#aaf sam
asourpieceofbebe · 9 months
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This is an drawing dump of all fanart i made for the silly apple game in the last two weeks, i have an normal amount of endearment towards it :)
[Characters belong to M36games]
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Louis: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Isabella: You’re a hazard to society.
Sam: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
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seven-thewanderer · 4 months
Almost didn't do this, but I made this
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|Limp Bizkit's cover of "Billie Jean" (2009)|
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weird-color · 2 years
I'm gonna be ATTACHED to the theory Sam (Isabella's girlfriend) is Baylee in chapter 2.
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lil gfs 🌙🏳️‍🌈🐝
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callsignbaphomet · 3 months
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Quick snap of the hubbies. Tried my best to match the screenshots. I'm trying to get familiar with SAM again but I'm having issues. AAF is weird as fuck now and it probably doesn't gel with the current companion mod I have so I'm tempted to run back to the crappy previous one.
Also everything looks slightly darker because of the Reshade preset I'm currently using.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
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The Beginning
They were all there when it happened and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
We were having a night filled with laughter and love. Dan and Jessy had been flirting all night, finally giving in to their attraction. Jessy finally sealed some of the pain over the loss of Richy, knowing that the pain would always remain but that Dan would forever understand.
Cleo had a new guy, one her mom had set her up with from church. We all liked Sam, he was nice and treated Cleo well. He was perfect for her actually, he kept her from being so impulsive.
Lily was on the other side of the bar with Hannah and they were chatting with Jake. There was something going on between those three all night, but I couldn't figure it out.
Phil was tending the bar as he and Thomas seemed to be having a few laughs. It was good to see as it didn't happen very often.
We were all finally back in a good place with the world and we were aafe. We were all finding our way to happiness again.
Even Jake.
The two of us had been together for about six months. After the mine, we didn't see each other for a while, but Jake, true to his word, found his freedom and his safety and made his way to me. He hadn't left my side since.
We were happy, much happier than either of us deserved. In a world that used to be filled with grime and dirt, we began to see one filled with a bright shining light and the hope of a future.
I was watching him with his sisters when suddenly Jessy called me to the bathroom. She said that she just needed company and a few minutes away from Dan, that he could be a lot. She spent a curiously long amount of time in there discussing trivial things about Dan that never seemed to bother her before.
I was on my way out of the bathroom when I heard it. The silence, the absolute deafening silence, then, a guitar started to play "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. I looked over and saw Thomas strumming the song that Jake and I first danced to right on the back porch of this bar in the middle of a lightning storm. After that dance, Jake and I belonged together and there was no turning back.
Dan was in the corner, smiling from ear to ear. He had peonies, deep red, which he walked over and handed to me, kissing me on the cheek.
I looked across the room and heard Phil, "In your eyes, I am complete..." He was singing the lyrics to the song now. I didn't know he could sing. It was beautiful, his low, heavy voice belting out the tune. The notes seemed to hang in the air.
Lily and Hannah were beaming ear to ear, tears forming in the corner of their eyes. They were holding hands and looking as if they might jump out of their skin.
Cleo and Sam stood back, but I saw her handiwork in the corner. A beautiful cake waits for some sort of celebration.
Jessy turned around and hugged me tightly. She held me there for a second. "Over there," she says, pointing to the back porch.
I looked up and saw him. His eyes were glossy and he looked more nervous than I had ever seen him. He signaled for me to come outside where he was standing. He was on the back porch where we shared the magical dance. The glass window covered the entire back of the bar. This allowed all those inside to see what was going on.
It was a beautiful night with no clouds in the sky. Edison lights surrounded the patio and someone had seen to it that there were orange blossoms and peonies covering every outdoor table. Both the sight and the scent surrounding me in the air danced in my brain.
I met him and he wrapped his arm around my waist kissing me deeply. The kiss was followed by hoots and hollers from our friends. I could hear them from inside the bar. I should have been embarrassed, but I was not. He heard them, however, and tried to pull away, but my lips followed his. I was not ready to leave them yet.
I heard a voice from inside. It was Dan's voice, I noted, as he screamed through the glass, "Save that for later." Jake nodded and pulled away reluctantly. He stood there, with his hands on my hips, and looked into my eyes for a while as if he was trying to memorize this moment. A sweet shy smile rested on his face. I looked back at him and realized that my life was about to change.
He ran his fingers along my cheek and then slowly, he bent down on one knee and began, "MC, for the past six months I have had the pleasure of going to bed with you every night, and waking up next to you every morning. We have shared our lives in every way, from morning coffee to movie nights, from slow Sunday mornings to crazy road trips with those amazing people that we get to call friends. Even before that, before we were together, in the unfortunate time that we had to spend apart, we found a way to fall in love through ordinary conversations and daily texts.
There is nothing ordinary about you, my love. There is no one more caring, more capable, and more breathtakingly beautiful than you are. There is no one who fills my life with such joy, no one else that fills me with such peace and comfort. No one that can make me laugh the way that you do.
You are my home, my true north, my hard drive, my everything. Please do me the honor of being my other half, my wife, and my best friend for all of the rest of all of our experiences and all of our moments. Please say yes to a lifetime of memories."
He continued to talk, though I heard nothing else, Joy captured my heart and I was speechless, lost in the dreams of our lives spent together.
"MC?" He asked nervously. I had apparently gotten so lost in my thoughts that I forgot to answer him.
"Yes, Jake," I nodded, tears filled my eyes, "It would love nothing more than to be your wife."
He put the engagement ring on my finger. It was a black diamond, princess cut, beautiful and unique, like us, like our love.
He picked me up and spun me around while smothering my face with quick kisses. immediately all of our friends gathered around and offered hugs,
Jessy was crying,
Dan, Phil, and Thomas brought out some whisky to toast with Jake.
Cleo was carrying a cake with Sam following close behind her.
Hannah and Lily brought me a package, "Open it," Lily said. Hannah beams and added, "We have been waiting to give this to you for months."
As I opened the package, I saw that it was a shirt with the words "Best New Sister" printed on it. They had included me already and I couldn't be happier. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have such friends and such a wonderful man to spend my life with.
Jake pulled me aside after the cake and congratulations. His arms wrapped around my waist. "I love you MC." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you for all of this Jake," I mumbled, trying to wipe the smile off of my face long enough to appear sincere.
"Thank you for agreeing to be my wife and thanks for saving me from myself," He replied, meeting me with those gorgeous cerulean blue eyes of his.
I nodded and thought about all of the ways that I could thank him as he kissed me on the lips and his hands roamed my hips.
"Let's go home," I begged as I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the car. I waved to my friends as we headed out. They would understand why we were in such a rush to leave.
"Long engagement or short?" I asked him.
"Up to you, and Jessy, I suppose. She is going to want to help plan this." Jake says.
I chuckle, knowing he is right. "Short," I respond, "I can't wait to be Mrs. Donfort."
"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Donfort, "He replied with a smile as he squeezed my hand. "A short engagement is perfect."
Perfect, indeed, just like this night and this love and our future.
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sir-subpar · 2 years
Hi! I recently heard about your reverse au, it's really good! Question, though, are the personalities of the Eastwoods (+ Arthur and Sam) reversed too? Dies this make the lore different? Or is AAF a normal game in this AU?
Hmm... That's a good question.
(Edit: had to change the placement of the pictures because Tumblr f***** it up for some reason)
I imagine that the characters themselves are sentient. Even without the spirits. So when Thomas and co end up in the game I lile to think of it as almost being a Venom-type situation.
I mean that the ghosts and the AAF characters are separate conscious beings, and the spirits can posses them and take control from time to time. So I guess Thomas made sentient AI
And while Thomas and the others are dealing with their family issues, the Aaf crew are just lile: "Can you just leave us out of this? Y'all are exhausting."
Here's a quick sketch I did:
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I haven't really figured out whether or how Thomas and the others get Reversed personality wise. More or less, the same events happen (things like the fire, Louis drowning, Aurther dying etc.) But there is 1 key difference lore-wise.
I'll explain below the cut so this post isn't too long
Anyone who knows this Aaf Reverse Au probably remembers that Peter is basically a gentle giant.
Peter and the entity are really mysterious thing the original game. It's hard to tell if there are separate entities like everyone else or if Peter and the entity are one in the same. So in this au, that detail will still be left in the air, as I am unsure.
Things that are the same / similar to the canon game like:
Peter and Andy still meet in the barn
Peter has the same powers as shown in the game (I might take some creative liberties with his abilities since he's pretty mysterious)
The Entity/Peter put Thomas, Aurther, Sam, etc. in the game
Things that are different:
In canon Aaf, Thomas makes a deal with the entity to put his family back together (and the entity of course does it in the most demon "oh yeah, suuuure, I'll help you" way possible)
In this au, the Entity/Peter actually did want to help. Peter still does, but he doesn't entirely know how.
Not to mention, he scares people. Accidentally, of course.
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briandraws · 5 months
Who are your favorite characters from each fandom your in?
Kinger and Jax from TADC
Peter from AAF
Sun, Moon and Eclipse from FNAF
Clone Riggy from the Riggy Series(coming soon on yt)
Solar and Eclipse from SAMS
And Lunar and Earth from LAES
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beritapekalongan · 2 months
Kirab Ritual Dan Budaya Meriahkan Peringatan Cap Go Meh di Kota Pekalongan
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Ribuan warga dari berbagai etnis dan agama berkumpul di Kota Pekalongan untuk menyaksikan kirab ritual dan budaya akbar "Gi Ang" dalam rangka perayaan Cap Go Meh di TITD Klenteng Po An Thian, Jumat siang (23/2/2024).
Kirab ini merupakan bagian dari perayaan Cap Go Meh, yang merupakan hari ke-15 dan terakhir dari perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek. Dimulai pukul 13.00 WIB dengan doa bersama, kirab ini diisi dengan arak-arakan dewa-dewi Tionghoa yang ditempatkan dalam rumah Topekong dan diarak mengelilingi Kota Pekalongan. Tak hanya itu, kirab juga memamerkan serangkaian ritual dan atraksi seperti barongsai dan marching band.
Walikota Pekalongan, yang akrab disapa Mas Aaf, mengapresiasi acara ini yang diselenggarakan secara rutin oleh TITD Klenteng Po An Thian. Ia menyatakan bahwa kirab tahun ini menampilkan kreativitas yang luar biasa, dengan kehadiran barongsai dari Perkumpulan Liong Samsie Dharma Asih Semarang dan arak-arakan dewa-dewi yang sangat kreatif.
"Antusiasme masyarakat dari berbagai latar belakang sangat tinggi, menunjukkan semangat kebersamaan dalam perbedaan," ujarnya. Walikota  menegaskan bahwa Kota Pekalongan merupakan contoh kota yang harmonis, di mana semua lapisan masyarakat dapat bersatu dalam perbedaan, seperti yang terlihat dalam perayaan Cap Go Meh tahun ini.
Ketua Panitia Perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek 2024 Po An Thian Pekalongan, Suharsono, mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berpartisipasi dan mendukung acara ini.  "Solidaritas dan toleransi yang ada di Pekalongan sebagai anugerah bagi kota tersebut, memungkinkan kehidupan yang aman dan nyaman bagi semua meskipun dalam keragaman," ungkapnya.
Suharsono menjelaskan bahwa dalam kirab ini terdapat 10 tandu, masing-masing mewakili dewa dan dewi tertentu serta satu tandu pendupaan. Dewa dan dewi yang diarak meliputi Dewa Pengobatan & Pertanian, Dewa Perdagangan, Dewa Kejujuran & Kesetiaan, Dewa Pelindung Anak-Anak, Dewa Bumi, Panglima Macan Pelindung Manusia, Dewa Kaisar Langit Utara & Pembasmi Ilmu Hitam, Dewi Pelindung Kaum Nelayan, dan Dewi Kwan Im/Dewi Welas Asih.
"Selain tandu-tandu tersebut, kirab juga dihiasi dengan enam barongsai dan satu naga/liong dari Perkumpulan Liong Samsie Dharma Asih Semarang, serta cosplay dewa dan dewi seperti Dewi Kwan Im, Sun Go Kong, Tong Sam Cong, Wu Jing, Cut Pat Kay, marching band, musik tradisional bambu, dan kesenian tradisional lainnya,"ungkapnya.
Pada kesempatan ini, umat Tridharma Klenteng Po An Thian Pekalongan berdoa agar tahun pesta demokrasi berjalan lancar, pasca pemilu penuh kebahagiaan, terhindar dari konflik sosial, dan transisi pemerintahan berjalan dengan baik menuju Indonesia Emas pada tahun 2045.
Kirab Imlek 2024 juga dianggap sebagai ajang budaya yang dapat meningkatkan pariwisata di Kota Pekalongan. Selain sebagai ritual untuk memohon berkat kepada Tuhan dan menetralkan energi negatif yang ada di kota tersebut. Dengan demikian, kirab ini tidak hanya menjadi bagian dari tradisi keagamaan, tetapi juga memperkaya kehidupan budaya dan sosial masyarakat Kota Pekalongan," tambahnya.
Dalam konteks yang lebih luas, kirab Dewa-Dewi ini menjadi cerminan dari semangat kebersamaan dan kerukunan antarumat beragama serta keberagaman budaya yang menjadi salah satu kekayaan Indonesia.  "Kirab ini memberikan gambaran bahwa dalam perbedaan, kita dapat bersatu untuk merayakan kehidupan yang lebih baik," pungkasnya.
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444namesplus · 7 months
a aa aach aaf aah aak aam aan aap aar aas aash aat aath ach ae aech aef aeh aek aem aen aep aer aes aesh aet aeth af ah аi aich aif aih aik aim ain aip air ais aish ait aith ak am an ao aoch aof aoh aok aom aon aop aor aos aosh aot aoth ap ar as ash at ath au auch auf auh auk aum aun aup aur aus aush aut auth cha chach chaf chah chak cham chan chap char chas chash chat chath che chech chef cheh chek chem chen chep cher ches chesh chet cheth chi chich chif chih chik chim chin chip chir chis chish chit chith cho choch chof choh chok chom chon chop chor chos chosh chot choth chu chuch chuf chuh chuk chum chun chup chur chus chush chut chuth e ea each eaf eah eak eam ean eap ear eas eash eat eath ech ee eech eef eeh eek eem een eep eer ees eesh eet eeth ef eh ei eich eif eih eik eim ein eip eir eis eish eit eith ek em en eo eoch eof eoh eok eom eon eop eor eos eosh eot eoth ep er es esh et eth eu euch euf euh euk eum eun eup eur eus eush eut euth fa fach faf fah fak fam fan fap far fas fash fat fath fe fech fef feh fek fem fen fep fer fes fesh fet feth fi fich fif fih fik fim fin fip fir fis fish fit fith fo foch fof foh fok fom fon fop for fos fosh fot foth fu fuch fuf fuh fuk fum fun fup fur fus fush fut futh ha hach haf hah hak ham han hap har has hash hat hath he hech hef heh hek hem hen hep her hes hesh het heth hi hich hif hih hik him hin hip hir his hish hit hith ho hoch hof hoh hok hom hon hop hor hos hosh hot hoth hu huch huf huh huk hum hun hup hur hus hush hut huth i ia iach iaf iah iak iam ian iap iar ias iash iat iath ich ie iech ief ieh iek iem ien iep ier ies iesh iet ieth if ih ii iich iif iih iik iim iin iip iir iis iish iit iith ik im in io ioch iof ioh iok iom ion iop ior ios iosh iot ioth ip ir is ish it ith iu iuch iuf iuh iuk ium iun iup iur ius iush iut iuth
ka kach kaf kah kak kam kan kap kar kas kash kat kath ke kech kef keh kek kem ken kep ker kes kesh ket keth ki kich kif kih kik kim kin kip kir kis kish kit kith ko koch kof koh kok kom kon kop kor kos kosh kot koth ku kuch kuf kuh kuk kum kun kup kur kus kush kut kuth ma mach maf mah mak mam man map mar mas mash mat math me mech mef meh mek mem men mep mer mes mesh met meth mi mich mif mih mik mim min mip mir mis mish mit mith mo moch mof moh mok mom mon mop mor mos mosh mot moth mu much muf muh muk mum mun mup mur mus mush mut muth na nach naf nah nak nam nan nap nar nas nash nat nath ne nech nef neh nek nem nen nep ner nes nesh net neth ni nich nif nih nik nim nin nip nir nis nish nit nith no noch nof noh nok nom non nop nor nos nosh not noth nu nuch nuf nuh nuk num nun nup nur nus nush nut nuth o oa oach oaf oah oak oam oan oap oar oas oash oat oath och oe oech oef oeh oek oem oen oep oer oes oesh oet oeth of oh oi oich oif oih oik oim oin oip oir ois oish oit oith ok om on oo ooch oof ooh ook oom oon oop oor oos oosh oot ooth op or os osh ot oth ou ouch ouf ouh ouk oum oun oup our ous oush out outh pa pach paf pah pak pam pan pap par pas pash pat path pe pech pef peh pek pem pen pep per pes pesh pet peth pi pich pif pih pik pim pin pip pir pis pish pit pith po poch pof poh pok pom pon pop por pos posh pot poth pu puch puf puh puk pum pun pup pur pus push put puth ra rach raf rah rak ram ran rap rar ras rash rat rath re rech ref reh rek rem ren rep rer res resh ret reth ri rich rif rih rik rim rin rip rir ris rish rit rith ro roch rof roh rok rom ron rop ror ros rosh rot roth ru ruch ruf ruh ruk rum run rup rur rus rush rut ruth sa sach saf sah sak sam san sap sar sas sash sat sath se sech sef seh sek sem sen sep ser ses sesh set seth sha shach shaf shah shak sham shan shap shar shas shash shat shath she shech shef sheh shek shem shen shep sher shes shesh shet sheth shi shich shif shih shik shim shin ship shir shis shish shit shith sho shoch shof shoh shok shom shon shop shor shos shosh shot shoth shu shuch shuf shuh shuk shum shun shup shur shus shush shut shuth si sich sif sih sik sim sin sip sir sis sish sit sith so soch sof soh sok som son sop sor sos sosh sot soth su such suf suh suk sum sun sup sur sus sush sut suth ta tach taf tah tak tam tan tap tar tas tash tat tath te tech tef teh tek tem ten tep ter tes tesh tet teth tha thach thaf thah thak tham than thap thar thas thash that thath the thech thef theh thek them then thep ther thes thesh thet theth thi thich thif thih thik thim thin thip thir this thish thit thith tho thoch thof thoh thok thom thon thop thor thos thosh thot thoth thu thuch thuf thuh thuk thum thun thup thur thus thush thut thuth ti tich tif tih tik tim tin tip tir tis tish tit tith to toch tof toh tok tom ton top tor tos tosh tot toth tu tuch tuf tuh tuk tum tun tup tur tus tush tut tuth u ua uach uaf uah uak uam uan uap uar uas uash uat uath uch ue uech uef ueh uek uem uen uep uer ues uesh uet ueth uf uh ui uich uif uih uik uim uin uip uir uis uish uit uith uk um un uo uoch uof uoh uok uom uon uop uor uos uosh uot uoth up ur us ush ut uth uu uuch uuf uuh uuk uum uun uup uur uus uush uut uuth
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comic-bucky · 4 years
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Golden Age
Captain America Comics (1941) #1-78
All-Winners Comics (1941) #1-21
Young Allies Comics (1941) #1-20
USA Comics (1941) #6-17
Kid Komics (1943) #2-10
All-Select (1943) #1-10
Complete Comics (1944) #2
Mystic Comics (1944) #4
Young Men (1950) #24
Silver Age
The Avengers (1963) #4, #56, #106-107, #277, #387, Annual #16
Sgt. Fury (1963) #13
Tales of Suspense (1964) #63-71, #75, #82, #95
Captain America v1 (1968) #105, #107, #109, #112, #121, #128, #131-132, #139, #162, #176, #215, #219-220, #227, #253, #255-157, #261, #264, #281, #294, #297-299, #326, #349-350, #372, #383-384, #423, #437, #441, #445, #447-448
Captain America Annual (1970) #1, #6, #9, #13
Bronze Age
The Invaders (1975) #1-31, #38-39, Annual #1
Captain America's Bicentennial Battles (1976)
Marvel Premiere (1972) #29-30
What If..? (1977) #1, #4, #5
Modern Age
What If..? v2 (1989) #28, #105, #200
Adventures of Captain America (1991) #1-4
Captain America: Medusa Effect (1994)
War Machine (1994) #15-17
Batman/Captain America (1996)
Deadpool v1 (1997) #0, #61
Captain America/Citizen V (1998)
Captain America: Sentinel Of Liberty (1998) #7, #12
Fantastic Four (1998) #569, #584, #588
Domination Factor: Avengers (1999) #2.4, #3.6
Earth X (1999) #0-1, #4, #10
Universe X (2000) #9, #X
Universe X Special: Cap (2001) #1
Paradise X (2002) #0-1
Captain America v3 (1998) #1, #12, #25, #32, #39, #48, #50, Annual 2001
Captain America/Nick Fury: The Otherworld War (2001)
The Ultimates v1 (2002) #1, #3, #7
The Ultimates v2 (2005) #1, #8
Ultimate Avengers (2009) #2, #6
The New Invaders (2004) #2
Captain America v4 (2002) #10, #17, #19-20, #26
Captain America: 65th Anniversary Special (2006) #1
Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2009) #1
Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special (2011) #1
Cable & Deadpool (2004) #45
Captain America v5 (2005) #1-50
Winter Soldier: Winter Kills (2007)
Young Avengers Presents (2008) #1
Punisher War Journal (2007) #11
Fallen Son: Wolverine (2007)
Wolverine: Origins (2006) #15-20, #23, #25, #30
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (2007) #1
Iron Man/Captain America: Casualties of War (2007) #1
Secret Invasion (2008) #4, #6-8
What If? Secret Invasion (2010) #1
Avengers/Invaders (2008) #1-12
House of M: Civil War (2008) #3-4
What If? House Of M (2009) #1
Mythos: Captain America (2008) #1
Invincible Iron Man v1 (2008) #17, #20-22, #501
Incredible Hulk v2 (2009) #601, #607, #609
Nomad: Girl Without a World (2009) #1, #4
Ms. Marvel v2 (2006) #41-42
Ms. Marvel: War of the Marvels (2009) #1
Agents of Atlas (2009) #3-5
New Avengers (2009) #48-64, Finale
The Amazing Spider-Man v1 (2009) #600-601, #637, #648, #661
Wolverine (2003) #38-40, #72-74
Young Allies: 70th Anniversary Special (2009)
The Marvels Project (2009) #7-8
Avengers: The Initiative (2007) #19, #34-35
Dark Reign: The List - Avengers (2009) #1
Captain America v1 (2009) #600-619
Captain America: Reborn (2009) #1-6
Captain America: Who Will Wield The Shield? (2010)
Siege (2010) #2-4
Siege: Captain America (2010) #1
Steve Rogers: Super Soldier (2010) #1
Dark Wolverine (2009) #84
Avengers v4 (2010) #1-7, #10, #12.1, #16
Avengers vs. Pet Avengers (2010) #1-4
I am An Avenger (2010) #2, #4-5
Free Comic Book Day: Avengers (2009) #1
AAFES 7th Edition (2009) #7
AAFES 9th Edition (2010) #9
Wolverine: Weapon X (2010) #12-15
Avengers vs. Atlas (2010) #1, #4
Dark Avengers Annual (2010) #1
Hawkeye & Mockingbird (2010) #1
Age of Heroes (2010) #1
Invaders Now! (2010) #1-5
World War Hulks (2010) #1
World War Hulks: Captain America vs Wolverine (2010) #1-2
Captain America The 1940s Newspaper Strip (2010) #1-3
Captain America: Forever Allies (2010) #1-4
Black Panther/Captain America: Flags of Our Fathers (2010) #4
Black Widow: Deadly Origin (2010) #1-4
Black Widow v4 (2010) #1-6
Chaos War (2010) #1, #5
Chaos War: Dead Avengers (2011) #1, #3
Heroes for Hire v3 (2011) #9-10
Fear Itself (2011) #3-4
Fear Itself: Captain America (2011) #7.1
Fear Itself: The Worthy (2011) #1
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes (2011) #1-5
Captain America and Falcon (2011) #1
Captain America: A Little Help (2011) #1
Captain America Corps (2011) #1-5
Captain America and Bucky (2011) #620-624
Captain America: Hail Hydra (2011) #1-2, #5
Captain America v6 (2011) #1-2, #19
The Winter Soldier (2012) #1-19
Marvel Zombies Destroy (2012) #1-5
Secret Avengers v1 (2010) #15
Secret Avengers v2 (2013) #9, #16
Captain America v7 (2013) #6, #13, #20
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March (2014) #1-5
Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration (2014) #1
All-New Marvel Now! Point One (2014) #1
All-New Invaders (2014) #1-15
Original Sin (2014) #1-8
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier (2014) #1-11
Black Widow v5 (2014) #8, #12, #15, #17-18
Planet Hulk (2015) #1-5
Runaways v4 (2015) #1-4
1602 Witch Hunter Angela (2015) #1
1872 (2015) #1-2
Red Skull (2015) #1-2
Civil War (2015) #1-4
Captain America: White (2008) #0-5
Captain America: Sam Wilson (2015) #7-8
Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014) #12
A-Force v1 (2015) #5
POP Secret Avengers: A Tussle in Time (2016)
Thunderbolts (2016) #1-12
Captain America: Steve Rogers (2016) #1-2, #4, #11-13, #16, #18
All-New, All-Different Avengers (2015) #8-9
Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill (2016) #1
Avengers Standoff: Assault On Pleasant Hill Alpha (2016) #1
Avengers Standoff: Assault On Pleasant Hill Omega (2016) #1
Black Widow v6 (2016) #9-10
Captain Marvel v6 (2016) #8
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2016) #8
A Year of Marvels: July Infinite Comic (2016) #1
Generations: Sam Wilson: Captain America & Steve Rogers: Captain America (2017) #1
Secret Empire (2017) #0, #2, #4-5, #8-10
Secret Empire: Brave New World (2017) #1-2, #4-5
Secret Empire Omega (2017) #1
Tales of Suspense v2 (2017) #100-104
Captain America v8 (2017) #25, #695, #701
Captain America v9 (2018) #1, #5-7, #12, #19-21
The Punisher v8 (2016) #227-228
The Punisher v9 (2018) #5
Old Man Hawkeye (2018) #6, #8
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) #7-10
Rise of the Black Panther (2018) #3
Captain America Annual (2018) #1
Winter Soldier (2018) #1-5
Invaders (2019) #1-12
War of the Realms (2019) #3-5
War of the Realms - Strikeforce: The War Avengers (2019) #1
Strikeforce (2019) #1-9
Web of Black Widow (2019) #2, #5
Deadpool v5 (2018) #13
Gwenpool Strikes Back (2019) #3
Captain Marvel v8 (2019) #6
Uncanny X-Men (2019) #11
Marvel Comics (2019) #1000-1001
Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #7
History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #2, #5
Avengers: Save Like A Hero (2019) #1
Captain America & The Invaders: Bahamas Triangle (2019) #1
Spider-Woman v6 (2020) #1
Amazing Spider-Man (2020) #38
Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula (2020) #1
Hawkeye: Freefall (2020) #1, #4
Falcon & Winter Soldier (2020) #1-5
Other Bucky reading guides *work in progress*
BuckyCap | Kid!Bucky | Steve/Bucky | Bucky/Nat | Falcon/Bucky | Bucky/Daredevil | Bucky/Hawkeye
updated 12/08/20
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spn-mediabigbang · 4 years
His Beating Heart
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Title: His Beating Heart Author: MaggieMaybe160 Artist: sissyray84 Beta: opal-galaxies33 Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Past Dean/Lisa, Background Meg/Charlie Rating: Explicit Word Count: 39k Source Material: Warm Bodies (2013) Summary: Cas is a zombie. Dean is alive. Can I make it anymore obvious? Dean is in mourning while Cas eats some brains. What more can I say? Cas wanted him, he couldn’t tell because his mouth was rotted all to hell. All of his friends stuck up their nose trying to sniff out their next meal.  Preview:  Dean looks up to find one of the corpses making its way toward him. Its mouth is smeared with fresh blood and the cold blue eyes stare vacantly into Dean.  Out of ammo, the gun on the floor, Dean reaches down to grab the knife from his boot. The thing keeps coming, its feet dragging lazily on the floor. Dean throws his knife in a practiced move, the blade embedding itself in the corpse’s chest.  It looks down, a look of annoyance crossing its face. Can corpses get annoyed? It’s probably just Dean projecting human emotions onto the thing. Dean backs up as the corpse grabs the handle of the knife and pulls it out, dropping it to the floor. “D- Deee-eean-n,” it groans, the word broken up and drawn out. Dean’s heart stops in his chest, fear rocketing through him. Corpses can’t talk and this one is now face to face with him. He sinks to the floor slowly, the thing crouching with him, keeping their eyes locked and at the same level.  All Dean can see is the intense, pale blue of the corpse’s eyes. The color is weirdly pretty, vacant of living color, but bright and hopeful anyway. He tries to focus on it, trying not to breathe through his nose. Everything about this blue-eyed thing is dead, except for the way it’s looking at him.  “Dee-eeeeeann?” it tries again. Dean feels wrong thinking of the corpse as an it, a thing. It used to be a human and from the looks of it, a man who wore suits.  A few snarls make his pale blue eyes widen. He looks down at the knife wound in his chest. Dean grimaces as he watches the corpse in front of him use his stiff fingers to scoop up the stale blood that’s oozing from his chest. He lifts his wet fingers to Dean’s face.  Dean shuts his eyes tight at the cold contact. The fingers are slimy as they press the rancid blood into his skin. Once his fingers are gone, Dean can still feel the slime on the right side of his face trailing down his neck.  He leans in close and Dean can hear him sniffing in the scent of rot that now covers Dean. He sits back a little and makes intense eye contact with him again. “Sa-aafe,” he declares in a breathy groan. “C-come.” The cold hand that had left Dean smelling like a corpse tightens on Dean’s hand. He pulls Dean to his feet, weirdly strong for someone so…well… dead.  As Dean is lead out of the room, his hand still clutched in the cold grip of the trenchcoat corpse, he looks down to find Sam curled up under a counter. Their eyes meet and they exchange a panicked look before Dean looks back at the messy dark hair of his captor and follows him out of the pharmacy.  Warnings: Graphic Violence Warning Tags: Minor Character Death(s), Smut, Angst, Fluff, Kidnapping, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting,  Mourning/Grieving, Zombie Gore, Almost Necrophilia,First Kiss, Dancing, Pining, Falling in Love, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Loving/Touching/Squeezing, one bed, Blood, Angst with a Happy Ending, Physical/Emotional Abuse, Anal sex, Spit as lube, Fingering, Scars, Domestic Fluff, Bottom Dean/Top Cas  Link to Fic  Link to Art
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seven-thewanderer · 5 months
An introduction!! 💖
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Welcome to my blog!! I know this is my 3rd intro but hush hushy hushy
I am Seven, and I use both she/her and he/him pronouns (with no preference)!!
I am both bisexual and bigender, but am still figuring myself out (since I may also be somewhere on the aroace spectrums)
I am a minor (but I am not actually seven, Seven's just my online nickname it's not my age), so don't be inappropriate. please. (not saying nobody can be nsfw anywhere, just please not directed at me)
Some examples of things I like (cus why not):
My friends!! (both online & irl)
Sweets (some sweets, not all)
Apple Cider Donuts (I will go crazy over apple cider donuts)
Forest-like vibes (idk how to word it)
Most bugs (so yeah this blog may get a slight cw for bugs) (especially with the bugs on my sona's hat)
And some examples of things I dont like:
Chocolate (stating this first cus I often get offered chocolate and I just. I don't like chocolate.)
My space/privacy getting invaded
Homophobes & Transphobes
Art theft
And there's probably more things I like & dislike but I can't think of everything XD
Also, please don't interact if you're:
And the more common lists of DNI (that everyone except me knows XD) (but yeah if you know that common list and you fit as one of the DNIs then you know that means don't interact)
And now it's time for the...
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(if it's hard to read it says "Tags" in all caps)
Some of the tags I use commonly a lot are tags like:
My Art (plus the non-mobile link) (since I'm pretty sure the first one is the mobile link)
Random Post (plus non-mobile link)
Random Reblog (plus non-mobile link)
Random Art Reblog (plus non-mobile link)
Then there's the important tags like:
Important reblog (plus non-mobile link)
Important (plus non-mobile link)
Then there's less important tags:
rant (plus non-mobile link)
<3 & 💖 (I didn't put links for these cus they're honestly very hard to track, they're unconsistant) (I can't link every sparkle heart post with just 1 sparkle heart, it's a random number of em)
Intro (this just lets you see all the intros I've made, which I believe is just 3? idk) (plus non-mobile link) (it's actually about to be 4 now. huh. I always thought I had 2 before this one.)
Then there's character tags like:
Sona (plus non-mobile link)
Sonas (yes they're separate blame past me) (here's non-mobile link)
my ocs (plus non-mobile link)
devicesonas (plus non-mobile link)
Clowns (so if you don't like clowns avoid this tag) (plus non-mobile link)
There's also character-specific tags:
Seven - my main sona (plus non-mobile link)
Silly - my silly goofy lil sona (plus non-mobile link)
Tabby - my tablet devicesona (plus non-mobile link)
Chromey - my chromebook devicesona (plus non-mobile link)
Swii - my switch devicesona (plus non-mobile link)
Phon - my phone devicesona (plus non-mobile link) I'll add more tags for any more sonas that get tags, like if I ever tag my piranha plant sona by their name, and if I actually share that new sona I made while I was gone.... (also apparently I haven't tagged Swii & Phon before, but I swear I tagged em once)
Then some extra tags like:
Tag game (plus non-mobile link)
Asks (plus non-mobile link)
Ask game (plus non-mobile link)
And I have a few AU tags like:
Sun & Moon AUs (plus non-mobile link)
SAMS AU (plus non-mobile link)
Treats! AU (plus non-mobile link) Also I've kinda lost my hyperfixation on Sun & Moon, so probably no more Sun & Moon AU content, but they'll still have a tag
And then some fandom-like tags I've kinda done (they're not gonna be linked, sorry):
FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Fandroid/Fandroid the Musical Robot
TWOMP (The World of Mr. Plant)
Gen Loss (Generation Loss)
Diep.io (yes I did once post a Diep.io oc don't question me)
SAMS (Sun and Moon Show) & some of the other channels (honestly Im kinda losing interest in this but I can't escape it's a daily thing it makes me wanna see what happens each day like what if I miss something-)
Roblox T2D/Roblox T2D DCO (Roblox Try to Die/Roblox Try to Die DCO)
Pokemon (and Fakemon but idk if that counts as a fandom)
Some of these I'm barely in, but I still like it
There's also some I either haven't done content for, or haven't shared yet like:
Murder Drones
Spooky Month
The Amazing Digital Circus (yes I do like TADC, I dare yall to guess my favorite character) (...or maybe favorites)
Chikn Nuggit
Billie Bust Up
Plus others I cannot think of rn XD
(Also I'm not in the Cookie Run fandom anymore, but I do still like looking at others' fan content)
Now, to exit the tags section, we have my side blog to mention!!
I've brought it up before, but I do have a side blog, which is specifically for a silly lil species I made called Floserds!!
Short summary: Flower Cows. That's legit the best I can give.
I'm leaving the rest of the details over to that blog, but yeah!!
I mainly bring that blog up though because if anyone's interested in the content there, then they can look at it!! However, I don't really want it to be either forced, or just for you to follow it because it's my side blog. It's mainly just if anyone's interested in the idea.
Of course, if nobody's interested in it then that's fine too, of course!!!
But yeah that side blog is @floserd-theflowercows!!
(also, so irrelevant but on the topic of sideblogs, it's a lil fun fact: one of my other sonas, Silly, was actually supposed to have a sideblog, but I didn't do it, since I thought it'd just be this blog, but sillier. Thus Silly doesn't have a sideblog)
But yeah so that this intro doesn't get too long, that's it!!! I hope anyone who's new here has fun!!!
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coolyo294 · 4 years
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Some dude years ago misheard my last name when I registered as an eaa member and no matter how many times I told them to change it they still call me Sam aaf lol
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samdeancass · 4 years
Girl I love your costume. You need a Dean and Sam! Pls check out my Spotify account. You can find me by searching Elijah mikaelson it’s my Sam. I would so love to dress up as a Winchester, I basically dress like Dean. AKF AAF 🧛‍♀️ Girl
Thank you! It took me forever to find everything! I definitely will check it out 😊
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