#aaron thorson
the-incorrect-rookie · 6 months
jackson, from beyond the grave: nice ass, sorry about the mental illness
aaron: thank you king
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sgtbradfords · 7 months
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Additional stills of Tim Bradford & Lucy Chen in 6x01 of The Rookie
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when the news of tim and lucy becomes news to everyone, can aaron please say “finally” again
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lucybradford · 2 years
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iameks · 2 years
SOOO I loved the episode.
The real queen of the episode was Nyla, I mean she caught two criminals and basically solved a murder case all while giving birth to her and James daughter.
I kinda liked Nolan as T.O. for now, I liked he even apologized to Aaron but I somewhat felt like his role was a bit marginal in this ep so in happy this way.
Angela was awesome, I loved how she questioned Tim, asking him why he was at Lucy's when Chris was found, and I know we all loved them for it. I might be wrong, but I think as for now Tim knows what his feelings for Lucy are but he is not ready yet to share and/or talk about them, probably cause he still have things to sort out on his own.
As for the only Chenford scene.. WELL, I was about to scream when they admitted they were about to sleep together, I felt like Tim actually let her go and choose that words just to ease her guilt, and to be sure she would do what's best for herself. I mean, if he didn't want her to misunderstand his reasons he would have said things differently, wouldn't he? I know Lucy was probably heartbroken cause that scene gave off breakup vibes, but I do think it was harder for Tim. He's looking out for her since the day they became T.O. and rookie, and now that he is aware of his own feelings toward her he will do everything he can to support her ambitions/dreams(??) and protect her, even letting her go and watching her from afar if that means that she won't blame herself, not for what was about to happen while Chris was about to die nor for why Chris was assaulted.
As for Chris, idk I kinda had hit of a good impression of him this episode. I mean he tried to convince Lucy to go to UC school, and I also really really appreciate he calling Tim to talk her into it. Although, I really got jealous vibes when he said that Lucy was taking good care of him.
I mean, why calling Tim if he is jealous?? Idk as of this matter I think I missed something or it was all just my imagination lol.
At last, I'm just gonna say that I loved seeing Genny again and I hope that now that she will move back to LA we'll see more of her.
That's all I think, at least for now, idk here it's 6.42am and I'm already sleepy so I can't think of anything else rn. I'll update later if something else will come to my mind.
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sculderfan · 2 years
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trashblog07 · 11 months
I ship celina and aaron dont @ me
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Coach Bradford
Summary: Tim, your father, agrees to coach your softball team along with Lucy.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, Tim being Tim, swearing, injury, blood, hospital
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Summer was officially here and that meant that travel softball was starting. You loved softball. You've loved it ever since you could remember. You had played it for most of your life starting from t-ball all the way up to fast pitch. You were the best player on the team. You could pitch, hit, catch, be infield and be outfield. You were just in elementary school ending 5th grade and already so good. Maybe it was because your dad, Tim Bradford, was a baseball lover and a hard ass when it came to practicing but he was only doing to help you. He would never push you too hard to the point of physical hurting yourself.
Playing softball took your mind off your mother not being there. She had left when you were young but you were old enough to understand what was going on. You threw yourself into softball which you just grown to love and it became one of your favorite hobbies.
You loved your team and your coach and coach assistants. You also loved that your dad, his girlfriend, Lucy Chen, and the rest of the group, John Nolan and Bailey Nune, Wesely Evers and Angela Lopez, Nyla Harper and James Murray, Celina Juarez, Aaron Thorson, and Wade Grey and Luna Grey, showed up to your games whenever possible.
Currently, your coach had to step away for a family emergency. The assistant coach was out sick, and the other coach was sick along with his wife, who was the assistant coach, but their kid was fine and staying with another friend. That meant a parent needed to step in. You being you volunteered your father and to say he was surprised but he would do it for you anyway.
You had just come to the station after practice still in your softball gear. You had been dropped off by your friend's parents. You walked into the station and greeted the front desk and they smiled and greeted back and let you go. As you were walking you ran into the first person you liked to play practical jokes on, Quigley Smitty. "Hello, Smitty." You said sweetly knowing it would unnerve him.
"Hello Mini Bradford." He said
"How are you?" You asked and he eyed you suspiciously.
"Fine." He said and you smiled.
"That's good. I'll see you around." You said and winked at him and walked off. He shivered you had played some pranks on him that made him scared of you. As you were walking further into the station you saw your dad. "Hey, Dad!" You said enthusiastically and he turned around and smiled.
"Hey, Sweetheart. How was practice?" He asked
"It was good. Coach had to tend to a family emergency and the assistant coach is out sick along with his wife." You said and he nodded. He knew the coaches and knew they wouldn't miss anything unless absolutely necessary.
"So who is going to be coaching you?" He asked as Lucy came up along with Angela and Harper.
"Oh you are." You said just so casually.
"Wait what?" He asked surprised.
"Yea they needed someone and I volunteered you." You said and the three girls snickered.
"What?" He asked turning to them.
"Oh it's nothing really but I can't see you coaching." Lucy said trying not to laugh.
"Well get used to it because you're helping him." You said smirking and her laughing stopped.
"What? Seriously?" She asked and you nodded and now it was his turn to laugh. "You know what? I would love to teach your team with you." Lucy said and you smiled.
"Thank you." You said
"Sweetheart, you know I would love coach too. You just took me by surprise." He said and you nodded.
"I know but none of the other parents know what they're doing but I knew you did. So, I volunteered you." You said now feeling guilty for now talking it over with him but they needed a decision right then and there. "I'm sorry for not talking to you about it. They needed someone right then and there." You said and everyone's heart broke.
"It's ok really. Lucy and I would love to coach you. It's not a problem." Your dad said and Lucy nodded.
"He's right. We would love to do anything for you." Lucy said and you looked at the two of them.
"Really?" You asked and they nodded.
"Although Tim may be a hard ass he would do anything for you, Y/N." Angela said
"She's right. When is next practice?" He asked
"Tomorrow at 8 AM. We don't stop until 3 PM." You said and they nodded.
"Perfect. Now go into Grey's office and wait until the shift is over." Your dad said and you nodded and headed off that way.
"You coaching? I would love to see this." Harper said smirking.
"I love coaching. You'll see it her next game." He said and then walked off. Lucy stayed behind and was about to say something but Tim's voice sounded "Chen!" He yelled.
"Uh yup! I'm coming!" She yelled back and took off after him.
"This is going to be interesting." Angela said
"You know it." Harper said and they walked off together talking about their recent case.
The next morning bright and early you were at the field with your team and Lucy. Everyone was on the field and they gathered around your dad and Lucy. "So what do you all do first?" Lucy asked.
"We usually stretch and then some of us start with some passing. The rest usually go with batting along and then some pitching and catching." Millie, your friend and main catcher, said your dad and Lucy nodded.
"Alright, we'll start with that. How many goes where usually?" Lucy asked before he could even though he knew the answer.
"Usually we have three groups of three practicing. 3 passing, 3 batting, and 3 pitching and catching." Samantha said and again they nodded.
"Alright get to stretching. We're going to need a third person." Your dad said and everyone scattered.
"Ok." Lucy thought "What about Harper and Angela?" She asked and Tim laughed.
"Yeah, that's a no-go." Tim said
"Nolan?" She asked
"He would be too nice to say no. Give him a call." Tim said and Lucy nodded and headed off to call him as Tim started to instruct on exercises.
6 minutes later Nolan was rolling up to the field with his fiancée Bailey Nune. You loved them both and were so happy to have them here. Tim gave him the run down and practice was started. Tim had tried not to be a hard ass because that's how his father was but he was organized and your team was really good. He wasn't surprised and neither was Lucy, Nolan, or Bailey because they had seen your team play and man were you guys good. You were only 5th graders and already good your goal was to play throughout middle school and high school.
Now that there was an extra person to help real practice began. You, Millie, and Samantha went with Tim to start practicing passing. Three went with Lucy to start batting. The last three went with Bailey and Nolan to start pitching and catching. Once the amount of time your dad thought was needed for each was up the groups switched. Breaks were given in between if needed.
Practice went really well. Some parents showed up and some had to work so they got a ride with a friend. Tim was afraid that he was going to need to be a hard ass but it turned out that was not the case and he knew that deep down but he was still afraid. "Alright girls! Bring it in!" Your dad yelled and everyone came in. "For the last few minutes of practice we're gonna run some plays. I'll be batting and Y/N will be pitching. Then we'll be switching it up and I will be hitting the ball to certain parts of the field." He added and everyone nodded.
"Got it!" Everyone said and you all were heading to your positions. Lucy, Bailey, and Nolan all stood to the side and the drill started. You started to pitch and some of them he could hit and others he couldn't and he was proud of that. After a few minutes of that it was time for him to hit the ball to different positions.
"Outfield!" He yelled and hit the ball and it went to the outfield and Amy got it threw it into Millie and it was a hard and fast throw and Lucy was impressed. "Good work!" Your dad yelled out and you smiled. "Alright infield!" He yelled and hit it directly at you and you got it then you passed it to, Christine, first base and then she passed it to Jennifer, third base, and then she finally passed it to Elizabeth, second base. Then the ball was passed back to you. That drill was practiced a few more times and different ways and then practice was over. Everyone huddled in.
"Great work guys. I'm impressed." Lucy said and everyone smiled.
"Thank you." Everyone said
"Next game is when?" Nolan asked
"Friday. Noon. Here." You replied and he nodded. More information was given and then everyone was breaking for the end of practice. You couldn't wait for the next game. The team you were going up against was at the same level your team was and it made you nervous but you had faith in your team and knew everything was going to be great.
On the ride home your father had stopped at your favorite place to eat and got you lunch/supper and then you both were headed home. "You did great. Everyone did great." He said and you smiled.
"Thank you that means so much to me and us. We work hard and we love the game." You said as he pulled into the driveway.
"That's what makes the game fun. I know it is a way for you to cope from when your mom left and I'm sorry for that." He said as he killed the engine and you shook your head.
"It's not your fault she loved being undercover more than her family. You don't think she'll show up do you?" You asked
"Do you want her to?" He questioned
"Would it be bad if I said not really?" You asked and he shook his head and smiled at you sympathetically.
"No, Sweetheart. Not at all." He said and you nodded "Lets go and eat and then spend the evening together binge watching our favorite show together." He added and you nodded and hugged him.
"Thank you, Dad." You said and he smiled.
"Anytime, Sweetheart." He said and kissed you sweaty head. "On second thought maybe you should take a shower after you eat. You're gross." He said and you slightly hit him.
"Rude." You said and he laughed.
"I was just joking. Seriously though you need to take a shower before after we eat." He said and you chuckled.
"I know." You said and the both of you went inside and ate. You then took a shower and then spent the evening together watching your favorite show together.
Friday came around and it was game day and you were nervous and felt that something was going to go wrong. You didn't want to bring this up to your dad because he had a lot going on right now and you knew that he would overreact. So you put on a brave face and got ready to go to the field.
When you got to the field some of your teammates were already there. Once you got there the rest of the team arrived along with Lucy, Nolan, and Bailey. Your dad had you guys practice some. Once he thought you all had enough it was time to rest and get ready to play. As you were resting and talking with your teammates you saw Grey, Luna, Angela, Wesley, Harper, James, Celina, and Aaron show up and you smiled and waved when they saw you. Your dad, Lucy, Nolan, and Bailey saw them too and they walked over. Everyone greeted each other and chit chatted and then it was time for the two teams to take the field. First up to pitch was your team.
You pitched and struck most of them out and the ones that got a hit were caught or tagged out. That feeling of something going wrong was pushed to the back of your mind and you were focused on the game. There had been a few close calls but you either ducked in time or caught the ball. You caught the ball in some fancy ways and everyone was impressed.
You had just pitched the ball and the other team hit it. The ball came back at you and you got it backhanded and then threw it. There was a player on first and when you pitched the second pitch they started to run the ball came to you and you caught it high and spun around and threw it to Christine, everyone cheered and you smiled. The third pitch was contacted with the bat and once again came to you and it was low so you dived for it and caught it and while still on the ground you threw it to Christine making sure the batter was out. That was three outs and it was your team's turn to bat. Your dad had been supportive and loving all the plays that were happening. As you headed to the dugout to change out gear and grab your bat. "Damn Tim you got yourself a real star there." Wesley said and that made him smile.
"I sure do." He replied
"I have to admit that you're really good at coaching." Harper said admitting defeat.
"He is amazing. I think he should keep coaching when he can." Lucy said and your dad laughed.
"This is a one time deal. I would rather be on the other side of the fence." He said
"Oh come on. You have to admit this is a little fun." Nolan said as he tended to the team with water bottles and words of encouragement.
"It is really fun." Bailey said
"Yes it is fun but I know that I'll just push it to far one time. I don't feel like ruining that relationship with Y/N/N.
"That's understandable." Grey said and Luna nodded and hugged his side.
"I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen." Celina said
"Everything is going to be fine." Aaron said but she was still apprehensive about it.
"I'm sure they wouldn't put these kids in danger. Right, Tim?" Angela asked
"That's right their priority and safety comes first but accidents do happen." He replied
"They're doing great." James said and your dad smiled.
"That they are." He said and then it was time to get back to the game. The other team may be good but your team was better. Each pitch was hit and runners were on base. Before you knew it the game was 4-0 with your team leading. It was your time to bat and you were nervous but you had to do this for your team. You took a few practice swings and could hear the parents and the others cheering you on. The ball was pitched and you swung, your bat made contact with the ball and it was out of the park giving you a homerun and sending the player on base home. The score was now 6-0 with your team leading.
Finally it was your turn to pitch again and the game was coming to a close. You threw a few warm-up pitches and then it was game on. The first few pitches were good and nothing had happened but that feeling something bad was going to happen came back. You threw the pitch and the other player hit the ball and it was a line drive to you and you tried to catch it but it hit you in the face and took you down. The crowd made a noise of hurt. You were grabbed the ball and threw it to Christine even though you were in pain. Then you were collapsing in pain and was close to blacking out and as your dad arrived with the others and the other coaches you were out cold and not moving. Bailey jumped into action. "Y/N can you hear me?" She asked but got no response.
"Y/N. Sweetheart." Your dad said but again no response.
"Call 911." Lucy said looking up at anyone.
"Already on it." Grey said as he had his phone to his ear. He walked slightly away and in a few seconds came back. "They'll be here in 2 minutes." He said.
"She's breathing and has a strong pulse." Bailey said but you still hadn't woken up and that sacred your dad. There was blood running down your face. "It looked like she got hit in the temple." She said and everyone nodded and agreed. "She was conscious enough to throw the ball so that is good." She said.
"I think she hit her head going down too. It would explain the blood." Angela said. The others had gone out to get direct the paramedics to you and they had just rolled in and onto the field. They assed you and Bailey gave them the run down and then they were loading you onto the gurney and taking you off the field and into the ambulance. The umpires called the game and your team ended up winning. Now it was a trip to the hospital. Tim rode with you while everyone stayed back to wrap things up and then they would be meeting you at the hospital.
They had taken you back fairly quickly leaving your dad in the waiting room. About 10 minutes later the others were joining him. "Any news?" Harper asked and your dad shook his head.
"No they took her back to run some tests but she hasn't woken up." He said
"Oh man. This sucks." Aaron said and everyone nodded.
"She's going to be ok." Grey said
"I agree. Have you seen who her dad is?" Lucy asked smiling and everyone chuckled.
"Thanks guys." He said
"Anytime." Angela said and just about that time your doctor came out.
"Bradford?" He asked and your dad was standing up and fast.
"That's me. I'm her father." He said and the doctor nodded.
"I'm Dr. Tango. You have one strong little girl. She's awake and just has a concussion. It seems like she passed out because that is how her body was dealing with the stress. I want to keep her overnight and check in on her in the morning. She's awake now and she can sleep but she'll need to be woken up every few hours and asked questions and monitored for any signs of change in how she looks or acts." Dr. Tango said and he nodded.
"Can we see her now?" Your dad asked and Dr. Tango nodded.
"I'll have a nurse lead you to her room." He said and he did just that. When they reached you, you looked so out of it but when you saw your dad you lit up.
"Daddy?" You asked and he smiled with tears in his eyes and he walked over to you.
"Hey, Sweetheart you scared us." He said
"I'm sorry." You said and he shook his head.
"Nothing to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault. Accidents happen." He said
"I knew something bad was going to happen but didn't want to tell you." You said and he smiled and shook his head "What?" You asked.
"Celina had a feeling something was going to happen to." He said and you looked over at her.
"I knew I liked her." You said smiling and everyone chuckled and she came over and hugged you. "Thank you everyone." You added as she pulled away.
"For what?" Bailey asked
"For being there at the game and helping me." You said
"We would've done it even if you weren't playing. You're our everything." Angela said and you smiled.
The rest of the day/night in the hospital was filled with games, food, chit chat, sleep and yes being woken up every few hours and asked the most simplest questions it was annoying but you knew it was necessary. When it was time for everyone to go home it was just you and your dad. You yawned and he smiled. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when I need to." He said and you nodded and laid down. As you were drifting off to sleep your mind drifted at the love and support you had and that made you feel good inside and smile.
"Dad?" You asked and he looked up from his phone.
"Yes, Sweetheart?" He asked
"I love you." You said and he smiled and leaned up and kissed you forehead.
"I love you too." He said as you closed your eyes and leaned into him. Yeah you had a pretty good support system and you weren't letting them go any time soon. No matter what the world threw at you.
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alisbackalleybbq · 1 year
Crush (Requested)
TW:  Mentions of violence against women.
This is not beta’d or edited. This was requested by @imagine-all-the-fandoms​.  I hope you like it and I’m sorry it took me so long.
“ Heeey ! Finally I found a blog writing for Tim 😍 would you do one for me where the reader is an officer as well and crushing on Tim (and vise versa) but both are too stubborn to admit and everyone kinda makes fun of them. Then during a call, she gets kidnapped and hurt and Tim is furious till she is saved and he makes sure to take care of her. Some fluff and kisses when they finally admit their feelings 💝💝 this would be great and TYSM !”
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“When are you going to stop staring at her and ask her out already?”  Nyla asked Tim.  He was standing at the back of the briefing room, arms crossed, glaring at Aaron Thorson who had said something to you that made you throw your head back and laugh at.
“I’m not staring,” Tim snapped.  “We’re here to learn about a dangerous op.  Not tell jokes.”
“Mmmm, okay,” Nyla smirked.  
“She just made P2.  I can’t get involved even if I wanted to.”  Tim sighed.
“I never thought I’d see the day that Tim Bradford was scared.”  Angela quipped.
“I’m not scared.”  Tim scoffed.  “I’m being smart.”
“Smart by letting the woman you have a crush on get away?”  Nyla scowled.
“I don’t have a crush on her!  She’s a subordinate.”  Tim scowled back.
“You’re with Metro now.  You’re not her sergeant anymore.  You’re just making excuses.”  Angela rolled her eyes.
Nyla tsked at Tim and shook her head.  “Tim ‘the Coward’ Bradford.” 
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“You’re just going to have to man up and ask him out.”  Aaron said to you.
“I’m not a man, Aaron.”  You said sarcastically.
“You know what I mean,” he replied, glaring at you jokingly. 
“Why would I ask him out?”  You questioned.  “He’s Tim Bradford.  He could have any woman on or off the force that he wanted.  He’s not going to want me.”
“Please!  I’ve seen the way he looks at you.  I’ve seen the way you two interact.  Stop being a scaredy cat and just ask him out.”  Aaron urged.
“I’ll pass, Aaron.  If that makes me a scaredy cat, that’s fine.  But I’m not going to risk my ego on being rejected by Bradford.”  You replied.
“Listen up,” Sgt. Grey took the podium.
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Tim was out patrolling the area where the suspect in a brutal attack on a female jogger was reported to live.  The briefing that morning had left him angry that somebody in his city had come up behind women jogging in the park and attacked them.  So far there had been five victims.  Tim wanted this creep off the streets yesterday.  It didn’t help that he saw red when Aaron had put his hand on your back.  The ribbing from Nyla and Angela had also played into his anger but it got him thinking about you.  
“Units on the City Wide,” the dispatch voice over the radio cut through his thoughts, “possible officers in distress.  Seven-Adam-15 is not responding to Status Checks.”
Tim’s blood ran cold.  You were in 7-Adam-15 today with Nolan.  “What is their last known location?”  Tim radioed back.
“They checked out at 759 College Avenue on a noise complaint.”  Dispatch answered.
“Copy, I’m enroute.”  He flipped his sirens on and sped toward College Avenue.  
When he arrived, he saw the shop parked out in front of a house with the numbers 759 on it.  Tim flew out of the car when he noticed Nolan laying on the sidewalk.
“Nolan!  Nolan!”  Tim yelled, quickly scanning for injuries.  John Nolan groaned in response.  “Nolan, wake up! What happened?”
“Ugh,” Nolan squinted at Tim and put his hand to his head.  
“I  need an RA to this location for an injured officer.”  Tim radioed in.  “What happened?  Where’s your boot?”  Tim couldn’t bring himself to say your name.  If it was bad news, he thought somehow referring to you as a boot would lessen the blow.
“She knocked on the door.  The guy came out and hit me with a bat.  He grabbed her and dragged her into the house.  I tried to radio before I blacked out but…” John trailed off, the worry, anger, and fear evident on his face.  “It’s the guy from the park.”
“The one attacking the joggers?” Tim clarified.
“Yes.”  John tried to sit up.
“Whoa, just stay down.”  Tim put his hand on John’s chest and pushed him back onto the ground.  
“I have to go get her.”  John groaned.
“Dispatch, I’m going to need immediate backup at this location.  Officer kidnapped.”  Tim unholstered his gun and went toward the front door.
“You should wait for backup!”  John called then winced in pain.
Tim ignored him and went to the front door, pounding his fist against the door as hard as he could.  “LAPD!  Open the door!”  He commanded.  He waited for what felt like a year but it was only a minute before he tried the doorknob.  He rolled his eyes at himself, of course the door was locked.  He ran back to his shop and grabbed a window breaker.  He didn’t want to waste any time banging against the glass that might not break easily.  Tim quickly used the tool to crack the glass in the door window.  He used his radio to break it fully and make room for his hand to slip in.  He didn’t even feel the jagged glass cutting deep into his skin.  He unlocked the door and entered the house, gun at the ready.
“LAPD!”  He shouted.  “Come out now with your hands up!”  There were some crashing sounds from the basement.   He ran down the stairs and was shocked at what he saw.  You were bleeding from various wounds around your head and face, there was an angry red mark on your throat, your uniform was ripped, and there was blood seeping out of a wound in your chest.  
You were straddling the suspect who was sprawled on the floor, still fighting.  “You.  Are.  Under.  Arrest.”  You declared, each word punctuated by your elbow connecting with the suspect’s body somewhere.
“Are you okay?”  Tim asked.
“No!”  You growled out.  “He won’t stop resisting.”  Just as you finished speaking, the suspect hit you in the face with a closed fist.  
“Son of a bitch!”  You cried out.  Before you could register what was happening, you were looking up at the ceiling, having been flipped on your back.  You rolled over to see Tim flinging the suspect onto his stomach.
“You’re under arrest!”  Tim yelled.  “Put your hands behind your back.”  The suspect complied right away and started quietly crying. 
The next five minutes were a blur.  Nyla showed up to haul the suspect up the stairs and outside the house.  He was being checked over by medics.  Tim helped you up the stairs and made sure you were sitting in an ambulance before he went to check on John.
Tim was quickly back by your side.  “How’s Nolan?”  You croaked out, your throat feeling like it was on fire.  You held an ice pack to the side of your face.  The paramedic was checking a deep cut on your chest.
“He’s okay.  They said he most likely has a concussion but they’re going to take him to the hospital for tests.”  Tim replied.  “How’re you?”
You nodded softly.  “I’ll live.” 
“You’re a hell of a fighter.”  The paramedic said.  “You beat that guy up all by yourself?”
“Yeah,” you gave the attractive paramedic a shy smile.  
“That��s badass.”  He replied.
“Anyway,” Tim growled.  
“Tim,” you gasped, grabbing his hand.  His heart fluttered at the contact.  “You’re hurt.”
“What?”  He asked, confused, noticing blood on his arm.  
“You’re cut.”  You said.
“It’s nothing.”  Tim shook his head.  
“Those might need stitches,”  The paramedic commented, looking over Tim’s cuts.
“I’ve had worse.”  Tim tried to shake it off.
“Well it’s a good thing I’m going to the hospital.”  You said.  “You can ride with me.”
“Nah,” Tim waved you off.  “I’m fine.”
“Please,” you grabbed his hand again.  “I hate hospitals.  If you’re there, it’ll make me feel better.”
Tim smiled at you and nodded.  “Okay, fine.”
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Tim was annoyed.  It had taken 45 minutes for him to get the cuts on his arm stitched up.  That was 45 minutes that he was away from you.  Forty-five minutes that you were stuck in the hospital, a place you hated, without him there to make you feel better.
He growled all the way from the room he’d been in to the room where you were.  You were lying in a hospital bed, bruised and bandaged up.
“Hey,” he said softly, sitting next to your bed and grabbing your hand.  “How’re you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck.”  You smiled softly.  
“You’re shaking,” Tim pointed out.
You nodded.  “I can’t make it stop.”
“Adrenaline is wearing off.  You had to put up a hell of a fight.”  Tim brushed some hair away from your forehead.  
“I was so scared.”  You told him, tears pooling in your eyes.  “I thought I was going to die.  Then I heard you and I knew I was safe.”
“If it makes you feel better, I was scared too.”  Tim confessed.
You scowled at him.  “You were?”  He nodded but didn’t say anything.  “Why?”
“I didn’t know what I was going to find.  I didn’t know if you were hurt or…” he trailed off.
“Yeah.  That’s one thing about us cops,” you said.  “We’re a family and we never want to see one of us hurt.”
“It’s not just that.”  Tim said, taking a deep breath.  “I…I didn’t want to find you hurt.  I didn’t want anything bad to have happened to you.  All I could think about was that if you were…I wouldn’t be able to tell you that I want to take you out on a date…if you want.”
“You want to date me?”  You were incredulous.  Was this really happening?
“I have for a long time.  I just didn’t have the guts to say anything.  I was afraid you’d reject me.” 
“You were afraid I’d reject you?  Tim Bradford was scared that I’d reject him?”  
“According to Nyla my name is now Tim ‘the Coward’ Bradford.”  He rolled his eyes and smiled.
You giggled.  “I’d love to go out with you, Tim.  I’ve been attracted to you for…well, since the first time I met you.”
“You were attracted to me after I yelled at you for spilling coffee on my uniform?”  He chuckled.
“Yeah.  Right after that, I saw you kneel down to talk to a child so you were on the same level as him.  I knew there was more to you than an asshole.”  
“That’s…flattering.”  Tim said.  He cupped your cheek and leaned in.  He softly brushed his lips against yours.  You gently kissed him back. Tim broke the kiss and sat back in his chair next to your bed.  He picked up a brown paper bag and held it out to you.
“Please tell me that’s an Elvis burger from Mrs. C’s.”  You sighed.
“Extra bananas.”  Tim smirked, handing you the bag.
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candice127 · 2 years
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sarah-cam · 2 years
“lucy will kill me if i let you die” co-captain aaron thorson strikes again 🫡
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kcthescreamqueen · 1 year
Tag Lists
These are the fandoms and people I’ll write for. I will update this every time I get into a fandom!
The Vampire Diaries Universe 
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Jenna Sommers
Katherine Pierce
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Alaric Saltzman 
Matt Donavan
Tyler Lockwood
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Hope Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Rebekah Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson 
Finn Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Kai Parker
Davina Claire
Harry Potter (Golden Trio and Marauders Era) 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Bill Weasley
Viktor Krum
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger 
Regulus Black 
Barty Crouch 
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Clint Barton
Thor Odinson 
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Alexei (Nat's dad)
Melina (Nat's Mom)
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker (All 3)
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Peitro Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Quill
Matt Murdock
Bucky Barnes 
Scott Lang
Hope Pym
Brock Rumlow 
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Archie Andrews
Joaquin DeSantos
Sweet Pea
Cheryl Blossom
Polly Cooper
Toni Topez
Fred Andrews
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Emily Prentiss
Gilmore Girls
Rory Gilmore
Luke Danes
Lane Kim
Paris Geller
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Logan Huntzburger
Shadow Hunters
Jace Herondale
Alec Lightwood
Izzy Lightwood
Raphael Santiago
Magnus Bane
Clary Fray
Simon Lewis
Hodge Starkweather
Luke Garroway
Jocelyn Fray
Sebastian Morganstern 
House Of The Dragon 
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Viserys Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Helena Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Fifty Shades of Grey
Christian Grey
Ana Steele
Mia Grey
Nate Grey
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Billy Loomis
Stu Mocher
Sydney Prescot
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Gale Weathers
Randy Meeks
Tags: @mbav3rdseason
Mickey Altri
Mark Kincaid
Roman Bridger
Chad Meeks Martin
Mindy Meeks Martin
Sam Carpenter (Loomis)
Tara Carpenter
Ethan Landrey
The Hunger Games Franchise
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Cinna Vaught
Haymitch Abernathy
Effie Trinket
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
(Young) Snow
The Rookie
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan 
Bailey Nune
Nyla Bishop
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
Aaron Thorson 
Dean Winchester 
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Bella Swan
Charlie Swan
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Cullen
Jacob Black
Grey Anatomy
Mark Sloan
Derek Shepherd
Alex Karev
Merdith Grey
Lexie Grey
Cristina Yang
If you wanted tagged let me know what/who you want tagged for and I'll add you to my tag list!
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chenlopez · 2 years
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aaron is definitely a chenford supporter and no one can convince me otherwise like the way he said finally when lucy said she was going to break up with chris. my man is just waiting for these two idiots to get together.
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bobbie-robron · 30 days
Classic ED - 2005 Debuts & Departures
Classic ED begins airing the 2006 episodes (303 episodes produced) during week 37 (Sep-2024) barring preemptions. Below are KEY character arrivals/departures via ED Wikis.
Tumblr media
04-Jan - Terence Turner returns recast (Nick Brimble)
12-Jan - Samson Dingle born (Bradley Milnes)
03-Feb - Aaron Livesy returns (Danny Webb)
16-Feb - Jamie Hope (Alex Carter)
27-Feb - Katie Sugden returns (Sammy Winward)
03-Mar - Grayson Sinclair (Christopher Villiers)
03-Mar - Perdita Hyde-Sinclair (Georgia Slowe)
23-Mar - Rosemary King (Linda Thorson)
13-Jul - Eli Dingle (Joseph Gilgun)
24-Aug - Latisha Daggert returns (Danielle Henry)
12-Oct - Vic Sudgen returns recast (Isobel Hogdins)
15-Oct - Emily Kirk returns (Kate McGregor)
18-Oct - Ethan Blakee returns (Liam O’Brian)
03-Nov - Lily Butterfield (Anne Charleston)
03-Nov - Eve (Birch) Jenson returns (Raine Davison)
16-Nov - Billy Hopwood (David Crellin) single appearance then regular in 2007
26-Nov - David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden)
26-Dec - Grace Barraclough (Glynis Barber)
09-Feb - Aaron Livesy (Denny Webb) returned recast 10-Nov-2008
12-Mar - Nicola Blackstock (Nicola Wheeler) returned 12-Sep-2007
13-Apr - Terence Turner (Nick Brimble) death
12-May - Lesley Meredith (Sherrie Hewson)
14-Jul - Dawn Woods (Julia Mallam) death
25-Jul - Victoria Sugden (Hannah Midgley) returned recast 12-Oct-2006
31-Jul - Alice Dingle (Ursula Holden-Gill) suicide-assisted death
02-Aug - Ivan Jones (Daniel Brocklebank) and Simon Meredith (Dale Meeks)
14-Aug - Martin Crowe (Graeme Hawley)
27-Aug - Latish Daggert (Danielle Henry)
30-Aug - Danny Daggert (Cleveland Campbell) returned 25-May-2007 for 4 episodes
21-Sep - Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) returned 28-Apr-2009 and Sadie King (Patsy Kensit)
20-Oct - Ethan Blake (Liam O’Brien)
10-Nov - Adam Forsythe (Richard Shelton) suicide
15-Dec - Jean Hope (Susan Penhaligon)
25-Dec - Tom King (Ken Farrington) death
Previous arrivals and departures by year:
1999 - 2005 (cumulative)
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iameks · 2 years
Since Sunday the new season will start I want to follow a lot more blogs about The Rookie & Chenford, so if you post about them like or reblog this post so I can follow you and we can enjoy the new episodes together.
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