#adaine’s parents suck so hard
feelingtheaster99 · 10 months
“You’re easy to love, kiddo, and anyone who couldn’t figure that out is a real bozo.”
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heytherecentaurs · 8 months
I think Adaine has had such a glow up since Freshman year like she got out of a bad home situation, she got actual parental support, she got her own clothes, she got anxiety meds (and I’m assuming therapy) and she’s got ride or die friends; she has Ayda a powerful wizard regard her as a best friend and equal, she’s an absolute badass who has saved the world 3 times and punched her dad so hard he died. And I think all of this has translated into her confidence improving (like her response to Kipperlilly saying “I know who you are” is “of course you do”). And I think it all results in her schoolmates finding her super attractive but her being completely uninterested in them, which only makes them more obsessed. Basically, if Adaine showed the slightest hint that she wanted to date, she’d have boys, girls and enbies lining up around the block but she doesn’t so like I guess it sucks to be everyone at school.
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adainesfroggieboggy · 8 months
siobhan thompson appreciation post because her characters just make me so happy and they're so. good. she's so good at characters! spoilers for every intrepid heroes season of d20. i could do a whole other post about her sidequest characters bc they're so good.
Adaine Abernant. The Elven Oracle. She's always been one of my absolute favorite characters ever. Her anxiety representation in the first season makes me feel more seen, understood, and represented than any other character ever. She's literally so cool! She starts freshman year as an awkward nerd and becomes a cool nerd! Her anxiety never goes away, but the medication makes it manageable. She hates her parents because they're awful! Just the rep of having awful parents and hating them and that's okay because they suck! You should hate your parents if they suck as bad as the Abernants! Not everyone gets a redemption arc. If they suck, they suck.
Misty/Rowan. Misty is the perfect representation of an old lady who gives no fucks. She flirts so hard with that guy at the pixie wedding. She openly admits to having been friends with John Wilkes Booth. But at the same time? Will not give her age. A lady never tells. She's absolutely ancient and doesn't fucking care, but she also has this undertone of absolute existential panic because she needs adoration to survive! She stays relevant because she has to! Don't get me started on Rowan. I have a crush on Rowan Berry. She's reborn and immediately starts flirting with Pete, which is iconic in its own right. She's a bard who gives bardic inspiration by either flirting or complimenting, and sometimes the lines blur just a little bit. Absolute queen shit. She defeats the queen of Faerie and has no desire to go back until the Fae court tells her hey. You left us with no leader. And then brings democracy to Faerie! President Rowan!
Ruby Rocks! She starts the season as a kid who loves her sister just so much. That's the most integral part of her character. She's a princess and a rogue, and she loves her sister. She has a lot of development over the season! She ends as a woman who fights for her family and her country. She hates Saccharina when they first meet, a new sister on the tails of the loss of the most important person she's ever had. After Jet's death, she's overcome with grief and takes a level of shadow sorcerer because of it! Her development is amazing, a truly wonderful arc.
Iga Lizowski! Oh. My. God. She's the first pc that is a mom in d20, or at least in the Intrepid Heroes. Her relationship with her kids is so fun to watch, from urging Jessica to engage with the chest to bringing her into another part of the Unsleeping City. Then Nick, who she hadn't pressed at all to take responsibility for the chest, decides to become another defender of his family's magic! Not only is she an amazing mother, she's a fortune teller by trade! She knows full well that everything she does has merit, and that magic is real, but makes it all seem like a lie to cater to her clientele. It's not her intention to become a part of the Dream Team, but when her family is threatened, she fights like hell. Also she has a pseudodragon that's just a magical chihuahua and that's so old ladycore it's such a perfect choice.
Riva. They're just on their gallivant, honestly. They decorate their psychodrone with magnets. They're trying to sell pleasure putty. They make their own hours, but they don't know how. Riva is sweet and fun and naive. They love their friends and they love the outside world and they're having a great ass time on their gallivant.
Rosamund. Du. Prix. Quick little shoutout to Siobhan's princess voice because no joke she did my favorite accent. It borders on transatlantic (my favorite accent) but is very Disney princess. She starts as a Disney princess, too! To have a character looking for her true love wake up, search for him, and ultimately sacrifice her chance at having him is *mwah* beautiful. True love isn't real! She directly confronts this, and a member of her party is living proof of it. She has to see the prince who came to save her, and upon meeting him, she realizes how fucked the idea is. He kisses her once and that's all? She doesn't know him, she doesn't love him. How can she live happily ever after with him? Her story is about having things happen to her, but she wrenches the pen from the authors' hands and writes her fucking own! Once upon a time, there was a princess who tried speed dating!
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dullgecko · 22 hours
i want to say that one of the bad kids is that friend that ALWAYS has candy on hand. thing is i can't decide which one would be the best fit because i can think of reasons for all of them to be that friend.
- adaine might keep sour candy on hand to help stop anxiety attacks, but she could technically get whatever from her jacket at a moment's notice.
- fabian loves to spoil his friends and fancy expensive sweets is one of the ways he does it.
- kristen's parents would rarely let her have candy and now, trying to catch up on her childhood, she hoards them like the world is going to end.
- gorgug has emergency chocolate, he finds it helps him calm down when he's stressed out.
- riz stashes hard candy and lollipops to suck on when he's thinking, instead of chewing his pens, which explode if he accidentally bites too hard.
- fig's just always had a massive sweet tooth in general, she's been the candy friend long before she met the bad kids.
there are fucking copious amounts of sugar in this friend group.
Adaine doesnt really need to carry things around with her because of her jacket but is definitely the person who will start handing candy out to people if they look like they need it. She will sometimes hand out cookie that she made herself though.
Fabian doesnt really eat sweets himself but is the kind of person who will spot someone favorite candy in a store, buy it for them, and slip it into their bag or house without them noticing. The front pocket of his school bag has a bunch of different hard candies in it because his friends all like different flavours (also some fancy jerky because if given the choice between candy or meat Riz and Gorgug will choose meat every time)
Kristen has a snack-cupboard in her room and her selection is extensive. If you're craving something while at Mordred you can USUALLY find something to satisfy it inside the hoard. The bottom of her bag is also littered with different candies and sweets, but you need to check the expiration dates before snacking because some have been in there a while.
Gorgug is for sure the chocolate guy, but he also likes gummy sour candies even though they get stuck in his teeth. He shares the sour ones with Adaine whenever she's stressed.
Riz's office has so many giant jars of candy that he for sure did not buy himself. He leaves them on the desk for his clients but cant resist dipping into the supply whenever he needs something to suck on while thinking. He's got a horrible habit of crunching on the candy though, but at least he doesnt have to worry about cracking a tooth or cavities. Goblins loose their teeth frequently and grow them back often.
Figs pockets crinkle because she always has half a packet of SOMETHING shoved into her jacket. It's different every day because she goes through them so fast, but shares with her friends constantly. She's got shit aim with projectile weapons but has MASTERED a game where she flicks a candy at Riz and he catches it in his mouth from across a cafeteria table.
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mongeese · 2 years
I feel like they gloss over Jawbone adopting Adaine wayyy too quickly in the finale. He got her 16 birthday presents! For all the 15 birthdays he wasn’t around for, plus the birthday he now is there for! Because he knows her parents sucked, and maybe they didn’t get her birthday presents, or if they did then they also probably sucked, and he knows she lost them in the forest for good although in many ways she lost them a year ago, and he doesn’t know all the details but he knows it was bad. And he loves her so much and he wants her to be happy. He loves her and he wants her to feel that love with every part of her being. And the fact that he’s so shy and hesitant about it because he doesn’t know if he deserves this either! He’s had a tough life and he’s still so unsure about being a dad to all these kids! But he loves them and he tries so hard and he is good at it, even if he doubts himself sometimes. And he wants them to stay. He wants Adaine to know she’s his daughter, with or without papers, but he also wants it to be official so that no one can deny it or take it away. He wants her to want that too. UGH he’s such a good dad I love him so much
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 2:16:08
Video Length: 2min. & 24sec.
Trailer for Episode 8
XD Gorgug says emo music is pretty cool and Fig says he's out of the band!! Crying!! 😭💀
What in the world is that beeping sound Brennan is making?! 😭😭✋✋
XD "appreciating bodies" 😭✋
Bruh, Grix sucks!
Literally Zac!! 4 parents on a battlefield is too many! 💀💀
There's a nudity tent???!!! 😭😭😭😭
Gorgug doesn't know which parent he should look at!!! 😭😭😭
Kristen is pretty sex-positive! 😂💀✋
Who is Kristen calling "girlie" and why was the response said in that way?! Who is Kristen talking to?! 😭✋
Fig saying that Riz is their ONLY HOPE?! ;00
Riz: "Don't put anymore pressure on me." 🥲
No! I'm not crying! you are! 🥲🥲
Grix asks Riz what cause he has with the bad kids?! ;00 Bruh! The bad kids are his friends! 😭✋
Bro Grix, what better world are you even talking about?! 😭😭🥲🥲
What is that THING POINTED AT RIZ?! 😭😭😭😭
Riz feels his mind slinking away?! 😱😱😱
"Perfect Order. Is that really so bad?!" 😭 BRUH! YES IT IS! 😭✋ DON'T TRY TO MANIPULATE POOR RIZ!! 😭✋
Zac asking Brennan not to do this!! 😭😭
I'm SO SCARED!! 😭😭✋✋
Yeah! Whatever it is, Gorgug has been working so hard on it and you shouldn't ruin it Brennan!!! ;(((((((
Brennan!!! Stop laughing!!! 😭😭✋✋
(This was written before I saw episode 8 🤪✌️)
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pawpunkao3 · 1 year
what's your problem with fabians story in canon? /gen /nm
Okay this is. TBH I adore Fabian's story overall but the ONE THING i cant abide his how canon treated his parents. Both of them are canonically physically abusive (Bill slams his head into the ground and Hallariel threatens to duel him to the death, which is implied to be serious), neglectful (Bill stunted Fabian's emotional growth by refusing to let him work hard for good things or view others as his equals, and Hallariel-- well she can't be fully blamed for her addiction but it also probably wasn't great for Fabian), and Bill at least is also emotionally abusive (he treats Fabian as an extension of himself, tells him that he is the most important person in the world and he shouldn't have close friends, and, like, he got that toxic masculinity from SOMEWHERE).
But all the other players and seemingly canon treat that as if it's not a big deal. Angwyn and Arianwen get fucking merked (deservedly), and Kristen never talks to her parents after FY, but Fabian still lives with the mom that spent 90% of his life emotionally not there and the other 10% making his house unsafe for him, and had a part where he tried to reconcile with his dad and. Had to accept his not-apology where he STILL refused to admit his son might have an identity completely apart from Bill. Adaine and Kristen get closure; Fabian is in limbo.
It's also so sad to me that just. He clearly doesn't know. Nobody's given him a hint that it's maybe not great that for fourteen years he never disagreed with his dad and never even meaningfully interacted with his mom. Not even Jawbone, whose literal job it is to notice when kids need help. The most he did was point out that Fabian has some self-harming tendencies and suggest he come to his office (which he probably never did because surely then Jawbone would realize he was being abused). Not even Adaine or Kristen, who are also survivors! It just sucks man.
Anyway if I were in charge of D20 I'd plot an arc for Fabian to recognize that its Bad that his parents would prefer him to be lethal than well-adjusted or happy, and hopefully the other bad kids would be a bit more supportive and not just be like "but your dad let us do cocaine tho :("
It also kinda smacks of the double standard of abuse where abuse of (tbh white) women is treated slightly less like a joke than abuse of (tbh marginalized) men bc women are Valuable Property to be protected where as men are just Meat Shields. Not that I think anyone at D20 holds that opinion consciously or otherwise
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vitamin-zeeth · 5 months
First question, how did Fig Kristen and Adaine find themselves in Fabian’s crew? Cuz I know Gorgug was a childhood friend and Riz just failed at robbing Bill Seacaster, but I wonder what Bill or Fabian saw in the other three
The Kalvaxus plot!! Since the bad kids are pirates, and they travel a lot, would it make more sense if the 7 maidens were from different nations and are getting taken to Solace for the ritual?
AELWYN. How is Aelwyn doing. She’s alone with her parents now, which is generally a bad thing cuz the Abernants suck. How did she get wrapped up with Penelope
Finally, are there people out looking for Kristen and Adaine? The church would probably search for their chosen, but the Abernants kinda hate their daughter. Buuuuut it would look bad if they didn’t at least appear like they were searching for her, right?
OK SOOOO I think fig Adaine and Kristen probably found themselves in the crew because they fucked something up. They like caused a massive explosion or something and it made a whole scene kinda like when Adaine stole a book from the library and then immediately had a panic attack but more destructive. Fig convinced Adaine to pull some sort of piratey stunt cause she thinks that's just what pirates do and it just spiralled out of control and Kristen sort of stumbled into it halfway through and immediately made the whole thing 10x worse but bill appreciated their complete reckless lack of forethought and also their clear magical ability and introduced them to the rest of the crew (I think this happened all like on the same day riz got added as well they basically got stuck in pirate detention together)
KALVAXUS!!! I think the deal would be that the whole plot with him takes place on leviathan instead of solace so instead of the prophecy being a king and queen crowned in solace one more it's a new pirate king being crowned. The Seven get picked because it's supposed to be maidens from across the lands of Spyre so they have to travel to figure out who had been kidnapping these important girls across the kingdoms (penny is from Solace, Zelda is from Leviathan, Katya is from highcourt, ostentatia is from the mountains of chaos, antiope is from the Baronies, Danielle is from sylvaire and Sam is from an underwater kingdom in the Celestine sea) and there's an attempt to kidnap adaine as well cause fallinel only half counts since its an island off spyre, so they don't NEED her for the ritual but it would make it more secure. Penelope is helping cause of the promise of power, she plans on being crowned pirate king (kalvaxus leaves her behind last minute and crowns himself)
Aelwyn is still living with the abernants in fallinel, Penelope went to her for help because she knew adaine had left and she could use this dishonour to convince Aelwyn there was a way to regain her family's status and reputation through helping kalvaxus. She spends a lot of time traveling and helping to kidnap the maidens with Penelope BUT she doesn't let the abernants know what she's doing. There is for sure evernant undertones (I think thats the ship name idk but ykwim).
There are definitely people looking for adaine and Kristen, more Kristen than adaine as I think the abernants would rather go the "our daughter was kidnapped/enchanted/etc" route than actually finding her, but aelwyn and Penelope and the others involved in the kvx plot are all looking out for her. The second they go into solace Kristen is for sure being searched for, it's a huge huge deal there and it's very hard to keep her from being found and taken back, but everywhere else it's pretty much fine. Anyone part of the helioic church would have heard for sure and the governments of the different nations would be aware but they wouldn't necessarily care so much, more along the lines of if they get arrested/brought in front of the government for any reason there's a chance they'll return her to the church so that the church owes them rather than people actively searching for her.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
for the writing ask, number 3!
Asiksj thanks so much for the ask!! (Under the cut is some fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been writing)
"One scene you want to write but cant because its difficult"
I guess it's hard for me to write like cohesive scenes like I'm used to writing slightly connected oneshots like 5 + 1 type stuff, shortish scenes that arnt connected much. But writing like stuff with connected plots is difficult, coming up with ideas for plot is easy actually writing it all together is hard.
Like theres like this fantasy high mafia road trip thing au (the title would be Pretty like a Car Crash from some song I think) I'd want to write but... trying to put together a whole plot ugh I enjoy writing lil oneshots and scenes but trying to get it all figured put is hmm not my strong suit.
Like writing out whole scenes that are connected with actual plot is hard so I just write unconnected scenes and all I'd like to figure out how to do like whole stuff but idk.
Actually some writing (fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been cooking up) under the cut cuz it got pretty long
I'm not going to write out a whole entire plot multiple chapter thing here so I'll just write some stuff that I've been working on. Even though this is a multi chartered plot thing so.
The road to recovery is paved in sleepless nights and tired mornings. (Title)
The bad kids are rightfully wary about letting them hang out together. Partly because they're both paranoid enough to think the other would take an attack of opportunity on them. Of course what the bad kids didn't expect was for them to band together when someone else gets murdered. Basrar gets framed for murder. Riz and aelwyn are on the case.
Riz doesnt like or trust Aelwyn. Aelwyn doesnt care about his opinion, but it's easier to try and get along with each other to make this long suffering case go by quicker.
Aelwyn decided to stop doing super toxic things because her sister and jawbone have gotten her to and because she doesn't like or enjoy going to parties getting rekt and kissing strangers anymore. So she needs new, slightly less toxic habits and if staying up late researching stuff while not sleeping is that then the only one to also do that would work. Putting her high intelligence to good use. (Sleeping is hard for both of them, so why not be productive instead of going to have a bad time sleeping.)
They've both killed more people then they should have. They both refuse to talk about too much with jawbone, even though at this point they really should. Instead they avoid all of their problems by solving cases and researching stuff. They both value knowledge. Adaine isn't here because she'd only discourage them and they know it's not healthy to burn out like this but. Well. It's the only way they know how to function. So. They don't talk about their feelings or anything. They both don't sleep at all if they can help it. They just work themselves to the bone, refuse to sleep because of really bad nightmares and hope it's enough. It isnt. But they'd really like to think it was.
Combined, they would sleep about 6 hours, riz passed out for 4 and aelwyn trancing fitfully for 2.
(Aelwyn will trance for just a few hours, sitting in a creaky old chair while riz works on something or other. They make it a rule to always have one of them awake if the other is sleeping when they end up working late. Paranoia and all that. So whenever riz inevitably passes out in his desk aelwyn will keep watch and go over spells in her book to keep herself awake. It's a shot system but it works for the most part. Sometimes they'll both stay up the entire night, sometimes theyll both be too exhausted to stay up anymore and fall asleep at the same time.)
To solve the case they hole up in rizs office for a few days, everyone panics at first when neither go to school and then riz and aelwyn dont answer their crystals cuz it wasnt charged and they were so focused on the case they forgot to do school. They freak out considering what happend last time and actually bust down the door of his office and find them both sleeping. It's cute but they wake up and start fighting them before they realize oh it's just the bad kids.
(Undetermined time later)
"Just had to get away from adaine for a bit. She worries about me too much."
"Are you giving her reason to be worried?"
"I dont know how sam and adaine and everyone else can forgive me. I'm a terrible person." Alewyn
"Were. You were a terrible person. You arnt anymore. Even if you think you still are, you arnt anymore. The horrors you have done are not who you are. Or something like that. The you who did all the terrible things is still you and that sucks but you just have to do better now" Riz
"It doesnt make up for all the stuff I've done."
"Probably not. It might never."
"Ostentasia still hasn't talked to me or even been in the same room as me. and I cant blame her. I cant forgive myself."
"Yeah. I mean you did put her in a palimpsest prison for several months. And then almost get her and the other maidens sacrificed to our evil vice principle dragon. That's pretty messed up "
She feels she doesnt deserve her new family. She hasn't done anything to deserve their free love. She in fact has done more to hinder it than anything.
Adaine reminds her of love without expectations. It's hard to remember but shes getting better at it.
Jawbone tells her he wanted to adopt her. She didnt understand why. Shes almost old enough to be on her own she doesnt need anyone to look out for her. But it would be nice to have a parent who cares. At least that's what adaine tells her.
Everyone else is getting better and they both feel like they're not.
This is by no means all of it or in any way done or edited and I'm still working on riz parts of it, those are much more difficult than aelwyns for me to write as of now because they're so based on my own personal stuff kinda but I'm so wicked excited to be writing this! I just think they're friendship would be so intersting and all!
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aguefort-awaits · 4 years
Fantasy High but it's Ever After High AU
I've wanted to do this for a while because I'm a bitch who can't let go of her past likes. I figured since I don't have art skills, I might as well use what little writing skill I have to bring it to life. So, here's what I got for each of the Bad Kids.
Fabian takes the place of Apple White, being the popular and rich boy he is
The son of heroes and adventurers Bill and Halleriel Seacasters, he wants to sign The Storybook of Legends to take up the helm of being a worldwide champion of the sea from his parents.
He's the captain of the book ball team, president of student council and various other clubs in the school, and lots of his school mates love him.
Fabian's got it pretty good.
Plus that white, gold and red aesthetic just suits him
Next up, we have Adaine, who is in the place of Raven Queen.
Daughter of the tyrannical former King and Queen of Fallinel, she isn't the most excited to sign the book. Spending an eternity imprisoned in a magic mirror doesn't sound very appealing to her.
A majority of the other students are frightened of her simply because of who her parents are, so she tends to only hang around a select few.
Nonetheless, Adaine is an extremely friendly and intelligent girl who has no problem speaking her mind.
Gorgug would take the place of Cedar Wood, because he and his family are linked to trees and woods and building stuff.
The adoptive son of famous inventors Digby and Wilma, Gorgug has a truth spell that was cast on him when he was a baby. He would sign the book so he could finally be free of the spell and be more like other teenagers.
Even though he's a little shy, once someone gets to know him he becomes a lot more talkative.
Although the truth spell can make Gorgug be blunt at times, he's really a gentle giant with a big heart.
Up next we have Fig in the place of Cerise Hood.
The daughter of the captain of the Solisian Rangers, Fig doesn't want to sign the book. She would rather follow in her father's footsteps and be the essence of rebellion.
Seeing as Gorthilax and Sandra-Lynn's relationship is forbidden in the eyes of many people, Fig has to hide her heritage for a while.
Do you know how hard it is to hide a pair of horns under a hood for most of your life? It sucks yo.
But even so, she is still very friendly and protective of those that are close to her.
Next, we have Riz taking the place of Blondie Lockes.
The son of famous detective Sklonda and spy accountant Pok, Riz wants to sign the book to become a detective like his mother.
Until that day, he hosts a vlog where he discusses local rumors and gossip.
Even though he gets into peoples personal space a lot, Riz is a good source of information and is generally liked and respected by others.
And finally we have Kristen in the place of Madeline Hatter.
Chosen by the Hatter himself to be his heir, she would sign the book in order to be a part of an everlasting, fun tea party.
Although her talking to random unembodied voices gets some strange looks, she is very smart and energetic.
Her all around friendliness keeps her in good spirits with everyone.
The six of them all stick together despite their differences and help each other navigate this world of fairytales.
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year
When your parents pick up up after the first day of your freshman year of high school during which you got attacked by corn monsters, witnessed five people die, two of whom were kids your age (which despite them eventually being resurrected is still incredibly traumatic), one of whom you accidentally killed in self defense (and as they died they have a speech about how it was YOUR FAULT, sending you into a panic attack), and two of whom died in a murder-suicide to resurrect your newfound friends… but your parents are mad at you because:
You defended yourself using your martial prowess (instead of magic)
You got detention
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kristenbeeapples · 4 years
@apple-scrumper‘s tags on this post about Zuko and Azula having the same vibes as Adaine and Aelwyn got me thinking about an a:tla au for fantasy high, and it spiralled out of control into this super long post. Enjoy!!
Adaine’s family are Fire Nation and are Important Advisors to the Fire Lord Kalvaxus. Adaine and Aelwyn have that sibling rivalry going HARD – Aelwyn has already mastered lightning-bending and Will Not Shut Up About It. Really, Adaine, it’s not that difficult, I don’t understand why you can’t do it? (Adaine punches her)
Adaine is invited to sit in on a war meeting and has a panic attack when she realises the evil things they’re all up to, embarrassing her parents. They send her on what they think is a futile quest to find the Avatar to regain her Honour. She is accompanied by Arthur Aguefort, another advisor to the Fire Lord but one who is... a problem, to say the least. Two birds with one stone for the Fire Nation!
Kristen is from the Northern Water Tribe and is a pretty powerful waterbender, with a focus on healing. Her parents are super involved in this weird bloodbending cult but she’s pretty sure it’s normal, right??? 
She also has some kind of connection to the Spirit World, which makes her extremely vulnerable to the weird end of days sacrifice Daybreak is doing to try and reopen the spirit world.
Fig lives in the Earth Kingdom in a town that’s been conquered by the Fire Nation and joins some other rebels pretty much as soon as she can walk. She’s sure she’s going to be an earthbender like her mom and kick some serious Fire Nation butt, but then it turns out she can firebend? Gilear’s not her dad? Her mom slept with someone from the Fire Nation??? How could she???
(It’s only when they visit the Fire Nation several shenanigans later and meet Ayda that she’s like.............okay I get it now.)
The Thistlesprings are metalbenders, and live in the same town as the Faeths. They adopted Gorgug from a village that was destroyed in a fire nation attack and aren’t super sure where his parents were from. Gorgug can’t bend, but he’s happy to be just a Guy with an axe helping out Fig and the other rebels.
UNTIL one time in the heat of battle his axe is knocked away from him and there’s a Fire Nation soldier going for an injured Fig and he doesn’t think, just reacts on instinct and his axe flies through the air and knocks the guy tf out. So seems like he is a metalbender after all? Cool!
He’s not super great at it yet, so he sticks with his axe while he’s learning, and mostly uses it to enhance his attacks by bending the axe head to hit a target more accurately. 
Fabian is technically Water Tribe through his dad and Air Nomad through his mom but Bill and Hallerial have spent the past twenty years being a scourge of the seas to all the nations indiscriminately so they might have disowned him. He thinks he’s a non-bender like his dad and gets by with his sword and athletic ability. 
It’s not until later in their adventures, after his dad dies and he has a brutal encounter with some of his ex-crewmates, that he visits one of the Air Nomad temples (which aren’t as destroyed in this au I guess lol) where his grandfather is an airbending monk teacher (for teens, ofc). Telemine teaches him to dance and helps him figure out he can airbend like his mom! 
Like Gorgug, he mostly uses it to enhance his swordfighting ability rather than being a primary bender, but starts using his sheet to glide and do other airbending stuff while fighting!
Riz and Sklonda live in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se, and both of them are earthbenders. Sklonda works for the earthbender guards but on the side she’s trying to work out what’s going on with the Dai Li, which Pok was investigating before he died. (Riz thinks his dad was killed by the Fire Nation.) 
Riz begins investigating the same thing without his mom knowing when his best friend/babysitter Penny Luckstone goes missing, presumed captured by the Fire Nation. His bending is this very precise form where he uses little rocks to go at high speeds like bullets and just fucking obliterate people, since in the middle of a crowded city there aren’t a tonne of places to practise with big rocks. 
The story begins properly when the rebels get word that very important people from the Fire Nation are visiting a nearby town. Fig and Gorgug lie in wait to ambush them and capture them for leverage.
Before they can attack, however, a pirate ship swings into the harbour, led by Bill and Fabian Seacaster, and opens fire. They don’t care about politics, they just want that fancy Fire Nation shit.
The rebels (read: Fig) decide, fuck it, we’ll attack with the pirates, and then the Fire Nation crew waiting on the shore go to fight them and it’s all extremely chaotic. 
Adaine is having a Very Bad Time.  She hasn’t found the Avatar, she’s no better at firebending, Arthur Aguefort is So Much All The Time, and now she’s being attacked by pirates??? Her life sucks. 
Fig, Gorgug and Fabian all end up in a standoff against her in the lower decks of the ship. Because it’s Adaine, she’s not going down without a fight, and she goes to blast the pirate-y looking dude with fire.
Except it’s not fire that comes rushing out. It’s air. 
Oh shit.
She’s the Avatar. 
Whilst she’s panicking about that, the rebel crew and Fabian agree that they need to get her away from the Fire Nation, and take her to Gorgug’s parent’s boat. Arthur Aguefort blows up the Fire Nation ship to let them get away and everyone thinks he died (spoiler: he didn’t)
Cue a series of insane shenanigans as Fig and Gorgug decide to adopt Adaine and take her around the world to learn other types of bending so she can restore balance to the world and kill her piece-of-shit abusive father (the Fire Lord, too, but the Abernants Are A Priority once Adaine warms up enough to them to talk about her parents). 
Fabian helps them escape but doesn’t join them straight away. They keep running into each other in weird places until eventually they’re like do you... just want to come with us?? Fabian: No. (Yes.) 
They save Kristen from this weird sacrifice thing whilst visiting the Northern Water Tribe, and she agrees to teach Adaine waterbending. She also helps her out with the spiritual side of being the Avatar.
Riz becomes Adaine’s earthbending teacher when they meet him in Ba Sing Se and help him figure out what the fuck is up the Dai Li. 
Once the Abernants and the Fire Lord hear what happened, they send Aelwyn after Adaine and the gang to finish what her sister started, not realising she’s the avatar. An epic sister/sister rivalry and eventually redemption on the levels of Azula and Zuko begins.
Stray thoughts
The entire point of this long-ass post was for me to say that Jawbone is Uncle Iroh in this au. He Just Is.
Tracker is a Kyoshi warrior. Kristen still has some weird internalised sexism going on from being raised in this cult and is like, women shouldn't fight!! They’re too soft and pretty!! Tracker helps her learn to let go of that, and then also kisses her and sends her into a gay panic.
Kalina is a bloodbender working with the Dai Li and is DEFINITELY involved in Pok’s death.
The Hangman as a Sky Bison! Boggy as Momo! (Adaine picks him up in the Swamp) 
This au is inherently funny to me bc Aang is a pacificist and struggles so much with whether or not to kill the Fire Lord, but if Adaine was the Avatar she would have absolutely no such qualms. Murder? Sign me up! 
The idea of Adaine, the avatar, with command over all four elements, bridge to the spirit world, still just decking someone when she gets mad is also really fucking funny.
So she learns waterbending from Kristen, earthbending from Riz, airbending from Telemine, and firebending from Ayda. I think she learns firebending properly last - it turns out the reason she struggled with it so much is because her parents taught her it comes from anger and hatred, and she needed to find and learn love before she could use it properly. 
Fabian gets the Zuko eye scar from being attacked by a firebender (Dayne) instead of it getting cut out. 
Gorthalax is a Fire Nation commander who rebelled and fled to the Earth Kingdom where he met Sandralynn. He got recaptured which is why he wasn’t around in Fig’s life, but they eventually find him in prison and set him free.
Gilear is the ‘my cabbages!’ guy, but he sells yoghurt. 
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two bad fics in one day? it’s more likely than you think
summary: kristen talks to her parents and she still can’t stand them
read on ao3!
“Uh…” Kristen stood at her front door, not knowing whether she should close the door on her parents. Her immediate instinct was yes. Obviously, she didn’t care about what they had to say. On the other hand, her brothers were with them and by Cassandra she missed them.
Bucky tackled her legs and soon Bricker and Cork were on her before she could process what was happening. “Hey, hey!” She laughed as they clung to her legs and she stumbled backwards into Mordred Manor. Luckily for her there was no one else there. Sandra Lynn and Jawbone were at work, Adaine and Fig were at school, Ragh, Lydia, and Tracker were at Lydia’s doctor’s appointment, Aelwen was doing community service, and Ayda had gone back to Compass Points for a few hours. Kristen was, for the first time, home alone. She had been temporarily suspended for having “relations” in the girls’ locker room and getting caught. If she was being honest, it was kind of funny to see the teacher go so red in the face.
Sandra Lynn and Jawbone had been very disappointed which had taken all the fun away from being caught. Still, she’d been making the most of the day by communing with Cassandra who was still getting the hang of being a deity. They were great, always open to new ideas, happy to learn along with Kristen, and best of all, okay with not knowing and celebrating that they had something new to learn together. It had been a pretty good day. Until the knock at the door.
Now here she was, awkwardly sitting in the kitchen with her parents as they attempted to hide their disdain and her brothers zoomed around the house. If she was nice enough, maybe she could see her brothers more.
“What brings you here?” she said slowly. She cleared her throat, trying to be less awkward. “It’s been a while, yeah?”
Her mom looked at her, eyes filled with worry the way they used to be when she was sent off on her own. “It has, dear. We just… we just wanted to say we’re sorry.”
“Uh, I’m sorry, what?” Kristen was glad she was sitting, because she could hardly remember the last time her parents apologized for… well, anything meaningful. “What, uh, prompted this?”
“Well,” her dad, Mac, shifted in his chair, tearing his eyes away from the fridge. A quick glance let her now it was a picture of everyone who lived there, taken not long after spring break. That explained the constipated look. “We’ve been going to church and praying for you and praying for guidance and, well, we can’t really fault you for this.”
“You… can’t?”
“No, honey.” Donna reached across the table, placing her hand on Kristen’s. It was a comforting gesture that reminded her of the way her life used to be. It was less comforting after that thought. “We’ve all gone through phases. Why, I went through a phase where I wouldn’t stop cutting my hair, didn’t I, Mac?”
“Oh, yes,” Mac sat up straight, nodding sagely. “It was quite a scandal, Kristen. Women having hair that short… Oh, everyone at the church talked about it nonstop.”
Donna smiled. “It did catch your father’s attention. We— Bucky! Don’t climb on their couch like that, you’ll tear it up.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
“What we really mean to say, is we forgive you, sweetie. We know you don’t mean to make us scared and worried. It’s so easy to believe phases are forever and we can’t blame you for being so young.”
Kristen sat, looking at her parents, not in disbelief, but disappointment. She wasn’t at all surprised that they were saying stuff like this. They had, after all, given her literally nothing in terms of decent parents for her whole life. She wanted to get mad—to yell and scream and tell them off—but she just didn’t have the energy to. She’d spent a year being angry, and while she was still angry, she realized there were better things to do with her energy. Like channeling it into Cassandra. Or learning how to cook things other than corn. Or having sex with Tracker.
She sighed, pulling her hand away and standing up. Bucky, Bricker, and Cork all rushed over to her and she smiled. He brothers would always be the only part that she missed about being in that house. “I don’t know how to make you believe that this isn’t a phase, so I won’t try. I will say that I’m not sorry. I’m definitely not sorry about being super gay and happy about it.”
They gasped, drawing themselves up as if they were going to say something, but she beat them to it. “The only thing I’m sorry about is that I don’t get to see my brothers.” She knelt and hugged them tight. “Is it so hard to believe I’m happier now?”
Mac was already shaking his head. “No. There’s no way you’re happy. You can’t be unless you’re following Helio—you’re his chosen one.”
Donna was nodding as she said, “That’s right dear. You belong at home with us. Not here with all of these… non-human individuals.” By the sneer on her face it was clear she meant something entirely different.
“Amazing. You aren’t hearing anything I say.” Kristen stood, herding her brothers toward the door. They were nervously bumping into her legs as they sensed the tension between Kristen and their parents.
They frantically followed, trying to convince Kristen of their love. Or at least, what they believed it to be. “We are honey. We just know that that’s what you think. We know the truth. You just need to be guided back to the light and—”
She opened the door and stopped short saying, “I punched Helio in the face.”
“Yup. He sucks and so does his dad.” Their faces went pale and that was all the incentive she needed to continue. “I have sex with my werewolf girlfriend daily and I love her so much more than I can say. My father figure is a werewolf because my own dad is terrible and my mother figure is an elf because I respect her more than my own mom. I helped bright back a goddess of mystery and darkness and became their first follower.” She pushed them out the door, gently shooing her brothers after them. “I saved the world twice, died twice, and came back a saint the second time. There is literally nothing you can say to me right now.”
“Nope!” She closed the door in their faces and went straight to her room, ignoring their knocking and shouts through the door.
“Your parents were here?” Tracker was laid next to her, playing gently with her hair. “Are you okay?”
Kristen shrugged. “I think so. It was weird, but ultimately disappointing.”
“That’s how it usually is.” Tracker’s hand stopped and the sleepiness that was claiming Kristen lessened. “Seriously, babe. Are you okay?”
“I… I really think I’m alright. I was more tired than anything else. Yes, I’m angry, but it’s not worth the effort. They’re not worth the effort.”
She chuckled and cuddled closer, running her finders through Kristen’s hair again. “I’m proud of you.”
“I’m proud of me, too,” Kristen mumbled, sinking a little further into sleep as Tracker started to talk about her day. She felt warm and content as she laid in bed with her girlfriend, drifting off knowing that she was happier now than she had ever been before.
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joh-ska · 4 years
Dragon Age:Inquisition/Fantasy High Crossover where Kristen and Adaine get sucked through the Breach during a college summer internship and Kristen becomes the Herald of Andraste and Adaine is the Maker's Oracle.
Kristen thinks Cassandra is super hot and also thinks it's cool she has the same name as her goddess
Adaine is freaking out about getting them home and the anchor in Kristen's hand
Not to mention that she only has so much anxiety meds on her and she is not looking forward to running out
Also elves aren't immortal??
And kind of treated like shit???
Of course the Bad Kids aren't going to ignore their disappearance
Fuck anyone who's gonna keep Aelwyn away from her little sister
And just fucking watch Tracker go absolutely feral over getting Kristen back safely
Plus the Queen of Hell and her Succubus Wizard Lady don't care about any dimensional barriers what
Just imagine the Inquisition's reaction to Fig "Actual Demon Queen" Faeth showing up in a blazing glory with her sick bass and cocky attitude
Gorgug + The Iron Bull fight!
Also Riz "I can smell conspiracies" Gukgak meeting the Nightingale
And just proudly half elven Fabian being the most distinguished of them despite his perceived racial inferiority
Like, "excuse me, my elven mother was the classy one in my parent's relationship"
Mostly I just want to see a Templar smite Adaine and have her punch them so hard she kills them on the spot
And seeing Solas meet Adaine and see everything the elves used to be.
Immortal? Check.
Magical? Check.
Doesn't really sleep but trances? Check.
Also Kristen "Literally a Divinely Touched Person" Applebees preaching about the goddess Cassandra while also encouraging religious freedom and the respect of others' cultures
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bad kids sleepover
okay like i’m suffering because we have to wait until next week and then their just gonna be gone?? i’m not coping well so i thought what would their sleepovers be like:
-i’m imagining this being at some point after they’ve killed coach daybreak but before the shit with aelwyn goes down
-riz’s apartment has become a hangout for the kids because sklonda is working a lot so they can plot all of their shenanigans (you know they went on some small scale adventures during that time) without adults being like  ‘you are fucking children stop’ and lbr gilear’s apartment is just a bit sad and smells like yogurt no matter how hard fig tries
-kristen stays over a lot because her parents suck and adaine does when she can, so fig proposes An Official Sleepover
-fabian obviously pretends to be horrified at the idea of sleeping in such squalor but like he loves being with his friends and gorgug’s happy to be along for the ride, his parents so cry when he tells them
-adaine brings food with her even though she’s there like all the time since she’s been Formally Invited it would be improper for her to show up empty handed, the elven whey bread is fine but like it’s a sleepover, they’re gonna order pizza, like so much pizza, gorgug and riz can eat like 1 each, adaine is so fucking hyped to try it for the first time though, fabian continues to fake complain
-fig supplies the tunes to the get together because she insists that they all need to learn about Real Music, gorgug is the only one allowed to change the songs
-she’s also insists that they all play truth or dare, first thing she does is dare kristen to text tracker and ask her out on a real proper date and riz dares adaine to go harass poor gilear down the hall, she tries to know door, run but feels too bad forgets to run and pretends she wanted turkey crackers
-they put on a movie like idk, fantasy!the notebook because the only dvds they have are fig’s chick flicks from when she was a prep, fig pretends she’s only putting it on ironically but they all fucking cry at the end
-when they go to sleep they all just spread out blankets and sleeping bags in riz’s living room and riz gets entirely too close to fabian just to piss him off and he’s like “can i have some personal fucking space, the ball?” 
-even though kristen isn’t really on good terms with her parents anymore she’s still like ‘holy shit i’m at a boy girl sleepover, this is wild, my parents would flip’ to herself 
-then there’s the question of who’s the first one to say something just so fucking stupid or random when everything goes quiet, kristen or gorgug are the obvious choices i feel but like i can also imagine fig doing her ‘i don’t know if you guys could tell because i’m so closed off but like you’re my best friends’ speech and everyone is like we fucking know fig and then kristen is like ‘yeah guys i trust you enough to tell you i’m like really doubting myself and i might like girls’ and they’re all like again we fucking know, gorgug for some reason brings up his dad stuff
-fabian eventually is like ‘okay that’s enough can we all just go to sleep?’ and they all just immediately start full on bickering which somehow devolves into them all just laughing and they’re all just super cute and best friends and this is no longer coherent because i’m fucking emo and i’m gonna miss them
-they go to sleep and when they wake up riz is fully on top of fabian and fabian the first thing he does is push him to the floor, fig is a total cuddle monster and managed to sandwich herself between gorgug and kristen and adaine despite being like the second smallest is taking up just so much space
-look they all just had a fucking magical time because they’re best fucking friends and it was great the fucking end
(feel free to add shit)
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jq37 · 6 years
oh my GOD the new ep!!!! like!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH happened but then also the preview for the next ep looks SO GOOD
**spoilers for first kisses and last words**
Hoo boy this was, as I predicted, a BIG one. Not that I needed to be an oracle to figure that out since there’s only a few eps left but man did it deliver.
I still think that Cool Kids, Cold Case had the most off the wall nonsense happening in the shortest period of time but this ep I think was overall the most consistently wild ep.
So let’s take it from the top.
I think I forgot to mention it before but Adaine’s, “I go into a rage,” hardcore cracked me up.
“I have hold person.”/”I stuff a sock in her mouth.” Insult to injury Adaine. 
The entire group dunking on Aelwen, forgetting that Riz is literally bleeding out, half dead.
“sausage festival” 
Adaine really was dead serious about her snitching threat huh?
Ally miming a boom mic.
I love how everyone including Siobhan mess up Aelwen’s name or mix it up with Adaine’s half the time.
And speaking of, wow. What a rise and fall for her in 3 eps (and about an hour in game time). She’s queen of the nerds. She’s not even cool at her own school. And terrified of whoever she made whatever shady deal with. I know she literally tried to kill the whole party last ep and that she’s the worst but I almost feel for her.
“This is not on you. This is on the world within which you inhabit.”
I love Adaine’s semi-indigent, “We’re not going to kill you,” because Alwen was 100% ready to murder them which, side note, imagine how much on an international incident that would have been.
Lol at the group tag team bullying Aelwen about going to Mumple and Adaine using her magic jacket for super petty BS.
“Hey mom!”/”GodDAMMIT honey.”
The parent/kid relationships are so good in this show.
Everyone but Kristen parkouring off the roof when Sklonda specifically set up a ladder. 
“The put a girl in a palimpsest,” followed immediately by, “She went to a party,” as if those are on the same level.
Sklonda Gukgak DUNKING Aelwen into the squad car with a technical assist from Adaine. I knew she was gonna be my fave parent from her intro scene and I love her even more than I thought.
“With all due respect, (A/N: Which is none), suck my dick, fuck you.”
“She tried to murder me.”/”BE THAT AS IT IS.”
“Eh, you carry a gun.”
“No one who’s detecting maidens is a maiden.”
I feel like I’m quoting a lot today but there were so many money lines this episode. 
Everyone always loses it when Brennan starts doing the Identify spell voice and I love it. 
Adaine’s dad is T R A S H
Adaine’s mom on the other hand…I’ve been wondering about her for a little while because usually the outright emotional abuse has been from her dad while her mom is either not there or not saying anything. So I’ve been wondering was her deal is and we finally got the start of an answer. I know we only have a few eps left but I hope we go a little deeper into what exactly is going on there. It seems like Adaine’s parents are gonna be a big factor in whatever endgame is planned so fingers crossed,
Everyone cracking up as Emily backs Fig into a corner talking to Penelope. 
I love Gorgug so freaking much. Just his good natured, lumbering self. EVery time Zac opens his mouth gold falls out. 
Emily MAXED out her deception huh?
I think Siobhan must have forgotten that she took the crystal with Ostentasia away from Aelwen at the end of last ep. Either that or they willingly gave it to the cops and I forgot (but I think it’s the former because she said in this ep that it was in Aelwen’s pocket when at the end of the last ep she def took it).
My autocorrect keeps wanting me to type Ellen for Aelwen. I WISH.
I knew it! He’s a PIRATE. Suck it Fabian. (lol at Adaine stirring the pot. That was like Adaine being sincerely polite and Siobhan trying to cause problems and I love mixed motive player/character decisions). 
I wonder if the banker is named after John Hughes. 
I can’t believe the dumb bank is actually a huge plot point.
Yikes, re: Bill and Fabian. That got tense. Though I’ve kinda been waiting for some kind of blowout for a while. His dad runs very hot and cold and I figured it would only be a matter of time before we saw some of the cold.
Also, Lou breaking character in the middle of that very intense moment to clarify a plot point. 
Sidenote: For a hot sec after reading the title of the ep and remembering how Sklonda is competent to the point of (probably) breaking the original plot, I was so concerned she was gonna eat it this ep. So glad she didn’t.
Anyway, the idea of swinging sadly on a rope is so freaking funny.
Fig: Can I offer you a sad song in this trying time?
Huge portrait of Bill Seacaster in Fabian’s room. 
Adaine is gonna bring up him kissing her sister very time she needs to get out of something w/ Fabian for the rest of her immortal life. 
Another sidenote: This is a little thing but I always think it’s interesting when fantasy worlds have the same months and days as us when they’re named after like Norse Gods and Roman statesmen that wouldn’t exist in their world. Same with Roman numerals and Irish coffee. 
“Am I allowed to smoke in here?”/”Of course.”
I really like the character detail that Adaine is always really polite to everyone, including/especially people like Fabian’s maid and Basrar. People that she wouldn’t necessarily “have to” be polite to, you know? It’s like she’s trying to make up for the fact that her family is a bag of dicks. 
“Fantasy Google”
The whole bit with Fabian’s porn stash was so good. This group is so good w/ yes-adning each other.
“Privateer me a new one.” Emily is so good.
“Special investment” Suspicious  
I was thinking “I can’t believe looking at a bank’s FAQs is part of this game,” right as Brennan said it.
So I went back and watched Siobhan’s face from when Emily first mentioned Kal Vaxis to when she got the connection to KVX and it took her 22 seconds. I also missed the quick cut to Brennan when Gorgug asks, “What is Kal Vaxis,” and you can tell he knows they’re so close to breaking it with the little grin on his face. I wish we had gotten a reaction shot right after she got it. Anyway, great team solve w/ the MVP trophy to Siobhan/Adaine. 
I loved when Zac, Emily, and Siobhan all whipped out their laminated maps in tandem to figure out what was happening. 
The hard mood change from Adaine dropping the bomb about Riz’s dad and to forming a committee to help Gorgug flirt with Zelda was wild.
Kristen telling anyone to be suave is hysterical. 
What a DISASTER of a committee Gorgug’s friends are. Well meaning but so trash
Fig: Tell her you got a SICK tattoo
Adaine: Bring her to see art in the middle of the night
Fabian: You cannot date this person (Kristen: You absolutely have to)
Kristen: Actually not garbage advice but she is in no position to be giving dating advice to anyone 
Riz: Having a literal existential crisis 
“Who else is he gonna date?” WOW, savage Adaine.
I meant to say this before but I love how Adaine’s go-to is immediately ice cream and she’s always on board to go to Basrar’s. Like how when she texted everyone 2 eps ago she was like, “Let’s get ice cream now.”
Mmm, don’t love that Gorthalax isn’t answering his phone. I have been waiting for a significant adult to die for a while now.
OK, look, the whole thing about Penelope and Dayne being eternal prom king/queen. Is it wild? Yes. Is it implausible? No. No it’s not. Even Murph, most veteran player, was kind of like, “Wait, does that make sense?” Because, in this setting, it kind of would? I’m not sure it fits within the story so far and I’d have to go back and listen to the more lore-y stuff again but the conceit itself is like the exact right amount of crazy to fit in this setting? And they never cut to Brennan like I wanted so I could judge his face for any kind of tell. But anyway, you guys know I’ve been predicting a prom finale and this would fit right into a prom finale. 
The girls giving Gorgug a pep talk before his date was ADORABLE. 
Gorgug having to check his phone to remember three words, “You look nice.”
“Your friends are popular and loud” True
I know they mean ecstasy like intense emotion but I kept thinking, like, molly.
Hmm, so Penelope wanted to know if Zelda had hooked up w/ Gorgug, ie: if she was a maiden. Can they only palimpsest maidens? Or (as we will get to later) does nice guy Biz only want virginal maidens for his creepy reverse Weird Science arcade setup?
Zelda listing off every type of metal and then Gorgug’s, “Same stuff,” was perfect comic timing on Zac’s part.
Imagine the Hangman screaming down the road on fire, Zelda completely terrified. 
I love the Hangman so freaking much.
I can’t believe everyone is living at the freaking crappy apartments. I knew they were all gonna end up hanging at one persons’ house but I kinda figured it would be Fabian’s house or Gorgug’s house. 
I”m also concerned about Bill. I feel like we keep getting reminded that he’s mortal a LOT.
Did Gorgug’s parents have indoor fireworks on tap for Gorgug’s first date?
Oh my God the whole docking conversation. Never play chicken with Brennan because the dude will not blink.
“We didn’t do that.” That’s his other best comic timing moment of the ep.
“Polishing my axe”
Kristen this episode 
I really wish they’d made the roll to find Ragh later in the ep. Fig is so ride or die for Gilear now and I love it.
“I fall asleep.”
Adaine almost making her parents dunk on Gilear but then pulling back.
But also, Adaine and Gilear going off the the oracle together.
“Fig pack it in.”
Affirmations with Fig and Gilear.
Fig, do you really think platonically cuddling with Kristen is the move?
Riz setting himself up for a dramatic entrance is so fantastic.
Hmm, so Biz and Zayne were attacked at the same time. That’s why that cold pill detail was in there way back. I’ve been trying to figure out what was always planned and what was quick re-working but Brennan is so good I can never really tell.
Are multiple unrelated groups just getting into palimpsests at the same time? Or mostly unrelated groups tied to one person?
“We are not gonna get our security deposit back.”
RIZ’S DAD IS JAMES BOND! YES! I didn’t know I wanted that to be the case until it happened and now that’s the only acceptable option. 
Riz didn’t get the 20′s he needed when fighting Aelwen but man he got it at the best story moment this week.
Oh man that home movie
The pearl is grey. Interesting. 
“Mom our family is so awesome Mom we’re all so badass, I thought it was just us but Dad is awesome too, why didn’t you tell me Mom?”
Sklonda: Internally screaming. 
Man he went full Inigo Montoya.
“I’ve got nimble escape so…”
“I guess we have a two bedroom,” I think was a really underrated funny line.
Did Riz ever tell his mom about the time of death thing.
Everyone inundating Gilear with overlapping chatter.
lol the Hangman likes Zelda’s family
Ally’s panicked, “FUCK” is always hilarious. 
Why are all the adults in Gorgug’s life trying to get him laid?
OK so the elementals were conjured by Aelwn’s magic Brennan said. He said by Aelwen’s magic, not by Aelwen. I wonder if that turn of phrase was specific or arbitrary. Like, we were told where Aelwen is but we don’t know. Was she forced to do it (either by threat or by magic)? Clearly someone (Biz?) is pulling her strings to at least some degree. 
“It’s probably about marriage.” “WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED.”
That happened fast
Fun fact from my International Law class: When a government kidnaps someone, it’s called rendition. 
“There’s a war, fuck school.”
Yeah it is wild that Adaine’s parents didn’t call her.
OK so did the Elves get Aelwen back but also go, “But you still need to go to jail.” Because they cut Brennan off before the end of that sentence which might have had more clues in it.
“I text my mom k”
I also wanna know who gave Kristen a slushy marg (It’s war times. I bet things are looser now)
Murph’s face when Brennan said, “Lucky Stones” was so good. That was so Riz.
S/O to Ally for pre-casting Guardian of Faith. Good instinct. 
As I said in an earlier conversation s/o to Adaine for DUNKING on him at every opportunity because he DESERVED IT. Also, her instincts for who sucks in this game have been spot on.
Another s/o to Riz for having the presence of mind to not pull a Star Lord and to pretend to be on the bad dude’s side for long enough to gain some kind of upper hand.
OK, wow was not expecting that twist. I feel like I need to go back and rewatch some stuff to get a better handle of the timeline and stuff. Like, when exactly did the girls start going missing again? And what year is Biz? Has he been masterminding this whole thing? I feel like no but I feel like he’s masterminding his own thing which happens to a puzzle piece in something bigger? BUT IT’S A PRETTY DAMN BIG PIECE. Who opened the new arcade? Is it connected to the bank?  How did Biz get involved? Who’s his supplier? Did someone hook up Biz, Daybreak, Penelope, and Aelwen with Palimpsests to do their own separate things, hoping that at least one of them would succeed which would somehow be good for the mystery person? I am so excited to find out and I really hope Brennan and the cast do a Q+A sesh after S1 is over to hash some stuff out.
Siobhan’s face when Biz said he was going after Adaine.
ALSO, you’re just gonna TELL RIZ and you wanna PUT ONE OF HIS BEST FRIENDS into a MAGIC CRYSTAL???? AND YOU THOUGHT HE’D BE ON BOARD? Like, even if he was, what about the 4 other people who are there?????
(sidenote, wild Gorgug’s parents just left them alone, no questions asked)
Theme-wise, this is the fight ep I’m most excited for. It seems rad as hell.
All that yelling in the promo for next week. Either the raddest thing possible happened or there was a TPK. There is no other option.
Wow, that was a stellar ep and this is a really long post. I really can’t wait for next week’s!
Edit: I meant to say before, is Penelope’s FB album like…a hit list? Like does whoever’s doing the actual dirty work (Biz? S/o else?) know that whoever she takes a picture with is who they should target?
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