#acid jail is too good for him
proustianrevelry · 1 year
extremely weird to see ppl characterizing John in Harrow the Ninth as a guy who's worried abt Harrow and just wants her to get some sleep. Did you . . . Have you gotten to the part of the book where you find out John is the reason she hasn't slept in six days and is terrified of being murdered in her sleep? Because John noticed she was not an effective tool, hadn't murdered and absorbed her partner's soul quickly and completely enough, and so he ordered his pet killer to push her to this exact brink in hopes of traumatizing her into fighting shape?
Harrow kneels at John's feet begging for mercy after he foiled her attempt at self-defense because she used the tools she had instead of developing the standard lyctor powerset. I was mad enough at him the first time I read it, but finding out that mr "im sorry harrow i cant help u :,(" is the one who SET UP this entire scenario in the first place?
John wants to use her. Gideon wants what John wants. Wake wants to kill her soul and puppeteer her corpse. Mercy feels obligated to euthanize her like a dying pet.
The only adults not actively planning to kill her are Augustine, who doesn't give a shit abt her, and Pyrrha, who can only surface long enough to give her one piece of advice.
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Because I know the narrative loves me and wants me to be happy, I trust it's going to show me Shen Yurong dying horribly, blood bubbling out from between his traitorous fuckboy lips, all hope leaving his eyes as he realises his plans and schemes have come to naught.
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 year
DannyMay 2023. Day Thirty-one
"Free Day"
Warning: (Continued) captivity. Puking.
- - -
When Jason was kidnapped by the Ghost King, less than twenty-four hours ago, he didn't think he would be sleeping for a while, but maybe the stress of the kidnapping and the subsequent thrashing of Danny's —his jail-mate, it seemed— room (with Danny's enthusiastic permission and encouragement) had left him drained enough for him to doze off briefly —or maybe dissociate, which would be understandable—, and he came to himself still sitting in Danny's sofa, whilst his jail-mate sat on his bed —out of arms reach—, hands on his knees and gazing at nothing.
Jason groaned, rubbing at his eyes through his domino mask.
"Good. You're awake."
Red Hood looked sharply back at Danny, who was now looking at him with the trace of an awkward smile on his face, when just seconds ago he had looked, well, dead.
"Are you- hungry? Do you need anything? Other than freedom, that is, can't give ya something I don't have myself."
Jason snorted despite himself, and that got him a more genuine, if still small, smile from his jailmate. He stood up and wobbled on his feet, taking a hand to his head and cursing softly at the sudden dizziness. "Shit."
"You okay, man? How are ya feeling?" Danny asked him, coming warily closer.
Jason ignored him and sprinted to the door that he had deduced led to the bathroom, and soon enough he was kneeling next to the toilet, barfing his guts out with an intense, burning acidic feeling going up his throat.
"What the fuck is that?" He asked in between heaving, ragged breaths.
Whatever the fuck had been inside him was a dark green mottled with red spots of blood and smelled of decay and rot.
"Ugh; not good, is what it is." Danny, who had been hovering a couple of steps away, said. "Is that all of it, or is there more?" He asked.
Jason was about to snap that he was fine, mind your own business very much, but his words caught in his throat, and a determined expression set itself in Danny's face.
He flushed the toilet, and knelt behind Jason, placing both hands on his shoulder-blades, sending a pulse of cool energy and something else to him, and said, his voice even, "Get it all out, don't hold a thing back. I got you."
And with that little push, Jason resumed throwing up, getting rid of that putrid ooze, with Danny's hands a balm that spread to the- to the very core of him, making it bearable.
Once he finished and Jason was back in his jail-mate's couch, taking hard, open-mouthed breaths and with said jail-mate pressing a cold glass of water on him, he managed to croak again, "What the fuck was that?"
Danny put the glass in Jason's hands and made sure he wouldn't drop it before he answered, "For the looks of it, rotten ectoplasm."
"... what?"
"Think of running water, if water had life-preserving, life-giving, and resurrecting properties," Jason's eyes widened in recognition, and with Danny looking at him, he must have seen it even with his domino on, "now imagine it going stagnant for, how long?"
"... centuries." Jason answered.
Danny made a face at that and recoiled. "Crude." He said. "How long…?" He asked again, and once again, Jason knew what he meant.
First, though, he emptied his glass of water, feeling the cold liquid sooth at his sore throat. "I was fifteen back then, so, four years."
Danny whistled low. "Dude, that's like- that's just- damn! How did you survive that long with that clogged in your system?"
"With unpredictable, uncontrollable bursts of blinding green rage, of course." Red Hood snorted with annoyance.
"That's… one way your body may have tried to get rid of it…"
"Dude, what are you going on about?" Jason asked now.
"Look, man, I'm really no expert, I'm not a doctor of any kind, but my parents are, and I've been around the Zone for four years now, so I know a wee bit about us halfas and-"
"What's a halfa?"
"... sorry, what?"
"Halfa. The other guy said it too, when we summoned him. What is a halfa?" Jason said it clearly, looking Danny in the eye.
Danny opened and closed his mouth once, twice, only to end up groaning in distress and holding his head in his hand.
"Four years without clean ectoplasm, it tracks, it tracks." He said, obviously to himself. Red Hood's jail-mate breathed in deeply and looked back up at Jason. "Okay, we're gonna start from the beginning, but I need you not to flip out, yeah?"
Nodding, Jason sat up, "Lay it on me." He said, determined.
And so, Danny did.
… later, if Danny was upset that his room now sported a fist-shaped dent, he didn't show it.
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maineventbts · 1 year
Tumblr media
genre: horror, thriller, smut, angst
pairing: taehyung x reader (featuring jk, hobi, joon, jin, yoongi)
word count: 10.4k
warnings: mentions of murder & death, violent attacks, unprotected sex, vulgar language, knives & guns. lmk if I’m missing anything else!
summary: you just branded your boyfriend as the murderer, after your gruesome attack. you think you’re finally safe in your friend’s home, but you receive a call from the killer while he’s in jail. the town continues to be in fear, awaiting the next killing. the police set a citywide curfew, which is ignored by many. like any good horror movie, a party is thrown during all of the chaos. thinking you have a night of fun ahead, you find yourself fighting for your life, and get the surprise of a lifetime.
a/n: i wrote this very quickly, please ignore any mistakes. this has turned into a series, but this is the last part that will be almost exactly like the movie. please leave any thoughts/comments/questions in my inbox (anons are on)!
"I got it wrong," your words come out hoarse, feeling like you were just kicked in the chest. Nayeon's mother left the room in silence, too stunned to speak on what just happened. The voice on the other side of the phone made your ankle wound throb. Tears dripping down your face, burning like acid eating at your skin. Not even a full three hours have passed since your attempted murder, and you're receiving a threatening phone call. What makes matters worse is that you've already labeled your boyfriend as the boogeyman, the killer is still on the loose, and targeting you. Taehyung was behind bars, and you believed that you were safe. This couldn’t be happening, there was no way that this was your life. You have no idea who was behind the mask or the chilling call. You were just at the police station, getting your ankle patched up and having your statement taken by Seokjin. All eyes were on you while you pointed the figure towards Taehyung. You knew he’d never forgive you, especially after he tried to get you to believe him.
Tensions were high; a murderer was running loose, you told the police your boyfriend tried to kill you, and the anniversary of your father's murder was just around the corner. Even though you were in a house full of people, you felt alone. No one in the room could see or understand what you were going through. Nayeon pulls you in for a hug, her hands wrapping around your quivering frame. You couldn't stand to be here anymore, you were ready to hop on the next flight and join your mother. You just wanted to get away from the carnage that is your new life. "I just want to sleep," you mutter, shuffling towards the extra bed in your friend's room. You cry silently, tucking yourself in the sheets. Late to the party, Nayeon's brother bursts into the room. With a pistol in his hands ready to shoot someone, he asks, "What happened," his question goes unanswered as you turn over, and his sister rolls her eyes. "You're late, Jin," she said, crossing her arms over her chest, annoyed with her brother's late arrival. For a police officer, he wasn't the best when it came to emergencies. It was his job to keep an eye on you and he was failing miserably. You could hardly comprehend what just happened, and since you surely weren't ready to tell the story, you let Nayeon speak for you. 
As you walk onto campus the next morning, you're surrounded by reporters who were awaiting your arrival. They didn't care about your well-being, they were just ready to use you for another top story. The flash from the camera blinds you and brings back the worst kinds of memories. All you could think about were the invasive journalists from your dad's trial. The theories and the articles were the worst part of it all. You wouldn't be surprised if one of the top reporters were among the sea of bastards with a microphone and a camera. With Nayeon by your side, you believed that you would be okay and could make it through the turmoil. "Just ignore them," she says quietly, ushering you through the crowd. This was the last place you wanted to be. After the night you had and the fact that no one could get ahold of your mom, you were beyond petrified.
You sit at your usual lunch table, digging through your bag, as you talk with your friends. Bandaged ankle propped up, slightly in pain after all the walking you’ve done. The first thing you did was ask about Taehyung. He’d been released, but you haven’t spoken with him since. You expected that he’d be pissed, wanting nothing to do with you. "What do you mean, how does he feel? You told the cops that he tried to kill you. The kid's spirit is crushed," Hoseok chuckles, his comment receiving a smack on the chest from Nayeon. You already felt bad, but he was just making matters worse, "what else was I supposed to think?!" The last thing you wanted to do was rehash last night's events, but you couldn't just stand there and let him railroad you. There was a valid reason for you to think Taehyung was guilty, you didn’t just pull him out of thin air. "He knew I was alone and just happened to pop up as soon as the killer was gone," you said, aggressively zipping your bag closed, clearly annoyed. Jungkook forced his way into the conversation, saying, "I'm with, ___ on this one. He's always seemed like a killer to me, he’s got the charisma of killers from those true crime shows! He has 'murderer' written all over his face. This entire situation straight out of a horror movie."
As the group’s film nerd, Jungkook knew all about movies and the different patterns they have. He believed that he was the most qualified person for solving this, surpassing actual officers working the case. Ignoring Jungkook's commentary, Hoseok came to Taehyung's defense, once again, saying, "The message log came back clean, anyways, it's not like this is the first time he's snuck into your house. He probably just wanted to see you," Hoseok continues to speak for his friend, he’d fully believed that he was innocent, "he's here today, maybe you can apologize." His suggestion makes you scoff, standing up abruptly, "Why the hell should I apologize, I'm the victim here! He just got put in a cell for an hour; I was nearly fileted." You couldn't believe you had to defend yourself to your friends, especially after what happened to you. They should be more understanding; sadly, they've done nothing but make you feel bad.  "By the way, I'm fine," you throw your bag over your shoulder, turning on your heel, "since none of you even cared to ask." It was hard to believe that everyone has something to say about the situation, but no one cares enough to ask about your well-being. You limped away from the trio, refusing to spare them another glance. After you walked away, the group remained silent, reflecting on their choice of words.
You received various looks from your peers, some looked at you with pity, while others looked like you had brought the killer onto campus. All of the eyes on you made you queasy, you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. You're rushing through the hallway until you collide with another person. You try to regain your balance as you get ready to apologize. Before the words can leave your mouth, you realize you've come face-to-face with your boyfriend. He holds his hand out for you, trying to stop you from falling, before quickly pulling away. The look of fear in your eyes has him confused, "you still think I did it, don't you?" His question made you look away, head tilted downward as you stared at the floor. The look of concern on his face, paired with the softness in his voice, was a dangerous combination. You felt extremely guilty, expecting him to react angrily.
Maybe you were still scared, "no, Tae," you mustered up the courage to answer him. "You were there at such an odd time. Maybe it was a coincidence, but it just looked bad. I know it wasn't you, but that's all I could think in the moment," you finally looked up at him, sad eyes staring into his angry ones. "I knew you were scared so I just wanted to come and see you. I figured you'd want company, but the door was open, which was weird. So I rushed upstairs to see if you were okay," Taehyung grabs a hold of your hand, his expression softening as he realizes how sorrowful you look. "It's not just this though," he deeply sighs before continuing, "since everything with your dad, you've just been different." You snatch your hand away from his, glaring up at him, "what do you mean different?" You were appalled that he would even say such a thing, after all that you went through.
"You've been acting weird for months. Sometimes you barely want to be around me," he explains, and you stare at him in shock. "I know what it's like to lose a parent. When my dad left-" you couldn't believe the words you were hearing, especially to hear them coming from your boyfriend. "Really? Your dad left your mom, my dad was murdered. You can't even compare the two," your hand grips the strap of your backpack, as you prepare to flee this conversation as well. "I'm sorry that my life is too much for you. Not all of us are lucky to live in some perfect world," you push past him, your shoulder connecting with his. Taehyung calls out for you, shouting an apology as he watches you walk away. You refuse to turn back to him, keeping your head high while you storm away.
Ignoring the stares from your peers, you hurry into the bathroom. You lock yourself in a stall, leaning your back against the door. First last night, and now this? You just couldn't catch a break; it's like the universe was punishing you for some horrific crime. What could you have done to deserve a life like this? What you really wanted right now was your mother. She knew exactly how to console you and calm you down, but she still hasn’t responded to anyone yet. Seokjin promised he’d keep looking for her but you were beyond worried. You just needed to clear your mind, to breath. A few deep breaths and the sound of nothing seemed to do the trick. As you prepare to leave the restroom, you stop as you hear the voices of some girls. 
"She's such an attention whore." 
"Taehyung is too hot to be dealing with this. The bitch is insane."
"She probably lied about getting attacked, just to throw the cops off her trail." 
"After what happened with her dad, she just snapped, and now she's dragging everyone else down with her." 
The girls erupt in laughter, as they continue to exchange jokes about your current state. Every word felt like someone had taken a hammer to your chest. They didn’t know the truth, they just knew what they saw on TV and read online. The same goes for everyone else, they only know what people choose to report, not the full story.
As soon as the bathroom was cleared out, you exited the stall and approached the mirrors. You stared at your reflection with a blank face, too stunned to move. Eyes puffy and droopy, jaw clenched, and a frown. The girl in the mirror was a wreck, practically dead inside. A loud band pulls you from your thoughts, causing you to turn around. No one else was in the room, but you did see several people making a mockery out of the incident, masks and all. After what you just experienced, you weren't in the mood to stick around and find out what that was. Without any hesitation, you hurry out of the bathroom and walk to your next class. 
"Students, for the rest of the week, classes are dismissed. Please acknowledge the citywide curfew and stay safe," an announcement goes through the intercom, receiving shouts and cheers from students all around. You and Nayeon are walking off campus, heading to her car, before you're stopped by Hoseok. "You guys coming to my party tonight," he asks, pulling Nayeon against his chest. You ignore their antics and keep walking, confused as to how they can party during a killing spree, with a curfew. "Come on, it'll be fun," Nayeon grabs your hand, giving you an overexaggerated pout, “Please, for me?” You figured she wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend, but just didn’t want to leave you on your own again.
You stared at them in disbelief, shocked that they’d even think you’d be up for a celebration, but the pair wouldn't budge. Part of you wants to stay in the safety of Nayeon's home, while the other part wants to be surrounded by a large crowd of possible witnesses. "Fine, I'll go," you give in, deciding that you deserve a bit of fun in your life. Hoseok gives the girl a final kiss before you snatch her away, ignoring his shouts directed toward you two. He does a celebratory dance before walking in the other direction, to get things ready for the evening.
"Nice to see you, ___" Jungkook grins at you and Nayeon, he was surprised to see you two in his place of work. "We're looking for some movies for tonight. What do you got," you take a look around the aisle you're in before Jungkook stops you, "don't worry about that, I got the movies covered. I'm thinking horror movie marathon!" You weren't surprised by his choices, knowing how much he adored movies, especially horror films. "Alright, well, we're going to the store to get some snacks and food. Don't pick out any of that weird shit, I'm not watching Human Centipede with you again," Nayeon drags you out of the store, as you say your goodbyes to your friend. Jungkook stares at you in awe as you walk away, "just one chance," he mutters before turning back to his stack of DVDs.
"You left just in time," Jungkook scoffs as Hoseok approaches him, "and you brought Michael Myers with you, great." He looks over in the direction of Taehyung, who is too busy talking with a group of girls to notice his comment. "Will you give it up? It wasn’t him, the cops let him go," Hoseok rolled his eyes, tired of having to defend his friend. No matter how many times he tried to explain it away, Jungkook wasn't buying it. "This is the kinda shit that comes straight out of the movies. You don't think I know what the fuck is going on," Hoseok watches the boy get riled up, about to go on a full-blown rant. He stands back and watches it all go down. "Anyone that's seen a horror movie knows what's happening. That boy has killer written all over him! For Christ's sake, he's even standing in the middle of the horror section," Jungkook sets down the DVD in his hand, "I don't give a damn how clean his phone records were. They could show me it themselves, and I still wouldn't believe it." He was frustrated, no one seemed to listen to his theories or the facts he was pointing out.
A man approaches Jungkook, a movie in his hand, "if you came over here to ask me what actor is in it, look on the back! It's right there," he says, shooing the customer away, ready to get back to his conversation. "The cops only let him go because they're stupid. It happens in every movie! The cops are either too late to the scene or they ignore the obvious signs about who the killer is." Hoseok brings another question to the table, continuing to egg him on, "if he's the killer, what's his motive? Hm?" Hoseok wouldn’t back down, he knew exactly how to get Jungkook going, and continued to push his buttons. Picking up a new stack of DVDs, Jungkook places it on the shelf, saying, "there's always some reason for everything. No matter how stupid it is. That's what makes these movies so great, they aren't overcomplicated. Everything is right in front of your face," Hoseok stares at the boy, wondering how much longer he could go before he starts to lose his mind.
"His motive? Maybe _____ has started to lose interest in him," Hoseok bursts into laughter, "so? You think that means she'll be interested in you next?" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders at his question, "I think so, we get along great. Last time I checked, she wasn't running from me. Only your friend over there," he points in Taehyung's direction. When he realizes just how serious Jungkook is, Hoseok can't control his laughter. Pointing at him and giggling like a kid on the playground. Unfazed by his disrespect, Jungkook continues stocking the shelves. "You know who I think it is? Her mom," Hoseok randomly throws a new suspect on the table, "no one's heard from her since she left." Jungkook shook his head, his luscious curls bouncing as his head turned. "Nah, she's probably dead. Have you seen her mother? There's no way she could kill two different people, and attack ____," Jungkook didn't believe Hoseok, to him, it made no sense for your mother to be the killer.
"Her body will be found next. Insides ripped out! Teeth bashed in! Rotting in a closet somewhere," Jungkook's vulgar language didn't surprise his friend, he tended to be very overly passionate about these kinds of things.  "Someone's just waiting for the right time to bring her body to the surface." Hoseok looked around the room, waiting for others to notice just how loud Jungkook was getting. "If they watched a simple horror movie, they'd know there is a formula to this shit! A specific formula that they forget every time," at this point, he's practically shouting in the middle of the store, arms flapping around as he speaks. 
"Don't you get it! Everyone's a suspect," the room instantly got quiet as everyone stared at Jungkook. Hearing only some of the things he had to say, they thought he was a madman. He didn't care about the looks, he shrugged his shoulders once again. "The moms a distraction, it's Taehyung," as he turns to walk away, Taehyung pops up behind him, making him stop in his tracks. A firm hand grips his shoulder as Taehyung glares into his eyes, "are you sure you're not the killer? Huh?? Maybe your sickass saw too many movies and decided to make your own," Jungkook's eyes widened in horror, as he was accosted by his primary suspect.
Jungkook jumps again, as Hoseok comes up behind him, "you have a point there, in a typical movie, I'd be the main suspect." Playing with his hair, Hoseok continues to invade his personal space, practically breathing on his neck, "what would be your motive?" Jungkook answered quickly, looking between the two men, "it's a new age in cinema, motives come accidentally, naturally." The pair found him amusing as they continued to poke and prod at him. They giggle amongst themselves before walking away from Jungkook. Leaning over to a customer near him, Jungkook speaks quietly, "you're telling me that dude's not a killer?" Before they can answer, Jungkook snatches the DVD from their hands, shooting them a disappointed look, "Is that the Texas Chainsaw with Trey Songz? You've gotta be kidding me, go pick another one out," he sets the DVD on his tray before sending the customer back to the horror section.
"Hey Hobi," you greet the party's host as you enter his home. "Is Tae here," you ask quietly, avoiding eye contact, "No, he said he wasn't feeling it tonight." Part of you was disappointed, you didn’t want to see him, but you felt like he was avoiding you. You take a look around at the large crowd, feeling a sense of comfort. If anyone was coming to get you, there'd be several people around to witness it. As you walked further into the house, people began to notice you. Shouting your name and giving you pats on the shoulder. It felt better than the way you were previously treated, but it still felt odd. "Hey guys," you give a tight-lipped smile as you make your way to the living room. Already on his way to the television, you watch Jungkook put a movie on. No one dared to disagree with the movie he picked out, wanting to avoid any kind of battle with the man.
"What's up pretty lady," the sound of Yoongi's voice made you turn around, you look over to see your group of friends waiting for you to join them. He hands you a red solo cup as the group makes room for you to get comfortable. You sit next to Nayeon and Jungkook, the two being your closest friends. "Are you feeling better," Namjoon reaches over, resting a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, thanks for asking," you say, shooting him a smile, surprised that someone finally asked how you were feeling. You weren’t surprised it was Namjoon, he tended to be the more caring one of the group. Since your father’s untimely death, he’s made sure to always ask how you are. "Everybody shut up! We're about to watch one of the greatest films ever made, Nightmare on Elm Street," the room lets out some cheers as they settle in their seats.
Hoseok joins the group, plopping down next to Nayeon and asking, "can you get me another drink," the request makes her roll her eyes, but she does it anyways. She gets up from her seat and heads down to the basement. "Can you get me another drink," she mutters under her breath, mocking her boyfriend as she takes several drinks from the fridge. As she heads back to the door, the garage door opens up, stopping her in her tracks. With her hand on the doorknob, she looks to see who's there before trying to get into the house. "What the fuck," she groans, twisting the knob on the locked door. Instead of waiting around, she decides to go through the garage, to get back in the house. Walking towards the open entrance, she jumps. In front of her is someone in the same cloak and mask that attacked you.
"Jungkook? You've gotta be kidding me, take that off before ____ sees you," Nayeon shakes her head as she tries to walk past someone she thinks is a friend. A clothed hand wraps around her forearm, holding her in place. "You freak, let me go," she groans, trying to pull her arm away. "Fuck!" she shouts as she feels a sharp tip glide against her arm. Trembling in fear, Nayeon thrashes in her spot, trying not to freak out at the sight of her blood dripping on the floor. She thought it was just a prank gone too far, but they weren't stopping. "Let me go," her voice shakes as she finally pushes them away.
She bolts out of the garage, running from the assailant, just to be snatched back by her hair. Glass shatters on the floor as the drinks fall from her hands. Her back collides with the concrete, knocking the air out of her lungs. Coming to the conclusion that this was actually the killer, she’s aware that her end is coming. She tries crying out for help, words coming out as gasps, while tears run down her face. "Help me," she starts to shout before her mouth is covered. Letting out a series of muffled pleas for help, as she stares into the mask. She was beyond petrified, nearly about to give up. The phantom hovers over her, one hand over her mouth and the other hand wielding a knife. Her eyes widen as she notices the blade, thrashing on the floor, trying to save herself. Smacks to their face and fists to their chest, the killer refuses to let that stop their mission. Her attempts are unsuccessful, as the knife is plunged into her chest. Her hands come up to grip the mask, pulling it off of their face. Eyes fluttering as she’s losing consciousness, she looks in the face of the attacker. Her blood spilling onto the floor, as her world goes dark.
"Nayeon, let's go," you shout throughout the house. Jin was on his way to pick the both of you up, being your bodyguard and your ride. You already broke the curfew, but now it was time for everyone to head home. People leaving in their cars, going to lock themselves in their house. You'd been looking for Nayeon for the last five minutes, with no clue where she was. Little did you know, she was lying on the garage floor and you'd be next. You stand with Hoseok at the front door, as you wait for your friend to show up. "Hey, ___," a familiar voice sounds in your ears, causing you to turn around. Standing in the doorway is Taehyung, looking as sorry as ever. You can still hardly hold eye contact with him, giving him a small nod. "Hey, why don’t I go look for Nayeon and you two can talk," Hoseok suggests, pointing towards the stairs. You quickly nod your head, realizing that you can't ignore him forever. "Yeah, let's talk for a bit," you say, extending your hand, waiting for him to grab it. Taehyung jumps at the opportunity to be close to you again, intertwining your fingers. He leads you upstairs to the closest bedroom. After you enter, he closes the door behind you, wanting some privacy.
"Tae… I'm sorry," you sit on the bed, looking up at the man in front of you. Taehyung sits down beside you, resting a hand on your thigh. "I've been going through a lot, and I haven't been fair to you," you say, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I've been dragging you into my fucked-up world and expecting you to be okay with it." You stare down at your hands in your lap, trying to hide the fact that you're crying. You had expected him to handle all of the baggage you came with, not concerned about how that might’ve effected him. Taehyung radiated comfort; in this moment, you felt like you could trust him. Taehyung places his hand on your cheek, lifting your head up. "Baby, you can't blame yourself. You've had a lot to deal with this past year, and the least I could've done is be understanding," he says, wiping a tear from your cheek, giving you a small smile.
"My pretty girl… don't cry. You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one who's sorry," you finally look into his eyes, lips curving upwards. "Let me show you how sorry I am," you know what he's insinuating, and you're quick to nod your head. After the week you've had, you needed this. Not waiting another moment, you smash your lips against his. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, as you part your lips. His tongue slivers through, making its way into your mouth. Your hands come up to his shoulders, pushing her flannel off of him. You pull away, pulling your shirt over your head as Taehyung's eyes fall to your chest. He's quick to pull his shirt off and ask, "are you sure you want this?" Your hands come down to his pants, fiddling with the belt, "I want this, now," you speak softly, as you continue to get his pants off. You wanted nothing more than to be with him in the most intimate way possible. Taehyung was always your safe space, and you needed every bit of him to feel better.
The living room is still full of people, most of them being your friends. They've moved on to their next horror movie; Halloween. "It's obvious she was gonna die, she broke the main rule," Jungkook speaks to the group as he leans against the couch. The room as a whole was confused, assuming he was just speaking nonsense, as usual. "What rules," someone asks, clearly unaware that Jungkook has a habit of rambling on about movies. "You don't know the rules," he jumps up from his seat, looking at the people in disbelief. He lets out a big sigh and sets his beverage down. "There's a certain set of rules that everyone must follow if they want to survive a horror movie," Jungkook says, pausing the television as he begins to lecture the crowd. Little did they know, he’d give them some knowledge that would guarantee they’ll make it out alive. 
"Rule one, don't have sex," that rule made the group groan out a variety of complaints, people throwing chips and solo cups at him. "Rule two, no drinking! Rule three, no going off by yourself," Jungkook spoke passionately as he listed off the rest of the rules. "And finally! Do not say 'I’ll be fine’ you won’t be fine! You will die next," Hoseok laughed at his friend, standing up from the couch. "I'm gonna go get some food, do you want some," Jungkook quickly nodded his head, “by yourself,” he questioned, not knowing what idiotic comment would come next. "Yeah, I’ll be fine," Hoseok tried to contain his laughter as he exited the room, the rest of the people giggling behind him. "That's the kinda shit that's gonna end with a knife in your back," Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, knowing that he tried his best to give them survival tips.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry," your words come out as a moan, your voice quivering. Taehyung fucking you from behind as you grip the sheets beneath you. Each thrust was more exhilarating than the last, making your legs wobble. His cock slid in and out of your sopping hole, leaving you a whiny mess. Your legs practically shaking from the intense pleasure. Taehyung's hands grip your hips, bringing you to meet his thrusts. "It's alright, pretty girl," one of his hands comes up to caress your head. What started as a soft touch turned into him pulling your hair, "best apology ever," he groans loudly.
Things started off soft and slow, but got heated quickly. You both were eager to please the other, willing to do anything to make things better. "Taking me so fucking well," he picks up the pace without a warning. The sounds of your moans mixed with your hips smacking against each other was unholy. You can't even respond to his praises, too high in the clouds to even form a sentence. All you can do is let out airy moans, while you clench down on his cock. His cock was stuffed inside you, making you whimper and whine for more. Your thighs are soaking wet at this point, dripping down onto the bedding. You didn't care about the night before or what he said to you today, all you needed was for him to give you what you wanted.
As he continues to thrust into you, an overwhelming feeling begins to approach. You're sucking him in harder than before, not wanting to let this moment end. "Come on baby, cum all over my cock," Taehyung encourages you, as he feels you reaching your end, "you can do it, pretty girl." Those final words did it for you, you shut your eyes as you let the euphoric feeling take over you. "Fuck, squeezing me so well," Taehyung grunted as you continued to clench down on his throbbing cock. Your whines were music to his ears, aiding him in reaching his own high. He lets out of a string of curses, as his thrusts begin to falter. He spills his seed in you, coating your walls, before pulling out. His cum drips out of your pussy, spilling onto the sheets in a little puddle. You both take deep breaths, before saying anything else. Turning over, you lean forward, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. After you two cleaned yourselves up, you began to put your clothes back on.
"Did anyone come to see you, when you were in jail," you ask, pulling your shirt down. Taehyung sighed, confused as to why you were even bringing it up again, "My mom visited me." Your eyebrow shoots up in confusion, his mother was already at the station before he arrived, it was far from a visit. "That's not a visit, she was there to speak with officers," you proceed to fix your appearance as you ask your questions. Taehyung sits on the floor, lacing his boots, and trying to contain his frustration with you. "Then no, I didn't have a visitor," he gets quiet for a second, refusing to even look your way, "why are you asking about that? I thought we already settled this shit."
You shrug your shoulders, before turning to look at him, "I was just curious. It'd be funny if you had someone come and see you, so you could tell them to call me. It’d be a smart way to throw me off and make yourself look innocent," You knew your admission would make things worse, but you didn't care, it was a harmless statement. Taehyung jumped to his feet, finally looking into your eyes, "you still think it was me, don't you? We just had a whole conversation, the call logs were clean!" As he shouts at you, your eyes wander past him. The door was slowly being pushed open, "what is it gonna take for you to realize that I'm not the killer? Huh?" You ignored him shouting at you, too focused on what was going on behind him. Your eyes focus on a black cloak, trailing on the floor.
"What the-," you mutter before seeing the rest of the costume. Once again, you've come face to face with the phantom. Taehyung continues to yell at you, unaware of what was lurking behind him, "are you even listening to me?" Your mouth falls agape as you look on in pure horror. The masked killer carefully approaches you both, "Tae, look out," you finally shout, but your alert is too late. You watch as a knife is plunged into his back, causing him to hunch forward in pain, grunting loudly. Turning around to see his assailant, the knife is rammed in his chest. You let out a gut-wrenching scream as your boyfriend falls into a pool of his own blood. Sadly, you were standing close enough for his blood to have gotten all over your face. You try to let out a cry for help, but no words can come out. With a quick swipe of the knife, the phantom jumps over the bed, in an attempt to get you next.
You hop over the bed, barely escaping the swipe of the knife. As they try to leap towards you, they land on the wooden floor, buying you a bit more time. Sprinting through the halls, you take a look around at the wide variety of doors. Knowing you can’t stop running, you choose the one farthest away from where you were. The killer was at your heels, matching your pace. With your heart beating out of your chest, you snatch the door open, quickly closing it behind you. Once you noticed there was no lock, you pushed the nearby dresser in front of it as a barricade. You were in a bedroom, looking around for some kind of exit. Loud bangs come from the other side of the door. It was only a matter of time before they would break through. You come across a window on the left side of the room. Rushing towards it, you lift the latch to unlock it. You try to move as fast as possible, lifting the window up and crawling through. Just as you’ve made it to the other side, the door busts open. The assailant was instantly heading your way, you let out a gut-wrenching scream, praying someone around could hear you.
The floor under your feet was slippery. The roof boards were unsteady, and you could no longer use the window seal to hold yourself up. Carefully taking steps to the right, you lean down, using your hands to balance yourself. Looking beside you, the phantom is making its way out of the window. They’re moving faster than you were, not worried about falling down. You stand up straight, arms stretched out, as you try not to fall down. Taking large steps towards you with the knife in their hand, the killer dives towards you. "Somebody hel-" your voice cracks as a sharp pain in your abdomen stops you from finishing your cry for help. You’d been stabbed through the side, the knife was quickly pulled from your wound. The blood is pooling out, dripping down the side of your shirt. You feel yourself falling over, losing your balance, as you’re about to fall to your demise. Their hands wrap around your frame, you try to fight them off, kicking and throwing your arms around. They continue their attempts to stab you, swinging the knife in your direction. Throwing your hand up to protect yourself, the knife jabs straight through your hand,leaving you screeching in pain. You bring your wounded hand against your chest, trying to stop the bleeding.
You were either going to die up here or fall to your death, you couldn’t decide which was worse. Your attempts at fighting back were useless; you were barely able to dodge the knife coming towards your face. Ducking down, you throw your hands forward, pushing them back. As they stumble and try to regain their balance, you try to stand up. Before you can even move, you get kicked in the chest with a heavy boot. The force being too powerful, you slip off the roof, falling backwards as you shout at the top of your lungs. Your back connects with the roof of a car in the driveway. Groaning out in pain, you can barely believe that you’re alive. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up, only to see an empty rooftop. You hope they think you died on your way down; you weren’t sure how much more of this you could take. This was your second time being attacked, and this one ended with you being kicked off a roof, you were scared to think what was next.
Mustering up the strength, you roll off the side of the car. As your feet connect with the ground, you find yourself being drawn to the floor. You can hardly stand up, your back in excruciating pain from your previous fall. Using the side of the car as leverage, you pull yourself up and prepare to run. Before you can turn away from the house, a dark red puddle on the floor catches your attention. It's the body that's accompanying it that brings you to tears. Your best friend was stabbed and left bleeding out on the floor. You want to stay there with her, see if there's anything you can do for her, but you can't help her if you're dead. You limp away from the scene, moving as quickly as you can. As you make your escape, you continue to scream and plead for someone to come to your rescue.
Trying to shake the disturbing image you just saw out of your head. You make your way to the front of the house, thankful to see a friendly face. "Jin, we have to go," you shout, happy that there's someone with a gun to save you. To your surprise, he drops to his knees, falling onto the floor. Your eyes pan to the tear in his clothes, blood staining his uniform. You rush over to the porch, taking the gun out of his holster. You’d gone so long without a weapon, now you had the chance to fight back. Loud arguing catches your attention, and you turn around, pointing the gun at the two men approaching you.
Jungkook limping comes out of nowhere, fear evident on his face. He pushes Hoseok back before raising his hands, "he's lost his fucking mind! I found Nayeon by the garage, we need to get the fuck out of here." Jungkook tries to rush towards you voice quivering, before Hoseok pushes him to the floor as he holds his hands out toward you, "you gotta give me that gun! He killed my best friend, my Nayeon," the faux tears and the blood on his clothes aren't doing him any justice. The men continued to point at the other, screaming about all sorts of things. Hoseok begged for you to give him the gun, promising he could protect the both of you. At this moment, you can't truly trust either of them. One of them was guilty, and you weren't sticking around to find out which one. You run into the house and close the door, ignoring the screams from outside. They continue to beat on the door, pleading for you to let them in.
You hear your name being called from the top of the stairs. Your heart usually swells when you see him, but this sight wasn't something you enjoyed. Drenched in his blood, Taehyung stumbles down the stairs. You rush towards him, helping him hold himself up. He lets out small gasps, like he’s trying to catch his breath. Without thinking, you hand him the gun, knowing you'll be safer with him around. "We have to get out of here," you tell him, your voice hoarse and tears welling in your eyes. He shushed you, letting you know that you were safe now.  "We gotta get the fuck out of here, now! Hoseok's lost it, he's gone mad," Jungkook pushes his way through the front door, immediately locking it behind him. Frantically pacing, he looks quite happy to see you two are still alive.
"Madness, is a lot like gravity, all it takes is a little push," Taehyung says, raising the gun, aiming it at Jungkook. You grip his arm, confused at his actions, only for him to fire a bullet through him. Falling through the table behind him, Jungkook hits the floor and now you're left alone. You scream in shock, staring at your friend lying on the floor. You want to rush over and hold him, you couldn’t lose another friend today. "Been waiting to do that all day. The little fucker figured it out too fast," Taehyung giggles, rubbing the barrel of the gun over his temple. You're confused, you watched him get slashed up in the bedroom, just to find out that he was behind it all. You willingly gave him a loaded gun, and now you’re about to lose your life.
Bolting towards the kitchen, looking for an escape, you come in contact with Hoseok. Falling into his chest, hands shaking as you pull on his shirt, "Hobi, we have to go now!" You start pushing him, trying to get him to run with you. He doesn’t move from his spot, just standing in front of you with a grin. Reaching into his pocket, Hoseok pulls out a black device. "Surprise, surprise," he speaks into the voice modifier, and you pull back in shock. The sound of his voice made your ears bleed, taking you back to the predicament from yesterday. You should've known it was them, all Hoseok did was defend Taehyung when he was guilty. The whole ordeal was confusing, nothing was making any sense. He was just supporting his accomplice, making sure neither of them got caught. You push past Hoseok, sending him into the wall.
When you think you've got away, here comes Taehyung, coming around the other side of the kitchen. Gun pointed in your face, as he backs you up against the kitchen sink. The way they stared at you made your skin crawl, you’d never been this uncomfortable in your life. "Where you going," Hoseok asks, as he approaches you, blocking off the area so you can't run away. "It's all a part of the movie, baby," Taehyung starts, keeping the gun in your face, "and you're the star, just like your father." You look down at the floor, too afraid to look either of them in the face. "Now, we're gonna ask you a few questions, alright? Get it wrong, you die," Hoseok jumps in to finish, "get it right, you still die." Taehyung puts the barrel to your head, shooting you a chilling smile, "There are only two survivors here, and I'm sorry, baby, but you didn't make the cut," the fake sadness in his voice was taunting.
You look up, glaring at the pair, "you both are psychotic! Fuck you," you shout, only for Taehyung to return the energy, "no, no, you already did that. Remember?" You feel sick to your stomach, remembering his hands all over your body, all of the sweet words he said to you. It was all a hoax and you fell for it. You felt disgusting, like you needed to scrub off this layer of your skin to feel better. Gripping the edge of the counter behind you, eyes moving back and forth between the two, "you're never gonna get away with this." You wanted to believe the words you were saying, but you weren’t sure. Clearly they’d planned this whole thing out by detail, they just might prevail. Taehyung bursts out in tears, laughing in your face, "oh, but we already did! Your father was an easy kill, and it was even easier to blame the whore he was sleeping with.” You feel your heart shatter like you're reliving the death of your father, all over again. You let out a small whine in disbelief. For months he’d been deceiving you, just for it to come out that he killed your dad. You needed to know what drove him to that decision and why he chose to string you along.
"Why'd you kill him," your words come out quietly as your head hangs low, you couldn’t bare to look at either of them. Absolutely repulsed at the fact that you had been friends with them for so long. They were the ones to console you when your father was killed, little did you know that they were the culprits. "Why? I think she wants a motive, Hobi," Taehyung turns to look at his friend, as they share a smile. They were excited to let you in on all of the gruesome details. "I don't really care for motives. You see, as our dear friend Jungkook told me, there's always a reason for everything. Motives come naturally and accidentally," he says, raising his voice toward the end of his statement. He looked at you like you were just a prop, a disposable piece in his movie. His aura was once warm and loving, now he just had the face of a psychopath. Eyes wide, a sinister smile, and a thirst for your blood. 
"Did they ever find out why Jigsaw liked to kidnap people and put them in traps? Or why Leatherface liked to cut people up with a chainsaw," you raised your eyebrow in confusion. It was the wrong moment to argue, but you didn't care. You were dying tonight, so why not try and bruise his ego before you go, "we found out about both of them. For someone so obsessed with movies, you seem to know nothing about them." Your rebuttal has Taehyung scowling, his expression turning sour, as he looks appalled by your response. You're expecting him to at least hit you, even make another joke about killing your father, but instead, he takes another route. "You wanna know why your father's lying in a coffin? My mother was in love with your father, they’d been having an affair for months. Drove my dad away," you groan, knowing the chick from TV wasn't wrong, her theory was spot on. Your dad might’ve made a bad decision but he didn’t deserve to lose his life.
In the back, Hoseok is jumping around like he just took a hit of something, "your father was a man whore! Walking around town like he was some macho man. Somebody had to bring him back down to earth," every word felt like a kick in the teeth, "my father left me, you know what kind of damage abandonment has on a person? It made you slip up and sleep with a killer." You felt like you were about to pass out, wound still bleeding as you felt your brain shutting down. For months, you ignored the stories and theories about your father, only for it to all be proven correct. "Now let me tell you how this is gonna go," Taehyung speaks as he picks up the signature knife, handing the gun over to Hoseok.
"Your mother went crazy, her husband was murdered and she was traumatized. She went on a killing spree, getting everyone except me and Hoseok," knife touching your chest, tip poking into your skin. Chiming in, Hoseok keeps the gun pointed at you from afar, "she thought we were dead but no! We get to stick around and plan out the sequel!" If you heard the word 'movie' one more time, you were going to get the gun and finish yourself off. “I mean, people need to hear about this shit. Imagine the kind of movie deals we’re gonna get,” Hoseok was beyond animated, imagining how their lives will change once this is over. An idea pops into Taehyung's mind, a smirk coming onto his face, "why don't you go get my baby's surprise." He orders Hoseok to retrieve whatever sick secret they kept in the house, while he keeps his eyes on you.
"Oh, you're gonna love this one," Hoseok cackles as he backs out of the room. Silence fills the air as you're left with Taehyung. You look around the room, too disgusted to spare him another glance. He stares down at you, grinning like he’s won something special. You should've known there was something wrong with him, nobody is that perfect. You hear Hoseok coming back into the room, your eyes moving over to the entrance. A look of fright is painted on your face as you look at the body thrown to the floor. "Mom!" you whimper, trying to reach for her. She's tied up with tape over her mouth, looking like they roughed her up before her capture. "Stay back," Taehyung points the tip of the knife at your chin, making sure you can’t get to her. He liked watching you tremble, in a powerless position.
"Enough of this shit, let's get on with it!" Hoseok shouts, still jumping around. She makes eye contact with you, eyes widening in pure fear. She's innocent in all of this, and now she's about to be blamed for everything. It was your dad that fucked up, and now she would suffer the consequences. You felt like there was nothing you could do to save her or yourself. You couldn't believe the scene in front of you: your boyfriend pointing a knife at you, your friend pointing a gun in your face, and your mother on the floor. Lost for words, you decided to prepare yourself for whatever would come next. "Hold still," Taehyung turns to Hoseok, raising the knife into the air. To your surprise, he's plunging it into Hoseok's abdomen, "FUCK," he wails out, as he’s stabbed near his chest. You couldn’t believe your eyes, they were truly committed to their plan, willing to be sliced for five minutes of fame.
Blood drips to the floor as he screams in pain, "Your turn," one hand gripping the island, and the other reaching out for the knife. The look on his face was horrifying, like he was excited to return the favor to his accomplice. Taehyung hesitantly hands over the weapon and grabs ahold of your T-shirt. "Not too deep," he directs as he braces himself. Knife penetrating his lower abdomen as he shrieks in pain. Taehyung smacks a glass cup off of the counter, letting it shatter on the kitchen floor. The knife piercing his skin hurt like hell, neither of them prepared well for this part of the act. You watch as the two continue to take turns, tearing into one another, screams of agony coming from them both. The counter covered in blood, dripping onto the kitchen floor. "You sick fucks, this isn't just some movie," you shout from the corner of the room, slowly backing away from the two men. Clothes covered in their own blood, holes from the knife slashing their attire. "But it is, sweetie! This is act three, and I'm sorry but your role has been cut short," Taehyung giggles in your face, a pained look remaining, after being cut into by his friend. You stand there in shock, unsure how you got yourself caught in the middle of a movie. The men continue to slice and dice each other, you watched closely, jaw hanging and eyes wide.
On the other side of the room, Hoseok is leaning against the island, his hand over his largest wound, trying to stop the blood from spilling. "Give me the gun," Taehyung gives Hoseok an order, his hand waiting for the weapon as he glares at you. You felt like you were on fire, his gaze burning through your skin. Your mother was next to go, choosing to save you for last. "Uhhh," Hoseok mutters, nervousness evident in his voice, "I don’t know where it is, man," He looks around the room in shock. Taehyung clenched his jaw, groaning, the last thing he needed was a missing weapon with their fingerprints all over it, "don't just stand there! Find it," he barks at him, his voice startled you, making you jump. Hoseok searches the room, looking under every surface. "I have a better idea for your movie," everyone stops at the sound of a new voice, confused as to what's happening.
A surprise cast member, coming to rescue you from the third act. You finally look up, eyes landing on your friend with a gun in his hand, "Namjoon comes across you two idiots and saves the day." He speaks confidently, walking further into the room. He never left the house after the party, he chose to stay back and watch movies, hiding once he heard screaming. You have never been this excited to see him. A bit of hope runs through your body, you feel like you might finally stand a chance in this situation. "I think I like this ending much better," you mutter in the background, earning a chuckle from your friend. Namjoon aims the gun at Taehyung, pulling the trigger, "what's the matter," Taehyung walks towards him, making him back out of the room quickly. He opens the door, but before he can escape, Taehyung makes a swift move. With a brutal punch to the face, Namjoon is knocked down, his body piling next to Seokjin's.
Taehyung approaches the bodies, picking up the gun he dropped. "These things work so much better when you turn the safety off. Say goodnight," he snickers, turning off the safety and aiming the gun at his head. "Umm, Tae! We have an even bigger problem," Hoseok shouts from the kitchen, looking frazzled. Too entertained with the battle in front of him, he forgot to keep his eyes on the other victims. As Taehyung rushes back into the kitchen, frantically looking around. He wondered, how the hell did you managed to get out so quietly.
Leaving Namjoon alone, Taehyung rushes back to the kitchen, as angry as ever. "Where the fuck is she," he screams at the man, pushing him around. You and your mother were nowhere to be found. As soon as their attention was off of you two, you quickly fled the scene. Hoseok takes a seat, an exhausted look on his face, "find her! Get u-" before Taehyung can finish, the landline begins to ring. They get silent as Taehyung reaches for the phone, "you should really think twice before turning your back," he says, recognizing your voice with the modifier. Getting visibly upset, he shouts into the phone, "bitch! We're gonna finish you off like we did your fucking father," cackling on the other side of the phone, and you give him the best response, "awe baby, you gotta find me first." Now that you’re on the other side of things, you return his taunting energy. Toying with him as he did you.
He sets the phone down next to Hoseok, before smacking him on the back of the head. "Get the fuck up, Hoseok," Taehyung grunted, as his friend is resting on the countertop. Hardly able to construct a sentence, he groans, "you cut me too deep man," he looks like he's about to pass out at any moment. Enraged by Hoseok's inability to help find you, he rushes off by himself, running throughout the first floor. It’s apparent that he’s run out of tricks. The police were on their way and you were nowhere to be found. His movie ending was crumbling right before his eyes and he couldn’t handle it. "Hello," Hoseok picks up the phone, his blood dripping all over the Dialpad. "What are you gonna do, Hobi? The police are on the way, Tae already has a motive, what about you," he tries to find the strength to respond, as he feels like he's about to slip away. "He pressured me into this, I'm easy to manipulate," Taehyung is still in the back, tearing up the couches, and kicking over household items. "You didn't really call the cops, did you," cackling at his question, you're quick to respond, "of course I did." Clearly, that wasn't the answer he wanted, a wail coming from the back of his throat, "this house is a mess, I am so dead!" He was absolutely insane, sobbing about getting in trouble for a messy house, when he just committed several murders. 
Taehyung stalks through the halls, moving as quietly as he can. Gun gripped in his right hand, as he kicks open every other door. At this point, he was running out of options. The police were on their way and they knew what he did. He might be going to jail but he needed you to die first. He’s eager to find you and finish you off himself. You’ve already ruined their plan, there was no way he was going to let you escape. Little does he know, you aren’t too far from where he was. Out of nowhere, a closet door busts open, and here you come, leaping out at him. Raising your weapon, you impale his chest with the same knife he tried to use on you. "Bitch," he groans out in pain, his body starting to drop to the floor. Looking down at him, you think everything is finally over, putting the knife in your back pocket. You begin to walk towards Jungkook on the floor, wanting to see if he was okay, until you're tackled sideways. Hoseok came out of nowhere, seeming to have regained some of his energy. Your back comes in contact with the wood floor, a shooting pain passes through your body. You’ve been fighting all night, but you don’t plan on giving up anytime soon.
Hoseok hovers over you, wrapping his hands around your neck, "die already!" He presses down, ignoring your hands clawing at his forearms. You raise your knee, hitting him in his groin. Hoseok falls back in pain, moaning on the floor. You hop to your feet, trying to catch your breath. You scan the room for the nearest exit. The stairs being your first choice, you sprint up the steps. You slip into an empty bedroom, closing the door behind yourself. Hiding from him was practically pointless, this was his house, you were at a disadvantage. “Don’t run baby,” Hoseok shouts, busting into the room. He charges towards you, hands instantly wrapping around your throat. “The movie isn’t finished, you’re ruining everything,” he screams every word in your face, bits of his spit hitting your face. He starts tightening the grip on your neck, making you thrash. Your hands come up to his face, trying your hardest to push him away. Hoseok backs you in a corner, your body colliding with the wall. You feel your life slipping away, running out of air in your lungs. You reach into your back pocket, raising the knife up. Jamming the end of the blade into his forehead, making him grunt, you could feel his hands loosen the grip on your neck. Pressing your foot against the wall, you push yourself forward, causing him to stumble back.
He lets you go before he drops to the floor, hands coming up to console the sore spot on his face. You lie in the corner, caressing your neck like it would help make the pain go away. You gather all of the strength you have to pick yourself up and hobble out of the room. You were on the verge of dropping to the floor, having to use the walls in the hallway to hold yourself up. Just when you thought you had gotten a substantial amount of space between you two, he catches up quickly. Right behind you as you approach the stairs, “why won’t you die!” You try to ignore the screams behind you, as a pair of hands pulls you back. You drop to the floor, making sure to keep ahold of the knife in your hands. Grabbing your shirt, Hoseok snatches you up. As your feet hit the floor, you raise the knife up, plummeting it in his chest. Letting go of you, Hoseok drops to his knees hands coming up to grab the railing. You decide to give him the same ending that he tried to give you. You pick your foot up, pressing it against his chest. You watch as he tumbles down the stairs, before hitting the wood floor at the end. A slight smile crawling onto your face, this being the best thing to happen to you all day.
You quietly walk down the stairs, just in case there’s another unwanted surprise waiting for you. Limping into the living room, you find yourself looking for another way to escape. "Jungkook," you notice your friend hobble into the room. You rush towards him, examining his chest, saying, "I thought you were dead." He looks relieved to see you, throwing his arm over your shoulder, saying, "I definitely should be, I’ve never been so happy to not get any action." You choose to ignore whatever he's rambling about, your brain is too clouded to comprehend anything.  "This is one of the worst movies ever," a voice groans from behind you two. Namjoon is rubbing his head as he walks over to you guys. He gawks around the room, shocked to see the state of the house. Pictures and statues knocked over, glass coating the floor. You stand around, looking at the bodies on the floor, knowing your life has been changed forever.
"Wait, I've seen movies like this, it ain't over. Evil always comes back, you need to shoot it in the head," Jungkook's commentary concerned you. Nudging his body with your foot, you wait for him to pop up. His body remains still and stiff. “I guess this movie has an alternate ending,” you mutter, before limping over to the closet to untie your mother. “Are you okay,” you ask, already knowing the answer as you pull the duct tape from her mouth. All she could do was grunt, she was in horrible shape, bruises all over her face from her attack. Jungkook and Namjoon come over to help you, untying her wrists and ankles.
“It’s Billy,” a quite voice speaks from the front door. You all whip your heads around in unison, scared as to what might lurking behind them. You feel a lump caught in your throat, words unable to leave your mouth. “Holy shit, you should be dead,” Jungkook stops his movements as he observes the person in front of him. You feel like your paralyzed, too confused to make a move. Something pulls you back into reality, you jump up to your feet and run across the room. Colliding with your best friend, wrapping your arms around her. You pull away, examining her wounds. She leans into your chest, on the verge of collapsing, “I’m fine, so is Jin,” she points over to her brother on the floor, regaining his consciousness.
Once the police arrive with EMTs beside them, you truly believed it was all over. Evil was defeated and none of your friends lost their lives in the process. You’re in the back of ambulance, sitting on the edge, as you wounds are being tended to and you’re hooked up to machines. Looking over, your friends have the same thing going on, faces looking exhausted yet thankful that they made it out alive. For the first time in a long time, you felt like you could breath. “We got two more in here! They’re still breathing,” your heart beats rapidly, making the machines go haywire. Tears run down your bloodstained cheeks as you watch paramedics go rescue the same two men that tried to kill you. Your mind was hazy, you didn’t know what to say or what to think. All you could do was let out an agonizing scream.
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mooncheese3 · 1 year
yueliujiu anon here saying if ur too shy to answer my last ask -- it's ok! but also, if you have any more yueliujiu thoughts pls feel free to dump!! id love to hear them 🥺🥺🥺
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ANYWHO HDNFN yeaa :DDD u are the anon in mermaid qijiu reblog :DDDD genuinely cant stop thinking about them now also im totally gonna join yqy weekend now that i have been made awareRAWGRH SPREADING THE YLJ AGENDA
thoughts on how lqg is so used to having a big family and how hes never worried about losing their support vs qijiu whose longest familial bond has only ever been each other and how they always worry about losing that so they try their damnest to tie themselves together (and this doesnt always translate well)
idk what theyll do about that i just know that hurts and it hurts good
but also small-town!sv au wherein yqy is the mayor, lqg is a newly transferred cop, and sqq is the local librarian & part-time language tutor (also a retired criminal investigator)
basically 'beyond evil' vibes where lqg is investigating a case gone cold, aka the qiu massacre thing. SO LIKE. hes following a lead everyone else deemed outlandish, but the thing is his instincts have never failed him before, and those instincts are telling him hes on the right path
it just so happens that path leads right to a little town up in the mountains, whose mayor is a charismatic man named yqy. yqy is kind, thoughtful, and just. he smooths problems out quickly and can manage many things at once. right beside yqy is sqq, the only flaw lqg can find in yqy
sqq is an acidic man. the mayors wrapped around the guy's finger and the mayor himself doesnt care; he knows too much, is what lqg thinks. lqg notices sqq's aversion to fire, notices how his stare lingers on flames that burn too close. he notices how sqq easily lockpicks the libarary's door when the rust in the lock finally overpowers the key, how sqq seems to be hated by all yet is frequently hired by the parents who gossip about him. lmy tells him over the phone that if sqq really were the suspect, hed have been around 16 when the qiu massacre happened—isnt that too much?
despite agreeing with his sister, he cant shake the feeling that a teenage sqq would be capable of it
additionally to sqq he feels that qht deserves to at least find peace in finally "figuring out" why her family died in such a horrible way and getting justice. she was innocent after all. so if that means he needs to rot in jail for the rest of his life he'll let lqg do his job and finally close the qiu case
yqy is less than pleased btw. he tries to take suspicions off of sqq but it just makes it worse)
idk how the plot goes i just need some enemies/you-can-tell-theres-tension-between-them-but-they-never-argue to lovers action
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discotitsposts · 2 months
true genius-
my actual favorite episode ever ever ever I’m SO INSANE FOR THIS EPIDODE
this is like the first one o watched on my own ITS SO GOOD
reid centered so yayy
this is how i fell in love w him
spoilers ahead
lol typical making out in a car
the zodiac killer case is so interesting like wym dude never got caught
“yes a fetish for trees” HES SO AWKWARD I LOVE YOU REID
lol this guy runs a company
The way if reid was at a conference i’d run and be listening to every word
awww reid’s sad :(
rossi lol “no way” yes way
this is so interesting like how did bro get the original artifacts from the real case (i know how he did it)
reid reid reid!!!!
imagine if spencer knew how many people love him and write fanfic about him LMAO
he’d be a little terrified let’s be honest
but just a little
“three can keep a secret if two are dead” i thought this was criminal minds not pretty little liars
i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve seen this episode
like this is MY episode i claim this one lol
bros playing chess on break
lol enlightening
he wants the printed out version of the paper 💞💞
the way spencer just knew this wasn’t the real zodiac killer is why i was like this guys great 💞💞💞 my heart
it’s so funny because i’ll be watching this show and this is my view
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the barbie’s r like wtf
lol reid ended this guy
LOL his presentation
“your soulmate is standing before you now” is he talking about the lady or himself
i remember originally watching this because finn wittrock but fell for spencer/matthew instead lol
i like this detective from the local pd
“where do people find the time” lol reid
dr spencer reid i love your mind
“youre not as smart as you think you are” 😫😫😫💞💞💞SIR IM STUPID FOR YOU 💞💞💞
y’all have to see this
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dude has a detective board
lol he thinks she wants to call off the wedding
bro she doesn’t want you
“How old are you 29,”
nikola tesla my beloved
emily lol
doesn’t he accidentally see a pattern lol dudes so smart
emily’s little smile lol
for he
god he’s so smart
the problem is i think i could understand the code and idk my iq but it’s prob not 160 or above
how do u even calculate that shit
reid’s face is perfect
the taxi driver, didn’t he kidnap the best friends wife from the back of the cab
i don’t think i made this very clear but this is my favorite episode EVER
i’m gonna fucking bite spencer if he keeps being so adorable
finn ain’t no angel in this
vegas!! matthew’s hometown
mY leg itcjes
i also would like to catch the zodiac
staring at nothing
best friend activities
i need him now
aDmiT iT yOure HaVing FuUuN
i literally can’t get cozy
listening to him💞 💋
no matches
doesn’t he plant a piece of evidence
they found him
o love when reid comes up behind him
bro kidnapped his future wife
it’s spencer reid’s world we’re just living in it
bro said “sanctimonious” wtf does that mean
“not really” 💞💞💞💞💞
the vest 😫😫💞💞
i don’t think harvey here is going to shanghai anymore he going to jail
SULPHURIC ACID dude that’s insane
LOL REID “i’m sure he’ll send you a postcard”
spencer reid you’ve made the biggest difference in my life 💘💘💘
lol morgan the way he’s in his 40s now😭
awww him blowing out the candles he looks so happy
the end
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baby-jaguar · 2 months
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Lust by Nature {Part 4}
Masterlist, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Read on ao3
Pairing: Captain John Price x fem!Reader
MDNI: 18+!
Warnings for this chapter: Drugging, hinted non-con but just a hair
Word Count: 5,777
Summary: He’d been used to the small messages telling him to make you simmer down, something not uncommon in the scope of you being, well, you.
A/N: There are a few POV Shifts and time skips in here, denoted by the "---". Work has been kicking my butt so sorry this is late. I hope ye enjoy
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Waking up, you almost bit a medic’s hand off.
Wild and afraid. It was sudden and the place was seemingly so new that it triggered your fight or flight. You did not want them anywhere close and for far too long than you deemed necessary. Insistent on them leaving you to heal on your own even if you’re sucked dry of any magic at this point. Snapping your teeth like a wild animal when one medic tried taking your shirt off to get to the gouge on your side, before snarling as two were tag teaming you to keep you down. 
Something about their hands not feeling warm enough, not having the smell of tobacco leaves stained into their skin to leave a trail of smoke. Yet there was something lurking in the air. Something different; You knew the scent was familiar, it felt like it belonged in the medical ward yet it shouldn’t be here near you. It screamed danger, something clawing and scratching at your mind to remember.
The scent trails around the room like the smell of burnt clover, making your stomach want to recoil and throw up its acid with the lack of any substance in it. 
The lab.
Neurons fire off, and your hackles are raised. Literally. Hissing and ignoring the medics around you, yowling like a damned animal in pain when you realize what you’re smelling. Stuck in fear, now grappling with the sheets as your hands grab onto the bed rails, shaking the bed as you shift in short and shaky bursts.
Somedays Price’s office felt like a sanctuary, while others, it feels like his own jail cell. Head down, furiously scribbling his memories onto paper to prepare the after-action report while leaving a separate sheet blank and off to the side with your name at the top.
God, he had it in his head that he needed to be so fucking pissed at you. For the dream, for disobeying orders, for getting hurt. But he knows it’s irrational and can at least objectify his emotions enough to see them from a third-person point of view.
His head’s in his ass and he’s acting like a fucking boy.
Even Soap had earned a scolding from the Captain, taking it in strive to only break the berating with a smirk on his lips. He knew. Johnny knew, Ghost knew, and even fucking Gaz knew that you were getting underneath Price’s skin. Something no woman had ever done so easily and successfully before.
His cell rings, not his personal mobile but rather his work flip phone. One that either means business or trouble.
The number was unsaved, as all are since this was the one he toted around everywhere while deployed. 
“Captain. I’ve got some news for you. Now a good time?”
Leaning back, he takes this saving grace as a moment to rest his eyes and hand from writing. “Of course. Wha’s goin’ on?”
There’s shuffling on the other end of the line, sounding like she’s standing up to walk somewhere. Price presumes it is towards a window. Dramatic woman.
“We’ve gotten word that there's some unrest back in-”
Her statement is cut off when the phone begins vibrating again. “Laswell, hold on. I’ve been expecting this call, can I catch you in a moment?”
A scoff is his answer before cutting the call and switching to the new one.
“Need you in Med, stat. Saint’s going-”
“On it.” Snapping his phone shut while moving to the door. He’d been used to the small messages telling him to make you simmer down, something not uncommon in the scope of you being, well, you. 
He can hear the commotion at the end of the hall before he’s near the door. Opening the door in a flurry, he finds you in a state he’s never seen before; Wide-eyed, backed into the back of the bed, and curled up to shield yourself. A second sweep of the room makes him realize you’re not protecting yourself from the medics. No, you’re looking towards him, but seemingly not at him.
“Saint.” The growl catches your attention, focusing on his mustache twitching as his eyebrows furrow. “Care to tell me why the medics said you need to leave the infirmary before you make one of the staff go to inpatient?”
“It's wrong. Doesn’t smell right.” In return, your head only snaps in his direction, eyes only keeping on his for a moment. “Don’t take me back, I don’t want to go back.”
The blatant stare you receive is more than enough to let you know he’s lost in whatever this whirlwind of emotions is. “You need to settle down, and behave.” The whisper is a promised threat, entirely off-kilter from what you need right now.
“I don’t want them touching me!” You hiss almost petulantly, being sure to restrain your voice for only him to hear. “I have to leave. Just let me heal myself, please-”
His hands move out of sight from your narrowed eyes as you beg; Coming up to capture your jaw with one hand as the other holds your shoulder. He steadily leans in to hold your face still.
“You need to stay and get checked out. You were hurt, sweetheart.” The harsh command battles with the softness of his palm cupping your jaw as his thumb stroking your cheek.
That’s when you saw him through the window. 
A man, dressed in square glasses and a white coat that seemed cheap and fake in material. A scam of a man. Dr. Deidrick. 
This man knows you well, as you know him. He was a constant in the lab, the person who oversaw all testing of blood, vitals, but most importantly testing the magic inside you. A large amount of scars on your body were because of him, always measuring your healing capabilities depending on your energy levels and what you had used as energy prior to the test.
Locked in a stare-down, Price only registers your change when you stiffen and stagger a breath. “What’s wrong?”
Looking at where your eyes are, he finds the man looking in through the small door window, glaring at your face, seemingly at where Price touches you gently. When he moves to glance at Price, he gives a small nod before entering. 
“Everything okay, Captain?” His tone is polite and neutral, speaking to Price while his gaze remains on you. “Is she having a little fit?” 
The clicks of his dress shoes make more noise of his entrance, your hands latching onto Price’s forearms.
“And you are?”
The doctor laughs, giving a smile more than forced. This you know for certain.
“My apologies, I am Dr. Deidrick. I came to visit once I heard our little demon was wounded.”
His possessiveness in the phrasing alone ticks off the Captain's mind, raising questions as to what in the fuck is going on. He can feel the slight tremor of your hold and, for more decency, the hand cupping your jaw moves to hold onto yours.
“So, you’re from the facility?”
“Yes, I was her previous caretaker in medical for the last several years.” Cockiness evident when his attention shifts to grab the chart at the end of the bed. “I hope you do not mind I came to check in on her healing and progress. Just a simple evaluation and report.”
He reads over the chart for a moment; Flipping the page while moving closer to your side, opposite of Price. 
“How are you feeling, Devil?”
Instead of quiping a sharp or actual answer, the response is enough to shock the Captain.
“Hello, Dr. Deidrick.” Speaking softly and politely, as if you were some nobel greeting a high priest. Don’t misbehave.
You’ve learned this lesson with him.
“Hello. Now, how are you feeling?” He digs in further with the question, eyes moving up from the paper with a weighted look.
“I’m fine. Sore. Tender. I told them I could heal on my own.”
"Mm..." Dedrick watches as you speak before moving to place the clipboard down, grabbing a pair of gloves.  "And you believe that you can heal yourself easily?" His voice remaining calm and civil.
That's one thing you’ve always hated. Even in the cruelest and inhumane moments when studying creatures and hybrids alike, he had the calmest voice.
“Yes, I’ve dealt with worse.” Spitting the answer at him in a quick snap, you can't help but let anger flare. “You of all people should know that.”
Dedrick's expression changes for the first time. His eyebrows raise and jaw tightening in warning with a sharp look.
"I know that you can heal, but that doesn't mean that you should." A hint of an edge to his voice bleeds through. "Your injuries are still serious. If you leave here before fully healed, that would be highly irresponsible."
“The medics already cleaned and sutured it. There’s nothing more to do.”
You can see the game he plays, yet you’re playing it too. Price doesn’t know, the entirety of your team doesn’t know. If for their sake or the sake of keeping yourself alive, it's not certain. 
Telling Price would solve this problem right here, right now. Screaming the horrors Dr. Deidrick has committed to others and to you could easily raise alarm bells through the whole base, yet you remain a perfect little actor. Just as you were trained.
“I’ll determine that for you, not you.” Deidrick retorts shorty, gaze shifting from your body to Price. “I will have to do an exam of the wound and her damage. Just to make sure there are no outliers to her magic or health.”
There isn't room for argument here, seeing as Price is a Captain and not a fucking Doctor over mystical creatures and beings.
“Well, I can be in the room with her. That be an issue?”
The most Deidrick can muster is a forced grin, narrowing his eyes to Price’s presence. “Yes, that is perfectly understandable for you to oversee the process, Captain.”
A swift silence ensues as Deidrick walks to the medical cabinets and the end of the room, looking over his clipboard and grabbing medical tools- the kind that isn’t even needed but instead for show. All for the sake of Price.
The velcro cuff of the sphygmomanometer wraps around your arm before the manual pump begins from Deidricks hands. The cold stethoscope in the crook of your elbow, silence as he measures your blood pressure. Just as he is about to speak, the sharp ringing of a dial tone sounds out.
“Shit- I have to take this.” Price’s hand retrieves the phone from his pocket, confirming the caller. “Be right back.”
“No… No, please.” Unabasidly begging, your hands on your Captains arm to try and anchor him to you. “Don’t go.” It's a quiet plead, begging if that, but the wild look in your eyes makes him stiffen for a moment while caught between two choices.
“I’ll be right back. Be good.” The faint squeeze of your hand registers in tandem with him leaning down to place a reassuring kiss on your head. Before you can beg again, he’s out the door.
“Laswell.” Price speaks quietly into the phone, moving into the hallway near the medic’s station, a few idling around on their computers to input vitals.
“Said you were gonna call me back, John. Got worried your old mind forgot about me.”
A small scoff out of courtesy for the woman's harsh humor, yet he doesn’t say anything back.
“Anyway, I need to tell you where your group has been assigned to. You’re headed out to-”
“Do you happen to know if any personnel relating to Saint's previous facility can be on base?”
Cutting off Laswell would usually end with a sharp reprimand akin to an elementary school teacher. Yet this question is well worth her thought. Even she can recognize that.
“Not without warning and an established confirmation of visitation. It’s the normal protocol for off-site visitors to that level. Why?”
He chews the side of his cheek, nodding in thought as he confirms what he previously knew. His eyes flit between your medical room’s door, the window to the outside, before settling on a whiteboard with various patient names.
“There’s a doctor in the med unit with her right now. Say’s he found out she was wounded and came to check on her… That’s just downright unnatural when she was wounded three days ago for fuck sake. How’d he even find out?”
Silence greets him in response, but it's a sign of her thinking. A tussle of paper sounds out before typing on her keyboard. “There was no agreement or discernment of their medical staff being on base. Only the executives and her previous commander. He shouldn’t be there nor even have access.”
It only confirms Price’s simmering anxiety, eyes stuck on your door from afar.
“What did you say his name was?”
“Dr. Deidrick. Said he’d be givin’ her an exam of the wound-” The words die in a sharp crumble on his tongue when you scream his name.
“Was that-”
“Send the boys my way, I’m dealing with it.” Hanging up the phone, his body already shouldering the door at a moment’s notice.
It doesn’t budge.
Looking through the window, he’s met with your wide eyes, brows arched up, while your body tries to scurry off the bed yet you’re not even moving. The sight of brown leather tied to your wrists becomes glaringly obvious. 
“Somebody get this door open, right fucking now!” The bellow echos in the hallway, sending a fluttering panic around the staff while he continuously tries to shoulder the door and get the handle down.
“John! Help me!” Your howling meets his ears to send a shiver down his spine. I should have listened, I should have stayed, I should be in there.
I should be protecting her.
Shifting his stance to the left, he can see Deidrick at the counters, holding up a small brown vial while extracting its contents into a syringe. Only after he deems it filled, pushing the air bubble out, does he look to Price. 
“It’s just to settle her down, not to worry.”
God, he wants to throw up. He wants to murder this man with his hands and rip each artery from his body to hang up as vines growing onto the wall. He wants nothing more than to soothe your crying face in his arms away from whatever torture is going on right in front of him.
“WHERE THE FUCK IS THE KEY?” He shouts again, sparing a glance towards the staff as five of them look in drawers around the main pod of their stations.
Movement from the room demands his attention, the footsteps ringing out in heavy weighted clicks on the floors. You can’t even look back to Price, struggling like an animal caught in a metal trap.
“They already know, just fucking run while you can.” The guttural hiss is uncontrolled as it leaves you, voice raw from lack of water in your mouth accompanied by the panting of your breath. Eyes only set on Deidrick, you can’t focus on anything but keeping the needle away from you.
“This is your exam, my dear. There’s no harm in that.” He chastizes, tsking you with a mocking voice. Fully seeing his old self alights your body and magic, trying to strum out of you like a whip, yet so dulled into yourself with nothing to thrive on.
“I can see how weak you are. Have they not been taking care of you?” The coldness of his hand dawns upon your face, grabbing roughly on your jaw to pull you towards him. “You know I can give you what you need.” The green of his eyes makes you sour, having only ever seen them as a rancid mix of piss yellow and barf green to match his existence.
“You’ll settle down and be a good girl for me, yeah? Just like old times.”
“I can’t wait to torture you in hell.” 
He laughs, a genuine smile lighting his face up as he leans in closer. “The sweetest promise of eternity, devil.” 
Moving back after giving your jaw a far too firm squeeze, his bony fingers bring the needle up to the light to double-check before gripping the meat of your bicep. “Dont. Move.”
You couldn’t hear anything over the commotion outside, thus, when the metal door slams open, you jump.
Right into the fucking needle.
A shocked cry leaves you, eyes now stuck in fear to watch for the amount he pushes through. 
Half of the dose goes into your arm.
It would have been more, save for the body that immediately pulls him and the needle away from you, throwing him onto the ground.
Price stands, heaving and shaking with a snarl lighting up his face while looking down on the man. 
“When I put you under, it will be six feet under the god damned ground.” His hands are on the man in a flurry of movements, checking his waistline for any other surprises, and when finding none, he throws a punch at him.
Then again. And again. And Again.
You don’t realize you’re stuck in a trance of watching him until warm hands find your wrist on the opposite side of the commotion. You’re startled until being met with warm brown eyes that match his skin, his smile calming.
“Hi, sweetheart. I’m gonna get you out of here, okay?” Gaz’s hands work quickly on undoing the straps of your wrists, letting the sounds of the fighting echo in the room while rushing footsteps come from the hallway.
Ghost and Soap enter the doorway, a quick survey before getting to Price and doing god knows what to the man- you can’t see anymore as Gaz cradles you into his neck. Tucking the blanket around your backside before carrying you away in a bridal carry, he shushes you when his scent and warmth break you into a sob.
“Shh, it’s okay. We’ve got you now.” Vaguely registering his lips on your head, your eyes dim into a barely open gaze while the world moves too fast around you. Hot tears track down your face and onto his shirt.
“You’re with us now. Not gonna let that happen ever again.”
The sound of a whimper mixes in when you call out his name. Raising a hand to grasp his shirt in a weak fist as you register him moving you to somewhere through the hallways. Somewhere familiar; the team’s common room.
“Gonna make you nice and comfortable right here. Not gonna leave you, Saint.”
And in the most ironic series of events, for a second time, your world goes dark.
The sound of the TV playing a god-forsaken soccer football game makes you stir. Muscles stiff and tired, a feeling of something on the back of your hand makes you wince. Groaning, you move the other hand to paw at the intrusion, before someone else’s touch halts you.
“Hey now, none of that.” The soft voice from earlier speaks out, with an almost hint of authority as he moves your hands away from each other. “You’ve got an IV in you, Need to keep that in for a bit longer.”
Stirring, the world comes back into view when your eyes open slowly and try to blink the yellow overhead lights away. “Gaz?” His name is slurred in your drowsy speech, head lifting up to look around before finding him face to face with you.
“Good morning, Princess. How’ya feelin?”
Stiff, sore, like you just got run over by a train. 
“Not too bad.” Sitting in his lap, now in a pair of sweats and a shirt that you recognize isn’t yours, you both sit under a fuzzy blanket pulled from your room. “What happened? Where is-?”
“Hang on, let's focus on you first. Does your side hurt right now?”
It does, a constant stinging that radiates into a dull thrumming. It feels bulky, the firmness of tape keeping down what you presume to be gauze while it pulls at the peachfuzz on your skin. Your arm, the one that took the injection, feels sorer than after a full mission. 
“Feels fine right now, would like some meds maybe later.” Quietly responding before looking up to his brown eyes. While Gaz usually has enough snark to serve his entire country, his gently and nurturing tendencies highlight in the soft and intimate moment.
He holds the qualities of a leader, and possibly be concerning at his young age. But seeing as he’s grown under Price’s wing, being a favored candidate from the beginning, maybe his weight was a shouldered experience to lighten the Captain's load. Maybe he won’t be able to fully take his place until the gentleness withers away into hate and bloodborne desire to bark and bite under the pull of a leash.
Maybe he’ll get sick of it and decide to have a family, leaving this life behind when he feels his hands have turned far too dirty.
He turns his gaze to the TV for a moment, drawing a long sigh in before releasing, a small frown on his lips. “You remember anything?”
You’d rather not. Had you still been in a sterile environment, you’d have woken in a panic just as before. 
“Yes. The… yes.” Glancing away, you can feel the shift in your eyes focus. “I remember something happening when I saw Price’s face then you were there.”
You miss the look of worry on his face when the game on TV catches your attention as someone scores. “Where are the others?’
“Price and Soap dealing with the brass. Ghost was here a second ago but will be right back.” Gaz’s head tilts back behind him to check around before reaching up to the IV bag behind you two. “You’re just about finished, you fine if I take this out?”
Offering him your hand, he removes the tube and tape before placing a gauze square and bandaid over it. “Not supposed to take it out until you’re completely done, but you’ll drink your water, yea?” Inadvertently speaking close to your ear while he clamps the IV line shut, a chill runs down your spine.
“Mm, I will. Thank you.” Silent gratitude for him being sweet enough to let you off the tether, you take it as a signal of freedom and try to get up. Before being interrupted.
“Stay down, Saint.”
Ghost enters the archway of the common room; Dressed in baggy sweats and a T-shirt that shouldn't be as form-fitting as it is. A black gator mask hides the lower half of his face. He makes his way to a spot on the couch adjacent to you and Gaz.
“Your stitches are barely holding from earlier. Not allowed to be moving like that.” 
Underneath you, Gaz squirms while clearing his throat once you settle down. “Ah, actually. Ghost.” He starts, voice now sounding reluctant with trepidation. “You mind taking over for a bit? Haven’t eaten and need to piss.”
A mix between a laugh and worry crosses your mind as you pout when realizing he’d been here the whole time with you. 
“Sorry, Kyle.” Whispered as you give his shoulder a pat, looking to Ghost for whatever his plan would be. “How long was I out?”
The lieutenant scoots next to you, arms brought out to grab underneath your legs and back before gently transferring you into his lap. You can feel Gaz getting up behind you, a soft squeeze on your shoulder before he leaves. “Bout an hour ‘n half.” 
The difference between Gaz and Ghost is definitely in size, but the lieutenants body is firm and demands that you accommodate to him rather than how Gaz’s size lets his boldly mold to you. You’re still blinking slowly, sluggishly trying to reintegrate your mind into full speed. A grunt acknowledges the statement.  
“Didn’t know you had blond hair.” 
Ghost is pretty, not even in his own way, he is just simply pretty. Brown eyes contrast the lightness of his hair, some spots missing where scars trail over his scalp. His forehead also having lines from stitches done too messy, wrinkles from years of fighting, and a few freckles decorate the top bridge of his nose. A second scan shows a hairline scar over his left eyelid, a group of eyelashes being blond where the scar ends.
“You wouldn’t ‘ave known.” A huffed laugh makes his chest puff up, only looking down at you for a moment before watching the game. 
Before you can even ask another question, he voice muted. “That… doctor. He wasn’t supposed to be on base. Not even from what he did, but there was no agreement to have the facility’s medical here. Not even the command can get on here without clearance and a schedule.” 
The clench in your jaw halts your words, growing almost distant in the eyes as you digest the information. “So how did he get on base? Just lie his way through everything?”
Ghost sighs, watching one of the teams score a goal before turning back to you. 
“Yes. Fucking skunk lied his way through, altered some ID and got into medical. They say he was watching over your file and once he saw your name ping in as a combat injury, he was acting as your attending and case manager.”
It really should send more of a chill down your back than the small amount it does, rather, a sluggish feeling churning in your stomach. You’ve been through horrible things. Having eyes on you stopped phasing you a while ago.
Letting the conversation drop, you both turn your attention towards the football game to watch the halfway point. You find a place for your face to rest on his collarbone, laying yourself to use his chest like a pillow. He doesn’t react, yet in moments where the visiting team comes close to scoring a goal, his knee bounces in anticipation. 
“Did you ever play any sports?”
His knee settles before responding. “Hockey. Short time, but ‘s fun.” 
“Hm, was gonna take you for a rugby kinda guy.”
“Nah, that's more John’s style. The both of them.” The mental image of a younger pair of Johns conjures in your mind, a soft grin twitching the corners of your mouth at the thought. “Sometimes they’ll play when we’re together on leave.”
“Leave?” A pause as your eyes blink open slowly. You don’t remember closing them. “Like you guys just… Leave?”
The feeling of his large, warm, hand moving to hold your back comes when he shifts to look down at you. “Leave. When we get a break from duty.” It comes out as a question more so, his brows furrowing down.
“Oh.” Matching his confusion. “I didn’t get to have those. Nowhere to just, go.” You didn’t have a home, lost that long ago. Sadness was gaslit into happiness by telling yourself you didn’t have to pay rent, and bills, and not worrying about the economy.
Something shifts in his eyes, Ghost himself looking like a kicked puppy now as he takes in your implications. Softness emits subtly in his eyes and the way he slightly rests you on his chest when pushing you into him. 
“I’m sure you can ask Capt’ to fix that.” A soft scratch of your scalp leads you to settle down, and when you keep breathing in the smell of him, you fall asleep.
“... lost it by a point. Bloody coach looks like a muppet.”
“Won’t be able to show his face for the next year. Damn bloke.”
The voice sends enough of a spark to take you out of your REM cycle, now taking stock of where you’re at. From the smell of it, you’re on the couch but now lay on it instead of a body. There's a few more steps of shuffling before it stills.
“How is she?”
The warmth next to you grunts, shifting to leave the couch. “Seems fine, but fell back asleep quickly once Gaz left ‘er with me.” The new set of footsteps have a distinct gait, trying to be silent but failing with the TV no longer being on. “How’d your side go?”
“Almost got me on excessive force.” The croaky voice makes your mind wake up more, realizing its Price. “Almost knocked the brass out hearing that. Had to make sure he saw the vials and needles he snuck in.”
“Was he going to… do anyth-”
“No.” Price cuts Ghost off immediately, something lying in the tautness of his voice. “I don’t know. I don’t want to know, else I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘em.”
Exhaustion covers your body and mind, fighting it to the point where it feels like you have to unstick yourself from the couch but tingling makes your body want to still. You pull on your muscles enough that Price notices.
“Hey, pretty girl. Can you hear me?”
The groan that leaves you is enough of a signal that you can. One of his hands moves to pet your hair down as the other adjusts the blanket on you. Footsteps elsewhere fade away, signaling Ghost’s departure. Your eyes open to watch Price squat down in front of you.
“There she is.” He coo’s in a hushed whisper. Part of you wants to cry at how good it makes your heart feel. All you can manage is a whimper.
“Still tired?”
“Mhh. Yes.” Croaking makes you realize how thirsty you are, somewhat regretting not staying up to drink your water like you’d promised Gaz. “Where were you?”
Blue eyes leave the depths of your red ones, tracing over your face to your neck, down to your body, and how you lay on your uninjured side. “Taking care of business. Nothing to worry about.”
His hand comes back to your arm, making you flinch as he presses onto the tiny spot of dried blood. The small twinge of pain from his softness makes you want to scream at him, cry at him while crying for him to hold you. To give any emotion clearly while silence eats away between you.
“Did I mess up?”
The white of his eyes shows a bit more when he widens them in surprise, fliting up to hold your gaze. “No… No, Saint. You did not mess up.” In a moment, he moves to his knees, crowding you onto the couch while bringing your face closer to his. “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have left you in there. Should have fuckin’ listened to you.” 
In a twisted sense, the couch seems like his pew, and you are the body he weeps over. Wrapped in a blanket is a far-off notion from any white to be buried in, but your open eyes just feel so tired and dulled from the last few days. Rightfully so. His hands cup your face like they would hold a bible open, finding scripture in the features of your face.
Price doesn’t cry. How much would it take to make him? Has he had a family? Did he lose someone he loved because of enemies? Did he have a tragic backstory that granted him an almost immortal sense of luck?
There’s certainly no angel on his shoulder because you’d have fought and killed it on the first day.
“You didn’t know.” Starting hoarsely, swallowing the saliva in your mouth. “I didn’t want you to know.”
There's dissatisfaction from hearing your answer, a pull at the corners of his mouth. “I need to know, Saint. I have to know. That’s not goin’ to happen again.” Leaning down to press his chapped lips to your forehead. “I’m sorry.”
The feeling of his hair in your hands is surprisingly soft, almost as surprising when you realize you’re bringing him in to kiss you. 
It’s soft, languid, and slow, yet anxiety boiling at the bottom of your stomach. His lips part yours, leading you to taste the tobacco you tried days ago. His mustache and beard scratch your face, prickling your skin in an added sense of feeling to grapple onto. Dragging you closer with an arm wrapped behind your back, his tongue teases yours before diving in deeper.
“While this is sickeningly romantic,”
The voice makes you gasp like a whore in her lover's shared bed, the drawl sardonic enough to know it is exactly not that.
It’s so much worse.
“I rather prefer a different type of scene.” 
The woman stands against the doorway, arms crossed while she surveys the scene. Dressed in black pants and a turtleneck, her blue eyes light up with the white overcoat that shields her from the coldness of desert nights.
“Kate-” Price backpedals, separating himself from you enough to sit up straight from his place on the floor. Stuttering, he glances at you before back to her, a blush fading into existence on his aged skin. “I- uh. What are you doing here?’
Kate Laswell, smirks before looking at you with a slightly softer expression. She’s still cocky through and through from catching her prestigious ally making out with his little demon. 
“After the shit show got up the ladder, I decided to make a quick trip to check-in. And, you never called me back, Captain.” 
Ok, now it is starting to seem like a lovers quarrel. Feeling out of place, you don't move until Price takes a moment to clear his throat, leaning forward as if to obstruct you from her view.
“Well, I’m assuming it’s more serious than a phone call let it out to be.” Standing his hand brushes your shoulder before he crosses his arms. Laswell watches, moving forward a bit. Her eyes glance towards you, a subtle nod in greeting.
“Pleasure to meet you, Saint. Sorry to interrupt.” Absolutely no shame eludes from this woman. Continuing on, she holds Price’s gaze;  “A base just got accredited for their first hybrid operator. Similar to our situation with Saint.” She takes a moment to look over you, briefly checking out the remainder of the IV bag on its stand. “Need you to go do didactics for our friends.”
“And which friends are you speaking of this time.” 
She pauses, a flicker of her lips turning upwards if only for a moment. 
“You’ll be headed back to Las Almas.”
As if watching a dramatic TV show, your eyes flit back to take in his reaction. If you had the energy, you’d feel bad for Price’s stress levels. With the sigh he lets out, you know that he can never catch a break.
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Hello ! So I saw @kaddyssammlung do an analysis of ‘Granite’ and as it’s one of my favourite sleep token songs, particularly from a lyric perspective, I was inspired to do one of my own :]
General overview of lyric/story construction:
Ok so for me part of what makes this song so great is the story telling and use of double imagery. Conceptually it’s split between talking about a bad relationship (A imagery) and a car crash (B imagery), though the lines dedicated to B imagery can almost always be read as metaphors for the bad relationship. For me I also see it as a story split up into 3 different time slots: past (focuses just on vessel and the relationship), present (vessel in the car crash, and in moment leading up to the crash), and future (post crash where I think that vessel/his character has died). I generally see the first verse as future, the chorus as present and, the second verse as past.
Line by line analysis:
“Sulfur on your breath”
For me I always associate Sulfur with Hell, specifically the concept of ‘fire and brimstone’ (brimstone is an old name for Sulfur) and the ‘lake of fire’ in the bible which burns with brimstone. From this line we learn a lot about the person vessel is singing about (I’ll refer to them as S).
Vessel uses Hell associated language to describe S, meaning he knows they aren’t a good person/aren’t good for him. Additionally, when sulfur burns it produces sulfur dioxide (SO2), which turns into (potentially deadly) sulfurous acid (H2SO3) when it comes in contact with water - something our moist lungs have a lot of. So for someone to have “sulfur on [their] breath,” and potentially in their lungs, alludes to the idea that this person is not only bad for for vessel, but also self-destructive to a dangerous degree.
Also fun fact: Sulfur burns blue and when you see it, particularly across large areas, it looks a lot like water. Which I just thought was neat considering sleep token’s love of using water imagery and the colour blue.
“Granite in my chest”
This is definitely some sweet sensory imagery from vessel to set you in the song’s mindset/emotion
But I also think within the context of the story, the granite he could be referring to is the little bits of decomposed granite they sometimes use in road base. if the car crashed and he ended up on the road with chest injuries, he could very well have got some of those little bits stuck in there.
“You won't ever have to talk about it // You'll never have to talk about it”
I feel like the ‘it’ he’s talking about here, is referring to both their relationship and the crash/his body. Like S never wants to talk about how toxic their relationship is with vessel, and when they crash the car, they run away from the site/ves’s body and don’t talk about it for legal reasons to not go to jail for manslaughter.
Also the reason I think ves (in this song) died in the crash is cos of the chorus phrasing - specifically the past tense and use of the word “body” to refer to himself.
“Fury too damn late”
I agree with the idea of seeing someone for what they really are/wishing he got angry sooner. Like, maybe if he did, and decided to leave, he wouldn’t have been in the car with them when it crashed (and hence wouldn’t have died).
“Reason dislocates”
Vessel at it again with the awesome imagery that ties songs together ! The word ‘dislocate’ definitely ties in with the car accident imagery. But using it to refer to ‘reason’ makes me think he’s using it to describe/explain his not leaving/bad judgement. Like if you run it on from the line above, he’s saying ‘I didn’t get mad and leave when I should have because I wasn’t seeing the relationship with sound reasoning’ (due to an injury aka ~past trauma~ baby).
“I was more than just a body in your passenger seat”
Here B imagery is being used. with now deceased vessel talking to S about how, because they didn’t value him, he’s just a body in their wrecked car.
Additionally this could be metaphorical for their relationship. Vessel feeling like S is very controlling, maybe specifically over him, maybe just over the type of relationship they had. Either way he didn’t feel like he had much agency in what was going on.
“and you were more than just somebody I was destined to meet”
Honestly I’m not super clear on the meaning of this line, but I think he’s talking about how his own trauma, and self destructive tendencies, lead him to a lot of toxic relationships (including S), but despite that he feels he really did love S.
Like, because he hasn’t healed from something in his past, he repeats these patterns when it comes to the people he gets with. This can be the result of something called ‘emotional addiction’ where you seek out things that trigger certain emotions in order to produce chemicals in the brain that mimic a ‘reward’ feeling (similar to drug use). Often this is the result of when you’ve had periods of your life (often in childhood) that were unstable and chaotic, so you brain has come to register ‘home’ - and by extension ‘safety’ - as something choatic, and will hence seek out people that provide those ‘emotional hits’ even if they’re not good for your physical and/or mental health.
So basically ves is saying ‘ yea, I got with you because the trauma cycle I’m in makes the traits you exhibit attractive…but then I loved you for who you are. Your soul meant more to me than the chemicals.’ …. which obviously isn’t a super healthy thought, but it is honestly heart breaking, and makes me want to give vessel a hug if that’s anywhere close to the truth.
“I see you go half-blind when you're looking at me”
Ok so i feel like this is talking about both ves feelin like S doesn’t see him for who he is in the relationship, but also if they’re in the car, potentially arguing, S turning to look at vessel while driving means they’re ‘half-blind’ to the road…which is obviously not good.
“But I am // Between the second hand smoke and the glass on the street”
This could be painting an image of both the car crash, ves’s body laying between the glass and smoke of the wreck, and earlier in the relationship, where vessel and S are hanging out and there is smashed glass (possible from alcoholic drinks) and smoke from cigarettes. Images which conjure a chaotic and self destructive atmosphere, playing off the themes we’ve seen in vessel and S so far.
“You gave me nothing whatsoever but a reason to leave”
this line is pretty straight forward. No matter what time slot we’re in S wasn’t treating him good.
“You say you want me, but you know I'm not what you need // But I am”
At first I was a little confused by this line because it sounded like it was contradicting itself. But what I think is happening is vessel is quoting S, saying they ‘wanted to be with him but on some level knew the relationship was toxic and not good for either of them,’ and then vessel is say ‘no I am what you need.’ It feels like this is another ‘vessel no!’ moment…. Like while this song does talk about S in a way that you can tell he understands that S and the relationship weren’t good (man’s is comparing it to a car crash were he dies, so there’s some self awareness) there are these softer moment like the ‘more than destined to meet’ line where he shows that despite all the bad shit, he really loves this person. To the degree where if the Big Thing (in this case the crash and death) hadn’t of happened, it sounds like he might have still pursued this relationship, or this ‘love’ he’s feeling. Which honestly is kinda a theme with ST songs.
Like if you look at some of the others you see this theme of vessel (or the character he’s created) being in these relationships that aren’t good for him because he is so desperate for someone to love him that he either ends up betraying himself - “I might break and bend to my basic need to be loved and close to somebody,” - he tries to take care of the person he’s with (which would make him needed and therefore loved) “I will be watching for your enemies //To let them know that they contend with me,” “give me all that you can give // All your darkest impulses” -or he’s like cool yea it’s ok if you fuck me up so long as for a moment I feel loved “a sacrifice in your name //But I know you've got a taste //So just take a bite of me,” “I know for the last time //You will not be mine //So give me the night.”
….anyways psychoanalysis tangent over sorry haha
“When you sit there acting like you know me //Acting like you only brought me here to get below me”
pretty self explanatory. Ves is feeling used, and S sees the relationship as something different than what he does.
“Never mind the death threats, parting at the door //We'd rather be six feet under than be lonely”
Giving you scope of the relationship, where they seem to have intense arguments that involve at least one of them threatening the other and then leaving…only to come back because obviously neither of them like to be alone with themselves so for long periods of time - making even the (potentially many) ‘bad days’ of the relationship ‘worth it’ in their eyes.
“And if you had a problem, then you should've told me //Before you started getting all aggressive and controlling”
Also pretty straight forward. vessel is expressing frustration at S’s lack of communication and emotional maturity
“You only drink the water when you think it's holy”
it sounds like S is very stubborn. Additionally, you need water to survive, and only drinking the water that you have decided is ok, based on some arbitrary reason, could be bad for your health if it’s not readily available (you need to hydrate!), and put a strain on relationships you have with people who just want what’s best for you. This could also allude to some religious friction within the relationship but obviously I can’t guess specifics.
“So keep an eye on the road or we will both be here forever”
back to B imagery related to pre car crash. Obviously literally S should be watching the road so they don’t crash the car and kill them both (which would mean they both stay there forever). But there’s also an element of hey if you keep acting the way you do this relationship will never get better and we’ll be stuck here emotionally forever (because again ves seems to really love and be invested in S and not want to leave the relationship).
After this the chorus just repeats.
End Notes:
Obviously I don’t know vessel or anything about his life so this is all speculation based on the vibes of the song haha (plus he might not even be writing from personal experience ya know?). Idk I just really like this song (ngl there are portions of it that give me spider man meme moments haha) and I wanted to share my thoughts with you guys :)
Also I love love love the way ST writes lyrics so if anyone thought this was interesting and wanted to hear my thoughts on other songs, I have many and am willing to share pfft
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jynxeddraca · 8 months
Hi yes, more Baldur's Gate brainrot. Sorry not sorry.
First of all look at my Tav:
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She's adorable yes?
So fun fact I did not at all realize that 'Tav' is the default name given to all custom origin characters. I thought it was randomized and liked it so I kept it. So meet Tav Moonridge y'all!
Tav is a tiefling bard who grew up in the Outer City of Baldur's Gate, lives in the Lower City, basically raised her sister - Temerity Moonridge, and is currently 'on an adventure' that she really didn't want to be on and desperately wants to get back to her sister. I am also picturing her as like 5'2"/157 cm and often described as "willowy" or "reedy".
And now head canons of Tav interacting with the other characters. There are some spoiler-y things ahead.
No one has any idea how or why she ended up leading them, not even Tav. Tav is constantly baffled why anyone listens to her, but accepts it if it means she can talk everyone out of killing each other.
Tav broke Astarion's nose when they met via headbutting him in the face.
Karlach and Tav gossip in Infernal at camp. They never use anyone's names while doing so, but Astarion has a suspicion about which phrase might refer to him. Spoiler, it's Infernal for 'pretty boy' and it absolutely is referring to him.
Tav is a flirt when she's been drinking and kissed Shadowheart (during her first romance scene) and felt awful about it the next morning.
When they found the hat that is located near Alfira, Gale was able to tell it was enchanted but not really sure how. Tav laid claim on it and wears it at night to cover her eyes when she doesn't want Gale to bother her because he doesn't really get social cues and she doesn't want to hurt his feelings by just telling him to leave her alone for a bit. Gale thinks she's doing it because she had a headache or is about to go to bed.
Tav winds down in the evening by using her long tiefling talons nails to essentially fingering out tunes on her lute, without actually plucking the strings, and quietly humming along. She often does this leaning back against a stump or a rock with her eyes closed. She hasn't noticed that the camp tends to get quieter around this time because everyone likes to hear the humming - even if they refuse to admit it. She sometimes does this while wearing the hat.
When Astarion accidentally reveals he's a vampire and Tav ends up offering her neck to him - he ends up concluding that Tav has zero survival instincts. She also jabbed him in the armpit with her thumbnail to keep him from making her a corpse.
Tav fully is aware Astarion's flirting and seducing is him using her - but she thinks he's using sex as a way to secure blood from her willingly rather than his actual plan.
Lae'zel, after having to save Tav's ass one too many times, teaches Tav how to use a sword. Wyll helps out. Everyone learns that Tav is not good with blades and she is informed that she is to stick near Astarion and snipe using her crossbow.
Halsin can pick Tav up one handed and has done so to keep her from rushing into potential trouble without a plan. Tav deeply dislikes when he does this and Shadowheart has compared her acidic looks to him to a disgruntled cat. Karlach calls this 'air jail'.
Karlach will also put Tav in 'air jail' from time to time after her heart gets fixed. Astarion nearly doubled over laughing at Tav's betrayed expression when it first happened.
Astarion constantly thinks Tav has some ulterior motive for letting him drink her blood that she is really good at hiding. He eventually begrudgingly accepts that she doesn't.
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stratossphere · 2 years
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love bug | j.k
you go a little too far at a party, and you have to call johnny to come and get you
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, reader is on a lot of drugs and drug use/drinking is heavily mentioned
word count: 2.1k
— —
Sometimes, you did take it a little too far. And hey, you would be the first person to admit it. Tonight was definitely one of those nights. Those nights usually came with the fact that Johnny wasn’t with you to keep you under control (when he wasn’t out of control himself), and that was exactly how you had ended up in the position you were currently in.
It was hard to say no to Steve-O. You hadn’t been able to seriously spend time together just the two of you in a long time despite being good friends, and of course your version of ‘spending time together’ was to party hard and get absolutely wasted. Every plea of ‘just this once’ from either one of you had been met with indulgence from the other, and you were really starting to regret it.
So, by the time that it got to the point where you were wanting to be home while fucked off of Xanax, a lot of booze, some acid, weed, and a random, colorful pill that Steve-O had gifted you upon arriving, you realized that you were basically stranded. You were at some guy’s house that Steve-O was apparently cool with, but who didn’t really like you, so you were almost 100% sure that you weren’t going to get a free chance to stay for the night like Steve-O was.
Luckily for you, you had a get-out-of-jail-free card who was currently spending his night doing nothing but bills.
After a phone call that barely made sense to both you and the receiver, you waited for your ride to arrive by lying down on the kitchen floor with a cigarette between your lips, thoughts of Steve-O’s whereabouts long forgotten as you stared at the ceiling fan that appeared to shift and shape into different forms and colors under the influence of the drugs in your system.
By the time you heard the sound of your boyfriend’s voice in the hall adjacent to you, your cigarette had gone out due to your negligence to actually smoke it, and you were just holding it between your teeth as you watched the man you wanted to see most walk into the kitchen to your left. The sight of him made the creeping sensation of being overwhelmed by all the different side effects squeezing your brain come to a head, and you held out your arms to him with a pathetic whine.
“PJ.” You whimpered, a pout on your face as he cooed at you and crouched down to gently pull you into a sitting position.
“Oh, love bug. What the hell have you been doing?” Johnny asked as he helped you up off the floor, using his strength to keep you on your feet as you tottered along with the spinning room. You knew it was pretty clear by this point that the premise of you and Steve-O ‘just getting dinner and absolutely not partying’ had been dispelled.
“I wanna go home.” You complained, draping yourself against his chest and wrapping your arms around his neck haphazardly. Oh yeah. You were fucking loaded. You could feel yourself acting like a whiny idiot, but you were unable to do anything to stop it. Acid made you air-headed and needy.
“I know, baby. I’m gonna take you home.” He reassured, forcing you to pull away from him so that he could shift his arm under yours to start walking you out of the kitchen. “Does Steve need a ride, too?”
“No. Because Steve is friends with Hank Loren, so Steve gets to stay here for the night and doesn’t have to call a stupid ride.” You spat, scoffing at the thought of how unfair it was. Johnny chuckled as he took the cigarette from in between your lips, only giving you more room to properly complain as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I’d rather you come home with me. Hank Loren told me that he’s jacked off to your picture in the Big Brother magazines when he found out that we were dating.” He reminded you, letting out a frustrated sigh when you stumbled for the millionth time on the carpet in the living room. “Do you need me to carry you?”
“Mhm.” You gave him an apologetic smile as he dipped down and picked you up like a little kid with ease, your arms still around his neck as you wrapped your legs around his waist and let him carry you. Your heart ached sweetly at the gesture, and you buried your face in his neck and let out another whine.
“Just dinner, huh?” He prompted you with a slight shrug of his shoulder where your cheek was resting, sounding half amused and half annoyed. You were silently thinking about the fact that you were ditching the party without telling Steve-O where you were going, but promptly reminded yourself that he probably wouldn’t notice you were gone for another 12 hours at least. Johnny sighed. “It’s never just dinner with you two.”
“He convinced me.” You protested, tightening your legs around his waist and feeling the dig of his belt buckle in your leg. He chuckled, kicking the door to the side yard open with his foot and stepping out sideways so that you didn’t hit anything on the doorway.
“Oh, I’m sure he did.” He didn’t sound convinced, but rubbed your back as he carried you regardless, making it all the way over to his Eldorado parked on the curb before he was gently helping you into the passenger seat and then circling around to get in the other side. “Seatbelt, honey.”
You tried to figure out the buckle. You really did. But your vision was spinning with all sorts of pretty colors, and your fingers just continued to slip over and over again. Johnny, who was well aware of the fact that you didn’t like being offered help, sat back and just watched you fail miserably until you looked up at him with a desperate plea in your eyes.
“I can’t do it.” You felt like you were going to cry. When it got to the point where you got so high you regretted getting high in the first place, you always felt like you were falling apart internally. At this point you were barely controlling your urge to hold his hand like a lifeline. He shushed you quietly, brushing your fingers away to easily click your buckle into place.
“You on E?” He asked once he was finished, narrowing his eyes to study yours in the dark of the inside of the car while he cupped your cheek to hold your head still. You shrugged and shook your head to tell him that you didn’t know the answer, and he sighed. “Looks like it.”
“Everything is spinning so bad, PJ.” You whimpered, burying your face in his shoulder and feeling a hint of relief when he put his hand on your leg reassuringly.
“Don’t worry. Five minute drive, then we’ll be home and I can put you to bed as soon as we get inside.” He promised, the car backing out to get onto the road as he pushed his arm out against the back of your seat. You mumbled out a half-audible response, gripping his shirt like it was the only thing you had as you felt your heart jump with every turn of the car.
The five minute drive home felt like torture. Your head was spinning, your eyes were playing tricks on you, and worst of all, you just wanted to go to sleep. You were drowsy, but too scared to sleep, so all you could do was sit in the passenger seat stiffly as you impatiently waited for the familiar turn that would take you into Johnny’s driveway.
The sight of Johnny’s house, and then of his bedroom once he’d brought you inside and carried you upstairs, pulled every ounce of stress right out of you. His comfortable bed almost felt more familiar than your own.
However, when he moved to start pulling your shoes off, Johnny froze and narrowed his eyes at you upon seeing you in the light.
“What the fuck happened to your face?” Up until now you’d been in mostly low lighting, but now, in the brightness of his room, your busted lip and forming black eye were very clearly visible. You looked at him apologetically as he ran a thumb over your lip.
“Got into a fight.” You admitted, glancing away from him as you spoke to avoid the look you already knew he was going to give you. You had a bad habit of fighting when intoxicated, and it only got worse when Johnny wasn’t there. You only regretted doing it after he always found out.
“Did you win?” He asked softly, raising an eyebrow at you as he started to help you get your shirt over your head. You paused, trying to remember anything past five minutes ago.
“He was bleeding, so I guess.” You said honestly, wincing at all the stains on your shirt once it was off and in Johnny’s hands in front of you. His eyes snapped up to yours.
“He? You beat up a fucking guy?” He sounded indignant as he bent down to undo the zipper of your jeans, which were also decently stained. You tried not to look too proud of yourself, sliding your hands over his shoulders and squeezing slightly as your distraction for what you were about to say.
“He hit me first, alright? It’s not like I was just punching to punch.” You knew he was going to be pissed, and your thoughts were confirmed when his look of awe dropped into a scowl of fury.
“A guy swung on you? And you didn’t tell me while we were still fucking there?” He spoke heatedly, and you stopped him from starting to get back up like he was going to do something with your hands heavy on his shoulders.
“It’s okay. I fucked him up.” You reassured him, lifting your hips as he pulled your pants down your legs for you. “Although who just swings on girls who can take a longer bong rip than you? Fucking ridiculous.”
“Were you talking shit?” Johnny asked skeptically, tossing your clothes into his hamper before grabbing a water off the dresser and handing it to you. You accepted it gratefully as you gave him a knowing look. He made a face. “Yeah, I thought so.”
“Doesn’t give him a reason to take a cheap shot while I’m drinking a fucking beer! He made me look like a trashy douchebag!” You complained, motioning to your bruised eye and split lip. Good content for Jackass, but inconvenient for everyday life. “All I said was that if he kept whining like a fucking baby about ‘not getting a fair try’, then I was going to shove my foot so far up his ass that his intenstines would come out of his mouth.”
“I was being chill! I gave him three warnings!” You explained yourself, putting your hands up in defense as you spoke. Sure, you’d been known to swing on less, but tonight you had been in a good mood.
“I don’t like you getting in fights with grown fucking men. You need to call me when shit like that happens.” Johnny said sourly, clearly ignoring your very valid reasoning for instigating said fight. You shrugged.
“I can handle myself.” You knew that no matter how many times he asked, you wouldn’t call. You never did. You just liked taking shit and shoving it back down people’s throats. You looked down on girls who had their partners solve their problems for them. Johnny, very clearly, did not agree with these thoughts, and sighed in frustration at your words as he opened the covers for you and motioned for you to get under them.
“I’m well aware. I just don’t like when I can’t supervise.” Yeah. Because out of the two of you, you were the one that needed supervision. Tough talk for the man that started doing off-the-top-of-his-head stunts once he’d downed more than three shots of tequila. You crawled under the covers, letting him essentially tuck you into bed before he came around to the other side and slid in next to you.
“I’m so fucked up right now, babe. Can we just agree that it’s cool that I beat that guy up and go to bed?” You mumbled, clinging onto him tightly with your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck as soon as he was close enough to do so. He sighed against your hair, reaching back to turn off the light.
“Sure, babydoll. I’m proud that you beat the shit out of a grown man.” Johnny caved, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and then to your lips before pulling the comforter up and over the both of you. “You know you can’t ‘go out to dinner’ with Steve-O anymore though, right?”
You sighed in defeat. “Yeah, I know.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Oh! For nightnurse!reader its been a long time since Jason has seen reader (up close) because hes giving her space to figure it out and he doesn’t want to scare her and he goes to the clinic super injured and shes the only one there who can patch him up and they talk it through. Love this series!
When you walk in with Leslie, in a set of pale lavender scrubs, Jason watches the introductions and tries to breathe. You don't look nervous- not from a distance. You look professional. Sweet.
And when Leslie points you over to him, having you get started with someone you're familiar with, Jason exhales sharply.
"Hey, sunflower," he said, watching you take a second to familiarize yourself with how everything is laid out.
"Hey," you murmur.
"I uh- in case I forgot to say it the other day, I'm sorry if you felt put on the spot," he said. Deciding it was best to start there. You were here, so you'd either talked to Leslie or talked to Bruce. But now- you were complicit. More so than you were when you dragged him in off the fire escape instead of letting him bleed to death. Before, you could have said you'd been threatened if you got caught- And Jason would have went with it. But now? If they weren't down you were in danger too.
"I just wasn't sure what you were going to do," you murmur.
He watches your hands. They aren't trembling, even if your voice is. "I know," he said, watching you. "I should have called you. Or not come to your apartment."
"I'm not mad at you."
"That's good," he hummed, trying not to smile. Trying not to notice that his family was watching intently. And that Stephanie and Babs were whisper screaming. "I'll uh- wait until you don't have a needle so close to my crotch before I tell you about last night-"
"You mean when you hauled Alex to the GCPD?"
"I uh-" You said it blandly. Without any particular anger or sadness. But Jason still freezes. "Yeah."
"He called me," you explain. "Screamed at me for a while before his time ran out. Told me to stop being a cunt and bail him out."
"How many times?" Jason asked.
"Once," you sigh. "I only bailed him out once. And then he stole my car and wrapped it around a tree with his buddies."
"Y/N," he said, not sure how to read your tone of voice.
"Did he tell you about our mom?" you snort.
"Told me to ask you," Jason admitted.
"Course he did."
"You don't have to-"
"I snitched," you say simply. "She beat me half to death for waking her up from her come-down nap because Alex burnt himself with battery acid- and I snitched. Told the cops she was making drugs in the house and got her taken to jail."
And all Jason can do is blink at you. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "Sweetheart I'm so sorry."
"Not your sweetheart," you say, putting a bandage over the row of stitches inside his thigh, getting ready to see to the next person.
"Not yet," Jason thinks to himself.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 1 year
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Auntie Karla
(Story Post)
Korsy shook his head. “Don't mention it. Anything for family.” They arrived at his aunt's house around noon the next day. She had a flat in Stockholm, a lovely space with plants and a couple free roaming rabbits. She greeted Korsy and Dusty sweetly, suggesting they come in and sit on the balcony. “You have a beautiful home,” Dusty said as he petted a bunny that had come to sniff at his feet. “Ah, thank you, kära,” Karla said. As a full-blooded dark elf, she had long light pink hair with a halo of braids, and a darker and colder complexion than Korsy. Her eyes were a tender gold colour, stormy with worry. She sat down with them, poised like royalty. “Your trip wasn't too bad, was it?”
“No, no,” Korsy said, although they had a few bumps along the way with such sudden travel booking. “Don't concern yourself with us anyhow. I came to see if I can help. Can you explain to me again how my cousin got into this mess?” Karla sighed, her fingers gripping her teacup. “My son, you know, he is so naïve sometimes… As he told me, he was just trying to help these people, but they are from Mörkret.” “The Dark Realm?” Korsy asked. “He found people in the Dark Realm? There are only monsters there.” “He said he found elves,” Karla said. “Not like us but he believes they are. He believed they belong here with us, but they were all detained at the border. Even my Asger.” Korsy frowned. “And my uncle can't have him released?” “It is his father that wants him there,” Karla said, with acidity in her voice. “He thinks he needs to punish him, make an example of him. But you know your uncle. He is a cruel unreasonable man.” Korsy nodded slowly, a dark shadow cast across his face. He patted his aunt's hand. “Good thing you left when you did.” Karla pouted, her expression melancholic. “I feel so foolish ever falling for such a man. I should have seen through him, but he used to be so charming and warm. It is like his heart was frozen, ever since…” She trailed off, glancing at Korsy then back to her tea. Dusty noticed Korsy stiffen a little and could only wonder what she could have been referring to. He dared not pry for now though. “Anyway, Asger asked me to contact you,” Karla continued. “He believed that you could help him. I do not know what his plan was, but if there is something you can do, I would be very grateful.” “I don't know…” Korsy leaned back and rubbed his neck. “I've never bailed anyone out of elf jail before… But perhaps, if I met these people my cousin was talking about, then I might see why he’s so keen on protecting them.” “So, you will go?” Karla asked. “I can provide you safe enough passage there. They will not bother you.” Korsy shook his head. “I don't care about their remarks, I know what my family thinks of half elves like me… I'm more concerned about what finding help from me might do to my cousin's reputation.” “Do not worry about anything like that, you know your cousin thinks well of you,” Karla said. “He would not ask if he did not trust you.” “I couldn't break his trust, could I?” Korsy stood up and stretched. “Should we get to it, then?” “Oh, so eager! You remind me so much of your mother,” Karla said, chuckling to herself. “But we will have to wait until late tonight. Security has gotten stricter. No one can enter the city by day.” “Really? That's so unnecessary. I imagine this is my uncle's doing as well?” Korsy assumed. “You imagine correctly. But you do not need to worry, you and your friend can stay and have dinner with me, and then we will go,” Karla said. “Now please, you must properly introduce me. This poor thing has been sitting here so patiently listening to me lament. Who is this handsome man?” “Sorry. This is Dusty,” Korsy introduced. “He is my—” “Are you Elliot's boyfriend?” Karla asked expectantly. “Oh, for now, we're just work partners,” Dusty said, offering a hand and playing up the charm. He turned his head to Korsy, smiling devilishly. “Elliot?” Korsy just rolled his eyes. “I'm training him. He's new. We happened to be in Prague when you called.” “Oh, that's too bad. Your mother would've loved to know you found someone special,” Karla said. “I'm sure she's watching and waiting for you to find such happiness.” Korsy frowned. “I am doing perfectly well on my own.” “Well, I hear Elliot does have his eyes on someone, but he won't tell me,” Dusty gossiped. Korsy shot him a glared. “Oh, really?” Karla patted Korsy's arm. “That makes your tant feel better. You're getting older, you know, I don't want to worry you're alone.” “I'm really fine,” Korsy said. “And I'm not alone. I have friends. But that's it.” “Sure, sure,” Karla brushed off. “I understand. You kids like to keep things so secret until you're sure.” “One second, I'm ‘getting older' and now I'm a kid,” Korsy complained. His aunt caressed his cheek. “You know you'll always be little Elliot to your family. But you are of course an adult and you should really start thinking about settling down.” “Karla, could you please call me Korsy?” Korsy asked. “It's tradition you know.” “Ah, I'm so sorry,” Karla apologised, withdrawing her hand, only to place it on his arm. “I forgot, you know. And your mother gave you such a beautiful name. I wouldn't want to forget it. But you want to be Korsy, you are Korsy.” “Thank you,” Korsy said, patting her hand. She smiled and sat back. “Now, that Korsy name is tradition for your father's family. Don't you want to pass it down? You could become…what's the whole name?” “Korsgaard,” Korsy answered, getting uncomfortable. “But Karla, I'm not—” “You could be Korsgaard with your own little Korsy,” she said. “Yeah,” he folded. “Maybe one day. But not right now.” “Of course, of course.” “Auntie, I've never been to Stockholm before. Is there anywhere I should see before we leave tonight?” Dusty interrupted. “Oh, this is your first visit? Of course!” Karla was all grins. “I will give you the tour. There is a lot to see so we should get to it!” As his aunt got up to put their teacups away, Korsy gave Dusty an appreciative glance. “Thank you for that,” Korsy said. “Don't mention it, Elliot,” Dusty teased. “Don't you start too.” “I won't, I won't.”
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red-space-enjoyer · 5 months
Here's what I think a tough question is:
Which Stand would Sunny have?
Sun (because Sun-ny)
Death Thirteen (because Sunny is very sleepy)
Sethan (because Sunny thinks about being Omori who is a younger version of himself)
Killer Queen (because stoic-antisocial-cat)
King Crimson (because split personality with Omori)
Jail House Lock (because memory loss)
Moody-Blues/Under-World (because memory)
or Vitamin C (because hands)?
Or is there another Stand that works better?
This is a really good list, I haven't thought about some of them - this might get lengthy, so sorry in advance
(it's probably obvious but this is gonna contain spoilers for parts 3-9 with stands lol)
-Sun doesn't really fit much
Aside from it referencing Mari's gravestone quote "The sun shined brighter when she was here" and having Sun replace the warmth that has left with Mari, it doesn't seem to fit
Nice pun lol
-Death 13 is an amazing fit
It's dream manipulation is really simmiliar to Headspace, even down to the fact that both are under an individual's control, but still can be ruined from the inside (courtesy to Kakyoin/DW Basil)
-Sethan is quite the stretch
You can say that it's ability symbolises Sunny's wish to go back before the accident, to when he was still a kid and/or having the so called "child ignorance and innocence"
-Killer Queen is a good one, as each bomb represents different aspects
Killer Queen causes tremendous demage to put it lightly to anything KQ touches, same can be said for Sunny with his violin and Mari
Sheer Heart Attack has a singular goal as a automatic stand, it only wants to complete this goal by any means necessary - same can be said for Omori protecting Sunny's psyche, seeing only means to an end
Bites The Dust is the wish to turn back time, both Kira and Sunny wanting to prevent events, such as the spread of Kira's identity and the accident respectively.
-King Crimson while seemingly a good choice, is hard to justify
King Crimson's time skip can reference "Close your eyes, you'll be here soon" from My Time, as both want to skip ahead of the pain, knowing what'll happened next
But I have to disagree on the point of spilt personalities - while Doppio & Diavolo are an example of this, Omori is something akin to Sunny's Headspace avatar. And Diavolo is the personality with a stand - King Crimson and the sub-stand Epitaph. While Doppio uses Epitaph and KC's arms, he does so after Diavolo "gives them" to him
Doppio has seemingly no stand on his own
-Jailhouse Lock is quite easy
As it represents Sunny's selective memory
-Moody Blues and Underworld are also interesting fits
Moody Blues is like watching an action play out, not being able to prevent it - only to inspect and reflect on it
It's proven to work on the deseaced too
Underground as well - it can summon events from the past and like MB, it cannot change the outcome
Essentially both stands function as observing the past without having the ability to interfere
- Vitamin C is an oddball
Aside from it's heavily themed design around hands it doesn't fit very well
I'd much prefer a stand like Geb for this manner
As for wich stands i believe whoud fit, the aforementioned Death 13 and Killer Queen fit nicely, others not on the list I believe might fit are
As previously mentioned, Geb fits the hands motif as well
It's been shown to have a great skill and is quite terrifying to go against
Simmiliar to MB and UW it can act as reliving a memory. It's not shown if it can copy the deseaced, but it's shown to take on the personality of it's target
You cloud say this can allow the illusion of a deseceased one to still be alive
(actually I've been meaning to make Omori into a simmiliar puppet based stand, but it's still not guaranteed)
It's disc ability is simmiliar to Jailhouse's selective memory, it's cold personality and it's "dream enduring acid trap" as well
-California King Bed
It falls into a simmiliar position to a few of the previous stands - the theme of it's ability fits, but not it's triggers for activation
-The Matte Kudasai
But that's probably a hyper stretch and I'm probably bias cuz of Jojolands
The nature of the ability fits well, allowing the user to create a copy. While this copy might look identical to the outside person, it's user knows
Thanks for the ask! It was lots of fun talking about the stands!
Sorry if I misunderstood or missed something and thanks again!
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muckmage · 1 year
No one dies from love
Guess I'll be the first
Will you remember us
Or are the memories too stained with blood now?
You said, "Don't ever eat the acid if
You don't wanna be changed like it changed me"
You said, "All the edges got so jagged now
Everything you saw then can't be unseen"
Last night, I saw it all
Last night, I talked to God
I (I might)
I might kill my ex, not the best idea
His new girlfriend's next, how'd I get here?
I might kill my ex, I still love him, though
Rather be in jail than alone
So tell me
Why I should
Choose to stay
When you keep on
Treating me in this way
I am stuck in a game
I don't even want to play
So tell me
Why I should not just walk away
Are you still in love?
After all the distance, after all the drugs
After all of it, are you still in love?
Take me to the distant past, I want to go back
(Distant past, distant past)
Save me from the distant past, I want this so bad
(Distant past, distant past)
Take me to the distant past, I want to go back
(Distant past, distant past)
Save me from the distant past, I want this so bad
(Distant past)
Ok goodnight!
i like the synth! is- is that what it is? idk the noises tickle me i like it, and the beat that comes in is great too! i really like this, i kinda wish it was a faster song but i don't think it'd work if that were the case, no idea, good song!
ohh the noises and sounds oaughh this is also very good, and also a slow song! this is ok though i like the lyrics and the way it wiggles the air, and it definitely wouldn't be improved by being faster either
woag like that one movie, actually i googled the plot of kill bill and these things have literally nothing to do with each other, anyway, another slow song! it sounds good but not really my thing as much as the past two, i think it's mostly the lyrics i don't vibe with idk, it's actually so weird listening and feeling like this is a great song while also not like personally enjoying it.. y'know? i feel like english doesn't have words for the different ways you can enjoy or compliment something
this instantly made me think of trackmania?? lmao, instrumental so quick but slow lyrics still, relatable lyrics though- no i wont elaborate on that, anyway i like it! but it's odd, just about the slower songs in general, even though i do really like them i know that normally i'd practically never listen to- like they don't have the quickness or... something is missing, idk, but it's not like the last song where i just don't personally enjoy it like i do.. ffdhshsb there aren't enough words for this either, tbf i suppose i did listen to a lot of slower music like a year and a half ago so maybe i'll be stuck on the slower songs again sometime
aHh ahHHgghskk the souNds naAhHh there's so many noises, my initial reaction was don't like it but then i sat there rebooting for like 10 minutes and now i've actually decided it's pretty good 👍 still not really my thing though unfortunately
awuhgH this is really good!! but!! the chorus is so boring 😭 like if it wasn't so repetitive gaH i still really like this song though it's good, certainly something i could jam to for sure
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stillness-in-green · 1 year
Chapter Thoughts — Chapter 385: The Impulses of Youth
Lots of this-and-that and whatever this chapter.
O  Quibble: So where did all this Detnerat stuff even come from?  Hasn’t the AFO battle moved well away from the villa, which is both where the original raid happened (albeit over a month ago, so you’d think it would have seen at least some clean-up efforts, especially of weaponizable support goods) and where AFO’s army of jail breakers, feasibly equipped with some Detnerat stuff courtesy of Skeptic and the abandoned Detnerat facilities, were warped to?
O  Poor Machia.  :(  Shigaraki would never.  Also, I see his claws are still kinda fucked up from Mina’s acid, which gets us a bit closer to saying whether the damage is permanent, though not as close as we’d be if Machia had tunneled his way here on those frail claws.
O  AFO’s inner darkness is marginally interesting.  If it’s Shigaraki/ShigAFO’s influence as AFO supposes, that would suggest that Shigaraki hasn’t permanently rid himself of VFO, since it’s VFO that AFO has that mental connection to.  However, recall that the whole reason the heroes split up Shigaraki and AFO was to prevent AFO and VFO from utilizing their mental connection the way they did in Tartarus—if that distance[1] is still in effect, there shouldn’t be any influence from Shigaraki (or VFO or the Shigaraki/VFO conglomerate) because they aren’t close enough to sense each other.
It’s possible that AFO is just closing the distance, of course, but as an alternative explanation, consider the supposition I and others have done about AFO having quirk-based impulse-control problems.  He presumably would have learned to manage those as he got older, so perhaps they’re rearing up again as he de-ages, and he’s just mistakenly blaming them on ShigAFO because he doesn’t yet realize that Shigaraki’s iced VFO?
On the other hand, that would suggest a change in his mentality, which Eri’s quirk has not been previously shown to affect—presumably personality and memory are, like AFO’s stock of quirks, considered “external” to what her quirk affects (more on that shortly).
O  Regarding AFO wiping his opponents in a cut-away, there’s a big question here of why he didn’t just do that from the start, if he always could, but I do think that at least the enormous fuck-off laser he fires is reasonable to keep in the back pocket, because it very obviously thrashes the arm he uses to fire it.  Like, you can see the specks at the center of those rings of light punching straight through his shoulder and down the length of his arm, and when he actually discharges the shot, it obliterates his arm below the elbow completely.[2]
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Not exactly the sort of thing that would be anyone’s first go-to, especially when a bunch of their other powers are tied to their arms and hands!
It’s also possibly notable that AFO cites his returning youth (and the dark urges associated with it) as being how he can tap into the deeper potential of his quirks.  I would say this is fairly silly and arbitrary, but it does strike me that one of the quirks AFO has is Ujiko’s Life Force, which Ujiko himself says “decreases vitality,” so it’s possible that burning off all those extra years is actually getting AFO some punch back just from shaking off some of Life Force’s accumulated sedentary qualities.  It reminds me, too, of Aizawa equating quirks with muscles that can be exercised and strengthened.  While we’ve seen a lot since then that throws doubt on the general applicability of that metaphor, we might suppose that the muscles of a younger man are going to be generally stronger than those of the old man AFO was well on his way to becoming.
O  I feel like I said it somewhere before and can't find it again, but you know what’s really dumb?  Blowing Shinsou’s surprise advantage on controlling Gigantomachia instead of AFO.  For real, I cannot imagine they couldn’t have set up some situation where Shinsou would have been able to provoke a response.  Just put him out there and have him ask about Aizawa’s dead bestie, or have him use Hawks’ voice, since Hawks has been so good at wheedling AFO into dawdling around delivering Evil Overlord monologues.  It’s a bit silly that AFO didn’t recognize Shinsou from the start—we know he watched the Sports Festival with Shigaraki—but man, if you want to talk about a risk worth taking, Shinsou getting control of AFO is a much smarter one than Shinsou delivering Machia straight into AFO’s hands.
O  Translation Quibble: Whichever character is the one that calls out to Mount Lady as she goes over—Mineta, Hawks, one of the other students—doesn’t address her as Mount Lady; they just call her Lady. No idea why this would need to be changed.
O  Translation Quibble: I noticed the severe discrepancy this week between the official release and the fan translation of Hawks’ line about AFO’s quirks and Rewind, and asked @codenamesazanka about it.  She looked into the response the Japanese fans were having to the chapter on Twitter, as seeing the J-fan consensus is usually a reliable way to see how an ambiguous line is being interpreted in its native language.  According to that response, then, none of the English translations have gotten it quite right,[3] but basically, Hawks is goading AFO how Rewind treats AFO’s stock of quirks as an external factor, so while it can heal AFO’s body, it won’t work any changes on damaged quirks.  Thus, AFO is stuck with the festering rubbish version of Fierce Wings, not the sick red angel wings version.  (Mind you, Hawks has been doing perfectly serviceable work with that damaged version, so it’s not like it would be entirely useless to AFO.)
I notice we’re still doing this thing where “quirks” are distinguished from “quirk factors,” and continue to wonder what that actually means for AFO and Shigaraki, and why AFO didn’t just give Shigaraki whatever he needs when they were spending weeks in a cave together.  See this post for more.
O  AFO can talk about carnage all he likes, but I know good and well that Horikoshi did not just kill off anybody here, probably not even Gigantomachia.  Sorry, Hori, I’m still burned out from the heart debacle.
O  The Mineta scene is great.  I love Mineta when he’s anxious about his classmates.  And directly attracting the Demon Lord’s attention for the sake of one of said classmates is about the best thing you could ask for to demonstrate how far Mineta’s come from his early wrestling with cowardice.  (Also, saying that taking Dark Shadow will just make AFO a chuunibyou is hilarious.  Sorry, Mineta; AFO is already a huge fucking chuunibyou; Dark Shadow could not possibly make him more of one than he became the moment he decided to devote his life to becoming an IRL Demon Lord.)
O  Nothing concrete to say about Hawks losing the wings for good—and I do think he did; check out all those nice clear shots of his back, with nothing visible except a bunch of burn scars courtesy of Dabi.  Honestly, I think it probably should have happened at Deika.  What has he actually done since then that truly required that Hawks specifically be flight-capable?  He caught Lady Nagant, yes, but Endeavor could have done that; it’s not like Overhaul was going to get far if Endeavor didn’t grab him right away.  He had the combo move with Jirou and Tokoyami, but breaking AFO’s helmet could just as easily have been Dark Shadow’s work.
Honestly, Hawks would have been much better served in terms of characterization to have had a crisis of faith about what he does with his life after Deika—ruined wings, ruined reputation, an ugly reveal about his heroic idol, the HPSC in shambles but definitely not down for the count, his mother gone again, his intern having some pressing questions about the whole matter of the murder accusation, and so on.  But the narrative being unwilling to actually push Hawks on anything is, tragically, not news, so of course he only loses his wings at the very end of the story, not a point at which it would have actually mattered.
O  It’s kind of bonkers that the mini-flashback panel of the Shiketsu kids turning up with news that the UA refugees never arrived is framed as a hopeful thing?  In that it’s what Hawks’ mind goes to when he’s thinking there’s still hope?  I guess it would explain why no one asked the Shiketsu students why the hell they didn’t investigate what happened to said refugees: the story meant us to assume that Shiketsu assumed the refugees never showed because they were just never in enough danger to bother leaving U.A. at all.  No mystery there; the fight at U.A. must be going off just as planned!
Of course, given that we know good and well that communication is going on between the groups,[4] there’s no reason Shiketsu shouldn’t have been notified that they had refugees being sent their way, which puts me right back to assuming incredible negligence being committed there.  And indeed, we know that there is indeed trouble brewing in the escape cubes, so I’m really entirely confused as to why Hawks flashed to news about the refugees never arriving as a Hope Spot.
That said, I’d actually be fairly shocked at this point if Horikoshi is letting Hawks be wrong about something based on faulty conclusions, so is there or is there not a twist coming there?  Whooooo knows.  I do know that if we don’t get anything other than Death Arms’ big noble run, that’s going to be a pretty big let-down for a plot we spent some not inconsiderable time (as rushed final arc plot points go, anyway) setting up.
O  I want to say Fuyumi looking after the remedial exam kids is a nice touch, but I also wonder where in god’s names their parents are, or even their own teacher.  I could see them hanging out with each other around the refugee area if they’re all from the same school district/neighborhood, but you’d think that once the evacuation to another school starts, they’d be sent back to stay with their families until the cube safely arrives.  So maybe it’s less a nice touch and more a would-be clever nod that actually opens up a lot of unintended questions (big shock).
O  The material with AFO’s mole is deeply underwhelming.  How exactly did Gunhead even spot that guy being shifty in a windowless underground enclosure in which all the lights have just gone off?  It ought to be pitch black in there, aside from the lights from personal electronic devices.  The spy dude has some kind of energy arcing between his thumbs, but his back is to Gunhead, so what distinguishes the glow from that energy from just another cellphone screen?
Also, I notice that Bowl Cut is continuing to be treated very unsympathetically by the narrative—that huge manic grin!—despite how thuddingly obvious his internal monologue is that he’s terrified of AFO and sees his very life as dependent on doing something, anything, that he can offer up to AFO as Services Rendered when this is all over.  I suppose it’s at least consistent with the bizarre cant on the adults treating Aoyama as a complete villain for the horrible crime of being a blackmailed teenager.
Bowl Cut aside, though, AFO is implied to have at least five, possibly more, moles at U.A., so stopping only the one who’s having the most obvious panic sweats about it is not exactly resolving the problem!
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The people conspicuously framed as listening to the relayed orders from AFO, circa Chapter 342.
O  It’s nice to see one of these “heroes are, as a group, getting better” plot beats actually involve a hero who failed in Chapter 1’s Sludge Villain scene, but I persist in thinking that it’d land better if the action involved heroes taking on a problem they don’t immediately believe they can solve.  Just as you couldn’t hand-pick someone better than Mina to deal with the Sludge Villain, catching falling chunks of metal seems entirely within Death Arms’ skill set, so it’s not like he’s made some incredible evolution wherein he leaps to help even in a situation he doesn’t have an immediate solution for.
O  Color me incredibly curious how Stain is going to fit into all this, seeing as he’s stuck in Kamino, on the far eastern side of this multi-area conflict…is what I would have said before the official came out and it became more obvious that the blobby dark shape off to his left side is some kind of Green Goblin-esque glider.  On the other hand, it’s not a Green Goblin glider without Pumpkin Bombs, so fingers crossed that Stain’s is capable of launching exploding shuriken or something similarly characterful.  XD
----------------- FOOTNOTES -----------------
[1] Which the heroes magically deduced somehow.  They get a lot of this sort of thing, like the magic sensors the American jets were equipped with that let them tell that AFO’s quirks were being destroyed, or the whole business of sussing out the identities of 100K people in an underground army in a bit over three months.
[2] An excellent reason for whoever that quirk’s previous owner was to want to get rid of it!  If you don’t have rapid healing, that quirk is like walking around with a grenade embedded in your elbow.  You might survive the blood loss, if you get immediate medical care, but you sure as hell aren’t getting the arm back.
[3] Or if Caleb did, his localization is being especially obtuse and needlessly confusing this week.
[4] See e.g. the news about Dabi’s seeming defeat being radioed out to all parties, or Mount Lady being notified about AFO being on the move.
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Yo bestie! If you want to write something fucked up Tex, here are some ideas:
Orel “accidentally” splashing someone he doesn’t like with acid and watching them melt (while they’re still alive!).
Orel and Joe going to juvenile for murdering their fathers (maybe they kill some more people? 👀)
Anything regarding Charles Lee Ray (because I know you’re in the Chucky fandom)
Joe dealing drugs to people and getting caught, so he beats up the person that caught him (and like, feel free to throw in whatever gore your heart desires <3)
A murder mystery set in the Moralton chapel! The murderer? You decide!!
you are a genius I will be writing all of these starting with Joe and Orel going to juvie
“Joe…” Orel said as the two boys entered their cell “I just want you to know I’ll never let anyone hurt you in here…”
“…thanks” Joe said dryly. He wanted to hate Orel right then. He was the reason they were in jail…but he found he couldn’t be mad as he wanted…it was equally his fault…he’d also killed his dad…
They’d only been in there a few days now but they’d already gotten into a routine, wake up, shower, eat, go to classes, eat again, and go to bed. It wasn’t too bad…except for the people who really needed to be taken to higher level security prisons. But Joe felt like he was safe…he had Orel on his side…and after witnessing what he was capable of if you gave him a baseball bat…he was more than confident he’d be ok…
one day, Joe got into a bit of a fight with two of the other, bigger kids in the mess hall, Jason and Todd were their names…they gave Joe a black eye and fat lip that day…and Orel, upon seeing the damage when Joe got back from the infirmary, saw red. He couldn’t think straight…they hurt Joe…they hurt HIS Joe…they would pay…
Joe awoke the next morning, his face still sore from the injuries, he stood up from his bed and began walking to the shower when he saw…oh good lord what he saw…the walls and floor were splattered with blood, entrails covered the entire remains of the corpses…the room reeked of rotting flesh…
that’s all Joe felt in that moment
“so…waddya think?” Orel asked from behind
“Orel…what the fuck did you do…” was all Joe could manage
“isn’t it obvious? They hurt you so I killed them!” Orel said, still holding a rusty, bloody, butter knife he stole from the mess hall
“because they hurt you my love. And nobody hurts you without fucking paying for it” Orel said
Joe didn’t want to say anything too confrontational as not to anger him, nor did he feel like reasoning with an obvious psychopath
“listen, I got us in here in the first place, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it safe for you” Orel said, talking like this was a completely fine and normal thing to do
up “I love you, you know that? I would kill for you…and I have” Orel said “now, what do you say we try and pin this on some randos so we get off scotch free?” Orel asked, reaching his hand out to Joe
Joe was understandably hesitant about the whole thing…two people were dead in his sleeping quarters…just laying there…being all …dead…
He still didn’t want Orel to get in any more trouble…so against his better judgement, he grabbed Orel’s hand…sealing his fate…
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