#about whether it impacts our ability for empathy
oscarwilderobbieross · 8 months
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susan sontag - regarding the pain of others
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nanfrost · 5 months
A dive into Vertin's core aspect of her character and it's impact through the story: Part 1
This would be a character analysis with mix of speculations, headcannons and eventually just straight up heading to fanfiction levels territory, so if you were expecting a more cannon analysis, you have been warned.
With that said however, for those who are still interested, welcome to my insanity! This was something that I have been working with a friend of mine who you may or may not know as @acesw for the past week, and we are finally satisfied with it enough to post it! A lot of the ideas that are present in this came from them, while I offer my own interpretations and expanding on those very ideas through my writing. Without them, this analysis likely will have never come to fruition, so I can't be thankful enough for having them go on this journey with me, and also to just have as a good friend. Go check them out, they have really neat ideas and is a genuinely creative and artful person!
Now with that outta the way, time for the main event you are have been waiting for, our one and only beloved Timekeeper herself, and the emotional roller coaster that we have prepared for her. Please do enjoy.
Background context:
Vertin is an incredibly interesting and compelling character in many ways. Her ability to care for other people to a great extent whether she knows them for long or not. Her compassion for everyone around her, her empathy, her willingness to open her heart and listen to others when it matters. All these traits make up who Vertin is as a character and is a large part of why so many people fall in love with her and the story; to not only see more of her but to see where her story will go.
However, there is one part of her character that stands out the most to us, a core aspect of her character that makes up most, if not all her major decisions in the story up until this point, and will be the main subject of this entire analysis.
And that is Vertin's incredible sense of selflessness.
From going out of her way to save Regulus and not let her be forced to be taken in by the Foundation. Her attempts at getting through to Schneider, to understanding and showing her immense compassion even in the heat of moments. Choosing to stay behind in the Walden to fend off the Manus while the others escaped, and most crucial of all, her conscious decision to bury all her trauma inside herself to prevent others from worrying about her. Hell, even her entire motive and drive to seek the truth about the Storm and a way to stop it stems from her desire for freedom and the future of everyone.
All of this is in some way driven by Vertin's selfless nature, always prioritizing the sake of others above herself, to the point of risking her own life if it means she could protect those around her.
She's someone who will go out of her way to connect with others, even when knowing that the pain of losing them will never fade away, to give them comfort and help them if she can no matter what.
It is an incredibly beautiful part of what makes Vertin such a compelling, lovable, and admirable character and person, but at the same time, it also represents Vertin's biggest issue about herself.
That Vertin isn’t just selfless, she is selfless to a fault.
Vertin will prioritize saving everyone above herself, or rather, she would prioritize and save everyone but herself. For Vertin intrinsically has no sense of self-value nor self-worth; in other words, she has no self identity, for her entire life is valued based on other people, not herself. This can bring a lot of self-conflict, as well as possibly even harming others when reaching a point where every step taken is crucial.
And this serious of posts will detail and explore this aspect of her, its ramifications upon the character, and to not only show the ugliest and most painful parts of it, but to also show a path that Vertin might possibly take in the story to confront this part of herself somehow. In other words: welcome to Vertin's suffering builds character arc.
What can we tell from canon?
Where do we start seeing the decision making? We already start seeing them in the first 2 chapters. In summary:
Chapter 1 - Vertin continuously is left with decisions that she has to make on the fly, starting from deciding to try to see if Regulus can survive the storm and choosing to stay behind the Walden and risk getting harmed by the Manus Vindictae for the sake of her team as well as helping Schneider.
Chapter 2 - Vertin finds herself having to choose between keeping her silence and “joining” the Manus, and when she initially refuses, Arcana has her answer questions that bring unsatisfactory answers, leading her to harm Schneider. But when she does say she’ll join, she is first tasked and eventually manipulated to “kill” her.
Now, that’s all fine and dandy and does communicate that she is a very altruistic person and a selfless individual, but how is any of that bad or problematic? How does that correlate to her not having any sense of self-worth? Chapter 1’s ending is the first instance we get to see just how far Vertin’s selflessness goes, by her decision of staying behind to grant Sonetto and the others time to escape. Because of Vertin’s sacrificial play, Druvis and the majority of Manus didn’t pursue Sonetto's crew as aggressive as they would have, giving them time to properly make their runaway. Not only that, but both her and Schneider were kept alive, albeit captive. 
There, Vertin’s selflessness is shown in a good light, being an admirable trait of hers that was crucial in progressing the story. This is the only instance in the story so far that has highlighted this trait of hers in a positive light, which is then contrasted by what happens in chapter 2.
Here, that aspect of hers that so far has been so boldly displayed as a good thing; saving Regulus and her team, is now flipped on its head, showing us that sometimes, being selfless simply isn't enough.
Vertin was put into a situation where she needed to make a choice, to either join Manus or reject their offer. When she chose the latter, Schneider was put into danger. And as each question Arcana asked piled on to her and the pressure started to rise further, Vertin went back on her words, choosing to stay with them. 
This is so she could ensure Schneider’s survival, a selfless choice she makes for the sake of a person she had barely known. It was also here where Vertin’s naivety blinds her of the situation she was in.
That no matter what she chose, Schneider wasn't going to make it out of this.
Schneider had already betrayed them, but even before that, she never truly believed in them in the first place, only soaking up to them for her own personal goals. She was the one who lied to Manus about her identity, to pretend to play along with them until she bided her time, and now she was captured right in their hands. 
It doesn’t take much for one to come to the conclusion that Schneider was a dead woman walking.
Yet, Vertin did not see this. For her view of the world even at this point was too naive, warped by her own perception and belief. A belief that by giving herself up, by throwing her own agency away will somehow lead to other people’s lives improving. That somehow, someway, by disregarding her own safety, the safety of others will be secured.
Vertin is living in a highly warped perception of the world, thinking and believing that if she alone suffers, no one else has to. 
Green Oranges serves as a reality check to Vertin, albeit one that Vertin was unfortunately in too much emotional distress to properly realised.
However, it’s important to note that the game was rigged from the start. Regardless of what Vertin would have chosen, Schneider was going to “die” there either way. So although we witnessed the consequences of Vertin’s selfless choice, it would be unfair to call it her fault. So for now, this chapter only serves as a warning to Vertin.
That even if her selflessness is admirable and has paid the way to many good results, her complete lack of care for herself is not, and is leading her to believe in a false image of the world. A flaw that she will continue to neglect until it becomes far too late to remedy.
Chapter 3 and 4 are the harder ones to allocate, mostly because Vertin isn’t the main focus and rarely appears in the story at all except for flashbacks or dreams. But it still serves a very important role in giving us another facet of this character trait that Vertin exhibits.
That this selflessness of hers doesn’t just affect her, but also the relationships she has with the people around her, and specifically, her crew and Sonetto.
We were told that before Vertin was put to sleep, she had acted relatively the same as she always was, carrying out her duties until she was forced to be sedated and put into the coma we saw her at the start of Chapter 3. We knew that Vertin had set up plans in the form of Lilya and the bill she made with Madam Z, but this was something that wouldn’t be known by us or the other characters until much later.
For the entirety of her time spent before the events of 3 and 4, Vertin kept herself closed off, ensuring that she wouldn’t worry her new friends and even more so, Sonetto. But as a consequence, this results in nobody truly knowing what Vertin was thinking or trying to do prior to going comatose.
Sonetto, Vertin’s closest companion, someone who knows Vertin the longest and has been with her the most, wasn’t even privy to what Vertin’s plans were. She was left struggling to figure out what she should do to help Vertin, while also battling her own inner turmoil.
Druvis, Sotheby, Regulus, APPle, all of them were also victims of this. They had no idea what Vertin was planning, nor was even given any hints; they were left to their own devices and in turn, the influence of the Foundation. Vertin may have tried to help them by not getting them involved with the Foundation matters, but this ironically only led to them being drawn into the organisation because of their desire of wanting to help Vertin.
If Madam Z hadn’t come in to give Druvis the push she needed, Constantine likely would have gotten things to go her way. If it wasn’t for the collective efforts of Z and Vertin’s crew and so many others, Vertin likely wouldn’t have been freed. 
These two chapters showcase the loyalty and trust that her friends have in Vertin, but it also highlights the issue of Vertin always trying to hide things away, to always keep herself emotionally closed. Even if she had good intentions, it still led to less than favourable outcomes that could have very well ended badly for all of them had things gone differently.
With that, we have gotten a rough understanding of Vertin’s character up until this point. Vertin’s selflessness can be an good thing to posses, but because of her disregard of her own well-being and her naive belief that only she needs to make sacrifices for the good of everyone, it is ultimately an unhealthy outlet for Vertin’s way of coping with her trauma. Not just internally, but externally as well.
From here on, I will be diving into my own personal headcanon of where the direction of the story might go, with the purpose of having Vertin’s character be pushed slowly towards a breaking point that will force her to confront this very part of herself, and perhaps, come out learning something from it all.
Speculation: Vertin’s breaking point
Before we get into it however, there is one thing that must be noted here so that the events that will transpire would make more sense.
That being how exactly could the story push Vertin’s character to her limit, when she herself is a naturally strong and composed person? It’s quite simple really, in fact, the answer was already given to us all the way back in Chapter 2.
Vertin’s one crucial weakness that even she might not even realise, that being her overwhelming compassion for those she cares about.
Throughout chapter 1 and 2, we have seen how Vertin deals with stress. How she is able to mentally process the situation around her in a logical and composed manner, allowing her to come to the best possible solution in a short time without letting her emotions run rampant.
And during her confrontation with Arcana, she continues to showcase her composure when faced with a difficult situation and choices. That is until Arcana began to shift her hostility towards Schneider, and we start to see the cracks forming at her surface. 
Vertin is capable of dealing with high stress situations, however, when that situation involves other people, especially those she has come to know or care about, this mask of calmness starts to slip as she reveals how she truly feels.
That Vertin cares too much to see other people get hurt, knowing she can do something about it.
But this wasn’t enough, Vertin might be faltering, but she still tries to keep a calm level head, even when each question gets more and more personal for her. But it was okay, so long as she answered truthfully and picked their side, things will “somehow” work out.
This dream is then shattered by Arcana’s mission given to her; to kill the girl she had chosen to save by throwing her agency away. 
Here, the mask falters even more as Vertin slips further into emotional distress. This is the rare time, and really one of the only times you get to see Vertin raise her voice, far from her monotone voice she always has. It was getting to her.
This is then exacerbated from her shooting Schneider. Even if it was not by choice, Vertin was still the one who pulled the trigger, the one that held the gun against Schneider, and the one that killed her; a girl who she had come to care a great deal about in such a short time.
Here, the mask completely falls as Vertin expresses just how much this breaks her heart. The only instance in the game where Vertin ever shed a tear for something or someone.
So it’s clear now that the biggest strength to her character that Vertin has; her love and compassion for others, is also her biggest weakness. A weakness that can be exploited and used to push Vertin past and even beyond her breaking point.
So let’s do just that.
The narrative will go like this: Vertin and her crew are tasked on an important mission of some kind, where they are given more control and permission to decide and do more so long as Vertin is the one making those choices. This puts Vertin into a position of power much higher than she usually assumes, which will first add a layer of stress over her as she carries out her mission.
Then, the story will sprinkle in a variety of different decisions that Vertin has to make, some big and some small. All of them have some kind of effect on the people around her or their situation. This further adds stress to the girl, now having to juggle the responsibilities of making the difficult choices and decisions that no one else can, because she was their leader, the one assigned to do the job.
At first, things do start to look better as her crew tries their best to assist her, and the situation starts to look more promising. It would be here where a wrench would be thrown, completely sending the whole mission into disarray.
Something completely unexpected occurs, causing chaos and mayhem to follow suit. Vertin tries to assert the situation and find a way to stabilise the people, her crew doing their best to help. However, in their task of ensuring the situation doesn’t derail any further, her crew subsequently split off from her, leaving the girl alone to her own devices.
Here, we begin the start of Vertin’s downfall.
Now without her crew or Sonetto’s help, Vertin is now forced into a situation where she needs to continuously make quick and decisive actions on the fly, all to ensure that things are kept as stable as possible. This leads to her going out and helping as many people as she can, trying to resolve as many issues as possible by herself so that others can focus on their safety. 
However, not every situation can be resolved peacefully nor gracefully.
Gradually, Vertin is faced with more and more difficult choices, ones that require her to choose one side or the other with escalating stakes and tension. No matter what she chooses however, people still get hurt, lives are still put in danger. And Vertin, being the girl that she is, can’t bear to see it happen.
So she tries to find ways to choose both, to save both parties so long as she can help it. Even if it meant having to risk her own safety, Vertin cannot bear to choose one and let the others perish. She can’t allow that to happen.
So she gives herself up to the task of saving people. To abandon her own safety and subsequently her own agency in order to ensure that others will live. So that everyone can make it out even if she doesn’t.
If only she is the casualty in all this, it is the result that Vertin can accept, a result that Vertin can be at peace with.
What she doesn’t realise, or perhaps she isn’t willing to see is that she’s forcing herself into a corner. By placing so much emphasis on saving, by abandoning her own safety and subsequently her own position of power, Vertin has left a chain of command with no real leader, and the situation starts falling into chaos. 
But she can’t see it, Vertin isn’t able to recognize this because she’s so intensely focused on the people around her who are suffering right that moment. Her composure is slipping, as she watches as people’s lives are being destroyed and perished rapidly before her eyes, and she can’t seem to make it better no matter how far she keeps going. This only furthers her careless act of selflessness, forgoing more and more of her own life until it was the last thing on her mind.
Eventually, things reach a boiling point where Vertin, alone, is faced with an obstacle that directly threatens her life and countless others. She now faces a choice, whether to prioritise her own safety over the lives of dozens of people, some strangers, some whose faces have grown familiar to her, or throw her life away again with the blinding hope that things will work out.
If she chooses to run, choose to save herself, Vertin can never live with herself. For a girl like her, who has made it her life to save anyone she can, and so running away can never be an option for her. So naturally, without a second thought, Vertin chooses to throw her life away in exchange of saving everyone’s lives.
A decision that will haunt the girl for the rest of her life.
By the time Vertin awakes, she finds that she is still alive, unscathed at that. But only a moment passes before Vertin notices the countless bodies of those that died, and the destruction that was wrought about around her. At first, she was confused, then the memories started to flood in. 
The memories of the moment she chose to throw her life away, chose to give herself up for the sake of others. And in that instance, someone did the same for her, pushing her out of death’s way as they sacrificed themselves for her. Someone she personally knew and cared about.
In the end, Vertin faces the result of her sacrifice; nothing but lifeless corpses, an utter wasteland filled with bodies with no souls left in them; and she alone survives.
But she might as well be dead, life completely leaving her quickly dulling eyes, a single thought consuming her mind.
This was her fault.
She chose to give her life away, to disregard her own leadership, her role and her worth all for the sake of others.
Because she was too selfless, too kind to ever let herself bear the guilt and burden of letting innocent people die when she could have saved them. And she thought that by sacrificing herself, she can do just that.
She never accounted for the fact that someone would save her.
That someone would prioritise her life over countless others, to choose to sacrifice themselves for someone like her. To give their life for Vertin.
Vertin kneels, her arms and hands shaking as her eyes froze still. She can’t bear to look at the scene before her, her stomach rising to her chest.
For she has finally seen the reality of the world around her, finally acknowledges something she has willingly and selfishly ignored for all this time.
Vertin has always had some level of survivor's guilt within her. Starting from the breakaway incident, Vertin had likely always felt how unfair and cruel it was that only she got to live, when she was the one that was responsible for leading them here.
Sure, the kids went with her because they desired the same thing, but it was she who led them, she who gave them the spark of desire to want to venture out, and because of her, they were all gone. 
Vertin has been carrying that guilt ever since, always masking it under layers and layers of self-imposed composure; a way to protect herself from the pain of the past, but as a way to stop people from getting too close to her, because she is afraid that something similar might happen again if that was the case. That if she were to let people know her, to get to care about her, that they too will suffer because of their involvements with her.
But Vertin was too kind, too good, too compassionate. Even when she emotionally distances herself from others, people still flock to her because they see just how kind she is.
Because even when she doesn’t show it, the girl cared enough to go out of her way to save them, so of course they would be grateful to her, of course they would feel immense gratitude and appreciation for her. Of course they would choose her as their leader and follow her. 
And of course, one of them would throw their life away to save hers. 
Vertin had abandoned all self-importance or self-value, believing that she, the lone survivor of a terrible tragedy, the one who shouldn’t have lived for the sins that she had committed; deserved no such thing. That someone like her should not dare to believe she had value, when all she had done was cause death to those she cared about. That was what she had believed in, what she had convinced herself to believe in.
Because of that, she ignored the signs. She ignored the warnings given to her by others, the warning that if she keeps going down this path of self-annihilation, that eventually she will be met with a fate much worse than death.
In her selfless attempt to save everyone and everything, she had selfishly taken away the people’s chance to save her. To save the girl who had suffered far too much and who had helped even more, even when she can’t see past her own warped perception of herself.
And now she is facing the consequences of that. She is now looking at the results of her blindness, the carnage that was her willful ignorance to herself and to others, and the irony of being the only one left alive through it all once more.
In the past, she was an unwilling player on a chess board designed for her to lose. Now, she was the girl who gave up her own King for the all her pieces, and in return, she lost everything.
Vertin facing this, her composure long since lost, finally breaks.
She slumps onto the floor, her body and mind utterly overwhelmed with every facet of emotions she could conjure within the darkest pit of her stomach, all while drenched in the blood of the people she was supposed to save.
The blood of people who knew her, who admired and respected her, who cared for her, who saw her as a friend, who saw her as family. All of them suffered at her hands, at her own selfish choice to forsake her life because she saw no other way; because she perceived that there was no other way.
And she can't bear all that guilt. All the pain and unprocessed trauma she had buried inside her now finally comes bubbling out of her, completely suffocating the girl. That lack of self-value that she harbours now replaced with unending resentment and pure unbridled self-hatred. Something she had always carried inside her that only got worse over time, and now, it finally had an excuse to be let out.
An existence that had done nothing but wrought pain and death to everyone it ever cared about. An existence that so readily throws its life away at the slightest of inconvenience, never caring about what others think about them, for they were too blinded in their own suicidal nature to ever think that they deserved to be cared about.
Vertin truly believes that she does not deserve to be cared about. She truly believes that she is the worst of the worst, an willfully ignorant murderer, so blinded by their own vision of the world that they refuse to see the reality as what it is. And now, they're paying their just price for it, a price they should have paid long ago.
Vertin knew better than anyone, that she was nothing but a murderer.
Part 2
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ohhgingersnaps · 10 months
one thing i find really interesting about go2 is how crowley and aziraphale's debate over how to handle The Gabriel Situation is a microcosm of how they approach the question posed to them at the end of the season.
aziraphale's response is: "we cannot abandon him. he has come to me for help and guidance! he can be better if we just show him a better way. we can fix him."
(...followed by a lot of being generally frustrated by "jim" while trying, very hard, to continue his daily life as though "jim" is not constantly piddling around in the bookshop and his life, causing problems and putting him in (im)mortal danger.)
meanwhile, crowley wants aziraphale to abandon gabriel. he's good for nothing; throw the whole angel out; take him to the middle of nowhere, leave him in a ditch, and get as far away as possible. screw the world, we're our own team. run away with me to alpha centauri.
and you understand how this his response! crowley has consistently seen firsthand how aziraphale (someone he loves, it's different when it's someone you know) has been negatively impacted, both by the system and by gabriel. ("and i do remember the look on your face, archangel gabriel, when you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die, and i did not care for it.") crowley shields his angel from how broken the system is, to the best of his ability— both how it would hurt aziraphale, given the chance ("i won't tell if you don't" he says), and also how it hurts him ("it's not lonely" he says, and he vanishes for nearly a century after doing a single act of kindness and doesn't say a word to aziraphale about what hell did to him).
aziraphale and crowley both think the system, like gabriel, is a fixed reality that cannot be overcome; aziraphale's solution is to try and Fix It while ignoring whether the thing he's trying to fix is capable of or willing to be fixed, while crowley's answer is to simply pretend that the system and gabriel do not exist... and, in the case of the system, abandon all of the people who will continue living under it after he and his angel leave. as appealing as alpha centauri is, i don't think this is a solution either of them could be happy making, in the long run. they both have too much empathy for the people who live in the world they'd leave behind for that.
(the kicker here is: neither solution solves the actual problem— and i'm not sure what this implies about what we'll see in s3, but either way, i'm excited to see how things pan out.)
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hellyeahscarleteen · 11 months
"Disabled asexual people do exist. Although disability doesn’t automatically equate with asexuality, there are disabled aces who feel that their sexual orientation is connected to their disability. In the autistic community, there are people who feel that their asexuality has a relationship to the way they view and experience the world as an autistic person. Some people feel that their past trauma, PTSD, and other mental health issues directly impact their asexuality. And others with chronic pain and fatigue-related symptoms have said that these symptoms impact how they experience asexuality, whether it’s a fluctuating scale from day-to-day or more constant.
“My desire or ability (or lack thereof) to engage in romance or sex due to personal choice, pain, medical concerns or my being a pan gray ace, that’s all as valid as anyone else’s reasons, disabled or not,” says Emily Johnson, a social media and digital editor, designer, and poet in Atlanta, Georgia. “Abled people get too tired. Abled people experience pain. Abled people simply aren’t interested.”
Sexuality is deeply personal for everyone. I have several friends who identify as asexual, and none of us experience our asexuality in exactly the same way. It helps when we can avoid assumptions based on our own experiences or what we’ve been taught by society—so when sex is brought up in conversation, I don’t conclude that everyone in the group who hasn’t had sex eventually wants to. While talking to other ace friends, I remember that some asexuals have sex regularly, some never have sex, some occasionally have sex, and so on. We all experience our sexual and romantic lives differently, and the best thing we can do if we aren’t sure is to ask someone whether they’d like to share and then listen with empathy and understanding."
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streetlight-haver · 5 months
Quick edit: Since I wrote this, I'd like to say that I think the dynamic I write about is more general as the oppressed and the oppressor, which of course correlates with the relationship between upper/lower class as the oppressed usually becomes the lower class by force. But the essay itself remains as it was 1.5 years ago
Classism Analogies in Shelley’s Frankenstein (from my English class a year and a half ago) (for our conversation @letmelickyoureyeballs)
The vast gap between the upper and lower classes of society is a tool used by the privileged to oppress those in poverty. By refusing to acknowledge the humanity of the masses, the wealthy few can maintain their status with little to no effect on their conscience. Victor follows the same thought process as he constantly rejects the Creature’s attempt at connection. While it tries to gain recognition and acceptance to fulfill its needs as a social being, Victor evades responsibility again and again, for if he can cling to the fading idea that it is pure evil despite increasing evidence to the contrary, then he can wash his hands of a large part of the guilt he feels for its actions. He can avoid dealing with complicated emotions or the prevalent shades of grey morals that arise from the situation. The complex emotions are more than he has ever experienced; processing them would require fortitude on his part. Victor has never had to truly struggle in his life before now, therefore impacting his ability and desire to empathize with the Creature that so desperately craves empathy. Shelley’s Frankenstein uses the complex identities of Victor and the Creature to build their relationship in order to criticize the unsubstantiated elitism of the upper class.
Victor Frankenstein is an allegory for the upper class of society. He represents the mannerisms of the upper class by refusing to accept responsibility for his actions. This is a result of his upbringing, in which he was never presented with conflict and lived a sheltered, privileged life. The Creature shares its life story with Victor and asks him to reflect on his actions, as the Creature has done for itself. Yet Victor says, “You have left me no power to consider whether I am just to you, or not. Begone! Relieve me from the sight of your detested form” (Shelley 82). Victor refuses this absolution, instead refusing to properly listen. He clings to old prejudice, for it is easier. Admitting that the monster is not totally, inherently evil would veer dangerously close to acknowledging that Victor played more of a part in the crimes it committed than simply “creating” it. Likewise, if the upper class were to admit that poor people were often forced into criminality based on survival needs, they would come ever closer to having to admit the part they play in their oppression. This victimhood is expressed well in Brontë’s poem, “The night is darkening round me”. In it, the speaker claims the inability to alter the situation they are in despite the unfavorable circumstances. Similarly, Victor refuses to alter the circumstances he put himself in. “I will not, cannot go” (line 12) reflects the inner truth of Victor’s helplessness: he refuses to be proactive, just as the wealthy upper class refuses to change the social issues of their communities. If they did, it would require them to recognize the reason the social issues are so persistent: themselves. Victor subconsciously chooses not to be proactive about his situation since his conscience knows it would require facing up to his own mistakes. He is privileged enough to choose not to experience discomfort for the sake of another by ducking his responsibility.
The Creature symbolizes the oppressed lower class. He has never received a formal education, instead scraping for knowledge from every encounter it has. His daily concerns revolve around access to shelter, food acquisition, and being at the mercy of the climate. He is forced to become familiar with hardship and says to Victor, “Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it” (Shelley 80). The Creature’s experiences have proven the value of a peaceable life, as he has never had one to take for granted. People place value on things perceived as difficult to come by. As such, the Creature values connection above all else, while Victor barely acknowledges its role in his life since he has never had to live without it. This symbolizes riches and financial security when comparing their relationship to that between the poor and the wealthy. The upper classes hardly take notice of the privileges that the poor only dream of. A man deep enough in poverty has to fight every day to stay alive. A wealthy man never has to fight at all, and life grows stale for him. This is what is happening to the Creature and Victor at this moment. One of them wallows in any perceived misery, slowly wasting away under guilt and avoidance of true issues. The other (the Creature) burns with purpose–to remain alive and find a better life and/or vengeance. The Creature further exemplifies the similarities of their relationship to that of the wealthy and poor when it says, “This passion is detrimental to me; for you do not reflect that you are the cause of its excess” (Shelley 121). When a lower class/the oppressed advocate for themselves, they must be exceedingly careful lest the wealthy decide their tone is too ‘hostile’ and that they pose a threat. Emotions are a privilege. The privileged will see an intense reaction to a negotiation from someone oppressed and refuse to acknowledge its cause; only its potential danger. Desperation is willfully misinterpreted as hostility, because this creates an easier narrative to deal with. This selfishness is reflected in Victor’s perception and treatment of the Creature. The Creature’s forced exclusion from society allowed it the obvious opportunity to realize the faults in social structure. Wordsworth’s “Lines Written in Early Spring” sums up this sentiment in its final lines, “Have I not reason to lament/What man has made of man?” The Creature knows the bias towards itself is a production of prejudice. The ability to fully realize societal inadequacies is a clear side effect of living among the oppressed. The Creature, like the lower classes, has to deal with societal failures daily, and this forced perspective gives it new clarity on the darker side of humanity.
Put together, Victor and the Creature reflect the power dynamics between the upper and lower classes. When the Creature approaches him in a quest for connection, Victor rejects it again by saying, “Devil!...Do you dare approach me? And do you not fear the fierce vengeance of my arm wreaked on your miserable head?” (Shelley 79). Victor attempts to wield power against his creation, backed only by the misplaced (and waning) confidence he has received from his social standing. Yet he phrases his threats as questions, undermining his own façade and revealing his innate fear. As much as Victor is in a higher social position than the Creature due to his family’s status in politics and wealth, they are now on equal footing in nature (interesting use of Romanticism). The Creature has more power in this situation due to its strength (as the lower class do in numbers, strength from daily labor). Victor knows this but clings to what little authority he has left. The phrasing of the threats as questions (“do you dare…do you not fear…”) illuminates his subtle curiosity. Victor has rarely, if ever, been stood up to in his life. This is a new situation for him, and as a human being, he wants to understand. There is a genuine question hiding below his blustering as he subconsciously wonders who has the true power in this exchange, and what that might entail regarding his status and immediate safety. The answer does not seem to be to his liking. Similarly, the upper class questions the audacity of the lower class when they demand human rights and a better quality of life. They can threaten and demean all they like, but the lower class has physical prowess due to daily labor, power in numbers, and their ability to give and take their labor from the economy. They can riot and protest, enable the skills that have kept them alive, and enable the grit that keeps them going daily. The wealthy are afraid of this power shift and afraid of the lower class fully realizing how powerful they can be.
Victor and the Creature share a complex relationship, an imbalance of power that, by the end of the book, turns around and imbalances in the other direction. Victor, the wealthy, refuses to accept responsibility to care for his Creature, the oppressed. In the end, the Creature takes his revenge on Victor by driving him to madness. Their experiences and treatment of one another reflect the relations between the privileged and underprivileged. Shelley’s Frankenstein utilizes Frankenstein and the Creature’s relationship as an allegory for the class conflicts during the early eighteen hundreds. and remains relevant in today’s world as the privileged continue to keep their heads in the sand while the greater world suffers for their arrogant, thoughtless, and selfish actions. 
Works Cited
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, et al. Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds. The MIT Press, 2017. 
“The night is darkening round me” Bront��, Emily. Source: Poets of the English Language (Viking Press, 1950).
“Lines Written in Early Spring” William Wordsworth Source: The Longman Anthology of Poetry (Pearson, 2006).
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scaryinclusive · 6 months
by @scaryinclusive.
a discussion of the ableism and stigma relating to npd — a separate resource post will be posted at another date, written by a narcissist. if you believe in the term 'narcissistic abuse', have been conditioned by your surroundings or past trauma to view or discuss narcissists in a negative way or simply want to understand why it's important to show sympathy, compassion and patience towards those with npd, please read this and keep an open mind. i'm not here to tell you what you can and can't do or what to feel, but if you are someone who wants to learn about the impact your vocabulary can have on others, as well as how your behaviour contributes to the isolation and ableism towards an entire community, this might be a useful post for you.
i understand this might be an inflammatory topic, but please be patient with me, and show me the same respect you'd want to receive. i am a living, breathing person behind the screen. first of all, i think it's important clarify what is meant by ableism, when used in this context. as an abuse survivor myself, i have subjected others to an ableist mindset — whether that be externally or internally ( internalised ableism. ) i have previously called my abuser a range of ableist terms, without having a diagnosis for them or the ability to make one. i have projected my own insecurities onto others and myself, instead of taking a step back to assess my trauma, shame and getting to the root of the blame. if this is something you have done previously too, or are currently prone to, know you are valid.
often, people want logic to illogical situations, they want reason to make sense of the unreasonable and in some cases they want to have something or someone to blame. and it's absolutely easier to blame an individual or disorder deemed monstrous by society than it is to blame the abuse itself. to hold an event, or series of events accountable. whatever it takes to keep the blame off of us, right? and while this is a common phenomenon within society, to blame people with narcissistic personality disorder or antisocials for our suffering, by throwing around the terms 'psychopath', 'narcissist' and 'sociopath' etc, it's not sustainable and in the long run, sure — you'll succeed in adding to the stigma of already massively stigmatised communities, but you'll drag yourself down with them. and that's not healing. that's not overcoming. it's certainly not contributing to the empathy, compassion and care many of you wish to see in the world. i feel this short, non-accusatory and sympathetic article really helps elaborate on what i've already mentioned.
i also want to stress that, at no point, am i excusing harmful behaviour. i believe individuals with these disorders, professionally or self diagnosed, and even those who think they might have one or both, have a responsibility within themselves to seek out support, healing and improvement to keep themselves and others safe and protected. but with the total lack of resources, community, space, patience and safety for them to commit to such, it's a vicious cycle. you're asking people who struggle greatly with shame and insecurity to face it, in an unsafe space with people that seek to shame us. we cannot get the help we need, regardless of how self-aware we are, due to society's stigmatising perception of us. due to rumours, lies and stereotypes.
therapists aren't always safe. in my experience i have been exposed to some highly questionable therapists. some have been corrupted by the stigma and are therefore unsafe for us. resources are designed to brainwash and instil internalised ableism. friends and family hate us. we have nowhere and no one to turn to. so, we bottle it up. we bottle it up, and up, and up until we explode or implode. someone catches it on camera and uploads it online. thousands if not more view it and all that comes from this devastating explosion is more stigma, more hate, and less space for us to heal. the cycle continues.
where does the stigma start? well, it starts with society's knowledge and education on what narcissistic personality disorder actually is. in this circumstance, unfortunately, you can't even fully trust things like the dsm's criteria, or the many websites accessible across the internet. you 100% can't trust word of mouth. i will begin with what npd is not. it is not a choice. not something you can decide to be, or to not be. people with npd do not love themselves, we are not entitled or selfish. we don't have a god-complex or view ourselves as higher beings or more important for the fun of it. we do not all have low / no empathy and we don't feel nothing. we aren't heartless, soulless, blood-sucking monsters, we aren't cunning villains scheming and seeking to manipulate and hurt people. we are not a different species or lesser being, not parasites or a infestation.
so what are people with narcissistic personality disorder? exactly that. people — a community of human beings who primarily experienced varying childhood traumas. the more effort, time and money put into the scientific and biological understanding of npd reveals it to be more and more alike to a trauma-related disorder. the entire meaning behind 'personality disorders' is that the title trait is a typical, average personality trait. however, the difference is that the trait itself is amplified, more intense or severe due to some form of trauma during childhood development.
as much as people don't want to admit it, narcissism is a healthy, typical human trait. but when an individual is exposed to trauma in early life, such as neglect ( particularly emotional neglect ), as they grow and develop the brain adapts in this environment to survive. this can lead to the development or intensifying of harmful, negatives behaviours that continue into later life. when you are no longer in an environment where survival is a necessity, an environment where you might need to manipulative, emotionally disconnect or behave in a specific way to avoid a threat or emotional injury, these behaviours don't simply vanish. they continue, even if it means harming those around you or treating them in a negative manner, because your brain is constantly convincing you of perceived threats — real or imagined, and your attitude towards life was never healthily developed in a way that you can pursue stability and safety.
to cope with this, specifically for those with npd, we develop grandiose delusions of ourselves. a façade, a safety net, a wall between us and the world. on the outside, it might appear that we are infatuated with ourselves, simply self-obsessed, entitled and obnoxiously detached from reality. what's really happening is that our core selves are so insecure, in such a deeply-rooted way, that in order to survive and cope with our inner fragility, we must create a false sense of security. npd is entirely based around insecurity. and insecurity, in itself — even without npd being a contributing factor, can lead to harmful behaviour. projecting our insecurities onto others to feel powerful, in control and above all else, safe. we are not monsters, we have simply had to adapt and learn to survive in an unstable, volatile and potentially dangerous environment and were never given the tools to heal from this. isn't that sad? an entire community of people unable to heal from their trauma because society has cast us out. stereotyped us as murderers, villains and abusers.
through therapy ( it's taken me 10 years of searching to find someone that understands me, healthily challenges me, respects me, is patient and remains unbiased throughout my healing ) i have learned much about myself. i have become more self-aware, been able to break down my trauma and thus combat my internalised ableism, and have been able to do so in a way that hasn't brainwashed me into believing the only way for someone like me to heal is to shame and hate myself and those with my disorders. it's not true. we can heal in a safe and healthy way that promotes self-love, sympathy for our suffering, compassion as well as responsibility, recognition and rationality. all of these can co-exist.
we can take responsibility for our mistakes and harmful actions while also being sympathetic towards what made us this way. but unfortunately many are pushed by society to take to self-loathing, self-deprecation and the spreading of stigma in favour of winning over ableists who reduce us to a stereotype or generalise us as lesser beings. "look how healed i am! i hate narcissists too!!" they are not healing, and by pushing this narrative and encouraging it, you are only digging a deeper hole.
outside of those that have been misguided by their trauma, leading them to label emotionally abusive, or just abusive individuals, as 'narcissists', along with various other stigmatising labels, there is a huge portion of society who remain uneducated and merely misuse the label due to it being commonly thrown around and not knowing any better. i ask that, if you are someone that uses this term to describe anyone other than someone with narcissistic personality, and certainly if you use it in any derogatory form, why you do that? i think it's fair to invite you to perform the same introspect about yourself that we are so desperately trying to do, with or without resources.
why do you need to use the word narcissist? narcissism, narcissistic? the same goes for antisocial, psychopath or sociopath. any word related to mental health or disability, really. outside of it being purely medical. what's stopping you from changing your vocabulary and contributing to the healing of a community? if your answer is 'because i can', or 'because they deserve it', you are dooming an entire group of traumatised individuals to fail.
if your answer is that narcissism existed as a trait and / or adjective prior to the disorder — you're absolutely right. it did. but the meanings of words change. the r* slur is a primary example. once, this slur was purely a medical word. it was then used by the general public as a derogatory way to describe those with intellectual or developmental disabilities. to reduce them as people and dehumanise them. it became such a widespread pejorative term that, now, the majority don't use it. because it's deemed offensive, hurtful and dehumanising. the meanings of words change, and if a handful of people from a relatively small community tell you it's hurtful and dehumanising, you don't get to tell them otherwise.
by saying things like "narcissistic abuse", instead of emotional abuse or abuse, you're adding to the stigma. by calling your abusive partner or friend a narcissist instead of what they are — 'an abuser', you're adding to the stigma. by armchair diagnosing ( diagnosing an individual despite not having the knowledge / legal qualifications to and purely basing it on personal / biased experience ) people guilty of performing in a toxic, abusive, harmful or negative way with narcissistic personality disorder, you are adding to the stigma. and above all else, it's ableist. it's discrimination and it's social prejudice.
here are a couple of useful resources relating to the definition, discussion and stigma surrounding npd. i will also be making a post listing alternative and appropriate vocab options for a variety of commonly misused labels.
5 things you got wrong about narcissistic personality disorder, a short, informative comic.
narcissus and the daffodils, an essay on the nature of npd.
please avoid adding onto this post to keep from spreading misinformation or stigma, but feel free to reblog! if you have something to say, i encourage you to send it to my asks. but i think at this point, if you're still set on misusing the term and adding to the stigma, i personally have done as much as i can. i really do sympathise with trauma-born ableism. but it's not acceptable and i'd like to think the majority can do better than that. just because others choose to contribute to the ableism, doesn't mean you have to. everyone deserves to heal from their trauma, including us, and including you.
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raineydaywrites · 2 years
How Empathy Blinds
I have been reading Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman (amazing book, I highly recommend it for everyone, but I digress), and I came across a section where he talks about the downside to empathy. It really impacted me, as an autistic person who has hypoempathy, and I thought I'd share a little bit about it for other people who experience hypoempathy, whether autistic or not, because it's really interesting!
So Bregman explains that empathy, while perceived as this kind, moral thing can actually be a drawback in our ability to be good, moral people. There's this chapter "How Empathy Blinds" where he explains that some psychologists (He refers to Professor Paul Bloom specifically) now feel that empathy serves as a sort of spotlight. Empathy singles out a specific person or group of people, and while you're focusing on them and their emotions and struggles, the rest of the world fades away.
He cites a study where volunteers were told the story of a young girl, Sheri Summers, who is ten years old and dying. She is on the waiting list for a life-saving treatment, but time is running out. The volunteers are told that they can move her up the list but asked to be objective in their decision.
In this scenario, most volunteers refuse to move her. They understand that the list is full of children needing treatment, and that all of them are running out of time. The list was made as it was by people who know the needs of every sick kid they need to treat.
But when a different group of volunteers were given the same scenario and instead asked to imagine how Sheri must feel, the majority wanted to move her up. The small change of framing Sheri in a light that lended itself to empathy changed the outcome. Just because the volunteers felt like they knew Sheri better than the rest of the sick children.
Bloom and Bregman argue that empathy is, in practical terms, a limited skill. We simply cannot hold enough empathy in ourselves to cover everyone. If you try to put yourself in everyone's shoes, you are going to get overwhelmed and be incapable of truly feeling empathy for them all.
We simply can't feel total empathy. And that's a problem, because it means that when we base moral decisions around empathy, we are going to make biased decisions.
That's why it's a good thing that empathy is not the same as sympathy or compassion. We can feel those much more broadly, because they don't require as much emotional weight. We aren't borrowing the struggle of everyone else when we feel compassion the way we do when we feel empathy.
Individual humans primarily feel empathy for those closest to us- our friends and families, our favorite bands or celebrities, the homeless person we see every day. And for people we see on TV, whether fictional or real. And "the more we identify with victims, the more we generalize about our enemies." When we feel empathy for someone's suffering, we lose sight of the suffering of anyone we perceive as 'at fault.' This mentality is the same one that leads to xenophobia and nationalism and exclusion. In this way, empathy can actually prevent us from seeing other people as human.
Of course there are cases where people have done truly heinous things, and I'm not arguing that their actions are just as valid as their victims or anything of the sort. But in lesser cases, where the fault is not so consuming, or where there truly is fault on both sides, empathy can impede our ability to be objective and fair. Further, feeling sympathy for our enemies doesn't mean having to forgive them- it can also just be useful to remember that they are human, because that gives us an insight into their thought process and helps with the process of preparing for any negative actions they may take. In the best situations, understanding their feelings might even help us to deradicalize and defuse people who otherwise might have gone on to hurt others.
Sympathy doesn't require us to forgive our enemies or let them off without punishment, but it helps us understand them. It's even more important to utilize this in situations were our adversaries are not truly evil, so that we can learn how to function together better.
Bregman didn't talk about how this impacts low- or no-empathy people, but I think it's a hopeful reminder. When people accuse you of being unfeeling or evil for not feeling empathy, you can remember that empathy isn't the net-positive value that a lot of people assume it is. In some ways, for some people, having hypoempathy can actually help you be a better person than someone who is empathetic but refuses to give anyone outside of their in-group the time of day.
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explainlearning · 18 days
Why Language Study Matters: Exploring Its Impact
In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultures has become more important than ever. This is where language study comes in. It's not just about memorizing vocabulary or verb conjugations; it's about unlocking a gateway to new experiences, fostering deeper understanding, and boosting your cognitive abilities.
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This article will delve into the multifaceted impact of language study and explore how it can enrich your life in surprising ways. Whether you're considering learning a new language for personal growth, professional advancement, or simply to broaden your horizons, understanding the benefits can be a powerful motivator.
Beyond Communication: The Advantages of Language Study
While communication is undoubtedly a core benefit of language study, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some of the compelling reasons to embark on this enriching journey:
Enhanced Cognitive Abilities: Studies have shown that learning a new language can improve memory, increase attention span, and boost multitasking skills. It can even delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.
Cultural Immersion: Language is intricately linked to culture. By studying a language, you gain a deeper understanding of the traditions, values, and perspectives of the people who speak it. This fosters empathy and appreciation for different cultures.
Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Language learning challenges you to think critically and creatively. You'll encounter new grammatical structures, unfamiliar vocabulary, and different ways of expressing ideas. This process hones your problem-solving skills and makes you a more resourceful learner.
Increased Travel Opportunities: Speaking the local language can significantly enhance your travel experiences. You can navigate unfamiliar places more confidently, connect with locals on a deeper level, and gain a more authentic understanding of the culture.
Boosted Employability: In today's globalized job market, multilingualism is a valuable asset. Employers seek individuals who can communicate effectively with international clients and colleagues. Language proficiency can open doors to exciting career opportunities.
Personal Growth and Confidence: Successfully mastering a new language is a rewarding accomplishment that instills a sense of pride and confidence. It demonstrates your dedication, perseverance, and intellectual curiosity – all qualities valued in various aspects of life.
Finding Your Tribe: The Importance of Community in Language Study
The journey of language learning can be challenging at times. However, having a supportive community by your side can significantly enhance your motivation and success.
Explain Learning, a platform dedicated to empowering online learners, recognizes the power of community. We offer a vibrant language study community where you can connect with fellow language enthusiasts, share experiences, and motivate each other.
Here are some of the ways Explain Learning fosters a supportive language learning environment:
Connect with Learners of All Levels: Our platform caters to learners of all levels, from beginners taking their first steps to experienced learners seeking to refine their fluency.
Find Language Partners: Connect with other learners who share your target language and interests. This allows you to practice conversation, improve language skills, and gain insights from native speakers.
Discussion Forums: Participate in discussion forums dedicated to specific languages. Here, you can ask questions, share challenges, and discuss cultural nuances with fellow learners and language experts.
Collaborative Learning Activities: Engage in collaborative learning activities like online language exchanges and group discussions. This provides a platform to practice speaking and listening skills in a real-world context.
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Explain Learning is more than just a platform; it's a supportive community that empowers you to achieve your language learning goals. Here's why choosing Explain Learning is the right decision:
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Language study is an enriching investment in your personal and professional development. The benefits extend far beyond basic communication, encompassing cognitive growth, cultural immersion, and employability. Explain Learning provides the resources and community support you need to embark on this rewarding adventure. Join us today and unlock a world of possibilities through the power of language.
Know more https://explainlearning.com/blog/why-language-study-impact/
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What Is The Number One Trait Of A Good Dominant?
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Words have an incredible impact on our lives, shaping our emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. Certain phrases like "Have you eaten?" "Drive carefully." "Good morning, beautiful." "Sleep well." "I'm proud of you." "Are you feeling better?" "Take a jacket, it's cold out." and "Be safe." often carry a significant weight, as they convey care, concern, and love. Interestingly, these phrases are sometimes linked to the world of Dominance and Submission (D/S), where they are seen as signs of a good dominant. However, it's essential to recognize that these words are not exclusive to any particular group. Instead, they are indicative of good people. Today, we will explore how these phrases should be associated with quality individuals rather than confined to any specific lifestyle, and why being a good person is a fundamental prerequisite for being a good dominant.
Words have a remarkable ability to build connections, provide comfort, and express affection. When someone asks, "Have you
eaten?" they are not just inquiring about your meal; they are showing genuine concern for your well-being. Similarly, phrases like "Good morning, beautiful" and "I'm proud of you" convey love and support, creating a positive and uplifting environment.
These phrases are not limited to any particular relationship dynamic or lifestyle. They are universal expressions of kindness and care. Whether you are in a D/S relationship or not, using these words demonstrates your capacity to connect with others on a deep and emotional level.
The belief that these phrases are exclusively associated with dominants in D/S relationships is a misconception. In reality, these expressions are used by people who prioritize kindness, empathy, and compassion. They reflect qualities that are not tied to any specific role or lifestyle but are instead characteristics of good people.
To be a good person means being considerate of others, showing empathy, and fostering a sense of belonging. These phrases are just one way that good people express their care and affection for those around them. Therefore, instead of pigeonholing them into a specific category, we should recognize that they are indicative of a broader, fundamental quality.
The connection between being a good person and being a good dominant is clear. In any D/S relationship, trust, communication, and respect are essential. A dominant who uses these caring phrases demonstrates their ability to nurture trust, communicate effectively, and show respect for their submissive partner's emotional well-being.
In D/S relationships, the dominant is responsible for the physical and emotional well-being of their submissive partner. Using phrases like "Are you feeling better?" or "Be safe" goes beyond just fulfilling a dominant role; it emphasizes the importance of the submissive's health and safety. A good dominant understands that their partner's well-being is paramount and prioritizes it in all aspects of the relationship.
We must keep in mind that, phrases like "Have you eaten?" "Drive carefully." "Good morning, beautiful." "Sleep well." "I'm proud of you." "Are you feeling better?" "Take a jacket, it's cold out." and "Be safe." are not limited to any specific lifestyle or relationship dynamic. They are expressions of kindness, care, and love that can be found in people from all walks of life. To associate them solely with D/S relationships does a disservice to the broader human capacity for empathy and compassion.
Being a good person is the foundation of being a good dominant. The qualities that these phrases reflect—empathy, care, and concern—are essential for establishing trust and maintaining a healthy D/S relationship. So, let us appreciate these words for what they truly represent: the power of being a quality person, regardless of any roles we may assume in our lives.
What are your thoughts, is being a good person a fundamental component of being a good dominant?
As with all of my thoughts, please see this disclaimer.
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Empowered Souls: Navigating Life Through a Spiritual Lens. I Am Equipped. Shaina Tranquilino March 17, 2024
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Many of us find solace and strength in various aspects of our existence. While the physical and mental realms are crucial, there's an often-overlooked dimension that holds immense power – the spiritual realm. In this blog post, we explore the concept of being equipped from a spiritual perspective and how it can profoundly impact our lives.
Connecting with the Inner Self: At the core of spirituality lies the journey inward. Whether through meditation, prayer, or introspection, connecting with the inner self allows us to tap into a wellspring of wisdom and resilience. In these moments, we often discover a profound sense of purpose and a connection to something greater than ourselves.
Building Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Life is full of challenges, but a spiritual perspective equips us with the tools to face them head-on. By embracing the belief that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning, we develop resilience that helps us navigate the complexities of life. The ability to find meaning in adversity is a cornerstone of spiritual strength.
Cultivating Compassion and Empathy: Spirituality often emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings. When we recognize the divine spark in others, it fosters compassion and empathy. These qualities become powerful tools for creating meaningful connections, fostering understanding, and contributing to a more harmonious world.
Living in Alignment with Values: Spirituality provides a framework for defining and living in alignment with our core values. Whether grounded in religious teachings or personal beliefs, this alignment serves as a guide, helping us make decisions that are congruent with our higher selves. Living authentically and in accordance with our values brings a deep sense of fulfillment.
Embracing Mindfulness and Presence: The spiritual journey often emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment. Mindfulness practices teach us to appreciate the beauty of the present, letting go of worries about the past or future. This heightened awareness not only enhances the quality of our experiences but also fosters a sense of gratitude and contentment.
Seeking Transcendence and Meaning: From a spiritual perspective, life is more than just a series of events; it is a journey toward transcendence and meaning. Whether through religious rituals, philosophical contemplation, or mystical experiences, the quest for a deeper understanding of existence enriches our lives with purpose and significance.
Being equipped from a spiritual perspective is a transformative journey that goes beyond the surface of our daily activities. It involves delving into the depths of our souls, connecting with something greater, and living in alignment with our higher selves. As we navigate the intricate tapestry of life, let us not overlook the profound impact that a spiritual perspective can have on our well-being, resilience, and the interconnectedness that binds us all. In embracing our spiritual essence, we find the strength and wisdom needed to navigate the complexities of our human experience.
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whumpiary · 1 year
🥇 Pick one aspect of your story that you are particularly fond of. Anything at all. and
🧿 Whether you actually get there or not, what are your hopes for your OC's future? !! -wildfaewhump
Oh my these answers got long. Putting them under the cut!
🥇 Pick one aspect of your story that you are particularly fond of. Anything at all.
I am fond of the lore around supernatural abilities that I have! Even if its more... implicit and implied rather than ever explored outright lol. Maybe one day.
The first ideas spawned from two places: a) the concept of empathy being like... a positive evolutionary trait. And then following the thread of okay, so if empathy is a step forward in evolution, then what happens when that steps forward, or when other "gut feeling" things step forward, or mutate, or spin out of control. And, b) a slightly reactionary thing to when people go "neurodivergence is a superpower!" "survivor instincts are a superpower!". Because like... no, lol, but also if those things were like a superpower, would it actually help anyone? Could you actually do anything with a superpower if you're already disenfranchised, locked out from support, isolated from community?
Cass can feel what people want (see: fawn response on steroids) and even change what they want and control, but does that actually help him to find care and connection? Does that actually get him what he wants? Lou is hyper aware of the emotions of people around her (see: hyper empathy in ND people), and even trace and manipulate memories through those emotions, but does that help her understand people or does it just make her frustrated and cold because connecting with anyone is overwhelming? Harley can (kind of) predict the future, (and don't autism and trauma backgrounds both make us so so good at predicting patterns), but does that actually help them to lift themself out of the situation they're stuck in, or does it just leave them bracing for impact and frozen?
I think it's interesting conceptually, crunchy in pratice, and I fuckin' love chewing on it. Would hate to ever actually explore it in the text itself lmao, but I'm really proud of it as a take on supernatural abilities and how they might manifest and intersect with the way we know brains do things in our world.
🧿 Whether you actually get there or not, what are your hopes for your OC's future?
I've said a few things about this before but I have a relatively clear vision of (at least) Cass and Josiah's future! Cass ends up working in early childhood education (pre-school age). I kinda like the idea of him maybe getting into some volunteer advocacy work at some point, because he figures out its a constructive place for his anger and sense of injustice to go, but also maybe he just runs one of those like rage yoga classes for kids.
This happens before present timeline, but is also one of those headcanon-y things that just never comes up: Josiah used the pay-off he got from the Facility to buy a small block of apartments* and gets an income from being a landlord, he lives on that during times it's hard for him to keep a day job down. Cass and him eventually live in the top floor apartment of that little block.
For a while, Josiah continues to do trade work, mostly as something to do during the day because he's never not worked, and he kind of likes laboring.
I like the idea of Cass coaxing Jos into making baking a full time thing. He wouldn't want to run the front of the shop but I can see him opening up a little cafe where he gets to bake his goods, maybe cook a few meals, and has someone chirpy in the front to deal with customers. I reckon he'd like that.
*(he got upset when he found out that Lou and Mal were being kicked from the place they loved because the landlord was selling and realised he had enough in the bank to make an offer, so he did and didn't tell them until like six months later.)
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dailyzlinghe · 1 year
Zhang Linghe's Theory of Everything
Stephen Hawking once searched for an excellent formula that could be used to ultimately explain all phenomenons in the universe. In his youth, Zhang Linghe once regarded him as a hero and admired him for his research on theoretical knowledge that has an impact on human civilization. Then, he studied hard and spent happy days at school such as deriving interrelated formula. Later, he became an actor & discovered the beauty when rationality & emotion are matched. Now, his logical perception of reality, his empathy perception for the characters & fiction world has formed Zhang Linghe's unique theory of everything.
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It was a very early photoshoot schedule. Zhang Linghe was drinking his daily iced americano with oolong tea beside it. His bangs, which hadn't been set was a bit covering his eyes, but he remained to look sincere and witty. We asked him whether he has always like this kind of bitter drink, he said he learned to like it. "At first, I drink it to reduce swelling, but later it became a habit & I keep doing it." Recently, Zhang Linghe's face has filled our sight. Love Between Fairy and Devil is still popular, Story of Kunning Palace has just finished filming and he currently joined the filming of Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Yuehong Chapter. Although the role of Hu Weisheng played by him is not main character, it has unique personality which is different from his previous roles. "Weisheng is a little timid and a bit silly, but at the same time, he also sincere & cute. I already know the crew from previous project, so I feel very familiar when I joined them. This saves times as I already know them, I could quickly get into the work environment." Zhang Linghe still thinks carefully. "I've been thinking about how to make this silly character more lovely. Later, I found that integrity is an important point. As long as he is kind & sincere, everyone will like him.
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Let's take a look of characters played by Zhang Linghe. They all have different personality & look. Chang Heng is warm & firm, Xie Wei is thoughtful & meticulous, Hu Weisheng is simple & pure. Among these characters, Xie Wei is the most complex. "It took me some time to find out how this character feels, he's really different from me, so I made a lot of preparations. I try to use his personality to think about every decisions he made. I discuss his thoughts & emotions with the screenwriter, I also talk to the novel author, I want to know as much as possible about what the author gave when creating this character. Combined with the final result expected by the screenwriter, I finally able to understand him & experience his story." As Zhang Linghe said, playing the role of Xie Wei is beyond his experience, his dialogues able to make him think deeply for a long time. "In a scene, I had this dialogue the world is finally at peace, now it doesn't matter if I die However, as I play Xie Wei, I need to understand and figure out his mind & feelings when he said those words. Later, I read the novel. I feel that the reason why he is fighting all the way to get high position is because he has hope in his heart. But then, this hope has gone. Then for him it's what he means by now it doesn't matter if I die.”
People often said that being good at finding out the rules of constant things is the necessary ability for smart people to survive, so it is inevitable that Zhang Linghe, who loves to solve mathematical problems, has summarized his own methodologies for acting. "The concept of my methodology is divided into two parts. In some technical & empirical things such as reading the script and understanding the role will be expertized through the amount of experiences I had. But when I really started acting, I found that the emotion & perception of the characters remain prevailed. I'm not professional-trained actor, so I can learn more about the power of sincerity in acting through more experiences." His tone sounds relaxed, but his attitude is earnest, with a great sincerity for the ‘acting’ itself.
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Perhaps the nature of his logical thinking or the feeling of accomplishment brought by obtaining a unique solution that made Zhang Linghe interested to physics. But unfortunately, acting is on the opposite side of rationality. It requires actors to think deeply, but it also requires them to throw away the result of thinking and finally get close emotionally to the character. These two things are mutually opposite, but surprisingly, they reacted wonderfully with each other in Zhang Linghe's life.
What if you have to compare your love for physics with your love for acting?
"Both have their own charm. The joy brought by acting is like the release of dopamine, like there's a 'bang' of fireworks in your brain. The joy of physics is to satisfy curiosity. You will dig deeper & deeper into a conjecture and you must chase after the final answer before you stop. But these two things have their own difficulties at the same time. A thousand people have a thousand hamlets in their hearts (meaning a thousand people might have a thousand different opinions), to what extent you can understand and bring something into the character. While for physics, the road of study might never end".
However, compared to the physics conjectures, acting is more difficult. In this process, Zhang Linghe needs to let go a few sense of control over the results, to let go the strong reins of rationality and let himself enter the character's soul. In the acting class, the teacher told him to freely express his character. He must give up the thinking part and embrace the sensibility. "In the class, the teacher will specially choose a role that has a big contrast with you and ask you to try. I remember at that time the teacher asked me to imitate a kitten, its cute gestures & behaviour. With more training like this, I started to found a few methods of how to get into the characters."
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However, when he first truly empathized with a character, it still brought a great emotional impact to Zhang Linghe. "The first time I felt that I was empathizing with the character was when I filmed Flourish in Time. It was a very simple scene. I went to give my sister an examinee identity card. Actually, I didn't need to give her a strong feeling. But when I was acting for this scene, I happened to notice the drama will wrap up. So, when the director shouted "cut", I fall apart. And it lasted for ten or twenty minutes. I felt trapped by Jiang Haoyue's feelings. Later, I realized that I will feel this way when I get into the role." This experience made him realize the feeling of being affected by the characters' emotions. But also from the moment when the characters walked into his heart, Zhang Linghe felt that he could really continue his acting journey.
Recently, Zhang Linghe filmed some costume dramas intensively. At first, he considered wearing a headpiece & using hanging wires as new fun things. But as the filming went deeper, he began to feel the deeper cultural power. "The more costume dramas I filmed, the more I feel it as our powerful cultural characteristics and able to bring us the cultural confidence. After Love Between Fairy and Devil was broadcasted, the ancient culture in the drama has been loved by many audiences, including overseas, which is also one of our cultural export. It's really an honor for me to be able to join this outstanding costume drama. When talking about acting, Zhang Linghe always has a lot to say, eager to share his feelings about the role, but also firmly state his own shortcomings. " In acting, what I want to improve most is (how to express) the dialogues. How can I make the dialogues fit into to the characters? I want to continue exploring and practice it.
After not filming for awhile, Zhang Linghe has back to be a completely rational person. He doesn't believe in things without theoretical support. He also doesn't believe that zodiac sign and personality tests can explain the personality. I think this is the matter of phenomenon & result or vice versa. Actually, the characters commonality exists first and people will put themselves as the result of a zodiac sign or a personality type. Even if there is no astrology, this character commonality will still exists, only we don't know how to describe it. When he was a child, he wanted to be a person like Hawking, Einstein or Galileo. He was fascinated by the exploration of world's law of nature. After getting into the acting world, he like Tony Leung. He watched Infernal Affairs over & over again just to see Tony Leung’s acting. "Tony Leung laoshi looks handsome. He has one kind of highest quality of performance sense. I like this movie because I also like Andy Lau laoshi. The two of them created dramatic tension in that movie."
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He just made a great start of his acting career. There are a lot of possibilities and expectations to be accomplished. "The types of roles I've always wanted to play is still a police in crime movie. the reason is because I can play as police or maybe gangster. I'm looking forward for it." Perhaps his love for reasoning themes comes from his love for detective fiction novels & enjoying the process of battle-of-wits with the author. "I have read quite many of Keigo Higashino's works, because it's not just a simple case of reasoning, there is also a lot of human thoughts in addition to complicated reasoning techniques. Sometimes it's interesting to read this kind of novel. You hope to win over the author & guess the next step of his plan, but you are also expecting to be surprises." Besides the detective fiction novels, he also likes the science fiction novel such as Liu Cixin's works. The kind of hard work that built on a complete set of logical systems. "After I read Three Body Problems and Ball Lightning, I find it’s hard to immersed when I read another novels. These novels gave me a deep impression. He successfuly bridges the gap between fantasy and reality. You will be fully convinced with the world he created. It really is amazing.”
One of science fiction movie that Zhang Linghe recently watch is "The Moon Falls". There is also “Interstellar” which is an irreplaceable masterpiece for him. In his spare time, he will open science fiction category on the streaming platform & will watch it one by one without selection, as if everything about the universe is within his liking. He believes that there are higher dimensions of life observing us & we are just tiny beings in three-dimensional world. "A lot of superstring theories mentioned that the universe is 11-dimensional. We live in a very low-level dimension. There are too many things in the universe beyond our understanding and imagination. There are too many coordinate axes outside of xyz. This world is multi-layered.”
Does this make you feel little? "It will broaden my mind & heart"
Most people who like physics and macro perspective have the courage to face the unknown. It is a precious spirit to be able to happily live even after realizing our insignificance. "Sometimes you go to learn about the universe, look at the satellites and asteroids revolving around the sun, and think about the Milky Way beyond the solar system. Every star is so far apart. Separated in a distance that beyond the reach of mankind lifespan. You will suddenly feel that your world view has expand. The sun, the earth and human beings are just one tiny part of a huge world. You will feel that nothing can bother me. But sometimes we need to change our perspective & don't be carried away by the view of pessimistic and worthless effort. We still need to return to our life, do our work well, be satisfied with the present while keep imagining the future."
Would you be afraid of choice if every choice we made would turn to bring about a parallel universe, as in Coherence?
"Of course not. Maybe there will be some psychological pressure, but I accept the results of every choices."
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Indeed, Zhang Linghe has never been afraid to choose acting, roles and sincerity
It is interesting that Zhang Linghe still keeps the habit to read. It may not be a heavy read, but he always maintains the relationship with words. In this era where people tend to look at pictures & clips, this habit seems special. "Words are the foundation. Visual sense is based on content & words. I often need to read scripts & get into the characters from the dialogues. From appearance to the tone of speech, they are all come from words. the script or words are the medium to get the output.
This is your advantage, now there are not many people like to read. "Maybe, but it's something that I have to do"
So far we still don't know whether Zhang Linghe already has his own theory of everything, but considering his sensibility, calmness & sincerity, it's hard not to deduce a wonderful solution, isn't it?
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holonetnews · 1 year
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Coruscant Candescent, a captivating conversation with HoloNews extraordinaire, Deena Tharen.
“Coruscant Candescent” — Deena Tharen, captured by Lorn Halcard for Lightspeed Holozine.
In the world of holonews, certain names shine bright, effortlessly capturing our attention with their charismatic presence and unparalleled professionalism. Today, we have the privilege of sitting down with one such luminary, the esteemed holojournalist, Deena Tharen. With her captivating charm and unwavering dedication to delivering the truth, Deena has become a name known throughout the galaxy, leaving her indelible mark on the HoloNet.
Dressed in a practical, yet commandingly cool, leather jacket, Deena exudes an aura of confidence as she settles comfortably into her seat. Her piercing gaze and composed demeanour hint at the depth of her journalistic prowess, making it clear why she has become a trusted source of information for trillions.
[Lorn:] Deena, thank you for joining us today. You have an illustrious career in the world Holonews. What initially drew you to this profession?
[Deena]: First a big thanks to you and Lightspeed for having me. I used to read this Holozine as young girl, so being here in person is pretty special... As an officer in the Republic’s Judicary, I witnessed the power of information and its ability to shape the galaxy. In my infrequent dealings with Holoreporters, I came to realise that I wanted to part of their world. To not just report on the deliberately mundane facts and figures of office, but to tell stories that resonated and inspired. Stories that could change lives, inspire, and protect. HoloNews is a natural extension of that, it allows me to navigate a vast tapestry of stories and share them with countless souls spread across the stars. It's a thrilling adventure that combines my love for both exploration and storytelling.
[Lorn:] Your passion for storytelling is truly commendable. I find your reports from the Outer Rim particularly enthralling. How do you maintain your composure and confidence while reporting on challenging or dangerous assignments like those?
[Deena]: It's about embracing the unexpected and being prepared for anything the galaxy throws my way. Whether it's navigating treacherous terrain or reporting from the battlefront, I trust in my training and instincts. Being partial to a cool leather jacket and practical trousers is not just a fashion choice, Lorn; they're a key part of adaptability and readiness. Confidence comes from knowing I've done my research and that the information I bring to viewers is accurate and valuable.
[Lorn:]  Impressive, Deena. How do you find the balance between reporting objectively and expressing your own emotions when covering emotionally charged events?
[Deena]: Reporting objectively is crucial in maintaining the trust of our viewers across the galaxy. However, emotions are a part of who we are as sentient beings. It's about acknowledging those emotions while ensuring they don't overshadow the truth. As a holojournalist, I strive to channel my empathy into my storytelling, highlighting the emotions of those involved while remaining impartial. It's a delicate dance, but one that allows the audience to connect with the stories on a deeper level.
[Lorn:] : You have undoubtedly left an impact on the galaxy with your approach. Are there any stories or moments in your career that have particularly resonated with you?
[Deena]: The galaxy is filled with extraordinary stories of heroism and resilience. I have been very fortunate to be a part of the lives of so many amazing people, it would be grossly unfair for me to single out a particular person or particular moment.
[Lorn:]  As we come to the end of our conversation, what advice would you give to aspiring journalists looking to make their mark in the vast expanse of the Holonet?
[Deena]: Embrace the diversity of the galaxy and its stories. Venture into uncharted territories, listen to the voices of different species, and never shy away from asking the tough questions. Equip yourself with knowledge, keep your blaster at your side for protection, and be ready to adapt to the unexpected. Remember, being a holojournalist is about being a force for change. Remember that you have the power to inspire and effect the lives of the countless sentients that call this galaxy home. Language is stronger than a lightsaber. Wield it wisely, pick your battles, and use your skills and knowledge for good.
[Lorn:] Deena, it has been an absolute pleasure to hear about your extraordinary journey through the universe. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences with us today.
[Deena]: The pleasure is all mine... Can I do an exit bit? Cool. This has been Deena Tharen, for Lightspeed Holozine. Keep it cool, Coruscant!
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wildcards1407 · 1 year
Travel Documents 125: Real Sugar Is Hard To Find
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by Sim Kern
Genre:  sci-fi, fantasy, near-future, social change, cultural change, anthology
The Dust Cover Copy
Real Sugar is Hard to Find is a collection of stories for reluctant witches, sugar smugglers, and soil thieves exploring the intersections of deep-rooted and timely issues such as climate change, reproductive justice, queer identities, and family trauma. Whether fantasy, science fiction, or terrifyingly close-to-home, the worlds of these stories are inhabited by flawed characters whose lives are profoundly impacted by climate change and environmental degradation. Arranged in a progression from dystopian to utopian worlds, the stories chart a path from climate despair towards resilience and revolutionary optimism. Even in the bleakest of futures, however, Kern offers reasons to hope, connect, and keep fighting for a better world. Like Kelly Link’s Magic for Beginners or Karen Russell’s Vampires in the Lemon Grove, Kern's stories are unflinching, intimate explorations of trauma and our deepest fears, rendered irresistible through the infusion of fantastic speculative elements and a dark sense of humor.
The Scene
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Wow. I have to say it once in this review. Just…wow. Talk about world building? In eleven short stories—none more than a handful of pages—this slim volume takes readers through eleven weird, wonderful, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking and truth-telling worlds. Some stories make your soul soar. Some make your blood boil. Every one of them tells you something you need to know. Even the simplest story, the lessons we learn about what is a good home and what is not by watching nature, tells us something profound about love, perseverance, and personal dignity. When to say ‘I can keep going’, and when to say ‘no, you don’t treat me like this. Enough.’
As usual, my rule on anthologies is to touch lightly, focusing on the overall ability instead of diving deep into specific story setups. I’m not going to make you read a treatise, and I’ll write one if I get started. But the world building here is stellar. Some stories warn us about where we’re headed if we don’t think this through, like The Propagator. That one sent shivers all over me and made me grind my teeth. Others show us that even when things suck, there’s the possibility of incredible things, as in The Lost Roads. And in between are all kinds of stories of getting weird, getting hurt, getting better, and just plain getting through. Though there’s a lot of snark, gallows humor and side-eyeing of the status quo on the surface of these tales, through them all runs an incredible thread of—dare I say it—triumph. These tales tell the reader ‘yeah, you know what? It does suck. And maybe it’ll still suck tomorrow. But the day after? Who knows. Maybe it’ll even be good. You ready to work for that?”
Trigger warning: there is a lot in this work that can bring up old pain if you’ve had it rough. The book will give you that warning up front. But heads up: it’s worth the trip.
The Crowd
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These characters have really stuck with me, so much so that I’ve done a second read of this little work. Some, as in the cast of What Can’t Be Undone, partake of the parable and folklore tradition of storytelling and aren’t meant to be fleshed out people as much as symbols. Some have all the depths of the ocean written into their personalities. Whether it’s the teen exasperation and raw yearning for a less embarrassing parent and a more fulfilling life showcased in Peter of the titular short, the still and quiet anger flaming in Mary of The Propagator, or the wonderful exploration of angst and empathy in Dr. Goldstein of The End Of The Nuclear Era, each character is worth meeting.
Writing Style
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My only niggle with Kern’s work is that, at times, the narrative concepts and their imagery get loose and take off running. They’re gorgeous, but the reader gets left in the bewildering dust. This is particularly true in the more experimental stories like Unwhole. But as complaints go, it’s minor. As a reader, I was most entranced when the author delved deep into the human experience and drew out things that are so real they hurt, then showed them to you in a voice like the kid on the bus telling you how they got the bruise. And when we’re told, in the same matter of fact voice, what a different kind of future could look like, we can really believe in it.
The Moves
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Each story runs like a good punk rock album. It starts strong, hits its middle loud, and leaves you with something to think about later.
Overall Rating
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Read every story. Don’t flinch. Don’t look away. Do that, and you’ll be glad you did.
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privatetourguide2 · 12 days
Halsey: The Voice of a Generation
Welcome to our blog, where we honor the diverse skill set and indisputable influence of one of the most significant musicians of our day, Halsey. With her number-one singles, outspoken activism, and boundary-pushing artistic style, Halsey has become a voice for authenticity, creativity, and empowerment in the music industry. Come along as we examine her life story, accomplishments, and lasting influence.
Early Years and Ascent to Notoriety
At an early age, Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, who was born in Edison, New Jersey, on September 29, 1994, started her musical career by creating and playing her own songs. 2014 saw her rise to fame after the publication of her debut EP, "Room 93," which included the hit song "Ghost." Halsey swiftly gained a devoted following and shot to fame because to her unvarnished lyrics, eerie melodies, and engaging live performances.
Top Albums and Financial Achievement
"Badlands," Halsey's debut studio album, was well-received by critics and had financial success upon its release in 2015. The album, which included hits like "New Americana" and "Colors," highlighted Halsey's unique fusion of indie rock, electropop, and alternative pop. In response, she released "Hopeless Fountain Kingdom" in 2017, which made its Billboard 200 chart debut at number one and cemented her reputation as a pop icon.
Evolution of Art and Genre-Bending
With her genre-bending music and unafraid experimentation, Halsey has pushed artistic boundaries and defied classification throughout her career. Her record, which features a variety of influences and styles ranging from introspective ballads to high-energy songs, demonstrates her adaptability and inventiveness as an artist.
Social Movements and Advocacy
In addition to her music, Halsey is well-known for her vocal support of social justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and mental health. She has supported organizations who are trying to change the world for the better by using her platform to start dialogues, increase awareness, and raise funds. Fans and peers alike love and admire Halsey for her unwavering dedication to social activism and genuineness.
Individual Development and Vulnerabilities
Fans have found great resonance in Halsey's openness to be open and sensitive about her own challenges and experiences, which has fostered empathy and a sense of connection. She has explored identity, sexuality, love, and self-discovery through her music and open conversations, encouraging listeners to investigate their own feelings and realities.
Impact on the World and Cultural Influence
Fashion, art, and popular culture are all impacted by Halsey's influence, which goes well beyond the music industry. She has become a fashion phenomenon and an inspiration for originality and self-expression because to her daring style, expressive tattoos, and unreserved attitude. Millions of people all throughout the world have been inspired to embrace their authenticity and be true to themselves by Halsey's influence, which transcends generations.
In summary
When we consider Halsey's transformation from up-and-coming musician to worldwide sensation, we are reminded of the ability of music to break down barriers, bring people together, and spark change. With her voice, her vision, and her unshakable devotion to making a difference, Halsey continues to inspire and motivate people all over the world, whether it's through her chart-topping tunes, fearless advocacy, or personal authenticity.
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Private Tour Guide India Company's Nighttime Tour of Delhi
Take the Night Tour of Delhi offered by Private Tour Guide India Company to discover the captivating beauty and exciting nightlife of India's capital city. This interactive tour offers a fresh perspective on Delhi's rich legacy and contemporary charm as it leads you on a journey through the lighted landmarks, bustling markets, and cultural destinations after dark.
Overview Delhi, with its rich history spanning centuries and its vibrant modern culture, comes to life at Night Tour of Delhi with an array of sights, sounds, and tastes. With the help of the Moonlight and Streetlights, visitors may experience Delhi's thriving nightlife and uncover its best-kept secrets on the Night Tour.
Highlights of the Tour Discover famous sites like Parliament House, India Gate, and Connaught Place. Explore Delhi's thriving street food scene and busy markets. Savor the enchantment of live music and cultural activities. Savor individualized attention and knowledgeable direction from knowledgeable tour guides. Route Evening: Pickup from Accommodation A simple pickup from your Delhi accommodation marks the start of the excursion. You will be greeted by our courteous driver and led to your cozy, air-conditioned vehicle.
Nighttime Tour of Delhi City India Gate India Gate, a stately war memorial and one of Delhi's most recognizable sites, should be your first trip. Admire the illuminated arch and honor those who gave their lives to defend the country.
House of Parliament Drive by Parliament House, a magnificent example of British colonial architecture, thereafter and take in its majesty when it is lit up at night.
Connaught Place Discover Connaught Place, the busy economic and cultural center of Delhi known for its lively street life, stores, and eateries. Saunter idly through the circular market and take in the vibrant ambiance.
Street Food Gems Savor the flavors of street food in Delhi while sampling mouthwatering snacks and treats from neighborhood vendors. Discover the city's varied culinary legacy with dishes like crispy samosas and spicy chaat.
Cultural Exhibitions Experience Delhi's rich cultural legacy with street dramas, traditional dances, and live music events that highlight the dynamic culture and artistic abilities of the city.
Late Night: Head Back to the Hotel Delivery to the Hotel Your amazing Night Tour of Delhi will come to an end when our driver drops you off at your hotel as the night draws to a close.
Why Select India's Private Tour Guide Company? Professional experts: Our knowledgeable experts enhance your tour experience by offering in-depth information and insights on Delhi's history, culture, and nightlife.
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Real-Life Encounters We provide real experiences that let you fully immerse yourself in the customs and culture of the area, giving you a better insight of Delhi's history and way of life.
In summary Discover Delhi's hidden gems and immerse yourself in the dynamic nightlife with the Private Tour Guide India Company's Night Tour. For those looking to explore the spirit of Delhi after dark, this tour offers professional instruction, cozy transportation, and individualized attention, making it an amazing experience. Make your tour reservation now to start your enchanted adventure through India's capital city's lit streets and cultural attractions.
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familykanoon · 21 days
Addressing Post-Divorce Challenges: Insight from Family Kanoon 
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Life after a divorce involves more than just legal separation, especially when children are in the picture. Although the marriage ends, the relationship with an ex-spouse often continues due to shared parenting responsibilities. At Family Kanoon, we recognize the complexities of post-divorce life and are dedicated to supporting you through these challenges, ensuring your rights and those of your children are protected.
1. Modifications in Alimony and Child Support
Changes in financial circumstances can impact one's ability to maintain alimony or child support payments. In Gurgaon, demonstrating that these changes are significant, permanent, and unexpected is crucial for modifying support orders. For example, a substantial decrease in income due to unforeseen events may warrant a reevaluation of financial obligations. Our team of expert divorce lawyers in Gurgaon can assist you in presenting your case to the court, ensuring a fair consideration of your current financial status.
2. Relocation with Children
Post-divorce, relocating for a new job or other personal reasons can be necessary but complicated when children are involved. The custodial parent must provide advance notice to all individuals with custodial rights, ideally 60 days before the move. If you're planning to relocate, our matrimonial lawyers in Gurgaon will help you navigate the required legal procedures, ensuring a smooth transition for your child while respecting everyone's rights.
3. Adjusting Custody Arrangements
At times, the original custody arrangement may no longer be in the best interests of the child due to significant changes in life circumstances. Whether these changes are related to new job schedules, educational needs, or other factors, Family Kanoon is here to help. Our divorce lawyers specialize in handling custody modifications, advocating for arrangements that support the childs development and protect your parental rights.
4. Enforcement of Custody Orders
It is essential that both parents adhere to agreed-upon custody arrangements. If the other parent fails to comply, legal action may be necessary. Our legal team can assist you in enforcing the custody order, ensuring compliance and seeking remedies for any violations, which might include additional custodial time or compensation for legal expenses.
How Can Family Kanoon Assist You?
At Family Kanoon, our team of experienced family lawyers in Gurgaon is ready to assist with any post-divorce issues. Whether you need help with a mutual divorce agreement, a complex custody dispute, or modifying support orders, we approach each case with empathy, legal precision, and steadfast support. If you're in Gurgaon and require matrimonial legal services, contact us for a consultation. We are committed to helping you secure a stable and positive future for you and your family. Reach out today to learn more about our services and how we can support you in the mutual divorce process or any related legal matters.     
Source of the Content: https://www.familykanoon.com/blog/addressing-post-divorce-challenges-insight-from-family-kanoon.php
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