#about it wrong on my side blog whoops
melverie · 3 months
⸺ LESSON 3 ⸺
MC's magic
strange feelings & soup
- lesson 2 || lesson 4 || all posts so far -
Not as much stuff in this lesson, but honestly I'm kind of glad. With 40 lessons to go through I'm grateful for the shorter ones lol General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
Lucifer kind of makes it sound like Solomon hasn't had an apprentice yet at this point in time [3-A; pic below]. Again, thinking about something that was established in OG season 3......
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Solomon is also wearing his human world look again [3-15 + lesson 3 hard mode]
Solomon's fortune telling app essentially is the reason Mammon picked up gambling [lesson 3 hard mode]. Again, be it intentional or not, he's influencing the things around him to eventually play out the same way they did in our time
their magic is still strong enough to summon Beelzebub [3-10]
Lucifer is once again a little vulnerable around MC by admitting to them that he wanted Cerberus as a pet from the start [3-15]
Mammon is also very open and vulnerable with MC [3-17; both pics below]
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Lucifer says that someone must have leaked the information of what happened at the Starfall. And conviniently enough, MC is only refered to as "unnamed attendant" in the newspaper, ensuring that only the seven brothers are named the seven rulers of the underworld [3-15]
⸺ MISC ⸺
first quote from the website [3-4; pic below]
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we get a small explanation on what the Starfall is [3-4; pic below]
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Asmodeus mentions that Leviathan's elemental aspect is water [3-6]
Asmodeus charms the flowers that put the others in a trance, and we learn that he didn't have his charming powers back as an angel [3-8; pic below]
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Belphegor hates apples [3-8]. They draw quite a lot of attention to this small moment imo
the way Cerberus just immediately listens to Lucifer [3-13]?? Like, just like that???? -> then again, considering how Lucifer treated Toni the Lepus until MC stepped in, maybe that's for the best...
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selfdestructivecat · 6 months
I’ve seen quite a few posts in response to Thomas’ recent video, specifically his year in review. In this video, he discusses the setbacks he’s faced the past few years — such as the quarantine, Joan’s departure, and his own personal doubts and insecurities — and how they impacted the production of Sanders Sides.
And I truly sympathize with him. No, seriously! It’s already difficult to create something this big almost entirely on your own, but I’m sure this year only made things even more difficult. I know I’ve definitely felt insecure to the point of feeling sick when it came to things I created, so I can empathize with the enormous amount pressure he must be feeling.
However, many posts I’ve seen following this video are saying things along the lines of “If people still criticize Thomas after this video, then I’m going to lose it” or “Not that people who criticize Thomas even care, but Thomas really struggled this year. I’m with him all the way!”, or even “I bet SaSi critics will still demand the finale even after this. I doubt they’ll even watch the video!”
I want to clarify that this is obviously not everyone who doesn’t like ts criticism. People who block criticism blogs and/or the tag, who ignore criticism in general, or who feel upset when they see criticism of something they love: this is not about you. You are absolutely valid and entitled to feeling the way you do, and I hope you have a lovely day. Feel free to block me if that would be good for your mental health. Please take care of yourself. /gen
But to those vocally condemning ts critics, I want to make several things clear.
First of all, you are lumping everyone who criticizes the show in with people who demand the finale with no regard for Thomas’ well-being, for the well-being of his crew, and for basic common sense. While many people are upset that the finale isn’t out yet, we aren’t specifically mad that we don’t have a completed video to watch; rather, we are frustrated with what this says about the SaSi crew, their work ethic, and how they treat fans of the show.
We aren’t upset that we can’t watch the finale right now. We are upset that we’ve gotten very few updates about the show during this period between canon episodes. This video provided wonderful insight into why the finale has been delayed, and we would have loved something like this years ago. Obviously it didn’t have to be a 20 minute video, but maybe a Twitter thread? Something small that made us feel heard?
Hell, even announcing an official hiatus would have satisfied the vast majority of critics (myself included), instead of throwing SaSi into this limbo of “Oh it’s going to be finished this year, we promise- oh whoops, never mind! Next year for sure!” It’s been a constant chain of broken promises, and we were more than happy to give the crew some grace the first few times, but after a while, a repeated mistake becomes a pattern. And this pattern is not pretty.
We are upset that the crew seems incredibly disorganized (going back to the lack of updates, and of course taking into account how we haven’t gotten even a single part of the finale in five years), which could affect the quality of this series we all love so dearly. beauty-and-passion has spoken about this a lot (and is a lot more eloquent than me lmao, please go check out their stuff!) The most recent Christmas video seems to demonstrate that the series may be on the right track, and I will admit I was wrong in regards to this video, but the Inside Out video is a mess in so many ways. Even if this doesn’t prove a decline in quality, it certainly indicates a lack of consistency, which can be just as damning for a series.
We are upset that, while SaSi is in this limbo, Thomas seems to have been focusing on his other projects without telling us about this change in priority. He is welcome to pursue other projects, obviously. I’m thrilled that he is having fun with Roleslaying with Roman and My Roommate is Hades. But these new projects have come at the cost of Sanders Sides content, which also points towards a lack of organization. Some clarity towards which projects Thomas chooses to focus on would have been wonderful and greatly appreciated, so that we know not to expect something we won’t receive. And hey, maybe if we knew not to expect SaSi content until much later, maybe we wouldn’t have been constantly asking why we weren’t receiving SaSi content?
(And this is not an excuse for aggressively demanding content, obviously. But I feel like people who are confused and frustrated at not receiving something promised to them are justified in these feelings.)
And maybe we’re jumping to conclusions in many regards. I won’t pretend that we are prophets who can peer into Thomas’ mind and know what he’s thinking and feeling at all times. But it’s pretty damn difficult to say that NONE of the above could suggest that Sanders Sides isn’t held in the same regard as it once was. Hell, Thomas even admits in the video that he doesn’t feel as connected with these characters as he once did.
Second, many people attacking critics are also quick to drag their character. We are impatient, greedy, selfish, and cruel. We don’t care about Thomas; we only care about the end product! More Sanders Sides at any cost! We don’t like critical thinking, since we obviously didn’t watch the video; we only want to find mean things to say about Thomas and the show! We don’t like engaging in civil debate with our fellow Fanders who may disagree with our opinions; we only want to make other people feel bad, and to make others hate the show, too!
Well, guess what? You’re doing to us exactly what you think we’re doing to Thomas: you’re assuming the absolute worst of us and looking for any reason to drag us down.
We are critics. We analyze media (media that we love, mind you) and we acknowledge that it isn’t perfect, that the creators aren’t perfect, and we point it out. But we still love it anyway, because to truly love something is to love it with its flaws, to know that it could be better, to brainstorm how it could reach its true potential, and to keep doing so because you believe in this potential.
We aren’t trying to take away the joy you feel from Sanders Sides. So please don’t try to take away ours.
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marksbear · 1 year
So I was thinking about Sub Steven and reader going into a bar to have a nice little date at. There is a pool table and personally I think Steven doesn't know how to play so reader teaches him. A couple minutes later when Steven is bended over the table to reach the ball but he is doing it wrong and his ass is sticking out so then reader goes over and lays on him to help him hit it but all Steven can feel is his dick on his ass and starts grinding on it not listening to reader. Reader asks him if he understood what he said and snaps him out of it and says yes. When they were over they get drinks and sit on a lonely stoll in the back. Reader sits down and yanks Steven to sit on his lap. He grinds trying to not get readers attention and then reader says in his ear if he is having fun which he says yeah again which leads to reader taking Steven into a nearby alley and starts grinding/humping him hard and whispers in his ear is he really is a pretty cock whore from him wanting to be near his cock the whole night.which then leads to reader fucking steven. Also I was wondering if you got my last message from 1/15/23 at night because it says again a problem so as again idk if It sent when you see this.-🐻‍❄️
Yes I saw your last message! You know dam well your worth more than 30% on this blog. Lets say you're 60% while i'm forty! Because in full honesty you have more worth on this blog then half the stories I write.
Y/n is leaning on the hood of his car hood in front of his boyfriends apartment waiting for Steven to come out.
"S-Sorry love! I lost track of time" A British voice calls out rushing out of the apartment door in a hurry.
A smile appears on Y/n's face as he turns around facing his boyfriend. "Don't be." Y/n says trying to reassure him. Y/n walks over to Steven wrapping his arms around his waist bringing him in for a deep kiss.
The two stay like arms around each other tightly as they share a deep passionate kiss. Steven is first to pull away gasping for air while Y/n laughs at him. "What did I tell you! You always need air first." Y/n teases unwrapping his arms from Steven's waist before taking a hold of his arm walking him to the car.
"You look pretty great for a simple bar date." Y/n praises opening the car door for Steven.
Steven goes inside the car with a blush on his face. Once Steven is fully inside Y/n shuts the car door and goes to the drivers side going into the car. Y/n starts the car and plays whatever on the radio driving to the bar.
But sometimes Steven couldn't help himself to stare and gaze at Y/n. His eyes were locked in some sort of trance every time he looked at his boyfriend. Steven couldn't help to stare and think about Y/n's cock each time he looked at his crotch. He would stare and day dream about all the things Y/n would do to him and can do to him.
"We're here." Y/n announces parking the car into an empty space before turning around looking at his half sleep boyfriend. "Cmon sleepy head." Y/n teases shaking Steven fully awake. "I'm up. I'm up." Steven responds wiping his eyes awake.
Y/n gives Steven a smile before turning off the car opening the door and leaving the car before making his way to the other side opening the car door for Steven. "Why are you acting like a gentleman today?" Steven asks suspiciously before taking Y/n's hand following him inside. "For an early sorry when I whoop your ass in a seconded in pool." Y/n half jokes before going inside the packed bar.
"Pool? I have never played that before." Steven confesses looking around at all the people here.
"Really? Well I just teach you then have a couple practice rounds then i'll really whoop your ass." Y/n offers him before adding. "And don't worry about how crowded this place is. I already saved us a spot and a stall." Y/n turns his head towards Steven giving his cheek a light kiss before walking in.
"C'mon let me teach you how to play before people start fighting for the pool tables." Y/n says with a wink dragging Steven to a pool table in the back.
Y/n takes one pool stick handing it to Steven while he takes his own before giving Steven a wink. "Okay. This is how you hold it." Y/n walks closer to Steven showing him how to hold it correctly. "The only thing you really have to do is get low and make a bridge with your hands like this."
Steven tries to copy his boyfriend, but fails miserably earning a slight laugh from Y/n. "Not quite love, but good try." Y/n says getting behind Steven putting one hand on his back and the other on his waist. "You gotta bend down." Y/n tells him pushing his back down as he moves his waist back.
"Like this?" Steven asks as a shiver goes through his body as he feels Y/n's clothed cock against his ass. "Yes! Exactly that good. Now do you see the white ball with a little red dot in the middle?" Y/n asks earning a nod yes from Steven.
"What you gotta do is ------------------ And then you have to try---------" Everything Y/n said to Steven felt death to his ears. Steven's whole body felt hot as he pushes his ass against Y/n's crotch grinding himself onto it. Steven lets out quiet moans and heaving breathing. Steven feels his pants tighten his hard cock pressed against his pants. "And that's about almost everything about what you need to know." Y/n says moving away from Steven looking down at his flushed face.
"Do you understand? Or you want me to explain it more?" Y/n offers taking his stick and gets in position to play. Steven shakes his head getting his thoughts back together before saying. "Yeah! uh yes! I-I understand."
"Good. Well then lets play."
After a couple rounds of playing and Y/n keeping his promise that he will whoop Steven's ass they retire from the game going to a stall in the back of the bar with some drinks.
Y/n sets the drinks down on the booth table before sitting down on the seat watching Steven turn to sit across him before suddenly yanking Steven's arm down sitting him in his lap. Steven lets out a small squeak from the surprise before relaxing into his boyfriends lap. "So. How was your first time playing pool?" Y/n asks letting his chin relax on Steven's shoulder.
Steven didn't answer. He was too busy grinding his ass on Y/n's crotch at a slow movement. Steven grips on the table for dear life as he moves his hips front and back and up and down while quiet and some loud moans escape his lips, but is blocked by the music.
"Stevey?" Y/n says his boyfriend's name with confusion in his tone. Y/n opens his mouth to speak again, but shuts it when he feels so much pressure and weight on his crotch area.
"Oh...Such a fucking filthy whore." Y/n mumbles moving his chin off of Steven's shoulder before sitting back arms laying on the back of the chairs watching Steven grind on him.
Steven is in such pure bliss not even noticing Y/n talking to him anymore.
After a while of this Y/n moves his head closer to Steven before whispering in his ear. "Are you having fun?" Y/n's voice in Steven's ear makes him jolt and get back into reality.
Steven tries to speak or really tries to explain what was going on, but gets shut down by Y/n by him saying. "Yes or no. Are you having fun grinding that slutty ass against my dick? Yes or no." "Y-yes..." Steven stutters out.
"Cmon. Follow me. Let's go have even more fun." Y/n says in his ear before reaching for his drink downing it before taking Steven's hand leaving the bar.
After a while Y/n finds an empty nearby alleyway and pins Steven on the wall so his chest and stomach is one the cold stone wall. Y/n bends Steven over against the wall so his ass is out.
Y/n rubs his hard cock against Steven's ass grinding on him back and forth slowly as Steven lets out loud moans and whimpers.
"You like this huh? Being bent over on a wall in some alleyway" Y/n asks earning a moan "Yes! Yes oh~ yes." from Steven.
"Such a fucking pretty cock whore you are Stevey. Such a pretty whorish thing you are." Y/n says moving Steven's legs more apart before putting his hands on both sides on Steven's waist moving his hips up and down humping his cock against Steven. "You wanted my cock all night didn't you Steven. I saw the way you stared at my crotch the entire time we were driving. You wanted my cock so bad that you started to grind on me in the bar."
Y/n bends over a little so he can whisper in Steven's ear. "My pretty cock whore. So eager for more cock I love it. Be a good cock whore try to be quiet." Steven nods his head yes frantically as Y/n pulls Steven's pants down alongside his underwear down to his ankles. Y/n continues to hump Steven mercilessly as Steven cries and moans holding onto the cold wall for support.
"Y/n! Y/n~ pl--please! fuck me already please! I'll be your cock whore! please stop humping me and fuck~ me already!" Steven begs out with a cry feeling his cock ache even more than it was in the bar. "D-don't even hAve to prep me!---- I want it now please I want it so bad!~"
Y/n sighs with a smirk on his face before giving in to his boyfriends begs sliding down his pants and underwear letting his hard cock spring out. "I-- I wan'it dry!~ please ahhHH~ fuck me dry" Steven begs.
"Someone is really being such a whore today for me. Begging for it dry such a fucking cock whore." Y/n says with a laugh before lining his cock towards Steven's hole.
Y/n tells Steven to take a deep breath before pushing the tip inside Steven's tight hole. Steven bites his lips and covers his mouth to prevent the screams and moans. Once Y/n was half way inside he gives Steven one last kiss on the neck before snapping his hips down all the way inside Steven causing Steven to scream out a loud moan. "Y/N! OhhHh g-god!~"
Without wasting no time Y/n thrust back and forth at a fast pace abusing Steven's tight hole. Skin slapping and moans can be heard throughout the alley and probably could be heard from different ones from how loud the couple are being.
Steven throws his head back his hand barely muffling any of the noises escaping from his mouth. Steven uses his other hand going to his hard leaking cock jerking it off at the same rhythm of Y/n's thrust.
"Y-Y/n! cumming! I'm cumming!" Steven moans out with tears in his eyes. He didn't know why he was cumming this early, but god he didn't even care. Y/n aims his thrust for Steven's prostate as Steven cums hard on the wall panting it white. Y/n grabs Steven by the hair yanking it up so Steven is closer to him as he fucks him roughly.
Y/n pulls out before turning around Steven picking him on and fucks him even faster holding him up against the wall. Steven wraps his arms around Y/n's shoulders and wraps his legs around Y/n's waist throwing his head back against the wall as Y/n fucks his abused hole.
Steven struggles to keep his eyes open as his throat becomes dry and aching from all the moaning and screaming.
"My pretty cock whore!~ Such a dirty whore for me! I'm bout to cum! Fuck! Stevey i'm cumming!" Y/n warns his thrust becoming sloppy and messy as he goes deeper and deeper inside Steven most likely his stomach has Y/n's cock outline bulge in his stomach.
With a few more thrust Y/n cums deeply inside Steven. Burring his seed deep inside him making Steven feel all hot and filled. Y/n continues to thrust in and out of his until he is completely out of his high. Y/n pulls up Steven's pants and underwear for him before doing it for himself before carrying Steven to the car.
Once they got to the car Y/n lays down Steven in the backseat before taking off Steven's pants and underwear and shoes. Steven's entire waist under is naked as cum overflows his hole and leaks out so his thighs and ass is covered in cum. "Had to take off your pants and everything off for you Stevey didn't want them to get dirty." Y/n explains to him before going to the driver seat starting the car and driving home.
"Going to my place by the way. I want a round two in there not some alleyway again. I didn't mind it though and I will totally fuck you again in some place like that. But seeing you now you need a quick little break."
"Love you y/n..." Steven mumbles out.
"I love you too my pretty cock whore," Y/n responds back with a smile.
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stormblessed95 · 5 months
Thank you anon!!! I cannot tell you how many times i’ve seen shippers especially Taekookers talking about Jk staring at Tae. I feel so bad for my poor baby because it is his fault that he eyes carry the galaxy in them? Or that one time when someone asked on Live if Tae is handsome and he said he thinks Tae is the most handsome person he ever saw in real life. Taekookers use that as a gotcha moment but what is wrong in Jk appreciating his member’s beauty? He always calls Tae handsome cuz he thinks Tae is really handsome the same way he always calls Jimin cute and sexy lol. I can’t help but feel bad for Jungkook sometimes. There is nothing he can do without getting dragged by both sides of his most popular ships lol.
Also the fact that some shippers don’t seem to understand how friendship works really baffles me. Jk can’t even breath close to Tae or Jimin without some jkkrs and taekookers making mountains outta molehills. I’m tired honestly.
Thank you so much for your blog stormy. I come here everytime i need a reliable source of information lol cuz the rate at which misinformation gets spread in this fandom and believed by a vast majority is crazy. I stumbled upon a big taekook blog and they still think that Tae took Jk for the vacation he won in 2016/2017 and they were so sure of it too💀. I really cannot😂
Whoops!! Wow, I'm WAY late to seeing this anon. So sorry! I'm posting anyways though because I like your rant regardless. Lol and I like your compliments 🥰🥰 thanks!
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mendesblurb · 2 years
I dare you to write your best attempt (blurb or imagine) about a sexy elevator scene between Shawn x reader 😈🔥
There’s Nothing Holding Me Back
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Word Count: ~455
Warning ⚠️: light smut,maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
A/N: Happy Halloween! And yes the picture is kinda blurry but hey he looks hot 🥵
You and Shawn can barely keep your hands off each other as you slip away from the halloween party into the elevator and head straight to your shared home. You could say that your desire grows more and more intensely as you watch him dance with that sexy costume.
Every time you reach out to touch him, you can feel your desire for him amplifies. He was pushing you up against the elevator wall. Without letting go of your hands, he yanks them above your head and pins you in place.
His head dips to the side of your neck; his breath feels hot on your skin, and his teeth graze softly, marking your beating pulse, “God, you taste so good,” He mumbles; lips waste no time meeting yours, kissing you long and deep.
You arch into it, into the kiss, into him as he transfers his grip on your wrists to leave one hand free as his fingers begin to trail along your shoulder, “And you feel even better,” He dips his mouth to yours and claims it again.
The elevator surges as you approach his floor, but neither of you seems to care, or you can barely hear it over your pulse-pounding, and the hot feeling of his mouth is burning and demanding that you can’t do anything but let him in. Impulsively, you stretch out your leg behind him, pressing the elevator stop button with the toe of your high heel, resulting in the elevator coming to a sudden halt and the emergency lights flicker on.
“God, I want you so bad,” Shawn mumbles as he removes his hand from your wrists while carefully steadying you against the cold metal wall.
“I want you too.”
You capture his lips with yours, meeting for a fierce kiss. You kiss down his jawline to his neck while intercepting gentle bites with sucks on the sensitive skin.
“Y/nn,” He groans as you reach for his waistband and pull his buttons free before snaking your hands to the bare skin of his abs. You move ever so slowly, stroking the hard lines of his muscles, memorizing how his breath hitches under your touch.
His reaction soon grows as you stroke deeper, longer over his stomach, chest, and back. You relish the feeling of delight as he was already at your mercy even when you haven’t touched him where he wanted you most.
You start to reach for his pants when suddenly, “Hello? We see your elevator has stopped. Is everything okay?”
You both snap out of your lust-fueled machinations, sharing a guilty look before Shawn moves to press the intercom button, “Everything is fine here. Sorry, we just accidentally hit the wrong button.”
And just like that, The operator presses the elevator button again, and it starts moving.
“Whoops,” You shrugged innocently, “My bad.”
“Y/n Y/l/n, you’re trouble.”
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy​ @chocochipcookie305 @socio-kai-path1972 @mendesficsxbombay 
Story Code: 31102239
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girldewar · 3 months
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tagged by @fedorovista and @folie-a-dewey!! thank u!!
9 favorite albums in no particular order under the cut:
*** just as a sidenote, because i like too much music, i'm doing albums i like as cohesive units. albums that hold together and tell a story. albums that i listen to from start to finish because the songs go together in a particular order in my mind, for whatever reason.
strange trails by lord huron. world's most perfect story album. need i even elaborate. maybe my favorite album of all time. the musical & lyrical motifs that carry through the whole thing, the examination of romance and death and the way they intertwine, the whole convoluted multi-character storyline that underlies it. if you like folk music and undeath and evil women, please for the love of god listen to this album.
we were dead before the ship even sank by modest mouse. world's second most perfect story album. now, if you were to ask me, hey, what IS the story this album is trying to tell? i couldn't begin to answer. but this album is just. omg. the tone is so cohesive throughout while still allowing for changes in register, concept, and overall sound. also has the best opening line to an album in the history of albums.
so much for stardust by fall out boy. okay this one's a gimme but come on. pop-punk retrospective on the state of the world since 2016? with lyricism that makes me weep? came out just weeks after i the birthday where i realized that i wanted to be alive for the first time in like three years? it's not even close.
jenny from thebes by the mountain goats. NOW LISTEN. i knowww it's just the most recent mountain goats album. why, you might be asking, did i not go for beat the champ instead? and the answer is i can only choose 9 albums and i think jenny from thebes is underrated. life-changing lyricism with orchestral instrumentation that could tear me in half. also i've talked so much about it on this blog i think it would be wrong of me not to mention it.
in sickness and in flames by the front bottoms. talk about cohesion!!!!! a whole album that is essentially a love letter to all the messiest parts of a relationship! all the characters are so interesting and flawed!! and every single one of the songs are unapologetically horny to boot. also just the transitions between songs are soooooooo good. not to be the 'jerk/the truth' guy but um. the switch from jerk into the truth is one of my all-time faves.
doom days by bastille. i'm an apocalypse junkie. next.
science from an easy chair by have gun, will travel. this is entirely the wrong blog but HEY. if anyone out there likes the terror, this album is for you. it's a story concept album about ernest shackleton's expedition to antarctica aboard the endurance. the first song i heard from it was the rescue party, which is one of the most atmospheric story-focused folk songs i've ever heard. just unbelievably emotional and smart. love it.
lungs by florence + the machine. you've seen my recent posts. howl & kiss with a fist & i'm not calling you a liar & rabbit heart & my boy builds coffins &. well. you get it.
mixtape for the milky way by mixtape for the milky way. hi fellow minnesotans. go listen to jeremy messersmith's side project album about being raised in a fundamentalist christian cult. go on. noooo it won't hurt you. don't worry it's not heartbreaking at all. it's not my favorite album of his since the silver city or anything haha that would be crazy. 👀
ok that got way too long whoops BUT thank you to the folks who tagged me!! i love chatting music so if u see this & want to make your own PLEASE tag me !!!
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autumnslance · 5 months
Hello Autumn! I love your stories! You’ve inspired me to make my OC WoL to write about. The thing is I don’t know where to start? Any tips or advice you could give that could help me get started? Thank you so much!
whoop, meant to post this one earlier and got distracted! But hey; maintenance day.
I found prompt lists are a good place to start; there's all sorts of character ones out there, some for WoL and some generic ones. Even if your answers changes as you write the character, they're handy for noodling out some ideas to get started thinking about who they are and why.
Otherwise, take a look at MSQ itself. Maybe play through it, first time or in New Game+ and take some notes; how does the character feel about this, and why? Not you the player; what about your rough idea of the character's background and personality would make them react to X event or Y person? How? Why? Some will be influenced by your own knowledge of the meta and plot, but there's a lot we can glean by seeing the story as the character experiences those events.
And then we can write about it later.
We all put a bit of ourselves into our characters, we can't really help that; they are reflections of our thoughts and experiences, even when quite different from us. A "successful" OC, In My Opinion, is one that you start to realize would do or say things you never initially intended, but it's the right course of action for them.
I've spoken on this before, that trusting our own character creation, how we determine some things about the character at the outset, even subconsciously, can and will have an impact. And sometimes we just have to trust ourselves and see where that unexpected thread leads.
*stares down thousands of words, hundreds of screenshots, and a handful of art commissions, over 5 years for a ship she never meant to write to begin with*
And it's not set in stone! You might change something, find some things work better later after all, retcon a few things, follow a random thread only to find it doesn't work out...and that's OK. Don't be afraid to experiment. This is all for fun!
Also don't try to determine every detail at the beginning; it's a way to box yourself in, or an excuse to not get started in the first place. I knew on chargen that Aeryn's bio dad was a Coerthan farmer who died in a lead-up attack to Ferndale; I didn't know anything else, not even his name, for years, until a random idea from a random prompts got me. I sat on it for a while, and then eventually followed the thread into the Avengret storyline. We also didn't have Thavnair until EW, so I left a lot of things about Aeryn's family vague and purposefully off to the side of the "mainland Thavnair culture" to give myself some breathing room, and it's worked out decently.
The game's always updating, changing, and evolving; give yourself the same space the game writers do themselves, and determine if new info makes you want to retcon something or work your own lore in alongside updates; flexibility is key, and characters can be wrong, misinformed, lying, or altered by events and people they meet.
Anyway; these are a few things I work with. I think some of the earliest things in my blog you'll find for any of my characters are some short prompt responses before I started writing and posting stories involving them (and some of those answers have changed over time as I grew more certain of who they were--or they changed!). I have notes from ShB and EW MSQ--some just sentence fragments, some short scene or dialogue ideas--to get how Aeryn reacted to MSQ events and interacting with people. Most of them never end up in stories, but they're important as they let me noodle out how to write about those events.
Hope this helps! And here's to seeing your WoL join the fray. 😘
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just-antithings · 9 months
Hey, I'm considering making another Tumblr blog to talk about my 'problematic' ships. Do you think it would be enough to just make a secondary blog or should I start a whole new separate account? I'd rather not deal with a separate account, bc I'd need to manage another email, but i might do it anyway. I was wondering what you/your followers opinions were on what is better?
I can help with this! So, for my more problematic ships, I created a whole other account. (I also created a separate ao3 account, but I'll stick to talking about Tumblr.)
Now, other anon, it depends on how secretive you want to be. I have a mutual who created a sideblog for their more problematic ships in our fandom. They'd made a name for themselves, mainly shipping/creating wholesome content, so while they've always been vocal about saying "ship and let ship", they got nervous about suddenly posting about their problematic ships/headcanons on main, so they made a sideblog.
Since it's a sideblog, their interactions with other blogs are a bit more limited, unless they want to "out" their main, which they did by accident. They made a post, another mutual replied, and then my mutual replied to that, forgetting that when you reply in the notes, it shows your main account url and icon, not your sideblog's url and icon.
From what I've seen, this hasn't caused any problems for them, but while our fandom has lots of anti-leaning people (a big blog in a server I'm in was complaining about proshippers being bad and too many people in the fandom making problematic content or "letting it slide", but that's a separate thing), most people in the fandom seem to go by "block, complain to friends in servers/group chats or make vague posts, and move on".
If the fandom you're (other anon) in has more vocal antis, you might want to make a whole other account, like I have. Now, in my case, the reason I made a completely separate account is that I've gotten stupid. I've gotten really personal on my main fandom blog, and things I've said can make it easy to doxx me. (Like, I wasn't giving out my legal name or anything, but someone with too much time on their hands could go through my personal posts (now deleted) and piece together enough to guess my general location or potentially find my old accounts on other social media, which could lead them to my (dead but not deleted, I think, unless Musk made good on deleting all unused accounts) twt, which has my deadname.)
I also plan on publishing at some point, which I've been open about on my fandom blog, often talking about my original content, not just my fandom stuff. After years of seeing how the anti mindset has infected authors on twitter, I've decided I DO NOT want my fandom persona and the pen name I'll be using when I publish to be connected. Especially when my main fandom is one of the "problematic" ones.
Having a separate account (the email I use is one I already had that I use for spam stuff, like online shopping/subscriptions/etc) makes it so I don't have to be as careful when it comes to sending asks or replying in posts, like my mutual I mentioned above. I'm also more vocal on my "secret account" about ships and other fandoms I've never mentioned on my main account, and the aesthetic is different, too.
Now, for me, I plan on not using my main account after a while and making my "secret account" my main one eventually. (Basically like Shippers Protection Program lmao) For me, privacy/secrecy was the biggest reason for me making a separate account. A side account leaves way too many chances for me to make a "whoops, wrong blog!" mistake when posting or reblogging. For my mutual, a sideblog is enough, since most mutuals they regularly interact with either ship the same problematic ships or support them shipping them, so they wanted to keep their secret blog open enough that their friends/mutuals could find them and talk about their ships.
Basically, my mutual just needed a separate room to feel safe talking about their ships. I needed to move into a whole new house to feel safe talking about my ships/interacting in fandom in general. It's all about what makes you feel safest. Good luck, and have fun!
Some great advice for anon!
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blonderedwhiteshirt · 4 months
HELLO YOU AMAZING MOTHERCUCKERS. Only if you are one of the BRWS (pronounced bros), a part of the Blond(e) Red+White Shirt gang. We are the best /vvvvpos.
This is a blog for introjects (but not only) that are blond(e) and have a strange love for a red and white shirt.
Mod (aka the main BRWS) intros under the cut!!
🌟: Hey bitches im Vega, red is a great colour and i have blonde hair. i use she/her or fa/fax/faxer, either work :D. i will likely have the most typos because i type waaay too fast. im on the left side of the icon, amd made the icon and logo! :DD
📒: EYYOOO IM TOM,Z!! I LOVE RED! I use HE/IT pronouns! I'm on the right side of the icon, and I made the blog banner! I'm a spiritual tommyinnit fictive and it's awesome, please ask me about our lord and savior prime.
🦆: HELLO. I'm tol!!!!!! I use he/him pronouns, I like ducks and I uhhh yeah :D I'm bunny, I'm in the top right of the icon
🟥: WHOOP WHOOP I GET THE RED SQUARE anyways hi im tommy red is BEST colour oit there FIGHT ME. uh he/him im bottom right, im a tommy factive, not from mcyt just yt but im here fuck yeah women are hot (not a bit) i also fixed the logo and banner and icon since vega is dyslexic and spelt brws wrong.
🕹️: yoo!! what’s up, i’m damian. use he/dae/it pronouns for me or perish. i’m a dave strider fictive in the @goldstar-sys and i am the bottom center of the icon. the art credit for that is here.
🍓: HELLo!! i’m theseus, fhe biggest man ever and i use he/moth/shiny/fuck/stardust BECAUSe im the BEST!! im at the TOP center of the icon and i have no clue what’s happening!!! what is this!!!!
🌷: ayup i’m talon!! i use she/they pronouns!! i am top left, which so rudely covered my amazing face (/lh) until i changed it to square. i don’t front as often as theseus or damian so i likely won’t be around as much but im still cooler than BOTh of them
🎗: Hey, I'm Zackary. I dont know why I am a part of this, Vega (🌟) saw my icon and her and Tom (🟥) decided to force me into this. I think im the most relaxed of us all. I use he/him pronouns, and dont front as much as the others in our system (@irrelevantcollective), but I suppose I am a part of this now. My icon is on the bottom left of the profile picture. Stay safe out there on the internet.
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Uh whoops
I sent my SS ask to the wrong blog
Good thing I wrote it in Notes!!
Oh my word. Oh my word. OH MY WOOOORRRRDD
I had read a couple of your Sanders Sides fics before, but only remembered them as "that really good one about Loceit Sex Pollen" or "the super angsty but cool and creative Logan/Virgil fic” and didn't realize they were by the same author
I recently came across No Starting Over and finally realized that there was some GOLD here and went to check your page, shocked to come across fics that were old friends of mine!
A couple days ago I read all the way through Homeroom Angels and just sat on my bed repeating “what the fuck. Holy shit. That was so GOOD." over and over again for (I shit you not) about ten minutes.
Last night I read all the way through Dismantle The Gender Trinary (stayed up until 4:00 AM, oops) and GAHHHHH
I do not like soulmate fic. I do not like omegaverse fics. And SOMEHOW. You made me enjoy BOTH of them with your absolute god-tier writing!! (Your Loceit soulmate bullet fic literally made me kick my feet and giggle.)
Today I came across Offer Me His Lips and knew I had to say something to you, lack of AO3 account or no.
I have now made it my mission to read through all of your SS works, even the ones that seem as though they may not be my thing.
Genuinely, the way you write is sooooo... charming isn't strong enough. Enchanting. Bewitching. I've saved so many quotes from your fics in my note for favorite quotes already and I haven't even read through all of your stuff. Your writing just got into my skin (positive) and stayed there. It scratched so many little itches in my brain, even ones I didn't know were there. Your essays and AO3 stats are so thoughtful and insightful, answering questions to which I didn’t even know how badly I wanted answers.
I apologize if this was overwhelming in any way, but just... thank you so much for your writing. It's incredibly beautiful, unique, creative, and inspiring.
If it's okay, may I send the comments I would have put on the chapters of the fies (if I had an account) as asks on here? Totally understand if not!!!
Thank you for your time, I hope you have a really good day/night!!!!
Asadjhfsjdk this is so sweet! Thank you so much, this ask really made my day!!! 🥰🥰🥰
I would love to see your comments, and you're absolutely welcome to send them here! (Although I probably won't post replies to everything so I don't spam people's dashboards too much.) I had to turn off anon commenting on AO3 because some people who didn't like my stats work were spamming harassment, but I am always happy to hear what people have to say about my work.
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littlerit · 2 years
Aaah since you write Klaus so well, is there a chance I could ask for some help writing him?
Ahh thank you so much anon 🧡 Is there any story in particular you liked him in? I feel like I take a slightly different approach for each story so if you want an answer specific to a certain fic let me know!
I’m not sure quite what you’re looking for, so I’m just going to throw my thoughts down on a page and hope there is something useful in there for you.
Most characters are, to steal a shrek quote, like onions. They have layers. But I think Klaus is fun to play with because he’s like a funky nesting doll where each doll layer is different even as they are linked and come together to make a whole, and it means you can show different sides to him. He can be serious, and vulnerable, and empathetic. He can also be selfish, and annoying, and needy and quirky. And more often than not, he’s combining two of these layers at once, which is how we get such memorable moments as the hippo, and the scorpion and the frog. So I guess whenever I’m writing him, I have in the back of my mind ‘What does he mean/what is he feeling here’ and ‘how is he projecting this/is he hiding behind a mask’.
From a dialogue, or internal monologue (I do love an internal monologue…..I can go pages before I realise that oh shit, yes, humans usually say something out loud I best write some dialogue…) he is possibly the most fun character to play with. I think varied sentence structure really, really helps with Klaus. They say you can have too much of a good thing, but I think with Klaus in this sense more can be more. His mind doesn’t follow a regular rhythm, doesn’t settle in logical and predictable patterns of behaviour (except perhaps, the self-loathing spirals). Short sentences, long running on sentences, the ‘I had thought and whoops a bird flew by and isn’t that flower pretty and wait what was I talking about again? Ah yes rambling distracted Klaus monologue’. Those kind of sentences. They all work for Klaus.. And made up or badly mis-remembered words and phrases. It’s a great time to get creative or try out some turns of phrase you’ve half dreamt up and aren’t completely sure make sense.
And I guess from a actions/reactions point of view - Klaus is flamboyant. He often wants to get a reaction from his audience, because then they are acknowledging him, and reacting to him, and reacting to what he has said and done. The opposite of the ghosts of his childhood, who demanded and demanded his attention but always took and never gave, and never reacted to what he wanted or what he said. Absent minded gestures, grand gestures, silly gestures, theatrical gestures, they all fit Klaus depending on his mood. And I find that when I want to portray that something is serious, or something is wrong, with Klaus, the best way to do it, is to make Klaus small. More contained. Smaller, more deliberate actions, and words, and mannerisms. Quieter. Words with more deliberation and thought. In that sense, it says the most when he says and does less.
Ok wow I think I just rambled my way around the houses and barely half answered the question, rather like Klaus himself, but I hope something in there was useful as to my thought processes when writing Klaus?
For more generalised writing advice, I do love the Helping Writers Become Authors blog - and she recently did a blog on unique character voices which you may find parts of it useful if you are trying to make your Klaus voice stand out from the rest of the characters. [Link to the blog post here]
Thanks for the ask and apologies for the ramble! 🧡
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kiefbowl · 2 years
it's so annoying how no one can have a conversation/debate online without staying civil and calmly explaining their points, like I get it with heated topics and I get trolling and all that but you're being so composed with this nurse argument and it's irritating how condescending the other side is being
yeah but also whatever. maybe they’re annoyed I’m not being sassy back I think ppl expect it online but I’m chilling and I don’t mind saying I’m wrong or good point I think that throws ppl like I must be doing that for nefarious reasons but really I just don’t care what my tumblr base thinks about me. whoops made an ass out of myself today, whoops got heated, whoops said a stupid thing….yet I’m still here, original blog undeactivated. Strong eyes blue hearts can’t lose or whatever
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gleefullypolin · 2 months
Trying to stay neutral in the face of some of the worst takes you've ever seen is...hard. I try to remember that I may have had the same takes if you took away 10+ years of my fandom experiences. Kneejerk reactions and doom spiraling is very much how I expect younger me might have acted. Though I could do without how literally things are taken at the moment, that's tiring.
Glad to be of service! 🫡 If my main weren't connected to a side blog for another fandom where I know I'd bring possible unwanted attention to myself I'd happily out myself.😄
The double standards: it's very sigh worthy in general and I don't disagree, the men and some specifically, are being held to a standard that was probably unfair to hold them to in the first place. I do realize that a lot of stuff has been fanon or built up the last couple of years and I get it, it's hard to lose your idea of someone. I do think that there's a good chance that men in our ships in general are being held to a standard of the female gaze that isn't about physicality but female empowerment in general. So many men judge women for having sex then immediately do what they're saying women shouldn't do.
It's not really fair to the male characters but the idea that a man would wait for and only want one woman, to be powerless against her in the way women are often portrayed for men in regular media--I get it the appeal that it would carry for some. Men are usually held to a standard of some kind they're sure to miss. If you asked me do I remember meeting my significant other I can tell you details and time and place but if you asked him I'd bet he'd not be able to say much other than he says he knows I was it for him.
I'm with you, I hope that people remember that these are real people not the characters they play and even if they were, to mind their manners.
I have come to just not enjoy screeners at all over the years. I remember one using an emoji for something and you can only imagine how that went. They were biased on top of it and were 100% wrong in its intent. It was a little much.
I think if both scenes are true then we have to have the first one to have the other and the latter one is the only one that matters. The audience is not going to remember a sentence or a throwaway line but they'll remember the scenes themselves. If a throwaway line is enough to get the point across in a visual medium, there's no need to have him staring at her longingly. There's no need to create physical tension between them. They can just tell each other and whoop, problems solved.
I think this, if true, can be handled better but I also think people in fandom forget the largest audience is a general one and they're going to need some hand holding reminders of what's going on. Colin being unable to perform is a damning indictment of what he's done to himself and just how much Penelope affects him. And I have to say that two scenes I'd wager are less than 2-3 minutes total are not going to ruin the romance of a show that's going to have 8 near one hour episodes.
If anything about any of it was even mentioned to Penelope or at all after the fact I would be very surprised. This sort of thing feels very much just a way to establish something with Colin himself. I wouldn't be sad to see it not be true but if it is, I feel it's gotten more importance in fandom than the show is ever going to give it.
I can't imagine Colin being needlessly cruel to Penelope, his words were thoughtless and I'd love to know his side of that story but irrespective of romantic feelings, this man cares deeply for her as it is.
Oh my I went back and checked my original Tumblr blog and I first posted 13 years ago and I still cringe immensely as some of the takes I had back then. Spiraling doesn’t even begin to touch what I was doing back then. Like girl, we had full on meltdowns, actual knock down drag out fights, and even in person stand offs in our fandom. I laugh about it now, most of us are either friends, or acquaintances who see each other around on Facebook or twitter but none of it even matters anymore.
But it got so bad there before the show ended that I eventually abandoned that blog and ended up starting over years later AFTER OUAT had pretty ended on my Captain Swan blog where that family is just a very lovely group of women that have tolerated my absolute abandonment due to my complete anxiety of life. Lol
I didn’t know what to expect with Bridgerton, or even what to expect with a regency type show, it really wasn’t my type of show. And I didn’t know that it had existing books with it until after I had seen season 1. All the girls at work were like “OH girl swoon, you have to watch this show.” And I have a very lovely friend, Natalie, who had written a book called “Emmie and the Tudor King” about the Tudors and I was trying very hard to learn all the rules around that world, so I thought what the hell, lets try this. And now here the hell I am! In another fandom with an actively shooting show.
But after season 1 and 2 with Simon, Anthony, and Benedict, I just figured it make 100% sense that Colin would end up sleeping around. LOL because damn…there is always one seen isn’t there. Maybe it’s a Shondaland thing, or a timeframe thing, but its definitely a theme and its coming to our screen whether we want it or not. I saw a comment earlier today somewhere that if we got up and went to the bathroom during it, it would be over before we got back, so I’m taking solace in that!
I hope they treat Nic and Luke with respect after the season airs. I’ve met my fair share of seeing the actors take the heat of their characters and I have a hole in my heart for the trauma I carry around that fandom I spoke of earlier with how fandom got involved in the actors lives and the result. Again, being young and seeing the spirals of fandom, I feel like I could write a book lol.
Lets get rid of screeners. I get why they have them, pump the hype, but do they? Or do they pump the anger and anxiety? Sometimes they use their “power” to pump the ship wars or stir the wrong sentiment. I know the saying is that all attention is good PR but is it really?
I can’t imagine that Pen finds out about the women or the visit he makes there. I mean yes she or perhaps more likely LW may have something to say about his sudden swagger or new found ladies man behavior, but Pen is not a delicate flower either. She is Lady Whistledown and I don’t think she will wilt. I think last season may have hardened her a bit.
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nullians · 6 months
Hey nullians, I have a complain to make -_- Your blog 'post-i-will-need-in-the-future' seems like a good idea. Seems like I will browse a few VERY IMPORTANT POSTS since the last time I've browsed too, right?
It's been like 5 hours and I didn't get past DECEMBER! I feel like I've fallen the wikipedia hole. >:(
-- Not Love, sip!
PS: This is meant jokingly. I am not serious .. well I've spent too long on your sideblog, but I am not necessarily mad. I hope you don't take this bad, me talking at you familiarly. Have a nice day! (sincerely)
Haha hi, I’m happy to see you in my ibox! And it’s actually an opportunity to talk about… whatever that side blog has evolved into XD
Sorry for the clutter, initially it was a place for what we now call “hellsite hall of fame” posts and then I just sorta. Kept adding posts that I don’t want to lose (but also don’t want to tag whoops). And then helpful masterposts were added, and then some current events links… All in all it’s not a quality blog, I treat it more like a catalogue to go through when someone asks for donation links or ways to make adblock work on youtube… <- real happenings, so at least there is some good out of it djjdjfjfj
Thanks for dropping by and have a good day as well! And the familiarity is much welcome, at this point we’ve been in each other’s notifications for quite some time now so you definitely fall into the Beloved Mutual rank ;D
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Shitry vent.
That response to the period poll is definitely a joke and it’s nice that if it has a period that they can turn it into something powerful feeling and cool to him and I wouldn’t want to take it away from her you know that’s why this is its own side post? (Sidenote the pronoun switching is from looking at its blog and seeing his pronouns.)
But like… Part of me is also like, “No shit people who have periods wouldn’t choose them why are you acting like this is some sort of coward’s choice.
Periods mean, ‘you now have to spend anywhere from 15-20 dollars on pads or tampons (or I guess clean out diva cups/those cloth ones. That’ll be cool until you get one of the fucking cell clumps) that will last you about two months at most so that’s an extra expense to add to your bills that people who don’t have them don’t have to think about. Same goes for toilet paper.
It means, ‘whoops you sat at the wrong angle or shifted weirdly in your sleep and now there’s blood there that you have to clean up or just live with it.
It’s, ‘it came at a different time than usual and I forgot I already used my emergency last month so now you’re in the bathroom shoving toilet paper in your underwear praying it’ll last you the next few hours.
There’s not just ‘oh cramps :(‘ reasons it sucks (I don’t actually get bad cramps tbh. It’s a common experience but not universal.) there’s also fucking…. Logistics as a human being in the real world that make it deeply unpleasant. And I know that response was a joke, it wasn’t meant to be genuinely shaming but also… Fuck off!
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