#aNd TaVrOs'S mAtErIaL
gem-tavvy · 7 months
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(note that this is made in good fun and not to make fun of artists who portray tavros like this)
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mysterioushistorian · 6 months
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Sopor slime proof pajamas
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dirksawesomesprites · 6 months
editing / fixing sprites + my headcanons
Part 1: Beta Lowbloods
Aradia Megdio
without bag
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with bag
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she uses she/they and is demigirl and bisexual. her horns are covered in a layer of dust from scavaging for fossils and living in an underground hive. she wears a messanger bag that she uses to keep all of her fossile hunting materials and other things. she uses the fossils to decorate her hive and shes goth (original i know). her matesprit is sollux and her moirail is feferi.
Tavros Nitram
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he uses he/him and is a cis guy (just is slightly feminine) he is mlm/gay. he loves fairycore and his favourite dog breed is a golden retriver (speficially the human version dave showed him, not alternian.) his robot legs will occasionslly malfcution, causing them to either get locked in place, squeak loudly, or get sticky joints. dave constantly has to call dirk over to fix his legs. his matesprit is dave, moirail is gamzee, and he has a black crush on gamzee (not very "black" though, mostly a "i can fix him" mentality but it ends up being "i can fix him but itll make me worse in the prossess) type stuff. its a pale leaning black thing.
Sollux Captor
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he uses they/he/she and is bisexual and bigender (original i know but its kinda funny concidering my headmate with a sollux source is bisexual and bigender so im stealing that). hes emo and has a johnnie guilbert shrine in his hive he swears is ironic. he is colour blind (blue colour blindess specifically) so he sees voilet/purple as a ugly brown thats why he calls eridan ugly so much. he plays the synthesizer. hes double jointed and likes to gross his friends out with it. his shoes were orignially both white but he lost the second one but was too lazy to find it so he just wears the same brand shoe but different colours. theyre vans shoes. his matesprit is aradia , his moirail is dave , his kismesis is eridan , and his auspistice is karkat.
Karkat Vantas
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he uses they/he, theyre nonbinary / transmasculine (has top scars and is technially transmasc but is also nonbinary i dont know if im saying this right) and is unlabeled for sexuality (they kiss guys but is unlabeled take with that what you will) they are punk even if they dont particualerly dress like it. their sweatpants are too big and their sweater is too small / tight so theyre a small gap of stomach showing. he purrs when happy, sleepy, or comfortable. when he gets scared their voice cracks and squeaks. when theyre alone listening to music in their hive hell jump around bouncing off stuff pretending to play the guitar and screaming / singing at the top of his lungs to the song. his matesprit is gamzee, his moirial is eridan, his kismesis is dave, and they aupistice for eridan and sollux.
Nepeta Lejion
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she uses she/meow and is girlflux, catgender (original i know), grey romantic, and asexual. when she paints on her shipping wall she tends to get paint all over her and it has since stained her jacket. she has had her hat since she was very little and its very streched out and worn. same with her tail as its not part of her, it drags on the ground behind her and gets dirt, sticks and leaves caught in it most of the time. she likes to play the xylophone, read warrior cats, and play animal jam with equius. she purrs when she his happy / sleepy / comfy like karkat. her matesprit is feferi and her moirail is equius.
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cure-typhoon · 4 months
want to make an au where the boy beta trolls are part of a boyband butsome of their vibes (Eridan, Equius) are so atrocious I cant even imagined them as dreamy singers that teenage girls love to hear, the vibes are putrid and even from TV you would pick it up
Like, Karkat? Excelent boydream material (in a non personal way) charismatic and funny, the ''asshole who acts like he doesnt care about you but he does'' with a few adjustments and a dreamy voice he would be like fan favorite in a boyband. That also goes for the rest, Tavros? Cute and awkward who loves animals and is adorable and would be woobify to hell, Sollux? nerdy and ''cool'', and also theres alway that teen who gets the crush on all the nerdy characters. Gamzee could be selled as the funny goofy guy who is really handsome when he gets serious or smt
But Eridan and Equius? Like Equius maybeeee if he like, never opens up his mouth, and is presented as this super serious guy who doesnt really talk but god I cant imagine Eridan in a boyband dcbgh his vibes are too theatrical and fantasy like that is hard to imagine it in a 2000's boyband
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thewertsearch · 4 months
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[Gamzee] probably has no idea what sort of danger he is in, with one or more murderers on the loose. Poor guy. You will have to seek him out shortly and offer him protection. You'd feel terrible if you were to lose any more friends.
The fact that she's snickering to herself makes this sentiment read as rather sarcastic, but I'm pretty sure Terezi's emotions are legitimate.
She is genuinely sad about Tavros, and worried about her friends - this is just how she chooses to process these feelings. It's easier when it's a game.
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No dice, I'm afraid. It would take a miracle for any dream self to survive Jack’s rampage.
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It's so weird to see an adult with a face in this comic.
Also, I've still never seen Hook, so I have no idea how closely any of this aligns with the source material.
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What could it be? Two squirming cephalopods locked in a mating ritual? You suppose you will never know.
Don't worry about it.
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You spy a WALLET lying on the ground.
I hope Dad's got a couple of credit cards in there. John deserves to treat himself.
Can we take a look at his driver's license, actually? Not going to lie, I'm pretty curious about his name.
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You are suddenly extremely overwhelmed. How can one boy handle such awesome power and responsibility? You also wonder why your dad dropped his wallet. It's as if he knew you would find it here. Perhaps he has been cloud gazing too?
Perhaps. He is John and Jade’s half-brother, after all, so if he has a dream affiliation, it's probably to Prospit.
Cloud-gazing or not, I think he probably did leave his wallet for John. Abandoning one's inventory would otherwise be a very un-gentlemanly activity, and who else would he have left it for?
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The first card you examine contains ONE TON OF SHAVING CREAM.
Forgot that thing was a modus. It looks like it’s got some serious capacity, too - that pile of shaving cream is much too big to fit in a normal card.
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hms-no-fun · 7 months
i just want you to know that i read... i think Most of godfeels and had to stop because i was not enjoying it. but i think its really good and i really respect what you do. i think it's all too easy for people to mix up "this is not my cup of tea" with "this is bad and/or problematic". they dont take the time to see the artistry in it, why it is what it is, what it might be saying beyond their surface level read and the kneejerk reaction to it.
i also wanted to note that ive always been kind of scared of sharing fanworks for fear of writing "out of character" - and ive also even been afraid of it in original works. character isn't real and concrete, so anyone can decide something's out of character. so your exploration of that concept gives me more confidence as a writer. i really appreciate that and everything else you do. :)
thank you so much for this message! i'm glad you tapped out rather than force your way through something you weren't enjoying, that's a very mature response and something i wish more folks would recognize as a perfectly valid option. in fact i think pushing through and reading long after you've given up on the material, so to speak, is a great way to wind up angry at a writer for having "forced" you to endure such a trying experience. as i've said before, an author can't force you to do anything. you can close the book any time you like.
as far as the tension of "in character/out of character" goes, i think a lot of people in fandom struggle with the fact that "character" is very much in the eye of the beholder. sub-groups form within fandoms based on identities, politics, sexual predilections, etc, and typically gather around the fire that is their particular interpretation of a character. but from within that sub-group, it's rarely considered "an interpretation" so much as the obvious intended truth of the text. it's that intoxicating mood of finding people who share a perspective you rarely see elsewhere, like oh my god, you GET it, finally someone GETS it!
in homestuck fandom, for instance, quite a lot of people hate vriska and think she sucks, with a vocal sub-group of that sub-group still actively beating the drum that everything about her arc after [S] Game Over is the worst part of homestuck. but i love vriska, and my corner of the fandom very much organized around a full-throated defense of her. some folks think homestuck did tavros and gamzee dirty and that this is a fatal flaw in the text; when i countenance these people, i am convinced we read two very different comics. who's right and who's wrong? there are degrees. i can pull out any number of quotes from andrew hussie about the importance of vriska and the weenieness of tavros, but then, authors love to say things, and there's plenty of stories i love in ways that directly oppose to the authors' stated intent. the debate can never end because we are only ever talking about the version of a character or story that exists in our heads, based on the things that stuck with us when we read the thing (however long ago that was-- which is important because i find a LOT of people adamantly defending their headcanons haven't read the source text in a number of years. as time passes, your perception of the media you've experienced in the past morphs and distorts. someone who was right five years ago can be wrong today and not even notice the difference).
something i've realized in the last year is how much godfeels emerged from a very specific milieu, not just in terms of how we interpreted certain characters but in our approach to analyzing and talking about the text altogether. i believe most of the important stuff in godfeels is "in character" in most of the ways that matter, but it's built on a very specific meta that centered vrisrezi and transness and radical leftist politics and experimental hypertext. really, it's a post-Epilogues fanwork even despite the fact that godfeels 1 predates their release by a few weeks. and i think to this day a lot of homestuck fans haven't read the epilogues but have read fandom posts about how terrible they are (quite a lot of which will have either been written by teens, by people who already didn't like homestuck very much, or by one of the regressive stalkery weirdos prominent in the homestuck reddit/discord), and that misapprehension keeps them in the dark about just how many amazing tools the epilogues introduce to the homestuck formula that exponentially expand the expressive possibilities of attentive fanworks. and it of course elides the fact that the homestuck epilogues are a story about being in your 30s. i think we'll be getting a big re-appraisal of the epilogues in 5-10 years. it'll be the "twin peaks: fire walk with me" of homestuck, just you wait.
so these readers see my version of dirk being an unhinged murderous dick to a newly-out trans woman and go "he would never do that." then if i point at the epilogues, they'll say "i didn't read them/they're not even canon/that wasn't in character either." at which point there's nothing really to say, because we have two completely different perceptions of the text. who's right and who's wrong is almost always infinitely subjective, a circumstance that humans are notable for being very good at handling in a mature and politely discursive manner.
so i've got an "author's introduction" to godfeels baking in my docs to provide some context about the meta this story is built on, the milieu it came out of, that sort of thing. it won't make much of a difference in practical terms, but it'll at least be something i can point to.
in any event, thanks for this message. all i ever want is for people to give it an honest shot. i hope you can continue harvesting confidence from wherever it can be found. it takes a lot of audacity and backbone to be an artist, especially when you have something worthwhile to say. remember that you're not writing for the haters, you're writing for the kind of person, like you, who wants to see more stories like the thing you're writing. they're the ones who'll get it, they're the ones who'll stick around long after the haters have lost interest.
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grubgirl413 · 2 months
HOMESTUCK HESDCANONS 2: the squeakquel
•Tavros forgets his horns are too big and has ruined many shirts with them
•trolls are either slightly fuzzy or a bug texture
•trolls chitter
•cherubs can unhinge their jaws like a snake
•aradia sometimes ribbitseven after godtiering
•jake English used to draw on his **iconic** mustache as a small chap
•tavros is the fastest of the trolls (this might be completely canon)
•sollux smells of old socks and older fruit
•godtier pijamas are a semi-fluffy material
•betty crocker is secretly the condesce 3;)
•kanaya needs something to stabilise her back because eridan shot a hole through it
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justplainhappy-jph · 6 months
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Hoping beyond canon or the bonus material expands on Gamzee's "training".
We've seen the effect it had on Tavros, but not what it actually entailed; every time it comes up the implications only get more ominous.
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autisticsupervillain · 5 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
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Karkat Vantas vs Tavros Nitram!
All "Post Canon" materials are ignored. Both characters have all of their knowns weapons and tools available to them, even if they no longer have them by the end of the story. Tavros is not Gcatavrosprite.
Karkat is both bored and stir crazy having nothing to do on Earth C, so when Tavros invites him to go FLARPing, Karkat accepts. Eventually, the plot of the roleplay contrives that Karkat and Tavros's characters must fight, with both boys getting just a bit too into it.
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bladekindeyewear · 2 months
Okay SO FOR CONTEXT, I left off at what let's just call the Homestuck^2 Gigapause before it traded hands again. I didn't even finish up all the bonus content because I was going through some medical issues. The LAST PAGES I READ of Homestuck^2 were the update where Roxy and Calliope show John some very important device is under a sheet in their secret lab in the Outercanon (Candy) timeline, and an investigation post on The Device that I made asking if there was a Hiveswap connection or some other purpose for it.
I have not played Chapter 2 of Hiveswap, any of the Pesterquest or Friendsim games, or Psycholonials!!! I have no idea when I'm going to get the energy to get to any of that stuff if ever, but I still might eventually! Send no info or spoilers about Hiveswap, Friendsim, Pesterquest or Psycholonials, please!
I have not finished catching up on the last of the Bonus Content that came out just before they went on pause years ago, and I DO NOT PLAN TO continue bonus content until I am both caught up on Homestuck^2 proper and successfully KEEPING UP with Homestuck^2 blogging because my (non-dangerous but annoying) medical issues might not let me keep pace! Send no info or spoilers about bonus content, please!
To reiterate, I have only read Homestuck^2 up to exactly THIS PAGE! Send no spoilers about anything newer than that, please, I'll get to it!
Stuff that gives us new classpect info has happened! I don't know what!
I've seen hints of some sort of interactive page or two, with no other details!
I saw possibly-misleading panel-link titles lately called "Vriska: Enter" (just the title) and "Begin Session" (just the title which (again) I have reason to believe is intentionally misleading), and any possible implications of this did not surprise me because of predictions I've already made, which I will detail below! I think there hasn't been enough of Homestuck^2 for such a session to start so those page titles are probably just red herrings, and I may or may not have received indications from friends that they are-- but that doesn't change my opinion that there may VERY WELL BE a new session over in Candy land, kicking off a chain of new universes outside Paradox Space free from Lord English's influence.
It's probably been a while since you've seen my liveblog of Homestuck^2, so here's a quick catchup on my current attitudes towards the themes and outcomes the comic is going for and what exactly I had already assumed or guessed is going to happen:
Vriska is TRYING to start a new Sburb session in the Outercanon (Candy) timeline (the Black Hole outside Paradox Space) where I assume Vrissy, Harry, New Tavros, and Yiffy will be among if not the main players. She's been pretty transparent about that goal, and I'm not sure she'll pull it off QUITE as planned because usually that would mean the death of new Earth C just as they're trying to fix it.
(Although in the Innercanon (Meat) Timeline, the bonus material I've already blogged about implies Jasprosesprite^2 is guiding the likes of Jane Crocker to govern Earth properly by in fact NOT governing Earth-- by actually ceding control of Earth to its new citizens instead of trying to rule over it as President when she's really not right for the job, which is a great way of not overembracing her Maid of Life role and a Good End for her and for Earth C too.)
All of the kid characters (Vrissy, Harry, New Tavros and Yiffy) are written in a way that I believed implies that the authors have Hero Titles in mind for them while writing them, supporting the idea of an eventual session they'd play, though you ought to know from my old theories that it's my longstanding view that even non-players like Carapacians were written as if they could have hero titles themselves (like Prince of Blood for Jack, Heir of Blood for WV, Knight of Breath for PM, Rogue of Doom for CD). I said based on Harry's room and some text hints that Harry Anderson is a lock for a Heart Player for instance, the tailoring and theatre and outfitting-others interests possibly indicating a Page of Heart who helps arm others to exploit the aspect (or was it a Knight who mainly uses those outfits himself? I could have sworn he tailored fashion for others too but I can't remember). Oddly enough, and possibly in recognition of the relationship between Vriska and Terezi, there are serious indications that Vrissy is actually a MIND player in her actions, dialogue, and even background coloring hints, always focused on her outward persona and front and those of others. (I forget if I had any specific Classes locked in my head for any of them, the aspects are the only things I'm sure about, and I don't remember what Yiffy's would have been... if every session has a Time player, Yiffy's destructiveness and action-oriented onscreen behavior as well as the black-fur-to-Jade's-white-fur contrast would make the aspect a good fit for her as little as we've seen her.)
The innercanon (Meat) timeline is designed to complete the loop and tie up the loose ends that result in the game of Sburb being created in the first place, with all its rules and themes and challenges, the creation of Carapacians and possible creation of the Cherub race, and Ultimate Dirk's Orange versus Ultimate Rose's Purple culminating in the push-and-pull contrast between Skaia and the Horrorterrors that serves as the main stage for characters to have a fulcrum between their influence to prove their wills important in influencing the unfolding of reality. Ultimate Rose has had plenty of opportunities to rethink her actions, but Dirk keeps SUPPRESSING THEM, ruining her potential to take any turn back towards the right thing as the Destroyer of Heart he is, instead allowing her soul to indulge all of its worst proclivities, which isn't entirely how he hoped this would turn out... I'm honestly not sure whether the colors are an intentional misnomer to be flipped and Skaia is meant to be akin to Rose (guiding players) while Dirk akin to the Horrorterrors (challenging players) even though Rose is most likely to be the one who created Horrorterrors in the first place. This could all lead to a bad end of sorts for Ultimate Rose, or at least part of Ultimate Rose if Kanaya succeeds in saving any facet of her, possibly leading to such a bad end that we get my old Soul Powered Jujus theory of them meeting the undesirable fate of being transformed into items akin to Horcruxes like Lil Cal, ie. Ultimate Rose's soul or power (or Ultimate-ness?) stripped becoming the Magic Cueball, Ultimate Dirk's soul or power (or Ultimate-ness?) stripped and becoming Crowbar's Crowbar, Aradia's soul or power (or Ultimate-ness, did she reach that I forget?) stripped and becoming the Crook of Frailty, even the creation of the still-mysterious Ring of Life/Void that's probably just the same exact ring, etc.
The main theme of Homestuck^2 is that Void outweighs Light and the fans outweigh the author: Specifically, that (1) Dirk Strider is an author avatar like old Andrew insisting that all the characters must suffer (in the Meat timeline) and remain trapped in the very story they escaped in order to tie up all the loose ends and BE IMPORTANT (Light), that the story going his way and completing itself takes priority over the characters' happiness. However, (2) the fans and their myriad interpretations and crazy, less "canon"-seeming takes on the characters (Candy timeline, the untethered plethora of possibility of Void out in the black hole outside Paradox Space) is actually a better and more satisfying story than the one Dirk intends to tell, which is Dirk's greatest fear and antithetical to his philosophy. That the characters deserve the ending they were supposed to get in the original Homestuck: AN ESCAPE from Paradox Space, AN ESCAPE from the constrains of a STORY whose plot would traumatize them, and an escape from THE AUTHOR who would ultimately be forced to rope them into painful plots. Andrew said in the bonus material (I think) to Dirk that Yiffy Longstocking Lalonde was a threat that should make Dirk feel afraid, because such a ridiculous premise of a character becoming more enjoyable and compelling than anything Dirk Strider had to offer in the Meat timeline should make him afraid that he will ultimately lose and the "IMPORTANT" story, the one trapped in Paradox Space instead of outside it, the one that ties up all the loose ends... isn't actually the one the readers will love and care about compared to the infinite possibility outside the story that actually allows for absurdly-origined characters like Yiffy and for the happiness of most or all of the characters we came to know and love without trapping them in more terrible tribulations and trials.
I forget what I thought Roxy and Calliope's all-important machine was going to do -- maybe it'll send Vriska back into Canon (Meat) or exchange her for someone else there, or sendificating the kids the Ultimate Frog that helped them create their universe, stabilizing the Candy timeline and maybe even the whole Black Hole by making it crucial to the original plot and Paradox Space's very existence -- but I love how Roxy's little-seen background efforts are going to save everything and everyone because that's perfect for her role and I love Roxy Lalonde so damn much.
Homestuck stuff is starting to blow up a bit on tumblr and twitter I hear because the latest updates give us some bangers and surprises. So now that my medical issues are FINALLY under control and Homestuck isn't giving me nearly as much anxiety anymore (thank you psychological and psychiatric progress!!!), I'm going to start liveblogging again and try to catch up before anything else can accidentally jump out at me from somewhere! Wish me luck, I probably won't get too far today but expect a handful of posts every couple of days until I'm caught up with the present! Then we'll see if I have energy for any bonus content but I'm going to pace myself so I don't burn out or overwork myself, especially since I'm taking it easy and concentrating on some other fun priorities to keep my mood up. :)
So, I'll get to blogging the next page of HS^2 from where I left off shortly!
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ok tw sexual its kinda gross
ok so i am a "shorstack" type body type guy (not really! but i look very similar to that. think terezi pyrope or tavros nitram. also aradia megido)
my body is very feminine and very sensitive. i cry easily but i am a lot stronger mentally. it's just my body is not me at all and fails to replicate my feelings very well.
i feel like fetish material... i feel like if anyone loves me it's because the thought of a masculine sea dweller eboy mind with a hyperfeminine and crybaby body makes them horny. I'm afraid someone out there only wants to be close to me because of the thought of impregnating me. while I'm experiencing my phantom limbs or such.
how can i get over this? it makes me feel horrible about myself and is fueling my impulsive thoughts.
Don't have anything useful to mention myself (I'm aroace, romance-averse and sex-repulsed), but if anyone else has any thoughts/advice, please let me know!!
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bahbakery · 2 months
Can we get a homestuck fictive? Completely dealers choice!
(We have a handful already, in case you wanna go off of something with that. Already in our sys: Nepeta, Davesprite, Dirk, Roxy, Tavros, Sollux, Eridan, Gamzee, Kurloz, and Kankri)
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this was a fun quick one! i decided to do jade harley!
jade harley alter pack!
names: jade harley
pronouns + terms: she/her + they/them + pup/pup // feminine
gender + presentation: trans girl // feminine
species: human
age: homestuck! ages! are! confusing! 
orientation: bisexual
sign-off: ⚛️
system role: fictive
source: homestuck
personality: you already know! silly girl! fun!
likes: cartoons, furry stuff, using the internet
dislikes: mean people, idk they’re not really much of a hater
front triggers: source material
extra: i love her!! she is so silly!
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moonybadger · 11 months
Fun upd8! Idk if I'm just being overly optimistic with the new team, but it had a nice, punchy pacing and good art. One of thing aspects of the previous team's work on HS2 was that everything felt... bloated? Granted it's been a good long time since I read any of the older material, but it just felt like there was SO MUCH narrative and dialogue but never written in an engaging or fun way that actually communicated anything of anyone's characters to me. I remember Harry and Vrissy and Tavros just feeling really hollow and uninteresting, but now that Vrissy is forced to interact with Vriska and with a more engaging writing style I'm caring about her a bit more.
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unorthodoxie · 1 year
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Drawings of Tavros' happiest moments! I was thinking of drawing Tavros flying away while flipping off Vriska in the dream bubbles, but then I was like "I already drew Tavros flying".
Materials: water-based color pen, wax-based color pencil, gel pen
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grub-garden · 2 years
Troll Types Sorted By  Maintenance Level
Low Maintenance 
Feferies*: caretakers by nature, they love to help around the home and tend to catch and care for any small animals that cross their paths, the only thing you really need to watch out for is their willingness to abduct outdoor pets in order to care for them, this behavior is mostly seen in Feferies who don’t have enough to do at home so it’s important to keep their swimming areas full of fishy friends, and enriching toys, as well as to change out the decorations fairly regularly.
Aradias: there are two variants of Aradia, white eyed and orange eyed. the orange eyed variant will be discussed here. Orange eyed Aradias are cheerfully morbid psychics, they will often tell you about the things their ghost friends have told them. Orange eyed Aradias also require digging space and things to find in the dirt.
Kanayas: require a constant source of their crafting material of choice many prefer sewing but not every troll in a group is the exact same so make sure to try new things with Kanayas so they can find their passions.  Kanayas also have an aptitude and propensity for chainsaws so be aware of that.  Additionally kanayas socialize very uniquely so it’s important to give them the space they need and not force them into anything too fast.
Tavroses: incredibly sensitive and prone to peer pressure. they have potential and the will to carry anything through if not presented anyone who tells them not to.  with a Tavros it’s important to help them stand their ground and trust their own judgement. they are prone to hip/knee issues as well so keep an eye on that. [also they require wide doorways]
Average Maintenance
Karkats: Karkats are very loud and require constant attention which they will complain about the entire time. If you want to adopt a Karkat you need to have a thick skin as this group can vocalize but oddly enough the ability seems inexplicably limited to insulting their caretakers.  They also enjoy movies more than any other troll group what kind of movies a Karkat prefers goes by a case by case basis so provide a wide variety to see what they like most.
Solluxes:  Their mood swings make these trolls a bit unpredictable, one week may be full of quiet gaming and happy coding while the next they’re full of manic energy and shredding their personal space. Additionally, they get migraines rather frequently and may very well predict the imminent death of your loved ones. Solluxes require patience and understanding but make for great company in a lonely home.  
Equiuii: They can shatter buildings with a flick of their little finger but they are desperate for approval. they don’t like hanging out with those they deem ‘lesser’ so when raising an Equius a progressive and inclusive mindset is required.  Milk is something the average Equius will want en mass so be sure to have a fridge properly stocked at all times.  as well as some tinker-toys and metal puzzles as Equii love to build little devices and solve simple puzzles.
Terezies: These trolls will lick/sniff anything and everything as that is how they see, so using Terezi safe cleaning supplies is a must. cleaning thoroughly and often are also ideal so as to keep them from getting sick from licking germs.  Terezies love rules but more than that they love mysteries [despite having major conformation bias and not being very good at them] so rounds of clue/other mystery games will be frequent with a Terezi in the house.  Terezies also have a tendency to become highly dependent on others so it’s important to foster a sense of self sufficiency when raising Terezies to limit the negative outcomes this could cause.
Aradias: White eyed Aradias are much less sensitive than their orange eyed counterparts. While deadpan, apathetic and monotone almost all the time, it’s important to check up on Aradias as they have trouble expressing distaste with anything. soft beds, good food, and nice company in moderate amounts are enough to keep white eyed Aradias from showing physical signs of stress but in order for them to be content caretakers need to work on an individual basis with them.
High Maintenance
Nepetas: These trolls have an insane hunting drive. Nepetas see animals up to three times their size as prey and will attack if not raised/enriched properly. However they are incredibly adorable and this often results in reckless black market adoption. Toys and shredable boxes with food inside are a must for any house with a Nepeta. They require scratching posts and often do well to have therapy cats. Nepetas also have a tendency to draw on the walls, as well as be heavily invested in the romantic pursuits of their caretakers.
Gamzees: Gamzees like to climb into tunnels, tubes, and ventilation shafts of all kinds weather easily accessible or not they will also climb/paint your walls regularly weather provided paint or not.  Gamzees do not do well when their beliefs are challenged and are prone to violent outbursts when such challenges occur.  they love to snuggle and hate to be alone, separation anxiety is a challenge most every Gamzee and their caretaker will have to overcome/adapt to.  they enjoy juggling clubs and circus/fair paraphernalia and some Gamzees emanate constant carnival music with no off switch. [also be aware many Gamzee caretakers experience clown based nightmares]
Eridans*: extremely aggressive towards other trolls, Eridans also require designer brand everything or they will break out into hives from ‘the poor’. they are extremely sensitive, and don’t deal with rejection well so when raising an Eridan it’s important to provide a consistent, supportive, and lavish environment.  Additionally, Eridans have fairly poor above water eyesight and require unique prescription glasses so be sure to take them to a troll ophthalmologist as soon as they leave the grub stage so they can see properly
Vriskas: insanely lucky but that luck applies to her own interests alone and will not help you.  Vriskas need constant attention and frequent praise. Vriskas have the ability to put humans to sleep instantly so they pair well with insomniacs.  It is however important to meet them on their level and indulge their ‘mind games‘ without that they quickly become bored and seek ways to undermine the rules.  They enjoy playing with other trolls, but Vriskas also have a tendency to randomly attack their playmates so it’s important to keep and eye on them.
*Sea-dwellers are illegal to own in parts of the world with an average outdoor humidity of less than 60% and their homes must provide ample swimming space and be kept at at least 80% humidity.  ANY LOWER AND YOUR SEA-DWELLER’S GILLS WILL DRY OUT AND THEY WILL SUFFOCATE/SUFFER OXYGEN DEPRIVATION. THIS COMES WITH SERIOUS MEDICAL REPERCUSSIONS FOR THE TROLL AND LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS FOR THE NEGLECTFUL CARETAKER
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loathsomespider · 1 year
to be clear this is not an attack on you and i enjoy your work. you dont even have to answer this if its too rude or presumptuous in your opinion. but i think its funny seeing your "definitively, if its the source material, they would fucking say that" post while knowing how you feel about the weaker parts of homestuck and also the uh. the epilogues. again this isnt supposed to be an epic own gotcha moment i think everyone is allowed to contain multitudes and shit. im just also a bit mischievous and part of me wants to be the little wondershowzen puppet going "But can we discuss the contradiction"
ah too bad you wanted to be a silly little gotcha puppet but i was thinking about this too! hold my hair back im forming this idea in real time so im about to start just vomiting the fuck up a bunch of half-formed ideas. (this is the second time today ive used this analogy)
the thing is that while i dont like the homestuck epilogues at all, there's no denying that it is largely, in-character, in broad strokes. it's a story which relies on every character being their worst possible self, sure. it is, in a lot of ways, a very public, very messy relapse. it gets at some really ugly parts of what the characters are, and that's just not what i want from homestuck.
it's part of a larger trend of hussie trying really hard to Make Dramatic Art and Tell Stories With A Point that i think really plays against what theyre good at, like. you see this with psycholonials too, just this idea of storytelling where nothing good ever happens and every character is not just flawed, but unbearably, noxiously toxic. and yknow, that's fine too, its literally not an invalid goal for a story to have.
its just not what i really like about homestuck and to a lesser extent problem sleuth. like, as messy as my feelings are about psycholonials, i still think fondly of zhen as a character even if she is the worst person to ever exist.
its like they took "dave being abused by bro came out of nowhere, the rooftop strifes dont really feel textually different from the other guardian strifes" all the way to heart and way overcorrected.
but all that to say, the worst possible self-hood apple hasnt fallen too far from the tree. and that's not strictly an invalid thing to tell a story about. it's just not what i want out of homestuck. and the tangible difference there, imo, is that puts the onus of not liking it on me, rather than hussie, cephiedvariable and ctset. they set out to do something, i didn't like what they did, i had an extended mental breakdown about it that i am still feeling the ramifications of even now, but at some point, the world continued to turn.
i hope you can kind of sense this feeling in bdth - while they aren't really in the running to be main characters or anything, rosebot, pesterquest rose, and candy rose are all real in burning down the house. i may be taking jane in a different direction, but that different direction is still in terms of hs2 jane. hell, tavros crocker gets a cameo in the walkaround
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and yeah, this is to emphasize the contrast bdth jane against post-canon jane, but in order for that contrast to mean anything, those parts of the character have to have meaning enough to be rejected, which is the real point im getting at. it sort of drives home that i'm not just *really fucking up* at writing jane, too, which is actually more important than youd think.
ignoring the textual parts of a character you dont like because it conflicts with what you want the character to be (an image that you construct and maintain on your own, unintentionally) is a great way to wind up doing bad characterization of that character.
and yknow, sometimes that's fine! if your reach never gets beyond making an incorrect quotes blog, that doesnt matter. who give a shit. besides me, historys most notorious hater, who will seethe about a bad character take for weeks on end. (but i am the exception, not the rule)
if you're really swinging for the fences as i tend to do, at all times, even when i would be best suited not to, it just doesnt sit right to me to drop bits of a character you dont like just because you dont like it. when youre writing, its there specifically to be played with. and again, "playing with it" here still encompasses rejecting it and doing something different.
and yeah, different authors are going to focus on different parts of a character, but then youre getting out of the scope of this post tbh. but i think its worth remembering that nobody ever wants to make something bad on purpose. even intentionally making something bad on purpose is something you would want to succeed at, you dont want to fail at making something bad on purpose, etc. etc. this is stupid.
tl;dr its not actually that contradictory imo
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