#actually doing a challenge where I can only use shiny pokemon
shsl-gay-nurse · 2 years
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been playing a lot of pokemon reborn lately (HAVE NOT FINISHED IT, NO SPOILERS PLEASE! currently stuck in the posion gym), so fuck it uh, here’s my trainer + AU doodle
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whentvsfly · 6 months
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S.E.E.S, but Pokemon. (Kudos to those who can tell who's who without the readmore)
More info after the cut!
Tried to make everyone look like themselves without adding clothing/accessories. More difficult than expected, but a nice challenge!
I imagine either only persona users can use their moves (at all, or effectively, not entirely sure which) or when they use their personas (personamon?) they appear as an altered version of their fully evolved forms. Kinda like the second one better, as a way to use more powerful attacks and keep in theme with Persona games
Tried to keep them with their elemental affinities:
Mitsuru Kirijo: Sneasel. It just had the right vibe for her, and I curled the tail (feathers?) to make it look like her hair (although Akihiko is standing in front of most of them).
Akihiko Sanada: Pawmo. I needed electric type, and with his affinity for boxing and being fit, I figured an electric/fighting type would work well for him! Didn't want to do Pawmi because it wasn't yet fighting type (maybe he evolves sometime after The Fire) and didn't want to do Pawmot because no one else is evolved, so having him be max evolution would feel *weird*.
Shinjiro Arakgaki: Scraggy. A solely phys skill user HAS to be fighting type. There were several choices for him - Mankey was one, I believe - though something about Scraggy's appearance made me go with it.
Minato Arisato / Makoto Yuki: Castform (Sunny). I like to make the wild cards pokemon with several forms, or the ability to transform in some way. His 'base' form in Tartarus is Sunny, since Orpheus has fire attacks, but he shifts with whatever element he's using.
Yukari: Ducklett (Shiny). She was just going to be normal ducklett, but then I remembered the shiny was pink, and it makes her more 'special' and talk of the school, so I decided that's fine haha. Flying is the wind equivalent, here, so it was hard to Not make her some sort of bird. It works though, I think!
Junpei Iori: Charcadet. Needed a fire type, and charcadet seemed spunky enough to be him, out of the ones available. After Chidori [redacted], his personamon changes from an Armarouge-equivalent to a Ceruledge-equivalent.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Psy attacks don't exist in p3, though they do in p5, who I also already pokemoned, but Psychic still fits both psy attacks and navi abilities, so I'll let them overlap. She was able to avoid being killed in Tartarus for 10 hours, so she would have been using teleport to keep herself safe, as well as other psychic moves to detect where shadows lurked. Wanted a pokemon not usually known for attacking, to fit more with the navi role.
Aigis: Iron Valiant. Another phys-heavy user, so I wanted fighting type, and Iron Valiant happened to be just that. Looks like Gallade/Gardevoir (*is* Gallade/Gardevoir but in the future/ an alternate dimension?) but is also distinctly Robotic. Luckily most people pin the oddness about her as 'why is she fully evolved and in highschool' rather than 'hey, that's not a pokemon I know, what the hell'.
Koromaru: Houndour (Albino). There are not too many fire/dark pokemon, to go along with Koro's fire/curse attacks, and one of them just Happened to be a dog. I had to. I also made up an 'albino' coloration, based off of real albino dogs. If shiny, as a genetic mutation exists, then others can as well!
Ken Amada: Dedenne. Very similar to Koro, there are exactly two (2) pokemon that are electric/fairy, as I equate bless to fairy type, and one of those was a legendary. So Ken is Dedenne. It oddly works out, since he looks up to Akihiko, and they're both small, rodent pokemon (who happen to be their pkmn generation's equivalent of pikachu :P)
I have Many more thoughts on this crossover, if anyone wants to talk about it! I have a few more P3 characters planned out (Strega, pharos, ryoji, nyx avatar), P4's Investigation team, and P5's Phantom Thieves, though I need to actually Draw them all.
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shinysamurott9 · 9 months
How I nuked my 400 Hour Save of Pokemon Heartgold
So, recently I've been playing through the Pokemon Generations doing a Ribbon Master Quest, obtaining every Ribbon a single or set of Pokemon can possibly obtain by sending them up through the series. Just yesterday I was on the tail end of finishing the Gen 4 segment of the challenge.
I have a team of 5 Ribbon Masters currently; Mushi, my Shiny Heracross from Pokemon Colosseum which I hunted specifically for this Ribbon Master Quest, Velos and Seibzehn, a Latios and Metagross I raised to use in Emerald's Battle Frontier, Sparda, my Shiny Arceus I hunted using the void glitch in Pearl and Nero, my Shiny Giratina from Sinjoh Ruins. The only ribbons left for them to get was the Legend Ribbon for beating Red and most pertinent to this story, the World Ability Ribbon.
For those unaware, the World Ability Ribbon is obtained by reaching Rank 5 or higher in the Wifi Room in Gen 4's Battle Tower. Despite what you may think, this is still obtainable thanks to fan made servers which restore old wifi functionalities in Generations 4 & 5. The thing is though the Wifi room is bullshit. The opponents you fight are recorded teams from other players and unfortunately, on top of the highly optimised teams you’ll encounter, you'll also encounter many teams of blatantly hacked stuff like Machamps with OHKO Moves or Sturdy Shedinjas.
This is where I mention the fact that I just so happen to have a modded 3ds, which, among other things, let's me backup save data. So since the game was blatantly cheating anyway, I decided "Fuck it, I'm cheating too". How I did this was to fight one battle in the Wifi Room, and after winning, I'd use the rest option to save and exit the game. Then I'd backup that save file, so if I lost the next battle, I could restore that backup and try again, letting me continue my streak. A slow process but it would mean eventually, I would be able to climb the ranks high enough to get the World Ability Ribbon.
As you can imagine though, I was doing this process of reloading and backing up a lot, and at one point I restored a file incorrectly, taking out the game too early, causing the file to go blank. No problem I'll just restore the file again and if I was competent, that's wherethis would have ended. But, because of how much I was using Checkpoint, my muscle memory got a lite crosswired, so instead of restoring my file, I made a new backup over it, effectively erasing the entire thing.
For reference this included:
400 hrs of Gameplay, A Pokedex roughly 2/3rds complete, A fully developed Safari Zone, Several Pokemon from my various Gen 4 Playthroughs over the years, Every Arceus Plate, (Which are actually pretty difficult to get in HGSS), All 5 of my Ribbon Masters
And perhaps worst of all, my entire collection of Gen 4 shinies. This included:
My near back to back Shiny Luxio and Luxray from Platinum,
A shiny Darkrai and Shaymin I hunted with the Void Glitch
Several Radar and Safari Week Shinies
And a shiny of each Sinjoh Dragon.
Needless to say I was both pissed and devestated. There was some consolation, since I had backups of Gen 3 and Platinum, my Ribbon Masters and Battle Tower mons were safe. Everything else though, initially I was resigned to either losing them forever or trying very likely in vain to recreate as much as I could in PKHex which has it's own issues both logistically and ensuring they were legal, not helped at all by how bad the legality checker in PKHex actually is.
There was, one, just one saving grace. Fucking POKEMON BATTLE REVOLUTION
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The way that Battle Revolution works is that you connect a Gen 4 Save File and it will make an exact copy of your boxes so you can use them in BR's various Colosseums. And of course I just so happened to have copied my boxes from HG a few months ago just after Safari Week meaning every pokemon I had nuked still existed! I had to hack my Wii U to dump the save file but because of that I was able to completely restore almost every single pokemon by copy pasting them back onto Heartgold.
Obviously still lost a lot in other areas but I really can't complain considering what I managed to restore.
As a sidenote, there was a similar incident way back where I accidentally erased my friend's Ruby Master File no shinieswere lost just a lot of progress. I think his reaction speaks for itself.
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Hi, what is your favourite pokemon games ranking? If you'd like could you say why you like/dislike them? For example I like pokemon violet not really for the story or the battle mechanic, but because of how easy shiny hunting is
Ah, the hours I've spent playing pokemon games are finally useful. Caveat that some of the games it's been a hot minute since I've played them, so I'm going off memory here.
Also note that I'm just going by the general game, not which version of the release (e.g. Heart Gold, Soul Silver) or the specific color (Gold vs. Silver) or anything like that. We're also not doing the extra/spin-off titles like Pokemon Mystery Dungeons, Hey You Pikachu, or Arceus for that matter.
In order of favorite to least favorite.
This gets top slot if only because I remember it more than I do red/yellow/blue (which I played but was a little too young to fully appreciate at the time).
I frequently replay Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
To me this game is peak pokemon. We have puzzles that are actually challenging to solve and a thorough amount of them. The game is appropriately long where the Team Rocket shenanigans, the dungeons, the cave systems, everything takes time and there's always more left to explore.
There's also challenge in battling and catching pokemon I appreciate. Yes, Tentacool, Rattatta, and Pidgy are Poke-God's vermin upon this green earth, but there's something refreshing about being able to have to try to catch things and build your team. Similarly, we get a little boost in experience for one pokemon, but not the entire team as in later gens that gives some challenge in leveling up.
When I defeat the Elite Four it feels like I did something and I'm energized for the post-game content. Which, speaking of, the ability to go to Kanto during the post game to me was just amazing and blew my mind.
It felt as if the game went "here, you liked this? Have another equally good game, have fun."
It's also the last game where you get a rival who's just the worst to you. Silver is a legitimate criminal who commits pokemon theft (which in the pokemon universe is like the worst crime you can possibly commit). He appears at you out of nowhere at the most inconvenient moments and "nope, you don't get to heal your team, fight me now". I enjoy absolutely destroying his team each and every time in a way I just can't when the rival is your derpy childhood friend who's simply annoying.
Team Rocket are actual gangsters in this who are a worrying, corrupt, threat. Upon beating them, I do feel that I saved a lake from giant red mutant Gyrados, or a city from being brainwashed, or any of their very threatening schemes.
Getting the legendaries is a real challenge that you have to work hard to achieve and the story behind them, to me at least, is one of the more compelling ones.
Not to mention I just like the gen 2 pokemon designs, the introduction of the then new types, and all the starters.
God, I love Gold/Silver.
This may have made the top slot if I remembered it slightly better but what I do remember is a very solid game. Yes, we didn't have the diversity of types yet, there's some buggy things, it's the pixel graphics but it has great puzzles, the gyms are very difficult (Brock especially is a challenge if you don't have a Bulbasaur or Squirtle as your starter, a far cry from many of the other games where fire starter all the way baby), a small set of pokemon that's still interesting, and a fearsome Team Rocket.
The gyms were challenging, the Mew-Two subplot was interesting, and it did feel by the end of the game and all the shit you go through you really are a pokemon master.
Pokemon yellow was great in that it allowed you to get the other starters in game in a way that pokemon usually doesn't allow so you have reason to buy both sets of games tee hee. You had your pikachu walking around behind you (which as the first game that did this was very cool as a feature).
And then there's Gary, beautiful Gary, who is the world's biggest shit. He is the most annoying punk in the universe, who never knows what he's talking about, and it's so satisfying to punch him in the proverbial face every time you meet.
"Yes, Gary, I am good at this, please stop mocking me."
Gary to me is one of the best rivals in that while he's not as scary as Silver (who is... very mysteriously questionable in his morals), he's so annoying and purposefully so. You're supposed to hate him and you do.
I still really enjoy Ruby and Sapphire and play it often. Again, some of the best puzzles in the series, great terrains to explore in terms of cave systems, the diving feature, mountains, and so on. Here we get the berry system that added a lot to the games, pokemon beauty competitions were new and fun and less annoying, and the scenery started to get very interesting (we got deserts, rainforests, the depths of the ocean, and more).
Team Rocket's slightly dumber in this version in that it's unclear why Team Aqua and Team Magma think their respective ideas are in any way good. Boys, I love land and the ocean too, I don't think we should destroy continents/boil the water. However, you do feel a threat from them and it's difficult to stop them at every turn. What I especially appreciate is we see their plans connect and culminate. You stop one thing and you learn they either got what they needed and they were just toying with you or else this was a plan B they were never that serious about.
As a result, as you go through the game beating gyms they feel like a real, present, and growing threat so that by the time you meet the legendary it feels appropriately legendary and fearsome (the near destruction of the final town was particularly well done).
Like Gold/Silver, this game I felt had really quality post game content and I loved beng able to go on the boat and further explore the ocean.
The Gen 3 pokemon introduce a lot of fun things including Spheal, the glorious Spheal, whom none of us should live without and also a lot of pokemon that speak to the new diversity of landscape in the game (we now have desert pokemon, rainforesty pokemon, seagulls, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALES, and so on).
The tag team battle is an interesting dynamic here and well used and it's a solid game I return to a lot.
More, of the friendly rivals, I'm going to say that Wally and uh your friend's name who I forget are my favorites. We see a lot of growth from Wally as a character throughout the story that makes his constant need to fight and prove himself to you less annoying than most of the other rivals. He actually has a reason to be doing this. Your friend is obnoxious, in that he only shows up to annoyingly battle you and then leaves because he has better shit to do than talk to you, but I kind of like that he's annoying and that he clearly has some kind of inferiority complex going on. The guy has a reason to fight you all the time and be a complete brat about it and while not compelling as Wally and not as interestingly antagonistic as Gary/Silver, he's far from the worst.
Black and White earns this spot on account of N and having an actual interesting Team Rocket story going on. N is the first (and only) time I can recall an in-universe character seriously debating the ethics of Pokemon battles. Should people in the Pokemon universe be using Pokemon to fight each other for profit? Should they 'own' Pokemon at all?
You find yourself having actual debates with N as his arguments are frightfully compelling and you as a character have to wonder what you're fighting for, what your relationship with your Pokemon is, and if N is right or not.
Of course, then you learn that N is being manipulated by gangsters who are summoning terrifying creatures, and that thus you were right all along but it doesn't change the fact that N's storyline is by far the one with the most depth and with it Team Rocket of the game's is the one with the most depth as well.
It's a compelling story.
It's also not too easy yet. It's easier than other gens, and I'm starting to become less of a fan of some of the pokemon introduced, but it's still a somewhat challenging game where your rival still has an interesting backstory and motivation and reason to fight you.
To me the world isn't as interesting as Ruby/Sapphire, Gold/Silver, or Red/Blue (not quite as interesting maps, I don't love the Pokemon as much) but it was a solid game and I'd play it again to refresh my memory.
And this is where we start our descent downwards into what Pokemon has become today.
It's telling that this one is actually hard for me to remember when I played Brilliant Diamond very recently.
I actually appreciate that this is one of the last games where we're still in Poke Japan as I find the Poke World thing that's been going on since... kind of gimmicky and very unnecessary. So, it's nice that Sinnoh hasn't really become that yet.
The game's starting to get a lot easier than previous games, your rival is now very forgettable and just kind of shows up to either a) annoy you with encouraging words then fight you anyway then tell you how amazing you are b) show up to annoy you.
Team Rocket... exists, they're not entirely stupid like later games but what they're up to doesn't feel that memorable either that I... welll... actually remember it.
To me this was just a really forgettable gen that added some interesting new pokemon but not enough to draw me back anytime soon to this game specifically. I would much rather play the ones listed above.
Poke France, here we come. We now get a lot of features I just don't care about such as being able to accessorize my avatar.
It's not as bad as some of the later ones in terms of Team Rocket plot, but I was never entirely sure why we thought destroying the world was a good thing in the first place (versus earlier gens having just evil gangsters, hilarious environmentalists, or poor poor N).
I really liked the legendary design here and the end of the world did feel quite chilling when we got that far. The gyms weren't really memorable to me, nor were the pokemon introduced in the gen, and it's just a game that really starts to pale in comparison to the other gens.
It's not bad, not as bad as the ones below it, but this was a game I played and wondered if I should buy the next gen or not.
Previous thoughts on Scarlet/Violet.
This earns this spot for being less annoying than Sword/Shield and much better than Sun/Moon. That's it. That's why we're here. If this was all the Pokemon series had to offer I would never have bought another game.
The puzzles are virtually non-existent or laughably easy, because of how experience can be earned the game is ridiculously easy in terms of leveling up, gym battles, etc. Type matchups are no longer a problem as it's ridiculously easy to get powerful pokemon in any environment pretty damn early in the game.
The plot is hilarious but awful in that we get these three plotlines that are just... bad...
You have Nemona who just shows up to battle you then leave and wants you for a rival when she's already Champion because I guess everyone else sucks that hard. You have the plot line where you bully cosplaying nerds to get back to school because of a really hamfisted plot about abuse of power/bullying that is just begging me to feel something about Team Star (I do not), and Arvin's robo-dad who... am I supposed to like him? Am I supposed to think he was a good father deep down? The robo dad plot was the icing on the cake as it hinted at a better game: the game in which we work with the professor and Jurassic Park happens as he keeps summoning pokemon from the goddamn future like a lunatic (but of course we will not get that game in pokemon).
To make it seem like there's a lot to do, you have the Titans, the gyms, and the Team Star thing all happening at once but to accomodate them all happening at once they're all uninteresting/very easy if you're leveled appropriately.
While it's nice to be able to actually catch insanely powerful pokemon you never can otherwise (I actually got all Eevolutions, that never happens, along with a Gyrados, a Dragonite, a Blissey, a Hypno, and a whole bunch of Pokemon that are stupid hard to get usually) it also means that Gyrados are now the Rattatatta of the sea and building a team of gods is... really really really easy.
The open world is a nice thought, but I don't think it complemented the game in that it really did want you to be certain levels for things and there wasn't enough content to justify wandering around. Gotta have the interesting side quests if you want the open world.
I finished the game, saw there was post-game content in which I could... evaluate gyms or whatever I'm doing, and I happily logged off and went on to play Kirby instead.
That said, Pokemon is shifting towards a younger and younger audience (and perhaps rightfully so) and I can recognize that as someone's first serious game where they have to read and solve puzzles this is much less frustrating than previous gens were and perhaps what said audience is looking for.
And hey, I finally got a shiny for the first time in my life, so that's wild.
(I also thing tetralyzing or whatever is dumb, but it's less dumb than some of the others.)
Here because it's better than Sun/Moon but... that's really it.
This was like the trial run of open world in Pokemon in that you have the big open area in the middle. The thing is, that place is mostly just frustrating as even if you beat something more powerful than you, you won't be allowed to catch it because reasons.
Once again this game was so easy it became boring. I could switch out pokemon whenever I liked, They all gained ridiculous amounts of experience from battles, I could capture very powerful pokemon very easily int he open area. It took the challenge out of the game and for me the fun.
Add to that that this felt... really really gimmicky to me. The gym leaders went from forgettable to utterly insufferable, your pink rival who becomes adopted by a gym leader is no exception, Team Rocket is just an annoying group of die hard sports fans who won't leave this one girl and her Frakenstein Pikachu alone.
The whole game tries too hard to get me to like all the characters, that there are no bad characters, and it just makes it really hard to get through.
And then we have the even dumber version of tetralyzing: pokemon become real swol sometimes. They just... become really really big. And while I appreciate the graphics I just don't care.
(And I really don't care about the raid battles in general, I tried to do them for a bit as I thought they would be helpful, but the game was so easy I didn't need them and in the end I just found them annoying.)
As a result, I didn't even end up finishing. I couldn't do it. I asked myself why I was playing and then realized I wasn't having fun and moved onto a different game, I have not returned.
This one was just real bad all around.
I didn't get far into it but the gym battle system was actively obnoxious, the new gen pokemon weren't interesting, even the map itself just wasn't as fun as other games.
While the concept of the same pokemon having different types in different regions was a neat one, it wasn't enough to pull me into the game with everything else about it.
I got even less far into this than I did Sword/Shield.
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Jeannes Pokemon Scarlet Nuzlocke
So... yeah i decided to do my first blind Nuzlocke in Pokemon Scarlet (not my actual first Nuzlocke just the first BLIND one) and i’m going to post what happens here...
So first of THE RULES:
-Any Pokemon that faints is considered dead for the rest of the challenge and must be boxed
-Only the first wild Pokemon encountered in a route or area can be caught (static encounters do not count. If multiple Pokemon show up at the same time i will prioritize new Pokemon and regional variants over returning old ones) If i fail to catch it (i accidentally KO it, it flees etc.) i don’t get a Pokemon for that route.
-Gift Pokemon can be kept but do not count as the encounter for that area
-No Legendaries (If the game forces me to catch a legendary i have to box it as soon as possible)
-Nickname all Pokemon
-No Items in Battle except held items (so no potions, status healing items, X-accuracy, etc. but berries, leftovers, eviolite etc. are allowed)
 -Dupes clause: If the first Pokemon in an area is one i already own, i may continue battling until i encounter one i do not own, and then attempt to catch it
-Shiny Clause: If i encounter a shiny wild Pokemon, i can catch and use it regardless of other rules preventing me from doing so (so, yes in theory i could use a legendary if it was shiny but since they will probably be shiny-locked that wont happen) This does not count as the encounter for that area
-and lastly, since this is a) a blind playthrough b) an non-linear open world game where i could theoratically run into areas i’m not supposed to. i decided to have a pussy balancing-clause: If i encounter a pokemon (wild or trainer) that is at least 5 levels higher than my strongest Pokemon and i get wiped by them i’m allowed to reload an earlier save (this only applies i case of a TPK. If i manage to somehow win the fight but loose some of my team the nuzlocke continues as normal and the fainted Pokemon are dead)
I will write these as I’m playing but will only make one post every day so i don’t have to transfer the screenshot to my PC for literally everything that happens
and... i think that’s all... let’s go
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already kinda dissapointed that there isn’t a Sidecut/Undercut Haistyle with long hair
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Alright... getting rid of that hat a soon as i figure out how...
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so that’s how normal people make friends
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i think this is the first time since gen 2 that i chose the grass starter for my first playthrough. i took charmander in gen 1, chikorita in gen 2, torchic in gen 3, chimchar in gen 4, oshawott in gen 5, fennekin in gen 6, popplio in gen 7 and scorbunny in gen 8.
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perfect choice? you mean the only choice? the other options were a goofy crocodile that looks like an apple and a literal ugly duckling.
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not sure if this is a good nature for sprigatito since i have no idea what its stats are going to be like but hey i got a female starter so that’s pretty cool.
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this guy is literally my grandpa...
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First new Teammember Themis the Lechonk
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see this is what i meant with my pussy-clause if this wasn’t a scripted battle i would have no way of knowing this would appear and i could absolutely not beat this thing
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oh also i cought Rhea the yungoos in that cave
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“Hey a new route let’s see what new teammember i get...”
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Psyche the ralts (can you see the theme of the Nicknames already?)
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I... might have overleveled a bit already...
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Thanks... what a useful Item in a Nuzlocke
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YAY a Tera Orb now i can terastallize (i did not trastallize my Pokemon in the following battle because i just OHKO’d the opponent)
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Oh, cool i can be mean to this guy and his ridiculous hair
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HOT CAVEWOMAN MOMMY!!! (this is literally the only reason i picked Scarlet wile Lisa is stuck playing Violet with elder Maxson)
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well it has a microwave sooo... that’s all i need really (it’s also not that different from the first appartment Lisa and i lived in together)
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And i think that’s where I’m gonna end things for today i really need to go to sleep
see you tomorrow
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sl33py-g4m3r · 5 months
Wish I could get to the end of Violet, lol. My sibling did, the music is awesome~~ But for some stupid reason I just keep restarting it. idk why.
Also I don't exactly have a coherent team atm. I took on the Flying Titan after the second gym and most of my team was fainted, lol.
Makes me think i suck at strategizing tbh. Probably not true tho; I've just been using pokemon that I've found. Finally found a mudbray with the stamina ability.
Been working on the pokedex and I change up my team constantly for new encounters in the areas I'm in. Probably not a good idea however, as I'm underleveled tbh. Only mon that was admittedly above the level cap for the bombadier fight, was my flamigo which is level 23. everything else wasn't even 20 yet, lol
I need to actually make a good team. I'm not doing a monotype run, so there's that. Nor do I want to overlevel much past the level cap in game.
Currently I have a team of pick up pokemon that hopefully I'll get to level 100 to have a 10% chance at a big nugget pickup. Gathering money the old fashioned way, lol.
So maybe it's not that I suck at strategizing, it's just that I'm underleveled and I forgot the thing had rock type moves, most of my team was weak to rock at that point, rip.
Might run around the map with a run away pokemon just to get the fly points, or is that not fun? Why do I play this way? lol.
Minor gripe that fishing is gone; I think someone doing a speedrun mentioned that, and eddaket mentioned it in a speedrun he was doing, now I'm sad that fishing is gone entirely now. Bring fishing back in pokemon games nintendo~~~
If i keep restarting the game I'll never get the pokedex done either or get the shiny charm, and shiny hunting is fun for what little I can see, lol.
Also just a pokemon question in general, but why now does the rival choose the pokemon that's weak to yours at the beginning? I think pre gen 5 that didn't happen much and they always went stronger against yours. Then gen 5 had a rival that did actually choose one weaker, cause there was 2 rivals, not counting N. Or I should've said 2 rivals who also get a starter pokemon as well as the player. But then when you got single rivals again (I think gen 6 did the 2 rivals thing too? i don't remember) they always got the one that's weak to yours.
Of course in Nemona's case, she could be challenging herself, cause in an earlier run where I got farther, quackival kicked my butt with aqua step really hard.
Moreso rant rather than an (I'm thinking about pokemon post), didn't intend to rant here but here we are. hope someone enjoys it, lol.
Hee ho...
why can pokemon spawn in walls?? rip any shiny that you couldn't lock on to or notice because it was in a wall.
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papersak · 9 months
I like the idea of New Year's Resolutions. They're kinda sentimental to me. But this year I can't come up with a single goal, a single bar that I should try to meet this year...
... so I'll just type out all of them and check back in a year to see which one sticks.
Read 6+ novels
Pass Valkyrie Dimension
Finally learn conversational Japanese (bonus points if I can read a doujin)
Enter a Pokemon VGC regional again
Make another animation
As for how and why...
Read 6 novels: this starts all the way back mid-2020 where y'know, boredom and anxiety had me seeking healthier hobbies than doomscrolling. I actually got 4 for Christmas 😮I think they're all romance novels. When the library was close to work, I could power through 4 ez, so let's aim for those and finding 2 more.
Pass Valkyrie Dimension: It's a DDR song. 😅 This might be the hardest, if not second to 3, because of how much consistent work it would require. Before lockdowns, I was able to pass light 16s and POSSESSION. It was the peak of my DDR ability and it was a huge rush. But gah... I've fallen so far that I'm shaky at 15s now, and 14s are exhausting. It's always been a goal of mine to pass VD, and my true "DDR retirement" goal is to pass Paranoia Revolution. They're just the coolest boss songs to me. On Expert, not Challenge... experts know that chart is better. 😆
The problem here is my home pad is giving out, and playing in the arcade is not only expensive but... time consuming? I've actually grown to dislike going in a group because of how much waiting is involved. 😓
Japanese: The last time I was in Japan I had told someone I've been studying for 8 years. He seemed shocked; I was shocked for a different reason. Like, I started 8 years ago and I still can't hold a conversation??? What's up with that? I absolutely love going to doujin events, and I have quite a pile of (all-ages) comics from artists. But even when it was two artists I was a huge fan of, it frustrated me that I could never really befriend them. Even though Yanada remembered me after multiple visits, even though I spent all that time talking to Yato, and participated in all those DDR prompts...
I'm getting too old to still have "a second language" on my todo list. And sure, Japanese is at the top because I'm a weeb at my core. I know it's sort of a selfish reason. I just also have a really wonderful time when I do visit for vacation. I want a better understanding of the people I talk with when I go back. And uh... there's seemingly credible companies that let you work remote for the US while in Tokyo, particularly for IT jobs, and I have at least one of those tools in my belt already...
Pokemon VGC: I'm only 70% sure I wanna do this again. Which is still pretty sure. But I'm worried it won't be quite as fun as before. I participated in Reg C and it was AMAZING. Unfair how much fun people can have for an event hosted by such a scummy company. 😆I can't stress enough how much the other players made it so memorable, maybe even more so than some indie events. People were so helpful and so passionate, it's contagious. Team building was stressful, but I really did have fun showing off an Oricorio team with my random shiny Revavroom, and taking even the few wins I did had me over the moon.
I worry that with whatever the hell regulation it is in summer 2024 (like, wow, they are so awful with rule sets), it'll make it near impossible for someone like me to make a team that's viable, let alone a team that I'm happy to show to others. But with how swiss works, maybe I'll run into other people like me and just have fun. Or, y'know, maybe I'll find out that VGC truly does suck when Inceneroar and Landorus are legal, and I'll never have FOMO again. Either way, it'll work out! Now I've talked myself into going...
Another animation: I've been trying to figure out... why I keep making characters teary-eyed every time I make a non-parody animation. I never make sad characters in comics or art... animation just opens up my power or something. And yet, I still have parodies I want to do. I guess if you read this far, I'll go ahead and confess that the two I want to do are smooooch and the Madoka Magica (first) opening with DDR characters. I also started brainstorming a DDR parody to Mephisto from Oshi no Ko. But I don't have a lot more story ideas in my head. I'd like to do a humorous one just to prove I can. I honestly felt to powerful making the Silver and Lance one earlier, and that sort of "I'm doing it because it needed to exist" principle is why I make all the art I do, I think.
So maybe that's why I never improve, because all I care about is bringing an idea into existence. There's definitely part of me that cares that others can see what I'm thinking clearly, and without any polished skill I am certain the internet won't care. I'm uh... grateful? Surprised? Honored? that while I have plenty of flaws in art, I've improved enough to convey something I was emotionally attached to and share that feeling through animation. I think I can stop saying "I'm not good enough to do this idea" whenever I get an idea for a large project like that. So I meeeean... yes, I do remember my beginner methods making some of those scenes a nightmare, and if I was truly skilled then I could've got it done not only in better quality but with less stress. But maybe this year is the start of just going for an art project instead of saying I'm not ready.
Anyway. Happy year of the dragon. It's not my zodiac sign, but I kind of feel lucky in 2024 because my old persona was a dragon and dragons are adorable. May we all go into this year with extra ambition.
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dadjoke-ness · 2 years
ScarVio Shiny Badge Challenge!
Lately, I've been working on a shiny badge challenge, where you catch a shiny pokemon before each badge (and badges include the titans and Star Bases). Johnstone did something similar on his youtube channel, but mine comes with extra rules for challenge sake!
The first shiny pokemon you find prior to your first badge is your "Starter". In traditional pokemon rules, your starter cannot leave your party, this is your pikachu, your companion through thick and thin. Personally, I got mine prior to reaching the school as I selected Quaxly, but you don't have to find your shiny first, they just have to be prior to the first gym. I plan to egg hunt Quaxly later, but the duck couldn't have gotten past Nemona. For this strategy, I just ran in and out of Los Platos - a town border is actually the fastest way to reset encounters for a hunt, far faster than the picnic strat.
Each shiny you get has to be used against the next badge you get, which may influence the order you collect badges in. For example, if your shiny is Smoliv, you probably shouldn't go fight the bird titan or the fire base.
The SPECIAL SHINIES - there are three special shinies you have to catch to face your friends. I am not counting them towards the badge shinies unless I catch multiple since they are for the final fights: - Maschiff/Mastobiff - Vs Arven - Eevee - Vs Penny - evolve into your personal favorite, or eviolite and go wild -Pawmi / Rockruff / Goomy - vs Nemona - this is a kinda pick your own, I'm personally going rockruff this time since I use goomy in all my playthroughs, and I just like the blue dog
The final showdown - Before the finale of the game, you have to shiny hunt a paradox for that last fight. You are a bit limited in options, but you can run in and out of the buildings to reset as picnics don't work.
If you (like me) truly hate yourself, post credits you repeat the process. You catch new shinies for the rematches, and catch another new shiny for the ace tourney. Think about how you are punishing yourself by doing this. Then finally, after all your hard work, make it an Oak challenge and try to complete your dex with only shiny pokemon, wondering why you hunted pokemon prior to the ace tourney and unlocking sparkling power (other than the 2-5 mistakes/normal mons you needed like ditto and your "other" starter - unless you shiny hunt ditto prior to your breeding in which case I fear you.)
Cry a lot, so much, you made it this far.
Not a nuzlocke, because I would be dead already, but still a lot of work and a lot of fun.
(These rules are separate from my updates since I plan to draw all my shinies and I also want people to be able to have the rules without looking at my results. Stay tuned for me to slowly post updates.)
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housenahas · 2 years
Pokemon dark rising 3 download gba rom
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In this game, they also take on new forms, with many never-before-seen Pokemon designs! This is what makes it such an addictive game to play – you’re not only battling your opponents in turn-based battles, but you’re also training your team to become stronger, so it’s about more than just winning matches if you want to succeed against other trainers. It includes the original 151 Pokemon, each with their own set of moves and abilities that can be learned by levelling up or teaching them TMs.
The Pokemon Dark Rising series has proven to be a huge success among gamers. They will become a Gabite once used! This occurs in Chapter 11 Mission 12: Finding Grovyle’s Friend – Part Two – Where do we go from here? Is Pokemon Dark Rising worth playing? To obtain this item, the player must capture or defeat a Houndoom and then use it on a Pokémon with an open slot in its moveset. You can evolve it by using the Dusk Stone (a stone obtained by completing a side quest) in your inventory. Gible evolves into Gabite at level 24 in Pokemon Dark Rising. How does Gible evolve in Pokemon Dark Rising? There are three different options for starters. It’s important to think about which one gives you an advantage in battle, but it also affects which other Pokemon are available for capture and use later on. The starter Pokemon you select at the start of your journey is a significant decision that can influence how difficult or enjoyable your playthrough will be. Who is the best starter in Pokemon Dark Rising? You’ve been training at this Academy for a reason, film, and you’re ready to go out there and find her, yeah. It was a simple, short game similar to a Nuzlocke challenge that was difficult.īut the fact that God knows like challenge mode in this game as a game mode makes me think that it won’t be like all of the destroyed, which is great because that game was extremely difficult. Where, if you faint your poker, the order basically destroys you. Every now and then, I’ll take a nap in my bed. The overall quality appears to be much higher, which is fantastic. This games actually use an RPG maker rather than a romhack, so I believe you were placed on mobile devices like the dark, rising games in case people ask, so it’s unfortunate, but I mean already. The Germans use the Pokedex to record in Pokemon data from what you’ve seen or caught, which simply says channel nice, so you might notice as well. The running shoes we can choose are my running shoes, which are nice, okay, so general check an II. Normal moves are transformed into flying moves, sweet dragon, breath, wing attacks, supersonic, and moonlight. You can go on adventures to find more pokemon, such as the wild ones. The protagonist, who was affected by the event, embarks on an adventure to discover the truth.Īlso, be sure to try out Pokemon Fusion Platinum Game File Info:Ĭomplete Walkthrough of Pokemon Dark Rising 3 PC:Īs you progress through the game, you will encounter new pokemon that you can catch. The main plot of this game revolves around a phenomenon known as “the dark rising,” in which people’s shadows are replaced by their doppelganger counterparts.
Before we download the game, let’s take a look at some of its amazing features. As we know, Dark Rising’s previous versions were for GBA platforms, so this is an RPG Maker XP game. Running shoes are unique, with new pokedex. Shiny is also a part of the game, as is official shiny. The game includes a slew of new pokemon, including legendaries. Investigate the area and discover some amazing Pokemon. With a new area and plot, the main character must continue a journey that has not yet been completed. Check out the massive new options for playing the game at a different difficulty level. Pokemon Dark Rising 3 is a fantastic game in the Dark Rising Series with a nice storey.
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rc--chan · 3 years
Pokespe Evil Team AU Because Procrastinating Is My Job
So basically this is an au where the dexholders are leaders/admins of an evil team. This isn't an au where the dex holders join the evil teams, but one where they make the evil team. And actually do a good job...
Kanto Dex Holders: Team Myth. For the Kanto team I was thinking of an illegal fighting ring. Basically they force pokemon to fight each other with no trainer for the entertainment of others. They would have key locations in more remote locations where no one would expect. Like in the Pokémon Mansion, the Power Plant or under Pokémon Tower. Because who would think there is an illegal fighting ring under a graveyard? I named it Team Myth because no one can catch them, thus they seem like a Myth. Now onto their roles:
Red: Red is the admin found in the Power Plant. I originally wanted to make him the leader, but then I realized he isn't patient enough for it and it really doesn't fit his character. Thus he is an admin. His fighting ring would be the only one that occasionally allows trainers to battle with rented pokemon against other trainers. The fights would be to the death in this case since they are considered more advanced. You can also challenge Red to a fight and if you win he will give you a lollipop. To get to the fighting ring you need to traverse through the power plant until you reach an unnatural looking dead end. If you pull on the tail of a pikachu statue found there, a door opens.
Green: Green is the team leader. His calculative and somewhat cold nature really fits the role of a mafia boss. The main base of Team Myth would be in Pallet Town, his hometown. It would be hidden under the lab. Green being the professor's assistant is able to keep it all a secret. The entrance would be hidden under the bookshelf the the right corner. The classic, you pull a book and there is a secret staircase behind the wall. The hideout is divided in 4 parts that have the floor color coded so you know who it belongs to. To get to Green you'd have to defeat all 3 of the other admins and get a special key. Once you have all 3 keys, you can enter his section of the hideout.
Blue: Blue is the admin under the Pokémon Tower. Her whole gimmick was being a con lady so of course she is running the biggest con. People think she comes to Pokémon Tower and donates money to it out of the goodness of her heart. In reality she manages the biggest fighting ring. Her fighting ring would have more rare pokemon from other regions, like Drapion or Alolan Marowak. To get to it you need to get to the last floor of the tower and push on a brick on the wall behind the two statues. There is a secret elevator that will take you to the fighting ring.
Yellow: Yellow is in charge of the Pokémon Mansion fighting ring. She managed to transform the place into a ”sanctuary” for pokemon. The first floor has pokemon in small natural habitats, the basement is the staffroom for the people that work there and the last two floors are off limits because they house the fighting ring. People donate pokemon to the sanctuary and Yellow brings the strongest ones to the fighting ring. To get to the fighting ring you need to go to the security guard at the entrance of the stairs and pay him 1000 pokedollars to let you in as well as a special invite.
Johto Dex Holders: Team Toxicus. They are in charge of illegal experiments. They capture pokemon from the wild/steal them/have them bred and use them for experiments. This ranges from harmless ”how does this pokemon react in this situation” to testing drugs on them. They would work closely with Team Myth and sell them pokemon with perfect IVs, EVs, specific natures and abilities. Their key locations are in easy to access places or in spots with a lot of pokemon like the Daycare on Route 34, Azalea Town and Goldenrod City.  I called it Team Toxicus as a reference to their experiments.
Gold: Gold is an admin. Again, his personality doesn't really fit the leader persona to me. He owns the daycare on route 34 and the lab under it. Trainers leave their pokemon with him and he steals their egg. ”Yeah sorry, no egg this time. Your pokemon must really hate each other.” Then the eggs are taken to the lab where they are hatched, raised and send to experimentation. To enter the lab you need to get behind the counter and manually set the clock hands to 2:02. A secret trapdoor will open in the place where pokemon stay.
Crystal: Crystal is the boss. We all know that the Johtrio shares one braincell and Crystal has it 95% of the time. So she gets to be the boss. Unlike Team Myth, Team Toxicus doesn't have a ”main base”. The whole operation has 3 labs rotate pokemon between each other that are also designed like hideouts. Crystal's lab is in Violet City, next to Ilex Forest. Pokemon are captured from the forest and brought in the lab for experimentation. The lab is underneath the Poké Mart. To get in you ask the Poké Mart clerk for ”a golden pokeball” and he will take you to the back from where you can take a ladder down.
Silver: Silver is also an admin. Making papa Giovanni proud. Silver works closely with evil teams from other regions in order to obtain rare pokemon not normally found in Johto. His lab is in Goldenrod City because it's a port city and it has easy access to cargo ships. He buys/trades pokemon for ones found in other regions and takes them to the lab for experimentation. The lab is in the Magnet Train station. To get to it you need to go on the platform and search for a red tile. You take out the tile and jump into a hole that leads to the hideout.
Hoenn Dex Holders: Team Triad. They are pokemon traficants. They steal or buy pokemon from other teams and then sell them on the black market. ”You want that shiny Milotic for contests but Feebas is too hard to find? You want to be champion but breeding for perfect IVs is too much work for you? Want to defeat the battle frontier but don't want to train a new team of pokemon? Team Triad has you covered.” Team Triad has only one base, in Mauville City. It is under the closed Game Corner and to get to it you make a pokemon use Strength on one of the slot machines. It reveals a secret trapdoor underneath. I named it Team Triad for obvious reasons.
Ruby: Ruby is an admin. Team Triad is run by all 3 of its admins, so there is no boss. He is the one that works with teams from other regions to get pokemon. The hideout has three floors and Ruby has the first floor. His floor is very elegant and is specifically designed for business deals.
Sapphire: Sapphire is the one in charge of capturing pokemon so she rarely spends time at the hideout. She goes out a lot with the grunts to steal pokemon or capture them. She has the second floor, but since she is rarely at the hideout, its the least decorated.
Emerald: Emerald is the one that actually raises the pokemon and trains them. He receives newly hatched pokemon from Team Toxicus that he trains to their fullest potential. He has the last floor and its designed specifically to train pokemon. He grows berries in there, has soil from a pokemon's birthplace and a lot of training equipment.
Sinnoh Dex Holders: Team Relic. Sinnoh has a lot of history and rare relics lying around, so I decided they own a smuggling ring. They smuggle rare items like Master Balls, rare held items and relics that have a strong connection to legendary pokemon. The blue and red orb? The azure flute? Griseous orb? They have all of them. They sell these items on the black market to collectors and desperate trainers. This team also only has only one hideout but they also own a lot deposits across the region where the items are held. The hideout is in the Berlitz mansion for obvious reasons. Again I chose the name for obvious reasons.
Diamond and Pearl: They are a package deal. Both admins. They travel the regions under the disguise of being a comedy duo. They use this act in order to learn where they can find rare items that they can steal. They also work closely with the Unova team. When they aren't all over the region, they act as Platina's bodyguards.
Platina: She is the mastermind behind this whole thing. She uses the money received from the Grand Hotels all over the region to fund the whole operation. She transformed her mansion into a hideout and is the one that strikes most deals. 
Unova Dex Holders: The region that actually what gave me the idea to write this, because one night I thought to myself ”White could totally use the money she makes from the BW Agency to make an evil team and take over the region if she wanted to”. As for the name of the evil team: BW Agency. You all saw that coming. The BW Agency uses the disguise of an acting agency to hide their illegal items manufacturing. They create Master Balls, rare items and forgeries. They are the team with the most bases, having them all over the region. The most important ones are in Virbank City, Nimbasa City, Castelia City and Accumula Town.
Black: Black is an admin and White's bodyguard. He joins White during business meeting and helps her with whatever he can. When he isn't with White he spends his time at his base in Castelia City training the grunts and their pokemon. The hideout is underneath the Battle Company and to get to it you need to take a secret elevator found under the statue in the lobby.
White: White is the boss for very obvious reasons. She runs both the acting and illegal manufacturing aspects of the agency. She works closely with Team Relic and is good friends with Platina. The main base is in Virbank City, underneath Pokéstar Studios. To get to the base you need to go inside the dressing room and move the biggest painting, behind it there is a tunnel that leads to the hideout.
Lack-Two: Lack-Two is an admin and a secret spy inside the International Police. He pretends to be an officer that spies on the BW Agency when in reality he is spying on the police. A double agent basically. His base is in Nimbasa City. The hideout is underneath the Musical Theater, to get in you need to tell the owner that ”Ms. White from the BW Agency sent me to retrieve the black Prop Case” and he will take you underneath the stage where there is a secret elevator.
Whi-Two: Whi-Two is also an admin. She is in charge of the team's pokemon. She makes sure that they are fed and in top condition in case something happens. Her base is the smallest of the main 4 and in Accumula Town under the Pokemon Center. To get to it you need to go behind Nurse Joy's healing machine, if you move it there is a secret passageway.
Kalos Dex Holders: Team Z. Lame name, ik but I'm kinda running out of ideas for team names. They also do experiments but on mega evolution, they are experimenting to see if you can force a pokemon to mega evolve permanently. The team is co-run by X and Y. They are pretty efficient as they divided the tasks fifty-fifty. They have 6 small bases, 2 of which are in Lumiose and 1 big one in Anistar, that is considered the main base. If you use dive near the Sundial you can reach the secret base that is underneath it.
X: X is in charge of training the grunts and their pokemon and supervises the progress of the lab experiments. He is also the one that test if an experiment was a success by trying to battle with the pokemon.
Y: Y is the one that brings new cargo to the hideouts as well as capturing pokemon that are capable of mega evolving. She works closely with the BW Agency since they provide her with Master Balls.
Alola Dex Holders: The Delivia Company. They are a delivery company that secretly researches a way to amplify moves using Z-Crystal and illegally sells rare pokemon from Kanto, like Kantonian Persian and Vulpix. They have at least 1 base on each of the islands. Their most important ones are in Aether Paradise and Malie City.
Sun: Sun is the boss. When he couldn't get Aether Paradise back by normal means, he decided to create an evil team with strong pokemon to get it back. He succeeded and transformed the island into the main hideout of his evil team.
Moon: Moon is an admin and manages the pokemon and 85% of paperwork. She is also one of the main researchers and spends a lot of time in the lab in Malie City. The lab is underneath Malie Library, to get in you need to rotate one of the small golden statues found on the railing at the bottom of the staircase. This will open a trap door in the floor that reveals more stairs going down.
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Blair Plays: Legends Arceus (Phase 3)
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Mama, just tackled a man
Seriously what is even happening right now. This game is wild.
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Oh heck yes. I would jump for joy right now. I would honestly jump around Laventon's Office for about five minutes if this game actually had a jump button. Nah, you don't even know. Games like Legends are and always will be a massive timeeater for me and crafting? Is like 70% of the reason why. Most of my Skyrim hours are spent over the Alchemy table. I am a scientist for stuff like this. Does this mean I get to make my own steampunk pokeballs? Because if it does, this is the greatest game ever made.
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Ah yes, the other thing that makes these games take forever for me to complete and enjoy every second of them. The side-quests. I'm a completionist, personally. Not really for any reason other than that I enjoy playing the game, and I know I'll like this kind of thing more than EV training or shiny hunting. The only question is whether or not this game will have more or less sidequests than Xenoblade. Probably less. Or is that an unfair comparison? Either way, I'll keep my eyes out for a wurmple.
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It's a booklet!
It isn’t part of the Arc Phone, but an actual encyclopedia. Thank Arceus! Though that does make me wonder what the purpose of the Arc Phone is. Come to think of it, we should probably keep that hidden if we don’t want these people to start thinking we’re a god. I’ve seen Star Trek Next Generation, I know how this goes.
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I'm definitely stealing that phrase and using it in the future. I have no idea what it's even supposed to mean but it's just so quotable. In other news, I can already tell that I'm going to waste all my time on side-quests, but unless something noteworthy happens, I'll stick to updates on the main story.
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Because if there's one thing Pokemon needed, it's more Dark Souls.
Not kidding, by the way. The dodging mechanie is pretty awesome. In general, I like these mechanics. The reduced number of battles, the increased focus on capturing pokemon. Like, this was something I couldn’t stand about Let’s Go, but this time it kinda works for me? Because it’s a whole new world, with a new adventure with different goals that were introduced from the start. As opposed to being a typical Gym Challenge where the Gym Leaders randomly refuse to let you in until you catch fifty pokemon, like what even was that.
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In other news, you can drown. I have a system, you see. With every new game I play. I always have to do three things. 1) Approach fire and see if it will actually burn me. 2) Attempt to harm NPCs to see if the game will let me, and if there are consequences for it. And 3) The first body of water I find, I have to see if I'm allowed to swim. Turns out, you are! Very, very slowly. For about five seconds. Then you drown.
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I thought it was a joke. But no, he actually names his Wurple whatever silly nickname you suggest. Anyway, we stan Fred the Hero, who is totally not going to evolve into a Dustox or anything. Yeah, I've seen the anime, Legends. I know where this is going. At least this time I can buy that Wurple's branching evolution isn't common knowledge.
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So it looks like the game is replacing the gym challenge with the star system. Works for me. Catching Pokemon is surprisingly addicting. I feel just like a real hunter in the wild, without any of the guilt for actually harming animals. On another note, the Survey Corps outfit is all kinds of badass. I know character customization is a thing in this game, but I may just stick with this outfit for a while. Except for that hat. Oh boy, that hat has to go.
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Don't think I missed that line, game. Means nothing to Sybil, means a whole lot to me. The Diamond Clan, eh? Something tells me that there's going to be a Pearl Clan as well, and that somewhere down the road, I'm going to be asked to choose between them. I was always a Platinum kid growing up, so I don't have much stake in this, but I'm glad to see the plot is picking up!
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synthaphone · 2 years
I want to know how you feel aboutt all the pokemon bears (teddiursa/ursaring/ursaluna, beartic, pangoro... ive forgotten all of their names. bears!)
alRIGHT LETS GO lets see how many i remember
teddiursa: nice cute and simple teddy bear design. i like the moon marking on the face a lot, and i also love the old dumpy gold and silver sprites, they have a real charm to them
ursaring: tbh this ones kinda boring to me but i dont actively dislike it or anything. its a perfectly functional normal type bear. the big round tail is an element where i cant decide if its weird in a fun way or if its weird in an awkward design way
ursaluna: oh hell yeah now THIS is bear. i love how the dirt on its face both serves as clouds over the moon marking, and also funny eyebrows. love that its quadrupedal too, we needed a good quadrupedal bear. oh fuck i just realized its the only one. (unless you count stufful) damn!
spinda: love this thing. its honestly probably not enough of a bear to be on here but fuck it i love it its going here. i think they should come in even more colors; give gamefreak even more of a challenge
cubchoo: this thing’s cute enough! i like that the head is blue- the snots kinda weird and i dont love it but i can deal. i caught a shiny one in a horde battle in gen 6 when i was staying at my grandmas house in florida; it was very exciting. for some reason i feel like these things would smell like soap… maybe thats why the snot doesnt bother me much, my brain is like ‘this is actually a soap creature’
beartic: sorry beartic. i do not like you. the idea of the snot having frozen into a beard works well enough for me designwise but it being shaped like a mountain… its just not appealing to me. rip. pinhead larry
pancham: ok i dont think about it that often but i really like this one. i went through a phase where i was drawing it all the time back in 2014 or so and its just an expressive little guy with a fun design
pangoro: YEAAAA COOL BADASS this thing rules, i love its jacket and its eyespot eyes and its personality. i had a shiny one in X from a friend safari that i named Ana Ng after the. tmbg song because i was thinking about tmbg at the time. i kept trying to use her in competitive battles, but i suck at them so it didnt go great- i still remember her fondly though.
stufful: its cute! i like it. i think the animations really make it for me. real powermove for them to make a deliberately cute stuffed animal pokemon and then be like ‘it HATES to be hugged’
bewear: yea this guy is fun too. i think its dex entries really make it, like Ah this is the guy that KILLS you
kubfu: its alright i guess. i dont love it but i dont hate it.
urshifu: i like its face better than kubfus- its fine. i prefer rapid strike style, i think. neither of them nor kubfu really feel like legendaries to me though. ah well neat enough bear
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Chronicles of Galar - Prologue 3: Y/N L/N
The Chapter you all waited for. Don’t worry, we’ll get to your past soon enough in the story, so stay tuned. Amila is a fake region my best friend made. He is also your brother in the story and the Professor of Amila. And don’t forget to save the tag Chronicles of Galar for updates ^_^ You can also find the story on AO3: Here
[Prologue: Y/n L/n]
Light footsteps echoed through the darkened Slumbering Weald, Galar. You tried to make your way through the thicket and a white Vulpix kept you company. The little Pokemon had a very shy and timid nature and was trembling with fear all the time. The unknown has always had a tense effect on the pre-stressed Pokemon. No wonder, when you thought about what those monsters from Team Skull in Alola must have done to it. You didn't want to think about that anymore and took out your smartphone to dial your brother's number. "Yes? [Y/n]? Man, we're looking for you everywhere. We were supposed to meet at Wedgehurst station. Are you lost again? " a male voice sighed at the other end.
“What does 'again' mean here? Sorry for not memorizing the entire map of a new region the first time I explore. Not everyone can have such a photographic memory as our Professor Mamoru [L/n]. ”You countered jokingly. "Very funny. Where are you?"
"If I'd know that. There is a forest here. I followed a little Pokemon that I don't know yet. That was so cute. Such a small blue creature, a bit similar to Ralts, with pigtails. I HAD to go after it, that's why I ran after it. "You explained, describing the Pokemon Hattrem, the intermediate form to the Pokemon Hatterene, a Galar Pokemon with the dual types fairy and psycho.
".... You walked into an unknown forest because of a 'cute' Pokemon?" Mamoru sighed and covered his face with his hand. That was just so typical of you.
"Pff. If it had been a new Arcanine Pokemon, you would have done the same. ” You shrugged your shoulders and heard a woman's voice laughing on the other side. "Hello Aki."
While you were talking to your brother, you did not notice at first that a fog was coming up. At first the fog was light and transparent, but soon you couldn't even see your own hand in front of your eyes. "Damn. Where does this fog come from all of a sudden? Hello? Mamoru? Can you still hear me? Hello? “ You asked several times after you didn't get an answer. You looked at your cell phone and then saw the connection go dead. "Strange."You muttered and tried to connect again.
Connection failure. The empty wifi symbols blinked mysteriously and that made you even more alarmed than you already were.
Vulpix jumped into your arms, the fog must have made it even more frightened as it snuggled into your chest. You pressed the fox creature close and tried to calm it down. “Don't worry, I'm here. We can do it, ” You whispered in a calming tone.
Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes next to you, made you stopping in your tracks. You swallowed and hugged Vulpix even closer. "Okay .. keep calm. That is .. just the cute blue Pokemon from earlier .. definitely .. I'm sure of it "Your mantra died in your throat when a large, wolf-like Pokemon came slowly walking towards you. It was mostly blue and the tail, as well as his shoulder jewelry and a long, pigtail-like fur chain, were in a red. The animal looked graceful but also dangerous. You knew from your trainer battle experience when a wild Pokemon is too strong to risk a fight. Since you had not brought any other Pokemon to Galar except Vulpix and Primarina, you did not dare to challenge this mysterious Pokemon. Especially since the fog was too thick for a real fight.
You backed away as the unknown wolf pokemon stepped closer. It seemed to be assessing the situation without actually giving the appearance of wanting to attack. You didn't wanted to risk anything and so you turned around and tried to escape. You held Vulpix with all your strength so that you wouldn't drop it while running.
However, it turned out to be a wrong decision to run through an unknown forest in thick fog. At every corner you almost bumped into the trees and one time you could not avoid the roots that were on the way and stumbled. At the last second you were able to turn your body to one side so that you wouldn't crush Vulpix with your body.
In return, you fell so hard on your shoulder that you had to cry out in pain. Vulpix whimpered helplessly and tried to comfort it's trainer by licking your cheek when you got up again and wanted to run away. To make matters worse, you were getting tired too.
It wasn't long before you passed out when you let go of Vulpix and collapsed. In this unknown fauna with a wolf on your back and nobody knew where you were. Was that the end?
You had a headache and your shoulder hurt badly when you slowly opened your eyes. You felt as if you had been grilled with a Rapid Spin. Above you was a shadow that turned out to be the head of a Charizard and that made you blink.
"Oh? You are finally awake? " a male voice, unknown to you, spoke up. You straightened up before you realized you were covered with something. A blanket? No. A cape? It was red with a yellowish border and next to the red check pattern there were many different symbols, probably from companies from Galar. Sponsors maybe? Then you looked at a campfire.
A young man was sitting there, no more than 1-2 years older than you, and gave you a sincere and charming smile. His irides were amber and glowed from the fire. His purple hair was moving gallantly in the blowing wind and his parted goatee gave him a wise and manly touch. He wore a kind of leotard with a sword and a shield, short white trousers and long, equally white leggings underneath.
"What happened?"You wanted to know and held your shoulder. The memories, of what happened, were rather vague. “Charizard found you. And at the right time. You passed out right in front of a cliff. “ the man said and crossed his arms. "However, it took a while to save you, because your little protector thought we were enemies at first." the purple-haired man smiled and then pointed to a white fur ball next to you. It was Vulpix who slept next to you. You blinked and looked up. "W-what?"
The man's smile widened. "It really wanted to protect you heroically, even though it was trembling with fear."
[Flashback after you passed out]
[Leon's POV]
Charizard scanned the area to find a way out of the thick forest. If my brother ever finds out that I'm still lost in the Slumbering Weald ... I sighed and continued on my way through the fog. It was strange, the last time there was a fog like this, I looked for Hop and Gloria. The two reported about a rare Pokemon. Had it reappeared?
My faithful companion drew my attention to something. A person was lying near the cliffs. Here in this part of the forest people rarely got lost, so I was astonished to meet someone here. Charizard and I stepped closer to identify the person. It was a woman. Just as Charizard was only a few steps away, a Vulpix attacked us. But it looked different from what I knew. It was snow-white and otherwise looked slightly different. Was that a so-called "Shiny"? I've never seen anything like it in my life! It had to belong to the woman. “Don't worry, my friend. We mean no harm. We want to help you. " I tried to calm the Pokemon. It stood protectively in front of its trainer and growled at us. But I also realized how scared it was. His entire body was shaking and his eyes showed despair and uncertainty.
I leaned down so I didn't looked so tall and held out my hand slightly. "Do not worry. We are not enemies. ”I tried again, but the Vulpix barked and shot an aurora beam at both Charizard and me. Wait? Aurora beam?!
I had no time to be confused about what was going on with it's element.
Charizard intercepted the attack with his wing and tried to counter. “Charizard stop! Don't fight. “, I ordered him and looked back at Vulpix. Just as I was trying to figure out how to make it clear to the Pokemon that I just wanted to help, it seemed to run out of strength and it collapsed. "That poor thing. Who knows how long it had been so weak and it kept on its feet the whole time to protect its trainer. "
[End of flashback]
"Vulpix must love you very much." The man added gently to his story and you smiled gratefully when you lightly petted the head of the Pokemon. "Oh Vulpix .." you whispered softly. “By the way, my name is [Y/n]. And your name is..?"
Now the man looked surprised, almost shocked. Or maybe .. disappointed? But then he had to smile again. "And I thought I am most famous trainer in Galar," he said, although his tone was not arrogant. "So you're not a fan of me, unfortunately." he added jokingly. "Hahaha. I'm sorry. But I'm not from Galar. “ You explained to the young man. "Will the most famous Galar trainer tell me his name?", You asked, a little amused yourself, whereupon the friendly stranger had to laugh gently. "With pleasure. My name is Leon. “, He finally introduced himself. "I am pleased to meet you. And thanks for the rescue. “ You replied kindly. "You're welcome. Where are you from, if I'm allowed to ask? ”Leon asked curiously.
"Of course. I grew up in Sinnoh. But originally I'm from Amila. ”You explained proudly. “Oh, I've heard a lot from Amila. Has your family moved to Sinnoh? "
"No no. It's a somewhat complicated story and, frankly, a bit too private. "You answered the question with an apologetic smile. Leon seemed to understand your intention and nodded. "Then of course I won't ask further. But it's nice to see that trainers from so far away are drawn to our beautiful Galar. But what are you doing here in the forest and why were you passed out? "
"Um .." You scratched your cheek in slight embarassment. “I wanted to meet my brother and his fiancée in Wedgehurst. Then I saw this real cute Pokemon and followed it blindly into the forest. At some point I lost sight of it and then this thick fog came. There was this Pokemon .. graceful, big, blue and red .. and I fled from it because I didn't fight unnecessary fights .. At some point on my escape I dislocated my shoulder and then passed out from exhaustion.“ You sighed in frustration. Oh man, that really sounded like a story that could only happen to a beginner. Leon grinned slightly. "So, a cute Pokemon got you into this misery. Well, you seem to me to be a very caring trainer and also very cautious tactically if you don't risk fighting against the unknown. ", Leon began and put his hand under his chin in a thinking pose. “You remind me of me. I'm just as devoted when it comes to Pokemon. And I ... uh, have no sense of direction. I even get lost in houses ... “, he then admitted with a laugh. "So? Is that why you walk around here by yourself too? Are you lost? In an area that should seem familiar to you as a well-known trainer of Galar?“ You tried to tease him. "Well .. at least I'm not so clumsy that I hurt myself." "Touche."
The silence between you two lasted a very short time until Leon spoke again. "And which Pokemon fascinated you so much that you walk into a dark forest that you are not familiar with?" He asked while he went to you with a first aid box. He was probably trying to fix your shoulder. You smiled and were grateful that you liked to wear strapless shoulder tops. So you didn't even have to undress and Leon got to the affected area without any problems. “Well, it must have been from this region because I didn't knew it. It was small and blue, with two braids and a white body. It looks a little like Ralts or Kirlia .. " You described while Leon took care of your shoulder and made a professional splint from a piece of a big leaf and bandages. “Oh, you mean a Hattrem. You can find them here in the forest, but quite far inside. They are also considered to be very shy when it comes to human interactions, because they react strongly to emotions. So I'm amazed that you saw one far enough from the forest to follow it. ”Leon wondered and blinked. “Then it was obviously my day of luck and bad luck at the same time. Because it got away from me. “You giggled and thanked him for the treatment. "Are you hungry? My cooking skills are modest, but so far Charizard and I have not had any food poisoning, "Leon laughed and handed you a plate of homemade curry. You accepted the food with a thanks and ate a spoonful. Leon paid attention to your facial features and at the moment when the corner of your mouth went down slightly, he laughed embarrassed. "So bad?"
You giggled slightly and swallowed the somewhat tough curry. "Well, some spices are missing, but it still tastes better than when one of my brothers tries to 'cook'." You said and ate the rest of the curry. It wasn't quite as bad as he had advertised it. Leon smiled and then looked at the sleeping Vulpix. "I think your little protector is waking up," he said and pointed to Vulpix. Its small head rose and it noticed that its trainer was no longer next to it. "Vul ..!" It shouted happily when it saw that you were awake and jumped joyfully into the arms of its trainer. You hugged it lovingly and breathed a quick kiss on the Pokemon's head. "There is my heroine."You said meekly and Leon couldn't help but smile happily while he saw the interaction between trainer and Pokemon. There weren't many trainers who had such a close and friendly relationship with their Pokemon, which was actually very sad. Many saw them only as toys or tools, as battle puppets, to become famous. Many did not care how the Pokemon are feeling. But that was exactly what the champ of Galar wanted to change.
"If you feel fit enough, then we can look for a way out together." Leon suggested after you gave your Vulpix some PokeBlocks from your home to eat. After all, you didn't wanted to let the poor thing suffer from the bad curry.
"Yes, I am. Vulpix surely too, right little one? “You asked and Vulpix replied with an enthusiastic: 'VUUU!', Whereupon both trainers had to laugh and went on their way. On the way you held a little small talk, about your wisdoms on how to take care of Pokemon, about the fact that you wanted to settle down in a region at some point in order to run a fairy gym, since this position was already taken in Amila . And in the other regions that you had traveled to. The subject came up about the strange colors of your Vulpix. "I wondered something. Is your Vulpix a Shiny? Because I've never seen a white Vulpix before. His fur is also a little different. ", Leon said and looked next to him. You walked next to him while Vulpix made herself comfortable on your not injured shoulder.
"No. But it comes from Alola. You know, the Vulpix in Alola had to adapt to the changed weather conditions and basically ... changed their element. These Vulpix are ice and fairy type. "You explained and now it made " click "at Leon. "Aaaaah, that explains why it attacked with aurora beam," he laughed then. "You have never seen an Alola form?" You asked, flabbergasted. "No, we actually never have trainers who come from Alola," Leon answered thoughtfully. "I think you're the first one I see with an Alola Pokemon in my 10 year trainer career," he added. It was a few more hours before you reached the exit. You two noticed that you got along pretty well and that your chemistry was really good. You laughed a lot, of course you didn't try to get lost again and you actually felt a little wistful when you got out of the forest. Because that meant that the ways of you and this personable trainer parted again.
"Hey! Sister! ", Mamoru shouted, who was already waiting in front of the entrance with his fiancee Aki and an unknown young man.
"Huh?" You blinked and ran to your brother. "Who is this?"
“This is Hop. He lives in the village and is currently visiting his mother. We got to know him and he wanted to help us find you. But as I can see you've found your way back. ", Mamoru grinned mischievously. You knew that grin. "Brother!" Hop called and hugged Leon. You blinked. So Hop was Leon's brother? If that wasn't a coincidence. "Really, have you got lost in the Slumbering Weald again?" The younger sighed and put his arms on his hips. "You know how bad my sense of direction is." Leon laughed and raised his hands defensively. "However. Mother would like to see you again, so move your bum to her and say hello, "he ordered.
"Well, then it's probably time to say goodbye first.", Leon said and turned to you. "Um .. Here, this is my league card. You can all have one. ", He said a bit embarrassed and first gave Mamoru and then Aki a card. He gave the last one to you and grinned. You looked at it and blinked.
"... Champion Leon .. Wait, you are the champion of Galar ?!", you asked completely perplexed and pointed at him. "That offends me now, that you are shocked." Leon laughed and winked at you.
"No of course not. That somehow makes you sympathetic that you are so absentminded. "You smiled. Just as Leon was about to reply, Hop poked him in the side. "Stop flirting and get on your way, brother."
Leon laughed, then turned back to you. "Now that you now know who I am .. Is there a chance that you will become a fan of mine after all?" He asked you slightly teasingly.  You smiled back. "I already am." Your answer surprised him and your next words made him even a little blushy. “You are my savior after all. My hero. Of course I'm your fan. "You added and also winked.
Leon just stood there with his mouth open and everything he wanted to say died in his throat. Hop grinned broadly and then pulled his brother behind him. "Maybe we'll see each other again, folks!"
"See you then, Hop! And Leon. ", Mamoru shouted afterwards with a laugh, until he turned to his sister with a grin. "Already Found a little romance here yet? ”He teased you. "Dont talk nonsense. I do not know him. But he was .. nice. “You said and then looked at his League Card. Under the name was soemthing written in small letters: 'Turn the card'. You blinked and looked at the back of the card.
You grinned broadly and hugged the card when you laughed softly. "What's going on?", Aki wanted to know. "Oh nothing."You smirked and took your smartphone to type Leon's home number, which he had attached to the back with a small message, into your phone. He was kind of cute and this was just the beginning of a new wonderful friendship. You were sure about this.
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pokemonswshfics · 4 years
Hi there! Could we get some angst that has Milo in it? It can be whatever you want! ^-^
hello! thank you so much for requesting ^-^, I didn't know whether it was '× reader' or not so I went with a Milo × reader! The prompt I decided is that Milo and the reader are getting frustrated with each other because of how different their lifestyles and priorities are, and they wonder if they're even compatible anymore. (they're not >_<) this is my first angst oneshot, i hope you have a nice read >:'D <3 !
Milo × Reader || Breakup Angst (Sfw)
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You sat in the locker room, match about to start. You had a knot in your stomach and almost by the second, the pit in your stomach grew. Leon challenged you to a friendly match for entertainment but that wasn't why you were nervous.
Milo, your boyfriend, had promised to come watch your match as soon as he was done tending to his farmwork for the day. And on top of that, his gym was always busy, being the first one and all. He tried his best to make time for you but there had been a handful of disappointments or let downs when it came to plans. You were nervous he wouldn't show up.
And it didn't help that you two had been arguing a lot lately. Even over small things, like where to meet, or who certain friends were. Everything seemed to build up day after day.
"Excuse me, the pitch is ready." One of the referees called out to you by the doorway leading to the pitch.
"Oh okay! Thanks.." You said softly with a smile and got up, picking up your Poke balls and gloves. They were one of Milo's white pairs. You looked one last time to the doorway of the locker room silently praying it opened. With one final sigh, you headed to the pitch.
"That was awesome! You really gave us a good thrashing!" Leon said rather enthusiastically. He held Charizard's pokeball in one hand, ready to take them to the Pokemon center after your conversation.
The two of you stood outside Wyndon stadium, Leon was waiting for a flying taxi he had called. You hadn't called for one yet, and you didn't think you would for a while. The sun was setting and the dusk colored sky made you slightly calmer and more at ease.
"But..something seemed off. You didn't even look too happy when you finally dynamaxed your Pokemon."
"Hm? Oh! Yeah I'm fine, I was just kinda tired today." Your thoughts had already been elsewhere as soon as the match ended, Milo wasn't in the stands at any time during your match. The rotom phone in your bag was off on purpose, you didn't have the energy to interact with anyone really. "I'm fine, I think I might just go home."
"Mm, okay! But just text or call me if you need anything. Always here for ya." Leon playfully ruffled your hair as his flying taxi parked a few feet away from you two. He walked towards it before looking back at you, then to the sidewalk to your left. "Hey Milo!"
To your left, you could see your boyfriend walking up sheepishly. You turned, he had his hat off and looked upset as well.
Leon looked between you two and sensed the tension. "I'll uh...talk to you guys later." He quickly climbed in and in only a few moments, he was gone. Now leaving just you and Milo in silence.
"Why didn't you come? I was waiting for you." You said looking away from him and fidgeting with your hands.
"Buttercup, first I just wanna say I'm sorry. I really did wanna come but there were just so many fans outside the gym-" He tried to explain.
"Fans? You were with fans this whole time?" You cut him off abruptly and finally faced towards him completely. Your irritation grew slightly with Milo as you spoke. "I thought you were working on your farm.."
"I was! I finished but there were just so many people outside my gym today, really." He said sheepishly and put his hands in his pockets.
"Why didn't you just say 'thanks' or something and go?"
"What? That's rude, they're my fans." His eyebrows furrowed a little. "I love you buttercup, but I can't just push off the people that support me."
"I'm someone that supports you. You- nevermind. You're right." You huffed a little. You really didn't want to start a fight but you noticed a frown beginning to form on Milo's face.
"Are you genuinely upset about fans? I tried coming, and I couldn't. I'm sorry."
"This is like, the third time I've been pushed off this week by you Milo. I can understand if it's something really important but I really wanted you to come today-"
"You're acting like you haven't pushed me off either, I thought you'd understand about fans out of all people. The great Champion of Galar." He said almost snarky like. "You've pushed off coming with me to the farm multiple times too. And for battles like these, or just because you were in the wild area."
Your breath hitched as you realized he was right. "I go to the farm..sometimes."
"And battles! What's up with never wanting to battle me, even if it's just a playful one?" He asked with now almost sad eyes.
You didn't even bother to open your mouth to answer him. His pokemon were strong- when you initially fought him in the gym challenge. By now, you could probably take his entire team out with one of your own. And it didn't help that your pokemon knew a variety of moves, multiple fire and ice type ones.
"And you always say yes to a battle to Leon or Raihan or-" he suddenly stopped talking and his shoulders slightly slumped. "Do you..like them or something?"
The fact he would even question it surprised you. "What? No, I just..I'm okay battling them." You said quietly and looked away with a frown. "I don't have to explain why I battle them. It's my life and my battles."
"Tell me." His voice lowered in tones. He stepped aside so he would be in your view again. The slight irritation on his face was visible.
"I don't want to." You shook your head and crossed your arms. "I don't like them just because I battle them, I promise you that. I just..feel more comfortable battling them." You said rather quietly.
"More comfortable? What does that even mean?" He put his hands on his hips and you could see the realization on his face hit as he realized the real reason why you didn't want to battle him. "Do you think I'm weak?"
"No! No, no, no, no. I..don't know. I don't wanna hurt you or your Pokemon." You finally admitted. "That doesn't mean I have any less respect for you. I just don't want to hurt you."
"You do that more often then you think."
You were taken aback by his response and how quick it was. Now you were both upset and it was visible.
"How? Name one time-"
"You didn't want to come to the farm because it was a busy and hotter day. That's why hats exist. You battle people instead of me because you think I can't handle you. I can never count on you to be there either for important stuff. Being Champion changed you. And not in a good way!" Milo said harshly and only continued with a scowl on his face. "It never even feels like you're around anymore, you're always running around everywhere but places near me."
"If you're gonna be upset, then I have a right to be to. Ever since I became Champion, you've changed too! What even happened to you being this supportive, present boyfriend? It feels like you care for your Wooloo more then you do me!" You almost instantly replied now getting tears in your eyes from anger. "You're never at my matches, my interviews, and just-" You groaned out in frustration.
Milo's face got a light shade of red, but not the shy shade you were used to. It was a shade of frustration. Not the one you fell in love with. You fell in love with a soft, punctual, and happy man. The man standing in front of you was a complete stranger who just happened to be named Milo.
"If this is gonna happen, you can't put all the blame on me. You did some stuff that you would have added to the list, had I done it. You're far from the person I met during the gym challenge," His voice cracked and he looked away, his eyes shiny. "S-sorry. You just..you aren't the same. I don't know you at all, it's too difficult to have a conversation now that doesn't end in us like this."
You tried blinking tears away as quickly as you could. "What do you even mean? I'm literally trying to work this out with you right now, you're being difficult."
"We're grown adults, just admit you're the one being difficult! You're the one who started brushing me off when you became Champion, and you're the one who acts like a child when stuff like this happens."
You bit your lip and crossed your arms. Whatever was said right now is permanent, you thought to yourself. "I don't act like a child. I'm just busier with actual important things!" Your voice was now on the volume same as his, and you had no intention of lowering it. "You get fans bombarding you once and think it's a valid reason to miss something important!"
"You're doing it again! You don't want to take blame ever, something a CHILD would do. I'm so sick of your mindset and how you act when things don't go right." He said and wiped his eyes, it was obvious he was about to cry as well.
Tears fell over the sides of your cheeks and you asked, "You're honestly sick of me? Really?"
"Of how you act..I'm sick of how we act when we're together now." He said softly and finally made eye contact with you. The tension between you in the air right now was so sharp, it could practically be grabbed and used to cut something. This was a different argument between you two.
Or it was about to be.
"You should have said that earlier." You shakily said with your voice beginning to break. Your hands slipped off his gloves quickly and frantically just to get them off. "If you're so sick of me, like I am of you," you added on the being sick of him by instinct. You weren't sick of him at all, and you already regretted most of what you said to him right now. But it was too late to turn back. "I"ll leave you alone."
You threw the gloves to his feet, both mad as ever. You couldn't tell if you were more upset or hurt because of Milo, and you didn't want to figure it out in front of him.
"We're done, Milo." With a step back, you watched as his face turned from hurt to shocked to a mixture of both. "Have fun having all the time in the world for whatever you wanna do! I won't be apart of it."
He crouched slightly to pick up the gloves silently. "Fine. Have fun being Galar's great champion that can't even.." He scoffed and looked away again while standing back up slowly. "I don't know."
You stood still there for a few more seconds and just stared at him. It was truly nice, before. When you first met him it was as if the world got brighter by the day. He was so sweet, and always made time for you. You were one of his main priorities and it felt like it. Before you both had issues left and right, having and being with Milo was like an escape from the real world. He was there to comfort you after matches you failed.
He was perfect.
And he was no longer yours.
"Whatever." You hiccuped out and turned around and took out your own gloves from your hand to put them on. Another look at Milo's face wasn't bareable, and you heard him sigh quietly.
It wasn't your problem anymore, and with one last "Bye, Milo." you headed to the wild area, solely because it was the last place he would go.
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blo0pkin · 3 years
I’ve been working on a Dream SMP Pokémon AU :D
This is pretty lengthy it’s all under the cut.
Okay apologizing now for spelling mistakes. I didn’t have my Pokédex on me alright.
This AU takes place in Galar, but the starting Town is named L’Manburg. And also Circhester is Snowchester
Tommy is The main character you play as. (So when I say you, I mean Tommy. But when I say Tommy I also mean you y’know). He chose a fire type starter, a Scorbunny he nicknamed Cat. He also has a Zigzagoon named Mellohi, a shiny Venomoth named Clemintine, Joltik named Shroud, and a Tauros named Henry! He loves his Pokémon a lot, and makes sure to nickname them.
Tubbo is the rival/best friend! He chose the grass starter, Grookey. He has a voltorb, Deerling, a Spoink he shares custody of with Ranboo named Micheal, a Wheezing, and miraculously, Xurkitree. He refuses to say where he got it.
Ranboo is the ghost gym leader who Tubbo convinces to come with him and Tommy, and get the water stater Sobble despite hating all water types. Also has a backstory with Team Dream, but doesn’t know much due to memory loss! He also seems to have a skin condition causing his skin and hair to become dual coloured. His team consists of Alolan Marrowhack, Lampent, Banette and Yamask!
Dream is the leader of Team Dream, a diabolical team that steals Pokémon! SapNap (fire-type leader) and Gogy (bug-type leader who of which only has Pokémon with the “sleep spore” move) two of the higher-level leaders, think it’s all for the fun of it and for the better of the region but Dream actually has them steal for power!
Tommy and Tubbo go and defeat Dream to retrieve Tommy’s partner Pokémon Mellohi and Cat. The odd thing about Dream is insists on fighting Pokémon himself, sans Pokémon. Rumor says his partner pokemon abandoned him.
Puffy is the fairy-type gym leader! She uses a repurposed water-type gym, so her gym challenge and stuff is all pirate themed. She helps the hero’s periodically throughout their journey! Also Watch out for her Jigglypuff, it knows Sing!
Technoblade is the current champion is the region, and Tommy’s big brother! He uses seemingly only Emboar to win every battle. Technoblade never dies!
He ends up helping Team Dream during the finale, being one of the bosses you have to defeat (he was peer pressured okay!). It is also revealed during that fight he’s where Tubbo got Xurkitree!
There’s also Wilbur, who is Technoblade’s twin brother and Tommy’s big brother, who failed at defeating all the gym challenges and ran away. He started helping the hero’s many times throughout their journey until he moved ahead of them in the gym challenges (The bench trio had plot stuff to attend to). He made a bet with Philza, the flying type gym leader and his dad, that if he lost he wouldn’t try at being champion again for 6 months. He lost. Nobody knows where he ran off to, but when he comes back with Dream (and on his side too) it’s pretty clear his mental health didn’t fair well. He used to have a partner Pokémon, a Nickett named Fundy, but he abandoned him fairly early on in his journey. He comes back to defeat Ghostbur when Dream makes him fight you during the finale! Also Wilbur has a Drillbur and a Timburr simply because I think it’s funny.
There’s Philza Minecraft, the flying-type gym leader and Tommy’s dad. He is the last leader you face before the bracket. His partner Pokémon Corviknight likes to perch on his back and make it look like Phil has wings. Tommy is two Pokémon down during this battle (it’s when Dream has possession of Cat and Mellohi), but he still wins! Tommy thinks that Phil let him win so he doesn’t pull a Wilbur and run off to be a villain.
The regions scientist is actually two people, Sam Awesome, who’s name tag jokingly says AweSamdude, is kinda the R&D part of the lab. He made a little robot furret named Sam Nook that essentially acts like Navi the whole time, bothering Tommy with unhelpful info. Sometimes helpful tho. The other one is Dr. Opsby Ponk, just called Ponk, who gave the Bench Trio their starters! But don’t go to her for medical advice, he’ll just feed your Pokémon lemons. They they grew them herself tho!
There’s also Team Egg. A Team of trainers who’s been mind controlled by a Pokémon egg! The egg won’t hatch, it has vines, is psychic, and no scientist can get even a little bit close without being possessed themselves. The leader of this team is a man who only goes by the alias BadBoyHalo, the dark-type gym leader. During his gym challenge is when you find out about Team Egg. All his Pokémon gained the typing of psychic after being possessed. His second in command is a man by the Alias of AntFrost, a cat-like Pokémon only user, and during the after-game Both Sam and Ponk were effected by the egg trying to study it. And the most bizzarre edition to the Team Egg crew is a man with diamond skin named Skeppy. You meet these misfits periodically throughout your journey, but never really fight them until you defeat Dream.
During the big fight finale, it is revealed that Dream has been conducting experiments to create the ultimate Pokémon-human hybrid. He experimented on Ranboo, the first test on the kid ghost gym leader, and that’s why he has no memory and has black-white skin. His other tests where the Pokémon egg (where it’s revealed a man named Velvet is inside it!) Charlie and Skeppy. And the big big reveal is that he experimented on Wilbur too! He was the only success, being both human and now ghost type! (Nicknamed Ghostbur by Dream)
Dream succeeds in turning himself half-Pokémon during the finale with a big fancy cutscene, but then Tommy gets Cat and Mellohi back along with he and Tubbo getting Zamazenta and Zacian (this still takes place in Galar lol) so he’s defeated! (Tubbo is the one who gets the final hit!!)
Unfortunately, Team Egg is not defeated along with Dream so it’s kinda the after story. After the finale is also when Tommy defeats Technoblade on in the official match and becomes the new Champion! Tubbo loses to Tommy and Techno, but is still happy he even got to try and that his best friends are happy!
There’s also Quackity, the leader of an underground fighting ring. Very illegal but very fancy, but no-one goes there. There’s always a battle but no trainers or spectators! He has one of the failed Pokémon-human experiments named Charlie, a human-Dodosion hybrid.
SapNap is also the Fire-type gym leader, but was also on Team Dream. He left the moment he found out Dream experimented on people, and took Gogy (the big type leader) with him, which ultimately made Dream snap finally make himself half Pokémon. Gogy fell asleep during your gym challenge.
Niki runs a little bakery for Pokémon, and is somehow in every location all at once. Don’t ask her how. The original location is in the same town as Puffy’s gym.
Eret is the curator of the museum, a plot revelant location and she kinda makes you solve a bunch of riddles and tests before he gives you the information you ask for. They show up in the end too, waving a giant pride flag to try and give Tommy’s side some gay protection.
Foolish is a talking Pokémon himself, and takes place of Calyrex. He’s a totem, and your goal in the DLC is the same as Calyrex but you run around a desert. I still haven’t completed the DLC but I wanted to include foolish don’t @ me.
Purpled is one of the trainers you battle in the bracket and kinda takes place of Bede but not a jerk, and is the closest Tommy gets to losing other than to Techno and Tubbo.
Both he and Foolish join Las Nevadas in the DLC. (Oh yeah, Las Nevadas the underground fighting ring is explored more in the DLC.) ((Btw When I say DLC btw I really mean like, Tommy can start it at any point but can also wait until after all the story and after story. The second one is what I assume they did because that’s just how I played Sw/Sh but it’s up to interpretation))
Jack Manifold is another gym challenger, a steel-type user. He’s from the same town as Tubbo, Snowchester! He streams all his Pokémon battles, and is the one who encouraged Tommy to do the same.
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neon-moon-beam · 3 years
What I Hope For Gen 9 (Mostly Scarlet and Violet)
These are just my opinions.
I haven’t played 6th or 7th Gen yet.
It sounds like I don’t like SwSh; I actually really enjoyed them. I’m using them for comparison here because besides Legends: Arceus, they’re the most recent games I’ve really played, and for everything I enjoyed, there were a lot of things I did not and hope are toned down or not used again in Gen 9. Post under a cut due to length.
What I’d like to see:
Even better character customization options. I know being able to customize much more than skin and sometimes hair color at the very start, and then later hair color and style, eye color, and clothes probably won’t be seen any time soon, but it would be nice if they at least stopped gender locking hairstyles and clothes, go the route Animal Crossing went.
More open world, which it seems like we’re getting. I liked in Legends: Arceus how you could just throw a ball and potentially catch something, as well as being able to see shiny Pokemon immediately.
The return of crafting, but also being able to make more than Poke Balls, healing, and battle items. I really enjoyed the cooking aspect of BotW, so I’d like a game where you can forage and shop for ingredients and cook something for yourself (maybe to heal if you get attacked by wild Pokemon?) and/or your Pokemon in a camping setting like SwSh, just with more options than adding an main ingredient and berries.
A bigger world. Legends: Arceus feels very small once you’ve explored all the areas for the first time (and especially after getting Braviary), as do a lot of other regions once you’ve been everywhere. Galar felt small, and some of the routes were just tiny. Earlier Gens had tiny routes too, but somehow going to 3D made short routes feel even shorter than Gen 5 and earlier to me.
Alternative paths to getting 8 badges and challenging the League. It would be nice to have another way to unlock new areas, new items in stores, progress in general, etc. Or even a game where you could do a combo of things and say, have one badge, one contest ribbon, and a certain amount of the Dex filled out be the equivalent of what having three badges in another game would do and unlock things. I know we probably won’t get this though.
More interacting with your Pokemon in the overworld. Having Pokemon follow you (but less glitchy please!), more varied interactions with them (bring back being able to pet Pokemon, please!)
I’m enjoying seeing more characterization for NPCs than earlier Gens. I want to see more of that.
More exploring, more locations off the main path that you have to find for yourself, and more locations that are completely optional vs every location is required at some point. It was really rewarding to find these in earlier games, but later games seem to hold your hand and lead you to everything.
What I don’t want to see:      
The constant hand-holding through the entire main storyline; I don’t need characters to stop me every time I reach a town or other location to challenge me to a battle or catch me up to the plot, I don’t need the villain team, sleeping or otherwise immovable Pokemon, or anything else blocking the exit of every town until I get a badge or complete another requirement, preventing any real exploration. Something that was fun about earlier games (as in Gens 1 through 4 at least) was you could sometimes progress a little further than the current town and badge you were working on, limited only by Pokemon and trainers who were overleveled for you, and HMs you didn’t have yet. This was useful for leveling and if you had Fly, you could fly ahead to the next town so long as you’d visited it before, upon beating the Gym, etc. SwSh refused to let the player progress AT ALL and it wasn’t fun.
Just being given things, like being handed Legendaries or other usually hard to obtain Pokemon (like getting Mew or Jirachi after one badge in BDSP, so long as you had a SwSh file and/or Let’s Go Pikachu or Eevee). Working for those and having an actual fight was part of the fun and challenge of the games.
Battles that are essentially playable cutscenes. Going back to SwSh (again), there was no real risk with Eternatus, and knowing it was a guaranteed capture took away a lot of the excitement. Yes, the Max Den has guaranteed captures, but you’re not guaranteed to get to the Legendary in the first place, and you might lose the battle even if you do and have to start over. At least that was a challenge.
Less linear progression around the region (but not the way you’re thrown all over Sinnoh in D/P/Pt and BDSP either). It’s boring when every town after the first or second has a badge, and you can only go one way, especially coupled with the hand-holding and not being allowed to progress. It’s nice to have a break from the plot here and there.
This push and expectation that your starter is going to be in your party AND be your ace. SwSh pushed that harder than any other game I’d seen (I haven’t played 6th or 7th Gen yet), and ironically was the first game where I didn’t feel much of anything for any of the starters. In previous games, I have kept my starter in my party the whole time. Many NPCs around Galar talk about how special your starter is, etc, and even Leon has a team with two Pokemon tailored to your starter—the starter with the type advantage, and one Pokemon with a disadvantage. I ended up with a team that did not include my starter in SwSh as well as BDSP.
Special treatment for Charizard. I remember everyone wondering why it had to have two mega-evolutions in 6th Gen, and then in SwSh it was super annoying to keep hearing about Leon and his “unbeatable Charizard”, despite all the new Pokemon they could have chosen to be his ace. I don’t understand why they showcased a Kanto starter again instead of something new to really make the region feel fresh.
Too much attention on the Kanto starters as whole, such as being given one or all postgame, or giving them special forms (whatever the new gimmick will be in this Gen, if they do one). There are seven other Gens of starters besides the new ones we’re getting to pick from in Gen 9. It would be nice to see some of those again (and especially ones that were Dexit’d from SwSh).    
The battle style of Legends: Arceus, in that you can be up against 4-5 Pokemon sometimes, which worst case scenario means you’re outsped and have to wait 8-10 turns to move, and are likely knocked out regardless of level and type matchups. Constantly being one on one and having everything take exactly one turn isn’t realistic, but being ganged up on all the time is very annoying. I’d like to see more of a balance (and less random Pokemon inviting themselves to the battle—this means you, Paras).
 No more being forced to only battle with one Pokemon while a trainer can send out two or three. If it’s a doubles, let the player send out two! And just bring back triples and rotation if they’re going to send out three. I’m hoping that people sending out multiple Pokemon while you can only use one was just a way to show that people in Hisui really didn’t know how to battle before the player and Ingo showed them.
I don’t want to have to go back to the same area every time I want to go somewhere else, the way you have to go back to Jubilife to go to another area in Legends: Arceus. I want to be able to just walk, ride a Pokemon, or fast travel between any locations.
What I want to see outside of Scarlet and Violet:
 Another Legends title
Ports, not remakes of 5th Gen (unless they go really, really hard with the remakes—the quality of BDSP has me worried)
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