#actress: danneel ackles
mugiwara-lucy · 1 year
So much BST here 😂
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lumossolemstuff · 2 years
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lightofraye · 3 months
Can we talk about that before Jensen and Danneel got together, they were with different partners and cheated on them and broke up so they are able to go together? No? Okay. Because when i reas that it gave me the ick
Hi anon!
Oh believe me, we've talked about it. It's...
So. The timeline of Jensen's and Danneel's relationship is... murky. There's a lot of overlap and some of their stories strike me as dishonest and trying to avoid outright saying they were cheating on their partners.
What I'm about to share is largely speculation.
So. They claim they met on Ten Inch Hero. This is a lie. If you look at their IMDB, they both partook in a little indie film called, The Plight of Clownana. Danneel was this little groupie and Jensen was one of the people who beat up on Clownana--and he was executive producer, which meant he likely met her before filming.
(In other stories, they said they were friends for years before that but never developed feelings until they broke it off with their respective partners and got together. That is also a lie.)
Anyway... by the time Ten Inch Hero took place, Danneel was in a four year relationship and engaged to Riley Smith. Jensen was, I believe at this time, dating Joanna Krupa and they had been together for some time.
This is where the timeline and their stories get murky. Jensen claimed, in a much later con (like after Supernatural ended and with JDM in place), that he told Danneel, in a note, "Not now, someday". This story is also likely fake because why bring up the note now as opposed to way back when people were likely clamoring for their love story?
However, Riley said that one day he came home to the apartment he shared with Danneel and found her things gone, no explanation why. This makes me suspect she and Jensen were more than likely screwing around on their respective partners before they made their relationship "official".
Also, during an interview, Jensen was asked if he was dating someone and his answer got really weird. It was along the lines of no he wasn't, but then yes, he has been, it's been a year, and she's a fellow actress but didn't want to name her. That was a weird way of answering! Like he was caught flat-footed and didn't know how to answer.
Like... should he have actually said "Yeah, no, we were cheating on our partners when we got together and one of them was supposedly a good friend of mine."
Or at the very least: "Yeah, I'm dating someone. We've been together for a year, but I'd rather not name her just yet. Thanks for asking! I imagine my fans will be disappointed to hear I'm off the market."
Near as I could tell, he had to bail her out financially a lot of times. And it's entirely possible during that time she also had an affair--multiple ones. During her time on One Tree Hill, she hinted in a Drama Queen podcast that she made out with one of her costars while out of rehearsal.
There's also the fact that, in a phone call to Hilarie Burton Morgan, Mark Schwahn indicated he was having an affair with Danneel. In fact, in a drunken phone call to Hilarie, Mark "tearfully declared his love for Ackles, with whom he claimed to be having a physical relationship". Hilarie told him she didn't want to hear any of it and hung up. She would later receive a note thanking her for keeping that secret.
Naturally, Danneel denied any physical relationship with Schwahn, but it's also interesting how she waited to speak up about her own alleged experience on One Tree Hill until she saw the attention it was getting. Hmm....
Anyway. According to Jensen, Danneel checked his boxes and he felt it was time to "settle down". So he proposed. However, Danneel also delivered an ultimatum--he either lock her down or she was leaving. Personally, I don't think she would've left him--he was footing the bill, after all. And she didn't have another patsy to latch onto.
Not long after Jared and Genevieve announced their engagement, so did Danneel and Jensen. Remarkably, their wedding date wasn't even a week or two apart too.... What a coincidence.
On the day of said wedding, Jensen had cold feet. He had to be talked into going through with the wedding--first by a groomsman and then by his father, who said that he invested a lot in the relationship.
Which... is weird. Because, um... a relationship isn't an investment. It isn't something you put money into and then reap the rewards. It doesn't work like that. It isn't transactional.
But I guess I shouldn't be surprised--Jensen's father was/is abusive. Who knew how he viewed family in general.
There's some speculation that Jensen was ready to divorce Danneel within the second year of marriage, then she sprang the surprise of being pregnant--so he stayed. Then when he was determined to try and divorce again--surprise, twins!
I sincerely hope he got snipped after that, because good grief man, don't trust your partner to actually be using birth control!
So I guess he stayed. And became infinitely more and more miserable, where he has said that his marriage works better when they're apart... because he clearly can't stand to be with her.
Should've just called her bluff way back when.
Or, y'know, thought with the proper brain and not the penis brain. (I get it, she's a soft core porn star, but JFC....)
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walkergirlsposts · 1 month
Jensen and Danneel, an unstoppable duo? Yeah, maybe if you let them loose in a liquor store.
They’ve done four projects together, and none of them have exactly catapulted the Ackles into power couple status.
The Plight of Clownana: It’s a 16 minute short film from 2004. Danneel played a character called DildoMan’s fan. Her at the time boyfriend (who she cheated on to get with Jensen) was also in it. It did show at a few film festivals, but in 2024 it has no cultural relevance unless you’re a Jensen fan.
Ten Inch Hero: Another project you haven’t heard of unless you’re a Jensen fan/in the SPN fandom. And that’s probably for the best given that it’s another one of D’s soft core porn roles and no one should be subjected to her trying to be sexy.
Supernatural: Nepo wife writer (who is bad at her job) writes role for Nepo wife actress (who, surprise! is also bad at her job). Not only was she an unmemorable character who added nothing to the plot, but she had more chemistry with Mark Pellegrino than she’s ever had with her husband.
The Winchesters: The cherry on top of the what is ‘wrong with these people’ sundae. Even if you ignore that the show was a poorly written cash grab, it was still a fail. Over budget, behind schedule, and facing currently a lawsuit for an unsafe working environment. Went so poorly that the WB ended its deal with CMP – I mean, let them go to Amazon instead because they wuv Jensen. So powerful.
I know. They're funny as fuck. 🤣🤣🤣
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Shared Love
Jenneel x reader
*this is a work of fiction. I do not usually write RPF but I couldn’t get this out of my head*
TMZ Breaks the News: Jensen and Danneel Ackles in a Threesome with The Walking Dead Star
In a shocking twist of events, popular actor Supernatural Jensen Ackles and his wife, Danneel, have been spotted kissing well-known actress Y/N YLN from The Walking Dead. The scandalous photos, obtained exclusively by TMZ, show the trio sharing a passionate embrace in a secluded location.
Fans of both shows are reeling from the unexpected revelation. Many are expressing disbelief and shock, while others are speculating about the full nature of their relationship. Some fans are questioning the traditional norms of monogamy, while others are expressing concern about the impact this news may have on the actors' careers.
Fan Reactions:
@SupernaturalFan123: "I can't believe this! Jensen and Danneel are my favorite couple. I hope this is just doesn’t blow up in their faces."
@TWDAddict: "Wow, this is a lot to take in. I'm happy for Y/N because the Ackles are beautiful but I'm also a little disappointed in Jensen and Danneel."
@JDMFan: "I'm not judging, but this is definitely a choice. I wonder how Jared and Misha feel about this."
@OpenRelationshipAdvocate: "I'm actually kind of excited about this. It's great to see people exploring different relationship dynamics."
@WorriedFan: "I hope this doesn't ruin their careers. They're all such talented actors."
The Ackles themselves first started dating in 2008, then marrying in 2010 and currently have one child together. This is the not first time that the three have been photographed together, they have been known to be friends since the three met at Comic Con two years before, but never in a scandalous embrace. Fans are left stunned by the unexpected revelation.
A day later, Jensen, Danneel, and Y/N took to Instagram to confirm the news. In a joint post, they revealed that they had been dating for several months and had kept their relationship private to just their close friends and family.
"We understand that this might be surprising to some, but we hope that our fans will respect our decision to be open about our relationship," they wrote. "We are all very happy and in love, and we appreciate the support we have received."
The announcement was met with a mixed reaction. While some fans were supportive, others were skeptical and expressed concerns about the unconventional nature of their relationship.
While the news may come as a surprise to many, close friends of the couple, including Jared Padalecki, Norman Reedus, and Lauren Cohan, who admitted to being the one to introduce the three to each other, have expressed their full support for their decision. Jared, in particular, has been a strong advocate for open relationships and has often spoken about the importance of communication and trust in a healthy partnership.
The news has sparked a wider conversation about the changing nature of relationships in Hollywood and the increasing acceptance of non-traditional relationship structures. Some have argued that celebrities should be free to live their lives as they see fit, while others have raised concerns about the potential for exploitation and coercion within polyamorous relationships.
The public will be keeping a close eye on this new development, waiting to see what will happen next.
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dailydanneelackles · 4 months
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Danneel Ackles and Sophia Bush pose for a photo op with actress Danielle Munday at When the Stars Go Blue in Wilmington, North Carolina (x)
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lol-jackles · 4 months
I really need to read Elwood's talking up Jensen, do you have the source?
I didn't save it at the time but I think it was this one iirc:
It's funny too because in this article he diplomatically says "Mutual friends put us in touch." but we know from Jensen himself he was out of work and getting desperate and called his contact from ABC to set up a meeting and they figured his best fit was BS so they sent him to ER. Technically it was a "mutual friend" but that is such a whitewashed way to phrase that lol.
Thank you. Link. Quote:
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Yeah, it's like Elwood and Eric Kripke read the same memo when it comes to talking about Jensen. It's not surprising, for years it's been fairly well known that Jensen turns up the charm to level 11 when he's around producers.  Think of set-producer Jerry Wanek who followed Jensen from Dark Angel to Supernatural without reading the script and just assumed Jensen was going to be the lead star of the new show. 
Elwood, Eric, and Jerry wouldn't be the last producers to fail to understand why their favorite actors aren’t more popular. Eliza Dushku was one of Joss Wheldon's favorite actress and he created The Dollhouse so he can cast her as the lead. Instead, the show painfully highlighted her acting weakness and it derailed her career for nearly a decade. It’s a long running joke that casting directors save producers from themselves just like how editors save writers from themselves.
Uh-huh, "mutual friends". He started the interview going on about how much he always wanted to work with Jensen, but it took a "mutual friends" to make it happen? As a showrunner all he has to do is put his agent to work to make it happen after he has the blessings of the producers. Instead, Elwood created a character for Jensen because as you said, Jensen used his contacts (as he should) to find himself a job. This is similar to when Rober Singer's wife created a character for Danneel on Supernatural who barely affects the plot. At least Jensen's Big Sky character sounds far less grating.
In contrast Elwood created Reba's character to have an actual plot purpose and then he asked her to accept the role since he based it on her character in Tremor (great monster movies btw, the monsters learn from their mistakes and evolve).
I wonder how Big Sky fans felt about their show getting tweaked to accommodate the showrunner's favorite actor.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
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🤣🤣🤣 I have never laughed so hard in my life, whoever wrote this is a mindless "journalist".
Danneel is no longer recognizable as Rachel Gatina and people bafely recognize Jensen's wife when he is out with her. Also, mentioning work she did decades ago is not the flex they think it is. There is a reason actors keep their resume update and always remove old roles. Danneel has aged out of the highschool bracket aaaages ago and no longer matches that type. She already looked 40 compared to the rest of her cast mates even back then. "Iconic role"? 🤣 No one remembers stripper girl, which, let's face it was her main role in just about every movie or series. Rachel does not have a fanbase because she was not a beloved character and her acting was horrible. There are just a few Jensen obsessed stans who push Rachel still because they worship Jensen. She is not known on her own, she is known for sleeping with Jensen.
What "paved the way" for her appearances in Harold & Kumar were her scantilly clad photoshoots and easy behavior. They needed a woman that was believable as weed smoking, slutty counterpart. Again, same role she plays over and over again and that she has aged out of so, if you are branding smart, stop mentioning her trashy past.
When her roles dried up( there's only so many times you can play "stripper girl" and "the other woman" when you have zero talent and presence), Jensen proceeded to ensure she was cast by nepotism in SPN. Where her role was clearly written to try to rebrand her image. Epic fail, Sister Jo was the lamest, most useless, senseless character on SPN and her acting was not even remotely credible and all she was playing was a ditzy goldigger who preyed on people just like in real life.
She did not form anything with her huband. He was offered Chaos Productions and negotiated her into the deal (nepotism again). After epic failing with their TW they betrayed the studio who had given them that production company and moved on with Amazon. Danneel proved she has no production knowledge whatsoever and did not deserve her title even remotely. She also wasted seed money on book rights for projects that were rejected by the previous studio
She did not executive produce anything, she had a VANITY title, just like her husband. Meaning her name was used to promote the project and her title was just a publicity stunt. No one, I repeat, no one in the industry will ever take her seriously as a producer and Jensen lost major credibility by putting a woman with Danneel's image (see above paragraphs about her roles) at the "forefront" of his project.
Danneel never was nor ever will be at the helm to develop television and future projects. That is not how Amazon works and,aside from this, Danneel has zero skill and talent.
She is trying really hard to rebrand her image by selling herself as a successful well known producer now. 🤣🤣🤣 What success? The movie rights of projects that were all rejected? the Winchesters which as an embarassing flop that ruined the SPN legacy? Her stripper roles who required no acting skill whatsoever? Her shady modeling gigs? What are we even talking about? That bio wants to make her seem like a woman she will never, ever be. You are trying to sell her as a "leader" when she can barely spell on her social media 🤣 As a producer when the only thing she "produces"( Jensen's words not mine I could never speak so creeepily about a woman) is children. We all know why too. 🤣 There are so many actual rolemodels, actually authentic women to support and yet stick is being put on an "actress" who made her way thanks to the casting couch and then continued to make her way thanks to who she is sleeping with. Danneel Ackles is merely a gold digger, that is her main career. Outside of that she just puts on smokes and mirrors and only people who don't do their research fall for such antics. Whoever wrote that bio was clearly trying to shift her image through full on lies. This might anger Amazon who might pull the plug on their collaboration.
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queenoma · 2 years
Could be just me but I find it INTERESTING that YES, the word “alleged” was used B4 affair but WHY did HB not put up more RESISTANCE towards what Mark told her by insisting in THIS interview that she KNEW Mark was LYING about such “alleged” affair so just some Food for Thought. “Burton revealed that she had many late-night calls from Schwahn over the course of season three in which he would tearfully tell Burton how in love he was with Danneel, and began claiming they were having a physical relationship, which the actress denies. Eventually Burton said she reprimanded Schwahn for his behavior and calls and told him she did not want to be the person he turned to with his alleged affair.”
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amberjazmyn · 5 months
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - redamancy
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - legit none, it's pretty much just fluff upon fluff since i know how mean i am in general when writing.
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - pivotal moments in the story of how acting legend jared padalecki and his wife juliannah fell in love.
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - i loved the first time i wrote this so i'm happy to be writing it again but with jared padalecki instead! and because this is a jared one-shot, unfortunately it means that genevieve and their beautiful kids do not exist. and because of that, i'm going to make jared and juliannah have twins. flashbacks, if included will be in italics like always and even though it's a happy one-shot, i feel like writing it in lowercase will be a lot more aesthetic and make more sense. 
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redamancy (n.): the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full 
supernatural actor jared padalecki and his childhood sweetheart and fellow actress juliannah castellano were best friends, they were a tag team that could really be defined as soulmates. they had been best friends since they were literal kids, the both of them growing up next door to each other in san antonio, texas before (properly) reuniting in 1999 when they both started acting together in los angeles, california. 
however, another thing that was kind of obvious to everyone else but completely invisible to the young actors was that they were in love with each other. everyone noticed how flirtatious their friendship was. which always called the two youngings to also point at their older best friends, jensen ackles and his best friend danneel harris; for those two also had a similar, flirtatious friendship. the argument from there always turned out as that jensen and danneel were just at this point best friends and didn't have the intention of putting a label on it just yet, whereas everyone else argued in regards to jared and juliannah's "relationship" as something that could and very well should be labelled soon. 
whilst the two best friends tried to deny it, it seemed as if this one night, they could no longer deny it after the best friends were caught at the 2009 people's choice awards after season four had been released the previous year in 2008. this meant that the best friends had to somewhat dress up to the nines and see who out of the cw shows was going to win the big people's choice awards at the end of the evening. and, this award show was supernatural's third time at the award show since they had been nominated since 2005 when they first arrived as a tv show. and because this was the first time that juliannah was nominated individually as well as with the ensemble cast, it would be the first time that jared and juliannah had seen each other looking so dressed up for an event.
2009 people's choice awards
for the award ceremony being somewhat fancy with their dress code, meant that juliannah wanted to look somewhat better than half decent, which meant a lovely-looking dress that would then make the young actress feel like royalty and that possibly, jared and the rest of the cast would be also dressed up in a possible suit or something in that vein. and that did excite her since in all honesty, whatever her best friend was wearing, she always thought he looked amazing so, to her, seeing jared in a suit would be the best thing in the world for her. 
jared could also be seen as looking excited for another people's choice awards since it was their first nomination properly. wearing an all-white suit, jared clipped in his cufflinks as he didn't shy away from the life-size mirror in front of him. giving himself a small smile, he stepped back slightly, turning a little to the right and cocking his head slightly to the side, seeming impressed at how good he looked. 
"hey, damn, jared padalecki, you look good!" jensen complimented, before a wolf whistle followed afterwards, making both of the young men giggle, eric kripke, the creator of supernatural walked in at the sound of the chuckles 
"thanks, jay!" jared bit his lip as he couldn't hide the picture in his head of what juliannah was going to look like in her ankle-length dress, with all her makeup and hair done up. it made butterflies flutter in his stomach and his cheeks blushed a light pink whenever he thought of it 
"wow, my boys really do clean up well!" eric compliments as jared chuckles shyly as he straightens himself straight again as he gave a head nod
"thank you, eric...now i'm just wondering as to what juliannah looks like..." he shyly trailed off as jensen and eric smiled at each other before small gasps left their mouths, noticing that she was standing behind jared, the two men noticing the girl in the mirror 
juliannah was smiling softly as she waited for jared to take a second look at himself in the mirror to then notice her. juliannah was in a velvet, black slit dress that had a halter neck, the slit showed off the entirety of her right left, whilst the left leg was completely covered. her hair was in soft curls which were then brought up into a high ponytail which, when juliannah turned to look at herself in the mirror, had revealed to the now three men (jared had finally caught eyes with her) the backless detail of the black velvet halter dress. and she was wearing silver block heels that weren't too flashy but did have a couple of lines of sparkling jewel detailing around the toe area and the blocked heels. 
jared was taken aback, as were jensen and eric, for it was the first time they had ever really seen juliannah in anything that wasn't converse all-stars or jeans and a cute crop top or her supernatural costume. juliannah was smiling shyly as she placed her hands behind her back, lightly resting on her bum as she kinda waited for one of the guys to say something, anything. yet, it seemed as if they couldn't because they were too enthralled by how gorgeous she looked, they were distracted. however, jared could finally say something, albeit he stammered through the entire thing. 
"you...you look stunning jules. wow...i...yeah...you look gorgeous!" jared, the normally confident guy spoke shyly as he stammered which made juliannah smile brighter and a small giggle leave her lips - jensen and eric - once again indulging in the fact that juliannah always manages to make jared a stammering blob that reduces that confidence of his. 
"aw, thanks jar. you...you look very handsome...are misha, rob and rich ready yet?" juliannah smiles, a small cheeky wink thrown in jared's direction, once again making him turn into mush as jensen and eric try to hide their chuckles 
"not yet babe but, they should be soon," jensen smiled as he pulled his best friend and fellow actor buddy in for a hug as jared couldn't stop staring at the girl he grew up next door to
which, of course, didn't take jensen nor eric that long to realise or call out as eric rolled his eyes, leaving the room to see if the rest of his cast had gotten dressed. 
"cat got your tongue, jar?" jensen teased, noticing that jared hadn't stopped staring at juliannah
"shut up, jensen," jared whispered with a shy smile before he noticed that jensen was no longer paying attention to him and juliannah, he shot her another look at her dress and outfit 
the green-eyed, brunette actor was very quick to call out his fellow costar and best friend at his behaviour but of course, once the guy had finished blushing, alongside juliannah, that didn't stop him from his eyesight going back up and down for just one last full look before he looked back up to see the rest of his cast so they could leave for the award show. 
when it came to going into the award show and being sat at the same table for the results of who had won the award, it didn't seem too stressful for the lads and juliannah but, i think it was obvious as to why it wasn't so stressful. because they were given the opportunity to sit together whilst they were getting the results and votes now that all the "lesser awards" were done and dusted. otherwise, if they had been asked to be seated at separate tables, both jared and juliannah would have been mortified and stressed out to the ends of the earth. 
the entire award show, it had been a battle between eric kripke's sci-fi show supernatural and tim kring's heroes for people's choice favourite sci-fi show. and, unfortunately, when it came to the winner, supernatural didn't win. but, that didn't worry the cast of supernatural since jared was nominated for favourite sci-fi actor. then, it had come to jared's individual nomination when it had been announced that for the first time, jared had won the people's choice award 2009 for favourite sci-fi actor for his performance as sam winchester in cw's supernatural.
screaming in excitement, juliannah had no care in the world that she had just missed out on winning a people's choice award, she was just so proud of her boy, jared. after hugging all of her spn cast, she left the last hug to the most important person, her childhood best friend jared padalecki and the one who had won best sci-fi actor. then, with a little push and shove, she watched excitedly as the hazel-eyed boy rushed to the stage to grab his first-ever people's choice award.
after some cheeky banter about how it felt weird for jared to be up on the stage alone without his fellow cast members and said his thank-yous, a very emotional and sweet one given to juliannah, he walked off the stage.
"--thank you, guys, so much for my first ever people's choice award! it's absolutely insane but umm, i just wanna give a big shoutout and thank you to my best friend and fellow people's choice nominee, juliannah castellano, i love you loads and, thank you so much for sharing this journey with me and the rest of our spnfamily!" jared thanked as juliannah smiled, tears rising in her eyes at her best friend's words as eric hugged her sweetly as she shook her head with a giggle 
after yet another successful people's choice award show and afterparty, it was hometime for juliannah and the spn lads. when jared just stood in front of his best friend with his mouth slightly open and eyes that looked as though he was holding back tears. 
"...close your mouth jared, don't want you catching flies," juliannah smiled softly, her pointer finger barely grazing her best friend's chin before pushing it upwards, to close jared's mouth as he smiled, pulling her in for a hug as the girl smiled and accepted it straight away 
this was the moment in which jared knew he was head over heels in love with his best friend and nothing would ever change that and it was now forever engrained in his memory. falling in love with his best friend during the people's choice awards 2009. 
first date
after the 2009 people's choice awards, jared didn't waste a second longer before telling juliannah how he really felt about her. he couldn't fathom in his head why it had taken him this long but, he was more than happy that at the same time, he couldn't wait any longer before it just came out in a stammering yet with a small ounce of confidence mess that was jared's attempt to ask his best friend out on a "romantic date". the two had been on many dates before but they were what the two called "best friend dates" which was always looked at with the cheeky eyebrow wiggle and a slight sexual innuendo by the rest of the spn cast but, the two always ignored them. that was until, they could no longer ignore them and, the two actors finally revealed their feelings for each other which, like thought out, made the rest of the supernatural cast cheer, including creator eric kripke. 
for the first romantic date, jared wanted it to be memorable. of course, he did, he was that type of person. anything that he did with juliannah, he made unforgettable even though neither jared nor jared had photographic memories. even though they didn't have the most ground-breaking memories to remember everything, a simple polaroid photo made every single memory and feeling from their time together was what became the most important thing for the two of them. even though jared never forgot anything about his best friend and lover, having the polaroid photos were something he treasured. 
dressed in an off-the-shoulder maxi sunflower dress, her hair curled with white converse high tops, juliannah couldn't hide the smile on her face when jared dragged her through the art gallery. in a pair of distressed jeans and rolled up button-down shirt, jared couldn't hide the butterflies in his tummy as he held onto juliannah's hand as they looked intently at all of the artwork pieces whilst they'd occasionally stop to take polaroids of each other. 
it was during this exact date that jared knew he couldn't wait a moment longer before he kissed her on the lips. in all honesty, that was something he wanted to do back at the people's choice awards when they went as nominees and then later winners for best sci-fi actor with jared but, he, unfortunately, chickened out due to all the press and people around, the guests would then make up rumours and it could have then potentially caused a whole lot of mess that wasn't needed. that didn't stop his mind though from spinning in imagination as many a scenario played out in the brunette's head as to how, when, where and all the other bits and bobs of kissing juliannah. however, this moment right here, at the art gallery in san antonio, texas, where there were only a small handful of other patrons walking around in admiration for the pieces that jared knew he could do it and get away with it, for it was no longer a work matter, supernatural or juliannah, that it would be considered as "unprofessional" or "rumour central" if someone saw. 
carefully moving a piece of hair that was covering juliannah's forehead, "would it be absolutely ludicrous right now if i just kissed you?" jared smiled with confidence as juliannah smiled brightly, biting her lip slightly 
"not at all, jared padalecki, not ludicrous at all," she smiled, her heart racing as butterflies flew all over her body as the excitement truly started, her breathing becoming heavy and slightly loud 
the two inched closer and closer together before jared took control, his hand resting against juliannah's chin, slightly lifting it up as he then moved his mouth closer to juliannah's before his lips then encapsulated hers. it was like their bodies moulded together whilst they kissed and, it felt like it was perfect in that they were truly made to fit each other and be each other's twin flames or even soulmates. 
pulling back, the two actors started giggling, "that was fucking amazing!" jared whispered, juliannah couldn't have agreed more as she nodded her head 
"it really was. wow. can we do that again?" juliannah huffed out with the biggest smile she had ever smiled as jared happily nodded again as they kissed again and, it was a lot more passionate  
who knew the shy (in front of juliannah) jared padalecki and juliannah castellano would be caught making out in the art gallery in san antonio for their first date? clearly the rest of the supernatural cast, for they had been stalking the couple and watching their entire first date. yeah, that was a lot of explaining to do once jared and juliannah found out...
jared and juliannah dated for around one or two years before the supernatural actor went down on one knee to propose to her. it was a very sweet proposal that was very much like everything that juliannah dreamed of having her proposal as. whilst both jared and juliannah, mostly juliannah, were shy people, juliannah had always dreamt of jared proposing to her in front of the rest of the supernatural cast and their partners in a setting that called them to be all dressed up. so, after juliannah had given out that information for her dream proposal, that was when the supernatural cast, eric and jared went to work to plan it out to a perfect "t". and, they did. 
jared proposed to juliannah at an event that was disguised as her new promotion from guest star on supernatural to reccuring character all for the purpose of the engagement of jared and juliannah. so, whilst it was "advertised" to the group as the new promotion from guest star to recurring star to juliannah, to everyone else, it had been told that it was her and jared's engagement party. eric was going to make a speech which would then turn into jared being brought up to speak when he would then go down on one knee and proceed to propose to juliannah. 
looking like she was dressed to the nines, juliannah was wearing a red velvet halter dress, which jared had since become obsessed with after the people's choice awards, with some sparkly heels, her hair curled and her nails done up with a matching acrylic set. jared, also dressed up to perfection, was wearing dress pants, a buttoned-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up and his hair nicely styled with some shiny dress shoes. the couple then made their way to eric's fancy mansion for the "promotion celebration", the marquise engagement ring sitting in a red velvet box that sat in jared's back pant pocket. 
smiling and giving hugs to everyone who was at the party, juliannah couldn't hide away her smile and, it seemed as if jared couldn't either considering what he was minutes away from doing. then, with a small moment of eye contact between eric and jared, eric got his cue to tap his finger on the mic, his champagne flute glass in the other, catching everyone's attention. 
as soon as everyone's attention was caught, that was when jared, with juliannah, moved to the front where eric had just left as juliannah gave her boyfriend a strange look. taking a deep breath in, jared smiled shyly as juliannah couldn't seem to know what was happening and why her boyfriend was acting so strangely. 
"juliannah, we have been best friends ever since we were young cherubs learning how to walk. we were the two annoying brunette's and light blondes*laughter* that would lovingly terrorise our neighbourhood by constantly acting and playing basketball together every single day. so, i guess you could say we were dramatic..." jared paused which caused some laughter as juliannah watched on in awe as she couldn't tear her eyes away from her boyfriend
"...but, we've been dating for around two years and let me tell you, these last two years have been some of the best of my entire life. you make me forget that we're on a tv show about the supernatural. and since that's our job, it's kind of hard to forget that *giggles*. but, as everyone possibly knows by now, whenever i'm around you, i just stop everything i'm doing because you are the top priority over everything else. you force me to calm down and take care of myself because you know if i don't do it then i'll get too in my head and it'll cause me more stress and panic later on. you are my sun, moon and stars, juliannah and, i cannot believe i have the absolute pleasure to be your best friend and boyfriend but, i was just hoping that pleasure could extend to being your husband?" jared was near tears at this point as he slowly moved down to his knee, the red velvet box opening to reveal the marquise diamond ring and suddenly juliannah was at a loss for words whilst everyone else was nearly jumping in excitement  
"jared, what the fuck?" juliannah whispered, not expecting to be heard which causes the group to tearfully chuckle, jared included as he clenched his jaw and juliannah smiled brightly as she began to nod her head "yes" 
"oh my god, jared! yes, i'll marry you! of course, i will!" juliannah squeaked out as she flexed out her left hand, jared almost let out a sob of happiness, quickly and elegantly sliding the ring on juliannah's finger as he then came back up and picked juliannah up, causing her to squeal 
whilst the now engaged couple were celebrating privately, eric and the rest of the spn cast and other distinguished guests invited raised a toast for the couple who had rushed off into one of eric's rooms so they could have a moment together to compose themselves without everyone around them. knowing that the couple would need some alone time to let out their happy tears, shrieks of excitement and even phone their families, eric had in advance provided one for jared and juliannah so they could use it. 
"i love you so much, jar!" juliannah whispered, the couple sitting together on the bed, holding hands as jared smiled tearfully the biggest grin on his face 
"i love you too, jules!" jared whispered back, a small sniffle heard next as he chuckled at how emotional he had gotten, after promising he wouldn't 
"this ring is utterly gorgeous, jar, you didn't need to buy it, i would have happily flexed a paper ring or a ring pop. who helped you buy it? or did you get it yourself?" juliannah couldn't take her eyes off of the marquise diamond ring that was now resting on her ring finger that was the exact engagement ring she had dreamt of getting engaged with as jared smiled, a small giggle leaving his throat 
"that's exactly why i got the marquise. i knew it was your favourite but that you also wouldn't have expected it. i'd also marry you with a paper ring or ring pop but, i knew it had to be as extravagant as possible because it's what you deserve," jared smiled, his eyes sparkling as juliannah squealed softly, pulling her fiancé in for a hug 
"we're actually going to get married, jar! i can't believe it!" juliannah's voice went back down to a whisper as she shook her head in disbelief 
"i know! it's actually happening! we're getting married!" jared whispered back as he wiped a tear away with his sleeve that he had pulled down as he gave his fiancée a kiss on the nose, making her giggle 
then, after another five minutes of the couple having their alone time in the room whilst everyone outside was still celebrating and partying, the couple talked about possible suggestions of where and when they'd have the wedding just so they had some form of foundation.
that was when they decided they'd have a civil ceremony in san antonio, texas before getting their big fairytale "celeb" wedding in france. they later discussed having jared's dad, gerald walk juliannah down the aisle as unfortunately, her father was bedridden at a cancer centre that would refuse him to leave the hospital let alone the country for the wedding and then come back. the spn girlfriends, danneel, vicki and mollie as her bridesmaids with her sister odette as her maid of honour and the rest of the spn guys, jensen, misha, rob and rich as jared's groomsmen (who he called his bestest men) with his brother jeff as his best man. 
juliannah felt as if she was having a fever dream. she found it hard to believe that right now, she was staring back at herself in her dream wedding dress, hair done, makeup down, high heels on and was just about to have a first look with her husband and her soon-to-be father-in-law, gerald (who would later walk her down the aisle)
taking a deep breath in, juliannah fought so hard to keep her tears away as she stepped out into the foyer of the church in france, chateau d'esclimont for her first look with her almost-husband, jared. she could tell that jared was emotional and he had his back turned away from her. the way that juliannah could tell that jared had either been crying previously or even right now before their first look was how he was standing. he was constantly moving and trying to adjust into a more straightened position and she could tell from the way his head twitched that he was trying to do everything in his willpower to fight off the tears. it sent butterflies into juliannah's tummy whenever she saw her fiancé emotional, especially because he did say he was an emotional guy, especially when he was crying for a reason that wasn't sad (because that then twisted and pulled at her heart for in all the wrong ways), it was always something that juliannah found sweet about him. she had always mentioned to jared how emotional he was in regards to her and their relationship and how he couldn't hide that from her no matter what he tried. 
even though jared couldn't hide his emotions today, juliannah could which meant that she could easily distract her tear ducts from forming tears which worked wonders when you were in such a career like the entertainment industry as an actress. and, she loved that she could also use this distraction for her wedding day because, whilst it was obvious she didn't want to cry for the purpose of her makeup and the bet she made with the groomsmen on who would cry first out of the maid of honour, best man, bride and groom (juliannah had bet on everyone else but her that they were going to cry). she also didn't want to cry because she knew that would then make jared cry loads more which, she didn't want. she knew that even though jared was an emotional mess when it came to her, she knew that he still got very embarrassed when he did cry in a public setting, especially when they were people in the industry around him (hence why the whisked away into the room at eric's after the proposal) so, she made him and herself a promise that she wouldn't cry because she knew that if she started crying, he'd be a blubbering mess by tenfold and then that would have just been very embarrassing and anxiety-inducing for the normally confident actor. 
after getting the signal from one of the magazine photographers, juliannah started making her way towards her fiancé when she had come to realise that maybe, jared was once again crying. with a small smile on her face, she started walking slightly faster, which jared could hear which caused his loud, shaky breaths to become more frequent. 
"shit, i am scared!" jared whispered, his voice cracking slightly, his texan accent coming out strong as juliannah felt the butterflies in her tummy as she inched one step closer before her hand could reach jared's shoulder 
"hey darling, you can turn around now," juliannah's voice was soft, calm and so filled with love as she waited eagerly for jared to turn around to see her for the first time 
turning around, jared was in absolute awe of his to-be-wife as tears spilt down his cheeks as he chuckled, trying to distract the photographers from all the tears. pulling his girl in for a hug, jared felt his entire body shake. he still couldn't fathom that he was getting married to the girl he grew up with and has also worked with since they were teenagers. however, it was his favourite thing to think about, talk about and dream about, he was just always in his head about him and his almost-wife because it had been forever since he had felt this happy. 
"you...you look stunning, babe!" jared cried out as a laugh was mixed in, juliannah biting her lip to conceal her crazy smile as she lightly pressed on jared's hands to calm him down 
"thanks, darling! you look so good! you wanna see the back of my dress? it's backless, just like all the other dresses i've worn since we started dating!" juliannah was so excited to show jared her wedding dress purely for the fact that it was silk, halter and backless, just like the dress that she wore to the 2009 people's choice awards that she attended with jared and the rest of their spn family 
jared's eyes lit up at hearing that he was allowed to look at the back of his wife's dress. as he twirled his fiancée around so he could see the backlessness of the dress, he was once again in a state of shock at how well the dress hugged every single curve of his baby girl's body.
"it's gorgeous, jules! i love it, i really do!" jared smiled as he gulped down his tears as he chuckled at himself before turning juliannah back around
"i do too. so, you ready to do this thing? are you ready to get married darlin'?" juliannah asks in excitement, her own texan accent coming out strong as jared nods his in excitement as he giggles, wiping one of his tears away with the back of his finger whilst juliannah wiped away all the other ones 
"let's do it! i wanna get married!" jared had never been more ready for anything else like he had been ready for the day he'd marry his best friend 
juliannah nodded her head as the couple then went their separate ways so they could then do the procession into the wedding. 
waiting at the backdoor of the chateau d'esclimont that then led into the prettiest french wedding venues ever seen, juliannah was patient and didn't seem to be as anxious as she thought she'd be. she refused to see her mom and other siblings beforehand, fearing it would throw her off course and that have her panicking. she had only allowed her bride squad, including her sister odette and jared to see her. the first time the groomsmen and everyone else would see her is when she walks down the aisle alongside jared's dad. 
speaking of jared's dad, gerald, he had now come up from behind juliannah, a soft touch to her exposed back, letting her know that he was there. turning around with a shy smile on her face, she couldn't believe the look of pride in her to-be father-in-law's eyes as they also fought back tears. it was a rarity that gerald would let someone see him cry but, due to this being his youngest boy and daughter-in-law (to be) getting married, it was obvious that he'd be getting emotional. 
"hey darlin', you ready?"gerald whispered as he looked in awe at his to-be daughter-in-law, tears building in his eyes 
"hey gerald, yeah, i am!" juliannah's smile grew tenfold as she saw her to-be husband's father as the man who'd lead her down the aisle to her husband in place of her ill father 
"well then, let's go, shall we?" gerald spoke with a smile that made all of his wrinkles and tanned skin extra defined as juliannah nodded her head, immediately grabbing her father-in-law's hand as he then tucked it in between the both of them, his other hand over the top of the encapsulated hands 
with the doors opened and the processional music as the classic "here comes the bride", gerald and juliannah started their walk down the aisle. keeping her eyes ahead of her, she never could have missed the looks of the rest of the spnfamily and her bridal party as they all looked at their best friend and sister in all her wedding day glow. 
like bet on and now won, jared was teary as he kept on looking up at the ceiling. the rest of the groomsmen and bridal party were also teary-eyed as they watched the girl and her father-in-law ascend down the aisle. it also seemed as if, when gerald took a quick look out of his peripherals, juliannah's siblings were crying as well as her mom. gerald, however, whilst also struggling to keep his tears at bay, was doing a better job than juliannah's mum was 
as they finally reached the end of the aisle, jared and the officiant in front of them, gerald gave his daughter-in-law the sweetest forehead kiss before a small whisper of "congratulations and take care of each other, please" to his son, juliannah was finally given away to her husband. looking at each other in excitement and astoundment, the officiant had gotten the patrons to sit back down so he could start officiating the wedding. 
"welcome to all family, friends, loved ones and ones that unfortunately could not attend, we are all gathered here today to celebrate the love and union of jared padalecki and juliannah castellano. all of us are here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of the life of jared and juliannah as they choose to spend their lives together," the officiant introduced, everyone sitting back down in their seats 
"jared and juliannah, your marriage will be a lifelong promise to love, respect, trust and honour one another through the good, the bad, the unexpected and the expected. this union represents your commitment to support one another as individual persons but share your joys, sorrows, trials, tribulations and dreams as one. a strong bond works in unison not only to nurture the best parts of your personalities but to understand each other's differences and flaws, not that you two really have any *giggles*. you are committing to learn how to grow alongside each other whilst remembering to keep an open mind throughout your journey together," 
"today, you gain an equal partner that will be your confidant, your defender, your protector and your motivator through every aspiration, goal and success. you will celebrate each accomplishment, provide peace through every setback and most importantly, give love in life's both big and little moments," 
"you two are creating a new home together, where love, trust and loyalty are the foundations. no matter what the future throws your way, rely on those foundations and you shall only see your bond grow stronger and your souls grow even wiser because you two are already so wise."
"marriage is not easy, trust me, i mean it, but from what i've seen in you two, i know your relationship will be an example to follow. you two show care, compassion and empathy, you trust one another, and most importantly, you are each other's best friend."
"now, jared and juliannah, please join hands and face each other," chuckling and momentarily closing his eyes, jared grabbed juliannah's hands and faced each other, opening his eyes instantly. "jared, do you take juliannah to be your wife?"
"i do," he smiled, softly biting his lip as he caressed juliannah's hand to ground him
"juliannah, do you take jared to be your husband?"
"i do," juliannah hadn't ever been so sure of anything other than when she first got her role in supernatural as she smiled, nodding eagerly 
"the couple will now do their personal vows," the officiant announced, jared unlatching his hands out of juliannah's quickly to wipe away the sweat that had been building up, juliannah giggling slightly before holding them tightly again as he had memorised his vows 
"juliannah elaine castellano, you were my very first best friend from when we were kids and we did up to everything together. you refused to leave my side even when we were sixteen and i packed my stuff and moved to dallas to become a basketballer. you were my biggest supporter during that time, especially when it all fell apart and i was kicked off because of my height. you knew how depressed i would get over that, how much i'd cry but you never supported me less or told me to just "get over it". thank you for then giving me the confidence to go for that tv show audition in la because i don't think i would have ended up meeting my best friends in the whole entire world in our show supernatural," choking back a sob, he took a deep breath in, his eyes momentarily moving to see that juliannah's mom had rushed out, her phone nearly fumbling in her hand before he continued. "i always loved you, juliannah, we told each other that every single day, even during the days when we were supposed to be filming or at interviews. now i know why jensen and danneel loved to tease us so much about our flirty friendship, it wasn't at all, it was us dating without us putting a label on it other than us being "best friends" *giggles*. however, it wasn't until the 2009 people's choice awards that i truly fell in love with everything that is you, juliannah. seeing you in that dress that i had never seen you wear before, after seeing you wear everything else, it never matters to me what you look like because, in my mind, i'm always going to see you in that velvet, halter, backless black dress and it brings me to my knees every single time. even when you are wearing one of the spn shirts or my dallas cowboys jersey and wearing fluffy pyjama shorts with your hair tied back in the messiest bun *giggles*. you are my sun, moon and stars, juliannah. if i thought little jared couldn't live without you, he was batshit insane because he wasn't at all prepared for 27-year-old jared who wouldn't even be able to function like a normal human being when you're just making us breakfast or coffee before work *giggles*. i will love you with all parts of my attention and care for you and our future children. i couldn't ever imagine leaving you alone, even for a moment, when you feel like you need someone to hold you up. i love you so strongly that i couldn't even plan on doing anything else for the rest of my life. i also need to thank you for allowing me to love you every day," he concluded with a sweet smile and teary eyes as a small kiss was placed on juliannah's palm 
juliannah never usually got nervous but, that all changed now because how on earth was she going to follow up jared's vows? everything that she thought she had remembered was now gone out of her brain with a small "poof" sound effect. noticing the look in her eyes, jared chuckled softly, providing her with another kiss to calm her down. 
"you're seriously asking me to follow that? why didn't i win the rock, paper, scissors game?  i can't top that!" everyone died of laughter after that as everyone could see how nervous juliannah was as she then truly started her vows. "redamancy. a noun which is the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full. that's jared and i's love in a single word from the english dictionary and for the longest time because i thought our love was so special, i didn't think there was a word in any dictionary, english or not, that i'd be able to find that could accurately describe the love that jared and i have for each other. however, i was proven wrong when i realised that, after looking back through memories in preparation for today, jared and i always use redamancy to show our love for one another. we actively love the one who loves us back. whilst we do it in ways that may seem subtle to everyone else, they are anything but subtle to jared and me. a memory of jared and i that i don't think i'll ever be able to forget, even if i tried. we were around sixteen and jared was about to leave for dallas since this was around the time he had been drafted by their colliegate basketball squad. i could tell he didn't want to leave because he didn't want to leave me or his family behind. it was the first time i had ever seen him cry in our entire friendship but it was at that moment that i truly realised i wanted to marry this man *tearful giggles*. he then told me that the reason why he was crying was that he was scared that something bad was going to happen to someone he loved when he then had a conversation with his dad where he was reassured that if something like that was to ever happen, he would be called and brought back home to san antonio. thankfully that brought him the comfort he needed and off he went to dallas to play basketball for the next two years." juliannah paused as jared tightened his grip. "i also remember seeing jared cry loads when he was sent home from dallas due to his height which made him so sad that i truly never thought he'd have the confidence to do anything else that he loved ever again. that was until i encouraged him to audition for a tv show in los angeles but, we all know that story so i won't bother telling it *giggles*. ever since i could remember, but most especially since we were told the devastating news about my dad's illness, you have always been by my side. jared, you ground me in so many ways, you keep my head above water, you allow me to be fearful when we're alone because you know i hate showing fear in front of people and during interviews, you allow me to have moments where i have my head fully in the clouds and look like a fangirling teenage girl because my bloody husband to be is in a fucking tv show called supernatural *tearful laughter* and you provide me with a flashlight when i can't see two feet in front of me. i can only try with every ounce of my being to do what you've always done for me since childhood. i promise to guide you through the rest of our lives together. i promise to care for you every single day, through your laughter, whines, headaches and tears. and, i will always, and i mean always love you as i have since i was that young blond girl wearing pigtails watching you leave me for dallas. redamancy, a noun which is the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full, this love that is only ours," after a few swipes from jared and juliannah's fingers, jared's tears were put on hold as they giggled and held hands again 
the rings were then handed over as the officiant then started talking again. 
"your rings represent this promise to one another. the never-ending circle is a symbol of infinite, unbreakable love," the officiant began, a small smile on his lips. "jared, take this ring and place it on juliannah's finger. repeat after me: juliannah, i give you this ring as a symbol of the promise i made to you today," grabbing juliannah's hand, jared effortlessly slid the wedding ring onto her finger
"juliannah, i give you this ring as a symbol of the promise i made to you today." the supernatural actor smiled
"juliannah, take this ring and place it on jared's finger. repeat after me: jared, i give you this ring as a symbol of the promise i made to you today," her smaller hand grasped the larger one of jared's as she effortlessly slid his wedding ring onto his finger
"jared, i give you this ring as a symbol of the promise i made to you today," juliannah smiled as she then squeezed his fingers before grabbing ahold of his hands normally
"having pledged your love and promise to one another today in front of all your friends and family and by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss the bride!" the officiant exclaimed, stepping out of the way momentarily so the photographer could take a photo before he was ushered back in for a couple more
this was when jared decided to surprise everyone and juliannah. with one hand on her waist and the other on her back, he pulled his wife closer as they attached their lips he then bent down to kiss her even deeper. squealing, juliannah held jared as tightly as she had ever held him.
"jared!" juliannah squealed into the kiss and everyone giggled as juliannah was inches away from the ground before being brought back up to continue the kiss
the now-married couple after having their first kiss as mr and mrs padalecki, smiled into the kiss as they heard the officiant announce:
"congratulations! friends and family, it is my absolute honour to introduce to you: mr and mrs padalecki!" followed by uproarious applause which alerted the couple to move out of the kiss, fingers were interwoven as the couple waved to the crowd before almost running down the aisle 
later in the night during the reception, odette, the other maid of honour and jensen, the other best man, got everyone's attention for the speeches. 
the look of fear in the newlyweds' eyes was pure hilarity for the guests, "okay, so, odette and i both know that we promised the mr and missus that we'd save these speeches for afterwards when it was just the bridal party that was along but, just for payback after making us all cry, we're going to do it now!" jensen announced, making everyone giggle, jared shied away into his wife's shoulder as she giggled, patting her husband's hair lovingly - her sister odette now grabbing the microphone 
"so, for some context, if anyone didn't know, i am juliannah's older sister odette and that is jensen ackles, jared's partner in crime in supernatural," odette pauses with a giggle as everyone watches in intent 
"and ever since the day i first met jared when he first moved in next door, i just knew that he'd fall in love with my younger sister *giggles* or maybe i didn't and i just wished that my sister would find her one true love *sniffle and tearful giggle*. but she did and i am always going to be forever grateful that it was you, jared. if i wasn't literally bawling my eyes out, i'd be saying so many embarrassing stories of how they tried so hard to downplay their flirtatious ways and how they had been pretty much dating the entire time since they were sixteen, i just can't do that. not today anyway..." odette pauses as she tearfully smiles at her sister and brother-in-law as the happy couple stood together, holding hands and a champagne flute in the other 
"...and it's not my place and it never has been my place to share those embarrassing stories. it makes my heart soar to the highest of heights when i see these two together. they are both extremely talented singers but are just as better human beings then they are famous actors. ever since i could remember, all i wanted to be was just like my younger sister and find the love of my life even if i was modelling that on my sister and her boy best friend at the time since they didn't even date until 2009 *tearful giggles*. and because i'm only just going to start crying even more and it'll become embarrassing for me, i'm just going to end it here and say that, all i have ever wanted is for them to be happy together and it makes me so happy that they are finally united in their love together forever. juliannah is the best younger sister in the world and i adore you to the milky way, jared. to jared and juliannah!" 
the room roared with cheers and applause, and juliannah quickly moved to give her sister a hug whilst jared then rushed over and gave his new sister-in-law a hug. jensen then got the microphone for his speech. 
"hi everyone," jensen smiled sweetly. "i have worked with both jared and juliannah since they were twenty-two and i was twenty-five and i have had the pleasure of being in supernatural alongside them as well. it has been a pleasure to be their best friend and have the honour to give this speech today. even though i have literally only seen this friendship since the inception of their relationship, only knowing them as a couple, it has been one of the biggest joys in my life to see the way that jared has fallen in love with the girl that he grew up right next to and now works alongside as a fellow actor. in the entire time, i have known these two, i have never once seen them get mad at each other, argue with each other or even sit away from each other. and i think that's because of their history as best friends before dating, they never get to the point of finding something to argue about. they are always so forgiving to one another and are always willing to own up to their mistakes and fix them so it doesn't happen again. getting to watch the way these two care for each other when one of them isn't happy or when they feel scared is so heartwarming and really lets you know what amazing human beings these two are and how made for each other they are. being able to watch jared and juliannah's love blossom has truly made so many hard days, boring days, long days and just the regular "meh" days that much brighter and happier because they were just being themselves and were just in love with each other that it didn't matter that the supernatural cast were supposed to be doing tv interviews the whole day instead of drooling over each other *giggles*. it truly makes me happy every day now that you two are married and will be for the rest of your lives in this beautiful union you two have created! jared is truly the best man i know and i am so honoured i was given the privilege after his brother to be his best man!" jensen nods off to jared, "just like odette said, here's to the happy couple!" 
after all the speeches had finished, it was now the time that secretly, juliannah had been dreading, the father/daughter dance. which, in the sweetest turn of events, all of the men in the wedding party, including gerald, all took turns in dancing with her in the placement of her father. before juliannah then transitioned into her first dance with her now husband. the couple gently swayed back and forth until the song cut, jared spinning juliannah away from him and then the bridal party joined in for a surprise flashmob. 
now that the wedding was finished, jared and juliannah sat on the floor of the hotel they were staying at in france when jared got all teary-eyed and emotional. 
happy tears in his eyes, jared rested his head on his wife's shoulder, "thank you for giving me everything i could have ever possibly needed," he sniffled softly, the tears silently slipping down his cheek as juliannah rubbed her husband's back, soothing him and his emotions 
"thank you for giving me the permission to do so," juliannah responded back as she softly kissed the head of blonde hair that covered jared's head and face 
"i love you, mrs padalecki, for today and forever," he tearfully and tiredly murmured into his wife's silk pyjama spaghetti strap - the only other noises being the already asleep wedding party around the room
"and i, you, mr padalecki, for today and forever," juliannah spoke lovingly as the couple then fell asleep as they dreamt about their love for each other and their future children 
the padalecki's hadn't even been married for a full year ( eight months to be exact) before they actively started to try for a baby. after being told about an incorrect endometriosis diagnosis as a teenager, juliannah fought herself daily as to whether or not she wanted to try for a baby after everything she had gone through. so, when juliannah, alongside her sister-in-law megan and sister odette, took a pregnancy test in the entertainment tonight bathrooms, her eyes lit up in excitement at the findings of her being pregnant with her and jared's first baby. megan and odette had to fight off squealing their lungs considering the toilets at the entertainment tonight studios weren't ultimately soundproof, unfortunately. they had all known how worried juliannah was about the possibility of now being able to fulfil jared's biggest dream of being a father but, now, it seemed as if she was going to get that dream! 
rushing back out of the bathroom, to avoid suspicion, megan and odette waited out in the hallway whilst, in a slit decision, juliannah thought to just chuck the positive pregnancy test onto the table in jared's dressing room, just to see how he'd react and if he'd get it. 
looking out of the dressing room door slightly at her sister-in-law and sister, the younger girl smirked, just hoping her husband would get it. and, he did? or maybe he was just slightly grossed out that an already-used positive pregnancy stick had been thrown onto his dressing room table...wait. his eyes flicked back to the test to see that it had two lines, meaning that it was positive, meaning that the person who threw this onto the table was pregnant and, the only person he knew that always threw things in his dressing room was his wife...no way! 
"jules, are you serious?" a small, hushed voice filled the hallway, juliannah moved over to her husband's dressing room door where only their sisters-in-law were waiting 
"you...you're pregnant?" jared's voice had never been so quiet after juliannah hadn't responded the first time as the girl nodded her head, jared almost collapsed against the door before standing up and pulling his wife into his arms for a hug 
"surprise, jar!" juliannah whispered as she rubbed her husband's back, comforting him as his tears started to roll down his cheeks and onto his wife's partially exposed shoulder 
throughout the entire pregnancy, jared refused to take his eyes away from his wife, even if it was just for a millisecond - he'd get a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach, causing him to give himself whiplash due to him throwing his head back into the direction of his wife to make sure she was still safe. since she was towards the end of the first trimester when she found out, she didn't need to wait that long before it was safe enough to tell everyone else, including her boss, robert singer and the rest of her family and friends at supernatural. 
whilst jared was already protective over his wife, he did tone it down throughout the second trimester because he knew it would become too overwhelming for her if her personal space wasn't respected. thankfully, nothing bad happened where jared had to scream at anyone and everything was smooth sailing until the end when juliannah unexpectedly went into early labour. since juliannah and jared were having twins, it became extra anxiety-inducing that she was going into very early labour when she had to have an emergency c-section due to the twins being premature. 
"we're going to be parents," juliannah whispered as they made it to the hospital, finally in record time as they walked in together as husband and wife, with their parents 
throughout the entire process of the c-section, jared held juliannah's hand, allowing her to squeeze the shit out of it. jared allowed his wife to scream the entire hospital room down, cursing at him for knocking her up less than a year after getting married. which was then quickly followed by "thank yous" and "let's get pregnant again soon" which caused way too much laughter between the midwives, jared, juliannah and their parents. jared had also allowed juliannah to nearly dislocate his arm and shoulder due to the force she had placed on it as the tail end of the c-section was happening. but, the biggest thank you was that he had given juliannah the beautiful creation that was their twins, a girl aurelia and a boy noah.
then, in an emotional rush of rushing the twins into incubators and to the neonatal intensive care unit, jared and juliannah cried over their twins. however, in some strange rush of relief, jared and juliannah just sat in silence as they thanked every and any god that their twins were going to be okay and that soon, they'd see them again and get to bring them home. 
present time
a couple of months after giving birth to their twins, aurelia and noah padalecki, jared returned to work in vancouver for supernatural and juliannah started working from home (when she could) by reading through scripts for when she would be needed back in vancouver and just being a stay-at-home mom since she didn't really need to rely on her own acting career anymore. 
watching her precious twins sleep together, juliannah felt herself becoming emotional as she still couldn't believe that she and jared's little ones were home with them. remembering the emotions and fear that went through them having to watch their beautiful twins be whisked away basically moments after being delivered was a heart-wrenching memory for the husband and wife. however, it was still an amazing time because they got to watch their little girl and boy grow every single day until they were five pounds before they could leave the hospital. 
by the time jared arrived home to their vancouver apartment from a filming day, he saw his wife and twins sound asleep altogether, the twins in their cribs and juliannah on the floor, "...i love you mrs padalecki, i love you aurelia and i love you noah," jared whispered, kissing his wife and then his twins before placing a blanket over his wife and walking the short distance to the kitchen to fix his family some dinner whilst his wife rested for the first proper time in three months. 
- - - 
i love this and i am so glad i got to rewrite it. sorry that the ending was so short but, i didn't know what else to add lol 
ok ily all xx
wc; 9781
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cheynovak · 4 months
 A Night to Remember 
Part 2: In the spotlight  
Jensen Ackles x F/Reader Y/N     
Warnings: On screen chemistry, sexual tension, unfaithful, ...    
Side note: English isn’t my first language 
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When a candid photo of Jensen Ackles and his co-star Y/N sharing an intimate moment goes viral, it threatens to upend the actor's carefully balanced life.  
Jensen must navigate the fallout and confront his true feelings.  
As he and Y/N strive to set the record straight, they are forced to examine the boundaries between professional connection and personal emotion.  
Will their flirtation under the spotlight lead to lasting consequences, or can they find a way to protect what truly matters? 
One click, one misstep and there it was, the picture and news articles circling on the internet.
Los Angeles, CA – In a surprising turn of events, Supernatural star Jensen Ackles and his co-star Y/N Y/L/N were spotted together in what appeared to be a romantic setting. This unexpected sighting has ignited a whirlwind of speculation and intrigue among fans and media alike. 
Ackles, who has been happily married to actress Danneel Ackles since 2010, was seen with Y/L/N at an upscale restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. The pair were seen at a local bar, a fan saw them engaging in deep conversation, sharing laughs, and even holding hands across the table. Dressed casual for the evening, both actors appeared relaxed and comfortable in each other’s company. 
An eyewitness, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared, “They looked really close and seemed to be enjoying each other's company a lot. It felt like there was definitely more than just friendship between them.” 
Y/N Y/L/N, who has recently to be rumoured as the new member of the cast of Ackles’ latest project “The boy”, has quickly become a fan favourite. However, this is the first time they have been seen together.  
Fans of Ackles have taken to social media to express their disbelief and confusion. One fan tweeted, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Jensen and Y/N? What about Danneel? This doesn’t make sense!” 
Another fan commented, “Jensen and Danneel have always been so solid. I hope this is just a misunderstanding.” 
As the news spreads, neither Jensen nor Y/L/N have made any public statements regarding the nature of their relationship. Danneel Ackles has also remained silent on the matter, choosing not to address the swirling rumours. 
It is possible that the outing was entirely innocent and misconstrued by the public. Hollywood friendships often involve close and affectionate interactions that can be easily misinterpreted. 
In the meantime, the internet continues to buzz with theories and opinions, eagerly awaiting any clarification from the involved parties.
Fans hope for a positive resolution that respects all individuals involved and clarifies the situation. 
Jensen stepped into his house, the warm familiarity of home wrapping around him. It had been an incredible cast, filled with unexpected connections and heartfelt moments. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought of Y/N, their shared laughter, and that unforgettable evening. 
It was just a stupid drunk kiss, but still she knew what he needed, a chance to feel like he had it still in him, flirting picking up a nice girl at the bar, even though it was his co start who knew he felt insecure.   
However, his smile faded as he saw his wife, Danneel, waiting for him in the living room, her expression unreadable. She held her phone in her hand, and Jensen’s heart sank with a premonition of trouble. 
“Hey, babe,” Jensen greeted, trying to keep his tone light. “You’re up late.” Danneel nodded, her eyes fixed on him. “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. There’s something I need to show you.” 
She handed him her phone, and Jensen’s stomach tightened as he saw the screen. There it was the photo from the bar. It captured the moment just before the kiss, the intimate way he and Y/N were looking at each other unmistakable. 
“Danneel, I...” Jensen started, but she held up a hand to stop him. 
“Jensen, I get it. It’s part of the job, right? You work closely with your co-stars. But this… this looks personal.” Her voice was calm, but he could hear the hurt underlying her words. 
Jensen took a deep breath, his mind racing. “It wasn’t what it looks like, I swear. We were just talking, drinking and then… I don’t know. It just happened.” 
Danneel looked at him, her eyes searching his. “I trust you, Jensen, but you have to understand how this looks. The internet is already buzzing with rumours. People are talking.” 
Jensen ran a hand through his hair, frustration and guilt gnawing at him. “I’m so sorry, Danneel. I never wanted to hurt you. Y/N and I, we just got caught up in the moment. It didn’t mean anything, it just turns out she is the same playful spirit drunk.” 
Danneel sighed, sitting down on the couch and gesturing for Jensen to join her. “I believe you, but we need to be careful. Our family, our kids—they’re going to hear about this. We need to be ready to handle it.” 
Jensen sat beside her, taking her hand in his. “I’ll talk to Y/N. We’ll figure out a way to set the record straight. I love you.” he said before kissing her goodnight. Danneel squeezed his hand, a small smile playing on her lips. 
The next week Jensen sat in a conference room with his manager, Y/N and her manager, Lisa, who was explaining their new plan. 
“So, we’ve decided to lean into this,” Lisa said, spreading out mock-ups of promotional posters featuring Soldier Boy and Y/N’s character. “The internet is already buzzing about the photo. We’re going to introduce her new character on ‘The Boys’ as the love interest.  
We know it wasn’t supposed to leak out yet, but we’re going to drop some on set photos, and I would like that you two make a video.  
Y/N glanced at Jensen, her eyes wide with surprise. “If that’s possible, that would be great!” Jensen leaned back in his chair, a mix of relief and excitement bubbling up. “Alright, let’s do this.”  
Jensen and Y/N found themselves standing in front of a camera crew, tasked with filming a special video announcement. Jensen stood beside Y/N, offering a reassuring smile as they exchanged a quick glance.  
They had rehearsed their lines countless times, but there was still a nervous energy in the air.  
“Hey, everyone, it’s Jensen Ackles here,” Jensen began, his voice confident as he addressed the camera. “And I’m thrilled to introduce you to the newest member of our team.” 
Y/N stepped forward, their expression a mix of excitement and determination. “Hi, I’m Y/N, and I’m beyond excited to join the cast of ‘The Boys’  
“Our new season is going to be bigger and better than ever,” Jensen continued, his enthusiasm infectious. “And with Y/N on board as soldier boys new love, I know we’re going to blow you away.” 
Y/N smiled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Get ready for an epic ride, folks.” With a wink they end the promo video. 
“Y/N, can we talk?” Jensen asked, his voice serious as he pulled her aside. Y/N nodded, her expression guarded but curious. “Of course, J. What’s on your mind?” 
Jensen took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. “Look, I can’t shake this feeling that… maybe things between us aren’t as straightforward as we’ve been pretending.” 
Y/N’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing through her eyes. “Jensen, I told you before, that kiss, it was just a moment. I know it didn’t mean anything.” 
“I don’t want to make things more complicated than they already are. That’s why… I think we need to set some boundaries.” he added.  
Y/N’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Boundaries?” 
Jensen sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah. Look, I value our friendship, Y/N. And I don’t want to lose that. But I think we need to be careful about how we spend our time together.” 
Y/N’s expression softened, a sense of resignation settling over them.” Maybe it’s best if we avoid situations where…” Jensen nodded, relief washing over him that Y/N understood. “Exactly. So, no more one on one getting drunk together, okay?” 
“Yeah, sure no problem. I thought that kind of was a done deal without saying anything.” Y/N smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. 
A few months later 
The cast of "The Boys" had a busy schedule at the Comic-Con weekend, but Jensen found himself with a rare moment of downtime. As he sipped on his coffee backstage, he noticed Y/N stepping onto the stage for a solo Q&A session with the fans. 
Jensen leaned against a nearby wall, watching from the shadows as Y/N took the microphone, a radiant smile lighting up their face. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Y/N’s eyes sparkled with genuine excitement and gratitude. 
“Hi, everyone!” Y/N greeted, their voice warm and inviting. “Thank you all so much for coming out today. You guys are the best!” 
As she began to take questions from the audience, Jensen found himself mesmerized by the way Y/N engaged with the fans. She listened intently to each question, her expressions ranging from thoughtful to playful, depending on the fans. 
She had an incredible ability to connect with people, making each person feel valued and heard. 
One fan, a young girl dressed as her character, nervously approached the microphone. “Hi, Y/N! I just wanted to say that I love you, and you’re my hero.” Y/N’s eyes softened as she leaned forward, her smile radiating warmth. “Thank you so much! That means the world to me. You look amazing!"  
As the panel continued, Jensen couldn’t shake the growing feelings stirring within him. Y/N finished answering another question, glancing backstage and catching Jensen’s eye. She gave him a quick, playful wink before turning back to the audience, and Jensen felt a flutter in his chest. 
The cast gathered for a dinner at a cozy restaurant after their appearance at a Comic-Con. The atmosphere was warm and lively as the cast members laughed and chatted, enjoying each other’s company before the whirlwind of events ahead. 
Jensen and Y/N exchanged polite smiles in between their casual conversation with others, the tension from their previous encounter hanging in the air between them like a silent understanding. 
As the evening progressed, Jensen couldn’t help but steal glances at Y/N, her easy laughter and infectious energy drawing him in despite the distance he had tried to maintain.  
Throughout the dinner, their eyes meeting in fleeting moments of connection. Each glance spoke volumes. There was a playful spark in Jensen’s gaze, a hint of mischief that danced in his eyes. Finding it way too easy to find an opportunity to flirt with Y/N, even from across the table. 
As the evening progressed and the drinks flowed freely. The warmth of the alcohol combined with the electric energy between them, fuelling a newfound boldness within him. 
Leaning slightly on to the table, closer to Y/N, Jensen’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, a subtle gesture that worked like magic on her. His eyes, dark with desire, locked onto Y/N’s, sending a message of longing and intent. 
Y/N’s breath caught at the sight, her own heart racing in response to Jensen’s unspoken flirtation. The air between them crackled with tension, the heat of their mutual attraction igniting like a wildfire. 
Despite the playful banter and laughter around them, Jensen and Y/N were lost in their own world, a world where the only thing that mattered was the intoxicating game of pulling and pushing.  
He saw how Y/N casually reached for her drink, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass in slow, deliberate circles. The motion was hypnotic, and Jensen found himself entranced by the simple yet sensual act.  
She looked up at him through her lashes, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
Y/N gracefully stood up from the table, her fingers lingering on the back of her chair as she cast a lingering, meaningful glance over her shoulder at him. Her eyes held a silent invitation that sent a thrill down his spine. 
Jensen watched her as she walked away, her movements fluid and confident. He knew exactly what she was suggesting, and he felt a surge of anticipation. Excusing himself with a casual comment to the rest of the cast, he waited a few moments before following her path.  
His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the restroom area, glancing around to ensure they wouldn’t be interrupted. 
He pushed open the door to the women’s restroom, his eyes immediately finding Y/N. She stood by the sinks, her expression a mix of mischief and desire. The door closed behind him with a soft click, sealing them in their private little world. 
“Y/N,” Jensen murmured, his voice husky as he stepped closer to her. “Are you sure about this?” 
She smiled, the kind of smile that sent shivers down his spine.  She reached out, her fingers brushing against his chest, sending a wave of heat through his body. 
Jensen closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, his hands finding her waist as he pulled her close. Their breaths mingled, the air thick with the electricity of their desire. Y/N tilted her head up, her eyes locked onto his with an intensity that made his pulse race. 
Without another word, Jensen leaned in, capturing her lips with his in a searing kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the pent-up longing and unspoken words that had been building between them. Y/N responded eagerly, her hands sliding up to his shoulders as she pressed herself against him. 
Jensen’s hands roamed her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her dress. Y/N’s fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, their tongues dancing in a rhythm of their own. 
For a moment, they broke apart, their foreheads resting against each other’s as they caught their breath. “I’ve never been more sure about anything,” she replied, her voice a seductive whisper. 
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beautifulballad · 2 years
The Cast Of The Winchesters Take Over NYCC
The Cast Of The Winchesters Take Over NYCC
Meg Donnelly attended the New York Comic Con panel for The Winchesters today, October 9. The young actress was joined by her fellow costar Drake Rodger, Danneel Ackles, and Jensen Ackles for the event at the Empire Stage in the Javits Center. During the Q&A, Meg spoke about joining the Supernatural universe, her character, the COVID-19 lockdown, and so much more. Fans also got the chance to check…
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dailygingerheads · 2 years
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DANNEEL ACKLES. Limbo Jewelry.
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palaceofmyhead · 4 years
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Danneel Ackles ♥
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jpacklins · 4 years
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Danneel Ackles icons
like or reblog if u save ♡
cr; @jpacklins (me)
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hologramcowboy · 9 months
I read somewhere in tumblr that D said in one of OTH podcast that Jensen can never impress her and I'm like wtf! did she actually said that ? and if it's true why Jensen is like this? is he truly a spineless simp for this talentless stretched face bimbo? I'm mean no offense but she is a trashy flopped forgotten actress with creepy plastic face who is only known for her stripping roles ,does he really lacke self esteem and respect? Maybe because he father used to beat him up he was traumatised and ended up in marriage where he is just a moving back account simp for her and her jobless brother , yikes this is a major turn off
Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I think Danneel just repeated what Jensen keeps repeating (soundbite they agreed upon for PR purposes) but also said her answer would be different. Meaning she doesn't agree with his impression. That being said, I only "skimmed" that sucktastic interview so I might be completeley off. Will listen to it fully when I get some time to focus on that, it's just not a priority.
People still don't understand that actors build and image and carefully pick narratives to position themselves in certain ways depending on their goals. Jensen is well aware neither him nor Danneel credibly manage to sell their connection and marriage so he overcompensates by saying things like that to make it seem as if he values her but if we look at his actions, especially the way her career disappeared and her entire identity shifted to just being "mrs ackles" we can see he doesn't truly love her. When someone truly loves you they don't allow you to give up your dreams or identity. Danneel has no personality of her own. Aside from this, every family post they make comes off fake and planned, there is no real chemistry just a business interest.
One important thing I'd like to add is this: If you are in a relationship where you constantly have to impress your partner then run, that's beyond toxic and Jensen is so toxic for even promoting that as an ideal. The fact that he keeps mentioning that just reinforces all the devaluing Danneel does with him. If his marriage is all about constantly jumping through hoops and buying her affection then sorry but that is an abusive relationship.
That being said, I think Jensen desperately wants to sell a kind of fairytale love he never experienced, except he has so many toxic beliefs about love he ends up making up lines and stories that just make them as a couple seem vapid, aggressive and narcissistic.
Let me reinforce this: the fastest way to end up a self destructive mess is to engage in a relationship with someone that keeps moving the goalposts and asking you to "impress" them. That is not love, let's be real. Please don't expose yourself to that kind of treatment.
Also, please remember that public statements made by actors are made to frame an image, there's a strategy behind that, it's not someone realistically sharing their feeling or real life dynamic. It's someone selling a product: themselves as a bookable actor.
Jensen wants leading man roles without doing any inner work, he just wants to signal certain qualities he doesn't have to get a certain image. Especially since Danneel comes from an extremely trashy background. He is trying to overcompensate with comments that will hopefully stick or so he thinks.
My advice to you is not to look at Jensen's "statements" but to truly look at his choices, his actions. Danneel is just a commodity to him and he does everything in his power to either be away from home or to be inebriated when he is home. That is extremely telling. He is not a fulfilled man and so he is overcompensating by making comments that he hopes will cover his discontent.
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