#ace; marco is always helping me out such a nice guy
xamaxenta · 4 months
Laughing at the wbp being like “Marco gets women such a ladies man” when in reality he’s just a walking green flag so most women are like “👍🏻 “
Until ace showed up half of them were convinced that Marco was in a serious relationship with Tate. (It is important to note Tate is a lesbian) during this time at least 6 different wbp caught shanks and Benn beckman doing the walk of shame. And there were at least a dozen instances of scantily dressed men vacating the vicinity of which marco was occupying the most memorable being Charolette katakuri, king the wildfire and a warlord.
Then ace showed up and Marcos reputation as a player was ruined because when Marco is actually interested in someone he cannot flirt to save his life.
It’s actually sad to watch; 4th commander Thatch reported, it’s like watching a train run over a group of evil baby seals
I always enjoy it when Ace shows up and ruins Marco’s career singlehandedly like everything about him ignites all of Marco’s checkboxes in an instant
And Marcos in shambles like what is it about him is it his devil fruit is it his personality what. What is it ? Bros stir crazy fucking dreams about him and wakes up with soaked sheets like a teenager again its so humiliating
Literally everyone with eyes: whoa marco has a crush
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anystalker707 · 9 months
Do I have a chance?
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 600 Summary: Ace is just trying to get you to like him. Tags: he's so. ace. / Marco just sits back and eats popcorn while watching it happen
Requested by anon [Hi! Could I request male reader X Ace where Ace is nice and adorable with everyone except reader? Ace is not toxic or mean to Reader, he just acts more serious and tough around him (...)]
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          Your eyes observed Ace in the distance as he talked with the others. He would often giggle, showing that wide smile that made your heart flutter as he opened that wide smile. Sometimes he would joke about something, playing offended and being way too dramatic, and it was also way too cute when he randomly fell asleep. Only you knew how hard it was not to just reach out and ruffle his hair, play with his messy black strands, maybe squish his cheeks together, and kiss all over his freckles…
All of it was to be appreciated just by far, though. Marco and the others were so lucky.
“Ah, hey, (y/n),” Ace mumbled with a light wave as he approached when you sat at one of the tables on Moby Dick’s with a book in hand. “I was wondering, could you help me with some bandages? It’s kinda tricky to clean the wounds.” He pointed to the bandage on his shoulder. He didn’t smile. Okay. It was so awkward when Ace did that. It felt like he was annoyed by you.
“Sure.” You grabbed the marker and slipped it into the book before closing it. His eyes glanced down at it.
“What book is that?” Ace blinked as he observed you set it aside.
You raised an eyebrow, looking at it for a moment, and hummed. “Ah, it’s just something I grabbed from Marco.” You took the book while standing up, observing the cover for a moment. Ace always asked you about the stuff you read or watched, so you just told him about it before he asked. “It’s about a king who searches for the fragments of his dead wife’s soul. He’s the main character, along with a guy and a girl. This other guy is so cool. He’s stoic, y’know, all serious and tough. Very cool character. The king is way too dramatic.”
Despite your grin, Ace only raised an eyebrow in brief interest and nodded with a hum. “Oh, great. Sounds cool.”
Why did he always make things awkward?
You nodded with a hum. “Either way, I’m going to put it away. Where do you want to change your bandages—”
“Your cabin?” Ace said almost instantly. You blinked a couple of times before slowly nodding, and he exhaled softly. “Then let’s go.”
Ace was terribly quiet during all of that. He was serious, not reacting so much to your jokes and barely keeping the subjects going, so you just opted for silence. If he really disliked you, you didn’t want to keep bothering him. Even so; if he disliked you, why did he insist on always trying to be around you? You’d questioned Marco about that a couple of times, but all he did was scoff and chuckle in response.
You did favors to Ace once in a while, yeah—you two were close crewmates at the beginning—, and that was never the issue, just that he didn’t even thank you this time. Ace just walked out of the cabin before you could finish speaking, leaving his button-up on your bed.
          Ace had sort of told Marco his plans. Marco didn’t agree at all, but he also knew he wouldn’t be able to convince someone with a thick head like Ace, so he didn’t even try too much. Honestly, Marco couldn’t even wonder how you were feeling with all this mess because he would often catch you gazing at Ace with those dreamy eyes.
One of the things that went through Marco’s head was certainly about the amount of functioning brain cells inside Ace’s head. If Ace was too shy to confess to you, maybe he should try some tactic that didn’t involve making you fall for him and confessing to him instead. Or just anything that involved Ace being Ace instead of someone who clearly didn’t please you.
As far as Marco could remember, it started when Ace wanted to find things to talk about with you, and the fact you were around reading a few books made it easy for Ace to figure out two things to chat about: what kind of stuff you liked, and also what your type was, hopefully. Marco could remember Ace ranting to him about how you loved all the serious and Stoic characters from those books, admiring their coolness. It was a matter of time until Ace was changing into that said demeanor whenever around you, but his attempts at being serious honestly just made Marco want to hide due to the second-hand shame. Ace was so stupid. He was like a weird kid.
On the other hand, Marco also wanted to strangle Ace to make him confess to you already. He noticed that most of the crew was dispersed now that you stopped by an island. You were sitting alone at one of the tables on the main deck, reading your book.
“Oi, Ace-yoi,” Marco caught Ace’s attention. “I’m going ahead to the shop, so can you tell (y/n) I’ll already be there?” He didn’t actually wait for Ace to answer before he left, waving back at Ace with his other hand stuck in his pocket.
Damn, Marco. He could’ve at least told Ace something about that before. At the moment, he wasn’t fucking prepared to talk with you. Ace’s mind was racing as he looked back and saw you there, nose buried in that same book from the other day. You were the only one there aside from an occasional pirate that would walk by, which wasn’t even relevant. Marco really hated him, didn’t he?
Ace cleaned his throat and tried to seem cool as he walked over to the area where you were, hands in his pockets. He could do it. He was going to do it so well that maybe you’d confess to him today. The same things went over and over in his mind as he leaned back against the wall, letting his hat cover his face lightly. You probably were sleeping hugging the shirt that he left in your room. He probably looked so cool. He was so cool.
… Well, why didn’t you approach him, then? What was taking you so long?
          You had noticed Ace’s presence there, of course—how could you not? It wasn’t even the first time he saw you after the day you fixed his bandages, but you still wished that Ace would finally come to thank you or ask for his shirt back. Despite having your eyes glued to the page, you weren’t reading a thing. You couldn’t read a thing.
This was already getting on your nerves. Did Ace think he was better than anyone? Did Ace hate you?
Ace jumped when the book was suddenly tossed at him. He gasped as he caught it before it fell to the ground, holding it tightly in his hands.
“What’s wrong with you?” You stood there, pointing at Ace accusingly. He had wide eyes, mouth opening and closing as he tried to say something, but it never came. You groaned, clenching your hands into fists and stepping towards him. “I get it that you don’t like me, but I don’t see the reason you keep hanging around! If I annoy you so much, then just avoid me, and I’ll return the favor!” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as you took a moment; the dumbass just stood there tensely, face red. “Look, you could’ve at least acknowledged that I cleaned your wounds and taken your shirt back!”
Ace finally managed to choke something out. “But I don’t hate you!” His voice sounded weaker than he planned. Shit, he was making a fool of himself in front of you again. He groaned, looking at the book and slipping it in his pocket, not knowing what to do with it.
“You don’t have to lie, Ace!”
“I’m not lying!” Ace groaned as he pulled his hat over his face to hide it. “Ahh, I fucked it all up… I’m so sorry, (y/n)!”
A sigh escaped your lips. “Ace, it’s okay, really. You’re not obligated to like me or anything.”
Ace lowered his hat enough to look at you over the brim of it. He stuttered a couple of times but decided to take a pause—he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “Look, I’m so sorry. I actually like you a lot.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, eyeing Ace up and down. “What do you even mean by that? Like me? Ace—”
“I was trying to be like those characters you talk about! From the books, I mean.” Ace sighed in frustration. He adjusted his hat, letting it hang over his back. “I thought you’d like me more if I did it.”
“Ace…” You sighed, burying your face in your hands and then rubbing your temples. Now all the hints that Marco dropped were starting to make sense. “Okay. Terrible choice, actually, because I like it when you’re being yourself.” Ace furrowed his eyebrows, so you nodded more. “I’m always hoping you’ll be silly and playful when you’re around me because it’s so cute.” Your cheeks reddened as you confessed it, but there was no other way to fix things without talking it out, even more after a misunderstanding going on for so long. “Just be yourself, Ace. I actually like you a lot, as well.”
Ace was pouting a little, his cheeks all red. “Can I hug you, (y/n)? Pretty please?”
A chuckle escaped your lips as you felt your face heating up as well. “Yeah, yeah, I—”
He was in your arms before you could finish saying it, hugging you tightly. “I’m sorry, okay? I won’t do it again.”
“Yeah, you better.” You patted his back lightly with a sigh.
“You know,” Ace chuckled a little bit as he pulled back; his cheeks were redder as he looked away. “Do I, y’know, do I have a chance with you now that I’m being the way you like me?”
You raised an eyebrow and slowly grinned wide. “Hmm, I’ll think about it,” you teased a little, kissing his cheek.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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cozage · 9 months
Hi. How are you? Congratulations! Can I please have an option 1? How about Law, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Sabo and Ace (feel free to pick and choose) teaching a s/o (preferably female) how to fight? Like Zoro teaching the reader to sword fight or Sanji teaching his to use black leg. Thank you 💙🤍💙🤍
Omg girlie hey!!! How have you been?!!? Good I hope <3 
Send me an event request!
Characters: gn reader x Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy Total word count: 650
Teaching Moments
Literally so patient and such a good teacher but works you to the bone. He forgets that you are new at this and he has been training since he was born.
Hand-to-hand combat isn’t necessarily your strong suit, but he figures out you're quite good with a pipe. 
He is also very good at fighting with a pipe (is there anything this man is bad at?!?!)
He won’t pull punches or go easy on you just because he loves you. You will crawl away from your training sessions with bruises and cuts all over your body.
After your sessions, he’ll walk with you to Marco to get healed up, and then he’ll give you a really nice, warm massage to loosen up your muscles. That alone makes your training day worth it. 
You sometimes feel like you’re not making any progress, but when you start fighting people who aren’t Ace, you realize you’re much better than most of them. Fighting the best of the best really has its perks.
Zoro is a good teacher…most of the time. 
He gets frustrated easily when you don’t follow instructions, and expects you to come in with basic sword skills, but you don’t have any. 
You have to remind him that not everyone grew up in a dojo, where they learned about swords morning, noon, and night. After he learns that, he takes you back to the beginning, teaching you in a new light. 
He returns to the bamboo stick and the formations, and suddenly he becomes happier, laughing more with you and telling you about his childhood at the dojo. Every skill you learn is paired with a “Well when I was a kid…” story, and it warms your heart. 
He takes you to a store to get your own swords. He definitely believes that you need to pick your own sword. He gives you pointers and advice, but he mostly leaves it up to you. He knows how important of a decision it is, and he won't interfere with fate.
He takes it easy on you. He can skillfully decipher just how much he needs to pressure you to get you to continue to grow.
Zoro doesn't understand much in his life, but he does understand two things: swords and you.
Sanji. Bless his heart. He is not a good teacher. 
He goes too easy on you and treats you like you’re too fragile.
It actually begins to put a bit of a strain on your relationship because it feels like he doesn’t think you’re capable of fighting the way he does.
In reality, he just doesn’t think a lady needs to fight. And he certainly doesn’t want to hurt you during training. He can’t hit a lady, even to defend himself.
He wants you to learn, and you know he’s not being rude or malicious, but in order to save your relationship, you end up finding another fighting instructor. 
Instead of fighting, you help him prepare meals. And thankfully, he’s more than happy to let you help him do kitchen prep. 
Luffy is…Luffy. 
Your training sessions always start out strong. He’s surprisingly good at giving you pointers (“raise your elbow” or “a right hook would’ve been better than a direct attack right there”)
Sometimes he forgets that not everyone has gum-gum powers. He’ll advise you to fling your body towards your opponents and you’ll just kind of deadpan and wait for him to realize his mistake, which always leads to a fit of giggles from you both. 
Training sessions never last long. You guys always get distracted by someone or something, or you all get hungry or start chasing each other around, laughing and playing another game. 
It’s always fun, you’re just never sure how much you’re actually learning. Sometimes you get irritated and think neither of you are taking it seriously, but Luffy’s way of life is “if it’s not fun, we shouldn’t do it”. 
Little do you realize, he’s actually training you through the games you all play, and the mischief you guys get into. He’s a pretty good teacher overall. 
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
so... I have a really low self-esteem and my mind always makes me think I'm unworthy or don't deserve a lot of things I have in life
that being said, could I request prompt 1- sweet/ cozy with Ace? Pretty please? (the thought of him putting his hat on our heads makes me feel so warm inside 🥺 can you maybe include this, please?)
again, congratulations on your milestone, I love you & your writing and i'll be here to accompany you on this journey 🥰💖
Hello my dearest, you're the best 🥺 I am so happy that you're still here, you're so precious (I'm not crying, you're crying 😭)
So I hope you like this story, I tried to make it positive and uplifting
This is part of my follower milestone event
Love sick
You've been with the whitebeard pirates for quite some time now and your secret crush for Ace is growing constantly- until something needs to be done!
This is pure sfw heartwarming superfluff about Ace being super supportive and taking care of a super anxious and shy gender neutral reader
At this point, it was an open secret everyone knew about, except Ace. Every time you saw him you froze, everytime you tried to talk to him your voice gave out, everyone with half a brain cell could see that you loved him, except Ace. There is still a debate what that makes him intellectually.
You've come to a point when your crush turned from delicious butterflies in your stomach to a painful hum of constant anxiety in your head. The idea that he would never see you, never return your feelings and probably end up with a much better girl was so excruciating to you, it was making it hard to sleep or eat. Or concentrate. It became so bad that one day, you found yourself being pushed into Marco's office because you fell asleep at your post. You where sitting there miserably while he did some superficial examinations and asking question about your symptoms.
"Have you lost your appetite?" He asked.
"Not really" you lied. He didn't need to know that.
"I'm gonna add denial to your symptoms because just from looking at you I can tell you lost weight."
"Uhm...ok" you conceded. Maybe, you still felt too fat though.
"You know Ace is a nice guy" Marco stated matter of factly.
You got dizzy from the sudden rise in blood pressure this name caused.
"I know that!" You squeaked.
"Than why are you acting like telling him how you feel is dangerous? Even if he didn't return your feelings, he'd be super chill about it." Marco said with his usual calm expression, while you were almost fainting from embarrassment. "Yeah, everyone knows, don't panic." Sitting down at his desk he added "that's my counsel to improve your health: talk to Ace. Tell him how you feel. Get drunk if it helps you." He turned around, telling you that this appointment was over.
With a head as red as a a tomato and swaying a bit from all the heart racing you got out of Marco's office and had to sit down for a second.
"Hey Y/n!" A familiar voice greeted you. Sick to your stomach, you turned around, saying "goodbye" to Ace before you realized you took the wrong greeting again. You told him good night in the morning and once you even wished him happy birthday at lunch.
As usual, Ace laughed loudly, throwing his head back. Just seeing his freckles in the sunlight was heartbreaking.
"Your so funny" he chuckled and paused, looking from you to Marco's office.
"Are you sick? You look a bit feverish!" He noted, coming nearer and looking you straight in the face, studying you. You were torn between looking away because you were looking like a complete mess and staring at his handsome face. Your eyes decided to look both ways at the same time, giving you a headache. You closed your eyes and prayed that Ace would just leave so you wouldn't embarrass yourself even more.
He didn't leave. Instead, you felt a warm hand on your forehead and his voice near your face "your temperature is a bit high. Did you see Marco?" Ace asked with concern.
"See him just I did" you mumbled(grammatically wrong) and risked a peek at Ace, who looked really worried.
To your horror, he sat down next to you.
"Man, being sick sucks! Just let me know if I can do anything for you." He said, looking at you as you tried to vanish. He shouldn't see how absolutely messy and horrible you looked.
"Nothing" you managed to say.
"Y/n, you always play so tough but it's okay to ask for help. We are a crew after all!" His excitement whenever he talked about the whitebeard pirates was so cute, you had to smile, wishing you could talk to him the same way.
"You know what? Here's something to remind you that you're never alone here!" He said with the broadest, most adorable smile that almost made you melt - and put his hat on your head. It was a bit too wide and slid over your eyes and you quickly adjusted it. It smelled like leather and campfire - Ace's scent.
"Damn!" Ace whistled. "Looks better on you than on me. I guess it's your hat now."
He was so nice, even if it was lie to make you feel better.
"That's not true" you said and had to laugh a bit.
"You know it's a shame we never get to talk to each other like this, you're always so busy! How about you just lie down and rest and I bring you dinner and keep you company later."
"Wha- wha-?" You stutter.
"You heard me, I'll bring you some soup later!" He said as he left, waving.
"You promise me you'll rest!" He added.
Your knees were butter and you just stayed put, trying to catch your breath.
"Wow, just like that you have a date?" Marco commented, having witnessed the whole strange exchange.
"No!" You snapped.
"I thought you wanted this...?" He asked.
"Yes! I mean no, I mean this isn't a date!" With once again solid knees you got up and turned to get back to your post.
"Where do you think you're going?" Marco asked, a brow raised.
"Back to work." You answered.
"I don't think so. Your commanding officer just ordered you to rest in your bed and wait for him." He said with a "checkmate" expression on his face.
You would never disobey a direct order, so you went back to your room, clutching Ace's hat to your chest and prayed he would just forget his promise.
He didn't.
After waiting anxiously for a few hours, you heard him come. You were already so attuned to his steps and looks that you could always detect his presence.
He didn't bother knocking, he just shouted: "Soup coming!" And already opened the door with his foot.
"Hot and healthy! And tasty of course!" He announced with a wide grin, holding a tablet with soup, some bread and a spoon in one hand like an expert waiter. He looked at you - and frowned. You were sure he just noticed what a wreck you were. Instead he said: "you're not wearing comfy pajamas! Don't you know anything about being sick?" He sounded like it was common knowledge.
"I am not feeling that bad..." you explained.
"Marco told me you were feeling really bad! So it must be true." He stated. You felt the panic rise in your throat - what else did Marco tell him?
Your anxiety levels rose once again when he sat down next to you on your bed and put the tablet on your nightstand, you've never been that near to him. Unconsciously, you clutched his hat to your chest like a shield.
"Hats go on your head, silly!" He said playfully and put it back on your head.
"And now open up" he ordered as he lifted a full spoon in front of your face while holding his other hand underneath it to catch any drops.
"I can eat by myself!" You told him a bit more sharply than intended and immediately regretted it. Ace laughed.
"They told me that you have spunk! But orders are orders" he said with a sinister expression. Marco taught him that, too, you bet. But he was right, orders were orders and you opened your mouth. Ace was surprisingly careful.
"You know, you can take a break from time time" he began in a casual tone while feeding you. You barely tasted the soup, being cared for by Ace was taking up all your available attention. He continued talking calmly:
"I see how hard you work each day, that you're always thinking ahead, keeping an eye on things. All I want to say is: being a pirate also means to have fun once in a while. You're pushing yourself so hard, and I bet you're struggling, too. You need to enjoy yourself once in a while. Or let others help you." His concern was so sweet and genuine, it almost made you cry.
"You know you deserve it." He ended and looked at you. "And I'm glad you let me help you. I know sometimes, that's hard. In that regard, you remind me of someone. He also puts others first when they need help, an he does absolutely everything to help everyone, even people that hurt him. And like him, you're very strong" he said and seemed to remember someone dear to him.
"You feeling better now?" He asked, suddenly back in the moment.
You nod.
"Great! Marco said when you've had some soup I should give you this" he said cheerfully and produced a small flask from his satchel.
"It's medicine." He held out the small, unmarked bottle. You opened it and immediately smelled your favourite booze. That dog! You hesitated and looked at the flask.
"He said it's crucial."
"I bet" your voice was so dry you were surprised you didn't spew dust. There was an evil plot against you led by Marco. If you were in a position to do so you would pay it back to him.
"Less scowling more drinking" Ace said, ripping you from your thoughts of dark conspiracies against your love life (or absence thereof). It was just a small flask, you drank it in a few sips, already feeling it going to your head. Maybe you were indeed sick.
Ace sat at your side and was smiling widely, watching you like he expected a present. Remembering Marco's words, this was probably a message that it was time to confess. You were a little afraid that he would take matters into his own hands if you didn't tell Ace here and now.
Everything inside of you was fighting against it. He wouldn't like you back. This would hurt. Everyone would laugh at you for weeks. You tried thinking about it like a band aid, it needed to be ripped off swiftly to avoid long stretched pain. It was also the most dignified way to make it public.
"Thank you for taking care of me, but I am not sick. I just..." your voice is being a coward again, but you press on while Ace is waiting patiently. "I was just really stressed and nervous today because I.." your throat was dry and it felt like your heart was besting sk hard that it was shaking your whole body.
"I love you" you whisper. And add "I'm sorry".
Ace didn't flinch or look surprised.
"I know" he whispered back. "Don't ever be sorry for your feelings. And don't be afraid. You know it pays to be brave sometimes." His low voice was hard to understand over the beating of your heart. You felt his hot breath on your hear as he moved closer and planted a soft kiss on your hair. His hand moved to stroke the side of your face with his fingers.
"I love you, too. And I am proud that you told me first." He said softly while his fingers moved underneath your chin to lift your head up.
"I'm just afraid I'm not a great kisser." He said, chuckling.
"Me neither" you answer.
Still, just feeling his lips on yours for the first time was the greatest thing ever.
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Going X-mas Shopping With One Piece Characters - Platonic
Did someone say they wanted some platonic things? well then! Going shopping with OP chars for their S/Os and you guys are best friends.
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You’ve been friends with him for ages and you knew how flustered and panicked he could get no matter how he tried to come across as cool.
He wanted to get something for his partner and dragged you, his best friend along with him.
“So these are my ideas,” He started and soon listed off loads of things, you lost count of all of his plans and things he’d found for you.
It was sweet, honestly.
It was lovely seeing him so in love and just wanting to spoil his partner for Xmas.
But you did need to be the voice of reason.
He couldn’t buy you everything after all.
You drag him out for boba and try and recommend the things you personally think his partner would like the most.
Manage to calm him down, even help him pick some nice wrapping paper while your at it.
A fun yet, hectic day with Ace.
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He seems to have it all planned out.
You met him for lunch, and he pays, as a thank you for coming so short notice to help him out.
He’s been so busy with work and he believes in finding gifts in person instead of online.
You are happy to help Marco, you’d do pretty much anything for your best friend.
You walk around the shops and he seems to know what he's looking for, he just enjoys having company and a second opinion.
Just because Marco mostly knows what he’s doing doesn't mean he doesn't get distracted by the odd shiny thing and his plans get a little derailed.
And that's where you step in, keep him on track or you’ll be in the store for far too long.
Marco has a habit of letting things get away with him after all.
You think Marco doesn’t need help and as much as he knows what his partner likes and wants it’s nice to have company and someone to keep him on track.
Sitting with a hot chocolate after hours of shopping together is also a plus.
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Oh, he wants to buy his partner everything and anything and has a habit of buying complete crap with the best intentions.
He will 100% pick up everything he finds neat and buys it for his spouse.
That’s why he invites you, the lure of free dinner and his undying gratitude get you and you meet up with the energetic chef.
You had no idea Thatch could shop, you can feel your feet screaming at you as you follow him into yet another store.
It’s your job to tell your best friend that his partner does not need the novelty mug that has a rude word on the bottom.
Or the apron that is a naked man.
After the world's most hectic shopping trip you manage to make Thatch think about his choices more and he seems pleased with what he bought for his spouse. 
That’s when he takes you to dinner and you can rest your screaming feet.
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He seems like the last person who would need help buying things for his partner but actually, the man is an anxious mess and is always this close to having an internal emotional breakdown whenever he’s in a busy shop [Me to baby]
So he asks you, feeling awkward and muttering under his breath.
You happily agree and arrange to meet.
Law is a nightmare going shopping with because he will pick up two almost identical things and stare at them debating which is better.
He doesn’t like to buy his partner lots of things, he likes to find one perfect and meaningful gift so it will take him an entire day.
So, bestie, get used to this.
He’ll give you lists of pros and cons for each different item and you will just need to add your input, which he listens to, considers, and goes back to staring between the two.
Eventually and thanks to you Law figures out what he wants to buy.
And then he takes you for coffee and you can’t wait to get out of the mall.
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You get a message at 3 am from him asking you for help shopping tomorrow.
Killer never asks for help but he’s been struggling to get his ass in gear to go and buy something for his partner for ages.
And he’s running out of time.
You agree but also wish he wasn’t at your door at 9 am sharp.
You look a mess and he greets you, taking you to breakfast at the very least which helps you get ready for the day.
Shopping with Killer was great, everyone moved the fuck out of his way and it meant you could be cheeky and get some of your own shopping done too.
You really have to pry every cookbook from his hands as he gets distracted.
He knows what he wants, at least he’s in the right direction.
Killer just needs an extra opinion that isn’t Kid saying everything is ‘shit’ and cussing out wayward toddlers.
Once he knows what he wants he’s in and out in a flash though.
And then off for a beer.
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dracomalfoy7 · 2 years
The Other Half | II
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader Fling!Marco Flint x Slytherin!Reader Harry Potter x Sister!Reader
Summary: Harry Potter's twin sister y/n Potter transfers to Hogwarts during the third year. With Harry being a Gryffindor being sorted into Slytherin was hard enough. Now having to battle the shadow that comes with being the twin of the chosen one. On top of being the only girl on the Slytherin quidditch team. In the notorious cold-blooded house, y/n leans on the Bronze 5. Eventually falling for the pureblood prince, himself Draco Malfoy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Retired Voldy AU, Angst, Fluff, Cursing
A/N: I'm sorry I took a while I was busy writing my college essay 😭 #23nior. I also wanted you guys to have a longer part plus I had a little writing block. But I started some one shots that I'll release soon 😌. I also made a google forms in my bio if you want me to tag you in future parts and/or one shots. Go check it out! ps. I don't own this gif
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Mischief glitters in your eyes as you respond.
"No one told me how...charming the captain of the quidditch team was" you smile
You heard Draco peep a laugh, but it's drowned out by the music in the background. Thankfully, you send him a glare which he catches and returns an eye roll. Of course, you knew about the misogynistic history of Marcus Flint. But who are you to judge before getting to know him?
"Why don't we go grab a drink?" Marcus asks offering you his hand
"I'd love too" you return
Over at the makeshift bar you ask for a nice hardy cup of fireball. As you were drowning your weight in fireball a soft voice reached you.
"Would you like some herds? You look like you could use some the first batch is on me"
You turn and see Luna Lovegood sitting at a table selling "herbs" and good old fashion muggle weed. Sitting next to her unexpectedly is Neville Longbottom.
"Not tonight" you smile
"Oh, you're Harry's twin aren't you?"
"Harry's sister?" Neville turns
"Yup and your Luna and Neville, right?"
"Yes, we are" they both answer
"Ah so you're responsible for getting my brother so high that one time, he threw up so much he slept with a bucket in his arms."
You laugh and exchange pleasantries until a firm hand finds its way to your waist. You turn to see Marcus.
"There you are lost you for a second"
"Well, here I am"
"Actually if you don't mind do you have a pack of cigarettes by any chance?"
Luna smiles "Your in luck I always have a small stock for the boys and this is my last one"
"Thank you" you reach in the band of your bra for a bill but she stops you
"Please to make up for your brother"
You laugh "Fine but I'm paying next time" you affirm
You and Marcus make your way over to the couch and sit together. He talks about himself for what seems like a little too long. He then asks about you and Ilvermonry to which you then talk about yourself a little. As you guys talk, he finds ways to be closer to you, eventually putting his arm around your shoulder.
In the distance you see Draco standing at the beer pong table watching Pans and Blake play against Blaise and Enzo. You don't notice but his jaw tightens at the sight of Marcus with his arm around you. He doesn't even notice himself tensing up, his grip around his cup tighter. He doesn't like seeing you guys together but he doesn't know why. As you talk to Marcus about Ilvermorny he asks if you guys had quidditch to which you answer.
"I've actually been playing since first year"
"Oh really"
"Ya got on the team first year guess I'm kinda an ace they actually nicknamed me the Horned Viper"
"Damn I mean looks, brains, and quidditch you’re the whole package aren't you"
"I would like to think"
The evening continues with you and Marcus squeezed into the love seat couch deep in conversation.
As it hits 1 am people start leaving
Draco and the group walks over
“Hey Y/N/N we gonna head home if you wanna come”
Marcus stands up and helps you to your feet
“I'll walk you were in the same house anyways”
You smile “Here I thought chivalry was dead”
He gives you his arm and you take it head for the door with the rest of the group behind you. Enzo is holding a buzzed Blake hand on her waist in an effort to stead her. Draco and Blaise are walking with Pans in the middle, her arms around their shoulders. You and Marcus walk a few paces in front of the group. You're a bit more than buzzed but you try to walk on your own suddenly you stumble a little but Marcus catches you. He bridal carries you up the stairs into the shared dorm of Blake, Pans, and sets you down on the bed. Your eyes feel heavy and the last thing you hear before drifting off to sleep is “goodnight vip”.
The next morning you wake up groggy and in last night's clothes you get up and go to the bathroom. After a refreshing shower and some meds for the monster headache you see Pansy and Blake.
“Ugh what happened last night my head's killing me” Pansy says holding her head in her hands
“No literally it's a miracle we got home “ Blake agrees
“Well then you should thank the boys they were with you guys all night”
You guys get dressed and head to the great hall for breakfast. You walk in and spot the boys already at the table. As you guys sit down Blaise starts “good morning sleeping beauties how was your beauty sleep?”
“Killer” Pansy responds
“It's like I got hit by a train. How are you guys okay?” Blake cries out
Enzo responds “We didn't drink like animals that's how”
Draco looks at you and pushes a piece of buttered toast in front of you.
“Eat it'll make you feel better”
You mustier up a smile
As you dig into the toast you feel someone come up behind you.
“Good morning vip, how'd you sleep?”
“Like a baby”
“Good I'm glad you were knockout cool when I got you home”
“Ya thanks for that by the way”
“No worries anytime” He winks
He puts a cup down on the table
“What is that?”
“Hair of the dog something muggles use for hangovers”
Draco contests “No she does not need more alcohol in her system right now she needs to soak it up”
Marcus turns to look at him “Relax Malfoy she'll be fine”
You stare at the cup “I don't know my hangovers almost passed”
You push the cup away “I'll just ride this one out”
Marcus eyes flash with what seems to be disappointment before it's replaced with his signature smile.
“No worries just trying to help”
“By the way vip you wanna play some quidditch later?”
You give him a smile “Ya definitely I'll be there”
“Great I'll see you later” He says before turning around and leaving”
Enzos is jaw dropped
Blaise is stunned but manages to say “I’ll be damned, how did you get Marcus Flint to eat out of your hand?”
Which Enzos adds on “Damn girl you work fast”
You just smile and say “A lady never tells” before breaking down in laughter with Enzo.
tags: @venomsvl @kaverichauhan @marplest
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quinloki · 5 months
okay so for my fave it's actually none of the boys I usually scream about in your askbox but instead... it's Nami. She has been probably my all time favorite character since way back in the day 20 ish years ago when I first started to watch one piece. What I love about her is that she's gone through sooo much bad stuff and she just keeps going on. She has a kind heart to those who deserve it, and is ruthless to those that don't. I also love that while she's not a super duper strong fighter, she shows other strengths. She's smart but still likes to look cute and take care of herself. Also love when she cries for others, it's really nice to see a character that has emotions sometimes but is still a totally cool character the rest of the time.
I don't self ship only bc she's probably too good for me (I'd let her rob me tho)
I legit used to have basically a Nami shrine for figures just because she just has so many amazing ones. I cut back but she definitely has the most on my shelf.
Though I have to say, my favorite thing about having her as my fave is the look on guys' faces when I tell them that. I can always feel them trying to sus out if I just think she's cool or if I wanna date her. One guy told me once 'ah yes every man's waifu' and I was like nah she's mine and the look on his face was priceless.
(To talk about some of the boys quick, Ace was one of my early faves bc he was a cutie but also so sweet. Law my teenage self really liked the emo vibes, but I've grown to like him more for his smarts *and his shitty attitude LOL*. Marco I love his demeanor and how he's lost so much but he still faces the world and does what he can. He's so loyal too.)
Thank you for letting me rant about my faves!!!
\o/ Thank you for sharing so much!
That's really sweet about Nami (I love the shoutout to the boys at the end, but let's be fair, this was about the navigator!)
Everyone on the crew has certainly Seen Some Shit™ and been through even more than that. I think that Luffy not only brings them together, but also kind of helps them in heal. (And helping them heal helps Luffy, in my opinion).
But I do love how much Nami, of all the crew, changes. She has no trust, no space for friendship to the point that she alienated her entire town. She loathes Pirates, and then becomes one - I think when she left with Luffy and the others, at least at first, she didn't consider herself a pirate, but more like a navigator with an unsavory crew.
Her story has certainly been an interesting one.
Thank you again for sharing, I'd love to see pictures of your shrine if you don't mind sharing them =3
Tell me why your favorite character is your favorite
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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*lays down in your ask box* I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH MY FAVORITE WRITERS COLLABORATING???? 🛐 can I ask for some hand holding headcannons or drabbles please of holding hands with the Roger pirates, Strawhats and Whitebeard pirates (whoever you pick is fine)? make if fluffyyyyy OKAY GOODBYE thanks also 🤍🤍🤍
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Request fulfilled by
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- The first time you hold hands he’s very awkward about it, stammering and flexing his fingers.
- It’s such a soft intimacy that he’s not used to, it’s hard for him to accept he’s loved and wanted for more than his body.
- “Ace, we’ve literally… ya know.” You say with a chuckle but stop when you see the embarrassed look on his face like he’s annoyed and ashamed of himself for not being able to do something that others find so easy.
- “Ace, it’s alright, I love you.” You smile as you offer him your hand.
- He reaches out, taking your hand, his breath hitches when you lace your fingers together with his, just holding it tightly.
- This felt nice, warm, soft, he felt more connected with you than any time you…. Yeah.
- Ace decides he likes it a lot, he still has issues initiating the contact.
- He’ll link his pinky with yours when he’s uncertain of the moment, of himself.
- Always glad when you take the hint and hold his hand.
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- He likes holding hands, like, a lot.
- You guys are just going to breakfast? He’ll hold your hand on the way.
- When you’re cuddled up in bed, he likes to have his arms around you, you close to his chest and a hand holding yours as he buries his face against your neck making happy sounds.
- If you are working across from him he’ll wordlessly stretch out his arm and wait for you to take the hint before holding his hand.
- He doesn’t let you shake him off, once your fingers are intertwined that’s it, you’re his.
- He finds a lot of comfort in the gesture.
- Sometimes Marco can be a little too clingy and you have to shake him loose sometimes which causes the phoenix to pout slightly.
- You have to promise him he can have your hand back once you’ve finished dinner.
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- Thatch loves holding your hand.
- You will be standing there, and he’ll just appear and say something cheesy like “You dropped something, let me help you, Pumpkin.” He says as he lifts your hand in his own, a wide grin on his face as you roll your hands.
- Thatch will watch you work, see how busy you are and be upset he doesn’t get to hold your hand, so he slips it into your pocket as a compromise.
- He loves your hands are smaller than his, he enjoys placing both of yours in just one of his, feeling how soft and small they are.
- Thatch loves to bring your hand to his lips, laying kisses all over them.
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- It’s not like he’s against holding hands.
- No, he likes it, but his pride doesn’t allow for him to be the one to seek it out.
- If you make the first move? If you reach for his? He’ll tut and act like it’s an inconvenience for him but really? He likes to hold your hand in his.
- He’s not as into PDA as other people but he will hold your hand.
- You need to read his mood though, sometimes he’s too busy and wants to have both his hands free at a moment’s notice.
- He won’t ever be rude about it though.
- When it’s just you and him, sitting in his room and just relaxing?
- He might… just might reach over… and take your hand in his.
TAG LIST: @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold
@sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha @thatsprettycoolbro @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @angeltani
@mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu @useless-potatho@iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast @gonuclear
@secretsnailor @dxvilmanlev @aifozu @saisei-no-hano
@rae-vynn @childofblackmaria @my-muses-in-op @rosiinante
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hey-o Purple! This isn't really a emergency request per say, but i've been having trouble waking up and stuff and i'm just really mopy until way later in the day, so i was wondering if I could get some ace / loofa fluff with helping (or dragging) their s/o out of bed in the morning? If not, that's perfectly fine! Thanks for all the nice stuff you post too, really helps me out lol
I might be stupid, but I think Loofa is Luffy?? If not, I am so sorry-
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Portgas D. Ace
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Ace is the WORST to give you sleep advice, this man legit has narcolepsy and falls asleep while eating. 
 I can see him going to get you, just to fall asleep on top of you, eventually the heavy dead weight of this man wakes you up.
One of the other members of the WBP will have to come and get you guys, cause at this point neither of you are working-
If it’s due to depression he will take it personal and want to help you, even if it means sleeping in the same bed with you to get you to sleep.
If it’s more of a medical issue, he will suggest you see Marco about sleeping pills to get a good amount of sleep and have Pops take you off any night duties. 
Would never drag you out of bed, he’s an enabler as soon as he hears that “five more minutes”, man will let you sleep the whole day away because he feels so guilty. 
Others get on to him for letting you get away with oversleeping, but he doesn’t mind, you just look so cute and how could he say no?!
Monkey D. Luffy
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Luffy is a bit different that his brother, his hyper energy will not let you rest. He’s the type to wake at 5am and scream for everyone else to wake up, if you can sleep through that please teach me your ways-
unlike Ace, he has no problem dragging you out of bed, will literally tie you to him and just takes you as he goes.
I think he gets about five hours of sleep due to his hyperactivity, his brain is always on and he wants to tell you so many ideas he has.
“Psst. Y/N, are you awake? What if we befriended this cool werewolf and he ate people for us??”
If you sleep in due to depression, this boy will go selfish mode on you and drag you out, telling you that he will beat up your depression. 
Same can be said for medical problems, Chopper and Robin will have to explain to him that some people need more sleep than others and that it’s okay. Will still try to fight your medical issues-
Is a total brat about you sleeping in and not spending time with him. He might not always show it, but boy is an attention whore and if you aren’t with him, you better be dreaming about him!
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
May I ask for a Bakery au with Baker Ace and fem customer reader with fluff prompt #5? Thank you and congratulations, Astra 🥳
Warnings: fluff, random guy being a jerk, Ace punching people
Word Count: 1460
It was the muffins, it had all started with the muffins. Something simple as you ran down the street. You’d woken up late, forgotten breakfast, hair brush in hand when you spotted the little bakery. Thankfully, you’d looked presentable when you hurried in, stuffing your things in your purse as you ordered a muffin and a coffee. It wasn’t until you handed him your card that you actually got a good look at the young man. He’d been stunning, from the mess of black hair, freckles sprinkled across his cheeks, and sweet smile to the tight shirt that showed off his great chest and arms, and his ass that you hadn’t been able to stop staring at when he turned around to get your coffee. From that day onwards, you always visited the bakery. Every morning without fail, usually just grabbing a muffin, a coffee, and one of Ace’s beautiful smiles. He was the reason why you continued to visit time and time again. Smoothing down your dress you smiled before turning the corner, the little bakery coming into sight. Today, you’d ask him today. You were all dolled up, you looked great, you’d spent months working up the courage. Today you’d find out how he felt about you. Walking in you smiled at Ace, hurrying over to the counter.
“Isn’t it the weekend? Why are you dressed up and here this early on a weekend?” Ace asked, eyeing you up and down. You looked insanely beautiful like this and he knew his cheeks were flushed.
“It’s… so here’s the thing, I’ve kind of wanted to-ah!” Ace’s eyes widened as he watched a man push you aside, stumbling and falling into the nearby display table, rows of cakes toppling onto you. They’d just been for display, the cakes themselves being mostly cheap cake mix and frosting, but it meant that you were now toppled on the ground, covered in frosting and cake bits, on top of the table being knocked over and the display ruined. Ace’s head whirled around to face the man, his eyes practically burning as he pulled his fist back, sending the man stumbling much further back than he’d sent you. Ace quickly hopped over the counter, rushing to your side as you looked down at your frosting covered form. Dress covered in various new colors, frosting flowers ruining your nicely done up hair, chocolate smeared across your cheek, and tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. You’d tried so hard, spent days picking out the perfect outfit and now you were covered in cake.
“Hey, it’s okay, let me help you up.” Ace said, using his apron to wipe some of the chocolate on your cheek away. Behind him, the man screamed, his words ignored by the both of you. You took Ace’s hand, letting him pull you up before gently brushing away the tears that threatened to spill over.
“Listen, there’s a shower upstairs, why don’t you go hop in, I’ll get you a change of clothes and we’ll get this washed.” Ace offered, giving you a comforting smile as you nodded, heading towards the back door. As soon as you were out of sight, Ace whipped around to face the man, noticing the newly forming black eye.
“It’d be smart to leave now and never come back. I see your face here again and you’ll be lucky to leave with just a black eye.” Ace growled lowly, the dark look in his eyes quickly scaring the man off. Sighing, Ace quickly locked the front door, changing the sign to ‘closed’. Thatch had the day off and Marco wouldn’t be in till late afternoon, and he refused to not take care of you. Looking through a few drawers, Ace pulled out an outfit that looked close to your size. It was a simple bakery uniform, black pants, white and light blue ‘Whitebeard Bakery’ shirt, and an apron, but it would have to work for the time being. Careful not to look at anything, Ace quickly switched the uniform out for your dress, frowning as he looked at the frosting covered outfit. You’d looked so amazing, walking into the bakery. He could have sworn his heart stopped the moment he laid eyes on you. Hopefully the industrial washing machine that Izo had insisted on would clean it up. Heading back downstairs, Ace looked at the display. Thatch was going to be pretty annoyed. The ingredients were cheap, sure, but the man had put a lot of time into making them look amazing, trying to showcase what they could do. It wasn’t long before you joined him, apron thrown over your arm as you stepped out into the main area.
“Hey! The uniform fits! That’s great!” Ace said, grinning, still mopping up frosting as he looked over at you.
“I uh, yeah. But what’s the apron for?” you asked, holding up the cloth. Ace grinned as he set the mop down, rushing over to you and grabbing the apron. 
“Okay first, just duck your head through here, wrap it around you.” Ace muttered excitedly, moving behind you to tie the apron before moving to stand in front of you again, pausing for a moment as his cheeks flushed bright red.
“C-cute.” Ace breathed, making you blush and look away.
“S-so what’s it for?” you demanded, trying to get his attention on something else. 
“O-oh! Yeah, sorry I uh, so gimme just a minute to finish cleaning this up.” Ace said, hurriedly cleaning up the rest of the frosting before pulling you back into the kitchen.
“You’re always here buying muffins, the same ones, well I have Thatch’s recipe, so I say we make our own muffins today while we wait for your clothes to finish.” Ace said, waving a recipe card. You smiled at him, nodding in agreement.
“Alright, but you should know, I’ve never baked anything outside of boxed cakes and muffins.” you stated with a laugh, Ace nodding.
“Neither have I and Thatch usually doesn’t let me in his kitchen, but Thatch has the day off.” Ace said with a grin. It wasn’t long before the both of you were covered in flour and various muffin ingredients, laughing as you looked down at your strange looking muffin mixture. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be that gray.” you laughed, Ace opening the oven and popping the muffin tin in.
“They’ll be fine, and even if they aren’t, no worries, we still have plenty of Thatch’s muffins and he’ll just never find out about these.” Ace said, leaning against the counter next to you. The two of you paused, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Y/n, I… Have I already told you how cute you look?” Ace asked, the words he wanted to say sticking in his throat. Even still, you couldn’t help but blush, hoping that your cheeks were covered in enough flour to hide it.
“Y-you did say something earlier, s-sort of.” you muttered, remembering the single word that he’d uttered once he’d gotten a look at you in the apron. 
“Then… you look beautiful.” he breathed, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, hand moving to caress your cheek.
“I… I’m covered in flour, I… my dress…” you protested, looking away. Your makeup, your hair, your dress, everything had been stripped away because of that jerk.
“And you’re even more beautiful this way. The way your smile shines so naturally, the natural look of your hair, the color of your lips.” Ace’s thumb ran over your bottom lip, entranced as his eyes wandered over every beautiful inch of your features.
“Y/n… I…” the romantic confession that Ace had worked on disappeared, his mind empty of everything except you. His hand cupped your cheek, pulling you close as his lips pressed against yours, his other arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. You sighed into the kiss, one hand clutching his apron, the other wrapping around his neck, deepening the kiss. Pulling away, you stared once more into each other’s eyes.
“I love you.” you both said, the words mixing together in the small space between you. Ace pulled you into another kiss, his heart still pounding as he held you close. Months of daydreaming about you, of making sure he took every early morning shift just to see you. Months of getting lost in your thoughts about him, purposefully taking the long way around just to stop by the bakery. Now you finally had each other, holding each other. The moment was cut short as the timer went off, drawing disappointed sighs from the both of you, Ace quickly pulling out lumpy, gray muffins from the oven and chuckling. All of this because of a few muffins.
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pink-duda · 3 years
Duda, I saw your post & I am coming through to drop a request (Tumblr’s been acting funny with the new updates, so don’t sweat it, you did nothing wrong) If possible, may I ask for fluffy/humorous vacation headcanons with Law & Ace (separately) for One Piece? Thank you in advance if you decide to write these, sweetheart! Take all the time you need! ❤️🌹 Take care, stay safe, and remember to eat/sleep 😊
Hi Michelle! You are always so kind and nice, I'll always love to answer you!
Thank you very much for the request and i'm glad i'm not the problem lmao
and sorry if ace's is shorter, i don't know why but law's was easier to write, I hope I did what you asked and I hope you like it💖🥰
⚠️let me know if something is spelled wrong⚠️
♡︎Vacation with Law and Ace (separately)♡︎
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The word vacation is not in the law dictionary.
He's always too busy making plans, paperwork, or even doing chores for the rest of the crew.
Because of that, he doesn't sleep well and lives on coffee.
So you need to make him stop for an urgent vacation and rest.
He's going to be like "no, I have things to do".
Go and give this stubborn man a spore until he accepts.
When he accepts, he'll want to stay on the submarine.
But i didn't let him stay in the polar tang, find a nice place to travel, because if you don't law he'll work in hiding and that's not what we want.
You two go to an island that has a small town and the place is mostly made of woods and trees, a quiet and peaceful place.
Meanwhile, the rest of the heart pirates head to a nearby island that is mostly made up of beach to expend energy without disturbing the captain.
You two will be housed in a very cute and cozy wooden house.
The first day you and he lay down all day, as it took a while for him not to do that.
And then the next few days you guys go to the old library that's downtown and look for more medical books.
They go to a food fair in the city, all very homemade.
Please help him to escape from marketers who want him to try bread.
You guys go into the forest and look for new herbs.
Lying down on the grass and looking up at the stars, you always do that on the submarine, but there it looks brighter.
He's so grateful that you did this for him, law hadn't stopped to think about how he needed to travel and relax with you.
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Ace was very busy lately as he is the second division commander, you guys didn't get to spend almost any time together.
In fact, everyone in the crew was too busy with something, so Newgate wish everyone took a break and stopped on a summer island, heat and beach everywhere.
And when you get off the ship it won't let go of you for a second.
Especially if you have a bikini, swim trunks or a more revealing outfit.
You two are going to eat ice cream together.
He's definitely going to eat a watermelon all by himself.
Playing beach volleyball, u and ace against Marco and Thatch, there will probably be fights.
But he won't fight you at all, even if you've done something wrong, he'll be like "next you got it, baby ".
He'll want to go to sea, even though he has a devil fruit, so put buoys on them and keep an eye out for him not to drown.
At the end of the night there will be a barbecue, party and lots of drinks, if there wasn't, it wouldn't be white beard pirates.
The night would end with everyone drunk and lying in the sand, you and ace glued together looking at the sky and listening to each other's breathing.
He is very happy to take a vacation with his family and the person he loves so much.
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fire-fist-ann · 3 years
Ace x GN reader -fireworks
The whitebeard pirates had docked at an island a couple of days ago during the festival week. They were having to celebrate the upcoming new year. The wheels were turning in ace's brain he kept falling short of asking you out. So this might be the perfect way to do it and he had just the idea in mind, after all,  he was a whitebeard pirate after all he had to go big.
Ace spotted Marco, izou, and thatch all chatting together he rushed over " hey guys I need your help please I promise I won't raid the kitchen for 2 days please and I, 'll even turn in my paperwork when I get back" he said looking hopeful with a cheesy smile on his freckled face  Marco narrowed his eyes "what did  you do yoi?" " Nothing! well, nothing yet!" he said waving his hands laughing nervously.
Thatch was about to protest about his kitchen when izou interpreted " what do you need help with ace?"  "I want to take y/n out and ask them out but I need help " izou smiled " say no more I will help you, we have lots to do before tonight so follow me". Ace blinked " that easy?" you, ll pay to be back later," he said as he grabbed ace's arm " now hurry we need to get you ready for tonight," he said," huh what's wrong with what I,,m wearing?" " everything" izou said as he started pushing ace toward to his room " w-wait I need to talk to y/n " don't worry that's being taken care of as we speak," he said.
Izou looked at ace and sighed as he opened his closet before pulling out serval types of kimono's before he smiled "put this on" he said shoving the gold kimono at ace " sheesh your so pushy " he said under his breath before he put it on " good now sit" izou more or less demanded.  izou pulled ace's hair up a half bun " good your all ready , now go to the dock they will be waiting for you"
Ace scrambled as he ran to the dock his breath catching in his throat as he saw y/n standing on the dock just as dressed up god they looked stunning. A dark red blush spread over his freckled cheeks " y/n! you look amazing n-not that you don't already. uh I mean do you want to grab some food or something!"
Y/n couldn't help but to smile at the flustered second commander " of course!" ace quickly grabbed your hand interlocking the fingers " just in case you get lost haha" he said trying to play it as cool as he could " oh I almost thought you just wanted to  hold my hand there" you teased him watching his face resemble more of a strawberry as the seconds passed "i- uh let's eat!" ace quickly said his ears burning red why couldn't he play it cool when it came to you
Ace felt sweat forming on his forehead what if his hands were too sweaty and they felt weird to you he nearly malfunctioned when he looked and saw you smiling at him all cute as usual "let's eat here I hear they have good ramen" you said pouting almost "okay !" he said he really couldn't say no when you looked at him like that.
Ace grabbed your hand dragging you inside and got a nice window seat, he slid next to you as the food started coming, you were always shocked at how much food that boy could hold in his stomach the ramen shop got eerily quiet when he fell asleep " oh my god that man just died" someone whispered you laughed " ah no he does that" you explained as ace shot up " damn it I feel asleep" here " you said grabbing a napkin wiping his check-off. Ace averted his eyes feeling the flush coming back " hey there's something I wanna show you " he said waggling his eyebrows at you. ace reached into his kimono not finding his wallet " I uh don't suppose you bought your wallet" y/n eyes widened "I forgot mine what are we going do ?!" they whispered yelled . Ace's eyes lit up " well time to show you a thing me and my brothers used to do" he said grabbing y/n hand before throwing them over his shoulder and running as fast as he could " a classic dine and dash!" he yelled
y/n couldn't help but laugh as they were chased through the town by the owners " damn they run fast don't they' ace said once they finally made it into an alley setting them down wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes " we should do that again " Marco is going to kill us if he finds out or if it ends up on pops tabs" he won't don't worry about it now come on we're almost there"
y/n couldn't help but to just give in and smile " where are we going?' it's a surprise," he said interlocking their fingers again as they walked through the alleys. Ace took a shortcut and lead them to a nice hill where they could see the whole island from there, all the lanterns hanging and the buzzing life of the island " okay I need you to close your eyes and don't open it until I say so "  y/n raised an eyebrow " if you push me down this hill I swear to god ace-" I,m not going to it was one time I said was sorry now close them!" he said pouting almost. Y/n smiled and humored the mera mera man and shut their eyes.
Ace scrambled to behind the tree and grabbed the bunch of fireworks and used his devil fruit to light them " y/n hurry open!" he yelled as they shot into the sky.  Y/n looked up at the night sky to see the words " will you go out with me y/n?"  you quickly looked at ace who was leaning against the tree grinning widely before he lost his footing and rolled down " oh shit ace!" you yelled running after him before a loud splash was heard
When ace came to he saw y/n leaning over them drenched  his face in their hands " oh my god your okay" they said letting out a breath of relief " huh what happened" you fell into the lake and I had to give you mouth to mouth" ace stared " so was that a yes?" he asked . y/n shook their head and leaned in kissing the fire user " does that answer your question?" you said before ace grabbed your hips pulling you into a deep kiss ' i think it does firefly"
@cyborg-franky @rosiinante @childofblackmaria @pebbsie @strawhat-bast @secretsnailor @gaynchor-content @dxvilmanlev @cipher-p0
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Marco x Valerie : Mi Rey Happy Birthday
A/N: Happy birthday to My husband My King Marco. This is such a joyous day for me in celebration to a great man in he OP world. This man is perfection and deserves nothing less than perfection. He makes me smile so much I can't explain it . I myself did indulged in a little self ship I made for me and him. 🥺 I couldn't help myself at all I will do anything for my king. Te Emo Marco.
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“Aww, little bird you didn't have to do this.” Marco smiled was ear to ear
“Well, I want to do this for you. You’ve done the same thing for my birthday and I want to show you how much I love you. Come on!” Intertwining his fingers with yours. We were docked on an island for the past two days. Marco wasn’t able to look around the island due to his schedule.. Figuring out the perfect day to spend some time with him. Lari offered to get the party set up for Marco while you take him out for the day.
Brining the back of your hand to his lips he placed a sweet kiss. “As long as I’m with you, pretty bird nothing else matters yoi.” The way his words came out of his mouth made the butterflies in your stomach flutter their wings faster.
~~~Meanwhile on the Ship~~~
Lari is trying to get the rest of the stuff ready for the party. Ace watches his girl take charge of the crew having them do specific tasks for the party. “Ace honey that goes over there.” Lari pointed to the area of the deck where the tables were supposed to be.
“Yes ma’am. Shall I scrub the floors too?” he said sarcastically, teasing his girl.
Playfully rolling her eyes “As a matter of fact yes.” a hand placed on her hip. Ace's eyes widened as his girlfriend agreed that he should do the floor next. For a moment her serious look turned into laughter “kidding only jokes babes. But we should get this done. Val said they will be here later on.” Lari remembered the careful planning Valerie was doing for Marco’s birthday.
“Soooo, what did she get him for his birthday?” Ace asked.
“It's a surprise.” Lari said, “Okay but for reals, start cleaning the deck floor.”
You have seen some of the vendors starting to set up some tents as it was still early in the afternoon. Marco looking around as he notices certain things standing out to him “So my little bird are you going to tell me why we exactly stopped here for yoi?” he asked.
“Well you see, I have done some research for a while and around this time, this island is known for their pineapple festival.” you smiled. Marco had a content hum as he looked around then back at you. “There is also a pub that is known for their pineapple ale that is supposed to be very good. I want to take you thereafter we see everything.”
“Now how interesting we do need to try it together.” his fingers laced with yours holding it a bit firmer.
The day went on as you both practically saw everything on the island, the breathtaking views and the amazing inspired pineapple food. Marcos' arm draped around your shoulder he still couldn't get over the fact that you had planned all this out for him. He hasn’t enjoyed himself this much in a while. You brought this light into his life that he couldn’t express how grateful he was for you. Seeing a photobooth Marco and you made your way into the booth. Taking a seat on his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder, both of you smiled for the first one. “My pretty bird you have such a lovely smile yoi.” he whispers softly in my ear. Your cheeks becoming red as your head turns to look at him, the second picture snapped.
The corner of his mouth curled up his hand caressing your cheek, his thumb swiping left to right. “So do you.” slightly nervous saying that you looked into the made you fell hard for. His other hand rubbing your upper thigh. Both of you with a smile tint of pinks on your cheeks looked at each other not breaking eye contact the third picture snapped. Not even caring about the photo as your lips touched one another. The final photo snapped but your lips were still connected. Your arms wrapping around one another, his finger running through your silky hair. Playfully biting his lower lip he let out a low groan. The small space started to become a bit stuffy As our lips separated from one another's.
“Um, are you guys done? So can other people take pictures now?” hearing a voice coming from outside the closed curtain.
Your face felt hot Marco letting out a bit of humor moving a strand of hair “let's get going.”
Marco grabbed the strip of photos making our way out of the photo booth seeing some people waiting in line for the photo booth as you both exited out.
Marco didn’t pay them any mind as you both continued to walk. The sun was beginning to see as we sat on the patio of the pub. The warm summer breeze hit our skin as we took the first sip of the pineapple ale. You could taste the crisp of the pineapple in the ale. “This is so good.” you smiled.
“It's a nice blend of yoi. I can see why this is known on this island. Marco noticed the coaster with a small pineapple on it. He found another one for his collection. “Nice coaster as well.”
“You enjoyed today Honey?” asking him as he places the mug down. Turning in his chair towards you.
“You don't know how much this made my day little bird. Spending the day with you is always a treat and to be alone is even better.” Marco's arm hung from behind the chair he slightly laid back. His expression is not changing at all, still so calming and loving. I think this is the perfect time to give this to you. Reaching into your bag as you pulled out the small box.
“Val you didn’t have to,” he said as you handed him the gift.
“ I wanted to do this because I love you and it's your birthday. I wanted to get you something I know you will like.” you placed your hands on your lap waiting for him to open it.
As he began to do the unwrapping he opened the box reaching in to pull out something smooth and round. It was a coaster engraved with both of your initials on with with a little ~yoi~ on it as well. “Val…” picking his head up looking at you smiled once again. He leaned forward, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. “I love it, thank you my little bird yoi.”
About another hour at the pub you both began to head back to the ship. The ship seemed oddly quiet as we began to head up the ship. As we reach the deck “Happy birthday Marco!” the crew shouted, clapping and cheering.
Marco's eyes widen he has a great big smile on his face. “Was this you're doing as well?” turning his head towards you?
“Don't act surprised now!” Lari chimed in. “She wanted you to have the perfect day.”
“Yeah so Lari was in charge and made us get everything ready,” Ae said.
“Yes, and Ace did a wonderful job cleaning the floors.” Lari’s arms wrapping around Ace’s forearm.
“I felt used ” Ace teased
“Oh, hush you did a wonderful job you were so good at it my little firecracker.”
“Aww really.” he smiled at the sweet comment coming from her.
The night went on as the crew sang, drank, and overall had a good time in celebration of their first commander's birthday. Marco looked over at you as you were laughing with Lari. His life felt complete as he couldn’t ask for anything more. He had a family, a crew full of brothers and you, the one he was looking for, for so many years, and he finally had you. Knowing his days as a pirate were soon to come to an end as he started to want to plan his life with you settling down on an island and possible talks of starting a family of his own. Both of your eyes meeting both of you exchanging smiles at one another. Your eyes look at him then look towards the way of the bedroom you both shared. Giving him the oh-so-familiar look he enjoyed seeing on your face. It was time for his final birthday gift as you both quietly left to the room you both shared.
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Hey Franky I was hoping to request a Thatch x reader where the reader is this shy timid person and Thatch and reader go on a date where the reader has to order food and is to scared to so Thatch helps them out
I have dated people like this and I have been the Thatch in many situations so I was excited to work on this one.
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Being a chef at his own restaurant he knows the best places in town to take you.
Dressed up all fancy you head to the place, he booked weeks ago to make sure you guys had a table.
You are in awe at how nice it is here, dim lights but not too dark, every table is spaced out, there are plants everywhere, and a water feature in the center which you peer into and see fish swimming around eating their dinner.
You smile as he takes your hand, the waitress leading you to your seats. 
The place is full of chatter, not too loud, after all, Thatch knows you are a shy person and loud places make you uncomfortable.
Handing the menu the waitress asks “Drinks?”
And you freeze up a little.
You start to stammer and stumble to grab the drinks menu and flip through it.
“Hey hun, they have that mocktail you really liked when we went out with Ace and Marco the other week, and they have the regular soda you get when we go places.” Thatch reaches across the table and places his hand on yours, rubbing over your knuckles with a reassuring smile on his face.
You nod and feel a wave of relief wash over you as you order that. “And whatever the house has on tap for me, thanks!” He nods to the waitress.
“Thank you,” You say, feeling a little silly that you struggled with something most people would consider so easy.
“Hey, no problem, want me to go through the menu with you now before she gets back?” You nod and he shuffles closer.
“What are you in the mood for?”
The two of you go through the menu, you tell him what you’d like and he runs through the options, you find him much easier to talk to than most people so this is a breeze. You feel his hand on your thigh, always there to calm you, and reassure you.
He doesn’t order for you he doesn’t want to ever make you feel you can’t do it yourself, he will if you ask him through.
The woman comes back with the drinks, setting them down and picking up her pad. “Ready to order?” She asks and you nod, sitting up straighter and able to give your order, and you feel the hand on your leg give you a squeeze, a little extra courage, and a silent you got this.
“I’ll order dessert for us later, I want it to be a surprise anyway,” Thatch said with a cheeky grin and a wink, you could have melted.
“Sounds good, you know what I like, I trust you.” 
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary: simple hcs for when s/o’s on her period. part 2
Character(s): Portgas D. Ace, Sabo
Notes: parts 2 of the period hcs with my 2 biggest comfort characters🥳. also, more than 50 likes on my first post, yall guys are so nice 🥺
Portgas D. Ace
I miss Ace 🥲
Girl, this man is like your personal heating pad. The Mera Mera no Mi is such a blessing to have
Gets all of his information about periods and what not from Macro, it’s a known fact.
In a way he’s like Zoro and Sanji combined. Definitely has no idea what a period is, and definitely makes sure you feel comfortable.
Like Zoro, Ace has no idea what a period is and will ask a thousand questions (of course that’s when Marco has to pull him away and explain). Still doesn’t hug you because he’s scared your gonna pop. Even if you tell him over and over again that he’s just being childish. However the 2 of you still sleep together but only when Ace is out cold will you have to wrap his arms around you
Also like Zoro he’s gives you way more space than you need. The doesn’t do it to upset you he just knows that your moods with changes quickly. Once you tell him that you don’t mind him getting close to you, you’ll kinda wish you had that space again.
And now, Like Sanji. This man will drop anything and everything for you. And I mean everything. He has chores to do? He’s never liked them in the first place. He had a report to give? Well the others can always wait. The navy’s attacking? The others can handle it. He’s honestly so clingy, and you love him for it you really do, but after a while, a girl needs her space.
And Ace doesn’t see anything wrong with dropping all this responsibilities. He’s only the 2nd commander, the worst case that could happen is getting scolded by Whitebeard and maybe beaten up by the others. But it’s nothing he hasn’t already lived through. He’ll be fine.
In all honesty, in his mind (once again like Zoro) ‘Blood = pain’ and that thought of having to bleed for 5-8 days straight once a month. Is practically even to make him pass out. He’s does not want to be part of that and he’s grateful for it too. Not to mention his respect for women sky rocketed
You also definitely gain at least 5 pounds. You mentioned once that you like to eat, especially sweets, when your on your period. And Ace took that personally. He literally risks he’s life to steal you food from Thatch’s kitchen. Pointless though because the whole ship knows it. I mean who else would steal half the junk food and all the chocolate once a month. And plus the 2 of you might not be the cleanest eaters, walking out of y’all’s room with crumbs all over each other.
This is where Doctor Marco tries to intervene too. Mans can’t help it, he’s a doctor. Probably says the same thing as Law, “drink lot of water, stretch, and don’t eat junk food!” Both of you don’t see the problem, your gonna lose all the weight when you fight anyways.
All in all. Ace is the best. He’ll help out with everything: do your extra chores, steal food, and rest a hand right above the pain just like a personal heating pad. Definitely does not know the healthiest way to take care of you on your period but he doesn’t care. He’s goes around saying, “Your pain is my pain!” And he disregards any healthy things that Marco tells him and does what’s gonna make you happy. Because that’s all that matters.
Y’all do not understand how much I love Ace 😭🥺
omg I got a thing for blondes. Like Sanji and Sabo. Yes sir 🙇🏼‍♀️
One word: gentleman. It’s like he has his own period.
Knows what you want even before you want it. Craving water? Sabo’s got like 3 cup. Want something sweet? Sabo was just finishing decorating a cake. It was honestly so weird, you can’t even count how many double takes you did. At first you though it was because it was your first period since yall started dating but when it continued for a lot longer then you thought, you figured something was going on. So taking your skills you learned from pervious missions, you decided to do some investigation.
surprisingly it didn’t take long, seeing how everyone practically just told you. Turns out Sabo was getting help from a certain red head. it was probably the cutest thing Sabo did for you, even if he was getting help from Koala. and plus, seeing the flustered look at his face when you found out was so worth it. 
Although he was getting most of his tips and tricks from Koala he made sure to try at learn a bit about period so even when Koala isn’t around he can help.
Dating Sabo means that your no small fry, you pose quite a threat to the navy and you easily rose in the ranks of the revo army. And with the revo army not stopping anytime soon, you don’t find a lot of time to relax. Unlike the others you can’t just stop your responsibility for a whole week. You still have reports to give, missions to plan, and new recruits to train. Sometime if your lucky you’ll be able to convince Dragon and the other to lighten your work load, but you can’t always count on it
That’s the main reason why Sabo took the time to learn a bit about that topic. So for the those time where you do have to go on missions, he’ll know what to do and how to handle it. Neither of you 2 could just stop working, so the both of you made sure to come prepared 
and After long missions, the first think yall do when yall get back is take a bath together. Even if you have to be on your guard a bit so Sabo doesn’t do anything suggestive, you love the bath nonetheless. You practically don’t have to do anything, Sabo washes your hair and rubs any sore spots and even afterwards will rub lotion on you. Girl, his hands are like the best thing in the world, period or not. ok i may or may not have a thing for his hands
Ace and Sabo share one brain cell try and convene me other wise but you can easily expect the similar things with Sabo. ‘My pain is your pain’. Stolen snacks, 10 times more cuddles than usual, surprised gifts. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t mind doing you paper work, seeing how you already have to fight, its the least he can do. But in all honesty, if he did, he’d be up for days 
By the time you met him he already had the Mera Mera no Mi, so definitely a personal heating pad. He will have you sit in his lap, while he keeps a hand right above the part that’s cramping so you can work in peace.
because you can’t really get much of a break, Sabo makes sure to use the medical stuff he learned. He makes sure you drink lots of water, you stretch, and you stay away from junk food. He still wants to make sure you are still in top top shape for missions. Although we all know Sabo is a sucker for you and will so steal some for you. 
Although if it was really up to him, the 2 of you would do absolutely nothing. and just lay in bed and cuddle but we all know that won’t happen any time soon. but in the mean time, Sabo tries to make your period less stressful even if its the little things. 
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quinloki · 4 months
okay first and foremost I want to say you're totally valid for saying law runs cold bc he gives me the vibe of someone who puts their cold feet on you under the covers and I love comparisions between the two doctors, they literally have a bday one day apart it's so cute
idk what really prompted my train of thought but I was thinking how jarring it would be for the difference in tempature if yall were involved at the same time like warm hands followed by cooler hands replaced again by the warm hands not so much tempature play (tho ace/sabo could def do that I feel) but just the initial contrast hands or other things >>
and now you've given me even more people to think about cause like…
all the hot cold combos that come out of ace/sabo/kid & marco/law are very very yummy so thank you for adding those two in there
okay but as someone who doesn't always handle heat well ace/sabo/kid probably need to be balanced out by one marco/law or I would probably die
like I need ace especially to stay far away from me in summer bc I just know he's clingy and I'm such a baby when it's hot outside already nvm that walking space heater being in close proximity just carry around a spray bottle to keep him away (useful in the winter tho)
OH ALSO I can't actually decide if no devil fruit sabo would run hot or cold. They tend to have him in cooler colors/tones I think to offset with ace visually but I feel like he'd run warmer especially around the scars but idkkkk I can't decide
man my brain has been so ping pong-y lately I just have so many blorbos rocking around up there at once it's WILD how do you deal with this T____T
Law puts his cold feet on you when you're both in bed, but the cool sensation feels good, and somehow he always manages to find some knot or tight place that could use it. Eventually the two of you even out on body temp from the contact and when you wake up in the morning you're tangled in his limbs. Whether you run over warm or not, you run warmer than him.
Ace Sabo and Kid.... hmmm now there's an interesting threesome. >.>
A nice thing about Kid is if he knows he runs too warm for you, he can just bring in and switch out cool (or cooled) pieces of metal to help keep you from overheating. (he's such a sucker for his love when he falls that I can see him making a prosthetic arm with a cooling system in it so he can hold you and help keep you cool.)
Poor Ace getting Sad Puppy because he can't snuggle, finally just tosses you into an ice bath until you're shivering and then hugs and snuggles you for a good hour and warms you back up. Not the most ideal way to cool off (Though I can see the Moby heading to a winter island if a particularly long number of hot days piles up on the crew.)
No Devil Fruit Sabo probably runs fairly neutral. I can see his scars feeling warmer, but not by too much.
xD Also I don't know how to respond to that last one, but I suppose I do have quite a few of these guys rummaging around in my brain. It's kind of like a computer though, there's only a couple active windows at a time, and the background programs are fairly easy to ignore until I switch my focus (for whatever reason).
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