#about the one brother who was constantly singing about how much he wanted to fuck a panda
nerdgirlriot · 1 year
I think I made a comment on Mastodon that was too fucking weird bc the person i posted it to hasn't replied o well gonna keep calling Tumblr my home I guess
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missingexaltation · 2 years
In 1995 Steve gets the invite to his first high school reunion. He and Eddie talk about it and decide to go. After all, Steve hasn't seen any of his former school friends in years and wants to know how they're all doing...but more importantly he wants to see their faces when they see who he's unlawfully married to. Because he's a snarky lil' shit when he wants to be.
Eddie agrees to tag along as his plus one, promising he'll behave. Steve doesn't promise a thing though. They meet up with a lot of people they'd both forgotten about, making genuinely pleasant small talk for a while, and after Eddie makes a break for drinks, Steve suddenly comes face to face with Tommy and Carol.
Tommy's been working in some high flying banking job since he left college, courtesy of his dad, and he's not ashamed to say that he makes the big bucks now. Carol's pregnant with their second, and is now at the stage where she's constantly exhausted, but the funny thing is that they both rake their eyes over Steve like they want to devour him. He looks good. Happy.
It's at this point that Munson, of all people, make his entrance, interrupting with a 'sorry Stevie, all they have is this weird punch thing and I'm like mostly sure it's not even alcoholic'.
Tommy gives him a look. 'Munson,' He says, 'didn't think you graduated with us.'
The tone is sly and bitchy, but Eddie just waves him off, completely unbothered. It's Steve that reaches for Eddie's hand, beams a smile at him and says 'He's my plus one, man. Been together 9 years now, crazy how time flies, huh? '
It's only a barest moment of a second where Tommy's face crumples in on itself, but he regains composure quickly. 'Oh, right.' He says, trying for even footing in the conversation because what the fuck, Steven, 'So what do you guys do for work then?'
'I don't.' Steve said, cheerfully. 'Eddie's band more than pays the bills though, we've just gotten back from the European leg of the tour. So this...' he gestures to the room, '- is great timing for us.'
Munson's lost interest already, too busy scanning the room for whatever losers he used to hang out with. He's never liked Tommy, so it tracks. Tommy's never liked him either, the weird freak that he is...was. He has more tattoos though, Tommy can see one winding up and around his neck, and on the back of his hands. He briefly wonders whether he's got more, but tables that thought for never.
Tommy's brain was already working overtime. He didn't think that Steve had changed that much, but he's one of them? Munson, sure. That was pretty standard, even before everyone thought he was a serial killer. Hell, there was probably still graffiti with his name and the services he 'offered' on it somewhere in the building. But Steve? He times back into the conversation, hoping he's not missed much.
'-the same band, different name.' Munson's saying. 'Probably not your sort of music though, Hagans-'
'Yeah but loads of people have heard the new single, Eds. It's in the top ten.' Steve interjects, all fucking heart eyes. He turns back to them and sings the tune of something that sounds actually kind of familiar.
'Wait that's you?' Carol squeaks. 'Tyler, my brother Tyler, is like obsessed with that song, I swear on my life.'
Munson just shrugs, like her opinion is beneath him, and Tommy's blood boils. Munson's always been able to get under everyone's skin, without even trying, but Carol's his wife and there's no way he's standing for that.
But Munson's not paying him any attention, he's scribbling on a piece of paper and handing it over. 'If he wants it,' He says, 'your brother I mean.'
Then he's looking across the room and his face lights up. 'Danny P!' He yells, making a break for it and grabbing some unsuspecting guy around the shoulders, spinning him like he's a ballroom dancer. Steve's left holding his drink, but doesn't seem to mind. He just laughs, and gives Tommy an absent kind of nod. And that hurts more than anything.
'Good to see you man.' Steve says, and that's that. He follows Munson across the room and watches as he's introduced to some guy Tommy doesn't even remember.
Carol's left holding Munson's signature, his fucking autograph, like she's been frozen stiff.
'Holy shit.' She says, not even looking up at her husband. 'Tyler's gonna freak.'
Tommy doesn't even think about it for days later, until he's at work of all places. He's sitting in his office, scanning through the newspaper while he waits for his next meeting. He's certainly not expecting to see Munson's face taking up half a page in the entertainment section, with a couple of vaguely familiar faces.
He scans through the article, the usual bullshit of talking the band up, how it's good to be home, yada yada yada, but it's the caption under the picture that makes him pause.
CC (left to right): Gareth Jones (drums), Jeff Springer (guitar), Violet Cooper (vocals), Dani Jackson (bass) and Eddie Harrington (guitar).
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This is so funny.
So zuko can make household chores because he learned how to serve tea but i guess aang can’t make a fruit pie. 
Or zuko knows some things are more important than romamce? So katara being chained is totally the same as mai being in safe.
Aang dying in kataras arms is a parental responsibility?!
Wtf is this dude smoking
I love how they act like the episode in which we see Aang canonically apologize for letting all the attention from being the Avatar go to his head means he could never possibly change, even though we see the change on screen AND that it stuck since he is also annoyed at Toph for not helping out. By that logic, Zuko is still racist and violent and would thus treat Katara HORRIBLY. Character development only counts when it happens to a character they like.
“Oh, she dressed up as his mom” She also dressed up as her brother’s heavily pregnant wife. It’s almost like they’re children and that doesn’t mean anything to them, and you’re only reading into an obvious joke because it’s convenient. Also Sokka is canonically the ONLY ONE who literally says “When I think of mom, I think Katara”, while Aang has been on team “Katara is still a kid and needs to have fun” from day one.
“Would gain a partner that respects personal boundaries” *shows screenshot of when Katara got mad at Zuko for getting in her personal space and in which SHE has to move away because the dumbass won’t* Beautiful. Effervescent. You don’t see that kind of delusion everyday. Also we all know your ship started because of rape fics, shut the fuck up.
“Someone who sees her as ally” Aang has been Katara’s ally from day one, dipshit.
“Not as a possession” Ah yes, because the guy that was constantly accusing his girlfriend of liking someone else even as she explicitly said she didn’t give a shit about a dude’s existence, and then proceeded to throw said dude over a table in a fit of rage TOTALLY doesn’t have any issues with jealousy, possessiveness and self-control. Funny how when Zuko does it we need to take into account his traumas and the fact that he’s a teenager that doesn’t know any better due to not being an adult yet, but Aang needs to be threated as an adult that is already set on his ways despite being younger than Zuko AND constantly talked about as if he’s a toddler by zutarians.
“Someone who waits for the right time to talk” Yeah, to use her biggest trauma as a cheat-code to get the forgiveness and friendship he feels entitled to. He spent the start of the episode DEMANDING Katara’s time, attention and understanding and she REPEATEDLY told him to back off and he only got the hint when she yelled at him. I love Zuko, but patience, taking hints, and not struggling with entitlement have NEVER been traits of his.
“He understands how much she needs her family and puts them first” Again, he literally used that get what he wanted. He only started caring AFTER they were already on a journey. Can we stop the blantant lying and dick-sucking?
“Rather than someone who disappears when she needs them” Again, on the map thing Aang realizes on his own that he messed up and tells the truth, character development counts when it happens to someone other than your favorite emo boy. Well forgive Aang for panicking when he discovers that his life’s mission went to hell and that the world has completely lost hope. And it’s funny how, if he doesn’t let her go in Ba Sing Se despite his mission being important, he’s the bad guy, but if he DOES put the mission before Katara he is STILL the bad guy. It’s almost like zutarians are biased or something…
“The guy that ditched Katara to help his father continue commiting genocide after hearing about what happened to Katara’s mom has sympathy for her loss, unlike the best friend that is struggling with losing literally everyone in his life - after all, he won’t let her murder someone over it, since he knows she’ll regret it” Fuck you.
“Zuko trusts her to deal with her anger and pain in her own way” Again, no, he was literally just using her and her trauma because he felt awkward about her being the only one in the friend group that still hated his guts. He didn’t start to genuinely connect with her until they were already deep in the journey. AANG is the only that literally lets her borrow Appa to go on said mission, and accepts when she decides not forgive Yon Rha after all, despite sparing his life, and ZUKO tells Aang “You were right.” Stop lying for five minutes.
“Ironically a partner that understands that some things are more important than romance” Once again, LOVE how Aang is the bad guy if he puts his mission before Katara, but he doesn’t he is STILL the bad guy.
“Would not risk her life and everyone else’s to keep his moral purity” *conveniently doesn’t show Zuko not killing his father when he had THE perfect chance because that’s the Avatar’s job (and would be kinslaying in his eyes) and thus it’d be dishonorable to do it*
“Someone who sees her for who she is, not who he wants her to be” Zuko literally thought Katara had it in her to be a blood-thristy killer just for the sake of revenge. Aang knew she would regret it and let her realize it on her own by letting her go to the mission, with the guy that was fully on team “Go murder!” because he KNEW Katara would never do it. And he was right, and Zuko said as much. Because Aang is the one who knows her, he just doesn’t know the OC you call Katara.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to make a request to ask if you could make a Drabble to ask if you could make a gabe x reader as you when you talked about caspians family you mentioned how gabe is compared to his brother caspian or possibly someone else I would like to know more about him in general and about what would he do with a clay maker s/o who secretly knows about the family business and is an insomniac and also likes to sleep a lot but tries to do the most that they can and won’t fall for the manipulation tactics he uses and just says “ you know if you wanted me to stay home you could’ve just said so?🤨
sorry if your burnt out also have as much fun as you can as a 22 year old !!! You don’t have an obligation to answer this but thank you.
A/N: Ello bby i am soooo happy you asked about Gabe omfg im kicking my feet rn!!! I tried to check all the boxes of the request i apologize if i missed any, Also I'm not burnt out thank you for your sweet words i wanna give u a forehead kith anyway!!!! Heres Gabe! NOT EDITED
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Gabrielllll Mi Amor omg where do I even begin?!
Standing at a proud 6'4 this mf is big. He's the strongest of his brothers physically, and has always used it to his advantage.
Early on in his life he was being compared to Caspian. They looked so alike it wasn't hard to see why people brought it up the way they did but it still bugged him.
Subconsciously he began to act anyway his brother wasn't. Be it avoiding the kitchen like the plague or gluing himself to the workshop downstairs.
Has a voice like warm butter and can sing stupidly well.
Sings/hums little tunes whenever he's working.
Love languages are acts of service and gift giving, he just wants to take care of you.
Terrified of spiders, he will call you crying to come get it.
Loves tinkering with things, surprisingly delicate hands for such a rough guy.
He laughs with his whole body, the kinda loud boisterous one that made other people start.
Snorts when he finds something especially funny.
He has a hard time reading social cues so he's constantly making dumb jokes, especially when he's not supposed to but he's so funny it's hard to stay mad at him.
Charm up the wazoo, the kinda guy where no matter where he goes, someone's coming up to say hello to him.
He's really good at pattern recognition and it makes him come off a bit psychic at times
Like how he'd clock someone's bad mood the second he seen them, notices details most people wouldn't.
The kinda guy where if you accidentally burn yourself he'll do it too just so you could be in equal amounts of pain, is it dumb as hell? Yeah. Is it also the sweetest thing ever? Absolutely.
Wants the kind of love Mortica and Gomez have, unfiltered raw passion.
Morbid sense of humor.
He's always warm no matter the temperature, comes in mad handy during the colder months and means he wears the smallest amount of clothing when it's hot out which is just a win for everyone.
Scorpio male I repeat Scorpio male. Do with that what you will.
Believes in love at first sight, he's such a big softie.
Had his tongue pierced in his friend's dingy kitchen when he was 18, a secret to this day his mom doesn't know about it.
His canines are a little longer than most and he absolutely had a vampire phase.
Likes to bite. A lot. It's a love language.
He confides in Caspian for everything, expect his envy of him. For that he talks to Ricky.
He can knock someone out with his right hook and has many times before.
He grew up working for his dad's approval and that meant getting his hands dirty.
At first his was a bit weary of using his strength to hurt people but that all changed when his Father put things in perspective for him.
"Everything we do- it's to keep food on our table, to keep us safe- your mother safe." And it all clicked.
Violence for the sake of violence wasn't okay. But violence for the sake of love? That shit was poetic.
He's essentially the family's guard dog. If anyone fucked with them? You told Gabe and suddenly the problem was gone.
He loves the color red, specifically the shade of red that came outta' the first guy his Father sent him after.
He was just supposed to rough him up a little but had too much fun caving in the dude's face.
Thinks killing in the name of love is the most caring thing you can do for someone.
Lil bit of a masochist streak. Likes when he gets to fight someone who can actually keep up with him cuz that little jolt he gets down his spine when he gets hit is addicting.
Animals love him, like you got a cat that hates everyone? Loves him.
Likes preening himself, takes about an hour in the shower everyday, since he dyes his hair so often he takes extra special care of it.
He has a beauty routine and he never skips it, definitely sets up self care spa days with the two of you once you're together.
Really good at videogames, like don't let him goad you into any sort of bet around gaming bec you will lose.
He's the second oldest but carries a lot of the weight of the older brother title since Cas wants nothing to do with the family business
Loves taking things apart to see how they work then putting them back together. He's done this to his PC a lot.
Really such a sweetheart but he has a dark side that feels a lot like a caged animal.
He's not afraid to show you this side because he's proud of it, it's kept him and his kin safe time and time again, why wouldn't he want you to know he'd do anything for you?
Does not like large public spaces, he needs to have a clear way in and out of any area.
Has mad anxiety, takes meds for it.
Works out every day, his favorite way to do so is jogging, he loves being able to just turn off his brain and go.
He meets you on one of those jogs!! Runs right past your art studio but stops when he sees you about to drop this heavy ass box you're attempting to move in a truck.
"Woah- I got you don't worry." He said in an attempt not to scare you as he was some random man running at you from across the street.
You'd peak your head out with the sweetest smile he's ever seen. The honest gratefulness in your eyes warmed him to his core.
"Oh thank you!- I appreciate it." Sure the words were simple but paired with that sheepish little laugh brought heat to his cheeks, he had the sudden to urge to fix his hair, make sure he looked presentable because holy shit were you gorgeous.
You're in a dust covered pair of overalls, your hair is windswept, and you still knocked the breath from his lungs.
"Whatcha' got in there?-god sorry if it's personal you don't need to, I'm sorry." He was very obviously flustered but he was so cute it only added to the charm.
"It's some clay my friend asked for- I had some extra from this project I'm working on- anyway thank you so much.." She trailed off waiting for his name. "Gabriel, you can call me Gabe." His voice was deep and warm like molasses on a hot cookie.
He asks for your number then and there and your fate is sealed.
He runs home faster than he's ever run before, like straight to his apartment, straight to the laptop, doesn't even close the front door kinda rushing.
You only gave him your first name but since he knew you most likely worked at the pottery studio he met you outside of he could find what he needed easily.
He wasn't the most technology savvy man out there but he managed to find a few of your socials and made a quick call to a friend, he has a lot of connections and it was nothing to get the info he needed.
He's a straight shooter and texts you asking for a coffee date that night.
You accept, and despite not usually entertaining men you'd only met that day, he had this captivating energy that had you accepting before you could talk yourself out of it.
The date would be dummy cute, he shows up with flowers and what was supposed to be a quick cup of coffee turns into an all day adventure where you just talked and talked about everything and nothing.
He has you laughing the entire date, blushing from the sheer intensity of his gaze. He was blunt in the way where he said whatever was on his mind.
"I'm sorry- Ima be real I didn't catch a word you just said- the sun hit your face and I had to take a second. Holy shit- you're stunning." His genuine disbelief along with the way he shyly inched his hand to interlock your fingers had your heart skipping a few beats.
He's so into love and the idea of being entirely wrapped up in it.
Before you know it it's getting dark and if he's not walking you to your door he's politely demanding you let him know when you're safe and sound.
The kinda person who makes sure your seatbelt is on or if you're walking on the sidewalk he'll always take the street side just in case.
Would jump out of his coat if you gave the slightest inclination you were cold.
He once balled up his hoodie and threw it at you from across the room like a basketball, like he jumped and dunked.
If you wear fake lashes first time you take em off he the type of dude to be terrified thinking you're just yanking out your real one's.
If he has stuff in his hands and you jump at him he will launch the items if it means catching you better.
Definitely the type to randomly come up to you and silently demand affection.
He wants you to go with him to the gym just to see him be hot. N like maybe give him a reward kiss every time he completes a set.
Surprisingly graceful for such a big dude.
He's an all or nothing type, makes that abundantly clear on the phone one night as he'd gotten in the habit of falling asleep to your voice.
"I want you. Entirely. And I've never been good at denying myself." He'd sound so sure, so certain in his words it made your brain go a bit fuzzy.
Possessive in a hot way not an icky controlling way.
Like if someone hits on you in front of him he has to physically distract himself so he doesn't commit a crime in broad daylight.
Instead whenever his jealously is triggered he becomes a koala, latches himself to your back like a demon, his massive form hovering behind you whenever you went.
"My girl can dress however she wants. I can fight."
Does not tolerate any disrespect towards you or your relationship.
Some girl tried to grind on him at the club and he threw his drink at her.
Petty as HELL when mad, he has a shit list and you do not want to be on it.
Protective as hell, if you indulge his little tendencies (putting sunblock on you if it's warm out, always bringing extra snacks incase you get hungry when you're working) he will start talking about marriage lmao
Speaking of he loves to linger around your studio whenever he can, be warned he will distract you by being adorable so working will be hard but it's totally worth it.
Nicknames for you are : Baby girl, Ma', WIFEY,(almost always followed by a kiss) Darlin', Mi Amor.
He's struggled with insomnia before so he knows a thing or two.
Once you start sleeping over more he notices your nocturnal habits and quickly adjusts.
If you ever get up because you just can't sleep and need to get some energy out he always wakes up.
He can't sleep without you so if you're gone longer than a minute sirens go off in his mind and he's wide awake.
If you wanna watch TV until you can finally rest you know he's right there with you, likes to have you resting in his lap so he can wrap himself around you entirely.
If you simply want to exist in silence he can do that to, so long as he's with you he knows peace.
It wouldn't take long for you to realize his family's secret.
Gabe can keep a secret from anyone.
Except you.
Sometimes his Father would call for him at odd hours of the night, and he'd have to shoot out of bed with little explanation.
You'd wake up to the lightest pressure on your forehead as he kissed you goodbye.
"Shit- go back to sleep Baby, somethin' going down at the shop, they need me." He'd say this cradling your still half asleep face, gently thumbing over your cheeks before stealing another kiss.
He'd come back hours later, the sky still dark and he always showered and put his clothes in the washer before he came to lay back down.
After a while these constant exits would have you a little worried, while yes he was the single most loyal man you'd met and the idea of him cheating seemed laughable, especially considering how seriously he took you, you knew he was hiding something.
Eventually our boy slips up and leaves some blood on his shirt, it was splattered on like paint and yeah at first you were a bit terrified at the concept of your boyfriend being violent then you really started to think about it.
The way he talked about people he didn't like, that look in his eye whenever you told him someone had upset you, how he seemed almost eager to fight at any time.
It made sense.
Then there's the way he talks about his family's shop.
"It's kinda' fun working down there- yeah it can get messy but that's my favorite part."
"I mean Jimmy knew what kinda' businessman pops is- no wonder he die- retired. No wonder he uh, retired. 👀"
It's embarrassing how slick he thinks he is.
It all comes to its boiling point when one day you two are out and bump into a smaller, who at the sight of your loving boyfriend, goes pale as a sheet, nearly dropping the bags in his arm.
"H-Hey Gabe! Boy it's been a minute huh? Listen tell your pops I ain't ducking him or nothing I swear!-" The man said practically vibrating in place, sweat pooling down his flustered face. He was petrified.
Gabe cut him off with a look, his eyes glancing between you and the vermin across him.
"It's Gabriel. Only my friends get to call me Gabe. Do you think we're friends Joey?" You'd never heard this tone from your boyfriend before, it was cold and dry, as if was an entirely different person speaking.
His hold on your waist would tighten when the trembling man looked to you.
"Aye don't look at her look at me, I'm the one talking to you right?." He sneered down, he didn't move and still had the stranger flinching. "Your mama never taught you manners or somethin'?"
"My apologies- really Gabriel, I didn't mean nothin' by it." And with that he'd practically run away, checking over his shoulder every few seconds as if he though Gabe would be following.
"Forgive me, Amor. Some people-" he sucked his teeth before shaking off his nasty look. His fingers began dancing against your side.
"He owe your dad some money?" You'd ask figuring the interaction far too intense to be about a late car job or something.
Gabe would respond honestly before thinking, "Yeah, little bastard has been dodging me all week now he wants to come up to us- nevermind that, let's go were gonna miss the movie!" His flustered response would break all tension, but you'd gotten all the confirmation you needed.
All in all this big bad bastard just needs someone to hold his leash and accept his particular brand of love.
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percyslist · 1 year
Vesper had been fussing all night, her cries ringing through the empty halls of the palace. Not wanting to disturb Vex, who had been sleeping peacefully next to him, Percy was the one to get up to care for their daughter. He’d always been a light sleeper anyways, and his wife needed the rest a whole lot more than he did.
In his half-awake haze, Percy barely remembered to fetch his glasses from his nightstand before he pulled himself from the warm comforts of his bed, careful not to wake Vex. He rushed through the hallways with stumbling feet, his vision still blurry from sleep. He opened the door to the nursery and winced as the noise of Vesper’s screaming got louder as he stepped into the room. “Come on now, little one,” he said as he scooped her into his arms.
He tried everything. He tried to give her the baby formula, hoping beyond all hope that she was just hungry. She wouldn’t take it.
“There’s one trait we share,” he told her. “Stubbornness. Though I had hoped that by some miracle, you’d be at least somewhat compliant.”
He rocked her back and forth, cooing soft assurances, but nothing he did seemed to appease his tiny daughter. He cringed again as her desperate shrieks continued, the sound piercing his ears.
“Well, fuck, Vesper,” he said, sitting on an armchair with her still crying in his arms, “I’m not sure what it is that you want from me.”
Vesper, who couldn’t yet understand her father’s frustration, continued to cry. Percy was on the verge of tears himself. He wasn’t like Vex, who had taken to parenthood naturally, as if it was a natural next step after the years they’d spent adventuring. Sure, he’d taken care of his little siblings when they were children, but that had been years ago, when he’d been a child himself.
And now, here he was, a grown man who couldn’t figure out how to get his infant daughter to go back to sleep.
He didn’t know what else he could possibly do, so with a sigh, he began to sing. It was hardly a lullaby, but it was a song Percy’s parents had used when he and his siblings were too fussy in the night. Some nights, it was the only thing that got them to shut up. Over the years, as he got older, the song became a constant in his life. Even in his adulthood, after he lost one family member after another, he would hum the song under his breath when he needed the comfort it brought him.
As the beginning lyrics hit her ears, Vesper stopped her wailing and looked up at him with curious eyes, as if she could understand the meaning behind the simple melody. As if she recognized the words she didn’t know yet.
“Echo of the clock tower
Footstep in the alleyway
Sweep of the wind sifting the leaves”
Percy thought of his family often. They constantly flooded his thoughts, bringing both bad and good memories of every variety. He thought of his siblings, wondering what they would have given to have the chance of the life that Percy now did. He thought of his parents, hoping to any god that would listen that he wouldn’t have to lose his children as they did.
He thought of Vox Machina: heroes who had almost reached the status of gods, torn apart by the unforgiving hand of the Raven Queen. Percy thought of his wife, the mother of his child, the love and light of his life. Vex, the woman who had once told him that she didn’t know what she was without her brother, the only one that had stood at her side throughout it all.
He thought of Keyleth, who was now the wise and brave leader of her people, how she had cried into Percy’s shoulder after everything, muttering nonsense about how much she would give for the opportunity to hold her partner in her arms again.
He thought of Vax: not quite dead but just out of reach, unable to have the life he more than deserved, the life that for some reason, Percy got in his place.
Yet another ghost to haunt him, to remind him of his many shortcomings. Another raven to watch on from his windowsill.
Percy kept singing.
“Jeweler of the spider web
Connoisseur of autumn’s opulence
Blade of lightning harvesting the sky”
He thought of the Gods, of their cruelty and their indifference towards human affairs. When it came down to it, they cared for no one and nothing but themselves. He’d seen their selfishness firsthand.
“Keeper of the small gate
Choreographer of entrances and exits
Midnight whisper traveling the wires”
He thought of the Raven Queen, the stone-cold ruler over death and fate, the god that had pried away Percy’s chances of a normal life when he was nothing but a child.
“Seducer, healer,
Deity or thief?
I will see you soon enough”
Someday, he would be able to ask her why, face to face. He would be able to look her in the eye and demand to know why he got to live instead of his mother, his father, his siblings. He would demand to know why he got to live and Vax didn’t.
He would muster the courage to ask the questions he was too afraid to find the words for now.
Vesper had fallen asleep again, nestling into Percy’s chest. As he looked down at his young daughter, he could feel his anger evaporate, turning into a soft adoration of his child, an appreciation for the life he had gained in exchange for the one he had lost all those years ago. He had built a new branch of the family he had once considered lost to history, and for that opportunity, he was eternally grateful. But did the growth compensate for the destruction that had taken place, all those years ago?
Had the Raven Queen granted Percy new life in a way that made up for the ones she had taken so mercilessly? Was it worth it, now that he had Vex, now that he had Vesper? Would anyone ever be able to fill the empty chasms that had taken up residence in Percy’s soul since he had lost everything? Could anyone ever hope to replace his parents or his brothers and sisters? Could anyone ever bring back the man Percival de Rolo could have become, if he had not been consumed by vengeance at such an early age?
His thoughts turned to each sibling that he lost. In his head, he recited each of their names in a silent chant. A promise to remember.
Julius, Vesper, Oliver, Whitney, Ludwig.
Vax’ildan, he added, after a moment’s hesitation. Yes, they weren’t actually related, but for all intents and purposes, they were brothers. There was no other way to describe their relationship, in the years they’d known each other.
“You have taken everyone I have ever dared to call a brother,” he whispered, half to himself, half to the God he knew wasn’t listening. “But you will not take my friends, my wife, my daughter. Not in the way you took them. Not in the way you took him.”
In the shadow of the rainfall
In the brief violet darkening of a sunset
But until then I pray
Watch over him
Julius. Vesper. Oliver. Whitney. Ludwig. Vax’ildan.
Watch over him
As the mountain guards it’s covert ore
And the harsh falcon
It’s flightless young
“You had better protect him,” he continued, “Because if I get there, and I find him to be anything less than the absolute pain in the ass he was in life, you and I are going to have a real fucking problem.”
And with those final words to the wretched goddess of death, he let himself fall asleep again, his beloved daughter safely curled into his chest.
Vex awoke to an empty bed, which wasn’t entirely a rare occasion, so she didn’t think much of it. With a groan and a great effort, she sat upright and padded through the hallways to check on Vesper.
She froze with her hand on the doorknob when she heard the sound of Percy’s soft snores coming from the inside of the nursery. As carefully as she could, she cracked the door open and stepped inside.
Percy sat slumped on the armchair, mouth hanging open and glasses crooked on his nose, his arms wrapped around Vesper, who slept peacefully. Vex laughed softly to herself at the sight, about to close the door again when she caught a flutter of black somewhere in her periphery.
Her eyes followed the movement to the windowsill, where a raven sat, watching.
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allshadesblue · 2 years
This is a Succession essay. I genuinely think that most characters in television and films tend to be autistic/autistic coded, and I think this is by complete and total accident
Trying to make a character weird, or giving them issues picking up social cues, or what have you, say, extremely strong interests, it often speaks to autistic people and our experiences in a variety of ways
Kendall Roy is a big one for me, he stims in his car (episode one, rapping and hitting the chair in front of him in the car before his big day?), he's so genuine and cannot tell when everyone around him is making fun of him (L to the OG, singing a rap song he made up about his dad?), he gets emotionally and physically overwhelmed (too much birthday?), he has issues expressing his emotions and picking up social cues (his phone call with the bank, telling Polk to fuck off, where he tries to emulate his father and fails?)
There's this poignant scene where Kendall is calming down in the same way his clearly autistic son does. Both of them are overwhelmed by the family dinner, so they sit outside and play with Legos together, an act Rava, his ex wife, does not engage in. It's parallel play, they're sitting together and calming themselves down side by side, not necessarily playing together. This is very common amongst autistic people.
And Kendall, like many autistic people, wants to emulate those around him socially, so he can be liked the way he thinks his father is. Kendall often incorrectly assumes that if he mimics all those around him, copies their social skills, pretends like he fits in, people will finally see him the way he sees himself. And Kendall really is a good person. At least he tries to be, having that much wealth and power is always going to make you a bad person, especially when you don't take the steps to deconstruct these power structures. But Kendall wants to be a good person. He wants to do the right thing. He tries hard to be the involved father, the perfect son, the kind boss, the fantastic husband, the good friend, the caring brother, the greatest business man, he wants to be the most loved, the most loving, the person everyone likes and who fits in. But he can't navigate it quite right. He's understanding of how to grow Waystar Royco into a business that's successful in the internet age is actually quite spot on. His desire to create what he views as an inclusive environment, a respectful one, is genuine.
But Kendall cannot fit in no matter how hard he tries. And I don't think it's just because of his wealth, though it plays a factor. His siblings, in particular Shiv and Roman, especially Shiv, are considerably better socially. They, like many neurotypicals, can become social chameleons, changing how they interact and act to fit in with whatever crowd they're in. They're out of touch due to their wealth, certainly, but there's a difference. They socialize well in the wealthy circles they grew up in, they transfer these skills to other social circles, they socialize so well they can advance their career. Noticeably, they lie well, they can pick up on when most everyone is lying to them, they can navigate all of their respective spheres well.
Kendall cannot do these things really, when he tries he always falls flat. Even in out of touch, wealthy circles, he really cannot fit in. His inability to be the person he wants everyone to see him as is two fold. His wealth and abusive childhood is one dimension of it, he doesn't have good footing for where to start, so when he genuinely tries he falls flat on his face. But he's autistic, compounding these issues. It makes it much harder for him to actually understand what to do, how to do it, and his only guides through his life were wealthy people constantly working to undermine him, to cut him down. Shiv and Roman, not so much. They know what is the "right thing" and what is socially seem as the right things to do, and they can adapt their presentation to match that. Shiv knows it's socially acceptable to be a democrat, and so she is, though she isn't one. Kendall cannot, and though he tries to do the right things, and he tries to do them because he sees them as the right things, he cannot conceptualize a life other than his own, cannot fit in, and with no other guide but his father, cannot be the person he truly wants to be.
His attempts are genuine. He tries very hard to be an excellent father. He loves his children. He is by no means good at it. But he wants to be. And he makes greater strides than his father ever did, and in many ways for him this is a great effort. He is pained by how no one seems to like him, no matter what he does. There's this scene in the first season, where he looks at the falling stock price and tells his brother, "this is how much no one likes me." In season three, he tries to get people to like him by being self aware about how much they hate him, tries to let himself be made a mockery, because then maybe they'll want him. But he doesn't understand why they do. And it becomes a form of self harm, like maybe if he lets them hate him to his face, he'll understand why they do emotionally. Sometimes he understands objectively, but really he doesn't. And he self medicates to make it easier.
Kendall noticeably does drugs the most when he is struggling to fit in socially. Before therapy with his family, because he wants to fit in with the group of people he's with, wants to fit in back home. Also a very common autistic experience. It seemingly makes him likeable, makes him comfortable, lowers his inhibitions so that maybe he'll fit in, and maybe he'll get over his fears.
Kendall's struggles as an autistic person become Shakespearean in height due to the wealth and station of his life. It makes you wonder if one moment of his life were to have been changed. Say he doesn't get into the accident with the waiter, he'll escape the grasp of his father, and probably he'll have the means he always wanted to create the meaningful change he longs for. He stays committed to outing his father's negligence on the cruises. Something different, something new. Hell, even just a diagnosis, and I'd bet Kendall's life looks utterly different. It allows him, at the very least, a modicum of comfort and understanding of his life. Best case scenario, Kendall has the tools to navigate the world, and as such, can become the very good person he feels he ought to be.
Kendall Roy has autism. And autism is not tragic, but him having it in a world so hostile to him, without the knowledge of his autism, is.
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belit0 · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR BLOG💛✨💛✨ 💛✨ Madara drank too much at Hashirama's insistence, got lost on the way home and ended up in Y/N's bed 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 Could you write something like that if you still accept requests 🥺🥺🥺
Of course!! I'm always accepting requests!! Feel free to send as many as you want!
Actually, this was so cute to write, and if you wonder what song Madara is constantly trying to sing:
is this one.
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The first mistake of the night, as Madara identifies in his little state of consciousness, is to try to follow Hashirama with his alcohol intake. Peace is beautiful, the village was built smoothly, and he thought it a good idea to feast with his soul friend over some good Sake. With Izuna and Tobirama's quarrels out of the room for the lack of their presence, chatting was pleasant and prolonged, ending at about five o'clock in the morning.
When the Uchiha wanted to stand up and leave the Hokage's office to head home, he found he couldn't walk. Nor think, for that matter, but he managed not to lose his pride and leave the building with his head held high. It's not like the Senju was going to notice, passed out on his office couch, but he needed to keep up appearances for his own good.
Wandering the desolate new streets of Konoha, Madara tries to follow a straight-line leading home, humming a song Izuna usually sings while polishing his weapons. He doesn't know where his brother got it from, or why, but he usually sings it every day, and he ended up inadvertently learning it.
"Cry baby cry cry... you've seen how things are…!" The Uchiha whispers in an attempt to sing while his legs reverse direction and his feet don't want to respond. He falls to the ground about three times before he finds some sort of balance, and is thankful there are no people on the street to see his show.
"Cry baby cry cry...tell me who's laughing now...!" There is so much hair over his face it doesn't help in his mission to move forward, yet suddenly, he feels something strange under his foot. The path has disappeared from under his body, and now he is walking on... earth. Garden soil, to be more precise, meaning he inadvertently wandered into the perimeter of someone else's house.
Under his sandal, he sees a beautiful, wonderful, newly landscaped garden, which in his blurred vision he identifies as familiar. His attempt to get home took him on a completely different route, and Madara can tell only by the flowers he is stepping on.
Somehow, life, drunkenness, alcohol, brought him to (Y/N)'s house, and he finds himself stepping on the roses she spent all yesterday afternoon installing.
All afternoon. Working on this garden all, fucking, afternoon.
Beautiful red roses, as deep as the color of his eyes, now ruined under his shoes. Madara, in his absent-mindedness, looks down and notices the beautiful planter ruined by his feet. In a fit of desperation, he kneels on the ground trying to put it back together again, struggling to correct the twisted stems and stick the fallen petals back together, without any success.
The sudden movement and the speed with which he threw himself to the ground brought an unexpected dizziness, and the Uchiha empties his stomach on the only roses he did not dare to step on. If there were any flowers left safe from his clumsiness, they had just been ruined.
After catching his breath and ceasing to dump all the alcohol back onto (Y/N)'s garden, Madara realizes the atrocity he just committed and has no choice but to cry over his mistake. "I killed them... I killed them all!!!" he surrenders over the mutilated garden, and releases genuine tears of sadness over the floricide he just committed.
"The war is over, yet I ended their lives!!!! I'm a monster, a freak, a perfect monster, and-"
"Madara...?" A female voice exclaims from behind his back, (Y/N) standing in the doorway of her home and looking terribly sleepy-faced. The Uchiha's cries of pain woke her up and fearing for the sentences he was daring to yell, she believed he was in trouble. Of course, she never expected him to refer to her newly installed garden.
Can you picture the image, of a huge man with huge hair, the most powerful Uchiha in history, the leader of one of the most respected clans, lying on top of mangled flowers and next to a puddle of his own vomit.
The woman doesn't know whether to laugh or sigh in exasperation but opts for a quicker solution.
"I killed them, (Y/N), I killed them all!!! You put so much effort into it, you planted them so lovingly and I-"
"Shhh shhh, it's okay, it's okay, come here, let's get you cleaned up."
"I don't deserve it!!! I'm a war criminal, a murderer yet again, look at them!!!"
Paying attention to her poor garden under Madara's command, (Y/N) estimated the damage was unrecoverable, and she would have to plant everything anew. The soil would have to be changed, the stems would have to be gathered to grow a new flower, and the vomit would have to be cleaned up...
"You'll be able to help me with it once you recover, come on now."
Like a toddler recently scolded by his mother, the world's most mighty Uchiha awkwardly gets up from the floor, stumbling over his feet and needing help from her to steady himself on his legs. (Y/N) slings one of his arms over her shoulder, and despite Madara being a head taller than her, drags him back to her room like a wet little chicken.
The man gives up on her bed, falling backward and closing his eyes. He opens them automatically, to the phrase "I feel sick again..." and then vomits on the floor.
With the clock striking 6 am, (Y/N) reaches for a bucket of water and mops up the mess Madara just produced, while the semi-conscious Uchiha hums a stupid song, "cry baby cry cry, those who play are left alone…!" Rolling her eyes, the girl abandons all hope of going back to sleep when she realizes the sun is shining on the horizon, awakened by the unforeseen situation.
After making herself a cup of tea, she notices the man has finally fallen asleep, and with great effort, she removes his soiled robe from his body. Filled with vomit, she immediately puts it in the wash, covering him with her quilts to keep him warm.
It is truly a sight to behold, the second leader of the village passed out on her bed, on the edge of the mattress, and about to fall to the floor, partially covered by her pink sheets.
When he regains consciousness and is physically well, he will be forced to take a full day of gardening and fix all the flowers he destroyed.
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hello-nichya-here · 11 months
If you had to characterized Michael Jackson as one of the following adjectives that happened to be important qualities in the entertainment industry, which would you pick? Explain your answer.
Picking "vocalist" would imply that his main focus as an artist would be his singing abilities.
Picking "dancer" would imply that his main focus as an artist would be his dancing abilities.
Picking "songwriter" would imply that his main focus as an artist would be his lyrics and not how he delivers them.
Picking "performer" would imply that his Mai focus as an artist during live shows isn't his singing it dancing, but the production elements (costumes, dancers, lighting, scene set up, ect)
Please give examples to justify your answer.
Picking one of the above adjectives wouldn't imply that his abilities in the rest of them are lacking, I'm simply trying to find which feild is his best.
This message has been typed by someone who knows shit about MJ and wants to learn but not through the mainstream media, as you've already said that they treated him like shit.
ANON, YOU FOOL, YOU OPENED THE FLOOD GATES! Get a snack and some water, then sit down, this is gonna take a ridiculously long time because I know WAY too much about Michael and you just gave me the chance to share all of that knowledge at once.
First off, I unfortunately have to get the depressing part out of the way and tell you that it wasn't just the media that treated him like shit. Nearly everyone in his life failed this man on some degree.
His father used to watch him and his brother's practice for their performances as The Jackson 5/The Jacksons - with a belt in hand to beat them if they got even a single note wrong. He'd also just throw them against all too He also made fun of Michael's appearence as he was growing up, mocking him for his acne, big nose and for being too dark to truly be his son.
Joseph Jackson also cheated on his wife constantly - especially while traveling with his sons during tours, since he was the manager. So add "Had to listen to him cheat on my mom" to the lists of reasons why Michael didn't like his dad all that much. He also didn't care where his sons performed as long as it got them money, leading to Michael, while still very much a young CHILD, singing in strip clubs, and, in his own words, having to watch adults fighting and vomiting on each other.
His brothers weren't saints either. They all had to share a room in the hotels during tours, and Michael not only had to hear his older brothers having sex with fans (again, while he was still a child), but he also had to hear how these girls were being used and thrown away. Michael even tried to talk to one of said girls after it because she was crying so much he thought she might have been there against her will.
And when Michael went solo and became far richer than anyone in the family (who by now were FAR from poor), he was constantly harassed for money by nearly everyone, leading to him full on hiding from them many times, and sometimes only "talking" to them by sending his lawyer in his place. In his own words "I’ve supported my brothers, supported them all. I’ve put their kids through school. But they still come after me, still wanting more. It never ends." After his death, most of his relatives were too busy fighting over his money to properly mourn him, or comfort his children.
As I explained in a previous post, the people that were making money off of him and his performances, were more than willing to just let Michael continue dancing after getting seriously injured and nearly dying:
His final tour, literally named "This Is It" because he wanted to officially retire already, was originally meant to be just 5 shows. Instead Michael was tricked into commiting to 50 shows, and pressured to "keep his word." Thanks to the years of neglect to his health, plus the reharsals for this tour, as well the help of a doctor that was more than happy to put him in a drug induced coma and call it "helping him sleep", Michael was dead before the first show of this tour even took place.
After his death, two posthumos albums were released, "Michael" and "Xscape." The first one had a lot of controversy surrounding it because 3 of the songs were NOT sung by Michael, and Sony, his record label, full on say on court that they had the right to attribute these tracks to Jackson, regardless of authenticity - aka "We should have the right to attach his name to stuff he didn't make, just so we can sell it a higher price." It did not go well.
Finally, we have the pedophilia allegations (that people still take as absolute truth despite Michael being proven innocent in court), which can summed up in this 2 minute video:
Said accusations, despite being obviously false, nearly destroyed his reputation completely, AND made him a victim of police brutality during the court case.
Now we got all that crap all of the way, let's talk about what actually matters:
Why Michael Jackson will always be THE greatest artist of all time!
There's a reason why he was called the King Of Pop, why many artists today (from like The Weekend and Bruno Mars, to nearly every K-Pop group ever) take a ton of notes from how he used to do things, why people still ADORE Thriller 40 years later, why he is still so iconic even though "Year of Michael Jackson" was 1988 - 35 years ago. Michael Jackson was the definition of a "perfectionist." A picture of him should be right next to that word in every dictionary.
If while reading about his depressing life, you found yourself thinking "Why did he wait so long to finally 'quit his job', and even then was still willing to end it on a high note?" the answer is pretty simple: Michael Jackson was an ambitious man, with a real passion for his craft, and he knew damn well he was incredibly talented. ALL of the words you chose as possibilities to define him - performer, dance, singer, writer - apply to him, because he made sure he was the best at everything, that no other artist, no matter how good they were, could compare to him.
Everything he did was like clockwork, a ton of large and small parts moving at once.
Michael knew that he needed to capture people's attention, so he used everything he had at his disposal. Multiple dancers, costumes, lighting, make-up, sound effects, back up vocalists going insane on the microphone, and short films to promote songs/albums.
Ever thought some music video by an artist you like was super creative and awesome? Thank Michael Jackson, because his clips were EVENTS, and he really opened the door for people to get creative and actively add plot to their videos/short films instead of just dancing and singing.
This man was commited into making everything he did look fantastic - and I do mean EVERYTHING. In a concert in Moscow, the stage was wet due to the heavy rain before it, so Michael added sliding around to the choreography to show the crew were the water puddles were. Whenever something liket that happened and his shoes were wet, instead of stopping the concert for even a minute to dry them or put a different pair on, he'd just signal for people in the crew to leave towels on the stage, so he'd stand on them while dancing, drying the shoes without having to stop.
But he also used fake "unplanned" events to create humor, and give the crew more time to prepare things for the next song, or so he could change clothes - the most famous one being inviting Slash, who would pretend get "carried away" during his guitar solos and "not stop when he was supposed to."
Then there are things like him using the iconic white glove in only one hand to hide the first signs of his vitiligo, or the hats (as well as wigs and hair-extensions) to cover up the scars and hair loss that he suffered after the Pepsi accident, in which his hair caught fire while filming a commercial.
There was also the time in which he couldn't dance due to an injury, so he did a less elaborate dance (by his standards anyway) while in a chair, but while reacting the entire vibe of the original short film for that song, so it would still get the public excited. That dude knew how to use his little "tricks" to get around any change of plans.
There was also his habit of using black shoes and black pants, but white socks, so that when he was dancing, people's eyes would naturally focus on the thing that is standing out, and thus be able to notice every little step he was doing (he once mentioned in an interview how he'd get frustrated watching James Brown on TV because the camera didn't focus enough on his feet for him to learn how to copy the moves).
Those last two exemples I just gave you, also highlight a very important thing: dancing absolutely is part of Michael's theatrics (see the awesome choreography of "Dangerous", which is one of my favorites, and can often even overshadow the more "flashy" stuff, because just having him alone on stage was enough to create something unforgettable - like the first time he did the Moonwalk
But we can also not separate the dance from his passion for music. There's a reason Michael's entire body moves whenever there's a change even in a single note, be it through a kick, a snap of his fingers, a tap of his foot, or just him turning his head to the side. He had repeatedly said that when working on his dancing, he focused more on the feeling it gave him.
Michael was heavily involved in the creation of his music, from the melody to the lyrics - back in the Jackson 5 days, he and his brother's actively fought to be allowed to write their own songs, instead of just doing covers and having other people write for them. Even though he had been putting out solo records his whole life, he said his albums only started to truly feel like they were his when he started stepping up as a song writter, starting in "Off The Wall", and gaining more and more confidence in his craft with each new record.
And back to the "performer" side for a minute: there's a reason why Michael always gave it all when making music videos. He wanted them to properly convey the meaning of the lyrics, even to people who did not speak any english. That's how important the messages he wanted to share with people were to him.
There's also the song "They Don't Care About Us", which Michael wrote after the incident I mentioned before, in which some bastard cops decided to make him their punching bag. The whole song is about authorities abusing their power over people, while neglecting to do their jobs. There are two videos for this one, one in a real prison, which was heavily censored by american media, and one in poor regions of Brazil, where our government tried to prevent him from filming his video - in both cases, it was obviously a case of the very people Michael was calling out not wanting him to expose just how right he was. (Little fun fact for you: Michael's help, both through expousure and money, for the people here in Brazil was so significant that there's a statue in his homage).
The music video for "Beat It" also has members of real, rival gangs as Michael's dancers, promoting his message for people not let that kind of grudge and "I'm the best" atitute get them in the dangerous situations because they didn't want to "admit defeat" and walk away - once again, he's everything at once, an amazing performer making a cool video, and a skilled writer getting a point across.
His vocals also tie into how much the lyrics mattered. He was literally crying while recording "She's Out Of My Life", and even though he didn't write "Man In The Mirror" that song was always very dear to him (and by consequence, to fans) because it alligned with his beliefs for a better world.
The emotions behind any lyrics, regardless of if it had been written by him or not (and I remind you, it very often was, and he literally fought for that right), were the very core of what Michael Jackson, both the artist and person, was all about. The feeling, the message.
But he also was so serious and methodical about every other part of the songs he made. So much so that, for Billie Jean, he recorded 91 different takes, but the one that was considered the best and ended up on the album was take TWO! And he once managed to prove he had not ripped off a different song writer by beatboxing in court. I am not kidding.
THAT is how skilled that man was. MJ could sing pretty much anything he wanted to sing, and had an unbelievable level of control over his voice, that allowed him to reach super high notes, despite having a naturally much lower, deeper voice. Just compare his singing in these two tracks:
And if you want to hear solely his voice, without the rest of the song to "distract" you, well...
And to circle back to his performances again, even in situations in which he had to lipsinc - like award shows since the logistics for live performances in those places can be complicated, or during a REALLY elaborate choreography - he still had the habit of recording NEW vocals for the songs, so fans would still get to hear him toy with new ideas for his old tracks, instead of just watching him dance while the album's tracks were playing
So there you have it, anon. This is Michael Jackson - performer, dancer, singer, songwriter - the full package. (If you want to see a concert of his in which he shows off all of that, I recommend you watch the full Live at Wembly concert, which anyone can watch for free on his official youtube channel)
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onegianthotmess · 2 months
Random Facts About Some of My TWST OCs
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Celena is half beastman, but somehow didn’t get ears and a tail despite having many behavioral and a few physical traits of Dalmatians (clawed fingernails, fangs/sharp canines, spots/tear marks on her cheeks, energetic, keen sense of smell, yips/barks when excited or when she senses danger—just naming a bit of a list here)
Mealodie and Malleus were actually born as eggs at the same time, technically making them twins, but she took thirteen extra years to hatch from her egg
Miranda had a really hard time making friends as a child due to her family curse, so Vil was really the only friend she had until she started to learn to stop herself from blurting out her thoughts
Morel loves blood oranges so much that she has two of her own trees that grow blood oranges and she takes very good care of them
Lucienne can talk to plants and will have full on conversations with them without noticing the weird looks people give him
Yvette’s birth/given/dead name is Yaakov
Miranda’s hair is short because she tried cutting it herself when she was a kid, but fucked up and Vil had to cut it for her to fix it, so now she just has Vil do her hair and thinks he’d make a great hairdresser if he wasn’t already an actor/model
Celena is actually very fast and stronger than people think she is, despite her small size and she actually beat Jack in an arm wrestle and goes to the gym with both him and Vil
Morel can fluently speak German
Rayne is fluent in Dutch and Italian and only flirts with Jade in either of these languages purely because she’s too shy to flirt with him in English because then everyone else would be able to understand her (Jade doesn’t know what she’s saying either, but he knows she’s flirting with him and loves it)
Mealodie sometimes can’t sleep even though she wants to, so she will go to Lilia and ask him to read her a bedtime story like he did when she and her brother were young
Yvette has videos of Morel pole dancing while drunk and uses them as leverage to get Leona to do something whenever Morel isn’t around because she knows they have a thing for each other (And before anyone thinks that this means Leona pleasures himself while watching the videos, know that that is incorrect and he admires just how beautiful Morel is and is impressed because pole dancing requires stamina, strength, and a lot of training because of how difficult it is. Leona is a respectful boy who is constantly drunk on his respect woman juice)
Mealodie once shattered all of the windows and glass objects in Diasomnia because she got so lost in song while singing one day
Miranda will pick outfits for and do Vil’s makeup for him if he’s really nervous about an audition or performance coming up and will give him a kiss on the tips of his fingers on his left hand for good luck
Morel had a relationship in her second year of school at NRC and it lasted until she finally broke at the beginning of her third year because her then girlfriend was manipulative, emotionally abusive like her mother, and a cheater; this relationship made Morel a bit jaded when it came to love and have trust issues later on and it even negatively affected her relationship with Leona when he started openly, yet subtly, showing his interest for her
Celena never actually had any romantic relationship before she began dating Deuce; despite this fact, she had a rumored reputation of having several secret partners and this went so far that some guys and girls said that they actually dated her before, but Celena quickly disproved each of these false claims despite never completely shaking the rumors of having relationships before Deuce
Rayne has a subconscious fear of vases due to the fact that her mother smashed one over her face, almost completely blinding her left eye, when she was seven and Rayne only started going to therapy for this fear after she had a mental breakdown from seeing Floyd and Jade carrying vases to be set on the tables in the Monstro Lounge
Miranda always accompanies Vil to his performances and photoshoots because she wants to support him and his craft he’s so dedicated to and they get away with this due to the cover story of Miranda being a good friend who helps Vil out so they can keep their relationship (and the fact that Vil sees Miranda as a very loving and endearing good luck charm) secret from the public due to Vil’s massive fame
Mealodie actually has a cute little kitten sneeze and it’s even cuter because she blows a little smoke out whenever she sneezes, causing a cycle of two to three, sometimes four, kitten sneezes in quick succession due to the smoke tickling her nose
Lucienne heals up pretty fast from any injury thanks to his healing abilities, but he somehow stays sick for days on end on the rare occasion he does get sick and it baffles even his family
Yvette has made sleeping potions and slipped them in Crowley’s drinks a few times just so she could work in peace without having a giant mess to clean up afterwards
Celena found an old picture of Deuce with his bleached hair in his dorm once and she couldn’t stop laughing at it because full blonde hair was definitely NOT a good look for Deuce and now she uses it as ammo for arguments about outfits and hairstyles with him
Mealodie knows several old languages that aren’t spoken or widely known anymore, but she and Malleus speak in them whenever they want to talk about something private around other people and everyone is confused about it
When they were young, Morel would often put noise canceling headphones on Riddle and Rayne so they could sleep while their parents argued at night and Morel always covered her ears and tried not to sob whenever her parents had these fights because most of them were about Morel due to her having mandated visitations with her father every weekend because of her parents’ separation (though they’re still married for whatever reason-)
Lucienne can actually make flowers and trees and other plants grow and control them just fine without magic and when he’s asked about it, he simply replies “It’s just something that I do .”
Miranda was actually almost placed into Scarabia due to her gift of fortune telling and the Dark Mirror had to think for a moment before deciding to put her in Pomefiore due to her talents in potion making, value of appearance, and her love for Vil
Celena gets mad whenever anyone teases her about her body because, in her words, she is “fucking built like a stupid cereal box” and she hates it (her build is like a very petite hourglass, there’s some curve and a little boob, but not a lot)
Yvette fluently speaks Russian and Spanish and calls her father “Папа” (Papa) and her mother “Mami”
Mealodie always let Silver play with her hair when he was little and now she asks him to do it for her since he’s really good at it
Miranda can travel through almost any kind of mirror thanks to her family’s connection to the Dark Mirror and mirror magic in general and she accidentally jump scares everyone (except for Vil since he’s used to it) whenever she pops up after traveling through a mirror and into the room
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97. Bungalow Moral Character
This is the last episode I have pre-written, the last three are gonna have to be brand-new yippee!
I have given the blog an aesthetic makeover for extra murdlecore vibes, along with a brand new episode directory which like the design list will be updated constantly. Convenient list so you (or more likely I) can access all the episodes easily without scrolling through the archive
So Logi and Tino head to the bungalows - residency for the Hollywood stars. Logico trips over a body in the middle of the path, and four heads peek out from their hidey-houses. Blaxton, Silverton, Abalone, and Uncle Midnight.
ABALONE: A-LIST ABALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! LOGICO: Um, YOU were arrested, and YOU don’t even work! U.MIDNIGHT: Haiiiiiii. Hehehehe [snort] LOGICO: Who is this body? ABALONE: Ohhh… looks like an extra. BLAXTON: If this keeps up, someone’s going to end up murdering Background Marengo! SILVERTON: Who the fuck is Background Marengo? LOGICO: OKAY, EVERYONE SPOKE, IT’S INVESTIGATION TIME. IRRATINO: What about me? LOGICO: FUUUUUU
The good news is, the bungalows are conveniently labeled 1, 2, 3, and 7, so the investigation can go ‘in order’.
(Kidding. The last one’s 4, idiot./silly)
The first bungalow is called 1, and is housing Silverton the Legend. It’s cramped, miserable, and full of stains. How did the A-List Actor end up here?
SILVERTON: Oh, Logico… it’s been horrible! People don’t respect my status anymore, even though I’m playing you in the film! My money is dying so rapidly! LOGICO: Sounds like a good reason to murder. I’ll put you on the list.
Up next, the second one looks more like an actual apartment. Uncle Midnight is hugging onto a refrigerator.
IRRATINO: [gaaaaaspppppppppp!!!!!] [sparkling eyes] LOGICO: What the fuck in the fuckingham are you gawking at? U.MIDNIGHT: T-BAGS!!!
He and Irratino reunite like old buds.
LOGICO: EWWWWWWW! YOU KNOW HIM?? “T-BAGS”?!? IRRATINO: Yeah, man! I’m allowed to know other people!  U.MIDNIGHT: Man, I’ve been preaching to the goddesses to find that face again. How you been my goat lord. IRRATINO: Kickin’! LOGICO: YOU DON’T TALK LIKE THAT!!
While Unkie can’t give MUCH information due to his mental state, he does admit that aside from spending time with his ‘IRL fam’, he has also wanted to get an award of his own. Logico checks that down and shudders.
In the LUXURIOUS Champion’s Room, also known as 3, Abalone is actively taking a shower. There’s a curtain at least, but no door to the bathroom whatsoever, so the boys have to barge in for the interrogation.
ABALONE: Abalo-NEYY, abalo-nEYYY, abalo-NEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!! LOGICO: SHUT UP!!! ABALONE: Oh my god, don’t you ever sing in the shower??
There are notably two showerheads, one on each end of the shower, gushing water into both her front and rear. She also gargles musically.
ABALONE: I think Silverton’s cabin is so ancient, he has a TYPEWRITER in there instead of a laptop!
Finally, the mysterious Bungalow 4, in which no one has ever been. It’s apparently so expensive, literally no one can afford it. 
It’s empty, and Hack Blaxton’s in there.
BLAXTON: I just want REVENGE!! LOGICO: On your brother? BLAXTON: What? No. On Argyle! He took my money! LOGICO: Your brother literally tried to kill you, but, okay.
He eliminates Blaxton as a suspect, because why would he kill this extra if he’s mad at Argyle? But that’s not much info. 
IRRATINO: I’ll do everyone’s horoscope. 
He does. And he realizes an important detail.
IRRATINO: Uncle Midnight was by a fridge.
Logico stands silently. LOGICO: …Irratino. IRRATINO: What? :D  LOGICO: I FUCKING SAW THAT WITH MY OWN EYE. IRRATINO: …Oh.
It’s up to Logi-Power to save the day instead. Who was the killer? (Here’s a hint: she’s done with her shower.)
ABALONE: Nobody here READS!
The three other boys shuffle around sheepishly.
ABALONE: So nobody should mind that I’ve stolen a book from the dead person! LOGICO: Well, it isn’t the theft we mind, so much as the MURDER? ABALONE: Oh please! He was an EXTRA! Nobody will miss him! It’s IN THE NAME!
Short King is not paying attention, because he sees a familiar silhouette in the distance.
IRRATINO: What? Who is it? What’s going on? LOGICO: The one that got away. IRRATINO: Oh. OH. Oh god. Well, this is… uh… (ahem) LOGICO: Got away with MURDER, Irratino, it’s DAME OBSIDIAN! IRRATINO: Oh. Oh! That’s great! [waves with a massive grin]
Obsidian struts over.
LOGICO: Oh no. Oh no no. What are you doing.
Sid holds up a key.
LOGICO: What is it. OBSIDIAN: [sly smile] A key.
She leaves, and the men follow. At least, that’s how she would write it.
The end!
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So normal about smushy potatoes labeled as detectives
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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SO. ON THE TOPIC OF LOSS OF AUTONOMY. i am having the analysis brainworms now i hope u dont mind me going off in ur inbox. hi :]
there is something to be said about how vash's name is used against him constantly. that loss of who he even is as a person. i think about this so much. his name, his very identity is taken away from him. just the mere mention of the name vash the stampede is enough to send an ENTIRE town into a panic. it happens so much and its DEVASTATING to me. hes been labelled a monster across the entire world, and people who stick by his side after hearing his name are few and far between. theres been so much fear tacked onto his name, so much so that OTHER outlaws have used it on multiple occasions to make themselves more powerful. using his name to commit crimes that the real vash would be horrified to even consider. power in names and all that.
vash even. leans into it himself at a certain point. in order to protect the people of augusta he runs through the city shooting bullets into the air and solidifying his image of a deranged killer in the pursuit of. saving everyone. the only way theyll listen to him is if they think hes going to kill them all. if theyre afraid of him. theres also the part in hang fire (? i think its that one) where hes walking through the halls of the sand steamer singing about killing people in order to scare the bandits into not hurting the hostages.
and then you think about. eriks. how lina and her grandma took him in and accepted them as part of his family. how the town around them accepted him only because they had no idea who he actually was. he was a good guy... up until they learned he was vash. and then we get the conversation between the two men in the bar talking about how they should chase him out of town, despite living around him and knowinf him and seeing how good he is for . two years.
but lina and her grandma still accept him after that. theyre one of the only people besides milly/meryl/wolfwood who genuinely love and care abt him despite his name. they still want to keep him safe, grandma asks wolfwood to protect him and keep him out of trouble, even after learning hes the legendary outlaw gunman. because shes seen the true vash ans doesnt let the name scare her.
aughhh im rambling now i probably should have made this into my own post but this makes me SO fuckign crazy dude . give me ur thoughts id love to hear them.
I. YEAH. YEAH. OH MY GOD. Like. nothing is his own anymore. His name is used against him, his face is plastered on wanted posters. There is nothing about himself that he can truly call his. Not even his Plant powers! Because those are used against him time and time again by Knives in EVERY ADAPTATION!!!!
Like. Vash is no longer the name of a kid who once argued with his brother and laughed with his mother and celebrated his birthday and rolled around in grassy fields. It's the name of an outlaw who will kill at the drop of a hat. It's the name of an out-of-control human natural disaster who's leveled cities. If he doesn't even have his name, then what part of himself is really himself anymore?
AND THAT'S WHY I LOVE ERIKS! He finally has something of his own! He's got a name that attached to no one, and a life where he can settle down and stay out of the public eye. He finally has something that is truly his. And no one lets him keep that except for Lina and her grandma.
This guy really has no control over his own life doesn't he!!! He's a passive character in the story of his own life!!! He has nothing of his own, no identity past "humanoid typhoon" because everything about his identity has been stripped from him and morphed into something he's not. He has no say in anything in his life, not even who he is as a person, AND IT DRIVES ME BONKERS N FUCKING YONKERS!!!!
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m0thaftwrdark · 10 months
Obey Me Imagine,,,
aka me being horny for demons in a "___ who..." fashion 👍
[the brothers, seperate]
CW: nsfw. implied dacryphilia if you squint. gender non-specific :)
soft Lucifer who insists on covering you in kisses and the lightest scratches before he even entertains the idea of touching you properly because he wants to get across his love for you first and foremost. Lucifer who seems to be constantly mumbling about how much you mean to him. Lucifer who all but sings you a soft chorus of innocent praises while he's busy carving himself a space inside you
whiny Mammon who is more than willing to drop his pride and beg you to let him touch you, and will beg even more to get you to touch him. Mammon with a hell of a praise kink, getting a chorus of "that's it, treasure, just like that" "so, so good for me..." or alternatively, getting fucked by him and hearing him babbling "y'feel so good, treasure, s like you were made for me" "be good and cum with me, okay? please?"
Leviathan who completely forgets about his anxiety when he's horny enough, biting and marking wherever he can while he unconsciously wraps his tail around one of your legs to open you up more, and Leviathan the next morning who can't look you in the eyes while he apologizes for being so forward. that same Leviathan on a different day who taps into his Grand Admiral status when you give someone a little too much attention, pulling you away for hours and making you tell him who you belong to. spoiler, it's not that other demon
soft Satan who refuses to say the word fuck when you talk about sleeping with him. Satan who's oh so careful not to hurt you, borderline torturing you with how slow he's stretching you open. Satan who's so kind yet so cruel, sitting you on his cock and holding you still, under the guise of not wanting you to be in pain. while that's true, it's also a part of his game to make you wait until you can't anymore.
Asmodeus. Asmo who just knows what you like first try, and doesn't stop until he has you crying. Asmo who does your makeup before hand just to ruin it, and in the same session say you're as pretty as him when he's fucking you. Asmo who leaves hickeys where he KNOWS the others will see, just adoring the envy radiating through the house. Asmo who lets you wear his pink sweater, cooing over how cute you are covered in him.
Beelzebub who's so careful with you to start and then absolutely ruins you because he knows you can take him. Beel who can never get enough of you, overstimulation be damned, and would eat you out, suck you off, or just kiss you until the end of time if he could. if it were up to him, you'd be the last thing he tastes
Belphegor who loves when you ride him because he loves nothing more than watching you use him, while also getting him off. its a win win! Belphie who really is into choking but can't bring himself to mention it to you, Belphie who has a habit of kissing and nipping at your throat. he never leaves marks there, but he refuses to leave it alone and never tells you why. Belphie who never shuts up about how much you mean to him, always finding an opportunity to mumble about how much he loves you
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Due to a glitch in Tumblr (thank you very much, for fuck's sakes), the question was posted as a private message, can't return it. but thanks to @mazal22 , for whom I wrote the answer and was able to copy my notes. Bless your heart 🙏🙏🙏
Question: "I came up with a brilliant idea.. how about headcanons with bachelors and bachelorettes with a farmer who has a young brother/sister? That they look after him and they're just cute? Wild? Have some magic? I honestly don't know but think this just cute"
I decided to write in a new format, but still not sure. Because I couldn't decide whether to write short stories, a regular headcanon, or as a shitpost. In the end, everything was mixed together like in a salad. But anyway, I hope you like it)))
Be warned, this post is very long... Like wow
SDV and SVE bachelors:
Oh, a new fan of the future athlete? Does they want an autograph or something?
Mmm? Raise that bench? Sure, not a problem! Now that heavy stump? With ease! Want to see what heavy things I can lift next? Something else? Lewis car? Hah, no probl-
"Alex, put my vehicle down!"
Alex is ok with the kid running around.
He notes to himself that it is quite brave and responsible of the Farmer's side to take care of the younger sibling and run the farm at the same time.
Sometimes he treats the child with ice cream from the kiosk in the summer.
Falls into a stupor if the child says that they believes in him that he will become a sports star.
If one of the tourists offends this kid, he will deal with Alex too, and not just with the angry Farmer.
Sam became like a big brother to the Farmer's sibling.
He will definitely introduce them to Vincent so that they befriend and play together.
Buys them ice cream and gives them a ride on his skateboard.
Sometimes rolls them on his shoulders if they ask.
Vincent gets a little jealous and now Sam has two kids on his shoulders
It's not hard to guess that they all fell to the ground.
Sam doesn't mind watching the kids if the Farmer is too busy.
Best brother material!
Waking up in the morning, Elliott decided to take a walk and get some fresh air. He did not look out the window, knowing that the weather would be fine today. But in vain.
Around his house is a wall of sand.
"Your realm will soon fall before my sand army. Surrender, king of the elves."
Elf? Who is this child?
Ah, that's Farmer's sibling.
Well, Elliott understands a little about theatrical art, why not play along with the kid.
He always plays along with the siblings when they play games like this. The little one got talent, you could send them to art school, Farmer!
Allows them to braid his hair if the child asks. Just please don't pull his hair too hard!
Elliott is like a big thoroughbred noble dog: he will endure all the antics of children and will never bark.
Despite his rudeness to the Farmer at the first meeting, he is neutral towards their sibling.
The chaotic younger sibling of the chaotic Farmer... Shane isn't sure if it's worth introducing them to Jas.
But children are children, so Jas and Farmer's sibling managed to become friends anyway.
Shane doesn't mind.
He and Farmer also began to communicate more, as two singe parents.
Although at the same time, Shane claims that he is a useless godfather and guardian.
"Uncle Shane is lying, Mr./Ms. Farmer."
"Shush, Jas."
Both Shane and Farmer now need to make sure the two kids don't get into trouble together.
Acts like an awkward uncle.
How to communicate with children?
Do you like frogs?
Sebastian will show them his little terrarium, and will be happy if Farmer's sibling is excited about the amphibians.
He will also show his exclusive collection of comics.
Sebby, of course, is constantly on social networks, but he did not expect the child Naruto running around him.
They made Sebastian laugh, although he thought that nothing in this world would make him laugh.
Total chaos, but Sebastian is pretty cool with that.
Secretly too, Naruto runs with the sibling if they ask to join.
The Farmer caught Sebastian during this run. Busted!
The Farmer's sibling is a frequent visitor to the clinic.
Oh, nothing serious, just scratches on their knees and bruises on their arms. Children often run without looking under their feet and this child is no exception.
Always gives them sugar-free candy after sanitizing their scratches.
Sometimes the sibling just walks into the clinic to say hi to the uncle doctor.
Sometimes brings gifts for the doctor.
From an older sibling - vegetables and fruits.
Sometimes from themself - a cool shell or dirt.
Harvey doesn't know how to react to this. But thank the child anyway.
He also acts like an awkward uncle (behind Sebastian in first place), but knows what to do with an energetic child when the Farmer is busy.
He has a lot of video games, what do you want to play?
Wait, they want to play a bridge simulator? They think this is an interesting game?
This is now Victor's sibling. Deal with it, Farmer.
Confused when a child does something chaotic but will support them (unless it's something dangerous, of course!).
Victor is confused, but he got the spirit. I give him 8/10 as brother/uncle material.
Lance doesn't know what surprised him the most: the presence of a child in the Adventurers' guild, or their requests to show "fire in the palm of your hand."
He turned his head towards Marlon with a questioning look.
"Farmer's sibling. They asked to look after the kid for an hour while they clear the caves of monsters."
Oh, they have sibling?
Still, Lance gave in to the child's requests and formed a small fire sphere in his right hand.
"Awesome! See what I can"
They formed a similar sphere in their palms, but the elements of ice.
Hold on, what?
Although, remembering the event with the Farmer on Ginger island and learning about magic relics, Lance is not so surprised.
"Two talented young and chaotic mages, that's more of a headache for Magnus" Marlon thought as he watched it all.
"Indeed" Lance agrees and smiles.
Please don't touch this. Don't touch that either. Those books are very old, be careful! Please put the mushrooms back, he needs them for potions. For heaven's sake, stay out of his cauldron!-
Yoba, why does Magnus suffer so much.
First, Camilla with that ridiculous nicknames, blasted woman! Then Morgan almost burned down his tower, and then the Farmer and Junimos do something without warning the wizard.
And now this child. Child with magic. A walking chaos and troublemaker.
With magic and desir- put this potions back! - desire to poke their nose everywhere.
And yet, the child is kind, gets along well with Morgan, and is very talented, and...
No, don't touCH THOSE POTIONS-!
Somebody kill him.
SDV and SVE Bachelorettes:
At first she avoided the child. She is not a babysitter.
Then Farmer's sibling became interested in one of his older sibling's professions.
And saw Abigail again, asked if she was an adventurer too. They also want to become a warrior, and as cool as the Farmer and her.
Abby is now informally the child's mentor. No buts.
She realized that they are quite fun to be with, and they also love video games, another plus.
Abby will show them the cool crystals she found in the mines.
The child tried to bite off a piece of quartz.
Are they definitely not Abigail's distant relative, another "just taste the gem" lover?
But seriously, don't eat rocks please.
Another young mind in her class.
Penny is very happy about the addition to her group.
Although this means more work with materials for the preparation of the school curriculum.
They are very smart and educated.
Although they give Penny a heart attack every time they climb a tree or get too close to a river bank.
Penny is like a mother hen, she doesn't let anyone go far.
She always helps them if they have learning difficulties.
Like the other children, she escorts the Farmer's sibling home.
The child always brings a beautiful and juicy apple to the young teacher. And sometimes a whole basket of apples.
If you have problems with maths, Maru will help them.
Do you want to see the robots she makes?
Can I make the robot say something? Of course!
Makes a robot to... curse?
So, how old are they?
(Secretly also wants to give the robot such a function, but her father will not get it).
Gave them a couple of times to look through the telescope. With joy, she answers what kind of stars and planets they are.
"Aunt Maru, help build Lego"
Oh, with her, sibling will gather a separate civilization.
Teach them scientific puns.
Leah's house door is now frequently knocked on.
"Aunt Leah, show me your new paintings, they are beautiful".
Well, how can Leah say no?
If the Farmer is busy then she can look after their sibling.
Mostly they are in nature.
Paints and clean sheets - and let the child create a miracle.
Sometimes they walk through the forest, where Leah shows them which berries are edible and which are poisonous.
Very proud of them if they already know.
She gets a good mood, and a basket of vegetables in gratitude from the Farmer - the day was a success.
Haley is quite polite towards children, even if they are as chaotic as the Farm Relative.
Doesn't get mad at them even if they accidentally stained her clothes.
Periodically takes random photos of this running child.
It turns out very funny, you can make a good meme from this pictures.
And why not do it? But only of the Farmer themself and their sibling will allow it.
Now the kid is the star of the Internet.
Chaos of the Valley
Once she received a sunflower from them.
Haley will never forget this touching gift.
Scratch out the eyes with his new manicure to any bully who dares to offend them.
Try her, bitch.
Always glad to see Farmer and their sibling at home.
She usually spoil the child with healthy sweets like pastille or sugar-free marmalade.
Emily can sew anything for them.
Do you want to be a pirate? Or an astronaut? Or maybe a vampire? Oh, or make a dinosaur costume.
Believe me, she is hung up on sewing. The main thing is to find a reason and time.
Can teach dancing or aerobics if the sibling asks.
He will tell you how to read a horoscope correctly.
Sibling will one day show her the magic in their palms.
Ah, Farmer! They are a wizard!
They are what?
Please, child, Claire is trying to work. She is so tired
Don't ask her too many questions.
Where are their parents?
Ah, here they are. Well, not parents, but brother/sister, a new Farmer. The Farmer explained to their sibling that they should be well-mannered.
"Oh, okay. Sorry ms Claire".
Before and after work, she sees this child, but they are no longer clingy.
They greet her politely and move on.
They often give Claire dandelions they find and say she has a beautiful hair color.
A little angel.
They immediately cheer up Claire if she is depressed.
Given that the farm is very close to the bus stop, such meetings happen often.
Sometimes Claire treats the child to fresh apricots and apples that her neighbors gave her.
Oh hey.
How can Sophia talk to them?
Do you want to watch something cool on TV? I have anime, anime and... animal documentaries. Oh, and I also have anime.
With great pleasure, she will show them her cosplay.
Receive a small soft toy from the child as a gift.
"your toys will make another friend"
oh it's so cute
"And you have pretty hair like bubblegum. I like it."
Sophia, stop crying, you're scaring the child.
Do they love grampleton orange chicken as much as Sophia? And love anime?
Did someone say Sophia was an only child? Nothing like that, now she has a younger brother/sister.
Olivia is just like that grandmother who always spoils the children and gives them too much pocket money.
True, Olivia is not a grandmother, but a milf good looking middle-aged woman.
Spoils them to the point of impossibility, because they are so cute.
Even if the Farmer grumbles a little that she spoils them too much.
If a sibling comes to visit, they won't leave until they've eaten.
I'm telling you, she is like granny.
Olivia will show them an album of old photos of her family.
There's children's books in her library somewhere, if they're interested.
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b00m-b0mb · 23 days
hgi i followedyou bc you like rhythm heaven too but Im akso interested in yuor ocs now,,,,,,,, Coudl yuotalk abt them 2 me pleas they seem so niceys.,. .. .,.,
A!!!! AA!!!!
I am honor,,, wAAA. YEAH! I love RH so much! I'm definitely going to end up with more RH ocs in the future other than Maccie and WIP Lost Girl <3 but but,,,,,,,,
Oh em gee if we're talking my original!!!!!! stuff I have so many ocs!!! idk where to start gah!!!
Lemme list some of my stories,, I am excited! sorry if I don't make sense! I'm notoriously so bad at words,, if I somehow interest you I am always down to talk about my ocs‼️
Also some context, all of these are hypothetical game ideas in my mind. But also just,,, my blorbs :] also obviously they're all WIPS bc lollll orz
So the only stuff I've currently shared things of (like doodles) are:
Dancing Light - "rhythm metroidvania" I'm rewriting this + it's cousin story to include new themes (basically the world actually being loosely connected to a mind/person you dont exactly get to see) but the basic gist is that, the protagonist, Vene (V) is a "rebirth" of the Candle (you can loosely compare this to Avatar TLA/LOK if you want! To make a balance in the world..) Eir job is go re-light the Lamps across the land and hunt down Intrusive Darkness- which are like sillay monsters ey literally hunt and EAT!
The world they live in functions its gears better with music, like an encourgement to work. (Which darkness' songs have warped it to) But, V actually can't sing well and, despite being the chosen one, V is inherently disadvantaged to past incarnations of the candle. (Disabled coded) BUT!!! Vene's friends contribute a melody to help power V through the adventure! And the idea is as the party grows, so does their hunting songs. They're like punchy toony creatures I'd love as a children's game.. They're sillay and argue a lot but are good kids and YEAH!!!!
The villains / bosses are "the archetypes" (placeholder) and they're basically giant "god equivalents" haunting the land. Or sort of reclaiming it. They actually broke it apart into 2.5D space- residing in the dark oceans/canyons between the broken layers!
V - Protagonist / Player. The Candle, brings balance. An enraged child who will not let fate write eir story. Fights violently, with tooth and nail, but is a pure heart deep down. Autistic coded + struggles with eir forming relationships.
Ludd - V's BEST FRIEND/RIVAL, and unknowing son of the final boss. He's a good hearted kid who cares too much about his image. Used to bully V, but their constant fighting turned into a respect for one another (they're like 8-12 this is pure chaotic sillay) He's an embodiment of darkness.
Mash - V's self proclaimed Guide/Mentor. And also Messenger of the Floating Shrines (a small group of "god equivalents" for the world lore). He's an uptight little wizard. He's bossy + naggy, and he and V completely clash and argue constantly. (+V mocks him) but.. they grow to care a lot about one another! Big brother Mash real.
Locke - Son of the Seawitch, Reocurring Miniboss!!! He's a sillay seal of the dark sea, who is also Mash's rival in school (before he sunk it). He's actually Ludd's older cousin! A lot of what he does is pure loyalty to his mom. And. a little fruity towards the mash potato.
Louise (placeholder, haven't shown) - Ludd's older sister, who lives with their father. Fucked up teen who only knows how to be a vessel of destruction! Recurring mini boss like Locke. But with pure malice + hatred for V (girl, eyre 11)
Moonie - Traitor. An embodiment of light.. dimmed and working with darkness! Moonie is like, super in love with Louise. She also used to be a Messenger for the Shrines of Fate but upon seeing what they had in store for V, betrayed the light and intends to be there when the world ends. She slanders the Candle with acts of arson (again, girls, ey are 12!! /lh)
^^^ these last 3 all get redeemed at different points (Moonie on+off before permanently, Louise next, Locke last.)
Truth & Grit - "pseudo horror" OKAY THIS IS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVEEE STORIES. I've rewritten it a million times. Currently, the basics are- this is a peek into this world's "mythology" in real time.. AKA you are the myth that will be in the future you will never see? But, the myth of before has been reborn inside of you-Truth and Grit. ITS ITS. THEIR STORY. THE. VISION. This world is formed entirely to their perception, swapping between a Silly (Side T) and Serious (Side G) style. Two unfortunate queer guys who are drawn into, infect, and kill one another (but like tragic queer platonic love way) it's complicated. Uhm I don't know how to do these ideas justice but I love these guys. Guys who die again and again. Guys who become the sun/moon. Guys who are just a story which ends when they do (final rest) GUYS WHO ARE SILLY AND SPEND YEARS TOGETHER TRYING TO DO SOMETHING WITH THEMSELVES AUGHU!!
I can't get into all the ideas of lore without making this way too long,, and it's shifting all the time (what isnt though!!! So maybe I should give myself some slack..) so I'll spare but ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Insane.
Truth Patooterton - My favorite oc what the fuck. Sheltered by his Father his entire life (for being Her, his mother's, child), this socially unaware freak is yearning bad for escapism. A fixation on stories of outlaws he's heard while working at the saloon, and, somehow, blessed with the luck to see the enticing face of Grit "Doe"- he follows the cowpokey against his will, and slowly weasels his way into Grit's life. Few chapters later: is a professional hostage /lhj. He is like. A bastardization arc. Pathetic. Adapting to survive, curious/nosey, and lacking a spine to uphold boundaries. Self destructive. (Also did I mention "god" was reborn into/kinned them?) ITS. Complicated. I love this asshole. Who makes so many terrible decisions. Who risks it all JUST to live a life that was lived. Sobs. Also! Truth is agender/nb :] but passes as a man for his own safety. + has impromptu top surgery during the story, requiring a recovery period. Dude goes thru the horrors.. Love this sillay. I put him thru it. And hate love him thru it all!!!
Grit Lunandr - I am rewriting so much of his lore! Ugh! But basically he is divine through hereditary means (completely different force than what Truth is inflicted with) and is rejecting the nature of the existence he.. didn't ask for. Much like how Truth is dangerously self destructive, Grit is dangerously self neglecting. ??? Anyway mysterious cowboy who you find out is kind of a doofus. Strong heart, flimsy morals. He knows the world, but he doesn't get it. (Have I mentioned he and Truth are neurodivergent coded too? Agh) He's made. Countless mistakes in his life. He feels irredeemable. He tries to minimize any wrongs, but keeps making them. And hasn't forgiven himself for the things that are coming to bite him in the ass now (# the plot) Grit is a man stuck inside a beast, and he sees it the other way around, that he is the beast corrupting a man. Or something??? UGH it's hard to make this make sense without sm. Context and ideas and things to change/flesh out... But we love Grit. Yes we do. He's so. I love him. He's a good guy.
^^^ I'll spare you Fable family + Sophie + the mommy issues (which goes into the world mythology/lore shit) of the guys, so the post isn't a thousand years,, ily T&G... Call this sillay road trip world tour with the Horrors and Existentialism and Gore and Queer identity and YEAH!!!!!! I need to post more ab my ocs omg
Infested with Strings - "puzzle graphic adventure" OKAY IVE BEEN ROTATING THIS A BIT. Rewriting hell.. Basically! Post apocalyptic world where thousands of art/audiences voices collaged into a 3sided anomaly which enveloped the world/made it it's body. (They are the "Figures" or, Powers of Influence: SWING, MUSH, and the odd one out, GUTS) There's a theme of live theater/puppet shows, and it's a musical experience in my delusional dreams. /lh Uhh.. basicslly. DRAMA? Lol
You play as Montgomery Guy (recently transitioned ftm, late 40s-early 50s), the protagonist. Ex-Marionette, and awoken from a "living suicide". But, Taylor Bizmun is the Secret Main Character!!! the one the Figures want, the one being exposed to a world she's been locked off from for the first time, the one confused, lost, and unintentionally breaking apart this reality more. We are running on TAYLOR'S SUBCONCIOUS SCRIPT- and youre going to keep repeating it until its just right. Until we get the Right Ending. (Which is The Final Show/Opera/Whatever I Call It) Because while her Father, Tax Bizmun, is the Marionette/Puppet Master, the Figures don't want him, they want her. To replace him. (But, the Vessels/Voice of each Figure, 3 people chosen by SWING,MUSH, + GUTS, want to steal Tax's place as well. Tax is/like a father to each of the candidates)
The story takes place in Devil's Ditch, which is where "Society is Healing Itself" from the brutality that killed the world.. this is fundamentally wrong, and things have been escalating to a boiling point between rallies of people, average citizens, people from the outside, etc. Something BIG is coming!!!
Ugh I'll keep characters brief. Not all of the main faces but whatever.
Montgomery Guy: Protagonist/Centerpiece. Amnesia. World's first absent transgender father /lhj. Redemption arc.
Patrick Rick: Partner character. Recently demoted. (only reason he's working with Monty) Hanging in there. Disabled. Unenthusiastic about the future.
Tori: Sketchy late teen running an unlicensed gas station. Self destructive downspiral.
Taylor Bizmun: Leashed/bubbled teen. Sneaking out. Confused and impressionable girl, exposed to the horrors, wants to write her own fate.
Tax Bizmun: Marionette/Puppet Master. Savior Complex. Estranged man who has become completely void of his original intentions+self. Dictator of The Ditch.
Varrik: Vessel of SWING. Tax's bastard son, and celebrity of the theatre. Taylor's secret? (Is it?) Halfbrother.
Heather: Vessel of MUSH. Tax's pity case. And one of the only people he let near his daughter (Tay)
"Strike": Vessel of GUTS. A child soldier from the outside who was "rescued" by Tax. Plans to stab him in the back someday. Taylor's.. brother.
Bloodyfame - "rhythm game / platformer" THIS ONE IS SILLAY. Basically a trilogy game idea (in the format of a 3seasons reality show Dracula runs) This is mainly a CONCEPT bc I need to flesh out the story/events/especially the cast. But some of the key factors r so fun to me!
Basically, Dracula (the original vampire) is a siren of not just bloodlust, but attention. He was banished long ago (doing gladiator esc battles + rings for the people) but now, close to being free again, pulled a bunch of unfortunate souls down into hell, inside his mansion, to play his little Reality Show :]. With help from Boogey(man) and Death, they run Bloodyfame, promising the winner vampirism.
S1 - hosted by Dracula + Death.
S2 - First half hosted by Boogey, second half hosted by Nina Dracula
S3 - Hosted by Dracula + Nina
The game aspect is running/platforming through challenges in the castle. And ofc, the actual games of the challenge! Where you slaughter demons, or attempt to injure your competitors but like.. In Rhythm Heaven Styled Rhythm Games. ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN ONE DAY I WANT TO TRY AND MAKE MOCKUP ANIMATIONS THOUGH CRIES
Jackie - Protagonist / Winner of S1. Part of an unfortunate incident that got her tied into this mess. A teenage trans girl who's going to prove she can crawl up from anything.
Rio - Jackie's kind of codependent buddy. He's been an anxious spaz since this started. Curator of the incident.
Chris - Jackie's soon to be ex boyfriend. Completely snaps with the desire to win and garner fame. Victim of the incident.
Delilah - A strange child Boogey brought along. Becomes a secondary mascot.
Luci - Dracula's spawned son. Too scared to actually draw blood, hides behind Delilah's schemes. Secondary mascot.
Apricot - Jackie's friendly? Rival. And protagonist of S2. Her precision and rhythm are Perfect. But she melts like ice. Cold competitor, who in S1, wants to win over anything.
Jamie: A werewolf! Sweet boy. Good boy. Just wants everyone to get along / be friends. Loyal, and has a hard time keeping secrets. Madly head over heels for Apricot. He doesn't know why he's here!
Oh wow! We've made it this far!!!! I'll speed-up through these honorary mention stories now.
"Tell Don't Show" (placeholder) - "RPG Horror Visual Novel" A super computer time machine has been in an unstable loop for years, only affecting an unfortunate mountain town a few miles from the facility. During a fieldtrip, the students and chaperones are enveloped into a secret side of the building and are toyed with upon loop. Protagonist, Eli, is a new addition to this looping. And Ami, secret main character, has been suffering through it since the beginning. This is a reclaim of Corpse Party w/ scifi shhhhhhhhhh.
Junk Em Up! - "platforming graphic adventure" Robot/Alien imposters + a sillay toony world! Protagonist is Dookie, a junkem working at Junk-Or, who's a newbie taking on cases, and an endless list of cartoony shenanigans + sidequests from the vibrant citizens of Violobe.
Merry Go Reset - "exploration horror" A mall becomes one with a dead author's soul, his bastardized art corrupting his being, and absorbing unfortunate mallgoers into tragic stories. Small child "Mary" and her big sister "Niffy" are the two main characters. Mary is guided by a mysterious inky cat she calls Chesher :)
OKAY and I won't explain these for now but. Flatlines (yume nikki inspired, art/artist relationship), Sophie & Karma (sequel/add on to Truth & Grit), "Goo Pals" (cousin story to Dancing Light), Diving Purge (just a concept with cool creature), Fraudulent Fears (rewriting wip, comedy) + "Colorsuckers" (mainly a concept)
LOL SORRY IF YOU REGRET ASKING ME NOW I AAA!!!!!! My life's work are these guys!!!!!!!!! Going insane about them all the time.. one day I hope to make them all real,,,,,,
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On the 4th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… 4 Actual Children!
Edward Elric
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🦾🦿Despite being busy with getting his and his brothers’ bodies back, Ed still made time to celebrate Christmas with Al. Yes, he knows how to celebrate Christmas, and he does enjoy it.
🦾🦿Decorating is pretty easy with his alchemy, but if you really want him to, he’ll put in the effort to decorate normally. Let’s be honest, Al is probably helping. Pre-Promised Day, Al being a 7-foot-tall suit of armor is great for reaching those high places that Ed can’t reach! Ling probably shows up, somehow.
🦾🦿Ed likes Christmas music, but he gets tired of it quickly. Some songs really get on his nerves, though. If he has to listen to one more god-forsaken round of ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’, SOMEBODY is going to lose their kneecaps!
🦾🦿I’m not certain if Christmas movies exist in Amestris, but we’re gonna say that they do because honestly who gives a fuck. Ed and Al both love Christmas movies, though Ed can be a bit critical of some of them. Yes, Ed will cuddle you (you could probably sit him in your lap, he’s so short-).
🦾🦿Elric snowball fights are always a riot! Ed tends to get way too competitive, and makes snow weapons of mass destruction with his alchemy. Mistletoe drives him up. The. wall. Trap him under the mistletoe, and he’ll turn every shade of red imaginable! Al is the one who put up all the mistletoe, because he thinks it’s cute.
Charles Grey
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🤍💙Charlie. Loves. Christmas. The minute December hits, he’s counting down the days! If ever there was a man who embodied the Christmas Spirit, it’s Charlie!
🤍💙He usually just leaves the decorating up to the servants, but if you insist he’ll join in. Once he tries it out, he actually really enjoys helping decorate!
🤍💙Christmas music CONSTANTLY. If he weren’t so busy being The Queen’s private -hitman- secretary, he would go caroling. He loves to sing Christmas carols! His voice is pretty good; not opera worthy, but at least he can hit the notes properly. Please sing along with him, it would make his day!
🤍💙Christmas movies didn’t exist in the Victorian Era, so how about Christmas plays instead? Yes, Charlie loves them. He got the best seats in the house for the two of you! He does have to keep up a respectable appearance, but he will hold your hand.
🤍💙Charlie loves absolutely everything about Christmas, and he will drag you along to do every Christmas tradition imaginable! He’s got a mile-long checklist, probably. He’s going to trap you under the mistletoe at every opportunity. It’s inevitable. He’s not the best at gingerbread houses, but he’s certainly enthusiastic! He probably uses too much frosting, and his house collapses. It’s fine, he’ll just eat the candy off of it.
Edogawa Ranpo
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👓🍬Ranpo enjoys presents and snacks, so of course he likes Christmas! Aside from Kenji, and maybe Atsushi, he’s the most excited for Christmas.
👓🍬Ranpo rarely helps out with the decorating. You may have to beg him. More than likely, you’ll be decorating the office alongside Dazai (who keeps trying to hang himself with the garland), Atsushi, Kunikida (who is SO OCD about the placement of the wreaths), Kenji, Kyoka, and Yosano.
👓🍬Ranpo doesn’t really care about Christmas music. If you want to play it, fine. He won’t stop you.
👓🍬Ranpo loves Christmas movies, but only because he gets to eat snacks and cuddle while watching them! He’ll stay up all night for a marathon if you want, but only if there’s sufficient snacks.
👓🍬Making gingerbread houses with Ranpo is going to end in disaster because he won’t stop eating the fucking candy! You could have sworn you got enough candy for a hundred gingerbread houses, but it’s all mysteriously vanished! He is not one for snowball fights, and would prefer to stay inside drinking hot chocolate.
Rin Okumura
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💙🧁Rin and Yukio always celebrated their birthdays and Christmas together, and Rin loves the season! This little cutie is stupidly energetic about absolutely everything, and Christmas is no exception!
💙🧁Rin will take all day decorating with you. Yukio joins in, of course, but he isn’t as enthusiastic about it. It takes the three of you hours just to untangle the lights. Yukio is obsessive about making everything look nice, Rin just wants to put everything everywhere. Kuro gets tangled in the garlands.
💙🧁Christmas music? HELL YEAH! Rin will put Christmas music on while he cooks, and sing it as loud as he can. He also sings in the shower. If he has headphones on, there’s a 90% chance he’s listening to Christmas music loud enough to blow his eardrums out (it’s fine, he can regenerate them).
💙🧁Family movie night! Perhaps even with the whole class? If not, then just you, him, and Yukio (rip Yukio-). Rin loves childish movies, and Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer is his all-time favorite. Yukio has become tired of it from how many times Rin has insisted that they watch it. Cuddles are mandatory. Poor third-wheel Yukio tries his absolute best to ignore the two of you, but sometimes he snaps at you to not try anything. He’s the adult supervision here.
💙🧁Home-made gingerbread houses. And I mean actually home-made. You and Rin do everything from baking and cutting the gingerbread to designing the house itself. He’s probably going to overdo it and make a gingerbread castle! He comes up with increasingly silly plots to get you under the mistletoe. Just go along with it, please. He’s going to make a fool of himself. Snowball fights are an intense, whole-class ordeal. Bon and Rin get a little bit too competitive, and someone probably ends up in the infirmary. Mepphy is probably watching the whole ordeal and laughing about it.
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deadandwalking · 8 months
Everyone listen to me explain random comfort songs!! (ignore the cringe and depression and general grossness pleeease)
ok so this one is the family issues - the constantly being forced to work regardless of how tired i am, i feel as if there’s no escape from this place but feeling hurt costs too much (if i slack on work i get screamed at which drives me closer to suicide every damn day) also i feel as though these people keep me from my real family
this one is the jealousy and spite towards my siblings - specifically my brothers, as they were always favoured by everyone. I always felt pressured to be “more like them”, since they got praised for doing less than me and got more love too. i always felt as though i’d be more loveable if i were more like them.
i spoke of this one before but it hits hard still. it’s got everything really, seasonal depression, suicide, jealousy, rape threats, and yeah - same. call me crazy but unfortunately it’s just how it be. i too would wish death on the love of my life if he moved on after i died. i want him to be happy, but not with someone who ain’t me.
self explanatory. self harm and suicidal thoughts, who doesn’t have this nowadays. also, the plastic surgery line will forever give me heartache. i will never in my believe i am good enough for anybody really. fun times.
THIS. FUCKING, THIS. this is good. i won’t lie i cried hearing it was actually about schizospec/b cluster people. it sounds nonsensical but it makes fucking sense. it’s like that sometimes. nothing makes sense inside. sometimes words merge and mutate and you can’t fucking talk. it’s frustrating and inconvenient and severely effects quality of life so yes i will scream/cry/sing the lyrics every time it’s on
This one is probably because of Angel but i enjoy the interpretation that the song it actually being read like a story itself, and it brings two comforts at once, i can feel like a child listening to a story and a mother telling it at once. also one of the first songs Angel openly enjoyed.
owie owie hurts the soul. still good though. also connected to Angel, in the sense i interpret the song as if he’s talking to me ? he knows all my issues and could call me out like that, but he still wants me alive and tries his fucking hardest to do that for me. sure i don’t make it particularly easy, especially on nights like tonight, but i appreciate his efforts still.
ooooh boy this one. ok so i know the song is meant to be a girl talking herself out of suicide each time she tries and eventually gives up trying, but i decided noooo don’t like that. instead i like to think of Angel, and how he tries so hard to fix everything for me and find all the positives he can but it’s progressively getting harder for both of us.
ah yes the good ol dysmorphia soundtrack !!!! love this, this is great, i cry to this a lot. ever convinced yourself your boyfriend doesn’t love you because you are disgusting and horrific??? try this !!!!!!!!!!!! i need shot :D
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