emsergipe · 2 years
Marco Pinheiro: "saio da Acese com a certeza de que fizemos o melhor pelo setor produtivo sergipano"
No próximo dia 2 de março, a partir das 19h, acontecerá a posse da nova diretoria da Associação Comercial e Empresarial de Sergipe. A solenidade marcará o final da gestão do presidente Marco Pinheiro e o início do mandato de Maurício Vasconcelos. [themoneytizer id="107612-16"] Após seis anos à frente da entidade, Marco Pinheiro faz uma avaliação positiva deste período. O presidente destaca as…
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
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Some pride headcanons from class today
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apuff · 7 months
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hello aurora fandom
(also i added alt text to this one!! lmk if it needs changes to be more acesable)
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our-aroace-experience · 10 months
Ever since I've been in ace spaces, I've kept seeing how many aspec people feel excluded from the lgbt community. I won't say I haven't felt this, because I have. But, I will say most of it is online. I know that for some, online interaction is the main form of community interaction, but really, I find that irl people are way more accepting/understanding than online. That's not to say I haven't had some weird/dismissive irl encounters with queer people, but I do find the internet amplifies the bad side of community alot.
I feel pretty lucky because I'd say I do have irl lgbt friends who support me and fully respect my identity! Granted, I live in the suburbs of a city so it's more progressive where I live and I'm super lucky in that aspect, but it still stands what I said in regards to interacting with other queer people. Also idk where to put this, but I'm also lucky that I'm more arospec than just full on aro, because I do find people are more ok with ace than they are with aro and that fucking sucks. Tho, again, there are people who aren't aro who do get it!
Honestly, I tend to find that anyone in the "plus" tends to be more welcoming. Or even Bi people! There's some strangly weird bi/ace solidarity. Hell, the first person I ever came out to identified as just bi at the time(they now also identify as enby but yah).
I found out I was queer because I met other lgbt people. And it was actually that friend that helped me feel part of the community! As of now I'm personally queer in many different messy ways (looks at romantic attraction and gender). But I first called myself lgbt because of my acesness, and I still feel like that's my main identity that connects me to the lgbt banner. I have alot of love for the queer community and I hate to see other aspec people feel left out. Especially since aceness and aroness are inherently not-het/queer.
So, yah it can suck sometimes, but you can find a space for yourself in the community!!! (if that's something you want of course)
i agree 100%. in general, i feel like the internet makes a lot of the “discourse” or exclusion seem a lot worse in the community than it really is. of course there are still a lot of problems in real life, but in my experience people in real life just don’t care as much as people online do. they don’t have the time to reread and analyse something that’s been said when it’s a face to face conversation, so most of the time people just move on. although there are definitely still rude/ ignorant people in real life.
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minophus · 5 months
Putting baby puppy Gabriel on a table with aceses to every food possible
Oh my goodness. It seems he is full from eating 2 crumbs already
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qsmp-resources · 1 year
Status report #3
Day archived: March 24, 2023
The accessible content streamed on March 23 has been all archived in the vod channel (which has been visible but be aware all videos are accessible from the Excel sheet in case we have copyright troubles) with each stream being posted on its respective playlist. All videos are posted chronologically in the "all videos" playlist.
Quackity streamed on his channel QuackityToo
Spreen's video had to be edited for copyright reasons. No edit has altered his QSMP content
The longest vod of the day belongs to Maximus with a total of 10 hours, 16 minutes, and 45 seconds streamed.
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Reporte de Estatus #3
Fecha archivada: 24 de marzo, 2023.
El contenido accesible que fue transmitido en marzo 24 a sido archivado en el canal de vods (que se ha ha vuelto publico para todos, aun asi vale la pena recordar que todos los videos son acesibles desde la hoja de excel del archivo en caso de qu etengamos problemas de copyright) con cada directo se encuentra publicado en su playlist correspondiente. Todos los videos estan subidos en orden cronologico en la playlist "All videos".
Quackity hizo directo en su canal QuackityToo
El directo de Spreen tuvo que ser editado por cuestiones de copyright. Los segmentos editados no interfieron con su contenido en el QSMP
El vod mas largo de este día pertenece a Maximus, con un total de 10 horas, 16 minutos y 45 segundos transmitidos.
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I say this with hatred in my heart for paperjam (and also as an aro) but I do want to point out that ace and aro are not the same thing, so like, fresh could possibly have romantic attraction. aromantic being the lack of romantic attraction and asexual being the lack of sexual attraction. his creator may have meant he was non-sam ace (only iding as ace, and prioritizing that identity) or aroace, as people often confuse aromantism with asexuality, but truthfully, whether he is uninterested in romance depends on the context of the confirmation. i am not against fresh being aro, simply pointing out that they aren't the same. apologies for the length.
I know that, I didn't mean to imply that people can't ship ace people romantically. I'm aroace myself, and I only wanted to mention it as a fun fact.
Sorry if I sounded like I was suggesting it was a bad ship bc of the acesness.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Catania: mobilità “green” per un giovane pusher che riforniva i clienti in monopattino, arrestato dai Carabinieri
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Catania: mobilità “green” per un giovane pusher che riforniva i clienti in monopattino, arrestato dai Carabinieri. Nell’ambito dell’azione di prevenzione e contrasto allo spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti, che costituiscono fonte di guadagno sicura per la criminalità organizzata, i Carabinieri del Nucleo Investigativo del Comando Provinciale di Catania, hanno arrestato per “detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti” un pusher 31enne acese.... Leggi articolo completo su La Milano Read the full article
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sociotecnia · 8 months
Los Elementos de la Comunicación Educativa
Los Elementos de la Comunicación Educativa, permiten crea un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje, la colaboración y el crecimiento. Por eso, en este artículo voy a describir cuáles son los elementos clave de una comunicación exitosa en la escuela  educativo. 1. Canales de Comunicación variados, abiertos y acesibles Los canales de comunicación deben ser variados, abiertos y accesibles para…
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encontreiaqui · 10 months
Desenho Digital
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Desenho digital acese
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For any obvious decision, consider secondary modalities of action which might aid or hinder it in the doing.
Robustnes of metrics shared between them: For r=the count of defined and acesible measurement categories expresing both of any pair of states, R=the relevance with a third state by the floor of the set of each pair's r. For any model, find the ceiling of r and R for each pair and triples, etc as notated rR_number of defined and acesible rR framestates, e.g. a comon sense course of action from start to finish, which is compared to the anticipated range of responses, and to the facts of the matter in hand ... is rR₃ ... which denotes a quality of predictive strength in the abstraction of discrete quantization, fitting any pedagogical framework with like-terms.
How good a measure is it? By comparing accuracy among systems of calculating predicted values in terms of 0...1, i.e. percentage of correct predictions within any range for any measure. And how does rR_n scale proportionally with acuracy of prediction?
Decisions might be ethically bound towards the advantages of co-operation and,or friendly competition.
There're practical maths to be had, no doubt, unless i've missed something along the way ... of course, we all have; as a working hypothesis, axiomatically we can say that there's always something else to consider and thereby another way to look at it which is yet to be considered.
Uncounted words carry meanings to be lived. For any sense of a word, it's total meaning is just the collection of all uses as delimited by any range of perspectives.
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444names · 2 years
(Should I discontinue the Mystery Post series?)
Acese Acitions Adery Admaz Adposil Adposs Adyst Agod Alay Alcoh Alcompaint Alit Alve Amommaw Amos Ampechy Andartys Anlochy Anlonow Anrall Ansfe Applithast Argual Arien Arnitiong Arresus Arrod Arry Artiner Artion Artyn Aryk Aryo Asdong Asom Ason Aspe Aspelatle Assithion Astive Ativer Audin Avnuv Baces Ball Basp Bleanyb Boilaryn Boileal Botalt Brearrom Buhavel Búshab Cable Cakh Calarns Cang Canrakh Cape Capplu Capply Cappoill Cappopús Cappú Capt Carek Caryk Case Casheany Caspez Cass Cassapeve Casupture Catain Catcham Cate Cated Caten Catig Cativeive Cativies Cavnuv Chab Chat Chate Chectureak Chyadv Cland Clarguq Cleand Commav Complat Craseirmy Crativlont Cray Dakhze Dalve Danvies Dard Darm Dartiv Dary Dataingul Dayo Debat Debtage Denvatent Dishepsal Docate Doilar Dombolurah Doolian Ducall Ducat Ducatib Duchamtate Durnapply Easid Entang Entheav Examet Eximat Exprograim Fabilizew Fabity Faccom Fact Fake Fakvús Faso Fassinere Fationow Felat Finvatux Fiymazkeb Forga Frand Frate Frax Frothaveol Fula Fulang Gakeq Gakvú Garge Gases Gating Geclayod Gicav Gliall Goak Goakiq Gocan Gocap Gonaming Grak Gral Gralt Gramtal Granses Grant Grappy Grat Gread Grearrya Greasses Gregall Gronabit Guage Guagecoh Hable Hablead Hamo Hanrakeno Hanseet Hanyb Hapell Harder Hase Haseirm Hasentener Hash Hasin Hasubt Hasukh Hate Hater Hatext Hatin Hation Hativlout Hatlen Hatlet Hatta Heatell Heaver Helatur Hetaterse Higvateb Huhammuc Huhear Huhuha Illab Indax Istram Ivial Ivlial Kameth Ladvel Laindrep Lang Larrel Larroned Lart Lary Laryk Laryouser Later Lazkebou Ligva Lonatch Lotall Lottarty Ludista Makhuh Mannou Mannuv Marn Masest Mastion Mazkeemo Meallaz Meap Meavnun Milear Mobtake Mona Munconass Nable Nabún Nalt Nalve Nans Nase Nast Nate Nativli Ninda Nizaw Nomealth Nratle Nrax Numplar Nunwela Nutrocall Nuvulary Oalotte Ongracell Oreat Orlditiva Othrulan Otrah Paccu Pace Pacites Pacti Paima Paina Paineem Painu Pakebt Palve Pance Pang Panvid Parell Parro Parryn Partive Pary Pasdom Pase Pasese Pasess Pasictive Pasind Pasitem Pasoq Pasot Pate Pentivat Plabuter Plat Play Prah Preal Preat Pregal Pulabition Pulan Pulandly Pulart Pulealow Pulessary Pulfa Pulfakhúr Pultheake Puppeap Puthatle Putrady Qakhhuh Qave Qaves Qual Rahyoz Rainde Rakew Rameak Reaf Reang Reark Rearry Reaste Reav Reguleark Remas Rescatar Rexam Rotragfart Rowelableq Rroreand Rularns Rulash Rumar Rumplat Ruttar Sall Sape Sark Shab Shabit Shable Shamoho Shante Sharne Shatux Shral Sigvarget Silanva Silgeta Simethans Sionetan Smark Smasig Smazke Snam Snappu Somompaste Stal Stan Stral Stran Stregakh Sumaingue Swoviary Syar Syater Sylla Syllabing Symaw Systerat Tage Tained Tainifes Tall Tando Tanguq Taryn Tatlurema Thar Thavol Thilatent Thillard Thractib Topart Totebal Trah Trahyev Trakhwer Tram Tranter Treakh Trutricula Tual Tuall Tuchya Turame Turnam Uhkeramply Ulan Urammun Usal Ushiticlar Úkamez Vare Vary Vasit Vatint Verain Vollarty Vulandiste Wableattle Wadme Wadv Wage Wamenowet Wamer Wang Wangulig Wanify Wanlosicle Wase Wasymavnue Wavinify Wavock Wear Weas Wheart Whechante Whectualm Wilar Winizab Wipaste Worgachy Wousap Xampev Yakh Yovialans Yuriessap Zableng Zaterchy Zatle Zistaryk Zystomplay
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newlinefrance-blog · 2 years
Coaching : plan entrenamiento 10 km en 42 minutos para runner 10 km
Coaching : plan entrenamiento 10 km en 42 minutos para runner 10 km
si haces running regularmente 2 o 3 dias por semana y corres al aparte veinte kilómetros semanal, no existe falta que se altera en el recorrido del entreno para una prueba de diez kilometros. Para que se puede deleitarse de la mejor entrenamiento plausible, necesitas un plan entrenamiento 10k en 42 minutos y un riguroso conocimiento de los metodos de entreno. Con una prueba de competicion o de reducida distancia (por ejemplo., cinco km, o determine tiempos de representación), su frecuencia cardíaca max. y su kilometraje por semana actual, podría generar su preparacion de preparación individual de 10 kilometros.
Que se necesita para un entrenamiento 10k en 42 pdf
Se debe mantenerse justamente en forma. Ser capaz corres regularmente de 2 a 3 veces semanal. Correr haces running al fuera de 15 kilómetros semanal. Conoces tu latidos del corazon máxima. conservar Meta de una carrera, o tiempo de encarnación. Estás planeando una carrera de diez kilometros y quieres preparar congruo justamente para ella con entrenamiento 10k en 42 pdf congruo has venido al sitio debido: con 3 preparaciones de prueba especiales, puedes acercar tus objetivos en la carrera de 10 km como runner aprendiz, superior o elites. Porque si ha terminado todas las unidades de ejercicio del esquema de carrera respectivo de contrato con su capacidad de rendimiento (novato, prestigioso o profesional), en primer ubicion, es suficiente disciplinado y, en dos lugar, puede contribuir en la efectividad con la conciencia feliz. Durante el preparación , la aceleración de carrera solo tiene que cultivar : en lugar de enfrentar la competencia con animo, tenga cuidado a tu organismo humano y sus indicaciones. Lo mejor es correr de tal modo que no esté totalmente muerto luego. Si piensas después de pisar la distancia de meta: "En sinceridad, incluso tienes kcal y podría existir sido más rápidamente", has cumplido todo justamente, has asegurado tu vigor y, encima, te has dado una linda emoción de elaboración. Una vez que haya gastado por último trotear con regularidad, es hora de acordar una nueva objetivo. ¿No sería diez kilometros una mejor objetivo? ¿Y todo sin descanso y sin sofocarse? Con eso estarías justamente arreglado para contribuir en una competicion divertida. Y cierto que llegarás a la meta allí antes que el autocarro escoba. te gusta el reflexión definitivamente seguramente deberías ligar leyendo detenidamente. En el noticia te presento un preparacion de entreno de 10km que te llevará a tus primeros 10 kms de forma competente y acesible. ¿Qué requisitos tengo que llevar con nosotros? necesitas ciertas cosas para principiar. Por un lado, está el conjunto acertado y, por otro parte, debe encontrarse en excelente modo vigor y ser apto de hacer running durante 30 mns a la ocasión. ¡Tu intensidad de prueba no importa! Si no podemos trotear durante treinta mns seguidos, asegúrate de echar un vistazo a mi preparacion de entreno para runners principiantes.
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noheinfancia · 2 years
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TEM CRIANÇA PASSANDO FOME. Vamos ser Solidários. Nós, Sociedade , unidos ,podemos colocar comida na mesa de milhares de crianças. Fazendo 1 PIX de 1 Real e replicando o PIX om seus amigos de trabalho,familiares, com suas redes sociais, com as redes sociais de seus amigos podemos alcançar 1 milhão de Real em poucos dias. E replicados,replicamos o mesmo gesto solidário e a Criança brasileira terá o que comer, vestir... Convido a cada um de vocês a liderar grupos de "Padrinhos Solidários" O Natal se aproxima! Escreva-nos: [email protected] *Se você tel alguma ideia e quer colocar em prática entre em contato. Você decide! Cada um de nós é cada um amigo seu,familiar, membro de suas redes sociais, fazendo PIX de 1 Real o alcance da Campanha "Criança sem Fome" seria extraordinario. Vamos fazer o PIX? CHAVE: [email protected] ou: CHAVE: noheinternacional - Quer Doar em Criptomoeda? CHAVE: nohe@opera Acese: www.nohe.org.br/doar para maior diversidade de opção de DOAR A NOHE agradece a nome de tidas as crianças. #redessociais #diversidade #doar #brasilsemfome #doe1realporpix #criancasemfome https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGNJS5ufzd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lotusprincessblog · 3 years
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So I did the Quest: We will be reunited.
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aichaun · 4 years
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RECEIVED: 08/02/2021
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