#aaaaa i really hope you like this!!!
thatmooncake · 7 months
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Day trip misadventures with Sun and Moon featuring @crabsnpersimmons <3
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persimmontea · 9 months
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A small gif set of *that* part of Shoma's programs the past few seasons ⋆˙⟡♡
Happy birthday Shoma! Your skating is truly special and unmatched. Wishing you the best in your journey towards finding your self-satisfaction~ Hope you have a great year ahead of you! ⋆˙⟡♡
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
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Pops in Hi hello I’ve been wanting to do fanart for a while now cus I may or may not be kinda hyperfixated on ur au and today finally went fuck it and made a lil smthn lol
Chucks this at you and sprints away AAAAAAAAA
!!! shdfgsjhgfshj oh my god oh my god you have no idea how happy this makes me tysm i love them so fucking much 🥺🥺🥺
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l223m0nade · 1 year
Quiet Bucky Who Doesn’t Live With Steve bc he’s still a little feral and WS-y sickfic
Steve didn’t like bad guys messing with New Yorkers, but he did like being able to protect his city. And for the last few months, there had been another reason to enjoy hometown missions.
“Tell our mystery pal thanks for the assist,” Sam said dryly as he finished his sweep to confirm everything was contained, which it was, in part thanks to perfectly aimed shots winging the two jerks at separate control stations directing the big insectlike robots. Clint hadn’t been available for last-minute sniper support, but Steve had said “I might know someone,” and everyone had sort of nodded in vague acceptance and ignored his possibly over-eager tone. The Winter Soldier was still officially at large, whereabouts unknown. Unofficially the search had petered out.
“Thanks for the help,” he murmured into his earpiece— set to an encrypted channel. “Specially on short notice like this.”
After a short pause the reply came, soft, “…You had ‘em on the ropes.” Steve barked a surprised laugh, unable to stop himself from scanning nearby rooftops though he knew he’d see nothing. “Was in the neighborhood anyhow.”
“Feel like sticking around?” Steve tried for casual. “Got nothing going on after this myself. It’s soup weather.” It was freezing, and drizzling in a way that looked light from indoors but soaked you if you were out in it for more than a few minutes. He bit back the words where do you stay, is it warm and dry enough there, just come home with me, but he thought them loudly.
A longer pause this time, but then, “It is, huh. Yeah. Yeah, alright Rogers,” and Steve couldn’t help the grin stretching across his face. Wherever Bucky was hidden, he was clearly in his sights, because he heard a husky chuckle. “Sap,” came the parting shot. “See you there.”
“Roger that,” Steve said, mock-serious, and won the sound of another laugh starting before the commlink cut out. He was allowed to be a little happy, he thought as he hopped on his bike and headed to his Brooklyn apartment. He hadn’t seen Bucky in over two weeks. Trauma and justified paranoia and unfairly dubious legal status combined to mean that Bucky couldn’t yet handle anyone knowing where he slept. For a long time Steve’s only contact with him consisted of mysterious sniper shots obliterating enemies about to get the drop on Steve and Sam as they hunted Hydra remnants down, but over the summer by tacit agreement they had both settled —for a given value of the word— back in New York. And now they talked on the phone, and sometimes Bucky provided don’t-ask-don’t-tell overwatch on missions, and sometimes he came by Steve’s place for meals and company. Steve worried about him constantly, and missed his steady physical presence as he had since before the ice, but Bucky was getting by the best way he had, and he would respect that, no matter what.
If Bucky hadn’t picked up his call or agreed to come over he probably would have spent the night staring at the cold rain out the window, but that was nobody’s business but his own. He opened the door to his apartment, nudged the thermostat, and began pulling out the ingredients for simple chicken soup, feeling warm inside and out.
Before long there was a soft breath of chilly air, the sound of a window closing, and a quiet throat-clear. He turned and there Bucky was, in the corner of the living room, looking a little tense and sheepish as water dripped from his coat. The sight of him in his apartment gave Steve the immediate sense of all being right in his world. “Hey, pal.”
Bucky gave a small smile in reply. “Sorry, I—” he cleared his throat again, “drippin on your nice floor.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” said Steve, hearing his accent come out stronger as it always did around his oldest friend. “I got plenty of towels. I’ll get you some.”
He came back with and armload of fluffy towels as Bucky shrugged out of his coat. “Warm in here,” he murmured, with a little shiver as his body adjusted to the cozy temperature Steve had set.
“Sometimes I’m still surprised at how I can just make my place any temperature I want,” Steve chuckled, “I sure coulda used that back in the day.” Bucky just nodded, a hint of wonder in his face as he took the towel Steve offered. “I pulled some clothes out for you, you may as well let your things dry out while you’re here.” Wet clothes had been one of Bucky’s favorite fussing subjects back in the day, he couldn’t begrudge Steve this.
He did go to change after only a moment’s hesitation. Steve went back to the kitchen area but just hovered there. He wasn’t eavesdropping, he just had super hearing. There was another throat-clear, a sniff, and a husky cough as Bucky changed behind the closed door. He came out a moment later, rubbing his nose absently, wearing the crew neck sweater and thick soft black pants Steve had left out, and quirked an eyebrow. Steve blushed as he realized he’d been staring at the door waiting for it to open.
“I missed you, sue me,” he muttered as he moved toward him. He looked so soft, and still cold. Steve telegraphed before going in for a hug, but Bucky just moved into it with a little sigh, pressing his face into Steve’s shoulder and rubbing a little. He seemed tired. Steve wrapped his arms around him with his own sigh. He was so glad he was here.
Suddenly the shoulders he embraced tensed up with a quiet but sharp inhale, and before either of them could react, a silent “mmp!” of a stifled sneeze was pressed into Steve’s shoulder. Bucky pulled back but only had time to blink once in surprise before his nose visibly twitched. “Dish!” This sneeze, tiny and only a little less held-back, went more or less into Steve’s left pec.
They stared for a second, arms still loosely wrapped around each other. Bucky sniffled, rubbed his nose, muttering “Jesus, sorry” at the same time Steve said “bless you” with a little nonplussed smile. Steve’s cheeks felt warm and Bucky was blushing. His nose was also a faint pink, and he looked pale, with a particular tiredness around his eyes. Steve tucked his damp hair behind his ear to see more clearly, and Bucky shifted under his scrutiny, clearing his throat again with a rasp.
“You sound like— are you sick?”
Bucky started to roll his eyes at Steve, but he had to sniffle, and then his breath caught and his expression changed from exasperation to mild surprise as he stepped back and lifted his bent arm to muffle a soft strong sneeze. “EHh-tschuhh!”
“Aw, Buck,” Steve tutted, sounding like his mother.
“snfff, It’s nothing,” Bucky tried for a casual brush-off, but after a moment under what Sam called his Piercing Earnest Puppy-Dog Gaze he deflated, rubbing his nose on his wrist like it still tickled. “It’s been cold and wet for a week,” he groused in explanation, “sff, guess it got to me.”
“And you were out on that rooftop for hours,” Steve clucked, moving to the kitchen instead of wrapping Bucky up again and not letting go, “siddown. Lucky for you I was already making chicken soup.”
Bucky sat at the counter to watch Steve finish throwing ingredients into the pot. “Ooh, the one meal Steve Rogers can cook? Lucky me is right.”
“I can make breakfast!” Steve replied indignantly. Bucky scoffed, which turned into a little cough and sniffle. “Fine, well, I can make oatmeal. And meatloaf!” He said in triumph.
“Sez y-you...heh,” Steve glanced over to see him blinking up at the kitchen light and scrunching his nose ticklishly, but the sneeze abandoned him at the last minute and he buried his nose in his sleeve to rub itchily with a little growl. It was all fairly adorable.
They kept up the banter as Steve set everything simmering and cleaned up. Bucky kept having to sniffle and rub his nose, which was turning completely pink, and he had to pause with hitching breaths a few times. Steve remembered the war and all the years before— you could always tell when Bucky had a cold and not just a tickle in his nose because he’d spend the first few hours being mercilessly teased by sneezes that refused to manifest and left him blinking pinkly and sniffling like mad.
Eventually Steve took pity on him and rooted around a drawer until he found his small stash of clean folded handkerchiefs. Bucky glanced at what he was being offered with plaintive eyes, trying to get the sneeze to finally come, head tilted up and his metal hand pressing gently on the bridge of his poor nose, taking big, hitching inhales, building up torturously, “ehhHehh…hehhhh…hehh—HEH—…...HEHdjtcschOOoo!”
He’d been unable to focus on anything but the sneeze, so it just got aimed at his wrist and ended up sort of everywhere. He snatched the handkerchief in the second he had before another tickly spraying sneeze overcame him, and caught this one in the soft cloth. “HIHHDtsschuhh! Ohhh, mby god.” He groaned dramatically and blew his nose with relief. Once he’d gotten cleaned up he slumped down to the counter.
“Alright fidne, I’mb sick,” he sighed. Steve felt sorry for him, but he was caught up in warm nostalgia as well. Bucky never held out long with the tough-guy act before getting a bit pitiful. His mom and sisters had loved to fuss over him the rare times he was poorly, and after token resistance Bucky had lapped it up. When he and Steve lived together the dynamic was always Bucky mother-henning him, but Steve had reveled in the few times their roles had reversed. Bucky acting pitiful and Steve coddling him in his sharp bossy way had been one of the ways they flirted when neither really understood what they felt.
Bucky sniffled and Steve could hear the building congestion. He continued grumbling, “ya happy ndow?”
“Well, not that you got a cold, but yeah, Buck, I’m real happy you’re here. No point in a swanky heated apartment if I can’t put you up once in a while.”
“Now cmon, blow your nose again and eat some soup. It’s not Ma’s but it’s as close as I can get it.”
Bucky picked up the crumpled hankie, grimaced, chuckled, then quietly gasped into a smaller sneeze, “hhh-hhh-hHMptshh, ugh, this ain’t gonna last much longer.” He blew his nose thoroughly and it left him alone while they ate their soup, side by side at the counter, elbows and knees nudging.
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ok so i’m technically done w the fic but :’3 i feel very… unsure…. abt it…….. so i think i might get some sleep for now and look over it properly tmrw before posting……
next week i’ll post a fic early though!!!!! mindless sugu hurt/comfort time >:3
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tethrras · 2 months
i will be so real i'm so thankful to have a job but the amount i want to grill myself on a bbq has increased like 20% lol
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magistralucis · 10 months
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Love is... stored in the translation... 😌💖
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not-equippedforthis · 1 month
hi :) i went to the beach today & saw an incredible amount of jellyfish!! it was so cool!! reminded me of you (bc jellyfish are your favourite animals), so here i am saying hi :)
have a lovely day <33
hiiiii!!!! <333 sorry ive gone AWOL ilysm im just. ouurhhhh
thats so cool 😭😭 actually crying thank you for thinking of me skgbsng. on a somewhat unrelated note, i have a vague understanding of what you look like based on picrew challenges but i still see that specific image of DANC holmes and go omg...anna....
going to a beach and seeing jellyfish would cure me, i think (maybe i need to move to belgium...tho im pretty sure we have some biolum beaches heree??). i hope you had a good day!! i saw your tags a while back and i feel you with sometimes feeling better going and exploring by yourself rather than w family (iirc? bad memory gang sorry). idk what ur situation is like but sometimes its just so much more fun/relaxing. i think going to a bioluminescent beach is on my bucket list - ive done my epq project on biolum, i adore it, i adore jellyfish. i need to go to one sooo fucking badly shaking you i need to shake my hand in the water and watch it glow back
i also saw your bio energy level and i hope you feel better <33 have a nice week :]
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chibishortdeath · 10 months
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Heyyyy, remember Billy Danasty, well I got around to drawing another OC. Her name is Gloria Tzuentes. She’s not a descendant of Drolta, but she is distantly related to her through other extended family members. All her life she’s been outcast and bullied because of some of her family members’ poor history with the law. She has a lot of trouble trusting people. When they first meet, she and Billy do not get along, she initially thinks he’s a coward and a jerk. Billy thinks she’s a huge hypocrite and careless. As the story progresses tho, they both realize they’ve been putting up fronts for similar reasons and have a lot more in common than they thought.
Her sprite is supposed to be a similar color palette as Sypha, just with that darker bluish to stand in for black. It was really difficult trying to get her blazer right, and I still kinda think the sprite makes it look like a hoodie, but yeah d(TwT ). The color looks really crushed and messed up cause for some reason instagram did that to it lol.
Also! Billy Danasty with his hair down! :3 Yeah anyway, she’s cool, I gotta think more about other characters and plot points and stuff for this cause it’s been fun making Castlevania OCs tbh.
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looksbadtodd · 2 months
danny ana aj im calling you by name fuck all of you and fuck you for ghosting my boyfriend after years of friendship fuck you bitches
#vent post#noo for reaaal though i always thought you were normie af secretly ableist transmisogynistic weirdos but actually actually-- yall are basic#yall arent doing half of what you think you are. you communicate EXTREMELY indirectly and refuse to have responsible caring relationships#you only care about looks and dont actually give a fuck who someone is as a person#youd rather ghost than respond to thoughtful messages reaching out and you drop people that held you up & supported you for YEARS#over boundaries and expectations you literally never communicated and that were NEVER consented to#so fuck you im done being nice fuck you all i hope you dont feel satisfied with yourselves until you learn whatever lesson you need to#bc you really really dont know how to be a caring member of a community you actually abandon people when it gets hard to communicate#then stay in contact with actual abusers wtf#like thank god I dont need yall yall are seriously weird and make me anxious as fuck#text#learning & growing.for example even NBs can have white woman syndrome. my bestie has been trying to tell me...if only i had listened...#ah well theres more fish in the sea and thankfully my bf has a wealth of incredibly stable & loving connections so truly he doesnt need yal#even tho this hurt him and i honeslty want you to suffer for it but w/e i gotta let this go before it affects me more than it already has#you catty insignificant bitches FUUUCCKKKKKKkk *kills kills dies gnashes beating killing killing fight beating death beating to death aaaaa#*
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egginfroggin · 1 year
WtST Masterpost
Finally compiling all things related to Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple into one post.
The order of content is:
Text Posts/Miscellaneous
If I receive fan content, then I'll make add a section for it for ease of organization.
Be aware that much of the artwork and fanfiction linked below contain spoilers for the plots of WtST and Pandemonic Paradise, if you have yet to read either fic and want to avoid spoilers.
This masterpost will be edited as new content is posted.
I hope that this makes it easier for everyone to find stuff if they're interested.
Have a good day!
AO3 series link
Main Story:
Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple -- the eponymous fic of the series - chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 (final)
Yellow Lily -- a short oneshot taking place during WtST, after the Rift has been closed
Healing is Done in a Gradual Way -- a post-WtST oneshot
Spinoff Fanfictions:
Pandemonic Paradise -- an alternate storyline picking up between chapters 5 and 6 of WtST - chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6
Nonomori -- a hurt/comfort oneshot taking place in the Multi Line variant of WtST
Title links lead to the tag on my Tumblr, topped with the most recent post.
Pandemonic Paradise AU -- between chapters 5 and 6 of WtST, things go horribly wrong, and Volo gains Arceus's power. As the world starts to fracture, a distortion drops of a very confused Ingo, who, needless to say, takes the news of his twin's presumed death very badly
Broken AU -- tentatively full-titled as A Promise Broken is a Lie Told, this is a variant in which Ingo handled his grief less-than-healthily, takes all the blame for Emmet's disappearance himself, and isolates himself from his family, eventually taking the title of Unova's Champion
Illusory Lives AU -- a variant in which Emmet died during the red sky incident and came back as a Hisuian Zoroark. Lots of found family here (and Ingo may drown in guilt a little bit)
Multi Line AU -- one year after Emmet disappears, Ingo is taken and lands in Hisui a few years prior to Emmet; essentially, WtST, but Ingo is there
Paradise Frozen AU -- after spending four years in Hisui, Emmet returns home with Akari and Rei only to be separated from them midway. The three of them land, alone, underground in a frozen Unova under the reign of Ghetsis and Kyurem
WtST doodles (1)
WtST doodles (2)
The Wurmple Comic
The Ball Squad
Akari, Rei, Goomy, and Spheal
Here comes Pesselle
Chibi Sticker Design
Blorbo Bleebus sheet
Pandemonic Paradise AU:
Pandemonic Paradise doodles (1)
They are a little upset
Broken AU:
Joltik eviction
Champion doodles and a bundle of Emmets
Illusory Lives AU:
Totally Normal Emmet
It's ya boi
Multi Line AU: (no art has been created for this yet, sorry!)
Paradise Frozen AU: (no art has been created for this yet, sorry!)
Text Posts/Miscellaneous:
Reasoning behind the Faller's team
Do as I say not as I do
Alpha Wurmple!
Giving him a knife
Garchomp impressions
The Joltik of Gear Station (companion fic blurb)
How others are handling it (Iris)
How others are handling it (Elesa)
Jubilife shenanigans
How's that lil Sneasel doing?
Emmet and Lian
Pandemonic Paradise AU:
"I could make that so much worse"
To see yourself in someone else's grief
A realization
Cherry-picked chapter 4 blurbs
Here comes Ingo with a steel chair
I could technically give him a chair
he gets to yell at two legendaries
A disadvantage
Chapter 6 snippet
Broken AU:
Joltik Eviction Elaboration
Explanation of the AU
Unova's Elite Four
Illusory Lives AU:
What if...?
He dead
He's memeing about it though
Multi Line AU:
He done been yote (1)
He done been yote (2)
Volo is royally screwed
Don't talk to me or my brother ever again
Harassing Melli (fic blurb)
Like a stray cat
Paradise Frozen AU:
Wouldn't it be fun?
Technically when I first mentioned it
Hypothetically (Pandemonic Paradise and Illusory Lives au)
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marchsfreakshow · 4 months
Okay I finally wrapped my head around this idea-
A Dandy x reader where reader has been working in the Mott household as Dandy’s keeper/babysitter and he absolutely loves having her there like they calm him down better than anyone. Enter: Gloria and her plan to push any wealthy girl in Dandy’s face and get him to marry one which leads to Dandy lashing out and chaos ensues
I hope this meets your expectations darl!
Here it is!
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Hello mod of HADAW blog, idk why but I feel like it's now the good time to actually send you this before I backpedal out of embarrassment uhhh (I have never sent any asks before besides to the cfs blog-)
I actually just want to thank you for all the efforts you have been putting in your blog, is all. Before I actually tried posting art of Arjuna here, I have skimmed through your blog (this sounds so weird jsjsjsh) and, well, it feels like to me that you, among other bloggers, have made my experience on Tumblr a good one again, in regards of Arjuna contents. Idk how long I will stay here but I'm glad this time isn't so bad.
Clearly, I'm not good with wording and this has sounded better in my head but... Thank you for creating your own contents for Arjuna(s), with all the silly to memey to distinct-with-seriously-dedicated-effort arts, facts, spitting facts, aggressively thirst posts, reblogging other Arjuna related posts with enthusiastic commentaries in the hastags (you probably don't know but I appreciate this a lot) and so on so on... I give my kudos to you!!
Oh also thank you for scanning the official materials of Arjuna(s) as well. I feel guilty but I admit in saving them secretly and storing them away in Google Drive as references for drawing the bae(s). They just really helped me a lot sjsgjwbve forgive me,,,,,, SO, that's all, now I will skiddadoo away. Have a good day!
Anon this blog is 100% for people like you. I love arjuna SO much, and while he has lots of different types of content in the jp fandom most of the other English arjuna artists are on other sites nowadays so I wanted to provide something for tumblr. I like to switch between all sorts of art (funny, sad, sexy, serious, epic, goofy) bc I want to show people his different sides and kinds of appeal that i feel from him. I also wanted a place where I could support (and gush) over all the talented arjuna artists that are here! (Bc there’s really talented people aaaa)
He’s such a lovely character and I wanted to talk about all the different things I’d learned about him and how important he was to me, and to try and see if I could get some more people to appreciate him! He got kind of a rough start in fate with how they handled him but I think that even with that he has a lot of good qualities that shine through and he deserves the world a little love from people
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I love him! And I’m glad that this blog has been nice for other people who love him! It mostly started as a place where I could quarantine my massive love for him so I’m happy to know the stuff I’ve put here is useful for others ;v; overall I’ve had a lot of fun here and I hope for however long you stay you have a nice time too!
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noworneverphantom · 1 year
hey could you do the "holding them while they sleep talk" prompt for Willex for the fluffy laying in bed prompts???
Alex was holding Willie close to his chest as Willie slept on top of him. They had enjoyed a day of Willie trying to teach Alex to skate, ending in disaster a few times, and had decided to crash back in the studio when they were done. WIllie had curled up on Alex's chest like a cat, snuggling up to him. He had shortly fallen asleep, and now Alex was gently stroking Willie's hair and watching them sleep with a fond smile.
Willie mumbled something in his sleep and shifted his head so that he was nuzzled closer to Alex. Alex just smiled and looped an arm around Willie's shoulder to hold him closer. Alex had found out very quickly that Willie mumbled lots of incoherent things while they slept, but Alex adored it.
Neither of them were quite used to affection like this with each other, but it felt so natural when they did curl up close. So when Willie reached out in their sleep for Alex's hand, Alex got a little flustered. He tangled their fingers together, and when Willie let out a little content hum, his heart melted a little bit. Willie was just too adorable when he was being wholesome, especially when he was being wholesome in his sleep.
Alex nestled his head on top of Willie's, and inhaled deeply. Willie smelled like safety and love, and he could never get enough of that. It was one of his favorite things in the world. Alex closed his eyes as he felt the pull of sleep. He gave Willie's hand a squeeze and kissed the crown of his head. "Love you," he whispered softly.
And right as Alex was beginning drifting off, he heard Willie whisper, "love you too."
Yeah, Willie sleep talking was definitely one of Alex's favorite things.
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#off to bed and we. shall see. if i keep my streak. i desperately hope i do.#but oh God help me it's hard#i ust want to harm so bad#well really i want to do more than harm but i Won't#i am so tired from work lately#ransom has her first vet appointment tomorrow#i have work tomorrow#it just#all stacking up i don't even know#had mildly difficult/thought provokin convo today#aaaaa i want to jump off my balcony#of course i won't i definitely won't but i Want To#gah i can't even explain why im feeling like this ugh hate it#puddleglum hours#i really need a decent cry but it's all bottled up inside me and the only way i know of releasing that in the way it feelin now is to harm#tw sh#ive been nearly ten and a half days i want to get to at least a fortnight#hmmm gonna bring puter to bed so i can listne to music real quiet tho bc i lost my headphones idk where htey are#watch me Not get much sleep huh#a dnthen be unfit for work tomorrow? its more likely tha you think#i also wish i had a lighter i need to acquire one next time im getting petrol#(no im not a smoker. just a pyromaniac.)#(mostly i have a healthy enough fear of fire after dressing a nasty burn wound on placement last y that i probably wouldn't harm using fire#probably.)#i dont know in my head is all ajumbled mess and i dont see how i am to keep going#and every time i say that i keep going anyhow and that thought makes it feel like im overreacting to all this which. of course i am.#nothin but a fool a very tired helpless useless one#was playing the piano earlier. played a movt from a concerto to which ive set words to a section at least (not the full thing yet)#'and though the night seems endless/until the storm has passed/still i will hope in God my trust/i will follow him'#my favourite lines from that
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mrlowell · 1 year
I just finished Steel Ball Run and
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