drarryruinedme7 · 4 years
Hi! Congratulations on 3000 followers! You, and your writing are amazing and you deserve so much love!!! For the prompt - Drarry in pre-relationship(?) stage, 25th birthday, if you want! Congratulations again!
Omg, first of all, thanks for your wonderful words!! 🥺💖and then, well, a bit late, but here it comes, darling!
Drarry | T+ | 1k | kissing, drunk kisses, sassy Draco, background Blairon, slytherins/gryffindors friendship | Beta: my sweetie @fictional
A Kiss and A Date
It was Ron’s fault, really.
A year ago, he’d told Harry and Hermione he’d started dating Zabini. As in Blaise Zabini. As in the tall Slytherin lackey of Malfoy.
When Ron told them, Harry tried to maintain his composure. He smiled, but it must have come out all wrong because Hermione elbowed him in the ribs and Ron rolled his eyes.
“I know, I know,” Ron said, torturing the hem of his t-shirt. “He’s… well, I know. He’s a Slytherin and Malfoy’s friend, of all people. But I suppose…”
Harry raised an eyebrow and Ron huffed. “They’ve changed, Harry. I mean… just, please, I’d love it if you’d give him at least a chance.”
And Hermione cleared her throat, hugged Ron briefly. “You have our full support, right Harry?”
“Sure, mate, whoever makes you happy.”
Oh, how wrong he was. Harry hadn’t realized that would mean they’d have soon to meet Zabini’s friends too and that Malfoy was amongst them.
It had been a long, excruciating, year. In the shortest amount of time everyone started getting along: Hermione, Ginny and Pansy would spend entire nights out together, Neville and Theodore found out they shared a strong passion for herbology and would spend a suspicious amount of time together talking about it, Greg and Luna had started working together on some project about rare creatures to which Harry never paid enough attention to remember.
Everyone but Harry. When they were all together, he would struggle to find his place. He felt off-balance with all the new friendship and he discovered, soon enough, that his entire attention was focused on Malfoy.
It was ridiculous and kinda sad, but Harry couldn’t help it. The stupid git always found new ways to irk him and Harry and Malfoy spent more time arguing than breathing when they were in the same room.
Then there was that night. They were at Luna’s house and drank one too many bottles of Firewhiskey—  Harry was lying on the grass of her endless garden, looking at the moon, laughing at the funny shapes of the clouds. 
Malfoy found him pretty soon and laid next to him. Before Harry could think of anything to say to annoy him, however, Malfoy leaned on one elbow, looked down at Harry and kissed him. Just like that. He kissed Harry, knocking all the air out of his lungs.
Harry’s eyes opened wide, staring into Malfoy’s half-closed eyes, marvelling at how the light of the moon caught in his eyelashes. If Harry were to say he never thought about Malfoy as attractive he’d be lying.
But he had no idea Malfoy had ever thought the same about him. His thoughts were harshly interrupted when Malfoy’s tongue traced the seam of Harry’s lips; Harry found himself moaning, opening his mouth to welcome that hot tongue. 
Malfoy immediately deepened the kiss, a hand sneaking up Harry’s chest, grasping tightly onto his shirt. Harry roamed his hands up Malfoy’s back, up to his hair.
That seemed to break whatever spell was going on. Malfoy broke the kiss, wide-eyed, cheeks deliciously red and his breathing ragged.
The rest of his name died on Harry’s tongue. Malfoy had disappeared as quickly as he’d earlier arrived next to Harry. 
That had happened roughly a week ago and they’d never see each other again nor spoke and Harry knew they had to— at least to stop wanking furiously over deluded fantasies.
“How’s the birthday boy? Ready?” Ron asked, clapping a hand on Harry’s shoulder.
Harry narrowed his eyes at him, no real spite in his glare. “It’s all your fault,” he declared.
Ron’s eyebrows flew upwards. “Excuse me?”
“You fell for Zabini and now we’re stuck with the Slytherins!”
“This again?” Hermione asked, clear amusement scattered in her voice. “Have you two talked, at least?”
“I don’t see why we should. It was stupid, we were drunk.” As Harry finished saying the words, people started arriving at Grimmauld Place, decorated with festoons and cleaned up for the occasion. 
It wasn’t every day that a bloke turned twenty-five, after all. 
The more people started arriving, the more Harry realised his heartbeat increased speed as he obsessively checked the door for the usual shock of blond hair to appear.
Just as he was losing his hope, Malfoy crossed the threshold, more handsome than ever, and, damnit, Harry should really get a grip on himself.
Instead, he just stayed frozen, Ginny snorting, saying something like “we lost him” as Malfoy gradually approached him.
“Happy birthday, Potter,” he said and his voice was pointy just like his features but Harry was shocked to realise it was rapidly becoming his favourite sound.
“Thanks,” Harry replied, horrified at how weak his voice came out. 
Malfoy smiled and oh merlin, that was too much. Harry could feel his face heat up; just when the silence was stretching that bit too much to be comfortable, Malfoy cleared his throat, glancing around and finally fixing his eyes onto Harry’s. “Look… I’m sorry about last week. I was… graciously tipsy.”
Harry cocked an eyebrow at that, unable to resist the snort that escaped him. 
“All right, I was wasted,” Malfoy admitted as his cheeks pinkened slightly.
This time Harry burst out laughing. “It’s all right, I, um—”
“You were wasted too. I really shouldn’t have done it on such an occasion. What I should have done was coming to you, perfectly sober, tell you you make me harder than I can ever remember getting and ask you out on a date.”
Malfoy smirked then, looking so damn smug that Harry wanted to shove him just out of spite. The truth was, though, that Malfoy’s words sent warmth to more than one of Harry’s body parts.
“You bloody… that was horrible. Do you really think it would have worked?” He asked, trying to hide his amusement.
“Isn’t it working right now?” Malfoy raised an eyebrow in clear challenge.
Harry would be damned the day he let Malfoy win a challenge. 
“I want a real date, with flowers, compliments, a fancy restaurant and a goodnight kiss.”
Malfoy grinned.
“Can I start with the kiss?”
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themalfoymanner · 4 years
Hi! I came across you Drarry fic rec list, and I wanted to ask you about Plums. It looks like the author isn't active there anymore, and they said they'd email respond for who had which role. And I'm just, I really really really need to know who was who! So I wanna ask you if you know and can tell me 😅 Sorry if this is inappropriate! 😅
God, Plums by Frayach! What a mindfuck that was! Frayach is one of my favorite Drarry authors, and Plums is fucking electrifying- I was in such a contemplative mood after reading it, and I discussed it for days with friends and debated back and forth as to who I thought was the Master and who was the slave. 
I’m sorry though, but I don’t definitively know who’s who! I decided not to ask Frayach for answers. I love not knowing and trying to dissect their words to hunt for clues. The ambiguity is partially why the fic is so powerful to me; I love not being able to wrap it neatly in a bow and move on, and instead being forced to analyze it and sink my teeth into it.
But if anyone read Plums and knows who Frayach intended to be the Master and is willing to help, please let @abstractundefined know! It would be much appreciated! 💙
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remywrites5 · 5 years
Hi! You’re very welcome! This isn’t really a prompt but I don’t have many in the way of Jegulily so I’m going to treat it like one. Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope you like this as well! 
           Regulus had needed to get away after his mother died. He’d never exactly been close with his brother considering their apposing views on their parents, so after his mum died Reg had no one. He’d always been horrible at dating, too severe and not romantic enough. And his friends were the kind of people you realized you didn’t want to be associated once you were out of the bubble of school. He truly had no one.
           He had thought getting away would be good for him. As the sole inheritor of his parent’s estate, since Sirius had been written out of the will, he had enough money to go anywhere or do anything he wanted. So he’d bought a house by the seaside, always having been a little obsessed with water. He kept his family home in London but he’d thought the country air would do him good.
           It had been a horrible idea. He’d never felt so alone and isolated in his life. The people were friendly compared to the people in London and he’d never had so many people say hello to him every morning. But with that came the feeling of being an outsider, reminded on a daily basis of just how different things were here.
           Fueling his melancholy, Reg walked down to the beach and sat down in the sand, looking out at the water. There was a family a little ways down the beach and Regulus couldn’t stop staring at them. The woman had red hair that whipped around her face in the breeze, a large straw hat on her head threatening to blow away. She laughed at her own misfortune, holding onto the top of it determinedly. Her husband laughed along with her, leaning in and kissing her sweetly, his own unkempt mop of hair blowing wildly in the breeze. When the hat finally escaped, the man went chasing after it.
           Their son, who looked to be about three, ran after his father with his arms outstretched. The husband leaped and managed to trap the hat underneath him. The son gigged and leapt onto his father. The husband soon brought the son and the hat back to his wife, the top of the hat having been squished under his body. The wife merely laughed and pushed it back out from the inside before depositing it on her head and beaming up at her husband.
           Regulus realized he’d been staring for quite some time and quickly looked away. He felt something ache inside him and he had no idea what. Perhaps it was just loneliness. Before he could think better of it, Regulus pulled out his phone and called his brother.
           “Reg?” Sirius said as he picked up. “You never call me! What’s up?”
           “Hi,” Regulus said, covering his face with his free hand as if ashamed. “I thought maybe you could come visit me.”
           There was silence on the line and Regulus was about to take back his stupid request when Sirius finally spoke up. “I’d love to! Text me the address and I’ll be there by this evening.”
           “You don’t have to come that soon,” Regulus told him quickly, not wanting to be an inconvenience. Christ, he still felt like a child sometimes, needing his brother to come and rescue him. “This weekend will be fine.”
           Sirius sighed heavily into the phone. “Reg, you’re calling me of your own volition. I’m coming up tonight.”
           Sirius rang off before Reg could argue with him about it. He texted Sirius his address before he forgot, even though he wasn’t sure he even wanted his brother to come. Groaning to himself, Reg tugged his fingers through his hair and buried his face away against his knees, pulled up towards his chest. He was going to be twenty-five soon. That was a quarter of a century and what did he have to show for his life?
           “Hey mate, you okay?”
           Regulus lifted his head up and the husband he had been watching earlier was standing in front of him with an easy smile on his face. Regulus blinked a few times and tried to remember how human speech worked. “Not really, but I’ll be fine.”
           The husband laughed and held out his hand. “I’m James Potter.”
           Regulus shook his hand quickly. The guy – James – was really intimidatingly good looking. His glasses framed his handsome face perfectly, his just slightly lopsided smile was hopelessly endearing, his body fit and toned underneath his t-shirt. The wind was whipping just right to pull the t-shirt across his chest and stomach and Reg was fairly certain he could make out abs. Regulus stopped himself before he went overboard with ogling this stranger. “Regulus Black.”
            “Well, Regulus Black, you’re coming over for lunch,” James said as if it were a done deal, brokering no argument, tugging Regulus to his feet. “You new to this area?”
           “Just moved in a week ago,” Regulus answered, walking side by side with James back to where his family was. His wife was packing up their stuff while their son kept grabbing a new toy to play with immediately after she’d put it away.
           “Well welcome!” James said, clapping Reg on the back. “Lily, my love, this is Regulus. I’ve invited him over for lunch.”
           Lily glanced up at her husband, her eyes searing with murderous intent. “James Potter, if you don’t help me pack all this shite up I swear to God –“
           James snickered and went over, giving his wife a quick peck on the lips and then helping pack up their stuff. “Can I help?” Regulus offered, feeling a bit awkward just standing there.
           “Oh yes!” Lily said, picking her son and depositing him in Reg’s arms. “You can hold Harry. He’s a troublemaker just like his father, I’m afraid.”
           Regulus blinked in surprise and shifted them around until the three-year-old was sitting comfortably against his hips. Harry had a little sand shovel that he was flying through the air and making plane noises for. He then flew it into Reg’s chest and made an explosion noise.
           Regulus had no idea what to do so he let Harry continuously crash a tiny plastic shovel into his chest. Lily and James finished packing up their things and smiled at Reg triumphantly. “Thanks so much for your help,” Lily said, slightly out of breath.
           “We just live a block away if you don’t mind walking,” James said, nudging Reg lightly with his elbow.
           “No, I don’t mind.”
           By the time Reg got home that evening he was so utterly confused. The Potters had been wonderful, kind and inviting, and James’ cooking had been to die for. They’d laughed easily and made jokes at the others’ expense and they hadn’t even minded if Reg didn’t always laugh along with them.  But what had really thrown Reg off was the amount of touching.
           It was all perfectly innocent, a hand on his elbow here, a guiding hand on the small of his back there, but Regulus had noticed and savored every press of warm skin against his own. He couldn’t recall the last time someone had touched him. Had it been when he’d held his mother’s hand in the hospital? Was that really the last time someone had touched him?
           He’d gotten so distracted by the Potters and his whirlwind of an afternoon that he forgot about having called Sirius to come up for a visit. It was only when he heard knocking on his front door that he remembered his earlier phone call. For a brief moment he had hoped it might be the Potters but that was stupid. They had their own lives.
           “Little brother!” Sirius said once Regulus opened the door. Sirius threw his arms up and pulled Reg into a hug. “How are you?”
           “Better than I was when I called you,” Reg said honestly. “I think I made some friends.”
           “That’s great!” Sirius said, dropping his motorcycle helmet down on one of the kitchen tables. “I think I made a friend as well.”
           Regulus’ mouth dropped open in shock. “But you’ve only just got here!” he said, unable to keep the tinge of envy out of his voice.
           Sirius laughed. “I got lost on the ring road,” he explained, sliding his gloves off. “Nice stranger named Remus was kind enough to help me. Fuck, he was so cute I nearly proposed to him right then and there.”
           Regulus rolled his eyes. He’d always been a little jealous of Sirius – cool and confident – self-assured in a way Reg never could be. Despite all that he was glad his brother was there with him. “How long are you staying?”
           Sirius shrugged. “Took some time off work. Told them I had a family emergency. So I can give you two weeks at least.”
           Regulus shook his head. “You can’t do that!” He could not believe his brother’s recklessness sometimes. “Sirius – “
           Sirius turned towards Reg and crossed his arms over his chest. “I hate that job anyway. It’s boring and tedious and I don’t even like working in a call center! If they fire me then who cares? I’m only twenty-six –“
           “Nearly twenty-seven – “ Reg interjected.
           “And I’m not dead yet! They’ll be other jobs,” Sirius finished with a self-satisfied grin. “Besides, maybe I’ll be a worthless layabout and come live with you and mooch. I think I’d be a great moocher.”
           Regulus sighed, already exhausted from being around his brother, and went into the kitchen. He pulled out two beers and slid one to Sirius, who had followed him. Regulus grabbed the bottle opener from the drawer and opened his before sliding it to Sirius as well.
           “Cheers,” Sirius said, popping open his beer and taking a long pull from it. “So have they got a pizza joint we can order from in this town or what?”
           Regulus shrugged. “I have no idea.” He pulled out his phone and texted James, figuring he might know the best place.
           James answered right away, which was surprising, and gave the name of the best pizza place in town but also an offer to come over for dinner instead. Regulus explained the situation of having his brother with him. He was shocked again when James said to bring him along.
           “Ten quid says he fucks it,” James said, taking a bite out of his ice cream cone and munching it loudly.
           “No way,” Lily said, shaking her head. “Even if he fumbles it he’ll get the date.”
           Regulus eyed her warily. “I sense some insider knowledge,” he said, raising a skeptical eyebrow at Lily.
           Lily grinned. “I happen to know of a certain librarian who is smitten with a certain motorbike driving weirdo.”
           “Cheater!” James said, pointing at his wife accusingly. Regulus couldn’t help laughing at their antics. They were sitting together at the ice cream parlor across the street from the library where Remus worked. It had been two weeks and Sirius had been coming to the library pretty regularly to try and chat up Remus. So far it hadn’t resulted in a date.
Now watching Sirius’ bumbling attempts had become almost a spectator sport for them. Regulus was going to have to switch to frozen yogurt if this kept up much longer. He’d been consuming an alarming amount of ice cream as of late. That or he’d have to finally go on that jog James was always suggesting.
           Two weeks and Regulus felt like he truly belonged somewhere, all thanks to the Potters. They’d accepted Regulus and Sirius completely even from that first dinner they’d all had together. Maybe they’d been able to sense just how much the Blacks needed a family or perhaps they were just wonderful people. Regulus had a feeling it was a bit of both.
           Sirius stuck his upper half out of the main door of the library and gave them a thumbs up, grinning like an idiot. The three of them broke out into cheers and applause with little Harry joining in even though he had no idea what was going on.
           “Hey Reg,” James said, nudging him slightly, not wanting to knock his ice cream cone out of his hand. “Lily and I had something important we wanted to talk to you about.”
           Regulus sat up a little straighter, his stomach churning with anxiety. “Okay,” he said softly, chewing his bottom lip.
           “See Lily and I were kind of hoping we might get a date of our own,” he said, glancing over at Lily and then back at Reg.
           “Oh,” Regulus responded, his brow furrowing in confusion. “Did you want me to babysit Harry? I’m sure it can’t be easy to find time – “
           “No!” James said quickly, interrupting Reg before he could get his sentence out. “No Reg, you don’t understand! That would completely defeat the purpose – “
           “Oh my god, James, let me handle this,” Lily said, putting a hand on James’ arm to stop him babbling. James’ mouth clicked shut and he physically deflated. Regulus looked to Lily to explain because he was completely confused. “We don’t want a date with each other, we want a date with you. All three of us.”
           Regulus looked between the two of them, scratching his head. “I’m sorry, what?”
           “It’s okay if you don’t want to!” James spoke up again, dropping the remnants of his ice cream cone in favor of taking Reg’s free hand. “We’ll still love you no matter what and you’re always welcome at our house even if you don’t want to date us. But we’d like to love you a little more completely, if that’s something you’d be interested in.”
           Regulus blinked a few times, dropping his ice cream on the ground in complete bafflement. “I don’t understand.”
           Lily chuckled and got to her feet, standing in front of Regulus and cupping his face in her hands. “James and I have had a nice long talk about this,” she explained, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of Reg’s nose. “And we’ve both quite fallen for you, Mr. Black. If you think you could find a way to love us in return we would both like that very much.”
           Regulus felt his breath catch in his throat. “I already do,” he whispered, staring up at Lily a little helplessly. He was so in love with them, afraid to even think it for fear that it might rip him apart from the inside. He’d thought it was the dumbest thing he’d ever done, falling in love with a married couple. He’d convinced himself it was just his loneliness and his desperation to have someone. He’d clung to the Potters in his time of need and told himself what he was feeling was just affection for friends – some of the first true ones he’d ever had in his life.
           He’d told himself all that to protect himself from the fact that he couldn’t have them. But as Lily held his face and James held his hand, it felt like the invisible wall he’d been carrying around him was simply floating away, stone by stone, being lifted off him.
Little Harry came and crawled into Reg’s lap, wanting to be included. He was a sticky mess of Strawberry ice cream but Reg couldn’t even care. It felt right, being surrounded by the Potters. Reg brought his free hand up and held Harry around the middle so he didn’t fall.
           “So,” James said, giving Reg’s hand a squeeze. “About that date?”
           Regulus laughed. He thought he might have laughed more in two weeks with the Potters than he had in his entire life up to that point. “You two pick the day and place. I’ll be there.“
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parkkate · 4 years
Yes you're an elf and perfect 😋
Bro 🥺🥺🥺 That is so sweet of you! 
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leaflessart · 4 years
Hey your art has a lot of life to it! Great stuff on your blog! Have a good night :)
Thank you so much! I’m really glasd you like it! :))🥰
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sitp-recs · 4 years
You write such fantastic recs to fics! I love it when a post by you is on my dash, and they get me so hooked, that I end up reading whichever fic your post would be about. I've read some brilliant fics because of you. Thank you, and kudos, for all the effort you put in!! You are a blessing to the Fandom 💛
My heart is bursting!! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely message, it was the greatest thing to wake up to. I’m so happy my recs helped you find new amazing fics. That’s the best compliment my blog could ever get and it keeps me motivated to keep on reccing new stuff! Thank you and have a lovely day 💜
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stargazing-enby · 5 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so nice and cute. If you get this ask in your inbox, copy and paste it into the ask box of 5 people you think are beautiful. 💜💜💟
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sweetlittlevampire · 4 years
Hi. Hello. For the ask thingies - 135. Dumbest lie you ever told, and 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? - if you want to :) Have a great day/night!
Hello! *waves*
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? 
“I got a ball to my face in Ph.Ed.”
...I was twelve, and I went home later from high school because I had to stop by the optician’s to get my glasses fixed.
...I had gotten into a fist fight with the girl who would later become my girlfriend, but I didn’t want my parents to know...so I lied. Since I was always very clumsy at sports, it fit the bill.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
I have my ereader next to me, so let me see -
“Thank you, but please, how old are you?” he repeats his question almost strictly.
Which is from @bilboo ‘s Nothing Gold Can Stay - yep, I’m reading fanfic on my ereader, sue me! Also, I am on page 492, which is at, like, 69% of the whole thing?
Thanks for asking! ♥
Get to know someone better questions
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fantom-noise · 5 years
Your blog is amazing ! Came here to view one post at its source, and now it's 2 hours later. 😅 Have a great day :)
Thank you so much!!! You're so lovely! This blog is carefully curated to only feature quality content and definitely not just a haphazard collection of Harry Potter, shitposts with friends, and cows...
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andithiel · 5 years
Ahoy! For the Hufflepuff asks - 2,16 if you want to :) have a lovely dayyyy! 🌻
Oooh, yay, I definitely want to, I haven’t been asked yet!
2. Smells that remind you of home?
I haven’t really moved that far from where I grew up, but the smell of sunwarm pine tree always reminds me of the summers spent in our summer house, when I would venture into the woods with my brother and our cousins. Every time I feel that smell I’m thrown back to the feeling of those endless summers.
16. What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?
My husband is a great gift giver, he always gives me (and others) presents that he stumbles upon and remembers “Hey, this would really suit xx or yy!” I think the most extravagant thoughtful gift I got from him was a sewing machine, my chin literally dropped when I saw what it was, but he also once gave me underwear for my birthday which was so sweet of him. And I don’t mean the “sexy” lingerie type of underwear, but cotton hipster briefs from GAP that he knew I’m most comfortable in and he had to sneak into my wardrobe and try to decipher what size I needed, and to me, that shows how much he knows me and what I like.
Thanks so much for the ask lovely! I hope you have a lovely day too!
Hufflepuff ask game
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drarryruinedme7 · 4 years
Hello! Hope you're doing well! Dropping by to say that you're one of my fav writers and people in the fandom! Seeing your username around fills me with joy and gay :D Have a great day! *sending love* okibieee!
Are you the actual sweetest person in the world?!?!😭😍😍😭✨ your ask like took my soul and danced with it, I’m so flattered!!! Thank youuuu, I’m always, always, super happy to see your comments on my fics! You’re fuel to my motivation🤩 sending love right back at you babe!
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therubyjailcell · 5 years
abstractundefined replied to your post “i wanna record a vid but i don’t know what i can play a game, i can...”
You sing? Wow That's amazing! I sound like a dying cat ��
i mean, i think? idk, you should ask my friends :’) i know i have fun singing, idk how bad it is for other peeps to listen to me lol
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sirene312 · 6 years
Hey hi! Just dropping by to say that your Dualist!Draco for Xxdarklordxx's fic is AXZSIIDJENELAPAANALALAL!!!!! CAN'T. STOP. STARING!!!!!! You guys make a good team 😁 Love love love your works!! 💛 🍓For you 😁
afdsafdssfgadf *SCREAMs* @abstractundefined Thank you so much!!! this is the best possible message I could receive! and OMG also let me super apologize for this late reply i didn't know i had messages in my inbox no one ever send me things 3 i’m tagging Sam @xx-thedarklord-xx because she needs to see this!! Her fic of duelist Draco still goes hard !
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martelldoran · 6 years
Howdy! Do you have any suggestions for SiriusXHermione fics? If yes, may I please be directed to some? Thank you 💛
Hello there! I’ve never personally read anything with this particular pairing. Unfortunately, I’ve not read very many fics in general. HOWEVER! I asked my good pal @thestarandthemoony and she suggested these ones:
Debt Of Time, by ShayaLonnie (Explicit version on AO3, but Mature version listed here). Sirius/Hermione & Remus/Hermione
 A Sirius Misunderstanding, by  MammaWeasley27 (ffn) Rated M
 Roundabout Destiny, by  MaryRoyale Rated M
I hope that helps! Enjoy!
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sweetlialia · 6 years
1+16; Draco/Harry - for the Fanfiction Trope
1: historical AU + 16 : prison (i took some Freedom with the prison part, i hope it’s okay ^^) see notes at the end if needed
thank you for the prompt honey! i hope you’ll enjoy it ! it was fun writing it even if it isn’t that good.
@keyflight790 i started to write this before seeing your fic and i just find it too funny that we both have Harry riding fast on his horse on his way to Draco ahah
14:00. Somewhere in Versailles stables. 
“Mr Potter! Wait!” 
Harry stopped his motion but stayed half in the air, with only hisfoot on the stirrup.
“Mr Malfoy.” He greeted politely. “What can I do for you?
-My master is looking for information regarding a prisoner in LaBastille. I thought you might be able to help him.
-Is it a direct order from Monsieur?” Harry asked, startled. How couldMonsieur the King’s brother know about him? He was only one of the manysoldiers he fought with, one of the many soldiers who ended up as policemenonce the armistice signed. Plus, they were hundreds working between Paris andVersailles.
“Um… not really…” Mr Malfoy answered, slightly stuttering. If Harry hadpaid more attention, he would have noticed how his gaze had shifted from hiseyes to a point behind his ear. “But I thought you might know, or might be ableto help…
-Oh. That makes more sense.” He unconsciously added aloud. “I’m quite ina hurry, actually. But maybe we could talk later in the evening? By eight? In thetavern near Grandjean’s bakery?
-Monsieur is leaving the castle at eight tonight, could we say 8:30?
-Yeah, no prob.” And with a nod, he pushed a little on his limbs,graciously landing on the back of his horse. If he had only looked behind, hewould have seen Mr Malfoy pale cheeks turning a lovely shade of red. 
20:20. Somewhere in Monsieur the King’s brother apartment.
Draco was a mess. A ball of anxiety and raw nerves. 
Monsieur the King’s brother had only left the castle, twenty minuteslate because of something Le Chevalier had said. With his fellow valet, Dracohad witnessed the altercation and faced Monsieur’s anger before finally beingdismissed. Ten minutes later, they’ve been hastily called back. Monsieurcouldn’t leave for the theatre like this. They had to quickly dress him up andvanish every trace of his heartbroken state while easing him for the night tocome. Draco’s second valet had let the powder fall, provoking another outburst ofhis majesty ire.  
Now that the carriage had leftthe golden gate, Draco should have been able to finally breathe. But hecouldn’t. His rendezvous with Harry, no, Mr Potter, was in ten minutes, and theystill had to clean the room and replace the broken items. He was never going to be on time, and Mr Potter would never give himanother chance. 
20:45. Tavern
Harry has just asked for a second pint and there was still no sign of MrMalfoy. Harry would have like to forget about it and enjoy his night off, but ifMonsieur’s valet/first valet/confident/mistress or whatever he was finallycame, he wanted his mind to be clear. Monsieur wondering about prisonersdefinitely wasn’t an everyday business and his curiosity had been stung.
21:00. Outside of the tavern.
Draco was hardly breathing. Leaning on the wall, he was panting, tryingto recover from his run. He couldn’t meet Harry in this state. He was prettysure his hair was all messed up and he didn’t even had the time to get out ofhis working clothes. He was doom. If Mr Potter was still here, his outfit riskto be taken as a I’m-still-working hint. And if he wasn’t… 
 21:05. Tavern.
Holding his breathe, Draco had crossed the door of the tavern. He could feelthe knot in his stomach getting tighter as he scanned the room, looking for theblack hair man. He was an hour late, of course Mr Potter was gone.
“Mr Malfoy? I thought you would never come.” Said a low voice behindhim.
Turning around, Draco found himself facing the policeman. They were onlyinches apart and Draco hoped the beatings of his heart weren’t really that loud.
“Mr Potter, I am so sorry. I know I am unforgivable but if you 
-Let’s grab you a drink, should we? You seem like you could need it.
-Indeed.” He agreed, thinking already far too much of that offer. Mr Potterhad wait for him, and wanted to share a drink with him. It couldn’t be just awork thing in those conditions, right?
Biting his lower lip, Draco silently followed him toward the bar, then toa table near the window. 
Harry was absolutely confused by the turn of event. Monsieur wasn’tlooking for any ordinary prisoner, but for the man in the iron mask himself. Thiswas going to be a highly confidential affair, and if he resolved it, could makehim part of the royalty private police. He wouldn’t have to run after poorpeople stealing bread to feed their family but would chase lord and rebelswanting to execute the monarch. He could finally do something he’d be proud of.But if he failed… Mr Malfoy has offered to keep his name secret until theygathered any kind of clue, but Harry knew that facing his master, he wouldn’tbe able to lie. But then, what was life without a little bit of risk? 
Their plan was made, the loose ends tied up. Mr Malfoy had insisted oncoming with him, at least to the Bastille’s gates. He even stated that apoliceman was a lesser danger to a hidden secret when his was accompanied by achamber valet. Harry had to agree and said valet had had trouble hiding avictorious smile. Maybe he’s been wrong. Maybe Mr Malfoy was far more than a pretty boywith good manner and a super human ability to obey at every stupid order. 
22:15. Somewhere in Versailles
Mr Malfoy almost bowed down as he said goodbye. It made Harry laughedand the blond guy turned red. Harry found it pretty endearing.
That night, when he lied on his bed, he didn’t only thought of theaffair.
 08:00. Somewhere in Versailles stables.
Monsieur had left for Le Chevalier’s apartment early this day and Draco’svalet agreed on covering him up if someone asked for him. Even if he hadwritten a small letter to his master, he’d enjoy not having the lords anddomestic of his highness on his back the moment he came back.
Now he only had to wait excitedly for Mr Potter.  
Harry noticed Mr Malfoy from afar. The sun was glittering in his whiteblond hair and he was unmistakeably the man he was looking for. Smiling unconsciously,Harry made his horse speed up a little bit. 
“Mr Malfoy.” Harry greeted as he practically jumped off his horse.
“Mr Potter.” Draco smiled back purely. “It’s a delight to see you.” And thedelight was higher when he spotted the spark of a blush of the other man cheek.“Are you ready to go?
-I am. Need a hand?
-I know how to ride, Mr Potter.” He assured, defying the other man ofever thinking lesser of him.
 And this is how, MM Potter and Malfoy arrived at the Bastille’s prison;Harry leading up the horse while Draco was firmly holding on his waist, tryingto stabilise himself on the horse’s fast run. 
The chosen era is the one under Louis XIV regn, one of french major (?) king, also known as the Sun King.
Bastille prison is one the more famous french one and it is said the the man on the iron mask has been captive. The Identity of this man is still unknown, and many rumours and legends were written on him.
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uh-drarry · 4 years
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Super short, but look at these cuties??? This is from my headcanon Drarry Getting Some Pets, if you would like to read that. It goes much much more into detail about how these two came to be. I wanted to post some pics of Toast and Dionysus so here they are, Harry done fucked up. Draco retaliated.
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