#about Ewan mitchel tho
the-common-cowgirl · 11 months
I love when HE’S wet.
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flowersbane · 2 months
what do you mean it’s spicy??? 😭 but they are so right about nyc bagels, there’s nothing better than a good bagel
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i can only say this here and not on twitter because i don't want deranged fans in my quotes. some aemond hate seems to be thinly disguised ewan mitchell hate. because a lot of the things they bring up are actually about ewan himself, not so much aemond the fictional character. and i think it has a bit to do with the fact that he got so popular and gained so many fans in such a short amount of time. like, there were so many articles about him and a lot of people praised his performance and some just... didn't like it. but it's weird because ewan has done nothing but be a good actor and from what we know from other people, a really sweet guy.
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hellshee · 2 years
why are they the cutest and goofiest
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ode-to-fury · 2 years
I dont know why but I can see Ewan mitchell in coh adaption . Maybe as Gwindor or Mablung or even Saeros ?
Dude if we slap some pointy ears on that man he can probably play any elf in Doriath
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2rats1gogh · 6 months
although i REALLY like the cast of HotD I can’t help but criticize the fact that they all are a little off for their canonical ages.
And it creates A LOT of problems.
Whenever I look at Olivia as Alicent my brain just cannot comprehend the fact that she is supposed to be the mother of Aegon, Aemond and Helaena. She looks like their older sister. I get that they were trying to go for the effect that “she was too young when she had her children” which is valid but still, she looks five years older than them at best. She is supposed to be almost 20 YEARS older than Aemond, yet in some shots of them together he looks like he’s older than her. It just makes it not really believable.
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Rhaenyra is also supposed to be much much older than her siblings, yet they all also look just like three years apart. They don’t look like a woman in her mid to late thirties fighting with a man in his early twenties which is what it should’ve been. It takes away the drama and puts them on the same level.
Ewan Mitchell is amazing as Aemond but he looks so so much older than the actor who plays Luke. During Storm’s End, like many people have said, it actually looks like a grown ass man chasing a small kid, when the characters are supposed to be like four to five years apart. Where Luke is believable as a 14 year old, Aemond absolutely does NOT look 19.
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Rhaenyra and Daemon also look fairly the same age because obviously there was no Daemon recast. They did a good job to make Paddy (Viserys) age throughout the years, but they kinda forgot to make Daemon age as well. And therefore Matt Smith looks the exact same in ep 1 and in ep 10, even tho these two episodes are like AT LEAST 20 years apart?? Matt Smith was in his early forties when they were filming, but by the end of season 1 Daemon is literally supposed to be in his mid to late fifties. The fact that Emma and Matt look around the same age, maybe having a 5 year age gap max, makes many people forget that they are two fully different generations of people, being around 20 years apart in the show, and hypothetically could’ve been father and daughter.
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And obviously Laena. Other people have already talked about this, but I also find it super weird that the show tried to convince us that Laena went from (1) to (2) in like, i don’t know, two years maybe? And then after a timeskip of only like one decade, she suddenly looks like she aged 20 years? The actress is literally older than Emma, and Laena is supposed to be younger than Rhaenyra.
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It just doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t really have a problem with changing some of the characters’ ages, but you have to consider casting the right actors as well. They did a fairly good job when adapting Game of Thrones, because they kinda aged up everyone and kept the same actors without having any timeskips. The only exceptions are probably characters like Brienne, because although I LOVE Gwendoline Christie, Brienne should’ve been a literal teenager.
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whenykyk · 3 months
I seriously hate Aemond Targaryen SO MUCH.
I never liked his character (I love Ewan Mitchell tho) but I hate Aemond. Especially now in season 2.
The only way he gets his kills in is by sneak attacks. He did it with Luke and he did it with Rhaenys (R.I.P. you will forver be missed my baddies) and also he has NO sense of loyalty. Especially not too his family. All he cares about is becoming king which is why he didn’t care when Rhaenyra got usurped and also why he tried to literally kill his brother. He’s a kinslayer and he cannot be trusted. A wannabe Daemon Targaryen and I also don’t like Daemon but I like his character more than Aemonds (they’re like parallels to eachother)
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cdragons · 1 year
Truce Part 1
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader ft. Druig x Hecate!Reader Word Count: 2.7k Prompt/Summary: Ikaris and Druig have a discussion about the women in their lives (AKA: Ikaris is an idiot who thinks your best friend is a demon, and Druig is super in love with said demon). Warning: Slight mentions of death (no major characters tho), neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning Note: Thank you to everyone who takes the times to read my writing even through it is likely way too self-indulgent to be considered in-character! Special thank you to the most amazing and incredible beta editor in the world, @valeskafics! If you have not, please go check her works! She mostly does HOTD, GOT, anything Ewan Mitchell, and literally EVERYTHING she writes is incredible!
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It was safe to say that Ikaris was a confident individual.
This was a fact that applied to many aspects of his life.
He was confident in his abilities as an Eternal. He was confident in his faith in both his leader Ajak, and the Celestial that created him and his team members, Arishem. He was especially confident in his capability as a leader. This included carrying out missions, eliminating Deviants, and saving and “caring” about the fragile humans’ lives.
No matter what Druig implied.
But the one thing he could not say he was completely 100% confident about… was… understanding how he placed amongst the rest of the Eternals.
That wasn’t to say he wasn’t well-liked or even appreciated… but… he didn’t exactly know how some members “felt” about him.
He was more than well-received by certain members – Kingo and Sprite are the first Eternals that come to mind. He had earned the respect and trust of most of the group – as was shown by the trust Ajak put on him, along with the close bond he shared with Sersi. Thena and Gilgamesh certainly respected him as a fighter – but they never idolized him. In their eyes, he was more of a younger brother that they could share a drink and trade banter. He was on amicable terms with Makkari. Phastos and him never particularly bonded with each other, but the latter still trusted Ikaris’ judgement.
With Druig and Katelyn, both outright dismissing him most of the time –
No…that was putting it lightly…
Take the words “outright dismissed him,” and replaced them with “liked to act like bratty little shits and make him look like a fucking idiot;” along with the words “most of the time,” and replace them with “since they all left the goddamn Domo.”
…But he had no idea where he stood with you.
Sephia, the Eternal blessed by Arishem with the ability of absolute control of plants and the Earth. While Sersi made efforts to connect with the humans, you almost did everything in your power to avoid them. But no matter how you tried to avoid them, humans always adored you. They longed to catch a quick glimpse of the beautiful being that brought them aid whenever their crops were unable to bear fruit.
It was not only your powers that attracted them to you, but also the image you presented yourself to them. You were…heaven-sent – is how the humans saw you. Although fairly quiet, it was obvious to him that you were brilliant. Not only that, but you were fairly regimented in your diligence to your duties- something Ikaris greatly appreciated in a team member. You and Sersi worked together to only present them with their new crops, explain the various uses that would fit their lifestyle, show them how to properly harvest the crops and take a section of the seeds to replant, and then demonstrate how to properly plant them in a way that would yield the best results.
…It also helped how the sun would bring out that lovely flush to your skin in your demonstrations.
To them, your kindness and shy demeanor… along with your overwhelming beauty that was only further brought out from your flowing pink tunic with green twining and brass patterns… presented the very image of a Springtime Maiden.
You carried out your duties flawlessly, and always with so much efficiency that you always managed to have more than enough free time to go off on your little adventures to study the wildlife you had not created. You were curious as to how certain natural environments resulted in different lifestyle choices. You insisted that in studying the world around them, you would be able to better understand the humans’ lifestyle. A thought that was supported by Ajak whole-heartedly.
And it wasn’t only your duties to the humans that you carried out well – you even used your ability to control the plants that surrounded you to attack Deviants in desperate times. Sprite would spin tales of how the Sweet Spring Maiden Sephia could turn a little flower into a giant vine that could pierce through the skull of any deviant that came your way.
You were…different. That wasn’t to say you were strange…if anything…your differences made you…charming. Admittedly, he hadn’t paid much attention towards you at the beginning as he was initially attracted to Sersi’s kind demeanor. But he would always see you with her, and she would always insist on the two of you bonding. Your encounters with one another were awkward to say the least. But soon, he genuinely bonded with you…
Now, you were just the most fucking adorable being in the universe; which brought up the dire need to know where he stood in your life.
He just hoped that your “guardian angel” wasn’t with you at the moment.
“Well,” thought Ikaris, “demon would be a more accurate term in describing her.”
Kaetlyn was a different topic of conversation to say the least. Simply put, her abilities allow her to manipulate shadows and darkness. In battle, she would first scope out any areas that had Deviants to gain any information that would be an advantage. She would do this by either sending her shadows out, or just traveling through any shadows herself. Ikaris loathed to admit it, but her affinity for intelligence-gathering was far superior than the rest of them. Not only that, but she was a more than capable fighter. She would aim her dark arrows to the Deviant’s weakest point, and let the shadows embedded in it sink into their bodies to tear them from the inside out.
After its confirmed death, she would use her shadow portals to transport them to her personal laboratory at the Domo to “study” their anatomy and physiology. And if that wasn’t enough, Ajak just- just- ALLOWS IT! Even going so far as to ask for your assistance at certain times!
Ajak was one matter – after all, the Prime Eternal served as a maternal figure to everyone, including him – but he was more shocked at your eager involvement in the dark assassin’s hobbies. He could never forget how brightly you smiled when you ran towards him in excitement at your realization that encasing the decaying specimens in a mixture of various alcohol solutions and formaldehyde created a much more effective embalming methods than encasing it in an alcohol solution with herbs and spices.
You went on for hours about how you discovered the gas during one of the fires that nearly destroyed the village a few months back. Luckily very few of the villagers died, but you noticed how the victims who only died through exposure to the smoke decomposed much slower than normal. You then ended up trying to explain the process of precipitating the gas into a liquid solution, along with how to properly categorize it so that it wouldn’t be accidentally ingested. You and he ended up talking for so long that you ended up completely missing the feast held in celebration of the harvest that year. Ajak was quite cross with the both of you – Ikaris especially since he is usually so punctual with social engagements – but how could he be upset after having hours of your sole attention? You too were not put off by your leader’s slight scolding. On the contrary, you were more than relieved considering how much you hated these events.
You were kind and thoughtful; she was argumentative and crass. You were radiant brilliance; she was unhinged madness. You brought light and its hopeful beginnings; she oozed out darkness and all its mad chaos. You were life; she was death. So why did you latch onto her as if she was your only tether to the ground?
…You were being controlled by her- that had to have been it. Ikaris refused to believe that someone as wonderful and kind as yourself would willingly subject themselves to that-that-that- hell spawn!
“Y’know,” an annoyed voice broke his thoughts, “I’d really appreciate it if you’d didn’t call the love of my life a ‘hell spawn’.”
“For the love of Arishem,” thought Ikaris, “anyone but him.”
Taking a deep breath, he turned to find Druig.
“And I’m more than certain that our sweet Sephia wouldn’t exactly be ecstatic in knowing how you referred her very favorite person in the world that particular term either.” The mind controlling Eternal finished off with that damned trademark smirk of his.
Gods, Ikaris wanted nothing more than to shove that face a thousand feet in the ground right now. But he didn’t want to afford to lose his temper now. Not when he still hoped to find you.
“Pretty sure Ajak made it a rule for you not to use your powers on your fellow Eternals,” he snapped, “considering your habit of using it on the humans already.”
“Please,” he quipped back, “you’re the one pacing and muttering like a mad man in the middle of the courtyard.” He slightly cocked his head to the side in a facetious manner, “Anything I could help with?”
Ikaris didn’t want to tell Druig his plans…he wanted less for Druig to know about his plans with you. But Druig was close to you…even only through mutual association by Kaetlyn.
“Why are Sephia and Kaetlyn friends?” He blurted out.
“…Seriously?” Druig asked, “that’s what making act so crazy?”
“Just answer the damn question Druig.”
“…Why do you want to know?” The mind controller asked, very sure he wasn’t going to like Golden Boy’s response, but felt it necessary for his own peace of mind.
“…It doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“Excuse me?” His tone was growing colder with each passing second.
“Druig, I understand that you are incapable of being objective towards your… lover,” Ikaris started, “but even you have to admit you found their friendship to be unusual?”
“I can’t say that I have,” Druig answered, “I happen to think my angel as a lovely individual. A sentiment also agreed on by most members of the team- even your biggest fan Kingo adores her. Unconventional views? Maybe. Relentless tenacity? Absolutely. But that is exactly the foundation my beautiful Kaet’s adoration of Sephia, and vice versa.”
“I don’t- wait- I don’t understand?” Ikaris interrogated the besotted Eternal, “All she does is question Ajak’s authority, and commit senseless acts of childish rebellion! How does that lead to her being close with someone -”
Druig’s blank stare was almost terrifying.
“What Ikaris?” he asked, “Someone like Sephia? And how do you see our Sephia? Someone dutiful? Beautiful? Kind? Sweet? Perfect? How wretchedly mundane and so very one-dimensional- even for you.”
“That’s not it,” Ikaris was getting angry, “stop putting words in my mouth-”
“It’s not exactly a hard thing to do with you, my friend. But you and Sephia aren’t particularly close. She may be cordial with you, but she’s like that with everyone. So why the interest?”
“…I know that…Sephia is considered…different,” Ikaris began, “from a behavioral standpoint – but- tha- that’s not- I don’t think of her any less because of it.” This was much harder than he expected.
Druig lifted one of his eyebrows, signaling for the taller Eternal to continue.
“I like her ‘quirks’ – I can’t say I understand what they are, but – I know that-that they are a part of her, and not in a way that her powers are hers. But I also know that, that they don’t make up who she is as a whole.” Why was his throat closing up? “And…I like that she sees me.”
“…Yeah, no shit genius, it’s not like you can turn invisible. Believe me, not seeing your face would be a great improvement to my life.”
Ikaris scowled while turning so he could fly far from the black-clad armored telepath, “Forget it, I don’t know why I thought to share this with you of all people-”
“You don’t feel judged around her, is that it?”
Ikaris stopped, and once more faced Druig. The shock on his face was almost hilarious…if only Druig wasn’t about to completely expose himself at the moment, then he could at least properly enjoy the dumbfounded look on Ikaris’ face.
“Do you feel like you can talk to her about anything? That you could trust someone with something so humiliating? And then you’re angry because once you actually said those, you’ve realized that you’ve given someone full ammunition of yourself for them to use against you?”
The silence between the two powerful immortals was stifling.
“But then time passes,” Druig continues on, “and even after you pushed them away, they still accept you. Because they saw you, not an image other people projected on to you. And despite all reason, they decided to stand beside you.”
Ikaris’ eyes were bulging out of his head, “How- how did you know-?”
“I know, because I’ve been there,” Druig’s eyes softened just a tad, “with Kaety.”
“…Well, if you’re so curious about their companionship, I suppose the best way would be to ask directly from the source.” Druig reasoned as he pointed his head to two figures walking towards them.
You, in a soft white tunic with a long pink skirt with some brass jewelry. Today, you decided to let your hair loose with a few braids. Ikaris thought it was a bit curious on how you detested the humans’ worship of you, yet you still preferred their clothing options as opposed to your armor that showed your Olympian origins. However, armor or not, you still glowed a soft and heavenly aura unique only to you. You were in deep conversation with Kaetlyn, who wore a simple white linen dress with a patterned dark blue border skirt and a silver chained belt, and styled her hair in a loose braid.
Noticing the figures in front of them, Kaetlyn immediately pulled a look of just absolute disgust at the realization that Ikaris of all people was interrupting her peaceful day. Curious to your friend’s strange reaction, you turned your head and let out a warm smile and waved enthusiastically to the two men. You were well-aware of your friend’s distaste of the taller Eternal, but he was always kind with you. Besides, if you could occasionally put up with Kingo’s hubris, Kaety could certainly tolerate Ikaris’ company for a few moments.
Druig stepped in view, and Ikaris saw how quickly your feral companion’s expression changed at the sight of her lover. She lightly jogged to meet him in the middle as she threw her arms around his neck. Looking the strange sight, Ikaris noted that when she genuinely smiled, she looked almost…approachable? Druig took Kaetlyn in his arms, and the two pressed their lips together in a tender kiss. And just like that, the spell was broken and Ikaris was inwardly cringing from disgust as he turned his head away from the sight.
As a result, he was unable to see Druig lean forward and softly whisper to her ear of the plight that their mutual grey-streaked hair irritation was experiencing. Wanting to dismiss it immediately, Kaetlyn recalls all the times your cheeks lightly flushed in Ikaris’ company. And despite her obvious distaste for the man, she could tell that he at least wanted to genuinely understand her best friend. And she was more than positive that you were feeling “something” for him; however unaware you were of it yourself. Taking pity on the man, she walked over to you and explained how Druig wanted to explore the area for hidden caves. As a result, you and her would have to continue your discussions of how to properly develop the Punica granatum and its nutritional benefits for expectant mothers at another time. But luckily, Ikaris would be more than happy to escort you back to the Domo.
Before walking away, Ikaris felt a sharp pinch to his side, and looked down to find Kaetlyn’s shadow pinching his? Annoyed, he looked up to reprimand her, but his blood ran cold meeting the shadow Eternal’s gaze.
“Do anything that causes her discomfort,” her eyes seemed to shout, “and I will make your own shadow tear you apart bit by bit.” Quickly turning her head, the dark wisps quickly reattached themselves to their mistress. And the two Eternals were left alone with only themselves for company.
Looking back at you as you basked in the daylight, its golden light only enhancing the glow from your softness. Ikaris had only one thought in his head as he tries his damnedest to not reach out and press your suppleness against his hard frame.
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Tagging: @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @siempre-bucky, @beananacake, @ethereal-athalia
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cambion-companion · 2 years
how tall is ewan mitchell actually because i either see 6’ or 5’10. i’m praying he’s 6’ tho because i’m 5’10 and i always hate how i’m as tall or the same height as actors/characters. it’s okay tho in my mind aemond is a tall 6’3+ man
Because Tom (Aegon) is 5' 10'' im guessing Ewan is about 6' - 6' 2"
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Absolutely no-one asked for this, but me and @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ have very strong feelings on what different EM characters would have as their fish and chips orders. 
pov: me writing this fr
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this is a full stupid ass shit post, it’s not serious guys, and unless I post something about it it won’t leave my brain
So without further ado, EM FISH AND CHIPS
First in the ring, the man who STARTED IT ALL, THIS LITTLE SHIT
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Salad Days - Will What’s-His-Face
It’s canon that Will gets chips and a fanta, that’s it. 0 nutritional value. Also 10/10 on choice of chippy, it’s actually a really good chippy
pov: aemond avoiding the grease
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Aemond is not particular to a chippy dinner, insisting he doesn’t want anything bc it’s ‘too greasy’ (pussy). Aegon absolutely tears him apart for it. Just buys a San Pellegrino cos he thinks it’s fancy - absolutely fuming  cos Aegon shakes it up on the way home and it fizzes everywhere when he opens it
If Aegon hasn’t been drinking, bog standard boring ass fish and chips with half of a bottle of ketchup slathered over his chips so nobody else nicks them. Won’t go near mushy peas, thinks they’re gross af. If he’s drunk, a doner kebab, but the local chippy doesn’t sell them so he gets Alicent to drive 15mins up the road to the one that does. A diva through and through.
Helaena doesn’t eat fish, so opts for just chips and is the only patron who actually buys the picked onions. Has mushy peas and curry sauce and mixes it together with her chips, mostly does it to annoy Aegon tho.
Daeron is waiting at home, but everyone forgot to get him something so ends up with the crap, lukewarm chips left behind.
Alicent is a scampi girlie all the way, with a diet coke
Otto is put off by the food hygiene rating at the local chippy, so takes his own fish to get battered like a weirdo. Decimates his chips with a litre of vinegar.
Daemon never gets to eat a chippy dinner, so he gets a pie as a side dish, despite Rhaenyra claiming it’s not a side dish. But Daemon stands by that it most definitely is. It’s a gash steak and kidney pie and refuses to use any cutlery for any of it.
Rhaenyra is also a scampi girlie, but unlike Alicent, has G&T out of a can.
World on Fire - Tom Bennett
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Strong feelings but, Tom is a Northerner yeah. So he is a full gravy bitch. Loves that shit. Would bathe in it if he could. Has dry ass fish, unseasoned chips cos he’s boring af.
TLK - Osferth
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*sigh* Osferth. Angel. Baby boy.
Osferth orders a battered sausage, but gets given a battered Mars Bar by mistake. He doesn’t like confrontation so he pretends like that’s what he ordered anyway, but he’s secretly devastated and tries not to gag when he eats it.
Uhtred can have the kebab that gives him food poisoning, shitting for days, idec, if face annoys me
High Life - Ettore
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Ok this guy is weird. SO he’s gotta have a weird choice.
Ettore has the saveloy because he enjoys the innuendo. Stares at it on his plate for an uncomfortably long time, making sinister eye contract with everyone while he eats it.
Trigger Point - Billy Washington
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Ooft. THIS sad boy.
Billy gets a chicken and mushroom pie. Yes from a FISH AND CHIPS SHOP. But the Food Safety rating of his local is like a 3, so the pie has been sat under the heatlamps for HOURS, so it’s all grey, sad and soggy. But he eats it anyway.
To tie it off, I imagine Ewan Mitchell as 100% a battered sausage guy. He has gravy (cos midlands boi, we love). Won’t touch mushy peas with a barge pole and perhaps partial to a chip cob. Carbs on carbs, we stan.
Thanks for reading this absolute trash.
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futuregws · 1 year
What have you seen about Ewan Mitchell on the HoTD bts?
This is what I've seen so far + a video taken from above but I couldn't find it now, the video had a shitty quality tho. This is the only other thing I saw don't know if there's more
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
the way twitter stans don't get matt smith is playing up the blacks vs greens conflict like most of the actors have been in the recent interviews, like ofc as the person who plays daemon he's gonna say he doesn't like alicent lmao
(also i find it interesting how all of the crazy team green twitter stans had no problem when tgc called jace a dweeb isn't that hate too🤔)
no YEAH and like, obvious caveat it isn't the whole fandom but twitter does incentivise the absolute craziest people to get popular which means some of thee most annoying people to have ever existed in this world are popular in the greater hotd fandom, and what's been consistently frustrating is how many people who are either rhaenicent/girls focused or tg stans who just refuse to acknowledge the absolutely cracked behavior coming from their side. like, all this focus on olivia, basically with the implication that this is an isolated thing like with the hate lena got for playing cersei, but it's not because imo the internet (or at least twitter) has gotten infinitely worse since got finished, so it's not just olivia getting this insane behavior, it's the bulk of the cast! and it's coming from everyone, from the angry book fans, the targ nation delulus, the femslash enjoyers, tb, tg, every subfandom has had some insane and over the line behavior directed towards the cast that loves to default to either "well you're ugly and i hope you die" or just straight up bigotry.
like the amount of people (largely the "toxic yuri enjoyers" or the tb stans, i can whack the people i hang out with!!) going after tom for saying standard actor stuff like "I love my character" or "i feel bad for my character" and saying he's a rape apologist is crazy. people didn't even go after jason momoa for that real dumbshit "i get to rape beautiful women" comment this hard! is he supposed to not try to understand the character he's playing?? are people who play villains or antagonists just never allowed to feel sympathy for their characters? that's crazy, that's insane, but especially in a series where a) there are SO MANY villain protagonists and b) this series is known for exploring why bad people turn into bad people and why good people do bad things and what even a "bad person" or a "good person" looks like, so why are we mad that the cast plays into this??
and YEAH tbh like you say, i think there's a lot of in this case tg stans specifically who get so fucking angry whenever Matt Smith plays along with the "all must choose" angle but it's like - yeah of course he does, he's not the only one doing this, he clearly thinks it's fun to joke about how he's gonna decimate ewan mitchell, and i think a lot of his bts stuff throughout his career has gone from the two extremes of "having something amazing to say" and "being completely and totally unserious" because this is a job he does, and he likes to get goofy with it. it's fine!!! but no, apparently, it's such a crime to simply exist and like that he's playing this fun character with a goofy wig and a cool aesthetic that we've gotta dogpile every post about him calling him ugly!! but when The People We Hate In Fandom do something vile like call olivia a cunt to her face, that's the true evil! and when People We Are Friends With start saying really weird shit about fabien being ~violent~ we just look the other way even tho that feels just a lil racist!!!
it's more frustrating because you can't even say this is a fandom that skews young like a shitty teen show or a cartoon - this is a grown up show for adults, this is prestige tv, this is a show and a series you actually think "maybe i should wait a few years before i let my middle schooler dig into that one" but the fandom is SO INSANE. WE ARE ALL ADULTS WHY ARE WE ACTING SO JOBLESS. GO PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT. DO SOME YOGA SO YOUR BACK DOESN'T SEIZE UP BEFORE 40. TOUCH GRASS!!
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
Hello! Just found you but already love your style of meta— you always have interesting, thoughtful takes that catch things I haven’t realized myself or seen from others. The lack of drama here is a fucking godsend.
Would you mind recommending some of your favorite asoiaf/hotd blogs? And (perhaps a silly question) what kind of Posts are you looking for people to submit? Have a nice weekend.
Aww thank you so much! Just me trying to use my liberal arts degree for some good old media analysis and to promote civil discussion. :) And of course I'm very firm in being a supporter of the characters from both teams, and maintain empathy for most (except certain old misogynistic men on both sides haha) even when discussing flaws they might have. I'm glad you've been enjoying my content!
Sooooo I actually don't follow very many HotD blogs at all haha, and while I'd love to find more meta-type content (especially more Team Black biased, since Team Green biased analysis is more prevalent in my experience), most of the blogs I do check are art blogs, and very few of them are solely HotD blogs. That being said, here are some that I enjoy:
@alicentlesbianhightowerntlesbianhightower is 10/10 for rhaenicent content, fanart and meta, both book and show based, equally friendly for members of team black or green @alicentsgf has a lot of cool takes about alicent in particular, but they do like to bully daemon (they're funny ab it tho) @lucife56 isn't a hotd-only blog, but has really amazing, show-accurate daemyra art @loserys isn't an art-only blog, but their aged up lucemond art is sick and they have a few funny related art memes @bluecoffeebeanz also makes excellent art of various ewan mitchell characters, including aemond, though they aren't a hotd-only blog @mothdoly does art of the various greens and especially aegon that is beautiful, memey, or both simultaneously
If anyone has recs for blogs with more analysis/takes that favor Team Black, please send them to me! Echo chambers are the death of critical thinking and I like to make sure any content that is biased towards one team is balanced out by other content biased towards another. As a writer it's also just useful to me to help further flesh out my characterizations of everyone in Stormbreak. So that's one type of content that would be great for submissions, but I'm also happy for any related show/book analysis or art that anyone thinks I or my followers might like or find useful! Truly the world is your oyster here. :)
Have a great weekend!
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idontreallyknow26 · 1 year
So, you'd prefer if they cast an actual 16 yo as Aemond, who will be having sex scenes with an older woman and whose role is complicated for a teen to play? Same for Aegon. Robb Stark, Jon Snow and Dany were 16 in GOT but they were played by actors in their mid-twenties, do you know why? These characters have adult storylines just like green siblings. Ty Tennant was 19 and played a 13 yo Aegon, so why couldn't they pick an older actor for Luke too? Oh we know why, they wanted a cute and babyfaced actor because everyone would automatically feel bad for him because they didn't have time to develop him properly as a character. Cheap manipulations by the showrunners.
Aemond is slightly different than the other actual children only because he was said to have looked older, but I don't think it was as dramatic as people interpreted that detail to be. I think an 18 y/o would be fine for Aemond- Not a person in their mid-twenties that looks like a full blown adult but not someone underage who can't do sex scenes, as those will more than likely be important. Don't get me wrong, I love Ewan Mitchel, and I have no doubt that he'll play Aemond amazingly as he already has, but he just wasn't the right pick imo.
And yes- the other characters you listed should've been played by younger actors as close as age as they could've gotten to. It's so annoying when these false pictures of children are put in people's heads. Aegon, I think, is in his early twenties showwise, tho so an adult actor in the 20-24 range would've been okay. TGC is? 27? A year younger than Olivia who PLAYS HIS MOTHER. They knew exactly what they were doing with the casting of the green kids. Watch as Daeron, their youngest sibling, who has to be at least 15 or younger, is played by a 24 y/o.
Lucerys' casting was the exact same, they knew if they showed the viewers two children actually confused in the midst of their parents problems not fully knowing enough about themselves, their dragons, or the consequences of their own actions people wouldn't have sided completely with Lucerys as easily as they did. They had to put some kind of a power play into it, and it was an age gap in the actors, making it look like a grown man murdered a child. They were two years apart.
The hotd show had such shit casting
I'm autistic so I rlly couldn't tell if you were agreeing or not, but I agreed with everything you said lol
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hey ive been compulsively checking duty & sacrifice for updates because it’s just that good. Sucks to see how such a talented author like yourself has been getting haters for no reason. Most of your readers absolutely adore your writing though, and i hope you never give up on it!
You have a real eye for characterization and drama. Honestly your aemond is the most in character aemond ive read in any fic, much less an omega!aemond one. It’s been such a delight to reread past chapters too and to see the foreshadowing and groundwork you’ve laid. You’re seriously talented.
Anyway I dont want to clog up your asks with too much text, but I just wanted to thank you for your work—it makes my day to see an update. I hope you never give up, on d&s, but also writing in general because of drama and haters!!! The world needs talent like yours.
Anyway stay frosty dude!! Rooting for you!!
You're so sweet anon, I really love foreshadowing/planning ahead in storytelling so it's a big compliment that you're enjoying my attempts! And probably the most flattering thing ever to me is hearing that people are rereading D&S, especially considering it's not finished yet 😂
I love love Aemond and being in his fucked up head! That Ewan Mitchell quote about how Aemond doesn't really experience unconditional love until he bonds with Vhagar really resonated with me (tho that interview was after I started this fic) because in D&S, though Alicent loves him as best she can, she has bought into the rules of society (however reluctantly) and imposes them upon him from a very early age. And of course Viserys might as well not exist in his life. In contrast, the Strong boys clearly have that from Rhaenyra, and I think that's what Aemond really resents them for--that they receive love and acceptance without ever having to earn it. But in part it's also why he quickly starts falling for Luke despite himself, as this is the first person/not-dragon to show it to him (besides Luke's intelligence, humor, good looks, easy-going personality, and talent for giving head, of course 😉)
I really worried at the start of the fic about how OOC the characters might need to be to make them fit omegaverse, especially Aemond being omega, but it's been surprisingly natural for me to have him act under this framework. And feisty angry omegas are my jam anyway lol.
Have no fear, I have no plans to give up on D&S! I'm at about 4k currently on Chapter 13. But as per usual, I'm only barely halfway through the scenes I wanted to cover haha, so this will most likely be a jumbo 8-9k chapter. Hopefully that makes up for the unfortunate wait!!
(Also stay tuned, I might throw out an excerpt on this blog later today)
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aemondtragaryen · 1 year
I’m so personally conflicted about Alysmond like both of them are interesting characters in their own right but the power imbalance and age difference makes me so uncomfortable I wont ever be able to root for them as a couple. And yeah it’s not like GRRM (or maybe HOTD? seeing Aemond’s current portrayal in the show) wants us to like them together (I don’t think GRRM ever cared about ships anyway cuz he’s not that kind of writer lol) but still. And as someone who saw their close friend in a relationship with someone 15 years older than them, Alysmond makes me kind of sick. HOWEVER if they make Alys the witch of Harrenhal that she’s rumored to be? I’m all for an “evil” sorceress (maybe really bewitching him) instead of a grown ass woman warming a boy’s bed (even tho she was told to be his ear prize 😬).
Sorry for these ramblings but that what I love about GRRM’s writing! Basically all of his characters are complex individuals (and all of F&B is written by people who don’t really know the truth which makes this more complicated), so I just hope HOTD writers don’t screw anything up more than they already did in S1 🤞🏻
im going to answer this is good faith you didn't realize this probably was not the ask to send someone whose blog makes it clear I am an alysmond enjoyer. in the future if you want to talk about why you don't like alysmond please make your own post. not trying to be rude but I don't want to open Tumblr and read an ask about someone not liking a dynamic I enjoy.
but I will clarify a few things.
on one hand, I do not think any pairing in hotd (or GRRM's works) is meant to be romantic, especially in hotd. alysmond is not the first unhealthy dynamic nor is it the last in the book and show. these characters are all morally grey and complex, which makes it very interesting character wise and with ships.
fire and blood is written as a history book and not even as a credible source so honestly, I like a lot of the changes they've made so far. they didn't make aemond a psychopath in the show, giving him complexities and more depth, which I loved. I hope they do the same for alys. point is, we don't know how alysmond will look dynamic wise but if s1 is anything to go off of I think we will get a more complex and interesting dynamic.
the age thing is murky because Aemond is 19 when the war starts and 20 when he dies in fire and blood, but in the show Ewan Mitchell is about 25 and no one can say how old he is. I won't bother arguing that because Ewan looks a lot older than the 19 years Aemond is meant to be in ep10. Gayle is 33 I believe, so the age difference between them will look a lot smaller than it is in the book. but like the show different changed is Alicent and Rhaenyra's ages and dynamics, I would not be upset if they did change this dynamic of Alys and Aemond a little.
like other people who enjoy alysmond, I like this ship not for super romantic purposes (sure, I enjoy the fanart and cannot wait to see them on screen), but because they are just interesting characters. it is the same reason I find helaegon intriguing, but don't ship them romantically. I think looking for romantic pairings without fault, canon or otherwise, in hotd will lead to conflicts. these are not real people, they are fictional characters who were not written to be moral characters without fault.
there is lots more I could add but im tired and going to leave it at that.
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