#actually he can eat shit and die ❤
vee-xxo · 1 year
☆☆☆- random Katsuki Bakugou relationship headcanons of mine
Since ppl loved the first, here's more only for u 😍😍😍
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Right so before u guys start dating this bitch does not know how to flirt
Call him "pretty boy" and he just tells you to shut the fuck up 💀
"Hey hot stuff~" "Eat shit and die."
This also doesnt change when ur dating sry
Except maybe he'll look away a lil shy
He does actively like look for u
But he'll be VERY secretive n just so happens to be wherever u go
Not in a stalker kinda way, u know he does it
But god forbid anyone else figure that out
Tbh he's a huge show off
Which is not news at all BUT a big difference for him
Cus when he knows ur watching, in his mind he's all like "😈 muhaha they're losing their shit rn"
& when he's done he'll sideeye the shit outta u just to see if ur blushing or something
Imagine ur just like "🥱🥱"
He explodes
Just falls over & dies lmao
But only emotionally
Outside he'll be like
"Uhh fuckin uh idc uhh I don give a fuck"
But he was lying, he did give a fuck😔😔
He doesnt know shit
When u first kiss hes so fucking worried bro omg
Like it's just a lil peck, but uhh
It's probably rlly short
Unless u can keep him calm somehow, then it might actually be kinda nice
He'd last like 5 secs before quickly pulling away
After that he'll just stare at you like
👁👁 (imagine theres angry brows)
It's up to you to say sth cus his mouth is SHUT
Remember how I said hes private w his relationship?
If not, I said it riiiight here ;D
Yea so eventually ppl will know
ESPECIALLY the Bakusquad :DD
He'll be like "THATS acting like a man, Bakugou!" assuming u guys r healthy together ofc
The other three r also happy ofc
But theres one thing they all got on their mind more
"How tf is he dating someone before us??"
Good question tbh
Well it probably went somewhat like this:
"HEY DUMBASS!" You heard, angry footsteps approaching. "Bwuh?" You made a confused noise, turning to see Bakugou, in all his shitty posture. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, elbows locked and his head lowered, making his choppy bangs fall over his eyes. "You..." He rasped out, one hand rising up, pointing a threatening, naked finger directly at you. It seemed as though even the muscles in his fingers had tensed up entirely. 'Oh shit.' You thought to yourself. What did you do now? Did you say something wrong? Teased him one too many times? But your thoughts halted once his hand switched to show his thumb pointing at Bakugou himself. "I'M TAKING YOU TO THE ARCADE! THIS SATURDAY, TWO PM!" He barked out. You could see his face now. His jaw was clenched shut, his teeth pressing together in tension while his red eyes stared seemingly into your soul. Like he was trying to intimidate you, distracting you from what might be the sound of his heart pounding in his chest, like it was about to explode. "Uh." Was your first reaction. "O- Okay?" Was your second. "GOOD." He yelled. Shoving his hand back in his pocket, he turned around, snapping his head back down into its previous position as the stomped off. "DON'T BE LATE!" He added as he fled the interaction.
"Huh." You thought to yourself.
HIIIII :DDD Thank u guys SO MUCH for all the support on my previous headcanons! I even added a little scenario for you at the end this time! I hope you enjoyed this post as much as the last! If you did, let me know and I might make a third ;))))❤❤❤
ALSO before I leave, I started writing a Bakugou x y/n slow burn, updates take a while, but I hope I can catch your interest enough to check it out! Thank you so much in advance!! <3333
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yokiidokii · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly write what Andre and Reagan look for in a partner? Thank you! ❤
We’re all doing a little bit not great. I was having a little bit of trouble with this to begin with because I don’t think I really think I know what the ideal partners for anyone in this show is.
So we’re just going to clarify that like- this isn’t end all be all everyone can have their F/O’s and share and be very different with all the different dynamics so like- Also like sjsjjsj sorry it might have gotten away from me so if this isn't exactly what you wanted please let me know!
IF YOU FEEL LEFT OUT OR IT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE YOU BUT YOU LOVE THEN IM SO FREAKIN SORRY IM TRYING MY BEST- I think I’ve decided I’m more fan of like the longer kinda story-ish formats? Like this request! I’ll still do this kinda stuff for sure but I think it might take a little bit longer, and if I don’t think I can do it justice it might never get done :(
I mean while I think we got a pretty good look into her kind of wants in a partner both with Ron and with the dating episode within the first part, I think I could take a crack at adding something to this for you!
Reagan likes a good person for the most part- Like sure I think most people working for the deep state have kind of skewed morals but pure evil isn’t on the agenda.
I think it would be reasonable to assume Reagan likes someone with goals? Like sure the world might make said goal kind of unattainable sometimes, especially in the kind of world you all live in. But actually wanting to do those things is pretty neat!
Respecting her space and having your own interests and things to do while also being able to talk about it? Sometimes it’s nice to hear someone you like talk about something they love, she likes seeing the unabashed joy in their eyes.
Also just- lovingly, do cheesy shit with this woman. Like if she isn’t feeling it she’ll tell you but like- WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER! GO GET ICE CREAM TOGETHER! DO SOMETHING SWEET THAT MAKES HER FEEL NORMAL AND HAPPY!!
Eat ice cream in your jammies and show her movies and stuff that you love or think she’d like!
She just wants someone who’s able to understand her while being themselves.
Something that I think shouldn’t be shocking is that Andre would enjoy a partner who can kind of keep up with all the energy that he has.
Like it isn’t necessary. He could absolutely adore and love a partner who is less energetic or spontaneous as he is! 
Honestly if he has someone who just doesn’t mind how he is when he’s all pumped up then he’s set.
And of course while he want’s someone who can handle him at his high. He also want’s them to be able to handle him at his lows-
Will you be able to listen to him talk about his high stakes elder scrolls campaign- will you???
But even if you don’t have all of the knowledge to take care or make sure that he would be okay given a panic attack or some other kind of mental shut down he’s smart enough to let you know some kind of plan of action should it happen if you’re around each other enough.
As long as you can retain that information and help him calm down and stay with him he’s sold.
While I would assume you’d be friends with him before becoming his partner this still is still something I can absolutely see him feeling strongly about.
You have to get along with his friends- like at least be amicable.
Like sure he knows not everyone can get along but the gang? Ride or die found family. They mean a lot him and you do to! But having a partner who can banter and get along with if not tease them back.
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gotenandtrunkz · 2 years
Consummate post of Truten scenarios
Bc honestly sometimes it just eats me up inside
- they're hanging out as guy friends and bros but then what they thought they could do as a normal encounter ends up registering a bit differently, e.g. they watch porn together and it gets weird rather than they being confident theough to the end, they kiss for fun and for the sensory input but it ends up feeling like a bit more than that, they take a sensual bath and the line between metairony and genuinity gets crossed, they make out, Goten sticks his tongue in Trunks's ear and Trunks actually likes it, etc etc
- they dont see each other for a while (incidentally, they have a falling out, trunks goes into space in GT, etc) and when they reconnect they are very happy to see each other and the consummate (sorry to use that word twice in the same post) affection has no reason to limit itself to the accepted conventions of platonic intimacy. But this is a Truten post so they fall in love as well
- maybe not romantic maybe not sexual but they develop a sensual relationship. I can see that . That's pretty much what I've been saying. Sensual attraction. Goten does love to bite ppl that's true
- The idea that one of them is Not Straight and has some sort of attraction for the other and it probably goes unrecognized for years. Breaks my heart. Then they fall in love ❤
- "just a little bit" by Kids of 88 but with less sex appeal . Trunks is stressed out from work and Goten in his sensory-seeking ways gets him to take a bath with him and there are bubbles and scents and hes rubbing his shoulders and Trunks doesnt know how he got here in life but also hes not surprised bc Goten has always been this way. Domt know where I was going w this one. Well I can see it feeling a bit like, like Goten's lust for strange encounters is insatiable. Like Trunks has no choice and has never had a choice in the matter. But this is a lifetime truth so hes not feeling indignant or defensive, hes just resigned to this weird back rub with no thoughts or feelings in his head. And it feels almost selfish and scary in that sense, like bonding with someone who needs you rather than who loves you; like Goten just needs to have this sensory bathtub adventure and it has nothing to do with Trunks, and this is going to go on until they die and no satisfaction will be reached for either party. But if Trunks were to express any of this in words then Goten would be like "Trunks what the fuck are you talking about." And honestly yeah that was some weird shit to say tbh. Trunks isnt a sensory seeker in the same way but he does have a certain relationship with the senses (his sense of smell is very particular and sensitive I think for example) (it's the family autism) (Tarble is the same way btw) and having been reared alongside Goten has only made that more true. But Goten doesn't think of it like that and he honestly finds fulfillment in sensory adventures. He loves to be able to do this. And he loves being helpful tbh. Hes glad that Trunks is willing to try to relax and let him do this. Like honestly "dont worry abt nothing" type of relaxation. Align-your-chakras-and-come-back-to-yourself relaxation. The one thing tho is that Goten has put on some "mood music" that is Rob Zombie playing on low. But then they fall in love anyway
- smth abt the back of Goten's neck in GT. His clean hairline. Something abt Trunks coming back from space a changed man and he and Goten catch up and end up at the skatepark after dark like old times and they share a hug. Something abt the gentle scent of Goten's neck, the exposed skin and clean hairline. Smth abt comfort and familiarity and titillation all the same. Something about "Dude did you just sniff my hair." Anyway
- idk smth the pain and frustration of falling in love w someone you're already sick of but having a knot in your chest to contend w anyway really gets to me. It strikes fear in my heart I think
- FROOT OLIVER NELSON MIX. Young love and all that. The majesty of what predates language. The ardent mystery of love and sex and the winds that you cant see but drive you nonetheless. Thoroughly distressing yet inexorable. Your very necessary mind is meant to just accept that it cant understand what it cant put into words. Really gets to me sometimes
- Oh yeah and of course the idea that Trunks is the president of capsule corp and he lets that slag Goten waltz up into his office and sit on all of his furniture
- Goten is NOT a slag but a very caring soul <3
- Trunks is honestly a very chill dude. And Goten doesnt really give a shit about anything. Therefore the objectively correct way to portray Truten is that theres no drama or feeling but they just like start dating or whagever. But this post is for the things that really get to me sometimes so we're not gonna include that stuff
- Goten Shows Off His Gay4Pay Skillz and slonks silly-sloppy on his shit WITH the scallywag swag. And then they fall in love
- the idea that there are some real constrained emotions present. Teen angst and "I hate you so much" by Anarbor. Whatever
- Oh I forgot about the one wjere Trunks has to wear braces for his janked up city-boy teeth and Goten finds it disturbing and irresistible that he has metal in his mouth ("it's not natural....") and he keeps trying to lick his braces and he keeps trying to get Trunks to eat gummy things so that he can clean his braces with his tongue like a fun scavanger hunt. And literally Goten is the one who keeps putting his mouth on his but he keeps reeling back and with genuine fear saying "DUDE STOP TRYING TO KISS ME! IM JUST TRYING TO LICK YOUR BRACES.." and Trunks is literally not doing anything hes just trying to keep his eyes on his video game and hes angry about this. And Goten keeps kissing him anyway. I'm sorry this was suppsoed to be a serious post let me try again. Ok how about Goten is self-assured in this and keeps trying to tempt him with gummy worms and the such and he knows on some level that hes being funny but honestly he doesnt know what this is doing to his buddy Trunks. Like this is the most action thag Trunks has ever had and idk hes saving face but sometimes he plants bags of gummy worms where Goten will see them just to put the idea in his head. And he does this with shameful and desperate fervor. And he plays it so cool and is like "Goten that is SICK I'm not gonna let you do that again.." and he means it and the disgust is real. But on some level he craves the intimacy of having someone lick his braces. It's fucked up
I think that's pretty much it thanks for listening lol... Post originally drafted on 8.31.22
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akihikosanada · 3 months
finished ace attorney!!! thoughts under a read more because of spoilers and it got kinda long. only opinion i'll state here is that i enjoyed it a lot and i would recommend it to anyone slightly curious about it ❤
ended the trilogy with mia and gumshoe as my favs. mia was too cool to live and gumshoe is pookie no other explanations are needed for either of them
the music was so good!!!! i think the trial music for the first game was the best one by far, but some of the songs related to specific cases were incredible (shoutout to aa1 case 4, aa2 case 2 and aa3 case 1)
my favorite case absolutely was the fourth one in aa2, i didn't know a single thing about it. from the maya kidnapping, the involvement of a serial killer, phoenix losing his very first trial, being able to get a bad ending and obviously the matt engarde plot twist. i did genuinely think adrien was the culprit
related to the matt thing it was the one twist i was not expecting at all nor had spoiled, i mean at one point godot looked like the only culprit possible (and accidentally had it spoiled to myself. rip) and manfred von karma just looks guilty as hell. also his theme song slayed i was mad they reused it in aa3 for the trials and other moments. he did not summon a glass of brandy out of nowhere while in jail for you to do this to him!!!!
i still stand by what i said in an earlier post, the cases with a fey right in the middle of them were definitely the best ones. also i really liked how the third game was practically all about the clan, even the prosecutor introduced in it. it's good that miles got his own spinoff series because we cannot forget that the two protagonists in the aa trilogy are phoenix and maya (and by extension the feys) !!!! you think at first mia will be the deuteragonist but then it turns out it's actually her sister!!!! this is their world!!!! all miles got was one case and even the dl-6 incident was about maya and mia's mother!!!!
not a fan at all of the franziska whip thing. it got old really fast as well. i can excuse murder but i didn't find the whole hitting people with it thing funny or entertaining.....it bothered me to the point i couldn't stand her tbh. remake the entire trilogy without her hitting people with a whip and i'll stan
already said a negative thing above so i'll say another one now. the gumshoe shit salary thing got old extremely fast like by the third game it felt like he got reduced to only saying he can't pay the bills and how all he eats are instant noodles. no idea what happens in the investigations games but i hope miles gives him a huge raise or i will keep hoping gumshoe petrol bombs him!!!!
kinda related to the gumshoe thing since they are both comic relief characters but larry also got turned lowkey into a creep that both phoenix and edgeworth couldn't stand while in the first game phoenix literally describes him as a "likeable guy who has been my friend since grade school" and thinks of him as a "good guy at heart" (started the first trial for these two quotes alone) miles also never describes him as a bad person or even a loser, he's a bit too silly alright but that's it. justice for larry!!!!! the writers don't know shit!!!!!
a while ago i said mia was too hot to live (i stand by it) but now i can add to this that diego was also too hot to live (he technically didn't die but you know what i mean) had they both lived and continued dating they would have outslayed outserved outcunted every single attorney in whatever country the games takes place in i mean murder suspicions aside no wonder dahlia wanted them both dead
speaking of dahlia i mean yes i wanted mia to beat her ass in both of her trials but before finishing the final trial in the trilogy i replayed aa3 case1 and like. ok yeah dahlia was highkey a girlboss like come on she staged her death at 14, murdered her half sister, (almost) murdered a lawyer in the courtroom and quickly disposed of the poison, attempted to kill the PROTAGONIST, killed her ex, and as a literal ghost she tried killing maya???? shelly de killer wishes i'm not sorry
speaking of mr. diego armando/godot i do wish it had been foreshadowed even slightly in the previous games, i mean there is a huge chance they had not planned it that early on in the series but still you know. planting seeds here and there. maybe in grossberg's office or even in fey & co. wasn't grossberg involved in another case in aa2? was that the final case? i forgor but maybe show something in his office by then? considering from the morgan scene post case 2 they had already planned stuff for later idfk. the fact that maya knew of him but was never mentioned by her even in the third game feels weird
oldbag was the best witness character by far. missed opportunity to have her interact with larry on scren so they could both give edgeworth an aneurysm. wuved will powers too ❤ can't be a coincidence the two slayest mfs came from the same case (even though i consider it the weakest one in aa1)
i am acros-girl till the end. free my man (from jail and being in the floppest case)!!!!
aa1 case 5 despite the new features and fitting quite well despite having been added later wasn't that hot tbh. it felt too long and i couldn't really connect with ema and er. her sister i forgor her name. the damon gant reveal was obvious from the moment he popped up too. COME ON even his leitmotif was evil as hell. on the other hand it also was the case that made me realise how much i missed maya LMAO sorry ema but you will never be her. starr and jake slayed though
aa1 fucked severely, aa2 was kind of boring honestly i can only say i enjoyed the second and fourth cases. aa3 was really good, but even though i cried and everything i didn't think its final case was as good as the fourth cases in the previous two games. it started very well but it kinda lost me with the pendulum honestly. i can accept channeling the dead but i have my limits!!! i also felt that the final segment with maya and godot could have been done better, a lot of time got spent on the stupid ass pendulum, not enough time spent in the emotional beats
this is a thought i had yesterday but it made me laugh that both desiree delite and matt engarde are brunettes who wear red clothes and like riding motorcycles. also come on one is rich and the other likes spending money??? you would think desiree is actually a matt who escaped jail and started hrt so shelly de killer wouldn't find her #girlboss #dahliawishes
i thought the whole trilogy being in 2d fit the game really well, honestly i'm kind of worried re: apollo trilogy and tgaa because i know some of it is in 3d but somehow i don't think it fits the style? also this is stupid maybe but i like how the only people that are voiced are the attorneys saying "objection" or "take that" or "hold it" in court, idk if they are voiced in the other games or not but i'd fear that. giving them enough time to speak and hear their accents would ruin the experience for me SJFLSDJKFJSDKL
i liked that the final scene of the game was with pearl and maya, in case you haven't realized it yet this is the phoenix and feys trilogy!!!
ok i was finishing this and i realized i had not talked about the gay lawyers at all. i see it and everything but also i think phoenix could do better. all in all it was gay but nothing that drove me insane playing the games (phoenix becoming a lawyer "to save him" was homosexual activity through and through though. same with the "unnecessary feelings" line
final thoughts: the feys would survive succession but not a single roy would survive ace attorney. also i hope aa7 is about ami fey's spirit getting revenge for the amount of times her urn got broken
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mink-place · 3 years
Jojo's from part 1-4 with a sick s/o
I'm doing this bc I'm ill and I would like some cuddles from the Joestar lineage :')
Also, I have a request on my inbox, I'll upload it when I finish it :D
Jonathan Joestar
My boy, my love, omg- 😭❤
Well, he's a gentleman always, but when his love is sick, he's even more.
Will stay by your side taking care of you, like, giving you food and medicine.
He'll call doctors who will take care of you when he's not home, monitoring you to not feel worse.
Doesn't care if he can get sick too.
“I've made this for you, dear. I hope it helps you get better.”
Joseph Joestar
“You're sick? Ha! You really are weak, babe.”
This guy it's such a tease, like, he cares of you, but can't stop teasing you even if you're dying.
He will spend all day with you to try and help you feel better.
Doctors of Speedwagon Foundation will come to attend you and give you a treatment to feel better.
“Are you dying yet?”
Anywayy, he's up to a cuddle session, even if you will still feel like shit.
“Okok, do not worry, you'll feel better soon, darling!���
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro acts like he doesn't care, but actually he does care, just doesn't show it.
But, gurl, it's pretty obvious, because he spends time around you with excuses.
“I've left my ciggaretes here... Do you still feel like shit?”
“Kakyoin asks if you need something, not me, Kakyoin.”
“Joseph thinks you need to eat this, you will feel better.”
“You're fucking weak, but it's ok.”
Doesn't really know how to be soft.
Will give you food and medicine, even call the Speedwagon foundation, just if you're really sick.
“I guess I can spend the night here, not for you, just because I want to.”
Actually, he wants to be with you in case you start feeling worse, wouldn't like you to be without monitoring.
“I hope you get well soon...”
Josuke Higashikata
Will be so worried, because this isn't like a physical damage, he can't heal it.
“Are you alright? Do you need something? Water? Food?”
He'll spend all the time with you, give you medicine and feed you.
“I'm sure you're not going to die, but I don't like to see you like this :(”
Will give you lots of smooches and hugs even if he can get sick too.
“Try to sleep while I go to get you some medicine, don't worry, I'm here to make you feel better, I will take care of you!”
Now Imma die bye
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multiversxwhore · 3 years
𝘽𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙞'𝙨 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 ✨
☾☾☾𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀/𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄, 𝖺𝗌 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖺𝗌 𝗂 𝖺𝗆 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄𝖿𝗎𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂 𝖺𝗆 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 𝗆𝖾 𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾. 𝖨𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝖺 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝖺𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍(tagged to the master list) 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖽𝗈 𝗂 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍, 𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗂𝗍, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝖽𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎. My 𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝖿𝗈r 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌☽☽☽
𝒯ℴ𝓊𝒸𝒽 ℳ𝓎 ℬℴ𝒹𝓎- Mariah Carey
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢs: Tᴏsʜɪɴᴏʀɪ x ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: MINORS DNI 18+ only
❤︎ Every since Toshinori found out he might die some time in the near future, he’s been trying to live his life to the fullest.
❤︎ Then he met you, and instantly he fell in love
❤︎ When you first met, Toshinori would always show up to work in his All Might form wanting to impress you. All the teachers gave him shit for it, but he didn’t care.
❤︎ You made him chase a while before you finally decided to go on a date with him. Of course Toshinori was in his All Might form the whole date.
❤︎ “No way! You pulled his pants down when you fell? Hahaha no wonder you and Endeavor don’t get along, I’d be holding a grudge too.”
❤︎ If it’s one thing Toshinori is gonna do, that’s keep you smiling, laughing, and happy. He was so funny, and you were goofy enough to laugh at all his dumb jokes.
❤︎ “Y/n, I love ever thing about you, especially when you smile, I want to se that all the time”
❤︎ You have to constantly remind him, that you love him for who he is, not what he looks like.
❤︎ “I still love you, even as your small might form”
❤︎ The irony of that is that even when Toshinori isn’t in All Might form, he’s taller than you
❤︎ When he comes over to visit you, you always cook him dinner, Toshi loves to watch you move, and sway around in the kitchen. Your cooking was so delicious, he had to be careful or he was gonna get fat.
❤︎ Most of the time you, and Toshi like to just be in your room with the door closed. You both pretend life is normal, and villains don’t exist.
❤︎ Sometimes Toshinori can be a little shy, he always talks about how cool you are, and how wonderful of a dancer you are.
❤︎ “Touch my body, let me wrap my thighs All around your waist, just a little taste. Touch my body, know you like my curves. C'mon and give me what I deserve and touch my body.” You would sometime bust out in random song and dance. Winding your hips, Toshi said you’re body looked like it was flowing like water. Ah what a poet he was teehee
❤︎ You try to be careful with Toshinori when you climb on top of him, he was already injured.
❤︎ “It’s okay baby, if you crush me, and I die, I’d be the happiest man on earth.”
❤︎ You didn’t think that was funny, but he had such a dark sense of humor you got use to it.
❤︎ He loved pleasing you, actually he preferred it, and sometimes sex would exhaust him terribly due to his injury. He reserves his stamina mainly for work, and completing hero task
❤︎ Laying you on your back Toshinori’s big hands holds your legs back, squeezing your thighs.
❤︎ You hold onto your own legs open for him she he can use his thick fingers on you
❤︎ Toshinori is a cocky bastard, and he wasn’t going to stop slurping you up until you couldn’t move, and there were no more juices left.
❤︎ “Ohh my god Toshi, you eat my pussy so good baby.”
❤︎ That usually got him very excited, he’d transform one of his hands making them thicker than before. Using two fingers, he inserts them deeply inside your wetness, all while still latched onto your clit
❤︎ Your hips wind, and buck wildly, Toshinori didn’t let up, he was strong even in his regular form. As usual he had you squirting all over him, the sheets, and yourself.
A/N: I’ll be doing a Toshinori after care to this soon 💗
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pagingdrpalmer · 3 years
Another Silly Ship Meme: ❤
Where was their first official date?
Stephen and Christine started over after he apologized while she sutured him up after operating on him. They would meet for lunch when their schedules allowed but their first “real” date Stephen took her to see Queen live in Tokyo.
What is their favorite date location?
Christine enjoys spending time with Stephen whenever and wherever she can but she particularly favors eating lunch in a park not far from the hospital.
How many dates before their first kiss?
Three. The first two had been simple kisses on his cheek but then…she got tired of ignoring her feelings.
Who asked who out first?
Stephen asked her, parodying the way he asked her to go with him the night of his accident. At first she freaked out until she realized he was teasing. She still gives him shit on occasion for scaring her like that and he happily lets her.
How many dates before they considered each other a couple?
Given that they were somewhat of a couple before, they could have easily just said “fuck it” and gone back to what they were. But what they were before didn’t last, and this time they want what they have to last. They also could ignore this in favor of the fact that Stephen’s job is infinitely more dangerous now but that just makes what they have now all the more precious to them. They took their time and after seven dates, realized what they had before was even better now and their feelings weren’t going away either.
How many mutual friends do they have?
Mutual acquaintances, quite a few given they worked in the same hospital for years, but actual true friends that they share in common? Just each other.
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?
Again they don’t really have mutual friends but they each have people who might butt in on their behalf – for Stephen that would likely be Wong. For Christine, some old friends from medical school
Which one has more friends?
Probably Christine as there are several people she knows from her early medical years that she keeps in touch with.
Which one has introduced the other to more people?
Um maybe Stephen from the days when she would go with him to the various speaking engagements he always had to attend. But she would love for him to meet her old friends. There’s one in particular that she thinks he would have gotten along with quite well, back when he was actively practicing. :D
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away?
Given their “fresh start” they did start out as friends. Christine has always cared a great deal for Stephen… it just took him a while to catch up.
What do they argue about the most?
They jokingly argue over Christine calling Stephen’s involvement in the Mystic Arts a cult, but he knows she’s just teasing him. One of these days she really will gather the courage to ask him about it all. But a real argument? Those are exceedingly rare these days as they both know how close they came to losing one another.
How do they usually solve their disagreements?
They sit and talk things out and do their best to come to a compromise but again serious arguments are a rarity for them these days
Do they argue a lot or not very often?
Not very often
Who admits to being wrong more often?
Stephen has lost most of the arrogance he had as a surgeon thanks to his training and time in Kamar Taj but his inborn stubbornness is still there. Stephen has a hard time admitting it still… old habits die hard as they say.
Who is more likely to initiate sex?
Most often it is Christine
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots?
If the mood strikes them just about anywhere is fair game
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds?
Christine is wary of the more serious aspects given some things she’s seen in the ER over the years but she thinks she’d be okay with mild forms of it (blindfolds, light bondage, etc)
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom?
Overall, Stephen. Christine has to be in a certain mood or place mentally to be dominant (not that she’s excessively submissive either) but when she is Stephen recognizes this and happily allows her to have her way with him.
Lights on or off?
It depends on many factors… the urgency between them, the mood, that sort of thing. So sometimes on, sometimes off.
Do they share any kinks?
They haven’t really discussed this but it is something Christine is curious about so the topic will probably come up eventually. Although Christine does have a thing for Stephen’s voice.
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other?
See above
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before?
Yes, and when Stephen first suggested it she panicked as she didn’t want anyone else to see or hear them. But Stephen just smirked and pulled them into the Mirror Dimension. After he explained what he’d done they now have playful arguments over the semantics of whether that was actually ‘in public’ or not.
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be?
Neither of them. Christine isn’t partial to that and Stephen…does not want to share Christine.
When are they most likely to cuddle?
Anytime but most often after a long trying day.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
Christine’s is the sofa in her living room. It’s just wide enough to accommodate them…giving them an excuse to snuggle closer.
Who’s usually the big spoon?
Do they cuddle often?
Whenever they can. Sex is great sure but after what happened to Stephen they take advantage of each other’s nearness every chance they get.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them?
Not yet but Christine definitely wouldn’t mind
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location?
They haven’t discussed it but Christine has thought about it now and again. At the moment she’s leaning towards a beach wedding.
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who?
Stephen probably would be the more likely to propose in Christine’s opinion but she would have no problem doing the asking. She’s not that old fashioned
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other?
Given Stephen’s position as Master and Guardian of the New York Sanctum they really can’t move in together… well he couldn’t move in with her but he’d be more than happy to have her move in with him at the Sanctum. He hasn’t asked yet because he doesn’t want to cause too much upheaval with her work. So for the moment they take turns spending time with each other – sometimes at the Sanctum and sometimes at her apartment. But when and if they do marry they would live at the Sanctum.
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids?
Christine isn’t sure if Stephen has thought about it but she has. She would love to be the mother of his children and she is quite sure he’d make a wonderful father. But given his duties as Master of the Mystic Arts and what he deals with she often wonders if he would not want them simply because of the danger they might be in. Then again she knows he wants her in his life so… definitely a discussion they’d need to have at some point.
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have?
Christine knows Stephen had a sister and she would want at least two so their children have someone and are not lonely.
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids?
Something for them to think about for sure although if they had more than one boy, Christine would want to name one of them Mark, after a dear friend and mentor from medical school. She also wouldn’t mind naming a son after his father. So a mix of the names of some kind perhaps.
What are three random headcannons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex?
Sometimes flowers show up at the hospital for Christine with no card attached. But she knows who they are from.
Christine keeps containers filled with all sorts of medical and first aid gear all over – in her office, her apartment and a couple of spots in the Sanctum, given how often Stephen comes back injured from his missions.
The reason Christine didn’t reply to Stephen’s emails when he was in Kamar Taj? She was hurt and a little angry after what he’d said to her in his apartment and needed time to deal with those emotions. She did not want to reply in anger and cause further distance between them.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets?
Christine would love a cat but Stephen wants her to get a dog for protection as he can’t always be with her. Although unbeknownst to her he has set protection spells on her apartment, her office and Christine herself. Still in his mind a little backup never hurts.
Which one eats more snack foods?
Christine, as sometimes she gets too busy at work to eat a proper meal so it’s grab whatever she can some days.
What is their favorite movie to watch together?
Christine has always loved Dirty Dancing and showed it to Stephen thinking he might at least like the music in it. She was right.
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together?
Monopoly as they both love trying to bankrupt the other.
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship?
I’m not usually one for angst but I can see how much of it is there and just…UGH. Also the potential! Stephen and Christine have so much potential to be so awesome. And how much he loves her, which is evident from the What If episode…
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship?
I’m not sure there is right now…but that may change.
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?
Ten is far too low…
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touyasdoll · 3 years
Ash my love, are you perhaps a Star Wars fan? And if so, are you familiar with the Organa triplets AU? The one where Kylo Ren, Ben, and Matt are all triplets instead of seperate characters played by Adam Driver (my 💫King💫)?
Okay, now imagine that type of scenario, with Touya/Dabi.
(Maybe someone already came up with an idea like this for Touya/Dabi, idk, i swear im not trying to plagerise anyone or whatever)
-> Half-brothers or something
Maybe Endeavor cheated on Rei around the same time he got her pregnant with Touya, therefore Dabi's hair is naturally black in this AU because his mum was just some background anime character.
(Look, idk if this is making much sense, I came up with this when I'd gotten like 4hrs worth of sleep in 48 hrs, I was running on fumes so plz bear with me. Also, I know that with two different mothers they probably wouldn't look too much alike if this ever actually happened, but I will hide behind 🌈anime logic🌈 and use that shit like armour).
Anyway, I fleshed out this idea a bit more on my page if you're interested in it at all and want to check that out. I didn't mean to spiral with the entire idea as much as I did, originally, I just wanted an excuse for a threesome with Dabi and Touya 🥲
Because Natsuo and Dabi threesomes give me life, but the idea of having Dabi and Touya at the same time but as two different people if just the result of me being thirsty and not having much of an outlet for it 😢
Basically, the entire point of this?
Threesome with Dabi and Touya. Half-brothers, I want them both to rail me. I would let them break my back, I want them to eiffle tower me. Then there's also the possibility of fucking Natsuo AS WELL AS THE HALF BROTHERS. I want it bad 🥺❤
Anyways, hope you're having a nice day! Plz make sure to stay hydrated with all your thirsting 😉
I fucking love Star Wars & Adam Driver is dfkjgadsfga & you can ask my husband how many times I have compared Kylo/Ben to Touya/Dabi and he will groan and tell you too many. I LIVE FOR THIS.
also tho I'm crying bc by Matt do you mean when Matt from the SNL skit where Kylo went on Undercover Boss?? bc I'm CRYING fgasdfad I've never heard of that, but now I need to look for it.
Dabi/Touya/Natsuo would kill me. I would die. My heart would explode out of my chest. dis tew much shsdfsadfg I'm going to be by your blog in a lil bit bc I absolutely need this au in my fucking life omg
& get some sleep & eat & drink water & take care of yourself or I will hop on a plane and do it myself bc ily <3
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madebyleftovermuses · 5 years
We’re Being Punked, Pedro
Hooded people are never a good sign
The statue is alive! And murderous!
Ric trying to figure out the knife
Its Gaulish
Dorian asking where Penelope and Lizzie responding lady cramps and then proceeds to say “a disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow”
So, Ric just summoning his three daughters
The three of them have community service
Lizzie trying to get out of community service and throwing Josie under the bus
Master’s in library science? Is that actually a thing? It really is
Lizzie curious what Hope did
Dorian trying to hand Kaleb the trash picker tool, but he doesn’t want it
I hate Lizzie bossing Josie around
Damn, Josie, that was cold, but she did throw you under the bus, so she deserved it
Kaleb is living for the drama
Lizzie bossing MG around and he is doing what she says
Eat the rabbit, Raf don’t complain at least its food
Landon it’s a knife and Raf is right it doesn’t have conscious thoughts
“nothing better” “a burger. A burger would be better”
“I don’t see you pitching in” well, I don’t see you pitching in either, Lizzie
Kaleb doesn’t think its fair they got in trouble and thinks they are better
Dana flirting with MG in front of Lizzie
That was a dick move, human!
Don’t be angry with the cute little Pedro
Pedro is so freaking cute!
Hey, look the gargoyle…I’m guessing it isn’t the good one who save the city at night
Everyone gets therapy
Apparently, Dorian never misses an appointment
“And if my translations are correct, whoever wields it has the power to save the world. Or end all life as we know it.” well pick the less scary one and pray that you are correct
Maybe, Ric should give his therapy appointment to Lizzie
Don’t get mad that Josie and Hope are sisters in solidarity you chose not to pick up trash
I can see how Ric is to blame for this but you should have done what he asked
Listen to the cute kid! Believe the little cutie
No, it’s not behind you its behind him
“Did you say ‘gargoyles’?” yes, Dorian! Now isn’t the time for stupid questions
Josie has been busy
Hope, it isn’t nice to call people dumpster fires….tv shows on the other hand that’s ok
So, they take jabs at each other…they are basically like sisters
Hope you’re supposed to stab trash not your foot
Hustling people using wolf skills
Raf is like no way can I do that in 10 seconds
Whoever that is, they were looking for Raf and Landon
Found the gargoyle
Stabbing didn’t really go your way
“MG has the hormones of a teenager and the impulse control of a preschooler” ❤
Lizzie always has dibs, kind of unfair
Ah, Hope is in trouble because of the black magic
Sensitive is one word for it
Aw, Hayley used to come by the school
Of course, Ric would have sent flowers after her death
Of course, they don’t teach Freya’s type of magic at school
They actually got burgers
Shit someone wrote “Run, wolf or DIE” on a five-dollar bill
Landon looking around like they are in the forest with them
Landon looks happy to see Hope
Me thinks Landon really likes Hope
Something is wrong, Lizzie is in trouble
MG straight up saying Dana is hot
Using compulsion on Dana
MG doing the right thing
“also remember I'm a really cool dude, with super dope football skills, and I crush it all day, every day.” ❤
Just tell Raf why you wanna go
Shot in the neck…both of them
Who is the guy with the arrow through him?
Its Jeremy!
Kaleb feeding on humans
Oh, we’re not supposed to eat the locals
Gaulish, Ric’s favorite language
Josie took down the containment spell
There still werewolf hunters?
Of course, Jeremy works for Ric from time to time
Don’t kill Landon for hiding the note
Yes, they do Landon. They want you at the school
Why didn’t the gargoyle hurt Ric?
Destroyed the motherfucker
Josie pissed that Ric jumped in front of Hope to save her not knowing what Ric did
The gargoyle seeing Hope, Josie and Lizzie as evil
Hope finally taking Ric’s advice but he needs to take his own advice
Ric telling the school the truth about what is going on
Dorian asking for a raise
Dana and Sasha defacing the Salvatore School why?
How did Sasha get that far that face?
Why the fuck killed Sasha and Dana?
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dream-of-kpop · 6 years
NCT But They Work At McDonald's Pt. 3
*One of the few that actually show up to work on time*
Doesn't work any more days than he has to
*Johnny on the phone*
Johnny: "Hey Winwin can you come in??? THE STORE IS PACKED AND WE NEED EXTRA HANDS"
*Winwin fake coughs*
Winwin: "Yeah, I think I'm coming down with something..."
Johnny: "But you were just fine on Friday..."
*Conflict avoided*
Also changes the channel whenever he sees a McDonald's commercial he doesn't want to be reminded of hell
At work his 30 minute long breaks turn into hour long breaks
*Sees him still in the lobby eating his burger*
Chenle: "How does it take you an hour to eat a burger..."
Lies to the customers saying the ice cream machine is broken
He's forced to work at the fry station even tho he doesn't want to
Renjun: "Can i PLEASE take a break i'm sweating bruh"
Taeyong: "Yeah yeah in a few minutes i promise"
*an hour passes*
At the job your not allowed to get anything to drink or eat without telling a manager
That's exactly what he did
*Grabs a bottle of water*
Doyoung: "Renjun...I'm going to have to take off some of your money from your account for the water..."
Renjun: "Do these bitches want me to die???"
Since he stands at the fry station all day his feet hurt *me af*
*Renjun suffers greatly*
Renjun: "I think I'm quitting"
*Renjun stays for him but doesn't enjoy it*
*Draws moomin on wrappers when he gets bored*
He works the cash register along with Jungwoo
He thinks getting free lunch is the best thing since he started working there
Johnny: "Sorry guys change of plans...Because we run low on stock alot...you guys can't eat the food for lunch...sorry"
Jaehyun has started protesting infront of the store for Johnny to change the rule
Tried convincing Jeno, Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin, Chenle & Jisung to help but they were scared of getting fired
Haechan: "Fuck that I'm not losing my income"
*Jaehyun stops protesting*
He wants to be assistant manager like Doyoung
Even better he wants to take his job
Jaehyun: "I think i would be a better manager Johnny...I know english more than him"
Doyoung: "Just because you lived in America for 4 years like you claim you did doesn't mean shit"
Johnny: "My head...ow it's hurting because you guys won't shut the fuck up"
To shut them up Johnny promoted Jae to manager
Actually now he's everyone's favorite manager
Does everything half-assed because no one bothers to check to see if he did it right
Customers are super sweet to him
*Drops food*
Customer: "DON'T WORRY ITS OK"
Brings customers their food but also mixes up the orders
Is too weak to get fries and stuff from the freezer so Lucas does it for him
Saw the stockroom ran out of barbecue sauce and didn't tell anyone
Washes his hands 83872 times a day to be EXTRA C L E A N
Him being cute prevents him from getting fired alot
Winwin gave him coffee to try one time and he got addicted to it so fast
He is buzzed 24/7
Admin 2-
siNce yA'll hoEs enJoy tHis- well i think you guys are 😭❤
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samwilsonsimp · 3 years
five requirements for being captain america
- broad shoulders
- pretty smile
- sassy shit
- heart of gold
- owner of bucky's heart
and that's why john walker was never captain america . in this essay I will
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