#abel x julia
rambite6 · 7 months
Ardra and Uttara Bhadrapada: Slow burn
Due to the deity associated with Ardra, Rudra, a fierce form of Shiva, Ardra males often embody the "bad boy" persona. Ahir Budhyana, the deity for uttara bhadrapada also known as the Water Serpent or Dragon of the Deep Seas, is the God of Fertility and Kundalini. Possessing a strong inclination towards seclusion, he is one of the 11 Rudras of Shiva and the son of Viswakarma, the Celestial Architect. Ahir Budhyana exhibits a calmer demeanor compared to other forms of Rudra, displaying discipline and restraint, which is further influenced by Saturn's presence in this nakshatra. This nakshatra carries a dissolution aspect, symbolizing death, transformation, and enlightenment through the destruction of forms, which aligns with Shiva's domain. It is said that even Shiva wears a serpent around his neck.
Uttara Bhādrapadā, the 26th nakshatra ruled by Saturn and located in Pisces rasi, symbolizes the deep sleep state and unconscious exploration. Represented by the back part of a funeral cot, it embodies mystery and fertility, with its deity Ahir Bhudhanya associated with maintaining the earth's fertility. Uttarabhadrapada signifies the unfathomable darkness from which creation emerges, posing fundamental questions about existence and the universe. Natives of this nakshatra tend to be disciplined, empathetic, and secretive, often striving for higher awareness and benevolence. It shakti is the power to bring rain and prosperity, reflecting the refined aspects of Saturn's influence through hard work and struggle.
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Heath ledger Ardra ☽ x Julia stiles UBP ☉ in 10 things I hate about you
In "10 Things I Hate About You," Heath Ledger's character, Patrick, the school's "bad boy," is approached by two classmates who give him an ultimatum: to date Julia Stiles' character, Kat, so their friend can get closer to her sister Bianca. This is because Bianca is not allowed to date unless Kat is dating someone, as commanded by their father, Walter, who seems to favor Kat due to her introverted, anti-social, and intellectually disciplined nature. Patrick agrees to date Kat in exchange for money but faces constant rejection from her until she eventually starts going out with him while still remaining suspicious. As they continue dating, Patrick realizes they actually have a lot of common both intellectually and emotionally he then begins to feel guilty for accepting the money because he realizes that he has genuine feelings for Kat, and which she starts to returns those feelings.
Ardra, although ruled by Rahu, embodies a combination of Budh and Rahu energies. This nakshatra enhances intellectual prowess, communication skills, and manual dexterity in its natives. With abundant mental and nervous energy, Ardra individuals exhibit qualities such as wit, versatility, and quickness of thought. Similar to a diamond, Ardra's intellectualism is sharp and multifaceted. The Ardra characters aren’t just bad boys but “geniuses”.
In addition, it's worth noting that Uttara Bhadrapada natives often tend to be the favored "daughters," as seen in examples like Cinderella and Kim Kardashian with her biological father, both exemplifying the concept of "daddy's girls."
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Reese Witherspoon UBP ☉ x Ryan Philipe Ardra ☽ in cruel intentions
In cruel intentions, Philipe character Sebastian who is looked at as “intelligent manipulator”, places a bet with his step-sister that he can take the daughter of the new headmaster at their school, Reese Annette character virginity, so she can be “ruined” and looked down upon by her peers. Sebastian struggles to seduce Annette because she is already aware of his reputation as a promiscuous bad boy. He still tries to pursue through many devious actions against others but soon genuinely falls in love with Annette, and she slowly returns the feelings.
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Stacy Martin UBP ☉ x Tahar Rahim Ardra ☉ in treat me like fire
Upon meeting Abel (Tahar Character), a captivating gambler, Ella's (Stacy character) life undergoes a profound transformation as she delves into the exhilarating yet risky realm of underground Parisian gambling clubs. Initially started by a bet, their bond intensifies into an all-passion relationship, propelling Ella to navigate the adrenaline-charged underground gaming scene.
The Ardra and Uttara bhadrapada relationship doesn’t start out with a solid foundation, it is overtime when the relationship starts to develop into something deep and sincere. As seen in real life couple, Heath Ledger and Gemma Ward.
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Heath ledger Ardra ☽ x Gemma Ward UBP ☽
Heath Ledger dated Gemma Ward in 2007; both were grappling with personal struggles, which brought them together.
"I kind of met him at first and said, 'Listen my mum's living with me right now and I'm kind of going through a hard time and I'm not interested in having a serious relationship with somebody right now' and he was like, 'You know, um, let's just be there for each other through these hard times we're both going through,'" says Ward. "And we developed a relationship and we started seeing each other."
Sources: The Book of Nakshatras by Prash Trivedi
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catboymoses · 1 month
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Meat Loaf and Raul Julia in As You Like It, 1973
Photo by Friedman-Abeles x
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 16 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Age gap, language, sexual themes (used lightly), physical abuse (Not by Dean)
Word Count:
A/N: I was going to write something with Cas and Julia but didn't know how as it's taking place while Heaven is closed and Cas doesn't have his powers, I felt it would be unnecessary for now. Also, keep in mind that since I haven’t seen the show in a min that some things may not be accurate to the show but im trying my best to make it make sense still lol. Cas will show up later but only in small portions. This fic is mostly centered around Dean and Julia and obviously I'm not leaving Sam out lol
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As the Impala sped down the quiet Kansas highway, the tension inside was palpable. Sam sat in the passenger seat, flipping through some old notes they'd collected about their next hunt. Julia, who sat in the back seat, could feel the unease in the air. Julia took a few days off while Dean and Sam had an intense fight with some angels who had gone after Cas, the Angel who turned human and is now homeless, the weight of what was coming next was clearly wearing on the brothers. Julia has met Cas once before, after a hunt had gone wrong, Dean had Cas use his powers to heal her. She hoped he was doing okay.
Julia leaned forward between the seats, curious. "So... what's next on the docket? Another round of smiting or something worse?"
Dean's hands tightened on the steering wheel. He glanced at Sam, who gave a subtle nod. "Abaddon," Dean said flatly, the name carrying a weight that made Julia sit up straight.
"Who's that?" she asked, feeling a cold chill down her spine.
Sam turned slightly, giving Julia a look that made it clear just how serious the situation was. "She's the last Knight of Hell. Powerful, dangerous, and practically unstoppable. We've run into her before, and she's not just some random demon. She's on a mission to take over Hell and, by the looks of it, the world."
Julia's eyebrows furrowed. "A Knight of Hell? I didn't even know that was a thing."
Dean's jaw tightened. "She's the worst of the worst, Julia. And we don't have the weapon we need to take her down."
She frowned. "What kind of weapon?"
Sam chimed in. "The First Blade. It's the only thing that can kill her. We've got a lead on it, but there's a problem."
Dean huffed, clearly still irritated by the whole situation. "The only guy who knows where it is... is Cain."
Julia blinked. "Cain? Like... as in Cain and Abel? That Cain?"
"Yeah," Sam said grimly. "He's the one who created the First Blade. And now we have to convince him to let us use it."
"Cain's still around?" Julia asked in disbelief.
Dean smirked bitterly. "Yeah, and he's not exactly the brother-of-the-year type. We already crossed paths with him, but getting the Blade is a whole different game."
"So, where is this First Blade?" she asked, trying to keep up with the mountain of information.
Dean sighed. "That's the thing. We don't know yet. We have a rough lead, but it's not going to be easy. First, we need to track down Crowley."
Julia raised her eyebrows. "Crowley? As in the King of Hell?"
"Yeah," Sam said, his voice heavy. "He's our best bet for finding the Blade. He's been playing both sides of this fight, but we don't have much of a choice."
"Sounds like a real solid plan," Julia muttered sarcastically, though she could tell this situation was no joke.
Dean gave a half-hearted smirk at her sarcasm. "That's the life. One bad decision after another."
"So, what's my role in this?" she asked, her tone a little more serious.
Dean glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "Your role is to stay out of the way when things go sideways."
Julia rolled her eyes. "Right. Like that's ever worked."
Sam chuckled despite the tension. "You're not exactly the 'sit this one out' type."
"Damn straight," Julia said with a grin.
The conversation settled into a heavy silence as they continued driving, the weight of their mission hanging over them like a dark cloud. They still had a long way to go, and finding the First Blade was only the beginning. But for now, they had each other—and that was something, at least.
As they pulled into the bunker's garage, Dean turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat. "We're getting closer to taking her down, but the closer we get, the more dangerous this becomes. You ready for that?"
Julia looked at him, meeting his gaze in the rearview mirror. "I've been ready for this since the day I started hunting. Abaddon or not, I'm in."
Dean nodded, then glanced at Sam, who gave a reassuring smile. "Alright then," Dean said, his tone gruff. "Let's gear up."
With that, they all climbed out of the car and headed into the bunker. There was no telling what was coming next, but one thing was certain—they were about to face their biggest challenge yet.
The bunker was dimly lit, the faint glow of old lamps casting shadows against the walls as Dean, Sam, and Julia gathered around the war room table. Maps and scattered notes lay in front of them, but the tension was thick. They knew the next step, but it was a step none of them wanted to take.
Dean broke the silence. "Alright, we need to talk to Crowley. I hate it, but he's the only shot we've got at finding the First Blade."
Sam, leaning back in his chair, rubbed his face. "Yeah, and the fact that Abaddon's already got most of Hell under her thumb means he's desperate. We might actually have a bargaining chip."
Julia had heard stories about Crowley, the King of Hell. It was weird knowing they'd have to trust a demon—especially the demon—but she trusted the Winchesters enough to know they wouldn't make this move unless it was absolutely necessary. "You think he'll actually help us?" she asked, still skeptical.
Dean scoffed. "Crowley? Help us? Hell no. But he'll help himself. And right now, that means finding the Blade."
Sam sighed, pushing away from the table. "Let's get this over with."
They arranged the meeting in an old, abandoned factory on the outskirts of town. The crumbling walls and rusted machinery made the place fitting for a clandestine meeting with the King of Hell. Dean stood with his arms crossed, eyes scanning the area, while Sam and Julia waited nearby, both on edge.
A crackle of energy filled the air, and with a faint pop, Crowley appeared, adjusting his suit as if stepping out of thin air was an everyday occurrence.
"Hello, boys" Crowley said, his eyes gleaming with mischief as they fell on the trio. "The Winchesters. Always a pleasure."
Dean glared. "Crowley."
Crowley's smile widened as he took in Julia's presence, raising an eyebrow. "And who's this? A new recruit? You lads are moving up in the world."
Julia shot him a look. "I've heard a lot about you, Crowley."
"I'm sure you have, love," he replied, his tone dripping with mock politeness. He turned his attention back to Dean. "So, I take it you're here to discuss our mutual problem?"
Sam stepped forward. "Abaddon. She's taking over Hell, Crowley. We know you want your throne back. You help us find the First Blade, we kill her, and you get your seat of power. It's a win-win."
Crowley chuckled, his eyes darkening. "Oh, it's a win for me, all right. Abaddon's made quite the mess of things. Hell's not what it used to be. And as much as I enjoy a good game of thrones, she's overstayed her welcome."
Dean's patience was running thin. "So, can you find it or not?"
Crowley gave him an exaggerated sigh. "You never did learn patience, did you, Squirrel? Yes, I can locate the First Blade. But it won't be easy. The Blade has been hidden for centuries—protected by ancient wards, spells even I can't touch."
"Then how are you supposed to find it?" Julia asked, arms crossed.
Crowley smirked. "There's a certain... relic... I can use to track its energy. Think of it as a hellish dowsing rod. But it'll take time. And in the meantime, you'll have to play nice."
Dean clenched his jaw. "Play nice?"
Crowley shrugged. "You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Help me clean up a few... minor messes left in Abaddon's wake, and I'll make finding the Blade my top priority."
Dean let out a bitter laugh. "I knew there was a catch."
"Always is, darling," Crowley said, flashing a wide grin. "But I'm a man of my word. Help me, and I'll get you the Blade. It's in my best interest, after all."
Sam looked at Dean, a silent exchange passing between them. They didn't have much of a choice. If Crowley really could locate the Blade, they needed him. But working with the King of Hell was a dangerous gamble.
Dean sighed. "Fine. But don't even think about screwing us over, Crowley. You'll regret it."
Crowley's grin didn't falter. "Oh, Dean. I wouldn't dream of it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some demons to herd. I'll be in touch." And with another crackle of energy, Crowley disappeared.
Julia let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "That guy gives me the creeps."
Dean nodded. "Join the club."
Sam rubbed the back of his neck. "We've got to stay sharp. Whatever Crowley's got planned, we'll need to keep our eyes open."
Dean's gaze hardened. "Let's just hope this leads us to the Blade. I want that bitch dead, and I don't care how many deals we have to make to do it."
Julia stayed quiet, watching Dean's intensity as they left the factory. She had seen the weight he carried, and though she wasn't sure where she fit into the brothers' lives yet, she was determined to see this fight through to the end. If finding the First Blade meant saving the world from Abaddon's chaos, she was all in—no matter the cost.
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
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ILW Fanfics/HCs:
read on ao3
key: ☁️ fluff, 💔 angst, 🔥 nsfw
characters are based on ilw (a fan-made third installment of the it lives anthology by @itlivesproject)
**note: fics labeled 🔥 contain mature content (sexual themes) -> 18+ only**
Abel x MC
Breakfast at Abel's ☁️🔥 An extra scene for ch. 14 of ILW; Abel and Rowan enjoy each other's company the morning after their night together. Sleeping HCs ☁️ Lunch with Abel ☁️ A bonus scene set sometime in ch. 5 of ILW; Abel treats Rowan to lunch. Manito ☁️🔥 Cesar meets Abel's better half. Dinner with Abel ☁️ A bonus scene for ILW; Rowan tries to cook a meal for Abel. Close to You ☁️🔥💔; SFW Version ☁️💔 Set sometime after the ILW finale (Mixed Route); The many times Rowan wakes up without Abel, and the one time she does. The Beach Episode (ft. the whole gang); Video Version ☁️🔥 Set two years post-ILW finale (Mixed Route); The gang is reunited for a much needed beach vacation.
Amalia x MC
And They Were Roommates Pt. 2 🔥 Amalia and Rowan hit a roadblock during their first time together. And They Were Roommates Pt 2.5 ft. Connor x MC 🔥 Untitled 💔 A short drabble written after the events of ch. 16 of ILW. Lemon Drops ☁️ A bonus scene for ILW; Set pre-finale (Blood Route)- Rowan recreates an old memory.
Connor x MC
And They Were Roommates 🔥 Set sometime after ch. 3 of ILW; Connor and Devon get caught in the act by their two new roommates. Down in New Orleans 🔥 A bonus scene for ch. 1 of ILW; After retrieving the knife for their contact, Devon has a moment of doubt. Connor takes time to reassure her that they'll be okay. Inspired by the iconic finer scene in 'When Harry Met Sally.'
Lincoln x MC
Intervention 💔🔥 Set sometime after ch. 15 of ILW; Two weeks after the fallout, Lincoln gets an unexpected visitor. Gift HCs ☁️ Handmade ☁️🔥 A bonus scene for ILW; Rowan decides to make something for Lincoln.
Matthias x MC
Burn 💔🔥 Rowan and Matthias get interrupted... but not for long.
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100 Follower Special🖤
Doing each other’s hair; Lincoln x Rowan (F) ☁️ Facetiming each other; Lincoln x Orion (M) 🔥 Playing with each other’s fingers; Abel x Sadie (F) ☁️ Showering together; Abel x Rowan (F)  ☁️💔 Showering together; Abel x Edward (M) ☁️ Showering together; Abel x Julia (F) ☁️ Nicknames; Abel x Rowan (M) ☁️
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ILW Deep Dives
ILW Deep Dives:
Slow Burn vs Friends w/ Benefits
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 21
Chapter 23:
Abel's finale
Amalia's finale
Jocelyn's finale
Lincoln's finale
Matthias' finale; alt finale
Blood/Mixed/Shadow ask
It Lives Appreciation Week Posts 
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My Doodles/Edits:
Abel: Drunk Edition  Lincoln: Eat the Rich Karaoke Night  Beardless Comic Polaroids (Abel x MC) The Flint Family Abel's Scrapbook Abel x Lincoln: Subway
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Most fucked up ships:
Yes I am including some old ships from previous tournaments, I haven’t gotten enough new ships otherwise, apologies.
1. Dolph Laserhawk x Alex Taylor from Captain Laserhawk
2. Niji Red x Ramon from Captain Laserhawk
3. Dolph Laserhawk x Rayman from Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
4. Sarah Fisher x Dolph Laserhawk from Captain Laserhawk A Blood Dragon Remix
5. Yuuji Itadori x Mahito from Jujitsu Kaisen
6. Jiang Cheng/Qi Rong, from 'The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation' and 'Heaven Official's Blessing'
7. bingqui (luo binghe x shen qingqiu) from scum villain's self saving system.
8. Heaven Official's Blessing. Ships He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.
9. Ives and Boyd from Ravenous 1999
10. Eve and Vilanelle, Killing Eve
11. cain/abel, the Bible
12. Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen/Song Lan (songxuexiao), The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi
13. Sephiroth/Cloud (FF7 Compilation)
14. Clary and Jace from the Mortal Instruments
15. Rika Sasaki/Yoshiyuki Terada, Cardcaptor Sakura,
16. The Folgers Coffee ship. From the Home for the Holidays commercial from 2009.
17. Veralidaine Sarrasri/Numair Salmalín, from the Immortals Quartet
18. Eli/Oskar, Let the Right One In (2008).
19. Lavan Firestorm/Kalira, Brightly Burning
20. Lapis/Jasper (Steven Universe
21. PearlescentMoon/SMajor, the Life Series
22. Christine/The Phantom (Phantom of the Opera
23. Distracted Boyfriend/Jealous Girlfriend, Distracted Boyfriend meme
24. The Brain/Julia (Animaniacs 2020)
25. Veronica Sawyer/JD (Heathers)
26. Sterek, Teen Wolf
27. Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard, The Magnus Archives
28. Fyodor and Nikolai, Bungo Stray Dogs
29. Beatrice and Battler, Beabato, from "Umineko”
30. Father Paul/Riley Flynn; Midnight Mass
31. Edward Teach/Izzy Hands; Our Flag Means Death;
32. Misa Amane and Light Yagami - Death Note
33. Batman/Joker
34. Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm
35. Cesare Borgia/Lucrezia Borgia - The Borgias
36. Dean/Sam Winchester from Supernatural
37. will graham/hannibal lecter (hannigram) from nbc hannibal
38. Vegas/Pete (Kinnporsche: The Series)
39. Hitori Uzune and Nanaki Kazuaki from Hatoful Boyfriends.
40. Lanze/Bluepool and Anan from Beauty and the Beasts
41. Blade and Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail
42. Spuffy
43. Elisabeth and Der Tod, Elisabeth
44. Isaac and Finn, I’m Dating a Psychopath
45. Lenore and Annabelle, Nevermore
46. Estelle and Khalid, From a Knight to a Lady
47. Layla and Matthias, Cry or Better Yet Beg
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dedicatedtodance · 1 year
National Dance Radio Airplay
Top 50 for the week ending August 26, 2023 by Allaccess.ocm
Strangely Sentimental----Anabel Englund --1 (iheart#1)
If Only I----Loud Luxury & Two Friends f/ Bebe Rexha -2 (#2)
Let Me Go----Afrojack f/Theresa Rex -4 (#3)
Makeba----Jain -5 (#5)
Padam Padam---Kylie Minogue -3 (#4)
React-----Switch Disco, Ella Henderson -7 (#7)
0800 Heaven---Nathan Dawe, Joel Corry, Ella Henderson -11 (#10)
(It Goes Like) Nanana----Peggy Gou -12 (#12)
Beggin'----Chris Lake & Aluna -10 (#11)
Motive---Armin Van Buuren -9 (#9)
Side Effects----Becky Hill, Lewis Thompson -8 (#8)
Running Blind---Aluna f/ Tchami -14 (#13)
Drifting----Tiesto -16 (#16)
Take It Off---Fisher, Aatig -13 (#14)
Giving Me----Jazzy -15 (#15)
Phone---MEDUZA, Sam Thompson, Em Beihold -18 (#17)
Desire---Joel Corry, Icona Pop, Rainradio -19 (#18)
Memory----Bonnie & Clyde -23 (#22)
You Got Me---Telykast f/ Georgia Ku -21 (#20)
I Remember----Deadmau5 & Kaskade (John Summit remix) -23 (#23)
Eat Your Man----Dom Dolla & Nelly Furtado -20 (#21)
So Much In Love---D.O.D -17 (#19) (#26)
Where You Want---Riton X David Guetta X Jozzy -26 (#26)
Rush----Troye Sivan -34 (#34)
Dance The Night----Dua Lipa -24 (#24)
Call On Me----Bebe Rexha -25 (#25)
Fool 4 U----Galantis & JVKE -29 (#29)
In A Dream----Acraze -30 (#30)
Anything 4 U----Kaleena Zanders, Anabel Englund -32 (#31)
Lights Go Out---Jauz -38 (#38)
Desire---Calvin Harris, Sam Smith -40 (#39)
Live Without Love---Shouse, David Guetta -35 (#35)
AM PM---NOTD f/ Maia Wright -27 (#27)
***Rockstar----Supermassive f/ Ben Boss -51
Off My Mind----Coco & Breezy -39 (#37)
Oceans----Gryffin & Kid Joi -33 (#33)
Something To Hold On To----David Guetta, Morten -37 (#36)
Fast Forward----NIIKO & SWAE -36 (#40)
The Otherside---Acraze & Page Cavell -45
Where You Are---John Summit, Hayla -41
***Echo----RSCL, Repiet, Julia Kleun -53
Praising You---Rita Ora -28
Baby Don't Hurt Me---David Guetta, Anne-Marie, Col Leray -44
Asking----Sonny Fodera & MK -50
Ascend---DEZKO -43
Endless Summer---Alan Walker & Zak Abel -48
Whistle----Jax Jones & Calum Scott -47
Now Or Never-----Martin Solveig & Faquzia -31
***Medicine----Harber f/ Sydherrockerkid -76
0 notes
ltbelanna · 7 years
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Body and Soul (1925), dir. Oscar Micheaux
❝And now as I must carry his work into the byways for other sinners, I’ll be moseying along.❞
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Hey how are you? I tried looking through your blog for a certain book cover that caught my attention. I was wondering if you had any spicy book rec? I've been meaning to do some reading in my free time :)
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Oooooohhhh okay. Well 95% of what I read is on Kindle Unlimited so hopefully that is helpful for you lol but some. I do a monthly round up on my tiktok but here are some that I really really enjoyed.
Authors who I will always read:
Lillian Lark
Kathryn Moon
Regine Abel
Clio Evans
Elle M Drew
Jillian Graves
Sarah Baliey
Holly Roberds
Books 100% worth the read, and then a re-read:
Property of the Green Bastards by Flora Quincy
Desperate Measures by Katee Robert (it's Jasmine x Jafar lmao)
Orc-Ward Encounter by Sam Hall
Built to Fall by Julia Wolf
Hooked by Emily Mcintire (Captain Hook x Wendy vibes)
Horseman Series by Laura Thalassa
Soul Trilogy by Harley Laroux
Naga Brides by Naomi Lucas
Ensnared by Tiffany Roberts
Muscles and Monsters by Ashley Bennett
Self Promo:
I have a book coming out on August 22nd! For long time followers/readers, you know I wrote a biker fanfic about a certain beefy boy... and well now it is a full on Novel! The smut has gotten hotter and the people all the more loveable... and the ending ain't a rush job anymore. I'm so excited for you guys to read about Estelle and Conner!
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The ebook is available for pre-order on amazon now!
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Wish of Love
Wish of Love
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Jean D’Arc X OC (Julia)
Prompt: Day 4  Mythology AU | Fantasy AU
Part of content creation challenge hosted by me and @xxsycamore
Tag: Fluff
Word Count: 2.210
Author’s Note: Inspired to a conversation with the lovely @atelieredux about how gorgeous Jean so much he could be a God of Beauty, so here it came that idea developed into a story I sincerely hope you will like I can not wait to hear your opinion. 😍
Inspired to greek mythology, a mythic story for love path is not always easy and smooth, for it cause weird emotion stirring things even in beings of divine nature, who had to find courage to reflect on love and its signifiance to make choice selflessly with both mind and heart in sync, with a little help from an unexpected coin with magical powers. 😉
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it. 😊
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Royaume du Soleil It was a sunny morning his bright rays bathed everything in sight with their warm colors, birds chirped happily on the trees occasionaly flying over the sky leaving rainbow feathers scatter all over the grass where little animals were dozing off lazily under the trees shadows and among the bushes.
Everyone looked blissfully busy to enjoy the beggining of the sunny season sleeping around, getting tanned or playing in the little lakes at the base of the waterfalls falling from the clouds, standing in a queit corner not reached by the sun stood a girl watching absently at them with a wistful gaze, her eyes lit up as she saw him, sighing dreamily she clutched an hand over her chest trying to tame the drumming of her racing heart at his sight, moving elegantly restless and unbothered among the crowd of girls and boys ogling at him with admiration and fervent adoration, much to his dismay, stood the only man her heart has ever yearned for so etehreally beautiful and mighty invincibile yet lonely, loved yet distant, cold like the moon yet shining like the sun, whom no one dared to approach for fear to disturb his mere exsistence drawing a frown on his delicate lips, apart from few privileged like Mozart God of Music and Napoleon God of Courage.
A divine name was bestowed upon him, underlying his moral nobilty no one could match
Jean was the God of Beauty, everyone could see it from afar despite the lonely aurea he carried over with him, he was Abel’s favourite whose presence elicited respect and authority well suited to his role as King of gods and God of the Sun. The eyepatch he wore on his right eye did ntohing but make an hero out of him, for the scar he received was but a symbol of glory from his protective and self sacrifing nature capable to bring peace to their Kingdom and stop the rageful war powerlust broke out.  He was strolling aimlessly through the garden as soon as she saw him walk toward her she fretted to hide behind a column, the least thing she wanted him to know was how desperatly madly in love she was with him, ironic it indeed how the Goddess of Love was the one most afraid of it herself, if only she would have been beautiful enough or had some sort of skills he could have noticed her she sighed heavily how many night she had dreamt of him keep awake by the deep rooted in her heart desires for her feelings to be reciprocated, but these were mere wishful thinking a dream destined to remain so, a pure utopia no matter her strong yearning for it to be real. Greatly acclaimed and wonderfully celebrated was the anniversary of the Machìa in which Vlad the Dark God was defeated by Jean whose mighty strength and brilliant cunning were enough to free Abel from the evil trap he fall into made up by his long friend turned enemy by his desire of power that lead him to attempt seizing the throne, successfully casted away and imprisoned on Earth by the almighty monarch himself.
Much to everyone delight the generousity of the King knew no boundaries and so on that day he decide to gift every deity something of extraordinary speciality, a coin forged with magic whose divine power granted realization to the deepest wish of one’s heart after being threwn in the fountain of his palace.
She had yet to throw hesr, like him she saw often wandering aimlessly around the lakes playing absently with that coin shining in the sun, mockingly teasing him to be threwn in the fountain carrying his deepest secret down in the depth of the water with him.
Long interminable days she had spent wondering about her wish, a part of her desired nothing more than to bind him to her under a spell called Love, yet the more she thought the less it seemed right to stuck him up with a nothingness like her, countless tears she had shed over it under the moonlight as only company and witness of her feelings, the mere idea of seeing him elope with another girl was enough to choke her throat tugging her heart in two but in the end she discovered that what she wanted all along was for him to be happy even at the cost of her own, becasue he deserved to smile to feel loved like he was worthy of in way she could not even fathom to think how much she would have not been able to.
She sighed again sniffling quietly as that afternoon memory flashed back in her mind, he chatting amably with the Goddess of Fertility, swooning over and flirting shamlessly with him, a sob escaped her lips at the sight of a feeble smile curling his graceful lips, feeling her heart breaking beyond repair she did her best to suppress tears pricking at the corner of her eyes as she fleed up the hill slamming the door of her home behind her back slumping on the floor clutching her chest frantically trying to keep all the pieces of her heart from falling miserably on the floor aroud her, tears streaming down her face as heavy sobs shake her body resonating in the air, caressing with trembling hands her white cat Eros trying to calm her nerves hugging her tightly to her chest nuzzling her face into her soft furs kissing her face softly until her breath get steady, slowly leaving the cat nuzzle and curl in her lap as she stroke it absently bracing herself that night in which she would have let all her dreams and hope sink down with her coin in the fountain.
Little did she know a deep blue eye has taken notice of her every move, giving his companion the cold shoulder ignoring her protests as he swiftly moved away, secluding himself in his home to sort out his feeling making up his mind and heart about the desire he wished to make that night with his coin. She clutched the coin to her chest feeling her heart clench painfully thinking of him with another yet there was nothing she could do but hope he would have been happy with whoever he would have chose to bless with his love, she sighed heavily kissing the coin with all the passion she felt for him  threwing it into the fountain feeling her heart burst with love as she clutched her hand tightly on its border, her eyes misty with tears locked to that coin watching up at her satisfied of her selfless choice
A single thought reasonate in her heart and mind as her fingers moved in their own accord, bringing her from the peek of bliss to the pit of despair as the coin splashed into the water Please let him be happy and loved as he deserve.
Slowly she begin to walk toward her home, sending a last melancholic gaze to the mountain before letting a forlron smile appear on her lips, sighing heavily she did not noticed a figure sat on a bench, his ethereal beauty bathed in the soft light of the full moon he was so longingly staring at, not desiring to bother him with her presence she tried to scamper away as swiftly and quietly as possible but fate has other plans.
Suddenly he turned to gaze at her, leaving her astonished and breathless at the tender expression she saw in his moonless eye once it settled on her as a soft smile curled his lips making her gawk in awe at his divine beauty like she has never seen before.
Shaking her head trying to reorder her thoughts scattered around from the furious beating of her heart so loud and deafening it was impossible to think straight, filling her with a desire beyond rationality to jump in his arms and kiss him on the lips making him aware of her feeling but she was far too shy for such a bold move and so she fretted over to whisper
“I-I am sory monsieur I beg to forgive me for I desire not to bother you any further I shall go.” his voice husky and low elciting authority and respect stirred something inside her she could not quite explain as a pleasant warmth begin to spread from her heart
“Please stay.” seeing in security flickering on her gaze he continued smiling reassuringly at her extending an hand toward her, persuading her to obey him
“Come here.” it sounded like an order yet it was not but she felt she could not deny her heart a wish she so long yearned for, gingerly she approached him sitting hesitantly on the bench held willing captive by his intense and alluring gaze, she looked up at him smiling shyly feeling heat begin to spread on her now scarlety cheeks.
Too shy to begin a conversation she had thousand times over in her head she kept fidgeting with her hand until his deep voice resonate in the frizzy still air of the night, locking her gaze with his seeing insecurity flickering in his gaze she slide nearer to him trying to reassure him, seeing him smiling tenderly at her she felt her heart swell and burst with happiness at being with him “Mademoiselle I have somethig to confess you.” slowly he took her hand in his, she gasped softly as her heart leap up in her chest while his calloused hand brushed over her  “Please I beg your pardon for the inconvenience and I hope you will not mock me. The truth of my word never doubt my plea only for you to listen my humble confession.” slowly he kneeled in front of her kissing her hand reverently as he looked into her eyes
“I love you Julia.” She thought of having misheard yet the lovestruck expression in his eye told a different story, her heart fluttered in her chest hoping so much to not be a mockery of sort yet at the sight of his smile fading away she fretted over to take his face in her hand whispering “I love you too Jean.”
A smile so shiny to put the sun itself to shame was enough to brush away doubts and insecurity from her heart as he tenderly take place near her on the bench taking her face into his hand melting his lips on hers in a slow sweet kiss, enough to melt their heart in a lovely bliss a dream come true as reward for their kind nature.
Gingerly he pulled away hugging her close to his chest, brushing his lips on her forehead murmuring tenderly few inches from her lips
“You are the most gorgeous Goddess of the whole world Julia, please never doubt.”
 she smiled soflty at him tentatively brushing her lips on his eyepatch
“You are the most wonderful God of them all Jean, no one could ever compare to you.”
He opened his mouth to protest “I am nothing but a monster.” he said leaving his loosened eyepatch slide from his eye on his lap
She took his face in her hands brushing her fingers on his lips
“Not for me.” slowly she planted a gentle kiss on the burnt scarred on his right eye
“You are the bravest hero in the whole world.” softly she brushed her lips on his before murmuring tenderly looking into his moonless eyes caressing his cheek “My hero.”
In the meanwhile a gilded figure was watching the scene smiling knowingly leaned onto a column, a satsified smile on his lips he pulled away directed to his room feeling his heart burst with happiness at the knowledge of having witnessed the first bud of love between two soulmates destined from the universe to be tied together for al eternity, sighing content at the succes of his plan ochestarted with the mere intent to push them in each other arms, along some more couple who needed the same help to make their buddy affection blossom into love.
Months went by bringing them celebrating their anniversary mirthfully all day before settling down in their now shared home where cuddled together she decided to satisfy a peculiar curiosity of hers
"What did you wished for with your coin ?" he smiled softly gazing at her with so much tenderness she felt her heart melt as she tried to hide her blush in his chest, nuzzling content into it     “Your happiness mon amour.” he confessed planting a slow reverent kiss on her forehead making her giggle I desired the same, slowly she looked up at him as he melted his lips on hers in a sweet kiss to convey all his love, reluctantly he pulled away whispering few inches from her lips
“I love you so much, ma petite. she sighed dreamily murmuring tenderly
“I love you too mon héros.” smiling he cradled her face in his hand brushing his lips on hers again and again with the full moon only witness to the passioante love they would have showed to one another until dawn, soulmates reunited to stick up to each other for all eternity. Machìa - Ancient Greek Battle
Eros – Ancient Greek God of erotic love know by Romans as Cupid
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princessmisery666 · 3 years
Daily Mixes Challenge - Master List
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The wonderful fics written by the beautiful writers who took part in my Daily Mix Challenge 
Spotify Playlist of all the songs that were drawn - Daily Mixes Playlist 
Author / Fic title and link / Song / Pairing or Character
Please heed all warnings!!
@negans-lucille-tblr​ / Acapulco / Julia Michaels - Heaven / Bucky Barnes x Reader x Sam Wilson
@callmeluna / Between Today And Yesterday / Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill / Bucky Barnes 
@suitofvibraniumarmor / Unsteady /  X Ambassadors - Unsteady / Bucky Barnes x The Ghost!reader
When He Forgets / The Vamps - Would You / Bucky Barnes x Reader
When He Regrets / Adam Hender - I Don’t Mind / Bucky Barnes x Reader
When He Concedes / Martin Jensen ft. James Arthur - Nobody / Bucky Barnes x Reader
When You Return / Khalid ft. Disclosure - Talk / Bucky Barnes x Reader
If It Isn’t Love / New Edition - If it Isn’t Love / Bucky Barnes x reader
If It Isn’t Love 2 / Mario - Let Me Love You / Bucky Barnes x reader
@firefly-in-darkness / Out Of Love / Mic Lowry - Tell Me Now / Sam Wilson x Reader
@tarithenurse / Impervious / Sabrina Carpenter - Skin / Sam Wilson x reader 
@firefly-in-darkness​ / Heaven On Earth / Nick Jonas - This Is Heaven / Dean x Reader
@thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters / Nothing Like You / Blonde ft. Craig David - Nothing Like This / Sam x Reader
@artemis099 / Space / Becky Hill - Space - SPN Moodboard 
@hoboal87 /  The Fear / The Score - The Fear / Dean x Reader
@warrior-angel / Unmissable  / Gorgon City ft. Zak Abel - Unmissable / Sam x Reader
@that-damn-girl / Rendezvous // Little Mix - Rendezvous
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The United States vs. Billie Holiday: The Federal Bureau of Narcotics Was Formed to Kill Jazz
This article contains The United States vs. Billie Holiday spoilers. 
Federal drug enforcement was created for the express purpose of persecuting Billie Holiday. Director Lee Daniels’ The United States vs. Billie Holiday focuses a cinematic microscope on the events, but a much larger picture is visible just outside the lens. Holiday’s best friend and one-time manager Maely Dufty told mourners at the funeral that Billie was murdered by a conspiracy orchestrated by the narcotics police, according to Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs by Johann Hari. The book also said Harry Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, was a particularly virulent racist who hounded “Lady Day” throughout the 1940s and drove her to her death in the 1950s.
This is corroborated in Billie, a 2020 BBC documentary directed by James Erskine, and Alexander Cockburn’s book Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press, which also claims Anslinger hated jazz music, which he believed brought the white race down to the level of African descendants through the corrupting influence of jungle rhythms. He also believed marijuana was the devil’s weed and transformed the post-Prohibition fight against alcohol into a war on drugs. The first line of battle was against the musicians who partook.
“Marijuana is taken by… musicians,” Anslinger testified to Congress prior to the vote on the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act. “And I’m not speaking about good musicians, but the jazz type.” The LaGuardia Committee, appointed in 1939 by one of the Act’s strongest opponents, New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, ultimately refuted every point made in the effective drug czar’s testimony. Based on the findings, “the Treasury Department told Anslinger he was wasting his time,” according to Chasing the Scream. The opportunistic department head “scaled down his focus until it settled like a laser on one single target.”
Federal authorization of selective enforcement should come as no surprise. Just this month, HBO Max released Judas and the Black Messiah about how the FBI and local law enforcement targeted the Black Panthers and put a bullet in the back of the head of Fred Hampton after he was apparently drugged by the informant. In MLK/FBI (2020), director Sam Pollard used newly declassified files to fill in the gaps on the story of the U.S. government’s surveillance and harassment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Days ago, The Washington Post reported the daughters of assassinated civil rights leader Malcolm X requested his murder investigation be reopened in light of a deathbed letter from officer Raymond A. Wood, alleging New York police and the FBI conspired in his killing.
During the closing credits of The United States vs. Billie Holiday we read that Holiday, played passionately by Andra Day in the film, was similarly arrested on her deathbed. She was in the hospital suffering from cirrhosis of the liver when she was cuffed to her bed. They don’t mention police had been stationed outside her door barring family, fans, and well-wishers from offering the singer comfort as she lay dying. They also don’t mention that police removed gifts people brought to the room, as well as flowers, radio, record player, chocolates, and any magazines. When she died at age 44, it was found that Holiday had 15 $50 bills strapped to her leg, the remainder of her money after years of top selling records. Billie intended to give it to the nurses to thank them for looking after her.
As The United States vs. Billie Holiday points out, the feds had been watching Holiday since club owner Barney Josephson encouraged her to sing “Strange Fruit” at the integrated Cafe Society in Greenwich Village in 1939. Waiters would stop all service during the performance of the song. The room would be dark, and it would never be followed by an encore.
The lyric came from a three-stanza poem, “Bitter Fruit,” about a lynching. It was written by Lewis Allan, the pseudonym of New York schoolteacher and songwriter named Abel Meeropol, a costumer at the club. Meeropol set the words to music, and the song was first performed by singer Laura Duncan at Madison Square Garden.
Holiday and her accompanist Sonny White adapted Allan’s melody and chord structure, and released the song on Milt Gabler’s independent label Commodore Records in 1939. The legendary John Hammond, who discovered Holiday in 1933 while she was singing in a Harlem nightclub called Monette’s, refused to release it on Columbia Records, where Billie was signed. 
The song “marked a watershed,” according to David Margolick’s 2000 book Strange Fruit: Billie Holiday, Cafe Society, and an Early Cry for Civil Rights. Influential jazz writer Leonard Feather called the song “the first significant protest in words and music, the first significant cry against racism.”
Holiday experienced the brutally enforced racial segregation of the Jim Crow laws during her trips south with her bands, according to Billie Holiday, the 1990 book by Bud Kliment. She was also demeaned at the Lincoln Hotel in New York City in October 1938 when management demanded she walk through the kitchen and use the service elevator to get on the stage. Holiday also caught flak for being considered too light skinned to sing with one band, and was on at least one occasion forced to wear special makeup to darken her complexion.
Holiday was 18 years old when she recorded her first commercial session with Benny Goodman’s group at Columbia Records, but knew firsthand that an integrated band would be more threatening than an all-Black group. According to most biographies, Holiday began using hard drugs in the early ’40s under the influence of her first husband, Jimmy Monroe, brother of the owner of Monroe’s Uptown House in Harlem.
Anslinger, the first commissioner for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, was an extreme racist, even by the standards of the time, according to Chasing the Scream. He claimed narcotics made black people forget their place in the fabric of American society, and jazz musicians created “Satanic” music under pot’s influence.
The United States vs. Billie Holiday doesn’t shy away from the drug czar’s blatant racism, but Garrett Hedlund’s Harry J. Anslinger doesn’t capture the full depths of the disgust the man felt and put into practice through his selective enforcement. Hedlund is able to mouth some of the epithets his character threw at ethnic targets, but most of the actual quotes on record are so offensive there is no need to subject any audience to them today. The film barely even mentions the strange and forbidden fruit imbibed in slow-burning paper that Anslinger obsessed over almost as much as Holiday’s song.
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Commissioner Anslinger came to power during the “Reefer Madness” era, and shaped much of the anti-marijuana paranoia of the period, according to Alexander Cockburn’s Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press. His first major campaign was to criminalize hemp, rebranding it as “marijuana” in an attempt “to associate it with Mexican laborers.” He claimed the drug “can arouse in blacks and Hispanics a state of menacing fury or homicidal attack.”
Anslinger promoted racist fictions and singled out groups he personally disliked as special targets. He said the lives of the jazzmen “reek of filth,” and the genre itself was proof that marijuana drives people insane. On drug raids, he advised his agents to “shoot first.” Anslinger persecuted many black musicians, including Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie and Duke Ellington. When Louis Armstrong was arrested for possession, Anslinger orchestrated a nationwide media smear campaign.
The Federal Bureau of Narcotics’ “race panic” tactics had a double standard. Anslinger only had a “friendly chat” with Judy Garland over her heroin addiction, suggesting she take longer vacations between films. He wrote to MGM, reporting he observed no evidence of a drug problem.
Anslinger ordered Holiday to cease performing “Strange Fruit” almost immediately after word got out about the performances. When she refused, he sent agent Jimmy Fletcher to frame the singer.  Anslinger hated hiring Black agents, according to both Whiteout and Chasing the Scream, but white officers stood out on these investigations. He did insist no Black man in his Bureau could ever be a boss to white men, and pigeonholed officers like Fletcher to street agents.
Donald Clark and Julia Blackburn studied the only remaining interview with Jimmy Fletcher for their biography Billie Holiday: Wishing on The Moon. That interview has since been lost by the archives handling it. According to their book when Fletcher first saw Billie at the raid on her brother-in-law’s Philadelphia apartment in May 1947, “She was drinking enough booze to stun a horse and hoovering up vast quantities of cocaine.”
Fletcher’s partner sent for a policewoman to conduct a body search. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll strip,” Billie said before stripping and marking her territory in a provocative show of non-violent defiance by urinating on the floor (another action Daniels’ movie glosses over). Holiday was arrested and put on trial for possession of narcotics.
According to Hettie Jones’ book Big Star Fallin’ Mama: Five Women in Black Music, Holiday “Signed away her right to a lawyer and no one advised her to do otherwise.” She thought she would be sent to a hospital to kick the drugs and get well. “It was called ‘The United States of America versus Billie Holiday,’” she recalled in Lady Sings the Blues, the 1956 memoir she co-wrote with William Dufty, “and that’s just the way it felt.” Holiday was sentenced to a year and a day in a West Virginia prison. When her autobiography was published, Holiday tracked Fletcher down and sent him a signed copy.
When Holiday was released in 1948, the federal government refused to renew her cabaret performer’s license, which was mandatory for performing in any club serving alcohol. Under Anslinger’s recommended edict, Holiday was restricted “on the grounds that listening to her might harm the morals of the public,” according to the book Lady Sings the Blues.
The jazz culture had its own code. Musicians not only wouldn’t rat out other musicians, they would chip in to bail out any player who got popped. When it appeared Fletcher, who shadowed Holiday for years, became protective of Holiday, Anslinger got Holiday’s abusive husband and manager Louis McKay to snitch.
Two years after Holiday’s first conviction, Anslinger recruited Colonel George White, a former San Francisco journalist who applied to join the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. The personality test given to all applicants determined White was a sadist, and he quickly rose through the bureau’s ranks. He gained bureau acclaim as the first and only white man to infiltrate a Chinese drug gang.
White had a history of planting drugs on women and abused his powers in many ways. According to Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs, after White retired from the Bureau, he bragged, “Where else [but in the Bureau of Narcotics] could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?” He “may well have been high when he busted Billie for getting high,” according to Chasing the Scream.
White arrested Holiday, without a warrant, at the Mark Twain Hotel in San Francisco in 1949. Billie insisted she had been clean for over a year, and said the dope was planted in her room by White. Bureau agents said they found her works in the room and the stash in a wastepaper basket next to a side room. They never entered the kit into evidence. According to Ken Vail’s book Lady Day’s Diary, Holiday immediately offered to go into a clinic, saying they could monitor her for withdrawal symptoms and that would prove she was being framed. Holiday checked herself into the clinic, paying $1,000 for the stay and she “didn’t so much as shiver.”  She was not convicted by jury at trial.
Afterward White attended one of Holiday’s shows at the Café Society Uptown and requested his favorite songs. After the show was over, the federal cop told Billie’s manager “I did not think much of Ms. Holiday’s performance.”
In 1959, Billie collapsed while at the apartment of a young musician named Frankie Freedom. After waiting on a stretcher for an hour and a half, Manhattan’s Knickerbocker Hospital turned her away, saying she was a drug addict. Recognized by one of the ambulance drivers, Holiday was admitted in a public ward of New York City’s Metropolitan Hospital. She lit a cigarette as soon as they took her off oxygen.
In spite of being told her liver was failing and cancerous, and her heart and lungs were compromised, Holiday did not want to stay at the hospital. “They’re going to kill me. They’re going to kill me in there. Don’t let them,” she told Maely Dufty.
Billie went into heroin withdrawal, alone. When Holiday responded to methadone treatment, Anslinger’s men prevented hospital staff from administering any further methadone, even though it had been officially prescribed by her doctor. Drug cops claimed to find a tinfoil envelope containing under an eighth of an ounce of heroin. It was found hanging on a nail on the wall, six feet from Billie’s bed where the frail and restrained artist could not have reached it.
The cops handcuffed her to the bed, stationed two policemen at the door and told Holiday they’d take her to prison if she didn’t drop dime on her dealer. When Maely Dufty informed the police it was against the law to arrest a patient in critical care, the cops had Holiday taken off the list.
Outside the hospital, protesters gathered on the streets holding up signs reading “Let Lady Live.” The demonstrations were led by the Rev. Eugene Callender. The Harlem pastor, who built a clinic for heroin addicts in his church, requested the singer be allowed to be treated there.
Holiday didn’t blame the cops. She said the drug war forced police to treat people like criminals when they were actually ill.
“Imagine if the government chased sick people with diabetes, put a tax on insulin and drove it into the black market, told doctors they couldn’t treat them, then sent them to jail,” she wrote in Lady Sings the Blues. “If we did that, everyone would know we were crazy. Yet we do practically the same thing every day in the week to sick people hooked on drugs.”
Holiday’s social commentary didn’t end with “Strange Fruit.” She wrote and sang about racial equality in the song “God Bless the Child,” her voice captured the pains of domestic violence. Most of Holiday’s contemporaries were too scared of being hassled by the feds to perform “Strange Fruit.” Billie Holiday refused to stop. She was killed for it. But never silenced.
The United States vs. Billie Holiday is streaming on Hulu now.
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sweetfogarty · 5 years
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Leo Bear - Sinead Harnett // 9 to 5 - Harrison Brome // Angel - FINNEAS // Toothpaste Kisses - The Maccabees // As You Need - Alex Aiono // Get You - Daniel Caesar feat. Kali Uchis // Stargirl Interlude - The Weeknd feat. Lana Del Ray // She’s Got You High - Mumm-ra // Peer Pressure - James Bay feat. Julia Michaels // Learn to Live - Alice Merton // Natural - The Driver Era // Be Honest - Jorja Smith feat. Burna Boy // Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake // Up All Night - William Singe // Adorn - Miguel // Every Single Time - The Jonas Brothers // Rock Witchu - PRETTYMUCH // Awakening - Zak Abel // Live Forever - Bazzi // Breathe Life - Jack Garrett
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monasterymonochrome · 6 years
I was going to do this on my music blog, but I’ve talked about most of these songs there already, so since @wallowa-jake-monster tagged me, here are my top twenty songs of the year:
1. SOPHIE - Immaterial 2. Ought - Desire 3. Let’s Eat Grandma - Hot Pink 4. Hop Along - Not Abel 5. Fresh Hex - I’m Gone 6. Sevdaliza - Human Nature 7. Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones - And You Were One 8. Half Waif - In the Evening 9. Kim Petras - Heart to Break 10. Wye Oak - It Was Not Natural 11. Julia Holter - I Shall Love 2 12. Mitski - Nobody 13. Charli XCX - Focus 14. Blood Orange - Charcoal Baby 15. Kero Kero Bonito - Only Acting 16. Rosalía - Di mi nombre 17. Janelle Monáe - Screwed 18. Allie X - Science 19. Iceage - Pain Killer 20. Beach House - Drunk in LA
Honorable mention: Anything by Slayyyter because I couldn’t narrow it down to one song.
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
Hii, congrats on the milestone!! If you don't mind, I want to request an Abel x F!MC fic with No.14 prompt hehee. The MC's name is Julia and is using she/her pronouns. Thank you so much!!!💖
give it up for take 3 of the impromptu shower series 🧼🧼🧼 ty anon for your patience- please enjoy your blurb!
14. Showering together, Abel x Julia (F!MC)
A pitch-black screen- only the sound of leaves crunching under the weight of each slow, agonizing step can be heard. There's a flash to the right. Some sort of figure, too quick to see more than a silhouette.
"I don't like this," Abel whispers, breaking the silence between them.
Julia snaps her head up. "Shh, this is the best part!"
Abel reluctantly shuts his mouth and forces his attention back to the laptop in front of them. You're fine. It's only a movie, he told himself. Yet his heart matched the increasing tempo of the background music. He winced at the loud crash- a tree falling, perhaps. He'd never stick around long enough to find out, but the woman on screen was all too eager to investigate. "Why do they always go towards the noise?"
"It's the staple of the genre, babe," Julia answers while shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
He instinctively catches the few kernels that escape her buttery fingers, chuckling under his breath. "Is missing your mouth another staple of the genre?"
"Only when the movie is good," she retorts. An all too haunting creak of a wooden door pierces through the air. "Oh, you're gonna love this."
"I highly doubt that," he mumbles, tightening his hold on her ever so slightly. The only source of refuge he had was hiding behind her hair during the worst bits of the film. Notes of lavender and rose were a familiar comfort along with the gentle, unconscious caress of her thumb over his scarred hand.
In his head he knows it's not real. The gore, the sinister grins, the blood-curdling screams- all of it merely a convincing performance. That unfortunately didn't stop his stomach from lurching at every jump scare. It was a miracle in itself his heart hadn't given out from the stress.
After two long, harrowing hours, the credits begin to roll. "Oh thank God," Abel breathes, his shoulders sagging with relief.
Julia can't help but giggle. "Oh, it wasn't that bad."
"Not that bad?! Were we watching the same movie?"
"I don't know if I can call what you were doing as watching, but yes. Yes we were."
"I watched it!"
"Barely," she added, shifting from her seat to kiss the pout off his face. "Thank you for indulging me, baby."
Abel's face softens. "It was nothing, really."
"I'd say it was a little more than that," she hums, a smile playing on her lips.
"I'm picking the movie next time."
It was easy for anyone to see that Abel was on edge- for Julia, especially. Every little noise made him flinch. He kept looking over his shoulder, as if something were following him. A pang of guilt hit her chest knowing it was partially her fault he was like this.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes. Completely fine," he answers all too quickly. The forced smile- the slight fidget of his left hand- it all said otherwise.
"Julia," he says, matching her tone.
"You know you don't have to hide anything from me, right?"
"Of course I do. And I'm not hiding a thing," he reassures her. "Like I said, I'm fine. So fine that I'm gonna go ahead and get ready for bed. Like someone who is totally fine would do."
"Uh-huh." She folded her arms. "You go ahead and do that then."
"Okay, I will," he declares, straightening his posture as he walks towards their bathroom. The door shuts behind him with a soft click. There's some faint rustling- then the muffled sound of the shower running.
She leans in closer, waiting for the familiar clang of metal rings to fill the room. Only it never comes. Her face breaks into a smug grin. She counts down in her head. Five... four... three... two... one...
The bathroom door cracks open. "Baby?"
"Yes," she replies, covering her smirk behind her hand.
"Willyoushowerwithme," he mumbles incoherently.
Her grin only widens. "What was that? I can't hear you."
Abel sighs loudly, defeated. "Will you shower with me? Please?"
She's next to him in three strides, her shirt already off and scattered behind her. "Only because you asked me so nicely." The rest of her clothes soon find their way onto the tiled floor along with his. She confidently steps into the porcelain tub, then holds out her hand. "C'mon, I'll protect you from the big bad monsters," she teases.
He rolls his eyes fondly, taking her hand. "Very funny."
"Thank you, I'll be here all week," she jokes, pulling him in close. Warm water cascaded over them both. Her fingers glide over his skin, lingering on the x-shaped scar on his chest. "See? It's not so bad in here."
"You just had to pick the horror movie, didn't you?"
She quirks an eyebrow at him. "Are you really complaining about how things turned out?"
"Not at all," he says, giving her hips a playful squeeze. "Now pass me my loofah."
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jueggo · 3 years
Street Fighter X Tekken: Special Edition | Playstation 3
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Proveedor: JUEGGO Tipo: Juegos Precio: 40.00
Plataforma PlayStation 3 Product Description The long awaited dream matchup between the two leaders in the fighting genre becomes a reality Street Fighter X Tekken| delivers the ultimate tag team match up featuring iconic characters from each franchise| and one of the most robust character line ups in fighting game history With the addition of new gameplay mechanics| the acclaimed fighting engine from Street Fighter IV been refined to suit the needs of both Street Fighter and Tekken players alike The Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition includes Street Fighter X Tekken Game Special Edition art work Prequel Comic book created by UDON Comics BuilditYourself Arcade Bank 5 PulgadasH An easy to assemble model kit with decals that represents oldschool arcade cabinets Store your quarters and more for your next challenger36 GEM PowerUps Includes the World Warrior| Iron Curtain| Lightning Legs and Special Edition Exclusive King of Iron Fist Gem packs for a total of 36 to customize your playing style Street Fighter X Tekken is a crossover fighting game featuring tagteam style combat between twocharacter teams of fighters from the Street Fighter and Tekken game universes The initial game in the new series| Street Fighter X Tekken features dozens of playable characters from both of the storied franchises| as well as the option to use familiar button control schemes from both Additional important features include exclusive additional fighters| customization of attacks through the PulgadasGem System| Pulgadas a coop training mode| the ability to tag in a teammate and briefly attack in unison| simultaneous twoontwo fourplayer battles| and special edition bonus items see the full list of these items below The Dream Fighter MatchUp The long awaited dream matchup between the two leaders in the fighting genre becomes a reality Street Fighter X Tekken delivers the ultimate tag team match up featuring iconic characters from each franchise| and one of the most robust character line ups in fighting game history With the addition of new gameplay mechanics| the acclaimed fighting engine from Street Fighter IV has been refined to suit the needs of both Street Fighter and Tekken players alike Street Fighter X Tekken also sees the introduction of the innovative Gem System| a strategic new way to customize and enhance the fighting experience Fighting game rival franchises Street Fighter and Tekken crossover to battle in tagteam bouts View larger Enjoy characters exclusive to Sony releases of the game View larger Street Fighter X Tekken Special Edition Includes Key Game Features Dream Match Up Dozens of playable characters including Rolento| Zangief| Cammy| Sagat| Hugo| Ibuki| Poison| Dhalsim| Ryu| Ken| Guile| Abel| Balrog| Juri| Vega and ChunLi from Street Fighter as well as Heihachi| Lili| Julia| Hwoarang| Raven| Kuma| Yoshimitsu| Steve| Kazuya| Nina| King| Marduk| Bob| Law| Paul and Xiaoyu from Tekken Realtime Tag Battle Fight as a team of two and switch between characters strategically Gem System A brand new feature that combines customization with strategy| the Gems add an extra level of depth and provide a pioneering way to experience fighting games A total of 57 Gems 5 Assist and 52 Boost come standard in the game and players have the ability to equip three different Gems that improve upon weaknesses or capitalize on strengths Briefing Room Get your combos and timing just right with help from your friends in this online training mode Scramble Mode Four separate players| online or offline| control each of the four characters on screen for the ultimate battle royale Pandora Mode Sacrifice yourself in battle to give your partner a short| but powerful| boost in strength Familiar Controls In Street Fighter X Tekken| controls will feel familiar for fans of both series Juggle System Toss your foes into Tekkenstyle juggles with Street Fighter X Tekkens universal air launching system Cross Assault By using the Cross Gauge| a player can activate Cross Assault and attack with both of their characters at the same time Super Art Attacks Using the Cross Gauge you can immediately unleash a Super Art Ryus famed Shinku Hadoken| Kazuyas Devil Beam as well as the Tekken characters all have original Super Art techniques Robust Online Modes In addition to the online features from Super Street Fighter IV| Street Fighter X Tekken features totally upgraded online functionality| new smoother netcode and some extra surprises Exclusive Characters PS3 and PS Vita players enjoy a variety of exclusive fighter characters including Cole MacGrath from Infamous| Mega Man| PACMan| and Sony feline video game personalities Toro Kuro Additional Screenshots
Tag Battle en tiempo real – Lucha como un equipo de dos y cambia entre personajes estrategicamente Controles familiares en SFxT| los controles se sentiran familiares para los fans de ambas series Modos en linea robustos ademas de las caracteristicas en linea de SSFIV| SFxT cuenta con funcionalidad en linea totalmente actualizada y algunas nuevas sorpresas Combate entre docenas de personajes de los universos de juego Street Fighter y Tekken y con esquemas de control de botones especificos de franquicia El sistema de gemas| que utiliza gemas seleccionables para mejorar las habilidades y la potencia Modos de juego unicos incluyendo sala de estar| el modo de entrenamiento de juegos| modo Scramble un modo de batalla real simultanea| modo de 4 jugadores| modo Pandora y modos en linea robustos Personajes exclusivos de lucha incluyendo Cole MacGrath de InFamous| Mega Man| PacMan y Sony feline videojuegos personalidades Toro y Kuro Edicion especial articulos incluidos trabajo de arte especial| un comic precule| un banco de 50 in y 36 gemas de potencia
Otras caracteristicas
Fecha de lanzamiento Marzo 6| 2012
Opinion media de los clientes 118 calificaciones
45 de 5 estrellas
Clasificacion en los mas vendidos de Amazon nº25,741 en Videojuegos Ver el Top 100 en Videojuegos
nº428 en Juegos de PlayStation 3
Precio El precio tachado es el precio de lista Los ahorros representan un descuento sobre el precio de lista
Dimensiones del producto 67 x 53 x 06 pulgadas 928 Onzas
Binding Videojuegos
Clasificado Teen
Numero de modelo del producto 013388340606
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Peso del producto 93 onzas
Fabricante Capcom
Producto en amazoncom desde Octubre 18| 2011
source https://jueggo.com/products/street-fighter-x-tekken-special-edition-playstation-3
0 notes
CarryOnCap’s 500 Follower Song Challenge!!
My Masterlist
Heyo! I’ve met so many wonderful friends in my few months here on Tumblr, and I can’t wait to meet some more lovely people!
I like doing fic challenges and reading other people’s submissions, so I thought it might be fun to host my own. My favs revolve around songs, so I’ve compiled a list of some kick ass lyrics/songs that I’m obsessed with or that remind me of our SPN boys (or gals!). The rules are below! Please feel free to reblog, participate, and invite other writers whose fics you enjoy that I might not even know about.
Send an ask to participate! I’ll answer publically so everyone can see which ones have been taken.
Include your first and second choices in case I’m not up to date on answering everyone. (Life happens, sorry friends!)
Gotta be SPN fandom (sorry Jensen and Jared, I still love you two!)
Must be Reader x SPN character. I’m personally a Dean girl, but I know everyone has their favs and I don’t want to hinder your story in any way! So anyone goes.
Fluff, angst, smut—whatever are all welcome, but please mark the warnings appropriately.
Try to keep it under 3k words. And PLEASE use the “Keep Reading” option.
Must stand alone or be the first part of a new series.
You can use as many or as few of the song lyrics as you want, or use the content of the song, just make sure you incorporate the song as a pretty central piece!
Tag me in the A/N and use #CarryOnCap500 in the first few tags so I can find it!
Below is a list of 40 songs. I tried to have a wide range to suit a lot of different tastes. If you finish one and feel inspired enough to do a second fic, feel free! I would be happy to add your work to the Masterlist even if you already did one.
The Masterlist will go up April 15 April 22, so please have your fics submitted by then! But I will be reblogging fics as they are submitted to me.
If you don’t know the songs, look ‘em up! I promise they’re bangers and well worth your listening time :)
Tagging people at the bottom who I think might be interested! If not, feel free to ignore, homies.
Sweetheart- Thomas Rhett: @ericaprice2008
Star of the Show- Thomas Rhett: @wonderfulworldofwinchester
Singles You Up- Jordan Davis
Hope That I Don’t Fall in Love With You- Tom Waits
Open Arms- Journey
Tuesday’s Gone- Lynyrd Skynyrd:  @waywardrose13
Hold On Loosely- 38 Special
Perfect- Ed Sheeran: @lovemesomepie85 ( @msimpala67 ) 
Happier- Ed Sheeran
Inner Demons- Julia Brennan: @coolpencilpie
100 in a 55- Pop Evil
Break Up With Him- Old Dominion: @waywardnerd67
All or Nothing- Theory of a Deadman (or honestly any Theory song. THEY’RE MY FAV.)
Since You’ve Been Gone- Theory of a Deadman
Angel- Theory of a Deadman
Broken- Seether: @keepcalmimthecupcake
If You Only Knew- Shinedown
Alive- Adelitas Way
Addicted- Saving Abel
Never Too Late- Three Days Grace
Tennessee Whiskey- Chris Stapleton: @emoryhemsworth
Blue Ain’t Your Color- Keith Urban: @squirrel-moose-winchester
Hold That Thought- Chuck Wicks
Just One Yesterday- Fall Out Boy: @docharleythegeekqueen
Hurt- Johnny Cash’s version: @little-red-83
It All Started with a Beer- Frankie Ballard: @julesthequirky
You Are the Best Thing- Ray Lamontagne: @amanda-teaches
Songs About Rain- Gary Allen: @time-travel-bouquet
Your Man- Josh Turner
Everything’s Wrong- Crossfade
Terrible Things- Mayday Parade: @superwholockacholic
You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC
Back in Black- AC/DC: @waywardbaby
Familiar Taste of Poison- Halestorm
Help- Papa Roach
Hooked on a Feeling- Blue Swede: @growningupgeek
So Far Away- Staind
Stay a Little Longer- Brothers Osborne: @satans-sass-blog
Can I Be Him- James Arthur
Iris- Goo Goo Dolls: @grace-for-sale
BONUS-- Don’t like my awesome taste in music? Have a different song in mind that you’ve had rattling around in your head? Send me an ask! If it’s a banger, we can probably work something out
Next Contestant- Nickelback: @pheonyxstorm 
Closer- Nine Inch Nails: @theworldiscolorful
Stay A Little Longer- Brothers Osborne @theworldiscolorful
Wait For Me- Theory: @fandomoniumflurry
Let It Die- Three Days Grace: @waywardnerd67
@because-imma-lady-assface  @cassieraider  @ericaprice2008  @grace-for-sale  @obsessivecompulsivespn  @olkathefoxi  @sea040561  @waywardnerd67  @whimsicalrobots  @wonderfulworldofwinchester  @abaddonwithyall  @anotherwaywardsister  @bringmesomepie56  @babypieandwhiskey  @eyes-of-a-disney-princess  @emilywritesaboutdean @ilostmyshoe-79  @impalaimagining  @impala-dreamer  @iwantthedean @imascreamerbabymakemeamute  @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @katymacsupernatural   @lovesj2m  @riversong-sam  @rosethesupernaturalhunter  @supernatural-jackles  @thejabberwock  @torn-and-frayed  @trexrambling  @winchesterenthusiast  @sis-tafics  @mensheznaeshkrep4espish  @squirrel-moose-winchester
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