#Polyamorous relationship
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Lovers and metamours
My friend needed a visual. So here we are 💗 More info about their relationships below ↓↓
Halsin is Astarion's, Shadowheart's and Snakis' romantic partner
Astarion, Shadowheart and Snakis are metamours. They are not together
Astarion and Snakis will eventually get together, but now they just love making plans to bed Halsin together
Shadowheart and Snakis are simply friends. They do not know each other very well. They won't become partners either
Astarion and Shadowheart are really good friends (and I'm still not sure if they will try to be together as a couple or maybe just having a platonic relationship)
Halsin and Snakis have comet lover.s (not in the pic)
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atlasthegreatest · 18 days
The Super’s Bats / Stephanie Brown x Male Reader x Cassandra Cain
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Headcanons about reader being in relationship with Stephanie and Cassandra aka The Sun and Moon duo.
A/n: This was requested by @fenrir-wolf-of-gotham I hope you like this, and sorry for the delay.
— How did they meet? —
They met at a charity gala in Metropolis, hosted by the Daily Planet. And this gala was attended by those considered to be of the highest profile and elite. And Bruce Wayne was one of them who showed up.
Bruce being Batman, uses this as an opportunity to gather information about the new criminal syndicate operating between Metropolis and Gotham and he brings Stephanie and Cassandra along with him as “associates” under the guise of being his new protégés to help with the reconnaissance.
Meanwhile, Clark Kent was there as Superman, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. And because he had caused such tremendous destruction while fighting a villain, Y/n was forced to be at that event by his father.
As she mingled, Stephanie noticed Y/n sneaking away from the crowd, looking rather lost and uncomfortable. Being naturally curious (and a bit mischievous), she followed him, thinking he might be up to something interesting. But then she found him on a balcony, staring up at the stars.
And Stephanie, ever the social butterfly, starts chatting with Y/n, making some light jokes to break the ice with the guy. And Y/n surprised but charmed by her energy, starts to relax and chat back.
Meanwhile, Cassandra, always on high alert, spots Stephanie sneaking out and follows her. She stays in the shadows, watching the interaction. As time passes, she quickly realizes that Y/n is not a threat, but she is curious as to why Stephanie seems to be so interested in him. But she keeps her distance from her, camouflaged among the shadows, until she notices a suspicious figure lurking nearby.
But just as Y/n and Stephanie begin to get comfortable, they hear a commotion inside. A group of armed men interrupts the party, clearly aiming to make a statement and attack the high-profile guests. Y/n's instinct is to spring into action, but he hesitates, unsure if he should reveal his powers in front of everyone. Stephanie, ever the impulsive one, is already thinking of how to take them down without blowing her cover.
Cassandra, sensing the threat, immediately disarms two of the intruders before they even realize what's going on. Stephanie joins in, coordinating attacks with Cassandra in a way that demonstrates the strong teamwork they've had over the years fighting together. Y/n, still in awe of their skills, realizes he needs to step it up as well. So he subtly uses his super breath to blow up a few weapons without drawing too much attention.
The three quickly found themselves fighting side-by-side, with Stephanie cracking jokes and telling wisecracks to keep the mood light, Cassandra moving like a silent shadow, and Y/n using his powers strategically without revealing his disguise. They made a surprisingly effective team.
After the whole situation was resolved, they found themselves on a rooftop, catching their breath. Y/n was impressed by Stephanie's quick thinking and Cassandra's incredible combat skills. He then formally introduced himself, a little shyly, as Y/n Kent.
Stephanie, recognizing the name, couldn't help but make a joke. "Ah, son of Superman. I knew you seemed too wholesome for Gotham." And Cassandra, who usually remains silent, surprised Y/n by offering a rare smile.
Y/n was intrigued by the two girls. Charmed by Stephanie’s bright energy and fascinated by Cassandra’s quiet intensity. He could feel a unique connection to them—something unlike anyone he had ever met before.
Stephanie quickly decided that Y/n wasn’t just “Superman’s son,” but someone worth getting to know. Cassandra, with her skilled instinct for reading people, sensed Y/n’s genuine kindness and curiosity, and she was drawn to the young man’s sincerity.
Before they parted ways, Y/n invited them to visit Metropolis for a while, saying he could show them the city from a different perspective. Stephanie, always enthusiastic, immediately accepted, while Cassandra gave a slight nod of agreement, already thinking about how their friendship could grow. And Y/n left with a new sense of excitement, realizing that this might be the start of something special.
From that day on, they began to see more of each other, meeting up in Metropolis or Gotham, occasionally teaming up on missions, and gradually building a deep connection that blossoms into romance over time.
— When did you start liking each other? —
Y/n first felt a spark for Cassandra. During their first meeting at the gala, Y/n was captivated by her skills and grace in battle. He is immediately drawn to her quiet strength and the way she communicates so much with just a look or a movement.
Over the next few weeks, he finds himself thinking about her more than often—her intense eyes, her precise movements, and the mysterious aura that surrounds her. He admires her from a distance, respecting her space and hoping to understand her better.
Cassandra has begun to notice Y/n’s interest in her, but she’s unsure of what to do. She’s not used to people being so open and genuine, and she finds his honesty and kindness disarming.
Over time, Y/n’s attempts to connect with her—showing interest in her passions, respecting her silence, and never pressuring her to talk when she’s not comfortable—begin to warm her heart. She appreciates that he’s never tried to change her and accepts her for who she is, quirks and all.
Stephanie, on the other hand, starts to warm to Y/n more gradually. Initially, she just sees him as a friend—someone fun to hang out with who brings a fresh perspective. She loves to tease him and make him blush, and she appreciates how he balances her out.
But as they continue to form a team, she begins to see more of his personality—his quiet strength, his empathy, and his willingness to go above and beyond for his friends and family. She finds herself increasingly charmed by his youthful innocence and unwavering optimism.
— Who fell in love first? —
Y/n is the next to fall for Stephanie. Her infectious energy, her ability to find the light in any situation, and her determination to be a hero despite her difficult past are all things he deeply admires. Stephanie makes him laugh, brings out his playful side, and helps him see the world in a new way. Y/n begins to realize that he likes her more than he initially thought—her warmth and resilience slowly win his heart.
Cassandra is the last to realize her feelings for Stephanie, but when she does, they hit her hard. Stephanie was everything Cassandra was not; expressive, outgoing, unapologetically herself. Cassandra found herself drawn to that bright energy, fascinated by how Stephanie could so effortlessly navigate social situations and connect with people.
More than that, she appreciates how Stephanie never treated her like she was broken; she always believed in her without hesitation, lifting her in ways Cassandra never expected. And over time, Cassandra realized that she wanted to be close to Stephanie, to protect her, and to be a part of her world.
Y/n was the first to fall in love first, though he didn’t realize it at first. His initial admiration for Cassandra quickly deepened into something more. He found himself doing little things to make her smile, going out of his way to learn more about the things she likes, and feeling a protective instinct around her. But he’s a little shy about it and worries that she might not feel the same way, and he didn’t say anything at first.
Cassandra is the second to realize her feelings. First for Y/n, and then more strongly, for Stephanie. She felt the two of them growing closer to her, and while at first, it was confusing and even a little overwhelming for her, she found herself enjoying their company more and more.
She became aware of her feelings when she noticed how her heart would beat whenever they were near and how she would instinctively move closer to them during fights or even in casual situations. Cassandra doesn’t realize these emotions right now, but she knows she wants them to stay.
Stephanie is the last to realize that she’s fallen in love. She sees Y/n as a great friend and a great older brother figure and Cassandra as a fellow warrior with whom she shares an endless bond.
However, as she spends more time with them, she begins to realize that her feelings go deeper than just friendship. One day, she finds herself feeling jealous when Y/n and Cassandra are training together, laughing and smiling, and then it hits her—she is in love with both of them. It comes as a surprise, but once she knows, she fully embraces her feelings.
— Who confesses first? —
All three.
During a particularly intense mission, the three are forced to confront their feelings. They had been working together so seamlessly, relying on each other without hesitation, that they could no longer deny their bond.
When Y/n is injured while protecting Cassandra, she and Stephanie realize how much they share with him, and when Cassandra silently expresses her concern, Y/n and Stephanie together understand just how deeply they have fallen for each other.
They finally talk about it—awkwardly at first, with a lot of stuttered words—but it ends with a mutual understanding that what they have is something special and worth exploring together. They decide to give their relationship a chance, knowing it’s not conventional, but it feels right for them all.
— What makes them argue? —
Most arguments stem from misunderstandings or differing approaches to situations.
For example, Y/n might suggest a more diplomatic or hopeful solution to a problem, while Cassandra prefers a direct, action-oriented approach. Stephanie often finds herself caught in the middle, trying to mediate but also having her own opinion about what should be done.
The other common trigger is when one of them takes a significant risk without consulting the other. Cassandra is often willing to put herself in harm’s way to protect her loved ones, which can anger Y/n and Stephanie, who hate to see her in danger.
Similarly, Stephanie's impulsive decisions might worry Y/n and Cassandra, while Y/n's tendency to hold on to his power for fear of causing collateral damage might frustrate his more pragmatic partners.
— What do they do when they fight? —
Cassandra tends to withdraw into herself when she’s upset. She is not used to verbal arguments and finds them too tiring. She withdraws from others, seeking solitude to clear her mind. She does not want to lash out in anger, so she chooses to just stay silent.
Stephanie is more vocal. She is used to arguing and having to stand her ground. She may say things in the heat of the moment that she never thought she would. However, she is also the one most likely to go after Cassandra when she withdraws, not wanting the distance to grow too large.
Y/n, on the other hand, hates conflict. Especially in their relationship. He tries to resolve things quickly, often wanting to talk right away. He is the first to apologize, even if he does not fully understand why the argument happened. He tends to overthink things, wondering if he did something wrong or if he failed to understand Cassandra and Stephanie's perspective.
— What do they do after a fight? —
After a fight, the three of them need some time to process their emotions. Y/n would often retreat to the skies or an open field to think and regain his calm.
Cassandra might train in solitude or disappear into the shadows of Gotham, using physical activity to ground herself.
Stephanie tends to space out, mumbling to herself or venting to an understanding friend like Barbara or even Alfred.
Cassandra is usually the first to initiate reconciliation, but not in words. She will do something small but meaningful—like leaving Y/n’s favorite comic book on his doorstep or bringing Stephanie her favorite coffee. She doesn’t know how to articulate her feelings, but she knows how to show them through her actions.
Y/n usually makes the first verbal attempt at reconciliation. He approaches Cassandra and Stephanie with an open heart, apologizing if he’s been too pushy or not understanding enough. He will try to express how much he values ​​their perspectives, even if he doesn’t always agree with them.
Stephanie, on the other hand, is the one who lightens the mood. After some time of calming down, she will tell a joke, or something stupid to break the tension. She is good at reading the room and knowing when it is appropriate to make a joke. She would say something like, “Are we done brooding, or should I officially call a Bat-Family Brood-Off?”
After resolving their fight, they often end up cuddling together. Cassandra, who usually doesn’t initiate any contact, might take Y/n’s hand or lean on Stephanie’s shoulder, letting them know she is there, always there for them.
Y/n, who loved being around them, felt relaxed once he knew they were on the same page again. And Stephanie, the one who often keeps them together, felt content knowing they could work through anything.
They often make lighthearted references to their past fights, using them as inside jokes to show that they’ve moved on from them. Stephanie might say, “Remember the time Y/n almost flew into space just because we couldn’t agree on pizza toppings?” and they laugh, knowing that they’ve grown stronger.
— Bonus —
Since Cassandra is most comfortable with body language, she bonds with Y/n over their mutual love for physical training and martial arts. Y/n, being half Kryptonian, has a natural strength advantage, but Casandra is far more skilled.
Their sparred sessions are a form of communicating and trust-building; Cassandra appreciates Y/n's gentleness, and Y/n loves how Cassy pushes him to new limits.
Stephanie brings out Y/n's adventurous side. She loves to drag him along on spontaneous dates, like late-night city rooftop hooping, breaking into abandoned places just for fun, or sneaking into Gotham's weirdest events.
Y/n provides a sense of calm and comfort to both Stephanie and Cassandra. He's the one they turn to when they need a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. He helps Cassandra with her social anxiety and encourages her to express herself in whatever way feels right, while he's always ready to help Stephanie unwind after a rough day with quiet moments of support and understanding.
They all share a love for stargazing, particularly Y/n. He often takes Cassandra and Stephanie to secluded spots away from the city lights ( or even up in the sky, using his powers) to watch the stars.
He tells them stories about constellations, Krypton, and his father's adventures, which both girls find fascinating. It's their shared moment of peace and connection, away from the chaos of hero life.
They respect each other's need for quiet time, especially Cassandra, who often enjoys sitting by the window with a book or meditating in a quiet corner. Y/n might read alongside her, enjoying the peace, while Stephanie could be on her laptop, working on a project, or catching up on social media. Sometimes, they just sit together in comfortable silence, each doing their own thing but feeling connected by their shared space.
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years
10 OT+ prompts
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requested by: anonymous request: poly ship prompts, especially a quad (OT4)
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - two couples falling in love with the other couple
#2 - A coming home to the sight of B & C asleep in each other's arms on the couch, and it warms their heart
#3 - A & B already preparing dinner for everyone while C & D still have to work
#4 - A is sick and everyone is fussing over them
#5 - having the wildest group chat
#6 - A prefers having one-on-one dates with their partners while B always wants to do a group date
#7 - having a huge shared bed and always ending up sleeping totally tangled up in each other
#8 - OT3 'adopting' D because they're just so cute and they make for a perfect addition; D is a bit flustered and overwhelmed at first
#9 - using family discounts when they're making trips
#10 - having a sleeping schedule pinned to their fridge and shocking their guests with it
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indecentpause · 3 months
The Black & Blues: Part I, Chapter x
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You drop your school work for the next two weeks. You’re not going to be able to keep your scholarship and you can’t afford school without it. Maybe someday you can go to a community college and get an associates’. But not today. You pack all your things up except for what you need right now, like your shower stuff and your computer, so you can be ready to go when they kick you out. Danny does the same, because if you’re going to be roommates in a real apartment, it’s stupid for him to pay for a whole summer here. He’ll have to move out at the same time. Josselin doesn’t deal with his landlord much, but Frankie knows him pretty well. She met him when he was a customer at the gardening store she used to work at before she went back to school. He came in pretty regularly, so when she was looking for a place, he gave her a deal. But they’re good tenants, too. They’re quiet and Familiar is well behaved. They don’t cause trouble. So when Frankie says, “I think I can get you something,” you believe her. You believe her because you have to.
In which Meara learns it's okay to need to start over from scratch.
read it for free on ao3 here!
listen to Meara's mix CD here!
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace
@drippingmoon @athenswrites @magic-is-something-we-create @idreamonpaper @winterandwords
@revenantlore @mr-orion @thelaughingstag
Black & Blues taglist: @lynnedwardswrites
if you want to be added or removed to either list, please just let me know!
This is the end of Part I!! Part II starts mid-July and will be updating once a week instead of twice a week to give me some buffer time for Part III so hopefully I don't have to take too big a hiatus in the future. :)
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terrence-silver · 1 year
What would Poly!Cobra Husbands x Beloved’s house look like through the ages? 🎊
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It looks like...Terry Silver's home, of course.
Any of Terry's homes, at any point in his life.
Because Terry insists, and no, actually, Terry is unflinching on the matter that his own roof is best, the most spacious, most apt, luxurious, best equipped for the task of housing him and his and giving them they best they deserve, which they do deserve by virtue of being his, naturally. Comes with its own gymnasium, training lobby, office spaces, steam room, pool, jacuzzi, waiting staff, sparring partners one can beat up for sport and them being paid heftily to take it, the relative neighborhood of Griffith Park where potential bodies can be hidden, if need be (just a joke, Terry swears!) astounding views towards the skyline of LA (or his private beach at any other era), bedrooms that can easily house three and much, much more. And, he'd be right, truth to tell, notwithstanding that it gives him the unique chance of killing two birds with one stone. He gets to move in one significant other and then uses that as an excuse to move in John Kreese as well, who proved otherwise stubborn and proud when faced with the suggestion of living on Terry's address in the past --- something Terry wanted him to do for ages, to no avail, and now can under the excuse that you're there as well. And isn't that great? Isn't that the best thing that ever happened!?
This a billion dollar bit of exclusive revenue and real estate!
Why not use it for the intended purpose!? For living in it. Together.
-"Johnny, c'mon! C'mon, Johnny! It is only practical."-
Terry might push, with a hefty dose of deliberate manipulation, using the logically utilitarian nature of them all being in the same place rather than brining up the absolute luxury of their surroundings as a perk and selling point knowing John might be turned off by the prospect of living in a mansion on The Hills, or any other exclusive top-tier bracket location, as for that matter. Terry's smart. Terry knows John too well, and by extension, knows exactly what quality of his estate to name to sweeten the offer and present it as a viable living option for some as world-hardened as John. No, no, it is practical, don't you know? One of us lives at Glendower Avenue and so all of us should leave at Glendower Avenue, Johnny! And if that fails, then hey, Terry can always effortlessly try and tug at John's heartstrings, for old time's sake. So awfully lonely here at times, in this great, big mansion and he does like the company. Your company. And John's. That last part, turns out, is not such a lie at all, and Terry is buttering John up by sharing a great many truths with that statement, and that is exactly the reason why that attack might just work best to the point Terry can have you and John moved in by the very next day. Flawless victory!
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u-friend-or-ufo · 21 days
I think I could be in a polyamorous relationship. When those two are shagging, I'll be making them a cup of tea. Must be thirsty work having sex and all.
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dreamlikedesires · 2 years
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I did a thing
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queer-ghosts · 1 year
There is literally no bigger joy than listening to your girlfriend yearn for, talk and ramble about their crush, i love her so much.
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haamuart · 1 year
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Colored doodle of my favourite triad! Fumika, Akio and Gaku from 2020.
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wettestwraith · 2 years
not to be harsh or anything but I've always been weirded out when people say that if their partner wanted an open or polyamorous relationship, they would be heartbroken because they would feel that they aren't enough. now you are totally entitled to your feelings and opinions, but like... aren't you not enough either way? the amount of love a person needs cannot be fulfilled by the love from one lone individual no matter how much they love that person, i'm not just talking about this in a romantic sense, humans tend to crave for companionship and need more than 1 type of love in their life. a love that is warm and welcoming especially after a long day, a love that makes you want to journey the world with that someone, a love that is full of fun and childlike wonder and joy, a love that needs no words and is full of understanding, solidarity and resonation, a love that you carry with you all the time, a love that inspires you to put your best foot forward, a love that consists of simple everyday compassion, a love that gives you hope for the world, a love that calms you and many many more that I cannot put into words. you can't be all-encompassing and provide someone with all those types of love, you yourself can't create all the kinds of bonds that that person needs in their lifetime, and most of all humans need a community, a single person cannot provide that. to be honest, i'm not quite sure about my romantic orientation, but if I was going to have a partner in the future, and they would ask me for a polyamorous relationship, i would be open to the idea. why not? romance to me is not above friendships and family and all the other relationships that cannot be defined exactly, i would never value my partner over my friends. if my partner asks me for a polyamorous relationship, and I know that they love me just as much as they love their friends and family and vice versa, I would say yes, because I can trust they will continue to love me just the same.
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i love my poly sm
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@/emmisinni's Camelia's
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template if any1 wants it
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indecentpause · 2 months
Moodboard Monday
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hey look, it's Sara, Austin, and Kris, my beloved aroace queerplatonic triad :) from The Black & Blues!
“So, um. Sara. Kris. Austin. What, uh. What do you three have going on? If it’s okay for me to ask,” you rush to add. Sara’s eyes, bright and bold and friendly, suddenly go sharp. Austin looks ready to dart. Kris’s hands are tight on the table in front of him. Danny nudges your side and hisses, “Meara!” You flush bright red and look down at your iced coffee. “Sorry!” you squeak. “I just. I saw you holding hands at the show a few times. All three of you. And. And I was just curious.” Sara inhales deeply through her nose and closes her eyes. Kris, between her and Austin, shoves them both with his shoulders and says, “I told you we need to be more careful!” Danny swoops in to save the day. He holds up his hands, like he’s trying to calm an angry animal. “It’s okay,” he says. “You don’t owe us an explanation. You don’t owe us anything. Okay?” And that seems to put them a little more at ease, except Austin, who still looks ready to run at the earliest chance of escape. Kris puts a hand on his wrist. When you and Danny don’t react, Austin finally relaxes a little. Sara clears her throat. “We’re together. The three of us. But not like. In a sexual way. Or even a romantic way. We… we’re all aroace. And we just. It’s not like siblings but it’s closer than best friends. It’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t get it.” You push your coffee to the side and rest your elbows on the table. “Explain it to me, then,” you say gently. “We have all night.” So they do. Apparently being ace means no sexual attraction, and being aro means no romantic attraction, and being aroace means both. You don’t really get it, but they’re happy, and they clearly care about each other, and it’s not your business anyway. But you can see why they were so hesitant to talk about it, especially when Sara says, “Like, everyone expects you to grow up and get into a monogamous marriage and sleep with your spouse and pop out babies and like. I don’t want any of those things. I want an apartment or a house with my two guys, and we can foster cats and dogs, and take each other to the doctor or the airport, or pick each other up from work, or go grocery shopping together, or help each other file taxes, or volunteer with the park district. And if there are kids in the future, I want all three of us to raise them together.” And you’ve never heard anything more reasonable than that. Just because you can’t imagine yourself without romance or sex for the rest of your life doesn’t mean that’s what everyone has to want.
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace
@drippingmoon @theoddcryptid @magic-is-something-we-create @winterandwords
@revenantlore @mr-orion @idreamonpaper @thelaughingstag
Black & Blues taglist: @lynnedwardswrites
if you want to be added or removed on my general or Black & Blues taglist, just let me know!
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u-friend-or-ufo · 2 months
Could I be in a polyamorous relationship? Maybe?? Like I know it's not for everyone but I could give it a go I guess...
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dreamlikedesires · 2 years
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Breaking: Local grandpa and mother suffers, more tonight at 7
Warnings: Swearing, mentioned polyamphobia, mentioned biphobia
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Alex Adil Emre Yukime, Marija Balchunas, Matija Balchunas, Faris Balchunas, Jožefa Balchunas, Branimir Balchunas, Luka Balchunas, Aleksandra Adamski-Balchunas, Sila Adil Yukime
Mentioned characters: Miroslav Adamski, Jasmine Aybüke Belinay Adamski
Ships: Marija x Matija x Faris x Jožefa x Branimir x Luka (It's a ✨polyamorous relationship✨), Miroslav Adamski x Jasmine Aybüke Belinay Adamski (Implied/Background)
Summary: Alex challenges Jožefa to a duel, Aleksandra tries to break it up while her mom and fathers cheer it on.
Well, except for Matija, he and Sila seem tired of this.
A/N: WELP! Here's the first non-canon short story of Legacies-
There is one f-bomb, but hey, technically the story's still PG-13, right?-
It was a dark and stormy night.
No, that's too cheesy.
Matija sighed as he erased the sentence.
'How the HELL does one write a good thriller?' Matija thought to himself.
I come from- No, that's taken.
I don't know how other men feel about their- No, that's taken too (And mildly problematic, makes it sound like a marriage is supposed to be permanent).
"THAT'S IT!" Matija exclaimed, putting his pencil down before throwing his hands up in the air.
"Be quiet fucker! I'm trying to read!" Faris said from his corner of the library.
"Whatever, idiot," Matija responded.
At first glance it would seem like Matija and Faris couldn't stand each other, since they're insulting each other, but that was their love language, insults.
Pretty cheesy, but they were happy.
... It was times like this Matija was glad his parents were dead. Sure they were good parents, but the day they found out that Matija had plans to get engaged to not one person, but five people, his parents lost their minds.
Especially since he was marrying three men and two women.
Matija was swift to lie about how he was gonna call off the engagement, in reality he ran away and married Faris, Marija, Jožefa, Branimir, and Luka in Istanbul.
Although... They had to convince Sila to let them into Istanbul.
~Flashback time~
"I know we hate each other but PLEASE! No other country in Europe legalized polyamorous marriages!" Branimir pleaded.
Sila hesitated as she took a sip of water.
"You seem to forget we only legalized it yesterday. And that's because Alex kept throwing tantrum after tantrum about it. And I thought you lot were already married, after all you have a daughter," Sila sighed.
"Well, that's because Marija- THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT! Anyways I thought you said Alex convinced-" Jožefa started.
"They tried, then realized being nice wasn't gonna help," Sila interrupted, "Anyways... I don't think any government building will immediately conduct your wedding." She finished.
"Then let us get married here!" Branimir begged.
"Beggers can't be ch-" Sila started.
That was the telltale sign Alex was about to throw a tantrum.
"Fine," Sila sighed.
~Flashback end~
Matija's thoughts got interrupted when the library door flew open.
"What is it, Luka?" Matija sighed.
Luka, still trying to catch his breath, wiped his forehead before speaking.
"Alex just, huff, challenged Jožefa to a, huff, duel!" Luka said.
"THEY DID WHAT!? NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN!" Matija screeched, falling out of his chair.
No one heard his despair, as Luka and Faris bolted, probably to see the duel.
"I'm too old for this shit," Matija sighed before getting up to try to stop the duel.
"This is childish!"
That was what Aleksandra had to say as she tried to get Jožefa and Alex to reconsider.
"And to think this all started because Jožefa accidentally spilled wine on Alex," Sila sighed.
"I thought it was the other way around?" Matija responded.
"Whatever, I'm too tired," Sila responded.
"You and me both," Matija sighed.
"Duels aren't even legal anymore!" Aleksandra screeched.
"It's legal if you use berries for bullets instead!" Alex and Jožefa said at the same time as they took ten steps away from the center.
"I didn't know this was an American-style duel!" Luka said.
"DAD! DON'T ENCOURAGE MOTHER!" Aleksandra screamed.
"Relax little bear cub! This is good for people," Branimir responded.
"NOT YOU TOO FATHER!" Aleksandra groaned.
"If we keep encouraging them maybe she'll join in!" Faris suggested.
"THAT'S NOT HOW PEER PRESSURE WORKS! I think..." Aleksandra sighed, then she turned to face Sila and Matija. "Please tell me you're gonna help me out here," She pleaded.
Sila hesitated.
"Actually, I think I'll go see if Miroslav needs help, he and Jasmine just had a daughter after all," Sila said before running off.
'How the hell does she not trip while wearing high heels?' Matija thought to himself.
"Oh COME on!" Aleksandra exclaimed.
The duel was ultimately stopped, only because Aleksandra was persistent on making sure it didn't happen.
Unfortunately, Alex and Jožefa decided to reschedule for Friday.
Matija sighed.
Writers could get their silence, but this local grandpa writer was doomed to suffer, alongside his rival that was also a mother.
Did he just hear a trombone?
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townflex · 7 months
Tech millionaire openly celebrates polyamorous relationship with two partners
Ezra Olubi, a Nigerian tech entrepreneur, and his partners have openly celebrated their love in a polyamorous relationship, defying social standards. While attending a friend’s wedding abroad, Ezra, Max, and NK took to X, formerly Twitter, to give snippets of their emotions. triple income, no kids. pic.twitter.com/aT7BKG2dqu— Ezra 'God' Olubi (@0x) February 18, 2024 Social media images of the…
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