#absolutely hate whenever this happens mostly because 9/10 times it could have been an actually very enjoyable conversation
meteorherd · 2 years
society if people understood that “i have a differing opinion or extra information to tell you that may inform your opinion” doesnt mean “i need you to defend your opinion with your life because i obviously think you are stupid and inferior for having it”
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with tatooedlaura (Laura Sprys)
Laura has 28 fics at Gossamer, but the big treasure trove of her stories is at AO3, where she has 193 fics. Thank goodness for the richness of the X-Files and for talented, creative people like Laura who can find so many interesting ways to tell tales in the show’s universe. Big thanks to Laura for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Maybe reading mine but reading older fic in general is something I still do and something I still find entertaining. I do wish i could get into my old fics and post a warning that some of those were written before the author: ever had a drink, ever had sex, ever had a boyfriend, ever lived on her own, ever had a real job, or ever experienced much of anything in the real world.
Then again, fanfic is a perfect time capsule for the age and it’s always fun to see where the originals started and how they’ve grown.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
Back in the day and up and through today, it has always been a fun experience. From it, I’ve learned to love writing. I’ve learned that fans are crazy, weird, wonderful, generous, talented, committed, passionate, and imaginative. In a fandom, you can think whatever you wish and write about anything you like and because I’ve been around so long, I’ve gotten to watch the storylines shift and the relationships change ...
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Originally, I never had much interaction with people other than ones who sent emails commenting on my fanfic … the internet at my parents house was dial-up and I had to access through the AOL free disks that arrived in the mail so, for the most part, I didn’t have the bandwidth or the connection speed to do more than upload stories and download episode guides.
Good lord, I remember submitting a story and having to wait upwards of two days to two weeks before the new batch of stories was posted ... then ephemeral came around and you could actually have your story up in under a day ... all ya'll who started on tumblr and ao3, you have it great, let me tell you :)
One thing that stands out in my mind still (and I’m still friends with her on Facebook) was a woman from western Canada who I stumbled across somewhere while looking for the blooper reels. She offered to send me her copies on VHS for my collection. I don’t think she asked for payment and one day, a package arrived from a lovely woman near Lethbridge, bloopers playable, tapes labeled in clear printing. I still appreciate that 20 some odd years later :)
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
Fandoms are crazy places. Tread lightly at first but enjoy what you want, ignore what you don’t, rewrite what you hate, and write what you love. Don’t be an asshole when you don’t agree with someone … when you do, tell them …
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I was on board from the first episode. It was a show about two people who you felt were destined to be together but weren’t, and wouldn’t be for years. It was a cop show about aliens and a monster show with cops. I was in the right place at the right time in the right frame of mind and there was just something that clicked and I never looked back. Friends were not allowed to call me on Friday night and once it switched to Sunday, I made sure that my parents got us on early evening bowling league so we’d be home in time to watch. Even my boyfriend (eventual husband) knew to shut the hell up from 9-10pm, even if he was sitting next to me on the couch (with my parents in their chairs watching as well)
Also, my 56-year-old dad had a crush on Scully from the start so that was entertaining as hell as well
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I have been writing stories in my head for literally as long as I can remember. Watching some episode, I honestly don’t remember which one, I suddenly had an idea for a story about Mulder and Scully. I had never written a story with pre-existing characters before and it was totally foreign to me. How do you write a character with a current storyline. It was weird, it was difficult, it was some of the most fun I’d had writing up to that point.
Suddenly, I didn’t have to explain or describe the characters, think of jobs and mundane things … they already had those … and it was great.
Honest-to-God, my first fic was written, in pencil, on a yellow legal pad by flashlight while lying with my head at the foot of my bed so I could see my parents coming down the hall if they happened to wake up at midnight to go to the bathroom. Later fics were written by the light of an 10” TV/VCR combo with me still lying with my head at the foot of the bed. I still have those old legal pads somewhere and I remember having to type them in secret, having to wait until the house was empty for 20 minutes to an hour at a time. Uploading them was always unnerving because of the slow dial-up and the fact that I didn’t have my own email address, but had to use my dad’s. I’d have to make sure to check it whenever I could, intercept the feedback I’d get off gossamer.
I was such a damn rebel.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Well, I now know how to interact with people given tumblr and AO3 but it hasn’t changed much. I contribute a little more now that I understand posting on social media but mostly, I still just write like a fiend and post, read voraciously and give kudos and likes often, comment some and reblog.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I dabbled and have a favorite ‘Fringe’ fic … I tried to read a Harry Potter fic once … I type ‘West Wing’ occasionally in ao3 and tumblr ...
And nothing, absolutely nothing, has ever caught me like the X-Files did in regards to the fandom experience.
I have shows I watch and re-watch and re-watch but no two characters have ever had me writing and thinking and planning like Mulder and Scully. No other combo has ever made me write upwards of 300,000 or more total and still have plenty of stories to tell.
I’m okay with this.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Aside from Mulder and Scully and the gentlemen three of Frohike, Langley, and Byers … I love all Scully’s nieces and nephews in my ‘Life’ series … I also love Corduroy (picture books), Harold (purple crayon fame), Neville Longbottom, the characters from my own novels, Katniss (book not movie), Anne Shirley, Elnora (from the Limberlost), Will Stanton/Merriman/Barney/Jane from ‘Dark is Rising’ and 10,459 others …
I’m a children’s librarian so most of my favorite books are those written for the younger and YA crowd. I like my job :)
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I watch this show all the damn time. I will think about Mulder and Scully when I have nothing else to think about, normally writing and editing whatever story I may have in the hopper at the time about them.
My husband laughs when I have the show on. He knows all the episodes with me and it’s one of my comfort shows that I don’t have to pay attention to when it’s on. During it, I have edited books, decorated cookies, been sick, been recovering, simply wasted a perfectly good day because I could.
My 17-year-old daughter keeps it on while she does homework and works out.
It’s a staple at our house and no one is allowed to make fun of it, even though we all know that parts are completely ‘make fun-able’
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I read fic all the time … I have worked my way through AO3 starting from the beginning and if it was more easily readable on a phone, I’d work my way, once again, through gossamer.
Restated from above: I dabbled and have a favorite ‘Fringe’ fic … I tried to read a Harry Potter fic once … I type ‘West Wing’ occasionally in ao3 and tumblr ...
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I have all kinds of favorites on tumblr but right now, I honestly don’t remember most of the names … I pretty much read everything that comes through my dashboard and every few days, i read through the newest posts on AO3 … I love you all!!
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Of X-Files fics, I love my newer stuff … I read “Life” and its sequels every few months … ‘Your Place or Mine’ is another one I will read … actually, I’ll just say it .... I read all my own fic over and over again …
With fic, you get to write the characters as you want to see them and write situations that you want to see … I write for myself most of all and I love to read what I wrote :)
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I write them all the damn time. I have tons of snippets and half-finished that I occasionally glean things from but while sometimes, old stuff morphs into new, sometimes, it just needs to gather that dust and live a quiet little forgotten life in some backhand folder on my dropbox account ...
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
First question is answered above.
As for other creative work, I have published two YA novels, have the third in that series in editing … I have five other novels in the hopper in various stages of ‘good lord this needs an edit or twelve’ …
I am writing things constantly in my head or on my laptop … most is crap … stome sticks … some turns into fic and some turns into books …
But the point is, I am writing, in some form, at all time :)
Where do you get ideas for stories?
Some two sentence conversation will spark an idea … the line of a song will inspire an idea … a word will start a sentence which will turn into a paragraph which will tumble straight into a story … and sometimes, stuff just pops in my head for no damn reason at all ...
What's the story behind your pen name?
On gossamer, I am L. Sprys because that was my name at the time :)
On tumblr and AO3, I’m tatooedlaura because my name is Laura and I have, now, six tattoos (yes, I spelled it wrong in my handle but that’s life) … when I decided on the name, I think I only had two
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
They do now … it took me years to crack and tell them … my husband has never read them, nor have any of the people I have told (as far as I know)
Now, I don’t really care who knows … I’ll tell them I write smutty X-Files fanfiction and family-friendly X-Files fanfiction …
I am too old at this point to be embarrassed by what I like to do. If they laugh at me, I tell them they only get to laugh when they’ve published a book and I pull up my books on Amazon … I’ve only had to do that once and it shut them right the hell up …
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Gossamer: L. Sprys
Tumblr and AO3: tatooedlaura
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
I love you! I see you! I appreciate you! I hope you enjoy! Don’t judge me for my grammar issues! I will never be able to spell the word ‘excersize’!
(Posted by Lilydale on April 27, 2021)
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Beforehand, I'm sorry for not giving you a rest xDU -.-U: So, you mentioned begorr that Emira and Viney considered having children but Emira was reluctant because of her (not-redeemed) parents. I would like know their point of view then AND after the Blight parents redeemed themselves
Ooof this is a toughie. Hmmmmm let’s see
I think the question was first brought up on accident, yknow, by like a complete stranger trying to make nice conversation in all the wrong ways. Like, maybe Amity still, after all these years, loves to read to kids at the library. She’s good at it, the kids love her, and she doesn’t have to worry about anything except making sure those kids have a good time.
And maybe it’s during one of those reading sessions that Emira and Viney also happen to be in the library researching something when they pass by the Kiddie Corner and see Amity reading to those kids and they both hide behind a bookcase and just coo at how adorable the sight is. After a minute they start to get comfortable watching Amity read to the kids and they both have warm goofy smiles on their faces until suddenly someone comes up next to them and whispers “they’re so cute, aren’t they?” And they see what looks like one of the kid’s parents next to them also watching the story telling. Emira and Viney agree, it’s probably the cutest thing in all of the Boiling Isles (certainly the most wholesome). Then this parent whispers again, “which one’s yours? Mine’s the little guy with the horns.” And Viney and Emira just freeze because oops, they’ve been mistaken as parents. They both blush and stammer for a bit and explain they’re actually just related to the story-teller and the parent apologizes and they day continues. But that interaction is on both of their minds for the entire rest of the day.
Viney’s never considered kids seriously before; she has her beasts to take care of and those usually aren’t kid-friendly. But she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about teaching children about how to handle different kinds of creatures. Besides, she’s also a Healing witch, (most) any damage can be patched up with a quick spell. But teaching kids and actually raising one are two totally different things. And the interaction from the library had left her feeling strangely warm all the rest of the day. Would she be okay with actually having kids with Emira? Maybe. That answer by itself is already scary enough - they’ve only been married for less than a year, but that doesn’t stop the misunderstanding from the library from making her feel warm and fuzzy and a little bit giddy.
In the meantime, Emira’s having a silent meltdown within her own head. All alarms are going off like a Shale Hail storm was rampaging through her mind. Her, a mother? She’d spent her entire life trying to get away from her own mother; she couldn’t even begin to imagine herself in that role. Her thoughts were racing the entire day following the library incident and it left a gross feeling in her chest and a queasiness in her stomach. She didn’t even know if she really liked kids let alone liking them enough to want one of her own. And what if she fucks it up just like her parents did??? She and Viney are just getting their Service Creature business off the ground - she is not about to be an absent mother like her own to focus on her work. That thought alone is enough to keep her feeling slightly off-kilter the entire rest of the day.
I think they talk about it that night in great length; their fears, their concerns, their dream-scenarios, Emira’s parents. That’s when the convo gets especially hard as Emira’s stutter starts making it more difficult for her to articulate herself before she just breaks down entirely. Viney reassured her that they don’t have to make any decisions right that instant, it’s just a thought they’d both been plagued by all day. They could have that conversation again when they felt they might be ready for it.
Of course the following year and a half is a whirlwind of helping Amity get hitched to her girls and messy makeups with the Blight parents. And even after that giant wedding is over, Alador and Odalia are still learning how to make amends and it puts Emira in a weird headspace. Not to mention she’s concerned about her twin brother living alone. He hates being alone. He was the one that insisted he move into a single-room apartment but that doesn’t stop Emira from worrying over her twin. She still had a hard time wrapping her head around the whole aromantic thing, especially since she knew Edric thrived off being around other people.
She was especially worried now that they’ve been trying to repair their severely broken relationship with their parents; they’ve both been a little emotionally turbulent. They took Camilia’s suggestion of seeking out a therapist (as a human healer she doesn’t need to worry about the magic side of things and they consider her quite practical as a result. Also, she’s Luz’s mom and is basically the best woman in the world, of course they’d take her advice).
I think it takes several years of the Blights all working hard to fix their family relationship before Viney brings up how one of their clients had asked about a kids class; maybe a single session where they go over the basics of different creatures and how to approach them (if you should even approach them at all) before allowing them to try on one of the more docile creatures they have. I think she tries to bring it up as casually as possible; I think ever since that first conversation they had, Viney’s kinda tiptoed around the concept of kids in general around Emira.
They’d talked about her fears and what caused her to meltdown during that first conversation of course, and they talk about how therapy has been working for Emira and her family. But Viney hasn’t brought up them having their own kids since that first conversation, even though she’s been feeling a hint of longing in the depths of her heart recently as she watches parents interact with their own kids (of course sometimes that’s exactly what also stifles that longing - there are some parents that look dead on their feet with their screaming child throwing a tantrum on the ground).
But they discuss the idea of hosting a weekly or monthly class for kids without issue and Viney just waits....I think until maybe the following night to bring up the idea of being parents themselves again. And I think it still scares Emira absolutely shitless. She doesn’t break down the way she did the first time but she does start going into brief panic spirals before Viney pulls her out of them. Viney reassured her that again, they don’t need to decide anything right then and there, it’s just something she’s been thinking about recently.
I think Emira takes the thought to therapy with her and she and her therapist really work through what’s bothering her about the concept of her being a mother. And it takes a while. Like, several months. But in that time, Emira’s slowly warming herself up to the idea of being a parent. She constantly reminds herself that she isn’t going to behave like her parents had. She’s not going to get too tired of them and wave them away or push expectations onto any child of hers by the time they’re 6. She’s going to love whatever child they might have with her entire heart. She’s still scared.
I think her actual breakthrough is with a conversation with Camila and Eda. They’re both Luz’s moms (kind of? Mostly? In everything but like, legal documents? Like Eda’s 9/10’s of the way there so she’s basically Luz’s mom) and Emira’s witnessed how much they both love Luz over the years that she’s known them. She wants to learn how to love any potential future kids like they love Luz. Hearing this actually shocks Camila and Eda; they’ve watched Emira grow up into an incredibly kind and caring witch - of course she’d be an amazing mother. But then they listen to her fears of falling back on her own parents’ shitty parenting tactics just because that’s what she grew up with and they reassure her that she’s not her parents.
Camila and Eda make their own points from their own perspectives. Camila describes how it felt like the universe was crashing around her when she found out she was pregnant with Luz. How she was frightened beyond anything that had happened in her life up to that point. She was a medical student!!! She didn’t have time to take care of a baby! But then she also couldn’t bring herself to terminate the pregnancy. She didn’t know why, but she was already deeply in love and attached to the little bundle of cells rapidly dividing in her uterus. The thought of being a part of such an impossible thing as creating an entirely new person was overwhelming and exciting. She somehow convinced herself that she could handle it. She’s a hard-working woman with probably too much pride to admit that she bit off more than she could chew, but she felt like she had something to prove.
Camila explains how emotionally tumultuous she’d been in the following....probably 5 years? There were times when she could turn her thoughts off and just focus on what was important: making sure the baby was taken care of and making sure she got all her homework done on time. But then there would be moments of peace and tranquillity where her only concern was making sure Luz didn’t hurt herself while she played where her emotions would take over like a tsunami. Ironically enough, Luz would always notice, even as a baby, and motion for her mom to pick her up so she could snuggle into her mom’s neck in her version of a hug. Camila would try to hold back her tears in those moments, but whenever Luz raised her arms up at her with a frown on her face, her heart would warm up so much it felt like it was nearly on fire and those tears would just start flowing freely. Luz loved her and she loved Luz and that was enough for Camila to know she’d made the right choice for her life and to keep pressing forward.
She worried every single step of the way that she was doing something wrong (whether or not she had a partner/family members/friends helping her) and nothing rocked her world more than being introduced to the Demon Realm after thinking her daughter had been somewhere else entirely for a whole summer.
She had wrestled with that for months afterwards; the guilt that she hadn’t done more to help Luz thrive in her own home the way she did on the Boiling Isles. That somehow it was her fault for not being able to magically make everything work in her daughter’s favor. That she maybe could’ve somehow singlehandedly change the entire system to benefit Luz the way it did the other kids so she wouldn’t have felt so lost and alone that she needed to go to the Demon Realm to feel like she belonged somewhere.
It had taken several talks with Eda (after they stopped hating each other) for her to accept that she had done everything she could with what she had. None of it was solely her fault, but she probably could’ve listened to Luz’s unspoken/misunderstood needs more carefully.
She emphasizes to Emira that the most important thing to take away from all of that is that no matter what happens, she just needs to love and provide for her child as much as she possibly can. And to always listen to them; they won’t always know how to articulate their needs so it’s up to the parent to help them figure it out. Love and patience, which she notes that Emira has plenty of.
Eda’s perspective is vastly different because she didn’t even consider being a mother for the large majority of her life until suddenly there was a teenager camping out in a spare room in her house that she used for miscellaneous storage. And it wasn’t something that happened overnight either; she didn’t just wake up one day and think “today’s the day I’m going to start loving Luz as if she was my own daughter”, like, that thought literally never crossed her mind. It really didn’t hit her just how much Luz meant to her until the first instance with Belos; Luz being kidnapped by Eda’s own sister and nearly dying kinda makes you really think about how important a person is to you. She didn’t realize how much Luz being in her life made her feel like she was part of a family until Luz said so just before she was sent to be petrified. It took Luz saying it point blank to her face with tears in her eyes while Eda was essentially on death row for it to click in her head that she loved Luz like a daughter. That she would do anything to keep her safe and happy.
And as un-versed as she is in being an actual mom, she was relatively well-versed in how to handle Luz as a teenager because she saw so much of herself in her. She didn’t have the previous 14 years of Luz’s life coloring her opinions and expectations of her; all she saw was a young, weird girl that wanted nothing more than to learn magic even though all odds were stacked against her. Eda emphasizes that as kids become teenagers, it’s important to treat them with respect and to let them know their voices are heard.
A parent may want to hide them away so they can be safe from the world, but then they’ll never grow. She idly comments how she just treated Luz how she would’ve wanted to be treated at her age: like an equal. Eda emphasizes to Emira that respecting children is a huge part of being an effective parent, at least in her experience.
Emira takes all of this in stride; thanks to her siblings and their friends, she’s learned a lot over the years about how to be a kind and compassionate witch. She returns to Viney that day feeling infinitely better about the concept. Now it’s just a matter of discussing whether or not they’re ready in every other aspect besides emotionally.
Eventually they get there. It takes some encouragement from Edric and Amity (and by extension, Luz and Willow) as well as Jerbo and Barcus (between them, Edric and Gus? This kid will have the coolest uncle-squad ever), but Emira and Viney do find a point in their lives where they’re excited and ready about having kids.
Again, I’m not one for coming up with fan kids. Far too many possibilities. Last time I made fan kids was maybe ten years ago so I’m super rusty anyway. But I know for a fact that any children they have had essentially a small army of adults ready to love them. How would they get those kids? Again, far too many possibilities. Maybe one or both of them are trans and capable of biological reproduction! Maybe they decide to go the Magic Route! Maybe they adopt! I truly don’t know. All I know is that once they are ready to have kids, they’re so fuckin hyped it’s all they can think or talk about for months until they finally have one. And they will love that child so fiercely, that child will never feel for even a moment that they’re unloved.
(All grandparents involved are over the moon; the Blight grandparents actually cry for like an hour straight the first time they meet their first grand baby and spoil them like nothing else; Viney’s parent(s) don’t cry as much as the Blights, but they do cry a lot and are the kind of grandparent(s) that secretly try to give that kid their first sip of (boiling isles equivalent) soda, candy, etc., just to give Viney and Emira a hard time. Eda and Camila [and Willow’s dads] are honorary grandparents that also love and adore this kid.)
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mycptsdrecovery · 3 years
TW for abuse, mental health crisis, unreality, mental hospital mention
hi im a 19 year old and still living with my parents. ive been trying to move out since august and i planned to move out by december. in late december i was not having much luck with housing and i started having memories of not so great things my parents did to me throughout the years play in my head. i rly have no idea how to explain this confusing clusterfuck of a situation in just a tumblr ask but basically i want to know if the things my parents did count as sexual abuse.
from a young age my parents didnt respect my boundaries. my parents often touched my butt (it sounds so stupid calling it that idk what else to put) in seemingly nonsexual or accidental ways, but they didnt stop as i grew older. i remember the first time that i realised i was being sexually abused (thats how i thought about it at the time, idk). i dont remember what my dad did specifically but i was 8 years old-ish, i started puberty around then because my body hates me. it was probably to do with my butt/waist/ things and my dad touching them. we were about to go in a shuttle to the airport, it was like 2am. i remember i stayed silent through whatever happened but at some point during or after i remember bursting into tears and like... thinking to myself that my dad is sexually abusing me (i dont remember where i learnt what that is) and my dad asking me what was wrong but i refused to talk because i was scared. moments like these where my dad touched me in a way that didnt feel normal and i burst into tears happened multiple times. ive felt very uncomfortable around my dad for most of my life at this point. hes the kind of dad who doesnt talk about anything hes thinking or feeling, doesnt talk much at all or have many friends. we have rarely had conversations past surface level talk thats appropriate for strangers or acquaintances so i have never known whats in his head and whenever ive tried to get him to talk with me about something serious he shuts down and leaves. hes very neglectful emotionally, though he used to sometimes fulfil his emotional duties as a parent when i was a very young child according to my mum but he stopped at some point. for a really long time ive been afraid that my dad was sexualising me in his head or sexually attracted to me. ive grown up having nightmares about my parents raping me.
here are some of the things i remember my parents doing. some memories are not easily accessable and some have not been processed as an adult.
-both my parent regularly touched my butt in a variety of contexts. i never confronted my dad about it because i knew he wouldnt answer me. i have learned to only hug my parents in a specific way so that my arm is always under their arms so i can stop them from putting their hands too low.
-my dad used to put his hand on my waist and hips/lower back. he was basically doing the kind of casual touch that you would do with someone ur in a sexual relationship with. he doesnt anymore because i have stopped allowing him to spend much time with me.
-my parents, mostly my mum have touched my breasts very lightly and casually. it could be seen as accidental but my mum has never responded to my frequent requests to stop touching me like this.
-my mum showed me her vagina once as... sex ed? i have no idea if this is normal which is kinda how i feel about most of the ?sexually? themed things my parents have done.
-my mum has always commented on my body in ways that made me very uncomfortable, such as often commenting on how i would be sexually harassed because of the outfit im wearing, even the necklace im wearing.
-my mum gave me several moderately detailed accounts of sexual assaults that hve happened to her, like for instance when i was around 6-9? she used a story of a sexual assault that happened to her while in a pool to say that i be afraid in public pools. the amount of detail was very unnecessary.
-one time my mum was telling me about how boys pinch girls buttcheeks to tell them they think theyre 'sexy'. then she pinched my buttcheeks a bunch of times even though i didnt want her to. im sure she did this many times and i was literally like 5 years old or something.
-my mum talked to my sister while i was in earshot about... how she would be ok with it if i married my 1st cousin? and she named him specifically. it made me feel rly weird around him.
-again my dad has always just given me huge predator vibes and ive always been super afraid of him.
this list is definitely incomplete but i dont remember anything penetrative or to do with anyone touching my genitals.
i tried to tell someone about the "sexual abuse" twice when i was 13, both during mental ward stays about 9 or 10 months apart. the first time is completely blacked out from my memory and the second one... they told the police. my dad was questioned and nothing happened because i never wanted anyone except the nurse who i told to know and refused to tell anyone any details. i just wanted to get a weight off my shoulders. instead i got a 3 or so year long period of my mum emotionally abusing me to a degree she never had. i was almost completely convinced that i had never been sexually abused. i still dont know if its true or not. the specific term my mum used was that i "mis-interpreted" my parents actions as sexual abuse. i didnt push back, i was too terrified of her and i just dissociated to cope with those years. i was very very isolated from anyone except my mum. i wanted desperately to be a young child again and felt like one most of the time. before 6 years old was the only period where i felt like my parents actually liked me.
when i was around 15 i started sexually getting involved with older men online. i wasnt attracted to them, i didntdesire them, i just was so traumatised from... whatevrr u want to call the way my parents treated me but i didnt feel that i had the right to be. i felt like i needed to get some "real" trauma and i dont want to say what i did but im lucky that none of these men ended up meeting up with me irl at least. the fucked up thing is that though it did traumatise me, i kind of felt better because i wanted something i could feel justified in being upset about.
now im 19 and my brain is hitting me with all these memories. i havent felt safe with my parents for most of my life. theyre neglectful and emotionally abusive towards me. they abused all my other siblings physically quite a lot and two of them have moved to different countries so that they can not live in the same place they grew up in. 2 out of 3 of my siblings have completely cut ties with my parents for years now. when i was 11 i recoeved an email from my brother telling me about our parents not being safe people.
ive started to consider the possibility of the constant violation of my boundaries counting as sexual abuse. i have a lot of sexual trauma symptoms and i have for a very long time. i grew up afraid that my dad was going to rape me. i think i was abused by my mum into associating holding my parents accountable with the punishment she put me through after she found out i reported them. i just want to know if im allowed to be upset about this. im terrified that this is normal, because if its normal that means i was a gross freak as a kid who just "mis-interpreted" these actions to be sexual abuse. i need to make sense of my reality somehow. im so confused.
you absolutely have the right to be upset by this. what they did to you was not okay. an adult touching a child intentionally in inappropriate areas is molestation, even if they played it off as not a big deal. many of the things you mentioned also sound like grooming which is often a part of childhood sexual abuse. i’m so sorry these things happened to you. i hope you are safe and can find a way to not be around your parents.
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oracleofkairos · 3 years
30 Questions For Your Guardian
These questions are taken from the post here by @fem-birb-woman, seemed like a good way to kick this off! 1.) What is your guardian’s name? What does it mean? What inspired you to choose that name for them? "The Oracle Of Kairos. I didn't choose it, but it was given to me by the followers of Osiris, after my frequent excursions into the Infinite Forest."
2.) What did your guardian name their ghost? What does it mean? What inspired them to choose that name?
"This here is Custode, means Guardian in a pre-collapse tongue. Little bit of a joke, but this little guy has seen me through many trials, and I'll know he always has my back."
3.) What is your guardians favorite weapon of choice? What mod do they use for it? Do they have a masterwork on it and if so, how many enemies have they killed with that weapon?
"The IKELOS_HC_V1.0.2 , a gift from Rasputin. I've tuned it to handle rank and file opponents, I have had the aid of others to bring it up to a masterwork of engineering, and frankly, I've lost count of how many this pistol has killed."
4.) Do they participate in the Crucible often or do they just go to complete the daily challenges? "I hate the crucible. I understand it's purpose, both for morale and training, but I still can't bring myself to enjoy getting curbstomped by other guardians."
5.) If your guardian had to choose to be another class, what class would they pick? Or would they stay the same? "I think I'd prefer to stay a Warlock, but I could see myself as a half-decent titan, but I'd be much more of a strategist than an unstoppable battering ram."
6.) What is their favorite subclass within their own class? "Stormcaller. I've always felt a more tangible tie to Arc energies, and since the reawakening of my light, that has only strengthened."
7.) What is their favorite subclass in a different class?
"Sentinel titans will always have my respect, they put themselves on the line to shield allies from harm, and they're very good at it."
8.) Would they rather receive a titan kiss ( a hard ass headbutt that mostly results in death ), asking a warlock a question that might result in a long explanation, or deciding to play the knife game with hunter and bet at high stakes? "Ask the question of a Warlock. I'd much rather have an interesting conversation than risk losing a body part, no matter how briefly."
9.) Would they prank other guardians or just their close friends? What kind of pranks would they pull?
"The Hijinks of the Drifter and Cayde always made me... Afraid, of pranks. I don't think I could bring myself to engage in such things."
10.) Which vanguard member to they like to hang out with the most? "I'm on good terms with both Ikora and Zavala, but I more often find myself discussing theories or new intrigues with Ikora whenever I stop by the tower. She's been a fine mentor and a better friend."
11.) Who would they fmk out of Skolas, Ghaul, and Calus? "Frankly, I hate everything about this question, but in the interest of honesty; Fuck Skolas, Marry Calus, and Kill Ghaul."
12.) What kind of hobbies do they do in their free time? Are there any particular skills they have that help them with this hobby(s)? "I've always found an interest in etchings and engravings, I've got a good hand from many hours with a pen, and that serves me to handle the tools when making carvings."
13.) What is their favorite armor set and what shader do they use for it? "Oddly, I've always been attached to the Exodus Down armor provided by Failsafe... It's always just... Fit me, in a way. Almost all our armor is perfectly tailored, but this runs deeper than that. And, in honor of the Followers of Osiris, I wear Kairos Bronze."
14.) Do they prefer silence or are they unbothered in loud areas? "Depends on what I'm doing, when studying or researching, I require quiet, but I do enjoy the bustle of the Tower when I need to relax."
15.) Are they afraid of storms? If so, is there a specific reason why? "To the contrary, I love storms. There's nothing better than wandering and just taking in the energy radiating from those electric clouds."
16.) Who were they before their ghost revived them? Do they know about this and if so how or what did they use to learn about themselves? "I know looking into such things is... Frowned on, but I have done some research into it. Between my own strange clicks, and the fact I was first revived on Nessus, I believe I may have been one of the crew or colonists aboard the Exodus Black."
17.) How close are your guardian and their ghost? If they are not close, would your guardian kill their ghost and choose to answer the darkness’ calls? "I love Custode. If anything were to happen to him, I'm not sure I could, or would want, to survive the experience."
18.) Would your guardian engage in a romantic relationship with Fallen, Cabal, Hive, etc? If so, what do they find attractive about the species? "This... Is an odd question, I suppose I couldn't deny the possibility of finding myself with a sentient member of any of those species. I wonder what a relationship with the hive would even be like..."
19.) Who is their favorite lore hero? Example, Jolder, Saint-14, Andal Brask, etc. Why is this person their favorite and in what ways do they inspire your guardian? What would your guardian say if they were face to face with them? "Osiris and Toland The Shattered. I could not hold them to the title of Hero, but I look to their works as examples on how to push the limits of Guardian knowledge, but also how to be mindful of the edges of madness."
20.) Does your guardian like plants? If so, what kinds? Do they prefer flowers or trees or shrubs? Would they start a garden?
"I do enjoy plants, and I actually have a small terrarium containing a blueberry bush inside my orbiter."
21.) If your guardian became obsessed with something, what would it be? "The infinite forest... I was... Unable, to resist the temptations of the possibilities within, and found myself lost for a long few years... I've only recently re-emerged, only to find Cayde dead, Osiris hostage, Mara, Saint, and others returned, and some mad scheme about swearing guardians to the darkness. It was... A difficult adjustment."
22.) Do they like reading books or watching movies or both? What genres are their favorites? Does their fireteam have the same taste? "I've always enjoyed both books and cinema, whenever I was invited to showing by other guardians. Historical fiction and high fantasy hold a special place in my heart, as they speak to our capacity for imagination."
23.) What kind of music do they like? Do they dance around anybody in any situation or in the privacy of their quarters? What would their favorite song from the Golden Age be? "I've always enjoyed Golden Age Classical, since I first heard it among Rasputin's broadcasts. And while I don't often dance, I do enjoy the occasional slow dance with a partner during The Dawning, or other festivals."
24.) What does their living space look like? Are there a bunch of pictures around or do Knick knacks cover the shelves? Do they enjoy bright, neutral, or dark colors? Would they purchase a fur rug? "I do my best to keep organized, but there's many, many little momentos of my travels, and it makes it difficult to keep things tidy. I prefer cooler colors, and I do have a fur rug I pinched from Clovis Bray's facilities. Bear, I think."
25.) Do they travel around the city often? If so, what are their favorite places to go and who do they go with? Are the civilians ever excited to see them or do they give them a look because of precious mishaps that resulted in property damage? "I often travel within the city, whether I'm visiting friends in the New Monarchy, or going to the various scrappers and book-vendors. I have a few good friends, and I do my best to be polite and respectful to all others."
26.) Are they good with kids? If not, how do they react when a child tries to talk to them? If they are good with kids, what kind of things do they do to entertain them? "I'm... Not amazing, with children. I enjoy their inquisitive nature, but I sometimes get too wrapped up in my explanations, and either scare them with things they didn't need to know, or leave them with more questions than they started with."
27.) Are they in love with Shaxx?
"No. In the words of a man with wisdom beyond his years; 'Every minute I spend in the crucible makes me wish I stayed dead.' "
28.) When your guardian sleeps, are they stiff and stay in one spot or wild and kick off the sheets? Do they have nightmares often and if so, about what? How often do they sleep? "Custode does his best to remind me to get a full nights sleep, and tells me he sometimes has to verify I'm still alive, given that I'm almost perfectly still. As for nightmares... They happen, especially after everything on the Moon."
29.) Do they enjoy coffee, tea, soda, or water? Would they mix all of these together and drink the liquid on a dare? "I'm partial to both Coffee and Tea, particularly one kind Eris was kind enough to make for me during our stay on Luna... And absolutely not."
30.) What about their personality attracts other guardians to them? What is it about other guardians that attracts your guardian to them?
"I enjoy other guardians with a passion for discovery and a desire for knowledge, and I often find others who seek me out for the same. Though there have been cases other guardians or fireteams have sought my guidance after my years in the Infinite Forest, hoping I have insight into future events."
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Are you mad at your best friend right now? I have absolutely no reason to be angry with Angela now and certainly not since our last petty childhood fight in like, 2009.
Do you know anybody with a pet snake? I used to know somebody, but she’s since gone off the radar and idek if her pet snake would still be alive at this point.
Do you buy your underwear in a pack or seperately? I can go either way.
Have you ever made fun of anybody and later became their friend? OMG yesss this was the entire background of my friendship with Sofie. Though I wouldn’t say I made fun of her...I just found her really annoying at first, and quite ditzy, too. Then something just clicked and worked out along the way and we ended up being best friends for quite some time until we went our separate ways shortly after college life started.
Is the lamp on in the room you're in? Yes; it’s one of my favorite pieces in my room.
Do you have a pair of shoes that you can only wear with one or two outfits? Nah, not really. I mostly own sneakers, which can go with most things casual.
Is there any drink that you absolutely MUST drink cold? Most drinks, honestly; but mainly, I like my coffee and water cold.
Did you sleep in past noon today? I don’t think I’ve ever done that. The latest I’ve woken up is probably a little over 10.
Did your grandma ever tell you about her love life? Neither of them have.
Have you ever painted anybody's nails aside from your own? Possibly, but I no longer recall it.
Anything exciting happening in the month of September? I don’t think so. There are couple of birthdays in the family, but we don’t have plans for those days yet.
Who is your last missed call from? Some media or blogger I ignored because I don’t take calls.
When was the last time you ate Frosted Flakes? I can’t remember...I don’t really eat cereal.
Did you ever NOT want a substitute in a certain class? Yeah, for classes I hated, like math.
Do you ever donate to the less fortunate? Not regularly. When a homeless person or street child knocks on my car while waiting in traffic I do try to give them some money and/or snack, if I have one in my bag.
Did you buy an American flag after 9/11 to put on your car/house/ whatever? I was barely conscious in 2001. I am also not American.
Do you know any songs that are older than you are? ...Many?
Are there framed pictures of you anywhere in your house? Yeah we have some framed photos going up the staircase. I also have my Prep graduation portrait up in my room.
Compared to other people of your age would you be considered 'NORMAL'? Ugh.
Honestly, do you have any Hilary Duff on your MP3 player? I don’t have an MP3 player but I don’t think I ever had Hilary Duff on any of my music players.
Who is worst in your family about calling people back? Probably Nina as she hates making calls to begin with.
Do you like peanut M&M's? Nah, I hate nuts in my chocolate.
When was the last time you had an ice cream sandwich? Safe to say well over a year ago. It’s not my snack of choice haha I never understood why I had to bite into my ice cream.
When was the last time you ate jelly beans? August 2019.
When was the last time you had hot chocolate? Around a month ago, I’d say? My mom fixes me a mug of hot choco every once in a while.
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? I haven’t.
What was the last song stuck in your head? I think it had been Rain by BTS.
Do you enjoy doing math? If I know how the math works and have the formulas memorized, I can definitely find it fun. Math had actually been pretty manageable for me in school, at least right until we reached trig and calc which were just bleck.
Do you think your mom has secrets she’s never told you? Oh without a doubt. I’m 200% sure everyone in the family has secrets we never share; we’re not open with each other.
Do you own anything you don’t want your parents to know about? Yes.
Do you pose in your pictures or just smile? I will pose if I’m comfortable but most of the time I just smile.
Are there any colors you will NOT wear? I avoid orange as much as possible.
Do you use scented soap in the shower? Nah, just a normal-scented one.
Did you ever want to be a fashion designer? That was never part of my plans, no. 
Who was the last person you danced with? Enjoyable? Angela and Hans. I was drunk, so yes I had fun lol.
Do you like convertibles? I don’t really care for them, or for cars in general.
Have you ever yelled at the television? So many times, usually when a favorite singer or band is performing OR when I’m watching a really intense sports game - usually basketball or wrestling.
How many songs on your MP3 player are about sex? -
Do you like water parks? I think they are nasty for the most part.
Dark or light colored jeans? Light.
Can you take apart a computer and name all the parts? Nope.
Can you take apart a car and name all the parts? Even more so no.
Would your friends describe you as nerdy? I don’t think they would.
How many different colors are you wearing right now? Five.
Have you ever purchased a lotto ticket? Nope.
Are you double-jointed anywhere? I am not.
What is the longest amount of time you've spent playing Monopoly? You know, I’ve never even understood the rules of Monopoly...I’ve never bothered to play a round of it. Board games are usually too complicated for me lol.
Have you ever witnessed a tornado first-hand? Not a tornado, no. But I’ve experienced countless hurricanes and floods.
Did you play in the sand box as a kid? It was my favorite part of the playground and I was always exclusively found in a sandbox. I liked the texture (still do) + no one was ever there, so as a shy kid it worked out perfectly for me.
How about on the monkey bars? I tried it every now and then but I wasn’t a very active kid, so my arms would feel strained fairly quickly. It was never the first thing I’d run to whenever I got to go to the playground.
Have you ever made an alarm go off? I don’t think so.
Have you ever colored your eyebrows? Nope.
Did you ever own a pop-up book? Many of them, as a kid.
Have you ever honked at a biker? Yes but only whenever they swerve a little bit and are about to hit my car.
Have you ever taken another person's prescribed medication? No?
Have you ever played golf (not miniature golf)? No, I’ve played neither version. The sport doesn’t interest me.
Do you use gel in your hair? Only for formal events where I can’t afford to show up with my hair all frizzy.
Do you own a garden gnome? We don’t.
Are any of the rooms in your house painted blue? Nope, they’re all white. My parents’ room used to be green (came with the house), but it looked gross so it didn’t take long before they hired someone to paint the walls white.
Do you kick off your shoes as soon as you walk in the door? Yes. Actually, since the start of COVID, we’ve taken to removing our shoes even before we enter. We have a mat right by the front door where we can properly take off our shoes and head inside already barefoot.
Have you ever judged a book by its cover? Sometimes, but I don’t let it linger.
What is the most effective device at the gym? I don’t go to the gym.
Can you drive a stick shift? Hahahaha no, and I’m not so sure I’m ever willing to learn.
Have you ever picked on a substitute teacher? That’s mean and no, I haven’t.
How good are you at giving directions? Terrible. As much as possible I don’t do it and just refer the person asking to my nearest friend/companion.
When was the last time you looked out the window nearest you? Just a few minutes ago, actually. I put an arm out to check if it’s chilly outside since it rained all day today.
Have you ever got dressed with the windows open? Never. I make sure to pull down my blinds every time.
Have you ever given a foot massage? No.
Do public restrooms freak you out? They don’t freak me out per se but like I rarely go into them and use them, even before Covid. The idea of sharing a toilet with strangers is super gross lol and many of them don’t even put away their trash properly.
Have you ever taken a shower outside? I may have, but nothing sticks out.
Have you ever been to a junkyard? I don’t think so.
What do you think of Brad Pitt? I don’t really have an opinion...I loved his episode on Friends, but that’s it.
Have you ever watched the History Channel willingly? Yes, a few times.
Have you ever used pennies to pay for something that cost over 50 cents? I don’t speak US currency, but yeah there’ve been around 1-2 times I had to pay for something worth P50 with just coins. It’s always been embarrassing lol so I try to avoid it and be prepared with paper bills as much as I can.
If a place makes you pay for delivery - do you still tip the driver? Yes.
Without the aid of a cell phone - do you know your parents numbers by heart? Just my mom’s. Since my dad is always in and out of the country (at least until the pandemic), I’ve never gotten to memorize his number.
Can you name 10 former presidents? Arroyo, Macapagal, Aquino, another Aquino, Estrada, Ramos, Magsaysay, Quirino, Quezon, Roxas.
But if we’re talking about US presidents...Obama, Trump, Clinton, Roosevelt, another Roosevelt I believe, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Lincoln, Washington. I hope I got them right hahaha.
Have you ever bought a gift for a teacher? Just as a kid.
Is your bedroom carpeted? Nope.
Right now, what color is your tongue? Pink.
When was the last time you had a Tootsie Pop? Years ago. I don’t have it a lot.
If you could get the cell phone of your choice - what would it be? iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Who is your favorite super hero? I don’t have any.
How about your favorite villain? I don’t really have any, either.
Do you know anybody who works at a bank? Possibly, but I can’t place a name right now.
What do you usually order from your favorite fast food place? That would be KFC, and I usually order either their Zinger or Twister. FUCK now I want to get KFC :((
Do you hand out candy to kids on Halloween? No, because none of them ever reach this part of the village. We never have to prepare any candy lol.
What perfume/cologne do you wear the most? Heat Rush.
Can you name all 7 dwarfs? I always miss out on one or two.
Does the early bird really catch the worm? Idk what this expression is.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What would you tell to your eighth grade self? Keep the friends you have. Also, stop hair spraying your bangs and making them stiff--it’s not cute.
What did your last text message read? “Thnx, and yes I got his text.” --My Nana.
Something you really want right now? Coffee and food.
Will you regret your next kiss? Uh, I hope not? Who knows when that will even be, though.
Do you like how things are going? No.
Are you a cuddler? Not really to be honest.
What are you doing tonight? Same stuff as always. My aunt ended up staying another night, but I think she’s going home tonight.
Three months ago, can you remember who you liked? I wasn’t interested in anyone 3 months ago. It’s been a few years, actually.
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? No. We never were.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? I mean, I certainly didn’t envision wasting away after graduating college almost 6 years ago now.
Is a best friend pissing you off right now? No.
What color was the last pill you took? White.
Do you believe “drunken words are sober thoughts”? Sometimes. Sometimes it’s just nonsense.
Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with? My aunt. We’ve had a lot of deep conversations these past few days that she’s been staying with us. She and I are very close and she’s someone who easily opens up and shares a lot. I’m definitely more of the listener, but still.
Have you hung out with any guys recently? My brother.
How tall are you? About 5′4.
Who will you be with this Friday? Today is Friday and I’ll be with my family. As of now, my aunt is here as well but I think she’s going home tonight.
Last time you laughed really hard? I’ve laughed a lot these past few days with my aunt. More so than I have in awhile.
What are you currently listening to? Myself typing and my TV.
Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with, apart from family? My doctor.
Have you ever wasted too much time on a guy/girl? I don’t consider it time wasted despite things not working out. What are you looking forward to? Right now, I’m thinking about eating lol. 
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope.
A lyric from the song you’re listening to? I’m not listening to music.
What was the last thing you and your parents argued about? We last bickered a bit about some stuff I was being stubborn about and should have been doing regarding health related things but I wasn’t. 
Would you tattoo someone’s name on your body? No.
Have you ever let someone be your everything? Yes.
Do you bite your nails? I don’t bite them, but I pick them and use nail clippers constantly. 
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in their arms? Zero.
Do you hate the last person you kissed? No, not at all. 
How do you feel about your hair right now? Ugh. It’s a mess and in serious need of a dye job.
Whose hoodie did you wear last? My own.
Have you ever listened to music you hated just to fit in? Nah.
Whose birthday is coming up? My brother’s was yesterday. Next up is my dad’s next month.
Could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart? I tried to be, but I couldn’t.
The doctors just told you that you are pregnant - what’s your first thought? They clearly mixed me up with someone else cause that’s impossible. There’s zero chance.
Who was the last person you hugged? My aunt.
Do you have any saved texts? all of my texts save unless i delete them. <<< Yeah, the phone just keeps them. I’ve never deleted any.
Anything you want to tell someone but can’t? Meh.
What’s the last thing you drank? Water.
Are most of the friends in your life new or old? I don’t have friends.
Do you like pulp orange juice? I don’t like orange juice at all. Or any juice.
Do you prefer the tanning bed or sun? I don’t go tanning, but I’d just try to get one from the sun if I wanted to. I do get a tan whenever I go to the beach since I actually spend a significant amount of time outside when I go. That’s the only time.
Who was the last person you talked to last night? My aunt.
When was the last time you cried? About a week ago.
Where are your siblings? My younger brother is at work and I’m assuming my older brother is at home.
What about your mom and dad? My mom is here at home and my dad is at work.
Can you go in public looking like you do? Ew, no.
Would your parents care if you came home at 4am? No; I’m 31 years old. They’d be concerned, though. Especially since I never go anywhere or hang out with anyone anymore. If I was out that late it would definitely be unusual. However, I would have checked in to let let them know cause that’s how we are in my family.
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? No.
What will you be doing tomorrow? Same stuff, different day.
What’d you have for dinner last night? I had Wingstop. 
Did you eat all of it? No, but a lot of it.
What temperature is it outside right now? 48F.
What color’s your hair? It’s dark brown naturally, but I’ve been dyeing it red. However, I’m a year overdo so my roots are quite overgrown and it’s like half and half now. :X
Do you like flowers? Sure.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up? Checked the time.
What kind of booze did you last take shots of? It was likely tequila. I haven’t drank in 8 years, so I don’t really remember.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yes. 
If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? I’m sad I didn’t get to see Linkin Park with Chester. :(
When did you last consume something that had peanut butter? Hmm. It’s been awhile, actually.
What color were the last pair of headphones/earphones you bought? I didn’t buy them, they were a gift, but they’re black.
How many people do you live with? Are these people related to you? 3 and yes, they’re my parents and brother.
Are you a confident person, or do you keep to yourself usually? I’m not confident at all.
Do you wash your own clothes? No, I need help with that so my mom does it.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms? No, I like them.
What type of soups do you like? I’m a ramen gal, but broccoli and cheddar soup is pretty good.
Would you go 2 days without eating for $200? I’ve gone a day without eating and a couple or so days with very little food because I was sick or having appetite issues, which I have a lot. If I was feeling like that I could do it. But there’s times my body feels like it’s starving and acts all dramatic even if it hasn’t been long since I last ate, so in that case it would be really hard to do.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Not that I know of.
Can you cook? I can make a good bowl of ramen, ha.
Have you dated the person you texted last? Uh, no. That’s my Nana...
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking weed? I’ve gone almost 10 years since the last time and when I did do it it wasn’t a regular thing, so yeah I think I could. I haven’t had any desire to do it.
When’s the last time someone made you feel like you mattered? My family does that.
Do graveyards thrill or terrify you? Neither.
What’s the next thing you have to do that you’re dreading? My next doctor appointment.
Do you ever wear polos? No.
Do you look pretty today? No. Not today or any day. 
Are you going out of town soon? No.
Who was the last person to make you mad? My doctor.
Do you have nightmares often? No, thankfully.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Nope.
Will you be in a relationship in 50 days? No. 
What happened last time you got drunk? I got really drunk and then threw up on myself in front of my friends and it was super embarrassing. My best friend at the time thankfully helped me clean up, but still. Ugh, it was awful. I was so sick that whole night and felt like shit the next day. I don’t know what happened that night because I honestly don’t remember drinking that much. I don’t know if I had a bad interaction with my medicine or what I did drink was really strong. I was completely turned off to alcohol after that, though, and haven’t drank since.
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? Yeah, I don’t share drinks or food. Like, I’ll break off/cut/pour out what I’m eating and share that way, but I don’t let people bite off my food or use my utensil and vice versa. 
Do you want to know the date of your death? Absolutely not.
Do you miss the way things used to be? I miss the way a lot of things used to be.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Many times.
Do you like being called babe? Not really.
Is the last person you kissed more than 2 years older than you? No, he’s a year younger than me.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Not romantic feelings, no. 
Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person that kissed you? No.
Honestly if you could go back 9 months and change something, would you? Yes.
When is the next time you will kiss someone? I have no idea. I don’t see that happening anytime soon at all.
Were you happier 7 months ago or now? Neither then or now. 
Have you ever just felt like you could cry an ocean? Yeppp.
Would you live with someone without marrying them? Yes. I don’t plan on getting married, but even IF I did I would still want to see how things go living together first.
Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? My best friend is my mom, who is with my dad.
Who do you have texts from in your inbox? Mostly from my parents, especially my mom, but some from my brother, some from my Nana, some from my aunt, and some old ones from one of my cousins.
What time did you wake up today? I first fell asleep around 3AM, woke up at 530AM for a bit, fell asleep until like 730ish, and then fell asleep again until like 9 and I’ve been up ever since (it’s 10:27AM now). Sighhhh. I hate when I get up off and on like every hour or so  like that and hardly get any sleep at all. I’m so tired, but I can’t sleep. :(
Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago? Most definitely. I’ve changed a lot and not in a good way. 
What were you doing at 4 am? Sleeping.
Do you reply to all of your texts? No, not all. It depends on the text. Not all need a reply or I just didn’t for whatever reason.
Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Bananas or chocolate.
What were you doing before you got on the computer? Sleeping.
What is the last thing you said out loud? Something to my aunt last night.
Today, would you rather go forward a week or back? Forward.
Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car? Hand over the cash, please!
How bad are your hangovers? I had a few bad ones. The worst was definitely after the time I talked about earlier. 
Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out? I’m fine with it during the day, but I wouldn’t be at night.
Do you have any bruises on you? I don’t think so.
Is your last ex currently in a relationship? I don’t know.
Is there anything in your room that reminds you of the past memories? Uh, yeah. Like everything.
How do you respond to being nervous? I get very fidgety and squirmy and anxious. I mess with my nails, I bite my lips, I play with my hair, twiddle my thumbs. My heart rate goes up. I have a hard time breathing. My stomach feels like its in knots. I sweat. ...not a fun time.
Who is the most recent addition to your contacts? I don’t even recall the last time I added a new contact.
Who in your phone has a heart after their name? My mom has a purple heart.
Where was the last place you went besides your house? The doctor.
Have you ever thrown a cell phone in anger? No.
Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you? I’m not wearing one.
Has anyone ever called you perfect before? Haaaa, no.
Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with an A? Nope.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone & what did you talk about? My mom when she called the other day to see if I wanted her to stop by somewhere on her way home to get me something to eat.
Do you have tan lines? No.
How are you feeling? Right now I’m tired and hungry. I also feel kind of sick cause I took my medicine on an empty stomach, which bothers me more sometimes than others. Today seems to be one of those times. :/
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Listened to ASMR and scrolled through Tumblr.
Ever feel like you’re not good enough? Many times. It’s been a constant feeling these past few years.
Were you smiling in the last picture taken of you? Yeah.
How many funerals have you been to? Three.
Movies or bowling? Movies.
At the beginning of September who were you "with"? I was single.
Is there a girl you can tell anything to? I could, yes.
What do the majority of people in your life call you? Steph.
Do you dye your hair? I get it done at the salon.
If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first? I’d have to pay off my debt first and foremost.
Something you really want right now? I should drag myself outta bed and try to eat something.
Would you prefer being locked in a room with the person you like or best friend? My best friend, which is my mom.
What color shirt are you wearing? I’m wearing a black sweatshirt.
Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip piercing? No.
Has anyone told you they were in love with you? My first boyfriend (and technically only).
Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit? Noooo. I have a hard time with even my own.
Name a time you thought you were going to die? During my last surgery my blood pressure dropped dangerously low and the doctors freaked out.
Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? No, not always.
Have you ever kissed a blue-eyed person? Yes.
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QUESTION OF THE DAY #6: Send me your most unpopular theatre opinion. Something that might make someone want to fight you. Please don’t be offensive (racist, misogynistic, etc.), but other than that…go as hard as you want. Spill all the tea.
MY ANSWERS: 1) The Pretty Woman score fucking slaps idek, 2) Come From Away (or even Bandstand...) should’ve won the 2017 Best Musical Tony, 3) I prefer the West End Heathers cast album to Off Broadway, 4) Shows shouldn’t sweep the Tonys just because they’re Best Musical worthy...shows that aren’t too critically acclaimed but have really impressive elements should get recognition too.
SUMMARY: Out of 37 responses: 5 were about Dear Evan Hansen, 3 were about Hamilton specifically, 2 were about: Rent, ALW, Wicked, In The Heights, Be More Chill, etc. etc....if your favorite musical is one of these and you get easily offended i wouldn’t read these.
NOTE: I agree with some of these, I highly disagree with others. I do not endorse any of the things that were said, I am simply sharing them with you all. These were what was sent to me. I’m going to number them so if you want to complain about or agree with one you can send me an ask with the number you’re referring to. 
1. howmuchchildrens said: unpopular opinion: i really liked the 2012 version of les mis. i liked russel crowe as javert.
2. Anonymous said: Unpopular opinion: Bootlegs harm to local theatre communities, though I do not believe anyone intends for that to be the case. While it's possible to bootleg responsibly (and I might even say it's beneficial to do so), those who may not know the intricacies of theatrical copyright law or who haven't heard the horror stories from a theatre that's been hit with legal action DUE to a bootleg may record or watch a show irresponsibly, which can greatly harm other routes of theatre accessibility.
3. Anonymous said: Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals are mostly terrible. He only got and stayed popular because a lot of other musical creators and taste makers died in the AIDS epidemic
4. Anonymous said: Almost all musicals using the songs of one artist are cash grabs with no plot or point.
5. Anonymous said: If your musical only has 1 woman OR the women only get sad/romantic songs you need to do something else with your life.
6. nerdshrimp said: Unpopular opinion: Next To Normal does a better job of portraying the effects of mental illness than Dear Evan Hansen does. N2N also doesn't romanticise mental illness & excuse shitty behavior like DEH tries to
7. Anonymous said: Hadestown is a lesser show on Broadway. I fell in love with the live album, and I was so excited for it to come to Broadway. I was so disappointed to see the changes they made. Orpheus and Eurydice's relationship is less interesting and more generic. The changed lyrics are often sloppy and not as good as the original. They fucking wrecked Epic III. Also, no hate to R/ee/ve, but he's just not a good enough singer to convince me that he could soften the heart of Hades. His high notes are awful.
8. Anonymous said: opinion: we are the tigers deserves a broadway run or at least a proshot
9. bimystique said: e/c is NOT A GOOD FUCKING SHIP. the ENTIRE PLOT OF PHANTOM OF THE OPERA is christine trying to escape erik's abuse. WHAT FUCKING PART OF THAT IS ROMANTIC TO YOU PEOPLE.
10. Anonymous said: unpopular theatre opinion(s): Dear Evan Hansen is Very Bad for its handling of mental illness, Hamilton is overrated and praised too much, and high school/college musical theatre programs can be just as good as Broadway. (also, musical movies would be better if they hired broadway actors, but that's not an unpopular opinion)
11. Anonymous said: I don’t like Lin Manuel Miranda and Hamilton is overrated
12. Anonymous said: I don’t like dear Evan Hansen..... at all. I think it’s kind of boring and really overhyped.
13. Anonymous said: unpopular opinion: in the heights is far better than Hamilton. both are good but ith hits different yknow
14. Anonymous said: The bring it on and legally blonde musicals are BAD! The movies are 100 times better
15. Anonymous said: unpopular opinion? wicked is the epitome of white feminism. it's preached as super great for representation but we literally got the first black glinda in 2019?!?!?!? and before that woc could only play elphaba who's villainized and deemed evil by the whole city
16. Anonymous said: Not so much an opinion as a reaction, but of all Lin's works (ITH, Bring it On, 21 Chump Street, Hamilton), 21 Chump Street gets the biggest emotional reaction of all the cast recordings. The second Justin is like "I don't want your money" (And then later on with the "...what the heck did you.... dooooo", I am a complete goner. Worse than Abuela Claudia and Philip Hamilton's deaths combined
17. Anonymous said: Whenever Je.ssie Mu.eller hits certain notes, she sounds like Tommy Pickles from Rugrats.
18. Anonymous said: aotd6: not everyone knows what im talking about, but the cats 2016 broadway revival choreography was WAYYYY better than the original. the original had a lot of creepy uncomfortable moments and the new one looks way cleaner and up to date
19. Anonymous said: raoul is better than the phantom in every conceivable way
20. Anonymous said: I hate Anastasia so much. it's such a boring show and the music is uninteresting. I wanted to like it so bad but GOD is it boring.
21. Anonymous said: In the Heights.... Overrated.
22. Anonymous said: I do not know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but here is my opinion: Musicals that are entirely or nearly entirely songs (Hamilton, Hadestown, In The Heights, etc) are the most valid bc I can understand the plot without using wikipedia (I'm looking at you, Jagged Little Pill, I love you but what is your plot????)
23. Anonymous said: I'd rather have a bad film adaptation than no film adaptation
24. Anonymous said: Rent sucks and while it was a stepping stone for more ""controversial"" topics to appear on Broadway it's actually biphobic and features several generally terrible people doing generally terrible things and doesn't actually address the real crisis at all; it's all performative wokeness. The only real good it did was cast a bunch of "nobodies" for the time and make theater somewhat more accessible.
25. stardust-and-seas said: Dear Evan Hansen doesn't properly address mental health despite being about mental health and resolves nobodies character arcs satisfactorily. It's another show that reaches its hands around the throats of marginalized teenagers saying "look I'm relatable!!" The songs taken out of context are significantly more powerful than when placed in the context of the show, which gives us exactly zero evidence of Evan's work to improve and also never resolves Evan's u healthy goals in the first place.
26. stardust-and-seas said: Be More Chill is a raging dumpster fire and the only decent song from it, Michael in the Bathroom, reads as a whiny rich white boy whose potential social anxiety and depression is left ambiguous, which is exactly what it is. When taken out of context it better exemplifies the othering that happens to marginalized groups but lets be real here: bullying/cliques don't happen to "just anyone"; it's the marginalized groups that are othered and abandoned for not being "normal"
27. stardust-and-seas said: There's a difference between shows that don't take themselves seriously because they're meant to be fun and light and shows that pretend not to take themselves too seriously but want to be taken seriously by the audience and the latter always ends up mediocre at best
28. redueka said: i think that dear evan hansen handles every issue it presents badly. i also think that beetlejuice was badly directed
29. Anonymous said: Well I don’t EVER condone cheating, I’m team Jamie in the last five years. He tried so hard to make their relationship and life good, and Cathy gave him nothing in return
30. youcanlolyoucansayohwell said: The answer of the day- I don't get the BMC hype. I'm out of the age bracket it's meant for that might it be. I enjoy it but I don't think it's the greatest thing in the world like some theatre fans do.
31. Anonymous said: i like the rent 2005 recording better than the obcr
32. Anonymous said: unpopular opinion ? : the music of wicked just like isn’t that good. like it’s good but it’s not like, Good, yknow. it’s pretty standard it doesn’t stand out to me. kinda boring
33. Anonymous said: mari.ah r.ose fa.ith is not a good regina george. everything she says sounds monotonous and while i understand she's trying to play off the ""whatever"" teenager (she does this a lot with her teenage characters), 90% of the time she sounds and looks like she doesn't want to be there; her voice is great but most songs feel unnatural and forced and she changes them too much. she's just not selling regina to me as a believable character (this is all from a technical point of view)
34. Anonymous said: Unpopular Opinion: as much as i like musicals based on movies (like waitress), i think not every movie needs to be a musical.
35. Anonymous said: Unpopular opinion (?) the emojiland musical Kinda Slaps
36. Anonymous said: as one of my high school tech theatre teachers once said: "Andrew Lloyd Webber is overrated"
37. Anonymous said: sorry to whoever likes it but Seussical is an absolutely nonsense crackpot plot disguised with okay-to-good music, like I don't even know where to start. I was in the show and didn't even know there was an entire secondary plot line featuring sending children to war until we were halfway through rehearsals
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 10, Part 2 of 2
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed)
[covers MDZS chapters 29, 30 and 48…kinda]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰+ 🐰+ 🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰
Continued from Part 1:
I love this scene from the episode so much because for me it was absolute proof that Lan Zhan had totally fallen for Wei Ying: he actually SMILES because of him...not once, but TWICE...  
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...and then the way he says good-bye to Wei Ying just about murdered me with sweetness. Even though he did smile once before, during the lantern raising moment at Cloud Recesses, one can argue that he was just reacting to the picture of the bunny because he loves bunnies; but here, there is no question whatsoever that he is smiling because of Wei Ying. I think it shows that despite maintaining a generally stoic façade in front of Wei Ying, his heart was already captured by him. Personally, I still don’t think he was actually in love Wei Wuxian yet but definitely crushing hard on him.
When I first time watched this scene, I remember being a downright distressed that Wei Ying was missing all of Lan Zhan’s little signals here because he was too busy getting drunk. At the time it felt like an opportunity lost for another lovely WangXian moment, but now I understand that the purpose of this scene really was to give us a glimpse at Lan Zhan’s feelings. That’s another aspect about The Untamed that I appreciate a lot: the fact that we are getting to see Wei Ying and Lan Zhan’s love story from Lan Zhan’s point of view. In the novel, the focus was mostly on Wei Ying‘s point of view, which makes sense of course since Wei Wuxian is the main protagonist of the story, but I think by giving us Lan Zhan’s side of the story and allowing us to see in real time what he was experiencing emotionally actually adds to the poignancy of their story because for me it basically reinforces how helpless Lan Zhan was: in terms of falling in love and then eventually in not being able to do anything to save the person he fell in love with. I felt the tragedy of his situation so much more as a result.  
Odds and Ends
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My first impression of Nie Mingjue: damn, he looks like a hardass. I immediately felt bad for Nie Huaisang, it’s no wonder he was so afraid of his older brother. Compared to his novel and donghua counterpart, I think he was pretty well-casted. Even though Wang Yizhou had a relatively limited number of scenes, he had a pretty strong presence so that I couldn’t help but pay attention to him whenever he was on-screen. Word is the second online movie might actually be centered on the Nie brothers, which means we might get to see much more of him and Ji Li’s NHS. Although at first I was just a teeny bit disappointed that we might not be getting more of the Yi City boys’ story instead, the more I think about it, the more I actually like the idea of getting more of the Nie brothers’ story because I actually don’t remember if much was said about them in the novel other than just their basic introduction, so I would love to see more of their past and their relationship. I think it’s fascinating that even though on the surface NHS is utterly afraid of his brother, he obviously intensely loves and respects NMJ at the same time considering the lengths he went through to avenge his death. I hope we get to see NHS’s side of the events in the live action, especially during the 16 years between Wei Ying’s death and resurrection when he realized Jin Guangyao’s true nature and guilt, and then started to put his grand revenge plan into motion. I hope this also means we might get to meet the real Mo Xuanyu before he gave up his body and soul to bring Wei Ying back. It would be so damn cool if Xiao Zhan played him as well! If they are indeed constructing these two specials on scenes they’ve already shot but couldn’t fit into the series due to pacing issues, there might very well be a chance of XZ playing Mo Xuanyu. Holy crap, that means we might get to see Xiao Zhan play a FOURTH personification in the show, since young Wei Ying, his Yiling Patriarch and Wei Ying-Mo Xuanyu are already three distinct personalities! Oh my God, I’m getting excited, but I really shouldn’t yet since it’s all just rumors and my own wishful thinking now. Guess all I can do is keep my fingers crossed that that’s the direction they’re heading for the second special.  
By the way, I just have to mention something about the captions on the show: whoever inserted those captions with the characters’ names was clearly on speed or something because they would appear and disappear so damn quickly there was hardly a chance to even read them. I’m surprised I even got Nie Mingjue’s so clearly in the screenshot because usually half the name would be gone before the rest of it had even finished appearing. It’s a minor technical issue but it did bug me at the beginning because I was trying to read the damn names.
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Seeing the Twin Prides of Yunmeng actually acting like twins who are completely in sync (giggling at how NHS is reacting to his big bro) just makes my heart feel so heavy now. They will never be like this again.  Makes me want to cry.  
Lan Zhan’s look was interesting though. Whenever I see him watching Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng, I sometimes wonder if he’s slightly jealous of the bond they share or of the fun they’re having. Or maybe it’s neither and he just enjoys watching him laugh and smile. Honestly with Lan Zhan, it might be a combination of all three.
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These three gossiping dorks. I love them. They’re just so adorable when they get together; I love their interactions and I wish this wasn’t the beginning of the end for all the fun between them cuz there’s really not much more time left for any shenanigans after this.
I also love that Xue Yang is like cracking up in the foreground there but it’s not even certain if it’s because he can hear what they’re saying (about Meng Yao/JGY) or if he’s just being his usual psycho self. I really like that even when Xue Yang is not the focus of the scene, Wang Haoxuan (who portrays Xue Yang of course) is still constantly acting and reacting. I’ve seen folks criticize him for doing that, but I think that’s a little unfair since that had to have been the direction given to him. Not to mention, I think it’s entirely reasonable for Xue Yang to be extra like that, all the time.  
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I don’t hate Jin Guangyao, similar to how I feel about Xue Yang, I simply can’t hate him, but I do absolutely hate what he did to Wei Ying, especially when I see this scene again and am reminded of how Wei Ying had also treated him with sincerity and respect, just like Big Bro Xichen did. And yet, while JGY was only protective and caring toward LXC, he basically chose to fuck Wei Ying over. I know the difference is in whom he loved, but still, damn him for that. Wei Ying deserved better from him.   
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This was an interesting scene because of how great a risk Jin Guangyao was putting himself in. Wen Zhuliu could have totally accidentally killed him. Even though his aim originally was probably just to injure Nie Mingjue, JGY is not as strong as NMJ so a strike that may only injure the other man could have easily been fatal to JGY. So I guess in this instance, JGY’s intent on saving his master was sincere? But that’s still such a HUGE gamble. He is really so fascinating as a character. And his relationship with NMJ is fascinating as well because there were obviously genuine feelings between them as well—NMJ was freaking crying when he was banishing JGY—and yet the way JGY ultimately ended NMJ’s life was so damn brutal. I know there’s a fine line between love and hate but because their lives continued to be intertwined afterwards, I wonder when exactly it was the two of them crossed over to hate completely. I mean, I have an idea, which I will eventually give voice to, but I still feel a little uncertainty because of certain events that happen immediately afterwards.  
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I wish we got to see just how Jin Guangyao found and rescued Big Bro Xichen and oh my God would I LOVE to see the time they spent together, presumably alone, in hiding while Lan Xichen was recovering from his wounds. I feel like we were royally deprived of some serious XiYao time by the live drama. Considering the fact that they seem to thoroughly support this ship, I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t use this opportunity to creatively fill in that big blank. I mean, instead of giving us all those unnecessary scenes of Wen Ruohan and his stupid zombies, they should have given us some XiYao-in-hiding scenes instead dammit.  
Questions I Still Have
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Why didn’t Wen Zhuliu go for NMJ’s golden core? Especially since he clearly had an opening when NMJ was busy with the injured JGY? Also, how strong is Wen Chao supposed to be that he could even injure NMJ that seriously? I now he was already weakened and Wen Chao did attack from the back like a coward, but still, his cultivation level can’t be higher than NMJ so I’m just a little surprise his hit made any impact at all, especially since he seems mostly weaksauce in all other instances. This whole fight scene was just a little weird to me. And also, damn is JGY a shitty liar at that point. I actually laughed out loud when he full on denied that he was the one who killed that dude (who I thought was a total dick tbh so I kinda don’t blame JGY for killing his ass) even though he was still holding on to the murder weapon which was dripping with the guy’s blood. Guess he still hadn’t perfected his lying skills. 
Overall Episode Rating: 9 Lil Apples out of 10
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ranger-report · 4 years
Review (In Progress): THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT (2015)
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The third and final (so far) game in The Witcher trilogy is big. Very big. Massive. Supermassive. Maybe I’m just a little intimidated by the depth and width and density of the game, but as of this writing, I’ve clocked in 62.4 hours on the game. That’s compared to the 48.1 hours of The Witcher and 31.5 hours of The Witcher 2. I’m closing in on the point where I’ve played Wild Hunt more than the first two games combined. From where I sit, there’s no end in sight, either; I have yet to complete the story, in addition to multiple sidequests, witcher contracts, and treasure hunts, not to mention the jawdropping expansion quests Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine, which combined supposedly equal the length of the main story quest itself. Throw everything in a blender and pour it out, and I’ll be surprised if I eventually finish everything I’ve a mind for in under 150 hours. This is a big game. This is a dense game, packed with content every couple of miles or so, in a world where you can’t walk into a town without stumbling onto someone -- or something -- in need, and that’s ignoring the contracts on notice boards. People walk, talk, argue, cough, stumble around drunk, and get into fights with you. Oh yes, run afoul of local gangs, and they will come for you. Meanwhile, the vast open world is teeming with monsters to battle and loot, from the continual presence of drowners to the new griffins and basilisks. An overwhelming amount of content in a series that already packs plenty of content into each game. It would be far, far too much and monotonous if it wasn’t for one thing: developers CD Projekt Red write compelling material, and they know how to write a damn good story.
When the game opened up, it looked just like any other open world game I’ve ever played, and immediately I felt a pang of disappointment. I’ve done Far Cry 3, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Grand Theft Auto V, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, and like many of my gaming generation I get what to do. Seek out loot, checkpoints for fast travel, towns, fight things to get xp, ignore the “pressing” main story in favor of side quests for cool shit, yadda yadda yadda. Considering the first two Witcher games felt like original experiences in what they were trying to do, to walk into such a generic open-world framework was such a let down.
At first.
But then, something strange began to happen: I settled in. Two random quests twisted and convoluted into a connected thread, which was followed by a third main quest which circled back to this thread and elaborated on it. Suddenly a character who just seemed off her rocker was now a fearfully sympathetic human being, now seen in the light of someone else’s story. CD Projeckt Red hooked me, hooked me bad, and now this wide wide world was no longer a series of performances, it was the lives of people in this world and how Geralt affects them -- just like in the previous games. Only here, it’s bigger and wider and seemingly less connected, but it still all comes back together. Choices matter. People matter. The world itself twists and winds according to you, the witcher, and who you side with/fight for. Every other open world game I’ve played has had Things To Do, and this is no exception, but now suddenly it feels like everything matters. Before, everything I did felt like it was to further a progression percentage, to get trophies and upgrade items and simply arcade my way through a sandbox which promised “openness” but really was just all the levels of a video game laid out side-by-side so you could see them all at once instead of having to press through to get to the next one. This is the first time where I’ve really, honestly felt like I was walking through a living world, and to say that it’s captured me is an understatement. Where once I would have rolled my eyes at sidequesting in the face of a main quest where the point is to track someone down or save someone because it is incredibly important, now it feels like the most natural thing because the main quest requires you to go through some shit first. Every contract and quest met along the way furthers the main quest in some way or another, particularly when you open up new quests AFTER helping old friends, friends who now desperately need your help again, and what would happen if you weren’t there? Combine all of this with exceptional voice acting, talented writing, detailed animations, and we have compelling content literally around every corner. And that’s even when you’re just out searching for treasure or diagrams to make better witcher armor! Stories pop up everywhere, all of it interesting, even the slightest of things, and it truly crafts a distracting world to be enveloped by.
A living breathing world would be one thing all on its own, but thankfully Wild Hunt features the best-looking graphics in the series to date. I was genuinely worried that my old rig wouldn’t be able to handle a massive open-world game from 2015 without some tweaks (my desktop is old, shut up), but for the most part I’m running everything on high and it is breathtaking. Weather effects, god rays, BLOOM jesus christ I’m appreciating bloom in a video game for the very first time and I hate that I am but god fuck the first time you see the moon behind clouds in this game with bloom on, and I’m talking a full moon so it is BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL and just. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Detailed textures and character models, the best in the series so far, a wide palette of colors (which sometimes makes the game look like a living painting, in the best of ways), absolutely masterful work. There’s the odd object-poking-through-something-it-really-shouldn’t, or the glitchy human being moving/acting/dying in ways they shouldn’t be, but that’s also a staple of both open world games and this series in general. Jank happens, especially in a game this size. It’s not as breaking as it has been in certain aspects of the first two games, and it’s mostly Bethesda-level charming. What matters though is that it doesn’t kill the experience, nor does it happen so often that it feels like the game is bugged or broken.
Combat, meanwhile, is still not perfect but it’s the best it’s been in the trilogy. Fast and furious, yet rewarding for those who have more patient skills, swordplay is easy and comfortable and versatile. Similar to the second game, one needs only turn the camera towards whichever enemy they want to attack and Geralt automatically goes for whichever monster or human is highlighted. Sometimes this can be fraught as the game will erratically highlight a different character than the one you’re facing, or will transfer the highlight to a different enemy if the one you were facing dances out of sight due to a roll or dodge or other maneuver. But it’s only frustrating sometimes; this was a flaw far more prevalent in the second game than here, and the lock-on mechanic is a godsend when paired against high-level creatures. With patience and tactics I’ve been able to competently square with beasts far too high level for me to tackle, and actually come out the victor, an idea that would be absolute suicide in the first two games. But now strategy versus simple number rolls can prevail, provided you are prepared and/or willing to have the patience to chip away while dodging for your life.
Wild Hunt is one of the few game worlds I’ve entered that feels stunningly alive. Whenever I start up the game, I am transported. Taken away. Breathlessly in awe of how real and vibrant the physical presence of the visuals on screen are. What a strange gift to behold. And, yet, aggravatingly, it frustrates me that most opinions I have encountered are that players don’t need to play through Witcher 1 & 2 in order to play this game. You certainly can, but so much context is lost. Geralt’s relationships with Triss and Yennifer and the struggles between them (that is, should you decide to romance Triss); the nostalgia and heartache of coming back to Kaer Morhen and revisting the other witchers; the friends and former alliances who pop up under vastly different circumstances; the paths taken and decisions made which impact where and how you begin this story. Wild Hunt is the culmination of a near-decade’s worth of storytelling, and the rewards for having played through the previous two games are plentiful. Nilfgaard’s invasion has extra oomph knowing where they were before, and walking through Vizima’s capital now occupied by Emperor Emhyr is especially chilling and devastating. I have no doubt that someone could pick up this game and play it and get the jist of what’s going on without playing the first two games. But will it mean as much? I daresay no. It is absolutely essential to play the first two games to truly feel the depth of impact that this story -- this world -- has to offer.
At this point in time it seems I’m coming upon some kind of resolution to the story. I’m off in search of allies to help combat a vicious foe, meaning it’s time to wrap up any side quests I still have in my ledger. There’s a lot to do. Once I’ve reached the conclusion of this game, this story, I’ll provide a wrap-up review. For now, this deep and still ploughing through, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is not only the best of the trilogy, it makes me want to go all the way back to the first game and play through the whole series again with different choices, for different outcomes, if only to see the roads I did not take and who was left behind. This is an amazing experience with literally hours of content to take in, and I am eager to devour the remainder.
Score (So Far): 9/10
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Before This Dance Is Through V
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Chapter: 5/16
Rating: M (Smut Warning)
Summary: Ringo's being going through a dry spell for the last year or so and when he regretfully tells his best friend John, he insists on taking them to an all-male strip club for some "fun". Ringo isn't sure whether it's the alcohol, his desperation or a mixture of the two but he thinks he might be falling in love with a stripper.
Tags: AU - Strippers, Modern Setting, Smut, Slow Burn
Pairings: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, John Lennon/Paul McCartney
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Despite what John had suggested, Ringo didn't go back to The Helter Skelter the following week; he'd considered it when John sent him yet another late night text but ultimately decided it wasn't the best idea. Spike had been playing on his mind daily and Ringo wasn't sure he was prepared to face him again. Instead he focused on his drumming and searched for a few more students to teach, which were fairly easy to find. Usually Ringo enjoyed his time off, he understood he was lucky that he didn't have to work a 9-5 job just to get by, but recently he wanted his fill his time up as much as possible, to distract himself.
One of his new students seemed incredibly interested in him, they'd spent an hour just chatting in his living room before they'd even moved over to the drum kit. Ringo wasn't too fussed, he was getting paid by the hour so wasting time was beneficial to him but he didn't want to give the guy the wrong impression. He was a little bit older and attractive enough but Ringo simply wasn't interested.
"Why didn't you just go for it?" John had asked him when they next met up.
"I dunno..." Ringo mumbled, but a part of him knew very well.
He'd given the guy another lesson since then and it became clear that the guy's interest in him wasn't going away any time soon. Ringo felt bad about the whole thing, wasn't he just doing exactly what Spike was doing to him? He tried to act as professional as possible the second time around in attempt to get the guy to back off, considering he hadn't heard from him since he was hoping it had worked. What was wrong with him? Was he really going to make himself suffer like this all because of one guy? And not just any guy, a stripper who had shown absolutely no interest in him at all. It was ridiculous, he kept telling himself, but no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he had to get over Spike, he would still think about him every day without fail. Trying to distract himself with clients had been working somewhat, but it had been difficult, especially when his best friend was John Lennon.
       youre gonna love me
The text came through when Ringo was sat in a café getting some lunch. He'd finished with one of his younger students, a sweet girl who's parents had tried to convince her to try a more 'ladylike' instrument but she had promised only to give up the drums if she was awful; much to her delight, and Ringo's for being able to prove the stereotypical parents wrong, she was pretty good. Seeing her always put Ringo in a good mood, the parents mostly stayed away partly due to the noise but mostly due to disappointment, which meant they could joke around together. Ringo could tell she admired him and he welcomed it gladly, one of the best things about teaching was inspiring others, at least for him it was.
        do i not already?
        well yes         but youre gonna love me EVEN more
        what have you done
        well i happened to stop by the club last night
        oh god what did you do
        wow is that how little you trust me
        can you blame me
        suppose not         ANYWAY i got talking to paulie
        surprise surprise
        do you want the good news or not???
        fine fine sorry
        AS I WAS SAYING i was talking to paulie         and he told me that your special little someone has an onlyfans account
        first of all fuck you for calling him that         second of all wtf is onlyfans
        oh sorry i didnt realise you werent living in the 21st century
        ......         care to grace me with your knowledge?
        basically its a website where you can post exclusive stuff for ONLY FANS to see         its not a porn site or anything but its basically where people sell their nudes         MEANING spike has an account so you can totally see loads of raunchy filthy perverted pics of him
        but i have to pay?
        well weve all gotta make a living
        i can basically see him naked for free
        but this way you wont get all freaked out and embarrassed         well you will but nobody will know at least         so do you want the link or not???
Ringo paused for a few moments, he was gripping his phone tightly in both of his hands as he unblinkingly looked at John's words. If his mind was going to decide to make him suffer by enabling his intense interest in Spike, he may as well get something out of it.
        where are your manners richard??
        can i please have the link to the strippers nude photos please john please
        alright calm down         let me know if its worth while i might have a look
        idk if im even gonna look at it         paying for porn is a little dated
        treat yourself ringo         id offer to pay but im broke
        if youre broke why were you at the strip club last night?
        well SOMEONE had to go
        they really didnt
        im supporting my local economy
        i dont think thats how that works
        sure it is         anyway here you go
Ringo stared at the link for a while, his eyes even began to blur, he didn't want to risk opening it in public even though he knew there was little chance of anyone seeing. He finished his lunch in a hurry and headed home quickly, only when he was in the privacy of his bedroom did he dare open it. First he had to make an account, when he saw the screen loading up asking for an email address and password he just turned his screen off and put the phone down. This was far too much effort for something he shouldn't really have been doing in the first place. But it only took a few minutes for him to pick the phone back up and begin signing up, he used an old email as it felt less seedy that way and he didn't want to risk his name cropping up anywhere for Spike to see. Now he could load up the link properly and take a proper look at Spike's profile.
Just looking at the small profile picture was enough to startle Ringo a little, the dark eyes looking into the camera with that unreadable glimmer behind them. He was shirtless in the picture, Ringo wondered why that didn't catch his attention first, with the frame cutting off just before it showed anything too explicit. The header was a photo taken from the club, showing him in tight, leather pants and tassels on his nipples which matched the whip he held in his hand. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He'd spent so much time and effort trying not to think about this man, attempting to keep him out of his mind as much as possible. Ringo knew that if he went through with this all that progress would be lost, he'd be giving in to whatever strange obsession he'd developed for Spike, one that no doubt wasn't going to lead to anything good.
Ringo kept staring at the screen as though it was going to tell him what he should do. Spike's profile had no description, which wasn't very surprising, and it dashed any hope Ringo had of discovering something new about him. Right before he was about to put his phone down again, it vibrated.
        howd the wank go??
        john i dont care how long weve been friends asking how my wank was will always be weird
        youre right sorry         so how did it go???
        if you must know         i havent had a wank         i havent even paid for entry
        now whos the one being inappropriate??
        ha ha
        why havent you???
        feels weird
        oh i see         youll consume a bunch of unethical porn for free but god forbid you actually give sex workers any actual money
        you are the last person who can lecture me about unethical porn
        hey now watch yourself         ringo if you dont get a subscription I WILL
        go ahead
        and ill tell you every day what sexy sexy pictures hes posting         ill tell you EVERY SINGLE TIME i have a wank over them
        every time? i dont think youve got enough data for that
        im not joking
        neither am i         you wank A LOT
        ringooooo just buy it i swear to god         if its not worth it or you regret it or whatever ill give you the money back
        on top of the money you already owe me?
        have you always been such a capitalist
        youre not doing a very good job of convincing me
        fine         spikes cock         now are you convinced???
        naked pictures of spike whenever and wherever you want them all for the low low price of 10 quid a month         convinced??
        fine fine         if itll shut you up
        im starting to think thats code for 'i really wanna do this but im too embarrassed to admit it'
        i hate you
        now that DEFINITELY code for 'john youre right'         anyway theres no time to be telling me how right i am all the time youve got dick pics to look at         even i wont stand in the way of a good wank         so dont bother replying to me until youve paid for that subscription young man
        im older than you
Ringo let out a sigh and rested his head against the bedroom wall from where he was laying on the bed. He opened up the link again and his thumb hovered over the subscription button, why couldn't he just do it? The money wasn't an issue, it could've cost half as much or be double the price and he'd still be debating it all the same. Somehow it felt like an invasion of privacy, after all Spike hadn't told Ringo about it himself, but then again that didn't necessarily mean he didn't want Ringo to see it. After all it was like John said: everyone has to make a living somehow. Sometimes Ringo wished he could turn off that part of his brain that was so empathetic, so concerned about how everyone felt and what they were thinking. He knew that he wanted this, so why wasn't he allowing himself to have it? Ringo could see that he was being ridiculous, as he was with almost anything involving Spike, and after lying there for a while pondering and debating he decided to flip a coin. Heads would mean he got the subscription, tails that he didn't. He watched the coin spinning through the air after he flicked it upwards, then snatched it and slammed it down onto his forearm before slowly moving his hand away: it was tails. What a relief. Ringo chuckled to himself for being so foolish, settling down into his bed; it was still only around midday but he didn't have anywhere he needed to be.
So why didn't he feel relieved in the slightest?
This whole thing was getting tiring, the constant debate between what he believed he should do and what he wanted to do, and it seemed like it wasn't going to be ending anytime soon. Apparently he was in this for the long run, whatever that meant, but if he was going to turn down relatively attractive guys practically throwing themselves at him, he may as well go all the way. While he was putting in his credit card information, he stopped to think around three of four times, but once he'd finished and the images became accessible to him, his brain was barely able to conjure up a coherent sentence.
"Jesus..." Ringo breathed out as his eyes flicked across the plethora of pictures loading up on his screen.
There was a lot of them, and a lot of Spike was on display. Most of them were pictures taken at the club, either from a professional photographer in the audience or photos he'd taken himself in the mirrors backstage - Ringo could even see glimpses of Paul in the background of some of them. The ones that caught Ringo's eyes the most were those that seemed to be taken in his house, these also happened to be the ones in which Spike tended to be fully naked. It was very different experience to see him like this: a static image that he'd intentionally taken of himself and posted for so many people to see, an image that couldn't look back at Ringo and make him feel that strange mixture of excitement and shame. He began scrolling down the feed which only revealed more and more enticing photos. Ringo began to feel himself hardening, he suspected it had been happening for a while now but he'd been far too distracted to notice. He felt like a teenager discovering porn for the first time, it was difficult to remind himself that this wasn't anything new. Seeing Spike naked shouldn't have excited him so much, and yet it did.
One picture in particular drew Ringo's attention: Spike was stood in front of a bathroom mirror with a loose black tie lying against his bare chest, one hand was holding a phone and the other gripping his cock. He had dark eye make up on and his hair was messy. Ringo wasn't sure exactly what it was about this photo that was so enticing but he couldn't take his eyes off it. The prominence of his collarbones, the faint curls of his dark hair, how his slim fingers wrapped around himself. Slowly Ringo slid his own hand under the waistband of his boxers as he stared at the picture. At first he hesitated, his fingers stopped right above the base. It's not like this would've been the first time he'd touched himself while thinking about Spike, it would've been far from the last he imagined, but this was different. It was more concrete, more of an admission. Nothing felt quite as real when it's only being imagined, the haziness of lust fuzzing up the mind as it so often did, but now with a very real photo of Spike in front of him - which he'd paid to see - the feeling was far more tangible, far harder to ignore.
He'd come this far, he told himself as his hand sunk lower until his fingers were running along the length of his semi-hard cock, he may as well go all the way. To begin with Ringo stayed looking at this single picture as he slowly pumped himself, but as his lust began to grow he perused through more and more pictures: Spike kneeling naked in front of a mirror with a loose cigarette hanging from his lips, lying in the bath with bubbles only just about covering his nakedness, spread out on the bed with a gag in his mouth, handcuffs forcing his slim arms behind his back with his cock throbbing. None of this was anything Ringo hadn't seen before, like most people in this day and age he'd searched through the darker corners of the internet - sometimes willingly, sometimes John was to blame - but to see Spike in such a way was like an entirely new rush. Each picture drove Ringo further and further on, at times he almost dropped his phone with how sloppy his movements were becoming. Who took these photos? Ringo figured it was best not to think about it, the possibility that Spike had a boyfriend who took all these pictures of him would've been the quickest way to kill his erection.
Ringo began moaning and cursing wantonly as he got closer and closer to his orgasm, he had to stop flicking through the pictures because he could hardly concentrate on what his other hand was doing, so he settled on a final one to help him finish; it wasn't particularly strategic but he was definitely grateful that he selected the one that he did. In it Spike was looking directly into the camera, allowing Ringo to gaze longingly into the rich brown of his eyes and how his dark lashes curled beautifully around them. He was shirtless with nothing but a necklace on, the same necklace that Ringo had seen him wearing in the record store and Ringo couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction that he'd seen it with his own eyes, as though it meant something. Deep down he knew that it didn't but his inebriated mind was latching onto it. The nudity in the photo was hardly interesting Ringo by this point, although it would be wrong to say that he completely ignored the flatness of his stomach or the faint shadows of his ribs beneath his pale skin, it was the personal aspect which truly affected him.
This wasn't just lust. Lust Ringo could understand, he could compartmentalise it and give into it without much shame or a second thought. If this was just lust, he would've bought the subscription without a care and touched himself looking at the nakedness of Spike's body as though it meant nothing more than a way to get off. Yet here he was on the brink of orgasm looking into another man's eyes, eyes that felt like they were looking straight back at him as though they were sharing this moment together. It wasn't hard to imagine Spike's hand in place of his own, those deep eyes watching Ringo come undone piece by piece. Ringo's hip began to stutter, his leg twitching a little as he had to drop the phone down onto his lap as his head fell back against his pillow as his orgasm approached. It wasn't the image of Spike's naked body that filled Ringo's mind as he came, it wasn't his arse or his cock or even his chest, it was his face, his voice, it was him.
Ringo lay breathless on his bed for a while, the clarity that arrived as his orgasm subsided wasn't welcome in the slightest and he was reluctant to pick his phone back up to see Spike's eyes looking at him once again. There was no use in feeling ashamed about it, no point in trying to deny it any longer: his feelings for Spike were more than a mere passing fancy, that was clear. Exactly what he was meant to do about these feelings was far from clear but that wasn't something Ringo could figure out right now with cum on his stomach and the daylight seeping through his bedroom curtains.
When he'd picked up his phone he'd closed all the apps immediately, doing his best not to catch a glimpse of what he'd been so eagerly looking at before. Just as he was about to step into the shower to clean himself off, his phone buzzed; he almost couldn't hear it over the music he was blasting out. It alerted him for a moment as though it was going to be a message from Spike stating he knew exactly what Ringo had just done - it wouldn't have really surprised him had that been the case, Spike's face almost always looked like he knew something that nobody else did - but fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, it was John.
        sooo how did the wank go
         who knows          but on a totally unrelated note im about to get into the shower
         well before you do that i have even more good news 
         can it not wait?
         NO because you might cum just at the thought of it and then youd be wasting a good shower
         well arent you considerate          and unnecessarily graphic
         thats me          anyway im taking you to the club next tuesday whether you like it or not
         im still waiting for the good news
         well if youd let me FINISH          next week theyre doing a special event and we just have to go          youll never guess what it is
         what is it?
         you just said ill never guess
         youre no fun
         WHAT IS IT
         alright alright keep your hair on          its a crossdressing event          high heels make up probably a few wigs all that good stuff
         im still waiting for the good news
         OH COME ON youre telling me you dont want to see spike in heels and fishnets with some lovely lipstick on
Ringo gulped. It wasn't a difficult image to conjure up his mind, considering he'd been staring at photos of Spike for the past twenty minutes and it excited him to say the least. He did want to see that, very much indeed.
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alwaysonthemend · 5 years
Destiel Rec List
NOTE - This is an old version of this post. A newer and more organized version can be found easily on my blog. I will no longer be updating this particular post.
- Works marked with (*) denote my absolute favorites.
-This rec list is mostly Destiel (I'm a clown 🤡, sue me.) Though there are a few that aren't.
-Some are full AUs, some only partially, while others are canon!verse. (I'll appreciate anything as long as it's well written.)
-Yes, some of these works have smut in them, but they can easily be skipped without losing important plot info. (Make fun of me all you want, but I don't like reading smut.)
-This list will be updated whenever I find a good fic, though probably not regularly if I'm honest. (Life happens...)
-I DO NOT own any of the work found on this list, nor do I claim it to be my own; I am simply making this so that others can enjoy these fics as well.
-Please do not hate on anyone or anything. If you don't like Destiel, then don't read the fics. If you hate the author, don't tell me because I don't care about that drama. (Walk AwaaAYyaYAaa)
1. Twist and Shout****** by @gabriel and @standbyme Archive Of Our Own.
Thoughts- I'm sure that there is nothing I can say that you haven't already heard. Just read it. Suffer along with the rest of us. There's fluff, smut, angst (the holy trinity.) This is truly the best fan fic ever written. Period. 20/10.
2. 300 Things by @cautionzombies. (I can't find the original source so you'll have to try and find it on your own...)
Thoughts- What's a Supernatural rec list without 300 Things? This really is an amazing fic and it is written so well!
3. How A Righteous Man Raises A Rose by @swordofmymouth- Live Journal.
Thoughts- This fic really took me by surprise. It's tagged as an AU, but I think you'll find that it's not at all what you think. The author effortlessly sets a mood of loss and regret, yet still gives the light a chance to shine through. I went into this fic thinking it to be an AU, and it was at first. But I soon realized that there was much more to this fic than what at first meets the eye. I shed a few tears over this one.
4. Cleanse the Mirror* by @takadainmate -Live Journal.
Thoughts- Man, this one hurts, but in the best way. I read this fic a long time ago but lost it and couldn't find it for a long time. I am so glad that I found it and was able to re read. Just as enjoyable (if not more so) the second time. Dean gets a better understanding of what it's like being an angel. (And Cas is written so well in this fic! He's just like he is in the show. It's incredible!)
5. A Hole in the World by @bauble - Live Journal.
Thoughts- This one just hurts and hurts and hurts. This is one that you'll just have to read and see for yourself. No happy ending. (You've been warned.)
6. In the Shadow of Your Wings by @EnochianThings - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is a really well written fic. There were several times that I almost forgot that I was reading a fan fic because the characters and story are just so well though out. It's a bit of a long one and is set in a (sort of) canon!verse.
7. My Throat is An Open Grave* by @inkandpaperqwerty - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This was one of the first fan fics that I ever read for Supernatural. This one is just so heartwarming, but not before plenty of angst and hurt/comfort. The author seamlessly puts Sam and Dean into a heartbreaking AU and it's all about the love that Sam and Dean have for each other. (NOT Wincest.)
8. Thursday's Child* by @strangeandcharm - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- All I can say is... Ow. Slow burn to end all slow burns, but so worth it in the end. This one is set in the End!verse (which I'm a total sucker for.) Dean and Cas are just so sad and I just want to hug them and make it all better. Imagine, Future!Dean's plan to kill Lucifer!Sam works and now he has to live with the fact that he killed his own brother, devil or not. And Cas has to come to terms with the fact that he survived the epic showdown, despite his belief that he wouldn't, and now has an addiction that he has to get under control. I love this fic and it really is a painfully slow read, but more than worth it in the end.
9. Après by @imogenbynight - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Dean and Cas go to Paris... Need I say more? I love this fic because it addresses the crappy way that Dean always has Cas coming to him and how Dean needs to step up and realize the sacrifices Cas has made for him (shameless bias opinion... Sorry) All us Cas stans will really appreciate this one. Written well, characterization flawless... What else can you ask for?
10. Dean's Days Off* by @MittenWraith - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is just the sweetest, fluffiest fic you could ever ask for. Reading it made me want to fall in love so badly it hurt. Cas and Dean just get some well deserved rest and quiet. I am absolutely in love with this fic and I'll read it over and over again. (Especially if I've had a bad day and need some happiness)
11. Unlit, Unmarked, and Forgotten by @awed_frog -
Archive Of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is a beautiful coda for 11x17. There's some Destiel if you squint. It's very sad but somehow manages a happy ending that renews your hope and brings a soft smile to your face.
12. Down Like Water by @museaway - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I really like this fic a lot. It is very sad with a lot of Hurt!Castiel but it does actually have a happy ending. Just grit your teeth and bare through the angst and sadness to make it to the beautifully sappy ending.
13. Till Kingdom Come* by @freckles_n_feathers - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - This is a season 11 AU that was written before season 11 aired (the author actually somehow predicted things that were going to happen before they aired!!) This fic gave me really high hopes for season 11 that weren't quite fulfilled. I loved season 11, don't get me wrong (it's actually one of my favorite seasons) this fic was just so perfect and I wanted it to be canon so badly. (I re wrote this review like four times because I kept saying "actually" lol)
14. 12x19 Destiel Ficlet by @Samanstiel - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - This was written before 12x19 aired, and if you were upset with how things went down then this is the fic for you. The characters are written so well and it really feels like an actual episode.
15. Contrapasso*** by @takadainmate - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This might be the best fic ever (trumped only by Twist and Shout...) Inspired by Dantes Inferno and so beautifully written! I just... There aren't words. It's very dark, and the ending was not at all what I wanted (but after much thought, I realized that there couldn't have been a better ending.) I really got lost in this fic. I could see exactly what the author described, I could feel what the characters felt. This is true art... This is the fic we've all been looking for.
16. Put Up Your Dukes by @takadainmate - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This fic is by one of my favorite authors (who has featured on this rec list before...) Hilariously dirty. Dean and Cas are bone heads who can't make up there minds. Human!Cas is also a little sh*t and I'm living for it. There's some smutty times in this one... (which can easily be skipped if you're not comfortable without losing any important points of the story. {at least I didn't feel like I missed anything})
17. Then I Defy You Stars* by @speary - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - So many tears were shed while I read this. The plot is just so amazing and a plot twist to end all plot twists at the end. It's full of sacrifice and love and angst and bittersweet moments. I love this fic (and I promise you will too.)
18. All the Nights by @NorthernSparrow - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This takes place after 15x03 episode "Golden Time". A bit of a fix it fic, but canon compliant to a point. I really love this fic (I love anything written by NorthernSparrow). Also a case!fic, which I'm always a softie for. Some big questions that I have since season 15 are addressed in this fic, and I absolutely love the way they are answered.
19. A Winter's Tale* by @NorthernSparrow - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Oh my gosh. So much Hurt!Castiel. There isn't outright Destiel but there is heavy DeanCas relations. This is a season 9 re write and it just hurts so much. If you can make it through all the pain, the happy ending makes it all worth it. Human!Cas just deserves so much better... Ahh! It's just so sad and perfect and awesome.
20. Give All My Secrets Away by @morganoconner - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - This is a sweet little fic. Not particularly long, but oh so meaningful. Dean gets cursed and his soul is pushed from his body, leaving him vulnerable and scared (the author portrays the human soul in a very interesting way). Cas looks after him and it's just so fluffy.
21. Plot Holes* by @saltyfeathers - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Holy crap! This fic took me a whole week to finish and I enjoyed every minute of it! Every chance I got I would pull my phone out and read. I was rudely interrupted many many times so I just decided to finish it at night and stayed up until 2AM on a school night. (oops?) It's soooo well written and feels like an actual season of Supernatural. 12/10 all the way.
22. Someone Who's Feeling For Me by @ellispark - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: Here's a fic to kick you right in the feels. I actually really genuinely enjoyed reading this fic because of how well the characters are written! Dean, Sam, and Cas run into Lisa Braeden post her mind wipe in season 6 and it brings up a whole bunch of drama for our boys. (While also helping Dean realize that she was never really the person he wanted to be with 😉) A bit of light smut and a bit of angst but definitely worth a read.
23. Chalk and Chainmail by @angelwingsandthings - Wattpad.
Thoughts : Oh this one is so good... It's very angsty at times and Dean is a lovable dork who can't win no matter what he does and Cas is just a confused little assbutt who doesn't know what to do with himself. (So he's himself if we're being perfectly honest here 😂) There's some light smut but nothing too graphic. This one is a Highschool!AU, so prepare yourself for the delightful drama that comes along with teenage hormones. (And Charlie is a total QUEEN and I'm living for it. I love her so much.)
24. Remember When * by @VioletHaze - Archive of Our Own
Thoughts: Sooo... I've been on a bit of a School!fic kick recently. (Not a little bit. Like a lot a bit thb) This one is just so god da*n perfect (scuse my French) Dean and Cas have been best friends since fifth grade; they do everything together. Then some crap happens and they get in a huge fight junior year. Years later, they finally make it back to each other. (*Cries in fangirl*) Warning, it's sad, it hurts like heck. But there's also so many perfect moments. I promise you won't regret reading it. (And once again Charlie is a total queen and I would give my life for her. She deserves so much better... {SPN writers I'm looking at you.})
25. Everytown, USA by @aileenrose - Archive Of Our Own.
Thoughts : I've seen this fic on tons of recs but never really thought much of it. But I kept seeing it so I decided to give it a read and boy was it worth it! This is just a great fic that has plenty of fluff (And angst... Because what's a Destiel fic without sadness and pain?) Cas is a lot different from his character in the show but somehow the exact same? He's Cas, but it's like he's what Cas would have been like if he had grown up human. I just love him so much in this fic (and I want to give him a hug too... 😢)
26. I Through My Window by @dehavilland - Live Journal.
Thoughts: I've seen this fic on several recs and I finally got around to reading it myself. Some ample Destiel angst to hit you right in the feels. But I love this fic because it is incredibly motivating! Post season 5 canon-divergent and Castiel is permanently rendered human. Dean is a ginormous penis head and leaves Cas to fend for himself. Cas pines after him for a while before realizing that he doesn't need Dean to live his life. Cas stans will love this one. I just gotta include a quote because it's just beautiful. "No, I don't need you. But I want you."
27. A Light for My Path* by @domesticadventures - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts : Oh my goodness. This fic is just... *chefs kiss* Told from the perspective of Cas' Continental. (A.K.A "Connie") Dean and Cas are having a difficult time figuring out who they want to be after the end of the last The-End-Of-Times-We're-All-Gonna-Die, but they figure it out together. There are plenty of Impala!pov fics (and even an actual episode), but I don't think I've ever come across one from Connie's perspective. Definitely worth a read.
28. Named* by @RC_McLachlan - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts : Hooo boy. This fic.... This is a complete season five re write and I LOVE IT. It's pretty angsty, but it also has some funny times thrown in. Dean is a sassy girl the whole time and I love him so much. And the plot twist at the end literally blew my mind. (brains splattered on the ceiling and everything.) 12/10.
29. And Even In The Quiet Night by @KelpietheThundergod - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: Okay, this one is pretty sad. Not full on angst, but more fluffy sad. (If that makes sense...) Dean wants to celebrate Christmas but no one else seems interested. I just want to wrap Dean in a blanket and sing Hey Jude until he feels better! But don't worry, an absolute beautifully written cliche and sappy ending will make up for it.
30. Just More of the Same (*??) by @outpastthemoat - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts : There really aren't words to describe this series. It's just so fricken bleak but beautiful at the same time. I really don't know how to describe it. Read it, the only regret is that it ends. I honestly hated how it ended, so unfullfilling. But, that's life sometimes, and I think that's the whole point of the series. I don't know if I love it or hate it but there's no denying that it is absolutely beautifully written. 12/10
31. the cost of a thing**by @quiettewandering - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: Hooo boy! This is a great fic! Fake marriage? Check. Slow burn? Check. Case!fic? Check. Fluff and angst? Check. This fic has it all. This fic kicked me right in the feels. My gosh, beautifully written and the characterization is FLAWLESS. But trust me, bring tissues as you watch Dean and Cas, slowly, painfully, but surely heal the trust that was shattered between them. This is an AU for season 8 in which Dean was the one who undertook the trials, not Sam. Dean is dying and there's nothing Sam and Cas can do to stop him, especially since Dean is insistent on just giving up and accepting his fate. Cas can save Dean's life, but at what cost? Surely a terrible one... Angst insues. 10/10.
32. I'll Dig a Hole and Pull You Through by @JoCarthage - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: If yall hated the DeanCas interaction in season six (didn't we all...?) then this is the fixit!fic for you. In this fic, Dean helps Cas defeat Raphael. And boy, there's some flangst. (Also Dom!Cas is a thing 😏)
33. Stitches by @Askance - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: I wouldn't exactly call this a fixit!fic, buuut it is a sort of fixit for season 7. (Except Cas gets hurt, which I hate. {So does Dean...}) Cas survives the Laviathan taking over his vessal but is rendered blind. Sam and Dean have to take care of him. Loads of whump and hurt/comfort. Definitely shed a tear or two (or twenty.)
34. The Way Out* by @awed_frog - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: *fangirl noises*. I hate to say this, but OMG! This fic blew my frickin mind! The time line is very confusing and the author gives you a way to read it in chronological order, but it's worth it to read the way it was published. Everything starts making sense around the third to last chapter and it is glorious (-ly sad and angsty.) But there is a happy ending and it's soooo worth it. First timetravel!fic I've ever read and it did not disappoint.
35. What is Hidden, What is Seen* by @ExpatGirl.
Thoughts : Wow! This is a pretty long fic but so worth it. The author joked several times about the fact that the fic is longer than her Masters thesis. This is a complete season 11 re write and I LOVE it. It's got some beautifully written OCs, Crowley, Rowena, and a certain someone who needs to come back canonically. (Again, looking at you Spn writers...) This is just written so well and the author was able to put in small Easter eggs the whole way through just like any real season would. Some light smut but nothing too graphic, angst (Hello, my name is angst but you can call me Destiel.) There's even some humour in here too! All in all, an absolutely beautifully written fic.
36. And This, Your Living Kiss*** by @opal_bullets - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts: Okay, first off, insert fangirl screams here! I LOVED this fic. (And not just because I'm a clown {which I totally am} but for some personal reasons I'll elaborate on in a sec...) This is an amazingly written, thought-provoking, and heartwarming fic to read. I loved it especially as it featured poet!Dean which I don't find a lot of. Now, I particularly liked this fic because it really hit home for me. The author described exactly how I feel when it comes to poetry. They described how poets often write best in times of sadness and misery and how we often stop writing because we are destroying ourselves in our own heads and can find nothing to write about when we finally allow ourselves to be happy. The author puts it perfectly in this fic. Not only did the fic make me rethink some of the opinions that I've had on poetry writing for years, but it also inspired me to pick up my pen again after not writing for almost a year and a half. So, thank you to the author for getting me back into writing poetry. (I can't thank you enough! ❤️) Please read this fic yall!
37. What We Remember by @Tiro - Fanfic.net
Thoughts : (Not Destiel btw) Oh my Chuck. This is soooo sad. Some nice emotionallyscarred!Dean for ya. It starts out so unassuming too! Totally blindsided me with the angst. But also some brotherly love between Sam and Dean. Definitely worth a read. (P. S, I'm writing this from the floor of my room while I sob in fangirl.)
38. More or Less by @schmerzerling - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Oh my goodness this is such a great fic. Lots of emotional angst and trauma (Just the way I like it.) This fic is so amazing and I loved every minute of it. There are so few stutter!Dean fics out there. This fic is unfinished and hasn't been updated since 2016 but I think it is still worth a read. The point at which the fic is left off has no immediate cliff hangers so I think that the fic can still be appreciated as is. Definitely worth a read.
39. Every Part of the Animal (*?) by @Askance and @Komodobits - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - I hate this fic. I hate how dam* near perfectly written it is. I hate it for the hours I spent crying. I hate it for the hope it gave me before ripping it away like it was a game. This fic was recommended to me on a group chat. I was warned. I was warned that it was a terrifying, horrific, and heartbreaking fic. What did I do?? I read it anyway. (Shocker, I know...) This fic is genuinely terrifying. It's horrific and I have to say, READ THE THE TAGS. Beautifully written, as to be expected by the authors. (Both of whom have featured on this list before.) This is a case fic gone horribly, horrifically, disgustingly wrong. 10/10 would recommend, but be warned: there is NOT a happy ending.
40. Hautley's Bend **** by @ColdInTheStudio - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Okay! So, first of, if you aren't into long fics this is absolutely NOT the fic for you. A whopping 42 chapters, all masterfully written without a flaw or typo in sight. I LOVE this fic with all my heart. I mean, I'm an absolute clown when it comes to Highschool!AUs, but this fic is just... *chef's kiss. * This is the Highschool!fic you have all been wanting. It's got angst, it's got fluff, emotional trauma, not to mention some fan favourite characters. (Gabriel, Charlie, and Kevin to name just a few.) But you should check out the tags before reading as there's some heavy stuff dealt with in this fic: Dean is not a very nice person at the beginning of this fic. There's also underage drinking and detailed substance abuse. Self harm is also pretty prominent in this fic as well as some A+ John Winchester parenting. But the pain is so, so worth it. Bring tissues!
41. Stay With Me, Sweetheart by @MandalaRose - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - The fluff is too much! I mean, we got firefighter!Dean saving Cas' life! (For Chuck's sake...What more could you ask for?) Also some single father Cas caring for a baby Clair, so some cute daddy!Cas for your troubles. So sweet and heartwarming and a very happy ending. 10/10.
42. Season Z*** by @Castielslostwings, @CR Noble, @cutelittlekitty, @EllenOfOz, @fangirlingtodeath513, @heylittleangel, @jscribbles, @MalMuses, and @son_of_a_bitch_spn_family - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - So you might notice that there are LOTS of authors listed above and they all came together to create something beautiful. They started publishing chapters right after the season 14 finale and published a chapter every week until the season 15 premier. This is, essentially, a complete season 15 re write. It is masterfully done! Team Free Will vs. a zombie apocalypse. Also, lots and lots of old faces all brought together to save the world one last time. There's some heartbreak, some love, some smut, some fluff. (Also some Samwena to make everything even better.) 22 long chapters, each feeling like an actual episode, made this fic seem like an actual season. (And I wish the writers would steal from this fic's finale and make some... stuff... finally canon.) Truly a timeless Destiel masterpiece.
43. Something about Pinneaples by @lizleenimbus - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - This is an EXTREMELY adorable little DeanCas ficlet. No angst, no Big Sad ™, just sweet sweet, tooth rotting Destiel fluff.
44. Last Night on Earth by @the_communist_unicorn - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Sooo, I'm sure we all remember that disastrous night out, when the first big ol Apocalypse was gearing up, and Dean found out that Cas was an eons-old virgin... And I'm sure we all remember the disaster that was Cas and a prostitute. Anyways, here's what might have happened if Dean had taken a bit more of a... hands on approach. 😏 The chapters are all episodes that took place after the season five episode "Free To Be You And Me" and how they would have unfolded had Destiel become canon. I will warn you, their is smut (easily skippable) and there is DEFINITELY some angst. The whole thing is capped off with a bittersweet alternate ending to season five finale "Swan Song." I can't say much else without spoiling the ending, but all in all it is a very good fic to read.
45. Painted Angels *** by @WinJennster - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- HOLY FRAHOLY. I love this fic. A beautiful take on the classic trope of "We Had Something Good But I Ruined It, Now I'm Gonna Show Up Twelve Years Later And Try To Fix It... Also You're Engaged To Someone Else. Oops?" But seriously, all joking aside, this is an awesome fic. Painter!Dean x Writer!Cas, a match made in Heaven. (Hehe, get it? Heaven? Sorry I'll leave.) HOWEVER, do please be mindful of the tags. There is mentions of suicide and a couple paragraphs describing a rather grizzly accident to one of the main characters. Also, some lovely A+ John Winchester Parenting ™ and several instances of homophobic language. Still, this is an amazingly written fic and I can't stress how much I enjoyed it.
46. Forgotten *** by @NorthernSparrow - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- So, first off, I have to talk about the author for a little bit. I have read every single fic by Northern Sparrow and EVERY SINGLE ONE is a friggin masterpiece. The amount of research and backstory that goes into these fics is truly awe-inspiring. Northern Sparrow leaves no plot holes, no mistakes, no typos, nada. Now, the actual fic in question is no exception. While not particularly a Destiel fic, it can be taken as pre slash. There is a sequel, a Destiel version and a non Destiel version, called Flight that I am currently reading as well. (The Destiel version of course 🤡) There is some serious whump and angst here, both physical and emotional. This fic is a canon divergent from around mid season 9, in which there is no Mark of Cain and is a continual re write of the season. Cas goes through a lot in this fic (my poor baby) and Dean and Sam go through some gnarly stuff as well. This is such a good fic, I really can't stress enough. I wish I was half as talented as Northern Sparrow is when it comes to writing stories. I promise, you will NOT be disappointed. 12/10
47. All is safely gathered in by @randomdestielfangirl - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Here is a cute little coda for season 12 episode 6, “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox.” It’s mostly Mary-centric and her understanding of the Dean/Cas relationship. I’ve always had a soft spot for season 12 codas where Mary sees that Dean and Sam have grown up. (Especially those that have DeanCas in them.)
48. Bring Up the Deep by @deathbanjo - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Here is a pretty cool case!fic with eventual Destiel fluff at the end. The story line is a little heavy and dark, but nothing more than canon-typical violence. This involves Sam, Dean, and a human Cas traveling to the beach to investigate a “sea monster.” Fair warning, there are moments describing Cas’ depression and struggle with figuring out who he is and who he wants to be, but again, not as bad as season 9... (STILL not forgiving the writers for that fiasco.)
49. Hazy Shade of Winter by @GeekPrincess - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Here is yet another case!fic. This one has Team Free Will and Mary teaming up to solve a case in rural Wyoming in the middle of winter. It takes place not too long after Mary’s resurrection and Sam being freed from the British Men of Letters. At first it seems to be just a normal case, but per Winchester fashion, someone ends up getting attacked. Definitely worth a read.
50. A Little Old Fashioned by @theheartchoice - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Another coda, sorry... (I’ve been going through a faze) This one takes place in the aftermath of 14x13 episode “Lebanon.” I was disappointed that Cas didn’t play that big of a role in the 300th episode. I thought for sure he would considering he WASN’T EVEN IN THE 200TH EPISODE. *Clears throat* Umm, ya. Just some Destiel fluff of Cas taking care of Dean’s wounds the old fashioned way after John’s departure.
51. Same Deep Water by @braezenkitty - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Team Free Will heads to California to investigate a string of mysterious deaths in a supposedly haunted hotel called the Brookdale Lodge, nestled in the redwoods of Santa Cruz. I particularly enjoyed this fic because it has a definite early SPN vibe. Very creepy and eerie and reminded me a lot of No Exit (2x06) and Playthings (2x11). Also a bit of flirty!Cas and jealous!Dean.
52. Looking for a Sign* by @emwebb17 - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- THIS FIC... is sooo adorable. Holy Chuck. Dean meets Cas on his bus ride to work and tries to talk with him. Not realizing that Cas is deaf, Dean just assumes he’s being ignored and goes out of his way to get Cas to interact with him. After weeks of no response he finally realizes that Cas can’t hear him and so Dean offers that they start over with their acquaintanceship. Dean meets all of Cas’ friends and they quickly grow closer and closer. They would be perfect for each other except Cas refuses to date hearing people. (Also, bonus points for the pun in the title.)
53. Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by @Sparseparsley - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I’ve seen this fic on so many rec lists and I’m so mad that it took me this long to finally read it. Bartender!Dean meets Cas at a bachelor party and they hit it off right away. Then, when Cas’ car breaks down, Dean offers to drive him around to make preparations for the upcoming wedding. Dean has a massive crush, but thanks to Dean’s remarkable ability to jump to conclusions, he thinks that Cas is the one getting married in 2 weeks. Read it just for the sake of watching two idiots dance around each other for weeks on end. They aren’t fooling anyone but themselves.
54. My Marble Guardian by @LadyDrace - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Bring tissues cuz this one hurts like a season 12 finale. (Heh. I’m hilarious.) Dean is killing himself trying to support little Sam after their parents die. Dean is close to ending it all and takes to talking to the marble angel statue that sits by his mother’s grave. I can’t say much else without spoiling the ending so you’ll have to read it yourself to find out how it ends.
55. The Law of Equivalent Exchange** by @awed_frog - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Holy crap! This fic is truly amazing. @awed-frog is one of my favourite authors of all time. (And has featured on this rec list before.) This fic follows Castiel caring for his ward, a man who will one day be called Dean Winchester. Follow Cas through Rome, Greece, Paris, Russia, Germany, and more as he guides the impossibly bright soul that Heaven claims will one day save them all. In other words, Cas is sent to earth to watch over Dan, son of Enoch and continues to do so until January 24th, 1979, the day Dean Winchester is finally born. The fic then becomes canon-compliant all the way until season 11, then stems into a canon-divergent for defeating Amara. All from Cas’ POV, we see how he went from being Castiel, Angel of Tears and Thursdays to Cas, Angel of Dean Winchester. 12/10.
56. A Way Back Home* by @thatpeculiarone - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Another AU with deaf!Cas. Dean is a lonely bakery owner whose past is full of heartbreak and loss. He meets Clair Novak, a mute girl who has no one to talk to, after Jody suggests that they meet. Neither are too keen on the idea at first, but they soon discover a perfect remedy for their predicament. Dean loves to tell stories and Clair loves to hear them. Dean has a story for every pastry in his bakery, and Clair soon realizes that all of Dean’s stories seem to revolve around one person. After finally discovering why Dean always looks sad when no one is looking, hates Valentines Day with a passion, and only ever talks about his best friend in the past tense, Clair is determined to help Dean get the happily-ever-after that he never got to have.
57. Such Familiar Magic by @saltnhalo - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This fic was inspired by the artwork of very talented @lizleeships here on Tumblr. This is the first witch AU I’ve ever read and it did not disappoint. Cas is a reclusive witch with unimaginable power and Dean is one of the most powerful familiars in North America. Both of our boys have some dark secrets and ghosts from their pasts threaten to separate the two for good.
58. I'm fine by @lizleenimbus - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Can I just say, WOW. This one is yet another small ficlet to go along with @lizleeships artwork. This fic, despite its short length, is so potent and amazing! The writer effortlessly blends the canon SPN with the world of Destiel and I am LIVING for it. The somber and quiet nature of this fic makes it an excellent read for a late at night fanfic session.
59. The Shadows on his Shoulders by @lizleenimbus (Yes, I know. Two in a row... I don't care.)- Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Okay, first off, @lizleenimbus has become one of my favourite fic writers EVER. This fic is canon compliant (sort of) for season 6, just when Dean is beginning to figure out that something is wrong with Sam. (In the soul department, that is.. .) This here is a wingfic to end all wingfics. I love the writing, the characterization, the plot, everything, just... *chefs kiss.*
60. The Care and Feeding of Castiel by @MalMuses - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Soooo, another wingfic!! (No, I don't have a problem. YOU have a problem...) I am a total sucker for wing!grooming DeanCas fics. I just, gosh! I love them so much! I love this fic more every time, no matter how many times I've read it before.
61. Asunder by @rageprufrock - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Now, listen here lil clowns. Everyone loves a good "I need a plus one for my brother's wedding" trope and this here fic is the perfect one. And if you don't love it, this is absolutely NOT the fic for you. Sam is getting married and Dean doesn't want to go to it alone, so he enlists the company of his best friend Cas to go with him. Shenanigans and misunderstandings ensue, topped off with a healthy serving of meddling family members. A great rainy afternoon read.
62. Good Call by @sysrae - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - First, please be mindful of the tags as Dean meets Cas by talking him off of a ledge. However, despite the horrible start, this series is still incredibly fluffy and sappy. It also has Therapist!Benny being exasperated by Dean and Cas' utter stupidity around each other. This is a very heartwarming fic that balances the angst with fluff perfectly.
63. 'Tis but a Crush by @Annie D - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - Here is an awesome little meet cute modern AU fic! Cas notices that a man with startling green eyes stares at him whenever they are together. Cas is interested immediately but the green eyed man seems too shy to approach Cas. Fluff and awkward moments soon follow.
64. Where There's Smoke, Theres Fire** by @OsirisApollo - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts - So, first of, I am absolutely in LOVE with Firefighter!Dean. Cas is an ER doctor who meets Dean after the fire alarm in his apartment building goes off. Cas manages to make a fool of himself but is comforted by the fact that he'll never see the attractive firefighter again. Boy, was Cas wrong. The two men seem to run into each other practically everywhere, and no matter how hard Cas tries, he always seems to embarrass himself with every meeting. This fic was responsible for making me squeal aggressively at 2 AM. 10/10 Destiel fluff.
65. Forget - Me - Not -Blues*** by @noangelsinthegarrison - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is a fic that I go back and read over and over again. It’s got a perfect balance of fluff and angst, misunderstandings, and a healthy dose of clueless, meddling family and friends. Bottom line is, Sam is getting married and Dean is going to be the best man. He’s thrilled, until he finds out that Castiel Novak is Jess’ honorary Maid of Honour. Dean and Cas had a... something or other back in high school. Dean would ask to be friends again but Cas is intent on pretending that they never knew each other in the first place. Misunderstandings, awkward moments, and an obscene amount of embarrassment ensues, no thanks at all to the “tradition” surrounding the Maid of Honour and the Best Man. 10/10.
66. Ignore the Butterflies: Best Friend Advice from Dean Winchester by @impatient14 - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Okay, this one has practically every romcom trope out there... AND I AM LIVING FOR IT. (*Clears throat) Ya, soooo. Doctor Cas and Firefighter Dean are friends. Best friends actually. Totally platonic bros. A bromance for the ages. The broist bros to ever bro. That’s it. No homosexual feelings to be found here. None at all... Or so Dean tries to convince himself.
67. Prosopagnosia by @misseditallagain - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Man, this fic is really adorable and quite heartbreaking at times. Cas has a cognitive disorder that means he can’t ever remember faces. He’s given up on finding love until he meets one Dean Winchester, but he’s afraid to tell his hot date the truth about his condition. Assumptions are made and misunderstandings threaten to tear the two apart for good, but maybe there’s a chance for these two after all.
68. Midnight Blues AKA To Hell and Back (Courtesy of Sig Sauer) by @outofminutes - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- As we all know, I am a glutton for damaged!Dean being cared for by Cas. Dean is a war veteran. He’s been discharged for five years but he hasn’t dared to go back home until now. He’s not the same person he was all those years ago and the constant haunting of horrors past threaten to tear him apart. Thankfully, he’s got a loving family and a new friend (Hehe. Guess who. Sorry, I’ll leave) to help him pick up the pieces. 
69. Scars by @lemonsorbae - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Okay, first off: WOOOO 69! NOICE! OKay, I’m done... So, this fic stands out to me for the writers unique take on some popular tropes. Dean is a tattoo artist with green hair (Insert Priestly from Ten Inch Hero here.) and Cas is the stereotypical hipster. They don’t get along very well at the beginning of this fic. (Which is a HUGE understatement btw). Then, a drunken party leads to certain... unsavory actions, and both swear that it will never happen again. And that’s a total lie. Lots of smutty times in this one so be warned, also references to past trauma for both of our favourite boys so please mind the tags before reading.
70. The One Thing You Can’t Lose by @MajorEnglishEsquire - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is just a cuddly, tooth-rottingly fluffy little ficlet for some happy DeanCas feels. Warning: Do not read in public place for there WILL be squeals.
71. The Ugly Sweater Verse by @nerdylittledude - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I know, I know. Everyone who’s ever read Destiel fanfiction has heard of the Ugly Sweater Verse. I don’t care! I’m reccing it anyway. A newly human Castiel wants to experience every holiday to its fullest, dragging Dean and Sam (But mostly Dean) along with him. This is an AU for after season 5 in which Sam is alive, Cas is human, and Dean finally gets his head out of his ass. (With a little... okay a lot of help from the rest of Team Free Will.) This is an awesome feel-good Verse that is always nice to read after a bad day. There is a prequel to this Verse that is stand-alone, but you don’t have to read it to get the rest of the Verse. (Also, if you’re only looking for fluffy times then I wouldn’t recommend reading the prequel. You have been warned.)
72. Cats and Tats by @cryptomoon - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This here is the quintessential Coffee Shop AU that no one asked for. Cas owns a coffee shop that is right next door to a tattoo shop owned by our own Dean Winchester. Dean doesn’t like the pastel coffee shop because it totally ruins his badassery vibe, and Cas doesn’t need another distraction like Dean, and poor Sam never gets a moments peace.
73. Moving On by @BruisedCastiel - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Castiel is a witch who reads fortunes for a living. One day he gets a customer named Dean whose reading has a shocking outcome. Not too much later, Dean’s ghost comes looking for Castiel seeking answers. This fic starts out pretty sad and things look hopeless for Dean and Cas but don’t worry! There IS a happy ending.
74. Into the Fire** by @NorthernSparrow- Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I’ve mentioned on this list before that NorthernSparrow is my favourite fic writer of all time. And their work has been featured several times on this list before. Now, be warned. This fic gets VERY dark VERY quickly. Dean, shortly after the Mark of Cain is removed, is cursed and he kills Cas. The trauma of the Mark, the guilt he feels for killing Cas, and the looming threat of the Darkness sends Dean into a mental breakdown. Sam, mourning the loss of Cas himself, is left to try and put together what is left of Dean’s sanity AND to come up with a plan to defeat the Darkness. Sam and Dean, with the help of several allies, come together to save the universe once and for all. This is a full AU starting sometime in early season 11 and finishes all the way through the end of the season. There is a lot of sadness and guilt in this fic, so please be careful going into it. Bring tissues. I cried gratuitously throughout this fic. But don’t worry because THERE IS A HAPPY ENDING. Bonus points for TrueForm!Cas. 15/10.
75. There’d Be No Distance by @imogenbynight - Archive Of  Our Own.
Thoughts- Just a short, feel-good, fluffy Christmas fic for ya. Cas is lonely on New Years because he assumes that he won’t be welcome to the family get-together. But don’t worry! Dean sets the record straight with his angel. (Well...Not straight but... you know what I mean.)
76. Imperfect Proposals by @Fallen_Angel_Meg - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Okay, so, Cas is a total jerk at the beginning of this fic. He’s demanding, arrogant, cruel, and just rude to practically everyone who works at his firm. Dean is his new assistant and needs this job if he’s ever going to make it as an architect, but Castiel isn’t making it easy for him. Things get more complicated when Cas is threatened with being deported so he says that Dean is his fiance. Dean isn’t on board until Cas threatens to fire him if he doesn’t play along. Now they just  have to make it through Sam and Jess’ wedding. Easy... Right?  (There IS a happy ending it just takes these two idiots a while to get there.)
77. The Novak Hickey Mystery by @FagurFiskur - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is just a short ficlet involving Professor Novak’s mysterious relationship and some VERY nosy students. Nice and quick happy-go-lucky fic with no angst and plenty of tooth rotting fluff.
78. Come Back* by @lizleenimbus - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is yet another short, canon-verse ficlet for you guys. (I know these last couple fics have been pretty short but I have been reading so many long fics recently that I’ve needed a bit of a mental break from the stress of a slow burn lol) Anyways, this is one of my favourite authors. Literally, every single thing by this author is a freaking gold mine of Destiel goodness. This particular ficlet chronicles Dean and Cas sharing an intimate conversation after a particularly nasty hunt. I love these types of fics in which Dean and Cas actually Use There Words™ and talk like Grown Ups™. (Never happens canonically so I’ll take what I can get. Looking at you SPN writers.) ALSO, this fic is inspired by artwork by everyone’s favourite go to Destiel artist @lizleeships! 10/10!
79. And then there were Six* by @lizleenimbus - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I know, I know. Two in a row by the same author... This author rocks okay! (Seriously, go check them out) This right here is a wing fic my friends. But not the type we are used to. It involves a bashful Cas, flustered Dean (And I know we ALL love a flustered Dean), and a very amused little brother. I love this ficlet especially as it is a beautiful take on the fact that Seraphim are supposed to have six wings.
80. Autrement, Danger - or, The Account of an Exceedingly Long Day by @awed_frog - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Here’s another fic from a “rec list favourite” author of mine. This is a pretty cool case fic with an awesome monster of the week. (Japanese folklore at its finest.) A creature manifests itself as a person’s true love. Sam sees Jess, Cas sees Dean, Dean sees Cas (And has a freakout along the way.)
81. Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You) by @sobsicles - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Hoooo Boy! Talk about an angst fest. Set sometime in early season 15, Dean and Cas get their memories wiped and Dean is convinced that they are serial killers on the run from some tall guy named Sam. Things get awkward when they get their memories back, as they also remember what the two of them did when they were on the run together. Dean talks out of his a*s, Cas gets angry (rightfully so), Sam and Eileen just want a moments peace, and LOTS of bad blood gets let out out into the open for the first time in years. This fic was hard to read because, true to Winchester fashion, Dean and Cas’ communication during this fic is TERRIBLE. Just when you think the two of them are about to hash things out, one of them goes and says something stupid and they have to start all over again. I definitely recommend this fic, but be prepared to brave some hardcore angst before Dean and Cas get their happy ending.
82. Lost in Words, Hand in Hand* by @hallowgirl - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is the fluffiest fluffy fic to ever fluff! (Try saying that 10 times fast.) Dean tells Cas that he never got read to as a child, so Cas takes it upon himself to read to Dean. It was supposed to be a one time thing, but the two enjoy the time together more than they thought they would. Plus, there’s so many books to read, and laying in the same bed is just practical. That’s it. Just guys being dudes. And if Dean happens to fall asleep on Cas’ shoulder? Well, that’s not his fault at all. (Also, bonus points for Sam being the typical smug little bro who lets Dean know that he and Cas aren’t as subtle as they think they are.
83. La Hantise** by @quiettewandering - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Okay so, I have been waiting to read this fic for FOREVER. I read the first couple chapters a long time ago (back when it was still a WIP) and I immediately fell in love. I decided, rather painfully, to stop reading and save it to my Marked For Later until it was finished. I have a hard time when it comes to WIPs because I forget what I read during the previous update and I often times lose interest until I can read it all in one go. I couldn’t wait to read it and I was not disappointed! This fic is BEAUTIFULLY written and the story seems to come to life before your eyes. This is the Destiel we all fell in love with; Two damaged and broken beings finding peace within each other. Warning: these two are complete idiots and there’s a lot of pining and some pretty hefty angst. Castiel’s backstory is truly, completely and utterly, tragic. Dean’s isn’t a picnic either I suppose, but it’s Cas past that comes back to haunt Dean and Cas in this fic. The author seamlessly interweaves the reality with the make believe and it sucks the reader into the story effortlessly. 14/10. A Destiel classic.
84. Cheers, Angel Eyes by @wannaliveindeansdimples - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- As I’m sure you all know by now, I am in love with bartender! and barista!Dean. This fic has a healthy dose of bartender!Dean for you. In this fic, Castiel, known to Dean only as Angel Eyes, is a regular at the bar that Dean owns. The two hit it off during the few conversations that they have and decide to give themselves a chance. Very minimal angst and only just a small bit of pining from Dean’s POV. A very good, quick, none painful read.
85. best friends without benefits by @lizbobjones - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This fic is set between the end of season 11 and the beginning of season 12 and is canon divergent for the most part. This one is pretty funny and enjoyable to read, if only for the sake of poor Sam and Mary dealing with two complete idiots. Dean lets slip to Cas that he finds Cas driving Baby “hot” and Cas admits that he has known of Dean’s attraction for years. Cas proposes he and Dean enter a Friends With Benefits relationship and Dean just can’t say no. But Dean just digs himself deeper and deeper into trouble after he mistakes Cas’ preposition as a rejection of deeper feelings. Misunderstandings happen, Dean is a big baby, Cas is clueless, and Sam is stuck in the middle.
87. Shifter by @@LadyLini - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- There are tons and tons of fics out there where Dean and Cas are the bumbling idiots of the story (Yes, just like in the show) and Sam is the one who has everything figured out. But this fic looks at the idea of Sam being the one out of the loop and Dean and Cas being the ones who actually know what the heck is going on. This is a cool AU in which Sam went to Stanford, John Winchester is still an ass hole, and Destiel is canon. This was a cool take on how the events of the show would have taken place if Sam wasn’t there and Cas had been the one to save Dean from Azazel.
89. diamond star halo by @jad - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is a wonderfully light-hearted little fic in which Cas possesses Dean while his vessel recovers from the attack dog spell. We also get some great brotherly banter, Cas and Dean bickering like an old married couple, and other Team Free Will shenanigans. Also, poor Sam.
90. like moses and batman and james dean by @saltyfeathers - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Oooohh boy. This fic is quite the can of worms for me. Here, the author gives us a more detailed account of Dean’s past of turning tricks in order to raise liittle Sammy, and how this past is affecting his current relationship with our Wayward Angel. This is a heavier fic and please be mindful of the tags (Yes, John Winchester’s A+ parenting is one of them...) But it DOES have a happy ending.
91. any port in the storm by @mishcollin - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- If you are looking for a case!fic with Dean and Cas pretending to be dating on a couple’s cruise then you have come to the right place. I love this fic specifically for the care and detail of the case. Even more, there are lots and lots of OCs in this fic and every single one of them has their own personality and backstory. Be warned; there are lots of arguments between the elder Winchester and newly human Castiel. (Most of them because Dean is a big ol idiot in this fic and keeps the possible location of Cas’ fallen grace from him because of his Winchester Fear Of Abandonment ™)
92. Sunset Plaza by @LoveIsNotAVictoryMarch - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Dang! This is a great fic. Cas is practically married to his work and never goes on vacations, so his loving brother Gabriel decides to book him a weekend at a resort. Cas ends up having to share his room with one Dean Winchester the first night due to a problem with the server at the hotel. But they manage to make the best of it (if ya know what I mean...) Everything is great until its time to go home. They could make it work, but our lovable idiots can’t let anything be that easy. (Extra points for a little dash of Sabriel and meddling Gabriel.)
93. Longing by @whelvenwings - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- This is a really fluffy fic set in canonverse. Dean and Cas finally have a discussion that has been long in the making, ending years of mutual pining. The tone of this fic is very sweet and is a great, feel-good, nightime read. Give me Destiel and Impala confessions and I’m one happy clown.
94. Hallelujah! Noel! Be it Heaven or Hell by @EnochianThings - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- Enochian Things is one of my favourite fic writers of all time! I can’t believe its taken me this long to rec this fic. This is an angsty holiday fic in which Cas confesses his feelings first and Dean is a total assbutt about it. Dean is at a loss after he realizes that he might of just driven away the one thing that could have made him the happiest: Cas. (Oh, don’t get me started on a rejected Cas... My heart can’t bear his sultry saraphim sadness.)
95. I’ll Cross the Sky for You by @superhoney - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I am going to start this off by saying that I wasn’t really into this fic at first. I had found it through tags alone and it sat in my Marked for Later for months. I liked the tags, but I wasn’t sure about the premise of the fic. I could NOT have been more wrong. This fic was absolutey adorable. Barista!Dean meets Captain!Castiel... but in space! (With space ships and everything!) Anyways, very adorable, very cute. Definately worth checking out.
96. Nepeta Cataria* by @thepopeisdope - Archive of Our Own.
Thoughts- I would literally give anything for there to be more Witch!Cas x Familiar!Dean fics out there. This is one of my top five favourite AUs and I feel like it is so lacking compared to many of the others. In this fic, Cas is a lonesome witch who plants catnip to prevent mosquitoes from being in his garden. Little did he know that it would aslo attract Dean, a powerful familiar, who just so happens to be the love of Cas’ life. (Familiar!Dean is almost always a dog in the fics I find so it was great to get to see him as a cat. Honestly, Cat Familar!Dean might be my favourite.)
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nadjadoll · 4 years
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YOU GUYS!! ❤️❤️❤️ @denerims​ @foofygoldfish​ @firstofficeruna​ @outranks​
I owe you all my entire heart thank you for letting me ramble about these two dorks
long text wall ahead
1. Who is the most affectionate? Neither of them are very outwardly affectionate in public, especially Jason but you get them alone in close quarters and they’re all over each other. Jason in particular loves to give her little kisses or just have her near him because I think he really craves that kind of love. It does take a while for them both to open up to each other initially though.
2. Big spoon/Little spoon? Jason is much bigger than Olivia but he loves being the little spoon most of the time. He’s very physically intimidating and tough but when it’s just the two of them he melts around her and like I said above, he craves her love and attention even if he feels he doesn’t deserve it at times.
3. Most common argument? I think it would be about Olivia going out on patrol with one of the other family members/on her own or just about her getting into dangerous situations in general. Jason is very protective of her like he is with all his loved ones. He’s been injured and near death many many times and he really doesn’t want that for her but he can’t exactly argue with her when she throws that back in his face because she doesn’t want that for him either.
After some training from primarily Dick, Barbara and Tim though Jason feels a bit better about Olivia going and doing those things though he still isn’t very happy about it.
Olivia loves Jason but she hates when he treats her like a fragile little child that needs to be sheltered, she’s been on her own for a long time before he came around and she could take care of herself even before she got her powers.
They never argue for long though they’re terrible at verbally apologizing to each other and instead make up in other ways…
4. Favorite non-sexual activity? Reading together. Whenever they have some time off, they’ll sit in Jason’s place on those rainy days and just read. It’s very quiet and a peaceful change from their often dangerous hectic lives.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other? Jason, he’s much stronger than her haha she tried to carry him once but he’s built like a brick wall and just about as heavy, she couldn’t even get him off the ground.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partners? For Jason, it’s Olivia’s smile. Before she met him and the family, she hardly ever smiled. When they’re together though he loves making her smile or laugh more than anything.
For Olivia, it’s Jason’s eyes. When she really gets to know him, she can read him like a book just by looking at his eyes. They’re her favorite shade of blue and she blushes a bit every time she catches him looking at her.
7. What is the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? For Jason, it’s an “oh shit” moment and he leaves the city for like a week because he needs to be sure of it and honestly it scares him quite a bit.
By the time they catch feelings for each other, Olivia’s pretty involved with the family and the vigilante stuff so it’s hard for him to avoid her but boy does he try. It obviously doesn’t last long and after a bit of urging from Dick, he accepts it.
8. Nicknames? & If so, how did they originate? Nothing much besides the usual Jay/Liv. Olivia is the only person allowed to call Jason “Jay” too, everyone else gets a death glare.
9. Who worries the most? They worry about the same amount. Jason worries because one of his biggest fears is someone he loves getting hurt which is why he doesn’t let her go on patrol with him for the longest time.
Olivia worries because she’s lost a lot of people she’s cared about and when Jason comes along, it’s like no one else matters to her anymore. So she worries every time he goes out because it seems like Red Hood has a lot more enemies and gets shot at quite a bit more than any of the other bat vigilantes.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Olivia. She’s got a talent for remembering things about other people but absolutely terrible at remembering things for herself. They eat out a lot and everything he likes is the kind of thing she just knows and never really has to think about.
11. Who tops? 🙈
12. Who initiates kisses? Jason, especially if it’s little pecks of a kiss, Olivia gets a lot of those. Except for their first kiss, she can usually always tell when he’s about to give her a serious kiss just by looking at his eyes.
13. Who reaches for the other's hands first? I would say it’s an even mix of both. If they’re in a dangerous situation she’ll reach for him and he’ll shield her without even thinking about it.
14. Who kisses the hardest? Olivia. A lot of people have come and gone in her life so when she gets attached to someone, she holds onto them hard.
15. Who wakes up first? Jason. He’s had plenty of nights with little or no sleep so he doesn’t actually sleep much at all. After he and Olivia start living together though he does manage to get a few good nights of sleep a week.
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Olivia, when Jason is awake it’s time to get up and go but Olivia is the one trying to persuade him to stay for just 5 more minutes which then turns into a few hours 👀
17. Who says I love you first? Jason, it was one of those times where he just blurted it out without thinking and regretted it immediately. It actually took a little bit of time after that for Olivia to say it back to him in the meantime Jason contemplated how hard it would be to convince Clark to throw him into the sun.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) If they were ever to have a set lunch they really never do I like to see them drawing dumb little doodles on sticky notes back and forth to each other
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? This is very sad to say but Olivia has no biological family or friends my poor baby. Jason doesn’t explicitly tell anyone about them getting together but Dick was the one who kind of nudged Jason to go after her after he noticed how he felt about her like the good big brother he is. So when they get together, Dick is actually the one who breaks the news to the family ha.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship? The Batfam think Olivia is a wonderful influence on Jason. She gets him to open up a bit more and rounds his hard edges. Dick is the biggest supporter and hugged them both for a solid 10 minutes when he found out about their relationship. Overall they’re all really happy for Jason because they see how happy Olivia makes him. Alfred is the second biggest supporter of them because he remembers just how lonely Jason used to be when he was younger.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Jason, he would never let anyone know it but he’s a total romantic dork. When they get to the comfortable part of the relationship, he’s doing all those cute sappy things like serenading her in his boxers just to make her laugh or pulling her in for a slow dance on a rainy day so he can be close to her. It’s worth it to note Olivia is the worst of the worst at dancing but he tries anyway.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? In my fic Jason lives in Chinatown and with both of their busy crime-fighting schedules, they don’t really get to slow down and cook much. When they do it’s actually usually Olivia with very little help from Jason mostly because he’s absolutely disastrous at it. No amount of teaching from Alfred when he was younger helped that boy, but thankfully Olivia is naturally gifted.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines? Jason ha. He thinks of them just randomly during the day. Picture Jason busting a drug deal or something, guns in hand and thinking of pick up lines that will make her laugh later accompanied by an eyebrow wiggle.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Jason absolutely. He has far more experience there than she does and it shows, he loves making her blush. Though once she did it back to him and well let’s just say it was almost over right then and there 👀
25. Who needs more assurance? Olivia does need assurance every so often but Jason for sure needs more. He still has quite a shaky relationship with the family, Bruce in particular so he can’t exactly get it from them not like he would ever ask them in the first place though.
26. What would be their theme song? I just found the song If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin and it’s a total Olivia/Jason song, it’s my favorite song on Olivia’s playlist by far.
Also it’s more of a song for them and the whole Batfam but I’ve always loved Family by Mother Mother and thought it works with Olivia & the whole batfam
“A motley crew, a rodeo A goddamn zoo, a circus show But oh don’t you know how it goes We are all walking each other home”
I can’t look at those lyrics and not think of them I mean come on.
Another choice would be Melanie Martinez’ cover of Toxic by Britney Spears
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep? Omg I can’t think about them having a child that’s too soft for my poor heart
Honestly, I think it would be Jason, he’s definitely not the singing type but I can see him cradling their baby and humming or singing lullabies very softly while Olivia watches from the doorway in tears at how much she loves them.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other? Worry. A lot. They don’t really like to be away from each other and if they have to, they try to keep it short. Is Jason’s away he will call or text her when he can just to see if she’s alright and if Olivia is away for some reason though she never leaves Gotham, she tries very hard not to think of all the things that could happen to him while she’s away. Her powers do come in very handy if she needs to get to him quick though.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. I feel like even when they’re together, Jason has a hard time loving himself and believing he’s deserving of the love Olivia gives him so in the beginning he pushes her away and from time to time he’s still pretty distant around her. Over time with being together, they begin to heal each other of wounds like that.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it. I’ve mentioned it before in another post about them I think but I have a headcanon that while Olivia is the better cook, Jason does cook for her if she’s feeling down. He usually makes grilled cheeses like Alfred used to make for him when he was younger 😭
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potahun · 4 years
Sha Hai / Tomb of the Sea watch
Time to vomit final feelings.
Final line-up of the top 10 characters i liked
1. Luo Que and Kan Jian (GOOD kids. GOOD souls. Love them. Flawless. I mean, Luo Que and his ridiculous commitment to aesthetics? Kan Jian and the brainless beef? Kan Jian took over Zhang Fu Guan’s LJM legacy as the simpleton with fighting spirit. He’s basically the definition of a himbo. Also, their respective weapons?? A fishing rod and a slingshot, seriously??? Im counting those two as a unit now. I hope Kan Jian gets to tell more jokes to Luo Que in Sichuan dialect. (Their Chinese cp name is sometimes ‘Brainless x Grumpy’ I believe, and I appreciate that))
2. Yang Hao/Hao Ge (a good bro. Good heart.He was not always treated right and i wish theyd elaborated more on him at the end, but whenever he was there he was a good kid - especially the beginning. Honestly his misgivings about everything were so right and he deserved better)
3. Liang Wan (shes good. Shes smart. Shes shamelessly horny I WISH the scriptwriter had treated her better like fuck it stop making her weak at your convenience. at the end she did stupid things but mostly because the scriptwriters/director used her as a plot device to make the male characters into heroes and I HATED THAT with a passion SHE DESERVED BETTER) Also kind of hated how they made all her motivations be about Zhang Fu Guan because COME ON we get it’s a romance can you please let her be her own character pls pls pls. I have a lot of complaints about how they treated Liang Wan but I liked her a lot as a character
4. Huo Dao Fu (this dude and his contradictions came in after halfway in the show but still left such an IMPRESSION PFFFFT. Mr I only care about myself but then genuinely cares for Yang Hao’s safety and state of mind. Also Mr cant talk without slurring words. Hes a Huo but mingles with the Chen. What a bastard)
6. Black glasses. (initially found the way he talked rly annoying, but eventually grew on me. Lots of amusing character quirks and when hes there the group is immediately funnier and better. The master disciple thing with Su Wan was fun while it lasted)
7. Su Wan. Good kid. Mostly a good kid. “Do you know why i packed a saxophone to the desert? To save you guys!” I can’t believe. Also cant believe thats the same actor as Xue Yang in mdzs i initially got whiplash but got over it
8. Su Nan (i didnt watch the beginning of the show but thought she was badass and i rly felt like she deserved better at the end. Really hated the way they used her too. the way this show treated female characters is shit)
9. Wang Pang Zi (what a likeable dude overall)
10. Fo Ye. I mean, hey honestly they talked about him so fucking often he might as well have been there
Lowest bit in the whole series: The whole period with Li Cu, Shen Qiong and the Wang family at the end. God I could not for the life of me find Li Cu likeable so I could not care for his struggles at ALL despite him being the main character, I just literally could not give a fuck (and it’s such a shame because in his first trip down to the Gu Tong Jing, I did find him likeable). Also, did I mention the female characters deserved better? Plus, the whole thing with the Wang Family is just...so anti-climatic. So.....yeah....I had a terrible time at the ‘climax’.
Favourite bit of the whole series: The trip down the tomb-like hole in the Chen’s territory, which was left by Chen Pi, and which involved Chen Pi’s descendant, Zhang Fu Guan, and Luo Que. I mean, first off, my memory is a bit blurry already, I think it was not a tomb, but it was the most tomb-like structure, so the descent there was very much like classic tomb-raiding and very reminiscent of the descents in Lao Jiu Men, where you feel like anything could happen -- as opposed to the Gu Tong Jing which was mysterious at first, but got boring fast, because: i) it’s mostly modern compounds, ii) you’ve quickly done a full tour of the things that can attack there, which are basically snakes and trees. That’s it. Not very riveting. The descent in the Chen territory was really eerie and the little throwbacks to the times of the old nine gates were good fun. Plus, Luo Que was absolutely a baby star throughout. His “You actually don’t need to put in so much effort for me, you’re an employee of Xin Yue Fan Dian” and “Right now, I’m here. So I’m yours” exchange with Zhang Fu Guan absolutely touched my heart. He’s a fashionista with a crush on Zhang Fu Guan the size of a mountain. Bless him.
Overall, I did not find what I was hoping to find in this series, and I got pretty angry at the characters and the writing many times in the series. The plot is also a bit cheesy and far-fetched. The treatment of female characters is absolutely maddening, and that treatment is not as bearable as in period dramas, because this is modern days and you cannot use the era as an excuse. Overall, I would not recommend the watch. But the concept of the Nine Gates is still wonderful, and probably one of the main reasons I stuck until the end. For those who watched Lao Jiu Men, the show does give a lot of Easter eggs and throwbacks, but honestly, if you should choose, I would recommend watching Lao Jiu Men instead. 
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initcne-arch · 4 years
@consequntial asked : all of them :)
1. how does your character think of their father?? what do they hate and love about him?? what influence - literal or imagined - did the father have??
Darlene’s feelings towards her father are incredibly complicated. We all know that Edward Alderson is the scum of the earth, but pre-canon and during the timeline of the series, Darlene has no clue what he was doing to Elliot. She was four fucking years old when he died. So let’s start with her feelings towards Edward Alderson pre and during canon, yeah??
She has few memories of him, but they’re mostly positive memories. Darlene mentions a few times throughout the show that she misses him, she wishes she had gotten to know him better, “what happened to Dad fucked me up too”, etc. I’ve discussed this before--I think growing up Darlene really idolized her father. Again, because the few memories that she has of him are positive, she wasn’t aware of what he was doing to Elliot, and her mother was blatantly neglecting her and berating her and occasionally beating the shit out of her. In Darlene’s mind, Edward could have protected them from Magda. I don’t know if Darlene ever really loved her dad. I think she had an idealized image of him because her mother’s abuse was so much more apparent.
Which leads us into post canon, whenever Elliot decides to tell Darlene about the sexual abuse. Again, incredibly complicated. It doesn’t change the fact that for twenty-five years, Darlene wanted nothing more than for her father to be there protecting them, that for twenty-five years she had this idea that if he were still around, things would have been better. Not great, but maybe he could have saved them from Magda, who’s abuse is much rawer in her mind. 
She’s furious with Edward. She hates the man. Despises him. She feels a tremendous amount of guilt for wanting him to be there. Realistically, she knows that she wasn’t aware of the abuse he was inflicting on Elliot, but she still feels guilty for wishing that he hadn’t died. She hates that their whole revolution was in his name. That they started all this to get back at the people who killed him. And those people needed to be taken down, just not for Edward Alderson’s sake. She hates that he had that influence on her. She wants nothing more than to beat him to death again with his own bones.
2. their mother?? how do they think of her?? what do they hate?? love?? what influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have??
Darlene hates Magda!! Hates the woman!! For all the shit Darlene has been through, she doesn’t think anything was worse than being in that house alone with Magda between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. She is, however, the only mother figure Darlene knows, and so she does regard Magda as her mother. Never mind the fact that Magda didn’t actually regard Darlene as her daughter. She loved to remind Darlene that they shared zero actual relation and the only reason Magda even “parents” Darlene is because she signed some paperwork claiming Darlene as her daughter. Darlene hates Magda for treating her and Elliot the way she did. She felt no guilt, no remorse over Magda’s death. It’s unclear exactly when Magda’s health started to deteriorate but Darlene sure as shit didn’t help out with getting her into memory care. Zero relation, remember, Magda??
As far as her biological mother goes, whoever she is, Darlene’s feelings about her are at a zero. Darlene doesn’t even know the woman’s name. Darlene was only a few months old when she dipped out of Darlene’s life. She does think about it from time to time--what is she like, what would have been different if she hadn’t left, does Darlene get her fire and anger from her or does nurture conquer nature?? 
3. brothers, sisters?? who do they like?? why?? what do they despise about their siblings??
Elliot!! Ultimately, Darlene loves him. They’ve been through thick and thin together. They work very well together. Both of them have a lot of their own unresolved shit that gets in the way of their relationship. Post canon they have a lot of work to do, both individually and between the two of them. Their relationship has ebbed and flowed over their lifetimes. Despite what canon says about them never being terribly close, I think they were close when they were younger, at least until Elliot was an older teenager. I seriously doubt that siblings who weren’t close would share the same bed or spend all day at the movies and arcade together or have goddamn code words with each other. Darlene was the only person who knew someone else was fronting from 2014-2015, the only person who knew her Elliot was gone. But they “were never close.” Bullshit. 
I get the impression that Darlene used to take it upon herself to take care of Elliot, when she was younger. Make sure he was getting out of bed in the morning, making both of them breakfast, packing both of them lunches. 
They grew up in an incredibly abusive and tumultuous household, each of them with their own unaddressed mental health concerns, and it doesn’t surprise me that they drifted apart as they grew older. Clearly, there was a period of time where Darlene attempted to rekindle their relationship, but it was too difficult and she ran away. It’s...a little more difficult to say if this rings true for Elliot as well, but Sam / the Mastermind blatantly admits that he’s treated Darlene like shit, that he’s been a shitty brother. I don’t think Darlene has always been the best sister, either. They’re never outright cruel to each other but again, lots of unresolved and unaddressed issues on individual levels. They aren’t always kind to each other. I do think Darlene idolizes Elliot to an extent as well, but considering he was the only person in their household who wasn’t absolutely awful, I can’t say that I blame her.
4. what type of discipline was your character subjected to at home?? strict?? lenient??
Inconsistent discipline. Depended on whether or not Magda wanted to deal with her on any given day. On Monday Darlene could get away with murder without Magda so much as glancing in her direction and by Tuesday, Magda would be slapping her for putting her dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher. I’ve said before that based on Darlene’s behaviors as an adult, I’m pretty sure Magda was more emotionally / verbally / psychologically abusive and negligent towards Darlene than she was physically abusive but that didn’t stop Magda from smacking Darlene around from time to time. There was also a lot of restriction going on, like food restriction and medical restriction. For the most part, Magda just didn’t pay much attention to Darlene, and therefore, Darlene was not a well-disciplined child ( or adult, for that matter ).
5. were they overprotected as a child?? sheltered??
No. Again, Magda paid no mind to Darlene. She practically raised herself. Magda likely tried to shelter Darlene from things, given the woman was pretty staunchly religious, but since she didn’t want to be bothered with Darlene most days of the week, Darlene was free to do whatever she damn well pleased ( until those rare days Magda did pay attention. then there was hell to pay ).
6. did they feel rejection or affection as a child??
Big time rejection!! Starting with her biological mother leaving, someone who was supposedly genetically programmed to give a damn about Darlene. Then the woman who willingly married Darlene’s father and willingly adopted Darlene rejected her. Darlene was always kind of that weird, loud kid who no one really knew how to deal with, so a lot of her peers kind of left her alone, too. The only people Darlene really had were Elliot and Angela. They eventually had to grow up and start leading their own lives. As a young teenager, this certainly felt like they were cutting Darlene out of their lives. It was when those two went off to college that Darlene went really far off the deep end. 
7. what was the economic status of their family??
Given the cozy little house the Aldersons lived in, they seemed to be upper-middle class. Edward obviously worked for e-corp for a time and I assume the pay there was decent. There’s no indication that the Aldersons moved somewhere else after he passed away. Perhaps the mortgage was already paid off. Who’s to say. Upper-middle class.
8. how does your character feel about religion??
Darlene hates religion as an organization--Magda was an Evangelical Christian and loved to shove that down her children's throats. Above all, religion was used to shame Darlene, and thus, she despises it, despises that people will blindly follow some invisible being in the sky and be so cruel to others on the basis of what their invisible friend in the sky allegedly tells them. Spiritulaity, she believes, is very individualized, and if people get some comfort from it, then good for them.
9. what about political beliefs??
Tag walls, punch fascists, eat the rich, fuck the GOP, ACAB, BLM, etc. etc. Money is the invisible hand puppeteering all of our politicians and influences just about everything. She’s one whole entire lef.tist-social.ist-anarchist. Next question.
10. is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted??
Darlene is definitely street-smart. She has to be, given her lifestyle. She’s a hacker and a con-artist--she has to be a smooth talker and she has to know her way around. She’s a pick-pocket, a lock picker, a smooth talker. She’s incredibly intelligent and quick-witted. Look at everything she’s accomplished!! She took down the most powerful people in the world!! Good for her!! I think Darlene could be book smart if she wanted to be, and I think she is to an extent. She talks about politics freely and clearly knows what she’s talking about when she does discuss them. There’s a certain amount of math involved with coding but she’s definitely not the scholarly type.
11. how do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated??
“I happen to be really smart and good at things.” Yes you are, baby. 
12. how does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations??
Darlene speaks very casually. She’s not peppering all these flowy, prosy words into her daily vocabulary, and god knows this woman has some colorful language and is an artist in profanity. She doesn’t speak like someone who’s uneducated nor someone who is educated. She says what’s on her mind. She is quite articulate and she can have quite the silver tongue when the situation calls for it. She scripted a handful of fsociety’s videos and completely adlibbed one in the span of ten minutes, for fucks sake.
13. did they like school?? teachers?? schoolmates??
Darlene only enjoyed school when it was an excuse to get out her house. As I previously mentioned, Darlene was always kind of the loud, weird kid that no one really knew what to do with. She liked to be around her schoolmates but she didn’t like to get too close to them. Her teachers were fine. Her schoolmates were fine. None of them were influential enough for her to remember particularly well. 
14. were they involved at school?? sports?? clubs?? debate?? were they unconnected??
Darlene was largely disconnected from school. She showed up often enough to pass her classes and graduate. Her after school activities consisted of ballet and getting high with others.
15. did they graduate?? high-school?? college?? do they have a PHD?? a GED??
She did graduate from high school. She completed exactly one semester of community college when she was nineteen, decided academia was absolutely not calling her name, and promptly dropped out.
16. what does your character do for a living?? how do they see their profession?? what do they like about it?? dislike??
Hacking and con-work. Darlene likes it well enough. She’s dead set on sticking it to the man. It’s also what she’s comfortable with. Darlene doesn’t like staying in one spot or doing one thing for too long. Maybe one day she’ll settle down and do some sort of freelance work--she did have a brief stint with freelance graphic design and she did enjoy doing that. She does desire some sort of stability. WIth how turbulent her life has been thus far, stability isn’t something she’s familiar with or comfortable with. So be gay, do crime.
17. did they travel?? where?? why?? when??
She skipped around the east coast when she was with [ REDACTED ]. That was mostly their decision, though. Running from whoever or whatever. Darlene won’t get into it. 
18. what did they find abroad, and what did they remember??
If you ask her, she’ll say nothing. Darlene doesn’t run for the sight seeing. She remembers many nights in shady motel rooms and countless fights with her own personal Humbert followed by her running away from them again until they either found her or she either came back because she had no where else to go. Rinse, lather, repeat. That’s what Darlene saw while she was “abroad.”
19. what were your character’s deepest disillusions?? in life?? what are they now??
That everything would magically be better once she turned eighteen. Darlene was fourteen years old when Elliot and Angela exited stage left. At that point, she had this fantasy that when she turned eighteen, she too would go to college, maybe live with Elliot or Angela again, and everything would go back to the way things were when they were kids. Her brother would be okay. There would be zero strain on their relationship. Elliot would be the same person he was in when he was fourteen / when he was fifteen / when he was sixteen / before he quietly started to remove himself from the home more often and gently distanced himself from Darlene, perhaps for his own sake, because he couldn’t take her with him. That she would be the same person, that she wouldn’t be this jaded, cynical adult who quakes at the thought of someone getting to know her too personally. That Angela would be the same person. 
Darlene is pretty grounded in reality. She fantasizes of a better world, certainly, but she did create some change in the world. Is that really disillusionment??
20. what were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced??
Repping the entire millennial generation here--Darlene has lived through a number of political catastrophes. 9/11, pandemics, the 2008 recession, and then she helped drive one of the biggest economic downfalls of them all with 5/9.
21. what are your character’s manners like?? what is their type of hero?? whom do they hate??
Darlene is like...make rude gestures at authority figures but tip your barista 20% every time and it’s not the end of the world if you have to wait 10 minutes for your food to come out. That pretty much sums up how she treats other people.
As for the second part of this question...it’s hard to say. She didn’t have a lot of great influences in her life. Her brother, certainly. Pre-canon and during canon, her father, but he has absolutely zero rights now. People who can look injustice in the eye and do something about it. The anarchists and the socialists. She definitely opposes celebrity culture and putting strangers on pedestals based on a public persona. So it’s hard to say.
22. who are their friends?? lovers?? ‘type’ or ‘ideal’ partner??
So Darlene very much needs people around her, because focusing on others is easier than focusing on herself, but when they get too close, she pushes them away. She doesn’t have many “friends”. She has acquaintances. She has people she sees from time to time in the same spaces. I think about the girls at the party she threw at Angela’s old place in 4x1. They’re not really friends, they clearly don’t know each other very well, but they know of each other and seem to hang out with the same circles. 
And she doesn’t have the most stable romantic relationships, either. Canonically we see her with Cisco. We know she breaks up with him when he makes her mad and then she goes back to him. She hit him with a fucking baseball bat when he was sending her photos to Dark Army. Before Cisco there was humbert, an awful and traumatic endeavor for her. I adore dom.lene but that wasn’t a relationship, and they both have a lot of their own personal shit to work on before they could even play with the idea of a relationship. 
I think Darlene’s ideal partner is someone who can match her intensity but has the ability to bring her down when she’s too intense. Someone who will call her out on her bullshit, but do it gently. Someone who brings out the best sides of her while also embracing her bad sides. Someone patient but firm. That’s a lot to ask for but Darlene is complicated and deeply flawed. At the present time, what Darlene really needs is to take a step back from everyone and focus on herself, because she is incredibly unstable in relationships and that’s simply not fair to the other person.
23. what do they want from a partner?? what do they think and feel of sex??
Again, Darlene doesn’t have the healthiest romantic relationships. She thinks she needs someone to take care of her so that’s what romantic partners are at her beck and call for. She wants someone around but only on her terms. As previously mentioned, what she really needs to do right now is take a step back and focus on herself. Go to therapy and what have you.
She enjoys sex for the most part, though obviously, that’s partner dependent. Her relationship with sex isn’t the healthiest either. It’s often used as a distraction or as a means to get her way. 
24. what social groups and activities does your character attend?? what role do they like to play?? what role do they actually play, usually??
For the lack of close friends, Darlene is a social butterfly. She enjoys clubs, parties, hackerspaces, etc. She can often be found in the center of the room dancing with a drink in hand, until she’s completely overwhelmed and screaming at everyone to get out or hiding in an empty room until she calms down. Aside from these spaces, Darlene doesn’t really have any other social groups.
As a sidenote, I thoroughly enjoy that mid-credit scene during the season 3 finale where she apparently just strikes up a conversation with a random sex worker and they have a full blown conversation about politics and money while walking back to Elliot’s apartment. Darlene is very social, she does enjoy talking to people. She simply is not comfortable with people Knowing her.
25. what are their hobbies and interests??
I was joking the other day about how Darlene needs to get more hobbies and I still stand by that. She has ballet, and she still greatly enjoys that. It’s very controlled. It forces her to focus on one thing at a time. She likes that. She’s good at it. She does enjoy gaming to an extent, though she mostly sticks to Nintendo and portable gaming because she’s constantly on the move and simply cannot be expected to carry a PlayStation in her backpack. She would probably jive with some multiplayer online games. She had a brief stint with freelance graphic design and she still enjoys graphic design. 
Darlene is big on the classic horror and sci-fi films and media. I do not think she has seen a single movie that has come out since 2005. She likes going to the movies, though. The movie theater was a comfort zone for her at one point and it still is. 
26. what does your character’s home look like?? personal taste?? clothing?? hair?? appearance??
Darlene does not have a steady place to live. She couch surfs and crashes at different friend’s places. Thinking about her apartment that she was staying in during season 3 when the FBI had eyes on her, it was...deeply depersonalized. There were no touches of Darlene in there. Even with a semi-stable place to stay, she couldn’t be bothered to decorate the place, add some of her own touches. She left Angela’s apartment as is in season 4. She has zero attachment to the spaces she stays in and treats them as temporary, just like she treats most things in life.
Darlene’s sense of style, though?? Absolutely impeccable. There is so much of Darlene in her clothing, hair, and makeup. She’s got the cool grunge look going on for her. Thrifted clothes that she alters and upcycles, boots for stomping, tastefully wild hair, and dark makeup. Darlene takes great care of her appearance. It’s the one thing she does have, the one aspect of her life that she can control. When everything else is out of her hands, at least she can have kickass winged eyeliner.
27. how do they relate to their appearance?? how do they wear their clothing?? style?? quality??
Literally just said it--Darlene’s appearance is one thing she can control and she puts quite a bit of effort into her appearance. She’s very eclectic with her clothing!! She pulls off so many looks!! I love in 1x2 where she makes a whole outfit out of clothes from Elliot’s closet and it’s probably her most iconic look to date. She rocks that old, musty looking jacket that belonged to Magda. Darlene’s clothing is largely thrifted, partly because fuck fast fashion, partly because she doesn’t have a ton of money, partly because she tends to leave clothes behind when she moves and doesn’t want to waste money on anything crazy expensive when she knows it will likely get lost in one of her many moves. She largely wears dark and neutral colors but we see her in a few bright colors. I, for one, adore that cozy looking colorful sweater she wears after the heist episode. Goes to show how she can pull off pretty much any look.
28. who is your character’s mate?? how do they relate to him or her?? how did they make their choice??
She doesn’t have one. Maybe one day Darlene will settle down but I’ve said it several times already and I will say it many more times, she is taking the time now to focus on herself. She needs to.
29. what is your character’s weaknesses?? hubris?? pride?? controlling??
Darlene has a weird dichotomy going on, where she’s both very confident in herself while also constantly seeking validation from others. She knows what she’s doing, she knows what she needs to do, but she thinks she needs approval from others before going forward with it. She is prideful. She is controlling. She desperately needs someone else to tell her it’s okay before she will do something.
30. are they holding on to something in the past?? can he or she forgive??
The great thing about Mr. Robot (2015-2019) is that it says you don’t have to forgive your abusers. You do not owe them shit. Darlene holds onto a ton of resentment for her mother, for humbert, for her father, for many other people who have wronged her. Maybe one day she’ll be able to let go, but she sure as hell doesn’t have to forgive them for what they did and how they treated her.
31. does your character have children?? how do they feel about their parental role?? about the children?? how do the children relate??
Nope, nope, nope, nope.
32. how does your character react to stress situations?? defensively?? aggressively?? evasively??
All of the above. It depends on the situation, who’s involved, and she tends to cycle through all three. In 4x6, I think, whenever Dom has Darlene at gunpoint in the bathtub, I think about how Darlene kind of cycles through defense and aggression and evasion. She screams at Dom, tells her where to stick it, but then she cowers and cries and says, “you don’t have to do this, it’s okay, you don’t have to do this, it’s okay, it’s okay, Dom.” It’s an incredibly interesting cycle to watch. Hell, even clear back in season one, when Vera’s brother and his other goon have Darlene in their clutches. She’s very loud and aggressive until they actually have her, at which point she falls silent. Yet when Janice has her and Dom, she’s pretty openly defiant. Calls Janice a cuntstick and, once again, tells her where to stick it.
33. do they drink?? take drugs?? what about their health??
Haha yeah!! As far as drinking goes, she’s more of a social drinker than anything ( although her little flask in season one absolutely kills me, what a legend--we don’t see her drink in private after that, though ). She does use party drugs ( ecstasy, acid, etc. ) but again, only socially. I don’t think she’s dependent on cocaine in the same way Sam / the Mastermind was dependent on opiates, but it seems to be her drug of choice. She’s strung out on it a few times through the series. She likes to smoke weed, and she’s a heavy cigarette smoker.
Despite all this, Darlene’s health is weirdly pretty stable. She has awful sleeping habits and nutritional habits. She smokes cigarettes like her life depends on it. She’s definitely at least a little underweight and could stand to gain a few pounds. She catches an occasional cold and she’s maybe had the flu two or three times during her life. She doesn’t have any chronic conditions though.
34. does your character feel self-righteous?? revengeful?? contemptuous??
She sure does!! When Trenton said, “You want momentary anarchy,” she was 100% correct. Darlene is incredibly vengeful and contemptuous. Her entire reason behind fsociety and 5/9 was to get revenge on the people who killed her dad and therefore made her life a living hell. She specifically sought out Susan Jacobs’ home because Susan Jacobs was the lawyer who destroyed her family’s case against e-corp. There’s another meta here somewhere about the absolute whirlwind of emotions Darlene goes through when she learns about what an absolute scumball Edward Alderson actually was but the fact of the matter is, it was retribution for his death that she initially wanted and that’s what drove initially drove her.
35. do they always rationalize errors?? how do they accept disasters and failures??
Yes. For her sake, I think she has to. She would absolutely spiral if she couldn’t rationalize errors. Again, Darlene doesn’t have a ton of control in the things in her life, and she has to be able to rationalize that.
When thinking about the second part of this question, I think about the buildings blowing up, and I think about Elliot’s reaction to that vs. Angela’s reaction to that vs. Darlene’s reaction, or rather her lack of reaction, to that. Elliot and Angela were absolutely broken up over it and Darlene was...not. This is a revolution and sometimes people die and it’s for the greater good. It’s not ideal, but shit happens.
36. do they like to suffer?? like to see other people suffering??
Hell no, but she doesn’t really know any other way of living. She’s not always having fun but she doesn’t know what else to do with herself. 
Darlene does not like to see other people suffer. That’s precisely why she brought down ecorp, Whiterose, and the Deus group. Humanity doesn’t deserve to live in the shadows of evil rich corporations and to be controlled by a handful of the most powerful people alive. Darlene enjoys seeing those people suffer. Lowkey she had a blast fucking over Susan Jacobs the way she did. She straight up said so to Susan Jacobs’ face. 
37. how is your character’s imagination?? daydreaming a lot?? worried most of the time?? living in memories??
Darlene is clearly very creative and quick-witted, which leads me to believe she does do a lot of daydreaming. She has the drive to make those daydreams a reality, though. She desires a better world for herself and for other people, so what does she do?? Co-founds a hacktivist group, crashes the economy, and then doxxes and redistributes the wealth of the most powerful people on the planet. With that being said, she is very grounded and present. She does have one foot in the past, but most of her energy is in the now.
38. are they basically negative when facing new things?? suspicious?? hostile?? scared?? enthusiastic??
Once again, for her own sake, she has to be enthusiastic about change. Darlene’s life is constantly in motion. She’s constantly on the move, jumping from one thing to the next. Things aren’t working in the world, things need to change with the world. For as cynical as she is, Darlene does enjoy experiencing new things and she is often hopeful that things will be better this time around.
39. what do they like to ridicule?? what do they find stupid??
Anything, everything, most things. She’s mean. Big April Ludgate energy over here, honestly. Darlene never hesitates at the opportunity to absolutely decimate someone or something.
40. how is their sense of humor?? do they have one??
Very dry and deadpan and sarcastic. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when she’s joking or being serious. She’s always saying something about eating the rich and guillotining the president and she’s both joking and being very serious. I have absolutely referenced this tik tok before, spammed everyone I know with it, and I will post it again because it is pretty much PEAK Darlene’s sense of humor. She absolutely has a spoof twitter account where she just @ Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Zuckie 24/7, I do not make the rules.
41. is your character aware of who they are?? strengths?? weaknesses?? idiosyncrasies?? capable of self-irony??
Darlene has a lot of self-awareness but she lacks the ability to make much change. She knows what her strengths are and she knows what her weaknesses are. She’s confident, but she’s prideful. She’s very sure of herself, but she craves validation from others. She makes jokes about all of her psychological dysfunction but she has very little insight into how off the rails she actually is. She knows she’s a bitch but she doesn’t care and she will remain that way, thank you very much.
42. what does your character want most?? what do they need really badly, compulsively?? what are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain??
It’s hard to say what she wants most. I do think Darlene craves stability. She’s not a stable person in really any sense of the word. At the same time, she enjoys the freedom of drifting from one place to the next. I think she wants a balance of that. The ability to do as she pleases while maintaining relationships with the people she loves. She’s only barely figuring out what she needs to do to obtain that. Therapy, for one, and actively working on her own shit, actively utilizing whatever coping mechanisms she’s taught, actively making changes to her lifestyle. She’ll eventually fall back into her ways of petty crime because she enjoys it and would rather perish than work for the man. But she wants to be able to do so without compromising her relationships anymore.
43. does your character have any secrets?? if so, are they holding them back??
Darlene keeps most things in her life a secret from others. You don’t ask, she doesn’t tell. Even if you do ask, she might not tell. It might not be as surfaced as Elliot, but Darlene is fairly paranoid herself and reveals very little about herself to others. She doesn’t own any credit cards and aside from her SSN and a driver's license, there’s little documented information on Darlene. Lord knows she’ll try and wipe her information from whatever database the FBI has.
44. how badly do they want to obtain their life objectives?? how do they pursue them??
She doesn’t have any life objectives, really. Traumatized individuals have difficulty comprehending the future and Darlene is certainly one of those people. She can’t make herself see anything more than a few weeks into the future because who knows where she’ll be in the next hour?? She very much lives in the present and takes things one day at a time. She doesn’t plan for the future, she doesn’t have any life objectives. Whatever happens happens and she doesn’t necessarily like that but again, she can’t make herself future trip.
45. is your character pragmatic?? think first?? responsible?? all action?? a visionary?? passionate?? quixotic??
Pragmatic, visionary, and passionate, yes, very much so. Think first, sometimes--there is a lot of thought, tact, and planning that has to go into programming and con work, but one has to be prepared for everything to wrong at the same time. All action?? Absolutely!! Responsible?? Fuck no. Quixotic, from time to time. Darlene’s a thinker and then she runs with what she has.
46. is your character tall?? short?? what about size?? weight?? posture?? how do they feel about their physical body??
Darlene is 5′5″ and weighs in at about 125 lbs. Average height but somewhat underweight. She’s quite petite and thin--if she wraps her hand around her wrist, she can touch her thumb to her pinky. She doesn’t have a lot of curves. She definitely has the posture of a ballerina. She holds herself very upright and the way she walks is very calculated. Her feet turn outwards slightly when she’s standing and when she walks, her steps are nearly parallel to each other. 
47. do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person?? does they want to be visible or invisible??
I wouldn’t say Darlene wants to project an image as being younger or older or more important. She definitely wants to come off as powerful and intelligent. Frankly, she achieves that. But she does like to remain anonymous. She doesn’t need people knowing what she’s all about. She’s fine with being underestimated because it means people are in for an even ruder surprise when she completely destroys them, and she gets a lot of satisfaction from that.
48. how are your character’s gestures?? vigorous?? weak?? controlled?? compulsive?? energetic?? sluggish?
Definitely very energetic and grand, often times erring on the side of aggressive. That’s simply a condition of Darlene’s existence. 
49. what about voice?? pitch?? strength?? tempo and rhythm of speech?? pronunciation?? accent??
Darlene is loud as fuck and good for her, honestly. She has very little volume control. Her voice can be shrill and it has the tendency to break when she’s overwhelmed or excited. She has a bit of that smoker's rasp, too. Her tempo is very controlled, though. She speaks at a pretty average pace, though she slows her speech when she’s being deliberate. There isn’t much to say in terms of an accent, though I still think it would be hilarious if she had a strong Jersey accent. There’s a lot of emotion in her voice and it fluctuates greatly.
50. what are the prevailing facial expressions?? sour?? cheerful?? dominating??
For as much as she emotes in the way she speaks, Darlene’s facial expressions are rather constricted, which is very interesting. She has a chronic case of resting bitch face and her facial expressions are rather subtle. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What do you do when you can't sleep? I pick something to watch. Usually the background noise works in making me feel sleepier. Have you ever been threatened before? Physically, verbally, emotionally... I’ve had the full package. Don't you hate being labeled? I hate if it’s done in a mocking way or to reinforce insulting stereotypes, like Catholic Filipino boomers saying all atheists are evil and in need of ‘saving.’ But there are some labels that can be a source of comfort and give me a sense of identity, like if my friends can correctly remember my sexual orientation. Are you one of those people who says sorry too much or doesn't say it often? I do say it a lot. I also get reprimanded for it a lot. Have you ever had a cute doctor/dentist/nurse? No, and I mostly don’t think of them in that way... if I’m at the doctor/dentist, that just means I want to be healed lol.
Do you swallow your gum even though it's bad for you? I’ve never done it on purpose. The few times I accidentally swallowed gum I was worried it’d fuck up my stomach, but nothing bad has ever happened. Don't you hate it when you go to the bathroom & there's no toilet paper? I mean my parents always buy tissues in bulk, so we’ve never run out of them. If I catch the roll being empty, it’s easy to replace. ^When that happens do you ever just sit there & read shampoo bottles? We have bidets in our bathrooms. For houses with no bidets, the pair of tabo/balde would do to wash ourselves, at least for Filipino culture. Going into TMI territory over here but the idea of some countries/people only using dry toilet paper to wipe their ass has always been so odd for Asians. Do you wear jelly bracelets? Do you believe in the sexual meanings of them? I wore them a few times during childhood but I wasn’t obsessed nor did I collect hundreds of them. I didn’t know they had sexual meanings – that would’ve been my last thought as a kid. Are you good at guessing things? Not guessing, but I’ve had a decent track record of picturing and predicting worst case scenarios that end up happening close to the way I imagine them. Have you ever gambled? I played Bingo when I was like 9. There was a period when my late grand-aunt’s friends would come over at her place (we lived in a duplex, so I knew whenever a game was starting and it was easy to walk over there) and play Bingo, and it lasted for a few months. When your stomach growls do you ignore it for awhile or immediately get food? I like waiting for a while before deciding I’m *really* hungry and looking for food. Have you ever thrown up on someone in front of you on a amusement park ride? OMG, never. Have you ever thought you were dreaming so you had someone actually pinch you? No. I only ever saw this in cartoons, too. When you get nervous, does your heart pound extra fast? Isn’t that kind of an important sign of being nervous though? If my heart wasn’t beating fast I’d think that everything was under control. Have you ever mowed your lawn? Do you find it fun or annoying? Our village has a staff member that’s in charge of mowing everyone’s front lawns, so we don’t really have to. Do you have a garden at your house? I wouldn’t call it a garden. We have a couple of tall trees but that’s it. Do you like making puppet figures with your shadow? I don’t hate it, but like I don’t actively seek this out. When you're on the internet does time go fast or slow? When I was 10 and the internet was still fairly new to me and there were still a billion sites to check out, time was definitely fast. I’d be on the laptop all day and suffice it to say I was addicted, which wasn’t the healthiest situation for a 10 year old. These days time just feels normally paced since we’ve grown used to the internet now... it’s literally a part of everyone’s lives and is everywhere from phones to TVs to fucking lightbulbs, so it’s all just part of everyday routine. When you're angry do you take it out on other people? I make it a point not to do this but sometimes I’ll crack under pressure and end up snapping at someone. What's the key to true happiness? Key’s different for everyone. Who do you look up to for your style? For the longest time it was Audrey Hepburn, which is why I have a ton of little black dresses piled up in my closet to this day. More recently though I’ve been wanting to dress up like Rachel Green from Friends. What was the longest phone conversation you've ever had? Ugh it’s so cringey now but when Gab and I were newly dating we once had an 8 hour Viber call. Never did it again.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two big ones. What's your life philosophy? “You don’t have to be blood to be family” ngh I say this on surveys a lot. Soz, questions like this make me repeat it. Have you ever played strip poker or would you ever? I’ve never played it. I don’t even know how poker works and it’s so annoying cause my favorite shows tend to make at least one episode focused on a poker game, and I’m left not understanding any of the dialogue. Would you still go out with someone even if you thought they would cheat on you? These cheating questions can be so tricky but generally I wouldn’t consider dating someone who I know to be a past cheater. Would you date someone who didn't want to have sex until they were married? Yes. I mean I was already this kind of person with Gabie anyway when we started dating; she was just able to change my mind which I’m super ok with because I’ve never regretted it. How much cash do you have on you right now? I have a little over P2000 in my wallet. My school has since ordered to end the semester by April 30 so I had no idea that the P2000 my parents gave me last March was gonna be my last allowance from them ever :’( What's your favorite thing to order at a Mexican food restaurant? I haven’t really had Mexican food that’s purely Mexican, i.e. not Tex-Mex. Idk if it’s right to say fajitas and chimichangas since Google says they’re Tex-Mex, but they’re my usuals. If you got to magically make somebody disappear, who would it be and why? Can I make a virus disappear instead? Do you prefer to cook or eat out? Eat out. Because I can’t cook. Have you ever peed yourself while laughing? Never. When you don't like someone, do you let them know? I mean obviously I don’t confront them directly just to say I don’t like them, but I’ll make extra effort to avoid them and I just wouldn’t interact if we happen to be in the same room. How would you build your ultimate sundae? Not really a sundae girl so I wouldn’t know what combination works. McDo’s hot fudge sundae is satisfying enough for me. Would you date someone who went to church on a regular basis? If it came to that, and especially if I really like the person, I might give them a chance (that’s a billion plus points for my mom, anyway) on the condition that they don’t force me to attend with them, and they don’t try to convert me. What is your favorite curse word? Fuck. Would you rather see a movie at the theater or at home on DVD? Egh it depends. There are movies I can be excited enough about to wanna catch it in the cinema, and there are some that I’m not invested as much in and that I could wait for to show up at an illegal film website lol. If the police came to your door & said "you're under arrest!" what would it be for? The police in this country are the Devil and will arrest and kill anybody. That said, I can be attacked in my own home, arrested for absolutely nothing, and they will get away with it. Are you good at giving massages? Nope. What movie do you know just about every line from? Your basic white girl movies – Titanic, The Proposal, White Chicks. Oh and also my favorite Two for the Road, of course. Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? Cupcakes. If I absolutely have to eat a muffin it has to be chocolate, otherwise I’m not touching it. I’m all about the sweet. What are the three "nevers" of your life? Doing hard drugs, drunk driving, eating fruits. What lifts your spirits when life gets you down? Good food, good movies, good friends. My dog. Is sometimes being silent more effective than having to say things? Yes. Do you smile a lot or not enough? I think I do it enough.
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