#actual play podcast episode
ouamotw · 2 years
Thank you to everyone who has checked out our podcast!! 
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blueberryspyder · 2 months
Listening to Rusty Quill Gaming holiday episodes has me like
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I’ve gotten into some niche shit before, but this? This is a bit much even for me
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jamphibiann · 5 months
I believe Connor posted about how whenever I drag players into secret channels when we’re recording Cantripped, those secrets are legitimately kept from the rest of the party but I got smth to say about it.
Listen I know I’m posting these episodes publicly, I’m expecting secrets to get shared at some point! But I’m also confident in my parties ability to separate player knowledge and character knowledge so it wouldn’t affect gameplay at all!
And having secrets between players adds a level of suspense and investment into each others backstories as well as really fun reactions when things are revealed at the table. I’m not expecting it to work exactly the same as it does in my non public campaigns but I decided to give it a try!
All this to say if you wanna post headcanons or art or things involving secrets and feel like playing into my fun, throw a (party don’t read!) or smth at the top of the post.
Y’all get to have secrets too, y’all are in on it, y’all are my confidants, my pookies if you will.
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partyofonepod · 7 days
New Episode: BLOOD//RUSH with Theodore Monk
It is the 90th anniversary of the arrival of ENYO'S COMET, and the mysterious L. REDBREAKER has assembled an elite fighting tournament to determine WHO WILL CLAIM ITS AWESOME POWER.
Only the strong will succeed--who will be the ultimate victor!?
You'll dig this episode if you like: Fighting games, I cannot sell this more specifically than to say this is a fighting game-ass episode, do you like Street Fighter? Tekken? Skullgirls? Marvel vs. Capcom 2? Guilty Gear? You know who you are, this episode is for you, bitch
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coconut530 · 6 months
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Some derps for the past three Malevolent episodes ~ 🕷️👩🏻🎄
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zoomclown · 2 months
doodled a little Dungeons and Daddies tat on my arm. It's making me feel happy :)
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rooolt · 1 year
Not to like say “everyone should listen to naddpod” again, but everyone should listen to naddpod. I know it’s a more rules based dnd podcast with combat in honestly probably every episode, and that’s not some people’s thing, but it just doesn’t drag at all because 1) as I’ve said Brian Murphy is an encounter design god and 2) the players clearly love the game and are having so much fun throughout and it’s just such a joy to listen to and it just helps me fall in love with it all over again. For me, it has the perfect mix of knowing they’re an entertainment podcast and what that means in terms of pacing and in character decision making, while it still being clear that these people aren’t just doing this because it’s a hole they dug themselves into, but because it’s a genuinely enjoyable thing for them
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scholar-of-yemdresh · 1 month
No audio fiction podcast has it all;
Produced by and starring POC
Has Aroace/non sam Ace/non sam aro MCs
Has trans MCs(trans man trans woman, nonbinary/gendeequeer idc)
Has little to no romance and focus on platonic or hostile non-romantic relationships
It's sci-fi or fantasy, with horror elements(especially body & cosmic horror)
Not too long (like i can't deal with 100+ 2hr+ episodes lol)
This post is brought to you by my love for the The Silt Verses. Which is damn near perfect for me, such a shame the lack of POC(there's to my knowledge only one MC voiced by a POC yet the fandom overwhelming interprets his character as white while HC a character voiced by a white woman as black :/)
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thecindercrow · 11 months
Pretending to be People is a mystery/horror/comedy actual play podcast using the roleplaying systems of Delta Green and Pulp Cthulhu. Created by a group of best friends with prior experience roleplaying together in this system, it's able to dive right into the action and take off running. And boy howdy, everything sure does happen so much.
Features homebrew stories written by the GM and an original soundtrack created by one of the cast. With a completed season 1, an ongoing season 2, (both of which are separate campaigns) and several 3-4 episode mini-campaigns, there are a lot of options for choosing a spot to stick your feet into the water, so go check it out on their website or wherever you listen to podcasts!
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monstrousproductions · 4 months
✨Travelling Light Episode 12✨
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An archive entry about saying goodbye; and the Traveller recovers from their big night out…
Subscribe now Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your podcatcher of choice 🚀✨ Full transcript available here.
Travelling Light is a science fantasy podcast that follows the Traveller as they explore their galaxy, collecting stories from the people they meet and adding them to their community archives.
Every week our artist Matt McDyre (@diabeticspoon92) illustrates the episode’s archive entry, shown above. Absolutely beautiful work this week 😍
This week’s entry was based on a submission by Toblerones! 💖 If you’ve got an idea for an archive entry, you can send them to us via social media, by email, or through monstrousproductions.org. You can either send a fully written entry or a prompt - whatever you've got, we want to hear it!
This episode includes an audience decision. Vote on whether the Traveller should join Duytren in her anthropology field work or join Tsabec on their archaeological excursion by making a donation at ko-fi.com/monstrousproductions. Voting closes at 12.00PM UK time on Tuesday 20th.
Everyone who supports us through Ko-Fi will receive an invitation to the Monstrous Productions Discord server as well as bonus art-work and annotated scripts. And if you join at our Gold tier, you get the chance to have a personalised alien designed for you by Matt himself! 👽💫
Stay tuned to the end of this episode to hear a trailer for @tldpod-blog, a D&D 5E actual play podcast set in a fantasy world whose gods are dying off in an apocalypse in progress ⚔️🤩 Listen wherever you get your podcasts, or visit their website to learn more!
Finally, remember: if you want to support the show, the single best thing you can do is talk about it! Leave a review, post about us on social media, paint our logo on your face every morning before you leave for work - whatever you can think of. It all helps!
🚀✨ See you next Friday! ✨🚀
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ouamotw · 1 year
I love my brother my brother and me
Have to use their audios when they pop up
Thems the rules
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calamitycascade · 2 months
Episode 31 - "Corporate Restructuring" Pt. 3 Released
The finale of the exciting Corporate Restructuring mission. This was such a blast to run. I absolutely love these "mini-sandbox" type missions.
Putting all the pieces on the board and seeing what the players do is just... *chefs kiss*.
I do feel like it runs somewhat contrary to some of the core pieces of Forged in the Dark systems, but ultimately I think with a blend of static elements (schedules characters) and some dynamic consequences it can still work really well.
See you in two weeks for Episode 32 "30 Days of Onion!"
Curious about the show? Find us on spotify, youtube, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Show Information
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merelyroleplayers · 2 months
Now playing in the (recording) Studio
It’s only going to take one song to get everyone to stand up and take notice, and then your career will open wide in front of you. You all work so perfectly together. How hard can it be?
This season, we're playing a selection of individual micro-roleplaying games from The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book, edited by James D'Amato!
Follow us on your usual podcast app - search Merely Roleplayers or head to www.merelyroleplayers.com
FACILITATOR: Matt Boothman
- On vocals, Matt Boothman as Skinny Steve
- On lead guitar, Strat as Jimmy Danger
- On the keys, Ellie Pitkin as Pixie Dust
- On rhythm guitar, Josh Yard as Sludge
- On the bass, Natalie Winter as Spacy Stacy
ROLEPLAYING GAME SYSTEM: Wonders by Alex Flanigan, published in The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book, edited by James D’Amato
MUSIC BY: Alexander Pankhurst, inspired by Horse Elevator
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deckofmanyaces · 2 months
Morgan tends to unsettle people in her hometown, especially when they work for her unpleasant mother 😬
Listen to Episode 71 on Acast or wherever you get podcasts: https://shows.acast.com/5f79e372e6c29713515701fc/6606b529140bdb001750892a
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cutemeat · 2 years
dude ok Firstly i did not expect them to include the PTSDee dream sequence dance so that hit me first thing in the morning Secondly GLENN SAYING “HE CLOSED THE DOOR CUZ HE WAS LIKE THIS ISNT FOR YOUR EYES JUST YET” R U KIDDING 😭😭
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dolly-is-cool · 19 days
so glad i’m off school on tuesday because i could not handle listening to this episode in the middle of science class.
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