickedtooharddamnit , @spatialelementalworld , @amanda-trashpanda3000 and @nathog97 don't tag their posts so they're very easy to miss in the lumped-up lists of reblogs in the activity page but I see ya guys!
Nat (@the-mjolnir-owner ) and @hemstolemyheart were there in the beginning, then disappeared for a long time, and are now back. I was so scared to talk to Nat but she turned out to be so wonderful, sweet, kind, and considerate. And @hemstolemyheart's story about meeting Chris is ingrained in my brain. She's also super super sweet.
@m1ghtythor is the actual Goddess of Thunder and I love her so much. She's so special and passionate and I want to keep her protected from everyone.
I'm in awe of @uniiiquehecrt 's knowledge about storytelling and her understanding of Thor's character and story. Where have you been all my life? Her art is gorgeous as well.
I admire @karioke13 's enthusiasm. They're very appreciative and kind to me.
This is based on my chaotic activity page so if I miss anyone, sincere apologies. Let me know and I'll add you guys as well. :) People who interact through anons are also very appreciated.❤️
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themculibrary · 25 days
Rich!Tony Masterlist
Black AmEx (ao3) - copperbadge G, 4k
Summary: Bruce isn't sure he wants to use a credit card Tony gave him. Steve isn't sure he even knows how.
Brooklyn Cats (ao3) - SushiOwl steve/tony E, 29k
Summary: (No Powers AU)
Steve Rogers is an art student who is comfortable being depressed and alone. Tony Stark comes along and messes that all up.
buy the brooklyn bridge (ao3) - plingo_kat steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: It’s a whole new world, and Steve finds himself fitting in pretty well. Especially with Tony Stark as a guide.
Can’t Stop Us RoboDads (ao3) - justanotherpipedream, rebelmeg T, 13k
Summary: The story of how a genius rich kid from New York and a poor military-bound kid from South Philly meet, get into shenanigans, birth a few bots, and forge a life-long friendship.
Discretionary Spending (ao3) - midgetnazgul G, 7k
Summary: Fill for a prompt on the Avengers kinkmeme.
Original prompt: Tony really enjoys buying/building the other Avengers things they mention wanting or needing. Natasha mentions this obscure brand of expensive chocolates she once enjoyed on a mission and can't seem to find? Tony orders some in bulk. Bruce misses a certain tea, or mentions in passing that he wants a piece of lab equipment? Already bought it, and here I made adjustments so the equipment is even better than it was! Steve wants a really old film that's only on VHS and is really hard to find? Oh, I just had it in storage… Clint likes perching up high, but lacks enough places to do so in comfort? Was just about to remodel the place anyway. Thor mentions some obscure Nordic food that he misses? Tony knows just the place…
Point being, they eventually catch on to the fact that Tony notices things, and proceeds to do what needs to be done to get those things for them. No matter how often he stays in his lab for three days in a row, or how much he throws sarcastic comments, or acts just plain rude, he cares a lot. This leads to the entire team being nicer as a whole to Tony.
Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend (ao3) - camichats wanda/tony E, 14k
Summary: Wanda ends up as Tony Stark’s sugar baby to help get her through college. Getting into that relationship was the last thing she expected and falling in love came as a surprise to both of them.
Down On The Farm (ao3) - tellxmebby steve/tony E, 7k
Summary: Tony laughs, throwing an old rag at the blond man, who bats it away in the air. "Fuck you."
"Mm," Steve rolls back under the car with a newly fitted socket, "maybe later."
Steve grins up at the chrome above him at the lack of response. It must take Tony a minute to recover, but when he does Steve hears him huff.
Faithless (ao3) - TheZev mary jane watson/tony E, 7k
Summary: While living in Stark Tower, Mary Jane decides she’s had enough of being Peter Parker’s broke wife. Now she’d rather be Tony Stark’s rich sugar baby.
Living ain’t cheap (ao3) - Strength_in_pain N/R, 2k
Summary: “I thought our utility bill would be lower. Shit shit shit.” May cried, running a hand through her hair. Or Peter is worried about May because their financial struggles have gotten worse and he ends up needing Tony Stark.
people like you must be the world’s loneliest creatures (ao3) - avienexjel bucky/tony N/R, 96k (WIP)
Summary: Tony Stark is rich, popular, and an arrogant asshole. In other words: his IQ rivals Einstein’s, he’s slept with most of his friends at least once, and he’s so fucking lonely that sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night in the dark and cries into the cold sheets on the other side of the bed.
It’s no different at his new boarding school called SHIELD, at first. Half of the students love him to death, the other half want to murder him, nothing new. That is, until Tony accidentally breaks James Barnes’s prosthetic arm and he finds the most vulnerable pieces of himself crawling their ways to the surface whether he wants them to or not.
peter’s stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they’re trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn’t have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can’t let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there’s no way he’d still want him…right?
Rich Man, Poor Man (ao3) - sassyfangs13 steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Steve grew up in a time when sharing what little you had was the norm so when Tony starts buying him rediculous gifts he doesn't really know what to say.
the weight of water (ao3) - citsiurtlanu steve/tony M, 31k
Summary: Tony Stark is a rich socialite who’s reached a dead end in his life. Steve Rogers is a poor artist who works from job to job. Both of them are passengers on the biggest ship in the world. Yup, it’s a Titanic AU.
To Destroy a Legacy, to Ruin a Legend. (ao3) - AniAuthor N/R, 1k
Summary: Tony Stark doesn't need his armor or even to fight Steve Roger's team to destroy them. He just needs what he always had: his empire that he and his father built, his wealth, and control over the media. After all, you don't take a multi-million empire and turn it into a multi-billion empire by letting others walk all over you. Read to find out how Tony Stark destroys Team Captain America without even fighting after T'Challa uses his influence to pardon them in the States.
Trophy of a One Night Stand (ao3) - BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose tony/stephen E, 35k
Summary: Becoming a professor had never been on Tony’s dream list. As a single parent with a child though he is hoping it will provide everything they need in their life. Stability. Structure. Satisfaction. It all sounds plausible in theory, at least until he really gets there and an Alpha uproots his plans. Although it’s actually debatable in the best way. He may have not sought his son’s birth Alpha out, but apparently life has its own plans after all.
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polizwrites · 11 months
Cutting the Strings
This is a fill for today's @fictober-event prompt: "No, you won't understand, ever."  (tweaked slightly), along with my @bingowinteriron Unreliable Narrator and @buckybarnesbingo Never the Fall that Kills You squares.
Fanfic - Fandom: MCU/Marvel Rating: General Pairing: Steve & Bucky, Tony & Bucky Tags/Warning: Post CA:WS canon divergence, Avengers Tower unreliable narrator, psychological manipulation Thanks to @rebelmeg, @somesortofitalianroast and Meg in the BBB Discord server for the brainstorming help!
Tony knew what manipulation looked like  – after all, it had been happening to him all his life.   First Howard,  who couldn’t stand the idea of having a son more brilliant and talented than him and had therefore  picked apart every effort of Tony’s, magnifying any flaw and dismissing any creative effort.
Next came Obadiah, who had groomed his best friend’s son to be selfish and shallow,  caring only about himself – and damn it if he didn’t nearly succeed.  Natasha came along later - pretending to be his assistant and confidante, only to stab him in the neck.   
Fury wasn’t any better, of course - even if he was skilled at staying one step removed from the day to day, hands on work.  Some days Tony wondered about the film clip from the trunk Old One Eye had handed over;  whether it had somehow been edited or manipulated and in reality, Howard was talking about something - or someone - completely different.  
This all meant that  when he saw how Steve alternated between treating Barnes like glass and going into interrogation mode –  peppering him with reminders of the way things used to be between them  –  well, it got under Tony’s skin.     
“Barnes,  how about you come down to the workshop with me?”  Tony broke in, tired of hearing Steve say “Don’t you remember, Buck?”  for at least the third time that evening.  
“Why?” Steve asked with a frown.
Tony resisted the impulse to roll his eyes;  “I want to take a look at that shiny, shiny arm of his.”  It wasn’t a lie;  Tony had been fascinated by Barnes’  prosthesis since Steve brought  him back to the Tower three months after the shitshow in DC.   
Steve’s frown deepened, “Tony, I warned you –”  he said sternly.
“I don’t mind,”  Barnes interrupted.  “In fact, it hasn’t been working quite right since … well …  you know.” 
 “Aw, Bucky,” Steve replied, voice tinged with guilt,  “why didn’t you say something?” 
Because you don’t let him get a word in edgewise,  Tony ached to reply, but wisely bit the words back.  He watched instead as Bucky shrugged, then winced.    “Dunno.  Guess I’m not used to speaking up.”  
Tony bit back a grin at Barnes’ reply; given Steve’s hangdog expression, it would have only made things worse.    Instead, he made a gesture towards the elevator.    “After you, sunshine.” 
Barnes raised an eyebrow at the moniker, but stood up, saying “See you in a bit, Steve.”  
 They entered the elevator together, and as soon as the doors closed,  Tony said,  “He’s not going to understand what you’ve been through.   Not ever, I don’t think.”
Barnes’ lips twisted wryly.  “And you do?”
“Not to the same extent,”  Tony answered, “I mean, I didn’t have someone sending 1.21 gigawatts of electricity through my brain when I started asking questions about my mission,  or shoving me into a freezer when they were done with me, but I do know a little bit about being  shaped and wielded for other people’s purposes.”   
Tony grinned at  Barnes’  snort of surprised laughter.  “That was pretty damned blunt,  Stark.”  
Tony spread his hands in mock-surrender. “Figured you were tired of all the tiptoeing.”   The doors to the elevator opened, and they both stepped out into Tony’s sanctuary.   
“Steve means well,”  Barnes sighed,  “and from what I do remember, he’s always been like this.”  
“I haven’t known him as long as you,” Tony replied,  “but I gotta agree.  And it’s probably none of my business,  but it feels sometimes  like he’s trying to mold you into the buddy he remembers from way back when - whether that’s who you want to be or not.”  
Barnes looked away for a moment. “I guess it’s like they say, ‘it’s never the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop at the end’.” 
“That sounds like some sort of Russian proverb to me.”
“Probably.”  Barnes huffed in frustration.  “ I’m still not sure how much of what’s up here,”  he tapped his temple,  “is really mine.  And there’s plenty I don’t really want to remember, for that matter.” 
“A team at SI is working on something that might help with cutting those strings,” Tony replied.    “Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing - basically taking a traumatic memory and replaying it in real time  so you can make it come out a little different.”  
Barnes gave him a small smile.  “Sounds like something out of a sci-fi pulp magazine.” 
Tony gestured around,  “Welcome to the future, my friend.”  
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hylianengineer · 4 months
I was tagged by @evangeliamerryll
Post the last line of your WIP and tag as many people as there are words. Make a new post; don’t reblog.
Oof, this is embarrassing, I got this right as I was writing about a drugged character rambling about really random things.
“Big pink dinosaurs. They eat cyanobacteria. The ancient Romans ate their tongues.” 
Anyone who knows what sort of creature I'm talking about without looking it up wins.
I have to tag twelve people? Do I even know that many writers?
@sigynpenniman @a-star-that-fell @spacejellywrites @smellofsnoww @jinbeioyabun
@fromgallifreytogallitep @galadriel1010 @hopecomesbacktolife @peaceheather @universe-on-her-shoulders
@kirstyth @rebelmeg
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marvelrarepairbingo · 5 months
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We have had a super busy year full of creativity and at the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo the hits keep coming as our participants are delivering a lot of fantastic, fun submissions sure to keep you on your toes and enjoying all the fun places that creativity has taken them to this round! If you'd like to see more, then check it out under the cut! Also, if you're interested in Marvel Rare Pairs or maybe taking place in our bingo or one of the mini-events we have happening, then check us out at https://marvelrarepairbingo.tumblr.com/ or head on over to our discord and see what other Marvel fans are talking about!
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Title: Sing, then, wherever you may be Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I5: Dancing Pairing: matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Drunken Confessions Summary: Matt notices that Foggy has stopped singing around him--Or in general. When Matt asks him about it, things take an unexpected, but very welcome turn. Word Count: 3545 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52416643
Title: Crying under the Christmas Tree Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: B5: Heart Trouble Pairing: Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: drinking, heartbreak, emotional H/C, trauma Summary: Matt is alone on Christmas Eve. Again. Word Count: 2622 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52536322
Title: Last Christmas I gave you my heart Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: Adopted: "I got the cat a Santa suit" Pairing: Loki/Stephen Strange Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: None Summary: Loki still gets the cat a Santa Claus suit. Word Count:  3000 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52545799
Title: Show me your world Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: G3: Seduction Pairing: Matt Murdock / Charles Xavier Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: gay sex, fluff and smut Summary: When Charles and Matt seperately entered the bar that night, they weren't expecting to end up in the arms of a former stranger. And they definitely didn't expect it to mean as much as it does now. Word Count: 5474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52609375
Title: Now I wear my Scars just like Tattoos (Chapter 3) Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: O5: Forced to rely on Enemy/Rival Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Pain, Trans!Clint, NB!Bucky, Implied/Referenced Suicidality Summary: Bucky's arm causes him chronic pain. As a last resort, Clint thinks Tony can help them. The only problem: Tony hasn't talked to Bucky since Siberia. Word Count: 2306 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49329592/chapters/133717213
Title: Marks on your Skin Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: O1: Rough sex Pairing: Foggy Nelson/Erik Lehnsherr Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: painplay, knifeplay, kink, anal sex Summary: "Foggy wasn’t sure how it had happened. He knew there had to have been a lot of alcohol involved the first time. For both of them. It wasn’t like he didn’t remember that night—their first night together—it was just that it didn’t make a lot of sense. Because why, for all that was good, would Erik Lehnsherr, the strong, tall, and famously unpleasant engineering student, hook up with a guy called Foggy, who was known by all to be soft and fluffy, always helpful and kind? Foggy didn’t know. There was no way he could wrap his brain around it, and, at this point, he was afraid to ask." Word Count: 4336 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52973536
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Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 3: Glitter Sprinkles Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: O2: Bring It On Pairing: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods Summary: Darcy starts spending time in Bucky's kitchen, and discovers his sprinkle cabinet. Word Count: 1690 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/739649084262055936/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 4: The Cupcake Hour Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N4: Bucky Barnes Pairing: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, grimy science gremlin Jane Summary: Jane hears all about Darcy's new crush, and then the science bestie meets baker, who has a question for Darcy. Word Count: 1425 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/739735156612628480/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 6: Archery and Mirror Glaze Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: I1: meet cute Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Clint & Bucky Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, meeting Clint! Summary: Darcy meets Bucky's best friend, then gets to watch him do more sugar magic. Word Count: 1396 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740022112528531456/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 7: Thievery and Cookery Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: I5: Darcy Lewis Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Jane/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, Thor is a cereal thief Summary: Thor has committed a grave sin, and Bucky is in charge of fixing Darcy's cranky mood. Word Count: 1264 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740158874035912704/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 8: Frosting Roses Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: free space Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Jane/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, everyone is just real cute Summary: Jane has a breakthrough and Bucky brandishes a piping bag. Word Count: 1431 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740193261833125888/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 9: A Compote Murder Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: G1: “Well this is another fine mess you’ve gotten us into” Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Bucky & Clint Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, Disaster Clint, flirting over baked goods Summary: Clint wreaks havoc in Bucky's kitchen, and Darcy helps to conquer a very large block of chocolate. Word Count: 1689 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740285209867583488/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 12: Bucky's Birthday Present Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: B2: image of Bucky Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Bucky & Clint, Jane/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, Bucky's birthday Summary: Darcy tries to think of what to get Bucky for his birthday, Jane is unhelpful, Thor is very helpful, and Clint is her partner in actual crime. Word Count: 2028 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740550507239768064/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
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Title: The Long-Ass Walk of Shame Author:  Blizzard_Fire Card #: MRP-032 Square Filled: G5: "Borrowing" The Significant Other's Clothes Pairing: Hela/Jennifer Walters Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Morning after, humour Summary: There’s only one downside to hot sex with an Asgardian goddess. Word Count: 1044 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52890901
Title: A little treehouse Author:  Esteicy Card #: MRP-092 Square Filled: G1: Meeting in a treehouse Pairing: Jean Grey x Wanda Maximoff Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: n/a Summary: Wanda finds a treehouse in the forest; inside she meets someone special. Word Count: 693 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53865802
Title: what doesn't kill us Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I2: Mission ends bloody but successful Pairing: Bucky Barnes & Thunderbolts team, Bucky Barnes/John Walker/Sam Wilson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: Five times Bucky looks after his team and one time he lets someone else take care of him. Word Count: 9K Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54242446
Title: a shadow among shadows Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I4: Ghostly Chill Pairing: Bucky Barnes/John Walker Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: He really wishes he was normal sometimes, normaler. At least Bucky’s in a similar wavelength of messed up, take some lose some and all that bullshit. Word Count: 5K Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54254146
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Title: Cuddles Author:  mikeyp16 Card #: MRP-095 Square Filled: I3: Cuddling Pairing: Captain America / Wolverine Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: Summary: Word Count: Artwork Link: https://www.tumblr.com/mikeyp16/742861391808036865/first-time-joining-a-fandom-bingo-specifically?source=share
Title: Cost Author:  Annie/Nekoannie-chan/SharlotteMayfair Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: B1: Short term gains at a long term cost Pairing: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends) Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Mention of betrayal Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help. Word Count: 556 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/745469836561350656/cost
Title: In the land of gods and monsters Author:  Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B2: That’ll never happen again Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor, Hulk/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Established Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Sex, Humor, Sexual Humor Summary: When three rogue Frost Giants show up in Central Park, turn it into a mini and temporary Jotunheim, Thor and Tony do their part in the fight by encouraging their boyfriends...by ogling and thirsty commentary. Word Count: 1289 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55313029
Title: Common Ground Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: Adopted: Mood board/Enemies to Lovers/Hurt Comfort Pairing: Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Sexual Content, Handcuffs, Hurt/Comfort, Movie: X-Men: First Class (2011), Post-Movie: X-Men: First Class (2011), Canon Divergence - Post-Movie: X-Men: First Class (2011), Mood Board, Light Dom/sub, Past Abuse, Healing Summary: After Erik rescued Emma from the compound Shaw left her to rot in, she and Erik formed an alliance and gained a deeper understanding of one another that brought them closer in forming a different kind of bond between them. Word Count: 3036 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55358851
Title: Happily Ever After Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: N2: Three Times a Bridesmaid/Hallmark Romance Pairing: Kate Bishop/Peter Parker Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: N/A Summary: Wealthy socialite Kate Bishop has always been blessed with good fortune when it comes to helping her friends find their happily ever after. As one of New York City’s top elite, Kate has tried to break outside of her mother’s shell to make a name for herself. She’s as helped countless childhood friends find their way to happily ever after, but with so much time spent on building everyone else’s happily ever after Kate’s ignored her own need for romance in favor of building up her reputation as the premiere wedding planner in the city, working her way to the top. Word Count: N/A Link: https://www.tumblr.com/scottxlogan/748430600610906112/kate-bishoppeter-parker-marvel-rare-pair-bingo?source=share
Title: City Dreams Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: I3: Soulmate AU/Diner AU Pairing: Pepper Potts/Bruce Banner Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: romance, angst, soulmates Summary: Pepper Potts and Bruce Banner are soulmates destined to find one another, but when their initial romance crumbles to pieces it takes them 20 years to find their way back to one another and the love they lost as they both work to build new beginnings together. Word Count: N/A Link: https://www.tumblr.com/scottxlogan/748437190687735808/this-moodboard-and-summary-was-written-for-the?source=share
Title: Love and Hunger Author:  Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: N5: Shoulder Bites (Mood Board Madness Fill (Horror Movie & Hallmark Romance)) Pairing: Loki/Bucky Barnes Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Horror themes, blood, cannibalism, vampirism, Cannibal Bucky, Vampire Loki, blood drinking, military experimentation, descriptions of violence, descriptions of war, descriptions of bloody battles, potential torture, humor, horror and humor, romance, fluff, monsters in love Summary: After military experiments that left James with super soldier abilities and cannibalistic hunger, he's felt like an outsider, even around his best friend. When the internet allows him to interact with others with strange needs, he finally meets Loki, someone who may well be the answer to his two biggest problems: loneliness and what to do with all that blood. Word Count: 953 (concept write-up) Link: https://www.tumblr.com/mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea/748421590079946752/more-mood-board-madness
Title: Rainy Days and Mondays Author:  Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B5: Kissing in the Rain Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Mood Board, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Darcy Lewis Feels, Thor Needs a Hug (Marvel), First Kiss, Rain, Kissing in the Rain, Fluff, Romantic FluffSummary: Stuck in a café while it's pissing down rain outside, Darcy spots a familiar face coming in her direction. She and Thor have a surprise reunion, and they connect over dinner. When it's time to say goodnight and go their separate ways, neither of them really want to. Word Count: 1819 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55411420
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rebelmeg · 1 year
It's Good To Be Back
by rebelmeg
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Family Fluff, happy tears, in this house we take Endgame apart and only keep the bits we like, and toss the rest right out the window Summary:
After the Snap and everyone comes back, Peter visits Tony in the hospital and meets someone he didn't expect.
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For my @tonystarkbingo adopted prompt "Next Generation"
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27dragons · 1 year
I was tagged by the amazing @rebelmeg
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Ooh, fun! Okay. A lot of these are going to overlap, I suspect, so I'll pull the first fic on each list that hasn't already been shared. Also, since most of my most popular fics were co-written with tisfan, I'll do two fics for each category, one for solo and one for co-written.
Most Hits
Solo: Smaller Without You - Marvel, Steve/Tony, rated T (Soulmate AU)
Co-written: Winter is Coming - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (canon divergent, first in a series)
Most Kudos
Solo: (skipping SWY) The Roommate Situation - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (no-powers AU, Found Family)
Co-written: Safe and (the) Sound - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (no-powers AU, Found Family, first in a series)
Most Comments
Solo: From Winter's Cold - Marvel, Bucky/Steve/Tony, rated E (canon divergent)
Co-written: (skipping SatS and WIC) Forever Home - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (No-powers, Werewolf!Bucky AU, first in a series)
Most Bookmarks
Solo: (skipping SWY and TRS) Murderers and Thieves - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (canon divergent, first in a series)
Co-written: (skipping WIC, SatS, and FH) Lightning in a Bottle - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (fantasy, dragon!Tony AU)
Most Words
Solo: (skipping FWC, M&T, several collections of shorts written for bingos or imaginetonyandbucky, and a LOT of co-written stuff) His Second Suitor - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (A/B/O, no-powers AU)
Co-written: (skipping WIC) Bucky Barnes Got Married - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (no-powers AU, time travel shenanigans)
Fewest Words (skipping drabbles, because there's a bunch of those)
Solo: Crushed - Marvel, Bucky/Steve, rated T (canon divergence, also the first thing I ever posted on AO3)
Co-written: Taste of Regret - Marvel, Clint & Nat, rated T (canon divergence, probably?)
Hm, whomst shall I tag? Let's go with the most recent authors in my AO3 History whose tumblr IDs I know: @delta-pavonis , @holistic-alcoholic , @limerental , @iam93percentstardust , @moorishflower, @softest-punk, and @dsudis
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tonystarkbingo · 2 years
Chapters: 24/? Fandom: Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Sharon Carter & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Carol Danvers/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Harley Keener, Carol Danvers, Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes, Shuri (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Maria Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel) Additional Tags: Drabbles, Pepperony - Freeform, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Fluff and Humor, Rescue Missions, MIT bros, Partnership, Phil Coulson & Pepper Potts Friendship, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Post-Wedding, Bucky Barnes & Shuri Friendship, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Coffee Addict Tony Stark, Bucky Is A Troll, Stark Cousins, Alternate Universe - Fashion & Models, Matchmaking, Tony Stark Sings, Domestic Bliss, Schmoop, Teen Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Bucky Barnes Remembers, Red Room (Marvel), Hydra (Marvel), Carol Danvers & Tony Stark Friendship, Angst, Amnesia, Parent Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, Moodboards, Suggestive Themes, Iron Family, Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Series: Part 20 of Rebelmeg's Tony Stark Bingo Fills 2019, Part 8 of Rebelmeg's Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019, Part 3 of Rebelmeg's TSB Fills 2020 Summary:
My collection of assorted drabbles! Tags will be updated as drabbles are added.
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jacarandabanyan · 1 month
WIP game, tagged by @hayanwulf
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So right off the bat I'm going to say that my WIP folder is a bog. Lots of stuff goes in, some of it stays on the surface long enough to be completed and a good deal of it sinks down into the folder's depths, unlikely to ever see the light of day again (though only 'unlikely'- many pieces have managed to make comebacks).
Which is a long way to say that I'm not going to list everything in my WIP folder because a lot of it will probably never be finished and it would take too long. Also a bunch of it is original stuff, not fanfic.
So, list of fanfic WIP stuff that I still expect/intend/hope to finish:
The Tide Comes Rushing In Ch. 6
Dr Strange's AI Student
IronStrange Tony Reborn as AI
Gila Monster WinterIron
IronStrange Brain Surgery
Steve Gets in the Trunk of Bucky's Totally Stolen Car
Tony LMD Fic (final bit)
Virtual Reality
Sasori Makes a Team 7 Puppet
Konan/Mei Religious Imagery
Itachi Infiltrates Kiri
Itachi IV Bowstaff AU
Naruto Can't Talk
KisaIta Soulmate AU
Fake Honeypot
Naruto Gender Fic
The East Blue Crew's Adventures Microchipping Zoro
Snake Story
Daddy Issues
Tagging people: @wardog-of-the-endless, @rebelmeg, anyone else who wants to. Also to the two I tagged, only if you want to! No pressure!
There's no way I can find as many people to tag as WIPs so I'm just going to stop there.
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kandisheek · 20 days
just another day in her superhero life by Hyoushin
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 556 Tags: Kamala Writes Fanfic, Crackfic, Making Out
Summary: She realized why Cap and Iron Man engaged in a protracted exchange of saliva felt like deja-vu.
Reasons why I love it: Oh Kamala, my beloved. The premise of this is comedy gold, and I love how traumatized Clint is by watching mom and dad kiss. This fic is amazing, and you should definitely read it!
Tony Stark, Doo Doo Doo-Doo Doo by rebelmeg, sleepoverwork
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 3,935 Tags: Family Dynamics, Parent Tony and Pepper, Adopted Teenagers
Summary: Tony has Dad Brain, Morgan is disinterested in her nap, FRIDAY is amused, and a whole pack of teenagers are watching it unfold from behind the couch.
Reasons why I love it: The puns are strong with this one! Tony's merry band of teenage geniuses is hilarious as always – trolls, the lot of them. And I love how Tony tries to negotiate with Morgan, it's very cute. Definitely check this one out, it's wonderful!
the hedgehog (and one million blue whales) by soliloquent
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 8,263 Tags: Nicknames, Domestic Fluff, They're In Love Your Honor
Summary: “Hm. But, how hard?” Tony challenges. Steve ponders for a second. “As hard as one million blue whales sitting on you.” “One million?” Tony looks genuinely in awe. “I reckon that would crush one tiny hedgehog, don’t you think?” “Nah. You’re all spiky. Small, but feisty. The whales wouldn’t stand a chance.” Or: Steve and Tony’s relationship unfolding through a series of everyday moments in the span of two years, pieced together to paint a canvas of their intertwined lives — a domestic portrait of quirky whale-themed endearments, meaningful acts of service, soothing showers, cherished gifts, steamy make-outs, and one adorable hedgehog mystery.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, this fic is the cutest thing ever. And I'm (not) ashamed to say that Tony's whale-ish dad jokes made me laugh more than once. My heart melted every time Steve called Tony 'hedgehog', Jesus Christ, I will never get over that, it's so fucking cute. This fic is wonderful, and you absolutely HAVE to read it, if you haven't already!
boxing with deep fried mars bars by SleepWontVisitMeAnymore
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,251 Tags: Domestic Fluff, Oblivious Avengers, Secret Relationship
Summary: On one fateful tuesday, Clint thinks something weird is going on...and what he finds is SO not what he was expecting.
Reasons why I love it: I've never had a deep fried mars bar, but I am intrigued now. I love Tony and Steve being idiots in love while keeping the rest of the team guessing, it's super fun. I highly recommend you go and check this one out for yourself!
Boredom Levels Zero Percent by bumblewyn
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,093 Tags: Dates, A Baboon, Crackfic
Summary: Tony and Steve go on a date with hilariously destructive consequences. At least they are never bored.
Reasons why I love it: This fic very much reminds me of that one Supernatural episode – if you know, you know. It's really fun, and I have to commend Bruce for not losing his cool in the face of Tony being Tony. Definitely check this one out, it's great!
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