#aces high and queens wild
spell-struck · 10 months
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The Priestess arcana is Futaba Sakura, Kosei High School first year and hacker extraordinaire! She approaches the Thieves in hopes of proving their justice. Her codename is Crawler 🕷️
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
What your spirit guides have to say about this connection
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Warning : there might be some cuss words in the words/signs/names section.
Group 1 - Drawings scattered on the floor
Tarot : 5 of pentacles, ace of pentacles, The Chariot, 8 of cups, Queen of swords, The Lovers | Oracle cards : Patience, Boundaries
When the opportunity arises, move on. Because if you stay, you're going to be disappointed. This connection won't bring you any satisfaction or happiness. It may even deepen your insecurities. No matter who this person is or how they treat you, on the long term nothing good will come of it for you. Now, the choice is yours to make. No one can force you to forget about this person and cut ties with them if you don't want to. Your spirit guides just want to warn you that it would be better for you not to dwell on this person, because there is someone better waiting for you around the corner. If this person is being disrespectful to you, it is high time you show them what you're made of. Because at the end of the day, your responsibility is to value and take care of yourself. I feel like some of you may feel lonely and long for a deep connection. So maybe this person has shown some interest in you which led you to belive that this could be your forever person, when they aren't. I'm sorry if this triggers you, because my intention isn't to hurt you but to provide useful and important information. I know how difficult it can be to cut ties with someone when we had so much hope and dreams with them. But I have no doubt you can make it through. Your guides want to reassure you on the fact that choosing yourself over this person is going to be beneficial to you. Extra information - Strength Queen of pentacles 3 of pentacles Your guides want to insist on your power and ability to overcome this situation. They know you have what it takes to resist this person and protect yourself. The spirit animal of the tiger is watching over you during this period of your life. You may call to it for advice and help. Your spirit guides also urge you to deepen your connection with them and have faith in the Universe and it's ability to provide you with exactly what you need and deserve. Letters : S O E U S W S E I C L E E G R Words/signs/names : wise, use, sue, sow, woes, sus, Susie, cues, Wess, sis, Cis, cusses, Seoul, soul, Glee, seer, Rogue, mess, Ciel, rouge (French for red), glow, cure, secure, Curie, glue, series, cries, less, lows, lower, roses, girls, Weiss, Solweig
Group 2 - Ticking clock
Tarot : 4 of cups, ace of swords, 8 of swords, 4 of wands, 8 of cups, 7 of swords Oracle cards : Get wild, Sacred sexuality rx
You and this person are currently in seperation. You feel like this person is hiding things from you or isn't comfortable speaking their mind. Many of you may be asking about a future spouse. Spirit wants to draw your attention on the fact that the more you think about this person and focus your energy on them, the more opportunities you are missing. It's like you're telling yourself "I can't be in a relationship right now, what if my future spouse comes into my life then?". You're refraining yourself from living your life, having fun, meeting new people. Your future spouse is not open to your connection currently, is what spirit is saying. Forcing the situation would only keep you apart. They are not ready. And so are you. You have other things to tend to, other experiences to live, other people to meet. Your guides advise you to draw back from this connection from a while and keep to yourself what you are doing. Your FS doesn't have to know. And it is none of their business anyway. If you keep pushing, you'll only be lying to yourself. It's important that you turn your gaze on other matters. Right now, this connection isn't beneficial to you. This isn't to say that this person is bad. This is just to say that they currently don't have anything to offer. Extra messages - 2 of pentacles, Black Numen, White Numen You are in a state of confusion regarding this connection. This is because you are currently in or about to be entering a dark night of the soul, a period of solitude and separation from this person. You won't be picking up on anything from their higher self or very little information. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Though you don't know where this path leads, you have to trust that the outcome is going to be positive, whether with or without this person. Right now, you should be focusing on your balance and navigating through the fog.
letters : L E U M T T S L T X M R L V T words/signs/names : Summer, sex, muse, exult, luxe, melt, ex, texts, test, sell, tell, mums, "trust me", serum, mute, Muller, mulet, rest, SUV, vet, "must let", lust
Group 3 - Adventurer's camera
Tarot : The emperor, 6 of cups, 7 of wands, 4 of swords, The Star, Knight of pentaclesOracle cards : The Creator, Withdraw
Spirit wants to confirm that this person is a soulmate of yours. You are destined to get closer to this person after a period of retreat. They are represented by The Emperor, The Star and The Creator. Chances are this person is an artist or a public figure like an influencer. If not, then the person you're asking about is destined to gain notoriety. They are extremely powerful. They are here to help you manifest your desired reality. But for now, a time of separation is needed. You may receive intuitive downloads from this person's higher self to guide you on your journey. Patience is the key word here. This person has a lot of passion for you. But spirit wants to remind you that their role is mainly to guide you, to light the way so that you can follow in their footsteps. They don't want you to get too caught up in what you feel for them. Because they're afraid you might forget your purpose. Extra information - Ace of swords, 7 of pentacles, The Sun By working on your inner truth, you could reach success with this person and also on a more personal level. This time of withdrawal is meant to help you with that. You may be afraid of failure regarding this connection. Know that there is no such thing as failing. You can only make the decision that is right for you. You might not see the full potential of what you have currently and may doubt this connection but your guides want to assure you that there is more to this than you can see. It'll make sense in due time.
Letters : D S U Q O E U M L M E T N C S Signs/names/words : cute, sun, son, lost, lust, muse, Noel, lune(French for moon), comet, comments, dust, moles, semen, men, quests, cloud, cold, muscle, monde (French for world), mounts, Clement, sounds, museums, ondes (French for waves), clones, cents, sold, old, soul, mess, cuss, lone, doms, demons, clues, cums, semen, told, SNS, meme, dots, "see us", SOS, cunt
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stariikis · 7 months
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𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 | 𝐧.𝐫𝐤
royal flush ; (noun) a straight flush including ace, king, queen, jack, and ten all in the same suit, which is the hand of the highest possible value when wild cards are not in use. synopsis ; on your anniversary date with riki, he gets you thinking about how a deck of cards and a red string of fate bonded you forever.
pairing ; nishimura riki x reader genre ; fluff, romance, established r/s warnings ; mild cursing wc ; 1543
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“You think we were fated to be together?” 
As you let the words settle into the darkness, the weight of them simmer around you. It’s almost as if you’re speaking to, perhaps, a figment of your imagination, a ghost of a body you want to be present, but isn’t. But Riki’s fingers, slender and rough with calluses, (he’s recently picked up the peculiar hobby of monkey barring) slide through yours. Like a confirmation that he’s here. 
Like a promise. 
He likes to associate you both with the tied knot of the red strings of fate. Every gift you receive is tied to perfection with a red ribbon. He likes to decorate printed pictures of you and him with scarlet-licked ribbons, a string of yarn weaved through punched-out holes. You’ve never been much of an artistic person yourself, but Riki gladly takes care of the aesthetics himself. 
“You’re my royal flush. Of course we were fated to be together.” 
What on earth does he mean? 
The night sky envelopes you in a cool breeze. Riki’s canvas, like a mirror, reflects the stars dotting it on the black background. A female figure, meant to be you, is sketched neatly in the middle of the portrait. However, your boyfriend has seemed to temporarily forget about the painting he’s working on. 
He leans in closer, one hand supporting himself on the grassy field. The other squeezes yours in a tight reassurance. The grin he’s flaunting is one that makes you want to smile with him. But it’s hard to focus on him when your mind is running through everything it took for you to get here. 
“Hey, yn, come here!” 
Minji’s voice rings out loud and clear across the room the moment you walk in. In a circle with a few boys, along with Haerin, there’s a deck of cards laid out on the marble floor. 
You walk over hesitantly, blinking at the unshuffled pile. ‘I’m not very good at playing cards.” 
Your friend and roommate huffs in exasperation, grabbing your wrist and sitting you down in the empty spot beside her. Your new roommates stare at you expectantly, and it’s only then when you realise they’re waiting for an introduction. Hastily and half embarrassed, you nod your head and introduce yourself. 
The boy beside you, his hair bleached and long enough to be considered a mullet, smiles amiably and greets you. “Hi, I’m Riki.” 
The boy opposite flashes a smile somehow even brighter than Riki’s. “I’m Sunoo! Welcome to the dorm.” 
Shyly, you wave and proceed to receive your share of the cards Haerin has silently been dealing amidst the introductions. 
“I don’t know, guys…” you murmur lightly, trying to start conversation. “I don’t really play big 2 that often.” 
“But do you know how?” Minji tilts her head. Her playful expression is difficult to read. You look through your cards and nod in response. “Who knows, you might be the next prodigy, like Riki beside you. He wins every time! Why do we even play with him anymore?” 
Riki laughs boyishly, winking at you charmingly. “Nobody comes even close to beating me!” 
… It’s only your first day at university. You should not be finding boys cute yet. 
“Sure, sure. Maybe I’ll be the one to change that.” 
The game begins, and true to his word, Riki starts off strong. He’s either the luckiest man on earth or has the skills of a professional gambler, because everytime he places down a set, everybody lets out a gasp. As expected, nobody in the circle is able to beat his high value cards, and they skip their turns. 
You’re doing better than you expected though. Head to head with Riki, you both have six cards in your hands. Minji sends you a teasing glance, as if signaling for you to destroy him. The chances are pretty low. When Riki places down a full house, you have a feeling you’re pretty screwed. And since you’re his main competition, Riki quirks an eyebrow challengingly at you when he places down three 6s and two 8s. 
One card remaining in his hand, he looks your way and giggles. Giggles. It, like, kind of alters your brain chemistry a little. 
However, you’re lucky (and smart) enough to have saved your flush, and so you place down your ten, jack, queen, king and ace. As you do so, the whole room goes silent. Haerin is the first to break it, with the first sentence you’ve heard her say that day. 
“You had a royal flush?! Now Riki’s definitely going to lose.” 
“A royal flush?” You echo, unfamiliar to this term in the world of gambling. Riki’s smug expression has turned into an awe-struck one, and he’s ogling at the five cards you have just placed down. 
“Look,” Minji spreads your cards and points at the suit. “They’re all hearts, right? A flush, with all the same suit, is called a royal flush. It’s the best set of five you can place down in this game.” 
Sunoo gasps, all nine of his cards spread like a peacock’s tail in his two hands. He uses it to fan himself, shaking his head all the while. “Damn, I never expected anyone to beat Riki.” 
Of course, everyone passes, even a begrudging Riki. He hangs his head low, and you don’t know whether to rub salt in the wound or comfort him with a bullshitted, “oh, don’t worry! Haha! Beginner’s luck!” 
You toss your last card, a 7, onto the pile before excusing yourself. You don’t want to stay and risk being assaulted by a potentially extremely competitive 18-year-old. 
However, that isn’t the case. After a while, you meet him in the dorm’s shared kitchen, stumbling upon him making himself a cup of coffee. At first, you’re nervous and avoid his gaze, because who knows what he could do to your social status if he’s truly upset. You’re slightly traumatised from high school’s notorious group of popular girls. 
But instead of giving you a shit-eating glare like you thought he would, he taps your shoulder. It sends tingles through your body, and you almost physically reach up and smack yourself. 
“I challenge you to another game,” he beams at you almost innocently. “Tonight, my room.” 
As the days go by, these demanding three words leave Riki’s lips more and more often. Soon it is a tradition for you to knock on his door and be greeted with a deck of cards shoved in your face. You truly do somehow have a talent for playing cards, reigning above Riki – and you win him every single time. 
It’s his life goal to beat you someday. 
To this day, he still hasn’t been able to beat you. But when he confessed to you, his eyes glazed over with a nervousness you’ve never seen before, even during your heated matches. He shyly gifted you with a fresh new deck of cards, tied up with the red string of fate. 
He claims to love the colour red because it reminds him of you. 
“Look,” he whispered, in the middle of the dark and empty room. Minji, Haerin and Sunoo were all out late in class, and Riki had pulled you in with such a look of desperation and eagerness that you didn’t know how to respond. “It’s red, like the hearts on the royal flush you put down the first day we met. It’s red like the colour of your favourite flowers.” 
“Roses,” he turns around and retrieves a bouquet of the prick-studded flowers from next to his nightstand. He sounds a little breathless when he returns to you, and the adoration in his eyes makes you want to break down into tears. “You love roses.” 
The boy that you’ve liked since the moment you met him. Why would you not accept such a thoughtful, clumsy confession that is his? 
“I like you so, so much!” 
A royal flush. So that’s what he means. 
“Happy anniversary,” Riki sighs, a little too dizzyingly happy when he leans in to kiss your cheek. “I got you yet another deck of cards because I didn’t know what you would want.” 
He whips out a box with intricate lines and swirls, and the design is a little too familiar for your liking. 
“Is this…” you reach out to touch it, your fingers connecting once more in the process. Riki nods enthusiastically, lips pursed proudly. “The deck of cards we played with at the very beginning.” 
Something’s special, though, when you turn the box around and look at the bottom, you see that he’s engraved both your names there, in his very own handwriting. Your heart swells with pure love for the boy sitting before you. He may be clueless on what to get you, but at the same time he’s the best ever at giving gifts.
“Let me finish up this painting,” he sighs, and scoots back to scan you. His hands imitate a picture frame and he winks to get a clearer picture of you in his mind. “Pretty.”
He turns back to the painting, skilled hands picking up his paintbrush again. “After this, we can go home. I challenge you to another game of cards. Tonight, my room. And this time, I’ll win.”
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thank you for reading !
more of my works >
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lagoonalake · 8 months
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Personality: the magician, 2 of swords, ace of pentacles
He is attracted to a manifestor, someone who can help him make things happen, it sounds a bit opportunistic but from his perspective partnership should be about helping and being useful to one another, he likes someone intelligent, resourceful, a great communicator, sociable and with connections or knowledge, someone with a certain influence, not too emotional, more practical and brainy, witty, balanced, a thinker whose going to think hard before making a decision and is going to help him making his own decisions, charming and diplomatic, independent, connected to his circle or career libra, gemini, air signs, capricorn
Appearance: page of coins, the hanged man, 10 of cups
A fresh, youthful, cute appearance, clear skin, could prefer pale skin, blond hair or light colors in general, smells good, clear high pitch voice, homely, calm and slow movements, innocence, soft, nurturing quality cancer, pisces, virgo
Turn-offs: the star, 3 of wands, 7 of wands
Sappy, overly emotional or dramatic people, people who are disconnected from reality, people who exaggerate, drama queens, people who are ready to crush others to achieve their goals, bullies, selfishness.  aries, leo, negative cancer, sagittarius
Personality: 5 of pentacles, 5 of cups, 7 of wands
Sad people, people who’ve been through it, who could need his help, he is attracted to the melancholic, tragic type, yet the type of person who is still trying hard, a combative person, maybe even a bit hardened by life, but still that he’d see as vulnerable, fragile, sensitive and passionate. I’m getting the vibe of a stray animal he would be trying to approach but the cat is a bit wild, but the moment he’d gain its trust he’d see how much this animal needs love. Same thing but with a human being, a wounded soul. He values the emotional bond and intimacy a lot. There could be some codependency but could be very healing, transformative and powerful too.  all water signs especially scorpio, capricorn, mars
Appearance: knight of swords, queen of pentacles, the chariot
Someone who looks like a fighter, strong, sturdy, fit, curvy hips or thighs, darker hair and skin, darker colors in general, active, powerful intense energy and movements, fierce, sharp eyes, sensual appearance, something about the body that he’d want to touch, feel, smell, raw energy, bigger or wider features. capricorn, taurus, aries, scorpio
Turn-offs: ace of wands, the hierophant, 9 of wands
Someone too easy to read, he likes when someone takes a while to open up or reveal themselves, not only does he finds this more attractive and exciting, but he also thinks it makes the bond more special, if someone is opening up too easily he doesn’t trust that person. Someone who is too boring, predictable or too similar to what he already knows, someone too traditional, who follows the rules to the point they have no personality and feel like a robot, someone who doesn’t let anybody in so that no emotional connection is possible, someone who never let their guard down, who shows no vulnerability or humanity. only fire and air in the chart, negative capricorn/taurus, aquarius
Personality: 6 of wands, the world, 6 of swords
Definitely could like a foreigner or someone who foreign connections or background, someone who shows him something different, someone happy go lucky, proud, someone he’d admire, someone impressive, a bit cocky, someone who only wants the good things in life, has no time for negativity, only wants the best, an idealistic person, brave, high achiever, focused on themselves and their success, with an impressive stable career, most likely a celebrity leo, sagittarius, sun, jupiter
Appearance: 2 of pentacles, justice, knight of wands
Balanced harmonious symmetrical features, someone who is conventionally beautiful just like him, who could look like him a bit, brown/reddish colors, strong curvy or plush thighs, could like a shorter and curvier body type, someone who can be both cute and sexy, a bit wild, tomboyish, more revealing outfits, imposing big presence no matter the height or stature, a more simple a bit messy style, messy hair, shorter hair, bangs, ripped jeans, hooded or slanted eyes, big and/or raspy voice, a good dancer and/or rapper aries, mars, taurus
Turn-offs: the high priestess, the lovers, 2 of cups
He seems allergic to romance XD, overly romantic people, hyper feminine people, too much softness, too many emotions, too much intimacy, someone who looks like they can read him like a book, somehow he feels uncomfortable when people try to get too close, people who act overly mysterious or are too passive, people who always consult him before making a decision (he likes independence), PDAs. I feel like there could be some unresolved issues going on here, especially knowing that Beomgyu is a scorpio moon and pisces sun, it’s like he is afraid of intimacy and doesn’t want to accept this part of himself. he is still attracted to all these other fiery qualities matching his aries venus, but something is missing.  all water signs in general, libra, venus
Personality: 5 of cups, 10 of cups, 9 of cups
Similar to Soobin, a very sensitive person who could need his strength, but not as tough and rough around the edges, more easy going, soft and family oriented, easily satisfied, who can see the good in many things, very kind and compassionate, a bit like a Disney princess lol, nurturing, understanding, likes to cuddle, very physically affectionate and needy, could be clingy, very loyal, would make a good mother, a safe haven for him to go back to at the end of the day, could be younger than him or simply make him feel like he is the more mature person, the provider, it’s a pretty traditional relationship, but very healing and loving cancer, pisces, jupiter, taurus
Appearance: page of cups, king of cups, knight of cups
Wow Taehyun really likes a water sign, he got all the cup cards, except for the queen. So a rather sensitive looking person, big or expressive deep eyes, cute, soft, round face, could prefer short hair, there is a masculine energy but very soft. The color blue, watery, siren like looks, dreamy, darker skin tone, big wide open features, soft skin, soft voice, magnetism, slower, softer more sensual movements, if he’d see someone with a pet or being kind to animals he would like it neptune, pisces, cancer, scorpio
Turn-offs: king of swords,queen of wands, the tower
Detached, cold, cruel people, extremely rational people who cannot connect with their emotions, narcissistic people, show-offs, people who only talk about themselves, attention seekers, loud, brash, boisterous people, drama queens, bullies. aquarius, saturn, leo, aries, mars 
Personality: 4 of swords, 7 of pentacles, 6 of cups
He wouldn't let anyone in that easily, he'd have to know he can trust them before, so someone patient, determined, highly resistant, endurant, very giving, unconditional love. He may prefer a more platonic dynamic first. Someone observant, rational and who pays attention to others, someone reliable, a good shoulder to lean on, supportive, someone who has a way with words, soothing, healing words, a good advisor. He needs time before letting people in, but is interested in long term relationships and intimacy. Could be someone older or very mature. virgo, taurus, capricorn, cancer, libra, saturn
Appearance: the hermit, 6 of pentacles, the empress
Like Taehyun could like to see someone taking care of animals or pets. He's not easily impressed by looks, he may not like the plastic surgery look, prefers when he can see natural “flaws” (except he wouldn't see it as flaws) like natural skin tone…etc. Could prefer someone older or who looks mature, motherly. Kind face, rosy cheeks, curvy hips and chest, a “fertile” look, a natural, effortless, healthy, radiant, princess in a fairytale type of beauty.  libra, taurus, virgo, pisces
Turn-offs: ace of swords, high priestess, king of pentacles
Someone rude, simplistic in the way they think, unable to empathize, narrow minded, cruel, someone manipulative or nosy, someone who is trying to peer into his private life or secrets, someone who overshare informations, can’t keep a secret, can’t hold their mouth, someone overly materialistic, who shows off their money or possession, someone who puts too much importance on status and uses this to dominate others, someone boring only interested in their job, business and making money. gemini, negative scorpio, taurus, capricorn
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Okay imagine House of Mouse!Au but it’s filmed as a mockumentary - Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse/Modern Family style - with the staff as the main characters.
Minnie: Don’t you think it’s strange that Yuu is so close to the villains?
Max: Naah. I’m sure it’s fine.
Cut to confession cam
Max: I mean, it’s not like they sit around making friendship bracelets or anything
Camera switches to Yuu’s interview
Yuu: *holds up an arm covered in bracelets with various degrees of skilled thread braiding* look at all of the bracelets Pain, Panic, Lefou and Dr Facilier made with me :D
Yuu: *over the phone* Are you sure you will be okay if I call in sick today? It’s just a small cold. I’m sure well enough-
Minnie: Don’t worry, Yuu. You just stay there and rest. Everything will be just fine 😊
Cut to confession couch
Minnie: I give it five minutes before the club descends into chaos *sighs* I better get Mickey’s wheel ready
Pete: That damn mutt just pushed me!
Yuu: *hugging Pluto* I’m sure he didn’t mean to
Cut to confession cam
Pluto: *barks as tail happily wags behind him* (subtitles: I definitely meant to)
Side note: one of the penguin waiters is the camera man
You had me at Life in the Dreamhouse.
Hades: You sure this is your first time playing poker, Alice?
Alice: Absolutely. *starts shuffling like a pro* Next hand, Albuquerque hold 'em, aces high, nothing wild.
*Camera cut to the confession*
Alice: Wild cards are for pre-schoolers.
Daisy: So, having trouble figuring out who Yuus BFF is?
Queen Grimhilde: It's me!
Ursula: It's me!
Maleficent: Its me!
-Camera cut to Frollo-
Frollo: It's probably not me
Idk maybe a tv network wanted to make a reality show of the House of Mouse because it's so popular and this is the result. It's supposed to be about the inner workings of Disneys hottest club, only to find the misadventures and love life of a teenage girl.
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cluz1babe · 3 months
"Open My Eyes..." Chapter Seven
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11.2K Words
Thank you for reading!
If you didn’t already know, Chapter Seven will have House of the Dragon season 2+ spoilers)
You were a Belaerys, with the Blood of Old Valyria in your veins, future Queen of Sothoryos. Up until eight years before the Dance of Dragons, everyone thought the Belaerys family was gone after the Doom. You were well-respected by everyone except most of the greens. Despite that, you were officially given a seat on the new High Council. The Hand, Otto Hightower, was trying to bring more countries to their aid, but his excuse was to bring peace between countries. Planning to wed you to Daeron, the Small Council of the Greens are shocked when Aemond refuses to offer you Daeron in order to take you for himself.
TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 129-133+ AC (a mix of show & book timeline & canon, plus my own)
Beta Read and co-written by my husband.  Representations of reader are the lightest and darkest skin colours available. Disclaimer : ASOIAF Wiki is my best friend and we got a little too close on this project (copy-paste about specific parts of the war, sometimes with edits). We still have the Epilogue.
Very limited use of ‘Y/N’.
From what I can remember about how to pronounce Nahuatl, you pronounce ‘X’ as ‘SH’, and pronounce every letter except ‘H’.
TRIGGER WARNINGS (full story) : Talk of Abortion, Emotionally Abusive Relationships (Aegon / Criston / Otto x Everyone), Alcohol, Blood, Blowjob, Branding, Bullying, Childbirth, Mentions of Rape (no rape of reader), Death, Drugs, Fire, Hallucinations, Incest, Marriage, Misogyny, Pregnancy, Profanity, Sexism, Slut Shaming, Smut, Violence, War, P in V, Sex, Fingering, No Cheating, MDNI, 18+ , ENM (Ethical Non-Monogamy), Slight Breeding Kink, Dub-Con (in the Aegon Bonus Chapter) if you squint
Archive of Our Own
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You were restless since the leaders from Essos had quite literally come to the table of the High Council. Your unease didn’t escape Aemond’s notice. When he asked, you told him that you had received word that there was tension between Zugrya and Bruedal and both Offia and Wewhyae were stuck in the middle. More than that, The Summer Islands and Naath needed protection and here you were, feeling useless, on a council with slavers, and it was all making you question your place in things.
“Mm. Tell me what I can do.”
“I honestly don’t know what to do.”
“You will.” He kissed your forehead and slightly changed the subject. “Your country refuses slavery, but your brother and father wanted you on the council?”
“We trade with anyone unless they practice slavery. That makes a lot of Essos off limits. The problem is that my father joined the rest of the world before we were ready. Some of our current alliances are already on shaky ground because they are afraid that, by traveling the world in search of trade and dragons, it leaves us open to attack. It invites conflict, especially between the islands. They believe we survived by being isolated and avoiding slavers.”
“Why doesn’t your father feel that way?”
“We Can, We Will, We Did”
“Your house words?”
You nodded. “If our family doesn’t live by our words, what are we? We can find dragons, even wild ones. We can learn, and create alliances & peace, but we can’t do it all alone. If Essos decides to invade Sothoryos…” You trailed off, trying not to think of the worst things. “We have dragons, but they have scorpions. I’ve been to Naath and the Summer Islands and came back with an alliance, but shortly after I left, Naath was raided again.”
“What happened?”
“We were able to get some of the people back.” You sighed, “But, while some of my best warriors were retrieving them, a different place was invaded. Every moment that I’m away from my country, leaves them open to attack.”
“Are you going to fight them all yourself?” You raised your brows at him, clearly not realizing what you had said. “You told me everyone can fight.”
“Almost everyone.”
“Do you protect them all by yourself?”
You smiled. Of course not.
“It seems to me, that you put too much pressure on yourself.” He kissed your cheek and lingered there. “You’re not to blame for what happened in Naath any more than you’re responsible for the Doom.” He squeezed your hand a bit, “We’ll figure something out.”
You had told Aemond about Luke being alive, but only Arrax’s wing had been found. He breathed a sigh of relief that he was not the Kinslayer that they were calling him, but he knew that it didn’t matter. It was his title now. And it didn’t matter that Luke was alive. He had chased Lucerys down that day above Shipbreaker Bay. Yes, to scare him and bully him, but Aemond had not intended to kill him. Even though Luke was alive, the war had been set in motion with the attempted murder of Jaehaerys, and all of the evidence that it was Daemon’s doing. They were unsuccessful with the murder, because the dogs you gave as gifts, Mors and Lyonel, defended them all. This made the Greens trust you even more, which put you on good terms with them, but was it enough?
Aemond had taken his bath and he was still in the tub. He thought about everything that had happened since his father died. It wasn’t until the water was chilly that he finally got out and dried himself off. He walked into his chamber and you were right where he left you, studying dragon breeding some more. You were determined to memorize the book as well as Aemond had, even if you had to read it ten times.
He watched as you turned the page, picked up your wine goblet, and took a sip. It was peaceful moments like this that he hated lately. Not because of you, but because he had failed you. He had well and truly fucked up. Lucerys’s near-death still set things in motion that made Aemond feel guilt like none he ever had before. It was his fault Luke almost died. His fault that a male dragon was dead — a huge loss to your cause. His fault that Helaena’s three children were put in danger, furthering an insatiable need to see blood spilled in the name of the greens and Aegon II. There was a long time where Aemond wondered what to do, then he finally spoke after what seemed like forever. “I’ve changed my mind.” He almost whispered it.
You sat down your goblet. “Changed your mind?” 
“I want to serve the Blacks.”
You shook your head. “You are a Green Prince, Aemond.”
“I support your claim to your throne. I have to support my sister’s.” 
As usual, you looked at him like he was mad. After the initial shock, you told him what you thought of his idea. “That’s treason, Aemond. Not even the King’s brother is safe from what happens to traitors.”
“I want you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. More than Vhagar.”
You raised your brows at him.
“Don’t tell her I told you that, or she will surely burn us both alive.”
His comment made you laugh.
“And I can’t choose to be with you, the future Queen of Sothoryos, who is not even the first-born, let alone male, and not support my sister’s claim to the throne.” He kneeled down in front of you and held your hands. “I am so sorry for what I’ve done.”
You were confused by his words. “What have you done?”
You kissed his forehead. “It was an accident, my love.”
“I shouldn’t have chased them.”
You kissed his lips the second time. “I forgive you.” You needed to calm his mind and it worked. He laid his head on your shoulder and looked up at you in admiration. You saying you forgave him took a huge weight off of his shoulders. He couldn’t believe he was so lucky to have found you.
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“I will think of a reason to leave and convince my brother to allow it. Then you and I can leave, help my sister claim her throne, and I can take you home.”
There was a pang in your chest at the mention of your country. “Home?”
He nodded. He knew you were homesick and wanted to take you there, as well as see it for himself — the place you loved so much. “But first, I need to convince my brother that it’s a good idea that Daeron marry Floris or one of the other Baratheon girls.” He softly pushed your robe off of your shoulder and kissed you again. You had taken a bath in your own chamber and it had practically become custom for him to defile you afterward, especially when you smelled of bath oils. In addition to that, without your clothes, Aemond could see your growing belly. And, though he did not wish to keep you in a constant state of being pregnant, the thought turned him on, nonetheless. 
He started kissing your shoulder and down your swollen breasts. He eagerly sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the hardening bud while you stroked his head. He wasn’t rough with you, but he wasn’t gentle either, he was following your lead. He usually did, and that how he knew you liked it in every way : soft, hard, somewhere in between. At that moment, it was somewhere in between rough and gentle. He put your ankles on his shoulders and he entered you.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
You both laid there in silence as you slowly stroked Aemond’s hair and back. Eventually, you heard his breathing even out and knew he had finally fallen to sleep.
You and Helaena were watching the children and practicing embroidery while Aemond tried to convince the small council to allow him to marry you. 
Criston sighed, “No.”
Aemond tilted his head at the only father figure he truly had. He thought he could trust Cole. “No?”
“You’re now engaged to Floris Baratheon. You can’t take more than one wife.”
Aegon scoffed, “Why not? That’s what they do where she’s from.”
Criston seethed, turning to Aemond, “Are you so in love with your heathen temptress that you would commit polygamy?” 
“Don’t talk about her like that.” He avoided looking at his mother. “I know what you and my mother do. I put it in the back of my mind for too long and I will not stand here and listen to hypocrisy fall out of your mouth.”
“You would take up her traditions and disregard your responsibilities here?“ Alicent asked him. Surprisingly, there was no sign Aegon had heard about what his mother was up to.
“Have you forgotten?” Aemond asked his mother. “Targaryens also used to multiple marriages at once. I never asked her if she was open to marrying Daeron because I love her. Father knew and that’s why he betrothed us. He had already given his blessing, but now you want to play me like some piece in a game. I never agreed to marry Floris, but you sent me there with a scroll offering me in marriage.”
“That’s true, but Aemond, what about her age?” Alicent begged, “Producing heirs doesn’t happen overnight and her change will be upon her before you know it. Are you willing to risk that? Floris is younger than you are and the Belaerys Princess is now three and twenty.”
“Her mother’s side easily produces heirs well into their 40s. If you want evidence, I’ll tell you all of their names and information about some of them.”
Criston practically rolled his eyes, “Be that as it may, you are now officially promised in marriage to the Baratheon girl.”
“Not anymore.” Larys, now master of whispers and still guilty of trying to kill Jaehaerys, interrupted. He pulled out an official looking scroll and read it, “‘After much thought on the matter and a proposal offered by the Blacks to marry their youngest prince, Viserys to Borros Baratheon’s first granddaughter’.” 
“We all know what that means.” Aegon laughed. “‘After the ‘untimely death of Prince Lucerys Velaryon’, the Baratheons have decided to ‘disaffiliate themselves with the Greens’.”
Aemond smirked at Criston.
Cole looked at Aemond with anger, “It’s your fault that boy is dead and our only chance at peace has ended. You only lost one eye, how could you be so blind? You will not marry that woman. She was supposed to marry Daeron. He’s the third son, so he will be perfect for securing that enormous country and all of their resources. But she is not appropriate for you.”
Aemond walked away from the table, trying not to show his true feelings as he had always managed, but it was too much this time. He knew for sure now that they weren’t just looking for allies, they were looking for weaknesses and ways to ‘secure the country and all of their resources’, just as you had told him. Aemond knew what that really meant. His father figure was going to betray the woman he loved as soon as he could. “This is coming from a place of hate and malice. You all seethe with spleen like a suppurating ulcer.” He whipped around and stared at Criston and his mother. “I have given everything to this family, and I have asked for nothing in return!“ He turned his attention to Aegon, “You owe me, brother.” 
Aegon was in his cups and set against the Belaerys family just as much as Cristin and Alicent, though he pretended otherwise. Aemond couldn’t understand connecting their family to the Belaerys family at all if they were going to be so prejudiced. The politics of the situation didn’t matter, as far as he was concerned. “My King, does your prince not deserve his own happiness? A family? Something that he chose for himself? Has the Princess not proven herself loyal? Would joining your kingdom with Sothoryos, a people no less advanced than our own, not be advantageous, even if it is me she marries?” He looked around the room.
“He’s right, Aegon.” Alicent interjected. She remembered what you did for Helaena both times. “She has proven herself loyal to this family. She defended Queen Helaena after a handmaid said something unkind. She provided the trained guard dogs that kept your children, and wife, alive.”
Aegon’s hard look softened, but only enough to barely relieve the tension. “You’re right, mother. Of course you deserve those things, Aemond, and it would be beneficial to join our kingdoms. It doesn’t matter who she marries. We can use all of the dragons and fighters that we can get.” He exhaled loudly, “If you really wish to wed and breed with this Belaerys whore—” Aemond, who’d been angered by the word, took a step forward, but a guard put himself between them. Aegon laughed, “You may have her.” He let Aemond take in the information and relax, then Aegon went stern, “But if either of you leave us before the war is over, without my orders to do so, you will both be considered traitors to the crown.” Aemond’s eye went wide for a moment. “You may send any children you may have to Sothoryos to keep them out of harm’s way, in case the war comes here. Though you never know how long the war will last.”
Aemond clenched his jaw, but he was finally happy to get blessings from the King, regardless the circumstances. Everything else would have to wait. He bowed, tensely. When he straightened, Aegon sort of waved him off and Aemond turned to leave.
“Aemond.” Aemond stopped as the current king made him do so. “Don’t think you’re getting away with that outburst with no consequences.”
Aemond continued out of the small council room. Once he made it to his quarters, he knocked over one of his tables in anger. His plan to send you back home, where you could wait out the war and he would join you after… It was finished. You would both be forced to fight in this war. You hadn’t agreed to take a side so that you wouldn’t have to fight your brother, who had pledged for Rhaenyra. Aemond would do anything for you, his beloved, even keep your brother alive in battle. He was convinced that he could make it look like an accident if he got caught. Now, he didn’t know what would happen.
At first, you were angry with Aemond for planning to send you away without him by your side, but you quickly forgave him. 
The assault on Harrenhal was led by Daemon Targaryen, who conquered Harrenhal for Rhaenyra Targaryen. It marked the opening of hostilities in the Dance of the Dragons.
Prince Daemon Targaryen, suggested Harrenhal as a rallying point for potential supporters in the riverlands. Larys Strong, Lord of Harrenhal, was a supporter of Aegon, so Rhaenyra allowed her husband to command the assault on Harrenhal.
Because Lord Larys Clubfoot served as Aegon II's master of whisperers in King's Landing, his great-uncle the elderly Ser Simon Strong served as Larys's castellan at Harrenhal. Prince Daemon flew on his dragon, Caraxes, to the top of Harrenhal's Kingspyre Tower, where Harren the Black had died. Recalling the burning of Harrenhal by Aegon I Targaryen and Balerion the Black Dread, which had extinguished House Hoare, Simon decided to strike his banners and surrender the great ruined castle to Daemon. Simon and his grandsons were among a dozen hostages taken by Daemon, and the blacks requisitioned the wealth of House Strong. The loss of Harrenhal shocked Aegon II and encouraged the blacks. 
There were rumours that you and Aemond had secretly been married for weeks, so you were summoned to the King. 
“Remember what I told you.” Aemond urged. “Whether in secret or in front of the court, never let my brother see that he unsettles you.”
“I’m from Sothoryos. Not much can unsettle me.”
“He will do or say anything to get a rise out of you. He may try to intimidate, taunt, embarrass, or shame you. Maybe all four.”
You gave Aemond a reassuring look. “It will be okay, husband.”
King Aegon II was sitting in his throne, ignoring whatever complaint or well-regard the person in front of him spoke about, as he’d finally realized that it didn’t matter what the smallfolk wanted. He couldn’t give them any resources. Not that he wanted to at this point. The smallfolk had betrayed him once, they would do it again if they could. He didn’t look interested or pleased at all. In fact, he looked the least pleased when he looked in your or Aemond’s direction. He waved off the smallfolk once the current one finished, “Thank you for letting me know. I will take that into account.” He bid you & Aemond come forward. Aegon’s false sincerity toward the smallfolk disappeared as you & Aemond stepped forward.
Aegon sat there staring for so long that it made your skin go cold. “Not three moons ago, we spoke and I told you we would soon discuss when the two of you should be wed. Yet here you are. And I’m told that the Belaerys Princess is already your wife, Aemond.”
“You Grace, may we speak privately?” Aemond’s request was granted with a nod from Aegon and everyone except the guards, The Hand, Alicent, you, Aegon, and Aemond were left in the Great Hall.
The expression on Aegon’s face was full of annoyance and hate.  “We decided on your wedding day, three moons from now, and yet I hear you call each other husband and wife already. Skoros kostos nykeā udir hoskas? (What could inspire such a rumour?)” Aegon gave both of you exactly six seconds before he continued. “Maybe it is because you are with child, Princess?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tried not to sound small, but now that you were being confronted, you wished to be back in the privacy of your apartments. For the first time in a long time, you felt as small as they wanted you to feel. All of your previous confidence waned in front of the Hightowers.
“Come, Princess. There’s no point in lying.” Alicent interrupted your thoughts. “You haven’t bled for four moons, and your dresses are tighter around your belly. It’s a difficult condition to hide.” You wish you knew how she knew. “One which will be impossible to hide once you have a screaming babe in your arms. It is of great concern for my family. If everyone knew my son took you to bed before your wedding—“
Aemond grumbled. “We are married.” Everyone looked at Aemond as he spoke and revealed his brand. “The Princess is my wife, by our own ceremony — a Sothoryi ceremony. And she will have my child soon.”
Aegon sat up straight. “So you admit it?”
“I do. I didn’t want my child born a bastard, and I will always be proud of the Princess & our life together.”
Aegon’s nose flared in anger. He looked back and forth between the two of you. Aemond’s declaration brought back some of your confidence and he hated seeing it. At the same time, he knew that he would lose his biggest asset for the war if he upset Aemond. So he conceded through gritted teeth, “In that case, you shall be married in front of the court as soon as possible to make sure. No niece or nephew of mine is going to grow up a bastard. We all know how important it is to look the part. Right, Princess?”
“Yes, your Grace.” You weren’t eager to please him, but you also couldn’t afford to upset him right now, no matter how much veiled animosity remained between you and Aegon. So you ignored his insult against your Sothoryi ceremony.
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To Aegon, as soon as possible was only a few days. You and Aemond were married in the tradition of the Faith of the Seven, at the sept, in front of the green’s court. The ones who could make it on time. What was strangest to everyone wasn’t the foreign princess. It was that the ill-tempered Beast of the Red Keep wasn't wearing his eye patch, and he was wearing colour. Añil blue & green, and he had even dyed the ends of his hair like yours. It was his way of telling them that this day belonged to the two of you and no one else. After your official ceremony to Aemond, the two of you snuck away to have some alone time before the feast. He fucked you against the wall of your chambers while you were still wearing your wedding dress. Then you quickly rejoined the feast and it was as though nobody noticed you had been gone for the better part of ten minutes while the two of you got your quick tryst in private.
During the end of the feast, Aegon stood up. “A toast to the newlyweds. M” everyone cheered. “May they have many years together.” The smile on his face was not friendly. “I’m sorry to interrupt the festivities, but it’s time for the Bedding Ceremony!”
Everyone cheered and music played as you were carried on top of shoulders to get to your shared chambers. Aemond was dragged, too. Both of you being undressed on the way there. Aemomd hated every second of it and Aegon knew he would. This was part of his punishment. A consequence of standing out of line.
You made it to your shared chambers and retrieved your ritual paints. That night, you planned to connect with Aemond on every level. You started with the blue paint, for blessing your union. You painted Aemond’s body with your sacred blue paint. You were so skilled with your hands that every light stroke left him wanting more. He wanted to feel your body pressed against his. He wanted to be inside you, as he had expected to be by now, but you were insistent that you make it official by your standards, and he had accepted. The look of concentration on your face made Aemond want to kiss you. Touch you. Have you again and again. The entire process felt like a way to prevent him from having his fun straight away. 
You cut Aemond’s finger and held it over the bowl with various ingredients already inside, dripping blood into it, then doing the same with your own finger. You said something in a language he didn’t recognize while holding the bowl over an open flame. Then you lit it on fire and breathed in the smoke. You handed it to Aemond, “Breathe it in.” 
He did as you told him and quickly felt himself feel off-kilter, so he sat next to you. You both waited for the buzzing in your heads to stop, holding hands and giving gentle kisses. Once you were both clear-headed again, you performed the Soul Ritual. You painted orange on your and Aemond’s bodies. The first one was just a formality, but the last would connect your souls. The two of you would became one. You saw each other’s true nature and past; felt each other’s pain and pleasure. The process worked you both up as you took your time teasing Aemond with your slow strokes and kisses here & there. Once you were finished, you each gave your thanks to any gods listening and you drank wine together, waiting for your paint to dry a little before you could join each other in bed. You weren’t in any hurry. The effects of the ritual would last at least two more hours. However, after ten minutes, you couldn’t wait anymore. You got on the bed and coaxed him over. It didn’t take much before he was on top of you.
You were so wet that you didn’t need him to prepare you much. His fingers easily slid into you to test before his cock entered you. He groaned at your waiting hole and the way you keened at his touch. He couldn’t resist paying you back for the teasing earlier and removed his fingers. He smirked as you whined. He slowly kissed down your neck, to your chest. That was when he felt it. The way his own body was responding to the kisses as if he were kissing his own chest. 
You had been quiet in the beginning, so Aemond encouraged you to be as loud as you want. Now that you were wed, it was no longer bad to be together. He made you orgasm on his tongue, causing him to enjaculate on the sheets. He groaned, partially because of how good it felt and partially because he was disappointed he couldn’t hold off. He looked up at you, totally cunt-drunk off of you. 
Aemond finally got to be inside of you. That second time of the night was slow at first, slowly building to the two of you going at it fast and hard until you both found release. The paint smeared on your bodies and the sheets, leaving behind the orange and blue paint; impressions of your entwined bodies rutting against each other. Something for the servants to deal with the next day.
Months later.
You were lying in bed sobbing. The pain had barely abated in the previous two hours and the maesters said they were going to attempt to turn the baby. That’s when Aemond came back to join you.
“I understand now why they say women are weak.”
“Why?” He almost looked amused by your statement. 
“Because I can’t control my emotions right now and I can’t stop thinking of home. I don’t know if I’ll ever see it again.”
“You will see it again, I promise.” He held your head in his hands, one hand on each cheek. “You are not weak. You are going to be a queen. It’s just exhaustion from bringing our babe into the world.” He kissed you, then wiped your tears away. “The maester and the midwives all said that it’s normal to feel overwhelmed.” Aemond gently held your hands. “I’m very sorry that I can’t do anything about your homesickness, my love, or the pain.”
“How’s Molca?”
“Irritated, to say the least.”
“She wouldn’t let you ride her?”
Aemond shook his head. “Do you wish to be a widow so soon?” You both laughed at his joke. Then he added, “I think she may lay eggs soon. She’s showing all of the signs. Perhaps she and Caraxes had an encounter that no one knows about.”
You labored a day and a half to bring your first child into the world. Aemond stayed with you almost the entire labour and refused to leave your side, even when the midwives urged him to leave when the baby had a hard time coming out. Alicent even came to check in on you, having given birth four times, she thought she could be of help to you, especially without your mothers who were still in Sothoryos.
Hours after the contractions started, it got more and more intense, causing you to groan and cry. But Aemond was there and his presence was comforting, even when Grand Maester Orwyle and the midwives had to press on your belly in order to push the baby in the right position. You were lucky that it wasn’t too difficult. 
There was a while when you tried to sleep, but the pains only got worse. You started cursing in Loicato when the pain returned.
“I can’t understand you, Princess.” One of the midwives said. “I don’t speak your language.”
“She’s saying… Well, she’s using coarse language.”
The midwife gave a slight smile. “Yes, mothers usually say lots of things when the labour pains start. If you’d rather leave until the baby comes, I’ll take care of—“
“No. I want to stay.”
She curtseyed, “My Prince.” Then she left for a few moments and came back with more rags and sheets.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Aemond held your baby daughter first after the maester. He looked at her with the widest smile on his face and a tear in his eye. “My little princess.” After a moment of reflection and the realization that he was now a father to a beautiful baby girl with wisps of silver hair, he handed her over to you. He kissed your forehead as you took in the sight of her. “What do you want to name her?”
You stroked her head and laughed at the face she made. “Let’s name her… Jaenara Meztli.”
Aemond kneeled next to you. “Princess Jaenara Meztli Belaerys.”
He looked at you, confused.
“She’s a Targaryen. Like her father.”
He took your hand and kissed it. Giving a child a man’s last name was a high honour in your culture.
It was only a short while after your daughter’s birth that Aemond walked into your shared quarters with dragon keepers following behind him with a smoky brazier. You were nursing Jaenara, as you had refused to let anyone take her from you in the three days since you had given birth. You sat up straighter than usual, not completely understanding what was going on or why strangers were coming into your bedchamber. “Aemond, is everything okay?”
“Everything is perfect.” He smiled and motioned for the dragonkeepers to open the brazier, which they did. Inside, was a dragon egg. It was lavender with blue markings.
You gasped, “Aemond—“
“It seems our daughter’s birth triggered something in Molcajete. She’s given us a clutch of eggs.” He took the egg and placed it in Jaenara’s crib, next to your bed. You touched the egg and closed your eyes, concentrating on the energy flowing through the egg. It brought a you chuckled with joy. Not only had Molcajete laid eggs, but you could tell for certain that the one in the crib was alive. Perhaps Aemond was correct and Molca had mated. Your baby would have her own dragon. You opened your eyes and held Aemond’s hand.
He bent over to kiss you, then he pressed his forehead to yours. “Prūmī lanti sēteksi.” (‘Forged in fourteen fires.’) He kissed your baby daughter on the head. “You shall have everything you deserve, Ñuha Prūmia.” (‘My Heart.’)
It was only a few days since you’d given birth and you finally slept. Though you had nightmares of the worst kind about things happening to your daughter. You would wake, feed her, then sleep again, only to have another nightmare. The last one was the worst. Someone was at Jaenara’s crib, hovering. You felt like you couldn’t move your body. You watched as the figure stood up, the silhouette had a crown. The Conquerer’s Crown. When he turned, he was covered in blood— You woke to sounds of Jaenara crying. “‘Nara?” Your voice was hoarse. When you sat up int bed you saw someone bending over her crib.
Aemond was on his way to your bedchamber when he heard you screaming.
“Get him away from my baby! Please! Get him out! Give her to me!”
Aemond ran through the doorway and continued to your post-birthing bed. Seeing how upset you were turned his stomach into knots. “Issa jorrāelagon?” He looked in the direction of the crib and saw the back of the maester as though he were inspecting Jaenara. “It’s okay. The maester is just doing his job.”
“No.” You pointed to the figure now visible behind the maester as he left. There stood Aegon, holding Jaenara. From the moment she was born, 67 hours ago, your chest filled with dread. You loved her more than anything, and that’s why you immediately worried about what her life would be and how you could keep her safe. All of the excitement, even through Aegon’s treatment of you, ended in an instant. Your newborn daughter in your arms, eyes just like yours, light wisps of silver hair - too soon to tell if it would be dark like yours or light like Aemond’s - everything came crashing down. Then you had a nightmare that Aegon had murdered Jaenara. Her crib was sitting on the Iron Throne and Aegon burned her using Sunfyre. His eyes were wild with anger, hatred, and fear.  After that, you refused to sleep, preferring to keep watch over your baby. You had just fallen asleep for probably ten minutes after hours of being awake. That’s when Aegon finally came to visit.
At first, Aemond’s heart skipped a beat. You had told him about your nightmares, but he was assured they would go away once you finally stopped nursing. However, as Aegon made his way to the foot of your bed, Aemond realized his brother would not hurt his daughter. Jaenara started crying and you reached for her, but Aegon turned away, making you whimper. Aegon only smirked at your distress. Aegon and Aemond had a staring match, but when your nipples started leaking, Aegon giggled. “Have you had a taste, yet, brother?” Aemond was obviously confused, so Aegon tilted his head in your direction.
Aemond looked, but he wasn’t amused. Wet patches were appearing on your shift. Aemond held out his hand to his brother. “Give her to me.”
Aegon sighed and looked at his niece, “Your father is such a bore.” Aegon handed her to Aemond who turned her over to you.
Aegon snorted, “You should give your precious daughter to a wet-nurse and ask your husband to alleviate the pain in your breasts. It’s better for all of you.”
Aemond stood in front of his brother as you began nursing baby Jaenara. “You are incredibly lucky that she has barely slept in three days and before that, she was in labour for fifteen hours. She is a new mother. You should be ashamed of yourself. If she were in her right mind—”
“What?” Aegon squared his shoulders. “What would your traitorous wife do, I wonder?”
Aemond mirrored his brother. “What are you talking about?”
Aegon gave a smile and patted Aemond on the arm. “I’m only joking, brother. She has only once ever stepped out of line, and changed my mind through doing so. And with her married to you, Prince Aemond Targaryen, the King’s brother, she secures us the vast country of Sothoryos and every dragon they have. Not to mention everything else she’s done for me.”
You spoke through gritted teeth, “Stop talking about me as though I’m not here.”
Aemond clenched his jaw. “Hmm. And Jaenara, Aegon? What of my daughter?”
“I would never hurt your babe. You’re both much too paranoid. I’ll tell the maester to send milk of the poppy so you can get some rest.”
You clutched Jaenara to your body. “No.”
Aegon only rolled his eyes. “As you wish.” He quietly strutted out of your bedchamber.
Aemond sat next to you in the bed and took your hand. “Maybe he’s right, my love. You need to sleep.”
“No, Aemond, please.”
“It was only a dream. Sweetling, what use are you to her if you’re exhausted?” You hated to admit that he was right, but you squeezed his hand in response. He kissed your temple. “I promise I will watch her every second you rest. I won’t take my eye off of her. I’ll even stay with the wet-nurse while she eats.” 
You shifted your body, unsure. 
“I swear on Vhagar.”
You bit your bottom lip and looked into his eye. You saw nothing but love, adoration, and worry. There was a circle under his eye. Maybe not as bad as yours, but you knew the stress was already getting to him and he was still offering to watch Jaenara while you slept. “When she’s finished.”
“Of course.” 
As soon as Jaenara transitioned to a wetnurse and you got your strength back, you took the most amazing bath in preparation for a ritual with the two fertile eggs from the clutch Molca laid. 
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One was Jaenara’s and one would be your future child’s. The ritual was to offer thanks and begin the bonding process to your bloodline. It would prevent the eggs from hatching for anyone other than you or your children, unless it was given to someone else by you. You had done similar rituals with Molcajete and even Gaelithox, to deepen your bond with them. It was also how you communicated when a battle was coming. 
Though it was usually done in private, Aemond was allowed to watch so he could learn it for himself.
As the preceding fall of Harrenhal had been bloodless, the Battle of the Burning Mill was the first true battle in the civil war between opposing armies in the field.
House Blackwood declared for Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen when war broke out, while House Bracken supported her half-brother, King Aegon II Targaryen. Lord Samwell Blackwood sent raiders into Bracken lands, causing Ser Amos Bracken to march on Blackwood territory in response. The Blackwoods surprised the Brackens while they were camped by a mill near the Red Fork.
Amos slew Lord Blackwood in single combat during the ensuing battle. The Bracken knight was himself slain by a weirwood arrow said to have been fired by Samwell's sister, Alysanne. The mill was put to the torch during the hours of fighting. Ser Raylon Rivers eventually led the Bracken survivors in retreat to Stone Hedge, but the Bracken castle had been taken in the meantime by Prince Daemon Targaryen.
Mere months after the birth of your first daughter, you conceived your second daughter, Nymeria. Right around the time of the Taking of Stone Hedge. It wasn’t planned, but you preferred it over fighting with the enemy.
You were walking into your chamber, anticipating a pleasant evening later on, after a sundown ride on Molca. You were never allowed to go far from King’s Landing, but you made the best of the situation.
You were having a day without the responsibility of looking after Jaenara for an evening. You watched Aemond train for a while, as he did almost daily, then you retired to your apartments. You thought about how he started with unarmed combat, then switched to the blade. You knew how his fingers felt and could imagine the grip he used with the sword. The calluses he had built on his hands during this training were the same you feel when he caresses you. Yours weren’t as prominent as his. You looked through one of your windows, into the distance. At nothing, really. You loved how his hands’ grip feels strong and secure, whether they were playfully wrapped around your wrists or neck, or grasping your hips as he took you from behind. You remembered the way they felt when they teased your folds and your clit. Your core throbbed and you whimpered at the thought. While you were daydreaming at your window, Aemond had walked in behind you. He’d heard you whimper and decided to announce his presence by putting his hands on your shoulders and guiding you to turn. 
He was still sweaty from the yard, but you didn’t really care about that. He still had that confident look he got from a particularly good fight. You decided to tease him, running your hands down his chest, sliding them to his belt. You felt him stiffen in his clothes, and you went to your knees. All you could think about was having him in your mouth. You loosened his trousers and fished out his cock. It was proudly standing tall, already waiting for you.
You started by licking around the crown, taking his head slowly into your mouth. You could feel it throb with his desire, it almost felt like you could tell how much he was holding back so that he could enjoy the feeling of being inside of your mouth. You slowly slid the rest in, and spent some time kneeling in front of him, playing with his stones and caressing his cock with your tongue. He hummed his appreciation at the pleasure you were giving him while he finished undressing. He pulled back and your mouth felt empty, it’s not really what you wanted to be feeling at that particular moment. You wanted his spend in your mouth.
Aemond pulled you up and lead you to the bed, undressing you as he did so. He pushed you forward up onto the bed but held you back so you wouldn’t get too far away from him, as you were then kneeling on the bed. He slid behind you and ran his hands up to your neck. It was as though he had read what was on your mind earlier. He lightly grasped your neck while you leaned back into his chest. Aemond could smell your hair and the scent you put on that morning, he could feel your hair down his chest. He turned his head to kiss you as his hand slid down to your tits.
You felt his callouses as he teased your nipples. They were as erect as he was. You love having them teased. His rough skin on yours made you tingle in anticipation of what he was about to do. He ran them lower to your seam, and found your clit. He knew exactly where to touch you to make you come undone. You could feel him press against your ass the whole time, and he moved down to get a better angle with your pussy. 
His right hand still played with you but his left guided in his cock. He knelt behind you to gently fuck into you. You leaned forward almost into a proper dog position so he had a better angle for thrusting. His right hand held on to your hips, his left brushed around your shoulders and he took you that way until you both found release.
Amos Bracken was slain in the Battle of the Burning Mill, and Ser Raylon Rivers led the green survivors back to Bracken territory.
They returned to Stone Hedge only to find that it had been captured in their absence by Prince Daemon Targaryen, riding his dragon Caraxes, and Prince Baelor Belaerys on Coatlicue had led a strong host of Darrys, Freys, Pipers, and Rootes to the Brackens' castle. The blacks quickly stormed the castle. Humfrey was captured, along with his remaining children, his third wife, and his lowborn paramour. When Raylon returned to Stone Hedge, he yielded to Daemon, ending any green strength in the riverlands.
A month after the birth of your second daughter, Nymeria, you received word from your father that he was abdicating. No one knew it at the time, but it was only a plan to allow you to leave King’s Landing. The real plan was to go to Essos for a while, then come back.
Aegon stared at his brother. “You want me to allow you to leave, but not to fight? Why?” 
Aemond handed the scroll to Criston. He looked at the Belaerys sigil on the wax seal and broke it open. “‘King & Maegor Coatl Belaerys will abdicate his throne…’” He finished reading. “‘To spend time with his grandchildren’? What kind of King chooses to give up the crown before he dies?”
“He was injured. Perhaps the thought of dying made him aware he didn’t spend much time with his children and he wants to spend time with his younger children and his children’s children with what time he has left.” Aemond only hoped Aegon would buy the story. 
“It’s only natural,” Aemond said to Aegon. Focusing his words only on his brother, it was only his approval he needed.
He hoped any of the sober people there didn’t question this too deeply. Criston eyed Aemond suspiciously.
“So we now have another Queen in our court.” Aegon didn’t seem to understand as he had been drunk since breakfast.
“Your Grace,” Criston started. “It wouldn’t be wise to keep a Queen away from her people. It would be best to send her back home. We can send escorts.”
“Leave. Everyone except The Hand.”
Everyone left, though Aemond was last.
“If we send her home, who will take her spot on the HIgh Council?”
Criston sighed, “She can send someone to take her place, but we cannot risk starting a second war with a much bigger country when we are in the midst of a war in your own kingdom. Send her away and be done with it.”
“And Aemond?”
“He is her husband. He will have to go with her.”
“We can’t lose one of our best fighters and the biggest dragon during this war with the Blacks.”
“It’s not worth the fight, my King.”
Aegon looked back at Cole through his drunken haze, looking like he wished to protest that last comment.
The King swallowed his words, and stood quickly. He started walking out of the room, swaying as he did so.
“Fine.” Aegon said in a quiet voice. “Let them go.”
You had only just arrived back in Westeros for a week and traveling with a newborn was tiresome, but necessary. You flew Molcajete above Dragonstone, close enough to be spotted. You knew your brother, Baelor, would recognize it was Molca based on her description. That would be enough to prevent an attack. Then you flew your dragon northwest to The Mountains of the Moon. You had a secret messenger send word to Dragonstone, addressed to Queen Rhaenyra, that you wish to meet with someone and help to put and end to the war. When you were able to meet with Rhaenyra, you informed her Aemond was also coming. The court took this news and spread it like wildfire.
When you passed word you and Aemond were coming to Dragonstone, the first thing someone said to you was “Are you sure he’s not spying for Aegon?” You knew he would never betray you. Those claims of Aemond possibly being a spy were repeated all day around Dragonstone, you never heard the Queen or the Prince Consort participating in this gossip but you hoped it would at least give everyone no need to panic when they saw Vhagar.
You flew over the mountains looking for a sign that someone was coming. You didn’t expect to see Caraxes flying toward you. You readied yourself for a fight, then Daemon landed Caraxes on a nearby cliff, which was too small for your dragon. Probably on purpose. Once Daemon’s dragon flew away, you dismounted from your dragon with the purple rope, while she held her spot the best she could. Daemon didn’t look impressed, but you weren’t impressed by him either. He met you at the cliff.
You greeted him. “Prince Consort.”
“Why haven’t you proclaimed Rhaenyra as your Queen? In fact, it seems you feel quite the opposite when you marry our enemies.”
“I, myself, will be a queen some day. I can make treaties and create allies, but I cannot call anyone my Queen or King, save for my father, the King of Sothoryos.” You considered your situation, though. “Regardless if King Viserys did change his mind at the end, I don’t believe that words on the deathbed or while partially conscious should be considered as truth. He repeatedly said the opposite for years - even the day of his death - while of clear mind. Rhaenyra deserves her crown.”
“And what of her sons?”
“The ones with dark hair and eyes?” Daemon clenched his teeth, expecting you to say something offensive, but he didn’t know you. “Neither I, nor would my people, care about who the father was. Rhaenyra is the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, the heir, and she brought them into the world. And even if they are bastards, they aren’t treated like bastards where I’m from. I am a bastard, myself.”
“Why didn’t your parents simply marry before you were born?”
“They were fighting a war. My father, physically. My mother physically, until the fourth month of her pregnancy. There wasn’t time.”
“Where are your daughters?”
“With four guards.”
Daemon “Rhaenyra doesn’t want you or your children dead. Just Aemond. Perhaps, if she kills him, I can take up the old traditions and wed you, too.”
“Perhaps, if there were no enmity between us, you could take up Loicato traditions and I could wed you both.” Daemon tilted his head at you, to which you replied, “We could build an empire on our joined family and the dragons we create.”
“Are you offering to bear my child? Because I know for a fact that Rhaenyra will never bed Aemond.” You nodded in acknowledgement. “Is that something you dream of, often?”
You walked towards him as you talked, “Not the empire part. I’d rather go home to Sothoryos and keep to myself, but if it keeps my beloved husband alive, I will do anything.”
“Like become a whore?”
It was your turn to laugh. “Every day, I find it more and more curious that you Westerosi are so obsessed with what goes on between a woman’s legs.” You stopped when you were a few feet away. “I haven’t been a maid for a long time and, even then, it wasn’t against my will. I will be a queen. I don’t need to be whore.” You started circling him. “Where I’m from, if a person is not consenting, they are given the opportunity to castrate the person who violated them in front of as many people as possible. To show what the punishment is for rape.” You stepped as close to him as possible without touching him. “Eight lovers later, I’ve yet to be paid for it.”
Daemon grabbed your throat, but he didn’t put much force behind it, “So you’re an… Ilībio.” (‘Slut’.)  His other hand grazed your face. “And you consider yourself safe with me?”
“Molca isn’t far.” The distant sound of your dragon’s roar could he heard.
Daemon poked his knife into your ribs. “I could probably gut you before she got here.”
You touched his armour. Your fingers glowed orange and heated the metal. “And Valyrians are known for their magic.” When he grunted from the pain, you stopped. “You wouldn’t have wasted time talking to me if you were going to kill me. You know I’m not a threat.” Your thumb, now back to normal, traced his bottom lip. “I believe you have other things on your mind.”
“Are you trying to bewitch me?”
“I don’t know any magic that can make someone do something against their will. It is against our Sothoryi ways.” Daemon pulled you flush to his body and you felt his hardened bulge. “You definitely have something else on your mind.”
Daemon kissed you, hand moving to the back of your neck, and you indulged for a few seconds. You knew that if he were present, Aemond would probably just roll his eye. You pulled away, then you smirked at him and sat in your own area to read a book. ‘A game.’ Daemon thought. That made him more interested than ever. Perhaps, as a princess, you needed to have your own fun sometimes. 
You ignored him the rest of the wait for Aemond to arrive. A short while later, you heard the beat of a massive dragon’s wings on the wind. It can only be Vhagar finally approaching you. Aemond didn’t have a dismounting rope as you did. He would have to land Vhagar somewhere and walk. He wouldn’t be happy.
Once Aemond arrived, he immediately felt the playful tension between you and Daemon. That playfulness  quickly changed when you saw Aemond. You stood from your spot and walked to him. Daemon watched as Aemond kissed your temple in greeting. You hadn’t been apart for long, but he felt the need to kiss you. It seemed you would all be arriving separately and you he could tell you were on edge.
“I deeply apologize for that day above Shipbreaker Bay.” Aemond said. “I do regret it.”
“Be that as it may, my son almost lost his life.” Rhaenyra stated. “He lost his dragon.”
“It was a regrettable mistake.”
You were standing in front of Rhaenyra, too and you interrupted. “If you need to see it, in order to understand what happened, I can show you.”
“I am not going to let you fill my head with magic. You could show me anything and call it true.” 
You responded, “Your Grace, I have no inclination to show you falsehoods or mislead you now.” You knelt in front of her, “As my brother before me, I pledge House Belaerys and, as many fighters as volunteer to fight in this war, to Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen. She smiled at you, a gentle smile that you had not seen from her yet, using a small gesture to invite you to rise from your knee. 
“Thank you.” She followed up by asking what led you to take this step to fight with the Blacks.
“It’s a very long answer, though not a complicated one.”
“Tell me the core of it.”
“The Greens are using everything they can to turn the people against you. I know you did not send those murderers after a Jaehaerys. Even if Lucerys was killed, it would be Aemond you go after. We knew Luke wasn’t dead. Even if he was, it wouldn’t serve you any purpose to kill Jaehaerys. And, with what little I know of you, I don’t believe that you do anything without a clear purpose in mind. I’ve only had a taste of what you must have suffered your whole life and I can tell that many hours have been spoken only with your sex in mind. You are the rightful Queen. I am not going home without ensuring the true heir sits on the throne.”
“Thank you, Princess. It means a great deal that you would pledge yourself me, if only for this war. I am very grateful.”
“It’s not entirely why. I know what they have planned for my people and my home. I will not sit back and allow them to take our dragons & exploit our resources so they can become the next great empire.”
Everyone around the table looked at each other. They had heard about the High Council, but not what they had planned.
“And Lucerys is welcome to any dragon egg or wild dragon that he can claim.”
Daemon later offered to see what happened between Lucerys and Aemond. 
You performed the ritual. Involving mixing your blood and his in wine blessed by a red priestess.
“Teomeh…” You took out your obsidian blade. “Xitlapouki in kauitlaxotlalli.” 
“What are you saying?”
Aemond answered for you, “She’s asking the gods for help…”
You cut your hand and bled into the cup & on top of one candle. “Nik noittalis.”
When you held out your hand, Daemon hesitated, but eventually gave you his own hand. You sliced his palm and bled him into the goblet and over the second candle. “Nechmaka in uelilistli. Nik itta in nelli.”
“She’s asking to see the truth of the past.”
You lit each candle and poured the wine into the goblet. “Iuan kipano ipan.”
“And to pass it on.”
You picked up the goblet and drank half of the contents, then you handed it to Daemon. “Drink the rest.” He did as you bid him. When he sat the cup down, you blew out the candles.
Flashes of light danced in front of Daemon’s eyes. He saw everything as it happened, and that led to you joining their fight.
The Sack of Duskendale took place at Duskendale in the crownlands.
Following the assault on Harrenhal, the Battle of the Burning Mill, and the taking of Stone Hedge, Criston advised moving against the "traitors" that had bent the knee to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. While House Velaryon and House Celtigar were unreachable, the "black" lords whose land were on the mainland had no protection against Aegon's loyalists.
First they reached Rosby and Stokeworth, whose lords were blacks but had been captured in King's Landing during the initial coup, and agreed to bend the knee in order to spare their own lives. Having secured their submission, Aegon II's host passed bloodlessly through both castles and even added their strength to his own. In addition to dragons (Sunfyre & Tessarion), Aegon II and Criston Cole marched out of King's Landing with 100 knights, 500 men-at-arms, and three times as many sellswords: thus about 2,400 in total. The forced addition of men from Rosby and Stokeworth would have increased this to slightly under 3,000 men by the time they reached Duskendale.
While Duskendale was a walled port town, it was caught completely by surprise and unprepared. It quickly fell to Aegon II's forces and was sacked, while the ships at the harbor were set afire. Lord Gunthor Darklyn was beheaded for treason. Most of his household knights submitted to Aegon, although a few decided to follow Gunthor in death.
After the sack was complete, Criston moved the loyalist forces to Rook's Rest, seat of House Staunton. Unlike Duskendale, by this time they had forewarning of Aegon II's advance and barred the castle gates, leading to a siege while the greens despoiled the surrounding lands. This climaxed in the large Battle of Rook's Rest.
3 months after the birth of your second daughter Nymeria was Rook’s Rest.
After you and Aemond left King’s Landing, Aegon never expected to see you again. He had no clue that Molcajete and Vhagar were hidden away. He had no idea that you had been training almost nonstop to get your strength back after two childbirths. Not that you ever stopped training completely, but you had slowed significantly. 
Ser Criston Cole, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and the new Hand of the King to Aegon II Targaryen, devised a more aggressive strategy for the greens than his predecessor as Hand, Ser Otto Hightower. Criston planned a trap for the blacks at Rook's Rest, while also forcing the submission of the nearby crownlands houses that were allied with Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. But Aemond was also planning a trap.
Criston Cole marched out of King's Landing with 100 knights, 500 men-at-arms, and three times as many sellswords: thus about 2,400 in total. Lord Rosby and Lord Stokeworth had recently submitted to Aegon to avoid execution in King's Landing, and Criston forced them to prove their loyalty by adding the strength of Rosby and Stokeworth to the green host. The army was thus slightly under 3,000 men in strength by the time they reached Duskendale. 
Lord Staunton had been forewarned of the approach of Ser Criston's army. He closed the gates of Rook's Rest, but was unable to prevent Criston from burning his fields or killing his smallfolk and livestock. When supplies in Rook's Rest began to run low, Lord Staunton asked for assistance from Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, sending a raven to Dragonstone. 
You knew you had to fight against the greens, with the blacks and your brother, Baelor. But you believed that Aemond would never fight against his family and you didn’t ask him to. Instead, you asked him to make sure Jaenara and Nymeria were safe. You didn’t know it at the time, but Aemond decided he couldn’t stand the thought of sitting out of this fight when you would be out there risking your life. He left the girls with Jaera and readied himself. You had already left, but Aemond had a plan. He would retrieve both of your dragons and show up after the fight began.
Queen Rhaenyra's sons, Jacaerys & Joffrey Velaryon, were eager to join the fight atop their dragons, Vermax and Tyraxes. However, Rhaenyra only allowed Jacaerys to go. Nine days after Staunton's message, You, Rhaenys Targaryen, and Jace, along with their dragons arrived above Rook's Rest to aid Lord Staunton. You were riding with Rhaenys.
You and your bannermen, as well as some of those from the Blacks, blew your death whistles (ehecachichtli). They were medium sized skull-shaped objects made from ceramic. Hundreds of them all at once sounded like terrified screaming. It wasn’t a dragon roar, but it was disturbing. Your people called it the ‘Shriek of Death’. 
Aemond could hear the sounds from his position. He didn’t know what they were and it scared him. It sounded like thousands of people screaming, but it was so loud and he tried not to focus on the sound. As soon as you left, he readied himself for the battle. He felt so alone in that moment. Worried about his wife and daughters. Worried of what would become of his family. He had left the dogs, too. They couldn’t fight anyway. So he waited until he heard the battle begin. Then he did as you taught him. He closed his eye and focused on calling Vhagar. He knew Molcajete would follow, as they were practically inseparable now. He didn’t know how long it would take, but he hoped he would make it before anyone on the battlefield recognized your fighting style. Aegon would kill you for joining the blacks. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Criston was prepared for dragons, and had his archers and scorpions fire at them. The dragons were largely unharmed by these attacks, and they responded by burning Criston's soldiers with dragonfire. While you dismounted from Meleys, you prepared for battle on foot.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Criston Cole then sprung his trap. King Aegon II Targaryen appeared in the sky atop their dragons, Sunfyre, and attacked. The four dragons fought a thousand feet above the field. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
You were fighting on the battlefield, dressed in the new armour given to you by Rhaenyra. Aemond saw you earlier that morning, with your purple war paint, and teeth dyed cochineal red — an intimidating sight — with your macuahuitl and another weapon at your side. 
Aegon saw you fighting and he saw red. He immediately swooped down on Sunfyre. You were attacked again by another green knight. After you killed him, you tripped and hurt your ankle. When you got up, you grabbed your macuahuitl and started limping away to continue the fight. Just before Sunfyre released his flame on you, Coatlicue, your brother’s dragon, wrapped her jaws around Sunfyre’s neck. You heard Sunfyre cry out as Coatlicue connected her teeth to his flesh and you looked up. Seeing your brother’s armour atop his dragon alerted you to how close they were. You were almost run through with a sword, but you jumped back just in time and ended the man’s life. Aemond saw it all happen, but he was too far away. Then Molca flew overhead and when she landed, you ran to her and climbed her ladder.
Aemond flew around the battlefield. He was happy you were safe, but he was also worried about his brother, Aegon. Regardless what they had planned for Sothoryos, they were still his family.
You knew you had to get in between Baelor and Aegon. You waited for an opening and made your move. Your brother’s bigger dragon was about to deal a fatal blow to Aegon when you got in between them. “No!”
“This is a man who has kept you in King’s Landing, against your will. A traitor and usurper!”
Behind you, while you were arguing with your brother, Aegon was about to attack you again, Sunfyre reared back, about to burn both you and your brother, but Molcajete turned her head toward Aegon & Sunfyre and roared. You looked at him, completely unbothered by his presence. Molca could easily do to Aegon & Sunfyre what everyone thought Aemond did to Lucerys. “Leave or I’ll let her kill you.”
Aemond watched as you allowed his brother to leave. Sunfyre rose into the sky again. 
Meleys caught up to Sunfyre, who was clearly struggling, maybe panicked, if a dragon can be. Aegon looked equally panicked atop the dragon. He was attempting to get the dragon under control to get away from the battle, and even with your mercy, battles are chaotic. Rhaenys didn’t see what had happened. She didn’t see you let Aegon go. She only saw the enemy in an exposed position. Her dragon took the opportunity to approach Sunfyre from above. You heard from the distance, “Dracarys!”
The attacking dragon let out a stream of flame until Sunfyre abruptly attempted to pull up. Sunfyre’s wing caught in the other’s mouth and tore. The screams of pain from Sunfyre would echo for decades after in the nightmares of every witness. Sunfyre had one wing half torn from his body. Aegon suffered severe burns and fell to his death. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Aemond saw his brother’s last fall. He knew this would tear out his mother’s heart. He didn’t want to spend any more time than he had to here any longer.
The Green army almost entirely ceased hostilities when they saw their king fall. You knew it would have been a quick enough death, no lingering in the halfway point for weeks on end as you’ve seen before. You found Aemond on the field and held him tightly.
Ser Criston Cole lost almost all of his soldiers to dragonfire and fighting. Rhaenyra took the iron throne. Sunfyre, was flightless and it was decided that they would take him to Sothoryos for as long as his life was full. Eventually, Alicent understood that it was only a miscommunication about Aegon’s flight, it wasn’t your intent to get him killed. 
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demxters · 1 year
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frat!bradley bradshaw x f!reader
dagger squad college!au
summary: bradley meets the girl he believes to be his good luck charm at a party. the only problem is, he doesn't have a clue who she is or how to find her again.
wc: 2.1k
warning(s): 18+, fem!reader, no y/n (reader goes by nickname clover), a wild jake and ace appears, explicit swearing, alcohol, college parties, slight nudity, tattoos
the lucky one masterlist || find on ao3
You hated your ex with a passion. You knew what he was doing the second you saw his arm around Allison freaking Simpson. Not only was she the dean’s daughter, but she was also one of the top students of their class. 
In other words, she was everything you were not. Your ex was trying to prove a point and you hated that it was working.
Deep breathes, you remind yourself, thinking back to the meditation classes you took over the summer. 
Your eye twitches at the sound of Allison’s obviously over exaggerated giggles. Tyler Jacobs was not that funny. 
“He’s not worth your time,” a soft voice from beside you interrupts your glaring.
It was a girl you recognized from your classes over the years. Quiet, yet incredibly smart and snarky when need be. You’ve never actually talked to her much, but she was thoughtful and much more tolerable than a majority of your peers. 
“You used to date Tyler Jacobs, right?” Apparently, she was also very observant. 
You cringe at that. “Unfortunately.”
She hums, before returning her gaze to her notes. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you could do much better.” 
Now that makes you laugh. “Thanks,” you send her a genuine smile. 
You knew she was right. You could do so much better. Tyler was all you’ve known. Dating since high school, prom king and queen, the whole cliche. You just needed to expand your horizons. 
After another grueling hour and a half of listening to your professor talk about god knows what, you’re more than relieved to finally be released from class. 
The girl beside you packs up with haste, almost like she has somewhere to be. 
“Hey, Ace, tell that boyfriend of yours that he can suck my dick!” Tyler yells after her. 
“Go screw yourself, Jacobs,” she replies with a flash of her finger. 
You wrap your arm around her, noticing the tension in her shoulders as you deliberately announce, “I’ve seen it and trust me, your boyfriend would not be impressed.” 
The people around you snicker, making Tyler’s face turn red, and you smirk in satisfaction. 
The girl, who you remember was called Ace, is laughing as you guide her out of the lecture hall. 
“His face was priceless!” Ace says between laughs. 
You shrug with a smile. “I only said what’s true!” 
Ace shakes her head. “Amazing.”
A call of her name distracts her, and you both turn to see a tall, blond man jogging toward the both of you. 
You won’t lie. He was incredibly good looking. But the way his gaze was set on Ace told you all you needed to know. “The boyfriend, I’m assuming?” 
He wraps Ace up in his arms and she playfully rolls her eyes at his display of affection. 
“The one and only,” he grins. “Jake Seresin, pleasure to meet you. It’s so nice seeing you branch out, Ace. She is so anti-social, I swear,” he murmurs from the side of his mouth. 
She scoffs, smacking her boyfriend on the arm. “Shut up!” 
You laugh along with the duo, your heart aching at how in love they were. Even if they didn’t know it yet, you could tell they would be together for a long time. You had a knack for noticing those kinds of things–relationships that were meant to last and matchmaking. You take pride in the fact that you were the one to set up your old high school math teacher with your favorite art teacher. Now, they were happily married and had two kids with one more on the way. 
The one person you were unable to help in the love department, however, was yourself. How absolutely ironic. 
You used to think Tyler Jacobs was the one. You imagined the two of you growing old together, having kids, and telling them the stories of how the two of you fell in love. Being with him since your freshman year of high school and knowing him since kindergarten made you truly believe that he was the love of your life. 
Up until a month ago, when everything came crashing down and everything you thought you knew turned out to be a lie.
“Hey, you should come to the Delta Chi party this weekend,” Jake offers, noticing the sudden lull in conversation. 
Ace nods with a smile. “Yeah, something to take your mind off that ex of yours.” 
You eye Jake, unable to contain your growing grin. “A frat party?” 
Jake winks. “Only the best frat on campus.” 
Ace was right, you needed to take your mind off Tyler. You wanted to prove that you didn’t need him–that you never did. Besides, when did you ever say no to a party? “Alright, I’ll be there.” 
»»————- ♣︎ ————-««
You’ve been to so many parties, the sweaty bodies and loud music no longer deter you. 
Pushing your way through the crowd, you say hi to some familiar faces as you make your way to the drinks. 
One of the Delta Chi guys gives you a cup full of cheap beer, which you gladly accept. You continue to wander around the house, only being there once before. With Tyler. 
Just even thinking of him makes you nauseous. Downing the rest of your cup, you go back to the keg, desperate for another drink. 
Two becomes three. 
Three becomes four. 
Until, eventually, you’ve lost count and the only thing you can feel is the warmth of the alcohol and the beating of the bass in your chest. 
You hardly remember Tyler and Allison nor the aching heartbreak you’ve been going through for over a month now. 
It was just you and the dance floor. And maybe a few frat guys and sorority girls you didn’t know the names of but danced with anyways. 
Your cup was empty again and you groaned at the realization. You stumble your way back to the drink station, no longer able to control your heavy footsteps and swinging limbs. 
Your vision is so hazy that you don’t see the body you haphazardly bump into. 
“Holy shit!” the person says as you catch yourself on the table. 
He turns around with wide, doe-like eyes. Even through the horribly lit area and hue from the alcohol, you could tell that the guy in front of you was hot. His slightly curly hair was plastered to his forehead through the sheen of sweat that glistened on his skin. You could tell he was muscular, even under the ridiculous Hawaiian shirt he was wearing. And his eyes… you couldn’t pinpoint the exact color they were due to the poor lighting, but they were what you would describe as kind. 
He gapes at you like a fish out of water. You catch yourself giggling at his flustered state. 
“Are you some kind of good luck charm or something?” He blurts out. 
“What?” you slur. You boldly grab his forearm in order to steady yourself from swaying too much. You bite your tongue to hold back a sigh as the smell of cinnamon and faint cologne floods your senses. 
“I said, are you some kind of good luck charm or something? Because I just won that shit!” He gestures sloppily to the table where a game of beer pong was set up. 
“No way!” You bounce on your toes, feeling giddy from the excitement oozing off the guy in front of you. 
He nods vigorously. “I was about to make that shot, but then you bumped into me and I still got it in. That was awesome. You are a good luck charm! You’re like a… like a…”
Your eyes light up as he continues to think. “Like a four leafed clover?” 
He snaps his fingers. “Yeah!” 
A mischievous grin tugs at your lips while your fingers tug your shirt upwards. Rolling the loose tee you have on so it’s resting just right above your bra, you turn. “You mean like this?” 
His gaze zeroes in on the image inked below your right breast, on the edge of your rib cage. There lies a delicately etched four leaf clover. 
The tug in your chest is palpable. The pull this guy has on you is strange, yet welcomed. It was unlike anything you’ve felt before, even with Tyler. You wanted to beckon him closer. You wanted him to take his fingers on his large hand and delicately trace the outline of where you are most vulnerable. 
Your grip on your shirt loosens as it rolls back down your chest to your abdomen, suddenly feeling self conscious of how forward you were. Great, you just met the guy and now you’re gonna scare him away.  
He opens his mouth to speak, gaze glancing back up to meet yours, clearly rendered speechless by the unexpected action before him. 
“Yo, Rooster! Come on, someone’s trying to beat your time on the keg!” 
He’s interrupted by another guy who shakes his shoulders and pulls him away without another word. 
He gives you one last look over his shoulder, one apologetic and full of longing before you lose him in the crowd. 
Rooster. What a strange nickname. 
You just hope your sober self remembers it tomorrow. 
»»————- ♣︎ ————-««
Bradley can’t tell if the pounding is in his head or coming from his bedroom door. His head feels like a bowling ball and he can barely open his eyes without feeling like he was getting stabbed through his skull. 
He rolls over, throwing his pillow over his head. He prays that whoever is on the other side of the door gets the hint and leaves him alone. 
Much to his dismay, the person ends up inviting themself in anyway. 
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! Welcome back to the land of the living,” Jake’s irritating Texas drawl rings through his ears. 
Bradley groans, tossing his pillow lamely at him. “Go. Away.” 
“No can do, Bradshaw. Up! Up! Up!” He shouts, clapping his hands in front of Bradley’s face like a drill sergeant. 
Bradley wishes it were Jake in his place right now. In another time, it was Jake that was in his place. Bradley would be the one ushering him and his latest fling out of bed. When he started dating Ace, Jake changed. She straightened him up—made him lose the fuck boy act and be more respectful. Now it was time for Jake to have his fun. He hates how much Jake is enjoying Bradley being on the other end of the stick. 
“Go away before I rip your dick off,” Bradley threatens with narrowed eyes. 
Jake doesn’t take Bradley’s comment the way he wanted him to. His cackle and the rush of sunlight that enters the room makes Bradley whine pathetically. Even with his eyes squeezed shut, the light from outside was burning through his eyelids. 
“Reuben cooked breakfast. Hurry up if you want to eat anything other than bread crusts,” Jake announces before, not so softly, shutting his bedroom door. 
Bradley throws his pillow back over his head to block out all the light and sighs. Every time they host a party, he swears that he won’t drink too much. And every time without fail, he ends up blackout drunk and in bed with a sorority girl. Which is why he’s surprised that, for once, he can actually remember the night before. There wasn’t much significance to last night. Just like any other Friday, Delta Chi was throwing another rager. All his friends were there as well as the usual sororities. However, last night at the beer pong table was embedded into his mind. 
He could still smell the perfume of the girl he recalls being his good luck charm. He could see her bright smile and the tattoo she willingly flashed at him. A dopey smile tugs at his lips as he reminisces about last night. 
His euphoric haze is cut short when he realizes he never even got your name. Bradley didn’t know who you were or who you were with. He finds himself getting more of a headache trying to remember if he has ever seen you at any of the Greek life events on campus. He doubts you were in a sorority. He’s sure he would’ve remembered seeing a face like yours. 
The best thing he could do is ask if anyone knew a girl with a clover tattoo, but even that would probably get him nowhere. 
The pounding in his chest didn’t settle as he continued to relive the interaction from the night before. If only he hadn’t been pulled away by Omaha, he probably would’ve mustered up enough courage to get your name and number. He maybe would have even asked you out on a date. But he was whisked away in an instant. After the fiasco at the keg, Bradley wandered around the house trying to find you, with absolutely no luck. He didn’t understand what it was, but he was convinced that he needed to see you again. He had to. 
Even in his hung over state of mind, Bradley was on a mission. First, he was going to sober up and shower. Then was going to find his four leafed clover. 
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this one is dedicated to @blue-aconite for this fic and clover wouldn’t exist without you, ily <;3
a/n: i hope you’re all as excited for bradley and clover as i am. im super stoked to introduce them into the ‘loving you universe’ and for you all to see where their story leads them. as always, the inbox is open and comments and reblogs are encouraged and appreciated.
tgm taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @potato-girl99981 @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @breezemood @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me @blueoorchid @aviatorobsessed @blackwidownat2814 @hallecarey1 @averagereader35 @laneylovesglen @atarmychick007 @kajjaka @urfavelocagirl @clancycumber230 @memeorydotcom @kmc1989 @percysaidnever @thestarspangledcaptain
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janayuga · 8 months
any idea for the 2 ancients golden cheese and hollyberry In the (modern au).
Like how hollyberry is a grandma to princess and tiger lily. And is wild berry going to be a grandchild to hollyberry in the au.
Hollyberry rival with pitaya dragon as high school rivals?
Golden cheese as a rich and famous model?
Just throwing out idea.
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So- this is still a a bit barebones so things might change, but so far for Holly her relationship with Royal Berry, Jungle Berry, Tiger Lily, Princess and Wildberry remains the same.
The only difference being that Wildberry is her biological son.
My friend had the awesome idea of Holly being pretty known in the area they live in since her family owns a local, very successful orchard (berries duh).
And yes, absolutely her and Pitaya are old rivals (lovers maybe…?)
Golden Cheese is a bit simpler. She owns an IT company, is single and childless by choice bc she is like- *the cool wine-aunt* ever. We love an Aro-Ace Queen.
Since this AU timejumps alot, ages can be a bit confusing. But I’d say they vary between 40-50 for ancients.
145 notes · View notes
hellhoundvv · 11 months
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Hot, Wet, Sticky Sweet
Chapter one: She's got the peaches, He's got the cream
"Holy shit..."
It was all Eddie Munson could breathe out, his eyes widening at the unexpected display he pulls up to.
After carting around the Hellfire kids and driving out to the Hideout to play with Corroded Coffin the night before, he was in desperate need of filling up his van. The Indiana heat was brutal today, the end of summer deciding to go out in a fiery bang before fall.
The distorted waves coming off the broken up asphalt are a testament alone to that fact, along with the thin sheen of sweat sticking Eddie's black tank top to his back. Except now, there was a whole new reason to be sweating his ass off.
Unbeknownst to him, Hawkins High was running a local car wash at the largest gas station in the small town. At least 15 or so of his schoolmates were running the event, something about raising money for a fellow student who had been diagnosed with cancer.
All of the hottest girls in school, and some of the boys were out here today; dressed in such little amounts of clothing, it might as well have been a strip club.
None of the cheerleaders, or queen bees caught Eddie's attention no matter how typically fucking drop dead sexy they were. No, the girl his wide brown eyes lands on and can not be torn away from was one he barely knows.
He's definitely seen her around school before, a senior like him who transferred in just this year. Eddie knows next to nothing about her, other than she's one of the few kids in this Hick town that defies social convention.
The moment he laid eyes on her in his 3rd period home ec class, he was heart eyes to the extreme for her. Eddie wanted nothing more than to have an excuse to go up and talk to her, but her stoic, ice cold resting face always stopped him from approaching her. If she was a bitch then Eddie would have no way of charming her. So he stares at her from afar, hoping one day he would have the courage to talk to her.
Watching all her fellow students and their lines endlessly filling up with cars, while her lane was relatively empty, Eddie feels himself getting a little angry. He knows it's because she was not one of the conventionally attractive girls in their mini skirts and white tops raking in every man with a pulse and a car within a hundred foot radius.
This girl was what other people would say was "fat", but to Eddie she was just divine. He was half way to drooling seeing her in ripped fishnets under a modest pair of black shorts. Eddie huffs out a groan, as she lifts the hem of her soft gray AC/DC shirt that's been diy cropped. She was using the shirt to wipe away a bit of soapy water that had splashed onto her chin, and Eddie didn't have to have the wild imagination he possessed to envision the white, sudsy spray as something far more... erotic.
"Jesus..." Eddie mumbles, trying to catch his breath as he leans forward in his seat. This whole scene was definitely something straight out of one of his wildest fantasies. 
Eddie chokes back a strangled sound, torn between filling up and rushing home to whack it off to that small glimpse of his fantasy girl, or seeing if he was brave enough to bite the bullet and request her services so he can see her even closer.
She was finishing up on a little old ladies car, shocking Eddie to the core as he sees her smiling at the woman. He's still too far away to really study the full wonder of her smiling face, but it doesn't stop his cheeks from warming a bit at the sight.
"Shit," Eddie mutters, as the old lady  drives off, leaving the girls lane empty again. She immediately lets her smile fall, the same bored look on her face that Eddie usually notices her wearing. 
 Suddenly filled with a confidence he never knew existed, Eddie hits the gas. He could just go back home and take care of himself, sure. But there was something so enticing about the thought of being the only one receiving this girl's attention.
Eddie swallows nervously, making his way over to the lane, trying to look as confident as possible despite his trembling hands. 
It's now or fucking never Munson, Eddie tells himself as he gently drives his shitty van up to the girls area. He nervously fiddles with the radio, turning his music down so as not to blast her ears off as she walks over.
He raps along with the drum solo using his fingers on the steering wheel, trying to appear nonchalant even as his throat goes dry the moment she's at his window.
The tap of her black nails on the glass pulls him out of his racing thoughts, and he starts to sputter curses under his breath as he frantically goes to roll down his window.
He's surprised to see her smiling up at him, her lipstick a blood red shade that just make her brown eyes even more alluring.
"Thanks for stopping by today, would you like windows only, or the full wash?"
She has her arms crossed under the heavy swell of her chest, and Eddie swallows the whimper crawling up his throat when he realizes she's most definitely not wearing a bra.
"Um... full wash?" Eddie breathes out, his eyes growing wide as the girl's ample cleavage fills his view. He quickly swallows, doing his best to avoid staring too blatantly, though his gaze keeps sneaking over to her chest.
She was even more cute up close, and Eddie was starting to feel like he would be content just sitting here and staring at her forever. But no, they were at the carwash, so he needs to snap out of it and focus!
"So, um, you think you can handle this junker?" He finds himself asking. 
The girl sweeps her gaze over Eddie's large vehicle, her brows arching up into the soft curtain bangs framing her face. "I hope you don't mind being here for a bit, your car is probably the biggest one I'll wash all day."
God. Eddie doesn't want to see an innuendo where it shouldn't be, but he's so keyed up just from looking at her out here in such tantalizing clothes that he can't help himself.
He sputters, feels his face grow hot as his voice valiantly tries not to crack when he replies, "It's- it's not that big."
Her eyebrows raise even more, the hint of a smirk at the edge of her lips. "Really?" She drawls, and Eddie can feel his stomach twist at the way her tone drops lower, "because from where I'm standing, it looks very, very big to me."
That was it. Eddie realizes his mistake instantly, the teasing glitter in her eyes making him wish the ground would swallow him whole so she wouldn't have to see how pathetically aroused she was making him. 
At her words, his cheeks flush further with a mix of embarrassment and desire. He clears his throat softly, his mind blanking in panic. "Um... I just mean... it's a van..." 
"Well all the same, it's gonna take me a little longer to get your baby nice and clean. You can go and grab some stuff from the gas station, or wait here."
Eddie looks away for a moment, hating how fucking pervy he feels as he realizes how badly he wants to be there the whole time, catching any glimpse he possibly can to file away in the spank bank for later.
He's about to chicken out, just go grab some snacks he doesn't even want to leave her in peace to do her job, when her excited voice breaks him out of his spiral.
"Ride the Lightning, that's a fucking great album."
Eddie's eyes go wide as he looks between her and the cassette player still playing some good ole Metallica. 
His head whips around towards the girl, his eyes widening in surprise that she recognized the song title. "You like Metallica?" Eddie asks incredulously, his jaw dropping open with excitement.
She was already one of the hottest girls he had ever had more than a two second conversation with, but now she's also revealing herself to be a metalhead? He couldn't remember the last time he'd been so infatuated by a person. And god the way she says "Ride the Lightning" in her soft, husky voice was driving him crazy. 
"Oh yeah, big fan. I'm practically salivating for their next album to be released. And you bet my sweet ass I'm going to get tickets when they finally go on tour again."
She's leaning back on her heels as she continues to look up at Eddie. It's then that Eddie notices her chunky platform boots, and even with the added heel height, how short she was. Damn... now that was really fucking cute. 
"Me too! I tried getting tickets for the last few tours, but I never had the money. But this time, I swear I'm going to be first in line."
He watches as she leans back on her heels, her shorts riding up her thighs as she does so. It's damn near impossible to concentrate while staring at her, and he can feel himself growing more and more anxious for the carwash to be over with. He wants her all to himself so he can get better acquainted. 
"That's a fucking tragedy Eddie," the girl says, and for what it's worth she honestly looks like she feels bad that he had missed out. "Their last tour was life changing."
Eddie couldn't really focus on that, though, because his brain was too busy short circuiting over the fact that she actually knew his name. 
"Life changing, huh?" Eddie breathes out, still trying to process how he had become so enamored with this stranger so quickly. At her words about the last tour, he feels a twinge of bitterness at the idea of possibly missing out on this next one.
He can't help but smile a little when she says his name, feeling an intense swell of happiness that she knew he existed. "So... Do you remember my name from home ec or..." Eddie trails off, his head spinning with questions. It was such a small class, he felt it was unlikely she would have noticed him otherwise. 
"Well there's that, but you do realize you've got an infamous reputation at school right? You're always causing a scene in the cafeteria, so it's hard not to remember a guy like Eddie Munson." 
He shrugs, trying to play it cool. "Well, I like to keep things interesting. Gotta give people something to talk about besides the cheerleaders." Eddie watches her draw invisible shapes on the rim of his car window with such sappy affection that he hopes she doesn’t notice. 
"Well you definitely achieved that one, a lot of students have so many bizarre theories about you. I don't believe any of them of course, although I don't think I'd be too upset if you turned out to be a vessel for Satan like some of the more uptight kids like to say." 
Eddie can feel a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, finding her comment hilarious. He also liked the fact that she had shut down any ideas about him being the devil's vessel. He couldn't help but lean back in his seat, finding her antics charming in the most peculiar way. He clears his throat softly. "I'm guessing you're not one of the kids who thinks I'm a badass criminal mastermind either?" 
"You hang out with a bunch of freshmen who play Dungeons and Dragons with you every week in your club, so no, I don't think you're a criminal mastermind." She's teasing him, and Eddie feels the hot flush of embarrassment eat at him from her words. He was hoping that she didn't think he was lame because yeah... all of those things were true, no denying it. 
"Well... yeah, but... I've got other hobbies too. And... and..." Eddie trails off, feeling his mind suddenly blank out in embarrassment. He was trying to paint himself as more of a well adjusted person, but the truth was, playing DnD with freshman kids was pretty much the highlight of his week. He didn't know what to do with himself when his plans were disrupted on dnd nights. 
"It's alright Eddie, I'm not judging you. Well, maybe a little in a playful teasing way, but I'm not seriously making fun of you."
The girl shrugs, hoping she was able to explain herself well enough. "Sorry, sometimes I say things in a way that can seem kinda mean. I promise I'm only like, 60% bitch." 
Eddie bursts out laughing, his cheeks burning as he lets himself enjoy her teasing. She was definitely not what he was expecting when he had rolled up to the carwash.
"I mean... that's okay, I... I'm not one hundred percent innocent and pure either. Though my bitch meter is probably about... eighty percent?" He gives her a mischievous smile, trying to tease her right back. Which is hard, when he's so focused on trying not to stare intently at her boobs.
The girl looks him over, a small smile hovering on her lips as she sorts through this whole interaction they've had. "I hate to break it to you Eddie, but I don't think your bitch-o-meter is as high as you think it is." 
"Really, why do you say that?" He asks curiously. He was enjoying their banter, even if it was mildly embarrassing to have this girl know exactly how he was feeling. Still, the fact that she seemed to really like teasing him was working in his favor. He was hoping he would be given another opportunity for a flirty comment so he could reply with a good line instead of stumbling over his words.
"Because I've never seen a boy blush so much just from talking to a girl." 
Eddie's face heats up again as her words register. She couldn't possibly know just how hard he was focusing on not looking at her skin-tight top and short shorts. But he knew she definitely caught on to how quickly she was making his face turn red. 
"I'd hate to see what would have happened if you pulled up into Hannah Dawson's line--- you probably would have died the moment she leaned over your windshield, and you got a good view of her soapy chest in that little bikini she decided to wear." The girl emphasizes her words by jerking her chin in the direction of a girl washing a sleek corvette two cars down.
The girl's words cause another flash of heat to spread across Eddie's cheeks, but only for a moment. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He hadn't even remembered the names of the other girls out here, let alone what they were wearing. "Okay... you have my curiosity and my attention," he chuckles. "Tell me who else is driving me insane here, other than you." 
Her smile falters a little, a closed off aura settling over her. But it's gone as soon as it appears, and she's forcing another smile for Eddie.
"Alright, enough chit chat. I need to get your car washed so the incredibly totally real long line I have doesn't have to wait any longer."
She's joking, but as Eddie looks into his rear view mirror, he sees that no other cars had pulled up to her lane, while all the others were bumper to bumper leading out to the streets. 
"Right, right. I... do need to get my car washed." He clears his throat, the heat spreading across his cheeks again. This girl, she was just too cute. "So... I suppose I'll just wait here then. Let me know when you're done, yeah?" 
"Yeah, relax and let me know if you need any areas scrubbed extra hard."
She lifts her wet, soapy sponge triumphantly with her words and Eddie is back to feeling like a love struck idiot over her silly antics. With that, she leans in and starts soaping up the sides of his van.
"I- uh... maybe you should scrub really... hard... all over... " Eddie mumbles under his breath, doing his best to not look like an idiot as the girl leans over the hood of his car to scrub it.
Despite his attempts at looking nonchalant, there was no way she couldn't notice how he was staring at her. So he leans back against the front seat, still feeling his face burn even as she works, but also having his interest piqued. He knew she knew, and that made it almost impossible for him to look away from her. 
The girl starts with slow, long swipes, getting as much soap and water spread out for a light pre-wash. Her arms jiggle with the movement, a sight that Eddie knows a lot of boys would scoff at and mock. But Eddie can't help the heat that blooms in his belly with every movement of her soft, plump body. Her chest is swaying hypnotically, the rhythm of it making Eddie's head spin.
The moment she dips down to the bucket, the backs of her thighs and butt on full display as she wets her sponge, Eddie almost dies choking on his spit.
"F-fuck..." He manages to breathe out, the flickering heat in his belly growing. He can feel arousal and shame prickle up his spine. 
She circles around Eddie's van to get at the back, and Eddie burns shamefully as he goes to adjust the rear view mirror so he can catch any glimpse he can of her. Her brows are drawn together in concentration, her pink tongue poking out of the side of her mouth as she works.
Eddie feels himself lick at his own lips, wondering how it would feel to have her tongue touch any part of him. There's no stopping how turned on he was now, the tightness in his pants making him ache. He takes a few shallow, shuddery breaths as the girl ducks out of sight, circling to the other side of his van.
She peaks in at him through the passenger side window, giving him a cute little wave before leaning on her tiptoes to get at the windshield. A strangled groan gets caught in Eddie's throat, cut off by how fast he clamps his jaw tight so as not to cream his pants.
There was no way Eddie wasn't having the filthiest wet dream at this point, because as he watches with wide, unblinking eyes, he sees her chest press flat against the glass of his windshield.
The round, plump outline of her tits smashing and rubbing against the clear surface with every rough scrub she makes, has Eddie physically drooling in more than one place. 
All of Eddie's self control is going out the car window, his hands clinging to the front seat so tightly they almost turn white. The sight of her chest pressing against the glass makes him practically pant with arousal, and his entire body feels like a live wire. 
Eddie's shaking fingers fiddle with the volume, turning it up just enough to cover up how hard he's breathing to keep from cumming in his pants. 
He can still hear the occasional squeak of the girl's tits and her sponge rubbing vigorously on the glass, and it makes him start jiggling his leg out of pure anxious, horny energy. "Jesus H. Fucking Christ," Eddie grits out as his eyes flick back up to get another peak of her tits. The water must be cold, or she's getting stimulated from her activities, because her nipples were unmistakably hard. 
The puffy outline of her nipples right in Eddie's direct line of sight is the nail in the Coffin of fighting off his erection. Now his cock was painfully hard, the seam of his pants digging into the wet head in a mix of pain and pleasure so sweet that Eddie has to white knuckle grip his thigh to keep himself grounded to reality. 
Sweat is making Eddie's bangs stick to his forehead, the mix of having the AC off on this fucking miserably hot day and his arousal creating a shitty cocktail of Fuck Eddie Munson and his stupid Virgin Ass getting off on seeing a girl's tits so close. 
Eddie wants nothing more than to zip down his pants fly for a little relief, because the pain is definitely not helping him stay cool. 
"Mmm, fuck," Eddie exhales, allowing his hand to sneak surreptitiously down to palm his hot, hard length for even a fraction of relief. He hisses pleasantly at the touch, the tiny pressure from his palm makes his eyes flutter for a moment as he breathes hard through his nose. 
The girl has finished with his windshield, and Eddie almost keens with disappointment when she pulls her lovely, big tits off of the glass. White, frothy soap covers the glass which makes Eddie bite his lip. His thoughts race with images of a different kind of white creamy substance splattered all over her pretty boobs, maybe even hitting her chin like that bit of soap did earlier. 
A pathetic whimper sits in the back of Eddie's throat when his hips jerk up into his palm, unable to stop himself from how powerful the fantasy was affecting him. 
He is taken out of his half imagined day dreams by the sound of water pounding on the metal of his van. The spray of a hose distorts the view out of his windshield, making Eddie groan in frustration at not being able to see her anymore. Until the thought hits him… if he can't see her, she probably couldn't see him either. 
Guilt churns in his guts, but the hot, hard length of his cock is making his head fuzzy enough to not think straight. Eddie hates himself, but he gives in. 
The first rut of his hips brings Eddie such visceral pleasure that spots practically dance in his vision from how fucking heavenly it was. "S-shit fuck," Eddie grinds out eloquently, knowing he has very little time to enjoy this. He doesn't necessarily want to cum, just wants to enjoy this for what little time he can. 
Eddie humps desperately against his sweaty palm, the pressure hurting as much as it is helping. He wishes he could pull out his cock and feel the full heavy weight of himself in his hand. Enjoy the sticky mess of precum weeping from the head of his cock, slicking his fingers so perfectly to help him fuck his fist even faster. 
He can feel the wetness of himself through his jeans, thankful they were black otherwise anyone who looked in could see him making a pathetic, wet mess of himself in his pants. 
"So f'ckin pretty," Eddie slurs out, practically drunk off the heat pooling in his belly. He wishes he remembered her name, so he could feel the way it would vibrate in his chest and taste on his tongue as he would moan it out. 
Eddie thinks about her puffy nipples, how round and stiff they were as he grips his cock firmly to get a bit more relief. Drool fills his mouth as he wonders how good it would feel to suckle them. He knows he'd love it, knows he'd lap and kiss and suck on her tits for hours if she let him. 
He can feel the beginnings of an orgasm buzz under his skin, his breathing becoming heavy and shaky with each passing moment. The precipice is almost there, Eddie can almost reach it— 
And then the pelting sounds of the hose spraying away the soap comes to an abrupt halt. Now that there wasn't a heavy torrent of water against the windshield, the outside world was quickly coming into view and with it, the girl. 
Her shirt is soaked through, and Eddie can see the distinct outline of her chest and nipples; it's as if she wasn't even wearing a shirt. 
Wide eyed, Eddie can't tear his eyes away as the horror unfolds. She comes right up to his driver side window with a smile right as he cums violently hard in his pants. 
She gestures for Eddie to roll down his window, her smile faltering a little as she notices how heavy he's breathing and how red his face is. Eddie slams his eyes shut, humiliation burning through him, souring the euphoric hum of his orgasm. He doesn't want to roll down the window, terrified that she'll smell the cum and shame. 
But her brows are knitting together in concern and Eddie Munson isn't that much of an asshole. He silently kisses goodbye any imagined chance he might have had with her, as his shaking, sweaty hands roll down his window. 
"Hey, are you okay?" Her voice is immediately in his ear, making his sensitive nerves buzz with pleasure because Jesus fucking christ he really likes her voice. 
"Y-yeah," Eddie croaks out, cringing inwardly at himself. "Just a little hot in here with the AC off." As he talks to her, Eddie tries to discreetly adjust himself so the wetness in his pants won't be too noticeable. He feels his cum cooling on his thighs and under his ass, and he literally wants to die right about now. 
"Oh, sorry. I really tried to get it clean as fast as possible. You could have come out and enjoyed some cooler air though?" She's leaning up against Eddie's car door, her chest smooshing into the metal. 
"Yeah, I uh… I guess I could've done that huh? Got… distracted, 's a really good album after all." 
The girl laughs a little, nodding her head in agreement at Eddie's words. "Okay, fair enough. Again, I'm sorry it took so long, but she's all clean now! If you pull up to the front they're taking the donations up there." 
As embarrassed as Eddie is right now, and hoping she doesn't notice that he's sitting in a pool of his own cum, he can't help but feel a tinge of disappointment that their interaction was coming to an end. 
"Okay… yeah, um thanks. And don't worry, you could have taken all day for all I care." The words leave his mouth before he can stop them, making Eddie squeeze his eyes shut in utter mortification. 
"Enjoyed the show that much, huh?" The girl winks, but her laugh makes it clear how little she's taking this seriously. 
Oh if only you knew Eddie thinks to himself. 
"I… I no— I mean, that is I didn't not enjoy it, but I wasn't like, enjoying it in a weird way," 
She chuckles, reaching out to smoosh a finger to Eddie's lips to keep him from rambling on like that. As she leans up into his space, Eddie feels his face start burning again. Her eyes flicker between his, before lowering. 
He sees the exact moment that she notices the giant wet spot, impossible to hide even with his black jeans; her mouth parting on a sharp inhale of surprise. 
"Fuck," Eddie bites out, pulling away from her and trying in vain to hide the evidence of his shame. 
The girl's dark eyes lift up to meet Eddie's, and he's bracing himself to see hatred, disgust or even ice cold anger there. 
"You better get going Eddie, I've got another car to wash and you've got some jeans to clean." There's no maliciousness to her words, just a hint of cheeky teasing as she pulls away. 
Eddie can only bring himself to nod, before wordlessly driving forward. He sees her waving goodbye to him in the rear view mirror, and it only makes him feel worse. 
As quickly as possible, Eddie dumps whatever loose change he can into the donations box and floors it; not even caring about getting gas anymore. There was no way in hell he was getting out of the van with cum soaked pants and the hottest girl still in plain sight. 
Eddie goes to turn the volume up, blasting his music loud enough that maybe it would make his brain explode so he would never have to think about the greatest orgasm of his life followed quickly by his greatest humiliation, ever again. 
It was hours later, basking in the afterglow of another desperate, carwash girl fueled fantasy orgasm, that Eddie realizes he had never asked for her name. 
And that tomorrow morning, he was going to have to come face to face with her again in 3rd period. 
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cheolsfae · 8 months
Please do current love reading for enhypen jay
February 7, 2024
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Significant numbers? 6,7,8
Past: 7 of pentacles, ace of cups
He could of had a very innocent idea of what love was supposed to be like. But I don't think it panned out the way he had thought love and romance were supposed to be like. Reality hit him and it's nothing like he imagined. It didn't bite him in the ass but it did push him around a bit. This could have happened when he was younger. Like maybe high school or something. But this was a very innocent vision of romance he had until he met that old person.
Present: ace of pentacles, 10 of swords (reversed)
He might be wanting to make a move towards someone right now. Asking them on a date and such, he might have healed from this past relationship and now he feels like he's in a place where he can give that love. He's released all of that negativity and looking towards the new. He feels like he is secure in his standing. He feels like he has the ability to take the lead in a relationship. He doesn't feel scared.
Future: queen of swords, 8 of pentacles (reversed)
This is going to sound so negative and I'm sorry, It's just the message coming through!! This isn't going to last and it's because he realizes he needs to work on himself. He does not trust this person. He might think that this person is hiding something. I don't feel that they are, he's just letting his mind run wild. This person won't put up with it for very long. He's self sabotaging!
Bottom of the deck: the high priestess, 6 of pentacles wanting to be shown too
Again, he could be thinking this person is hiding something. This person could be giving the same amount as him but he doesn't really know what to do with it so it's scaring the shit out of him. It's definitely delusion thinking. He has a whole lot of healing to do. This relationship/situation-ship will make him open his mind's eye and realize he isn't finished healing yet.
*Oracle deck was also used!
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💙💜🩷 99 Books for Bisexuality Visibility Month 🩷💜💙
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💜 How incredible is it that I made a list of 99 books for bisexual visibility month, KNOWING there are so many NOT featured on this list? I'm so proud to be bi. Having these characters and stories intertwine with mine warms my heart.
💜 What's your favorite book featuring bisexual characters?
💙 The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar 💙 Perfect on Paper - Sophie Gonzales 💙 Imogen, Obviously - Becky Albertalli 💙 Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston 💙 Queens of Geek - Jen Wilde 💙 Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster - Andrea Mosqueda 💙 Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute - Talia Hibbert 💙 Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake - Alexis Hall 💙 A Merry Little Meet Cute - Julie Murphy & Sierra Simone
💜 Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli 💜 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid 💜 Radio Silence - Alice Oseman 💜 The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee 💜 You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat 💜 Wolfsong - T.J. Klune 💜 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston 💜 Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail - Ashley Herring Blake 💜 Heartstopper - Alice Oseman
🩷 Going Bicoastal - Dahlia Adler 🩷 Some Girls Do - Jennifer Dugan 🩷 Hani & Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating - Adiba Jaigirdar 🩷 Autoboyography - Christina Lauren 🩷 Written in the Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur 🩷 They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera 🩷 Cool for the Summer - Dahlia Adler 🩷 Delilah Green Doesn't Care - Ashley Herring Blake 🩷 One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston
💙 I'll Be the One - Lyla Lee 💙 Running With Lions - Julian Winters 💙 Take a Hint, Dani Brown - Talia Hibbert 💙 Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender 💙 Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee 💙 Ophelia After All - Racquel Marie 💙 Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao 💙 Something to Talk About - Meryl Wilsner 💙 The Girls I've Been - Tess Sharpe
💜 Iris Kelly Doesn't Date - Ashley Herring Blake 💜 Never Ever Getting Back Together - Sophie Gonzales 💜 Her Royal Highness - Rachel Hawkins 💜 Call Me By Your Name - André Aciman 💜 I Wish You All the Best - Mason Deaver 💜 Mistakes Were Made - Meryl Wilsner 💜 Hang the Moon - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Kiss Her Once for Me - Alison Cochrun 💜 The Brightsiders - Jen Wilde
🩷 Wild Beauty - Anna-Marie McLemore 🩷 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Victoria Schwab 🩷 Payback's a Witch - Lana Harper 🩷 A Dowry of Blood - S.T. Gibson 🩷 Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo 🩷 Dark Rise - C.S. Pacat 🩷 If This Gets Out - Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich 🩷 Let's Talk About Love - Claire Kann 🩷 Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
💙 Under the Whispering Door - T.J. Klune 💙 I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston 💙 Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell 💙 Icebreaker - A.L. Graziadei 💙 This Poison Heart - Kalynn Bayron 💙 A Lot Like Adiós - Alexis Daria 💙 Sorry, Bro - Taleen Voskuni 💙 We Are Okay - Nina LaCour 💙 Count Your Lucky Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur
💜 Hot Dog Girl - Jennifer Dugan 💜 Verona Comics - Jennifer Dugan 💜 They Hate Each Other - Amanda Woody 💜 The Disasters - M.K. England 💜 The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater 💜 You Should See Me in a Crown - Leah Johnson 💜 These Witches Don't Burn - Isabel Sterling 💜 My Dearest Darkest - Kayla Cottingham 💜 City of Shattered Light - Claire Winn
🩷 The Unbroken - C.L. Clark 🩷 Dread Nation - Justina Ireland 🩷 House of Hollow - Krystal Sutherland 🩷 Love & Other Disasters - Anita Kelly 🩷 Ace of Shades - Amanda Foody 🩷 The Lost Girls - Sonia Hartl 🩷 Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst 🩷 This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story - Kacen Callender 🩷 Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
💙 If You Still Recognise Me - Cynthia So 💙 Melt With You - Jennifer Dugan 💙 The Charm Offensive - Alison Cochrun 💙 That Summer Feeling - Bridget Morrissey 💙 The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes 💙 The Luis Ortega Survival Club - Sonora Reyes 💙 The Fiancée Farce - Alexandria Bellefleur 💙 Flip the Script - Lyla Lee 💙 Role Playing - Cathy Yardley
💜 I Think I Love You - Auriane Desombre 💜 Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Gearbreakers - Zoe Hana Mikuta 💜 Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter 💜 The Spirit Bares Its Teeth - Andrew Joseph White 💜 Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl - Brianna R. Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum 💜 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💜 A Darker Shade of Magic - Victoria Schwab 💜 Love at First Set - Jennifer Dugan
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spell-struck · 1 year
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New Aces High and Queens Wild visual 💋👑🩷💙
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huramuna · 8 months
banshee's lament - meet shera stark.
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Shera Stark, younger sister to Lord Cregan Stark, was born in 111 AC in Winterfell. She was considered wild as a child for the few years she resided in her ancestral home, before she was sent to King’s Landing as a ward to Queen Alicent Hightower. Her grace, on most accounts, managed to tame the beastly nature of the young girl into that of a comely, pious demeanor. Shera is said to have been good friends with Helaena Targaryen and Aemond Targaryen. It wasn’t uncommon for the girl to sing in the keep’s sept at the behest of the Queen, who cited her as having ‘a lovely singing voice, unto which we can hear the Gods’. 
Upon Prince Aemond’s miraculous claim of Vhagar at Driftmark, a fight broke out between the younger broods that were present that eve in the tunnels. It is unknown to what started the fight, as multiple sources have different stories– Aemond lashing out at his younger nephews, the dragon twins Baela and Rhaena Targaryen hurling insults, or Shera pushing Lucerys to the ground in an attempt to get past them. What is known, however, is the consequences of the fight– Prince Aemond declared that Lucerys Velaryon took his eye. Shera, too, lost sight in her eye and had her throat slashed. Her vocal cords and nerves were mangled permanently, hindering her to never be able to speak above a whisper.  Hearing word of his younger sister’s injuries and near death, Cregan Stark immediately sent for Shera’s return to Winterfell. Her state of living was tenuous for the better part of a year, and she never revealed publicly the name of whom disfigured her. Not much is known of her life in Winterfell after, as she was kept almost as a secret.  Travelers who ventured outside of Winterfell remark hearing an eerie howling at night, dubbing Shera Stark the ‘Banshee of Winterfell’. Ten years have passed since the Driftmark incident and Shera has returned to King’s Landing, the source of her ire and pain– and mayhaps fond memories.  A lone wolf can dance with dragons, as well. And mayhaps will change the promenade.
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A first glance at Shera, one would notice the following: - Wears an exorbitant amount of hand jewelry, adorned with jewels. She favors opals, moonstones and pearls. She usually has a few rings on each hand, frequently twisting them. - Always ornamented with a silken, laced veil of some sort. Through it, one can see the outline of her face, but the features underneath it are blurred and hard to discern. Her veil is usually matching with her jewelry. - She prefers muted tones, grays, blacks and whites. Shera is usually dressed in a few layers and takes pride in her wardrobe, most of them being tailored by her. Most are with high collars.
Being around Shera more than a few times, more details come to light: - To match her hand jewelry, she always has on moon shaped silver earrings, which are quite large and make a soft jingle when she walks. It wouldn’t be noticeable unless one looks up close to her, as they hide under her veil.  - Fur. Shera is always adorned in fur of some sort and it is a noticeable trend in her wardrobe. She finds comfort and safety in snuggling up in a fur stole and will be seen habitually running her fingers through it, almost absentmindedly. - She always has on a black laced, embroidered choker. It is tied to the back of her neck with a simple ribbon. It looks handmade, stitched with images of flowers upon a breeze. She doesn’t wish to talk about it. If speaking above a whisper, she will stop herself with a tenuous hand to her choker, as if a reminder.
If Shera truly trusts someone, they will see the deepest parts of her: - Her blind eye and scar that tangles around and over it. It is a milky blue with no pupil. If one stared into it, it may be akin to looking into the void– or into the starry night, cosmos and faraway specks of planets. It is easy to get lost in. - A scar that runs under the length of her choker. Even after being healed for so long, it's still so prominent, etched into her skin like a brand. It falls over her injured vocal cords, frayed and damaged like old twine.  - Once her full visage is apparent, unburdened, unveiled– her skin is a milky pallor, cheeks rosined and her facial expressions unbidden, as she is usually able to hide her expressions under her veil, so without it, she is quite animated.
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The most noticeable quality about Shera Stark, however, is her constant companion and shadow, Moongeist. He is a large adult direwolf who’s standing height at the shoulder lies against Shera’s hip / lower waist.  He acts as her eyes and helps her navigate, as her eye injury runs more than just sight deep. She is prone to vertigo, fainting spells and Moongeist is as much a crutch as he is a friend. If someone wished to hurt Shera, they wouldn’t get far, lest they become wolf food.
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saw you were taking requests so… reader showing one of the Cullens the music they listen to?
I didn’t really understand what you m
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• Classical music, like Chopin or Debussy
• Melancholic and introspective songs, such as “Lose You” by Pete Yorn
• Atmospheric and ethereal music like Sigur Rós
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• Indie and alternative rock, e.g., “Lover You Should’ve Come Over” by Jeff Buckley
• Mellow and acoustic songs, like “Breathe” by Taylor Swift
• Music that expresses deep emotions, such as “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day
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• Rock and country music, like “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
• Energetic and spirited songs, such as “Born to Be Wild” by Steppenwolf
• Music that reflects his connection to nature, like folk and acoustic tunes
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• Upbeat and playful music, like “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves
• Pop and dance tracks, e.g., “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
• Anything with a sense of optimism and excitement
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• Classical or orchestral music, like Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”
• Glamorous and dramatic songs, such as “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen
• Music that matches her sense of beauty and luxury
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• High-energy rock and metal, e.g., “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC
• Pump-up anthems like “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor
• Anything with a strong and powerful sound
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• Calming and soothing music, like Enya
• Blues or soulful tracks that capture emotion, e.g., “I’d Rather Go Blind” by Etta James
• Music that helps him maintain emotional control
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• Classical and orchestral pieces, especially those by composers like Beethoven and Mozart
• Soothing and calming instrumental music
• Music that reflects his scholarly and refined nature
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lagoonalake · 8 months
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Personality: 3 of cups, 6 of cups, 5 of swords
He wants to be friends first with his partner, he might want to start the relationship platonically so he can bond on a deeper level with his partner, not just based on attraction, but true intimacy, understanding and friendship. He wants an emotional connection with his person, someone who has a lot of depth, caring and sensitive, someone who would keep his secrets. Someone connected to their inner child, who reminds him of home, of the past. He wants someone who he can be comfortable with, who can share activities with him, who has similar interests. He also wants an intellectual connection, someone who is interesting, intelligent, he wants to have heated debates with his partner. He wouldn’t mind if the person has different opinions from him, he enjoys the mental challenge. All water signs, especially cancer and pisces, aquarius, gemini
Appearance: 6 of swords, queen of swords, 10 of swords
More than looks, it’s the personality of the person that matters the most. He would like someone who seems intelligent, that he would be able to tell has a lot going on in their mind. He could like the intellectual style. Someone who looks like they have a high education. Could also like someone who looks like they went through a lot in life, who seems more mature or is a bit of an overthinker and it shows on their face. Someone who is well spoken, eloquent, charismatic and charming. Could like a foreigner or someone who speaks a lot of languages.  gemini, aquarius, virgo, mercury
Turn offs: 4 of wands, the empress, the hierophant
Someone too conventional, the idea of marriage itself, codependency, someone too traditional, passive, someone that everyone finds beautiful (he finds it a bit boring XD), someone trapped in the structure, in their environment, family, people who are too cuddly, touchy, PDAs (he is much more interested in the mental and emotional connection). taurus, libra, virgo
Personality: page of coins, 8 of cups, 7 of coins
He may prefer someone outside of the kpop industry. A simple type of person, humble, who he can have a rather simple life with. Someone who may have been in the industry before but stepped out of it (this is very similar vibe to Felix’s ideal type). Someone who was brave enough to step out of their comfort zone/the easy way in order to grow and find something healthier, better for themselves and that matches their beliefs more. Someone with emotional depth who has worked on themselves. Someone observant, patient, who could be interested in slow life, more alternative lifestyle. Someone interested in environmental issues. Someone close to nature and animals. A healthy, fresh, positive person. He wouldn’t mind if it’d take a while for this person to let him in as he values caution in relationships too. virgo, saturn, pisces, aquarius, scorpio
Appearance: knight of wands, judgement, 6 of cups
Someone who would make a strong impression on him. Big presence. Looks a bit wild, who enjoys the outdoors, athletic, strong, full of energy, short height, youthful round face, cute and fierce at the same time, the color red, orange, fiery looks, messy hair, grunge style or more simple outdoorsy practical style. Bigger striking features, full cheeks. Louder voice, big laugh, very straightforward, honest eyes. Joyful. sagittarius, mars, aries, cancer
Turn offs: the devil, king of swords, the magician
Manipulators, I feel like he may not like a lot of people in the industry (the people pleaser vibe is a big turn off for him), someone in power who he is obligated to please, this could be a specific energy, un anwanted attention in his life. Someone detached, calculating, pulling all the strings, someone who could be into business, who is very ambitious. Someone who is addicted to substances, someone trapped in their environment. air signs, especially gemini, capricorn, scorpio
Personality: 6 of swords, ace of cups, 2 of wands
Someone different, he wants to discover something new. He wants to connect on a raw emotional level. So he wants someone deep, spontaneous and adventurous, who has intense feelings. Someone he’ll have a strong chemistry with. Someone not necessarily too serious, he doesn’t want something long term for now. The kind of person that he can have a moment with and it’ll be intense and fun, passionate and unforgettable. Someone who lives in the present moment, wants to experience life at its fullest. Someone who is always in motion, stimulating, interesting, active, lively sort of energy. Someone who follows their heart. aries, sagittarius, pisces, aquarius, gemini
Appearance: queen of swords, temperance, knight of cups
Someone sophisticated, elegant, who could look a bit cold or unattainable at first sight, with balanced, well designed, refined, symmetrical features. Sculptural, slender, flexible body, could like a very artistic, ornated style, lots of accessories, elaborate make up and jewelry, someone into fashion. Someone who has a romantic, seductive look, intense eyes even though the rest of the demeanor is very calm, a siren sort of look. The color blue, turquoise, green. The color of the sea.  A clear voice.  libra, scorpio, pisces
Turn offs: queen of cups, 8 of cups, the star
Someone who gets attached, clingy, possessive, too lovey dovey, too much of a homebody, someone who wants to go too deep in the relationship, someone who invasive, who tries to understand him too deeply or asks him too many private questions when he doesn’t want something that deep, someone who acts like his therapist or his mom, someone oversensitive, dramatic, someone who is a bit delusional and thinks they have chance with him. He really doesn’t want anything too serious or long term, at least for now. cancer, pisces, scorpio, neptune, pluto
Personality: 8 of pentacles, strength, temperance
Someone talented at what they do, very hard working and a perfectionist, he likes to see someone dedicated to their task and passion. Someone disciplined, who always delivers. Someone very patient, mature, meditative, relaxed even in stressful situation. Very level headed. Someone he would admire and respect. An artist, could be a dancer and someone crafty, creative, inspiring. Could be someone who is into sport too, like yoga, martial art, or ballet, something that requires a lot of dedication and patience. Someone who has an eye for detail. Someone who is quite dignified and proud.  virgo, leo, libra, capricorn, taurus
Appearance: the wheel of fortune, high priestess, 3 of wands
Someone who would make a strong impression on him, that the moment he’d see them, he’d know, someone who he’d stare at across the room and feel the fated connection, someone with a hypnotic presence, reserved, quiet but powerful energy. Eyes could be dark, shining brightly, would lure him in, seductive but not too revealing, leaving things to the imagination. Could like a strong, flexible body, could like a dancer. Artsy style, “exotic”, sleek, clean, sophisticated, long limbs. Dark blue, black, silver, diamonds. Deep low voice.  virgo, scorpio, pisces
Turn offs: the moon, the hermit, queen of swords
He is kind of turned off by what he is attracted to, which is pretty common, the dark side of his type. Someone who is too secretive, who lacks clarity, is too vague, who doesn’t want to put a label on the relationship, someone who makes him wait too long, is such a loner and has so many barriers that they are impossible to approach, someone who seems too distant, unattainable, lost in their own world, someone too shy, too remote, who never talks, uptight, who seems annoyed by his presence. Someone cold, detached, emotionally unavailable.  negative virgo, pisces, capricorn, saturn
Personality: 3 of swords, judgement, 4 of pentacles
He tends to be attracted to or attract partners who are very possessive, people who are a bit insecure, have abandonment issues and become very jealous. The type that isn’t able to trust him and would check his phone to see if there is anything suspicious in it. People who could spy on him, or even if they wouldn’t go that far, people who just aren’t able to trust him. People who have a very intense energy and are all or nothing, who kinda imagine a new life with him, wants to change his life completely and may even become a bit bossy and controlling. There could be a reason he attracts people like this, maybe he makes false promises but in the end he may not seem too invested. scorpio, capricorn, cancer, pluto
Appearance: king of wands, knight of wands, 6 of wands
Very loud sort of appearance, someone who is very proud or their looks and not afraid to show off, revealing outfits, dramatic fashion, flashy bright colors, just very visible. Someone who has an expressive body language, could be an athlete or have an impressive physique, features that really stand out, bigger features, wider mouth/nose, fierce eyes, very good posture, prominent chest, tall, or even if not tall, really commanding presence. Speaks loudly, resonant voice. Charismatic. Popular. Visibly successful. leo, aries, sagittarius
Turn offs: 10 of pentacles, king of cups, 8 of swords
He’s not interested in something long term, so someone who is all about commitment, making plans for the future, settling down, someone a bit boring, who follows the same routine. Having to meet his partner’s family, becoming a constant in someone’s life and vice versa. Someone very intuitive and who sees through bs, someone who could read him, see the vulnerable side of him, someone very emotionally intelligent and mature. He also doesn’t want to have to deal with the insecurity of the people he deliberately picks, even though it’s something that he is (subconsciously?) drawn to.  scorpio, cancer, taurus, virgo
Personality: 2 of wands, 10 of cups, the tower
Someone quite explosive and passionate, but who is also very loyal and committed. He wants intimacy and passion in his relationships. He is the type who likes to do a lot of things with his partner, he wants the two of them to function as a team, to work together even. There could be a bit of idealism and codependency in his relationships. Could be someone who wants to move too fast (both his partner and him), but in reality they are not ready yet and everything fall apart. And he could be the type to be on and off with the same person, someone intense that he loves a lot, with very high highs and very low lows. Very transformative relationship and partner. Enterprising, artistic partner, could be a musician, a creator. Very passionate about their art, a bit obsessive. scorpio, pluto, aries, cancer, pisces
Appearance: page of cups, 2 of swords, 5 of cups
Darker colors, black hair, darker or tanned skin. Someone a bit melancholic, with soft, full features, full lips. Innocence but at the same time that touch of gothic. The color white and blue. He’s not that picky with looks, but he has a type. Dreamy artist. Wavy or curly hair. Round face.  cancer, scorpio, capricorn, pisces
Turn offs: 6 of wands, 5 of wands, 10 of wands
People who are too competitive, aggressive, fierce, attention seeker, someone who is never calm or quiet, always in movement, cannot sit still, always a bit angry or annoyed, hot headed, always trying to provoke or dominate others, to prove that they are the best, the number one, people who are full of themselves, people who are exhausting, loud and invasive. negative mars, all fire signs especially aries and leo 
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reaper2187 · 2 months
Yumeko x female reader
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The clatter of chips, the whirl of roulette wheels, and the cacophony of excited murmurs filled the air. Hyakkaou Private Academy, a place where gambling wasn't just a pastime but a way of life, buzzed with its usual frenetic energy. In the midst of this vibrant chaos stood Yumeko Jabami, her long black hair cascading down her back, her eyes gleaming with an insatiable hunger for the next gamble. Beside her was Y/N, her girlfriend and partner-in-crime, a figure who contrasted Yumeko's dainty elegance with her own strong, androgynous presence.
Y/N, with her cropped hair and confident stride, exuded a kind of charisma that drew eyes just as easily as Yumeko's did. She wore the school uniform with a casual defiance, the blazer hanging open over her crisp white shirt, the tie loosened around her neck. Her eyes, sharp and keen, scanned the room with the practiced ease of a predator on the hunt.
They had been together for almost a year now, bound by their mutual love for high stakes and the intoxicating thrill of the gamble. Their relationship was an enigma to many – Yumeko, the wild card who could never be predicted, and Y/N, the cool-headed strategist who always seemed to have an ace up her sleeve. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with in the cutthroat world of Hyakkaou's gambling elite.
Tonight, they were at one of the academy's exclusive gambling dens, a dimly lit room filled with opulent furnishings and an air of tension so thick it was almost palpable. The room was alive with the sounds of bets being placed and fortunes being won and lost.
"Y/N, darling," Yumeko purred, her voice dripping with excitement, "What do you think we should try our luck at tonight? Cards? Roulette? Or something a bit more…exotic?"
Y/N smirked, her eyes meeting Yumeko's with a knowing glint. "How about a game of poker? High stakes, of course. Let's see who we can draw out from the shadows tonight."
Yumeko's eyes sparkled with delight. "Oh, how thrilling! I do love a good poker game. The way the tension builds with every card… It's simply divine."
They made their way to one of the poker tables, where a group of students were already seated, their expressions a mix of confidence and anxiety. The dealer, a stern-looking upperclassman, nodded as they approached.
"Mind if we join?" Y/N asked, her tone polite but carrying an undertone of challenge.
The students glanced at each other, recognizing the infamous duo. One of them, a blonde girl with sharp features, scoffed. "If you think you can handle it. But don't expect any mercy."
Yumeko chuckled, her laughter light and carefree. "Oh, we wouldn't dream of it. After all, where's the fun in that?"
They took their seats, and the dealer began to shuffle the deck. As the cards were dealt, Y/N felt the familiar rush of adrenaline, her senses sharpening, her mind calculating probabilities and strategies. Beside her, Yumeko radiated a giddy excitement, her eyes darting from player to player, taking in every detail.
The first few rounds were relatively uneventful, a dance of cautious bets and subtle bluffs. But as the stakes grew higher, the atmosphere at the table became increasingly charged. Y/N played with her usual composed intensity, her face an unreadable mask, while Yumeko reveled in the escalating tension, her every move a tantalizing blend of unpredictability and skill.
It was during a particularly high-stakes hand that the real excitement began. Y/N found herself with a promising hand – a pair of queens. She glanced at Yumeko, who met her gaze with a sly smile, her own cards hidden from view. Trusting in their unspoken connection, Y/N raised the bet, pushing a significant pile of chips into the center of the table.
The other players hesitated, their eyes flicking nervously between Y/N and Yumeko. The blonde girl from earlier sneered, her eyes narrowing. "Trying to scare us off, Y/N? It won't work. I'm all in."
She pushed all her chips forward, her expression defiant. Y/N's eyes flicked to Yumeko again, who simply nodded, her smile widening.
"All in," Y/N said, her voice steady, matching the blonde's bet.
The dealer revealed the next card, and Y/N felt her heart skip a beat – it was another queen. She now had three of a kind. Keeping her face impassive, she waited for the final card to be dealt. It was a seven, completing the hand.
"Show your cards," the dealer instructed.
The blonde girl laid down her hand – a flush. She smirked, her confidence radiating. "Beat that."
Y/N calmly revealed her three queens, and the blonde's smirk faltered, her eyes widening in disbelief. Yumeko clapped her hands, her laughter ringing out like a melody.
"Oh, Y/N, that was splendid!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with pride and excitement.
The blonde girl gritted her teeth, glaring at Y/N. "You got lucky this time."
Y/N simply shrugged, her demeanor unruffled. "Luck's just a part of the game. Maybe next time, you'll have more of it."
As the dealer pushed the mountain of chips towards her, Y/N felt a rush of satisfaction. But more than that, she felt the familiar thrill that came from sharing a victory with Yumeko. They were a perfect team – each balancing the other's strengths and weaknesses, each pushing the other to new heights.
The night wore on, and they continued to dominate the table, their winnings piling up. The other players gradually dropped out, unable to keep up with their relentless pace. Finally, it was just the two of them left, facing off in a mock showdown for the remaining chips.
Yumeko's eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked at Y/N. "One last hand, darling. Winner takes all."
Y/N chuckled, her heart pounding with exhilaration. "You're on."
The cards were dealt, and they played with the same intensity and passion that had brought them together. In the end, Yumeko won by a narrow margin, her victory met with a triumphant laugh and a dazzling smile.
"Well played," Y/N said, leaning back in her chair, a satisfied smile on her lips.
Yumeko reached across the table, taking Y/N's hand in hers. "Thank you, Y/N. Playing with you is always the most delightful gamble of all."
Y/N squeezed her hand, feeling a surge of affection. "Likewise, Yumeko. There's no one else I'd rather have by my side."
As they gathered their winnings and left the gambling den, they walked side by side, their hands intertwined. The night was cool and quiet, a stark contrast to the intensity of the gambling hall. They strolled through the academy grounds, enjoying the rare moment of peace.
"You know," Y/N said after a while, her tone thoughtful, "I've been thinking about our next move. There's a rumor going around about a new high-stakes game happening tomorrow night. Something big."
Yumeko's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh? Do tell me more."
"It's supposed to be a secret, but I heard it involves some of the most influential students in the academy. The stakes are incredibly high – not just money, but reputations, favors, and even future positions in the student council."
Yumeko's smile widened, a glint of anticipation in her eyes. "That sounds absolutely delicious. We simply must be a part of it."
Y/N nodded, her own excitement growing. "Agreed. We'll need to be at our best, though. This isn't just about winning money. It's about power."
Yumeko leaned in, her lips brushing against Y/N's ear. "And you know how much I love power games, darling. The higher the stakes, the more exhilarating the gamble."
Y/N felt a shiver of anticipation run down her spine. "Then it's settled. Tomorrow night, we'll show them exactly what we're capable of."
As they made their way back to their dorm, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and affection for Yumeko. They were an unstoppable team, bound together by their love of gambling and the thrill of the game. No matter what challenges lay ahead, Y/N knew that with Yumeko by her side, they could conquer anything.
The next day passed in a blur of anticipation and preparation. Y/N and Yumeko spent hours honing their strategies, studying their potential opponents, and discussing every possible angle of the upcoming game. By the time night fell, they were ready.
The secret gambling venue was hidden away in an old, abandoned part of the academy, accessible only to those who knew where to look. As they approached, Y/N felt her heart pounding with excitement. This was it – the ultimate gamble, the highest stakes they'd ever faced.
Inside, the atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation. A dozen or so students were already gathered, each one a formidable gambler in their own right. Among them were several members of the student council, their expressions cold and calculating.
"Welcome," a voice said, drawing their attention to the front of the room. It was Kirari Momobami, the enigmatic and powerful student council president. "I see we have some new faces tonight. How delightful. I trust you're all prepared for the game?"
Yumeko stepped forward, her smile radiant. "Oh, we're more than prepared, Kirari. We can't wait to see what you have in store for us."
Kirari's eyes flicked to Y/N, and a faint smile touched her lips. "Well then, let's begin."
The game that followed was intense and thrilling, a whirlwind of strategy, deception, and high stakes. Every move was scrutinized, every bet calculated with precision. Y/N and Yumeko played with their usual blend of skill and daring, their partnership flawless and unbreakable.
As the final hand was dealt, Y/N felt a surge of adrenaline. The stakes were higher than ever, the tension almost unbearable. But with Yumeko by her side, she felt invincible.
In the end, they emerged victorious, their winnings a testament to their unparalleled skill and unshakable bond. As they collected their prizes and prepared to leave, Yumeko turned to Y/N, her eyes shining with pride and affection.
"That was incredible, Y/N. I couldn't have done it without you."
Y/N smiled, her heart full of love and admiration. "The feeling is mutual, Yumeko. We make an amazing team."
As they walked hand in hand through the quiet night, Y/N knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Their love for gambling was more than just a shared passion – it was a symbol of their deep connection and unwavering support for each other.
And so, as they strolled through the moonlit grounds of Hyakkaou Private Academy, Y/N and Yumeko knew that their journey was far from over. The thrill of the gamble, the excitement of the unknown – it was all part of the adventure they shared. And as long as they had each other, there was no challenge they couldn't conquer.
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