#abi 2015
tawaifeddiediaz · 1 year
@jamiettart and i are rediscovering that we are, in fact, the same person again
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uroksmiercii · 2 years
Cześć!! przychodzę do was z linkami do blogów motylkowych, utworzonych w 2010-2015 kiedy ana była brana naprawdę poważnie. Zapraszam!
a tu moje ulubione forum ktore istnieje juz kilka lat i dalej jest aktywne ⬇️
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
Has anybody seen this film?
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I Am Dragon (2015), "In the midst of the wedding princess Miroslava is kidnapped by a dragon and carried away into his castle on the remote island."
It's like... a romantic monsterfucker's dream...
@blueywrites mentioned it and I've downloaded it and I'm halfway through and like... Do I write this as an Eddie Munson AU? Do ya'll want a Dragon!Eddie x Princess!Reader fairytale?
(Tagging the 🐊 girlies: @pinkrelish @word-wytch @nightonblogmountain @trashmouth-richie @br0ck-eddie @jo-harrington @chestylarouxx @toomanyacorns @mopeymopeymouse @courtingchaos @dr-aculaaa @somnambulic-thing @abibliophobiaa @breddiemunson @big-ope-vibes @hearsegrrl
what's Audrey and Abi's @???? I'm having a mental blank, I think I've tagged all the main monsterfuck about and find out girlies)
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dalsimoravskyblog · 2 years
Čarodějové, černokněžníci a pohádkoví divnomuži : přírodně příšerný žebříček
Slibovala jsem po princeznách žebříček naturálních čarodějů. Mé schopnosti bohužel nesahají ke kvalitnímu (nebo nekvalitnímu) photoshopu, takže nemohu demonstrovat obdařenost zmíněných. Nikdo ale vám nadanějším nebrání, aby se zapojili... Tedy bez dalších úvodů...
Markýz (Svatojánský věneček, 2015)
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Trapák, co uvěznil vlastní matku do klece. 2/10
Vládce podzemí (O pokladech, 2012)
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Heřmánkova podřadná role, kterou hraje stejně jako svého legendárního Lucifera. U mě spíše selhává. 4/10
Archivald (Princezna zakletá v čase, 2019)
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Roman Zach nepochopitelně hraje stářím sešlého alchymistu. Jen kvůli jeho idiocii se rozjede celý film. Pokusí se zachránit zbytek party a nepovede se mu to. Ani nevím, jestli na konci umřel nebo se jen v hanbě odplazil někam do rohu. Hanba. 4/10
Rumburak (Arabela, 1980; Rumburak, 1984)
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Byl tak fantastický, až se dočkal vlastního spin offu a dokonce nápravné dějové linky (je Rumburak tumblr sexy man???). Arabelu jsem léta neviděla, ale Rumburaka občas dávají. Zlého Rumburaka tedy nehodnotím, hodnému Rumburakovi dávám 5/10 (je creepy takovým tím úchyláckým způsobem, ten film mám ráda kvůli výpočetní technice)
Slunečník, Měsíčník a Větrník (Princ a Večernice, 1979)
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Teplí bratři. Podporuju jejich dramatičnost, ale intriky zvládli lépe skřeti ze Tří veteránů a jinak jsou málo divní. Minus body také za krajně pochybný způsob, jakým si opatřili manželky (pro zloducha dobrý, ale to oni být nemají). 5,5/10
Černokněžník (Pravý rytíř, 2015)
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Hnusný chlap s nepříjemnou fixací na královnu víl. Velmi ohňový. 6/10
Černokněžník (Zapomnětlivý černokněžník, 1990)
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Absolutní loser v každém směru. 6/10
Pavučinec (Tajemství lesní země, 2006)
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Opravdu velmi divné individuum. Pokud si dobře pamatuju, tak pán je antropomorfní houba a nejspíš pedofil tbh. Vskutku jedna z kreací. 6,5/10
Vigo (Arabela, 1980)
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Úctyhodný magič se stylem pro čarodějnou módu (inspiraci macechou z Popelky nezapře). Moc si o něm nepamatuju, přiznávám, ale hraje ho Sovák, takže není co řešit. 7/10
Čaro (Poslední kouzlo, 2006)
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Skutečný bizár, velmi originální provedení, velmi originální vzhled. 7/10
Kruciatus (Korunní princ, 2015)
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Opravdu zlá bytost, která se snaží sebrat ze dna a páchat další zlo. Kéž bych měla v životě tolik motivace a síly vůle. 7,5/10
Rumplcimprcampr (Rumplcimprcampr, 1997)
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Opravdu hnusný zloduch a nepochybně bytost hodná označení divnomuž. Fuj. 8/10
Zatloukal, Převrátil, Poskočil (O pokladech, 2012)
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Jsou hrozní. 8,5/10
Skřítci (Tři veteráni, 1983)
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Chaotická parta malých satanů, kteří to myslí dobře, ale takovým tím způsobem, jako když necháte svého simíka chvíli topit v bazénu, protože neumyl nádobí. Děsivé. 9/10
Skeleton (Pták Ohnivák, 1997)
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Strašidelný predátor, chef's kiss. Půl bod dolů za to, že se jmenuje Skeleton a není kostlivec. 9,5/10
Mrazík (Mrazík, 1964)
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Nejstarší účastník zájezdu. Studený Krakonoš. Má turbo mód. Klade blbé otázky. Co víc si přát. 9/10
Krakonoš (Krkonošské pohádky, 1974)
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Podnět ke vzniku tohoto žebříčku a první český divnomuž, který dostal vlastní velké přirozené poprsí. Opravdová ikona, vzor lidství a předvoj enviromentálních aktivistů. Jeho kámoška je navíc sojka práskačka. 9,5/10
Pán podzemí (O třech ospalých princeznách, 1998)
(internet cenzuruje velké umělce, můžete se ale mrknout na youtube nebo v ivysílání)
Možná méně známá televizní pohádka, ale Boris Rösner jako velký špatný je jeden z nejlépe zahraných zloduchů, co jsem kdy viděla. Vrchní polička. 10/10
Mrakomor (Princ a Večernice, 1979)
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V jednom žebříčku se už na vrcholu umístil, mezi zlými lidmi těžko nachází konkurenci. Je ale dost divný? Hloupá otázka, je zelený, mokrý a po smrti sublimuje. 10/10
Pokud jste došli až sem, jste hustí. Ani tumblr nedošel až sem, několikrát to během tvorby tohoto příspěvku vzdal (díky Krakonošovi za automatické ukládání do draftů). Čas na příběh: původně jsem chtěla udělat žebříček čarodějů, ale měl tam být Krakonoš. Krakonoš není čaroděj, ale mýtická bytost, neboli divnomuž. A když už je v žebříčku Krakonoš divnomuž, musela jsem logicky zapojit další divnomuže. A tak se to stalo. Kritiku přijímám, ale nezasloužím si ji. Zdar!
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1214×1920 -- Spotlight on a "STAR WARS" fan art piece titled "The Pilot," TIE Fighter pilot of the Empire, artwork by Paul "Wiz" Johnson, c. 2015.
"Flying a TIE reminds Norra of those wasps. It's incredible. Such maneuverability. She can do just as the wasps do: thrust forward, then retroboost to a stop, then streak to the left or to the right. On a lark she gives the whole thing a spin -- literally corkscrewing the ship as she flies it over the city that was once her home.
Of course, the trade-off is this: The TIE is a suicide ship, isn't it? To get the speed and maneuverability, the Empire sacrificed safety and sanity in the rest of the design. The whole thing is brittle like a bird skeleton. Doesn't even have an ejector seat. It's not just a fighter.
In dire situations, it doubles as the pilots grave."
-- "STAR WARS: Aftermath" (2015) novel, written by Chuck Wendig, 5 ABY
Source: www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsFanArt/comments/11686x9.
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urhuyum · 2 months
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Sırasıyla 2015, 2016, 2020, 2022, 2023 ve 2024'den ben.
Bok yaşlanıyorum. Olgunlaşıyorum abi. Bilgeleşiyorum. Tıpkı şarap gibi. Zaman geçtikçe daha kıymetli oluyorum.
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
Descendant's Character List Part One: AK's
I have been asked to make a list of characters who appear in my fics, both book canon and ocs, so... I apologize for how long this is going to be. (The only characters excluded on this list are those who appear in the movies).
This is everyone born before the first Descendants movie. I may add on to this list as time goes on and more characters are created. All ages are the ages at the time of D1. I headcanon that the first movie takes place in March-April of 2015, or A.C. 20
"Ally" Allison (Canon) - First seen in Wicked World. I made "Ally" be a nickname. Longs to be a detective, and works at her mother's tea shop. 15
Aladdin & Jasmine:
Prince Aziz (Canon) - First mentioned in The Isle of the Lost. 17
Prince Amir (Canon?) - His name is said during the Tourney Game in the first movie, spelled Amir according to subtitles. His jersey says Emir, but I went with the "A" spelling and made him Aladdin and Jasmine's son. 15
Princess Jamila (OC) - The baby of the family. 12
Anastasia and Dimitri:
Princess Alina (OC) - 18
Prince Damien (OC) - 14
Princess Dasha (OC) - 13
Anna & Kristoff:
Prince Aleksander (OC) - Heir to Arendalle. His friend group consists of Pierre, Emery, Ruby and Erica. 18
Prince Aksel (OC) - Best friends with Elsie and Ben, good friends with Reiner. 16
Prince Asmund (OC) - 13
Princess Kari (OC) - Best friends with Eira. 9
Princess Klara (OC) - The youngest of the family, and friends with Clementine Charming. 7
Ariel & Eric:
Princess Melody (Canon) - First appeared in The Little Mermaid 2. She's quite a bit older than her little sisters, and is married with kids of her own (all ocs who won't really appear much). The only reason she hasn't taken over her parents kingdom was at King Beast's request to wait until Ben became High King. 32
Princess Abi (OC) - She is older than Ebba by only 6 minutes, but unlike her sister she doesn't have as strong of a call to the sea. With that said, she is still a mermaid. 16
Princess Ebba (OC) - Ebba loves the sea and everything to do with it. 16
Princess Elle (Canon-ish) I believe she was confirmed by Kenny Ortega. She was born without the use of her legs, but thanks to her grandfather, is able to transform into a mermaid. 14
Aurora and Phillip:
Prince Pierre (OC) - Audrey's older brother and heir to Aurora and Phillip's kingdom. He is dating Ruby Fitzherbert. 20
"Cinderella" Ella and Kit:
Princess Karine (OC) - Chad's younger sister. She's best friends with Reiner. 14
Prince Emil (OC) - He has not yet started at Auradon Prep. 11
Princess Clementine (OC) - 6
Erica (OC) - Inherited her mother's powers, but grew up in the Arendalle castle with her cousins at King Beast's "request". 19
Eira (OC) - Best friends with her cousin Kari. Unlike her sister, Eira got to be raised in Northuldra. She has powers similar to Elsa's. 10
Esmerelda & Phoebus:
Zephyr (Canon) - First seen in Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Best friends with Li Shang Jr. 19 as of D1
Genie & Dalia (From the live action Aladdin)
Lian (Canon) - Seen in the live action Aladdin movie. 22
Omar (Canon) - Seen in the live action Aladdin movie. 21
Jordan (Canon) First seen in Wicked World. 15
Hercules and Megara:
"Herkie" Hyllus (Canon) - Mentioned in the books. I made "Herkie" a nickname while naming him after on of mythology-Hercules son's. 16 as of D1
Makaria (Kinda Oc) - Named after one of mythology-Hercules daughters. 15 as of D1
Merida & Feradach (Bravely book):
Marette (OC) - The eldest of Merida's triplets. Marette is a dreamer, and loves to be out in the highlands. 15
Moira (OC) - 1 hour younger than Marette, and 30 minutes older than Maisie. Moira is a warrior, she's trained to be one. 15
Maisie (OC) - The youngest of the girls and the most "lady-like". 15
Mulan & Shang:
Li Shang Jr (Canon) - Mentioned in Rise of the Isle of the Lost. 19.
Rapunzel and Eugene:
(I accidentally put Elsie and Reiner as 14. They are not. They are 15 in D1)
Prince Emery (OC) - Heir to Corona. 19
Princess Ruby (Wicked World) - She's in her last year of school and dating Pierre. 18
Prince Reiner (OC) - The heir to the Dark Kingdom. He's Elsie's fraternal twin, and his best friend is Karine Charming. He's also good friends with Aksel and Ben, partially due to his sister's friendship with them. 15
Princess Elsie (OC) - Reiner's fraternal twin sister. She's a lot more bubbly than her twin brother, and is best friends with Aksel and Ben. 15
Princess Edeline (OC) - She's not quite as friendly as her siblings, and is focused on ballet. 14
Princess Rosalind (OC) - She was a surprise baby and has her older siblings all wrapped around her finger. Along with most of Corona as well. 5
Robin Hood & Maid Marian:
Rowan Hood (OC) - 18 as of D1.
Bobby Hood (Canon) - 17. Mentioned in the books.
Mason Hood (OC) - 16 as of D1
Roger and Anita Radcliffe:
Rebecca (OC) - 15 as of D1
Andrew (OC) - 13 as of D1
Snow White & Florian:
Princess Sandra (OC) - 14
Princess Sascha (OC) - 8
Tiana & Naveen:
Princess Teresa (OC) - 17
Prince Tyrone (Canonish?) - His name is on a Tourney jersey, I just gave him parents and a personality. 16
Princess Naomi (OC) - She's best friends with Carolina, her Aunt Charlotte's daughter. 14
The Madrigals (Yes, I'm putting them all together):
Dominique (OC) - Dolores and Mariano's oldest. 8
Felix (OC) - Dolores and Mariano's son, named after his grandpa. Nicknamed Fe. 6
Ines (OC) - Isabella's oldest. 6
Emmanuel (OC) - Luisa's oldest. 6
Soraya (OC) - Isabella's youngest. 4
Catalina (OC) - Camilo's daughter. 4
Mercedes (OC) - Dolores and Mariano's daughter. 3
Lorenzo (OC) - Luisa's son. 2
Natalia (OC) - Camilo's daughter. 1
Koa (OC) - The son of Kida and Milo, and heir to Atlantis. 21
Derek (Canon) - First mentioned in Escape from the Isle of the Lost. Dopey's son, Doug's older brother. 18
Tiger Peony (Canon) - First mentioned in Return to the Isle of the Lost. 17
Brendan (Canonish) - He's on the Tourney team, I just gave him parents. Son of Big Nose and Assunta (Tangled: The Series). 17
Colton (OC) - Charlotte la Bouff's son. 17.
Carolina (OC) - Charlotte's daughter. Best friends with Naomi. 14
Arabella (Canon) - Seen in Rise of the Isle of the Lost, Arabella is one of Ariel's nieces. 14
Lorne (OC) - The daughter of Leezie, a character from the book Bravely. 14
Callum (OC) - The son of Leezie, and younger brother to Lorne. 12
Graham (OC) - Leezie's youngest child. 7
Pin (Canon) - Mentioned in Return to the Isle of the Lost. Son of Pinocchio. 13
Maia (OC) - The daughter of Kida and Milo. She wasn't happy about being sent to Auradon Prep. 12
Artie (Canon) - Mentioned in Return to the Isle of the Lost. Son of Arthur. 11
Marin (OC) - Daughter of Melody, Ariel and Eric's oldest grandchild. 9
Malik (OC) - Son of Melody. 7
Mahalia (OC) - Daughter of Moana. 8
Finlay (OC) - Son of Hamish, one of Merida's brothers. 3
Murdoch (OC) - Son of Hubert, one of Merida's brothers. 2
Amelia (OC) - Daughter of Hamish. 2
Ean (OC) - Son of Harris, one of Merida's brothers. 1
I'm sorry if this is confusing! And with how long it is, there's not much to say about all the characters. But feel free to ask me about any of them, or even give suggestions for other Disney characters who might have kids!
The Vks
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abi-cosmos · 1 year
Abi’s weekly Destiel fanfic retreat!
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Fic recs: lowest hits
This week I went deep-diving into the lowest hits, and took a chance on some older stuff that hasn’t been tagged or talked about.  
Because the first one was 30k words, I didn’t get around to reading much more, but I’ll be back next week with others!
Then Shall He Reward Everyone According to His Works (Matthew 16:27) by Orithain and Rina9294.  Explicit. 30030 words. Originally published in a 2011 zine and set in a season 4-5 canon divergence, this is truly a relic (and not in a bad way!) of the time. There’s a note that indicates it may have had editing before it was published to ao3 in 2015, but what I enjoyed about this fic was that Dean is very circa S1-3, but with Castiel (eg. flirty and wanting to bone the hot angel who will only visit him in his dreams). There’s not a lot of tags to help you decide if this fic is for you, but it contains: temporary major character death, in a very Supernatural way. A few jokes/comments that have aged as well as some of the jokes in early SPN. Explicit sexual content. 
Set Yourself on Fire by trinityofone. Explicit. 2279 words. This is surprisingly sad and got me in the feels. Endverse!Cas is using his last moments to visit Dean in his sleep. 
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Writing prompts!
Feeling bored and uninspired? Have some one word prompts:
Coffee. Thunderstorm. Yellow.
As always, HYDRATE because water is super important, feel free to message me with any fics you find, or writing you do, and take care of yourselves. 
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blubberquark · 6 months
Resolution Independence, Zoom, Fractional Scaling, Retina Displays, High-DPI: A Minefield
I already explained how CPU dispatch is a minefield: It doesn't cause intermittent bugs. It often doesn't even cause crashes. Badly implemented CPU dispatch means you build something on your machine that runs on your machine, but doesn't perform the dispatch correctly, so it crashes on somebody else's machine, or something build on a worse machine still runs fine on a better machine, but not as well as it could. Some of the bugs only manifest with a different combination of compiler, build system, ABI, and microarchitecture. CPU dispatch is a minefield because it's easy to get wrong in non-obvious ways.
I recently played an old game on Windows 11, with a high-DPI 2560x1600 (WQXGA) monitor. Text was too small to read comfortably read, and the manufacturer had set the zoom level to 150% by default. When I launched the game, it started in fullscreen mode, at 2560x1660, which Windows somehow managed to zoom up to 3840x2400. The window was centered, with all the UI elements hidden behind the edges of the screen. When I switched from fullscreen to windowed, the window still covered the whole desktop and the task bar. I quit the game and switched to another. That game let me choose the resolution before launch. At first I tried 2560x1660, but nothing worked right. Then I started it again, at 1920x1080. It didn't look quite right, and I couldn't understand what was going on. Windows has scaled the game up to 2880x1620, which looked almost correct. At this point I realised what was happening, and I set the zoom to 100%. Both games displayed normally.
The first game was an old pixel art platformer from the early 2000s, with software rendering. The second is a strategy game built with OpenGL around 2015, with high-resolution textures based on vector art, and with a UI that works equally well on an iPad and on a PC.
It was hard to read things on that monitor, so I set the font scaling to 150%, but somehow that made things harder to read. Some applications did not honour the font size defaults, and others did, and still others had tiny UI elements with big letters that were spilling out.
Next, I tried to run a game on Ubuntu, with Sway (based on wayland) as the desktop environment. It's a different machine, a 15.6 inch 1920x1080 laptop with an external 1920x1080 23 inch monitor attached. I zoomed the internal display of the laptop by 150% in order to have windows appear equally sized on both monitors.
What is happening on Windows 11 seems to be that even OpenGL games that don't think in terms of pixels, but in terms of floating point coordinates that go from -1 to +1 in both the x and y dimension, (so 0.1 screen units are different sizes in different dimensions) are treated the same as software rendering games that give a buffer of software-rendered pixels to the operating system/graphics environment. Making an already resolution-independent window bigger feels pointless.
What I would want to happen by default, especially in the case of the software-rendered game, is for the operating system to just tell my game that the desktop is not sized 2560x1600, but 1706x1066 (or just 1600x1000), and to then scale that window up. If the window is scaled up, mouse position coordinates should be automatically scaled down from real pixels to software pixels, unless the mouse cursor is captured: If I am playing a DOOM clone or any first-person game, I do not want relative mouse sensitivity to decrease when I am playing on a 4K monitor or when I am maximising the window (if playing in windowed mode). If I have a retina/zoomed display attached, and a standard definition/unzoomed display, and there is a window overlapping both screens, then only the part of a window that is on the zoomed display should be zoomed in.
What I would want to happen with a "resolution-independent" game is this: The game queries the size of the monitor with a special resolution-independent query function. There is no way to "just make it backward compatible". This is a new thing and needs new API. The query returns
Size of all desktops in hardware pixels
Size of all screens in real-world centimetres
Preferred standard text size in pt/cm (real world) or pixels
Zoom factor (in percent) of all desktops
Which screens are touch or multi-touch screens
Is dark mode enabled?
Which desktop is "currently active"
The "preferred" desktop to open the window
This information would allow an application to create a window that is the appropriate size, and scale all text and UI elements to the appropriate size. We can't assume that a certain size in pixels is big enough for the user to comfortably hit a button.
Even this information might not be enough. What should be the behaviour if a windowed OpenGL application is dragged between a 4K monitor at 200% zoom, and a 640x480 CRT? Should the OS scale the window down the same way it currently scales windows up when they aren't "retina aware"?
I don't really know. All I do know is that Windows, Mac OS, and different wayland compositors all handle high-DPI zoom/retina differently, in a way that breaks sometimes, in some environments. But it looks fine if you don't have scaling set. There are ways to tell the windowing system "I know what I am doing" if you want to disable scaling, but these are easy to abuse. There's a cargo cult of just setting "NSHighResolutionCapable" or "HIGHDPIAWARE" without understanding why and why not. Win32 provides all the information you need, with a very complex API. Wayland has a very different approach. SDL is aware of the issue.
I really hope SDL3 will make this work. If you get this wrong, you'll only realise when somebody on a different operating system with a different monitor tries to get your game to fit on the screen by fiddling with the registry, and it goes from not fitting on the monitor to text being too small read.
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cutejk123 · 1 year
The Shape Girls (Butterfly magic)
Set during the years 2014-2015 (all girls except Tallie were 9-10 years old). All of them are my OCs
Janae (me)- Heart Butterfly
Kyla- Star Butterfly
Kelsea- Diamond Butterfly
Kacey- Square Butterfly
Abi- Circle Butterfly
Iylah- Crescent Butterfly
Georgie- Raindrop Butterfly
Paris- Lightening Butterfly
Sophia (newest member at that time)- Pentagon Butterfly
Tallie- Silver Heart Butterfly
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Dvanáct apoštolů I ustanovil jich dvanácte, aby s ním byli, aby je poslal kázati, A aby měli moc uzdravovati nemoci a vymítati ďábelství:
Then he appointed twelve of them and called them his apostles. They were to accompany him, and he would send them out to preach, giving them authority to cast out demons. — Mark 3:14-15 | Podle Puvodního Vydání Kralického (1579 Czech Bible) and New Living Translation (NLT) The 1579 Czech Bible is in the public domain and Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. All rights reserved. Cross References: Matthew 4:24; Mark 3:13; Mark 3:16; Mark 6:30
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 months
Warburgs Staatstafeln
Meine Forschung gilt grundsätzlich dem Verhältnis zwischen Recht und Bild. Die Methode, derer ich mich bediene wird als Kulturtechnikforschung (Steinhauer, 2015) bezeichnet. In einem Teilprojekt dieser Forschung befasse ich mich im Momentmit einer Schlüsselfigur der Moderne im Übergang zwischen dem späten 19. Jahrhundert und dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Aby Warburg. Der war nicht nur Kunsthistoriker, Kultur- und Bildwissenschaftler. Er war auch ein Banker, ein Rechtswissenschaftler und ‚Polarforscher‘ - alle Berufe hängen bei ihm dicht zusammen und formieren einen eigenen wissenschaftlichen Gegenstand.  Warburg erfüllte nicht die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen, um einen den klassischen Berufe eines Juristen ausübern zu können. Er war aber zum Rechtswissenschaftler berufen - und hat mehr als 30 Jahre lang an einer Geschichte und Theorie von einem Recht geforscht, dass er von der Regung (Bewegung) her gedacht hat, sogar einer besonderen Regung her, nämlich einer polaren Regung.
Das Projekt beschäftigt sich darum mit den sonderbaren und bisher noch nicht umfassend gewürdgten Berufen Warburgs, dem Juristen und Polarforscher Warburg. Es beschäftigt sich weiter mit dem daraus entwickelten Gegenstand der Warburgschen  der sowohl als Recht als auch als Bild bezeichnet werden kann .Die These lautet, dass, was den Gegenstand dieser sonderbaren Warburgschen Wissenschaft betrifft, die Begriffe Recht und Bild Synonyme bilden können. Warburg ist im 20. Jahrhundert nicht der einzige, der Bild als Recht und Recht als Bild betrachtet. Pierre Legendre ist ebenfalls ein moderner Bildrechtswissenschaftler. Warburg ist derjenige, der mit seinem kunsthistorischen und bildwissenschaftliche Denken am bekanntesten ist - dessen rechtswissenschaftliche Beiträge aber weitgehendunterschätzt werden. Warburg ist nicht nur eine Gegenfigur zu Pierre Legendre, sondern auch ein Kritiker dessen, was man abgleitet von Jack Goody das Dogma der großen Trennung nennen kann und zu dem die Vorstellung gehört, dass ein 'westliches Recht' sich exklusiv durch Ausdifferenzierung und erfolgreicher Trennung von anderen, zum Beispiel vergangenen und 'niedrigeren' normativen Erscheinungen abheben auszeichnen würde. Für das Forschungsprojekt ist warburg vor allem deswegen wichtig, weil er sowohl das Recht als auch das Bild in Bezug auf Unbeständigkeit, Meteorologie und Polarität denkt.
Zwischen 1896 und 1929 entsteht in mehreren Schüben eine Wissenschaft vom Recht und vom Bild, in der Recht und Bild weder ausdifferenziert noch stabil oder stabilisierend ist. Warburg interessiert sich für ein polares und polarisiertes Recht, also ein Recht, durch das eine Regung geht, in der Kehren, Kippen, Wendungen und Drehungen vorkommen – und das in Form von Bildern erscheint. Recht heißt in dem Sinne auch Regung oder Regen, also auch regendes Bild  Warburg rekonstruiert die Geschichte des Rechts nicht als Geschichte der Dogmatik, der Gesetzbücher, Verträge oder Entscheidungen, sondern als Geschichte der Kalender, Akte(n), Formeln, Protokolle,  derjenigen Kulturtechnik, die er ‚Distanzschaffen‘ nennt und zu der präzise Vorstellungen über Symbolisierungen entwickelt.
 Warburgs Begriff des Distanzschaffens erinnert an Ihrerings Idee der Rechtswissenschaft als einer Scheidekunst. Warburg verbindet damit aber keine Theorie der Abstraktion, der Isolierung und einer fortschreitenden Differenzierung, sondern eine Theorie unbeständigen oder meteorologischen Rechts. 1929 legt Warburg mit zwei Tafeln aus dem Bildatlas, an dem er seit 1924 arbeitet, eine Summe seiner Forschung. Diese Tafel gelten den Lateranverträgen, Mussolinis Versuchen, internationale Kreditwürdigkeit zu erlangen und den Ambiguitäten der Verträge.  Das Projekt stellt die Geschichte und Theorie dieser Tafeln vor und entwickelt die These, dass diese Tafeln sowohl die Summa als auch ein Manual von Warburgs Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft sind.
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 2018 mixtape:
Stars Are Insane “I Stayed Up All Night Thinking Of You” (demo)
Kajun SS “Know Your Place”
James Clarke “Silent Summer”
Leon Gardner “Who Are You”
Frumpies, The “I Just Wanna’ Puke On The Stereo”
Raveonettes, The “I Wanna’ Be Adored”
Black Dice “Cowboy Soundcheck”
War On Women “Lone Wolves”
Sun Ra Nuits De La Fondation Maeght Vol. 1
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass “Spanish Flea”
Buddy Rich The Bus Tapes
Ghost Spell self-titled
Digital Leather “Ruining Everything”
Black Boot 2013 demo
Plugz, The “Touch For Cash”
Deformity Shards
Ajax 2015 demo
Vinnie Paz “Cheesesteaks”
Robert Viger “Limpidite”
Stiv Bators “It’s Cold Outside”
Frigs “Solid State”
MF Doom & RZA “Books Of War”
Les Savvy Fav “Hold On To Your Genre”
Ros Sereysothea “Kon Komsot”
Blueblack “Branches Broke”
Pat Metheny “San Lorenzo”
Can “Vitamin C”
Versus The Stars Are Insane
Jedi Mind Tricks “Design In Malice”
Wolf Alice “Sad Boy”
World / Inferno Friendship Society The True Story Of The Bridgewater Astral League
Rezzett “Gremlinz”
Boy Harsher “Modulations”
Nick Cave “I’m Your Man”
Boards Of Canada “Orange Romeda”
Cabaret Voltaire Extended Play e.p.
Letlive “Day 54”
Kedr Livanskiy Ariadna
Jan Jelinek “Them, Their”
Thomas Leer “Saving Grace”
Killing Joke “Penny Drops”
Nails Abandon All Hope
Public Image Ltd. “Poptones”
Chris Norwood “The Norwood’s Prayer”
Puccio Roelens “A Silness Song”
Aby Ngana Diop Liital
Curses “Pedal To The Metal And Don’t Look Back”
Keiji Haino “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean” (acoustic)
Azymuth “Jazz Carnival”
Joanna Brouk “The Space Between”
Thomas Leer “All About You”
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mountrainiernps · 2 years
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Looking at descriptions of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), one phrase you might often see is spire-like. Found throughout the subalpine elevations of the national park, subalpine fir are often very spire-like. They are narrow and have a silhouette that may remind you of the Eiffel tower in Paris. Twigs are stiff and branches are uniformly spaced. The spread out branches lend even more to the spire-like appearance. With short needles that grow up from the branches and a dense cone that also grows upright from branches, subalpine firs can be easily identified.
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Subalpine firs seem to love the cold temperatures. They can thrive in areas with deep snow, like at Paradise. While visiting the subalpine areas, you can see these trees buried in the snow. And they do well in it. These narrow trees with spaced out branches don’t collect the great big loads of snow. A lot of snow floats down through the branches and around them, blanketing the ground. In an environment where there might be 5 to 10 feet of snow, being spire-like and uniformly spaced branches really helps to keep the snow from piling up on a tree.
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Have you noticed subalpine firs while out in the national park? Have you seen how these spire-like trees handle the snow? ~ams
More information on conifer species in the national park can be found here https://www.nps.gov/mora/learn/nature/conifer-trees.htm .
These photographs are from years past and do not reflect current conditions. NPS Photo. Close up of upright needles on branch of subalpine fir in Sunrise area with water drops on some needles and branches. September, 2015. NPS Photo. Close-up image of a bunch of cones on a subalpine fir tree. NPS Photo. Snowshoers in snow in subalpine elevation. Open areas with clusters of trees covered in snow. Narrow, spire-like subalpine fir trees visible. March, 2014.
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Lebaran tiba tandanya?
Temenku pernah posting di igs katanya ciri lebaran udah deket adalah kang cukur or barbershop itu penuh pelanggan. Iyaaaak betoooll hahaha. Termasuk bapak suami nih, wlpn ngga tiap tahun tp kebanyakan tiap mau lebaran selalu mampir kang cukur dulu. Dan selalu mepet2 wktnya entah H-3, H-2 bahkan H-1 pernah H-1 itu tutup dong barbershop langganan beuhhh. Bahkan kemarin2 sampe kudu booking dulu. Ehh ternyata gabisa booking paling ambil nomer antrian katanya.
Culture barbershop langganan suamiku since 2015 pas awal kita pacaran dan kayanya sih baru buka dari jaman harga 40k aja sampe skrg 60+ trus full package bisa lebih malah. Tempatnya iya di deket uber sini di jl rumah sakit, 1 lg di arcamanik, pernah potram di sana jg pas di ubernya penuh. Kalo lg di rumah mah kadang di golden barbershop (akhirnya berpaling dari culture barbershop inituh wkwk).
Yaudah kan pas disini jg trus kemarin kita berdua pergi dulu, ngambil yg ketinggalan di rumah skalian nyari kado buat jena ultah ke 3 thn. Sepanjang jalan nyari deh tuh barbershop, kepikiran barberbos jg yg baru buka di deket patung husein. Nah ternyata cabangnya ada 3 di progo dan terusan jkt. Ditanyain ke 3 tempat pasti antrian kalo ngga ke 5 ya ke 7 lamaaa itu keburu magrib. Yaudah akhirnya balik lg ke culture uber yg katanya udah penuh sampe tgl 8, taunya bisa sehabis buka puasa jam 7an. Yaudah suamiku abis buka dan solat magrib kesana lagi, ngga aku anter dah lelah deh ahhh. Padahal perjalanan ngga semacet hari sabtu tp berasa cape bgt Bdg timur ituuu hilihhh..
Sendokiran blio kesana.. Report foto ya nanti pak! Oke~ katanya
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Wuidih dah rapih.. Kata nemo "ayah ganteng ih" wkwkwk. Sensor dulu yak jebag bgt untuk diliat istrinya aja weh hahaha. Mana back light itu yah duhh. Ternyata fotonya after potram padahal aku rikues pas proses yg mirror selfie tea gening haha..
Alhamdulillah rapih pas lebaran ngga ruded ruded lg mikirin rambut yg mringkel huft.
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formulalex · 2 years
Women of the F1 Paddock
Although underrepresented there are so many amazing women in the paddock. They all are inspirational in their own way, and all have an important story to tell. So today, I’m highlighting just some of the incredible women leading the way.
Angela Cullen
Lewis Hamilton’s physio and right—hand woman since 2016, Angela Cullen is a powerhouse. Lewis has even described her as his chauffeur and confidante. 
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Carolyn Paterson
Beginning her career at BMW UK as a marketing communications assistant, Carolyn is now a Press Officer at Scuderia Alpha Tauri. 
From PR schedules and briefings to writing editorials, Carolyn has a multifaceted job…and is damn good at it too! You might’ve even seen her around the paddock with Yuki Tsunoda as she also works closely with the drivers. 
Niamh Sidwell
 Niamh is a Production Coordinator at Formula 1 and has been working in F1 for almost three years!
Her role is to provide logistical and coordination support to the Creative Media team. She is almost like a director and makes sure everything runs as smooth as possible.
At the Singapore Grand Prix earlier this year she even had the opportunity to be a Assistant Producer for Track TV!
Abi Crawforth
Abi began her career in motorsport with Williams Racing as a Mechanical Engineering Apprentice in 2015, and since then she has been doing some amazing things. Now she works at Red Bull as a CNC Machinist, where she's responsible for properly configuring and setting up machinery tools according to the specifications of technical drawings in order to make car parts!
Marie-Thérèse Helayel
Marie-Thérèse is a recent graduate, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t reached amazing heights in her career already. Currently she is a Power Unit Engineer at Red Bull!
Lauren Merchant 
 The driver’s team kits are a vital part of Formula 1 and Lauren is responsible for coordinating everything team kit related at Aston Martin.
Lauren takes care of the distribution and fulfillment of all team clothing, from race wear to office wear options.
She's been with the team since January this year, with her role being a completely new one!
Sarah Fasey
You will usually find Sarah buried in her work phone on race weekends as she fulfils her role as Red Bull’s social media producer.
Sarah graduated from University of Leeds with a BA in Fashion Marketing and worked for Nike for two years as a Marketing Assistant and Digital Designer before joining Red Bull Racing & Red Bull Technology in August 2020. 
Susie Wolff
Where do I start with Susie Wolff. She is a powerhouse and a history maker in the motorsport world.
Susie started off her racing career in karting before moving on to Formula Renault and Formula Three, then moving to DTM to compete for Mercedes-Benz. 
In 2012, she was signed by Williams as a development driver and in 2014 Susie became the first woman since 1992 to compete in a Formula 1 race weekend. After her racing retirement she went on to work at Venturi Racing (Formula E) as Team Principal and then CEO. 
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So now you know there are some amazing women in the paddock, doing a myriad of different jobs, and there is always a spot for you! So be brave, be bold and go chase your dream!
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