simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
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premise: desperate to escape pandora's vault amidst horrific torture, dream uses what he knows of the death and revival and his allies in the shadows to free himself, hoping to recoup and rework his plan to slow the advancement of the crimson egg.
ranboo is used to waking up places with no memory of how he got there but this time he's in a familiar place with an (un)familiar person; the training arena beneath techno's and phil's cabins with dream who insists that ranboo was the one to revive him.
now techno has to figure out what to do with the escaped prisoner and what to do with the man who definitely isn't his friend but did save his life once. besides, destroying a country together kinda bonds you. doing what's right isn't always easy or clear cut but the syndicate is dedicated to doing so and in the process challenges the notions of who is worthy of healing.
but that's not as easy as it should be.
characters: technoblade, dream, phil, ranboo, niki, punz, awesamdude, quackity, and michael underscore beloved. including minor scenes with badboyhalo, tubbo, and tommy.
setting: canon divergent starting before wilbur's revival though mostly follows main plot beats of the dsmp
theme song(s): 'soap' by the oh hellos & 'swing life away' by rise against
general feel: a very plot light fic, mostly fluff and comfort with some angst and hurt, touching on themes of ptsd and trauma. you are safe with your friends, the kitchen is where you learn to love, and everyone is deserving of kindness. redemption doesn't mean regret or forgiveness or even 'i'm sorry' being spoken aloud, but finding a reason to want to be better. sometimes that is a dog. sometimes it's wanting to make pie crust. sometimes it's an anarchist book club.
status: in progress
tag <- pinterest board <-
links to main fics:
🌱sprouts in winter 🌼 blooms in spring 🌦️ clearing rain
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vibrantvwoops · 7 months
he/him/his or ghost/ghost/ghosts
Mid-late twenties bodily, DID alter and introject of Ranboo from the dream smp
Age regressor, though this is not an age regression blog
Mentally and physically disabled
Cane user but looking into getting a rollator maybe, the system is unable to work bc of autism
Personally am semiverbal but most of system is speaking
Learning to use AAC
Making my own blog here bc used to share with another alter, going to post about disability here probably
DNI if endo system, if support endo systems, if not accepting of complex lgbt+ identities, if ableist, or if support content creators who do bad things like Wilbur Soot and the Dream Team
Might add to DNI if I think I should later
Follows from @starfallsys
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semispeaking-nova · 1 year
For AAC answer asks.
What is favourite book?
Do have special interests? If so, can tell fact or information?
Do have any pets?
What is favourite colour?
Hi, thank you for the ask!
My favorite book is currently a kind of spark.
I have special interests! My main interest is Minecraft and Minecraft Youtubers like Ranboo.
I have pets! I have four dogs and a cat!
My favorite color is purple
Thank you for asking, friend!
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Platonic ranboo x enderman/human hybrid reader, two bros bonding over being half enderman
platonic! ranboo x enderman hybrid!reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: one day while wandering the forest you stumble into Philza, who upon seeing you immediately decides you need to meet Ranboo, and takes you back to the AAC to meet him
{also my basic thinking for an enderman hybrid would be: also bad at eye contact like Ranboo, (wears goggles to combat this?), can teleport but only small distances usally does acidently when startled, purple enderman like eyes, has the same silk touch thing as ranboo but like, half, so it only applies to certain things, also water doesn’t bother them as much, its like a minor inconvenience}
{also I know Edward is dead now, just let me have this}
“blep” talking
“Blep” Ender speak
You hummed quietly to yourself, watching the fat snowflakes drift through the sky as you moved through the forest.
Shivering you tugged at your overcoat, peering around to try and find more berry bushes, Enderpearl, your arctic fox, following along, hoping you would find more food.
A few minutes later you found another bush, quickly stooping to fill as much inventory as you could with the berries, ears seeming to prick up at the sound of someone walking through the snow.
Standing up fully you adjusted your tinted goggles, looking around to try and find the source of the noise, still shivering at the cold.
“Are you alright mate?”
You jumped, purple particles surrounded you as you teleported a few yards away in surprise.
“Woah! How did you do that?”
You turned to see a blond avian hybrid, dressed mostly in green, “Oh- uh- h- hello.”
“How’d you do that?” He repeated, still looking a bit in shock.
“Why?” You asked, quickly defensive, you may have been a good 9 inches taller than him, but you weren’t too keen on fighting him.
“Oh- hey- hey, it’s alright mate, I just meant it was cool,” He held up his hands, as if to say he meant no harm, “Are you a hybrid too?”
Slowly you nodded, Enderpearl quickly running over to you, and you quickly scooped her up, holding her close to your body, still trying to keep the both of you warm.
“I’m Phil.” He offered, smiling.
“(y/n).” You were nearly stuttering from the cold.
“Are you cold (y/n)? You don’t seem very prepared for the climate.” Phil observed.
You nodded, “Enderpearl and me, we normally don’t come out this far, but Enderpearl likes berries and they only grow here.”
Phil nodded, “Are you an Enderman hybrid, by chance?”
“Y- yeah.” You said, reaching up and adjusting your goggles again.
“hmm, I know another enderman hybrid. You seem very cold (y/n), I don’t live to far from here, if you’d like to come warm up. It’s not very safe for you to stay out here.”
You bit your lip, wary, but looking down at Enderpearl, who was trying to curl further into your jacket, you didn’t want her to be cold, “Uh, sure, I guess.”
Phil nodded, turning and motioning for you to follow him, “Come on, You can meet Ranboo.”
“Ranboo?” You questioned, following him through the snow.
“He’s the other Enderman hybrid I know- well, part enderman part something,” Phil explained, “But that parts not important, I don’t think he can teleport but other than that he seems a lot like you.
“I’ve never met someone like me before.” You mumbled.
Phil smiled sadly, “I think that's the case for a lot of hybrids. Come on, it’s just past this clearing.”
A few moments later, as you emerged from the clearing, a rather large cottage came into view, smoke rising steadily from the chimney.
Phil gestured to the small building beside it, “That's where Techno keeps the hound army, Ranboo normally lives in a house he built just past it, but it’s far too cold for me to let him stay out there.”
You nodded, still looking around in slight awe as you followed Phil up the front steps.
“Tech!” Phil called, swinging the door open, “I’m home! I brought company!”
There was no response, and the man sighed, stamping snow off his boots and motioning for you to come all the way into the room, “There probably downstairs messing with the villagers. You can sit by the fire to warm up, I’ll go get them.”
You nodded as he went to climb down the ladder attached to one wall, slowly moving over to the fire and sitting down, Enderpearl on your lap.
“Young one.”
You jumped at the voice, turning to see an Enderman sitting in a boat in the corner of the room, “Oh- uh, hello. Are you- Are you Ranboo?”
The enderman shook his head, warbling, “I am Edward. Take off your coat child, it is far too wet to do anything but dry.”
“I’m (y/n).” You said, quickly shrugging out of your jacket.
~~ “You found another kid?” Techno crossed his arms, “Phil you’ve gotta stop bringing home strays.”
“Techno you can’t even say that, you’re the original stray.” Phil argued.
“He just doesn’t want to be replaced,” Ranboo quipped quietly, pausing to look up from sorting through a chest, “Wait- does that mean I’m a stray?”
Phil chuckled, “Yeah, it does.”
Technoblade groaned, “Phil you can’t just keep bringing kids into my house!”
“Well at least come meet them before you throw them out?” Phil asked, “And let me find them a better jacket. Its too cold for them out there.”
Ranboo watched as they had a silent staring contest, a silent discussion passing between them, until eventually Technoblade relented, grumbling something incoherent.
“Well come on then.” Phil said, motioning to the ladder.
Ranboo stood up, already starting to climb as Techno said, “I hope I don’t regret letting you do this Phil.”
“You won’t.”
Phil’s voice was partially drown out as Ranboo reached the main floor, his ears now filled with the sounds of warbled enderspeak.
He turned to see Edward deep in conversation with someone sitting hunched in front of the fire.
“You speak end?” He asked cautiously, almost hearing Phil chuckling from below.
The person jumped, purple particles flying around there head for a moment before they were gone, reappearing across the room, now next to Edwards boat.
Edward made a noise close to a chuckle, reaching one long arm out of his boat to grab your shoulder to stop your trembling, “That one is Ranboo.”
You nodded slowly, as Ranboo seemed to study you, “Your an enderman hybrid. That's so cool! I’m an enderman hybrid too! I can’t teleport though- its really cool that you can!”
You pushed your goggles up a bit from where they had slipped in the teleport, “Your eyes- why is that one red?”
“Oh- I- we think its whatever my other half is. Are your eyes green too?”
You shook your head, “Purple. How’d you mean you can’t teleport?”
“Haven’t figured it out yet- who taught you?”
You shrugged, “Just kinda knew. I usually only do it when I’m scared though.”
“Maybe you could teach me?” He asked excitedly.
Smiling you nodded, “Sure.”
It was a while later, after the snow had stopped falling, and the sun had partially come out, you and Ranboo headed outside (not before Phil supplied you with a thicker coat), to try and teach him how to teleport.
Phil turned to Techno, who was watching from the window as you and Ranboo were running around laughing, trying to figure out the best way to teach him, “I know what you said about endermen in the house but we could help them with a different house, or they could stay with Ranboo proper-”
“They aren’t staying in the house,” The piglin interrupted, “Well- maybe when its cold- but other than that- not in the house.”
Phil smiled, “I knew you’d come around.”
Technoblade huffed, “I mean it’s probably safer for them here. Besides the kid needs someone like him besides Edward around here.”
The enderman in the corner nodded, also observing you and Ranboo from out the window.
Phil nodded, “Sure, sure.”
Outside you laughed again, “No! Not like that! You’ve gotta feel where you are, and where your gonna be and then just...” You trailed off, particles flying around your head again as you disappeared only to pop out on his other side.
“Okay okay, I think I get it.”
Ranboo squeezed his eyes shut, trying to do what you’d said.
You watched as the faintest of particles began to appear around his head, growing stronger- stronger- and then he fell face first into the snow.
“I don’t think this is working.” His response was muffled by the snow.
“Just a bit,” You said helping him up, “Here, hold onto me, and I’ll teleport. That normally works with Enderpearl.”
He nodded, grabbing onto your coat sleeve.
You concentrated, focusing on a spot on top of the dog house, slowly particles filled the air and then- pop! you were both standing on top of the house.
“Woah!” Ranboo exclaimed, looking around, laughing, “That felt weird!”
You nodded laughing, “Now try to teleport off the roof.”
After a while longer of failed attempts, and after being side tracked by Ranboo’s ability to move more than just dirt blocks, the sun began to set, and you headed back inside, still laughing as he recounted the time that he and Techno had spent a whole day wander around collecting spawners.
Sometime later, after dinner, both you and Ranboo had ended up sitting next to Edwards boat, the three of your quietly talking as you started the drift off, Enderpearl back in her spot on your lap.
Phil chuckled, looking over at the three endermen crowded around the boat, two mostly asleep.
Edward looked at him, noding once and warbling out something Techno couldn’t understand, “What’d ‘e say?”
Phil smiled, “Family.”
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honkster · 4 years
January 6th - Dream SMP
Timing the streams
Little summary (spoilers)
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
Fundy snaps (Niki and Eret agree with him)
The plan is for Dream to set up TNT redstone above L’manburg while Techno and Phil stall for time with withers and The Hound Army.
Tommy speaks with Tubbo and they both apologize. Clingy Duo is back!
Tommy also talks to Sapnap and gives him Mars back.
Quackity reads Ranboo’s Memory Book and that changes his mind about leaving L’manburg.
L’manburg is blown to smithereens by the combined powers of Technoblade and Dream.
Niki burns L’mantree.
Ranboo gets his Memory Book back.
Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity stay hopeful about their fight with Dream, and aren’t giving up.
Dream says that he is going to go away for a bit, to escape the consequences of the destruction.
Ghostbur wants to be resurrected. He first thinks Dream or BBH can do it, but Phil sounds most likely since he is the one who killed him.
Ranboo puts all of his pets in his Panic Room.
Phil and Techno bring back what’s left of the Hound Army to the Antarctic.
Ranboo is allowed to stay in the Antarctic with the AAC (Antarctic Anarchist Commune).
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
Little rules to make it easier for me to timestamp
^_^ after a quote - a joke conversation.
:| after a quote - a serious/lore important conversation.
|_| - banter on top of something plot relevant/Something plot relevant in banter form.
Usually if I write *someone* logs on, that means that there's either a little interaction or something that happens when they log in. If something isn't that important, or doesn't relate to any of the SMP lore/drama, I'll usually just leave it out.
Hope that these help get a better picture of all the drama!
The streams that I chose to take timestamps from:
Tubbo – FIGHTING TO SAVE L’MANBURG (dream smp) – (25 seconds behind Tommy’s stream, 55:50 ahead of Ghostbur’s, 21:25 behind Philza’s, 05:20 behind Ranboo’s)
tommyinnit – The end – (25 seconds ahead of Tubbo)
Philza – Dream SMP – Chaos is a constant. - (04:10 ahead of Techno’s, 21:25 ahead of Tubbo’s, 01:09:35 ahead of Ghostbur’s, 16:05 ahead of Ranboo’s)
Technoblade – It ends today. [Dream SMP] – (04:10 behind Phil)
WilburSoot – [Dream SMP] First Time Ghostbur Live - (55:50 behind Tubbo’s stream, 01:09:35 behind Philza’s)
Ranboo – NOTHING WILL BE FINE || Dream SMP - (05:20 ahead of Tubbo’s stream, 16:05 behind Phil’s)
Niki – [Dream SMP] the biggest lesson yet – (Just a few seconds ahead of Tubbo’s, like 5 seconds ahead.)
Fundy – DREAM SMP – ITS OVER – (28:35 behind Tubbo’s)
QuackityHQ – THE FATE OF L’MANBURG – (07:20 ahead of Tubbo’s)
Eret – DREAM SMP! DOWNFALL! - (01:25 ahead of Tubbo’s)
JackManifoldTV – DREAM SMP | THE BIGGEST FIGHT YET!!! - (3 minutes ahead of Tubbo)
Fundy’s stream (It was much earlier than the rest’s streams… but it is pure plot.)
00:06:10 Fundy starts talking.
00:17:20 O_O
Fundy snapped guys…
00:27:50 Niki and Fundy get into a vc. (Niki O_O)
00:37:40 Eret joins the vc… (Eret O_O)
00:40:55 The Wall Of People That Need To Learn.
00:42:35 Ponk joins the vc…
Fundy says he’ll see Niki in two hours and then ends stream.
Tubbo’s stream (55:50 ahead of Ghostbur’s stream, 21:25 behind Philza’s, 05:20 behind Ranboo’s)
00:06:50 Tubbo logs in.
00:08:15 Tommy joins the vc. :’)
00:11:50 Tubbo and Ranboo get into a vc.
00:14:00 Niki and Puffy join the vc.
00:15:00 Eret and Jack Manifold join the vc.
00:17:10 Tubbo and Quackity get into a vc.
Tommy – 00:19:25 Techno joins the vc.
00:21:50 Tubbo joins back the vc with Tommy, Eret, Jack, Techno, Phil, Quackity, Ponk, Sapnap, Punz, Niki, Ranboo, Hbomb.
Uh oh.
00:43:15 Tubbo, Quackity and Tommy get into their own vc for a bit.
00:45:20 Tubbo and Tommy get into their own vc again.
00:49:40 Dream joins the vc.
00:52:20 Ghostbur and Quackity join the vc.
00:58:30 “I heard there was a special place…” D:
Tubbo’s stream cuts off just as Quackity is speaking.
But we continue on Tommy’s stream.
(He is 25 seconds ahead of Tubbo)
01:00:00 They finish singing the anthem and talk.
After the lightning strikes, it turns into more of a bantery plot.
01:07:30 Ghostbur asks Tommy to do something important.
01:15:10 Tommy leaves the call to monologue for a bit before ending stream.
(A little thing that happened on the stream – 00:11:00 Tommy leaves Tubbo to go look for Mars, Sapnap’s fish. 00:15:50 Sapnap and Tommy get into a vc.)
Philza’s stream (04:10 ahead of Techno’s, 21:25 ahead of Tubbo’s, 01:09:35 ahead of Ghostbur’s, 16:05 ahead of Ranboo’s)
00:03:20 Phil logs on.
00:03:55 Techno :D
00:12:50 Dream D:
00:33:20 L’manburg infiltration.
00:41:15 Techno and Phil join the main vc.
Uh oh.
01:04:40 Tubbo and Tommy leave. The chaos continues.
01:07:15 NIKI?!
01:19:00 Dream D:
01:21:35 Phil deafens to monologue (and to try and get a good screenshot with shaders).
01:24:15 Phil talks to Ghostbur alone.
01:33:10 “How is Pokimane totally untouched?” ^_^
01:34:00 Phil turns on shaders (L’manburg is a wasteland O_O).
01:35:50 Phil and Techno get into their own vc.
01:48:15 “I’m gonna find the rest of my dogs and bring them back” |_|
01:53:25 Phil joins Ghostbur’s vc.
01:57:10 Phil rejoins Techno’s vc.
Technoblade – 01:49:15 Phil leaves the vc.
02:04:05 Phil tells Techno about Ghostbur.
02:07:40 CARL! :DDD
02:21:40 Techno leaves and Ranboo joins the vc. (The entire chat devolved into ADOPT RANBOO and I for one agree)
Ghostbur’s stream (55:50 behind Tubbo’s stream, 01:09:35 behind Philza’s)
00:04:00 Ghostbur logs on.
00:04:50 He notices the destruction…
00:06:20 He sneakily joins the vc with Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity and Dream.
00:12:50 The L’manburg anthem.
00:16:40 Ghostbur talks to Phil.
00:20:00 Ghostbur joins the vc with the L’manburg Cabinet. (The lightning strike :D)
00:29:50 Tommy leaves, plot-important conversation ensues.
00:32:35 Fundy joins the vc. (Uh oh Fundy snapped)
00:37:50 Eret joins the vc.
00:42:30 BadBoyHalo joins the vc.
00:46:20 Phil joins the vc.
00:51:00 Ghostbur monologues a bit before Wilbur ends stream.
Ranboo’s stream (05:20 ahead of Tubbo’s stream, 16:05 behind Phil’s)
00:01:50 Ranboo is in game, already monologuing.
00:06:30 Ranboo tries to get pets out of his house. (All the while breaking down D:)
00:17:10 Ranboo joins Tubbo’s vc.
00:19:50 Ranboo writes in his memory book.
00:22:50 Niki and Ranboo get into a vc.
00:30:40 Ranboo joins the main vc.
Uh oh.
00:56:20 Ranboo puts on shaders to look at L’manburg.
01:13:50 Ranboo writes more in his memory book and then walks around the wreckage staring at the destruction.
01:22:15 Ranboo joins a different vc with Quackity, Tubbo, Ghostbur, Fundy and Jack Manifold.
01:28:10 Ranboo joins Fundy’s vc.
01:36:25 Ranboo joins Quackity’s vc.
01:43:45 Ranboo starts monologuing.
02:05:45 Ranboo joins Phil’s vc.
02:20:40 Phil mutes to end stream.
02:23:05 Phil leaves for real and Ranboo just chills in the AAC (Selling out a bit in the process)
02:26:05 End of selling out, return to monologue. (And Ranboo fangirling like the Techno stan that he is)
02:32:10 DAWN OF 16TH!!! (And yes Ranboo is very excited that he is in the animatic :)
02:44:45 “How you doing Ranboo?” |_|
Ranboo hunts for a disc, contemplates getting his pets into the Arctic and listens to Ward before ending stream.
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dykeza · 4 years
In a perfect world the Antarctic Anarchist Commune consists of Techno, Philza, Ranboo, Eret, Fundy, and Sapnap.
Techno: he’s literally the founder alongside Philza and you are more certain to divert a river from its path than see me write them as anything but Besties4Eva
Philza: same as techno and also he’s the best Fuck Da Haterz. Fucked up evil dad is fucked up and evil.
Ranboo: mans needs a stable family and while the AAC has its Downfalls, its a good environment for someone like Ranboo. Tommyinnit DNI.
Eret: Their dynamic w Phil and Ranboo out weighs the fact that “no kings allowed” is an official rule. Philza is just old sometimes he forgets his two closest allies are Literally Always Wearing Crowns. Also I think she’s neat :)
Fundy: Antarctic Prince Fundy!!!! Yes Ranboo is Awkward around him and Philza is Like That but I think Fundy would have a good time trying to prove himself and vice versa. Also Winter Coat Fundy Yes? Pog?
Sapnap: He has the Axe of Peace and I think his dynamic with Techno is fucking hilarious. Sapnap attacking Techno at random and screaming “FIGHT ME!!!” Or “LET BE BEFRIEND YOU!!” Is very good. Also I think he’s neat :)
Honorable Mentions: HBomb, Niki, Alivebur(?), Awesamdude.
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kucherovv · 4 years
I feel like the Lost City of Mizu had a lot more thematic significance than I initially thought. It shows Karl the future, and gives him a peek into what he needs to stop from happening.
The thing is, we don’t know who Karl is sided with at the moment. He’s been with the DreamSMP side for a while, but he could’ve changed sides; however, I don’t think this is the case. I think he’s working to make a better future for Dream, and the Lost City just built that up further.
Dream’s influence is not shown as the reason for the biased, broken, and completely changed history. It’s Ranboo. The change is said by Ranbob to be Ranboo’s fault, because he was the historian of the country. I think we can assume from Ranboo’s lore and Dream’s.. um.. antics that it was actually Dream who messed with the lore like this, but Karl doesn’t know that.
So, Karl is going to assume that the state of the future is Ranboo’s fault, and work on making things worse for Ranboo, thus affecting the AAC, L’Manberg, AND DreamSMP. He is going to make everything worse because he’ll try to make it worse for Ranboo, thus helping Dream in the process. 
This also brings up something really interesting about Dreamons and Ranbob- that being that Dream might’ve set up Mizu and killed all the fishermen that Karl was with in order to set off the modern lore of the DreamSMP by making Karl go back to stop Ranboo. This also explains why the fishermen had never seen the city before: Dream put it there when he knew Karl would be there, and not a second before. 
The conclusion I’m getting from this is that Karl’s entire goal, his character motivation, at this point, will end up failing, and will boil down to another one of Dream’s long-term, manipulative plans.
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shoezuki · 4 years
'ranboo is replacing tommy!1!!11!' discourse except its abt niki replacing techno as the aac's resident girlboss
Niki girlbosses better so she can steal the title as much as she wants. Techno can back to the gnc pig of the anarchists
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jjjjjjjjeffrey · 4 years
Every now and then I remember Ranboo hearing Mellohi playing in his panic room from his house in the AAC and I become more nervous every time
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mtdreamcatcher · 4 years
More Dream SMP Headcanons. This time it’s Technoblade.
-Techni is a piglin hybrid. His lower canines are rather big, they poke out of his mouth, like mini tusks. They don’t impread his speech because he’s had them all his life. Pale pink skin, his hair is slightly darker version of an overworld pig’s skin. Pig hooves, long tail with floof at the end. Five fingers, normal hand structure except for the tough hoof-claws on his fingers. From the middle joint of his fingers up is his hoof-claws.
-Lots of jewelry, his fancy crown, a jewelry cuff on his tail, bedazzled with gems like the ones on his crown. Earnings and earing chains hangs from his ears. He wears a few gold and silver rings, studded with precious gems.
-His eyes are blue but with his mask on his eyes are a solid yellow.
-Long hair, stops just at the base of his tail, usually in a braid. When his hair is up in one central braid he has a smaller braid that hangs down below and behind his right ear, tied to the end is one of Philza’s feathers. Even when his hair is down that extra braid is there. He even adds a braid behind his left ear, a small disc shaped bead attached the band holding the braid together but he removed it when Tommy and Technoblade split.
-He’s huge, really tall, broad shoulders, skinny but muscular. I’d say about 7’3, man is imposing, even more so with the cloak and armor making him look even bigger.
-His pig mask has built in glasses lenses, when it’s off he wears regular glasses. Black frames, real simple.
-Plenty of scars. He’s done a lot of fighting.
-He was found by Philza when he was about four, a group of adventures wanted to kill lil piglin hybrid Techno. When Wilbur was born the lil guy, being the child of a fae and a shapeshifter, he shapeshifted to look like Techno. They’re “twins”.
-When Techno was in his teens he decides to strike out on his own to discover his place in the world. During his travels discovers a small nation, immediately faces discrimination for being a hybrid, a piglin hybrid to make it worse. He enters the big fighting tournament he wins his crown. He then takes down said corrupted government, cementing his anarchist ways.
-Like in my Ranboo post, Techno also found little Ranboo, taught him to fight, gave him a crown, and they went separate ways. Techno continuing his nomadic warrior wandering.
-His travels yield experience, both worldly and fighting, scars, and a ferocious reputation.
Antarctic Anarchist Commune:
-Techno will curl up by the fire place and reads. Phil will often join him.
-Everyone in the AAC have a personalized AAC sigil. Techno’s has boar tusks jutting out from under it.
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
rr!ranboo is fine standing in the snow until it starts to melt because then it becomes water and water hurts them, not snow. i actually do make the rules, thank you.
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marssie · 4 years
obsessed with ranboos just like. behavior in the aac. just like. left alone for two days and hes already being productive and helpful, trying not to step on any toes but also trying to improve the area... just... agh..
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
holiday gift giving in the aac au would be wild.
techno would jokingly give michael underscore beloved a weapon and then be like 'nah that's crazy who would ever give a baby a weapon?? here's your real present lil' spud' as dream slowly pushes his present under the nearest chair because he got michael a fully enchanted netherite axe because 'you never know!' and ranboo just gives a very weak, questionably charitable, 'well, it's true, i guess you do never know' while phil and niki look on in horror.
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
for the anon who asked about my headcanon appearance for the aac au, i'm so so sorry i accidentally deleted your ask but:
aac!phil is just basic canon phil. i really think it's a solid design that makes sense so there's not much i've made specific to my au for him, other than damaged wings that he keeps wrapped up most of the time.
aac!techno i generally describe as an anthropomorphic pig. he has hooves, a tail, a snout, and pig ears. his shoulders are broad, he's tall, he's big, and often has stubble 'cause he forgets to shave. he wears glasses and his eyes are the whole 'black sclera, white iris' thing. man has tusks. he has human hands because i didn't want to figure anything else out. there's a sort of web of golden scars across his head, neck, and shoulders. a few thicker ones and the rest are varying degrees of thin.
aac!niki i haven't really described? mostly because i never know what i picture in my head. someone not skinny, someone with strong arms and legs. she often has bags under her eyes because she has a hard time sleeping.
aac!ranboo is just a weird dude. i know he has very long, big ears. at least one eye doesn't have an eyelid and therefore he licks his long tongue over his eye(s). he has a long tail and it's literally a lemur tail, i take no criticism on this. he has hair on the grey side and he combs it over the other side to hide it. his suit is always wrinkled and the pants are too short. he's very tall.
aac!dream is like 'is he human' 'is he something else'. idk but he's definitely Just A Guy (more description under the cut tw for torture)
aac!dream is mostly human but the sort of human that was there when the world (server) was created, that the universe said, 'this is you' and has always been deeply connected to it. the more connected he is, the more... different he looks. still mostly human but taking on aspects of the server around him. when he welcomed more people, that's when he started wearing the mask, trying to keep everyone on level footing. this is a lot of exposition but the point is, the more fractured and divided the server became, the less connected aac!dream was to it. (in fact that part of him that was so deeply connected to the server, to the universe, broke off from him to act as a guardian aka dreamXD)
anyway, in the aac au, dream looks human. he's fairly tall but extremely thin. his cheeks are sunken, his bones are visible. he has dull green eyes, like a wilting leaf, and a nose that's clearly been broken. his skin is covered with freckles and scars and burn marks. for most of the fic, he has a decent amount of beard growth because he won't allow anyone near him with a razor. his hair is dirty blonde and goes past his shoulders and is either a tangled mess or braided: two braids starting at either side of his temples to keep the hair out of his face and pulled back into a ponytail. his clothes are borrowed and never fit correctly. he's missing a finger on his left hand as well as several teeth.
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
Hey Loyal, I just received some terrible news and it shooked me up quite a lot. Do you have any hcs for syndicate!dream with c!Niki/ c!Ranboo or with the whole gang?
oh no! i'm so sorry, anon, but of course <3 i love thinking about c!dream joining the syndicate mostly because i enjoy the idea of them interacting.
c!dream & c!niki syndicate headcanons!
- niki is fairly hesitant at first because she knows at least some of what dream has done but the syndicate has been a place of healing for her and she believes it could be the same for dream. so she does her best to make him feel welcome. she's actually the first person to suggest that he join officially and says that she'll help him come up with a good name!
- one of the things she does to make him feel more welcome is bringing him baked goods and eventually she asks him to help her. at first, he's not very good at it. his hands shake and the missing finger(s) make it hard to grip utensils. when he fails to correctly crack an egg for the third time, dream gets frustrated at himself. why can't he do anything right? what use is he to anyone if he can't even do such a simple thing? and he has to be useful, doesn't he, otherwise why would they keep him alive? niki tries to calm him down but it doesn't work and, at a loss of what to do, she takes an egg and throws it on the ground. dream stares at her like she's crazy but then, instead of continuing to take his anger out on himself, he picks up an egg and does the same. by the time techno walks in on them, the kitchen is a disaster, niki and dream are covered in floor and eggshells and it's clear that dream's been crying but they're both laughing now. techno just goes, 'i'm not gonna say a thing but you're cleanin' this mess up'.
- i like the idea of techno repairing dream's mask with gold and i like the idea of niki adding little details to make the cracks look like growing vines, very subtle, most people wouldn't even notice, but there. growth even now.
c!dream & c!ranboo syndicate headcanons!
- it's really awkward for ranboo at first because he was so certain that dream was this irredeemable villain and while what dream did was unforgivable, ranboo can't help but see him as a person. especially after seeing what was done to him. so there's a lot of ranboo coming to check on him and then standing there awkwardly being like 'hey dream, uh, how's it- how's it going' and dream kinda blankly staring at him then giving an answer like 'well i just escaped prison where i was being tortured so'. and ranboo winces like 'yeaaaaah'. but after awhile it kind of becomes this inside joke between them. ranboo goes, 'hey dream how's it going' and dream responds with increasingly ridiculous complaints 'well techno snores so loudly i want to die so' and ranboo smiles, nodding, 'nice. nice.'
- one of dream's trauma responses is selective mutism. he'll often go completely silent and ranboo wasn't sure how he should deal with it, trying to get dream to talk but in the end, he just ends up rambling. which ranboo finds is... actually pretty nice? half of the time, dream doesn't even react to what he's saying and the other half of the time, he just sits there, listening, occasionally nodding or making a face and ranboo feels like he doesn't have to watch every word he says.
- ranboo actually tends to worry over dream a lot. whenever he's, uh, supervising dream and dream's doing something that he's either struggling with or could possibly be dangerous, ranboo will hover behind him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. it kind of annoys dream a bit but he gets over that pretty quickly when he realizes he can use it to tease ranboo who is absolutely over the 'oh no i cut off my finger' prank dream has pulled for the fifth time.
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
i'm giving us what canon probably never will:
Turning towards Ranboo more fully, Techno looked at him, trying to gauge what his thoughts were. He had never mentioned the Red Festival; it made his palms feel sweaty, that same panic he had felt that day but turned sour for sitting so long in his chest. Now it looked as if he had hidden the fact. In a way he had, just not from Ranboo, not intentionally. He scratched the side of his face, stubble rough under his fingers, and sighed.
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