#ace d portgas x female reader
straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
Heliotrope and Honeysuckle
Pairing: Ace D. Portgas x Female Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuyFS3tdf8Y, 
A thousand years Male version acoustic version
Rating: G
Summary: Y/n finally has some time to spend with her lover, Ace. It’s been a year since the battle at Marine-ford, and all Y/n wants if for Ace to relax and not feel burdened. What better way than to lay in the sun in a flower field and enjoy time with the crew.
Ace had his eyes closed and his head on his arms. A well-deserved nap after fending off the Navy. Y/n, his girlfriend, was picking flowers and fastening the flowers together into a crown. She giggled before placing the crown on Ace’s head. “Ace! You look so pretty with the crown!!” She giggled when he opened an eye and tilted his head just a bit to see the flower crown. He smiled before sitting up. Y/n immediately moved to fix the crown and set it nicely on the top of his head. 
Ace chuckled before crossing his legs and his arms. He smiled when she copied his movements but looked at him with a raised eyebrow. However, Ace was curious. Why did she make the crown out of heliotrope and honeysuckle? He turned to look at her before his curiosity got the better of him. “Why did you choose these two flowers?” Ace asked, scooting closer to her and taking her hands in his. Y/n giggled. He watched her reach into her bag and pull out a book. Y/n flipped through the pages before stopping. “Here. Read this.” She said, handing the book to him. 
Ace took the book and began to read. “While the rose is revered as the flower of romance and prosperity, the heliotrope represents eternal love. One normally brings the heliotrope into the relationship when they know that the person they love, truly loves them back. 
The honeysuckle, admired for the sweet scent and vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle is known for its symbolic nature of devotion and everlasting love.”
Ace stared at the book before closing it and looking up at her with wide eyes. She was smiling softly, a contrast from the childish smiles and laughter that had filled the air before. “My mother and father told me all about flowers when I reached 18 years old. My father, when he first met my mother, had given her roses on their first date. By their fifth date, my father had gifted my mother honeysuckles and heliotrope flowers.” Y/n smiled, she leaned back against her hands and looked up at the deep purple and blue sky. 
“I always dreamed of finding someone who I could give those flowers to. I have dated many people before you. None of them however come close to how you make me feel. That’s why I made that flower crown out of heliotrope and honeysuckle.” Y/n turned to face Ace only to find him a mere inch from her face. His dark eyes filled with an emotion she had never seen before. “Well, then I’ll have to find a bouquet for you at the next town we visit,” Ace whispered, his lips barely brushing against hers before he dipped forward and pressed his lips to hers. 
His hands moved to cradle her face while her arms wrapped around his neck. Tears filled her eyes as she felt the gentle warmth slipping from Ace as he pressed closer to her. Pulling away from the kiss, both Ace and Y/n pressed their foreheads together to catch their breath. “I love you,” Ace whispered, still very much out of breath. Y/n smiled, leaning forward she pressed her lips against his in a chaste but loving kiss. “I love you too, Fire Fist Ace.” She said, using his nickname. Ace’s heart fluttered in his chest. Y/n soon moved to sit beside Ace and lay her head on his shoulder. “Let’s watch the sky for a moment. I’m sure white beard wouldn’t mind.” Y/n giggled when Ace pulled a face. 
{A few hours later}
“Geez Y/n, you could have told me you were getting tired. We could have gone back to the ship earlier.” Ace mumbled, no real bite behind it. A smile sat on his lips while she slept, her face buried in his neck. He had red dusting his freckled face but he didn’t mind. He loved her and knew that she loved him back. Ace tightened his hold on her slightly before jumping. He grinned when the wind blew around him as he bounced from rooftop to rooftop before landing on the Moby Dick. 
“What were you two up to?” Marco’s voice called out startling Ace for a moment. “Y/n and I were just playing in the flower Field after shaking off some Navy officers. Nothing super big.” Ace said, shrugging his shoulders as he held Y/n closer to his chest before walking to his room. Marco smiled before waving his goodbye and walking back to where Whitebeard was. He laid her on his bed and smiled before laying down next to her. Ace pulled her against his bare chest and sighed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. 
When the morning rays filled the room, Ace woke to Y/n nowhere in sight. He sat up in bed fast before hearing laughter from in the kitchen. Ace stood from the bed and stretched. A satisfying pop was heard and a sigh of bliss left his lips. He grabbed his hat before slipping it around his neck so it hung down on his back. He slipped his shoes on and walked towards the kitchen, the laughter growing louder and louder. He slipped into the kitchen and his lips turned upward. He watched as Y/n flipped food around and created a spectacle that the rest of the Whitebeard crew cheered and clapped for.
“What’s on the menu this morning?” Thatch asked, walking into the kitchen with a grin on his still very much tired face. Y/n giggled. “Well, it's a special breakfast today. It's the year after Ace was rescued from Marineforde.” She gave the entire crew the biggest smile but Ace knew deep down she was still in pain from that battle. Ace moved from where he was standing and snuck behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and snuck a quick kiss to her neck. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I won’t be fighting Teach for a while. That is until I can figure out his weakness.” Ace whispered so only she could hear him. She giggled before her look of anguish disappeared. 
The rest of the morning consisted of laughter, screaming, storytelling, and everyone drinking to their heart's content. Ace had practically devoured all the food and was happily sleeping on Y/n’s lap when Marco sat down next to her. Y/n continued to run her fingers through her lover's hair before turning to look at Marco. “I don’t think how much we owe you for helping us save Ace that day Y/n,” Marco said, looking straight ahead and taking a swig of his ale. Y/n laughed heartily. “I don’t think that I did much though.” She said, her fingers switching to gently scratching Ace’s head. Said male shifted and sighed in delight. Marco rolled his eyes. “You did more than you think. When you appeared on that battlefield, everyone stopped. You managed to get Ace on the boat and got Pops on the boat as well. Who knew that you ate the Sutansutan akuma no mi*” Marco mentioned, giving her a side glance before finishing off his drink. 
Y/n chuckled. “I only did what I thought was necessary at the time. I didn’t think that my fruit would be of use that day. It's a pretty weak fruit after all.” Y/n lifted her head and looked at the clear blue sky, the occasional cloud floating past. Marco stood from where he was sitting. Before leaving, he patted her head and walked back toward the others that were still partying. Whitebeard laughed and lifted his cup and cheered with the others. Y/n looked down at Ace, a smile drifting across her lips before she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I will protect you no matter what.” She whispered.
{Later in the afternoon}
Ace sat near the side of the boat as the water flew past them. Y/n stood next to him, a smile on her lips. “You know, I don’t know where I would be in the world right now if I hadn’t met you, Ace,” Y/n whispered, leaning her head against her crossed arms that sat on the railing. Ace lays his chin on his arms and looks over the water that laps at the side of the ship. A smile appeared on his lips before turning to her. Y/n looked at him and returned the smile. “What do you think you would be doing right now?” He asked. Y/n thought for a moment. “Well, I think I would be stuck in my hometown doing nothing but housework and selling flowers,” Y/n said, remembering her life before Ace appeared in it. 
“Hey, love birds! You two are gonna miss the food!” Thatch yelled. Y/n turned and looked at Ace with a mischievous smirk on her lips. “Race ya.” She said before darting from the side of the ship and running to the food. Ace was shocked for a solid second before he darted after her. Once the two of you joined in on the feast laying before the crew, Ace pulled Y/n into his lap and his arms wrapped around her waist. She rolled her eyes but giggled. She grabbed a plate and filled it with food before she started to eat while splitting some of what she had gotten on a plate for Ace to eat. 
“You two are so gross.”
“I think they are cute together.”
“He is so damn lucky that she came when she did during the battle.”
Y/n rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small blush that stained her face. Ace wasn’t doing any better. He had his face buried in her back and he was bright red. Y/n laughed loudly when the rest of the crew started laughing and Ace’s arms tightened around your waist. She placed her hand over his hand and her laughter died down til she was just smiling. “I didn’t really do anything. My devil fruit isn’t that strong.” She said, trying to play it off. “What are you talking about? The Sutansutan akuma no mi isn’t as strong as you think it is.” Y/n said, looking at everyone with a raised eyebrow. Ace laid his chin on her shoulder before pressing a kiss to her neck. “You have the ability to stun anyone that isn’t an ally to you or Whitebeard. I’d say that’s pretty powerful. You used it on the Admirals and had them shaking in their boots while you and Luffy rescued me.” Ace said, smiling against her neck, and closing his eyes. 
When the party died down, Y/n looked around the deck to find everyone laying against the wall, the ground, or leaning against something as they slept. Y/n smiled softly as she looked over the people that she had grown so close to. She looked down when Ace nuzzled closer to her stomach and a smile appeared on his lips. She smiled softly. Her hand moved towards his black hair to card them through. “You are such a cat when you are drunk. You are such a dork, Ace.” Y/n mumbled before she finally succumbed to sleep. 
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*sutansutan akuma no mi- Stun Stun devil fruit*
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anystalker707 · 7 months
I need you with me
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: After the Marineford events, all that Ace needs is some love. Tags: ace is recovering, so he needs you to be gentle / he's so sweet / lots of fluff / universe in which ace survived marineford A/n: thanks sm for the request, anon <3 sorry for taking long
Requested by anon [Hello, amazing writer! If you are doing requests, could you do Ace x female reader where Ace gets all the love and pets and praise he so deserves. I just finished Marineford and I have...feelings]
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          Everyone was shaken up after the events in Marineford, still trying to process everything that had happened, without much success. It wasn’t just a lot to process but also left everyone in a shocked state that would take time to wear out. Luffy had even spent a while with the Whitebeard Pirates to ensure his brother would be alright before he had to go back to following his path. By that time, the commotion had also died within the crew itself, it was finally time to have your boyfriend all to yourself again.
The wound that once covered the center of his chest and back was now only two violent scars decorating his skin, only adding to his charm, if anything. You wondered if anything could make Ace ugly, and it was hard to determine something that would make him permanently unattractive, so you dropped it.
Ace was lying on his side with his back to you, taking yet another nap in the dark cabin that blocked the sunlight by the thick blackout curtains. Napping was something he’d been doing rather a lot, aside from the spontaneous times he would fall asleep. The Marineford event took quite a toll on him, both physically and mentally, so it was no surprise he found comfort in sleep and quietness now that the euphoria had died down. Not surprisingly, he also grew clingy after that.
A soft sigh escaped your lips as you walked over, observing the scar on Ace’s back as you sat on the bed, careful not to wake him up. His skin rose in shivers at the slightest touch upon his scar, but he didn’t even move in his sleep, continuing to softly snore away. Your heart heaved a little, but it’d been like that for so long that it was pointless to dive into sadness for longer.
Your mind didn’t leave you alone for the few seconds you kept your eyes closed, replaying parts of the Summit War, even though you’d gone through it multiple times already. It was tiring, clinging to your skin like mud that you couldn’t clean off, dragging you down, but you could still feel the normality slowly making its way back into your lives, thankfully.
Ace smelled like a mixture of your smell along with his own, which was quite characteristic, and always left a very well-welcomed lingering scent on your bed. His smell filled your lungs as you pressed your nose to the back of his ear and inhaled deeply before finally lying down with him and hugging him from behind. Only then did he groan a little, shifting a little to make himself comfortable next to you. He was warm, back moving against your chest rhythmically. It was good to feel him like that next to you, alive and well, helping you fight the feeling he would disappear in case you looked away for too long.
“Love,” Ace murmured in a whiny tone that popped your bubble and brought you back to the real world to be embraced by the warmth he made you feel. “Mmph, babe,” he whispered with a groan that dissipated into a sigh of comfort the moment you pressed a kiss to his cheek and hugged him tighter.
“Yes, my love?” You whispered against his cheek when he started stirring awake, humming drowsily as he patted around until his hand found the side of your head and kept you there to turn his head and messily kiss your face. His eyes were still closed as his lips met the space above your upper lip, and then your cheek—that was the only response you received as he gently played with your hair a little.
“I had a dream with you,” he whispered, eyes still closed, but you could tell he was a little less than half asleep by then. “We were… Uh, I forgot.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking your head, while running a hand through Ace’s messy hair strands in a fruitless attempt to push them back into place. “Okay. The fact you dreamed with me is good enough.”
Ace pouted with a hum as he shifted on the bed so that he was on his back, allowing himself to take a look at you. He finally opened his eyes and blinked until the blurred form before him turned into a clear image of you, which made him smile. “Mmph, babe,” he whispered in a happy tone that made your heart flutter.
“You’re so cute like this, all sleepy, all comfy.” Your lips parted into a grin before you kissed his cheek. “I really just want to— Damn.” Instead of fighting your urges, you just cupped his cheek and kissed all over his face until he was giggling and wrapping his arms around you, swinging one of them lazily around your neck.
“Hey, what’s that for?” Ace groaned softly and kissed your cheek a couple of times, planting kisses on the way to your lips, where he lingered for a few seconds.
“I just want to pamper my pretty boy, am I not allowed to?”
Whenever you called him ‘pretty boy’, Ace’s heart fluttered, and he felt all bubbly inside, so full of himself that he believed he could face the entire world if he really wanted to. He smiled as his cheeks gained a red tone, and he melted under the new kisses over his face.
“Sometimes I wonder if I can kiss each of your freckles,” you said as your fingertips trailed along the freckles on his shoulder; they descended for all his body and imprinted constellations upon his skin.
Ace hummed, raising one of his eyebrows at you. “Well, if you want to try… I wouldn’t be opposed to it, babe.”
“Hm, right,” you muttered with a smile, kissing his forehead. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Just the idea of it seemed to get Ace a little eager, grinning as he allowed you to keep bathing him with compliments and caressing. He sighed and leaned into your touches, groaning when you started running your fingers through his hair again. Playing with his hair could easily drive Ace to sleep, but it wasn’t your intention, so you pulled your hand away as soon as he started closing his eyes, much to his displeasure.
“Have you eaten today?” It was a question that usually would be useless, really—his huge appetite dismissed any worry about his intake of food, but that was before the Summit War. After that, the pain and stress of carrying Roger’s blood in his hands took upon him again, and there he was, believing he didn’t deserve any care in the world. Sometimes, the guilt would still drag along the sad smiles he flashed you whenever you gave him affection, but it was growing considerably lower through time. You hoped that, someday, he wouldn’t feel like his life was a burden.
A soft hum came from Ace as he rubbed his eye, looking away, immediately snatching a sigh from you.
“Come on, Ace, love, you’re better than that.” You looked at the bedside table, noticing a tray of food sitting there. It’d probably been brought for lunch, a couple of hours ago. “Look, there’s even some ramen here. Why don’t you try it? Or do you want fresh food? You know everyone is doing their best for you, try to eat a little bit, pretty boy.” You kissed the tip of his nose, making him scrunch his nose with a small sound.
“Will you stay with me for the rest of the day?” Ace’s eyebrows knitted together as he looked at you with those eyes, enough to make your heart heavy. “You’ve been busy all day long, only checking on me now and then. I like having you around, even if I’m just napping. I like your presence.”
A sigh escaped your nose as you heard Ace, frowning a little at his words. You should’ve done better, really. “Okay,” you said with a nod. “I’ll go let Pops know I’m spending the rest of the day with you, okay? Don’t move a single finger while I go there! I’ll know if you do!”
When Ace chuckled, something stirred in your chest, spreading warmth all within it.
“Okay! But give me another kiss before you leave and more when you come back, okay?” Ace’s arms wrapped tighter around your neck, making you roll your eyes before pressing your lips to his gently. He didn’t seem to be a big fan of the light kiss, instead deepening the kiss with a soft hum, keeping your lips together until you were both out of air.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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kings-wifey · 26 days
One Piece men taking care of you while you're sick ❤️
(I have a sore throat right now so I desperately need someone to take care of me-)
Zoro, Sanji, Ace and Law.
word count: 677
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"I told you that this would happen!" He growled, incredibly irritated with you for having gone against his words as he idly played with your hair, his signature stone-cold resting face had practically pierced the air, making things rather silent.
He was sat next to your bedside, having had to give up training today as Chopper was out foraging for medical supplies and ingredients due to Luffy having eaten a whole container of flavoured vitamins because "they tasted good", of course he didn't actually mind taking care of you it was just that your stubbornness really pissed him off at times.
"I swear, once your ass is better I'm going to break you."
"Hm... in what way?" You teased him, a cocky smirk on your red sickly face, earning you a groan and a rough poke.
"You cocky little..."
"Open wide my darling," He spoke softly, spoon feeding you soup like an infant, his voice was a tad bit raw due to him crying since he felt like the worst boyfriend in the world for allowing his baby to get sick. His guilt stemmed from his mother's passing as a child, the gnawing feeling that he could've done something if he was stronger or actually knew how to care for someone at the time having scarred him, which of course wasn't his fault whatsoever but he'd never accept that nor forgive himself for not being able to take away his mother's pain.
He did not care what so ever that you could get him sick, you were his baby and you needed care! He watched with a soft smile as he saw you slowly eating the soup by each spoonful, admiring the way your soft lips wrapped around the spoon.
"What? Wish this was your dick?" You teased, mumbling slightly as you ate. You chuckled at the way he gasped and blushed as his hand attempted to hide the growing evidence of his arousal.
"Babe you sound like Dadan-" Ace wheezes as he teases you, causing him to receive a slap from Marco who was monitoring your temperature. "Shut it. She needs to rest." He scolds your boyfriend sternly before stepping outside to dig through the ship's storage for more herbs, Ace takes the opportunity to climb into the infirmary bed with you and wrap his arms around you like a toddler cuddling their favourite toy.
The truth was, although he did try to hide it, he was horrified of you suddenly becoming seriously ill. He loved you a lot, it was just that he loved your pout and you whines of annoyance almost as much, which was why he'd always tease and poke fun at you affectionately because that alongside touch was love language.
"Don't you dare get sick again... shorty."
"Alright that's it, no more sex for you for a week after this."
"What?! No I was kidding pleaseee!"
Beep beep beep! The thermometer beeped to signal that it was ready to display your temperature.
"Hm. Thirty-eight point five. You're running a slight fever." Law stated bluntly as he examined the thermometer carefully before he set it aside and got up, he walked over to his medicine cabinet and dug through it for a few moments before he examined a packet and took it.
He closed the cabinet before he made his way over to you, handing you the packet of antibiotics with his endearingly cold hands.
"Take two twice every morning and night, it should help to resolve it as well as soothe the irritation somewhat." He spoke with a stern tone, despite the fact that it was incredibly obvious that he was a tad bit worried about your sickness developing into something harder to manage and cure, but he shoved those thoughts away and focused on being the confident doctor that you needed right now and not some sappy worried man.
"Do I take them with water or...?" You teased as you gave him a suggestive smirk, earning a heavy sigh in response.
"... Yes water you horny brat."
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Thank you for reading! I know this isn't much for my first post and I do feel very lazy and like this isn't good enough, but I hope you enjoyed it!
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
🤠Cowboys You Say?
Pairing: Zoro, Eustass, Sabo, Marco & Ace x fem!reader (separate or sharing doesn't affect the story)
*Old Note: Had a vacation out on 93 acres in the countryside and all I was thinking about…cowboys.*
Warnings: bondage! Dom/sub! Pet names! Praise & degradation! Vaginal penetration! Bimbofication! Rough sex! Spanking! Hair pulling! Yata yata smut lol y’all know I write nasty!breeding kink!
@votaeto @zorosdimples thought y’all might like this 
*New Author’s Note: Out of all the stories I thought I lost from my old account Honey’s World of Fanfiction THIS one was by far my favorite so to stumble upon it again makes me sooo freaky hype!!!! AHHH So excited!!!! Hope everyone still loves it just as much as me!! Don’t be alarmed I did fix some typos as well! Lol*
*cow banner*
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Acres of land as far as the eye can see was before you. Majestic and overwhelming but it was now yours. Inherited from your late father, Edward, you had no choice but to return home to his prize. The ranch he loved second ONLY to you, too precious for you to just sell.
Patches of woods and forests littered with game even open fields for horses to run wild until tamed. There was a beautiful garden that stretched around the ranch, a pond with a family of ducks. A river with a strong current that only the toughest even dare swim in, flowing just along the ranch’s right side.
The terrain was intense but luckily your father made sure he left you with a great team to help you out.
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Lumberjack Ace 🪓who jumps out his pickup truck shirtless, drenched in a layer of sweat with an ax resting on his shoulder.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who was saddened and shocked at your father’s death but happy seeing his pretty daughter inherit the ranch.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who tips his hat and winks at you with a side smirk as he walks, “Mornin’ darlin’.”  The freckled face and cut abs flustering you immediately.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who pours a bucket of water over his head before taking the sweet tea you offered after hours of chopping firewood.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who cleans the chimney for you in your freakish city that gets snow storms mid summer. The grand line farmland a whirlwind of weather.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 flirts the entire time with winks and smirks. “Don’t worry babydoll I’ll have this house as hot as you in no time.” Tossing the wood he chopped inside with a dramatic sigh.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who ax throws intruders wanting to harm you
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who makes you wear his hat when you ride him cause you’re his pretty cowgirl princess. “Aren’t you just a spitfire?” His moans drawn out all nice and sweet for ya.
Lumberjack Ace 🪓 who fucks you hard against the trees he plans on chopping. Using you to see if they’re sturdy enough as your back rubs against the rough bark.
“Yeah pretty girl ya like that don’t ya?” He’ll ask as he nips at your bottom lip making you whimper, pussy clenching. His cock will destroy your insides as the harsh tree rubs your skin raw. “Want my seed deep in that cute lil pussy of yours? I bet you do baby girl. Take every drop alright darlin’.”
Fucking your cunt hard in the forest as your screams bounced off the tall trees making him grunt as he paints that pussy white. “That’s my pretty girl.” 🪓
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Doctor Marco 🩺 who rode in on a fucking horse with flowers in his hands to show his condolences.
Doctor Marco 🩺 who even studied animals in order to help your father when he stressed over his prized horse, Whitebeard, growing sick.
Doctor Marco 🩺 who made it a point to stop by everyday on his gorgeous marbled stallion, saying it was important for your mental health on such a secluded land.
Doctor Marco 🩺 who comes to your aid during the harsh heat when you almost had a heat stroke. “Wow there birdie~ can’t have you getting dehydrated on me.”
And !!
The treacherous winter when he finds you passed out in the house shaking still not used to a single fire heating up such a big house. “Sweet bird what would you do without me~” He’ll coo at you.
Doctor Marco 🩺  who sheds his clothes to warm you up the fastest way you can in the countryside. “Come here birdie I’ll keep you warm.” 
Cock plunging deep into your pussy to make you sweat. Your gasps and moans make him shiver, back arching off the bed as you claw at his skin. “D-doctor~ M-Marco ah~ you feels so warm.” You whimper as he leans over pushing his weight on his hands.
“I know dove~ let me keep taking good~ care of you. Make sure you stay nice and warm inside and out.” Marco’s thrust would be deep and really rough to make you sweaty and gasping. “I reckon I’ll have you feeling peachy in no time birdie.”
Doctor Marco 🩺 who even checks your gag reflex with his cock buried snug in your wet throat.
“Take a little more pretty thing.” Hand brushing your hair back with a gentle smile. Your eyes watery as you looked up at him in your pretty sundress soaked in your drool.
“There ya go dove doin just~ fine.” Marco would grunt out as he shallowly thrusts into your throat. Cumming deeply into your tight mouth making you moan softly at the taste. Semen dripping down the sides making you whine and even messier for his greedy eyes.
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Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who picked the prettiest mustangs for your father.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who supplies all the best horses in town. Even trains them too.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who washes your horses and loves watching you braid their hair afterwards in different styles. “I think that's one of my favorites sweet pea.” He’ll say coming up behind you all close.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who holds you tightly when a horse passes because he too knows your pain of losing a stallion.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who gets to train ladies all week but still doesn’t get behind them for a lesson, opting for his own stallion but insists on doing it for you. Saying you need the best.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who teaches you to ride. Thick cock brushing up against you as he wraps his arms around you. Breath heavy from the close proximity, “Doing great doll~” Voice raspy after a long ride of his cock brushing against your pretty self.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who buys you matching gloves for riding saying they’re the best and they’ll last the longest because of the quality but it’s actually because he likes you matching.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who wins all the horse racing championships
“Looking good doll.” Sabo drew out as he leaned against the railing where you were sitting in the front row. All the other women were jealous, wanting his attention too.
“How’s about I take a pretty lady like you out to a fancy dinner and a nice ride?” He winks at the last part hinting at a night of mystery that you so said ‘yes’ to.
Horse Tamer Sabo 🐎 who also makes you wear his hat when you ride him cause that’s just what cowboys do.
Eyes rolling back as he tugged on the knots you were bound by, “Just like that sweet pea move’em nice and slow fa me.” Sabo groaned out, voice raspy making you whine.  Fat cockhead pushing past your cervix making you choke out moans.
“Ooooooowweee doll listen to you howl. Go head and cum on me ‘kay sweetheart.” Sabo’s cocky when he fucks his fat cock up into your dripping pussy. His blue hat bouncing with his powerful thrusts, pussy squirting making his ego grow more. “Now that’s a prize winning stallion! Fuck~!! I’m gonna have to breed you full after that ride.”
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Butcher Zoro! 🔪 Who brought you the biggest cow in the shop to show his condolences.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who still delivers fresh meats weekly even though you’re not sick like your father and very capable of doing it yourself.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who always offers to sharpen your kitchenware when he delivers the meats to ensure you the best.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who loves pulling up to you grilling or smoking some meats and seeing your proud smile when you used his ingredients. “Please Zoro! You just have to join me for dinner! I think you’re gonna love how the steaks turned out! It's a great cut.”
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who can hog tie the fastest in the countryside. Seeing him wrangle up that boar with his cocky smirk made your thighs press together. Feeling like a sinner in church needing a sip of sweet tea with the way he wiped the sweat off his brow.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who always winks at you and tips his hat after winning the hog tying contest making everyone jealous.
Butcher Zoro! 🔪 who puts you in gorgeous knots and suspended ropes to stretch you out in.
“Dammit woman look at you suckin’ in this cock like a champion.” Zoro grunted as he watched his cock disappear down your sloppy throat. Spit and cum from an earlier load dripping all over your front. Pulling away he ripped your top open and latched his hungry mouth onto your breast. Your arms above you in ropes as you hung like a butchered pig ripe for his taking.
“Prettiest little piggy to ever be eaten by me, I tell you what.” Zoro smirked as he left mark after amazing mark all over your sweaty skin.
Tying your legs up and spread out so he can slide that fat ass cock all the way in with no interruptions. “Fuck yeah piggy lemme hear you squeal for this cock just butchering your insides.” He was definitely merciless in all the things he did but you weren’t about to complain.
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Farmer Eustass 🤠 who still tends to your 100+ acres of land cause, “Ain’t no way in hell I’ll be able to sleep at night knowing a pretty lamb like you is doin all the work.”
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who calls you almost every farm/animal he can possibly think of.  Lamb, pig, mouse, bunny, chickie, calf, heifer,etc
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who comes to your aid whenever you need repairs around the house, but only does them shirtless.
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who drives the tracker shirtless in his overalls with a piece of straw in his mouth, hat tipped real low. Winking at you when you give him a cool glass of lemonade for his hard work plowing the fields, though you couldn’t help but desire that he was plowing something else.
“Thanks lil calf but I think I might wanna drink on somethin’ else you can gimme me. Maybe some milk?”
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who buys you the prettiest dresses and shoes cause he’ll be doin all the hard labor anyways.
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who gets handsy the fastest cause he can’t help but want to let out all his stress on you. Looking like a sweet lil belle that he wanted nothing more than to corrupt into his pretty bimbo after a long day.
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who’s a total stereotype. Wanting a beer and his dick sucked the second he steps foot in the door. Don’t worry he always returns the favor 😉
“Been thinkin’ bout these lips wrapped around my cock all damn day out on that field. Fuck~ that’s it chick, slobber all over me.”
Farmer Eustass 🤠 who roughly shoves your face in the hay as he fucks you ass up in the barn. Spanking you and pulling you back by your pigtails.
“Good fuckin’ calf. Letting me breed you full till you’re swollen wit my kids, tits drippin with milk for me.” Hips rocking into your cunt with a mission to fill you full. Stuffing your womb full of his children to run and play on the farm.“Fuck-my little cow being so good. Stay just like that babe.” Spanking you as he grabs both your pigtails in one large hand. “Sweet little heifer letting me breed her like she’s supposed ta wit outta fight. Come on moo for your owner baby.”  Voice raspy as he’ll grip your ass, fucking you hard on his heavy cock. Hay scratching into your face as you cream around his dick with a shaky scream. “Soundin’ so pretty when you get loud like that fa me.”
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sexydoffyman · 10 months
may i have a yandere somnophilia law + ace (same prompt- different fics) please 🤲 thank u 🫶🫶🫶
Sanji and Katakuri version here
genre: smut
characters: Trafalgar D. Water Law, Portgas D. Ace
A/N: Dang sorry for not posting for a couple of days.🪰
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A lot of people see him as a constantly annoyed person. I like to think he is more of a creep.
Yk, that kid that stabbed a frog in kindergarten kind of dude.
He enjoys getting attention by being creepy.
However, in this situation, he will try to be as sneaky as possible.
He will be just staring at you when you sleep.
It will soon turn into him jerking off.
He has a room around him just in case you wake up.
His weird hobby will progress into touching your bare skin while you sleep.
Running his hands up and down your inner thighs.
He has withstood his urges a lot of times, but his curiosity got the best of him.
He silently takes off your pants and underwear.
He slips himself inside of you going real slow not wanting to wake you up.
His whispers of "fuck" fill the room as he feels your warmth.
He will cum on your body, but don't worry, he makes sure to clean it up, real good.
Kisses you before he leaves.
When you two interact normally, he can't keep his eyes off you.
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Ace is not as creepy as he is curious and desperate.
He silently watches you sleep, adoring the way you move around.
He will start more romantically.
Kissing you softly. Caressing your cheeks. Looking at you like a teenage boy who fell in love.
His intentions are pure and innocent.
It was only one day that he got hard watching you sleep.
He was just like. "Fuck it." and jerked off to your sleeping form.
Post-nut clarity hit him hard.
He was thinking of why did he do that.
Those thoughts were shut off the next night when that urge caught him off guard again.
As time passed, he became addicted to it.
He wanted more. He was greedy.
He started touching you with his dick to get some kind of sexual tension.
In no time, the day comes when he gets too carried away.
He puts his dick inside of you and completely melts.
All the pleasure and pressure he is feeling right now is indescribable.
He whimpers but tries to keep it as quiet as possible.
He pulls out just in time and finishes into his hand.
He stumbles out of your room.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
OP Men When You Randomly Grab Their Tiddy (Black Fem Reader)
A/N: Tysm for 30 Followers and 500 likes within 3 days omg.
Ft. Ace, Zoro, Law, Shanks, Sanji, & Luffy
CW: Chaos and groping
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No because why haven’t any woman groped this man yet
Just slinging that and his fourth sword around like it’s nobody’s business
When Zoro first started dating you you actually made it a goal to squeeze one of his breast. Ofc when you told him he shrugged it off because you always stay weird stupid things about his body
He truly believes Sanji has rubbed off on you
“Lemme squeeze em”
“Okay let me squeeze one.”
You both were taking your afternoon nap, Zoro was laying sideways on your lap shirtless as usual. And you actually woke up earlier than him this time.
“Zo?” You shook his shoulder as his back was facing you, he just grumbled something about leaving him alone and adjusted himself to now face you, arms wrapped around, and buried himself in your tummy. “Get up I have to pee.”
“Hold it.” An immediate smack to the poor man’s ear making him shoot up in annoyance to sit on his knees. “The hell is wrong with you?!”
“I have to pee, dummy.”
“Then go pee! And come back I’m not finished sleeping.”
His words went through one ear and out the other as he was wiping his eyes in discomfort, his guard was down and you saw your chance and had to take it.
But atlas your highly skilled boyfriend was quicker than you. “Stop trying to grope me you pervert.”
“JUST—LET ME TOUCH ONE!” the feeling of needing to use the bathroom has left and now you are on top of Zoro trying to grab his chest.
“STOP IT YOU LOOK LIKE THAT PERVY COOK TRYING TO TOUCH ME!” At this point it was a slapping competition with Zoro slapping your hands away and you trying to slap his back. You had one goal in this very moment and you planned to achieve it no matter how mad he gets.
“A HA !” Your right hand managed to find an opening and reach to his scared boob. Fingers actually digging and massaging him in the process, you never realized how soft his skin was in the area despite his scar. “See…don’t it feel nice?”
Zoro’s lips are straightened and his face now turning pink on his tanned skin, he couldn’t feel more embarrassed, he wanted to look away, but the triumphant glee in your smile made him chuckle to himself.
“Pervert.” He mumbled before pulling you down to smother you in his arms.
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It happened while he hugged you.
Ace wasn’t too taller than you, but enough to where your face lands right on his chest when you hug him
You damn near bite him his chest was so soft and warm pls
Come to find out he likes being squeezed on his boobies
“Hey, beautiful!” Ace laughed coming in to give you a bear hug. You knew he loved to hold you close to his warm body especially since you’re always feeling cold, the contact felt so refreshing to him.
Your face was smothered in his bare chest as you rubbed his back rocking back and fourth when you mindlessly grabbed his left tit, making him jump a little so he pushed you back.
“H-hey! What was that for?!” You May have squeezed too hard on the soft flesh because you can now see small crescents of your nail around his nipple.
“I don’t know..” you shrugged, walking back towards him to soothe his boob, but he turned earning him an offended look from you. “Oh don’t be a baby!”
“I’m not just…” he was now fully turned to face you again with his chest puffed out like a bird. “Be gentle if you’re ganna do it.”
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He finds it cute, but it threw him off KSBSJSKS
He never thought his chest was boob grab worthy
Thinks you have some type of fetishKSJSDJOS
“Lu..” You both were sitting and relaxing on the head of the Sunny waiting to find some land, Luffy was a bit hot so he had his Kimono around his waist and his hat on your head while he rested his on your shoulder. He looked up at you and smiled, “Yeah?”
“Can I um…” You wasn’t sure what it was but seeing his exposed chest forming into a pretty cleavage due to him crossing his arms gave you an itch you needed to scratch. So you started off patting his head and slowly traveled to his breasts and give it a firm squeeze that caused you to exhale out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Luffy furrowed his brows seeing you grab and squeeze him so he sat up straight allowing you to get more feel.
“Haha what are you doing?!” He chuckled seeing now both of your hands are on his chest.
“I don’t know I just really wanted to squeeze them.”
“THEM?! HAHAH! Of course you can! See look!” He actually started to flex for a second making you laugh, but quickly turned into a gasped since Luffy decided to also squeeze your boob.
“What? I wanna see what the big deal is shishishishishiii!”
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You have grown sick of him and his deliciously tatted titties being shown around the whole ship and you haven’t even touched em yet
The nerve of him and his slutty clothing
They were always in arms reach, but never CLOSE ENOUGH
Law knew there was something up because he always catches you staring
He just didn’t know what
Eventually he gets sick of your blank stares and ask “Why do you keep staring at me?”
“Oh um….” He was so irritated, but looking closer at his annoyed look he had a bit of pink on his cheeks. His arms were crossed once again showing his teasing cleavage and you knew..you knew he didn’t mean it, but you couldn’t take it. You also knew your next move could end horribly for you, but it was a risk you’re willing to take.
You didn’t even asked you just pushed his arms away and rubbed your hands inside his shirt .
“Wh—what are you doing?!” His back was on the wall, sword was now in the ground for the sudden touch you gave him. You really couldn’t explain why or what your motive to him was without sounding weird, but all you could muster up while fondling his tatted chest with a devious smile on your face was
“You have pretty breasts.”
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You do it to him all the time when you hug him from behind
He Moans internally feeling your soft small hands on his broad muscular chest
Absolutely the reason why he started wearing more button downs
Sometimes he hopes you squeeze his nipples too
You do
He loves his touchy girlfriend sm
“Sanjiiiiii!” You purr behind him as he cooks today’s lunch. Your arms glide down his lean back to his shoulders and now down to his button down boobies free for you to squeeze as you exhale softly down his spine. He couldn’t be more flustered trying not to bleed over the sandwiches he had laid out for everybody.
“Hello my princess!” His voice cracks a little trying to constrain himself from having another love fit while you feel his body. “Hungry?”
“Mmhmm.” Your Voice vibrates on his back inhaling his natural scent of soap, fish, cologne, and cigarettes. It’s usually a bad combination, but to you it’s couldn’t smell better. “Love you.” You give his chest one last loving squeeze, he does a small yelp in the process, but tries to cover it with a chuckle.
“I love you too.”
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You did it while straddling him and regret it ever since
Mf does it to you all the time now
He replaced all your regular shirts for v-necks and bras
He squeezes your breast at the most inappropriate times too
“SHANKS!” You yelp feeling his cold calloused hand under your bra as you talk to Ben. Your red haired captain pulls himself behind you with his fingers now rolling against your nipple trynna push out a moan from you in front of his friend.
Ben laughs seeing you slapping your boyfriend’s head holding your own tit embarrassed out of your mind because you think Shanks also pulled down your bra way lower than he should have and flashed Ben in the process.
“BUT YOU DID IT TO ME!!” Shanks laughed guarding his face from your slaps.
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anemptypuddingcup · 3 months
🌹ace + hunter/hunted
Also uvu happy vday I hope you have a good day
Ooooh! Interesting kink choice!
A rose for:
Portgas D. Ace W Predator/Prey!
“Oiiiiii~ Where are ya m’little slutty lamb?~”
The sound of Ace’s voice echoed throughout the house as you hear his bare yet heavy footsteps press along the floorboards. You trembled there behind your shared bed in excitement yet nervousness, hearing his footsteps move closer and closer to you.
The door slowly creaks open and you hear him step in before humming out curiously.
“Where are you baby? I know ya in here~”
Your breathing was shaky but it was a bit too loud, which gave away your place to Ace.
He slowly crept up onto the bed before he peeks down at you before smiling widely.
“I found youuu~”
You freeze in place and slowly look up to see Ace peering down into your eyes, a hint of lust and yet hunger deep in his eyes.
The feeling of his strong hands gripping your arms makes you yelp out before he pulls you up into his arms, his lips pressing against yours so hungrily but needily.
“Mmgh~ Aceeee~” You gasp out his name so sweetly, his hands clawing at his your hips and back as he roughly thrust his cock in and out of your pussy. You whine out shakily as you held on tight to his larger frame, your legs wrapping tight around his hips while you clawed at his shoulders.
His hands moves from your hips and up to your breasts, gripping them both before latching his mouth onto both of your nipples. You huff out shakily and bite your bottom lip tightly, your toes curling as the pleasure of his mouth against your sensitive buds and his cock inside of pussy made you melt easily beneath him.
He glides his tongue along your nipples and areola before humming out and licking his lips, his ravenous eyes looking deep into yours with lust and somewhat a hint of love.
“Lemme eat ya up little lamb~ M’gonna eat the fuck outta you~”
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yayakoishii · 2 months
hi! could i request for fluff and comfort with ace? there was this one reddit post i saw abt a guy who rambled abt being so grateful and happy that he's loved by his girlfriend, and the post described how he felt that way when they were having a bath together (nonsexual, i promise! feel free to look the reddit post up). i thought the prompt suited ace so much, esp since the guy in that reddit post mentioned that he cried out of happiness, so maybe smth like this with ace x fem!reader?
ofc, feel free to skip if it makes u uncomfy ^^
~ ♠️ anon
shower me in your love | Ace x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Warning(s): Nudity (non-sexual)
A/n: I loved this idea so much anon, I was so excited to write it for so long TT but post-exam creativity block really hit hard so this is a bit later than I had hoped to put out. Also, you asked for fem!reader but I think this fic never specified any body parts or pronouns at any point, so it ended up gender neutral haha... This is my first time attempting to write Ace, so please forgive any oocness ><
Please do not ask me the mechanics of a bathtub on a pirate ship and let's just pretend that can work out because the sea is on my side, 'kay? I hope you enjoy ♡ and thank you for the request!
also available on ao3!
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The sun had dipped beneath the horizon but the sky was still clinging onto a fading orange. Above him, it was already starting to look like a dark midnight blue mixing into violet. Ace's shoulders slouched, the tension seeping out as he made his way to his sleeping quarters. The day had been hectic, and even the usually energised division commander was feeling a bit exhausted.
Ace couldn't wait to drop into his bed and fall asleep but the plan went out the window when he opened his door to find you sitting on his bed, your back to him.
"Hey," he called out, making you snap your neck around. Just the sight of your bright smile got a little more tension out of him. You bounced up to him, hands immediately coming up to cradle his face. You pulled him into a soft kiss and Ace exhaled slowly, pressing his body into your own soft one.
Out of the two of you, Ace was definitely the one with the higher body temperature but somehow, when you hugged, he couldn't help but feel that you were more… warmer. It was a different sort of warmth than physical– more emotional, he supposed. You felt a little bit like coming home, like coming to a fireplace after a day out in the snow.
"Hey," you said quietly, pulling back just enough to admire his face. He didn't have to say anything; he could see the understanding on your face with just one glance. "It's been an exhausting day, huh?"
"Mm," he didn't feel like talking about it, instead opting to drop his head on your shoulder. Ace pressed his nose into the crook of your neck, taking the familiar light scent of you. You giggled at the sensation, playfully pushing him without any real strength to it.
"That tickles!"
"You smell amazing," he whispered. You blushed, pushing at him with a bit more strength now.
"I'm sweaty, what do you mean?" You huffed out another short laugh. "And so are you, mister. C'mon, how about a nice hot bath, hm? I already set it up for the both of us while waiting."
Ace finally pulled away, looking at you with the softest expression. This time, he was the one to cradle your face in his hands. Pressing a light kiss on your forehead, he murmured a quiet admission of love. Gentle hands guided him toward the bathroom, shutting the doors behind him. Ace stood there as you removed his clothes and accessories with somewhat practised hands. When the both of you were undressed, you pulled him into the bathtub and sat down in between his legs.
This close, you could feel that Ace was running warmer than even the hot water around you. He quickly pressed a peck on the tip of your nose to surprise you, then grabbed the bottle of shampoo and soap to start but you stopped him. You took the shampoo out of his hands and smiled warmly when he looked at you with curiosity.
"How about I wash you today?" There was a hint of shyness in your voice, along with a sparkling in your eyes. Ace just nodded dumbfoundedly, watching you carefully squeeze out some of the shampoo into your hands. "Alright, stay still, I'll go sit behind you."
You stood up, the water splashing a bit as you carefully manoeuvred around to sit on the edge of the tub that was attached to the wall. Ace let your free hand guide his frame in between your legs and waited for a few seconds.
The moment your shampoo lathered finger dipped into his hair, he felt boneless. You weren't even doing much, just carding your fingers and working out the tangles as you ensured that the shampoo properly washed the roots and the tips, but it felt so good.
Ace couldn't really remember the last time someone touched him with such gentleness, such care and love. (He couldn't even remember who would have touched him like that the last time. Was it his mother?) You hummed a song he had heard you singing in passing, as you pressed your fingers into his scalp for a slight massage.
Another shaky exhale left his mouth along with the last remaining tension in his shoulders. Ace closed his eyes. With a soft hum, he pressed his head back into your stomach, heart singing at the sound of your giggle echoing in the small bathroom.
"Hey!" You said indignantly, pushing at his foam covered head. "Don't put your shampoo on my stomach."
It made Ace smile and he obliged, leaning his head away. You didn't touch him for a few minutes and he cracked his eyes open to look around at you, to find that you were shampooing your own hair now. You slid down into the tub and he made some space between the wall and him so you could sit properly. Once you were done, you wiped off the foam on your hand and switched to the soap.
"Alright, c'mere, my big baby," you grunted, trying to pull him by his arm. He blinked then let you pull him into the position you wanted. And then you are sitting in his lap, soap being lathered onto his skin with diligent hands. He didn't say anything and just stared quietly at you from the close proximity.
Normally, having you in his lap would get him a little… excited, but today, the action was so non-sexual and domestic, it seemed to hurt. Every movement and word you had said felt mind-numbingly relaxing. Half a year ago, if someone had suggested he would be in this position with you, he would have laughed and called them to get their marbles checked.
Right now though, he couldn't believe his own luck as your fingers dragged over him with a gentleness he had yet to experience from elsewhere. He was strong. Everyone knew that. You knew that. But even knowing that, you always touched him so softly, so gently, that it made him feel like he was made out of fragile brittle glass.
He kinda liked it.
To be vulnerable in front of you only was something he could agree to. No one had ever been this patient and loving towards him, and the fact that he loved you too much to even put it into words crashed around inside him as he watched you soap yourself up.
You were beautiful, obviously. He had to be blind to not notice how gorgeous you were. But sometimes, he couldn't help but think that your real beauty lies in how you just fit in with everyone so well. You were understanding, you were kind and you were there whenever anyone needed you. You were there when Ace needed you. And even though you were there for him, silently understanding what he needed, you never expected anything back for it. It was purely an act of love.
He wasn't talking much like usual today, but you didn't say anything about it. You only continued in your actions, washing away the soap and the shampoo with the water. Ace continued to stare at you, wondering if you were really real.
You were so good to him. He remembered when Marco had mentioned after you announced your relationship that you were good for him. He hadn't really understood the depth of that sentence until now. Until this moment, sitting in his bathtub that was definitely not made for two people, as you washed him even though he was a grown adult who could do it himself.
And it wasn't really about the ability to do it, was it? It was more about the feelings and the thoughts behind the action– it was about the care you felt. Of course you knew he could do it– but you wanted to do it for him anyway because you loved him.
You loved him so much, he couldn't help but feel thoroughly loved and blessed. You, who could have fallen in love with anyone, had fallen in love with him. On his down days, he couldn't help but think that you deserved better than him. Right now though, he couldn't think of anything else but the fact that he was so grateful that you chose him out of everyone.
Whatever made you choose him– he would forever be grateful to it. You were the best thing to happen to him.
"Ace?" Your concerned voice startled him out of his thoughts, and he looked at you. You were done cleaning off both of you, but you were back in his lap. Familiar hands came up to wipe away what Ace realised were tears streaming down his face. He felt a little mortified that he cried over something so small but, like always, it was like you could read his mind. "It's not insignificant if it makes you feel something so strong. Just let it out, hm?"
He didn't really need your 'permission', but the moment you said that, his body seemed to take it as the cue to cry even more. Warm tears rolled down his cheeks and he felt you guide his face into the crook of your neck– you knew he felt embarrassed about crying in front of you. You just did it to let him save face; you let him hide his face in your embrace.
Ace sobbed into your neck, body shaking as he felt your fingers card through his hair and draw hearts into his back, over his tattoo. The two of you stayed like that for a while until the tears finally stopped.
"Let's dry up?" Your eyes were soft as you helped him stand up and out of the bathtub. "And then we can cuddle in bed all night. How does that sound?"
You didn't need to say it out loud to let him know how you felt. Ace watched you wrap a towel around him and then yourself, the unspoken words lingering in the air alongside the steam.
"Sounds amazing."
I love you too.
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
★ Taglist for Ace:
@toertchen | @boomboom-tanjiro2019 | @katiemrty | @writingmysanity | @akaashi-todorki
let me know if you want to be added/removed!
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aehtery · 2 months
Portgas D. Ace kink headcanons!!
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[Authors note: I'm sick 2day so I might write another one.. anyway breeding included for mootie >_<]
dom!character & f!reader. (not proofread)
cw: NSFW, breeding, mentions of pregnancy, temperature play & degradation.
18+ mdni, i will block you if your age isn't on your profile.
For Ace it unleashes something primal, something hidden deep within that he finally managed to let go of whenever you're around.
Something about seeing his cum dripping out of his pretty girls sore cunt is just so appealing to him, gazing at it as if it was the most prestigious artwork he had ever laid eyes upon.
He is not careful when it comes to his little kink though, if you're fucking he's filling you up to the brim, no discussion.
Often times his dirty talk will also include phrases such as; 'Mhm, wanna become a mama f'me?' and 'You'd look so pretty preggo with our kids..', this man is NOT shy about what he wants.
Duh, what else would Fire Fist Ace do with his powers in the bedroom? Can't let 'em go to waste!
Being able to control fire came with a completely new kink, teasing his pretty girl using his flames.
He will do this in a more casual way though, heating up his flames just enough to make you shudder as they run over your back, tracing your curves and leaving lingering warmth on your skin.
He likes doing this to your chest too, heating up just the tips of his fingers while he toys with your sensitive nipples.
DEGRADATION & PRAISE (2 in 1, got lazy.)
Combining the two of them was something he did basically every time you two had sex, starting off by showering you with praise and giving you encouraging words but slowly trailing off into demeaning ones.
'So pretty f'me, taking me so good.' then suddenly a switch flips within him ending up in 'Aw, does my cock feel good? Does my little whore like me that much?'
He'll also include this physically, starting off gently tracing your skin as he plunges into you, slowly his nails start digging into your skin though, ending up in one of his hands entangled with your hair while the other grips onto your hip with such force that his nails will leave small imprints after.
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softxsuki · 6 months
Reader's Birthday Surprise for Ace
| Pairing: Ace x Fem!Reader | Genre: Fluff | Post-Type: Drabble | Word Count: 670 |
Warnings: hmm, slightly suggestive towards the end if you squint...
Note: Happy Birthday Ace! I want to do little birthday drabbles like these for the characters I write for, so hopefully I can keep up with it! It's my first time writing for Ace, and I've been stuck writing headcanons for a while so if this sounds a little choppy, FORGIVE ME. I haven't written a drabble in a while NFJBEKABF.
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Quiet giggles erupt from your lips as you lace your fingers with Ace’s and sneak him to the ships kitchen, doing your best to stay quiet and not wake up the rest of the crew. You felt silly, like a child again as you tiptoed through the halls and onto the deck, finding your way to the kitchen that was closed for the night.
“Where are we going?” Ace asks, confused by your sudden desire to sneak around with him.
“Shh no questions just follow along,” you whisper back, continuing through with your mini adventure.
The roughness of his hands felt nice in your grip, sending butterflies to your stomach. You still couldn’t believe you were dating the firefist Ace, you only hoped he’d like the surprise you prepared for him.
Upon slowly opening the kitchen’s door, praying silently that it wouldn’t creak as you did so, you were met with darkness. Letting go of Ace’s hand for a moment, you reach for the lighter on the counter and carefully lit a single lantern, hoping it wasn’t too bright.
You glance out the porthole from the kitchen; if your calculations were correct, it would be midnight soon, meaning the first of January was approaching–Ace’s birthday. You smile to yourself before turning back to your freckled man.
“Alright, close your eyes,” you command, walking closer to him and leading his hands over his eyes. “No peeking”
You see him smile at your antics, unsure of what you had planned, but excited to participate anyway, not a single complaint leaving his mouth.
Once you’re sure he’s not peeking, you scurry over to the cooler and take out your creation you spent all afternoon preparing for him. You place the small cake on the counter and place a few candles in it, lighting them up.
“Can I open my eyes yet? What are you doing, trying to kill me by lighting the room on fire? You know that won’t work on me since I’m literally made of fire, sweets” He jokes.
“Oh hush, open your eyes.”
As commanded, his hands fall from his eyes and he’s met with the soft glow of fire on top of a cake with the words ‘Happy Birthday Ace’ written messily on it. 
“I know it’s not much. Thatch let me use his kitchen earlier, but I don’t really have that much experience with baking so it probably won’t taste good, but I still wanted to do something for you to celebrate the day you were brought into this world. I’m sorry if-”
You’re cut short from your rambling as Ace lifts you up onto the counter, standing between your legs as he cups your face and smashes his lips onto yours–a token of his appreciation for your efforts.
“I love it,” he says while pulling away, his forehead resting on yours. He couldn’t believe he met someone as incredible as yourself who aside from his brothers and crew, appreciated that he was alive and loved him. “And I love you, you didn’t have to do all this.”
You once again lace your fingers together, pressing soft kisses to his knuckles. “I love you too” You smile, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. “I know I didn’t have to do this, but you deserve it. I wanted to do something nice for you!” 
He laughs to himself, pressing one final kiss to your forehead before turning back to the cake.
“Then, shall we dig in? I’m starving for something sweet right now and as much as I could devour you, I’d love to try your cake,” He winks, earning him a light smack on the arm.
The cake wasn’t the best, but Ace still ate it all. He insisted on eating your symbol of love and refused to leave any for the rest of the crew. It was safe to say, your plan worked. It was a great start to Ace’s birthday and you had plenty more surprises left for him, but those would have to wait.
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Posted: 1/1/2024
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anystalker707 · 8 months
Just that, nothing more
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gn, afab] Reader Kinktober prompt: Cockwarming Tags: Whiny Ace / He also wants a lot of attention / Transmasc friendly
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          You were sitting in your cabin, sighing, while looking at all the papers of the marine that you’d managed to get your hands on—they had some clues that could be very useful for the crew. There were areas where you could expand Whitebeard’s influence and places that could be useful for hiding or getting new stuff, like armament. 
It needed a significant part of your attention and many notes to be written, but it wasn’t necessarily boring; you were thankful the day wasn’t that eventful so that you could give it your full attention. Maybe Pops would be proud of you when he saw your notes.
The door to your cabin opened, and someone walked in, closing the door behind them. Judging by the casualty, it could be no one other than Ace—he threw himself on your bed and sighed. He sighed again and shifted on the bed, and it repeated itself a few times. Ah, fuck. So he was in that mood. It also made you sigh, predicting what would go on as you kept working, trying to keep your attention on your work for as long as you could.
“(Y/n),” Ace said in a dragged groan; you glanced back, seeing he had his face buried into one of your pillows.
“What?” You hummed without much interest; Ace just said your name again, whiny. Okay, there was no way around it. “Come here,” you muttered.
Ace grinned as he walked over to you. He moved to get on your lap, but you raised a hand for him to pause before you stood up and let him sit on the armchair instead. It’d be better to be on his lap rather than have him on yours, given how unquiet he was. He’d bother you less, that way, though you hardly ever found his presence to be annoying; you wouldn’t admit it, though, not when it could encourage Ace to cling to you even more.
A soft hum came from Ace as he pressed his face to your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist. All you can do now is hope that he won’t distract you a lot.
“What are you doing?” Ace muttered, looking over your shoulder. He didn’t really understand what you were doing. Well, he didn’t even put effort into it.
“Just resuming some stuff about the marine,” you muttered, sounding distant while scribbling on that notebook. It had some crossed words and arrows pointing to notes on the corner of the pages.
Ace hummed softly, pretending to understand it. He sighed, looking around the room for a moment. Why was it so boring? He kissed your shoulder, seeking some attention from you. An uninterested hum of acknowledgment wasn’t what he looked for, so he groaned and kissed the side of your neck instead, trying to see if that’d do any good. He still didn’t get any attention, so he tried nipping on your neck, tugging on the skin with your teeth until you paused and glared at him. Ace pouted.
You turned back to the papers. Ace didn’t bite on your neck anymore, thankfully, but he started shifting you an awful lot instead; it wasn’t the best thing, but it wasn’t as bad as when he was nibbling and kissing you like that. It seemed innocent, of course, but you should’ve known better.
“(Y/n),” Ace whined as he kissed your shoulder. His boner was pressed to your ass, grinding against it as he let out another groan.
“Ace, I’m busy now!” You sighed, though you couldn’t ignore the sparkle of pleasure that sparkled up your spine. Ace grumbled something that was muffled against the back of your shoulder as he ground his hips against yours again.
“Please, just a little something,” Ace mumbled as he kept grinding against you, in a way you had to stop writing. “Please, just let me in,” he whispered, reaching a hand between your thighs. “Just let me inside you, I won’t do anything more, just let me be inside you. I need to be inside you, pretty please, it feels so good, please…”
Saying you had a weak spot for Ace was a great understatement; you wished he wouldn’t learn the fact you’d probably do whatever he asked if he did it properly. You took a deep breath, trying to cool down yourself a little bit.
“Yeah, okay,” you whispered. “Just that.”
Nothing could go wrong, right?
You shifted a little so that you could unbutton your pants and push them down with your underwear—as well as give Ace space to do the same. Slowly, you returned to his lap, groaning softly as his cock slipped between your folds, collecting your wetness and mixing it with his pre-cum, before finally pushing inside you. It had your breath catching in your throat a couple of times as you let your weight down on him, finding a comfortable position on his lap.
It was good. Ace stretched you fine, pressing to some nice spots inside you, but it wasn’t something you couldn’t handle. You took a deep breath to clear your mind, hoping you could go back to your work. Keyword: hoping.
The first few minutes were actually okay. Ace just slumped on the armchair, with his arms lazily wrapped around your waist. However, he occasionally throbbed, twitched inside you. It happened once, twice, and a quiet groan escaped Ace’s lips. Of course, he couldn’t sit still or keep his mind clean, even more so when he was deep inside you and with nothing to do.
“No,” you said immediately, continuing to write. You couldn’t be distracted now, right when you managed to focus—at least as much as possible at the moment. Ace whined in defeat, shifting his hips a little. “Don’t move, Ace,” you patted his forearm a little. “You said you just wanted to be inside, yeah? That’s all you get. Now behave.”
Ace complained under his breath as you went back to writing, making notes in your notebook. As much as you also enjoyed it a lot, your self-control was better than Ace’s; it wasn’t that hard having more self-control than Ace, in all honesty. You wanted to ride him, feel him hit repeatedly that spot inside you that sent sparkles down your spine, making you curl your toes, but you also wanted it to last. If you just gave in and rode him already, the fun just wouldn’t be the same. It was a nice contrast, compared to the frantic fucking that happened often.
The thoughts crossed your mind, making you unconsciously clench around Ace—he let out a soft whimper in response, which you pretended not to notice while keeping your attention on the papers.
You’d barely ever had Ace’s cock still inside you like that, instead of pushing into you at a fast pace. It felt nice, almost making it impossible not to clench around him, seeking more pleasure just from the fact of having him stretching you so nicely, reaching in deep.
Okay, okay, focus. You were getting distracted again. You could do that, it was almost over, anyway.
“Fuck,” Ace breathed as he adjusted his arms around your waist. He tensed up, clearly struggling to keep his hips still. His breath caught in his throat, cock twitching inside you, and he held the air for a moment before slowly relaxing under you, trying to exhale slowly.
The temptation was great.
Ace shifted a little bit, and it wasn’t clear whether he was angled perfectly or the constant tension had you very sensitive, but it immediately snatched a moan from your lips.
“Baby…” Ace tried, letting one of his hands rest on your thigh.
“Let me finish, Ace,” you tried to sound as sharp as possible, but you had a pathetic breathy and shaky voice. “‘M almost there.”
Ace let out a whine, but he didn’t complain further, only letting his hand rest on your thigh. Through time, though, his hand started squeezing your thigh, letting his fingers sink into the skin; he eventually paused and massaged over the skin instead. “How much longer?” He mumbled. “God, you feel so good around me, so hot, so tight…”
“Shut up,” you muttered. Your throat felt dry, in a way it was difficult to swallow.
Ace shifted again, snatching another moan from you. That was impossible.
You sighed, putting your pen away and leaning back against Ace.
“Hey,” Ace gasped. “What are you— Fuck…” He moaned as he felt you roll your hips. He took hold of your hips, groaning as he rubbed circles into your skin, encouragingly.
It was a little difficult since there was no support to move your hips, but the armchair was thankfully wide enough so that you could pull your legs up on it, sitting in a sort of w position with your legs. Riding Ace was much better now, your hands tight around the chair’s armrests as you started moving your hips, relieving the need that had started building inside you this whole time.
“So good,” you breathed to Ace. His finger moved to dig into your waist, and whatever he mumbled between moans, it was too messy for you to understand. He lazily moved his hips up so that he could fuck you as well, watching his cock disappear deep inside you repeatedly. You were so wet, and he was leaking so much—there was a creamy white ring at the base of his cock, where both of you met. The squelching sounds were so fucking lewd, somehow turning Ace on even more, if possible.
Leaning back made Ace’s cock reach a new angle inside you; it had the arousal pooling in your lower stomach much faster, sending sparkles of pleasure up your spine. You reached a hand between your legs, collecting some of the wetness between your folds to play with your clit, rubbing the pads of your fingers against it in pace with his thrusts and your movements. Your eyes rolled back with pleasure. It wasn’t a fast fuck or a dynamic one. It was slow, messy, and sloppy, but still managed to make you feel so fucking good.
Your orgasm built in your lower stomach rather fast, but still felt so fucking good as it finally arrived, making your thighs quiver as you came all around Ace’s cock, clenching tight around him. Ace whimpered, muttering more slurred, incoherent words that you couldn’t make out through his pleased sounds. He also came, gulping as his hips stuttered to meet yours and fuck his cum inside you, while his grip tightened around your waist. It hurt, but also felt so good.
Ace’s moans got higher-pitched, breathy, because you just didn’t stop. You kept moving, riding him even after he came. He watched the mix of cum slip down his cock as it kept disappearing inside you. As much as he could feel the overstimulation threatening to kick in, he couldn’t bring you to stop. He didn’t want you to. He just melted more into the seat, gasping and moaning as he let you continue to fuck yourself with him.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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matchadobo · 6 months
hello! can i request ace reacting to his female plus size s/o wearing a beautiful dress and makeup (the whitebeard pirates has a party to attend) because usually she barely do things like that and this is the first time he has ever seen her like this :D
ACE; the way you look tonight
wc: 688 i made it clear in my rules that i wouldn't do any appearance-specific request bc i just don't roll like that homie. buuuut i'd love to write for ace in this set-up 🔥🥺 thanks for the requesttt! but next time, please stick to my rules. warning/s: afab reader, all fluff, just ace being so whipped for you 🥺
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"i mean it now, i swear!" you reiterated as you give one more brush up of blush and a sprit of your perfume. after having one last look at yourself in the mirror, you gave yourself one last smile at your appearance. "i'm coming out now, ace."
"i don't believe you at this point, i'll let the crew go ahead, oka- oh fuck!" ace fell backwards when you opened the door, completely lying on the floor. once he gazed at you, he mumbled through his breath that you once again took away. "oh fuck..."
he mused at you as you donned a tight, red dress to match his three-piece, red tux, its glitters shone and almost blinded him. the v-cut by the chest enhanced your mounds, the dumbass gulp as his saliva got stuck on his throat. you were garbed with an long, white gloves that made you look even more regal. you clutched a white purse, sophisticatedly lined with gold; it's a gift from him. and my god, the rouge you colored your lips and cheeks with seemed to have made you even more radiant. your eyes are more striking with the sharp eyeliner and voluminous mascara, he found himself getting lost at your eyes despite lying flat on the floor at your feet.
he had his mouth agape, sitting down to get a better look at you from head to toe back to your face again. a vivid, red blush made its way from his neck to his ears to his entire face. he pressed his lips together before hanging his head down low.
"i-i'd like to apologize," he said through the violent rhythm of his heart. "i shouldn't have rushed you, you look like a fucking princess." he covered his face, trying to calm down.
you found yourself smiling ear to ear, you bent down to your knees and placed a hand on his shoulder. "don't be silly, ace. i really took a long time, sorry for making you wait like that."
"no, no, i mean- l-look at you! this is the first time i've seen you so... so..." he seems to forget whatever he was cooking with his statement when he gave you one more look, the kind smile on your lips made his chest even tighter. your freckled lover just whined again, hiding his face in his palms. "will you please, please, do this more often? i-i just... love the way you look tonight. you're so... pretty." he can't keep his eyes off you, gaze frantically trying to memorize and engrave the way you look tonight in his brain. "i'll even help you! i'll curl or brush your hair! i'd learn make up! i'd go with you to shop for dresses, i'd gift you stuff!"
tears almost pooled in your eyes, you fanned them so as to not smudge your make up. you held his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks together as his mouth made that of similar to a fish. his eyes got even more frantic at your actions and at how close you are.
god, he is so in love with you. you really have him wrapped around your finger, on a goddamn chokehold. you just never stop taking his breath away, nor do you ever look unattractive to him even in your normal look without the cosmetics and accesories. your eyes somehow always look brighter each time you two lock eyes, he says he needs a map outta it 🤣.
"you're so cute~" you pouted, pressing a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. "now, enough dilly-dallying! i don't wanna keep the crew long!"
he'd always show you off and give you a spin each time he had the chance. the entire evening, he compliments you so much you'll feel your ears ring! but you're no complainer! ace always loves to shower you with love. and when a moment to dance comes whether it'll be a party dance or a slow dance, he'll always invite you and have you be completely free and happy with the way you look. that's just the kind of lover he is.
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Thank you so much @whitewineandpizzapuffs for the support and the suuuuuper super fun prompt. I had fun with this big boy. I hope you enjoy <3
Ace x F!Reader SFW Ace Lives AU 5 + 1 trope WC: 4,400
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He was a highly ranked commander on one of the strongest crews in the world but that didn’t stop Ace from being unable to handle his feelings. He was never one to express how he felt, other than anger and annoyance. Pushing everything else down deep to be ignored and to deny to himself and everyone else.
Despite being in such a position of power he still hid from her in Marco’s office when he knew she was on lunch break. Sitting across from the phoenix as he worked, watching as Marco’s quill danced across the paper the sound of the tip dragging along the parchment paper.
“Marco, your handwriting is terrible, how do you even read it?” Ace mumbled, staring over at the notes the other commander had been working on. Marco paused, sighed, and looked over his red frames at Ace.
“Shouldn’t you be doing something else? Like anything else?” Marco sat back in his seat and watched how Ace fidgeted in his seat, reaching over for a piece of paper to pull at, to fiddle with the edge before Marco shot him a look, Ace chuckled and dropped the paper.
“Yeah, I guess. I’m on break and I thought I’d keep my bestie company.” Ace batted his eyelashes which earned him a scrutinising gaze from Marco. “You mean your avoiding her because you have feelings and haven’t worked out how to cope with those yet yoi.” Marco watched Ace straighten up, how tense his shoulder became as he stumbled over his words.
“Listen,” “I’m listening.” Ace folded his arms over his chest, Marco mimicking him with a growing smirk on his lips as Ace wrinkled his nose.
“I’m working on it.” 
Marco rolled his eyes, a chuckle as he shook his head, standing up from his desk and walking over to his filing cabinet as Ace sulked over his situation. “If you don’t find somewhere else to mope around I’ll tell her for you yoi.” Marco hummed, acting nonchalant as he glanced over his shoulder, seeing the color drain from Ace’s freckled face.
“Don’t fuckin’ do that birdbrain!” He flapped his arms, waving them in a no fashion as Marco watched him. “Fine, I’ll work on it… I’ll confess to her!”
Famous last words Ace thought as he ran a hand through his hair with a deep sigh.
The first time he almost confessed to her was on a summer island, the pair walking through town. She brushed her hair back as she talked with one of the traders in the marketplace. Ace watched her with a dumb look on his face, the fondness clear as day on his face. He watched as she laughed, joking with the man selling her supplies.
He felt a little tinge of jealousy when the trader seemed to take the banter as an invite, offering her a deal because she was so pretty. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance as his jaw was set in a firm line, not impressed with the man trying to flirt with her.
Ace tried to convince himself that he was just looking out for his best friend, and that he was making sure no one hassled her. He told himself desperately it wasn’t anything to do with the growing feelings that bloomed in his chest, wrapping around his heart like ivy. Flowers of affection alive and well.
“Hey buddy, come on, don’t hassle her.” Ace stepped forward, he placed his hand on her lower back in a reassuring manner. The trader blinked and laughed at Ace’s bravado.
“Her boyfriend or something pal?” He laughed at Ace and that was one thing he wouldn’t tolerate, he hated to be mocked, to be laughed at, he grit his teeth as the hand not on her back balled into a fist.
Flames licked across his bare shoulders, and she couldn’t miss those sparks, knowing his temper was about to flare and there would be a bigger problem. “No, he’s not. Come on Ace, he’s just being friendly.” She replied and turned to look at him, he tried not to feel the stab in his heart at her words, the dismissive nature of her reply.
He needed to calm down before he set this asshole's cart on fire. He bit the inside of his cheek as the trader carried on flirting with her, his hand on her shoulder, suggesting she come inside his shop to have an adult conversation. 
“Come on, this guy's shit isn’t worth it anyway, we got given a list we should stick to it.” He grunted and wrapped his hand around her wrist, gently pulling her from the trader's grasp. She had no idea what had come over Ace, he was normally so chill and full of laughs and smiles when they went shopping together.
She excused them both, saying sorry to the trader as Ace tugged her away by her wrist. Once out of earshot, she yanked her arm away from him, glaring, hands on her hips as she waited for an explanation.
“Why were you jealous Ace? We aren't together.” She started as she tapped her foot on the floor, trying not to let her temper get the best of her, not wanting to start a shouting match in the middle of town with him.
“He was being a sleaze! I know we aren’t together but come on, he was all over you!” Ace huffed, puffing his chest out, thinking he had the high ground here until he felt her poke his chest, instantly letting the air out of him. He saw the anger in her eyes as she opened her mouth. “No Ace, I was in no danger whatsoever and maybe I enjoyed the flirting? I’m single after all and again why are you jealous?” She demanded to know, voice raising as Ace stood there, shoulders sagging. Not enjoying the feeling of being scolded by the woman he was in love with.
“Maybe I want-” He cut himself off, he couldn’t confess, not here, not like this. He would never forgive himself. And she was pissed off with his antics, it would only cloud her judgment and spur on the rejection.
He sighed, shaking his head and picking up his bag, starting to walk. “It’s nothing, I’m sorry,”
The second time he tried to confess, he actually did she just didn’t believe him. 
She was sitting in Marco’s office, looking at the door to the operating room, she couldn’t stop worrying about Ace. Her foot bounced and he knee jiggled as she played with the hem of her shirt, her cheeks hurt from anxiously chewing the insides.
Ace had been hit pretty bad, he’d been cocky and showing off and ended up with seastone bullets lodged into his chest, arm, and thigh. Marco had managed to heal him enough using the phoenix ability but he still needed the bullets out.
The door opened and she looked up, a worried expression painted across her face, tear-stained cheeks as she waited for Marco to appear. “He’s fine, you can come see him, he’s coming around from being under so he’ll be a bit goofy yoi.” Marco explained and she nodded, rushing to the door, pausing and staring at Ace laying there, mumbling to himself.
She wanted to blame herself for Ace getting hurt, she felt that somehow, some part of this was her fault, like Ace was showing off just for her benefit. They’d both been lax, both too comfortable in how strong Ace’s power was to think he could be hurt.
But the sneak attack from behind had been enough to level the commander. She bit her lip, not sure if she should allow herself to see him, blame dragging her under until she felt Marco’s hand on her lower back, ushering her into the room, pulling out a chair for her to sit by Ace.
“Ace,” She said and reached over, taking his hand as Ace with his lop-sided grin faced her, he slurred, sounding drunk as he was slowly coming too. Marco sat on the other side, a chart in his hands and only half paying attention to her and Ace as he scribbled more notes.
“How are you feeling?” She asked, rubbing his knuckles gently he laughed loudly, grabbing her hand, bringing it to his face, and kissing the back, she blushed and stared at him before groaning when he started to kiss her skin, this time sloppy and leaving drool.
“Much better now your here, your like an angel.” He gushed and smiled at her, trying to grab at the hand she’d pulled away.
“You know, I really love you.” He mumbled, looking a little forlorn at his admission. She blinked at him and noticed Marco was no longer writing, her eyes met with Marco’s over his clipboard. “Do you think he means it?” She asked and Marco blinked slowly, “Who knows..” He said with an awkward chuckle, quickly going back to his notes, knowing this wasn’t his call to make.
She sighed and looked from Marco back to Ace who seemed to have fallen asleep, trying to nap off the remaining effects of being under… At least he was okay..,
The third time Ace almost confessed she thought she was going to die. 
Ace’s beloved striker, how fast he could move that thing, How it blasted through the waves without a care in the world, cutting through the water like a hot knife through butter. Nothing could stop it nor Ace.
Fire flared around him as he held on to his hat with one hand, letting out a laugh as he felt freedom and the sea breeze fill his chest. The way the striker skipped across the water’s surface like a pebble skimmed across a lake. 
The sun was blazing above them, watching as the fire-fueled vessel burst through another wave, seaspray spittled across Ace but not enough to slow him down or to hinder his powers. She was clinging on for dear life, the wind in her hair as she shrieked and held the mast as tight as she could. 
Ace looked back seeing her clinging onto the pole, the smirk spread across his face as slowed down, just a little before coming to a stop. She could breathe finally, she could feel her heart beating against her chest, and her mouth felt dry from her open-mouthed gawking and shouting. 
“Wasn’t that fun?” He asked, stepping over to her, and placing his hand on hers. peeling her fingers from grasping so hard at the mast, seeing her knuckles white as she took a breath to calm herself.
“I can’t believe you and Deuce made this thing, it’s crazy,” She said letting her legs wobble, she almost fell back into the seat until Ace set his hands on her hips, keeping her in place, his smirk softened to a smile, enjoying how this felt. As he met her gaze, she was stunning.
“Yeah, it’s pretty neat right?” He said with pride, remembering the day the striker was born. “Deuce screamed even more than you did,” he teased gently nudging her before draping an arm across her shoulder, letting her lean on him for stability as she carried on trying to regulate her breathing.
“I don’t doubt that for a second.” She said, brushing messy hair from her face. “I’m really good at making people scream ya know…” He saw her furrowed brows as she elbowed him in jest, cheeks pink as she rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah? Maybe you should show me how else you could make me scream for you Portgas,” She fluttered her eyelashes and saw the blush that spread across his freckled cheeks, laughing when he dipped his hat to cover his face.
“Whatever,” he said and nudged her back, to and fro this went until they both sat down next to one another, a tight squeeze but neither seemed to mind. The striker was gently lulled by waves, birds overheard letting out excited cries.
“So, wasn’t it fun?” He asked again, playing with a loose thread on his shorts, staring ahead at the shimmering blue waves, feeling her shrug a little. “Scary and fun, like dating for the first time.” She said, looking across the same waves as him, feeling the sun on her skin as the boat just bobbed in place.
“Dating huh?” Ace turned to look at her now, examining her face as she met his eye once more, a small smile on her lips as she nodded. “Yeah, you know when your feelings are rushing to your heart and you feel it beating harder and harder when you spend time with the person you love, how fast the first few days and weeks feel. How alive it makes you feel but just how deep your feelings go keeping your feet rooted in place,”
He listened to her and mused it over, it was true, that summed up how he felt about her, but he wasn’t scared of being with her, he was terrified she would reject him, that he’d ruin a friendship along with the hopes and dreams of getting to hold her hand, kiss her, smell her hair first thing in the morning.
To hold her against his chest and listen to gentle breathing as she fell asleep by his side. He knew he was in deep, he knew his feelings were scarier than any storm on the sea, and joy ride on the striker.
He could cope with the fear of falling into the sea by now but he couldn't take just how his heart ached at the thought of losing her. But the bottled-up feelings carried on being shaken up inside, fit to burst and overflow any second.
Ace wanted to explode. “Would you ever… date someone?” he asked, hearing his heartbeat loud in his ears. She tilted her head to one side, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she thought about it, really thought about it. “I don’t know, I don’t think romance is on the cards for me,” she hummed and shrugged.
“Maybe I just need the right person…”
“What about if it was m-” he was cut off by a large wave rocking the striker, making them both yell in surprise. 
Ace looked up into the sky, one of the fabled out-of-nowhere storms that rolled across the world, typical of the grandline. The storm clouds above rumbled, they felt the sound of thunder rattle their chests as the waves picked up again.
“I guess we should go.” She sighed in annoyance at the same time he let out a defeated one. Both standing and Ace made sure she was holding on tight as he fired himself up once more, sending the boat rocketing over the waves, being chased by the storm.
All the way safely to The Moby Dick.
Had it been his imagination or had there been something in that conversation?
The fourth time he tried to confess he was drinking one night, everyone sat around the tables, enjoying the end of another hard day. Bellies full of food, tankards full of beer as everyone laughed and cheered, singing and dancing.
And there she was, coming over to Ace’s table, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her as she sat down, sitting across from him. He grabbed his mug, bringing it to his lips as he downed the biggest gulp. 
“Hey,” He said, hoping he sounded as casual as he’d intended though he’d straightened up and put a smile on his face.
“Can I join you?” she asked and he nodded, she sat across from him with her own drink, he admired how she looked, the backdrop of the sunset giving her a halo of orange light, like she also had his devil fruit and was on fire. He tried not to take too sharp of a breath as he admired her.
“Today was rough, I can’t believe so much went wrong.” She sighed and brought the tankard to her lips, taking a drink and all Ace could do was think lucky mug. He let out a chuckle and shrugged his shoulders. “That’s the way it goes sometimes on a ship, everything can go right one minute then you'rer in the ship's guts knee-deep in salt water.” 
“Has that ever happened to the moby?” “Nah, back on my old ship.” He explained and she mused over his comment, remembering just how Ace came to be on this ship. His journey to the man he was today. “I bet that was a pain in the ass.”
“Deuce still brings it up.” Ace snickered and she giggled thinking of the doctor and how he didn’t seem to let anything go. “That checks, I bet it was your fault… right?” She raised an eyebrow, a smirk growing when Ace mock gasped and pointed to himself.
“Me? How could you imply such a thing!” he tutted, seeing how she stared at him, not believing his reply in the slightest. “Alright, alright, it was me.”
Drinks flowed as did the conversation, both taking turns to go and grab two more drinks. Ace’s freckled cheeks were tinged pink, as was hers. They’d moved their little party to somewhere more private. Bottles of beer stolen from the kitchen, some laying empty around them.
“Sometimes I think you and Marco would make a cute couple.” She teased and nudged him, Ace snorted and spat out his drink, coughing as some dribbled from his nose. She laughed loudly, holding her stomach as he gave her a confused look, he grabbed the hem of her shirt and wiped his face off on the fabric as payback which caused her to squeal in amusement.
“Really?” He said, voice croaky, another cough as he watched her face, seeing the smirk. “Maybe so,”
“Come on, don’t say that! I might be trying to woo someone else and wouldn’t want them to think I like birdbrain!” He huffed and stretched his legs out, grabbing another beer and leaning back against the crate they’d set up camp in front of.
“And who would that be?” She asked, leaning closer to him, half-lidded eyes, and long lashes fluttering as she waited for a reply. Ace gripped the bottle in his hand before he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Why do you wanna know? Would you be jealous?” 
She was a little taken aback by his flirty comment, she was glad for the dim light provided by the strings lights above. She could feel her face getting hotter at his reply, her palms sweating. She would be jealous, wouldn’t she? She sat back leaning on the crate and picking up her beer, staring at the stars.
“And what if I was? What would you do about it?” She said, turning to face him, watching him shift and lean forward. Eyes meeting hers. “Well, the last thing I’d wanna do is make you jealous..” He said, not a lie.
His eyes dropped to her lips where she was smiling at him, he wanted to kiss her so badly, the booze making him fearless, the back-and-forth flirting between two friends sending a buzz, an electric charge in the air as their bare arms touched. 
“Oh? Why?” 
His heart was racing, he licked his lips as he found he couldn't look away from her mouth, couldn’t think of anything but his desire to kiss her. She cleared her throat and he forced himself to make eye contact.
“Well, what if yo-” “There you two are!”
Ace groaned when Thatch turned the corner, standing in front of them. “We are about to start a big game of poker! Come on you two, quit making out and join us!” Thatch reached down and ruffled their hair. Ace huffed and slapped his hand away.
“Alright, alright!”
The fifth time he tried to confess was just a simple evening. 
Ace hunched over a table in the dining room late in the afternoon, brows furrowed in concentration as he scribbled notes on the paper, He chewed on the end of the pen as he glared at the paper in front of him. Something all commanders had to do but he still hated this part of the job.
She’d been looking for him, missing his company, his banter, and jokes, the warmth he would radiate with his smile and his body. She pushed open the door and saw him working hard, she felt herself smiling, gazing at him, fond of the commander that she was increasingly getting closer to, knowing him inside and out.
Seeing more sides of him than he ever let others witness. She walked over and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, he glanced up, and the irritated look vanished the moment he realized who it was. He placed his hand on hers and smiled.
“Hey,” “Hey, was wondering where you were.”
“Yeah?” He asked as she sat down on the other side, looking at the paper he was toiling over. “You have beautiful handwriting Ace..” she said with awe in her voice, pulling the sheet closer to her, and reading over his notes.
“Something I picked up from my childhood, from one of the good people I met.” He shrugged, even with her he was cagey about the past. She never pushed or pried though, never.
“Your writing is better than anyone else in fact.. Marco’s looks like chicken scratch, Thatch has more food stains the ink on his paperwork, and I don’t even want to mention the mess that Jozu makes and Vista.. His is far too fancy to understand.” She said as she looked over the page, Ace leaned on the table, cheek cradled in the palm of his hand as he admired her.
He wasn’t really listening, too focused on watching her lips move, watching the way she brushed hair behind her ear. He snapped out of it when she handed him back the paper. “Oh, thanks, yeah.” He mumbled in reply and tapped the nib of his pen on the paper.
“But yeah, beautiful Ace,” 
“I can think of something more beautful,” He started, watching her stare at him like she was expecting something. He managed to catch himself, realizing in his daze he’d almost let everything slip again. He sat up and nodded. “Yeah, the stars tonight! Pop’s said we should have a harvest moon! Those things are huge!”
She sighed inwardly, she felt he’d been so close to something…
“Wanna go see it together after I finish this up?” He offered, taking the paper and quickly returning his attention to his work, tipping his hat down to hide his face.
“I’d like that.”
She felt tears running down her face, and snot from her nose as she rushed after the others, Ace in Jozu’s arms as Marco became a beacon of blue fire, hands on Ace’s chest as everyone rushed aboard the ship.
Ace had been hit pretty bad, he’d have been dead if Marco hadn’t been there at that second. She couldn’t swallow the lump in her throat as she followed them to the infirmary, Marco only allowing her access because her name was all that Ace could manage to say as he came in and out of consciousness.
He looked so pitiful, a dimming flame that flickered in the wind as he was laid out on the bed, Marco never moving from Ace’s side, hands splayed out on his chest, keeping the wound from getting worse, from killing him.
She’d never seen Marco so frazzled, the normally laid-back man was shouting, a frown on his face as he carried on barking orders. Deuce and Tate rushed around the office, grabbing the things he asked for as you sat by Ace’s bedside.
His eyes opened, he didn’t seem all there as he reached a bloody hand out, grasping for hers. She held his hand tight as Marco’s flames got brighter, swallowing the room, and chasing away the shadows as the phoenix worked its magic.
Deuce hooking Ace up to a drip, Tate grabbing all manner of things. She had no idea what was going on, she didn’t dare ask Marco as he growled out “Come on Ace!” 
Everything was a blur, the shouting, yelling, clatter of things, and frustrated mumbles soon died down as Marco’s healing flames dissipated. Marco had never looked so ragged or old, she bit her lip when she saw his knees wobble and he sank to the floor, heavy breathing.
“Is Ac- is Ace okay?” she asked and saw Marco nod. “I have him stable, we have him stable.” He added seeing Deuce and Tate at Ace’s bedside, checking on things.
She didn’t leave his side, she hadn’t let go of his hand. Deuce opened the door and peered in, seeing her half slumped on Ace’s bed. “Want something to drink?” he asked, stepping in and checking a few things with Ace. She shook her head and politely declined.
Exhausted and too drained to think of anything. 
Deuce sighed and nodded, hanging up the clipboard before he left, to report to Marco no doubt. She felt Ace’s hand twitch and glanced up. He was staring right back at her, he looked rough but alive. He was going to be fine, thank the gods.
“Hey,” he clutched her hand, doing his best to smile at her. “Hey,” she sat up and offered him a weak smile. 
“We almost lost you there Portgas.” She sighed and watched him struggle to sit, she reached over, helping him sit, adjusting his pillows. “I know… but almost doesn’t count right?” he chuckled and winced, hand going to his bandaged chest.
“Your so cocky,” she sighed but the smile never left. 
“I’m glad I’m alive, I would have hated myself if I never got to tell you how much I love you.” Ace didn’t look away this time, it was out there, it was wild and free, the confession he’d been sitting on for as long as he could remember.
Her eyes opened wide and she bit back a sob, hearing those words… “I love you too Ace, you idiot,” She sat on the edge of the bed, leaning her forehead against his, sobbing softly as Ace closed his eyes, feeling complete at last. 
Marco leaned on the door frame, hearing the tearful confession from the pair. He smiled, glad two soulmates weren’t taken from one another before they had a chance to flourish together.
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dontknowplshelp · 2 years
One Piece Characters accidentally kissing you pt.3
-> with Shanks & Ace
(shanks one wasn’t really an accident but idc)
pt.1, pt.2
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it’s a basic trope but it’s one of my favorites okay??
you both have a crush on each other and literally everybody knows about it
he probably didn’t even notice his own feelings towards you
but it was this one moment, a millisecond, that he realized everything
you two were fighting about some unnecessary things like ‘who would win the fight, goku or saitama??’
but you were so into it that you didn’t realize what was going on behind you
marco had enough of you two not confessing already when it was sooo obvious
so he “accidentally” bumped into you, which caused you to fall forwards
ace tried to catch you but lost balance himself and BAAAM both on the ground, you on top
it wouldn’t be a big deal if it wasn’t about his face being a bit too close?? and why were your lips touching something😭😭 (i mean his lips i swear)
as i said before, the kiss only lasted for a millisecond but that was more than enough for ace
he needed a moment to calm down and get his mind out of the clouds
asked you out right after
& if he could kiss you again
so you two were just drinking and chatting around yk like ‘friends’ do
except for the fact that you didn’t want to be seen as a friend at all
thinking about your current relationship with shanks made you drink a bit more than usual
so obviously you were the first one to get drunk
mf drinks like it’s water
now we all know that shanks is a handsome man
and other women notice that too (i mean i would also take a glimpse👀)
you always noticed the way they looked at him but today was kinda different
it made you angry. they were so open about their feelings and desires, why couldn’t you??
so you grabbed him by the collar and 😙😙😙
you already expected him to pull away but him actually doing it still made you disappointed
the day after, you didn’t even want to look him in the face but you had to apologize after probably making him uncomfortable & causing an awkward situation
well, guess what
you didn’t even get to apologize
the moment he saw you he pulled you closer to bring your lips together
you were confused ,yes , but that didn’t matter
the short kiss developed into a loooong and passionate one :DD
yeah bla bla you both confess and he was like i knew you were drunk yesterday bla bla i wanted you to be sober OK BRO YOU COUDVE SAID THAT BEFORE I LITERALLY HAD THE WORST THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD???
anyways love y’all bye
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manachiichan · 2 months
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One Piece Masterlist
So far, I will write for Luffy, Ace, Sabo and Sanji as I still have to learn more about other characters personalities. But other than them, I'm also willing to write about Chopper, Nami, Robin and Boa Hancock.
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✿ To see the world that you are so proud of...
✿ Tba
✿ Tba
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Isekaid Edition
❀Sailing against Fate Series
Synopsis: In which a sleep deprived college student gets transport to the world of pirates and meets the character she knew and love
✿ Alabasta Saga
✿ Sky Island Saga
✿ Water 7 Saga
✿ Thriller Bark Saga
✿ Summit War Saga
❀Side stories (Canon/Non-canon)
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© manachii 2024 ~ all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, etc. any of the works I made.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
You Tell Them: “I Want My Pussy Ate”
Ft. Zoro, Sanji, Law, Ace, Mihawk, Shanks, Luffy, Kid, Corazon
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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Glances at you then back at his book.
“Is there anything else you desire?…or did you have more to share?”
You have no answer because you know you’re not getting that.
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He turns like this^ and say
“And I want my cock sucked.”
Gets flustered like a mf when you actually crawl between his legs with a blank face ready to go
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He already ate it this morning
Blood spats out for a second but he covers his nose with his hands and just stare at you
“J-just give me a moment and I’ll tend to you, my love!” He rushes to Chopper and nearly fell in the process
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He slams his pen on the desk and just sighs in annoyance with the most irritated glare trying to hide his blush because he most definitely thought about doing it right when you said it
You do this at least once a day
“Get the hell out.”
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He just blinks in your face with his stupid smile
“Like..EAT EAT or…that thing I did with my tongue last night?”
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SOB Will already be tugging at your pants—
He doesn’t give af he will eat your pussy in front of the crew on the table
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Almost sets himself on fire because you wanted to ask when he was about to smoke
“I—oh—of course just let me—“
Mf lays flat on the floor so you can sit on his face and you have to tell him to follow you to the bedroom bless him
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He chokes on his drink and his cheeks are more red than usual
“I—so—you want me to—-like right here in the—?”
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Mf thinks he a comedian just because he is around Killer
“Eat it yourself.”
Gets mad af when you turn to Killer and suggest he eats it instead
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