#about: marley sings
pistachi0art · 5 months
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More Ben fam stuff I believe I have neglected to put here
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dawnofiight · 29 days
The DAMN Crew watch Glee. Once a month they'll watch one season of glee (because they can't put themselves through the turmoil of doing it any more frequently).
Freelancer likes Mercedes
Gavin likes Sue
Lasko likes Brittany and Marley
Damien liked Tina until they butchered her fucking character. But he also accepts Quinn.
Huxley likes Ms Pillsbury (forgot her first name) and Sugar Motta
Dear likes all the messy characters. Kitty, Sue, Santana, (a little bit of Rachel, Kurt
RIP Xavier you would've loved Sam (idk)
According to them there were no other seasons after 4.
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cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel in every performance
5x12 - 100
Happy - Holly Holliday, April Rhodes, Will Schuester, Blaine Anderson, and Mercedes Jones + original and current New Directions
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boltgunkiller-archive · 8 months
nasty / rhythm nation is one of the best glee covers but you all aren’t ready for that conversation… and it supports the marbree yuri agenda btw
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cdyssey · 1 year
Finally caught up on the latest Ted Lasso episode! It’s my favorite of the season so far!!
I’m so unbelievably tender about that Trent and Colin storyline. When Colin was talking about the ache he feels at living two lives, I felt that at my core.
And then the Jamie/Roy storyline. Omfg. Their friendship has become one of my favorite parts of the show. They were both so honest with each other, and that montage of Roy learning how to ride a bike was hilarious, lmao.
Rebecca and that hot bald dude were super cute.
LOVED the scene of Ted in the Van Gogh museum. It was so touching. But I have to admit AKDNFNSNNS, when they showed the famous sunflower painting, my mind jumped straight to Doctor Who.
The bus scene at the end nearly moved me to tears. So sweet. It looks like things are finally going to look up a little for the Greyhounds.
Much needed reset episode, where everybody lets loose and has fun, which is something they’ve all been missing for a very long time.
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amillixnvoices · 7 months
tag drop
#;;you can read all about it ( memes )#;;it's time to turn it up game on ( queue )#;;you've got the words to change a nation ( ooc )#;;now it's just me myself and i ( lockwood )#;;don't rain on my parade ( rachel )#;;i don't have any reasons i've left them all behind ( marley )#;;here comes the sun ( dani )#;;when the bones are good the rest don't matter ( buck )#;;she's the king of new york ( katherine )#;;there's just no telling how far i'll go ( sarah )#;;everyone thinks that i have it all ( morgana )#;;i truly believe i am quite capable of something more ( eloise )#;;restless hearts sleep alone tonight ( brimsley )#;;sometimes you just jump and hope it's not a cliff ( henry )#;;i was born to run i don't belong to anyone ( june )#;;everybody stares as she goes by 'cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes ( nora )#;;it's so empty living behind these castle walls ( martha )#;;you can just...feel ( nick )#;;and sings a solitary song that whistles in the wind ( lucy )#;;and bring on all the pretenders i'm not afraid ( james )#;;not gone just lost ( nate )#;;au contraire mon frère ( mae )#;;and i'll be holding all the fines ( JJ )#;;second star to the right and then straight ahead 'til morning light ( wendy )#;;no one decides my fate but me ( belle )#;;someday maybe all my dreams will be repaid ( ryan )#;;i wanna listen to my own heart talking ( troy )#;;that's how superheroes learn to fly ( winn )#;;my shower head is very impressed with me ( ricky )#;;i haven't heard anyone try that since the noughties ( roxy )
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
Mountain Mama - LH
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Lewis Hamilton x unnamed ofc summary: You can take the girl out of the country, but can you ever really take the country out of the girl? songs: Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver and Is This Love by Bob Marley & The Wailers a.n.: am currently soft for Lewis and had to write to get him out of my system spoiler alert it didn't work warnings: discussions of prejudice and racism, pure disgusting fluff, author unabashedly shows her love for country music, author also is fully in love with one sir lewis Hamilton now
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She wasn't worried about her family liking Lewis. Her sister had already met him and was doing her part to talk him up as the greatest man that ever lived to the rest of the family. She knew there was a wary level of respect between her parents and Lewis after their unofficial meeting over FaceTime. He'd been a little shy but very sweet, telling them a little about himself, and later her mother had said well he seems like a nice young man.
High praise from mama, who'd called her last boyfriend dried up dog shit.
Her father hadn't said anything about him. He didn't follow formula one, only knew about it because of her photography, so he didn't know who Lewis was. But when he'd texted her to tell her he'd watched a bit of the race after she'd confirmed Lewis was coming home with her during summer break she knew he was at least trying.
So here she was, behind the wheel of the rental car, driving to her parents' home with Lewis in the passenger seat and Roscoe in the back. Music was on, the windows were down, and with each mile she traveled closer to home she felt both more relaxed and more anxious.
She needed them to like him. They didn't have to love him, call him the son they'd always wanted, or even add his name to the Christmas card list. They didn't need to learn everything about him. She just needed them to like him enough to want him around when she came home for a visit. She needed them to like him and understand how very much she loved him.
They would bristle a little bit. Especially Grandma. Because he was older. Almost 40 and never married? Hm… And all those tattoos… She could hear Grandma clicking her tongue in disapproval over the tapestry of artwork that covered most of his body. And her father's eyebrows would hit his receding hairline when Lewis inevitably dressed as though he'd just stepped out of Vogue to go down to the diner in town for lunch on Friday.
"Babe." Lewis spoke just loud enough to be heard over the music. She glanced over at him, saw his playful little smile as he lifted his phone.
"No," she laughed when the song playing ended and another began. Immediately recognizable because it was one of her lifelong favorites. The one her grandpa had sang on summer nights around the bonfire when he was a few slugs of moonshine deep.
Lewis held up his hands and swayed in time to the music. "Almost heaven, West Virginia… Blue Ridge mountains, Shenandoah river…"
And she had to sing along, because she always did. Because it was her favorite, yes, but also because he always sang it. The man who shook his head in disappointment over all the other so-called embarrassing songs on her Spotify never failed to belt out John Denver with his entire soul.
She slowed, turning onto the path that wound through the trees, anticipation growing as the trees grew further apart, spreading into the dusty lawn she'd learned to ride a bike on. A turn and she saw it. Home. The front porch where she'd sat on her grandma's lap sipping lemonade. The ever present barn cat sitting on the top step, black tail twitching. Her dad's truck was parked crookedly near the back of the house and she could just see the sheets rippling in the breeze on the clothesline in the back yard.
Stopped, song still playing, she stared at the place she'd grown up, trying to view it as a newcomer. The grass needed mowing, the barn needed a new coat of paint. The roof on the old smokehouse was sagging a little. The porch railing looked crooked. But for every imperfection she saw a beautiful memory. How many millions of dandelions had she picked when the grass got a little tall? Up in the hay loft of the barn her name was carved into the top plank. The smokehouse, which had always held the lingering aroma of curing meat, had been the best spot during hide and seek. And she'd been leaning against that porch railing when she'd had her first kiss.
Her throat tightened with emotion.
"C'mon, mountain mama," Lewis said softly, unbuckling his seatbelt.
She wanted to apologize for not growing up rich, for not having a stately home to show him. She knew she didn't have to. Lewis didn't care about that, and he hadn't grown up much better than she had. He only cared about seeing where she'd been raised and meeting the people who'd raised her. What had he said when she'd asked him to come home with her?
I already love that little town because it made you.
She climbed out while he got Roscoe out of the backseat, and was opening her mouth to tell him they could get their bags later when the screen door banged.
"Is that my baby finally come to see me?"
It wouldn't matter if it had been two weeks or two months or two years, she would get that greeting. Not even bothering to close the car door she broke into a run, jumping the top step and laughing through tears as she was wrapped in her grandma's arms.
"Oh I miss these hugs." Grandma kissed her cheek, gripping her shoulders and holding her at arm's length. "Look at you. That boy of yours is treating you right, huh?"
"He is, Grandma," she promised, looking back to see Lewis closing the car door.
"Oh." Grandma squinted her eyes a bit. "He is handsome."
She giggled. "Heart of gold, Grandma."
"What's his name again? Louis?"
As if he knew they were talking about him he glanced to the porch, smiling. Roscoe was already making his way to the steps, looking warily at the cat.
"Go on, get," Grandma said, shooing the cat away.
She swallowed the lump in her throat. Grandma's shoulders were a little more stooped, her hands a little more shaky. Why oh why did time have to go by so quickly? Pushing away the invasive thoughts of her beloved grandmother not being around forever, she slid her hand into Lewis's once he was on the porch. "Grandma, this is Lewis. Lewis, this is Grandma."
"It's so nice to finally meet you, ma'am." He extended his hand and as soon as he smiled she knew her grandma was smitten.
"Oh honey aren't you sweet." She shook his hand. "Well, c'mon in – is that dog house trained?"
"Better than some humans," he promised with a grin.
They'd barely gotten into the house when her father came to greet them. He wasn't nearly as smitten as grandma, and she recognized the old macho act he'd played on all her old boyfriends. Then her mother came hurrying out of the kitchen, bringing with her the aroma of lemon meringue and peach cobbler.
There was overlapping chatter. Greetings and questions and the beginnings of an interrogation. Roscoe was cooed over by Grandma, given a begrudging welcome by her dad.
"I straightened up your old room," mama said when Lewis excused himself to go get their bags. "And got new sheets for your sister's old room."
"Is she staying too?" she asked in confusion, squatting to give Roscoe ear scratches.
"Of course not – you know her and Dale are almost finished the new addition on the back of their place? The twins will have a nice big playroom."
"Are the twins staying?" Why would mama need to do anything to her sister's room?
"No… It's for your boyfriend."
She froze. Oh god. Of course her mother would think… "Mama…"
"It's not fancy or anything but I don't think he'll mind do you? It's got plenty of room for him and Roscoe."
At that, Roscoe nudged her hand, silently begging for more scratches. "Mama, I thought he'd sleep in my room."
"Oh. Well you two can switch." Her mother shrugged.
"Jesus, Kathy, she wants to sleep with the boy," her father said loudly.
Surprise, Mama, I'm not a virgin!
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"I don't think your dad likes me."
She looked up from unpacking her suitcase. Usually she didn't, usually she just rummaged to get what she needed, but she'd wanted a break before the rest of the family arrived for the cookout. The time change was affecting her a little and she wanted to get a nap in.
"What makes you say that?" she asked, setting her toiletry bag on the dresser.
"He calls me boy." Lewis was standing at the window, hands in his pockets, looking out at the back yard. Where her father and brother in-law were firing up the grill.
"He doesn't mean… He calls anyone younger than him boy," she promised.
"I get it. Really, babe," he said, looking over at her. "It just rubs me wrong."
"Do you want me to talk to him?" she asked, crossing the room.
"Will it change anything?"
"He's not like that, Lewis. He's southern, yes, he's a good ol' country boy, pickup truck, cold beer, guns and 'Murica, Toby Keith and Hank Jr, but he's not racist. If he's told that the way he says something is offensive, he stops saying it." She slipped her arms around him from behind, pressing her face to his back.
"It'll just make him like me even less," he sighed.
"No, babe… If he didn't like you, you wouldn't be in my bedroom."
He chuckled, covering her hands with his and interlocking their fingers. "Not only am I boy, I'm the asshole that deflowered his little girl."
She snorted at that. "Please, like I was an untouched virgin."
"How you were able to have sex way out here is a mystery to me."
"There are so many spots where you can go to be unseen," she told him.
Lewis hummed, unwrapping her arms and turning to face her. "Were you shagging farmer boys in the woods, babe?"
Leaning up, she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Once, yes. Most of the time it was in the cutoff down the old service road. Or out at the powerline."
"You weren't seduced in a bed?" He shook his head in disappointment. "I'm so sorry."
"And where was your first time, hm?"
He rolled his eyes. "Coat closet."
"That's even worse than a pickup truck."
"Didn't count, I wasn't in love."
"Oh see you didn't tell me that." Pulling on his hands, she walked backwards towards the bed. "That changes everything."
"Hotel room? Back seat of a car?" he guessed, letting her pull him along.
"A penthouse, actually," she murmured as she fell onto the bed.
He hesitated briefly then joined her, holding himself above her. "Penthouse? In Bumfuck Virginia?"
"You said it only counted if I was in love, right?"
"Penthouse. Monte-Carlo. Afterwards he took a bubble bath with me and we danced to Bob Marley." She watched his eyes soften and leaned up to meet his lips in a kiss. "He was the first one that made me feel loved."
"Does he still make you feel it?" he whispered between kisses.
"Every day."
"If he ever doesn't make you feel that way, will you tell him?"
"Yes." She kissed him again.
"Promise?" he whispered.
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The food was delicious, and she was so happy her parents had made vegan alternatives for Lewis she could have cried. He seemed happy too, and during the meal she watched him talk with her dad and Dale, heart swelling each time he turned to praise her mama's cooking. Roscoe was parked between them, his gentle snoring just barely noticeable above the music playing.
It was a balmy evening, lightning bugs flashing as the sun sank low, and she watched Lewis's head drop back with a groan after he finished a third helping of Grandma's peach cobbler. "I think I hurt myself eating, ma'am."
Grandma glowed, patting his hand. "It's how I won her Papa," she said with a twinkle in her eye.
Lewis chuckled, rubbing his abdomen with his free hand. "If I was twenty years older…"
She beamed as Grandma giggled, so obviously charmed she looked twenty years younger in the golden glow of the sinking sun. "Oh bless your heart, honey, I don't think you could handle me."
"I can barely handle her," Lewis told her in a stage whisper.
And she knew her family liked him. Their laughter was natural, the conversation flowed. Her twin nephews kept coming over to him, asking him questions about his tattoos, his jewelry, and she fell in love all over again at how patient and gentle he was with them.
When he insisted on helping with cleanup she saw the warmth of approval in her dad's eyes. The twins said they would help, too, and she could only look on as they followed him back into the house, Roscoe taking up the rear.
"He's a good one," Grandma said.
"He's alright." This from her dad, and it was the best she knew she could get for now.
"I like him a lot, honey. You ain't looked this happy in a long time." Mama squeezed her shoulder on her way past, and right behind her was her sister, flashing a grin as she helped gather the platters.
"You wanna take a walk?" her father asked.
It was a callback to her childhood. Dad always said it was to work off what he'd just had to eat, but she had figured out in her early teenage years it was his way of checking in on her. Their walks after dinner had been when they'd bonded, and as she fell into step next to him and they strolled beyond the barn she realized how much she missed these walks.
"I didn't want to like him."
She pressed her lips together to keep from asking why. Always best to just stay silent and let him get all his thoughts out in his own way.
"He's a little older than you. But I think that's what you need. Someone to keep your head from floating with the clouds." He sighed, snapping a leaf off the old oak tree as they walked under the branches. "And… You know how people are around here, honey."
She nodded. "But not you, dad," she whispered.
"I don't give a shit, you know that. But even Dale said something, and… I know you always worry about what people think."
"I used to," she said.
"You always hid away from the world. And I let you. Thought I was protecting you from how bad it can be sometimes." He twirled the leaf between his fingers, sending it swirling. "You're out in it, now. Can't protect you anymore."
"I don't need protecting, daddy," she promised.
"You telling me your knight back there doesn't protect you?" he asked, stopping at the fence to the back pasture. "That bo – sorry. That man loves you, honey."
"I know. And I love him."
"People around here will talk." He propped his arm on the fencepost and looked out. "Ain't got nothing better to do."
"I don't care what they say." And she didn't. She used to, yes, used to care too much, pretending to be someone else so she'd be accepted. The only people whose opinions mattered were inside the house and standing beside her.
"Good. Because I want him to come around more often."
"You like him?" she asked. She knew he did, but she needed to hear him say it.
"Yeah, he's alright," he chuckled. Throwing his arm around her shoulders when she groaned, he pulled her in close.
"Rest easy, honey. I like him. Long as he treats you right I'll never say a word against him."
They stayed at the fence and she let herself be her dad's little girl for a few more minutes, watching the sunlight fade. Walking back to the house she could hear music still playing, but now instead of her dad and Dale's country it was the smooth beats of reggae and she was smiling as she entered the kitchen to see Lewis dancing with the twins to Is This Love.
He spun to face her, face lighting, and ducked to speak to her nephews then held a hand out to her, drawing her to him. His lips met her forehead. "I wanna love ya, I wanna love and treat, love and treat you right…" he crooned softly as they danced in her mama's kitchen.
"You better," she whispered. "Because I think they like you more than me."
His laugh was warmer than any sunlight, and she didn't mind at all when he kissed her then broke away to ask her grandma to dance.
She missed all of this, the love and the comfort and all the memories.
But she couldn't wait for the love and memories to come.
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m-jelly · 2 months
Ulterior Motive - Chapter 3
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Levi x reader
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, mafia, Gangs, Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Gangsters, Yakuza, Alternate Universe - Yakuza, Romance, Love, Love Confessions, True Love, First Love, Yandere aspects, Protective Levi Ackerman, Possessive Levi Ackerman, Tattooed Levi Ackerman, Blood and Violence, Eventual Smut, Childhood Friends
In this chapter: You spend with friends in different ways this chapter. You face your feelings and open up to Levi as you try to end the fake engagement, but Levi also confesses leading to the engagement becoming real.
Part 4
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The softness of the sofa in the hotel was incredible. Your back and head were against the seats while your legs hung over the arm. The top of your head was touching Lucas’s as he lay in the same position as you with his legs over the other arm of the sofa. It’d been a few days since you’d moved into the hotel room and you hadn’t seen Levi much, so you were lonely and wanted your friend. Lucas and Shino came over to spend time with you. Shino was sitting nicely in the armchair while you and Lucas lay on the sofa.
Shino eyed his crossword and hummed. “Bob Marley song and the second word is soldier?”
You looked over at Shino. “Buffalo soldier.”
Lucas smirked and started singing a few lines before speaking. “Damn good song.”
You wiggled your toes. “It is.”
Shino wrote down an answer to another question. “Peach is missed a lot at the club.”
Lucas groaned. “So many horny men asking us about you. It’s a bit annoying.”
You hummed a bit. “I’m sorry.”
Shino put his crossword down. “Don’t be sorry. Lucas is being an ass.” He glanced over to the front door and saw Levi enter. “Good afternoon, Mr Ackerman.”
Levi pulled his jacket off. “Afternoon. I wasn’t expecting you both here.” He walked right up to you and pressed his pelvis against the arm of the sofa, put your legs on either side of his hips and massaged your ankles. “Hello, bunny.”
You smiled at Levi. “Hello, you here for a bit again?”
He leaned over and placed his hands on either side of your head making your heart race. “I’m staying this time.” He eyed you as you panted a little from arousal. “I want to play.”
Lucas had rolled over and was smirking a bit as he gazed at Levi. “You talking about sex or something else?”
Levi looked up and locked eyes with Lucas. “How about I talk about cutting pieces of your skin off instead of you being nosey?”
You poked Levi’s squishy cheek. “Don’t threaten my friend.”
Levi looked back down at you. “Forgive me.”
Shino walked over to Lucas, grabbed him by his belt and lifted. “Come on.”
You looked upside down at Shino and Lucas. “Wow, so strong.”
Shino placed Lucas on his feet and noticed the dark look in Levi’s eyes. “I’m strong, but Mr Ackerman beats me with raw strength and power. He’s impressive.”
You looked into Levi’s eyes. “Really?”
Levi kissed your cheek. “I’m the strongest in my group.” He pulled back and turned to your friends. “I need a word with you both.”
You shifted on the sofa, sat up and grabbed the arm of the sofa. “Be nice, please?”
Levi caressed your cheek. “Don’t worry. It’s all work.”
You slipped off the sofa and hurried over to your friends. “Wait.” You hugged Lucas tightly. “Thank you for coming over.” You released Lucas and hugged Shino. “I really appreciate it. I missed you both.”
Shino smiled and hugged you back. “We missed you a lot too.”
Lucas grinned. “We missed you big time. We’ll visit again.”
You stepped back and whined a bit. “I’m glad. We’ll do something fun next time.”
Levi ruffled your hair. “I’ll set anything up you need. I’ll be right back, okay?”
You smiled. “Sure thing.” You waited for Levi to leave with your friends before going to the bedroom. You swapped your nice clothes for very comfy ones. “Better.” After dressing you moved to the sofa, put the TV on and watched a few Youtubers you liked.
Levi entered the room again and approached you. He stood behind you before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and held you. “It’s just you and me now.”
You reached up and held his arms. “Is there something you want to do?” You turned your head and smiled. “Maybe watch a movie?”
He pressed his lips against the top of your head and sighed. “Mm.”
You turned around in his arms making him release you. You cupped his face and looked into his eyes. “You seem sad.”
He smiled a little. “You know, you’re the only person who has ever been able to read all my emotions.”
“Maybe because I care and I pay attention.”
Levi wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “I just have a lot of thoughts going on. I feel like a monster.”
You rubbed his back. “You’re not a monster.”
He assessed his thoughts and your comments, he felt like a monster. Seeing you lying around with Lucas, giving them hugs, smiling at them and cuddling too. All Levi wanted to do was pick you up, run away with you and then lock you up in a comfy soft room. He’d make sure you were looked after, but you could never leave him, ever. He felt terrible that he had such dark thoughts because you were so adorable and sweet, but that was part of the problem and he was sure some man would want to take you away from him.
Levi sighed and mumbled. “I just want to lock you up and keep you as mine.”
You pulled back and gazed at him. “You want to lock me up?”
He blushed hard. “I ah…I…that was meant to be said in my head.” He lowered his head as he felt ashamed. “I told you I’m a monster.”
You gripped the back of the sofa. “Would it be a comfy soft room you lock me up in?”
He gazed at you. “What?”
You hummed a laugh. “Well, if you’re going to lock me up, you could at least give me a nice comfy room.”
Levi growled a bit before looking away. “Careful what you say.”
You climbed over the sofa and walked right up to Levi causing him to hold his breath. You leaned up towards him, your lips dangerously close. Levi didn’t know that you loved the idea of him running off with you and locking you up. You wanted Levi. You kissed the corner of his mouth before moving over to the mini-fridge.
Levi raced up to you, he grabbed you making you squeak before lifting you and sitting you on the counter. He slammed his hands on the counter on either side of your hips. He panted as he gazed into your eyes, a deep possessive desire in his eyes. He tilted his head a moment. “You’re playing with me on purpose, aren’t you? You know, it’s dangerous to play with me.”
You giggled. “Is the big bad wolf getting hungry?”
“Well, there is a delicious bunny in front of me.”
You tilted your head to the side and hummed in thought. “I might be disappointing.”
Levi massaged your hips. “Who would dare make you feel this way?”
“Just how the world is.” You hummed a laugh. “Thanks for getting angry for me.” You slung your arms over his shoulders. “So, umm…”
He placed his hands on your thighs. “Yes?”
“Have you ever thought about maybe dating and finding a serious girlfriend?”
The look he gave you was as if you had just said the most offensive word in the world. After a few beats, the look was gone and it was back to his normal stony look. He huffed. “Why would I need a girlfriend when I have you?”
You slipped from his touch. “But I’m just for pretend.” You stretched and clicked your joints. “Mm.”
Levi watched you closely and admired your body. A pretend lover is not what he wanted from you, he wanted it to be real and he was working hard on changing that. He was going to charm and woo you so you’d fall for him. Levi was going to have you, he wouldn’t dare let anyone else have you.
He softly called your name. “Are you free tomorrow?”
You tapped on your phone. “Ah, no. Do you need me for a thing?”
He stared at you. “Not really, nothing urgently. What plans do you have?”
You sat on the sofa and sighed. “The other hostesses are going to a mixer. I’m not interested, but I’m going to support the other ladies.”
He walked around the sofa and sat down as he held back his anger. “You’re going to a mixer? Even if you’re there to support your friends, there will be men after you.” He reached over and played with your hair. “How could they not want you?”
You nibbled your lip. “Mm.” You thought about his words and read his expression, he was clearly unhappy about the idea of someone else taking you from him. “Well, I was planning on keeping my engagement ring on anyway. I’m not looking for some random weird guy. I have high standards.” You smiled when you saw how happy Levi was. “I won’t let anyone near me. I’m Levi Ackerman’s fiancée.”
Levi pulled you against him. “Damn fucking right you are.”
You hummed a laugh. “You know, if you ever do meet a woman you love please don’t resist her. Let me know and I’m happy to walk away.” You reached up and touched his cheek. “I want you to be happy and in love. So, be honest with me and let me know, okay?”
He hugged you tightly. “Mm, no more talk of women or men coming into our lives.”
“Okay. Deal.”
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You adjusted your dress and felt pretty, but you made sure that you appeared normal and not trying for a man. The look you were going for was a supportive friend and not looking for a date, but with the way Levi was looking at you from the doorway, you had things a bit wrong. You fixed your hair and gazed at him. “Something wrong?”
Levi pouted. “Too pretty.”
You walked over to him. “You said the other ones were too petty.”
He turned his head. “You’re too pretty.”
You poked his cheek. “You’re cute when you’re stroppy. It’s hard to leave you.”
“Then don’t.”
You hugged him. “I promised my friends.”
He hugged you back. “You’re a good person.”
You pulled back. “I try to be.”
He released a long sigh. “Do you need a lift?”
You shook your head and grabbed your bag. “No, I’m getting a lift. Thank you though.”
He followed you like he was a lost puppy. “You’ll message, right? To make sure you’re okay?”
“Of course, I’ll keep you updated.” You let Levi guide you outside to your meeting spot. “I don’t think you need to worry. It’s you I’m worried about. You haven’t been without me in the hotel room for weeks. Are you going to be okay?”
He whined a little. “I don’t know.”
“Do you want me to cancel?”
He shook his head. “You promised your friends. Don’t let me come between you and your friends.”
You rubbed his back as you gently smiled. “I’ll try and come home early.” You looked up as a car pulled up. “Oh, there she is. Hey Pop.”
The window rolled down and a beautiful blonde grinned brightly at you. “Sup, Peach. You ready?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
She eyed Levi. “That your fiancé? Hot stuff.”
You leaned over and kissed Levi’s cheek before whispering. “I told everyone I’m taken at work, hope that’s okay.”
Levi purred. “I was made for the role. Enjoy your time with your friends.”
You waved to him before getting in. “Ready.”
Pop drove off and smirked. “Fuck, Peach, that man is a fucking God. I bet it’s hard to keep your hands to yourself.”
You thought about how you and Levi were with each other, it was almost like you were a couple even though you were supposed to be pretending. “He’s very attentive and cuddly. He’s always touching me.”
“Lucky girl.” She sighed. “He obsessed?”
She groaned. “You’re so lucky!” Pop whined. “I wish I had that.”
You smiled at her. “You’ll find a nice man and if you don’t, that’s okay you can love and spoil yourself.”
She pulled up and winked at you. “You’re damn fucking right!” She got out and towered over you, she was such a beautiful tall blonde beauty with confidence rolling off her. “Maybe there will be a nice guy here.”
“I think there will be.”
She strutted to the BBQ place and entered first. “Looks like there are people here already. And counting the people, it looks like we’re one man down which means…” She smiled at you. “You are safe.”
You let out a long sigh. “Good.”
She led you to the sitting area and ensured you sat on the end away from everyone. She smiled as she chatted to your friends and the men that had come along. In total, there were four girls including you and three guys. While Pop seemed to gain all the attention, you nursed your drink and enjoyed your meat cooking on the hotplate on the table.
You turned your head and stared at one of the men who decided to sit next to you. “Uh…hello?”
He smirked and put his arm around the back of your seat. “You looked lonely.”
“Oh, I’m here just to support my friends and keep an eye on them. Like the mum.”
He looked you up and down. “A hot mum.”
You laughed awkwardly. “Ah, right.”
“So, why are you not trying to get with a guy?”
You showed him your left hand. “I’m engaged.”
He laughed. “But you came to a mixer.”
You frowned a bit because you’d already explained why you were there. “Well, as I said before, I’m here to keep an eye on everyone as the mum of the group. Just pretend I’m not here.”
“That’s impossible because you’re hot.”
“Umm, I’m engaged. I’m not looking for someone.”
He shuffled closer. “But I am.” He yelped in pain when someone bent back his hand. “The fuck!?”
You looked up and felt your heart race. “Levi.”
Levi was in a tight white shirt and smart trousers, though he was dressed down he still looked like he meant business and commanded respect. “Tch, she’s taken, asshole.” He released his hand. “These the type of men you invited to your mixer?”
Pop pouted. “Damn loser hitting on a taken woman! Sorry, Levi.”
Levi wiped his hands clean. “I brought friends who are better than these men.”
As he cleaned up and the three men ran off, the room began to fill with attractive young and old men from Levi’s gang. All were respectful and charming to your friends. It made you think that you should have gotten Levi to organise the mixer so your friends could meet decent men. You knew that these men would be kind and good because Levi was their boss and he taught them well.
Levi sat next to you and sighed. “Damn scum.” He looked over at you to see you were staring with a cute smile. Blood rushed to Levi’s cheeks making them a cute pink. “Tch, what?”
“You missed me so much you had to crash my mixer?”
He pouted and looked away as he put his arm over the back of your chair. “I was in the area.”
“Uh-huh.” It was a lie, you knew it but he wouldn’t fully admit it yet that he missed you. “You know, if you wanted to come you could have asked.”
His eyes widened as he contemplated your words. “I didn’t think it was an option. Huh…” He ruffled his hair as he felt slightly silly. “Well, I’m here now so you don’t have to be sad anymore and miss me.”
“Sure, sure.”
He picked up a menu and pretended to scan it with his eyes. “Hmm, not bad.”
You smirked. “You own this place, don’t you?”
You bumped your body against his. “Knew it. All the best places are owned by you. You set a good standard and target for them to meet.”
He tossed the menu on the table. “I want families to have a good time at my restaurants, just like I did as a kid.”
“Well, I was having an okay time, but it became great after a while.”
His steel blue eyes sparkled as they captured you, he had no idea what you were on about but he was excited to learn where this was going. “What made it better? I would like to know so I could put that in place elsewhere.”
You giggled. “Well, that might be hard.”
“Why?” Confusion was etched on his face, he was cute like this.”
“Well, it got better when you arrived.”
The cute crimson colour returned to his biteable cheeks. “Oh…well…thank you. You also make everything better.”
You hummed a laugh and began cooking some meat on the hotplate. You placed everything on some rice and scooted up to Levi. “Let me feed you.”
Levi whined a little. “S-Sure.”
You smiled as you fed him some meat. “Is it cooked to your liking?”
“Mm, yes.” He licked his lips. “You know, you don’t have to do this. I don’t think people are looking.”
You frowned at his comment before it clicked. “Oh, well I wasn’t thinking about making a show for others. I was just wanting to do this for you.”
Levi grabbed the bowl and leaned closer to your lips. “And what about you?” His gaze was so alluring and intense. “You should eat something.”
You gulped hard as a strong feeling and desire bubbled up. No matter how much you fought this feeling, you knew you wanted to kiss Levi. Your heart throbbed for Levi. The feelings you had for this man were screaming at you, you were in deep and you had loved this man since you were a kid. It stung your heart because you were sure a man as wonderful as him wouldn’t want a woman like you.
“Hey.” The softness of Levi’s voice snapped you out of your dark thoughts. He gently caressed your cheek. “Is everything okay? You look really sad, almost broken.”
You tapped your head against his shoulder as you fought tears. “I umm…can we go somewhere to talk?”
He peered at your face and knew this was serious and needed to be said in private. “Of course. We’re close to my place. Will that be okay?”
You hummed and nodded weakly. “Yes.”
He slipped out of his seat, took your hand and softly spoke to Pop about why you were leaving. It seemed your friends were very understanding, you were sure they had seen your tears. After speaking to them Levi guided you out of the restaurant. You were surprised that you weren’t ushered into a car but instead led down the street to a large apartment block. The lift smoothly took you both up to the very top floor, the penthouse, which was very spacious and modern. Everything was spotless and clean within it, which most would assume was done by a maid but you knew Levi had cleaned the place. All the latest gadgets were there to aid Levi in his cleaning and busy life.
Levi walked past you. “Do you want something to drink? Change of clothes?”
You clenched up tightly as your emotions burst out of you. “I can’t be your fake fiancée anymore.”
He froze on the spot as his stomach dropped. As he slowly turned to you he saw the emotions running through him and darkness seeped inside him, you couldn’t leave him, he wouldn’t allow it, you were his and he deeply loved you. However, he needed to stay in control. You were in pain and he had to care for you. He couldn’t overreact.
He released a long sigh. “Explain.”
You rubbed your tears away. “I just can’t do it anymore.”
“I just can’t.”
He walked closer and sternly said your name. “Why?”
You shook on the spot, you didn’t want to admit your feelings but you knew you had no choice. Once you uttered the next few words, you knew your friendship was over. “Because I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. I can’t pretend to be your fiancée anymore, I just can’t because I so badly want it to be real.”
All of Levi’s hopes for the two of you were real, you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. It was a dream come true for me. Compelled by his emotions, Levi wrapped his arm around you with his hand on your lower back. He tugged you against him as his other hand tangled in your hair. His lips crashed against yours in a passionate but messy kiss due to emotions being raw and out in the open. The two of you clung together as your tongues moved together, you were both greedy for each other and it was clear by the way you were kissing and touching each other.
Levi pulled from your lips and panted. “Be my real fiancée.”
Your heart raced. “Wh-what?”
He cupped your face and moaned your name as a lovesick look took over his eyes. “I’ve been in love with you ever since we were kids. I will admit that making you my fake fiancée was a ploy to keep you close.” He gripped your upper arms. “I refuse to let you go. I wanted you as mine.” He gazed at you. “I just loved you so much and so deeply. I didn’t want another man to have you.” He lowered his head. “It’s why I get possessive and jealous when men touch you and get close to you.” He released you and put his head in his hands. “I’m sorry. I’m just crazy about you. I love you. I just love you.”
“Levi, look at me.”
He looked up at you. “Yes?”
You smiled at him. “Do you really love me?”
“Fuck, yes.”
You threw yourself at Levi and held him tightly. “Mm. Good.”
Levi held you as he said your name. “I will warn you, if you say you are mine and we’re together I will be possessive, protective and deeply loving. I’ll want to be with you all the time. I’ll want to spoil you. I’ll want to give you all my love. It might be too much, so please tell me if it is too much.”
You gazed at him with a sparkle in your eyes, if only he knew that you would be the same. You smiled. “You know, I’m just as crazy.”
Levi felt a rush of excitement. “I knew it. You’re my soulmate.” He held your hands and showered them with kisses. “So, what do you say? Will you be my fiancée? Will you marry me? Will you be mine for life and beyond?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
His lips crashed against yours again. “Mine.” He kissed you again and sighed. “You’ll move in with me, right?”
You pressed your face against his chest and hummed. “Yes.”
Levi hugged you. “Mine.” He released you. “I need to get you moved in!”
You watched in awe as he started making calls. “Umm…”
Levi smiled at you. “All under control. Why don’t you get changed and relax my little bunny.”
You nodded and felt like you were in a daze. You patted your cheeks as your heart fluttered. You came to a stop before his wardrobe and then chose some comfy clothes of his and changed. After feeling comfy and surrounded by Levi’s perfect scent made you happy. You shuffled out of the bedroom and watched Levi as he gave people orders as they moved your things.
Levi stormed over to you causing you to giggle. “Come here.” He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. “Naughty bunny.”
You squealed in delight. “Levi.”
He threw you on the bed before crawling over you. “Stay here. I don’t want anyone to see how adorable you look.” His lips met yours again. “You’re so pretty.”
You covered your mouth with your hands as you felt flustered. “Thank you, handsome.”
He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against your chest where your racing heart lay. “I hope my love seeps into your heart.”
“It does.”
Levi climbed off you and put a blanket over you. “Rest easy, okay?”
You curled up a bit. “I will.”
He handed you a remote. “Watch anything you want. I’ll be back.” After dealing with moving your things into his home, he made sure your clothes were left in boxes by the bedroom door. Levi refused to disturb you while you were resting. When the chaos was over, he went in and checked on you to find you softly sleeping. “Adorable.” Levi changed into comfy clothes and ruffled his hair before lying on his bed next to you. He smiled knowing that he had succeeded in getting you as his. He wrapped his arms around you as he said your name. “I love you.”
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violet-fluff · 11 months
💙 Post War! Levi x Nurse! Reader
Lending a Hand
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@quantobono here’s your Levi x Nurse reader!
After the battle against Eren ended, Jean and Connie rushed Levi to the nearest medical tent they could find once they got back into Marley.
“Excuse me! We need help!” Jean yells as he helps Connie drag Levi into your medical tent.
You quickly turn around from your note taking to see the man these guys were carrying barely conscious.
“Oh! Lay him on the bed. What happened to him, do you know?” You ask as you peek out your tent and wave your nursing assistant, Rina, over.
Connie huffs as he tries to catch his breath. “His leg was bitten by a titan.”
You nod as you help Rina set up medical supplies. “What’s his name and who can I return him to?”
“His name is Levi and we’ll be here waiting for him. He’s our captain.” Jean explains.
Rina is cutting off Levi’s pants as you lean over to look at his face. “Hi, Levi. I’m Nurse y/n and I’m going to help take care of you, ok?”
Levi only grumbles as his dull grey eyes try to stay open.
“Quickly, Rina. He’s losing a lot of blood.” You place a glass nozzle attached to a tube over his mouth and nose. “You won’t feel any pain, ok?” You tell him as the gas slowly puts him into a deep sleep.
Some hours pass and Levi groggily wakes up and looks around confusingly. He’s not sure where he is but he sees you sitting at a desk writing something down and tries to speak but his mouth and throat are too dry.
You look up when you hear a noise to see Levi awake and trying to speak. You quickly grab a glass of water with a syringe and kneel next to his bedside.
“I’m going to give you some water.” You explain to him as you fill the syringe with water and slowly dribble it into his mouth.
Levi lets the water coat his mouth and throat and coughs as he tries to swallow.
“I’m Nurse y/n and you’re in my medical tent. Your friends brought you in here so I can treat your leg.” You tell Levi as you wait for him to be able to speak.
“When will you get started?” Is all he is able to croak out.
You giggle softly. “I’m already done! I’ve been done for the past four hours.”
Levi raises a brow in utter confusion.
You smile and remember Jean and Connie said they were all from Paradis Island. The medical technology there isn’t quite up to date as it is everywhere else.
“I gave you an anesthesia. It’s a gas that puts you to sleep so you aren’t conscious during surgery. It’s very convenient for you because it’s like you took a nice nap and woke up with everything done!”
Levi is too tired to understand further so he only nods. “How bad was my leg?”
“Well, it was a pretty deep bite, but luckily you have a lot of muscle that protected the vital arteries in your leg. That would have been really risky to stitch up and I most likely would have had to take your leg. But, fortunately for you, I was able to let you keep your leg! You will need to use a wheelchair for the time being and take physical therapy sessions to strengthen that leg enough to walk again.” You explain.
Levi clicks his tongue. “Great.”
About ten months pass by since you’ve been helping Levi. The head nurse appointed you to be Levi’s physical therapist after his wound healed since you already knew about his condition.
Working with Levi is interesting. He has a strong personality with a lot of sarcasm, but you find it oddly charming. The two of you have become quite good friends.
“Leeeeeevi!” You sing as you walk into his house.
He scoffs when he sees you waltz in. “Do you not know what knocking is?” He says as he wheels in from the kitchen.
“You should really…I don’t know…lock the front door then? A murderer can come in.” You say matter of factly.
Levi rolls his eyes. “I think you’re worse than a murderer.”
You fein hurt. “You really just said that? After I got you a nice gift?” You tell him as you hold out a box.
Levi eyes the box suspiciously but takes it. “What is it?”
Rolling your eyes, you wave your hands forward. “Open it and find out!”
Levi opens the box to see three sticks lying next to each other. “Thanks?”
You laugh and grab the sticks. “Watch this.” You snap it forward and the sticks piece together in one long one.
“A new cane?” Levi questions.
“Not just any new cane,” You say excitedly,” but as you saw, you can compact it so it’s easier to carry when not in use. Also, I had them customize the handle.” You put the cane in his hand for him to inspect. “I know it’s a bit difficult for you to use your cane since you have to use your non-dominant hand, but the way this handle was made, you can still use that hand, or you can use your dominant one. It’s missing finger friendly!” You joke.
Levi gave a small smile as he held the cane in his injured hand with ease. “You’re right. It fits perfectly.” He says as he wiggles his three remaining fingers into the grooves. He tries to stand up so he can try the cane out but you notice something.
“Hey, sit back down, sir.”
Levi rolls his eyes. “I’m fine.”
“I can see a stiff knee from a mile away.” You say while squinting your eyes. “Sit and I’ll massage it. Then you can try your nifty toy!”
Levi huffs but does what he’s told. “You would make a fine captain with how bossy you are.”
Grabbing his leg, you feel the stiffness in his knee as you massage. Levi grunts in pain.
“I know. I’m sorry.” You wince as you continue pressing into his knee.
Ten minutes pass and you gently move Levi’s leg around to see it a lot more mobile than what it was. “So much better!”
“Yeah, thanks.” He says sheepishly.
“Did you need to take pain medication?”
Levi looks away embarrassed. “No.”
You and Levi spend the next few hours trying out his new cane and doing more exercises to stretch out his leg.
“Well I think we’re done here!” You clap as Levi plops onto the couch. His eyes widen when he sees you start to pack your supplies.
“Wait! My back really hurts. I think I may have over exerted myself.” He says and tries to stretch his back.
“Well that’s not good.” You frown. “Has your back always hurt after our sessions?”
“No. I guess it just started. But if you could stay until I go to bed just so I don’t risk hurting myself that would be great.”
You smile. “Levi, I know what you’re up to.”
Levi’s face scrunches. “What do you mean?”
“You don’t want me to leave.” You laugh when you see his face turn red. “You can just ask me to stay. I enjoy your company anyway.”
Levi’s heart races as you sit close to him on the couch. “You’re a brat.”
You grin as you lay your head on the back of the couch and just stare at him. Despite the scars crawling across his face and his dead eye, he was very good looking. You couldn’t admit you gained feelings for your patient as it was very unprofessional but you don’t know how much longer you could suppress it.
Levi looked back at you, admiring your beauty. He was never good in this area…love. But since his life was no longer on the line due to titans, he thought why not give love a try. It was like a culture shock when it hit him right away due to you being with him so much.
No words were said as the both of you leaned closer to one another and your lips touched in a gentle kiss. You felt Levi snake an arm around your waist as you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
Pulling away, you blushed and looked down. “Well, I’m glad the feelings mutual.”
Levi cupped your face to make you look back up at him. “I fell in love with you.”
“I fell in love with you too. But, I didn’t want to seem like a weirdo because I’m also your nurse.” You told him.
“People fall in love in all sorts of ways, right? You don’t have to stop being my nurse though. You give great massages.” He smiled.
You laugh and lean forward to kiss him again.
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muppetydyke · 9 months
Muppet Mainstage, December 12th
“Marley and Marley” was written by Paul Williams for the 1992 movie A Muppet Christmas Carol. The song features Jacob (Statler, performed by Jerry Nelson) and Robert Marley (Waldorf, performed by Dave Goelz) singing about the crimes they committed in life and their fate, warning their former partner Ebeneezer Scrooge (Michael Caine).
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cazzyf1 · 4 months
I love music, and I love classic Formula One. And I always wonder about what music drivers liked listening to.
I don't know an awful lot but below is all the information I do know, and if you know what music your favourite drivers liked then I would love to know!
Niki Lauda:
His favourite song was 'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman, but he also liked lots of her other songs like 'Talking about a Revolution'. He listened to Bob Marley a lot in the 70s and was a fan (and friend) of George Harrison. He liked the song 'Imagine' by John Lennon. He was also a fan of Bill Withers, Randy Newman, Rod Stewart, Stevie Wonder, and Aretha Franklin, and he was also quite the fan of George Ezra and would hit the dance floor if the song 'Budapest' came on.
Roger Williamson:
He loved rock and roll music and would listen to it while working on his car. His favourite band was T-Rex, their song 'Get It On', being one he listened to most. His partner at the time said she now always associates the song 'Killing Me Softly with his song' by Roberta Flack with Roger because they sang it on a road trip not long before he passed away.
Wolfgang von Trips:
He liked classical music because of his mum and upbringing, but he was also introduced to Jazz music when he came in contact with the Americans who took over his house for a bit, which he loved.
Mike Hawthorn:
In one of his Sunday Times car reviews, he mentions listening and singing along to the song 'Hey There' by Rosemary Clooney on the radio.
James Hunt:
I don't know what song or artists he liked, but James Hunt loved listening to music and would carry radios and other transportable music devices to listen to music. I believe he liked classical music but also the current popular music. He and Niki went to a disco with Fat Domino playing, so potentially, they were both fans of his.
François Cevert:
I believe I read somewhere that Jackie Stewart said François Cevert's favourite music was 'Beethoven's Piano Sonata no 8 in c minor' and that he could play it well.
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Singing, "Don't worry about a thing/'Cause every little thing gonna be alright".
Bob Marley & The Wailers, Three Little Birds
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total-dxmure · 7 months
ngl im lowkey excited for cult ellie there’s nothing that i love more than unhinged characters like yes please baby kill all those people in my honor while you sing my name like a prayer 🧎‍♀️🤰
i’m super super excited to post! my plan is to have “marley and me” chipped down to the final few chapters before i finally post the first chapter of “sanguinarian”. i don’t want to have too many series going at the same time. i excel when it comes to dark romance or anything relatively “gore-esque” or spooky, so i’m super excited for you all to read it!
and yes! you get itttttt. morally grey characters have always been and always will be my kryptonite. there’s just something super sexy about a woman that isn’t afraid to kill, maim, or ruin others in your honor. plus ellie is going to be super possessive and territorial in this fic, and it’s great.
one bed trope, ellie has never been shown kindness in her entire life- girl is as tight as a rubber band and ready to snap. the sexual tension (and she doesn’t even quite understand what that really means) is going to be out the roof.
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nerdyvocals · 1 year
9 People to Know Better (except I'm not tagging 9 people)
I don't normally do tag games, but I got tagged in this twice (by @jealous-kippen and @remmixx, my beloveds <3) so here I am! (also as I'm writing this out I am realizing that while both posts were titled the same way, it looks like they had different question prompts??? So I'm just gonna combine the two)
Favorite Color: Purple! Any shade will have my heart but I am partial to more red-toned purples. (PV, if that means anything to anyone who sees this other than me, you know who you are)
Currently Reading: Three things! In terms of actual books, I've been slowly making my way through the Riordanverse since my university did The Lightning Thief in my second year (first school in my state to do it once the rights were released!) since I somehow never got into Percy Jackson as a kid, and I'm currently on Son of Neptune. I'm also one like my third or fourth re-read of Eurydice by Sara Ruhl, since that's the play I'm designing the costumes for for my senior project. And in terms of fanfic, I woke up to a notification about this yesterday and Actually Screeched.
Last Song: Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan (ft. Post Malone), which was a bit of an accident. I use siri to request music while I'm driving and I asked for Dial Drunk and was singing along until I got jumpscared by the slight difference before Post Malone's verse. Although if you look at my spotify, the ROTPL album has been on repeat for weeks.
Currently Watching (Series): I've been hyperfixated on ROTPL and have watched it over a dozen times at this point, which is probably not healthy, so I put on NCIS last night for background noise while I ate dinner and accidentally watched like six episodes.
Currently Watching (Movie): Saw the Barbie movie the night before the actual opening with my coworkers (We don't cross picket lines people! I was not asked nor invited by any company, and I paid full price for my ticket. There's a one-screen theatre in the town where I'm doing summer stock, this relic from the 50's, and they were able to get access to the film a day early and did a special first come first serve premiere.) and we all sobbed the entire way through.
Current Obsession: Rise of the Pink Ladies. Full stop. I'd seen clips of it when it first aired in April but I was iffy on it in spite of how good it looked. Like most, I'm a little tired of reboots and remakes, and while I did clock Cynthia as being queer within two seconds, (I believe my exact words were "That's either a very butch lesbian or the eggiest egg to ever egg.") I was Convinced it was a queerbait situation. Plus I was nearing finals and didn't have time to get into a new show. But then Crushing Me was trending on tiktok and I realized this was not queerbait, so I put it on to have something playing while I packed for summer stock and it's been the only thing I can think about since mid May. It got me writing fanfic again for the first time in years, if that tells you anything. Speaking of,
Currently Working On: A follow-up to my previous fic, Steady, Steady! I wanted to have it up this week, but it is a behemoth. I'm a little over halfway through my plot outline and I'm at 10,441 words. Fun fact, this will be my longest single-chapter fic so far. Not just in the fandom, not just on AO3, but ever (so far!)
No-Pressure Tagging: @merely-a-player, @penguin-writes-books, @el-fandom-birb, @marley-barnes112, @isweartheyregayyourhonor, and @look-at-those-niceass-rocks (since I've already dragged you back to tumblr kicking and screaming)
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moontrinemars · 2 months
Dhruva as Dhanishtha: The First Fortune is a Red Herring
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To me, it seems Dhanishtha is simultaneously over-hyped and under-valued... It's generally diluted to the fame, wealth, fortune, etc. it's associated with, as if it has no depth and no meaning beyond that. It's associated with the Ashta Vasus for a reason! The life of Dhruva is a good example. It is not necessarily work or labor that brings bounty to Dhruva, but his reclaiming renunciation after experiencing scorn and neglect, at a very young age. His humility as a boy, in sacrificing his birthright for the sake of determining his purpose, and his prostration to the divine after his being denied love and status, these qualities are what leads to his being crowned king as a child, yes, but that's not the actual point of the story. His true reward is being gifted with intrinsic knowledge of/the voice to sing the hymns of Vishnu, and to reach Druvapada, becoming one with the cosmos, out of reach of true destruction even at its most powerful.
Obviously, this is a story about an unusually holy figure, the brightest and healthiest form of Dhanishtha, so we don't expect all natives to reach these spiritual heights, but putting aside the ending for a moment, to look at the beginning and middle, we see depth rarely mentioned when looking into Dhanishtha.
Dhruva is born into privilege, but explicitly made to understand that he is unworthy of this privilege. Thus, he has to retreat from the source of his privilege, he has to fast, he has to devote himself to something higher than his desire for love, comfort, security. Only after giving up, disowning the fortune of a prince, does Vishnu offer him the true, great fortune of the holy figure elevated and eventually deified, a boy-king and a god.
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This speaks to a theme I've seen repeatedly in Dhanishtha natives. Princess Diana was born into a nobility which afforded her the role of wife and mother to future kings, but she had to forgo that role, the security of it, to become the woman sanctified in popular culture to this day. The problem with those lost famous Dhanishtha figures like Diana and Marilyn Monroe and Yoko Ono — and this is particularly true for women — is when their fame or hunger for fame becomes so intense that they no longer have the option of withdrawing, of renunciation. Who with Dhanishtha placements had this result? Well, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Yoko Ono... and Bob Marley, Sharon Tate, James Dean, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Justin Bieber, Kristen Stewart, Mary Queen of Scots, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, Ariana Grande, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jimi Hendrix, Aaliyah, Shia LaBeouf... all of these figures had Dhanishtha placements, and have had their lives, reputations, and properties over-publicized. (This is not a comment on whether any of the listed figures are good or bad people, btw.)
This isn't to say that Dhanishtha is more tragic than another nakshatra, but that an underexplored aspect of Dhanishtha is the need for absense, rest periods, and periodic fasting, whether literal or metaphorical. The sense of rhythm that Dhanishtha is famous for, it isn't just about knowing when to hit, it's about knowing when and how long to wait before you do. That's what rhythm is — not just the beats themselves, but the spaces in between. That's why the happiest and most consistently successful Dhanishtha natives are the ones who don't allow the pressure of the public, those around them, or duties that are attached to supposed fortunes they've received, to overload their plate until they're hitting out of sync, or simply have to stop all together. Whether fast or slow, these natives need discipline in setting and keeping pace.
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The depth to Dhanishtha is that, as with all Dharma-motivated nakshatras, its natives yearn for purpose and meaning — but on a distinctly cosmic scale. They're told and feel that they've been blessed, but to what end? They spend their whole lives trying to figure it out, because it simply isn't enough to have potential, they also have to use it to whatever end makes them matter. It depends on their other placements how this internal struggle manifests, but throughout their lives, yearning for significance permeates everything they feel and do.
And this yearning can propell them to ignore their greatest asset: their sense of timing.
Underdeveloped Dhanishtha natives will use their blessing however they are told to, in the form that's convenient to those around them. They never leave the palace; they stay prince forever, and thus never grow enough to even be a particularly good prince. Natives who do develop somewhat will leave the palace, but they may return after an insufficient amount of time, expecting that their experience of fasting, of loss or struggle, in and of itself, will be enough to enlighten them. Dhanishtha at its truest and most enlightened form will not only fast until they understand hunger, not only fast until they can SEE 'god' — they will fast until they MEET 'god', until Vishnu returns their voice to them, and reserves a place for them in the heavens.
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As they stomp and sing in their ghostly, clanking chains, the Marleys (Statler and Waldorf) sing that Scrooge is “doomed … doomed for all time,” and show some awareness that they (and, by affiliation, Scrooge) should have known better.
Jesus said the rich would struggle to get into heaven like a camel (or, as some scholars say, maybe a thick rope) through the eye of a needle, literally exclaiming: “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10:23). James says that the rich should “moan and groan” for what is about to come to them.
Throughout their song, Marley and Marley (Whooooo!) bemoan what they “should have known” which suggests no one warned them. It’s a fair objection; after all, Christians in this country (and others, as you’ll see below) have convinced themselves that prudential faith includes mass accumulations of wealth, and that poverty is just a part of the process.
“Christians should consider the types of judgment they can be involved with here and now,” writes Matt Bernico. “For the rich exploiters of our society, there’s nothing more miserable than seeing the profits you’ve stolen from workers dry up when those workers begin to organize a union. God hears workers crying out for justice against an exploitative boss, and it’s time for Christians to listen up too.”
It’s incumbent upon Christians to change that. If ghosts aren’t coming to scare the rich into acting justly, the Holy Ghost must.
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