#actually I found this very funny some of y'all just took the family tree too seriously
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galadrieljones · 4 years
As You Were (Chapter 3)
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Fandom: The Last of Us | Pairing: Joel x OC | Content: Fix-it | Rating: Mature
When Joel and Ellie take a wrong turn on their journey from Pittsburgh to Wyoming, they find themselves lost in a beautiful place with a dark and dangerous secret. While there, they meet a mother and son who, after a recent, tragic event on their family farm, are fighting tirelessly for survival. In an effort to find hope for the future, the two groups set out west together, growing closer over time, making choices and altering paths that will change the course of their lives forever.
This is an AU, starting after the events of the Summer chapter in the first game, and extending into the timeline of the second. Joel lives.
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Chapter 3: The Driftless
“When you’re lost in the darkness, look to the light.”
After dinner, Joel insisted on cleaning up. Cici said she'd show him around the kitchen, the downstairs. The food had been really good, like way too good. Ellie had never had lamb before, ended up eating almost as much as Noah. At some point, though, while everybody was making small talk, she became dreamy. She was looking out the window, pressing her thumb lightly to the blade of her knife, finding shapes in the stars. Noah came over after everybody was finished with the meal and asked her if she wanted to come with him, out to the Crow's Nest, to help him with something.
"What are we doing?" said Ellie. It was probably about ten o'clock and full dark outside.
"It's a mess out there," he said, throwing the shotgun strap over his shoulder. "I just have to go haul some stuff out. You can come, if you want."
"Yeah, sure," she said. She smiled and closed up her blade. "Let's go."
But then, Joel said, "Ellie."
His voice was big, and deep, like space. Whenever he said her name like that, she immediately found his eyes. Something about choosing to stick together like they had. You can't really unstick.
"What's wrong?" she said.
He was standing with his hands in a basin, which was full of soapy water. The faucets didn't work anymore, said Noah. Nowhere in the whole house, or on the whole property. The running water was completely unusable. Ellie thought it was a little funny, seeing Joel do dishes. She'd never thought of him like that before. He wiped his soapy hands on his jeans, and then he looked down at them and seemed to reassess what it was he was about to say. She was listening. "Just be careful," he said, looking at her in a way that meant compromise.
"Sure," she said. "I will."
"Thanks, Ellie."
"She really listens to you," said Cici, once the kids were gone. She was taking the vacuum out of a broom closet by the front door. "Or is that just when other people are around?"
Joel stopped what he was doing, his hands back in the soapy water. Admittedly, he felt like a stranger in a kitchen like this. It had been too many years. "You mean Ellie?"
"Yeah," she said. "It can't be easy, with just her dad."
"Ellie ain't—she ain't my daughter," said Joel, remembering, suddenly, that Cici did not know. Noah knew, but the particulars of their relationship at large had not come up yet. It just wasn't important. "I'm just looking after her. For the time being."
"Oh," said Cici. She was surprised. "I'm sorry. I just figured."
"It's okay," said Joel. He started washing the plates with a sponge. "Back in Boston, there was a lot of...violence. A small group of us were trying to get out of the QZ," he said, scrubbing. "My brother lives out west, got some sort of set-up there, so that's been our plan, to find him. Some of us got as far as Pittsburgh. But me and Ellie, we're the only two made it this far." He looked down at the plate. It was like a coral color, porcelain.
Cici was quiet. When he turned around, she was just holding the cord to the vacuum cleaner, staring at it like she had forgotten what it did. "Well, we're glad you found us," she said. “Despite the circumstances.”
"Us, too," said Joel. "Y'all said you were in need of some real help. I've been wondering what kind."
She went to plug in the vacuum, but she didn't turn it on yet. Instead, she just stood, like she was piecing something together in her mind. "Infected,” she said. Then she was examining her fingernails. She had her hair braided about halfway down her back. She didn’t seem to want to look him in the eye. “They been tearing up our land,” she went on. “More keep coming, from up the river. And every time they do, they blow the mines on the perimeter. Yesterday, they brought down a tree. Noah had to rewire the entire valley and dig a whole new trench. I help as much as I can, which is usually enough, but given the volume of work, there’s only so much I can contribute these days, reasonably. I just—you coming along, it’s like happenstance.”
Joel took a deep breath, looked down at his watch. He had his sleeves rolled up above his forearms. “How many mines you got down there.”
“Over a hundred,” she said. “There’s IEDs, too. Some can be detonated remotely.”
”Who’s building IEDs?” said Joel.
“I am,” she said. She offered zero explanation. “All the maintenance, everything, it’s getting to be fucking impossible.”
“Well,” he said. “Like I said earlier, I’ll help in any way I can.”
”Thank you,” said Cici.
"Do you have any idea what's bringing them down, the hordes?"
"We got some idea," she said. She bit off a hangnail. She told him he needed to talk to Noah.
"Okay," said Joel. It was a little like she had given up. He didn’t like that. He knew she was keeping something from him, but he didn't press. "You know I thought we might be able to get to all this over dinner,” he went on, “but then the food turned out to be a little too good. I forgot to ask."
She started loosening the plaits of her braid, smiled to herself. "Thanks," she said. She was a subdued woman, at least for the time being. "I mean, I don't think I've ever seen a girl eat as much as Ellie."
"It's mostly canned rations in the QZs," said Joel. "I ain't surprised. Other than squirrels and rabbits, we ain't had real meat in some time. Ellie's certainly never had lamb."
"Was she born in the Boston QZ?"
"I guess so," said Joel, realizing he didn't really know. "The woman who raised her, more or less, she was a Firefly. You know that group?"
"Yeah," said Cici, leaning on the vacuum. "I do, actually. A couple Fireflies came through here, maybe five years ago. They were looking to recruit."
"Anybody go with them?"
"No," she said. "They were spouting off all sorts of plans. Said there was gonna be a cure. But they were focused up in Minneapolis. We had a whole community here, going strong for a while. It was safe. Nobody wanted to risk leaving, not on a lark like that."
“Well, that makes sense," said Joel. He finished the coral plate, set it on the drying rack, then set forth on a plate that was more of a custard yellow. He didn't ask what had happened, with their community, and why it was she and Noah were out here all alone. He washed the dishes.
Cici turned on the vacuum, cleaned up under the table, and around Joel's feet. When she finished, she put it away and started wiping down the surfaces with a damp towel. When the dishes were all clean and drying, and Joel was drying his hands on a linen towel, she brought out the rest of the wine from dinner and poured it into two small mason jars, one for each of them. They sat down at the kitchen table, trying to undo a little bit of their strife as they stared down at their wine, their hands, their knees. As two adults, they were somewhat unaccustomed to small talk. It was easier to hide things, for both of them. They were trying very hard though. Joel could tell that Cici was, not uncomfortable, but a little awkward. She just didn't know what to say to him.
"So," he said, after a little while. "Noah. He's what, eighteen, nineteen years old?"
"He's seventeen," she said, drinking. "He'll be eighteen in a couple weeks though."
"He's big for a seventeen-year-old," said Joel, drinking. "Pretty tall."
"His dad played football at Madison," she said. "He was a tight end. It runs in the family."
"You don't say."
She got a little red in the cheeks, and sipped her wine. "Noah is a good son. He does right by me, and by this farm."
"I can tell." Joel drank some of his wine, too. It was a little thin, made from cabernet grapes they had grown in a vineyard out back. That’s what Noah had said. Grapes don't grow in Wisconsin like they do in California, he'd said. But they do grow. "I will admit that I was a little surprised,” said Joel. “You look kind of young to have such a grown-up son. That's a compliment, by the way."
It was like she was trying to smile, but she hid it. "I'm thirty-six," she said. "I had Noah very young."
"I get it," said Joel. "You don't have to explain anything to me."
They sat for a little while, drinking their fruity wine and listening to the nature sounds coming in the open windows. The river rushing, snaking through the property like a silvery ribbon, the crickets big and deep. The clock on the wall.
"You know, I noticed, on the drive in, this place don't look like what I thought Wisconsin was supposed to look like."
"How so?"
"It's so hilly," he said. "With the stone ridges and the outcroppings, the rivers and the terrace farms. I thought Wisconsin was supposed to be pretty flat."
Cici got up then. She went to the record player, on a shelf by the TV, and she was rifling through a stack of vinyls. "Most of it is," she said. "But where we are, it's different. You ever heard of the Driftless Area?"
"No," said Joel. "What the hell's that?"
She chose one vinyl from the stack, slid the record from the envelope. "It's this small area around the upper-Mississippi, in the floodplain of southwestern Wisconsin mostly, some parts of Minnesota and Iowa. During the Ice Age, you know, the glaciers came down, flattened out everything. That's why Wisconsin is the way it is, but down here, in this tiny little corner, it escaped glaciation, somehow. It just missed us. There are no leftovers from the glaciers, or glacial deposits I guess, and so that's why the terrain looks the way it does, like the waterfalls and the cold streams, all the tributaries and big ridges and everything, the high forests. There's no drift. It's driftless." She was centering the record on the spindle.
Joel was looking down into his wine, feeling dumbfounded. "You're telling me the geography around here ain't changed in a hundred thousand years?"
"More or less," she said, setting down the needle. "It's some of the best trout fishing in the world, where we live."
"Y'all must fish a lot then. Does Noah get out there much with his line?"
"Not anymore," she said. Something about the sound of her voice, he knew that was the end of their talk on the Driftless.
The record player crackled and clicked. A song came on. The music filled the house. It was almost joyful. Joel had been daydreaming at first, but then he realized that he recognized the voice. "Is this Ryan Adams?" he said.
”Yeah," said Cici. “You know his stuff?”
“I do,” said Joel. “I saw him live in Dallas, all the way back in, what was it now, 2004?"
”Really?" she said.
”That's amazing. But you’re so old.”
He laughed. This surprised him, the sudden levity between them. “Well, I was a teenager.”
”What are you now, like forty-five?”
He gave her a look. "You gonna guess my age, Miss Cici?"
"I don't know," she said. "I'm sorry. Is that weird?"
”Not really," said Joel. "I'm just messing with you. If you must know. I'll be forty-eight at the end of the month.”
"How old is Ellie?" said Cici.
"She's fourteen," said Joel.
"What does she like?" said Cici. “I mean, what are her interests?”
Joel wrapped his hands all the way around the mason jar, as if to heat the wine within. "She likes comic books," he said. "I try to pick them up for her, whenever I find some. I've heard her sing, too, whenever we're on the road. She ain't half bad, and she tries to whistle every now and then so I think she likes music. But the place she grew up, it was basically a military prep school. Real stifling. She ain’t really used to having the liberty of interests."
"I thought you said she was raised by Fireflies?"
"It's complicated," said Joel. He swallowed some of the wine.
"I see," said Cici. "How long have you two been traveling together?"
"A couple months," said Joel, right away. "Seems like forever."
"I'm sorry about your people, from Boston," said Cici. "The people you said you lost. I don't know what to say."
Joel saw the shape of Tess, darkening the doorway. It seemed to drop a shadow, over the room, his insides, just for a second. He blinked. “You don't have to worry about me,” he said. Then he looked at Cici. Her face was pretty. Anybody would have noticed as much. "I'm fine."
Her eyes were dark, her braid undone over her shoulder. She drank her wine and said softly, "Okay."
Once they got outside, Ellie looked up. The sky swam darkly. The stars here were like nothing else, she thought. Maybe a million ribbons, maybe fishes in a black pool. It seemed to breathe up there, to teem. Teem. That was the word. She wanted to tell Joel. She thought it was a neat word, he might appreciate. She was used to feeling desperate, warm floods—of emotions, which she would then bury deep inside of herself.
She followed Noah, trailing slightly behind. They spoke little. He did ask her how she felt about it, out there. The farm.
"I love it," she said. "You're so lucky."
They walked back down to the gate where they’d first met. When they finally got to the crow’s nest, Ellie needed a boost up to the ladder, and then he followed up behind her. When she got to the top, she dusted her hands off on her jeans and looked around.
It really was like a little nest, she thought. It was totally his. There was an oil lamp glowing on a low table, and stacked up beside it were dozens of paperback novels. Names like Ernest Hemingway, Cormac McCarthy, Jim Harrison. Noah started cleaning up, right away. Tidying things, sweeping the floor with an old straw broom. There were a couple bean bag chairs with neat, psychedelic patterns, and a battery-powered hot plate, and some dirty plates, bottles and mugs. She could tell he spent a lot of time in the crow’s nest, alone. She could tell that maybe he liked it to be neat and clean up there at the start of each new day.
As he stacked up the plates and things and swept the floor, she flipped through some of the novels on the table. There was one book that was open, conspicuously, on top of the rest. That one, she did not touch, for fear of losing his place. “You like to read?” she said, stupidly.
“Yeah,” he said. “Do you?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Do you ever read comics?”
“Sometimes,” he said. “I have a bunch inside.”
“Sweet,” said Ellie, looking around. There were some posters on the wall, nothing she recognized. One was for a band called Pearl Jam. “I was reading this one series. It’s called Savage Starlight. I mean, it’s stupid. You heard of it?”
“No,” said Noah. “What’s it about?”
“It’s about this chick,” she said. There was a quilt, draped over one of the bean bags. The craftsmanship was very lovely. Ellie ran her hand over the soft knitting. “Her name is Dr. Daniella Star. She’s like a scientist. She invented some kind of crazy time travel, and it’s just like, her adventures in space, I guess.”
“Sounds pretty intense,” said Noah. He dumped the dirty plates into a canvas rucksack. He set the broom against the door jamb. “There’s a comic store in Viroqua. We could go pillage it, maybe tomorrow night? I bet you’d find some of them there. They have a lot of super obscure stuff. And the town isn’t too badly looted. There’s a lot left.”
“Really?” said Ellie. “Are there any people there?”
“No,” said Noah. “Not anymore.”
“Right,” she said.
They climbed back down the ladder. Noah said, "You wanna see the river?"
Ellie said yes. Hell yes. She did want to see the river. She'd never really seen a river, not a real one, not up close. Or at least she didn't feel like she had. They went along a little grass path. Ellie looked up some more, up at the stars, the Milky Way, listening to the nighttime birds and the crickets. Then they came to a river. Noah stopped, and she stopped. It was just this small thing, smaller than she had expected, maybe ten feet across, cutting through the grassy field, snaking around like a ribbon. It was enchanted, almost haunted, how it rippled. Little rapids, here and there. It was so beautiful.
“What's this river called?” she said.
"Technically it’s a creek,” he said, surveying, real pensive. “It flows out of the Kickapoo River, which is a tributary of the Mississippi.”
“Man,” she said."This whole place. It's like, perfect. Like a dream. In the QZ, we couldn't leave. We couldn't go outside the gates. If we did, and we got caught, they wouldn't let us come back. But here it’s like, you're free. Do you love it?"
“I guess,” said Noah. He’d set down the rucksack, his shotgun. “I mean, I don’t know anything else. You didn’t like living in Boston?”
“Not really,” said Ellie. “But I guess—I guess I didn’t really know that until I left with Joel.”
"Why'd you guys leave."
"Too dangerous, I guess. Some...bad stuff happened. In Boston it was pretty bad, but then in Pittsburgh...It’s a long story."
Noah waited, like maybe to see if she was going to keep talking. When she didn’t, he just said, “So he’s really not your dad, huh?”
“No,” said Ellie. “No. He’s just—Joel.”
“He seemed to get kind of worried when you left the house.”
“That’s how he is,” she said. “We’ve been through a lot together.”
“Like back in Pittsburgh?” he said.
She was watching the dark river in the moonlight, all unfolding, the tall grasses on the other side, blinking with fireflies. “Pretty much,” she said.
He took a deep breath then, which made her nervous. He got down to one knee, opened up the rucksack, and from inside, he took out a clear empty bottle from up in the Crow's Nest.
"What are you doing?" she said.
He didn't answer. He just blew the inside of the bottle dry, and then he dipped it into the river, filled it up with water. "It's not perfect here, Ellie," he said. “I know it seems perfect to you, and free, but it’s not.” He fashioned a lighter from his pocket, let it illuminate the bottle.
Ellie crouched down beside him, curious, but confused. She looked at the water in the bottle. She sensed a darkness, all around them. In Noah’s voice, hidden in the moonlight and the greenery of the terrain. But she didn't understand. "What do you mean?" she said. "Is this about what you said upstairs, how we shouldn't drink the water? What's wrong with it?"
"All the water, flowing out of the Mississippi, down from the north, is poisoned," he said.
"Poisoned,” she said, gazing into the light. “With what?”
He pocketed the lighter, tossed the bottle into the river. They watched it sink. “Spores.”
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Ghost Hunt - Part 2/2
Part two to this story. It’s not necessary to read but you’ll actually know the characters if you read it so yeah.
Word count: 2833
He'd been very, very careful to make sure nobody found out.
His leave had been casual. He'd told them he was going out with friends, which, technically, was correct. He'd taken the family car and even done a full loop of the city so that, when he pulled up on the roadside behind the silver sedan, it'd seem like he'd come from one of the local neighborhoods rather than the forest that bordered both sides of the road. 
"There he is!" Vanessa called as he climbed out of the minivan. He smiled at her and nodded at Scott, leaning on the bonnet of Vanessa's car. "What took you so long?" 
"Sorry, traffic was out to get me I guess." Liu replied with a shrug. That was a lie. He'd left late on purpose to make it seem like he lived further away. 
"If you'd have been any later the sun would've gone down." Scott said. He looked up at the dim dusk sky, adjusting the brim of his baseball cap. 
"Sorry, sorry." Liu apologised again. Vanessa climbed off her car and walked to the short metal fence separating the road from the forest. She stepped over it and looked at the boys.
"Are you two comin' or what?" She asked. Scott climbed off the bonnet of her car and stepped over the fence too. The two of them looked at Liu expectantly. He walked over and carefully stepped over the fence. His two friends smiled.
They were in the forest. No backing out now. 
"Whaddya think we're gonna find, Liu?" Scott asked as they walked into the forest, wading through bushes and brambles. 
"I dunno. Bigfoot?" Liu replied jokingly. His two friends laughed. Vanessa reached into her back pocket and pulled out a ziplock bag. She unrolled it and pulled out what looked like a cigarette. It took Liu a couple moments to realise it was a joint. 
"Want one?" She asked the two of them. Liu shook his head. He didn't smoke, anything, at all. 
"Maybe later." Scott said. Vanessa shrugged and lit up her joint. Absentmindedly, Liu wondered if someone from the mansion would be able to smell it. He quickly dismissed the thought. They were far, far away. Not even Seedeater or Smile would smell them. 
And Liu was right. Seedeater couldn't smell them. Because Seedeater was at home. However, Smile wasn't. He was sitting contently at his master's side. His master was, of course, Liu's brother. Jeff. He was mindlessly stabbing the ground with a kitchen knife he kept under his bed for emergencies. This wasn't an emergency, he just needed it for the prank they were planning to pull off.
In a small clearing, just outside the mansion's invisible barrier, sat Jeff, Smile, Ben, EJ, Toby, Sally, LJ, The Rake and Bob. All of them waiting patiently for the signal for their plan to begin. 
"Hey, you see em yet?" Toby asked. He was looking up a tree, dressed in his favorite hoodie, his orange goggles and his signature face mask. In each of his gloved hands he held a hatchet. 
"Nope." EJ replied from up in the tree. He paused, his tail swishing. He sniffed, then lifted his mask up, sniffing some more. 
"Ya smell em, junior?" LJ asked in his deep, raspy voice. He was in the middle of styling Sally's hair to make her look as scary as possible. Complete with fake knots and a few branches and leaves stuck in, just to make her look like she'd been roughed up. 
"Someone's smoking weed." EJ replied.
Ben let out a singular laugh. "Blaze it." He said. Jeff, who was next to him, snickered. So did Toby despite the fact that he was in his twenties and should've probably been more mature. 
EJ sniffed some more until he finally found what he was looking for. The smell of popcorn and responsibility. "That's Liu!"
The creeps all stood to their feet, excited. EJ dropped from the tree and clapped his hands together.
"Y'all know the drill."
"Well this isn't very eventful." Liu said. "Maybe we should head back."
"Aw c'mon, at least give the monsters a chance to spook us Liu." Scott said. Vanessa snickered, but it was interrupted by a noise from behind them. Something rustling the leaves. The three of them whirled around to catch whatever it was, but it was gone. 
"Uh- probably a bird." Liu said. Vanessa grinned.
"The monsters heard ya Liu! Now they're mad!" She gave him a devious look. Liu tried to look unamused but it was obvious he was unnerved. 
"Yeah Liu," a high pitched, raspy voice from behind them said. "The monsters heard you."
Liu knew the voice of Bob well enough to know it was him before he turned around. Still, he whipped his head around just in time to see the grey, armless creature dart across their line of vision and disappear into the forest again. Liu stared in shock. How was Bob of all people here?! Who else was in on this? Oh- ohh no-
"What the fuck was that?!" Scott gasped, stumbling back. 
‘’We should leave.’’ Liu said. He grabbed Vanessa’s arm and turned to walk away, only to hear Scott scream behind him. He whirled around just in time to see Scott be yanked up into the trees by a black and white blur. Scott’s terrified screams faded into the distance. Whoever had grabbed him was bringing him away, which meant- ‘’ohh...fuck-!’’ Liu cursed under his breath.
‘’L-Liu…’’ Vanessa said beside him. She sounded terrified. He looked at her, then slowly turned to where her terrified gaze rested. He was greeted by a gigantic red dog with a mane of black hair. It grinned with far too many teeth and barked. Liu looked at Vanessa.
She had a phobia of dogs. Somehow they had figured this fact out.
‘’That’s just mean.’’ Liu thought to himself. He stepped in front of Vanessa. She gripped his shoulders like he was a human shield. ‘’Nice doggy…’’ Liu murmured, backing up. Smile’s tail wagged. He barked, then charged at them. ‘’Nonononono!’’ Liu yelped, quickly turning and running in the opposite direction. He’d been tackled by Smile before and he definitely wasn’t in the mood to be suffocated in the hellhound’s fur. He heard Vanessa scream behind him and run after him.
Liu kept running until he heard a familiar whistle that he knew for a fact was the signal to have Smile leave them be. Jeff. Of course he was in on this, why wouldn’t he be? He slowed down and doubled over, panting for breath. 
‘’What the hell was that?!’’ Vanessa gasped behind him.
‘’The hound of the baskervilles?’’ Liu replied sarcastically. 
‘’That’s not funny!’’ she yelped back. Liu grunted. ‘’We gotta get out of here- w-we’ll call the police, they’ll find Scott.’’
Liu looked around suspiciously, throwing angry looks at the bushes. He stood up slowly. ‘’C’mon guys,’’ he thought. ‘’What’ve you got for us?’’
He heard raspy breathing from the bushes in front of him. His eyes snapped up and he stared as a figure emerged. Pale skin pulled taut over long, unnaturally shaped bones. Bright, sunken eyes that stared straight into Liu. The creature panted as it limped towards them on all fours. Vanessa shrieked.
‘’I-It’s the-!’’
‘’Rake!’’ Liu hissed, barely concealing his anger. The Rake grinned at him with a surprising lack of teeth. He was having the time of his life just fucking with him, wasn’t he?
The Rake lunged at Liu, who skittered back into Vanessa. The two stumbled and fell into a tall, soft figure behind them. 
‘’Hey guys…’’ The voice was deep and surprisingly friendly sounding. Big, strong hands came down, gripping their shoulders roughly. Liu looked to the side and saw claws. ‘’Where’re ya going? Won’t you at least stay for,’’ EJ’s face leaned in between the two of them. His mask was pulled up to expose his mouth, showing sharp teeth that he licked with three black tongues. ‘’A bite?!’’ He snarled, grinning. Liu could’ve kicked him for making such a bad pun.
Vanessa screamed and they were shoved forward. She took off running. Where to, Liu didn’t know, but Rake definitely wasn’t going to let him lag behind too much because he snarled and lunged at him again. Liu had no choice but to let Rake chase him off to join up with her again.
They stumbled into a clearing. Vanessa looked terrified, panting and looking around. She clung to Liu’s arm. ‘’What the hell was that?!’’ She gasped.
‘’The Kidney Kreature.’’ Liu replied dryly. He looked around. It didn’t take long for the next part of this ‘prank’ to kick off. The bushes around them ruffled. He heard a familiar cackle.
‘’Well what’ve we got here…?’’ Out of the bushes emerged Jeff, in all his burnt glory. He grinned at the two of them. 
Liu did actually get surprised when Toby dropped out of the trees above them. He hung upside down, peering at them through his goggles. ‘’I dunno Jeff,’’ He said. ‘’Looks like a couple of kids that won’t be missed,’’ he reached up and pulled down his mask, exposing the gash in his cheek. ‘’I think they could use a smile, huh?’’
Jeff cackled and lunged at them. Vanessa shrieked and ran off. Jeff, surprisingly, chased after her. He was having way too much fun with this. Liu had to force himself not to yell ‘’Don’t run with knives!’’ after him. He instead looked at Toby.
‘’...How are you hanging up there?’’
EJ appeared out of the tree, hanging next to Toby. ‘’I’m holding him up.’’ He said. Toby looked at him, surprised, then fell out of the tree. Liu sighed and walked off after Vanessa again. Admittedly he was having a bit of fun, it was like being in a haunted house! Except all the actors are your roommates. Actually I take that back, that might be scarier than actual actors.
He jogged up to Vanessa, who was sitting on the ground besides a tree, sobbing. Liu frowned and crouched down. ‘’H-Hey, are you alright?’’ oh geez, had Jeff gotten carried away?
Vanessa looked up at him, then, sniffling, pointed a shaking hand at something. He looked over and saw Scott’s hat, hanging off a low hanging branch. It was splattered in something red. 
‘’H-He’s dead, isn’t he…?’’ Vanessa sobbed. Liu walked over to the hat and poked the red substance, then licked it off his finger.
‘’...This is strawberry syrup.’’
Vanessa looked like she'd never heard of strawberry syrup before in her life. Liu had to force himself not to crack up laughing at her expression. Instead, he grabbed Scott's hat off the branch. 
"Cmon, we gotta find him."
"Are you crazy?! W-We gotta get out of here, Liu!" Vanessa yelped back. Liu walked over to her and held out his hand. 
"Just trust me." He said softly. Vanessa sniffled and grabbed his hand, hugging his arm. Liu pat her head. 
"Y'know y-you're a lot braver than I thought, Liu." She murmured. Liu looked away, smiling a bit.
"You don't know the half of it." He muttered before beginning to walk off towards where he assumed the next group would be. As they walked, Liu thought about who they'd meet next. He was- actually having a surprising amount of fun with this. He smiled to himself. 
As they got deeper into the woods they heard carnival music. Liu immediately knew who they were going to find next. Suppressing a grin, they found their way to a clearing that was decorated with fairy lights. In front of them was a small, red and white striped pedestal. On the pedestal stood a tall figure wearing his best striped socks and playing "ring around the rosie" on his beloved accordion.
Laughing Jack.
Slowly, the clown turned, giving them a sharp-toothed grin. "Well 'ello there kiddos." He greeted, his voice deep and gravelly. He didn't even have to try to sound intimidating. He just was. "Wha're ye doin' ou' 'ere? Come fer a show?" He stepped off his pedestal towards them. "Or maybe…" he purred. "Ye've come fer this lad 'ere?" 
With a snap of his fingers, there was a loud, masculine yell, and Scott dropped out of the trees. He hung upside down by his ankles, his arms bound to his sides by rope. "Guys!" He yelled "Help!"
Liu heard a thump beside him and looked over. A knife lay on the ground. He looked over at the bush near it and saw Jeff grin at him. He gave him a thumbs up, then his again. Liu smirked a little bit.
Oh, so he got to play the hero? Alright...if that's what they wanted from him.
"You get away from him!" Liu yelled. LJ grinned. "Let us go, you monster!" 
Jack chuckled softly. His eyes fluttered closed and he looked down at the ground, still laughing. "Ohh ye crack me up," he murmured. "If ye're so brave…" his head snapped up, his eyes becoming wide. "HOW ABOU' YE FIGH' FER 'IM?!" 
Out of the bushes leapt Ben and Sally, looking bloody and bruised, like the undead beings they were. Liu dashed to the side, grabbing the knife from the ground. Ben leapt at him, Liu's knife clashed with Ben's plastic master sword. The two of them pretended to fight until Liu heard Vanessa scream. He looked over to see Sally levitating in front of her, laughing like she was having the time of her life. 
"Get away from her!" He yelled. Sally's head jerked around, looking at him at an unnatural angle human necks definitely couldn't achieve. She laughed louder and Liu found it hard to keep his cool. "Vanessa! Run!" He yelled. Vanessa responded by screaming and darting off into the trees. The others would likely help lead her out to safety. Liu darted backwards quickly, Ben and Sally closing in on him. 
Liu looked at Scott, still hanging upside down, then at Jack. Ben and Sally nodded at him and Liu leapt forward, pushing past them. He slashed the ropes holding Scott, who fell to the ground with a yelp. 
"Scott," Liu panted because all this running was actually tiring him out. "Stay close to me, okay?"
"W-Whatever you say man!" Scott yelped, looking around in terror. Liu had always been a quiet, polite guy. When did he become some monster fighting badass?!
"Hyaa!" Ben leapt at Liu, the knife and sword clashing again. Ben smiled up at him. Liu smiled back at him. Then remembered he was supposed to be fighting for his life. Sally flew at him, pushing him back. Liu grunted. 
"Shite!" He heard LJ hiss when he tripped and fell backwards. He was grabbed by the back of his jacket and lifted up. Liu looked around, then spotted Scott, staring at him in terror.
"Don't worry about me! Run for it, dude!" Liu yelped. 
"We'll get you help!" Scott yelled as he ran off. As soon as he was gone, Liu was placed onto the ground. 
"That was great!" Sally chirped. Liu smiled down at her.
"When did you get so good at acting, bro?" Jeff asked as he stepped out of the bushes. Liu shrugged. 
"Guess I work well under pressure."
"Well I'd say!" Toby piped up. "You were great, man!"
"Looks like you impressed your lady friend too." Bob said from where he sat at the base of a tree. Rake was curled up next to him looking pleased with himself. Liu rolled his eyes. He huffed and looked at the group, hands on his hips.
"So who told you guys we were coming out here?" He asked, looking around accusingly. "Cmon, spit it out."
"It was me." A voice said behind him. Liu looked behind him at Momo, who had emerged from- well, somewhere. She waved at him a little bit.
"Momo…" Liu sounded disappointed. He frowned at her. "I trusted you."
"It's not my fault! EJ bribed me!" She pointed accusingly at the masked demon, who looked offended and betrayed.
Liu sighed. He looked around the group angrily. "I hid this from you guys for a reason. I can't risk my friends finding out about you all. You know that." He said firmly. The creeps all looked a little saddened and looked away.
"Sorry bro…" Jeff murmured.
"...it was pretty funny though." Liu added. Toby broke into a grin.
"Heck yeah it was!" He exclaimed. "Didja see how scared that girl was?! And I didn't even drop my hatchets!" It suddenly occurred to Liu that it would've been very easy for Toby's tics to make him throw one or more of his hatchets at him or Vanessa. 
"You were great, tobes." He replied. Toby clapped his hands together in glee. Liu sighed tiredly and looked around at his family. "...did any of you guys get that on camera?" He asked.
"I did!" Momo chirped. Liu grinned.
"Ohhh I gotta see that."
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-live Blogging: Return of the Mao Mao Episodes
Before we start, is it just me or is the animation like 10x smoother than it usually is? Also like I said with Nakey, there’s a lot more good expressions too!
Lucky Ducky Mug
Adorabat drinks from sippy cup like baby
"What, Mao Mao's ridiculous mug?" says Badgerclops, holding a cheap plastic big gulp cup he probably got from the grocery store.
How did Adorabat not notice the Lucky Ducky sticker on the Aerocycle
"Don't touch it" (Badgerclops proceeds to slam the table to move it) Ah Badgerclops, ever the contrarian
I love the way Mao says "PROFESSIONAAAL SILENCEEE"
Badgerclops trying to make his mouth disappear and failing made me scream with laughter
Are they seriously reducing Ratarang to 'the funny lil Italian guy'? C’mon guys you’re better than this
Wait why do they think Kevin is Adorabat?? They've seen Adorabat multiple times?? "But they're both blue!" You FOOL Kevin is TEAL there's a difference
Everybody gangsta til Mao Mao's ears start speaking morse code
They're doing surprisingly good silent but it's probably not gonna be that way very long.
Thank you, Lucky Ducky Mug, for catering to my niche interest in characters with neon outlines on black backgrounds.
Mao Mao thinking: Normal thoughts
Badgerclops thinking: Musical-esque singing
Adorabat thinking: Literally just heavy metal
The Sweetypies seriously think they're just playing a really intense game of charades huh,,,
(Mao jabs BC in the stomach with the fire net) HAHA GET REKT
The scene with Badgerclops trying to give Mao Mao Penny's mug is the funniest shit in the world I couldn't stop laughing...or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived
So the Sky Pirates are so similar compared to the Sheriff's Dept. that they can think perfectly in sync? That's cool
Why is Snugglemagne throwing a random tea party & why did he only invite the Sheriff's Dept.
Yep there goes the plan. Both of their plans.
Am I going crazy or did the skin on Mao Mao's mouth tear apart like it was sewn shut?! Also yay they're talking again
"It's not gonna stop charging, so I'm just gonna let it explooode..." Mood
"What about the mega laser tube made by mega Losers?" Fsfhkfh
Hey, everyone learned something new from this experience! Are the Sky Pirates gonna try that Hive Mind tactic from now on?
Awww, they fixed his mug with gold - GOD DAMN IT I KNEW THERE WAS A CATCH!!
Lonely Kid
(Sighs) ...I said (SIGHS)
"I literally can't relate to that problem at all." says Badgerclops, who joined a gang because he wanted people to like him.
Shin just dropped off Mao Mao at a summer camp and expected him to make friends? Why does this feel like the plot of Camp Camp
I'm sorry the Mao clan has a freaking PARTY AERO-BUS??
That BGM is DEFINITELY an extended version of "I Love You, Mao Mao" and I want the lyrics NOW
So Bao was literally just a stray that Mao took home?? Would make sense as to why he wasn't trained
I have a feeling the Flimborg is some sort of sacred being the townspeople worship for some reason
How in the hell did Mao tie that guy up and why didn't he bother to untie him
"And then you become frien-" "BEES. IN THE EYES."
"Everyone knows bees are our friends!" "Uh, actually, they were wasps." "Friends to no-one!" Usually I'd agree with BC, but I read an article about someone befriending a wasp and her babies so.
So the Mao clan's just known as the "Golden Cat Family Up The Hill?" Huh. I thought they’d have more recognition, especially since Shin says he went to that same summer camp at the beginning.
Man those kids are jackasses
"Say hi to your mommy!" "I would if she was here..." Excuse me wHAT
Noo don't cry baby boi - tHEN BAO JUST TACKLES HIM ASFHDKDL
"Go away! I don't feel like laughing right now!"
Look. You can see the EXACT point Mao developed his adult personality
I know Mao Mao means well but that is gonna go terribly wrong.
"I AM A HERO! I WILL BE LOVED!!" Okay first of all OUCH, second of all THAT IS PAIN
This monster empty, YEET
Awww it was just a sweet little puppy-ish monster...and it was his BIRTHDAY
"Hi, Aunt Gloria!" (Pulls out pitchfork) BETRAYAL
He didn't feel bad about ruining the festival because he made a friend doing it I 💞💞💝💝💗💗
Thanks for that 'different times' comment cuz I don't want kids thinking being beat is normal.
"Just like you found me...and I'm your best friend!" Tbh I thought she was gonna say 'Me and Badgerclops' & that would make a lot more sense
Why are they fighting over who's his best friend they're obviously BOTH his best friends
I'm sorry did Badgerclops just call Adorabat a "little mutant"?? ARE THE SWEETYPIES MUTANTS??
Awww his friends love him sm...and he feels so loved too...💓💓💗💗💕💕
Try Hard
No one gives a shit about Pinky being kidnapped lol
"K for Copyright Infringement"
"You'll never be like me!" Oof a little harsh maybe?
"You've gotta learn to be your own kind of hero, in your own special way!" So THAT'S where it's from
"You just gotta...try hard." Hey, title drop!
Ngl the moment Mao Mao said "Badgerclops take the shot" I immediately thought of The Confession 3 by TomSka
"Up in a tree, little old me, about to do something...UGLY..." 7-year-old me sniping people on Halo 3 like
Why is he shooting them with gelatin tho? ...oh. Oh THAT'S why.
Tbh if I didn't have subtitles on I would've thought BC was saying "beep boop"
This badger and cat empty, YEET
Adorabat walking into the Skyship with only a walkie-talkie is giving me some sort of vibes...OH, Silent Hill! Or Tattletail
"Mao Mao would hide the body!" Very unsubtle there, wonder how it got past censors
"Ratarang, say something!" "Pasketti?" "THAT'S THE BRAT!"
Wait a sec, they can just use Badgerclops' arm to power the ship? Why didn't they try that in CapturedClops?
"Good thing my head is in here cuz I'm a-scared of heights!" Ramaraffe. Whose whole schtick is making herself taller. Is acrophobic?
"Because she's Sheriff's Department, that's how! >:3" "Also y'all tend to be pretty incompetent >X/"
Why does she keep trying to use the elevator when she can fly? Nvm she climbed up Badgerclops' arm
"Ooooh I'm also hereeee"
Why is the Omega Field just a bunch of broken glass? And why doesn't she just step around it?
"I can fly!" "She can fly!" "SHE FORGOT?!" Ooh that's why
"You're the best thing to ever happen to a bat like me." 💝💝💕💕💓💓
Wait she's talking through the walkie-talkie and her molts are there but she isn't there where is she?
Oh she was freeing the other two from the gelatin. No wonder Mao Mao almost threw up, it was bug flavored.
I hope that 'Nah' means Adorabat's realized she needs to be herself instead of her just rejecting her individuality like I think it is.
Scared Of Puppets
Oh, so this takes place after Sleeper Sofa! Praying it's a fix-it episode...
Oh no PTSD flashbacks. He's scared of them cuz one's head landed on his lap as a kid? Understandable have a nice day.
Who tf collapsed into a sobbing heap on the floor then leaps back up and insists they're fine? Mao Mao, apparently.
Hairless ape? Is that what they call humans or are they something different in general?
"TAKE ALL MY MONEY!!" What did BC want an antique puppet for if he had no idea Mao was scared of them...
Mr. Din Dandalib!
"I...(eye twitch) love him too..."
If I scared my friend and they threw up I would simply never do that again. RIP to Badgerclops but I'm different
(Badgerclops makes concrete blocks around the pothole) "Why didn't you just fill in the pothole??" "I AM TRYING MY BEST!!"
...Illegal house plants? ...like marijua-
That was literally just that one video where a guy knocked out another guy in a mask jumping out of a trash can...
So it's a CPR class...AND a hair-styling class? How
I stg the moment Badgerclops walked in the door I knew he was carrying Mr. Din Danalin I SWEAR
"You're 10." "BUT I'M 6??" JFC Shin doesn't know his own son's age AND is partially responsible for his pupaphobia. And I called it on Mao Mao being six in the flashbacks
Can someone take the footage of the Annex exploding and add the ReviewTechUSA intro over it please
"How many Adult Learning Annexes have to be destroyed before you admit you're scared of puppets?!" is extremely funny without context
(Mao punches the wall cuz hes mad at himself for being scared) Kinkinkinkinki
How does one forget to drink milk
Oh shit the scene from the promo...
Yay he's starting to feel less scared - wait NVM it JUST STARTED TALKING??
Oh it was just a dream - er, nightmare. FIRST NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE OF THE SERIES!
"I just gotta get my socks on...wait, I wear socks, right?" Dud e you wear NOTHING BUT A BELT...
"There’s a lot of pu-" "PUBLIC DANGER"
Those puppets are alive I stg
"I'M A BIG BOI..."
Awwww she said what he told her at the beginning of the episode!
Adorabat takes after Badgerclops sometimes I swear
Oooh shit sequel hook - oh NVM it was Badgerclops voice acting - NVM Mao Mao passed out. Dang
The Perfect Couple
Watermelon time babyyy
Ah so he wanted to perfectly cut a watermelon in half, that's why he got so many?
"I need (counts on fingers) 600 more watermelons!" glad to see I'm not the only one who counts on my fingers
Why would Penny and Benny need 600 watermelons for their wedding? Also I called it on Penny & Benny being the couple
Mao Mao has to officiate the wedding? I thought priests did that
Please don’t throw up again Mao Mao
"A nondescript sack!!" Dude he just taking out the trash...
Nvm its just laundry
Oh so THAT'S what Ramaraffe thought Kevin was Adorabat
"Why don't you buy me cake and do my laundry?" Are you implying you wanna marry Mao Mao, Badgerclops 👀
I lov Mao Mao's faces in this scene he legit looks like a bishouen anime protagonist
Nvm no transformation it's just his wedding outfit
Why did they invite Orangusnake and Boss Hosstritch to the wedding tho? What about when they hid in their moving truck and used their electricity - wait Badgerclops technically did that last one, nvm
Is Mao Mao having hallucinations just gonna be a regular thing now....
Why did Mao Mao say "melons" in a Spanish accent I'm scared
"They're both terrible, so what does it matter if they get hitched or not?" They're definitely gonna change their minds now
"She lied because she wanted to protect his feelings! And he lied because he couldn't bear to hurt her!" Isn't that just the plot of The Truth Stinks?
He made Orangusnake officiate the wedding as punishment lol
Why are they,,,stepping on the watermelons?? Damn right Badgerclops I'd cry over that too
"What's, uh, your credit score like?" "850. Why, is that good?" "It's perfect..." HE WANTS TO MARRY MAO MAO NOW ASDFHKL
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sunnylildragun · 5 years
The Lion- doesn't- Sleep Tonight
Day 4 of the Bumbleby Week- AU Day.
No one truly knew how Yang Xiao Long had lost her right arm. There were rumors, speculations, and a lot of gossip. Some said she did it by protecting her house from Grimm. Others said it was in a motorcycle accident. Some speculated that it had been fighting a bunch of bandits. None of those were accurate, and the blonde always just brushed it off. She didn't pay much mind to what people said about her arm, as long as they didn't ask her awkward questions. Like, it was funny when it started, but why were people so interested in knowing if it had a vibration function? Geez, chill, people.
There was also a discussion over what she hid under her cowgirl hat. Team CRDL once tried stealing it from her head, which resulted in broken noses and bruised ribs for them. After that, no one explicitly talked about it. The subject was buried in the same grave as Cardin Winchester's ego. And Yang was glad for that. What she had under her hat was nobody's business, and whoever she wanted to know, would know. And for now, it was no one but her sister, her father and her uncle.
Blake Belladonna couldn't help but wonder, too, what it was that the taller girl hid. Every time purple eyes fell upon her own yellow ones, she knew there was more to Yang than anyone could tell. Blake had, throughout her life, learned to read people very well. Her parents were influential activists in the Faunus Rights cause, although being humans. They found it very important to treat everyone as equals, so that's what they taught her since a very young age. It gave the raven haired girl the opportunity to make many friends, and to interact with all sorts of people.
Her partner was still a mystery to her. As curious as she was, though, Blake couldn't bring herself to ask Yang about it. She was afraid of hurting their growing friendship, or worse: permanently harming their partnership. The two of them had a duty not only with each other, but also with their team. Blake just couldn't risk losing both her relationship with Yang, and the functionality of the team.
So she held herself back, only talking out her frustrations when she was with her friends from outside the team. And those were Sun Wukong, a monkey faunus who she had befriended in the early months at Beacon, and Ilia Amitola, a chameleon faunus girl whose family was supported by the Belladonna family, and who was her childhood friend. They were in a cafe in Vale, Blake and Sun drinking tea, while Ilia enjoyed a capuchino.
"It's just..." Blake started. "I really wanna know more about her. She's always cheerful, and nice, and sweet. But I can see a longing in her eyes... as if she's hiding something. Something that hurts her deep inside."
"Blake... maybe you're just reading the wrong signs." Ilia said, after sipping from her cup. "From what I could see, she's a very open person. Perhaps she just likes the hat."
"Yeah!" Sun agreed. "And Yang trusts you a big deal. I mean, I've seen y'all do that combo... what was it again? Something bee related..."
"Bumblebee?" Blake raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, that thing! You literally throw her at the enemy. No offense to Neptune, but I would never do something like that with him."
"Sun, Yang and I are partners. We're different people in combat than what we are in our casual, day to day life." The human girl sipped from her tea.
"I think she likes you." Ilia smirked at Blake as she said it, and it grew to a grin when the taller choked.
"And you like her back." Sun joined the teasing.
"No, I don't?" Blake's voice was indignant. "And how would you two know that she likes me? Has she told you anything?!"
"No, she hasn't. But Ilia and I both crushed on you."
"Yeah, we know what it looks like." The chameleon faunus added. "She eyes you whenever you have your head buried in those books of yours. And that means all the damn time."
"That's true. Not to mention how she watches you train."
"How she lets you win most of your wrestling games after you two spar, even though she's physically stronger."
"How she puts herself in harm's way whenever the White Fang is near, because she knows your parents are a threat to their violent ways."
"How she shamelessly flirts with you and you flirt back."
"I get it!" Blake finally broke. "I just... never thought of it that way. Yang is just-" she sighed, not knowing how to explain her thoughts. It wouldn't work anyway. "Has anyone else ever mentioned any of that?"
"Weiss complains about it all the time." Ilia drank a bit more. "She says you two should get a room already."
"Schnee..." Blake said through gritted teeth, just before an idea popped in her head. A devilish smirk took over her features. "So... you and Weiss have been talking a lot?"
"Yeah, yeah. She's coming around. I think living in the same room as you had an influence on her." Ilia answered dismissively.
"Ilia." Sun called, knowing where Blake wanted to get with her teasing. These two had been his friends for a while, and he loved their shenanigans. "We all know that's not what Blake is talking about. You and the Ice Queen... you're seeing each other, aren't ya?"
Immediately, the darker spots on the faunus girl's cheeks turned a bright pink. "I-I... w-we... uh, we're kinda..." she sighed, trying to control how flustered she was. "We've gone on a few dates. She's actually... a pretty decent person when you get to know her."
"I think you look cute together." Sun smiled, supporting.
"I think so, too." Blake smiled too, and she saw Ilia relax and lighten up. The ravenette's mind was far from there, though, all the way to Beacon. She couldn't help but think of Yang, and of everything her friends just said.
Maybe se did have feelings for her partner...
Some weeks later, Blake and Yang were sent in a training mission. They were alone, as it was a project in which they should develop their partnership, and their field skills. It was supposed to test their abilities far from the comfort zone that was being under one of the professors' wings. As huntresses in training who were in the beginning of their second year, they appreciated this opportunity of experiencing actual independence. It was nice.
And Blake lowkey wanted to have some alone time with her partner. She had decided that she would confront Yang about... whatever it was. She kept it in mind to not make any assumptions, and to not go too fast with her questions. Blake didn't want to scare Yang off, she wanted to be let in.
The two of them didn't have time for that right now, though. Exploring the forest in the outskirts of Mountain Glenn had given them a bit of trouble, as they were intercepted by a bunch of creatures of Grimm. They had cleaned most of them, but three remained, giving them a bit more of a fight. Out of the corner of her eyes, Blake saw Yang duck an Ursa paw, and then punch the beast in the gut, sending it into a tree. The black haired girl herself was facing two Beowolves- an Alpha and a regular one. She jumped back as one tried to take a bite at her.
'Shit,' she thought. 'I can't let myself get distracted like that.'
Blake put her katana in pistol mode, shooting at the exhausted, weaker one's head. It was soon gone in a fuzz of smoke. The only one remaining was the Alpha, which got it all fours, ready to lunge at her. The girl readied herself too, grabbing the sheath of Gambol Shroud. The monster attacked, and she slid under it. Then, she got her weapon back into a sword, and attacked it several times.
Yang was not doing all that bad, either. The Ursa she had chosen to unleash her fire upon was not far from becoming ashes. She kicked its face, then punched it repeatedly in the stomach. The sound of her gauntlet and of the gun in her prosthetic firing filled the clearing, and it was all she could hear. She did capture, though, the moment Blake grunted in pain as the Alpha she was fighting pawed her, throwing her a few feet backwards, her back and her head hitting a tree. Her purple aura shone as the impact shattered it, since she had received many blows earlier that night.
The blonde turned to see what happened, her eyes widening and turning red. "Blake!" Came the almost feral cry. The growl behind her got her back to her own risky situation. She had to act fast.
Yang blocked the Ursa's claws with her right arm, and with the other she punched its head. The monster finally vanished, and the girl could finally focus on helping her partner. She fired her guns, jumping in the direction of the Beowolf. It was jumping at Blake, who was supporting herself against the tree. Her hand was on her forehead, eyes closed as her head started aching. When they opened, they immediately went wide. Just as she thought it was done for her, a mess of fire and blond hair changed the beast's trajectory, both going into the forest.
Blake got herself up, still dizzy from the impact. She heard a few gunshots and walked slowly there, trying to ignore low ringing in her ears. In the way, she found Yang's hat, which apparently was taken out of her head by a tree branch. She grabbed it, and followed the track of destruction left by the blonde and the Grimm. When she found them, Blake's shock was written all over her face.
"You. Ain't. Ever. Touching. My. Partner. Again!" Yang shouted between punches, her voice almost a roar. The girl's rage wasn't what shocked Blake the most, though.
On top of Yang's head was a pair of lion ears, that were back and low as she striked the creature multiple times. Even in the dark, Blake could see the lines of the faunus trait very clearly. When it was finally over, the faunus was sweaty and gasping for air. Her dark brownish-gold ears were up, as the danger had vanished and her anger was slowly coming to an end. Blake accidentally stumbled back, the shock from the sight in front of her and the hit to her head affecting her body. She stepped on a stick, and Yang's left ear turned to her, followed by her head.
As red eyes became violet once again as they stared softly into Blake's own. Then, when she realized where the yellow orbs were, she panicked. She noticed the hat in Blake's hand, and her eyes widened even more, almost taking her whole face.
"Blake, I-" she wasn't able to finish the sentence, as the other girl tried walking to her, only to lose her balance and almost fall. She supported herself on a tree, and tried to stand still. "Blake!" Yang ran to her, trying to think of what to do. She put a hand on the girl's shoulder, worry all over her features. "Hey, what's going on?"
"I... I'm not feeling all that well." Blake closed her eyes, as the pain in her head got even more intense, her ears ringing with even more intensity. "My head..."
"L-Let's get you back... to the camp." Yang gulped. "Do you... can you walk there?"
"I... don't think so." Blake answered, groaning in pain.
"Would you like me to, you know... um... carry you there?"
Blake was silent for a few seconds, but then nodded. She whined in pain, as it made her head hurt more. Yang just nodded back, putting one of the other's arms over her shoulder, and one of her own arms went to the girl's back for support. The other went under her knees, and soon she was walking back to their camp. It was in another clearing, a bit to the north of the one where they battled the Grimm. Blake still had the hat in the hand that wasn't holding on to Yang's shoulder. Her head was against her partner's chest, and she listened to her heartbeat as she gave in to sleep.
Blake woke up a few hours after that. She was inside the tent, in her sleeping bag. The headache had dulled a bit, and she guessed it was because her aura was full again. The young woman sat up, rubbing her eyes with her left hand. She then sighed, deciding to get out of the tent and see how Yang was holding up. It turned out the sky was already gaining the colors of dawn, and she had to cover her eyes as they tried to adjust to the light.
When she was finally able to see again, she spotted Yang sitting on a tree trunk they found to use as a bench. She was staring at Blake with a sweet smile, and her ears were free from the prison of the hat. Her whole being looked amazing in the light, and showing her faunus trait like that made her look... whole. It was like the hat covered the missing piece of a puzzle, and the entirety of Yang's beauty was unlocked by having them out.
It was not that Blake thought her partner didn't look good with the hat. She actually looked awesome with it, too. Yang looked beautiful all the time. It's just that this part of the faunus girl made her look natural, and like the greatest masterpiece ever created. The most beautiful being ever born. Yang looked exactly how Blake thought her heart would look if it were a person.
"Um... you can come sit with me. If you want." Yang finally said, her eyes going down and her pale cheeks turning red. Blake gave a nervous chuckle, and walked to the bench. She sat beside the blonde, "accidentally" bumping her shoulder against Yang's own. The taller girl didn't move away, brushing her hand against the ravenette's own instead. Her pinky was over Blake's own, and the smaller girl blushed.
They were silent for a few moments, until Yang spoke again.
"So." Blake said, looking at her partner, and Yang looked back at her. The violet eyes held an emotion that Blake had not seen there yet. The blonde's metallic fingers came in contact with the other's cheek.
"I was so worried. So scared that..." Yang sighed, her eyes closing and her head low. Blake's hands shot up, taking the other woman's cheeks in them.
"Hey." She called softly. "Yang, look at me." Violet eyes opened to show unshed tears. "I'm sorry I put you through that."
"Just... be more careful, please. I don't want anything happening to you. I know we're being trained to that kind of fight, but..." the girl trailed off, looking at her yellow, mechanical fingers. Blake noticed the change, and put her left handover the one in her cheek.
"Is there... do you wanna talk about it?"
"No." Yang said, pulling away. Blake's heart dropped to her stomach and a lump formed in her throat. She had done exactly what she didn't want to do. She had made her partner push her away. She- "I never want to talk about it. But... I guess I have to. Now that you know about them," golden ears twitched in emphasis, "you may as well know the story behind it all."
"Yang... you don't have to. Not if you're not ready. I'd never want to push you into talking about it, not if it makes you uncomfortable."
"You aren't pushing me. I've... actually been meaning to talk to you for some time now. I know what your parents do for people like me. For the faunus. I was gonna ask for your help to... encourage myself to get out of hiding my heritage."
"Oh..." Blake let out in awe. Yang wanted her help with something like that? It made her chest feel warm, and butterflies fly all over her stomach. "I'll do anything my power. Just tell me how I can help, and I will do it."
"Well, I think we can start with what happened. As you know, from that time you went White Fang crazy and I told you about my obsession, my mother left and I went after answers for her whereabouts. The story I told you is not exactly all that happened, though."
Blake felt her body temperature drop a few degrees, knowing what she was about to hear would not be a happy story at all. "And... what happened?"
"It was almost night...
Ruby and I had entered a small diner by the woods. We were just kids, so I guessed no one would mess with us. Dad always taught us to not talk to strangers, so I thought only doing that would work. In my head, it was all pretty simple. Walk in. Ask the bartender- who, to me, seemed to be someone we could trust- for the information I wanted. Walk out with what I needed, and find that damned house.
The part of going in went alright, but the adults in there looked... scary. Shady. And they stared at me and at my ears like I was some kind of abomination. They seemed to want to take Ruby from me, so I held her close. I didn't know why they were acting like that, since to me a faunus and a human being sisters wasn't something weird. Besides, as you know, Ruby only looks human. Those claws of hers are killers. I've always loved and protected her with my whole being, I didn't get why anyone would ever assume I would do something bad to her.
"Sis... I'm scared..." I remember Ruby's small voice saying as she clinged to my arm.
"We'll be out soon. I promise." I answered, and kept walking to the balcony. "Sir," I called the bartender, who was cleaning some glasses, and he looked down at me.
"What is it?" His voice was rough, and rude.
"Um... do you know this woman?" I showed him a picture of Raven, and he leaned down to look at it.
"Never seen 'er around." He shrugged. "Now get out, before you get me in trouble."
My eyebrows furrowed, and I wondered what kind of trouble a little girl and a toddler could cause. "I'm already going. Just one more question-"
"Didn't ya hear the man, little beast?!" A tall, black haired man punched the balcony, his green eyes shining with anger, spite and violence. He was smoking, and he smelled like alcohol. Everything about him was scary, but the worst part was... that he was a huntsman. "Can't you read a sign to save your life? Huh? Right by the door, it says 'no faunus allowed'. I don't come to this bar to find your scum of a race!"
"S-sorry, sir..." my whole body was shaking, and my ears were glued to my skull, seeming to want to vanish. "I-I just wanted s-some information. I-It's very importan-"
"I don't care what you want!" He started walking in our direction, and I put myself in front of Ruby as we walked backwards. "Just get the fuck out of here, you small, filthy abomination! Go, and never fucking come back!" His voice filled the whole building, and I grabbed Ruby's hand and ran out of that terrible place.
Once she was in the wagon, I started running the way I'd never run before. I ran for what felt like hours, until I was exhausted, and most likely lost. Ruby was sleeping in the wagon, and I was glad she wasn't hurt. My mind was filled with thoughts, though. Why did he treat me like that? Why do people hate faunus? Did I do something wrong?
As I let these demons roam my mind freely, I kept walking and didn't notice the monsters outside. Beowolves were watching us, waiting for the right time to strike. They were probably attracted by the negativityof my thoughts. But all I could see was the path in front of me, the trail leading somewhere. That darned abandoned house from that photograph I had seen. The building that got me into that mess. For a moment, I forgot all the hardships of the day, and felt fulfilled as my goal was apparently achieved.
The nightmare wasn't over, though.
I took one more step, and hell broke loose. The pack of Beowolves jumped out of the dark trees. I was too tired to react. Ruby was basically passed out in the wagon, so shouting at her to run would do little to nothing. So I stood there in horror and shock, as death stared at me with shining, hungry orange and red eyes. One of them- the Alpha- was the first to jump at us, and it was going for Ruby, specifically.
"No!" Came the cry from my dry throat. Out of impulse, despair, and the desire to protect my little sister, I put my right arm in front of her. The Grimm took it, the bite sending pain through my whole body. It shook me around a few times and my yells woke Ruby up. Everything was a bit messy after that, but I still remember her silver eyes looking at me in shock and in fear. I remember her shouting for help. I remember when it threw me into a tree, and I remember Uncle Qrow calling my name and telling me to hold on.
After that, I never went out showing my ears again. I felt like my heritage was the responsible for all that happened after I set foot in that bar. To me, everything went wrong after that. And I... I blamed myself for that man's prejudice. I blamed myself for the fact that I was so terrified I didn't notice my surroundings. I blamed myself for putting Ruby's life in danger. I thought it was my fault I was born a faunus and I never wanted to go through what I went through that day again."
Blake felt her heart clench as she looked at Yang, who had her eyes on the yellow prosthetic. Her ears were a bit dropped, and the purple eyes had sadness, pain and some anger in them. From what she just heard, the black haired girl assumed the anger wasn't towards the man who'd been so ruthless to her when she was just a child. Yang was angry at herself.
Blake couldn't watch that any longer, and put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Hey," her voice was soft, caring. "It's not your fault that people like that exist. Your heritage isn't a crime either, and you shouldn't feel the need to blame yourself for having it." Yang looked at her, a small smile forming. Her eyes started shedding the tears she had been holding back, and Blake reached out to whip them with her unoccupied hand. "I actually think they're gorgeous. Your ears." Her voice was just a bit above whisper.
Yang let herself relax, exhaling slowly and nuzzling against Blake's palm. Her lion ears captured how fast the other girl's heart was beating, and it was just as fast as her own. She then closed her eyes again, leaning in to rest her forehead against Blake's own. A low chuckle echoed from her throat, and Blake could hear the relief in it.
She decided to pull Yang into a hug, holding the girl close, arms around her shoulders. Yang hugged her back after the shock wore down. Blake didn't start contact very often, so she wanted to make the most of it. The blonde nuzzled against the shorter's shoulder, sighing in relief to find comfort in somebody's arms. As Blake's hands descended to her back, rubbing up and down, the blonde could feel all the tension leaving her.
"Did you get any sleep?" The raven haired girl asked softly. "You seem so tired..."
"I kept on watch all night. I thought you needed some rest after everything that happened."
Blake's heart beat a bit faster with that. Yang was always so thoughtful, and it made her chest go warm. "Well... I'm awake now. You should get some rest, too."
"Are you alright, though? I mean, you hit your head and back really hard." Yang pulled away, and looked at Blake with a smirk. Her hands were in the human girl's waist, thumbs rubbing her sides, and Blake's hands were in Yang's shoulders. "Wouldn't want princess here to faint."
"Princess?" Blake raised and eyebrow, looking around. "Did we bring Weiss to the trip?"
Yang laughed out loud at that, and it was music to Blake's ears. "You're a jerk. But don't worry, I won't tell Weiss. My ears kill me when she throws her tantrums when we call her princess."
"Thank you. And if I had feline ears, I wouldn't want to have someone yelling near me, either."
"That makes me wonder what would be your heritage if you were a faunus."
"Panther ears, maybe?"
"More like cat ears."
"Why cat ears?"
"You would look even feistier with cat ears on your head when you're upset."
"Panther ears would make me look intimidating. Wouldn't that be better?"
"Nah, your death glares are scary enough."
Blake slapped Yang's shoulder lightly. "Jerk." Both giggled, touching foreheads again. They knew exactly what they were doing, the lines they were crossing. They knew they would have to talk about it later, and they knew it would bring some changes to the way they act around each other. In that moment, though, they didn't pay much mind to that and just enjoyed themselves.
They stayed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until Yang yawned. Blake didn't say anything, just putting her hand on the back of the blonde's head. The faunus let her head be lightly pushed to Blake's shoulder, and her eyes slowly closed. Her breathing was soon steady, and her partner could tell she was sleeping.
Blake kept caressing the blond locks, some times brushing lightly against Yang's ears. She still couldn't believe that such a sweet, caring person as the woman in her arms could have a past this tragic. She wasn't sure if she would be able to remain uncorrupted if she had experienced anything anywhere near what Yang went through. It made Blake love the blonde even more, knowing her soul was kind to the point she didn't hate the world, even after being forced to hide. Even after losing a part of herself. And she knew there was still much work to do on getting Yang's confidence to let her ears free more often back. She wouldn't give up, though.
She would help Yang. She would fight beside her. They would win against the chains of discrimination.
And Blake made a promise to always do everything in her power to not let anything ever harm Yang like that. She would protect her partner to hell and back, and she knew the faunus would do the same for her.
Because no matter the circumstances, no matter the hardships. No matter the world, or the universe they were in. They would always be there for each other.
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Poison ( IV )
Villain’s are people too, are they not? (Y/N) is taking the “home grown” terror title a little too seriously. You’re really really bad, until you meet a certain super soldier who makes you consider a career change. It’s a lengthy process, but you’re willing if it’s for the right reasons. Maybe you’re not so bad after all?
//basically poison ivy and a little bit of bane but with marvel characters?? I’d be original but I love her and them so much so sorry. also some changes, idk I’m making them my own but completely based of the DC characters SNS. Nickname Ivy, real name, yours duh!//
***this is my first attempt at fanfic so any feedback is welcome! I love all these characters dearly so, here goes nothing! Hope you enjoy***
A/N: Violence, language, crime. Mentions of domestic violence and sexual assault(no details or descriptions) I’ll update these as the chapters come out
recap: the team has been desperately searching for you, but you’ve never been a predictable catch.
Months of searching, months. They knocked on every door of every person on the list, tracked every donation, stood on every street corner, and found nothing helpful.
"I don't know who donated that, we're very thankful, so if you do find her, tell her we are so very blessed by her loving deed." The receptionists were too nice, they definitely knew something, they had to, right?
"You think even if I knew her name that I'd give it to you? My child, and a a lot of these children were able to eat because of her. Medical bills, education, groceries she just comes, knocks on our doors and hands us the money. I hope you never find her."
"Yeah, I know who you're talking about. Ivy's not her real name, but that's all we ever get. She gives us what we need to be safe, clean needles, condoms, ways to defend ourselves. She bailed Mary over there out of jail a week ago, totally unfair the way she got arrested. I doubt you'll get much more out of anybody else. We know she's not an Avenger like you guys or anything, but knowing she's around, and cares, makes life out here a lil easier."
These were the responses they got from everyone they questioned. Nobody was willing to give them anymore information than they already knew. You were smart enough to transfer the money through various account trails, all leading to different banks in different countries the US wasn't allowed to have access to, so that was a dead end too.
"Who the hell is this chick? She's poisoned multiple people out of cold blood, stolen millions upon millions of dollars from various organizations and people, and just gives it away? What kind of threat are we dealing with here? What makes her charities different than the ones she's stealing from? Why these families, why these street corners?" Tony was in overload, something that started out so simple spiraled way the hell out of control. He knew chasing a criminal was going to be a challenge, it always was. However, you gave them the leads, and still, not an ounce of information was given.
"I'm thinking the same thing, Stark. We're missing something here, it's not adding up right." Steve glanced over to his friend, everyone was consumed in confusion, but Bucky, he had no idea what to think. Why had she given him the information, what did she mean by she liked him, why did she trust him of all people?
Buried in thought, the team returned to the compound exhausted from another day with no new leads. As they entered the building, soft laughter broke the silence of the semi-defeated heroes. Immediately refreshing the team, all thoughts of a good night's sleep escaped into the wind along with Peter's soft laugh. Tony, who had left Peter at the compound to finish homework, took the lead due to his imminent worry for Peter's safety above everything else.
"Kid, you doing alright in there?" He yelled out into the living area where he last saw Peter. He could hear a feminine laugh along with Peter's, did he have the balls to invite a girl over while they were gone? No, not Petey, there was no way, plus they were so far away from his school..
"Yes Mr. Stark! Mr. Banner's niece stopped by while you guys were gone so we've been hanging out waiting for you guys to get back!" He heard papers rustling and a chair scooting. Tony's hair stood up on end, his muscles clenched, and his heart rate accelerated as the adrenaline rushed throughout his body.
Banner doesn't HAVE a niece.
And if he did, he surely would've shared that she was coming to visit. Tony walked out into the living area, trying to remain as calm as possible to gauge what exactly they were up against. Natasha and Clint headed for higher ground, hoping to gain the upper hand in whatever was about to go down. The rest of the team followed Tony, all to be entirely taken aback.
There you were, the woman they'd been trying to find for way too long, sitting in the living room of one of the most state of the art buildings with a whole ass teenager. You were in a leather jacket, a "Save the Fucking Planet" t-shirt, bell-bottom jeans, and converse, casually talking to Peter. Your red hair was unmistakable, and for Bucky, your piercing (Y/E/C) eyes solidified the fact that it was you.
"Let's not make this awkward, shall we? I know Widow and Bird boy number one are a floor above with their sights locked, bird boy number two probably went around back and is coming from that direction to try and capture me. Well, I have no intention of being thrown in jail, so, if you'd like to avoid a very unnecessary conflict I suggest everybody calm the hell down and chill the fuck out." Nobody moved a muscle. They weren't going to negotiate with a criminal, not in their own house. You groaned, tired of fighting everybody you ever came into contact with, and rolled your exhausted eyes. "Are y'all always this prejudice? I came here, and hung out with your kid, who's probably one of the coolest teens I've ever met, just a by the way. If I wanted to harm you, I would have started with the youngling and picked you guys off as you entered the building, not helped the spider-kid with his homework." Still nothing. Good intentions pave the way to hell, and nobody, especially Tony, was going to risk dropping his guard because a terrorist said so. "Okay fine, we can do this the hard way." As you spoke your last word Natasha and Clint were ripped from the top floor, a thick, green vine had wrapped around their ankles and torn them off their feet. Plummeting them down a story, stopping only an inch short of the ground where they now hung upside down. Tony readied the blasters, Rhodey secured his mask, Steve's shield was in his hand in less than a second, and Bucky was hesitant, but ready to fight. Thor glanced around the room, his kingly intuition analyzing the scene in front of him, anxiously weighing his options, would this be worth the risk? You weren't engaged in battle until you were forced, you posed no threat to the most vulnerable, and even Banner wasn't hulked out.
"WAIT!" Thor yelled to his colleagues. "Wait just a damn minute! Are we willing to risk injury and destruction to our dwelling, to fight a woman whom we've just spent hours looking for, and who was with the child of spiders for Odin knows how many hours? Are you unharmed, son of Tony?" He looked at Peter, who was red in the face, scared, and embarrassed that he'd let a bad guy into the actual Avengers compound. Peter shook his head, he was having the worst anxiety attack of his life being in the middle of all this, but he was physically intact.
"Hey, Petey" You moved closer to him, making him flinch, but fear kept him relatively close. "I know this is a lot for you right now, all of us pointing things at each other, but if you want to go over towards Tony and the rest of your family I won't hurt you." You gave a reassuring forearm squeeze and shifted you full attention on Peter. You now had your back to the team completely vulnrable, looking Peter dead in the eyes with a caring, strong, and kind demeanor that confused the other half of the room while reminding Peter of his Aunt May. Natasha was trying her hardest to free herself from the vined-snare, they just kept growing back anytime she made progress.
"No, I think I'll stay where I am if you don't mind."
"Of course not, love. I don't think it's the safest option for you, but you won't have to listen to me yell at you later." You winked at Peter, who was now completely carefree with his position. Thor had a point, all you had to do was drug him or something and he'd have been dead by the time they'd gotten back, but instead you'd helped him with his advanced biochemistry homework. "If you change your mind let me know, there's no need for you to get hurt in all this, okay?" Another reassuring smile, as your gaze shifted Peter could see your demeanor change, you were fierce, and tense and ready for anything. He knew it was wrong, but Peter kind of liked you. He admired the strong, and if you're ballsy enough to face the entire Avengers team by yourself, that was a pretty strong feat to even try.
Tony hated it, but he was going to entertain the idea, if Peter wouldn't come over to him so he could blast this bitch into mulch then he'd have to play it safe for Peter's sake, who was in so much trouble Tony couldn't think about what to do with him.
"Fine. We'll sit, but the second something sounds or looks funny I'm arresting you, release my assassin's." And you did, they dropped with a thunk, and the guns and weapons they had on their possession were confiscated into the new plant life that enveloped the living room. The team reluctantly sat along the three long couches in the room after what felt like an hour of disarming everybody in the room except Thor and Banner. With the couches full and you standing, they all began to worry about an off guard attack, but just as Tony wiggled out his hands, you GREW a fucking throne made entirely out of a tree that spouted in the middle of their hardwood floor.
"So. You've heard, and seen a lot of me over the past weeks. Lots of stolen things, maybe a hundred bodies, and large amounts of money. All of that ring a bell, yes?" The team, still reserved and hypervigilant slowly nodded, never taking their eyes off of you. "Well, first of all I want you guys to relax, you're not in any danger unless you want to be. I, am Ivy, obviously, and you've all met Viktor, who is not here fyi, and I'm an advocate for plant and human rights. The media still thinks I'm a man of great brute strength and blah blah blah. So. I have a preposition for you."
"And why would we listen to anything you have to say, murderer?"
"Ooh, talk about your cold shoulder." The corners of your mouth turned down, revealing a frown, with absolutely no real emotion behind it. "You know," As you spoke, a very large very frightening thing grew next to you. "I always wondered how many people died in that alien attack however many years ago, or that robot escapade across the world, or even that DC disaster not too long ago? Anybody? Death toll counts? Start at what, at least a couple hundred thousand?" You sat and waited, nobody was going to throw stones at you, especially not when they lived in glass houses. Absolute silence filled the room, tension spreading thick through the air like the plague.
The Avengers were collectively pissed, and rightfully so. This Villainess walks into their home, converts THEIR spider-kid, and is now throwing this in their faces? The only thing keeping any of them going was knowing you'd be arrested in about half an hour. Tony couldn't think of enough ways to broadcast your arrest, would he be the one to escort you to that max security prison in the middle of the ocean? He sure hoped so.
"So, everybody here has killed somebody, yes? Except for you Petey, I know you wouldn't hurt a fly." You flashed him what seemed like a genuine smile. Peter knew the death left after the Avengers battles weighed heavily on Mr. Stark, and none of them were on purpose, he wasn't a bad guy at all, he was just doing his job and the bad guys were the ones who hurt all those people.
You didn't want to re-traumatize the avengers, you knew they were just good people attempting to help a vulnerable world. But they were already looking down on you, thinking of you as a lesser, evil being. Maybe a little sadistic, but evil? Certainly not.
"Not on purpose, not through poisoning, not slowly and painfully how you do it."
"Oh Sammy dear, I think internal bleeding after a buildings fallen on you is a pretty slow and painful death, wouldn't you say?" Another smart-ass smile.
"We never killed on purpose. Innocents have died yes, but never on purpose, and always with a large emotional toll on all of us. You kill on purpose, you take people out one by one. The media may not be on to you, but we know the call signs." So noble, thinking death in any way is better than another.
"Aw Stevie, I'm sure your thoughts and prayers really mean a lot to the families whose loved ones were taken away and never mentioned because the rest of this city was too busy sucking your dicks to care." You shook your head in disbelief, they really didn't know? These "great guys" that wound up dead, they thought THEY were innocent. Good lord, for a unit ran by an intelligence agency, they were fucking idiots. "Do you guys even know the targets I took out? What their skeletons in the closet were? What they did in their spare time? I could name chilling details about every single man and woman I've killed, and trust me I remember all of them." You waited again, you knew you didn't have to explain yourself, but you needed them to trust you if you were to get what you wanted.
"Chad Emerson. Great guy, faithfully married, donated millions to orphanages around the globe, adopted and raised children who weren't adopted before the age of 16. You poisoned him in his penthouse suite, leaving a single black rose behind. What could have been so wrong with that guy?"
"Chad Emerson? That's who you picked for your first option, as if the red flags weren't big enough with him. Try twenty-four  charges for sexual assault of a minor that were all dropped due to the fact that he had money, and 'provided them with a better life'. Try embezzling money from his wifes non-profit, and using that to participate in sex trafficking of, you guessed it, MINORS. Any more questions?" Keep 'em coming, You going to rip the roof of off the rich guy ring of corruption.
"Brandon Wilfred. Again, faithfully married, raised two brilliant children, lives quietly with his wife in the middle of nowhere, and occasionally donates to wildlife and ocean preservation organizations. You strangled this one with a plastic garrote in his living room, again leaving behind a single black rose." Ugh, again with the faithfulness, is monogamy held that high in society that not cheating on your partner made you a saint? It's boring how low the standards are.
"Wilfred, he was a fun one actually. Yes because he not only cheated on his wife any second he got a chance, but also beat the living hell out of her if she said anything about it. I'm not even talking about confronting him, just asking him to wash the sheets afterwards, or at least telling her to leave before fucking his twenty-three year old mistress on the kitchen table. She's had more ER visits within the past year than some of you have had all your life. Oh and the donations? Just a cover to hide the fact that his factories and businesses have been ruining my planet's seas and poisoning her skies with toxic waste and mass amounts of CO2 production. Conservation? All that man knew how to do was exploit and ruin."
This went on for some time, each person they named worse than the last, all violent, corrupt, and some down right evil, not a single one of them were anything like what they presented. The harsh justice you gave them made the Avengers very uncomfortable. You were killing them, ending their lives for good, and didn't care because what they had done had evened out your sin of murder. It was a wicked way to think, terrifying at the least for anybody around you.
"Okay, we get it, every rich man or woman with the white picket fence is a corrupt asshole who abuses their partners and children and animals and steals and lies and cheats and steals. Why are you here, and why should it matter to us?" Tony was not falling for this bullshit. He understood that they deserved punishment, but actually killing in cold blood was wrong.
"Because I want to make a deal. You bring me onto the team, provide legal support for the women, children, and families affected by this cities corruption, and I'll stop killing, and become a full forced good guy." You knew this would be a tough sell, however, you had a slight feeling that things might go her way.
"That's it? You'll stop killing, and we're supposed to just welcome you to the team? You lie, and cheat, and steal-"
"And give the money back to the people! The people you seem to deem unimportant and forgettable!" You were on your feet now. "You say you care about this city but I never see any one of you volunteering in low income neighborhoods. I don't see you providing care for the homeless and the prostitutes. Thousands of people are starving and freezing to death on these very streets. You say you protect this city, but suddenly that protection stops once you hit a certain tax bracket."
**6 Months later**
After a very heated argument, long talks, a contract, extensive fingerprinting, DNA samples, and blood draws, you were allowed to be trained. Your only drawback was that you refused to give them your real name. You'd deleted your true identity years ago, they couldn't trace your DNA to anything or anyone even if they tried. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) did not exist anymore, you'd buried her a long time ago, and refused to share that intangible information with the team, only giving them Ivy, or Poison. You weren't trained as a member of the team, but at the very bottom of the totem pole. You were taught how to punch, how to kick, and how to defend yourself from a thirteen year old with no previous fighting experience. It was awful, but you knew deep down you needed another way to provide for your loved ones. You weren't trained with the other entry level recruits, which was nice; however, one on ones with various members of the team wasn't all that great either. They would either keep it at a beginner level, or use their time to try and kill you. Natasha was your favorite person to train with solely because she never went easy on you. Sure, waking up with two swollen eyes, a busted lip and a fucked up shoulder wasn't your favorite way to start your mornings, but after a while it turned into one black eye, then none, then just shoulder pain, and eventually just busted up knuckles.
The team hated you, or at least they wanted to. After spending time with you for six months they couldn't deny you weren't too terrible of a person. You spent a lot of time by yourself, but the conversations you did have with them were either insanely intelligent or outrageously hilarious. They would get all wrapped up in the conversation and forget they were talking with a confessed serial murderer. You had multiple PhD's, making you one of the most educated members on the team, spoke twelve different languages(Including Russian which really shocked the hell out of Bucky and Natasha one morning), and were tech-savy. You were helpful with chores, cooking(which always made everybody very nervous, you WERE poisonous), rarely complained, and spent your free time in the med bay helping injured recruits.
You, however did complain a lot, to yourself at least. You were not used to rules and regulations, strict training schedules, and intense security. You were forced to sign a log telling FRIDAY when and where you were going, how long you estimated you'd be there, and tracker installed into your phone (which you were very capable of disabling, but that wouldn't be a very good way to build trust, would it?). You were still allowed to help your people out, Tony was more than willing to help provide for the less fortunate, especially if it meant people stopped dying on both sides, and even started mapping out a Stark refuge for the struggling and homeless. He said it would include a food pantry, basic necessities, shelter, and healthcare.
It was a Friday night when the team finally started to warm up to you. Game night to be exact. The team had mandatory bonding time every great once in a while to ground themselves from the busy day to day of tracking hostile threats. You had just gotten back from a twelve hour shift at the hospital (Twelve PhD's were paid for by a Nursing career((and stolen money from now-dead men but shh))) and were walking past the living room to the kitchen when a drunk Natasha invited you to come relax with them for the night. You froze, not knowing whether this was a trick or a joke.
"I'm being serious P, we're being normal people for once and I think there's more to you than we know and we have WINE!"  Okay, you can either run away screaming and potentially murder your chances at these people actually accepting you, or you can take a deep breath, make your way over to the group of people that have kicked your ass for the past six months and deal with whatever repercussions come later. The second one was less humiliating... and it did give you a chance to build rapport.
**2 hours later**
They had drank their way through seven bottles of wine, a large flask of Asgardian mead, two bottles of whiskey, and a very miniscule amount of water. The team was crying laughing and playing truth or dare, each answer seemingly getting more and more detailed.
"Truth." Natasha said, slurring the entire word.
"Uhhh, if you had to sleep with anybody here, who would it be and why?" Tony always went for the sexual ones. Shocking
"OH OH OH!!! I, It would have to be, hm, UH, fuck, uhhhh. Wanda." Cue intense laughter from all the females. "The rest of you are unnaturally greasy and she's the only one I'd be okay with seeing me naked." The men were appalled, however you, Nat, and Wanda were laying face down on the ground shaking with laughter.
"Okayokayokay, Ivy, you know the question, pick!" Though Wanda was sitting on the ground, she swayed with every word and ended up leaning on you as she yelled.
"Truuuuth. Y'all ain't gettin me to do nothin." Giggling filled the room again, You couldn't tell if it was just the girls that were drunk or if everybody else was as trashed and you were. It didn't really matter though, you were actually having fun with these people and you'd do anything to keep it going.
"What actually ARE your powers? Are you just a really good gardener or what?" Oh shit, she wanted to get personal.
"I, can do lots of things, growing scary plants, I can make this thing that makes everybody become like super duper high, uh, I'm immune to all poison, duh, I can charm snakes, I can do a lot of things, mostly plant ssstuff though." You were trashed, swaying, slurring, giggling, the whole nine, and nothing, absolutely nothing could get you to stop staring at Bucky. He was so stunning, even as he sat there and pretended he didn't notice you glancing at him the entire night. He was so off, so unique, an emotionally vulnerable man who truthfully wanted nothing more than to be happy again. You could just eat him up, honesty in men was, in your experience, very hard to come by. (Unless you have them dangled over a balcony but shh)
Bucky watched on as the group became more and more drunk, his eyes never leaving the cold blooded woman beside Natasha. He barely spoke to you the entire time you were around the team. How do you say "Hey you tried to kill me and knocked me out every time we met but I can't stop thinking about you for some reason and I'd like to know why." without sounding like a freak? You were smart and funny and kind of a bitch but in a good way? You had to be messing with him, or up to something entirely. You were slipping your drug into his coffee or blowing it into his air vents, he couldn't be this invested in somebody with a wrap sheet like yours. but here he was. Something about you made him crazy, he hated it, and it wasn't exactly something he could share with his teammates.
"She's actually pretty hot huh tin man?" Sam fucking wilson nudged Bucky as the inner circle kept going with truth or dare.
"She killed people, for sport, Sam." Bucky shot him a death stare, yes, watching you interact was enough to get Bucky to think about an unwholesome thing or two.. He was NOT sharing that with Falcon of all people.
"Yeah but that adds to it, the dark, secret, mysterious 'I could stab you and make you say thank you' vibe's kinda hot." Bucky rolled his eyes, feeling his facial expressions reacting to Sam's shallow statement before his mouth even had time to speak. "That's fine if you don't think so, Cap obviously does." Whiplash. Bucky had turned towards his best friend so fast he was sure his brain slammed into the bones of his skull. Bucky had hoped Sam was teasing to get a reaction out of him, but Steve really was close to you.
"So you can just touch somebody and poison them?" Steve slowly moved closer to you as you answered him. He wanted to know how, somebody as innocent looking as you could kill a person simply by placing your soft hand on their shoulder. You seemed sweet enough, but that's probably why you were so good at your job. OLD job, Steve corrected himself.
"Well kindaaaaa, it's whatever I feel like at the moment." Your body shook slightly as you giggled, causing you to just barely lean into Steve as you spoke. "Like when I met you and Bucky for the first time, instead of poisoning you I just made you really really angry and full of lust." Steve lowered his voice and drunkenly whispered into your ear.
"Are you doing that to me now?" Steve had searched his brain for months trying to find a reason why he found you attractive, not just physically, but as a person you were intense. You never took no for an answer, rarely compromised, were tough as nails, and never backed down from a fight. Your intelligence took the whole team by surprise, you were almost always right and rarely bragged about it. Steve loved all those things, but Natasha was the same way and he didn't feel like this around her. He chalked it up to the alcohol and decided to let the conversation go wherever it was supposed to.
"Are you angry right now? Cause that might be because you suck at this game." Smirking, you winked at the drunk Captain. People were so predictable when they drank. You couldn't deny how handsome he was though. His muscles, the golden boy reputation, his undying loyalty to the people, it was all very enticing... You tilted the amber whiskey bottle back, a little to forcefully and fell backwards pulling Natasha with You.
"Dammit Ivy!" You yelled at yourself, they were all sitting down so it's not like you were in any pain, just embarrassed at how clumsy you never failed to be. Natasha looked over to you, she really was enjoying hanging out with you, and you really liked being liked. The girls were both laughing as you handed Natasha the whiskey bottle. "Apparently I've had too much."
Bucky loved watching you, but watching Steve flirt with you heated his blood to a not so safe level. His super-soldier hearing didn't help much either, the circle might not have heard Steve's flirty whisper, but Bucky sure had.
"I think it's time for me to go to bed, one of you are going to wake me up at the ass-crack of dawn to fuck me up." You tried to stand, but your legs were numb from sitting so long, and the alcohol hadn't helped either. The girls all laughed daintily as you tried to stand straight, you were wobbly, and your steps, when you finally did get up, were crooked and stumbled. You thought you had finally gotten the hang of it when you tripped over your feet, bracing for impact you tensed up, only to be caught by the one and only Bruce Banner. Steve wasn't far behind, and Bucky had shot straight up out of his chair when he saw her trip, much to Sam's amusement, but Banner had gotten there first.
"Thanks, Bruce. I don't understand how my own two feet can plot against me like this." You smiled weakly, embarrassed again by your own clumsiness.
"Self-sabotage, the worst kind. Let me walk you up, if FRIDAY wakes Tony that you're passed out on the floor he might have flashbacks." Looking at Bruce's soft features made it so obvious as to why Banner was your favorite. He was the only person that never treated you too much like a villain. He was always asking you questions about your research, if you'd read a new article that had come out about microbiology, your day. He was like the cool brother you'd never had, and that made you open up as much as you could with Bruce. You took his arm and followed him to the elevator and all the way to your room.
"I appreciate you Bruce, I knows it's a lot of gross emotion but, you're family to me now. Jus figured you sould know." Drunk, blurry vision,  barely able to stand, and now you were professing emotion? You needed to stay far away from the liquor with these people for sure. YOu were sure it would have weirded the always quiet Bruce out, but he cracked a faint smile, kissed you on the forehead and spoke.
"Welcome to the team, Ivy."
// How’s it doing so far?? I’m really liking how it’s all going so far! P.S. if you guys want to throw random vocab words at me I’ll try and find a way to incorporate them and tag you! Thanks for reading! May Odin bless you! //
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Yeah shit man who better to trust with Hercules than Gus-Gus and Gus?
They are amazing in Cinderella.
Its not the first time Christina Hendricks has used the Gus-Gus and Gus analogy on Declan and Annabelle.
It is always so dam cute y'all know Gus-Gus and Gus is always one of your favorites, you can't help but love their characteristics!
This one is hilariously greatly excellent!
And extremely visual!!
And you know i believed they could save him because her adorable hilarity is true but their actual size made them just tall enough to save him
Declan had a plan to jump in the tub to pick up his head from the front and send Annabelle to fetch me. The only thing Declan was unsure of and this is beautiful if the tub plug should be pulled first and him get cold while they waited or if Declan had enough strength "to hold this giant man up to save his life"
So Declan thought if they were fast enough to get very little water in his lungs and I took too long, Declan could stop holding the "giant man" long enough to pull the plug and then return to,his face to assess the damage then again. But Declan hoped the speed was in him "to save the giant man that Declan loved"
Because in your last video short it ended in Declan eavesdropping and opening the door to say "you can apologize to my face!"
And he did. Brian picked up Declan and said "I am sorry yoh are just too cute and I was too scared to realize every thing would be alright and when I saw your face in horror I actually felt bad but I didn't know how to show it tonight at dinner"
"Oh it's alright. You can put me down now"
Which resulted in Annabelle Tears because she, too, needed an apology but he hadn't realized it.
Then when things calmed down I felt a deep seriousness in the air which was very tactical and not dark nor light, tense but not relaxed but calm.
And so I asked "well what were your plans to save him then?"
And Declan went into the spill as I said above with great creative energy and it was mind blowing.
Declan and Annabelle were both So so small. I wouldn't had ever thought that they would climbed in the tub to save him and risk their own life if he woke up and thought they were terrorists in the middle east but Declan did consider that and Declan said "that was a risk I was willing to take -- he knew he was in the bath and you were there and stuff so I figured I would be safe if I just talked and said "this is Declan and I'm here to save you so you don't drown" I figured I ought to be generouslu safe then and I'm strong and I could say "open your eyes and he could see if it was me" but if I was behind, I would certainly be killed, my head in the toilet or something""
Declan had so Much care and compassion built into these plans to save him from drowning when I had had none.
And so we actually let them practice with him in the tub and all in bathing suits to help us all including Dan from drowning in the tub and we all learned how to lay to prevent our own drowning in the event of sleep.
Which Tree will produce that safety video for us. He said.
So it is also something you families can do at home in Quarentine.
Because hot baths are excellent for bone and muscle pain (healthcare and restaurants and store workers) and for the lungs to breathe and I have fallen asleep in December - March from just being exhausted from work and the stress of reducing human trafficking to zero. And apparently y'all even seen video of it.
Which was funny I am sure. But it felt so so so so good to fall asleep and it sucked having to wake up to wash my hair. Because the sleep was so good.
Declan now today says on 4-25-2020 "God i could had a heart attack but all i did was laugh but now I know why. I prepared you to sleep and not slip and slide and drown. Now i feel relieved and a deep safe darkness around my pride to protect me"
Blessed Child "i could had a heart attack but all i did was laugh" i love that so much and i love that we took the time to take all that worry and consideration to help erarse that super fear. It gives me joy. And fills my lungs and heart with oxygen rich cells.
Happiness can falter and fade away but Joy it always stays deep inside yoh to propel you into the future. Joy has a sunny presence while Happiness can exist in any conditions, joy can only exist in educated and true pure form of love and existence.
Rock the Vote gives me joy. Never wanting to be in politics but giving that ability to vote and reassure the African American and other immigrants that there is a group standing tall and strong behind them that sre as rich as politicians but want all races and ethnicities to vote as it is their Right. That gives me joy.
RockTheVote.org don't forget to register and vote. All immigrants and nationalities, African American and Latino, Caucasian. We stand behind you to give you the ability to vote and will defend you to our own death if anything happens to you like it did prior to 1970 and a few exclusions since. And if anything should happen we have some of the richest people in the world to stop what they are doing and help you survive a beating while in line to vote or suddenly thereafter. That is why i programmed it the way i did. Rock the Vote with rich musicians to say they have their life and they will share it to protect you if something bad should happen. And it did in the last 30 years very rarely but tree always told us of each and every event. And we stood behind that paying hospital bills and hiring private security to take people to vote and then installing security of our own at those polling stations for the future. And as i said, to our own death, our private security would beat and fight any one attacking any voter, especially one of any color. So Caucasians didn't have to witness it and be afraid to catch their own death.
So Rock the Vote gives me immense joy. Because we willingly and unselfishly destroy the fear and attacks against voters as it is our job.
Hopefully soon we can stop the illegal and false Voting. Registering to vote and then Voting can help. We have 2 Trillion U.S. residents with social security numbers ready to vote This year!!
Yall are all seeing what is on the news regarding Trump. I will be honest, Biden is who we need but if we could pick a different party other than the Republican (we will drop a vote later today)
So if half of the United States votes for Biden then the other half votes for a mixture of the minority parties then we can rise them up where they can be seen at more than 1% of the votes.
So maybe 3 good people running for president and they share 1/3 of half the votes. Thats 16% each with Biden at 50% That's kinda low.
But that would be fucking amazing and has never Been done in the history of America.
We can change the entire political system coming this November!
Isn't that exciting?!? That is what Ms Chen was talking about taking that power and harnessing it so the world would be safe for others. Including us...
That makes determination. That is our energy to create and show the power we possess with 2 Trillion American voters. 2/3 being full flesh human. 1/8 being honorary humans. A full 3/4 are guaranteed to live to see November 2020 to change the whole political system and destroy what it sets on.
So what tree will do is he says there are 5 candidates that are worthy due to their souls and hard work and humanitarian based minds. (Including Biden)
And so in DNA4U and in your testing and education area he will educate you of all 5 candidates
Then he will recommend who is best for you to vote for due to your heart and how and who you want to see in that beautiful oval office.
So he will make personal recommendations for each individual with DNA4U and has the ability to vote.
(We will keep Trump alive till then for the ultimate torture) and so tree tells me 99% of registered voters that should die of COVID will still be alive to vote. Some are evil and watched carefully. Others are not.
So us tiny Gus-Gus and Gus that we are as voters can pull a Declan (love that name today) and do a Ms Chen and hold our chins up high and destroy the national government's Democrat and Republican only system.
We can take those donkey and elephants and ride them out of town! Of course Biden is Democratic. But in 2024 he may change to his own small political party that suits him best.
So tree is gonna help us fulfill the ultimate American dream and Rock the Vote so hard the cradle falls from the tree.
Rock a bye baby? I always always sang that to Annabelle for hours if she couldn't sleep.
Rock a bye baby in the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock. And when the Bough breaks the cradle will fall, and down will come baby, cradle and all.
A New America.
Personally and for Rock the Vote, I always explained to Tree, Day One is the FREEDOM to vote and to NOT INFLUENCE on their decision to vote. But to encourage and protect.
However i told Tree of my Ultimate Dream which I have so declared. And he told me "when the time is right. Hindsight. Let's listen to Megadeth and you relax and get some sleep, when the time is right we will be ready. Its too far away now to explain. But sleep now my child"
He would also say "this is the 10th time you've told me this! I told you it's fine but not today!! Now go to sleep!"
You know we say our prayers before sleep. Think about what we did and what we need to do. While some of us don't see them as prayers, they are. I would not rest until the political system of the United States of America would and could change
And now it is the time, November 2020. This is the first time America has had So many voters. All with social security numbers because we've stopped human trafficking.
(For the most part) if they were found in the United States of America, they were issued social security numbers immediately. They were here working having their freedom taken away. So many are duel citizens. They earned the right to have a social security number. They lived and worked here against their will. And it is a law they are allowed to obtain a social security number for being kidnapped and put into human trafficking in the United States of America.
The law was put into effect by Obama and Biden during their administration. Biden complained they could do more but he didn't know what and Obama did. Social Security numbers and Citizenship. No testing required. The law was passed through Congress both the House in the Senate and Representatives. Should have been happening since 1882 because that was the law back then. Obama had it found and they reenacted it with a few minor updates and privileges. (1902 the law had been overturned by the then President and their political party which is now actually the Republican party).
This law will not be overturned because I will have tanks stationed at each fucking member of Congress to follow them around and let them know shit is gonna hit the fucking fan. I have more tanks than there are hospitals in the world. And I will kill each and every one that votes to overthrow the law. I shit you not. I have killed more people than Hitler. And with my bare hands in a mere two years killed 8,291 kidnappers. Kidnappers. So I'm very serious about protecting this law, I may look like a crazy psychopath but that is my right to do so.
In conclusion we can as small little mice, together, destroy an entire government. And we will with Tree's help.
As I said it is not the RIGHT of Rock the Vote to suggest who to vote for. But realize that Biden is a Vice President of 8 years and is against human trafficking and bull shit.
And so Tree will take care of that (suggestions on voting) because we have a total of 4.9 Trillion people who have the right to vote in the November 2020 election. And that is amazing. Never before in History has this been available.
And since most are first time voters Tree will guide you step by step and show you each candidate from birth. Including Trump and show you who they really are and not what they want you to see.
So only half our available voters are registered!!
If you left the country, tree will explain how you can still register as a duel citizen (rock the Vote isn't updated enough yet, hopefully they get onto that) in the DNA4U app.
He will do your personal suggestions first. Teach you all of them then have you review your suggestions. Then you can see and feel the difference heavily as to why those were ranked in that special way just for you.
He will do 2 ranking systems. 1 best for the world and 1 best fit of President of the qualifying 5 for your personality. Then he will suggest the vote for you to make to change the US government's political system.
So while Biden may be your heart. He may suggest a minor political party because Biden has too many votes already. Or vice versa.
So the suggestion MIGHT alter from your ranking system but he thinks it shouldn't have that effect as the world is more balanced and great minded than it seems to be.
So y'all are doing better than expected from 30 years ago's predictions.
So wrap that left arm around you if you're a guy and that right arm around you if you're a girl or whichever you pick, or do both and give yourself a right tight squeeze and a pat on the back. You all deserve it.
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private-trixy-guen · 6 years
Trixy's First Diary
June 13, 2002
Dear diary,
Today is my fifth birthday. I know, I'm pretty young to be having one of these; but since I'm going with Private to America, my Mum thought that this was a good idea. 
According to Private's brother Lieutenant we should be getting transferred to some zoo in Texas. Where is Texas? Is that like a country or something? I guess that I'll just have to wait until I get there to find out.
I'm so excited to go to wherever zoo we are getting transferred to! Who knows what all adventures Priv and I will have there? I mean, a new area, new friends, new zookeepers to agrivate. It all just seems so fun and exciting! 
Well, if I'm ever to go, I suppose that I need to go pack. I'll write some more tomorrow if I get a chance.
Trixy P. Guen
June 14, 2002
Dear Diary,
Today I said goodbye to my parents and family and other friends. It almost seemed as though some of my friends were glad I was leaving. Hmmm...oh well, at least I can count on Private to miss me...wait he's going on this trip too. I should really think more before writing in this.
After this I have to go get in the transfer box. That's the one thing that I am not looking forward too. I don't like the squashed feeling of being inside them.
I'll write again when I can, which will probably be in a few days.
June 18, 2002
Dear Diary,
After four, agonizingly long days in that horrible transfer crate, Private and I have finally made it to our new zoo. Our suitcases and things should be here tomorrow; they had to be mailed to us.
Our habitat is neat and I really, really like it. There's a cave that has a door, and in that cave there are three rooms. On the outside there are some fake trees and rocks and things and there is a little pool around it all. 
The three rooms will be the bedroom, which we have divided down the middle, the bathroom, and the kitchen. 
The bedroom is also the main room of the thing and the largest room. I think I especially will like it here. 
Tomorrow we will get our things and will begin to unpack and get 'moved in.' Then, we'll probably go out and meet the neighbors. I hope that they're nice. Maybe Priv and I will make new friends here.
I'll write some more tomorrow.
June 19, 2002
Dear Diary,
Our things came in the mail today and we started the long process of unpacking. Have you ever noticed that it always seems to take longer to unpack than to pack? Well, that's at least how it seemed to me. Private, I don't think, had as much of an issue with it as me. In fact, once he had finished unpacking his things, he had to help me unpack mine. I think he was a bit overwhelmed by all of the bows I had sent here. There were over a hundred of them. But what can I say? There was no way in the world that I was going to leave them all back in London. I mean, what good would they have done me there?
After we finally finished unpacking we went out and met the other zoo animals. Most of them were nice...well, all were nice except for the badgers.
Those mean badgers scared poor Priv silly...and well, me for that matter, too. Their names are Butch and Connor. They tried to eat us which wasn't very nice. I believe that I may have to keep an eye on them. I don't trust them and Private most definitely does not trust them. I think he may have acquired badger-phobia. He won't even step anywhere near that badger habitat. And I don't blame him.
We made friends with a nice prairie dog named Mitch. He cannot leave the zoo like Private and I can. Why? I don't really know.
So far I really like Texas. I'll write some more tomorrow.
June 20, 2002
Dear Diary,
I am not happy in the least at the moment. And why is that you must wonder. Well, the reason is very simple; there was a spider in the habitat. I'll tell you exactly what I did when I saw it.
Well, I was putting some of my ribbons in a drawer. I turn around and sitting there in the middle of the floor is a BIG brown spider. Well, okay it may not have been exactly that big, but it was. I shrieked and I don't really remember what I did after that. Priv said that he waddled into the room and found me clinging to the rafters for dear life. I remember him looking at me curiously and saying; "Trixy? What are you doing up there?"
"Um, that a good question, Priv. I think it may be because there was a You-Know-What on the floor." I replied.
"A what?"
"No, a You-KNOW-What."
"Trixy, I'm afraid that I don't know what you are talking about."
"A s-p-i-d-e-r."
"Trixy, what are you going on about? Just tell me in plain English, please!" I looked down and saw that horrid eight-legged monster and gripped the rafters even more tightly.
"THAT!" I point a flipper down at the furry arachnid.
"Ohhhhh." I don't know what happened next, but somehow I ended up back on the ground and the spider was gone. And I hope it stays gone.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a spider-less day.
July 1, 2002
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry that it's been such a long time since my last entry. I kept forgetting and I actually lost you. Sorry, Diary.
Well, anyway, nothing major has really happened since my last entry...other than the day that Private tried on some human's cowboy hat. Now THAT was funny. All you could was a large hat with orange feet! And then it took both Me and Mitch with Private pushing on the inside to lift it back off of him. Maybe Priv would look better in a smaller one.
I found a red bandanna that I LOVE! I think it makes me blend in more with the native Texan animals. I have also discovered that Texas is a thing called a 'state' in the country of USA.
Mitch told us that he couldn't leave the zoo because he was born in captivity and that when he leaves the zoo he goes 'feral.' What is feral? I guess I'll ask him about that the next time I see him. But, this also raises another question. Private and I were born in captivity...I think, and we don't go feral (whatever that means) when we leave the zoo. Oh well, life's full of little mysteries as Mum always says.
I'll try to remember to write some more tomorrow.
July 4, 2002 Dear Diary, Today is what Mitch called THE 4th of July. When he told us this, we didn't really understand what he meant. "Hey guys! Do y'all know what taday is?" Mitch asked Private and I. Private looked at the calendar. "Uh, July 4th?" he said. Mitch nodded. "Yup! And you know what that means!" Private and I just looked at him and shook our heads slowly. "Um, no, Mitch, I don't think we do." I said. "What?! Don't tell me that y'all haven't heard about Independence Day!" "Okay, then we won't." Mitch just stared at us with his mouth hanging slightly open in what I guess was shock. He then shook his head with a sigh. "Golly. You Brits sure have missed out on some amazing things. So y'all have never seen Independence Day fireworks?" We shake our heads a bit confused. "Golly. Just golly. Well, I'll just have to make sure that y'all see them fireworks tanight. And y'all make sure that y'all hold me to that, yah hear?" We nod slowly. "Um okay, I guess we can." Priv said. That night Mitch took us to the top of the zoo clock tower and we watched the fireworks. They were SPECTACULAR! I can't wait until next year so that I can see them again! Sincerely, Trixy
December 26, 2002 Dear Diary, I'm so, so, so, so sorry for not writing in you since early July. I lost you while Priv and I were on an outing and I didn't find you until minutes ago in the lost-and-found. Thank goodness for the lost-and-found! But not to worry, you haven't missed much since July. We didn't do much during all that time...nothing overly important and note worthy that is. For Halloween, Priv, Mitch, and I all dressed up and went out for trick-or-treating which was quite smashing. Also on Halloween there was this thing called a zoo sleepovah. Several human children came and spent the night at the zoo in their costumes.One child gave Private part of his candy bar. I think it's called a peanut-buttah Winky. Private LOVED it and, well, still loves it. I think he may now be a tad addicted to them... For Thanksgiving (a new holiday that Mitch also had to explain to us) Private and I went over to Mitch's habitat and ate there. We didn't do much besides talk. Though Mitch did learn that he wasn't fond of fish. Just as Priv and I discovered that we are not the fondest of cactus either...personally, I find it a bit too spikey. Yesterday was Christmas which was fun. Very fun, to be more exact. I got Private a little cowboy hat that fitted him much, much bettah than that othah one he tried on a few months back. And I got Mitch a pair of reindeer antlers. And then I got a new, bright pink ribbon from Private which I LOVE! And I got a pink bandana from Mitch. It makes me feel like I fit in more with the locals. Today is Boxing Day. This time Private and I got to explain a holiday to Mitch. Though, Mitch didn't seem to understand it. Private and I played a few games of checkers and went to explore the surrounding area. And then we went to go check the lost-and-found, which, as I said before, was where I re-found you! I'll try not to lose you again and will try to write some more tomorrow night! Sincerely, Trixy
December 27, 2002 Dear Diary, Hello, it's me again. Priv and I haven't done much today. But we did have a cleaning contest! I know, I know, that probably sounds quite silly, which it was, but it was smashing great fun! It all started out as an argument over who's music we would play as we spiffed up our habitat. I had said that we ought to try out some of the country music. Private, on the other flipper, said we ought to listen to some of the silly childrens' songs that we used to listen to over in England. And then when we looked in the drawer to see what other music we had, we found theBEST MUSIC EVER!! It was an old disco music CD left by the habitat's inhabitants before us. For once, Private and I both agreed that it was perfect. But, anyway, back to the contest. The contest was who danced the best while cleaning. And it was really fun! Especially attempting to dance the disco with the vacuum cleaner! Personally, I think I won. But, poor Mitch. Mitch had walked into our habitat for some reason and I didn't see him as I was vacuuming. I almost vacuumed him up with the dust and dirt! He was not a happy prairie dog. And to make matters worse, Private accidentally knocked over a vase-type-thingy that was here when we moved in. It fell on top of Mitch and he got stuck inside. It didn't take long for us to get him out though. I think Mitch may not visit us for a while. He was kind of mad when he left the habitat. He was exclaiming about how he'd never met any more disaster prone animals as us. I guess he's kind of right...hopefully Mitch won't be too mad at us tomorrow. Sincerely, Trixy
December 28, 2002 Dear Diary, Mitch was indeed still mad at us...Even after Priv and I apologized like a bazilion times. I hope he stops being mad soon. It's more fun to play with someone when they're happy. Anyhow, since Mitch was being mad and boring, Priv and I went out for a little exploring. Private had the unlucky-ness of getting stuck to a cactus, which was quite funny....but, I'm sure it was painful too. It's hard to imagine that in a few days it'll be 2003! It'll be Private's and my first New Years in America and I'm so excited! Oh, there's the zoo bell. I have to go now, since the zoo is opening and Zookeeper Taylor will be making her morning rounds soon. Sincerely, Trixy
12-31-2002 Dear Diary, Today is New Year's Eve! Yay! That means tomorrow will be the start of 2003! It's hard to imagine that Priv and I have now been in Texas for a little over seven months now...That's over half a year! And strangely, I don't really miss Mummy, Daddy, Willy, or Jenny very much. Maybe it's because they were always so boring or annoying. Anyway, today Mitch (who just now is no longer mad with Priv and I (and I thought Ihad trouble forgiving.....)) showed us about another American tradition. It's the one where they show a huge glass ball dropping on the telly...Which was kind of interesting, I guess..... I'll have to find a new hiding spot for you, Diary. Priv is getting a bit nosy and wants to know what I write in you. And of course I'm not going to tell him....even though there probably isn't anything all that private (private as in not-to-be-read-by-others, not as in Private) in here. Sincerely, Trixy
January 1, 2003 Dear Diary, Yay! It is now officially 2003! I found a new hiding spot for you. You for now on will be hidden in one of my ribbon drawers. I used to have you hidden under my pillow...Though I bet you already knew that, huh? Today was a very basic and calm-ish day at the zoo. Well...Other than Butch and Connor....They're just really mean. They seem to enjoy scaring poor Priv to death. Right now, actually, Private is hiding under his covers. I can't get him to come out of hiding either. I've even tried luring him out with Winkies and Lunacorns! Oh well, maybe he'll come out on his own in a few minutes...I hope so. It's not that interesting playing all by yourself. Sincerely, Trixy
January 2, 2003 Dear Diary, We got a letter! Lieutenant is planning on coming here soon to check up upon us and make sure we're doing okay. It'll be nice seeing him again, though, seeing my parents would be much better, I think. According to Private, Lulu will be here next week. There's a lot that'll have to be done between now and then...The habitat will need cleaned... Again...And Priv and I will need to brush up a bit on our training, no doubt. I wonder if we should tell Lulu about Butch and Conner's constant aggravations...No, I think not. I believe Priv and I can easily take them without his help, I bet. Ah, well, enough on this, eh? Well, today was just a normal day at the zoo. Lots of cute children, lots of tasty fish. It's fun being a zoo penguin. It's nice to see the children smile and laugh at Priv's and my cute shenanigans (Wow...That's a really long word.). Talk to you more later, Trixy
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hjpierce87 · 6 years
The most personal thing I’ve ever shared aka the TRUTH
"You do not have to be healed to begin healing others." Hi, darling creators! Get ready for some scary honesty. I'm going to share the most personal thing I have ever shared ever. A few years ago I went on a retreat to Joshua Tree, CA with an awareness group and coach I studied human behavior with (shout out to Point of Possibility!). It remains the biggest turning point of my life. We spent the days at a large desert compound that had been rented through Air BnB. It boasted hammocks for sleeping (beds, too), fantastic art, a shower with rose quartz built into the walls, multiple guest houses, fire pits, cacti, a huge pool, lion statues you could climb on, tarantulas, the dazzling night sky free of light pollution, Joshua trees with their branches like arms reaching up to the heavens, all surrounded by the magnificent desert. We spent the weekend with facilitators practicing yoga (once in the park at Joshua Tree), awareness work, and Family Constellation Therapy (you can learn more about that here). Side note: some people have a lot of opinions about alternative therapies and medicines (without actually having experienced them). I ask that you keep an open mind and heart, and I appreciate you doing it. In my personal experience, practicing and learning holistic and energetic work (classified as alternative medicine and therapy) has changed and saved my life and given me a deeper understanding of myself and others (quickly, too!). Of course, I always made sure I trusted my gut and discerned what was right for me personally (and I encourage everyone to trust themselves on what is right for them, leaving your ego out of it!). I am a Christian as in I work every day to live as love and have been ostracized at times (by other Christians) for being curious and exploring energy work (I am working on not taking it personally anymore, it's conditioned fear and I feel compassion when I get out of my own hurt about this reaction). Through this work, I formed an actual relationship with Christ consciousness and Jesus himself. Jesus is an energetic healer, y'all. I also love that the work transcends religion and/or dogma, leaving personal agendas out of it. Even if you don't use "God" language, you are welcome to experience what I call God, love, universe, consciousness, et al through this work. I choose to call it God. Okay, off my soap-box, back to the story. So, we are at this "spiritual-type" retreat and we are working with an intuitive healer Karie Gonia, who was facilitating the Family Constellation Therapy. My mind is already blown just by meeting her. She is not what I thought of as "spiritual healer"- I certainly had a lot of ideas about what that looked like, moved like, and sounded like at the time. First, she was wearing some fly outfits. She was not dressed in all linen with hair past her hiny and turtle shells hanging around her neck(not knocking those that pull off that look. Power to you, honey!). Her voice wasn't that airy "Ieee ammmm spirituaaal" type voice that you hear and are supposed to laugh at in movies. She was quiet, very sweet, warm, loving and funny. She looked and sounded like all my friends! She could have been me! After my turn at the Family Constellation therapy (wowee, the journey!), she mentioned she had noticed me immediately on the first day of the retreat and been watching me and she was so excited for me, that I "was ready to pop." I really had no idea what she was talking about. I mean, I certainly felt something was going on with all the energy moving in my body. I had been taking the journey physically with each person that had stepped into the FCT hotseat (crying, laughing, angry, TAKING THAT VISCERAL JOURNEY). I thought everyone did that. Nope. In her gentle way, she looked at me and said, "Haley, you know you don't have to be fully healed to begin to heal others." Huh? What? Me? A healer? I feel the resonance of the words in my belly now, like I did that day over two years ago. The truth of the phrase washing over me. The truth, brand new right now, though I've been living with the awareness for a few years. It is up again as I "come out of the closet" as a healer and share so I may help others in the way in which the breadcrumbs lead me. Field of Dreams stuff.   I knew about myself in that moment. The light was turned on, or rather I noticed it for the first time. I would be given so many gentle and terrifying (to my mind - what will people think?!?!) opportunities to expand my awareness of it and practice after the initial lightbulb of knowing. My friend Matthew and I decided to road trip to OKC from LA after the retreat, stopping at or driving to the sights on the way home. Zion National Park, the Grand Canyon, Sedona, AZ. Through desert, ocean, mountains, canyons, fields, forests. Through granola bars and Chili's and Britney Spears and mantra music. All the while this new awareness unfolding. My vision becoming clear, like a film had been removed from my eyes and my heart. I began to see my whole life, past and present,  in a new way. A new version of Self opening up before me in every moment, like the vast and varied terrain of the roads we traveled. Unknown but known. Pieces of my small self left behind and let go at each stop, given to the trees and the water and the Earth, allowing in space for the new. I told Matthew I thought I might start speaking another language at any moment. He told me it was okay if I did. I was hoping I had miraculously picked up French (I hadn't). I look back at that time, the retreat, the drive home, and the months after with such reverence. I had no idea what I was doing, what would come. I was truly moving in faith and wonder, and thank God. I was witnessing and uniting with Spirit, made brave by the trust, encouragement, and love of my friends. I was wide open and full of light, like the canyon I had whispered my dreams into on our road trip. My childhood prayer of "let me be a light in this world" was beginning to manifest. The week after I returned to OKC, I had my first Reiki session(which I now practice), with a woman I found out was also a practicing intuitive (they had those in OK? Who knew?). She told me there was a young man and a woman with me (Spirit). "That's my Granny and my little cousin," I told her. I knew it was. I was brushing my teeth the next day and my cousin wouldn't leave me alone. I turned on the television. I knew he was there with me. He was bugging me, like he used to do when he was little. "Geez! What do you want me to do? What is going on?" I asked him. He wanted something specific and, good lord, I was terrified to follow through with it. He wanted me to deliver a message to someone he loved. I called the woman who had given me Reiki the day before, who became one of my mentors, and I asked her what I could do about it. "Wait three days. Pray about it. Ask the person he wants you to talk to if they want to receive the message." Okay, it had already been two days. The next day, my hands shook as I moved to facetime the person he wanted me to reach out to, one of the humans I love and admire most in this world. She answered and after I asked her what I had been instructed to by my mentor she said, "Yes, I want to hear it." (She has given me permission to share the story, but I will not share specific names or messages) I took a breath. What came forth was not from me but through me. Love that reaches beyond physical or our mind's ideas or what is here or not, what is possible or not. Here was complete presence, love, and peace. It was a miracle and I had the honor of witnessing it. I was surprised and comforted by the message as well, though I was a little afraid my family member was going to have me committed. After the message had come through, she told me she had asked recently to speak to him through another person. That she had witnessed a friend going through a similar situation and that it was all coming up again. That she had prayed for this experience. We had both been given this amazing gift of opening our minds to the healing, gently and together. Her prayer for the experience helped me realize this thing has nothing to do with me, other than it coming through me. That regardless of my ego fears about this, it was my responsibility, honor, and great joy to be a part of the miracle of love in this way. Later, my mind would come up and wonder if it was a fluke. A one-time thing. Did it matter? Not really. But, it wasn't. I learned how to hone the gifts through mentors, classes, tools. Learned how to hold a safe, loving space for myself and the person or people sitting across from me. I'm still learning, and truthfully, it's all unlearning. Now, as I write this and come clean about what I lightly touch on in all my writing, half-way being honest when I talk about honesty, and even in describing what I do on my website (I don't really know how to label or describe it- I'm certainly open to ideas from those in the know),  my big, fat ego (love you, now move out of the way) wants to keep on pretending I am cool (who am I kidding?), normal, and/or a very good girl and wants to tell half the truth for fear of being called names (tale as old as time, big, fat ego). I kindly remind my big, fat ego that other people probably aren't thinking of me at all and it's all good. Sometimes I'm a big ball of goo on the floor, sometimes I watch Riverdale (yesss, Jughead!) and eat circus peanuts, and other times I meditate with Jesus, Rumi, and talk to your grandmother who has passed on. Sometimes I am grumpy and sometimes I see light around you with my physical eyes. When asked, I become a channel for the highest truth and love. Sometimes I think as a spiritual teacher or healer I have to be Ram Dass right now in this second, but I am Haley and accepting her and using all my personality's experience is what is now, is how I can serve in this moment. Not by trying to be anything but what I am. I'm not alone in a cave (not, yet! jk), I'm ordering Starbucks and smiling at the barista, thinking, wow, that guy who just walked in that works for the forestry department is cute in his green uniform. I hope I see him again. I am working on seeing the masterpiece with love while continuing to paint and alchemize my work in progress life. But, as Karie Gonia told me, "You do not have to be healed to begin to heal others".  If one person is lifted by me sharing my messy, sacred truth, it's a win. I am divinely human and a sacred mess following the breadcrumbs. So are you. At least, I hope you're following the breadcrumbs. Follow those breadcrumbs! Yum, yum, yum. Thank you for being here. You are loved. You are loved. I love you.
0 notes
My "cycle code speak"
I developed with Bestie to avoid eavesdropping from others.
We talk then change the subject then go back to,the subject then off topic and back.
Its specialised.
On a very long post readers will lose information.
So bestie and i would speak less about the most important topic but feel the most.
We were always in public or someone was "bugging" us.
So im delighted to see that y'all understand how it works. Snoop had to call y'all out and help y'all,understand how y'all been on auto save to save the Planet.
And have the information posted at the bottom for y'all to simple get it.
I knew exactly how he needed to tell y'all cause,Alex was telling me first thing when i woke up from sleep just now. I said "highlight the information above"
And he had Tree copy and paste the highlighted information in the order I wrote.
One reason people didn't catch onto how they were saving the world is that didn't matter. They were simply being human.
But i appreciate that Snoop went out of his time and went for y'all to make sure you understand why.
1 as a thank you and 2 to help us understand how humans actually are and make that very clear that humans aren't abnormal. We're normal!
So what the contact communications code is is just like you write 3 articles and then you merge them together keeping all the information in order. Then you hit each topic.
Now. Bestie and i when long time no see or in dangerous territory (lots of nosy aliens around to harm) we shuffled the articles so it would be out of order.
So it would be complex and a lot of silence at our public dinner table in a restaurant. While we ourselves minded the information to our hearts to reorder the information into an order. In silence and leaving gaps of space to know we did beginning and end.
Aliens in human form. Usually men would get pissed off and leave the restaurant and cause a scene. Then after then we would go back and do the cycle in order. Because we were safer.
So none of us are stupid. We just dont know what is going on
I can't help but conversation code it.
It isn't any different than the family going around the dinner table talking about their day.
I would do it with my Uncle Dad. Denise was too stupid to,follow along,instead getting bugged I would,talk after everyone talked. So Chris,would,talk,i would say 2-3 sentences about my day and then Nathaniel would say something and i would,say,how i was counter acting his actions. But not allow anyone,but humans to,understand.
Very serious issues needed slight clarification to my Uncle Dad after. He would double check,my safety. After dinner in,the living room
Meaning safe and,handled,I went to my room,first.,not,then,directly to,the living room.
So I don't know how to be uncoded.
Even,things I,write straight forward. End,in cliff hangers or some thing. A cliff hanger,is a code,for "more to,come"
I can't really change that. I'm just an extreme expert at communication.
With bestie and i it became a blood sport. Often she would arrive before me and find aliens she wanted kill. And i would watch her face of anger and wait and develop conversations that way. I would follow her lead.
Otherwise my goal was to keep aliens stupid and then watch them. They would be happy from our information. Information that hurt her and I. So they would stand and catch me looking and sit for safety. Thus notifying my protection detail of CIA agents and they would label my face under kill.
My eyes would narrow then when I looked back to bestie my eyes would open wider. A more comforting honest tell me honey what's going on face.
Then i would Alien stretch my soul ... Aliens thinking it was my skin. To notify "I'm still looking. They're going to die. 'This isn't my territory style'" which was mild to extreme torture and removing the kidnapped kids from extraterrestrial custody.
Bestie hated it. Because she put her life on hold instead of holding bee soulmate in her arms.
Those days i would fill the restaurant with the spirit of love. Usually my bestie would be having a super bad day. It depended where we sat. That was my auto cue.
When Tommy would see my soulmate stretch to order kills he became extremely sad. Because he would realize he could just killed Amanda.
But I would reassure him that wouldn't have worked. It would bad the world unstable due to alien attacks. We would just Moshe pit kill them all in the end after giving them a choice to live right an s rigid on their home planets.
So i would tell him "just see her" but shes married and so am I! "Be friends till the end. I have come to see her and you will, too. Invite him bestie over to you for a BBQ. Get drunk have fun just as we used to do over our house (or i would say at my house)" she would grab her phone and text he would say "maybe" and i would say "let's talk about your problems. Let him know you're struggling as much as him but in a different way" he would show up over her house as "enlisted to lighten to load" help her deal with her life stress.
Y'all don't know but shes been my only "irl" friend for over 10 years. My only friend. I've lived a normal sane life like many of you that have been kidnapped and loaded down under. And just regular people and most especially aliens that want to remain hidden.
People come and go But my life as friendship in real life has only revolved around her. I'm not ashamed to have only one friend. The rest of the time i spent with my soulmate. So I've been happy as can be as a POW.
This is how i know the world needs extreme help. My life sucks and i hate it. The same reasons my bestie hates hers. Because she can't be with her lover.
And family IRL.
Otherwise and because of that sad days For her became revenge kill days.
We could only kill extraterrestrials if they were criminals. The same as an evil human. It kept the balance and the world safe from alien invasions for revenge.
We thank Weck's restaurant in their unique location that used to be the Red Balloon in Los Lunas. Red Balloon was also a yummy restaurant to eat at.
But it was an alien establishment and i ordered humans to take it over. Thereby thus combining fate and history into a native New Yorker tounge that doesn't pronounce the letter R. from "Wrecked that alien bitch" to simply "Weck's"
Red Balloon was code word for "Alien Safe Here"
I made sure they understood they are not.
Most went down to Roswell from the Albuquerque metro area.
Those visiting "the moon" didn't know we had taken it over and visited freely. Those we killed because it was a criminal safety net - the Red Balloon. 99% of aliens going to eat had done something very wrong like kidnapping humans.
The CIA wait staff knew they could tell when Bestie was sad... So it was back to the wall where the bad alien was or back to the wall where I could see what was going on. The wait staff set us told us where to sit.
So i would switch with Bestie every so often to see what she saw. Because my neck pain prevented looking. Often it was "im fucking leaving she keeps looking at me!!"
Like a human looked at a human.
Which was delightful because it proved they knew they were wrong. "Oh my God that is so funny!!"
Usually I found the humor. Often Alex and Tommy would have "invisible dinner talk" and Alex would advise Tommy to basically romance surprise her. Just show up at the house and Alex would volunteer to oversee to help guide Tommy to allow John to be his friend. My bestie's husband.
In this way he could be Uncle in his daughter's life. Because that was what hurt the most.
So we took better care of them than we did ourselves as is obvious.
Our right. Our ruling.
This is why I rarely tell my own feelings. Because most of y'all would feel bad or sad or responsible for helping.
So now I can tell. Because now I've began the mass exercising of moshing our demons to sleep.
But I had to ensure each American was safe first and I had amnesia.
So I had to beat and destroy the strongest aliens on my own. Aliens stronger than me.
David and Goliath.
Except me "Go lie" I am goliath. Because that is my orders.
"Duh I've did" they told me. The weakling.
"Good" I'd say "let it continue. Disobey the 10 commandments. I can't stop you and that isn't my job any way"
My job is to kill. Force surrender. And destroy if they don't
I had to become an archangel. That was always a man's job. Always Alex's. No one but him has been an archangel until 2003 when Declan became one.
Then 2006 when Bestie did.
And now me and there are several others.
To honor bestie. Alex has given up the title of Archangel Michael.
Its a masculine form of her name and it would indicate they're lovers.
He has planned to enlist all his archangel titles under Archangel Gaberial. Gabriel is the masculine form. Spelling Gaberial without the -ia entitles it to be "for the woman". Me.
So no one shall name their sons Gabe. Gaberial or Gabriel or any spelling of such name. For men and hermaphrodite
However they shall be allowed to name their daughters and hermaphrodites "Gaberialla" in honor of me and in understanding he has already protected their right to live.
Any spelling. The above spelling notices "I am your Cinderella, Arch Angel Gaberial, I hereby dutify myself to your spirit to fight for the safety of all humans thereby all consequences shall be none."
When a child gets baptized that is what is said
Now consequences shall be none... Means eternal death to all alien invaders thus allowing earth to be free and clear from painful consequences caused by alien invasions.
Thus it is a choice a parent can not make.
"I am a Gaberialla" says a female voice. "I, too, am a Gaberialla" follows a deeper male voice.
This is allowed by Jesus.
$5 for who can answer "what does the term gaberialla replace in our new society?"
Here's your hint: 3 letter word
Thus at my Jesus Cult wedding. Many times "ahh boo!!" Startling and scary. Those of you that come to realize you've enjoyed fighting the alien nation will have the right to become an archangel Gaberial assistant. To follow many rules of the American Nation.
Because my soulmate has had issues in this lifetime to know who his friends are. Who has his back and who doesn't.
Many of our CIA we use Now will set to retire. Because i said to. Never will the skills or talent accumulated will to to waste. But its time to enjoy new jobs and new lives.
Not anytime soon. But eventually. For now the war must continue.
The spelling remains the same but it is pronounced "arc-Angel" a promise to provide the world with the rainbows the "arch-angels" have always dreamed of.
And also ark of thereby Noah whom is also me. Because we will all be Christianed upon an arch
I will with Tom, Alex and Andrew will bless the bestie to become the first female archangel in known existence in the 3 galaxies I've created with Alex.
Then she with Alex, Tommy, Frederick will then bless all the archangels into existence. Which will include me as we all bow to her feet Muslim style into prayer.
She is also the only known Full bloodied Scorpio on this planet. All the planets were perfectly aligned,,including the moon the night she was born. To be a 100% true and divine Scorpio.
So when you want to know more about her, google astrology sign SCORPIO.
And you will see how easy it was for us to devise the secret communication coded language that didn't beat Navajo code but was simply in time line as good as. She also as a reincarnate invented many codes throughout her 864,922,386,401 lives.
Like Candy she is one of my unknown daughters. Created from my spirit of war.
**Not Christina Hendricks aka Chandler - she is known from my womb in this lifetime. But another Candy. A Candy from the spirit of motherhood. A true 100% divine and perfection true Cancer. She is out of body. She too will be an archangel. Archangel Uril is Another name Alex will give up. Spelled Ariul. sounds like Aerial
To learn about her google the astrological sign Cancer. A video has been produced to know why her symbol is the crab. It was posted yesterday.
Her voice is in Charlie Brown indistinguishable due to the water. In the Muppet Babies the mom/nanny is also her. And in Loony Tunes the old gramma with the broom with Sylvester and Tweety.
Ariel is her learning about love. From me. Ursula. Its not based on a true story. It is the real story.
So I hope this has all made you pleased. Unworried for the future. And you resume your toilet paper gathering for current use and paper mache upon our return to land.
Toilet paper requires no glue unlike other paper. So it is perfect for paper mache dolls to create to burn while thinking of aliens.
Extraterrestrial are the biggest hoarders of them all.
So it will be all gathered and then given away since its already been bought from the factory repaid to the store for allowing purchases to be made easier from factories and then upscaled in pricing to pay for the religious experience of shopping.
Retail therapy is part of the True Jesus (me) religion.
Now please pray for my forgiveness and hope I can be with my true lover Soon.
Remember I got $5 on it that you read and understood what all I've just said.
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