#abrasax stone
nekomantia · 2 years
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An ancient jasper intaglio magical amulet known as an Abraxas Stone featuring a cock-headed anguiped (”snake-legged god”) identified as Abrasax or Abraxas. Dated to 2nd-3rd century AD Rome, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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dragons-bones · 9 months
Prompt: reactivation (free write!) || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: This idea originated before the 6.4 PLL that announced Certain Specific Scholar Updates. Yoshi-P, I demand royalties along with the use of my twenty-year old internet handle as the abbreviation for your new expansion.
Synnove stared down at the soulstone on her desk; the dark blue stone was cut in such a way that what little light refracted through it drew the eye to the Scholar’s bespectacled emblem carved into its surface. She poked at it gently and the sonorous bzzz of unaspected aether brushed against her mind. Soulstones didn’t usually have unaspected aether unless they were blank, waiting for memory and experience to fill them.
This one was weird.
“This one is weird,” she said aloud. “Not that I don’t mind a mystery, but Surito is sending this along because…?”
“It’s something about the fairy,” Halulu said. “This one is from the most recent cache of soulstones the recovery teams have located in the Palace, and it’s the only one Surito can’t place to its original owner at the time of Nym’s fall. All the others, if he couldn’t recognize the aetherial signature, the fairy within responded at least long enough to identify herself and her Scholar.”
“But this one stayed silent,” Mhaslona said, not a question after Halulu’s explanation. Synnove’s old advisor lounged in one of the chairs on the other side of her desk, turned to the side to allow her to stretch her prosthetic leg out.
Halulu nodded and said, “And since Synnove is Eorzea’s resident strange summons expert…”
“You rewrite the laws of aetherology once and everyone expects you to walk on water,” Synnove grumbled without any heat. Halulu and Mhaslona both snickered at her. “All right, I’ll see if she’ll say hello to me.”
She pushed back from her desk and stood, picking up the soulstone in the same motion, and walked to the center of her office. Those first summonings of Tyr and Ivar had taught her never summon a damn thing near her desk ever again. The Gate quartermaster would likely refuse her requisition for another ironwood desk, especially one that would need hauling all the way up the northeast tower.
Synnove cupped her hands together, the left under the right, with the soulstone nestled in the center of her palm. She allowed her eyes to unfocus as she reached out with her aether to nudge the soulstone. In her mind, it hummed acknowledgment, but did nothing else.
The logic for a fairy wasn’t one with which she was intimately familiar, but her perfect memory could recall it regardless and Synnove held it in her mind as she drew on her aether—and frowned.
The soulstone refused to respond.
Only faintly conscious of her head tilting in puzzlement, Synnove mentally prodded at the soulstone again. Scholar soulstones were locked with the fairy logic; summon the fairy and the bearer could begin to attune to the soulstone. And it wasn’t a mystery lock, either, the logic was practically writ into the soulstone’s aether, one just needed to ‘fill’ it and—
—unless it wasn’t a fairy.
Synnove mentally threw out the fairy logic and plunged into the heady waters of the soulstone. Yes, there was the most basic of geometries used in summoning at its heart, pulsing and strong, but the way it branched out into the greater logic didn’t match the ones Scholars used for their fairies. She followed the equations and lines spiraling out from the core, mentally tracing out the shape of the summon that guarded the soulstone’s heart.
…This was familiar.
This was very, very familiar.
Without intention, without even having finished tracing this not very Scholarly logic because it wasn’t a logic at all, it was an array, Synnove filled in the blanks, and aether sang out in her office.
Synnove looked down.
A bright blue carbuncle blinked up at her.
There was a moment of stunned silence, and then a sound not unlike that of an Allagan node—though oddly feminine in its neutrality—rang out in her mind.
[>>776SKK900NLS0000 GLORIOUS DAWN NRM-COM/IPMA: ASSETS//CORE//IMPERATIVE IMMEDIATE ACTION ORDER Tactical morality reset from EMERALD EXIGENT. SECURITY STATE is ADAMANTOISE. LUCIFERON is INACTIVE and MIDNIGHT. Primary command structure defragment commence on mark. Evocation matrix INDIGO ABRASAX reactivation success. Format moral structures for KYRIA TRACE. STOP STOP STOP 776SKK900NLS0000]
With the way Mhaslona and Halulu were excitedly chattering behind her, Synnove knew she was the only one who had heard that. She suspected she wasn’t supposed to have heard that.
And then the carbuncle opened her mouth, and in the same voice said:
[Greetings, New User! I am the Intelligent Personal Obligant and Medical Operative for Emergency Applications! You may call me Ipomoea for convenience. Please specify the nature of your emergency for prompt service.]
Dead silence in her office.
“Um,” Synnove said intelligently.
“Is,” Halulu whispered, “is she talking? As in, open mouth, sound comes out talking?”
“More like an orchestrion rather than talking,” Mhaslona said slowly.
“Oh, I don’t like that. Not one bit.”
“So,” Synnove said, filling the final shot glass with whiskey and keeping it for herself, “best I can tell, the soulstone was carved from a carbuncle-quality focus gem.”
Surito Carito, Setoto Seto, and Alka Zolka were huddled around her desk with herself, Halulu, and Mhaslona, each with a shot glass in front of them. The bottle of Synnove’s best whiskey was not as full as it had been half a bell ago.
Surito sighed heavily and rubbed his face. “I remember her,” he said. “Her summoner—though perhaps better to say her programmer—was the college’s Allag expert, Vatete Vate. And carbuncles weren’t a popular choice for familiars; fairy logic was the preference, since it wasn’t reliant on gemstones infused with living aether.”
“We were isolated from most of Aldenard because of Mhach and Amdapor’s warring over the centuries,” Setoto said, shaking her head. “By the time of the War of the Magi, we hadn’t had a reliable gemstone trade in generations, it was why the fairy logic was developed at all.”
Mhaslona sucked on her teeth. “Where the fuck did Vatete even get the Allag tech? Based on what Synnove heard, it sounds like she reverse-engineered one of their command nodes into a carbuncle array.”
The two tonberries and one former tonberry all shrugged.
“Best we can do at the moment is ask around the Palace,” Surito said, raising his whiskey glass to sip from it. “Vatete isn’t among the tonberries, and she kept to herself much of the time, but she’d ramble to anyone who showed a lick of interest, so it’s possible, though not probable, that she may have let slip something without either she or her audience realizing the import.”
Synnove rested her cheek on her fist and sighed, then said over her shoulder, “How’s that database update coming along, honey?”
[Azys Lla terminal connection is sporadic, update is only seventeen percent complete.] Ipomeoa had, thankfully, switched to an aetheric harmonic upon request, although it still sounded vaguely artificial. [Prioritization algorithms are still sorting data. WORLD STATE: HYDAELYN set to UNBOUND.]
“…I don’t want to know what that means,” Alka Zolka said wearily. “I don’t think I have the clearance to know what that means.”
“You do now,” Synnove grumbled, and tossed back her whiskey in one gulp.
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viktorkondrakis · 1 year
Greco-Roman cults: Mithraism
Mithraism is an interesting case of a foreign deity being wholly incorporated into Greco-Roman culture. We see examples of this in hybrid gods like Hermanubis (Ἑρμανοῦβις), but the cult of Mithras would assume influence these prior sects had never dreamed of.
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Mithra is an ancient Iranian divine being (yazata) with a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes, associated with light, the Sun, justice and oaths. His name in Greek (Μειθρας) is numerically 365, the number of days in the year, associating him with the spheres of the heavens much like the archon Abrasax (Ἀβρασάξ) was.
Further connecting Mithras with the celestial spheres, the religion of Mithraism had seven ranks of initiation one could progress up:
Corax (Κόραξ): the Crow, associated with Mercury.
Nymphius (Νυμφίος): the Bridegroom, associated with Venus.
Stratiotes (Στρατιώτης): the Soldier, associated with Mars.
Leon (Λέων): the Lion, associated with Jupiter.
Perses (Πέρσης): the Persian, associated with Luna.
Heliodromus (Ἡλιοδρόμος): the Sun-Runner, associated with Sol.
Pater (Πατήρ): the Father, associated with Saturn.
The cult had many esoteric astrological symbols associated with its practice, most notably the Sacred Bull:
In each Mithraeum (Mithraic temple) there is an image of a white bull (Taurus) being slain by Mithras (Leo) wearing a Phrygian cap, who kneels on the animal with his right foot holding down the bull's right hind hoof and his left knee resting on the bull's back. He slays it with his right hand, holding it by the nostrils with the other, looking over his shoulder to face the sun on the left, and a dog (Canis major) and snake (Serpens) reach up to strike the bull. A scorpion (Scorpius) seizes the bull's member. A crow (Corvus) is flying around the bull. Three ears of wheat (Spica) emerge from the bull's wound. Two torch-bearers (Gemini) stand on either side: Cautēs (Καυτής, "Stone") with his torch pointing up and Cautopatēs (Καυτοπατής, "Stone of Opening") with his torch pointing down. The moon is on the right, parallel to the sun.
This layered symbolism required secrecy to remain obscure to the uninitiated, and as such Mithraism was an underground religion with select members, mostly military. During the Christian period many Roman soldiers would join the Mithraic religion, seeing Mithras and Yeshua as one and the same, with stories from the era claiming that Mithraists practiced baptisms and bread-and-wine communion. The religion eventually faded away from a lack of textual preservation and shrinking converts, though many of its Mithraea still remain. Judging by its size at its peak, it would have rivalled Christianity and may have even replaced it as the dominant faith in another timeline.
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Redmayne plays the main villain, Balem Abrasax, the ruthless eldest son of an ultra-powerful family whose corporation produces an elixir of eternal life. If Jupiter Ascending were a normal movie, he would be an intimidating figure of stone-cold evil, like Darth Vader or Baron Harkonnen. But Jupiter Ascending couldn’t be normal if it tried, and as such Balem is a screaming inferno of deranged psychosexual camp.
Redmayne delivers almost every line in a hoarse, breathless whisper, as though he’s trying to seduce someone through a crushed windpipe. His airbrush-smooth skin, glassy eyes, and puffy-lipped smile suggests a particularly self-obsessed plastic surgery addict. He swings wildly from narcotized calm to bug-eyed bursts of rage, with every line reading calibrated for maximum petulance. His voice cracks when he shrieks “go!” at his minion; when he declares “I create life!”, it cracks again, this time while he clutches at the air like Skeletor. When Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) confronts Balem for killing her mother (who is now reincarnated as Jupiter... it’s complicated), he gives her a big, soap opera-esque backhanded slap before choking out “how dare you?” with the histrionic verve of Faye Dunaway in Mommie Dearest. He somehow manages to overact plummeting to his death. It rules so hard.
we should go back to this actually!!!!
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casedoina · 2 years
Masterlist 2
Jack Frost
Frozen Love: Jack Frost x Reader
Dance Academy
Not Again: Benjamin Tickle x Reader
Tempting Fate: Ethan Karamakov x Reader
You Can Call Me Hero Anytime: Jimin Park x Reader
Perks of Being a Superhero: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Room 109: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
In The AM: Jaebum Im x Reader
Morning Burns: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Dance With the Devil: Balem Abrasax x Reader
Mama Mia: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Korean Teacher: Eunwoo Cha x Reader
Mystery Girl: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Growl For Me: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Jungkook is Typing: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Josh Matthews imagine
Jealousy: Ash x Reader
You're My MJ: Peter Parker(ASM) x Reader
Crush: Steven Stone x Reader
He Forgets: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Not What It Looks Like: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Strawberries and Cream: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Yeonjun Choi Imagine
Your Shitty Ex: Colby Brock x Reader
Fighting For...: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Indeed: Kyoya Ootori x Reader
Bounty Hunter: Bellamy Blake x Raeder
Just a Lost Puppy: Minho x Reader
A Dangerous Game
The War
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iammaster1449 · 2 years
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"Angry Abraxis Advent" (Abraxas (Biblical Greek: ἀβραξάς, romanized: abraxas, variant form ἀβρασάξ romanized: abrasax) is a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, being there applied to the "Great Archon" (megas archōn), the princeps of the 365 spheres (ouranoi).The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms.As the initial spelling on stones was Abrasax (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of Abraxas seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters sigma (Σ) and xi (Ξ) in the Latin transliteration. The seven letters spelling its name may represent each of the seven classic planets.The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist. There are similarities and differences between such figures in reports about Basilides's teaching, ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings. Speculations have proliferated on Abraxas in recent centuries, who has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god and a demon.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraxas (at Mount Lloyd, Tasmania, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClM4TMTyClu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lailoken · 4 years
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The Book of Abrasax
by Michael Cecchetelli
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sarkos · 2 years
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I've been wanting to draw Abraxas for a while now and I finally found the push in the weirdest of places. Recently my partner and I got a car. This is a big deal for us because a bike has been my sole means of transport since 2001. I mean we've rented cars and I've had to drive art transport for work but now I'm commuting every day. This means I'm stuck in Philly traffic every day and I notice weird things that were invisible to me before. For instance, almost every day I've seen shipping containers pulled by trucks with a weird sticker. It was the logo for Bureau Veritas, a shipping inspection company based in France. This isn't really important. What is important is that everyday, when I saw these stickers, they reminded me of the small gemstones I've seen in museums bearing the image of Abraxas. I couldn't get away from it so I decided to finally sit down and draw him!
"A vast number of engraved stones are in existence, to which the name "Abrasax-stones" has long been given. One particularly fine example was included as part of the Thetford treasure from fourth century Norfolk, England. The subjects are mythological, and chiefly grotesque, with various inscriptions, in which ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ often occurs, alone or with other words. Sometimes the whole space is taken up with the inscription. In certain obscure magical writings of Egyptian origin ἀβραξάς or ἀβρασάξ is found associated with other names which frequently accompany it on gems; it is also found on the Greek metal tesseræ among other mystic words. The meaning of the legends is seldom intelligible: but some of the gems are amulets; and the same may be the case with nearly all." I also just love the absurdity of the image. A muscled human torso brandishing a whip, topped with a rooster head and held up by two massive serpents instead of legs! What's not to love?!
(via yog-blogsoth: ABRAXAS)
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Michael After Midnight: Jupiter Ascending
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Over the past decade, there have been so many movies that garner fanbases that I feel are wholly undeserved. I think the biggest offender in this category is Sucker Punch, which is an utterly worthless piece of shit with next to no redeemable qualities unless you’re stoned out of your mind, and yet it has so many fans and defenders, particularly those who think Zack Snyder can do no wrong. Is it really so hard to have standards in the trash you watch? If you’re going to die on the hill of a trashy movie, at least make it something respectable, like Maleficent, or Venom, or, uh… Jupiter Ascending?
Jupiter Ascending is perhaps one of the most batshit insane movies ever made. It feels less like a movie trying to exist on its own merits and more like a badly condensed comic book adaptation that crams all of the worldbuilding into absolutely ludicrous infodumps that take up way too much screentime, and at one point it has this ridiculously long chase scene where aliens chase our two leads across Chicago, causing carnage and mayhem as they go along and basically wrecking the city more than Superman ever did in Man of Steel. As if that wasn’t enough, the story is so absurd and convoluted, it can be really hard to follow. There’s more bureaucracy in this than all three of the Star Wars prequels combined and almost every major bit of storytelling is just regurgitated onto Mila Kunis by other characters.
And speaking of characters, the movie has two types aside from the leads. The first is the horribly underutilized and under-explained sort, such as the fairly intriguing bounty hunters and the numerous alien races that are not really explored or fleshed out in any meaningful way. The biggest case of this, though, is Bob, the bafflingly-named android lawyer who helps out Mila Kunis for precisely one scene before fucking off and never appearing again, despite being absolutely hilarious and delightful. And then there’s the numerous absolutely absurd characters, which is mainly the three Abrasax siblings; one of them is perfectly happy to strip naked and bathe in front of the reincarnation of her mother, one of them wants to marry the reincarnation of his mother, and one of them is Eddie Redmayne giving the most incomprehensible performance you will ever see. His character, Balem, spends most of his screentime whispering his lines in a barely audible mumble, UNTIL HE RANDOMLY DECIDES TO START SCREAMING!!!!!! It’s so absolutely laughable and ridiculous.
But see, that right there, that is what takes this from being an absolute trainwreck to a hilariously laughable trainwreck. It’s hard not to get a giggle or two out of Redmayne’s performance here and there, it’s hard not to chuckle at absurd twists like the bees of Earth somehow recognizing Mila Kunis as space royalty, and dear fucking god there is absolutely no way in hell you can look at Channing Tatum’s character and not get a big goofy grin. His role as the leading man can be described thusly: Shirtless, rocket rollerskating genetically engineered former space marine fallen angel werewolf bounty hunter desperate for coochie love interest anti-hero who breathes in space Channing Tatum. This is literally the greatest character descriptor in all of cinema, and I will give the film this, Tatum lives up to and deserves such a ludicrous title. I honestly wished the movie was more about him than anyone else, especially since Tatum is clearly taking his role seriously and trying to inject some actual emotion into his silly character – and it actually works.
What also helps the film is Mila Kunis giving a more grounded, straight man performance to all of the insanity around her. This is despite the fact her character is the reincarnation of an alien who had inheritance rights to Earth, making her the queen of the planet (and again, somehow recognizable as royalty to bees). There are even points where I daresay she delivers far above what a movie of this caliber calls for, with a lot of heart and emotion put into her performance. I certainly don’t find her character as strong or as engaging as Tatum, but she’s at least decent, and I can’t say she annoyed me in any meaningful way. I honestly found myself relating a lot to her bewildered reactions to the insane events and infodumps that kept getting piled up on her.
While whether our two leads are good or not is up for debate, what isn’t is the visual effects – the movie looks absolutely gorgeous. That pointlessly long chase scene I mentioned? It may be a waste of time, but good lord is it a treat for the eyes. The costumes and CGI and everything else in this movie range from enjoyably cheesy to amazing, so if nothing else this movie is at least enjoyable to look at, which is definitely more than I can say for the grimy, miserable CGI spectacles of Sucker Punch.
I honestly feel like this should not have been a movie, and instead have been a TV series or comic book or even a video game, just some sort of medium that could flesh out and expand this world it created. I can’t deny that this is a very ambitious film with a lot of interesting ideas, but it just never really felt like it truly reached the heights it was aiming for. The Wachowski Sisters really wanted to make a Star Wars-style space opera, and boy did they ever fail at that… but you know, I think they did achieve the next best thing: a trashy, hilarious cult space opera a la Flash Gordon.
I think every decade deserves its own Flash Gordon-esque trashy space opera. The 80s had, well, Flash Gordon, the 90s had Mom and Dad Save the World, the 2000s had Revenge of the Sith, and the 2010s had this movie. I will say this: it certainly is not one of my personal favorite cheesy movies, but that being said, I get it, I get why this has become a cult favorite and I have a lot of respect for it to a degree. There are elements of it I like, and I definitely love Shirtless, rocket rollerskating genetically engineered former space marine fallen angel werewolf bounty hunter desperate for coochie love interest anti-hero who breathes in space Channing Tatum because really, who couldn’t? I guess if you’re into trashy sci-fi and appreciate visual spectacle enough that it can cover glaring flaws in storytelling, well, maybe this film will work better for you. This is definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, that’s for sure, but it’s pretty easy to see where it does get its fans from.
Way easier to see than Sucker Punch, at any rate.
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ladybalem · 5 years
Some Dreams Can Be Real - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 1 of 2
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* Mirage is one of the many she-slaves of the powerful Lord Balem Abrasax, who spend the nights at her bed daydreaming with the opportunity of being requested to serve him, because she lives for it, and her entire being is devoted to please him, honor him and let him to use her the way her Lord and Master as well desires to. Because more than to herself, her own life belongs to Balem, and its sense and reason is her total submission to her powerful Master. * Pairing: Balem x OC (Mirage) * This one is dedicated to my beloved and beautiful Mirage, who had a dream about Balem and then told me, cause he's her Lord and she venerates him... So, she deserved me to write it. * * *          His sight in front of her it was practically a Devine vision. Ah... The adoration she nourished by her Lord and Master Balem... Not even herself had the words to describe it not even to herself at all the times, just like this, when she found herself in front of his glorious presence, where everything tried for to make her totally inebriated: The color and the deepness of his hunger eyes which like as used to devour her at each glance, the unsoundable promise of the smoothness of the touching of his extremely white and smooth skin, his voluptuous lips and the promise of their erotic touch, his large hands ornate with rings moving themselves slowly into her direction to give her mute commands, to which she craved so much to obey, his delicious smell... Looking at him and awaiting to serve him, waiting to be touched by him, craving to taste his taste, it was already by itself a delighting, and Mirage couldn't find the words to thank the fact of belonging to Balem, to whom her submission it was her biggest pleasure. Just as like as if she had been born and as if she existed just to belong to her venerated  Lord, and for nothing more. Balem was her whole universe, and Mirage, she was his most loyal and ardent of all of his she-servants.          Negligently laid down on his deck chair at the veranda, with his sensual and perfect thorax naked under his high metal collar which used to wrap his neck all the time, and leaned on some huge cushions embroidered with gold thread, Balem sluggishly raised up his glance and then in sequence his hand to the small marble table at his side, taking from over there a chalice of wine already emptied, with an uninterested glance stretching it into Mirage's direction  before to deviate his eyes away, as he started to sight the orange tone color sky of Jupiter. And she, humbly prostrated there on her knees aside the deck chair in front of him, entirely submissive to his being and presence, as she liked to keep herself in sign of veneration and respect, Mirage quickly lifted her arms to the jar of sweet wine over the small table, carefully and servilely filling his chalice to the half, and with an unnamable pleasure she saw Balem to lead the crystal to his lips, taking a small sip, before to turn his eyes again at her beautiful face, who was admiring his in silence. Softly lowering her glance as she hadn't enough forces to sustain his for so long, that with the strength and the magnetism of a black hole used to suck to inside of his green and deep eyes to her own, Mirage placed the jar back to the table before to get to look at him again, and Balem had still his eyes fixed upon her, but by now flowing his glance over by the jewels which were adorning her deep low-neck, at what her, don't getting to contain herself, sighed under a breath.          Once again leaving the chalice aside, Balem slightly licked his lips before to arrange himself over the pretty rich cushions, and with his glance still fixed upon his favorite she-slave he very slowly raised his right hand into her way, and seeing it, Mirage felt her heart just to discharge  inside of her chest in expectation, her blood flowing hot and fast through all of her body,  face the mere promise of his touch on her heated skin, feeling anxious for his divine touching. And as Balem approached his hand from Mirage's face, she already getting to feel the heat of his presence so close to her, as well to his masculine and delicious smell, Mirage closed her beautiful eyes, letting out a sigh, a great heat going through her whole body in a second. But before he could effectively touch her, Mirage all of a sudden went into a deep fright, waking up in her wide bed covered in silk in her particular bedroom at the harem of she-slaves of Lord Balem at his palace in Jupiter.          Panting and sighing Mirage looked around, leading both hands to her face, to which she smoothed at a length, averting her hair and the sweat, cause her movement as she raised waking up and getting sat up on the bed in a sudden it had made to the  automatic lights to turn on in a delicate fade-in, and the dim-light of the golden clearness which spread itself around was bringing her again into reality. All of that had been just a dream; and closing her eyes, Mirage sighed, sliding a hand along her panting chest over her nightgown. Although she was still feeling herself on the clouds due to the wonderful dream she had had, the sky in which she was it was a sweet mixture of heaven and hell, cause at the same time Mirage felt like she was burning, inflamed by the touch of Balem's hand that not even had been real, and biting her lip Mirage lowered her feet down to the ground, taking some more seconds breathing and retaking the breath, and she sighed:          - Oh, My Lord... Lord Balem - and she slightly fanned herself with a hand, then leading it to her nape, to which she softly tightened as she lowered her head, closing her eyes for a moment - For everything that's the most sacred... How... How I miss you - and in a single movement Mirage got up from the bed, giving a short walk by the bedroom in a quite confused way - The nights I spent on praying to the gods, asking that I could have soon the pleasure and the honor of serving you, my adored Lord. Why... Why don't you call me, there's so many nights... How I suffer without you, without your divine presence... Oh! - and Mirage once again fanned herself, feeling a heat that was making her to perspire under her thin nightgown, and suddenly sliding two fingers along the low-neck between her breasts Mirage decided to get out and inhale a bit of fresh air, addressing herself to  the doorway very quickly.          On barefoot as she was and wearing the nightgown and nothing more over her body, Mirage opened the door, getting out and taking a small  corridor which led to the left, walking along it quickly, until she reach a sliding crystal door at the end of it, that opened at her approaching, and as the veranda's air hit her face, bringing along with it the flowers' scent, Mirage sighed, closing her eyes and halting for a second, before to carry on walking. There outdoors the air was fresh and scented, and she walked through her particular garden, with pleasure feeling the fresh grass under her feet as Mirage was stepping it, the hologram of a  nocturne and very dark and starlit sky above her, the silver light of the two moons lighting her way, exactly as it have been in her home planet; a petting that Balem had ordered to build to be given to Mirage as a gift. Her garden was her small refuge, a little copy of her own planet, to where she used to came to refuge herself when she was missing her past. But nowadays the only thing Mirage could miss it was Balem, and nothing more.          Just as like if he had become an addiction for her. She craved for his  presence, for his touch, for anything that would  come from him, anything that could bring him to herself. She wasn't able to tell when it have started, not even why; she just had woke up one morning and realized he had become the reason of her life - and sighing at this thought, she  sat over a large plain stone that there was aside one of the many fountains, and by the moons' light Mirage sighed, wetting her fingers on the cold water and leading them to her temples, then to the valley between her breasts, trying to refresh herself a little from that heat she was feeling. And lowering a hand to the fountain  from time to time she kept looking at the sky, guessing it should be round midnight by now, and she found herself saying under a breath:          - It's already a week since he arrived in Jupiter... Why didn't he request me? Could it be... - and wetting her nape Mirage lifted her hair high with both hands, as she was sliding her palms wet in cold water through her hair - Could it be possible he forgot myself? - and this simple thought broke her heart, to which she felt to ache in a sudden, and Mirage moaned - How much I suffer... My Lord...          And leaning on to the high  inclined stone she began to look at the almost unnoticeable movement of the two moons, her eyes losing themselves in their beauty, which wasn't yet able to gladden her spirit no more just as it was in the beginning, and Mirage sighed, feeling very sad, distracting herself from anything around  and spending there she couldn't say how much time, starting to remember past moments lived side by side with Balem along that time since she had been brought to him, and these memories transported Mirage to very far from there; so far, that when she heard a voice ahead she frightened herself, raising her torso up in a hurry:          - Mistress Mirage... Why are you here at that time?          The irritant voice of mister  Night took her out of her sweet thoughts, bringing Mirage back to the sad reality, and she sighed in a sad way, as he, with his syncopate walk, was approaching her quickly, clearly unpleased for being wetting his velvet shoes on the wet grass, and as he placed himself at her side he told her, retorting his albino and nervous hands between:          - Why aren't you at your bedroom? I've been searching everywhere at this... - and he gave a disdainful glance around - garden of yours - and lowering his glance to his own shoes unpleasedly, he complained - I can't comprehend what you mistress see in this place.          And Mirage was actually so sad that she just couldn't get, as she looked into his pale and strange figure, grayish the most under the cold light of the two moons, to find out the reason why he was searching for her at that time of night, and deviating her glance from his unpleasing figure to the sky, Mirage moaned:          - What do you want, mister Night? I want to be alone.          - But I think it's better to reconsider your desire, you mistress - squeaked him, in a cynical way - Because my Lord is requesting your services. Now. *          Mirage could barely believe in her ears that instant and she still couldn't believe until she find herself in front of the high doors of the personal dwellings of Lord Balem, which opened almost without a noise, Mirage feeling a little blush for the guards, trying to cover her breasts with her arms, just because mister  Night hadn't left her to not even change her clothes, the too much hurry he was to deliver her to his Lord, but actually none of them were looking at her; and soon they two entered in, the albino little man with some kind of a rat expression beforehand on her way, going into the direction of the large bed in the middle of the dwellings, halting and taking a respectful bow to  Lord Balem, to whose voice Mirage then heard to sound, bored as always, and she hadn't seen him yet, just stopping and standing respectfully next to the door:          - Finally, mister Night. Can I know the reason why was it so difficult for you to bring me the she-slave I ordered you? Your capacity is by perchance  decreasing, mister Night? Shall I order another personal servant?          - Away from me such things, my Lord - he said, in a servile way - She wasn't at her bedroom, and...          And although Mirage wasn't able to see from where she was, she knew that the sudden interruption in the hurry speaking of the little man it was  certainly due to Balem who should have raised him a hand in sign of a command for him to shut up, and it was exactly what had happened. And once again she heard Balem's voice, what at that time caused her a sweet shiver in the basis of her spine:          - Leave us alone.          - As you allow me, my Lord - said mister Night, taking a bow and getting away quickly, and as soon as the door once again closed at her back the bass toned and harsh voice of Lord  Balem once again made itself to be heard in the silence of the room:          - Come closer.          Feeling to slightly shiver Mirage addressed herself in silence into the bed's direction, until she could to see him languishly laid down on it, wearing only a very skinny  black leather trouser and the jewels of habit, lazily tearing off grapes from a bunch and taking them to his own mouth, and when their glances met between, Mirage felt herself just as like if she had been hit by his power, her lips assaulted by a soft trembling, and readily prostrating on her knees in front of him Mirage lowered herself doubling herself almost to the floor as she took a bow and whispered:          - My adored Lord... About what can I be useful to you? Order me and I'll do everything.          And here she was, exactly as she was in the dream she had a little ago: Humble, servilely prostrated in front of her Lord and his inebriating  presence, and in  silence they both spent the next minutes, Balem slowly chewing while scrutinizing his beautiful she-slave with inquisitor eyes. And raising at him her own, anxious to serve him, Mirage asked:          - Do you want me to serve you the grapes, my Lord?          - No - his voice sounded, harshly - It was not for this that I called you - and in a slow gesture he threw the bunch of grapes aside and getting up from the bed, as Balem, getting to his feet, approached Mirage, to which breathing and heartbeats, without that she could evict it, suddenly increased. And when Balem placed himself ahead of her, he said - I called you to bath my feet  - and Mirage slowly flew her glance up along of his tight trousers, raising it up through his wonderful  thorax, until it to reach his face, and just then he turned to speak again - Are you disappointed?          - Absolutely, my Lord - Mirage said under a breath - My only happiness is to serve you, with  body and soul.          Stretching the corner of his lips almost imperceptibly in a  sardonic smirk, Balem placed his right hand on her hair, as Mirage, being tremble, blinked her eyes at a length, and as he was running his fingers between them, Balem whispered with a wicked voice:          - The most with your body, I can guess. (to be continued...) *****************************
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reanumber99 · 5 years
Balem Abrasax
Weaving my way through the diverse roles so articulately and beautifully played by Eddie Redmayne a classical thespian in modern flesh I stumbled upon his Oscar worthy performance Balem Abrasax. I had heard of such a performance before but at the time found myself too consumed in the roles in his career that showcased emotion above profit. My understanding being that the oscars are often given frivolously at the flash of a check bearing more than Seven numbers. Jupiter Ascending’s plot intrigued me and I continued past the featurettes and trailers. What drew me in most was the youthful face of Eddie redmayne’s character being betrayed by a soft sometimes raspy voice. A voice whose age far succeeded the owner’s appearance. I was correct in my pondering as I watched the film. His body seemingly in the early stages of aging washed of lines and silver hairs in a single bath. Reminiscent of the youthful powers of the red witch’s broach. This led me to the realization of hundreds of lifetimes playing god hundreds of lifetimes surrounded by those playing into the ego of an already inflated monarch. Hundreds of lifetimes to replay relive and regret the decisions made in the past. The cost of his youthful look almost too high for the average mortal but for him an equal trade. A ruler’s health is everything in the eye of his subject’s. A sick king is a sick kingdom. A mortal is still a mortal and his mind however plagued by remorse and regressed memories held on by a thread as evident from his outbursts. A child never maturing with the responsibilities of a God, my heart fluttered at the story of his cruel upbringing and his misled ideaology that profit raised mere men to the level of immortals. No one deserves the unfortunately misguided hand of wrath outstretched by him. He did not deserve the self loathing the solitude and serpant like snickers from his own siblings. Your heart turns cruel with no one to warm it. And although he brought an end to many undeserving I feel his possible fiery end was unjust. Repeating a cycle so engrained in his mind and soul he felt his world would collapse if it broke...This leads me and many others to lend their hearts and writing skills to Lord Balem, in an attempt to rewrite the script and soften his stone heart. Join me and let me show you how I may soften the soul of a cruel king.
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jakemorph · 5 years
you know what i rly want? an abrasax stone
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
a murder of crows (the many faces of anastasia stark: book one)
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/17836925
by mallyrn
She was their savior, their avenging angel - and their replacement. Soon, he'd said, the world wouldn't need HYDRA, because it would have something so much better. She refused to believe this, because a world without HYDRA meant a world without her only friend.
But, when she destroyed that pedestal, she was immediately given a new one.
Words: 1081, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the many faces of anastasia stark (the mantleverse)
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Homestuck
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Anastasia Stark (OFC), James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Vision (Marvel), James Rhodes, Scott Lang, Thor (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Abrasax (OMC), Amy Wheeler (OFC)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & OFC, Tony Stark & OFC, Peter Parker & OFC, wanda maximoff/ofc, implied future Wanda Maximoff/Vision - Relationship, OFC/OFC, Steve Rogers & OFC
Additional Tags: Mind Control, Mind Stone, Space Stone, Power Stone - Freeform, Genetic Engineering, Hydra (Marvel), Father-Daughter Relationship, Brother-Sister Relationships, Male-Female Friendship, Wanda Is 16 in AOU, Implied Sexual Content, Girl Power, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Flashbacks, Anastasia calls herself Crow, a bit of homestuck ;0, foreshadowing of other fandoms, uh oh
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/17836925
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anodyne-sunflower · 6 years
A/N: Really this was just an excuse to write a bit of a smutty piece for my fave daddy. Inspired by talks with @jackdawsonsgrl , I don’t even remember what we were talking about specifically…
MOOD MUSIC: Silent Night by Svrcina
Passion was a very dominating sensation, often bringing those it victimized to their knees in an uncontrolled fury. You were no slave to it by any means, but it was a difficult thing to deny when those heavenly green eyes chose you as their source of interest. To pretend you didn’t care would be a waste, because you were so far intrigued by the notion of holding Balem Abrasax’s eye. Especially when all the noble women would be in attendance of this ball.
“He’s been staring all night.” Your friend chimed in, a knowing smile on her red lips as she nudged your arm. Every woman in this palace wanted his attention, but you were deemed lucky enough to have it. You weren’t an easy person to woo, but that glare of his was working wonders on your senses. It’s like he was ravishing you in his thoughts, bringing you to completion in multiple ways that left you positively breathless for more. You had an inkling that he handled his women like his business, thoroughly and with pleasure.
“He’s just shopping around. Trying to find the prettiest gem in the store.” Without a doubt, you knew men well enough to understand their carnal desires. Balem was not a man to waste his precious time, he used it wisely and that even included his romantic dealings. If he wanted you, he’d pursue you, and you planned on reaping the rewards of the chase tonight. “Look at him, he’s practically bedding me with his eyes alone.” You smirked at your friend, eyes teasingly drawing Balem closer until he was at the bar, taking slow sips of his drink that he had been nursing for the night. “I can’t deny that he’s quite handsome…” You lifted your wine glass up, trying to ignore his stare, anything to rile the Primary up.
“He’s more than handsome. Go talk to him.” She pushed you gently forward, her own excitement of possibly holding the Primary’s attention getting the best of her. You barely knew him, save for the gossip that floated about the parties and dinners you attended. He was well off, eldest of 3, and was about as cruel and calculating as rulers came. That didn’t turn you off of him though, if anything, his power was a royal intrigue worth knowing.
“Something tells me he’s a man who always gets his way…” You tilted your glass up to your lips, letting your lipstick stain the rim as you once again found his gaze. “I wouldn’t want to play into that just yet, where would be the fun?”
“You’re just as much a tease then, Y/N.”
“Maybe.” You smirked down at her, deciding it was now or never whether to string the Primary along. He may rule half the universe, but getting you to spread your legs wouldn’t be an easy task. The men you chose to invite into your chambers worked hard for it, and Balem would be no different. You’d watch him eat from the palm of your hand, before letting him have his way with you. “I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going?”
“Somewhere more private.” You smiled coyly at her, winking before descending down the steps of the palace. This entire alcazar belonged to some rich prince of this galaxy, but that did not mean you couldn’t utilize its more private quarters to your benefit. Balem likely held some influence over the royal anyway, and knowing him he’d follow shortly after your departure. His obvious interest in you strong enough to carry him away from the party.
“Excuse me.” You avoided the other guests scattered on the lower levels, merely offering them sweet smiles, and small talk. There wasn’t anywhere in particular you were heading, but you figured your legs would carry you right where you needed to be.
As you slid through the crowds, you felt this familiar excitement, one that caused the hairs on the back of your neck to stand. It was thrilling to say the least, knowing that his presence alone was enough to garner such a response from you. You can only imagine how wonderful it must be to finally pick that forbidden fruit and fulfill every craving of yours.
With one last turn around the corner, you found yourself stranded on a balcony, so far away and alone in this grand hall that there was a slight fear within you. Perhaps that was the frenzy of your emotions piling up, but you were eager to move this little game of chess along. You had made your move, and by the sound of the soft but assured footsteps down the hall…Balem had just made his.
“You’re not very subtle, my lord.” Your breath carried over your wine stained lips, mixing with the soft breeze that flew outside the alcazar. Suddenly everything, every movement, became so distinct in nature. It was overwhelming, but you would not cave to his appeal so quickly.
“Subtlety is for the craven.” Balem easily fired back, stopping by your side as he drew a sip of wine from his glass. You tried your hardest to ignore his company, if only to draw a more eager response from him. The mistake would be letting yourself gaze upon him again, in all his dignified glory. He was surely the most handsome man you set your eyes on, and ogling him only proved to disrupt all sensible thought within your mind. The only detail you could comprehend was that of your own heart beating wildly in your chest.
“Or,” You weakly cleared your throat, suddenly under some spell of his, or possibly your own, doing. That strength and resolve you felt earlier seemed to be waning, and you figured it was the proximity you now had with this enigma of a man. “Perhaps women prefer men to take their time…”
Balem scoffed in amusement, leaning casually back into the pillar he was near as he judged you silently with his eyes. He couldn’t immediately decipher what exactly you wished from him, but he knew women enough to gauge their more lustful desires. The way you stood, so stiff and feigning contempt towards his company, he could tell just how deep that need to bed him went. He allowed his eyes to trail down your exquisite features, tracing your jawline and admiring the way your lips puffed out in your vain attempts to mask your arousal. It amused him to no end, but in truth, that little fight you put up heightened his want of you. “I know when to take my time, and I know when not to waste it. So tell me, my dear…” Balem’s tone grew dark, layered in flirtation that sent you reeling. He pushed from the pillar, cape falling from his arm and draping to the ground in its black and silver brilliance. “Am I wasting my time?”
His salacious grin stole your breath, making you realize this battle of dominance you started wouldn’t be so easily won. It was a mistake to even think such a thing, because of all the men you heard of in high court, Balem was the one most women yearned for and most men feared. He would not be timid, weak-willed, and he’d prove himself a fine lover. The problem was, you didn’t cater to many men, and you always felt them equal to you, if not below. Balem, however, was the first to unsettle your nerves in such a manner. “I really couldn’t say, my lord.” You tried to sound confident, but with each step he drew closer you felt your resolve breaking. From far he seemed so untouchable to you, like a myth only spoken of for the sake of entertainment. It was the reason you felt so inclined to seduce him, but having him so near…it dawned on you how very real this man actually was.
“What happened to that fire in your eyes?” He smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you. “I was fond of it, now you’re just as dull as the other women who vie for my attention.”
It shouldn’t be possible for a man’s arrogance to be so attractive, but the way those words slipped from his lips made you fight the pathetic moan in your throat.
“Does that ego enchant women into your bed, because it certainly doesn’t mesmerize me.” Aroused or not, you would never let him walk over you, even if his display of egotistical charm made you want to fall into his arms.
Balem hummed in obvious approval, noting that spark of feistiness burn again in your beautiful gaze. He was transfixed by it, just another reason you managed to catch his eye up in the ballroom. You were a heavenly creature to him already, with your curvaceous figure, tempting pout, and legs that showed through the slits of your dress. He wanted nothing more than to feel them wrapped around him in pleasure, your body pressed against his and breath panting out his name. Every detail of your existence provoked his undivided attention, but that flame in your eyes is what truly did him in. To see a woman like you utterly dominated, he’d be so thrilled to have that honor. “There it is. Such a strength in you.” He gracefully took the wine from your hands, setting both your glasses down on the table nearby. He seemed intent on winning your favor, and truthfully, he was doing wonderfully. “To see it break, to watch you cave to the whims of your lover…I imagine it’s a lovely sight.”
He dared to move closer, covering any chance of escape you might’ve had. Not that the idea ever struck you, this meeting was more pleasant than any festivity going on above. “No ones ever had the pleasure, my lord.” You licked your lips, bringing forth the determination you felt before. Even if Balem had a hold on you, you realized now you had some leverage of your own.
“It’s a shame.” Balem whispered, his palm pressing into the stone wall behind you, free hand boldly grasping your hip. Whatever this was, whatever it came to be, you no longer cared for the details. You merely wanted to begin this dance, because the closer he got, the hotter your body felt in its throes of passion.
“Then be the first, my lord.” Your lips brushed his ear as you leaned forward, coquettish grin on your features as you pulled away and watched that delighted gleam in his eyes. That would be the end of your seductive courtship, because the second you dared to move away, he descended on you like a ravenous beast starving for its prey.
His lips were warm in their touch, fingertips dancing along your curve until they came to rest on your lower back. Balem was devoted to you now, even if in your impassioned affair, he would do all he could to bestow every pleasure on your willing body. Nothing brought him more joy than watching you crumble before him in your state of unbridled need.
“Oh, gods…” Your breath hitched, neck tilting back when he bit softly at your pulse, trail of kisses now venturing further over your fevered skin. It was shameful to admit, but even with past lovers, nothing came close to feeling as wonderful as his simple kiss. Each one he planted along your body made you thirst for more, and the lower he went, the harder it was to keep quiet. “Don’t stop…”
Balem clicked his tongue in playful disbelief, because surely you didn’t think he’d stop his descent on your body. How could he? There was so much to explore along your sinful figure it delighted him to no end. “Did I not make myself clear before, sweet little bird?” He chuckled between kisses on your chest, happy you chose a low neckline to entice men’s gazes tonight. “I know when to take my time.” He caressed the curve of your breast with his plump lips, tip of his tongue barely peeking out to taste the fine flesh beneath. It was smooth to the touch, awakening his more primal senses and causing a groan to escape him. The only thing better than partaking in that intimate action, was hearing the breathless whimper you let out.
He smiled devilishly, dragging his lips back up your throat and brushing them over your parted ones. “Say it agin.” He all but demanded, still lingering close to your lips as if to tease you into a claiming kiss.
“Then do something to make me say it.” He would not be rewarded for simply being magnificent, you promised yourself that, and if he wanted to hear his name fall from your lips…well, you expected a little something in return.
“Aren’t you a delight.” He growled back to you, though you could clearly see how arousing he found your request to be. He may like his women at his mercy, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find temptation in one who battled his control. “Very well…” Balem closed the distance between your mouths, his tongue immediately pushing passed your lips and seeking yours in a sensual dance. It massaged erotically over your own, making you moan happily into his mouth and shamefully rub against him like some creature in heat.
The minute he pulled away, you found yourself already missing his kiss, but how could you whine when those expert fingers slid between your bodies. Finding their path down your chest and stomach until they seemed content below your navel. He teasingly traced around it, causing ripples of pleasure to shoot south and warm your insides. It made you squirm weakly, but the more he did it, the more you wanted to push him onto the table behind him. “Lower.” You nudged him, hoping he’d stop this madness and give you what you wanted.
“Beg me, you feisty little thing.” Balem encouraged you, albeit in a frustrated manner that left you smiling. He seemed pleased by the fight, but he was no doubt already itching to be inside you as well. If that bulge in his pants was anything to go by.
“Is that what all your lovers do? Hm? Grovel at your feet for some form of intimacy?”
Balem eyed you curiously, the start of a smirk playing on his lips when he stopped at your heaving chest. You could tease, bite back and judge him all you wanted, because the evidence of his effect on you was in front of him. There was nothing more he needed, because that was advantage enough in his favor. “Most do.”
“Well, I-ahh…” Your words trailed into a soft moan, hips bucking forward when his fingers slipped divinely over your thigh and under the slit of your dress. “I don’t think…” Pants of broken words were all you could muster, between his talented fingers and soft caress of kisses, it was difficult to even think straight. “You’ll find that here, my lord…” Even through the pleasurable sensations, you managed to snap at him, awaiting his response in the form of more torturous affections. It was as if he already knew your body, finding every patch of skin that responded eagerly to his brief, yet exciting, touches. Trying to sustain your composure against the wall was becoming harder, and as he rubbed over your clit through your panties, that would be the end of that battle. Your back arched from the stone, hands grasping at his black leather tunic in your fit of ecstasy. You wondered, momentarily, how one man could cause such a satisfaction within you. It was almost unfair how easily he could tear apart your resolve and bring you to nothing more than a puddle of moans and whimpers.
“It seems I already have.” Balem smirked proudly, watching in contentment as you writhed against the stone and into his hand. He felt the desirous heat of your sex, pulsing madly against his palm as he rubbed and massaged your clit. If he had no sense of control or pride, he’d of pulled that offending material of your undergarments aside and taken you. Hard and fast, if only to see that confident woman break before him, to bend under his will. Until then, he was more than capable and willing to supply you with a dose of bliss like none had before.
“Is this what you had in mind when you came down here?” He hotly whispered into your ear, licking over it sensually as you keened out for more. “Did you think you’d bewitch me into your chambers? That I’d blindly follow and grant every one of your desires and commands?” His breath of a laugh ghosted along your skin, causing chills to shoot over your body. It took all you had not to mumble a curse to him, because the pathetic truth was, you had believed this entire event was going to work in your favor. That every detail was yours to choose and create, but Balem had stolen that from you. You were completely, and utterly, under his servitude. “How wrong you were.”
You clutched his shoulder, digging your nails into the fine leather as another wave of bliss wracked your body. It was frustrating to feel so helpless with him, but somewhere, some part of you was positively in awe of it. “Do you a-always, mmm…”
Balem’s finger ran along your slit, admiring how wet your panties had gotten. He didn’t even need to move them to feel just how desperate you were for more, but he’d be lying if that knowledge hadn’t caused a craving to taste you for himself.
“Talk this much?” You finally got out, praying silently that he’d get the hint and just ravish you now. His teasing was far too much by this point, and if he kept this little game up you’d whine and begin begging to the point of regret.
“If you learned your place, I wouldn’t have to.” Balem was driven by the fight of dominance between you both. Even when he could so clearly see his victory in sight, he still found pleasure in the way you denied him. So unlike the many women he bedded, where they quickly succumbed to him and spread their legs with an eager nature. They were still satisfying to lay with, but you had gained his respect and attention now. He was only ever going to want a woman like you, or perhaps even just be content with taking you as his lover. “Are you done then, with this foolish game of yours?”
You gasped into his neck, burying your face into his shoulder and trying desperately not to give into the sensations just yet. He was thriving off your suffering, you knew that, but having a man so easily take ahold of you…there was nothing like it. The submissive part of your personality was absolutely joyous, already celebrating how tenacious Balem was. To give in now though, after so much thought, you simply could not end it there. “No…”
It was the answer he expected, and one that brought him a pleasure he was happy to have. He was proud of you, oddly enough, because that unyielding firmness of yours set him off in ways that he’d adore to show you. “Good little bird…keep that up, and I may reward you for it.” With furtive fingers, he pressed on, sliding your garment aside and finally granting himself the indulgence of your wet heat.
“Balem!” You scratched unashamedly at his clothing, gently lifting your leg to wrap around his waist when he inserted his fingers. He explored slowly, torturously so, but you still couldn’t help the euphoria that took you. It wouldn’t be long before you caved to the pleasure, especially when he anchored his fingers inside and massaged greedily at your sweet spot. He was hellbent on watching you scream his name, and when he pressed down harder you all but lost your train of thought. “Ah!”
“You are a vision…” Balem groaned deeply in want, head falling against your shoulder as he tried to will away the ache of his erection. There was no chance he’d allow himself to fulfill every part of his appetite for you, because there was no fun in granting all your needs quite yet. He’d string you along, give you what you needed right now, and then walk away to see you come crawling to his alcazar for more. He rather enjoyed the chase, and knowing you’d provide him the perfect one, he was looking forward to this twisted relationship you had taken up. “Tell me how much you want this. Enlighten me.” He grinned over your flushed skin, nipping delicately at your shoulder and neck. It left behind small bruises, giving the world a taste of who you had just committed immoral acts with.
“I-“ You tugged him closer, hands drifting over his strong muscles, and down to his backside where you so graciously cupped his ass. Every fiber in you longed to feel that swollen need of his pressed into you, but he would not budge for once. He seemed pleased by your needy actions, but he only chuckled in mild entertainment, his hand slipping from the wall to collect around your thigh that hung at his hip.
Balem’s hand held violently onto your leg, his fingers speeding up their thrusts and bringing you to a complete halt of any sane thoughts. Your body stiffened against him, mouth hanging open in a silent scream when he bit down on your throat, once again proving his claim over you. In your rapture nothing else seemed to matter now, and even when he slipped his fingers out and turned you harshly around you paid little mind to it. As far as you were concerned, Balem could do as he pleased from here on out.
“You’ve no idea how beautiful you sound, do you?” Balem nuzzled along the nape of your neck, taking in the heavy scent of your perfume and sweat that mingled perfectly together. He slid his slick fingers up your side, sweeping them over your open front and trailing your own juices along your bare skin. There was something animalistic about it, but it only served to entice you both into another bout of passion. “You’ve only sampled a taste of what I can give you,” Balem lustfully spoke, lips peeling away from your ear as he brought his fingers to your lips. Your lipstick was smeared over your mouth messily, giving you that tantalizing glow he found impossibly attractive in a woman. “I hope to see you again soon, sweet little bird.” He smirked one last time, tracing his coated fingers over your lips and allowing you to taste yourself on them. He reluctantly withdrew from you, trying to ignore how delightful it felt to have your backside pressed against his clothed cock. But he would leave it at that for now, merely taking tonight’s memory with him and using it as leverage to seduce you further into his bed. “Do not disappointment me.”
*** A/N: 👌🏻
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kalique-abrasaxx · 7 years
RULES: answer 30 questions and then tag blogs you would like to know better
Thanks for tagging me @whyjulieandemhatesevamohn​!
1. Nicknames: Katey 2. Gender: Female 3. Star Sign: Leo (but it’s never really felt right to me) 4. Height: 5′5″-5′6″ 5. Time: Ancient 6. Birthday: July 31 (like my boy HP) 7. Favourite bands: Fall Out Boy, Purity Ring, Jack’s Mannequin, Bastille, The 1975 8. Favourite solo artists:  Ingrid Michaelson, Hayley Kiyoko, Halsey, Imogen Heap 9. Song stuck in my head: Such a Boy by Astrid S (I am...predictable) 10. Last movie watched: Ocean’s Eleven 11. Last show watched: Skam, Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12. When did I create my blog: ahh my original was 2010 or 2011?  13. What do i post: everything, my blog is a mess. Skam, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, tiny bit of Animorphs, lots of goofs and nerdy shit 14. Last thing i googled: a ladyhawke stream link 15. Do you have other blogs: I keep all my trash in one place thankyou 16. Do you get asks: nah 17. Why did you choose your url: i love pulpy sci-fi/fantasy and cool girls with unclear motivations/morality so...Kalique Abrasax! Two birds, one stone. 18. Following: 687 19. Followers: 257 20. Favourite colours:  purple, pastels, black&gray 21. Average hours of sleep:  6 22. Lucky number: 7 23. Instruments: None 24. What am i wearing: black t-shirt, jean shorts 25. How many blankets i sleep with: 1 or 2 26. Dream job: Film Archivist 27. Dream trip: Maybe Ireland or New Zealand 28. Favourite food: pizza forever 29. Nationality: American (living in Singapore rn tho) 30. Favourite song now: I Like Me Better by Lauv
@cabbage-man @lunalovedgood @ganseysjane @giishere @thecheesetoasty @evammohns @evakmohns @enbywankenobi
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jennathearcher · 7 years
A-Z meme: B, G, M, P and V?
Drop five letters of the alphabet in my ask box, and I’ll give my favorite characters whose name start with those letters.
B: Balem Abrasax, Bruce Wayne, Belle, Bilbo Baggins, Benjamin Clawhauser, Black Panther, Bones McCoy, Bella Swan, Bellatrix Lestrange, Ben Organa-Solo, Beatrice Prior
G: Gamora, Gretel Monroe, George Harkness, Gandalf, Galadriel, Greg Universe, Gwen Stacy, Gideon Lightwood, Gabriel Lightwood
M: Marceline the Vampire Queen, Mavis Dracula, Magnus Bane, Merida Dun’Broch, Matt Murdock, Margaery Tyrell, Melisandre, Michael Myers, Moana Waialiki, Miss Peregrine, Matty Beckett
P: Pidge Gunderson, Poe Dameron, Porpentina Goldstein, Pietro Maximoff, Pearl, Peridot, Pamela Isley, Peeta Mellark, Primrose Everdeen, Perry White, Pavel Chekov, Padme Amidala
V: Victor Van Dort, Victoria Everglot, Victor Stone, Victor Fries, Viserys Targaryen, Vidalia, The Vision, Vanessa Carlysle, Vladimir Ranskahov, Vivienne Kensington, Violet Baudelaire, Velma Kelly
Thank you so much, nonnie!
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