#actually mad as fuck abt this whole survival show thing
mosviqu · 9 months
so its seunghun ???? Again ????? oh c9 its so over.....sooooo over
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reineyday · 1 year
I wanna know about 1 and 2 on that list of wips!
!!! the billy ones!!!
billy has the right to be mad at the party for not even trying to save him
uhh this one is (was?) a wip that im trying to reorganize. i wanted it to be a s4 au where eddie, nance, steve & rob are in the upside down like canon, and find billy there. when billy shows himself to be knowledgeable about the area, what's been going on, and on vecna, both nancy and steve start talking to him like he's automatically gonna help them and then billy's like "uh no fuck you, get out yourselves." and it's shooting himself in the foot bc theyre he didnt even know he could leave till they showed up, but also he's had months and months alone in this hell with the guy who possessed him, and plenty of time to relive the way nancy and steve came at him with their cars and their guns so fuck them. he ends up helping cuz he's bot stupid and wants out but stull yknow. he'll be mad about it. it's still harringrove tho LOL.
my first draft of this accidentally turned into this billy & eddie friendship short fic by mistake (which u commented on! thank u!). actually, answering this really helped me out w figuring out the plot better so double thanks! 🥰
knock knock bitch
IVE BEEN SO EXCITED ABT THIS IDEA RECENTLY LOL it's a crack-taken-seriously fic that starts in max's scene with vecna in "dear billy" where she's up against the wall in that house with vecna's hand up against her face, and before he gets her or she escapes, billy's voice interrupts with a loud "KNOCK KNOCK BITCH," actually knocking on what passes for a door in the upside down creel house door, and then he comes in with a hairspray flamethrower and vecna roars like "not you AGAIN" but billy's already spraying flames at vecna and grabbing max's wrist and running.
she's panicked and confused, and then gets more panicked and confused when billy starts yelling to head over to base three and she's like??? what??? but then notices he's not yelling at her and she looks up to see chrissy cunningham, fred benson and patrick mckinney--the coma kids???--running and keeping pace with her and billy, and they all have their own makeshift weapons (billy's got an axe strapped to his back, chrissy also has a hairspray flamethrower and a bat on her back, patrick's got a crowbar and a broken hockey stick fashioned into some sort of spear, and fred has?? a crossbow????), and they all seem to know where theyre running.
there's more plot about how jason ends up starting his witch hunt against eddie and the living statuses of all of them, but yeah, the premise is that billy's been running around in the upside down being a general asshole to vecna and saving the s4 gate kids and teaching them how to survive, and ive become attached to their weapons and the kinds of conversations they have at night. they work out together to keep their cardio up. billy and patrick have talked about their abusive parents. chrissy's taught them all cheer maneouvers that have helped them get out of tight spots. fred has an archery hobby cuz i think he'd be best at long range considering how he's the only one that's not a jock lol.
max is the one that finally brings in the knowledge of how they might be able to get back to their bodies--theyve been stuck in comas, some of them with a gnarly twisted limb or two, but otherwise fine--and they start questioning how billy's there, and if he has a body in a coma too that no one knows about. 👀 havent figured out what to do about the music element waking them up thing yet tho, since max & the party already know about it at that point, and that would end the coma plot point early... yeah.
thanks for asking!!! and for always replying so kindly to my comments on ao3 lol i know u fielded a whole bunch of them just recently. cheers!!
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aerltarg · 2 years
honestly fuck every “dany doesn't have any idea what courtesy means” or “dany just The Angry TeenagerTM” bullshit. these ppl literally have never read any of her chapters.
just look how many times kraznys mo nakloz insulted her, while she actually understood him, but did she lose her temper? did she throw a temper tantrum bc she wasn't getting any respect, let's alone the one fit for a queen she is? did she forget her purpose bc of any of that?
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just tell me how many characters in this series would be able to keep a straight face hearing such insults directed at them.
but when did dany come close to losing it?
as one of the quotes above shows, when kraznys started to harm others, the unsullied in front of them, “it was hard to pretend not to understand”.
and even more so there:
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some characters in these books can't master a single drop of sympathy when ppl are dying in front of them but dany gets so angry and sick after hearing all of this that she started to feel faint. long dead infants whom she never met, long dead dogs she never saw, and yet she almost dropped her play after just hearing abt them and carried these feelings towards the very end of the chapter, after many hours since she left kraznys.
it's the first chapter where we actually get to meet the slaver's bay and the real face of slavery. and grrm went out of his way to show us how ugly it is w every single detail. the main representative of slavers there is kraznys and the man managed to insult literally everyone around him almost w his every breath, revealed himself as not only incredibly cruel slaver but also a misogynistic piece of shit at that.
in these quotes i also highlighted some passages, like kraznys laughing at dany for showing kindness and compassion and openly despising her for this as well as talking without blinking abt men being sold “for less than the price of their swords”, abt many atrocities done to unsullied, abt forcing them to murder infants in front of their mothers, calling incitement of a bear on three little boys w non-existent intention to allow any of them survive “a nice folly”, etc.
and i dare anyone to look me in the eye and say that “slavery is complicated”, “it's a part of their culture” or “grrm doesn't write slavery as clearly evil and deserved to be destroyed practice”. i dare you to try and say that kraznys didn't deserve to die, that dany is wrong for killing him, that dany is mad for doing so, that we aren't supposed to cheer for her, that she isn't a hero for that and freeing unsullied and the whole anti slavery campaign.
i can't imagine how anyone can read these books and come to the conclusion that “slavers are innocent” LMFAO
btw, a child murder is portrayed as one of the biggest sins and the worst crimes possible (if not the biggest and the worse) by the narrative all the time. so grrm filling the very first chapter we spent in the slaver's bay w the great variety of violence, abuse and horrible deaths of children inflicted by slavers is NOT setting up slavery as “complex issue”.
it was pointed out again and again but i will repeat once more. grrm doesn't give the purely evil monsters any redeeming qualities in his books. not a drop of greyness. it should be obvious enough already. and yet fandom doesn't have problems for acknowledging this w gregor clegane or boltons. but when it comes to dany? suddenly it's “why wouldn't anyone think abt poor slavers” and “but what abt the economy” or “it's their cUlTuRe” lmao
i also would like to point out a really tiny but curious detail that probably isn't a thing put there w a purpose from grrm. though, maybe it is... but anyway, this chapter is Daenerys II, ASOS, that that comes after Arya IV, where we have gendry talking abt thoros of myr, how he used to bargain w a blacksmith over a price of his swords (“slave swordsmen can be had for less than the price of their swords”, remember?), and Bran II is the chapter that comes after Daenerys II where we have the line “Some people hurt others just because they can” in the context of winterfell being taken by ramsay and boltons' men w the great unnecessary violence, e.g. murdering all the ppl living in the castle.
tldr; you need to open just one (1) random chapter to see what a nonsense bullshit antis invent in their obsessive attempts to hate on dany. 1) dany is very smart, perfectly knows what courtesy and self-control is, but also is a very kind and compassionate person w a strong sense of justice who can let any insults against her personally slide but gets infuriated when meets injustice and violence against others, esp innocent and defenceless ones like children. 2) dany is the hero we are supposed to root for in her fight against slavery just like we are supposed to root for jon when he decided to march against boltons or even for oberyn when he fought gregor clegane demanding justice for elia. dany is quite different from these men, though, bc she fights not over any personal reason but for the greater good, for many ppl she doesn't even know. bc slavery IS evil and it's needed to disappear, full stop. the “slavery is complex”/“some slavers are innocent” narrative is nowhere to be seen.
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fbfh · 4 years
hoo hogwarts house hcs
I have some very hot takes on who’s in what house 
And no I’m not taking constructive criticism
So let’s get into it
Percy: hufflepuff 
His fatal flaw is loyalty for christ’s sake
He’s 100% a hufflepuff 
And he’s a little mad about it
Cares the most about winning house cup out of any other hufflepuffs
Classic “we can win this if we ban together and work hard! Let’s show them!” speeches
Literally anyone: are you sure you’re not supposed to be in gryffindor?
Percy: fuckin TELL ME ABOUT IT
Can never remember which barrel isn’t the vinegar one
Annabeth: slytherin
Her fatal flaw is thinking she can do everything better
It’s almost like she’s very
And i’m sorry
You think Annabeth “my mom is the goddess of battle strategy” “I survived on the streets by myself as a literal child” Chase isn’t at least a little cunning????
Also a little po’ed that she’s not in the “wise” house
“For gods’ sake, my nickname is wise girl!”
“I know, this whole thing is rigged,” -Percy, probably
Figured out the barrel trick to sneak into the hufflepuff common room to visit percy by smelling the barrels and not touching the ones that smell like vinegar
Jason: gryffindor
Anyone who is/has been a praetor is probably going to be a gryffindor
Real shit
He’s a local superman
The poster child for chivalry 
Gets offered the position of head boy/prefect almost immediately 
Graciously turns it down
Tries really hard to just fly under the radar and it actually works sometimes
Piper: hufflepuff 
This bitch is so loyal
She couldn’t choose between her dad and the friends she made two weeks ago
It would have been so easy for anyone else to be like
Y’all ugly
[sacrifices classmates to free workaholic famous dad from evil kidnappers]
But no
She found a way to save everybody 
Also taking down Drew as cabin leader bc she’s a bad leader and becoming a fair cabin head is a very hufflepuff thing to do
Helps give confidence boosts sometimes if someone needs it
Leo: ravenclaw
He has the mind of a mastermind
Fr you think an engineering protoje like that is just not gonna be in the smart house
Huge boost to his self esteem
Literally thinks it’s a mistake
Has a weird bond with Luna as the miscast ravenclaws
Also hello 
Wit has entered the chat
No one believes he’s a ravenclaw at first
Then he roasts a teacher so hard and so creatively they take a leave of absence 
Immediately accepted
Probably makes a bunch of cool shit for the common room
No one believes him when he says it’s not magic
Hazel: gryffindor
Puts the helping others in gryffindor
Mom friend of the entire house
Also simultaneously baby
Hagrid’s favorite bc she’s so good with magical creatures
Some dick tried to pick on neville in front of her once cause they thought he was an easy target and she verbally annihilated them without a moment’s hesitation
Seconds later she almost cried cause she nearly stepped on a ladybug
It was actually a red mnm
Frank: gryffindor
“Anyone who has been/is a praetor is probably a gryffindor”
Further proof
Immediately gets recruited for the quidditch team
Takes a little practice but ends up as a fucking amazing beater
He already has great aim from archery
And looks very intimidating to people outside his house
Which definitely helps lmao
Nico: ravenclaw
All the shit he’s been through has made him wise beyond his years
Has the least school spirit of literally anyone
Constantly sneaking into Will’s common room
Nothing fazes him ever
Not afraid of anyone there
To the point where some kids are afraid of him
Gets really sick of people assuming he’s a slytherin
“I don’t see it”
Will: slytherin
Ambitious and resourceful 
Best healer there
Fixed like three people during a quidditch mishap before madam pomfrey even got there
Great at herbology and potions
Also gets sick of people assuming he’s a hufflepuff
“Cause I’m nice? There’s tons of nice slytherins, what the fuck, man?”
No one even questions him in the ravenclaw common room at this point
Somehow brings out the best in his housemates
Very good influence
Thalia: gryffindor
Does not stop rubbing it in Percy’s face
He’s very salty abt it
Very pro house solidarity
Thinks dividing people into houses is kind of stupid to begin with
Doesn’t realize that’s a very gryffindor thing to say 
Practices with Frank a lot
She really just likes beating flying objects with a bat
Who can blame her
Astronomy tower is her favorite place
  gryffindor: jason, hazel, frank, thalia
  ravenclaw: leo, nico
  hufflepuff: percy, piper
  slytherin: annabeth, will
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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mallowstep · 3 years
What happened to Reedwhisker in your AU? In Canon, he is Mistyfoot and Blackclaw's only surviving kit. (Tbh I have NO IDEA how the poor boy survived Tigerclan in Canon. He was an apprentice, his mom and uncle were locked up, his remaining siblings were also locked up-I-... sometimes I look at some of your information on your Misty AU and think about that with THAT Canon fact, that Reedpaw, somehow, escaped the prison hole and torture but had to watch Tigerstar with his Mom, him abusing her, his uncle 'killed,' his brother starved, his sister being abused to where she gets sepsis, and eventually this child grows into a Tom. Something...Misty doesn't like.... This poor fucking child. I think about Reedwhisker alot and what he saw, and just....like...I'm glad this is such a fucking horrible thing to say) you didn't keep him alive like in Canon in your AU, but sometimes the idea of him living through the Misty AU like in canon...that keeps me up at night. Like. Him, alone in the apprentices den until Twanypaw shows up, him wondering Why He was so special not to be targeted by Tigerstar as well? Him, eyes wide as he watches Tigerstar playing house with his mom, his father being an absolute dick, Mudfur doing his best to both keep an eye on Reedpaw and keep him out of sight, just...this child has seen shit and....just Reedwhisker making himself smaller around Feather and Misty, or being the first to jump to their defense at any perceived slight. Just him.
ah, reedwhisker. yes, i feel with you. i too wonder a lot about him in canon, to the point where i often forget he lived through tigerclan.
i killed him because i really, really, really wanted tigerstar to say,
"Ah, I'm sorry," he says. "They're dead, aren't they?"
to mistyfoot. that's pretty much it. that and -- i needed her whole first litter of kits to be dead for the emotional arc, but i could've killed him during the great battle for those purposes. primrosepaw is said to die of greencough, and so in the misty au, that's how reedpaw died as well.
but. putting that aside for the sake of digging into the absolutely wonderful angst of him not dying that i sadly, due to narrative, had to pass up,
(see this is part of why i like talking abt ideas. i don't Have to worry about Story Arcs. i'm allowed to just enjoy myself.)
okay so -- uh i should put a cut in yeah.
cw: sexual assault
okay so -- i have dawnpaw down as an apprentice at the same time as featherpaw and co, so reedpaw is thankfully not Terribly alone. also, cedarpaw and rowanpaw of shadowclan but -- dawnpaw doesn't talk to them. and nor would reedpaw.
Dawnpaw watches her with barely veiled contempt. "Ignore her," Rowanpaw says. "She's like that with everyone." Dawnpaw flicks her tail. She doesn't eat with them, and the only reason she sleeps in the same den as them is by necessity. Heavystep beckons her over. "RiverClan thinks they're all that," Rowanpaw says. "You know how it is."
rowanpaw you socially inept idiot.
anyway, i think...maybe it's best if he escapes through subterfuge? maybe tigerstar doesn't know that he's mistyfoot's kit and no one tells him and when they realize what's happening -- if they can save just one apprentice, of course they would lie about it.
(also, for added angst, in the misty au, blackclaw and mistyfoot fall out because the combined stress of losing four children and mistyfoot being revealed as half clan. so -- blackclaw and mistyfoot are like. way better in this. hnng.)
oh yeah. he has a lot to watch dear god in heaven. he'd prob be made to fight featherpaw too? like oh my god. ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
okay if i wrote the misty au like this, the scene where featherpaw beats dawnpaw would be replaced with featherpaw beating reedpaw. just so you know. that angst would be there. and mistyfoot is like "aw fuck."
because they can't talk about reedpaw even in their prison. they could be overheard, and then reedpaw would be -- maybe killed. or featherpaw would be. or both of them. so they can't say a word about it, ever, ever ever ever.
and -- i think. oh god. i dunno. i think -- i mean it's hard for everyone. obviously. but featherpaw knows mistyfoot intimately, like. the way you do when you go thru something with someone. you understand and predict their reactions in a very specific way.
and stonefur and stormheart are both angry. stonefur is a lot "colder" of an anger, and stormheart doesn't have any published pov, but he's angry.
but reedpaw -- reedwhisker. he knows but did not experience, he's angry but also aware of how his anger would be perceived by his mother and sister and. oh. god. the angst.
and -- god. he wouldn't even like. okay so maximum angst would be keeping the line about kits and tigerstar just -- doesn't realize reedpaw is one of mistyfoot's kits, which means that tigerstar knows that blackclaw and mistyfoot are mates, which means that reedpaw can't even look to his father for comfort. he's got dawnpaw, and again, sharing a den with shadowclan apprentices. so he just -- has to pretend that this is all dispersonal.
like of course he feels bad about it -- all of riverclan does -- but he can't let on that this is his family. hnng.
and oh my god like. yeah. tawnypaw and reedpaw as "way too aware of the misty/tiger shit."
tawnypaw as "my father is raping someone regularly and is proud of it and he wants me to be supportive of it?"
and reedpaw as "my mother is being raped and we're not even supposed to be upset about it and i think he would probably kill my sister if i let on that they're my family so i just have to be okay with this despite being extremely not okay with this."
(and mistyfoot as. oh my god mistyfoot. i'm so sorry.
like this scene
Mudfur tries to approach her, as she walks back to Featherpaw, but she doesn't acknowledge him. That is the condition, she thinks, because no one is walking her back. They are watching her, of course, but she walks freely to Featherpaw.
like oh my god. oh my god. what does -- like. ahhh. she's hurt in this scene -- maybe visibly, maybe not. certainly -- clan knows what happened last night. and now she's walking across camp and she's -- if she derails or acknowledges anyone then -- she doesn't know what will happen but she doesn't think it'd be good.
and she really wants to know is if her son is okay. is he okay is he okay is he okay. but she can't do or say anything. mudfur can't do or say anything. blackclaw can't do or say anything. they all have to keep this secret and -- oh.)
yeah. i don't know who reedpaw's mentor is...oh. no.
okay here's a fun idea. shadepelt as reedpaw's mentor. she's a little young but hear me out. reedpaw gets reassigned to a shadowclan mentor because shadepelt might have corrupted him and. oh. oh my god.
anyway. wait that's actually. because pre-rescue, shadepelt and mudfur and all of riverclan are keeping reedpaw out of sight. just. trying to not to fail everyone. but now his mentor is like.
his mentor is blackfoot. you know. one of. oh my god.
tawnypaw and reedpaw as "we're supposed to be from okay to supportive of this" oh my god.
and reedwhisker would wrack up so much survivor's guilt. feathertail would -- probably be scared of him. she really only fights shadowclan cats but -- they want reedpaw to prove his loyalty. and she doesn't want to be -- that's her brother, she loves him -- but she can't help it.
bet she Tries To Hide It.
reedwhisker would Definitely step in. i think he'd blame blackclaw. for not doing more. yeah. that's good angst. he'd also.
okay so. when stormpaw comes back. reedpaw has been -- they've had not even a day of freedom. and he's already juggling all of this complicated stuff but then stormpaw terrifies featherpaw and reedpaw is so mad at him.
like. she wanted to see you, was happy to see you -- how do you fuck it up that bad?
it's not that it's actually stormpaw's fault, but reedpaw feels like it is.
all of the apprentices are now At Odds with one another. ahhh. angst.
and i think -- yeah. he'd actually probably be mad at stormpaw for a while. it'd be mutual.
because stormheart is like -- why didn't you do something? and reedwhisker is like -- why didn't you come back for them? and.
yeah. and the whole thing makes Feathertail Feel Terrible and when they realize that she's been caught in the crossfire now they just are angry at themselves.
god. anyway. thanks for giving me more angst to ramble about.
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trickstarbrave · 4 years
big hot topic on tiktok that has been talked abt often that i wanna throw my two cents in abt the discussion but will do so here bc its going to be way easier than condensing it in 60 seconds and ppl will get even more mad abt it on there. under a cut so you can just not look if you don’t want to as it’s probably long and no one likes this discussion 
disclaimer: im not jewish. culturally or religiously at all. so i do not have the best of insight of jewish folklore and i will mainly be repeating what i have heard jewish ppl say on it but you listening to jewish ppl on it will invariably be way more helpful. ultimately i am not talking to make an argument for or against lilith worship bc i can’t make that call, mainly just that arguments for it i see tend to be deeply flawed. ive seen jewish people who say they don’t care if people worship her and ive seen jewish people who are very much against it and frankly no one needs my non jewish ass giving them permission on it, i just don’t like some of the harmful arguments and at times BLATANT anti-Semitism i see in the discussions
“lilith isn’t a closed practice!!! she cant be closed!!! she’s a being/deity we can all recognize!!!”
this i feel starts with a misunderstanding of what “closed practice” means. a closed practice is a very broad term to describe any practices, typically spiritually in nature that are not freely shared 100% openly, usually due to trying to preserve cultural or religious practices. you can learn about most of them--if you go to a primary source. many people of closed practices are open about talking about it and teaching it to people who are interested, and some cannot due to years of oppression and theft of those said practices. some require initiation, and a lot of them are passed down with heavy cultural ties. and most importantly “closed practice” is a relatively new understanding of cultural preservation after colonization. 
judaism isn’t a ‘fully closed’ religion, but it does have a set conversion order in place, and typically while converting you will learn under a rabbi or teacher. a lot of jewish mysticism, magic, and folklore are passed down culturally, so even converts may take a very long time to learn all the ins and outs of it. and a lot of times jewish practices, beliefs, texts, and folklore has been wholesale stolen by western new-age spiritualists, occultists throughout the ages, and demonized by people who seek to harm jewish people as a whole. 
the pure fact of the matter is that unless you are learning from jewish people theres going to be a lot of things about lilith you don’t know. your understanding outside of the cultural jewish understanding of her is very different, yet you are the one who also constantly equates them as the same being with the same stories, with some modifications. yet time and time again whenever a jewish person would express anxiety over it (as she can be viewed as a very HARMFUL spirit to jewish people and not a deity for them) you talk over them and call them sexist, and when they try to correct you over misunderstandings of her stories you tell them you know more than them. 
with closed practices what doesn’t matter is your bloodline or your skin, it is about the information you have access culturally, and that information may be kept from people like you so that the faith in question can be preserved because it has been threatened. and yes, jewish people have had their cultural, spiritual, and religious practices threatened. it isn’t about keeping you out because they don’t like you, its about the fact that you don’t know everything and the way you are going to learn it will be difficult and very different. ive seen white voodou workers who are actual recognized practioners (sorry for the lack of proper terminology on this i know they have proper words/titles but i dont know them), and they didn’t just look up whatever they could find online, they had to seek out a priest to learn from, and it took a lot of time and training. 
there is a way to approach closed religious/spiritual practices, and someone saying ‘this is closed’ is not them saying ‘go away you cant even look at or be interested in this thing it is not for and never will be for people like YOU’. and ultimately HOW you go about approaching it will be decided by someone in that culture, and not however you feel would be the best way to do it as an outsider.
“how could so many people, if they aren’t actually contacting the “real lilith” be wrong? if shes from a closed practice she couldn’t reach out to so many people right? so they aren’t doing anything disrespectful” 
spirits, deities, and other entities from closed practices do reach out to outsiders on occasion and the correct course for dealing with that is to immediately find a person of religious/spiritual authority and trying to work with that person to better understand why. again the point above: you do not have the cultural knowledge to work with them, you do not understand how to identify them, what practices best suit them, the multitudes of stories around them, and history of them working with humans. if you actually value them as an entity it is imperative you understand from a PRIMARY source all of this information, not just second and third hand accounts of outsiders. 
and also a lot of colonizers have claimed to be personally connected or contacted by entities from a closed practice and use that as an excuse to not only not learn, but speak as an authority figure about them. there are people who claim to work with shinto spirits with absolutely 0 actual knowledge on shintoism yet feel like they have an authority to speak on it. there are people who claim to have been contacted by voodou, hoodou, and vodun spirits/entities and know nothing about it yet speak as authority figures on it. i’ve seen someone do it for a polynesian god. they did not care about actual learning, they cared about their own beliefs, validating those said already existing beliefs, and getting validation online. am i saying everyone is doing this with lilith? no. but saying “people wouldnt just lie/be wrong right?” yeah. yeah it happens all the time. 
“they don’t even like her, they fear her, she’s a demon to them and is actually from babylonia, we are NOT worshipping the same version as her and they don’t even want anything to do with her so why does it matter” 
in terms of actual cultural study a lot of jewish and christian stories are born from the cultures their people have had contact with. historically yes, jewish people have been in babylonia, assyria, and that area, and have made cultural exchanges with those people. a lot of cultural sharing has occured throughout history, but the jewish tellings of the stories have particularly jewish cultural knowledge and heritage in them. also we frankly do not have a lot of concrete surviving stories of lili, lilu, and lilitu, so i know you are not basing the meat and bones of your practice on those unless you have access to that cultural knowledge that not even archaeologists and anthropologists even know exists. most of it is on middle ages mysticism that developed her further based on jewish folklore and religious stories. 
also just because a culture doesn’t worship and revere a spirit doesn’t mean it is yours for the adopting and taking. we see this with the cannibalistic spirit i will not name from algonquin tribes and shapeshifting spirits/witches i also will not name from navajo. these are not spirits you’re supposed to mention or talk about, and even more so because their culture has such intense, negative stories around them means you should probably give it a little more thought. 
the last point i am going to make is the general, overt anti-semitism i see. stop comparing judaism to christianity. stop saying they are evil and misrepresent her because judaism is inherently sexist. stop saying they are oppressing your culturally christian raised ass. stop saying jewish people have no culture of their own and its “all stolen from pagan traditions” (which are somehow all equally open for you to take from too i suppose, as though middle eastern practices are exactly the same cultural weight as all white european ones)
again im not for the forceful closing of practices and i cannot give you fucking permission as i sure as shit do not know but i don’t think any of you even understand what “closed practice” means and why jewish people might have even the slightest misgivings about you working with or worshipping her and it really shows. if you have been heavily studying the occult, jewish traditions, and are doing so respectfully then i sure as hell am not here to argue with you about it so don’t come at me for it. what i am saying is a lot of people who do not have that and are absolutely disrespectful towards judaism and jewish people as a whole really keep making an ass of themselves on witchtok and are absolutely insufferable towards any jewish person who voices their thoughts and feelings on it, and i have a problem with that. 
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stozkpile · 5 years
i accidentally lost my entire essay that i was writing abt biden and bernie but nothing can stop me so im doing it again.
the only reason biden got this far was due to a bunch of "coincidental" drops from the race RIGHT before super tuesday, and because the red scare tactic american politicians still hold onto make bernie (who is, for most of the world, a center left candidate at most, as american politics is skewed to the upper right) seem unreasonable. let's go over some of the common arguments against him:
1. BERNIE IS A COMMIE: bernie is a self proclaimed socialist. ok. do you really think he, as president (not as king of america. or as dictator. did we all forget what the president does?), will seize the means of production and sentence everyone to work in the gulags? what the hell is wrong with people? he wants to give people free healthcare and free education. and he wants to tax the ULTRA rich into helping/cut military funding.
1. why cant we create more tax brackets? people who make $520,000 a year, $100,000 an HOUR, and $60,000 a MINUTE, are all supposed to pay 37% of that money in taxes. make more tax brackets. tax capital gains more. close tax loopholes. ANYTHING. so much money is being spent on nothing.
2. military funding gets around 685 BILLION dollars a year. if we HALVE that, it'll still be hundreds of billions more than what China (which has over a BILLION people and is the second largest economy in the WORLD) spends on military, which is around 181 billion. that, simply put, is a fuckload of money. we could easily still have the biggest fucking military in the world and provide more help to the people, which i still don't agree with (america feels like a warmongering state to me), but compromises have to be made, right?
BERNIE HAS NO PLAN: and biden does? do you think every american president had a dissertation written about what they would enact if the got the office? bernie, if he wins, will hire cabinet members and staff, who will be better at certain things than he is. bernie is also an experienced politician who has worked multiple blue-collar jobs and was politically active as a youth.
1. bernie is campaigning and trying to win votes. being a president is about representing your country as much as it is having a working brain on your shoulders, which means you have to have a semblance of charisma and marketability. bernie isn't throwing facts and plans at people because thats not what most people want to hear. in fact, that was a weakness of warren's campaign. and any good plan wont be easy to explain during a short speech where youre supposed to rally people, or on a podcast, or on tv. he's passionate and empathetic, which is refreshing, considering how sociopathic politics are in general.
which leads to part 2. bernie probably has a better idea of his plans than people think. hes been doing politics for a long time. he was able to pass a lot of favorable policies as mayor, and has consistently been on the right side of history, even when it wasnt popular. and honestly, even if he's not able to pass as much as he would like as president (because i know american politicians/people who keep american politicians in their pocket are determined to stop him), it will at least represent a change in the american pathos, and itll show them that the disenfranchised finally have power. this scares dems as much as republicans.
BERNIE/HIS SUPPORTERS ARE TOO ANGRY: do you think they're mad for no reason? it's easy to think everyone is too emotional when you don't have to care about politics to survive.
are you five? do you think everyone has to be nice all the time? do you think that if someone has feelings about their argument, that renders their argument invalid? being nice doesn't change things and recent events prove that. trump bullied everyone and became the sole republican candidate.
just because something is legal or illegal doesn't mean it's right or wrong. do you think the civil rights movement was everyone being nice and putting together nicely-worded arguments? do you think stonewall was a fun little party? do you think the civil fucking war was a bunch of people talking to each other very politely about whether black people deserved freedom or not? people died. people were beaten. people were furious. and because of their fury, and their actions, we live in a better time. it can still get better. progress doesn't end. it doesnt have to come to blows anymore, but it wont be nice.
BERNIE HAS NO CHANCE AGAINST TRUMP: "vote blue no matter who." bernie is the only candidate that has a real chance against trump, and we know this because a sizable group of voters who would've voted for him voted for trump instead/didn't vote at all because hillary is so violently unlikable. and hillary still eeked out the popular vote, although she lost the electoral college. we can complain about the electoral college being a thing at all but if hillary still almost won, bernie would do better than she did. if people would vote for ANYONE over trump, then be willing to vote for bernie, because even republicans like him. bernie has working class clout. and nothing infuriates a poor white more than the intellectual elite flaunting their money at them all the time.
trump doesnt have a lot to say about bernie either. trump might think theres no way that bernie would make it to november, or maybe he's "supporting" him in an attempt to drive a wedge between him and the democratic party, or maybe he actually likes him (which would be fucked up lol), but one thing's for sure: bernie will not choke. trump would try to stir him up or attempt to make fun of him, as he does (and let's be honest...trump is very good at bullying people), and bernie would just take it and throw it all back at him. bernie has hutzpah, which is what none of the other candidates have, and what trump's whole campaign is. bernie is also cool, which biden isn't.
biden is:
a well-documented creep
a faux-progressive with a history of repugnant political decisions, including the 1994 crime bill (he changed his reasoning for it later to seem less racist), gutting welfare, opposing school integration in the 70s, and voting for the iraq war
a plagiarist
the kind of guy who lies about his son's death to get an inch (multiple counts, but the most egregious is when he implied his son was killed because of the iraq war in an effort to defend the vote. although he was there, beau biden died of a brain tumor and complications.)
losing his brain faculties, which is very easy to see. he's old. bernie is too, but at least he can string together a sentence.
is winning in states that will ultimately vote red. and republicans hate him.
tl;dr if you dont give a shit, vote bernie. if you give a shit, think critically, and then vote bernie. it isn't over yet.
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enigmari · 5 years
Oh my GOD Please infodump abt hatoful.... ive repeatedly tried to get into it but have no idea how/how to connect any of the lore. Thanos !
SKDFSKJSLKDFJ no worries anon, it happens to the best of us. Anyways, how should I start this…
So, if you’re totally new here, Hatoful Boyfriend is a visual novel dating sim whose basic premise is “what if cliched boyfriend archetypes… but birds?” And it takes this premise completely wholeheartedly, while still maintaining a comedic tone. You pick classes and club activities each in-game day to increase your skill points, and depending on your levels (and a few dialogue options) you’ll either successfully romance your birdie of choice or get a Bad End. Most of the birds make their interests/level requirements obvious from the start, and you have a bunch of save slots to work with if you wanna go the scum route. Pretty simple and straightforward.
(Actually, that’s a lie, it gets much more complicated later. Don’t worry about that right now.)
Most of HBF is framed through the perspective of the protagonist (I’m gonna use her canon name for convenience) Hiyoko, and she is… not the brightest bulb in the box. Especially in the first game, when events in one character’s route will be foreshadowed in other routes, she will rarely call them out or make note of them. Naturally, this also means some reveals will be spoiled depending on which order you do the routes in. You also unlock documents in the Archive section after completing each route, which adds another level of puzzle piecing to the mix. 
(No, this is not the complicated part I was talking about earlier. Sorry.)
In this next bit, I’m going to briefly run through the routes of the first game from least to most complex in terms of lore, as well as what things are foreshadowed when. I’ll also toss in the archive documents when I feel they’re most relevant to the information you have. We ready?
Okosan’s routes: Mostly joke endings, unless there is some greater plot significance to pudding that I’ve missed for all these years.
Ryouta’s route: Mostly about character building, the only real hint you get is that his mother is sickly and it’s implied he inherited this from her.
Azami’s routes: You could get here with the same stats as Ryouta’s route, but then you fuck it up by taking this job opportunity away from him. How rude, Hiyoko.
Sakuya’s first route: He opens up to you about his abusive and bigoted dad, and with some encouragement you encourage him to run away and become a musician like he always wanted. Mr. Le Bel is very important to multiple other characters in this game.
Sakuya’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same conversation about his dad, but he chooses to live with you instead. Your big hint is at the end, when Yuuya sends you a letter saying there’s “something he’s wanted to tell [Sakuya] for a long time. Something important.” 
Yuuya’s route: You don’t actually get to find out what the "important thing" is, whoops. You do find out that Yuuya’s a spy for the Dove Party, Shuu is one for the Hawk Party, and the school has been increasingly influenced by the Hawk Party as of late. 
BAD END: You may have gotten it earlier, but now you have context as to who’s killing you when you fail a route- it’s the Hawk Party. The reason why is still unclear.
[CW for gore, child death, medical abuse, suicide, and attempted genocide from here on! This game is a trip!]
Shuu’s first route: Absolutely not a romance route and if you ship Shuu/Hiyoko please block me and tab out immediately thank you very much. You learn that Shuu has been killing students for medical experimentation, confirming Yuuya’s suspicions about the quills in the student store and the food in the cafeteria.
Shuu’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same ending where Hiyoko dies, but he’s attached enough to her that he takes her head in a jar when he goes on the run. You do learn that Shuu doesn’t care about the Hawk Party’s politics, just that they can enable his personal experiments.
Archive Note 11: Someone (Shuu) knew that Yuuya was a Dove Party agent from the start. He also notes that some of the students are “fascinating”, which you know from his route means they’re good experiment fodder. You learn that he has reason to believe his victims won’t oppose the experimentation, but not the details.
Archive Note 10: Shuu makes notes about human “adaptability measures.” Given that Hiyoko is the only human at the school, you can guess that this will involve her in some way.
Archive Note 06: Notes about the Spanish Flu, how deadly it was to humans, and the connection to an “Avian Influenza.”
Archive Note 04: Notes about a “Goodwill Ambassador” for humanity, who needs a strong natural immunity to Avian Influenza. Hiyoko’s stats show that she has a base level of 800 Vitality, so you can guess that she’s the ambassador. This is why she dies when you fail a route- the Hawk Party saw she didn’t build a good enough connection to the birds, so they take her as a lost cause.
Archive Note 07: Shuu makes notes about “carrier capacity” in the student body, inducing it in some way in a “normal” individual. You can guess this is the details of his medical experimentation, but not who the victim is. You can also guess that the disease to be carried is Avian Influenza.
Anghel’s route: It’s not actually that complicated, but I think you need to complete Shuu’s route before the “mad love of a fallen angel” option is available. (EDIT: you actually just need to complete one playthrough to unlock this option. Even the Azami solo ending will unlock it.)  This ending seemingly undermines all the things we learned about Shuu right before, but this is just Hiyoko’s perspective.
Archive Note 01: A certain student (Anghel) has hallucinogenic properties that can affect bystanders, putting them in a trance-like state. This explains why everything went totally off the rails in his route.
Kazuaki’s route: Again not a romance route (no matter what he says about “waiting”, ew) because the whole point is that Kazuaki is afraid to open himself up to love of any kind. You learn he had someone he cared deeply about in the past but lost, and now he’s been soured from the experience. You also learn that he smells like bleach.
Nageki’s route: You learn that he’s a ghost, that he killed himself in the school some years ago, and that he doesn’t have all his memories. He disappears before you learn anything more, but he’s happy so it’s okay and why am I crying agai-
Archive Note 02: Someone (Nageki) writes about how they are trapped, and can’t remember what happened to them.
Archive Note 05: Nageki remembers he made a promise to someone very important, but he can’t remember who or what it was.
Archive Note 03: Nageki once woke up in a place that wasn’t the library- somewhere with bright lights and a white ceiling. He’s not as trapped as he first thought.
Archive Note 14: Nageki notes that he can move between floors, going from the library to the chemistry lab below. You can guess that the place with the bright lights is somewhere below these two rooms. This also reveals that Nageki knew the layout of the school when he was alive.
Archive Note 12: Nageki notes that after meeting Hiyoko, he feels fulfilled “just as he did back then.” He still can’t remember everything, though.
Archive Note 08: Notes about an underground facility, a fire, and a Subject 00 whose remains are in storage. You can guess that the facility is the place with the bright lights, and Nageki is Subject 00. You can also guess that Nageki set the fire, since he said that he killed himself.
Archive Note 09: Notes about Subject 00′s relative, whose remains are also in storage. You can guess that this is the “important person” that Nageki made a promise to a long time ago.
At this point, the only documents left are Note 13, which is about a terrorist incident at the Heartful House orphanage in which only two birds survived, and Note 15, which is about another terrorist incident some years ago in which the Ave’s High City building was bombed. Nothing in the main routes hints at these notes, so it’s a good time to move to…
Bad Boys Love route: This route is literally the length of the rest of the routes combined, so we’re doin’ more sections, baby!
Kazuaki’s lost loved one and Nageki’s important person turn out to be each other. They were the survivors of the Heartful House incident, and Kazuaki (real name Hitori) took care of his little brother by himself. Nageki was sickly, so he volunteered himself for a medical experiment at the school that could potentially cure him to take the burden off of Hitori. 
Unbeknownst to them, the Hawk Party was already in control of the school and their real motive was to investigate the disease Nageki was carrying- Avian Influenza. Shuu was specifically the lead for this project, and he also witnessed the Heartful House incident when it happened. At the time, he went by the name Isa Souma and was a medical researcher. He worked with Ryuuji Kawara, Ryouta’s dad, until Ryuuji’s death from disease.
Ryouta and Hiyoko were also there, because her parents were former human ambassadors too. Unfortunately, they became some of the casualties, which left the two kids heartbroken. Shuu, seeing them and recognizing Ryouta, offered to grant them a wish. They both wished for a world where humans and birds would never fight anymore, which Shuu took to mean “kill all the remaining humans so they can’t fight the birds” because… he’s like that. 
Shuu decided that the easiest way to kill all the humans would be to spread the Avian Influenza, and this is why he sought out Nageki. Nageki was forced to kill humans as part of the experiments, and this traumatized him so much that he set the lab on fire to stop it, trapping himself inside. Hitori witnessed this too, and swore to get revenge despite Nageki asking him to destroy his remains and live a happy life. He bleached his feathers and swapped identities with another bird to fake his death, and applied to the school as a teacher under his new name. 
Nageki’s plan didn’t entirely work, and the Hawk Party was able to store some of his remains for future experiments with Avian Influenza. This brings us to the timeline of the main routes, where Shuu took advantage of Ryouta’s sickly constitution to make him a new carrier for Avian Influenza. Yuuya tried to interfere on behalf of the Dove Party, but Shuu blackmailed him with the knowledge that he killed his real half-brother because he hated Mr. Le Bel and wanted Sakuya to live instead. 
The new strain of Avian Influenza that Ryouta carried was enough to make Hiyoko sick and kill her. The death of the Human Ambassador kickstarts the beginning of this route, and Shuu planned for the humans who would retaliate to also be infected. It doesn’t go as he planned, of course, but that’s laid out pretty well in the rest of the route so I won’t re-summarize it here. 
Aaaand that’s about everything for the first Hatoful Boyfriend game! I’ll gladly do infodumps/lore summaries for Holiday Star or the other side materials if anyone wants, but this took almost three hours to write as is so I’m going to give myself a break.
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bindingties · 5 years
(( Obv I’ve been thinking abt a p.ersona 5 AU bc that’s who i am so im just gonna dump all the ideas i got in here & futz and add later or something idk i make aus via the ‘throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks’ method
also just bc this has been a problem lately & i lack the energy to deal w things after the fact rn: pls personals do NOT reblog my posts ^^ ))
Manfred absolutely has a Palace.  Look at him.
The detention center / prison, courthouse, and prosecutor’s office all appear distorted, but I’m gonna go with the courthouse being the kinda ‘center’ and being where his Treasure actually is.
The detention center / prison looks like an extensive trophy room commemorating all of his won cases.  The trophies tend to have design elements that hint at the damning evidence and crime in question while also having the name of the defendant in question somewhere.  All of them are gold, except for the one representing the IS-7 case.  That one is a bronze and notably smaller in size.
Both the courthouse and the prosecutor’s office appear as temples that worship him as a god.  The office is a bit more like a bustling hub of priests that are incredibly incompetent.  The courthouse is grand and opulent with perfectly sculpted marble statues and busts of him.
There’s a slight infestation of insects which all have a pattern similar to the defense attorney badge.  They mostly scurry and run away from just about everything.  The Shadows take the form of judges, prosecutors, bailiffs, and detectives.
Safe Rooms correspond to defense lobbies.
There is a depiction of the DL-6 Incident actively showing Manfred shooting Gregory, but the style frames it more as a heretic being righteously smote than the reality of an unconscious man being shot by a petty fossilized man child.
There are cognitive versions of both Miles and Franziska and neither of them are great.  Cognitive Franziska actually still appears as child and would fight any intruders but, due to Manfred’s low opinion of her and her capabilities, she actually cannot win.  Cognitive Miles is dressed in that horrid Manfred-style red suit but like resembles Gregory to a much higher degree than Miles actually does.
The Treasure is held in a large, central courtroom.  In the Metaverse, it is a golden, weighed scale and, once brought out, is a prosecutor’s badge.
Also you bet him as a boss utilizes a lot of Electricity skills.  Also some Gun skills.  What can I say, I’m not that subtle. 
Kay vc: i can steal shit AND have superpowers?????? hell yeah!!!!
100% agree with @flairer Kay would be Sun Arcana with Yatagarasu P.ersona absolutely no doubt let’s go
Have nothing firm on how they actually.... get there???? Maybe during the Quercus Alba nonsense.
tfw an ambassador keeps flaunting diplomatic immunity so u just gotta come into incredible power to force the bastard to admit to murder himself
also just Akechi: my codename is Crow Kay: absolutely not u Mask☆DeMasque lookin motherfucker
not that im really trying to super integrate w the existing team, but kay was extremely offended by akechi’s codename choice & i have to share that
Tragically started thinking that after Turnabout Succession, Klavier would develop a Palace due to worsening paranoia and lack of healthy coping. 
The distortion does cover the entire city... kinda? The thing is that Klav is very ‘the whole world’s a stage’ in an absolutely unhealthy way.  The layout and buildings are retained but it has the vibe of a music festival or other celebration?
Everything leads toward the courthouse though, which is 100% a very large and elaborate stage.  It’s hard to notice from the ground, but a tightrope is suspended way, way above it.  There is no safety net below it.  Just the cold, hard stage.
Shadow Klavier is always in the middle of a concert on that stage and the crowd oddly alternates between vicious heckling and overwhelming praise.  It turns on a dime and seems to have nothing to do with the actual performance.
Various cognitive versions of familiar faces exist in the Palace and perfectly match the mannerisms / personalities of the real counterparts... when talking to any Thieves.  If the subject of Klavier comes up, though, they tend to grow more harsh and disparaging toward him.
Cognitive Miles has the role of a manager and at first attempts to discourage any interaction with Shadow Klav because it might distract him and ruin the show.  He immediately relents, however, with the thought that he’s always wanted to fire Klavier and so any mishaps with the show would be the perfect excuse.
Shadow Klav isn’t that overly aggressive, but there are still traps and Shadows swarming the area.  While he is certainly civil, he does not hide his mistrust at all and can be surprisingly gloomy, though is somewhat like Shadow Futaba in that he’ll drop cryptic hints or express support for the Thieves’ actions.  
I love the idea of Klavier getting pulled into his own Palace due to Shenanigans™ and Cognitive Nick sees him and tells him he’s almost late for walking the tightrope and forces him toward it
Meanwhile Klav is just ‘wow idk what the hap is fuckening but my overwhelming sense of guilt compels me to do whatever Wright(?) says so i guess im abt to do a very dangerous stunt that will most certainly end in my death’
Shadow Klav does a very aggressive intervention because he does contain Klavier’s wish to help people.  He insists that Klavier cannot survive living solely like he’s a product to be consumed and destroyed.  A ticking time bomb of contradictory desires based on unknowable perceptions.
Meanwhile, Cognitive Nick grows more twisted and manipulative and begins to viciously antagonize and guilt-trip the hesitating Klavier.  The crowd likewise grows more and more restless and demanding of a spectacle.  Still, whether the crowd wants Klavier to succeed or fail is hard to determine.
Also like Manfred having a Palace kinda implies Nick as a Thief too and the idea of Nick also being there and seeing that this is how Klavier sees him is... oof ouch.
But yeah Shadow Klav is like “Are you going to continue to let yourself be chained to expectations?  Even when it will kill you?”
Obv Klav’s like “yeah, you know what? I will live for my own damn self.”  And comes into his P.ersona which is like... halfway unnecessary.  Cognitive Nick is just an asshole... not exactly a giant fucking sphinx
Can’t decide whether Klav’s Arcana is Death or Moon, though.  I like Death’s message of metamorphosis and change for him.  But also Moon’s got fun bits about facades and fear.
Nick afterward: hey um... i just wanna say that im so- Klav: i finally have some capacity to be mad at you without feeling like the scum of the earth for doing so so im gonna be 100% unashamedly pissed for a while just... give me some time. also im abt to sleep for 1000 years because holy shit
And yeah it’s not a 100% fix and Klav still has paranoia and the unhealthy perspective of being a product for consumption but like... he’s got somewhat better footing to seek and accept help.  And, likewise, does not have the subconscious desire to be hated so that he may self-destruct without guilt.  So, like, that’s a plus.
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robinrequiems · 3 years
ALRIGHTY! HERES P1 OF KIDNAPPED: https://robinrequiems.tumblr.com/post/656471030683025408/ooo-jon-getting-kidnapped-by-the-league-caught-my
comic con:
• damian was obviously robin, he had long since disappeared from his family to go and adventure off to go get some art from his favorite comic artists
• and plus he wanted to show off his own art
• he was so glad he wore a mask since like.. chaotic. a wayne? at comic con? that would stir drama up
• damian was walking around peacefully b4 he ended up running into jon
• jon was roughly 5’10-5’11, towering over damin’s 5’6
• they’re both like 15
• jon also ended up dumping his nachos onto damian
• damian wanted to stab him so bad
“This took me months to make, you asshole!”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t see you! I don’t exactly look d—“
“Excuse me?”
“That’s not what I meant— I’m so sorry— !”
“You’re such a prick!”
• damian ended up stomping off to find dick, dick luckily got all of it off his suit
• thank god, damian almost started screaming
• damian ended up running into the boy again, he doesn’t know how he got roped into taking a picture with the boy and another small kid
• all damian knew was that he was annoyed and mad and angry, which were synonyms, but
“I feel like you are mad at me..”
“You nearly ruined my costume!”
“I didn’t mean to!”
“Yet you did.”
• kon ended up running into them to, and laughed. the boy LAUGHED
“Oh god, it’s like walking into a comic book.”
“Konnie stoopp- you’ll make him even more mad than he is!”
• jon could feel the glare, even with Damian’s mask on.
• but.. somehow they kept ending up in the same spots
• jon bought damian a Robin themed sweatshirt, rhay was horrible quality. but he felt soo bad
• damian.. appreciated the gesture
��� and they started talking abt the supersons and which comic was their favorite, damian liked the supersons of tomorrow arc while jon liked the whole challenge of the supersons series
• it was nice talking with someone who read the supersons comics, damian couldnt really talk to anyone about them since one; he didn’t have friends. kidding. he did, but they don’t read comics. two; he didn’t like admitting he liked reading those types of things
• they actually spent most of the day together, it was really fun, they took a lot of pictures together, damian got some for his private Instagram ( what? He’s a wayne. He needs a private insta. ) and jon got some for his main
• they ended up exchanged numbers at the end, but jon never learned his name, and all he knew him by was Robin and damian knew him as superboy
• but Damian liked having a secret identity, he didn’t have to worry about jon taking advantage of the fact he’s a wayne, but he could always just say his first name, but where’s the fun in that?
• damian ended up getilting held prisoner
• not his finest moment..
• jon was his guard, ra’s would soon realize that was a mistake.
• damian doesn’t know how long he was in there, it felt like forever, but soon enough, he was able to get jon to talk to him
• but the conversations were small, it was like working with a blank canvas, but Damian could paint on that canvas ( god metaphors, I hate myself Jfc )
• pls wait: jon wears Jason’s league outfit from yj 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥺
• pls hes hot
• damian isn’t given much in his small cell, just a bed, and a few other essentials. he’s given the bare minimum to survive
• which is fine, but that didn’t stop him from complaining
• jon grew up pretty, damian soon realized ( but he grew up too fast )
• did damian grow up pretty? d wonders what j thinks of him
• damian tried to bring up Jon’s parents and how they missed him ( in truth, damian probably spoke to Clark and lois the most nowadays ), but jon got angry
• jon shot out a laser beam at Damian, damian was barely able to even dodge
• emotions. anger is an emotion. Damian saw a hint of green in rhose blue eyes. ( pit madness, fuck )
• damian remembers being dipped into the pit as a kid, he remembers the stinging pain of it
• god, damian feels sick.
• months for by, jon begins.. talking more, damian just grows more tired
• but Damian still hopes his family finds him
• ( who is he kidding? )
• damian tries to talk to him about those stupid baseball cards jon had ( the same cards damian just held onto when he was just losing himself )
• damian tries to do a lot of things
• jon becomes a good fighter, he begins filling out, and he gets a lot of muscle, unbeknownst to ra’s, Jon’s beginning to find himself again.
• ra’s should have known that the supersons would find each other ( they always would, even if one of them is currently a mindless slave )
• his mistake was thinking jon could ever kill him
• damian doesn’t know why ra’s thought that jon could kill him
• it was funny when they put jon and d into a pit, assuming they would fight, damian did put up a fight, he had too much pent up energy
• but jon was stronger, faster, and healthier
• so damian naturally lost, ra’s ordered a killing blow, damian server no purpose anyways
• but jon couldn’t
• he couldn’t kill his bestie
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gayspock · 4 years
okay btvs s7 / angel finale liveblog
- starting this after finishing angel ep 21  (peace out). things from that i AM obsessed with: gina torres just going sicko mode & beating the shit out of angel; our LOVELY miss lilah reappearing at the end, as she should
- however . h. i dont kno am still IFFY abt the whole thing bc i rlly could see potential in this plot but all the shit it threw away, and all tht it built too.... when u insist tht everything in the show was leading up to this point, u gotta make it matter. and it rlyl just fell flat for me. for TOO many reasons.
- like connor fucking punching her head through like that was like WHEW for .2 seconds and i had a moment of “jesus christ kid” before i remembered! i dont care abt connor! and im sorry but i DONT. i didnt like how he was initially introduced with the darla storyline, and then he had potential; but then they never followed through with that, and used him just to create drama and friction needlessly rather than explore him as an actual character. so how am i supposed to CARE abt him as an actual character hm. like its maddening bc he is like.......... conceptually he could be like the favourite you know the tragic kid who cant catch a break but they never rlly handle him properly so he just feels annoying which he shouldnt be but yeah. he does :/
- and im just so mad man. i miss cordelia. i miss her so bad and im so mad and sad that she was like... the CORE of this show and they just ruined her. and for what
- not to mention the behind the scenes shit. joss whedon die challenge.
- last thing abt ep 21: again to do with like... how flat it felt. idk i do think gina torres (IM SO SORRY. I SHOULD CALL HER JASMINE. BUT LISTEN) taking over the world could have been sick as fuck and it did give us like.... one or two REALLY good eps. fred was used so well for the first time in forever like.. NO OFFENCE BUT I AM SICK OF HOW MUCH THEY UNDERESTIMATE FRED. LLIKE EVEN IN THOSE EPS. LIKE SHE SURVIVED FOR YEARS.... AS A SLAVE .... IN PYLEA...................... SO LIKE. OKAY. BUT SURE SHE’S JUST HERE FOR HER BRAINS OR WHATEVER. i dont mind the characcters forgetting tht a little, but the show forgetting it man kinda annoying <3 anyways
- but overall idk i think they just... it just FEELS so flat and idk what ti is. its probably a culmination of stuff tht just didnt work for me but also... there’s also just. it doesnt feel like theres any real consequence at all. like what is there? what happened through alll of this? granted, i havent finish but: shit’s all cazy, i guess but.... isnt it always anyways? none of the main cast has been effected, really, except for cordelia and connor. and like i said with connor above, tht doesnt rlly matter; and with cordelia, let’s not get into that rant, but they ruined her character so i also dont know if i care if she wakes up or doesnt. (i mean maybe if she woke up they could retroactively save her but also.. eehehhehhhhhhh yknow)
- aside. im looking at how beautiful the fucking hotel is and it realy does boggle the mind. why dont u sell this place jesus christ. who the fuck is....................
- anyways onto the liveblog
angel ep 21
- said it already. obsessed, obsessed, obsessed to see msis lilah back <3 luv u miss
- LOVING the horrible silence at the beginning it literally reminds me of tht... GOD what wasit. idk specifically that video i think its of that tv show james charles got or whatever where someone edited it so its islent abt from them like. breathing and shit do u kno wht i mean. anyways
- also obsessed. “you get wolfram and hart. think of it as a reward.” “for what?” “ending world peace<3″ god BLESS u all
- “they know what they were getting into” “HER STOMACH?!” LITERALLY OKAY FUCKING HELL SOMETIMES IM LIKE. lorne should have left as planned bc idk why he’s here necessarily when, like... yknow.... fuckin. dont want to be rude but he doesnt rlly do much right now unfortunately and whilst i think ... having a fun presence around is good sometimes, sometimes the novelty can wear off a little and its like “ok have some meaning” (cough, cough andrew & anya buffy s7) but.......... okay lorne . you earn your keep for today
- to watch the suicide scene and trigger myself, or to miss out on this cop bastard offing himself. one of life’s little tests.
- i didnt skip it im a big boy and he didnt do it. instead connor really did pull the number 1 bullshit move and somehow got him to back off (made me cringe a little).... AND THEN beat the shit out of him. OBSESSED. OBSESSED. OBSESSED. connor i HATE you but kick this mans ass
- i wish the angel writers would grow the fuck up and realise the gunn/fred/wesley love triangle is bullshit bananas and they are a fucked up throuple <3
- im literally not kidding whatsoever
- i love wesley i cant believe i love wesley i cant fucking cope with wesley in buffy hes a foul, foul little worm but literally angel wesley. i cant believe it constantly on some fucking KING shit go for the throat wesley kill 4
- also how many fucking tools are in his stupid sleeve thing. did he really jsut
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- incapable with how i LOVE wesley now. sickening. i need medicine in the form of a brick to the head.
- also literally what the fuck is HAPPENING TO GUNN what HAPPENED to him what did they SAY to him what the fuck... is my man OKAY. they best leave gunn alone . my king. my king
- anyways idasopjfposdg. idk what the fuck. i didt react to anything else so jump to the end of the ep here like. frankly.... this is like. idk ugh. idk how i feel abt the connor situation, frankly. i dont think any ending would have been satisfying for me. like i said above: connor rlly hasnt ever been treated well enough as a character for me to care, and tht sucks be he’s such... easy  shit... yknow. like his whole premise is the easiest kinda shit to get ppl gooey for but u rlly did just.... use him for drama half the time and somehow make him the most annoying.... AND LISTEN like. whiteboy strapping bombs to civilians in an emotional rrage?????????? BABY , ik its not like that like that but the visual. horrible and i hate it. anyways i
- yeah anyways fuckin. part of me does wish we could have some proper growth with him but frankly i think its best if hes just written out entirely like this. like good. just.... pretend he never existe dman. thank god.
- but oh no
- not me realising we’re at the end of buffy now :/ sick of it but also happy bc s7 is such a damn drag but like... MAN ITS JUST SO ANTICLIMACTIC FUCKIN HELL but okay
buffy ep 20
- ugh i forgot . we just came off of empty places. (rages). IS THAT WHY I DIDNT WATCH BUFFY FOR FOREBER... WAS I SEETHING BC OF THT. I DONT REMEMBER. anyways
- YEAH seems abt right u fuckers are all a mess without her WHAT did i say literally im sorry girls i know buffy was being a littlle fucked up but also none of you can cope without her and she gave so much and u really did do her dirty like that. fuck it all
- tht being said faith being like “HEY EVERYONE.” to get their attention & stop them aruging just to be like “Chill<3″. AM obsessed with that thanks faith
“you cant just kick me out of my own house?” ”why not? thats what all the cool kids are doing nowadays.” LITERALLY ACKNOWLEDGED. THAT THAT IS HER HOUSE LIKE . IF THEY WANTED TO LEAVE THEY COULD HAVE FUCKING LEFT BUT HER HOUSE THAT SHE WORKED SO HARD TO KEEP I-
- “buffy decided it would be best for all of us if she took a little time-” willow . you are fucking testing me. ALL of you are fucking testing me.
- hate this.
- youre gonna make me side with s7 spike arent you. i hate this. i h
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HE IS RIGHT! HE IS RIGHT! AGAIN AND AGAIN HE IS R. you hATE to see it but is he not right? literally... i said it earlier literally i.... again i literally understand but sometimes theyre literally so ungrateful for buffy like they take her for fucking granted so much of the time and EXPECT her to bend over for them constantly and its like . JESUS CHRIST i . LETS NOT GET INTO IT
- but why is faith intervening here. faith i love you ma’am please step away i
- i mean i still hate spike  despite it all so its fun to see her kick his ass
- giles . i literally am so mad tht giles is rlly like one of my faves but in s7 esp he is such a fucking KNOBHEAD like......................................
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fuffy girls where we at
- faith are you gonna fuck robin
- the group of girls just hearing robin&faith and willow&k*nnedy fuck incessantly upstairs... ladies im SORRY
- ACTUALLY THIS WHOLE MONTAGE OF TH... literally what are you trying to do here. you’re doing a montage, switching between the most incessantly irritating couples that ever were. kennedy and willow are meaningless and kennedy is like... literally the most annpyoing person here. and the second two most annoying ppl are xander and antya. i dont wanna see THEM bone either. ive made it  clear tht i hate xander but anya this past season has proven herself to be JUST as annoying- which is irriating, bc she at least had potential, but the writers just do her disservice after disservice. then we  cut to spuffy. you know i hate it here. and then... FAITH AND ROBIN I GUESS? BOTH OF WHOM I VIBE, BUT LIKE. IM ASSUMING THIS IS A FUCKED UP FLING AND NOT THE ACTUAL START OF STH BC IF IT IS HUH BC THEY HAVE LITERALLY NOT ONCE INTERACTED BEFORE THIS , ANSD PUTTING THEM IN THE ROMANCE MONTAGE IS LAUGHABLE LIKE. OKAY GUYS GOD BLESS U GO I LIKE U BOTH JUST FUCK WE ALL GONNA DIE ANYWAYS
- also in general. i like robin but what the fuck has he done for episodes and episodes. and also im glad faith was brought back, but she just feels wasted. like this entire season just feels so..... shallow , man, which is so disappointing
- speaking of. caleb could be really scary if u didnt intorduce him like.. so late into the fucking season jesus like. i really am sathere wondering what the fuck happened this season bc nothing has made an impact, nothing rlly felt like it mattered, everything just feels like a blur of aa lot of fluff with no substanc.e the fact its the penultimate episode and idk. idc tht much. i just wanna get into s5 angel
- faith really looking like a snack
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- all i had to say abt tht
- okay
ep 22
- may i say. im actully kinda fine past my annoyance with 4od for like insisting i need an adblock bc listen. shit sucks but ugh at least its all free u kno like. i get to watch this shit in good quality and for tht i AM thankful. THAT Being said... forcing the ads to pause whenever i click off the window os i hAVE to sit there and stare at them. evil.
- LITERALLY this is dire. and again. its like christ i really wish i could care more abt any of this but u rlly just- the writing just- BUT FUCKING OKAY. CGF9SDH9JDS9P THE. KENNEDYSD8OGHDSOGJD
- i hope your girlies learnt your lesson now. you need buffy. im sorry but u fuckin do and i know it all sucks. but you NEED her so try not to kick her out her own fucking home next time.
- also speaking of 4od.  i hate the butt commercial.
- continuing. i guess the adbreak is just riveting today. but
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- go away you evil little tea company dont pretend to have empathy
- also oh this one isnt playing but idk. there was a tesco ad playing before and idk sth abt it was just so... unnerving.... do ukno wht i mean. like it was abt corona and how the stores are safe but sth abt the whole vibe of it. idk. its one of those things tht if u played to a younger you it’d be liek wtf. do u know wht i mean
- anyways continyign on
- okay im going a little insane over “scythe matters” and buffy and willow just grinning at each other okay THATS funny. me too girls
- “i feel like your putting me out to pasture” xander i could fucking strangle you WHAT did i say last time WHAT did i say you ALWAYS WHINE LIKE THIS ABT BUFFY SIDELINING U OR WHATEVER, but then when she LETS u be in the fray of things and u get hurt u blame her and u get mad with her LITERALLY. JUST SHUT UP. AND STAY OUT OF IT SO U DONT GET WHINY AGAIN. SORRY. BUT NOT SORRY AT ALL. bothersome man.
- this whole “willow cant do magic, or else she will go evil again”... literallyit just feels like an annoyance right now. do u know why? bc u didnt actually go through any of the repercussions; you didnt let willow HAVE an actual redemption arc. you instead gave all the screentime to fucking spike’s halfassed one and shoved her with fucking KENNEDY and made her storyline this season to be courted by annoying rich girl. maybe if you ACTUALLY EXPLORED HER WELL ENOUGH, her not being able to use magic would feel like an actually consequence rather than sth u offhandedly say every now and then to dismiss plotholes.
- not to be a whore for faith but literally imagine a utopian society wherein s7 was  built off of faith and buffy like instead of all the girls being brought in and doing nothing and taking up time ... instead its abt the whole yes, the slayer cant do this alone thing, but its abt the fallout of s6 and tying up all the loose ends. willow actually getting to heal in her own redemption arc, buffy healing after being almost being raped, and faith coming back to finally bury the hatchet and they all come together to defeat the first evil as the slayers finally properly unburdened. fathom that for me. bc ive been CHERISHING the .2 seconds of faith& buffy more than ihave cared abt the whole seaosn man
- literally i..
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to stare into a girl’s eyes and to lament on the burden that only you two in the world understand ................................................ to have hated this girl, but to have yearned to be this girl, and have yearned to love this girl..... shut up. its fuffy hours.
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- jesus spike dont say bosom
- “im tired of defensiveness, and weird mixed signals- you know what? i have faith for that-” BUFFY. DEAR LORD THE GIRL ISNT EVEN HERE TO DEFEND HERSELF</3
- like i get it everyone else is too useful and xander is the last dude left but also. also. i would not let him anywhere near my underage sister. never ever. not when he has a history of making strange comments abt her. fuck off. i’d literally taze him myself first. like i’d convince him of it, “like oh! you should take dawn far, far away in case it breaks bad” and  then when he agreed i’d taze him and be like “you piece of shit. you really thought i would. you piece of shit.” and then i’d taze him again. just for my own funsies.
- oh look ! angrel
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- LITERALLY CAN U JSUT IMAGINE WATCHING BUFFY AND LIKE..... angel just appears and gives her the fucking plot saving device #2. out of nowhere. like if u didnt watch angel itself i would be like “sorry pardon”
- that being said i watched angel myself. and i gotta say. sorry pardon<3
- also spike literally dont be such a salty bitch. you and angel were in that toxic undead polycule for years together. im certain you can work things out. call it the reboot... or sth. idk what a better name for it is.
- tho . also tbh. like i said i wish you all wouldnt. fuffy 2020 its real make it HAPPEN
- caleb just said bye angel and bonked him.
CUT HIS FUCKING B................ BYE.
- angel really did pass out for .2 seconds and then sit up to see this man balless and dead. deballed. you know those melon ballers. yes. this was done to caleb.
- also i reserve everything ive ever said abt baffy its rancid and horrible but their dynamic right now is a 100 times more palatable than it ever was beforehand. not saying its good but like... letting them just fucking vibe instead of hamfisting a load of angst over nothing and making angel a fucking freak nonce. yeah no thanks. its still not good and it cant be fixed from tht for me but like. yeah yknow.
- “well thats great everyones got a soul now >:/” FUCKING HELL. SAME. FUCKING SAME. CHRIST.
-  thank god angel went away to go be on his own show bc now he can act like the brat he is and it not be ooc. buffy really is realising this man isnt so suave and gloomy and mysterious as she once thought. no he is literally mentally 12. bless it,.
- angel: hey by the way i also fell in love with cordelia but its ok bc she ascended and then descended, evilly, then fucked my son. did i mention i have a son. shes comatose now anyways . what was this abt u and spike
- love how buffy just has these worthless men totally whipped.
- also.... okay. who says spike has to have the amulet. how about faith. she also counts and she doesnt get the fucking sword and shes a champion who earned her redemption. unlike SOMEONE<3
- okay i dragged willow and kennedy enough .... one brief thing i will say is like. god it is rlly cool seeing how they are being more and more explicit with willow’s sexuality. like s4 tara and her doing magic spells as metaphor for fuckin verses her and kennedy just straight up eating pussy onscreen. good for them.
- i am mad at kennedy again tho bc half the thing tht just... pisses me off is like. okay. i’d understand if she wanted a more open conversation between buffy and the potentials & she was being pissy bc buffy wasnt listening to them. but kennedy just straight up thinks SHE’S better to lead.... and for what? for why? humble yourself. literally humble yourself. literally what experience do you have. you literally just insist yoju know better than everyone and its so annoying mY GOD I HATE YOU
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- and once again. back to the willow criticism. maybe if you spent more fucking time on her redemption arc rATHER THAN concoting one for SPIKE tht was ALSO MEANINGLESS TRIFE this whole . big consequence of them DOING THIS WOULD ACTUALLY BE A CONSEQUENCE ............... bc like right now i dont CARE abt willow turning evil. im sorry but i dont!! u didnt give me any fuckin reason to, this season, evven think twiceabt willow struggling with her power.... bc u were lazy abt it, and stuk her with kennedy .
- kennedy you’re an absolute brat and you have 0 other redeeming qualities or personality. i am so fucking sorry. i dont mean to be this much of a bitch. but just bc you have 1 second of self awareness before going back to being a brat doesnt fix any of it.
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- now hang on
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get rid of xander. i would listen to this dnd podcast. andrew, giles and amanda. dream team.
- also okay no but for real i AM starting to tear up looking at the OGs together. i dont like half of them, and the third i love but have hated for the past season and a halfish. but anyways like i jsut... FUCK im sad its rlly finale time baby isnt it. :(((((
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- like even if the past few seasons hasnt treated them well. xander esp i have always hated and will always hate and he has been useless and oculd have been written out forever ago with literally  0 change whatsoever except for the fact i would be alot happier not seeing him be a fucking NONCE half the time <3. and willow .... really fucking grinded my fucking gears sometimes and she just isnt rlly  it for me BUT LISTEN. THEY’RE ALL TOGETHER AND IT MAKEA ME WEEPY.
- also
- god i hate that stupid bunnies running joke fucking early steven moffat ass era doctor who comedy right there
- i am obsessed with the fact that one of these bastards decimated buffy when they first met and it took a good solid long time for her to beat it and it was super close and listen part of me is fine with like. the new slayers and her kinda just plowing through these bad boys i fguess i can accept some bullshit abt them being rejuvenated with slayer energy or some other hocus pocus but ANYA? just dusting 2 of them instantly okay.... whatever  .
- do the fucked up evil vampires have swords?? i didnt think thy did?? did someone else accidentally stab her????
- faith going APESHIT the second buffy is injured faith off the rails faith said iM NOT FUCKNG HAVBVIVIGNGNGNG TITITI
- robin better not die
- also anya got axed but also i dont even care man im sorry ive said wht ive said abt anya 
- spike just becomes a laser beam. sickening<3
- and i know i said i care abt neither of them. i know i did. but this is a wee bit sad innit
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-  i lvoe it when they just make spike say random british shit. nobody other thn my grandad would call me “lamb”
the whole town REALLY said “goodbye now!!”
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- this does piss me off a little though
- like literally. still. at the end of all of this. it was fucking spike. it was about spike’s sacrifice. are you actually fucking kidding me. i dont know how to tell you this: but i dont CARE, beloved!!1 i simply DONT care. SHUT up. FUCK off. god its so tired and its so boring and im so fucking SICK of it . moody white boys shut UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. SICK OFIT. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK OF IT. I DONT CARE ABT HIM. literally..... this SHOULD have been abt them finding solidarity and reclaiming their destiny when they unlcoked all the potentials but it... literally didnt matter in the end, did it? TECHNICALLY spike could have just waltzed in there with the amulet and done exactly what he did. and nobody would have to die. their sacrifice literally made no difference. all bc they wanna make spike tragic or whatever. and idc bc im PRETTY sure he’s in s5 angel so ... THERES ALSO not tht much consequence to tht. god. you ppl make me SICK,.
- nvm wht i said abt anya/xander. faith watching robin die despite fuckin him once  was somehow more tragic . probably bc i actively liked the both of them <3 --
- O.H.... ohg foo
- okay im jst wobblign a LITTLE bit its SAD alright its SAD ITS SAD ITS SAD its. .. all of thsi its just.
- you knoow. man. just the last 2 seasons fell too flat but thts okay man. seeing buffy jsut eyes watering at the end... it makes it for me . god bless you miss i hope u can live happy
and thats buffy over . god im tempted to rewatch after my ats s5 watch. i have brainrot i know
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How do u feel about Eno from MonsterKind?
closes book & spins around in chair—oh! didnt see you there. well i’m glad you asked. sets down cup i was drinking from.
tldr i quietly cherish him. i figure it is not exactly his best look right now but i would be surprised if it was to turn out he is/was secretly evil & trying to work against everybody the whole time lmao…..honestly i figured that things were doomed in this way when kip said he trusts eno the most…….that can’t go unpunished. rip
but it is also an endorsement that he must’ve been top quality all this time if kip trusts him that much. i doubt its as Misguided as just being taken advantage of. no idea what the broader con here needs to further take advantage of re: kip….the fact that ppl listen to him whether he likes it or not? or that he can probably survive mad low temps? if he was assumed to die back in the day then the latter seems somewhat relevant one way or another. but i am too dumbassed to make good guesses w/little info
anyways i’m kind of assuming…that eno does sort of have suspicions or straightforward knowledge abt what happened behind the scenes, & its being confirmed just by kip saying there’s some link b/w wallace & the investigation of yore…like, i know i just said im dumb as hell & my guesses are bad, but i’d guess eno thinks that their inside info getting out elsewhere was via himself, not yumi, despite what he said. or even technically if it couldve been yumi i think he thinks it was his own fault. and its not surprising he wouldnt bring up his own suspicious abt his self involvement because like after everything went to shit & the entire project seemingly destroyed, there’s not much relevance to investigating how it happened if nobody plans to be involved. and it would be a little awkward then & now for him to tell kip he thinks he may have been involved in the downfall, even if inadvertently…hm
like……it would be nice if he had secretly developed some kind of assassin level knife throwing skills in the past years. wouldnt it always be. but honestly kip was fuckt the whole time…….nobody seems to be threatening anyone else with knives but i guess if some shadow organization that murders at whim & unhindered shows up & makes threatening demands, the implication is that anyone could be killed, even if some people get to stay alive for the moment just for the sake of pushing them to do something or other thats convenient for whatever latest death plot is underway
e.g. i’m not sure what the point is of purposefully trying to put kip on alert besides having him fall back on eno even more than he would without bringing up that specific threat
but really besides the “well i’m already resigned to someone stabbing kip in the gut while killing everyone he knows in front of him w/promises to kill everybody else too” factor of it all (im not really but—) another reason i cant be that mad is b/c i am also resigned to the fact that wallace is basically in the same kind of position eno was, of an accidental accessory to secret murder
b/c it would truly be a twist if wallace WAS actually in on it the whole time lol….but i doubt it. but the fact remains that he is definitely unwittingly a pawn of the devil!! this wouldnt be a problem if, marxism. anyways the thing is that i really, really doubt that wallace will smoothly learn of whats actually going on before anyone else knows or anyone gets fucked over and be able to gently reveal this to everyone in ways that nobody feels betrayed or breaks their trust with him. i am not even sure how that would be possible…..it is basically inevitable that wallace will have to be exposed as connected to this whole secret society of nightmares, and nobody really knows wallace well enough to be certain that he actually didnt know. and really, the fact that he Doesn’t know doesnt change the fact that he is in fact a part of it and facilitating it, even tho arguably it isnt quite his fault
tbh im assuming that the reason he’s having to do all of this is that he was willing to be transplanted from a to c, and because of that he is like totally clueless about like….everything. he presumably has no idea the kinda shit everyone around him is worrying about like all the time lol & wouldnt know not to try to push past those boundaries. but he can’t exactly be asked to do anything that much different from what he’s doing now / anything too clearly Heinous…besides maybe getting Extra Info or simply making ppl nervous, like making kip think he’s endangered.
coz t.b.h……………i’m not sure that, between kip seeing wallace as harmless and well-intended vs dangerous & ill-intended, the latter is worse? because he is a mix of the two….he doesnt mean any harm but he IS dangerous, technically. not directly thru his own actions quite as much, but still, obviously……kips first impression was basically correct lol rip. i dont think there WAS a way for kip to ever not suspect wallace as being less than purehearted, and of course i also dont think he won’t have to find out that wallace doesn’t want to hurt everybody, but at least he’s a bit on guard about all this fuckery…..even if putting him more on guard is part of some evil plot, which also means its bad…….obviously ideally everyone gets to only ever be best friends and also all be kip’s boyfriends, but i don’t think i my wishes have a tendency to come true, so maybe wait on anticipating that one. in the meantime maybe the inevitable revelation that wallace may have been a double agent will be lessened if kip was holding out for it all along lol. i guess it depends on how much more inadvertent damages wallace’s role is intended to invoke. weird sentence there but i stand by it
basically like dude!! try Knowing Shit instead of not knowing shit!! he may only be an accidental hand of the devil but that doesnt mean he’s totally not working for satan here, so hopefully when he finally realizes the extent of it, he gets to help to right the situation. presumably. idk. but how would anyone know for sure that he never knew what was going on besides trusting that he is not just an excellent actor? i suppose we are in the same situation with eno, huh. despite being given kip’s endorsement, there is only a limited picture of him & then the knowledge that he probably played a part in all the bs w/all these ppl dying. i suppose you can guess that he knew all of what was going on or he didnt or somewhere in between….
basically w/wallace and eno i am assuming that with both itmd a case of well-meaning humans being taken advantage of and accidentally infiltrating these vulnerable circles and sending back information and oh oops, atrocities, and everyone’s dead. i cant imagine that at least kip is meant to survive, and not sure why eno would feel particularly safe on that front either, and clearly any casualties that seem even vaguely necessary can just be carried out at random so you know. bless wallace’s well meaning heart that doesnt know shit but like still, if ppl get fucked over they still have the right to be mad, and if theyre dead theyre still dead, and etc, and also try to learn shit even if it was just a regular, non Agent Of Evil job.
basically what i am trying to say is that im pulling up on my motorbike and telling people that if they’re going to be mad at eno, they ought to be equally condemning of wallace, or that is just inconsistent. like, feel free to either way surely…….i can’t guess that it’d be smooth sailing for eno either if he has to awkwardly divulge that maybe he knows stuff about the whole assassination backstory.
i do wish he had those knife throwing skills for sure…..wish he wasnt being gunpointed into pressuring kip into something or other that surely will endanger him & surely others….but i get why he doesnt exactly seem to have other options at the moment lol. this guy could have assassins all over the block if whatever godforsaken conspiracy is already underway and waistdeep. smh. as i have to assume that he would only endanger kip if he was basically being given a catch 22 of Endanger Kip or Endanger Kip. i suppose he could be doing it solely so he himself won’t be assassinated, but i am personally piecing together that he and kip Are Really in fact That Close & he hasn’t like, faked caring about him this whole time or something
uhhhh tldr i think of him as basically in the same position as wallace, tho to be fair i dont think of wallace as blameless part for not knowing whats going on (like im guessing eno didnt understand until it was too late) and in part because even without the devil he IS just barging in from a in the middle of c & also pursuing audiences w extra vulnerable ppl w/o knowing fuckall (unlike eno who i am also guessing is not from a…)
and perhaps the sole answer to your question as really i was only inferring the part abt asking if eno is suspicious and dubious or not: I Am Fond Of Him Like I Said
what an essay! as all my asks turn out to be!! but i can’t help but theorize. even though i am a dumbass. this is in part because i watched mh for years, and in part because i never assume i’ll still be alive to see any particular plot point in any ongoing media i consume, so i furiously speculate and create au’s in my head and all. for example if i die before its definitely revealed kip doesnt get twenty husbands—which, good luck proving that to me anyways—can anyone tell me he doesnt? no, because i died. so he definitely does. and thats all i have to say on the matter, thank you for tuning in to Milo’s Hour Of Speculation, And Knowing Everyone Is Kip’s Boyfriend
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cnisms · 7 years
bye ... i’m truly done taking up muses ... these are short n poorly written but i did them ! i’ll eventually add more information on everyone when i finally get around to finishing muse pages but honestly ? this is all u need to know for now. again, if u wanna plot, just hmu :P a few mentions of drugs n alcoholism but nothing descriptive. here’s percy, zach, ajay, luke, bunny, paris & luma ! (i’ve added gwen, helena n gia too just so they’re all in one place bc i’m lazy)
FINN COLE, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met perseus sage nichols yet ? the twenty-two year old is known for being both astute and jocular, but also very obstreperous and arrogant. born in melbourne, percy now lives in kensington, working as a junior management consultant.  comes from a nice family that he will always be pissed off at for very little reason. has beef w his dad for not providing even tho he really did, it was just never enough for percy. is exactly the type of dude that got mad when leo didn’t win the oscar for wolf. just wanted to be dumb rich n coked out. v smart and got an international scholarship at a good university, by the time he got kicked out for being a rowdy asshole, he’d helped his friends develop some legit apps (the most successful one being a dating app which two yrs later is really just a meme) and they suddenly had a lot of money, he just bought his way back in. bc he was in charge of the business side of things, it was easy enough for him to screw over his friends n walk away w most of what was left when their success went down the drain. got a job as a management consultant at a big, scary firm in london mostly thanks 2 his reputation. is a known ugly n ruthless n desperate to be at the top n live in disgusting luxury. can’t talk to his family or old pals without Wanting To Die bc he’s so committed to this new life he’s created for himself. is literally awful if he doesn’t like u, still awful just in a less hurtful n more annoying way if he does. doesn’t know when to stop. always forgetting n probably trying to hide the fact that he’s not a trust fund baby like all the people he hangs with now. literally just clyde oberholt ?
JAMIE BLACKLEY, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met zachary vaughn baltazar yet ? the twenty-five year old is known for being both unostentatious and sincere, but also very self-deprecating and uncouth. born in berlin, zach now lives in southwark, working as a telemarketer. the nice guy who is always getting rekt (he wrecking himself lbr) is Um .. a v talented writer but is happy just shitting on his work n never exploring his potential bc why bother when he has the ideal amount of friends n weed atm right ? given up and is convinced he is satisfied, will accept any invitation. still won’t let you live tho. has opinions on ur choices and will probably share them behind ur back. somehow feels underappreciated by everyone even tho he truly believes there is nothing to appreciate. omg have a cry and grow up. king of impressive first dates n writes rlly romantic poetry but is either ghosting or getting ghosted the following week bc he is dry and confused. doesn’t know if this is really what he wants/doesn’t feel like he deserves what he wants. close with his family but tries to force more n more distance bc he can’t stand their #drama... or any drama that doesn’t give him an edge Actual Of Ly. the ders of the squad probably.
RAHUL KOHLI, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met ajay charles johal yet ? the thirty year old is known for being both urbane and jovial, but also very restless and quixotic. born in chennai, ajay now lives in newham, as an airline pilot. moved to london w his parents when he was v young, spent all of his teenage yrs feeling guilty for no reason just like watching all his parents did for him to be happy n healthy ? never got over the guilt. is just a v feeling person ig ! anyways he was so committed to helping his parents out, which was rlly truly the only thing he’s ever committed to in his life. needed enough money to support all three of them but rlly had no idea how to go about it. pilot was just one of the ideas handed to him back in high school n he went with it bc he knew he’s never actually settle on anything. turned out ok bc he likes being able 2 actually get the entire hell away from his problems. a v flighty person (aha... classic) and doesn’t have many close relationships bc of it. v respected ... v respectful ... quality lad but can be a lil immature under it all. wish he’d stop feeling bad just bc he has GOOD parents.
TOBY REGBO, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met luciano andrius falley yet ? the twenty-five year old is known for being both genial and cultivated, but also very irksome and delphic. born in naples, luke now lives in camden, as a struggling actor and annoying historian. tragic backstory ? never heard of that. comes from a supportive ($$$ n <333) family who probably only pay for the many flights for all his long ass self discovery backpacking trips bc deep down they can’t put up with him anymore. is a super friendly n outgoing person, the type that is literally always reading a book he only half understands but will bring up what he has learned from it at one of his MANY dinner parties where ur only option is CHICKEN and lots of wine while he refuses to SHUT THE FRICK UP. cute ! kinda very judgemental but will just sigh n let u fuck up. “not to get political but...” is always like Hm Yes ! I Love Hearing Other People’s Stories ! but when ? when does he hear anything other than his own voice ? he probably gives himself lectures on intersectional feminism when he’s home alone he just doesn’t stop. honestly he only ever means well n ig he’s interesting enough but Really... fake struggling yet still pretentious aesthetics.
MARGOT ROBBIE, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met elizabeth celine leblanc ? the twenty-seven year old is known for being both coruscating and ardent, but also very egocentric and bourgeois. born in seattle, bunny now lives in southwark, as an influential homemaker. boozy housewife. spent her childhood living below the poverty line before her father began helping ppl smuggle drugs into america. he built his own big operation off of that (with a hygiene product company as a cover) and was successful enough to squash the few people it pissed off. business spread to europe n then when he was ready to retire and the south gang was interested, he had elizabeth marry into it before he sold the operation just to make sure he would always be taken care of. it got handed down to her husband bc she wasn’t interested in any legit roles (her asshole fathers fault honestly ? he wouldn’t have given her control even if she wanted it) and she just went along with whatever would keep her from returning to her Humble Beginnings. is very “i do whatever i have to in order to survive” n by survive she means never actually work n just waltz around a mansion in designer gowns all day. materialistic n v selfish. fake charitable for her socialite image. doesn’t cook, but is always sharing recipes. has no real interest in the soap she pretends to make. is consistently fake. literally gets zero joy from anything that isn’t spending money. could probably be happy if she could escape her family’s ugly beliefs n misogynistic practices n she’s getting there but just . slowly. hates the nickname bunny, but i’m forcing the meme.
MIMI ELASHIRY, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met paris nefret bayoumi yet ? the twenty year old is known for being both beneficent and equable, but also very disengaging and inelegant. born in alexandria, paris now lives in greenwich, practicing herbalism. also works at the rosado but whom cares ? not her ! all she cares abt are the HERBS. was raised by her grandmother who was a Kitchen Witch (as in .. u know ... this isnt a supernatural rp But that woman was a witch !) so she’s always practiced similar hobbies but now she’s all about making her friends custom teas ! n yea paris likes to claim that she’s also a witch. is extra but in a calm n collected way. serene at all times but unintentionally sardonic. not super bright but has plenty of advice for every problem. seems to enjoy oversharing and yet no one knows exactly whats the deal w her parents (criminals that have always been n remain in hiding, some people think they’re straight up pirates now) or anything serious in her life rlly . but u wanna know what russells burp smelt like last week ? she’s about to tell u.
SOFIA BLACK-D'ELIA, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met luma camille pontecorvo yet ? the twenty-three year old is known for being both optimistic and dexterous, but also very prevaricating and overindulged. born in quebec city, luma now lives in waltham forest, working in retail.  ah , another brat . she was left w her much older half brother n his wife when he mom dipped when she was fourteen n honestly they felt so bad n also had no idea how to handle her so they just . gave her everything she wanted without question. she had her mothers bad attitude n reckless habits tho n when she started getting her nieces n nephews in trouble once they were all in college together, her brother Politely kicked her out of their lives by offering to set her up anywhere she wanted “for the Experience”. she picked london n quickly got a job at a kingsley store n has been working there for a few yrs now. now also deals party drugs at clubs for the north family n she rlly lets that be the focus of her life, so she’s always showing up to her day job late n overtired. doesn’t ever really lie but rarely tells the whole truth. ig she would be fun to hang out with but she’s probably a fair bit cunty. doesn’t care about ur feelings, has very few of her own, just here for a meme. truthfully she’s angry abt everyone ditching her but it gets ugly whenever the topic comes up n dark!luma is an actual thing that makes an appearance.
MADCHEN AMICK, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met gwendolyn griet hathaway yet ? the forty-three year old is known for being both reverent and winsome, but also very acquisitive and ambivalent. born in las vegas, gwen now lives in richmond upon thames, managing a record label. also known as gwen nash. mother to gertrude bc we meme too hard. born in nevada, her own momther bailed early n then her father disappeared when she was fourteen (she’s always been sure he was murdered by a biker gang but no one believed her n kept saying he just ran off on her but ! the story comes up whenever she drinks still) n she ended up just getting a cleaning job in a motel n taking care of herself. eventually she met a nice older couple who sort of took her in. they were responsible for a lot of jazz artists n she stanned them hard ? sang for them for a short while n eventually married their son mostly bc she wanted to actually be part of the family yikes… anyway they had a Beautiful Daughter together obviously n eventually got control of the label n thats all they rlly share now post separation. tragic n twenty years later than everyone expected . anyway she’s lurkin about london, lookin for talent n trying to fix her relationship with gertrude (i’d hate my mom if she named me that too … no a fence) n just drinkin wine ig ! she’s very … impulsive and only ever thinks about herself in the moment but otherwise ? she can be kind n caring but Ya . her habit of just jumping into things for her own pleasure generally hurts other people so she’s a lot of strained relationships. still seems v standoffish mostly bc she’s Um . Scared Of Everything. literally does not matter how much shit she sees ? permanently spooked. lowkey cruel sense of humor but she just seems so gentle 95% of the time that when she makes a sick joke ur like Oh she doesn’t realize how bad that sounds ! hates memes.
LILY JAMES, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met helena therese o’shea yet ? the twenty-six year old is known for being both cultivated and strong-willed, but also very callous and tenacious. born in chicago, helena now lives in wandsworth, working at erstead’s and planning birthday parties. a tragedy. always had it in her head that she was better than everyone else (especially her brother ) but never fully committed to the brat act, like she never threw tantrums or asked for too much, v well mannered n proper but it’s always been obvious that she’s permanently disgusted by everyone except for herself. sometimes also disgusted by herself tho. will say something cringeworthy n just about put a hit on herself for it. was a v successful wedding planner for a while, her business took off rlly quick thanks to a few helpful connections. got engaged herself 3 years ago and cut off most of her family n all her old friends to start this new amazing life she always thought she deserved ? sike. after three years of putting off the wedding, she got dumped n came home to work @ erstead’s bc she’s like well if i’m gonna crash this hard i might as well hit rock bottom ! plans birthday parties for children occasionally. hates children. hates everything. fun ? never experienced that emotion. barely tries to make up with the people she wronged bc despite setting herself back 6 yrs, she still thinks she’s above everyone else. loves to complain. doesn’t really have much going for her honestly other than ? total commitment to whatever it is that’s happening in her life. obviously that’s not workin out for her rn ?
CHARLI XCX, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER — have you met georgiana lalaine visariya yet ? the twenty-three year old is known for being both jocund and unfeigned, but also very vexatious and lowbrow. born in kiev, gia now lives in soho, being extra on youtube.  gia is honestly .. a headache. she was always a v creative person, ‘expressing herself’ n doin’ the most when literally no one asked ever. she started vlogging two years ago n got bored quickly so instead she decided to start her own (fake) reality series on youtube ? she handled everything by herself at first n reached out to hot local people who were popular on instagram n youtube to star in it WITH HER and only got a few people in on it but ? it took off. now she has a whole crew n writers n what not working on it with her (even tho most of the time she will take over every part of the production n handle it herself again) n it gets her good money (especially bc she’s shameless n stays making sure she’s a main in every single episode so she gets those instagram sponsors too) calls herself “““punk lauren conrad””” n is clearly too extra. a very very confident n loud person, super friendly, loves everyone n honestly u can try to drag her but that’s not gonna stop her running up to u in the street next time she sees u n telling you to drop whatever it is ur doing to go get cocktails with her. she’s so … genuine irl that you literally would not belieb how much of the show is scripted n thought up by her w that … interesting … imagination. will annoy u for content.
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