#actsv x reader
xan-izme · 9 months
Double Life: 6 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: Can't have family dinner without a little family drama
Part 5 Part 7
You and Redhood were currently having a standoff.
You were freaking out a little. Because how long was he standing there? Watching you. . . did he see you use the watch for the portal? how much does he know now? He knows your Spider-woman. This wasn't supposed to happen. Spider-woman was supposed to be dead. Gone.
All of this was going through your mind.
Redhood on the other hand, just didn't like another vigilante doing their business here. Whatever shit he just saw go down, didn't need to be here in Gotham.
"So, you're going to tell me what you're doing here in Gotham? or do I have to put a built in ya for you to talk."
You can tell he isn't bluffing. You've done some research on the vigilantes of Gotham. And Redhood, is known to be one of the most violent ones. You must be cautious.
"Not here to fight. Was just taking care of my own problem." You put your hands up in the air to show you're not causing any harm. But Redhood still kept the gun pointed at you. Walking even more closer to you.
"Whatever problem you have here at Gotham. Is mine as well." Redhood kept a mental note to report this back to Bruce. As Redhood came closer to you. He saw a chip on the ground. An odd looking one.
You mentally curse as you watched Redhood pick up the chip the green goblin anomaly had dropped. You can't risk it being in Redhood's hands right now. You used your web shooter to retrieve the chip.
"This is mine." You stuffed it in your pocket. Redhood frowns. "What's in the chip." He still had the gun pointed to you.
"That's for me to worry about. So, how about we just, go our separate ways and-" Before you can finish your sentence. There was a large explosion at the side of the building. Causing you to fall on your knees and dropping the chip.
"What the hell?" Redhood mumbled. Once he heard multiple gunshots going off, that's when he remembered what he was really here for. He got so distracted he forgot about a gang deal that he was supposed to stop. He cursed under his breath and quickly ran to the window and jumped out of it.
You sighed and was about to just leave this to Redhood. This was his city after all. And he didn't seem to kind on newcomers. But you heard the multiple gunshots and shouting. That sounds like a lot of people. And he's just one man. . .
Redhood was taking cover behind a car. He had already taken down ten guys. But there were a lot more left. He peeks out from behind the car. Trying to come up with a plan to deal with the many more gang members.
Suddenly, you come swinging down with a . . . log? what the hell. where the hell did you get a log?
He watched in utter disbelief as you knocked out a good number of gang members You made your witty comments as you casually roasted the gang members about their hair, tattoos and poor outfit choices.
You were able to buy Redhood some time to get to the leaders of the two gangs. You distracted the gang members as Redhood easily fought his way through to get to the gang leaders who were trying to get away.
Redhood put the leaders down and tied them up. Whilst you had already tied up the other gang members. Redhood turned around, and saw you were already climbing back into the building.
You were in the building. With a silver suitcase that belonged to one of the gangs. You had an odd feeling about it and snatched it. As you opened it, your surprised to see Alchemax tech.
What the hell is Alchemax tech doing all the way here in Gotham. Whatever it is, it's not good. You quickly closed the case and had already decided to take it back home with you.
Before you could leave the building. You heard another shot ring throughout the building. A built was shot to the wall next to you, causing you to stop in your tracks. You slowly turn around to see it was Redhood.
"That case doesn't belong to you." Redhood spoke to you aggressively. Which you fully understand. But he doesn't understand the dangers of what was in this case. and you couldn't explain it to him.
"Sorry buddy. But this is coming with me. You understand right?" You don't even wait for an answer "Ah, knew you'd understand. Thanks!" You quickly dashed out of the room. You hear Redhood following.
Right before you could use your web to get out, Redhood tackles you.
You two fight and struggle to get the case from one another. suddenly, as he ripped the case away from you, he took of your makeshift mask that covered your face.
. . . .
You stayed silent as you realized he has seen your face. You frown, deeply upset about this situation.
"Damn, you're just a kid." Redhood huffed out as he gripped onto the case.
You were upset with the turn of events here, and used both of your webs and shot them at him. Using your supper strength and pulling hard, causing him to stumble, and for his own mask to fall off.
You yanked the mask towards you and held it. Giving him a cheeky grin. "Look, now we're even." You then see his face, and how angry he looks. He looks young too, has to be in his early to mid 20's. and then you see part front of his hair that looked dyed white. You were about to make a snarky comment about it. Then suddenly, you two hear sirens. The cops. For that quick split moment that Redhood was distracted, you threw his mask/helmet at him, he caught it with both hands, causing him to let go of the case.
You used your web shooter and was able to quickly get your hands on the case. You grabbed your mask and quickly slipped it on and ran out of Redhood's sight.
You safely made it home. You stored the case in your secret hiding spot in the bathroom. You gave a quick report on your watch and sent it to HQ.
This isn't good. Redhood saw your face, and you saw his. But that doesn't secure anything. But what worried you most, was Alchemax. Alchemax gave you a hard time in New York. Their, on the low schemas and collaborating with other big-time criminals for more experiments that hurt not only animal subjects, but humans as well. You had to get in touch with Miles and your uncle Aron to inform them of this situation.
As you were in deep thought. A knock was heard at your door. Then you hear Damian's voice.
"Y/n? father wants to make sure you're ready for tonight's dinner." He spoke from the other side of the door.
You let out a deep sigh. Sitting on your bed. So much has happened today. From your panic attack earlier this morning to this moment now. That you had completely forgotten about the dinner.
"Yeah, be done in five." You responded with a very noticeable tired tone. Damian nods to himself. "Okay." And with that, Damian left to meet up with Alfred and his father downstairs. Damian isn't all too happy about seeing Jason. And just hopes Jason will act properly and not make you upset during dinner time.
Bruce had bought you another dress, it was nice and loos and kind of made you look younger. Probably due to the designed. Your hair was let down. You were fidgeting with your bracelet. A little nervous to meet this Jason guy. Your already on good terms with the others, you just hope not to make a bad impression. You were told Jason is a little complicated, so you had to be cautious.
You left your room and bumped into Tim. You and Tim began to have small talk about random things. He mainly asked you what you were more interested besides from video games and your deep interest in Geology.
As you and Tim talk while walking downstairs. Damian was able to slip into your room without anyone's knowledge.
Damian made a beeline for your desk. He searched your desk. Finding mainly schoolwork paper, and some old receipts, which he found off, why did you still have old receipts?
His eyes shifted to your small trash can. And here he sees the crumbled up note you threw away from before. He picked out the note and opened it up.
Call if you need help.
Damian began to wonder who this Miguel person was. With the way you acted when you read the note, you and Miguel don't seem to be on good terms. Mainly you not being friendly to the thought of him. Damian slipped the note in his chest pocket and left your room quietly.
Everyone was downstairs at the dining room table. Dinner was served, but Jason hadn't arrived yet. You were sat next to Bruce who was at the head of the table on your left. And Tim being at on your right, Damian sat across from you, Dick being next to Damian.
"Jason's late." Bruce sighed out under his breath. He looked at you with an apologetic expression. But you just smile, before you could say anything. Damian scoffed.
"What did you expect. That big oaf can't be held accountable for these events. Won't be surprised if he doesn't arrive at all."
"Damian." Dick seemed to not like what Damian said.
Just from this. You know that Damian isn't fond of Jason. But then again, Damian isn't fond of anyone that much.
"Y/n, your aunt called. She said there was a party for your uncle she wanted you to attend." Bruce changed the subject. You paused from the change of subject.
Before you could speak, your cut off once again. The door opens, and in comes Alfred. "Master Jason has arrived." Alfred steps to the side and your heart drops.
Jason. . . Redhood is Jason!?
You and Jason just stare at each other, wide eyed.
"Jason, your late." Bruce sighed out. Jason just kept staring at you. A lot going through his mind right now. You began to get nervous and very anxious. You avoided eye contact with Jason and took a sip of your water.
Jason frowns and took his seat. "Traffic." Was all he said as he sat next to Dick. Bruce began to introduce you to Jason in a more formal way.
Jason just stared at you and leaned back in his chair. "You're Y/n?" Jason spoke with dismay. You set your cup down and gave him a strained smiled. "Yes."
It was silent for a moment, only the silverware clicking against the plates could be heard. Then Bruce decided to continue speaking with you. "Anyways, Y/n. The party your aunt wants you to attend."
"Yeah, my uncle was promoted to captain." You took a sip from your water, still feeling Jason staring at you.
"That's good. How long has your uncle been in the police force?" Bruce asked as he was cutting up his stake.
"Almost 15 years I think." You're not fully sure. You just know your uncle Jeff was a police man for a long time.
Jason lets out a loud hum. "Your uncles a police man. . . interesting." You looked at Jason. The two of you make eye contact. You let out a small, forced smile to Jason. Jason doing the same to you.
There was a clear tension between you and Jason. He knows your secret, and you know his. The question is, who has more to lose?
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unforgettble420 · 1 year
hello love, may I request miles42! with a sick reader? Like since the morning she's been quiet and sluggish and she can barely stay awake? And she feels even worse cuz she's been working a lot and hasn't been sleeping well so she's already exhausted plus the fatigue from being sick and she almost passes out during lunch so Miles makes her skip the rest of school so that he can take care of her at home? Can we get a lil Momma Rio as well??
OMG YESSS🙈🙈 42!miles does smth to me😮‍💨
<!warnings! Not to much warnings except for the shitty Spanish😭 maybe smth Abt y/n kinda panicking! !Warnings!>
not proof read
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The flu had been going around school so at some point u were bound to get it. When u got the flu it was always the worst, miles was aware of this and right as he saw u cough he knew u were sick
“ bebé it’s ok mi mamá te ama” (babe it’s ok my mom loves you)
“ miles -cough- I don’t wanna bother your mom she already does so much -cough-”
After miles had brought (forced) you back to he’s place he’s mom had already made some soup “oh cariño, ¿cómo has estado?” (oh honey how have u been?) she pulled you into a big hug “has miles been treating you well?” She half whispered “MAMI!”
You giggled at the little interaction, after enjoying ms.morals soup you realized you had a big project due in science!
You started panicking a little, of course miles had noticed you freaking out “y/n u ok?” He asked with a worried expression
“No. I forgot about my science project and I’m already failing that class and if I miss another assignment I might have to do it next semester and I literally can’t do that it my mom will flip-”
Miles put hes hand on top of yours “cariño, it is ok we can work more on your project after you rest, u need to rest first. Ok?” Seeing how worried miles was about you made u feel better
For the rest of the day you spent watching movies with miles and eventually falling asleep…
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ink4blotches · 1 year
Pav x spider reader who is from spider-punks world and is like a little sister to hobie but likes Pav cause I need more Pav fics 😭😭
I gotchu anon ;) I'll probably be asleep when this uploads but just so you know I was rolling around in my bed writing this simply because Hobie's British in this is so bad so please forgive that little...thing.
Synopsis/Feels: Reader is Hobie's little sis but not by blood but u can't rlly tell, bad British slang beware, clueless Pav, mentions of Tom Holland(TW), etc.
Word Ct.:667
Without further ado...
Spider-Who?(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
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"Woah, he's awesome..." I sigh in amazement as I watch Pav swoop through the streets of Mumbattan.
"Mumbattan has the worst traffic I tell ya...aye, wot er you lookin at, kid?" Hobie asks as he realizes I've got my eyes focused on the streets below.
"Just...stuff..." I dodge his question as I take a bite of my scone, courtesy of your 2nd favorite Brit. It's me, I'm the 1st favorite Brit of course.
"Too right...you ready to skedaddle back to our universe kid? I miss me guitar." Hobie shrugs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
"Er...yeh, I guess." I sigh, watching as Hobie opens a portal(idk how the portal thing works Sue me).
"Hey guys! Leaving so soon?" Pav suddenly lands next to us, looking flawlessly perfect despite fighting a whole villain just a second ago.
"Yeh, sorry mate but yer universe is borin...right kid?" Hobie asks me. I barely hear him and decide to disregard it in favor of staring at Pav.
"Kid? Hello? Yer brain get hit with a rock...?" Hobie asks, popping me in the back of my head.
"I'm good! I'm great. Sorry, were said what you?" I immediately realize my sentence makes no sense as Pav and Hobie both look at me in confusion.
Hobie locks eyes with me.
Don't look at Pav, don't look at Pav, don't look at Pav...
My eyes dart to Pav and quickly go back to Hobie's.
"Oh, I gotcha...lil bugger's got a crush. Ain't that a bitch...wild how he ain't even from your own universe." Hobie says casually.
"What? Is it someone from the Spider Society?! Miles? Or Gwen?" Pav starts throwing out random names of teenage Spider-Men from the society.
"Wait...don't tell me it's....Miguel?!" Pav looks at me in disgust for a second before I shoot a web at his mouth.
As I watch Pavitr try to pry the web off Hobie pulls me to the side.
"C'mon, you gotta pick another. Love Pav, but he's...y'know....Pav." Hobie trails off, assuming I understand him.
"Well yeh, but he's also...Pav, y'know?" I argue slightly.
"Right and I get that...but he's Pav." Hobie complains to me, his grip on my shoulder tightening.
"I'm not gonna have this conversation with you Hobart. Don't you have taxes to file?" I ask with an eye roll.
"Fine, fine!" Hobie holds both his hands up in surrender. "You gonna tell 'im soon? Might have to spell it out since he's...Pav." Hobie shrugs.
"You mean you don't care?" I ask with a raise of my eyebrow.
"Course not kid. He might be Pav, but 'e's also Pav." Hobie emphasizes his words like it'll magically make sense.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Pav asks, finally joining us.
I give Hobie a silent plead.
"Nun much...I was bout to head back. Kid said she wants to stay awhile though." Hobie lies.
For reference I was thinking it but I didn't want to say it.
"Oh, great! I can show you my favorite street food stands and where the stray dogs are and where all the traffic is!"
"Oh. Where all the traffic is...great. Can't wait." I try to fake being excited.
"Catch you later, bugger. Try not to get pied off loser!" Hobie does a small salute before stepping through an open portal.
"Huh...? What does pied off mean?" Pav asks with an eyebrow raise.
"Nothing! Nothing at all...honestly it doesn't mean anything." I lie straight to Pav's face.
"...I don't believe you." Pav replies with suspicion in his eyes.
"Uhhhh....oh my god, is that Tom Holland?" I gasp loudly and point at the streets below us.
Pav's neck almost snaps as he looks.
"What?! Where?!"
Phew. Safe. Nailed it.
I watch as Pav swings down to the streets to find Tom Holland, who was never there in the first place.
I'll tell him. One day. But today is not the day.
TAGLIST: @ihearthxh @sweetheartlizzie07 @the-vulcan
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theladyheroine · 2 months
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I’m glad everyone likes my content but how did there become so many of you?! Oh my gosh! 😅🙏🙏🙏 But thank you so much! You’re all very awesome!! 🌟🌟💕💕
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s0bert · 1 year
did I really make a new blog to make smut on hobie and some other fine ass mfs from astv, yes I did. This is an invitation to just put as much shit in my inbox and I’ll make drabbles cause my ass needs to start writing
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theyhatez3n · 1 year
So I've decided to take requests for fics! I'm still new to writing, so give me time. If you do request, PLEASE add detail. It's very hard for me to write without much detail!
What I'll write for:
Peter b parker
(Those are the characters. I think I'll do well with writing. But I can try other characters)
What I'll write:
X reader
Poly relationship
What I wont write:
Smut for minors
Piss kink
Please send in requests!
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mona1704 · 1 year
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⸻ master list ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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𓄳 𖥔˙̣ none of my works are to be plagiarized, copied, or reposted in any way.
𓄳 𖥔˙̣ my requests are open
𓄳 𖥔˙̣ scroll down for my works
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⊹ ˚. intimidated
⊹ ˚. jealousy (earth 42)
⊹ ˚. in the heat of it all (earth 42)
⊹ ˚. jewelry box (earth 42)
⊹ ˚. my desi girl
⊹ ˚. playlists (spiderverse)
⊹ ˚. goodnight, plushies (spiderverse)
⊹ ˚. pinky perfect (miles morales)
⊹ ˚. stupid little game
⊹ ˚. a splattered mess
⊹ ˚. in your arms
⊹ ˚. naughty girl
⊹ ˚. beach sleeps
⊹ ˚. vegetable patches
⊹ ˚. best friend
⊹ ˚. late night comforts (peter ballard)
© glitterypinkconverse 2022-2023.
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unforgettble420 · 1 year
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Summary- Peter points out y/ns stutter but does it in a kinda rude way- so y/n being the hot head they are gets pissed about. But at least Miguel is there to help!
Warnings - some cussing!
A/N IM SO SORRY OF THIS IS RLLY BAD(and short asf)😭😭 I had some trouble with the stutter but I hope u enjoy it!
“I-I can’t b-believe h-he’d point tha-at out i-infront of everyone” y/n was fuming from peters comment on they’re stutter
Miguel was there to comfort u and reassure you that Peter didn’t mean what he said.
Miguel was aware of your bad temper, he was able to relate sense his temper was bad aswel but yours was for some reason worse then he’s.
Like a lot worse.
“Istg I will punch you right here.”
“Omg ik y/n is terrifying!” “One time she tried to web me to a wall!!” “That’s insane-”
Miguel heard all of the gossip abt he’s y/n yea they had a bad temper, but did ppl rlly have to talk bad abt them?
“God I swear I’m gonna-”
Before y/n could finish they’re angry rants Miguel kissed them “please don’t do what u were abt to say” he said knowing full well you’d do what was on your mind
“Ok only cuz I love you…”
Y’all obviously made out right after that interaction 😍 @melancholicmoment
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unforgettble420 · 1 year
I need some actsv requests 🤧🤧
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unforgettble420 · 1 year
Working on some requests😈
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ink4blotches · 1 year
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spiderman/images/c/cb/Spider-Woman_Vol_7_1_Variante_Chew_Sin_texto.png/revision/latest?cb=20200722230535&path-prefix=es Sorry if this request is kinda long but could I please request a Pavitr Prabhakar dating shy reader who’s from the same dimension as Miles, even best friends with Gwen Stacy & is (blonde) Peter Parker & Mj adopted daughter, well known superhero spider person who had a blood transfusion along with venom blasts from her dad, maybe showing him her dad base or hanging out one of their dimensions, just fluff
YOU ALREADY KNOW IT!!!! I gotchu anon ;))
Word Ct.:898
Without further ado...
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JEALOUS?(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
"So, did you really make all this stuff?" He asks as he continues to walk around.
"Yeah...I did." I smile a bit at Pav's amazement. He's way smarter than me, yet he's so amazed by the simplest stuff..
"This is seriously cool, Y/N. These web grenades..." He picks one up and before I can warn him it explodes in his face.
Yeah, those were still in progress.
"....are awesome. I need some of these in my life!" Pav excitedly yells, shaking the webbing off his face.
"They're not THAT impressive..." I voice to him as I walk over, rubbing off some of the web that he missed.
He suddenly grabs my hand.
"Are you kidding?! I mean, web grenades with rainbow webs?! What have we been doing all these years!" He shakes my hand in both of his as he smiles.
"Yeah...those were actually Miles' idea. Couldn't have done it without him." I say, and it's true. Despite Pav being my literal boyfriend, the boy that's been in my lab the most is actually Miles.
Crazy, right? "Okay, but seriously. How come you didn't show me any of this sooner?!" Pav fanboys over a bunch of the stuff in my lab.
"Uh...I dunno, it's not that cool." I say, living at nothing on the ground. I invited him here so we could hang out, free of..prying eyes.(she means Miles).
But the entire time he's been here, all he's done is fanboy over stupid spider gadgets.
Maybe I should just venom strike him-
"You okay Y/N? You're quiet..." Pav raises an eyebrow at me, setting down one of my prototypes and walking over.
"Huh? Oh- no I'm fine- I'm okay!" I mentally slap myself for being so awkward. He stares at me for a second while I try to hide my panic.
"Ohhhh, I get it. You're jealous!" Pav wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Um, what?" I ask with the most blank face I've ever mustered.
"I've been spending too much time worshipping your inventions and not enough time worshipping you!" Pav concludes.
I bring a hand up to cover my face.
"Jealous?" I ask with a sigh, knowing he's right but not wanting to straight up admit it.
"I mean, I would be jealous too if I was you. Don't worry, I'll leave your stuff alone!" He smiles at me, taking one of my hands in his.
"Thanks!" I try not to look like a complete idiot in front of him.
"Pft, I'm sorry. It's just so obvious that you're trying not to freak out and it's so cute!" He exclaims, laughing lightly.
Once he stops, we just stand next to each other in awkward silence.
"You know, it's nice being with you." Pav admits. I swear my heart is literally about to explode. But don't freak, it's cool. Say something cool Y/N.
"Really?" Totally blew it.
"Yeah, really. You're like a breath of fresh air from my universe. I love Mumbattan, but there's always..." He trails off, seemingly searching for a word.
"Traffic?" I guess. He lets out a laugh. "Yeah, traffic. But spending time with you takes my mind off the...traffic." Pav shrugs, hiding a small grin that plays onto his face.
"Uh....spending time with you makes my traffic go away too." I mumble.
I want to jump off a building without my web shooters.
"...I'll take it." Pav laughs with a little shake of his head.
After another moment of silence, we both try to speak at once.
"Sorry fo-/I love y-."
"Wait what did you say?" I ask, my eyebrows almost shooting off my face.
"Huh? Nothing. What did you say?" Pav asks, looking equally shocked.
There's a brief silence before we both start laughing.
"You don't have to say it back or anything, I just thought I should tell you." Pav finally says as we're seated next to each other on a blanket.
"I...loveyoutoo." I blurt out. He sits up, looking at me with comically large eyes.
It's almost like he's a fictional character sometimes with those wonky expressions..
"What was that? Didn't hear you!" Pav smiles, urging me to say it again.
"...nope." I shake my head at him while he begs me to say it again.
Suddenly, he places his hand on my cheek lightly and I almost have a whole heart attack.
"You had...your earring almost fell off-." Pav stutters a bit, handing me the earring I was wearing. Meanwhile, his other hand is still resting with no rent on my cheek.
"Yeah, okay." I smile at him, putting my hand on top of his. He leans in slightly and panic mode instantly reactivates.
No, that's crazy! We've only been dating fr 7 months- or do couples usually kiss within the first 7 months?!
This is some marriage type behavior!
But do I want to kiss Pav? Yes! Obviously, is that even a question?! I mean seriously- but what if I'm bad at kissing?
Does my breath smell?
I realize he's getting closer, a little bit TOO close.
Suddenly I hear a loud knock before the door to my lab flies open.
Pav and I back away from each other at lightning speed.
MJ stands there with a hand on her hip.
"Well...dinners ready..."
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ink4blotches · 1 year
Pavitr x reader angst please 🙏🙏
Everyone Loves Heroes(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
I gotchu anon ;))
Got a little confused halfway with this one, so it's a bit confusing to read but bear with me because it's 1am and I'm running on Coca Cola and sour straws :D
Synopsis/Feels: Basically Y/N is this worlds Gwen Stacey, famous for a bit at the end because idk, imagine that press scene from ITSV when MJ was talking to the city after Blond Peter died, reader dies(obv), angst y ag but that's what they wanted, reader is a girl, yeah yeah you get it.
Word Ct.: 885
It was just a normal day. Fighting thugs, feeding stray dogs, eating vada pav, hanging out with the rare, the elusive, the literally famous, singer Y/N Singh, yknow. The norm for Spider-Man: India.
Everything was going normally. A little boring, but normally. Nobody was in a huge amount of danger, and Y/N had worn a lovely outfit, which showed she was in a good mood.
He wanted to spend the entire day with her, to not leave her side. But alas, his duties as Spider-Man prevented him from doing so.
He should've been more careful. He should've stopped and wondered why his Spidey-Sense had been going crazy all day.
But no, he made what seemed to be a tiny mistake leaving her alone.
5 hours later, he's saving a bus from falling off the bridge connecting two cities, after it unfortunately collapsed. Struggling and he can only balance one thing, since even Spider-Man can't balance a bus with one hand.
He thought everyone had gotten away. That everyone on the bridge was safe.
"Hey, look out!"
That's when his heart absolutely shattered. He'd recognize that voice from a billion miles away. It was Y/N Singh. HIS Y/N Singh.
And she was there.
He could barely keep the bus up as he tried desperately to get a look at where his love was.
"It's okay...here, I'll carry you." He watched helplessly, his arms aching from holding a bus up alone, and his eyes stinging from the wind blowing through his cracked lens.
As Y/N grabbed the kid's hand, she seemed to notice the same thing Pav did.
She didn't have enough time to carry that kid away.
So she turned, giving Pavitr a quick glance. And despite not knowing the Spider hero, she put her faith in him to save the kid.
And so, a split second before the bridge collapsed, Y/N Singh tossed the kid, then falling the the streets below.
And Pav was helpless to do anything.
Pavitr tapped one of the microphones once, then a second time, causing the feedback to ring throughout the ginormous speakers set up around town hall.
"Sorry- I've never done anything like this before. And I don't have anything prepared to say..." Pav trails off, glancing at all of the cameras and eyes on him.
Mumbattan had just lost it's most beloved singer, who was well known to be dating Pavitr Prabhakar. It was an absolute bomb dropped on the poor city.
So right now, they needed someone to tell them it was gonna be okay. That, with time, everything would go back to normal. And they would rely on her boyfriend to tell them that.
But alas, Pavitr had also lost a piece of himself. He wanted to go home and cry, maybe even beat himself up for failing to save her.
The only reason he's here is because Gayatri and Inspector Singh expressly asked him to be. So he took a big breath before just...speaking his mind.
"I'll be honest. Y/N and I have been dating for 4 years, as most of you know. And in those 4 years, I found myself more than I had in my entire life before I knew her. I was lucky to know her on such a personal level, and it's...hard. Knowing she's gone. At times she would go on tour for months, but I knew she'd be back. Now...she's gone. Forever." Pavitr paused, sniffing in to stop his nose from running.
"Y/N was an amazing person. She was an inspiration to many, a light in the darkness to some, a friend to all, as well as a daughter to Mr.Singh, and sister to Gayatri Singh. And, at the end of her life, she was a hero.."
Pav thought for a moment. He shouldn't say the next part, he really shouldn't.
But he did.
"But she was also my girlfriend. And I hate that the world took her away from me so soon. As much as it pains me to say it, I can't lie. I hate that she had to be the hero that saved that boy. We all love heroes, and we're all sad when they pass away. And that sadness passes in a few weeks for most. But to me, Gayatri, and Inspector Singh, we can't just turn off the channel and pretend it didn't happen."
Pav knew he should've just stopped there, and everyone else did too.
But in a way he was talking to Y/N as well, hoping that his message would get to her no matter where she was.
"In the end, everyone loves heroes. Until they're the people close to them. Then it's a completely different story."
Pav knew he was condescending himself. He knew he wasn't making any sense. He saw poor Gayatri burst into tears less than 10 feet away from him.
But he had to keep going.
"I just wish Y/N could've been selfish for once in her life. Prioritized herself over a kid she didn't even know so she could stay with me. But she couldn't. It wasn't like her."
Pav took a deep breath, leaning closer into the microphone for his final word.
"And that's what I loved about her."
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xan-izme · 1 year
Dubble Life (ACTSV x Reader x Batfam) 3
A/n: I forgot to mention that the universe reader is in is earth-42. So, the Prowler is Miles, but he switches with Aaron here and there. and reader has the same last name as Miles.
Part 2, Part 4
Summary: Life with the Waynes so far was pretty good. Damian is still being a brat, so reader decides to be a good big sister. Someone from the past shows their face. In the need of readers help, for Spider-woman.
"I win!" Tim couldn't help but smirk in triumph. You stare at the 'Game over' on your screen. "Nah, nah. You gotta be cheating! Bro what is this!" This was the third time you have lost street fight with Tim.
"You two are acting like children." Damian spoke, watching two play video games for almost 2 hours. You rolled your eyes and gave Damian a look. "Cuz we are. You're like what, 9?" Tim chuckled as he packed his things.
"I am 12!" Damian argued. "Boy, like that makes any difference." Damian began to argue with you, you just stared down at him an announced you were getting a drink from the kitchen. You poured yourself a drink. Suddenly, your Spidey senses were warning you. You quickly turn around, just to see Damian. You scoffed.
It was funny how your Spidey senses always acted up when it came to Damian. You wondered if he wanted to hurt you so you couldn't take the Wayne throne. You turned back and continued to take a gulp from your cup. you paused for a moment before glancing to Damian you was eating a snack that Alfred made.
You thought that maybe the reason that you two haven't fully gotten along was due to both of you not even trying. So why not be the bigger person and try to be nice.
You slide yourself to the table Damian was at and set yourself in front of him. The boy frowns as he sees the smirk you had.
"What do you want, you bug."
You couldn't help but chuckle at that. If only he really knew.
"Look, demon. I think we haven't really gotten the chance to bond as siblings." You leaned in with a smile. Damian looked at you with distaste. "Did father put you up to this? What are you planning Davies?"
"No, I ain't planning nothing. What's wrong with wanning to hang out with you?" You arched your brow and leaned back into your chair. Damian sighed "I don't have time for you. I have work to do. So, if you'll excuse me." Damian stood from his chair and walked away.
"Alright, if you change your mind my door is open!" Literally, you leave your door open sometimes. You just forget to close it. A habit to try and get rid of.
After a few days. Damian did come to your room.
"Oh, look who's here. Is there something my little demon needs? hugs, kisses? whatever sisterly love can provide?" You smirked as you watched him give you a look of disgust.
"I don't want your useless affection. Father wants us to go with him to a meeting. Please wear something that doesn't look like a Hippe made it." With that, Damian walked out. He paused and took a glance of a picture you had hung on the wall; it was of a woman. Your mother no doubt.
You sighed and got yourself ready. Wondering why the hell Bruce wanted you to come along.
"Hey Alfred. Do you know why Bruce needs me at the meeting today?" you asked. Alfred handed you a drink you requested for
"It is a meeting at the Wayne enterprise. You will mistily be there to observe the working environment and understand what the Wayne family is about." Alfred escorted you down and helped you fix your dress up, so it was perfect.
Bruce couldn't help but smile as he watched you come down those stairs in one of the dresses Dick picked for you.
Once you reached the bottom, Bruce took your hand into his "You look beautiful."
Your smiled. Your smile faltered.
Remembering the time, your mother had a date with some man you didn't approve of.
It was cold out. Your mother was going to be with a man named Jim Bolton. You were happy she was happy. But you didn't trust this Jim guy. You asked, practically begged your uncle Jeff to do a background run on the man.
Jim was married at the age of 22, awfully young. He got divorced and has two daughters 3-4 years younger than you. he also had 3 DUI's. Your mother has told you he doesn't drink anymore. But you still didn't like him.
You watched your mother walk down the stairs, with a red dress on, her hair fixed up. Shinny jewels on. She looked amazing. You already saw her as a goddess, this just added onto the beauty you already saw in her. You couldn't help but look at her fondly.
"Okay, remember to lock all the doors. Your uncle Aarons going to be here in an hour to watch you and- . . . what?" Your mother noticed that small smile on your face. You were being silent. Just staring at her.
You chuckled and held her hands to yours "Nothing. . . you just look beautiful."
You missed her. You've been trying to not think too much of her. Not think of the time you two spent. Not think of her hugs. Her smile, her voice.
You have night terrors of what happened that day. At times you stay awake, too scared to close your eyes. Afraid to see every wrong thing you've done as a daughter. You make it worse for yourself by calling her number, only to hear no answer.
The Wayne building was big. Many people in uniforms rushing too somewhere. Rushing to get work done, rushing to get home.
You walked beside Damian. He has been quite this whole time. You wonder what was making your dear little weirdo so silent.
You sat in one meeting with Bruce and Damian. It was rather boring. But you did think Bruce was cool with the way he took over. Bruce had two other meetings that suddenly came up. He was going to take the two of you downtown to look around, get something to eat. Go to the movies even.
"It's alright. Me and De- Damian can go and hang around with Alfred. Can get a little Sibling bonding out of it." You held yourself back from calling the boy, demon. Almost let it slip for a second there.
Bruce liked the sound of that. When he agreed, you gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Bruce isn't the best with affection, but you have been doing these little gestures, hugging, the kisses on the cheek. You would even do the occasional 'I love you's Bruce is starting to think that you might just be getting closer to him. So, he buys you more things.
Sometimes you decline so he just gives you money.
Damian rolled his eyes as you dragged him to the car. Alfred Started the car and you two were now going to be closer than ever. Well, you hope.
"So, little brother, you have anyone that has cached your interest?"
Damian frowns "That is none of your business."
"I see, you must really her then. Or him, I don't discriminate on who you love." You felt a smirk creep up when you catch a glimpse of the look on the young boy's face. It just felt so fun toying with him like this.
"I don't have time for something like dating. Stop talking, you're giving me a migraine." Damian did visibly look tired of you, which made it even more enjoyable for you.
The first few weeks that you came to the manor. This boy has been activating the need for violence. You can't just cuss him out and flip him off like you did with Miguel.
You can tell Damian ain't stupid. He's sharp and very aware of his surroundings. One slip up and your done for. So, you decide to do what you did best.
Be annoying.
Damian ignores you more when you act like that. On top of that, you loved the reactions you got out of him.
You and Damian went to a music shop where they had those old timey records that you liked.
"Why do you need these things. You know you can listen to music like this on your phone, right?" Damian watched as you picked up a record and held it like it was precious. The most fragile thing in the world.
". . .The neighborhood I used to live in. Was loud. I could hear screaming, gun shots. And other things I wasn't supposed to hear." You gently put the record down and continued to walk down the aisle. Damian and Alfred followed behind.
"One night, there was a gang fight right outside. I got so scared. I ran into her room crying. She played a song. . ." You found a song you haven't seen in a while and grabbed it.
"She held me. . . and said, 'son solo sondios, mi amor.' and told me to listen to the music. Let that be the only thing you hear." You let yourself laugh, remembering at how much you cried.
"So, that's what I do. Instead of listening to sounds that give me fear. I listen to these."
Damian watched you happily go through the records.
Damian scoffed to himself. It was the first time he saw a real smile from you. Of course, you smile a lot. But everything was fake. You were putting on a facade. He didn't like fake people.
Lying all the time. People who lie, can't be trusted. And you lie a lot. he knows. You just haven't been caught yet.
But that, what you just did. You were actually being real. You don't seem too bad. For a bug.
"What's this?" Damian spoke up when he picked up a record that had big words on it with a blue background.
"Oh, Boney M. I love these guys." You know Uncle Aaron had full blown collocations of the band.
You looked down to see the look of confusion on Damians face. "Oh, my Go- Come on man. You really don't know these guys?"
"No, should I? . . . My mother wasn't like yours." Damian mumbled. He sets down the record. You stared at him, then glanced to Alfred. You don't know much about Damian's mother. Just that she left him with Bruce.
Due to the boy's uptight attitude, you assume his mother was strict. And based on Alfreds expression, she probably wasn't the best.
You put your hand on his shoulder. "Let's go watch a movie. Yeah?"
The movie was a comedy, it was funny to you. Even more funny that Damian couldn't understand the jokes in the movie. Just watching you laugh so much just because he wasn't understanding the jokes, Damian couldn't help but laugh himself.
"I liked the ending." Damian spoke as you two exited out the theater. "What? for real? . . . why? The ending was kind of butt." You say, Wanting to know why Damian actually liked the ending.
"Well, the main character, Lisa. She found out she was being played by that Moses guy. Even if he caught feelings for her at one point, he didn't have those feelings when he went with that dare. When he kissed her at the prom as some stupid form of an apology, she just slapped him. She knew her worth."
You just stared in utter disbelief. You couldn't help but giggle, then burst out laughing.
"What? Why are you always laughing!'' Damian was scolding you as you continued to laugh and try to explain why you were laughing.
Suddenly you felt your Spidey senses go crazy. Thats when an explosion was heard.
"Oh shi-"
people started running in panic. "It's joker. . ." You heard Damian mumble. You quickly grab Damians hand and try to get to the car where Alfred was parked. Damian let you drag him. So many people were crowding up in a panic.
Damian looked up at you, then to the multiple explosions Joker was dropping. Hearing his damn laugh echo. He was putting his Job as Robin first. And let your hand go. You felt him let go. You quickly turn around. Panic sets in you. You called out his name as you tried to shove people away so you could get through.
"DAMIAN!" You tried to help a few people who got hurt by the falling rubble around them. But all you could think of was Damian. You kept calling the boy's phone. But it would go straight to voicemail. You cussed multiple times.
You went back into the theaters, calling out for Damian, asking anyone if they had seen a little boy come back in.
You didn't know he had left to fulfill his role as Robin.
You were currently in an alleyway. Trying to get to Damian on the phone, no answer. You try to contact Bruce, you lost service. You got frustrated and decided to just run around like an idiot to try and look for the boy.
But you accidentally ran into someone and knock them down.
"Oh no. I'm so sorry Ma'am. Are you alright?" You were quick to help the girl up.
"Thanks. . . you look good, Y/n."
You paused. Who was this? how did she know your name. Your look of confusion started to fade as you recognized the voice. You began to step back.
The girl fully showed her face. Starring you right in the eyes.
tag list: @lockofspades @redsakura101 @ruby-izo
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xan-izme · 1 year
Dubble life (ACTSV x reader x Batfam) 2
Part 1, Part 3
Summary: Reader struggles to get used to their new life in Gotham. Worrying constantly about her family in New York. A rise of tension rises between readers father figure Aaron and her real father Bruce.
After the dinner, you got yourself ready for bed. The old boombox player you had was playing soft music in the background.
You turned the lights off, slipped into bed and stared at absolutely nothing. Even with the soft music playing, you were just itching to break into your suit and jump from building to building. You were missing your life as Spider-Woman. You missed your aunt and uncles. You missed your cousin. He was literally your twin.
You practically bawled your eyes out while saying goodbye to him. Suddenly, your train of thought was broken when you heard a ringing sound. You sat you and grabbed your phone, for some reason, hoping that it was your mother calling, telling you she was going to be home late tonight.
It wasn't your mother, of course, it was Miles, your cousin. You happily accepted the call. "Miles! oh my God, I missed you!" You could hear the boy chuckle on the other side of the phone.
"We saw each other this morning."
You pout and groan "I know! but it feels like it's been days." You knew you were acting like a toddler, but don't you deserve to act like this? After the nights filled with crime, days filled with unwanted drama.
You and Miles stayed on the phone. Not much talking involved. Talking was too much to do, knowing that they couldn't say the usual 'See you tomorrow' or Miles reminding you to be safe on your little outings. You did end up crying at one point, which caused Miles to tear up, but you don't know that, and he would like to keep it that way.
The next few weeks went by in a blink of an eye, dinner most of the times ended up just being you and Alfred, which you understand, knowing Bruce is busy, and Damian doesn't really like you. Tim would join you for lunch at times. You soon found out Tim was a geek. Which made you talk and ramble off about your plans for the future. Besides from that, you were mostly alone in the house.
Now it was your first day of school, your uncle Aaron offered to drive you for your first day. You asked Bruce for permission first of course.
Bruce at first wanted to say no, but when he pondered about it. It would be good for you to be with someone you knew better to be with you on your first day.
But Bruce looked into Aron. The man was trouble, used to be involved in lots of bad people back in the day. Just to be safe, Bruce decided to tag along. This would also help Bruce get closer to you, get to know the real you.
Putting aside the formalities and the instant obedience you give him.
The doorbell rang, Alfred opened the door and see Aaron standing with a blank expression, one matching Alfreds. "Ah, Mister Davies. Lady Y/n is curently getting ready. Please follow me."
Without any words, Aaron follows Alfred to a room. Thats where he meets Bruce.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Davies." Bruce puts a smile on his face and extended his hand to greet. Aaron smiled a little and shook his hand
"Same here. And Aaron is fine."
The two men sat down and began to talk. It was normal, but only for a small amount of time. The tension in the room began to rise when Aaron's past was brought up.
". . . I admit. I went down the wrong path when I was younger. But I grew out of that mess. But if this is about Y/n, then I guaranty you she is nothing like me. She's a good girl."
"I know she is. I'm not suggesting anything Ill towards my daughter."
Aaron chuckled "Daughter? Don't take this personally. But she ain't your daughter. Not till she says so."
Before any real argument could be made, you came busting in the room. "Uncle Aaron!"
"Baby girl!" Aron at up and opened his arms for a hug.
You ran into the man's arms. Giggling as Aaron gave your head a kiss.
"Look at you. In your little uniform."
You smiled more and twirled around for Aaron to see the whole fit better. "You like it?"
"I love it."
The car ride was a little awkward, but at least it wasn't fully awkward.
Aaron gave you some money and a few good luck kisses and I love You's from Rio. You gave Bruce a hug goodbye.
It's been almost a month since Spider-woman was last seen. Tim did take an interest in this Spider-woman and was going to offer her to join the Young Justice League. You were just one person looking after New York all on your own, with no help. It was very impressive.
But now Spider-Woman was just nowhere to be seen. She has just gone MIA. Now the Prowler was taking care of the city. The media has gone crazy after the disappearance of Spider-woman.
What did catch Tim's attention was the last time Spider-Woman was seen was the day Y/n's mother died. A lot of people were hurt that day Only one dead, which was your mother. Tim has come to a small theory that the death of your mother is connected to the disappearance of Spider-woman.
It's been a full week since you started school, the first day, teachers were really nice to you. They already knew about your mother, which had them pity you. And Bruce being your father made them extra nice. You already didn't like the kids. Seeing them as fake. Because they were. Those smiling faces, those empty words.
You knew them all too well. You do the same, fake knows fake, guess that's what you could call it. Damian was of course no help. Ignoring you as much as he could. Which you didn't actually care.
Why would you care for someone who clearly don't care for you? No need to waste any energy on him. You did take interest in a few clubs. You did need to pick one that you didn't have to attend all the time. One that didn't need too much of your attention. So, you picked the art club.
You saw how much kids were in there, with those number of kids, no one expects you to get to know them all, nor make friends with them all. There are also very talented kids in the club, and the art they do isn't your style, so you're not the best. Which was in a way, good to keep cover.
Right now, you were at the manor. Your uncle dropped off the extra books you left at his place. half of your room looked a section in a library. You knew there was a library in the manor. But they weren't your books. Even if Bruce insists that most of the things in the manor was also yours, that's not how you saw it.
The things you brought from New York was yours, the cloths, books, pictures. You just felt like a guest. Nothing else.
You were curently in your room, listening to a playlist Miles made for you. You were just finishing up your homework when you heard a knock on your door.
"Y/n? It's me, Bruce." The voice on the other side of the door spoke. "Come in!" You say, just loud enough for him to hear.
Bruce enters the room, when he sees you, a small smile graces his lips. You gave him an awkward smile as you wait for what he needed to tell you.
"My schedule is cleared out today. I was wondering if you wanted to go out shopping with me." Bruce was taking a look around your room. Looking at the items you kept on shelves, pictures. Trying to know what you would like, so he could buy something for you that was more of your style.
"And me!" Suddenly Dick popped out of the door with a bright smile on his face. "Nice room." Drick mumbled as he went near your bookshelf. Seeing what books, you were into.
"Ah. . . I would love to, sir- Bruce. But I don't got much on me." You had your own card, you had about 300 or 500 in. But you don't use it unless you're out and really need something to eat. On top of that, you kind of have a spending problem you need to control.
"No need to worry about that." Bruce pulled out his card "It's all on me."
You had no choice but to go with them. You sat in the back seat. Dick in the passenger seat while Bruce was driving. "How's school? make any friends?" Dick spoke up, turning down the volume of the radio. "Oh, it's alright. Me a few kids, they were pretty nice."
The car pulled up to a store. You walked in with the two men and started looking around. You saw plushies that looked really cute. "Can I get these?" You pointed at the plushies and looked up to Bruce for permision.
"Of course." Dick grabbed the plushies and you all started to get more things. Clothes, shoes. You were pretty satisfied with what you had. Bruce purchased what you had picked out, along with a few dresses Dick picked out for you.
Bruce was able to talk to you more. He knows that you like a lot of music genres, you seem to have a deep bond with your cousin Miles and your uncle Aaron. You speak highly of Miles, like he was a sun in the sky to praise.
Bruce was still hooked up on what Aaron had said. Bruce knows that he can't fix the sixteen years he missed in your life, but he wants to try and be there for you now. Try to break down that fake smile of yours.
What? You think he didn't notice.?
Bruce knows what pain looks like. And he can see it all over you. In your actions, your words. In your voice. Whatever makes you cry, whatever fears you have. Bruce will make them all go away. And he is determined to earn the title as your father. For you to finally call him by that title.
Because he's your father. And that's what fathers do.
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xan-izme · 1 year
Dubble Life (ACTSV x reader x Batfam) 4
Summary: Reader made a promise to never let Spider-Woman out. Knowing the dangers of putting that mask on. Reader is starting off fresh now, and they will be damned if anyone tries to have you pull that mask down your face again.
Part 3 Part 5
TW: break downs, mentions of past trauma, mentions of mental health
"Just listen to me!" Gwen was following you as you were still franticly searching for Damian.
"Bug off Gwen. Don't need the society's shit right now." You spoke harshly. Gwen sighed as she watched your stressed expression switch between worry and frustration.
Gwen stopped and spoke. "I know your probably still hurting. But New York needs Spider Woman. Your uncle and Miles can't hold Brooklyn down forever." You paused and turned your head to the blonde.
"More anomalies are showing up. The Prowlers aren't fit to control them. If this keeps up, who knows what will happen." Gwen was staring at you with those big blue eyes of her's.
You always used to like looking into Gwen's eyes. Her eyes always held this kind of sadness in them, sadness you and her connected with. But no, you see no connection. At least not the same as before.
". . .I'm sorry Gwendy. But I don't have time for this."
You made sure the coast was clear before shooting a web to a nearby building and land in an alleyway.
After nearly two hours of searching for Damian and nearly having a break down. Alfred was able to find you and inform you that Damian was safe and was currently with Bruce. Damian had wanted to stay with Bruce. And you decided to go back to the manor.
"Don't do that again Damian. You can't just leave your sister like that." Bruce scolded his son for making you worry. Knowing you must have been freaking out with the way he had disappeared. Damian sighed.
"If she's cross with me, then I'll tell her I went back for this." Damian lifted up an album. Bruce frowns in confusion. Because how the hell is a Boney M album going to calm you down?
"Lady Y/n. Is there anything you need before-"
"No Alfred! I just need some rest; I'll be in my room." You rushed up the stairs. And slammed your room door.
You finally took a seat on your bed. A second passed, and your breathing started to pick up, a minute passed, and your eyes began to sting from the incoming tears that seem to build up until your eyes couldn't hold them any longer, letting the tear drops fall.
It wasn't long till you became a sobbing mess.
it was too much. Emotions you didn't know were still in you started to burst out of control. You were a crying mess.
Were you stressed?
Or is it that you miss your family back in New York?
Were you upset seeing Gwen? Was seeing her bring back memories that you didn't want to see? Memories of people you don't want to remember?
No. . . that's not it, is it.
It was what happened with Damian. How he let your hand go, and just disappeared. It's funny, you don't really like the boy. Well, his attuited is what you distaste the most. But you were crying, because you thought you almost lost him.
You were scared you almost let someone who was your blood, your kin, die.
What a silly thought. Don't be thinking these things. Suck it up, you keep doing this and let these feelings show to the family. They won't be happy. If they aren't happy because you're not happy. You'll ruin the mood.
So, suck it up, you thought to yourself. Forget those silly thoughts, forget that knot you feel in your chest. Because your Y/n Morals- . . . Wayne. Y/n Wayne.
And this family, this manor. Is your fresh start. Your new beginning. And in order to make sure this new life of yours is to keep them safe. Make sure Spider-woman is never involved in their lives. Make sure they live.
Hours passed. There was no dinner time tonight. Which you were thankful for. You washed up and got yourself ready for bed.
Your phone began to ring. You stared at the contact number.
You took in a shaky breath and answered the call.
"Hey. . .you good?"
You smiled in relief from hearing your cousins voice.
"Yea. . . did you need something? Is Tia Rio, okay?" You questioned. Worried by the way Miles spoke.
"No- I mean yes! yes Mami's alright, It just . . ."
Your eyes squint, getting curies, and a little worried as to what was the matter.
"Just what?" Your voice seemed to have snapped Miles out of whatever train of thought he had.
"One of those people, a woman. Jess, she said her name was. She stopped by here. Saying she had a package for you."
You felt your heart stop for a second. Why the hell was Jess there.?
"A-and I heard her talking to dad. She claimed she was a doctor you and your mom used to go to. Sis, she was saying some shit bout you being mentally ill. And it looks like Dad and Mami bought it."
You began cussing at whatever caused this to happen.
"I just wanted to give you a heads up. Mami's going to drop off the package tomorrow at noon. She'll most likely bring it up to Bruce."
You sighed. You can handle this. You just have to observe, be patent and don't jump too early. Make sure to make the right moves. One wrong move, especially in front of Tia Rio. It's game over.
"Thanks bro. Goodnight, love you." You say as you lean on your desk. Your posture made it clear that you were absolutely exhausted for the day.
"Love you too. Good luck."
Miles hung up and you were once again alone with the silence in your room. You grabbed a CD and popped it in the CD player. You had to keep yourself distracted.
You needed to be distant from those silly thoughts. But don't float away now, you have to plan on how things are going to be tomorrow.
You want to jump and go straight into why in the hell did Jessica Drew go to Miles's house. A place you had made clear was off limits. You had informed Jess and Peter B that the places where your family is, are off-limits. Meaning Uncle Aarons apartment, Miles's apartment and the Wayne Manor in Gotham.
But for now, focus on the challenges that are in front of you now.
The next day came around. Damian had apologized and gave you a album as an apology.
You ended up forcing him to watch a horrible rom com just to get something out of it. And you did.
"That was stupid, and I'm never doing this again."
You laughed at Damian's words. The boy was truly fun to watch. A second past before you two heard a knock. You both look at the doorway to see Alfred.
"Lady Y/n. Your aunt is here to see you." The man said.
You began to mentally prepare yourself as you stood up and walked off to your room, that was where Alfred led Rio to wait for you.
As Rio was waiting for you. She took a look at your room. Your books were organized on the bookshelf. Pictures of you and Miles when you two were younger on the walls. One picture was on your nightstand. It was of her sister, your mother.
Rio didn't know you were seeing a therapist. Well, after what happened with that friend of yours a few years back. You did need it.
You just seemed so happy, even after that incident. But Rio now knows that you were only so happy because of your mother. After she died, Rio hasn't heard your laugh in a while.
The door to your room opened. You smiled, walking towards Rio with a smile.
Rio hugged you tight. She pulled away and saw how tired you look. She cups your face in worry.
"Oh, my baby. You look tired, have you been sleeping? Are you eating well? How about Bruce? Is he being good to you? I sware if he is not-" You chuckled and held both of her hands and kept them close to you.
"I'm okay, Bruce is nice. He's been spoiling me actually."
Rio calmed down and nods "And sleep? Hija mía, parece que no has dormido."
"Ah, I fell behind my studies last week and have been working to catch up. Don't worry I'm good now. My grades are safe!"
Rio smiled and sighed in relief. "I came here to drop this off. Your Therapist, Mrs. Drew?" Rio took out a box that was a size of a jewelry box. You took it and set it down on your nightstand.
"Honey is-. . ." You waited for what Rio was going to say. Was she going to ask about that 'theripist' of yours? Whatever Jess said, it seems to have made Rio upset.
"Is Bruce here? I need to speak to him."
You sighed and shook your head "Sorry, he's still at work." Rio nods and just smiled again as she gave your hand a squeeze before letting go. You and Rio went downstairs so you could walk her to her car.
"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. Your uncle has got a new position now. He's going to be captain!" Rio smiled widely as she told you news.
You smiled and grabbed her hand. You kissed the back of her hand gave it a tight squeeze "Thats amazing"
You were spacing out. It looked like you were staring at something but thinking of nothing. But you were thinking of a lot of things. You wanted to live peacefully. Is that selfish?
Being Spider-Woman was amazing. You felt strong, felt like you could overcome anything that came your way. And protect loved ones made you feel safe. Knowing that you could protect them, made you feel safe.
But after your mother. After finding out the truth from Miguel. You didn't feel safe, you no longer felt like you could keep your loved ones or anyone around you safe. Not when you have that mask on.
So, you gave up the mask, made sure that without a Spider woman in your universe, things wouldn't go to hell. But every time, every time you thought things were okay, thought that everyone was safe from Spider Woman. The society keeps coming to ruin it. You had to find a way to stop them.
"Y/n? Hello?"
You snapped out of your train of thought. "Huh? Oh, sorry Damian, what were you saying?" You leaned in on your palm and gave your brother a smile.
"Movie. I'm bored." The boy bluntly said. You paused and began to process what he said. You smiled warmly and walked with Damian to the screen room.
You swear to all the gods, you won't let the mask take what you have left.
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