#actually maybe w red gave me powers
kosukeiichi · 5 months
Excuse me, CEO of W Red, may I inquire what your fave eps or scenes are?
i was going to do a whole breakdown of every single w red scene but then i remembered lupat was the w red show and that would take me ages to finish so ... if you want me to be predictable i could say all of episode 30 or episode 37 or episode 49
if i think about it , i love so many of the w red scenes it's so hard to choose ... !!
en film and the ultimate weird combination is full of good things too . and the end of episode 40 as well ... or even episode 1 or 5 or 15 or 38 or 39 and ----- well you get it ....
but if i had to choose . . . ! this scene from episode 42 sent chills down my spine when i first watched it . . .
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sunohws · 5 months
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fuck you - choi yeonjun
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pairing: sub!yeonjun x dom!male!reader
synopsis: You find out Yeonjun has a degradation kink after an argument.
genre (w/tags): smut, minors dni.. degrading, semi-public sex, college au
word count: 0.8k words
im sorry its so short..
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"You are so annoying, you know that?"
"Maybe you should cry about it."
"I don't know how you're even allowed to walk into this fucking college with that peanut brain."
"No swearing please Mr. Kim!" The teacher piped in, though she knew both students were much too caught up in their argument to listen to anyone.
"Oh my god, did you get any love as a child?"
"Apparently much more than you did."
"What shoes your mom got on?"
"Are you trying to get killed?"
"Try, you fucking lunatic."
"I'm not all bark like you are Babyboy I don't recommend saying shit like that."
"Oh, I'm so scared."
"Mr. Choi and Mr. Kim, would you please sit back down? I'd like to continue my class."
The looks she received was enough to nod her head and sit herself down, letting them continue. The entire class even looked entertained.
"You are just so entirely pathetic it's hard to even look at you."
"Oh really?"
Yeonjun looked a little taken aback, spitting out a "yes? you're so hopeless." You gave him an amused look, challenging almost. You leaned down, face coming terribly close to Yeonjun's ear so that no one else could possibly see what you were saying.
"Then why are you hard?" You whisper, lingering there for a second to watch Yeonjun's face go red. He sat down, faced forward, and told the teacher to continue with class. "Finally." She huffed, carrying out the lesson. Yeonjun put his head down on his desk, realizing he was actually hard. 'What the hell,' he thought.
He heard you laughing quietly, you were way too amused by this situation. Soon class ended, and Yeonjun was too embarrassed to say absolutely anything as he tried to silently leave the class. He checked to make sure you weren't following him, then slipped into an old janitor's closet. 'God I wish there was a lock on this fucker.'
He tried to go behind some buckets and such against the wall so if anyone did enter, he wouldn't automatically be caught. Yeonjun attempted to quietly palm himself, using majority of his brain power to not think about you. Maybe he really liked arguing. Maybe he really liked being littered with insults by a very gorgeous boy with rings and piercings and a soothing voice.
"So, yeonjunie has a degradation kink, hm?" Yeonjun's eyes flew open, seeing you standing tauntingly in front of him. "I don't have a-" You moved forward suddenly, flicking Yeonjun's chin up to meet your eyes. Your knee pressed in between his thighs.
"I really never took you for a slut, you know? You can't even stop yourself from moaning my name." Yeonjun choked on a moan, his head rolling back against the wall. "It just happened, okay? I would never like you like that you fucking creep" Your knee pressed against him more making Yeonjun's eyes roll to the back of his head.
"You seem to be enjoying this a lot." You leaned in further, "Are you okay with this?" He eagerly nodded yes of course, finally admitting he wanted it. "Tell me if i go too far, please." You pulled Yeonjun forward to connect their lips, bringing their bodies as close as possible to each other.
Yeonjun grabbed at your hand to force it onto his own throat, you got the message and lightly gripping his throat. You brought your other hand to palm at Yeonjun's dick that was still hanging out for some reason. Yeonjun whined loudly, his head banging against the wall roughly every time he threw it back.
"You like pain too, hm, whore?" You said against his skin, biting on the soft flesh. Yeonjun couldn't stop shivering and groaning. You slowly lowered yourself onto your knees, starting to pump at the base. "How pathetic, you're so hard for me?"
Yeonjun moaned purely at the words; tears were streaming down his face already from the stimulation. "Do you want me to suck your sad little cock, hm?" He nodded vigorously. "Words, Yeonjun."
"Yes, please! please y/n" He choked out. You slowly put the entire length into his mouth, Yeonjun rendered speechless as the moan was caught in his throat. You started to go faster, bobbing up and down until you could feel the back of your throat being hit. You gripped his thighs harshly, using all your might to bottom out each time.
"Oh my- oh my god, im-" Yeonjun suddenly came into your mouth, feeling embarrassed and scared that you might not have wanted that. Though, you swallowed every drop possible, wiping your chin and licking it off while making eye contact. You liked the bittersweet taste. Yeonjun swore he could get hard purely off of that sight alone, but he was still trying to catch his breath.
You re-did the black-haired boys' pants, making sure he was clean and okay to go back to class. Yeonjun brought their lips together again for a slower kiss once you got up. 
"Fuck you." he spat, though smiling slightly. 
"Name a time and place." you laughed, smiling as he left the closet. 
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yuikomorihotline · 2 months
ℌ𝔶𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔞𝔰 𝔑𝔢𝔢𝔡 𝔐𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔚𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔐𝔬𝔰𝔱.
Pairing: Angsty Subaru and Yui , Reiji trying to be a good brother to Subaru.
Trigger warnings: Very light body horror (thorns stuck in Subaru's throat), vomiting, Hanahaki, unrequited love.
Notes: Hydrangeas have no role here, I just needed a title 🧍Once again mischaracterised everyone so happy days ig
Word count: 690
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The unpleasant and miasmic metallic taste kept filling up his mouth the more he tried to pull the long thorny vines out of his already severely scraped and swollen larynx. The disgusting red petals… Their obnoxiously vibrant redness was almost mocking his current affliction and distress.
Those stupid roses and their damned thorns.
Subaru hated this… It was her fault for not loving him back, if she actually loved him too, he wouldn't be in so much agony.
Yui made him love her, and he despised her for that.
At this point, Subaru can't tell whether he wants to strangle her for causing him so much pain… Or even shoving thorny stems down her throat so she knows what it's like to be barely able to talk.
Maybe he wants to cry to her on his knees and beg Yui to love him so this pain would end.
Subaru was sick of shoving his hand down his already inflamed throat to pull out these abhorrent flowers that people seem to love for no damn good reason.
The perennial discomfort he felt was suffocating, which gave him the glimmer of hope that he won't make it to next season. But he remembered that he was a vampire, and that hope was but a fairytale.
Reiji was walking, going about his usual daily business, and heard the cloying sound of choking and gagging that made his skin crawl, so he took it upon himself to intrude into his youngest sibling's room to investigate.
"What on Earth is making you produce such a wretched sound? Explain yourself, Subaru.", snapped Reiji, folding his slender arms and examining the rose petals and thorns on the ground.
"Go away, Reiji… You-"
Subaru's insult was interrupted by the sickening feeling in his stomach, making him vomit seconds later and falling to his weak knees in response. Reiji stared at the petals floating in the repugnant bile, but it hardly stirred a reaction.
"T-This is her fault, it's a-all that bitch's fault!", He spluttered, doing everything in his power to calm himself down and to take his mind off the acidic burning in his stomach and throat.
Reiji simply raised an eyebrow in response, thinking that another one of his brothers has finally lost their senses.
"Come now, I cannot assist you if I do not know the source of your issue. Tell me immediately, because you've sounded dreadful for the past few weeks and, frankly, it is bothersome to me."
Subaru was too embarrassed to confide in Reiji, no, confiding was absolutely out of the question. It was common sense and the norm in that household to keep their internal issues to themselves, and if one did confide in another, they'd only receive but a judgemental gaze and a scoff in return.
"You're coughing up flowers… Hanahaki is it?", Mused Reiji.
"W-What's that?", mumbled Subaru, making Reiji's heart slightly sink from hearing how one of his loudest brothers' voice is so hoarse and barely even there.
Reiji sat next to Subaru and hesitated to talk to Subaru about this conundrum.
The elder brother felt like a mother who was asked where a baby came from by her child. However, the subject of love was a rare thing to speak of… Much more than something as simple to them as the pleasures of flesh. But even that would warrant something being thrown at them.
"You're in love, and the person who you love doesn't love you back… Thus the roses with the thorns. Which tells me that you love this person very much… Which is odd, considering what we are after all.", He murmured, which was odd for someone who always spoke so confidently.
Subaru was so close to an ebullition of agony from how badly he desired to gain the love of the blonde sacrifice. This burning feeling blooming the more he thought about her pulchritudinous expression, tranquille and sweet, even when she was in pain from his fangs.
"So it is her who has caused this reaction… Unfortunately, Subaru… She too, has been coughing up flowers."
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rosie-b · 4 months
Centuries Overdue
Chapter 9: Epilogue
This is it; the last chapter is finally here!! Thanks again to everyone at @mlbigbang for making this story possible :D
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the epilogue!
Several months later, Marinette was leading Adrien back to the Clockwise Fox from the library where her journey had started. In the time since their newsworthy escape from the catacombs, they’d become fast friends, and Marinette had even convinced Adrien to enroll in a university course he was interested in.
“You know, I still can’t believe Gimmi used their own power to erase the Bourgeois family’s memory of magic,” Adrien said as they reached the cafe door. 
“Well, it worked so poorly that they didn’t try it again,” Marinette commented. “Gave them delusions of grandeur and now we have the prissiest mayor’s daughter in France! You’d think she was a princess with how she acts.”
“Well, I hope we don’t need another rebellion,” Adrien said. “The last one was more than enough for me.”
“You weren’t even directly in it,” Marinette pointed out. “But I agree. Luckily, Chloe only thinks she’s powerful enough to warrant one, and France is pretty much married to democracy now.”
“That’s one good change,” Adrien agreed. “Among many, of course! I still can’t believe how good pizza is! And airplanes might not be as fun as I thought they would be, but they’re quite handy for traveling. Vast improvement on riding horseback, let me tell you,” he said, earning a side glance from one of the baristas.
They placed their orders at the counter and waited for their drinks to come.
Adrien noticed Marinette giving him an odd look and raised his eyebrow. “What is it?”
“Oh, nothing,” she said. “Have you been speaking to Alix a lot lately?”
Adrien tilted his head. “No, why?”
Marinette laughed. “I guess I’m just paranoid about it. You ordered the exact same drink I did the first time I came here.”
Adrien blinked. “Is that bad?”
“Just embarrassing,” she admitted as their drinks came and she led him back to their usual table. “I ordered it in the middle of the summer.”
Adrien looked at the steaming hot cup of mocha in his hands. “I see,” he said with a giggle.
Marinette scowled. “Don’t be mean to me or I’ll be mean right back, shortie!” She blushed as the people at the neighboring table clearly overheard.
“Shortie? I’m injured, Marinette! After all, I am still taller than you are, so I think that insult doesn’t hold water.”
“Oh, you’re only taller by a few inches. And since I’m very short, that makes you short, as well,” Marinette retorted. 
“Hey! I used to be tall, you know. I was taller than Napoleon,” Adrien squawked.
“And nowadays, people call him short. So maybe your argument is the one that doesn’t hold water,” Marinette pointed out with a grin.
Adrien sulked as he took a sip of his mocha. “So rude,” he muttered.
Marinette hummed and sent him a smile, letting him know she was sorry. “You know, Adrien, you might be short now, but I still think you’re handsome.”
Adrien blushed a fiery red. “And I, you, uh, beautiful, that is!” He giggled and took another sip of his drink.
“Wow, get a room,” Alix teased as she passed by their table with a set of dirty plates.
Marinette blushed. “You don’t know what that means yet, do you?” she asked nervously.
Adrien groaned. “Actually, I think I have been spending too much time with Alix, after all,” he said. “Because yes, I understood that reference.”
“And I understand that one,” Marinette said with a smile. “Did Nino convince you to watch the American movies with him?”
Adrien nodded. “They were quite inaccurate, if you ask me. Have the wrong kind of magic entirely.”
“Then what do you say we come back here tonight for the right kind?”
Alix whistled as she passed by them again. “In public, Marinette? You get it, girl!”
Marinette dropped her head onto the table.
“You know what I mean,” she groaned. “Stop being mean to me!”
“Yeah, back off or she’ll be mean right back, Alix,” Adrien warned playfully.
“Yeah, you don’t want to see me be mean, Alix, I’m better at it than you,” Marinette said, lifting her head and giving a not-so-menacing glare (her hair was plastered to her forehead now and she was sure she looked like a lame copy of Medusa). 
“Message received,” Alix said with a smirk. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone then!”
She walked back into the kitchen without cleaning any more tables.
“I think she came out here just to make fun of us,” Adrien observed. 
“I agree,” Marinette said. “Do you want to get out of here?”
He grinned. “I’ll go wherever you do, Marinette.”
She hid her blush in the last drops of her coffee and led him outside.
As they walked back to their new apartment together (they’d agreed that it would be far easier to share one until Alya’s spell had enough time to settle and Adrien applying for one wouldn’t risk his status as a French citizen), Adrien’s hand brushed against hers. Marinette struggled to control the grin on her face and took the hint, grabbing his hand and swinging it as they kept walking.
They passed by the park Adrien said he’d been able to somewhat recognize from before, and he tugged lightly on her hand. 
“Marinette, do you feel like spending some time in the park together?” he asked, looking at her with a slightly nervous expression.
She hummed and nodded. “Sure. You know I never mind doing things together with you.”
Adrien blushed. “That’s good, because you’ve had to do a lot of them. You, Alya, and Alix are almost singularly responsible for me surviving the twenty-first century. Triply responsible, I suppose.” He hesitated, and Marinette squeezed his hand to let him know he could ask whatever it was that was bugging him. “Is it too much? Do you want me to try moving out on my own? I’m pretty sure Alya said it should be okay by now, so if you want me gone, just tell me and I will go.”
Marinette’s heart twinged painfully. “Do you want to move out? I mean, I completely understand, of course, and I can just invite Alya to fill the empty room, but you know you don’t have to, right? I like having you around, Adrien,” she admitted, feeling like a shy schoolgirl all over again.
Adrien smiled at her. “I like having you around, too, Marinette. I just don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. But if you’re sure, then I’d like to stay.”
“Of course,” Marinette said. “Stay as long as you’d like!”
“Careful, I might just take you up on that,” Adrien laughed. “And you’ll be stuck with me forever.”
Marinette stopped walking. 
Adrien turned to her, looking concerned. “Marinette? Did you not mean it? I, I’m sorry, I’ll just—”
“I want you around forever,” she said, cutting him off.
“Adrien, I— I think I want you to be around forever.”
“We can try, but I really don’t want to live that long; three centuries is good enough for me,” he joked.
Marinette’s lips twitched. “Don’t distract me! Adrien, I’ve realized something important that I should tell you.”
His face immediately became serious. “What is it?”
Marinette groaned. “Not like that! It’s just— just— I like you, Adrien. You’re tied with Alya for best friend now, but I think… I think I’d like to try something other than being like this. Platonic,” she said, gesturing between the two of them. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Adrien nodded cautiously. “I hope I do, Marinette. Because I feel something else for you, too, and I don’t want to be alone in feeling it.”
“Me, neither,” Marinette said. And then, just to check, she asked, “So, do you want to make this into a date? We can go bird watching, or get ice cream, or just sit on the bench for a while, whatever! Or if not, that’s fine, too!” 
She was about to start panicking, and Adrien must have known it, because he took both her hands together and pressed a gentle kiss to them. “I would love to,” he told her. “I love to do anything, everything, as long as it’s with you.”
Marinette smiled up at him, relief in her eyes.
“Promise,” Adrien said, smiling.
“Good,” Marinette said. “Because I love doing everything with you, too.”
Adrien couldn’t stop himself from hugging her at that. “I’m so glad we met,” he whispered into her hair. 
Marinette smiled and pulled him closer. “Me, too,” she confessed. “It was just a few centuries overdue.”
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post so I would like to request for James Potter, please :)
What about james having a crush on shy! reader so he starts sending her flowers, chocolates, etc. as a secret admirer. Thank you lovely writer 💙
Hiii, thank u so much for this cute request!!! I hope you like it 🥰(1.9k) sorry for completing it so late🥺
James doesn't even know how exactly has his crush started.
It was maybe the cute little smiles, you always gave him in the hallways. Or maybe the red cheeks, you had whenever, he got caught staring at you by you during the classes.
And It only got worse, when you two got paired up for the potions class. He remembers your wide eyes and slightly opened mouth, when the teacher called out your two names. It was a completely contrast to James's big grin.
You actually didn't mind James, not at all. It was just that, you had a crush on him, too. You thought he was funny and nice.
But given your shy persona, you didn't talk much to James, well only about the potions class assignments. You just quietly worked with him, laughing shyly at his stupid jokes. Giggling, when his potions turned out completely different. You also learned, that James had the power to make you flustered in a matter of seconds, cheeks burning at his flirty words.
James was down bad for you, his crush got like 10 times bigger since then. So he wanted to do something about it and ask you out.
And he tried, more than once. But you somehow were never alone or when you were, you always dissappeared before he got the chance.
Today his maybe fifth attempt went to shit, too. James sulkily sits in the common room, frowning at the wall.
"Moony, I can't do this anymore, let's just put the invisible cloak over him" Sirius groans, looking at the miserable James.
"Leave him alone, Pads" Remus argues, looking worriedly at James, "do you want to tell us what happened?"
"Just the usual.." he whispers angrily, he isn't angry at you, he could never,  he's just angry at himself for still trying over over again, when it's clear, the feelings aren't mutual, "she just dissappeared, before I even got a chance."
"Maybe she just really needed to leave...?" Remus is trying to be nice, James knows it.
"Right." James sighs in defeat.
Remus glares at Sirius to say something supportive, too.
"C'mon James, you know she likes you-" Sirius starts, but James cuts him off almost immediately.
"How can you be so sure? She literally keeps avoiding me! " he huffs out.
"Lily told you, she is sure y/n likes you and she is kind of friends with her, so it must be true!" Sirius says and Remus nods his head, " Yeah, James."
"Whatever, it doesn't matter if she keeps avoiding me, does it? It's probably not true anyways. I give up."
"Nope nah ah,"Remus isn't going to let you two blind idiots just miss the chance you have, " we are going to figure something out and then you can thank me at your wedding speech, alright mate?"
So that's how they get the idea of a secret admirer. James is pretty much desperate, so he takes anything.
The first gift appears in front of your room 2 days later. It's just normal morning, until there's a loud squeal from your roommate at the door.
You quickly run there, worried she got hurt, " what? What happened?"
"Look!" she hands you a big box with a small bow on top of it.
"What's this?" you ask her, shaking the box a little.
"I don't know, I just opened the door and found it laying on the floor, your name is written on it" she says, " go on, open it!"
So you do. You slowly untie the bow and open the lid. Your eyes go wide as soon as you see what's inside. There at the bottom of the box lays a book. But not just any book, it's the book, you'd wanted to buy it for weeks, but it was sold out everywhere.
"W-what? How..? Did you do this" you ask your friend, astonished.
"I didn't," she swears, " look there's a card" she points at floor and picks it up.
Hope this makes that cute, pretty smile appear on your face.
Dear Y/N,
With love Your secret admirer.
She reads it outloud and squeals again, " Oh my god, this is so cute!! Y/N, do you know who's this from?" she beams at you.
"I-I don't " you shyly say, cheeks red from hearing what is written on the note. They get even redder, when the realisation, that you have secret admirer hits you.
You basically take the book everywhere with and when James sees it, he smiles proudly, happy to know you actually like it.
The gifts don't stop at the book. They also always come with the cheesy pick-up lines, that make you smile stupidly every time. You got so many gifts already, like your favourite sweets, flowers, another book, candles and more. They appear every second day in the morning.
And every single one of your roommates are now invested in it, too. And they are making it even worse than it already is. They even have a bet on who it is, but you don't think anybody's guess is right.
You have honestly no idea, who it is, too. You have thought of a few names, even James's, but dismissed them quickly.
You also tried to caught the person in act one night, but you fell asleep and when you woke up, it was there, as usual.
The gifts keep coming even after 2 weeks. Honestly, at first you thought it was very sweet and romantic, but right now, you can't help but to worry about how much money the person is spending on them.
So you start to pay more attention to people around you. You want to finally find out who the mystery person isy so they don't spend any mlre money on you. So far it's not going great.
The only thing you notice is James, his dreamy smiles and sweet eyes on you. But you are only half sure, that you aren't imagining that. Because there's just no way James Potter likes  you. I mean, he's James Potter and you... you are just shy, quiet you.
But you always find yourself thinking more and more about the possibility, that it really is him.
And now sitting next to him in the potions class is making it even worse. He is too handsome for his good and it's making you even shier than you already are.
You are looking everything else, but him to get the red away from your cheeks, praying for the class to end. And 5 minutes before the end is when you notice it.
His handwriting. It is exactly the same as the one on the notes. You are sure, because you've read the notes more than ones.
You gasp and your eyes go wide. James, of course, notices that.
"Is everything okay?" he questions with a small smile.
Before you can answer the class ends and you are thankful for it, because your mind is blank. You scramble to your feet and basically run out of the classroom.
You hear James call out your name, but you don't stop, not until you are at, what you think is a safe distance from him. But you are wrong. So wrong, because the distance is literally non existing. You didn't realise he ran after you.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?"he asks, worried eyes searching for yours.
"I-I....Did you follow me here?" you don't really mean for that to come out as rude as it does, " I mean, why did you follow me here?" you correct yourself.
"I wanted to know what happened, you looked a bit bewildered in the class. Did something happen? Was it the potion, I know I messed it up, I'm sor-"
"It's not about the potion" you cut him off.
"Well, did I do something ? You can tell me. You know, I won't min-"
You interrupt him again, " No, I mean yes....shit" you start off badly, " your handwriting."
"Is it that bad?" he asks seriously and you giggle, but stop, when you think about it again.
"I-I noticed it's the same, a-as the notes I've been getting with these gifts" you shyly say, eyes on the ground.
James doesn't know what to say, he and the boys haven't thought of what to say when you would find out and he is panicking. But you look like you might run again, so he confesses, " it's true, it's my handwriting."
"What?" you look up at him.
"Your secret admirer, it's me" he admits a bit embarrassed.
"R-really? This isn't...it's not a prank, is it?" you don't think it is, but you still can't really believe, that the secret admirer could be James and that he might like you.
"A prank? No no no, I swear. I know, I and the boys do a lot of stupid shit, but I promise you, this is definitely not a prank, sweetheart" he swiftly reassures you.
The nickname, that slips up from his lips, makes you feel dizzy, " o-okay, I believe you."
"Did you like them, the gifts?"
"I did, but why did you do it?" You sheepishly ask.
"You are really going to make me say it?"he chuckles and you just blush.
"I like you y/n, a lot. You are so sweet  and kind, you always help me fix my potions. I love it, that you laugh at my horrible jokes even if they are not funny," to confirm his words, you giggle.
"But why didn't you just say this to me? I don't want you to spend your money on some gifts for me" you frown.
"I tried, but you kept avoiding me. So I got desperate and the boys helped me come up with this, it was the best idea we got."
"Avoiding you?" you puzzle.
"Yeah, everytime I wanted to talk, you just dissappeared somewhere."
You know exactly, what he is talking about. But you didn't do it on purpose, you just have the habit to rather quickly dissappear than to make a fool of yourself in front of people, especially if it's a cute boy.
"I'm sorry, I promise I didn't do it on purpose" you hide you face into your hands from embarrassment. You are pretty sure, you are red as a tomato at this point.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay" James reassures you and walks closer to you.
You slowly pull your hands away from your face and smile shyly at him. James thinks he might explore if he doesn't ask you out right now.
"Would you like to go out with me ? You don't have to go if you don't want to, of course. I totally under-"
"I'd love to, 'c-cause I l-like you, too" you say it so quickly, that James almost doesn't register it, but he does.
"Yeah...." you say breathless.
"Great! I'll do my best to take you on the best date you'll ever have " James grins big at you, proud to know his (Remus's) plan worked "could I walk you to your room?"
You nod bashfully and start walking. James makes his mission to ask you every question, he can think of while he walks you to your room. You, as you sheepishly answer every one of his questions, think about how much you enjoy talking to him and it's not even your date yet.
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southern-god1 · 1 year
The Pale Rider
“And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”
Revelations 6:8
The motorcycle rolled toward the bar, the headlight piercing the dark like a searchlight. The radio played an old song from the 1940s, “Dream A Little Dream of Me”, and the rider hummed along. The sleek pale green motorcycle slid to a halt, the music died, and gravel crunched under the rider’s boots as he walked to the door. He strode into the bar and took a seat at the counter, flagging down the bartender.
“Sazerac, with absinthe if you’ve got it, and Peyhcard’s bitters.”
His voice had a distinctive accent, something which drew the attention of the man beside him: a thin but cute local named Eric. Eric tried to look at the stranger without drawing too much attention: he was quite tall, handsome, and pleasingly scruffy. He wore a pair of jeans that showed off his ass and a pair of nice boots. 
Taking a sip of his Sazerac, the stranger ‘s intense green eyes flicked over to glance at him through the corner of his eyes, as though feeling Eric’s gaze. He turned to face him, drink in hand. 
“See something ya like, ma chere?”
The strangers accent clearly marked him as a New Orleanian, and he smiled. Eric’s palms got sweaty, and he nervously nodded.
“Um…uh, yeah. W-we don’t many people who can speak French in here.”
The stranger chuckled.
“Well now you have. What’s your name, you precious little thing?”
Eric’s cheeks turned beet red.
“I’m Eric, who are you?”
“My name is Rhett, ma chere. Rhett Delacroix, humbly at your service.”
He offered a mock bow, as best he could from the barstool, which made Eric laugh. 
“Are you from New Orleans?”
Rhett’s response was sarcastic.
“Your certainly quick on the uptake. What gave me away? The accent? The French? Or my smoldering sex appeal? But yes, I am, my little snow bunny.”
Eric was immediately confused.
“Snow bunny?”
“It’s what we call those of you from up north. Think of it as a term of endearment.”
“What brings you up this way my…swamp gator?”
Rhett laughed aloud, amused by the awkward attempt at making an equivalent phrase.
“Ha-ha! I’m here on business. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who has something I want to buy. But enough about that…I’d like to get to know you better, my cute little snow bunny…can I buy you a drink?”
Cute? Eric beamed inside. Hot guys like Rhett hardly ever looked his way, let alone called him cute or offered to buy him a drink. He agreed. 
After a few more drinks, Rhett suggested they go somewhere more private. Eric was too smitten -and slightly drunk- to disagree. Rhett headed toward his motorcycle, only for Eric to frown and complain that there was nowhere for him to sit. Rhett sighed and hopped in Eric’s car. It was a tight fit, and Rhett insisted on driving. 
“But you don’t know where I live.”
“I know. We ain’t going where you live.”
“Calm down little snow bunny - I told ya, I know a guy. Got me a nice motel room up the road."
Rhett set off driving, quickly changing the radio station from the news to the local country station. He drove until they reached a seedy motel, where Rhett was supposedly staying. He actually wasn’t, but Eric didn’t need to know that. He spied a vacant room, and with a quick, effortless little application of power, had conjured a skeleton key and unlocked it. 
“Get on the bed and undress. I’ll be right there…”
Eric eagerly began to strip as Rhett strode into the bathroom. Rhett Delacroix, codename “Pale Rider" gazed at himself in the mirror for a moment, mentally preparing for what was about to happen. Fucking a snow bunny was hardly fun, but maybe this one would be different. He was looking forward to what was going to happen afterward more than the sex, in any case.
By the time he had pissed and washed up, Eric had already undressed and was posing in what he mistakenly assumed was a sexy pose. Rhett smirked and decided to assert himself as the one in charge of this little encounter. He growled out.
“Turn around. Your ass is mine.”
Eric seemed pleased by this dominant turn…that was good, since there was more of that to come. Rhett peeled off his jeans and boxers, tossing his shirt off onto a lamp, but left his boots on. In a flash, he was on top of Eric. 
“Now, my little snow bunny…. you’ve never been with a real man before. This’ll probably hurt.”
He grinned and without further ado, began to mercilessly fuck Eric’s tight ass with his 9-inch cock. His scruffy chin rubbed against the back of Eric’s chin, his ear. Eric was clearly in pain, but also clearly enjoying this, moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure. Rhett could sense his little fuckbuddy was already getting close. Damn this boy was pent up…and tight. He grinned and began to fuck harder, getting closer himself. He grinned and began to whisper in Eric’s ear.
“You love this don’t you? You like being used by a real man? Do you wanna feel this way every day? Give yourself up to me. Everything. Your love. Your soul. Your heart. Every. Fucking. Thing. Will you do that, my little snow bunny?”
He punctuated every period with another hard thrust, and he smirked as Eric let out a cry that was halfway between a cry and a yes, and came, staining the sheets with his cum. That was close enough to a yes for Rhett, and he came as well, filling Eric’s tight ass with a load of his hot, salty Southern cum. He immediately pulled out of Eric’s ass. He snapped his fingers and immediately he was clean and fully clothed again. Eric stared in confusion as he turned out, still groaning in the hazy afterglow of sex. 
Eric was confused. How was Rhett dressed already. That was so fast.
“L-leaving already?”
“Yes, but don’t worry…we aren’t about to part ways just yet.”
Because Eric could ask what he meant, Rhett’s eyes - so briefly it must have been a trick of the light- flashed a blood red, a stainless white, and a brilliant blue, before returning to their normal color. His hand was doing something complex, rapidly moving. Eric was instantly frozen. He couldn’t move or make a sound. An intense heat began to build up in his chest, rapidly enveloping his entire body. Then he saw the knife in Rhett’s hand, something intricate and bearing strange icons engraved on the blade. Eric frantically screamed, but his screams only bounced around inside his skull. 
“Don’t worry. I ain’t gonna kill ya…I’m hardly The Axeman, not like some of my friends who enjoy killing y’all. I think that’s pretty stupid. Waste of a good soul. No no, I’m just gonna extract and bind your soul. Now…just like I said before…this’ll probably hurt.”
With a smirk, Rhett strode around to behind Eric and with a single, obviously practiced motion, slit both of his carotids. Yet no blood flowed out, as it normally would. Eric felt something leave his body, and seemingly hover before Rhett - but he still felt his body, dimly. 
Rhett’s eyes flashed again and with a few more hand gestures, Eric’s soul began to compress and thin out, becoming powdery, wrapped up in a white and brown bit of paper. Rhett reached out and let the cigarette fall into his waiting palm. Eric could see all this happening, feel himself hitting the warm palm, being plucked up by two fingers. With a smile, Rhett reached into his back pocket and pulled out an engraved cigarette case and tucked Eric in with several others. These were not just cigarettes -at least not the kind one casually smoked; if he wanted a smoke, he had a pack in his other pocket. No, these were special. Rhett’s more complex spells and magic sometimes required souls, or sacrifices. Quite simply, Yankees weren’t always around when you needed them, and the cleanup after a sacrifice was…just so tedious. By trapping their souls as cigarettes and smoking them into oblivion whenever a soul was needed, he bypassed the need for a direct sacrifice. Now…to deal with the body.
Despite being sealed in the darkness of the cigarette case, Eric still had a connection to his body, however faintly. He still felt the intense heat, still filling every inch of his body. Eric felt himself start to shrink, dimly seeing the hunky New Orleans stud seemingly grow bigger. His body began to feel strange. His tongue shot out, stretching over his head and turning brown, as his hair, stretched over his outstretched tongue, became long and stringy, tipped with little plastic aglets. Within seconds, his face began to flatten out, and his body began to contort, painfully, bones snapping before being remade. Everything grew dark, and he felt Rhett’s strong hands grab him and give a strong tug, yanking some part of him apart. 
Rhett reached down and yanked the newly formed pair of boots apart, tearing apart the thin layer of leather still connecting the two new boots. He pulled them on and tied the laces that used to be Eric’s hair, his tongue now the tongue of the boots. He grinned and rubbed his foot into his face, now the sole. He took his first steps and Eric practically exploded in pain and pleasure; almost as though he was being fucked again. Rhett had offered to let him feel like that every day, and the two had agreed to a verbal contract. Rhett was a man of his word. He was especially happy he had tricked the Yankee into signing away his own soul. He strode out of the motel room, and with a snap of his fingers, erased any DNA or fingerprints, locking the door again and evaporating the cum. There was the roar of an engine as his motorcycle rolled up into the parking lot by itself. 
Let’s see…DNA, fingerprints, cum…ah yes, the snow bunny’s stupid smart car was the only thing left to destroy. As he strode over to his bike, his eyes flashed as he casually shrank Eric’s smart car down to the size of a toy. He hopped on his bike and made sure to drive over the puny car, the bike tire completely obliterating it as he drove off. Rhett felt Eric vibrating with pleasure as he drove, and grinned. This had been a good night. Another soul cigarette ready for when he needed it, and a new pair of boots.  He began to drive south. He had a party to get to; a fellow stud from New Orleans named Alexandre Frost was throwing a party and Rhett would rather hang than miss one of those parties. Maybe he’d call the rest of the team to make a surprise appearance, really make the party memorable. For now, he flicked on the radio and was pleased to hear Elvis. Heartbreak Hotel played softly as the Pale Rider headed south, vanishing into the night. 
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My first attempt at a story with the Southern Avengers! I decided to focus on Pale Rider, the team magician and occultist. He keeps Yankee souls in cigarettes as a convenient way of having souls ready for sacrificing at any time; though he's not averse to slitting a throat. I was going to include some more Lovecraftian influences, but I felt madness didn't exactly pair well with this story, which focuses on seduction and manipulation. Also a lot less direct domination here.
Frost, refrerenced at the end of the story, is one of the characters used by @idesofrevolution; he's an excellent TFer who helped me make Rhett a bit more authentic as a person from New Orleans; he introduced me to some stuff like "snow bunny" being used rather than Yankee. Go check out his stuff! Also, the Axeman is not a team member of the Southern Avengers, he's a New Orleans serial killer from 1918 who loved jazz. I figured I'd toss in another nod to New Orleans history while I was at it.
Hope y'all like it! I hope to potentially explore more of Rhett and his teammates later on! Comments and feedback are always appreciated.
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cheemken · 10 months
Hey Knight I just had a great idea before I fell asleep
Another champion villain AU, but the Champions are all working for their regions Villain teams
Diantha working for Team Flare because she agrees that only the “worthy” people should live, people who do good for the world
Iris working for Team Plasma, either from the beginning or when they reestablished themselves in BW2. Idk why she’d join but she knows how to bring the power out of dragon Pokémon and how to control them, and one of Plamas goal is to capture the three dragons
Cynthia working for Team Galatic just for her own curiosity. She wants to see how far Cyrus is able to go, and maybe even gain control of the legendaries herself. Maybe the story of Volo has been passed down in her family and she wants to see if she’s able to complete what Volo wasn’t able to
And the other Champions joining their own villain teams, idk what Geeta would do considering there isn’t really a villain team, it’s just a group of kids who were bullied. Maybe she helped Turo and Sada with their research but she took it to far and brought dangerous Pokémon to the present time. Letting the Koridon/Miradon kill the professors so that she could take their research for herself
Okay but fr Cynthia and Leon would probs double cross Cyrus and Rose hahaha
Ofc, Cynthia is a given considering her track record in our villain au hahah but that is interesting tho, if the story of Volo got passed down in their family, and they treat it like some cautionary tale, a warning yknow, Volo was a name in their family that none should ever speak out loud. But Cynthia, ever the curious child, wanted to know more. And learn she did. Found out what he really did, what he wanted to achieve, and he was close in accomplishing his goals. Yet he failed. Cynthia doesn't do failure, she's great w a lot of things, she prides herself w that, a lot of people look up to her. But she has to admit, it's rather boring lately, and then the story of Volo came across her mind again, and she wondered if she could do what he wanted to do. And she won't fail ofc.
She let Cyrus do all the work, tho she gave him what he needed to know abt the legendary Pokémon. They both knew that Cynthia shouldn't really ruin her image just yet, their plan would fail. So yeah the events of DPPt, up to the point of Giratina showing up. And everyone was at the edge yknow, they're waiting what would happen, then Cynthia steps in, catching Giratina's attention. Gira knew Cynthia was familiar, a spitting image of him, and there's a tug within him, in his already tainted heart, to bow his head, to submit to her commands.
Cynthia looked at Cyrus. The man was waiting for her to finalize their plan, everything was already in order, they have hold of the Lake Trio and even the Creation Trio. Cynthia smiled at him, but there was smth abt it that Cyrus did not like.
"a world devoid of spirit.. that sounds boring, don't you think?"
"what are you planning, Cynthia."
"well, a world without spirit, no one would have the energy to make ice cream, Cy. That's not the ideal world for me."
"what would be the ideal world for you then?"
Chuckling to herself, she was quite curious just how much Giratina would actually listen to her, without uttering a single command. She smiled at him, smiled at her childhood friend, oh, she will miss him, maybe, who knows. Then she smiled, "this." She snapped her fingers, and quicker than the light itself, one of Giratina's tendrils impaled Cyrus straight through his chest, killing him instantly. A few of the grunts screamed, the admins stood there, watching Cynthia in horror. Dialga and Palkia were struggling even more beneath the chains, how pitiful, but she can help them. As long as they'd follow her every word. She then turns to the admins, terrified, hands on the red capsules on their belts, but Cynthia laughs, "do you think that'd be wise?" They raised their hand in quiet surrender. This was easy. She never got how Volo failed.
Then w Leon, idk since I did have this au abt Sonia back then, it does have the same energy, anyways hahaha yeah yknow peeps looked down on Sonia, Leon did not like that. No one believes her abt Eternatus, abt how it was the (cause) of the Darkest Day, and he heard rumours how she was just trying so hard to impress people since she's filling in Prof Magnolia's shoes. Then he hears abt Rose and like all that energy for DMax or smth yeah, and ofc Leon believed Sonia, and he's gonna help her prove her theories are actually true. So he played along Rose's game. Let him summon Eternatus, and both of them are standing before it, w Rose letting Leon capture the legendary pkmn. Rose praised him for his good work as usual, but just as he was abt take the Master Ball from Leon, the champion merely looked at him, smiling, "thanks for your help, Chairman. But.. Sonia needs this more than you."
And before Rose could react, Leon's Charizard and Haxorus attacked him, feasting over his body. Leon just watched, uninterested abt the death of the man who helped him rise to fame. Instead he looked at the master ball in his hand, smiling to himself, "Sonia is so gonna love this!" Pls ur honour do you see my vision in them becoming villains together ik I said Leon is in a polycule but I'm also still fucking trash for lionheartshipping let me have this one small thing ncmxnx hahaha
Geeta tho like imagine tho after Sada and Turo's death, she took in Arven, telling the others that it's the least she could do as she was the one who was w Sada and Turo last, it's their final wish. Ofc it wasn't, but they all got convinced by it. And just cndmdn yo Geeta feeding Arven lies abt his parents. How they were the ones to bring dangerous Pokémon in their world, how they took it too far, how they took her studies abt it. And ofc, Arven believed all of it, he was so young, and his parents were always so focused on their studies more than him, but miss Geeta was w him now, and she's so much better, she gives him attention, she's always there for him. His parents didn't even listen to Geeta to stop, and it shows how they really didn't care abt him at all. Imagine how his encounter w his AI parents would be tho, if they actually tell the truth of what happened. Arven couldn't catch a break man bcmdnd hahaha
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silly-thinkings · 1 year
The cursed Stone! Part 6!!!
First I would like to apologize for taking such a long time to write. I had this written but I'm feeling ehh about it. Please let me know how you guys feel! Likes and reblogs are appreciated. The story is almost done btw. Maybe like 2-3 chapters
As you wandered down the mighty halls of the manor. You noticed a soft blue light come from the bottom of the room. You pout as it’s 3 in the morning. And the only person who could be up this late was Tim. 
You knock at the door once, then twice. 
“Come in” 
You opened the door to see cans of Red Bull and water litter the floor. A surprisingly clean bed, and  your teenager glued to the screen typing code after code. 
“Tim. When was the last time you did anything other then your nightly work.”
Tim turned his head to face you. You immediately noticed the unhealthy bags and red eyes. Even his face seemed droopy “I completed next weeks assignments for school.”
You let out a sigh before tip toeing your way to him. Avoiding the mess that was his room. You finally stand by his side and look at the case he’s working on. 
“This the riddler?”
He too looks at the screen “yup”
“Bruce is out right now working on the case?”
“So if he’s working on it. Then why aren’t you resting honey.”
“I have to help him. He can’t do this alone.”
Tim could barely keep his head up. You closed the laptop which made him perk up “w-wait! I’m not done.”
“You are to spend this weekend resting. Two days off.”
“W-what. But Y/N”
“No buts.” You place a hand on his forhead, then his cheek “besides you’re heating up.” 
Tim was about to respond but he let out a sigh instead. She was totally right. He was tired, but he didn’t wanna fail Bruce. 
“Don’t worry baby. You’re not going to fail him.” 
Tim looked to you in shock. 
“I can tell that’s what you’re thinking. You seem to forget that Bruce has been in the game for a long time now. I’m sure he’s got this particular case covered.” 
Tim stood. Out of nowhere he gave you a tight hug. Stunned you hugged him back. Gently rubbing circles along his back as he rested his head on your shoulder “thanks mom.”
Mom. This is the first time he’s called you mom. You felt butterflies fill your stomach. You opened your mouth to say something, but a light snore cut you off. “Good thing the bed is next to you.” *** *** ***Jason awoke with the most grueling of headaches. “Shit. shit shit shit. TIM! Timothy Drake show yourself right now!” Jason rushed out of the room and into the halls. He banged on the doors like a mad man “Tim! Open the door” A groggy Tim appeared, clearly annoyed “Why are you here?Did you come to tell me you’re a better Robin?” Jason shook his head. “How are you feeling? Is your head ok? How many fingers am I holding up?”
Tim furrowed his brows before closing the door on Jason. 
“Dude come on! You need to help out with mom. You have too please. We lost Dick, I really hope we didn’t loose you too, my memories are leaving me. Please Tim you gotta remember Ma. you have to remember Y/N!”
Jason pressed his head on the door. Tonight he’ll be the one to suffer whatever this universe will through at him. Then Damian will be alone. Or worse, they’ll never get their mom back.
Tim opened the door causing Jason to stumble in “who are you talking about.”
Jason looked into Tim’s eyes. “Ok this sounds crazy. But you have to believe me. Damian used a powerful rock and accidentally changed our lives. We have a mom Tim, and she’s in trouble. We all are.” There was a long silence that filled the air. Tim crossed his arms unamused “So, if what you’re saying is true. Whats the next move? Does Bruce know about this?”
Jason jumped in his feet “yea, they’ve already went on a date but Damian-“
“Todd. this is ridiculous, its just us now. We have to move up the plans.” Damian stood by the door.
Jason noticed the bags under his eyes. Damian was one to care for himself greatly. To make sure he was in peak condition so he can perform better. But now, the kid actually looks his age.  Jason let out a sigh before he looked back at Tim “You patrolling tonight?” “Yea, someone's gotta cover for Damian since he’s clearly out of it. I also need to turn in a 12-page police report to Gorden” “Great. Bruce is investigating this club. Mom works there.” 
“You know I’m just entertaining this hypothetical right? I don’t actually think this is-”
“thanks for the help Timbo! See you soon” With that, Jason gently placed his hands on Damians shoulders and walked away. Damian was annoyed. Atleast that what he felt, they're running out of time. Maybe Anxiouse is the right word. He’s lost the second half of the stone to Jamie and has no idea where they live to retrieve the item. 
“Jason… are you next? I do not feel any different” Damian asked as they both walked into the kitchen. Jason shrugged his shoulders as he made his way over to the fridge. “Yea… Its like a worm deleting things in my brain. But dont worry. I’ve got moms address from Bruce. We go there, say sorry, and hope the stone is with the kid.” ~~~~ “No. its not here either boss” You woke up to the sound of rattling and crashing. Men in black ransacked your home. You attempt to reach under your bed but find you hands bound behind your back. It finally dawned on you that you were tied. 
“Boss! She’s awake.”
As the two men continued to rummage though your stuff a third man entered your room “I caught you missy~ Maxwell will be gettin rid of you.” 
You remembered this man. It was the guy who threatened your son about a day ago.You attempt to sit up but to no avail. You wanted to shout and scream but the damn duck tape that was glued to your lips didn’t help.
“You know. For someone who’s Maxwells right hand, you do loose a lot of files.” 
He watched amused as your brows furrow in confusion. That’s when he pulls out the VIP list and a flash drive “does the boss know you’ve got this here.” 
You were annoyed, but your annoyance turned into terror when you finally realized the lack of you son’s presences. You attempt to move around again which caused the men in the room to laugh. 
“Seems like you’ve got something to say sweetheart. Go on.” He walks to you and rips the tape from your lips. the sudden pain disorients you just a tad before glaring at your captor “what is your name?”
He smiled “Eddy.”
“Well Eddy. I suggest you tell me where my son before I rip you a new one.”
Eddy laughs before leaning in. His face inches from yours “you are full of spice. No wonder the boss likes you.” 
Eddy does a circular hand motion causing one of his men to Leave the room. When he returned your eyes widened in horror at the state of your son. Jamie had duck tape over his mouth aswell. His hands and ankles bound by zipties. His blond hair messy along his with his broken glasses. Finally a deep cut on his cheek with a black eye sent you over the eged.
In a blind rage you slam your head onto his nose. Eddy stumbled back shocked that you’d pull a move like that given the circumstances. “No. No no no Y/N. That’s not what we’re going to do. You’ll be punished for that.” As a response he walked over the Jamie and grabbed the back of his neck, hoisting him up before throwing him towards you. Jamie tumbled like a rag doll to the foot of the bed. He groaned in pain as he shimmied closer to you. “Fuck with me. And the kid gets it. understood?”
“I’ll kill you. I’m going TO KILL YOU!” You shouted. You were pretty sure you had scars on your wrists with how much you pulled and tugged at your restraints. How long were you out? What did they do to Jamie? What did he tell them?”
“No. No you won’t. Here’s the deal Y/N. Personally i don’t think you deserve the right hand position. Your nothing more than a caged bird that’s going to be sold off tomorrow anyway.” Eddy growled that last bit under his breath before making his way behind you “I’m going to cut these zip ties. I really hope you’ve learned your lesson. Don’t want the kid dying.”
Deep breaths. That’s all you can do in this situation. You look at the clock on your nightstand and suck your teeth. It’s 12 in the afternoon. All this is happening in broad daylight and you were more furious with yourself then the men in your home. These memories, these visions of a time that never was with Bruce and his family greatly distracted you from your current situation. Your current family that needs you.
You felt your hands go free, then your legs. You slightly massaged your wrist as eddy walks back to the front. “What the hell do you want?” You say as you slowly leave the bed and onto the floor where Jamie laid. You cradled him as a very poor attempt to comfort him given the situation. Removing his bindings as slowly as you could not to hurt him anymore.
“I want you gone. But Im not that stupid to wish in the impossible. I know you’re up to something Y/N. The boss has been very stressed lately with the bat on his tail. I find the VIP list and a flash drive of even more information in your home. You must be up to something.”
You can hear Eddy speak, but most of your focus fell on Jamie. His breathing was ragged, eyes closed as he slightly shook in your arms. He himself slowly removed the tape before wrapping his arms around your waist. He looked like a toddler with how he was seated on your lap. 
“you’re such an idiot.” You shake your head. Jamie was probably the one who brought back the information. Maybe to find more stuff for Batman. 
“Excuse me?” Eddy just about had it with you. 
You looked at him in the eye “I took it home with me cause Batman was snooping around! Check the cameras. Had I not taken this he would have turned all your sorry asses in.”
Eddy sucked his teeth “Bullshit and you know it. I know you’re involved! So heres the deal, You come with us now and ill leave him be. Or I beat this kid till you come to your senses.” “You’ve got some fucking nerve…”
Keep your mouth shut and the kid goes free. Easy trade.” Eddy stood tall as he looked down at the two. “I expect you there in 3 hours. Leave the boy here.”
“Get out!. NOW!”
Eddy nodded his head before leaving with the men he brought in. as soon as they were alone Jamie spoke.
“Ma… mom I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I wasn’t strong enough.” He whispered. Jamie felt guilty, incredibly guilty for Jeopardizing the mission. 
You frantically shook your head “no, no baby no it’s not your fault.” You brought him close as you rocked back and forth in the floor “I should of been the one to protect you. I should of noticed I had a target on my back, but I was too distracted.”
Jamie shook his head. He wanted to say more but he was tired. They men raided his home two hours ago. Jamie tried to be cool, like his mom, like Batman. But in the end he got beaten black and blue. Used as a hostage against his own mother. Jamie Will remember that name. Eddy Will regret the day he crossed paths with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Later that night~
Jamie held onto a pack of frozen peas in his eye. He looked out the window, the cool night air dancing along his face. He hasn’t cleaned the house let alone leave his room. He remembered your last words to him before you were taken away. “Stay hidden. Don’t open the door for anyone. And keep your phone on you at all times”  They were rules a regular teen like him can follow, but tonight he had other plans. If today was any indication then he can most definitely change the future. He will live through Tomorrow without the help of any vigilantes. Jamie heard his phone chime snapping him out of his thoughts. It was you calling, Jamie took a deep breath before answering. “Hey hun. Calling to check in on you. You ok? Jamie gripped the phone slightly “Im fine. I should be asking you that question mom. Have you eaten? Are you alone? Did they hurt you?” There was a pause on the other end of the phone. “Im doing alright. Glad to hear your voice. Gotta go, love ya” Jamie looked down at the phone as the call ended. He can't wait on Batman, Nightwing, the Robins to save them. If He wants to save his mother he’ll have to do it himself. Jamie left the comforts of his room with the watch he’s been working on. The blond double-tapped the screen allowing the nanotech to completely coat his body “Sweet.” He then went deep into his closet and pulled out a heavy military-style backpack and left the apartment with one thing in mind. He will be the one to save them from this mess. ~~~ Jamie gently placed the book bag down and pulled out some binoculars. He watched as the same men who raided his home begin loading up boxes of things onto a yacht. Determined to not let his fate come to pass he pulled out the pieces of his mother’s sniper. When it was fully built he lay on the floor, one eye on the scope, and waited. 
Redhood hid behind boxes ready to strike the guards that were loading up an unconscious person to the boat. Even though Batman told him not to interfere with his mission. Redhood needed to get information for Damian.
“Gotta grab one more thing. Then we can-“
The man couldn’t finish his sentence. His lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud. The other man became frantic. He tried to run but he too followed his partner in death. One more goon is shot on the side but fell in the ocean. Redhood slowly rose from his hiding spot and walked towards the corps. He analyzed the bullet wound and looked up from the direction he assumed the shot was taken from. 
His head throbbed in pain “shit.  I can’t take this anymore.”
Jason looked up at a nearby construction site and noticed a small glint. He tapped his earpiece. 
“Hey T. I’m going to check something out.”
Tim Looked at the monitor’s to see Bruce zooming pass the city. He couldn’t work on the club case tonight due to the riddler. And Damian still didn’t feel comfortable going out as Robin.
 “where are you going? You’re suppose to be scouting.” Tim hacked into security cameras to see the area Redhood was in.
“Well, a sloppy sniper just killed three guys. And I don’t want to be the fourth. Not in the mood to die again.”
“Redhood wai-“
Jason turned off his communications and headed towards the building. 
Jamie’s hands shook. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he gently placed the sniper down. He looked at his trembling hands. 
“Why am I like this. It’s me or them.” 
He hugged himself as he knelt on the floor. “I will not die. They asked for it. They shouldn’t have beaten me up. ”
“Huh. So it was your first kill.”
Jamie’s head whipped around “R-read hood” 
The teen pulled out a hand gun. “Don’t get in my damn way. You don’t understand the situation.”
“Oh yea? Try me.” 
In a flash, Redhood closed the space between them and kicked the gun out from his hand. He then pinned the boy to the ground. His arm pinned behind his back. Jason pinned his head to the floor“why would you do that. You could have jeopardized the whole plan ”
“Idiot. If we kill them now. Then the job would be done sooner!” 
Jaime felt tears sting his eyes. “you don’t know what’s it’s like. Every night it’s the same dream” hot tears seeped from his eyes “I die tomorrow. I don’t want to leave my mother alone! In the hands of these monsters. I don’t want to die!”
Jason frowned behind the mask. He finally let go of the boy who just layed there defeated 
“I don’t care how selfish it sounds. Even though I know That Damian brat had something to do me coming back. But I… I don’t want to leave her. Not like that.”
Redhood sat down next to Jamie “I know what you’re going through kid”
Jason chuckled “wanna know how I kicked the bucket?”
Jamie weakly sat up and hugged his knees listening intently.
“Joker killed me. My biological mother betrayed me. Then I got beat up with a crowbar.” 
“how did you come back?”
“the lazarus pit…  my brothers uncle felt bad so he just… brought me back I guess. That was hell…”
Redhood felt his head throb. He let out a sigh “fuck it.”
Jamie’s eyes widened as he watched the vigilante remove his mask. 
“I knew it.” He then smiled “I fucking knew it! HA. Wait till I tell mom.”
“Don’t think there will be time for that kid. I’m… no we’re running out of time.” Jason looked up to the sky as he told the boy everything. How Damian accidentally wishing for Y/N to not be a Wayne. To explaining why they’ve been to weird around her. 
“Listen. You got every right and reason to not fuck around with Damian. But I’ve never seen the kid so out of it. He made a mistake, not the first time.” Jason looked over to Jamie who laid down on the ground. His body stretched as he too turned his head to face Jason “Hell kid. You’re adopted. Have you ever just lost your cool and reminded mom that you aren’t blood related.”
Jamie looked back to the sky. In fact, he can recall a time wherein he’d been a brat towards Y/N. He placed a hand on his face and let out a sigh “guess I’ll have to die huh.” 
“Nah.” Jason sucked in his breath and a sharp pain ebbed his mind. He tried his best to stand only to stumble slightly before getting his footing “if I can come back, so can you. Head back home, I’ll clean up the mess here as best as I can. And stay low, don’t speak when spoken too. You died in that building right? so don’t go in until Bruce and Damian are done. Understood?” 
Jamie watched as Jason put his mask back on before grappling away with the weapon. The teen stood and looked back into the city. A newfound determination filled his heart. He was ready to live.
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haysgrove · 2 years
ooh i do!!! what's up with your blorbos? /gen
ok just for clarification im talking abt Licorice, Red Velvet nd Dark Choco
i just start thinking abt them and i get sad cause their involvement with Dark Enchantress is actually kind of really fucking tragic i think
but the thing abt them is that they dont seem troubled with their decisions. Well except for Dark Choco, actually lets start with him
i feel so fucking bad for Dark Choco cause the poor man stumbled upon a cursed sword that made him do really fucked up shit and he was SO ashamed of himself that he joined Dark Enchantress NOT bc it was something that he wanted to do, but he thought it was something he DESERVED because he was so ashamed of his actions. Like. This poor man felt so guilty about something that wasnt even his fault, that he started to think "i deserve a path of darkness. nothing more." and he was SO miserable working with Dark Enchantress especially bc Pomegranate made him fucking. relive his trauma as a way of punishment. but he stuck around BECAUSE HE FULLY BELIEVED HE DESERVED TO BE MISERABLE
obviously couldnt help but get spoiled w the fact that Dark Choco finally left the CoD and honestly i couldnt be happier for him. My beloved. My blorbo. I care him so much.
Now im super fucking intrigued with Red Velvet cause hes like. content with being on Dark Enchantress' side. But the more i think about it im like... okay but he didnt have an option in the first place. He just so happen to be born at the exact place and time that Dark Enchantress was there, and she took him in. Red Velvet was a terrified child of course he was gonna leave with her. And its safe to assume she raised him obviously. So the fact that Dark Enchantress was fucking filled with rage upon discovering the truth about her species and her newfound goal of destroying the witches, of course she was gonna put this view of life onto Red Velvet's little mind. Of course he thinks Dark Enchantress has a grand vision, because he grew up with it and has never heard about any other vision besides hers!!!!
He sees the flaws in other cookies and it immediately feeds onto Dark Enchantress's views, especially because he has cake traits. The other cookies call them "cake monsters", hes part cake, why would he be on the side of the cookies who call him a monster??? Whereas Dark Enchantress was not bothered by his cake arm when they first met. She gave him sympathy. So he stuck around her side and is most likely content by doing so because he hasnt had the chance to create his own view of the world. Perhaps because he knows that, even if he tries, he feels like Dark Enchantress will be right in certain ways. Maybe not all of them. But it will most likely be enough for him
And Licorice. Oh Licorice. I get so sad when i think about him. Im pretty sure on ep 13-14 we know the tiniest bit more about him but since i just started w ep 13 i dont have all the details but nevermind that
Licorice joined Dark Enchantress because he was impressed by her power, but given the little bit of background he has on his info, that he failed to get the recognition he rightfully deserved, it makes me believe that this was also a part on why he joined her. We havent been told on how exactly him and Dark Enchantress met, its not even mentioned in the story. The only bit we have is the "On his dark path, he met Dark Enchantress Cookie. The might of the sorceress astonished Licorice Cookie, and it didn't take long before he swore his allegiance" on Licorice's description
What WAS Licorice's dark path? What did he do that lead to meeting Dark Enchantress?
Also, at one point during ep 13 i think? When talking about the Licorice Sea, Licorice says "I spent years trying to get as far away from this foul sea, but where have i ended up? Back here" and also THIS text that appears when you click the Licorice Village and Licorice is on your team
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and im so curious about it cause WHY does Licorice have such dislike to his hometown? and why did they use this specific sprite when making him say this. If Licorice really had hatred toward the place he was assumedly raised in, they would probably used his annoyed or angry sprite, not his sad one. Right?
So i believe Licorice wasnt recognized at all, not even on his childhood, which is what made him leave and meet Dark Enchantress. And it makes me even more sad because Licorice isnt recognized in the CoD either. Not in the slightest. Pomegranate is DE's right hand woman, Red Velvet is technically her son, so i think she has at least SOME sort of endearment to him. And i guess, she probably DID have, at least just the tiniest little bit of joy and pride about having Dark Choco on her team. Because he is her rival's son. So even if it was like. selfish?? i think?? i believe there still was some sort of pride. Some sort of amusement. And Poison Mushroom is a literal child so ofc everyone is gonna treat them softly
He assumedly saw other kids getting recognized, but not him. And now he sees his co-workers getting recognized, but not him. Which is why hes so pathetically starved for affection, for reassurance. Because he KNOWS its something that exists, but its something that HE has never experienced, and he wants it, he craves it so fucking badly
i still have so much in my mind but i just
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I did a list like this for BTD (edit: and BTD2), so I figured I'd do one for TPOF too even though I think you all know my thoughts already 🙃 again, in order of fondness:
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I mean. I think we know where I stand with this one. That place being:
Bark growl bark bark woof woof meow purr
Large man, splendid frame. Older w/ some silver in his hair. Some kind of drawl apparently? Easygoing, doesn't take himself too seriously, and - most importantly imo - he seems to value ferocity and independence in his... s/o? plaything? idk but I love it.
Like seriously, during the auction scene when I'm giving my characteristic feisty answers and he just keeps bidding and bidding....... be still my heart. That's romance babes 😘
First ending: "you visited the cabin"
Favorite ending: either "you lost your head" or "your smoke gave you away"
<grabby hands> gimme gimme gimme 10/10
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She's competent, overworked, and underappreciated, with anger issues to boot. I can relate.
She's tough and pretty! She takes good care of her "pets" (as long as they behave, which isn't great for me as a natural brat, but I'd be inclined to behave for her) and gives them cute nicknames 🥰
Want to give her a massage and play with her hair so maybe she can relax a bit. Paint her nails for her.
First ending: "you were stripped"
Favorite ending: "you ran away together" obvi
8/10 would gladly murder her stupid husband and run away with her, we'd be the best power couple the world has ever seen
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Gets his own section because I'm half-inclined to call him daddy and I practically never feel that way about a man
Gruff, primal, lethal, and proper dilf age to boot. He even bites, and we know how I feel about that 😳
Personality probably sucks up close but at least he's sexy
7/10, so glad we were given a few opportunities to play with him
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Ugh 🙄
I keep going back and forth on how I feel about him. He was never really my thing, between his personality and the fact that he looks like a teenager, but I could at least kinda see the appeal at first.
Since then, though, my interest has pretty much bottomed out. He's a little too sadistic for me - and what's worse, he's a brat about it. I took one look at him and said "hm, an entitled little rich boy" and I wasn't wrong.
Two things associated with him are scorpions and the color red, both of which are my things actually 😒 I'd rather kill him than share
I am really trying to think of something positive to say but nothing's coming to me lol
First ending: "you volunteered for first blood"
Favorite ending: "you were caught by Jack" (no surprise there.) "you were sacrificed" is a close runner-up
none of the endings I like even involve him, literally everyone else in his route is preferable to him, 0/10.
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akatsukiky · 1 year
LMK Heirs AU
P much it’s an AU built around my off-on hatred for Guanyin and how the pilgrims handled Red Son in JTTW (which iirc there were in-world consequences for but I’m too attached to Red to not want to give him a better fate than getting stabbed and taken away from his parents)
Tl;dr of it is that after the Journey was a success, everyone (the Demon Bull family, Ao Lie’s family, the pilgrims, and Wukong’s troop from FFM + Macaque) all live happily in Tianlong Palace. The heirs (Red, LXJ, QXT) live out peaceful lives with everything they could ever ask for.
Not S3 or S4 compliant since me & my friends wrote this pre S3’s CN release
There are some other changes for some chars.
He didn’t die!!!!!
When he went to confront SWK + the Pilgrims, he didn’t get murdered after being stopped at the Buddha’s Monastery and instead Guanyin gave him some cursed Bling
Said cursed Bling, by SWK’s request, only activates if Macaque tries to attack him and even then he’ll only go boneless
After that he was sent back to FFM to protect Wukong’s troop
Once the pilgrimage was done and the palace everyone lives at got established (Tianlong Palace), Guanyin named his as SWK’s guardian and said that if he protects SWK for a full five centuries then he’ll be free of his Bling
He’s salty ofc but he isn’t really mad-mad at SWK abt the whole ‘you abandoned me for this?’ thing because it got explained to him civilly
Mei / Long Xiaojiao
Born waaaaaaaay earlier to match the others
More dragon than human for this AU, so dragon tale and horns and all that good stuff. It also means she’s marginally more powerful than she was in S1 and S2 but not quite S3’s True Samadhi Fire power up
Because she’s closer in lineage to Ao Lie (WHO IS SO BABEY???), she’s Ao Xiaojiao (but still Mei otherwise, 100% named by Ao Lie)
More natural direction + utilization of dragon powers w/o the sword, trained by Ao Lie & his brothers
MK / Qi Xiaotian
Not really sure why he’s here actually, I never thought that far??? I know there’s something abt him being a baby stone Monkie in S4 so maybe that??
Like Mei/Xiaojiao, he’s Sun Xiaotian :muscle: and also has a more innate connection with the Monkey King powers (but no staff, RJB is still w SWK)
the Pilgrims have a mix of like Tang, Pigsy, & Sandy’s personality and OSP’s representation of them
Red Son/Hong Hai’er has the True Fire still because S3 wasn’t out back when I wrote this but it also might be split? Acc to a personal headcanon of mine + my close friend, he and Mei have the Positive and Negatively True Fire respectively which connects them On A Different Level
Plot is essentially that the Pilgrims get antsy staying for too long & go Journeying To The West for a while, DBK + PIF are handling an issue on the east coast, and Mei’s parents are visiting Lie’s family. While the palace is left to MK, Mei, and Red (and a reluctant bodyguard Macaque), shit gets real while they’re away (like corrupt ‘ministers’ and wrongly imprisoned monkey men, etc)
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fumikomiyasaki · 10 months
🏊:  Ember and Fabio
🌳:  Shirrira and Odel
🎦:  Chizuko and Flynn
Summer Heat
🏊:  our muses go swimming at the lake
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He was glad this day Zariyah could take over his duty so he could get out of the dorm for the day yet he was still unsure how to approach this. Despite his height and strong look he lacked the confidence in himself and in general so although he was excited to go swimming with Ember who he had a crush on he barely knew how to get his feelings across or how to show her that he cared. He arrived at the lake bringing her as gift a novel Izar didn't need anymore as she thanked him and packed it away... yet as he approached the water she noticed him being nervous.
"Can't you swim?"
"N-no I can.... its just often hard to tell how cold it will be."
She looked up at him and then gave a nod.
"We can go in slowly... I don't mind waiting as long as you are ready."
Eventually they moved forward but in shock Fabio accidentally grabbed her hand and apoligized yet she didn't let go.
"If you worry then keep holding it... I don't mind it."
"Even if m-my height strains it."
"Its alright."
He blushed a little but then continued to go into the water with her... eventually getting used to the cold and smiling even...
"Fabio, say why did you want to go with me off all people?"
"Um... I like spending time with you... and I thought maybe this way.... you get a break as well from all the things you have to do."
A calm smile appeared on her face, one where his ears couldn't help but waggle curiously.... He never knew what she really thought of him but he wanted to make sure she felt comfortable around her... as he was in thoughts however he noticed her swimming closer and blushed even more.
"Your feelings are plenty obvious."
Suddenly he felt his forehead going warm just to notice that she placed a small kiss on his forehead, swimming away and getting confused about what just happened...
"W-wait for me."
He was unsure if what he just witnessed was his fantasy or actually if it happened however for now he was just glad to spend time with her a little... maybe another day he would find the courage to actually speak up to her about his obvious crush.
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🌳:  our muses look for some shade
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The Sun was high, many streets were busy, however Odel knew it would be much more comforting to get a break in the forrests from the weather... especially cause he made a promise with Shirrira to take her on a walk to the forrest he described to her before... eventually among the exhausting sunlight the finally got embraced by the shade of a small secluded leafy path to their destination, as she had an arm around his to walk with him.
"The spirits voices sound calm and peacefull... but I feel one disrupting it."
"Really but... Oh no... I can guess who it is."
In quick sucession both got disturbed in their peace by Odels personal Shinigami Ame.... who posed cutely before handing him some stones.
"I thank you for finishing the errand but you couldn't have picked a worse timing."
"But Odi... I wanted to have some praise, aren't you proud of cute little me."
He groaned in annoyance and petted her head.
"Fine you did well but I would still ask you to leave, I am busy as you see."
"Alrighty then, freetime for me."
With a big smile the Shinigami exited the stage as Shirrira looked up at him.
"Who was-"
"She is... part of my power is all... I am sorry she disrupted the peace."
Suddenly he heard a cute chuckle from her that got him to show a small smile.
"She is one energetic spirit for sure..."
He opened his hand and quickly casted a small spell before handing what he held to her.
"Actually she just brought the gift i had for you. Around the right time."
She felt him bring a necklace around her neck with a beautifull blue stone hanging from it. A bit of red hinted on her face.
"Its wonderfull... thank you."
"Its as beautifull as you... I hope you will keep close."
She showed him a small smile and nodded before putting her arm in his again. "I shall."
And so they walked deeper into the forrest together. Sharing some nice chats before they have to get back to their dorms.
🎦:  our muses go to an air-conditioned theater
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"Urgh do you really have to see this movie?"
"But Onyx, I was busy and its only screening today, this might be my only chance to see it on screen."
As usual he was dramatic about his proposal to a date but eventually Chizuko gave in so in return he would keep quiet for the rest of the day and so they both got settled on that movie he wanted to see so bad. The theater was a blessing compared to the heat outside and in doubt if the movie was boring she still had her notes with her to write in between....
They sat on a couples seat together as the movie started... Flynn invested into the story and analysing every detail yet after 30 minutes he suddenly noticed her leaning her head on his shoulder and dozing off... it was true cause of writing she got barely any sleep left... to make her comfortable like a blanket he put his feathery arm around her to keep her close.
Eventually after 30 more minutes he woke up into the climax of the movie as Flynn gave her a small smirk.
"Seems my sleeping beauty is awake, its almost over, soon I can give you some freedom from this."
She rubbed her eyes and shook her head.
"I already owe you 30 minutes cause I fell asleep, I guess I can spend that much time with you."
"You are too sweet my Onyx, my de-"
"Pshh the movie."
As he was shut down by a viewer the both stayed holding hand during the ending before walking out together... Flynn using the rest of the time to nerd a little about the movie as she calmly listened.
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joculatrixster · 1 year
13, 14 and 18 for the ask game. >:)
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
LOZ - Ganondorf is not an interesting or cool character, hes actually quite bland. no like litterly i find him so boring as a character i barely even think about him.
Ganon is barely better but thats only bc hes a mindless beast fueled of rage and hatred which is interesting as a cautionary tale for those who seek to abuse their power and a great insight on what could happen to Link or Zelda if they ever lose themselves to their aspects of Courage/Wisdom becomign mroe spirit or god than mrotal lsogn their minds in the process and only being able to focus on one key duty of which for Ganon is to rule Hyrule(or destroy in more modern games like botw) but i have a few theories on what could happen to Link/Zelda if THEY ever abused the Triforce like Ganon did and gave up their humanity to their power
...that being said tho Ganondorf on his own just is not that interesting to me as a character. as a foil? great! as a dark reflection of what Link or Zelda could become? amazing! as what one could become when pushed to the edge and a living embodiment of the failures of Hyrule? perfection! on his own as a character i would make interact w/ others just bc i think he has something new or nuanced to say? ...no.
granted! i have not seen him in Twilight Princess and i heard he is quite good in that game so hey maybe he shapes up but as i am now i do not think hes all that interesting
Pokemon - IDK how unpopular this is but like Ash has been long overdue for a replacement, tbh i feel like we should have had a new protag every new region bc Ash was originally just Red? how cool would it have been to be ppl like Gold or Sun as protags and following the game's story a bit more closely?? i feel like Ash is just so bland at this point i want something new and fresh!
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
LOZ - Hylia and Demise were bad additions to the LOZ franchise and the mythos should have stayed focusing on the golden goddesses/Triforce for motifs, the fire/earth/power water/ice/wisdom and wind/lighting/courage as core motifs w/ focusing on trios and the number 3 could have been a VERY interesting setting for a power system and cultural beliefs but...
making it an explicitly light vs dark story in Skyward Sword kinda makes Link's role as an equal holder of the Triforce..irrelivant as hes just Zelda's Knight/Hylia's blade now, which is boring af. light vs dark godly battles have been done a zillon times! Zelda being descended form a goddess makes sense dont get me wrong, her family being in charge of the Triforce and the female line having the power of the light force could be foreshadowing or hinting to that. hell even bringing in the idea of divine right to rule would make it make sense but like...Ganondorf being the incarnation of a god's hatred, r u kidding me?
we didnt need a basically Satan to be Ganondorf's predecessor! it makes the fact Ganondorf was also favored by the triforce therefor making the golden goddess's morally grey for protectign such a cruel man not interesting anymore! he had power bc he was FAVORED by power same way Zelda had wisdom bc she was FAVORED by wisdom and Link has courage bc he was FAVORED by courage, their roles in the story r set bc power is a corrupting force, wisdom can clear one's min,d and courage gives u the willpower u need to succeed!!! oh but no, Zelda is just a godqueen and Ganondorf's agency is just gone bc hes cursed and Link isn't more than a pawn to be used in the gods' wars :\ bleh so boring...
Pokemon - the anime's characters r a lot less interesting than their game counterparts...is that unpopular? idk. i grew up on the anime but i loath how some characters are changed or cut out of plots to fit the narrative bc to me personally it erases what made them interesting in order to fit them into new stories and roles which at that point use another character or just like...make anime exclusive ones?? idk its more of an annoyance but i don't have many negative pokemon thoughts lol!
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
u know, i think tis rlly rlly sad how pathetic some fandom ppl r...like i can NOT image being so invested in other ppl's ships to try and gaslight them into feeling like bad ppl for not liking a popular ship likeeee can u imagine???
"ohhhh look at me im so unsure about myself and scared of having my own opinion i blindly follow fanon and the "right ships" WAA WAA u dont like my ship??? WAAAAAA!!!! SO MEAN SO DELUSIONAL ITS OBVIOUSLY CANON!!!!!!! HOW CAN U NOT SEE IT?!?!?!"
i fucking adore rarepairs and crackships! most of the ships i have i made up on the spot and id be LUCKY if it has more than 10 fics on ao3...ffs im lucky if it even has ONE fic let alone ONE FIC THAT ISNT JUST A ONESHOT PROMPT BOOK.
yall so spoiled on ur "canon" ship that u lost the fun of just dming ur friends at 2am saying "hey what is X and Y kissed?" and having them reply back w/ enthusiastic agreement then be starved for content for the rest of ur life...I did not invent Plain Yogurt x Sourbelt or get invested in the dynamics of Malon x Zelda/Link x Beedle for ppl to tell me im "biased" yes bitch im biased so now what?
lol i cant stand some fandoim ppl this is why i only interact w/ mutual and friends others i can NOT trust to be normal cookie run fandom burned me too much for me not to be suspicious of others who even vaguely hint at thinking that my ships r bad bc they r not popular
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magicdreemurr17 · 2 years
Entry Number 5, Pacifist Timeline Number 1
... I hadn't realized it before now, but I truly regret not being there for my boys when it mattered most. I suppose my sentimentality got the better of me when I allowed him to toy with everyone's lives and get away with it. Many of my harbored feelings factored into such a decision. If I had left him there to die where I found him, maybe they wouldn't have suffered across countless timelines... but I caved in because he was Sans's age in human years. Had it not been for my power, he likely wouldn't have survived. His soul was far too gone; his trait was faded to grey. I suppose a part of me also gambled on the notion that he could've been different... different from the ones who were murdered over a decade ago.
Still, allowing him to get away with the things he's done... The "Genocide Runs", the RESETs... it's simply inexcusable. I highly doubt that Frisk actually remembers any of it with someone new in control of their soul now, but I don't doubt that Sans remembers... and he's probably realized by now that the human doesn't. Unfortunately, he will never fully understand the predicament they are in... not so long as he remains out of direct contact with the human's soul.
If only you could know the things I've seen, Sans... Perhaps then we could find a way to stop your "nightmares" once and for all. Alas, I am in no position to control your fate. That power lies solely in her hands.
- W. D. Gaster
Entry Number 6, Pacifist Timeline Number 1
Something has happened that is most intriguing. One of the recently added variables accessed the void from a weak point in this timeline's code by pure chance. That young hooded monster from the Royal Guard was in pursuit of the white dog, for it had stolen her weapon during her confrontation with the humans. I won't deny, I had my concerns with the first subject coming into direct contact with one of the timeline's entities, but he remained hidden in the shadows of the void. Perhaps he was feeling a bit shy today.
Red panicked at first, able to see us once entering the void, and quite obviously identifying the second subject as a human... or at the very least, human enough by our standards. Despite the uninvited guest, the second subject gave the Annoying Dog a firm scolding (I still don't see why she insisted I let her keep it around) before removing the sword from its jaws and gently handing it back to Red. Unfortunately, our guest had other plans than to be grateful and charged straight forth, trying to stab her with the intention of taking her soul. Of course, this attempt was proven futile, as she is currently a mere distortion chained by the laws of the void.
If there is one takeaway I have from this that amuses me greatly, it was her reaction to being stabbed uselessly by our guest. She looked Red in the eye and asked with her most deadpanned expression yet, "So, do you want your sword back..?"
Though it humbles me to admit, her naivety got a genuine chuckle out of me.
- W. D. Gaster
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nijimx · 6 months
This was big. Very big.
Their first Christmas together, which meant his first Christmas present for her while they were together, which logically meant he wanted to go BIG. It needed to be thoughtful, it needed to be made with care, it needed to be perfect.
Arséne reminded him several times that he was overthinking it and putting too much pressure on himself, which he was, but he couldn't help himself. They may not have been together long, but this girl meant the world to him. He needed to give her something that would show that, show how much he cared for her, and the lengths at which he would go to for her.
But what on Earth could do that? How do you sum up something so large in something so small?
He considered a ton of options. He researched weapons from the Like A Dragon series, considering recreating one for her to use in the Metaverse, but couldn’t find any that were visually distinct. Then he considered getting her a miniature motorcycle model, only to remember that he’d already done that last year. He looked up Buchimaru merch, he looked up actual Motorcycles, considering grinding in Mementos to save up enough to get her one, but nothing felt good enough.
Eventually, he had an idea. Something simple, yet elegant. Something protective, yet innocuous. And surprisingly enough, for him anyway, something low tech.
He finished it up, wrapped it up carefully, then made his way to where they'd agreed to meet up, handing it over to her.
"It's not much, especially compared to what I wanted to do... but I hope you like it."
Inside the small little box was a custom necklace with a rather striking pendant of a dragon made of a shiny red metal. It was a Japanese dragon, its body curved into an S shape, similar to designs used in Yakuza tattoos. Along its body was an intricate pattern of darker red lines that shimmered in the light outlining the beast's scales, yet among those lines were a set of kanji, placed in such a way that it blended with the design, yet was still clearly readable.
The kanji itself spelled out a simple word, one that was meant to symbolize the pendant itself, and the one who would wear it.
Kurenai Tatsu. Or in English... "Crimson Dragon."
"I thought it was pretty fitting, both because of your eyes, and because of what it represents. Power... and Passion."
He didn't think that needed any more of an explanation. In his mind, those two words summed her up rather nicely.
"There's a little bit more. Turn it over."
On the other side was a glowing charm imbedded into the pendant. It radiated a pink and purple energy that weaved its way through this side of the dragon. It didn't quite seem to fit with the rest of it, but that would be explained by what he said next.
"It's a protective charm from the Metaverse, meant to protect from Psychic attacks. I couldn't really get it to blend in, but I figured the function was worth sacrificing a bit of the form."
He was a little miffed about being forced to hide it from the rest of the design, he really liked the effect it gave off, but it wouldn't have matched well with the rest of the pendant, so this was as good of a compromise as he could make.
"Merry Christmas, Makoto... my Crimson Dragon."
[Brief aside here, a few months ago I found a website claiming that Kurenai itself meant "Crimson Dragon," but upon double checking today, I found out it just means "Deep Red." Which... is extremely disappointing to me, but I'm still gonna have him call her Kurenai in the future because it sounds cool]
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"It seems we both had the same idea for our gifts, no?" Perhaps how they both opted to go for necklaces said something about how in sync they were or maybe she was just grossly overthinking that. Either way, she smiled down at the little pendant as he explained this and that about it. He'd really put some thought into this.
It was when he asked her to turn it over that she stared down at the soft glowing charm and couldn't help but chuckle once again. It was very much like him to find a way to look out for her and now with this he could now look out for wherever she went even if they were apart.
"Thank you... really..." She smiled as she ran her thumb along the pendant before lifting it and slipping it over her head. "I love it." She added before leaning up to kiss his cheek.
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thebrokentale · 1 year
Chapter 4- Children
Previous Chapter- Chance
Tilda waved to the cafe owner, and he smiled at Tilda. 
“Good evening.” C- Cute. 
“Alright Roger, let’s sit back there.” 
“Are you sure this is ok? This is a public place.” 
Tilda put a hand to her heart, having a serious expression. “I’m doing this for you.” 
Roger blushed, and then looked around. The cafe was surprisingly large, with plenty of booths and places to sit. Tilda took Roger at the end of the restaurant, and to a couple seats by the fireplace. Tilda quickly sat down, and then created a blanket out of spirit energy. She cozied up to the seat, and felt the warmth on her body. 
“Ahhh… Mmmm… I love fire.” 
Roger smiled at the female ninja. “Does it remind you of Sora?” 
“Yes, actually.” 
“Do you know what happened to her after you left?” 
Tilda’s smile got even deeper as she closed her eyes. “What else could have happened? She confessed her love, threw away the sword, and lived for many long, joyous years. Sora-senpai was freed of the undying wind, and broke free of its grasp.” 
Tilda took a deep breath, and then spoke, continuing the tale. 
“What?” Natusme was confused. 
“Ai, look up everything you possibly can about that person.” 
Natsume stammered out a response. “W- Wait, what did you say? Rogan? How is that even possible?” 
“It probably isn’t Rogan. But that energy… It’s too similar.” 
“Maybe you’re wrong.” 
“No. No I can’t be. The first time maybe, but again? I know what she felt like. I know who she was. This person… I have to meet her.” 
Ai spoke. “Tilda’s right.” 
Tilda looked up at the woman standing by her. 
“She is Rogan’s distant descendant. You’ve done it Tilda. After all this time… You’ve found her.” 
Zabbaninja collapsed onto the ground. “Finally… Finally.” 
“C- Can you please fill me in?” Natsume was still confused. 
“After killing all the spirits on her island, when Tilda went to kill Rogan, her best friend, she was nowhere to be found. She had simply vanished, without a trace. There was no body, and no soul. Tilda checked anywhere she could have gone. Heaven, Hell, everywhere in the Ocean. All across Japan. But she had disappeared. There was only one answer. Rogan had completely left the land of the living. But now… Now she’s back, in the form of her daughter.” 
“D- Daughter?” 
“Is it true, Ai?” 
Ai held her hand out, and Tilda took it. “Thank you.” 
Ai pulled Tilda up, and then spoke. “Yes. She is Rogan’s distant daughter, a spirit formed from generations.” 
“Wait, what about that time when The God of all Gods killed all the spirits?” 
“Hmmm… It appears that a spirit married a human, and the human got pregnant and… Oh… The spirit was killed, but the human lived, and gave birth to a spirit without Matter-Head knowing. Amazingly, this woman’s parents were spirits. Though it’s strange. I think some information is incorrect. Seems like some data is lost. Too many years I suppose.” 
“Can you tell me what she’s doing in New York? What’s her name? Her ethnicity? What about her powers? Or her-” 
“One question at a time, Zabbaninja.” 
“R- Right.” 
Tilda really loves this person. 
“Her name is Raiga.” 
Zabbaninja nearly died speaking the name. “R- Raiga? Raiga-san? R- Raiga-chan?” 
Natsume was getting progressively worried about this situation. “Zabbaninja, you sound as if you're in love!” 
Zabbaninja realized what he was doing and turned red. “Sorry.” 
“You have to remember, this isn’t Rogan. This is Raiga. She may be the daughter of Rogan, but they are not the same. This is not your friend. Raiga is her own person, with her own thoughts and beliefs. You need to remember that. As far as I understand, she doesn’t even know who you are. Maybe her mother mentioned you, but probably not. You’re going to have to reintroduce yourself, all from the beginning. I’m not saying don’t become her friend, but you’re going to have to start over.” 
Zabbaninja slowly nodded. But then he spoke in a hushed tone. “Natsume… I just realized something. Raiga… She could be my new partner!” 
“I think you might be onto something. Let’s see… She’s 23 years old, she’s Scottish, loves dessert-” 
Both Natsume and Zabbaninja spoke at the same time. “She’s scottish?!” 
Ai nodded. “Apparently Rogan’s family left Japan, in order to fight some kind of monster of a spirit. They promptly destroyed it, and then decided to stay there.” 
“No wonder I never found them.” 
“Still, that’s kind of amazing. You don’t think she has a super thick Scottish accent, do you?” 
Tilda and Natsume both blushed, thinking the same thing. That’s kind of hot. 
“She’s Scottish and Japanese, so keep that in mind.” 
“Anything else about her?” 
“On her twitter, she mainly posts images of desserts or sweets. She really likes them I assume. She seems to keep quiet about her being a spirit, though that isn’t very surprising.” 
“Oh, that’s right. The real question is- Where is she going?” 
Ai was silent for a moment. It was amazing what Ai could do, her element extraordinarily useful. She stopped any pictures of Tilda being taken, deleted conversation, and completely destroyed Zabbaninja’s carbon footprint. The only thing she left was his legend, and the stories of his battles. 
Ai opened her blue eyes, and spoke without looking at Zabbaninja. “She’s going onto a boat.” 
“A boat?” Roger asked quizzically, “That’s kind of weird.” 
“It’s where this story really takes place.” 
“What?! You’re saying it hasn’t even started yet?” 
“Not exactly. The God of Gold was just the beginning. The cruise ship Raiga was headed towards… Well, I had to get on it too.” 
“A cruise ship… Now I see. Raiga doesn’t seem as manly as I thought she’d be.” 
Tilda tilted her head like a confused dog. “She uh… Isn’t a man.” 
“I know, but Rogan was so tough and strong, if the movie has anything to do with it.” 
“You watched the movie again?” 
“Yeah. Is it not accurate?” 
“It is accurate. Rogan was tough… But she was also kind and supportive. She was not so simple. Just like Raiga. There was a lot more to her than I first thought.” 
“A boat?” 
“Sorry, a cruise ship. A popular one too. An… An expensive one as well. It seems that this will be their last journey, and after this, the ship will never set sail again.” 
“Wow. Are there any tickets left?” 
“Yes. It doesn’t leave until a month later.” 
“Til-da, how much is this going to cost?” 
“It doesn’t matter what it costs.” Zabbaninja smirked, a wicked but tormented grin on his face. “This is the real reason why we killed Roura. We have more money than anyone could ever dream of. And we have Ai, who can pull some monetary strings if we need it. And besides, this ain’t our first rodeo.” 
“You’re right… But before, we spent every last dollar on that cruise.” 
“It’ll be alright. I promise.” 
Zabbaninja held Natsume’s hands, and they interlocked together. “This trip won’t just be about Raiga. It will be about us, and how we will continue in this world.” 
Zabbaninja’s hands held her even tighter. “I love you Natsume. I want to fix what I’ve broken. We’ll dine like kings, and relax like queens. We will love and feel like never before. Natsume…” 
Their eyes sparkled as they looked into each other. “Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it for you. You’re my girlfriend. And nothing will come between that.” 
“Ai, purchase two tickets. We’re going on a cruise.” 
“On it.” 
Natsume held Tilda’s hand in bed, their bodies close to each other. Natsume spoke softly, an aura of worry in her heart. 
“Hey, you know this could all be a trap, right?” 
Tilda nodded. “The thought has crossed my mind. But… Even if it is, I still want to go. I still want to see Raiga.” 
“But you don’t know Raiga. You don’t know anything about her. She could be a nefarious villain for all we know.” 
“I don’t care. I still want to know her. To see her. She’s the only thing I have left of Rogan. I’ve got to take this chance. Besides, what’s going to happen? It’s not like she can kill me.” 
“That’s a good point.” 
“Just think about how nice it’s going to be on the cruise, and how we’ll get to do whatever we want.” 
“Fine. I will.” 
Zabbaninja and Natsume stepped off of his motorcycle, and looked at the massive cruise ship that lay before them. 
“There it is.” Zabbaninja smiled at Natsume. “There are 3,000 or so humans on board that ship. A measly number, even when considering the different sizes of the ship. Before, I never showed my true form to Rogan until the very end. But this time… I’m going to do it from the start.” 
Zabbaninja revealed Tilda, and she got ready to go. 
“W- Wait!” Natsume held Tilda’s hand, pulling her back. “You aren’t serious, are you? All those people will die!” 
“Not until we’re far off shore, and after our vacation. It will be me and Raiga’s first mission together.” 
“You’re already deciding she’ll be your partner?” 
“Of course. And if she disagrees, I’ll kill her.” 
“But that's-” 
“The real reason is because I want to spend this time with you as Tilda, not some ninja. Right now Natsume… I’d much rather be a pretty woman than some 500 year old superpowered death machine.” 
“Do you like this form? Do you like… The real me?” 
Natsume couldn’t possibly say no. She knew it would be a bad idea, but if this is what Tilda wanted then… 
“Ok. This is our first time doing this, right? We’ll do it all together. Me and you… Tilda.” 
Tilda held her hands out, and purple energy covered both women, and then dispersed into nothing. 
“Ah!” Natsume exclaimed, as she now wore a different outfit. It was an interesting kind of swimsuit, with a strapless top and a floral towel wrapped around her waist. It covered her legs, but her midriff was open. Tilda wore a blue sundress, and had on a wicker hat. Her sword hung at her hip, its black color dazzling. 
“Come on, let’s go!” 
Natsume, with a big smile on her face, agreed. “Yeah!” 
“Why isn’t Natsume with us right now?” 
“She uh… She’s too embarrassed about it.” 
“Really? But you two are so cute!” 
“That’s why she’s embarrassed.” 
“Oh yeah, how did you get your sword past security?” 
“I’m a ninja. A little sleight of hand is no problem for me.”  
We didn’t actually board immediately, as we waited for a certain someone to show up. 
“I feel kind of bad doing this.” 
Tilda furrowed her eyebrows as she looked through the binoculars. “It’s not that big of a deal. Stalking is just another way of showing love.” 
“I don’t think so.” 
“Ai, is she here yet?” 
“In one minute.” 
“Then let's get ready.” 
Tilda and Natsume grabbed their suitcases, and stood by the bridge that led to the cruise. They pretended to be looking at their phones, when Tilda glanced up for only a moment. The car arrived. She stepped out. She took out her luggage, and began to walk on the bridge. The whole time Tilda’s eyes were glued to her. 
She couldn't stop herself. It was like a magnet, forcing her to look. She could feel that familiar energy, from eons ago. 
The woman walked past the pair of spirits, looking straight ahead, avoiding Tilda’s gaze. Natsume slapped Tilda’s back, and she was jolted out of her stupor. 
“Til-da! Stop staring!” 
“R- Right. I’m sorry. I just-” 
“We’ve got to go!” 
Natsume and Tilda walked behind Raiga, carefully managing their speed so that they were walking at the same rate. They both felt a little cathartic. 
“I’m so glad I have you Natsume.” 
Natsume blushed, and then looked at Tilda. “Where’d that come from?” 
“I don’t think I would have been able to do this without you. It’s way easier with you by my side.” 
Natsume took Tilda’s hand, and they both looked forward. “She wears such baggy clothes.” 
“Doesn’t want to be seen. I wonder if she’ll take that hood off when we get to security.” 
“Probably not.” 
“I wonder why she wears-” Tilda held a hand over her mouth. “What if she can hear us?” 
Ai suddenly responded. “Right now she’s listening to music on her earbuds, and very loudly. You’ll be fine.” 
“Oh… That’s good.” 
Natsume smiled at Tilda. “She’s got a great ass.” 
Tilda nearly collapsed. 
“I wasn’t going to say anything, but now that we know…” 
“Keep that to yourself. I can’t handle it.” 
“Don’t you want to smack-” 
For a second Raiga turned around, and looked at the couple. 
“S- Sorry.” 
Both blushed, and looked away in separate directions. Raiga shrugged it off, and looked forward once again. 
“Maybe we should keep quiet.” 
Tilda and Natsume stepped onto the ship, and were given their room key. 
“Thank you.” 
The help staff blushed greatly, getting nervous. “N- No problem… Madam.” 
Natsume snickered. “”Heh.” 
The couple walked down the deck, separating from Raiga at some point. 
“This ship is so huge!” 
“And being on the open water is-” Tilda lost her balance for a moment, only for Natsume to catch her. 
“Gotcha!” Natsume felt very good for a moment, and then looked cross. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” 
“Oh, these legs just aren’t what they used to be.” 
“They’re made of metal!” 
The pair of spirits headed towards their room, walking through the tunnel-like structure of the hallways. 
“It’s so strange to have all this room in a ship.” 
Tilda seemed distracted by something. 
Natsume spoke, breaking the tension. “What would you do if you were alone with Raiga?” 
Tilda was confused, but curious. “What do you mean?” 
“If you were alone with her, what would you do?” 
“I would… Natsume, that’s kind of a personal question. Why are you even asking me that?” 
Natsume just stared. 
“I guess… I would talk to her.” 
“Oh come on. What would you really do?” 
“Why do you care?” 
“Because, honestly Tilda, I think I’m getting that same sensation.” 
“Why is Raiga so pretty to us? Is she like that to other people? It’s like her energy triggers something in spirits. Or maybe… I just love her as well.” 
Tilda and Natsume stopped as they reached the door to their room. 
“Let’s drop off our luggage and then have some fun.” 
“Why don’t I use my radar to find Raiga and we can-” 
“Hold on. We don’t have to find Raiga yet. Right now…” 
Tilda had a look in her eyes that she hadn’t had in a long, long time. “It’s just you and me.” 
Tilda practically pushed Natsume into the room, and then slammed the door very loudly. 
“H- Hold on… What are you going to do to Natsume?” Roger had a worried look on his face. 
“I don’t have to tell this part of the story if you don’t want to hear it. It’s just sex.” 
“O- Oh.” Roger’s worried expression slowly faded. “I want to hear the entire story.” 
“Alright then.” Tilda had a wicked smile. 
Tilda suddenly looked worried, putting her sweaty face out of Natsume’s thighs. “My god, we’ve wasted so much time!” 
Natsume smiled, her eyes nearly closed from the pleasure. She replied slowly, panting as her face burned red. “I wouldn’t say it was a waste…” 
Tilda smiled as she held her in her arms. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” 
“Let’s go.” 
It was the afternoon now, closing on night. Despite all the attractions, there was one place that Tilda wanted to go to more than the others. She stepped onto the frigid floor, sliding across it, with Natsume behind her. 
“Tilda, I don’t know if I have the strength to do this. I mean… You…” 
“That’s alright. You can just stand there and look beautiful.” 
“R- Right.” 
Natsume fell down on a bench, having a vacant expression. But still she smiled, her eyes still sparkling. 
Is she really still being overflowed with energy? I guess that’s where my power is at now. 
“Go get 'em Tilda!” 
Tilda stepped onto the ice, and skated across it. The Ninja of Legend always had a soft spot for ice-skating, and this particular cruise had a rink on board. The sensation was strange with the boat rocking back and forth, but Tilda still loved it, soaring across the ice like a dancer. Her feet glided like she was floating on air, as the skates made that sharp noise they usually made. She smiled as she dashed, her emotions piling up. The rink was huge, with plenty of space to do even the most elaborate of moves. 
And then Tilda slowed down, as she just so happened to find Raiga, standing in the middle of the rink. She was skating too, but at a much slower pace, merely inching along the ice. Tilda steeled herself, and found the courage to speak to her. 
“Um… Do you need any help there?” 
Raiga turned to face Tilda, while nearly falling over. 
“O- Oh, I’m fine-” 
Raiga paused for a second after seeing Tilda’s face, but then went back to normal. 
“I can handle this. It’s just a little scary, that’s all.” 
“I felt the same way at first, but you’ve just gotta have serious courage. Believe in yourself.” 
Raiga almost laughed, but didn’t want to seem rude. “Um… That’s kind of bare-bones advice.” 
This time Raiga laughed for real, and looked at Tilda. “My name is Raiga. What’s yours?” 
I’m going to show you everything Raiga. I’ll show it to you all. “My name is Tilda.” 
“Tilda? That’s a nice name.” 
Raiga was still wearing a large cloak, making all her features hard to make out. Even her arms were covered by long sleeves and gloves. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why so much heavy clothes? Isn’t that a little uncomfortable?” 
“Oh, well, I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I don’t like my face very much. I… I don’t feel right showing it.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry to be so tactless.” 
“It’s ok.” 
The atmosphere suddenly got thick. We’ve been so endlessly polite. I’m trying to make up for all my lost time, and all my mistakes. But it’s so hard to talk to her. She’s like a glacier, taunting me. I have to break through her ice… But I don’t know how. 
“You, on the other hand, are very pretty. Your skin is so amazing, it’s as if you’ve never been cut before.” 
Tilda blushed. “O- Oh. You think so?” 
This conversation is meaningless. And yet, I feel as if she thinks that too. But she isn’t stopping. Why? 
“Tilda, have you been to the bar yet? I’ve heard it’s excellent. I’m thinking of going once the sun sets.” 
What’s she even talking about? All I can focus on is this weird vibe. We’re both closeted spirits, who have to come out. Only then will we be able to talk honestly. 
Tilda looked up. Something about Raiga suddenly changed. For only a moment, she let the walls come down, and the ice cracked. “You need to leave this place. I don’t know why you followed me, but it is not safe here. If you stay on this boat…”
Raiga’s eyes turned dark, as the cinders of her body ignited. “You will die.” 
Raiga then changed moods once again, now doing a girlish and fake laughter. “Hahaha! That’s so funny Tilda! You’re great at making jokes! Did you bring a friend here?” 
Tilda silently nodded. 
“Let’s take you back then.” 
As the two skated, they both didn’t say anything, until Raiga softly opened her mouth. “Back in the Village, My Mind is Clear.” 
The woman spoke of an old Ocean saying, one that describes unease and uncertainty in a new area. Tilda nodded. 
It was a saying that only a spirit would know, confirming one thing. “I.. I love you Raiga.” The pair stopped when they reached Natsume, who was very surprised to see Raiga. Once there, Raiga left, heading back out on the ice. 
“What happened?” 
Tilda had a dark look. 
“I think there might be more to this than we thought.” 
Moments later, it was hard for Tilda to dwell on it, because the pair of spirits were eating dinner, and it was incredible. After the couple was done eating, they left the dining room and began to walk back to their room. 
“It’s already dark, huh?” 
“It’s a beautiful night though. The sky is so clear, and the water is barely moving. It’s lovely.” 
“Let’s enjoy it in our room.” 
Tilda and Natusme entered their cabin, and sat down on the bed. 
“Today was fun, wasn’t it?” 
“Aren’t you worried about what Raiga said?” 
Tilda shook her head. “The only person I’m worried about is herself. I can defeat anyone, but I don’t know if she can.” 
“That’s a good point.” 
“Can you use your radar to see where she is? I’m a little curious. And I'm a little worried.” 
“Oh yeah, sure thing.” 
Natumse closed her eyes, feeling the energy around her, and in the entire ship. 
“Got it! One… Two…” Natsume began to look confused. “T- Three…” 
Then she looked worried, then afraid, until she could no longer speak. She was shaking like she was scared out of her mind, and her eyes snapped open. 
“Natsume? What’s the matter?” 
The spirit was breathing heavily, her fear consuming her. 
“N- Natsume? Are you alright? Are you fine? What’s going on?” 
Tears began streaming down Natsume’s face as she looked at Tilda. 
“Fa… Fa…” 
“It’s ok Natsume. You can do it.” 
Tilda held Natsume’s hand, which made her calm down a tiny bit. And then she spoke. 
Tilda became just as afraid of that word. 
It was as if Tilda was shot. 
“Fifteen what?” 
She didn’t want the answer. Nobody wanted the answer. But Natsume bit the bullet and spoke. 
“Fifteen souls!! There are fifteen people on board with souls!!” 
“T- That’s counting us and Ai, right?!” 
Natsume turned into pure energy, and then went back into Tilda’s body. 
“I’m scared Tilda. I’m really really scared. You know what this means, don’t you? It’s exactly the same.” 
“You don’t mean…” 
“The 15 Samurai. We’ve walked into something more dangerous than we could have imagined.” 
“Natsume, you’re being too cautious. You forget who your girlfriend is. I’m Zabbaninja. I could fight 20 spirits if I wanted to.” 
“I… I don’t want to die again.” 
“We don't know if they are all enemies. Some of them could be-” 
“I don’t… Want to die again.” 
Tilda accepted it. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll protect you Natsume. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” 
Tilda walked out of her room, and then walked down the long hallway, Natsume hiding in her head. She passed all the rooms, and walked towards the end of the deck. Tilda wore a purple headband in place of her hat, and had her horns and ring on full display. She still wore her sundress, though she made the skirt just a little shorter. She walked forward, entering the bar. The bar was beautiful, with the lights reflection off of the glasses and shiny counters. She walked up to the counter, and ordered some wine. 
“I’ll pay for it if you want.” 
A girl’s voice entered Tilda’s ears, and she turned to her left. 
“Wow. I hadn’t even noticed you there.” 
“I guess that’s not surprising. You, on the other hand, stick out like a sore thumb.” 
Tilda wasn’t feeling well. While she was confident she could defeat 15 souls, it wasn’t a nice thought. 
“Are you alright? You don’t seem super fine.” 
“I’m not fine.” 
“And on such a nice cruise. Is your vacation not going as planned?” 
Tilda, shocked by the response, and really took a look at the girl standing there. 
Wait… The girl? 
She was young. Young and frail. She looked like she had no sleep, hadn’t eaten in days, and was completely focused on one thing. Even so, in her distraught state, she oozed confidence. Her smirk was a mirror into her mental state, as she felt like she was on top of the world. She wore a revealing red dress, far too sexual for someone her age. 
“How old are you?” 
“Does it matter?” 
The girl had brown, almost bronze hair, and similarly colored eyes. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, it looked almost like it was sparkling. Her eyes were like chipped tires, rotating around and around as she spoke. They glowed in the dark, as she smiled and talked to the ninja. 
“I am pretty young. Only 14.” 
“Gosh. W- Wait, then how are you here? Why did they let you in?” 
The girl laughed. “Hahaha! That’s an excellent question! To be honest, I’m not sure! It’s pretty weird!” 
The waiter gave Tilda her glass, but she didn’t drink it. 
“Why… Do you seem…” 
“Tilda, do you truly not remember me? I’m disappointed.” 
The girl’s energy began to grow. “For so long I’ve waited for this moment, and you can’t even tell who I am? Come on. Don’t I look familiar?” 
The girl took out her hair tie, letting it flow outwards to its full length. 
“What’s that famous movie line? I think it went something like… My name is so and so, you killed my father-” 
The girl stared deep into Tilda’s soul. “Prepare to die.” 
Beams of light suddenly shone from the ground, a crashing sound coming from beneath the floor. It sounded like sharks were ripping through the inside of the ship, and they all crashed through the floor, their energies exploding with power. They were already here. 
Tilda ran. Gallons of water came chasing after her out of nowhere, and the walls around Tilda began to fall. Crashing was all around her, as the ship shook like it was being tormented by an earthquake. It made a gut-wrenching sound as its insides were torn apart, metal screaming out of its body. Color exploded outwards, as more and more energy was being formed. Tilda could hear the girl’s voice as she screamed. 
“That’s right! Run Zabbaninja! Run from your destiny!” 
Tilda tripped, and the illusion began to fade. There was no cruise ship. There were no humans on board. She fell through the fake floor, falling down more and more. And as she fell, she looked up, and saw all of them staring at her. The fifteen souls, all baring their fangs as they watched Tilda fall. And at the top of the destroyed ship was the girl, who now wore a much more fierce outfit. 
“Your time is at hand! You killed my father! I am Roura's daughter, who you so foolishly let live fourteen years ago!” Lightning crackled around Tilda, as the wood formed around her. It began to close as the girl yelled. “I am Rust, the Goddess of Treasure!! This ship will be your tomb!!”
Natsume- Since she was born from Tilda, she is technically a part of her. In this way, even if she is destroyed, as long as Tilda lives, she does too. That's not to say she can't die, as she has before. If all her energy runs out, it will take a lot for her to be reborn again. Now that she knows death, she doesn't want to face it again.
Raiga- A descendant of Rogan, Tilda's oldest friend. Tilda tried to find out more about her, only to end up with nothing. Tilda will try her hardest to make her her partner, but if it doesn't work out, she will kill her.
Rust- The Goddess of Treasure. Fourteen years old. Quoted The Princess Bride.
Next Chapter- The Broken Tale.
This is where everything begins.
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