#acina is amused
What are your favorite hobbies?
Favorite hobbies? Well, ladies?
Oro'a: Murder and mayhem in my early days as an apprentice and Dark Lord were what kept me busy. Nowadays? Looking after the alliance after losing the Eternal Fleet and Throne, along with helping Empress Acina and the Hand in missions for the Empire are what take up my time. I'll be lucky if I can even have the time to get a drink at the cantina with how busy I am.
Zaedesh: Honing my lightsaber skills and spending time with my companions. Vette keeps me very amused with her snark and Jaesa is quite the apprentice.
Leyka: *Stiffens as a warning shot hits near my head*
She's not available to comment! Moving on!
Dedalera: Sparring with Torian, "aiding" Gault in his cons (whatever i'm just in it for the credits.), or learning more about Mandalorian culture and language.
Nivirhy: As a Jedi Guardian, I must always be ready to protect the weak. When I'm not fighting a Sith, I'm training and meditating.
Sorla: I am often mediating or training Nadia in the ways of the Jedi when not being needed to solve diplomatic situations.
Teeubo: Pazaak, baby! I learned a lot from Darmas when he was still on my good side. Shame I had to shoot such a handsome guy.
Zenah-i: Cleaning my weapons, sparring drills with Elara, and teasing Jorgan. He's got that sour look on his face all the time, I started calling him 'Grumpy Cat' when we have time alone. I still love him, though.
Looks like that's all of them! I hope you enjoyed reading and you are welcome to send me asks! My inbox is always open! Thank you for reading!
Darth Selene
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legends-chauvinist · 4 months
7.5 thoughts
Since I've done 7. 5 on both Zestilya and Cyal I have some thoughts under the cut
I like both the parallels and divergences of both factions and different choices. I was amused how the Jedi wouldn't take in the refugees but the Sith would.
I loathe how little this patch was voice acted. I like less than 10% of the expansion was traditionally VAed.
Didn't like how we were forced to hang up on Rans or Acina. I don't think either Zestilya or Cyal would actually do that.
Actually interested in Shae's arc for the first time. Zesti has been looking for an excuse to avenge the sacking of the temple.
I looooved the opening, especially how it was different for Cyal and Zestilya.
Probably the worst patch in terms of bugs since like 7.0 itself.
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dirthara-dalen · 10 months
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The Sith fleet, of all the times to appear, why now? Arcann had escaped for reason he did understand. Lana questioned why he had allowed him to escape, he admitted to her that he could sense the goodness within Arcann. The sound of Theron’s voice drew his attention as the two turned to face him. Apparently Empress Acina wished to speak with him. He crossed his arms as her holo appeared in front of him.
“Lord Frey, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.”
For a brief moment the world around him vanished. ‘Lord Frey’ was a name he didn't believe he'd hear coming from the mouth of an individual outside of his family. This did not amuse him. The thought of allying with the empire was the furthest thing from his mind.
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cinlat · 4 years
Blood in the Breeze: Ch 5 (Betrayals)
Parts one and two of this series linked.
Summary: Fynta learns that Dromund Kaas is a creepy planet. Theron experiences a truly, furious Cathar and decides that he’d rather stay on Jorgan’s good side. Torian isn’t used to being caught off guard, but can’t seem to keep up with how often Fynta dies, oh, and he should probably stop betting against Verin.
Chapter Word Count: 6,057   Chapter Rating: T Characters in Chapter: Empress Acina, Fynta Wolfe, Aric Jorgan, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, Torian Cadera, former Republic Chancellor Saresh, Zolah Holran, Vector Hyllus, and guest appearance by @kunoichi-ume​ Noara Starspark
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The Thunderclap En route to Odessen
Theron didn’t usually follow Fynta to her room, but with Aric returning to their quarters with a headache and the meeting with Acina having gone to shit, he had pulled Fynta away to touch base on matters. Namely, how they planned to handle Saresh once they reached Odessen. 
“You can’t shoot on sight, Fynta,” Theron called to the stubborn woman ahead of him. Fynta had gotten fed up with the impromptu meeting and announced that she was going to take a nap. However, Theron wasn’t done arguing. “It’ll destroy morale for the Alliance to see their commander—” 
Something shattered against the wall, halting both Fynta and Theron for a heartbeat outside her door. She moved first, rushing open it while Theron readied his blaster even though he knew that they were alone on the ship. Only Lana had traveled with them, and she was piloting.
Stepping in, Theron swept the room for hostiles before settling on a haggard looking Cathar beside the rumpled bed. It didn’t take long to identify the source of the sound. A lamp lay against the wall, broken into three pieces with the bolts that had held it to the desk still clinging to pits of wood and metal shaving.
“Aric?” Fynta hurried to her husband, cupping his face to check for injuries. Theron hadn’t gotten used to seeing the Cathar with his rough eye patch yet. It made him look more feral than usual, unhinged even. The snarl that he answered Fynta with only solidified that image.
“Did you know?” Jorgan growled the words, teeth dangerously close to Fynta’s throat. Theron would never get used to that, either. He’d always thought Fynta was the more dangerous of the two, but the hatred in that pale, blue eye made Theron question his earlier assumption.
Find the entire chapter on Ao3 or FFN.
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zemissinglinkus · 6 years
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Empress Acina is a tired lesbian and definitely is done for the day
this may actually be my favorite screenshot ever
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Whumping the Wrath (aka titles are hard)
Bad AU continuation of this piece I wrote a while ago (though Nox is actually Occlus now that I have a canon Inquisitor)
All inspired by something @palepinkycat sent me that made me laugh with all sorts of “I’m going to hurt my OC” amusement 😂
Also no real editing done, we die like sith on korriban lol
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Darth Occlus leaned against her saber pike for a moment as she prepared herself for another long session. At another time she might have been impressed at the prisoner’s resilience and power but now all she felt was frustration at how long it was taking to break her and anger at how much it had cost to catch the prisoner.
A now familiar flare of pain in her back and leg fueled her simmering rage. The plan to capture and control the Wrath should have been a straight forward one. With the combined power of the Dark Council and the new Empress, they should have been able to easily emerge victorious. But they had miscalculated.
The Wrath was far more powerful than any of them had given her credit for. They had all assumed that her skills lay only in unexpected ambushes and lightsaber combat. But it seemed that she had hidden depths of force potential that none of them had known about until it was too late.
Xarion was dead, his body crushed into a twisted mass of blood and guts.
Malora had been fortunate to receive a swift end with her head being cleanly removed from her body.
Vowrawn lost both legs and now had a scar across his face from a slash that had removed one of his face tendrils.
Occlus herself now walked with a limp and had to have extensive cybernetics implanted along her spine to save her from total paralysis.
Even Acina had lost an arm, leg and eye to the Wrath.
Krovos had been the only one of them to remain unscathed and that had been because the honorable warrior refused to fight against the woman that had led them through Zakuul’s invasion.
Occlus scowled as her injuries throbbed painfully. She had respected the Wrath’s leadership during Zakuul’s conquest and had been impressed at her refusal to claim the mantel of Empress. A less experienced Sith would have leapt at the chance to gain such power but the Wrath was anything but inexperienced. Still, now that Zakuul ruled unopposed the Wrath had outlived her usefulness, at least in her current position.
Closing her eyes, Occlus focused on the task at hand. She knew that the Wrath was resilient but she could tell that her resolve was finally starting to waver.
A small smile spread across her face as she reached into her robes to the military ID tags within. Even if the Wrath did not break today, Occlus knew it was only a matter of time. And it would at least be entertaining to see the once powerful Wrath realize just how hopeless her situation was.
Opening her eyes once again, Occlus entered the cell, now looking forward to the day’s activities.
Amarra couldn’t bring herself to raise her head as the door to her cell opened. She had long ago stopped wasting energy on looking up at her visitors. The people that entered her cell only ever came to deliver more pain, so what was the point in looking up at them?
Besides, her visitors never failed to let her know who they were.
Her head jerked to the side as one of Darth Occlus’ metal gauntlets opened a new gash on her face.
She didn’t bother to hide to cry of pain that the blow caused. In the beginning, she had fought hard to keep from making any noise at all. It had been a pointless display of pride but she could not help it. The Dark Council did not deserve her respect or service let alone her screams.
But now?
Now she didn’t care.
As much as she hated to admit it, the endless torture and isolation had finally begun to ware her down. Her mental defenses, which had held strong for over a year of torture and abuse, were beginning to form hairline fractures.
Maybe she could have held out longer if she had been able to rest and recover even a small amount of strength. But the Dark Council had other plans.
For a political body that was perhaps most well known for its bickering and backstabbing power plays, they had apparently found common ground when it came to Amarra. After capturing the Wrath, the Council had begun to work on breaking her will in shifts. One Councilor would torture her in their own way before passing her off to the next Councilor. She never had a moment to rest, save the times she passed out from pain, and she could never anticipate what each new Councilor might do to her.
Vowrawn was quite fond of using both the Force to torture her but he also enjoyed taunting her with food and water that her body so desperately craved. He often set up elaborate meals with mouth watering aromas in her cell and commented on how delicious it all was as his attendants continued her tortures.
Still, she had been able to push through the pain in her aching belly because she knew the Dark Council would not let her starve to death. They wanted a puppet, a weapon. And a weapon was no good to them if it was dead.
Acina was different. The Empress would often use machines to inflict pain. Amarra recalled one particularly painful session when surgical droids had been brought in. They had cut into her flesh with the sole purpose of inflicting as much pain as possible and they had indeed caused her unbelievable levels of suffering. That had been one of the first times when her voice had given out from screaming.
Some small part of her brain that was still capable of rational thought was grateful that she had previously destroyed the Ravager and her sire’s Arcanum. She shuddered to think of the ancient torture devices that Acina might have had access to if she had not destroyed the station.
Her thoughts were interrupted as Occlus grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head up.
A small whine slipped past Amarra’s lips as she was forced to stare into the rattataki’s eyes.
She was met with an all too familiar smile that sent a chill down her spine.
“How nice to see you again, Wrath,” Occlus spoke casually as if they were meeting over drinks.
Amarra didn’t bother trying to respond. Once, she might have spat in Occlus’ face but now she barely had the strength to keep her eyes open.
“Ah, I forgot,” Occlus chuckled. “You’re a woman of few words.” She then pulled a knife from her robes and plunged into into Amarra’s side, grinning at the writhing and cry of pain it caused.
Gasping, Amarra tried to focus on cataloging her new injury. The blade was still in her. Fortunately, it seemed to be short so the wound was relatively shallow. Good. She hated being left to slowly bleed out from deeper wounds.
“Now before we begin, I brought you a gift!” Occlus spoke in a cheerful tone as she reached into her robes for the Imperial ID tags.
Though she didn’t want to, Amarra raised her head. It was better than having Occlus grab her by the hair again.
But as soon as she saw the ID tags in Occlus’ hand, she wished she had just kept her head down.
Biava, Amélie
It was as if Occlus had just reached into her chest and ripped out Amarra’s heart.
No. No, no, no, NO!
She thrashed in her restraints and let out a broken scream of anguish and frustration.
It wasn’t possible! Amélie had fled! She had escaped with Vette, Jaesa and the rest of her allies before the Council’s trap sprang shut!
She squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to sob. She desperately wanted to reach out with the force, to try and touch Amélie’s mind. To see if she was safe. Or to confirm that she was...
But she couldn’t.
If she reached out then Occlus would take advantage of the opening and Amarra’s mind would no longer be her own.
A ragged sob did escape her this time.
There was nothing she could do.
Occlus had her trapped and she knew it.
The rattataki grinned impishly and pulled additional knives from her robes. “While you try to determine if I am lying or not, why don’t we see how many of these I can stick you with before you pass out?”
Amarra got to thirteen before her weakened and grieving body gave out for the first of many times that day.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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My Sith Inquisitor - Sekulyn!
Sekulyn - who is nonbinary (she/they) - is the darkest character of my Moonrise legacy, due mostly to me staying true to the Sith Inquisitor's origins as a slave. Sekulyn was originally a Force-sensitive child bound for a Jedi enclave, but their transport was captured by slavers when the Republic soldiers guarding them deserted on Nar Shaddaa, and they and all their fellow younglings were sold to the Empire.
However, unlike her human counterparts, Imperial bigotry got in in the way and instead of being shipped off to Korriban with the others, she was thrown in chains and sent to Ziost, where she was forced to labor rebuilding ancient Sith tombs. And the cruelty of the Imperial slavers and the injustice of Sekulyn's separation from their fellow Force-sensitives - combined with the painfully Dark auras of the Sith tombs - proved a terrifying cocktail that only fed their spiraling anger and hate for Empire, Republic, and fellow slaves alike. Eventually, this all comes to a head when they mature into adulthood, and their appearance begins attracting certain forms of Unwanted Interest.
Sekulyn is able to figure out how to Mind-Trick the first few Imperials that try to buy them away from the (relative) safety of the labor crews, but eventually they're faced with a strong mind who doesn't respond. And when finally faced with the prospect of a future as a courtesan - Sekulyn retaliates, conjuring a lightning bolt big enough to fry two Imperials on the spot. Ordinarily, this kind of stunt would result in death, but instead her burning hate and strength in the Force (and repeated electrocution of her captors) catch the Sith's attention - and so she's finally sent to Korriban to become Sith.
Due to these awful early-life experiences, Sekulyn is loyal to absolutely no one but herself, and has a sneering "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" kind of attitude. They take a kind of malicious pleasure in ignoring or toying with people they view as whiny, helpless, or spineless, and will occasionally stop to indulge themselves in wanton cruelty if they're feeling too irritable. However, on the converse side of this, Sekulyn has a fairly healthy respect for people who don't need her to do everything for them, and can be persuaded to offer assistance with personal vendettas or goals - so long as her own aims aren't interfered with. Furthermore, she doesn't take offense to those who shit-talk her as a person (rather than for being an alien), often engaging in nasty banter with them for her own amusement.
Sekulyn's primary goals are true Sith through and through - personal power and personal gain, wrapped up in a nice Bow of Knowledge - but they do eventually mellow out following their ascension to the Dark Council. Their off hours are mostly occupied by research - discovering their connection to Kallig sparked their interest in ancient Sith archaeology and traditions - or, eventually, getting cozy with their eventual wife, Darth Acina.
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keldae · 3 years
Fictober 2021 -- Day 17
Well, there was no possible way this could go wrong. Xaja hadn’t taken long to decide she disliked Iokath the first time she’d wound up on this world -- she was taking even less time today to decide that she never wanted to be within a hundred parsecs of this damned system ever again. 
“Our entire fleet is disabled,” Theron grimly pronounced from behind her, letting her pilot their shuttle to Iokath while he tried to get the Eternal Fleet to respond. “Good thing is, so are the Republic and Imperial fleets.”
“That’s one small mercy,” Xaja muttered, distrustfully eyeing the stoic fleets of what had once been her home faction and her enemy. She thought she might be able to talk Empress Acina down from whatever stupidity she’d gotten the Empire into… but that being said, she hadn’t exactly expected the Sith to come sauntering into what was officially Alliance-held territory. And the Republic… after Saresh had tried to have Xaja killed, the former Jedi wasn’t sure what to make of her former home faction. Depending who was leading this expedition, maybe she could talk some sense into them?
“Any updates from Lana?” she asked.
“Nothing.” Theron sounded as frustrated as Xaja felt. “Just a set of coordinates where she thinks she’ll be able to rendezvous with us without getting shot.”
“Remember when our biggest worry in this damned system was homicidal droids hijacking our ship?” Xaja asked with a sigh. “And the whole business with Vaylin and her forces trying to kill us?”
Theron snorted. “Do I hear some nostalgia in that tone of yours?”
“Maybe a bit.” Turning her focus back to Iokath, Xaja sighed again, all hints of amusement gone. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
“Hey.” Theron leaned over, reaching his arm as far back as he could until he found Xaja’s hand and squeezed. “I’m with you, you know that. This will work out okay.”
“I thought I was supposed to be the eternal optimist,” Xaja snorted. Despite her tone, she willingly reached back for Theron and squeezed his hand tightly, taking comfort from his reassuring presence at her back. 
“Figured I’d try it out for myself, just to see how it feels.” Despite their positions preventing Xaja from seeing Theron’s face, she could hear his smirk. “Give me back my job as the permanent realist of the two of us.”
Xaja laughed, despite her anxiety, and turned back to watch the shuttle’s descent into Iokath, never letting go of Theron’s hand. “There’s nobody else I’d rather have with me than you, Theron.”
The tight squeeze to her hand was answer enough from him.
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unbreakable-oaths · 3 years
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More random backstory about these three, mostly stuff related to RotHC and the Dread Master storyline (going below the cut because some of the stuff is a bit spoiler-y):
·       Yxo goes to Ilum. It only takes one conversation with Moff Regus planetside for her to turn around and get right back on the shuttle to leave Ilum.
·       She does quietly point the newly appointed Wrath towards Ilum (just because Regus is a racist asshole doesn’t mean she wants the Republic to win)
·       Instead of exploring the Jedi ruins on Ilum, Yxo goes the crack the Eternity Vault (what good is being the head of the sphere of ancient knowledge if you don’t get to be there to see it opened?)
·       Nat and Rhyzur are very eager to take part in “diplomatic negotiations” with Karagga
·       The latest Grand Champion of the Great Hunt is hired to go to Denova and investigate what’s happening there. The information that the Dread Masters have potentially gone rogue is quietly passed to Rhyzur.
·       At this point there is a standing memo that all things Dread Master are sent to Rhyzur
·       Both Rhyzur and Yxo go to investigate Asation. Initially Yxo was going to lead a strike team on her own but, after the events of Denova, Rhyzur suspected the Dread Masters were involved and insisted on coming as well
·       While Rhyzur and Yxo are on Asation, Nat deals with Councilor Torvix and the Black Hole. She later claims this is to prevent Yxo from adding hypermatter to the list of “very toxic things she decided to take a bath in anyways”
·       After Asation, Rhyzur gets a priority call asking for help in Section X. The very large, very angry drouk does nothing to improve her week
·       While Rhyzur is preoccupied, Acina drags Yxo into helping her secure the Dread Seeds (using the excuse of Section X to directly circumvent the known standing memo that all things Dread Master are to go to Rhyzur only)
·       Rhyzur is not amused when she gets back only to find out Yxo nearly got herself killed parkouring around Arcanum. Khem loses babysitting privileges again
·       “I don’t care that she’s nearly 20 and a Dark Council member Khem, it’s your job to keep her from getting herself killed.” -Rhyzur, definitely
·       Nat deals with the Shroud. Rhyzur approves of this because it keeps her occupied and away from the Dread Masters
·       Rhyzur is the one who goes to Makeb. Marr is not prepared for a very angry Nat showing up in his office demanding to know where the hell he sent her partner
·       Marr deeply regrets not sending that bounty hunter to Makeb instead because it definitely would have been worth the credits spent if it meant he didn’t have to deal with a very angry Darth Occlus and child right now
·       The Grand Champion and Rhyzur both lead the strike team on Darvannis. The Grand Champion goes because she’s offended she wasn’t invited, Rhyzur goes because she doesn’t need an excuse to ruin a hutt’s day
·       Styrak being there is an unpleasant surprise.
·       Rhyzur and Nat (Marr learned his lesson) both go to Oricon to deal with the mess there. Rhyzur tries very, very hard to convince Nat to stay behind but after her disappearance to Makeb and general secrecy surrounding the Dread Master business, she refuses
·       Rhyzur has some solid suspicions of just how badly an interaction of Nat with the Dread Master’s power could go. It isn’t until they’re both on Oricon that she realizes how badly she underestimated the severity of the reaction
·       The Dread Master’s brand of madness effects Nat badly. Rhyzur forces her to leave Oricon and sends Ashara with her to take care of her. Khem stays with Rhyzur. Andronikos and Talos take care of Xuqia and they are ordered not to let Nat near her until either Ashara or Rhyzur says it is okay.
·       Marr sends the Wrath to Oricon as well. They help storm the fortress and defeat the remaining Dread Masters
·       Rhyzur feels no small amount of satisfaction for rectifying what she considers her biggest mistake
·       Her connection to the dark side and the amount of time she spent chasing the Dread Masters ends up teaching her their “fear” ability
·       She swears that knowledge of this ability will die with her and is not amused by the fact she starts the be referred to as “Dread Master Rhyzur” instead of “Darth Nox” (this one is directly lifted from the fact that in HM/NiM you literally take the Dread Master’s thrones to defeat them and that the NiM timed title is Dread Master)
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
10, 20, 21 for Ven (for the NSFW ask, I was gonna yesterday but didn’t trust my cell reception)
10. What does their favourite sexy underwear (to wear) look like?
He has a few pairs, because of course he does.
His favourite has to be the lace boxer briefs. They’re basically painted on and made entirely out of sheer black lace.
They suit him very well.
He’s got some amusing novelty pairs too, and at least one that resulted in Quinn abjectly refusing to sleep with him unless he promised to never wear them again.
20. If they could have sex with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
That’s a long list, even discounting his lover (because duh).
He would have loved to have has a chance to prise Marr out of that armour, and Ven would have indulged his oft buried submissive streak for him. He had fantasies. So many fantasies.
He was curious about Revan, more specifically Revan in his prime. He would have been interested in seeing what Darth Revan was like, as well as his Jedi self. He might have compared notes.
Darth Acina and Satele Shan. Acina is hot and he thinks she’s fun, and while he doesn’t like Satele now, he has the feeling he would have liked her more when she was a younger firebrand.
21. Have they ever had a threesome? If not, would they?
He has absolutely had a threesome. He’s had several threesomes, and probably some moresomes. He forgets, sometimes. The Academy was a hell of a time.
If pieces had fallen in the right places and the right times, he would once have entertained the idea of inviting Theron to his and Quinn’s bed, perhaps even on a more permanent basis. Sadly though, it didn’t work out. He still thinks about it, sometimes.
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
not, necessarily, that ‘canon’/the defection au would have gone much differently. eirn.. did not hate her time on odessen in general, but did hate being forced into a position of such prominence by lana, and would have grabbed the first excuse she could to nope out of there as soon as she could.
although i’ve also always been mildly amused at the idea of her chucking in the alliance gig after iokath v2. acina’s dead and eirn is probably going to be the one blamed for this by the empire, so she just goes Fuck It and asks malcom for political asylum there and then. the biggest thing stopping her would be the fact she’d be walking away from quinn without even trying to see if things could be salvaged, but there’s a strong case to be made that quinn has already made it explicitly clear where his loyalties lie. eirn is just, you know. a dumbass who is perenially in denial about this.
somewhere, vinn atrius is losing his mind at this most recent twist of fate. clearly there was a traitor in his organisation, there is no other possible reason that The Outlander would have removed herself so completely from the stage.
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chubbyooo · 4 years
The Road to Redemption - A Blurred Lines Spinoff Chapter 5: Forgiveness
hey all this was a fun one to write :D
Senya awakes and has a confrontation with Kyradia as Kavaraa does her best to help Arcann and herself
Kyradia’s fist made a resounding crack as it impacted with Saresh’s face how dare she try to take what Kyradia built, she had every intention of killing her but she wanted her to rot in a cell first
Saresh reeled back “I’ll take that as a yes it doesn’t matter the alliance needs a leader like me” Kyradia sneered did she really want to get hit again “I saw an opportunity and I took it I won’t apologize” Kyradia couldn’t help herself smacking her again with the back of her hand
Lana scowled “we are way beyond apologies” she bent down continuing to scowl at the former chancellor
Theron folded his arms “what do we do with her” this whole experience had renewed Kyradia’s faith in him having them both be gunning for Saresh’s demise the entire time
Saresh scowled back “execution I expect, it’s what Vaylin would do it’s what I would do” Kyradia couldn’t help but smile at the simple idea
Kyradia walked up to Saresh “such a simple form of revenge Saresh you know a more drawn out revenge is always more satisfying you’re going to rot in a Alliance prison well before you die” Kyradia bent down and growled at the former chancellor “and I’ll be there every step of the way” she gave Saresh a swift kick to the stomach and let the guards take her away
Lana folded her arms “Empress Acina is waiting for your call in the war room” Kyradia nodded best get to it…
The call had gone fine it seemed as though they had some new allies Lana spoke up “finally we seem to not be alone in this war, Saresh has been transferred to the prison but while there it seemed as if Senya has woken up” Kyradia felt herself twitch as she heard the name, she’d put Arcann and the Basen’thor to the back of her mind to avoid boiling over
Kyradia clenched her fists “good, I think it’s about time I paid her a visit” Kyradia quickly strode towards the prison she wanted to let her know she’d failed
Soon they let her into the room where Senya sat in the corner quietly humming, after a second she looked up “ah is it time for your revenge then?” she was surprisingly calm considering Kyradia had nearly killed her last time
Kyradia seethed “I just came here to tell you that you failed” Senya nodded still calm this wasn’t what Kyradia was expecting at all
She sighed “maybe you’re right only time will tell but I sense a change in him” Kyradia felt her repressed anger boiling up
Kyradia walked up to her “your faith will betray you, you've only created another problem for the alliance I hope you’re proud” Senya frowned at her finally giving a reaction
Senya stood up “of course I’m proud Kyradia I tried to save my son I know it wasn’t the most ‘strategic move’ but I’m not going to apologize for having a heart even if it kills me” Kyradia gritted her teeth she knew she couldn’t kill her yet not while Arcann still lived
Kyradia growled at her “people don’t change Senya! You can’t make some great gesture and suddenly they’re all better even if he believes he’s ‘getting better’ he will fall back down we all do sooner or later and return to his old ways” Senya gave no sign of emotion as she listened to Kyradia
She sighed “are you really so disillusioned with the world Kyradia, I suppose you wouldn’t understand change every choice in your life has been made for you” Kyradia felt her twinge of anger boil over as she pushed Senya up against the wall
She shouted “how dare you! I took control of my destiny a long time ago I’ve earned everything I got and no one can take that away from me” Senya shook her head as she struggled
She sighed “no don’t you see Kyradia it’s all just part of Valkorions plan, I know you went through his sith academy you are who you are because of him” Kyradia had heard the same words from Valkorion for years
She threw Senya across the room “you don’t know a THING about me you don’t know how I’ve suffered or what it’s like to be me and you certainly don’t understand what I’m willing to do to stop him” she bore down on Senya her anger in full force
Senya looked a little more frightened now “I do know that someone hurt you, it was bad and you’ve never gotten over it” Kyradia stopped some of her anger melting away “I knew it from when I first saw you, you have the same look Vaylin has someone took you and twisted you and that part of you is begging to get out behind all the anger” Kyradia felt herself begin to breath heavily how could she know?
She was frozen for a few seconds before she lifted Senya up the anger returning “you want to know the difference between me and Vaylin I didn’t let it rule me” Senya just shook her head causing Kyradia’s anger to spike “and I don’t have any foolish people trying to save what can’t be saved!” Senya’s frown turned angrier 
She shook her head “you would understand if you had children” Kyradia gritted her teeth a headache beginning to brew from that comment
She closed her eyes for a second “then I guess I’ll never understand traitor” she stormed out of the room before Senya could get another word in, how could she have let Senya get to her like that and why did she see through her. Kyradia took a shaky breath before heading back to the war room her anger renewed, she was going to end this war soon…
Kavaraa was watching as Arcann tried to calm a Blerg, it had been a week or so since they arrived at Master Syo’s ranch and things were progressing slowly Arcann was getting easily frustrated but keeping at it. Arcann was trying to get onto the Blerg when it suddenly lost its calm sensibility and bucked him off towards Kavaraa, he landed in the mud next to her and she helped him up.
Kavaraa smiled “hey buddy rough ride?” Arcann was not amused as she helped him up wiping the mud off his face
Arcann sighed “I don’t understand what this has to do with anything!” he was clearly frustrated but still willing to try
Master Syo made his way over “it’s as I said Arcann to calm and animal you yourself must be perfectly calm you musn’t let your grief or regret break that, did it break through?” Kavaraa had actually learnt this lesson from Master Syo when she was training however it was less about grief and more about controlling excitement. Master Yuon and Master Syo had worked together frequently to control Kavaraa’s excitement and rather extreme emotions to teach her to control them but also not lose them.
Arcann reluctantly nodded “yes I did have a moment you’re right but the problem is I’m getting in my own head about it, telling myself not to think about it make me think about it” Master Syo nodded clearly understanding Arcann’s plight
Master Syo smiled “yes once you start thinking that you’ve already lost just try to think of nothing or, something that calms you” he puts a hand on Arcanns shoulder “do you have a moment like that
Arcann nodded “I’m playing with training sticks in the field with… Thexan” he took a long pause
Kavaraa stepped in “Ok maybe not the best example think of something a little less implicating” Arcann nodded trying to think of something else
Master Syo nodded “let’s take a five minute break so you can center yourself” Arcann nodded as Master Syo walked back to the ranch
Kavaraa reassured him “you know this stuff isn’t easy I think you’re doing really well so far” Arcann smiled nodding to himself
Arcann sighed “I know I’m just a little impatient while we’re here Vaylin is out doing the force knows what, I get I need to take the time otherwise the whole process is pointless but it’s just hard at times” Kavaraa nodded she was a little worried too she hadn't heard from Theron in a little bit
Kavaraa smiled “it’s bound to be Arcann but it’s about getting back up when we fall off the Blerg right?” Arcann nodded the metaphor wasn’t perfect but Kavaraa was doing her best
Arcann looked away “thank you Kavaraa I appreciate all you’ve done for me, I’m going to go to the workshop to calm myself” Kavaraa nodded she noticed he’d been spending a lot of time in there
Kavaraa decided to take a walk behind the ranch to the caves, she needed to find her own center, the more time she stayed here the more worried she became about her actions. She had no idea if Nox would ever allow her back into the alliance let alone Arcann and she worried for Senya every day she was incarcerated. But there was really nothing she could do, she was sticking by her code and she could at least be proud of that even if it was getting her into trouble, still it had gotten Theron into trouble. She didn’t know what she’d do if anything happened to Theron she had to tell him how she felt soon before it was too late. 
She made her way into the cave illuminated with black and white crystals giving off all manner of glowing colours but in the center of the cave she noticed a blue figure. 
As she got closer she recognised the form of her first master Yuon Par she gasped “M-master Yuon how are you here I mean I’ve only read about such things in holocrons but to actually see it I mean amazing” Master Yuon looked as surprised as her
She let out a laugh “Hello Vary I wasn’t expecting you to come and see me” wow she had not heard that nickname in years
Kavaraa was bewildered “I uh wasn’t either what are you doing here?” she hadn’t seen Master Yuon since the brothers attacked she shivered realising what this looked like
Master Yuon smiled “Syo finds it hard to be all alone so sometimes I visit him to help him” Kavaraa sat down next to her not exactly sure what to do
Kavaraa had a million things to say but she had to say something first “I’m so sorry Master Yuon, I uh I let you down” Master Yuon frowned at her as Kavaraa didn't make eye contact
She responded “whatever do you mean Vary what do you have to be sorry for?” Kavaraa didn’t even know how to say it and now she was helping one of the brothers who attacked Tython
Kavaraa swallowed “I wasn’t there on Tython when you were… killed I should’ve been there I was too busy on my stupid quest for artefacts and catching Nox” Master Yuon shook her head as Kavaraa shrunk down
She scoffed “and what you think you could’ve saved me from 30ft worth of rubble” Kavaraa remembered when she had uncovered the body she’d cried for a good hour and then again at the funeral
Kavaraa felt her eyes well up “I dunno maybe I could’ve helped I just I should’ve been there I let you down” Master Yuon turned to her a bright smile on her face
She put a hand on Kavaraa’s face although she couldn’t feel it “Now Vary you could never let me down you exceeded my greatest expectations and I’m so proud of you” Kavaraa smiled but she still felt bad “and besides we all had a role to play in that war I’ve played mine so you can play yours and it seems like you have your hands full” Kavaraa felt tears begin to stream down her face why was she so easy to make cry?
She wiped her eyes “I uh yeah I do, you don’t mind I’m helping Arcann then even after the attack?” Master Yuon shook her head
Master Yuon smiled “don’t be silly Vary I don’t hold a grudge how could I, I just want to make sure you’re ok”
Kavaraa tried to keep her cool “I uh I feel like I messed it all up, I feel like I’m betraying everyone by doing this” she tried her best to wipe her eyes again
Master Yuon comforted her “hey hey come on Kavaraa you’re doing it because you know it’s the right thing to do and if I know anything about you it’s that you’re stubborn” Kavaraa chuckled wiping the last of her tears away “do you remember what you said to me on the first trip to the to Tython” Kavaraa shook her head that was so long ago
Master Yuon smiled “you insisted on being my co-pilot in case anything went wrong” Kavaraa laughed had she really done that “you didn’t even know how to fly” Kavaraa smiled that had cheered her up. “Point is I learned a long time ago if you want to do something you’re going to and you usually will be doing it for the right reasons” Kavaraa nodded she guessed that was true
Kavaraa smiled “thanks Master I really needed that” Master Yuon smiled back clearly happy to help
She chuckled “I think the force did this on purpose” Kavaraa laughed she hoped so “hey where's your lightsaber?” Kavaraa was surprised by the question 
Kavaraa stammered “oh well I uh well when I went to save Nox I was captured and Vaylin took it, I kinda don’t have one since i’m not really a Jedi at the moment” Master Yuon frowned at her
She questioned “just because you don’t follow the code to the letter doesn’t mean you’re not a Jedi it just means you’re one of the good ones” Kavaraa laughed Yuon had never been very traditional “either way I think I’d feel safer for you if you had one” Kavaraa nodded 
She frowned “but how can I build one I don’t exact…” she trailed off looking around the room “oh right the crystals” Master Yuon laughed 
She nodded “choose one, I think Syo has some parts in his workshop” Kavaraa nodded looking around the cave, she decided to choose through the force she closed her eyes and reached out. She could feel the difference between them but after a minute or so she found one that resonated with her and used the force to pull it out of the ground, when she opened her eyes she saw a black crystal with a distinct pink glow.
She was surprised by the colour “oh wow I’m not sure this gives the right message” she didn’t know what that message was
Master Yuon shook her head “I think it does it says you’re more level headed but don’t forget about your emotions” Kavaraa guessed that made sense, she held the crystal in her hand yeah maybe this would work
Kavaraa smiled at her master “thanks Master Yuon, for everything” Yuon nodded before her form dissipated leaving Kavaraa feeling newly invigorated and ready to help Arcann...
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sith-shenanigans · 5 years
Please tell how the dark council would deal with being in the prequel era whether by time travel or stasis, or a sith experiment?
I’m afraid this isn’t an askblog for the Dark Council, even if the name would seem to suggest otherwise.
…that said, it’s very tempting to answer this for my inquisitors. All of them. At once. But, as amusing as a crisis of infinite inquisitors would be, I’ll show mercy and not inflict that on the galaxy.
It would, to answer the actual question, depend a lot on which Council. They lose rather a number of members over the course of the game, only fill some of the seats again, sometimes lose the replacements, and that’s before Acina’s reformation.
I don’t think Dooku or Palpatine would have a very good day, though. The prequel-era Sith have been working under some semblance of the Rule of Two for centuries; somewhere between six and twelve extras showing up is not something they were prepared for.
Obi-Wan would also have a bad day, because destiny has it in for him, and something would inevitably force him to deal with Vowrawn. Without trying to stab him. He ended up handcuffed to Dooku that one time, after all, to say nothing of pretty much everything else in his life; does anyone really think the universe would spare him now?
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
So Keme’s up to KotET now, and I am more than a little amused picturing Jorgan’s reaction when he learns his WIFE is meeting with EMPRESS ACINA on DROMUND KAAS
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Probably followed by a resigned shake if his head bc OFC she is.
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cinlat · 4 years
Blood in the Breeze: Ch 3 (Breaking the Rules)
Parts one and two of this series linked.
Summary: Trials lie ahead, and Aric gains some ground in an old argument. Theron does some thinking about his future, but not too much. Chapter Word Count:  4,674 Chapter Rating: T Characters in Chapter: Fynta Wolfe, Aric Jorgan, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, Empress Acina.
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Voss Shrine of Healing
Theron rubbed both hands down his face in frustration while Lana and Fynta argued over their next steps. The entire mission had been a massive cluster fuck from start to finish. Senya was still unconscious, Voss lay in ruins, and Arcann had escaped. If there was a worse way to end the day, Theron couldn’t imagine it.
At least we managed to turn Vaylin back, Theron thought. Though, not before she torched half the planet. The major cities had been reduced to rubble and the forests cast plumes of smoke into the air high enough to be seen for miles. The once beautiful world would take decades to recover. But the Voss and Gormack are finally working together. Okay, that wasn't bad.
Theron’s back pocket vibrated, and for a moment, he felt a thrill of hope that Zolah or Vector was contacting him. He could use one of Vector’s motivational chats or a dose of Zolah’s biting humor. “What the—” Theron ran the unknown frequency through his encryption program, then blinked in confusion at the readout. “Uh, Fynta?”
“What,” the woman snapped in a way that led Theron to believe that she was losing the argument with Lana.
Theron ignored Fynta’s acerbic tone. “I’ve got an incoming call from the Sith fleet.” When her brow rose, he emphasized the next words so that she would pay attention. “It’s Empress Acina.”
“Osikla,” Fynta spat as Theron forwarded the call to the T-5 unit stationed at the base camp.
Acina had taken charge of the Sith Empire and kept it from tearing itself apart in the vacuum left by Vitiate’s departure. The woman flickered into existence, hands clasped behind her back and garbed full battle gear. Theron moved to Fynta’s side, staring at the image in mute astonishment. Lana smirked and raised one hand to mime pushing Fynta’s jaw shut when the commander didn’t manage a witty greeting either.
“Greetings, Commander.” Acina sounded cheerful, an emotion Theron would never have attributed to a Sith seven years ago. She spoke with the same amusement that often colored Lana’s voice, carrying a warm smile with the words. “It is an honor to finally speak to you.”
“Uh, right.” Fynta shook herself, then glanced at the sky where the Alliance and Imperial fighters were picking off the remnants of Vaylin’s fleet. “Thanks for the assist, your timing couldn’t have been better.”
Acina tipped her head in that regal way Imperials had. “I hope this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship between the Empire and your Alliance.” The empress rolled her shoulders, slipping into negotiations with an ease that Theron admired. “The Sith are tired of being crushed under the Eternal Empire’s boot. We wish to join your cause.”
Theron had to hand it to the Empress; she’d done her homework on the way to gain Fynta’s respect. Acina didn’t waste time with platitudes or compliments. Instead, she admitted a shortfalling, then suggested a remedy like a soldier. Theron made a mental note to research the woman’s previous occupations before she earned the title that made her the most powerful Sith in the Empire.
Fynta stood with her legs shoulder width apart and arms folded, eying Acina. “Are the Sith really up to taking orders from the former commander of Havoc Squad?” Theron felt a strange thrill travel through him at the reminder that Fynta had regained all of her memories. She had become the steadfast leader that he’d known on Rishi, shedding the uncontrollable chaos from before Havoc’s influence.
Acina didn’t hesitate. “We will follow anyone strong enough to defeat Vaylin.” Theron ticked another point in the Empress’s favor. She’d used all the right phrasing when speaking to a Mandalorian. “I am proposing an alliance of two, independent powers against a common foe.” A smirk tried to worm onto Theron’s face, but he beat it down. Vector would be proud of this woman. She tipped her hat to a stronger force without diminishing what her empire could offer. It was beautifully woven.
After that, a few details remained to be ironed out. Fynta, Lana, and Theron would travel to Dromund Kaas at their earliest convenience to brunch with Acina. Plans would be made, resources shared, and treaties signed. It was all very civilized, not at all what Theron had become used to.
Fynta scowled, nodding at the suggestions offered by Lana and Acina. She looked older than Theron remembered, the weight of having the galaxy on her shoulders taking its toll. He realized that this war would finally his friend in the end. Theron decided that he couldn’t let that happen, not after all that Fynta had sacrificed already. Of course, he’d never let her know that he felt that way: he’d never hear the end of it.  
The call ended, and Fynta clapped her hands. “I hear Dromund Kaas is nice this time of year.”
Theron saw the ghost of a smile on Lana’s lips before she managed to press it from existence. He couldn’t fault her at being pleased to have a way back home. Even if that home was a swampy storm of dark fury. “Pack a raincoat.”
Now that the adrenaline from battle and the shock from Acina’s truce were wearing off, Theron wanted nothing more than a hot shower and a private place to update Zolah of the most recent events. He rolled his head to relieve some of the tension that had settled in his shoulders during the encounter and sighed. “Guess it couldn’t hurt to visit.” Lana’s smirk grew into a full smile while Fynta squeezed the bridge of her nose.
An alliance with anyone, even Sith, would be better than how things stood now. Soldiers and civilian resources needed to be fed and housed, and Odessen was quickly reaching the red on both. Maybe Theron could get some decent intel to use as bartering material if he decided to return to the Republic. Of course, that would mean leaving Zolah and Vector behind. He veered from that line of thought before it took him down a path he wasn’t ready to contemplate. He still hadn’t given them an answer about roughing it in Wild Space as a permanent solution.
“I’m curious to see if things have really changed,” Lana added with a wistful note. The woman hadn’t been home for nearly as long as Theron, and she suffered a similar problem. Notiac wasn’t likely to turn Sith, and he didn’t think that Lana was ready to give her Jedi up. Theron entertained himself briefly with the thought of Acina and Notiac reaching an agreement on how best to share Lana, then shuddered when those unchecked thoughts went in a direction that he didn’t want to.
Theron opened his mouth to change the subject, but the sound of approaching boots and an unfamiliar voice cut him off. “Commander.”
Fynta turned towards the soot covered medic jogging in their direction. He looked like he hadn’t eaten a proper meal in weeks, and heavy circles under his eyes proved that sleep was a distant memory. When the man reached normal volume distance, he slowed and waved for Fynta to follow. “I need you to come with me, Commander. Major Jorgan has been injured.”
Find the entire chapter on Ao3 or FFN.
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revan-escence · 5 years
5 years
In which Darth Nox writes to Darth Marr, after being released from carbonite.
[First time writing fic, so feedback appreciated!]
From: Darth Nox
Subject: Awaiting Response
 Dark Lord,
 I survived, despite the odds. Is there a chance that you have, also? Arcann kept me in carbonite in his trophy room for all of these years, so I still hold on to the thought that perhaps you have shared my fate. Lana Beniko was the one who orchestrated my rescue- and whilst successful, we are not in any position to return to the city centre and attempt a second rescue for you. In truth, I have not yet entertained the idea to Lana as of yet- we need time to recuperate.
 Either way, we have much to talk about the next time we meet, and I wait.
 Darth Nox
  From: Darth Nox
Subject: Valkorian
 Dark Lord,
 Everyone seems so determined to believe that you are dead, I feel as if I am the only person who can see.
 When Valkorian struck you down, he struck Arcann after with the same power. As I fell after having cut down the Emperor, I saw Arcann stand, in pain, but stand nonetheless, from where he was downed. Arcann is nothing to you, so of course, you must have survived. After all, I did, and I cannot be alone.
 I wrote that before realising the implications and the truth of it.
 Perhaps it is better that Valkorian chose me as a vessel rather than you. His body may have been destroyed, but his spirit has not, and it torments me with visions and ghosts in the likeness of our citizens, of Thanaton and Zash, that I must cut down lest my mind be destroyed. I will admit that it is not the first time I had experienced such- I have dealt with vengeful spirits in my head before, and I had left the ordeal stronger. Valkorian plagues me with these images, and he torments me with one I had not experienced before: now he delights with spirits done in the likeness of you, and feeds off the pain that it causes when I have to cut my way forward. I feel as if I should apologise for all the times I have had to do this, even though I know they weren’t really you. I’m not sure if it matters, anyway, if you are really in carbonite, then you would not be able to read these until you awake.
 Nevertheless, I will still write.
 Darth Nox
  From: Darth Nox
Subject: Insomnia
 Dark Lord,
 Valkorian has grown persistent in making me fight your shadows ever since I wrote to you last. I forget that he has access to my thoughts and memories while we share a mind, and I detest him for it. I am determined to stop these, and since I am only targeted when I sleep so far, I have opted to use the Force to provide me with the rest that I need, and to not sleep at all.
 I cannot vouch for what the aftereffects would be, but I never wanted to fight you, or your likeness.
 Darth Nox
  From: Darth Nox
Subject: Companionship
 Dark Lord,
 Asylum seems to be a merge of Rishi and Belsavis; I cannot quite place my finger as on why on the latter. My chosen companion as of late are always Senya or HK-55- Theron and Lana are constantly hiding and revealing secrets and reservations about the other’s chosen company or choices, and I grow quite tired of their constant bickering. Senya, on one hand, at least knows how to deal with children, and HK-55 offers amusing comments and an unbridled enthusiasm for murder that I can appreciate.
 I only write this so that you know that your temporary retirement from action has led to my constant headache.
 Perhaps you are not frozen in carbonite as I previously thought, and in fact you are isolated on a distant planet, regaining strength or forces, and my messages are a source of amusement as you hear updates on the clashes between my followers. Perhaps you cannot reply because you cannot risk Valkorian knowing. Either way, I can wait. I can be patient when I need to be, and circumstances call for me to be such.
 All you need to do is send the word.
  From: Darth Nox
Subject: Please
 Darth Marr,
 Send me something so I know that you’re alive, a messenger from your gathered forces, or a dream. I will risk my nightmares even if that means you would have a chance to reach out to me. I need you back.
 From: Darth Nox
Subject: Apologies.
 Forgive me for my last message and lack of professionalism. It was born from panic after being under attack by Arcann. Do not risk your position because of what I wrote.
 Darth Nox
 From: Darth Nox
Subject: Fate
 Dark Lord,
 The main reason why I have broken my streak of silence is because even Lana has begun talking about “Fate” and “Destiny” and what my role is in correlation to all of this, and I needed a reason to escape that harangue. I do not believe in such, I believe that my choices determine my future, not what something unseen wills.  
 To submit to the claims of Fate is to insult my past and the efforts and sacrifices I had to make to become a Dark Lord of the Sith. I did not earn my seat alongside yours through puppetry, and I am certain that you would agree with my sentiments.
 People still speak of your death freely, as if it happened an eternity ago- and perhaps that is true, to an extent. If I be honest, I had overwhelming respect for you, and I would have followed you to each and every battle, fought by your side and cut down anyone who considered you an enemy. You were the only person who treated me more than a means to an end, and I have questioned where my respect ended, and what followed after, and how far. Would it be too far to presume that there was love in there, somewhere? Everyone else had five years to mourn your passing, and they forget that I was not given any such luxury. I suppose that I must admit that this is as close of a confession that I miss your company- ever since I was woken up from carbonite, I had not been given any number of days to sit by myself and grieve over the events of that day and what followed and what we have both lost. Perhaps that is why I make mistakes.
 I have made so many mistakes. But it’s fine, because I know you are alive.
 Darth Nox
  From: Darth Nox
Subject: Empress Acina
 Dark Lord,
 It seems that Darth Acina has promoted herself. I cannot say this bodes well- I recall that you said yourself that you had no desire to take Vitiate’s position when it was first offered, and that we both had work to do while the other Darths squabbled over who took the seat. Perhaps we were the only sensible ones who took our roles seriously.
 As the Darth Lord of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, I do believe that I had done rather excellently, even amassing my own collection of datacrons that were previously considered lost to us. Some of the knowledge may prove itself useful to you, when we are both able, I am willing to offer you the use of my own personal library. Sometimes the ancients hold secrets that prove incredibly useful in modern battles and strategies.
 I can also offer tea, should that sway your decision.
 Darth Nox
 From: Darth Nox
Subject: [NO SUBJECT]
 I saw you.
 On Odessan.
 For the first time I was free from Valkorian, I saw you, exactly the same as I’ve remembered you, and I had so much to say. I was ready to spill my guts in front of you, to show you my emotions, my thoughts that I’ve forbidden myself to dwell while I still had the Emperor in my head. I would have, if the Jedi wasn’t there. I bit my tongue and kept silent about the few messages I’ve sent you, and the thousands that I did not, the nights of desperation and wrestling between denial and wilful ignorance. You said nothing about my messages either, and I know you had never read one. How could you? You are one with the Force.
 There will be no more moments between us.
 When I returned to the base, I pretended that nothing was wrong, that I was still as stoic and emotionless that everyone imagined me to be, and continued the plans of assault. I cried alone, for hours, for the first time since I was a slave. Tonight, I will let myself sleep for the first time, and find out if Valkorian has any new nightmares to torment me with.
 I was an idiot for ever thinking there was hope.
 From: Darth Nox
Subject: It does not matter, you will never be able to read my messages
 Darth Marr,
 Despite my efforts, Fate won.
 I must prevail. I must overthrow Arcann. I must kill Vitiate. And I must take over the Eternal Throne to protect our Empire. Am I not allowed the luxury of a choice? At least an illusion of it? Is it fair that everyone else can revel in hope, in the knowledge that their freedom is secure, whilst I must sacrifice my own to become something that I am not?
 I was a slave, once. Did you know that? I was branded by my masters and sent to work in the mines. What is it that we were taught when we were all acolytes? Peace is a lie, there is only passion? Through passion, I gain strength? Through strength, I gain power? Through power, I gain victory? Through victory, my chains are broken?
The Force shall free me.
 The Force is a liar.
 It seems that all my life, I’ve lived nothing but an illusion. All I wanted, when I broke rocks and starved and was flayed until I bled, was to be free from the torment that I was subject to since I was born. I was given a choice after one punishment, and I took it, and I ended up on the brink of death for my punishment, before being sent to Korriban. Was that the will of the Force? Did the Force also decide that my master only planned on using me to extend her own life? Did the Force choose that Thanaton would try to kill me? I never asked for him to challenge me to a Kaggath, I would have been happy with a master without a mission to kill me, I would have been happy with the title of Lord Kallig. Despite what Ravage believed, I never intended to climb to the position of Darth, or be the head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge (although I took the position, and took it seriously). All I wanted was to not be a slave, and to do with my freedom how I choose. But Fate has a hand, it seems, so I’ve been told multiple times, and I never truly broke from being a slave, whether to a Hutt or to the Empire, or to the Force, and I will never have my freedom again.
 I will never be me again.
 I will still keep fighting this fight, organising attacks, and follow through on the promises I made to no one. I will take the Throne, become the new Emperor, and be what everyone expects me to be, until I die, to which some progeny of mine would take over. A dull life, but Alderaan nobles have always lived similar lives, so why not me?
 My hate and strength keeps me going, and it warms everyone in my vicinity to prevail alongside, despite the odds. I will not deprive my companions of this, but when my own death comes, the galaxy will know the cold of a pyre extinguished, and maybe then they will take note of my presence. But even then they will just find someone who burnt as brightly as I did, to replace the coals I left behind.
 I don’t want the Throne. I’ve only wanted you back. But it seems Destiny chose otherwise.
 Darth Nox
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